how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

  • April 25, 2023
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Mastering A Level Biology Essays: Smart Tips and Unbeatable Examples

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A Level Biology is a challenging but rewarding course that covers a wide range of topics, from DNA and genetic inheritance to ecosystems and biodiversity. The key to success in this subject lies in understanding and applying the core principles of Biology and expressing your understanding in well-structured, coherent essays. In this article, we will provide you with some essential tips for writing outstanding A Level Biology essays, as well as presenting clear examples to help you master the essay-writing process.

  • Understand the essay question

The first and most important step in writing an A Level Biology essay is to clearly understand the question. Break down the question into its key terms and implications, and ensure you comprehend what the examiner is asking you to discuss. Make a note of any key words or phrases that should feature in your essay, as these will help you structure your response and ensure you cover all the necessary points.

  • Plan your essay

Before you begin writing your essay, take the time to plan your response. Create an outline that maps out the main points you want to make, as well as the order in which you will discuss them. This will enable you to develop a logical and coherent argument that addresses all the key aspects of the question.

  • Include an engaging introduction

An effective introduction is crucial to grabbing the reader’s attention and setting the tone for your essay. Begin with a general statement that links to the essay question, and then narrow down your focus to present your main argument or line of inquiry. Finish your introduction with a clear thesis statement, which outlines the central points you will cover in your essay, demonstrating a solid understanding of the topic.

Example: The discovery of DNA and the subsequent advancements in genetic research have proven instrumental in understanding the role of genetics ininheritance of traits and diseases. This essay will discuss the role of genetic inheritance in the development of several human diseases, namely: Cystic Fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as the ethical implications surrounding genetic testing and treatment.

  • Use specific examples to support your arguments

In A Level Biology essays, it is essential to provide examples that demonstrate your understanding of the material and support your claims. Try to include a range of examples from different areas of the subject to show that you have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the course material.

Example: Cystic Fibrosis is an example of a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene, which results in thick and sticky mucus production in affected individuals. This condition can lead to respiratory and digestive complications, illustrating the significant impact of genetic inheritance on an individual’s health.

  • Synthesize information from multiple sources

To demonstrate a high level of understanding, A Level Biology essays should integrate information from various sources, such as class notes, textbooks, and scientific articles. Be sure to support your ideas with specific references to the source material, and use your own words to explain the concepts in a clear and concise manner.

  • Address counterarguments and controversies

In any scientific field, there are often debates and controversies surrounding key concepts and theories. To show a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter, be sure to address counterarguments and discuss opposing viewpoints in your essay.

Example: While genetic testing for diseases such as Huntington’s has the potential to provide valuable information for individuals at risk, there are ethical concerns about the potential misuse of genetic information by employers, insurance companies, and even government entities. Weighing the benefits of genetic testing and treatment against these ethical concerns is an ongoing debate within the scientific community.

  • Write a strong conclusion

To wrap up your essay, restate your main argument and summarize the key points you have made. Provide a clear and concise conclusion that demonstrates the significance of your argument and its implications for the broader field of Biology.

Example: In conclusion, the role of genetic inheritance in human diseases, as illustrated by Cystic Fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease, underscores the immense potential of genetic research to improve our understanding of human health. However, as we continue to advance our knowledge and develop new treatments and testing methods, it is crucial that we remain conscious of the ethical implications that come with such advancements in order to protect individuals’ rights and liberties.

  • Proofread and edit your essay

Finally, make sure you thoroughly proofread and edit your essay to correct any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors, and to ensure that your argument flows smoothly and logically. Consider asking a friend or peer to review your essay and provide feedback – a fresh perspective can help you identify areas for improvement that you may have overlooked.

In summary, mastering A Level Biology essays involves understanding the essay question, planning a clear and logical response, using specific examples and evidence, synthesizing information from multiple sources, addressing counterarguments and controversies, and crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion. By following these steps and using the examples provided, you will be well on your way to delivering high-quality, insightful essays that demonstrate an excellent understanding of the complex and fascinating world of Biology.

Good luck, and happy essay writing!

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how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

In a short paper—even a research paper—you don’t need to provide an exhaustive summary as part of your conclusion. But you do need to make some kind of transition between your final body paragraph and your concluding paragraph. This may come in the form of a few sentences of summary. Or it may come in the form of a sentence that brings your readers back to your thesis or main idea and reminds your readers where you began and how far you have traveled.

So, for example, in a paper about the relationship between ADHD and rejection sensitivity, Vanessa Roser begins by introducing readers to the fact that researchers have studied the relationship between the two conditions and then provides her explanation of that relationship. Here’s her thesis: “While socialization may indeed be an important factor in RS, I argue that individuals with ADHD may also possess a neurological predisposition to RS that is exacerbated by the differing executive and emotional regulation characteristic of ADHD.”

In her final paragraph, Roser reminds us of where she started by echoing her thesis: “This literature demonstrates that, as with many other conditions, ADHD and RS share a delicately intertwined pattern of neurological similarities that is rooted in the innate biology of an individual’s mind, a connection that cannot be explained in full by the behavioral mediation hypothesis.”  

Highlight the “so what”  

At the beginning of your paper, you explain to your readers what’s at stake—why they should care about the argument you’re making. In your conclusion, you can bring readers back to those stakes by reminding them why your argument is important in the first place. You can also draft a few sentences that put those stakes into a new or broader context.

In the conclusion to her paper about ADHD and RS, Roser echoes the stakes she established in her introduction—that research into connections between ADHD and RS has led to contradictory results, raising questions about the “behavioral mediation hypothesis.”

She writes, “as with many other conditions, ADHD and RS share a delicately intertwined pattern of neurological similarities that is rooted in the innate biology of an individual’s mind, a connection that cannot be explained in full by the behavioral mediation hypothesis.”  

Leave your readers with the “now what”  

After the “what” and the “so what,” you should leave your reader with some final thoughts. If you have written a strong introduction, your readers will know why you have been arguing what you have been arguing—and why they should care. And if you’ve made a good case for your thesis, then your readers should be in a position to see things in a new way, understand new questions, or be ready for something that they weren’t ready for before they read your paper.

In her conclusion, Roser offers two “now what” statements. First, she explains that it is important to recognize that the flawed behavioral mediation hypothesis “seems to place a degree of fault on the individual. It implies that individuals with ADHD must have elicited such frequent or intense rejection by virtue of their inadequate social skills, erasing the possibility that they may simply possess a natural sensitivity to emotion.” She then highlights the broader implications for treatment of people with ADHD, noting that recognizing the actual connection between rejection sensitivity and ADHD “has profound implications for understanding how individuals with ADHD might best be treated in educational settings, by counselors, family, peers, or even society as a whole.”

To find your own “now what” for your essay’s conclusion, try asking yourself these questions:

  • What can my readers now understand, see in a new light, or grapple with that they would not have understood in the same way before reading my paper? Are we a step closer to understanding a larger phenomenon or to understanding why what was at stake is so important?  
  • What questions can I now raise that would not have made sense at the beginning of my paper? Questions for further research? Other ways that this topic could be approached?  
  • Are there other applications for my research? Could my questions be asked about different data in a different context? Could I use my methods to answer a different question?  
  • What action should be taken in light of this argument? What action do I predict will be taken or could lead to a solution?  
  • What larger context might my argument be a part of?  

What to avoid in your conclusion  

  • a complete restatement of all that you have said in your paper.  
  • a substantial counterargument that you do not have space to refute; you should introduce counterarguments before your conclusion.  
  • an apology for what you have not said. If you need to explain the scope of your paper, you should do this sooner—but don’t apologize for what you have not discussed in your paper.  
  • fake transitions like “in conclusion” that are followed by sentences that aren’t actually conclusions. (“In conclusion, I have now demonstrated that my thesis is correct.”)
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How to Write a Biology Essay

By: Tasha Kolesnikova

How to Write a Biology Essay

Studying natural sciences and biology in particular, you’ll deal with essays as one of the ways to assess your knowledge and skills. Professors believe that this assignment helps students to develop their skills regardless of the major you pursue. Future biologists should organize their ideas in a structured and transparent manner, using reliable sources and persuasive examples to support your perspective. Even if you’ll work in laboratories, you will deal with written reports.

What is a Biology Essay?

Select the topic for your essay, select a research question, create an outline, essay introduction, thesis statement, essay conclusion, citation and references, look for samples, practice your writing, plan your writing process, ask for feedback, appropriate language for complexity science, writing services, editing proofreading services, what is biology as science, what is the importance of biology in our life, major concepts and topics in biology.

Don’t worry if you don’t have enough experience and doubt your ability to deliver a perfect paper. We have prepared useful tips to help you write a killer biology essay and deliver it on time.

A biology essay is a piece of student writing where you provide arguments and ideas concerning a particular biological topic.

There are various academic essay types, and you can adhere to one of them. For example, you can write a descriptive paper explaining a biological subject. Or an argumentative paper, providing evidence to support your point of view. One of the most common essay types is a cause and effect piece where you explain the reasons and the consequences of some events. You can also come up with the “how-to” instruction or a detailed analysis . The concrete type depends on your professor’s requirements and your preference.

How to Write a Good Essay in Biology

Some people consider writing an art process. However, it is a work that requires your time and effort. You should organize the whole process if you want to get the desired result. There is a step-by-step instruction to follow.

If you want to get a good grade, it is important not only to make your paper informative but also enjoyable. It depends on the topic you choose. And it is crucial to stay on something that you wish to explore. Try to find something you want to investigate.

It is not easy because you may have many ideas in your head, but once you start writing, they disappear. That’s why studying at college, you should always have a notebook at hand, to write down things that come to mind.

The most effective way to select the topic is a brainstorming technique. Let your brain provide you with 30-50 decent options, and then research to create the shortlist with the best ones.

Writing a biology essay, you should use a scientific approach. Come up with a research question you want to answer in your paper. Of course, you shouldn’t choose something too complicated that it is impossible to work through in terms of one piece. It shouldn’t be too obvious as well. Connect your research question with the topic.

Starting a paper, you should have a clear plan to follow. Most student papers have a 5-paragraph structure with specific instructions. It would be almost impossible to keep the main idea and develop good arguments if you just begin. It would help if you started with the outline to keep it in mind when writing.

Don’t worry about how it looks. Nobody will check your plan (if your professor didn’t ask you to deliver it as well). You can organize your thoughts the way you like. Sketches, paints, mind maps, and so on. Use anything you need to make your paper structured. Get rid of all ideas that don’t work for your research question, even if they seem reasonable. You may use them in another paper.

Whenever you need it, you can make some amends and correct your outline.

It is the first paragraph that is intended to attract the readers’ attention. Writing it, you should consider your target audience.

If you’re preparing a paper for newbies, you should provide some basic knowledge, interesting facts, and statistics to introduce the topic.

However, the experienced audience may find such an introduction a bit boring. They already know the main point, and they have a single question: why is this topic important? So, you should provide them with an explanation of why you have chosen this issue and which directions you see for further development.

The introduction finishes with the thesis. It is your research question or the statement you’re going to develop in the body paragraphs. In other words, you should synthesize the overall essay, meaning just in one sentence. It will explain to your readers what the paper is about and your point of view. Without a strong thesis statement, the whole piece becomes useless, given that the audience cannot understand your position.

Body paragraphs are the essay core because they are most voluminous and informative. Once you’ve grabbed the readers’ attention, you should provide them with food for thought.

In a classic 5-paragraph essay structure body takes 3 paragraphs. Each of them is intended to reveal just one idea. You need to provide a short thesis, an explanation, and an example to illustrate your point.

It would help if you were very attentive in writing the essay body because it is easy to lose your way. This is where your outline may be helpful.

Once your readers finish the paper, they have a question “So what?” If you leave them with it, you’ll fail. Your task is to provide an answer to explain how the audience can use the information you’ve written in the body.

Don’t use any new data; just conclude the thoughts you’ve already declared. Are they important in any sense? Can readers conduct their research and gain more insights? Should they be more attentive to environmental issues?

You’ve written a paper with a particular goal (except for getting a good grade), so show your readers whether you’ve achieved it.

Most academic papers require authors to provide additional information. For example, a list of references you’ve used. It is impossible to write a biology essay without data from books, websites, research papers, and so on. And if you use any journal or other source, you should cite it correctly since, in the other case, your piece would be considered plagiarism.

You should adhere to a particular citation style. When it comes to biology, the academic society uses the APA and the CSE format. Make sure you know what style your professor prefers. You also need a relevant guide with all requirements to follow.

Some Essay Tips for Successful Writing

Whatever major you pursue, you’ll deal with written assignments that affect your academic performance. That’s why you need to develop your writing skills. Here you’ll find some actionable tips to follow.

If you want to write well, you should read well. There are various modern sources where you can find many biology papers. It goes about scientific books and journals, specific web-portals. Don’t undervalue the fiction literature as well. You need to understand how other people write and to learn from them.

Once you’ve noticed something interesting that is worth your attention, write it down. You may use these notes in your future writings.

Coming up with a perfect piece, you should understand what the “perfect” stands for. Please take a look at some essays or a research paper example and analyze them.

It doesn’t mean that all samples that are published online are excellent. They have advantages and disadvantages, and you should mention them.

However, don’t copy and paste these samples. Your paper should be unique, and it goes not about paraphrasing some sentences only. The ideas and concepts you use should be fresh as well. Even if you’re just a student, without tremendous research opportunities, you may look at the issue from an interesting angle. Essay samples will show you the right direction.

You shouldn’t expect that your first paper will be outstanding. You have to submit dozens of poor essays until you succeed. It means you should use any opportunity to write something. Whether it is a note, a blog post, a lab report, or an experiment description, you should master your ability to formulate thoughts and choose the best words to convey your ideas.

Don’t leave these texts without attention since you can’t become a better writer if you don’t know your mistakes. Find a mentor who will provide you with essential tips. There are many useful resources online, and you can always hire a professional tutor who will support you.

You can’t sit and wait for the inspiration. Your professor won’t understand the excuse that you aren't in an appropriate mood to write a paper. Therefore you should be able to organize yourself and the work process.

Firstly, define stages, e.g., the research stage, the introduction writing, and so on. Think about how many times you’re going to devote to each of them and include these tasks in your calendar. You can use different strategies, starting with the most complicated part, or, vice versa, from the easiest one. It doesn’t matter if you’re able to provide a good result.

It is also important to get rid of all distractors in advance. Switch off your smartphone and make sure you have anything you need to come up with a paper. It won’t leave the space for procrastination.

People are usually biased when it goes to work. You can’t define for sure whether your biology essay deserves an A-grade. And it would be the wrong decision to wait until your professor spoils your academic performance. You can then discuss your writing with your friends, fellow students, instructors at the college club. If you think someone can provide you with professional assistance, ask for it. Feedback will show your strengths to focus on and weaknesses to work out.

Writing a research paper, you should use a language of scientific thought to explain your ideas. Think about the audience and its level of education. If your paper is full of specific terms, most readers won’t understand it. However, it should not be too simple at the same time since you’re a future biologist and should speak this language at a decent level.

It is also important to know all requirements and follow them. Each paper has its features, so make sure you understand the essay, analysis paper, or a lab report format before writing.

Get Biology Essay From Us

Modern students are lucky in some way. They have unlimited educational opportunities. Most likely, you can find any information you need just in a couple of minutes. However, it imposes on you a particular responsibility that leads to immense stress. Even the term FOMO, fear of missing out, is common for many people these days.

It means that if you can’t cope with a bunch of tasks, you should take a pause and relax. Our professional writing service is here to help you with any assignment. Just fill in the order form and provide us with your requirements. We’ll deliver your biology essay exactly on time!

Firstly, you can hire a professional essay writer who will prepare the biology paper from scratch. We work with people who have a Master’s or Ph.D. degree in natural science, as well as the writing experience. Having prepared dozens of assignments for students from different educational institutions, they know what professors expect. So, if you want to unload your head, without worsening your academic performance, rely on our authors.

The papers we deliver are always high-quality. They don’t contain any plagiarism and mistakes. If you have some objections, contact our customer support for qualified help.

If you have written the paper on yourself, you’ve covered a lot of ground. The writing process is exhausting, and sometimes there is no opportunity to read the final draft several times and make sure it is flawless. Before you deliver the paper, it is vital to get rid of all mistakes and typos. Our professional proofreaders will read the text with a keen eye and make necessary changes.

Don’t hesitate to use professional help since it is your chance to provide a fantastic result with fewer hurdles!

Biology is a science that studies our life in different ways. Students learn about organisms and living creatures that inhabit the planet, their functions, behavior, interaction, and their individual and historical development.

Modern biology covers various sub-topics, such as virology that studies viruses, botany that studies plants, the anatomy that studies the human’s body, etc. Some students choose a particular direction to work in, but all these subjects are united. It would be best if you had morphology and genetics knowledge to succeed with microbiology, and vice versa.

Writing a biology essay, you should think about their final purpose. Some papers are intended to provide people with a fresh look, e.g., when you find exciting information and want to share it with your colleagues. At the same time, you can write a paper for people who don’t have solid biology knowledge. These essays will be very different, so you need to approach this task with all responsibility.

Biology knowledge is important regardless of your career plans. Many facets point to this. First, this science is mainly studying life that is surrounding us. Second, it is important to have an understanding of how all organisms interact with each other. And the next reason that is no less important is the diversity of our life. Thanks to biology knowledge, people treat illnesses, improve food quality, and take care of the whole ecosystem.

It is the study of life that helps people shape the world and provides them with answers that explain why things happen.

Studying biology, you’ll deal with the following topics:

  • Cellular structure and function;
  • Evolution and natural selection;
  • Heredity and genetics;
  • Ecosystems and interdependence.

Many concepts are accepted by modern biology science. These are ideas and understandings that professors want you to remember. For example, all organisms share a standard set of important life processes. It goes about movement, respiration, reproduction, nutrition, and others. All organisms use the same genetic system to maintain continuity. The next essential concept is about species that arise, change, and become extinct over time. Diverse adaptations are the reason why evolution results and ensures survival.

Writing your paper, you should show your knowledge and understanding of significant biology concepts and topics. It would be an excellent platform to create powerful, evidence-based content.

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how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

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I studied sociology and marketing at Europa-Universität Viadrina (Germany) and Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal). When I was a sophomore, back in 2018, I decided to put what I've learned into practice, so I got my first job in digital marketing. I currently work in the content marketing department at Studybay, building strong, effective, and respectful communication between the platform and our clients.

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Tips on How to Write a Biology Essay: Learn from the Example of Jellyfish Essay

Tips on How to Write a Biology Essay

How to Write a Biology Essay

In this article, we will guide you on how to write a perfect biology essay from scratch. You’ll find various tips to help you excel in writing your essay and creating a paper worth the highest grades. We also prepared a jellyfish essay example for you, so it can be easier to enhance all the specifics and structure of this kind of paper.

What is Biology Essay

A biology essay is a student-written work where you present arguments and ideas about a particular biological topic. The essay on biology can take different forms like argumentative, cause-and-effect, descriptive, detailed analysis, or ‘how-to’ instruction, depending on the professor’s guidelines and writer’s preferences. 

A descriptive paper can explain a biological subject, while an argumentative one provides evidence to support a point of view. It’s up to you to choose which type is more suitable for the topic you’re writing about. The most common type is a cause-and-effect essay explaining an event’s reasons and consequences. 

How to Craft a Perfect Essay About Biology

Writing is an art form that requires time and effort. But if you prefer someone else to write the paper for you, you can just text the experts, ‘ do my homework for me ,’ and consider it done. 

Here is the step by step instruction to organize the process for desired results. 

How to Craft a Perfect Essay About Biology

Choose Your Biology Essay Topic

To get a good grade:

  • make your paper informative and enjoyable by choosing a topic you wish to explore. 
  • Use a brainstorming technique to generate 30-50 options for biology essay topics and research to create a shortlist. 
  • Keep a notebook to jot down your ideas.

Choose a Question for Research

When writing a biology essay, use a scientific approach by selecting a research question related to your topic. Always avoid overly complex or apparent questions. You can also text our profs ‘ write my research paper ,’ and it can be done in a blink.

Create an Outline

Always have a clear plan when writing biology essays while starting a paper. Use a 5-paragraph structure with an outline to keep your main idea and arguments organized. Use any format that works best for you and adjust as needed. Discard any ideas that don’t fit your research question.

Use a Strong Thesis Statement

The introduction should end with a strong thesis statement synthesizing the overall essay, conveying the research question and your point of view. The paper is ineffective without a clear thesis, as readers may not understand your position.

Use Citation and References

Include a list of references in your academic papers, such as biology essays, to avoid plagiarism and provide data sources. Use the appropriate citation style, like APA or CSE, and consult a guide for requirements.

how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

How to Structure a Biology Essay

Ensure your essay has an attention-grabbing introduction, a detailed body, and a solid conclusion with distinct sections. Use around seven paragraphs for the main body, adjusting as needed for the required word count.

Biology Essay Introduction

In the introduction of your essay about biology, showcase your expertise by providing a brief background of the topic and stating the essay’s objective. For a research paper, explain why the study is relevant. Make sure the reader understands the essence of your subject.

The body section of your essay on biology should focus on supporting and defending your thesis statement. To achieve this, make a list of essential points to cover and address each one step by step. Starting a new paragraph for each point ensures neatness and a continuous flow. 

In conclusion, restate your thesis statement and summarize supporting points to solidify your arguments. Avoid introducing new concepts, and leave a lasting impression on your instructor.

Jellyfish Essay - Example of a Biology Essay About a Fascinating Creature of the Ocean

Jellyfish, also known as jellies, are incredible creatures of the ocean. They’re members of the phylum Cnidaria, including corals and sea anemones. You can find jellyfish in every ocean around the globe, from the surface to the depths of the sea. 

Do you know what shape the jellyfish body has?! It’s one of their most unique features. Their bell-shaped body comprises a soft, jelly-like substance called mesoglea, found between two cellular layers. The outer layer of cells, the epidermis, is thin and flexible, while the inner layer, the gastrodermis, contains the jellyfish’s digestive system. At the bottom of the bell is the mouth, surrounded by tentacles armed with stinging cells called nematocysts. 

The jellyfish tentacles consist of venom-filled sacs, which can be potentially dangerous and life-threatening. Considering the severity of its sting, researchers have gathered information on how to treat it effectively. Use thick clothing, tweezers, sticks, or gloves to alleviate the sting. It’s crucial to avoid touching the sting with bare skin since the venom can cause severe harm. Always dispose of the tool used for removing the sting to prevent re-stinging. 

Jellyfish are creatures that feed on small fish and other tiny marine organisms. They capture their prey using the tentacles and bring it to their mouth. Once the food is inside the jellyfish, it’s broken down by digestive enzymes and absorbed into the gastrovascular cavity. 

An exciting thing about jelly is its life cycle. They go through several stages of development, starting as a tiny, free-swimming larva and then growing into a polyp. The polyp stage is stationary, and the jellyfish attaches itself to a surface using a sticky pad. During this stage, the jellyfish reproduces asexually, creating clones of itself. These clones then break off from the polyp and develop into the familiar bell-shaped body of the adult jellyfish. 

Jellyfish play an essential role in the ocean’s ecosystem too. They’re a food source for many marine creatures, including sea turtles and some fish species. They also help to control the population of tiny marine animals by feeding on them, and their waste products contribute to the nutrient cycle in the ocean.

However, jellyfish populations can sometimes explode and become a nuisance. This phenomenon mostly occurs when their natural predators are eliminated from the ecosystem or when water conditions, like temperature and salinity, are conducive for jellyfish growth. In cases where jellyfish populations reach excessive levels, they can clog fishing nets and interfere with other human activities in the ocean.

Jellyfish really are stunning creatures of the ocean. They’re diverse, with many different species, and are essential to the marine ecosystem. While they can sometimes become a nuisance, they’re vital to the ocean’s food web and nutrient cycle. Studying jellyfish can give us a greater understanding of the complex and interconnected systems that make up our oceans.

Practical Tips for Creating Perfect Academic Papers

Developing writing skills is crucial for your academic success regardless of your major. Check out these tips we provided for improving your writing. But if you aren't fond of writing, you can easily hand it to professionals by saying, ‘ do homework for me .’

Search for Samples or Examples

To improve your writing, analyze examples of well-written biology essays or research papers. Although not all online samples are perfect, they can still provide insights into what works and what doesn’t. However, avoid plagiarism and ensure your paper is original by presenting fresh ideas and a unique perspective. 

Read Whenever You Can

Develop your writing skills by reading widely and extensively. Look for biology papers in scientific journals, websites, or books. Don’t forget to take notes on interesting points that you can use in your papers later.

Practice Makes Perfect

Don’t expect to write a perfect paper on your first try, so take every opportunity to practice your writing. Find a mentor if needed and use online resources to learn from your mistakes and improve your skills.

Always Organize Your Writing Process

Organize your work process instead of waiting for inspiration by defining stages, scheduling time for each task, and eliminating distractions. Don’t wait for mood to write an essay about biology; use different strategies to overcome writer’s block.

Proofread and Get Other Feedback

It’s hard to assess your own work accurately. Seek feedback from peers or instructors to identify strengths and weaknesses to improve upon. Don’t wait for your professor’s feedback to know if your biology essay is good. 

Interesting Biology Essay Topics from Our Experts to Practice Your Writing

In this paragraph, we listed different biology essay topics from which you can choose your preferred one and practice writing to excel in your academic papers.

  • A jellyfish - my favorite creature
  • Facts about animal behavior
  • Biodiversity conservation
  • Chemical Ecology
  • Impacts of air pollution
  • Acid Rain’s impact on wildlife
  • The greenhouse effect
  • Causes of global warming
  • Effects of climate change on nature
  • Ways to avoid water pollution

These are interesting topics and also some of the most significant environmental problems. Choose the one you like and practice.

Final Thoughts

This article provides tips that will definitely make your writing process easier and more effective. Adjust these tips while writing your biology paper and structure it as we did in the jellyfish essay example. But if you still prefer a professional to do it for you, contact us by writing ‘ do my research paper ,’ and our experts will handle it.

how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

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how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

Review Essays for the Biological sciences

A review essay for the biological sciences serves to discuss and synthesize key findings on a particular subject. Review papers are helpful to the writer and their colleagues in gaining critical awareness in specialized fields that may or may not be their own.

This guide explains what a review essay is and identifies several approaches to writing a review essay. Although much of the information is geared directly to the biological sciences, it is generally applicable to review essays in all fields.

What is a Review Essay?

A review essay is a synthesis of primary sources (mainly research papers presented in academic journals) on a given topic. A biological review essay demonstrates that the writer has thorough understanding of the literature and can formulate a useful analysis. While no new research is presented by the writer, the field benefits from the review by recieving a new perspective. There are several approaches one may take when writing a biological review:

A State of the art review

A state of the art review considers mainly the most current research in a given area. The review may offer new perspectives on an issue or point out an area in need of further research.

A Historical review

A historical review is a survey of the development of a particular field of study. It may examine the early stages of the field, key findings to present, key theoretical models and their evolution, etc.

A Comparison of perspectives review

A comparison of perspectives review contrasts various ways of looking at a certain topic. If in fact there is a debate over some process or idea, a comparison of perspectives review may illustrate the research that supports both sides. A comparison of perspectives review may introduce a new perspective by way of comparing it to another.

A Synthesis of two fields review

Many times researchers in different fields may be working on similar problems. A synthesis of two fields review provides insights into a given topic based on a review of the literature from two or more disciplines.

A Theoretical model building review

A theoretical model building review examines the literature within a given area with the intention of developing new theoretical assumptions.

Key Considerations for Writing a Biological Review Essay

This guide will inform you of certain things not to miss when writing a review essay. It will also give you some information about using and documenting your sources.

Keep your focus narrow.

When writing a review essay it is important to keep the scope of the topic narrow enough so that you can discuss it thoroughly. For example a topic such as air quality in factories could be narrowed significantly to something like carbon dioxide levels in auto manufacturing plants .

A good way to narrow your focus is to start with a broad topic that is of some interest to you, then read some of the literature in the field. Look for a thread of the discussion that points to a more specific topic.

Analyze, synthesize, and interpret.

A review essay is not a pure summary of the information you read for your review. You are required to analyze, synthesize, and interpret the information you read in some meaningful way.

It is not enough to simply present the material you have found, you must go beyond that and explain its relevance and significance to the topic at hand.

Establish a clear thesis from the onset of your writing and examine which pieces of your reading help you in developing and supporting the ideas in your thesis.

Use only academic sources.

A review essay reviews the academic body of literature—articles and research presented in academic journals. Lay periodicals such as, Discover , Scientific America , or Popular Science , are not adequate sources for an academic review essay.

If you are having trouble finding the academic journals in your field, ask one of your professors or a reference librarian.

Document your sources.

The material that you discuss in a review essay is obviously not your own, therefore it is crucial to document your sources properly. Proper documentation is crucial for two reasons: 1. It prevents the writer from being accused of plagiarism and 2. It gives the reader the opportunity to locate the sources the writer has reviewed because they may find them valuable in their own academic pursuits. Proper documentation depends on which style guide you are following.

Quote sparingly and properly.

No one wants to read a paper that is simply a string of quotes; reserve direct quotations for when you want to create a big impact. Often times the way a quote is written will not fit with the language or the style of your paper so paraphrase the authors words carefully and verbage as necessary to create a well formed paragraph.

Choose an informative title.

The title you choose for your review essay should give some indication of what lies ahead for the reader. You might consider the process you took in narrowing your topic to help you with your title—think of the title as something specific rather than a vague representation of your paper's topic. For example the title Wastewater Treatment might be more informative if rewritten as The Removal of Cloroform Bacteria as Practiced by California's Municipal Water Treatment Facilities .

Consider your audience.

More than likely your audience will be your academic peers, therefore you can make a couple assumptions and choose a writing style that suits the audience. Though your audience may lack the detailed knowledge you have about your topic, they do have similar background knowledge to you. You can assume that you audience understands much of the technical language you have to use to write about your topic and you do not have to go into great detail about background information.

Elements of a Review Essay

This guide explains each section of a review essay and gives specific information about what should be included in each.

On the title page include the title, your name, and the date. Your instructor may have additional requirements (such as the course number, etc.) so be sure to follow the guidelines on the assignment sheet. Professional journals may also have more specific requirements for the title page.

An abstract is a brief summary of your review. The abstract should include only the main points of your review. Think of the abstract as a chance for the reader to preview your paper and decide if they want to read on for the details.


The introduction of your review should accomplish three things:

  • It may sound redundant to "introduce" your topic in the introduction, but often times writer's fail to do so. Let the reader in on background information specific to the topic, define terms that may be unfamiliar to them, explain the scope of the discussion, and your purpose for writing the review.
  • Think of your review essay as a statement in the larger conversation of your academic community. Your review is your way of entering into that conversation and it is important to briefly address why your review is relevant to the discussion. You may feel the relevance is obvious because you are so familiar with the topic, but your readers have not yet established that familiarity.
  • The thesis is the main idea that you want to get across to your reader. your thesis should be a clear statement of what you intend to prove or illustrate by your review. By revealing your thesis in the introduction the reader knows what to expect in the rest of the paper.

The discussion section is the body of your paper. The discussion section contains information that develops and supports your thesis. While there is no particular form that a discussion section must take there are several considerations that a writer must follow when building a discussion.

  • A review essay is not simply a summary of literature you have reviewed. Be careful not to leave out your own analysis of the ideas presented in the literature. Synthesize the material from all the works—what are the connections you see, or the connections you are trying to illustrate, among your readings.

A review essay is not a pure summary of the information you read for your review. You are required to analyze, synthesize, and interpret the information you read in some meaningful way. It is not enough to simply present the material you have found, you must go beyond that and explain its relevance and significance to the topic at hand. Establish a clear thesis from the onset of your writing and examine which pieces of your reading help you in developing and supporting the ideas in your thesis.

  • Keep your discussion focused on your topic and more importantly your thesis. Don't let tangents or extraneous material get in the way of a concise, coherent discussion. A well focused paper is crucial in getting your message across to your reader.
  • Keeping your points organized makes it easier for the reader to follow along and make sense of your review. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that relates back to your thesis. The headings used for this guide give you some idea of how to organize the overall paper, but as far as the discussion section goes use meaningful subheadings that relate to your content to organize your points.
  • Your thesis should illustrate your objectives in writing the review and your discussion should serve to accomplish your objectives. Make sure your keep your discussion related to the thesis in order to meet your objectives. If you find that your discussion does not relate so much to your thesis, don't panic, you might want to revise your thesis instead of reworking the discussion.


Because the conclusions section often gets left for last it is often the weakest part of a student review essay. It is as crucial a part of the paper as any and should be treated as such.

A good conclusion should illustrate the key connections between your major points and your thesis as well as they key connections between your thesis and the broader discussion—what is the significance of your paper in a larger context? Make some conclusions —where have you arrived as a result of writing this paper?

Be careful not to present any new information in the conclusion section.

Here you report all the works you have cited in your paper. The format for a references page varies by discipline as does how you should cite your references within the paper.

Bastek, Neal. (1999). Review Essays for the Biological Sciences. Writing@CSU . Colorado State University.



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Writing a Good Conclusion

The Conclusion is where you make it clear to the lab instructor what you learned in the lab experience. Since the purpose of the lab is to learn something about science, take the time to write a Conclusion that convinces the lab instructor of what you have learned.

Step 1: Restate your hypothesis.

Step 2 : Write one or more paragraphs that completely summarizes what you have learned from each part of the lab about the scientific concept of the lab from doing the lab. Back up your statement with supporting details (data) from your lab experience.

Step 3: Make sure that you interpret all of your data (Explain what your data means).

Additional Tips:

·         Strive for logic and precision and avoid ambiguity, especially with pronouns and sequences

·         Keep your writing impersonal; avoid the use of the first person (i.e. I or we)

·         Use the past tense and be consistent within the report note: “data” is plural and “datum” is singular; species is singular and plural

·         Italicize all scientific names (genus and species)

·         Use the metric system of measurement and abbreviate measurements without periods (i.e. cm  kg)

·         Spell out all numbers beginning sentences or less than 10 (i.e. “two explanations of six factors”).

·         Write numbers as numerals when greater than ten (i.e. 156) or associated with measurements (i.e. 6 mm or 2 g)

how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

Free Biology Essay Examples & Writing Tips

Don’t know what to write about in your essay on biology? Looking for good biology essay examples for inspiration? This article has all you need!

A biology essay is a type of academic paper that focuses on a particular topic of biology. It can discuss animal life, cycles in biology, or a botanic subject. You will need to demonstrate your critical thinking skills and provide relevant evidence to support your perspective.

On this page, you will find examples of biology essays. You will also find here tips and topics prepared by our experts . They can assist you in nailing your short or extended essay.

Areas of Research for Biology Essays

If you’ve been assigned to write a biology essay, you probably know which area of research you have to choose. However, it might be beneficial to explore other available scopes. It’s useful for both interdisciplinary study and the cases when you are free to pick your area of research. In this section, let’s figure out what you can study in biology.

Here are biological areas of research you should be familiar with:

  • Cancer Biology studies this type of disease to prevent, detect, diagnose and cure it. The ultimate goal of such biologists is to eliminate cancer.
  • Cell Biology is a branch that studies the structure, function, and behavior of cells. Here, biologists study healthy and sick cells to produce vaccines, medication, etc.
  • Biochemistry is an application of chemistry to the study of biological processes on cell and molecular levels. It is a cross-discipline between chemistry and biology. The focus is on the chemical processes of living organisms.
  • Computation Biology is a study of biological data that develops algorithms and models to understand biological systems. Here, scientists either work for institutions or research for private enterprises.
  • Genetics is an area that focuses on the study of genes and genetic variations for health benefits. It looks at the way DNA affects certain diseases.
  • Human Disease is an area within which scientists study different diseases. The field covers cancer, developmental disorders, disease genes, etc.
  • Immunology is a branch of biology that focuses on immunity. Immunologists look at the way the body responds to viruses as a way to protect the organism.
  • Microbiology studies all living organisms that are too small for our eye to see. It includes bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms.
  • Neurobiology is the study of the nervous system. Biologists examine the way the brain works and look into brain illnesses.
  • Stem Cell and Developmental Biology seeks to examine how the processes behind stem cell’s ability transform cells. The biologists in this area use the power of stem cells to model human illnesses.

Essay on Biology: Writing Tips

Want to know how to start a biology essay? Wondering about the best way to write your essay on biology? Then check out the following tips.

When you’re writing about biology, pay attention to the following features:

  • Introduction . Just as in any other form of academic writing, the first section of your paper introduces the subject. Here, explain why your ideas are relevant to biology as a science.
  • Thesis Statement. The final one or two sentences of the first paragraph should include your original hypothesis and experiment. You will be proving them in the main body. You do not have to include the results as the reader will encounter them later. If you’re struggling with this part, try our thesis generator .
  • Main Body. In this part, write about all the experiments in detail. Often, teachers require to include visual aid to prove your point. For Zoology, Anatomy, Botany, it is pretty easy to find some photos and illustrations.
  • Conclusion. Here, restate your thesis. Reemphasize the most critical aspects described in the main body. You can do it by using our summarizing tool . The goal of this last paragraph is to leave an everlasting impression on the reader.

Thank you for reading our article. We hope you found it helpful. Share it with your class peers who also study biology. Additionally, have a look at the biological essay examples below.

782 Best Essay Examples on Biology

Grass and its importance, the benefits of animals to humans essay.

  • Words: 1166

Biology of Grasses: Description and Importance

Ubiquity of microorganisms.

  • Words: 2210

The Effect of Temperature on Amylase Activity

  • Words: 1293

Effects of Vinegar on the Germination Rate of Mung Beans Seeds

  • Words: 1750

Anaerobic Respiration and Its Applications

  • Words: 1274

Similarities and Differences of Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Seed germination experiment: results and discussion, botany and taxonomy of the onion.

  • Words: 2414

Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological System Theory

  • Words: 1827

Browning Reactions Explained

Dark or light skin: advantages and disadvantages, mung seed germination patterns under varying ph values, mitosis and meiosis in onion root tip.

  • Words: 1691

Strawberries History

  • Words: 1484

Lemon, Its Origin and Production

  • Words: 1115

Pets and people

Biology: photosynthesis and respiration, nanobiotechnology, its advantages and disadvantages, seed germination and osmosis.

  • Words: 1127

Ubiquity of Bacteria: Laboratory Activity

  • Words: 1496

The Digestive System in the Human Body

Characteristics of adult development.

  • Words: 1311

The Insect Effect on Human Life

Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells: key differences, transpiration process in plants, vaquita – endangered species.

  • Words: 1367

Importance of the Brain in Human Body

Life in the bottom of the ocean and its protection.

  • Words: 1529

The C-Fern Plant Laboratory Experiment

  • Words: 1101

Archaea and Bacteria Prokaryotes Dichotomous Keys

Different ecosystems and living things, a brief discussion of animal and plant cells, vitamin a: description and usage, microbial growth and effect of ph on it.

  • Words: 1330

Digestion, Absorption and Assembly of Proteins

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Vegetation Monitoring From Space

  • Words: 6072

Common Biochemical Cycles

Co-evolution: angiosperms and pollinating animals, photosynthesis as a biological process, corn plant’s developmental stages, the function and structures of the human heart, dugesia, a planarian with its peculiar characteristics.

  • Words: 3207

Responsible House Plant Keeping

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The Characteristics and Importance of Nervous System

  • Words: 1705

Osmosis Through a Potato Slice Dipped in Solutions of Varying Concentrations

  • Words: 1075

Mitosis in Onion Root and Whitefish Blastula

Description of mitosis and meiosis, psychophysics: definition & fundamentals.

  • Words: 1606

Aspects, Importance and Issues of Biodiversity

Human circulatory system and evolution, “the egg and the sperm” by emily martin critique.

  • Words: 2577

Is Earthworm Beneficial or Harmful to Humans?

Cell counting and measurement under magnification.

  • Words: 1641

Consequences of Orange Juice on the Germination of Mung Bean Seeds

Understanding the effects of quantity of light on plants growth.

  • Words: 1089

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

The brain: structure and functions, basic and applied biology: key differences, differences of domesticated and wild animals and plants, cell organelles, their functions, and disease.

  • Words: 1195

Marine Life in United Arab Emirates

  • Words: 1474

Introduction to the Nervous System

Biology: analysis of egg experiment, the role of the olive in human history and lives.

  • Words: 1653

Digestive Journey of Cheeseburger

The kingdom fungi: the structure, characteristics, the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system of a rat.

  • Words: 1612

A Study of the Brine Shrimps and Their Natural Environment

  • Words: 1937

Vertical Stratification

Ethnobotanical uses of plants.

  • Words: 1938

Learning Biology in the Time of Virtual Education

Bacteria cells calculation and categorization, neuroethics, its meanings and main topics, the concept of selective breeding.

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The Effect of Acetone on Wheat Seed Germination

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The Genus Rosa’s Adaptation to the Environment

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Forensic Procedures: Hairs and Fibres

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The Process of a Prenatal Child’s Development

Botany and zoology in the classroom.

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A Light Microscope: Function and Usage

Nervous system: the main functions, earth atmospheric evolution.

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Wildlife Management and Extinction Prevention in Australia

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Streptococcus Mutans: The Pathogen of Dental Caries

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Biowarfare and Bioterrorism: History and Origin

How the human eye works analogous to a camera, cell membrane modeling and cell membrane theory.

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How the Skeletal Muscles Derive the Energy for Contraction

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The Effect of Habitat Disturbance on Invertebrate Abundance and Diversity

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“The Egg and the Sperm Analysis” by Emily Martin

Telescope and microscope discovery combo.

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The Human Family Tree Development

Living things: what do they have in common, homeostasis and regulation in the human body, the study of the southern hemisphere, shapes of cells and their functions, the muscular movement: pyramidal and extrapyramidal motor systems, evolution of predator and prey pairings, rosalind franklin: the discovery of the dna structure, streptococcus pyogenes overview, the thermoregulation is and its importance, membrane hands-on laboratory report.

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Rabbit Muscular System Dissection Report

Human reproductive biology: organs, structure, functions.

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What Enzymes Are and How Do They Work

Microbiology: zygomycota, ascomycota and basidiomycota, what is mitochondria and what functions does it have.

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Proteus Vulgaris Bacterium and Its Characteristics

Self-healing materials and their using.

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Biosphere: Sydney in Australia

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Description and General Information About Stink Bugs

Natural sciences. the phenol red broth test experiment.

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Animal, Plant, and Bacterial Cells’ Cycles

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Melanin Theory as a Pseudoscientific Claim

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Bioremediation Technology

  • Words: 1604
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How To Write A Biology Essay

Table of Contents

Content of this article

Topic choice.

  • Content page
  • Research question
  • Introduction
  • Investigation

Biology papers give us an opportunity of understanding forms that are complex in life. This, therefore, means you will have the chance to fully understand the plants as well as the animals found in the ecosystem. People are given assignments on biology so that they can fully research and have knowledge concerning the components of nature. An essay on biology also assists people in how to care for and tend to themselves. These biology papers also assist in fully understanding how the world and humanity are related. An essay on biology will, therefore, assist in answering queries and issues related to biology. The tips from our academic essay writing service may help a person to make the work professional without errors and mistakes. A primary element to keep in mind when writing biology papers is always to have a biology essay draft that will assist you all through the writing process. Biology essay topics need to be detailed so that they can be differentiated from other types of papers.

The topics of the biology papers determine the points that will be used in the article. This, therefore, means that the biology essay writing guide is dependent on the topic selected . Ensure that you fully understand what the biology essay writing expects from you and create a biology essay outline that will assist you in preparing an excellent piece. Biology essay outlining assists in the construction of detailed articles. Below are biology essay topics that one can use in biology essay writing.

Biology essay topics

  • Are vaccines necessary in our system?
  • Omnivore’s plants
  • How did the dinosaurs just disappear?
  • Did the evolution start from the monkeys?
  • Which are the most intelligent animals on the face of the earth?
  • Why do the male seahorses often carry the offspring?
  • How were the wolves domesticated?
  • The genetic mutations in plants and animals.
  • How the albino animals are different; is this trait also shared in plants and humans?
  • The process of aging in humans.

These are some of the good biology essay topics that you can use to produce an article that is standard.

Biology essay structure

The outline for a biology essay gives you clear guidelines on how to go about writing the article. The biology essay draft should go in line with the topic that the writer has chosen.

The biology essay outlining is as illustrated below:

1. The title

  • The title page offers clear indications of the biology essay focus.
  • The title should be precisely phrased and at the same time based on the hypothesis.
  • Avoid jargon for the title to look professional.
  • The title should also give the reader a quick understanding of the topic.

2. The content page

This page is located at the beginning of biology papers after the abstract and the title pages. The page shows the numbers as well as the subsections of the essay on biology.

3. The research question

The topics for a biology essay determine the research questions to be used. The research question shows what the article is trying to establish. Keep in mind that the question is not the same as the title.

  • The question in motion should be highlighted in the introduction. The content page will give the reader an understanding of the article.
  • The question should introduce new ideas as well.

4. The introduction

The biology essay introduction is the most crucial part of the article, as it will determine whether the readers will want to read more of the piece or not.

  • The introduction for a biology essay should illustrate what is being argued in the article.
  • For an introduction to be successful, the contents need to be brief and accurate.
  • Another professional way how to start a biology essay introduction is by illustrating how you reached the focus of the research.
  • The introduction should also contain the references that were accessed.
  • What might be revealed in the study should also be highlighted in the opening section.

5. The investigation

The study section gives you the chance of illustrating how the data was selected as well as its reliability.

  • You need to clearly explain, describe and justify the choice of collecting primary data.
  • Don’t forget to state the sources of the experiments. The method used should be detailed. Someone would want to repeat the same procedure.
  • Ensure that the investigations are ethical and not cruel.

6. The analysis

  • The body is the meat of the literature essay. The body covers most of the article. A common way how to write a biology essay body is by using at least three paragraphs.
  • The biology essay tips need to be relevant to the research question being discussed. The points should also give assertion to the reader.
  • Highlight the biology essay prompts as well. Elaborate on how the ideas have been used to support the question in the essay on biology.
  • For an effective essay on biology writing, discuss each point in its paragraph. This technique will give you the chance of exhausting the points.

7. The biology essay conclusion

The end of the article should be firm and sum up the whole article. The conclusion is a formal way how to conclude a biology essay. The conclusion restates the points for emphasis and makes the final argument clear. This section also gives you the chance of drawing connections between the points and questions being discussed. The conclusion for a biology essay also gives room for you to show your engagement with the essay on biology on a personal ground. The conclusion should be in a position of reformulating a new hypothesis as well as comparing the content to the secondary sources used. You can finish up the biology essay by stating the significance of the statistical tests done.

8. The references

Making citations is an essential issue in biology papers. There are quite some formatting and citation styles ranging from APA to MLA.  You should, therefore, be keen on the style specified. Referencing styles depends on the academic discipline that one is in. For instance, APA is used in psychology, education, and sciences

Archetti M 2000. The origin of autumn colors by coevolution. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 205: 625–63

9. Sources for essay choice

Sources can either be secondary or primary. The primary source refers to any work that can be accessed originally. The secondary source refers to the works that have been original, but have been produced by another person. Examples of secondary sources include books , encyclopedias, and journals among other recreated works. You can use both the primary and secondary data to make your biology paper a success.

10. Finalizing the Essay

Once the essay on biology has been written, a revision is necessary to ensure the content is in order. A standard method of review is proofreading. Proofreading gives you the chance to analyze your work and correct errors that are avoidable.

how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

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How to write an excellent thesis conclusion [with examples]

Tips for writing thesis conclusion

Restate the thesis

Review or reiterate key points of your work, explain why your work is relevant, a take-away for the reader, more resources on writing thesis conclusions, frequently asked questions about writing an excellent thesis conclusion, related articles.

At this point in your writing, you have most likely finished your introduction and the body of your thesis, dissertation, or research paper . While this is a reason to celebrate, you should not underestimate the importance of your conclusion. The conclusion is the last thing that your reader will see, so it should be memorable.

A good conclusion will review the key points of the thesis and explain to the reader why the information is relevant, applicable, or related to the world as a whole. Make sure to dedicate enough of your writing time to the conclusion and do not put it off until the very last minute.

This article provides an effective technique for writing a conclusion adapted from Erika Eby’s The College Student's Guide to Writing a Good Research Paper: 101 Easy Tips & Tricks to Make Your Work Stand Out .

While the thesis introduction starts out with broad statements about the topic, and then narrows it down to the thesis statement , a thesis conclusion does the same in the opposite order.

  • Restate the thesis.
  • Review or reiterate key points of your work.
  • Explain why your work is relevant.
  • Include a core take-away message for the reader.

Tip: Don’t just copy and paste your thesis into your conclusion. Restate it in different words.

The best way to start a conclusion is simply by restating the thesis statement. That does not mean just copying and pasting it from the introduction, but putting it into different words.

You will need to change the structure and wording of it to avoid sounding repetitive. Also, be firm in your conclusion just as you were in the introduction. Try to avoid sounding apologetic by using phrases like "This paper has tried to show..."

The conclusion should address all the same parts as the thesis while making it clear that the reader has reached the end. You are telling the reader that your research is finished and what your findings are.

I have argued throughout this work that the point of critical mass for biopolitical immunity occurred during the Romantic period because of that era's unique combination of post-revolutionary politics and innovations in smallpox prevention. In particular, I demonstrated that the French Revolution and the discovery of vaccination in the 1790s triggered a reconsideration of the relationship between bodies and the state.

Tip: Try to reiterate points from your introduction in your thesis conclusion.

The next step is to review the main points of the thesis as a whole. Look back at the body of of your project and make a note of the key ideas. You can reword these ideas the same way you reworded your thesis statement and then incorporate that into the conclusion.

You can also repeat striking quotations or statistics, but do not use more than two. As the conclusion represents your own closing thoughts on the topic , it should mainly consist of your own words.

In addition, conclusions can contain recommendations to the reader or relevant questions that further the thesis. You should ask yourself:

  • What you would ideally like to see your readers do in reaction to your paper?
  • Do you want them to take a certain action or investigate further?
  • Is there a bigger issue that your paper wants to draw attention to?

Also, try to reference your introduction in your conclusion. You have already taken a first step by restating your thesis. Now, check whether there are other key words, phrases or ideas that are mentioned in your introduction that fit into your conclusion. Connecting the introduction to the conclusion in this way will help readers feel satisfied.

I explored how Mary Wollstonecraft, in both her fiction and political writings, envisions an ideal medico-political state, and how other writers like William Wordsworth and Mary Shelley increasingly imagined the body politic literally, as an incorporated political collective made up of bodies whose immunity to political and medical ills was essential to a healthy state.

Tip: Make sure to explain why your thesis is relevant to your field of research.

Although you can encourage readers to question their opinions and reflect on your topic, do not leave loose ends. You should provide a sense of resolution and make sure your conclusion wraps up your argument. Make sure you explain why your thesis is relevant to your field of research and how your research intervenes within, or substantially revises, existing scholarly debates.

This project challenged conventional ideas about the relationship among Romanticism, medicine, and politics by reading the unfolding of Romantic literature and biopolitical immunity as mutual, co-productive processes. In doing so, this thesis revises the ways in which biopolitics has been theorized by insisting on the inherent connections between Romantic literature and the forms of biopower that characterize early modernity.

Tip: If you began your thesis with an anecdote or historical example, you may want to return to that in your conclusion.

End your conclusion with something memorable, such as:

  • a call to action
  • a recommendation
  • a gesture towards future research
  • a brief explanation of how the problem or idea you covered remains relevant

Ultimately, you want readers to feel more informed, or ready to act, as they read your conclusion.

Yet, the Romantic period is only the beginning of modern thought on immunity and biopolitics. Victorian writers, doctors, and politicians upheld the Romantic idea that a "healthy state" was a literal condition that could be achieved by combining politics and medicine, but augmented that idea through legislation and widespread public health measures. While many nineteenth-century efforts to improve citizens' health were successful, the fight against disease ultimately changed course in the twentieth century as global immunological threats such as SARS occupied public consciousness. Indeed, as subsequent public health events make apparent, biopolitical immunity persists as a viable concept for thinking about the relationship between medicine and politics in modernity.

Need more advice? Read our 5 additional tips on how to write a good thesis conclusion.

The conclusion is the last thing that your reader will see, so it should be memorable. To write a great thesis conclusion you should:

The basic content of a conclusion is to review the main points from the paper. This part represents your own closing thoughts on the topic. It should mainly consist of the outcome of the research in your own words.

The length of the conclusion will depend on the length of the whole thesis. Usually, a conclusion should be around 5-7% of the overall word count.

End your conclusion with something memorable, such as a question, warning, or call to action. Depending on the topic, you can also end with a recommendation.

In Open Access: Theses and Dissertations you can find thousands of completed works. Take a look at any of the theses or dissertations for real-life examples of conclusions that were already approved.

how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

How to Write a Conclusion for an Essay - Tips and Examples

how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

The conclusion of your essay is like the grand finale of a fireworks display. It's the last impression you leave on your reader, the moment that ties everything together and leaves them with a lasting impact. 

But for many writers, crafting a conclusion can feel like an afterthought, a hurdle to jump after the excitement of developing the main body of their work. Fear not! This article will equip you with the tools and techniques regarding how to write a conclusion for an essay that effectively summarizes your main points, strengthens your argument, and leaves your reader feeling satisfied and engaged.

What Is a Conclusion

In an essay, the conclusion acts as your final curtain call. It's where you revisit your initial claim (thesis), condense your main supporting arguments, and leave the reader with a lasting takeaway. 

Imagine it as the bridge that connects your ideas to a broader significance. A well-crafted conclusion does more than simply summarize; it elevates your points and offers a sense of closure, ensuring the reader leaves with a clear understanding of your argument's impact. In the next section, you will find conclusion ideas that you could use for your essay.

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Types of Conclusion

Here's a breakdown of various conclusion types, each serving a distinct purpose:

Technique Description Example
📣 Call to Action Encourage readers to take a specific step. "Let's work together to protect endangered species by supporting conservation efforts."
❓ Provocative Question Spark curiosity with a lingering question. "With artificial intelligence rapidly evolving, will creativity remain a uniquely human trait?"
💡 Universal Insight Connect your argument to a broader truth. "The lessons learned from history remind us that even small acts of courage can inspire change."
🔮 Future Implications Discuss the potential consequences of your topic. "The rise of automation may force us to redefine the concept of work in the coming decades."
🌍 Hypothetical Scenario Use a "what if" scenario to illustrate your point. "Imagine a world where everyone had access to clean water. How would it impact global health?"

How Long Should a Conclusion Be

The ideal length of a conclusion depends on the overall length of your essay, but there are some general guidelines:

  • Shorter Essays (500-750 words): Aim for 3-5 sentences. This ensures you effectively wrap up your points without adding unnecessary content.
  • Medium Essays (750-1200 words): Here, you can expand to 5-8 sentences. This provides more space to elaborate on your concluding thought or call to action.
  • Longer Essays (1200+ words): For these, you can have a conclusion of 8-10 sentences. This allows for a more comprehensive summary or a more nuanced exploration of the future implications or broader significance of your topic.

Here are some additional factors to consider:

  • The complexity of your argument: If your essay explores a multifaceted topic, your conclusion might need to be slightly longer to address all the points adequately.
  • Type of conclusion: A call to action or a hypothetical scenario might require a few extra sentences for elaboration compared to a simple summary.

Remember: The most important aspect is ensuring your conclusion effectively summarizes your main points, leaves a lasting impression, and doesn't feel rushed or tacked on.

Here's a helpful rule of thumb:

  • Keep it proportional: Your conclusion should be roughly 5-10% of your total essay length.

How many sentences should a conclusion be?

Essay Length 📝 Recommended Sentence Range 📏
Shorter Essays (500-750 words) 🎈 3-5 sentences
Medium Essays (750-1200 words) 📚 5-8 sentences
Longer Essays (1200+ words) 🏰 8-10 sentences

Conclusion Transition Words

Transition words for conclusion act like signposts for your reader. They smoothly guide them from the main body of your essay to your closing thoughts, ensuring a clear and logical flow of ideas. Here are some transition words specifically suited for concluding your essay:

Technique 🎯 Examples 📝
Summarizing & Restating 📋
Leaving the Reader with a Lasting Impression 🎨
Looking to the Future 🔮
Leaving the Reader with a Question ❓
Adding Emphasis 💡

Remember, the best transition word will depend on the specific type of conclusion you're aiming for.

How to Write a Conclusion

Every essay or dissertation writer knows that the toughest part of working on a conclusion can be striking the right balance. You want to effectively summarize your main points without redundancy, leaving a lasting impression that feels fresh and impactful, all within a concise and focused section. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write a stunning essay conclusion:

How to Write a Conclusion

Restate Your Thesis

Briefly remind your reader of your essay's central claim. This doesn't have to be a word-for-word repetition but a concise restatement that refreshes their memory.

Summarize Key Points

In a few sentences, revisit the main arguments you used to support your thesis. When writing a conclusion, don't get bogged down in details, but offer a high-level overview that reinforces your essay's focus.

Leave a Lasting Impression

This is where your knowledge of how to write a good conclusion can shine! Consider a thought-provoking question, a call to action, or a connection to a broader truth—something that lingers in the reader's mind and resonates beyond the final sentence.

Avoid Introducing New Information

The conclusion paragraph shouldn't introduce entirely new ideas. Stick to wrapping up your existing arguments and leaving a final thought.

Ensure Flow and Readability

Transition smoothly from the main body of your essay to the conclusion. Use transition words like "in conclusion," "finally," or "as a result," and ensure your closing sentences feel natural and well-connected to the rest of your work.

Note that you can simply buy essay at any time and focus on other more important assignments or just enjoy your free time.

Conclusion Paragraph Outline

Here's an outline to help you better understand how to write a conclusion paragraph:

Step 🚶 Description 📝
1. Revisit Your Thesis (1-2 sentences) 🎯
2. Summarize Key Points (1-2 sentences) 🔑
3. Lasting Impression (2-3 sentences) 💡 This is where you leave your reader with a final thought. Choose one or a combination of these options: Urge readers to take a specific action related to your topic. Spark curiosity with a lingering question that encourages further exploration. Connect your arguments to a broader truth or principle. Discuss the potential long-term consequences of your topic. Evoke a strong feeling (sadness, anger, hope) for a lasting impact. Conclude with a relevant quote that reinforces your key points or offers a new perspective.
4. Final Touch (Optional - 1 sentence) 🎀 This is not essential but can be a powerful way to end your essay. Consider a: that summarizes your main point in a memorable way. (simile, metaphor) that leaves a lasting impression. that invites the reader to ponder the topic further.
  • Tailor the length of your conclusion to your essay's overall length (shorter essays: 3-5 sentences, longer essays: 8-10 sentences).
  • Ensure a smooth transition from the main body using transition words.
  • Avoid introducing new information; focus on wrapping up your existing points.
  • Proofread for clarity and ensure your conclusion ties everything together and delivers a final impactful statement.

Read more: Persuasive essay outline . 

Do’s and Don’ts of Essay Conclusion Writing

According to professional term paper writers , a strong conclusion is essential for leaving a lasting impression on your reader. Here's a list of action items you should and shouldn’t do when writing an essay conclusion:

Dos ✅ Don'ts ❌
Restate your thesis in a new way. 🔄 Remind the reader of your central claim, but rephrase it to avoid redundancy. Simply repeat your thesis word-for-word. This lacks originality and doesn't offer a fresh perspective.
Summarize your key points concisely. 📝 Briefly revisit the main arguments used to support your thesis. Rehash every detail from your essay. 🔍 Focus on a high-level overview to reinforce your essay's main points.
Leave a lasting impression. 💡 Spark curiosity with a question, propose a call to action, or connect your arguments to a broader truth. End with a bland statement. 😐 Avoid generic closings like "In conclusion..." or "This is important because...".
Ensure a smooth transition. 🌉 Use transition words like "finally," "as a result," or "in essence" to connect your conclusion to the main body. Introduce entirely new information. ⚠️ The conclusion should wrap up existing arguments, not introduce new ideas.
Proofread for clarity and flow. 🔍 Ensure your conclusion feels natural and well-connected to the rest of your work. Leave grammatical errors or awkward phrasing. 🚫 Edit and revise for a polished final sentence.

Conclusion Examples

A strong conclusion isn't just an afterthought – it's the capstone of your essay. Here are five examples of conclusion paragraphs for essays showcasing different techniques to craft a powerful closing to make your essay stand out.

1. Call to Action: (Essay About the Importance of Recycling)

In conclusion, the environmental impact of our waste is undeniable. We all have a responsibility to adopt sustainable practices. We can collectively make a significant difference by incorporating simple changes like recycling into our daily routines. Join the movement – choose to reuse, reduce, and recycle.

2. Provocative Question: (Essay Exploring the Potential Consequences of Artificial Intelligence)

As artificial intelligence rapidly evolves, it's crucial to consider its impact on humanity. While AI holds immense potential for progress, will it remain a tool for good, or will it eventually surpass human control? This question demands our collective attention, as the decisions we make today will shape the future of AI and its impact on our world.

3. Universal Insight: (Essay Analyzing a Historical Event)

The study of history offers valuable lessons that transcend time. The events of the [insert historical event] remind us that even small acts of defiance can have a ripple effect, inspiring change and ultimately leading to a brighter future. Every voice has the power to make a difference, and courage can be contagious.

4. Future Implications: (Essay Discussing the Rise of Social Media)

Social media's explosive growth has transformed how we connect and consume information. While these platforms offer undeniable benefits, their long-term effects on social interaction, mental health, and political discourse require careful consideration. As social media continues to evolve, we must remain vigilant and ensure it remains a tool for positive connection and not a source of division.

5. Hypothetical Scenario: (Essay Arguing for the Importance of Space Exploration)

Imagine a world where our understanding of the universe is limited to Earth. We miss out on the potential for groundbreaking discoveries in physics, medicine, and our place in the cosmos. By continuing to venture beyond our planet, we push the boundaries of human knowledge and inspire future generations to reach for the stars.

Recommended for reading: Nursing essay examples .

Difference Between Good and Weak Conclusions

Not all conclusions are created equal. A weak ending can leave your reader feeling stranded, unsure of where your essay has taken them. Conversely, writing a conclusion that is strong acts as a landing pad, summarizing your key points and leaving a lasting impression.

⚠️ Weak Conclusion ❓ What's Wrong with It? ✅ Good Conclusion
In conclusion, exercise is good for you. It helps you stay healthy and fit. By incorporating regular exercise into our routines, we boost our physical health and energy levels and enhance our mental well-being and resilience. (Rephrased thesis & highlights benefits.)
This event was very significant and had a big impact on history. The [name of historical event] marked a turning point in [explain the historical period]. Its impact resonates today, influencing [mention specific consequences or ongoing effects]. (Connects to specifics & broader significance.)
Throughout this essay, we've discussed the good and bad sides of social media. While social media offers undeniable benefits like connection and information sharing, its impact on mental health, privacy, and political discourse necessitates responsible use and ongoing discussions about its role in society. (Connects arguments to broader issues & future implications.)

Nailed that essay? Don't blow it with a lame ending! A good conclusion is like the mic drop at the end of a rap song. It reminds the reader of your main points but in a cool new way. Throw in a thought-provoking question, a call to action, or a connection to something bigger, and you'll leave them thinking long after they turn the page.

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How To Write A Conclusion For An Essay?

How to write a good conclusion, how to write a conclusion for a college essay.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, how to write a 'why biology' major essay.

I'm a high school junior applying to college soon, and I'm working on my application essays. One question asks me to explain why I'm interested in majoring in Biology. Can you guys suggest some elements I should include in the essay? How can I make my passion for biology stand out?

When writing a 'Why Biology' major essay, it's essential to focus on your personal experiences, passion, and future goals related to the subject. Here are some elements you can include in the essay to make it stand out:

1. Personal exposure: Highlight any experiences that sparked your interest in biology. Did you have a inspiring biology teacher or an exciting lab experiment? Maybe you joined a biology club or participated in a science fair project? Connect these experiences to your passion for the subject.

2. Academic achievements: Reflect on any notable academic accomplishments you have had in biology, such as high grades, taking AP or advanced level courses, or receiving awards/recognitions for your work in the subject. This shows your dedication and success within the field.

3. Extracurricular activities: Discuss any relevant extracurricular activities showcasing your involvement and commitment to biology, such as internships, volunteering, research projects, or summer programs related to the subject. Elaborate on how these experiences deepened your passion and understanding of biology.

4. Specific topics of interest: Describe the areas within biology that you find particularly fascinating or captivating, such as genetics, molecular biology, neuroscience, or ecology. By narrowing the focus, you demonstrate a clear understanding of the discipline and its subfields.

5. How your passion has evolved: Explain how your interest in biology started and the ways it has grown over time. This shows your commitment to understanding the subject on a deeper level, and it will allow the admissions committee to see how you've continued to explore and expand your passion for biology.

6. Future plans and goals: Talk about your long-term career aspirations or academic goals in biology and how majoring in the subject will help you achieve them. For example, you could mention your desire to pursue research, medicine, biotechnology, or conservation. Connecting your major to future plans showcases your motivation and seriousness about studying biology.

7. College-specific resources: Mention specific programs, faculty, research opportunities, or facilities that the college you're applying to offers within the biology department. Explain how these resources will help you reach your academic goals and deepen your passion for the subject.

For more details on writing a "Why This Major?" essay, check out this CollegeVine article:

In conclusion, make sure to focus on your personal experiences, achievements, and aspirations regarding biology, and convey your genuine enthusiasm and dedication to the subject. By incorporating these various elements into your essay, you'll demonstrate a well-rounded understanding of and passion for biology, which will make your essay stand out.

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Home › Study Tips › How To Write a College Essay and Help Your Application Stand Out

How To Write a College Essay and Help Your Application Stand Out

  • Published June 24, 2024

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Table of Contents

The college application essay is a pivotal component of your application package. It’s a unique opportunity to showcase your individuality and stand out from the sea of applicants. While admissions committees place significant weight on grades and test scores, the essay allows you to demonstrate your writing skills and convey your personal story. This guide will provide you with top tips to craft a compelling college essay that resonates with admissions officers.

Write About Something That Is Important to You

how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

Choosing a topic that is authentic and meaningful to you is crucial. Admissions officers read thousands of essays, so writing about something genuinely important to you will make your essay more engaging and memorable. Think about your passions, significant experiences, or values that define who you are. Avoid topics that you think will simply impress the committee and focus on what truly matters to you. For instance, instead of writing about a generic achievement, you might write about a personal challenge you’ve overcome, explaining how it has shaped your perspective and aspirations.

Read our article 9 Tips to Writing an Academic Essay  

Grab the Reader’s Attention from the Start

The opening of your essay is your first chance to capture the reader’s attention. A compelling introduction sets the tone for the rest of the essay. Consider starting with a vivid anecdote, a surprising fact, or a thought-provoking question. The goal is to pique the reader’s interest and encourage them to continue reading. For example, a captivating story from your childhood or a defining moment can serve as a powerful hook.

Focus on Deeper Themes and Take the Chance to Reflect

Your essay should delve into deeper themes and provide personal reflections. This is your opportunity to take control of your narrative and showcase your unique perspective. Rather than just recounting events, explain their significance and how they have influenced your thoughts, actions, and goals. Reflecting on your experiences allows you to demonstrate critical thinking and self-awareness, qualities that colleges value. Highlighting the lessons learned from these experiences can make your essay more profound and relatable.

Avoid Clichés

Avoiding clichés is a crucial aspect of writing your essay. Clichés can make your essay seem unoriginal and uninspired, which is not the impression you want to leave on the admissions committee. Common clichés include overused quotes, predictable stories, and generic statements. Strive to present your experiences and insights in a fresh and personal way. This will make your essay stand out and feel more genuine. Personal anecdotes and unique perspectives are more likely to leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee, thereby increasing your chances of admission.

Prepare Early and Work on Several Drafts

how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

Starting early gives you ample time to brainstorm, write, and revise your essay. Don’t expect to get it perfect on the first try. Write multiple drafts, each time refining your ideas, structure, and language. This process allows you to improve your essay’s clarity and impact. Consistent revision helps you polish your essay to meet the highest standards.

Discover these expert’s tips for improving your writing skills 

Get Someone to Check Your Application

Having someone else review your essay can provide valuable feedback. Choose people who are familiar with the college application process, such as teachers, mentors, or family members. They can offer insights on how to improve your essay and catch any errors you might have missed. Incorporating constructive criticism will enhance the overall quality of your essay.

Avoid Items That Are Not Part of the College Application

Stay focused on the content that is relevant to your application. Avoid including extraneous information or going off on tangents. Stick to the guidelines provided by the college and ensure that every part of your essay contributes to the overall narrative. This focused approach keeps your essay concise and impactful.

Try Something Different

Don’t be afraid to take creative risks with your essay. An unconventional approach can make your essay stand out as long as it remains relevant and coherent. Creativity can showcase your unique voice and perspective, making your essay more memorable. A distinctive format or innovative structure can set your essay apart from others.

Meet the Deadline

how to write a conclusion for a biology essay

Meeting application deadlines is not just a formality, but a crucial step in the college application process. Late submissions can disqualify your application or leave a negative impression. Plan your timeline carefully and ensure you submit your essay well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute issues. Timely submission demonstrates your commitment, responsibility, and organization, all of which are qualities that colleges value.

A well-crafted college application essay is fundamental to securing admission to your desired college. It allows you to showcase your unique voice, experiences, and aspirations. Taking the time to write, revise, and perfect your essay can make a significant difference in the admissions process. 

Programs like the Online Research Programme can further strengthen your essay writing and research skills , preparing you for future academic success. A strong essay can be the deciding factor that sets you apart from other candidates.

1. What is a college application essay?

A college application essay is a personal statement written by an applicant as part of the college admissions process. It provides an opportunity to showcase your writing skills, personality, and unique experiences.

2. What does a college application essay look like?

A college application essay typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. It should be well-organized, clearly written, and focused on a specific theme or experience.

3. How long should a college application essay be?

Most college application essays range from 500 to 650 words. It’s important to adhere to the word limit specified by the college.

4. How to start a college application essay?

Start with a compelling hook to grab the reader’s attention. This could be an anecdote, a surprising fact, or a thought-provoking question.

5. What looks good on a college application essay?

A strong college application essay is authentic, reflective, and well-written. It should highlight your unique experiences, insights, and aspirations.

6. What happens if you miss the college application deadline?

Missing a college application deadline can result in your application not being considered. Some colleges may offer grace periods or late application options, but it’s best to submit your application on time.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to writing a standout college essay that can make a significant impact on your application. Remember to stay true to yourself and let your unique voice shine through.

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Essays About Biology: Top 5 Best Examples and 6 Prompts

Writing essays about biology can be difficult because it’s composed of many subtopics. Check out this article for our top essay examples and writing prompts .

Biology came from the Greek words “bios” (life) and “logos” (study). It’s why biology is the study of life or living organisms . Aside from being a natural science, it also has consolidated themes, such as cells making all organisms . Because it’s a broad topic , biology is divided into specialized fields such as botany, genetics, zoology, microbiology, medicine, and ecology. 

Biologists consider living beings ‘ origin, evolution, growth, function, structure , and distribution. It’s a comprehensive subject, so there are many things you can write about in your essay. However, at the same time, you might find it challenging to focus on just one area. 

Below are examples to give you an idea of how to write your essays about biology :


1. Essay About Biology by Kelli Wilkins

2. my interests in biology by anonymous on, 3. essay on the importance of study of biology by akhila mol, 4. what biology means to me by anonymous on, 5. how my biology teacher changed my perspective of learning the subject by sankalan bhattacharya, 1. biology in my everyday life, 2. something i realized because of biology, 3. my memorable biology class experience, 4. genetics’ role in people’s diseases, 5. my experience during the pandemic, 6. biology and health.

“Studying Biology is important for a number of reasons, but in particular because it is used in every field. If we did not have a good understanding of Biology then nobody would be able to understand how bodies work, and how life on earth functions.”

Wilkins shares her desire to study anatomy, a branch of biology, and expounds on what makes biology an essential field. Because biology lets people know more about the world, she digs into why she’s interested in anatomy, specifically to find ways to cure illnesses and develop technologies to discover new treatments. She ends her essay by relating biology to the existence of doctors and hospitals. 

“It is known that education plays an important role in the life of any individual. It gives an opportunity to develop personality and gain specific skills, to get profound knowledge and experience in order to apply them practically in the future. As for me, my major goal is to study Biology in order to get appropriate knowledge and skills required for my future profession.”

The author shares why they want to study biology, referring to the human body as the “perfect machine” and curious about how it performs each of its systems’ functions. The writer also mentions how biology is critical to their future profession. They aim to help people with their health problems and relay their desire to research the brain to find more data on it. 

“The study of biology owes great significance in human life, because man for its day-to-day requirements is dependent on plants and animals either directly or indirectly.”

Mol lists seven reasons why humans need biology in their daily lives. Her list includes health, diseases, agriculture, horticulture, food, animal breeding, and entertainment. She expounds on each point and how they affect a man during his time on Earth. She explains each relationship in a simple manner that’s easy to understand for the readers.

“Without biology, we would have no idea about an organism ’s makeup, or the most basic unit of life, a cell… Biology influences me in many ways. Biology influences me by teaching me why to take care of the environment, why I am to take care of my body, and by giving me a better overall view of all scientific areas of study.”

In this short essay, the writer lists down reasons why biology is essential. These reasons include taking care of the environment, one’s body, and others. The author also expounds on their reasons by presenting facts supporting biology’s importance to the world and human lives.

“He told that the syllabus may be a good way to prepare for an exam but our knowledge should not be limited to any syllabus and the questions that were asked in the examination were related to the topic only. He told that if we try to know things in detail and understand them properly then the interest in the subject will develop, otherwise, students will not treat the subject as a subject of their choice. 

Bhattacharya shares his experience with a teacher with a unique teaching style. His Biology teacher from Class 7, before the era of the internet, don’t just carry one book to get all his lessons from. Instead, he has a notebook with the collated information from many books to teach his class. 

Bhattacharya’s teacher taught them things that were not in the curriculum, even if following the curriculum would give him higher points in his evaluation. He only wanted his students to learn more and share with them why learning differs from just knowing. 

Do you want to be sure you have an excellent essay? See our round-up of the best essay writing apps to help you check your output.

6 Prompts for Essays About Biology

Prompts for essays about biology

You don’t have to be a biology student to write an essay about the subject. If you’re looking for easy prompts to write about, here are some to get you started:

If mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell, who is the powerhouse of your classroom? Your home? Relate a biology topic to a similar structure in your life, then explain why you think they are the same. 

For instance, you can compare your mother to mitochondria which generate the energy needed to power a cell. The cell being you. You can say that she gives you energy every day by being there and supporting you in whatever way she can. This prompt bodes for a creative and intriguing essay.

Relay a lesson you learned from biology and how it perfectly explained something you were once hesitant about. Such as being insecure about your big ears – only to know from a biology trivia that ears never stop growing. You can then share how this help lessen your insecurity because you now know large ears are normal. 

Do you have a memory you won’t forget that happened during biology class? Narrate this story and explain why it’s something that left an impression on you. To give you an idea , you can talk about the first time you dissected an animal, where you first realized how complex organisms are and that they are made of many systems to function, no matter how small.

Gene action and heredity are evolving. If you have a genetic illness or know someone who has it, you can share your experience. Then explain what your genes have to do with the disease. Is it something you got from your parents? Did they inherit it from your grandparents? Finally, you can add what your parents’ and grandparents’ lives were like because of the disease.

Virology, another branch of biology, studies viruses and viral diseases. A recent example is the coronavirus pandemic, where more people realized the importance of knowing a virus’ origin, structure , and how they work. Write an essay where you explain how the pandemic operates, such as why people should wear masks, social distance, etc.

For this essay, you can write about how biology helps you care for your health. For example, you can include how biology helped doctors give you the appropriate diagnosis, how you had the opportunity to have the proper treatment, etc. 

If you want to write on a related topic , here are essay topics about nature you can consider for your next essay. 

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  • How to write a lab report

How To Write A Lab Report | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples

Published on May 20, 2021 by Pritha Bhandari . Revised on July 23, 2023.

A lab report conveys the aim, methods, results, and conclusions of a scientific experiment. The main purpose of a lab report is to demonstrate your understanding of the scientific method by performing and evaluating a hands-on lab experiment. This type of assignment is usually shorter than a research paper .

Lab reports are commonly used in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. This article focuses on how to structure and write a lab report.

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Table of contents

Structuring a lab report, introduction, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about lab reports.

The sections of a lab report can vary between scientific fields and course requirements, but they usually contain the purpose, methods, and findings of a lab experiment .

Each section of a lab report has its own purpose.

  • Title: expresses the topic of your study
  • Abstract : summarizes your research aims, methods, results, and conclusions
  • Introduction: establishes the context needed to understand the topic
  • Method: describes the materials and procedures used in the experiment
  • Results: reports all descriptive and inferential statistical analyses
  • Discussion: interprets and evaluates results and identifies limitations
  • Conclusion: sums up the main findings of your experiment
  • References: list of all sources cited using a specific style (e.g. APA )
  • Appendices : contains lengthy materials, procedures, tables or figures

Although most lab reports contain these sections, some sections can be omitted or combined with others. For example, some lab reports contain a brief section on research aims instead of an introduction, and a separate conclusion is not always required.

If you’re not sure, it’s best to check your lab report requirements with your instructor.

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Your title provides the first impression of your lab report – effective titles communicate the topic and/or the findings of your study in specific terms.

Create a title that directly conveys the main focus or purpose of your study. It doesn’t need to be creative or thought-provoking, but it should be informative.

  • The effects of varying nitrogen levels on tomato plant height.
  • Testing the universality of the McGurk effect.
  • Comparing the viscosity of common liquids found in kitchens.

An abstract condenses a lab report into a brief overview of about 150–300 words. It should provide readers with a compact version of the research aims, the methods and materials used, the main results, and the final conclusion.

Think of it as a way of giving readers a preview of your full lab report. Write the abstract last, in the past tense, after you’ve drafted all the other sections of your report, so you’ll be able to succinctly summarize each section.

To write a lab report abstract, use these guiding questions:

  • What is the wider context of your study?
  • What research question were you trying to answer?
  • How did you perform the experiment?
  • What did your results show?
  • How did you interpret your results?
  • What is the importance of your findings?

Nitrogen is a necessary nutrient for high quality plants. Tomatoes, one of the most consumed fruits worldwide, rely on nitrogen for healthy leaves and stems to grow fruit. This experiment tested whether nitrogen levels affected tomato plant height in a controlled setting. It was expected that higher levels of nitrogen fertilizer would yield taller tomato plants.

Levels of nitrogen fertilizer were varied between three groups of tomato plants. The control group did not receive any nitrogen fertilizer, while one experimental group received low levels of nitrogen fertilizer, and a second experimental group received high levels of nitrogen fertilizer. All plants were grown from seeds, and heights were measured 50 days into the experiment.

The effects of nitrogen levels on plant height were tested between groups using an ANOVA. The plants with the highest level of nitrogen fertilizer were the tallest, while the plants with low levels of nitrogen exceeded the control group plants in height. In line with expectations and previous findings, the effects of nitrogen levels on plant height were statistically significant. This study strengthens the importance of nitrogen for tomato plants.

Your lab report introduction should set the scene for your experiment. One way to write your introduction is with a funnel (an inverted triangle) structure:

  • Start with the broad, general research topic
  • Narrow your topic down your specific study focus
  • End with a clear research question

Begin by providing background information on your research topic and explaining why it’s important in a broad real-world or theoretical context. Describe relevant previous research on your topic and note how your study may confirm it or expand it, or fill a gap in the research field.

This lab experiment builds on previous research from Haque, Paul, and Sarker (2011), who demonstrated that tomato plant yield increased at higher levels of nitrogen. However, the present research focuses on plant height as a growth indicator and uses a lab-controlled setting instead.

Next, go into detail on the theoretical basis for your study and describe any directly relevant laws or equations that you’ll be using. State your main research aims and expectations by outlining your hypotheses .

Based on the importance of nitrogen for tomato plants, the primary hypothesis was that the plants with the high levels of nitrogen would grow the tallest. The secondary hypothesis was that plants with low levels of nitrogen would grow taller than plants with no nitrogen.

Your introduction doesn’t need to be long, but you may need to organize it into a few paragraphs or with subheadings such as “Research Context” or “Research Aims.”

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A lab report Method section details the steps you took to gather and analyze data. Give enough detail so that others can follow or evaluate your procedures. Write this section in the past tense. If you need to include any long lists of procedural steps or materials, place them in the Appendices section but refer to them in the text here.

You should describe your experimental design, your subjects, materials, and specific procedures used for data collection and analysis.

Experimental design

Briefly note whether your experiment is a within-subjects  or between-subjects design, and describe how your sample units were assigned to conditions if relevant.

A between-subjects design with three groups of tomato plants was used. The control group did not receive any nitrogen fertilizer. The first experimental group received a low level of nitrogen fertilizer, while the second experimental group received a high level of nitrogen fertilizer.

Describe human subjects in terms of demographic characteristics, and animal or plant subjects in terms of genetic background. Note the total number of subjects as well as the number of subjects per condition or per group. You should also state how you recruited subjects for your study.

List the equipment or materials you used to gather data and state the model names for any specialized equipment.

List of materials

35 Tomato seeds

15 plant pots (15 cm tall)

Light lamps (50,000 lux)

Nitrogen fertilizer

Measuring tape

Describe your experimental settings and conditions in detail. You can provide labelled diagrams or images of the exact set-up necessary for experimental equipment. State how extraneous variables were controlled through restriction or by fixing them at a certain level (e.g., keeping the lab at room temperature).

Light levels were fixed throughout the experiment, and the plants were exposed to 12 hours of light a day. Temperature was restricted to between 23 and 25℃. The pH and carbon levels of the soil were also held constant throughout the experiment as these variables could influence plant height. The plants were grown in rooms free of insects or other pests, and they were spaced out adequately.

Your experimental procedure should describe the exact steps you took to gather data in chronological order. You’ll need to provide enough information so that someone else can replicate your procedure, but you should also be concise. Place detailed information in the appendices where appropriate.

In a lab experiment, you’ll often closely follow a lab manual to gather data. Some instructors will allow you to simply reference the manual and state whether you changed any steps based on practical considerations. Other instructors may want you to rewrite the lab manual procedures as complete sentences in coherent paragraphs, while noting any changes to the steps that you applied in practice.

If you’re performing extensive data analysis, be sure to state your planned analysis methods as well. This includes the types of tests you’ll perform and any programs or software you’ll use for calculations (if relevant).

First, tomato seeds were sown in wooden flats containing soil about 2 cm below the surface. Each seed was kept 3-5 cm apart. The flats were covered to keep the soil moist until germination. The seedlings were removed and transplanted to pots 8 days later, with a maximum of 2 plants to a pot. Each pot was watered once a day to keep the soil moist.

The nitrogen fertilizer treatment was applied to the plant pots 12 days after transplantation. The control group received no treatment, while the first experimental group received a low concentration, and the second experimental group received a high concentration. There were 5 pots in each group, and each plant pot was labelled to indicate the group the plants belonged to.

50 days after the start of the experiment, plant height was measured for all plants. A measuring tape was used to record the length of the plant from ground level to the top of the tallest leaf.

In your results section, you should report the results of any statistical analysis procedures that you undertook. You should clearly state how the results of statistical tests support or refute your initial hypotheses.

The main results to report include:

  • any descriptive statistics
  • statistical test results
  • the significance of the test results
  • estimates of standard error or confidence intervals

The mean heights of the plants in the control group, low nitrogen group, and high nitrogen groups were 20.3, 25.1, and 29.6 cm respectively. A one-way ANOVA was applied to calculate the effect of nitrogen fertilizer level on plant height. The results demonstrated statistically significant ( p = .03) height differences between groups.

Next, post-hoc tests were performed to assess the primary and secondary hypotheses. In support of the primary hypothesis, the high nitrogen group plants were significantly taller than the low nitrogen group and the control group plants. Similarly, the results supported the secondary hypothesis: the low nitrogen plants were taller than the control group plants.

These results can be reported in the text or in tables and figures. Use text for highlighting a few key results, but present large sets of numbers in tables, or show relationships between variables with graphs.

You should also include sample calculations in the Results section for complex experiments. For each sample calculation, provide a brief description of what it does and use clear symbols. Present your raw data in the Appendices section and refer to it to highlight any outliers or trends.

The Discussion section will help demonstrate your understanding of the experimental process and your critical thinking skills.

In this section, you can:

  • Interpret your results
  • Compare your findings with your expectations
  • Identify any sources of experimental error
  • Explain any unexpected results
  • Suggest possible improvements for further studies

Interpreting your results involves clarifying how your results help you answer your main research question. Report whether your results support your hypotheses.

  • Did you measure what you sought out to measure?
  • Were your analysis procedures appropriate for this type of data?

Compare your findings with other research and explain any key differences in findings.

  • Are your results in line with those from previous studies or your classmates’ results? Why or why not?

An effective Discussion section will also highlight the strengths and limitations of a study.

  • Did you have high internal validity or reliability?
  • How did you establish these aspects of your study?

When describing limitations, use specific examples. For example, if random error contributed substantially to the measurements in your study, state the particular sources of error (e.g., imprecise apparatus) and explain ways to improve them.

The results support the hypothesis that nitrogen levels affect plant height, with increasing levels producing taller plants. These statistically significant results are taken together with previous research to support the importance of nitrogen as a nutrient for tomato plant growth.

However, unlike previous studies, this study focused on plant height as an indicator of plant growth in the present experiment. Importantly, plant height may not always reflect plant health or fruit yield, so measuring other indicators would have strengthened the study findings.

Another limitation of the study is the plant height measurement technique, as the measuring tape was not suitable for plants with extreme curvature. Future studies may focus on measuring plant height in different ways.

The main strengths of this study were the controls for extraneous variables, such as pH and carbon levels of the soil. All other factors that could affect plant height were tightly controlled to isolate the effects of nitrogen levels, resulting in high internal validity for this study.

Your conclusion should be the final section of your lab report. Here, you’ll summarize the findings of your experiment, with a brief overview of the strengths and limitations, and implications of your study for further research.

Some lab reports may omit a Conclusion section because it overlaps with the Discussion section, but you should check with your instructor before doing so.

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A lab report conveys the aim, methods, results, and conclusions of a scientific experiment . Lab reports are commonly assigned in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

The purpose of a lab report is to demonstrate your understanding of the scientific method with a hands-on lab experiment. Course instructors will often provide you with an experimental design and procedure. Your task is to write up how you actually performed the experiment and evaluate the outcome.

In contrast, a research paper requires you to independently develop an original argument. It involves more in-depth research and interpretation of sources and data.

A lab report is usually shorter than a research paper.

The sections of a lab report can vary between scientific fields and course requirements, but it usually contains the following:

  • Abstract: summarizes your research aims, methods, results, and conclusions
  • References: list of all sources cited using a specific style (e.g. APA)
  • Appendices: contains lengthy materials, procedures, tables or figures

The results chapter or section simply and objectively reports what you found, without speculating on why you found these results. The discussion interprets the meaning of the results, puts them in context, and explains why they matter.

In qualitative research , results and discussion are sometimes combined. But in quantitative research , it’s considered important to separate the objective results from your interpretation of them.

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Bhandari, P. (2023, July 23). How To Write A Lab Report | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from

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Pritha Bhandari

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How to Write a Biology Essay

How to Write a Biology Essay

The basic requirements for any learning institution are to write an essay. These essays vary according to the course or the subject being tacked. For science students, they may be required to write an article describing the scientific process of something. They will be asked how to write essay for biology when they are taking units to that effect. Most importantly, engaging in the process of writing any paper requires a special research skill that students must learn if they want to perfect the art of writing. In addition to good research, the paper should also be well arranged and organized to pass the readability test.

Page Contents

Getting Started

Choosing an appropriate subject for discussing or the best topic can make learning how to write a good essay in biology so interesting and enjoyable to students. From the very beginning, an essay on biology hinges on scientific facts and varies greatly from other forms of writings. There must be a sense of conviction from the writer who must be confident, knowledgeable and well equipped with biological facts. The choice of the topic, therefore, must be based on the student’s interest and liking. If you notice that you don’t like the topic then as a student it is advised that you choose on which you are comfortable with.

There are several areas in biology that can be tacked as topics for the essay. If making a decision on what area to write on proves to be difficult for the student, then they are advised to seek some assistance from their professors. Among the things that shouldn’t escape the writer’s mind is that while he or she is making effort to properly understand how to write a biology essay he or she should consider aspects such as the format, the abstract page and its content in addition to the execution of the ideas in the paper.

To present the paper in an acceptable way especially in the academic quotas, one should remember that institutions have their own academic format that is either of Harvard style, APA, MLA or Chicago. Whichever the style adopted, essays that meet the professional standards ought to be formatted in a way that the font is readable, the spacing is sufficient, and the margins are not clogged with unimportant information. This also requires that the page numbers are given plus citation of the sources used.

How to write essay for biology in APA style will require that:

For APA format, the requirements are such that the biology essay document should have the following:

  • A Title Page with basic information such as the title of the biology topic that is being discussed without forgetting the institution’s name. You should place it at the very top of the title page.
  • The abstract should also be arranged in a way that the opening paragraph should have a strong thesis statement just like it will be fitted at the introductory page of the biology essay. The writer is also required by this style to give explanations on the importance of the article as he lets the readers know the questions that the document is addressing.
  • The second paragraph of the abstract should be structured to accommodate the issue of the main resources used. Not to forget is the limitation of the study and the scope of the study. Basically, abstracts contain very important information that the readers should know and for that reason when writing it, the writer must keep the audiences in his or her mind.
  • How to write an biology essay abstract requires that the last paragraph should contain a summary or a recap of the points captured in other paragraphs for the sake of providing clarity and keeping the reader focused.

• Table of Contents:

  • In this case, the APA style must have a list of all the subheadings and headings that appear in the essay plus the page numbers.
  • Question of the Research and its position on the paper or its page
  • Statement of the Thesis and its page
  • Introduction and its page
  • The Arguments and their arrangements
  • Sub-headings and their page numbers
  • Summation or Conclusion and its page number
  • Appendix or attachment if necessary
  • Works cited (reference list) on the last page
  • The question addressing the biology topic question is answered

• Body with all in text citations

• Conclusion or the summary of the topic

• References listed in an alphabetical order

In essence, this APA style can be used to not only learn how to how to write a biology synoptic essay but also to format your paper well. This is mostly used by students writing well researched essays

APA is critical when creating a great biology essay format. Keeping track of the resources that are applicable in every stage of writing is very vital and this must be remembered at all times.

The act of writing an essay has been in existence for a very long time. Today, a lot of guides and samples have been produced and posted online for the student and those who might love to write to use them. However, a good way to appreciate how to write a good essay in biology is to follow the structure as outlined below. The basic structure has an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Just as earlier mentioned, the last page has a reference page.

How to Write a Biology Essay Introduction

The role of this page or section is to put the readers on the knowledge platform by brining to their attention the points that the writer wants to put across. So, the page should articulate with clarity about the subject. At this point, mistakes shouldn’t be tolerated because the introductory page lives a lasting impression on the minds of the readers about the writer.

How to write a biology essay introduction is a structured system that shouldn’t be ignored. Basically, the introduction must be kept as short as possible so that it doesn’t discuss all that should appear on the body of the essay. A maximum of two pages will sufficiently address the key concepts that are intended to appear on the subsequent sections of the essay, therefore, avoid wasting time on creating so long paragraphs to fill more pages at the introduction level.

Remember that the most critical points are what is supposed to be contained within the introduction. The other important thing to put down at this point is the thesis statement that explains the purpose of the biology essay to the readers in addition to driving the theme. Without a strong claim, the whole article becomes useless given that the readers are not able to understand or even cite your position on the subject as the writer. What is it that you’d like them to know, why is it important to them, and therefore, so what?

In the context of biology essay, the writer should strive to make the readers understand why the findings you have established will be of substance to them and their input to biological science in general. As you establish the best way on how to write a biology extended essay, as a student there is need to understand that the use of other sources and research papers will add a lot of value to the work besides lending credibility to it.

Basically, how to write an introduction for a biology essay becomes easy with consideration of the points discussed above. The key points to remember are:

  • An introduction opens the article to the readers
  • An introduction paints a picture to the destination or where the writer wants to take the audiences in their writing
  • An introduction guides the entire writing by keeping it in focus
  • An introduction discusses the concepts that will be further elucidated in the biology essay

In the field of academia, students are also required to provide corroborating theories that best explain the concepts they have adopted in their biology articles. This essentially implies that the introduction must give the reads an opportunity to understand the basic principles of the theory or what is also known as the theoretical framework. Hypothesize your concepts in the introductory section to make it more interesting and keep the audience busy in trying to figure out why you have taken that particular stand. The essay can be really boring when it does not engage the readers in the argument. They would love to know about their contribution and critique the article. They would love to weigh their understanding vis a vis yours in as far as the topic being discussed is concerned. The introduction should not deny them the opportunity to do so.

How to write a biology essay begins with a great introduction then goes down to a great body. The content of the body just like in the introduction is very important. Having introduced the topic, it is time to discuss everything in details. The body is structured in paragraphs with subheadings. Each paragraph of the main body introduces a concept and is different in terms of the ideas but the same in the sense that they all promote support of the thesis statement. Ideally, the number of paragraphs depends on the amount of information the writer has gathered. The more the points and the wider the topic the more pages the article will have and so will be the number of the paragraphs.

Biology has various topics and elements attached to it that make the whole; what this implies is that how to write a biology essay might require the writer to bring together various sub-topics into the paper.

The sources used in writing this part must be acknowledged through in-text citation. Additionally, it is imperative to note that the body serves the purpose of supporting the writer’s claim and for that reason it must have sufficient evidence and use only credible sources. Among the sources that can be used include academic journals, books, well researched papers that are peer reviewed and credible websites.

It matters not the topic a student has chosen to write about in as far as biology is concerned; however, he or she must have a good grasp of the information required and must bring out the issues very well to the satisfaction of the readers or the audience he or she is addressing. You can pick on plants, animals, or even on human anatomy but the explanations given will really matter. When speaking of human anatomy, the topic must address the various organs that the human being has and how they function in unity to sustain life.

How to Write a Conclusion for a Biology Essay

Having learned how to write a biology essay body and the introduction, it is time to look at the conclusion which is also an integral part of the article. This the part where all the key points and arguments discussed in the body of the essay is summarized in short paragraphs to enable readers to understand what the writer was discussing. More so, this part is important in the sense that it restates the thesis and reminds the readers about the importance of the findings and the essay to them. How to write a conclusion for a biology essay will demand of the student to recap the main issues and to offer a way forward.

The lessons are drawn from this article which teaches students how to write a biology synoptic essay, essentially means that there are several steps before arriving at the final document. Additionally, given that this is an academic task, it is imperative to acknowledge all the sources through in-text citation and provision of the references page. Remember to proofread your work before presenting it to your lecturer or instructor.

Not sure how to conclude a biology essay?

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How not to write your college essay.

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If you are looking for the “secret formula” for writing a “winning” college essay, you have come to the wrong place. The reality is there is no silver bullet or strategy to write your way to an acceptance. There is not one topic or approach that will guarantee a favorable outcome.

At the end of the day, every admission office just wants to know more about you, what you value, and what excites you. They want to hear about your experiences through your own words and in your own voice. As you set out to write your essay, you will no doubt get input (both sought-after and unsolicited) on what to write. But how about what NOT to write? There are avoidable blunders that applicants frequently make in drafting their essays. I asked college admission leaders, who have read thousands of submissions, to share their thoughts.

Don’t Go In There

There is wide consensus on this first one, so before you call on your Jedi mind tricks or predictive analytics, listen to the voices of a diverse range of admission deans. Peter Hagan, executive director of admissions at Syracuse University, sums it up best, saying, “I would recommend that students try not to get inside of our heads. He adds, “Too often the focus is on what they think we want.”

Andy Strickler, dean of admission and financial aid at Connecticut College agrees, warning, “Do NOT get caught in the trap of trying to figure out what is going to impress the admission committee. You have NO idea who is going to read your essay and what is going to connect with them. So, don't try to guess that.” Victoria Romero, vice president for enrollment, at Scripps College adds, “Do not write about something you don’t care about.” She says, “I think students try to figure out what an admission officer wants to read, and the reality is the reader begins every next essay with no expectations about the content THEY want to read.” Chrystal Russell, dean of admission at Hampden-Sydney College, agrees, saying, “If you're not interested in writing it, we will not be interested when reading it.” Jay Jacobs, vice provost for enrollment management at the University of Vermont elaborates, advising. “Don’t try to make yourself sound any different than you are.” He says, “The number one goal for admission officers is to better understand the applicant, what they like to do, what they want to do, where they spend the majority of their time, and what makes them tick. If a student stays genuine to that, it will shine through and make an engaging and successful essay.”

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Don’t Be Artificial

The headlines about college admission are dominated by stories about artificial intelligence and the college essay. Let’s set some ground rules–to allow ChatGPT or some other tool to do your work is not only unethical, it is also unintelligent. The only worse mistake you could make is to let another human write your essay for you. Instead of preoccupying yourself with whether or not colleges are using AI detection software (most are not), spend your time focused on how best to express yourself authentically. Rick Clark is the executive director of strategic student success at Georgia Institute of Technology, one of the first institutions to clearly outline their AI policy for applicants. He says, “Much of a college application is devoted to lines, boxes, and numbers. Essays and supplements are the one place to establish connection, personality, and distinction. AI, in its current state, is terrible at all three.” He adds, “My hope is that students will use ChatGPT or other tools for brainstorming and to get started, but then move quickly into crafting an essay that will provide insight and value.”

Don’t Overdo It

Michael Stefanowicz, vice president for enrollment management at Landmark College says, “You can only cover so much detail about yourself in an admission essay, and a lot of students feel pressure to tell their life story or choose their most defining experience to date as an essay topic. Admission professionals know that you’re sharing just one part of your lived experience in the essay.” He adds, “Some of the favorite essays I’ve read have been episodic, reflecting on the way you’ve found meaning in a seemingly ordinary experience, advice you’ve lived out, a mistake you’ve learned from, or a special tradition in your life.” Gary Ross, vice president for admission and financial aid at Colgate University adds, “More than a few applicants each year craft essays that talk about the frustration and struggles they have experienced in identifying a topic for their college application essay. Presenting your college application essay as a smorgasbord of topics that ultimately landed on the cutting room floor does not give us much insight into an applicant.”

Don’t Believe In Magic

Jason Nevinger, senior director of admission at the University of Rochester warns, “Be skeptical of anyone or any company telling you, ‘This is the essay that got me into _____.’ There is no magic topic, approach, sentence structure, or prose that got any student into any institution ever.” Social media is littered with advertisements promising strategic essay help. Don’t waste your time, energy, or money trying to emulate a certain style, topic, or tone. Liz Cheron is chief executive officer for the Coalition for College and former assistant vice president of enrollment & dean of admissions at Northeastern University. She agrees with Nevinger, saying “Don't put pressure on yourself to find the perfect, slam dunk topic. The vast majority of college essays do exactly what they're supposed to do–they are well-written and tell the admission officer more about the student in that student's voice–and that can take many different forms.”

Don’t Over Recycle

Beatrice Atkinson-Myers, associate director of global recruitment at the University of California at Santa Cruz tells students, “Do not use the same response for each university; research and craft your essay to match the program at the university you are interested in studying. Don't waste time telling me things I can read elsewhere in your application. Use your essay to give the admissions officer insights into your motivations, interests, and thinking. Don't make your essay the kitchen sink, focus on one or two examples which demonstrate your depth and creativity.” Her UC colleague, Jim Rawlins, associate vice chancellor of enrollment management at the University of California at San Diego agrees, saying “Answer the question. Not doing so is the surest way we can tell you are simply giving us a snippet of something you actually wrote for a different purpose.”

Don’t Overedit

Emily Roper-Doten, vice president for undergraduate admissions and financial assistance at Clark University warns against “Too many editors!” She says, “Pick a couple of trusted folks to be your sounding board when considering topics and as readers once you have drafts. You don’t want too many voices in your essay to drown you out!” Scripps’ Romero agrees, suggesting, “Ask a good friend, someone you trust and knows you well, to read your essays.” She adds, “The goal is for the admission committee to get to know a little about you and who better to help you create that framework, than a good friend. This may not work for all students because of content but helps them understand it’s important to be themselves.” Whitney Soule, vice provost and dean of admissions at The University of Pennsylvania adds, “Avoid well-meaning editorial interference that might seem to polish your writing but actually takes your own personal ‘shine’ right out of the message.” She says, “As readers, we connect to applicants through their genuine tone and style. Considering editorial advice for flow and message is OK but hold on to the 'you' for what you want to say and how you want to say it.”

Don’t Get Showy

Palmer Muntz, senior regional admissions counselor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks cautions applicants, “Don’t be fancier than you are. You don’t need to put on airs.” He adds, “Yes, proofread your work for grammar and spelling, but be natural. Craft something you’d want to read yourself, which probably means keeping your paragraphs short, using familiar words, and writing in an active voice.” Connecticut College’s Strickler agrees, warning, “Don't try to be someone you are not. If you are not funny, don't try to write a funny essay. If you are not an intellectual, trying to write an intellectual essay is a bad idea.”

Anthony Jones, the vice president of enrollment management at Loyola University New Orleans offers a unique metaphor for thinking about the essay. He says, “In the new world of the hyper-fast college admission process, it's become easy to overlook the essential meaning of the college application. It's meant to reveal Y...O...U, the real you, not some phony digital avatar. Think of the essay as the essence of that voice but in analog. Like the completeness and authenticity captured in a vinyl record, the few lines you're given to explain your view should be a slow walk through unrestrained expression chock full of unapologetic nuances, crevices of emotion, and exactness about how you feel in the moment. Then, and only then, can you give the admissions officer an experience that makes them want to tune in and listen for more.”

Don’t Be A Downer

James Nondorf, vice president and dean of admissions and financial aid at The University of Chicago says, “Don’t be negative about other people, be appreciative of those who have supported you, and be excited about who you are and what you will bring to our campus!” He adds, “While admissions offices want smart students for our classrooms, we also want kind-hearted, caring, and joyous students who will add to our campus communities too.”

Don’t Pattern Match

Alan Ramirez is the dean of admission and financial aid at Sewanee, The University of the South. He explains, “A big concern I have is when students find themselves comparing their writing to other students or past applicants and transform their writing to be more like those individuals as a way to better their chances of offering a more-compelling essay.” He emphasizes that the result is that the “essay is no longer authentic nor the best representation of themselves and the whole point of the essay is lost. Their distinctive voice and viewpoint contribute to the range of voices in the incoming class, enhancing the diversity of perspectives we aim to achieve.” Ramirez simple tells students, “Be yourself, that’s what we want to see, plus there's no one else who can do it better than you!”

Don’t Feel Tied To A Topic

Jessica Ricker is the vice president for enrollment and dean of admissions and financial aid at Skidmore College. She says, “Sometimes students feel they must tell a story of grief or hardship, and then end up reliving that during the essay-writing process in ways that are emotionally detrimental. I encourage students to choose a topic they can reflect upon positively but recommend that if they choose a more challenging experience to write about, they avoid belaboring the details and instead focus on the outcome of that journey.” She adds, "They simply need to name it, frame its impact, and then help us as the reader understand how it has shaped their lens on life and their approach moving forward.”

Landmark College’s Stefanowicz adds, “A lot of students worry about how personal to get in sharing a part of their identity like your race or heritage (recalling last year’s Supreme Court case about race-conscious admissions), a learning difference or other disability, your religious values, LGBTQ identity…the list goes on.” He emphasizes, “This is always your choice, and your essay doesn’t have to be about a defining identity. But I encourage you to be fully yourself as you present yourself to colleges—because the college admission process is about finding a school where your whole self is welcome and you find a setting to flourish!”

Don’t Be Redundant

Hillen Grason Jr., dean of admission at Franklin & Marshall College, advises, “Don't repeat academic or co-curricular information that is easily identifiable within other parts of your application unless the topic is a core tenant of you as an individual.” He adds, “Use your essay, and other parts of your application, wisely. Your essay is the best way to convey who your authentic self is to the schools you apply. If you navigated a situation that led to a dip in your grades or co-curricular involvement, leverage the ‘additional information’ section of the application.

Thomas Marr is a regional manager of admissions for the Americas at The University of St Andrews in Scotland and points out that “Not all international schools use the main college essay as part of their assessment when reviewing student applications.” He says, “At the University of St Andrews, we focus on the supplemental essay and students should avoid the mistake of making the supplemental a repeat of their other essay. The supplemental (called the Personal Statement if using the UCAS application process) is to show the extent of their passion and enthusiasm for the subject/s to which they are applying and we expect about 75% of the content to cover this. They can use the remaining space to mention their interests outside of the classroom. Some students confuse passion for the school with passion for their subject; do not fall into that trap.”

A Few Final Don’ts

Don’t delay. Every college applicant I have ever worked with has wished they had started earlier. You can best avoid the pitfalls above if you give yourself the time and space to write a thoughtful essay and welcome feedback openly but cautiously. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect . Do your best, share your voice, and stay true to who you are.

Brennan Barnard

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Hillary Clinton to release essay collection about personal and public life

Hillel Italie

Associated Press

Hillary Clinton’s next book is a collection of essays, touching upon everything from marriage to politics to faith, that her publisher is calling her most personal yet.

Simon and Schuster announced Tuesday that Clinton’s “Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love and Liberty” will be released Sept. 17.

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Among the topics she will cover: Her marriage to former President Bill Clinton, her Methodist faith, adjusting to private life after her failed presidential runs, her friendships with other first ladies and her takes on climate change, democracy and Vladimir Putin.

“The book reads like you’re sitting down with your smartest, funniest, most passionate friend over a long meal,” Clinton’s editor, Priscilla Painton, said in a statement.

“This is the Hillary Americans have come to know and love: candid, engaged, humorous, self-deprecating — and always learning.”

Clinton, the former first lady, U.S. senator and secretary and presidential candidate, will promote her book with a cross country tour. “Something Lost, Something Gained” comes out two months before Bill Clinton’s memoir about post-presidential life, “Citizen.”

Financial terms were not disclosed. Clinton was represented by Washington attorney Robert Barnett, whose other clients have included former President George W. Bush and former President Barack Obama.

Clinton’s previous books include such bestsellers as “It Takes a Village,” “Living History” and “What Happened.”

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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Narrative essays are a powerful way to share personal experiences and insights through storytelling. Understanding how to write a narrative essay effectively can transform your anecdotes into compelling narratives that captivate your readers. In this guide, we'll explore what a narrative essay is, how to start a narrative essay, and how to structure it for maximum impact. Additionally, we will provide a narrative essay story example to illustrate these concepts in practice.

What is a Narrative Essay?

A narrative essay is a type of essay that tells a story from the author's perspective. It is characterised by a clear narrative arc, detailed descriptions, and personal reflections. Unlike other academic essays, a narrative essay allows for a more personal and creative approach, making it a favourite for writers who enjoy storytelling.

Structuring Your Narrative Essay

A well-structured narrative essay flows smoothly from one part to the next, keeping the reader engaged throughout. Here is a basic structure to follow, simply adjust it based on your essay prompt:


  • Hook : Capture the reader's interest right away.
  • Background Information : Briefly set the stage for your story.
  • Thesis Statement : Although narrative essays are more personal and less formal, having a thesis or main point is still essential. It provides focus and direction.

Body Paragraphs

  • First Paragraph : Introduce the main characters and setting. Establish the initial situation before the conflict arises.
  • Second Paragraph : Develop the plot. Describe the events that lead up to the main conflict or climax.
  • Third Paragraph : Present the climax. This is the turning point of your story, where the main conflict reaches its peak.
  • Fourth Paragraph : Begin to resolve the conflict. Show the aftermath and the consequences of the climax.
  • Resolution : Explain how the conflict was resolved. Tie up any loose ends.
  • Reflection : Offer insights or reflections on the story’s impact or its broader implications. What did you learn from the experience? How did it change you?

How to Start a Narrative Essay

The beginning of your narrative essay is crucial as it sets the tone and grabs the reader's attention. A strong start can captivate your audience and compel them to keep reading. Here are some detailed tips on how to start a narrative essay effectively:

Hook Your Reader

The opening line of your narrative essay should act as a hook that grabs the reader’s attention right away . This can be done through:

An Intriguing Statement : Make a bold or surprising statement that sparks curiosity. For example: “It was the summer of 1999, and the heat was relentless – but it was also the summer that changed everything.”

A Provocative Question : Pose a question that prompts the reader to think and want to find out more. For example: “Have you ever had a single moment define your entire life?”

A Vivid Anecdote : Start with a short, engaging story or an event that sets the stage for your narrative. For example: “As the old clock struck midnight, I found myself standing at the crossroads of destiny, my heart pounding with both fear and excitement.”

Set the Scene

Once you’ve hooked your reader, it’s important to provide some context to help them visualise the setting and understand the background of your story. This involves:

Describing the Time and Place : Give details about when and where the story takes place. This helps to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind. For example: “The small town of Greenville, nestled in the heart of the countryside, was the backdrop for my most unforgettable summer. The year was 1999, and the streets were quiet under the oppressive summer heat.”

Introducing the Main Characters : Briefly introduce the main characters involved in your story. Describe their appearances, personalities, and roles to make them relatable. For example: “At the centre of my story is Mrs. Thompson, a kind-hearted elderly lady with a penchant for telling captivating tales of her past.”

Introduce the Conflict

Every good story has a central conflict or problem that drives the narrative forward. Introducing this conflict early on gives your narrative direction and keeps the reader engaged. Consider the following:

Presenting the Problem : Clearly state the conflict or challenge that will be central to your story. This sets up the stakes and piques the reader’s interest in how it will be resolved. For example: “Despite the town's peaceful appearance, a deep-seated tension lurked beneath the surface, threatening to disrupt the summer's tranquillity.”

Hinting at the Climax : Foreshadow the turning point or climax of your story without giving too much away. This creates anticipation and encourages the reader to continue. For example: “Little did I know, my simple offer to help Mrs. Thompson with her groceries would lead me into a whirlwind of unexpected adventures and life-altering lessons.”

By following these tips, you can start your narrative essay in a way that captures the reader’s attention, provides necessary context, and introduces the central conflict, setting the stage for a compelling and engaging story.

Narrative Essay Story Example

To illustrate these points, here’s a brief narrative essay story example:

It was the summer of 1999, and the heat was relentless – but it was also the summer that changed everything. I had just turned fifteen, and my parents decided it was time for me to learn the value of hard work by getting a summer job.

The first few weeks at the local grocery store were uneventful. I stocked shelves, bagged groceries, and occasionally helped customers find items. Then, one sweltering afternoon, Mrs. Thompson walked in. She was a regular – a kind, elderly lady who always had a smile and a story. One day, she confided in me that she was having trouble getting to the store due to her arthritis. On a whim, I offered to help by delivering her groceries to her home. This small act of kindness set off a chain of events that I could never have anticipated. As I got to know Mrs. Thompson better, she shared stories of her life, her late husband, and her adventures during World War II. Her stories were captivating and taught me more about resilience and courage than I had ever learned from history books.

By the end of the summer, Mrs. Thompson had become more than just a customer – she was a friend and a mentor. The experience taught me the importance of compassion and community. It wasn’t just a summer job; it was a lesson in humanity that I carry with me to this day.

Writing a narrative essay involves more than just recounting an event; it's about crafting a story that engages and resonates with your readers. By understanding how to write a narrative essay and how to structure it effectively, you can turn your personal experiences into compelling narratives. Remember to start with a strong hook, develop your story with a clear structure, and conclude with meaningful reflections.

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British Academics Despair as ChatGPT-Written Essays Swamp Grading Season

‘It’s not a machine for cheating; it’s a machine for producing crap,’ says one professor infuriated by the rise of bland essays.

By  Jack Grove for Times Higher Education

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The increased prevalence of students using ChatGPT to write essays should prompt a rethink about whether current policies encouraging “ethical” use of artificial intelligence (AI) are working, scholars have argued.

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With marking season in full flow, lecturers have taken to social media in large numbers to complain about AI-generated content found in submitted work.

Telltale signs of ChatGPT use, according to academics, include little-used words such as “delve” and “multifaceted,” summarizing key themes using bullet points and a jarring conversational style using terms such as, “Let’s explore this theme.”

In a more obvious giveaway, one professor said an advertisement for an AI essay company was  buried in a paper’s introduction ; another academic noted how a student had  forgotten to remove a chatbot statement  that the content was AI-generated.

“I had no idea how many would resort to it,” admitted  one U.K. law professor .

Des Fitzgerald, professor of medical humanities and social sciences at  University College Cork , told  Times Higher Education  that student use of AI had “gone totally mainstream” this year.

“Across a batch of essays, you do start to notice the tics of ChatGPT essays, which is partly about repetition of certain words or phrases, but is also just a kind of aura of machinic blandness that’s hard to describe to someone who hasn’t encountered it—an essay with no edges, that does nothing technically wrong or bad, but not much right or good, either,” said Professor Fitzgerald.

Since  ChatGPT’s emergence in late 2022 , some universities have adopted policies to allow the use of AI as long as it is acknowledged, while others have begun using AI content detectors, although  opinion is divided on their effectiveness .

According to the  latest Student Academic Experience Survey , for which Advance HE and the Higher Education Policy Institute polled around 10,000 U.K. undergraduates, 61 percent use AI at least a little each month, “in a way allowed by their institution,” while 31 percent do so every week.

Professor Fitzgerald said that although some colleagues “think we just need to live with this, even that we have a duty to teach students to use it well,” he was “totally against” the use of AI tools for essays.

“ChatGPT is completely antithetical to everything I think I’m doing as a teacher—working with students to engage with texts, thinking through ideas, learning to clarify and express complex thoughts, taking some risks with those thoughts, locating some kind of distinctive inner voice. ChatGPT is total poison for all of this, and we need to simply ban it,” he said.

Steve Fuller, professor of sociology at the  University of Warwick , agreed that AI use had “become more noticeable” this year despite his students signing contracts saying they would not use it to write essays.

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He said he was not opposed to students using it “as long as what they produce sounds smart and on point, and the marker can’t recognize it as simply having been lifted from another source wholesale.”

Those who leaned heavily on the technology should expect a relatively low mark, even though they might pass, said Professor Fuller.

“Students routinely commit errors of fact, reasoning and grammar [without ChatGPT], yet if their text touches enough bases with the assignment, they’re likely to get somewhere in the low- to mid-60s. ChatGPT does a credible job at simulating such mediocrity, and that’s good enough for many of its student users,” he said.

Having to mark such mediocre essays partly generated by AI is, however, a growing complaint among academics. Posting on X,  Lancaster University  economist  Renaud Foucart  said marking AI-generated essays “takes much more time to assess [because] I need to concentrate much more to cut through the amount of seemingly logical statements that are actually full of emptiness.”

“My biggest issue [with AI] is less the moral issue about cheating but more what ChatGPT offers students,” Professor Fitzgerald added. “All it is capable of is [writing] bad essays made up of non-ideas and empty sentences. It’s not a machine for cheating; it’s a machine for producing crap.”

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UPSC Essays Simplified: Structure and Flow of a good essay– the third step

How to build a 'structure and flow' in a good essay our expert takes you through the third stage of writing an essay in upsc essentials' new series. don't miss the essay exercise towards the end of the article..

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How to write essays for UPSC Civil Services Exams?   This is one of the most popular questions among aspirants. In UPSC Essentials’ special series  UPSC Essays Simplified , we take you through various steps of writing a good essay. While there is no set formula or fixed criteria prescribed,  Manas Srivastava  talks to  Ravi Kapoor , our expert, in this new series who guides the aspirants with a simplified framework on how to write a good essay. Don’t miss  ‘The Essay Exercise’  towards the end of the article.

Ravi Kapoor focuses on the following steps of pre-writing and writing stages which will help aspirants to write a ‘good essay’.

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Today, we will focus on Step 3. 

About our Expert:   Ravi Kapoor IRS (R) , has now ditched his coveted rank of deputy commissioner and has offered free quality mentorship to UPSC aspirants, drawing upon his ten years of experience to create customised and productive curriculum. Through a free mentorship programme, he integrates tailored educational materials, psychological principles, visual learning techniques, and a strong emphasis on mental well-being into his teaching skills granting aspirants a chance to learn from his expertise.

How to have a ‘Structure and Flow’ in a good essay?

Everyone knows that an essay should be broken down into an introduction, body and conclusion. But what is written inside these 3 components and HOW it is written makes the difference between an essay fetching average or excellent scores.

Structuring and flow refer to the organisation of the essay and your ideas therein.

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A good structure is a way of organising information that fits well with the essay topic and the ideas you wish to present in your arguments such that the reader can make sense of the entire write-up without much effort.

Good flow refers to how your arguments and counterarguments connect from one to another such that the reader finds it logically connected and easy to comprehend.

An essay without these elements will appear to be disorganized, jargoned, hard to comprehend and overall, complicated.

Contrary to popular belief, flow and structure are not subjective writing skills that are inborn in good writers but can be learned and improved upon. What follows is a series of structuring techniques that will help you choose the best one for any essay topic you may encounter.

What are different types of structures? 

1. 2 side face-off:.

This is the oldest trick in the book. While writing the body of the essay, you divide it into arguments and counterarguments. In other words, you compare one side of the debate with the other.

For example:

“Thinking is like a game; it does not begin unless there is an opposite team”

The body of the essay can be divided into 2 parts- one agreeing with the statement and one disagreeing with it as follows:

Thinking is reciprocal as thought builds on other thoughts. The Socratic method, championed by Socrates, is a testament to this idea. Socrates would go around Athens spreading knowledge by asking questions and inciting dialogue which would lead the conversationist to the point of realization about something new and profound.

Similarly, when Einstein said he was standing on the shoulders of giants, he meant that his theory of relativity was built using many ideas developed by mathematicians and physicists who came before him.

The reciprocal nature of thought helps to improve it by allowing dissent and counterarguments much like a game of chess. An example is the Case study pioneered by Harvard Business School wherein one case is debated upon in detail considering various strategies before arriving at the optimal one.

While dissent and opposition can lead to many a good idea, there are more ways for thought to develop into ideas within human consciousness. Human cognition is too complex to be restricted to one mode of thinking. A Case in point is intuitive or creative thinking that can arise spontaneously without the interlocking of two human intelligences.

For instance, creative geniuses often hit upon their best ideas out of the blue in ‘Eureka’ moments that seem to arise from within the subconscious mind without the presence of an opponent.

Another example is ‘thought-experiments’ used by philosophers that are designed to be introspective exercises that one engages with, with oneself. Thought experiments are indispensable tools for philosophers and physicists to offer insight into a profound problem of logic and metaphysics.

2.Dimensional analysis:

It has become fashionable to break the essay topic into various dimensions such as Social, Cultural, Historical, Economic etc. But this is not a one-size-fits-all method and may or may not work with every essay topic.

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in the school…”

While this topic can be written about based on various dimensions such as economic, historical, social etc, it is not necessarily the best structure for it.

Instead, a better way to present the information in this essay topic would have a mix of chronology and analysis in the following way-

We are blank slates when we are born onto which society and culture leave their imprint. Through childhood and adolescence, the education system seeks to put us through a treadmill of learning, hoping for a fully functional human to emerge at the end. Sadly, the world that awaits a young adult after school is often very different from what the education system has imparted.

Memorization, exams, grades and NCERT books amount to nothing in a world driven by start-ups, ChatGPT and Social Media influencers…. Please note that the dimensions such as social, cultural and historical factors can also be mentioned in the body of the essay as supporting content ideas.

In most essay topics, these dimensions are best used to describe the reasons and impact of an issue or debate instead of as just a structure.

3. Timeline and Chronology

Some essay topics are uniquely suited for a chronological structure wherein you take the reader through a historical journey or evolution such as :

“History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man”

This topic is about the ancient debate between rationality and idealism. To write well about it, you would have to trace the through major historical intellectual movements such as the Scientific Revolution, the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, etc. While doing so, you could mention how each stage was relevant for rational thinking versus idealism with relevant examples.

While you do so chronologically, remember to also present a balanced approach in your arguments- On every stage, you can mention how rational thinking and idealism have been in a tight relationship, but both have been an integral part of human consciousness representing creativity and logic. You may also mention how this to and fro has enriched human civilisation and led to the development of science and art.

4. Anecdotes and stories

Many students like to start their essays with an anecdote- a personal story or an imaginary one about characters highlighting the debate presented in the essay topic. While this is not a bad strategy, it requires a fair amount of creative writing ability to pull off properly. It is also important to mention that anecdotes are not the most suitable vehicle to comprehensively deal with the essay topic as not all arguments can easily fit into a personal story.

An example of a good use of anecdotal structure is:

“Not all who wander are lost”

About 2000 years ago, a wandering prince changed the world by questioning the most profound and radical assumptions about human existence. Prince Siddhartha was bathed in luxury and wanted for nothing. But when we saw the naked reality of the world and all its suffering, he could not silence his mind to the questions that we take for granted- why is there suffering and death? If suffering is inevitable then what is the point of life? Is there peace to be found or are we doomed to suffer in this life?

He wandered for years in search of answers, as lost as a soul can be. But in the end, it was his wandering that changed the world forever. When he became the Buddha, he not only found himself but saved millions of others from being lost themselves….

Anecdotes can make for good hooks or introductions to an essay but may not serve well to cover the entire body of the essay.

The Essay Exercise



1.  Use Anecdotes or historical examples in intro

2.  2 side face-offs in body of the essay

3. Balanced conclusion

Start with comparing USSR and USA in the cold war. Preparation for nuclear war and hint at how being pre-emptive is strategic but not always a good thing.


Conclude by saying that we must strike a balance between preparedness and being spontaneous:

Important points to note: 

  • You can choose which type of structure to use- there is no single best choice.
  • You may use more than 1 type of structure.
  • You may use structures for introduction, body and conclusion.

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Manas Srivastava is currently working as deputy copy editor at The Indian Express and writes for UPSC and other competitive exams related projects.

Manas Srivastava is currently working as Deputy Copy Editor with The Indian Express (digital) and majorly writes for UPSC-related projects leading a unique initiative known as UPSC Essentials. In the past, Manas has represented India at the G-20 Youth Summit in Mexico. He is a former member of the Youth Council, GOI. A two-time topper/gold medallist in History (both in graduation and post-graduation) from Delhi University, he has mentored and taught UPSC aspirants for more than four years. His diverse role in The Indian Express consists of writing, editing, anchoring/ hosting, interviewing experts, and curating and simplifying news for the benefit of students. He hosts the YouTube talk show called ‘Art and Culture with Devdutt Pattanaik’ and a LIVE series on Instagram and YouTube called ‘You Ask We Answer’.His talks on ‘How to read a newspaper’ focus on newspaper reading as an essential habit for students. His articles and videos aim at finding solutions to the general queries of students and hence he believes in being students' editor, preparing them not just for any exam but helping them to become informed citizens. This is where he makes his teaching profession meet journalism. He is also currently working on a monthly magazine for UPSC Aspirants. He is a recipient of the Dip Chand Memorial Award, the Lala Ram Mohan Prize and Prof. Papiya Ghosh Memorial Prize for academic excellence. He was also awarded the University’s Post-Graduate Scholarship for pursuing M.A. in History where he chose to specialise in Ancient India due to his keen interest in Archaeology. He has also successfully completed a Certificate course on Women’s Studies by the Women’s Studies Development Centre, DU. As a part of N.S.S in the past, Manas has worked with national and international organisations and has shown keen interest and active participation in Social Service. He has led and been a part of projects involving areas such as gender sensitisation, persons with disability, helping slum dwellers, environment, adopting our heritage programme. He has also presented a case study on ‘Psychological stress among students’ at ICSQCC- Sri Lanka. As a compere for seminars and other events he likes to keep his orating hobby alive. His interests also lie in International Relations, Governance, Social issues, Essays and poetry. ... Read More

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  2. How to Write a Biology Essay: Simple Guide

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  6. PDF Essay Writing Guidelines for the School of Biological Sciences

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  14. How To Write A Biology Essay + Topics List

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  22. Full Guide on How to Write a Biology Essay

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  23. Not sure how to conclude a biology essay?

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