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Home » Article » Presentation Design Basics: A Guide for Salesforce Administrators

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  • Presentation Design Basics: A Guide for Salesforce Administrators

Here’s a situation we can all recall: You have to give a presentation, and it’s time to start creating the slide deck. You begin by opening PowerPoint, making a title slide, putting some bullet points on the intro slide, and inserting a cute picture — and then you hit a wall. You give yourself kudos for getting this far and go get some coffee. You may think to yourself, “I’m not the best at using PowerPoint — there’s got to be a better way!”

It’s not about how pretty your slides are (well, it is, but that comes later). The basis of designing and delivering an awesome presentation is to craft a story and use visuals to support and strengthen that story.

This is especially key for the data-heavy presentations you create. Salesforce Admins and power users are in a unique position to help leadership understand business success metrics from reports and dashboards. But if you show slide after slides of charts and numbers, your audience won’t hear the story you’re telling.

In this post, you’ll learn how three Salesforce experts craft effective, impactful, and beautiful presentations. Sara Cattanach crafts messaging and content for the keynote presentations at Salesforce World Tour experiences, and coaches speakers to deliver great presentations. Aaron Rabideau and Gabrielle Tabios are the masterminds behind the presentation visuals at Salesforce’s largest events, including the Dreamforce keynote . Over and over again, they make it clear that slide design exists to support the presentation narrative.

Start with the narrative

Some of the best presentations have little or no visual elements. A slide deck is there to back you up, not to be the central focus. You want your audience members to leave saying, “What a great presentation!” not “What a great deck.” Your spoken delivery of the presentation is what will convince, inspire, or educate your audience.

Secret #1: Get the narrative, and titles, down completely before you start on the visuals. Otherwise, you’ll be rearranging slides and editing content when you change your story — you’ll end up doing twice the work on the presentation design elements.

When Sara is at square one starting a new presentation, she begins in a spreadsheet by writing out the narrative, with each slide title in its own row. When she has the story down, she goes to the speaker for the first round of feedback — before making a single slide.

Secret #2: Write the story of your presentation the way you write an essay. There should be a beginning, middle, and end. Different industries will have different ways of crafting stories, and knowing your audience is essential. Here are a few common structures:

  • Thesis, supporting points, conclusion
  • Summary, question posed, hypothesis, exploration, conclusion
  • Problem, solution (it’s your company), how your offerings work, call to action (for example: “Learn more here,” or “Go deeper with small-group event sessions”)
  • For a key or novel idea: what exists now, compare and contrast feature by feature

Every presentation should be tailored to your audience with a clear goal in mind. Is the point to convince investors to back your product? That’s a very different presentation than the first call deck your sales team will use about that same product. A presentation to your peers about research findings may rely much more on text and supporting stats than the same content delivered to an audience that is not as immersed in the field. Below are a few great examples of clear titles and narratives:

Slide image presenting how our world has changed now that we can work from anywhere.

Why visuals matter

Aaron breaks down slide design into three basic tenets:

1. Hierarchy: Is it clear what the primary and secondary messages are? Are messages on the slide competing? Is the title actively working to reinforce your visuals?

2. Balance: Are you using the entire workspace? Is one thing too big compared to another?

3. Alignment: Do titles shift or fonts change size from slide to slide? Do you have clear margins across the entire deck?

The first step he takes when sitting down with a speaker is to say, “Tell me what it is you want me to know.” Aaron’s tips center around two basic goals for visuals: Have each slide reinforce (not distract from) the points in the narrative, and have the visuals be so organized that the audience experience is seamless. In short, you want the presenter to look good.

People are inherent problem solvers. If they see something wrong on a slide, they may not have the design eye to pick out exactly what’s wrong, but their attention will be taken away from what you are saying as they subconsciously work to figure out what’s off.

For example, putting up an even slightly blurry image will divert from what’s being said. Visuals are there to support the speaker and should never detract from the spoken presentation (read: no slides full of long bullet points or low-quality Google-sourced images!).

Taking the extra time upfront to clean up your slides reinforces that you take your presentation, audience, and message seriously. It’s why companies will spend big money on creative agencies that obsess over the details of an ad — if something is sloppy, it reflects poorly on the company. Set yourself up for success by creating consistency and a high standard for quality across your entire deck.

The basics of presentation design

By now, you should be convinced that PowerPoint is not your starting point. After you’ve nailed down your story, and the titles of each of your slides, you can finally get to what you came to this article for: creating impactful slides. The minute details and wizardry of slide creation are best left to training courses, but there are some important points to take home.

1. Each slide should convey one idea. If there are two ideas, break it into two slides. Gabrielle lays out a basic slide breakdown: The top-level thing is what you want the audience to grab right away (a callout, a key visual, or the title). The secondary element supports that first thing, and smaller elements can also be inserted if they don’t overwhelm the slide.

2. Consistency is key. Slide elements should be aligned: Things sit in the same place, are the same color, are the same size, and have the same amount of space between them. Use bold text minimally and a maximum of one highlight color.

3. Text should be minimized. The details of a slide — a picture, callout stat, quote, or subtitle — can support what you’re saying, but the slide shouldn’t speak for you. Newer speakers may need longer titles to help them remember the narrative while presenting. The better you get at storytelling, the less you will need those cues, and the more you can pare down the text on your slides to put your audience’s focus on your words.

4. Recurring images help enhance the narrative. Put a lot of thought into how your images support a slide’s key idea, make sure you use high-quality images, and consider using recurring images. Salesforce uses customer heroes that are tailored to our audience — customers who champion a specific product or are from the segment or industry that best matches who’s in the room. We often introduce this hero at the beginning with a theme — like “customer success” — and then bring them back in at later points to remind the audience of that theme. Even if they don’t consciously pick up on the reminder, using a recurring high-impact image will help shape your story arc and give consistency to your message.

A slide titled "Trailblazers Together" that does an excellent job of drawing the eye to the main idea: the callout box.

This slide draws the eye to the three main ideas and has supporting design elements containing characters to add in the fun and unify the theme.

Aaron gave one final piece of advice for designing slides, a pithy manifesto: “ If you can’t afford to be minimalist, be clear. ”

Learn more with these Trailhead modules:

  • Storytelling and Communication
  • Create Rad Content
  • Use Storytelling in Presentations
  • Virtual Presentations

Alice Avery

Alice Avery is a Product Marketing Director for the Customer Success team at Salesforce. As an advocate for the company's industry leadership in helping customers reach their digital transformation goals, she champions more than 20 years of best practices and expertise through content, research, and events.

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All About Salesforce Lightning

Feb 08, 2018

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Salesforce Lightning has a component-based architecture where marks-up helps to load records into lightning components and it can be modified or deleted quickly based on the requirements. <br>

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Presentation Transcript

All About Salesforce LightningThe next-generation user interface within Salesforce www.janbask.com

Salesforce Lightning Architecture Salesforce Lightning has a component-based architecture where marks-up helps to load records into lightning components and it can be modified or deleted quickly based on the requirements. This is clear from the diagram that LDS has a built-in recorded cache to read queries and optimizes database interactions more efficiently. The frequently used components are stored in the cache so that they can be loaded quickly by Lightning developers as per the requirements. www.janbask.com

Salesforce Lightning Introduction Salesforce Lightning is the next generation platform to boost the overall productivity of businesses and aimed at enhanced user-experiences. Initially, the Lightning platform was introduced to lay down the framework for Salesforce1 mobile apps. Soon, the capabilities of the platform were brought to the desktop and it results in interactive User interfaces today across all the devices. The out-of-the-box Lighting development undertaken by the Salesforce has given a new set of opportunities to the CRM users. Some of the highlights of the Lightning platform includes – more satisfied customers, modern user-experiences, and also bridging the gap between customers and organizations. www.janbask.com

How user-experiences are improved with Salesforce Lightning Today, we live in a customer dominated economy where CRM systems play an important in maintaining the growth of a business. This is a challenge to deliver interactive user-experiences that bridge gaps the between potential customers and businesses and help to achieve required customer excellence. Here, the role of Salesforce Lightning platform comes into play that helps to retain existing customers and generates fresh leads too. It helps enterprises to market product much faster and provides users a smarter customer experience as expected by the leading businesses. Salesforce Lightning framework helps to launch new apps quickly to cater wide customer demands. Salesforce framework makes sure that Lightning stays updated as per current industry standards by delivering quick enhancements and extensions. The success of any framework depends on its accommodating capabilities of rapid changes and evolving market trends. Salesforce Lightning framework works in the same direction and it is considered as future of CRM industry for lightning component management. www.janbask.com

A Deep Dive into Lightning Platform Capabilities • Lightning is the future of Salesforce that represents entirely new abilities to build user-friendly apps for different platforms, devices, or contexts. • To realize the actual benefits of the Lightning technology, you need to understand each piece of the platform deeply. • The deep understanding of the platform will help you to design your path to excellence with Salesforce Lightning Data Services. www.janbask.com

Continued… www.janbask.com

Continued…. www.janbask.com

How Lightning Platform improves upon Visualforce? www.janbask.com

Best Practices for implementing Salesforce Lightning www.janbask.com

Continued.. www.janbask.com

Continued .. www.janbask.com

JanBask & Salesforce - A Winning Team www.janbask.com

JanBask & Salesforce Lightning JanBask and the Salesforce is a winning team to take your business forward by delivering cloud solutions across countries for all the industries to achieve the customer excellence. • Rise up with a winning team and revive your business operations with an expert Lightning strategy. • Effective industry skills and a team of cloud experts to drive the largest Salesforce transformation that can maximize the size of almost any industry worldwide. • Recognized leader by the industry experts to elevate your business with a Salesforce Partner to take you ahead. www.janbask.com

Here is the right way toGo Forward & Go BeyondwithJanBask & Salesforce Lightning www.janbask.com

JanBask – Simplifying TechnologyWebsite – http://www.janbask.com/ www.janbask.com

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Introduction to Field Service Lightning (FSL)

Amit Chaudhary

  • Dec 26, 2023

Salesforce CRM automating the sales process had an extreme kick start when businesses started to invest in the framework. Organisations even saw an exponential progress in their lead conversion, customer satisfaction, and return on investment. However, the progress was made for digital businesses and field services were merely a concept. Soon, Salesforce urged the need to reach field services. That’s where the world was introduced to Salesforce Field Service (FSL).

what is Salesforce Field Service (FSL)?

Salesforce Field Service Lightning ( FSL ) enables businesses to unite customers, connected devices, agents, dispatchers, and employees in the service field with one powerful service platform that delivers a seamless customer experience with field service. Features Of Salesforce Field Service Lightning So, the features of FSL in Salesforce are as follows:

  • The Service Team will receive the accurate time schedule as per the availability of the customer. That helps to manage the travel time and work schedule accordingly.
  • The software recognizes the ability of an individual technician and assigns the task appropriately. This helps in Customer satisfaction .
  • The electronic signature facility is provided by FSL while accepting the work request as well as acknowledging the service.
  • Supervisors can effortlessly manage the service provided by the technicians through a map view or Gantt graph.
  • Administrators can configure and manage the work structure, service guidelines, and basic requirements through the software. These are some features that are mentioned, let’s take a deep dive into FSL and understand its data model and how it works.

Salesforce Field Service (FSL) Video

YouTube video

Learn all about Salesforce Field Service Lightning and check our FREE Salesforce Field Service (FSL) Training .

Amit Chaudhary

Amit Chaudhary

Amit Chaudhary is Salesforce Application & System Architect and working on Salesforce Platform since 2010. He is Salesforce MVP since 2017 and have 17 Salesforce Certificates.

He is a active blogger and founder of Apex Hours.

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One comment.

Thanks Khyati for the introduction which has all the basic terminologies are well briefed. It would be helpful during the Application walkthrough in upcoming sessions. Well its a great initiative for the Salesforce learners and A big Applause to Amit for Continuing your work on trailblazer community to help out everyone.

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Dreamforce 2016 has come and gone. We came, we saw, we presented. We took part in some amazing breakout sessions, put on our networking hats and even attended a happy hour or two. Another Dreamforce in the bag, but with memories uniquely 2016!

This year I was fortunate enough to host a breakout session on a relatively new feature in the Salesforce development world, Lightning Design Tokens. In case you weren’t able to attend Dreamforce this year or simply missed the session — fret not ( here’s a link )! For this post contains all of the informational goodness that was in that presentation.

For those of us who can raise our hands as either managed package or highly customized full-scale web application developers on the Salesforce platform; and thus very familiar with all of the custom CSS that such an adventure entails, this post is aimed squarely at you. Even if you only find yourself occasionally writing your own CSS on the platform, having the knowledge of Lightning Design Tokens use and functionality is worthwhile!

The gist of the whole thing is low-level reusability, which itself leads to better maintainability, and less work all around. As seems the trend with just about any component-based web development framework nowadays (think React), the goal is increased reusability driven by tighter encapsulation and increased compartmentalization. Components are self-contained entities capable of describing and styling themselves, allowing them to be reused wherever their attributes are met. This is the case with Salesforce Lightning Components, and was a big highlight during my breakout session. A reasonable analogy being a Lego block. Your Lightning Component can be thought of as its own little Lego block, containing all of the functionality and styles it needs to describe itself and function as, a Lego block.

Just as we stack our Lego blocks together to make our completed Millennium Falcon of a Lego creation, we too can stack our individual Lightning Components together to form our completed Lightning Application. Our individual Lightning Components, being the self-contained entities that they are, have everything they need to exist at any point we choose to use them within our Lightning App — including their own CSS.

You can imagine then, if we had dozens, possibly even hundreds, of individual Lightning Components spread out across our Lightning Component Library…each with their own, local styles…that’s a lot of CSS to manage! Especially my low-level, reusable CSS that I’m going to include in basically everything… Enter Lightning Design Tokens.

Put simply, a Lighting Design Token is just a name-value pair. Defined in one place, your little name-value pair of a token can then be referenced in any stylesheet across your entire Lightning Component library. If the light bulb hasn’t gone off yet, it will soon.

What this allows us to do is define all of our low-level, reusable CSS properties like font families, color hex-values, pixel values for margin and spacing, etc., in a single place — our Lightning Design Token bundle. Once the token is defined inside this bundle, the name of the token can then be referenced using the token() function in any of your Lightning Component’s stylesheet resources. This is a big deal. Now, even if my Lightning Component library has thousands of components, I can style them all with the same base, low-level styles using Lightning Design Tokens. When changes come up, as they always will…I make those changes in one place! (Light bulb should have gone off by now)

The changes I make in that one token bundle will now be instantly propagated across all of the Lightning Components that are referencing my design tokens. I deploy my design token’s bundle up to Production and, as I said during my presentation, BAM! My work is done.

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    Salesforce Field Service Lightning ( FSL) enables businesses to unite customers, connected devices, agents, dispatchers, and employees in the service field with one powerful service platform that delivers a seamless customer experience with field service. Features Of Salesforce Field Service Lightning So, the features of FSL in Salesforce are ...

  20. How to Transition to Lightning Experience

    Salesforce Lightning is the next generation of Salesforce, delivering a reimagined user experience, a powerful platform for fast and easy app development, and the AppExchange ecosystem for ready-to-install solutions. Harness the power of Lightning to transform your business and benefit everyone, from execs and business users to admins and developers.

  21. Salesforce


  22. Creating Components

    Component Names A component name must follow the naming rules for Lightning components. Create Aura Components in the Developer Console The Developer Console is a convenient, built-in tool you can use to create new and edit existing Aura components and other bundles. Create Aura Components Using Salesforce CLI To develop Aura components, use Salesforce CLI to synchronize source code between ...

  23. Lightning Design Tokens? Reusable CSS? Surely!

    This year I was fortunate enough to host a breakout session on a relatively new feature in the Salesforce development world, Lightning Design Tokens. ... For this post contains all of the informational goodness that was in that presentation.

  24. Salesforce Scheduler

    Streamline appointment booking and boost customer satisfaction with Salesforce Scheduler. Ensure the right resource — staff, space, or assets — is booked for the right appointment, delivering more productive meetings.