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  • An international applicant wanting to study a bachelor degree or undertake some postgraduate studies including pathway programs (English, Foundation, Diploma)
  • An international applicant wanting to study English programs
  • An international student interested in the Study Abroad or Exchange program at QUT

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Higher Degree Research Candidates Policy

Section 1 - purpose, section 2 - application, section 3 - roles and responsibilities, section 4 - admission, admission criteria, transfer of course, readmission, supervision, section 5 - scholarships, living stipends and scholarships, tuition fee sponsorships, section 6 - enrolment, international exchange, maximum candidature time, leave of absence, study mode and employment, discontinuation, withdrawal (student-initiated decision), termination (university-initiated decision), section 7 - progression, progress reporting, mandatory milestones and interim reviews, unsatisfactory progress, section 8 - thesis lodgement and examination, thesis lodgement, higher degree by thesis examinations, review of assessment, section 9 - appeals, section 10 - grievance resolution, section 11 - outstanding doctoral thesis awards, section 12 - research training, section 13 - definitions, section 14 - delegations.

(1) The purpose of this Policy is to outline the governance and degree progression of QUT Higher Degrees by Research and the expectations of higher degrees by research candidates.

(2) This Policy applies to candidates admitted to postgraduate research courses which are also referred to as higher degree research (HDR) courses and should be read in conjunction with the Award Courses Policy (in particular as they apply to coursework units) and the  Register of Authorities and Delegations  (QUT staff access only) for decision-making in regard to HDR candidates.

(3) Roles and responsibilities of faculties, supervisors and students are detailed in the  Higher Degree Research (HDR) Supervisor guidelines  (QUT staff and student access only).

 (QUT staff and student access only).
 (QUT staff and student access only).

(4) QUT encourages high achieving undergraduates and postgraduates to consider pathways to its higher degree research (HDR) courses. QUT also recognises, where appropriate, equivalent forms of academic experience and non-standard academic pathways.

(5) Admission into higher degree research (HDR) awards is conditional upon:

  • a candidate demonstrating academic and research potential to meet the requirements of the award;
  • the University’s assessment of its capacity to provide research expertise; suitable, accredited supervisory capacity, and provision of infrastructure.

(6) Research Degrees Committee approves eligibility for admission to Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) courses and faculty academic boards approve eligibility for admission to other research courses within their jurisdiction. The Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar makes offers of student admission .

(7) Entry requirements and selection criteria for higher degree research (HDR) courses are approved by University Academic Board on recommendation from Faculty Academic Boards and Research Degrees Committee.

(8) Admission criteria for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degrees are outlined in the respective course requirements and published on the  QUT website . Standard entry requirements for QUT courses are detailed on the  QUT website .

(9) A candidate may transfer from a higher degree research (HDR) course to an alternative QUT course. The conditions for transfer are detailed in the relevant course requirements. Transfer is conditional on the candidate meeting admission requirements of the new course.

(10) Where a candidate is directed to transfer they may initiate withdrawal. Where they decline to do so, the University will initiate termination, and advise the candidate of their right to appeal the decision.

(11) Applicants who wish to re-enter a higher degree research (HDR) course after a period of absence and who are not returning from leave of absence must apply for readmission. Readmission is subject to the availability of supervisory expertise and infrastructure, as assessed at the point of readmission, and requires faculty approval.

(12) Applicants whose candidature has been terminated by the University must also submit a written statement that demonstrates the applicant's readiness to return to their research course. The statement will be considered by Research Degrees Committee on recommendation from the relevant faculty. Normally readmission may be considered 12 months or more after the date of termination.

(13) All higher degree research (HDR) candidates must have a minimum of two Supervisors, one of whom will be the Principal Supervisor and the other an Associate Supervisor. Both Supervisors must be current academic staff members. Additional internal and external Supervisors may be appointed at the discretion of the faculty.

(14) Supervisory allocation is informed by QUT's infrastructure provisions and  Higher Degree Research (HDR) Supervisor guidelines  (QUT staff and student access only).

(15) Research Degrees Committee considers applications and determines recipients for postgraduate research scholarships. Faculties and research centres may also award scholarships.

(16) Consistent with the Australian Government Research Training Program, all domestic higher degree research (HDR) candidates are normally eligible for a period of tuition fee exemption. QUT offers a limited number of sponsorships to international students based on faculty recommendations.

(17) Enrolment in higher degree research (HDR) courses is categorised in three parts. The first part is coursework, which most candidates would normally complete in the early stages of their research course. Coursework requirements are monitored by faculties. The second component is mandatory research training as prescribed by Research Degrees Committee and advised to candidates upon enrolment. The third component is a thesis. Progress on the thesis component is monitored in a way that is consistent with this policy and the relevant course requirements.

(18) Successful completion of prescribed coursework, mandatory research training and thesis components of the HDR courses will lead to eligibility to graduate.

(19) On admission to the HDR course, the faculty will recommend an enrolment and provide course advice compliant with course and research training requirements. The course will take account of the Advanced Standing Policy as appropriate. Any variation to the course will require approval in accordance with the course requirements.

(20) A HDR candidate requires approval by Research Degrees Committee to be concurrently enrolled in another course of study, particularly another HDR course either at QUT or at another institution. Research Degrees Committee will only approve concurrent enrolment in exceptional circumstances.

(21) Where appropriate agreements exist, candidates may complete periods of candidature overseas. This will require approval of the faculty and Research Degrees Committee and may be contingent on funding and an agreement with the overseas university.

(22) The maximum candidature time for the completion of a higher degree research (HDR) course will be determined by Research Degrees Committee or Faculty Academic Board as appropriate and detailed in the relevant course requirements.

(23) Candidate applications for leave of absence will be determined by Research Degrees Committee under delegation from University Academic Board and according to a procedure approved by Research Degrees Committee.

(24) Australian Government visa regulations limit international candidates’ capacity to apply for leave of absence. International candidates are required to meet visa conditions that may vary from those described in QUT policy.

(25) Higher degree research (HDR) candidates may normally be granted upon application, a maximum of 12 months (365 days) leave of absence or part time equivalent during the term of their candidature. Research Degrees Committee approval must be sought for any periods of leave in excess of 20 days.

(26) In addition to the leave of absence available in clause (25), parental leave for up to 12 months is also available.

(27) The minimum number of hours, averaged over each year of candidature, to be devoted to research and/or study by candidates are:

  • part time candidates are required to devote 20 hours per week;
  • full time candidates are required to devote 35-40 hours per week.

(28) Paid work, including preparation, teaching, marking and research assistant duties may be undertaken, but must not interfere with a candidate’s study. A candidate in receipt of a scholarship may be subject to additional restrictions on the amount of paid work allowable as described in the relevant scholarship guidelines.

(29) Candidates may be permitted to conduct their research as an external candidate either elsewhere in Australia or overseas or change their enrolment from internal to external status or vice versa on approval by Research Degrees Committee and faculty as appropriate and taking account of the relevant course requirements.

(30) Normally, a student admitted to a higher degree research (HDR) course may at any point in candidature elect to withdraw from their studies.

(31) Where the University has issued a show cause notice under 'Termination' below, the response date advised in that notice will be the last date the candidate may voluntarily withdraw. No academic or financial penalty will be imposed for withdrawal from the thesis component.

(32) Research Degrees Committee may exclude a candidate from an higher degree research (HDR) course having taken account of all relevant circumstances and having given the candidate opportunity to “show cause” why their candidature should not be terminated. Circumstances where the committee may terminate a candidature can include but are not limited to the following:

  • on advice from the faculty in collaboration with the relevant academic Supervisor(s);
  • with reference to progress against mandatory milestones within the HDR course requirements;
  • a candidate has failed to submit a milestone or progress report by the due date without satisfactory reason;
  • a candidate fails to comply with mandatory research training requirements in a timely way;
  • a candidate is deemed to have effectively abandoned or ceased their studies.

(33) A condition of continuing enrolment in an higher degree research (HDR) course is satisfactory progress toward timely completion. Course requirements normally will outline progress reporting requirements that facilitate monitoring and feedback.

(34) All HDR candidates are required to report on the progress of their research course to the University through Research Degrees Committee at a time and in a manner determined by the committee. Failure to report will be grounds for termination in accordance with the Termination information above in Section 6.

(35) Research Degrees Committee has defined mandatory milestones for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) students. Faculty Academic Boards may set mandatory milestones for other doctoral candidates which normally will be detailed in the course requirements.

(36) Satisfactory progress with reference to the completion of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) milestones will be determined by Research Degrees Committee on faculty recommendation. Further information on  Milestones  is available on the Digital Workplace (QUT staff and student access only).

(37) Where a candidate is shown to be having difficulty meeting progress requirements including progress toward completion by maximum completion date, the faculty will take active steps to provide reasonable support and opportunity for the candidate to rectify progress issues.

(38) Where the progress of a higher degree research (HDR) candidate is deemed unsatisfactory based on the candidate’s performance in completing milestones or other research related activities, the candidature may be placed under review or under review to thesis examination. The procedures for placing a HDR candidate under review or under review to thesis examination are determined by Research Degrees Committee.

(39) The purpose of the under review process is to provide additional support to assist the candidate to meet the course requirements and to inform an assessment by the University of the candidate’s ability to successfully complete.

(40) A report on the outcome of the under review process will be approved by Research Degrees Committee. Where there is no reasonable prospect of the candidate being able to complete the thesis to an acceptable academic standard for examination, Research Degrees Committee may approve termination of a candidature.

(41) The candidate will be informed of the required remedial action to be followed, a timeline and any interim deadlines within the review period.

(42) A candidate who has been placed under review normally may not take leave of absence until the review has been completed.

(43) A thesis will not be accepted for examination by the Director, Graduate Research Centre unless:

  • the requirements are met for higher degree research (HDR)  Thesis lodgement and submission  (QUT staff and student access only);
  • all candidate  Milestones  are completed satisfactorily, and the thesis is of an acceptable academic standard for examination.

(44) Where a thesis is lodged that is not of an acceptable standard for examination, this will be managed according to the section on Unsatisfactory progress.

(45) To ensure academic rigour, integrity, objectivity and comparability with international benchmarks all higher degree research (HDR) thesis examination is managed in accordance with the  Thesis examination process guidelines  (QUT staff and student access only) approved by Research Degrees Committee.

(46) Community confidence in the integrity and impartiality of thesis examination is a principal consideration when appointing examiners. Any conflict of interest which would provide reason to doubt an examiner’s ability to make an impartial assessment must be declared and managed in accordance with QUT’s Conflict of Interest Policy .

(47) Any fees payable in relation to the examination of a candidate shall be determined consistent with Australian standards.

(48) Research Degrees Committee will determine the conditions and appoint examiners on recommendation from the faculties to examine all Higher Degree by Research theses. The examiners will critically evaluate whether the conditions for the award of the degree have been met.

(49) A higher degree research (HDR) candidate whose thesis has been failed or whose thesis has been recommended for an alternative exit award may request a review of the examination process and outcome. Acceptable grounds for review will be only on matters of procedure relating to the conduct of the examination or documented evidence of examiner bias as evidenced by comments in the examiners’ reports.

(50) A candidate’s written review request must be lodged within 20 working days of the date of advice on the outcome of the examination and include the specific grounds on which the request is based. The Chair, Research Degrees Committee will determine whether an examiner conflict of interest exists and/or a procedural error has occurred.

(51) The Chair, Research Degrees Committee, or nominee, will review the candidate’s statement and all the available information and make a determination. The Chair will advise the candidate in writing within 10 working days of the decision.

(52) An applicant may appeal a decision to refuse admission to an higher degree research (HDR) course or to exclude (terminate) from an HDR course. Appeals will be considered by Appeals Committee.

(53) Other appeals will be considered using QUT’s Grievance Resolution Procedures for Student Related Grievances .

(54) A candidate can raise a grievance relating to their candidature via QUT’s Grievance Resolution Procedures for Student Related Grievances . Candidates are encouraged to seek support from Academic staff in their school and/or faculty, the Graduate Research Centre, QUT Student Health and Wellbeing, the QUT Guild and/or the QUT Student Ombudsman.

(55) The QUT Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Awards encourage excellence in higher degree by research. These awards are intended to develop and support Australia's vibrant research culture by profiling:

  • outstanding contribution to knowledge, and/or;
  • excellence in higher degree by research.

(56) Award guidelines , determined by Research Degrees Committee, are available from the QUT Students site (QUT staff and student access only).

(57) Non award research training courses, including mandatory training courses, will be coordinated by Research Degrees Committee. Training is offered by a range of service providers including faculties, QUT Library and Graduate Research Education and Development. The training includes face to face and online opportunities.

Term Definiiton
Candidate  Means any person admitted to a planned course of research leading to a higher degree research at QUT.
Candidature Means the period of study towards the higher degree research being the period from the date of commencement until the end of enrolment based on successful completion of all coursework and mandatory training completed satisfactorily leading to lodgement for thesis examination (after which time the candidate holds the status of 'Under Examination’) or until the candidature is terminated or the candidate withdraws.
Course Work Means a unit or units of study involving directed learning, including face-to-face instruction, online learning, distance learning or combinations of these.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Means a doctoral degree, which has a research component comprising 66.6 percent or more of the total course of study, and which involves significant and original research that contributes to knowledge, research and theory in a field of study.
Examination Means the formal assessment of the candidate's thesis to critically evaluate whether the conditions for the award of the higher degree research have been met.
Examiners Means the appropriately academically qualified specialists appointed to undertake an examination of the candidate's thesis.
Faculty Means the relevant faculty of QUT.
Higher Degree Research (HDR) Means any postgraduate masters or doctoral degree with a research component comprising 66.6 percent or more of the total course of study. Higher degree research is also referred to as postgraduate research.
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Means a masters degree, which has a research component comprising 66.6 percent or more of the total course of study.
Professional Doctorate (Research) Means a doctoral degree, which has a research component comprising 66.6 percent or more of the total course of study, and which involves applied research to solve problems or improve practices in a professional field.
Research Comprises information gathering and knowledge creation, analysis, critical investigation and communication in a fashion acceptable in the field of endeavour. Knowledge creation would encompass creative and professional practice and reflection on this practice.
Thesis Means a document or collection of materials, which for thesis by creative works includes an exegesis, which provides an argued case for a significant and original contribution to knowledge. The thesis presents the candidate’s research and findings and is presented for examination. In the award course, the thesis component is deemed equivalent to the research component.
Under Examination Is a status assigned to candidates once they have submitted their thesis for examination and prior to lodgement of the final thesis. During this time candidates are not considered to be enrolled students but remain admitted to the course for the purposes of final submission.

(58) Refer to  Register of Authorities and Delegations  (C139) (QUT staff access only).

   QUT acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands where QUT now stands.                       TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12079 (Australian University)    |    CRICOS No. 00213J   |   ABN: 83 791 724 622

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QUT PhD Application Process (as I experienced it)

Hi everyone. Created an account just to make this post after seeing a few people ask about it - just wanted to share what information I have in case it is helpful 👍 For clarity, so far I've had very positive and professional interactions all along the way. It's been a while since I was admitted (have been a bit busy, sorry!) so since that time things might have changed, just keep that in mind 🙏

Background info

- Domestic student with bachelors degree and honours in STEM

- Working in STEM since graduating, no publications

- PhD project was predefined by the faculty as part of their broader research interests, I saw it and thought I'd like to be a part of it

Below is the application process as I experienced it

Sent an email to chief investigator listed on project page saying that I'm interested

Had an initial meeting with faculty members and a bunch of other interested students. They gave an overview of the project, who they're looking for etc. All staff were super nice.

After initial meeting sent through requested information (CV, academic transcript) to faculty members for them to consider, in addition to nominating my preferred research topic from a pre-defined list they gave out in the previous step

Had a meeting with potential supervisor and co-supervisor to chat more about the project, what I want to get out of it, my background, etc. All very casual, no pressure.

Checked in to see if they were still interested and to say that I'm still keen and want to progress things

Had a meeting with industry partner and supervisor. It was a chance for the industry partner to ask questions and get to know me and vice versa. I guess in hindsight it was an interview ...

Waited a few weeks for industry partner to determine if they wanted to go ahead. Don't think there was any real issue, just that they were in the throws of delivering a few large projects etc.

Industry partner indicated they wanted to progress, so now formal application could start

Coordinated with supervisor and co-supervisor to create the project proposal for the Expression of Interest (EOI).

Did a bit of back and forth with supervisors refining the project proposal over the course of a few weeks. They indicated that the more you do now the less you have to do later type of thing…

Filled in EOI application online, QUT indicated 4-6 weeks before finding out. The graduate research centre does the initial screening of your application I believe ...

After about a week I was invited to submit a formal application for admission into the PhD program and nominate a start date. This time the faculty will look at your application. Again 4-6 weeks was the indicated timeframe but I think this is part of the 4-6 weeks from Step 11.

By the way ... The previous steps (7-11) were for the EOI application. Step 12 was a continuation of these, but now you're actually submitting a proper application to be admitted into the PhD program... Clear as mud?

[some moments later...]

14. Received confirmation of being accepted (and scholarship offer) approximately 3 months from first submitting EOI - btw while waiting for this I spoke to a few people on the phone at the graduate research centre to get an idea if there was any progress (was super keen / nervous lol) and they gave some updates but couldn’t say too much which is fair enough.

15. Began acceptance proceedings - filling in various forms for the uni to be onboarded etc.

16. After about one week of back and forth, got everything sorted and commenced two weeks after this (just because I was looking to start as soon as possible)

Some things to keep in mind

- My project is funded by the industry partner / by some other mechanism rather than the Research Training Program stipend, so I didn't need to apply for a scholarship, per se

- Apparently it is often the scholarship allocation / application process that takes the most time. I'm guessing because its competitive and they have to weigh you up against the other candidates for who gets them? Not sure...

Hope that was helpful, if you have any questions please feel free to ask and I'll try to answer as best as I can 👍

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qut phd application process

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Calling applications for UGC – Queensland University of Technology, Australia (QUT) Joint/Split PhD Scholarships programme 2022

Queensland University of Technology (QUT), an Australian University, is affiliating with the University Grants Commission (UGC) Sri Lanka to support higher degree research (HDR) programs and research training of Sri Lankan early to mid-career researchers. In this arrangement, it is anticipated that joint research efforts including a collaborative cohort model of doctoral supervision, research training, and shared supervision with local academic supervisors of Sri Lankan Universities will take place.

QUT supports a cohort model of doctoral supervision, whereby 10-12 candidates of different disciplines from Sri Lankan Universities undertake a minimum of 12 months of their doctoral studies on campus at QUT.

There are two models of UGC-QUT Scholarship schemes as follows;

Joint PhD Model

  • QUT-UGC collaborative PhD programs include the joint PhD model initiated in partnership with the University of Colombo (CMB), University of Peradeniya (PDN) and University of Sri Jayewardenepura (SJP).
  • Joint PhD students will be co-supervised by two QUT academics, one academic from CMB, PDN or SJP, and another academic from the candidate’s home University if applicable.

Split/External PhD Model

  • Split PhD students will have two QUT academic supervisors and a local supervisor from any University within the purview of UGC. Split PhD students should obtain written approval of their release from all academic and administrative duties for the duration of their PhD degree.
Joint PhD
Split PhD

The UGC will provide financial support to Sri Lankan candidates from Sri Lankan University System who meet UGC and QUT eligibility requirements to cover expenses while they attend and undertake research at QUT for one year. This support includes a living allowance, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) and associated incidental costs as required as per the UGC guidelines. Maximum Grant limit is Rs. 3.5 Mn per candidate for 03 Years. (Airfare will not be covered by UGC.)

QUT will provide a full tuition fee sponsorship (valued at approximately AUD100, 000) for the duration of the PhD candidature (up to three years).

QUT’s PhD application process is outlined on the QUT - How to apply (https://www.qut.edu.au/research/study-with-us/how-to-apply) webpage. There are six steps with UGC applicants to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) applications to QUT by 28 February 2022.

The application process involves following three successive stages:

  • Registration at an appropriate local university as a doctoral student in line with the requirements of the doctoral programme, i.e. Joint or split, and identification of a research active co-supervisor. Prior registration as a doctoral student at a suitable local university is a pre-requisite to apply for support from the UGC and QUT.
  • Application for partial funding from UGC (Maximum up to Rs. 3.5 million), if required.
  • Submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) application to QUT by 28 February 2022. (Please send a Copy to UGC along with your Application for UGC – QUT Joint/Split PhD Scholarships programme 2022).

Please find following documents as attached.

  • Brochure on Collaborative Cohort PhDs at QUT
  • Guidelines for UGC Postgraduate Grant Schemes
  • Application for UGC – QUT Joint/Split PhD Scholarships programme 2022
  • Project Proposal

Applicants should follow the Guidelines for UGC Postgraduate Grant Schemes and submit their duly filled application along with the Project Proposal, work plan & Expression of Interest (EOI) application to the Vice Chairman, University Grants Commission, No 20, Ward Place, Colombo 07 through proper Channel. Please email advanced copies of said documents to [email protected] .

Closing Date of Application for UGC – QUT Joint/Split PhD Scholarships programme 2022 is 25th February 2022 .

Successful candidates should enter into an Agreement and sign a Surety bond with the Higher Education institution which he/she is employed.

QUT Individual Student Agreement (Part B) Joint/Split PhD programs are collaborative and involve supervision and project support from the Sri Lankan partner university, therefore it is requisite to ensure that this support is available before QUT finalizes the QUT admission application. Therefore QUT needs the Agreement to be completed and signed by all parties before QUT can issue an unconditional QUT PhD admission offer to successful applicants. Therefore, once an applicant has identified suitable QUT and Sri Lankan supervisors, please complete and sign the Part B Individual Student Agreement and submit this to [email protected] for QUT approval.

Vice Chairman University Grants Commission

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Postgraduate Research Grants

  • Financial Assistance from UGC to University Teachers for Higher Studies - 2019
  • Application Deadline - Financial Assistance from UGC and AHEAD Project to University Teachers for Higher Studies-2018
  • Financial Assistance from UGC and AHEAD Project to University Teachers for Higher Studies-2018
  • Financial assistance from UGC to University Teachers for Higher Studies - 2017
  • Guidelines for financial assistance to university teachers for higher studies under UGC Grants
  • Application Form
  • Declaration of the Grantee (Local)
  • Declaration of the Grantee (Foreign)
  • Letter of Acceptance
  • Inception Report
  • Progress Report
  • Expenditure Report
  • Guidlines for financial assistance to university teachers for higher studies under AHEAD Scholarship
  • Application form - AHEAD PhD Scholarships

Other documents

  • 6 Months Progress Report (PG studies, QUT grants etc.)
  • Expenditure report (PG studies, QUT grants etc.)

Latest Highlights

  • Commission Circular No. 11/2024: Following Protocal and Procedural Step when Dealing with the Diplomatic Personnel(DPL) Community
  • Commission Circular No. 10/2024 : External Recruitments to Non-Academic Non-Administrative posts in the University System
  • Finance Circular No.04/2024 - Application of Cost of Living Allowance by the Commission Circular No.04/2024 and Academic Allowance of the Academic Staff as per Commission Circular No.03/2024 for the Universities Provident Fund (UPF) and Universities Pensi
  • Commission Circular No. 09/2024 : Revision of Academic Allowance
  • Commission Circular No. 08-2024 :Effective period to use the titles of Associate Professor, Proffessor and Senior Professor.
  • Relief for the Lecturers (Probationary) who have been terminated due to the failure to complete prescribed postgraduate degree owing to COVID-19 pandemic
  • Providing Relief and Payment of Salaries to Public Officers, who are entitled to exercise Political Rights and have submitted Nominations for Local Government Election 2023
  • Commission Circular No. 07/2024 : Maternity Leave and Nursing Intervals for Female Employees of the University System

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Course progression at QUT is formally monitored through a combination of regular meetings between students and their supervisory team, and progress through course milestone reviews. Supervision meetings serve as a regular mechanism for supervisors to assess progress against the research plan. So it is vitally important that regular (at least every 4-6 weeks) meetings are held. Milestones are used to assess the student’s overall progression towards timely completion of the degree. The details of the meeting plans should be documented in the Student and Supervisory Team Expectations document. All HDR students   have a mandatory Annual Progress Report (APR) milestone, although some exemptions apply.  PhD students  also have a stage 2, confirmation, and final seminar as course milestones (as specified in the course requirements). Note that the stage 2 is a critical milestone as it is the second and final stage of admission into the course. MPhil students have a research proposal milestone and a research seminar (as specified in the course requirements). Masters by research and professional doctorate students can have additional milestones which are usually specified in the course requirements. (Please contact Graduate Research Centre  for further details).

Was this information helpful?

Answers others found helpful.

  • For Higher Degree Research (HDR) students, what is the purpose of the Confirmation and Final Seminar presentations?
  • For a Higher Degree Research (HDR) student when is Stage 2 due to be submitted?
  • For Higher Degree Research (HDR) students, what happens if I don't submit my Annual Progress Report?
  • For Higher Degree Research (HDR) students, where can they check their current milestone due dates?
  • How does a Higher Degree Research (HDR) PhD student submit their Stage 2?

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QUT acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands where QUT now stands.

TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12079 CRICOS No. 00213J ABN 83 791 724 622 Page updated 27/02/2023

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International applying

We want to make applying to QUT as easy as possible. Follow this step-by-step guide for applying for QUT degrees, including:

  • undergraduate and postgraduate coursework degrees
  • standard foundation courses
  • university certificates in tertiary preparation.

If you want to apply for a different type of course, you can also apply for:

  • English language programs with QUT College
  • Study Abroad and exchange programs
  • research degrees .

If you're an international Year 12 student studying an Australian curriculum, either in Australia or overseas, follow the applying process for international Year 12 students .

Six steps to apply

Step 1: course and requirements, find a course.

Look for a course you want to study:

  • Architecture and built environment
  • Communication
  • Creative arts
  • Engineering
  • English language and pathway programs
  • Information technology and games
  • Mathematics and data science
  • Teaching and education

Check important dates

Check when applications open or close for your course. You'll need to make sure your application is submitted on time.

Advanced IELTS

10 Week EAP 2, Monday 8 July 2024

Coursework degree

Semester 2, Monday 8 July 2024

Summer, Monday 30 September 2024

Summer, Monday 4 November 2024

College 2, Monday 8 July 2024

English for academic purposes (Standard)

Intensive program, standard foundation, check the entry requirements, academic entry requirements.

Check your course information to see the academic requirements you will need to meet. This includes any additional requirements like auditions, interviews or portfolios.

Some courses with additional requirements have specific closing dates. Make sure you check these on your course information.

English proficiency requirements

You will need to meet the English language level required for your course. We accept results from a variety of standardised tests. You can see the minimum test scores required via your course information.

You must take your proficiency test no more than two years before the start of your course.

I don’t meet the entry requirements

If you don’t meet the English language or academic requirements for your preferred course, we may offer you a course package, which combines your preferred course with an English or pathway program. If you pass these courses, you can move straight into your full degree.

Explore English and pathway programs

Genuineness requirements

As part of streamlined visa processing, we must ensure that your application is genuine and that you can successfully complete your planned study. We will consider a range of personal and academic factors when we assess your application, including:

  • your immigration history, including any prior visa refusals
  • your personal circumstances
  • the relevance of your proposed study to your previous study and work experience.

You can explain why you chose to apply for this course, and how it will benefit your future career prospects, when you apply.

Are you eligible for advanced standing (credit)?

What is advanced standing.

Your previous study may count as credit toward your QUT course. That means you won’t have to complete all of the units listed in your course structure, and you may be able to graduate sooner.

Am I eligible?

We have arrangements with a number of institutions overseas and in Australia where advanced standing is approved. You can see which institutions are included and what you may be eligible for through the Advanced Standing Precedent List .

If you can’t find your institution, course or units on the Advanced Standing Precedent List, you can let us know about your previous study on your application form. Make sure that you provide copies of:

  • your academic transcript, including the unit code, unit title and your grades
  • documents proving that you’ve completed your course (if applicable)
  • unit outlines or course syllabus for the units you want advanced standing for. They should include credit points, contact hours, aims and objectives, texts and references, and details of any assessment.

If you’re currently studying, you can provide a current enrolment statement or a list of units that you’ll complete before you start studying at QUT, and we’ll take that into account when we assess your application.

What happens next?

If your application is successful, we’ll tell you how many credit points you’ve been granted in your offer letter. This may make your course duration shorter.

Step 2: Check costs and scholarships

Tuition fees.

You can check your course information to see the indicative tuition fees for your course. We review fees each year, and your fees might change depending on how many credit points you enrol in.

A standard full-time semester (or study period) load is usually 48 credit points, and an individual unit (or subject) is usually 12 credit points.

Your offer letter will let you know what your indicative fees are for a full-time study period.

Tuition fees usually increase every year. Read the international student fee policy (PDF file, 245.4 KB) and refund policy (PDF file, 132.5 KB) before you accept your offer.

How much will study cost?

Fees for English language pathway programs

There are extra fees for English language programs that are part of a pathway package. These include:

  • tuition fees
  • a program registration fee of $175
  • a $3,000 deposit on your degree program
  • an optional homestay placement fee of $250 (students under 18 must stay in a homestay).

Extra costs

Some courses have extra costs for things like field trips, equipment or practical training. See your course details for any additional costs.

Financial capacity

You must have access to sufficient funds to cover the full cost of your studies in Australia. This includes tuition, study costs and living expenses. Find out more about your study fees and costs .


We offer dozens of scholarships for students studying in a range of fields. Search our scholarship collection to see if there’s a scholarship you’re eligible for.

Browse scholarships

Merit scholarships

If you're a high-achieving student, you may be eligible for a merit scholarship. We offer an unlimited number of merit scholarships that cover 25% of your course fee, as long as you maintain a minimum grade point average while you study.

You don't need to apply separately for these scholarships. If you're eligible, we'll offer you a scholarship along with your offer for a place in your chosen course. Read more about the International Merit Scholarship .

Government aid

Many countries offer financial support for students studying overseas. See what government aid programs you might be eligible for.

Aid programs

Step 3: Submit your application

Supporting documents.

When you submit your application, you’ll need to include copies of:

  • award certificates
  • academic transcripts
  • formal identity papers, like your passport, national identity card, or student visa.

If you are currently in Australia, you must include a copy of your current confirmation of enrolment (CoE).

If your documents are not in English, you will need to supply an English translation.

English proficiency test results

Include a copy of your English test results in your application, if available.

Check your course information for test results that we only accept and the study and qualifications that also meet the proficiency requirements for that course.

Do I need an agent?

A QUT official representative is required for applicants from certain countries.

All countries

Middle East

  • Afghanistan
  • North Korea (DPRK)
  • Myanmar (Burma)

Note: This list is subject to change. Australian sanction laws enforce United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and Australian Autonomous sanctions regimes. Up to date details on country specific sanctions can be found on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website.

Apply directly to QUT

To apply for your course, access the QUT Application Portal.

Applications are open all year.

Apply through a QUT representative

If you need help applying, visit one of our QUT official representatives.

Find a representative in your country

Application fee

When you submit your application, you’ll need to pay a non-refundable application fee of $100. Payment is made within the QUT Application Portal .

Step 4: Respond to your offer

If your application is successful, we'll send you an offer. Once you have met the conditions of your offer, find out how to accept your unconditional offer.

Check when you need to accept your offer.

10 Week EAP 2, Monday 15 July 2024

Semester 2, Monday 15 July 2024

Summer, Monday 28 October 2024

Summer, Monday 11 November 2024

College 2, Monday 15 July 2024

College Summer, Monday 28 October 2024

College Summer, Monday 11 November 2024

Under 18 students

If you are Under 18 at the start of your QUT studies, your offer will be conditional on you and your parents/guardian completing the  QUT Under 18 Supervision Program application form (PDF file, 484.6 KB) .

In this form you will need to nominate either:

Residing in Australia with parent or guardian until you turn 18

  • Complete the QUT Under 18 Supervision Program Form (PDF file, 484.6 KB) with your parents or guardian. Complete sections 1, 2, 3, 4. Then in section 5 you will need to choose “Option 1” and then go to section 10,11,12 and return this form with your Acceptance of Offer form.

As you will be living with and in the care of your parent or guardian:

  • you do not need to complete the accommodation sections of the form
  • once you have finalised your acceptance QUT will issue a CoE for the student visa application, noting you do not receive a ‘Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare’ (CAAW)
  • your parent/guardian will apply for the appropriate visa
  • please refer to DOHA for information on who is an eligible guardian and all requirements to apply for the student and guardian visa
  • the Under 18 Supervision fee payment is not required.

Nominate QUT for welfare arrangements

This option is if you will not be accompanied by a parent, guardian or suitable relative until you turn 18. You must stay at a QUT approved accommodation for students under the age of 18.

  • Please complete the QUT Under 18 Supervision Program (PDF file, 484.6 KB) application form with your parents or guardian. You will need to choose “Option 2” and complete all sections of the form.
  • registration fee - $110.00
  • program fee - $6.60 per night, which will need to be paid until you turn 18 (calculate your fee total by adding up the number of days remaining until you turn 18 in a time and date calculator , and multiplying the number of days by $6.60 - then add this amount to the registration fee).

Payment is only required after student’s course commencement .

  • You must stay at a QUT approved accommodation for students under the age of 18. To find out more, refer to the list of approved Under 18 accommodations .
  • Complete the U18 Accommodation request form at QUT Accommodation Service.
  • completed all sections of the  QUT Under 18 Supervision Program application form (PDF file, 484.6 KB)
  • included Student Passport details
  • included Parent’s ID (e.g. passport or driver's licence), showing name, photo and certified signature.
  • You must not arrive more than 7 days prior to your welfare commencement date, which is the date you have nominated when applying for U18 accommodation.

Once we receive these forms and documentation QUT will review. If QUT accepts responsibility for your care arrangements, you will receive a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) together with your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), which you'll need to apply for a student visa.

More about your visa requirements

Under 18 policies and procedures (PDF file, 131.8 KB)

Accepting your offer

Accepting your unconditional offer

You will be asked to pay your fees when you accept your unconditional offer.

  • Go to Respond to Offer

Select “Accept Offer” and complete the online Acceptance of Offer form and submit.

You can confirm or change the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) option when completing the online Acceptance of Offer form.

The Acceptance of Offer form will first display the OSHC option as per the offer letter. If there are no changes to the OSHC option, leave the defaults and proceed to complete the form.

If you wish to change OSHC option, please select the required OSHC. The acceptance deposit will update with the new OSHC amount.

  • Sponsored students: Contact International Admissions with your request to change OSHC option and we can make the changes for you.
  • Current QUT students: Please do not update the OSHC option. If you require changes to your OSHC cover, contact your current OSHC provider.
  • Then go to the “Make Payment” button to finalise your acceptance payment.

Paying your fees

Step 5: Apply for your visa

Applying for your visa is one of the most important parts of this process.

Find out more about how to organise your visa, including what to do if you're under 18 years old.

How to apply for your visa

Step 6: Commencing your studies


Orientation week is the perfect time for you to get to know the QUT campus, experience student life, and make important connections with support staff and your fellow students.

There'll be fun, games, travel experiences and heaps of opportunities to make new friends and get settled in Brisbane.

Find out more about orientation and the orientation schedule once you've accepted your offer. Your offer letter includes information about the compulsory international orientation.

Getting here

Travelling to Brisbane is exciting, and can also be a daunting.

We've got services in place to help you settle in, including an airport reception service that can meet you when you arrive, and accommodation services to help you find somewhere to live.

You'll also have the chance to attend a pre-departure briefing before you leave, which can help you make sure you're ready to go.

Find out how you can get prepared

Late arrivals

You should plan to arrive in Brisbane about 2 weeks before classes begin so you can attend orientation , settle in, and get to know your way around. It is important to enrol in your units as early as possible and prior to your commencement. Refer to the steps for enrolling as an international student and ensure you enrol in a full-time study load.

Steps for enrolling as an international student

International students should arrive on time as arriving late may affect your transition to life and study in Australia. However, we understand there may be circumstances beyond your control that impact your ability to arrive on time in Brisbane.

The latest date to start your course depends on the course you’re studying and the teaching period you commence in. Where possible, you should enrol and engage with the class (unit) content from week 1, even if this is before you arrive onshore.

If you are commencing in a semester intake for your course (as per your offer letter), you have up until the end of Friday of week 2 to be onshore and commence classes. This is relevant for all courses with the following exceptions: Must commence on campus Monday 9am, week 1

  • KC86 Graduate Certificate in Digital Communication (FP08A)
  • KC87 Graduate Diploma in Digital Communication (FP08A)
  • KC88 Master of Digital Communication (FP08A)
  • CS44 Bachelor of Podiatry (Graduate Entry)
  • IN20 Master of Information Technology
  • NS89 Master of Nursing (Entry to Practice)
  • PY09, Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Honours Psychology)
  • PY18 Master of Clinical Psychology
  • PY19, Master of Psychology (Educational and Development)
  • CS47 Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)
  • OP45 Master of Optometry
  • CS44 Bachelor of Podiatry (Graduate Entry) (Standard Entry)
  • CS43 Bachelor of Paramedic Science
  • CS48 Bachelor of Medical Imaging
  • LS40 Bachelor of Biomedical Science
  • LV41 Bachelor of Biomedical Science / Master of Analytics
  • LS47 Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science
  • ST01 Bachelor of Science
  • IN18 Graduate Certificate in Information Technology
  • Not open to midyear standard applications. Is open for return to study applications.

If your semester intake course contains QUT You units run in 6 week teaching periods, you will need to alter your study plan to undertake those units in a later teaching period, unless you are approved to commence those unit/s late through a late enrolment request.

If you are commencing in other teaching periods, the following rules normally apply:

  • 10-week teaching periods – you may have up until the end of Friday of week 1
  • 6-week teaching periods – you may have up until Monday 9:00 am of week 1.

You can confirm the last date to arrive for your course by searching the key dates for the teaching period you are commencing in. The last date to arrive is based on the ‘last date to add units via eStudent’.

Search key dates

Note there is no need to seek written approval to arrive late if you are arriving by the advised cut-offs.

Get in touch

International students.

+61 7 3138 8339

Ask us a question


  1. QUT

    Contact us. If you have questions about the best options for you, the application process, your research topic, finding a supervisor or anything else, get in touch with us today. Send email. +61 7 3138 7200. A PhD is your opportunity to contribute new and exciting knowledge to your field.

  2. QUT

    How to apply. You can apply for a research degree via our online application form. First you'll need to: complete your research proposal. Then you can submit your expression of interest (EOI) via the online form. If successful, you'll receive an invitation to submit your final application. It usually takes between 6 to 8 weeks from submitting ...

  3. QUT

    Opportunity to graduate and follow an academic career in both teaching and research, or advance your professional career prospects. Highlights. Produce a substantial piece of research that contributes to the body of knowledge in your chosen specialisation. Develop high level research and analytical skills, and depth of knowledge in your chosen ...

  4. QUT

    You can start your application for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Philosophy or Professional Doctorate by submitting an Expression of Interest online. The step-by-step process is located on the QUT - How to apply website. Updated 19/04/2024 07.31 AM.

  5. Welcome to the QUT Application Portal

    You can use this application portal to apply for study at QUT if you are: Considering Higher Degree Research studies (Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy, or a professional doctorate) An international applicant wanting to study a bachelor degree or undertake some postgraduate studies including pathway programs (English, Foundation, Diploma)

  6. PDF Admission criteria into the Doctor of Philosophy (IF49)

    To gain admission into the PhD a potential research student shall normally hold from a recognised institution: Criteria 1. A completed Australian Bachelor first class or second class Division A honours degree1 or equivalent2; OR. Criteria 2.

  7. QUT

    How do I apply for admission as an international student? There are different processes: For year 12 students currently studying in Australia, refer to the International students studying Australian Year 12 curriculum page. For all other international applicants, refer to the International applying page. Updated 29/04/2023 06.45 AM.

  8. 2021 PhD and scholarship application information!

    2021 PhD and scholarship application information! Aug 19 2020 By Merryn Ballantyne. QUT's annual PhD application and scholarship round is now open! Submit your CV here to start the process. The QUT Centre for Robotics (QCR) provides an innovative, supportive and fun research training environment, where Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students ...

  9. PDF PhD Confirmation of Candidature Guidelines

    The process requires candidates to submit a 30-50 page report to a Panel for review and then verbally present key elements of this to the Panel at a session open to a broader audience. The Panel then provides written . and oral feedback to the candidate and makes a recommendation to the faculty and University on the progress of candidature.

  10. Higher Degree Research Candidates Policy / Document / MOPP

    Section 1 - Purpose (1) The purpose of this Policy is to outline the governance and degree progression of QUT Higher Degrees by Research and the expectations of higher degrees by research candidates. Top of Page Section 2 - Application (2) This Policy applies to candidates admitted to postgraduate research courses which are also referred to as higher degree research (HDR) courses and should be ...

  11. PDF QUT Higher Degree by Research Course Regulations

    Version date: 20/12/2022. The aim of Higher Degree by Research study is to encourage independent and original thinking in the quest for knowledge. Higher degrees at QUT are awarded in recognition of a student's substantial contribution to knowledge. The student's research must reveal high critical ability and synthesis.

  12. PDF Agent FAQ for QUT online application portal

    12. If a PhD student has already received an offer but is unsuccessful in obtaining a scholarship, will the student be required to resubmit their application for the 2021 round? Yes, the student will be required to resubmit their EOI and application through the new portal. 13. Does QUT still process email applications?

  13. QUT

    Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027 sets out our shared purpose for the future of the university: ... It usually takes us about two weeks to process your application for graduate certificates, graduate diplomas and masters courses, although some courses may take longer. Applications for most graduate entry honours degrees will take four ...

  14. QUT PhD Application Process (as I experienced it) : r/QUTreddit

    Filled in EOI application online, QUT indicated 4-6 weeks before finding out. The graduate research centre does the initial screening of your application I believe ... After about a week I was invited to submit a formal application for admission into the PhD program and nominate a start date. This time the faculty will look at your application.

  15. QUT

    The response time will vary depending on your nominated research area, and the time of year the application is received. Normally, the approval process takes approximately four to six weeks. As soon as a formal outcome is available we will inform you via email. If your EOI is successful you will be asked to submit your application.

  16. QUT

    We recommend that you discuss your research interests with your proposed supervisor early in the application process. ... 'From my undergraduate studies to my PhD, QUT has facilitated a truly transformative journey by providing international exposure and experiences. I am a part of the QUT and Maastricht University (Netherlands) double-PhD program.

  17. Apply for a CBT Postgraduate Research Scholarship

    The scholarship will be offered for a duration of 3.5 years for PhD students, and 1.75 years for Master of Philosophy (MPhil) students. Contact us to express your interest at [email protected]. For questions about the application process, please contact [email protected]. This is an opportunity to receive an annual stipend of $30,000 per annum ...

  18. Master of Clinical Psychology and PhD Combined Study Program

    information regarding the application process ([email protected]). Award of degrees: Students will be enrolled in, and completing, two independent degrees. Graduates will receive a ... Domestic students in the PhD program are covered by the Australian Government's Research Training Scheme. Students may be eligible to apply in their first ...

  19. Research Grants Documents

    Joint/Split PhD programs are collaborative and involve supervision and project support from the Sri Lankan partner university, therefore it is requisite to ensure that this support is available before QUT finalizes the QUT admission application. Therefore QUT needs the Agreement to be completed and signed by all parties before QUT can issue an ...

  20. QUT

    An ideal stepping-stone to a PhD. Professional doctorate. Integrate a research degree into your professional goals. Explore. ... the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027 sets out our shared purpose for the future of the university: ... We want to make your applying process as smooth as possible. Depending on your educational background, your applying ...

  21. QUT

    All HDR students have a mandatory Annual Progress Report (APR) milestone, although some exemptions apply. PhD students also have a stage 2, confirmation, and final seminar as course milestones (as specified in the course requirements). Note that the stage 2 is a critical milestone as it is the second and final stage of admission into the course.

  22. PDF Orange Monochrome Photo Graduation Program

    budgets, finding funding opportunities and answering any questions you may have about the whole funding application process. Justine Coneybeer is a PhD Candidate at the Centre for Justice, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Her doctoral research examines the fashion industry's response to Australia's Modern Slavery Act.

  23. PDF Thesis Examination Process Guidelines

    Doctoral Candidates require two examiners external to QUT. Masters candidates require one examiner external to QUT and one nominee from QUT's academic staff. Examiners must have demonstrable and substantial publications and research experience in the area under investigation, have the same level of qualification as that being examined (eg. PhD

  24. Graduate Assistantship in the Academic Success Center

    The Academic Success Center is seeking a Graduate Assistant to serve as a Coordinator for Supplemental Instruction and Peer Learning Assistance. This 20-hour-per-week in-person position begins August 1, 2024, and provides an annual monthly stipend in addition to a tuition waiver for the fall and spring semesters of enrollment. ... Application ...

  25. QUT

    Six steps to apply. Step 1: Course and requirements. Step 2: Check costs and scholarships. Step 3: Submit your application. Step 4: Respond to your offer. Step 5: Apply for your visa. Step 6: Commencing your studies.