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Tipps zum bewerbungsprozess.

Unterlagen: - Ein strukturierter Lebenslauf, der auf die Anforderungen der Stelle angepasst ist, bildet das A und O! Alle relevanten Informationen sollten auf einen Blick verfügbar sein, d. h. auf einer Seite. - Verfasse ein Motivationsschreiben, aus dem hervorgeht, warum dich die Beratung in der Finanzbranche begeistert und welchen Beitrag du leisten kannst und willst. - Schicke deine Zeugnisse mit und achte darauf, dass alle Arbeitszeugnisse und die deines akademischen Abschlusses vorhanden sind. - Bei Bewerbungen für Praktika nenne bitte den Zeitraum, in dem du zur Verfügung stehst und bewirb dich idealerweise bereits drei bis sechs Monate vor dem gewünschten Eintrittsdatum.

Interviews: - Sei authentisch, ehrlich und du selbst. - Bereite dich auf Case-Interviews vor, bei denen du deine Problemlösefähigkeit zeigen kannst. - Überlege dir, was du von deinen Gesprächspartnerinnen und -partnern wissen willst, denn am Ende des Interviews bist du mit deinen Fragen an der Reihe.

Anforderung an Beweber:innen

Anforderung an bewerber:innen.

Wenn es um deine Karriere geht, stehst DU für uns im Fokus. Denn in zeb findest du einen Arbeitgeber, der deiner Stimme Gewicht verleiht. Wir vertrauen auf unser Prinzip „Argument schlägt Hierarchie“ und fordern dich auf, Teil des Dialogs zu werden und Gewohntes infrage zu stellen. Wir geben dir die Chance, neue Lösungswege zu kreieren, thematisch tief einzutauchen und dich so beständig weiterzuentwickeln. Unser „stay and grow“-Ansatz bietet dir zudem eine Perspektive für langfristiges Wachstum. Dabei kannst du auf ein starkes Team und ein ausgeprägtes „Wir-Gefühl“ zählen, denn im Miteinander sehen wir die Grundlage für unseren Erfolg. Hast du Lust, die Transformation der Finanzbranche aktiv mitzugestalten? Wir geben dir die Möglichkeit dazu, denn als Arbeitgeber setzen wir auf: - Persönlichkeiten , die gerne Neues entdecken und die Zukunft gestalten wollen. - Erste praktische Erfahrung durch relevante Praktika oder eine Berufsausbildung. - Neugierde , Zuverlässigkeit und Teamorientierung .

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 Argumente zählen - und nicht wo du herkommst, auf welcher Position du bist oder welchen Hintergrund du hast!

Marion Pfaller - Senior Managerin

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A Net ZEB Case Study—Experiences from Freezing in Ventilation Heat Exchanger and Measured Energy Performance

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 12 December 2018
  • Cite this conference paper

zeb case study squeaker

  • Björn Berggren 4  

Part of the book series: Springer Proceedings in Energy ((SPE))

Included in the following conference series:

  • Cold Climate HVAC Conference

1397 Accesses

1 Citations

Net Zero Energy Buildings constitute one measure to reduce energy use and increase use of energy from renewable sources. Hence, it is important share knowledge and experiences from completed projects. This case study show that it is possible to build Net Zero Energy Buildings with existing techniques. However, a common strategy to prevent or limit the build-up of ice and frost in ventilation heat exchangers, Supply fan shut off, were not suitable this project, since it is air tight buildings. After occurring problems in the first winter, ventilation pre-heater were installed to prevent the build-up of ice and frost. Thanks to placement of temperature sensor after the pre-heater, the increased energy use for pre-heater may be expected to be low, roughly 1 kWh/m 2 a.

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International Energy Agency (IEA), SHC Task 40/ECBCS Annex 52 Towards Net-Zero Energy Solar Buildings, 2013 Highlights (2013)

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J. Rekstad, M. Meir, E. Murtnes, A. Dursun, A comparison of the energy consumption in two passive houses, one with a solar heating system and one with an air–water heat pump. Energy Build. 96 , 149–161 (2015)

D. Majcen, L.C.M. Itard, H. Visscher, Theoretical vs. actual energy consumption of labelled dwellings in the Netherlands: discrepancies and policy implications. Energy Policy 54 , 125–136 (2013)

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Skanska Sverige AB, Teknik, Stockholm, Sweden

Björn Berggren

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Correspondence to Björn Berggren .

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Division of Building Services, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Dennis Johansson

Division of Building Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Åsa Wahlström

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Berggren, B. (2019). A Net ZEB Case Study—Experiences from Freezing in Ventilation Heat Exchanger and Measured Energy Performance. In: Johansson, D., Bagge, H., Wahlström, Å. (eds) Cold Climate HVAC 2018. CCC 2018. Springer Proceedings in Energy. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 12 December 2018

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-030-00661-7

Online ISBN : 978-3-030-00662-4

eBook Packages : Energy Energy (R0)

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Circular economy implementation in an organization: a case study of the taiwan sugar corporation.

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1. Introduction

2. literature review, 2.1. overview of circular economy principles, 2.2. bs 8001: 2017 principles of the circular economy in organizations, 2.3. implementation of circular economy, 2.4. hypothesis development.

  • Economic Aspects (EA)
  • Environmental Aspects (ENVA)
  • Social Aspects (SA)
  • Degree of Concern and Impact
  • Relationship between Economic and Environmental Aspects
  • Relationship between Environmental and Social Aspects
  • Relationship between Economic and Social Aspects

2.5. Research Procedure

3. research background and information, 3.1. tsc’s circular economy concept and planning, 3.2. promote the circular economy process of oyster shells, 3.3. short-, medium-, and long-term goals of the oyster shell circular economy.

  • Short-Term Goals (2018–2020)
  • Establish an oyster shell processing plant to recycle discarded shells.
  • Achieve green building standards, save energy and water, and reduce carbon emissions.
  • Collaborate with research institutes for product applications.
  • Begin plant operations and obtain production licenses.
  • Mid-Term Goals (2021–2023)
  • Obtain necessary operational permits and ISO certifications.
  • Optimize equipment and processes, and expand product applications to feed, fertilizers, and 3D printing.
  • Enhance research and development in collaboration with academic and industrial partners.
  • Long-Term Goals (2024–2026)
  • Expand production capacity to 50,000 tons per year.
  • Source oyster shells from across Taiwan and outlying islands.
  • Achieve carbon neutrality certifications and develop new applications for functional materials.

3.4. Complementary Corrective Measures in Response to Risks and Opportunities

3.5. business objectives and business strategies.

  • Efficient utilization and processing of oyster shell raw materials.
  • Achieving zero pollution, zero waste, and zero accidents through advanced environmental management.
  • Expanding the applications of calcium carbonate to various industries.
  • Establishing a model for industrial innovation and circular economy practices.

4. Research Methodology

4.1. data collection, 4.1.1. stakeholder survey.

  • Biotechnology Division.
  • General Management Office.
  • Planning Office.
  • Oyster Shell Suppliers: Ji Jin Fishery Marketing Cooperative, located in Chiayi County, Taiwan, and Jiesheng Environmental Co., Ltd., based in Tainan, Taiwan.
  • Packaging Material Suppliers: Chengxin Industrial Co., Ltd., situated in Taipei, Taiwan, and Zhangming Enterprise Co., Ltd., located in Taichung, Taiwan.
  • Third Party Logistics: Youheng Transportation Co., Ltd., which operates out of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • YingHe Company located in Tainan, Taiwan.
  • Internal Customers: Taiwan Sugar Corporation’s Animal Husbandry Division, Recreation Division, and various district offices.
  • External Customers: Nong Sheng Enterprise Co., Ltd. is located in Taichung, Taiwan. Fu Shou Industrial Co., Ltd. is based in Taipei, Taiwan. Mao Sheng Agricultural Economics Co., Ltd. operates out of Taipei, Taiwan. Fumao Oils & Fats Co., Ltd. is situated in Tainan, Taiwan. Taiwan Charoen Pokphand Enterprise Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan. Formosa Plastics Corporation is located in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Nan Pao Resins Chemical Co., Ltd. is based in Tainan, Taiwan. Uni-President Enterprises Corporation operates from Tainan, Taiwan. Great Wall Enterprise Co., Ltd. is situated in Taipei, Taiwan. Finally, Xie Xin Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in Taichung, Taiwan.
  • Internal employees of the biotechnology material factory.
  • Degree of Concern: measured the stakeholders’ level of concern regarding the economic, environmental, and social aspects of the Taiwan Sugar Company’s circular economy transition. A five-point Likert scale (1 = Not at all concerned to 5 = Extremely concerned) was used for each aspect.
  • Degree of Impact: evaluated the stakeholders’ beliefs about the positive and negative impacts of the Taiwan Sugar Company’s circular economy initiatives on the same three aspects (economic, environmental, and social). A similar five-point Likert scale (1 = Very low impact to 5 = Very high impact) was employed.

4.1.2. Internal Company Documents

  • Sustainability reports: providing insights into the Taiwan Sugar Company’s existing sustainability practices and circular economy goals.
  • Strategic plans: outlining the company’s vision and objectives related to circularity.
  • Operational data: on waste generation, resource consumption, and production processes, used to assess the feasibility of implementing specific circular economy strategies.

4.1.3. Stakeholder Communication

5. assessment and result, 5.1. stakeholder investigation and analysis, 5.1.1. structural model assessment.

  • H1(a): EA → ENVA: The positive relationship between the Economic Aspects and Environmental Aspects is confirmed, with a Beta coefficient of 0.855 and an R² value of 0.730. This indicates that the Economic Aspects significantly influence the Environmental Aspects.
  • H2(a): ENVA → SA: The positive relationship between the Environmental Aspects and Social Aspects is also supported, with a Beta coefficient of 0.839 and an R² value of 0.814. This suggests that the Environmental Aspects have a substantial impact on the Social Aspects.
  • H3(a): EA → SA: The positive relationship between the Economic Aspects and Social Aspects is further validated, with a Beta coefficient of 0.902 and an R² value of 0.703. This implies that the Economic Aspects significantly influence the Social Aspects.
  • (b) For Degree of Impact
  • H1(b): EA → ENVA: The positive relationship between the Economic Aspects and Environmental Aspects is confirmed, with a Beta coefficient of 0.734 and an R² value of 0.538. This indicates that the Economic Aspects significantly influence the Environmental Aspects.
  • H2(b): ENVA → SA: The positive relationship between the Environmental Aspects and Social Aspects is also supported, with a Beta coefficient of 0.814 and an R² value of 0.663. This suggests that the Environmental Aspects have a substantial impact on the Social Aspects.
  • H3(b): EA → SA: The positive relationship between Economic Aspects and Social Aspects is further validated, with a Beta coefficient of 0.942 and an R² value of 0.971. This implies that the Economic Aspects significantly influence the Social Aspects.

5.1.2. Identify the Degree of Attention and Impact

5.2. feasibility assessment, 5.2.1. swot analysis of tsc biotech material factory, 5.2.2. strategy evaluation and selection, 5.3. tsc circular economy systematic thinking framework output, 5.4. implementation, assessment, and results of tsc’s circular economy transition, 5.4.1. the carbon reduction benefits are as follows.

  • TSC’s Oyster Shell Calcium Carbonate: uses natural gas, resulting in a carbon footprint of 0.02255 metric tons of CO₂e per ton.
  • Traditional processing: uses heavy oil, resulting in 0.043 metric tons of CO₂e per ton.
  • Mining of Ore: results in 0.18 metric tons of CO 2 e per ton.

5.4.2. The Reduction of Oyster Shell Waste Is as Follows

  • Total recycled waste: by the end of 2021, TSC recycled and treated 3012 tons of oyster shells.
  • Applications: Oyster shells are used for handmade artworks, raw materials for feed and fertilizers, artificial fishing reefs, and replacing traditional cement breakwaters.

5.4.3. The Solar Panel Installation Results Are as Follows

  • Current capacity: TSC has installed rooftop solar power equipment in 39 locations with a total capacity of 14.02 MW.
  • Past achievements include the following: ○ 2019: 4.56 MW generating 519.07 MWh (24.84% increase). ○ 2020: 12.30 MW generating 1166 MWh (124.63% increase). ○ 2021: 322.79 MW generating 23,153 MWh (1885.67% increase).

5.4.4. Financial Performance

  • Revenue growth: TSC’s total revenue increased from NTD 29,913 million in 2020 to NTD 32,461 million in 2022, marking a 6.27% growth in operating income and a 289.33% increase in other income during this period [ 34 ].
  • Profit improvement: despite some fluctuations, TSC managed to maintain profitability with net incomes of NTD 4567 million in 2020, NTD 3908 million in 2021, and NTD 2428 million in 2022. The net profit margin, while experiencing a decrease, remained at a respectable 8.42% in 2022 [ 34 ].
  • Cost savings: through various circular economy initiatives, including energy efficiency improvements and waste reduction strategies, TSC has effectively managed its operating costs. For instance, the operating costs were NTD 19,825 million in 2020 and increased to NTD 22,855 million in 2022, a controlled growth relative to the revenue increases.

6. Conclusions

Supplementary materials, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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PrincipleBS 8001: 2017Ellen MacArthur FoundationEuropean CommissionCradle to Cradle (C2C)
Circularity FocusFlexibility, transparency, value preservationDesign out waste, keep products in useWaste prevention, re-use, recyclingContinuous material cycles
Resource EfficiencyMaximize resource productivityOptimize resource yieldsSustainable resource managementSafe and continuous material cycling
System ThinkingHolistic, interconnected approachSystems perspectiveIntegrated lifecycle approachBiological and technical nutrient cycles
InnovationEncourages creativity, innovationFoster innovationSupport for research and innovationInnovative design and production
Stakeholder EngagementEncourages active participationCollaboration across value chainsInclusive stakeholder engagementInvolvement of all stakeholders
Risk ManagementEncourages proactive risk managementConsideration of risks and uncertaintiesComprehensive risk assessmentRisk minimization through design
PeriodRisk IssueSupporting Measures
Short-term (2018–2020)Political considerations of local governments, and doubts about environmental sanitationThe original evaluation site was moved from Dongshi to Yongkang District, Tainan City
Mid-term (2021–2023)Low prices for agricultural use and fierce competitionSeek industrial use
Industrial use is expensive, low in usage, and slow in development time, and regulations need to be amendedResearch and development in cooperation with academic institutions
Long-term (2024–2026)Applications in various industries require relevant technical documents and materials, and the threshold for use is relatively highLooking for willing and capable manufacturers to cooperate
CategorySubcategory Communication ChannelFrequency of Communication
Suppliers and third partiesOyster shells and packaging materials suppliersTelephoneNot fixed
Third-partyInterview, telephone, E-mail1–6 times/month
ClientExternal customersInterview, telephone, E-mail1–6 times/month
Internal customersInterview, telephone, E-mail1–2 times/month
Waste processorInterview, telephone, E-mailNot fixed
Government agencies and representatives of public opinionInterview, telephone, E-mail1–2 times/month
Operation Manager and ShareholderInterview, telephone, E-mail1–2 times/month
Media and NGOsInterview, telephone, E-mail1–2 times/month
ResidentsInterview, telephone, E-mailIrregular
StaffInterview, telephone, E-mailAt any time
HypothesisRegression WeightsBeta CoefficientR p ValueResult
H1(a)EA → ENVA0.8550.7300.000Supported
H2(a)ENVA → SA0.8390.8140.000Supported
H3(a)EA → SA0.9020.7030.000Supported
HypothesisRegression WeightsBeta CoefficientR p ValueHypothesis Result
H1(b)EA → ENVA0.7340.5380.000Supported
H2(b)ENVA → SA0.8140.6630.000Supported
H3(b)EA → SA0.9420.9710.000Supported
Basic InformationEconomic AspectEnvironmental AspectSocial AspectMost Concerned Issue
Suppliers/partners/waste disposal2.963.432.559
Media and NGOs4.694.44.5237
Operation manager4.8854.7443
Government agencies and representatives of public opinion4.694.44.5241
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Share and Cite

Sah, A.K.; Hong, Y.-M. Circular Economy Implementation in an Organization: A Case Study of the Taiwan Sugar Corporation. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 7865.

Sah AK, Hong Y-M. Circular Economy Implementation in an Organization: A Case Study of the Taiwan Sugar Corporation. Sustainability . 2024; 16(17):7865.

Sah, Amit Kumar, and Yao-Ming Hong. 2024. "Circular Economy Implementation in an Organization: A Case Study of the Taiwan Sugar Corporation" Sustainability 16, no. 17: 7865.

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  • USA TODAY Sports

Shane Beamer is 1-0 as a head coach. What can we decipher from his lone game in position?

COLUMBIA -- The Shane Beamer era at South Carolina officially kicks off at 7 p.m. Saturday as he leads the Gamecocks out onto the field for the first time inside Williams-Brice Stadium against Eastern Illinois .

It’ll be his first game as USC’s head coach, but oddly enough, it won’t be the first time Beamer led a team in a college football game. That happened seven years ago.

While his father, Frank, recovered from throat surgery in December 2014, Shane coached Virginia Tech in the Military Bowl, in which the Hokies defeated Cincinnati, 33-17 .

NEW QB1: How Zeb Noland's skill set translates, what South Carolina's offense will look like

DEPTH CHART: Projecting South Carolina football's starters for season opener vs. Eastern Illinois

No one exactly knows how Beamer will coach and what it will look like, but there are hints we can derive from his lone head coaching appearance. I watched the entire 2014 Military Bowl, and here’s what I found out:

Shane Beamer sticks to his team’s strength

Virginia Tech had lost two starting running backs during the 2014 season. Despite being on the fourth tailback and a slow start rushing in the first half, Beamer and offensive coordinator Scott Loeffler stuck with the rushing attack, which exploded for 167 yards in the second half. Led by JC Coleman that afternoon, the Hokies ran the ball 44 times versus 25 throws.

The parallel here is South Carolina will be ushering in a new quarterback in Zeb Noland in the season opener Saturday while the team is loaded at running back with Kevin Harris, MarShawn Lloyd, ZaQuandre White and Juju McDowell. Expect the Gamecocks to live by the run game in 2021.

BREAKOUT PLAYERS: South Carolina football: Who could have a breakout season for the Gamecocks?

Trickeration, special packages will be present under Shane Beamer

Virginia Tech dialed up two trick plays in the first quarter against the Bearcats. On the second offensive series, the Hokies called a reverse pass that gained 30 yards. The next series, the offense ran a reverse. Tight end Bucky Hodges lined up in a wildcat package.

That seems important to note as Beamer has constantly said this offseason that South Carolina will heavily use the tight ends. In big games this season, i.e., as early as Week 3 at Georgia, look for Beamer and offensive coordinator Marcus Satterfield to incorporate different personnel packages and some trick plays into the game plan.

Tempo inside the red zone

When Virginia Tech seized the momentum in the Military Bowl with its longest drive of the game, the offense switched up the tempo when it reached the red zone . The Hokies went no-huddle, quick snaps, catching the Cincinnati defense on its heels.

Beamer and the Gamecocks could follow that same blueprint, mixing up the pace once he feels the team has captured the momentum and the opponent is staggering.

What will Shane Beamer do after South Carolina's defense forces turnovers?

Speaking of momentum, few things in a football game shift the momentum more than turnovers. The Hokies defense forced two early turnovers in the Military Bowl.

What did the offense come out with after starting drives in plus territory?

Tech went conservative with the first couple of play calls, starting both series with straightforward run concepts.

It’ll be interesting to watch if South Carolina takes any shots immediately after takeaways this season. But Beamer’s lone case study suggests he’ll play it safe to try to build momentum.

What might clock management look like under Shane Beamer?

His lone time managing the clock as a head coach didn’t go great for Beamer.

With the game tied 10-10, Tech had decent field position near midfield with 36 seconds remaining in the first half. The offense executed the right play, a pass where the receiver got out of bounds for a first down, which stopped the clock to reset the chains.

Beamer decided not to use a timeout and lost seven seconds.

The next play ran the clock down to 2 seconds and Virginia Tech settled for a 49-yard field goal as time expired.

Just like any other head coach, how they manage the clock will always be scrutinized and we’ll see as this season progresses if Beamer can handle it better.

Shane Beamer the hype man

It’ll come to no one’s surprise that Beamer will be energetic during games even as head coach. The question is to what extend will he be? During the 2014 Military Bowl, cornerback Greg Stroman reached the end zone on a scoop-and-score and Beamer jumped and rode on his back in celebration.

Entering his first full-time head coaching gig at 44, Beamer surely will be just as demonstrative on the sideline for the Gamecocks, bringing positive energy and enthusiasm throughout the game. Much different than what USC fans have seen the last few seasons.


How We Modernized Robust Data Infrastructure for a Retail Company

Our client is a leading rent-to-own service provider based out of the US that offers leasing services for commodities like furniture, appliances, and electronics. They provide services through an e-commerce website and around 2000+ offline storefront locations across the country.

Increased operational efficiency

Enhanced data availability

Improved decision-making

Custom citizen portal development with Vlocity packages

Data modernization

Databricks, SNS, SQS, AWS S3, AWS DMS, Power BI

Challenge: Lack of real-time data integration and reporting

The client wanted to modernize their on-premises data warehouse, that stored transactional data from their point-of-sale system, as well as other data sources like HR payroll, Salesforce, and financial data from flat files. The data modernization involved migrating 14TB of data from the legacy warehouse to a cloud-based solution. This data has to be synchronized with new data that is fetched from purpose-built POS system across 2000+ stores.

Solution: Modernizing legacy data architecture with enhanced data process

To address these challenges, we proposed a two-phase solution for the data warehouse migration.

Phase 1 – Initial load and sync:

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Historical data migration was initiated using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) to efficiently extract data from the existing on-premises data warehouse into AWS S3 in parquet format. The data was then transformed and structured using Databricks, serving as the orchestrating layer. During this phase, we streamlined the data model significantly, reducing the number of tables from 250 to 180. This alignment of the data platform allowed it to respond efficiently to business queries. Further, key datasets like Customer360, Inventory360, and Store360 were established to deliver a comprehensive view of business insights.

A vital aspect of this data transformation was ensuring proper synchronization between the legacy and new data warehouses. Databricks jobs played a pivotal role in orchestrating this synchronization, while alert services were established to notify designated emails in case of any operational failures.

Phase 2 – Event stream ingestion:

In the second phase, which was the event stream ingestion phase, the primary focus was on the incremental processing of data. This was achieved through the implementation of a Medallion architecture that seamlessly processed records within the data lake. Data were ingested into AWS S3 and subsequently consumed to construct a delta lake directly within S3. Further, quality checks were executed before loading data into the cloud data platform.

We implemented TriggerOnce mechanism that orchestrated the streaming process at intervals of 15 minutes. This ensured that the data was available and accessible to all stakeholders, even before it was fully integrated into the data warehouse.

On top of these technical enhancements, the reporting system experienced a significant transformation a substantial transformation. Over 10,000 reports were meticulously analyzed and strategically grouped into a concise set of 200+ reports.

These refined reports were then burst daily to approximately 3,000 stakeholders, catering to the diverse reporting needs across the organization. The reporting solution was further integrated with Power BI, establishing a direct connection to curated information. This enabled real-time synchronization of dashboards, aligning with the updates in Delta Lake’s data storage.

Benefits: Elevating operations and decision-making with modernized data infrastructure

  • 77% enhanced operational efficiency through streamlined data migration and synchronization.
  • 86% improved decision-making with real-time dashboard updates aligned with data changes.
  • 92% reduction in reporting complexity with consolidated and refined reports.
  • 74% increased data accessibility and availability to all stakeholders.

Ready to modernize your retail business?

At zeb, we specialize in transforming retail data infrastructure, enhancing operational efficiency, and elevating decision-making. If you’re looking to modernize your data systems, streamline reporting, and improve data availability, we’re here to help.

Partner with us and embark on a journey towards data-driven success.

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