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Drug Topics For School Projects And Academic Research

drug topics

Research papers and essays on drug topics address sociology, pharmacology, medicine, psychology, statistics, history, and criminology issues. Drug abuse is a serious problem in modern society. It’s a serious issue that different countries are trying to combat. As such, educators ask learners to write academic papers and essays on drug abuse topics to understand this subject better.

Many countries have spent billions of dollars fighting addiction and treating drug addicts. Countless lives have been lost to drug addiction. The increasing crime rates in many countries have also been attributed to drug abuse and addiction. What’s more, people in different social groups gave initiated campaigns against drug use and trade. It’s, therefore, reasonable for educators to ask learners to write about drug and alcohol topics.

Choosing Drug Research Topics

  • Interesting Drug Topics for Papers and Essays
  • Effects of Drug Addiction Topics

Argumentative Research Topics about Drug Use

Drug and alcohol group topics, drug legislation research essay topics.

As students write academic papers on drug related research topics, they engage in research that helps them come to terms with the extent of this problem. They also learn how illicit drug use affects human life. War on drugs research topics helps learners to know the number of resources their governments are spending trying to deal with this problem. Such knowledge can help learners avoid addictive drugs.

But, choosing the drug research topics to write about is not easy. That’s because learners should choose interesting topics for which they can find adequate information to write about. If struggling to pick topics on drug abuse for your academic papers and essays, here are 100 great ideas from our assignment service .

Interesting Drug Topics for Papers and Essays

  • The government should legalize marijuana use
  • Drug users should go to rehabs, not jail
  • The government should eliminate cash bail and legalize marijuana
  • How illicit drugs benefit society
  • Interesting medical uses of cannabis
  • Effects of illicit drugs on society
  • Why teens abuse drugs
  • Possible solutions to the drug abuse problem among teenagers
  • What are the effects of early drug abuse?
  • Health benefits of marijuana
  • Why athletes need marijuana
  • Discuss the long-term effects of illicit drug use
  • History of drug abuse
  • What prompts a person to abuse drugs?
  • Is the war against drug abuse necessary?
  • Can the government win the war against illicit drugs?
  • Can technology be used to fight drug abuse and addiction?
  • How do movies promote drug abuse?
  • Are modern celebrities promoting drug abuse?
  • How can the government deal with prescription drug abuse?

These are interesting ideas for research papers and essays, especially for learners that want to write about controversial drug topics. Nevertheless, be ready to invest time and effort in research, analysis, and writing if you pick any of these research paper topics on drug abuse.

Effects of Drug Addiction Topics

Some people want to know how drug addiction affects a person’s life. As such, this category comprises some of the most interesting drug related topics for learners. Here are some of the best drug addiction research topics to consider if interested in the consequences of addictive substances.

  • Does the amount of abused drugs affect its impact?
  • Why are some people more addicted to drugs than others?
  • How does drug addiction differ between men and women?
  • Why are there differences in drug addiction levels between men and women?
  • What influences the effects of illicit drugs?
  • Why do different drugs affect humans differently?
  • What are the major signs of alcoholism?
  • What are the effects of abusing marijuana?
  • What are the effects of psychoactive substances on the human brain?
  • Explain the main social issues caused by alcohol abuse
  • How does drug abuse affect the social life of a person?
  • How do addicts try to hide the effects of addictive substances?
  • Can family members help an addict deal with the effects of an illicit drug?
  • Can a person deal with the effects of illicit drug abuse alone?
  • Why is rehab necessary when dealing with the effects of illicit drugs?
  • Is withdrawal syndrome an effect of illicit drug addiction
  • Can abusing alcohol affect the judgment of a person?
  • Why is it not advisable to drink alcohol and operate machinery or drive?
  • Common myths about the effects of alcohol
  • Common myths about the effects of marijuana

Choose any of these drug research paper topics if interested in learning how illicit substances affect the users. Nevertheless, be prepared to research extensively to come up with a solid paper about any of these essay topics on drug addiction.

Maybe you hold a certain perspective about drug use. Some people may not agree with you but you would like to persuade them. In that case, you might consider argumentative essay topics drug addiction ideas. That way, you can express your views on the topic professionally. Here are some of the best persuasive essay topics about drugs to consider.

  • Addiction is a disease
  • The genetic makeup of a person can prompt them to abuse drugs
  • The environment of a person can influence them to abuse drugs
  • Social and cultural factors play a role in drug addiction
  • Drug abuse does not always lead to bad behaviors
  • Mass media can encourage drug abuse and addiction
  • Celebrities can influence drug abuse among teenagers
  • Drug addiction treatments should focus on inner motivations
  • Imprisonment does not help a drug addict
  • Interactions with drug addicts can have a negative influence on kids
  • The environment is not to blame for drug addiction
  • Schools can help prevent drug abuse among the teens
  • The perceived correlation between delinquency and drug abuse is wrong
  • The effect of drugs on a person’s perception is not always negative
  • Parents are partly to blame for drug abuse by teens
  • A person who has never had an addiction can’t understand how it feels to battle drug addiction
  • Drug addiction takes control over a person
  • Behavioral and cognitive problems can also affect the academic performance of students that abuse drugs and alcohol
  • Isolating drug addicts will only escalate their addiction
  • Family members should play a role in the treatment of drug addicts

Pick a topic on drug addiction from this category if ready to research extensively and come up with strong points to support your argument. That’s because you must convince readers to support your position in your argument.

Perhaps, you’re looking for drug project ideas that touch on group mentality or perception. In that case, this category has some of the best academic papers and essay topics for drug abuse that you should consider.

  • What are the major social aspects of drug addiction?
  • Which are the most vulnerable social groups when it comes to drug addiction?
  • Is drug abuse part of sacred rituals in some religions?
  • Minors and drug abuse
  • Irreversible effects of drug abuse among teens
  • What is the psychological defense of drug abuse by human trafficking victims
  • Cultural and ethnic traditions that compel some social groups to abuse drugs
  • Can legalizing marijuana make some social groups abuse it more?
  • Why do most women abuse painkiller drugs?
  • How does the “club culture” enhance drug abuse?
  • Who can benefit from the mandatory examination for drug abuse?
  • How drug abuse affects social relations
  • Can a family be affected negatively by substance abuse by one of its members?
  • Drug abuse among the LGBTQ
  • Why drug abuse is considered cool among teenagers
  • How college culture enhances drug abuse
  • How does attitude towards drugs differ among social groups?
  • How does the legal drinking age differ based on cultural diversity?
  • Should countries have similar laws on drug abuse?
  • What are the main causes of drug abuse in various social groups?

These are also great drug debate topics for students in different study levels. However, they also require extensive research to come up with good papers and essays.

If you decide to write about topics for a paper on drug war, you may want to talk about policies, laws, and regulations that touch on different illicit substances. This category has research paper topics drugs ideas that may also focus on legislation.

  • Common substance abuse laws in most countries
  • Effects of drug abuse policies
  • How some legislations compel people to abuse drugs
  • How substance abuse laws can help in the war against the drug trade
  • Top drug laws in the U.S
  • Explain the confidentiality of drug and alcohol abuse patients’ records
  • Explain the disparity in drug law among people of different races
  • How governments can use legislation to fight drug abuse
  • Should the government legalize marijuana?
  • Scaling up the war against drug abuse through legislation
  • Important legislations for enhancing the war against drugs
  • Legislations for preventing underage alcohol consumption
  • How can the government use legislation to fight drug abuse without infringing on human rights?
  • Legislation to channel more resources to the war on drug abuse
  • Causes of illegal drug use among women
  • Vaping legislation to prevent drug abuse
  • Important legislation to prevent prescription drug abuse
  • Legislations to curb military populations’ drug abuse
  • Enforcing law to curb college drug abuse
  • Addressing the increasing cases of people drinking under the influence of alcohol

Drug abuse is a broad subject. Pick some of these drugs essay topics and then research them extensively to come up with papers that will earn you the top scores. Also, you can take a look at these health topics .

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429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples

Are you looking for a good drugs research title? You’re at the right place! StudyCorgi has prepared a list of engaging drug essay topics and questions for your project, discussion, debate, and other assignments.

💊 TOP 7 Drug Presentation Topics

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  • Drug Addiction: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Impacts of Drugs on the Society
  • Drug Abuse among Teenagers Causes and Effects
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse among Young People
  • Ethical and Legal Implications of Prescribing Drugs
  • Adolescent Drug Abuse, Their Awareness and Prevention
  • The Consequences of Drug Abuse
  • Causes and Effects of Drug Addiction Drug abuse entails constant and excessive usage of drugs to create feelings of happiness and blot out reality despite its well-known harmful effects.
  • Shoppers Drug Mart: History, Founder, SWOT Analysis This paper aims to provide a full review of Shoppers Drug Mart’s internal and external operations. The author examines the history of the company and its founder, Murray Koffler.
  • Teenage Drug Addiction Problem The modern world is full of diverse activities and hobbies that can have both positive and negative effects. This essay aims at discussing the phenomenon of teenage drug addiction.
  • Case Study of Drug Addiction The case study provides a platform for evaluating treatment priorities and agencies crucial for the full recovery of substance abuse patients.
  • Effects of Drug Use on Society Every society encounters a variety of problems that it needs to address, and one of the most common is drug use among the population.
  • The Use of Performance-Enhancing Drugs The information herein identifies particular risk factors that expose the global community to the objectionable concerns linked with the goods.
  • Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illegal Drugs: Use Consequences Although tobacco, alcohol, and drugs cause severe physical and mental health problems and spoil a person’s social life, the image created for them contributes to harm devaluation.
  • Social Problems Related to Alcohol and Drugs The present paper will explain the content of three articles relating to the issue of Alcohol and drug use while also providing a personal reflection on the readings.
  • How Drugs Influence the Crimes This essay discusses five major questions about ‘Drug and Crimes’, namely, what is the extent to which the drug subculture influences criminal behavior?, etc.
  • Monopoly Drugs Versus Generic Drugs When a pharmaceutical company creates a new drug it may apply for and be granted a patent that is a legal protection that shelters an invention from being used, copied, or traded without permission.
  • Canadians’ Reaction to Alcohol as a Newly-Invented Illicit Drug The possible reaction of Canadians to alcohol, if it was a newly-invented illicit drug, will differ depending on their personal characteristics and external circumstances.
  • Shoppers Drug Mart Company’s Retail Networks The paper presents the analysis of business concept applications on the example of the Shoppers Drug Mart company. It suggests ways to maintain the market share of retail networks.
  • Drug Addiction in America: Effects and Solutions The problem of illegal drug use is a major health issue in the United States, it affects thousands of people, the specified concern must be handled on the level of state policies.
  • Causes and Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Drug addiction is a psychological and physical disorder that affects the brain of an individual. It is caused by dependence on drugs, alcohol, and specific behaviors.
  • Drug Abuse Relation to the Violent Behavior Various groups of drugs greatly vary and relate to violence in different ways. Any person with heavy drug habits may act negatively and involve in violent acts punishable by law.
  • Drug Addiction and Best Treatment Practices This paper will determine the role of treatment in the recovery process and analyze the best evidence-based practices.
  • Cause and Effect of Drug Addiction As a result of drug misuse, there are changes in the functioning of neurological pathways in the human brain, with the associated physical; and mental health deterioration.
  • The Link Between Drug Abuse and Corruption This paper discusses that drug abuse and corruption deserve attention. It introduces causes and reasons for drug abuse and corruption.
  • Apis Mellifica as a Homeopathic Drug for Headaches Homeopathy is one of the systems of alternative medicine. The paper investigates the effectiveness of using a homeopathic drug to address headaches.
  • Overcoming the Drug Abuse Addiction The use of narcotic drugs brings irreparable harm to health and diminishes the quality of life. Opioid abuse is a predominant problem that continues to be a concern.
  • Drug Abuse and Theories Explaining It This paper aims to examine several theories explaining drug addiction. The theories for analysis are biological, psychological, and sociological.
  • Drug Misuse and Its Effects on Children Health and body functioning are negatively affected, and the condition may manifest itself in drug dependence or an array of other harmful and problematic behaviors.
  • Drug Testing in Pharmacology The aim of this paper is to analyze and review drug tests within the population of third-world countries and define whether these trials are ethical.
  • “Should Drugs Be Legalized?” by William Bennett The war against drugs in the United States has reached a new level. Such an outcome is conditional upon the recent measures that politicians are discussing.
  • Juvenile Drug Abuse Problems Analysis This essay describes the problem of juvenile drug use and applies the relevant delinquency theory. Additionally, the interventions or programs to fix the issue will be highlighted.
  • Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Workplace Alcohol and drug abuse is one of the major causes of accidents in the workplace. Random alcohol and drug tests would discourage employees of organization from abusing alcohol or drugs.
  • Classification of Legal and Illegal Drugs The classification of drugs as either legal or illegal provides a baseline foundation for the effect on victims and the attribute of addiction.
  • Mandatory Drug Tests for Nursing Students Nursing schools have therefore tried to address this issue and one of the most commonly used tools is the mandatory drug test.
  • Drug Abuse and Its Effects on Families Because of the lack of control that a substance abuse patient has over their actions, families of the people that develop chemical dependency are under constant threat.
  • Drug Use and Heroin Addiction: Informative Speech The illegality of drugs makes it impossible to research the actual numbers of people using drugs and situations making these persons initiate drug abuse and harm their health.
  • Drug Interactions Prevention in Nursing Guidelines The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention developed new guidelines to dictate how and when medications should be provided.
  • The Crisis of Drug Addiction This essay will focus on the crisis of drug addiction in general. It will also include some factors that lead to drug abuse. The paper will cover the dynamics of drug addiction in the USA.
  • Arguments For and Against Allowing Drug Use in Sports The main argument supporting the drug use in sports is that the drugs are medicines, improving the organism ability to mobilize its potential.
  • Psychotherapy and Counseling for Drug Abuse Treatment Drugs are the biggest vice of humanity, along with the mental and moral deviations, horrible diseases of modern times, social neglect and abuse it causes and goes along with.
  • Drug Addiction among Nurses The United States of America has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Drug abuse among nurses is a serious problem that threatens the quality care that is offered.
  • Drug and Substance Abuse: Sociological Causes and Explanations It is normal to think that drug and substance abuse affects only consumers. However, it also affects various aspects of society.
  • Drugs and Social Life in Iceland The nature of drug use in Iceland can be described as experimental — young people see something new in them and decide to try it out.
  • The Influence of Drugs and Social Media Limitless online resources are used to search for helpful information and to harass, torment anonymously, or provoke others.
  • The Practice of Nursing Research: Drug Round Tabards The study has several implications for hospitals and nurses involved in medication distribution. It demonstrates that the implementation of drug round tabards is worth attention.
  • The Effects of Drugs on a Man’s Reproductive System In this article, the author examines the reasons why drug and alcohol abuse negatively affects the reproductive health of men.
  • How Can Illegal Drugs Be Prevented From Entering Prison?
  • Can Economic Aid Make a Difference in the Flow of Drugs?
  • Are Novel Drugs Riskier for Patients Than Less Novel Drugs?
  • Can the Drugs Problem Be Tackled Primarily Through Legal Enforcement?
  • Do Drugs Are Barriers to Our Future?
  • Are Anabolic Steroids Really Pernicious Deleterious Drugs?
  • How Can Kids Best Be Convinced Not for Do Drugs?
  • Have Newer Cardiovascular Drugs Reduced Hospitalization?
  • Are Illegal Drugs Inferior Goods in the U.S.?
  • How Dangerous Are Drugs?
  • Are Psychotherapeutic Drugs Overprescribed for Treating Mental Illness?
  • How Dangerous Are Drugs and What Can We Do About the Drug Problem?
  • Are Drugs Taking Away the Excitement in Sports?
  • How Antidepressant Drugs Work Effect Us?
  • Does Medicaid Pay Too Much for Prescription Drugs?
  • Are Drugs More Detrimental to Educational Attainment?
  • Are Diet Drugs Are Safe for People?
  • Can Pharmacogenomics Improve Drugs Safely?
  • Does Price Reveal Poor-Quality Drugs?
  • How Are Biosimilar Drugs More Extensive Than Those of Generic?
  • Are Illegal Drugs Inferior Goods?
  • Does Previous Marijuana Use Increase the Use of Other Drugs?
  • How Are Drugs and Alcohol Affecting the Teenagers?
  • Are Any Drugs Derived From the Ocean Presently Approved?
  • Are the More Educated More Likely to Use New Drugs?
  • Does Coffee Contain Drugs?
  • Has the Time Come to Legalize Drugs?
  • How Cost-Effective Are New Cancer Drugs in the U.S.?
  • Are Adolescents With Abusive Parents at a Greater Risk of Abusing Drugs?
  • Can Production and Trafficking of Illicit Drugs Be Reduced?
  • Drug Abuse in Homeless Community The number of homeless people is continuously increasing, creating a severe threat to a country’s general well-being.
  • Drug Enforcement and War on Drugs “War on Drugs” has both positive and negative impact on criminal justice, creating certain stereotypes and putting pressure on the law enforcement agencies.
  • Drug Legalization from the Utilitarian Perspective The focus of the paper will be mainly on marijuana use, and such utilitarian principles as the principle of utility and the felicific calculus will be primarily applied.
  • Drug Addiction as Moral Failure The paper shows that drug abuse cannot be viewed as a moral failure. Kuhar’s scientific examinations made him come to that conclusion.
  • Victimless Crimes: Drug Abuse and Sex Work This work’s primary objective is to research and analyze victimless crimes, namely drug abuse and sex work, from the viewpoint of criminology.
  • Drug Addiction: A Choice or a Medical Disease? This article examines two opposing points of view on the problem of drug addiction – does a person have a choice to be a drug addict or is drug addiction a medical disease?
  • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) Assays Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) refers to the measurement of chemical or biochemical parameters in the lab to inform drug prescribing procedures.
  • Miami Drug Wars of the 70s and 80s Drug use is a subject that has raised controversies for decades. This paper focuses on the drug wars in Miami outlining their social, political, and economic impacts.
  • Drug Dealing on College Campuses Regardless of the attention given to the issue, the effects of drugs on students are always understated. It is typical because the entire scope of the problem is rarely understood.
  • Criminalizing Drug Usage: Effects and Consequences This paper critically examines the views that criminalization of drug use leads to greater social problems and harms individuals.
  • Drugs and Drug Related Crimes Obviously the current strategy of the government isn’t working and it is backfiring. The government needs to do something new.
  • Mechanism of Action and Clinical Application of Antiviral Drugs Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was first reported in 1981 by the Centers for Disease Control, with the identification of the HIV-1 as the causative agent.
  • Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation’s Retail and Services Shoppers Drug Mart pays significant attention to the development of an efficient retail network that makes the business attractive to customers.
  • Leadership in Drug Abuse Program Development Within the context of a potential intervention for drug abuse, the roles and competencies of leaders are the primary emphasis of this paper.
  • Drug Abuse and Its Impact on Creativity The boosting effect of drugs on creativity is a myth because changes in thinking are a brain reaction to a narcotic that is temporary yet severe.
  • The Anti-Drug Programs in Boston The history of drug abuse across the US has been a challenge for decades. There were various anti-drug programs introduced in Boston to curb the spread of its use in the city.
  • Negative Effects of Drugs on Voice The essay explores the influence of drug intake on the singer’s voice and illustrate the importance of the topic for the singer’s vocal cords maintenance.
  • Drugs and Substance Abuse in College: Effects and Treatments The paper will give a review of a treatment approach to drug abuse and describe the effects of substance abuse on a person who is in college.
  • Doctors’ Knowledge on Drug Prescription The reason why doctors have little knowledge of the drugs they prescribe is misplaced priorities during clinical trials.
  • Pharmaceutical Industry: Drug Development Drug development is a lengthy process but rightly so since the result should be playing a curative role and not disease inducer.
  • Health Issue Analysis: Prescription Drug Abuse Prescription drug abuse is a rapidly growing epidemic that spreads worldwide. Various national and international health organizations research this field.
  • Why Government Needs Drug Control Policy? The use of stopping drugs trafficked to or through the US territory should be evaluated since it usually causes strained relations from the countries where the drugs originate from.
  • War on Drugs: Fighting the Way We Are Not Likely to Win The spread of drugs is showing a steady growth trend; its adverse consequences are very multifaceted both for the drug addicts themselves and for the society in which they exist.
  • The Theme of Drug Abuse in Egan’s Book In her novel “A Visit from the Goon Squad”, Jennifer Egan discusses a number of problems of modern society. Among them is the problem of drug abuse.
  • Drugs in Perspective: Models of Addiction The moral model of addiction is a notion that has very little in common with biological or genetic components of addiction. The disease model of addiction is a lifelong addiction.
  • The Relationship Between Drugs and Addiction to Crime Systemic crime emerges from the arrangement of drug circulation. It includes conflicts over the region in rival drug traders, attacks, and executions committed in involved groups.
  • Performance Enhancing Drugs Legalization in Sports The question that was going to be answered through various arguments in this paper was whether these drugs should be legalized.
  • Computerized Entry of Drug Prescribing Order The core of CPOE lies in the idea that it can replace recipes that are written manually with electronic orders. This approach involves reducing text recognition errors.
  • Drug Safety Approach in Administration and Nursing It is important to assess the safety of drugs prescribed to patients to detect possible side effects, inefficiency, or danger for patients.
  • Drug’s, Poverty’s and Beauty’s Effects on Health Some serious health outcomes emanate from frequent consumption of drugs, poverty, and a stringent adherence to the global trends of beauty.
  • Drug and Prostitution Issues in the Local Community The present scenario concerns a patrol officer assigned to a truck stop near a major highway encountering crime and disorder problems.
  • Drug Abuse and Alcohol-Related Crimes in Adolescents The current paper focuses on the topic of drug abuse and alcohol-related crimes among teenagers, showing that substances remain the most notable factor in juvenile crime.
  • Drug Legalization: Arguments For and Against Some people would say that the U.S. should stop the war on drugs because this war caused enormous imprisonment of small-time drug dealers.
  • Drug Dependency: Construction of a Rehabilitation Center Creating a program that would act as a foundation to help drug addicts recover from drug usage would help lessen drug dependency.
  • Drug Cartels in Mexico: Definition, Background, Mexican War on Drugs Mexican drug cartels, as one of the most powerful and well-known internationally, present the primary focus of interest in the research paper.
  • Six Stages of Change: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction Recovery from addiction leads to lifestyle change. Individuals whose loved ones undergo the recovery process may feel long when they have doubtful expectations.
  • Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program Successful addiction treatment is comprised of three aspects, constructing the addiction treatment: body, mind, and soul.
  • The Problem of Legalizing Drugs The problem of drugs legalization is a topic for debate in many countries where politicians, sociologists, philosophers, and other experts try to address the consequences of using drugs.
  • The Effect of Prohibition Alcohol and Drug Use Although Prohibition reduced consumption in the initial period, it does not imply that it realized success; neither did it make the community better.
  • Drugs and Alcohol Influence on Drivers Excessive amounts of alcohol and drugs deprive the driver of conscious control over the vehicle, leading to catastrophic consequences.
  • The legalization of recreational marijuana: pros and cons.
  • Should drug users be criminalized or treated?
  • Are drug companies liable for the opioid crisis?
  • Are safe injection sites effective in preventing drug overdoses?
  • The gateway drug theory: reality or a myth?
  • Are mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses justified?
  • The impact of zero tolerance drug policies in schools.
  • The therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances.
  • Why is drug testing essential in the workplace?
  • Should drug education programs be mandatory in schools?
  • The Drug Trafficking as Organized Crime Drug trafficking is among the recently organized crimes, and it has a direct influence on the economy as it earns a lot of money.
  • Trade and Usage Control: Drug Enforcement Administration The paper looks into the history of the drug enforcement agency, the factors that led to its formation, its goals, and its comparison with the federal bureau of narcotics.
  • Social Factors of Substance Drug Abuse Substance abuse refers to the pattern of continued use, despite adverse consequences. Socio determinants of substance abuse imply social factors that affect the outcome of drugs.
  • Drug Release: Ethical Dilemma in Pharmaceutics A moral issue has emerged as to whether a pharmaceutical company has to release a new drug or not. This drug is thought to be an effective treatment of depression.
  • Medication Safety and Drug Therapy Process This article reviews the literature on medication safety from a global perspective. It discusses how the drug therapy process has influenced medication safety.
  • Reducing Adverse Drug Events Among Older Adults According to recent studies, one of the leading causes of severe complications is adverse drug events (ADEs) due to unaccounted drug-to-drug interactions.
  • Drug Abuse in the United States’ Social Context Drug abuse is one of the problems affecting people in the United States. Society has contributed to the continued misuse of drugs today, through bad parenting or the environment.
  • Regulation of Drug Compounding Drug compounding is necessary in exceptional cases where a patient may not use drugs approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
  • “Addicts Who Survived” by David Courtwright: Crucial Work on Drug Addiction The purpose of this paper is to identify the main issues raised by David Courtwright and to discuss the content of the book “Addicts Who Survived”.
  • A Right to Experimental Drugs The question of whether patients should have access to experimental drugs for treatment is based on the ethical standards governing the protection of humans in this area.
  • Research Drug Safety Approaches Adverse effects of drugs implemented in certain treatment and care plans began to be noted a long time ago by health care specialists and scientists.
  • Food and Drug Administration History The paper provides a brief introduction, background, and history of the FDA and the ways in which it operates, and the practices implemented.
  • Drug Theme in “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin In the story “Sonny’s Blues” by Baldwin, Sonny’s friend felt responsible for what was happening to Sonny because he told him that taking heroine felt great.
  • Nurse Misconduct and Drug Diversion as Legal Issue The paper analyzes the case of nurse misconduct associated with drug diversion and identifies improvement strategies to avoid the problem in the future.
  • Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Offenders This paper discusses organized crime and drug trafficking, as well as the legal rights of the convicted and the relationships between the offenses.
  • Brain Gain: The Underground World of Neuroenhancing Drugs In “Brain Gain: The Underground World of Neuroenhancing Drugs” published in The New Yorker, Talbot describes the harsh reality of young people in academia who take off-label drugs to keep up with their hectic schedules.
  • War on Drugs Through a Socio-Political Framework Drug addiction is a problem that concerns not only the health of particular members of society suffering from this disease but also the country as a whole.
  • Eli Lilly and Company: Drug Firm Analysis Eli Lilly and Company is an American drug firm whose head office is situated in Indianapolis. Eli Lilly and Company cares about its clientele by monitoring the benefits and risks of its drugs.
  • Drug Dependency and Behavioral Addictions Drug dependency is often described as a chronic brain condition that causes the patient to seek out drug substances without control or consideration for their negative effects.
  • Adverse Drug Events and Nurses’ Awareness Adverse drug events (ADE) are associated with unplanned hospital admissions, patient dissatisfaction, a financial burden on the US healthcare system, and even high mortality rate.
  • Drugs and Jazz in James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues” In his short story Sonny’s Blues, James Baldwin uses drugs and jazz music as both literal concepts and metaphorical images to portray the suffering of African Americans.
  • Drug Criminalization: Causes and Effects A comparison of the points made by opponents and proponents of drug decriminalization shows the differences between their overviews of the causes of drug crimes.
  • The Business Ethics Workshop: Sex and Drugs at Work Employees should not sleep with their bosses to get promotions and pay raises because it does not conform to honesty and fairness.
  • Adderall Drug’s Impact on Cognitive Performance By exploring the effects of Adderall on cognitive performance, this research will contribute to an understanding of how this drug affects the brain and behavior.
  • The History of Drug Addiction and Control The paper states that drug initiation can be considered a system of relations between the adolescent, family, drug culture, and society.
  • What Are the Costs of Drug Addiction to Society? The essay will explore the overwhelming economic and social costs of drug addiction to society and outline how can confront and reduce the costs of drug addiction.
  • The Drug Legalization Debate: A Complex Issue With Compelling Arguments Numerous social issues and concerns require close attention from the American government, including the problem of drug legalization.
  • The Aspects of the Drug Use and Media The paper states that it is true when the media portrays drug and alcohol use in a glamorous light or when characters do not experience negative consequences.
  • Drug Abuse in Pregnant Women: Effective Ways to Combat Several policies have been proposed to tackle the problem, namely financial support for therapy, voluntary sterilization, and criminal persecution.
  • Monitoring Analysis of Drug Courts: The Value of Drug Courts The value of drug courts is expressed in their positive impact on drug-related crime statistics in the first years after completion of a drug treatment program.
  • Solutions to Drug Misuse in the United States Drug abuse is a major cause of concern in the United States, with a consequential impact on people’s health and societal psychosocial and socioeconomic problems.
  • The Issue of Misuse of Prescription Drugs The paper discusses the growing problem of prescription drug abuse in the United States, its consequences such as addiction and overdose, and possible solutions.
  • Drug Abuse During Pregnancy: Policy Options Heated discussions on whether or not drug abuse during pregnancy should be illegal due to the potential risks to the developing fetus or child persist.
  • Disclosure and Nondisclosure in Drugs Prescription The case focuses on the ethical and legal implications of prescribing new medication currently in the development stage for a child under the age of 12.
  • Illegal Drug Use in Nurses: Discussion There are reasons why nurses are at risk of developing a drug addiction, which means that there is a high chance for practitioners to work with nurses who illegally use drugs.
  • Drugs and Violence Go Hand in Hand From the point of view of American researchers, substance abuse increases the chances of subjects being drawn into conflict relationships.
  • Alcohol in the Drugs and Behavior Context It is no secret that alcohol and human health are incompatible things. The most significant influence of alcohol falls on the cerebral cortex.
  • Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s Public Relations The campaign conducted by Alcohol and Drug Foundation is a vivid example of how the theories and practices of PR can help alter people’s behavior.
  • Illegal Drugs: Types and Influences Illegal drugs include substances that affect the body and the brain of a person. They are divided into several groups, depending on the method of use and the impact on the brain.
  • Drug Addiction: A Disease or a Choice? Drug addiction remains a serious health concern for contemporary society. The problem of whether drug addiction can be viewed as a disease or a choice remains topical.
  • The war on drugs: the causes of its failures.
  • The impact of the war on drugs on minorities.
  • The link between the war on drugs and mass incarceration.
  • Alternatives to the war on drugs.
  • The war on drugs and human rights violations.
  • The economic costs of the war on drugs.
  • The effects of the war on drugs on drug prices and availability.
  • The impact of drug prohibition on drug use patterns.
  • The influence of the war on drugs on drug-producing countries.
  • Unintended adverse effects of the war on drugs.
  • Wellbutrin and Lexapro: Drugs Affecting Neurotransmitters Wellbutrin and Lexapro are effective drugs in the fight against depressive disorder. However, the drugs are addictive.
  • Drugs and Behavior: History of Alcohol in America The ordinary colonial American drank roughly twice as much alcohol in 1770 as it does today—about three and a half gallons annually.
  • Incretin Mimetic Drugs for Type 2 Diabetes In patients with type 2 diabetes, there is a significant decrease in the incretin effect and a decrease in insulin secretion in response to an oral load.
  • Drug Addiction: The Brain Disease Drug addiction acts similarly to neurological diseases. Substances directly affected the brain, with addiction being the most acute phase of substance use disorder.
  • Random Drug Testing at the Workplace Employees in law enforcement, public health and safety, and national security should all be subjected to random drug testing.
  • Drug Errors: Enhancing Care Quality and Safety Though numerous new technologies have been developed to improve healthcare delivery, drug errors continue to be an issue in the United States.
  • Drug Repurposing in Cancer Treatment This article examines the concept of drug repurposing in the context of pharmaceutical companies’ innovation policy: the methods and economic feasibility of repurposing drugs.
  • Ethics of Using Experimental Drugs It is necessary to examine whether terminal patients have a moral right to the experimental treatment and suggest possible outcomes for this type of cure.
  • Public Policies Related to Drug Addiction Public policies related to drug addiction need to be enforced in a compassionate manner that pays attention to the unique needs of American society.
  • Economic Evaluation: Prevention of Suicide and Drug Overdose The economic evaluation of the provided scenario was conducted in four dimensions: cost-of-illness, programmatic, benefit-cost, and cost-effectiveness analyses.
  • The War on Drugs in the United States The United States government’s combat with substance abuse is called the “War on Drugs,” addressing the campaign initiated by President Nixon.
  • Zero Discrimination for People Who Use Drugs From all of the above, it follows that HIV-infected prisoners should have the same access to timely and high-quality medical care as the population.
  • The Drug Abuse Problem in Indiana Drug usage is one of Indiana’s most serious societal problems, affecting the state’s health, economy, behavioral, and criminal elements.
  • The Effect of an Antimicrobial Drug on Gene Expression This paper critically evaluates methods and techniques that can be used to assess the effect of an antimicrobial drug on global gene expression.
  • Drugs: Myths and Misconceptions Starting from the very beginning of the twentieth century and ending even today, drugs as a topic have been surrounded by a mass of myths and misconceptions.
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases Transmission Involving Drug Use Preventive techniques need to target drug addicts and sex workers to combat the STD epidemic and offer interventions to reduce risky sexual behaviors and drug use.
  • Psychotropic Drugs Usage, Effects, Consequences Numerous aspects determine the effectiveness of drug therapy with psychotropic medication, for example, the appropriateness of the choice of pills for the disease.
  • The Problems of Drug Misuse and Abuse and Their Management This research aims to determine the best ways to prescript drugs, the importance of drug interactions, and the potential dangers of drug abuse.
  • Drug Misuse, Abuse, and Their Factors Addiction is a recurrent, chronic disorder characterized by compulsive substance seeking and use despite harmful consequences.
  • Drug Prescription Issues and Abuse This paper aims to determine the best ways to prescript drugs, the importance of drug interactions, and the potential dangers of drug abuse.
  • History of Drug Use in Incarceration The history of drug use in prisons go beyond 2008 with some documents indicating a steady rise in drug use between 1980 and 2008.
  • Rohypnol and Illegal Drugs in Clinical Trials The current paper discusses Rohypnol. It is a generic drug known as flunitrazepam which contains lorazepam, diazepam, and alprazolam.
  • Media Misinformation About Drug Use The United States is one of the countries with the strictest policies, rules, and regulations against the peddling and abuse of illicit drugs.
  • A Spontaneous Reporting System for Drug Safety Surveillance Post-marketing in clinical trials uses a spontaneous reporting system for drug safety surveillance where potential AEs induced by the drugs are detected.
  • The Influence of Drugs and Alcohol on Date Rape While drugs can affect mental health and make the victim forget everything, the perpetrators indulge in alcohol abuse to escape the blame and deny non-consensual sex.
  • Drug Abuse Demographics in Prisons Drug abuse, including alcohol, is a big problem for the people contained in prisons, both in the United States and worldwide.
  • Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strains As with any other infectious disease, TB exhibits specific signs and symptoms that help distinguish it from other illnesses.
  • Correlation of HIV, AIDS in White Males Who Are Injection Drug Users The testable hypothesis for this work states that socioeconomic status is correlated with HIV/AIDS in white males who are injection drug users.
  • Assessment and Therapeutic Approaches for Drug Addiction Clients The paper uses various drug addiction assessment methods to examine the severity, give clinicians insight into the problem and assist in psychotherapy.
  • COVID-19 Epidemic and Alcohol and Drug Addiction The sudden life changes during the COVID-19 epidemic make it difficult for people who suffer from alcohol and drug dependence to fight their addictions.
  • High-Level Drug Trafficking in Australia Media articles explain the problem of narcotics trafficking across the Australian border. Australia is an effective participant in international drug trafficking organizations.
  • Drug Addiction and Stigmatization The horrifying nature of stigmatization is one of the perplexing factors of drug addiction, so society should understand the role of mental and physical help for such people.
  • Drug Addiction: Analysis of Goeders and Guerin Research Goeders & Guerin (1994) point out that anxiety and stress may be involved in drug use and increased risk of dependency, as these are involved in the etiology of cocaine use.
  • COVID-19 and Drugs at Schools as Public Health Issues This paper discusses two articles on community and public health issues, specifically, concerning COVID vaccination and drugs at schools.
  • Drugs for Neglected Disease Initiative There is a significant unmet need for the treatment of many neglected diseases, as well as for patient groups impacted by these.
  • Drug Abuse at the Workplace and a Policy to Address It In this proposal, a policy to address worker substance abuse and addiction, will be discussed, with both its major goals and potential benefits being outlines.
  • Act Liability for Price-Fixing of Generic Drugs The United States Department of Justice reported that Apotex Corporation, among other drug manufacturers, paid over $400 to settle violations of the False Claims Act.
  • The Emergence of Drug-Resistant Pathogens The drug-resistant pathogens phenomenon has endangered the efficacy of drugs such as antibiotics which have helped transform modern medicine and saved countless lives.
  • Non-Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports The use of drugs is prohibited in professional sports. As for the drugs that do not improve performance, they also require control.
  • Forensic Drug Analysis Course: Reflection The most interesting part of the course is the study of various techniques for the analysis of substances and their impact on forensic research.
  • The Adverse Consequences of Substance Use Tool and the Psychoactive Drug History
  • Vaccine and Antiviral Drug Supply and Distribution Problem
  • Drug Addiction Treatment & Benchmark Program
  • The Mexican Drug War and “Queen of the South”
  • Improving Drug Administration in Healthcare Facility
  • Decriminalizing the Simple Possession of Illegal Drugs
  • National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors
  • Law Enforcement of Drug Business on the Demand Side
  • Evaluating Harm Reduction Program for Drug Users
  • Effects of the War on Drugs on Latinos in the US and the Role of Stereotypes
  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Globalization
  • Types of Drugs and Types of Domestic Abuse Correlation
  • Drug Production During Crisis: The Case of COVID-19
  • High U.S. Drug Prices: Health Policy Log
  • Why Adolescents Take Drugs: Human Development
  • Prescription Drug Abuse Problem
  • War on Drugs: Causes and Problems
  • Drug War in Border Cities: Causes and Consequences
  • Consumption of Illicit Drugs in the United States
  • Court Decisions on Drug Offenders
  • Drug Use and Addiction Correlations
  • Analysis of Drug Classification
  • Support for the Legalization of the Drug Consumption
  • Analysis of Drugs in American Society by E. Goode
  • Male Health Drugs:Overview and Effects
  • Alcohol and Other Drug Use Among the Aboriginal and Torres Islander People
  • Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986: Crack vs. Cocaine Sentencing Disparity
  • Escalating Drug Prices: Solution to the Problem
  • How Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry is Used in Drug Screening
  • Random Drug Testing: Pros and Cons
  • Drugs in the Modern Sports
  • Patient Rights to Experimental Drugs
  • Drug Issues in Watertown, New York
  • Accessory Plus Incorporated’s Drug Abuse Case
  • Racism, Racial Profiling and Bias in the War on Drugs
  • Children Insecurity in the Context of Mother’s Drug Misuse
  • Variables That Impact Sentencing Decision of Judges in Drug Offender Cases
  • The Effectiveness of Drugs in Medicine
  • Drug Trafficking and Terrorism in the Middle East
  • Drugs and Crime Committed Under the Influence
  • Combating the Local Drug Distribution in Missouri
  • Colombian and Mexican Drug Cartels and Their Impact in the U.S.
  • Prescription Drug Abuse as a Community Health Issue
  • Crime Trends: Drug Abuse in Adults and Juveniles
  • Substance Abuse: Alcohol and Drugs in the Movie “Ray”
  • “Addicts Who Survived” by David Courtwright: American Addiction to Narcotics Problem and Anti-drug Policies
  • The Interrelationship Among a Bacterial Pathogen and Antimicrobial Drugs
  • Should All or Certain Drugs Be Legalized?
  • Drug Abuse in Correction Facilities
  • Distribution of Fake Drugs: Analysis of a Criminal Case
  • An Overview of Drug Addiction
  • Reducing the Number of Adverse Drug Events Among Older Adults: An Action Plan
  • A Study of Drug Allergy, Iron Poisoning and Abnormal Bone Mineral Metabolism
  • Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Amendment
  • The Role of Forensics in the War on Drugs
  • Schizophrenia Treatment With Approved Drug
  • Drugs and Crime Description: Federal Drug Statutes
  • Patients Receiving Antipsychotic Drugs: Neuroleptic Syndrome
  • The U.S. Drug Prices Assessment
  • The Drug Courts: The Question of Drug Abuse
  • Judicial Process in Drug Offender Cases: Research Design
  • Drugs for Treating Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders
  • The Importation of Drugs into the United States
  • Drug Courts and Criminal Courts Compared
  • Americcan College of Radiology Protocol and Cancer Therapy Response to Antiangiogenetic Drug
  • Community Health: Prescription Drug Abuse
  • The Concept of the “War on Drugs”
  • Two Acts on Drug Law Comparison
  • Quality Patient Care: Drug Errors and Nurses
  • Drug Addiction: Elimination of Incarcerations
  • Juveniles and Drugs in the US
  • Carl Hart’s Talk on Racism, Poverty, and Drugs
  • The Control the Availability of Illicit Drugs
  • Pharmacogenomics Impact on Individual Drug Effectiveness
  • Drug Use and Biological Development in Adolescents
  • Reality in Drug Addiction Research: Ethnography
  • The Drug Abuse in the U.S. Navy: The Problem Analysis
  • The High Cost of Specialty Drugs
  • Overmedication of Children With Psychotropic Drugs
  • Misguided Perception of Drug Addiction
  • Drug Testing Problem Reflection
  • International Drug Policy in Russia and the US
  • OxyContin as a Legitimate Drug and a Drug of Abuse
  • Drug Trade. “Crack” Book by David Farber
  • Combating the Local Drug Distribution
  • Drug Abuse Factors: Substance Use Disorder
  • Prescription Drug Cost Transparency
  • Effects of Drugs on the State of Consciousness
  • Response to a Journal Article on Drug Control Policy
  • Ilaris(R)-Drug Usage in U.S. and Australia
  • Legalization of Marijuana and Other Illegal Drugs
  • The Problem of Increased Morbidity From Adverse Drug Events in Older Adults
  • Drug Abuse and Addiction: Risk Factors
  • Bacterial Cells and Chemotherapeutic Drugs
  • Detention of a Minor While Using Drugs
  • The Relations Between Drug Abuse and Criminal Justice
  • Cocaine as a Drug Chosen for Medical Research
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Organizations
  • Specialty Drugs Costs and Insurance
  • Legalization of Marijuana: The Pros and Cons of the Drug
  • Drug Abuse: Impaired American Society
  • The Issue of Drug Abuse in the Community of Kinsburg
  • Caffeine and Performance of Drugs in Adolescents
  • Adolescent Drug Abuse: Diagnosis and Cultural Awareness
  • Support Services and the Case Review: Drug and Alcohol Addiction
  • Health Reform Bill on Drugs in the United States
  • Research Design for a New Drug That Reduces Appetite
  • The Money Factor in Drug and Alcohol Treatment
  • The Problem of Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States
  • Performance Enhancing Drugs and the Student Athletes
  • Clandestine Drug Laboratory Dangers
  • Drug Use, Dealing and Violence
  • Global Trends Affecting a Local Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers
  • Drugs to Wipe Out Traumatic Memories
  • Mexican Drug Cartels: A Transnational Threat
  • Information Technology and Mexican Drug Cartels
  • Investigating the Issue of Drug Trafficking Through the Points
  • Profession of US Drug Enforcement Agent
  • Random Drug Test on College Athletes
  • Drugs and Society Violent Crime: Public Drunkenness
  • Opioid Drug Regulation: Legislative Letter
  • American Prohibition and the War Against Drugs
  • Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction and Various Policies Related to Drugs
  • Drug Abuse and Crime Correlation
  • Mandatory Job Drug Test Should Be Allowed
  • Drug Addiction: The Problem of Xanax Abuse and Its Consequences
  • Physical Privacy and Drug Testing
  • Sports Violations: Drug Use in Baseball
  • Anti-Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education Programs
  • Criminal Justice System: Drugs and Crime
  • “Blood for Sale” and “Drug Dilemmas”: Articles Reviews
  • Legalizing Drugs, an Irrational and Harmful Choice
  • Drug Abuse Among Teenagers
  • Pharmacology: Drug Licensing Opportunity
  • Mifepristone Drug: To Approve or to Disapprove?
  • Criminal Justice Ethics: Police Corruption & Drug Sales
  • Prescribed Drugs With Complementary and Alternative Medicines
  • Current Sources of Evidence-Based Standards and Guidelines for Prescribing Psychiatric Drugs
  • Drug Addiction Is a Chronic Disease
  • Drug Trafficking: Investigation on Frank Lucas
  • Law: Drug Treatment and Testing Orders
  • Drug Use in the Workplace: The Case of Acme-Antiroadrunner Inc.
  • Violence in the 20th-Century Latin America: Colombian Drug Wars, Dictatorship in Chile, and Undiscovered Personal Tragedies
  • Drug Abuse Case: Jenny G
  • E-Prescribing Drug Technology in the Healthcare
  • Computerized Provider Order Entry Against Drug Errors
  • Drug Monitoring and Florida’s State Strategies
  • Drug Prescription Policy Analysis
  • Prescription Drug Misuse in Elderly Patients
  • Improper Drug Administration as a Nursing Practice Issue
  • Food and Drug Administration – Regulatory Agency
  • Fear Appeal in Anti-Drug Abuse Public Campaign
  • Soderbergh’s Traffic and the U.S. War on Drugs
  • Public Policy Meeting: Prescription Drug Supply and Cost
  • Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients
  • Health Policy: 340B Drug Pricing Program
  • Drug-Dealing Organizations in Latin American Politics
  • Drugs and Society: Drug Use and Its Impact on Culture and Society
  • Random Drug Testing in Schools
  • Psychoactive Drugs, Society, and Human Behaviour
  • Black Theology and Its Impact on Drug Addiction
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Effectiveness
  • Drug Trafficking Reduction in the United States
  • Undercover Police Investigations in Drug-Related Crimes
  • “Adolescent Alcoholism and Drug Addiction” by Choate
  • Behind the War on Drugs
  • Drug Test on Welfare Recipients
  • Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Aspirin
  • Drug Abuse Treatment in Nursing
  • Pramlintide as Anti-Diabetic Drug
  • Antiseizure Medications and Antipsychotic Drugs
  • The Drug Enforcement Administration Business Model
  • Addressing the Growing Cost of the Prescription Drugs
  • Nurse Practitioner as a Drug Prescriber
  • Pharmacy and Policy: Inappropriate Prescription of Drugs
  • Teenage Drug and Substance Abuse
  • Drug Abuse Among Homeless People in Miami
  • The Problem of Drug Use and Heroin Addiction in US
  • Using Free and Secure Trade to Smuggle Drugs
  • Food and Drug Administration Fast-Track Approval
  • Healthcare Financing and Drug Addiction
  • Ethics of Abortion and Over-the-Counter Drugs
  • Drug Therapy: Nicotine Interference with Contraceptives
  • Drugs Comparison: Montelukast, Flovent and Albuterol
  • Prescription Drug Use in the United States
  • Drug Safety Approach in Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Drug Abuse, HIV/AIDS, and Songs on Social Issues
  • Drug War Failure and Associated Problems
  • Adverse Drug Events: Evidence-Based Project
  • Miami-Dade Community Needs: Alcohol and Drug Addiction
  • Can Hospitals Manufacture Drugs in the US?
  • Prescription Drugs Prices and Services in Florida
  • Female Drug Abuser’s Recovery Care Plan
  • Nonmedical Use of Drugs and Negative Sexual Events
  • The War on Drugs and the Corrections System
  • Drug-Drug and Food-Drug Interactions
  • Casinos: Occupational Safety and Drug-Free Workplace
  • Drug War’s Impact on the US Correction System
  • American Drug War and Its Ineffectiveness
  • How Mexico Drug Cartels Are Supporting Conflicts?
  • Sentencing Policies on Drug Offences
  • Drug Dealing Reasons in East Harlem, New York City
  • Drug Courts Policy and Its Evaluation
  • American Great Wall to Reduce the Number of Illegal Immigrants and Illegal Drugs
  • Analysis of Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: Characteristics, Treatment and Prevention
  • Illicit Drug Use Among American Youths
  • Minimizing Prescription Drug Abuse in Oklahoma
  • Performance Enhancing Drugs and Professional Sport
  • Sociology: Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problem
  • Crisis of Chemical Dependence: Drug Abuse
  • The Phenomenon of The Use of Prescription Drugs
  • Drugs and Prison Overcrowding

This article has covered:

Whether you’re looking for a topic about illegal drugs or those used in medicine, StudyCorgi has a suitable title for you.
Searching for drug research project ideas? On this page, you’ll find topics about various drug-related issues, including drug trafficking, drug testing, and drug addiction.
You’ll find many samples of persuasive and argumentative essays, analytical papers, and informative essays raising awareness of drug abuse and other drug-related problems.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/

"429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "429 Drugs Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/drugs-essay-topics/.

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Home Essay Samples Health

Essay Samples on Drugs

Effects of drugs on community: unraveling the impact.

The effects of drugs on community are far-reaching and profound, touching every aspect of society. This essay explores the significance of drug-related issues, the multifaceted impact on communities, the challenges they pose, and the importance of collaborative efforts to mitigate the harm caused by drugs....

Drugs and Drug Policy In America: Relationship Between Drugs and Crime

The assortment of crimes that remain affiliated with drug use span from aggressive (such as homicide and aggravated assault) to greed (burglary, counterfeit, and deception) to distinct drug-law violations. Also, crimes such as bribery and corruption stay related to drug use as a result of...

  • Criminal Behavior
  • Criminal Law

Legalization of Marijuana: Economic and Medicinal Benefits

As a famous quote goes “Marijuana, the healing of the Nation” is not farfetched since there are several benefits of this peculiar herb. However, there are several controversies against this herb because it is believed to be an addictive drug and its use can be...

  • Marijuana Legalization
  • Medical Marijuana

Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana in Canada

With the legalization of marijuana, many thoughts have been heard as it is being used for medical purposes and is used to heal anxiety and autism however, it has some major health issues on the human body with some effects like memory loss and addictiveness....

The Effect of Drug Abuse on Many Writers

The creative outlook of the greatest minds in human civilization was known to have been under the influence of psychoactive substances. Ancient philosophers all the way up to the Enlightenment thinkers were known to have been under some sort of psychoactive like tobacco. Naturally, drugs...

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Opium Wars and the Global Supply of Narcotics

Prior to the 1830s and the Opium Wars involving France, Great Britain and China’s Qing dynasty, there was little international discussion involving narcotics. Various states had their own domestic control regimes. Others operated on a strictly laissez-faire basis regarding psychoactive substances. The conflict represented the...

  • Drug Addiction

Reasons Why I Will Say No To Drugs And Alcohol

Many tragedies happen in our life that we cannot control. Whether they affect you or other people they are going to happen, it is inevitable. But just imagine causing harm to yourself shortening your life. I am going to give a few reasons why I...

The Rise Of The Opioid Epidemic

In 2016, the amount of deaths caused by drug overdose is significantly greater than the total number of American deaths that occurred in the Vietnam War. The more disturbing part is that most of these deaths are caused by opioids obtained through illicit means. Injection...

  • Opioid Epidemic

Opioid Epidemic in The United States

Now the leading cause of injury death in the United States, drug overdoses have become a serious issue across the nation, according to the official website of the White House. The use of drugs has become a staple in our society that many have become...

History Of The Drug Transportation Controversy In The United States And Latin America

Drugs, and the transportation of, have always been a controversial issue for Latin America and the United States. Over the years, the United States has made many attempts to combat drugs, for example, military force to combat drugs with institution building. This did very little...

  • War on Drugs

History of LSD and Its Beneficial Impacts on Culture

The non addictive drug, LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide), first found and created by Albert Hoffman, taken by accident, he stated in a book he wrote about the drug that it is “medicine for the soul”. LSD was first synthesized in 1943 by Albert Hoffman while...

Drug Abuse in Sports and How Sport Organizations Deal With the Issue

The usage of illicit substances in sport, better known as doping is becoming a rising issue in modern times. The purpose of taking these drugs is either enhance performance of an athlete or to escape from the large amounts of pressure and stress on them....

  • Steroids in Sports

The Issue of Excessive College Drinking and Drinking Age in US

During the freshman year of college, students are more prone to stepping outside of their comfort zone, and experience new opportunities. Entering a new environment, without any parental supervision, encourages these students to branch out even more, and partake in activities that most parents would...

  • Drinking Age in America

Development of the pH Sensitive Drug Delivery System

pH sensitive liposomes contains the such type of the phospholipid bilayer which is sensitive to the change in the pH. Change in the pH influences the release of the drug. pH sensitivity is the important feature of this type of the liposome which gives advantage...

Role of Medhya Rasayanas (Nootropic Drugs) in Developmental Disabilities of Children

Developmental disabilities are combination of many conditions such as physical impairment, learning impairment, language impairment and behavior impairment etc. Developmental disabilities arise through the developmental period i.e. infancy (birth to 1years old), early childhood (3 to 6 years old), middle childhood (6 to 12 years...

  • Children With Disabilities
  • Mental Retardation

Link Between Crimes and Substance Abuse in Juveniles and Its Prevention Strategies

There has been several studies on the relationships between juvenile drug use and violent crimes. Although the primary focus of this review will juveniles in America, it is important to mention juvenile delinquency is not uncommon and is a very serious issue across the world....

  • Dare Program

A Report on How Pharmacist Contribute in Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics

Introduction Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics are the disciplines of broad interest that has greatly risen in recent years. They have become a prominent science that starting to impact significantly on clinical research and medical practice and contribute to a great application in drug development and therapeutics....

Argumentative Essay on Drug Legalisation in the U.S.

America is one of the countries which is facing drug abuse crisis, increased drug related violence and drug addiction cases. This has led to an argument on whether drug legalisation should be implemented as a strategy of curbing the negative effects associated with drug abuse....

  • Drugs Legalization

Discussion on the Ethics of the Colonial Drug Trade

Introduction Talking about the colonial drug trade Arabs and local doctors utilized opium in the British East India Company. British started its drug trade journey in Bengal. Farmers of poppy economic condition became worse by opium monopoly. Social issues represented eventual incident of 1857 as...

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  • Revolt of 1857

Narcotics: A Security Threat to South Asian Countries

Citing from a report by Anthony H. Cordesman titled as Afghan Narcotics: 2000-2018: From Control And Elimination Efforts To A Drug Economy And Bombing Labs. Afghanistan and its neighbours are affected by trafficking as the drugs are moved to their key destination markets of Western...

  • Political Corruption

The Side Effects of Amphetamine Consumption with Narcolepsy or Obesity

This paper is basically about amphetamines. Amphetamine was discovered over 100 years ago. Since then, it has transformed from a drug that was freely available without prescription as a panacea for a broad range of disorders into a highly restricted Controlled Drug with therapeutic applications...

Requiem for a Dream and Dealing with Drug Addiction

Directed by Darren Aronofsky and based on the written novel by Hubert Selby Jr, the psychological drama Requiem for a Dream (2000) depicts the lives of four people and their drug addiction. The film contains a mixture of electronic component and orchestral strings. The film...

  • Requiem For a Dream

Portrayal of Drug Usage in the Film Industry: Requiem for a Dream

Ever since the beginning of the film industry the way drugs have been depicted in movies has changed and evolved throughout each era of film. Earning huge amounts of criticism from people both supporting and advocating against the way drugs are represented. In 1987 President...

The Reckless Promotion of Heroin by Medical Organizations

Heroin is a major issue. From the initial articles I read, it was obvious to see that many individuals were quick to put the fault on Rx Opioids for the Opioid Epidemic and I don't imagine that is right. The CDC's very own information appear...

The Use of Heroin as a Recreational Drug

This is from Chem News reporting the headline story. Tonight’s topic is heroin. For 17-year-old Matthew McKinney, a “fun” night out on a Tuesday with his friends took a not-so-fun turn after he received a phone call from his parents. The conversation proceeded casually, as...

Importance of Random Drug Testing for New York City Employees

New York City employees are all subject to random drug testing. This applies mostly to firefighter, police officers and transit workers. This means that in any given day any of these employees may be asked to provide a urine sample to test for illegal drugs...

  • Drug Testing

Drug Testing Students in School Is Not Effective

Drug testing students is unconstitutional and lacks scientific evidence of its effectiveness. While I agree that schools have a certain responsibility for providing students with a safe and drug free atmosphere many of the current prevention programs in use are simply ineffective and punitive. Drug...

Drug Testing Is Mandatory at Christian Brothers High School

Drug testing is the examination, given by an organization, of an individual to detect if that party has done any drug. Forms of drug testing include an examination of urine, breath, saliva, sweat, blood, and hair. It initially begins with a note excusing the student...

  • High School

Side Effects of Aspirin and How to Minimize Them

Introduction Ciancio (2004) mentioned in his studies, Many adults and particularly people who are over 65 years of age use over-the-counter and prescription drugs. But these medications-prescription, over-the-counter, vitamins and minerals, herbal preparations can affect oral health. Over the years with the increase in population's...

The Definition of Rehab Programs and Their Variations

Rehabilitation Programs Definition The term refers to all those specialized procedures curtailed towards correcting mental disorder problems among people. It covers a wide range of solutions to concerns and ill-health conditions such as behavioral problems, bad eating habits, and alcohol and substance addiction among many...

  • Mental Disorder
  • Rehabilitation Programs

Aspirin: History of Development, Its Uses and Mechanism of Action

Acetoxybenzoic acid or more commonly recognized as aspirin, is one of the greatest researched and commonly used drug in the world. It is so widely researched that there are 700 to 1,000 clinical trials each year. Even though aspirin comes in pill tablets different cultures...

Review of Objectives to Create Aspirin

Sumerians 4,000 years ago identified the pain remedies of the willow tree and Mesopotamians used the same extract to treat a variety of maladies. In fact, Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, recommended chewing on willow tree bark to patients suffering from fever and...

Benefits and Negative Effects of Aspirin

Aspirin is a common drug and one of the ten most important drugs. It has a lot of benefits, but it can also have adverse effects. In 1897, felix hoffman did first synthesize the substance that makes up aspirin. Aspirin, marketed in 1898, was also...

The History of LSD and Its Possible Uses

LSD, also known as Lysergic acid diethylamide-25 is a potent drug that is in fact, the most powerful out of all of the hallucinogens psychedelic drugs, this is due to the fact that is is approximately 100 times stronger than psilocybin and 4000 times stronger...

Analysing the Potential Benefits of LSD in Psychological Treatment

Psychedelic substance awareness until recently has been in the dark. Lysergic acid diethylamide, better known as LSD was first developed by a Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann in 1938. LSD is widely known for it’s psychedelic side effects, users often think profoundly and positively disassociate themselves....

Research on the Uses of LSD in Medical Settings

Psychedelics and dissociatives have a profound impact on human consciousness. Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, is a synthetic compound found in the psychedelic realm. This drug induces an altered state of consciousness by transfiguring brain activity (Dyck, 2015). LSD was first synthesized in 1938 by...

  • Human Brain

Albert Hofmann LSD Discovery and How it Changed His Life

At first, you feel nothing. As the tablet dissolves, reality does as well. You look around the room. The room is spinning almost pulsating. It’s as if the world is breathing. It all started by taking a small tablet. This tablet is a form of...

Possible Solutions to Opiod and Healthcare Crisis

Children for so many years have been taught to stay away from drugs such as tobacco and weed, but in today’s day and age the scariest drug might just be the ones prescribed by doctors. Drug overdoses from prescription drugs is a current public health...

  • Healthcare Crisis

The Analysis and Overview of Medical Drug Addiction

Medical Addiction is an issue that has been expanding enormously among our general public today. addictions can just obstruct or limit us from achieving objectives or dreams throughout everyday life. Individuals in some cases feel they are too fine, too effective, a lot in charge...

Drug Addiction and Its Effect on the Brain Function

Have you ever thought of drug addiction as a bad habit? Has it ever crossed your mind about it being a disease that is difficult to overcome instead of just a bad habit which someone could quit if they simply tried? Drug addiction is witnessed...

Discussion of the Causes of Drug Addiction on the Central Coast

Co-Occurring Mental Illness There are very high rates of substance use disorder among people who suffer from other mental illnesses. According to research compiled by Chambers, Krystal and Self (2001), schizophrenia is the second most co-occurring disorder with substance abuse falling only behind antisocial personality...

Declaration of the War on Drugs and Its Failure

Drugs in our world have been used for centuries, yet have been illegal for one 1% of our time. In 1971, President Nixon declared drug abuse to be public enemy number one. Tv shows and social media made it clear that drug dealers and cartels...

The Solution to the War on Drugs and Illegal Prescription

The War on Drugs is an articulation used to suggest an organization drove movement that hopes to stop unlawful prescription use, assignment, and trade by extending and actualizing disciplines for transgressors. The advancement started amid the 1970s is up 'til now propelling today. Consistently, people...

Drug Trafficking and Its Effects on Different Spheres of Life

Drug trafficking affects many parts of our lives. Drug trafficking is an illegal trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, and distribution. It has caused many problems for others. International conflict is being fought daily. It affects our social, mental, and academic life. Counter Argument There are...

  • Drug Trafficking

Drug Trafficking from Central America: Why It Should Be Controlled in Any Way

Introduction The term “drug trafficking” does not have a specific definition. However, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) defines drug trafficking as “a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution, and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws” (Albanese,...

The Effects of Different Drugs on Cardiovascular System

Introduction Background Many drugs can affect the cardiovascular system and its functions. This experiment focused mainly on Propranolol, Salbutamol, and Glyceryl Trinitrate. Propranolol is a non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist that can affect the cardiovascular system and alter its function. It can be used to treat...

  • Cardiovascular System

Breaking Bad: The Implications of Illegal Crimes

Movies and TV Shows have a huge influence on people. There are many different kinds of movies and TV Shows that you could watch. Some of them are rests on true stories and some others based on fictional stories. Breaking Bad is a crime and...

  • Breaking Bad

Opioid Epidemic, Harm Reduction Approaches, And Rpns

Introduction Currently, the opioid crisis in the Lower Mainland has significantly increased, growing at a rapid pace in society, showcasing that an opioid epidemic is occurring causing a public health emergency (Government of Canada, 2018). Opioid overdose deaths are the number one leading cause of...

The Moral Ethics of Solution to Opioid Epidemic

Drug overdose is one of the leading causes of death in America and across the world. According to recent world headlines, “in 2015, about 300 million opioid prescriptions were written, with more than 80% being written in the United States” (Davidson). According to author Tish...

The Most Serious Issues Associated With Illegal Drug Use

Drugs have always been a problem in the UK, as well as the rest of the world. It’s a habit or rather an addiction that is almost impossible to get rid of, but with the right approach it’s possible for this problem to become smaller....

Analysis Of The Stages Of Determination For Drug Tourism

By its basic definition, drug tourism is travel expressly for the aim of getting and/or taking drugs. These drugs may not be out there within the user’s country of region, or they will be expensively priced, therefore the requirement to search out a supply of...

The Issue Of Substance Abuse In Belgium

“You know you’re an addict when you misplace things … like a decade. ” - Paul Williams There are naysayers, around the world, who believe that a global fight against illegal substances is unwinnable. The delegate of Belgium says emphatically that they are wrong. United...

How Antiviral Drugs Have Led to Acute Kidney Injury

Abstract The introductions of more effective and powerful antiviral drugs are common cause drug-induced acute kidney injury (AKI). The exact prevalence of nephrotoxicity induced by antiviral drugs is difficult to determine. It causes AKI through a variety of mechanisms including acute tubular necrosis (ATN), allergic...

Dims: Drug Information Management System

Medicine or drug is used for cure and prevention of disease or treatment of injury (1). Discovery, development, and manufacturing of medicines are carried out by scientists and pharmaceutical companies and medicine are dispensed in pharmacies or drug stores. It is common, medicine needs approval...

  • Alternative Medicine

Drugs And Its Toxicity For Human Health

Drugs are substances if when taken decreases the rate of malady. These substances are configuration to fix and take out the hidden reason for infection. Most time drugs are utilized heedlessly by shoppers without understanding its unfavorable impact. Take for example, paracetamol, a medication known...

  • Health Care Policy

Effects Of Heavy Use Of Marijuana

Up until recently, marijuana was a banned substance in Canada however, now with the legalization and government control, advocacy groups are concerned about how it will affect the public’s physical and mental health. Marijuana is the dried flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant which...

Emergency Drugs In Care Of Children

A study was conducted on 60 children (2-5 years old), admitted to the PER at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (Brazil), due to an episode of acute asthma, refractory to conventional therapy (an oral dose of steroids and at least three doses of inhaled...

Improvement & Characterization Of Voriconazole As Gel By Microparticle Based Drug Delivery Systems

Medication conveyance frameworks that can precisely control the discharge rate medications to a specific body site which hugy affected social insurance framework. Transporter innovation offers an insightful method for medicate conveyance by coupling medication to a bearer molecule, (for example, microspheres, nanoparticles, liposomes and so...

  • Public Health

Pro-Legalization Of Drugs: A Constant Battle

As it is always a challenge for society to become pro-legalization, drugs have been an epitome example as to why we are always in a constant battle. Countries all over the world have a stand in using illegal drugs and some of them are way,...

Best topics on Drugs

1. Effects of Drugs on Community: Unraveling the Impact

2. Drugs and Drug Policy In America: Relationship Between Drugs and Crime

3. Legalization of Marijuana: Economic and Medicinal Benefits

4. Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana in Canada

5. The Effect of Drug Abuse on Many Writers

6. Opium Wars and the Global Supply of Narcotics

7. Reasons Why I Will Say No To Drugs And Alcohol

8. The Rise Of The Opioid Epidemic

9. Opioid Epidemic in The United States

10. History Of The Drug Transportation Controversy In The United States And Latin America

11. History of LSD and Its Beneficial Impacts on Culture

12. Drug Abuse in Sports and How Sport Organizations Deal With the Issue

13. The Issue of Excessive College Drinking and Drinking Age in US

14. Development of the pH Sensitive Drug Delivery System

15. Role of Medhya Rasayanas (Nootropic Drugs) in Developmental Disabilities of Children

  • Mental Illness
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Childhood Obesity
  • Herbal Medicine

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Drugs - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Drugs, encompassing a wide spectrum from life-saving medications to illicit substances, present a complex societal challenge. Essays could explore the pharmacological, sociological, and economic aspects of drug use and misuse, delving into the mechanisms of action, the therapeutic benefits, and the potential for abuse. The discourse might extend to the examination of drug policies, discussing the merits and drawbacks of various regulatory frameworks, such as prohibition, decriminalization, and legalization. Discussions could also focus on the societal and health impacts of drug misuse, exploring the challenges in prevention, treatment, and harm reduction. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis could include a discussion on the global drug trade, the ethical considerations surrounding drug development and access, and the ongoing research aimed at better understanding the complex interplay of factors influencing drug use and its manifold implications on individuals and society. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Drugs you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

The Truth about Drugs – Illegal Drugs

A close amount of 280 million people consume illegal drugs. The most commonly used illegal drug is marijuana or weed. According to the United Nations 2008 World Drug Report close to 3.9% of the earth's population between the ages of 15 and 64 abuse marijuana. Many teenagers and adults abuse drugs everyday. According to many sources a lot of people who let drugs control their lives have turned their life around and made a successful life. While others are still […]

Most Drugs and Medicated Substances Can be Beneficial

People do misuse drugs and medications. Drug abuse occurs when an individual excessively exploits a drug or medication outside of its original function, which could result in harm to the user, their families, and even their community (Huffman & Dowdell, 2015). Abusing drugs can cause hazardous consequences that will affect a person from a biological, psychological, and social standpoint. Fortunately, drug abuse can be prevented and treated. The Foundation Recovery Network (2018) expresses that drug abuse and drug addiction are […]

Drug Addictions

Drug addictions are something that many people in America face. A lot of families today face a person who is a drug addict or an alcoholic and this is breaking up families. People can help people addicted to drugs by providing community support, education,and teaching drug addicts how to deal with stress after overcoming addiction. Community and support groups are a great ways and opportunities for recovering addicts to be able to meet and befriend people who are also going […]

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The Negative Impacts of the War on Drugs

 Attention-getter: According to the Center for American Progress, 63,600 people died of a drug overdose in 2016 (Pearl). There is a serious drug problem in America. Reason to listen: With an election coming up in a couple weeks, and more on the national level in the coming years, people can choose to vote for politicians devoted to undoing many years of wrong doing. Thesis Statement: The War on Drugs has been a failure. For decades it has unfairly imprisoned people […]

Performance-Enhancing Drugs: the War on Drugs

Many people look up to athletes, making them their role models in lots of ways. Athletes have the skills, speed, strength, and glory that people admire. What many supporters do not know is that there is a possibility that the traits which make their favorite athletes great, could be a result of the use of steroids. If a majority of athletes use already take steroids, should performance-enhancing drugs be accepted in sports? This essay explains why many athletes decide to […]

What are some Solutions to Drug Abuse?

Nowadays, many people have thought that drugs are viable solution for personal problems or any other situations that affect the life of a person, but eventually, if a person reads the words drugs, it becomes a real problem in the current society. Therefore, there are factors that expose the drugs as an issue in the society. How can we understand this point? First, the abuse of different substances and drugs are one of the most common situations that teenagers and […]

The History of Drugs and the War on Drugs

A drug is a substance which has physiological effects when administered to the body. Drugs come in various shapes and forms such as lozenges, tablets, aerosols, and syrups to name a few. There are five ways a drug can be administered into the body. The routes of administration are oral, sublingual, rectal, topical, and parenteral (intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous.) There are seven drug types and each come with different effects and risks. They are stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, dissociatives, opioids, inhalants, […]

The Global War on Drugs

The War on Drugs started in June 1971 when US president Richard Nixon announced drug abuse to be 'public's big enemy' and raised federal funding for drug-control agencies and drug treatment efforts.The War on Drugs is a term used to refer to a government-led initiative that aims to stop illegal drug use, distribution and trade according to the article written by A&E. (A&E) In this short essay I will be discussing many points that deal with the war on drugs […]

Teenage Drug Abuse

There is a major concern about the teenage drug use today. Within the ages 15 through 24, fifty percent of deaths (from homicides, accidents, suicides) involve drugs. The two common reasons why teens use drugs are anxiety and depression. Factors like peer pressure, desire to escape, curiosity, emotional struggles, and stress may also lead to the consumption of drugs or alcohol. Teens are more likely to abuse drugs than adults because the part of their brain used for judgment and […]

Rethinking the Drugs Policy

The Office of National Drug Control Policy (2017) reported that the United States requests $27.8 billion on prevention, treatment, domestic law enforcement, interdiction and international operation to addressing the drug problem. Furthermore about $9.2 billion Federal resources are directly related to support domestic law enforcement efforts. The legalization of drug as a policy option for curtailing drug abuse is increasingly worth serious consideration. In addition, drug prohibition’s limited capability could lead to severe adverse effect regardless of how harmful the […]

Legalization or War on Drugs

 Drug preclusion channels over $140 billion per year into the criminal black market. Its disallowance drove respectable organizations into organised crimes or bankrupt by and large, which prepared for mobsters to make millions through the underground market. Also, by Legalizing drugs cultivation tremendous assets spent by governments executing or detaining individuals is reduced. This could help disarm countries and stop the harm done to families whose members are murdered or detained for moving, developing and disseminating drugs and its items. […]

Poverty and Drug Abuse Addiction

One popular stereotype associated with drug use is that it is rampant among the poor. However, this is not entirely true since insufficient money linked with the poor cannot probably sustain drug use. The link between the two factors is multifaceted, and the connectedness of poverty is complex. Poverty entails unstable family and interpersonal associations, low-skilled jobs and low status, high arrest degrees, illegitimacy, school dropping out, deprived physical health, high mental conditions, and high mortality rates. Such factors resemble […]

The War on Drugs in the Sports Industry

On April 13th, 2018, the National Basketball Association suspended Washington Wizards’ player Jodie Meeks. Meeks tested positive for Ipamorelin and growth-hormone-releasing peptide-2. Both of these substances are banned by the NBA. In the past year, five NBA players have been suspended for violating the league’s anti-drug policy. The NBA has a very specific policy applying to drugs and any violation of this results in the immediate suspension of the respective player if some type of banned substance is found in […]

The War on Drugs and its Impact on the United States

Illegal drugs have been a very prevalent issue in the United States for decades, with almost no clear solution to stop the spreading and use of them. With the epidemic of opium currently ravaging the U.S, it all stemmed from a colossal failure in the 1980s: The War on Drugs. While the intent of the War on Drugs was to stop the spreading of illegal drugs, it managed to become more negative for America than it was originally intended. The […]

War on Drugs | History

Abstract The War on Drugs, or prohibition of illicit substance abuse, has been a long and grueling legislative approach that has changed the rhetoric and the foundation of our American ideals regarding substance abuse. As currently defined, illicit substance use encompasses the “cultivation, distribution, and possession of many intoxicating substances that are intended solely for recreational use” (Durrant & Thakker, 2003; Sacco, 2014). Through Karger and Stoesz (2018) four-pronged model, it is important to note the societal turmoil that was […]

War on Drugs Among Teens

In 2003, Danielson, Overholser, and Butt undertook a study on the larger discipline of teenage depression and the use of drugs. The study was aimed at evaluating whether or not levels of depression differ in the adolescents who had shown attempts to commit suicide and those who had not as influenced by their use of alcohol. From the clinical perspectives, the researchers appreciated that alcohol use among adolescents could significantly influence levels of depression. The higher the level of alcohol […]

Background on Drug Abuse

Drug abuse has been around for as long as the world has been created. Drug abuse dates back to the early 5000 B.C. when the Sumerians used opium, suggested by the fact that they have an ideogram for it which has been translated as HUL, meaning joy or rejoicing (Lindesmith, 2008). It then occurred often later on because indigenous South Americans chewed on coca leaves in the rainforest as a type of ritual, giving them stimulation and energy. Since then, […]

The Plant of Joy: War on Drugs

In 2016, doctors and health care providers in the United States wrote a total of more than 214 million prescriptions for opioid medications. This comes down to a rate of 66.5 prescriptions for every 100 people. The number of opioid prescriptions has quadrupled since 1999. As of today, more than 130 people die per day from opioid-related drug overdoses per the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website. There are more deaths from opioids than the number of deaths […]

Drug Abuse: War on Drugs

Drug abuse has been happening over so many years and it’s bad for our community. A drug isn't a good thing to mess with it understandable if its used for reasonable reasons but more than needed is drug abuse. Some people disagree with this and opposed to other side drugs are good for our community. Many people coming back from the war will be addicted to drugs and alcohol due to the massage amount of drugs that is given to […]

War on Drugs Philippines – Operation Double Barrel

As of June 30, 2016, President Duterte of the Philippines has given orders allowing the state-sanctioned murder of over 20,000 individuals allegedly involved in the drug trade. The whole situation is shockingly gruesome. Police invade homes and arrest individuals, people ruthlessly shot and left in the slums. More often than not the killers remain anonymous as hardly any security exists at the place of killings. Extrajudicial killings have happened every day since his election, and they are justified in the […]

Pharmacology: the Successful Approach of Prodrugs in Drug Optimization

Prodrugs are inactive precursors of an active drug, designed to activate post-administration with the main purpose of improving the pharmacokinetic properties of the parent drug. Prodrugs have achieved success for a long time. For example, sulfasalazine, one of the earliest prodrugs, reaches the colon and is metabolized by bacteria into two active metabolites: sulfapyridine and salicylic acid (5-ASA). Sulfasalazine was approved for use in the USA in 1950 and is still considered the first-line treatment in autoimmune conditions such as […]

Drug Testing

For every student who complains that drug testing is an invasion of his or hers privacy we can show you a hundred parents who have lost their children to drugs. With drug testing students get a safe place where they can learn. Even the teachers are better off with this, because with less drugs schools are much safer. Should High School students or even college students be routinely tested for drug use? Before you answer think about this as a […]

Positive Effect of War on Drugs: Impact of Marijuana Legalization

Introduction to the War on Drugs The war on drugs is a very real battle in the United States. Drugs tear apart jobs, lives, and families, but how harmful is a joint or two of Marijuana? Is this a war that is truly worth fighting for? According to drugpolicy.org (2018), there were over 1,572,579 arrests for drug violations in 2016 alone. This is an incredible number, which implicates the amount of time, effort, workforce, and money the United States puts […]

War on Drugs: America’s Longstanding Relationship with Substance Abuse

In America, there are many factors that influence how we as a society interpret the world around us and what may unequivocally or indirectly impact our everyday behaviors and cognitive processes. We do not merely live day by day free from any conflict or mitigating circumstances; instead we are surrounded by a host of issues that shape the world in which we live in. There is often a blurred line between political and social issues in America, as issues seem […]

The Significance of Public Health: the War on Drugs

When the notion of the “War on Drugs” was first instituted to rid the United States of illegal drug use, many thought it would bring an end to drugs and reduce criminal activity, but that wasn’t the case as the fight to end drug use failed to meet its goal. It impacted many people in the process, specifically public health. According to the American Journal of Public Health, the common effects of drugs before the campaign began were about 30,000 […]

War on Drugs is a Struggle to Survive

I was taught that tobacco was bad. My father died from an overdose. I never met my dad but I never understood why someone would be a drug addict. I never knew how they could do it to themselves, their friends, their family. I would always think a addict was somebody who was selfish and weak. A person who just wanted to party and didn’t care about anyone or anything .I used to think that an addict deserved what had […]

Drug Abuse – Destructive Pattern

Drug abuse is the destructive pattern of using substances that leads to uncounted problems and diseases in the human body. It is a physical and psychological term which takes dependence on human activities. Drugs create bad effects on human life like anxiety, impaired social relations, depression, hopelessness, rejection etc. Impaired social relations and suicide are considered the worst consequences of addiction. The drugs have negative consequences on one's life. If the addicts were able to see the reality of their […]

The Presidential Legacy of the War on Drugs: a Historical Perspective

For several decades, the United States has incorporated the War on Drugs, a strategic initiative consisting of military intervention, foreign military aid, and prohibition, into its domestic and foreign policy in an attempt to curb the illicit drug trade. This essay traces the development of this intricate and frequently contentious policy from its official inception during the Nixon administration to the present day, analyzing the contributions of several U.S. presidents in shaping and furthering it. 1971 marked the inauguration of […]

Drug Abuse in the United States

Drug abuse in the United States has long been a topical issue and persists even today. Many different reasons make people get addicted as well as different levels to which people get dependent on drugs. Opioid use and abuse may start out of curiosity while others take them as prescribed medication for treatment but in the long run, they get addicted. In the United States, many people label Opioid addiction as a health problem rather than drug addiction. The reason […]

Effects of Drug Abuse on Families

Abstract In the USA, the family units have emerged to much complicated. Families continue to evolve ranging from the extended, nuclear and up to the single parenting family setups. Others are the stepfamilies, multigenerational and the foster types of families. Thus, abuse by a member of the family of substances may result in differences based on the formation of the family itself. This paper presents a discussion on the issues of treatment that may emerge within the various structures of […]

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122 Drugs Essay Topics & Examples

Psychoactive drugs are chemicals that affect the way one’s central nervous system functions. They change a person’s mood, perception, or consciousness. The use of psychoactive substances in various forms has been characteristic of people since ancient times. Some ethnic religions are based completely on using drugs, mainly hallucinogens. Although drug use is now very common, it is illegal in most countries.

If you’re looking for research topics on drugs addiction, you’re in the right place. This page offers good titles on drugs for argumentative and persuasive essays, speeches, and research papers. We have also collected A+ essay examples on drugs abuse.

📝 Essay Examples on Drugs

👍 good drugs essay topics to write about, 💡 research topics on drugs, 🎓 simple research topics about drugs, ❓ controversial topics about drugs.

  • School Athletes and Drug Tests Drug testing in schools helps to deter young amateur athletes from engaging in doping. This paper will discuss why it is important for school athletes to take drug tests.
  • Sports Analysis: Steroids and HGH in Sports This paper analyzes different articles related to sport and discusses the application of steroids and human growth hormones in sports.
  • Economic Impact of Legalizing Marijuana People consume recreational drugs to get the euphoric effect that these psychotropic products create. The most extensively consumed illegal psychotropic substance is marijuana.
  • Treating Alcohol and Drug Addiction in the Family In this paper, the author will develop a case study of addiction to marijuana and alcohol in a family. The study will evaluate the best treatment and intervention measures.
  • Marijuana Legalization: Advantages and Disadvantages This marijuana legalization essay focuses on advantages and disadvantages of legalizing weed. It covers the issues of marijuana legalization in Colorado, other US states, Canada, and Europe.
  • Drug Legalization: For and Against A drug is a substance that can influence the normal functioning of the body when consumed or introduced into the human body.
  • Drug Addiction: Reasons, Theories and Treatment The paper explains reasons for drugs addiction, reviews the disease model of addiction, personality traits and theory of addiction, and treatment of addiction.
  • Combating Drug Abuse in the United States Marijuana should be legalized in the United States to avoid the negative implications that are associated with the illegal trade in the drug.
  • Drug Abuse in Facts and Numbers There is a popular belief that addiction is someone one would be able to prevent or control by taking moderate doses of substances.
  • War on Drugs: Opposing Viewpoints To legalize or not to legalize drugs of abuse has always been a subject of contention and controversy. Each side in support or in opposition has its varied, valid arguments.
  • Drug and Alcohol Effects on Emotional Intelligence This paper includes a brief review of peer-reviewed articles concerning the effects of alcohol and drug use on emotional intelligence.
  • Animal Testing Ban: Counterargument and Rebuttal Studies have shown that the animals used in scientific experimentation are exposed to painful procedures, which subject them to suffering and stress.
  • Animal Experimentation: Justification Arguments The subject of animal experimentation has always been a controversial one. There are many different reasons for which animal experimentation is performed.
  • Environmental Factors Role in Drug Addiction This paper examined the significance of environmental factors in the development and persistence of drug addiction.
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Young People Teenagers tend to become bored easily and experience frequent emotional highs and lows. These are all potential factors in teenage drug use.
  • The Universal Problem of Drug Abuse This paper is an overview arguments of proponents of legalization of drugs and existing drug policies, shows significant benefits can indeed be obtained.
  • Performance Enhancement Drugs The reasons why most of the athletics are using the drugs is to increase their muscles mass, it also cut down on them from being fatigue after they are done with their workouts it also keeps them from getting sore.
  • Smoking in Public Places: Arguments for Ban The issue of smoking not only in public places but also in enclosed private places stands out to be a dangerous initiative that ruins the lives of the victims.
  • Teens Abuse of Prescription Drugs Many teens abuse prescription and over-the-counter drugs to get high, lessen the impact of intimidation, to socialize in parties, escape reality, to experiment, or relieve boredom.
  • Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized? Marijuana has traditional, historical and cultural roots, dating back to centuries, confirming its use even in the Stone Age. A drug of such repute should be freed from the shackles of law.
  • Drug Abuse as Voluntary Suicide Drug and alcohol abuse is like voluntary suicide. The effects of substance abuse are vast and problematic in every society. Substance abuse aids the spread of AIDS, pun intended.
  • Effects of Substance Abuse Amongst the Military Soldiers have over the years continued to test positive for drugs during the normal urine tests that are done in the military despite the measures that are put into place.
  • Drugs or Alcohol Addiction Problems Addiction to drugs or alcohol is the effect of compulsive and continuous use of drugs or alcohol despite its adverse consequences.
  • The Great Marijuana Debate Marijuana is a brown, green or gray blend of dried out seeds, stems, flowers together with the leaves of the hemp plant.
  • Legalizing Marijuana: Discussion The warfare on substance use and abuse is a costly engagement regardless of place and time. Authorities direct numerous resources towards catching buyers and sellers of illicit drugs.
  • Organized Crime in Japan, China, Russia, and Mexico This paper describes and compares the organizational criminal groups in Japan, China, Russia and Mexico, their structure and type of activity.
  • AIDS in the African American Community This paper pursues the issue of AIDS in African Americans as the subject of discussion. The discussion is primarily one of exploratory nature and attempts to consider the issue.
  • Professional Athletes Allowed to Use Steroids The philosophical considerations behind the rationale for drug usage in an athletic context are based on the violations of legal rules and the nature of the sport itself.
  • Drugs Problem in Urban America The paper explores the context of drugs and aspects of proliferation, abuse, and trafficking to provide a concrete idea of how drugs have become a vice in urban America.
  • Adolescent Drug Addiction Problem Adolescent drug addiction is a pathological dependence on drugs in teenagers, which develops as a result of a combination of psychological, biological, and social factors.
  • Drug Abuse in Adolescents: The Causes Scientists estimate that about one in two American teenagers has at least the initial experience of using narcotic illicit substances.
  • War on Drugs: Implication on the Criminal Justice System This paper is going to look at the implications of war on drugs on the criminal justice system, in the past, present, and in the future.
  • Illegal Drugs: Threat to the Society The threat from illegal drugs is more dangerous to society than the threats from other crimes such as human trafficking and dealings in illegal goods and services.
  • Drug Prevention Among School-Aged Youth Drug use and abuse are major issues that affect contemporary populations everywhere. This paper discusses the drug prevention measures that can be applied to school-aged youths.
  • Using RFID Technology in Health Industry The paper reviews the history of RFID, its application in the healthcare environment, as well as benefits to the industry, and the barriers to the adoption of technology.
  • Substance Abuse Among Adolescents The paper discusses the issue of substance abuse among adolescents. It highlights the prevalence of the problem in society and the need for parents to take up an active role.
  • Steroid Abuse in the World of Sports The essay supports the idea that steroid usage should be banned in sports, so as to set good example to youngsters.
  • Steroid Use Effects on Professional Young Athletes The paper discusses the main reasons behind the increasing trend of using steroids and analyzes the physical, mental, and other effects of using steroids on young athletes.
  • Using Performance-Enhancing Drugs and in World of Sport The use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) has been a major concern over the recent past. The use of these substances is not a new thing in the world of sports.
  • Legalization of Marijuana in the US: Pros and Cons The benefits of cannabis have been scientifically proven through rigorous research to ascertain the optimal amount that one can use to avoid its side effects.
  • Addiction and Abuse of Various Drugs Various drugs are considered to be abused because they are addictive and have consequences that are considered undesirable by society.
  • Substance Abuse Problem Overview Substance abuse is a social problem that permeates every aspect of human nature in society. This study looks at the issue of substance abuse and the problems of addiction.
  • Legalization of Marijuana and Drug Use Among Teenagers This piece of work gives a critical analysis of the effect of the legalization of marijuana and its effect on the rate of drug use among teenagers in the United States of America.
  • Role of Family and Social Network Support in Mental Health Peers and families play pivotal roles in enhancing the recovery of substance abuse and mental health patients.
  • The War on Drugs as the War Against Black Women The purpose of this article is to consider the term "The war on drugs as the war against black women", as well as to understand its meaning and history of origin.
  • The Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana or cannabis is the official name of a psychoactive drug derived from hemp. The paper discusses the arguments for and against marijuana legalization.
  • Substance Abuse Intervention for Family It is estimated that more than eight million children in the USA live in families with at least one drug or alcohol-addicted parent.
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse among Young People Alcoholism and drug addiction currently can be considered, not only as purely medical but also as social problems of modern society.
  • Politics of HIV/Aids and Social and Cultural Prejudice The paper looks at how the politics HIV/AIDS have operated as a conduit for social and cultural prejudice because the its prevalence has been associated with society culture.
  • Marijuana Legalization in the United States Marijuana is one of the most commonly used and abused drugs in most parts of the world; in the United States, medical marijuana is legal and available across twenty-three states.
  • The Use of Animals for Research The paper states that the use of animals for research hurt the animals, wastes funds and efforts, and delays the discovery of better ways of treatment.
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Social Studies' Analysis Qualitative research methods are primarily associated with examining social dimensions to provide detailed and rich results and offer concepts and ideas to inform the research.
  • Why Alcohol Abuse Is More Prevalent Than Drug Abuse Recently, drug abuse cases have increased, with opioids taking the greater part of the news headlines. Many people in the U.S. die as a result of drug abuse.
  • Sexual Behavior and Violence: The Role of Drugs and Alcohol The purpose of this paper is to showcase the role drugs and alcohol play in sexual behavior and explain why criminal justice fails to identify and prevent cases of sexual violence.
  • Risk Factors of Drug and Alcohol Misuse The current paper will analyze the main risk factors that lead to the misuse of the substance's drugs and alcohol.
  • The Failure of America’s War on Drugs
  • An Analysis of The Argument on The Benefits of Legalizing Drugs
  • Reflection on Motivation of Early Dropout from Drug Abuse Treatment
  • John Stuart Mill and Drugs Legalization
  • The Effects of Drugs on Cardiac Physiology
  • Effects of Parental Alcoholism and Drug Abuse on Teens
  • Legalizing Recreational Drugs Within the United States
  • The Correlation Between Adult Drug Abusers and Children
  • Drug Abuse as a Destructive Pattern
  • Criminal Offenses That Involve Drugs
  • Atomic Energy and the Development of Drugs
  • Most Drugs and Medicated Substances Can Be Beneficial
  • Banning Performance Enhancing Drugs From Sports
  • Demand for Illicit Drugs by Pregnant Women
  • Homeopathic Medicines vs. Prescription Drugs
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Drugs
  • Investigation of the Effects of Drug Abuse
  • Bioethical Issues Concerning Fertility Drugs
  • Fractals and Self-Organized Criticality in Anti-inflammatory Drugs
  • Arguing Against the Legalization of Drugs
  • The Effects of Drugs Abuse on Adolescents: Academic Performance in Triangle
  • Symptoms and Treatment Implications of Drugs Use
  • Misusing Pain Management Prescription Drugs
  • Drugs That Enhance Athletic Performance
  • Influence of Drug Substances on Adolescents
  • Current Anti Obesity Drugs and Their Disadvantages
  • Drug Safety and the Side Effects of the Use of Drugs
  • Physical and Psychological Consequences of Long Term Drug Use
  • Current Regulations for Standardization of Crude Drugs
  • Enhancing Drugs and Its Impact on Academic Integrity
  • Nasal Delivery of High Molecular Weight Drugs
  • Canada’s Fight Against Drugs
  • Drug Trafficking in The Republic of Colombia
  • High-Performance Drugs: Social Consideration
  • Nanoemulsion: an Innovative Drug Delivery
  • Drugs That Interfere With Sympathetic Nerve Signals
  • How Drug Trafficking Impacts The Economy and The World at Large
  • The Unfair Advantage of Using Drugs in Sports
  • Antidepressant Drugs and Their Effects on Depression
  • AIDS: Developing Country and Drugs
  • How Do Drugs Affect Society?
  • Why Are Synthetic Drugs Legal?
  • How Drugs Affect the Health Triangle?
  • How Cost-Effective Are New Cancer Drugs in the USA?
  • How Drugs Act?
  • What’s the Deal With Drugs and Nightclubs?
  • Can Economic Aid Make a Difference in the Flow of Drugs?
  • Are Any Drugs Derived From the Ocean Presently Approved?
  • Are the More Educated People More Likely to Use New Drugs?
  • Are Diet Drugs Safe for People?
  • Are Illegal Drugs Inferior Goods in the USA?
  • Why Are Students Attracted to Drugs and Drinking?
  • How Could Decriminalisation Solve the Drugs Problem?
  • Are Anabolic Steroids Really Pernicious Deleterious Drugs?
  • How Can Illegal Drugs Be Prevented From Entering Prison?
  • How Do Drugs Affect Our Lives?
  • Why Shouldn’t Athletes Use Muscle Enhancing Drugs?
  • How Do Drugs Affect Families?
  • Are Drugs Taking Away the Excitement in Sports?
  • How Can Kids Best Be Convinced Not to Do Drugs?
  • Does Coffee Contain Drugs?
  • How Drugs Affect the Mind and the Body and How Dangerous they Are?
  • How Are Drugs and Alcohol Affect the Teenagers?
  • Do Drugs Are Barriers to Our Future?
  • Why Should Drugs Not Be Legalized?
  • How Do Drugs and Alcohol Affect Teenage Brain Development?
  • Why Are Biosimilar Drugs More Extensive Than Generics?

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102 War on Drugs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best war on drugs topic ideas & essay examples, 🎓 good research topics about war on drugs, ⭐ simple & easy war on drugs essay titles, ❓ war on drugs research questions.

  • Positive Results of the War on Drugs The present section argues that the War on Drugs yielded some significant results in the United States, mainly thanks to the country’s advantageous geographic position, in terms of reducing both production and consumption of drugs […]
  • Successes and the Failures of the “Drug War” In the past century, the use of illicit drugs reduced drastically owing to the drug war. The growing of the illicit drugs like Cannabis in the US has drastically reduced due to the drug war.
  • War on Drugs in the Sicario Film First, the use of factual information in work increases confidence in the film’s authors and convinces the viewer of the truthfulness and accuracy of the narrative.
  • The House I Live In: War on Drugs and Mass Incarceration Yet the way in which the comparison between the Holocaust and the War on Drugs makes the most sense is the fact that mass incarceration for drug-related offenses disproportionally targets one group of population.
  • War on Drugs in “Sicario” (2015) Film On the positive side of things, the depiction of the War on Drugs in the movie is built around violence associated with it and the corruption of federal agents involved in the operations.
  • The War on Drugs Is Lost: In Search of a New Method After forty years and a trillion dollars, the volume of drugs in the United States has remained relatively the same. In 2000, Portugal decriminalized all hard and soft drugs at the recommendation of a panel […]
  • Literature Review: The War on Drugs However, the misguided notion that anything with the potential to cause harm is immoral has led to the limited effectiveness of punitive policies with regard to the reduction of the negative impacts of drug use.
  • The America’s Unjust Drug War In addition, the thought experiment shows the ethical inadmissibility of such a prohibition from the point of view of moral philosophy.
  • War on Drugs and Prison Overcrowding Analysis In this way, it is possible to reduce the number of inmates in state prisons because studies have shown that low-level offenders make more than 55% of the total number of inmates in American prisons.
  • The Failure of the Drug War The threat of imprisonment is not sufficient to keep citizens from partaking in the drug, nor is it effective in ensuring the drug is not available on the street.
  • War on Drugs in the United States Satisfaction of rehabilitation costs, salaries, and payment of the government officials and employees involved in the operations and activities related to the war on drugs have been included in the estimation of the cost of […]
  • War on Drugs and Terror and American Promise As a result, the people of the US have a reason to doubt that the war on terror is concerned with the safety of the world or even the safety of the American people.
  • American Drug War from the Economic Perspective On the basis of this information, it can be presupposed that the reduction of demand is the best way to overcome the drug issue.
  • Drug War Policies and Freiberg & Carson’s Models War on Drugs was a set of policies adopted by the Nixon administration in 1971, following a tremendous growth of the local illegal drug market in the 1960s, in the aftermath of the Vietnam War.
  • American Drug War, Its Achievements and Failures The critics of this policy argue that the government is using more resources to control drugs, while only using few resources in drug victims’ treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Drug War in “Baltimore: Anatomy of an American City” The “strengths of this theory make it effective towards describing the behaviors of many individuals in the society”. Many individuals engage in criminal activities due to lack of the required resources.
  • Ineffectiveness of the “War on Drugs” Campaign The American government has been using powerful measures and laws to deal with the problem. The main area of concern therefore focuses on the effectiveness of this fight against illicit drugs in the United States.
  • Health Law: The Never-Ending War on Drugs The failure of the efforts to curb the trafficking and use of illicit drugs may be a new experience for many countries across the world, but not for the US.
  • War on Drugs in Mexico The war on drugs is the most significant occurrence in Mexico in the last decade. These factors have led to the president to declare war on the drug use in order to improve the country’s […]
  • The War on Drugs and the Incarceration of Black Women Considering the plight of black women in the war on drugs, this paper discusses the concept of war on drugs as the war against black women.
  • The War on Drugs in the US In the US, the negative impacts of drug use became evident in the society at the end of the 19th century, when it was observed that psychotropic drugs such as cocaine and morphine led to […]
  • Mexican Drug Cartels and the War on Drugs The examination of the current research on Mexican drug cartels and the War on Drugs helps to understand the causes of the outburst of violence, define the major tendencies of the Mexican War on Drugs […]
  • Mexican Drug War: Political, Social, and Economy Damages The cartels use the law enforcement agents against rival cartels through bribes and leaking information on their activities to the police Origin of the Escalating Violence The violence in the county is as a result […]
  • American Government’s War on Drugs Analyzing the success of the war on drugs in the society, it is important to understand the drug control rhetoric, which is aimed at realizing a drug-free society.
  • Prohibition: War on Drugs American Labor Leader Andrew Furuseth spoke before Congress in 1926 and noted that just after prohibition began, there was a large change in the working population, but he also added: “Two years afterwards I came […]
  • Drug War in Afghanistan Over the last three decades, the NATO has been making various strategies to end the war and the drug business in Afghanistan because of the negative activities that the Taliban carries out not only in […]
  • Mexican Politics, Culture and Drug Wars The 10-year civil war of Mexico that lasted from 1910 to 1920 is believed to be the key that opened up the doors to the new constitution of 1917.
  • War on Drugs and Its Effects: Analytical Essay This has led to the formation of laws to govern drug trafficking and drug use in most countries that are determined to eradicate this problem.
  • America’s War on Drugs At the time, Nixon was concerned by the sudden surge of drug related arrests among young people and the relation that the trend had on the high rate of street crime at the time.
  • American Foreign Policy and the War on Drugs
  • The Right Way of Handling the War on Drugs
  • America Will Never Win the War on Drugs
  • Underdeveloped Countries and the War on Drugs
  • African Americans, Poverty, and the War on Drugs
  • The Political and Economic Factors of the War on Drugs
  • Crime and the War on Drugs
  • Economics Theory and Crime: Why Is Law Enforcement Failing in the War on Drugs
  • Choosing the Right Battlefield for the War on Drugs
  • Legalize Marijuana: End the War on Drugs
  • Criminology: Drug Policies and the War on Drugs
  • Addiction and the War on Drugs
  • Bad Neighbor Policy: Washington’s Futile War on Drugs in Latin America
  • Drug Policies and the War on Drugs
  • Joint Interagency Task Force and the War on Drugs
  • Propaganda, Stereotypes, and the War on Drugs
  • Overcrowded Prisons and the War on Drugs
  • America Should End Its War on Drugs
  • Drug Legalization and the War on Drugs
  • Organized Crime and War on Drugs
  • Favela Lives Matter: Youth From Urban Peripheries, Political Engagement and Alternatives to the War on Drugs
  • Legalization and the War on Drugs
  • Racial Bias and the Civil War on Drugs
  • Criminal Justice Enforcement and the United War on Drugs
  • America and the War on Drugs
  • Budgetary Politics and the War on Drugs
  • Ethics and the War on Drugs
  • Heroin Crisis, White Families Seek Gentler War on Drugs
  • End the Bogus War on Drugs
  • Parents: First Line Defense in War on Drugs
  • Functionalist and Interactionist Views on the War on Drugs
  • High Crime Rates and War on Drugs
  • Cannabis and the War on Drugs
  • Mexican Drug Cartels and the War on Drugs
  • Drug Use and Abuse During the War on Drugs
  • Criminal Law and the War on Drugs
  • The Market for Illegal Drugs and the War on Drugs
  • Cocaine, Race, and the War on Drugs
  • Ethnocentrism, Class Discrimination, and the Historical Shortcomings of America’s War on Drugs
  • Colombia and the War on Drugs: How Short Is the Short Run
  • Has the War on Drugs Been a Failure?
  • Are You in Favor of War on Drug?
  • What Can We Do to Stop the War on Drugs?
  • What Is the Point of the War on Drugs?
  • Is the War on Drugs Immoral?
  • Has the War on Drugs Had Any Positive Effects?
  • Is the War on Drugs Working?
  • What Are Your Thoughts About the War on Drugs?
  • Who Has Benefited From the Us Government’s “War on Drugs”?
  • What Are the Negative Effects of War on Drugs?
  • Why Did Ronald Reagan Declare War on Drugs?
  • Is the “War on Drugs” Futile and a Waste of Resources?
  • What Are the Strongest Arguments for and Against the War on Drugs?
  • Why Did War on Drugs Fail?
  • What Are Some Facts About the War on Drugs?
  • Has the United States Lost the “War on Drugs?”
  • Do You Think the War on Drugs Is a Joke?
  • What Can You Say About War on Drugs?
  • Why Do You Agree With the War on Drugs?
  • Who Is Winning the War on Drugs?
  • What Are the Good Effects of War on Drugs in the Philippines?
  • Why Did Richard Nixon Begin the War on Drugs?
  • What Is the Relationship Between the War on Drugs and Race?
  • What War Will Replace the War on Drugs?
  • What Are the Advantages of War on Drugs?
  • What Is Hillary Clinton’s Stance on the “War on Drugs”?
  • Is War on Drugs Justifiable?
  • How Are We Doing on the War on Drugs?
  • What Is the Disadvantage and Advantage on War on Drugs?
  • What Is the Purpose of the Endless War on Drugs?
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  • Youth Violence Research Topics
  • Alcohol Abuse Paper Topics
  • Alcohol Essay Titles
  • Police Questions
  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2023, September 27). 102 War on Drugs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/war-on-drugs-essay-topics/

"102 War on Drugs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Sept. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/war-on-drugs-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '102 War on Drugs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 27 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "102 War on Drugs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/war-on-drugs-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "102 War on Drugs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/war-on-drugs-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "102 War on Drugs Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/war-on-drugs-essay-topics/.

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essay topics on drugs

Drugs Essay Titles

  • Errors in Drug Administration: Weighing the Evidence
  • Problems with Doping in Athletics
  • Medications for Type 2 Diabetes
  • Children’s Off-Label Drug Use
  • 5 Effects of Contraceptive Drugs: Characteristic Numbers
  • Pharmaceutical Interventions in the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
  • The United States Department of Justice: Drug Courts
  • Influence of Social Media on Drug Abuse
  • Illicit Drug Trade in the United Kingdom
  • The Effect of Pop Culture on Drug Opinion
  • Drugs, Human Behavior, and Contemporary Deaths
  • The Impact of Contemporary Culture on Drug Abuse
  • Normalization Theory, Social Tendencies, and Drug Control, Chapter
  • Redefining Drug Discovery for the 21st Century.
  • Opioid Treatment: Avoiding Drug Dependency
  • A Transactional Model of Stress and Coping Among Iv Drug Users
  • Aspects of Drug Absorption in the Intestine
  • The War on Drugs at Harvard Business School in Boston
  • Crime, Drugs, and Social Order in Criminology
  • Should Pregnant Users Face Charges?
  • Pseudoephedrine Availability in Ice and Methamphetamine, Australia Drugs Law Reform Foundation
  • Michael Cranford, “Drug Testing and the Right to Privacy,”
  • Drug Transporter Growth of Mock Stomach Fluids
  • Identifying the Drug Issue
  • Problem-Free Drug Withdrawal
  • Brain Function Alterations Caused by Psychoactive Drugs
  • Maraviroc, A Drug Approved by the FDA
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse Are Among the Most Pressing Problems in Today’s Schools (No. 28 on the List).
  • United States’ Drug War
  • Loftus and Berton, “Drug makers Tighten Their Belts Again.”
  • Most Common Drug-Related Problems and Ways to Avoid them
  • Reasonable U.S. Drug Costs
  • Drug Abuse in Higher Education
  • Why Incarcerating Drug Users Is A Waste of Time
  • Alcohol and Drug Policy at Clements High School
  • Drug Addiction: An Overview of Emerging Ideas
  • Results of Alcohol and Drug Use and the Role of Behavior Modification
  • An Overview of Benzodiazepines as A Psychoactive Medication
  • Methamphetamine’s Threat to Society and Values in Drugs
  • Execution of Drug-Related and Other Warrants
  • Use and Abuse of Substances
  • The Failed Drug War
  • The Origins, Consequences, and Cures of Substance Abuse
  • Problems with Doping and Drugs in Sports
  • Drug Testing and the Fourth Amendment in the United States
  • Methods for Enforcing and Regulating Drug Use
  • In-Depth Examining of Drugs Used for Pleasure
  • List the Drugs Worst for Your Health
  • Substance Abuse and Sexuality in Southeast Asia
  • Testing for and Use of Narcotics
  • A Requirement for Drug Testing for All High School Students Who Want to Participate in Extracurricular Activities
  • A Selected Library on Criminal Drug Use
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse
  • Analysis of Drugs Used in Medicine
  • Does Drug Interdiction Increase or Decrease Drug-Related Crime?
  • Behavioral Change: Drugs and Addiction
  • Methamphetamine: A Brief Overview
  • Intervention Strategies for Substance Abuse and Alcoholism
  • Does Cocaine Use During Pregnancy Lead to Special Developmental Concerns in Children?
  • Punishment as An Alternative to Drug Use.
  • The Human Mind and Drugs That Modify the Mind
  • Various Strategies for Treating Drug Addiction
  • Dufour’s “Drug and Alcohol Findings.”
  • Is It True That Other Crimes Have Decreased Thanks to Stricter Drug Laws?
  • Substance Abuse and Athletic Competitions
  • GHB: A Widely Used Substance with Little Publicity
  • Drug Smuggling as A Distribution Method
  • Protected Injection Techniques, Number 68. Issues That Arise from Injecting Drugs
  • Is Drug Use More Health and Social Problems, or A Criminal Justice Issue?
  • Methods from Harrop’s “Drug War and Class War.”
  • The Cost of Antiretroviral Medication in Poor Countries
  • The Use of Psychological Drugs by College Students
  • The Association of Drug Abuse and Race in Female Athletes
  • Repercussions of Psychotropic Drugs on Young Brains
  • Youth Substance Abuse: Alcohol and Other Drugs
  • The Drug Problem in Michael Huemer’s “America’s Unjust Drug War.”
  • The Public Debate on Drugs
  • Drug Treatment Programs for Criminal Offenders
  • Drug Abuse and Addiction
  • Leaders and the Drug Use
  • Drug Users as Role Models After Recovery
  • Influence of Drug Taxes Across Borders
  • The Connection between Drug Abuse and Criminal Activity and Violent Outcomes
  • Injecting Drug Users Have A Very High Risk of Contracting HIV.
  • What Effect Does the High Cost of Medicines in the United States Have on Healthcare?
  • The War on Drugs Has Had Positive Effects, P.
  • Alcohol and Drug Abuse in America
  • Xtandi, A Drug Common in American Culture
  • Drug Use and Pregnancy
  • Examine the Violence Caused by Drug Abuse
  • Substance Abuse and Drug Use in the City of Melbourne
  • Adolescent Drug Abuse and Its Causes
  • Drug Abuse Among Adolescents Aged 15-19 Is A Public Health Threat
  • Repercussions of Drug Abuse
  • Dangerous and Necessary Drugs
  • Drug Abuse and Prevention Techniques
  • Drug Addiction and Its Prevention
  • Substance Abuse: Drug Court and Detox
  • Prescription Drug Affordability and Access Act
  • The Case of Drug Abuse in Merton’s Argument for Deviance
  • Drug Treatment and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for HIV and AIDS
  • Arguments Against Drug Legalization
  • The Drugs for Schizophrenia: Lithium and Abilify
  • “The Hidden Drug Epidemic Among Older People”: Healthcare System Problem
  • The Motives Why People Use Drugs
  • Influence of Substance Abuse on Schizophrenia and Its Treatment
  • Decriminalization of Drugs: The Proposition
  • Workplace Drug Abuse
  • Drug and Anabolic Steroid Usage in the Athletic Setting
  • The Problem of Illegal Drug Trade
  • The Problem of Illegal Drugs in Sports
  • The Relationship between Drugs and Crime
  • Searching the Web for Research Evidence: Drug Addiction Among School-Aged Children
  • Over 30 Antiretroviral Drugs to Combat the Effects of the Deadly AIDS Virus
  • Comparing Two Websites with Information Regarding Illegal Drugs
  • Program for Monitoring Prescription Drugs
  • Investigations of Narcotics and Drug Enforcement
  • The Problem of Antipsychotic Medication
  • Antidepressant Medications for Depression and Dysthymia
  • HIV and Drug Users: Infections Attributable to Injection Drug Use

Research Topics on Domestic Violence

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Essay on Drug Awareness

Students are often asked to write an essay on Drug Awareness in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Drug Awareness

Understanding drugs.

Drugs are substances that can change how your body and mind work. They can be legal, like medicine prescribed by a doctor, or illegal.

Effects of Drugs

Drugs can make you feel different. Some might make you feel happy for a short time, but they can also harm your body and brain.

The Risk of Addiction

Some people may start using drugs out of curiosity or to feel good, but it can lead to addiction. Addiction is when you can’t stop taking the drug, even if it’s causing harm.

Staying Safe

It’s important to say no to illegal drugs and only take medicines as directed by a doctor.

250 Words Essay on Drug Awareness

Introduction, the importance of drug awareness.

Drug awareness is essential to equip individuals with knowledge about the potential risks and consequences of drug use. It helps in understanding the difference between use and misuse, the signs of addiction, and the effects of drugs on physical and mental health. This knowledge can be a powerful tool in preventing drug misuse and addiction.

The Role of Education

Education plays a significant role in drug awareness. It is not only about imparting knowledge but also about fostering a healthy attitude towards drug use. Educational institutions, particularly colleges, hold a responsibility to provide students with accurate information, enabling them to make informed decisions.

In conclusion, drug awareness is a vital aspect of health education. It empowers individuals, especially college students, to make informed decisions about drug use, thus preventing potential misuse and addiction. The role of education in promoting drug awareness cannot be overstated, as it equips students with necessary knowledge and fosters a responsible attitude towards drug use.

500 Words Essay on Drug Awareness

The issue of drug abuse and addiction has become a global concern, with implications that transcend cultural, economic, and social boundaries. Drug awareness is a critical aspect in curbing this menace, as it equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to resist drug use, and encourages a healthier, safer society.

The Prevalence of Drug Abuse

The prevalence of drug abuse is alarming, with the World Health Organization estimating that nearly 5.5% of the world’s population aged 15-64 years have used drugs at least once in their lifetime. This statistic underscores the urgency for effective drug awareness programs. It is essential to understand the factors contributing to drug abuse, which include peer pressure, curiosity, stress, and the desire for escapism. These factors, coupled with the easy accessibility of drugs, create a potent recipe for addiction.

Components of Effective Drug Awareness Programs

Effective drug awareness programs should be comprehensive, targeting various aspects of the drug abuse issue. Firstly, they should provide factual information about drugs, their effects, and the risks associated with their use. Secondly, they must equip individuals with the skills to resist peer pressure and make informed decisions. Lastly, these programs should provide support and resources for those struggling with addiction, emphasizing that recovery is possible and that help is available.

The Role of Society in Drug Awareness

Society plays a significant role in promoting drug awareness. Schools, workplaces, and communities can host awareness campaigns, workshops, and seminars. The media can also play an influential role in disseminating accurate information about drugs and addiction. Moreover, government policies can support drug awareness initiatives, providing funding and resources for these programs.

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essay topics on drugs

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The Adolescent Brain and Substance Use

Grupo de adolescentes afuera en un banco

  • Adolescence is a time of important developmental and social growth. There are many interrelated factors that influence changes in a young person’s brain structure and function, and can have a long-term impact on their body, mind, and mental health.
  • Adolescence is also a time of growing independence, exploration, and risk-taking. Teens may experiment with nicotine via cigarettes or vaping, alcohol, and marijuana, at a time when exposure to these substances can have a significant impact on brain development. Early use of alcohol and other substances can increase the likelihood of going on to use other drugs and of developing a substance use disorder.
  • NIDA leads the Adolescent Brain Cognitive DevelopmentSM Study (ABCD Study ® ) , a long-term study of brain development and child health. The ABCD Study is researching the effects of substance use as well as environmental, social, genetic, and other biological factors on the developing adolescent brain.

Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD Study®)

ABCD is a landmark study supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) which will increase our understanding of environmental, social, genetic, and other biological factors that affect brain and cognitive development and that can enhance or disrupt a young person’s life trajectory.

Latest from NIDA

Shadow of two adults walking on a crosswalk and holding hands with a young child in between them.

More than 321,000 U.S. children lost a parent to drug overdose from 2011 to 2021

Close-up of a teenage boy sitting outside with friends, looking at the camera.

Delta-8-THC use reported by 11% of 12th graders in 2023

Woman looking up into the sky above the tree tops of a cypress forest.

Law enforcement seizures of psilocybin mushrooms rose dramatically between 2017-2022

Learn more about the adolescent brain and substance use.

  • Find resources for parents and educators on the NIDA web site.
  • See the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study SM (ABCD Study ® ) web site.
  • Read about alcohol and the adolescent brain on the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism web site.
  • See data on drug use in adolescents and young adults from the Monitoring the Future study.
  • Learn about high-risk substance use among youth from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Share full article


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Guest Essay

A Year on Ozempic Taught Me We’re Thinking About Obesity All Wrong

A photo illustration of junk food — potato chips, cheesecake and bacon — spiraling into a black background.

By Johann Hari

Mr. Hari is a British journalist and the author of “Magic Pill: The Extraordinary Benefits — and Disturbing Risks — of the New Weight Loss Drugs.”

Ever since I was a teenager, I have dreamed of shedding a lot of weight. So when I shrank from 203 pounds to 161 in a year, I was baffled by my feelings. I was taking Ozempic, and I was haunted by the sense that I was cheating and doing something immoral.

I’m not the only one. In the United States (where I now split my time), over 70 percent of people are overweight or obese, and according to one poll, 47 percent of respondents said they were willing to pay to take the new weight-loss drugs. It’s not hard to see why. They cause users to lose an average of 10 to 20 percent of their body weight, and clinical trials suggest that the next generation of drugs (probably available soon) leads to a 24 percent loss, on average. Yet as more and more people take drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro, we get more confused as a culture, bombarding anyone in the public eye who takes them with brutal shaming.

This is happening because we are trapped in a set of old stories about what obesity is and the morally acceptable ways to overcome it. But the fact that so many of us are turning to the new weight-loss drugs can be an opportunity to find a way out of that trap of shame and stigma — and to a more truthful story.

In my lifetime, obesity has exploded, from being rare to almost being the norm. I was born in 1979, and by the time I was 21, obesity rates in the United States had more than doubled . They have skyrocketed since. The obvious question is, why? And how do these new weight-loss drugs work? The answer to both lies in one word: satiety. It’s a concept that we don’t use much in everyday life but that we’ve all experienced at some point. It describes the sensation of having had enough and not wanting any more.

The primary reason we have gained weight at a pace unprecedented in human history is that our diets have radically changed in ways that have deeply undermined our ability to feel sated. My father grew up in a village in the Swiss mountains, where he ate fresh, whole foods that had been cooked from scratch and prepared on the day they were eaten. But in the 30 years between his childhood and mine, in the suburbs of London, the nature of food transformed across the Western world. He was horrified to see that almost everything I ate was reheated and heavily processed. The evidence is clear that the kind of food my father grew up eating quickly makes you feel full. But the kind of food I grew up eating, much of which is made in factories, often with artificial chemicals, left me feeling empty and as if I had a hole in my stomach. In a recent study of what American children eat, ultraprocessed food was found to make up 67 percent of their daily diet. This kind of food makes you want to eat more and more. Satiety comes late, if at all.

One scientific experiment — which I have nicknamed Cheesecake Park — seemed to me to crystallize this effect. Paul Kenny, a neuroscientist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, grew up in Ireland. After he moved in 2000 to the United States, when he was in his 20s, he gained 30 pounds in two years. He began to wonder if the American diet has some kind of strange effect on our brains and our cravings, so he designed an experiment to test it. He and his colleague Paul Johnson raised a group of rats in a cage and gave them an abundant supply of healthy, balanced rat chow made out of the kind of food rats had been eating for a very long time. The rats would eat it when they were hungry, and then they seemed to feel sated and stopped. They did not become fat.

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Drug Addiction: Choice Or Disease?

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Published: Sep 16, 2023

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The choice argument, the disease model, psychological and sociological factors, a holistic perspective.

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