1. IGCSE ENGLISH SPEECH WRITING (PART 2- Persuasive Techniques)

    igcse english language speech writing

  2. IGCSE English Speech Writing- PART 1 INTRODUCTIONS

    igcse english language speech writing

  3. speech writing questions igcse

    igcse english language speech writing

  4. Directed Writing

    igcse english language speech writing

  5. ⛔ Igcse english speech writing sample. IGCSE English. 2022-10-16

    igcse english language speech writing

  6. ⛔ Igcse english speech writing sample. IGCSE English. 2022-10-16

    igcse english language speech writing


  1. Question 1 Directed Writing: How to Write a Speech

    You might wish to structure your speech in the following way: Directly address the reader or audience: Introduce the topic and your point of view. Use personal and inclusive pronouns to involve your audience, e.g., "you" or "we". Engage your audience using a rhetorical question. Your next paragraph should develop your argument:

  2. 10 Best Ways to Write a Speech: Igcse English

    IGCSE - English, part of the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) curriculum, is a comprehensive English language program designed for students aged 14 to 16. It aims to develop essential language skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening while also fostering critical thinking and analytical abilities.

  3. How to answer Directed Writing for IGCSE First Language English

    On IGCSE First Language English, you will have two hours to answer two questions: Section A: Directed Writing (40 marks) Section B: Composition (40 marks) For Directed Writing, you'll have to read two short texts that are debating a particular topic, then respond to that topic yourself in a piece of discursive, persuasive or argumentative ...

  4. First Language English IGCSE: Speech Writing

    Watch the full 75 minute video lesson here: the resources here:

  5. IGCSE First Language English

    Here is another mini-lesson breaking down the skills needed to write an informative speech. I take you through some of the typical features you should be usi...

  6. PDF First Language English 0990

    Section 2: Syllabus content - skills and understanding. During your Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) First Language English course you will need to: develop your ability to communicate clearly, accurately and effectively when speaking and writing. , spelling and punctuationdevelop your personal style of writing and speaking, as well as your awareness ...

  7. Writing Speeches for IGCSE First Language English

    This could appear on your First Language English IGCSE Paper 1 (Q3). Study with me for free today! This course includes: A video lesson; ... Video lesson, PowerPoint, worksheet and review quiz on speech writing for IGCSE First Language English. View Lesson. Expand. Lesson Content 0% Complete 0/1 Steps Speeches: Video Lesson & Resources 15 ...

  8. 10 Best Ways to Write a Speech

    What is a Speech? Speech is the delivery of a message to an audience via the spoken word. It is often used to persuade the audience to support an idea, or to explain/describe an interesting topic or event. This question mostly appears in Paper 1 of your English Language and Literature question paper. Features of Speech Writing

  9. Question 1 Model Answer: Speech

    Question 1 Model Answer: Speech. For this task, you will be asked to produce a piece of writing in a particular format, based on the opinions, ideas and information you are presented with in one or two reading passages. You may be asked to write in one of three possible formats (genres): The following guide will demonstrate how to answer ...

  10. Cambridge IGCSE English

    About Cambridge University Press & Assessment . We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world.

  11. Directed Writing

    Understanding the question is very important in Directed Writing part of both O Level English Language 1123 and IGCSE First Language English 0500 exams. ... Writing part of both O Level English ...

  12. Question 1 Directed Writing: What the Question is Asking

    Revision notes on Question 1 Directed Writing: What the Question is Asking for the CIE IGCSE English Language syllabus, written by the English Language experts at Save My Exams. ... If you are writing a speech, introduce your audience to the topic of your speech and your point of view;


    Base your speech on what you have read in both texts, but be careful to use your own words. Address both of the bullet points. Begin your speech: 'Thank you for coming to listen to me today …'. Write about 250 to 350 words. Up to 15 marks are available for the content of your answer, and up to 25 marks for the quality of your writing.

  14. IGCSE English First Language (0500) Past Papers

    Complete IGCSE English First Language (0500) Past Papers. Cambridge IGCSE First Language English is designed for learners whose first language is English. The course enables learners to: develop the ability to communicate clearly, accurately and effectively when speaking and writing. use a wide range of vocabulary, and the correct grammar ...

  15. Writing

    When studying the Cambridge IGCSE First Language English course, learners will need to be able to write in a range of different styles and forms and for different audiences and purposes. ... Use the word FORM to talk about how the writing has been laid-out or structured. For example, a letter, a speech, an article or a short story. Each of ...

  16. How to Write a Speech

    In a speech or talk you should: Address the audience directly throughout. Engage the audience in your introduction: Outline the topic. Use persuasive devices, such as rhetorical questions, to hook the audience and get them thinking. Structure your speech logically, building your arguments persuasively: Speeches or talks will use persuasive ...

  17. PDF Example Candidate Responses

    0500 First Language English Standards Booklet 2 INTRODUCTION This standards booklet for IGCSE First Language English consists of candidates' scripts written for the May 2009 session. Each script is accompanied by the marks that were awarded and brief commentaries explaining the strengths and weaknesses of the answers.

  18. CIE IGCSE English Language Past Papers

    June 2019 (0627) (9-1) and (0500) - English - First Language. Paper 1 (Core): 0500/11 Reading Passages (also 0627 9-1) Download Paper - Reading Booklet - Download Mark Scheme. Paper 2 (Extended): 0500/21 Reading Passages (also 0627 9-1) Download Paper - Reading Booklet - Download Mark Scheme. Paper 3: 0500/31 Directed Writing and Composition (also 0627 9-1)

  19. Question 1 Directed Writing: How to Write an Article

    She has over 16 years' experience of working in education, teaching English Literature, English Language, Functional Skills English, ESOL and on Access to HE courses. She has also held curriculum and quality manager roles, and worked with organisations on embedding literacy and numeracy into vocational curriculums.

  20. PDF English as a First Language

    First Language English—Directed Writing and Composition (Paper 3) Question 1: Directed Writing (Article, Diary, Letter, Transcript of a Speech or Interview) 25 marks You will read one or more short texts which will be printed on the question paper. You will be required to use and develop the given information in another form, e.g. a

  21. English 0500 IGCSE Past Papers

    Please note that the Cambridge IGCSE English - First Language (9-1) (0990) specification is the same as the Cambridge IGCSE English - First Language (0500) specification. ... In component 3, we do not apply a mark penalty for writing that is above the word count. However, it may be self-penalising for the candidate to write much more than is ...

  22. GCSE results day 2024: Grade boundaries explained

    GCSE results day is an exciting moment for many pupils, as they prepare to embark on new studies and attend different sixth form colleges. But for others it can be a stressful time, with those ...

  23. Cambridge IGCSE English

    Syllabus overview. Cambridge IGCSE First Language English is designed for learners whose first language is English. The course enables learners to: develop the ability to communicate clearly, accurately and effectively when speaking and writing. use a wide range of vocabulary, and the correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.