Implementing Sustainable Procurement


This suite of resources is intended for World Bank (Bank) staff and borrowers responsible for implementing Bank Investment Project Financing (IPF) initiatives.

The suite contains new procurement guidance documents, tools, templates and training. The material covers the Bank’s project lifecycle in sequence, with a particular focus on implementing sustainable procurement practices as part of IPF, while also referencing good practice internationally.

They also give operations teams and borrowers the knowledge and tools to mitigate environmental and social risks and impacts as described in the Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). For more information, download the ESF Document , and reference the ESF website .


The ESF is a set of mandatory standards designed, among other things, to support borrowers’ environmental and social (E&S) risk management. Additional sustainability requirements are included in other Bank initiatives such as Green, Resilient, Inclusive Development ( GRID ), and the commitment to align all Bank operations with the Paris Agreement by July 2023.

Within the Bank’s ESF, there are over fifty sustainability related topics where contractors, suppliers, or consultants are essential for implementation e.g., child labor, forced labor, safety, pollution prevention, worker rights, among others. Procurement is an essential process for passing on these requirements to those who will manage them, creating contractual obligations to hold them to account.


Achieving the Bank’s sustainability objectives will require sustainability considerations to be integrated into the procurement process and new methodologies to be adopted. An updated set of four Procurement Guidance documents (listed below) are intended to illustrate how this can be achieved. They include practical tips and tools to implement sustainable procurement measures more efficiently and effectively at different stages of the project lifecycle. This is achieved by providing:

  • A comprehensive overview of best practice in sustainable procurement and how to apply them at each step of the procurement process
  • A detailed description of how various sustainability-related Bank policies, initiatives, and guidance materials can be implemented through procurement
  • Clarity on roles and responsibilities, including in Bank staff, project implementation units, and key activities related to E&S risk management
  • Tools, such as evaluation checklists, risk analysis tools, and a breakdown of how the range of Bank standard procurement documents have been customized to address different E&S issues depending on the type of procurement.
  • Case studies of sustainable procurement in Bank-supported projects and other relevant settings


Guide One: An introduction to sustainable procurement in IPF projects Download Guide One

Guide One introduces Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) in World Bank Investment Project Financing. It highlights how procurement can contribute to the Bank’s goals by delivering societal, economic, and environmental benefits.

It discusses challenges in integrating sustainable practices into procurement and contains advice to Borrowers and Task Teams on the national and institutional settings that need to be in place for SPP to be successful, such as the legal and regulatory framework, data monitoring and capacity building.

Guide Two:  Identification / Concept - Identifying key Sustainable Public Procurement opportunities Download Guide two

Guide Two discusses the identification of SPP opportunities in early project stages. It highlights the need for early integration of sustainability in project planning and procurement, emphasizing collaboration between procurement and environmental and social specialists.

This approach aims to align procurement objectives with developmental goals and the World Bank's standards, setting a foundation for sustainable practices in the project.  

Guide Three: Appraisal - Incorporating Sustainable Public Procurement into the procurement strategy Download Guide Three

Guide Three focuses on integrating SPP into the procurement strategy during the appraisal phase. It highlights the need for procurement and environmental specialists to collaborate closely, for example reviewing relevant aspects of their respective planning documents, to ensure procurement plans are sustainable, align with broader project goals, and support effective mitigation of environmental and social risks.

Guide Four: Implementation - Putting the Sustainable Public Procurement strategy into action Download Guide Four

Guide Four describes how the SPP strategy is executed during project implementation. It emphasizes the practical steps that Task Teams need to take for successful SPP, such as the integration of sustainability considerations into bidding documents, the evaluation of sustainability elements in competing bids and proposals, and the contract management activity that will be required to deliver benefits and manage risks.


The following resources have also been developed to help Task Teams and Borrowers to embed good practice in Sustainable Procurement:

  • Training Course – Module 1  (Open Learning Campus).
  • Contract Clauses  Implementing Sustainable Procurement – Example clauses for IPF National Procurements.
  • Sample Terms of Reference (ToR) for Supervising Engineer  - Describes the types of activities that an effective Supervising Engineer for a works-related procurement may be involved in.

NEWS (New) Sustainable Procurement Training Course - Module 1

(New) Contract Clauses Implementing Sustainable Procurement – Examples for IPF National Procurements

SUPPLIERS’ HUB -  Specific Information for Suppliers on World Bank IPF Operations Procurement

Procurement Framework for IPF Projects webpage

Environmental and Social Framework (ESF)

ESF Framework webpage

Green, Resilient, Inclusive Development (GRID)

Paris Agreement

OPCS intranet (internal site)

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Environmentally sustainable public procurement to strategically reshape markets and effect lasting change

research topics on green procurement

Johannes Schnitzer, Managing Counsel at McKinsey leads the legal department’s Global Public Sector Team and provides support across the globe on high-priority engagements with public sector clients. Johannes also counsels on McKinsey’s strategic priorities in the public sector arena from a legal risk management perspective.

March 14, 2024 The climate crisis is a significant challenge that requires urgent attention. To address this matter, it is essential to adopt a holistic approach involving all sectors of society, including governments, businesses, and individuals. One significant area in which governments can make an impact is through environmentally sustainable public procurement. By leveraging their purchasing power, governments—with annual expenditures of several trillion dollars on goods, services, and works across the globe—can lead by example, propel the adoption of sustainable practices and technologies to move markets, and promote the transition to a net-zero and circular economy.

However, traditional public procurement regimes (including regulations, policies, and procedures) have primarily prioritized the procurement process—the “how” to buy rather than the “what” to buy. The selection of the winning bid has often focused on the initial purchasing price, which can fail to consider full life cycle costs while not leveraging the private sector’s capabilities to address some of the most pressing issues of our time—to procure more products, services, and works that cause minimal adverse environmental impact.

‘Green’ public procurement, according to international public procurement rules

Some of the seminal international texts on public procurement are the World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law on Public Procurement, and the European Union Public Procurement Directives. These texts have influenced the procurement rules of numerous governments worldwide, including all 27 EU member states, Canada, India, the United States, and Zambia. Despite being ten years or older, the texts already, to some extent, include provisions regarding environmental sustainability, allowing procuring entities to use technical specifications such as ecolabels indicating that a product meets a specific environmental standard, and evaluation criteria that consider environmental characteristics.

From a procedural perspective, those international texts on public procurement law have been promoting open tendering (known as sealed bidding in the United States) as the default procurement method, typically based on the lowest price as the only award criterion. This procurement approach, as a general rule, does not allow for input during the tender process on the technical specifications and the way bidders and bids are evaluated.

Existing guidance and debate

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the approach to public procurement, which is increasingly viewed as a strategic tool to drive innovation, combat climate change, and promote environmental sustainability. For instance, the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was adopted by all UN member states, specifically addresses the need to “ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns” through 11 different targets. One of these targets aims to “promote public procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities.” Simultaneously, there has been a global trend of refining strategies for using public procurement to reduce environmental impacts. These strategies have evolved, such as incorporating environmental considerations into acquisition planning. Other approaches include requiring products or services to have a certification or other confirmation reflecting environmental attributes, weighing environmental impacts in technical evaluations for award, and excluding bidders if there is substantiated evidence that they have failed to adhere to the minimum standards of environmental laws or have engaged in environmental misconduct. These approaches can also include assessing environmental impacts as part of life cycle costs when evaluating for contract award. In 2017, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) issued a best-practice guideline on sustainable procurement, known as ISO 20400.

Leadership and management when buying ‘green’

To achieve sustainable public procurement, leadership and management of acquisitions are essential, distinct capabilities that are characterized by different behaviors, skills, and time horizons. With respect to environmentally sustainable public procurement, governments can be encouraged to take a proactive role in setting ambitious sustainability targets and ensuring that their procurement policies align with these goals (for example, by making life cycle costs mandatory for certain purchases).

At the same time, the public acquisition workforce could be further empowered and enabled to increasingly buy “green.” This can entail giving procurement personnel the training, guidance, and development to successfully apply “green” procurement in practice. However, this task is challenging due to the inherent complexity of public procurement. The process is highly formalistic to ensure the efficient use of taxpayer funds and to prevent bias in purchasing decisions. Therefore, careful consideration should be given to requesting specific ecolabels as minimum criteria.

Similarly, defining technical specifications that require the use of low-carbon materials presents its own challenges. Additionally, applying true life cycle costing to evaluate different bids requires a unique skill set. Finally, contracting agencies are also required to avoid any “greenwashing,” meaning they need to implement effective quality control and contract compliance measures to ensure that suppliers deliver on their promises as, for instance, suggested by the UN Environment Programme.

Public–private collaboration

The acquisition workforce at a government entity is responsible for procuring a diverse range of products, services, and construction projects. This can include anything from food, vehicles, and furniture to IT equipment, electricity, cleaning services, maintenance services, and even large-scale infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, and airports. To this end, a comprehensive understanding of the procurement process and the environmental impact of the items or services being purchased is necessary to ensure that environmental sustainability is appropriately considered. This involves defining appropriate technical specifications, evaluating bidders (often even subcontractors and suppliers), and assessing submitted bids.

By working together, governments and businesses can identify opportunities for innovation and cocreate sustainable solutions that meet the needs of both parties. For instance, ISO 20400 encourages organizations to engage with suppliers and collaborate to achieve sustainable procurement goals. It emphasizes the importance of building long-term relationships with suppliers based on trust, transparency, and shared sustainability objectives.

This collaboration can take various forms, such as joint research and development or public–private partnerships (PPPs) that leverage the expertise and resources of the private sector. Other approaches that have the potential to add value include the following:

  • Participating in legislative public procurement consultation. Public procurement frameworks are frequently under reform. By involving private companies—including technical and legal stakeholders—in the consultation process, governments can benefit from their knowledge and experience, ensuring that the resulting legislation is well-informed and practical. For instance, the United Kingdom is currently conducting its Transforming Public Procurement program, which is an initiative to enhance how goods, services, and works are procured for the public sector.
  • Sharing best practices. It has been proven to be effective to provide learning opportunities in real-life scenarios, tool kits, guidance notes, et cetera that highlight concrete technical specifications and evaluation criteria. These resources offer practical examples and guidance for how to apply theoretical concepts in real-world situations. By showcasing real-life scenarios, organizations may be able to better understand how to navigate complex situations and make informed decisions depending on the individual case.
  • Getting outside support from experts. When defining technical specifications and award criteria, it might be an option for organizations to seek outside support from technical and legal experts. This could apply to total costs of ownership, which evaluate the cost of the product or service being procured over its entire life cycle. Seeking outside support can help to ensure that all costs are properly taken into account, including maintenance, repair, and disposal costs.
  • Conducting premarket consultations. Premarket consultations with companies that are likely to bid for a contract opportunity can offer several benefits, including improved market understanding, enhanced competition, risk mitigation, innovation, and collaboration. Engaging with vendors early on, followed by measures to level the playing field, could allow the organization to gain insights into the market landscape, attract a wider pool of potential vendors, identify and address potential risks, and explore innovative solutions.
  • Using procurement methods that promote innovation. These methods, such as the competitive dialogue under EU public procurement law, can be useful when the procuring entity’s needs are complex or not fully defined. The competitive dialogue procedure allows the procuring entity to engage in a discussion with prequalified bidders to develop the most suitable solution for their needs, including the specification and use of environmentally sustainable materials.
  • Using PPPs. A PPP is a collaborative arrangement between the public and private sectors to jointly undertake a project or provide a service, with effective risk allocation at its core. This means that risks should be allocated to the party that is best able or most incentivized to bear them. In PPPs, capital and operating costs can be paid by the public sector, which takes the risk of cost overruns and late delivery. However, the increased risk transfer in PPPs provides a greater incentive for private sector contractors to adopt a whole-life-costing approach to design, which considers life cycle costs such as operation and maintenance.

Environmentally sustainable public procurement is a significant component in addressing the climate challenge and promoting a circular economy. Although international texts on public procurement already allow for the consideration of environmental sustainability criteria, many governments have not pulled every lever available to promote sustainability in their procurement processes. However, in recent years, there has been a significant shift in governments recognizing the potential of public procurement as a strategic tool to drive innovation and combat climate change. To fully realize the potential of environmentally sustainable public procurement, strong leadership and management are widely considered to be essential, along with enhanced public–private collaboration.

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Green Procurement Research

Green Procurement Research

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Green procurement research has gained momentum in recent years due to increased sustainability-related concerns. The purpose of the study is to conduct a methodical literature review and understand the past, present, and future trends in green procurement research. The list of papers was downloaded using Scopus ( ), which is the largest abstract and citation database for scientific research journals, books, and conference proceedings. Through strict screening, only journal papers are selected for conducting the review of literature. The extant literature is categorized according to multiple classification schemes. A bibliometric analysis of the reviewed literature is also presented. The review findings show that a total 87 papers have been published over a span of 20 years. The number of publishing started going up from the year 2008 and significantly from the year 2015. The chapter further presents an illustration on green supplier selection problem through application of Grey-based methodology. The study finally concludes with a key takeaway for green procurement professionals.

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Impact of green construction procurement on achieving sustainable economic growth influencing green logistic services management and innovation practices.

Tsimisaraka Raymondo Sandra Marcelline

  • 1 Business School, Huanggang Normal University, Huanggang, China
  • 2 Business School, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
  • 3 Business School, Zhejiang Wanli University, Ningbo, China
  • 4 School of Finance, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), Jinan, China
  • 5 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Antananarivo, Madagascar
  • 6 College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Green construction procurement is a part of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) that influence economic growth on a strategic level. Adopting green technologies and practices has no longer been an option but a well-worth route for gaining a competitive advantage in the construction sector. The emergent concepts of green procurement and sustainability have raised the need to measure the financial performances in supply chain practices. Green procurement is now gaining importance in the construction industry and supply chain practices for a safer tomorrow. The study aimed to investigate the impact of construction procurement on green logistic services, innovation practices, and their subsequent role in gaining sustainable economic development goals. The population frame for this study was the project teams (engineers and project managers) of construction companies in China. The sampling design followed was convenient random sampling. The study was conducted using self-administered questionnaire surveys to avoid any respondent biases and/or errors. The study's findings show that construction procurement is partially associated with green logistic services management, which thoroughly determines the sustainable economic development goals. Furthermore, construction procurement is found to have a significant impact on green innovation practices that partially predict the SDGs, and the mediation of green logistic services and innovation practices are partially mediated to the construction procurement and sustainable goals. In the future, the study results will help the construction practitioners, contractors, bidders, and engineering community to shape their relationships in a greener way up or down the stream of their supply chains. Additionally, the implication of green procurement and logistic services offers many challenges in the long run for attaining SDGs; however, in the short run, it gives operational efficiency and less hazardous environmental emissions.


Our global environment is continuously deteriorating, which endorses an urgent plea for taking remedial actions to detain further damage, preventive measures to conserve the available resources, and adopting such environmentally friendly practices that minimize the supplementary hurt to the environment ( Naseem et al., 2021 ). In developing countries, the shift to urbanization has changed the paradigm of the construction industry. To fulfill the needs of the increasing populations, massive infrastructural developments have been taking place lately that are contributing to a number of environmental issues such as pollution, emission of hazardous gases that impact the ozone layer depletion, greenhouse effect, climate change, imbalance of the ecosystem, and significant consumption of energy and other natural resources ( Mohsin et al., 2021a ). According to Tawfik Alqadami et al. ( 2020 ), the construction industry has been contributing majorly to environmental pollution. At the global level, activities involved in infrastructure and building developments add 40% of carbon dioxide, 30% of wastes, and 20% of pollutants to the environment ( Tawfik Alqadami et al., 2020 ). This green approach can save future communities from facing horrendous outcomes of our current practices.

Green requirements of the businesses, including green logistic services and innovation practices, can be general or specific, preventive or facilitating, or punitive. These green logistic practices could be used either to elicit or to support the best possible opportunity available to achieve particular sustainable development goals (SDGs), which can help to achieve a climate where productivity, technological output, and innovation are promoted to obtain the desired environment-friendly results ( Huo et al., 2020 ). Given the crucial need to enhance industrial practices, including logistics and innovation, into green, the new competitive advantage of organizations in this active and competitive era has now been diverted to eco-design, eco-production, and ecological-friendly integration through supply chains. Practicing in a safe, greener, cost-effective manner and facilitation of green procurement and logistics services management in infrastructural developments have been major concerns in the construction industry ( Nawaz et al., 2019 ).

SDGs are the compilation of 17 objectives that are interdependent and interconnected strategies to practice sustainable solutions to today's most prevailing issues of society, economy, and environment. These goals were proposed by United Nations in 2015 as an agreement to achieve sustainability at the global level by 2030 ( Nawaz et al., 2021 ). These SDGs consider the broader perspective of sustainability; however, the challenge for implementing those recommended practices remains a challenge. More broadly, these goals strive for the sustainability of the economic, social, and environmental perspectives. Numbers of studies have previously been carried out in pursuit of solutions to these issues. Porter and van der Linde (1995 ) suggested that a business's environment-friendly design (green requirements) triggers innovation and enhances business competence. Further validation in understanding green procurement factors contributing to SDGs is needed considering green logistics services and innovation practices. Consequently, the current study has identified the gaps in the green innovation theory associating it with the SDGs adhering to green procurement and logistics services management in China's construction industry. It aims at providing an insightful exploration into some questions as 1) How is green construction procurement associated with green logistic services? 2) How do green construction procurement techniques and policies ensure green innovative practices? 3) What role does green logistic services management play in attaining the SDGs? 4) How can innovative green practices contribute to sustainable economic goals?

Study Rationale

The need for a better tomorrow calls out for the inputs from individuals, organizations, and countries in their capacities, especially the developing countries are recommended to devise their infrastructural needs carefully and urged to ensure the incorporation of sustainable green methods and material in their projects ( Awan et al., 2019 ). This green approach can save future communities from facing horrendous outcomes of our current practices. Therefore, it has been stressed that to incorporate the greener perspective is currently prevailing practices regarding construction procurement, logistic services, and innovation efforts ( Wang et al., 2017 ; Karaman et al., 2020 ; Lazaroiu et al., 2020 ) So, the current study has attempted understanding the possible effects of green construction procurements on logistic services management, green innovation practices, and exploring their collective contribution to the attainment of SDGs.

Review of Literature

Green construction procurement with green logistic services management.

Green procurement is the purchases or buying of the products that minimize the negative effects and maximizes the positive impacts on the environment and reduction of waste materials by embedding the concerns of recycling and replacing raw material regarding the environment into purchasing policies and strategies ( Song et al., 2015 ; Wong et al., 2016 ). Logistics is the delivery of products from their origin to the final destination where they are consumed ( Tan et al., 2020 ). This is important to integrate the process of procurement with preferences regarding the environment while purchasing raw materials, logistics services, and recycling. The use of nonrenewable resources and materials on a large scale, especially in constructing new infrastructures and buildings, has significantly affected the environment. The activities involved in the construction process, e.g., (manufacturing and transportation) materials that consume energy on a very large scale and emit vast amounts of greenhouse gases, are very harmful to the environment.

Furthermore, it is also necessary for organizations to be involved in procurement and logistics to estimate the financial costs of the products at its lifecycle and to assess the environmental costs, which are equally important to the purchase of raw materials, manufacturing, transporting, handling, storage, and consumption ( Wong et al., 2016 ; Bohari et al., 2017 ). Green logistics has been gaining importance to improve logistic sustainability ( Tan et al., 2020 ). According to Wong et al. (2016) , green procurement considers all these factors of purchase, manufacturing, transporting, handling and storage, consumption, and finally, the disposal of products or recycling. The environmental requirements should be placed in the tenders put forward and the contracts signed to adhere to the green procurement in the construction industry. Based on prior literature, the following hypotheses have been formulated considering green procurement in logistics services management.

H 1 : Green procurement is positively associated with green logistic services

According to Song et al. (2015) and Wong et al. (2016) , by involving greener practices in the procurement department, a higher fraction can reduce packaging and transportation costs. Greener resources are consumed at the maximum level to improve costs and environmental damage during the procurement and supply chain processes ( Naseem et al., 2020 ; Mohsin et al., 2021b ). Green policies have been found to contribute hugely to the attainment of green development through enhancing green logistics services, their effectiveness, and up-gradation ( Zhang et al., 2020 ). Moreover, it has been suggested in the literature that nonrecyclable material should be used to the lowest degree for the packaging of products ( Naseem et al., 2021 ; Sarfraz et al., 2021 ). When organizations involved in construction procurement move up the supply chain, the use of recyclable packaging material adds to the improvement of environmental sustainability.

Similarly, suppose the greener practices are declared mandatory in the procurement activities through supply chains. In that case, an improvement in the transportation of raw material or other materials involved can be seen ( Song et al., 2015 ). In the past, Croce et al. (2019) have studied the impact of using an electric vehicle to transport the materials to make a difference to achieve sustainability in shuttling. Green procurement has caused an upsurge in the logistics services industry with the emergence of green logistic technologies that dramatically boosted green efficiency. Procurement policies, when implemented adequately, tend to involve the logistic services that sustain the environmentally friendly factor in transportation ( Naseem et al., 2020 ). The literature mentioned earlier forms the basis for the following sub-hypotheses based on H1 as

H 1a : Green construction procurement techniques are positively associated with sustainable packaging of shipping materials

H 1b : Green construction procurement techniques are positively associated with sustainable transportation of materials

H 1c : Green Procurement policies are positively associated with sustainable packaging of shipping materials

H 1d : Green procurement policies are positively associated with sustainable transportation of materials

Green Logistic Services With Sustainable Development Goals

Logistic services management adheres to the green perspective of environmental protection that has been debated as an effective source for sustainable development. According to the United Nations, the basic root of sustainable goals is the improvement of social, environmental, and economic progress, and it tends to the development of future directions accordingly. The fundamental focus of improvement mentioned in this report (General Assembly of the United Nations) was the environmental stability and economic development of the SDGs. The motive of these SDGs is to attain environment-friendly procedures and technologies for innovating new strategies for the different manufacturing industries, which are somewhat similar to the new theory of green practices that is multidisciplinary and meets the modern requirements of the service industries. The sustainable goals that this study includes are SDG7, SDG8, and SDG9. These sustainable goals postulate as:

SDG7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all

SDG8: Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all

SDG9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation

Many SDG achievements have been proposed in the past; certain achievements are brought into lines that support the acceptance and implementation of innovative technologies and practices that are the fundamental contributors in assisting organizations and overall industries in achieving greener supply chains ( Centobelli et al., 2020 ). Furthermore, the changing dynamics of the construction industry, use of new technologies in devising the procurement policies and techniques that help environmental degradation, are offering a wide range of opportunities to organizations. Hence, based on the above literature, the following hypothesis has been formulated:

H 2 : Green logistic services management is positively associated with SDGs

These development goals cover all the aspects of economic sustainability. Logistics, transport services, and the shipping industry have been the highest contributors to environmental degradation ( Centobelli et al., 2020 ; Karaman et al., 2020 ). Henceforth, there is an increasing trend of green technologies and practices, opening new doors of opportunities for the organizations currently operating in these logistic services management. The exploitation of these opportunities connecting the green organizational and production practices has led to more scalable, affordable, and measurable solutions that minimize the emission of hazardous gases and promote greener climate goals. The main hypothesis has been further broken down into two sub-hypotheses based on the sustainable packaging of shipping materials and sustainable transportation of materials.

H 2a : Sustainable packaging of shipping materials is positively associated with SDGs

H 2b : Sustainable transportation of materials is positively associated with SDGs

Green Construction Procurement With Green Innovation Practices

Green innovation is finding new ways for doing traditional activities that posit the least environmental harm or negative impacts on people. The possible harms commonly observed are the emission of gasses during extraction of raw materials and pollution during the products' working life and disposal. Procurement and green innovation are taking the products from “cradle to grave” to “cradle to cradle” via recyclable strategies. For the last 20 years, green requirements have been the center of attention of many researchers considering different perspectives of its implications in organizational performance; however, green procurement needs attention regarding its role in green innovation practices. Literature has mentioned the two main reasons for green innovation, i.e., whether it is responsive or proactive ( Zailani et al., 2011 ; Bigliardi and Bertolini, 2012 ; Wong, 2013 ; Li et al., 2017 ; Melander, 2017 ; Abbas and Sağsan, 2019 ; Fernando et al., 2019 ). Responsive green innovation is the new feature in a product or process as a solution to a certain environmental problem. In contrast, proactive green innovation may be part of the organizational goal for cost-efficiency or profitability in the long run, in addition to green technology development for indulging in environment-friendly activities ( Wong, 2012 ). Besides, the researchers Björklund and Forslund (2018) and Zailani et al. (2011) have a strong view that when procurement is done by green guidelines, which protect the environment, it leads to the adoption of new practices that contribute to the innovations of products and procedures that are aligned with the international guidelines that guard the environment against currently prevailing hazardous practices. To understand these roles, the following hypothesis has been devised:

H 3 : Green procurement is positively associated with green innovation practices

Green innovation creates or adds value to a product and/or process by depicting the green perspective according to the industry, market, organization, or target population. Like conventional innovation, green innovation has also been broadly divided into two main categories, i.e., 1) green product innovation and 2) green process innovation ( Zailani et al., 2011 ; Bigliardi and Bertolini, 2012 ; Wong, 2012 ; Wong, 2013 ; Abbas and Sağsan, 2019 ; Dantas et al., 2021 ). Green product innovation has been defined as adding a new feature to a product design or manufacturing or marketing in a new greener perspective that lags behind conventional innovations. Greenness has been described as a relative intangible concept that may evolve over the period considering the requirements and challenges arising according to the changing dynamics of the environment. Different treaties, regulating authorities and agencies, have established guidelines considering the changing standards for product development due to social, cultural, and ecological dynamics. A product is usually considered greener if it adds less harm to the environment at any stage of its life, from raw material to disposal ( Song et al., 2015 ). When the techniques and policies are followed in procurement in any phase of the supply chain in the construction industry, it is supposed to be a determining factor in the innovation of products based on the green theory of innovation ( Abbas and Sağsan, 2019 ; Tseng et al., 2021 ). Hence, when the techniques and policies adhering to the greener perspective in construction procurement are practiced, it has led to the innovation of green production.

On the other hand, green process innovation is the application of new and innovative ideas that are ecologically friendly, causing lesser harm than the present activities for the completion of products or delivering the services to consumers ( Wong et al., 2016 ; Abbas and Sağsan, 2019 ). Furthermore, the innovation in the green process is usually characterized by the fulfillment of environmental criteria of maximum utilization of the natural resources, no or less ecological harm, following the sustainability issues in economic, social, and environmental aspects ( Teng et al., 2018 ; Wang et al., 2018 ; Centobelli et al., 2020 ; Moşteanu et al., 2020 ; Tawfik Alqadami et al., 2020 ). However, it has also been mentioned that if the procurement techniques and policies have been incorporated considering the less harmful environmental perspectives, it will lead to the new ideas and implementation of such new processes and activities that meet the requirements of greener and sustainable economic activities ( Wong, 2012 ; Wong et al., 2016 ). The products and processes with respect to innovation are interdependent and inseparable. Hence, the innovation in one of these factors contributes to the other, consequently, though a little. This helps in breaking down the H 3 into four sub-hypotheses as

H 3a : Green construction procurement techniques are positively associated with green product innovation

H 3b : Green construction Procurement policies are positively associated with green product innovation

H 3c : Green construction procurement techniques are positively associated with green process innovation

H 3d : Green construction procurement policies are positively associated with green process innovation

Green Innovation Practices With Sustainable Development Goals

Green practices are currently the hot topic for supply chain researchers, attaining sustainable goals, and improving global environmental concerns. Green innovation has been defined as finding new methods for practicing and experimenting the new products and processes that help environmental degradation ( Fernando et al., 2019 ). New procedures and methods are constantly emerging, finding new practices, processes, and methods that make the environment the safest ground for all these human activities ( Zailani et al., 2011 ; Björklund and Forslund, 2018 ). It is about inventing new processes, products, management structures, and environmentally friendly technologies and protecting them from hazards around with minimum use of resources and taking waste and pollution under control ( Li et al., 2017 ; Abbas and Sağsan, 2019 ). Green innovation is related to both the products and processes, including the administrative tasks. New products and procedures are devised through these innovation strategies, and the old tasks could be done efficiently using new technologies. This leads to the formation of the following hypothesis:

H 4 : Green innovation practices are positively associated with the attainment of SDGs

A wide range of green production guidelines is being followed to acquire sustainable development by efficient energy, resources management, advancement of smart technologies, novel policy developments, supply chains, and construction sectors ( Giannetti et al., 2020 ). Based on the literature available on green production and other green practices, the need for such interdisciplinary research has been emphasized that addresses the effective ways of intervening green production with innovations that help in connecting with the attainment of SDGs ( Huang et al., 2016 ; Li et al., 2017 ). According to Abbas and Sağsan (2019) , the incorporation of green innovation of technology and procedures in organizational activities is positively contributing to environmental and economic sustainability.

Furthermore, policies that support innovative technologies and practices play a major role in helping the supply chain process of organization and logistics services in achieving the SDGs.

H 4a : Green product innovation is positively associated with the attainment of SDGs

H 4b : Green process innovation is positively associated with the attainment of SDGs

Mediating Roles of Green Logistic Services and Green Innovation Practices

Moreover, sustainable procurements and logistic services are needed more than ever since transportation and freight forwarding contribution toward the highest side of environmental degradation via the emission of harmful gasses (mainly Chlorofluorocarbons and Carbon dioxide) ( Mohsin et al., 2021a ; Mohsin et al., 2021b ; Sarfraz et al., 2021 ). In the current scenarios of stress on green practices, the impact of green technologies and practices on business activities is exponentially growing and opening new opportunities for freight forwarders and the logistic services industry ( Centobelli et al., 2020 ). Therefore, the logistic services and the innovative practices that follow the green guidelines can be the triggering factors for attaining the sustainable economic development goals that hold the construction procurement. When organizations invest in obtaining green industrial and business operations by stressing the development of green technology and innovations, it ultimately helps in economic sustainability. Therefore, the mediating role of green logistic services management and innovation practices has been proposed based on the literature reviewed. Considering the relationship of green logistic services and green innovation practices with green procurement and SDGs, the following hypotheses for the mediation have been devised.

H 5 : Green logistic services mediate the relationship of green construction procurement and SDGs

H 5a : Sustainable packaging of shipping material mediates the relationship of green procurement techniques and SDGs

H 5b : Sustainable packaging of shipping material mediates the relationship of green procurement policies and SDGs

H 5c : Sustainable transportation of materials mediates the relationship of green procurement techniques and SDGs

H 5d : Sustainable transportation of materials mediates the relationship of green procurement policies and SDGs

Green innovation practices have been previously used as mediators for sustainable development ( Abbas and Sağsan, 2019 ). Green innovations aim to introduce the new features in the products or activities necessary to convert the raw material obtained through procurement to the final product or service delivery aligned with the sustainable goals and less deterioration for the environment ( Song et al., 2015 ). Such innovations usually aim to improve the quality aligned with sustainability, maximum utilization of natural resources, and minimization of their waste. Previously, the impact of green procurement has been checked in the manufacturing industry in China that found a significantly improved impact on their performance. The countries under infrastructural development need to contain the environmental hazards caused by the construction procurements and logistic services. Hence, on the basis of the literature support, the following hypotheses have been devised for the mediation:

H 6 : Green innovation practices mediate the relationship of green construction procurement and SDGs

H 6a : Green product innovation mediates the relationship of green procurement techniques and SDGs

H 6b : Green product innovation mediates the relationship of green procurement policies and SDGs

H 6c : Green process innovation mediates the relationship of green procurement techniques and SDGs

H 6d : Green process innovation mediates the relationship of green procurement policies and SDGs

Framework of the Study

Based on the literature and hypothesis discussed earlier, the conceptual framework discussed later has been proposed in the study (see Figure 1 ).

FIGURE 1 . Conceptual framework.

The conceptual framework mentioned earlier operates on the green innovation theory that Hemmelskamp proposed in 1997, stating that there is a need for innovation that declines, lessens, or prevents the environmental deterioration, relates to the cleanup of wastes, addresses the problems of the environment, and contributes to the environmental sustainability and development through the ecological improvements ( Bigliardi and Bertolini, 2012 ). Furthermore, the organizations and corporations involved in the construction procurement and logistics services are obliged to legal, economic, social, philanthropic, and ethical obligations for better surroundings and environment-friendly growth. The construction industry, being the major contributor to environmental hazards, proposes that if organizations work on the procurement mentioned earlier, sustainable energy and economic growth can be obtained through green logistic and innovation practices. Further validation of the proposed conceptual framework is presented in the forthcoming section of the results.

Research Methods

According to one of the pioneer researchers, Woody (1924) , good research should necessarily address the identification of a problem, form hypotheses, and suggest a clearer picture toward the solutions. Creswell et al. (2016) have termed research as a gathering of data and systematically analyzing it to get some patterns; however, some researchers have mentioned that research has to what, when, why, and how related questions to a certain problem, which are further investigated with a broader understanding of techniques and procedures for data analysis. This study follows a post-positivist approach of research methods because certain variables cause an effect on some other related variables. In this study, those effects will be measured. A quantitative study design has been selected with the deductive approach for reasoning with minimum bias and the use of the results from different perspectives. Generally, in quantitative studies, data are collected through surveys, questionnaires, closed-ended interviews, and certain rating scales. For the present study, self-administered surveys have been adopted for data collection. The population frame used in this study will be the managerial level staff of construction firms (project managers) and the civil engineers of the construction industry in China. The data in this study were collected with a simple random sampling technique of sample selection. Because the population is known for the registered companies in China stock exchanges, it is accessible for data collection. The sample size was obtained from the method of sample size selection described by Bhalerao and Kadam (2010 ), Adam (2020 ), and Archer et al., 2021 . In addition, a sample size of 200 is considered as an adequate sample size. However, this study has taken a sample size of more than 300 to avoid any biases in the results. The unit of analysis in this study was individual (project managers of construction companies and civil engineers).

Instrument Development

The instrument used for data collection in this study was a questionnaire in which questions related to each respective variable are asked from the respondents through surveys. There is a total of four variables in this study. One is an independent variable, i.e., green procurement, which is further divided into green procurement techniques and green procurement policies; two mediating variables, i.e., green logistic services (which is subdivided into two sub-variables, i.e., sustainable packaging of shipping materials and sustainable transportation of material) and green innovation practices (which is further divided into two sub-variables, i.e., green product innovation and green process innovation); and one dependent variable of sustainable economic development goals (SGDs-SDG7, SDG8, and SDG9). The scales that were used for the variable green procurement were adapted from Wong et al. (2016 ), green logistic services from Ali et al. (2021 ), green innovation scale from Abbas and Sağsan (2019 ), and sustainable economic development goals from Dantas et al. (2021 ). As adapted from the previous studies, the current study will also follow the five-point Likert scale for documenting the respondents' responses ranging from “strongly disagree = 1” being the lowest degree of disagreement and “strongly agree = 5” being the highest degree of agreement. This study has used primary data because the data from the respondents are collected directly. In such cases, the primary data are either collected through interviews or questionnaire surveys; however, this study has used the survey method for the collection of data. To improve the quality of responses, the surveys were self-administered. The current study has used the latest version available of Smart-PLS for the data analysis of the study.

The demographic profile of the respondents has been analyzed with frequencies and percentages. Of the total respondents, 16.71% were below 20 years of age, whereas the highest percentage was between 21 and 29 years. Regarding sex, 43.94% were men, whereas the remaining 56.06% were women among the 503 total respondents. Furthermore, half of the respondents were project managers, and the other half were engineers, thus taking the proportionate respondents of the population frame. More detail is mentioned in Table 1 .

TABLE 1 . Demographic summary.

Data Analysis

Smart-PLS 3.3 was the software used for the data analysis obtained from the main study. The data of the main study were collected using the finalized questionnaire with deletion of two items, each from sustainable transportation of material and green process innovation, because both items showed the discriminant validities of less than 0.5, which is the cutoff value ( Sarstedt et al., 2019 ; Josephy and Marko, 2021 ). The data were tested in two stages: 1) measurement model algorithm and 2) structural model. Then, the data were tested for further validity and reliability with the results obtained from the measurement model algorithm. The measurement model algorithm can be seen in Figure 2 .

FIGURE 2 . Measurement model algorithm.

The tests that the current study used for checking the discriminant validities were the heterotrait–monotrait (HTMT) ratio and the Fornell and Larcker criterion of validity ( Franke and Sarstedt, 2019 ). The results obtained from these two tests are given in Tables 2 and 3 . For the data to be valid, it is said that the values at the top of each should exceed and the rest of the values underneath ( Franke and Sarstedt, 2019 ). Hence, this requirement has been met in this study, considering the highest value in each column lies at the top. The results of the Fornell and Larcker criterion can be seen in Table 2 .

TABLE 2 . Fornell and Larcker criterion.

TABLE 3 . HTMT ratio.

To further validate the data, an HTMT ratio was obtained to find the convergent validity of the scales used in this study. For the HTMT ratio to be acceptable, these should not exceed 0.9 ( Franke and Sarstedt, 2019 ). Table 4 gives the results for HTMT ratios, which are all well under the cutoff value reported in the literature, hence meeting the requirements of the convergent and discriminant validities for this study.

TABLE 4 . Constructs reliabilities and AVE.

The data were further checked for reliability. This study used two types of reliabilities: Cronbach alpha (?) reliability and composite reliability. The results are given in Table 4 . Literature has believed that the higher the reliability of the scale, the better it is; however, the threshold for reliability has been set to be more than 0.7 ( Hair et al., 2017 ; Sarstedt et al., 2019 ). All the values in this study for alpha reliabilities have been reported between 0.79 for sustainable transportation of materials and 0.93 for SDGs. Similar is the case for composite reliability; all the values are above 0.80. Furthermore, the average variance extracted for a valid measurement scale should be more than 0.5 ( Franke and Sarstedt, 2019 ), thus meeting the criteria of acceptable AVE.

The second stage of Smart-PLS gives the structural model algorithm that estimates t-statistic significance values for the direct and indirect paths of the model to test the hypotheses formulated from the gaps in the literature review. Structural equation modeling is a multivariate analytical approach to measure the path effects ( Sarstedt et al., 2019 ). The measurement model simultaneously measures the direct effects (direct relationships) and indirect effects (mediating) of independent variables on the dependent variables through a structural model algorithm obtained via consistent bootstrapping of 5,000 or more sub-sampling ( Moqbel et al., 2020 ; Amora, 2021 ). The structural model of the study can be seen in Figure 3 .

FIGURE 3 . Structural model.

The hypotheses were checked for their significance, with the results obtained at a 5% level of significance ( Sekaran and Bougie, 2003 ; Sarstedt et al., 2019 ). The results obtained have been used for deciding the acceptance or rejection of the proposed hypotheses. Generally, the values obtained from the estimation of statistical tests of t -test, their respective p -values, R-squared values, and beta-values will be used. The study results can be seen in Tables 5 and 6 for the acceptance and rejection of hypotheses.

TABLE 5 . Statistical results for structural model.

TABLE 6 . Hypotheses result from a structural model.

There were six hypotheses in the study, which were further divided depending on the constructs of each variable. The first hypothesis was about the association of green construction procurement to green logistic services H 1 : Green procurement is positively associated with green logistic services. It was partially accepted, as its sub-hypotheses had been partially accepted, such as H 1a : Green procurement techniques are positively associated with sustainable packaging of shipping materials t − s t a t i s t i c = 22.615 : p − v a l u e = 0.000 as it is accepted, whereas H 1b : Green procurement techniques are positively associated with sustainable transportation of materials, as it is also accepted at t − s t a t i s t i c = 15.462 : p − v a l u e = 0.000 . However, H 1c : Green procurement policies are positively associated with sustainable packaging of shipping materials t − s t a t i s t i c = 0.863 : p − v a l u e = 0.389 , and H 1d : Green procurement policies are positively associated with sustainable transportation of materials t − s t a t i s t i c = 1.165 : p − v a l u e = 0.245 is not accepted, showing significant levels of more than 5%. For H 2 : Green logistic services management is positively associated with SDGs that have been accepted, as its sub-hypotheses are also accepted, i.e., H 2a : Sustainable packaging of shipping materials is positively associated with SDGs t − s t a t i s t i c = 4.772 : p − v a l u e = 0.000 H 2b : Sustainable transportation of materials is positively associated with SDGs t − s t a t i s t i c = 6.462 : p − v a l u e = 0.000 . As long as H 3 is concerned, H 3 : Green procurement is positively associated with green innovation practices; it is also accepted because all its sub-hypotheses are accepted, i.e., H 3a : Green procurement techniques are positively associated with green product innovation t − s t a t i s t i c = 15.556 : p − v a l u e = 0.000 , H 3b : Green procurement techniques are positively associated with green process innovation t − s t a t i s t i c = 31.199 : p − v a l u e = 0.000 , and H 3c : Green Procurement policies are positively associated green product innovation t − s t a t i s t i c = 7.217 : p − v a l u e = 0.000 except for H 3d : Green procurement policies are positively associated with green process innovation t − s t a t i s t i c = 0.447 : p − v a l u e = 0.655 . For the fourth hypothesis, H 4 : Green innovation practices are positively associated with the attainment of SDGs; it is also partially accepted, as one of the two hypotheses are accepted, and others were rejected; H 4a : Green product innovation is positively associated with the attainment of SDGs t − s t a t i s t i c = 0.716   : p − v a l u e = 0.474 is rejected, whereas H 4b : Green process innovation is positively associated with the attainment of SDGs t − s t a t i s t i c = 9.081   : p − v a l u e = 0.000 is accepted. As for the mediations of the green logistic services, two of the four hypotheses were accepted. Details of each mediating hypothesis are as H 5a : Sustainable packaging of shipping material mediates the relationship of green procurement techniques and SDGs,   t − s t a t i s t i c = 4.532   : p − v a l u e = 0.000 , is accepted at 5% level of significance. The second and third hypotheses of mediation, H 5b : Sustainable packaging of shipping material mediates the relationship of green procurement policies and SDGs was accepted with t − s t a t i s t i c = 5.637   : p − v a l u e = 0.000 . However, H 5c : Sustainable transportation of materials mediates the relationship of green procurement techniques and SDGs with t − s t a t i s t i c = 0.836   : p − v a l u e = 0.404 and H 5d : Sustainable transportation of materials mediates the relationship of green procurement policies and SDGs with t − s t a t i s t i c = 1.102   : p − v a l u e = 0.271 are rejected. As for the mediation of green innovation practices, one of four hypotheses is accepted. The hypothesis H 6a : Green product innovation mediates the relationship of green procurement techniques and SDGs t − s t a t i s t i c = 0.712   : p − v a l u e = 0.477 ; H 6b : Green product innovation mediates the relationship of green procurement policies and SDGs is accepted with t − s t a t i s t i c = 7.687   : p − v a l u e = 0.000 , whereas others are rejected based on their respective t-values. H 6c : Green process innovation mediates the relationship of green procurement techniques and SDGs t − s t a t i s t i c = 0.692   : p − v a l u e = 0.483 and H 6d : Green process innovation mediates the relationship of green procurement policies and SDGs t − s t a t i s t i c = 0.660   : p − v a l u e = 0.440 .


The current study is based on six hypotheses measuring the role of construction procurement in achieving SDGs with the mediating roles of green logistics services and green innovation practices. Each hypothesis is divided into further sub-hypotheses based on their subsequent constructs. In this rapidly growing infrastructure era, green construction practices offer wide opportunities to explore the environmental benefits. First of all, the demographic information of the respondents is analyzed using frequencies and percentages. This study used two types of reliabilities: the Cronbach alpha (?) reliability and the composite reliability. The results are given in Table 4 . Literature has witnessed that the higher the reliability of the scale, the better it is; however, the threshold for reliability has been set to be more than 0.7 ( Hair et al., 2017 ; Sarstedt et al., 2019 ; Hair and Sarstedt, 2021). All the values in this study for alpha (?) reliabilities have been reported between 0.79 for sustainable transportation of materials and 0.93 for sustainable development goals. Similar is the case for composite reliability; all the values are above 0.8.

Furthermore, the average variance extracted for a valid measurement scale should be more than 0.5 ( Franke and Sarstedt, 2019 ), thus meeting the criteria of acceptable AVE. The second stage of Smart-PLS gives the structural model that estimates t-statistic significance values for the direct and indirect paths of the model to test the hypotheses formulated from the gaps in the literature review. The current study's tests were used for checking the discriminant validities, HTMT ratio and the Fronell and Larcker criterion of validity ( Franke and Sarstedt, 2019 ). Hence, this requirement has been met in this study, considering the highest value in each column lies at the top. Structural equation modeling is a multivariate analytical approach to measure the path effects ( Sarstedt et al., 2019 ). The measurement model simultaneously measures the direct effects (direct relationships) and indirect effects (mediating) of independent variables on the dependent variables through a structural model algorithm obtained via consistent bootstrapping of 5,000 or more sub-sampling ( Moqbel et al., 2020 ; Amora, 2021 ). The first hypothesis, H 1 , about the association of green construction procurement with green logistic services, was partially accepted because a change in policies does not contribute to green logistic practices unless construction procurement techniques in accordance with green practices altogether are not in practice, which changes the logistic services approach that is less hazardous to the environment ( Centobelli et al., 2020 ). H 2 , regarding the positive role of green logistic services in achieving SDGs was accepted as environment-friendly logistic services, has been found previously as the key factor for achieving sustainable goals ( Tawfik Alqadami et al., 2020 ; Dantas et al., 2021 ).

Regarding H 3 , construction procurement aligned with the green environmental guidelines has been found to be a major determinant in green innovation practices. This is because a change in the construction procurement regarding policies and techniques leads to the innovation of new practices that are greener than before and contribute to the positive impact on the environment ( Zailani et al., 2011 ; Wong, 2012 ; Björklund and Forslund, 2018 ). In H 4 , the results also showed the partial acceptance of the hypothesis. In this study, the innovation of green processes was found to be a significant triggering contributor to the attainment of SDGs than the product innovation, which is so much in accordance with the previous studies ( Wong, 2012 ; Abbas and Sağsan, 2019 ). This is because when the innovative practices in the organizations are done considering lest of environmental degradation, this leads to the achievement of SDGs given by the United Nations.

As for the mediation of green logistic services and green innovation practices, these hypotheses (H 5 , H 6 ) were partially accepted (see Table 6 ). The relationship of construction procurement techniques and SGDs was significantly mediated by green logistic services management (i.e., sustainable packaging of shipping materials and sustainable transportation of materials) because the logistic services are a fundamental component of supply chains in the construction industry; however, the innovation practices are not mandatory for the attainment of successful project performance. The context-based analysis has indicated the insignificant mediation of green product innovation among the construction procurement and SDGs because the supply chain is a service based in the construction industry, hence, not signifying the mediation of product innovation. Among the green product and green process innovations, green process innovation has been found to be a catalyst to enhance the role of construction procurement in the SDGs ( Abbas and Sağsan, 2019 ). The current model focuses on the service industry of construction; hence, process innovation has been found to be a significant mediator for this particular relationship.

Conclusion and Managerial Implications

Based on the green innovation theory, a conceptual framework was devised to understand the underlying mechanism of green construction procurement and its relationship with green logistic services, innovation practices, and their role in attaining SDGs sustainability. The findings of the current study show that green procurement partially contributes to the green logistic services, which determines the attainment of SDGs. On the other hand, green procurement has significantly predicted green innovation practices, which partially determine its role in economic sustainability. As long as the moderating roles of green logistic services management and green innovation practices are concerned, they have partially mediated the relationship of green construction procurement and SDGs. Moreover, this study has highlighted the importance of green procurement in achieving SDGs and the importance of green logistic services management and green innovation practices throughout the supply chain in building infrastructure. Organizations should be promoted for strategizing their procurement and logistic services in a greener way for substantial contribution to the environmental up-gradation and economic developments at the mass level. These factors are suggestive to see the broader beneficial outcomes for indulging in green practices through construction supply chains. The results obtained can be objectively proposed to recommend effective and efficient adoption of green procurement in the construction industry. Construction organizations have to be aware of the green aspect in the procurement of raw materials and intriguing green logistic services management. These green product and process innovations are considered a big determinant of sustainable economic development, although it is a time-consuming process; however, it can improve organizational efficiency in the short term by upgrading the procurement, logistic, and innovation practices. Currently, practicing green construction procurement, logistic services, and innovation is challenging, as “turning into green” often differs in its requirements. Therefore, construction companies should indulge in such green practices that tend to balance all stakeholders' benefits to get aligned with their policies and agreements.

Limitation of Study

Certain limitations of the study have been embedded in the current study, which can be covered in future studies for getting more generalized and applicable results. First of all, it is a cross-sectional study, which can be validated further by taking data from another point of time and comparing the performance and achievement of organizations in achieving green practices in supply chains in the construction industry. Secondly, more variables related to construction procurement and logistic services can be incorporated in the theoretical framework for getting more factual results, which can suggest further modifications in the practical implications. The current study is conducted in China; it should be replicated in other parts of Europe and the Gulf to validate the generalizability of the results.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author Contributions

TS and YC conceived and designed the concept literature review and data collection and wrote the paper. AR and ZH helped to provide technical support and contributed to analysis tools. AN has reviewed the work to improve the outcomes. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the article.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s Note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations or those of the publisher, the editors, and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

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Keywords: green construction procurement, green logistic services management, green innovation practices, sustainable economic development goals, procurement policies

Citation: Sandra Marcelline TR, Chengang Y, Ralison Ny Avotra AA, Hussain Z, Zonia JE and Nawaz A (2022) Impact of Green Construction Procurement on Achieving Sustainable Economic Growth Influencing Green Logistic Services Management and Innovation Practices. Front. Environ. Sci. 9:815928. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.815928

Received: 16 November 2021; Accepted: 17 December 2021; Published: 26 January 2022.

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Copyright © 2022 Sandra Marcelline, Chengang, Ralison Ny Avotra, Hussain, Zonia and Nawaz. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

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The Possible Challenges of Green Procurement Implementation

S L A Rais 1 , Z A Bidin 1 , A A M Bohari 1 and M M Saferi 1

Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , Volume 429 , International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Industry Applications15–17 August 2018, Sarawak, Malaysia Citation S L A Rais et al 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 429 012023 DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/429/1/012023

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1 Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Sarawak, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia

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The construction industry is one of the industries which significantly contribute to the negative impact on the environment, natural resources, and public health. To tackle this issue, the Malaysian government has suggested the green procurement initiative under MyHijau Programme to be implemented in construction projects. Green procurement is an effective tool to minimise the environmental impacts and has been widely applied in many countries. However, in Malaysia, the implementation of green procurement is still at introduction phase. Thus, this study aimed to identify the challenges faced by stakeholder in the implementation of green procurement for construction project. This research has conducted extensive literature review on green procurement and its challenges and later, validated through focus group discussion among experience practitioners in construction industry and green project. This study revealed that lack of knowledge and lack of standard guideline are the main challenges for implementing green procurement. The research findings could possibly be a basis of reference to assist the stakeholder to implement green procurement for the project and take necessary measure to tackle the green procurement challenges.

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Green Public Procurement in academic literature: a survey

Profile image of Fredo Schotanus

The first author's master thesis (published elsewhere) is a comprehensive literature review of 16 years of academic research on Public Procurement. Here we focus on the literature on Green Public Procurement. The original literature review concerns papers published in English in academic journals covered by Scopus and Web of Science in the 1997-2012 timeframe. Through a rigorous review process we identified 378 publications on Public Procurement in general, out of which 29 were in the area of Green Public Procurement. A first observation is that less than 10% of academic papers on Public Procurement deal with Green Public procurement, so Green Public Procurement can hardly be considered a dominant topic in Public Procurement academic research. But there are more observations to be made. Even though 29 papers is only a limited number to base any comparisons on we find a number of striking differences with the general Public Procurement literature. To mention a few: relatively low...

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Urban heat islands: managing extreme heat to keep cities cool

Extreme heat is increasingly dangerous in cities and urban areas. JRC identifies steps local authorities can take to manage these risks.

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Heatwaves are amongst the most severe effects of climate change, and record-breaking temperatures are becoming ever more frequent and intense. Built-up urban areas and cities are particularly vulnerable to extreme heat : this phenomenon affects over 1.7 billion people around the world.  Nearly half of the roughly 10 000 cities in the world have faced increased heat exposure over the last 4 decades. A new JRC policy brief gives an overview of strategies, best practices, and policy tools to help local authorities in EU cities to manage extreme heat .

Heat extremes and urban heat islands

Heatwaves are prolonged periods of extremely high temperatures that can lead to urban overheating and to urban heat islands (UHI). This UHI effect alters the surface of cities, making them significantly hotter than surrounding suburban and rural areas – on average 4-6 degrees hotter, and with peaks up to 10 degrees above neighbouring areas.

But why are our cities becoming so hot? 

Urban areas have many features that increase heat. For example, in cities there are more sealed surfaces like roads, and buildings which absorb heat during the day and release it at night. There is also a higher density of people and infrastructure like public transport systems that emit heat. This is compounded by low ventilation, and fewer green spaces and waterways, which can all help reduce temperatures.

The consequences of extreme heat are not only uncomfortable but also dangerous. Aside from unbearable temperatures which can cause dehydration, heat-stroke and other short term physical effects, UHI effects also trap pollution, which reduces air quality and leads to longer term health risks . These disproportionately affect vulnerable and marginalised groups:  lower-income, unemployed and homeless people, as well as children, older people, and those affected by chronic conditions. They also lead to increased energy demand, increasing cities’ ecological footprint .

How can we fight extreme heat?

This JRC policy brief encourages policymakers to combine mitigation and adaptation actions – reducing greenhouse gas emissions while increasing resilience to heat extremes. Many of these actions are being taken up by cities as part of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy. 

The Spanish city of Murcia for example won the Covenant of Mayors spotlight award for their actions to tackle urban overheating. These included resurfacing dark asphalt roads with lighter coloured materials to reflect rather than absorb sunlight, significantly reducing surface temperatures. 

This simple action with a big impact was just one of 61 measures the city took to adapt to extreme heat. With this policy brief, the JRC identifies best to help inform local authorities of steps they can take to tackle urban heat. For example:

  • Integrating and enhancing green infrastructure such as promoting green walls and roofs, and increasing the number of trees and vegetated surfaces. Trees and green spaces have an outstanding capacity to cool the air in cities: according to a study on more than 600 European cities, urban trees reduce air temperature by 0.8 degrees on average, with peaks 

two maps of Paris, one next to the other, showing the refreshing effect of green spaces in different colours

  • Introducing water features and flowing water in public areas, and providing drinking water to the population, along with making water use more efficient.
  • Retrofitting and renovation of buildings with insulation and shutters, as well as using reflective materials, such as white paint, on streets and buildings.
  • Promoting urban farming.
  • Providing timely healthcare measures , for instance warning systems to guide the population during extreme heat events, or displaying the location of shelters and drinking water points.
  • Inspiring examples of best practices include a network of pilot schools in Barcelona transformed into cooling shelters , open to the public during heatwaves; and the adoption of nature-based solutions in Turin.

A complete overview of the key findings on extreme heat in EU cities, strategic recommendations and monitoring tools is available in the Policy Brief: EU cities and heat extremes . 

Effective place-based policies and actions require a deeper understanding of temperature variations and their urban distribution. Each city is unique and urban adaptation plans must consider their own space and geography to target high-exposure areas and vulnerable neighbourhoods effectively.

Positive impact on society

This research helps local, regional and national authorities to develop practical and cost-effective policies to better manage extreme heat as global average temperatures rise. Working with partners like the Covenant of Mayors to implement these policies, the JRC is helping to improve quality of life for the benefit of society as a whole.

EU cities and heat extremes is part of a series of policy briefs on the Future of Cities, presented through dedicated webinars. 

Watch recordings of previous sessions and sign up for future webinars .

The Future of Cities report illustrates the main challenges our cities will have to face, and the strengths they can capitalise on to build their desired futures.

The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy initiative , built on the EU Covenant of Mayors launched in 2008 has been designed to provide local governments, in highly diversified national contexts, with a framework for their local energy and climate actions, many of which draw on knowledge generated by the JRC.

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Vitis vinifera l. leaf extract, a microbiota green ally against infectious and inflammatory skin and scalp diseases: an in-depth update.

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1. Introduction

General DomainsSpecific FactorsReferences
External stressorsSolar radiations[ , , ]
Environmental factors (e.g., pollutants, allergens, particulate matter, ozone, industrial toxic gases, nano/microplastics, pesticides, tobacco …)[ , , , , , ]
Climate change[ , , , , , ]
Nutrition[ , , , ]
Internal factorsHormones (e.g., sex hormones, thyroid hormones, glucocorticoids, …)[ , , ]
Psychological stress[ , , , ]
Sleep[ , ]
Aging[ , ]
Host microbiota/microbiome and microbial exposome[ , ]
Host genetic background (eukaryotic cells)Polymorphisms and other mutations[ , , ]
Epigenetics[ , , ]
Ethnicity[ , ]
Biological sex[ , , ]

2. Materials and Methods

3. vitis vinifera l. leaves, 3.1. phytochemical profile and bioactive compounds, 3.2. topical and systemic applications in cosmeceutics, 4. skin microbiota and inflammatory skin and scalp disorders, 4.1. skin microbiota and healthy skin, 4.2. skin microbiota and cutaneous diseases, 5. inflammatory skin and scalp disorders and vitis vinifera l. leaf extracts, 6. vitis vinifera l. leaf extracts, microbiota, and skin opportunistic pathogens, 6.1. vitis vinifera l. leaf extracts and bacteria, 6.2. vitis vinifera l. leaf extracts and viruses, 6.3. vitis vinifera l. leaf extracts and fungi, 7. vitis vinifera l. extract prebiotic and postbiotic properties, 8. conclusions, author contributions, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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Phytochemical ClassGroupMain CompoundsReferences
FlavonoidsAnthocyaninsdelphinidin-3-O-glucoside, cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, petunidin-3-O-glucoside, peonidin-3-O-glucoside, malvidin-3-O-glucoside, petunidin-3-(6-O-acetyl)glucoside, peonidin-3-(6-O-acetyl)glucoside, malvidin-3-(6-O-acetyl)glucoside, cyanidin-3-(6-O-coumaroyl)glucoside, petunidin-3-(6-O-coumaroyl)glucoside, peonidin-3-(6-O-coumaroyl)glucoside, malvidin-3-(6-O-coumaroyl)glucoside[ , , , , , , ]
Flavan-3-olsgallocatechin, catechin, procyanidin A1, procyanidin B1, procyanidin B2, procyanidin B3, procyanidin B4, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epigallocatechin gallate, gallocatechin gallate, epicatechin gallate, catechin gallate[ , , , , , , , , , ]
Flavonolsquercetin, quercetin-3-O-glucoside, kaempferol, myricetin, myricetin-3-O-galactoside, myricetin-3-O-glucuronide, myricetin-3-O-glucoside, quercetin-3-O-rutinoside, quercetin-3-O-galactoside, quercetin-3-O-glucuronide, myricetin-3-O-rhamnoside, quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside, kaempferol-3-O-galactoside, kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside, kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide, quercetin-3-(6-O-acetyl)glucoside, quercetin-3-(3-O-arabinosyl)glucoside, quercetin-3-(7-O-glucosyl)glucuronide, kaempferol-3-O-glucoside, kaempferol-3-O-xyloside, kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoside, isorhamnetin-3-O-galactoside, isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside, quercetin-3-(6-O-rhamnosyl)galactoside, isorhamnetin-3-O-arabinose, isorhamnetin-3-O-glucuronide, isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside, isorhamnetin-3-(4-O-rhamnosyl)rutinoside, kaempferol-3-(6-O-coumaroyl)glucoside, kaempferol-3(7-O-glucosyl)galactoside, diquercetin-3-(3-O-glucosyl)glucuronide, quercetin-3-O-galactoside, quercetin-3-O-glucuronide, quercetin-3-O-glycoside[ , , , , , , , , , ]
Phenolic acidsHydroxybenzoic acidsparahydroxybenzoic acid, protocatechuic acid, vanillic acid, gallic acid, syringic acid[ , , , , , , ]
Hydroxycinnamic acidscaffeic acid, caftaric acid, caffeic acid, trans-caftaric acid, trans-coutaric acid[ , , , , , , ]
Stilbenes and their derivativesStilbenes derivatives, simples, glicosiled stilbenes, dimeric stilbenesresveratrol, trans-piceid, trans-resveratrol, cis-resveratrol, trans-ε-viniferin, pterosilbene[ , , , , ]
CoumarinsFuranocumarins or simple cumarinsaesculin, fraxin, aesculutin, umbelliferone[ , ]
LignansMonocyclic lignans
Bicyclic lignans
Furofuran lignans cedrusin and its glucosides
isolariciresinol, lariciresinol, secoisolariciresinol[ , ]
Phytochemical GroupStructureMechanism of ActionReference
Anthocyanins In vitro inhibitory activity towards growth and biofilm formation of S. aureus through quorum sensing disruption[ ]
Flavan-3-ols Antioxidant activity by free radical scavenging, transition metals chelation, as well as enzyme mediation and inhibition
Antimicrobial and antiviral effects
[ ]
Flavonols Protection from oxidative stress
Radical species quenchers both via hydrogen atom (HAT) and electron transfer (ET)
Phenolic OH groups may undergo deprotonation, thus reacting with free radicals at a faster rate according to a sequential proton loss electron transfer (SPLET) mechanism
[ ]
Phenolic acids Antimicrobial property against multidrug resistant pathogens through hyper acidification on the plasma membrane [ ]
Stilbenes Broad pharmacological and
biological activities: anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-aging, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
Anti-inflammatory activity through pro-inflammatory cytokines’ inhibition such as TNF-α and IL-1
[ ]
Coumarins Photoprotective effect.
UV absorbers, with photo-oxidative, antioxidant, and photosensitizing properties
The conjugation reaction of coumarins with UV light induces bacteria death and virus inactivation
[ , ]
Lignans Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
Inhibition of ROS-induced activation of the NF-kB pathway.
[ ]
Skin and Scalp DisordersMain Microorganisms InvolvedReferences
Atopic DermatitisS. aureus
↑ Malassezia spp.
[ , ]
Seborrheic Dermatitis↑ Malassezia spp.
S. Aureus
[ , ]
Acne↑ C. acnes[ , ]
Hidradenitis Suppurativa↑ Corynebacterium spp.
↑ Prevotella spp.
↑ Porphyromonas spp.
↓ S. aureus
↓ S. epidermidis
↓ C. acnes
[ , ]
PsoriasisCorynebacterium spp.
Propionibacterium spp.
Staphylococcus spp.
Streptococcus spp.
↑ Malassezia spp.
[ ]
Skin and Scalp DisordersUse Evidence of VV or Its
Bioactive Compounds
Atopic DermatitisAssessment of resveratrol activity on in vitro cell models
Administration of resveratrol in animal models
[ ]
Oral administration of isoquercitin in a patient with prurigo nodularis complicating AD[ ]
Topical application of pterostilbene on AD-induced mouse models[ ]
Seborrheic DermatitisAssessment of GSE activity on Malassezia spp.[ , ]
AcneOral supplementation of vitamins and VV in patients receiving isotretinoid[ ]
Assessment of quercitin on in vitro cell models
Topical administration of quercitin in a mouse model
[ ]
Hidradenitis SuppurativaOral administration of GSE for HS-associated metabolic syndrome in animal models and in randomized clinical trials[ ]
PsoriasisAssessment of resveratrol activity on in vitro cell models
Administration of resveratrol in animal models
[ ]
Hair lossTopical administration of proanthocyanidins and procyanidins from GSE in hair cell cultures and C3H mice[ ]
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Share and Cite

Armari, M.; Zavattaro, E.; Trejo, C.F.; Galeazzi, A.; Grossetti, A.; Veronese, F.; Savoia, P.; Azzimonti, B. Vitis vinifera L. Leaf Extract, a Microbiota Green Ally against Infectious and Inflammatory Skin and Scalp Diseases: An In-Depth Update. Antibiotics 2024 , 13 , 697.

Armari M, Zavattaro E, Trejo CF, Galeazzi A, Grossetti A, Veronese F, Savoia P, Azzimonti B. Vitis vinifera L. Leaf Extract, a Microbiota Green Ally against Infectious and Inflammatory Skin and Scalp Diseases: An In-Depth Update. Antibiotics . 2024; 13(8):697.

Armari, Marta, Elisa Zavattaro, Cesar Francisco Trejo, Alice Galeazzi, Alessia Grossetti, Federica Veronese, Paola Savoia, and Barbara Azzimonti. 2024. " Vitis vinifera L. Leaf Extract, a Microbiota Green Ally against Infectious and Inflammatory Skin and Scalp Diseases: An In-Depth Update" Antibiotics 13, no. 8: 697.

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  6. Uncovering the Green Procurement Knowledge Structure: a ...

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  15. Frontiers

    Data Analysis. Smart-PLS 3.3 was the software used for the data analysis obtained from the main study. The data of the main study were collected using the finalized questionnaire with deletion of two items, each from sustainable transportation of material and green process innovation, because both items showed the discriminant validities of less than 0.5, which is the cutoff value (Sarstedt et ...

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    The Possible Challenges of Green Procurement Implementation. S L A Rais 1, Z A Bidin 1, A A M Bohari 1 and M M Saferi 1. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 429, International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Industry Applications15-17 August 2018, Sarawak, Malaysia Citation S L A Rais et al 2018 IOP Conf. Ser ...

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    v ABSTRACT Environmental awareness has gained global prominence in tandem with the escalating challenges emerging from the environment that impacts the way of life (Wang, 2009).

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  27. Vitis vinifera L. Leaf Extract, a Microbiota Green Ally against

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