The (Simple) Guidelines You Should Follow When Naming Your Resume and Cover Letter Files

person sitting at kitchen counter with laptop wearing AirPods with phone next to them

When you’re first creating a document—even an important one like your resume or cover letter—you might give it a placeholder file name while you’re working on it. So if you’re job searching, you probably have at least one document named something like “Resume2021” or “FrontEndEng coverletter.” But you probably shouldn’t submit a cover letter or resume with a file name like this.

“It is important to have a clear and professional file name so your resume doesn’t get lost,” says Muse career coach Jennifer Smith , a former recruiter and founder of Flourish Careers . Recruiters and other hiring professionals are often working quickly and have multiple positions they’re hiring for at any given time, so an easy-to-scan file name “makes it simple for the recruiter to keep track of your info.” You’ll also “come across as an ideal professional,” Smith says, both of which are things that can help you to make a good impression on the recruiter—and anyone else considering hiring you.

(Still looking for more open roles to submit those resumes and cover letters to? You can search for jobs right here on The Muse !)

How to Name Your Resume or Cover Letter

Here are a few rules to follow as you name your resume and cover letter files—whether you’re attaching them to an email or uploading the files to an online system.

  • Follow any instructions in the job description. Sometimes job postings will ask you to include the position title or identification number in your file name or to follow a certain format. You should always pay attention to any directions in a job posting. Otherwise, your application might be ignored or you may end up looking like you can’t follow instructions—which isn’t exactly the most desirable trait in an employee.
  • Make sure your file name is descriptive and unique to you. You should always include your first and last name as well as what the file is, Smith says—for example, “Joseph_Washington_Resume.”
  • Format your file name so it’s easy to read. Use capital letters to begin words—especially your first and last name. And separate each word. You can use regular spaces or you might want to use underscores (“_”), hyphens (“-”), or similar. Just avoid slashes (“/”) and backslashes (“\”) which can mess with different computer systems and programs—if you’re able to save a file with these characters at all.
  • Include the position you’re applying to (optional). If you’d like to, you can always include the title of the job you’re applying for and even the name of the organization, which can help you keep track of your documents and also gives a subtle nod to the fact that you’ve tailored your materials. So something along the lines of “Cover-Letter-Leah-Kim-Staff-Accountant” or “Batya Feldman Resume The Muse SDR” is a safe bets.

Here are a few more examples of resume and cover file names:

  • Ana Maria Estevez Product Designer Resume
  • Cover Letter - Rohan Ahmed
  • JP_Johansen_Cover_Letter_Sr_Recruiter_Yext
  • Kayla-Harrison-Resume

What Not to Do When Naming a Resume or Cover Letter File

Though the exact file name you give your resume isn’t the most important thing—as long as it follows the guidelines above—there are a few things you should definitely avoid.

  • File names that don’t make sense: “I’ve seen files saved with other people’s names, or a bunch of random letters and numbers,” Smith says. Avoid submitting a resume or cover letter with a file name that is difficult to understand or makes it unclear what the document is.
  • Version numbers : Though you can—and should— revise your resume and cover letter as you get ready to apply to a job, make sure you delete those version numbers in the file name when you submit it. For example, “Sam-Madison-Resume-v3” won’t look as polished as, “Sam-Madison-Resume.”
  • Generic file names: You should never submit a resume file named “Resume” or a cover letter saved as “Cover Letter Admin Assistant.” Your name should always be in the file title. If not, how will a recruiter or hiring manager remember who “Resume” belonged to? And how will they easily find your resume if they want to go back to it? If a recruiter or hiring manager wants to find your resume specifically, the first thing they’re going to do is search or scan the folder where they saved resumes for your name.

What File Type to Use

While naming your resume or cover letter file, you might also be thinking about the file type. So what file format is best for job applications? There are only two right answers: a PDF (.pdf) or a Word document (.docx). You should only use a different file extension if a job description specifies that the employer or recruiter would like to see your documents in a different format, such as .txt or .doc.

Read More : Should You Submit Your Resume as a PDF or Word Doc? 5 Rules to Follow

resume document name format

Your Resume File Name Matters: How to Name Your Resume

Your resume file name is the first thing recruiters notice when receiving your resume. Make sure your resume is named appropriately for the job you’re applying for.

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When you’re job hunting, your desktop is likely full of documents with a unique resume file name to keep them distinguishable. But when it comes time to submit your polished resume , what should the final file name be?

The way you name your resume file can tell a lot about you, including your interest in the position, qualifications, and personality. We asked career experts to weigh in and give their advice on naming your resume file. 

Keep reading to learn:

  • How to name your resume file.
  • Why your resume file name matters.
  • What to avoid when naming your resume file.

Table of Contents

How to name your resume file, tips to write a good resume file name, why does your resume file name matter, examples of poor resume file names.

Before you press submit on your application, look at your resume file name. While it may seem like an meaningless detail, Aiyaz Uddin , founder of TheStaffingCircle says it’s anything but. 

“Recruiters and hiring managers can see the name of your application documents, including resumes and cover letters, in various places throughout the hiring process. This means your file name acts as your first impression, potentially influencing whether your application gets noticed or tossed aside.”

There are a few acceptable naming conventions to choose from.

  • FirstName_LastName_JobTitle.pdf
  • FirstName-LastName-JobTitle.pdf

Your file could also be a Word document. Both are acceptable formats.

Remember that your resume file name is always visible, whether your resume is going to the hiring manager’s inbox, applying through a job portal, or submitting your resume from LinkedIn . 

Here are seven tips on how to properly name your resume file:

Tip 1: Follow the instructions stated in the job description

Some job ads aren’t specific about how they want candidates to name their resumes, but when they are, be sure to follow those instructions to a tee.

These instructions are usually to help recruiters review resumes more efficiently. But in many cases, they’re there because that’s how the applicant tracking system , or ATS, they use will scan resumes for the job.

Every time you apply for a role, your resume goes into the ATS, which houses your resume for hiring managers to organize.

Not following file naming instructions may cause your resume to be ignored or not seen at all by recruiters.

Tip 2: Include your first and last name

The best way to set your resume apart is to include both your first and last names when naming your resume file. 

For example, instead of writing, “Resume.pdf”, write, “John_Smith_Resume.pdf”. (If you have a common name like John Smith, you might also want to include your middle name as well). 

This way, recruiters can quickly tell the difference between your resume and those of other candidates.

Tip 3: Make your file name reflect your personal brand

If you are a seasoned professional with lots of expertise and qualifications, building a personal brand can help you stand out from other candidates.

This is particularly beneficial to those in creative industries or full-time freelancers who are always trying to attract potential clients and projects.

Here are a few tips on how to do it:

  • Tell recruiters what you’re good at. Pay attention to how people describe you or what people say are your strengths – and then briefly yet descriptively include it in your resume file name.
  • Have a clear value proposition. What is it that you can do that will make you a great asset to the company? If you’re applying as a fitness instructor, for instance, you might want to include “Fitness Coach” in your file name.
  • Give a sneak peek at your story. Your personal branding is a story about you: your career journey, passions, accomplishments , and more. Your file name can give a brief preview of what you’re about.

Some examples of personal branding in a resume file name are:

  • John_Smith_SEO_Expert_Resume.pdf
  • Janet_Jobscan_Resume_Expert_Resume.pdf
  • Jane-Doe-Life-Coach-Resume.pdf

Tip 4: Separate words with hyphens or underscores

To make your resume file clear and readable, separate words with a hyphen or an underscore.

Refrain from using any other special characters, like an asterisk or dash. These characters may result in ATS parsing errors.

Also, avoid combining all the words together, such as “JohnSmithResume.pdf”. Recruiters may have a hard time reading your file name like this. 

In addition, although using all lowercase letters won’t affect how your file is analyzed by an ATS, capitalizing the first letter of every word makes your resume file name easier to read.

Tip 5: Exclude version numbers

You should always tailor your resume to fit the job that you’re applying for. Because of this, you’ll most likely end up with several versions of your resume. 

However, you should NOT show recruiters that you’re sending them one among many of your resume versions.

File names that display the resume version, such as “Resume_2023_1” or “Resume-Sales-2” don’t look good from a recruiter’s perspective. Instead, convey that you’re submitting a resume that’s tailor-fit to the job.

For example, you can name your resume “John-Smith-HR-Manager-Resume.pdf”.

Here are other ways to manage resume versions:

  • Keep a master resume file. Keeping a master file that contains all your work history and background will ensure that you don’t lose any information as you create several versions of your resume.
  • Include the company name. Indicating the company name is another way to customize your resume file while making it easy for you to manage resume versions.
  • Indicate the current year. Including the year can also further customize your resume and make it easier to keep track of which version is most current.

Tip 6: Keep your resume file name short

Your file name should be short yet descriptive. You don’t want it to be so long that recruiters won’t be able to read the whole name when viewing the file. 

To do this, make sure your file name is only around 24 characters.

You can also check whether your file name is too long by viewing the attached file in your email. The entire file name of your attached resume should be visible.

For example:

screenshot of a resume file name

Tip 7: Name your additional documents the same as your resume

If you’re submitting additional documents, such as a portfolio or cover letter , you should name them the same way you would your resume.

Follow the format “FirstName_LastName_Portfolio” to make your file names consistent.

Doing this will ensure that any additional documents you send will be successfully parsed by an ATS.

Bonus Tip: Use a suitable file format for your resume

To make sure the ATS can correctly parse your resume, always save it as either a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf file. Any other file type may affect the readability of your resume and cause parsing errors.

Also, avoid using graphics, tables, charts, and other design elements in your resume. These can confuse the ATS, if they aren’t formatted correctly. It’s best to play it safe and not use those features at all.

To make sure that your resume’s file name and file format is ATS-compatible, consider using a tool like Jobscan’s resume scanner .

The scanner works like this: paste your resume and the job description into the tool and click “scan”. You’ll then receive a Match Report.

The Match Report scores your resume and gives you personalized feedback based on best practices for writing a resume, including file name and format.

Here’s an example of the “file type” section of the Match Report:

screenshot of the match report showing the feedback from the resume scanner on the resume file name

Make the fixes suggested by the Match Report to give your resume the best chance of making it into the hands of a hiring manager and getting an interview.

Make your resume stand out and get noticed

Upload your resume to see what’s missing and get a free match rate.

View full results and optimize your resume

Your file name may be the last thing you think about when writing your resume , but it matters more than you think. Here are three reasons why:

A polished resume file name is a good first impression

You don’t have to wait until the hiring manager opens your resume to leave a good impression. A resume file name can display:

  • Professionalism
  • Memorability
  • Organization

Your resume file name hints at your qualifications

Put yourself in the recruiter’s shoes. What would you think of a candidate who sends in a resume with a file name that looks like this: “Resume(1)”? 

You might think that candidate is careless, unqualified, or simply not interested enough in the job to bother to name their resume file correctly. 

On the other hand, a well-named resume communicates strong interest, enthusiasm, and a keen attention to detail.

“A clear and concise file name reflects attention to detail and professionalism,” Uddin explains “making a positive first impression before recruiters even open your resume.”

A good resume file name sets you apart from other candidates

The way you name your resume file can make it easier for recruiters to differentiate you from other candidates, even before they go through what’s inside the document. 

It also makes locating your resume faster, so when your application comes to mind, recruiters can quickly access your file.

What’s more, using a file name with unique details about your qualifications or personal brand can help make your resume easier to remember.

If you’re standing out among the rest of the applicants with file names like “resume.docx,” you’re more memorable to the hiring team. 

A polished resume file name also has another benefit: it puts you in the hiring manager’s good graces right off the bat. Uddin shares his insight that “when dealing with numerous applications, recruiters appreciate clear file names that make sorting and searching efficient.”

A clear resume file name has practical benefits to your job search

When you apply for jobs among hundreds of other applicants, a clear resume file name benefits:

  • Targeted applications
  • The applicant tracking system (ATS)

Including the job title in your resume file name targets your application for the role you’re specifically applying for, which can increase relevance.

Your file name could impact how your resume is read by an ATS

When the hiring manager inputs keywords into their ATS search, resumes with these keywords rise to the top. Uddin shares that this can also apply to file names. 

“Some ATS use keywords from file names to filter applications, so including relevant terms can boost your visibility.”

When you send a resume with a file name that ATS has trouble reading, it could create a file name with words mixed up or that’s hard to read. 

With a clear, easy to understand file name, it’s easier for the hiring manager to retrieve and revisit later. 

Now that we know how to properly name your resume file, here are some examples of resume file mistakes to avoid:

  • RESUME.docx
  • Resume.version2.docx
  • Resume-2023.docx
  • Resume-latest version.pdf
  • Resume_current.pdf
  • johnsmithresume.pdf
  • John|Smith|Resume.pdf
  • Janet-Parker-SEO content creator, blogger, and travel enthusiast.docx
  • Final Resume.pdf

Remember that your resume file name may not be the deciding factor for whether you get hired, but using one that’s clear, descriptive, and specific can boost your chances of standing out and making the right impression.

How should you name your resume file?

According to Uddin, when in doubt, use the following best practices to help you name your resume file appropriately:

  • Include your full name : This identifies you clearly.
  • Mention the job title : Shows relevance and targeted application.
  • Use relevant keywords: Align with the job description and potential ATS filters.
  • Keep it concise and professional : Avoid jargon, emojis, or excessive capitalization.
  • Maintain consistency : Use the same format for all application documents.

Example: John_Doe_Resume_Software_Engineer.pdf

What file should a resume be in?

A resume is typically submitted as a PDF or Word file . PDF is a universal file format that preserves the formatting of your document and ensures it looks the same across different devices and operating systems. 

It also helps maintain the layout and design integrity of your resume, preventing any unintended changes that may occur when opening the file on different computers or software applications.

Submitting your resume as a PDF ensures that:

  • Formatting is Preserved : Your resume will maintain its original layout, fonts, and styling, regardless of the device or software used to view it.
  • Compatibility : PDFs can be opened and viewed on almost any device or operating system using free PDF reader software such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, making them accessible to recruiters and hiring managers.

You can also submit your resume in other formats such as Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). However, read the job description closely to see if there’s a preferred file format for resume submissions.

Should my resume be a PDF?

A PDF is an ideal way to submit your resume. Here are several reasons why:

  • Protection from Alteration : PDF files are typically “read-only,” meaning they cannot be easily edited or altered. This helps to prevent unauthorized changes to your resume content or formatting.
  • Ease of Printing : Recruiters or hiring managers may want to print your resume for review or to share with others. PDFs ensure that your resume prints consistently and accurately, preserving its visual appeal.

While some employers may request resumes in other formats such as Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), providing your resume as a PDF unless instructed otherwise is generally considered a best practice in the job application process. It helps to ensure that your document is presented professionally and consistently across different platforms and devices.

NOTE : If you’re building your resume from scratch, try Jobscan’s free resume builder . There are no hidden costs and it allows you to build an ATS-compatible resume in no time!

  • 500 Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume Today
  • 86+ Resume Summary Examples To Inspire You
  • How to Create an AI Resume That Gets More Job Interviews

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Kelsey is a Content Writer with a background in content creation, bouncing between industries to educate readers everywhere.

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How to name your resume file + why it matters

Andrew Fennell photo

You’ve spent ages crafting an interview-winning resume and now it’s time to save it.

You need to make sure you choose a clear and professional file name for your document that’s going to boost your applications, and not blow your chances.

In the guide below, I’ll show you exactly how to name your resume file and why getting it right is so important.

How to name resume file

Resume templates 

How to name your resume file

Your resume file will be seen by tons of recruiters and hiring managers, so it needs to professional and descriptive

When you’re ready to save your file, use the following factors in your naming format :

  • Full name – You should start with your file name with your own (full) name. If it’s a very common name in your location, then you might wish to include the initials of your middle name(s) as well.
  • Profession or job title – Next, you need to include your job title if it matches or is relevant to the job you’re applying for. Alternatively, list the profession/sector you’re in if this is more relevant.
  • The word Resume – Finally, you need to make it as clear as possible what you are sending over. So although it may seem obvious to you, it’s a good idea to end your file name with the word ‘resume’.

Resume file name examples

  • Aaron Towers – Finance resume.Doc
  • Jarrod D Smith – Marketing Executive – Resume.Doc
  • Resume – Mary Bell – Researcher.Doc

resume builder

Why your resume file name matters

Although it might not be something you’ve put much thought into in the past, your resume file name matter for a number of reasons, including:

Creating a professional first impression

Did you know that every live job advert receives an average of 250 applications?

So, with that many applications to deal with, recruiters are very unlikely to open a resume with a confusing or lazy file name.

Your resume file name will be visible on every application you send, so if you have named your resume “MyBestResume Draft69” it’s not going to scream “professional candidate” to the hiring manager.

You are being judged at every stage of the application process, so don’t let something as simple as a resume file name be the reason you get rejected.

Sloppy vs good resume email

Ensure you are found in recruiter searches

Getting your file name right is also important for visibility. There might be times when recruiters are searching databases or talent pools for candidates and you want to increase your chances of being found.

It might be that they’ve saved your resume in their database and they want to search directly for you at a later date. Or they might be searching for candidates by job title or industry, and you want to appear in relevant searches.

Create multiple versions of your resume

As with every application you submit, it’s important to tailor your resume file names to increase your chances of securing an interview.

What do we mean by this?

Well, if you use different versions of your resume when applying for different job titles, companies, and industries, your file name needs to reflect this.

It’s not going to look great if you apply for a role in the healthcare sector but you’ve named your resume file for the manufacturing industry now is it?

In fact, the recruiter might not even bother to open it, assuming that it’s not relevant to them and therefore a waste of their time.

So, if you have multiple versions of your resume, make sure they are named appropriately.

What not to call your resume

The job search can be stressful and in those moments when you’re applying for jobs you really want, it can be easy to let things slip or to rush your application.

However, you need to make a good first impression if you want the recruiter to open your resume, so avoid silly, vague, offensive, or just plain confusing file names. For example:

  • Doug%20Adams%20Resume.doc
  • Resume_2016.doc
  • NLW_V4_Jobapplication.pdf
  • MyResume.doc
  • Marketing-job-application-2019
  • ResumeVersion5.pdf

How to Name Your Resume File for Maximum Impact: Tips and Examples

How to Name Your Resume File for Maximum Impact: Tips and Examples

Madison Norton

  • The Importance of Naming Your Resume File

When applying for jobs, the name of your resume file might seem like a minor detail, but it can significantly impact how recruiters perceive you. A well-named file not only ensures that your resume is easily identifiable but also demonstrates your professionalism and attention to detail.

Recruiters often receive hundreds of applications, and a clearly named resume file helps them quickly locate and review your application, making a positive first impression before they even open the document.

  • Best Practices for Naming Your Resume File

Naming your resume file correctly is crucial for making a positive impression on recruiters and ensuring your application stands out . Here are some detailed best practices to follow:

1. Include Your Full Name

  • Why : Using your full name makes it clear who the resume belongs to, reducing confusion if multiple applicants have similar names.
  • How : Format it as "First_Last" or "FirstMiddle_Last" if you commonly use a middle name or initial.
  • Example : John_Doe_Resume.pdf

2. Mention the Position You Are Applying For

  • Why : Including the job title helps recruiters quickly identify which position you are applying for, especially if they are hiring for multiple roles.
  • How : Add the exact job title as it appears in the job listing.
  • Example : John_Doe_Software_Engineer_Resume.pdf

3. Use the Word "Resume" in the File Name

  • Why : Clearly labeling the document as a resume ensures there is no ambiguity about the contents of the file.
  • How : Simply append the word "Resume" to your name and job title.
  • Example : Jane_Smith_Marketing_Manager_Resume.docx

4. Keep the File Name Professional and Clear

  • Why : A professional file name reflects your attention to detail and organizational skills.
  • How : Avoid using nicknames, unnecessary numbers, or special characters.
  • Example : Use "John_Doe_Resume.pdf" instead of "Johnny_D_Resume2024!.pdf"

5. Avoid Generic File Names

  • Why : Generic names like "resume.pdf" make it hard for recruiters to distinguish between different applicants’ resumes.
  • How : Always personalize the file name with your own details.
  • Example : John_Doe_Project_Manager_Resume.pdf instead of resume.pdf

6. Avoid Special Characters and Spaces

  • Why : Special characters and spaces can cause issues with some applicant tracking systems (ATS) and file management software.
  • How : Use underscores (_) or hyphens (-) instead of spaces and avoid characters like &, #, @, etc.
  • Example : Jane_Smith_Product_Designer_Resume.pdf

7. Use Title Case

  • Why : Using the title case (capitalizing the first letter of each word) improves readability and looks more professional.
  • How : Capitalize each significant word in the file name.
  • Example : John_Doe_Senior_Analyst_Resume.pdf

8. Keep the File Name Concise

  • Why : A concise file name is easier to read and manage.
  • How : Include only the most essential information (your name, job title, and the word "resume").
  • Example : John_Doe_Resume.pdf instead of John_Doe_Application_for_Software_Engineer_Position_Resume.pdf

9. Consider Adding the Date

  • Why : Including the date can help with version control and let recruiters know the document is up-to-date.
  • How : Append the month and year at the end of the file name.
  • Example : Jane_Smith_Marketing_Resume_June2024.pdf

10. Ensure Consistency Across All Application Documents

  • Why : Consistency in naming conventions across your resume, cover letter, and other application documents creates a professional image.
  • How : Use a similar format for all files you submit.
  • Example : John_Doe_Resume.pdf, John_Doe_Cover_Letter.pdf, John_Doe_Portfolio.pdf

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your resume file is easily identifiable, professional, and compliant with application systems, increasing your chances of making a strong impression on recruiters.

  • Avoid Common Mistakes in Resume File Names

Avoid Generic Names - Using generic names like "resume.pdf" or "document.docx" makes it difficult for recruiters to identify your resume among many others. Personalize the file name with your name and job title.

  • Example : Use "John_Doe_Project_Manager_Resume.pdf" instead of "resume.pdf".

Avoid Special Characters and Spaces - Special characters (such as &, #, @, !) and spaces can cause compatibility issues with some applicant tracking systems (ATS) and file management software. Use underscores (_) or hyphens (-) instead of spaces, and avoid special characters.

  • Example : Use "Jane_Smith_Product_Designer_Resume.pdf" instead of "Jane Smith Product Designer Resume#.pdf".

Ensure the Name is Professional and Clear - A professional and clear file name reflects well on your attention to detail and professionalism. Avoid informal nicknames, unnecessary details, or clutter.

  • Example : Use "John_Doe_Resume.pdf" instead of "Johnny_D_Resume2024!.pdf".

Avoid Using Dates Unnecessarily - Including dates in the file name can create confusion if not managed properly, especially if you submit multiple versions of your resume. Only use dates if they serve a specific purpose, such as indicating a major update or version control.

  • Example : Use "John_Doe_Resume_June2024.pdf" only if the date is relevant.

Don’t Use Abbreviations or Acronyms - Abbreviations or acronyms might not be clear to everyone and can make your file name less professional. Spell out words fully to avoid misunderstandings.

  • Example : Use "John_Doe_Resume.pdf" instead of "JD_Res.pdf".

Avoid Including Personal Information - Personal information such as your address or phone number should not be included in the file name for privacy and security reasons. Keep personal details within the resume content, not in the file name.

  • Example : Use "Jane_Smith_Resume.pdf" instead of "Jane_Smith_123_Main_St_Resume.pdf".

Avoid Long File Names - Very long file names can be cumbersome and may get truncated, losing important details. Keep the file name concise, including only essential information.

  • Example : Use "John_Doe_Resume.pdf" instead of "John_Doe_Software_Engineer_Application_Resume_2024.pdf".

Don’t Forget to Use Proper Capitalization - Proper capitalization (title case) improves readability and makes the file name look more professional. Capitalize the first letter of each significant word.

  • Example : Use "Jane_Smith_Marketing_Manager_Resume.pdf" instead of "jane_smith_marketing_manager_resume.pdf".

Avoid Inconsistent Naming Conventions - Inconsistent naming across your application documents can create a disorganized impression. Use a consistent format for all files you submit.

  • Example : If your resume file is named "John_Doe_Resume.pdf", ensure your cover letter and other documents follow a similar format, like "John_Doe_Cover_Letter.pdf".

Don’t Use Outdated Job Titles or Information - Using outdated job titles or information in the file name can mislead recruiters and ATS . Update your file name to reflect your current job title or the job you are applying for.

  • Example : Use "Jane_Smith_Marketing_Manager_Resume.pdf" instead of "Jane_Smith_Sales_Associate_Resume.pdf" if you are applying for a marketing manager position.
  • The Role of File Format in Naming Your Resume

Choosing the right file format for your resume is crucial for ensuring that it is both readable and compatible with various systems. The most commonly accepted formats are PDF and DOCX. PDFs are preferred because they preserve the formatting exactly as intended, ensuring that your resume looks the same on any device. DOCX files are also widely accepted and are compatible with most word processing software.

Using these formats ensures that your resume is compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Many companies use ATS to scan and parse resumes for relevant keywords and information. If your resume is in a non-standard format or contains elements that ATS cannot read, it may be rejected before a human ever sees it. Additionally, avoid using file formats like JPG, PNG, or any image-based format, as these are generally not readable by ATS.

By choosing the appropriate file format and naming your resume file correctly, you enhance its readability, maintain its formatting integrity, and increase the chances of it passing through ATS and reaching the hiring manager.

  • Tailoring Your Resume File Name for Different Applications

Customizing your resume file name for each job application can make a significant impact. Here are tips to tailor your resume file name for job applications:

  • Example : "John_Doe_Google_Software_Engineer_Resume.pdf" for a job at Google.
  • Makes it easier to identify which version was sent to each company.
  • Keywords should match those in the job listing to enhance relevance.
  • This small detail can distinguish your application from others.
  • SEO Tips for Naming Your Resume File
  • Example : "John_Doe_Software_Engineer_Resume.pdf".
  • Example : "Jane_Smith_Marketing_Manager_Resume.docx".
  • Example : "John_Doe_Project_Manager_Resume.pdf".
  • Example : "Jane_Smith_Resume.pdf".
  • Example : "John_Doe_Sales_Executive_Resume.pdf".
  • Example : "John_Doe_Resume.pdf", "John_Doe_Cover_Letter.pdf".
  • Example : "Jane_Smith_Resume_June2024.pdf".

Following these SEO tips will help make your resume more searchable, professional, and easily identifiable by recruiters and applicant tracking systems (ATS).

  • 10 Examples of Effective Resume File Names

These examples demonstrate clear, professional, and descriptive file names that are optimized for both human readers and ATS:

  • This example includes the full name and job title, making it clear and specific.
  • Including the job title helps recruiters quickly identify the position you are applying for.
  • Uses title case for better readability and maintains a professional appearance.
  • Adding the date can help with version control and indicates the resume is up-to-date.
  • Clear and concise, including only the necessary information.
  • Highlights the specific job role, making it easy for recruiters to sort applications.
  • Uses a common file format that is ATS-compatible and easy to read.
  • Including the full job title helps align the resume with the job description.
  • Simple and professional, suitable if the job title is not specified in the file name.
  • The date addition helps manage multiple versions and shows the resume is current.

Following these tips make it easy for recruiters to identify and manage your resume, increasing the chances of it being noticed and reviewed.

  • Why is it important to name my resume file correctly?

Naming your resume file correctly ensures it is easily identifiable by recruiters and can help you stand out in a crowded job market. It also demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail.

What happens if I use a generic file name like "resume.pdf"?

Using a generic file name makes it difficult for recruiters to identify your resume among many others. It may also get lost or overlooked in a sea of similar-sounding files.

  • Can I use abbreviations in my resume file name?

It’s best to avoid abbreviations as they might not be clear to everyone and can appear less professional. Spell out words fully to ensure clarity.

  • Should I include the job title in the file name?

Yes, including the job title helps recruiters quickly identify the position you are applying for, making your application more relevant and easier to manage.

  • Is it okay to include the date in my resume file name?

Including the date can be helpful for version control and indicates that the resume is current. However, ensure it doesn’t make the file name too long.

  • What file formats are best for resume file names?

The best formats for resume files are PDF and DOCX. These formats preserve the formatting and are compatible with most applicant tracking systems (ATS).

  • How can I make my resume file name ATS-friendly?

Use simple, clear, and descriptive names without special characters. Include relevant keywords and ensure the file is in a compatible format like PDF or DOCX.

  • Should I use underscores or hyphens in my file name?

Both underscores and hyphens are acceptable, but consistency is key. Choose one and use it throughout all your application documents.

  • Can I include personal information like my address in the file name?

No, it’s best to avoid including personal information such as your address or phone number in the file name for privacy and security reasons.

  • What should I do if the job posting specifies a different naming convention?

Always follow the specific instructions provided in the job posting. If a different format or naming convention is requested, adapt accordingly to ensure compliance with their requirements.

  • How long should my resume file name be?

Aim for a concise file name that includes essential information like your name, job title, and the word "resume." Typically, this should be around 5-7 words.

  • Can I use the same resume file name for multiple job applications?

It’s better to tailor the file name for each application to include the specific job title or company name, demonstrating attention to detail and personalization.

  • What if I have multiple versions of my resume?

If you have multiple versions of your resume, include the date or a version number to keep track of each one. This helps in managing different applications efficiently.

  • Should I include my middle name in the resume file name?

Including your middle name is optional. If your full name is common, adding your middle name can help differentiate you from other applicants.

  • What should I do if my resume is rejected due to file name issues?

Review the job posting for specific instructions on naming conventions. Ensure you are using a professional and clear file name without special characters.

  • How can I ensure my resume file name is unique?

Include your full name, job title, and possibly the date. This combination is likely to be unique and helps in easy identification.

Is it necessary to mention the word "resume" in the file name?

Yes, including the word "resume" makes it clear what the document is, ensuring there's no confusion about the file's content.

  • Can I use all capital letters in my resume file name?

It’s best to use title case (capitalizing the first letter of each significant word) for better readability and a professional appearance.

  • What if I am applying for multiple positions within the same company?

Tailor each resume file name to the specific position to show that you have customized your application for each role.

  • Should I use my nickname in the resume file name?

It’s best to use your full legal name to maintain professionalism and consistency with other application documents.

  • Can I include my LinkedIn profile link in the resume file name?

No, your LinkedIn profile link should be included within the resume content, not in the file name.

  • What if I need to update my resume after submitting it?

If you need to submit an updated resume, include the date or a version number to indicate the latest version, such as "John_Doe_Resume_July2024.pdf".

  • How important is it to follow the file naming conventions specified in the job posting?

It is very important to follow any specific instructions provided in the job posting, including file naming conventions. This shows you can follow directions and pay attention to detail.

  • What happens if I use a generic file name like "resume.pdf"?
  • Is it necessary to mention the word "resume" in the file name?

Madison Norton

Madison Norton

VP Marketing & Resume Expert

Madison is the VP Marketing and General Manager at VisualCV . He's a seasoned marketing leader, resume writing and career marketing expert and now helping people grow their own career marketing strategies to build a career they love.

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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

How to Choose a Good Resume File Name?

RC Team

How to select a resume file name  may seem like a minor consideration when writing your resume.

However,  imagine you’re an employer with a mountain of resumes to go through,  you will be quick to judge and quick to dismiss.

Most recruiters only spend a few seconds scanning resumes  so first impressions are all important.  The file name for your resume  is one of the very first things a prospective employer will see.

The resume file name is especially important when you send multiple attachments  in an email, such as your resume, a cover letter, and a portfolio.

It is important to give your resume a name which makes it clear what it is, and that is yours.  Keeping the resume file name clear and simple  is just one advantage of using a  resume templates .

Resume file name tips

Before sending your resume to prospective employers it is important to be aware of the following  resume file name best practices …

Don’t just name it ‘Resume’

Every detail of your resume, including the resume file name, should  help it to stand out from the rest . A generic title like  ‘ resume.doc’ does the opposite of this. How will a potential employer be able to differentiate your resume if it has same resume file name as the others?

Include your name

This will ensure that the prospective employer knows the resume is yours.  Each time they open, close, minimize or maximize it, the resume file name will make it clear whose resume it is. If you leave out your name, your resume may be lost in the first shuffle.  Choose a resume file name  which includes your name.

Use the word resume

Just as it’s important for the employer to know that it is yours, it is also important for them to know what it is.  Use the word resume as well as your name . It is typical to send multiple files in a job application, make sure it is clear which file is which. If this is confusing, it will be off-putting, and your resume will be dismissed.

Keep it professional

Avoid nicknames or joke names.  This will give the wrong first impression.  You want the hirer to think that you’re a professional  and that you’re serious about the job. There should be nothing inappropriate or silly on your resume, the attached resume file name shouldn’t be any different. If you’ve spent time constructing a professional resume, don’t let the name let you down.

Don’t include version numbers

Employers do not need to know which version of your resume it is . It may help you to organize yourself but it will look a little sloppy from the recruiter’s perspective. As far as they are concerned, this is the definitive version of your resume. Yes, you should  tailor your resume for each position,  but recruiters don’t need to know this. Using a  resume builder  is an effective way of keeping a resume up-to-date and organized.

Keep it short

Avoid long sentences when naming a resume . It should be clear and concise. A long resume file name looks chaotic and disorganized. The recipient needs to know that it is a resume and that it’s yours. Any more information than this is irrelevant. Also, keep in mind that some computers only show the first 24 characters of a file name, so keep it under this limit.

Use capitals where necessary

There is no unwritten rule stating that you can’t use capitals  in a resume file name. Don’t write the whole thing in capitals but use them as you would normally, there’s no harm in capitalizing the first letter of each of your names.

Saving your resume in the correct format

After you have chosen the  best file name for your resume , make sure the final few letters show the correct format of the file. You should  send it as a PDF file (.pdf) or as a Word document (.doc) .

If not the recipient may not be able to open your resume and you would have fallen at the first hurdle. The same rule applies when you  upload a resume to an application .

Often the employer specifically states which format you should send your resume in. It’s important that you  follow their instructions to the letter , if not your resume may not even be glanced at. Lastly,  make sure you proofread your entire resume multiple times  before you send it. Check it for meaning, spelling, grammar, typos and consistency. Then pass it to at least two people to look at. Use a  resume writing guide  to make sure your resume is as good as it can be.

When you  email a resume to an employer , make sure you actually  attach the file ! It is incredible how many people send job applications but forget to actually attach their resume.

This gives the impression that the applicant has poor attention to detail. Do not make this mistake! Using an  email template to send a resume  can help you avoid this.

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How to Name your Resume document

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When naming your resume document, it’s important to choose a professional and clear name that helps you stand out and ensures the file is easily identifiable.

The file name should be professional, concise, and include your full name, the word “resume” or “CV,” and the date in a consistent format. Avoid generic names and use underscores or hyphens instead of spaces.

Here are some tips for naming your resume document:

  • Use your full name: Begin by including your full name in the file name. This helps recruiters or employers quickly identify who the resume belongs to.
  • Add the word “resume” or “CV”: To make it clear that the document is your resume, include the word “resume” or “CV” in the file name. For example, “John_Doe_Resume.docx” or “Jane_Smith_CV.pdf.”
  • Include the date: Adding the date to the file name can be helpful, especially if you are regularly updating your resume. It allows employers to distinguish between different versions. Use a consistent date format such as YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD-YYYY. For example, “John_Doe_Resume_2023-05-26.docx” or “Jane_Smith_CV_05-26-2023.pdf.”
  • Avoid generic names: Stay away from generic names like “resume.doc” or “CV.pdf.” These names are not unique and can be confusing if you have multiple versions of your resume.
  • Be concise: Keep the file name concise and to the point. Avoid including unnecessary details or long descriptions. Use a format that is easy to read and understand.
  • Use underscores or hyphens: If you need to separate words in the file name, use underscores (_) or hyphens (-) rather than spaces. This ensures that the file name is compatible with different systems and is easily readable.

Putting these tips into practice, an example of a well-formatted resume file name could be “John_Doe_Resume_2023-05-26.docx” or “Jane_Smith_CV_05-26-2023.pdf.”

Remember that it’s essential to save your resume document in a widely accepted format, such as PDF or DOCX, to ensure compatibility with different systems and software versions.

Need more personalised career advice? Email us at [email protected] for a complimentary Resume Review.

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What to Name Your Cover Letter and Resume Files

It may seem trivial, but file names matter. Here, we discuss naming conventions and best practices for saving and uploading your cover letter and resume.

3 years ago   •   9 min read

You finally finished creating your cover letter and resume — and you’re excited to send it off to prospective employers.

But wait — how should you save your files? Do you send them off as word documents or as PDFs? And how should you name them? Do you include your full name? What about the date?

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to name and save cover letters and resume files. We’ll talk about naming conventions, discuss do's and don’ts, and offer other practical tips and tricks on how to upload your cover letter and resume so that your application is professional and easy to read. Let’s do this!

Naming a cover letter and resume file

Do's and don'ts for naming your resume and cover letter.

Here's what to include in your resume or cover letter file name:

  • Your full name, first and last
  • The words "resume" or "cover letter" (depending on which it is)
  • The name of the position you're applying for
  • Anything mentioned in the job ad — always follow instructions above all else

On the other hand, here's what not to include in your resume or cover letter file name:

  • Company name
  • Version number
  • Random strings of numbers of letters
  • Special characters

What to name your resume and cover letter

Here are some examples of good resume file names following the above conventions.

Resume file name examples:

JohnSmithResume.pdf JohnSmith_Resume_PositionTitle.pdf johnsmith_resume_salesmanager.pdf Resume_JohnSmith_JobID2346.pdf

Cover letter file name examples:

Jenny_Su_Cover_Letter.pdf Jenny_Su_CoverLetter_PositionTitle.pdf jennysu_accountant_coverletter.pdf UI_designer_00154_cover_letter_jenny_su.pdf

What not to name your resume and cover letter

Cover letter and resume file names like the following should be avoided:

“CompanyName_CoverLetter_v3.doc” “Resume06092021.docx” “CoverLetter_JohnSmith_CompanyName.pdf”,“John_Smith_December2019.doc”, and “John_Smith_Resume_Ver2.pdf”

How to name your resume and cover letter

Step-by-step guide to name your resume.

  • In either Word or Google Docs, click File -> Save As / Export to PDF
  • Type your full name.
  • Add the word 'Resume'.
  • Make sure you keep the '.pdf' file extension.
  • Remove all spaces, and replace them with underscores (e.g. Jane_Brooke) or sentence case (e.g. JaneBrook) if necessary.
  • Remove version numbers, dates or other irrelevant words.
  • Remove special characters.
  • Save your resume.

Step-by-step guide to name your cover letter

  • Add the word 'CoverLetter'.
  • Remove special characters, version numbers, dates or other irrelevant words that make your filename lengths unnecessarily long.
  • Save your cover letter.

How to save your cover letter and resume

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to save your cover letter and resume, in several file formats .

Microsoft Word

To save your cover letter or resume as a Word document, follow these steps:

  • Open up your cover letter or resume in Word
  • Under “File”, hit “Save As…”
  • A dialogue box will appear. Next to “Save As:” at the top, name your file.
  • Next to “File Format:”, located near the bottom of the screen, check to see that your file is saved as a Word document (this should be selected by default).
  • Once you have confirmed this, hit “Save”.

The dialogue box for saving your Word Document

Google Docs

Google Docs is convenient because it auto-saves your files. However, you’ll need to do a bit of work in order to share it with your recruiter or hiring manager. Here’s how:

  • Open your Google Doc. The filename is displayed in the top left-hand corner of the screen, next to the blue docs icon. Double click to edit.
  • Go to “File”, then click “Share”.
  • A dialogue box will appear. You can either:
  • Share with people directly, under “Share with people and groups”, if you know their email
  • Under “Get link”, hit “Copy link” for a sharing link, which you can send via your application

A screenshot of the dialogue box that appears when you click “Share” in Google Docs

Export as a PDF in Word

Here’s how to save your Word Document as a PDF:

  • Open up your cover letter or resume in Word.
  • Go to “File”, and hit “Save As…”
  • A dialogue box will appear. Name your cover letter or resume file in the field next to “Save As:” at the top.
  • Click on the field next to “File Format:”, located near the bottom of the screen, and choose “PDF”.
  • Once that has been selected, click “Export”.

Select “PDF” next to “File Format:” in the dialogue box that appears when you hit “Save As…”

Once you’ve chosen your resume file format and appropriate names for your cover letter and resume files, upload to the tool below — it’s a good way to check if your resume is readable by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). It’ll also scan your resume and let you know if it checks all the boxes from a hiring manager’s perspective.

Other considerations

Here are some of the whys (and why nots) of resume file naming conventions.

Avoid generic resume file names

Avoid cover letters and resume files that aren’t clearly named — like those that are titled with a long string of numbers, or others that are just called “CoverLetter” or “Resume” with no other identifying information.

Poorly-named cover letters and resume files make it harder to tell at a glance what a file contains and who it belongs to, which means that you run the risk of having your cover letter and resume accidentally discarded and your application ignored for being incomplete.

Keep file names short

Long file names are difficult to read and hard to identify at a glance. Plus, file names (on both Mac and Windows) have a character limit of around 255 characters or so. Exceed that number, and you won’t even be able to save your file.

Leave out the date and version number

Generally, there’s no need to date your cover letter and resume — especially if you haven’t updated them for years. You don’t want an employer to know that you’re using the same old, basic cover letter specimen or resume template you’ve used since 2010.

The same principle applies to version numbers. You want your cover letter and resume to stand out on their own as final, definitive products, so leave out the “v3”. Remember, this is a job application, not a perpetually unfinished piece of software.

Don't use special characters

Use A-Z, 0-9, dashes, and underscores only. Ditch any special characters, symbols, or slashes. This includes accents. There's no need to get fancy with your file name — call it a “resume,” not a “résumé.”

Don’t touch the spacebar

Unfortunately, cover letter and resume file names with spaces in them will convert to “%20” symbols upon uploading to certain Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) — so a seemingly well-titled “John Smith Resume.pdf” will become "John%20Smith%20Resume.pdf," which is awkward and hard to read. If you need to space out words, dashes and underscores are your friends.

Don't worry about capitalization

You can write your file names in either title case, sentence case, or in all lowercase. Most employers don’t care either way, so it’s not a big deal — though title case (capitalizing the first letter of words) is arguably easier to read and looks more polished than the other two options.

Order doesn't matter

When combining your name, job title, ID, "resume," or anything else into a file name, it doesn't matter which order you list them in. For example, “JohnSmith_Resume.pdf” or “CoverLetter_JohnSmith.pdf” would both be fine.

Follow instructions on the job posting

Any specific instructions on the job listing override any tips in this article. If the job ad specifies a specific file type (e.g., .docx over .pdf) or a particular naming convention (e.g., include your middle initial), then always name and upload your cover letter and resume in line with those directions instead.

You should also try to add skills and keywords included in the job posting on your resume. Use the skills search tool below to find some more hard skills and keywords relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Resume file formats

So far, we’ve covered how to name a cover letter and resume file, but what file type should you save it as?

Use PDFs generated in Word or Google Docs

While you may be tempted to save it as a Word document for the sake of convenience and simplicity, you should try to avoid this when possible. Different versions of Word may mess with your cover letter and resume’s formatting options, like margin widths , fonts , or headers . This means that your nicely-formatted document may not look as neat on your recruiter’s screen — or, in the worst case scenario, may not even be readable at all.

To make sure your recruiter sees what you see, you should export both your cover letter and resume as PDFs instead. Saving your finished files as PDFs ensures that all text formatting will be preserved, no matter what application a recruiter or hiring manager uses to open your cover letter or resume files. If you need to make any changes to your cover letter or resume, just edit it in your word processor, export it as a PDF again, and write over the existing PDF.

Don't use PDFs generated in Photoshop or Canva

That said, make sure you generate your PDF of either your resume or cover letter in a word processor like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Do not use an image editing software like Photoshop or Canva which will result in your resume not being readable by Applicant Tracking Systems .

Don't use other file formats

If you use a different word processing software — like Open Office, LibreOffice, or a plain text editor — that's fine, but you should convert your file to a more standard format before sending it in. Emailing your resume as a .txt, .odt, or .odf file risks a recruiter not being able to open it.

Frequently asked questions

Why do file names matter.

The short answer: It helps recruiters identify your resume more quickly. While the way you title your cover letter and resume’s file names won’t make or break your application, it’s still important to name them in a way that’s professional and informative.

In reality, it’s good practice simply because it makes recruiters’ lives easier. After all, yours is not the only application a hiring manager will read — they likely have hundreds more to sort through — and clear cover letter and resume file names will help them find and identify your application more quickly.

Should I put my first name or last name first?

Use the format First Name Last Name — for example, "JohnSmith_Resume.pdf" instead of "SmithJohn_Resume.pdf." Why? Mostly, it's just more intuitive. If you have a surname that could also be a given name — or vice versa — it also helps clarify which is which.

Should I use my middle name?

Not unless you're instructed to, or unless you usually go by that name. If you prefer to be called Kelly Sue, then by all means, use that name on your resume file (and in your resume itself). Otherwise, stick to your first name and last name.

Why shouldn't I include the company name?

The hiring manager already works at the company you’re applying to, so it doesn't add anything useful. Instead, it makes your file name unnecessarily long and difficult to read. Some people think that this is a good way to 'personalize' your application, but it isn't — it's the content of the documents that matter, not the file name.

Does it matter if I send my resume as a Word .doc file instead of a .pdf format?

Not really, no. If you’re not comfortable saving your file as a PDF, you can elect to send in your cover letter and resume as a Word document (or a Google Doc). Just be aware that you run the risk of formatting issues if you do so.

Do I combine my resume and cover letter or send them separately?

Unless specified, do not combine your resume and cover letter into one document. Upload them separately.

Get your resume right

Apart from getting your cover letter and resume’s file names and file types down, you’ll also need to make sure that the content within those documents — especially your resume — is well-written.

Resume Worded’s Score My Resume is an instant, AI-enabled resume scoring platform that audits your resume line by line, and gives you feedback on how to improve — helping you maximize your chances of landing a dream job.

Score My Resume analyzes your resume, looking for ways to optimize it even further

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How to Name a Resume File and Cover Letter (+Examples)

Discover essential tips on 'how to name a resume file' to make a strong first impression. simplify your approach for maximum impact and stand out professionally in your job application process..

resume document name format

Does the filename of your resume and cover letter really matter when it comes to a potential employer's first impression, or is it just a non-factor?And if it does matter, what should you name your resume file?

In this newsletter issue, we'll dive into the do's and don'ts of naming your resume and cover letter, emphasizing the importance of creating a good impression even before your resume is opened.

Let's discuss first whether the proper naming of your resume and cover letter files actually matters and when it is most significant.

This week, I came across three LinkedIn posts recommending how people should name their resume files to create a lasting impression.

These were their recommendations:

[Name][Position You Applied For].pdf


[Surname]-[Company Name].pdf

Even though these three posts made many points about what you need to do and why you need to do that, none of them provided any studies or surveys to back up their statement.

I get their intention to help job seekers, but tips without any data or real experience are as useful as tips that tell job seekers they need to use an ATS resume template to avoid being rejected by ATS.

Most recruiters (I would even say 99.9%!) don’t care about the resumes' filenames. That’s because the resumes they receive via career pages, job portals, or LinkedIn are accessible via ATS systems, and they don’t actually download them from there; they simply click on the preview to access the resume.

The file name of your resume might only have an impact on the recipient if they receive your resume via email, LinkedIn, or if recruiters add it to an interview invitation with the interviewer.

How to Name a Resume File

The significance of a resume file name goes beyond just a title; it reflects your professionalism and overall approach to your job search.

A well-named file can easily stand out in a sea of "Resume_V1.pdf", "Job_Application.pdf" or "Profile.pdf."

The Misconception of Adding a Role or Date to Your Resume Name:

While adding position, date or your current role might seem like a good idea, trust me, it's NOT.

Here's why:

Bias and Role: Adding your desired role might unintentionally introduce bias. This might not only pigeonhole you into a specific category but also restrict potential employers from considering you for roles you might be apt for but haven't specifically mentioned.

Redundancy of Dates: What about adding the date? Big mistake! A date can quickly make your application seem outdated. Imagine you've been job hunting for a while, and your resume still says "April 1st" in September. It gives the impression that you're still on the market or you were looking for a job in April and now you are searching again. This could have the same effect on people as those career gaps in your resume.

The Misconception of Adding Keywords: It might be tempting to stuff your resume file name with industry-specific keywords, thinking it might give you an edge. But ask yourself: How would something like this "jan-tegze-sourcing.recruitment.ATS.pdf" be beneficial? It's cluttered, confusing, and detracts from the main content. It adds zero value to anyone, especially when most recruiters and hiring managers are looking for clarity and simplicity.

Including keywords in the filename won't give you any extra points, because ATS doesn't really care about it at all. It's more interested in the content and keywords inside your resume.

Why Keeping it Simple is Key

Simplicity often speaks volumes, especially when it comes to naming files. The aim is to ensure the recipient can easily identify the document, know its content, and, more importantly, recognize whose document it is.

There's no need to overcomplicate things. Stick to a simple format like "First-Last.pdf" or just "FirstLast.pdf". Remember, your resume's content is where you should be showcasing your skills, experiences, and fit for the role, not in the file name.

In a nutshell, your resume file name should be a beacon of clarity amidst the chaos. It's a representation of your organizational skills and your respect for the recipient's time and effort.

How to Name a Cover Letter File

Much like your resume, your cover letter holds immense value in your job application process. Its naming convention should be equally straightforward.

Consistency is Crucial: If you've named your resume "JanTegze_Resume.pdf", then a cover letter can simply be "JanTegze_CoverLetter.pdf". This consistency ensures that when a hiring manager downloads both files, they appear consecutively in their folder or download bar.

Avoid Repetition: There's no need to reiterate the role or the date in the cover letter file name if you've avoided them in your resume name. Remember, simplicity and clarity are key.

Differentiating from Resume: Ensure there’s a clear distinction between your resume and cover letter. Using terms like "CoverLetter" or "CL" can help in easy identification. The last thing you want is for a hiring manager to open your cover letter expecting your resume or vice versa.

The takeaway here is straightforward: naming your documents appropriately is not just a formality but an opportunity to make a strong, organized first impression. Stick to simplicity, consistency, and clarity.

Examples: Right vs. Wrong

A practical understanding often stems from seeing what works and what doesn't. Here are some comparative examples of how to name a resume file and cover letter files:

Example 1: Resume

Right: JanTegze.pdf or JanTegze-Resume.pdf (JanTegze_Resume.pdf)

Wrong: JanTegze-Sourcing.Recruitment.ATS.pdf

Sure, you can use different variations of your name like: JanTegze, jantegze, Jan.Tegze, or Jan-Tegze for your resume. Just keep it simple!

Example 2: Cover Letter

Right: JanTegze_CoverLetter.pdf

Wrong: JanTegze-Marketing-Director-April-01.pdf

These examples illustrate the principle of keeping things simple and straightforward. Over-complicating file names not only makes them harder to read but can also detract from the document's content.

How to Name a Resume File

As you can see in the image, the first line is quite generic . Moreover, if more people are using Resume.pdf, with each download that recruiter does, your resume will end up being named Resume(4).pdf or Resume(6).pdf, and so on. This won't create a good impression when recruiters add those resumes to calendar invitations.

Last Thoughts

Your resume and cover letter are primary tools that showcase your skills, experience, and fit for a role. Understand that the first impression starts even before these documents are opened - it begins with the filename.

A unique resume name is not about standing out with a flashy title, but about clear, concise, and professional presentation.

Remember, when contemplating how to name a resume file , think about the individual at the other end. You want to make their task easy, clear, and free of any presumptions. Let your content shine and be the hero of your application, not an overly complicated file name.

In the realm of job applications, simplicity is sophistication. Your file name is a reflection of this principle. So, the next time you're about to send out that job resume file , pause for a moment and ensure it's named to impress, simply.

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💡Extra Tips for Perfecting Your File Names

You already know how to properly name your resume and cover letter files, but there’s more to consider:

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The ideal filename for your resume or cover letter

Lyndsey McLaughlin

It might seem simple, but the metadata contained within your file name can convey a lot about your professionalism to the hiring manager and help make sure they don’t lose your application – a pretty big responsibility after all.

In this blog, we will look at:

  • The reasons why the name of your resume or cover letter is important
  • How to choose your name
  • The type of file to use for your resume or cover letter

The importance of your resume filename

It’s just a resume filename or cover letter filename, does it really matter? It is a very simple action, but it can make a difference when it comes to being selected for an interview. 

Consider the moment your cover letter or resume lands in the hiring manager’s inbox. They may glance over it while running to another meeting. Later, when they get back to their desk, they know they read it but can’t find it! 

If your file name is not something easily searchable, it might make it difficult to locate it. For instance, if you name it ‘my CV’, it will not be easy to track in a mailbox or on a job search website. They won’t spend hours looking for it, so try to make it as straightforward as possible for them. A good filename can also reflect your professionalism. The importance of your filename may not seem relevant, but there are reasons why you need to pay attention to it. Albeit you don’t need to give it too much thought – your own name is more than efficient.

Proofread your documents

Whether it’s the document itself, or the resume filename, make sure you proofread everything before you submit it. Not just the filename for the resume or cover letter. If you’re not careful, you can even make an error on your name, so always be careful.

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So what is a good filename for your resume?

The most appropriate filename for a resume or cover letter is, naturally, your name. The hiring manager will be more likely to think it is a legitimate file and therefore, will be more likely to open it. It will also help them to find your resume or cover letter if searching for it via their mailbox. If your name is particularly long, you might want to abbreviate it. As a general rule, you want to keep your file name as short as possible, while making it easy to find and recognise. For instance, if your name was ‘Bernard Theopolopotis’, you may want to shorten it to ‘B Theopolopotis resume.’ In this way, the hiring manager will still be able to find you, but it will keep it neat and professional.

Resume and cover letter filename examples

The naming convention used for your resume should match the one used for your cover letter so as not to confuse the hiring manager. For example, if your resume filename is A_Greenwood_Resume, your cover letter should be A_Greenwood_CoverLetter and not Alice_G_CoverLetter . 

You should generally prioritize your last name since it’s more professional and can help differentiate you since other applicants may have your same first name.

Type of file name to use

You should check the job advert first before saving your resume or cover letter, as there may be specific instructions. If you fail to read the instructions, it will show a lack of attention to detail on your part, which is what you want to avoid at all costs! 

Some online applications will specifically request a Word document, but if you want to ensure that your formatting (and your writing) won’t be changed between your computer and the hiring manager’s, it’s best to save as a PDF. 

If your word processing software doesn’t allow you to save your resume or cover letter as a PDF, you will find programs online that let you convert it from Word to PDF for free. The resume filename should be one that is easy to open, such as using Microsoft Word.

Key Takeaways 

  • Be careful not to submit your resume or cover letter with ‘my CV’ or similar that you may save on your own computer. Always ensure it is named appropriately, make it easy for the hiring manager to find in their mailbox.
  • Abbreviate the resume filename where appropriate. For instance, if you have a long surname.
  • Make sure the filename of your resume and cover letter match, prioritizing your last name if needed.
  • Check the job advert in case there are any specific instructions for the file type. For instance, they may ask that you save it as a PDF or Word document.
  • Proofread the document and the filename before you submit it.

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How To Name Your Resume and Cover Letter

resume document name format

How to Name Your Resume File

Avoid generic titles, use your name, go beyond just your name (maybe), be professional, be consistent, avoid version numbers, proofread and edit, options for saving your resume, how to send your resume, sample resume.

itakefotos4u / Getty Images

When you are applying for jobs, it's important to give your  resume a title that makes it clear that the resume is yours, not just that of any random candidate.

It is particularly important when you send employers your resume and cover letter as attachments (either via email or through an online job application system). When the employer opens your document, he or she will see what you have named your document. You, therefore, want the title to be professional, and to state who you are clearly.

Read below for more advice on what to name your resume file and other job application documents, as well as what not to name them. Also, read below for advice on how to save your documents.

Don't email or upload your resume with the name resume.doc, unless you want a harried human resources associate to save over your file with someone else’s. With a generic file name, there will be no way to distinguish it from all the other resumes with the same name. 

Choose a file name that includes your name. This way, hiring managers will know whose resume it is, and it will be easier for them to track and manage it. It’s also less likely that they’ll lose it, or get your materials confused with someone else’s.

If you name your resume janedoeresume.doc, Jane Doe Resume.docx, or Jane-Doe-Resume.pdf, the employer will know whose resume it is at a glance and be able to associate it with the rest of your materials and application.

If you can fit it, use both your first name and last name. This way, your resume won't get confused with someone else's resume with the same name.

You might choose to provide a bit more detail in the title than simply your name. You can also include the title of the position in your document name for your resume and cover letter. You can use spaces or dashes between words; capitalizing words may help make the document name easier to read.

Remember that hiring managers and other people who will interview you are quite likely to see your cover letter and resume file names, so make sure those titles are professional and appropriate. Now is not the time to pull out your AIM screen names from middle school. Save the joke names for your private social media accounts and keep these file names professional and simple.

Consistency is important when naming your resume, cover letter, and other application documents, so use the same format for each. For example, if you simply use your last name and a description of the document for one title (“Smith Resume”), use the same format for all your other materials (“Smith Cover Letter”).

Make sure any capitalization, spacing, use of dashes, and other style choices are consistent between documents.

If you are applying for jobs frequently, it's possible that you have several versions of your resume saved on your computer. Avoid including version numbers (e.g., John-Smith-Resume-10.doc) in your file name and other cryptic codes.

Get rid of those numbers and codes when you submit your resume. An employer might get the impression that the job is halfway down a long list of potential opportunities. A hiring manager who sees “resume-10” as part of your file name will wonder what resumes 1 through 9 looked like and whether you’re just applying for every job in town.

Develop a filing system on your computer to keep track of the different versions of your resume, rather than using the file name for that purpose, and make sure that proofed, ready-to-go resumes are stored in a separate area from drafts.

Before submitting your resume or cover letter,  proofread  the document title. It sounds silly, but a typo in the title might make an employer think that you do not focus on details and that you are unprofessional.

It's important to send or upload your resume as a PDF or a Word document. This way, the receiver will get a copy of your resume and cover letter in the original format.

To name your Word document resume:

  • Click File, Save As
  • Type the name you want to use for your resume. For example, malcolmjonesresume.docx

To save a Word document as a PDF:

To convert your Word documents to PDFs, depending on your word processing software, you may be able to do so by clicking either "File," then "Save as PDF" or “File,” then “Print,” then “Save as PDF” (from the list of menu options in the bottom left-hand corner). If not, there are free programs you can use to convert a file to a PDF.

To save a Google Doc resume as a Word document:

  • Open the file in Google Docs
  • Click File, Download, Microsoft Word (.docx)

To save a Google Doc resume as a PDF document:

  • Click File, Download, PDF (.pdf)

Saving your resume and cover letter as a PDF will ensure that the formatting stays the same, even if the employer uses a different word processing program or operating system.

If the job listing requires you to submit your documents in a different format, be sure to do so. Not following instructions could cost you an interview.

Once you've named and saved your resume and cover letter, follow the directions in the job posting for applying for the position. You may need to send your application materials as an attachment , upload them to a job site, or upload them directly to an employer's application portal.

This is an example of a resume. Download the resume template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online).

Sample Resume (Text Version)

Carly Candidate 999 Main Street, Aspen, CO 81611 (123) 555-1234


Charismatic and creatively talented Event Manager positioned to impress your clients, associates, and project stakeholders with flawlessly executed meetings, galas, conferences, trade shows, banquets, and celebratory events.


  • 8 years’ experience planning and handling all logistics for high-profile events including conferences, galas, weddings, ski and mountain excursions, and golf tournaments.
  • Superb customer service and concierge talents supported by a positive attitude, charming manners, and a proactive stance in identifying and fulfilling individuals’ needs.
  • Well-versed in coordinating and supervising cross-functional events teams of caterers, wait staff, set-up and maintenance crews, and security personnel.
  • Bilingual in written and spoken English and Spanish, with high fluency in French.


SUMMIT RESORT, Aspen, CO Event Manager , October 2020 - Present Coordinate and direct community and private events for clientele of upscale mountain resort, including ski excursions, destination weddings, and conferences.

  • Impressed and earned referrals and repeated corporate leadership and development conference engagements from executives from Microsoft, Google, and Windermere Real Estate.
  • Initiated social media marketing initiatives that increased the client base by more than 40%.
  • Developed mutually advantageous relationships with media representatives to publicize resort events.

RIDGEWAY RESORT AND CONFERENCE CENTER, Aspen, CO Event Manager , September 2013 - October 2020 Organized golf outings and corporate fundraising tournaments for guests of 5-star resort and conference center. Scheduled greens times and arranged for outdoor catering and post-events including cocktail parties and raffles; handled all related marketing tasks for fundraisers.

  • Capitalized upon opportunities to up-sell resort amenities to conference guests, driving an overall revenue increase of 15% for spa, restaurant, and pool grill.
  • Implemented stringent billing processes that reduced delinquent accounts by 85%.
  • Organized golf tournaments that were written up in Golf Today and NonProfit Times.

Bachelor of Science in Travel and Tourism Management; GPA 3.8 MSU Denver, Denver, Colorado Dean’s List; Graduated Magna cum Laude; Rush Chair, Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority

How to Name a Resume & Cover Letter File?

How to Name a Resume & Cover Letter File?

William Shakespeare famously wrote the line “What’s in a name?” in his play, Romeo and Juliet. Everything, it seems, when it comes to naming your resume and cover letter files. How you name your resume and cover letter speaks volumes to a potential recruiter.

Picture this : you are a recruiter yourself and have just received an application from someone who couldn’t seem to care enough to pay attention to details. Would you consider the application? Probably not. It’s just how the human mind works. Presentation is key when it comes to forming impressions. When you are applying for a job you want to make the best impression possible.

When it comes to your resume file name, think of it as your digital handshake.

In this guide, we’ll cover :

  • Importance of a Resume File Name
  • How to choose a Resume name and Cover Letter Name with Examples

Tips on Choosing the Perfect Resume File Name

How to save your resume & cover letter files, 10 common resume file name mistakes to avoid, the importance of a resume file name.

There are a few reasons why it is important to give your resume a specific file name.

  • It can help you stand out from the competition – If all of the resumes for a job are named “resume.doc” or “resume.pdf,” yours will stand out if you name it something different. Imagine just how many people make this common mistake leaving recruiters with the painful task of opening each file to figure out which resume belongs to whom. According to surveys, at least a third of the people name their files just resume.doc. Don’t fall in that category.
  • It makes it easier for employers to find your resume – If you have a specific file name for your resume, employers will be able to easily find it when they are conducting a job search. How you name your resume file will also affect how a recruiter will store and contact you about potential job opportunities.
  • It helps you keep track of your resumes – If you have multiple versions of your resume, it can be helpful to keep track of them by giving each one a specific file name. This will help you avoid accidentally sending the wrong resume to a potential employer. By naming your resume files something different, like “resume_johnsmith.doc” and “resume_johnsmith_nov2022.doc,” you’ll be able to easily keep track of which one is the most recent.

What to Name your Resume and Cover Letter File?

If you want your file to stay in the records, it is recommended you name your resume using your name. It is the best way to distinguish your document amidst the scores of applications that recruiters receive on a daily basis. Saving your document with your name allows a hiring manager to identify it at a glance.

What should I name my resume file?

1. YourName-Document

  • For example if your name is Robert Smith and resume can be named as – Robert-Smith-Resume.docx
  • For example if your name is Robert Smith and Cover letter can be named as – Robert-Smith-Cover-Letter.docx

Resume & Cover Letter File Name Example

2. YourName-JobTitle-Document

For example if your name is James Campbell and if you are applying for a Accounting Analyst position then you resume can be named as – James-Campbell-Accounting-Analyst-Resume.docx

Resume & Cover Letter File Name

It is recommended that you name your cover letter document the same way as well.

When you’re choosing a resume file name, you want to make sure that it’s professional and easy to remember. You also want to make sure that it’s different from the file names of other resumes that are being submitted for the same job.

Here are a few tips for choosing a resume file name:

1. Use your Full Name – One of the best ways to choose a resume file name is to use your full name. This will help the hiring manager remember your name and it will also show that you’re a professional.

2. Use your email address – Another way to choose a resume file name is to use your email address. This will also help the hiring manager remember your name and it will show that you’re a professional.

3. Use your job title – If you’re not sure what to name your resume file, you can use your job title. This will help the hiring manager know what position you’re applying for.

4. Use the company’s name – If you’re applying for a job at a specific company, you can use the company’s name in your resume file name. This will show the hiring manager that you’re interested in the company and that you’ve done your research.

5. Use the date – If you’re applying for a job that you’ve applied for before, you can use the date in your resume file name. This will help you keep track of which version of your resume you submitted to which company.

6. Use a file extension –  If you want to use something other than your name or your email address, you can use a file extension. A file extension is the three letters at the end of a file name, like “.doc” or “.pdf.” This will help the hiring manager know what type of file they’re looking at.

7. Separating Words in a Cover Letter and Resume File Name – Seperate the words in your file name using hyphens or underscores. Separate first letter of last word in cover letter and resume title with hyphen or underscore (_).

8. Capitalize First Letters vs. Using Lowercase : Do not capitalize the complete file name of your resume. When naming your cover letters and resumes, use title case file names ( capitalizing only the first letter of each word) to keep your formatting consistent across documents.

9. Avoid Special Characters in Resume & Cover Letter Names – Avoid using special characters and stick to English Alphabet letters (A-Z) and Numbers as they don’t work very well with most applicant tracking systems and desktops.

10. Avoid dates in a file name – Simply use your full name and specify whether it is a resume or cover letter when saving your document. It is the most clutter-free and professional approach.

Atlast, When you are proofreading your resume or cover letter don’t forget to also proofread your file name. You don’t want basic errors slipping in to ruin all the hard work you’ve put in to create the most compelling candidate profile for yourself. It pays to pay attention to detail.

A Word document or a PDF is the most widely accepted format when submitting a resume . Unless a recruiter or hiring manager specifies otherwise and requests for a different file format you need not worry.

Often an employer will tell you how they want your resume to be submitted. Try and stick to stipulations for a better shot at being considered for the position.

It is also a good idea to save your resume in both PDF and Word document formats so you have them ready to go depending on what is required at the time of applying.

For Word Document : Use Microsoft Word to create a new document and click on Save As to get a .doc version of your resume.

For PDF : Depending on the software you are using, you should be able to Print to Adobe PDF to save your resume as a PDF. In case your software does not support that, you could use one of the free PDF converter programs available online.

  • Don’t send in a resume file name that is simply called Resume.doc.
  • Recruiters and hiring managers receive several resumes each day. They simply do not have the time or patience to sift through 50 of them titled Resume.doc trying to figure which belongs to whom.
  • Name your resume file using your full name. There are bound to be several Rachels, Michaels, Divyas out there. You don’t want to leave your recruiter frustrated trying to figure out which resume file belongs to whom.
  • While you are at it, don’t forget to specify what the document actually is. For instance, simply naming it Rachel-Green.doc does not tell recruiters what the document is. And honestly, nobody has the patience to figure it out for themselves either. Instead, write Rachel Green-Resume.doc to lend clarity.
  • Avoid file names such as Rachel-Resume-Updated.doc. Recruiters sure hope you are sending them an updated version; there is no need to spell it out.
  • File names such as Rachel-Resume-Last.doc or Rachel-Resume-2020.doc are even worse than those that state they have been updated or revised. When you are sending in a resume file ensure you are sending the final version. Don’t send revised or last versions. Similarly, it is best if you leave out the year or month in a file name. Including it only makes it look dated.
  • Resumes that are named SRK-Resume.doc aren’t of much help to recruiters and hiring managers either. They really do not have the time to try and figure out who those initials belong to. Keep it simple and just write out your full name.
  • Do provide spacing or hyphens between words when creating a resume file name. Crunching it all together (RachelGreenResume.doc) makes it hard to read.
  • While naming your file AVOID all caps. For instance, a file name that says ARCH-Resume.doc could leave the recruiter wondering if ARCH is an acronym for something. Stick to Title Case or Sentence Case as is applicable to dispel all doubts.
  • Coming up with quirky file names is a big NO when you are on a job hunt. You don’t want to begin your job search on the wrong foot and you definitely want potential recruiters, hiring managers and employers to take you seriously.

Everyone wants to craft the ideal resume to maximize their chances of landing the perfect job. Since great attention is paid to the details in the content of a resume and cover letter, it is only imperative that the same amount of attention be paid when naming your resume and cover letter files. You don’t want to have a great resume that is let down by a badly named document. Your aim at every step of the way should be to maximize the chances of your job application being picked up so that you can turn on the charm and intelligence in the next step… the interview.

What should I save my resume as?

The ideal way to title your resume would be to use your full name (not just first or last name), followed by the document type (whether it is a resume or cover letter). Alternately, you could also name it using your full name, followed by job description, and then the document type.

Does resume file format matter? What format is best?

Yes, the resume file format does matter. It might often be the last thing we think of when crafting a resume and applying for a job. However, the format you choose does matter. Word documents and PDFs are the most widely accepted formats. These are the more commonly used formats by most people. You don’t want to be in a situation where your recruiter or hiring manager cannot access your resume due to an incorrect file format.

How do I organize resume files?

If this is for your personal reference then it is best to name your resume file using dates. This will help you identify the latest version of your resume. You could also organize your resume files using company names in the file name to help you figure out which job posting you had used that resume version for.

Just remember to omit the date and company name when sending the resume to a recruiter or hiring manager.

Should I put my resume in a folder?

When you arrive for an interview be sure to carry your resume in a folder to keep it crisp and in order. You don’t want to hand out a resume that has folds, tears or stains. It’s just not professional. Ideally, your folder should also have slots to house other important documents such as diplomas, mark sheets, and certificates, should a prospective employer want to see them during the course of the interview.

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Standard Resume Margins

What to Name Your Resume File?

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In This Guide:

Why is your resume’s name important, what not to name your resume file, tips and tricks, takeaways: what to name resume file.

Resume image 1

Choosing a file name for your resume may seem like an insignificant task.

But sometimes such small details can be crucially important.

When submitting your resume, you would want every part of your resume to look professional and present you in the best possible light.

And that means paying attention to every little detail, including the resume’s name.

In order to do it right, we are going to go through some important topics, like:

And we are going to leave you off with some great tips and tricks .

If you think there is still some room for improvement in your resume, check out How to Make Your Resume Stand Out .

But if you are ready to name your resume correctly and send it out, stick around.

First off, we need to find out why is your resume’s name so significant.

Your resume’s file name is the first thing your potential employer sees.

It is what distinguishes you from the pile of resumes they receive for each open position.

Chances are, if your resume’s file name looks professional, your potential employer is more likely to open it.

Making your resume’s file name brief and easy-to-read works greatly in your favor.

With hiring managers’ busy schedule, it may be a matter of seconds if you get called in for an interview or not.

Furthermore, using a good resume file name can make your resume easier to find in email inboxes .

So if someone is looking for your resume, they will be more likely to find it.

Keeping your resume’s file name short and to the point really helps you make a good impression and improve your chances among all candidates.

Now that you understand the importance of your resume’s file name, it’s time to do it right.

There are just a couple of things you need to keep in mind, and you should be good to go.

Use Your Name

This one may seem obvious to you, but often it is not.

Including your name in your resume’s file name is really important.

That way, hiring managers would always know whose resume are they opening.

Make sure you put your name in the beginning of your resume’s file name and include at least your surname.

Use the Word “Resume”

The next essential thing you need to take care of is describe what the file is.

In this case, it is a resume, and you need to specify that in the file’s name.

That helps the hiring manager understand what kind of file they are going to open.

Doing that can also help you distinguish your own file, if you have more files to send, like cover letter or references .

Include the Position You Are Applying For

This one is optional, but it is worth the consideration.

It has more of an advantage for you personally, rather than for your potential employer.

If you are applying for multiple positions, you have probably designed different resumes to match the job position ’s requirements.

Adding the position you are applying for, and even the company’s name, can help you keep track of your files and not send the wrong one by accident.

And as for your potential employer, it can show them that you have taken the time to tailor your documents.

Follow the Instructions in the Job Description

Last but not least, you need to follow any instructions in the job description .

Sometimes it is required to include the position title , or an identification number in the resume’s file name.

You might also be required to use a certain format .

Make sure you take the time to scan the job posting for any requirements.

If you don’t follow the instructions, your resume will most probably be ignored, or you will be considered unfit, as you didn’t match the requirements.

Okay, we have gone through all the dos.

But there are some really important don’ts that we need to take into consideration as well.

Don’t Name It Just “Resume”

It is essential to include the word “Resume” in the title of the document, but don’t ever forget to also write your name.

Your resume’s file name should help it stand out from other applications.

And naming it just “Resume” does exactly the opposite.

So make sure you don’t forget adding your name in the file name.

Don’t Include Version Numbers

Even if it helps you organize your files better, numbers have no place in your resume’s file name.

Employers don’t need to know which version of your resume you have sent them.

As long as they are concerned, it’s a single, cohesive document of your work history .

So don’t clutter your resume’s file name with unnecessary information.

Don’t Use “Bad” Symbols

You already know that you need to include your name and the word “Resume” in your resume’s file name.

But you can’t write all that with no spaces, because it would be unreadable.

To escape from that problem, you can do one of the following:

  • Capitalize the first letter of every word
  • Use special symbols like _ or – between words

What you shouldn’t do is use symbols like these four:

These symbols can mess with different computer systems and programs.

You will probably not be able to save a file with these characters in the title, but it is still worth a mention.

We are almost done with that topic, but we wouldn’t let you leave without giving you some last tips to perfect your resume’s file name.

So let’s finish what we started and get you absolutely ready to nail it.

Use a Unified Look For All Your Application Documents

Branding is important not only to companies, it should also be important to you.

By creating a unified look for all your application documents , you can easily attract the hiring manager’s attention.

And that can only get you closer to your next interview.

Proofread Your Resume

Before sending out your resume, you should absolutely take the time to proofread it all.

Any grammar, spelling, or punctuation mistakes can significantly lower your chances.

It is especially critical to check your resume’s file name for mistakes.

If there are any, it may never get opened.

Choose the Right File Format

There are quite many word processing software products out there, and you can never be sure where will your resume end up.

You might have the perfect resume, but the hiring manager may not be able to open the doc file you sent it in.

Or maybe they can open it, but your design is all over the place.

There is a simple solution to that problem.

To ensure that everything would be okay with your file, you should use the PDF format .

Just to be sure, you should first check out the job listing, as some companies require a different type of format .

And in that case, you should follow the instructions of your potential employer.

We are all done.

Now you know what to name your resume file.

You are now ready to stick out in front of the crowd of candidates with a professional looking file name.

Don’t forget – include both your name and the word “Resume” in the document’s name.

Check out our tips once again and get one step closer to getting your next interview.

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  • Resume Name and File Type: How to Save Your Files Right

There are plenty of variants of how to name your resume and cover letter before sending it to recruiters. But if you fail to do it right, it may lessen your chances to get an invitation for the desired interview . According to TheBalanceCareers, you should not name your file as “resume.doc”. If you do so, it will probably be lost among thousands of similar applications. In this article we are going to suggest several options, choose one to make a proper resume file name.


How to Name Resume File


If you use this scheme while signing your resume or cover letter name, the recruiter will receive all the necessary information from the beginning. It will probably look like:



The disadvantage of this method is that such resume titles might be too long if your surname or job title has many symbols. As The Job Network states, resume file name should not be longer than 24 characters.


This one may resolve the problem of the long document name. Use it as:


You should always use your name firs in the file title. In case all resumes are stored together in one folder, they are sorted in alphabetical order. This will allow recruiters to easily find your resume file name in the list.

Capitalization vs. Lowercase

Besides the wording, you should also pay attention to capitalization, word separation, file format, etc., before sending an application . When we talk about capitalization, there are no strict rules on that. Different recruiters have different opinions on the files they receive. Nevertheless, capitalization can make reading easier and know for sure when your first name ends and your surname begins. The same story is with cover letter names. Our main recommendation is to stay consistent. Whatever you choose, use the same scheme both for your resume and cover letter file name.


Word Separation

Resume names with spaces may look good on your computer. However, you should keep in mind that recruiters may use different systems to check your resume, such as ATS. Therefore, your resume file name which looks like

John Doe Resume.pdf


Probably, that is not what you expected. Therefore, we would recommend to use hyphen dash or underscore to separate words in your resume names. Both


Will be fine.

There’s another way to name your resume. You can put all the words together, omitting separation, but use capitalizing to mark them:


This one looks good for the human eye but may cause problems for ATS . Thus, you can use it only in case you’re 100% sure that the recruiter doesn’t use any resume tracking systems and reviews all the resumes individually.

Special Characters

According to the resume titling standards, you may use letters, numbers, dashes and underscores signing your files. You should omit extra characters, such as apostrophes, commas, dollar signs or accents. Keep in mind that dates (current year or your birth date), version numbers or other signs may confuse recruiters.

First Name or Last Name First?

As we already mentioned, hiring managers use different systems to track applications. These systems may sort the files by their names and surnames. And you’ll never know how these systems work. Nevertheless, in English tradition, we usually use the first name at the beginning. Most of the systems are oriented on public, and most of the applicants start signing their files with their first name. This is the case when going with the crowd is better than alone.


Resume file format

Choosing the best resume format when saving your resume is extremely important. Applicants usually choose between Word and PDF resume. In order to decide whether to use your resume in pdf or word, let’s look at the pros and cons of each of them.

Advantages of Resumes in PDF:

  • PDF resume will be opened with all the computers and operating systems
  • Your resume in pdf format will not be a mess whatever tool the recruiter uses to open your file
  • PDF resume format allows more creative freedom

PDF Resume Disadvantages:

  • Dated ATS may trouble with pdf resume
  • If you use graphics in your PDF resumes, the ATS may not read texts written in images.

Word Document Format Advantages:

  • ATS software easily reads a resume in Word format
  • It makes sense to use Word resume format with simply designed documents

Word Resume Disadvantages:

  • Resume formatting can be messed up if the recruiter opens your file using another tool
  • Resume in word is editable, so others can change it or delete some sections accidentally or on purpose

Well, it’s up to you to decide. If you want our point of view, we agree with Amy Wolfgang, LinkedIn publisher, and would recommend using PDF resume in most of the cases. But you should remember some rules to make all the sections visible by ATS when sending resume as pdf:

  • Don’t use charts, graphics, images or text boxes; it is only allowed to use some simple formatting, such as tables
  • Make sure, all the texts can be copied and pasted easily
  • Don’t use any special symbols unless they are on the keyboard
  • Don’t use image files, such as JPG or PNG

These rules for resume in pdf may have some exceptions. For example, if you know that your resume will be directed to recruiter personally or if you’re applying for a creative job and want to demonstrate your talent with resume formatting.

Just keep consistent and logical when making decisions on resume names, cover letter names, and formats.

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resume document name format

Resumes and Cover Letters

A compelling resume and cover letter can be your ticket to an interview.

Take the time to format and customize your cover letter and resume so you will stand out from the crowd. See the CVC's best practices below.

Not sure where to begin? Make an appointment! Our trained staff are happy to review your resume or cover letter to provide tips and insights to help you put your best foot forward.

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Resume Format Matters Sample Resume

Resume Template

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Main Resume Template

CVC Cover Letter Template

Cover Letter Template

Download a copy of the CVC's cover letter template as a starting point for your own.

CVC Cover Letter Template

More Resume Resources

Formatting your resume.

Download this PDF for some of the CVC's best tips on formatting your resume.

Resume Format Matters PDF

Cover Letter Outline

Writing a cover letter is more of an art than a science; there isn't always a strict formula to follow. Download this PDF to learn more.

CVC Cover Letter Outline PDF

Tailoring Your Documents

Customizing both your resume and cover letter to each individual application will help you stand out from other applicants. Download this PDF to learn more about tailoring your documents.

Resume and Cover Letter Making Them Yours PDF

Sample Resumes

Click here for more sample resumes tailored to different majors, fields, and school years.

Resume Samples

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Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: Supreme Court asks 'how will public health infrastructure run if…'

Kolkata doctor case hearing live updates: supreme court has started hearing the kolkata rape-murder case..

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live Updates: Supreme Court hearing begins

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live Updates: The Supreme Court has started hearing the Kolkata rape-murder case. Today, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is expected to submit a status report on the ongoing investigation.

The rape and murder of the trainee doctor has sparked nationwide protests. The top took suo motu cognizance of the matter and constituted a National Task Force to recommend guidelines to ensure the safety of medical professionals. A CBI investigation into the matter is underway.

SC said that it is deeply concerned about the safety of doctors across India. "If women cannot go to work and be safe, we are denying them the basic right to equality. We have to do something" the court said.

The trainee doctor's body with severe injury marks was found inside the seminar hall of the hospital's chest department on August 9. A civic volunteer was arrested by the Kolkata Police the following day for his alleged involvement in the rape-murder incident.

On 21 August, West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose paid a visit to the family of the trainee doctor.

Meanwhile, The West Bengal Health Department removed the newly appointed principal of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, Suhrita Pal, who was also the Head of the Chest Department, along with one Assistant Superintendent, following demands from the students. Manas Kumar Bandyopadhyay has now been named as the new principal of RGKMCH.

Catch all the LIVE Updates on Kolkata rape-murder case here

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: Abhishek Banerjee breaks silence amid protests over Kolkata doctor rape-murder case

Taking to X, he wrote, “Over the past 10 days, while the nation has been protesting against the #RGKarMedicalcollege incident and demanding justice, 900 RAPES have occurred across different parts of India - DURING THE VERY TIME WHEN PEOPLE WERE ON THE STREETS PROTESTING AGAINST THIS HORRIBLE CRIME.

Sadly, a lasting solution still remains largely undiscussed."

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: ‘All the courts are protesting’: Lawyers wear black ribbon 

"On the request of the Delhi Bar Council, all the courts are protesting, all the lawyers are wearing black ribbon today. The way Kolkata incident happened, and such cases have become rampant with incidents everyday, it has shattered our soul. The SC CJI has also given assurances. Doctors, lawyers should get protection. The Centre should take strict steps without any delay," says Vice Chairman of Bar Council of Delhi Sanjeev Nasiar as lawyers are wearing black ribbon as symbolic protest to the Kolkata rape and murder incident.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: 'Court will ensure no adverse action against protesting resident doctors', CJI 

Supreme Court says let the health professionals return to work and once they return to duties the court will prevail upon authorities to not take adverse action.

Supreme Court says how would the public health infrastructure function if doctors did not return to work.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: Supreme Court hearing begins

Supreme Court begins hearing on suo motu petition on the rape and murder of a doctor in state-run RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata, West Bengal

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: Delhi doctors' indefinite protest enters 11th day with no end in sight

The indefinite protest by resident doctors here against the alleged rape and murder of a trainee medic in a Kolkata hospital entered the 11th day on Thursday despite the Supreme Court requesting protesters to resume work. Patient services in hospitals across Delhi have been severely affected by the protest.

"We don't understand the basis for selecting the task force members. There should have been representation from resident doctors, which is what we have been advocating for.

"Additionally, there should be representation from professors of government medical colleges as acts of violence are predominantly observed in government hospitals, not in private facilities," an official of the doctors' body said as quoted by PTI.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live:Healthcare services affected in Bengal as doctors continue stir

Healthcare services at state-run hospitals in West Bengal continued to remain affected on Thursday as junior doctors persisted with their strike for the 14th day. Despite the West Bengal government’s efforts to address the situation by transferring three RGKMCH officials and canceling the former principal Sandip Ghosh’s new posting at Calcutta Medical College and Hospital (CNMC), the striking doctors have vowed to continue their protest.

While speaking to news agency PTI , one of the agitating doctors said, “Our agitation will continue as only part of our demands have been met. We have the main demand for the justice of our sister yet to be fulfilled. We will wait and see today's development at the Supreme Court and decide after that."

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: Watch | Sandip Ghosh arrives at CBI office

Former principal of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, Sandip Ghosh arrives at CBI office

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: ‘TMC has no sensitivity about the case, their only attempt is…’ Shehzad Poonawalla

As Supreme Court to hear the RG Kar Medical College rape and murder case again today, BJP leader Shehzad Poonawalla said, “... The case has shaken the conscience of the country, but unfortunately, it has not shaken the conscience of Mamata Banerjee. She continues to be brazen rather than resign. The institutional systematic cover-up done by the West Bengal government and police has been exposed by the Supreme Court."

"The High Court and even the parents of students have spoken about how Mamata Banerjee's government is not in the interest of getting justice for the victim, but she is hell-bent on 'balatkari bachao, saboot mitao, sach chhupao'. The Kolkata Police, instead of taking action against TMC Ministers who are speaking ill against the protesting doctors, are taking action against civilians and doctors. Now Kunal Ghosh has compared this incident to Pulwama. What is he trying to imply and why is he trivialising this issue? TMC has no sensitivity about this case and their only attempt is to save the accused..."

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: Supreme Court hearing to begin shortly. What to expect?

The Supreme Court hearing on the Kolkata rape-murder case will resume shorlty. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is set to file a status report today on the investigation in the case. In addition to this, West Bengal police also has to give report on vandalism probe.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: AIIMS Delhi to conduct security audit amid protest

AIIMS Delhi authorities have announced a security audit in the hospital amid the ongoing protest by its doctors demanding security at the working place following the rape and murder of a woman trainee doctor at Kolkata's RG Kar medical college and hospital.

Speaking to ANI on Wednesday, Dr Rima Dada, AIIMS spokesperson said, "Our director M Srinivas has assured safety and security to our doctors. He has formed two committees for it. One committee will address their immediate concerns. A collaborated internal security audit will happen".

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: What to expect from SC hearing today?

CBI to file status report on the investigation while West Bengal police also has to give report on vandalism probe.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: 3 officials of RG Kar hospital transferred amid protests

The West Bengal government removed three senior officials of the RG Kar hospital, bowing to the demand of junior doctors who have been protesting against the alleged rape and murder of a postgraduate trainee in the state-run health facility.

The three senior officials of the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital (RGKMCH) were transferred to various state-run health facilities. According to an order issued on Wednesday evening, Prof (Dr) Bulbul Mukhopadhyay, the Medical Superintendent and Vice Principal of the RG Kar MCH, was replaced by Saptarshi Chatterjee with immediate effect.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: Who are the National Task Force members constituted by SC?

In national Task Force, these are the following members that are constituted:

1. Vice Admiral Arti Sarin, AVSM, VSM, Director General of medical services in Indian Navy

2. D Nageshwar Reddy, Chairman of Asian Institute of Gastroenterology and AIG Hospitals, Hyderbad.

3. M Srinivan, Director, AIIMS Delhi

4. Dr Pratima Murty, National Institute of mental health and neuroscience, Bengaluru

5. Govardhan Dutt Puri, Executive Director, AIIMS, Jodhpur

6. Dr. Saumitra Rawat, Chairperson. Institute of Surgical Gastroenterology, GI and HPB Onco-Surgery and Liver Transplantation

7. Anita Saxena, Dr Anita Saxena, Vice-Chancellor of Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences in Rohtak

8. Pallavi Sanwle, Dean, JJ School of Hospital, Mumbai

9. Padma Srivastava, Padma Shri Dr. (Prof.) M.V Padma Srivastava, currently serving as the Chairperson of Neurology at Paras Health Gurugram

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: SC directs NTF to submit an interim report within 3 weeks and…

In the last hearing on 20 August, Supreme Court had directed the National Task Force to submit an interim report within 3 weeks and the final report within two months.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: CISF ADG Kundan Krishnan meets WB Health Secretary NS Nigam, Kolkata Police

CISF senior officials, led by Additional Director General (ADG) Kundan Krishnan, recently convened a meeting with West Bengal's Health Secretary, N.S. Nigam, and key figures including the principal of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital as well as representatives from the Kolkata Police. The discussions centered around the deployment of CISF personnel, enhancing security measures, and other critical aspects of maintaining safety at the medical institution.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: Visuals from RG Kar Medical College & Hospital

Visuals from RG Kar Medical College & Hospital where the students have been protesting against the sexual assault and murder of a woman post-graduate trainee (PGT) doctor on August 9.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: Former RG Kar Medical official accuses ex-Principal Sandip Ghosh of ‘running huge nexus’

Akhtar Ali, ex-Deputy Superintendent at the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital filed a case against ex-principal Sandip Ghosh in the Calcutta High Court, alleging a massive nexus involving various scams.

Akhtar Ali told ANI that Sandip Ghosh is allegedly involved in scams like biomedical waste, illegally handling dead bodies, failing students and demanding bribes, awarding unnecessary tenders and operating illegal stall kiosks.

He said, "Today I have filed a case in the High Court, a criminal case, that case has been registered and its admission hearing is tomorrow. I have also appealed to the High Court for my safety and security because I am also getting threats. And this is a very big scam. Sandip Ghosh has a very big nexus which I want to expose."

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: National Federation of Resident Doctors of AIIMS moves intervention application in SC

The National Federation of Resident Doctors of AIIMS has moved an intervention application in the Supreme Court, highlighting the concerns of various resident doctors in all AIIMS across the country. The National Federation of Resident Doctors, in the application, sought the top court to intervene in the ongoing matter whereby the top court has initiated a petition on its own to ensure the safety of the health professionals.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: Protests singe Kolkata streets

Protestors from across walks of life, who joined in solidarity with the ongoing junior doctors’ agitation against the alleged rape and murder of the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital medic, on Wednesday took the streets of Kolkata and beyond by storm, even as public healthcare in West Bengal continued to remain sorely affected.

Senior doctors, nurses and wannabe medics from across medical colleges of the state, numbering a few thousand, conducted a march to the state health department headquarters, Shwasthya Bhavan, and laid siege to the premises till representatives of protestors met the department’s top officials and submitted a memorandum this afternoon.

Medical professionals and students take part in a protest rally against the rape and murder of a doctor in Kolkata on August 21, 2024. (Photo by AFP)

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live:West Bengal Governor Ananda Bose visits Kolkata rape-murder victim's family

West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose paid a visit to the family of the trainee doctor who was found dead at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata. While speaking to reporters, he said, “I came straight from Delhi to meet the parents (of the deceased) and to understand their sentiments. They told me certain things. I would keep them confidential now. Based on the information that I have, I will write a letter today and send it to the Chief Minister in a sealed cover. I will discuss the rest of the things with you later."

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: AIIMS spokesperson speaks on Director's plea for resident doctors to resume work

Dr Rima Dada, AIIMS spokesperson says, " Our Director M Srinivas has requested the Resident Doctors Association to comeback to work as patients who have come from far away are facing a lot of issues...he has reassured safety and security of our doctors. He has formed two committees for it. One committee will address their immediate concerns...AIIMS has got 2,900 security guards, in addition to that everywhere CCTV cameras have been installed..."

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: BJP presses for resignation of CM Mamata; TMC terms it 'drama politics'

BJP leaders on Wednesday pressed for the resignation of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee over the sexual assault and death of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital while the TMC said that the case is under the Supreme Court's observation and it is all baseless and drama politics.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: A quick look at what Supreme Court said in last hearing

Top highlights from SC hearing:

- SC urged striking doctors to call off their strike, saying their concerns are receiving the highest importance before the top court.

-The court further asked the West Bengal government to refrain from "unleashing the power of the state" on peaceful protestors and others commenting on the incident.

-The apex court directed the CBI to submit a status report on the probe on August 22.

-The top court directed to form a 10-member national task force to make recommendations on prevention of violence and safe working conditions for medical professionals.

-The task force has been asked to submit its interim report within three weeks from August 20, and the final report by two months thereafter.

-Supreme Court ordered CISF to provide security at RG Kar Medical College Hospital in Kolkata.

-SC said ‘cannot wait another rape, murder for changes on ground’

- SC said that it was deeply concerned about the fact that name, a photograph of the victim is all over India. CJI said, “Deeply concerned of the fact that name, photograph of the victim is all over the India. We are deeply concerned about the fact that the name, photo and video clip of the Kolkata rape victim was published all over. The law prohibits publishing victims' names. Is this the way we provide dignity to the young doctor who has lost her life?"

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: No lawyer ready to represent accused Sanjay Roy; here’s what it means

No lawyer is willing to represent Sanjay Roy, the primary suspect in the Kolkata rape and murder case, News18 reported. The absence of a lawyer is stopping the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) from going ahead with the investigation. The CBI cannot conduct a polygraph test, commonly known as a lie-detector test, without the accused's consent. A lawyer can explain the implications of the test, provide legal advice and help Roy make an informed decision. His consent can be legally obtained only if he agrees after understanding his rights and the potential consequences.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: Manas Kumar Bandyopadhyay appointed as Principal of RG Kar

Professor Manas Kumar Bandopadhyay has been appointed the principal of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata. This development comes a week after Prof Suhrita Paul was appointed to the post. Paul has been appointed the principal of Barasat Government Medical College and Hospital, as per a notification issued by the West Bengal Health Department.

Kolkata Doctor Case Hearing Live: CBI to file status report on investigation

The Supreme Court, which directed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to submit a status report on the progress made in its investigation into the killing, also asked the state government to submit a report on the action it has taken against the vandals.

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  5. How to Choose a Resume Name (With Examples)

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  12. How to Name your Resume document

    The file name should be professional, concise, and include your full name, the word "resume" or "CV," and the date in a consistent format. Avoid generic names and use underscores or hyphens instead of spaces.

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  15. What Should You Name Your Resume File?

    You should name your resume file with your full name, the target job, and the word resume, separated by dashes or underscores.

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  22. What to Name Your Resume File?

    Don't Name It Just "Resume". It is essential to include the word "Resume" in the title of the document, but don't ever forget to also write your name. Your resume's file name should help it stand out from other applications. And naming it just "Resume" does exactly the opposite.

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    Templates Resume Template. Take a look at the CVC's resume template as a starting point to draft your own. Keep scrolling for formatting tips and more sample resumes. Main Resume Template. Cover Letter Template. Download a copy of the CVC's cover letter template as a starting point for your own. CVC Cover Letter Template. More Resume Resources

  25. Kolkata rape-murder case LIVE updates: Supreme Court hearing to resume

    Kolkata rape-murder case LIVE updates: SC had directed CBI to file status report by August 22 on investigation in Kolkata rape-murder case.