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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

How to Write KPIs on your Resume

Sarah Moore

Employers are always looking for measurable evidence that  candidates have what it takes to succeed . Therefore, understanding the art of including KPIs on your resume turns into an invaluable element of securing a job offer, while leaving a profound impact on recruiters.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the  most important criteria  that can be used to assess your ability to do a job. However, different jobs will require you to emphasize different KPIs, which you’ll need to take into consideration when you  create a resume .

To help you give your document  the best shot at success , we’re going to show you how to include KPIs in your resume. Find out what kind of performance indicators employees will want to see on the page.

Why Should I Add Metrics to My Resume?

Knowing how to add metrics to your resume can be the game-changing factor that sets you apart from the competition.  Numbers don’t lie , and in today’s competitive job market, presenting a quantifiable record of your achievements is  more persuasive than vague descriptions .

Metrics provide concrete evidence of your capabilities, showing prospective employers not only what you’ve done, but  how well you’ve done it .

With hiring managers and recruiters spending only seconds scanning each resume, a data-driven narrative helps them  quickly and easily understand your value .

Here are some  convincing reasons  why you should include  KPIs on your resume :

  • Proof of performance : Metrics serve as tangible evidence of your achievements, demonstrating that you’ve met or exceeded professional goals.
  • Attract attention : Numbers naturally draw the eye. Use them to emphasize your successes and keep the reader engaged.
  • Showcase skills : Metrics can highlight your problem-solving abilities, teamwork, leadership skills, and other competencies that employers value by presenting tangible evidence of your achievements and capacity to drive results in your past roles.
  • Speak the employer’s language : Businesses run on data. By speaking their language, you’ll demonstrate that you understand and can contribute to their objectives.

Whether it’s hitting sales targets, leading a team to success, or driving operational efficiencies, metrics make your success story  more compelling and credible .

To add them correctly use our resume builder. It is full of expert tips and advice that will speed up the process and give you an edge over other candidates.

Where Should KPIs Go on Your Resume?

In the majority of cases, KPIs on resumes will appear in your  work experience section . Using numbers and figures from your work from the past is  highly effective  in grabbing the attention of a hiring manager.

These will complement the  skills  and career history you state on the document by providing  evidence and measurable criteria  that you can do what you say you can. It’s all very well saying you’re the best salesperson ever, however, without the numbers backing it up the person reading your resume may remain skeptical.

KPIs are  must-haves for your resume  and by making them clear and easy to find, you’ll be able to make sure they stand out well to an employer reading your document.

Make sure to tailor these career achievements to the type of job you’re targeting to give your application the best shot at success.

resume with kpi sample

KPI 1: How You Stimulated Growth

A major resume KPI that a hiring manager will want to see is how you fostered growth in a company. Businesses are always eager to seek new revenue streams and  boost production or sales , therefore if you’ve got the numbers, flaunt them.

This can be reflected on the page in various ways. You can pinpoint the  percentile growth you helped to realize , the new markets you helped your previous employers enter, or where you were able to increase output exponentially.

What Kind of Positions Use This KPI?

A hiring manager for any job where you  generate products or make sales  will be looking closely at the figures you can pull in or your output per hour. Highlight this KPI especially if you’re seeking work as a:

  • Retail Manager

Sales Manager

  • Machine Operator
  • Insurance Manager
  • Factory Worker
  • Account Manager
  • Press Operator
  • Store Manager

Resume Metric Example to Show Growth

Let’s look at a couple of examples to see this KPI in action.

Achieved a 30% year-over-year revenue growth in the assigned territory, surpassing annual sales targets consistently.

This metric demonstrates the ability to drive sales growth and exceed targets. It quantifies the impact the sales manager had on the organization and provides evidence of their successful performance.

Implemented process improvements that reduced food wastage by 20%, resulting in significant cost savings for the restaurant.

In this example, their skill at implementing process improvements and effectively managing resources demonstrates their dedication to cost control and efficiency, which are crucial factors in the success of a kitchen operation.

By including this KPI, the line cook  presents tangible evidence of their impact  on reducing waste and contributing to the overall profitability of the restaurant.

Using the CAR Method

An alternative way to write these statements, if you wish to change the focus of the KPI, is to use the CAR method. This emphasizes the challenge first. You can formulate your impact statements by following this order:

  • What was the Challenge that you faced?
  • What specific Actions did you take?
  • What were the measurable Results of those actions?

Let’s see an example:

Web Designer

Addressed an outdated website design challenge by revamping it with modern, responsive layouts, resulting in a 20% reduction in bounce rates and a 25% increase in online sales within six months.

KPI 2: How Much Money or Time Did You Save The Company?

Every company wants to  maximize their efficiency  and want to have people on their payroll who can help them do that. If you’ve helped streamline an enterprise’s finances, or you’ve found a new faster way to get work done, then a quick summary of some of these eye-catching figures needs to be on your resume.

Do this by marking down how much money you managed to save the company and how.  Highlight where you brought these efficiencies  and how you helped with their implementation. Also, note how you managed to reduce unnecessary expenses or tasks and how this allowed employees to focus more on more urgent jobs.

Job openings for positions where you are  managing finances, projects, or efficiency  within an organization will highly prize savings KPIs. This is the case with some of the following roles:

  • Financial Analyst
  • Product Developer
  • Data Entry Clerk
  • Materials Engineer

Software Tester

Resume Metric Example  to Show Time or Money Saving

Look at how this works in real examples:

Implemented an automated expense tracking system, resulting in a time savings of 15 hours per week and increasing overall efficiency.

The bookkeeper’s experience in leveraging technology to streamline processes and save valuable time is displayed by this metric. It showcases their commitment to efficiency and productivity, both essential elements in the field of bookkeeping.

The applicant provides concrete details of their contribution to time-saving measures, which benefits their workflow and the efficiency of the company.

Identified and reported critical defects during testing phases, reducing post-production issues by 40% and saving $100,000 in potential rework costs.

In this situation, the KPI in focus is the “dodging of $100,000 in possible redo costs” done by the software tester. This number shows their talent in finding big issues during testing, stopping costly problems from popping up when the software is in use.

It also points out their strong commitment to keeping things at a high quality and the money value of their work.

Again, you could opt to emphasize the challenge you tackled. If so, you can phrase your impact statement using the CAR method we outlined previously, and it would look something like this example:

UX Designer

Initiated a comprehensive data analysis to identify underlying issues in response to declining user engagement ( C hallenge ). Led a cross-functional team in redesigning the user interface ( A ctions ), resulting in a significant profit boost of $500,000 ( R esults ).

KPI 3: Who Benefited From Your Work?

Customers and other members of staff rely on your performance to achieve their own goals. Therefore, if you hold  an essential role in a service position,  or you’re the go-between for many departments or staff, this is a KPI you’ll want to draw attention to.

In doing so you should highlight  how many people you were able to serve  (this could be per hour, per day, or month), how many staff you managed, or how many departments you coordinated with. These will give a good indication of your ability to keep staff and clients happy and business booming.

People working in the  service industry  can benefit by using these figures to show they can attend to customers quickly and enhance communication between a broad range of departments. Be sure to list these performance indicators if you’re applying for one of these jobs:

  • Technical Support

Call Center Representative

  • Bank Teller
  • Financial Advisor
  • Taxi Driver

Resume Metric Example to Show Who Benefited From Your Work

Analyze these examples to gain a deeper understanding:

Handled an average of 80 customer calls per day, providing excellent service and resolving issues promptly to ensure customer satisfaction.

Here, the key measure we’re looking at is the “average of 80 customer calls each day”. This tells us how good the call center worker is at dealing with lots of customer chats, making sure customers are happy, and really helping the business to do well.

Financial advisor

Managed a team of 5 financial advisors, providing mentorship, training, and support to maximize their effectiveness in serving clients and driving business growth.

This scenario displays a metric reflecting who profited from their efforts in a strong way. Leading a group of 5 colleagues, they offered guidance, coaching, and assistance to enhance their efficiency in attending to customers and propelling the company’s expansion.

In this context, the beneficiaries are two-fold: both the team members who received guidance and professional development, and the organization which saw a growth in its business as a direct result of this effective leadership.

KPI 4: How Many Tasks/Projects Did You Manage To Complete?

Another key element Hiring Managers will want to see from candidates is the  time it takes for them to  turn around  major projects . This not only tells the recruiter how fast you are at doing the job, but it also gives a good picture of your level of expertise.

This can be represented by the  number of projects that you managed to complete  in a year and the numberof meetings you organized per week or month amongst other things. Also, highlight times when you created essential plans and guidelines that helped the team succeed.

The most important thing to show the recruiter is that  you were proactive and effective at doing the job.

resume with kpi sample

If you’re working on big projects or your performance hinges on the completion of key tasks then it’s important to  demonstrate that you can get things done . Candidates applying for any of the following jobs may want to consider marking this experience on their resume:

  • .NET Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • App Developer
  • Board Game Designer
  • Creative Director
  • Video Game Designer

Resume Metric Example to Show the Number of Tasks or Projects You Completed

Take a look at the examples below to see how it’s done:

Video game designer

Met all project deadlines, completing an average of 15 tasks per week, contributing to the timely delivery of high-quality games.

By including this KPI, the video game designer boosted their chances by showing how they effectively  handle multiple projects simultaneously  and their commitment to meeting deadlines, while managing their workload and meeting project milestones.

Led and completed an average of 10 geological surveys, site assessments, and environmental impact assessments per month, showcasing exceptional project management skills and a consistent record of delivering results within deadlines.

The key figure to note is the “average of 10 geological tasks or jobs every month” tackled by the geologist. This demonstrates their capacity to balance multiple projects concurrently and achieve impressive results swiftly.

Their proven track record and versatility in managing a variety of tasks underscore their robust project management capabilities.

How to Generate Meaningful KPIs if You Don’t Have Easy Access to Figures

When faced with limited access to figures, generating  meaningful Key Performance Indicators  (KPIs) for your resume can still be accomplished. Don’t panic!

Consider the following strategies to create compelling KPIs that highlight your accomplishments:

  • Percentage improvements :Showcase your ability to drive positive change by emphasizing how you increased customer satisfaction or reduced project completion time by a significant percentage.
  • Comparative achievements : Demonstrate your stellar performance by stating that you outperformed sales targets or exceeded customer retention rates compared to the norm.
  • Qualitative results : Shine a spotlight on the positive qualitative results of your work. Share compelling success stories, glowing testimonials, or remarkable feedback from clients or colleagues to convey the value you bring to the table.
  • Scope and scale : Feature the size and scope of projects you managed, the number of team members under your leadership, the budget you handled, or the geographical reach of your initiatives. This information demonstrates your ability to handle significant challenges.
  • Performance awards : If you’ve received any performance awards or accolades for your work, be sure to include them on your resume. These commendations validate your exceptional performance and reinforce your credibility.
  • CAR Method : Use the CAR method if you wish to emphasize the challenges you overcame and answer three questions. What was the Challenge faced? What Actions did you take? What were the Results of those actions?

Remember, while specific numbers are ideal, the key is to provide as much context and evidence as possible to display your achievements. With these strategies, you can confidently create meaningful KPIs that impress employers, even when easy access to figures is limited.

Incorporating KPIs into your resume can sometimes be tricky, but with our resume builder, the process becomes straightforward. Our  online resume generation templates and tools  can help you save time creating a not only aesthetically pleasing but also impactful resume.

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A KPI Resume Breakdown: Quantifying Success in Every Role (30+ Examples)

Dave Fano

3 key takeaways

  • KPIs can bring your skills to life
  • Deciding which metrics to include on your resume
  • How Teal’s AI Resume Builder can help you add KPIs to your resume

The job market is competitive: You need a resume that stands out. But what separates an ordinary resume from an extraordinary one? 

One powerful strategy is incorporating key performance indicators or KPIs on a resume. These metrics tell the story of your professional journey and quantify your achievements, making them more powerful and precise.

Whether you're at the entry-level or have years of experience, understanding why, when, and how to add these metrics can be a game-changer in your job search. So, let’s jump and look at examples of KPIs that deserve a spot on your resume.

What are KPIs related to job performance?

KPIs are metrics that measure your achievements and job performance. 

They link what you have done in previous roles to the outcomes you produced. In other words, instead of just saying you did something, you can use KPIs to show how you performed in those duties. 

By showcasing the final results of what you did, KPIs can help you prove you have the right knowledge and skills for a specific role. 

For example, if you were in a sales role, you might have KPIs related to deals closed, revenue generated, or the percentage growth in sales QoQ. If you were in a project management role, your KPIs might revolve around project completion rates, staying within budget, or stakeholder satisfaction.

Why should you include KPIs on a resume?

While KPIs may seem irrelevant, they are fairly important to most hiring managers since they directly correlate with results. 

Hiring teams want to know how you’ll provide value and why they should hire you over someone else. Having impressive, quantifiable metrics to back up your claims will help you make your case.

Here are some more specific reasons why KPIs are important on your resume (or cover letter).

Showcases abilities and skills

KPIs are like storytelling with data. They don’t just state you’re good at something—they prove it. With KPIs, you give hiring managers evidence of your expertise.

Engages the recruiter or hiring manager

Clear metrics grab attention, giving potential employees more reasons to move you up to the next stage. And while they are more essential for senior roles, KPIs are a valuable tool to include at most career stages.

Facilitates interview discussions

Going into an interview armed with your KPIs is like having a cheat sheet. They’re great conversation starters, easing nerves and steering discussions toward your strengths.

Where should KPIs go on your resume?

Incorporating KPIs into your resume requires a bit of creativity. But when done right, they can effectively depict your value, skills, and potential to prospective employers.

Wherever you place your KPIs, try to weave them seamlessly into your professional summary. Don’t be afraid to balance them with qualitative descriptions. Instead of just saying, "Improved web traffic by 50%," you could say, "Crafted innovative SEO strategies, boosting web traffic by 50% and enhancing brand visibility."

With that in mind, here's a guide on where to embed KPIs, using resume action verbs for maximum impact.

Professional Summary

Your professional summary or short professional bio can be a great spot to showcase KPIs. Include the KPIs right at the top, after your contact details, with the rest of your summary information. 

The Teal AI Resume Builder makes adding your most impressive stats to your summary easy. Create your professional summary from scratch, or just use AI. 

With Teal+, you get unlimited AI generation that pulls details from your work history and other experience to ensure the metrics, numbers, and data align with your qualifications.

Sign up for Teal for free today, or upgrade your account to Teal+! 

“Work Experience” Section

Your resume accomplishments are the most common place for KPIs on a resume. You can include them under different work experience bullet points for clarity. This provides an opportunity to show how you’ve developed and used your skills throughout your work history. 

Examples of resume KPIs

Sales KPI examples :

  • Total revenue generated
  • Number of new customers acquired
  • Sales growth rate
  • Customer retention rate
  • Average deal size

Customer Service KPI examples :

  • Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)
  • Net promoter score (NPS)
  • First call resolution rate
  • Average response time

Marketing KPI examples :

  • Return on marketing investment (ROMI).
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC).
  • Conversion rate.
  • Number of leads generated.
  • Social media engagement rate.

Project Management KPI examples :

  • Percentage of projects completed on time
  • Percentage of projects within budget
  • Stakeholder satisfaction rate
  • Number of project milestones met

Operational KPI examples :

  • Efficiency rate
  • Product defect rate
  • Time taken for product assembly
  • Inventory turnover rate

HR KPI examples :

  • Employee retention rate
  • Time to fill a vacancy
  • Employee satisfaction score
  • Training completion rate

Finance KPI examples :

  • Monthly, quarterly, and yearly financial reporting accuracy
  • Cost-saving measures implemented
  • Revenue growth rate
  • Return on investment (ROI) for specific initiatives

IT KPI examples :

  • System uptime percentage
  • Number of resolved IT tickets
  • Time to resolve IT issues
  • Percentage of successful system backups

These are just a few examples, and the specific KPIs will vary depending on the industry, company, and your particular job responsibilities.

The key is to pick those KPIs that best demonstrate the value you brought to your previous roles and align them with the new position you're targeting.

How can Teal’s Resume Builder help?

As you craft your resume with Teal’s free AI Resume Builder , you’ll get real-time feedback on improving each section. This includes incorporating measurable outcomes—like KPIs—to make your resume as effective as possible.

With Resume Analysis, Teal members will see recommendations like “Time-based Statement Missing in Professional Summary” or “Improvement Metric Missing in Work Experience #2.” This feedback updates in real-time, so as you adjust your resume, Teal’s recommendations will adjust, too. 

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Teal also offers examples that guide members on how to incorporate these specific KPIs, whether using percentages, revenue generation, or another improvement range.  

Teal’s Resume Builder is free to use, but members also have the option to upgrade to Teal+ to enjoy even more great features, like unlimited AI-generated achievements, advanced analysis, unlimited keywords, and cover letter generation. 

Which metrics should you include on your resume?

The metrics you choose to add to your resume should be specific to the job you plan to apply for and correlate with the job description. The key is to think about the specific value you brought to your previous roles and learn how to quantify resume work experience in relation to future opportunities. 

Here are the top metrics you should consider adding to your resume and why.

Sales and revenue growth

Why? This directly correlates with your ability to contribute to a company's bottom line.

Example: "Increased conversion rate by 15% in Q4 2022, resulting in an additional $50,000 in revenue."

Customer satisfaction and retention rates

Why? They showcase your ability to understand, engage with, and satisfy client needs.

Example: "Improved client satisfaction scores by 20% within a year, leading to a 10% boost in customer retention."

Operational efficiency metrics 

Why? These demonstrate your knack for problem-solving, streamlining processes, cutting costs, and improving service or product delivery.

Example: "Oversaw an assembly line process improvement initiative, cutting production time by 30%."

Project completion rates

Why? It reflects your time management skills, commitment, and efficiency.

Example: "Successfully completed 95% of all assigned projects ahead of schedule over the past two years."

Cost-saving achievements

Why? This indicates your fiscal responsibility and your ability to work with budgets effectively.

Example: "Implemented a new inventory system that led to a 20% reduction in operational costs."

Team growth and management

Why? They highlight leadership skills and the ability to nurture and develop a team.

Example: "Grew the digital marketing team from 3 to 15 members, maintaining a 90% retention rate."

Engagement metrics

Why? These are especially useful for marketing, PR, or digital engagement roles, as they demonstrate your ability to capture and maintain audience attention.

Example: "Revamped content strategy, increasing website engagement by 50% and reducing bounce rates by 15%."

Training and development

Why? This showcases your commitment to personal and team growth.

Example: "Initiated a monthly training program, leading to a 40% improvement in team skills assessment scores."

What to do if you don’t have access to data

While specific numbers and percentages undoubtedly strengthen your resume, there may be times when you don't have access to exact data. But you can still paint a compelling picture of your achievements, and here's how.


If you can't recall exact numbers, it's acceptable to estimate—as long as you're reasonably sure of the ballpark figure. Use phrases like "approximately" or "around" to indicate it's an estimate.

Percentage improvements

Even if you don’t know the precise figures, you can highlight the change in performance. For example, you could say, "Increased customer satisfaction by approximately 10% over six months." 

Comparative achievements

Without exact data, you can still compare your results against a benchmark or average. For example, you might state, "Outperformed team sales targets on multiple occasions."

Remember, honesty is paramount. While it's tempting to inflate figures, recruiters value integrity. Present your achievements genuinely, and you’ll earn respect for your authenticity.

Scope and scale

Describe the breadth or depth of your work. Mention the size of the projects, the number of team members you led, or the diverse range of tasks you managed.

Qualitative results

If quantitative data is scarce, focus on the qualitative outcomes. 

Did you improve team morale? Excel at customer service? Capture this with statements like "Received frequent positive feedback from clients" or "Recognized for significantly enhancing team collaboration."

Seek testimonials

If you've left a mark on colleagues, clients, or superiors, they might remember your contributions better than you do. Ask them for testimonials or feedback that might help you recall specific achievements.

Performance awards or recognition

Mention any accolades or awards you received, even if they don't come with specific metrics attached. This still showcases your performance, just in a slightly different way.

Training and workshops

If you attended or facilitated any certification programs, workshops, or training sessions that led to improved team capabilities or performance, highlight them. Although this doesn’t provide specific measurements, it still shows your ability or interest in those topics.

Create your KPI resume achievements with Teal

When it comes to resume writing, it's essential to avoid exaggerating. Remember that recruiters and hiring managers value honesty and integrity. 

One way to refine your resume further with quantitative or qualitative data is with Teal’s Resume Builder. With Teal, you can create a resume that stands out to hiring professionals and showcases your performance effectively. 

Ready to give it a try? Sign up for Teal today !

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i identify which kpis to highlight for roles that aren't sales or revenue-driven, should i include kpis for every job listed on my resume or only certain positions, how do i quantify soft skills or less tangible achievements on my resume using kpis.

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We help you find the career dream.

How to Add KPIs and Various Performance Metrics to Your 2024 Resume

Avatar image

In This Guide:

What are kpis, how to decide if a kpi should be part of your resume, how to write your resume kpis, 4 general kpi examples for your resume, eight industry-specific kpis for your resume, key takeaways.

Resume image 1

KPIs (key performance indicators) are excellent for showcasing your expertise. However, deciding which KPIs to include on your resume can be challenging. You might need to choose between your impressive sales track record, the number of leads you converted, and the retention rates you maximized.

Consider the big-picture impact, such as the bold financial opportunity you suggested that doubled annual cash flow. Selecting the right KPIs isn't a simple "this or that" decision. The KPIs you choose should create a data-led narrative  of your past achievements.

Focusing on these success metrics, find out:

  • What are KPIs, in the context of your resume?
  • The difference between KPIs that hit all the targets vs ones that miss the mark.
  • How can you quantify KPIs to stop recruiters right in their tracks?
  • What are the most common KPIs you can use to show your success?
  • 8 industries and their specific KPIs: real-life professional examples

KPIs are metrics (e.g. customer engagement, ROI, etc.) that show your professional growth. Imagine them as the North Star that shines a light on how you achieve strategic goals.

Resume KPIs aren't just about boasting your "numbers"—they hint to recruiters how you define success  and your ability to turn ideas into tangible outcomes, as well as pointing out what the value of working with you would be.

One golden rule that differentiates good from bad KPIs is the way you quantify your success. Bad KPIs have no context—they are a long and endless list of responsibilities: I did this, and this, and that…

Good resume KPIs, on the other hand, quantify how you performed by using specific numbers and statistics, when possible.

  • • Finding new customers every month.
  • • Sold products.
  • • Retained customers.
  • • Worked in a team.

The sales consultant listed just a couple of responsibilities and outcomes of her role. There are no specifics as to what was actually achieved, the skills that were used, or how her efforts affected the company.

Instead of creating a similar, vague listing in your resume experience section, here’s what you should do.

  • • Growing the customer base by +5K or 45% per month via cold calls.
  • • Used email marketing to sell +25K units of the company's latest B2C software.
  • • Implemented strategy to improve customer care and retained 25 current customers in the first six months.
  • • Helped 12 junior consultants improve their performance with one-on-one consultations, exceeding Q2 Sales Targets by 130%.

Notice how the sales consultant has added a specific skill and KPI to each bullet? Thus, she has painted the full picture of her experience and capabilities, highlighting the best results of her work.

As you may know, recruiters will be scanning your resume , spending up to seven seconds to assess if you’re a good fit. These seconds are what makes the difference between the "Invite for an Interview" and "Rejected" piles.

How do you ensure that your KPIs always shine a light on your value as a professional ?

Tailor your performance metrics to:

Show you understand the job priorities

Choose your resume KPIs, based on how closely they're related to the job  you're applying for. The more relevant the accomplishment, the closer to the top of your resume it should be.

Translate results into numbers

Numbers play a deep psychological role on any reader. Think back to the last book or document you dove into. On the first read, what popped out more: the numbers or the words?

Quantify your KPIs to tell your professional story with data, like percentages, numbers, amount of sales, etc. Of course, if you don't have exact metrics, think about how you brought value to your role. We'll get more into this in the next section of this guide.

Be persuasive and believable

Businesses thrive on data and so numbers are the way forward if you want to add credibility to your experience. Use your performance metrics to paint the full landscape of your impact and your performance.

What is more, ensure your numbers are actually believable. It could be hard to convince someone that a junior sales representative could be responsible for a "500% increase in annual profit margins". Not impossible, but definitely sounds far-fetched.

Feature your unique skill set and know-how

Instead of cherry-picking the achievements you want to brag about, remember that tangible KPIs prove your skills . Select numbers that show you know how to lead, communicate, work with specific software, etc.

Recruiters would much rather receive a notion of your unique expertise and strengths than an endless list of “ I did this and that… ”

As a hiring manager, I like to see accomplishments that's unique to you because it helps me gauge your impact/responsibility and is a good starting point for a discussion.

DrDrCr, Hiring manager & Reddit user

Now that we've covered the basics of good KPIs, how do you include them on your resume?

First, you need to be clear about the metrics that would be impressive to recruiters. Select the ones that align with the job requirements  and your work history.

Here are a few common scenarios, where you have:

Clear, quantifiable metrics (e.g. you work in sales, marketing, finance, etc.)

Use non-confidential reports, analyses, surveys, feedback, or testimonials to calculate your KPIs. There are also plenty of online tools and formulas (e.g. to find % of click-through rates) to help you out.

Access to some data, yet no metrics

Align job requirements to your current achievements. Present numbers, whenever possible, to define your outcomes and success.

Zero performance tracking

While numbers are important KPIs, you have other worthwhile (and impressive) achievements, like how the project, team, and organization benefited from your work.

Illustrate your impact by:

  • using client, colleague, or management feedback or testimonials.
  • comparing your work with your colleagues and team.
  • listing  awards or industry-crucial recognitions .
  • detailing the scope and scale of your work (e.g. project and team sizes, skills used, and results achieved).

How do you quantify KPIs on your resume?

Here are a few more tips and tricks you need to keep at hand:

  • Never lie about your performance metrics . When you don't know the exact number, list a ballpark figure, and follow up with wording that signifies the stats are "approximate".
  • If the information is confidential, replace your success metrics with X-s. Ensure you've included a key (e.g. $XM to represent $1-9 million) so recruiters can understand your achievement's magnitude.
  • Integrate KPIs through various resume sections, to answer specific job requirements. Use your experience bullets (select between three and five experience items and match each one with an individual KPI), resume summary , or your achievements and strengths section.
  • Always be consistent when structuring your KPIs. For example, you could start with a strong action verb , followed up with your skills, and the results.
  • Define your resume KPIs via the STAR method. Describe the specific Situation, Task, Action, and Result.
  • • Opened a successful e-commerce store.
  • • Redesigned websites.
  • • Conducted customer interviews.
  • • Did A/B Testing.

While this UX/UI designer has surely listed important skills and technologies for the industry, he hasn’t proven his successful track record.

What recruiters would read this as is a list of skills they want, but wouldn’t be able to grasp the candidate’s individuality or abilities.

  • • Designed and developed an e-commerce store that currently has +25K unique users, in the scope of +3 months.
  • • Transformed the appearance of +150 websites to increase their AVG CTR rate by 450%.
  • • Interviewed +15K individuals that represent our customers' ideal client, to enhance their website's functionality by 350%.
  • • Conducted very precise 25 A/B tests to discover user's visual preference, resulting in a boost in sign-ups by +1K AVG.

Within the example above, the candidate has gone on to showcase skills (e.g. designing, visual branding, etc.) and performance metrics that help his experience stand out.

Recruiters would be able to easily get a notion of the areas and projects in which this UX/UI designer would excel.

In the next part of this guide, we'll show you some general KPIs to include in your resume.

They have to do with:

  • Growth: sales and revenue
  • Cost-savings
  • High-frequency or volume

Growth: sales and revenue KPIs

Growth KPIs show how you contributed to your organization's development. When quantifying these metrics, always mark the specific figure or percentage you contributed to.

Here are some samples of sales and revenue numbers for your KPI-led resume:

  • Revenue (monthly or annual)
  • ROI of strategies and efforts
  • Departmental or organizational profitability
  • Customer or client growth
  • Number of deals, partnerships, or new markets entered
  • Conversion rates
  • Frequency and success of sales campaigns
  • Team growth or hired candidates
  • Products designed or launched
  • Website visits or page views
  • Amount of secured funding

13 Jobs where you could easily find your “Growth: sales and revenue” KPIs:

  • Financial Analyst
  • Business Development
  • Web Designer
  • Product Manager
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Sales or Sales Representative
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Key Account Manager
  • Quality Control
  • Restaurant Operations Manager

Cost-savings KPIs

This one is pretty simple. Think back to instances where you were responsible for saving resources and quantify:

  • How much time or money did you save?
  • How were you able to do so?

Cost-saving KPIs show you impacted operational efficiency via problem-solving, efficiency or process streamlining, services or product improvement, etc.

Here are eight cost-cutting KPIs for your resume:

  • Company net or department profit improvement
  • Cutting project costs
  • Saving operational costs
  • Decreased time spent on tasks, projects, etc.
  • Reducing staff turnover
  • Boosting cost per conversion
  • Raising client retention or customer satisfaction rates
  • Decreasing response time

9 Roles that have clear cost-cutting KPIs:

  • Audit Manager
  • Investment Banking Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • Data Entry Analyst
  • Manual Tester
  • Test Engineer
  • Software Tester
  • UX Designer

Impact KPIs

Whether you're in the service industry or human resources (or leadership role), you don't want to miss out on quantifying your impact! Impact KPIs signify who benefited from your work or the success rate of your efforts.

On your resume, mark them as the rise in the percentage of employee or user engagement, customer satisfaction, or retention rates.

You could also include impact KPIs via the number of:

  • People you served (per hour, day, month, etc.).
  • Customers you helped.
  • Users or stakeholders your work impacted.
  • Staff you managed (the size of the team you led).
  • Teams or departments you coordinated.
  • Clients or accounts you managed.
  • People you interviewed (for how many positions) and hired.
  • Training sessions you delivered.
  • Awards you received.

10 Roles with easy-to-find impact KPIs:

  • Front of House Manager
  • Hotel Bartender
  • Call Center Customer Service
  • Sales Officer
  • Client Account Manager
  • Team Leader

High-frequency or volume KPIs

If you feature your high-frequency or volume KPIs, don't just list the tasks you did. Instead, pinpoint your aptitude by complementing tasks with skills and results.

Frame your high-frequency or volume KPIs within specific periods. Remember that quick product, project, or service turnaround, signifies your expertise.

High-frequency or volume KPIs:

  • Projects you completed in a week, month, or year.
  • Average size of the projects, you delivered, or amount of deals closed.
  • Leads conversion rate.
  • Articles written for a specific industry.
  • Marketing campaigns created and led.
  • Size of data sets worked with.
  • Meetings you organized.  
  • Phone calls or emails answered.

10 Roles that have evident high-frequency or volume KPIs:

  • Web Developer
  • Front-End Developer
  • .Net Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Big Data Engineer
  • Game Developer
  • Creative Director
  • Graphic Designer

In the next part of our guide, we’ll present a few examples of industries that have really easy-to-find KPIs.

1. Marketing KPIs

If you've worked in marketing - whether in managing social media campaigns, SEO optimization, copywriting, etc. - you’d quickly be able to grasp what your success metrics are.

Include the number or percent, followed by your outcomes.

Get inspired from these top marketing KPIs:

  • Decreased cost per conversion
  • Return on marketing investment (ROMI)
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC)
  • Increased conversion rates
  • Increased online, web, or mobile traffic
  • Click-through-rate
  • Impressions generated
  • Social media engagement
  • Quantity of content created
  • Email open/response rates
  • Leads conversion percentage

2. Sales KPIs

Sales metrics could have a monetary value or list the number of new customers, deals, or partnerships closed.

Aim to be as accurate as possible when listing your sales KPIs and select the ones that best match your expertise:

  • Amount of partnerships created or deals signed
  • Size of the average deal closed
  • Clients managed
  • Number of new customers acquired
  • Customer retention rate
  • Sales opportunities created
  • Total revenue generated
  • Sales growth rate
  • Gross profit
  • Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)
  • Inventory turnover
  • Average sales size

3. Customer service KPIs

Anyone working in a customer-facing role can include how they reached an excellent success score.

Quantify on your resume your:

  • Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)
  • Net promoter score (NPS)
  • First call resolution rate
  • Average response time
  • Average resolution time
  • Customer retention percent
  • Cost of customer acquisition
  • Customer lifetime value
  • Amount of tickets completed within set time

4. Project manager KPIs

Project managers could detail cost or schedule metrics, as well as communication and risk management ones.

Think of situations that best describe how you impacted the:

  • Percentage of projects completed on time
  • Average of projects within budget
  • Number of project milestones met
  • Optimized resource utilization
  • Stakeholder satisfaction rate
  • Risk management
  • Project ROI (Return on Investment)
  • Schedule variance or Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
  • Cost variance or Cost Performance Index (CPI)
  • Earned Value Management (EVM)

5. Product Manager KPIs

Success metrics would once more be linked with optimized resources and user impact.

Quantify the actions, steps, and skills you used to improve the overall product strategy, launch, and performance, over a set period.

In your experience, you could have:

  • Successfully launched products
  • Improved feature adoption
  • Increase product usage metrics
  • Reduced cycle times or time to market
  • Reduced errors
  • Improved forecast accuracy
  • Increased product revenue or market shares
  • Impacted customer acquisition or retention
  • Boosted user engagement

6. Finance KPIs

While including success metrics could be your winning card on your resume, think twice before sharing confidential information.

Sample KPIs you could prove (and/or anonymize) include:

  • Monthly, quarterly, and yearly financial reporting accuracy
  • Cost-saving measures implemented
  • Revenue growth rate
  • Return on investment (ROI) or Return on Equity (ROE)
  • Profit margin improvement
  • Budget or cash flow management
  • Debt reduction
  • Managing an investment portfolio
  • Compliance and audit results
  • Tax optimization
  • Mergers and acquisitions

Define the success rate of your hiring and team development efforts with some of these metrics:

  • Employee retention rate
  • Time to hire
  • Cost per hire
  • Employee satisfaction or engagement scores
  • Training completion rate
  • Performance management systems
  • Absenteeism rate
  • Operational efficiency
  • Onboarding effectiveness
  • Reducing employee turnover

8. System administrator KPIs

Time and number of users or systems are an important metric in any IT-related role.

Ensure that you've framed your skills within the following outcomes:

  • System uptime percentage
  • Number of resolved help desk tickets
  • User support satisfaction
  • Incident response time
  • Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
  • Network downtime
  • Server performance
  • System backup and successful data recovery percentage
  • Speed of shipped updates
  • Number of accounts or users supported
  • Increased virtualization efficiency
  • Disaster recovery testing
  • IT asset management
  • Show your potential employers you understand your future responsibilities by featuring KPIs that match the job requirements more prominently.
  • Excellent resume metrics are ones that are persuasive, believable, and prove your unique skill set and knowledge.
  • Include KPIs with numbers (e.g. increased profit margins, AVG percent of engagements), whenever possible in your resume experience and summary.
  • If you’re unable to list specific figures, either write a guess estimate or detail your actual role outcomes.
  • Check the nature of your KPIs - if they’re confidential, substitute numbers with letters.

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  • Aug 19, 2023
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42 Resume Metrics and Examples to Quantify Achievements in All Industries

Updated: Feb 12

Quantifying your achievements on a resume increases your hireability by a staggering 40%.

Now, I could have said that you'll have better chances of getting hired if you add data to your resume. Or that incorporating specific metrics can significantly enhance your resume's impact.

Yet, the fact is that none of these statements sound as convincing as the first one, right? It's like saying, "Hey, you'll double your shot at landing that job and this number proves it." And that's the point—numbers talk. They add substance and credibility to your resume, making it more than just a list of job duties. Your resume becomes a story of real accomplishments, not just a bland rundown of roles you've held.

This is exactly why you should add metrics to your resume.

But if you've given it a shot, you must have realized that it's not easy. Especially if you don't work in the usual data-driven industry, such as sales or finance.

That's where my expertise comes in. Drawing from my experience as a recruiter who has reviewed over 30,000 resumes and assisted countless clients in leveling up their resumes with these metrics, I've put together this list of 40+ resume metrics for all industries.

This guide is chock-full of the best resume data and real-life examples that'll help you put those achievements into numbers and make your resume pop. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, here you'll find the perfect resume metrics to quantify your achievements. By the way, if you want to perfect your resume, you should also check these blog posts:

Bullet Point Breakdown: Simple Formula + Key Tips for a Stronger Resume

Resume Action Verbs: Power Up Your Resume with Impactful Words

Fix 20 Most Common Resume Mistakes in Less Than 5 Minutes

Ready? Let's dive in.

Disclaimer: This article includes relevant affiliate links to services, resources, and tools I wholeheartedly recommend. If you buy something through these links, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Your purchase helps me share more helpful content. Thanks if you choose to support me this way!

Resume Metrics for All Industries

When it comes to creating a standout resume that beats the competition, simply listing your job duties and responsibilities doesn't quite cut it.

Here's the thing: you're likely to be up against a lot of qualified candidates applying for the same job as you. Odds are, all of you have pretty similar backgrounds and qualifications. So, if all of you turn in resumes that just rattle off your past tasks and duties, hiring managers are going to read the same job application over and over again – including yours... unless you toss in some information that sets you apart.

That's where resume metrics come in.

By incorporating specific metrics into the work experience section on your resume, you'll offer tangible proof of your accomplishments and put your ability to deliver results on full display. Even more importantly, this is how you'll differentiate yourself and get your resume shortlisted.

See, listing responsibilities keeps you in the same lane as everyone else. But listing achievements – that's what truly distinguishes you from the crowd.

Responsibilities blend you in. Achievements set you apart.

So, let's go through resume metrics across different industries , including:

customer service

Human Resources (HR)





Curious about the best resume metrics that can be used in all sectors? Check out the list of five key resume metrics you *must* add to your resume, regardless of your industry.

And remember—you should demonstrate your skills through concrete numbers, too. Head to this guide on how to put quantifiable skills on a resume , to find out how to measure and quantify soft skills like leadership, communication, and project management.

resume with kpi sample

Resume Metrics for Sales

In the highly competitive world of sales, numbers speak louder than words. Including sales metrics in your resume demonstrates your ability to exceed targets and generate revenue which are the key things employers expect from sales candidates. The best data to use to quantify achievements in sales are:

revenue generated,

sales growth,

and conversion rates .

Get inspired with these examples:

Example: Generated over $2 million in revenue through strategic account management and upselling, surpassing annual sales targets by 15%.

Example: Spearheaded strategies that led to a remarkable 30% increase in quarterly sales revenue , contributing to significant company-wide expansion.

Example: Maintained an above-average 40% conversion rate by refining sales strategies and leveraging customer needs analysis to tailor solutions.

Want to take your sales resume to the next level? Check out 50+ quantified examples and resume metrics for sales .

Resume Metrics for Finance

Finance is a data-driven industry. Opportunities to add metrics to your resume are practically endless. These metrics provide evidence of your financial acumen and ability to manage resources effectively. Consider including data such as:

cost savings,

return on investment (ROI),

or budget compliance.

Check out these resume metrics in practice:

Example: Successfully reduced operational costs by $200K per year through diligent expense analysis and implementation of streamlined processes.

Example: Achieved a 15% return on investment in a challenging market year, showcasing the ability to navigate market fluctuations and maximize returns.

Example: Maintained strict budget compliance, consistently staying within allocated funds with an average accuracy rate of 98% .

If you work in finance, including relevant financial metrics in your resume is crucial to stand out and get noticed by recruiters. Start by adding the three metrics listed above and then explore more examples in the full guide on resume metrics for finance .

Resume Metrics for Marketing

Marketing thrives on data. The more you can quantify your achievements in marketing, the better the chances of catching the eye of hiring managers and recruiters. Add metrics such as:

lead generation,

campaign return on investment (ROI),

and audience engagement.

For instance, you might include data-driven bullet points like these:

Example: Generated a consistent average of 200 leads monthly by leveraging data-driven insights to optimize lead capture forms and landing pages.

Example: Generated a 200% ROI from an email marketing campaign by implementing personalized content and strategic segmentation to maximize engagement.

Example: Led initiatives that drove a 25% increase in content shares and engagement through data-driven campaigns and compelling, audience-resonating content.

In marketing, these metrics are just the tip of the iceberg. There are sooo many options you can choose from. Check out the full list of resume metrics for marketing .

resume with kpi sample

Resume Metrics for Customer Service

In a customer-centric field, metrics validate your skills and highlight your impact on delivering exceptional service , which is exactly what employers look for in resumes.

To stand out, add metrics such as:

customer satisfaction ratings,

response time,

and customer retention.

Example: Maintained an above-average 95% customer satisfaction score , reflecting the ability to consistently meet and exceed customer expectations.

Example: Resolved 95% of customer issues on first contact, illustrating proficiency in understanding customer needs and providing effective solutions.

Example: Achieved a resolution rate of 90% by employing comprehensive issue analysis and collaborative problem-solving, leading to reduced escalations.

Want more? Check out the full list of customer service resume metrics .

Resume Metrics for IT

Metrics play a vital role in IT resumes. They go beyond mere descriptions, showcasing the scope and impact of your work. Plus, they demonstrate your ability to meet goals, solve problems, and drive efficiency – all essential qualities in IT roles.

Here are the key metrics that can bring your IT skills to life:

system uptime,

and project success rate.

For instance, you might include examples like these:

Example: Ensured uninterrupted operations with a record 98% system uptime rate , contributing to enhanced user satisfaction and business continuity.

Example: Reduced technical support response time by 20% , resulting in quicker issue resolution and improved end-user satisfaction.

Example: Achieved a project success rate of 90% by leveraging agile methodologies, ensuring efficient project execution and stakeholder satisfaction.

Want more? Head to the full list of resume metrics for IT .

Examples of Resume Metrics for HR

Working in HR? You've got plenty of options to choose from, regardless of your specific HR niche. Whichever department you work in, use resume metrics as a tool to highlight the value you bring to the company's table.

To do so, consider weaving in metrics such as:

employee retention rate,

time-to-fill vacancies,

and training program effectiveness.

For example, consider including bullet points like these:

Example: Maintained an above-industry average 88% retention rate by implementing innovative recognition programs and career development pathways.

Example: Streamlined recruitment processes, resulting in a 30% decrease in time-to-fill for key positions across the organization.

Example: Spearheaded training initiatives that contributed to a 90% employee satisfaction rate with skill development opportunities, up from the previous year's 75%.

Want to dig a bit deeper? Dive into this comprehensive list of resume metrics tailored to HR and elevate your HR resume.

Resume Metrics for Hospitality

If you're working n the ever-evolving landscape of the hospitality industry, you can effectively showcase your guest-focused expertise and operational prowess by integrating hospitality-specific metrics into your resume.

Consider infusing metrics such as:

guest satisfaction scores,

occupancy rates,

and revenue per available room (RevPAR).

For instance, you might add content like this:

Example: Consistently maintained a 90% guest satisfaction score by leading staff training initiatives focused on personalized service and attention to detail.

Example: Spearheaded targeted promotions and collaborative partnerships, resulting in a 20% surge in off-season occupancy rates.

Example: Achieved a RevPAR growth rate of 18% through meticulous demand forecasting and tactical rate management during peak events.

Curious for more? Explore the full list of resume metrics tailored for hospitality and craft a hospitality resume that leaves a lasting impression.

Resume Metrics for Healthcare

Working in healthcare? Showcase your clinical expertise and patient-centric achievements by seamlessly incorporating healthcare-specific metrics into your resumes.

Add powerful metrics such as:

patient satisfaction scores,

patient outcomes,

and adherence to clinical protocols.

For example, consider showcasing accomplishments like these:

Example: Sustained an above-average 90% patient satisfaction score by employing empathetic communication and personalized care plans tailored to individual needs.

Example: Achieved a notable 30% decrease in post-operative complications through meticulous preoperative preparation and vigilant postoperative care.

Example: Skillfully maintained an above-average 90% compliance rate with medication administration protocols, ensuring patient welfare and minimizing medication-related errors.

Looking for more examples? Discover an extensive list of healthcare resume metrics and word-for-word examples you can copy to your resume.

Resume Metrics for Academia

From research accomplishments to teaching accolades, scholars and academic professionals like you have plenty of metrics to add to their resumes. Wondering how you can translate your academic impact into impressive resume accomplishments?

Consider weaving in metrics such as:

student success rates,

research publications,

and teaching evaluations.

Here are a few examples:

Example: Elevated student performance by 15 points on standardized exams by implementing innovative instructional strategies and focused exam preparation workshops.

Example: Contributed to the field of environmental science with 8 research papers , culminating in a commendable 15% increase in citations year over year.

Example: Maintained consistently high teaching evaluation scores, with an average rating of 4.8 out of 5, reflecting the effectiveness of engaging instructional methods.

Even though it may not seem like it at first, there are plenty of other things that can be quantified and added to academic resumes. Check out the full list of 100+ resume metrics and examples for academia .

Resume Metrics for Administration

Whether you're a seasoned administrator or just starting out, you should use data to showcase your ability to manage administrative tasks, streamline processes, and keep operations running smoothly.

Supercharge your resume with metrics such as:

process optimization,

project completion,

and efficiency improvements.

Include bullet points like these:

Example: Led initiatives that resulted in a 30% reduction in document processing time through the implementation of automated workflows and standardized procedures.

Example: Successfully completed 5 complex office reorganization projects within the past year, resulting in improved space utilization and enhanced team collaboration.

Example: Achieved a 10% increase in team productivity by implementing time management strategies and optimizing work allocation.

Guess what? There's a lot more data you can add to your administration resume. Get the scoop on 100+ resume metrics and examples for administrative jobs .

Resume Metrics for Legal

Demonstrate your expertise in navigating legal matters through effective legal resume metrics.

The best ones to use? Definitely these three:

case success rate,

contract management,

and regulatory compliance.

Check out these examples:

Example: Represented over 100 clients in litigation, resulting in a 90% favorable judgment rate in court proceedings.

Example: Drafted and negotiated complex agreements, resulting in a 20% decrease in contract review time .

Example: Created and delivered employee training on workplace regulations, contributing to a 90% reduction in compliance violations .

Want to take it a step further? Explore this comprehensive list of resume metrics tailored for legal professionals .

Resume Metrics for Manufacturing

Metrics hold significance on manufacturing resumes as they provide quantifiable evidence of your efficiency and contributions. By including metrics, you show off your expertise and stand out as a candidate with a proven track record of enhancing operational success.

Top view of printed resume template. Two pages on top of a beige desk. Brown-framed glasses on the paper stack.

You only get one shot at impressing employers with your resume - make it count!

Here are the best metrics to use:

improvements in production,

quality control,

and cost reduction.

Example: Spearheaded initiatives that resulted in a 15% increase in production output while maintaining consistent product quality.

Example: Led a team of 150 manufacturing workers in achieving ISO 9001 certification, showcasing the ability to meet international quality standards.

Example: Introduced energy-saving measures that led to a 20% reduction in utility expenses across manufacturing facilities.

Want more? Explore the full list of resume metrics for manufacturing jobs .

Resume Metrics for Nonprofit

Showcase your impact in the nonprofit sector by quantifying your contributions and measurable outcomes that align with the organization's mission.

Include data that shows your achievements related to:

community engagement,

money raised,

and program impact.

Here's how you can quantify your results:

Example: Organized and promoted fundraising events, resulting in a 30% increase in event attendance and donations .

Example: Led a capital campaign that raised $1.5 million , exceeding the target goal by 20% and enabling program expansion.

Example: Managed a health outreach initiative, resulting in a 30% increase in preventive health screenings among underserved populations.

Want more? Check out the full list of resume metrics for nonprofit jobs .

resume with kpi sample

Examples of Resume Metrics for Engineering

In the world of engineering, where precision and innovation take the lead, resume metrics play a vital role. From project outcomes and process optimizations to cost savings and technical contributions, resume metrics serve as a powerful tool to convey your impact and expertise.

By weaving these numbers into your resume, you not only differentiate yourself in a competitive field but also offer hiring managers a clear understanding of the value you bring to the table.

Integrate metrics such as:

project delivery,

technical innovation,

and engineering impact.

For example, you can write something like this:

Example: Delivered 10 complex product development projects on time and within budget by successfully coordinating cross-functional teams to achieve project goals.

Example: Engineered innovative materials leading to a 20% improvement in product durability , setting new industry standards.

Example: Spearheaded initiatives that achieved a 20% increase in equipment reliability through enhanced maintenance procedures and predictive analytics.

There are plenty of other things that can be quantified in engineering. Need more examples for inspiration? Check out the list of 37+ metrics and examples for engineering resume s .

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Key Takeaways

Incorporating data into your resume is an essential strategy to showcase your achievements and stand out from the competition. By quantifying your accomplishments, you provide concrete evidence of your skills and the impact you have made in your previous roles.

Here are a few things to remember:

Choose relevant metrics that align with the job you are applying for.

Whether it's increasing sales revenue, reducing costs, or improving customer satisfaction, numbers tell a compelling story about your abilities.

Don't be shy to include impressive figures that demonstrate your value to prospective employers.

Use this extensive list of 40+ resume metrics and examples to craft a powerful resume that captures employers' attention and lands you your next job.

What to do next?

A poorly written resume is costing you opportunities.  Explore the best resume writing services  and let the experts transform your resume into a powerful, job-landing tool.

Actively looking for a job? Your resume is not enough.  Choose one of the best LinkedIn profile writing services  and let professionals optimize your LinkedIn for future employment.

Time for an upgrade: Select your new resume  from our collection of 50+ professional, HR-proof resume templates  and create a job-winning resume today.

Seize control of your career with insider insights!  Dive into a power-packed 60-minute 1:1 call  with an ex Global Fortune 500 recruiter and leave no job search question unanswered. Book now!

Ana Colak-Fustin, founder of Headshot of a business woman. Smiling woman in white shirt.

Ana Colak-Fustin

Hi—I'm Ana! A recruiter, HR consultant, and founder of . My career advice and job search tools have been featured in Yahoo News, The Muse, Jobscan, A Better HR Business, Starter Story, and other global media. Since 2018, over 8,000 professionals worldwide have used my resume templates to land new jobs. Ready to join them? Your success story starts here .

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Resume Pilots

How to Add Metrics & KPIs to Your Resume

resume with kpi sample

Why Resume Metrics Matter to Recruiters

While most applicants do a fine job explaining what they did in their roles on a day-to-day basis, recruiters are looking to see measurable results.

“By the time a candidate reaches the executive level, they should be able to showcase their strengths and back them up with tangible accomplishments that demonstrate they’ve made an impact in their previous roles,” Jon Hill, a recruiter from The Energists, explained .

In today’s competitive recruiting environment, metrics help differentiate you from other similar applicants, increasing your chances of securing interviews.

In this article, we discuss:

  • Why Should I Add Metrics to My Resume?

Which Metrics Should I Include on My Resume?

  • How Should I Incorporate Metrics In My Resume?
  • How Can I Check if My Resume Includes Enough Metrics?

1. Why Should I Add Metrics to My Resume?

You should add metrics and KPIs to your resume to demonstrate the tangible impact your work made on an organization, make your claims more believable, and show that you are a results-driven and action-oriented individual.

Metrics Demonstrate the Impact of Your Work

At the executive level, it’s not enough to simply outline your day-to-day responsibilities on your resume.

As Darrell Rosenstein, a recruiter from The Rosenstein Group  explained , “I want to see hard results and achievements…. Not just in words, but more importantly, in numbers.”

"Someone who is gunning for a top-management position must show their capacity to provide high-level solutions to the macro problems that any company has to deal with,” Rosenstein explained.

•  Metrics Make Your Claims More Believable

On your resume, always aim to “show” instead of “tell.

We come across many resumes that utilize overused buzzwords and phrases such as:

  • Seasoned executive
  • Self-motivated professional
  • Entrepreneurial leader
  • Passionate, driven sales professional

Instead of using exaggerated language that may elicit an eye roll from your reader, aim to incorporate metrics that demonstrate these characteristics and increase your overall credibility.

•  Metrics Show that You Are Results-Driven and Action-Oriented

Most importantly, metrics enable you to write accomplishment-driven bullet points and serve as a testament to the fact that you care about delivering results.

By adding metrics to your resume, you help recruiters and hiring managers to get a much better sense of how you will be able to practically add value to their organizations.

You can find relevant metrics to add to your resume no matter what type of role or industry you work in. Consider incorporating metrics related to sales and revenue, profitability, costs, people, marketing, partnerships, performance and operations, and data analysis.

To some extent, the metrics you have available will depend on how performance is measured in your current role or industry. However, even if you aren’t evaluated based on specific figures, you can still brainstorm ways to quantify certain elements of your role.

A writer, for example, can quantify how many articles he wrote or how much web traffic his content was able to drive.

A teacher can quantify how many students she taught or how much her students improved their standardized test scores as a result of her efforts.

As you prepare your resume, reflect on the categories of metrics and KPIs below. Under each category, we also included questions to help you brainstorm information you could potentially add to your document.

•  Sales & Revenue Metrics

  • Revenue Growth:  By how much did you increase revenue on a month-over-month or year-over-year basis (either in total or for a given product)?
  • Conversion Rate:  By how much did you increase conversions?
  • Frequency:  How often did you execute sales campaigns?
  • Customer Growth: By how much did you increase revenue for new customers versus existing customers?

•  Profitability & Cost Metrics

  • Company Net Profit:  By how much did you improve the company’s net profit?
  • Departmental Profit:  By how much did you improve departmental profitability?
  • Project Costs:  By how much did you decrease project costs?
  • Operating Costs:  By how much did you reduce operating costs and in what areas?

•  People & HR-related Metrics

  • Recruitment:  How many people did you interview or hire? Were you able to decrease the average time to hire?
  • Team Leadership:  How many people did you lead? How many teams did you oversee?
  • Retention : By how much did you improve customer or team member retention or decrease turnover?
  • Engagement:  By how much did you improve employee engagement?

•  Marketing Metrics

  • Cost Per Conversion:  By how much were you able to reduce cost per conversion?
  • ROI:  What was the ROI of your advertising campaigns?
  • Traffic:  How much were you able to increase store or online traffic?
  • Content:  How many articles did you write or ads did you create? Do you have any relevant engagement metrics?
  • Emails: What was the email open/response rate you achieved?
  • Phone Calls: How many leads did you contact and what percentage were you able to convert?

•  Partnership & Deal-Related Metrics

  • Quantity:  How many partnerships did you create, deals did you close, or clients did you manage?
  • Impact:  What impact did the partnerships that you established have on the organization in terms of revenue, funding, or sales growth?
  • Size: What was the size of the average deal you worked on?

•  Performance & Operations Metrics

  • Efficiency:  How much were you able to improve efficiency in time or percentage terms?
  • Output:  By how much did you increase productivity or output?
  • Client Satisfaction:  How much did you improve customer satisfaction metrics such as CSAT or first response time?

•  Analysis-Related Metrics

  • Projects:  How many projects did you analyze?
  • Modeling:  How many Excel models did you create? How many people used them?
  • Outcomes:  What results were you able to drive by leveraging insights from your analysis?
  • Web:  How did you improve website metrics such as bounce rate or domain authority?

3. How Should I Incorporate Metrics in My Resume?

When adding metrics to your resume, be sure to put them into context for your readers, helping them understand exactly why a given metric is relevant or impressive.

As Kelly Garland, Principal of Garland Source, explained, “Your resume [should demonstrate] that you are an impact player, able to drive change and make improvements, [and] solve pain. Make that clear and visible.”

To provide adequate context, answer the following questions for your readers:

  • When (did you achieve the metric)?
  • How (did this metric benefit the organization)?
  • Why (was improving this metric or KPI important)?

Below, we provide examples of how you can add context to your metrics by asking yourself these questions.

  • Before:  Increased sales by 10%
  • After:  Increased sales by 10%  in the first two months of entering the role
  • Before:  Signed 4 new hotel development deals
  • After:  Signed 4 new hotel development deals  in 2020, which are scheduled to open by Q4 2021
  • Before:  Decreased project completion time by 25%
  • After:  Decreased project completion time by 25%  by creating a new project management workflow in Asana
  • Before:  Reduced cost of goods sold by 12%
  • After:  Reduced cost of goods sold by 12%  via contract renegotiations with 4 major suppliers and employee training to reduce waste
  • Before:  Wrote 15 blog posts
  • After:  Wrote 15 blog posts  to improve website traffic via SEO optimization strategies
  • Before:  Developed and rolled out 4 new Excel forecasting models
  • After:  Developed and rolled out 4 new Excel forecasting models  that reduced month-end reporting time by 30%

4. How Can I Check If My Resume Includes Enough Metrics?

To quickly see which metrics are already present on your resume, copy and paste it into the tool provided by Jobscan below.

Not impressed by the results? Read through the questions above to help you identify areas that you could potentially elaborate on.

Never underestimate the importance of including metrics on your resume, as recruiters expect to see accomplishment-driven bullet points that demonstrate your value-add.

If you are currently employed, make it a priority to track your performance at work using an Excel spreadsheet or note-taking app.

You’ll not only be able to leverage this data on your resume moving forward, but you’ll also be able to bring it up during performance reviews.

By incorporating KPIs into your bullet points, tailoring your resume to your target roles , and keeping your formatting simple , you’ll be on the right track for a successful job search.

About Resume Pilots

Resume Pilots is an award-winning executive resume writing firm and a proud member of the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches. Our previous clients include CEOs and senior executives at the world's leading companies.

As a professional services firm, we take your reputation seriously. We are committed to delivering writing excellence and superior service while operating with integrity and discretion. Recruitment firms we partner with also trust us to consistently deliver quality documents for their clients.

Our writers have studied in the Ivy League and other top-tier universities and have strong writing backgrounds coupled with industry experience.

Here's how we can help you:

Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Writing Services : If you are looking for end-to-end support, hire one of our professional resume writers to rewrite your documents from the ground up.

Executive Resume Template Downloads : If you plan to prepare your own resume, consider using one of our classic, ATS-friendly resume templates for Microsoft Word.

To learn more about our services, book an introductory call with our founder here or email [email protected] .

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About the Author Matt Glodz

Matt Glodz is the Founder and Managing Partner of Resume Pilots and a Certified Professional Resume Writer. After studying business communication at Cornell University, Matt worked within Fortune 500 companies, where he noted that qualified candidates were frequently denied interview opportunities due to poorly written documents. At Resume Pilots, Matt combines his business and writing background - which includes prior work for a Chicago Tribune publication - to craft resumes that give his clients the best chance of landing interviews. He works with clients ranging from CEOs to recent graduates and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. He has been quoted on numerous business and career-related topics in outlets including Business Insider, CNBC, Fortune, Glassdoor, The Ladders, and Thrive Global.

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Most Common Types of Key Performance Indicators

Key performance indicators, or KPIs, are an important component of measuring a company’s progress toward attaining its goals. These tools can indicate whether an organization is on track to reaching its objectives or if action needs to be taken by a company to realign itself with the goals it has set. In this article, you can learn more about KPIs and review some KPI examples that are commonly used in various work settings.

What are KPIs?

A key performance indicator is a measurement used by a company to determine the progress it has made toward a particular goal. A company may use KPIs to ensure it is on the right track to reaching its objectives and to evaluate if its goals are being met on time. KPIs can be low-level or high-level, with low-level KPIs focusing on the performance and progress of teams or departments and high-level KPIs focusing on the achievements of a company as a whole.

Related:  Using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Achieve Goals

Commonly used KPIs in the workplace

The following are examples of KPIs that may be used to measure different elements within an organization:

Financial KPIs

  • Net profit margin.  This KPI is a measurement of the revenue that is left over after all other expenses have been deducted. The net profit margin informs a business how much profit it has earned after taking care of all responsibilities.
  • Operating cash flow (OCF).  The operating cash flow of a company is how much cash is created through its regular operations during a certain period of time. The formula for OCF is as follows: operating cash flow = net income + non-cash expenses – increase in working capital.
  • Average time for conversion.  This key performance indicator takes into account how long it takes from the first contact to closing a deal. 
  • Average cost per lead.  This KPI analyzes how long it takes a sales team or company to turn a lead into a conversion or customer. Cost per lead will vary greatly depending on the industry and method of marketing and advertising.
  • Monthly sales growth. A monthly sales growth KPI measures the decrease or increase in a company’s sales from month to month to determine how much the company is growing each month in sales.

Related: Using Performance Management in the Workplace

Marketing KPIs

  • Sales revenue.  Measuring the total revenue that your marketing strategies have brought in is a great key performance indicator that can show a company how effective its marketing campaign is. The formula for sales revenue is as follows: sales revenue: total sales for a year – total revenue produced from customers brought in from marketing.
  • Organic traffic. Determining the organic traffic brought in by inbound marketing is a great way to see how successful an online marketing strategy is. Successful marketing campaigns have high levels of organic traffic.
  • Inbound marketing ROI. Determining a company’s inbound marketing return on investment (ROI) can help analyze the success of a marketing campaign and enables companies to plan for future strategies. To calculate inbound marketing ROI, the formula is as follows: return on investment = (sales growth – marketing investment) / marketing investment.

Related:  Why Performance Management Is Important for Your Team

Customer KPIs

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV). This KPI measures how much money a customer is anticipated to spend throughout their tenure of using a product or service with a particular company. Knowing this value can enable companies to determine how much should be invested in getting new customers as well as keeping existing customers. The formula for CLV is as follows: CLV = average value of purchase x amount of time a customer will purchase per year x average length of time in years of customer tenure.
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC).  This key performance indicator determines how much it costs to turn a potential customer into a buying customer. This can be determined with the following formula: CAC = # of customers acquired in a certain time period / costs spent on getting more customers in the same time period.
  • Net promoter score (NPS). The net promoter score is a KPI that determines how likely customers are to recommend your company or brand to others. This KPI can best be determined through the distribution of a survey to your existing customers. Higher scores often means that a company has positive and profitable relationships with its customers.

Operational KPIs

  • Cost performance index (CPI). This KPI measures how financially efficient a project is. The CPI determines how much work is completed in relation to each unit of cost expensed. The formula for this key performance indicator is as follows: CPI = earned value/actual costs.
  • Percentage of projects completed on time.  This KPI is essential for organizations that regularly perform a number of projects and can help determine a company’s efficiency in completing those projects. An average of 80% or higher of projects completed on time is considered good. If it is lower than 80%, a company may want to consider hiring new staff or agreeing to fewer projects.
  • Resource utilization.  This key performance indicator takes into account how team members use their time when working on a particular project. It helps a company determine how many hours teams are working on billable projects versus non-billable projects and can allow an organization to better delegate billable tasks when needed.

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How to Quantify Your Resume: What Recruiters Look For (50+ Examples)

One of the simplest and most effective resume strategies is to quantify your resume achievements with numbers and data. Here are recruiter-backed advice on how to do it with 50+ examples you can copy today!

3 years ago   •   11 min read

A 2018 study found that recruiters spend an average of 7.4 seconds skimming through each resume they receive. When you’re applying for jobs, you only have that brief window to hook a recruiter’s attention — so your resume needs to pack a punch.

How do you create a memorable, impactful resume that will help you get more interviews in 2024? One of the simplest and most effective strategies is to quantify your resume achievements with numbers and data. We’ll break down that concept in more detail below.

What does it mean to quantify your resume?

According to the previously-mentioned study, many hiring managers prefer to see resumes with bulleted lists of achievements in the work experience section . These bullet points should be short, bite-sized, and easily scannable for quick reading. The most memorable and effective bullet points feature examples of your past achievements quantified with specific metrics , as in the resume sample below.

An example of quantified bullet points you can use on your resume

Notice how each bullet point references specific numbers (e.g. “reduced development costs by 25 percent”) in connection with the candidate’s achievements. These points are great examples of quantified achievements. The more quantified achievements you can include in your resume, the more you will stand out in a recruiter’s eyes.

Easy ways to quantify your resume

There are many ways to add quantifiable metrics to the work experience bullet points of your resume. You should always choose numbers that are most relevant to your industry, whether it’s the amount of revenue you generated, the costs you reduced, or the processes you streamlined for greater efficiency. Here are some of the best and easiest ways to quantify your resume:

Revenue, profit, or sales generated

Increased (or reduced) x by y%, time saving, project or data size, quantity of work, time commitment.

Ultimately, any recruiter who is considering hiring you wants to know: can you add to their bottom line? Are you going to be a profitable addition to their company? Showing how you’ve generated revenue, boosted sales, cut costs, or increased profit for past employers can make you a very desirable candidate.

Of course, this metric works best with sales and business positions that directly generate revenue — not all jobs lend themselves to being quantified in this way. But if you can measure your impact in the number of dollars you’ve brought in, don’t be shy about saying so.

You should aim to quantify most of your bullet points with numbers, metrics and data. I’d recommend trying out the tool below to check if your resume has enough uses of numbers, data and quantifiable accomplishments. It's a good litmus test to figure out if you’ve checked all the boxes from a hiring manager’s perspective.

Example bullet points:

  • Designed and executed company-wide digital marketing strategy that drove $500,000 in product sales
  • Organized a series of community fundraising events with 250+ attendees; generated $100,000 in donations

You can use this versatile metric for any job where you’ve made a difference. If you’ve been in a marketing or similar role, you could discuss how you grew your brand’s readership or audience size. Or, in a customer service job, you could talk about how you achieved a reduction in customer complaints or negative online reviews. If you don’t know the exact percentage of the change you achieved, it’s okay to provide your best estimate.

You can also give examples of where you’ve improved processes or working conditions. Increasing productivity, employee satisfaction, and other aspects of the workplace can be very impactful for companies, so they’re valid metrics to call out in your resume.

  • Led intensive customer service training for all sales staff, creating a 65% reduction in customer complaints
  • Provided individualized coaching and feedback for employees on a quarterly basis, leading to a 25% increase in workplace satisfaction

You know the saying – time is money. Saving valuable company time can be as significant to the bottom line as directly saving money, which makes it an excellent thing to quantify on your resume. You can approach this on a small scale by detailing the number of hours you saved by streamlining the efficiency of your own projects, or on a larger scale by estimating the total number of man hours you saved for your company.

  • Led 2 business analysts to automate repetitive process flows using Excel Macros / VBA and reduced analysis time by 10+ hours per week
  • Built Tableau dashboard to visualize core business KPIs (e.g. Monthly Recurring Revenue), saving 10 hours per week of manual reporting work

Running a two-person team or planning a dinner for 5 people is very different from overseeing a 500-person department or organizing an event for 200 attendees. Make the scale of your accomplishments clear to a hiring manager by including quantifiable metrics like the size of your department, event, budget, or data set.

  • Developed a prototype to identify key influencers on Twitter using clustering techniques over 100,000 data points in Python
  • Managed a process re-engineering project to improve and consolidate end-to-end service processes; restructured communication flow among 10 departments, and cut down paperwork by 75%
  • Directed agency fundraising revenue generation, daily program business operations, community outreach membership recruitment, and human resources in 30 suburbs in the city for organizations with assets of $8M

You can also choose to focus on the quantity of work you completed – for example, the number of projects completed, number of employees onboarded, or training facilitated. This doesn't need to be an exact figure, giving a range or an approximate figure is fine.

  • Hired, trained, and managed over 355 part-time workers per year
  • Coordinated mailing over 40,000 invitations , formal letters, and information packets annually

It's one thing to say that you're a committed employee, but quite another to have the numbers to back it up. If you were promoted ahead of schedule, routinely go the extra mile to help out, or have a track record of putting in overtime to make sure important deadlines are met, and you don't mind doing the same at your next job, go ahead and include those accomplishments.

  • Promoted within 12 months due to strong performance and organizational impact (one year ahead of schedule)
  • Worked 16 days nonstop to ensure all KPIs were met for on-time product launch

Four effective ways you can quantify your resume, with examples

How to strengthen existing resume bullet points with metrics

By now, hopefully, you’re starting to see what a powerful tool these quantified bullet points can be. They convey confidence and send a strong message to hiring managers about your ability to excel in a job.

But what if you already have a resume that’s riddled with unquantified bullet points ? Not to worry — you don’t have to scrap the whole document and start fresh! Instead, you can rework each point, filling in more detail and adding those specific numbers to illustrate what you achieved, or use our handy bullet point builder to get you started.

Let’s look at a few “before and after” examples that will show you how to convert weaker, non-quantified bullet points into stronger, quantified ones. The weaker examples are vague and nonspecific, while the stronger ones are much clearer and more detailed.

Column 1Column 2
Weaker (non-quantified)Stronger (quantified)
Helped create a new production process designed to reduce wasteStreamlined production process, reducing costs by 30% and increasing profits by $3 million per year
Responsible for improving productivity among workersConducted workload assessments and devised new operational processes that led to a 40% increase in productivity
Assisted with generating increased website traffic through marketing effortsImplemented and managed 6-month social media marketing campaign; generated 50,000 unique website visits per month
Administered therapy to clients seeking help with various challengesCounseled 15-20 clients per week on marital, family, and substance abuse issues; provided advocacy and support services
Participated in student engineering clubElected president of student engineering club; facilitated monthly meetings of 25 members

How to use quantified metrics to create impactful power phrases

Once you have decided how to quantify your skills, you want to present these numbers in a way that will grab a recruiter's attention. That’s where power phrases come in.

Creating a power phrase is simple. Choose a task or project where you demonstrated a skill and decide how to quantify that skill using one of the methods above. Then all you have to do is choose an action verb from our list to start your statement, and you have a strong power phrase to add to your resume. Use these phrases throughout your resume, particularly in your resume summary and work experience sections, and to optimize your LinkedIn profile .

Compare your phrases against the template below, or use our Score My Resume tool to analyze the impact of your statements and provide feedback on how to improve your word choice, impact, brevity and style.


More examples of quantifying your resume, handpicked by recruiters

Examples are always helpful, so here's a collection of resume bullet points that are correctly quantified and handpicked from successful resumes.

  • Analyzed data from 25000 monthly active users and used outputs to guide marketing and product strategies; increased average app engagement time by 2x, decreased drop off rate by 30%, and increased shares on social media by 3x over 6 months
  • Spearheaded retail distribution expansion into 8 new territories and markets in South Brazil; resulted in 85% sales growth and the fastest growing sales location in South America in 2015
  • Scripted and tested phone sales process; increased customers by 30% in 6 months
  • Grew revenue from $1MM to $2.5M in one year by expanding channel partnerships; exceeded target by 150%
  • Analyzed company's 24-month sales results to develop five-year monthly projections by revenue and customer type
  • Developed and executed customer referral program, leading to 50% increase in referral business and $2MM of incremental revenue
  • Led evaluation and selection of new CRM system; spearheaded a cross-functional team (Technology, Business Development, Management) to implement the system; successful adoption accelerated revenue growth by 25% in 1 year
  • Led a 10-week engagement in a four-member team for a solar energy provider; assessed 30+ locations and provided a recommendation for the most suitable location of their new headquarters
  • Led six-member cross-functional team across four offices to implement a new CRM system; system is used by 300+ employees globally

Pay close attention to the metrics and numbers used to quantify each bullet point. Like we discussed above, effective metrics can be dollar amounts (e.g. revenue, sales ), size of teams of users (e.g. employees worked with), or percentages.

For more resume bullet points and templates, visit sample resume bullet points .

How to quantify your resume for different industries

The best quantifiable achievements to choose vary depending on your industry. For instance, in sales, annual targets and increased revenue are good to focus on, while in education, innovative teaching methods and improved student test scores would be equally impressive. Similarly, streamlined workflows are great to highlight in project management, while in healthcare, you could mention the number of patient contacts or ongoing education credits.

Here are some more specific examples for various industries:

  • Sales: "Revamped product presentation strategy, leading to a 25% increase in customer engagement and a 10% rise in sales."
  • Data Analysis: "Leveraged data visualization tools to present monthly sales trends, leading to a more effective resource allocation strategy and a 10% reduction in overhead costs."
  • Marketing: "Initiated a social media campaign that increased web traffic by 40%, contributing to a 15% rise in online sales."
  • Education: "Redesigned the curriculum for 11th-grade biology, leading to an 18% improvement in average student scores."
  • Project Management: "Implemented a new project tracking tool, leading to a 20% reduction in project completion times."
  • Healthcare: "Introduced a digital patient record system, resulting in a 30% decrease in information retrieval time.”
  • Manufacturing: "Implemented a Lean manufacturing technique, which reduced production time by 20% and increased overall productivity by 15%."
  • Digital & E-commerce: "Optimized SEO strategies to boost the website's organic traffic by 35% over six months.”

Why do I need to quantify my resume?

Hiring managers don’t just want to hear about your talent and abilities; they want to see proof of what you’ve actually accomplished in the past. They want to know that you’ve had a positive impact in your previous jobs and that you’re capable of excellent work.

When you quantify your resume accomplishments with specific numbers, you’re not just making empty claims about your skills and experience -- you’re backing your claims up with evidence. Quantified achievements are far more meaningful and concrete than vague statements about what you were “responsible for” at a previous job, and they can also help differentiate you from your competition.

What should I do if I don’t have access to numbers from my previous jobs?

When you’re quantifying your achievements, you may not always know the exact number of dollars you brought in or the percentage of growth you created. If that’s the case, don’t panic -- all you need to do is provide your best guess.

For example, if you upgraded some machinery and made your company’s operations more efficient, you could estimate how many hours of labor those new machines saved per week. To take it a step further, you could multiply these weekly labor hours by the average hourly employee pay to give a rough idea of how much money the machines saved.

In certain jobs, such as those where you help coach, mentor, and guide other people , it may be challenging to think of tangible, measurable achievements to list on your resume. In these cases, you could focus on metrics such as the number of clients you’ve served or new team members you’ve hired.

What if I’m a student or recent graduate with limited work experience?

If you don’t have much work history yet, focus your resume on any relevant experiences you have had -- they could be courses you took in school, internships you’ve held, or extracurricular projects you’ve done. Recruiters know that those activities are valuable learning experiences, and they often teach you transferable job skills.

List these experiences on your resume as if they were jobs, and create bullet points for each one, as shown in the example below. Call out achievements that can be quantified, such as the number of donors you generated, networking events you organized, or students who participated in your training.

Examples on how to quantify your resume as a student with limited work experience

If you’re unsure of what skills to add to your resume, use the tool below to search for the role you’re applying to. It’ll let you know which skills are relevant to the job you’re applying to and which to add to your skills.

What if I can't think of any ways to quantify my accomplishments?

Some accomplishments are easier to quantify than others. If you worked in sales, finance, or anything else particularly number-driven, finding ways to quantify your accomplishments should be relatively easy. But what about people who work in positions that aren't so easily quantified?

Instead of adding numbers that don't relate to your core achievements just for the sake of data, try these strategies:

  • Explain the scale of what you did. Did you tutor 12 children or organize an event with 400 attendees?
  • Mention the frequency of ongoing duties. Did you send a weekly newsletter, daily status reports, or reconcile a monthly budget?
  • Describe your time investment. Did you spend 10 hours per week volunteering at a shelter, or put in 60+ hour weeks in the leadup to a product launch?
  • Estimate and make use of ranges. Nobody is going to meticulously check whether you saved your company 19% or 22% in overhead — just make sure whatever figure you use is approximately correct.

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Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

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Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Sample

The resume builder.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Work Experience

  • Execute operational tasks related to the production of global reports, including the Continuity of Business Monthly Operation Review and the CoB section of the CIO Council’s MOR, CoB-related metrics for Suppliers, and other regular reports
  • Keep track of all data quality issues and provide feedback in order to improve the organizations’ metrics reporting process
  • Experience in process analysis, metrics and project management
  • Opportunity to develop understanding of how key performance indicators are used to measure and identify potential concerns
  • Develop effective cross cultural communication in a Regional Role where liaising and regular communication with other Citi employees in different geographical locations
  • Executes the Reporting of all KPI’s
  • Develop, implement, continuously improve, monitor, and report performance-based metrics, Key Performance Indicators, and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for the IT organization
  • Analyze, interpret and report on data regarding productivity, budget consumption, staffing forecasts, and key performance metrics for various target IT and Corporate audiences across all levels
  • Conduct analytics of IT-related and other data, including metrics data, to drive towards root cause analyses and recommendations to improve IT productivity, efficiency and end user adoption
  • Facilitate execution of projects and/or project deliverables using teams of internal and external experts/stakeholders
  • Collaboratively manage the development, consistency, and accuracy of the IT General Rate Case submittal, including facilitation of the collection and aggregation all necessary business case and financial supporting documents
  • Assist with the development operational/performance metrics appropriate to the various business functions
  • Manage processes governing data collection and report generation across O&T Risk and Control reporting, with an emphasis on accuracy and maintain consistency between source data and reporting
  • Execute operational tasks related to the production of global reports, including the Regulatory and Audit section of the OTRC Monthly Operating Report (MROR), Risk and Control section of the CIO Council MOR, Audit reporting to IS and CoB Risk Operating Committees, etc
  • Interaction with other OTRC Regulatory and Audit Management (RAM) functions in order to ensure synchronization with the various reports published on a monthly basis
  • Enrich data stored in different databases in order to categorize and bucket data for senior level reporting
  • Develop and implement increased automation efforts around the creation of repots
  • Demonstrate experience on the following areas: Information Security, IT and Operations metrics; Data integrity; Assessment and consultation; Business Process re-engineering
  • Work closely and interact directly with select team members to identify, rationalize and document reporting and analytics requirements (business requirements) which form the foundation for reporting and analytics’ needs
  • Assist in recommending analytical solutions to address analytics and reporting needs
  • Obtain and maintain a working knowledge of Company applications, products and customers
  • Effectively interpret analytics both from client and internal data and to prioritize & escalate based on outcome
  • Ensure appropriate report and analysis documentation is produced where identified
  • Collaborate closely and assist development teams to ensure timely delivery of project requirements or other deliverables
  • Effectively communicate analysis trends, recommendations and risks that interfere with project execution or success
  • Partner with business managers to develop operational/performance metrics appropriate to the various business functions. Performance metrics include

Professional Skills

  • Strong written and verbal communication and influencing skills, collaboration, problem solving skills
  • Strong Microsoft Excel skills and working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite
  • Strong technical skills including Microsoft Office (Excel, Access) and SQL
  • Strong technical, analytical and calculations skills with tools such as Excel VBA programming, databases (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server)
  • Strong PC skills required (Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Word) - ability to learn new tools
  • Demonstrated skills to deliver to timely, high quality reports
  • Effective presentation, influencing and meeting facilitation skills

How to write Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

Metrics & Reporting Analyst role is responsible for excel, microsoft, design, reporting, analytical, database, training, gis, security, modeling. To write great resume for metrics & reporting analyst job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

The section contact information is important in your metrics & reporting analyst resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your metrics & reporting analyst resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous metrics & reporting analyst responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular metrics & reporting analyst position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Metrics & Reporting Analyst resume experience can include:

  • Good IT skills covering general Microsoft Office products
  • Solid communication skills - written and verbal
  • Effectively analyze data and reach sound conclusions
  • Effectively communicate and interact/negotiate with internal customers
  • Operating efficiency and effectiveness metrics
  • Proven track record in designing, deploying and monitoring operations key metrics

Education on a Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your metrics & reporting analyst resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your metrics & reporting analyst experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

When listing skills on your metrics & reporting analyst resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical metrics & reporting analyst skills:

  • Proven analytical ability to analyse and interpret complex data sets and communicate them effectively
  • Analyzing and evaluating information to draw a conclusion, effectively utilizing all available resources, public speaking, planning and internal control
  • Learn, refine and grow your skills to be an internal thought leader on reporting best practices
  • Detail-oriented, organized, structured, along with analytical skills and problem solving ability
  • Strong experience in quality management and process improvement projects preferably in SSC environment
  • Prioritizing work and meeting deadlines, tracking and retrieving information, and preparing reports

List of Typical Experience For a Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

Experience for marketing metrics & reporting analyst resume.

  • Liaise with Business Analysts and customers to gather, validate and document business requirements
  • Data collection and analytical experience with large datasets and various systems
  • Experience in data management, research, data analysis and presentation
  • Identify improvement opportunities (related to quality and process efficiency) and drive internal continuous improvement projects
  • Track, monitor key performance indicators on a monthly basis
  • Recommend solutions to improve quality and customer service standards

Experience For Metrics Reporting Analyst Resume

  • Prepare reports for the senior management
  • Drive internal projects and initiatives in order to ensure high quality and close current gaps
  • Actively participate in the development of tools to improve quality
  • Maintain positive relationships with internal customers and Employees
  • Knowledge of improvement methodologies, tools and frameworks
  • Practical knowledge of MS Excel/Google Sheets

Experience For Financial Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

  • High level of process performance management knowledge
  • Collects and collates operations performance data from assigned operational units as well as key metrics from support units
  • Authors the regular/Adhoc reports and disseminates them to appropriate recipients in a timely manner with high level analysis
  • Creates/Maintains database of historical data and reports of assigned units
  • Frequently liaises with senior operations management and business partners for assigned units to define & gather data, review the analysis and report outputs
  • Creates and presents complex analytics results to management (verbal, written, or charts – formally and informally)
  • Analytics - Recognize patterns and trends in data; drill down to granular level to resolve issues and reconcile discrepancies

Experience For Reliability & Metrics Reporting Analyst Resume

  • Collaborate across geographic and organizational boundaries to implement best practices; seek and achieve consensus and buy-in on key initiatives
  • Establish relationships with Operations Leadership and Internal Customer Stakeholders and create mutual understanding of overall parameters and goals for common process
  • Communicate complex models/concepts
  • Capture, organize and standardize metrics across all production systems and manually produced products
  • Create maps in ArcGIS to communicate accurate status of various projects
  • Calculate and track capacity, labor costs, and production costs
  • Gather historic metrics and identify trends

Experience For Senior Information Technology Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

  • Create comprehensive and attractive reports on a monthly, quarterly, annually cadence
  • Communicate, written or verbally, the metrics results and status as a representative of Global Production
  • Identify discrepancies in reports and identify corrective actions
  • Knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite of products with an emphasis on Excel and Access
  • Bi-lingual (Spanish desired)
  • Key volume metrics

List of Typical Skills For a Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

Skills for marketing metrics & reporting analyst resume.

  • Skilled in handling and manipulating report information & using related software applications or technology
  • Experience with programming and scripting (i.e. Python, PHP, and Java) would be considered an asset
  • Experience in working successfully and collaboratively with internal partners delivering mutual benefit
  • Experience working in multiple SharePoint environments in conjunction with SharePoint Designer required
  • Experience involving technology information security projects, especially in Operations and Technology control metrics
  • PHP and SQL coding experience
  • Experience with reporting analysis, preferably in the financial services industry

Skills For Metrics Reporting Analyst Resume

  • Experience with hands on SQL query writing and software development environment
  • Work in a rapidly changing environment; Ability to prioritize work under the pressure of deadlines
  • Experience in handling of operational KPI`s
  • Customer Relations experience would be helpful
  • Prioritize work under the pressure of deadlines

Skills For Financial Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

  • Experience with Dataphile Desktop would be considered an asset
  • Experience in a Call Center and or Business Process Services
  • Experience in the development and management of metric systems
  • Reviewing, researching and updating data, collecting, organizing and presenting facts and opinions,
  • Working knowledge of ERP systems (SAP) software would be advantageous
  • Verbal and written communication, establishing and maintaining relationships with other agencies, coworkers and external contacts

Skills For Reliability & Metrics Reporting Analyst Resume

  • Capacity planning and modeling
  • Assist in the development of an annual operating budget and ongoing expense management for assigned business areas
  • Assist business areas in linking operating budget to business plan and adjust expense estimates/forecasts in support of changes in the plan
  • Create/Manage structured report development utilizing back-end databases in multi-tiered architectures including deployment methodologies
  • Knowledge of SQL Server programming including database creation, creation of Stored Procedures, Views, Tables, Indices, and the like
  • Possesses a general understanding in the areas of geospatial production, remote sensing, GIS, and product life cycles

Skills For Senior Information Technology Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

  • Make a difference with data and contribute to the company’s growth by turning data into insights
  • Work/communicate with all levels of management (including executive management)
  • Familiarity with basic accounting and finance concepts would be considered an asset
  • Develop automated reporting solutions with the use of tools such as SQL, Excel-VBA, MS Access
  • Expense variance analysis and expense forecasting
  • Headcount and staffing analysis
  • Develop business trend analysis, monitor key operating metrics and communicate to management
  • Develop and deliver detailed budget expense analysis and reporting for assigned business areas

Skills For Assistant VP-monitoring & Investigations Metrics Reporting Analyst Resume

  • Communicate/educate managers on corporate budgeting/expense methodology
  • Train managers to use budget system and provide ongoing user support
  • Learn data-mining/query tools and techniques
  • Define standards and quality KPI’s and quality monitoring system
  • Analyze the KPI´s and provide information allowing to correct and optimize current processes
  • Propose performance measures using insight of the data

Skills For Real Estate & Facilities Management Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

  • Conceptual Thinking in development of new metrics
  • Establish and monitor acceptable metrics. Recommend, develop, and implement changes to workflow & processes for greater efficiencies in meeting Metrics goals
  • Knowledge of MS Access, VBA coding & Macros
  • Analysis complex problems involving multiple facets and variables in non- standardized situations
  • Adaptability to changing environment, and stress tolerance
  • Communicate concepts and ideas to stakeholders at all levels, in different shapes depending on the context
  • Work closely with other metrics specialists and developers in the company to improve metrics reporting
  • Knowledge of GIS (ESRI products) and Remote Sensing software
  • Exposure to multiple business lines and their leadership

Skills For Metrics Reporting Analyst AML Resume

  • Direct a comprehensive administrative services program, perform complex analytical and managerial work, understand Federal requirements, and meet performance measures
  • Critically evaluate information gathered from multiple sources and extract functional requirements, evaluate and design business processes, work on multiple projects simultaneously and build and maintain professional business relationships with internal and external customers
  • Work within a team as well as independently, meet critical deadlines, coordinate and collaborate with viable resources, and provide support for ongoing assignments and projects
  • Strong data analytic skills with particular focus on Microsoft Excel pivot functions required
  • Principles and practices of communication and leadership, work measurement methods, effective communication, and project leadership and implementation
  • Planning, organizing, and directing comprehensive administrative services
  • Federal, state and agency laws, regulations, rules and policies governing the appropriate work assignment

Skills For MYS Ctsm Kl-metrics Reporting Analyst Resume

  • Fiscal management, budgetary preparation and control, organization, general business administrative services, and supervision
  • Understand data feeds and enterprise systems of record - Data Architecture
  • Attention to detail and ability to manage an initiative from conception to solution
  • Experience mining data, and developing reports using a variety of reporting software packages with a high aptitude for learning new reporting software packages
  • Compliance and/or financial crime experience would be an advantage
  • The ability and self-confidence to work independently and increase the scope of the service line
  • Implement tools and develop techniques (technical solutions) for measuring and reporting performance metrics for assigned areas Responsible for developing and running weekly, monthly and annual reports

Skills For Global Compliance Ops Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume

  • Maintain databases of performance metrics
  • Provide support for operational and ad hoc information as well as customized reports for specific audiences
  • Provide monthly expense variance analysis and revise/adjust expense forecasts
  • Proactive identification of potential expense issues – work with management team to develop an action plan
  • Participation in departmental projects as needed
  • Work/communicate with various levels of management
  • Proficient in Excel, Access, Powerpoint, Word – ability to learn new tools
  • Develop operational/performance metrics appropriate to the various business functions. Performance metrics include
  • Develop, introduce and execute comprehensive quality management system for Operation Center

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How to Write KPIs on your Resume

How to Write KPIs on your Resume

Employers are always looking for measurable evidence that candidates have what it takes to succeed . Therefore learning how to write KPIs on your resume is an essential part of getting hired.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are the most important criteria that can be used to assess your ability to do a job. However, different jobs will require you to emphasize different KPIs, which you’ll need to take into consideration when you create a resume .

To help you give your document the best shot at success , we’re going to show you how to add KPIs to a resume. Find out now what kind of performance indicators employees will want to see on the page.

KPI 1: How You Stimulated Growth

A major resume KPI that a hiring manager will want to see is how you fostered growth in a company. Businesses are always eager to seek new revenue streams and boost production or sales , therefore if you’ve got the numbers, flaunt them.

This can be reflected on the page in various ways. You can pinpoint percentile growth you helped to realize , the new markets you helped your previous employers enter or where you were able to increase output exponentially.

What Kind of Positions Use This KPI?:

A hiring manager for any job where you generate products or make sales will be looking closely at the figures you can pull in or your output per hour. Highlight this KPI especially if you’re seeking work as a:

  • Retail Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Machine Operator
  • Insurance Manager
  • Factory Worker
  • Account Manager
  • Press Operator
  • Store Manager

KPI 2: How Much Money or Time Did You Save The Company?

All companies are trying to maximize their efficiency and want to have people on their payroll who can help them do that. If you’ve helped streamline an enterprise’s finances, or you’ve found a new faster way to get work done, then a quick summary of some of these eye-catching figures need to be on your resume.

Do this by marking down how much money you managed the save the company and how. Highlight where you brought these efficiencies and how you helped with their implementation. Also, note how you managed to reduce unnecessary expenses or tasks and how this allowed employees to focus more on more urgent jobs.

Job openings for positions where you are managing finances, projects or efficiency within an organization will highly prize savings KPIs. This is the case with some of the following roles:

  • Financial Analyst
  • Product Developer
  • Data Entry Clerk
  • Materials Engineer
  • Software Tester

KPI 3: Who Benefitted From Your Work?

Customers and other members of staff rely on your performance to achieve their own goals. Therefore if you hold an essential role in a service position or you’re the go-between for many departments or staff, this is a KPI you’ll want to draw attention to.

In doing so you should highlight how many people you were able to serve (this could be per hour, per day or per month), how many staff you managed, or how many departments you coordinated with. These will give a good indication of your ability to keep staff and clients happy and business booming.

People working in the service industry can benefit by using these figures to show they can attend to customers quickly and enhance communication between a broad range of departments. Be sure to list these performance indicators if you’re applying for one of these jobs:

  • Technical Support
  • Call Center Representative
  • Bank Teller
  • Financial Advisor
  • Taxi Driver

KPI 4: How Many Tasks/Projects Did You Manage To Complete?

Another key element Hiring Managers will want to see from candidates is the time it takes for them to turnaround major projects . This not only tells the recruiter how fast you are at doing the job, but it also gives a good picture of your level of expertise.

This can be represented by the number of projects that you managed to complete in a year, the amount of meetings you organized per week or per month amongst other things. Also, highlight times when you created essential plans and guidelines that helped the team succeed. The most important thing to show the recruiter is that you were proactive and effective at doing the job.

If you’re working on big projects or your performance hinges on the completion of key tasks then its important to demonstrate that you can get things done . Candidates applying for any of these following jobs may want to consider marking this experience on their resume:

  • .NET Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • App Developer
  • Board Game Designer
  • Creative Director
  • Video Game Designer

Where Should KPIs Go on Your Resume?

In the majority of cases, KPIs will appear in your resume’s work experience section . Using numbers and figures from your work from the past is highly effective in grabbing the attention of a hiring manager.

These will complement the skills and career history you state on the document by providing good evidence and measurable criteria that you can do what you say you can. It’s all very well saying you’re the best salesperson ever, however, without the numbers backing it up the person reading your resume may remain skeptical.

KPIs are must-haves for your resume and by making them clear and easy to find, you’ll be able to make sure they stand out well to an employer reading your document. Make sure to tailor these career achievements to the type of job you’re targeting to give your application the best shot at success.

Building a resume that looks good and reads great can often be a time-consuming process without the right tools. However, ResumeCoach’s online resume generation tools can help you save time creating an optimized and effective application document.

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  • July 5, 2024

How To Add KPIs and Achievements to Your Resume

A winning resume is more than just a piece of paper documenting your work experience.It’s a sales presentation, only that the product being sold is yourself. 

Your resume is meant to show your value and potential to prospective employers. It should not only stand out to recruiters, but it should convince them that you’ll perform well from your first day on the job. One of the best ways to achieve this is by incorporating KPIs and achievements when describing your work history. 

KPIs and Achievements to Your Resume

Adding figures alongside key accomplishments adds an extra layer to your qualifications, making your claims more credible through real evidence. It’s become especially popular to include these in resumes, so not adding them will make you seem less prepared than other candidates. In fact, most online resume builders include KPIs in their examples and templates. 

An easier solution would be to get resume writing services from third-party service providers. However, here you can learn the best way to add your accomplishments to your resume, as well as how to use metrics to impress recruiters.

Table of Contents

What Metrics Should I Add to My Resume?

Before learning how to write KPIs in your resume it’s necessary to cover which metrics it makes sense for you to include. 

Studies have shown that recruiters only spend an average of 7.4 seconds looking at each resume. This means that hiring managers will usually just quickly scan your document for key terms, phrases, and numbers that are relevant to the job position. 

To ensure that all the metrics you include in your resume are related to the role you’re applying for, check the job description and research similar positions online. Below are some examples of KPIs that you can add to your resume divided by different industries: 

Marketing KPIs

  • Customer lifetime value (LTV)
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC)
  • Digital marketing return on investment (ROI) 
  • Landing page conversion rates 
  • Organic website, mobile, and social media traffic
  • Cost per click (CPC)
  • Marketing revenue attribution 
  • Click-through rate 

Finance and Accounting KPIs

  • Net profit margin
  • Cash conversion cycle (CCC)
  • Debt vs equity ratio
  • Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA)
  • Days sales outstanding (DSO)
  • Operating cash flow
  • Quick ratio
  • Deals closed
  • Number of prospect meetings generated
  • Proposals issued 
  • Cost per lead
  • Lead-to-sale conversion rate
  • Client acquisition rate 
  • Purchase value
  • Cost of sale
  • Contribution margin
  • Meeting conversion rate
  • Contact attempts
  • Average deal size 

Human Resources KPIs

  • Employee satisfaction 
  • Absenteeism rate 
  • Overtime hours 
  • Utilization rate 
  • Number of new hires
  • Cost per hire
  • Employee turnover rate 
  • Response to open positions 

Manufacturing KPIs 

  • Machine downtime rate
  • Cycle time 
  • Demand forecasting
  • Changeover time

How Do I Include KPIs on a Resume?

Adding metrics to your resume is already a great way to impress recruiters. However, to get the most out of your achievements, it’s important to formulate these in the right way. 

When writing KPIs, you want to go further than just listing the metrics you achieved. It’s essential to add context to the figures you include so that it’s clear to readers why they are impressive and relevant. 

Make sure your KPIs have the following qualities to help boost your chances of success: 

  • Detailed: KPIs should be worded in a specific and clear manner, explaining exactly what you achieved, when, and how
  • Quantifiable: use percentages, dollar amounts, and raw numbers to make the metrics measurable for readers 
  • Relevant: it should be clear how your achievements helped the organization to reach key business goals

Now that we’ve covered how to add KPIs in the right way, let’s look at some examples to help inspire you for your own resume writing: 

  • Increased organic website traffic by 12% in the first three months of entering the role via the implementation of SEO optimization strategies 
  • Created a new sales pitch deck to increase the number of prospect meetings generated by 15%  
  • Reduced the cost per hire by 24% through the creation of an employee referral program 

In summary, adding KPIs to your resume is a great way to showcase your potential and capabilities. However, it’s important that you write them in a detailed, quantifiable, and relevant manner, to ensure that recruiters are impressed with your achievements. For more guidance on how to write the perfect resume , check out our article on skills you shouldn’t add to your resume .

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Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the metrics & reporting analyst job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Create and manage dashboard reports for management review
  • Work in conjunction with Analytics team to develop and improve specific operational metrics
  • Analyze data and create information in the form of reports (ad hoc, standardized) to provide proactive and preventative support models across the Program
  • Assist in the identification, development, and evolution of KPIs
  • Provide regular management status updates and material
  • Provide report building expertise and support in the creation of performance monitoring mechanism
  • Provide day to day support and insight to the Metrics & Performance Mgmt. team, and reporting end users
  • Perform analysis and develops recommendations for continuous improvement opportunities
  • Excellent track record of establishing, maintaining and improving technology infrastructures through the use of Metrics and Key Performance Indicators
  • Provide increased focus on analytics and emphasize development of subject matter expertise within analyst teams
  • Oversees the compilation and analysis of operational and transactional data and creates high level reports of operational results, including trend analysis
  • Support process improvement projects and process deployments
  • Excellent awareness of different cultures and working practices across the regions
  • Identifies areas of opportunity and improvement within processes and tools based on reporting results and tool environment
  • Working knowledge of information security industry frameworks (i.e. NIST Cybersecurity Framework, FFIEC)
  • Design and implement a data quality management framework for information security metrics
  • For any non-Green metrics, request remedial action plans and work with service providers to ensure timeliness of responses
  • Information Security program developments, industry frameworks, best practices and changes in financial services sector that may impact reporting
  • Knowledge of regulatory environment as it applies to information security within financial services industry
  • Analyze the data to identify key issues, trends, and observations for the attention of management
  • Define schema in both Meta data (bladed nodes) and standard schema used in relational databases
  • Strong analytical ability
  • Demonstrated ability to successfully manage competing priorities & deliverables in a fast-paced, dead-line oriented environment
  • Highly proficient with MS Excel, Access, and PowerPoint
  • Highly organized and detail oriented
  • Our culture prepares you for a lifetime of learning and professional development
  • Self-motivated with the ability to prioritize and make independent decisions
  • Strong communication (written and verbal) and presentation skills
  • SQL knowledge
  • Ability to work under minimal supervision
  • Proven ability to multi-task

5 Metrics & Reporting Analyst resume templates

Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Execute operational tasks related to the production of global reports, including the Continuity of Business Monthly Operation Review and the CoB section of the CIO Council’s MOR, CoB-related metrics for Suppliers, and other regular reports
  • Interaction with other OTRM functions to ensure synchronization with various reports published on a regular basis
  • Analyze documentation, data, and metrics provided via the CoB data sources to identify risk, performance and quality issues, and significant variances and trends
  • Participate in enterprise-wide working group calls on risk or quality
  • Manipulate data stored in different databases in order to produce reports for senior management
  • Keep updated with Corporate Policies, Standards, and Guidelines
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the following areas: Security, IT and Operations metrics; Data integrity; Assessment and consultation; Business Process re-engineering; Executive presentation; and Communication
  • Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience in IT or business
  • 3-years of experience involving technology information security projects, especially in Operations and Technology control metrics
  • Demonstrates influencing skills in a decentralized environment
  • Technical proficiencies in MS Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Word, and SharePoint
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community
  • Skill in the use of computers, preferably in a PC, Windows-based operating environment

Global Compliance Ops Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Execute the delivery of a wide variety of metrics and scorecard reports for the GCO Singapore organization within tight, clearly defined timelines
  • Review source feeds to determine root causes of data issues, obtain corrected data and determine action plan to correct issue going forward
  • Keep track of all data quality issues and provide feedback in order to improve the organizations’ metrics reporting process
  • Partner with the GCO Alert Operation team to document data issues and perform analysis of data requirements
  • Propose, develop and lead the implementation of quality improvement ideas designed to enhance the speed, efficiency and accuracy of the GCO Singapore metrics reporting process
  • Bachelor's Degree or Financial sector Middle Office tenure supporting a line of business
  • Strong ability to translate business requirements into systematic metrics reporting requirements
  • Superior Microsoft Excel skills are mandatory, including proficiency in the writing and use of macros
  • Capable of working with large data sources and ability to consolidate into concise, easy to understand charts/tables/graphs which can be used by senior management
  • Ability to identify issues, seek solutions and gain (near) consensus regarding problem / issue resolutions
  • Accuracy and a strong attention to detail is essential
  • Strong communication, influence and relationship building skills. Ability to work with line of business and colleagues in different regions
  • Aptitude for working under high pressure and to deliver the requested reports on time with 100% accuracy

IT Metrics & Reporting Analyst IT Resume Examples & Samples

  • Accountable for the production and reporting of all Global Hosting Services (GHS) operational metrics and reports
  • Responsible for providing guidance in the use of operational metrics, including key process indicators, quality metrics for tactical decision making and strategic planning
  • Ensures consistent and effective reports are provided in timely manner to key stakeholders
  • Conduct ad-hoc analyses and reporting when requested
  • Strong analytical ability in supported core technologies for large user bases
  • Broad range of work, sometimes complex and non routine, in variety of environments
  • Maintain and complete compliance reports and post in appropriate repositories
  • Review compliance reports and identify opportunities for processes/procedural improvements
  • 7 years experience in an Operational / Service Management role
  • 5 years of proven experience and success in managing and deploying metrics across

Senior HR Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • 4+ years of Data Analysis, Business Intelligence and/or Reporting experience and Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Human Resources Management, Information Systems, Statistics, Finance, Applied Mathematics or related field; or, 2+ years of Data Analysis, Business Intelligence and/or Reporting experience and Master's Degree in Business Administration, Human Resources Management, Information Systems, Statistics, Finance, Applied Mathematics or related field and two years of data analysis, business intelligence and/or reporting experience
  • Intermediate to advanced proficiency in Microsoft Access is required
  • Demonstrated understanding of the type of workforce information used in a business environment and how the data are produced, consumed, and analyzed
  • 2+ years of General Human Resource metrics and data knowledge
  • Experience working with SAP

Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience in vendor reporting technology and products E.g. QlikView; Business Intelligence tools such as Business Objects or Crystal Reports
  • Knowledge of database management tools
  • Any relational database tool
  • Business experience in metrics development, deployment and support
  • Business analysis and requirement gathering
  • Experience with large IT projects and/or program/project management
  • Excellent Excel, PowerPoint and SharePoint skills required
  • 3+ years of successful customer focused analytical experience
  • Business Intelligence background (Preferred)
  • Project management knowledge (Preferred)
  • Agile/SDLC knowledge
  • Some testing experience
  • Problem solving, risk assessment and lateral thinking ability
  • Ability to take sole ownership and responsibility of projects
  • Ability to prioritize workload in a fast-paced, task-intense environment
  • Work effectively with others towards achieving objectives
  • Communicate in a clear and concise manner both written and oral
  • Ability to communicate with both technical and business entities
  • Awareness of financial impact of design decisions
  • Report/documentation writing and presentation skills
  • Ability to work under pressure with minimal supervision
  • Willingness to work outside of normal working hours when necessary

Program Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for supporting the Program Director and Program Managers on key reporting needs
  • Maintain and enhance a reporting database for all Finance programs, including data on recruiting, performance, rotations, and placement. The Program Metrics & Reporting Analyst will be the owner of this database and will be responsible for reporting & analytics
  • Collaborate with Program Managers on data gathering, tracking, and analysis
  • Partner with Program Managers to communicate program analysis and trends with key program stake holders including Executive Sponsor, Senior Sponsors, Steering Committee, and rotation managers
  • Create and manage surveys to solicit feedback from the participants. Analyzing and summarizing the feedback, and providing recommendations for the future
  • Work with the broader team to maintain the US Finance Campus Program processes and policies
  • Manage all SharePoint content for Finance programs
  • Support Finance Program Director and Program Managers on additional projects as needed
  • Robust skills in Excel, Word, Power Point, & other Office applications
  • Proven analytical experience with developing, analyzing, & reporting information
  • Ability to synthesize information and extract themes and draw conclusions
  • Strong organizational and planning abilities; detail-oriented
  • Ability to effectively prioritize and execute tasks
  • Ability to multi-task and manage competing priorities
  • Strong ability to lead projects and lead a cross-functional team, where needed
  • Professional presence and interpersonal skills; ability to work in teams and help to support program participants
  • Self motivated, with high level of initiative
  • Robust verbal, written, and presentation skills required
  • SharePoint experience a plus
  • Knowledge of JPMC Finance organization a plus
  • Program Management experience a plus
  • 1-2 years experience in a reporting and/or program management role

Metrics Reporting Analyst AML Resume Examples & Samples

  • Knowledge of Visual Basis required
  • High level of analytical skills and problem-solving is preferred
  • Excellent planning and organizational skills highly desirable
  • Knowledge of website and database development methodologies (Windows & LINUX)
  • The successful candidate will be required to maintain production goals and quality standards while seeking to identify best practices
  • To be success in this role, the candidate must be experienced with report generation and presentation with Microsoft Excel in conjunction with Microsoft Power and InfoPath business productivity tools
  • Bachelor’s Degree and/or equivalent working experience
  • Demonstrative experience working with Microsoft SQL, Access, and SQL Management Studio required
  • Ability to contribute, support, and lead efforts to achieve department/ team goals, up to and including recommendations to changes in policy and procedures resulting from review findings, participate in leadership level meetings, and quality assurance review of analyst case work
  • Experience with Office Productivity and Process Automation

Global AML Operation Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support metrics related project activities including documentation, review, testing, and providing subject matter expertise
  • Support change control processes and ensure analysis / follow-up for completion of open change requests including communications with partner groups, testing and implementation timelines
  • Support Global Head of AML Operations and leadership team with reporting needs, cross-workstream planning initiatives, and meeting materials and preparation
  • Support strategy to ensure intellectual capital is maintained and shared consistently via SharePoint and other mechanisms
  • Knowledge of Shared Services and AML a plus
  • Relationship management skills with the ability to handle conflict and negotiations
  • Directly affect the business by influencing strategic functional decisions through advice, counsel or provided services
  • Bring your past Metrics experience to help drive out the GRC metrics strategy, including capture, management, maintenance and reporting
  • Capture and articulate Metrics requirements to support the "measure" aspect of the Operating Model
  • Lead a Metrics working group to ensure stakeholder participation across GRC
  • Support methodology for incorporating Metrics into Operating Model reporting tool
  • Support the creation metrics dashboards and reports
  • Set up a metrics inventory and implement a change management process
  • Support the Metrics delivery and requirements of GRC in change programs

Information Security Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Interface with constituents to build strong collaborative partnerships
  • Able to utilize statistical packages; R, R Studio or Similar
  • Automate process and reports using scripting languages such as Python
  • Automate processes leveraging ODBC, TODBC, SQL, and other query languages
  • Support enhancements to the MIS that enables business and technology leaders to understand the state of health of the information security program
  • Bachelor’s degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, or related discipline; Master’s Degree preferred
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience designing, enhancing, implementing or working with data feeds, or producing information security metrics reports
  • Experience with SQL to extract, classify, and convert data
  • Knowledge in Python, C, or similar languages
  • Knowledge in Linux and UNIX environments
  • Knowledge in JSON, BSON, ODBC
  • Experience with math packages: SAS, R, SPSS, etc
  • Expert level proficiency in one or more database and presentation tools (SQL, Access, PowerPoint, etc.)
  • Data Analysis – Information Security Metrics and Analytics

Talent Management Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Serve as functional lead for Talent Management reporting & analytics related initiatives ensuring alignment to strategy
  • Leverage data extraction tools and approaches to perform complex data analysis formulating meaningful insights in a comprehensive manner often in partnership with other internal analytics resources -- analyze data sets, assess data integrity, and provide meaningful insights that drive action / decisions
  • Produce / deliver recurring and non-recurring metrics & reporting products ensuring accuracy and on-time delivery – report creation and distribution, dashboard development and production, ad-hoc data requests, etc
  • Provide inputs to Enterprise HR Dashboard and common HR data repository
  • Define and operationalize new metrics & reporting products; enhance existing products as necessary
  • 10 years of experience within a related role
  • Strategic thinker with solid analytical and quantitative skills, particularly in the context of dashboard/metrics and data analysis
  • Strong understanding of business objectives with ability to design reporting and analytic solutions that help drive business results
  • Thorough understanding of supporting information systems and technologies
  • Good interpersonal skills to collaborate, influence and consult with leadership, functional stakeholders and technical specialists
  • Proven experience leading small to medium sized projects
  • Proficient in MS Office applications such as Excel and PowerPoint with strong understanding of database structures and query tools
  • Strong knowledge and experience with Talent Management applications and data structures, preferably Taleo
  • Experience with Learning Management Systems and data structures, preferably Saba
  • Experience supporting data requirements within a highly compliance-driven environment
  • Experience supporting metrics & reporting needs for non-US / international entities
  • Experience within Aerospace & Defense industry
  • Proactively liaise with key stakeholders in Engineering, Operations, and Security to coordinate the timely delivery and formatting of metrics
  • Aggregate information from key operational stakeholder to produce enterprise views of data
  • Support Project Analysts in the collection and presentation of data points for tactical and strategic reporting requirements
  • Support Network Operations Center to aggregate data points for tactical and strategic reporting requirements
  • Support Information Assurance for tactical and strategic reporting requirements
  • Participate in establishing and improving metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) across the program
  • Aid in the continuous improvement of ITSM process/capability adoption, compliance, execution and supporting solutions
  • Participate in the timely and effective execution of IT Service Management measurement deliverables
  • Must be able to maintain composure under pressure, accurately assessing problem situations
  • Must work effectively in a fast-paced, team-based, Customer Service oriented environment
  • Expert level knowledge of MS Excel (Power Pivot, Charts)
  • Highly functional knowledge of MS Access and Power Point
  • Highly functional SQL or VBA scripting
  • Ability to work multiple projects and time sensitive tasks under pressure
  • Performance Management/Metric design
  • Experience with reporting and business intelligence tools such as Spotfire, Tableu, Platfora
  • Math/Statistical background
  • Requirements generation
  • Six Sigma Experience (Green Belt)
  • Six sigma Black Belt certification,
  • Data Mining Experience
  • Assist with the development operational/performance reports appropriate to the various PMO/Division Service processes
  • Interact with PMO and other teams to ensure data is accurate and the processes are being followed
  • Audit/analyze the information collected by the system to
  • Responsible about the development of business trend analysis and monitors key operating metrics
  • Provide support for operational and ad-hoc information as well as customized reports for specific audiences
  • Participation in departmental projects (focused on Continual Service Improvement) as needed
  • Bachelor degree or equivalent related work experience required (Industrial Engineering, is a plus)
  • At least 1-2 years of experience
  • Advanced English Level (B2)
  • Experience with data analysis or/and Project Management
  • Strong PC skills required (Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Word); strong Microsoft Excel Macro skills is a plus
  • Perform deep-dive analysis and answer questions around metric variances
  • Develop processes and documentation to support best practices
  • Generate monthly initiative tracking reports
  • Perform ad-hoc analysis on an as-needed basis
  • Retrieve raw data from SAP and/or Longview databases
  • Transform raw data into meaningful, actionable metrics at the business unit level
  • Create summary metrics for distribution to the head of FinOps and GBS
  • Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and or Mathematics, or a related field
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work on multiple projects with tight deadlines
  • Ability to take initiative, work independently, and exercise appropriate business judgment
  • Ability to suggest creative methods to enhance the effectiveness of processes and procedures
  • Comprehensive knowledge of Excel (V-Look Ups and Pivot Tables)

MYS Ctsm Kl-metrics Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Creating and publishing reports on Performance Metrics for the purpose of enabling the AML Monitoring and Investigation Management Team and Compliance Stakeholders to
  • Monitor Hub performance against Targets,
  • Monitor and measure impact of changes against overall Objectives,
  • Analyse Trends and communicate promptly any potential risks
  • Highlight and escalate for Decision and Action where variances noted and are unexpected
  • One of the functions of the Regional Business Office is to ensure performance metrics are reported accurately in a timely manner and appropriately presented for management and stakeholder oversight of the Monitoring & Investigations Hubs
  • The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Monitoring and Investigations function is required to ensure the senior management of Citi AML and its stakeholders are appropriately informed of the performance of the Hub and of any performance indicators on risk and control concerns that may arise during the course of the day-to-day operations of the M&I Regional and Country Hubs
  • Develop and maintain a report generation process in the form of Documents, Presentation Materials, Online Dashboards and other means of communication, which assist and support effective Monitoring by Compliance and other Business Stakeholders
  • Develop performance metrics, review for relevance and publish key performance indicators as per agreed schedule and frequency
  • Review the trending of KPIs and KRIs and any other Performance indicator metrics for both the KL Regional Hub and Country Hubs
  • Escalate and Investigate anomalies and trends to provide commentary to management and stakeholders reporting for better understanding
  • Perform regular reconciliation of any Regional Metrics reporting that is not sourced from the Book of Records to ensure alignment between Global and Regional Metrics for consistency
  • Clearly communicate and escalate any issues identified during the day-to-day performance of the job duties and follow through on resolution of any Change Request or Virtual Ticket raised
  • Evaluate impact of any issues identified and work with Metrics Manager and Team Lead to mitigate any risk associated with accuracy or timeliness of metrics reporting
  • Minimum 2 years working experience in an operations support area
  • Experience in a Financial Institution is preferred
  • Familiar with Microsoft office Tools such as Excel, Power Point, Word etc
  • Excellent Analytical ability with conceptual understanding of how metrics relate to processes
  • Familiarity with one or more Business Intelligence reporting Tool preferred
  • A Degree Holder, preferably in Finance, Business Admin/Management, Actuarial, Statistics, Mathematics or Computer Science or an equivalent qualification
  • Perform critical analysis on information consolidated from multiple sources, identify and resolve conflicts, and break down high-level information into detailed workable requirements
  • Work with Developers and Subject Matter Experts to understand the work effort for a requirement
  • Identify opportunities for process and tool improvements and drive those from concept to implementation
  • Expertise in MS Excel, powerpoint
  • Make Reports and Analyze them
  • Strong analytical skills required including a thorough understanding of how to interpret business needs and translate them in to application and operational requirement
  • Analyzing MIS report to provide feedback
  • Assist in designing templates/dashboards etc. and automation of reporting requirement
  • Acting as a point of escalation for all priority issues & provide effective solutions both within the team and also for all external customers within the Business
  • Proactively establish ways to improve existing reports/templates and dashboards
  • Support to the team for execution of assigned tasks
  • Knowledge in Analytical and reporting tools like tableau, qlikview is a plus
  • Bachelor's degree in Math, Finance, Information Systems, Business Administration, Human Resources, or closely related discipline AND
  • Two (2) years of experience with business metrics/performance analysis AND
  • Able to define report requirements
  • Strong organization, time and project management skills and multi-tasking abilities required
  • Work is mostly performed in a busy, non-smoking office
  • Location requires mobility in an office environment; each floor is accessible by elevator and internal staircase
  • Occasionally work may be performed in a mine, outdoor or manufacturing plant setting, which may include exposure to extremes in temperature and humidity, moving mechanical parts, risk of electrical shock, toxic chemicals, explosives, fumes or airborne particles
  • Must be able to frequently sit, stand and walk
  • Occasionally may be required to lift moderately heavy objects up to twenty-five (25) pounds during the course of the workday
  • Site-based positions, or positions which require unescorted access to site-based operational areas, which are held by employees who are required to receive MSHA, OSHA, DOT, HAZWOPER and/or Hazard Recognition Training; or
  • Executes the Reporting of all KPI’s
  • Bachelor’s Degree in IT, Mathematics, Administration or related field required
  • Advanced Excel skills. (Dynamic tables, macros, etc.)
  • Able to handle large amount of data in excel or other data base program
  • Information Analysis
  • Related experience in Call Center or HRSS metrics desirable
  • Desirable Knowledge of Data Base program (Oracle, SQL, Power BI, etc.)
  • High English Proficiency (written and spoken), capable of delivering presentations in English. Other languages such as French, Portuguese are desirable
  • Capable to work in multiple projects successfully and simultaneously is desirable
  • Ability to understand and develop successfully partnerships with customers and peers
  • High Analytical and Problem-Solving skills
  • High Customer Service orientation
  • High Continuous Improvement orientation
  • Experience in Human Capital Management systems (Workday preferable), Customer Relationship Management systems (Microsoft Dynamics preferable) and Telephony Operation system (Avaya preferable)
  • Experience in Microsoft Office suite applications

Senior Information Technology Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must have eleven or more years of experience conducting systems or data analysis using various data analysis and metrics tools
  • Must have experience with SAP Business Objects (Web Intelligence, Dashboards, Lumira, Analysis, etc.), Microsoft Power BI, SAS and/or other similar analytics tools
  • Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Engineering, or Business with a technical emphasis
  • Six Sigma/Lean Six Sigma Green or Black Belt certification
  • PMP or PM Certificate
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office products, especially Excel (pivot tables, advanced data delivery)
  • 11 or more years of customer/client service experience analyzing IT metrics to facilitate strategic, data driven decision making
  • 3 or more years of working in IT Departments for an enterprise sized company
  • Experience working across relevant areas, developing the business and services to enhance customer satisfaction and productivity, managing risks and safety appropriately, developing and execute business plans, managing information, and providing exceptional service to internal and external customers
  • Experience interfacing and collaborating with peers, multiple management levels, and internal and external clients
  • Experience working with formal system life cycle development methodologies and other software development project management methodologies
  • Experience defining potential risk factors and operating within company policies and internal and external regulations

Reliability & Metrics Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • A minimum Bachelor or a Master degree is preferred, preferably in mathematics, statistics or computer science, Supply Chain or related discipline
  • A minimum of 2-4 years of relevant quantitative and qualitative research and analytics experience is required
  • A solid knowledge of statistical technique is required
  • Knowledge and experience in Worldwide End to End Supply Chain processes preferred
  • The ability to come up with solutions to loosely defined business problems by leveraging pattern detection over potentially large datasets
  • Strong programming skills (such as Hadoop MapReduce or other big data frameworks, Java), statistical modeling (like SAS or R). is preferred
  • An experience with BI tools such as Tableau is required
  • Proficiency in statistical analysis, quantitative analytics, forecasting/predictive analytics, multivariate testing, and optimization algorithms is required
  • In-depth industry/business knowledge is preferred
  • Project management experience, including scoping, planning, execution and resource management, is required. Project management certification, for example FPX, is preferred
  • Knowledge of Advanced Planning Systems (APS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems is preferred
  • Process Excellence/Green Belt Six Sigma tools, training and/or certification is desired
  • Facilitates the creation of key financial and performance metrics through executive dashboard and metric reports
  • Defines and builds scorecards and report results for purposes of understanding and optimizing ETO performance that is aligned with company strategy
  • Develops a common set of measures and reporting across ETO to connect and integrate key processes, systems, and performance indicators
  • Assess the present state of measurement and reporting and implements short-term changes and develops an evolving roadmap
  • Supports ad hoc and other unplanned analysis and reporting needs as determined by management priority and business changes
  • Coordinates with department resources to define or collect department-level metrics
  • Facilitates the selection of a metric tool(s)
  • Provide ongoing ownership and administrative leadership of metric tool(s)
  • Requires a Bachelor's degree in finance, statistics, business, information systems or a related field and 4+ years of experience with business analytics, statistical analysis with a financial services company, quantitative, financial, or marketing analysis on multiple large-scale data warehouses
  • Experience with executive report development
  • Experience with Microsoft Access, advanced features of Excel, SQL, Crystal Reports and Business Objects
  • Requires a considerable working knowledge of statistical analysis, metrics and reporting techniques, quantitative, financial, or marketing analysis on multiple large-scale data warehouses
  • Demonstrated knowledge compiling, merging, synthesizing, and filtering data
  • Strong analytical expertise in data mining and measurement reporting. Familiarity with project management practices
  • Ability to manage multiple projects and works well under deadline pressure
  • Strong interpersonal and oral communication/presentation skills
  • Ability to work effectively in dynamic, rapidly changing, team-based environment
  • Proven ability to function in a heavily matrixed environment
  • Solid creative thinking and problem solving skills
  • Proven ability to mine complex and non-intuitive data to identify root cause
  • Ability to translate business stakeholder needs and corporate requirements into meaningful metrics and data analysis
  • Ability to create order out of systems, data and information. Strong customer/client focus

Assistant VP-monitoring & Investigations Metrics Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Source and prepare AML Metrics reporting for use in Operations and Governance forums
  • Enhance existing metrics, refine thresholds, and propose new metrics to measure AML performance and risks
  • Present proposals and findings of analysis to team members, stakeholders in a clear and succinct manner both orally and in writing
  • Test model factors, weights and thresholds
  • Write policies and guidance documents
  • Write methodology and procedure documents
  • 3+ years of experience at large banks or consultancies producing metrics reports, or conducting statistical or situational analysis
  • Ability to learn new concepts quickly and adapt to shifting requirements and priorities
  • Ability to manage significant workload independently and effectively
  • Knowledge of SQL, or statistical package such as R, SPSS or SAS desired
  • CAMS, CFA, and/or FRM certification preferred
  • Providing key and strategic reporting to the business related to customer service KPIs - key customers are customer relations management, AC leadership, and customer relations department
  • Effectively manage daily, monthly, weekly and ad hoc reporting for AC
  • Monitor compliance to internal policies (credit issuance, export audit etc)
  • Coordinate and administer new hire training
  • Coordinate continuous improvement and education opportunities to create a world-class customer relations department
  • Other projects/problem resolution as time permits

Marketing Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to effectively interface with Executives and cross-functional teams
  • Experience recognizing business problems and developing solutions
  • Ability to translate business requests into actionable deliverables
  • Proficient at using Excel pivot tables and functions. Understanding of MySQL is bonus but not essential
  • Aptitude for numbers and attention to detail
  • Experience working with or managing large data sets
  • Understanding of the strategic vision of the company
  • Solicit, drive, triage and prioritize business deliverables
  • Ownership of the delivery of all data needed to support reporting requirements
  • Evangelize the use of data based decision making & how it enables marketing and sales
  • Maintain subject matter expertise of tools and platforms used to support our metrics and reporting requirements (E.g. Domo Dashboard, )
  • Establish best practices and standardization
  • Ensure user training, access and security
  • Report monthly on progress of project milestones. Identify roadblocks or issues with project progress and work with Domo, AQ, or stakeholder to resolve
  • Build and maintain subject matter expertise in the application of metrics and measurement to business process within specific domains
  • Provide ad-hoc reporting and analysis of data
  • Bachelor?s degree or equivalent military experience
  • Demonstrated analytical skills and techniques
  • Experience dealing with large data sets (structured or unstructured)
  • Ability to interpret data to develop action plans to improve business processes
  • Ability to adapt to and be flexible with projects and deadlines
  • Passion for delivering a great customer experience at scale
  • Strong communication skills and the ability to build relationships with internal stakeholders
  • Impeccable judgment and comfort with ambiguity
  • Strong PC skills required (Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Word)
  • Competitive spirit with the ability to lead and motivate teams
  • Experience with metrics and reporting at a financial services company
  • Experience with Tableau, Power BI, or similar data visualization tools
  • Experience in interacting with databases using SQL

Real Estate & Facilities Management Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for converting big volumes of structured and unstructured data (real estate, construction and facility management) using analytical and programming solutions into actionable insights and business value, to be able to identify risks and ineffective activities
  • Build the programming and then regularly produce operational metrics by gathering data from various systems / groups and analyzing data for performance trends, exceptions and gaps in the underlying performance
  • Identify opportunities to extend or modify metrics program to ensure the metrics have the right focus and catch emerging issues, gaps, risks at all times
  • Develops and prepares easy to read data analysis dashboards for CRS Global Risk and Control team and provide supporting data content and trend information for verification and reviews
  • Respond to ad hoc requests for data and reports for the use of CRS Risk and Control teams
  • Systems may be mainly Citi systems used for Real Estate, Construction and Facility Management purposes, such as REALM (Real Estate and Lease Management System), CASP (Citi Approved Suppliers Program), ESourcing, P2P (Procure 2 Pay), FLS (Fire Life Safety) Online, TechFace and GIR (Global Incident Reporting). Financial analysis may get into the scope only at limited extent
  • Explore opportunities for and achieve database / tool enhancements and automations
  • Occasional assistance with technology changes, coordinate system related updates and issue resolutions
  • Advise and partner with the Sr. Operations Lead on the strategy for metrics development and management of the needs and requirements of key stakeholders
  • Provide day to day support and insight to the Metrics & Performance Mgmt. team, and reporting end users
  • Document report design and business requirements
  • Facilitate end users reporting workshops
  • Provide ongoing maintenance and iterations of existing reports based on user feedback, new business priorities or other business needs
  • Manage delivery of high quality outputs in a dynamic work environment with overlapping deadlines and tight time constraints
  • Support training and adoption of reporting capability
  • Degree educated (BA or BS) with 2 years + in a service delivery and/or business operations role
  • Highly Proficient in Tableau Desktop and data visualization best practices
  • Extensive background in producing various levels of metrics and reporting in Tableau Desktop with Tableau Server deployments
  • Proven design abilities for reports and scorecards in Tableau
  • Can serve as liaison between the business and technology counterparts responsible for building the data solution behind the Tableau report
  • Skilled in various reporting tools/mechanisms as well as a quick aptitude for learning new tools
  • Critical thinker willing to question solutions and strive for excellence in delivery
  • Strong communication skills, with the ability to clearly and concisely present issues and ideas
  • Management or technical consulting background
  • Knowledgeable of Oracle, PL/SQL and basic data modeling practices
  • Strong interpersonal and relationship building skills and ability to influence across the organization
  • Assertive with independent mind who operates with facts and pushes back with respect
  • Familiar with multiple business domains (Marketing, Product, Finance et al.) and comfortable engaging with various stakeholders including C-level executives

Financial Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Execute the financial metrics and reporting process framework and model
  • Support the collection, review and aggregation of financial data for reporting critical information into concise and meaningful reports for senior and executive management
  • Execute the production and distribution of weekly, monthly and ad hoc senior management reports and business review presentations
  • Support assessment of key metrics and reporting that will be developed and provide input into the development of meaningful measures
  • Partner with Financial Co-Pilots and Data & Insights (D&I) Team to ensure data availability and accuracy of information
  • 5-10 years of experience in finance or economics specific roles
  • Undergraduate or Graduate degree in Finance or Economics required
  • Ability to create/build/operate (process, protocol, governance, system)
  • Strong analytical proficiencies to derive insights from large and complex sets of business data
  • Strong financial modeling skills required with a high level of proficiency in Excel
  • Strong proficiency with business analytics tools like Microsoft Power BI or equivalent
  • Outstanding organizational and follow up skills
  • 3-5 years’ experience mining data, and developing reports using a variety of reporting software packages with a high aptitude for learning new reporting software packages
  • Analytical thinker and problem solver
  • Excellent written and oral communication, and listening skills
  • Provide support for long-range and short-range Contact Center activities, real-time data reporting, system performance, and in the preparing of reports. Work with multiple sets of data sources and data reports. Maintain reports across multiple platforms including monitoring, and maintaining data in Excel and internal systems. Monitor call center results to identify and determine positive and negative performance trends to ensure attainment of goals and performance targets; and provide feedback to management
  • Compile, distribute, and analyze daily, weekly, and monthly call center performance reports
  • Recommend and develops new processes, reports and enhancements as required
  • Document and update processes; communicate enhancements and changes to others as necessary
  • Provide analytical support for database management (i.e. analyzing incoming data sources, etc.)
  • Review and analyzes phones reports and provides feedback to management
  • Generate and develop reports from Contact Center Manager software and disseminates appropriately
  • Report on schedule compliance and adherence, and recommend proposed schedule changes
  • Perform duties inherent in all supervisory, professional and administrative positions. Consistent with all positions in this classification, additional projects, tasks and/or duties beyond what is outlined here may be assigned as required

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resume with kpi sample

171+ Achievements to List On Your Resume [In 2024]

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Listing achievements is what sets the top candidates apart from the crowd.

See, most job-seekers only talk about their previous responsibilities and day-to-day tasks on their resume.

But that’s not enough to make you stand out.

The hiring manager knows exactly what responsibilities your profession includes. After all, they’re the ones who wrote the job description!

So if you want to get ahead of the competition, you should talk about your professional achievements instead.

Your achievements speak volumes about your skills and potential, and they can make your resume stand out.

This guide will cover:

  • How to List Achievements on Your Resume (and Get the Job!)
  • Where to Mention Your Achievements
  • 171+ Achievements You Can Use (covering 55+ professions!)

Let’s get started!

Achievements on Your Resume

So, why are achievements so important on your resume?

Just compare these two examples:

  • Contributed to the number of sales. 
  • Hit and exceeded department KPIs by 20% for 5 months in a row.

See the difference?

The first example doesn’t say much about the candidate at all. If you worked in sales , it’s already pretty obvious you did sales, and it doesn’t specify how you contributed. You could have barely met your KPIs or outperformed the whole department, and the hiring manager will never know.

But the second example shows exactly what you bring to the table. Saying you managed to hit KPIs is good, and exceeding them is even greater. By also adding the short timeframe, the hiring manager can see you’re a top performer and might prefer you as a candidate.

Where Do I List My Achievements?

Ideally, your achievements should be mentioned in several sections across your resume.

List them in these sections:

  • Resume summary
  • Work experience
  • Optional sections

Listing accomplishments in your work experience section is the most common way to go.

Just add them in separate bullet points, the same way you would list your responsibilities. 

Here’s an example:

achievements listed on resume

The next place we recommend including achievements is your resume summary .

This summary of your career sits at the top of your resume, right next to your contact information and job title . Here’s an example:

achievements listed in the resume summary

This section is an introduction to the rest of your resume, and it’s the first thing the hiring manager is going to read, so you want to make sure it grabs their attention.

The average resume summary goes like this:

  • Experienced project manager with 5+ years of work experience seeking a position at Company X. Previous experience includes working at Company Y, developing software for clients such as Client A and Client B.

This summary example is, at best, okay . All it says is that you’ve worked as a project manager across two companies within the past five years.

Newsflash: So have all the other candidates.

There’s nothing in that resume summary that makes you stand out.

But here’s what happens if you add an achievement or two:

  • Experienced project manager with 5+ years of work experience seeking a position at Company X. Managed cross-department teams of 15+ people. Successfully spearheaded the development of several software projects, including Project A and Project B.

Other sections on your resume where your achievements can make an appearance include:

  • Your volunteer experience, 
  • Your projects, 
  • Your extracurricular activities

How to List Achievements (the Right Way)

Just like with everything else, there’s a right and wrong way to list achievements.

See, the more details you add to them, the more you’ll stand out.

Let’s compare these two examples:

  • Improved product sales by 12%, which led to a 20% increase in annual revenue.
  • Significantly improved sales.

In the first example, “significantly” doesn’t say much. You could’ve improved sales by selling one extra product, or you could have lifted company revenue by 10%.

The hiring manager has no way of knowing what the impact of your work was! This is why backing up your achievements with data is important.

Whenever possible, each of your achievements should include:

#1. Timeframe

The timeframe of your achievement provides the hiring manager with context. Achieving something over a weekend is more significant than achieving the same thing over several months.

Adding a timeframe can also highlight your time management skills and ability to prioritize tasks, as well as set benchmarks for future performance.

Ask yourself these questions to figure out the timeframe of your achievements:

  • (E.g.: Resolved a major client's technical issue in under 12 hours, exceeding the 48-hour expectation.)
  • (E.g.: Increased customer satisfaction rate within three months of employment at Company X.)
  • (E.g.: Talked to 50+ customers daily.)

Adding the scale of your achievements demonstrates the impact and reach of your work.

You can measure the scale of your success through different factors, like the number of people affected or the financial impact. This data backs up your credibility and helps future employers see the value and expertise you can bring to their company.

Here are some questions to measure the scale of your achievements with:

  • (E.g.: Managed a team of six to create award-winning ad campaigns for Company X.)
  • (E.g. Successfully carried out X marketing campaign, going under the designated budget of Y USD.)
  • (E.g.: Managed campaigns of 5+ SaaS clients in the fin-tech industry.)

#3. Results

Of course, the results of your achievements show the effectiveness of your efforts.

Specific results, like percentage increases in sales or customer satisfaction ratings, give the hiring manager tangible evidence of your skills and success and make you a more appealing candidate. (E.g.: “Delivered a 1.8x ROI on a total ad spend of $22,000”.)

By backing up your achievements with clear outcomes, you’re giving potential employers an idea of how you can contribute to their team. This approach makes your resume stand out by showcasing what you've done, how well you've done it, and the positive impact you've made.

What If I Don’t Have the Data?

This is one of the most common questions among job-seekers.

Unless you were actively keeping track of your results at your job, you probably don’t know much about the impact your work had or what your greatest accomplishment was.

The solution here is pretty straightforward: just reach out to your previous employer and ask for the data. They should be more than happy to send it over!

Moving forward, though, we’d recommend keeping track of your results and achievements in your next job. This also makes it easier to answer interview questions down the line.

You’ll thank us for it later!

What if My Job Isn’t Achievement-Oriented?

If your previous roles weren't achievement-oriented, you might have trouble listing accomplishments.

What you can do instead is focus on the times when you contributed to the workplace.

Think about instances where you helped your team, improved a process, or were recognized for your work. Take the opportunity to show off your soft skills , like problem-solving and teamwork .

The same approach can be applied to your personal projects or volunteer work . Just highlight relevant skills that helped you succeed instead of giving a generic description of what you did.

Achievements can be about growth and impact, not just numbers. So long as you align your past experiences with the job you want, you can show the hiring manager how you can be a valuable addition to their team.

best resume templates - novoresume

How to List Achievements as a Student

If you’re a student or a recent graduate , you probably don’t have that much work experience, so you can’t exactly list a lot of achievements on your resume.

But what you can do is list your achievements in several other sections, such as:

  • (E.g.: “Maintained a 3.8 GPA while working and studying full-time.”)
  • (E.g.: “Created a marketing strategy for Company X as part of my Marketing 101 course and was rewarded at the top of the class.”)
  • (E.g.: “Taught elementary mathematics as a volunteer at Saint Jude’s orphanage and improved student performance by 60% over one semester.”)

Writing a resume for your first job? Check out our detailed article for tailored advice!

171+ Achievements You Can Steal (For Every Profession)

Need some inspiration? We’ve got you covered.

Here are 171 achievements across different professions that you can use:

Sales and Customer Service Achievement Examples

#1. sales associate achievements.

  • Cold-called 20+ potential clients daily, with a closing rate of 10% to 20%.
  • Hit and exceeded sales KPIs by 30% for October, November, and December in 2023.
  • Sent 200+ cold emails daily, managing to set up calls with 10% of the recipients.

For more examples, check out our sales associate resume example and full guide.

#2. Customer Service Representative Achievements

  • Maintained a customer satisfaction rate of 95% for the entire duration of employment.
  • Solved 40 - 50 tickets daily.
  • Carried out retention calls with unsatisfied customers, convincing 20% of them to keep using the software.

For more examples, check out our customer service resume example and full guide.

#3. Cashier Achievements

  • Trained and supervised five other cashiers over two years at Company X.
  • Received ‘Employee of the Month’ award for consistently providing excellent service in June, August, and December.
  • Achieved highest up-sell rates in 2022 (1.9%) and 2023 (2.6%).

For more examples, check out our cashier resume example and full guide.

#4. Retail Manager Achievements

  • Boosted store sales by 15% over six months through strategic merchandising and upselling techniques.
  • Led a team of 10 sales associates to achieve the highest regional sales record for two consecutive quarters.
  • Designed and implemented a customer loyalty program that increased repeat customer visits by 25%.

For more examples, check out our retail manager resume example and full guide.

#5. Barista Achievements

  • Developed a new coffee blend that became the store's top-selling product within three months of introduction.
  • Trained and supervised a team of four new baristas, improving overall team efficiency and service quality.
  • Implemented a streamlined order processing system that reduced average customer wait time by 30%.

For more examples, check out our barista resume example and full guide.

#6. Server and Waiter Achievements

  • Successfully upsold menu items, contributing to a 10% increase in average bill value over six months.
  • Efficiently managed high-volume shifts, serving up to 50 tables per night with consistent positive feedback.
  • Maintained a 98% customer satisfaction rating over a year, based on direct feedback and online reviews.

For more examples, check out our server resume example and a full guide to writing a waiter resume .

#7. Receptionist Achievements

  • Coordinated over 200 appointments weekly, maintaining a 99% accuracy rate in scheduling and client communications.
  • Managed a multi-line phone system, handling over 100 calls daily with exceptional service quality.
  • Recognized for perfect attendance and punctuality for two consecutive years, ensuring consistent front desk coverage.

For more examples, check out our receptionist resume example and full guide.

#8. Food and Beverage Management Achievements

  • Increased bar revenue by 20% by redesigning the cocktail menu and adding several new options.
  • Reduced food waste by 40% by implementing an efficient inventory management system and staff training programs.
  • Worked with an external marketing agency to run ads for the venue, resulting in a 25% increase in annual revenue.

For more examples, check out our bar manager resume example and full guide.

Administrative and HR Achievement Examples

#9. recruiter achievements.

  • Filled 100% of open positions within the targeted timeline over 12 months, enhancing organizational efficiency.
  • Reduced the average time-to-hire by 20 days through streamlining the recruitment process.
  • Managed data integrity within the applicant tracking system, ensuring timely entry and visibility of recruitment activity within ATS/CRM technologies.

For more examples, check out our recruiter resume example and full guide.

#10. Human Resources Specialist Achievements

  • Led a company-wide employee engagement program that resulted in a 30% increase in employee satisfaction scores.
  • Negotiated with benefits providers to enhance employee packages, achieving a 10% cost reduction while improving benefits.
  • Developed and facilitated a leadership training program, contributing to a 25% improvement in management effectiveness.

For more examples, check out our human resources resume example and full guide.

#11. Office Manager Achievements

  • Reached out to and made deals with new office supply providers, cutting annual supply costs by 20%.
  • Coordinated the setup of a remote working infrastructure, maintaining productivity during a transition to remote work.
  • Implemented a new document management system that improved filing efficiency by 35%.

For more examples, check out our office manager resume example and full guide.

#12. Administrative Assistant Achievements

  • Managed scheduling and logistics for a series of successful board meetings and company events.
  • Streamlined travel arrangements and accommodations for executives, enhancing travel efficiency and comfort.
  • Communicated with 20+ company partners and clients daily, and assisted in onboarding 14 employees during time at Company X.

For more examples, check out our administrative assistant resume example and full guide.

#13. Data Entry Achievements

  • Increased data processing speed by 30% through the implementation of keyboard shortcuts and efficiency software.
  • Identified and corrected a critical systematic error in the data entry, preventing potential data loss.
  • Completed a large-scale data migration project two weeks ahead of the scheduled deadline.

For more examples, check out our data entry resume example and full guide.

Finance Achievement Examples

#14. accountant achievements.

  • Managed an annual budget of $400,000 for seven years.
  • Identified tax savings opportunities that resulted in a 15% reduction in overall tax liabilities for the year.
  • Worked with a team of three accountants, creating financial reports for all company activities across all departments.

For more examples, check out our accountant resume example and full guide.

#15. Financial Analyst Achievements

  • Developed a financial model that predicted market trends with 90% accuracy, contributing to a 15% increase in investment returns.
  • Streamlined reporting processes, reducing the time spent on monthly financial reports by 30%.
  • Conducted a comprehensive risk analysis that led to a portfolio adjustment, safeguarding against a market downturn.

For more examples, check out our financial analyst resume example and full guide.

#16. Bank Teller Achievements

  • Recognized for outstanding customer service, receiving a 95% positive rating in customer feedback surveys.
  • Implemented a new cash handling procedure that reduced end-of-day balancing errors by 40%.
  • Helped onboard three new bank tellers, bringing them up to speed with the bank’s rules and policies.

For more examples, check out our bank teller resume example and full guide.

#17. Banker Achievements

  • Managed a loan portfolio of $10 million, maintaining a default rate of less than 1%.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with 50+ high-value clients, leading to a 25% increase in client assets managed.
  • Successfully negotiated and closed 15 high-value commercial loans, contributing significantly to branch revenue.

For more examples, check out our banker resume example and full guide.

Business Achievement Examples

#18. branch manager achievements.

  • Achieved the highest employee retention rate across the region through effective management and staff development programs.
  • Participated in community affairs to increase branch visibility and create new and enhanced existing business opportunities, increasing annual revenue by 20%.
  • Provided a superior level of customer relations and promoted the sales and service culture through coaching, guidance, and staff motivation.

#19. Data Analyst Achievements

  • Conducted a data-driven market analysis that informed the development of two new successful product lines.
  • Played a pivotal role in a data migration project, ensuring a smooth transition with no data loss.
  • Developed a predictive model that reduced forecasting errors by 25%, significantly improving business planning.

For more examples, check out our data analyst resume example and full guide.

#20. Business Development Manager Achievements

  • Established new key partnerships with Company X and Company Y, resulting in a 20% increase in annual revenue.
  • Secured ten new client accounts within a year, exceeding the target by 25%.
  • Started a partnership program, kick-starting work with four implementation partners in Europe.

For more examples, check out our business development manager resume example and full guide.

#21. Project Manager Achievements

  • Led the digital transformation project, adopting software to help with marketing, accounting, and HR duties at Company X.
  • Successfully completed six projects from start to finish, generating a total of $600,000 in revenue over the past five years.
  • Functioned as a single point of contact for 15+ clients, answering all their requests and questions on time.

For more examples, check out our project manager resume example and full guide.

Marketing and Advertising Achievement Examples

#22. marketing executive achievements.

  • Led the successful launch of a new product line, resulting in the acquisition of over 500 new customers in the first quarter.
  • Developed a digital marketing strategy that resulted in a 40% increase in online engagement.
  • Oversaw a team of 20 marketing professionals, fostering a collaborative environment that boosted team productivity.

For more examples, check out our marketing executive resume example and full guide.

#23. Marketing Manager Achievements

  • Revamped Company X’s social media accounts, improving user engagement by over 60% on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Expanded the marketing team from 5 to 15 members, enhancing the department's capabilities and output.
  • Led Facebook ad lead generation campaigns, driving 20+ leads for the sales team monthly, at a $2.7 CPC and $9 CPA.

For more examples, check out our marketing manager resume example and full guide.

#24. Media Buying Specialist Achievements

  • Negotiated with media vendors to secure prime advertising slots within a monthly ad budget of $20,000.
  • Maintained an ad spend ROI of 1.8 for Company X’s ad campaigns over the past three months.
  • Reduced Company X’s Search Ads average CPC while maintaining the same conversion rate, saving $2k in monthly ad spend.

#25. SEO Specialist Achievements

  • Fully managed Company X’s SEO and conducted comprehensive keyword research for over 500 terms, optimizing content for diverse audience segments.
  • Increased Company X’s monthly organic traffic from 0 to 200,000 within two years.
  • Led a team of four freelance writers, creating and publishing 10+ SEO content pieces every month with around 70% currently ranking on page 1 of Google.

IT and Software Development Achievement Examples

#26. it specialist achievements.

  • Successfully managed the IT setup for a new office location, ensuring seamless network and system integration for 100+ users.
  • Led the upgrade of an enterprise-level software system, improving system efficiency and user satisfaction.
  • Consulted in the redesign of a company’s website, resulting in a 25% increase in traffic.

For more examples, check out our IT resume example and full guide.

#27. Software Engineer Achievements

  • Led and managed a team of six in developing new financial management software and delivered the product two weeks ahead of schedule
  • Developed a new application feature that increased user engagement by 30%.
  • Created, maintained, and monitored the entire cloud infrastructure of Company X, while working on 20+ microservices for 5 clients.

For more examples, check out our software engineer resume example and full guide.

#28. Cyber Security Achievements

  • Designed and enforced a new security protocol, reducing system vulnerabilities by 50%.
  • Conducted regular security audits, identifying and mitigating risks effectively.
  • Played a key role in responding to and resolving a major security breach, minimizing data loss and downtime.

#29. Web Developer Achievements

  • Built a responsive e-commerce website that increased the client's sales conversion rate by 20%.
  • Revamped a major website, improving load time by 60% and enhancing user experience.
  • Integrated advanced features into a web platform, such as a custom CMS and interactive user interfaces.

For more examples, check out our web developer resume example and full guide.

#30. Computer Scientist Achievements

  • Published a research paper on machine learning algorithms in a renowned tech journal.
  • Developed an innovative algorithm that improved data processing speeds by 25%.
  • Created an educational program that introduced computer science fundamentals to over 200 high school students.

For more examples, check out our computer scientist resume example and full guide.

#31. DevOps Engineer Achievements

  • Streamlined the deployment process, reducing deployment time by 50%.
  • Implemented a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, improving code quality and deployment frequency.
  • Automated various infrastructure tasks, saving 20 hours of manual work per week.

For more examples, check out our DevOps engineer resume example and full guide.

#32. AI Engineer Achievements

  • Designed and implemented an AI model that improved prediction accuracy by 35% for a financial forecasting tool.
  • Contributed to the development of an AI-driven chatbot, enhancing customer service interactions and reducing response time.
  • Conducted AI research that led to the development of two patented machine-learning technologies.

For more examples, check out our AI engineer resume example and full guide.

#33. Java Developer Achievements

  • Developed a Java-based server application that handled 10,000+ concurrent users.
  • Optimized existing Java code, improving system performance and scalability.
  • Contributed to a Java open-source project, with several suggestions and improvements being integrated into the next release.

For more examples, check out our Java developer resume example and full guide.

Health and Medicine Achievement Examples

#34. nurse achievements.

  • Managed care for a diverse patient population, consistently receiving high satisfaction ratings from patients.
  • Implemented a health education program that improved patient outcomes and reduced hospital readmission rates.
  • Reduced emergency room visits by 30% for a panel of 200 patients through effective management of chronic diseases and patient education.

For more examples, check out our nurse resume example and full guide.

#35. Medical Assistant Achievements

  • Streamlined patient intake procedures, reducing average wait times by 15 minutes.
  • Assisted in over 1,000 successful patient examinations and treatments, maintaining high standards of care.
  • Conducted and analyzed over 500 laboratory tests, playing a critical role in patient diagnosis and treatment plans.

For more examples, check out our medical assistant resume example and full guide.

#36. Dentist Achievements

  • Successfully performed over 200 complex dental procedures with a 98% success rate.
  • Introduced a new dental health initiative that increased patient retention by 25%.
  • Led a dental outreach program that provided free services to over 300 underserved individuals in the community.

For more examples, check out our dentist resume example and full guide.

#37. Pharmacist Achievements

  • Managed pharmaceutical inventory for a high-volume pharmacy, maintaining optimal stock levels and reducing waste.
  • Enhanced prescription accuracy by implementing a new verification system, resulting in a 40% reduction in dispensing errors.
  • Developed a medication management plan that improved patient adherence and reduced medication errors.

For more examples, check out our pharmacist resume example and full guide.

Creative Achievement Examples

#38. graphic designer achievements.

  • Designed a marketing campaign that increased client engagement by 50%.
  • Created over 100 graphic designs for various clients, maintaining a 95% client satisfaction rate.
  • Revamped a major brand's visual identity, leading to a 30% increase in their social media following.

For more examples, check out our graphic designer resume example and full guide.

#39. Game Designer Achievements

  • Developed a game that received a 4.5/5 rating on major gaming platforms.
  • Led a design team to create a top-selling game, achieving over 500,000 downloads in the first month.
  • Implemented a user feedback system for a game that resulted in a 20% increase in player retention.

For more examples, check out our game designer resume example and full guide.

#40. Animator Achievements

  • Produced a 5-minute animation that gained over one million views on YouTube.
  • Worked on a popular TV show, contributing to animation that was nominated for an industry award.
  • Developed a series of animations that enhanced the user experience, leading to a 25% increase in app engagement.

For more examples, check out our animator resume example and full guide.

#41. Illustrator Achievements

  • Illustrated a children's book that sold over 10,000 copies within the first six months.
  • Created over 50 custom illustrations for various clients, resulting in a 100% project satisfaction rate.
  • Designed a series of illustrations for a website, increasing user engagement by 40%.

For more examples, check out our illustrator resume example and full guide.

#42. Photographer Achievements

  • Conducted over 30 photoshoots for major brands, with images featured in national advertising campaigns.
  • Sold 200+ prints in a solo photography exhibition.
  • Won a prestigious photography award for a series focusing on urban landscapes.

For more examples, check out our photographer resume example and full guide.

#43. Actor Achievements

  • Starred in a critically acclaimed theatre production that ran for over 100 shows.
  • Played a leading role in a film that grossed over $50 million worldwide.
  • Received the best actor award in a renowned film festival.

For more examples, check out our actor resume example and full guide.

#44. Writer Achievements

  • Authored a book that made the New York Times Best Seller list.
  • Wrote a series of articles that increased website traffic by 35%.
  • Scripted a short film that won an award at an international film festival.

For more examples, check out our writer resume and full guide.

#45. Editor Achievements

  • Edited a novel that became a bestseller and was critically acclaimed.
  • Led an editorial team that produced a magazine with a 20% increase in readership.
  • Managed the editing process for a website, resulting in a 30% reduction in content errors and inconsistencies.

For more examples, check out our editor's resume example and full guide.

Education Achievement Examples

#46. professor achievements.

  • Published a research paper in a top-tier academic journal, contributing significant findings in the field.
  • Developed a new curriculum that was adopted by the department, enhancing course offerings and student learning outcomes.
  • Supervised 10+ graduate students, with several winning national awards for their research work.

For more examples, check out our academic CV example and full guide.

#47. Teacher Achievements

  • Increased student test scores in the class by 20% through innovative teaching methods.
  • Led the development and launch of a new interdisciplinary program that enhanced student engagement.
  • Organized a successful school-wide literacy event, boosting student participation in extracurricular reading activities.

For more examples, check out our teacher resume example and full guide.

#48. Tutor Achievements

  • Assisted over 50 students in improving their grades, with 90% achieving a 'B' grade or higher in tutored subjects.
  • Developed personalized learning plans that resulted in a 25% improvement in students' academic performance.
  • Specialized in SAT/ACT preparation, helping students increase their scores by an average of 150 points.

#49. College Student Achievements

  • Completed a successful internship with a major company, receiving a commendation for outstanding performance.
  • Led a university project team to win a national competition in the field of engineering.
  • Founded a campus club that grew to over 200 members, fostering community engagement and leadership skills.

For more examples, check out our college freshman resume example and full guide.

#50. High School Student Achievements

  • Maintained a 3.7 GPA while actively participating in three extracurricular clubs.
  • Organized a community service project that involved over 100 students and benefited local charities.
  • Won first place in a statewide science fair, receiving recognition for an innovative project.

For more examples, check out our high school resume example and full guide.

Other Achievement Examples

#51. architect achievements.

  • Designed a sustainable residential complex that won a green architecture award.
  • Led the renovation of a historic building, receiving acclaim for preserving its original features while enhancing functionality.
  • Developed a cost-effective design solution that saved a project 15% in construction costs.

For more examples, check out our architect resume example and full guide.

#52. Engineer Resume Achievements

  • Innovated a new water filtration system, improving efficiency by 30% and receiving a patent.
  • Increased performance of the engineering team during a critical Q4 by 15%, to successfully meet end-of-year KPIs.
  • Took eight active building projects from research to development and completion in under two years.

For more examples, check out our engineer resume example and full guide.

#53. Interior Designer Achievements

  • Transformed a high-profile commercial space, resulting in a 40% increase in foot traffic for the client.
  • Won an industry award for an innovative residential interior design project.
  • Collaborated with architects to optimize living spaces in a residential complex, enhancing both aesthetics and functionality.

For more examples, check out our interior designer resume example and full guide.

#54. Construction Project Manager Achievements

  • Successfully managed a large-scale construction project, completing it 10% under budget and on schedule.
  • Implemented safety protocols that resulted in zero accidents throughout a two-year project.
  • Coordinated the work of 50+ subcontractors, ensuring efficient workflow and adherence to quality standards.

For more examples, check out our construction project manager resume example and full guide.

#55. Operations Manager Achievements

  • Streamlined company processes, leading to a 20% increase in overall operational efficiency.
  • Reduced operational costs by 15% through strategic planning and resource optimization.
  • Implemented a new inventory management system, improving stock turnover by 25%.

For more examples, check out our operations manager resume example and full guide.

#56. Event Planner Achievements

  • Organized a corporate conference for 500 attendees, receiving a 95% satisfaction rate in post-event surveys.
  • Successfully coordinated a charity gala that raised $200,000, exceeding the fundraising goal by 25%.
  • Managed a high-profile wedding event with a budget of $100,000, delivering a seamless experience that garnered industry recognition.

For more examples, check out our event planner resume example and full guide.

Key Takeaways

That’s all there is to adding achievements to your resume!

Now, let’s briefly recap what we talked about:

  • Listing achievements instead of just responsibilities can boost your chances of getting hired.
  • You can mention achievements in your resume summary and work experience section. If you don’t have a lot of work experience, you can also mention any achievements from your education, volunteering, or personal projects.
  • When listing your achievements, make sure they include a timeframe, scale, and results.
  • If you can’t think of any achievements, just scroll back up to get inspiration for any of the professions we gave examples for.

Want to get the most out of your career? Don’t forget to follow our career blog for some industry-leading career advice!

Recommended Readings:

  • How to Write a Resume | Beginner's Guide
  • How to Write a Cover Letter & Get the Job [5+ Real-Life Examples]
  • 3 Best Resume Formats [W/ 5+ Professional Templates]

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How to write KPIs on your CV: A quick guide

a man sitting at a desk in front of a computer.

Writing KPIs correctly on your CV is often  crucial for getting your document noticed .

Employers reading through  dozens if not hundreds of applications  are always looking for specific examples for why you are the perfect candidate for the job. Therefore, good examples of key performance indicators you’ve achieved will help you do just that.

This article looks at how you can  successfully get KPIs on your CV . It shows you the most important results and achievements you should get on paper and also gives a few good KPI  CV example  situations you can use to help you choose what goes into your final draft.

What are the best ways to write KPIs on a CV?

The golden rule of writing KPIs on an application is to  focus on numerical statistics.  State your most eye-catching results on paper as percentages, monetary amounts or other measurable values.

Following the normal CV design rules, it’s best to write this information in the  work experience section . Rather than noting down your time at previous jobs in long, dense paragraphs, try to list highlights as  bullet-points . That way you can include plenty of examples of where you got results that can be quickly picked out.

What are the most important KPIs for a CV?

Broadly speaking this depends. The KPIs on your CV will be decided by a few important points. First of all, you should choose the best highlights based on your  career experience  and secondly the job you’re applying for.

The first point is important as this will help you pinpoint your most eye-catching achievements to get on the page when you  write your CV . The second will be especially crucial as you should always  tailor your CV to the job you want to get .

Overall, most employers will react to one of the following examples of KPI:

  • How you generated growth
  • Ways you saved the company time or money
  • How many people you helped (customers or colleagues)
  • The number of tasks you managed or completed

Let’s now take a look at these 4 in some more detail. In doing this we can unpack a little more about  what they could comprise on your CV  and how you can write them into your document.

KPI 1: Give a guide on how you stimulated growth

Most employers want to see some examples of any and every way you helped your employers grow. This could be through savvy hiring policies,  record-busting sales  results or production boosts.

Generally, this can be shown on your CV through some  snapshot revenue figures you achieved , production rates you oversaw or the number of hires you made. Be sure to state time frames so that the recruiter has a good idea of the extent of these results.

For instance, if you made a higher gross profit from one year to the next, you can mention what methods you used. For example, you could add something similar to the following:

“After analysing company revenue over the past two years, I shifted our target audience, which led to a 10% increase in net revenue from the previous year.”

KPI 2: Show off the savings you enacted

Making money is one thing, but saving money is equally as important for companies all over the country. Therefore, if you’ve had a hand in successfully  identifying wastage  or streamlining a business the person reading your CV will want to know.

Try to state a rounded financial figure of how much you specifically saved the company and, if necessary, indicate where the savings were made. If you helped with the  implementation and realisation of these changes  also shows how you brought them into being and moved the company forward.

KPI 3: Demonstrate how you helped people

Customers and staff will often rely on your work to get things done. If your job  focuses on facilitating projects  from all departments or serving clients and customers try to get this into your CV.

If you work in a service industry job where you deal with numerous customers daily you could indicate this by showing a shop’s average footfall, your average call rate or your  customer satisfaction rating  to give an idea of how you interacted with clients.

KPI 4: Tally up the number of tasks you completed

Working on projects  is a big part of many different types of jobs. Therefore, if you completed tasks fast and effectively you’ll give your CV a very big boost. These should be broad-scale duties or achievements rather than your daily responsibilities.

Do this by indicating the number of successfully finalized  upgrade or improvement tasks  over the course of a year or quarterly period. Alternatively, highlight ways you led teams through major company changes with instruction documents, seminars and how-to guides you made. All of this will give a good indication of your ability to get work done.

KPIs done right on your CV have the potential to have a huge impact on your document’s performance. Don’t forget the goal of a job application is to  sell yourself to the employer  these performance indicators will help you do just that .

Writing in a resume can feel like a time consuming and detailed process and to some extent that is true. However, using  OnlineCV’s  range of  CV generation tools  can take a lot of difficulty out of the process. Try it now for optimized templates, tips and advice and easy to add or remove sections.

KPIs on a CV Examples

Understanding  how to include KPIs in your CV , in the correct manner, is essential. Reviewing some examples of statistics and data can help you understand how to write your key performance indicators.

Review the following useful examples of KPIs in CVs,  for various industries .

Sales and finances

  • Net & gross profit Deals finalised Profit from new customers

Customer Service

  • Customers acquired over a certain period Customers retained

Human Resources

  • Amount of new employees Training and development statistics

By adding these types of examples to your CV, you give much more insight into your experience and capabilities.

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You know that your resume needs to stand out in today’s recruiting environment.

When hiring managers review applications, they’ll usually have several candidates who can do the day-to-day job they’re looking to fill.

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resume with kpi sample

In these cases, applicants who differentiate themselves effectively will beat out those who wrote out a laundry list of what they were “responsible for.”

You should never try to stand out using extravagant formatting features such as colors, graphics, or photos, however.

Recruiters are impressed by quality content – not your ability to assemble a pretty document (unless you’re applying for graphic design roles).

The key to standing out?

Craft achievement-driven bullet points that demonstrate the impact you made on an organization.

By incorporating key metrics and KPIs into your resume, you’ll make your claims more believable and immediately build up credibility in the eyes of hiring managers.

This article discusses 5 metrics that give your resume a competitive advantage.

1) Revenue & Sales Growth

If you’re responsible for improving company revenue or sales, cite specific figures to demonstrate your contribution.

Consider creating a spreadsheet to keep track of notable achievements from each of your roles:

  • How much did you increase revenue on a month-over-month or year-over-year basis?
  • How many sales did you make?

You’ll also want to put these metrics into context:

  • What strategies did you use to increase revenue?
  • Were there any headwinds (such as the pandemic) that make this a particularly impressive achievement?

When you leverage specific metrics and explain how you achieved them, you help recruiters envision how you’ll add value to their company.

This approach will leave a stronger impression than a generic statement saying that you were “recognized for consistently achieving sales targets.” Instead, you can explain that you:

“Increased online sales revenue by 20% year-over-year by implementing abandoned cart recovery emails in Shopify, exceeding team sales target by 150%”

2) Cost Reduction & Profitability Improvement

If you’re not in a position that generates revenue, think about quantifying ways in which you decreased costs.

Questions to address include:

  • By how much did you decrease operating costs?
  • Did you reduce the cost of producing a product or delivering a service? How?
  • Are there any other overhead costs you eliminated, such as outsourced contractors or expensive tools?
  • By how much did you improve your division’s profitability?

You may have to dig through old dashboards or invoices to gather these metrics, but hiring managers will be impressed by your thinking about ways to improve the company’s bottom line.

If your materials costs decreased because you secured better pricing from suppliers, explain that you:

“Lowered materials cost by 18% in 6 months by renegotiating contracts with 4 suppliers.”

3) Process Optimization

In almost any role, you can improve existing processes – even if it’s not officially part of your job description.

Remember that companies are always looking for ways to increase efficiency.

By putting numbers behind your achievements in this area, you’ll demonstrate how having you on the team will help the company get more done with fewer resources.

  • How much time did you save via new processes you created?
  • What tools did you leverage to make your work more efficient?
  • By how much did you improve efficiency?
  • What results did the analysis you conducted yield?

To measure efficiency, think about how long certain tasks used to take you to complete before you implemented new tools or processes.

If preparing month-end financial statements used to take a week and your new Excel models help you get it done in a day, you can write a bullet point such as:

“Reduced time to prepare month-end financials by 80% by creating a new Excel model”

You can still quantify your achievements if your role primarily involves leading people.

Elevate your bullet points that have to do with recruitment, training, and team leadership by addressing the following questions:

  • How many people were on your team? How many direct/indirect reports did you have?
  • How many candidates did you interview and for how many positions?
  • By how much did you improve team member engagement scores or retention?
  • How many training sessions did you deliver? How did they improve team performance?

These metrics help contextualize your role’s scope and impact, giving recruiters a clearer understanding of your leadership ability.

If team performance improved after you launched a new hire training program, you could say that you:

“Developed and rolled out a training program for new analysts that resulted in increased performance scores (+10 points) and on-the-job engagement (+18 points)”

5) Marketing & Partnership Development

If you work in marketing or build partnerships, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to quantify results:

  • How many impressions did your marketing initiatives generate?
  • Can you calculate the ROI of your marketing campaigns?
  • How many deals did you sign? How many partners did you bring on board?
  • By how much did you increase conversion rates?

Don’t forget to put your metrics into context by providing year-over-year comparisons or timelines to strengthen your case further:

“Established relationships with 4 investors, resulting in 6 new hotel development deals within two years.”

Incorporating metrics into your bullet points will take research and advanced planning, but trust that the extra effort is well worth it.

Once you’re happy with your base content, you can tailor your resume to your target roles to further bolster your chances of landing interviews.

About the Author

Matt glodz is the founder of resume pilots, an award-winning executive resume writing service. matt graduated from cornell university, where he studied business communication with leading professors in the field. he is also a certified professional resume writer and certified professional career coach. at resume pilots, matt and his team bring writing excellence, superior service, and market expertise to applicants who are looking for job-search services beyond mere resume assistance., faqs: leveraging metrics for success, q: why is it important to include metrics on my resume.

A: Including metrics on your resume demonstrates your tangible impact on previous organizations, making your achievements more credible and compelling to hiring managers. It showcases your ability to drive results, giving you a competitive edge.

Q: What types of metrics should I include on my resume?

A: Consider including metrics related to revenue and sales growth, cost reduction and profitability improvement, process optimization, leadership and team development, and marketing and partnership development. Specific figures related to achievements in these areas can significantly strengthen your resume.

Q: How can I quantify achievements if I’m not in a revenue-generating role?

A: You can quantify achievements by detailing cost reductions, process improvements, efficiency gains, team development impacts, and the results of marketing initiatives. Look for ways you’ve contributed to your organization’s bottom line or operational efficiency.

Q: Can incorporating metrics into my resume make a difference in my job search?

A: Absolutely. Metrics provide concrete evidence of your contributions and can set you apart from other candidates who may only list duties or responsibilities. This data-driven approach can catch a recruiter’s eye and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Q: What if I can’t access exact figures or metrics from my previous roles?

A: If you don’t have exact figures, estimate the impact as accurately as possible or describe the scope of your projects and initiatives. You can also mention the methods or strategies you used to achieve results, giving context to your contributions.

Q: How do I make my achievements stand out with metrics?

A: Use clear, concise bullet points to highlight your achievements, including the metric, briefly explaining how you achieved it and the context if necessary. This format makes it easy for hiring managers to see the value you can bring to their team.

Q: Should I tailor the metrics on my resume for each job application?

A: Tailoring your resume’s metrics and achievements to align with the job you’re applying for can further enhance your application. Highlight the metrics and results most relevant to the position to demonstrate your suitability and potential impact.

Like what you’re reading? Sign up to get our best career advice and job search tips.

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How to Create a KPI Dashboard (With Examples & Templates)

June 27, 2024

In a high-performing team, everybody knows exactly what they’re responsible for, how they’re doing, and how it all ties in with the organization’s goals.

These teams, who work as one unit and consistently crush targets, have one common habit: they track and know their numbers at all times.

You can’t improve what you don’t measure.

The first step toward improving performance, then, is measurement. This brings us to the concept of KPIs or Key Performance Indicators . KPIs help continuously quantify the performance of individuals, teams, and the entire organization.

However, setting KPIs is only the first step. 

You must also monitor your progress regularly to ensure you and your team can achieve your goals. That’s where a KPI dashboard comes in handy! 📈

What is a KPI Dashboard?

Elements of a kpi dashboard, difference between kpis and okrs, strategic kpi dashboard, analytical kpi dashboard, operational kpi dashboard, tactical kpi dashboard, project management kpi dashboard, 1. define your goal, 2. identify relevant metrics, 3. set the targets, 4. integrate your data sources, 5. build and customize your dashboard, 6. track the metrics, 7. analyze the results, 8. evaluate progress, clickup marketing campaigns dashboard, clickup sales overview dashboard, clickup personal productivity dashboard, how to use kpi dashboards to work smarter.

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A KPI dashboard visually represents your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), giving you a detailed view of multiple KPIs in one place . Using graphs, charts, progress bars, etc., the KPI dashboard helps you quickly see where you or your team stand against specific goals. You can instantly gauge how close you are to reaching benchmarks.

KPI dashboards give all stakeholders a clear understanding of the organization’s performance at all times. This helps identify problem areas and take corrective action where needed. 

Here is how a KPI dashboard helps a business:

  • Visualizes data for easy understanding : A KPI dashboard brings complex data from various sources into one concise view. This helps in performance tracking and makes it easier to identify trends
  • Tracks progress towards specific goals : Using quantitative metrics , the dashboard helps teams understand their performance vis-a-vis goals. For example, a marketing team may track KPIs such as website traffic, conversation rates, cost of customer acquisition (CAC), etc. to understand how they are performing
  • Helps in decision-making : A KPI dashboard can uncover insights that help you and your team make better decisions. For example, in a week when website leads have dropped, a marketing KPI dashboard could show you whether it was related to a drop in traffic 
  • Improves communication and alignment across departments : KPI dashboards help teams have the same transparent view of goals and progress towards them. This keeps different departments aligned on common objectives

Modern KPI dashboards compile multiple KPIs in one view, saving time you’d otherwise spend analyzing data from multiple sources.

Shared views help teams analyze performance collaboratively and leverage data and metrics to quantify progress.  

New to KPIs? Watch our video that demystifies KPIs for you once and for all!

The KPI dashboard is more than just a tracking tool: It offers a snapshot of impending deadlines and tasks that need urgent attention, along with their respective owners. This level of clarity and accountability leads to informed decisions and timely adjustments, so you can maintain momentum toward goals.

A well-designed KPI dashboard will typically have these elements:

Key metrics

A KPI dashboard will showcase the most important metrics relevant to the team and organization. Each of the metrics is typically specific, quantifiable, and measurable . For example, key metrics for a product management team could include feature adoption rate, NPS (Net Promoter Score), user retention rate, customer satisfaction score (CSAT), etc.

Data visualization

Simple pie charts and lists of numbers might not be enough to track your progress accurately. Instead, you should look for an executive dashboard that offers comprehensive insights through visual elements . Elements like graphs, gauges, thermometers, and progress bars make monitoring progress easier.

A KPI dashboard that visualizes data through charts, graphs, scorecards, etc., makes it easier for teams to quickly grasp and analyze the data and decide on the next steps. 

Real-time updates

You want a dashboard with the most current and reliable data, so you can make informed decisions and take timely action. Ideally, your KPI dashboard should be able to update data automatically in real time or at frequent intervals. This ensures that the information you’re looking at is always current and reliable. 

While many teams still create KPI dashboards in Excel , a significant drawback is that they won’t stay updated automatically. Modern tools can do this better by integrating with your data sources. 

Filtering and drill-down options

The more advanced dashboards give you filters and drill-down options to see specific metrics in more granular detail. For example, ClickUp Dashboards have filters and toggle switches to help you find the necessary information. 

Milestones and timelines

Setting milestones is important for a team leader to maintain team morale, especially for long-term objectives. They serve as checkpoints that offer encouragement through visible signs of progress. 

Timelines, on the other hand, give you and your entire team a clear roadmap for achieving objectives, helping you stay motivated and focused. Your KPI dashboard should be able to incorporate these along with performance metrics.

ClickUp Goals 


The KPI dashboard can truly be useful only when users can personalize their dashboard view . For example, a sales leader might only wish to see overall sales KPIs and add filters by teams. On the other hand, a department head may want to see detailed team and individual performance KPIs in a specific layout. 

Your dashboard should be customizable so that you don’t have to create multiple KPI dashboards tailored to each team’s unique requirements. You can also create a common dashboard template that can be repurposed as often as required.

💡 Pro Tip: ClickUp Dashboards are highly customizable, with over 50 widgets to create your preferred data view . 

ClickUp 3.0 Dashboard Bundle With Team Goals


Some KPI reporting tools allow you to set up alerts and notifications for specific events requiring intervention or quick action. For instance, you could set up an alert for when your website traffic falls by more than 10% in a week. 

User-friendly interface

A KPI dashboard is a tool for everyone in the organization, not just the tech-savvy ones. Its design should be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing easy navigation . All key insights must be readily accessible so team members don’t have to search extensively for important business data. Additionally, making the dashboard mobile-friendly enhances its utility since teams can track crucial updates anywhere and anytime.

As a business analyst, the dashboard feature of ClickUp has made it a lot easier to depict data in a beautiful and purposeful manner. The comparison feature has customization through which data can be displayed in a meaning complete way and can be understood very easily

Now we know what an effective KPI dashboard is composed of, let’s also answer the one question that confuses many—the difference between OKRs and KPIs.

While KPIs and OKRs are used to measure and track performance, their purpose and features differ. While KPIs measure your performance against specific metrics, OKRs set your vision and strategy for achieving your goals. Here’s a quick comparison between the two:

A table highlighting the differences between KPIs and OKRs

The most commonly used kind of KPI dashboard is the operational dashboard. This gives a regular snapshot of your business operations at a point in time. Such dashboards usually lack frills like multiple views and progress bars; instead, they focus on the current performance or condition . Operational KPI dashboards also have a simpler layout that is easy to use. 

This kind of KPI dashboard is often used by team leads and middle management ; its common features include:

  • Team-specific KPIs: Detailing team goals and tracking progress against these metrics
  • Collaboration and alignment tools: Ensuring team objectives align with the broader organizational goals and enhancing collaboration among team members
  • Performance management: Helping evaluate team performance, identify areas for improvement, and recognize achievements
  • Milestone tracking: Highlighting significant achievements and upcoming deadlines to keep the team motivated and on track

Examples of this kind of dashboard include a daily sales performance tracker, team attendance report, customer support response times tracker, stock inventory level dashboard, company sales KPI dashboard, etc. Various teams within the organization (sales, marketing, customer service, etc. can also create operational dashboards to track functional KPIs.

Individual contributors must understand how their work impacts the organization’s goals. Their dashboard is more tactical and focuses on the following:

  • Individual goals and metrics: Displaying the individual’s targets and their progress towards achieving them
  • Task management: Integrating task lists and progress indicators to help individuals manage their workload and prioritize effectively
  • Feedback and development: Offering ways to receive feedback and track personal development and growth within the organization
  • Alignment visibility: Showing how their objectives align with team and organizational goals to create a sense of contribution and belonging

ClickUp Dashboard

Project managers usually have a separate dashboard for each of their projects. This project management KPI dashboard can visualize how the project is progressing and whether overall performance is up to expectations. 

Such a dashboard would include KPIs related to:

  • Resource allocation and utilization
  • Time tracking
  • Task completion status
  • Budget utilization
  • Project timelines

It helps project managers stay on top of the project and take corrective action whenever necessary to bring specific KPIs back on track. 

Some organizations also create custom KPI dashboards for specific teams or initiatives. These dashboards compile and display the most relevant data for each case. 

Each type of KPI dashboard ensures that everyone in the organization, regardless of their role, is aligned with the strategic goals. By providing relevant data and insights to employees at every level, KPI dashboards facilitate effective decision-making, enhance performance management, and promote a culture of transparency and accountability.

Also read: Types of KPI scorecards to track your project

How to Create a KPI Dashboard

Now, let’s show you how to create a KPI dashboard for yourself or your team. Follow along!

While you can still create this the old way in an Excel sheet, a modern dashboard solution will simplify day-to-day management.  Among all the options available, ClickUp stands out as a comprehensive project management solution that simplifies goal and progress tracking.

Before building your KPI dashboard, you must decide on your goals. When setting goals, keep in mind that they must be able to move you toward your long-term objectives. 

The best way to set relevant goals is to follow the SMART framework: set goals that are S mart, M easurable, A chievable, R ealistic, and T ime-bound. If you haven’t done this before or want to save time, you can use the ClickUp Smart Goals Template to decide your goals efficiently.

Streamline team goal setting with the structured framework provided by ClickUp SMART Goals Template

This customizable template helps you break down complex objectives into smaller, more achievable goals. It helps you define Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound objectives.

The SMART Goal Worksheet View will give you a space to brainstorm and store all of your ideas, while the Company Goals View helps you keep track of all the goals that your team is working on.

Once you have zeroed in on the most relevant goals to track in your KPI dashboard, create them in ClickUp.

💡 Pro Tip: Setting team goals? Involve team members in goal setting to get early buy-in. ClickUp Whiteboards and mindmaps make collaborative ideation and brainstorming easy.

ClickUp Goals

ClickUp Goals lets you create and track your goals and KPIs visually and intuitively. 

With ClickUp Goals, you can:

  • Use elements like progress bars, pie charts, and thermometers to visualize your goals and metrics
  • Link your objectives to tasks , subtasks, and checklists and track their status individually
  • Share your goals with your team and stakeholders and view their progress and alignment
  • Customize your KPI dashboard using custom fields, multiple views, and integrations
  • Add reminders and feedback features to allow regular updates and reviews of your KPI dashboard

Also read: How to set team goals effectively

Now that you’ve set your goals, let’s decide on the metrics that will best help you measure your progress toward them.

For example, your goal may be to increase revenue by a certain percentage. In that case, you want to track metrics related to leads, conversions, average order value, profit margins, and so on. 

You can create a custom dashboard in ClickUp to track these metrics. It updates data in real time, so you never have to worry about how relevant the information is. Moreover, you can track multiple metrics in one dashboard, making analysis much easier.

For each metric you identified earlier, decide on specific (and realistic!) targets you’ll aim for. For example, for the conversions metric, you might set yourself a target of 10% over your current conversions. 

Targets help you measure your progress toward the goal at any point in time and keep you on track. 

ClickUp Goals lets you set five types of targets for each goal:

  • Number: A range of numbers you can track increases or decreases from
  • True/False: A binary measure to know whether or not something has been achieved
  • Percentage: A percentage value to use for things like completion rate and so on
  • Currency : A monetary value against which you can track increases or decreases
  • Task: When you simply wish to track the completion of a task, subtask, or list of tasks

ClickUp Goals

💡 Pro Tip: You can also use ClickUp Milestones to highlight and track the critical tasks in your project.

Here’s an example of how you’d set up targets in the dashboard for a customer support team’s KPIs.

You might want to track metrics such as:

  • Number of cases handled
  • Average CSAT score
  • Average response time
  • Number of escalations

To view these in the KPI dashboard, you would add Number widgets to measure cases handled and escalations on an ongoing basis. Similarly, you’d add a Time Tracking widget for tracking customer support response times and a Progress widget for user engagement metrics like CSAT.

Use ClickUp’s Integrations to automate data collection where possible, such as linking customer support software to track response times automatically. ClickUp supports native integrations with various apps, such as Slack, Everhour, Front, and Hubspot, and lets you connect through Zapier to hundreds more. You can also build custom integrations using the ClickUp API.

Additionally, the dashboard can integrate data from ClickUp’s various other features (such as ClickUp Tasks and ClickUp Goals), allowing you to monitor updates consistently.

As you flesh out your dashboard’s layout, keep it visually appealing and user-friendly. This will guarantee smooth navigation for all team members. Don’t hesitate to try out different layouts to discover the most effective mix of aesthetics and functionality. You can also try different dashboard templates till you find one that suits you perfectly.

ClickUp allows you to customize your dashboard just as you want it. Apart from 50+ widgets to choose from, here are a couple of other ClickUp features that make this super simple for you:

  • Custom Fields: Use ClickUp’s Custom Fields to track specific metrics relevant to your KPIs, such as ‘user feedback implemented’ with a checkbox or ‘same-day case resolution’ with a percentage
  • Custom Statuses :  Create your own unique task status (and color-code them) with ClickUp’s Custom Task Statuses . Rename or even delete them as your workflows evolve.

ClickUp’s Custom Fields

Now that you’ve set your targets, it is time to track your chosen metrics. A KPI software like ClickUp will do this automatically for you, keeping your dashboard data updated.

ClickUp Tasks helps you organize and track tasks related to each goal for effective management. The intuitive drag-and-drop interface simplifies task management, providing multiple views for a comprehensive overview of workflows. 

Apart from the Dashboard view, ClickUp Views also lets you visualize and study your data in various ways. For example, the List view (great for granular breakdown of each task), Timeline (if you want to view tasks by date and duration), Workload view, Gantt chart, and more. 

ClickUp Custom Views

💡 Pro Tip: You can create a task in ClickUp to remind you to track your KPI metrics regularly. 

Or, better still, automate this task by outsourcing it to ClickUp Brain , the integrated AI assistant in ClickUp. You can get it to analyze data to track metrics and schedule and send automated progress reports. 

You can ask ClickUp Brain questions, and it’ll search every dashboard in your Workspace to generate the insights you need automatically and quickly.

Do ensure that all relevant team members have access to the KPI dashboard. Sharing the dashboard promotes transparency and keeps everyone aligned on the organization’s goals and their role in achieving them.

Worried about security? Don’t be—you can set user permissions to restrict dashboard access only to authorized persons. 

After tracking your metrics for a while, analyze the data to see whether you are on track to meeting your goals. If not, you can quickly take a call on the next steps. 

ClickUp lets you quickly move from a broad overview to granular insights using filters and drill-down features in the dashboard. 

ClickUp’s Gantt Chart view

Gantt charts in ClickUp are another excellent way to get an overview of all your project tasks and metrics and see where you need to catch up. You can use the drag-and-drop functionality to adjust timelines where needed. They also help you identify any task dependencies that are holding you up, and find slack time that might be available.

💡 Pro Tip: Ask ClickUp Brain a question, and it will search every Dashboard in your Workspace to bring you answers instantly. Now think about how you will use the time saved 🙌

Along with tracking and analyzing individual metrics, it is also essential to pause regularly and evaluate how you’re doing overall. These check-ins help you view achieved milestones and identify areas of improvement.

💡 Pro Tip: Set weekly or bi-weekly reviews using ClickUp’s Calendar to assess progress on KPIs and adjust tasks and strategies as needed.

ClickUp’s Board View groups tasks by status to help you quickly track progress and make adjustments. The visual nature of the Kanban board makes it easy to track and manage objectives, so you can shift focus and resources to where they’re most needed.

ClickUp’s Board View 

After an evaluation, you might decide to tweak your targets or timelines or even change your strategy. Given how dynamic our work environment tends to be, such evaluations help teams keep in touch with changes and remain agile. 

💡 Pro Tip: As you use the KPI dashboard, gather feedback from your team on its effectiveness and usability. Continuously look for ways to improve your organization’s KPI dashboard. 

Regularly scheduled reviews ensure the dashboard continues to meet your needs and helps you celebrate achievements to boost morale.

Using the ClickUp KPI Template

So, this was the dashboard creation process in a nutshell. If you don’t want to spend time creating your own dashboards, you can also use the ClickUp KPI Template to quickly set up and track success metrics for you and your team. 

Track and visualize key performance indicators with the ClickUp KPI Template

This KPI dashboard template helps you:

  • Get clarity on your team’s progress towards goals
  • Ensure teams and individuals are aligned around objectives
  • Track performance over time with easy-to-read visuals

After importing the KPI dashboard template, take some time to customize it to fit your organization’s specific objectives and key results. You can use custom statuses (Completed, Off Track, On Track, Not Started, and At-Risk) and custom fields (Progress, Department, Target Value, Actual Value, KPI, etc.) to update it to your liking. It also helps you track KPIs better with native time-tracking, tags, and automation. 

While leaders can use the Summary View to get an overview of all KPIs and how they are trending, department managers can track the progress of individual departments with the Departmental OKR View . Additionally, the Progress View can show an in-depth evaluation of each individual KPI, while the Timeline View is great for tracking milestones and deadlines. 

KPI Dashboard Examples

Let’s quickly look at a few KPI dashboard examples to see how they can be used for different metrics and functions.

resume with kpi sample

With the ClickUp Marketing Campaigns Dashboard , teams can have an overview of their major marketing initiatives in one go. 

Let’s consider the case of a social media marketing campaign in which you identified goals such as increasing reach, engagement, and followers. 

To track the campaign’s performance, you can build a marketing KPI dashboard to track metrics such as:

  • Impressions by week and month
  • Likes by week and month
  • Likes and shares by channel
  • Follower numbers by week, etc. 

resume with kpi sample

You can create and customize a Sales Overview Dashboard in ClickUp to help your sales team track the key metrics of your business. 

For example, you could use different widgets to to create a visual representation of:

  • Gross and net sales by month
  • Sales growth by region 
  • Sales data by channel
  • Closure rate by month
  • Overall conversion rate
  • Sales by category or product type, etc. 

Tracking these critical metrics helps sales managers stay on top of sales numbers , take data-driven decisions, and keep everybody aligned on the way forward.

With ClickUp, each salesperson has their own custom dashboard. They can see so much important information around the progression of their client projects and revenue impact that they couldn’t see before.

resume with kpi sample

Dashboards are not just for tracking team progress. You can also use a KPI dashboard to measure your own performance. 

Create your dashboard ClickUp Personal Productivity Dashboard your way—add the widgets and data that are most important to you. For example, a customer support representative may wish to track specific metrics such as: 

  • The total number of cases assigned to them
  • Tasks currently open with them
  • Tasks closed by them during the week
  • Their average handling time for each task
  • Their customer feedback rating

This is a great way for any individual to see where they spend their time and whether this is in line with their goals. If not, they can quickly course-correct and reprioritize and get back on track. 

Implementing a KPI dashboard that tracks key metrics can enhance overall organizational performance. By strategically leveraging KPI dashboards, teams can work smarter, ensuring that every effort contributes directly to the organization’s objectives.

Here are the most significant advantages of utilizing a KPI dashboard effectively:

1. Enhance communication of strategic goals

Organizational and team goals often require coordination across various teams. Without a unified platform for presenting goals and performance metrics, you run the risk of miscommunication and the formation of data silos. 

A KPI dashboard clarifies individual and team achievements and progress toward goals in an easily understandable format. This visibility helps your team members see their contributions to the larger organizational goals; this context motivates them and drives performance. 

Moreover, many dashboard platforms include collaboration tools, minimizing the need for external productivity applications and simplifying your day-to-day work.

2. Monitor activities easily

Intelligent dashboard software with real-time task tracking makes those weekly update meetings a thing of the ancient past.

Dashboards like ClickUp’s update in real time to show you the extent of work completed at any moment. No more tracking work across a dozen spreadsheets or waiting on different teams to send you their data so you can compile it into one view!  

To make the best use of your data, select a dashboard solution that fits seamlessly into your existing workflow. This could mean choosing a compatible app that integrates with your primary data sources or opting for a comprehensive platform that offers detailed KPI reporting, data visualizations, and automated workflows.

3. Create gamification opportunities

Besides data analysis, KPI dashboards can introduce fun elements into the workflow, engaging your employees through gamification. 

A TalentLMS survey indicated that gamification can significantly boost productivity and workplace happiness, with 89% of employees feeling more productive and 88% experiencing increased happiness. 

A KPI dashboard can help you set up a rewards system based on achieving specific business milestones and targets. You can also incorporate points systems, leaderboards, and other competitive elements to create healthy competition, as long as it doesn’t undermine collaboration.

4. Promote better teamwork and accountability

KPI dashboards address common teamwork challenges, such as unclear tasks, communication bottlenecks, and a lack of visibility into the broader organizational goals. 

By displaying your KPIs alongside related goals, dashboards clarify individual responsibilities, alleviate confusion, and quickly identify inefficiencies. They also ensure transparency and build trust within your organization. 

Additionally, when your team members can view each other’s tasks, it encourages knowledge sharing and mutual support, further enhancing teamwork and accountability.

Build a Top-Notch KPI Dashboard With ClickUp

KPIs help teams clarify and focus on their daily, weekly, and monthly targets and performance. They also help individuals see how their effort impacts the team. Conversely, they also highlight initiatives and actions that don’t support company goals and should be deprioritized. 

However, KPIs effective for one team or even organization may not suit another. Therefore, we recommend identifying your priorities and selecting appropriate KPIs to measure progress. 

Leveraging well-designed KPI software can simplify this process, eliminating much of the guesswork and accelerating progress toward objectives.

ClickUp is one of the most user-friendly and cost-effective solutions for crafting high-quality KPI dashboards. It upgrades your reporting capabilities with real-time data whenever needed, so you can stop chasing after data and get down to strategic work.

Sign up to ClickUp to take the Dashboard for a spin today!

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    Metrics Reporting Analyst. 08/2004 - 04/2011. Chicago, IL. Demonstrate experience on the following areas: Information Security, IT and Operations metrics; Data integrity; Assessment and consultation; Business Process re-engineering. Work closely and interact directly with select team members to identify, rationalize and document reporting and ...

  10. How to Write KPIs on your Resume

    KPI 1: How You Stimulated Growth. A major resume KPI that a hiring manager will want to see is how you fostered growth in a company. Businesses are always eager to seek new revenue streams and boost production or sales, therefore if you've got the numbers, flaunt them. This can be reflected on the page in various ways.

  11. How To Add KPIs and Achievements to Your Resume

    In fact, most online resume builders include KPIs in their examples and templates. An easier solution would be to get resume writing services from third-party service providers. However, here you can learn the best way to add your accomplishments to your resume, as well as how to use metrics to impress recruiters.

  12. 16 Examples of KPIs for the Workplace

    A good KPI should help you and your team understand if the strategies you are using are taking you toward your goals. A KPI must be: Well-defined and measurable. Communicated throughout your organization. Applicable to your business or department. Crucial to achieving your goal. Related: SMART Goals: Definition and Examples.

  13. Metrics & Reporting Analyst Resume Samples

    The Guide To Resume Tailoring. Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the metrics & reporting analyst job. It's actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get ...

  14. How to Add Metrics to Resume [When You Don't Have Data]

    Resume Metrics Examples. A few months ago I created the Weekend Resume Makeover course. It was designed to help people understand everything they need to about resumes and write their own in the time of a weekend. It has nearly 1,000 examples of resume metrics included in the over 50 sample resumes that span dozens of industries.

  15. 51 KPI Examples & Templates

    Website KPI examples. 21. Traffic to MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) Ratio: The ratio of the total traffic platform generated vs. the number of marketing qualified leads coming from that traffic. 22. Crawl Errors: The number of URLs that are inaccessible to Googlebot when it scans your pages. 23.

  16. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Definition and Examples

    Key performance indicators that target an entire organization's goals are called high KPIs. These indicators measure the company's success as a whole. KPIs that target smaller projects, such as departmental strategies, are called low KPIs. Related: A Guide To Understanding Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

  17. How To Add Key Performance Indicators (Kpi's) And Metrics To Your Resume?

    Identify measurable responsibilities. Focus on Growth, Resources Saved, Impact, and Frequency metrics. Convert those responsibilities into KPI's. Writing in a quantitative (measurable) way takes time and practice but after you master this skill, people will always know the impact you have on any system.

  18. Kpi Resume Sample

    Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94105. (555) 432-1000. [email protected]. Professional Summary. Reliable warehouse Associate with background in picking, packing, and inspecting.Quickly learn new task and work well in a team environment.Efficient and highly-accurate with flexible schedule and ability to stand an entire shift.

  19. 171+ Achievements to List On Your Resume [In 2024]

    For more examples, check out our bank teller resume example and full guide. #17. Banker Achievements. Managed a loan portfolio of $10 million, maintaining a default rate of less than 1%. Developed and maintained relationships with 50+ high-value clients, leading to a 25% increase in client assets managed.

  20. Guide to writing KPIs on your CV

    KPI 1: Give a guide on how you stimulated growth. Most employers want to see some examples of any and every way you helped your employers grow. This could be through savvy hiring policies, record-busting sales results or production boosts. Generally, this can be shown on your CV through some snapshot revenue figures you achieved, production ...

  21. 170 Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Examples & Templates

    Sales leaders and their teams need to track the key performance indicators that help them close more orders. Below are the 15 essential sales KPI examples: New Inbound Leads. Lead Response Time. Lead Conversion %. New Qualified Opportunities. Total Pipeline Value. Lead-to-Opportunity %. Opportunity-to-Order %.

  22. 5 Key Metrics That Will Elevate Your Resume

    A: Consider including metrics related to revenue and sales growth, cost reduction and profitability improvement, process optimization, leadership and team development, and marketing and partnership development. Specific figures related to achievements in these areas can significantly strengthen your resume.

  23. Kpi Dashboard Developer Resume Sample

    Check Out one of our best kpi dashboard developer resume samples with education, skills and work history to help you curate your own perfect resume for kpi dashboard developer or similar profession. LiveCareer-Resume. Builders. Resume Builder. Create a professional-level resume with ease. 30+ dazzling design options!

  24. How to Create a KPI Dashboard (With Examples & Templates)

    Examples of this kind of dashboard include a daily sales performance tracker, team attendance report, customer support response times tracker, stock inventory level dashboard, company sales KPI dashboard, etc. Various teams within the organization (sales, marketing, customer service, etc. can also create operational dashboards to track ...