Canadian Profession Path

Salary range for biologists in canada: 2024 update.

Last Updated on January 11, 2024


Dive into the latest insights on salary ranges for biologists in Canada with our 2024 update.

Explore key trends, industry benchmarks, and essential information to empower your career decisions in the dynamic field of biology.

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Introduction to the topic of salary range for biologists in Canada

Navigating the Canadian job market as a biologist requires insight into salary ranges.

Understanding compensation trends is pivotal for informed career choices and negotiating fair remuneration, ensuring a prosperous professional journey.

In this blog post, we will discuss the salary range for biologists in Canada, a vital aspect for professionals in this field.

This section presents the 2024 update on the salary range for biologists in Canada, providing the most recent data available.

Importance of Understanding Salary Range

Why it is crucial for biologists to have knowledge about salary ranges

It is crucial for biologists to have knowledge about salary ranges.

  • Knowing salary ranges allows biologists to assess their worth in the job market.
  • Understanding salary trends helps in making informed career decisions.
  • Knowledge of salary ranges helps in negotiating fair compensation packages.
  • It enables biologists to set realistic expectations and avoid being underpaid.
  • Salary information provides a benchmark for evaluating job offers and making career choices.
  • Being aware of salary ranges prepares biologists for salary discussions during job interviews.
  • It allows biologists to plan their financial future and make informed career advancements.

Salary information plays a vital role in career planning and negotiation

Knowing salary ranges helps biologists set realistic goals and targets.

  • It assists in identifying high-paying specialties within the field of biology.
  • Understanding salary ranges aids biologists in choosing the right educational path.
  • Salary information helps biologists prioritize job opportunities based on compensation.
  • It provides insight into the potential earnings and growth opportunities in different sectors.
  • Biologists can negotiate better salaries and benefits armed with salary knowledge.
  • Salary information helps in assessing the cost of living in different regions of Canada.

By understanding salary ranges, biologists can make informed decisions and plan their careers strategically.

It allows them to assess their worth, set realistic expectations, and negotiate fair compensation.

Salary information helps biologists identify lucrative specialties, choose the right education, and prioritize job opportunities.

It also provides insights into potential earnings and growth prospects.

Armed with this knowledge, biologists can negotiate better salaries, benefits, and plan their financial future.

Read: Biotechnology in Canada: A Biologist’s Perspective

Factors Affecting Salary Range for Biologists

In order to understand the salary range for biologists in Canada, it is important to consider the factors that influence these ranges.

These factors include education and qualifications, experience and expertise, field or industry, and location.

Education and qualifications

The level of education and qualifications that a biologist possesses plays a significant role in determining their salary range.

Those with higher degrees, such as a master’s or a Ph.D., generally earn higher salaries compared to those with bachelor’s degrees or diplomas.

Additionally, individuals with specialized certifications or licenses related to their field of expertise have the potential to earn higher salaries.

Experience and expertise

The years of experience that a biologist has accumulated in their field directly impacts their salary level.

Biologists with more experience tend to earn higher salaries as their expertise and knowledge grow over time.

The possession of specialized knowledge or skills, such as proficiency in advanced laboratory techniques or data analysis software, also contributes to an increased salary range for biologists.

Field or industry

The field or industry in which a biologist works also plays a crucial role in determining their salary range.

Different sectors may offer varying salary ranges based on the demand for biologists and the financial resources available.

For example, researchers in academia may have different salary ranges compared to those working in biotechnology companies or government agencies.

It is essential to research the salary levels within specific industries and understand the factors that contribute to these variations.

Geographical location within Canada can significantly influence the salaries of biologists.

Salaries may vary across provinces and territories due to differences in the cost of living, availability of funding for research and development, and demand for biologists in specific regions.

Major urban centers, such as Toronto or Vancouver , may offer higher salaries compared to more rural areas.

Additionally, the regional job market and competition for positions can also impact salary levels.

In general, the salary range for biologists in Canada is influenced by various factors including education and qualifications, experience and expertise, field or industry, and location.

Understanding these factors is essential for biologists to make informed decisions about their career paths and negotiate fair compensation for their skills and expertise.

Read: Fieldwork Tales: Canadian Biologists Share Stories

Current Salary Range for Biologists in Canada (2024 Update)

General salary range statistics for biologists in canada.

  • The salary range for biologists in Canada varies depending on various factors.
  • On average, the starting salary for biologists in Canada is around $50,000 per year.
  • Experienced biologists with several years of experience can earn up to $100,000 or more annually.
  • The salary range can also be influenced by the level of education and qualifications one possesses.

Variations in Salary Range based on Factors Mentioned in Section III

Education and qualifications.

  • Biologists with a bachelor’s degree in biology or a related field usually have a starting salary of around $50,000.
  • Those with a master’s degree or a PhD can expect higher salaries, ranging from $60,000 to $80,000 and above.
  • Additional certifications and specialized training can also lead to higher salaries.

Experience and Expertise

  • Biologists with more years of experience often earn higher salaries compared to entry-level biologists.
  • After gaining some experience in the field, biologists can earn salaries between $70,000 and $90,000.
  • Expertise in a specific area, such as genetics or ecology, can also command higher salaries.

Field or Industry

  • The salary range for biologists can vary depending on the field or industry they work in.
  • Biologists working in research and development positions in pharmaceutical companies may earn higher salaries.
  • Government agencies and non-profit organizations often offer competitive salaries for biologists.
  • Biologists working in academia may have lower starting salaries but can advance to higher positions over time.
  • The salary range for biologists can differ based on the location of their employment.
  • Cities with higher costs of living, such as Vancouver and Toronto, generally offer higher salaries.
  • In remote or less populated areas, biologists may receive lower salaries but may enjoy other benefits like housing assistance.
  • Regional factors, like supply and demand for biologists, also affect salary ranges in specific locations.

Essentially, the salary range for biologists in Canada is influenced by factors such as education, experience, field of work, and location.

While the starting salary for biologists is typically around $50,000, it can increase significantly with additional qualifications, expertise, and years of experience.

Different fields and industries may offer varying salary levels, and the cost of living in a specific location also plays a role in determining the salary range.

As the demand for biologists continues to grow in the coming years, it is expected that salaries for this profession will continue to be favorable.

Read: Marine Biology Careers in Canada: A Deep Dive

Emerging Trends and Factors Shaping Future Salaries

Ongoing trends impacting salary range changes.

  • Technological advancements: The field of biology is rapidly evolving with new technologies, such as gene editing and bioinformatics, impacting the way biologists work.
  • Automation: As automation becomes more prevalent in laboratory research, some routine tasks may be replaced by machines, potentially affecting job opportunities and salary ranges.
  • Interdisciplinary collaborations: Biologists are increasingly working with professionals from other fields, such as computer science and engineering, which may lead to new career paths and salary opportunities.
  • Data analysis skills: With the rise of big data, biologists who possess strong data analysis skills will be in high demand, commanding higher salaries.
  • Specialized subfields: Biologists focusing on niche areas, such as synthetic biology or marine ecology, may have better job prospects and access to higher-paying positions.

Examples of factors influencing salary range changes

  • Changing environmental regulations: As governments worldwide strengthen environmental regulations, biologists involved in monitoring and mitigating environmental impacts may see increased demand and higher salaries.
  • Climate change research: The urgency to understand and address climate change is expected to drive funding and job opportunities for biologists specializing in this field, potentially leading to higher salaries.
  • Biotechnology breakthroughs: Advances in biotechnology, such as the development of new drugs or genetically modified organisms, can disrupt the industry positively, resulting in higher salaries for biologists involved in these breakthroughs.
  • Aging population: With an aging population, the demand for biologists working in healthcare and pharmaceutical industries is projected to grow, potentially leading to increased salaries for those in these sectors.
  • Global pandemics: The recent COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of epidemiology and infectious disease research, potentially leading to increased funding and higher salaries for biologists in this area.

Overall, several ongoing trends and factors are expected to impact the salary ranges for biologists in Canada in the coming years.

Technological advancements, automation, interdisciplinary collaborations, data analysis skills, and specialized subfields are among the trends shaping future salaries.

Factors such as changing environmental regulations, climate change research, biotechnology breakthroughs, an aging population, and global pandemics will also contribute to the salary landscape for biologists.

As the field continues to evolve, it is crucial for biologists to stay updated with emerging trends and adapt their skills and expertise to remain competitive in the job market and command higher salaries.

Read: How Biologists Impact Canada’s Agriculture

phd biology salary canada

Tips for Biologists to Maximize Salaries

Suggestions for biologists to enhance their earning potential.

  • Continuously update skills and knowledge through professional development courses and certifications.
  • Seek opportunities to gain hands-on experience in specialized areas within biology.
  • Develop expertise in emerging fields such as biotechnology, genetics, or environmental sustainability.
  • Network with professionals in the field to expand connections and potentially access higher-paying job opportunities.
  • Consider pursuing advanced degrees or higher education to increase job prospects and earning potential.
  • Explore alternative career paths such as consulting, research collaboration, or entrepreneurship.
  • Regularly evaluate and update resumes and portfolios to showcase relevant skills and accomplishments.
  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends and market demands to identify in-demand skills and positions.
  • Proactively seek out additional responsibilities or projects that demonstrate leadership and initiative.
  • Consider relocation to areas with higher demand or shortage of biologists, where salaries may be more competitive.

Strategies for negotiating salaries or seeking promotions

  • Research and gather data on average salaries for biologists with similar qualifications and experience.
  • Highlight unique skills, accomplishments, or contributions during salary negotiation or promotion discussions.
  • Emphasize the value that the biologist brings to the organization, such as cost savings, increased productivity, or innovation.
  • Prepare concise and persuasive arguments to justify salary increase or promotion.
  • Consider discussing compensation and career advancement opportunities during job interviews or performance evaluations.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to take on additional responsibilities or pursue professional opportunities to support promotion requests.
  • Develop a clear and well-defined career plan that outlines goals and steps to achieve higher positions and salaries.
  • Seek feedback and mentorship from experienced professionals who can provide guidance on career advancement strategies.
  • Be assertive, confident, and professional during salary negotiation or promotion requests.
  • Consider seeking external support from career coaches or consultants specializing in salary negotiation strategies.

By implementing these tips, biologists can enhance their earning potential and maximize their salaries.

Continuous professional development, networking, and exploring alternative career paths can open doors to higher-paying opportunities.

Researching salary ranges, highlighting accomplishments, and effectively negotiating can help biologists secure better compensation packages and seek promotions.

Additionally, staying proactive in career planning and seeking mentorship can assist in strategically advancing within the field of biology.

The importance of understanding the salary range for biologists in Canada

Understanding the salary range for biologists in Canada is crucial for professionals to make informed career decisions.

It facilitates fair compensation negotiations, ensures financial stability, and aligns expectations with industry standards, contributing to overall job satisfaction and a thriving scientific community.

Key points from the blog post

Salary trends, factors affecting pay, and potential resources.

Encouragement to access additional resources for further information

Readers are encouraged to explore additional resources for more in-depth information on this topic.

Explore the dynamic field of biology in Canada by accessing updated resources on salary ranges for 2024.

Arm yourself with valuable insights to navigate career choices, negotiate fair compensation, and stay abreast of industry trends.

Informed decisions today pave the way for a successful and fulfilling tomorrow in the realm of biology.

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  • 17 April 2024

Canadian science gets biggest boost to PhD and postdoc pay in 20 years

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Researchers in Canada got most of what they were hoping for in the country’s 2024 federal budget, with a big boost in postgraduate pay and more funding for research and scientific infrastructure.

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This occupation includes job titles whose primary duties and responsibilities lead to positive environmental outcomes. Job Bank uses a list of occupations that were identified as "green" through a task-based analysis conducted by the United States’ Occupational Information Network (O*NET) , which was recognized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and adapted to the National Occupational Classification (NOC) in Canada. This list may change over time. Learn more .

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Find out how much people working as a "biologist" earned last year in Canada.

Prevailing wages in Canada

Hourly wages by community/area
Community/Area Low ($/hour) Median ($/hour) High ($/hour) Note
25.64 40.00 60.10


N/A 61.23 N/A


33.34 61.00 78.58


38.75 52.94 56.50


25.96 36.50 52.20


26.44 43.61 72.12


25.72 41.03 57.69


28.00 41.48 53.33


25.64 41.00 67.11


24.04 39.23 54.12


25.00 38.00 51.28


21.79 41.03 53.73


18.00 34.22 44.62


25.48 42.56 68.21


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Biology in Canada


Why Study Biology in Canada

  • Studying Biology in Canada is a great choice, as there are 29 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal.
  • Over 323,000 international students choose Canada for their studies, which suggests you’ll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.
  • We counted 34 affordable PhD degrees in Canada , allowing you to access quality higher education without breaking the bank. Moreover, there are 505 available scholarships you can apply to.

53  Biology PhDs in Canada

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Biology The Department of Biology at Queen's University is committed to providing the best in graduate learning and... Queen's University Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Astrobiology This PhD in Astrobiology is a collaborative program between Faculties of Science and Health Sciences... McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Biology - Neotropical Environment The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biology - Neotropical Environment offered by the Department of Biology in... Faculty of Science Montréal, Quebec, Canada

Biology Biology is one of the most significant and exciting fields of science in the world today. Biologists study a... McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Biology Biology at the University of Waterloo is the study of living organisms: their structure, function,... University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Study in Canada

Canada is one of the most popular study destinations in the world due to its high focus on the quality of its universities and its emphasis on attracting international students who can later immigrate. Canadians are very welcoming to international students and they invest a lot into making sure students are safe, treated fairly, and enjoy their stay in the country. Study in one of the strongest economies in the world while enjoying a high living standard and a flexible study environment. Classes have smaller student groups ensuring everyone gets the attention they need, and encouraging group assignments and debates.

Is Canada the right place for you?

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Explore your Biology degree

Biology degrees teach students about the principles sustaining life. Biology classes analyse the elements of life and how they function, interact, and evolve into complex organisms. Biology studies include courses in General Chemistry, Microbial Science, Genetics, or Natural Science. Biologists find work as biotechnologists, microbiologists, pharmacologists, soil scientists, laboratory technicians, and more.

Is Biology the best for you?

Take the test and find out if Biology is the right path for you.

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  9. Researcher, PhD Biology Jobs (with Salaries)

    PhD in Cell Biology or related field with 1-4 years postdoctoral experience. Exceptional publication record, ... Salary Search: Digital Strategy Researcher (Remote) salaries in Canada; Technician IV, Biology Teaching Laboratory. University of Ottawa. Ottawa, ON. $62,218-$78,589 a year.

  10. 121 phd biology jobs in Canada, July 2024

    Search Phd biology jobs in Canada with company ratings & salaries. 121 open jobs for Phd biology in Canada.

  11. PhD Positions Biology Jobs (with Salaries)

    High School Chemistry and Biology Teacher. Alexander Academy 3.1. Vancouver, BC. $51,000-$64,400 a year. Full-time. Day shift. Easily apply. This role will be responsible for teaching chemistry, biology, and other high school science classes depending on qualifications and experience in the BC…. Active 2 days ago.

  12. 100+ PhD Biology Jobs, Employment 16 July 2024|

    PhD position. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Sherbrooke, QC. $28.99-$37.53 an hour. Full-time +1. Knowledge of molecular biology techniques, cell culture techniques and manipulation of biomolecules. It is expected that the student will work from 15 to 25…. Posted 28 days ago·. More...

  13. Salary: Phd In Biology in Canada 2024

    The average salary for PhD In BIology is $32,774 per year in the Canada. The average additional cash compensation for a PhD In BIology in the Canada is $5,405, with a range from $2,195 - $13,309. Salaries estimates are based on 652 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by PhD In BIology employees in Canada.

  14. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Biology Salary in Canada

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Biology - Salary - Get a free salary comparison based on job title, skills, experience and education. Accurate, reliable salary and compensation comparisons for Canada

  15. 9 Careers After a PhD in Biology (With Salaries)

    Here are nine careers that you can pursue after earning a Ph.D. in biology. For the most up-to-date Indeed salaries, please click on the links below: 1. Postsecondary biological sciences teacher. National average salary: $53,712 per year Primary duties: Postsecondary biological sciences teachers lecture biology students on various related ...

  16. Salary: Biology Phd Graduate Student in Canada 2024

    The average salary for a PhD Graduate Student, Biology is $33,370 per year in Canada. Salaries estimates are based on 645 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a PhD Graduate Student, Biology employees in Canada.

  17. Phd Salary in Canada

    The average phd salary in Canada is $97,744 per year or $50.13 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $59,777 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $136,500 per year. Median.

  18. Biologist Salary in Canada in 2024

    The average salary for a Biologist in Canada is C$61,100 in 2024. Visit PayScale to research biologist salaries by city, experience, skill, employer and more.

  19. Molecular Biology Salary in Canada

    The average molecular biology salary in Canada is $69,600 per year or $35.69 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $50,154 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $130,973 per year. Median. $69,600 ... Graduate Student Position in Plant Molecular Biology. Concordia is a full-spectrum, research-intensive university that conducts ...

  20. Salary: Director Biology Phd in Canada 2024

    The average salary for PhD Graduate Student, Biology is $33,368 per year in the Canada. The average additional cash compensation for a PhD Graduate Student, Biology in the Canada is $6,040, with a range from $2,538 - $14,376.

  21. Doctorate (PhD), Biology Salary

    Doctorate (PhD), Biology - Salary - Get a free salary comparison based on job title, skills, experience and education. Accurate, reliable salary and compensation comparisons for United States