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how to write a cover letter resume genius


how to write a cover letter resume genius


how to write a cover letter resume genius


how to write a cover letter resume genius

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How To Write A Job-Winning Cover Letter [Free Templates & Examples]

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Writing a cover letter can be one of the most stress inducing aspects of the job search.

The reason writing them is so difficult is because we don't have a defined framework to follow.

If you need to update your resume, you download a template and fill in the blanks. When you're applying to jobs, the employer lays out the fields you need to complete right there in the application.

But when you're writing a cover letter, you probably find yourself staring at a blank Word document wishing the right words would will themselves onto the page.

Most of us don't consider ourselves to be the next Walter Isaacson , and the task of crafting the perfect story sits well outside of our comfort zone. It doesn't help that most of the advice out there on the subject is vague at best.

And that's exactly why I wrote this post! My hope is that this guide will be the last (and only) cover letter article you'll ever need to read. We're going to take a deep dive into:

  • How To Write A Cover Letter That Actually Gets Results

The 7 Cover Letter Mistakes That Cost People Jobs

  • The Anatomy of a Highly Effective Cover Letter
  • Nailing Your Cover Letter Format: Aesthetics, Structure, Style, & File Type
  • Cover Letter Templates & Real Examples From Microsoft, Google, & More

Ready to rock and roll? Let's dive in:

Infographic - Breakdown of Writing A Cover Letter That Gets Results

Writing A Cover Letter That Actually Gets You Hired

I did a quick Google search for “How To Write A Cover Letter,” and here are a few things that the “experts” recommend:

  • Assess the employer's needs and your skills. Then try to match them in the letter in a way that will appeal to the employer's self-interest.
  • Arrange the points in a logical sequence; organize each paragraph around a main point.
  • Basic fonts like Arial, Calibri, Georgia, Verdana, and Times New Roman work well. A font size of 10 or 12 points is easy to read. Standard margins are 1” on the top, bottom, and left and right sides of the page.
  • Be sure to include positive traits like “Focused,” “Hard Working,” and “Results Oriented”

While all of this advice is technically correct, did you feel your confidence skyrocket when you went back to type out that first sentence?

Yeah, me neither…

Here's the thing – most career “experts” out there give vague advice that they've seen work in their corner of the market. It doesn't get too specific because many career coaches (even recruiters) have never been through the application process at a world class company. They don't know the nitty gritty.

When they do give specific advice, it's usually tailored to a niche – software development, tech sales, finance, etc. But what works for one person in one industry or role might not work for a similar person in a different situation.

I'm hoping to change things with this article.

Over the course of this post, I'm going to lay out the cover letter strategies that thousands of my clients have used to land jobs across industries and at companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Deloitte, ESPN, American Express, and more. - Proven Cover Letter Templates To Build A Job Winning Cover Letter In 10 Minutes Or Less

The Truth About Cover Letters (Does Anyone Read Them?)

Before we dive into the actionable stuff, I want to provide some context on where cover letters fit in the hiring process.

Cover letters are a strange animal. People seem to think that they are the missing link that will suddenly skyrocket the response rates of potential employers.

When I asked my audience to choose between a guide on cover letters, resumes or LinkedIn profiles, cover letters won out by a significant margin.

The truth is, in the mind of a recruiter/hiring manager, your cover letter is a tie breaker that is only read after the rest of your application has been reviewed. 74% of recruiters don't even read cover letters. However, over half of employers noted that they prefer candidates who submit a cover letter:

Cover Letter Statistics Infographic

This leaves us in an interesting place.

We need to craft a good cover letter to help boost our chances, but we don't want to spend several hours doing so because there are far better ways to spend our time to get results during the job search. If you follow the networking and value-add strategies in my other articles , those strategies are going to be far more effective at breaking ties than an 8.5 x 11″ sheet of paper.

My hope is that this guide will give you a framework that enables you to efficiently craft cover letters that are more likely to get you hired.

If we want our cover letter to be as effective as possible we need to make sure we avoid the mistakes that employers hate to see, yet most people still make.

In order to be as accurate as possible, I went out and spoke to recruiters from Google, Microsoft, and a few Wall Street firms on top of my own research. Then I cross referenced that information with the several hundred cover letters that have come across my desk at Cultivated Culture.

After all was said and done, here are the 7 most common mistakes people make on cover letters that will cause recruiters to throw out their application:

#1: Typos, Grammatical Errors, And General Sloppiness

This is the most obvious and most common issue. 80% of recruiters noted that they would automatically toss a cover letter with some type of spelling or grammatical error. The good news is that it's also the easiest mistake to fix.

Before you submit your cover letter, make sure it's reviewed by at least two other parties. You might want to consider hiring a professional editor/proofreader as they're not too expensive for a short document and they will pick up on things most people would miss. It's easy enough to find one on Upwork .

Another trick you can use is including an obvious mistake about 75% of the way through. If you have “catching Bustin Jeiber's sweaty t shirt at a concert” sitting in there and someone doesn't call you out, you know they probably didn't read it very carefully.

#2: Going Over A Single Page

The vast majority of the resumes and cover letters I receive are over a single page. Funnily enough, the vast majority of the recruiters I speak to also tell me that they absolutely hate resumes and cover letters that are more than one page.

The ideal length for a cover letter is one page. Changing the margins, font, and font size are all fair game – just keep things on one page, capisce?

#3: Regurgitating Your Resume In A Slightly Different Format

Your cover letter is a space for you to truly differentiate yourself. If you're just taking the bullets on your resume and turning them into full sentences, you're missing out on a HUGE opportunity.

Use the cover letter to show a little personality and share something that people wouldn't know if they just scanned through your resume (more on that in a sec).

Remember, this is a tie breaker. If your cover letter isn't holding people's attention it's probably going to lose out.

#4: Focusing On Training Or Arbitrary Credentials Instead Of Results

Many of us feel unqualified for the jobs we want. As a result, we try to twist our experience to match the traditional qualifications for our target role.

The problem with this approach is that you are competing against people who qualify for the traditional credentials, no matter what role you're applying for. If you try to beat them at their own game, you're going to lose 9 times out of 10.

Am I saying you should forget about trying to spin your experience to position yourself well? Absolutely not. However, adding that business class on your resume when you're 4-5 years out of college isn't going to help much.

Instead, focus your time outside of work on building tangible results that you can showcase in your cover letter (and resume). If you want to be a developer, take a few coding courses and build something cool. If you want to be in digital marketing, land a few clients and run their ads for them.

Telling a story about how you took proactive steps to build experience in a field will beat traditional credentials in most cases. Companies love to see that you're hungry to learn.

#5: Not Addressing Your Cover Letter To An Actual Person

I die a little bit inside when I see cover letters addressed as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To Whom It May Concern.”

Anyone who reads that is immediately going to mentally bucket it as impersonal. It's far better to address your cover letter to an actual human, even if it doesn't end up in their hands. Here is my strategy.

Let's say I'm applying for an Account Manager role at Google:

Writing Effective Cover Letters - Google Account Manager Role Screenshot

I'm going to head over to LinkedIn and start by working to find the specific person who would manage the role I'm applying for. If I can't find them, or I'm unsure, then I'll aim for the most senior person that my target role would fall under.

The ladder for Account Managers typically follows with Senior Account Manager, Account Director, and VP. I'm going plug in “Account Director” under LinkedIn's title filter to cover all of the bases there. Then I'm going to add “Google” in the company filter and “Greater New York Area” in the location filter:

Writing Effective Cover Letters - LinkedIn Search Filters For Identifying Contacts

That search is going to bring up a slew of people that I could address directly in my cover letter:

Screenshot of Account Directors in LinkedIn Search for Cover Letter

Regardless of who reads your cover letter, they'll know that you did your research. On top of that, your cover letter might even make it into the hands of the person you addressed it to!

#6: Failing To Showcase Any Personality

As mentioned earlier, your cover letter is one of the few opportunities for you to truly differentiate yourself from the competition. If you're applying for jobs online (which I don't recommend), the only thing you have to sell yourself is your resume, your cover letter, and your application.

Instead of rehashing the experience on your resume, tell a story about how you got that experience.  Make it unique and personable. I had the most success when I talked about how I transitioned from a job in medicine to the tech world by starting a side business generating leads for real estate agents. I'd speak openly about the challenges I faced, the mistakes I made, and why I went through it all in the first place.

Use this space to tell your story. Remember, people don't buy what you do – they buy you why you do it.

#7: Writing About An Uncomfortable Situation

While we're on the topic of telling stories, there is one thing you want to avoid – talking about something extremely uncomfortable. What might have worked for your college essay isn't going to work here.

You want to keep things professional. It's okay to talk about business-related mistakes and challenges, but try to steer away from deeply personal stories. They are far more likely to hurt than help.

If your cover letter doesn't violate any of the rules above, you're off to a good start! Next, we want to make sure your cover letter is formatted the right way and your content is on point to grab the reader's attention and get you in the door.

The Anatomy Of A Highly Effective Cover Letter

When I was job searching, one of the most frustrating things was trying to get a clear picture of what to include in my resume/cover letter/application. There is so much conflicting “expert” advice online it makes you feel like you're shooting in the dark.

When I started Cultivated Culture, I began tracking how different factors influenced the success of my students. After working with hundreds of job seekers over the past few years, I've found a strong correlation between the following factors and a high rate of successfully landing interviews:

Capitalize On Your Cover Letter's Header

Most people don't realize that when they hit “submit” on their app, their cover letter gets scanned by a piece of software that extracts specific information and stores the data so recruiters can easily find and assess candidates.

One of the major keywords they look for is a matching or relevant job title. If you're applying for a Project Manager role, are you including Project Manager, Project Management, PMP, or something similar in your cover letter? That's what the robot is looking for and the header is a great place to inject it. I recommend dropping it in right below your name.

After that, your cover letter is going to end up in the hands of a real human.

We want to make it as easy as possible for this person to learn more about us and get in contact if they want. I always recommend that you include the following right at the top of your cover letter:

Email Address  – Make sure it's simple and professional. 76% of applications are rejected for having unprofessional email addresses. Also, don't forget to hyperlink it! You want the employer to be able to click and get in touch.

Examples of good and bad email formatting for cover letters

LinkedIn Profile – A recent study showed that applications that include a link to a comprehensive LinkedIn profile increase their chances of hearing back by 71%!

The key thing to note is that the 71% stemmed from people who had a highly optimized LinkedIn profile. If you're wondering how you should be optimizing your LinkedIn profile for more interviews, check out my LinkedIn optimization guide here.

Phone Number  – If they like what they read, make it easy for them to pick up the phone and dial.

Relevant Links  – Your header is also a great place to share links to things like Github, relevant social profiles, personal websites, your blog, etc.

Finally, a lot of people ask me about including a location. I don't recommend adding your location when writing a cover letter unless the application requires it. It's not necessary to give that information away and it can cause more harm than good.

Here's an example of a great cover letter header that capitalizes on everything I mentioned above:

Example of Cover Letter Header

Tell A Story In Your Cover Letter's Opening Paragraph

This is an overarching theme that you want to include in each section of your cover letter.

Science has proven that people are more likely to remember information (or candidates in this case) when it's delivered in the form of a story. Stories also help build a positive psychological association with the reader (or recruiter/hiring manger here).

Remember Dan Brown's book  The Da Vinci Code ?

Da Vinci Code Promo Poster

It was a novel about cryptic clues in some of Leonardo da Vinci's most famous paintings leading to the holy grail. While the book itself is fictitious, the artists, pieces, and much of the history behind them is accurate.

Now, if you asked most people about their opinion on art history, they'd tell you it was boring. They'd also groan in disappointment if you tried to get them to read a book on the subject. However, Dan Brown's novel skyrocketed to the top of the New York Times bestseller list and became an international sensation. In fact, it caused applications for art history degrees to jump up 25% in the years following its publication.

Why were all of these people suddenly interested in field previously considered to be “boring?” Because Dan Brown fed historical facts in the context of an interesting story!

We're aiming to do the same in our cover letter – specific examples below.

Talk About Why You're Interested In The Company

In the first section of your cover letter, you want to briefly talk about why you are interested in the role and the company. Remember, we want to drive the message through a story.

When I was applying at Google, I wanted to work there because they were a household name that was focused on cutting edge technology, but they also cared about impacting lives. Here is the story I used to drive that point home:

I wanted to recount a story from my referral [Name]. He’s in the education vertical and spends a significant amount of time at rural schools. When he was down in South Carolina, a teacher asked him about the possibility of getting wifi for the town and its students. [Name] said he would do his best and upon returning he asked around. He sent an email to Astro Teller who responded and they discussed the feasibility of implementing project Loon in the area. I don’t think it panned out but the fact that the communication took place over a tiny town in South Carolina sold me. That’s the kind of stuff I want to be doing.

If you don't have a story that immediately jumps to mind, the best way to get one is by talking to people who work at the company. Look up the company's mission or their core values beforehand and ask that person to tell you about the best example they've personally experienced.

You can check out this article if you want to know how to find someone's corporate email address.

Highlight What You Bring To The Role

The second section of your cover letter should showcase what you're going to bring to the role by talking about your past achievements. Be sure to use measurable metrics (actual numbers and quantitative results) to support your points.

If you're coming from a non-traditional background (and don't feel like you're “qualified”) this is the time to address that objection. Here is another excerpt from my Google cover letter that addresses my background using measurable results:

You might notice that there isn’t much “traditional” digital experience on my resume. That is because, coming from a scientific background, I needed to take a different path. In an effort to gain experience, I created my own agency called OpenWater Analytics. I specialized in using AdWords to generate real estate leads for private communities. I managed the entire sales process from cold outreach, to closing, to servicing the accounts on your platform. Most recently, I helped a community in South Carolina sell every listing on their site (about 15 homes) in less than 6 months. Our cost per lead was half of the competition and we did it all for less than the commission the realtor would have made on a single house (including ad spend).

When I wrote this, I didn't have much digital experience to speak to. Rather than trying to spin what I had, I went out and built the experience myself by starting a digital marketing firm. Again, if you feel like your experience is lacking, get out there are create your own!

Reference Your “Value Validation” Project

If you've read my article on How To Get A Job Anywhere With No Connections , you know that I always advocate for creating what I like to call a “Value Validation Project.”

This consists of having a conversation with someone at the company you want to work for and identifying their largest challenge or upcoming initiative. You then use that information to research on your own and come up with several solutions/suggestions for your contact.

In the final section of your cover letter you want to mention this project and include a call to action to discuss it. It could look something like this:

In hopes of learning more about [Company], I had a meeting with [Name]. She told me that her team's largest challenge was upselling customers into the company's new, complementary platform. She noted that, despite the platform increasing retention and lowering costs for clients, the upfront cost to onboard was a major obstacle.

In my previous role, we dealt with a similar situation. Our clients were receptive to adopting a new platform despite the data showing that it would be beneficial for all parties. I spearheaded an initiative where we tested and analyzed several revenue models that maximized adoption rates and profit margins. In the end, we increased adoption rates by 30% without impacting revenue.

Using the information that [Name] gave me, I outlined the process in detail as it relates to your platform. I believe that your team could implement these strategies immediately and see similar results. If you'd like me to send it to you, please let me know! My email is [email protected] .

This section is incredibly powerful because it shows that you are not only interested, you went ahead and proved out the value you could bring to the team. Additionally, the call to action can lead to conversations with the very people who will make the decision to hire you!

Nailing Your Cover Letter Format: Aesthetics, Structure, & Style

Now that you know what's going in your cover letter, it's time to talk about formatting it in a way that will get you results.

You probably didn't think that your paragraph structure, font choice, or margins matter, but they do. Your cover letter format says a lot about who you are as a person and a candidate. It also affects the scan-ability of your cover letter which is critical is you want to make it past those Applicant Tracking Systems!

Formatting Your Cover Letter Heading

I shared an image at the very top of this blog post that breaks down the general format and flow of a great cover letter. Here it is again:

Infographic - Breakdown of Writing A Cover Letter That Gets Results

The very first thing I mentioned was the Heading.

The Heading is where you're going to share things like your name, your contact info, and any other info that's relevant to the role. I always aim to include:

  • First and last name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Link to my LinkedIn profile
  • Any other links that are relevant (Github, personal websites, relevant social profiles, etc.)

When you're formatting your cover letter's header, make sure you don't use the header feature in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Most Applicant Tracking Systems can't read what's inside of those headers so you're better off just including it in the “body” of the document.

Choosing An Awesome Font For Your Cover Letter (& Why That Matters)

Did I say “fonts?” For real? Who cares?

I used to just use the default Calibri or Arial too until I came across this post on the Psychology of Fonts . The author combed through 75+ academic studies on the subject which all pointed to a similar conclusion – fonts have a massive impact on our perception of an author.

That's right, people are judging you based on your font choice! Better pick a good one.

There are five main font categories out there today: Serif, Sans Serif, Monospace, Fantasy, and Cursive. Here’s an infographic illustrating the emotions that each of these font families evoke in the reader:

The Psychology of Font Selection (Infographic)

When it comes to the  “best” font for your cover letter , the safest bet is to use something simple and easy to read. In my opinion, Sans Serif fits that bill best so choose from fonts like Avenir, Helvetica, or Open Sans.

Formatting Your Cover Letter With Your Resume

If you're writing a cover letter, I bet you're also thinking about how it will tie into your resume. Both of these documents tend to go hand-in-hand when applying for jobs and staying consistent in both is a great way to show off some organizational skills and attention to detail.

The best rule of thumb is to match the formatting you're using on both your resume and cover letter. That means you want to:

  • Use the same color scheme (matching down to the specific hex code )
  • Use the same font and sizing (if you use 12 point for headers and 10 point for paragraphs, stay consistent on both)
  • Use the same header (you can just copy and paste it from your resume to your cover letter and vice versa!)
  • Use the same margins and spacing (if you went with 0.5″ on one, do it for both!)

If you pick an awesome cover letter template (like the one I linked below) and you match the formatting with your resume, your materials are going to look awesome and give you a great first impression.

Finally, when all that work pays off and you make it past the final round, make sure your resume references sheet matches the templates you choose here.

How To Upload & Submit Your Cover Letter (Choosing The Right File Type)

So you're finally ready to upload your cover letter and hit “submit” on that online app. Not so fast!

When you upload your cover letter, the application will accept certain file types — and they're not created equal. Usually the online portals will accept Word (.doc and .dox), PDFs, TXT files, and more.

So which one should you choose?

First, you should look to see if there are any instructions on the page. If the application tells you to use a specific format or file type, you should use that format or file type.

This is important because different applicant tracking systems can read applications in different ways.  Most  modern applicant tracking systems can read PDFs , but not every company uses a modern ATS system. So if the application specifically asks for a Word doc, you should use a Word doc.

If there are no instructions, Word is usually your safest bet but you should be fine using a PDF in most cases as well (unless the site specifically states otherwise).

Cover Letter Templates & Examples

At this point you should have a solid understanding of the science behind writing a killer cover letter. You should also have a good handle on what mistakes to avoid so your cover letter makes an awesome first impression.

Now we need to apply all of that to ink on paper! In order to make that easy for you, I'm including a copy of the cover letter templates that I used to land an interview at Google so you can see exactly how I wrote it.

Steal The Exact Cover Letter I Used At Google, Microsoft, & Twitter (For Free)!

Context For The Free Cover Letter Template

Before we dive into the exact cover letter template, I want to give you some context so you can better understand the content of the letter.

I was applying for a Digital Advertising Sales Account Manager at Google's offices in New York. I started by doing some research on LinkedIn to find who I believed to be the hiring manager (her name was Emmy).

I knew that my non-traditional background was a big red flag for most employers so my goal was to proactively address it in my cover letter by calling it out, talking through what I'd done to build the right skills, and highlight the results I'd achieved from those efforts.

Finally, I had spoken to several Google employees who all told me that “Googliness” (cultural fit) was a huge factor in the company's hiring decisions. If I wanted to have a chance, I needed a compelling narrative around why I wanted to work for them and why I was a good fit.

With all of that in mind, here's the cover letter I wrote:

Austin's Cover Letter Template Dear Emmy Anlyan, I grew up with Google. When I was seven years old, I used to sneak down to my Dad’s office at five in the morning to play video games. I still remember opening the browser and seeing the bright, multi-colored letters above the search box for the first time. I’ve always been interested in the tech space and, while my background has mainly been in the sciences, I’m ready to dive head first into the digital world. I believe I would be a great fit for the Digital Advertising Sales Account Manager role because I have a deep understanding of the businesses that partner with Google and how they define success. You might notice that there isn’t much “traditional” digital experience on my resume. That is because, coming from a scientific background, I needed to take a different path. In an effort to gain experience, I created my own agency called OpenWater Analytics. I specialized in using AdWords to generate real estate leads for private communities. I managed the entire sales process from cold outreach, to closing, to servicing the accounts on your platform. Most recently, I helped a community in South Carolina sell every listing on their site (about 15 homes) in less than 6 months. Our cost per lead was half of the competition and we did it all for less than the commission the realtor would have made on a single house (including ad spend). Understanding how these small businesses worked was critical to my success, and I believe those skills will help Google acquire happier, more successful customers who are inclined to spend. In addition, I’ve done some research on your team and have come to understand that your largest challenge is around successfully growing smaller accounts at scale. Based on my experience, I’ve put together a few suggestions below this letter – I’m happy to chat through them in more detail if you’d like. I wanted to close with a quick story about Google that solidified my choice to apply. My referral, [Name of Referral] , works in the education vertical. He services the southeast and many of his accounts are rural. On his last visit down there, in a South Carolina town of 1,500 with no wifi, a teacher asked him if Google could help bring the internet to them. When [Name of Referral] made it back to the office, he emailed Astro Teller asking about the potential for Project Loon to help bring this town in the 21st century. To his surprise, Astro wrote him back within the week mentioning that he’d look into it. While things didn’t pan out, the fact that director of Google’s moonshot project division wrote back an employee about an elementary school in South Carolina blew me away. That is the kind of work I want to be doing. Thank you for taking the time to read my note, I’m incredibly excited to have the opportunity to be considered for this position. Best, Austin

Another Cover Letter Example From A Real Client

It's always helpful to see things from a few different angles so I wanted to include an example of the cover letter one of my clients created using the same template.

She was a high school Spanish teacher aiming to break into marketing. The company in question was an online education company that provides amazing video content for teachers to use in the classroom.

She had been leveraging the company's videos in her “Culture Corner” that she used to start every class. She decided to use that as the basis for her opening.

She starts off with a fantastic hook, “Grapes & [Company Name].”

If you're seeing that as a hiring manager, you're probably thinking “huh??” and you are  most definitely  be reading more.

Then she dives right into the story about one of her favorite memories that included one of the company's videos. Genius!

Next, she goes on to address her non-traditional background and shifts the conversation towards her value by illustrating her knowledge of the company and linking to a value validation project she put together.

This cover letter example is a 10/10, check out the full thing here:

My Client's Cover Letter Example Dear [Hiring Manager] , Grapes and [Company Name] . Both are amazing in their own right, but I never thought I’d get so much joy from combining them. I currently teach high school Spanish and I set aside time each class to teach my students about Spanish culture. A few weeks ago, we watched the “Virtual Viewing Party: Holidays from Around The World” video by [Company Name] . My students particularly loved the segment on the Spanish New Year’s 12 grapes tradition. This got my students interested in other aspects of Spanish culture. Now, we’re working on a culture project where students research a Spanish tradition and create a 3D representation of it. I’ve never seen so much energy in my classroom. Amazing stories like these are why I want to work for [Company Name] . You may notice that my resume does not reflect “traditional” marketing experience. After completing my master’s, I worked as the marketing manager for the UNCC Department of Languages program. I created a strategic marketing plan to increase enrollment for the Master’s in Spanish program. At the end of the year, the program saw a 50% increase in student enrollment (the largest jump in four years). Soon after, I pursued teaching for a few years. In order to get more experienced in the marketing analytics space, I created my own online education website to teach Spanish to adult learners. After testing various digital marketing strategies, my first product launch resulted in a 10% sell through rate. In addition, I am Google Analytics Certified and have working knowledge of SQL. My marketing experience coupled with my education experience gives me a unique perspective on Discovery Education’s product. After analyzing the company through the lens of both a marketer and a user, I put together a report outlining step-by-step data backed strategies that can help Discovery Education: Drive 4.5X more qualified leads Enhance its user experience for both prospects and current customers Implement a digital marketing strategy that has helped companies increase revenue by 760%. Leverage Google Analytics Goal Paths to test these ideas Finally, I’d like to add that I had the pleasure of connecting with [Current Employee] , one of your product marketing managers. [Employee] spoke so passionately about the product, and told me about the new partnerships [Company Name] has with the NFL and MLB. His drive to get the product in front of thousands of students is extraordinary. I’m extremely excited for the opportunity to join such a passionate group of people, and help impact students on such a large scale. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I’m looking forward to next steps. Regards, [Client's Name]

Download A Copy Of Austin's Free Cover Letter Template

If you want a copy of that cover letter template with the header included and everything formatted, here's a link to a copy on my Google Drive.

After you click through the link, just hit File > Make A Copy > Organize to add it to your own Google Drive! You can also download it in a variety of formats.

What's Next? Writing A Resume That Actually Gets Results

Now that your cover letter is taken care of, check out our super comprehensive guide on writing a resume that actually gets results. After giving that a read, you can check out our slew of free resume tools, like our free resume builder that will allow you to create an ATS-friendly resume in just a few minutes:

Resume Builder With Templates That Match Your Cover Letter

If you still have questions or thoughts about writing an awesome cover letter, drop a comment below — I'm happy to reply with an answer!

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Austin Belcak

Austin is the founder of Cultivated Culture where he helps people land jobs without connections, without traditional experience, and without applying online. His strategies have been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, & Fast Company and has helped people just like you land jobs at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, & more.

19 thoughts on How To Write A Job-Winning Cover Letter [Free Templates & Examples]

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Useful article for all job seekers who are likely to make cover letters to find a job but they should know that a poorly crafted cover letter may cost their dream job. Cover letter is important part of job application as it is first impression we’ll make with our prospective employer. Thanks for sharing these cover letter mistakes to avoid.

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Thanks so much for reading and dropping a comment Mayur!

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I was unaware before applying that cover letter plays this much of importance in interview so decided to create one for myself but didn’t had any idea about how and what should i include or which mistakes should i avoid while creating one but this article helped me while creating Cover Letter so thank you for the help.Cheers to this article.

You’re so welcome Ritesh! I’m super happy to hear it helped give you some direction 🙂

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Thanks so much Rubel! Glad you liked it.

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Great advice.

Thanks Steven!

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Great guide! However, what would you recommend for job seekers who work in a field where there is no/little measurement of the impact of your work, e.g. software testing? Surely, no one expects us to make up figures for the impact that our work did. How exactly can one sell oneself here?

Sure Andeel – when you’re testing software, you still have measurable outcomes. You probably have a rate at which you identify issues, or you have a track record of approval while minimizing issues, etc. On top of that, it doesn’t necessarily need to be measurable. You could say something like “I Help Companies Deliver High Quality Software Products That Launch Without Issues” or something similar.

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i hope it will help .. so as i can be able to change the situation i am currently in

I think it will, keep me posted on how things go!

' src=

Great Advice! I sure will avoid the mistakes listed and use your pointers for my next cover letter. Thank you.

I’m wishing you a ton of success out there Biko!

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Really good post, loved it! i just have 1 question while building resume using your tool, we are able to create single page resume. Is there any chance to upgrade the tool so that we can add 2 page resume using

Yes! We are upgrading the tool the support multi-page resumes right now 🙂

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Hello Austin could you write something, either for a cover letter or informational interview how to do so if you have a referral already?

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Thanks Austin. It’s 2023, and this still gives me great insights on how to write compelling cover letter that works. Thanks

You got it Thompson! I know how frustrating cover letters can be, thanks so much for the kind words!

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How to Write a Cover Letter That Sounds Like You (and Gets Noticed)

by  Elainy Mata

May 10, 2022

I hate cover letters. They add so much stress to the already uncomfortable and grueling job hunt. Every time I’m writing one, I find myself wondering: Do people even read these?

Unfortunately, the answer is “yes.” But, there are some ways to make the process a little less terrible. I asked Amy Gallo, Harvard Business Review editor and author of “ How to Write a Cover Letter ,” for her advice. From doing the research, to starting off strong, to emphasizing your value — Gallo taught me exactly what I need to do to get my cover letters noticed by hiring managers. I even wrote a new cover letter that has her blessing. (Scroll down if you’re in need of an expert-approved example.)

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ELAINY MATA: So you want to know how to tackle the cover letter. I do too. I actually really hate cover letters. I hate cover letters. I hate cover letters.

But the cover letter is important. It’s time to face our fears, and just figure out how in the world we are actually going to write it.

I got you, and we’re going to do this together. These tips are going to help you go through the process a lot easier. So if you are ready to tackle the cover letter, stick around and keep watching.

In front of me right now are three cover letters that I’ve written in the past, for three different jobs. And I’m just embarrassed. I’m embarrassed to read these.

To whom it may concern, to whom it may concern, to whom it may concern.

I would like to respectfully submit this cover letter.   I would like to respectfully submit this cover letter.

I am a passionate, detail-oriented person. I am passionate, detail-oriented person.

This sounds like I’m — this doesn’t sound like me at all. I think you want me to talk this way. Here we go like. Hire me.

I talked to Amy Gallo, an HBR editor, and the author of one of our most popular articles, “How to Write a Cover Letter.”

AMY GALLO: First of all, you’re not alone. I write about how to write cover letters, and I also hate them.

ELAINY MATA: She’s done the research. She’s talked to the experts. And I’m going to tell you exactly what she told me.

Make it one page

ELAINY MATA: So how long does a cover letter actually have to be? Just one page, one.

AMY GALLO: Don’t play with the font, and make it like eight point font, and like make your margins really wide. Just really figure out what is the most essential things that need to go on one page.

Do research, find a name

ELAINY MATA: This should be a no-brainer, but let’s get specific. Let’s say you’re applying for a job here, at Harvard Business Review. Go on the company’s website, go to their “About Us” section, and read what they’re about, see their mission statement, see their tone, see what that company is actually looking for, and what they stand for.

So you’ve got the broad stuff, but let’s dig a little bit deeper. What is the company that you’re applying for talking about now? You should actually go into their LinkedIn, their Twitter, see what they’re sharing, see who are they’re talking to, see what they’re talking about, so you can get a sense of what is currently happening. Lastly, find that hiring manager. It is so much better to address your cover letter to an actual person and a name rather than, to whom it may concern. So I have to kind of creep a little bit, and be like a private investigator.

AMY GALLO: Yeah, creeping is definitely part of the process. Usually, with LinkedIn, you can see who’s posted the job, who is sharing it with their network. You may not know for sure that that’s the hiring manager, but at least it’s a little more personable. Sometimes, I’ve heard people just reach out and say, “Who’s the hiring manager for this job? I’d like to address my cover letter to that person.”

Start strong

ELAINY MATA: You’ve probably written this 100 times before. “Hi, my name is this. I’m based here, and I’m applying for this job.” No, no, no, no, don’t do that. The hiring manager has a stack of cover letters. So you have to write yours to grab their attention. Amy, can you please give me an example of a strong, bold, opening line for cover letter. I promise I won’t steal it.

AMY GALLO: You’re allowed to steal it. Anyone should be able to steal it:

“I saw your listing on this website, and I was thrilled to see it, because it’s exactly the kind of job I’ve been looking for to apply my skills in X.”

Write something that’s short, to the point, but shows both enthusiasm, as well as experience that’s relevant to the job.

Emphasize your value

ELAINY MATA: Figure out what problem the company is facing. They’re hiring for a reason. Figure out what that reason is, and how you can best solve that problem. Amy also found the top two qualities that people generally look for is adaptability, and the ability to learn quickly.

How about if I just got out of college, and I’m looking at these jobs that are asking for three to five years or more of experience. How can I write a cover letter if I feel like I don’t have enough to write about?

AMY GALLO: Yeah, so that’s a good question, because the cover letter shouldn’t be focused so much on the past. That’s the resume’s job. The cover letter is really about the future. So how are you going to take what’s in that resume, your past, and apply it to where you’re going.

Convey enthusiasm, not desperation

ELAINY MATA: This is really hard to balance. You want to show them that you’re excited to work there, and that you’re going to bring a lot of energy to the team. But don’t be too strong, because over eagerness can actually work against you.

Find a proofreader

AMY GALLO: Write the letter you want to write. Then share it with someone else, someone who knows you well, but someone who also will tell you like it is. We’re not good judges of our own writing.

ELAINY MATA: So getting a second pair of eyes will help you look for any errors, typos, and most importantly, they can tell you if you make sense.

Amy, this sounds like a lot. Is there even like a sort of a shortcut to this, or a sort of scalable way that I can do this for multiple different jobs?

AMY GALLO: I mean, you’ve probably heard the phrase looking for a job is a full-time job. It does take a lot of time. You’re tweaking some things. You’re not writing a whole new letter. So you’re going to have a template. Write your best cover letter for the first job you apply for. Share that with your friend to check the tone. Do the research on the company, right? Do that the first time. Then and adjust the cover letter accordingly. Does that seem more reasonable?

ELAINY MATA: Yes, much more reasonable.

So my task is to apply for a job here at HBR, and to write a new cover letter using the advice that Amy gave me. Let’s do it.

This is hard. I never said it was going to be easy, maybe easier than what you were doing before, but definitely not easy.

The first draft

Dear Maureen and hiring team,

I saw your listing on Linkedln and am excited because this is exactly the job that I’ve been looking for to showcase my skills in video production and production management to assist the creative center in producing compelling content.

Working in news and movie production has taught me to hear an idea and a concept and be able to fully plan out the logistics needed to make the desired final visual product. I have been able to work with software like Adobe Creative Suite and TriCaster, and have worked with other team members to write scripts and compose story boards.

Being part of the Creative Center team will give me the challenges to grow as a skilled producer and assist in production, help the production planning process, create a quick tum around for video publication, and manage content.

AMY GALLO: You did well on length. It is very short. That’s good.


AMY GALLO: I read this, I’m like, that first sentence is spot on. And then it gets a little bit stilted. And then it goes into what’s probably on your resume. And I want a little more personality.

The final draft

ELAINY MATA: So Amy, after many back and forths — How do you think I did?

AMY GALLO: All right. So I’m looking at it right now. And I think you did a really good job.

You’ve got the main components here. There’s some personality in it. There’s some flattery in it about the company you’re applying to, but it’s not like over the top. I have to tell you, I would have you in. I think it’s a great letter.

ELAINY MATA: That’s it for me. I wrote the cover letter. You got to see the whole process. And I feel like I definitely have a better outlook on how to approach it. These are not easy to write, so good luck out there. Watch as many times as you can. Practice makes perfect. I’ll see you soon.

Cover letter example 

I was so excited to see your post on LinkedIn because it’s exactly the type of job I’m looking for: an opportunity to bring my experience with video production and enthusiasm for storytelling to an organization that sets the standard for high-quality management content.

In addition to five years of experience in broadcast journalism, research, and video production, I would bring an organized and systems-level perspective to this role. I view video production as a puzzle, and like to think about which parts need to come together in order to make a great final product. My approach is to have in-depth conversations with my team members, and the various stakeholders, before each project. This helps me nail down the logistics — from location to talent.

From there, the fun begins: fleshing out the concept and identifying what visuals will best represent it. Ideation and storyboarding are essential in this step. I know I’m not right all the time, so I enjoy working with a diverse team that can bring in new perspectives, brainstorm, and pitch ideas that will make the final product stronger. Whenever possible, I also try to seek out other sources for inspiration, like magazines, which allow me to observe different ways of expression and storytelling. This approach has served me well. It’s what has allowed me to enter the film industry and grow as a creator.

On my website, you can see examples of how I use the above process to create fun, engaging content.

Given this experience and my enthusiasm for the work you do, I believe I’d make a great addition to your team. I recently had a chance to try out your Patient Zero product at my current organization. The simulation is both challenging and engaging. I was impressed by your ability to apply  different storytelling methods to an online training course (which, let’s admit, can often be a little dry). Your work exemplifies exactly what I believe: There’s an opportunity to tell a compelling story in everything — all you have to do is deliver it right.

I’d love to come in and speak with you more about what I’d be able to offer in this role. Harvard Business Publishing is my top choice and I believe I’d make valuable contributions to your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

How to get ChatGPT to write your cover letter: step-by-step guide with exact prompts

  • When applying for jobs, ChatGPT-4 can make the cover-letter writing process more manageable.
  • An AI consultant shares tips for writing an effective cover letter using ChatGPT.
  • Here's a step-by-step guide, including writing prompts and navigating ChatGPT's limitations. 

Insider Today

Generative AI can be an effective tool for time-consuming tasks like writing cover letters, but only if you know how to use it effectively.

As an AI consultant , marketing and design companies come to me when they need help learning to use AI tools like ChatGPT. I also help companies review potential employees for AI-specific roles by evaluating their understanding of current tools and trends.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get AI to write you a great cover letter that doesn't sound AI-generated. 

Learn the basics

ChatGPT works best with specific directions, so learn what makes a good cover letter before directing ChatGPT to write one. 

Isimemen Aladejobi, a career strategist, outlines three components of an effective cover letter. 

  •  A strong introduction that demonstrates company or industry knowledge. Highlight something in the news that's relevant to your prospective department. Use this topical event to segue into why you're interested in this specific position.  Aladejobi recommends always referring to the job title and company by name.
  • The body of the cover letter should convey why your skills and experience make you a perfect fit. Highlight what you brought to the table at your last job and connect it to the requirements of the role you're applying for. Even suggest initiatives you could start at the company.
  • The sign-off should be simple. Aladejobi suggests, "I'm excited and looking forward to hearing from you," which she says demonstrates enthusiasm without being too wordy. 

With this in mind, you can now start prompting ChatGPT with confidence. 

Writing your cover letter in ChatGPT-4

Be aware of the token limit.

The token limit is ChatGPT's limit on recall and comprehension during a single session. ChatGPT has a token limit of 4,096, and according to OpenAI , 100 tokens are about 75 words.

If ChatGPT starts responding to prompts illogically, you've probably hit the limit. This message to help ChatGPT refocus:

" Please search this chat for the word strawberry and reread that message and provide me a summary of what you think we need to do. We're at step [#] of that message. Tell me if you want a recap of the previous steps, and I'll provide a summary. "

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Having this marker will keep ChatGPT on task and ensure an accurate end product. 

Step 1: Onboard ChatGPT to the task

ChatGPT needs very explicit instructions to complete tasks successfully. Below is the exact prompt to copy and paste into the chatbot. 

To apply for a job within your industry use this prompt: 

"Hi ChatGPT. You're now the best cover letter writer on earth. You and I will write a cover letter together for [job title] at [company]. I have [#] years of experience. Here's what we're going to do:

  •  You will ask me at least 15 questions about my work history and vision for the role. Make at least one of the questions "What initiatives would you implement in this role?"
  • I'm going to give you sections of the job description to read and you're going to generate a strategic plan for the cover letter based on my answers from step one and the job description for me to approve.
  • I'm going to give you a news item about the company. Read it and tell me how you plan to connect it to my cover letter application.
  • Use this format to write the cover letter:
  • Begin with the news item based on my approval of your strategy. Conclude paragraph one: "When I came across this role, I knew it was the role for me. Let me tell you why."
  • The next two to three paragraphs should be my career history with clear connections to the position requirements and desired skills. Make sure to say somewhere, "As your [position title], I'll," and include some of the initiatives.
  • Wrap up with the following sentence, "I'm excited and looking forward to hearing from you."

If we exceed your token limit, let's use "strawberry" as our focus word so you can get reoriented. 

Please begin by summarizing what you think I want you to do."

If you're making a pivot in your career, remove this line from the prompt: " I have [#] years of experience ," and replace it with " I'm making a career transition from [industry] to [industry] so the cover letter needs to heavily showcase how my previous experience is an asset to [Company]. "

And add this to the first task: "Make another question about how I think my previous experience is an asset to this new industry."

Step 2: Check for understanding

ChatGPT should create a summary of this plan. Check that the summary is accurate. If it is, reply with " next step " or " yes ."

Ashley Couto

If ChatGPT gets confused, open a new chat and repaste the prompt.

Step 3: Answer the career questions and have ChatGPT generate a career summary

The bot should provide you with the 15 career questions. Each answer should be two or three sentences long. You can go over for one or two questions, but be wary of potentially hitting the token limit. 

Once you've answered all the questions, add this sentence and press enter:

" Please create a detailed summary of my responses that I can paste into ChatGPT so I don't have to answer all these questions again if I need to generate another cover letter. "

Copy and paste the summary into another document to use for other applications. 

Step 4: Input no more than 2,500 characters of the job description

Copy and paste only the pertinent details from the description into ChatGPT and delete the fluff. Keep skills and competencies, responsibilities, the role overview, and a little about the company if you think it would be helpful.

Step 5: Paste in a company press release or industry-specific news story

Once ChatGPT gives you its plan, decide whether you agree with its intent. If you do, indicate that you want to move forward and press return or make a change. 

With any AI tool, you must be an editor and strategic advisor. Do not assume that what it's generated is the right path. Exercise critical judgment and get ChatGPT to refine.

For example, after I provided the article, ChatGPT presented me with a summary that didn't highlight key issues on how Canadian media companies think about content. I gave it instructions to refine it.

Step 6: Generate the cover letter and revise it with ChatGPT

Once you've approved its strategic approach, ChatGPT will generate the cover letter. 

It will generate a first draft but probably won't be ready for use yet. It's your job now to go back in and revise using specific instructions.

For example, I felt that the third paragraph ChatGPT generated was weak.

Direct it with specific changes to adjust particular paragraphs and go back and forth for a few rounds until you're happy.

And it generated a much stronger attempt.

Step 7: Put it into a text editor

ChatGPT has a suboptimal understanding of grammar and syntax. Once you're happy with the content, put your text through Grammarly to help tighten up the language and avoid problems like using the passive voice.

Step 8: Rinse and repeat with modifications

You can use the same root prompt for future cover letters, but replace step one with this:

"I'm going to paste in a summary of my work experience. Please write me a three-sentence summary of what type of work I do and what you see as my top accomplishment so I can check for understanding."

Based on the previously generated summary, you'll double-check that ChatGPT has a good idea of what you do. If it's missing a few key details, fill it in on those or tell it which summary you want it to prioritize before you move through the rest of the prompt.

Watch: The 3 key words to use on your résumé to land the interview

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How to Write a Cover Letter Using ChatGPT

You could apply for more jobs, more thoughtfully thanks to artificial intelligence.

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Applying online for jobs could be a more simple process with a helping hand from AI.

The global shift to remote work and the  Great Resignation  opened up the job market. But today's conditions have swung the power back into the hands of corporations, with mass  layoffs  and hiring freezes. Way more competition in the market makes securing a new job a harder, longer progress.

Applying for a job is arduous and time-consuming, and it's tempting to use the fast apply button and attach a generic cover letter to every application -- but that's not going to get you hired in this market. But it's also not realistic to carefully craft a new cover letter for every job, when you're up against thousands of applicants. 

There's a third option: Use artificial intelligence to customize your cover letters. Save time, stand out in a saturated market and get yourself an interview. 

The AI tool I used to try this out is ChatGPT, which wowed the world when it was released in November 2022 (you can read our hands-on review of ChatGPT as well as Gemini , Copilot and Perplexity on CNET's AI Atlas hub). If this is your first time using AI, it makes sense to start with the tool that made AI mainstream. 

Here's how to use ChatGPT for the job. I'll walk you through the process, prompts and productivity tips (and a potential problem to watch out for) to enhance your applications and your chances. 

Creating a custom cover letter

If you've ever tried to write a cover letter before, it's hard enough to summarize your entire career on a single page, let alone customize it for each job role. 

AI Atlas art badge tag

Your resume presents your hard skills, and your cover letter showcases your soft skills -- the ones you can mold with keywords to fit what a company is asking for in its job ad. 

Getting set up with ChatGPT

You'll need an account with ChatGPT, the job application, your resume and a previous cover letter, if you have one. 

You can use a free version of ChatGPT like me or pay $20 per month for added features like the most recent models , priority access during peak usage and image generation. 

The initial prompt

Your first prompt can be something like: "Can you please help me write a cover letter for the role of reporter on the autos team of The Wall Street Journal? Here is the job description: [paste job description] And here is my resume: [paste resume]."

Immediately, I saw a big problem with my first attempt: ChatGPT had hallucinated . It mixed up some of my experience, correctly noting publications I've written for and topics I've reported on, but wrongly -- very, very wrongly -- with made-up stories (see yellow highlights). 

If I change nothing else in my cover letter, I'm certainly going to fix that.

Cover Letter 1

The cover letter was also too long for my liking, so you could either give ChatGPT a word limit or ask it to remove certain things.

Next, I also asked ChatGPT to highlight the top five keywords to use in my cover letter for a reporter role in the autos team at The Wall Street Journal, and here's what I got: 

Cover Letter Keywords

Follow-up prompts  

I then asked ChatGPT to include these keywords in my cover letter. I chose my top three. 

Prompt: "Remove the five bullet points and incorporate the following keywords into my experience: Scoops, breaking news, and business and financial reporting."

We're slowly getting there.

Cover Letter 2

Given that the role requires tech and financial reporting experience, I pushed ChatGPT to focus on my work at NerdWallet and past reporting at the MIT Tech Review. 

Prompt: "Emphasize my experience reporting on emerging tech and personal finance for outlets like NerdWallet and MIT Tech Review."

Cover Letter 3

With a solid base, now I could tweak the tone. It still didn't feel like me, and I wanted it to be tighter but more conversational and eloquent. 

Prompt: "Rewrite in a more conversational tone, with shorter sentences and no repetition. Eloquent, exciting, and worldly."

This style prompt cut it back by 30%, to this:

Cover Letter 4

You can continue chipping away at it in ChatGPT, but I did my final tweaks manually, threading my personality through it. 

Finishing up

Copy the content into a separate Word or Google document to tweak the language to suit your voice. For example, change "Dear Hiring Manager" to "Dear [company] hiring team" and remove weird lines you'd never actually say, like "is a prospect I relish." And be sure to scan through for any other oddities ChatGPT might have hallucinated.

Here was my final ChatGPT plus me version. I pulled out the brand work because it's a reporter role and jazzed it up to my liking. 

Cover Letter 5

While the tone of what ChatGPT returns for your cover letter should emulate your personality, you can dial it up or down to match the company's voice, vibe and vision. Let ChatGPT show you off, then all you need to do is shape it, style it and send it off. 

For more AI tips, check out how to use Midjourney to create custom wedding invitations  and how to use AI (or not) to build your budget .

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How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internal Position (With Examples and a Template!)

Getty Images

Applying for an internal position isn’t just a matter of submitting a resume and hoping for the best. It’s about strategically positioning yourself as the perfect candidate for a role within a company that already knows you.

The prospect of new challenges, career growth, and the chance to contribute in different ways can be highly motivating. But with that comes the need to navigate office politics , manage relationships, and ensure that your application stands out.

We’ll explore what makes a cover letter for an internal position different from a traditional cover letter , why it’s crucial to write a good one, and how to do it effectively. We’ll also include examples and a template to help you get started.

Think you need to look outside your current company? One of these open jobs on The Muse might just be the one »

Is a cover letter for an internal position different from a traditional cover letter?

Yes! When you're applying for a job within the same company, you're not starting from scratch. The hiring manager already knows you and has very easy access to a reference check, so your cover letter must reflect proximity. Balancing familiarity with professionalism is key.

Unlike a traditional cover letter, where you introduce yourself and explain your interest in the company, a cover letter for an internal position should focus on your achievements , your understanding of the company culture, and your vision for how you can contribute to this new role.

“The process might be less formal but is often more competitive because you’re up against colleagues,” says Kenan Acieklly, CEO of Workhy , who has nearly a decade of experience in HR and business management. “Decisions may weigh heavily on your internal reputation, past performance, and ability to articulate your future potential within the company.”

Why should I write a cover letter for an internal position?

Writing a cover letter for an internal position is crucial for several reasons. You might think that since you're already an employee, a cover letter is just a formality. However, skipping it or writing a generic one could really hurt your chances.

This cover letter should highlight why you’re the best candidate for this different role, even if your managers and colleagues already know your work ethic and contributions. You’re making the case that you're not just a good employee, but the right person for this specific job.

Writing a cover letter underscores your seriousness about the role. “It’s an opportunity to articulate your vision and demonstrate continued commitment to the company’s success,” Acikelli says. And it serves many important functions:

  • It reaffirms your interest in the company: Even though you already work there, this shows that you're still committed to the company's mission and values.
  • It highlights your achievements: This is your chance to remind the hiring manager of your successes within the company—things they might not remember or know about if they weren’t directly supervising you.
  • It shows your initiative: Applying internally demonstrates that you’re eager to grow and take on new challenges. A well-crafted cover letter underlines your proactive approach to your career.
  • It provides a tailored narrative: This letter allows you to connect your current role with the new one, explaining how your skills, experience, and knowledge of the company make you the ideal candidate.

How to apply for an internal role

Let's go over some of the most common questions about applying for an internal position:

Is it OK to apply for an internal position?

Yes, it is absolutely OK to apply for an internal position. Companies generally encourage internal mobility as it allows them to retain talent and leverage existing employees’ skills and institutional knowledge. Applying for an internal position shows that you are committed to the company and interested in furthering your career within the organization.

How to express interest in an internal position?

It's important to be both professional and enthusiastic. Start by scheduling a meeting with your current supervisor to discuss your career goals and explain why you're interested in the new role. During the conversation, emphasize your desire to continue growing within the company and explain how the new position aligns with your career aspirations. Make sure to follow any formal application procedures, such as submitting an updated resume and a strong cover letter.

How do you tell your boss you are applying for an internal position?

Schedule a private meeting with your boss to discuss your plans. Be upfront about your intentions, explaining why you’re interested in the new role and how it aligns with your long-term career goals . Emphasize that this move isn’t a reflection of dissatisfaction with your current position, but rather a desire to grow and take on new challenges within the company. It’s important to assure your boss that you remain committed to your current responsibilities and that you will help ensure a smooth transition if you’re selected for the new role.

Do I need a CV for an internal job?

Yes, you typically need a curriculum vitae (CV) or resume when applying for an internal job. While the hiring managers might already know you, a CV provides a formal document that highlights your relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments. It also helps you present your qualifications in a structured way that aligns with the job requirements. Make sure to tailor your CV to the specific role you’re applying for, emphasizing the experience and achievements that are most relevant to the new position.

How do you message a hiring manager for an internal position?

Keep the tone professional and concise. Start by introducing yourself and expressing your interest in the position. Mention that you are currently working in the company and explain why you believe you are a good fit for the role. Offer to provide more information or discuss your qualifications in detail at their convenience. Close the message by thanking them for considering your application and expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

“Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position that was recently posted. I have been with [Company Name] for [X years] as [Your Current Position], and I believe that my experience and skills align well with the requirements of this role. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to the team in this new capacity. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards, [Your Name]”

How to write a cover letter for an internal position (examples included!)

Now that you already know the basics of how to apply for a role within your current company, let's focus on how to write an impressive cover letter for an internal position.

Think of it as a way to remind decision-makers why you're the right person for the job—because of your qualifications, your understanding of the company’s goals, and how you can contribute to its success in a new capacity. Your cover letter for an internal position should convey your enthusiasm for the position, reflect on what you've achieved so far, and outline how you plan to make an even bigger impact if given the opportunity.

Follow this structure to make an impressive cover letter for an internal position:

1. Start with a strong opening

Begin by expressing your excitement about the new role and your commitment to the company. Mention how long you’ve been with the company and briefly describe your current position.

“I am thrilled to apply for the [Job Title] position. Having been with [Company Name] for [X years], I have developed a deep understanding of our operations and have consistently strived to contribute to our success in meaningful ways.”

2. Highlight your accomplishments

This is where you shine a light on what you've achieved in your current role. “Start with your accomplishments in your current role, then connect those successes to the value you’ll bring to the new position,” Acikelli says.

“In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I successfully led [Project Name], which resulted in [specific achievement, e.g., a 20% increase in sales]. This experience has given me invaluable insights that I am eager to apply in the [New Job Title] role.”

3. Showcase your knowledge of the company

Use your insider knowledge to your advantage. “Mention any cross-departmental collaborations to show your versatility and readiness for broader responsibilities,” Acikelli says. Discuss how your understanding of the company’s culture, goals, and challenges makes you a good fit for the new role.

“Having worked closely with [Department/Team], I am well-versed in the challenges we face in [specific area]. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to contribute to [specific initiative or project related to the new role], as I believe my experience and knowledge could greatly benefit our efforts.”

4. Align your skills with the new role

Clearly explain how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the new position. Be specific about what you bring to the table that will help you succeed in this role.

“My experience in [specific skill or area] has equipped me with the [specific abilities] needed to excel in the [New Job Title] role. I am confident that my background in [relevant experience] will allow me to [specific contribution].”

5. Express your commitment to growth

Demonstrate that you're eager to learn and grow within the company. Mention any relevant training or development you’ve pursued and how you plan to continue growing in the new role.

“I am committed to continuous professional development, as evidenced by my completion of [relevant training or certification]. I am eager to further develop my skills in [specific area] and contribute to [Company Name] in new and impactful ways.”

Cover letter template for internal position

Use the following cover letter template for internal position as a guide. This structure will help you effectively communicate your enthusiasm for the position while leveraging your internal experience to stand out as the ideal candidate.

[Your Name] [Your Current Job Title] [Company Name] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Hiring Manager’s Name] [Hiring Manager’s Job Title] [Company Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position that recently opened up in [Department Name]. Having been with [Company Name] for [X years], I have gained a deep appreciation for our company’s mission and values, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [specific department or project related to the new role] in this new capacity.

In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I have had the privilege of [mention your key achievements]. This experience deepened my understanding of [specific area or department] and inspired me to seek new challenges within [Company Name]. I am particularly drawn to the [Job Title] position because [specific reason related to the new role].

One of the aspects of [Company Name] that I value most is our commitment to [specific company value or mission], and I am eager to contribute to [specific project or initiative related to the new role] in a more direct way. I believe that my background in [relevant experience or skill] aligns perfectly with the needs of the [Job Title] position, and I am confident in my ability to [specific contribution or goal].

I am also committed to continuous growth and development, as evidenced by [mention any relevant training or certifications]. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to the [Job Title] role, and I look forward to the possibility of continuing to grow with [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to the success of [Company Name] in this new role.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Bottom line

By carefully crafting your cover letter, you can position yourself as the ideal candidate for the role. Remember, your cover letter for an internal position is your chance to highlight your achievements, showcase your understanding of the company, and demonstrate your commitment to growth. With the right approach, you can successfully transition into a new role within the same company, taking your career to the next level. Good luck!

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how to write a cover letter resume genius

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Should You Use AI to Write Your Cover Letter?

Selective focus shot of diverse group of business people sitting in line against the wall, chatting, preparing and reading their resumes and cover letters when waiting for a job interview meeting.

It’s more common than ever to use AI tools in everyday life to streamline complicated or time-consuming tasks. Whether you’re pivoting careers, stepping back into the professional world after a break or searching for a job after a layoff, writing dozens of cover letters can be daunting. So, you may be asking yourself: Should you use AI to write your cover letter for you?  

USC Online spoke to USC Career Center expert Lori Shreve Blake to find out when it’s appropriate to use AI in a cover letter — and when this tool should take a backseat.  

Do: Use AI to Understand the Job Description  

Writing a great cover letter takes time, especially if you’re out of practice. While it’s important that your cover letter is written in your authentic voice, Shreve Blake said AI assistants can help you tailor it to the job you want.   

Shreve Blake suggests using an AI assistant like ChatGPT to generate keywords from a job description, which you can incorporate into your cover letter. You can also save time by asking AI to read a job description and summarize the key functions of the role.   

You can also ask AI tools like ChatGPT to write a first draft of the cover letter. But there are some important details that AI won’t be able to add.  

“You’re not going to state day-to-day duties in [your] cover letter,” Shreve Blake said. “You should emphasize your best accomplishments, share your unique qualifications, and demonstrate your professional fit for the role, your values and the organization’s alignment. Should you add quantifiers? Add numbers, percentages, [things] like that.”  

Job seekers might be tempted to cut corners with AI to save time, but Shreve Blake emphasized that there are other ways to speed up the process of writing a cover letter. Once you have a template of your cover letter with an introduction, middle paragraph and summary paragraph, you can customize sentences, interchange keywords, and add examples based on the job you’re applying to. You can also customize the formatting of the document.  

“I give an analogy of a house: Once you have that foundation of the cover letter completed with AI, then you can incorporate job-specific sentence s as you see fit,” Shreve Blake said.   

Many people also find writing a cover letter becomes quicker and easier over time.  

“Writing cover letters is a skill, like other skills in life,” Shreve Blake said. “So, the more you do it, the faster and more confident you’re going to get.”  

Don’t: Neglect Your Research  

Researching your target employer is an integral step in the cover letter writing process. Applicants should visit the company’s website, read the mission statement and consider which of the company’s values resonates with them most. This research will help you put together an argument about why you’d make a great candidate — something an AI-generated cover letter can’t do, Shreve Blake said.  

“The cover letter is also a persuasive piece,” Shreve Blake said. “So, it’s almost like that interview question[s]: ‘Tell me about yourself. Why are you interested in this job? What unique skills and experience makes you the best person for the job?’”

Making these connections early in the application process prepares you for interviews later. This “process of self-reflection” helps you identify what the organization is looking for and which key achievements make you stand out, Shreve Blake said.  

Don’t: Forego Your Authentic Voice  

Although recruiters can’t always tell whether a cover letter was written by AI or a human, there are sophisticated tools that can detect it, Shreve Blake said. Recruiters have also told her that they don’t like the generic cover letters they see when reviewing applications and Shreve Blake challenges job seekers to ask the question: “What do you want your first impression to be with a potential employer?”  

“[If] the recruiter receives [a] generic, AI-written cover letter [and] one that is more custom to the job, which one do you think the recruiter is going to pick?” Shreve Blake said. “You must show integrity, you must show thought and care … It’s a test to see how you’ll be as an employee.”  

Whether or not you choose to use AI, be sure to inject your authentic voice into your cover letter and use it to showcase your writing skills. (If you’re at a loss for verbs, check out the USC Career Center’s resume and cover letter booklet for a helpful list of action words to incorporate.) Employers use cover letters to judge whether applicants will be the right fit for email- and communication-heavy jobs, Shreve Blake said.  

“I would say … [your] cover letter can be seen as a form of a work sample,” Shreve Blake said. “And it shows your future employer that you have skills in writing, that you possess attention to detail in submitting a cover letter that is grammatically correct and free of typos, that you have skills in communication, that you have skills in persuasion and strategic thinking.”  

Do: Use AI to Check Your Grammar  

Although you can speed up the process, writing a good cover letter takes time. So, you want to make sure your finished product is concise and easy to read.  

“[Recruiters] spend about 15–30  seconds [reading] the resume. They may spend even less time on the cover letter and many employers do not require a cover letter ,” Shreve Blake said.  

This is where AI comes in. Shreve Blake recommended using Grammarly or a similar AI-powered writing assistant to give your cover letter a once-over after you are finished writing it. This ensures that your spelling and grammar are up to par and that there are no filler words clogging up your precious cover letter real estate.   

“ Grammarly is a good tool to use to edit your cover letter ,” Shreve Blake said. “Twenty years ago, it was common to write a cover letter and then let a friend or family member double-check it for meaning and typos before submitting it to a potential employer. … Well, now you don’t have to ask a friend or family member. … [You] can use Grammarly and do that.”  

Just remember to double-check your cover letter one more time after using a tool like Grammarly. Sometimes, AI takes your writing out of context, Shreve Blake warned.  

Don’t: Limit Your Focus to Just the Cover Letter  

Unfortunately, even writing a perfect cover letter sometimes won’t land you the job you want. Shreve Blake advised that people find additional ways to express their interest in a role or company, including networking and conducting informational interviews.  

“At the end of the day, AI doesn’t hire people. Humans hire humans. People hire people,” Shreve Blake said.  

Similarly, if someone at the company you are applying to is vouching for you, make sure not to make them look bad by submitting a generic, AI-written cover letter. After all, they are putting their reputations on the line for you, Shreve Blake said.  

In the end, securing your dream job is all about going the extra mile . No matter what balance you choose to strike between using AI and writing the old-fashioned way, the goal remains the same: to create a cover letter that is tailored to the position you want and sells you well to your future employer.    

“ And, let’s face it, cover letter writing is not easy. ” Shreve Blake said. “So, not taking the easy way out and doing your research on the organization, addressing the right person, and going through the process of customizing the cover letter after using AI gives you a competitive edge.”  

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How to sign a cover letter: a guide to professional correspondence

Charlotte Grainger

Email cover letter 

Attached cover letter, physical cover letter .

You’ve polished your cover letter and you’re good to go. There’s only one thing left to do: Sign on the dotted line. But how can you get this right? Do you need a handwritten signature or can you type out your name? In this guide, we’ll go over how to sign a cover letter like a pro.

What is a cover letter?

First things first, let’s cover the basics. A cover letter is correspondence to the hiring manager. It details why you are applying for this specific role. It also allows you to make a solid case about your suitability for the vacancy. It’s the chance to clearly state why you’re the perfect candidate. 

Every cover letter includes the same elements, as follows: 

  • Contact details
  • Introduction
  • Body (2-3 paragraphs)

In this guide, we will be looking at the last point on the list. The sign-off of a cover letter needs to make the right impression on the hiring manager. Looking for some additional inspiration? Read more about writing a cover letter in our full guide.

Should you sign a cover letter?

Times are changing. You no longer need a handwritten signature on a cover letter. Since we live in an ever-more digitalised world, modern-day recruiters don’t always expect to see this. Most of the time, it’s perfectly acceptable to simply type your name at the bottom of the letter instead.

However, in some cases, adding a full-on signature on a cover letter could help you to stand out from the crowd. It’s important to know when this is appropriate before you get started with your application. That way, you can make sure that the cover letter you submit is suitable. 

How to decide whether to use a cover letter signature

Let’s kick things off by making this decision simple. If you’re unsure whether to handwrite your signature on a cover letter, let the format decide for you. Take a quick look at our breakdown below when you are figuring out which type of cover letter signature works for you: 

Email cover letter  Cover letter attachment  Physical cover letter
Typed-out name

Typed name/ 

electronic signature 

Typed name/handwritten signature 

Looking to create a cover letter attachment? Look no further. We have a wide selection of expertly formatted cover letter templates that you can use at just the click of a button. 

How to sign a cover letter based on its format

Effective cover letters are interesting and engaging. Chances are, you’ve spent a long time making sure that the body of your letter hits the mark. However, when you come to the end of the document, you don’t want to lose momentum. Getting the signature right is a must. 

Recruiters spend just seven seconds looking at each new application. In that blink of an eye, they decide whether you have what it takes to make it to the interview. If your cover letter doesn’t keep them reading at every point, it could ruin your chances of success. 

Let’s break down how you should sign your cover letter based on the format you are using. 

Email cover letters are quickly becoming the norm. Since you’re likely to apply for a job by sending your CV to the hiring manager, you may choose to write your cover letter in the body of your email. There’s nothing wrong with this approach and it’s certainly speedy. There are two options that you can choose from when using this approach: 

  • Type your full name out . If you decide to do this, you should use a standard sign-off, such as “Kind regards” or “Sincerely” followed by your name.
  • Use your email signature . Do you already have an email signature? If so, you can use it. Make sure it is suitable for the hiring manager to see before pressing “send”.

As a bonus, you may choose to include a link to your LinkedIn profile. Make sure that it is up to date before you do so. Take a look at our adaptable example below:

Kind regards, 

Mary Smith 

+ 44 74795724

Whether you’re filling out an online application or sending your CV to the hiring manager, you might send your cover letter as an attachment. In this case, you should save your cover letter as a PDF document (unless otherwise specified by the job description). Use our cover letter builder to create an interview-winning letter and then download it as a PDF at the click of a button.

You can add a signature by typing your name in the builder. However, if you want an electronic signature, leave it off completely. Once you’ve downloaded the PDF, you can use a program such as DocuSign or SignRequest to add an electronic signature to the document. 

Sign your cover letter with Preview!

Do you have a Mac? If so, it’s even easier. Open your PDF in Preview and then go to Tools, then Annotate, and then Signature. You can quickly create an e-signature for your cover letter.

Sending a physical cover letter? While less popular than online methods, some employers ask that you send them your application in the post. If you are sending your cover letter as an actual letter, you have two options again. Let’s take a look at them: 

  • Typed signature . Chances are, you will create your cover letter on a computer and print it off. If that is the case, there’s nothing wrong with typing your name as the cover letter signature. As before, you should include “Kind regards” or “Sincerely” first.
  • Handwritten signature . Since you are printing out your cover letter anyway, you can sign your cover letter by hand. Write “Kind regards” or “Sincerely” and leave a gap. When the document is printed, get a good black pen and sign the document.

It doesn’t matter which you choose. However, some employers may be impressed by the extra attention to detail if you hand sign your cover letter. The choice is yours. 

Key takeaways 

Making sure that you sign your cover letter is a must. In this guide, we’ve covered the main options depending on the format that you use. While signing a cover letter may seem like a small detail, it can make a world of difference. Use our cover letter builder tool to get started now.

“Dear Sir or Madam”: Top Cover Letter Start Alternatives


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    Consider the following steps: Create a great header. Include your name, email address, and phone number. A physical address is not necessary, but you should list it if the role requires relocation or is hybrid. Address the cover letter. Something as simple as "Hiring Team" is sufficient. However, if you know the name of the person who will ...

  11. Cover Letter Builder: Create a Professional UK Cover Letter

    Learning how to write a cover letter that catches an employer's attention for the right reasons is challenging. Our AI-powered cover letter generator makes it easy to create a job-winning cover letter. Build paragraphs tailored to each unique job advert, and use pre-written skills (containing industry-specific phrases for thousands of jobs) to create a personalised and compelling cover ...

  12. Best Cover Letter Tips for Job Seekers in 2024

    Write 250-450 words in 3-4 paragraphs to hit the cover letter length preferred by hiring managers and recruiters. If you want to keep your cover letter brief, look at some short cover letter examples online to get an idea of how it should look. 3. Address the hiring manager by name.

  13. How to write the perfect cover letter (With examples)

    To start your cover letter, introduce yourself. This means including your full name, your specific interest in the position and the reasons you've chosen to apply. If you got a referral to the job from another party, ensure to mention this in the first paragraph. 2. Mention your skills and qualifications.

  14. How To Write A Job-Winning Cover Letter

    Assess the employer's needs and your skills. Then try to match them in the letter in a way that will appeal to the employer's self-interest. Arrange the points in a logical sequence; organize each paragraph around a main point. Basic fonts like Arial, Calibri, Georgia, Verdana, and Times New Roman work well.

  15. Cover Letters

    Cover Letters. Crafting a great cover letter can set your application apart and help you get your foot in the door. But where to start? We've got tips, templates, and examples to get you going—from great opening lines to real samples that actually worked.

  16. How to Write a Cover Letter

    3. Know the Company . Take the time to research the company you are applying to so that you can express how your experience can help. Plus, having knowledge of the company is ideal for when you ...

  17. How To Write a Cover Letter: The Ultimate Guide

    And remember that it is inadvisable to send resumes or cover letters from your work email. Step 2. Open your letter with an appropriate salutation. Ideally, you should address your letter to a specific person to establish a connection and signal that you tailored your letter to this particular role.

  18. 200+ Professional Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers

    Employer name. Company Name. Street address. City, State. Salutation. Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], Opening Paragraph (Introduction) Your cover letter opening should contain a self-introduction. Write about who you are, where your expertise lies, where you found the job posting, and why you want to apply for the job.

  19. How to Write a Cover Letter That Sounds Like You (and Gets Noticed)

    ELAINY MATA: So you want to know how to tackle the cover letter. I do too. I actually really hate cover letters. I hate cover letters. I hate cover letters. But the cover letter is important. It's time to face our fears, and just figure out how in the world we are actually going to write it. I got you, and we're going to do this together.

  20. How to Get ChatGPT to Write You a Cover Letter; Step by Step Guide

    To apply for a job within your industry use this prompt: "Hi ChatGPT. You're now the best cover letter writer on earth. You and I will write a cover letter together for [job title] at [company].

  21. How to Write a Cover Letter Using ChatGPT

    Your resume presents your hard skills, and your cover letter showcases your soft skills -- the ones you can mold with keywords to fit what a company is asking for in its job ad.. Getting set up ...

  22. How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internal Position

    Schedule a private meeting with your boss to discuss your plans. Be upfront about your intentions, explaining why you're interested in the new role and how it aligns with your long-term career goals.Emphasize that this move isn't a reflection of dissatisfaction with your current position, but rather a desire to grow and take on new challenges within the company.

  23. Expert Cover Letter Help [Useful Articles for Writing a ...

    Free Downloadable resume templates, HR - Approved. Resume samples and guides, written by our experts. Avoid headaches and save time with our software. Browse through our cover letter examples library. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? Ideal Length & Word Count.

  24. How to Use AI to Write Your Cover Letter

    "Writing cover letters is a skill, like other skills in life," Shreve Blake said. "So, the more you do it, the faster and more confident you're going to get." Don't: Neglect Your Research Researching your target employer is an integral step in the cover letter writing process.

  25. Free Online Resume Builder

    How to use our resume builderin 3 steps. Putting together a complete job application has never been easier. Make a resume with our professional resume builder, and then quickly generate a matching cover letter. In minutes you'll be ready to apply for your next job. Make a Resume Now Create a Cover Letter. 01.

  26. How to sign a cover letter: a guide to professional ...

    Let's break down how you should sign your cover letter based on the format you are using. Email cover letter Email cover letters are quickly becoming the norm. Since you're likely to apply for a job by sending your CV to the hiring manager, you may choose to write your cover letter in the body of your email. There's nothing wrong with ...

  27. AI Resume Builder: Generate a Resume Fast

    Generate a matching cover letter. Once you have your resume looking good, you'll need a cover letter to match. Our AI-powered software will also instantly generate you a job-specific cover letter in just a couple minutes. All our templates come in matching sets, so you don't need to worry about having mismatched application documents.