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  • Presentations

Why Make Your PowerPoint Into a Video ?

PowerPoint isn't marketed as a video tool. There are many advanced video tools out there like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro X. With all of these options, you might be wondering why you would use PowerPoint to create a video file.

Here are four great reasons to use PowerPoint to create video presentations:

  • The device you want to show your PowerPoint file on doesn't support PowerPoint files (think Smart TV's or handheld game consoles).
  • You already have a finished PowerPoint presentation and don't have the time to recreate it from scratch in a video editor.
  • Your recipient doesn't have PowerPoint installed on their device, but can open it in a standard video player app.
  • You don't have the time to learn a new piece of video editing software to create a presentation video.

How to Quickly Convert Your PowerPoint to Video (Watch & Learn)

Let's walk through how to convert a PowerPoint (PPT) file into a video. In the quick, two minute screencast below, you can watch me cover the process step-by-step:

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

Keep scrolling to see more tips for making videos with PowerPoint, including compression tips that weren't mentioned in the video.

How to Export Your PowerPoint to Video

Start off by opening your PowerPoint presentation. Exporting a PowerPoint presentation to a video file should be the last step of your process. This is because you'll need to convert the PowerPoint presentation to video each time you make changes.

As I mentioned earlier, PowerPoint will export animations and transitions when you export the file as a video. 

To begin the export, go to the  File > Export > Create a Video  menu option.

PowerPoint File Export Create a Video

From this menu, there are several key settings to choose before you export your finished video. The dropdown boxes on the right side control the quality and timing of your presentation.

Here are the key choices you'll need to make before converting your PowerPoint to video:

1. Set PowerPoint Video Quality

Choose a quality setting from the dropdown to find the sweet spot between file size and video quality.

The better the quality setting you choose, the larger the finished file will be. If you're going to upload the video online to a service like YouTube, it's fine to export at the highest quality and let them handle the compression.

Choose PowerPoint Video Quality

If you're sharing this video with a colleague via email or posting it on your own server, a smaller file size might be the right choice. Here are my recommendations for when to use each of the settings:

  • Presentation Quality.  When keeping the file size small is no object, use Presentation Quality. It will render a video that looks extremely close to your original presentation alongside a large file.
  • Internet Quality. This is ideal if you want to upload quickly to a social service like Facebook or Twitter. Using Internet Quality is a good middle ground between file size and clarity.
  • Low Quality. This is the right choice when you're trying to save space, such as when you'll attach a video to an email.

Choose a quality setting from the dropdown option to make your selection.

2. Control PowerPoint Slide Timings

Now, you need to set timings,  the runtime for each slide in your video. There are two options for timings on the dropdown menu:

  • Don't use Recorded Timings and Narrations. Simply set a length of time for each slide to show in the video, such as 5 seconds each.
  • Use Recorded Timings and Narrations. Setup specific lengths of time for each slide to show, and optionally record narrations for the video version.

Export Timings in PowerPoint videos

Basically, these two options let you choose between setting specific timings or using the same runtime for each slide.

For this example, let's leave the option set to  Don't Use Recorded Timings and Narrations. 

Duration for slides

When you choose this option, you'll need to set the  Seconds spent on each slide  option. This is how long each slide will show in the video version. The default is 5 seconds as you can see in the screenshot above.

3. Create Your PowerPoint Video

Finally, click on  Create Video. PowerPoint will open up a  Save As  window, and you'll need to set a folder and filename for your finished video.

How to save your powerpoint as a video

You can also choose between an MPEG-4 video (.MP4 file) or Windows Media Video (.WMV) file when exporting, so choose the appropriate format if your device has any limitations. I typically leave this set to MP4.

How to Record Timings in PowerPoint

In the example above, we used the same amount of time spent on each slide (a flat 5 seconds in the example shown.) However, you can setup timings and narrations for your slide to customize how long each slide should show.

To setup timings and narrations, choose  Record Timings and Narrations  from the timings dropdown.

Set video timings in PowerPoint

Then, a dropdown menu will appear. There are two options here:

  • Slide and animation timings.  Leave this box checked to record the amount of time
  • Narrations, ink, and laser pointer.  Leave this box checked if you want to record audio from your computer's default microphone.

Voiceovers are very helpful if you want to send a slide deck to a colleague and share your commentary while they watch the video.

Boxes to check in PowerPoint video recording

Once you press  Start Recording,  PowerPoint will go into a fullscreen view of your presentation. Leave each slide on screen for the length of time it should show in the video. 

Basically, PowerPoint is recording a live version of your presentation. If you leave a slide on a screen for 10 seconds, it will appear for 10 seconds in the video version.

Recording slide in PowerPoint video

You can use the arrow keys to advance the slides and change slides. When you reach the end of the presentation, PowerPoint will exit to the menu.

Use recorded timings and narrations PowerPoint menu

Now, you can save your finished video presentation with your own timings and narrations. The finished video will use the same timings you used while rehearsing.

Create Powerful Video Presentations Fast With the iSpring Suite

If you need to make video-based presentations that are more robust from within PowerPoint, then why not use a quality tool designed for this? Plug the iSpring Suite into your PowerPoint setup today. 

With iSpring Suite, you can start recording video and audio directly from within the PowerPoint environment. Also, go one step further. Make use of a variety of iSpring Suite’s next-level eLearning presentation components. Then export to common video formats like MP4.

iSpring Suite

Take Your Video Presentations to the Next Level

Add more robust eLearning components into your presentation videos with iSpring Suite. Here are some of the advanced iSpring Suite capabilities you can tap into: 

  • Edit your video right from within PowerPoint. You can trim, add titles, transitions, audio, graphics and merge your presentation videos.
  • Record screencasts and software tutorials with voiceovers. Or create a webcam video that's directly embedded into your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Create full video-based courses. Take lectures and combine them with video slides and iSpring’s tools to quickly make your online course material. 
  • Build interactive assessments. You can pair your video material with a full assortment of quizzes. Use quiz templates, branching, and flexible scoring.
  • Translate your text to speech to add professional voice-overs and localize courses in 42 languages.
  • Take advantage of iSpring Suite’s adaptive player. It allows you to play your presentation on all devices seamlessly.

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

Quickly Add Videos and eLearning Components to Your Presentations

iSpring Suite will transform PowerPoint into a more powerful toolset. With it you can add videos to your presentations and edit them from within PowerPoint. 

Pair these videos with so much more. Turn your presentations into full courses, with quizzes, eLearning interactions, and interactive role-plays. Then export your presentation into common video format or deploy as fully interactive mobile-ready courses. 

The best way to get started is to sign up for the 14-day free trial , so that you can check out all the features at your own pace, without paying anything upfront.

Recap and Keep Learning More About PowerPoint

Maybe you're converting your PowerPoint presentation to go online, or maybe you're trying to make it easy for a co-worker that doesn't have PowerPoint installed. Either way, there are plenty of reasons to convert a PowerPoint file to a video for easy watching.

Don't stop here. There's much more to learn about PowerPoint. Check out these tutorials to do just that: 

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

We also have plenty of professional PowerPoint templates with great design options, if you need a quick start to making your presentation. Browse through these curated collections: 

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

What are your favorite tips for converting PowerPoint presentations? Let me know in the comments below.

Andrew Childress

Critical PowerPoint Shortcuts – Claim Your FREE Training Module and Get Your Time Back!

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How to Convert PowerPoint to Video (Step-by-Step)

  • PowerPoint Tutorials
  • Shortcuts & Hacks
  • October 22, 2019

In this article you’ll learn how to convert PowerPoint to video, and the different options you have.

PowerPoint to video

While most people know how to use PowerPoint to present their products and services live, few people know how to turn a PowerPoint into a video that runs on its own.

And while that might sound complicated, it’s in fact pretty easy, as you will see below.

There are two different ways to turn your PowerPoint presentations into video, the first of which gives you the most options, as discussed below.

But before you start the conversion process, here are some thoughts about why you should consider doing it in the first place.

Why Convert PowerPoint to Video?

It keeps your presentation the way it was intended.

Exporting your presentation as a video keeps all elements safely locked in place. That way you can email it to your colleagues or clients without worrying that something will shift, or that timings be messed up.

Video is more accessible and shareable

While most people have PowerPoint on their computer, we shouldn’t assume that they do. Convert your PowerPoint to video and the receiver can open it even if they don’t have a Microsoft subscription. They will have to have a media player though!

It’s also easier to view videos on a mobile device, so busy clients can check out your presentation while on the move.

Furthermore, it’s also easier to share videos on multiple platforms. They can be posted to YouTube, on your company blog, and on social media and video sharing networks.

People love videos!

With more than 75 million people watching online videos every day across the United States alone, you know you’re onto a good thing. According to marketing gurus, just mentioning the word ‘video’ in the subject line of an email increases the click-through rate by 19%. 

We human beings naturally love a good story because it conveys a message on an emotional level; and videos are very effective for storytelling, especially in contrast to written text or even images.

Since people’s decision-making process is often based on emotions, turning your presentation into a video can be very convincing.

What is an MP4?

MP4 is short for MPEG-4 Video, and is a universal video format that plays on any device.

When converting PowerPoint to video, you can choose between the  MPEG-4   Video  ​ ​​ file format (MP4) or the  Windows Media Video  file format (WMV), as discussed below.

The two main advantages of MP4 for your videos are:

  • It’s a pre-compressed and compact file type format (so it’s small)
  • It plays on just about any device

When converting PowerPoint to video, I highly recommend using the MP4 format unless you have a specific reason not to.

To learn more of the advantages of the MP4 format, see this Quora thread  here .

Option #1. Convert PowerPoint to video

To convert PowerPoint to video, click the File tab, Export, Create a Video, choose your options and click Create Video

To convert your PowerPoint presentation into a video, simply:

  • Click the  File  tab
  • Select  Export
  • ​​ Select  Create Video ​​
  • Choose your  Video Quality  ​ and  Recorded Timings and Narrations  (see details below)
  • Click  Create Video

Choose where to save the video on your computer and click  Save .

Navigate to where you want to save your video on your computer and click Save

As a result, your PowerPoint presentation is converted into video, based on the  Recorded Timings and Narrations  you selected, or the preset seconds per slide you set (all discussed below).

You can even add music and loop it throughout your video if you want to. To learn how to add music to PowerPoint,  read our guide here .

Video quality

Video quality determines not only the quality of your video output, but also how large the video file will be, as you can see in the image below.

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

For most situations, the  Full HD (1080p)  is a great choice.

That said, if you are showing your video on a large overhead projector and size isn’t an issue, you can improve the quality of your video by using the  Ultra HD (4K)  format.

Below you can see the different video quality options you have in the  Create a Video  dialog box.

Video quality options include Ultra HD, Full HD (1080p), HD (720p) and Standard (480p)

If file size is an issue or you are just showing your video on a smaller laptop screen, you can save a lot of space with the  HD (720p)  or  HD (480p)  formats.

HD (720p)  is supported on most websites and video platforms such as YouTube and Facebook. The  HD (480p )  option is the best option for mobile devices.

Setting recorded timings and narrations

Recorded Timings and Narrations options for converting PowerPoint to video

Recorded Timings and Narrations are important when converting PowerPoint to video as they not only dictate how long your video will be, but determine when things happen in your presentation.

There are a variety of ways you can set yourRecorded Timings or Narrations (all detailed below), but in short, your options are:

  • Automatically set how many seconds you want per slide
  • Set your own  Rehearsal Timings  (no audio or video) by clicking through your presentation
  • Narrate your PowerPoint with voice and/or video, which automatically sets the slide timings for you

If you use the  Record Slide Show  dialog box to narrate your entire presentation, you can simply use the  Save As  dialog box (discussed next) to save your PowerPoint as a video, as your narrations will take care of everything in your video.

To learn everything you need to know about narrating a PowerPoint presentation,  read our guide here .

Properly using PowerPoint animations

If you have animated sequences in your presentation and are going to use a pre-set number of seconds per slide, I recommend setting all your animations to  After Previous.

To change when a PowerPoint animation plays, select the animation, then open the Start options in the Animations tab

To set an animation to trigger automatically as your slide changes, simply:

  • Select  your animated object
  • Open the  Animations  tab
  • Open the  Start  drop down
  • Select  After Previous

This ensures that your animations will trigger after the previous action, whether that is an animation or advancing to the next slide.

If you leave your animations set to  On Click , they can add a delay of as much as 10 seconds to your video. This is especially if you are using the second conversion method (see the section below here on saving PowerPoint as a video).

Option #2. Save PowerPoint as Video

The fastest way to convert your PowerPoint presentations into a video format, is to use the  Save As dialog box.

This works best when you have narrated your PowerPoint presentation using the  Record Slide Show  dialog box, and just want the  Full HD (1080p)  quality for your video.

The Record Slide Show command in the Slide Show tab

​That’s because all of your slide timings, actions and animated sequences are saved within your narration, so all PowerPoint then has to do is save itself as a video using the default settings.

If you are not narrating your presentation, then I recommend using the first method discussed above.

To save powerpoint as a video, hit Control plus shift plus S, navigate to where you want to save the video and change the save as type to MPEG-4 and click save

To save your presentation as a video from inside PowerPoint, simply:

  • Hit  F12  or  Ctrl + Shift + S  to open the Save As dialog box
  • Choose a location to save your video
  • Change the file type to either  MPEG-4 Video  (recommended) or  Windows Media Video
  • Click  Save

Depending on the size of your presentation, it might take a minute or two to save your presentation as a video, so just hang tight.

When it is finished, your PowerPoint will be saved as a video in the  Full HD (1080p)  format. If you want a different video quality, you will need to use the  Create a Video  dialog box (see the first method discussed above).

After you save your presentation as a video, you can then embed it in other presentation if you want to. To learn how to embed a video in PowerPoint,  read our guide here .

Note:  I highly recommend saving your presentation in the  MPEG-4 (MP4)  file format as it is more universally accepted than the  Windows Media Video (WMV)  file format.

How to Record and Set Timings for Your Video

When converting PowerPoint to video, the timings not only determine the length of your video, they also determine the timing in which your animated sequences are triggered.

If you have a lot of animated sequences in your presentation, I don’t recommend using a set number of seconds per slide.

That’s because you can’t control the lag between the animated sequences and your content. Instead, I recommend using the  Rehearse Timings  command.

Here are the 4 different ways you can set and adjust slide timings for your presentation, from easiest to slowest.

1. Set a default number of seconds per slide

In the export PowerPoint as a video dialog box, set how many seconds you want on each slide in your video

To use a standard number of seconds per slide for your slide timings, simply:

  • Navigate to the  File  tab
  • Click  Export
  • Select  Create Video
  • Set the number of seconds

The more seconds you set per slide, the longer your video will be in total.

2. Set transition timings to advance your slides

PowerPoint transitions are another great way to not only make flipping between your slides less abrupt, but also to automatically advance your slides.

Using the  Transitions  tab, you can both set a default number of seconds for all of your slides, as well as adjust the time spent on individual slides.

From the transitions tab, select fade, set a number of seconds per slide and select Apply to All

For example, to set a Fade transition and slide timings of 3 seconds per slide, simply:

  • Navigate to the  Transitions  tab
  • Click the  Fade  transition
  • Under the  Effect Options , choose  Through Black
  • Deselect  On Mouse Click
  • For  After , input  3 seconds  (and make sure there is a check mark ​next to  After )
  • Click  Apply to All

As a result, all the slides in your presentation will now have a Fade transition and will automatically advance after 3 seconds.

You can also adjust the duration of the transitions between your slides if you want to get specific, but I think the default is usually fine.

3. Use the Rehearse Timings command

If you want to control the flow of your timings by manually clicking through your presentation, you can use the  Rehearse Timings  command.

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

To set your slide timings with the  Rehearse Timings  command, simply:

  • Navigate to the  Slide Show  tab
  • Click the  Rehearse Timings  command
  • Use the  Rehearse Timings  dialog box to click through your presentation
  • When you are finished, click  Yes  to save the slide timings

Here is a quick run through of the commands on the  Rehearse Timings  dialog box.

Rehearse timings dialog box options for recording slide timings for your video

Clicking  Repeat  starts the rehearsal timing over for the current slide you are on. That means you can restart the timing without having to start the presentation over from scratch.

4. Use the Record Slide Show command

The  Record Slide Show  command is the NEWEST and best way to add audio and video narrations to your presentations.

The advantage of using this tool to narrate your PowerPoint presentation, is that all of your slide timings, animations and actions are recorded for each slide.

That means you can simply use the  Save As  dialog box to quickly convert your narrated PowerPoint into a video.

Open the Slide Show tab, open the Record Slide Show drop down, select Record from beginning

To use the  Record Slide Show  command to narrate your presentation from the beginning, simply:

  • Navigate to  Slide Show  tab
  • Open the  Record Slide Show  drop down
  • Select  Record from Beginning

To learn how to use the  Record Slide Show  command to narrate your PowerPoint (and all the options you have), read our guide here.

Note:  If you just click the  Record Slide Show  button (instead of opening the drop down), you will begin recording your narration from your current slide.

So that’s how to turn PowerPoint into a video, either by exporting your video using the  Create a Video  command, or by saving your PowerPoint presentation as a video using the  Save As  dialog box.

If you narrate you presentation using the  Record Slide Show  command, the  Save As  dialog box is the fastest way to turn your presentation into a video.

And while PowerPoint gives you two different video file types to choose from, I recommend using the universal MP4 video file format. That’s because it ensures that your video will play on any device (computer, tablet, or phone) that people may have.

If you enjoyed this article, you can learn more about our PowerPoint training courses and other presentation resources by  visiting us here .

What’s Next?

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Very useful tips. Many thanks!

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How to Convert PowerPoint to Video

Let your presentation speak for itself

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

What to Know

  • Windows: Select File > Export > Create a Video . Choose video quality, timings/narrations, seconds per slide > Create Video . Select file type.
  • Mac: Select File > Export . Choose file format, video quality, timings/narrations, and seconds per slide, then choose Export .

PowerPoint decks are great tools for showcasing and presenting a message, product, or data visualization, as viewers are more likely to digest content when it's in video format. Here's how to turn a PowerPoint into a video using PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint 2016, PowerPoint 2013, PowerPoint 2010, and PowerPoint for Mac.

How to Save PowerPoint as Video on Windows

After you create a presentation, convert your slides into attention-grabbing videos. The steps below show how to turn a PowerPoint file into a video. The result is a file that incorporates animation, narration, and other custom content included in the original PPT or PPTX file.

Follow these instructions to make a video from a PPT or PPTX file in PowerPoint on Windows operating systems:

Launch PowerPoint and open the presentation file you want to turn into a video. If that file is open, ensure that the latest version is saved by selecting File > Save or by selecting Save on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Select File > Export .

If you use PowerPoint 2010, select Save & Send .

Select Create a Video .

Choose the video quality you want to use for your video slideshow. A high-quality screen resolution results in a larger file size. A low-quality output results in a smaller file.

Specify whether or not to include recorded timings and narrations in the video. If the presentation contains timings or narrations, select Record Timings and Narrations . These narrations can include a thumbnail image of yourself, recorded on your webcam.

To specify the amount of time that each slide displays, enter the time in the Seconds spent on each slide text box.

After you make your choices, select Create Video .

In the Save As dialog box, choose a location to save your new video file and enter a filename.

Select the Save as type drop-down arrow and choose either MPEG-4 Video ( MP4 ) or Windows Media Video ( WMV ). Select Save to start the video creation process.

The progress of your video creation displays in the status bar. This may take a few minutes or up to several hours to complete, depending on the size and complexity of the video being created.

How to Save PowerPoint as Video on macOS

Follow these instructions to make a video from a PPT or PPTX file in PowerPoint for macOS.

This feature is available to Microsoft 365 subscribers who have the latest desktop version of PowerPoint.

Launch PowerPoint and open the presentation file that you want to turn into a video. If that file is open, ensure that the latest version is saved by selecting File > Save or by selecting Save from the Quick Access Toolbar.

A pop-out window appears that contains multiple options. In the File Format drop-down menu, select either MP4 or MOV .

Choose a video quality option. Those with the highest quality and screen resolutions (for example, Presentation Quality ) result in larger file sizes. A low-quality output creates a smaller file. This quality selection also dictates the video's width and height, shown below the Quality menu.

Choose whether or not to include recorded timings and narrations in the video. If available, select the Use Recorded Timings and Narrations check box to enable this content in your video.

To increase or decrease the timing for the slides, select the up or down arrow next to Seconds spent on each slide without a set timing . By default, a PowerPoint video spends five seconds on a slide before transitioning to the next slide.

Select Export .

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PowerPoint to MP4

Convert PowerPoint presentations to MP4 online; free

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

319 reviews

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Convert PowerPoint to mp4 video online

Converting PowerPoint to mp4 is now super easy—with VEED! You can convert your PowerPoint slide shows to videos in just a few clicks, and you can do it straight from your browser. You can even record yourself while presenting your slides using our free screen and webcam recorder.

Upload your Microsoft PowerPoint slides and record your webcam, audio, and screen. Easily customize your layout, background, and camera feed. Add annotations, scenes, and even soundwaves for audio recordings.

How to Convert PowerPoint to mp4:

Select layout

Select from our list of layouts; in this case—Slides or Slides and Camera (you may need to click to ‘ Allow ’ permission to access your screen, camera, or microphone). You can record just your screen, your webcam, or both at the same time!

Start recording

Click the red button to start recording! You'll see a countdown before the recording starts. Don't worry if you mess up. You have unlimited time and unlimited retakes. You can navigate to other pages, and don't worry, you are still recording.

Review, edit, and export

You can playback your recording to review it, click ‘Share’ to share with friends and colleagues, or ‘Edit’ to edit your video (perfect for adding text, subtitles, and professional touches to your screen recording)

‘PowerPoint to MP4’ Tutorial

‘Business Video Presentation’ Tutorial

A versatile, free, PowerPoint to MP4 converter

It’s never been easier to convert your PPTX presentations to mp4. VEED is a powerful and versatile screen and webcam recorder that lets you create videos out of your slide shows. It also features multiple layouts that you can choose from. You can record your screen and audio at the same time, record your slides and camera or slides only. After recording, give your PowerPoint presentations a new look! Add annotations, images, text, and more.

Edit, personalize, and localize

After converting your PPTX to MP4, you can edit it to make it look professional using our complete suite of video editing tools. Personalize your presentation to suit your business needs. Add scenes, text, your logo, fonts, and so much more. You can also localize your video by adding subtitles and translating them to different languages—perfect for businesses with international teams. Our automatic translation tool is available to premium subscribers. Check our pricing page for more info.

The best video editor for businesses

Our screen and slides recorder allows your team to record important business messages, create explainer videos, presentations, and more. Share, comment, review, and collaborate on videos online—no software to download. You can even add subtitles automatically and translate them to different languages! Plus, you can add your logo and brand colors using our brand kit—available to pro users.

How do I convert PPT to MP4?

It’s super easy! Upload your PPT slides to VEED and start recording. You can also choose to record your webcam while presenting your slides. Edit your recording and export it as an mp4 video!

How do I edit the video?

Just click ‘Edit’ when the recording is finished, and you will be taken into VEED’s video editor. Here you will be able to add subtitles, text, annotations, music, sound effects, and much more. Just hit the ‘Export’ button when you’re finished, to save your new edited recording.

Is PowerPoint MP4 format?

When you save your PowerPoint presentation, it doesn’t automatically save as an mp4. The best way to convert your PPTX presentations to MP4 is by using VEED!

How long does it take to convert PPT to MP4?

It really depends on your screen recording time. VEED lets you record your screen and webcam while presenting your slides. When you’re done recording, exporting your PPTX to mp4 only takes a few minutes.

Discover more

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How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video

The quick and easy was as well as expert tweaks

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Powerpoint is a popular tool used to present and showcase a product or message. It comes with many layouts, themes, and tools to help you build professional presentations. What if you spend a lot of time creating a visually appealing and well laid-out presentation and you want to share it with someone who doesn’t have Microsoft Office?

The short answer is you can’t. However, if you turn it into a video it can be easily viewed by most people with an Internet connection. Another benefit of turning Powerpoint into a video is it is a great way to repurpose your content into another format. Video is quickly becoming a huge part of businesses’ digital marketing strategy.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 1

Even though Powerpoint is not marketed as a video tool, and there are many video tools, apps, and platforms available, you might be thinking why should you use Powerpoint? 

A few good reasons are:

  • As mentioned above, you can’t share your presentation with someone who doesn’t have Powerpoint installed on their computer.
  • You have already spent a lot of time creating a fully automated Powerpoint presentation and don’t want to start from scratch with a video.
  • Video creation is not in your arsenal of skills, and you don’t want to learn how to use a new tool.

The Quick & Easy Way

If your presentation is complete with automatic timings, transitions and animations, you might be shocked to learn how easy it is to convert it into a video.

  • Open your Powerpoint presentation. 
  • Click on File , select Save As , and from the drop-down menu, choose MPEG-4 Video (*.mp4). (available in Powerpoint 2010 and above).

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 2

Too easy? It actually is. But keep in mind this only works for presentations that are already completely set up and ready to show to viewers.

Use The Export Option

  • Another way to convert to a video file is to click on File , choose Export , and click on Create a Video .

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 3

  • There are a few options for you to select that will affect how your final video turns out. Start by selecting quality.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 4

The choice you make will affect the clarity, resolution, and video file size. The higher the quality, the larger the file.

I generally use Full HD (1080p), but if you have a slow Internet upload speed or the file size is an issue, HD (720p) will also produce a high-res HD video.

Choose The Timings

The next option controls how long each slide stays on the screen or the timings of your video.  

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 5

  • If you choose Don’t Use Recorded Timings and Narrations , each slide will be shown for the same amount of time. When you use this option, you can select the number of seconds you want each side to stay before moving onto the next one.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 6

  • Now let’s click Create Video and save your file to your computer.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 7

  • Find the location where you saved your video and play it. It will open in your default video player or app. The slides will play for the length of time you set above.
  • You may wish to do this to allow viewers to read slides with longer text. This can be accomplished by choosing a different timing setting. Select Record Timings and Narrations.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 8

  • This option enables you to customize how long each slide lasts on the video and gives you the option to record a voiceover. If you want to record a voiceover, you have several options. To change your microphone, look under settings .

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 9

  • You can also include a box of yourself recording the video by selecting the Camera option from the settings shown above.
  • To start your voiceover, click on the red Record button. Powerpoint will give you a few seconds to get ready while it counts down 3, 2, 1.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 10

  • While you are recording your voice, your Powerpoint is also recording the timings. The amount of time you spend on each slide before moving to the next will set the timing.
  • To move to the next slide, use the arrow keys. When you get to the end, “X” out of the recording screen. You will then be taken back to the settings page with the timings you recorded.
  • Click on Create Video and save it to your computer. Each slide in your video will now last as long as it took you to talk about it when recording.  

How To Set Up Powerpoint Presentations With Transitions, Animations & Timings

If you would prefer to set the animations, timings, and transitions before creating the video, below are a few examples of how to do so. This way, you can use the quick and easy way to convert it into a video described above.

What Are Transitions?

Have you ever seen a Powerpoint presentation that does something flashy or catches your eye between slides? Those special effects are called transitions.

There are three categories of transitions you can choose to use in your presentation. They are:

  • Subtle : Basic and simple movement from one slide to another.
  • Exciting: More elaborate and more interesting than subtle.
  • Dynamic: When used between two slides that are similar in layout, this transition will only move the placeholders, not the slides.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 11

When applied in moderation, transitions can add a professional and visually appealing effect to your presentation.

If you use too many transitions, the results can be confusing, erratic, and distracting.

Apply a Transition

  • Select the slide from the Slide Navigation panel where you want to apply the transition. This slide will appear after the transition you choose.
  • Click on Transitions from the top navigation. Note that the default is None . Click on More or the down arrow to see all the available options.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 12

When you click a transition, you will automatically see a preview of what it will look like if selected. You can either use the transition for a single slide or click Apply to All to use the same transition for all the slides in your presentation.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 13

Customize The Direction Of The Transition

Each transition has different effect options. 

  • To choose the one you want to use, click on Effect Options , select one, and watch Powerpoint automatically show you a preview of your selection.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 14

Change The Duration Of a Transition

  • Choose the slide you want to change the time for and look for the Duration field. In this example, the side is set to 01.00 .

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 15

  • Let’s increase the time to .025 to make the transition a little slower. You can choose to set the duration for the selected slide only.
  • Click Apply to All to use the same transition duration for all the slides.

Add Sound To The Transition

  • Click on the dropdown menu next to Sound from the top bar navigation. Choose a sound, then preview it.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 16

  • To preview the sounds, from the top bar navigation click Slide Show and then From Current Slide .

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 17

How To Move To The Next Slide

If you are doing a live presentation in front of an audience, you usually would press the spacebar or click your mouse to advance to the next slide.

However, as we are converting the presentation to a video, you want to use the Advance Slides setting to automate the process.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 18

  • Now you want to remove (deselect) the checkmark next to On Mouse Click . In the After field, enter the amount of time you want the slide to be displayed before moving onto the next one. In the example above, the slide will last 00:03.36 .

Custom Animations

Animations in Powerpoint add motion to different elements in your presentation. The purpose is to draw attention to the key points, such as specific text, shapes, tables, images, and other objects.

Using animations in Powerpoint videos makes it more engaging and exciting to watch. Some of the types of motion you can add to your slides are:

  • Changing the color or size of an image or text.
  • Causing an image to appear or disappear.
  • Moving an object around your slide.

Add An Animation

  • Start by selecting an object to animate, click on Animations , and choose an option. If you don’t see the Animation Pane , click on it to open it.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 19

  • Now click on Effect Options and choose one. Different animations have different options.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 20

To start an animation, click on the drop-down menu next to Start and choose from one of the options below:

  • On Click will start the animation when you click a slide.
  • With Previous will start the animation at the same time as the previous animation on the previous slide.
  • After Previous will play it immediately after the previous animation completes.

Click on Duration to set how long you want the animation to last. If you want to add a delay before an animation starts, use the Delay option.

To add more effects, click on Add Animation and choose the one you want to use. If you want to change the order an animation appears on the slide, click on the animation marker.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 21

  • Choose Move Earlier or Move Later to change the order the animation appears in the sequence.

Add An Animation To a Group

  • Press control on your keyboard and select the objects you want to include in the group. 
  • Next click on Shape Format , then Group , and Group again.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 22

  • Then select Animations and choose the one you want to use.

Animate Text

  • Highlight the text where you want to add an animation. 
  • Click Add Animation and choose an option. You will see it in the Animation Panel on the right side.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 23

  • The next step is to click the drop-down menu next to the animation you just added. This is another place where you can decide when you want it to start. Choose from Start On Click , Start With Previous , or Start After Previous .
  • Click the drop-down again next to the text animation, and this time select Effect Options.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 24

Here is where you will set the direction, timing, and other specific animation options. 

There are a lot of special effects you can add to Powerpoint. With practice, you will be able to create an engaging presentation using automatic animations and transition timings.

Once you are finished completing the above steps, you can use the simple way described at the beginning of this content to turn a Powerpoint presentation into a video. In just a few minutes, you will have a compelling, engaging, and visually appealing video to share with others.

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David has a background in small business and lives in Australia. He is a WordPress and Ubuntu Developer who enjoys design, CSS and tech tool integration. Read David's Full Bio

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How To Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to a HD Video in 3 Steps

How To Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to a HD Video in 3 Steps

There are many reasons why you may consider converting a PowerPoint presentation to a High-Definition video ; for example if you want to share a presentation online through YouTube or Vimeo, create a self-running presentation or save the slide show video to a DVD.

How to Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to a HD Video

In this article we will guide you on how to convert a PowerPoint presentations to a High Definition video (as an MP4 video file,Windows Media Video .wmv file or QuickTime Video File .mov) using Microsoft PowerPoint.

PowerPoint lets you save presentations as videos directly from the File > Save As dialog box; however if you need to choose the output video quality while saving the presentation then it is recommended to use the File > Export > Create a Video option.

High Definition (HD) or high-quality presentation uses a higher resolution (1280×720 or 1920×1080) to save the video information. It can improve the overall experience while watching a presentation online or playing a PowerPoint slideshow in a kiosk. It would be the preferred format if you plan to upload your video presentation to YouTube or Vimeo, and have higher quality. The main drawback is that the presentation video file size will be bigger and more bandwidth may be required.

Export PowerPoint to Video - Use the Export feature to create a video from your PowerPoint presentation

Why You Should Convert a PowerPoint to a Video Format?

Converting a PowerPoint to a video format can have several advantages. From making intuitive videos to engaging your audience to address complex topics in just a few minutes.

Create a Video Slideshow

You can use the converted video file to create a video slideshow for display at an event or edit the content of the video to generate a video presentation.

Create Presentations and Tutorials

PowerPoint enables users to export their videos with voice-over narration and animations. This can help create extensive presentations for an audience

Use Professional Editing Software to Create Engaging Videos

Adding a voice-over, additional graphics, and some footage can help create a professional-looking presentation by using a video editing application. Similar to how you use Instagram tools to convert images into a stunning video, some famous video editing apps that can help you make the most out of your converted PowerPoint file to a video format include Adobe Premiere Pro, Camtasia Studio, iMovie, Final Cut Pro, etc. If you are a Windows user, you can look into alternatives to Final Cut Pro like Lightworks, Movavi Video Editor, and Shotcut.

Create a Video Instead of Using PowerPoint

You can convert PowerPoint to video by simply letting your slides play out, making the presentation easy to play for end users without the need to have PowerPoint installed. This approach can also be helpful if you intend to present your slides using a video player instead of PowerPoint, as the latter might not be available everywhere, whereas video players often come with all types of desktop and mobile operating systems.

Upload a Video Online

Many presenters also like to upload their presentations online for an audience. A teacher might be interested in making his/her presentation available for students, or an industry expert might wish to share a concept with others in the industry by uploading a video to a YouTube channel. Either way, converting your PowerPoint to a video can help make the content easily shareable via video streaming platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. Such a video can also be shared privately via file-sharing apps like Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc.

How To Convert PowerPoint to Video (Windows)

Step 1 – go to file > export.

The first step to save a PowerPoint presentation as a HD video go to File -> Export and then click Create a Video button.

How To Convert PowerPoint to Video (Windows)

Step 2 – Choose Video Resolution

Now, select a resolution to export your video. Other than the Standard (825×480) resolution, the high-definition resolution options include HD (Medium 1280×720), Full HD (Large 1920×1080), or Ultra HD 4K (Largest file size 1920×1080). If you are using an older version of PowerPoint, you might have limited options to select between HD resolutions, since versions older than PowerPoint 2013 only supported HD videos (1280×720).

Choose Video Resolution in your PowerPoint Video Presentation - How to convert PPT to video

Optional Step: Save Narrations, Laser Pointer Gestures & Recorded Timings in the Video Exported from PowerPoint

Aside from saving the PowerPoint presentation as an HD video, you can also save a video file that incorporates all the recorded timings during a rehearsal, narrations, and even laser pointer gestures.

In case you have recorded narrations for your slides, you can use them or select Record a Video option to instantly start narrating your slides. The Preview Timings and Narrations option in the same drop-down menu does what it says, it enables you to check and ensure that your narrations are correctly timed with your slides, so you can make necessary edits before finalizing your video.

Use Recorded Timings and Narrations in your Video Presentation

Optional Step: Select Slide Duration

Choose the default time spent on each slide (in seconds) and whether to save the narrations, timings, and gestures. By default, 5.00 seconds are spent on each slide unless you have a different timing recorded for the presentation slideshow.

Default Timing Seconds per Slide

Step 3 – Select Video Format and Create a Video Presentation

Click Create Video button and choose the destination folder and output file name. For end users wondering how to convert ppt to MP4, this is the step where you can select MP4 as your output format. PowerPoint supports saving slide decks to MP4 or WMV video formats. Once you confirm, wait a few seconds in order for the file is being saved on your hard disk. Presentations with a lot of slides may require a longer wait time.

Save PowerPoint as a Video - Export a PowerPoint Presentation to Video (MP4)

Something good about saving presentations as a video file is that all animations, transitions, and media are preserved.

Convert PowerPoint to Video Presentation

How to Convert PowerPoint to Video (Mac)

How to Convert PPT to Video in Mac? If you’re wondering how to make a PowerPoint into a video on Mac, the steps are quite similar to how you would export PowerPoint to video on a PC, with a few minor differences.

To convert PowerPoint to video on Mac, go to File -> Export.

Step 2 – Choose Video Format

If you have been wondering how to save PowerPoint as MP4 on Mac, this is the step where you can pick a video file format to save your presentation as a video, including MP4 and MOV.

The difference between the PC and Mac during this step is the difference in the availability of video conversion options. The PC version, along with MP4, allows saving a video in the Windows Media Video (WMV) format, unlike Mac, which offers QuickTime video format (MOV) instead.

Step 3 – Select Video Resolution and Create Video

The new version of PowerPoint for Mac allows saving a presentation in HD (Medium 1280×720), Full HD (1920×1080), or Ultra HD 4K (1920×1080) format. The higher the resolution, the higher the file format, so make sure you have enough disk space to save a very heavy file, especially if you opt for Ultra HD 4K resolution.

Save Narrations, Laser Pointer Gestures & Recorded Timings (Optional)

To save narrations, recorded timings, and laser point gestures, select the Use Recorded Timings and Narrations option.

Select Slide Duration (Optional)

To precisely time how long each slide is presented in the video, select the time duration. The default duration is 5.00 seconds, unless you have specified time for each slide separately in the presentation.

Select Export to create your video. Depending on the resolution you have selected, it might take several minutes before the video is converted. Higher resolutions take more time to conversion.

Saving videos from PowerPoint can help you at the time you need to share a presentation slideshow online (for example, uploading it via YouTube or Vimeo, or any other online video platform ), but you can also use this technique to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for a kiosk, make interactive PowerPoint presentations or create a self-running presentation. PowerPoint presentations saved as videos can also be easily run from mobile devices without the need for PowerPoint to be installed on the device. If you wish to save your PowerPoint to video in a format easily accessible, you can opt for PowerPoint save as MP4 instead of using WMV or MOV file formats that are not supported by all types of video players.

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

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mp4, Presentation Ideas, Presentation Videos, Video, Windows Media Video, wmv Filed under PowerPoint Tutorials

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6 Responses to “How To Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to a HD Video in 3 Steps”

Can’t believe no one has commended you for this helpful tutorial! We want to mount several TVs in the lobby and exam rooms of our veterinary hospital to run informational presentations for our clients about pet care, our services, and helpful products. Recording a PowerPoint as a video and then putting it on a USB thumb drive to connect to the TV seems like it will be an effective, inexpensive way to get that accomplished. Thank you so much!

I second the above comment. Thank You

how to present a power point presentation on a smart tv..and having it loop over to continuous display..keep running.

This was very helpful. I had no clue that this could be done. I dedicated a PC to running the Power Point presentation for our lobby. Having it run on the TV via USB will free up that resource for us.

I haven’t dug into it yet, but is there a way to make it loop?

I keep getting this audio data not supported. Is there anyway to remove this?

Send us your issue to [email protected] we might be able to help you.

Convert PPT to Video. PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX, PPSX) to Video Converter.

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How to convert PPT to video

How to convert PPT to video

  • Click Drop or upload your files .
  • Select the PowerPoint file you want to convert to video on your computer.
  • Specify your preferred parameters for the conversion—the slides to be converted, duration for each slide, video resolution, transition, and audio. Or you can use the default parameters.
  • Click the CONVERT button.
  • Wait for your presentation to get converted to an MP4 video.
  • Click the DOWNLOAD NOW button. Or you can type in an email address and click the message icon. The email address will receive a download link.

Aspose.Slides PPT to Video converter is a free online service for converting PowerPoint presentations to videos. Slides : Convert all slides in your PowerPoint to video. Or you can select specific slides or a range of slides for conversion. Slide duration : Specify the time that is spent showing each slide in the video. Video resolution : Select the resolution that determines the amount of detail in the video. If you plan to display the video on a big screen, you will do well to select HD. However, in such case, FullHD or QHD is probably even better. Transition : Select the transition that is played between slides in the video. PowerPoint transitions give life to presentations. They provide additional on-screen movement and interest for your audience. Audio : Your presentation can seem brand-new with audio. You can use the audio from the original presentation, upload your own, or select it from the drop-down option. The presentation to video converter is a free service powered by Aspose.Slides .

Aspose.Slides for .NET

Aspose.Slides PPT to Video

  • Convert PPT to video.
  • Export PPT to video.
  • Save PowerPoint PPTX and PPT as video.
  • Convert presentation to video.
  • Create video from PowerPoint.
  • Add audio and transition effects to your video.
  • Convert PPTX to MP4.
  • Convert PPT to MP4.
  • Convert PowerPoint to MP4.
  • Download PowerPoint video. Open video. Share video.
  • How do I convert PPT to video? Upload your PowerPoint presentation, specify your preferred parameters for the conversion operation or leave the default options intact, and then click CONVERT .
  • What are the advantages of converting PowerPoint to video? By converting your PowerPoint to video (MP4), you end up with a more convenient file. A video is easier to share than a PowerPoint. A video can be opened on any device or platform.
  • Is Aspose PPT to Video Converter free? Yes. The PowerPoint PPT to video converter is completely free to use.
  • How long does it take to convert PPT to video? The time required for the PowerPoint to video export operation is dependent on the number of slides involved.
  • What is the format of the resulting PowerPoint video? MP4 is the resulting format.
  • How do I save my PPT as MP4? Use the PPT to Video converter on this page.
  • How can I open the video created from a PowerPoint? You can open the video in any video player. The MP4 video file can be played on any laptop (Windows, Mac, Linux) or smartphone (iPhone or Android device).
  • How do I save my PowerPoint as a video? Use the PowerPoint to video converter on this page.
  • How do I convert PowerPoint to MP4 for free? Use the converter on this page. It is FREE.
  • Are there limits on uploaded files? For a single presentation, the maximum file size is 35 MB and the maximum number of slides is 50. If you must convert a presentation that exceeds 35 MB or contains more than 50 slides, we recommend you use Aspose PowerPoint Splitter to divide the slides into multiple presentations. You can then convert the presentations you obtained individually.

Fast and easy

Fast, Easy, and Secure Conversion


Convert from Anywhere

High quality

High Quality Conversion

Other supported conversions.

You can use other tools to convert PPT, PPTX and PPSX files. Please see the list below.

  • PDF to video (PDF to MP4)
  • Images to Video (Images to Video Converter)
  • PowerPoint to YouTube video (PowerPoint Presentation)
  • MP4 to MP3 (MP4 to MP3 Converter)
  • MP4 to WAV (MP4 to WAV Converter)
  • MP4 to WEBM (MP4 to WEBM Converter)

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Convert PowerPoint to MP4

Converting ppt to mp4 has never been easier.

Are you looking for a convenient solution to convert your PowerPoint to MP4? No hassle, no extra downloads and installs? Our lightning-fast tool empowers you to save PPT as MP4 files within just a couple of clicks. Before you convert PPT to MP4, you can enhance your video by trimming, adding effects and transitions, and layering other images or even other videos. Flixier is an advanced online video editor that anyone can use, anytime, and anywhere.

Convert PowerPoint to MP4

Save Time As You Convert PPT to MP4 

Flixier is a browser-based video editor, which means that all you need is a steady internet connection and access to your favorite browser to convert PowerPoint to MP4. Say goodbye to having to download additional applications and software barriers. Save time and storage by working directly in our powerful cloud servers as you convert PPT to MP4. It’s that easy to convert PPT to MP4 with audio, all in one tab!

Convert PPT to MP4 With Audio

Flixier is not the usual PPT to MP4 converter that you can only use to change the file format. Not only can you take advantage of our tool to record presentations, but you can also convert PPT to MP4 with audio, so you don’t miss out on speaker key points. Before you save PPT as MP4 you can also record yourself or even use the innovative and natural-sounding voice-over generator in many languages of your choice. Pretty neat, right?

Convert PPT to MP4 And Share on Socials

Great, now that you’ve converted and edited PPT to MP4 with audio effects, your presentation is a bona fide multimedia project that’s ready to see the light! Flixier’s user-friendly interface can streamline your entire creative process whether by downloading and saving the MP4 locally or in a cloud storage solution. Even better, you can share your project to your preferred social media platform directly through Flixier’s seamlessly integrated interface. It’s as easy as click & share!

Enhance and Save PPT as MP4

There’s nothing more frustrating than faded colors on a presentation video. Use Flixier’s video enhancer tool to automatically adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, or gamma values as you convert PowerPoint to MP4, and you get a professional-looking video within minutes. The live enhancement previews allow you full control over the look and feel of your presentation before you save PPT as MP4 multimedia projects.

How to convert PowerPoint to MP4?

Upload your presentation.

Click on “Get Started”, then tap the "Record" button to turn your presentation into a video you can convert to save PPT as MP4. Flixier’s PowerPoint recorder works like a charm to record your decks.

Edit and Enhance

Experiment with video and audio customization features before you convert your PowerPoint to MP4. Go for snappy transitions, colorful effects, and visual aiding elements to highlight information in your presentation.

Convert and Save

Click on the “ Export” button and make sure you select “ Video” from the Format dropdown options. Flixier does its magic almost instantly and automatically produces your requested MP4 file.

Why use Flixier as a PowerPoint to MP4 converter

Convert powerpoint to mp4 for free.

The best thing about Flixier is that you can convert PPT to MP4 for free, without even creating an account! Click on ”Get Started” and jump right into editing your PowerPoint deck video. There’s also a free trial option that lets you save progress and safely store your files, so you can save PPT as MP4 and enjoy our tool’s numerous functionalities.

Add Images to Your PowerPoint

Before you convert PowerPoint to MP4 videos, you can tweak the content as you add image to video directly from Flixier. Either upload your own media or choose from the hundreds of royalty-free stock images the Flixier library boasts. Take your pick and remember that sometimes converting PPT to MP4 with audio is not enough, since you can enrich the presentation with illustrations, all in a couple of clicks.

A Top Presentation Editing Toolkit

Our online video editor boasts an impressive number of video editing functionalities to make your presentation truly stand out. Use Flixier to edit MP4 files and add motion graphics as key visual elements, subtitles, or dynamic transitions. Before you know it, the process of saving PPT as MP4 multimedia projects will have turned into a fun editing experience that will leave your peers speechless.

Save PPT as MP4 Securely

Our cloud-powered servers maintain the highest standards of security, so you can safely store your video projects. When you convert PPT to MP4 with audio files and other multimedia, the progress is automatically saved into your Flixier account, so you can relax and rely on the power of cloud storage and no longer fill up your device’s memory with “Version 5” of the same project.

What people say about Flixier

Steve Mastroianni - RockstarMind.com

I’ve been looking for a solution like Flixier for years. Now that my virtual team and I can edit projects together on the cloud with Flixier, it tripled my company’s video output! Super easy to use and unbelievably quick exports.

Evgeni Kogan

My main criteria for an editor was that the interface is familiar and most importantly that the renders were in the cloud and super fast. Flixier more than delivered in both. I've now been using it daily to edit Facebook videos for my 1M follower page.

Anja Winter, Owner, LearnGermanWithAnja

I'm so relieved I found Flixier. I have a YouTube channel with over 700k subscribers and Flixier allows me to collaborate seamlessly with my team, they can work from any device at any time plus, renders are cloud powered and super super fast on any computer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you save a ppt as an mp4.

Of course! You can easily save a PPT as an MP4 with Flixier, the online video editor that not only helps you record and convert PowerPoint presentations but also brings an advanced video editing suite to your fingertips.

How do I reduce the size of an MP4?

You can make an MP4 take up less space by using Flixier’s native MP4 compressor feature. It’s available for anyone, as long as you’ve got access to an internet connection and your preferred browser.

Is it free to convert ppt to mp4?

You can convert PPT to MP4 for free using Flixier! The online video editor comes with a free trial you can take advantage of to access numerous expert editing features, as well as the possibility to edit PPTs without even creating an account. It’s as simple as that!

Need more than a PPT to Video convertor?

Edit easily, publish in minutes, collaborate in real-time, other ppt converter tools, articles, tools and tips, unlock the potential of your pc.

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

Guide Center

  • Promo Video
  • Real Estate Video
  • Corporate Video
  • Trailer Video
  • Tutorial Video
  • Birthday Video
  • Wedding Video
  • Memorial Video
  • Anniversary Video
  • Music Video
  • Travel Video
  • Social Media
  • YouTube Video
  • Facebook Video
  • Instagram Video
  • Twitter Video
  • TikTok Video
  • YouTube Intro Video

Generate videos from your prompt, article, or URL

Generate scripts for any purpose

Paste the URL and turn your blog post into compelling videos with AI

Generate images in various styles

Turn text into natural-sounding voices

Create multi-language videos with ease

Generate subtitles or captions for your video automatically

Remove background from images automatically with one click

  • Video Compressor
  • Video Converter
  • Video Trimmer
  • Video Merger
  • Frame Video
  • Reverse Video
  • Video Effects
  • Screen Recorder
  • Freeze Frame
  • Video Collage
  • Speed Curve
  • Add Text to Video
  • Text Animations
  • Add Subtitle to Video
  • Add Text to GIF
  • Video to Text
  • Audio to Text
  • Audio Editor
  • Audio Cutter
  • Audio Converter
  • Audio Joiner
  • Add Music to Video
  • Ringtone Maker
  • Slideshow Maker
  • Meme Generator
  • Transparent Image Maker
  • Photo Frame
  • YouTube Thumbnail Maker
  • Video Editing
  • AI Video Creator
  • Video Editing Tips
  • Video Creation
  • Best Video Editors
  • Video Recording
  • Video Capturing
  • Best Video Recorders
  • Video Marketing
  • Video Marketing Tips
  • Marketing Video Creation
  • Video Conversion
  • Video Format Conversion
  • How to Convert PowerPoint to Video Free - 3 Ways
  • Video Format Conversion >

Want to publish your PPT presentation on social media like YouTube and Facebook? Or need to use the PPT file in eLearning courses? While most video-sharing sites don't accept PPT files, converting the PowerPoint presentation to a video presentation is the best solution.

Moreover, turning the PPT file into a video can allow you to view your presentation on portable devices and players without PowerPoint.

Can't Miss: How to Insert a GIF in PowerPoint - Easy and Fast>

Method 1: Convert PPT to Video with PowerPoint Directly

In fact, the PowerPoint 2010 and later versions allow users to convert their PPT files to video format for free without using a third-party tool or a program. After you've created your presentation, follow the simple steps below to convert your ppt into a video with PowerPoint.

PPT to Video with PowerPoint

Image Board:PPT to Video with PowerPoint

It's much convenient to have this feature included in PowerPoint itself. But if you use PowerPoint 2007, which doesn't support converting to video, check out the two best free online PowerPoint to video converters that can help you turn a ppt file into a video easily.

Method 2: Convert PPT to Video Online with Online Convert

Online Convert is a free online document converter that can help you convert your PowerPoint to multiple video formats. The process of converting a PowerPoint presentation to a video with this PPT to video converter is straightforward:

Convert PPT to Video Online with Online Convert

Image Board: Convert PPT to Video Online with Online Convert

Method 3: Convert PPT to Video Online with Converter365

You can also convert your PPT file to MP4 or any other presentation format with Converter365. Take advantage of unlimited free conversions and convert all your PPT presentation files in just a few moments. No matter how many presentation files you need to convert, you are always only three steps away from it.

Convert PPT to Video Online with Converter365

Image Board: Convert PPT to Video Online with Converter365

Bonus: Make & Edit Your Presentation Video

Although there are many different ways to convert the PowerPoint to a video, you may always be limited if you want to do more with the video you create from your PPT. You may find that the timings of slide transitions in a video converted this way may be off, and there is no music and more other special effects a stunning video should contain.

Therefore, sometimes the video quality that you get from a PowerPoint ppt directly can not meet your need. If you find yourself in a situation like this, you need to turn to a powerful yet easy-to-use video editing tool, like FlexClip , to create stunning presentation videos in minutes!

Moreover, FlexClip offers various pre-made video templates that enable you with endless inspiration to make your own presentation videos with great ease!

Business Plan Presentation

Final Words

As you can see, converting the PowerPoint to a video is pretty easy. Hopefully, this tutorial is helpful for you. If you want to edit your presentation video with stylish text animation, cool transitions, and more effects, don't forget to try FlexClip .


Has 4-year of professional photographing experience. Very much into recording every detail of life. She is passionate about all things related to video production, and loves to exploring tips and tricks about it.

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The easiest way to help you create custom videos, no design skills needed.


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What is the best tool to convert ppt to video top 10.

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation


Let’s face it – clicking through slides can be sometimes boring. And as we all know, we live in an era where users have a very low attention span. So, if you’re looking to make your presentations more captivating, one of the best ways to do that is to convert it from PPT to video.

By converting your PPT file to video, you can make your presentation accessible across a wide range of platforms. But the question is; what is the best online tool to convert PPT to video? Well, in today’s post, we will share with you the top 10 best tools to convert PowerPoint to video. So, keep reading!

Part 1: Can You Turn A PowerPoint Into A Video?

The simple answer is: Yes!

Moreover, converting your PowerPoint presentation into a video will also allow you to preserve all your hard work, including animations, transitions, embedded videos, and even audio. You can also choose to add voice overs, background music, or interactive elements like quizzes at the time of converting the PPTs to videos.

While many tools can do the job, they vary greatly in features and capabilities. For context, a simple PPT to video converter might be enough for a quick slideshow-to-video transformation. However, if you’re looking for something more sophisticated, you’ll want to explore tools that offer advanced editing, interactive elements, or even AI-powered enhancements.

Part 2: Quick Comparison Of The Best Online Tools to Convert PPT to Video

AI avatars & voices, automatic video creation, 180+ templates, customizable, social media sharing Quickly transforms PPTs into videos, leveraging AI for scene creation and transitions Crisp visuals and clear audio Intuitive interface, easy to navigate Affordable, AI-powered creativity, perfect for beginners & marketers, extensive customization options Starts at US$ 9.95/month Yes
Interactive quizzes, screen & webcam recording, animations, SCORM compliant Handles complex PPTs with animations and interactive elements Maintains PPT quality, suitable for courses Some features require learning Best for interactive eLearning courses Starts at US$ 770/year Yes
Multiple formats, customizable parameters, batch conversion, watermark in free version Converts PPTs to various formats efficiently Faithful to original PPT, good for basic needs Straightforward, few options for customization Wide range of formats, fast conversion, budget-friendly Starts at US$ 29.95 Yes
Various formats, basic editing, voiceovers, watermark in free trial Handles basic PPTs with ease Suitable for most uses Ideal for quick conversions User-friendly, great for beginners Starts at US$ 49.95 Yes
Screen recording, webcam recording, editing tools, interactive elements, PPT import with animations Imports PPTs with animations, allows screen recording overlay Customizable quality, professional output Wide range of features require some learning Versatile all-in-one tool, great for tutorials and demos Starts at US$ 6.56/month Yes
Animated characters, templates, music library, voiceovers, basic editing  Focuses on animation rather than raw conversion speed Suitable for animations Drag-and-drop interface Emphasis on animation and visual storytelling Free & Paid Plans Yes
Screen & webcam recording, text & annotations, subtitles, cloud-based, collaborative editing, automatic transcription Best suited for simple PPTs Suitable for web and social media Online tool, accessible to anyone User-friendly online editor, ideal for quick social media videos, automatic transcription Free & Paid Plans Yes
Limited formats, basic transitions, voiceovers Basic conversion capabilities only Sufficient for internal use or quick sharing Integrated into PowerPoint Convenient for quick and simple conversions, free with Microsoft Office Included with MS Office N/A
Multiple formats, batch conversion, video editing, customizable settings Efficient for batch conversions Preserves PPT quality Steeper learning curve Batch conversion powerhouse, advanced customization options Starts at US$ 39.95 No
Extensive editing suite, screen recording, animations, interactive quizzes, templates, direct sharing Handles complex projects, not just PPT conversion Customizable, high-quality Requires some video editing knowledge Most powerful, professional-grade output, best for complex video editing and interactive elements US$ 299.99 (one-time)  

Part 3: Top 10 Online Tools to Convert PPT to Video Review

1.   wondershare virbo.


Image Name: online-tools-to-convert-ppt-to-video-virbo.jpg

First on our list, Virbo isn’t just another PowerPoint converter — it’s your personal AI-powered video production studio. While most converters only offer basic conversion capabilities, Virbo allows you to take your presentation to the next level with a range of advanced features — say AI avatars, professional and natural sounding voices, customizable templates, and automatic video generation. While it lacks the interactive features seen in tools like Camtasia and iSpring Suite, Virbo stands out for its AI-powered capabilities — and costs ten times less.

Key Features:

  • 400+ customizable templates tailored for various content types, ensuring your PowerPoint transitions smoothly into a visually appealing video.
  • 300+ AI avatars allow you to replace static slides with dynamic presenters
  • AI script generator (powered by ChatGPT 4.0) will allow you to refine your ideas in the PPT slides
  • 460+ realistic AI voices in 90+ languages to spread your message globally
  • AI video translator lets you create multilingual versions of your converted videos
  • Virbo’s AI-powered engine produces stunning videos that look and sound professional
  • Virbo automates much of the video creation process — even beginners can create impressive videos
  • Windows only
  • Starts from US$19.9/month


“I’ve been using Virbo for over a year in my role in creating engaging user content – it’s been a highly positive experience. Virbo’s library of premade assets, such as templates and music, helps to quickly enhance video projects without needing any editing skills. Additionally, the ability to convert PowerPoint into videos , easily integrating voiceovers and synchronize audio with video has been a significant time-saver in producing polished content.” – Maria K., Training Coordinator

2.   iSpring Suite


A popular choice among educators and corporate trainers, iSpring Suite seamlessly integrates with PowerPoint and allows users of any skill level to turn presentations into interactive e-learning courses. While it boasts a range of features for creating interactive e-learning courses, iSpring Suite lacks the AI-powered features of Virbo or the advanced video editing capabilities of Camtasia or DemoCreator.

  • Create interactive quizzes, drag-and-drop activities, and dialogues to test learners.
  • Capture your screen or yourself on camera to create video tutorials.
  • Add visual flair to your presentations with animations and transitions.
  • Export your courses in SCORM format for easy integration with LMS.
  • High quality output with crisp visuals and clear audio.
  • Ease to use for users familiar with PowerPoint.
  • Overkill if you only need basic video conversion
  • Steep learning curve for exploiting advanced features.
  • No Credit Card Free Trial.
  • Starts at US$ 770/year for a single user license

“This program is easy to use, and in my test it did an excellent job of converting a PowerPoint presentation of 73 slides to MP4.”  — Mark, Corporate Trainer.

1.   Leawo PowerPoint to Video Pro

Leawo PowerPoint to Video Pro is a straightforward tool designed to do one thing well: convert your PowerPoint presentations into video files. Offering various output video formats, like MP4, AVI, and WMV — Leawo does give you basic flexibility when it comes to controlling aspects like codec, bit rate, frame rate, and resolution. But then again, you will be only limited to simplicity, given Leawo PowerPoint to Video does not allow you to create interactive content as with iSpring or includes AI features like Virbo.

  • Batch processing allows you to convert multiple PowerPoint files simultaneously.
  • Convert your PowerPoint presentations into various video formats, including MP4, AVI, WMV, FLV, and MKV.
  • Add a watermark or logo to protect your work
  • Adjust parameters like codec, bit rate, frame rate, and resolution
  • Simple and user-friendly interface
  • Faithfully reproduces even intricate PowerPoint animations in your video
  • Free version adds a watermark to your videos
  • Lacks advanced features found in tools like Camtasia or Democreator
  • You cannot add or edit audio tracks within the tool itself.
  • Starts at US$ 29.95.
  • Free trial with limited features (and watermark).

“No extra bells and whistles, if you need a perfect converter for  quick comparison, Leawo will prove useful.” — David, Student.

2.   Movavi PPT to Video Converter

Movavi PPT to Video Converter is another excellent tool to convert your PowerPoint slides into videos. Unlike its video editing lineup, Movavi’s PPT to Video Converter does not boast extensive or advanced features, but it does strike a balance between functionality and ease of use — making it a great choice for beginners who need a smooth, straightforward conversion process.

  • Add transitions, music, and voiceovers to enhance your videos
  • Convert your presentations into popular video formats like MP4, AVI, WMV, and MOV
  • Different video quality settings to balance file size and visual appeal
  • Adjust the duration of each slide for optimal viewing pace
  • Produces videos with good visual and audio quality
  • Add narration or commentary within the software.
  • Offers only rudimentary video editing tools
  • Compared to Leawo, Movavi offers a smaller selection of output video formats
  • One-time purchase starting at US$ 49.95

“Unfortunately I lost a further PP to Video in PC-Crash. I´m very happy to get it again! Top-program” — Roland Schneider

3.   Wondershare DemoCreator

Wondershare Democreator might be best known for its powerful screen recording and video editing capabilities, but it also packs a surprisingly robust PPT to video converter. So, if you are looking for a tool that can do it all (or at least, the most), Wondershare Democreator is definitely worth considering.

  • Trim, split, crop, add annotations, and apply effects to your recordings.
  • Create clickable buttons, hotspots, and other interactive elements to engage viewers.
  • Save your converted PPT video in various formats (MP4, AVI, MOV, etc.) and resolutions.
  • Add voice overs, music, and annotations directly to your converted video.
  • A multifunctional tool that goes beyond simple PPT to video conversion.
  • Easily combine PPT with screen recordings to create tutorials or demonstrations.
  • Extensive features might be overwhelming for beginners.
  • Requires a powerful computer for smooth performance.
  • Starts at US$ 6.56/month.

“I use DemoCreator to create engaging tutorials by combining PowerPoint slides with screen recordings. The interactive features are a real bonus. — Alex Daniel.

4.   Animaker

Another versatile online video creation platform that goes beyond simple PPT to video conversion, Animaker is perfect for anyone primarily engaged in creating videos. Its PPT to Video conversion features is only a small feature among the range of tools; in fact, Animaker’s true strength lies in animation capabilities.

  • Directly import your PowerPoint slides and transform them into animated videos.
  • Drag-and-drop interface and vast library of animated characters, props, and backgrounds
  • Choose from a variety of pre-designed templates to quickly create professional-looking videos
  • Trim, crop, and adjust your videos with basic editing features
  • Turn static pages into captivating animated videos.
  • Intuitive interface
  • Compared to tools like iSpring or Leawo, Animaker is limited to MP4 video format.
  • Reported occasional lag and slow loading times.
  • Starts at US$ 10/month


“Liked Animaker in my first go, it seamlessly allowed me to add tons of animations into your PPTs.” — Jessica, Social Media Manager.

5.   VEED.io

Veed.io, like Animaker, doesn’t focus solely on PowerPoint conversion, but its interface and diverse features will definitely make it a valuable tool for you to transform your presentations into engaging videos. Note that Veed.io has nothing fancy like the PowerPoint-specific features of iSpring Suite or the extensive editing tools of Camtasia, still, it will impress you on how it makes the process of converting PPTs to videos streamlined and accessible.

  • Transcription features like Virbo to automatically generate subtitles.
  • Trim, crop, resize, and add text overlays, filters, and music to your PPT videos.
  • Work with team members and refine your converted videos in real time.
  • Directly upload your PowerPoint Slides and convert them into a video format.
  • No software installation required
  • Fast conversion speed for short presentations
  • File size constraints even with the paid plan
  • Lacks the depth and versatility of robust tools like Virbo
  • Starts at US$ 18/month.

“The collaborative features allow my students to work on a project seamlessly.” — Ben, Teacher

6.   Microsoft PowerPoint Online

While external tools mentioned in the list do offer an edge, Microsoft PowerPoint also directly allows you to convert your PPTs to videos easily. You cannot expect the advanced features and customizations options found in above tools like Virbo, iSpring, or Leawo — still, it is a convenient option for quick and simple conversions.

  • Seamlessly convert your presentation to video format from within PowerPoint.
  • Apply simple transitions between slides for a smoother viewing experience.
  • Easily add your voiceover to guide viewers through the content.
  • Choose from common video formats like MP4 and WMV.
  • No need to download or learn new software
  • Included with your Microsoft Office suite
  • You won’t find AI avatars, interactive quizzes, or extensive video editing capabilities here
  • Free if you have the Microsoft Suite subscription.

“I had a last-minute request to turn my PowerPoint presentation into a video for a virtual meeting. PowerPoint’s built-in converter was a lifesaver! It wasn’t fancy, but it got the job done quickly and easily.” – Emily, Project Manager

7.   RZ PowerPoint Converter

Known for its batch processing, RZ PowerPoint Converter is another reliable PPT to video converter that comes with a wider range of output formats than even Leawo PowerPoint to Video Pro. You can also fine-tune video and audio settings, like resolution, bitrate, frame rate, and codec — giving you granular control over the converted videos. Additionally, there are also basic video features for trimming and cropping your converted PPTs, so you can adjust the video within the converter itself.

  • Add your own watermark with adjustable opacity, position, and size.
  • Automatically add slide numbers to your video for easy reference.
  • Predefined settings for various video formats and resolutions
  • Convert specific slides or the entire presentation to video.
  • Efficiently convert multiple presentations in a single batch.
  • Fast conversion process
  • Add your own logo and branding to the converted videos
  • Interface can be a bit clunky
  • Lacks advanced video editing and even basic AI features
  • One-time purchase starts at US$ 29.95.

“I had dozens of PowerPoint presentations to convert for our company’s website, and RZ PowerPoint Converter handled the batch conversion flawlessly. The customization options were a plus!” – Ben L., Event Coordinator

8.   Camtasia

Camtasia may be last on our list, but it’s by no means the least. In fact, it’s the powerhouse of the bunch, offering the most comprehensive solution to transform your PowerPoint presentations into professional-quality videos.

  • Seamlessly import your slides, maintaining animations and transitions.
  • Take your videos beyond the basics with a full suite of editing tools, including precision trimming, cutting, splitting, and merging.
  • Include clickable links, interactive elements, and quizzes in the converted videos.
  • Professional templates, royalty-free music, and sound effects
  • Camtasia delivers the highest quality video output of any tool on this list
  • Create engaging content with quizzes and interactive elements
  • Steeper learning curve
  • Expensive plans
  • Starts at US$ 179.88 per year, billed annually

“Overall, it’s a great product. One has to take the time to learn some of the features, but it fulfills almost all professional and personal needs. It’s great for editing existing videos or creating new ones. The timeline, once you get used to it, is simple and powerful.”  – Mark T., Video Producer

Choosing the perfect PowerPoint to video converter depends on your specific needs and budget. The idea of including all types of tools in this guide to cater to everyone’s needs. So, if you need a simple, no-frills converter, Movavi or Leawo might be your best bet. For a versatile all-in-one tool, consider Wondershare DemoCreator. Those seeking interactive features for eLearning should explore iSpring Suite and Camtasia.

However, if you’re looking for the latest trend in video creation, transforming your PPTs into killer videos with AI-powered avatars and voices, there’s only one tool for the job right now: Virbo.

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

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how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

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How to Convert An InDesign File to a PowerPoint Presentation

Carla Albinagorta

Adobe InDesign is one of the best software for creating graphic content. You can create amazing presentations and even showcase them as interactive PDFs.

However, PowerPoint is the most popular software for presentations and is still the easiest way to share your slides with an audience.

So, if for some reason or another, you want to change your presentation’s medium, here’s a quick guide on how to convert your InDesign presentation into a PowerPoint, and vice-versa.

In this article you’ll find:

  • A step-by-step guide on how to export InDesign into PowerPoint for free
  • A quick overview of how to use plug-ins to convert InDesign files to PowerPoint
  • How to convert PowerPoint to InDesign

Are you ready? Then let’s go straight into how to convert InDesign to PowerPoint!

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

Can you export from InDesign to PowerPoint?

Yes, you can convert an InDesign file to a PowerPoint slide presentation! However, there’s no direct way to do it, meaning you’ll have to use other tools as an intermediary.

There are two main ways to export InDesign to PowerPoint: through a PDF editor or with the help of a plug-in that allows you to export your files.

Take into account that converting InDesign to PowerPoint is not a very seamless process. The result you’ll get will probably still need a bit of tweaking to make it look presentation-ready.

Luckily for you, 24Slides can help you out with that! Our professional presentation designers are experts at creating outstanding presentations that will leave an impression on your audience.

And, they are masters at cleaning up and converting slides from other formats as well! You can save yourself from all the work of converting your own slides and have your presentation ready to go in 24 hours, for as little as $11 per slide.

How to convert InDesign to PowerPoint for free

If you want to convert an InDesign file to PowerPoint for free, what you’ll need is a PDF editor. You’ll need to export your InDesign file to a PDF format, and only then you’ll be able to convert it to PowerPoint.

For this, any PDF editor with an export option will do. The most important aspect is that they must have OCR conversion . Optical Character Recognition is what will enable them to recognize your InDesign elements separately and make them fully editable when exporting them to a PowerPoint presentation.

You can use PDF convertors without OCR conversion. However, take into account that this will export your PDF file into a PowerPoint as a generic image, meaning you’ll not be able to edit specific elements of your design after you’ve converted it to a slide format.

If you’re working with InDesign, there’s a chance you already have access to Adobe Acrobat through the Adobe Suite , which will allow you to open your InDesign file in PDF format.

If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat, don’t worry! PDF editors like ExpertPDF and Wondershare, among many others, also have OCR conversion capabilities. And while many of these software are paid, they also offer free trial versions, which are perfect for one-time users looking to export a specific InDesign file into PowerPoint.

Step 1. Export InDesign File to PDF

Open your InDesign file and go to File > Export and pick Adobe PDF (Interactive) .

A window will pop up so you can tweak your export, but the default setting will do, so you can just click Export directly.

Step 2. Convert PDF to PowerPoint

Next, open your PDF editor. In this case, we’ll be using Adobe Acrobat. Go to Export To > Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation .

Step 3. Tweaking your PowerPoint

Now you should have your InDesign file converted into PowerPoint!

The simpler your design, the most likely it'll be that the results match the original file. However, chances are that you’ll still need to fix and tweak it to make it look presentable.

Make sure your different elements are aligned, make sure colors have been exported correctly, and overall compare both your documents to guarantee your slides are exactly as you want them to be.

If you need help with this, check out 24Slides’ fix-up service to get your presentation ready with just a couple of clicks!

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

How to export InDesign to PowerPoint using plug-ins

Plug-ins are small tools that support existing software and add extra functionalities to them. There are plug-ins for almost everything, and of course, converting InDesign to PowerPoint is no exception!

The ID2Office plug-in from Recosoft is one of the best options for this task. It’ll help you export your InDesign file to PowerPoint directly, without the need for an intermediate PDF editor, and still keeping it fully editable.

ID2Office is a paid plug-in. However, there’s a free trial version for those looking for a quick one-time fix!

Can you convert PowerPoint to InDesign?

What about the other way around? Just like in the case of ID2Office, Recosoft offers a plug-in for converting PowerPoint to InDesign, in this case, called DecksMoveIn . Just like ID2Office, it’s a paid feature, but you can try it for free.

You can also export your PowerPoint presentation into a PDF File, to then convert it to InDesign through the multipage PDF script (Window > Utilities > Scripts > Samples > JavaScript > PlaceMultipagePDF.jsx). However, take into account that the result of this process will not be editable.

In short, you can convert your InDesign file into a PowerPoint presentation, but you’ll need some extra tools and a bit of patience to make sure the result is optimal.

Whether it’s a PDF editor or an external plug-in, there will be a couple of intermediate steps in order to successfully export InDesign into PowerPoint.

It’s way easier to create your presentation in the same format you’ll be editing it in. However, in case of an unexpected change, hopefully this guide will help you take your file from InDesign to PowerPoint.

If you’re having problems with your presentation, why not call in the experts? You won’t need to convert your presentations any longer with the help of 24Slides amazing designers. You’ll get a fully editable, presentation-ready, slide deck that will wow your audience from the get-go!

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

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Create professional presentations online

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Keynote to PowerPoint Converter

Convert .KEY to .PPT or .PPTX files online using CloudConvert! Thanks to our advanced conversion technology the quality of the output PowerPoint document will be as good as if it was saved through the latest iWork suite from Apple.

capture website as

Create archive.

.key files are presentations, created with Apple's presentation software Keynote, which is part of the iWork package. Keynote is available for Mac OS X and iOS and is a competitor to Microsoft Powerpoint. .key files can contain slides with pictures, charts, transitions and videos.

PPT is a presentation file format associated with Microsoft Power Point. This file extension can contain text, data, charts, diagrams, music and some other multimedia files. Although it is associated with Microsoft Office, it can be run on Open Office also.

+200 Formats Supported

CloudConvert is your universal app for file conversions. We support nearly all audio, video, document, ebook, archive, image, spreadsheet, and presentation formats. Plus, you can use our online tool without downloading any software.

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CloudConvert is ISO 27001 certified and has been trusted by our users and customers since its founding in 2012. No one except you will ever have access to your files. We earn money by selling access to our API, not by selling your data. Read more about that in our Security Overview .

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Besides using open source software under the hood, we’ve partnered with various software vendors to provide the best possible results. Most conversion types can be adjusted to your needs such as setting the quality and many other options.

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Our API allows custom integrations with your app. You pay only for what you actually use, and there are huge discounts for high-volume customers. We provide a lot of handy features such as full Amazon S3 integration. Check out the CloudConvert API .

Free AI Presentation Maker for Generating Projects in Minutes

  • Generate ready-to-use presentations from a text prompt.
  • Select a style and Visme’s AI Presentation Maker will generate text, images, and icon.
  • Customize your presentation with a library of royalty-free photos, videos, & graphics.

Generate a presentation with AI

Free AI Presentation Maker for Generating Projects in Minutes

Brought to you by Visme

A leading visual communication platform empowering 27,500,000 users and top brands.

Penske Truck Leasing

Presentations Engineered With Visme’s AI Presentation Maker

Ai presentation prompt 1.

Craft a presentation outlining a leading company’s cutting-edge innovations in AI-powered hardware, emphasizing their impact on enhancing workplace productivity and efficiency.

AI Presentation Prompt 2

Generate a comprehensive presentation highlighting the latest digital marketing trends, focusing on strategies for enhancing brand visibility and customer engagement across diverse platforms.

AI Presentation Prompt 3

Create a detailed presentation elucidating a company’s diversified investment portfolio, emphasizing its robust performance, risk mitigation strategies, and the potential for sustainable long-term growth.

AI Presentation Prompt 4

Develop a compelling presentation showcasing a company’s groundbreaking medical devices and software solutions, emphasizing their role in revolutionizing patient care, treatment efficacy, and healthcare accessibility worldwide.

AI Presentation Prompt 1

How it works

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

Save time and create beautiful designs quickly with Visme AI Designer. Available inside the Visme template library, this generator tool is ready to receive your prompts and generate stunning ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

  • Log in to the Visme dashboard, and open the template library by clicking on Create New button -> Project -> Presentations. Inside the template library, scroll down and click on the Generate with AI option.
  • In the popup that opens, type in a prompt and describe in detail what aspects your presentation should feature. If you don’t provide enough information, chatbot will ask you follow-up questions.
  • Visme Chatbot will suggest template styles; choose the most relevant for your presentation, and wait for the AI to create the design. Preview, regenerate or open your project in the Visme editor.
  • Customize your project in Visme: Pick a color theme or create your own, edit text, and use assets from Visme’s royalty-free library of photos, videos, and graphics, or create your own with AI tools.

Features of the AI Presentations Maker

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

Starting is often the hardest part of a project. Visme’s free AI presentation maker helps you overcome this block and generates results within minutes. It gives you a headstart and a good first draft that is ready-to-use with minimal or no customization.

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes

Customize every part of your presentation

Visme editor is easy to use and offers you an array of customization options. Change the color theme of your presentation, text, fonts, add images, videos and graphics from Visme royalty-free library of assets or generate new ones with AI image generator, AI image touchup tools, or add your own. For more advanced customization, add data visualizations, connect them to live data, or create your own visuals.

Customize every part of your presentation

Add your branding

Stay on-brand even with AI-generated presentations. Quickly and easily set up your brand kit using AI-powered Visme Brand Wizard or set it up manually. Use your brand colors and fonts in AI-generated presentations. Add your logo and upload your brand assets to make a presentation match your company’s branding.

Add your branding

Download, share or schedule your presentation

Share your presentations generated with Visme AI Designer in many ways. Download them in various formats, including PPTX, PDF and HTML5, present online, share on social media or schedule them to be published as posts on your social media channels. Additionally, you can share your presentations as private projects with a password entry.

Download, share or schedule your presentation

More than just an AI Presentation Maker

Unique Elements & Graphics

Beautify your content

Unique Elements & Graphics

Browse through our library of customizable, one-of-a-kind graphics, widgets and design assets like icons, shapes, illustrations and more to accompany your AI-generated presentations.

Charts & Graphs

Visualize your data

Charts & Graphs

Choose from different chart types and create pie charts, bar charts, donut charts, pyramid charts, Mekko charts, radar charts and much more.


Make it engaging


Share AI-generated presentations online with animated and interactive elements to grab your audience’s attention and promote your business.

More AI tools in Visme

Ai image generator.

The Visme AI Image generator will automatically create any image or graphic. All you need to do is write a prompt and let AI magic do the rest.

AI Image Generator

Visme AI Writer helps you write, proofread, summarize and tone switch any type of text. If you’re missing content for a project, let AI Writer help you generate it.

AI Writer

Save yourself hours of work with AI Resize. This feature resizes your project canvas and adjusts all content to fit the new size within seconds.

AI Resize

AI TouchUp Tools

The Visme AI TouchUp Tools are a set of four image editing features that will help you change the appearance of your images inside any Visme project. Erase and replace objects that you don’t want in your photos.

AI TouchUp Tools

The Brand Wizard

The AI-based Visme Brand Wizard populates your brand fonts and styles across a beautiful set of templates.

The Brand Wizard

Make the most of Visme’s features

Choose the perfect visual from our extensive photo and video library . Search and find the ideal image or video using keywords relevant to the project. Drag and drop in your project and adjust as needed.

Incorporate 3D illustrations and icons into all sorts of content types to create amazing content for your business communication strategies. You won’t see these 3D designs anywhere else as they’re made by Visme designers.

When you share your Visme projects, they’ll display with a flipbook effect . Viewers can go from page to page by flipping the page like a digital magazine. If you don’t want the flipbook effect, you can disable it and share as a standard project.

Remove the background from an image to create a cutout and layer it over something else, maybe an AI-generated background. Erase elements of the image and swap them for other objects with AI-powered Erase & Replace feature.

Create scroll-stopping video and animation posts for social media and email communication. Embed projects with video and animation into your website landing page or create digital documents with multimedia resources.

With Visme, you can make, create and design hundreds of content types . We have templates for digital documents, infographics, social media graphics, posters, banners, wireframes, whiteboards, flowcharts.

Design and brainstorm collaboratively with your team on the Visme whiteboard . Build mind maps and flowcharts easily during online planning and strategy sessions. Save whiteboards as meeting minutes and ongoing notes for projects.

Edit your images , photos, and AI image-generated graphics with our integrated editing tools. On top of the regular editing features like saturation and blur, we have 3 AI-based editing features. With these tools, you can unblur an image, expand it without losing quality and erase an object from it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i get better results with the ai presentations maker.

Like any AI generator from a text tool, the prompt is everything. To get better results with the AI Presentation maker, you need better prompts. Write the prompt to be as detailed as possible. Include all the content topics you want the presentation to cover. As for style elements, there’s no need to include it in the prompt. Focus on choosing the style that you like from the Chatbot suggestions. Try to select the style that already features the color palette and shapes that you like. AI will change icons and photos based on text it generates.

How many AI Presentations can I generate?

Visme AI Presentation maker is available in all plans with higher credits/usage available in Premium plans. Note: AI credits are spread amongst all AI features. So if you use other AI features, your credits will be deducted.

Is the Visme AI Designer a third-party API?

No, Visme AI Presentation maker was developed in-house and is a unique tool. However, it does use third-party APIs: ChatGPT and Unsplash.

how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

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How-To Geek

How to add a video to a microsoft powerpoint presentation.

If a picture speaks a thousand words, a video speaks a million words!

Quick Links

Embedding videos versus linking to videos, supported video formats in powerpoint, how to insert a video into a powerpoint presentation, manage an embedded video's playback in powerpoint.

Videos can make presentations even more interesting or exciting. If you're looking to add a video to your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, it's easy to do so. We'll show you how.

In PowerPoint, you can either embed a video or link to a video from your presentation. If you embed a video, your video becomes part of the presentation, which increases the overall size of the presentation file.

Related: How to Send PowerPoint Presentations With an Embedded Video

If you link to a video, PowerPoint only adds a reference to that video in your presentation. The downside of this method is that you need to send the video file separately if you share your presentation with someone. We have written a guide on how to send PowerPoint presentations with videos , so check that out.

In this guide, we'll focus on embedding a video in your presentation so you don't have to worry about sending separate files. And, if you're looking to add a YouTube video to your presentation , there's a way to do that, too.

Related: How to Embed a YouTube Video in PowerPoint

PowerPoint supports multiple video formats, including ASF, AVI, MP4, M4V, MOV, MPG, MPEG, and WMV. If your video is already in one of these formats, you can quickly add that to your presentation.

If your video is in another format, you can convert it to a supported format and then add it to your presentation.

Related: How to Use Handbrake to Convert Any Video File to Any Format

First, make sure the video you want to add to your presentation is saved on your Windows or Mac computer. Then, open your presentation with PowerPoint on your computer.

On the PowerPoint window, in the left sidebar, click the slide in which you want to add a video.

Click a slide in the left sidebar in PowerPoint.

At the top of the PowerPoint window, click the "Insert" tab.

Click "Insert" at the top of PowerPoint.

In the "Insert" tab, under the "Media" section (which is to the extreme right side of the interface), click "Video."

Click "Video" in the "Insert" tab in PowerPoint.

You'll now see an "Insert Video From" menu. Here, select "This Device."

Select "This Device" from the "Insert Video From" menu in PowerPoint.

Your computer's standard "open" window will open. In this window, access the folder that has your video file. Then double-click your video file to add it to your presentation.

Double-click a video in the "open" window.

You'll see your selected video in your presentation. To resize this video, click it and use the handles around the video to change its size. Then drag the video to place it at its desired location in your slide.

Resize and reposition a video in PowerPoint.

If you'd like to test the video, at the bottom-left corner of the video, click the play icon.

Click the play button on the video in PowerPoint.

And you're all set.

Now that you have added a video to your presentation, you might want to change how it plays in your slides. In PowerPoint, you have multiple ways to change your video's playback.

To access these playback options, first, click your video in your presentation. Then, at the top of the PowerPoint window, click "Playback."

Click "Playback" at the top of PowerPoint.

In the "Playback" tab, under the "Video Options" section, you will find various options to manage your video's playback.

Manage video's playback with the "Video Options" in the "Playback" tab in PowerPoint.

For example, to change how your video starts to play in your presentation, click the "Start" drop-down menu and select one of these options:

  • In Click Sequence : This plays your video in the click sequence. This means if you press the button for the next slide, your video will play.
  • Automatically : This option automatically plays your video when the slide with your video opens.
  • When Clicked On : Select this option to play your video only when you click it.

Click the "Start" drop-down menu in the "Video Options" section of the "Playback" tab in PowerPoint.

The other options are "Play Full Screen," which opens your video in full screen, and "Loop Until Stopped" that plays your video over and over again until you manually stop it.

Before you close PowerPoint, make sure you save your presentation so that your embedded video is saved with it. Do this by clicking File > Save in PowerPoint's menu bar.

Click File > Save in PowerPoint.

And that's how you make your PowerPoint presentations even more engaging by including videos in them. Exciting!

If you don't want to add a video but you do want audio, you can add music to your presentations . This also helps enhance your presentation quality.

Related: How to Add Music to Your PowerPoint Presentation

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How to Convert PPT to PDF for Teachers

As teachers, we often find ourselves juggling countless responsibilities, from lesson planning to grading assignments. Amidst this whirlwind of tasks, converting PowerPoint presentations to PDFs can sometimes feel like an unnecessary hurdle. But trust me, I've been there, and I understand the frustration. This guide is your one-stop shop for converting PPTs to PDFs with ease, ensuring your valuable content reaches your audience seamlessly.

Reasons for Converting PPT to PDF

Let's start with a fundamental truth: PowerPoint (PPT) and PDF are like two different languages – they simply can't understand each other. Trying to open a PPT file in a PDF viewer will lead to a compatibility error.

To bridge this gap and ensure your audience can seamlessly access and engage with your presentation content, converting PPT to PDF is your secret weapon. Here's why this conversion is a game-changer for teachers:

Print Perfection:

The Advantage: PDFs are designed for printing. They guarantee that your slides and handouts look exactly as they do on your screen, with no formatting mishaps.

In the Classroom: Imagine distributing crisp, clear handouts of your lecture notes. Or picture yourself confidently presenting at a workshop with perfectly formatted materials. Converting to PDF makes this a reality, ensuring your printed materials look professional and polished.

Presentation Prowess:

The Advantage: PDFs are the universal language of document sharing. They maintain consistent formatting across different devices and software, eliminating the dreaded "it looks different on my computer" issue.

Sharing with Confidence: Whether you're emailing lesson materials to students or sharing presentation slides with colleagues, PDFs ensure that everyone sees the same high-quality visuals and layout, regardless of their device or operating system.

Universal Compatibility:

The Advantage: PDFs are universally compatible, meaning they can be opened and viewed on virtually any device with a PDF reader.

Reaching Every Student: This is a game-changer in today's diverse classrooms. Students can access PDF presentations on their laptops, tablets, or smartphones, ensuring that everyone stays on the same page, no matter their device preference.

Converting PPT to PDF Online Using WPS PDF Tools

Converting PowerPoint presentations to PDF format is made easy and convenient with WPS PDF Tools. This online tool provides a simple and efficient way to convert your PPT files to PDF, and the best part is, it's completely free. Follow these step-by-step instructions along with images to convert your PPT to PDF effortlessly:

Step 1: Access WPS PDF Tools Visit the WPS PDF Tools website by clicking on the following link: WPS PDF Tools

Step 2: Upload Your PPT File Once you're on the WPS PDF Tools website, you'll see a clear interface with a "Choose File" button.

Step 3: Convert to PDF After the file has finished uploading, simply click on the "Convert" button. WPS PDF Tools will then process your PPT file and convert it into a PDF format.

Step 4: Download Your PDF Once the conversion process is complete, you'll be provided with a download link for your newly converted PDF file. Click on the "Download" button to save the PDF file to your computer.

Step 5: Enjoy Your Converted PDF Congratulations! You've successfully converted your PowerPoint presentation to PDF format using WPS PDF Tools. You can now use your PDF file for printing, sharing, or any other purposes you may have.

By following these simple steps, you can quickly and efficiently convert your PPT files to PDF format using WPS PDF Tools, all for free. Say goodbye to compatibility issues and hello to seamless document conversion.

Converting PPT to PDF on Desktop or Mobile

For those who frequently need to convert PowerPoint presentations to PDF, WPS Office proves to be an excellent choice. Whether you're working on a desktop or mobile device, WPS offers seamless conversion capabilities. Let's explore how to convert PPT to PDF using WPS Office on both desktop and mobile platforms:

If you're using a Windows or Mac desktop, WPS Office software provides an efficient solution for converting PPT to PDF. Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Open Your Presentation

First, open WPS Office on your desktop. Navigate to the presentation you want to convert by clicking on the 'Open' button or by selecting the file from the 'Recent Documents' section.

Step 2: Access the Export Option

Once your presentation is open, go to the 'File' menu located at the top-left corner of the screen. This will open a dropdown menu with several options.

Step 3: Select 'Export to PDF'

In the dropdown menu, look for the 'Export to PDF' option. This might be under a sub-menu such as 'Export' or 'Save As', depending on the version of WPS Office you are using.

Step 4: Configure PDF Settings

After selecting 'Export to PDF', a new window will appear, allowing you to customize various settings for your PDF file. Here are some key settings you might consider adjusting:

Range: You can choose to export the entire presentation or only specific slides by specifying a range.

Output Format: Ensure the format is set to PDF.

Options: Depending on your needs, you can tweak additional settings like including or excluding hidden slides, exporting only notes, or adjusting the resolution for images.

Step 5: Choose the Destination Folder

Decide where you want to save the PDF file. You can navigate through your computer’s directories to select the desired folder. Make sure to give your file a recognizable name to avoid any confusion later.

Step 6: Export the File

Once all settings are configured, click on the 'Export' or 'Save' button. The conversion process will begin, and within a few moments, your PDF file will be ready in the chosen directory.

For users on the go, whether you have an Android or iOS device, the WPS Office app offers convenient conversion capabilities. Follow these steps to convert PPT to PDF on your mobile device:

Open the WPS Office app on your mobile device. Navigate to and open the PowerPoint presentation you want to convert.

Tap on the 'Tools' or 'Menu' icon, typically found in the bottom or top corner of the screen (it often looks like three dots or lines).

Step 3: Select Export to PDF

From the menu that appears, select Output as PDF.

Step 4: Export the File

Tap the 'Export' or 'Save' button. The app will convert your presentation to a PDF and save it in the chosen location.

By following these straightforward steps, you can effortlessly convert PPT to PDF using WPS Office on both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring compatibility and ease of use wherever you go.

Use Word, Excel, and PPT for FREE, No Ads.

Edit PDF files with the powerful PDF toolkit.

Microsoft-like interface. Easy to learn. 100% Compatibility.

Boost your productivity with WPS's abundant free Word, Excel, PPT, and CV templates.

Easy Conversion of Documents with WPS Office

WPS Office not only excels in converting PowerPoint presentations to PDF but also provides seamless conversion for a wide range of document formats. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, WPS Office ensures that your documents are easily accessible and compatible across platforms. Plus, WPS documents are fully compatible with Microsoft Office formats, eliminating any compatibility concerns.

Example Converting Word to PDF : Converting Word documents to PDF format is a straightforward process with WPS Office. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Your Document: Launch the WPS Office app and locate your Word document.

Step 2: Access Export Option: Look for the export function, usually denoted by an arrow or labeled "Tool”

Step 3: Select PDF Format: Choose "PDF" as the output format from the menu.

Step 4: Configure Settings (Optional): Adjust any additional settings if needed, such as layout or security.

Step 5: Choose Destination: Select where you want to save the PDF file.

Step 6: Convert and Save: Initiate the conversion process. Once done, confirm the PDF is saved correctly.

With WPS Office, converting documents to PDF format and ensuring compatibility across platforms has never been easier. Whether you're a teacher, student, or professional, WPS Office provides the tools you need to streamline your document conversion tasks and enhance productivity.

Perfecting Your PDF with WPS AI.

In the realm of education, leveraging the full potential of PDF documents is crucial for educators aiming for excellence in their instructional materials and administrative tasks. With WPS AI at your disposal, enhancing and perfecting your PDFs becomes not just a possibility, but a seamless reality tailored to meet the unique needs of teachers. Let's explore some of the recommended features of WPS AI PDF specifically designed for educators:

1. Rapid Summarization For Lesson Plans: WPS AI PDF offers a powerful feature that swiftly summarizes documents such as lesson plans. By condensing lengthy content into concise summaries, this feature saves time and enhances efficiency for teachers.

Summary PDF

2.Keyword Extraction For Study Guides: The AI-powered keyword extraction feature efficiently extracts terms and concepts from study guides. This aids teachers in identifying and emphasizing essential points for student comprehension,ultimately facilitating effective teaching and learning.

Extract key information of PDF

3. Enhanced Search For Curriculum: With advanced search capabilities, WPS AI PDF enables teachers to quickly locate specific content within curriculum documents. This feature streamlines the process of finding relevant information, allowing educators to focus more time on teaching and less time on searching.

Enhanced Search

4.Seamless Conversion for Classroom Materials: WPS AI PDF seamlessly converts teaching materials such as presentations, handouts and worksheets to PDF format while preserving formatting and quality. This ensures that educators can create professional-looking classroom materials with ease.

By using WPS AI PDF, educators can greatly improve how they manage and prepare documents, which in turn enriches the teaching and learning experience. With a range of advanced features designed specifically for educators, WPS Office is an essential tool for streamlining educational workflows and achieving academic excellence. Keep in mind that some of these features are exclusive to Pro and Ultimate versions.

Q1. How can I Save PowerPoint Presentations as PDF files?

You can save your PowerPoint presentation as a PDF by clicking on "File" > "Save As" > Selecting "PDF (*.pdf)" from the dropdown menu and then clicking "Save".

Q2. How can I Convert PowerPoint to PDF and Video?

To convert your PowerPoint to PDF, follow the same steps as saving as PDF. To convert to video, click on "File" > "Export" > "Create a Video", select your options, and click "Create Video".

Converting PPT to PDF is an essential skill for teachers in today's digital age. Whether you're using free online tools like WPS PDF Tools or the versatile WPS Office software, the process is simple and efficient. By converting your PowerPoint presentations to PDFs, you ensure compatibility, accessibility, and professional presentation of your educational materials. And with the added power of WPS AI, you can take your PDFs to the next level, optimizing them for both instructional and administrative purposes.

  • 1. Delete Pages from PDF for Teachers
  • 2. How to Convert PDF to Word [For Teachers]
  • 3. How to Edit a PDF [For Teachers]
  • 4. How to Compress PDF [For Teachers]
  • 5. How to Create a Fillable Form in Word [For Teachers]
  • 6. 10 Professional Teaching Presentation Examples for Teachers Teach with Ease and Style!

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.

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how to convert powerpoint to video presentation

Share slides in Microsoft Teams meetings with PowerPoint Live

PowerPoint Live in Teams gives both the presenter and audience an inclusive and engaging experience, combining the best parts of presenting in PowerPoint with the connection and collaboration of a Microsoft Teams meeting.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

When you’re the presenter, you have a unique view that lets you control your presentation while staying engaged with your audience, seeing people’s video, raised hands, reactions, and chat as needed.

And if you’re an audience member, you can interact with the presentation and personalize your viewing experience with captions, high contrast slides, and slides translated into your native language.

Here’s how it works:  

Tip:  Are you an audience member? Jump down to learn more about how you can interact during the presentation.

Presenter view

PowerPoint presentation in Teams

Present your slides

PowerPoint Live sharing file options

If you're in PowerPoint for the web, select Present > Present in Teams .

Your slides will appear in the Teams meeting, with your Notes next to them.

Navigate through the slides

Navigation arrows in PowerPoint Live

Use the navigation arrows to go forward and backward.

Use the thumbnail strip to jump ahead or backwards.

Select Go to slide to see a grid view of all slides in the presentation. Select one to jump to it.

Stay connected to the audience

One of the benefits of using PowerPoint Live to present instead of sharing your screen is that you have quick access to all your meeting tools you need to engage with the audience and to read the room in one view. This is especially true if you’re presenting from a single screen.

Turn Chat on or off to view what your audience is saying.

See audience reactions and raised hands in real-time.

Change the Layout of your presentation and choose how your live camera feed appears in your presentation, like Standout or Cameo . It helps the audience read your non-verbal cues and keeps them engaged.

Use the Laser pointer , Pen , Highlighter , or Eraser to clearly reference items on your slides.

Audience view

As an audience member, you’re able to personalize your experience without affecting anyone else. Try these options to find what works best for you:

Select Sync to Presenter, next to the navigation arrows

Note:  If presenters don't want people to be able to independently navigate through a PowerPoint file they are sharing, use the  Private view  toggle to turn it off.

Click any hyperlink on slides to get more context right away.

Interact with videos on slides to adjust the volume or jump to a timestamp and consume it at your own pace.

Use a screen reader to get full access to the slide content.

Select Translate slides

Switch to a high contrast view to make the slides easier to view if you have low vision. Select More options > View slides in high contrast .

Your viewing experience will be at a higher fidelity, letting you see crisp text and smooth animations. PowerPoint Live also requires significantly less network bandwidth than typical sharing, making it the best option when network connectivity is a problem.

Independent magnifying and panning

You can zoom in and pan on a presentation slide without affecting what others see. Use your mouse, trackpad, keyboard, touch, or the Magnify Slide option as applicable. 

To zoom in or out on a slide, do any one of the following: 

Hover over the slideshow and pinch or stretch on trackpad.

Pinch or use the stretch touch gesture (on a touch-enabled device).

Press the + or – keys.

Hover over slide, hold down Ctrl key and scroll with mouse wheel.

In the More Actions menu, click the + or – buttons.

To pan around your slide, do any one of the following:

Press the arrow keys.

Click and drag using a mouse.

Click and drag on a trackpad.

Use one finger to touch and drag (on touch-enabled device).

When done zooming and panning, press  Esc to reset your screen.   


PowerPoint Live is not supported in Teams live events, CVI devices, and VTC devices.

If you're using Teams on the web, you’ll need Microsoft Edge 18 or later, or Google Chrome 65 or later, to see the presenter view.

Presenter view is hidden by default for small screen devices but can be turned on by selecting More options below the current slide and then Show presenter view (or by selecting the sharing window and then pressing Ctrl+Shift+x).

Meetings recordings won’t capture any videos, animations, or annotation marks in the PowerPoint Live session.

When you share from Teams, the PowerPoint Live section lists the most recent files you've opened or edited in your team SharePoint site or your OneDrive. If you select one of these files to present, all meeting participants will be able to view the slides during the meeting. Their access permissions to the file outside of the meeting won't change.

If you select Browse and choose to present a PowerPoint file that hasn't been uploaded to Teams before, it will get uploaded as part of the meeting. If you're presenting in a channel meeting, the file is uploaded to the Files tab in the channel, where all team members will have access to it. If you're presenting in a private meeting, the file is uploaded to your OneDrive, where only the meeting participants will be able to access it.


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  1. Turn your presentation into a video

    On the File menu, select Save to ensure all your recent work has been saved in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx). Select File > Export > Create a Video. (Or, on the Recording tab of the ribbon, select Export to Video .) In the first drop-down box under the Create a Video heading, select the video quality you want, which pertains to the ...

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    Browse to the location where you want to save the file and give it a name then press "Save.". While the video is being created, you will see the small progress bar at the bottom of your PowerPoint window. Wait till this is done and then go to your video. Now you can double-click your video file and it will automatically play with your video ...

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  7. PPT to Video Converter

    Free online PowerPoint to video converter. VEED lets you convert your PowerPoint presentations to videos in just a few clicks, straight from your browser. You can even record yourself while presenting your slides using our free screen and webcam recorder. Upload your slides and record your webcam, audio, and screen.

  8. Tutorial: Save your PowerPoint as a Video

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  9. How to Convert PowerPoint to Video

    To convert your PowerPoint presentation into a video, simply: Click the File tab. Select Export. . Select Create Video . Choose your Video Quality and Recorded Timings and Narrations (see details below) Click Create Video. Choose where to save the video on your computer and click Save.

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  13. How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video

    The Quick & Easy Way. If your presentation is complete with automatic timings, transitions and animations, you might be shocked to learn how easy it is to convert it into a video. Open your Powerpoint presentation. Click on File, select Save As, and from the drop-down menu, choose MPEG-4 Video (*.mp4). (available in Powerpoint 2010 and above).

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  15. Convert PPT to Video. PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX, PPSX) to Video Converter

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    Step 1. Upload PPT files you want to convert with the Add Files button. Step 2. Click the Start conversion button to start converting your presentation PPT file to a video. Step 3. After just a few moments, you'll get a link directly on the website to download your converted MP4 presentation video.

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    Navigate to and open the PowerPoint presentation you want to convert. the WPS Office app. Step 2: Access the Export Option. Tap on the 'Tools' or 'Menu' icon, typically found in the bottom or top corner of the screen (it often looks like three dots or lines). the 'Tools' icon. Step 3: Select Export to PDF.

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