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How to Ask a Professor for an Extension + Example Emails

May 10, 2023

So, you want to learn how to ask a professor for an extension, but you’re afraid of sounding like a slacker, or of getting on your professor’s bad side. Luckily, we have some dos and don’ts that should cover your questions. The first one is simple: please do not, under any circumstances, use the example below as a template.

This Is Not How to Ask for an Extension on an Assignment

Dear Professor S.,

I’m so so sorry but I won’t be able to turn in the final assignment on time. There’s an issue going on in my dorm room and it’s really, truly and utterly gross (I won’t go into the details). I’ll make sure to get the assignment to you soon. Please know that I’m really bummed to be doing this, because your course really was my favorite course this semester.

While Charles wrote his email in earnest, he made multiple gaffes that only added more awkwardness to an already confusing request. (In fact, Charles forgot to phrase his request as a question!) Yet asking for extra time should not become an additional crisis on top of other stress. In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to ask for an extension on an assignment.

What’s Your Excuse?

Turning in an assignment late can cause anxiety for students. Many fear getting points docked or a lower final grade. Some view it as doing something “wrong” and end up feeling preemptively guilty or undeserving of the extra time. These anxious feelings can manifest in the request itself. (Just look at Charles’s overly effusive apology.) However, a lot of valid reasons for an extension exist. The first successful step in how to ask a professor for an extension requires clarifying your situation.

Let’s say you have a funeral to attend, you fall sick, or, as was Charles’s case, you discover a bedbug infestation. All of these reasons qualify as unexpected crises you couldn’t plan for. In urgent circumstances like these, professors tend to take an accommodating stance for last-minute requests. They have lives outside of academics too, and know how the real world can intervene.

Less urgent circumstances that require you to know how to ask for an extension might involve a conflict of deadlines in different classes, or a wedding to attend. To increase your chances, make your request as far ahead as possible, as soon as you learn of the conflict.

Professors may not accommodate every request, especially if the student simply procrastinated. But whatever your circumstances, do give your professor the real reason. Honesty always comes across as most genuine and requires fewer justifications. Plus, treating the situation in a mature manner will result in the professor responding in kind, and taking your request more seriously.

How to Ask for an Extension on an Assignment to Improve Your Work

A less typical, last-minute, yet non-urgent request can arise when students find they don’t understand how to accomplish the assignment. Similarly, they may find they aren’t satisfied with the quality or direction of their work. Asking for more time to improve your work can sound reasonable to a professor. The trick here involves specifying exactly why you need more time and what you wish to improve. Consider asking for suggestions as well before going forward. Most professors prefer grading a student’s best effort rather than a sloppy, punctual paper, and will be willing to help those who show enthusiasm for their subject.

Act Accordingly

With the various types of impediments and conflicts identified, let’s consider the best approaches for how to ask for an extension. If in doubt, and especially in an emergency, send an email. When emailing, include these three vital pieces of information:

1) Explain the situation you’re facing.

2) Suggest a specific alternative deadline. This date should be reasonable, both in terms of reorganizing your own schedule, and with respect to the teacher’s semester. Avoid an overly-optimistic deadline; you won’t impress your teacher if you’re forced to ask for an extended extension.

3) Ask about the teacher’s late policy, if you don’t know it already. If this information is included in the course syllabus, acknowledge the late policy in writing. Perhaps your teacher docks points regardless, in which case, you’ll want to know how many for each day the assignment is late. You may need to weigh your priorities, and decide which to sacrifice, promptness or quality.

How to Ask a Professor for an Extension During Office Hours

If you’re trying to juggle multiple courses’ assignments, or want an extension with more guidance, send a preliminary email asking to meet with your professor. Do email first, because waylaying your professor after class can stress everyone out. Once a meeting is scheduled, the face-to-face chat may prove more successful, simply because it’s harder to say no in person. This meeting also gives your professor a chance to put a face to a name, and will give you a chance to say something about what you’re working on. Extra guidance like new leads and library references may also speed up your progress.

Putting the How in How to Ask a Professor for an Extension

Let’s return to Charles’ email, and imagine how his professor might react. Reading about a “really, truly and utterly gross,” mystery situation doesn’t give the professor any idea of the student’s trouble, nor of how severe it is, or how long it will last. The professor has no incentive to act leniently, and no opportunity to sympathize. If anything, the vague description evokes confusion, pity, and doubt.

Imagine instead that Charles wrote, “I just discovered a bedbug infestation in my dorm room. According to pest control, I’ll need to spend the weekend bagging up my possessions before an exterminator arrives. Then I’ll have to find a different place to sleep and study for the coming week.” Here Charles goes into enough detail to delineate the situation. It becomes clear that a bedbug infestation is time consuming, as well as psychologically and physically taxing. Though unusual, Charles’ reason for wanting an extension now sounds perfectly legitimate.

You can avoid Charles’s main mistake by articulating your situation clearly and concisely. With a big emphasis on concisely. If you’re going to a funeral, you don’t need to convince your teacher that you loved your grandmother. If you’re sick, you don’t need to list your symptoms. A brief email saves your harried professor some time, and gives students practice in establishing their own personal boundaries. Overall, a brief email will sound professional and sincere.

Another must when learning how to ask a professor for an extension involves tone. The right register will come across as respectful and somewhat formal. Change phrases like “I’m really bummed” to “I regret.” Apologize, but don’t overdo it. One apology appropriately recognizes the inconvenience the professor may experience.

How to Ask a Professor for an Extension, Example 1

Now let’s take a look at Charles’ improved urgent request.

Dear Professor Sassin,

I’m Charles Yu, from your Modern Architecture seminar. I’m writing to let you know about a situation that’s come up. I just discovered a bedbug infestation in my dorm room. According to pest control, I’ll need to spend the weekend bagging up my possessions before an exterminator arrives. Then I’ll have to find a different place to sleep and study for the coming week.

Because of this, I’m afraid I won’t have time to work on the final assignment until next week. Would you consider a one-week extension, with a new deadline on May 25? If so, please let me know how this extension might affect my grade.

I apologize in advance for the inconvenience, and am open to other suggestions you may have.

Best regards,  

In his amended version, Charles makes it clear why his particular situation requires more time. He asks for (rather than dictates) an extension, and shows that he’s both concerned about his grade and happy to consider an alternative plan. The writing sounds polite, clear, and formal—a complete reversal from the previous chaotic and informal tone. Charles’s chances look good.

How to Ask a Professor for an Extension, Example 2

In the following example represents a less typical situation. Time is of the essence, but the situation itself cannot be called urgent.

Dear Professor Napier,

I’ve been hard at work on my research essay for your class, the English Romantic Novel. Initially, my plan involved comparing early Gothic novels, analyzing recurring motifs, and rooting them in British culture of the time. However, the more I’ve read, the more I’ve realized that my interest lies in the parodies of Gothic novels, particularly in the works of Wilde and Austen, and in the significance we might pull from the distortions they make.

I believe I could write a more compelling paper on this subject, but the deadline is fast approaching. I won’t have enough time to refocus the research and finish writing by Friday. Would you mind if I turned the paper in next Tuesday, October 3, instead? I understand that your late policy is strict. However, I think this new theme may inform my senior thesis, so I wonder if an exception can be made.

I’m happy to meet and discuss during your office hours tomorrow. Please let me know at your earliest convenience.

Tatiana Gorns

Here, Tatiana takes a risk. She knows her situation won’t seem urgent, but she appeals to her professor’s academic side. To do so, Tatiana must expand. The email is not concise, nor is it fluffy. Her investment in the assignment appears genuine. Furthermore, she explains the stakes, that this extension could positively affect her future course of study. This appeal will be hard for most professors to turn down.

How to ask for an extension – Additional Resources

If you’re looking for more advice on how to navigate the college work-life balance, how to better communicate, and other college know-how, you may find the following links to be of interest:

  • Communicating with Professors: Ten Practical Suggestions
  • What Does it Mean to Audit a Class in College?
  • Best Gap Year Programs – 2023
  • The College Transitions Dataverse
  • College Success

Kaylen Baker

With a BA in Literary Studies from Middlebury College, an MFA in Fiction from Columbia University, and a Master’s in Translation from Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Kaylen has been working with students on their writing for over five years. Previously, Kaylen taught a fiction course for high school students as part of Columbia Artists/Teachers, and served as an English Language Assistant for the French National Department of Education. Kaylen is an experienced writer/translator whose work has been featured in Los Angeles Review, Hybrid, San Francisco Bay Guardian, France Today, and Honolulu Weekly, among others.

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Professor shares secrets on getting an extension (w/ template)

Hi there. I am the prolific professor with 15 years of experience teaching online and in-person. I have a graduate degree. I have a passion for education. But I’ve also worked in the professional world (outside of education) too. Thanks for visiting.

I was a professor for 15 years. And I received countless emails for extensions on assignments.

Should you ask your professor for an extension?

For example, if you took a vacation and lost track of time, don’t ask. If you decided to work extra hours and have been too busy, don’t ask. You get the point.

So, before you ask for an extension, answer these questions first.

Something that I need to mention is that sometimes things can happen that are serious enough to warrant an extension but aren’t talked about often.

What’s a good excuse to ask for an extension?

And you should follow your professor’s policies and not abuse their discretion.

Here are some situations where I would consider an extension or make-up assignment. This isn’t a complete list but a few of some of the most common situations.

Hospitalization - If you were physically hospitalized, this usually warrants an extension on an assignment. Be prepared to have some documentation. This usually includes your own hospitalization, not family members.

What’s the best way to ask a professor for an extension?

How to ask a professor for an extension through email, example of how to ask for an extension by email.

I have an email template below to help you write an excellent email to your professor asking for an extension. This can also work for makeup exams and assignments too. Just remember to be honest and alter the email to fit your personal circumstances.

Dear Professor Smith. I am in your ENGL 1301 class and I have been enjoying the recent discussion regarding proper grammar usage. I know we have an assignment due soon over this topic, and I am concerned about having the adequate time to complete this assignment. I am committed to this course, and with my current situation, I would be rushed to complete the assignment. I am worried that I wouldn’t do my best on the assignment, and would miss the opportunity to learn and apply the skills I have learned so far. I recently experienced a death in the family of my maternal grandmother. I have the obituary attached to this email to provide you with some documentation. These recent days have been filled with grief and many meetings for funeral plans. With this in mind, I am asking for an extension. I would like a few days to spend time with my family and gather myself emotionally to have the dedicated time to complete this assignment. It is important to me that I learn the material and spend quality time working on this course. Please let me know if you need anything else. I appreciate your time.

First introduce yourself. Don’t assume your professor knows who you are. Make sure they can place a face with a name. Give them some information so that they can remember who you are.

Finally, thank them for their time and understanding.

homework extension email

I taught college students for about 15 years. I have experience teaching online and in-person. I have a graduate degree. I have a passion for education. But I’ve also worked in the professional world (outside of education) too. And with my teaching and educational experience, I want to help students answer their most pressing questions. I want to give my wealth of knowledge to college students to help make their life easier.

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How to ask for an extension for your assignment [examples + template].

By Evans Jun 15 2021

Time management is one thing you should get better at within your academic life, particularly when it comes to assignments.   However, regardless of how much you plan your time or stay organized, things might get out of hand. Read the article below to find why and how to ask for an extension. It also provides examples of how to ask for an assignment extension for your reference.

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What is an Extension Deadline?

An extension deadline for your assignment is the additional time you should request from your supervisor or tutor to finish your task. Most projects have a specific due date, and you should complete them on time. However, there are times when you can fall behind for numerous reasons and can't stay on schedule. At this point, you should reach your instructor and request an extension.

You should request an extension immediately you realize you won't be in a position to meet your original deadline. The deadline might affect other parts of your project, like other team members' abilities to complete the work and the project's completion date. Requesting an extension can offer the supervisor more time to readjust your assignment's workflow and schedule. Some of the situations in which you might request a deadline extension include:

·          The assignment needs more research or work than expected

·          Your project's timeline did not put all factors into consideration

·          You're waiting for essential materials to complete your project

·          You had prioritized the completion of another task

·          You were unable to access the required equipment

·          You had an emergency that stopped you from finishing your assignment

How to Ask for Your Extension

To ask for your extension effectively, kindly do the following:

Determine Whether You Can Get the Extension

Whether it is possible to get an extension depends on your work's scope. While some projects have rigid schedules, it will not matter if you submit a couple of days later when it comes to other projects. Please make sure you understand the flexibility in the deadline and develop a plan for completing your work.

Ask for the Extension

Once you realize you will be behind the deadline, notify your lecturer immediately. Choose the most convenient contact method. You can call them, ask in person, or send an email. Some instructors are too busy to check their mail from time to time, making a text message or phone call a more effective method.

When contacting your instructor, show them that you care about your grades. You can start with a statement about your goal and then why you require the extension.

Determine How Long Your Extension Will Be

Your extension should give adequate time to complete your paper based on how long you have taken to work on it.

Consider your facilitator's personality when determining the duration of the extension to request. If the instructor is strict, leave it to them to decide the time to grant. If you can negotiate with them, you can ask them for a three-day extension and expect the professor to negotiate down. And if the professor is lenient, ask for a specific extension.

Provide Evidence

If you offer proof, your professor will be impressed with your preparedness and is more likely to grant you the extension. Some of the evidence lecturers accept include:

·          A doctor's letter

·          A letter from an employer

·          An email from a child's teacher

·          A receipt from your car or computer repair shop

·          Newspaper clippings

Adhere to Your New Deadline and Ensure It Does Not Happen Again

Analyze your work schedule, avoid procrastination and manage your time better in the future. If possible, scale back on some assignments.

Thank Your Tutor

Express your gratitude for the extension granted and apologize for the inconvenience caused.

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homework extension email

Email Template for Requesting More Time to Complete Your Assignment

Feel free to adapt or use this email template to ask for an extension for your assignment

Dear (Title of your Professor, Dr. Mr. Ms., followed by their last name), My name is (name), and I'm a student in your (name) class. I'm writing you to ask if it might be possible to be granted additional time for the (name of assignment) due on (date). Regrettably, I'm behind with this assignment because (reason). I hope to complete this assignment by (date). I look forward to hearing from you about the same. Kind regards, (Your name and student ID number)       

Here are more examples:       

Dear Dr. Andrea,

I'm writing this email to request an extension on the deadline for the web application development assignment. I'm already done with coding, but the testing and debugging are taking more time than I expected. I have also discovered some errors that I'm working on.

I should submit the assignment on June 23, but I will appreciate it if you extend the due date to June 26.

Thank you for your consideration.

Warm regards,

Dear Professor John,

My name is Jackie, and I'm in your chemistry 101 class. Due to a family emergency, I will be traveling over the weekend without the research materials for the assignment due on Wednesday. Consequently, I would like to request an extension and submit my paper on Friday. In the attachment below is a draft that shows the progress I have made so far.

Many Thanks,

Dear Dr. Peterson,

My name is Jane Stephanie, and I'm in your literature class. My assignment is due on the same day as a presentation at my workplace. Do you provide extensions? If you do, I can submit the assignment on July 20 instead of July 16. I understand that late projects receive grade penalties, which I would like to avoid.

Many thanks,

Dear Professional Kellen,

My name is Ivy Johnson, and I'm in your 11 a.m. English class. From the syllabus, I can see that I should submit my assignment on August 13. Unfortunately, I have three other tasks due on that date for other classes.

Is it possible to get a three-day extension on the deadline and submit it on August 16 instead? If you do not grant extensions, can I get the assignment topic early to work on it in advance?

Warm Regards,

What to Do If You Do Not Get an Extension

Most lecturers understand that students are human beings with jobs and lives outside of class. And many instructors will approve any extension request. However, sometimes the professor might say no. Here is what to do should it happen.

If it is a few hours or days to your deadline, ensure you understand the late penalty and determine whether it is more practical to submit your assignment late or rush to meet your deadline. Ensure you deliver pure gold and don't plagiarize your work; it could result in poor grades.

If you had planned early, you have options. You can rearrange your schedule to make time to write your paper, ask your tutor for the paper topics before, or ask for an extension in another class. Alternatively, you can hire an expert writer from our urgent writing service to complete the assignment for you.

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Writing an Email for Extension of Assignment That Works

This guide will provide you with a comprehensive approach to writing effective extension emails, complete with three unique templates , tips from my personal experience, real-life examples, and answers to common questions.

Key Takeaways

  • Purpose: Understand why you need an extension and communicate it clearly.
  • Tone: Maintain a respectful, polite, and professional tone.
  • Reason: Provide a valid and honest reason for your request.
  • Timing: Request an extension as soon as you realize you need one.
  • Structure: Follow a clear structure: subject line, greeting, reason, request, and gratitude.
  • Follow-up: Include a follow-up plan or how you intend to complete the assignment within the new timeframe.

Understanding the Basics

The importance of a well-written extension email.

A well-crafted extension email can mean the difference between receiving additional time to complete your work and facing potential penalties. Your email should convey your sincerity, respect for deadlines, and a genuine need for more time.

Key Elements of an Extension Email

  • Clear Subject Line: Indicates the purpose of your email.
  • Polite Greeting: Addresses the recipient respectfully.
  • Valid Reason: Explains why you need the extension.
  • Specific Request: Clearly states the new deadline you are seeking.
  • Expression of Gratitude: Shows appreciation for their understanding.

Tips from Personal Experience

Tip 1: be honest and transparent.

When I first started writing extension emails, I realized that honesty was the best policy. For instance, during my final year in college, I had to balance a part-time job and my thesis. I was upfront about my situation and provided specific details about my workload.

Tip 2: Timing is Crucial

Another key lesson was to ask for an extension as soon as possible. Early requests show that you are proactive and responsible. For example, I once had a project due on Friday but knew by Monday that I wouldn’t meet the deadline due to unexpected personal commitments. Requesting the extension early helped me secure the extra time needed.

Tip 3: Show Your Commitment

Always demonstrate your commitment to completing the work. Outline how you plan to use the additional time effectively. For example, I often included a brief plan or timeline in my emails, which reassured the recipient of my dedication.

Unique Templates

Template 1: academic assignment extension.

Subject: Request for Assignment Extension

Dear [Professor’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request an extension for the [Assignment Name] due on [Original Due Date]. Due to [specific reason], I am finding it challenging to complete the assignment on time. I am requesting an extension until [Requested New Due Date] to ensure I can submit a well-prepared and thorough assignment.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration. Thank you for your time.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Class/Section]

Template 2: Professional Project Extension

Subject: Request for Project Deadline Extension

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this message reaches you well. I am writing to request an extension for the [Project Name] deadline, originally set for [Original Due Date]. Due to [specific reason], I am unable to finalize the project by the given date. I am requesting an extension until [Requested New Due Date] to deliver a high-quality outcome.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

Template 3: General Extension Request

Subject: Extension Request for [Task/Assignment Name]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to request an extension for the [Task/Assignment Name] due on [Original Due Date]. Due to [specific reason], I am unable to meet the deadline. I kindly request an extension until [Requested New Due Date] to complete the task effectively.

I am grateful for your understanding and assistance. Thank you.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Real-Life Example

When I was working on a critical marketing campaign at my job, unforeseen technical issues delayed our progress. I sent an extension request similar to Template 2 above, explaining the situation and detailing our plan to overcome the challenges. My manager appreciated the transparency and granted us the additional time needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i choose the right time to ask for an extension.

Ask for an extension as soon as you realize you need one. Early requests show responsibility and respect for the recipient’s time.

What if my reason for the extension is personal?

It’s okay to keep your reason brief and respectful of your privacy. For example, you can say, “Due to unforeseen personal circumstances.”

How long of an extension should I request?

Be realistic about the time you need. Overestimating might be seen as an attempt to procrastinate, while underestimating might lead to further issues.

How To Write an Email to a Teacher About Homework

Communicating effectively with educators is a key skill for students. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to write an email to a teacher about homework . Whether you have questions, need clarification, or are facing challenges with assignments, this guide helps ensure your communication is clear and appropriate.

Table of Contents

Preparing to Write the Email

Before composing your email, gather all relevant information about the homework in question. This includes the assignment’s details, deadlines, and specific areas where you need assistance. Organize your thoughts so your email is concise and to the point.

What to Include in The Email to Your Teacher About Homework

Email templates – emailing a teacher about homework, template 1: seeking clarification on homework.

I hope this email finds you well. I am [Your Name] from your [Class Name, Period/Session]. I am writing to seek clarification on the [specific aspect] of our current assignment, [Assignment Name], which is due on [Due Date].

I have reviewed the instructions, but I am still unclear about [specific part you are struggling with]. Could you please provide some additional guidance or examples?

Template 2: Requesting Extension Due to Illness

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. [Teacher’s Last Name],

My name is [Your Name], from your [Class Name, Period/Session]. I am writing to inform you that I have been unwell for the past few days and have been unable to complete the [Assignment Name] that is due on [Due Date].

Thank you for considering my request. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Template 3: Asking for Help with Difficult Homework

Subject: Assistance Needed with [Assignment Name]

I am [Your Name] from your [Class Name, Period/Session]. I am reaching out because I am having difficulties with [specific aspect] of our homework assignment, [Assignment Name].

Despite reviewing the class notes and textbook, I am still struggling to understand [specific problem or topic]. I would appreciate any additional resources or guidance you could provide.

Yours sincerely,

Writing an email to a teacher about homework requires clarity, respect, and a willingness to seek solutions. By approaching your teacher with a well-structured email, you can effectively communicate your needs and foster a positive learning environment.

homework extension email

How and When to Ask Your Professor for an Extension

Everyone needs an extension now and then.  Life happens and things fall to the wayside.  The key to getting an extension is knowing when and how to ask for one.

When you should ask for an extension

Professors typically grant extensions for larger assignments that have been derailed because of unforeseen events.

Unforeseen events include, but are not limited to:

  • A death in the family 
  • Suddenly needing to get a job
  • Caring for a very sick family member
  • Personal illness
  • Sudden news that requires you to make major life changes (pregnancy, moves, etc.)
  • An unforeseen change in your living situation
  • You made an honest mistake (I misread the syllabus and accidentally did next week’s homework…)
  • The professor has a “hardcopy only” policy, you suddenly can’t make class, but can scan and email the assignment in the request for more time

Notice that all of these situations are sudden, beyond your control, and more or less time-consuming.

Take the assignment into account as well.  Professors are more likely to grant extensions to larger projects than current homework assignments.  Consider asking for an extension if the assignment is worth a lot or is very involved.

You should also make sure you haven’t mismanaged your time in some way.  A professor is less likely to grant an extension for a circumstance that happens two days before a semester-long project is due.  Make sure you request your extension as soon as you know the unforeseen event will cause you a delay on your assignment.

When you shouldn’t ask for an extension

The number one rule of asking for an extension comes down to the answer of this question: 

If you get the extension will you do better on the assignment?  If the answer is no, don’t waste anyone’s time.  

Beyond that, you shouldn’t ask for an extension if:

  • Your professor has a drop one policy and this is the one
  • You only need one day, and the penalty for a late assignment is small
  • The assignment isn’t worth enough to change your grade in any direction
  • You won’t have time, or don’t intend, to fix the problems even if you get the extension
  • You need the extension because of your lack of planning
  • You really need an incomplete in the class, not an extension
  • It is becoming a pattern
  • You are asking the day it is due and have yet to do any work on the assignment

Professors are people too.  They are generally understanding, but if you keep asking for extensions or you are clearly at fault and made bad choices to be in the position you are in, their sympathy will generally dry up.

If you need an extension for every assignment or if your world has catastrophically turned upside down, consider asking for an incomplete or dropping the class. 

How to ask for an extension

When you are sure you should ask for an extension, send the professor an email.  

Your email should include:

  • A respectful salutation including the professor’s title and name
  • The request for the extension with a firm date for you to turn in the assignment
  • An explanation of the extenuating circumstances
  • A concrete plan so this doesn’t happen again
  • The attached assignment (incomplete or complete), where applicable
  • A line thanking them for their help and understanding

Example 1- Caring for a sick relative

Good Morning Dr. Green,

Can I please turn in the essay due Thursday on Saturday?

My mother had to have a cyst removed and has been in the hospital.  She will be released on Thursday, and I have to be home to take care of my younger siblings until then.  I should be back on campus by Saturday.

I have attached my first draft below, and could potentially have it edited by Friday if you are willing to accept a digital copy.

Thank you for your help and understanding.

Example 2- Sudden unforeseen circumstances

Good Afternoon Dr. S,

I do not think I will make it to the exam today and was wondering if there was any way I could take it tomorrow.

I was commuting to campus to take the test and someone decided to jump in front of my train (link to the story on CNN).  It is an absolute mess and they have closed the line for the next hour at least.  I don’t have any other means of transportation and don’t know how I would make it to the exam during class time.

I will do everything I can to make it to class.  

Thank you for understanding.

Example 3- Personal illness

Good Morning Dr. Fowler,

I woke up this morning with a fever of 101.3 and have spent most of my time in the bathroom.  I don’t think I can make it to class today.

Please accept the attached digital copy of my homework in lieu of the hardcopy your syllabus expects me to turn in.  If that is unacceptable, please allow me to turn in the assignment next class when I will (hopefully) not be sick.

Thank you for understanding.  

<attached homework>

Example 4- Honest Mistake

Hello Dr. Rouss,

I was packing up my bag and checking to make sure I finished all the problems for the homework due tomorrow when I realized I misread the syllabus and did next week’s homework instead.

Is there any way I can turn in next week’s homework this week and turn in this week’s homework next week? 

I’m sorry for the inconvenience.  I’ll pay more attention in the future.

Everyone needs the occasional extension

We are all human.  We all make mistakes and have to deal with being thrown curveballs.  If you use extensions sparingly and have a good reason for the request, you will find they are usually granted.

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How to ask for an extension to professor via email: Free Examples

How to ask for an extension to professor via email: Free Examples

I know how it feels to be up against a deadline for a homework assignment and to have no other choice but to ask for an extension. And I also know that sometimes, even when we’ve done everything possible, things come up and we can’t help but need more time.

In those cases, asking your professor for an extension is the best option. Here’s how to do it in a way that increases your chances of getting what you need.

One thing to keep in mind is that professors are people too, and they understand that sometimes things come up. However, they also want to see that you’re making an effort and trying your best.

Write My Essay

So before you email them requesting more time, make sure you’ve taken the following steps:

  • Check the date of the assignment and determine how many days you realistically need to complete it.
  • Ask yourself if there’s anything you could have done differently to avoid needing an extension.
  • Make sure you have a plan for completing the assignment once you receive the extension.

Once you’ve addressed these things, email your professor with a brief explanation of why you need more time (be specific) and attach a copy of your calendar showing when you will be able to submit the assignment.

It’s important not to sound entitled or like this is just another inconvenience for them – after all, they’re probably very busy too!

Be polite, understanding, and honest in your request – most professors will appreciate that.

Steps to Follow When Writing an Extension Email

When it comes to asking for an extension on an assignment, the key is to be professional and courteous. Here are some tips on how to ask your professor for an extension via email:

1. Keep it short and to the point – No need to go into great detail about why you need the extension. Just state the facts and be polite.

2. Provide a timeline – Let the professor know when you will have the assignment completed if you are granted an extension. This shows that you are still committed to completing the work and not just looking for more time.

3. Offer to make up the work in another way – If there is a way that you can still complete the work even with a shorter timeline, let the professor know. This shows that you are willing to work with them to find a solution.

4. Thank the professor in advance – A simple thank you at the end of the email lets the professor know that you appreciate their time and consideration.

Following these simple tips will help ensure that your email is professional and courteous, and that you have a better chance of getting the extension you need.

Free Deadline Extension Emails for Assignment Papers

Hello Professor Smith,

I am writing to request an extension on my Biology 101 paper that is due next week. I have been dealing with a family emergency and have not been able to work on the paper as much as I would have liked. I understand that this may be disruptive to your class schedule, and I apologize for the inconvenience. I would really appreciate if you could extend the deadline by one week. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Dear Professor Smith,

I am writing to request an extension on my upcoming paper due on Monday. Unfortunately, I have been feeling under the weather and have not been able to work on the paper as much as I would have liked. I am confident that I will be able to finish the paper by Wednesday if given an extra day.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Dear Professor,

I am writing to request an extension on the due date for my paper. I have been experience some personal difficulties that have made it difficult for me to complete the paper on time. I am confident that I will be able to complete the paper if given an extension of one week. I appreciate your consideration in this matter.

Order Essay

Hi Professor Smith,

I’m sorry for the inconvenience but I was wondering if I could get an extension on my assignment that’s due tomorrow. I’ve been really sick these past few days and haven’t been able to work on it at all. I promise that I’ll have it done by next week though.

Alexandra Jones

I am writing to request an extension on my upcoming assignment. The due date is currently ___________, but I would like to have it moved to ___________ instead.

I am confident that I can complete the work by the new deadline, and appreciate your consideration in this matter. Thank you very much for your time.

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It’s no secret that college can be overwhelming. With so much to do and not enough time, it’s easy to see why some students might need an extension on an assignment.

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How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment – Calltutors

Do you want to know how to ask for an extension on an assignment? if yes, then don’t worry! In this blog, I have provided some samples and tips to ask for an extension on an assignment.

An extension on an assignment could be essential for a variety of reasons. To finish a paper or project, a student must request additional time. A polite way to seek an extension is via a formal email written with sincerity and tact. It should take into account the recipient’s conditions for granting the extension, as well as any institution-specific extension regulations.

If you’re having trouble following instructions or don’t have enough time to finish a task, it’s also worth asking for an extension. And this would have an impact on the whole class, talking to your professor about your issues could be the best course of action.

And if you are prepared to ask for a renewal, you can always lose your opinion.

Your safest choice is to send an email to your professor.

Explain why you’re seeking an extension and suggest a new deadline in a respectful manner.

In this post, you’ll learn how to request an extension and why you should do so. And also if you need assignment help online from experts, then you can contact our experts to get top-notch assignment service within the given deadline.

For your convenience, we’ve included a sample letter requesting an extension of an assignment.

Are you ever stumped for words? Check it out.

  • Wherever possible, meet with your mentor in person
  • Avoid asking questions at the last minute
  • Inform them that you have other papers due at the same time
  • Only a brief extension is requested
  • Exhibit feelings
  • Describe how the circumstances have changed

Creating Your Justification

  • Review the policies of your course
  • If you claim to be ill, provide evidence
  • If you have a personal emergency, be forthright about it
  • If you are overburdened with jobs, notify your professor
  • Take the “numbers” approach
  • Maintain a straightforward approach

Politely inquiring

  • As soon as possible, inquire
  • Make an in-person approach to your professor
  • Send an email to your instructor to inquire about an extension
  • Determine the length of the extension

Why Do Students Ask For An Extension On An Assignment?

Table of Contents

There are a lot of reasons why students ask for an extension on an assignment some of which are below:

Personal illness or emergency

The first reason is personal illness or emergency. Many students have been ill or have had a personal emergency that has impacted completing the assignment on time. That’s why they ask for an extension. 

Technical Difficulties With Equipment Or Internet Access

Many students can’t complete their assignments on time because they have been experiencing technical difficulties such as a broken computer or poor internet connection. So, that’s why this can impact completing an assignment on time. If you are one of them, and you provide documents of proof of these issues can help you to support your request for an extension. 

Lack Of Understanding Or Difficulty With The Material

Many students are struggling with their assignments because of a lack of knowledge or difficulty with the material. This can be reasonable to ask for an extension to get more time to study or seek additional help from assignment help tutors . 

Work Or Other Time-Consuming Activities

Many students can’t complete their assignments on time because they have work or other activities that are taking a lot of their time. 

Unexpected Events

Many students get unexpected events because of that they can’t complete their assignments on time. So, they can ask for an extension on an assignment. 

Sample Of Writing Email For An Extension On Assignment

Since emails for extensions request a favor, several people are humiliated, and it’s hard to articulate oneself..

For people in challenging or unforeseen situations however, extension e-mails are common.

And, if the emails are written in the right format and respectful and straightforward, There’s nothing inconvenient to experience.

Sample 1: How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

Dear [Insert the name of the professor],I email you to request an [assignment] extension due [initial due date].I would very much like an extension because I have an extremely busy week and want more time to spend on my job.Since other teachers’ tests in my other classes cannot be rescheduled or deferred, I’m requesting that you extend my time.I appreciate your acceptance of the paper at a later date, and  I did think that it would be worth asking because I think that getting those extra days to concentrate entirely on this task would vastly enhance my work without the burden of the other exams.Another explanation I want an extension is that I need time to focus on [insert part of your task for which you strive].Have you any tips or advice for students who have problems in this specific part of the job? On the basis of the class,I know that I [must accomplish a specific aim], but [describe how much of this method is confusing you].In the next [#] days, I hope to be able to complete my report.Will [date] be my new due date if I get an extension? Obviously,If this is inconvenient for you, or if you would like to obtain it at a later time, please let me know.[Your Name]

Sample 2: How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

Subject: Request for Extension on Assignment
Dear [Professor’s Name],
I am writing to request an extension on the [Assignment Name] that is currently due on [Due Date]. I have been facing some personal challenges that have made it difficult for me to complete the assignment on time. I understand that extensions are not typically granted, but I would greatly appreciate your consideration in this matter.
I would like to request an extension of [Number of days] days. I understand that this may cause some inconvenience, and I apologize for any trouble this may cause. I assure you that I will use the extra time to complete the assignment to the best of my abilities and submit it as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding and I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely,[Your Name]

Sample 3: How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

Dear [name of the professor],I write to seek a time extension for the completion of the VB0101 Assignment. Over the last few weeks,I’ve been suffering from a long-term disease.I couldn’t practise or research because I was sick. As a consequence, for the past few days, I’ve failed to actually concentrate on my task.I haven’t finished a large portion of the assignment yet, and I believe I’ll need some more time to review and write it.The initial filing deadline is 29 March 2021.I am sorry I am not going to finish the task on schedule.That is why I politely ask you to give me an extension of a few days.By April 20, 2021, I intend to finish the assignment.I also have added a copy of my medical record and my physician’s analysis for evidence of my ill health.I appreciate your time and consideration and goodness in responding to my appeal.Please inform me of your decision as soon as possible.And sincere gratitude,[Your Name]

How To Ask For Extra Time On An Assignment With Justifications / Excuses

  • I have a holiday scheduled that I can’t alter.
  • I’m having a panic attack/depression episode. I’ve scheduled an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.
  • I’m planning a wedding that will take a lot of time.
  • I’ve caught a cold and am confined to my bunk.
  • I was called in for long shifts at work, and I desperately need the money.
  • I’m having problems with my device. This is a screenshot of the issue.
  • I was under the impression that the assignment was due the following week. It wasn’t until this morning that I realised!

Tips To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

  • Give a clear reason – When asking for an extension, it’s important to give a clear reason for why you need an extension for an assignment. Because it can help the professor understand your situation and make a decision. 
  • Use A Polite And Professional Tone – You should use a polite and professional tone when you ask for an extension because it can help your professor feel comfortable and more likely to grant your request. 
  • Explain The Situation – Clearly explain the reason why you need an extension for an assignment. And also you should tell your professor the truth don’t say lie to his/her.
  • Provide a plan and new deadline – provide a plan for completing the assignment, including a new deadline and any steps you will take to ensure that you meet the new deadline. 
  • Show appreciation: you should express appreciation for the professor’s understanding and help in granting the extension. 

Since emails for extensions request a favor, several people are humiliated, And it’s hard to articulate oneself. For people in challenging or unforeseen situationes however, extension e-mails are common.

Likewise, if you want to apply an impressive assignment that needs more investigation,

A formal letter can then be sent. This gives you more time to improve and to make your job even more attractive.

Even if you think that there are not enough resources to complete the project, Via an application, you can share your concerns.

Here it is necessary to question and explain the delay early. Make an effort to prepare accordingly with the deadlines.

to stay away from those situations If you’re very short on time, though,Our team of writers, all of whom have at least 7 years of academic writing experience, will guide you through the process. Calltutors will help you with last-minute assignment help .

What is a good reason for an assignment extension?

A good reason for an assignment extension would be an unforeseen and unavoidable circumstance that prevents the student from completing the assignment on time, such as a serious illness or family emergency.

What is the best way to get an extension?

The best way to request an extension is to reach out to the instructor or professor in a timely manner, prior to the original due date. The student should provide a clear and specific explanation of the reason for the extension request and provide any relevant documentation to support the request. It is also important to be respectful and professional in the request and to be willing to discuss any potential alternatives or accommodations that may be available.

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How to Write a Letter Asking for an Extension

Last Updated: May 10, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed. . Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 3,111,392 times.

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

Tips for Writing an Extension Letter

Write the date, your address, and the recipient's address in the upper right corner. State what your letter is about (like "I'm writing you concerning the essay due for class next week") and give a few details to explain why you're requesting the extension (like a "family emergency").

Sample Letters

homework extension email

Sample Emails

homework extension email

Following Formal Letter Writing Conventions

Step 1 Prepare a header section.

  • If you are sending your request via email, you can omit the date and address portions and start with your salutation. However, make sure to use an effective and clear subject line. For example, if you are emailing a professor, your subject line might read, "Mike Smith HIST 359 Paper Extension Request."

Step 2 Employ a formal and full salutation.

  • Even if you know them informally, this is an official request so keep the tone and content formal. Do not write “Hi, Jim,” for example.
  • Try to find some specific person that you can address your letter to. Otherwise, it can appear like a form letter. For example, “Dear Senator Smith,” is preferable to, “To Whom It May Concern.” [2] X Research source

Step 3 Use a concise paragraph format.

  • To open your letter you might state, “I am John Smith a student in your HIST 456 MWF morning class.” This will jog your professor’s memory and save them time looking you up.

Step 4 Pay attention to your concluding remarks.

  • It is best to close with an official “sign off” before your name. Some of the better options are: “Sincerely” “Best” “All the Best” “Best Regards.” [3] X Research source
  • If you need a reply by a certain time, you should include that information at this point as well. You can always pair it with your thanks. For example, “Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you next week.” Just be careful not to appear overly pushy. [4] X Research source

Step 5 Include your full name and signature.

Crafting the Content of the Letter

Step 1 Write the letter as soon as you can.

  • Depending on the situation, you might need to consider your letter as part of an ongoing negotiation. In that sense, it is better to ask for a longer amount of time so that you can compromise and meet in the middle. [7] X Research source
  • Gauge your pace based upon your current progress and what parts of the project have yet to be completed. For example, if you have worked on a consulting project for three months you should have a pretty good sense of how much is left to do.
  • Be aware of the time constraints facing the recipient as well. They may be under their own deadlines that will now need to be pushed back. For example, college professors are often required to submit midterm grades and schedule their paper deadlines accordingly.

Step 3 Be aware of the existing rules.

  • A good reason might be the desire to be thorough or cautious in your work. For instance, if you are completing a project that could potentially impact the safety of others, pointing this fact out when asking for extra time could work in your favor.
  • If you have multiple reasons for your request, choose the best one and focus on it. For example, if you are delaying a job offer you might want to tell them that you would like to conduct additional research into the transfer costs (if this is indeed true) instead of letting them know that you are also waiting on another offer. [9] X Research source

Step 5 Provide a few carefully chosen details as part of your request.

  • For example, if your grandfather dies two days before your college essay is due, it is best to describe the incident as a “family emergency” as opposed to a general “emergency.” You may also want to mention his passing and some information about your travel arrangements. [11] X Research source
  • Have your paperwork in order before submitting any request. You may need to lay out a timeline of prior actions and applications, especially if dealing with the government or another official entity. Showing that you have followed all steps of the process up until this point can only work in your favor. [12] X Research source

Step 6 Stay positive in tone and content.

Sending the Letter to the Recipient

Step 1 Make or save a copy of your letter.

  • If you are going to mail off a hard copy of your letter, make sure to print it out using a high quality printer with a good ink cartridge. A handwritten extension request is generally not acceptable. [14] X Research source

Step 3 Email your extension request.

  • Your recipient may be able to see the exact time that you sent the email. Be aware of this if you like to send off emails very late at night.
  • Keep your email formal and that includes the address that you use as well. Send this email from a professional-sounding account. For example, sending a work email from “[email protected]” is appropriate.
  • If you send your letter via fax, make sure to hold on to the confirmation page showing that your transmission was successfully sent and received.

Step 4 Make a phone call instead of writing.

Expert Q&A

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

  • Try to keep your letter at one page of length or less. This makes it appear complete, yet easy to skim through. [15] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Be aware if your recipient will send you something in return, such as a confirmation letter. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

homework extension email

  • Be realistic in the promises that you make. You do not want to get an extension only to spend the extra time completing additional work. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Make this one-time extension request count. You do not want to try for another one. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Check to make sure that you’ve included all necessary forms with your request. And, some groups will require that you use their form letter as a template. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1

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About This Article

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

To write a letter asking for an extension, start with a formal salutation, like "Dear Professor Montgomery." Then, in the body of your letter, state that you'd like an extension and explain why you need one. You should also include a new, realistic deadline that you think you can meet. Remember to keep the tone of your letter positive so it doesn't seem like you're whining or complaining. Also, try to limit your letter to 1-3 paragraphs so that it's short and straightforward. To learn how to end your letter, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How To Ask For Assignment Extension With Request Letter Sample?

Time management is what every student wants to get better within their academic life especially when it comes to assignments.  No matter how much you plan your time or try to stay organized there are times when things go out of order. Adhering to the deadlines is crucial as it keeps you involved in studies at a consistent rate and gives you a sense of progression. But when situations become a little stressful it might be difficult for you to manage everything together. At that time, taking an extension on your assignment can be the most righteous choice for you. In this article, you will find how and why you should ask for an extension. We have also provided a sample letter asking for an assignment help extension for your reference.

When Should I Ask For An Extension?

There might be times when you get bored of doing homework writing and wonder can anybody do my assignment for me? If you anytime feel that studies are difficult to handle, you can always seek guidance from the assignment experts . But if you are looking for an extension you must have a better reason than this. The most straightforward sign that you should ask for an extension is when you think you need some more time to prepare a captivating assignment. Sometimes you may feel that if you get some more time you can add up a few interesting things to your project.

Another situation can be when you lack clarity and have no idea how to proceed with your assignment. You might not want to submit an incomplete assignment because it can affect your grades a lot. There may also be some external factors that are beyond your control such as your ill-health, inescapable personal circumstances or family issues which do not let you focus on your studies well. Instead of feeling embarrassed and just blaming things you can ask for an extension so that you can keep up with your grades.

Also Read: How to Write an Application for Late Submission of Assignment?

How to Ask For An Extension?

  • Do not wait until last Before you ask for an assignment extension you should consider other options such as taking help from your friends or tutors to complete the assignment on time. You can also buy assignment online from an assignment writing service . Taking additional online assignment help will save you time as well as make it easier for you to handle multiple things. But if you are sure that you want an assignment extension then you should do it as early as possible. Waiting until the last moment may not put a good impression on your professor as they might think that you were just procrastinating.
  • Have a genuine reason Another thing that you should make sure is that you put across a genuine reason for getting the extension. You can simply explain everything to your professor in an email and if your reason is legitimate enough then you will surely get the extension.  Sometimes if you have a good impression already on your professor because you are hardworking and punctual all the time, it becomes quite easier for you to get the extension.
  • Plan your time beforehand Students should also have a clear idea of how much extra time do they need for completing the assignment writing task.  If you ask for a little extra time only, there are chances that you will miss the new deadline as well. If you ask for too much extra time, there are chances that your professor may deny because they also have to adhere to their deadlines to keep things going in order. Hence, you should always plan how much exact time will you require and convey the same to your professor.

Sample Letter Asking For An Assignment Extension


Extension request to Philosophy Assignment Deadline

Also Read: Assignment Cover Sheet Sample and Templates

Getting out of your comfort zone is a good ideology to follow. Many times students exhaust themselves to make their assignments the best. Asking for an extension may seem a little daunting to you in the first place. But it is a wise decision rather than beating yourself up to make things happen. Your health and wellness, whether it is physical or mental should be your utmost priority.

Need Help with Assignment Extension Letter?

Everyone can face situations that prevent them from completing tasks on time, no matter how committed and active you are. That, of course, can be done in a way that minimizes the chance of low marks or failure. Professional Assignment Extension Experts near you are ready to write it for you!

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10 Chrome Homework Extensions That Really Work for Students


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5 chrome extensions to download youtube videos, 11 online tools to find your doppelgänger.

If you mainly use Chrome to do research academic papers, projects, or assignments, why not use handy browser extensions to manage that homework for you?

These learning tools in your browser let you plan your tasks, help you research, and assist with your studies. And best of all, you don't have to worry about opening a separate application.

Lists for Assignments

Quick lists can help you stay on track. These cool tools let you add and mark off items as you go.


Synchro is a task tracker extension built for students. A clean, intuitive tool, it lets you add tasks, specify the deadlines, and choose the current status.

Synchro lists all the tasks under three columns- to-do, in progress, and completed. As you work on your tasks, you can drag and drop them into the relevant columns.

Once you're done, you can completely delete the task. Synchro also color codes the tasks, depending on the due dates, and sends task reminders. It integrates with Canvas LMS and automatically adds assignments from Canvas as tasks.

Download: Synchro (Free)

2. Tasks for Canvas


If you use Canvas LMS, then Tasks for Canvas is a must-have Chrome extension. The extension integrates with your Canvas account and adds a sidebar, showing all the tasks you need to do.

Since it is linked with the Canvas LMS, tasks will be automatically added and categorized according to the course. You can create custom tasks and mark them as complete. By default, it shows a weekly view, but you can adjust it to daily or monthly.

What's best about the\is extension is its beautiful layout. The extension adds colored rings for each course to show the progress.

Download: Tasks for Canvas (Free)

3. Homework Tracker

chrome homework extensions - homework tracker

Sometimes simple is sensational. Maybe you just have a basic list of assignments or projects that you want to track. Homework Tracker is ideal for this. Click the toolbar button to add or view your items and see a count of uncompleted tasks with the icon badge.

Enter your class, assignment, and due date (if you have one) and click Add . Then, as you complete your work, hit the Done button. You can sort by due date, so the closest items are right at the top. Homework Tracker is basic yet effective.

Download: Homework Tracker (Free)

4. My Homework Reminder

chrome homework extensions - my homework reminder

My Homework Reminder is another good assignment list extension for Chrome. Click the toolbar button , add your assignment and due date, and hit Save .

You can sort by assignment or due date, mark the boxes for items you finish, and review your completed assignments easily. If you need to delete an item, just click the trash can and away it goes. Just like Homework Tracker, My Homework Reminder is simple but gets the job done.

Download: My Homework Reminder (Free)

Homework Helpers

Instead of random Googling, try these extensions to get the homework help you need quickly.

quizlit screenshot

In case you don't know, Quizlet is a popular education website with learning tools and study guides. Thanks to the textbook solutions available on the site, you can easily find homework help. But this extension called Quizlit makes the process even easier.

The add-on lets you search Quizlet from any webpage, so you don't have to open the Quizlet site every time. Just click the Quizlit button , enter your question in the search bar, and press enter to see the relevant answers from Quizlet. Even better, you can select any question and choose Search for from the right-click context menu.

The extension shows multiple answers for each question and lets you copy the suggested answers with a single click. If you don't find the answers on Quizlet, you can try searching for them on the other tutoring sites for homework help .

Download: Quizlit (Free)


AIR MATH screenshot

If you need homework help specifically for mathematics, AIR MATH is a great extension. Just use the extension to take a screenshot of the question, and the tool solves the problem along with a step-by-step solution.

Although it does offer free credits, you'll likely need to purchase extra credits or upgrade to a paid subscription. If you're not keen to pay for this extension, there are other online tools for solving math problems . AIR MATH is also available as a mobile app.

Download: AIR MATH (Free, Paid)

Buttons for Searches

When you need to do a fast search, a basic button can be the answer. These Chrome extensions let you search with a click.

1. Google Scholar Button

chrome homework extensions - google scholar button

Google offers a ton of search tools and some are specific to patents, images, and of course, education. The Google Scholar Button lets you search for a topic easily. Click the button in your toolbar, pop in your search term, and then get your results.

You will receive a short number of results within the search window and can select a title to go right to the page. Or to view all results, click the full-screen button at the bottom of the pop-up window and a new tab will open for you. This is one of the must-have online tools if you're doing academic research .

Download: Google Scholar Button (Free)

2. Course Hero

chrome homework extensions - course hero button

Course Hero is similar to Google Scholar in that you click the button to search for a topic and then head to the site for the results. What's a bit different is that you need to create an account to obtain the resource. But, you can create one for free in just a few minutes.

Then, you will have access to documents and flashcards relating to your topic. Plus, you can get help from educators. You can also bookmark sources, keep track of your recently viewed items, and download the mobile app to study on-the-go.

Download: Course Hero (Free, Paid)

Helpers for Focus

Don't get distracted by social media when you are doing homework. Use one of these awesome tools to help you focus and finish.

1. ReCall Study Time

chrome homework extensions - recall study time

Set up your study session, mark the pages you want to monitor, and get to work with ReCall Study Time. You can choose from two hours for those quick homework sessions or 24 hours for the all-nighters. Then, select the social media sites to block like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

If you feel yourself weaken and head to one of the monitored sights, you will instead be greeted with a nasty-gram like the one above. If you have trouble staying away from social media to get your homework done, check out ReCall Study Time.

Download: ReCall Study Time (Free)

2. Focus Mode

focus mode screenshot

Focus Mode is another site-blocking tool to use while you are doing your homework. The extension monitors four sites by default, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. You can choose which to unblock and add a custom blocked site if there is an additional temptation not on that list.

When you start your study or research session, just hit the extension button in the toolbar and turn on the toggle button . Then, when you try to access one of the monitored pages, you will view a blurred screen with a message that focus mode is on.

When you finish, turn off the toggle button and check out your distraction attempts if you're curious. You can also take a five-minute break when you're tempted to check your feed.

Download: Focus Mode (Free)

Get Your Homework Done

We get it. Managing all the deadlines for assignments, projects, and quizzes can be challenging. But with the right tools and a bit of planning, you can get your homework done without sacrificing fun.

This is exactly what these Chrome extensions let you do—tracking your tasks, improving your productivity, and helping you complete your homework. If you find these homework add-ons helpful, you should try mobile apps for students.

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A Simple, Fast, and Intelligent AI Homework Helper

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Flow through your inbox

Flowrite turns your instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser.

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November 13, 2022

How to write an asking for extension email with an email template

How to reply to an asking for extension email with an email template, how to write email asking for extension using our email template.

Learn how to write better asking for extension emails with our tips and templates.

Learn how to reply to asking for extension emails with our tips and templates.

Learn how to write email asking for extension using our tips and template

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Table of contents

So you want to write the best asking for extension email, but might be a bit unsure how. Here’s our question:

Do you wish you would never worry about how to write an asking for extension email (or any other kind of email) again? Or think about what’s the proper email format? Or stress about grammar and punctuation?

We might just have the solution (spoiler alert: it’s amazing). Read on to unleash your email writing productivity, nail the next asking for extension email, and save hours every week!

How to send an asking for extension email

Flowrite is an email writer that uses artificial intelligence to turn short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser.

Our smart template uses artificial intelligence to adapt to the situation and generate unique emails and messages, taking into account the recipient and previous message:

Try it yourself

General reply

Reply to: "

Hi Aaro, I came across your website and your email tool sounds amazing! Can you tell me a bit more about Flowrite and how it works? I'm curious to try it.Kind regards, Sam

Received message

I came across your website and your email tool sounds amazing!

Can you tell me a bit more about Flowrite and how it works? I'm curious to try it.

Kind regards, Sam

use Flowrite to write emails faster AI tool that turns words to emails no need to worry about format, grammar, or tone

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Asking for extension email format

This way you will never have to worry about getting your email format right again (or think about how to write the perfect asking for extension email).

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Promotion announcement

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Payment reminder

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Business inquiry

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Project status update to client

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PR outreach

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Link building outreach

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Breakup with sales prospect

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Sales prospecting

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Reply to a feature request

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Influencer outreach

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Testimonial request

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Feedback on a task

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Demo invitation

Asking for extension email template

Thanks to Flowrite, you can forget canned responses, countless manual email templates, copy and pasting, and typing as you know it.

Use Flowrite to to generate AI-powered messages with one click today, like this:

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Replying to an asking for extension email might seem tricky, but it shouldn’t be.

Do you wish you would never worry about how to reply to an asking for extension email (or any other kind of email) again? Or think about what’s the proper email format? Or stress about grammar and punctuation of your emails?

We might just have the solution (spoiler alert: it’s amazing). Read on to unleash your email writing productivity, nail the next reply email, and save hours every week!

Reply to asking for extension email

Flowrite is an email writing tool that turns short instructions into ready-to-send email replies across your browser.

Our smart reply email template uses artificial intelligence to adapt to the situation and generate unique emails and messages, taking into account the recipient and received message:

Asking for extension response email format

Our email template collection covers the most common emails and messages across company functions and job descriptions, like replying to meeting invitations , helping you be your most productive self no matter what you work on.

This way you will never have to worry about getting your email format right again (or think about how to compose a reply to an asking for extension email).

With Flowrite, formatting perfect reply emails is as easy as clicking a few buttons.

Reply to asking for extension email template

Use Flowrite to to generate AI-powered reply messages with one click today. See it for yourself and test some of our templates below:

So you want to write the best email asking for extension, but might be a bit unsure how. Here’s our question:

Do you wish you would never worry about how to write a type of email again? Or think about what’s the proper email format? Or stress about grammar and punctuation?

We might just have the solution (spoiler alert: it’s amazing). Read on to unleash your email writing productivity, nail your next email, and save hours every week!

How to send email asking for extension

Flowrite is an AI email writer that turns short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser.

Email format for asking for extension

Our email template collection covers the most common emails and messages across company functions and job descriptions, like follow-ups , thank you emails , and reminder emails .

This way you will never have to worry about getting the email format right again (or think about how to write the perfect email asking for extension).

Email asking for extension template

Use Flowrite to to generate AI-powered messages with one click today. See it for yourself and test some of our templates below:

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Item logo image for Homework Tracker

Homework Tracker

An extension for managing assignments and due dates

Keep track of your homework assignments from your browser. Homework Tracker is a to-do list extension that helps you remember when your due dates are coming up. Add to your list or edit existing assignments straight from your browser without ever having to leave your current web page.

4.3 out of 5 15 ratings Google doesn't verify reviews. Learn more about results and reviews.

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Sid Poseidon Jan 26, 2021

A brilliant, helpful & free extension which helps in not forgetting to do homework Get this if you easily forget in doing homework often.

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IloveRumania Nov 9, 2020

It's good, but basic.

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Bubbles Sep 10, 2020

It works amazingly! I just wish it would say when assignments are due by the time, not the date. For example weekly math is due my 3 pm today, not due sep 11 or sep 10.

  • Version 1.1
  • Updated April 21, 2017
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  • Offered by Peter Socha
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  1. How To Write an Email For Extension Of Assignment

    Subject Line: Clearly state your request for an extension in a concise and professional manner. Greeting: Address the recipient respectfully, using proper salutations such as "Dear Professor [Last Name].". Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and provide context for your email. Explain the assignment you're seeking an extension for ...

  2. How to Ask a Professor for an Extension + Example Emails

    Overall, a brief email will sound professional and sincere. Another must when learning how to ask a professor for an extension involves tone. The right register will come across as respectful and somewhat formal. Change phrases like "I'm really bummed" to "I regret.". Apologize, but don't overdo it.

  3. How to Ask Your Professor for an Extension

    When the unexpected happens, inform your instructors immediately and request an extension for imminent projects, papers, or reports. Appropriate reasons include: Physical health: injuries, ailments, as well as chronic health conditions. Mental health: anxiety, depression, and other ongoing or long-term mental health conditions.

  4. Professor shares secrets on getting an extension (w/ template)

    How to ask a professor for an extension through email. Ask as early as possible. Be detailed. Send documentation. Example of how to ask for an extension by email. I have an email template below to help you write an excellent email to your professor asking for an extension. This can also work for makeup exams and assignments too.

  5. How to Ask for an Extension for your Assignment [Examples + Template]

    Feel free to adapt or use this email template to ask for an extension for your assignment. Dear (Title of your Professor, Dr. Mr. Ms., followed by their last name), My name is (name), and I'm a student in your (name) class. I'm writing you to ask if it might be possible to be granted additional time for the (name of assignment) due on (date).

  6. Writing an Email for Extension of Assignment That Works

    Template 1: Academic Assignment Extension. Subject: Request for Assignment Extension. Dear [Professor's Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request an extension for the [Assignment Name] due on [Original Due Date]. Due to [specific reason], I am finding it challenging to complete the assignment on time.

  7. How To Write an Email to a Teacher About Homework

    What to Include in The Email to Your Teacher About Homework. Subject Line: Be specific and concise, e.g., "Question About [Assignment Name] Due [Date].". Greeting: Address your teacher formally, using "Mr./Ms./Mrs. [Last Name].". Introduction: Start by introducing yourself, especially if it's early in the school year.

  8. How to Ask for an Extension on a Paper

    Check Circle. Reach out via email with a specific request. Check Circle. Ask for a shorter extension if possible. Check Circle. Demonstrate your commitment to the class. Be sure to show your professor that you aren't asking for an extension simply because you ran out of time — even if that's partly true.

  9. How to Ask for an Extension

    Step 3: Write an Email to Your Professor. While it's often preferable to ask for an extension in person, like visiting your professor during their office hours, this isn't always possible. The next best thing is to write a brief email to your instructor as soon as possible. Here are a few things to consider:

  10. How and When to Ask Your Professor for an Extension

    When you are sure you should ask for an extension, send the professor an email. Your email should include: A respectful salutation including the professor's title and name. The request for the extension with a firm date for you to turn in the assignment. An explanation of the extenuating circumstances.

  11. How to Ask a Professor for a Paper Extension: 10 Steps

    2. Approach your professor in-person. Talking one-on-one with your professor will help show them you are being honest in saying you need an extension. When you think you need an extension, visit the professor during office hours or at least ask to talk to them for a minute after class. [5]

  12. How to ask for an extension to professor via email: Free Examples

    1. Keep it short and to the point - No need to go into great detail about why you need the extension. Just state the facts and be polite. 2. Provide a timeline - Let the professor know when you will have the assignment completed if you are granted an extension. This shows that you are still committed to completing the work and not just ...

  13. How to email a professor with 22 different examples

    Many thanks, (Your name) 6. How to write a formal email to a professor example. Dear Professor (name), My name is (name), and I'm currently studying in your class (insert class name). I would like to ask you a question that I would welcome your feedback on.

  14. How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

    Sample 2: How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment. Subject: Request for Extension on Assignment. Dear [Professor's Name], I am writing to request an extension on the [Assignment Name] that is currently due on [Due Date]. I have been facing some personal challenges that have made it difficult for me to complete the assignment on time.

  15. 5 Ways to Write a Letter Asking for an Extension

    1. Write the letter as soon as you can. As soon as you know you will need an extension, immediately begin preparing your letter. You need to give the recipient as much time as possible to make a decision about your situation. You also want to appear prepared, despite asking for an adjustment to the schedule. [6] 2.

  16. How To Ask For Assignment Extension With Request Letter Sample?

    Sample Letter Asking For An Assignment Extension. I am writing to request an extension of time to complete an assignment due in P1S001. For the past few weeks, I have been dealing with an ongoing illness. I was not in a condition to work or study. Â Hence, I was unable to do any work on my assignment these days.

  17. 10 Chrome Homework Extensions That Really Work for Students

    These cool tools let you add and mark off items as you go. 1. Synchro. Synchro is a task tracker extension built for students. A clean, intuitive tool, it lets you add tasks, specify the deadlines, and choose the current status. Synchro lists all the tasks under three columns- to-do, in progress, and completed.

  18. StudyX: Your AI Homework, Writing & Reading Assistant

    Description. StudyX for edge, a browser extension, is designed to enhance your study process and elevate your grades. We offer All-in-one homework help, Chat with AI, AI writing and Academic research, making it a reliable and all-encompassing resource for all your study needs. - Instantly get accurate solutions with StudyX Al.

  19. Transcript

    Transcript's intuitive tools provide guidance for your questions on any web page, even those without specialized support. Snapshot: Simply click and drag your cursor to form a box around the question content for effortless searching, ideal for tackling math and visual problems. Text Selection: Highlight your question with the cursor, right ...

  20. Homework AI: Best AI Homework Helper & Solver (Free)

    Let HomeworkAI help you out! Our smart AI homework helper delivers detailed, step-by-step solutions, transforming study sessions into smooth sailing. Covering all subjects, from complex calculus to intricate biology, our homework AI is here to ease the stress and boost your grades. Say hello to effortless learning and wave goodbye to study ...

  21. Homework Helper

    Overview. Right Click on highlighted text, to automatically search for answers from Quizlet. Homework Helper automatically searches for answers of Highlighted text using Quizlet. The answers are then stored in a list of cards, sorted by the highest percentage match, to the lowest match. Users can scroll through this list of answers, copy the ...

  22. How to write email asking for extension using our email template

    How to send email asking for extension. Flowrite is an AI email writer that turns short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across your browser. Our smart template uses artificial intelligence to adapt to the situation and generate unique emails and messages, taking into account the recipient and previous message: Try it yourself.

  23. Homework Tracker

    Overview. An extension for managing assignments and due dates. Keep track of your homework assignments from your browser. Homework Tracker is a to-do list extension that helps you remember when your due dates are coming up. Add to your list or edit existing assignments straight from your browser without ever having to leave your current web page.