Start-up | |
Requirements | |
Start-up Expenses | |
Legal | $7,500 |
Stationery etc. | $2,500 |
Brochures | $5,000 |
Consultants | $12,500 |
Development Advisory Fee | $8,000 |
Rent | $7,500 |
1st Issue Total | $40,000 |
Total Start-up Expenses | $83,000 |
Start-up Assets | |
Cash Required | $67,000 |
Start-up Inventory | $0 |
Other Current Assets | $0 |
Long-term Assets | $0 |
Total Assets | $67,000 |
Total Requirements | $150,000 |
Red Brushwielder is the founder of The Group Publishing, Inc. a newly formed Southwest “C” corporation. He currently owns all its stock.
The Group Publishing, Inc. has current offices at 1234 Main Street, Anytown, GA. 30000 The phone # is … and the fax # is …. The office is fully equipped and functional. It is not anticipated that expanded facilities will be needed for the first few years of the plan. All business, management and editorial functions will be performed there. All printing, mailing, warehousing, and fulfillment is outsourced.
The Group Publishing will publish “Artists In Business” magazine. The magazine is high gloss, 48 pages, contemporary in look and appeal. Quality art content is the constant goal. The magazine will be entertaining and newsworthy and thought-provoking. It will appeal to a broad artist readership. No magazine like it is available today.
The Group Publishing will also publish softcover and hardcover books. Certain titles will be published in softcover “trade” size. Others (called “booklets” in this plan) will be similar to “paperback” size. Contemporary Arts themes will prevail, particularly those that deal with the demands placed on both business and family life by today’s business climate.
The target market is broadly based and is defined as the artist business person at all levels in any organization.
Market segments are defined by organizational affiliation.
Media strategy and execution may vary by segment.
New subscriptions are both sample and media based. Sampling will be done to both known arts organization members and to artist mailing lists. Several of these databases are already available to The Group. “Artists In Business” has access to a list of 100,000 Artist business leaders. All will be sampled with the magazine.
Sample runs will be: 50,000 issues on the first and second runs, 75,000 issues on the second and third runs, and 100,000 issues on the fifth and sixth issues of 1997. All cost associated with these sampling programs are included in the advertising and promotion budgets for those months. A total of $362,000 will be spent on direct mailed sampling geared to subscription.
In alternate months, print media will be used. Arts publications will be employed. “New Brush” magazine, “Colours” magazine, and “Artistic License Today” will have the early insertions. As subscription base grows general interest media will be used later in the year. “Inc.” magazine and “Business Week” are likely choices.
Finally, sales to Arts supply and retail bookstores through magazine distributors will also be accomplished. Key distributors have already expressed interest in the publication.
All sales projections through this multi-channel approach will reflect the different pricing and margin considerations pertinent to each.
Distribution of magazines and books through retail channels are projected at retail less 60%.
Subscriptions through organizations are projected at list less 50%.
All direct sales are booked at full revenue. Cost of product is deducted for 6 issues per year. Fulfillment costs are expensed.
Direct sales of books are billed to credit cards and drop shipped. The magazine is an ideal vehicle to promote these sales.
Future sales are planned directly over the internet from the AIB website.
The strategic alliance with Thallos Green and his AIB radio broadcasts holds great potential. Thallos plans to syndicate the broadcasts on Arts News radio stations across the U.S.
In addition to advertising, direct mail, and media executions, public relations exposure will benefit magazine circulation significantly. Red Brushwielder has already appeared and been interviewed on Arts News radio programs four times. Tapes of these interviews are available. In one instance more than 1800 calls were received requesting subscription information from a single program.
Red Brushwielder has also been asked to tape programs for an Anytown radio station on the subject of Artists in the workplace.
Promotion strategy for sales through organizations to their memberships includes a split of the first year’s subscription revenue with the selling organization.
The “Artists In Business” magazine will sell for $3.95 per single issue on the newsstand.
Our combined sales strategy of sampling, direct mail, and organizations will result in the following first year sales goals:
Four book titles are factored in in the second half of the year. Two are “trade” and two are “booklets.” Sales goals are modest.
The following sections illustrate annual revenue over the next three years of $3.1, $4.8, and $6.4 million respectively.
The following table and chart presents specific sales forecasts by product, by month, over the first year of sales development. Years two and three are cumulative totals only. All sales project the relevant unit cost and margin differences to reflect discounts, commissions, and revenue splits.
Discount on ad revenue is 15% agency commission and 20% sales commission for a total of 35%.
All product costs for subscriptions are based on $.40 per issue–6 issues for one year, 12 issues for two years.
The only cost not included here is an author’s royalty on book sales–expected to be 15%. These royalty costs are incurred on the P & L statement as an expense item.
Sales Forecast | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Unit Sales | |||
Mag Subscript Sales 1 Yr | 90,000 | 120,000 | 150,000 |
Mag Subscript Sales 2 Yr | 10,000 | 20,000 | 30,000 |
Mag Subscript Whsl | 50,000 | 50,000 | 50,000 |
Newsstand Sales Whsl | 56,500 | 72,000 | 80,000 |
Ad Revenue Pages | 118 | 150 | 150 |
Book Sales–Direct | 25,500 | 50,000 | 80,000 |
Boo Sales–Whsl | 7,000 | 20,000 | 30,000 |
Booklet Sales–Direct | 14,500 | 30,000 | 50,000 |
Booklet Sales–Whsl | 0 | 15,000 | 20,000 |
Total Unit Sales | 253,618 | 377,150 | 490,150 |
Unit Prices | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Mag Subscript Sales 1 Yr | $16.95 | $16.95 | $16.95 |
Mag Subscript Sales 2 Yr | $29.95 | $29.95 | $29.95 |
Mag Subscript Whsl | $8.50 | $8.50 | $8.50 |
Newsstand Sales Whsl | $0.99 | $0.99 | $0.99 |
Ad Revenue Pages | $2,182.00 | $3,365.00 | $3,976.00 |
Book Sales–Direct | $14.95 | $14.95 | $14.95 |
Boo Sales–Whsl | $5.98 | $5.98 | $5.98 |
Booklet Sales–Direct | $7.95 | $7.95 | $7.95 |
Booklet Sales–Whsl | $0.00 | $3.18 | $3.18 |
Sales | |||
Mag Subscript Sales 1 Yr | $1,525,500 | $2,034,000 | $2,542,500 |
Mag Subscript Sales 2 Yr | $299,500 | $599,000 | $898,500 |
Mag Subscript Whsl | $425,000 | $425,000 | $425,000 |
Newsstand Sales Whsl | $55,935 | $71,280 | $79,200 |
Ad Revenue Pages | $257,476 | $504,750 | $596,400 |
Book Sales–Direct | $381,225 | $747,500 | $1,196,000 |
Boo Sales–Whsl | $41,860 | $119,600 | $179,400 |
Booklet Sales–Direct | $115,275 | $238,500 | $397,500 |
Booklet Sales–Whsl | $0 | $47,700 | $63,600 |
Total Sales | $3,101,771 | $4,787,330 | $6,378,100 |
Direct Unit Costs | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Mag Subscript Sales 1 Yr | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 |
Mag Subscript Sales 2 Yr | $4.80 | $4.80 | $4.80 |
Mag Subscript Whsl | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 |
Newsstand Sales Whsl | $0.40 | $0.40 | $0.40 |
Ad Revenue Pages | $788.02 | $1,178.00 | $1,392.00 |
Book Sales–Direct | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 |
Boo Sales–Whsl | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 |
Booklet Sales–Direct | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 |
Booklet Sales–Whsl | $0.00 | $1.59 | $1.59 |
Direct Cost of Sales | |||
Mag Subscript Sales 1 Yr | $216,000 | $288,000 | $360,000 |
Mag Subscript Sales 2 Yr | $48,000 | $96,000 | $144,000 |
Mag Subscript Whsl | $120,000 | $120,000 | $120,000 |
Newsstand Sales Whsl | $22,600 | $28,800 | $32,000 |
Ad Revenue Pages | $92,986 | $176,700 | $208,800 |
Book Sales–Direct | $76,245 | $149,500 | $239,200 |
Boo Sales–Whsl | $20,930 | $59,800 | $89,700 |
Booklet Sales–Direct | $23,055 | $47,700 | $79,500 |
Booklet Sales–Whsl | $0 | $23,850 | $31,800 |
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales | $619,816 | $990,350 | $1,305,000 |
Important milestones are:
Milestones | |||||
Milestone | Start Date | End Date | Budget | Manager | Department |
Sample Milestones | 1/4/2008 | 1/4/2008 | $0 | ABC | Department |
Finish Business Plan | 5/7/2009 | 6/6/2009 | $100 | Dude | LeGrande Fromage |
Acquire Financing | 5/17/2009 | 7/6/2009 | $200 | Dudette | Legumers |
Ah HA! Event | 5/27/2009 | 6/1/2009 | $60 | Marianne | Bosses |
Oooooh Noooooo! Event | 6/26/2009 | 7/1/2009 | $250 | Marionette | Chèvre deBlâme |
Grande Opening | 7/6/2009 | 7/11/2009 | $500 | Gloworm | Nobs |
Marketing Program Starts | 6/6/2009 | 7/1/2009 | $1,000 | Glower | Marketeers |
Plan vs. Actual Review | 11/1/2009 | 11/8/2009 | $0 | Galore | Alles |
First Break-even Month | 3/5/2010 | 4/4/2010 | $0 | Bouys | Salers |
Hire Employees | 2/1/2010 | 3/3/2010 | $150 | Gulls | HRM |
Upgrade Business Plan Pro | 4/22/2010 | 4/24/2010 | $100 | Brass | Bossies |
Totals | $2,360 |
With production and fulfillment services outsourced, The Group Publishing, Inc. has need for general management, editorial, artistic, sales & marketing, and financial expertise.
Red Brushwielder (44), President & CEO, Publisher & Editor Mr. Brushwielder founded and successfully grew an advertising agency over a thirteen year period. He is accomplished in both publishing and direct marketing. One of his largest clients over the years has been Payne’s Gray Publishers, Inc. a NASDAQ public company and Art book publisher.
Mr. Brushwielder has a total of 20 years experience in advertising and publishing. His advertising clients have included American Express, Steinway & Sons Piano Company, Peachtree Software, Parisian Department Stores, and ADP Payroll Services. Red Brushwielder attended the University of South Carolina.
Ochre & Sienna Burnt, Asst. Editors Ochre (50) and Sienna (48) are the founders of Painting Restoration, which has the mission of restoring old family portraits. They are accomplished authors, with the titles “Restoring the Early Portrait” and “Demolishing Portrait Forgeries” to their credit. Ochre served in the U.S. Navy, serving three deployments in Viet Nam as a helicopter pilot.
Ochre holds a BA in Economics from the University of Connecticut, an MBA from California Lutheran College, and a Master’s of Art Education from School of Hard Knocks. Sienna holds a BS in Education from the University of Connecticut.
Timothy Clark (48), VP of Corporate Development Mr. Clark has successfully raised capital for both public and private companies and has written and executed strategic growth plans as both an executive and as a consultant. He has previously been in executive positions with three growth stage companies and also was part of a turn-around team that successfully righted a failed venture-backed start-up. In his early career he held sales and marketing management positions with Lever Brothers Company and the LCR Division of Squibb, Inc. both in Chicago and New York. He is skilled in Strategic Planning and Capital Formation. Mr. Clark holds a BA in Marketing from the University of Notre Dame.
An art director is needed. Also freelance artists.
Ad sales manager and circulation manager are factored in as needed.
The following table includes the personnel plan and projected salaries for all key people.
Personnel Plan | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Production Personnel | |||
Name or Title or Group | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Name or Title or Group | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Subtotal | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Sales and Marketing Personnel | |||
Ad Sales Mgr. | $36,000 | $40,000 | $44,000 |
Subscription Mgr. | $15,000 | $30,000 | $33,000 |
Subtotal | $51,000 | $70,000 | $77,000 |
General and Administrative Personnel | |||
Red Brushwielder, CEO | $60,000 | $66,000 | $72,000 |
Ochre & Sienna Burnt, Exec. Editors | $52,800 | $60,000 | $66,000 |
John Crimson, CFO | $12,000 | $52,000 | $60,000 |
Exec. Asst. | $18,000 | $22,000 | $24,000 |
Timothy Clark, VP Corp. Dev. | $18,000 | $36,000 | $48,000 |
Subtotal | $160,800 | $236,000 | $270,000 |
Other Personnel | |||
Art Director | $52,800 | $60,000 | $66,000 |
Freelance Artist | $6,000 | $6,000 | $6,000 |
Bookkeeper | $5,400 | $0 | $0 |
Subtotal | $64,200 | $66,000 | $72,000 |
Total People | 10 | 11 | 11 |
Total Payroll | $276,000 | $372,000 | $419,000 |
After initial capitalization growth can be financed largely through internal cash flow provided subscription targets are met. In the event of a sales shortfall, marketing can be cut back temporarily to preserve cash. Or, more likely, additional investment may be sought to re-accelerate productive campaigns if growth demands more funding.
The company created by this plan will generate cash as soon as subscription base reaches critical mass.
The following table illustrates the financial assumptions used as the basis for this plan. The key element is six inventory turns per year. This reflects the issues of the magazine as well as ad revenue. Ad space is treated as an inventory item.
Subscriptions are paid in advance. Only 10% of receivables are collected in 30 days, primarily from wholesale accounts. These are notoriously slow payors, so care must be taken not to let these collections run past 60 days. This will be more significant if book sales become a higher-than-expected percentage of revenue.
General Assumptions | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Plan Month | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Current Interest Rate | 10.00% | 10.00% | 10.00% |
Long-term Interest Rate | 10.00% | 10.00% | 10.00% |
Tax Rate | 30.00% | 30.00% | 30.00% |
Other | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The following chart represents changes in critical profit variables. Note that margins and expenses are consistently controlled and net profit increases nicely. Inventory turns slow down somewhat in the third year due to the burden of higher inventories for increasing book sales.
This break-even analysis is applicable to the early 1997 time frame only. Key fixed costs represent the “burn” rate prior to major acceleration of marketing plans. Thus, if subscriptions didn’t flow in as planned this represents the point at which the company could continue to survive without increasing marketing. In that event, management could “buy” time to raise additional capital.
Break-even Analysis | |
Monthly Units Break-even | 7,584 |
Monthly Revenue Break-even | $92,759 |
Assumptions: | |
Average Per-Unit Revenue | $12.23 |
Average Per-Unit Variable Cost | $2.44 |
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost | $74,223 |
We expect net income to near $1 million in year one and $2.4 million in year three. Net profit margins will improve as subscriptions mature and marketing costs decrease.
Pro Forma Profit and Loss | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Sales | $3,101,771 | $4,787,330 | $6,378,100 |
Direct Cost of Sales | $619,816 | $990,350 | $1,305,000 |
Production Payroll | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Author’s Royalties: 15% | $80,754 | $172,995 | $275,475 |
Total Cost of Sales | $700,570 | $1,163,345 | $1,580,475 |
Gross Margin | $2,401,201 | $3,623,985 | $4,797,625 |
Gross Margin % | 77.41% | 75.70% | 75.22% |
Operating Expenses | |||
Sales and Marketing Expenses | |||
Sales and Marketing Payroll | $51,000 | $70,000 | $77,000 |
Advertising/Promotion | $386,176 | $72,000 | $90,000 |
Travel | $7,500 | $9,000 | $11,000 |
Entertainment & Meals | $2,400 | $3,000 | $3,600 |
Miscellaneous | $12,000 | $15,000 | $18,000 |
Total Sales and Marketing Expenses | $459,076 | $169,000 | $199,600 |
Sales and Marketing % | 14.80% | 3.53% | 3.13% |
General and Administrative Expenses | |||
General and Administrative Payroll | $160,800 | $236,000 | $270,000 |
Marketing/Promotion | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Depreciation | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Leased Equipment | $10,200 | $12,500 | $14,000 |
Telephone | $7,200 | $7,500 | $7,800 |
Postage | $138,200 | $279,000 | $465,000 |
Rent | $30,000 | $30,000 | $36,000 |
Utilities | $9,000 | $10,000 | $10,500 |
Insurance | $12,000 | $12,000 | $14,000 |
Payroll Taxes | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other General and Administrative Expenses | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total General and Administrative Expenses | $367,400 | $587,000 | $817,300 |
General and Administrative % | 11.84% | 12.26% | 12.81% |
Other Expenses: | |||
Other Payroll | $64,200 | $66,000 | $72,000 |
Consultants | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other Expenses | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Other Expenses | $64,200 | $66,000 | $72,000 |
Other % | 2.07% | 1.38% | 1.13% |
Total Operating Expenses | $890,676 | $822,000 | $1,088,900 |
Profit Before Interest and Taxes | $1,510,525 | $2,801,985 | $3,708,725 |
EBITDA | $1,510,525 | $2,801,985 | $3,708,725 |
Interest Expense | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Taxes Incurred | $453,157 | $840,596 | $1,112,618 |
Net Profit | $1,057,368 | $1,961,390 | $2,596,108 |
Net Profit/Sales | 34.09% | 40.97% | 40.70% |
The table below illustrates cash accumulation from the initial assumption of $150K capital infusion. At no point does the company run out of cash. We expect to buy back the initial outside investment in year three.
The chart illustrates the critical cash flow in year one. Note that early contributions on a monthly basis are minimal and only gain momentum in the second half of the year. If shortfalls occur early on more capital may be required.
Pro Forma Cash Flow | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Cash Received | |||
Cash from Operations | |||
Cash Sales | $2,791,594 | $4,308,597 | $5,740,290 |
Cash from Receivables | $242,574 | $441,996 | $603,139 |
Subtotal Cash from Operations | $3,034,168 | $4,750,593 | $6,343,429 |
Additional Cash Received | |||
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Current Borrowing | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Other Liabilities (interest-free) | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Long-term Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Sales of Other Current Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Sales of Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Investment Received | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Subtotal Cash Received | $3,034,168 | $4,750,593 | $6,343,429 |
Expenditures | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Expenditures from Operations | |||
Cash Spending | $276,000 | $372,000 | $419,000 |
Bill Payments | $1,582,258 | $2,577,550 | $3,334,557 |
Subtotal Spent on Operations | $1,858,258 | $2,949,550 | $3,753,557 |
Additional Cash Spent | |||
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Purchase Other Current Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Purchase Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Dividends | $0 | $0 | $1,500,000 |
Subtotal Cash Spent | $1,858,258 | $2,949,550 | $5,253,557 |
Net Cash Flow | $1,175,910 | $1,801,044 | $1,089,872 |
Cash Balance | $1,242,910 | $3,043,954 | $4,133,826 |
We project a strong growth in net worth over the next several years.
Pro Forma Balance Sheet | |||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Assets | |||
Current Assets | |||
Cash | $1,242,910 | $3,043,954 | $4,133,826 |
Accounts Receivable | $67,603 | $104,339 | $139,010 |
Inventory | $89,856 | $143,573 | $189,188 |
Other Current Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Current Assets | $1,400,369 | $3,291,866 | $4,462,024 |
Long-term Assets | |||
Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Accumulated Depreciation | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Assets | $1,400,369 | $3,291,866 | $4,462,024 |
Liabilities and Capital | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Current Liabilities | |||
Accounts Payable | $276,001 | $206,109 | $280,160 |
Current Borrowing | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other Current Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Subtotal Current Liabilities | $276,001 | $206,109 | $280,160 |
Long-term Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Liabilities | $276,001 | $206,109 | $280,160 |
Paid-in Capital | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 |
Retained Earnings | ($83,000) | $974,368 | $1,435,757 |
Earnings | $1,057,368 | $1,961,390 | $2,596,108 |
Total Capital | $1,124,368 | $3,085,757 | $4,181,865 |
Total Liabilities and Capital | $1,400,369 | $3,291,866 | $4,462,024 |
Net Worth | $1,124,367 | $3,085,757 | $4,181,864 |
These business ratios are limited in value since the company projects no debt. This will also be an advantage if debt capital is desired later without dilution to shareholders. Business ratios for the years of this plan are shown below. Industry profile ratios based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 2721, Periodicals, are shown for comparison.
Ratio Analysis | ||||
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Industry Profile | |
Sales Growth | 0.00% | 54.34% | 33.23% | -1.70% |
Percent of Total Assets | ||||
Accounts Receivable | 4.83% | 3.17% | 3.12% | 25.50% |
Inventory | 6.42% | 4.36% | 4.24% | 5.40% |
Other Current Assets | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 54.10% |
Total Current Assets | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 85.00% |
Long-term Assets | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 15.00% |
Total Assets | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% |
Current Liabilities | 19.71% | 6.26% | 6.28% | 42.30% |
Long-term Liabilities | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 12.30% |
Total Liabilities | 19.71% | 6.26% | 6.28% | 54.60% |
Net Worth | 80.29% | 93.74% | 93.72% | 45.40% |
Percent of Sales | ||||
Sales | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% |
Gross Margin | 77.41% | 75.70% | 75.22% | 56.10% |
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses | 43.32% | 34.73% | 34.52% | 39.70% |
Advertising Expenses | 12.45% | 1.50% | 1.41% | 1.90% |
Profit Before Interest and Taxes | 48.70% | 58.53% | 58.15% | 4.20% |
Main Ratios | ||||
Current | 5.07 | 15.97 | 15.93 | 2.16 |
Quick | 4.75 | 15.27 | 15.25 | 1.71 |
Total Debt to Total Assets | 19.71% | 6.26% | 6.28% | 54.60% |
Pre-tax Return on Net Worth | 134.34% | 90.80% | 88.69% | 7.40% |
Pre-tax Return on Assets | 107.87% | 85.12% | 83.12% | 16.20% |
Additional Ratios | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Net Profit Margin | 34.09% | 40.97% | 40.70% | n.a |
Return on Equity | 94.04% | 63.56% | 62.08% | n.a |
Activity Ratios | ||||
Accounts Receivable Turnover | 4.59 | 4.59 | 4.59 | n.a |
Collection Days | 56 | 66 | 70 | n.a |
Inventory Turnover | 10.91 | 8.49 | 7.84 | n.a |
Accounts Payable Turnover | 6.73 | 12.17 | 12.17 | n.a |
Payment Days | 27 | 35 | 26 | n.a |
Total Asset Turnover | 2.21 | 1.45 | 1.43 | n.a |
Debt Ratios | ||||
Debt to Net Worth | 0.25 | 0.07 | 0.07 | n.a |
Current Liab. to Liab. | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | n.a |
Liquidity Ratios | ||||
Net Working Capital | $1,124,367 | $3,085,757 | $4,181,864 | n.a |
Interest Coverage | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | n.a |
Additional Ratios | ||||
Assets to Sales | 0.45 | 0.69 | 0.70 | n.a |
Current Debt/Total Assets | 20% | 6% | 6% | n.a |
Acid Test | 4.50 | 14.77 | 14.76 | n.a |
Sales/Net Worth | 2.76 | 1.55 | 1.53 | n.a |
Dividend Payout | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.58 | n.a |
Sales Forecast | |||||||||||||
Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | ||
Unit Sales | |||||||||||||
Mag Subscript Sales 1 Yr | 0% | 0 | 5,000 | 6,500 | 7,500 | 8,000 | 8,000 | 9,000 | 9,000 | 9,000 | 9,000 | 9,000 | 10,000 |
Mag Subscript Sales 2 Yr | 0% | 0 | 0 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 |
Mag Subscript Whsl | 0% | 2,500 | 3,000 | 3,500 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,500 | 5,000 | 5,500 | 5,000 | 5,000 |
Newsstand Sales Whsl | 0% | 0 | 5,000 | 0 | 7,500 | 0 | 10,000 | 0 | 10,000 | 0 | 12,000 | 0 | 12,000 |
Ad Revenue Pages | 0% | 0 | 15 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 22 | 0 | 22 | 0 | 22 | 0 | 22 |
Book Sales–Direct | 0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1,500 | 0 | 2,000 | 2,500 | 3,500 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 |
Boo Sales–Whsl | 0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1,500 | 2,000 | 0 | 1,500 | 0 | 0 | 2,000 | 0 | 0 |
Booklet Sales–Direct | 0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1,500 | 1,500 | 2,000 | 2,000 | 2,500 | 2,500 | 2,500 |
Booklet Sales–Whsl | 0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total Unit Sales | 2,500 | 13,015 | 11,000 | 23,015 | 15,000 | 26,522 | 19,500 | 30,022 | 21,000 | 36,022 | 21,500 | 34,522 | |
Unit Prices | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | |
Mag Subscript Sales 1 Yr | $16.95 | $16.95 | $16.95 | $16.95 | $16.95 | $16.95 | $16.95 | $16.95 | $16.95 | $16.95 | $16.95 | $16.95 | |
Mag Subscript Sales 2 Yr | $29.95 | $29.95 | $29.95 | $29.95 | $29.95 | $29.95 | $29.95 | $29.95 | $29.95 | $29.95 | $29.95 | $29.95 | |
Mag Subscript Whsl | $8.50 | $8.50 | $8.50 | $8.50 | $8.50 | $8.50 | $8.50 | $8.50 | $8.50 | $8.50 | $8.50 | $8.50 | |
Newsstand Sales Whsl | $0.99 | $0.99 | $0.99 | $0.99 | $0.99 | $0.99 | $0.99 | $0.99 | $0.99 | $0.99 | $0.99 | $0.99 | |
Ad Revenue Pages | $2,182.00 | $2,182.00 | $2,182.00 | $2,182.00 | $2,182.00 | $2,182.00 | $2,182.00 | $2,182.00 | $2,182.00 | $2,182.00 | $2,182.00 | $2,182.00 | |
Book Sales–Direct | $14.95 | $14.95 | $14.95 | $14.95 | $14.95 | $14.95 | $14.95 | $14.95 | $14.95 | $14.95 | $14.95 | $14.95 | |
Boo Sales–Whsl | $5.98 | $5.98 | $5.98 | $5.98 | $5.98 | $5.98 | $5.98 | $5.98 | $5.98 | $5.98 | $5.98 | $5.98 | |
Booklet Sales–Direct | $7.95 | $7.95 | $7.95 | $7.95 | $7.95 | $7.95 | $7.95 | $7.95 | $7.95 | $7.95 | $7.95 | $7.95 | |
Booklet Sales–Whsl | $3.18 | $3.18 | $3.18 | $3.18 | $3.18 | $3.18 | $3.18 | $3.18 | $3.18 | $3.18 | $3.18 | $3.18 | |
Sales | |||||||||||||
Mag Subscript Sales 1 Yr | $0 | $84,750 | $110,175 | $127,125 | $135,600 | $135,600 | $152,550 | $152,550 | $152,550 | $152,550 | $152,550 | $169,500 | |
Mag Subscript Sales 2 Yr | $0 | $0 | $29,950 | $29,950 | $29,950 | $29,950 | $29,950 | $29,950 | $29,950 | $29,950 | $29,950 | $29,950 | |
Mag Subscript Whsl | $21,250 | $25,500 | $29,750 | $34,000 | $34,000 | $34,000 | $34,000 | $38,250 | $42,500 | $46,750 | $42,500 | $42,500 | |
Newsstand Sales Whsl | $0 | $4,950 | $0 | $7,425 | $0 | $9,900 | $0 | $9,900 | $0 | $11,880 | $0 | $11,880 | |
Ad Revenue Pages | $0 | $32,730 | $0 | $32,730 | $0 | $48,004 | $0 | $48,004 | $0 | $48,004 | $0 | $48,004 | |
Book Sales–Direct | $0 | $0 | $0 | $22,425 | $0 | $29,900 | $37,375 | $52,325 | $59,800 | $59,800 | $59,800 | $59,800 | |
Boo Sales–Whsl | $0 | $0 | $0 | $8,970 | $11,960 | $0 | $8,970 | $0 | $0 | $11,960 | $0 | $0 | |
Booklet Sales–Direct | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $11,925 | $11,925 | $15,900 | $15,900 | $19,875 | $19,875 | $19,875 | |
Booklet Sales–Whsl | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Total Sales | $21,250 | $147,930 | $169,875 | $262,625 | $211,510 | $299,279 | $274,770 | $346,879 | $300,700 | $380,769 | $304,675 | $381,509 | |
Direct Unit Costs | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | |
Mag Subscript Sales 1 Yr | 0.00% | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 |
Mag Subscript Sales 2 Yr | 0.00% | $4.80 | $4.80 | $4.80 | $4.80 | $4.80 | $4.80 | $4.80 | $4.80 | $4.80 | $4.80 | $4.80 | $4.80 |
Mag Subscript Whsl | 0.00% | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 | $2.40 |
Newsstand Sales Whsl | 0.00% | $0.40 | $0.40 | $0.40 | $0.40 | $0.40 | $0.40 | $0.40 | $0.40 | $0.40 | $0.40 | $0.40 | $0.40 |
Ad Revenue Pages | 0.00% | $637.00 | $637.00 | $637.00 | $637.00 | $763.00 | $763.00 | $763.00 | $763.00 | $916.00 | $916.00 | $916.00 | $916.00 |
Book Sales–Direct | 0.00% | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 |
Boo Sales–Whsl | 0.00% | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 | $2.99 |
Booklet Sales–Direct | 0.00% | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 |
Booklet Sales–Whsl | 0.00% | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 | $1.59 |
Direct Cost of Sales | |||||||||||||
Mag Subscript Sales 1 Yr | $0 | $12,000 | $15,600 | $18,000 | $19,200 | $19,200 | $21,600 | $21,600 | $21,600 | $21,600 | $21,600 | $24,000 | |
Mag Subscript Sales 2 Yr | $0 | $0 | $4,800 | $4,800 | $4,800 | $4,800 | $4,800 | $4,800 | $4,800 | $4,800 | $4,800 | $4,800 | |
Mag Subscript Whsl | $6,000 | $7,200 | $8,400 | $9,600 | $9,600 | $9,600 | $9,600 | $10,800 | $12,000 | $13,200 | $12,000 | $12,000 | |
Newsstand Sales Whsl | $0 | $2,000 | $0 | $3,000 | $0 | $4,000 | $0 | $4,000 | $0 | $4,800 | $0 | $4,800 | |
Ad Revenue Pages | $0 | $9,555 | $0 | $9,555 | $0 | $16,786 | $0 | $16,786 | $0 | $20,152 | $0 | $20,152 | |
Book Sales–Direct | $0 | $0 | $0 | $4,485 | $0 | $5,980 | $7,475 | $10,465 | $11,960 | $11,960 | $11,960 | $11,960 | |
Boo Sales–Whsl | $0 | $0 | $0 | $4,485 | $5,980 | $0 | $4,485 | $0 | $0 | $5,980 | $0 | $0 | |
Booklet Sales–Direct | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,385 | $2,385 | $3,180 | $3,180 | $3,975 | $3,975 | $3,975 | |
Booklet Sales–Whsl | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales | $6,000 | $30,755 | $28,800 | $53,925 | $39,580 | $62,751 | $50,345 | $71,631 | $53,540 | $86,467 | $54,335 | $81,687 |
Personnel Plan | |||||||||||||
Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | ||
Production Personnel | |||||||||||||
Name or Title or Group | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Name or Title or Group | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Subtotal | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Sales and Marketing Personnel | |||||||||||||
Ad Sales Mgr. | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | |
Subscription Mgr. | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | |
Subtotal | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $5,500 | $5,500 | $5,500 | $5,500 | $5,500 | $5,500 | |
General and Administrative Personnel | |||||||||||||
Red Brushwielder, CEO | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 | $5,000 | |
Ochre & Sienna Burnt, Exec. Editors | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | |
John Crimson, CFO | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | |
Exec. Asst. | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,000 | $2,000 | $2,000 | $2,000 | $2,000 | $2,000 | $2,000 | $2,000 | $2,000 | |
Timothy Clark, VP Corp. Dev. | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 | |
Subtotal | $11,900 | $11,900 | $11,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | |
Other Personnel | |||||||||||||
Art Director | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | $4,400 | |
Freelance Artist | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | |
Bookkeeper | $450 | $450 | $450 | $450 | $450 | $450 | $450 | $450 | $450 | $450 | $450 | $450 | |
Subtotal | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | |
Total People | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | |
Total Payroll | $20,250 | $20,250 | $20,250 | $22,250 | $22,250 | $22,250 | $24,750 | $24,750 | $24,750 | $24,750 | $24,750 | $24,750 |
Pro Forma Profit and Loss | |||||||||||||
Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | ||
Sales | $21,250 | $147,930 | $169,875 | $262,625 | $211,510 | $299,279 | $274,770 | $346,879 | $300,700 | $380,769 | $304,675 | $381,509 | |
Direct Cost of Sales | $6,000 | $30,755 | $28,800 | $53,925 | $39,580 | $62,751 | $50,345 | $71,631 | $53,540 | $86,467 | $54,335 | $81,687 | |
Production Payroll | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Author’s Royalties: 15% | $0 | $0 | $0 | $4,709 | $1,794 | $6,274 | $8,741 | $10,234 | $11,355 | $13,745 | $11,951 | $11,951 | |
Total Cost of Sales | $6,000 | $30,755 | $28,800 | $58,634 | $41,374 | $69,025 | $59,086 | $81,865 | $64,895 | $100,212 | $66,286 | $93,638 | |
Gross Margin | $15,250 | $117,175 | $141,075 | $203,991 | $170,136 | $230,254 | $215,685 | $265,014 | $235,805 | $280,557 | $238,389 | $287,871 | |
Gross Margin % | 71.76% | 79.21% | 83.05% | 77.67% | 80.44% | 76.94% | 78.50% | 76.40% | 78.42% | 73.68% | 78.24% | 75.46% | |
Operating Expenses | |||||||||||||
Sales and Marketing Expenses | |||||||||||||
Sales and Marketing Payroll | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $3,000 | $5,500 | $5,500 | $5,500 | $5,500 | $5,500 | $5,500 | |
Advertising/Promotion | $3,000 | $38,724 | $3,000 | $38,724 | $3,000 | $62,947 | $4,800 | $62,947 | $4,800 | $79,717 | $4,800 | $79,717 | |
Travel | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | $750 | $750 | $750 | $750 | $750 | $750 | |
Entertainment & Meals | $200 | $200 | $200 | $200 | $200 | $200 | $200 | $200 | $200 | $200 | $200 | $200 | |
Miscellaneous | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | |
Total Sales and Marketing Expenses | $7,700 | $43,424 | $7,700 | $43,424 | $7,700 | $67,647 | $12,250 | $70,397 | $12,250 | $87,167 | $12,250 | $87,167 | |
Sales and Marketing % | 36.24% | 29.35% | 4.53% | 16.53% | 3.64% | 22.60% | 4.46% | 20.29% | 4.07% | 22.89% | 4.02% | 22.85% | |
General and Administrative Expenses | |||||||||||||
General and Administrative Payroll | $11,900 | $11,900 | $11,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | $13,900 | |
Marketing/Promotion | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Depreciation | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Leased Equipment | $850 | $850 | $850 | $850 | $850 | $850 | $850 | $850 | $850 | $850 | $850 | $850 | |
Telephone | $600 | $600 | $600 | $600 | $600 | $600 | $600 | $600 | $600 | $600 | $600 | $600 | |
Postage | $300 | $13,950 | $300 | $13,950 | $300 | $23,250 | $300 | $23,250 | $300 | $31,000 | $300 | $31,000 | |
Rent | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | $2,500 | |
Utilities | $750 | $750 | $750 | $750 | $750 | $750 | $750 | $750 | $750 | $750 | $750 | $750 | |
Insurance | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 | |
Payroll Taxes | 20% | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other General and Administrative Expenses | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Total General and Administrative Expenses | $17,900 | $31,550 | $17,900 | $33,550 | $19,900 | $42,850 | $19,900 | $42,850 | $19,900 | $50,600 | $19,900 | $50,600 | |
General and Administrative % | 84.24% | 21.33% | 10.54% | 12.77% | 9.41% | 14.32% | 7.24% | 12.35% | 6.62% | 13.29% | 6.53% | 13.26% | |
Other Expenses: | |||||||||||||
Other Payroll | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | |
Consultants | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Other Expenses | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Total Other Expenses | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | $5,350 | |
Other % | 25.18% | 3.62% | 3.15% | 2.04% | 2.53% | 1.79% | 1.95% | 1.54% | 1.78% | 1.41% | 1.76% | 1.40% | |
Total Operating Expenses | $30,950 | $80,324 | $30,950 | $82,324 | $32,950 | $115,847 | $37,500 | $118,597 | $37,500 | $143,117 | $37,500 | $143,117 | |
Profit Before Interest and Taxes | ($15,700) | $36,851 | $110,125 | $121,667 | $137,186 | $114,407 | $178,185 | $146,417 | $198,305 | $137,440 | $200,889 | $144,754 | |
EBITDA | ($15,700) | $36,851 | $110,125 | $121,667 | $137,186 | $114,407 | $178,185 | $146,417 | $198,305 | $137,440 | $200,889 | $144,754 | |
Interest Expense | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Taxes Incurred | ($4,710) | $11,055 | $33,038 | $36,500 | $41,156 | $34,322 | $53,455 | $43,925 | $59,492 | $41,232 | $60,267 | $43,426 | |
Net Profit | ($10,990) | $25,796 | $77,088 | $85,167 | $96,030 | $80,085 | $124,729 | $102,492 | $138,814 | $96,208 | $140,622 | $101,328 | |
Net Profit/Sales | -51.72% | 17.44% | 45.38% | 32.43% | 45.40% | 26.76% | 45.39% | 29.55% | 46.16% | 25.27% | 46.15% | 26.56% |
Pro Forma Cash Flow | |||||||||||||
Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | ||
Cash Received | |||||||||||||
Cash from Operations | |||||||||||||
Cash Sales | $19,125 | $133,137 | $152,888 | $236,363 | $190,359 | $269,351 | $247,293 | $312,191 | $270,630 | $342,692 | $274,208 | $343,358 | |
Cash from Receivables | $0 | $71 | $2,547 | $14,866 | $17,297 | $26,092 | $21,444 | $29,846 | $27,717 | $34,534 | $30,337 | $37,823 | |
Subtotal Cash from Operations | $19,125 | $133,208 | $155,435 | $251,229 | $207,656 | $295,443 | $268,737 | $342,037 | $298,347 | $377,226 | $304,544 | $381,181 | |
Additional Cash Received | |||||||||||||
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received | 0.00% | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Current Borrowing | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
New Other Liabilities (interest-free) | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
New Long-term Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Sales of Other Current Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Sales of Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
New Investment Received | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Subtotal Cash Received | $19,125 | $133,208 | $155,435 | $251,229 | $207,656 | $295,443 | $268,737 | $342,037 | $298,347 | $377,226 | $304,544 | $381,181 | |
Expenditures | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | |
Expenditures from Operations | |||||||||||||
Cash Spending | $20,250 | $20,250 | $20,250 | $22,250 | $22,250 | $22,250 | $24,750 | $24,750 | $24,750 | $24,750 | $24,750 | $24,750 | |
Bill Payments | $620 | $22,274 | $127,157 | $74,136 | $179,333 | $82,283 | $218,739 | $116,024 | $238,858 | $123,196 | $289,628 | $110,010 | |
Subtotal Spent on Operations | $20,870 | $42,524 | $147,407 | $96,386 | $201,583 | $104,533 | $243,489 | $140,774 | $263,608 | $147,946 | $314,378 | $134,760 | |
Additional Cash Spent | |||||||||||||
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Purchase Other Current Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Purchase Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Dividends | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Subtotal Cash Spent | $20,870 | $42,524 | $147,407 | $96,386 | $201,583 | $104,533 | $243,489 | $140,774 | $263,608 | $147,946 | $314,378 | $134,760 | |
Net Cash Flow | ($1,745) | $90,684 | $8,028 | $154,843 | $6,073 | $190,910 | $25,247 | $201,263 | $34,740 | $229,280 | ($9,834) | $246,422 | |
Cash Balance | $65,255 | $155,939 | $163,967 | $318,810 | $324,883 | $515,793 | $541,040 | $742,303 | $777,043 | $1,006,323 | $996,489 | $1,242,910 |
Pro Forma Balance Sheet | |||||||||||||
Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | ||
Assets | Starting Balances | ||||||||||||
Current Assets | |||||||||||||
Cash | $67,000 | $65,255 | $155,939 | $163,967 | $318,810 | $324,883 | $515,793 | $541,040 | $742,303 | $777,043 | $1,006,323 | $996,489 | $1,242,910 |
Accounts Receivable | $0 | $2,125 | $16,847 | $31,287 | $42,684 | $46,538 | $50,374 | $56,407 | $61,249 | $63,602 | $67,145 | $67,275 | $67,603 |
Inventory | $0 | $6,600 | $33,831 | $31,680 | $59,318 | $43,538 | $69,026 | $55,380 | $78,794 | $58,894 | $95,114 | $59,769 | $89,856 |
Other Current Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Current Assets | $67,000 | $73,980 | $206,617 | $226,934 | $420,811 | $414,959 | $635,193 | $652,827 | $882,346 | $899,538 | $1,168,581 | $1,123,532 | $1,400,369 |
Long-term Assets | |||||||||||||
Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Accumulated Depreciation | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Assets | $67,000 | $73,980 | $206,617 | $226,934 | $420,811 | $414,959 | $635,193 | $652,827 | $882,346 | $899,538 | $1,168,581 | $1,123,532 | $1,400,369 |
Liabilities and Capital | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | Month 6 | Month 7 | Month 8 | Month 9 | Month 10 | Month 11 | Month 12 | |
Current Liabilities | |||||||||||||
Accounts Payable | $0 | $17,970 | $124,811 | $68,041 | $176,751 | $74,869 | $215,018 | $107,923 | $234,950 | $113,329 | $286,163 | $100,492 | $276,001 |
Current Borrowing | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other Current Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Subtotal Current Liabilities | $0 | $17,970 | $124,811 | $68,041 | $176,751 | $74,869 | $215,018 | $107,923 | $234,950 | $113,329 | $286,163 | $100,492 | $276,001 |
Long-term Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Liabilities | $0 | $17,970 | $124,811 | $68,041 | $176,751 | $74,869 | $215,018 | $107,923 | $234,950 | $113,329 | $286,163 | $100,492 | $276,001 |
Paid-in Capital | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $150,000 |
Retained Earnings | ($83,000) | ($83,000) | ($83,000) | ($83,000) | ($83,000) | ($83,000) | ($83,000) | ($83,000) | ($83,000) | ($83,000) | ($83,000) | ($83,000) | ($83,000) |
Earnings | $0 | ($10,990) | $14,806 | $91,893 | $177,060 | $273,090 | $353,175 | $477,904 | $580,396 | $719,210 | $815,418 | $956,040 | $1,057,368 |
Total Capital | $67,000 | $56,010 | $81,806 | $158,893 | $244,060 | $340,090 | $420,175 | $544,904 | $647,396 | $786,210 | $882,418 | $1,023,040 | $1,124,368 |
Total Liabilities and Capital | $67,000 | $73,980 | $206,617 | $226,934 | $420,811 | $414,959 | $635,193 | $652,827 | $882,346 | $899,538 | $1,168,581 | $1,123,532 | $1,400,369 |
Net Worth | $67,000 | $56,010 | $81,806 | $158,893 | $244,060 | $340,090 | $420,175 | $544,904 | $647,396 | $786,210 | $882,418 | $1,023,040 | $1,124,367 |
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If you want to start a Magazine business or expand your current Magazine business, you need a business plan.
The following Magazine business plan template gives you the key elements to include in a winning Magazine business plan.
You can download our business plan template (including a full, customizable financial model) to your computer here.
Below are links to each of the key sections of your Magazine business plan: I. Executive Summary II. Company Overview III. Industry Analysis IV. Customer Analysis V. Competitive Analysis VI. Marketing Plan VII. Operations Plan VIII. Management Team IX. Financial Plan
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Published May.08, 2018
Updated Apr.23, 2024
By: Jakub Babkins
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Do you want to start a magazine publishing business? Although this business requires a lot of initial capital, the rate of return which it yields on investment is extremely high. Magazine companies generate incomes from various sources such as from the advertisements which are featured in them, from the people who sign in online, and of course, from their sales in newsstands. But starting a magazine isn’t an easy job and you will have to effectively plan everything. In the United States, 9 out of 10 magazine businesses fail due to poor planning. That’s why before you consider how to start your own magazine , you will have to prepare a comprehensive business plan. If you are wondering how to write one, here we are providing you the business plan of a magazine publishing business startup named ‘The Reader Monthly’.
2.1 the business.
The Reader Monthly will be a lifestyle magazine owned by Martha Martin, a passionate writer. The company’s main office will be located in Dallas.
The success of a startup heavily depends on its staff and management that’s why Martha planned it before considering how to start a magazine business on your own . The main management of the company will comprise of sales executives, graphic artists, and journalists. The staff will be hired one month before the launch of startup and will be trained by Martha.
We will target the young adults, adults and senior citizens of the United States. Our readers can read our magazine either in printed form or in digital form on any device.
Our business targets, as outlined by our publishing company business plan , are as follows:
3.1 company owner.
The Reader Monthly will be owned by Martha Martin, a passionate writer. Martha has been associated with some of the biggest international magazines including TIME and PEOPLE for more than 13 years.
The business is being started due to two reasons. The first one is to make profits in this industry. The second one is Martha’s passion for writing and her desire to add something better to the society. Martha herself described the reason for starting her venture in the book launch ceremony of her latest book The Dying Angel as, “ starting my own magazine is something I am born for.”
The company will be started in an abandoned press office in Dallas which ceased to function a few months before. The company will initially procure following things for the startup.
The financial experts have forecasted following costs for the startup:
The detailed startup requirements are given below:
Legal | $55,300 | |
Consultants | $0 | |
Insurance | $32,750 | |
Rent | $32,500 | |
Research and Development | $32,750 | |
Expensed Equipment | $32,750 | |
Signs | $1,250 | |
Start-up Assets | $220,875 | |
Cash Required | $332,500 | |
Start-up Inventory | $32,625 | |
Other Current Assets | $232,500 | |
Long-term Assets | $235,000 | |
TOTAL ASSETS | $121,875 | |
Total Requirements | $245,000 | |
START-UP FUNDING | $273,125 | |
Start-up Expenses to Fund | $151,875 | |
Start-up Assets to Fund | $123,000 | |
Assets | $23,125 | |
Non-cash Assets from Start-up | $18,750 | |
Cash Requirements from Start-up | $0 | |
Additional Cash Raised | $18,750 | |
Cash Balance on Starting Date | $21,875 | |
TOTAL ASSETS | $373,125 | |
Liabilities and Capital | $0 | |
Liabilities | $0 | |
Current Borrowing | $0 | |
Long-term Liabilities | $0 | |
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) | $0 | |
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) | $0 | |
Capital | $620,125 | |
Planned Investment | $620,125 | |
Investor 1 | $0 | |
Investor 2 | $0 | |
Other | $0 | |
Additional Investment Requirement | $0 | |
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) | $313,125 | |
TOTAL CAPITAL | $251,875 | |
Total Funding | $255,000 |
Before you start a publishing business or even think about how to start a publishing business , you must decide what type of magazine will you be publishing and which niches will it cover. You must also plan what other services for business will you offer, for instance, sending magazines to subscribers by mail. The Reader Monthly will be a lifestyle magazine but it will also contain a few sections featuring health, entertainment, and technology. We will offer following services to our customers/readers:
The most important component of successful magazines business plan is its accurate marketing analysis that’s why Martha acquired the services of marketing experts to help her through this phase. It is only after this stage that a good magazine business plan could have been developed. If you are starting a magazine on a smaller scale, say an online magazine, you can just take help from this magazine business plan sample or the other magazine business plans available online. Marketing analysis is an extremely important component of all publishing business plans , therefore, it must be considered before starting a magazine business plan .
The American magazine industry contributes $28 billion in revenue every year and the magazine advertising are alone responsible for generating more than $15.2 billion. There are more than 21,000 publishing businesses in the United States that employ more than 117,000 people across the country. However, the magazine industry declined rapidly with the increasing popularity of the internet and the smartphones which completely eliminated the need for printed magazines. The industry nowadays is truly struggling for surviving in America as well as in other countries. A 2012 survey revealed that only 3 percent of Americans read magazines on a regular basis. Statistics has it that in 1985, there were more than 1,676 dailies in America but in 2011, the number dropped to below 1,400 and is still dropping. While the popularity of printed magazines keeps falling, people are paying more attention to electronic magazines which can be read on any device like laptops, mobile phones, kindles. You also need to create a magazine in a mobile application that will allow users to quickly learn about the release of new materials, but for this, you will have to write a business plan for mobile applications . After identifying these trends, it is clearly evident that it is not easy for a startup to survive in the magazine industry unless it is properly planned and adds value to its readers.
It is very important to analyze the market segmentation of the readers which will be buying your magazine because a successful and efficient magazine marketing plan can only be developed after we completely know our potential customers. Our experts have identified the following type of audience which we will be targeting:
The detailed marketing segmentation of our target audience is as follows:
Our first target group will be the young adults in the United States who are between 18 to 25 years of age. This group mostly comprises of college or university students who like to read magazines in their free time. According to a recent survey by Statista, young adults read more magazines than any other age group in the United States that’s why this group will have the biggest contribution in our revenue from the magazine’s sales.
Our second target group comprises of adults from 25 to 60 years of age. These people lead a busy life due to their employment and other engagements that’s why they don’t read as many magazines as the young adults or the senior citizens.
Our third group comprises of senior citizens aged above 60. These people are usually retired and have a lot of spare time that’s why they also read magazines. The detailed market analysis of our potential customers is given in the following table:
Potential Customers | Growth | ||||||
Senior Citizens | 35% | 11,433 | 13,344 | 16,553 | 18,745 | 20,545 | 13.43% |
Young Adults | 45% | 22,334 | 32,344 | 43,665 | 52,544 | 66,432 | 10.00% |
Adults | 20% | 12,867 | 14,433 | 15,999 | 17,565 | 19,131 | 15.32% |
Total | 100% | 46,634 | 60,121 | 76,217 | 88,854 | 106,108 | 9.54% |
We aim to see ourselves among the top ten lifestyle magazines of the United States within next six years of our launch. Our main business targets to be achieved as milestones over the course of next three years are as follows:
Our pricing strategy is as follows:
We have strategically priced our e-magazines in extremely cheaper range due to two reasons. Most of the people prefer electronic magazines to print magazines, and it is costlier to send print magazines to the readers as compared to providing them the digital ones.
Sales strategy is also an important component of an effective magazine business plan so make sure to plan it before you consider how to start a magazine business .
We have a really tough competition because we will be competing with magazines some of which have been around for decades. Our biggest competitors are US Weekly, The New Yorker, Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Vanity Fair, Harper’s BAZAAR and GQ. Our competitive advantage will be our lower prices combined with quality content which will be no less than that of the top magazines.
After carrying out a detailed analysis, our experts came up with the following brilliant ideas to advertise and sell ourselves.
Our forecasted sales on a yearly basis are summarized in the following column charts:
The detailed information about sales forecast is given in the following table:
Unit Sales | |||
Advertisements | 1,887,030 | 2,680,320 | 2,588,240 |
Magazine Retail Sales | 802,370 | 815,430 | 823,540 |
Magazine Online Subscription | 539,320 | 770230 | 1,002,310 |
Magazine Subscription | 265,450 | 322,390 | 393,320 |
Unit Prices | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Advertisements | $140.00 | $150.00 | $160.00 |
Magazine Retail Sales | $0.65 | $0.70 | $0.75 |
Magazine Online Subscription | $1.49 | $1.79 | $1.99 |
Magazine Subscription | $7.00 | $7.50 | $8.00 |
Sales | |||
Advertisements | $2,149,800 | $2,784,000 | $3,383,200 |
Magazine Retail Sales | $120,050 | $194,500 | $268,500 |
Magazine Online Subscription | $50,110 | $71,600 | $93,000 |
Magazine Subscription | $139,350 | $194,600 | $249,850 |
Direct Unit Costs | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Advertisements | $0.70 | $0.80 | $0.90 |
Magazine Retail Sales | $0.40 | $0.45 | $0.50 |
Magazine Online Subscription | $0.30 | $0.35 | $0.40 |
Magazine Subscription | $3.00 | $3.50 | $4.00 |
Direct Cost of Sales | |||
Advertisements | $989,300 | $1,839,000 | $2,679,700 |
Magazine Retail Sales | $66,600 | $119,900 | $173,200 |
Magazine Online Subscription | $17,900 | $35,000 | $52,100 |
Magazine Subscription | $19,400 | $67,600 | $115,800 |
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales | $1,294,100 | $1,699,400 | $2,104,700 |
Personnel plan, like all other plans, is an important component of an effective business plan so it must be planned before you think about how to start my own magazine .
Martha will act as the Chief Editor of the magazine and will initially hire following people:
Accountant | $85,000 | $95,000 | $105,000 |
Sales Executives | $45,000 | $50,000 | $55,000 |
Graphic Artists | $410,000 | $440,000 | $480,000 |
Journalists | $340,000 | $387,000 | $434,000 |
Technical Assistants | $208,000 | $225,000 | $322,000 |
Print Press Workers | $680,000 | $720,000 | $760,000 |
Distributors | $560,000 | $600,000 | $640,000 |
Total Salaries | $750,000 | $827,000 | $914,000 |
As the last step for preparing a magazine publishing business plan , you have to prepare a detailed financial plan. The financial plan should craft a detailed map of all the expenses needed for the startup and how these expenses will be met by the earned profits. It is recommended that you hire a financial expert for guiding you through all financial aspects needed for starting a magazine business .
Plan Month | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Current Interest Rate | 10.00% | 11.00% | 12.00% |
Long-term Interest Rate | 10.00% | 10.00% | 10.00% |
Tax Rate | 26.42% | 27.76% | 28.12% |
Other | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Monthly Units Break-even | 5530 |
Monthly Revenue Break-even | $159,740 |
Assumptions: | |
Average Per-Unit Revenue | $260.87 |
Average Per-Unit Variable Cost | $0.89 |
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost | $196,410 |
Sales | $309,069 | $385,934 | $462,799 |
Direct Cost of Sales | $15,100 | $19,153 | $23,206 |
Other | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Gross Margin | $293,969 | $366,781 | $439,593 |
Gross Margin % | 94.98% | 94.72% | 94.46% |
Expenses | |||
Payroll | $138,036 | $162,898 | $187,760 |
Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses | $1,850 | $2,000 | $2,150 |
Depreciation | $2,070 | $2,070 | $2,070 |
Leased Equipment | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Utilities | $4,000 | $4,250 | $4,500 |
Insurance | $1,800 | $1,800 | $1,800 |
Rent | $6,500 | $7,000 | $7,500 |
Payroll Taxes | $34,510 | $40,726 | $46,942 |
Other | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Operating Expenses | $188,766 | $220,744 | $252,722 |
Profit Before Interest and Taxes | $105,205 | $146,040 | $186,875 |
EBITDA | $107,275 | $148,110 | $188,945 |
Interest Expense | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Taxes Incurred | $26,838 | $37,315 | $47,792 |
Net Profit | $78,367 | $108,725 | $139,083 |
Net Profit/Sales | 30.00% | 39.32% | 48.64% |
Cash Received | |||
Cash from Operations | |||
Cash Sales | $40,124 | $45,046 | $50,068 |
Cash from Receivables | $7,023 | $8,610 | $9,297 |
Additional Cash Received | |||
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Current Borrowing | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Other Liabilities (interest-free) | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Long-term Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Sales of Other Current Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Sales of Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
New Investment Received | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Expenditures | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Expenditures from Operations | |||
Cash Spending | $21,647 | $24,204 | $26,951 |
Bill Payments | $13,539 | $15,385 | $170,631 |
Additional Cash Spent | |||
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Purchase Other Current Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Purchase Long-term Assets | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Dividends | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Net Cash Flow | $11,551 | $13,167 | $15,683 |
Cash Balance | $21,823 | $22,381 | $28,239 |
Assets | |||
Current Assets | |||
Cash | $184,666 | $218,525 | $252,384 |
Accounts Receivable | $12,613 | $14,493 | $16,373 |
Inventory | $2,980 | $3,450 | $3,920 |
Other Current Assets | $1,000 | $1,000 | $1,000 |
Long-term Assets | |||
Long-term Assets | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 |
Accumulated Depreciation | $12,420 | $14,490 | $16,560 |
Liabilities and Capital | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Current Liabilities | |||
Accounts Payable | $9,482 | $10,792 | $12,102 |
Current Borrowing | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other Current Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Long-term Liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Paid-in Capital | $30,000 | $30,000 | $30,000 |
Retained Earnings | $48,651 | $72,636 | $96,621 |
Earnings | $100,709 | $119,555 | $138,401 |
Net Worth | $182,060 | $226,240 | $270,420 |
Sales Growth | 4.35% | 30.82% | 63.29% | 4.00% |
Percent of Total Assets | ||||
Accounts Receivable | 5.61% | 4.71% | 3.81% | 9.70% |
Inventory | 1.85% | 1.82% | 1.79% | 9.80% |
Other Current Assets | 1.75% | 2.02% | 2.29% | 27.40% |
Total Current Assets | 138.53% | 150.99% | 163.45% | 54.60% |
Long-term Assets | -9.47% | -21.01% | -32.55% | 58.40% |
Current Liabilities | 4.68% | 3.04% | 2.76% | 27.30% |
Long-term Liabilities | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | 25.80% |
Total Liabilities | 4.68% | 3.04% | 2.76% | 54.10% |
NET WORTH | ||||
Percent of Sales | ||||
Sales | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% | 100.00% |
Gross Margin | 94.18% | 93.85% | 93.52% | 0.00% |
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses | 74.29% | 71.83% | 69.37% | 65.20% |
Advertising Expenses | 2.06% | 1.11% | 0.28% | 1.40% |
Profit Before Interest and Taxes | 26.47% | 29.30% | 32.13% | 2.86% |
Main Ratios | ||||
Current | 25.86 | 29.39 | 32.92 | 1.63 |
Quick | 25.4 | 28.88 | 32.36 | 0.84 |
Total Debt to Total Assets | 2.68% | 1.04% | 0.76% | 67.10% |
Pre-tax Return on Net Worth | 66.83% | 71.26% | 75.69% | 4.40% |
Pre-tax Return on Assets | 64.88% | 69.75% | 74.62% | 9.00% |
Additional Ratios | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | |
Net Profit Margin | 19.20% | 21.16% | 23.12% | N.A. |
Return on Equity | 47.79% | 50.53% | 53.27% | N.A. |
Activity Ratios | ||||
Accounts Receivable Turnover | 4.56 | 4.56 | 4.56 | N.A. |
Collection Days | 92 | 99 | 106 | N.A. |
Inventory Turnover | 19.7 | 22.55 | 25.4 | N.A. |
Accounts Payable Turnover | 14.17 | 14.67 | 15.17 | N.A. |
Payment Days | 27 | 27 | 27 | N.A. |
Total Asset Turnover | 1.84 | 1.55 | 1.26 | N.A. |
Debt Ratios | ||||
Debt to Net Worth | 0 | -0.02 | -0.04 | N.A. |
Current Liab. to Liab. | 1 | 1 | 1 | N.A. |
Liquidity Ratios | ||||
Net Working Capital | $120,943 | $140,664 | $160,385 | N.A. |
Interest Coverage | 0 | 0 | 0 | N.A. |
Additional Ratios | ||||
Assets to Sales | 0.45 | 0.48 | 0.51 | N.A. |
Current Debt/Total Assets | 4% | 3% | 2% | N.A. |
Acid Test | 23.66 | 27.01 | 30.36 | N.A. |
Sales/Net Worth | 1.68 | =”13%”>1.29 | 0.9 | N.A. |
Dividend Payout | 0 | 0 | 0 | N.A. |
Download Magazine Publishing Business Plan Sample in pdf
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Thinking of starting a business here's the best step-by-step template for writing the perfect business plan when creating your startup..
Maybe you think you don't need a step-by-step guide to writing a great business plan . Maybe you think you don't need a template for writing a business plan. After all, some entrepreneurs succeed without writing a business plan. With great timing, solid business skills, entrepreneurial drive, and a little luck , some founders build thriving businesses without creating even an informal business plan .
But the odds are greater that those entrepreneurs will fail.
Does a business plan make startup success inevitable? Absolutely not. But great planning often means the difference between success and failure. Where your entrepreneurial dreams are concerned, you should do everything possible to set the stage for success.
And that's why a great business plan is one that helps you succeed .
The following is a comprehensive guide to creating a great business plan. We'll start with an overview of key concepts. Then we'll look at each section of a typical business plan:
Overview and objectives, products and services, market opportunities, sales and marketing.
Financial analysis.
So first let's gain a little perspective on why you need a business plan.
Many business plans are fantasies. That's because many aspiring entrepreneurs see a business plan as simply a tool--filled with strategies and projections and hyperbole--that will convince lenders or investors the business makes sense.
That's a huge mistake.
First and foremost, your business plan should convince you that your idea makes sense--because your time, your money, and your effort are on the line.
So a solid business plan should be a blueprint for a successful business . It should flesh out strategic plans, develop marketing and sales plans, create the foundation for smooth operations, and maybe--just maybe--persuade a lender or investor to jump on board.
For many entrepreneurs, developing a business plan is the first step in the process of deciding whether to actually start a business. Determining if an idea fails on paper can help a prospective founder avoid wasting time and money on a business with no realistic hope of success.
So, at a minimum, your plan should:
A good business plan delves into each of the above categories, but it should also accomplish other objectives. Most of all, a good business plan is convincing . It proves a case. It provides concrete, factual evidence showing your idea for a business is in fact sound and reasonable and has every chance of success.
Who must your business plan convince?
First and foremost, your business plan should convince you that your idea for a business is not just a dream but can be a viable reality. Entrepreneurs are by nature confident, positive, can-do people. After you objectively evaluate your capital needs, products or services, competition, marketing plans, and potential to make a profit, you'll have a much better grasp on your chances for success.
And if you're not convinced, fine: Take a step back and refine your ideas and your plans.
Who can your business plan convince?
1. Potential sources of financing. If you need seed money from a bank or friends and relatives, your business plan can help you make a great case. Financial statements can show where you have been. Financial projections describe where you plan to go.
Your business plan shows how you will get there. Lending naturally involves risk, and a great business plan can help lenders understand and quantity that risk, increasing your chances for approval.
2. Potential partners and investors. Where friends and family are concerned, sharing your business plan may not be necessary (although it certainly could help).
Other investors--including angel investors or venture capitalists--generally require a business plan in order to evaluate your business.
3. Skilled employees . When you need to attract talent, you need something to show prospective employees since you're still in the startup phase. Early on, your business is more of an idea than a reality, so your business plan can help prospective employees understand your goals--and, more important, their place in helping you achieve those goals.
4. Potential joint ventures. Joint ventures are like partnerships between two companies. A joint venture is a formal agreement to share the work--and share the revenue and profit. As a new company, you will likely be an unknown quantity in your market. Setting up a joint venture with an established partner could make all the difference in getting your business off the ground.
But above all, your business plan should convince you that it makes sense to move forward.
As you map out your plan, you may discover issues or challenges you had not anticipated.
Maybe the market isn't as large as you thought. Maybe, after evaluating the competition, you realize your plan to be the low-cost provider isn't feasible since the profit margins will be too low to cover your costs.
Or you might realize the fundamental idea for your business is sound, but how you implement that idea should change. Maybe establishing a storefront for your operation isn't as cost-effective as taking your products directly to customers--not only will your operating costs be lower, but you can charge a premium since you provide additional customer convenience.
Think of it this way. Successful businesses do not remain static. They learn from mistakes, and adapt and react to changes: changes in the economy, the marketplace, their customers, their products and services, etc. Successful businesses identify opportunities and challenges and react accordingly.
Creating a business plan lets you spot opportunities and challenges without risk. Use your plan to dip your toe in the business water. It's the perfect way to review and revise your ideas and concepts before you ever spend a penny.
Many people see writing a business plan as a "necessary evil" required to attract financing or investors. Instead, see your plan as a no-cost way to explore the viability of your potential business and avoid costly mistakes.
Now let's look at the first section of your business plan: The Executive Summary.
The Executive Summary is a brief outline of the company's purpose and goals. While it can be tough to fit on one or two pages, a good Summary includes:
I know that seems like a lot, and that's why it's so important you get it right. The Executive Summary is often the make-or-break section of your business plan.
A great business solves customer problems. If your Summary cannot clearly describe, in one or two pages, how your business will solve a particular problem and make a profit, then it's very possible the opportunity does not exist--or your plan to take advantage of a genuine opportunity is not well developed.
So think of it as a snapshot of your business plan. Don't try to "hype" your business--focus on helping a busy reader get a great feel for what you plan to do, how you plan to do it, and how you will succeed.
Since a business plan should above all help you start and grow your business, your Executive Summary should first and foremost help you do the following.
1. Refine and tighten your concept.
Think of it as a written elevator pitch (with more detail, of course). Your Summary describes the highlights of your plan, includes only the most critical points, and leaves out less important issues and factors.
As you develop your Summary, you will naturally focus on the issues that contribute most to potential success. If your concept is too fuzzy, too broad, or too complicated, go back and start again. Most great businesses can be described in several sentences, not several pages.
2. Determine your priorities.
Your business plan walks the reader through your plan. What ranks high in terms of importance? Product development? Research? Acquiring the right location? Creating strategic partnerships?
Your Summary can serve as a guide to writing the rest of your plan.
3. Make the rest of the process easy.
Once your Summary is complete, you can use it as an outline for the rest of your plan. Simply flesh out the highlights with more detail.
Then work to accomplish your secondary objective by focusing on your readers. Even though you may be creating a business plan solely for your own purposes, at some point you may decide to seek financing or to bring on other investors, so make sure your Summary meets their needs as well. Work hard to set the stage for the rest of the plan. Let your excitement for your idea and your business shine through.
In short, make readers want to turn the page and keep reading. Just make sure your sizzle meets your steak by providing clear, factual descriptions.
How? The following is how an Executive Summary for a bicycle rental store might read.
Blue Mountain Cycle Rentals will offer road and mountain bike rentals in a strategic location directly adjacent to an entrance to the George Washington National Forest. Our primary strategy is to develop Blue Mountain Cycle Rentals as the most convenient and cost-effective rental alternative for the thousands of visitors who flock to the area each year.
Once underway, we will expand our scope and take advantage of high-margin new equipment sales and leverage our existing labor force to sell and service those products. Within three years we intend to create the area's premier destination for cycling enthusiasts.
Company and Management
Blue Mountain Cycle Rentals will be located at 321 Mountain Drive, a location providing extremely high visibility as well as direct entry and exit from a primary national park access road. The owner of the company, Marty Cycle, has over 20 years experience in the bicycle business, having served as a product manager for Acme Cycles as well as the general manager of Epic Cycling.
Because of his extensive industry contacts, initial equipment inventory will be purchased at significant discounts from OEM suppliers as well by sourcing excess inventory from shops around the country.
Because of the somewhat seasonal nature of the business, part-time employees will be hired to handle spikes in demand. Those employees will be attracted through competitive wages as well as discounts products and services.
460,000 people visited the George Washington National Forest during the last 12 months. While the outdoor tourism industry as a whole is flat, the park expects its number of visitors to grow over the next few years.
The market potential inherent in those visitors is substantial. According to third-party research data, approximately 30 percent of all cyclists would rather rent than transport their own bicycles, especially those who are visiting the area for reasons other than cycling.
Competitive Advantages
The cycling shops located in Harrisonburg, VA, are direct and established competitors. Our two primary competitive advantages will be location and lower costs.
Our location is also a key disadvantage where non-park rentals are concerned. We will overcome that issue by establishing a satellite location in Harrisonburg for enthusiasts who wish to rent bicycles to use in town or on other local trails.
We will also use online tools to better engage customers, allowing them to reserve and pay online as well as create individual profiles regarding sizes, preferences, and special needs.
Financial Projections
Blue Mountain Cycle Rentals expects to earn a modest profit by year two based on projected sales. Our projections are based on the following key assumptions:
We project first-year revenue of $720,000 and a 10 percent growth rate for the next two years. Direct cost of sales is projected to average 60 percent of gross sales, including 50 percent for the purchase of equipment and 10 percent for the purchase of ancillary items. Net income is projected to reach $105,000 in year three as sales increase and operations become more efficient.
And so on ...
Keep in mind this is just a made-up example of how your Summary might read. Also keep in mind this example focused on the rental business, so a description of products was not included. (They'll show up later.) If your business will manufacture or sell products, or provide a variety of services, then be sure to include a Products and Services section in your Summary. (In this case the products and services are obvious, so including a specific section would be redundant.)
Bottom line: Provide some sizzle in your Executive Summary, but make sure you show a reasonable look at the steak, too.
Providing an overview of your business can be tricky, especially when you're still in the planning stages. If you already own an existing business, summarizing your current operation should be relatively easy; it can be a lot harder to explain what you plan to become .
So start by taking a step back.
Think about what products and services you will provide, how you will provide those items, what you need to have in order to provide those items, exactly who will provide those items, and most important, whom you will provide those items to.
Consider our bicycle rental business example. It's serves retail customers. It has an online component, but the core of the business is based on face-to-face transactions for bike rentals and support.
So you'll need a physical location, bikes, racks and tools and supporting equipment, and other brick-and-mortar related items. You'll need employees with a very particular set of skills to serve those customers, and you'll need an operating plan to guide your everyday activities.
Sound like a lot? It boils down to:
In our example, defining the above is fairly simple. You know what you will provide to meet your customer's needs. You will of course need a certain quantity of bikes to service demand, but you will not need a number of different types of bikes. You need a retail location, furnished to meet the demands of your business. You need semi-skilled employees capable of sizing, customizing, and repairing bikes.
And you know your customers: cycling enthusiasts.
In other businesses and industries, answering the above questions can be more difficult. If you open a restaurant, what you plan to serve will in some ways determine your labor needs, the location you choose, the equipment you need to purchase. And, most important, it will help define your customer. Changing any one element may change other elements; if you cannot afford to purchase expensive kitchen equipment, you may need to adapt your menu accordingly. If you hope to attract an upscale clientele, you may need to invest more in purchasing a prime location and creating an appealing ambience.
So where do you start? Focus on the basics first:
If you are still stuck, try answering these questions. Some may pertain to you; others may not.
Once you work through this list you will probably end up with a lot more detail than is necessary for your business plan. That is not a problem: Start summarizing the main points. For example, your Business Overview and Objectives section could start something like this:
History and Vision
Blue Mountain Cycle Rentals is a new retail venture that will be located at 321 Mountain Drive, directly adjacent to an extremely popular cycling destination. Our initial goal is to become the premier provider for bicycle rentals. We will then leverage our customer base and position in the market to offer new equipment sales as well as comprehensive maintenance and service, custom equipment fittings, and expert trail advice.
Keys to Success
You could certainly include more detail in each section; this is simply a quick guide. And if you plan to develop a product or service, you should thoroughly describe the development process as well as the end result.
The key is to describe what you will do for your customers--if you can't, you won't have any customers.
In the Products and Services section of your business plan, you will clearly describe--yep--the products and services your business will provide.
Keep in mind that highly detailed or technical descriptions are not necessary and definitely not recommended. Use simple terms and avoid industry buzzwords.
On the other hand, describing how the company's products and services will differ from the competition is critical. So is describing why your products and services are needed if no market currently exists. (For example, before there was Federal Express, overnight delivery was a niche business served by small companies. FedEx had to define the opportunity for a new, large-scale service and justify why customers needed--and would actually use --that service.)
Patents, copyrights, and trademarks you own or have applied for should also be listed in this section.
Depending on the nature of your business, your Products and Services section could be very long or relatively short. If your business is product-focused, you will want to spend more time describing those products.
If you plan to sell a commodity item and the key to your success lies in, say, competitive pricing, you probably don't need to provide significant product detail. Or if you plan to sell a commodity readily available in a variety of outlets, the key to your business may not be the commodity itself but your ability to market in a more cost-effective way than your competition.
But if you're creating a new product (or service), make sure you thoroughly explain the nature of the product, its uses, and its value, etc.--otherwise your readers will not have enough information to evaluate your business.
Key questions to answer:
In the cycling rental business example we've been using, products and services could be a relatively simple section to complete or it could be fairly involved. It depends on the nature of the products the company plans to rent to customers.
If Blue Mountain Cycling Rentals plans to market itself as a provider of high-end bikes, describing those bikes--and the sources for those bikes--is important, since "high-end cycling rentals" is intended to be a market differentiation. If the company plans to be the low-cost provider, then describing specific brands of equipment is probably not necessary.
Also, keep in mind that if a supplier runs out of capacity--or goes out of business altogether--you may not have a sufficient supply to meet your demand. Plan to set up multiple vendor or supplier relationships, and describe those relationships fully.
Remember, the primary goal of your business plan is to convince you that the business is viable--and to create a road map for you to follow.
The Products and Services section for our cycling rental business could start something like this:
Product Description
Blue Mountain Cycle Rentals will provide a comprehensive line of bicycles and cycling equipment for all ages and levels of ability. Since the typical customer seeks medium-quality equipment and excellent services at competitive prices, we will focus on providing brands like Trek bikes, Shimano footwear, and Giro helmets. These manufacturers have a widespread reputation as mid- to high-level quality, unlike equipment typically found in the rental market.
The following is a breakdown of anticipated rental price points, per day and per week:
Blue Mountain Cycle Rentals will have clear advantages over its primary competitors, the bike shops located in Harrisonburg, VA:
Future Products
Expansion will allow us to move product offerings into new equipment sales. We will also explore maintenance and fitting services, leveraging our existing maintenance staff to provide value-added services at a premium price.
When you draft your Products and Services section, think of your reader as a person who knows little to nothing about your business. Be clear and to the point.
Think of it this way: The Products and Services section answers the "what" question for your business. Make sure you fully understand the "what" factor; you may run the business, but your products and services are its lifeblood.
Market research is critical to business success. A good business plan analyzes and evaluates customer demographics, purchasing habits, buying cycles, and willingness to adopt new products and services.
The process starts with understanding your market and the opportunities inherent in that market. And that means you'll need to do a little research. Before you start a business you must be sure there is a viable market for what you plan to offer.
That process requires asking, and more importantly answering, a number of questions. The more thoroughly you answer the following questions, the better you will understand your market.
Start by evaluating the market at a relatively high level, answering some high-level questions about your market and your industry:
Fortunately, you've already done some of the legwork. You've already defined and mapped out your products and services. The Market Opportunities section provides a sense-check of that analysis, which is particularly important since choosing the right products and services is such a critical factor in business success.
But your analysis should go further: Great products are great, but there still must be a market for those products. (Ferraris are awesome, but you're unlikely to sell many where I live.)
So let's dig deeper and quantify your market. Your goal is to thoroughly understand the characteristics and purchasing ability of potential customers in your market. A little Googling can yield a tremendous amount of data.
For the market you hope to serve, determine:
The key is to understand the market in general terms and then to dig deeper to understand whether there are specific segments within that market--the segments you plan to target--that can become customers and support the growth of your business.
Also keep in mind that if you plan to sell products online the global marketplace is incredibly crowded and competitive. Any business can sell a product online and ship that product around the world. Don't simply assume that just because "the bicycle industry is a $62 billion business" (a number I just made up) that you can capture a meaningful percentage of that market.
On the other hand, if you live in an area with 50,000 people and there's only one bicycle shop, you may be able to enter that market and attract a major portion of bicycle customers in your area.
Always remember it's much easier to serve a market you can define and quantify.
After you complete your research you may feel a little overwhelmed. While data is good, and more data is great, sifting through and making sense of too much data can be daunting.
For the purposes of your business plan, narrow your focus and focus on answering these main questions:
The Market Opportunities section for our cycling rental business could start something like this:
Market Summary
Consumer spending on cycling equipment reached $9,250,000 in the states of VA, WV, MD, and NC last year. While we expect sales to rise, for the purposes of performing a conservative analysis we have projected a zero growth rate for the next three years.
In those states 2,500,000 people visited a national forest last year. Our target market includes customers visiting the Shenandoah National Forest; last year 120,000 people visited the area during spring, summer, and fall months.
Over time, however, we do expect equipment rentals and sales to increase as the popularity of cycling continues to rise. In particular we forecast a spike in demand in 2015 since the national road racing championships will be held in Richmond, VA.
Market Trends
Participation and population trends favor our venture:
Market Growth
According to the latest studies, recreation spending in our target market has grown by 14 percent per year for the past three years.
In addition, we anticipate greater than industry-norm growth rates for cycling in the area due to the increase in popularity of cycling events like the Alpine Loop Gran Fondo.
Market Needs
Out target market has one basic need: The availability to source bicycle rentals at a competitive price. Our only other competition are the bike shops in Harrisonburg, VA, and our location will give us a competitive advantage over those and other companies who try to serve our market.
You may want to add other categories to this section based on your particular industry.
For example, you might decide to provide information about Market Segments. In our case, the cycling rental business does not require much segmentation. Rentals are typically not broken down into segments like "inexpensive," "midrange," and "high-end." For the most part rental bikes are more of a commodity. (Although you'll notice in our Products and Services section, we decided to provide "high-end" rentals.)
But say you decide to open a clothing store. You could focus on high fashion, or children's clothes, or outdoor wear, or casual--you could segment the market in a number of ways. If that's the case, provide detail on segmentation that supports your plan.
The key is to define your market--and then show how you will serve your market.
Providing great products and services is wonderful, but customers must actually know those products and services exist. That's why marketing plans and strategies are critical to business success. (Duh, right?)
But keep in mind marketing is not just advertising. Marketing--whether advertising, public relations, promotional literature, etc.--is an investment in the growth of your business.
Like any other investment you would make, money spent on marketing must generate a return. (Otherwise why make the investment?) While that return could simply be greater cash flow, good marketing plans result in higher sales and profits.
So don't simply plan to spend money on a variety of advertising efforts. Do your homework and create a smart marketing program .
Here are some of the basic steps involved in creating your marketing plan:
Then focus on providing detail and backup for your marketing plan.
The Sales and Marketing section for our cycling rental business could start something like this:
Target Market
The target market for Blue Mountain Cycling Rentals is western VA, eastern WV, southwestern MD, and northern NC. While customers in the counties surrounding the George Washington National Forest make up 35 percent of our potential customer base, much of our market travels from outside that geographic area.
Marketing Strategy
Our marketing strategy will focus on three basic initiatives:
Pricing Strategy
We will not be the low-cost provider for our target market. Our goal is to provide mid- to high-end equipment. However, we will create web-based loyalty programs to incent customers to set up online profiles and reserve and renew equipment rentals online, and provide discounts for those who do. Over time we will be able to market specifically to those customers.
Just as in the Market Opportunity section, you may want to include a few more categories. For example, if your business involves a commission-compensated sales force, describe your Sales Programs and incentives. If you distribute products to other companies or suppliers and those distribution efforts will impact your overall marketing plans, lay out your Distribution Strategy.
The key is to show you understand your market and you understand how you will reach your market. Marketing and promotions must result in customers--your goal is to thoroughly describe how you will acquire and keep your customers.
Also keep in mind you may want to include examples of marketing materials you have already prepared, like website descriptions, print ads, web-based advertising programs, etc. While you don't need to include samples, taking the time to create actual marketing materials might help you better understand and communicate your marketing plans and objectives.
Make sure your Sales and Marketing section answers the "How will I reach my customers?" question.
The Competitive Analysis section of your business plan is devoted to analyzing your competition--both your current competition and potential competitors who might enter your market.
Every business has competition. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your competition--or potential competition--is critical to making sure your business survives and grows. While you don't need to hire a private detective, you do need to thoroughly assess your competition on a regular basis even if you plan to run only a small business.
In fact, small businesses can be especially vulnerable to competition, especially when new companies enter a marketplace.
Competitive analysis can be incredibly complicated and time-consuming, but it doesn't have to be. Here is a simple process you can follow to identify, analyze, and determine the strengths and weaknesses of your competition.
Profile Current Competitors
First, develop a basic profile of each of your current competition. For example, if you plan to open an office supply store, you may have three competing stores in your market.
Online retailers will also provide competition, but thoroughly analyzing those companies will be less valuable unless you also decide you want to sell office supplies online. (Although it's also possible that they--or, say, Amazon--are your real competition. Only you can determine that.)
To make the process easier, stick to analyzing companies you will directly compete with. If you plan to set up an accounting firm, you will compete with other accounting firms in your area. If you plan to open a clothing store, you will compete with other clothing retailers in your area.
Again, if you run a clothing store, you also compete with online retailers, but there is relatively little you can do about that type of competition other than to work hard to distinguish yourself in other ways: great service, friendly salespeople, convenient hours, truly understanding your customers, etc.
Once you identify your main competitors, answer these questions about each one. And be objective. It's easy to identify weaknesses in your competition, but less easy (and a lot less fun) to recognize how they may be able to outperform you:
While these questions may seem like a lot of work to answer, in reality the process should be fairly easy. You should already have a feel for the competition's strengths and weaknesses--if you know your market and your industry.
To gather information, you can also:
Keep in mind competitive analysis does more than help you understand your competition. Competitive analysis can also help you identify changes you should make to your business strategies. Learn from competitor strengths, take advantage of competitor's weaknesses, and apply the same analysis to your own business plan.
You might be surprised by what you can learn about your business by evaluating other businesses.
Identify Potential Competitors
It can be tough to predict when and where new competitors may pop up. For starters, regularly search for news on your industry, your products, your services, and your target market.
But there are other ways to predict when competition may follow you into a market. Other people may see the same opportunity you see. Think about your business and your industry, and if the following conditions exist, you may face competition does the road:
In general terms, if serving your market seems easy you can safely assume competitors will enter your market. A good business plan anticipates and accounts for new competitors.
Now distill what you've learned by answering these questions in your business plan:
The Competitive Analysis section for our cycling rental business could start something like this:
Primary Competitors
Our nearest and only competition is the bike shops in Harrisonburg, VA. Our next closest competitor is located over 100 miles away.
The in-town bike shops will be strong competitors. They are established businesses with excellent reputations. On the other hand, they offer inferior-quality equipment and their location is significantly less convenient.
Secondary Competitors
We do not plan to sell bicycles for at least the first two years of operation. However, sellers of new equipment do indirectly compete with our business since a customer who buys equipment no longer needs to rent equipment.
Later, when we add new equipment sales to our operation, we will face competition from online retailers. We will compete with new equipment retailers through personalized service and targeted marketing to our existing customer base, especially through online initiatives.
While your business plan is primarily intended to convince you that your business makes sense, keep in mind most investors look closely at your competitive analysis. A common mistake made by entrepreneurs is assuming they will simply "do it better" than any competition.
Experienced businesspeople know you will face stiff competition: showing you understand your competition, understand your strengths and weaknesses relative to that competition, and that you understand you will have to adapt and change based on that competition is critical.
And, even if you do not ever plan to seek financing or bring in investors, you absolutely must know your competition.
The Competitive Analysis section helps you answer the "Against whom?" question.
The next step in creating your business plan is to develop an Operations Plan that will serve your customers, keep your operating costs in line, and ensure profitability . Your ops plan should detail strategies for managing, staffing, manufacturing, fulfillment, inventory--all the stuff involved in operating your business on a day-to-day basis.
Fortunately, most entrepreneurs have a better handle on their operations plan than on any other aspect of their business. After all, while it may not seem natural to analyze your market or your competition, most budding entrepreneurs tend to spend a lot of time thinking about how they will run their businesses.
Your goal is to answer the following key questions:
Operations plans should be highly specific to your industry, your market sector, and your customers. Instead of providing an example like I've done with other sections, use the following to determine the key areas your plan should address:
Location and Facility Management
In terms of location, describe:
Daily Operations
Personnel Requirements
Sound like a lot? It can be, but not all of the above needs to be in your business plan.
You should think through and create a detailed plan for each category, but you won't need to share the results with the people who read your business plan
Working through each issue and developing concrete operations plans helps you in two major ways:
Think of Operations as the "implementation" section of your business plan. What do you need to do? How will you get it done? Then create an overview of that plan to make sure your milestones and timeline make sense.
That way the operations section answers the "How?" question.
Many investors and lenders feel the quality and experience of the management team is one of the most important factors used to evaluate the potential of a new business.
But putting work into the Management Team section will not only benefit people who may read your plan. It will also help you evaluate the skills, experiences, and resources your management team will need . Addressing your company's needs during implementation will make a major impact on your chances for success.
The Management Team section for our cycling rental business could start something like this:
Jim Rouleur, Owner and Manager
Joe has over 20 years experience in the cycling business. He served for 10 years as a product manager for Acme Bikes. After that he was the operations manager of Single Track Cycles, a full-service bike shop located in Bend, Oregon. He has an undergraduate degree in marketing from Duke University and an MBA from Virginia Commonwealth University. (A complete resume for Mr. Rouleur can be found in the Appendix.)
Mary Gearset, Assistant Manager
Mary was the 2009 U.S. Mountain Biking National Champion. She worked in product development for High Tec frames, creating custom frames and frame modifications for professional cyclists. She also has extensive customer service and sales experience, having worked for four years as the online manager of Pro Parts Unlimited, an online retailer of high-end cycling equipment and accessories.
In some instances you may also wish to describe your staffing plans.
For example, if you manufacture a product or provide a service and will hire a key skilled employee, describe that employee's credentials. Otherwise, include staffing plans in the Operations section.
One key note: Don't be tempted to add a "name" to your management team in hopes of attracting investors. Celebrity management team members may attract the attention of your readers, but experienced lenders and investors will immediately ask what role that person will actually play in the running of the business--and in most cases those individuals won't play any meaningful role.
If you don't have a lot of experience--but are willing to work hard to overcome that lack of experience--don't be tempted to include people in your plan who will not actually work in the business.
If you can't survive without help, that's okay. In fact, that's expected; no one does anything worthwhile on their own. Just make plans to get help from the right people.
Finally, when you create your Management section, focus on credentials but pay extra attention to what each person actually will do . Experience and reputation are great, but action is everything.
That way your Management section will answer the "Who is in charge?" question.
Numbers tell the story. Bottom line results indicate the success or failure of any business.
Financial projections and estimates help entrepreneurs, lenders, and investors or lenders objectively evaluate a company's potential for success. If a business seeks outside funding, providing comprehensive financial reports and analysis is critical.
But most important, financial projections tell you whether your business has a chance of being viable--and if not let you know you have more work to do.
Most business plans include at least five basic reports or projections:
It's easy to find examples of all of the above. Even the most basic accounting software packages include templates and samples. You can also find templates in Excel and Google Docs. (A quick search like "google docs profit and loss statement" yields plenty of examples.)
Or you can work with an accountant to create the necessary financial projections and documents. Certainly feel free to do so, but first play around with the reports yourself. While you don't need to be an accountant to run a business, you do need to understand your numbers, and the best way to understand your numbers is usually to actually work with your numbers.
But ultimately the tools you use to develop your numbers are not as important as whether those numbers are as accurate as possible--and whether those numbers help you decide whether to take the next step and put your business plan into action.
Then Financial Analysis can help you answer the most important business question: "Can we make a profit?"
Some business plans include less essential but potentially important information in an Appendix section. You may decide to include, as backup or additional information:
Keep in mind creating an Appendix is usually only necessary if you're seeking financing or hoping to bring in partners or investors. Initially the people reading your business plan don't wish to plow through reams and reams of charts, numbers, and backup information. If one does want to dig deeper, fine--he or she can check out the documents in the Appendix.
That way your business plan can share your story clearly and concisely.
Otherwise, since you created your business plan, you should already have the backup.
While you may use your business plan to attract investors, partners, suppliers, etc., never forget that the goal of your business plan is to convince you that your idea makes sense.
Because ultimately it's your time, your money, and your effort on the line.
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No business can be successful without a solid business plan. In fact, a business plan could be the thing that makes or breaks your entrepreneurial enterprise, especially if you haven't started a successful business in the past.
Let's break down what a business plan is, why it's important, and a step-by-step guide on how to write one in detail.
Put simply, a business plan is a detailed outline explaining what a business will be, how it will work, and how it will bring in money. Business plans can range heavily in terms of length and complexity, but they all include an explanation of what the business will do and how it will turn a profit, dealing with everything from financial statements and pricing to potential customer segments and business development.
Think of business plans as the guiding documents for for-profit organizations. A business plan guides business owners and employees or other executives at existing businesses and helps inspire investor confidence when seeking financing in the earliest days of a business's life. There are a few types of business plans, but they all do the same things.
Related: An Introduction to Business Plans
A small business plan is important for any new enterprise, regardless of industry or niche. Why?
By far, the most crucial thing a good business plan does is improve investor confidence. When an entrepreneur or startup executive needs to secure funding and business loans, they have to convince investors that their business is worth investing in. It's impossible to do that without a solid business plan explaining:
By looking through a business plan, investors (both individuals and large firms) can tell whether a business owner (or would-be entrepreneur) has a good idea or is merely flailing in the wind.
In addition, a business plan is important since it will help guide your actions as a business owner and executive. With a business plan to keep your head on straight, you'll know what to do, how to scale your business, and what objectives you need to meet in order to achieve the goals outlined in your business plan.
Business plans are usually comprised of several key elements. These include:
With each section of your business plan, an investor or venture capitalist can determine the viability of your sole proprietorship, LLC, or other business.
Related: How to Write a Business Plan
Now that you understand why you need a business plan and you've spent some time doing your homework gathering the information you need to create one, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get everything down on paper. The following pages will describe in detail the seven essential sections of a business plan: what you should include, what you shouldn't include, how to work the numbers and additional resources you can turn to for help. With that in mind, jump right in.
Within the overall outline of the business plan, the executive summary will follow the title page. The summary should tell the reader what you want. This is very important. All too often, what the business owner desires is buried on page eight. Clearly state what you're asking for in the summary.
Related: How to Start a Business With (Almost) No Money
The business description usually begins with a short description of the industry. When describing the industry, discuss the present outlook as well as future possibilities. You should also provide information on all the various markets within the industry, including any new products or developments that will benefit or adversely affect your business.
Before writing your plan.
Market strategies are the result of a meticulous market analysis. A market analysis forces the entrepreneur to become familiar with all aspects of the market so that the target market can be defined and the company can be positioned in order to garner its share of sales.
The purpose of the competitive analysis is to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors within your market, strategies that will provide you with a distinct advantage, the barriers that can be developed in order to prevent competition from entering your market, and any weaknesses that can be exploited within the product development cycle.
The purpose of the design and development plan section is to provide investors with a description of the product's design, chart its development within the context of production, marketing and the company itself, and create a development budget that will enable the company to reach its goals.
The operations and management plan is designed to describe just how the business functions on a continuing basis. The operations plan will highlight the logistics of the organization such as the various responsibilities of the management team, the tasks assigned to each division within the company, and capital and expense requirements related to the operations of the business.
Financial data is always at the back of the business plan, but that doesn't mean it's any less important than up-front material such as the business concept and the management team.
Want to see some of these principles in action? You can check out business plan templates in this detailed guide . Feel free to use some of these templates when drawing up business plans for your organization in the future!
As you can see, business plans aren't as complex as you may have initially thought. Furthermore, they are important parts of any business enterprise. Don't forget to write a business plan for your upcoming endeavor before seeking funding!
For more guides, resources, and information, check out Entrepreneur !
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By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero
Home » Business Plans » Media Sector
Are you about starting a magazine publishing company ? If YES, here is a complete sample online magazine business plan template & feasibility study you can use for FREE .
There are several niches and loads of well – known magazines that are sold all over the world. Magazines are generally published on a regular schedule; it can be weekly or monthly or even quarterly and they usually contain a variety of content based on the market the magazine is designed for.
When it comes to generating incomes, magazine companies exploit the sale of their magazines in newsstands, from advertisement from stakeholders and of course from those who sign – on to prepaid subscriptions and when it comes to distributing magazines, most magazines publisher make use of the mailing system, bookshops, strategic news – stands, through registered vendors and selected pick – up locations et al.
There is no restriction to the numbers of publications house that can engage in magazines publications, sales and distribution. As a matter of fact, students can start their own magazines publications right from their campuses and distribute it within the campus community.
1. industry overview.
In the united states of America, a total number of 152 magazines closed shop In 2011 and also a total number of 82 magazines ceased operations in 2012 due to inability to make profits and of course generate enough money to continue publications.
In 2013, statistics has it that subscription levels for 22 out of the top 25 magazines in the United States of America dropped from 2012 to 2013. As a matter of fact, the only few magazines that experienced increase within the said period are Time magazine, Glamour magazine and ESPN magazine.
The United States’ magazine industry generates combined revenue of over 27.29 Billion U.S. dollars with magazine advertising alone generating over 15.2 Billion U.S. dollars.
History has it that a U.K. publication; The Gentleman’s Magazine which was first published in 1731, in London was the first ever general interest magazine to be published. It is on record that the oldest consumer magazine which was first published in 1739; The Scots Magazine is still in print till this days.
The print industry is currently experiencing some challenges; investment in magazines is experiencing decline. It is on record that there is a steady decline in total numbers of magazines that are sold in the United States daily. Statistics has it that in 1985, there were about 1,676 dailies in the United States but in 2011, the number dropped to 1,382 and of course it is still dropping.
It has been projected by market experts that the magazine industry will generate combined revenue of 16.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2016, which is over 4 billion U.S. dollars less than the combined revenue generated in 2011. It is also projected that corporate organizations who advertise in magazines will also cut their magazine advertising spending much less than their newspaper advertising spending.
The magazine industry is truly struggling to survive in the United States of America and in other countries of the world. A survey that was conducted revealed that in 2012, only about 3 percent of Americans stated that they regularly read magazines; and 9 percent stated that they read magazines sometimes.
It is good enough that the magazine industry is extremely well-organized in its data collection and presentation; which is why new publication firms who are interested in coming into the industry choose niche groups that attracts a wide range of readership.
Despite the fact that the magazine industry appears to be saturated in the United States, there is still a positive outlook for the industry especially when it comes to leveraging on the internet. People are encouraged to go into magazine publications because it is now easier to gain wider readership with the aid of the internet and couple with the fact that it will cost little or nothing to launch an online magazine publication.
Boston Weekly®, Inc. is a new but standard magazine publishing and distribution company that will be based in Boston – Massachusetts, USA. Our niche as a magazine publishing company covers News, Entertainment, Business and Sport.
Our state of the art in – house printing press is located in a standard corner piece facility that is centrally located in the heart of Boston and few minutes drive to Harvard University Community.
We have put plans and robust distribution network in place to enable us effectively distribute our weekly magazine to key cities throughout the United States of America and also to the rest part of the world via our online platform and mobile apps.
Boston Weekly®, Inc. is established by the Massachusetts awarding winning journalist – Dr. Campbell Washington and other like mind investors. Dr. Washington has B.A. in English Language, Advance Diploma in Journalism and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard Business School.
He has robust experience in print journalism having worked for over 15 years with some of the leading magazine publishing companies in the United States of America prior to starting his own business. We are in the Magazine Publication and Distribution Industry to favorably compete with other leading brands in the industry such as Time Magazine, ESPN Magazine and New York Times et al.
Our corporate business goal is to be among the top 10 magazine publishing and distribution brand in the United States of America. As a company, we are willing to go the extra mile to invest in some of the finest professionals we can find and also we have set plans in place to setup a standard and start of the art printing press and distribution network.
Boston Weekly®, Inc. will at all times demonstrate her commitment to sustainability, both individually and as a firm, by actively participating in our communities and integrating sustainable business practices wherever possible.
We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our customers’ needs precisely and completely whenever they patronize our magazine either hardcopies or subscribing on our online portal. We will cultivate a working environment that provides a human, sustainable approach to earning a living, and living in our world, for our partners, employees and for our customers.
Our plan is to position Boston Weekly®, Inc. to become the leading brand in the magazine publishing and distribution industry in the whole of Massachusetts, and also to be amongst the top 10 magazine brand in the United States of America within the first 10 years of starting our business.
This might look too tall a dream but we are optimistic that this will surely come to pass because we have done our research and feasibility studies and we are enthusiastic and confident that Boston – Massachusetts is the right place to launch this type of business before spreading to other cities all across The United States of America.
At Boston Weekly®, Inc. we will ensure that we maximize all the services and products that are associated with a magazine publishing and distribution business. As part our strategy to create multiple sources of income in line with our core business concept, we will encourage our clients to subscribe to our magazines as against buying from the newsstands.
This is so because we are aware that it is easier to get huge discount from post office services as against transporting your magazines to newsstands that are scattered all around the United States. Another key factor that we will leverage on is to create a strong online presence and also to push our electronic magazine far and wide within the online community.
If we can successful gain appreciable numbers of online subscription and adverts, then we are likely not going to struggle to manage and finance your magazine publication company. Here are some of our products and services;
Our Business Structure
As part of our plan to build a standard Magazine Publishing and Distribution Company in Boston – Massachusetts, we have perfected plans to get it right from the beginning which is why we are going the extra mile to ensure that we have competent and hardworking employees to occupy all the available positions in our company.
The picture of the kind of Magazine Publishing and Distribution Company we intend building and the business goals we want to achieve is what informed the amount we are ready to pay for the best hands available in the Magazine Publishing and Distribution industry as long as they are willing and ready to work with us to achieve our business goals and objectives.
Below is the business structure that we will build Boston Weekly®, Inc.;
Human Resources and Admin Manager
Graphic Artist
Chief Executive Officer / Editor in Chief:
Journalist / Content Creator / PhotoJournalist
Sales and Marketing Manager
Print Press Workers (Printing Machine Operators)
Accountant / Cashier
Distribution Van Drivers/ Dispatch Riders:
Client Service Executive
Due to our desire and drive for excellence when it comes to running a magazine publication and distribution company, we were able to engage some of the finest business consultants in Boston – Massachusetts to look through our business concept and together we were able to critically examine the prospect of the business to be sure we have what it takes to run a standard magazine publication and distribution company that can compete favorably compete with other leading brands in the industry such.
In view of that, we were able to take stock of our strengths, our weakness, the opportunities available to us and also the threats that we are likely going to be exposed to if we launch our magazine publication and distribution business in Boston – Massachusetts and even in the United States of America as a whole.
Here is a of what we got from the critically conducted SWOT Analysis for Boston Weekly®, Inc.;
Our core strength lies in the power of our team; our workforce. We have a team of creative and highly proficient, editors, journalist, and graphic designers; a team with excellent qualifications and experience various niche areas in the magazine and printing press industry.
Aside from the synergy that exist in our carefully selected team; the contents in our magazine and the quality of the magazine will be guided by best practices in the industry.
As a new magazine publishing and distribution company in Boston – Massachusetts, it might take some time for our organization to break into the market and gain acceptance in the already saturated and highly competitive magazine publishing and distribution industry; that is perhaps our major weakness. Another weakness is that we may not have the required cash to promote our business the way we would want to.
The opportunities available to us are unlimited. Loads of people consume buys, subscribe and read magazine on a daily basis and all what we are going to do all we can to push our magazine to our target market. So also, there are loads of organizations and individual who would want to place paid adverts in magazines to promote their brands.
The possible threat and challenges that we are likely going to face when we start our own magazine publication business are the ability to consistently attract adverts from corporate organizations.
The truth is that there are several options when it comes to choosing advertising platforms hence most corporate organizations would rather go with trusted and tested platforms as against trying out new magazine that they aren’t sure can break into the market and gain prominence.
Another threat and challenges that we are likely going to be confronted with when we start our magazine publication business is to be able to effectively find a cheaper distribution options. Most magazine publications companies spend more when it comes to transporting their magazines to different newsstands scattered within the locations they intend selling their magazines.
In setting up a magazine publication company, you have two options; you either run a full magazine publication company with a printing press or you can contract the printing of your magazines to a standard and reliable printing press.
If you choose to choose to run the whole publication process within the same facility, it means that you would have to set – up a printing press with standard printing machines, binders, cutting machines et al. If you are considering starting a magazine publication company, then your concern should not be limited to the cost of setting up the business and gaining readership but also on your distribution network.
The truth is that most magazines companies run into loss simply because they spend more in distributing their magazines to various newsstands across the country. It will pay you if you encourage your clients to subscribe to your magazines as against buying from the newsstands.
It is easier to get huge discount from post office services as against transporting your magazines to newsstands that are scattered all around the United States. Another key factor that you can leverage on is to create a strong online presence and also to push your electronic magazine far and wide within the online community.
As a magazine publisher, if you can successfully gain appreciable numbers of online subscription and adverts, then you are likely not going to struggle to manage and finance your magazine publication company and that is exactly what we plan to do.
When it comes to news, entertainment and sports magazine, there is indeed a wide range of available customers (readership). In essence, our target market can’t be restricted to just a group of people, but all those who love to get the latest updates on news, entertainment and sports et al.
In view of that, we have conducted our market research and we have ideas of what our target market would be expecting from us. These are the groups of people we intend marketing our magazines to;
Our Competitive Advantage
Beyond every reasonable doubt, the competition in the magazine industry is high but one thing is certain, if you are able to set a standard in the industry, you are sure going to get committed and faithful readers who would not mind paying annual subscription fee upfront.
Although you can experience less competitions if you choose to carve a niche for yourself and also exploit the internet and perhaps a book / reader’s club.
We are quite aware that to be highly competitive in the magazine publishing and distribution industry means that you are not only expected to be able to deliver consistent and robust contents at all time, but you must be able to meet set targets.
No one would want to continue to subscribe to your magazine if they are not sure they are likely going to get the magazines deliver to them as at when due.
Our competitive advantage lies in the power of our team; our workforce. We have a team of creative and highly proficient, editors, journalist, and graphic designers; a team with excellent qualifications and experience various niche areas in the magazine and printing press industry.
Lastly, all our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category (startups magazine publishing and distribution businesses in the United States) in the industry. It will enable them to be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our business aims and objectives.
Boston Weekly®, Inc. is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the magazine publishing and distribution industry in the United States of America and we are going to go all the way to ensure that we do all it takes to achieve our corporate goal of generating enough income to run the business and pay our staff members as at when due.
Boston Weekly®, Inc. will generate income by offering the following products and services;
It is important to state that our sales forecast is based on the data gathered during our feasibility studies, market survey and also some of the assumptions readily available on the field. Below are the sales projections that we were able to come up with for the first three years of operations;
N.B : This projection is done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and the arrival of a competitor in same location as ours within the period stated above. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.
We are mindful of the fact that there are stiffer competition in the magazine publishing and distribution industry; hence we have been able to hire some of the best marketing experts to handle our sales and marketing.
Our sales and marketing team will be recruited based on their vast experience in the magazine publishing and distribution industry and they will be trained on a regular basis so as to be well equipped to meet their targets and the overall business goal of Boston Weekly®, Inc.
Our goal is to grow Boston Weekly®, Inc. to become one of the top 10 magazine publishing and distribution company in the United States of America which is why we have mapped out strategy that will help us take advantage of the available market and grow to become a major force to reckon with not only in the United States of America but also in other parts of the world (online magazine).
Boston Weekly®, Inc. is set to make use of the following marketing and sales strategies to attract clients;
We have been able to work with our in house brand and publicity consultants to help us map out publicity and advertising strategies that will help us walk our way into the heart of our target market.
We are set to become the number one choice for both corporate clients and individual clients in the whole of the United States and beyond which is why we have made provisions for effective publicity and advertisement of our magazine publishing and distribution company. Below are the platforms we intend to leverage on to promote and advertise Boston Weekly®, Inc.;
When it comes to pricing for products such as magazine, there are no hard and fast rules; the price depends on the size and packaging. Generally, the prices for magazine and similar products like pamphlets, newspapers and journals et al are affordable hence there is no need to employ any detailed strategies when it comes to pricing.
In view of that, our prices will conform to what is obtainable in the industry but will ensure that within the first 6 to 12 months our magazine are sold a little bit below the average prices of various magazine brands in the United States of America.
We have put in place business strategies that will help us run on low profit margin for a period of 6 months; it is a way of encouraging people to buy into our brands.
At Boston Weekly®, Inc., our payment policy is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different people prefer different payment options as it suits them. Here are the payment options that will be available in every of our outlets;
In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will help us achieve our payment plans without any itches.
When it comes to starting a standard magazine publishing and distribution business, one is expected to spend the bulk of the start – up capital on building a standard and well – equipped printing press. Aside from that, you are not expected to spend much except for purchasing distribution vans, paying of your employees and utility bills.
This is the key areas where we will spend our start – up capital;
We would need an estimate of $500,000 to successfully set up our magazine publishing and distribution company in Boston – Massachusetts. Please note that this amount includes the salaries of the entire staff member for the first month of operation.
Generating Funding / Startup Capital for Boston Weekly®, Inc.
Boston Weekly®, Inc. is a business that is owned and financed by Dr. Campbell Washington and other like mind investors. They do not intend to welcome any external business partner, which is why he has decided to restrict the sourcing of the start – up capital to 3 major sources.
These are the areas we intend generating our start – up capital;
N.B: We have been able to generate about $100,000 (Personal savings $80,000 and soft loan from family members $20,000) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $400,000 from our bank. All the papers and document have been signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited with the amount.
The future of a business lies in the numbers of loyal customers that they have the capacity and competence of the employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business (company), then it won’t be too long before the business close shop.
One of our major goals of starting Boston Weekly®, Inc. is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running. We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to sell our magazine a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market and we are well prepared to survive on lower profit margin for a while.
Boston Weekly®, Inc. will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and re – training of our workforce is at the top burner of our business strategy.
As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of three years or more as determined by the board of the organization. We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.
Check List / Milestone
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Published: Aug 13, 2024, 7:15am
What is a marketing plan, marketing plan vs. marketing strategy, why businesses need a marketing plan, essential marketing channels, how to create a marketing plan, bottom line, frequently asked questions (faqs).
The difference between a flourishing business and a floundering business often comes down to an effective marketing campaign. This is especially true for small businesses. Every successful marketing campaign starts with a well-thought-out marketing plan. In this article, we will guide you through the steps on how to create a top-notch marketing plan to help put your business on the road to success.
A marketing plan is essentially a roadmap that guides businesses through the complex terrain of promoting their products or services. Think of it as a blueprint that details specific marketing campaigns, timelines, target audiences and channels such as social media , email or traditional media. Your plan should also establish clear metrics for success, the methodology used to evaluate performance and allocated budgets.
It is important to note that a marketing plan is not a static document. It is supposed to be an ever-evolving plan that adapts to market trends, customer feedback and the successful or unsuccessful marketing efforts. If done properly, a marketing plan will help you synchronize your marketing objectives with your overall business goals and ensure every marketing activity aligns with your broader vision of growth.
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Some assume that “marketing plan” and “marketing strategy” are the same thing, but be aware they hold distinct meanings and serve different purposes. A marketing strategy is more big-picture thinking. It identifies your target market, your value proposition, how you position yourself against competitors and how you will sustain your value over time. It involves deep insights into your customers’ needs, market trends and competitive analysis. It is essentially the “why” behind all your marketing actions.
The marketing plan, on the other hand, details the “what” and the “when” of those efforts. Once you have your marketing strategy outlined, you can begin to create a marketing plan. The plan should outline the specific campaigns, activities and tactics you’ll use to carry out the strategy. This includes details on the marketing channels you’ll use, the timeline for implementation, the budget and the key performance indicators you’ll track to measure success. It’s a blueprint that translates the strategy into actionable tasks and schedules.
A carefully crafted marketing plan can be a game-changer for small businesses dreaming of steady growth and a competitive edge over larger companies. Marketing plans with smart strategies and targeted campaigns can level the playing field by helping small businesses carve out their niche. It provides a clear roadmap that aligns marketing efforts with business objectives to ensure every marketing action contributes to the broader company goals.
This focused approach saves small businesses money by efficiently focusing resources instead of using a scattergun approach that can drain limited budgets. By identifying and understanding target markets, businesses can tailor their messaging to meet specific needs, which increases the likelihood of conversion. A solid marketing plan offers a framework for measuring success by setting benchmarks. With careful tracking, small businesses can quickly see what’s not working and adjust strategies in real time for better outcomes.
Today’s businesses have a wide array of marketing channels available to them. From highly analytical PPC advertising to engaging in-person event marketing, there’s no shortage of methods to promote your company.
During the past two decades, social media has proved to be a highly effective way for small businesses to market themselves at little to no costs. Platforms including TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn offer businesses a dynamic platform to engage directly with their audience. They allow for the sharing of content, running targeted ads and fostering community through comments and shares. Effective social media marketing can enhance brand awareness, drive traffic and strengthen customer loyalty.
Email marketing is another highly effective way to reach an audience directly. Newsletters, promotional offers and personalized content can nurture leads, promote loyalty and drive conversions. Email marketing offers measurable results and high ROI, making it a staple in a digital marketing strategy toolbox.
Content marketing involves creating hyper-relevant and compelling content that will act as a magnet to attract a laser-focused group of people. You can create blogs, videos, infographics and podcasts to cultivate an engaged community of followers with whom your brand’s message genuinely resonates.
SEO is the practice of optimizing website content to rank higher in search engine results pages. Effective SEO strategies including on-page optimization, quality link building and keyword research help drive traffic to your website.
PPC advertising is a method of online marketing where you pay a fee each time someone clicks on your ad. Popular platforms such as Google Ads and Bing Ads guarantee your ads show up first in search engine results for specific keywords, allowing you to bypass the “organic” results. While the pay-per-click fees can add up, this form of advertising provides immediate traffic and measurable results.
Influencer marketing leverages the reach of influencers in specific niches to help you promote your business to a larger audience. When you partner with a credible influencer, you can tap into their loyal followings, gain trust quickly and drive engagement that will hopefully lead to greater sales. Affiliate marketing can complement influencer marketing by allowing influencers to earn commissions on the sales they drive. This performance-based option is cost effective, as you will only pay for actual results.
Event marketing involves marketing your brand, company or service through in-person or virtual events. It can be anything from interactive webinars and educational workshops to large-scale conferences and industry trade shows. Event marketing gives you the opportunity to directly engage with your audience and hopefully provide a memorable experience for your customers.
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Creating a marketing plan is a step-by-step process. Make sure you take your time with each step before moving on to the next one.
An executive summary is a snapshot of your simplified marketing goals, significant milestones and an outline of future plans. It should encapsulate relevant facts about your brand, setting the stage for the detailed strategy that follows. This section provides stakeholders with a clear understanding of where the company stands and where it intends to go, concisely summarizing the essence of the marketing efforts.
Who are you trying to reach? By identifying your target market you can tailor your marketing strategies effectively to help them reach the people most likely to be interested in your products or services. Outline the characteristics of your ideal customer including age, location, goals, pains and trigger points.
Competitor research is a critical step in forming a marketing plan. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses in other businesses in your industry. This insight can help you identify opportunities for differentiation and areas where you can fill in the opportunity your competitors may have overlooked.
Without clear marketing goals, you are just shooting barrels in the dark. Are you trying to increase brand awareness, boast sales or grow your digital footprint? And if so, by how much and in what timeframe? Use the SMART criteria for goal setting, which advises that goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.
Once you determine what your marketing goals are, it is important to track their effectiveness.
To do this, set baseline measurements for key performance indicators related to your goals, such as website traffic, conversion rates or social media engagement. Monitor these benchmarks on a regular basis and adjust strategies as needed to enhance marketing performance.
Are you going to throw all your eggs in the social media basket? Or are you going to diversify your marketing strategy with both digital and in-person events? This step requires a deep dive into the various channels available—be it social media, email marketing, SEO or traditional advertising. When choosing your marketing channels, be sure to ask yourself where your target audience is most engaged.
Finally, create a budget that covers all aspects of your marketing efforts from paid advertising and content creation to software subscriptions and event sponsorships. This will help you stay financially responsible as more marketing opportunities arise.
One of the keys to a successful business is setting yourself apart from the competition. A strategic marketing plan that details your marketing efforts can not only help you stand out but also provide a step-by-step guide toward reaching your business objectives.
The main elements of a marketing plan typically include an executive summary, marketing objectives, target audience definition, marketing strategies, budget and metrics for performance evaluation. It outlines the company’s strategy for attracting and retaining customers by detailing specific actions to achieve campaign goals, timeline with key milestones, channels to be used and team members responsibilities.
A realistic marketing budget is typically determined as a percentage of a company’s revenue. It is recommended that B2B companies spend 2% to 5% of their revenue on marketing. Because B2C companies typically have a broader range of marketing channels, it is recommended they spend between 5% and 10% of their revenue on marketing.
Every marketing plan should start with a clear mission statement for the marketing department that aligns with the overall mission of the business. This statement should be specific enough to guide marketing efforts but also allow room to adjust the plan as needed. For example, if your company’s mission is “to revolutionize home cooking,” the marketing mission might be “to inspire home cooks and provide them with innovative cooking solutions.”
Jennifer Simonson draws on two decades as a journalist covering everything from local economic developement to small business marketing. Beyond writing, she tested entrepreneurial waters by launching a mobile massage service, a content marketing firm and an e-commerce venture. These experiences enriched her understanding of small business management and marketing strategies. Today, she channels this first-hand knowledge into her articles for Forbes Advisor.
When our society talks about leaders, we focus on formal roles, such as the CEO. This view undervalues the role of informal leaders—team members who influence outcomes by the tone they set, how they conduct themselves, and how they interact with their peers. Their job title doesn’t include the word “manager,” but they play an outsize role in how teams perform.
In this article, NFL great Tom Brady and Nitin Nohria, of Harvard Business School, present a set of principles that people in any realm can apply to help teams successfully work together toward common goals.
The NFL great explains how he motivated himself and fellow players.
When our society talks about success, we tend to focus on individual success. We obsess about who is the “greatest of all time,” who is most responsible for a win, or what players or coaches a team might add next season to become even better.
As one of the world’s largest telcos, Verizon is committed to mobile security. The company has published the Verizon Mobile Security Index (MSI) to support professionals as they strengthen their mobile security defences , from those that could exploit them.
Verizon commissioned an independent market research company to survey 600 people across security strategy, policy and management. Leaders in mobile device security, including Akamai, Allot, CISCO, Fortinet and more were also involved in the report.
Here, we look at some of their findings.
Post-pandemic, employers are supportive of employees working remotely, from home, the airport, a hotel or even a local coffee shop. 92% of survey respondents said that their organisation supported remote connectivity, which means that personal mobile devices are embedded into business-critical workflows. 80% of respondents said they agreed that mobile devices were critical to the smooth running of their organisations and 46% of respondents agreed that mobile devices are a critical business tool.
However, cybercriminals are aware that employer support for flexible work has led to a rise in mobile devices connecting to enterprise networks. Naturally, these devices access sensitive information.
As flexible work becomes increasingly established across workplace policy, organisations will depend more heavily on different types of devices in more locations, with strategic investments in mobile security no longer an option.
Respondents reported a high level of confidence in their mobile defences, with the majority sharing that their current mobile device security measures were effective. 96% were confident that their defences were ‘at least somewhat effective’.
However, 53% said that they had experienced a security incident involving a mobile or IoT device which resulted in data loss or downtime.
Respondents simultaneously cited persistent mobile security worries, with close to half believing that end users are complacent about data privacy and security, oblivious to the dangers of credential theft.
From Verizon’s survey data, the company has drawn one clear conclusion - the necessary expansion of mobile computing and IoT is also widening the attack surface for cybercriminals. The mobile sector must focus on ensuring sufficient mobile security processes, policies and investments.
“Disruptions caused by cyber attacks are increasing significantly as they become more sophisticated, frequent and costly,” warned Kyle Malady , CEO of Verizon Business. “This report provides insights into the current mobile and IoT device threat landscape and what organisations should focus on to protect their data and key systems.”
Public and private organisations must unite to combat threats who want to exploit the progress of mobile and IoT connectivity.
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Where change-makers gather to challenge and share innovations to adapt and grow sustainability strategies and best practices, Sustainability LIVE London Global Summit returns in one month!
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With over 20 years of industry experience, Tom Abel has held senior commercial roles at Business Stream for the last six years, Tom was appointed Director of Sales and Sustainable Solutions in 2023. Responsible for delivering the company’s ambitious retention and growth strategy, Tom places a strong focus on developing ESG-led customer propositions, as well as growing the company’s sustainable solutions function.
Tom also plays a crucial role in the development and delivery of Business Stream’s ESG strategy, helping to ensure the company supports its customers to achieve their sustainability targets.
Currently serving as Senior Vice President and Global Head of Sustainability, Corporate Affairs, and Risk at UCB, Veronique Toully has over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry.
Veronique in her role at UCB integrates sustainability and risk management into the company's strategy, championing positive impact for its key stakeholders. Honing her expertise in global markets Veronique has worked across Europe and Asia-Pacific.
Veronique holds a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine, an MBA from HEC Paris, and a Health Economics diploma from the University of York. She also recently studied Sustainability Leadership at the University of Cambridge.
Leading the business network for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Joe Murphy has been with the non-profit for the last eight years, starting his career with the foundation as an analyst.
With a career spanning more than 15 years, Joe has worked for EY, Restless Development, PayPal, London Early YEars Foundation, and On Purposer Fellow.
Bringing a unique perspective to the intersection of sport, social impact, and commercial growth, Sam Shave is the Managing Partner at Think Beyond. Sam joined Thinked Beyond in 2019 and has led major projects including the creation of Rexona/Degree’s 10-year social impact strategy, Disney’s community work in Latin America, Liverpool FC’s holistic sustainability strategy, and worked with The North Face to diversify the outdoors.
Before joining Think Beyond, Sam worked for Comic Relief managing all their work funding and supporting community organisations across the globe that are using sport as a means of tackling social issues.
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3 new sponsors join sustainability live london global summit.
Sustainability LIVE London Global Summit welcomes TUV Rheinland, Business Stream and CFGI as its latest sponsors …
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Just one more month to go until London's biggest sustainability event – Sustainability LIVE London – returns to the BDC on September 10 and 11, 2024 …
Sustainability live climate week nyc – new speakers, sustainability live london announces three more speakers.
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One of my biggest financial goals is to invest in real estate . I've always wanted to own a handful of properties all around the country that I rent out to tenants as a way of making passive income. While I'm years away from being in the position to buy my first investment home, I'm doing what I can to understand how the whole process works.
In addition to finding out how much cash I'll need for a down payment , renovations, insurance, taxes, and to cover fees before a tenant moves in, I'm also eager to find out what else I should know before I enter the real estate investing space.
To help figure that out, I spoke with Marcia Castro Socas , a real estate investor, home renovator, and real estate broker who has generated millions from her investment properties over the years, about what she'd tell any new investor. Here's what she had to say.
In my free time, I like to look at properties for sale to see which ones I'd be interested in buying if I had the cash to do so today. I also search for the lowest-priced properties, since I assume my budget won't be big for my first investment home.
Castro Socas says that searching for the lowest-priced home isn't always the right move.
When she purchased her first investment property, it was a fixer-upper that required remodeling. She knew it would take some time, and she'd need to pay the mortgage while the home was being fixed up. But what she didn't think about was all the actual cash she'd need to spend on the repairs, which added up to more than she expected.
"Sometimes it's better to get a property that doesn't need quite so much work, even if you have to pay a bit more for it," says Castro Socas. "The lesson I learned here was to assess honestly how much cash I have available for a project and how much work I can afford to take on comfortably."
As someone eager to get into real estate investing, I'm always wondering if there's a right time to buy and nervous that I might enter the housing market during a recession, which could make it harder to rent out the property.
Castro Socas recommends not letting outside news change your long-term plan. That's what she did in 2008 when the real estate market collapsed.
She owned many rental properties that lost significant value, and while other real estate investors rushed to short-sell their properties to get out of debt, she held onto hers.
"Rather than listen to that news, I saw that each property, except for one, was making rental income over the mortgage amount," says Castro Socas. "So, even though the sales market had plummeted, this didn't matter to me since I wasn't in the market to sell. I was happy to hold and keep renting the properties and pay down that mortgage every month."
Even years later, Castro Socas still owns several of those properties, and their values have risen to new record highs.
"Keeping a cool head and looking at the actual facts rather than reacting to panic in the market proved to be much wiser in the long term," says Castro Socas.
One of the biggest reasons I want to get into real estate is that I'm hoping to make passive income and grow my overall financial portfolio.
But Casto Socas says that owning properties isn't just about making money. She says while it might be easy to just focus on income amounts and return on investment , being a landlord is also about the landlord-tenant relationship.
"Tenants who have a personal connection with you take care of the home better, stay longer, and are more likely to take care of minor repairs on their own," says Castro Socas.
In return, Castro Socas ensures she maintains that good relationship by taking care of issues quickly and treating tenants well. She says this mindset has led to an increase in her income over the years.
"With several tenants that have lived in rentals for over eight years, my income has been higher since we don't have any vacancies on these properties," says Castro Socas.
This article was originally published in October 2022.
Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives for a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago estate Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024, in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Republican Senate candidate Tim Sheehy shakes hands with Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Bozeman, Mont., Friday, Aug. 9, 2024. (AP Photo/Janie Osborne)
Members of former President Donald Trump’s team disembark from his Boeing 757 after arriving at the Billings Logan International Airport in Billings, Mont., on Friday afternoon, Aug. 9, 2024, enroute to Bozeman. (Larry Mayer/The Billings Gazette via AP)
Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign rally in Bozeman, Mont., Friday, Aug. 9, 2024. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)
Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump talks after speaking at a campaign rally in Bozeman, Mont., Friday, Aug. 9, 2024. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)
People wait in line before a campaign rally for Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump, in Bozeman, Mont., Friday, Aug. 9, 2024. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)
Susan Reneau, 72, of Missoula, Mont., arrives before Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Bozeman, Mont., Friday, Aug. 9, 2024. (AP Photo/Janie Osborne)
FILE - Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., leaves the chamber as the Senate prepares to advance the $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan passed by the House, at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, April 23, 2024. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)
Former President Donald Trump’s Boeing 757 arrives at the Billings Logan International Airport in Billings, Mont., on Friday afternoon, Aug. 9, 2024, enroute to Bozeman. (Larry Mayer/The Billings Gazette via AP)
BOZEMAN, Mont. (AP) — Donald Trump traveled to Montana for a Friday night rally intended to drum up support for ousting the state’s Democratic senator, but the former president’s plane first had to divert to an airport on the other side of the Rocky Mountains because of a mechanical issue, according to airport staff.
Trump’s plane was en route to Bozeman, Montana, when it was diverted Friday afternoon to Billings, 142 miles to the east, according to Jenny Mockel, administrative assistant at Billings Logan International Airport. Trump continued to Bozeman via private jet.
FILE - U.S. Senate candidate Tim Sheehy talks about his campaign, Friday, Feb. 9, 2024, in Helena, Mont. Sheehy is seeking the Republican nomination to challenge U.S. Sen. Jon Tester in the November election. (AP Photo/Matthew Brown, File)
The former president came to Montana hoping to remedy some unfinished business from 2018, when he campaigned repeatedly in Big Sky Country in a failed bid to oust incumbent Democratic Sen. Jon Tester. On Friday, Trump ripped into the three-term senator, mocking him for being overweight and for insinuating he sometimes sided with the former president.
“He voted to impeach me — that guy voted to impeach me,” Trump said of Tester, whom he called a “slob” with “the biggest stomach I’ve ever seen.”
Trump also invited to the stage Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson, his former White House physician, to further slam Montana’s senior senator. Tester sank Jackson’s nomination to be Trump’s Veterans Affairs secretary, alleging the doctor drank and used prescription drugs while on duty.
Tester has tried to convince voters he’s aligned with Trump on many issues, mirroring his successful strategy from six years ago. While that worked in a non-presidential election year, it faces a more critical test this fall with Tester’s opponent, former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy , trying to link the three-term incumbent to Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris.
Trump kicked off his rally about 90 minutes behind schedule and immediately began lacing into Tester. “We are going to defeat radical left Democrat Jon Tester, he’s terrible,” Trump said. “We’re going to evict crazy Kamala,” he continued, workshopping a nickname on his new rival.
Harris has benefitted nationally from a burst of enthusiasm among core Democratic constituencies, who coalesced quickly around her after President Joe Biden withdrew from the campaign last month. She’s drawn big crowds in swing states, touring this week with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, her choice to be her vice presidential nominee.
Trump’s only rally this week, meanwhile, was in a state he won by 16 percentage points four years ago rather than a November battleground. Facing new pressure in the race from a candidate with surging enthusiasm, Trump on Thursday called questions about his lack of swing state stops “stupid.”
“I don’t have to go there because I’m leading those states,” he said. “I’m going because I want to help senators and congressmen get elected.”
He will add on fundraising stops in Wyoming and Colorado.
Friday’s rally at Montana State University drew thousands of GOP supporters. Yet the former president’s bigger impact could be simply having his name above Sheehy’s on the ballot in November, said University of Montana political analyst Rob Saldin.
“There is a segment of the electorate that will turn out when Trump is on the ticket,” Saldin said. And that could benefit Sheehy, a Trump supporter and newcomer to politics who made a fortune off an aerial firefighting business.
What to know about the 2024 Election
Republicans have been on a roll in Montana for more than a decade and now hold every statewide office except for Tester’s.
Tester won each of his previous Senate contests by a narrow margin, casting himself as a plainspoken farmer who builds personal connections with people in Montana and is willing to break with his party on issues that matter to them. He’s also become a prolific fundraiser.
The race has drawn national attention with Democrats clinging to a razor-thin majority in the Senate and defending far more seats than the GOP this year. Tester is considered among the most vulnerable Democratic incumbents.
For him to win, large numbers of Trump supporters would have to vote a split ticket and get behind the Democratic senator.
Trump’s drive to oust Tester traces back to the lawmaker’s work in 2018 as chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Tester revealed past misconduct by Trump’s personal physician, Ronny Jackson, that sank Jackson’s nomination to lead the Veterans Affairs Department.
Then-President Trump took the matter personally and came to Montana four times to campaign for Republican Matt Rosendale, who was then the state auditor. Rosendale lost by 3 percentage points.
Before Trump’s latest visit, Tester has sought to insulate himself against charges that he’s part of the Democratic establishment by rolling out the names of Republicans who support him, including former Montana Gov. Marc Racicot. His campaign highlighted more than 20 pieces of legislation, many dealing with veterans’ issues, that Tester sponsored and Trump signed.
Tester also was the sole Democratic delegate from Montana to withhold a vote backing Harris as the party’s presidential candidate in the wake of Biden’s withdrawal. And when the Democratic National Convention takes place later this month in Chicago, Tester will be back in Montana “farming and meeting face to face with Montanans,” campaign spokesperson Harry Child said.
The last time Tester attended the Democratic National Convention was in 2008. That’s also the last time a Democratic presidential candidate came anywhere near winning Montana, with President Barack Obama losing by just over 2 percentage points.
On Friday, in an interview as he waited for the Trump rally to start, Sheehy dismissed the idea that Tester can survive Montana’s swing to the right. “Jon Tester is by 95%-plus in lockstep with the Biden-Harris agenda,” Sheehy said. “So I don’t think his attempt to message himself as a moderate is going to work.”
A similar situation is developing in Ohio, where three-term Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown faces a tough race in a state expected to vote for Trump.
Harris visited Ohio when the two were Senate colleagues to raise money for Brown’s 2018 campaign, but Brown has said he has no plans to campaign with her this year. Like Tester, Brown has highlighted legislation he worked on that Trump signed into law.
Friday’s rally takes place in Gallatin County, which Tester has become increasingly reliant on over the course of his political career.
He lost the county in his first Senate race, in 2006, but his support has since grown. A substantial margin of victory in Gallatin in 2018 helped push him ahead of Rosendale.
Republican Don Seifert, a former Gallatin County commissioner, said he voted for Tester that year and plans to do so again this year.
Seifert backed Trump in 2016 and said he has continued to support other Republicans, including Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte and Sen. Steve Daines.
“Montanans tend to vote for the person over the party,” Seifert said. “For the state of Montana, Jon is the one that can do what we need.”
But Sheehy says Tester has lost touch with his home state and fallen into step with Democrats in Washington. The Republican said in a message this week to supporters that Tester was “responsible for the rise of Kamala Harris” because he served as chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee from 2015 to 2017, when she was elected to the Senate from California.
Tester has outraised Sheehy by more than three-to-one in campaign donations reported to the Federal Election Commission. However, outside groups supporting Sheehy have helped the Republican make up much of that gap. Spending in the race is on track to exceed $200 million as advertisements from the two sides saturate Montana’s airwaves.
Associated Press reporters Amy Beth Hanson in Helena, Montana, and Julie Smyth in Columbus, Ohio, contributed to this report.
Marketing Plan. Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P's: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a magazine business plan, your marketing strategy should include the following: Product: In the product section, you should reiterate the type of magazine company that you documented in your Company Analysis.
Writing a magazine business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan: 1. Executive Summary. An executive summary is the first section planned to offer an overview of the entire business plan. However, it is written after the entire business plan is ready and ...
A magazine business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your magazine business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections. You can easily complete your Magazine business plan using our Magazine Business Plan Template here.
Measurement plan for a multiplatform magazine business model. For every single year in the next five, calculate and see revenues, expenses, overhead, and EBITDA. Determine the metrics and data most important to your business to keep it performing as planned, despite the flood of data that bewilders even the most buttoned-down publisher.
Here are the important elements to think about when starting your magazine: Niche — Choose a niche you are passionate about, such as fitness and health, parenting and family, business, hobbies and crafts, fashion and beauty, or something else.; Content plan — Develop an editorial calendar outlining the topics, features, and regular columns for each issue.
Consider the fact that around 90% of new magazines fold within the first year. Crafting a comprehensive business plan can significantly enhance your chances of success in this competitive landscape. Key elements of a successful magazine business plan include understanding your target audience and meticulously mapping out your revenue streams ...
1. Choose the Name for Your Magazine Business. The first step to starting a magazine business is to choose your business' name. This is a very important choice since your company name is your brand and will last for the lifetime of your business. Ideally you choose a name that is meaningful and memorable.
ii. Create a Business Plan. Think of your up-and-coming magazine as a company. It's not just a publication. It's a brand, a business. As with any venture, you need to devise a solid plan. Using your concept research, build a business plan that addresses the logistics of starting a magazine. Priority considerations include:
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Before production: Brainstorming. 1. Develop your business plan. Before writing a single word for your magazine, sit down to develop a business plan. This includes your mission (the reason why your magazine should exist), your goals, and how to attain them. Important questions to consider in your plan:
1. Create a business plan. You may want to get to work on your new magazine immediately, but you need a business plan. Writing your small business plan helps you figure out exactly what you need to get the magazine going, the challenges you may encounter, your target audience, how much money it will cost, and more.
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A typical business plan is 15 to 25 pages. Its length depends on a variety of factors, such as whether your business is introducing a new product or belongs to a new industry (which requires ...
Launching a magazine typically requires funding from investors, business loans, crowdfunding, or personal savings. The exact amount depends on factors like the magazine's frequency, distribution, staffing needs, and production costs. $50,000-$500,000 is a common range for launching a print magazine. Digital magazines have lower costs.
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Describe Your Services or Products. The business plan should have a section that explains the services or products that you're offering. This is the part where you can also describe how they fit ...
Determine how you can best reach potential customers. Evaluate your competition. Your marketing plan must set you apart from your competition, and you can't stand out unless you know your ...
This section of your simple business plan template explores how to structure and operate your business. Details include the type of business organization your startup will take, roles and ...
A business plan is a written description of your business's future, a document that tells what you plan to do and how you plan to do it. If you jot down a paragraph on the back of an envelope ...
Within the overall outline of the business plan, the executive summary will follow the title page. The summary should tell the reader what you want. This is very important. All too often, what the ...
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Leading the business network for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Joe Murphy has been with the non-profit for the last eight years, starting his career with the foundation as an analyst. With a career spanning more than 15 years, Joe has worked for EY, Restless Development, PayPal, London Early YEars Foundation, and On Purposer Fellow.
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The Biden budget called for between $3 trillion and $4 trillion in new taxes on wealthy Americans, corporations and business owners — including a controversial idea to tax unrealized capital ...
The former president came to Montana hoping to remedy some unfinished business from 2018, when he campaigned repeatedly in Big Sky Country in a failed bid to oust incumbent Democratic Sen. Jon Tester. On Friday, Trump ripped into the three-term senator, mocking him for being overweight and for insinuating he sometimes sided with the former ...