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Essays on Antigone

Antigone, a classic Greek tragedy by Sophocles, explores themes of loyalty, justice, and civil disobedience. This powerful play provides a rich ground for literary analysis and critical essays, making it a popular choice for students and scholars. Here are some well-organized Antigone essay topics to consider. Whether examining the complex character dynamics, the moral and ethical conflicts, or the significant use of symbolism, each topic offers a unique perspective on the play’s timeless relevance. Delving into these topics can deepen understanding of Sophocles' intentions and the play's impact on both ancient and modern audiences.

Top 10 Antigone Argumentative Essay Topics in 2024

  • The Clash Between Divine Law and Human Law: Analyze how the conflict between divine law and human law drives the plot of "Antigone" and discuss its relevance to modern legal and ethical dilemmas.
  • Antigone as a Feminist Icon: Argue whether Antigone can be considered a feminist character in the context of ancient Greek society and modern feminist theory.
  • The Role of Civil Disobedience: Discuss the portrayal of civil disobedience in "Antigone" and its implications for contemporary social and political movements.
  • Creon’s Leadership and Its Consequences: Evaluate Creon’s leadership style, its impact on Thebes, and how it serves as a cautionary tale for modern leaders.
  • The Concept of Tragic Heroism: Compare Antigone and Creon as tragic heroes, analyzing their flaws, motivations, and ultimate fates.
  • The Intersection of Fate and Free Will: Examine how fate and free will interact in "Antigone" and the extent to which the characters control their destinies.
  • The Role of the Chorus: Discuss the function of the Chorus in "Antigone" and its influence on the audience’s perception of the play’s events.
  • The Theme of Loyalty and Betrayal: Analyze how loyalty and betrayal shape the relationships and decisions of characters in "Antigone."
  • The Impact of Gender Roles: Argue how "Antigone" challenges or reinforces traditional gender roles in ancient Greek society.
  • Justice vs. Revenge: Debate whether Antigone’s actions are driven by a sense of justice or a desire for revenge, and how this distinction affects the play’s moral message.

List of Interesting Antigone Essay Topics

Character analysis.

  • Antigone's character and her motivations
  • Creon's leadership style and its consequences
  • Ismene's role and her development throughout the play
  • The transformation of Haemon
  • Antigone and Creon: A Study of Foil Characters in Sophocles' Tragedy
  • The significance of Tiresias as a character
  • The theme of civil disobedience in "Antigone"
  • Exploring the theme of loyalty and betrayal
  • Justice vs. revenge in "Antigone"
  • The conflict between divine law and human law
  • The role of fate and free will in the play

Symbolism and Motifs

  • The significance of burial rituals in "Antigone"
  • The use of light and darkness as symbols
  • The Complexities of Morality and Duty in Sophocles' Antigone
  • The motif of stubbornness and its impact on the characters
  • The portrayal of gender roles and their subversion

Social and Political Commentary

  • The political implications of Creon's rule
  • The role of women in Greek society as depicted in "Antigone"
  • The impact of Antigone's actions on Theban society
  • The critique of absolute power in "Antigone"

Literary Techniques

  • The use of dramatic irony in "Antigone"
  • The role of the Chorus and its contributions to the narrative
  • The structure of the tragedy and its effect on the audience
  • The use of dialogue and monologue to reveal character

Comparative Analysis

  • Comparing Antigone to other tragic heroines in Greek literature
  • The similarities and differences between Creon and other tragic leaders
  • Analyzing the themes of "Antigone" in the context of modern society

As you explore these Antigone essay topics, remember to approach them with curiosity and creativity. Your unique perspective and insights will make your essay stand out. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and delve deep into the themes and characters of Antigone.

Hook Examples for "Antigone" Essays

Introduce the character of Antigone as the tragic heroine of the play. Discuss her noble qualities, her determination to uphold her beliefs, and the tragic consequences of her actions.

Explore the central conflict in "Antigone" between divine law and human law. Discuss how Antigone's defiance of King Creon's decree highlights the clash between moral duty and political authority.

Focus on the character of Creon as a symbol of political power and pride. Discuss how his decisions and hubris lead to tragedy within the play and explore the lessons it conveys.

Analyze "Antigone" from a feminist perspective, highlighting the role of gender and the defiance of traditional gender roles in the play. Discuss how Antigone's actions challenge societal norms.

Examine the role of the Chorus in "Antigone" as a moral compass and commentator on the events of the play. Discuss how the Chorus adds depth to the themes and characters.

Explore the character of Ismene, Antigone's sister, and her role in the tragedy. Discuss her internal conflict and her ultimate fate as a foil to Antigone.

Provide historical and cultural context for "Antigone" by discussing ancient Greek beliefs and values, including the significance of burial rituals and the influence of Greek tragedy.

Highlight the enduring themes of "Antigone," such as the consequences of moral choices, the conflict between individual and state, and the nature of justice. Discuss how these themes resonate with audiences today.

Discuss the relevance of "Antigone" in contemporary society, drawing parallels to issues of civil disobedience, government authority, and individual conscience. Emphasize the enduring impact of the play's themes.

End your essay by summarizing the lessons and insights that "Antigone" offers to readers and audiences. Reflect on the enduring importance of this classic Greek tragedy.

Antigone Thesis Statements to Get Started

  • The Clash Between Divine Law and Human Law

In Sophocles' 'Antigone,' the central conflict between divine law and human law highlights the complexities of moral decision-making and underscores the enduring struggle between personal conscience and societal obligations.

  • Antigone as a Feminist Icon

Antigone's defiance of Creon's authority and her unwavering commitment to familial duty in Sophocles' 'Antigone' positions her as an early feminist icon challenging the patriarchal structures of ancient Greek society.

  • The Role of Civil Disobedience

Sophocles' 'Antigone' presents civil disobedience as a powerful form of resistance against unjust laws, advocating for the primacy of individual moral duty over state-imposed edicts.

  • Creon’s Leadership and Its Consequences

Creon's rigid and authoritarian leadership in 'Antigone' serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of absolute power and the importance of humility and flexibility in governance.

  • The Concept of Tragic Heroism

Both Antigone and Creon embody elements of the tragic hero in Sophocles' 'Antigone,' with their respective flaws and noble intentions leading to their inevitable downfalls, thereby illustrating the complex nature of human suffering and fate.

  • The Intersection of Fate and Free Will

Sophocles' 'Antigone' explores the tension between fate and free will, suggesting that while characters may have control over their actions, they are ultimately bound by the inescapable decrees of destiny.

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First performed in 441 BCE, by Sophocles

Play, Tragedy

Antigone, Ismene, Creon, Eurydice, Haemon, Tiresias

Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus, defies King Creon's edict that her brother Polynices, who was deemed a traitor, should not be given a proper burial. She believes that divine law mandates his burial and takes it upon herself to ensure he is buried. This act of defiance leads to a tragic chain of events, culminating in the deaths of Antigone, Haemon, and Eurydice. The play explores the consequences of pride and the clash between individual moral duty and state laws.

"Antigone" was written during a time of political tension in Athens, reflecting the conflicts and debates about democracy, power, and individual rights in the city-state. The play remains relevant due to its exploration of universal themes and its powerful commentary on the human condition and societal norms.

  • Conflict between individual rights and state power.
  • The role of gender and the position of women in society.
  • Fate versus free will.
  • The nature of justice.
  • Loyalty to family versus loyalty to the state.
  • Dramatic irony: the audience knows that Antigone's defiance will lead to her downfall, while the characters remain unaware of their impending fate.
  • Symbolism: the burial of Polyneices
  • Imagery: vivid descriptions of suffering, death, and familial bonds.
  • Dramatic dialogue and monologues.

Sophocles' tragedy "Antigone" has profoundly influenced literature, theater, and society. Its exploration of moral dilemmas highlights the clash between individual conscience and societal norms, emphasizing the importance of standing up for one's beliefs. This theme resonates with audiences, inspiring discussions on civil disobedience, justice, and authority. "Antigone" has impacted dramatic techniques with Sophocles' use of dialogue, monologues, and dramatic irony, shaping the tragedy genre. The play's complex characters and their inner struggles have influenced character development in theater and literature. Moreover, "Antigone" has inspired political and social movements. Its themes of rebellion against oppressive regimes and the pursuit of justice serve as rallying cries for activists. The play's examination of power dynamics and loyalty remains relevant in discussions of human rights, democracy, and social justice, making it an excellent subject for an Antigone essay.

  • According to accounts, Sophocles is said to have passed away while reciting a part of his play Antigone.
  • In 1944, the French playwright and screenwriter Jean Anouilh released a play titled Antigone, which garnered significant attention despite being staged in Paris under German occupation.
  • Sigmund Freud, the influential figure in psychoanalysis, chose to name his daughter Anna Antigone.

Sophocles' "Antigone" is a timeless Greek tragedy, making it a significant topic for essays. The play explores themes like moral dilemmas, justice, and the clash between personal convictions and societal norms. Its multidimensional characters and literary techniques offer rich material for analysis. For those seeking inspiration, numerous Antigone essay examples highlight its enduring relevance and profound insights into human nature and ethics.

1. Murnaghan, S. (1986). Antigone 904-920 and the Institution of Marriage. The American Journal of Philology, 107(2), 192-207. (https://www.jstor.org/stable/294602) 2. Honig, B. (2009). Antigone's laments, Creon's grief: Mourning, membership, and the politics of exception. Political Theory, 37(1), 5-43. (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0090591708326645) 3. Rouse, W. H. D. (1911). The two burials in Antigone. The Classical Review, 25(2), 40-42. (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/classical-review/article/abs/two-burials-in-antigone/5F435DF66023E724D84BE90BCA655AAA) 4. Meltzer, F. (2011). Theories of desire: Antigone again. Critical Inquiry, 37(2), 169-186. (https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/657289?journalCode=ci) 5. de Fátima Silva, M. (2017). Antigone. In Brill's Companion to the Reception of Sophocles (pp. 391-474). Brill. (https://brill.com/display/book/edcoll/9789004300941/B9789004300941_007.xml) 6. Davis, C. (1995). The Abject: Kristeva and the Antigone. Paroles gelées, 13(1). (https://escholarship.org/uc/item/8qt465qh#main) 7. Margon, J. S. (1970). The Death of Antigone. California Studies in Classical Antiquity, 3, 177-183. (https://online.ucpress.edu/ca/article-abstract/doi/10.2307/25010605/33738/The-Death-of-Antigone?redirectedFrom=PDF) 8. Marini, F. (1992). The uses of literature in the exploration of public administration ethics: The example of Antigone. Public Administration Review, 420-426. (https://www.jstor.org/stable/976801) 9. Benardete, S. (2014). Sacred Transgressions: A Reading of Sophocles' Antigone. (https://philpapers.org/rec/BENSTA-7)

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thesis statement on antigone

Literary Theory and Criticism

Home › Drama Criticism › Analysis of Sophocles’ Antigone

Analysis of Sophocles’ Antigone

By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on July 29, 2020 • ( 0 )

Within this single drama—in great part, a harsh critique of Athenian society and the Greek city-state in general—Sophocles tells of the eternal struggle between the state and the individual, human and natural law, and the enormous gulf between what we attempt here on earth and what fate has in store for us all. In this magnificent dramatic work, almost incidentally so, we find nearly every reason why we are now what we are.

—Victor D. Hanson and John Heath, Who Killed Homer? The Demise of Classical Education and the Recovery of Greek Wisdom

With Antigone Sophocles forcibly demonstrates that the power of tragedy derives not from the conflict between right and wrong but from the confrontation between right and right. As the play opens the succession battle between the sons of Oedipus—Polynices and Eteocles—over control of Thebes has resulted in both of their deaths. Their uncle Creon, who has now assumed the throne, asserts his authority to end a destructive civil war and decrees that only Eteocles, the city’s defender, should receive honorable burial. Polynices, who has led a foreign army against Thebes, is branded a traitor. His corpse is to be left on the battlefield “to be chewed up by birds and dogs and violated,” with death the penalty for anyone who attempts to bury him and supply the rites necessary for the dead to reach the underworld. Antigone, Polynices’ sister, is determined to defy Creon’s order, setting in motion a tragic collision between opposed laws and duties: between natural and divine commands that dictate the burial of the dead and the secular edicts of a ruler determined to restore civic order, between family allegiance and private conscience and public duty and the rule of law that restricts personal liberty for the common good. Like the proverbial immovable object meeting an irresistible force, Antigone arranges the impact of seemingly irreconcilable conceptions of rights and responsibilities, producing one of drama’s enduring illuminations of human nature and the human condition.

Antigone Guide

Antigone is one of Sophocles’ greatest achievements and one of the most influential dramas ever staged. “Between 1790 and 1905,” critic George Steiner reports, “it was widely held by European poets, philosophers, [and] scholars that Sophocles’ Antigone was not only the fi nest of Greek tragedies, but a work of art nearer to perfection than any other produced by the human spirit.” Its theme of the opposition between the individual and authority has resonated through the centuries, with numerous playwrights, most notably Jean Anouilh, Bertolt Brecht, and Athol Fugard grafting contemporary concerns and values onto the moral and political dramatic framework that Sophocles established. The play has elicited paradoxical responses reflecting changing cultural and moral imperatives. Antigone, who has been described as “the first heroine of Western drama,” has been interpreted both as a heroic martyr to conscience and as a willfully stubborn fanatic who causes her own death and that of two other innocent people, forsaking her duty to the living on behalf of the dead. Creon has similarly divided critics between censure and sympathy. Despite the play’s title, some have suggested that the tragedy is Creon’s, not Antigone’s, and it is his abuse of authority and his violations of personal, family, and divine obligations that center the drama’s tragedy. The brilliance of Sophocles’ play rests in the complexity of motive and the competing absolute claims that the drama displays. As novelist George Eliot observed,

It is a very superficial criticism which interprets the character of Creon as that of hypocritical tyrant, and regards Antigone as a blameless victim. Coarse contrasts like this are not the materials handled by great dramatists. The exquisite art of Sophocles is shown in the touches by which he makes us feel that Creon, as well as Antigone, is contending for what he believes to be the right, while both are also conscious that, in following out one principle, they are laying themselves open to just blame for transgressing another.

Eliot would call the play’s focus the “antagonism of valid principles,” demonstrating a point of universal significance that “Wherever the strength of a man’s intellect, or moral sense, or affection brings him into opposition with the rules which society has sanctioned, there is renewed conflict between Antigone and Creon; such a man must not only dare to be right, he must also dare to be wrong—to shake faith, to wound friendship, perhaps, to hem in his own powers.” Sophocles’ Antigone is less a play about the pathetic end of a victim of tyranny or the corruption of authority than about the inevitable cost and con-sequence between competing imperatives that define the human condition. From opposite and opposed positions, both Antigone and Creon ultimately meet at the shared suffering each has caused. They have destroyed each other and themselves by who they are and what they believe. They are both right and wrong in a world that lacks moral certainty and simple choices. The Chorus summarizes what Antigone will vividly enact: “The powerful words of the proud are paid in full with mighty blows of fate, and at long last those blows will teach us wisdom.”

As the play opens Antigone declares her intention to her sister Ismene to defy Creon’s impious and inhumane order and enlists her sister’s aid to bury their brother. Ismene responds that as women they must not oppose the will of men or the authority of the city and invite death. Ismene’s timidity and deference underscores Antigone’s courage and defiance. Antigone asserts a greater allegiance to blood kinship and divine law declaring that the burial is a “holy crime,” justified even by death. Ismene responds by calling her sister “a lover of the impossible,” an accurate description of the tragic hero, who, according to scholar Bernard Knox, is Sophocles’ most important contribution to drama: “Sophocles presents us for the first time with what we recognize as a ‘tragic hero’: one who, unsupported by the gods and in the face of human opposition, makes a decision which springs from the deepest layer of his individual nature, his physis , and then blindly, ferociously, heroically maintains that decision even to the point of self-destruction.” Antigone exactly conforms to Knox’s description, choosing her conception of duty over sensible self-preservation and gender-prescribed submission to male authority, turning on her sister and all who oppose her. Certain in her decision and self-sufficient, Antigone rejects both her sister’s practical advice and kinship. Ironically Antigone denies to her sister, when Ismene resists her will, the same blood kinship that claims Antigone’s supreme allegiance in burying her brother. For Antigone the demands of the dead overpower duty to the living, and she does not hesitate in claiming both to know and act for the divine will. As critic Gilbert Norwood observes, “It is Antigone’s splendid though perverse valor which creates the drama.”

Before the apprehended Antigone, who has been taken in the act of scattering dust on her brother’s corpse, lamenting, and pouring libations, is brought before Creon and the dramatic crux of the play, the Chorus of The-ban elders delivers what has been called the fi nest song in all Greek tragedy, the so-called Ode to Man, that begins “Wonders are many, and none is more wonderful than man.” This magnificent celebration of human power over nature and resourcefulness in reason and invention ends with a stark recognition of humanity’s ultimate helplessness—“Only against Death shall he call for aid in vain.” Death will test the resolve and principles of both Antigone and Creon, while, as critic Edouard Schuré asserts, “It brings before us the most extraordinary psychological evolution that has ever been represented on stage.”

When Antigone is brought in judgment before Creon, obstinacy meets its match. Both stand on principle, but both reveal the human source of their actions. Creon betrays himself as a paranoid autocrat; Antigone as an individual whose powerful hatred outstrips her capacity for love. She defiantly and proudly admits that she is guilty of disobeying Creon’s decree and that he has no power to override divine law. Nor does Antigone concede any mitigation of her personal obligation in the competing claims of a niece, a sister, or a citizen. Creon is maddened by what he perceives to be Antigone’s insolence in justifying her crime by diminishing his authority, provoking him to ignore all moderating claims of family, natural, or divine extenuation. When Ismene is brought in as a co-conspirator, she accepts her share of guilt in solidarity with her sister, but again Antigone spurns her, calling her “a friend who loves in words,” denying Ismene’s selfless act of loyalty and sympathy with a cold dismissal and self-sufficiency, stating, “Never share my dying, / don’t lay claim to what you never touched.” However, Ismene raises the ante for both Antigone and Creon by asking her uncle whether by condemning Antigone he will kill his own son’s betrothed. Creon remains adamant, and his judgment on Antigone and Ismene, along with his subsequent argument with his son, Haemon, reveals that Creon’s principles are self-centered, contradictory, and compromised by his own pride, fears, and anxieties. Antigone’s challenge to his authority, coming from a woman, is demeaning. If she goes free in defiance of his authority, Creon declares, “I am not the man, she is.” To the urging of Haemon that Creon should show mercy, tempering his judgment to the will of Theban opinion that sympathizes with Antigone, Creon asserts that he cares nothing for the will of the town, whose welfare Creon’s original edict against Polynices was meant to serve. Creon, moreover, resents being schooled in expediency by his son. Inflamed by his son’s advocacy on behalf of Antigone, Creon brands Haemon a “woman’s slave,” and after vacillating between stoning Antigone and executing her and her sister in front of Haemon, Creon rules that Antigone alone is to perish by being buried alive. Having begun the drama with a decree that a dead man should remain unburied, Creon reverses himself, ironically, by ordering the premature burial of a living woman.

Antigone, being led to her entombment, is shown stripped of her former confidence and defiance, searching for the justification that can steel her acceptance of the fate that her actions have caused. Contemplating her living descent into the underworld and the death that awaits her, Antigone regrets dying without marriage and children. Gone is her reliance on divine and natural law to justify her act as she equivocates to find the emotional source to sustain her. A husband and children could be replaced, she rationalizes, but since her mother and father are dead, no brother can ever replace Polynices. Antigone’s tortured logic here, so different from the former woman of principle, has been rejected by some editors as spurious. Others have judged this emotionally wrought speech essential for humanizing Antigone, revealing her capacity to suffer and her painful search for some consolation.


The drama concludes with the emphasis shifted back to Creon and the consequences of his judgment. The blind prophet Teiresias comes to warn Creon that Polynices’ unburied body has offended the gods and that Creon is responsible for the sickness that has descended on Thebes. Creon has kept from Hades one who belongs there and is sending to Hades another who does not. The gods confirm the rightness of Antigone’s action, but justice evades the working out of the drama’s climax. The release of Antigone comes too late; she has hung herself. Haemon commits suicide, and Eurydice, Creon’s wife, kills herself after cursing Creon for the death of their son. Having denied the obligation of family, Creon loses his own. Creon’s rule, marked by ignoring or transgressing cosmic and family law, is shown as ultimately inadequate and destructive. Creon is made to realize that he has been rash and foolish, that “Whatever I have touched has come to nothing.” Both Creon and Antigone have been pushed to terrifying ends in which what truly matters to both are made starkly clear. Antigone’s moral imperatives have been affirmed but also their immense cost in suffering has been exposed. Antigone explores a fundamental rift between public and private worlds. The central opposition in the play between Antigone and Creon, between duty to self and duty to state, dramatizes critical antimonies in the human condition. Sophocles’ genius is his resistance of easy and consoling simplifications to resolve the oppositions. Both sides are ultimately tested; both reveal the potential for greatness and destruction.

24 lectures on Greek Tragedy by Dr. Elizabeth Vandiver.

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Essay questions for sophocles's antigone.

A thesis statement can be regarded as an answer to a question, so coming up with a one-sentence response to one of the questions below could give you a good thesis statement for an essay on Sophocles's Antigone .

  • In what ways is Creon responsible for his own downfall?
  • Does Creon suffer from excessive pride?
  • How would you characterize Creon as a ruler?
  • Is Creon deserving of sympathy?
  • How might we interpret Creon's character psychologically? What personal characteristics lead to the decisions that he makes?
  • What personal characteristics lead Antigone to defy Creon in burying her brother?
  • How should we regard the character Antigone? As prideful and reckless? As heroic? As an innocent victim of tyranny? As a martyr? As a masocist? As an idealist?
  • In what significant ways are Creon and Antigone similar?
  • In what ways is Ismene important to the play?
  • In what ways is Haemon important to the play?
  • How are women portrayed in the play?
  • What does the play say about the place of women in society?
  • What does the play Antigone say about absolute power?
  • What does the play say about obligations to family and obligations to authority?
  • What does the play say about human laws and religious laws?

These are only some of the questions we could ask about the play. Can you think of other questions?

Copyright Randy Rambo , 2022.

Five thesis statement why Antigone is a tragic hero in the play Antigone?

This is for my essay

I can't formulate five in this but here are a few for you:

Antigone has a few tragic flaws going for her, or rather against her. Her loyalty to the gods and her brother's memory means that she will have to be disloyal to King Creon.

Antigone is also pretty stubborn. That is kind of a good trait in a heroic sort of way but unfortunately her stubbornness gets herself in trouble but also risks other characters as well like Ismene and Haemon.

Antigone's modus operandi seems to be a reverence for all things dead, like Polynices, rather than herself or the people alive that she cares about.

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Antigone - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Antigone is a tragedy by Sophocles written in or before 441 BC, centering on the themes of loyalty, honor, and the consequences of defying the state’s law. Essays on Antigone could explore the character analysis, thematic explorations, its relevance in the context of political dissent, and the ethical dilemmas presented in the narrative. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Antigone you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Analysis of Antigone by Sophocles

Sophocles, one of the three ancient Greek tragedians whose plays have survived, created the main character, Antigone, as a civil disobedience.  The play embellishes the opposing conflicts between Antigone who stands for the values of family, and Creon who stands for the values of the state.  It includes terms that are demonstrated throughout the Discovering Literature textbook.  Antigone is one of the great Greek Tragedies remembered today, and it contains an important message to readers. Throughout Antigone essay, many literary […]

Gender Roles in Antigone

Essentially family, the roles of women and men, and death plays a vital role in society. Family values have certain qualities that are crucial for a family to uphold. Gender roles have differed from ancient times to currently in today's society. Unlike religious gods today, Greek gods took human form and had the same dilemmas human have in society. In a short story of Antigone, Sophocles illustrates a rage between family and what is deemed by society. Families today are […]

Leadership in Oedipus Rex

While comparing the similarities between Oedipus and Creon, they both accepted their guilt behind their actions, felt guilty for their actions and Creon would make a better position as a president for 2021. Oedipus accepts his guilt when he realizes that he murdered his father and slept with his mother and also finds Jocasta dead. Oedipus then later blinds himself from facing reality and the actual truth. 'And as this dirge went up, so did his hands strike his founts […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Reality of Interpretation between Antigone and Creon

Sophocles Antigone shows the reality of interpretation between Antigone and Creon, and other characters in the play. Antigone and Creon are similar in being stubborn but have a different understanding of reality. In the play, we see that Antigone and Creon dispute the definition of justice and power. The defender of family rights is Antigone, and her opponent is Creon who defends the idea of the power of the state. Antigone shows the conflict between the human beings as a […]

Oedipus and Antigone

Relationships are known to be about love and trust, but it seems to be a very big problem in the past. In the past for example in the stories I will be using are not just complicated between one or two people it is conflict that has happened between an entire family. When something is conflicted that means that there is a huge argument between one or even many people because they disagree with something. In my opinion it almost […]

The Role of Woman in Ancient Time

The role of woman in each of these works play a significant role in each yet they are all portrayed in different aspects. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a very old story yet still the role of women in the story is very much important. You can get the idea that it might actually not be so old since it shows that woman’s role as that of in today’s society. If you take it from the biological perspective, the females are […]

Antigone Death

It is true that life has infinite new things. In those, there are things, which cannot be counted or bought with money, that make people feel very precious and respectful. That is love. Love is mysterious in the heart. Love helps people become comfortable, happy, always approaching better personalities and the better future in life. Love is the foundation to be more stable and more attached to individuals in society. Love has many levels, but often when giving love, people […]

Antigone’s Determination in Sophocles’s Antigone

Sometimes it is hard to choose between following the law and doing what is best for your family, but Antigone has no problem with that decision. In Antigone essay examples, the Greek tragedy written by Sophocles, Antigone is the protagonist. Since both of her brothers died in the war against each other, Creon, her uncle, takes the throne. He does not believe that Polyneices should be buried, so he enforces a law to forbid it. Antigone proposes the idea to Ismene, […]

Three Traits of the Golden Age of Athens in Literature

The beginning of the Golden Age of Greece or Athens started with the Persian war, when the Persian army was defeated by Greeks. One of the main defining features of the Golden Age of Athens are that Law comes from men not the gods as we can see in the book of Antigone, another one is explaining history through the actions of people not the gods, as we can see in the book Odyssey, and the last one is focusing […]

A Character of Antigone in the Play

Antigone is a passionate Greek tragedy of conflict and suffering written by Sophocles. Its plot revolves around the illegal burial of Antigone's rebellious brother Polyneices.  This essay on Antigone will zoom in to the strength and weaknesses of the main character Antigone. Antigone, is portrayed as the tragic hero who recognizes her familial obligation and responsibilities. The dialogue between her and Ismene reveals her stubbornness and loyalty to her brother. Despite the consequences, Antigone challenges Creon's decree in order to […]

Antigone as a Tragic Hero

Sophocles’ Antigone was a book that had a unique plot. One of the ideas presented in this specific play was feminism and Antigone’s determination to go against their ruler. Along with this idea occurred a number of tragedies, which means there’s also a tragic hero. There are numerous debates in determining the tragic hero in this play, between the protagonist Antigone and Creon, Antigone’s cruel uncle. Tragic heroes, in any work, is a character – not necessarily the protagonist- with […]

Antigone Themes of Laws and Cunning Contrivance

Whether one is planning out their life or not, everyone’s life is predetermined. In the Hindu religion, it is believed that one’s life is based on how they have lived in their previous lives before. This has to do with how people lived their lives before and how they treated others. In “Antigone” by Socrates everyone lives their lives based on their social class and gender. The characters in Antigone also have a destined plan of how they should live. […]

A Picture of Antigone in the Play

Sophocles' Antigone, believed to have been written around 441 B.C., explores a number of conflicts, including the of issue of gender inequality which is prevalent in the entire play. The play begins with a female protagonist entering the stage with pronounced intentions to defy the king of Thebes. This behavior from a woman was not accepted at any time in ancient Greek society. They were treated as  inferior to their male partners and the inequality is seen through all of […]

Antigone Essay on Gender Roles

Gender roles are basically defined as socially constructed roles that society considers proper to men and women. Gender role plays a big role in this story and in the Greek society as well. The play, “Antigone”, determines that Haimon and Antigone challenge gender roles while Ismene perpetuates. Haimon stands up for woman and condractics societal gender roles. The quote, “The city would deny it, to a man” (Sophocles 18) states that Haimon is going against the rules of women being […]

Antigone Vs Oedipus the King Civil Disobedience

Antigone struggled between the loyalty to her brother and Creon’s decree. She wanted to give her brother a proper burial so he could have a peaceful afterlife. However, Creon demanded that no one bury Antigone’s brother. I can relate to Antigone because I have wanted to help my friend when she got herself in trouble. However, my parents said I was not allowed to contact her because she was a negative influence. I believe that Antigone has the right to […]

Antigone and MLK Compare and Contrast Essay: Unveiling the Timeless Essence of Justice Across Eras

Dive into the entwined narratives of Antigone and Martin Luther King Jr., two distinct eras yet interconnected by the tenacity of justice. Their tales, though ages apart, share a familiar chord—the relentless pursuit of what's right. Let's embark on a journey of comparison and contrast, where these two figures, separated by centuries, become our guides in exploring justice's myriad facets and how it evolves across time. Antigone's defiance against the edicts of power resounds with a fervor echoing through history. […]

Antigone and Creon: a Comparative Analysis of Moral Justice and Personal Duty

Clashing Beliefs of Antigone and Creon In Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone, each character had a striking personality and powerful beliefs. The two main characters of the tragedy are Antigone and Creon. Both had strong and different ideas about what was wrong and what was right, leading to much conflict between them throughout the tragedy. The heroine, Antigone, had some of the strongest beliefs of them all. Antigone was willing to sacrifice her own life and well-being to honor her fallen brother, […]

Decoding the Authorship of Antigone: a Deep Dive into Sophocles’ Legacy

Have you ever wondered about the genius behind the timeless Greek tragedy "Antigone"? Sure, if you ask anyone familiar with Greek literature, they’ll probably throw the name Sophocles at you. But let’s be real: the story of who penned "Antigone" is more than just a straightforward credit to Sophocles. It’s a journey through the heart of ancient Greek drama, packed with layers of history and a bit of scholarly detective work. Sophocles, this guy was not just anybody. Born around […]

Playwright :Sophocles
Chorus :Theban Elders
Date premiered :c. 441 BCE
Genre :Tragedy
Place premiered :Athens
Original language :Ancient Greek
Characters :Creon, Ismene, Antigone, Haemon, Eurydice of Thebes, Tiresias, Sentry, Polynices

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How To Write an Essay About Antigone

Understanding the play 'antigone'.

Before diving into writing an essay about "Antigone," it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the play. "Antigone" is a tragedy by the ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, and it deals with themes such as individual vs. state, family loyalty, and moral integrity. Familiarize yourself with the plot, characters, and the historical and cultural context in which Sophocles wrote. Understanding the play’s background, including the mythological story of Oedipus and its impact on Antigone’s life, is essential. This foundational knowledge will provide a solid base for your essay.

Choosing a Focus and Developing a Thesis

Once you have a comprehensive understanding of the play, the next step is to choose a specific focus for your essay. This could be an analysis of a particular theme, character, or a specific aspect of Sophocles' writing style. Develop a clear thesis statement that will guide the direction of your essay. Your thesis should be arguable and not merely a statement of fact. For example, you might argue how Antigone represents the conflict between personal conviction and state law. This thesis will shape your analysis and give your essay a clear direction.

Gathering Evidence from the Text

After establishing your thesis, gather evidence from the text to support your arguments. This involves close reading of "Antigone" to find quotes, dialogues, and instances in the play that align with your thesis. For instance, if you're discussing Antigone’s defiance as a form of civil disobedience, find parts of the dialogue that showcase her reasoning and moral stance. This step is critical because solid evidence from the text will strengthen your arguments and give credibility to your essay.

Analyzing and Interpreting the Text

The next part of your essay should be devoted to analyzing and interpreting the evidence you have gathered. Discuss how your selected quotes and examples support your thesis. This section should not just summarize the play but offer a deeper insight into the themes, characters, and stylistic elements of Sophocles' writing. For example, explore how Sophocles uses dramatic irony or how the character of Creon contrasts with Antigone. Your analysis should be thoughtful and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the text.

Concluding Your Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your analysis and restating your thesis in the light of the evidence and discussion provided. Your conclusion should tie all the elements of your essay together and reinforce your overall argument. It could also provide a broader comment on the significance of the play in contemporary times or its relevance in the context of Greek tragedy. A strong conclusion will leave the reader with a lasting impression of your insights into the play.

Final Touches: Review and Edit

After completing your essay, it's important to review and edit your work. Check for clarity, coherence, grammar, and spelling errors. Ensure that your essay flows logically and that your arguments are well-supported with evidence from the text. It might also be helpful to get feedback from others, perhaps classmates or a teacher, who can provide a fresh perspective. A well-polished essay will communicate your ideas more effectively and demonstrate your understanding and analysis of "Antigone."

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The Ancient Greek Tragedy “Antigone” Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

The modern person’s interest in ancient tragedies is quite extraordinary. In their works many centuries ago, Ancient authors raised ethical and philosophical issues relevant to their time. After more than two millennia, these same problems find a response in the heart of modern man. A modern person unexpectedly finds answers to many difficult questions when he gets acquainted with the works of ancient poets, philosophers, and playwrights. This tragedy raises many questions, the importance of which is reflected and relevant even today, and the main character can teach people of the twenty-first century a lot.

The ancient Greek tragedy “Antigone” was written by Sophocles and narrates about a woman fighting against a royal decree that hurt her personal feelings and principles. Antigone is a girl who has crossed out her future by her act and has incurred the wrath of King Creon. She has the following features: courage, pluck, and some notes of asceticism. The heroic line intersects with the lyrical one: she cries and does not want to die, making Antigone a living person with a lively character. A distinctive feature of the main characters of Sophocles is their pronounced individualization.

The conflict began with the fact that Antigone’s brothers – Eteocles and Polynices – fought with each other and, unfortunately, died. According to the decree of the Theban king Creon, Eteocles was to be buried as a hero. The body of Polynices was ordered to be left unburied, under the scorching sun, as a traitor who went to war against Thebes. Disobeying the decree, Antigone herself buries her brother’s body according to the funeral rite established by the gods. For this, Creon ordered Antigone to be walled up in a cave, but the girl, faithful to her duty to fulfill sacred laws, did not humble before Creon. She preferred death to obedience to a cruel king and committed suicide.

The key feature of the image of Antigone is her fantastic willpower. She demonstrates this feature in the struggle with Creon for the right to bury her brother according to the ancestral rite. “I know that I will die— of course I do— even if you had not doomed me by proclamation. If I shall die before my time, I count that a profit” (505-510). She honors the ancient law of the tribal society, and she does not doubt the correctness of the decision made. Feeling that she is right, Antigone boldly challenges Creon. Sophocles’ Antigone consciously goes towards death, but, like any person, it is bitter for her to part with a life that promises so many joys to a young girl. She does not regret what happened, but about her dying youth, she is dying, not mourned by anyone.

By the power of her mind and a big heart that knows how to love, not hate, Antigone chose her fate, which confronted Antigone with Creon. Creon embodies the image of a stern and inflexible ruler who puts his will above everything. This man considers any resistance to his order as an anti-state act, and he is ready to apply the cruelest laws to people who go against the state. From the very beginning, the dialogue with Ismene reveals the strong personality of Antigone, which, according to the choir, she inherited from her father. “Be as you choose to be; but for myself I myself will bury him. It will be good to die, so doing” (80-85). Antigone is shown as a determined and firm girl who challenged the autocracy of Creon.

One of the most profound conflicts of modern society – the conflict between generic unwritten laws and state laws – is revealed in this tragedy. In the ancestral community, religious beliefs, rooted in the depths of centuries, prescribed a person to sacredly honor blood relations and observe all rites about blood relatives. On the other hand, every citizen of the polis in Sophocles was obliged to follow state laws, which sometimes sharply contradicted traditional family and tribal norms. Sophocles’ Creon is a supporter of the idea of unswerving observance of state laws, written ones. On the other hand, Antigone puts family and ancestral laws, sanctified by religious authority, above these laws.

The great tragedian wanted to carry out in his work the idea that for the happiness of the citizens of the polis, unity between state and family-generic laws is necessary. The condemnation of tyranny is also expressed at the end of the tragedy in Creon’s remorse and self-flagellation. The theme raised by Sophocles in the play is the theme of duty and family, which is still relevant to this day. Only a person whose thoughts are pure and whose actions are guided by virtue can realize the concept of duty and family and the need to defend it. Sacrifice in the name of the family is another cornerstone theme of this play, the relevance of which has not disappeared even today.

Unfortunately, the family is gradually moving into second place in the modern world, giving way to a career. People increasingly prefer to live for their pleasure, travel, build a career rather than start a family and have children. Of course, each person decides how to live, but the family was and still remains the foundation of human society. Antigone is a character who loves desperately and furiously; she does not put any restrictions or conditions on love. Perhaps this is the kind of dedication and passion that modern people lack because they most often prefer comfort and safety. On the other hand, Antigone represents love and rage, which neither the king nor even death itself will stop. The themes of self-sacrifice, love, family and the conflict between the written and unwritten laws are reflected in this play and are still relevant.

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IvyPanda. (2022, November 4). The Ancient Greek Tragedy “Antigone”. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-ancient-greek-tragedy-antigone/

"The Ancient Greek Tragedy “Antigone”." IvyPanda , 4 Nov. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/the-ancient-greek-tragedy-antigone/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'The Ancient Greek Tragedy “Antigone”'. 4 November.

IvyPanda . 2022. "The Ancient Greek Tragedy “Antigone”." November 4, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-ancient-greek-tragedy-antigone/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Ancient Greek Tragedy “Antigone”." November 4, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-ancient-greek-tragedy-antigone/.


IvyPanda . "The Ancient Greek Tragedy “Antigone”." November 4, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-ancient-greek-tragedy-antigone/.

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Thesis statement là gì? Hướng dẫn viết trong Writing Task 2

Thesis statement là gì là câu hỏi được nhiều người quan tâm khi thi IELTS Writing. Đây cũng là phần gây không ít khó khăn cho các bạn học khi ôn luyện. Trong bài viết này, bạn hãy cùng VinUni tìm hiểu về Thesis statement và cách viết bài luận hay nhé!

Thesis statement là gì?

Thesis statement là gì ? Cụm từ này được tạm dịch là tuyên bố luận điểm hoặc được gọi là luận đề. Đây là một câu văn ngắn giúp tóm tắt ý chính của bài luận. Thông thường, câu luận điểm thường nằm ở đoạn mở đầu để giới thiệu chủ đề chính. Đây cũng là câu đóng vai trò làm trọng tâm cho việc phát triển ý tưởng và lập luận của bạn sau đó.

Nhìn chung, một Thesis statement hiệu quả cần đảm bảo 3 tiêu chí sau:

  • Súc tích (Concise) : Một câu luận điểm hay cần ngắn gọn và đi thẳng vào vấn đề. Bạn không cần dài dòng quá mức cần thiết. Khi viết essay, bạn cần thể hiện quan điểm của mình rõ ràng và trực tiếp trong 1 – 2 câu.
  • Có nội dung tranh luận (Contentious) : Luận điểm của bạn không nên là tuyên bố đơn giản về sự thật hiển nhiên mà ai cũng đều biết. Một Thesis statement tốt cần phải có bằng chứng hoặc lập luận phân tích.
  • Mạch lạc (Coherent) : Nội dung được đề cập trong tuyên bố luận điểm cần được trình bày và giải thích trong phần còn lại của bài viết.

Thesis statement là gì 1

Thesis statement là tuyên bố luận điểm hoặc được gọi là luận điểm

Vì sao bạn cần viết Thesis statement?

Trong IELTS Writing Task 2, Thesis statement đóng vai trò là ý chính, ý chủ đạo của bài viết. Bằng cách đầu tư vào nghiên cứu và phát triển luận đề, bạn có thể:

  • Xác định trọng tâm và hướng triển khai của nội dung cho bài viết.
  • Giúp người đọc nhanh chóng hiểu được ý chính mà bạn sẽ trình bày bên dưới.
  • Nếu không có tuyên bố luận điểm rõ ràng, bài luận của bạn có thể trở nên lan man. Điều đó khiến người đọc dễ bị “lạc trôi” và khó nắm bắt nội dung.

Ví dụ về Thesis statement trong Writing Task 2

Đề Writing Task 2 như sau:

“In some countries, children have very strict rules of behavior, while in other countries they are allowed to do almost anything they want. To what extent should children have to follow rules?”

Vậy Thesis statement mẫu có thể viết như sau: “In my opinion, children should have some rules to follow in order to ensure their safety and proper development, but overly strict rules can hinder their creativity and independence. Therefore, it is important to strike a balance between discipline and freedom for children.”

Trong Thesis statement này, bạn đã trình bày quan điểm về đề bài và tóm tắt ý chính trong bài viết. Bài viết nói về trẻ em cần có một số quy tắc để đảm bảo sự an toàn và phát triển cá nhân. Tuy nhiên, có quá nhiều quy định có thể tác động đến sự sáng tạo và tư duy của trẻ nhỏ. Do đó, chúng ta cần phải duy trì sự cân bằng giữa kỷ luật và tự do cho trẻ em.

Thesis statement là gì 2

Thesis statement đóng vai trò là ý chính, ý chủ đạo của bài viết

Sự khác biệt giữa Thesis statement và Topic sentence

Nhiều bạn thường hay nhầm lẫn giữa hai khái niệm “Thesis statement” và “Topic sentence“. Về cơ bản, hai thuật ngữ này khá tương đồng, song lại không hề giống nhau. Cụ thể, Thesis statement thể hiện luận điểm chính của cả bài luận. Còn topic sentence chỉ là câu ý chính của một đoạn văn nhất định trong bài.

Thesis Statement (Câu luận điểm) Topic Sentence (Câu chủ đề)

Thesis statement nên nằm ở đâu?

Thesis statement thường xuất hiện ở cuối phần giới thiệu trong bài luận. Ví dụ:

The internet has had an immense impact on education, revolutionizing the way students learn and teachers teach. Through online access to educational materials and resources, students are now exposed to a variety of perspectives and can explore a range of topics at their own pace. Despite some valid worries about potential harms associated with internet use, it is clear that its various benefits far outweigh any negatives.

Cách viết Thesis statement trong IELTS Writing Task 2

Khi tìm hiểu Thesis statement là gì, mọi người thường thắc mắc cách viết chủ đề này ra sao trong Writing Task 2. Thesis statement được xem là một trong những phần quan trọng nhất trong IELTS Wring Task 2. Sau đây là một số bước giúp bạn viết luận đề hiệu quả:

  • Bước 1: Đọc kỹ đề bài và xác định chủ đề chính của đề bài.
  • Bước 2: Xác định ý chính của bản thân về chủ đề bằng cách phác thảo ý tưởng, tình huống.
  • Bước 3: Lựa chọn một ý kiến chính để bao quát toàn bộ bài viết của bạn.
  • Bước 4: Sắp xếp các ý kiến, tình huống. Ví dụ thành một cụm từ, câu hoặc đoạn văn ngắn để diễn đạt ý chính của bạn về chủ đề của bài.

Trong quá trình này, bạn cần lưu ý đảm bảo Thesis statement phải rõ ràng và ngắn gọn. Một tuyên bố luận điểm trình bày tốt sẽ giúp bài viết của bạn đạt điểm cao hơn.

5 lưu ý về cách viết Thesis statement trong Writing IELTS Task 2

Sau đây là 5 lưu ý chính về cách viết câu luận điểm để có hiệu quả cao nhất:

Mạch lạc và súc tích

Thesis statement cần phải được viết rõ ràng và ngắn gọn. Từ đó để người đọc có thể nhanh chóng nắm được quan điểm và lập luận của bạn. Bạn nên tránh sử dụng ngôn ngữ mơ hồ, biệt ngữ hoặc các cấu trúc phức tạp, dễ gây nhầm lẫn.

Ví dụ, bạn nên tránh sử dụng các thuật ngữ mơ hồ và chung chung như “some,” “many,” hay “a lot”. Thay vào đó, bạn hãy sử dụng cách diễn đạt cụ thể để minh họa sâu sắc cho lập luận của mình.

Ví dụ: Some people believe that social media has a negative impact on mental health. -> The excessive use of social media can lead to depression and anxiety among adolescents.

Nêu ra quan điểm chính

Thesis statement cần thể hiện quan điểm xuyên suốt và đóng vai trò là “lộ trình” cho xuyên suốt toàn bộ bài. Từ đó giúp người đọc có thể hình dung về những ý tưởng mà họ có thể chờ đợi trong các phần tiếp theo. Hãy đảm bảo rằng bạn tuyên bố luận điểm của mình một cách cụ thể, có tính tranh luận và được hỗ trợ bằng dẫn chứng hoặc ví dụ.

Ví dụ minh họa:

Topic : Should schools teach financial management to students?

Thesis Statement : Schools should teach financial management to students as it will help them make informed financial decisions, cultivate responsible spending habits, and reduce the risk of debt in adulthood.

Như bạn thấy, câu luận điểm trên đây đã nêu rõ quan điểm chính của người viết về trường học nên dạy kỹ năng quản lý tài chính cho sinh viên. Có 3 điểm hỗ trợ như sau:

  • Giúp sinh viên đưa ra quyết định tài chính sáng suốt
  • Nuôi dưỡng thói quen chi tiêu có trách nhiệm và
  • Giảm rủi ro mắc nợ khi trưởng thành.

Nó có tính tranh luận. Vì có thể có nhiều ý kiến khác nhau về việc trường nên ưu tiên dạy quản lý tài chính hay tập trung các môn khác cho sinh viên. Cuối cùng, luận điểm của bạn có thể được hỗ trợ bằng bằng chứng hoặc ví dụ. Vì đã có những nghiên cứu thực tế về lợi ích của giáo dục tài chính đối với sinh viên.

Sử dụng từ ngữ mạnh mẽ

Thesis statement nên được sử dụng ngôn ngữ mạnh mẽ, rõ ràng để truyền đạt quan điểm của bạn một cách hiệu quả nhất. Tránh sử dụng những cụm từ như “I think”, “In my opinion” vì nó sẽ làm suy yếu lập luận của bạn. Ngoài ra, sử dụng động từ chủ động sẽ thể hiện ý tưởng của bạn một cách chắc chắn hơn.

Topic : Should college education be free for everyone? Weak : In my opinion, I think that college education should be free for everyone. Strong : College education should be free for everyone as it is a basic human right and promotes equal opportunities for all individuals to access higher education.

Trong ví dụ ban đầu, việc bạn sử dụng cụm từ “I think” và “In my opnion” khiến luận điểm của bạn trở nên kém thu hút và mang tính chủ quan. Ngược lại, ví dụ thứ hai sử dụng các động từ tích cực và rõ ràng để truyền đạt quan điểm thu hút hơn. Bên cạnh đó, người viết cũng bao gồm lập luận hỗ trợ, rằng giáo dục đại học là quyền cơ bản của con người, góp phần thúc đẩy các cơ hội bình đẳng.

Tránh sử dụng đại từ nhân xưng

Trong bài viết IELTS Academic, bạn nên tránh sử dụng các đại từ nhân xưng như “I” hoặc “my”. Thay vào đó, bạn hãy sử dụng ngôn ngữ trung lập để trình bày lập luận. Điều này sẽ đảm bảo tính khách quan và xác thực cho luận điểm thể hiện trong bài.

Đảm bảo bám sát yêu cầu đề bài

Thesis statement cần liên quan trực tiếp đến câu hỏi trong đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2. Hãy đảm bảo rằng câu luận điểm của bạn đã đề cập đến câu hỏi cụ thể được đặt ra. Để làm điều này, bạn hãy đọc lại câu hỏi nhiều lần để đảm bảo nội dung của bạn đang đi đúng chủ đề.

Some people think that social media has more disadvantages than advantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Lạc đề: Social media is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with each other.

Trong ví dụ này, câu luận điểm không đề cập đến câu hỏi. Người viết nêu được chủ đề mạng xã hội (social media). Nhưng họ không đề cập đến những lợi thế và bất lợi của việc sử dụng mạng xã hội. Cũng như họ không đưa ra quan điểm rõ ràng về chủ đề này.

Đúng đề: While there are some disadvantages to using social media. The advantages outweigh them as it allows for easy communication and connection with others, provides access to information and resources. And it can be used for educational and professional purposes.

Với ví dụ này, câu luận điểm đề cập trực tiếp đến câu hỏi qua việc người viết thừa nhận rằng có những bất lợi khi sử dụng mạng xã hội. Nhưng đồng thời có những lợi ích to lớn hơn bù lại. Ngoài ra, người viết cũng đề cập 3 luận cứ chính sẽ được giải quyết trong bài luận này.

Thesis statement là gì 3

Bài viết trên đã giải thích cho bạn biết Thesis statement là gì . Bạn hãy nhớ rằng, câu luận điểm chính là xương sống của toàn bộ bài luận. Vì vậy, bạn hãy cố gắng luyện tập thật nhiều để tăng cường kỹ năng viết. Ngoài ra, VinUni có khoá học Pathway English giúp cho sinh viên có thể rèn luyện và nâng cao 4 kỹ năng trong tiếng Anh. Qua đó, sinh viên có thể tự tin sử dụng ngôn ngữ trong việc học và công việc trong tương lai hơn!

Có thể bạn thích

Chiến lược trình bày quan điểm IELTS Speaking Part 3

Chiến lược trình bày quan điểm IELTS Speaking Part 3

8 cách học tiếng Anh giỏi bạn nên tham khảo

8 cách học tiếng Anh giỏi bạn nên tham khảo

Cách trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 2 và chiến thuật làm bài

Cách trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 2 và chiến thuật làm bài

Tổng hợp các dạng bài Listening IELTS: Bí quyết đạt điểm cao

Tổng hợp các dạng bài Listening IELTS: Bí quyết đạt điểm cao

Bảng quy đổi điểm TOEIC sang IELTS chi tiết

Bảng quy đổi điểm TOEIC sang IELTS chi tiết

Hướng dẫn cách học tiếng Anh giao tiếp hiệu quả cho người mới bắt đầu

Hướng dẫn cách học tiếng Anh giao tiếp hiệu quả cho người mới bắt đầu

Hướng dẫn chi tiết cách phân biệt THAT và WHAT trong mệnh đề danh từ

Hướng dẫn chi tiết cách phân biệt THAT và WHAT trong mệnh đề danh từ

Chia sẻ các cách học từ vựng tiếng Anh nhanh thuộc và nhớ lâu

Chia sẻ các cách học từ vựng tiếng Anh nhanh thuộc và nhớ lâu

Phương pháp học ngữ pháp tiếng Anh hiệu quả nhanh chóng

Phương pháp học ngữ pháp tiếng Anh hiệu quả nhanh chóng

Tiếng Anh căn bản cho người mất gốc nên bắt đầu từ đâu?

Tiếng Anh căn bản cho người mất gốc nên bắt đầu từ đâu?


  1. What is a good thesis statement for an essay about Sophocles' play

    The following thesis statement once upon a time served me well: A major theme of Antigone is the conflict between religious law and man-made law. Antigone believes in the supremacy of religious ...

  2. Antigone Essay Examples: Topics, Hooks, Thesis Ideas

    Antigone Thesis Statements to Get Started. The Clash Between Divine Law and Human Law; In Sophocles' 'Antigone,' the central conflict between divine law and human law highlights the complexities of moral decision-making and underscores the enduring struggle between personal conscience and societal obligations. Antigone as a Feminist Icon

  3. Why is Antigone more justified than Creon in their tragic collision

    Possible thesis statements for why Antigone is more justified in her reasoning than Creon might sound like the following: Antigone's reasoning is more justified than Creon's because Antigone seeks ...

  4. Analysis of Sophocles' Antigone

    Home › Drama Criticism › Analysis of Sophocles' Antigone. Analysis of Sophocles' Antigone By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on July 29, 2020 • ( 0). Within this single drama—in great part, a harsh critique of Athenian society and the Greek city-state in general—Sophocles tells of the eternal struggle between the state and the individual, human and natural law, and the enormous gulf between ...

  5. Antigone Critical Essays

    Antigone is a complex play, one that defies ready interpretation. It is a study of human actions, with complex emotions. ... What is a good thesis statement for an essay about Sophocles' play ...

  6. The Play "Antigone" by Sophocles

    The main idea of the play "Antigone" is pride and loyalty. This idea can be observed throughout the play. For example, Ismene asks Antigone: "For you to bury him, a thing forbidden by the state?". And she replies "Yes, him, why is at all events my brother; and yours, though you wish it not; for I will not be caught betraying him".

  7. Antigone Reflection and Analysis

    Antigone Reflection and Analysis Essay. Exclusively available on IvyPanda®. Antigone is a story that narrates the differences between practicality and idealism, civic duty and family loyalty, and actions and their respective consequences. It is mainly based on those complex decisions which are based on loyalty and those complicated relationships.

  8. The "Antigone" by Sophocles and Its Historical Context

    Antigone's simple act of compassion leads to the fall of an empire (Anouilh 78). Conclusion. Antigone invokes Theban law by stating that Creon's actions are dishonorable (Braun 126). Antigone's defiance rallies the people of Thebes (Anouilh 97). Some scholars have argued that Antigone represents the feminist movement (Anouilh 142).

  9. PDF PosiTion 4 Analysis: Lit

    an still evaluate the thesis statement in this way.) The potential for a nuanced thesis exists; Antigone is most critics' definition of a tragic hero and Creon is a les. obvious (and thus potentially more nuanced) choice.For example, a more nuanced thesis statement might read as follows: While the tragic Antigone nearly fits the classic ...

  10. Antigone Themes

    Creon says that the laws enacted by the leader of the city "must be obeyed, large and small, / right and wrong." In other words, Creon is arguing that the law is the basis for justice, so there can be no such thing as an unjust law. Antigone, on the other hand, believes that there are unjust laws, and that she has a moral duty to disobey a law ...

  11. Antigone Essays and Criticism

    When the play in question is Sophocles's Antigone, criticism can be especially helpful concerning the preconceived notions a reader may have concerning the work. The play is an ancient tragedy and ...

  12. ENG 1002: Antigone Essay Questions

    Essay Questions for Sophocles's Antigone. A thesis statement can be regarded as an answer to a question, so coming up with a one-sentence response to one of the questions below could give you a good thesis statement for an essay on Sophocles's Antigone.. In what ways is Creon responsible for his own downfall?

  13. Five thesis statement why Antigone is a tragic hero in the play

    Five thesis statement why Antigone is a tragic hero in the play Antigone? This is for my essay. Asked by manpreet k #384990 on 9/11/2014 6:48 AM Last updated by Aslan on 9/11/2014 10:16 AM Answers 1 Add Yours. Answered by Aslan on 9/11/2014 10:16 AM I can't formulate five in this but here are a few for you:

  14. Antigone Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    Develop a clear thesis statement that will guide the direction of your essay. Your thesis should be arguable and not merely a statement of fact. For example, you might argue how Antigone represents the conflict between personal conviction and state law. This thesis will shape your analysis and give your essay a clear direction.

  15. The Ancient Greek Tragedy "Antigone"

    188 writers online. Learn More. The ancient Greek tragedy "Antigone" was written by Sophocles and narrates about a woman fighting against a royal decree that hurt her personal feelings and principles. Antigone is a girl who has crossed out her future by her act and has incurred the wrath of King Creon. She has the following features ...

  16. Antigone Thesis Statement

    Antigone Thesis Statement - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Writing a thesis on Sophocles' play "Antigone" is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of the text and its themes. It involves extensive research and critical analysis to develop an argument about the play's exploration of concepts like justice, duty, and the relationship ...

  17. Antigone Thesis Statement Tragic Hero

    Antigone Thesis Statement Tragic Hero - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses writing a thesis on Antigone as a tragic hero from Sophocles' play. It notes that this requires understanding the complexity of the text and Antigone's character, as well as considering different interpretations of her actions.

  18. Antigone Analysis

    In Antigone, the leader of the chorus is a character rather than a background figure. Antigone Study Tools ... What is a good thesis statement for an essay about Sophocles' play Antigone?

  19. Thesis Statement For Antigone Civil Disobedience

    The document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis on the theme of civil disobedience in Sophocles' play "Antigone." It notes that such a thesis requires a deep understanding of the play, its context, and the philosophical underpinnings of civil disobedience. It also requires navigating multiple sources and theories to develop an original argument. This process is made more difficult by ...

  20. Thesis Statement For Antigone

    II. Overview (specific to topic/plot): Outline major background points about the play. In the play Antigone by Sophocles Antigone breaks the law and in the article Student protests growing over gender-equal dress codes they try to change the dress code rules. III. Thesis Statement (Main Argument/Preview of Points): Outlines your argument/theme.

  21. Argumentative Essay On Antigone

    566 Words | 3 Pages. Antigone Essay In the play Antigone, written by sophocles in 441 BC, two main characters, Antigone and Creon, must decide who is right and who is not. There are many arguments as to why Antigone is right and why Creon is right but there are a bit more logical reasons to why Antigone is right.

  22. What is a potential thesis statement about the theme of choices and

    In my mind, I think that a possible thesis statement concerning the theme of choice and consequences might involve how personal commitment is needed to substantiate these decisions. Antigone might ...

  23. Thesis statement là gì? Hướng dẫn viết trong Writing Task 2

    Thesis statement là gì là câu hỏi được nhiều người quan tâm khi thi IELTS Writing. Đây cũng là phần gây không ít khó khăn cho các bạn học khi ôn luyện. Trong bài viết này, bạn hãy cùng VinUni tìm hiểu về Thesis statement và cách viết bài luận hay nhé! Thesis statement là […]