
Professional Ethics Topics

Explore compelling and relevant professional ethics topics for presentation. Elevate your discourse on ethical dilemmas, values, and responsibilities in the workplace.

Hey, fellow seekers of ethical wisdom and professional prowess! Get ready to dive headfirst into the captivating world of professional ethics topics – where the tango between integrity and career takes the center stage.

Whether you’re a savvy pro on a quest to fine-tune your moral compass or a student gearing up to wow the crowd with your presentation skills, hold on tight – because we’re about to unravel a tapestry of insights that’s as enlightening as it is entertaining.

In a world flooded with data and decisions, professional ethics isn’t just a rulebook; it’s your backstage pass to a thriving career. It’s what keeps you grounded, respected, and trusted in the hustle and bustle of your professional journey.

So, gear up for this exhilarating ride! We’re about to journey through the very foundations of ethical principles, and we’ll also tackle the real-world puzzles that professionals face, all while having a blast.

Ready to join the adventure? Grab your ethical compass and let’s navigate the exhilarating twists and turns of professional ethics topics, where learning meets excitement in the most fantastic way possible!

Understanding the Importance

Table of Contents

Alright, let’s talk about why professional ethics are like the secret sauce in the world of careers and businesses. You know, that thing that adds a dash of trust, a sprinkle of credibility, and a whole lot of “I want to work with them again” vibes. Strap in, because we’re about to uncover why understanding the importance of professional ethics is a game-changer.

Building Trust

Picture this: You’re working with someone new, whether it’s a client, a colleague, or a partner. What’s the first thing you’re secretly hoping for? Yep, it’s trust. Professional ethics are the trust-building foundation. When you stick to ethical standards, you’re basically saying, “Hey, you can count on me to do the right thing, even when no one’s watching.” And that trust? It’s worth its weight in gold.

2. Legal Compliance

Here’s the cool thing about professional ethics – they often hold hands with the law. While not every ethical rule is a legal one, many of them are. So, when you’re all about ethical behavior, you’re also playing it safe on the legal front. Double win, anyone?

3. Enhancing Reputation

Reputation is like your personal brand, and you want it to be top-notch, right? Enter professional ethics. When you rock those ethical standards, your reputation gets a serious boost. People start seeing you as the pro who doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the ethical walk. It’s like having a spotlight on you in a sea of professionals.

4. Fostering Client Confidence

If you’re in the business of helping clients – be it with legal advice, health care, or financial wizardry – client confidence is your holy grail. Think about it: Would you want someone who’s just “meh” on ethics handling your important matters? Nope. When you weave professional ethics into your game plan, you’re telling clients, “Hey, I’ve got your back, and I’ll do right by you.”

5. Navigating Ethical Dilemmas

Life loves throwing curveballs, and sometimes, they’re ethical ones. You know, those moments where you’re like, “Wait, what’s the right thing to do here?” Professional ethics are like your compass in these situations. They give you a roadmap to tackle those dilemmas head-on, without losing your integrity along the way.

6. Long-Term Success

Sure, quick wins are nice, but what about long-term success that stands the test of time? That’s where professional ethics shine. When you’re all about ethics, you’re not just in it for the short haul. You’re building relationships that last, gaining repeat business, and becoming the go-to pro that everyone recommends.

Hold onto your hats because we’re diving deeper into the world of professional ethics. We’re talking ethical frameworks, industry codes, and all the tricky ethical stuff professionals like you face. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be a pro at making not just legally sound decisions, but downright ethically awesome ones too. Let’s roll!

professional ethics topics for presentation

Have a close look at professional ethics topics for presentation:-

Foundational Professional Ethics Topics

  • Introduction to Professional Ethics
  • The Importance of Ethical Conduct
  • Historical Perspectives on Professional Ethics
  • Ethical Theories and Frameworks
  • Codes of Ethics
  • Ethical Decision-Making Models
  • Ethics and Personal Values
  • Professional Ethics vs. Personal Ethics
  • Ethical Leadership Traits
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Everyday Life
  • Ethical Decision-Making in a Global Context
  • The Role of Moral Courage in Professional Ethics
  • Ethical Responsibilities in Public Service
  • Ethics in Journalism and Media
  • The Ethics of Whistleblowing
  • Ethical Considerations in Healthcare Administration
  • Ethics in Scientific Research
  • Ethics in Nonprofit Organizations
  • Ethical Considerations in Marketing and Advertising
  • Ethics in the Arts and Creative Industries

Industry-Specific Professional Ethics Topics

Medical ethics.

  • Patient Confidentiality in Telemedicine
  • Ethical Challenges in Organ Transplants
  • Ethical Issues in Genetic Testing
  • End-of-Life Care and Medical Ethics
  • Healthcare Resource Allocation Ethics
  • Ethical Considerations in Medical Research with Human Subjects
  • Physician-Assisted Suicide and Ethical Debates
  • Medical Ethics in Pandemic Response
  • Ethical Implications of Artificial Organs
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical Trials

Legal Ethics

  • Confidentiality and Attorney-Client Privilege
  • Ethics in Criminal Defense
  • Conflicts of Interest in Legal Practice
  • Legal Ethics in Corporate Law
  • Professional Responsibility in Courtroom Behavior
  • Ethics in Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • The Role of Ethics in Intellectual Property Law
  • Ethics in Environmental Law
  • Legal Ethics in Immigration Law
  • Ethical Challenges in Cybersecurity Law

Business Ethics

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting
  • Ethical Leadership in Business
  • Ethical Decision-Making in Marketing
  • Supply Chain Ethics
  • Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Ethics
  • Environmental Sustainability and Business Ethics
  • Business Ethics in the Age of AI
  • Ethical Considerations in Corporate Governance
  • Ethical Issues in Product Development
  • Whistleblowing Policies in Corporations

Ethics in Technology

  • Ethical Considerations in Data Mining
  • Bias and Fairness in AI Algorithms
  • Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity
  • AI and Healthcare Ethics
  • Ethical Implications of Autonomous Vehicles
  • Ethics in Social Media Data Usage
  • Privacy and Surveillance Ethics
  • The Role of Ethics in Space Exploration
  • Ethical Use of Biotechnology
  • Transparency and Accountability in Tech Companies

Ethical Leadership

  • Ethical Challenges in Leadership Transitions
  • The Ethical Dimensions of Decision-Making
  • Ethical Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations
  • Ethical Leadership in Educational Institutions
  • The Role of Empathy in Ethical Leadership
  • Ethical Communication in Leadership
  • Ethical Decision-Making in Crisis Management
  • Ethical Considerations in Change Management
  • The Ethics of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Leadership
  • Gender and Diversity in Ethical Leadership

Ethical Challenges

  • The Psychology of Ethical Decision-Making
  • Ethical Dilemmas in the Age of Social Media
  • Ethical Issues in Artificial Intelligence Development
  • Ethical Challenges in Human Resources Management
  • Ethical Considerations in Global Supply Chains
  • Environmental Ethics and Corporate Sustainability
  • The Ethics of Marketing to Children
  • Ethical Implications of Emerging Technologies
  • Ethical Leadership vs. Ethical Followership
  • Ethical Implications of Workplace Automation

Ethical Training and Education

  • Integrating Ethics into School Curricula
  • Professional Ethics Workshops and Training
  • Ethics in Leadership Development Programs
  • Ethical Decision-Making Exercises
  • The Role of Ethics in Lifelong Learning
  • Ethics in Higher Education Accreditation
  • The Impact of Ethical Education on Career Development
  • Teaching Business Ethics in MBA Programs
  • Ethical Training for Healthcare Professionals
  • The Ethics of Online Education and E-Learning

These expanded categories offer a diverse range of professional ethics topics that can be explored in presentations, discussions, and research within various fields and industries.


What are some good ethics topics?

Have a close look at some of good ethics topics:-

AI’s Moral Maze

Dive into the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence and its ethical quandaries, from self-driving car dilemmas to robot rights.

Pandemic Predicaments

Explore the ethical tightrope of healthcare decisions during global crises , such as resource allocation and vaccine distribution.

Planet or Profit

Engage in the debate over environmental ethics, asking whether sustainability should trump corporate profits and how to tackle climate change responsibly.

Digital Business Dilemmas

Uncover the ethical shadows in the digital realm, including data privacy, online marketing tactics, and the ethics of AI-driven decision-making.

Gene Editing and You

Delve into the ethical storm surrounding genetic engineering, from designer babies to curing diseases by rewriting our DNA.

Life and Death Debates

Navigate the complex ethical waters of healthcare, from end-of-life choices and assisted suicide to organ transplants and the right to refuse treatment.

AI as Doctors

Probe the ethical implications of AI in healthcare, where algorithms diagnose, treat, and care for patients, raising questions about trust and bias.

Human Clones, Real Questions

Contemplate the ethical frontiers of human cloning, exploring the possibilities, limits, and moral dilemmas.

Privacy Under Siege

Discuss the battle between personal privacy rights and the needs of national security in an age of constant surveillance and data collection.

Self-Driving Dilemmas

Take a ride into the ethical landscape of autonomous vehicles, where machines make life-or-death choices during accidents.

These engaging twists on ethical topics not only spark curiosity but also invite readers and listeners to dive into the ethical complexities of our modern world.

What is an example of a professional ethical issue?

Imagine you’re a financial advisor. You help people make smart investment choices to secure their future. But here’s the twist: What if you stand to make a pretty penny from recommending a specific investment option? That’s where the conflict of interest comes into play.

A conflict of interest arises when your personal interests clash with your professional duty. In this case, your duty is to provide the best financial advice for your clients. But if you’re tempted by a fat commission for pushing a certain investment, things get a bit murky.

On one hand, you want your clients to thrive financially. On the other hand, your wallet is whispering, “Hey, recommend that investment, and I’ll pad your bank account.” See the dilemma?

Now, picture this scenario across various professions: lawyers, doctors, journalists – you name it. Whenever personal gain butts heads with professional duty, you’re wading into the waters of a potential ethical issue.

Ethics guidelines and codes of conduct exist to help professionals navigate these tricky situations. They often require transparency – like letting your clients know about potential conflicts – and taking steps to put their interests front and center, even if it means passing up on personal gains.

So, the next time you hear “conflict of interest,” think of it as a tug of war between doing what’s right and what’s personally tempting – a true test of professional integrity.

What are the topics for ethics and human values?

Have a close look at the topics for ethics and human values.

Ethical Dilemmas in Pop Culture

Ever thought about the tough choices characters make in your favorite movies or TV shows? Let’s discuss the moral dilemmas faced by superheroes, antiheroes, and beloved characters.

Would You Push the Button?

Imagine a train headed for disaster, and you have the power to divert it, but it would mean sacrificing something or someone else. This classic ethical dilemma, the trolley problem, sparks lively debates.

Your Right to Choose: When it comes to end-of-life decisions, should individuals have the right to choose how and when they pass away? This topic raises profound questions about autonomy and compassion.

The Price of Fashion

Ethical fashion explores the impact of your clothing choices, from fair labor practices to sustainability. Can you look stylish while supporting ethical brands?

The Power of Persuasion

Ethical marketing isn’t just about selling products; it’s about selling ideas. Explore the ethics of advertising, from emotional manipulation to truth in advertising.

Breaking Bad in Healthcare

From organ trafficking to medical experimentation, some real-life medical stories blur the line between healing and harm. What’s the ethical prescription?

Leadership Beyond the Boardroom

Ethical leaders aren’t just in the corner office. They guide teams, communities, and nations. What traits define an ethical leader, and how do they navigate complex moral terrain?

The Gene Editing Frontier

CRISPR technology allows us to edit genes. But where’s the line between curing genetic diseases and designing “perfect” babies? Ethics meets science fiction.

Tech Titans and Ethical Responsibility

The giants of the tech industry shape our digital lives. But what happens when their power clashes with ethical responsibility? We’ll dissect the ethical side of Silicon Valley.

The Ethics of Giving

Explore the ethics of philanthropy, charitable giving, and the responsibility of those with means to make the world a better place.

These engaging ethical topics touch on everyday dilemmas, thought-provoking scenarios, and complex moral questions that we encounter in our lives and the world around us. Let’s delve into these discussions with enthusiasm and curiosity!

What are some ethical issues in today’s society?

Absolutely, let’s dive into some of the most gripping ethical issues buzzing in today’s society:

Privacy vs. Data Goldmine

In a world where our every click is tracked, the ethical dilemma of balancing our right to privacy with data-hungry corporations and governments sparks heated debates.

AI Bias and Fairness

Imagine AI making life-altering decisions, yet it inherits biases from its creators. This raises ethical eyebrows on fairness, especially in areas like hiring and lending.

Fake News Frenzy

The explosive spread of misinformation on social media leaves us questioning the ethical responsibilities of platforms and our role in curbing the chaos.

Climate Change Crunch

Ethical alarms ring as we confront the dire consequences of climate change. Balancing our carbon footprint with the planet’s survival is a moral imperative.

Social Justice Shake-Up

The battle against systemic racism, income inequality, and discrimination forces us to reevaluate our ethical stance on justice, equity, and human rights.

Digital Health Data Dilemma

Health apps and wearables promise insights, but the ethical quandary lies in who controls our health data and how it’s used.

End-of-Life Crossroads

The right to die with dignity collides with cultural, religious, and medical ethics, leading to profound conversations on euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Gene Editing Quandary

CRISPR technology lets us edit genes, but the line between curing diseases and playing god sparks ethical debates.

Robot Right

As AI advances, questions arise about the rights of humanoid robots – are they property or autonomous beings with ethical considerations?

Mental Health Taboo

Breaking the stigma surrounding mental health demands ethical reflections on how we address, support, and advocate for those affected.

These captivating ethical topics remind us that our rapidly evolving world poses complex challenges that require both empathy and critical thinking to navigate. Let’s engage in discussions that shape our ethical compass and inspire positive change.

In wrapping up our journey through the world of professional ethics topics for presentation, it’s abundantly clear that these issues aren’t just dry subjects in a conference room; they’re the heartbeat of our professional lives.

We’ve delved into the tech-driven ethical puzzles of the 21st century, where artificial intelligence wrestles with bias, and privacy tiptoes on a razor’s edge. We’ve traversed the treacherous terrain of environmental ethics, where our planet’s health hinges on our moral choices.

We’ve probed the very soul of business ethics, where profit meets responsibility, and we’ve dared to contemplate the delicate matters of life and death in healthcare ethics.

As we conclude, it’s not just about closing a presentation but recognizing that professional ethics are the bedrock of trust, integrity, and progress in our society. They’re the compass that guides us through murky waters, ensuring our actions reflect the values we hold dear.

So, let’s remember that professional ethics aren’t just words on a screen; they’re the legacy we leave, the principles we uphold, and the beacon that lights our path to a better, fairer, and more ethical tomorrow.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of professional ethics in modern society.

Professional ethics underpin trust, legal compliance, and reputation, making them vital in today’s interconnected world.

Can professional ethics vary between industries?

Yes, professional ethics are shaped by industry-specific codes and practices, leading to variations.

What are the consequences of ignoring professional ethics?

Ignoring professional ethics can lead to legal trouble, reputational damage, and loss of trust.

How can individuals develop their ethical decision-making skills?

Developing ethical decision-making skills involves self-awareness, education, and practice.

Are there cases where ethical dilemmas have no clear solution?

Yes, ethical dilemmas often involve conflicting values, making it challenging to find a straightforward solution.

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199+ Best Ethics Topics for Presentation to try Once

Dive into the world of ethics with our guide to engaging ethics topics for presentation. From AI and social media to genetic engineering and climate change, we tackle today’s big questions.

Our blog delves deep into these pressing issues, igniting discussions and providing valuable insights tailored for your presentations. We explore hot-button topics, present diverse perspectives, and empower you to form informed opinions.

Whether you’re a student preparing a speech, a professional facing tough decisions, or simply curious about ethical debates, join us as we navigate this fascinating terrain together!

Table of Contents

Ethics Topics for Presentation PDF

Importance of ethics in modern society.

In today’s world, ethics are crucial:

Ethical PrincipleDescription
Building TrustEthical behavior builds trust and respect in relationships, fostering cooperation.
Ensuring FairnessEthics promote equal treatment and dignity for all individuals, in both employment and justice.
Guiding TechnologyEthical frameworks provide guidance on navigating new technological challenges responsibly.
Protecting RightsEthics uphold human rights universally, regardless of background or identity.
Addressing Global IssuesEthics drive the development of sustainable solutions for global challenges like climate change.

Ethics are essential for a thriving society, shaping decisions and fostering a future based on shared values.

Definition of Ethics

Ethics, or moral philosophy, covers a few main areas:

Study of Morality: Ethics explores what’s right and wrong, good and bad, using theories like duty and justice to guide decisions.

Moral Principles: These are guidelines from religion, culture, or personal values that shape how we behave.

Moral Conduct: Ethics in action means acting honestly, fairly, and compassionately, considering consequences.

Key Aspects

Normative vs. Metaethics: Normative sets rules; metaethics questions why.

Universal vs. Relative: Some ethics apply everywhere; others depend on culture.

Reasoning: Ethical decisions need clear thinking and reasons.

Understanding ethics helps us make fair choices for a better world.

Historical Context of Ethical Theories

The history of ethical theories shows how values have evolved:

Ancient Greece (6th-4th centuries BC)

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle laid Western ethical foundations.

Emphasized virtues like wisdom, justice, and moderation.

Medieval Europe (5th-15th centuries AD)

Christian ethics focused on natural law and divine commands.

Enlightenment (17th-18th centuries AD)

Shifted to reason and individual rights.

Hobbes and Locke explored social contracts.

Utilitarianism (18th-19th centuries AD)

Bentham and Mill promoted maximizing happiness.

Deontological Ethics (18th-19th centuries AD)

Kant’s categorical imperative stressed duty and moral absolutes.

20th Century and Beyond

Bioethics, environmental ethics, and social justice ethics emerged.

Contemporary Ethics

Draws from multiple traditions.

Includes feminist ethics and care ethics.

Understanding these shifts helps us navigate today’s ethical challenges.

Key Ethical Theories (Utilitarianism, Deontology, Virtue Ethics)

In ethics, three main theories shape moral decisions:

Utilitarianism: Focuses on maximizing happiness for the most people

Founders: Bentham and Mill.

Decision-Making: Chooses actions for the greatest good with least harm.

Strengths: Practical for large-scale impact.

Weaknesses: Challenges in measuring happiness fairly.

Deontology: Emphasizes duty and universal moral principles

Founder: Kant.

Decision-Making: Judges actions by moral rules regardless of outcomes.

Strengths: Clear on moral duties and rights.

Weaknesses: Rigidity in complex situations.

Virtue Ethics: Focuses on developing good character traits.

Founders: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.

Decision-Making: Based on virtues like courage and wisdom.

Strengths: Emphasizes personal moral growth.

Weaknesses: Subjectivity in defining virtues.

Understanding these theories helps navigate ethical dilemmas by considering different moral perspectives.


ethics topics for presentation

Check out ethics topics for presentations:-

  • Ethical implications of genetic engineering
  • Cloning: Ethical concerns and applications
  • Human gene editing: CRISPR technology
  • Ethical issues in stem cell research
  • Designer babies: Ethical considerations
  • Ethics of organ transplantation and allocation
  • Euthanasia and assisted suicide
  • End-of-life care: Ethical dilemmas
  • Ethical implications of reproductive technologies
  • Animal testing: Ethical considerations

Environmental Ethics

  • Climate change ethics
  • Sustainability and ethical consumption
  • Conservation ethics: Balancing human needs with biodiversity
  • Environmental justice and equity
  • Ethical implications of fracking
  • Marine pollution and ethical responsibilities
  • Deforestation: Ethics of land use
  • Renewable energy: Ethical perspectives
  • Ethical implications of geoengineering
  • Ethical treatment of animals in agriculture and research

Business Ethics

  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Ethical leadership in business
  • Workplace ethics: Diversity and inclusion
  • Ethical implications of artificial intelligence in business
  • Whistleblowing: Ethical responsibilities
  • Ethical marketing practices
  • Fair trade and ethical sourcing
  • Ethical investing and socially responsible investing (SRI)
  • Bribery and corruption: Ethical challenges
  • Sweatshops and labor ethics in global supply chains

Medical Ethics

  • Medical confidentiality and patient privacy
  • Informed consent: Ethical principles in healthcare
  • Healthcare disparities: Ethical considerations
  • Ethical issues in clinical trials
  • Access to healthcare: Ethical implications
  • Medical tourism: Ethical concerns
  • Mental health ethics
  • Ethical dilemmas in nursing
  • Stem cell research ethics in medicine
  • Ethical challenges in global health initiatives

Technology Ethics

  • Ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Big data ethics and privacy concerns
  • Internet privacy: Ethical perspectives
  • Cybersecurity ethics
  • Ethical considerations in autonomous vehicles
  • Ethical hacking and its implications
  • Digital ethics: Social media and online behavior
  • Bioethics of wearable health technology
  • Robotics ethics: Human-robot interaction
  • Ethical implications of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)

Legal Ethics

  • Ethics in criminal justice
  • Legal ethics: Attorney-client privilege
  • Ethical dilemmas in law enforcement
  • Judicial ethics and impartiality
  • Ethical issues in forensic science
  • Insider trading: Legal and ethical implications
  • Whistleblower protections in law
  • Ethics of capital punishment
  • Jury duty ethics
  • Ethical considerations in intellectual property law

Social and Political Ethics

  • Ethical implications of political lobbying
  • Ethical challenges in democracy
  • Human rights ethics
  • Ethical dilemmas in international relations
  • Social justice and ethics
  • Ethical considerations in public policy
  • Ethical dimensions of globalization
  • Ethical issues in immigration policy
  • Ethics of war and peace
  • Diversity ethics in multicultural societies

Ethical Theories and Philosophy

  • Utilitarianism vs. deontology: Ethical theories compared
  • Virtue ethics: Aristotle’s approach
  • Feminist ethics and gender equality
  • Ethics of care: Carol Gilligan’s perspective
  • Ethical relativism vs. ethical absolutism
  • Moral realism vs. moral anti-realism
  • Ethical egoism: Ayn Rand’s philosophy
  • Environmental ethics: Deep ecology vs. anthropocentrism
  • Ethical implications of existentialism
  • Ethical implications of postmodernism

Education and Academic Ethics

  • Plagiarism: Ethical considerations for students and educators
  • Academic integrity and cheating ethics
  • Ethical challenges in research and publication
  • Ethics of grading and assessment
  • Ethical dilemmas in educational policy
  • Social media ethics for educators and students
  • Ethics of student-teacher relationships
  • Ethical implications of online education
  • Inclusive education: Ethical perspectives
  • Cultural competence in education: Ethical considerations

Ethical Issues in Sports

  • Doping in sports: Ethical implications
  • Fair play and sportsmanship ethics
  • Gender equity in sports: Ethical challenges
  • Ethical dilemmas in sports coaching
  • Sports and gambling ethics
  • Ethical issues in sports sponsorship
  • Violence in sports: Ethical concerns
  • Sports and performance-enhancing drugs
  • Ethical implications of youth sports
  • Sports journalism ethics

Ethical Issues in Religion and Spirituality

  • Religious tolerance and ethical pluralism
  • Ethical implications of religious extremism
  • Ethics of proselytizing and conversion
  • Ethical challenges in interfaith dialogue
  • Ethical dilemmas in religious leadership
  • Religion and environmental ethics
  • Ethics of charity and philanthropy in religions
  • Ethics of ritual and tradition in religions
  • Ethical dimensions of forgiveness and reconciliation
  • Ethics of belief: Rationality and faith

Ethics in Media and Entertainment

  • Media ethics: Truth, bias, and objectivity
  • Ethical dilemmas in journalism
  • Privacy ethics in the digital age
  • Ethics of reality TV and entertainment programming
  • Representation ethics in film and television
  • Cultural appropriation in the arts: Ethical considerations
  • Censorship: Ethical perspectives
  • Ethical implications of advertising and product placement
  • Ethics of celebrity culture and paparazzi
  • Social media influencers: Ethical responsibilities

Ethical Issues in Technology and Innovation

  • Ethical considerations in space exploration
  • Ethical implications of blockchain technology
  • Autonomous weapons: Ethics of AI in defense
  • Bioethics of gene editing and CRISPR technology
  • Ethical dilemmas in biotechnology
  • Ethical challenges in nanotechnology
  • Data ethics in healthcare technology
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Ethical implications
  • Ethical issues in space colonization
  • Ethics of 3D printing and intellectual property

Ethical Issues in the Arts

  • Ethical dilemmas in art conservation
  • Cultural heritage preservation ethics
  • Ethical implications of art forgery
  • Appropriation vs. homage in art: Ethical debates
  • Ethical dimensions of art censorship
  • Ethics of funding and sponsorship in the arts
  • Artist’s rights and ethical responsibilities
  • Ethical considerations in museum acquisitions
  • Environmental impact of art materials: Ethics
  • Ethical issues in street art and graffiti

Ethical Issues in Food and Agriculture

  • Ethics of factory farming and animal welfare
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): Ethical concerns
  • Food security and distribution ethics
  • Sustainable agriculture: Ethical implications
  • Ethical dilemmas in food labeling
  • Fair trade and ethical sourcing in food production
  • Ethical considerations in organic farming
  • Aquaculture ethics: Environmental impact
  • Agricultural biotechnology: Ethical debates
  • Ethical implications of food waste

Ethical Issues in Psychology and Counseling

  • Ethical guidelines for psychological research
  • Confidentiality and informed consent in therapy
  • Dual relationships in counseling: Ethical challenges
  • Ethical issues in forensic psychology
  • Diversity and cultural competence in counseling ethics
  • Ethical dilemmas in psychotherapy practice
  • Mental health stigma: Ethical perspectives
  • Ethical considerations in psychological testing
  • Ethical implications of behavioral interventions
  • Telepsychology: Ethical issues in online counseling

Ethical Issues in Philosophy and Ethics Education

  • Ethics of teaching ethics: Pedagogical approaches
  • Ethics of philosophy: Professional responsibilities
  • Ethical implications of philosophical skepticism
  • Ethical dilemmas in philosophical counseling
  • Moral education: Ethical considerations
  • Ethics of philosophical debate and argumentation
  • Ethical challenges in philosophical research
  • Diversity in philosophical perspectives: Ethics
  • Ethical responsibilities of philosophy in society
  • Professional ethics in philosophy: Standards and practices

Ethical Issues in Family and Relationships

  • Ethical dilemmas in family planning
  • Ethical considerations in adoption and surrogacy
  • Marriage ethics: Commitment and fidelity
  • Parenting ethics: Responsibilities and challenges
  • LGBTQ+ rights and ethical equality
  • Ethical dimensions of divorce and separation
  • Sibling relationships: Ethical perspectives
  • Aging and elder care ethics
  • Ethics of family business succession

Ethical Issues in Global Health and Development

  • Ethical challenges in global vaccination programs
  • Access to essential medicines: Ethical considerations
  • Health equity and social determinants: Ethics
  • Ethics of humanitarian aid and relief efforts
  • Global health governance: Ethical perspectives
  • Ethical implications of medical tourism
  • Population control and reproductive health: Ethics
  • Ethical dilemmas in disaster response
  • Public health ethics: Policies and practices
  • Ethical considerations in international health partnerships

business ethics topics for presentation

Check out business ethics topics for presentation:-

Emerging Technologies and Ethics

AI Ethics: Bias, job impact, and ethical concerns.

Big Data Privacy: Data use, privacy issues, and ethical obligations.

Blockchain Transparency: Security, energy use, and ethical considerations.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability

Ethical Sourcing: Fair labor, sustainable practices, and business benefits.

Genuine Sustainability: Real vs. superficial environmental efforts.

Business and Climate Change: Sustainability strategies and reducing carbon footprint.

Workplace Ethics and Culture

#MeToo Movement: Preventing harassment and fostering respectful workplaces.

Whistleblowing Ethics: Reporting misconduct and ethical considerations.

Remote Work Ethics: Leadership, communication, and employee well-being.

Business Practices and Consumer Ethics

Marketing Ethics: Transparency, consumer trust, and ethical advertising.

Price Gouging Ethics: Fair pricing during crises and ethical conduct.

Planned Obsolescence: Environmental impact and ethical implications.

These simplified topics cover key ethical issues in business and technology, suitable for engaging presentations and discussions.

What are the 4 themes of ethics?

In ethics, key themes include:

Normative vs. Metaethics

Normative ethics guides decisions (e.g., utilitarianism).

Metaethics examines morality’s foundations.

Consequentialism vs. Non-consequentialism

Consequentialism focuses on outcomes (e.g., utilitarianism).

Non-consequentialism prioritizes principles over outcomes (e.g., deontology).

Rights vs. Duties

Rights-based ethics prioritizes individual rights.

Duty-based ethics emphasizes responsibilities to others.

Virtue Ethics

Focuses on developing virtues like courage and justice.

These themes categorize different ethical theories, each addressing aspects of moral decision-making.

What are the three main ethical issues?

Determining the top ethical issues is complex, but three key areas consistently raise concerns:

Deals with dilemmas in biotechnology and medicine, like genetic engineering, assisted suicide, and healthcare access.

Key Concerns: Fairness in medical technology access, ethicality of gene editing, balancing patient autonomy.

Technology and AI Ethics

Focuses on issues from advanced tech and AI, including algorithm bias, job displacement, AI in warfare, and ethical use of autonomous systems.

Key Concerns: Fair AI development, ethical implications of AI decisions, societal impacts preparation.

Global Ethics

Addresses global issues like poverty , climate change, trade fairness, and migrant rights.

Key Concerns: Equitable resource distribution, responsibilities of wealthy nations, promoting human rights globally.

These areas highlight major ethical challenges shaping decisions worldwide.

Ethics in Everyday Life

Ethics influence our daily choices in important ways:

Honesty and Integrity : Being truthful and acting with integrity.

Fairness and Justice : Treating others fairly and advocating for justice.

Respect and Compassion : Showing respect and empathy toward others.

Environmental Responsibility : Making sustainable choices and reducing environmental impact.

In daily life

At work : Being honest, fair, and responsible with resources.

As a consumer : Considering ethical practices and choosing eco-friendly options.

In relationships : Keeping promises, respecting others’ feelings.

Online interactions : Avoiding misinformation, communicating respectfully.

Tips for ethical living

Reflect on your values and their impact on decisions.

Consider consequences on others and the environment.

Seek diverse viewpoints and challenge unfair practices.

Ethics are about making choices that contribute positively to our world every day.

Future of Ethics

Check out the future of ethics:-

Machine Ethics : As AI advances, ensuring fair, transparent, and human-supervised AI behavior is crucial.

Bioethics Expansion : Gene editing and biotechnologies raise ethical questions like germline editing and ethical data use in biomedical research.

Global Ethics and Sustainability : Addressing climate change, resource distribution, and global health crises requires ethical frameworks for fair decision-making and cooperation.

Emerging Technologies : VR, AR, and BCIs raise concerns about privacy, data security, and fairness, demanding ethical guidelines for responsible use.

Evolving Moral Landscapes : Adapting ethical frameworks to diverse values and cultures is essential for fostering global ethical standards in a connected world.

The future of ethics involves ongoing discussions and adaptations to meet the challenges posed by advancing technology and global interdependence.

Ethics isn’t just about old rules; it’s a dynamic field tackling today’s most critical issues. From navigating AI complexities to building a fairer, sustainable world, ethics guide us through a complex landscape.

Through exploring ethical theories, real-world dilemmas, and new challenges, it’s clear ethics shape our daily lives. By understanding diverse viewpoints, analyzing situations, and acting with integrity, we pave the way for a more ethical future.

Next time you face a tough choice, remember ethics’ power. Embrace its principles to foster fairness, justice, and well-being in every decision and interaction, shaping our collective journey forward.

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120 Presentation Topic Ideas Help You Hook Your Audience

Jenny Romanchuk

Updated: July 23, 2024

Published: August 09, 2023

Cooking is easy. The puzzle is figuring out what to eat. As soon as you know that, you can get started. The same holds for presentations. The sooner you can whip up a good, informative, and catchy topic, the easier the rest of the process becomes.

 man presents presentation topics to a group

Pick a good topic that resonates with you and your audience to set a strong foundation. But select the wrong topic, and it becomes difficult to connect with your audience, find mutual interests, or hold their attention.

So, let’s learn how to develop thought-provoking and relevant topics for your presentations. You’ll also find some best practices to make your presentation memorable.

presentation topics for business ethics

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Table of Contents

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic in 5 Steps

120 presentation topic ideas, 5 presentation tips.

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic. Be novel. Begin with the end in mind.

4. Choose an appropriate presentation style.

There are many ways to present a topic. Your personality, the topic at hand, and your audience’s personas will help you determine which style would best fit you and your audience.

Select a presentation style that will communicate the main idea clearly and have a lasting impact on your audience.

For instance, explore a freeform style presenter by Sir Ken Robinson.

5. Engage with your audience.

Work on your presentation skills to make a strong connection with your audience, get through to them and leave a mark.

Think of the presenter as the link between the topic and the audience. A strong or a weak presenter can make a difference between a presentation being a thriving success or a boring failure.

Hone your skills by engaging and interacting with your audience. Make them feel like a part of the presentation and not just spectators. 70% of marketers have found presentations with interactive content to be more effective than those without.

Here are a few ways you can make your presentation interactive:

  • Start your speech with uncommon questions to your audience. Involve them from the get-go, like ask to raise their hands if X.
  • Make eye contact to build credibility and show confidence. Don’t stare at your slides or notes. Smile occasionally and talk to the audience directly.
  • Have an active and confident body language. Don’t stand in the same place the entire time. Move around the stage.
  • Don’t be monotonous. Speak as you would to a colleague — with enthusiasm.
  • Ask close-ended questions in between to keep the audience engaged without losing time. Address them using their names to keep things interesting.
  • Share personal experiences and stories that your audience will find fascinating and relatable.
  • Practice thoroughly before you present so you’re fluent with the material and delivery.
  • Energy and excitement can be quite contagious. Make sure you exude enough to spread some to your audience.

Feeling Inspired Yet?

Now you have all the right ingredients for choosing amazing topics and a hundred ideas to drive inspiration from. So, go ahead and start cooking presentations that will blow your audience away.

Don’t forget to choose a super-relevant topic and add meaty information. Do it with excitement to make it enjoyable for you and your audience. Best of luck!

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300 Ethics Topics for Presentation: Ethics Seminar Topics

Ethics Topics for Presentation: Welcome to list of topics on ethics, a subject that is both timeless and ever-evolving. Ethics, the study of what is morally right and wrong, plays a crucial role in guiding our individual and collective actions. Our exploration will touch upon ethical considerations in various fields such as technology, business, healthcare, and the environment.

presentation topics for business ethics

Additionally, we will address the complexities of ethical decision-making, exploring the moral frameworks that guide our choices and the impact of cultural diversity on ethical perspectives. The intersection of ethics with issues like social justice, human rights, and artificial intelligence will be highlighted, shedding light on the evolving ethical landscape.

Ethics Topics for Presentation: Ethics Seminar Topics 2024

Basic ethics presentation topics, presentation topics on business ethics, presentation topics on technology and privacy, presentation topics on environmental ethics:, presentation topics on healthcare ethics:, presentation topics on education ethics:, presentation topics on sports ethics, presentation topics on animal ethics.

  • The ethics of lying: Is it ever justified?
  • Ethical considerations in medical decision-making
  • The ethics of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
  • Ethical implications of genetic engineering and cloning
  • The ethics of animal testing in scientific research
  • Ethical dilemmas in end-of-life care
  • The ethics of whistleblowing in the workplace
  • Ethical considerations in environmental conservation
  • The ethics of capital punishment
  • Ethical issues in the use of artificial intelligence
  • Ethical challenges in business management
  • The ethics of privacy in the digital age
  • Ethical implications of big data and surveillance
  • The ethics of corporate social responsibility
  • Ethical dilemmas in global health initiatives
  • Ethical considerations in organ donation and transplantation
  • The ethics of global inequality and poverty
  • Ethical implications of human enhancement technologies
  • Ethical issues in the use of military drones
  • The ethics of fair trade and globalization
  • Ethical dilemmas in journalism and media
  • Ethical considerations in human subject research
  • The ethics of intellectual property rights
  • Ethical implications of social media use
  • Ethical challenges in international diplomacy
  • The ethics of cultural appropriation
  • Ethical considerations in the use of renewable energy
  • Ethical dilemmas in the allocation of healthcare resources
  • The ethics of surrogacy and reproductive technologies
  • Ethical implications of workplace diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its impact on business practices
  • Ethical leadership: Strategies for promoting integrity in the workplace
  • The role of ethics in corporate governance
  • Ethical considerations in marketing and advertising
  • Business ethics in the era of globalization
  • Ethical decision-making frameworks for business professionals
  • The ethics of whistleblowing: Balancing loyalty and responsibility
  • Ethical implications of bribery and corruption in business
  • Sustainability ethics: Integrating environmental concerns into business practices
  • Ethical challenges in supply chain management
  • Ethical issues in corporate finance and accounting
  • Transparency and accountability in business ethics
  • Ethical implications of emerging technologies for businesses
  • Ethical dilemmas in the sharing economy
  • Diversity and inclusion ethics in the workplace
  • Ethical considerations in human resource management
  • The role of business ethics in building trust with stakeholders
  • Ethical dimensions of mergers and acquisitions
  • Corporate citizenship: Beyond legal obligations to societal contributions
  • Ethical challenges in international business operations
  • Ethical implications of artificial intelligence and automation in the workforce
  • Ethical issues in data privacy and cybersecurity
  • Ethical considerations in employee compensation and benefits
  • Ethical decision-making in crisis management and public relations
  • Ethical marketing practices for the digital age
  • The ethics of intellectual property rights and plagiarism prevention
  • Ethical dimensions of corporate lobbying and political influence
  • Business ethics and the gig economy: Protecting workers’ rights
  • Ethical implications of outsourcing and offshoring business activities
  • Navigating conflicts of interest: Ethical guidelines for business professionals.
  • The ethics of data collection and surveillance in the digital age
  • Privacy implications of facial recognition technology
  • Ethical considerations in the use of biometric data
  • Transparency and consent in online tracking and profiling
  • The ethics of algorithmic decision-making
  • Privacy concerns in smart cities and urban surveillance systems
  • Ethical implications of predictive analytics and data mining
  • Balancing privacy and security in the age of cyber threats
  • Ethical challenges of government surveillance programs
  • Privacy by design: Integrating privacy into technology development
  • The ethics of internet of things (IoT) devices and data collection
  • Privacy rights and protections in the workplace
  • Ethical considerations in digital healthcare and telemedicine
  • Privacy implications of biometric authentication systems
  • Ethical issues in social media data mining and advertising
  • The right to be forgotten: Ethical and legal implications
  • Privacy concerns in online education platforms and e-learning
  • Ethical challenges in the use of personal data for targeted advertising
  • Privacy implications of wearable technology and fitness trackers
  • Ethical guidelines for the responsible use of personal data in research and innovation.
  • The ethical implications of climate change mitigation policies
  • Ecological justice: Addressing environmental inequalities
  • Ethical considerations in wildlife conservation and habitat preservation
  • The ethics of sustainable development
  • Environmental ethics and indigenous perspectives on nature
  • Ethical dilemmas in the management of natural resources
  • The rights of future generations in environmental decision-making
  • Ethical considerations in environmental activism and protest
  • Environmental ethics in agriculture: Balancing productivity and sustainability
  • The ethics of animal rights and welfare in environmental conservation
  • Ethical implications of genetic engineering in biodiversity conservation
  • The ethics of environmental restoration and ecological engineering
  • Environmental ethics in urban planning and sustainable cities
  • Ethical challenges in marine conservation and ocean governance
  • Ecofeminism and its implications for environmental ethics
  • The ethics of eco-tourism and sustainable travel
  • Ethical considerations in climate engineering and geoengineering
  • Environmental ethics and the rights of non-human beings
  • Ethical dimensions of waste management and pollution control
  • The ethics of corporate environmental responsibility and greenwashing.
  • Ethical considerations in end-of-life care and decision-making
  • Patient autonomy and informed consent: Balancing rights and responsibilities
  • The ethics of healthcare rationing and resource allocation
  • Medical paternalism versus patient autonomy: Finding the balance
  • Ethical issues in genetic testing and counseling
  • Confidentiality and privacy in healthcare: Navigating dilemmas
  • Ethical implications of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
  • The role of healthcare professionals in addressing social determinants of health
  • Organ transplantation ethics: Allocation, consent, and fairness
  • Ethical challenges in clinical research and human subjects protection
  • Healthcare disparities and social justice: Ethical considerations
  • Professional integrity and ethical decision-making in healthcare
  • The ethics of reproductive technologies and fertility treatments
  • Cultural competence and ethical care in a diverse society
  • Ethical considerations in pediatric healthcare and parental decision-making
  • Healthcare access and affordability: Ethical imperatives
  • The ethics of healthcare data collection, sharing, and privacy
  • End-of-life care for vulnerable populations: Ethical dilemmas and solutions
  • Ethical implications of emerging medical technologies, such as gene editing and artificial intelligence
  • Healthcare workforce ethics: Responsibilities, burnout, and moral distress.
  • Academic integrity and plagiarism: Promoting honesty in education
  • Ethical considerations in standardized testing and assessment
  • Equity and access in education: Addressing disparities ethically
  • The ethics of grading and evaluation in education
  • Educator professionalism and ethical conduct
  • Ethical challenges in online education and e-learning
  • Student rights and privacy in educational settings
  • Ethical implications of educational technology use in classrooms
  • Inclusive education ethics: Ensuring equitable opportunities for all students
  • Ethical considerations in special education and support services
  • The ethics of educational research and academic publishing
  • Teacher-student relationships: Boundaries and ethical guidelines
  • Ethical dilemmas in school discipline and punishment
  • Social justice education ethics: Fostering equity and inclusion
  • Ethics of educational leadership: Responsibilities and accountability
  • Curriculum ethics: Balancing diverse perspectives and values
  • Ethical implications of standardized curriculum versus culturally responsive teaching
  • Educating for citizenship: Ethical dimensions of civic education
  • International education ethics: Cross-cultural perspectives and challenges
  • Ethical considerations in higher education administration and governance.
  • Doping in sports: Ethical implications and consequences
  • Fair play in sports: Balancing competition and sportsmanship
  • Ethical considerations in sports governance and administration
  • Violence and aggression in sports: Addressing ethical challenges
  • The ethics of gender equality in sports
  • Athlete rights and responsibilities: Ethical guidelines for behavior
  • Sportsmanship and ethical conduct in competitive sports
  • Ethical dilemmas in sports coaching and leadership
  • Performance-enhancing technologies in sports: Ethical boundaries
  • Gambling and match-fixing in sports: Ethical issues and regulation
  • Ethical considerations in youth sports and development programs
  • Sports journalism ethics: Reporting responsibly and ethically
  • The role of spectators in promoting ethical behavior in sports
  • Ethical implications of commercialization and sponsorship in sports
  • The use of technology in officiating and decision-making in sports
  • Equality and inclusion in sports: Ethical challenges and solutions
  • Medical ethics in sports: Balancing athlete health and performance
  • Ethical considerations in sports marketing and advertising
  • Environmental ethics in sports events and facilities
  • Ethical dilemmas in the governance and regulation of esports.
  • The moral status of animals: Exploring ethical frameworks
  • Animal rights versus animal welfare: Debates and implications
  • Ethical considerations in animal experimentation and research
  • The ethics of factory farming and industrial agriculture
  • Wildlife conservation ethics: Balancing human interests and animal welfare
  • Ethical implications of using animals in entertainment and sports
  • Companion animal ethics: Responsibilities of pet ownership
  • Ethical dilemmas in zoos and captive breeding programs
  • Animal ethics in the context of environmental conservation
  • Ethical considerations in the use of animals for therapy and assistance
  • The ethics of hunting and trophy hunting
  • Animal rights activism: Tactics, effectiveness, and ethical boundaries
  • Ethical dimensions of animal agriculture and sustainable farming practices
  • The ethics of using animals in education and scientific outreach
  • Veterinary ethics: Balancing the interests of animals, owners, and society
  • Ethical implications of invasive species management and eradication efforts
  • The intersection of animal ethics and indigenous perspectives on nature
  • Ethical considerations in the pet industry: Breeding, sales, and adoption
  • Animal ethics in religious and cultural contexts
  • Ethical guidelines for responsible wildlife tourism and ecotourism.

So it was all about Ethics Topics for Presentation, if you liked them then please share with your friends.

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The 70 Best Business Topic Ideas for Presentations and Research Papers for College Students

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research topic presentation ideas

Education is not just about listening to instructors expound on theories and learning from their lectures. A good part of life for college students also revolves around doing presentations and writing research papers; therefore, you will need to acquire an excellent research topic about business.

Business topics for presentations and research papers range from traditional ideas, such as business management and economics, to more modern topics, such as digital transformation and e-commerce. In any case, a good research paper and presentation topic will be meaningful, timely, and interesting to an audience.

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A research paper is a good measure of a student’s understanding of the topic. It allows them to apply what they learned by tackling certain subjects relevant to their course. By developing their ability to communicate through oral and written exercises, research papers shape the accuracy and integrity of your thoughts. Let us help you find the right research topic about business!

Why Choose the Right Business Topic Ideas?

research topic about business

A great business research paper requires a topic that is relevant and one that will distinguish it from other papers. While business is prevalent in society and the global stage in general, it is still not that easy to frame a topic that will be fresh and applicable to today’s world.

After all, thousands of research have already been done when it comes to business. It can be a real challenge to find something that has not been studied yet or add anything new and valuable to those that already exist. But it is indeed possible to look into the present situations and developments and identify new angles from existing research to make it applicable in the modern age.

Choosing the right business topic ideas will give you an easier time when you need to do research and start writing it. A good topic considers your field of interest and your subject, leading you to a research paper that will not only help you acquire the best grades but also expand and test your knowledge and research skills. And because writing a research paper should factor in social impact, it requires extensive and consistent study as opposed to sporadic and casual reading.

Tips for Picking the Best Business Topic Ideas

Research topic about business

When starting a research paper or class presentation, the most challenging part is always getting started. It is ideal for students to develop the skill of producing a good research topic. These tips might help.

  • Brainstorm for ideas on your field of study. You can do this by asking the right questions, such as “ What problems do businesses face these days?” You can also get inspiration from the news regarding business, finance, and economics.
  • Prepare a list of keywords and concepts to choose from. Use this to form a more focused research topic as well.
  • Read up on the chosen keyword or concept. When you’ve decided, start to learn more about it by reading the background information for a good overview.
  • Give the topic a greater focus but be careful not to make it too broad or too narrow. To be sure, keep the subject limited in the areas of geography, culture, time frame, or discipline.

Business Topic Ideas for the Different Fields of Business

Business communication.

business communications

It is common for information to be shared between the company and its employees or the company and its customers. Effective communication within or outside of the business is vital for a company to function. Business communication is a continuous process that can be done in many ways and various channels.

When a business has good communication with its internal and external affairs, it can run smoothly. It is vital in transmitting information that can impact the industry and its success. For business communication students, finding a topic that can best suit their research papers is not that hard when they understand its importance and how it can affect the running of a business.

Here is a list of topic ideas that can help business communication students:

  • The different ways men and women communicate in the business environment
  • The effects of good business communication on business development and growth
  • Communication and its relation to marketing effectiveness
  • How effective communication can help in dealing with global companies
  • The theories of communication and their different roles in the corporate world
  • How communication influence decision-making within the company
  • The effect of communication in overcoming business challenges
  • Effective communication skills in the management sector
  • Convincing customers to buy products through good communication
  • How business communication and effective marketing go hand in hand

Business Administration

research topic about business administration

When it comes to business administration programs, students are required to think of research topics that resolve a particular subject in an area of specialization. The issues are not expected to be broad or new; instead, they must be able to get the message across regarding the areas covered by the degree program. It can be ideas on business management, leadership skills, communication methodologies, business policies, trade, and commerce, or financial management.

Here are some of the relevant and exciting topics for business administration:

  • How does management affect an organization’s performance?
  • The effects of advertisement on consumer behavior
  • In what ways can human resources promote industrial harmony?
  • The Impact of staff motivation incentives on productivity
  • The everyday challenges of small and medium enterprises at the start of trade
  • Short-term management and its risks
  • How does corporate sustainability affect the organizational process?
  • Weighing the pros and cons of startup and established companies
  • The strategy of corporate sustainability
  • The roles of budget analysis and budgetary controls on an organization’s operation

Business Ethics

research topic about business ethics

There is a connection between ethics and global business. Two of the essential foundations of global commerce are business ethics and corporate responsibility. Studying Business Ethics is vital for many Business majors. This is where they learn how businesses should treat their employees and other organizations in global and local contexts.

Today, the business environment has changed drastically, owing mostly to government policies and political stability. To keep up with the current dynamics, ethical principles and moral-ethical problems must be advanced.

Courses related to business ethics must carefully choose topics that address common issues and improve businesses in terms of ethical practices. Some of the ideas students can explore for Business Ethics research and presentation include:

  • The impact of gender discrimination on employees’ performance
  • The effects of a company’s environmental practices on consumer trust
  • Examine the repercussions of abuse of laborers in the construction industry
  • The connection between profit-seeking and product quality
  • Misleading advertisements and their impact on consumers’ trust levels
  • The importance of trust in modern economics
  • How do companies make a difference to global problems?
  • Are companies accountable when consumers misuse their products?
  • The ways a company can create a healthy and more balanced work environment
  • Does workplace diversity play an important role in productivity?

Small Business

research topic about small business

he evolution of small businesses in the digital era is an interesting study for many Business major students. It is true that big companies and organizations can shell out massive amounts for advertising and brand enhancement, but they can still lose out to small businesses, especially in niches like flower shops, coffee houses, and bakeries.

That is only one aspect of small businesses. There are many more areas that students can explore to understand the issues and ideas that surround small companies and their ability to compete with their giant counterparts. Take a look at some of these research topics:

  • What struggles do small business owners encounter in marketing?
  • Digital marketing and its impact on small businesses
  • How should small companies deal with a crisis?
  • Is relationship building important for small businesses?
  • The common products that consumers purchase from small companies
  • The impact of online marketing strategy on conversion and revenue growth
  • The challenges of starting a small company
  • How can small companies contribute to global change?
  • The effect of a business plan on small business growth
  • Finance models for different spheres of small business

Business Management

research topic about business management

As one of the most significant tasks for many businesses and organizations, business management focuses on planning and organizing. Like the Business Administration programs, Business Management includes marketing, accounting, economics, and finance as its core subjects.

Professors often give research assignments to business students to measure their analytical skills and understanding of supervising a business or managing people.

We’ve gathered some of the most interesting research topics for Business Management courses:

  • How did the rapid technological developments revolutionize marketing?
  • What is sustainable development and what is its impact on modern businesses
  • Frugal innovations to help small to medium businesses create value for profits and return?
  • Why companies should enshrine corporate social responsibility
  • Keeping the balance between employee expectations and the organization’s profit
  • The role of financial managers in maintaining records of business expenses
  • How does employee motivation increase the earnings of organizations?
  • The importance of a digital marketing strategy to small businesses
  • Understanding the process of taxation and its relation to the profit of the business
  • How to handle a crisis in an organization

Global Business

research topic about global business

The age of globalization has dawned, and businesses must adapt to the changes and repercussions it brings. Globalization has a way of influencing the trends in the market and how companies should approach consumers. It can also determine the emerging marketing methods that can contribute to the success of an organization.

Students who study global business aim to understand how companies around the world are connected. When they look at the industry from an international perspective, they will be able to navigate the impact of boundaries and cultures on the operation and management of global companies. Developing a global mindset is essential.

Keep these ideas in mind when exploring topics for their research paper:

  • The challenges of company expansions to different countries
  • Examining world markets and how they benefit from globalization
  • How does globalization affect consumer behavior
  • The rise of the foreign exchange market in the era of globalization
  • Going digital and its effects on international business
  • The influence of culture on marketing and branding
  • The advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing the business
  • The many ways for foreign companies to handle scam
  • How can war impact company profits around the world?
  • The different structures suitable for international business

Business Law

business law

Also known as mercantile law or commercial law, business law governs the dealings between people and commercial matters. It can be divided into two areas. One is the regulation of commercial entities with a basis on laws of partnership, company, and bankruptcy.

The other is the regulation of commercial transactions through the laws of contract. Students who are in the field of business law must know how to stop problems before they can hurt the organization or bring about legal repercussions.

Searching for topics in this field can be daunting but doable. To inspire students, we have listed down some ideas that can help them with their research and presentation:

  • The various ways a company can curtail harmful human behaviors in the workplace
  • Examining the effectiveness of penalties on serious work infractions
  • How companies offer treatment in cases of workplace accidents
  • When are data confidentiality policies applicable in a business?
  • The lawful ways to regulate online gambling websites
  • The importance of copyright and trademark on businesses
  • A comparative analysis of business laws in the Western and Eastern World
  • How do laws impact e-Commerce?
  • The implications of data privacy on businesses and consumers
  • Looking at data privacy laws from an international perspective

When the most viable picks for research topics have been provided, it is time to choose the most suitable one for a specific area of specialization and field of interest. A careful study of the issue at hand and selecting a topic that encompasses the academic course or specialization will do the trick.

Business Research Topics 5

While you are at it, it is vital to find the balance between a relevant and original topic and an interesting one. Remember, a presentation and research paper do not have to be uninteresting to be effective. Your selected research topic about business is important, so choose wisely. Pick something that you are interested in, and the rest will follow.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the basic things to know about delivering a successful presentation.

  • Have Effective Content: Make sure the content of your presentation is relevant, organized, accurate, and concise. Use visuals and examples to support your points.
  • Practice: Take the time to practice your presentation. Practicing out loud may help you identify any issues in the presentation, as well as anticipate how your audience may respond.
  • Engage your Audience: Establish a connection with your audience by using eye contact, gestures, and speaking clearly.
  • Use Visual Aids: Incorporate visuals like PowerPoint slides, posters, and other props to make your presentation more dynamic.
  • Be Positive: Present your material with enthusiasm and confidence. Even if you don’t feel confident in what you’re presenting, practice your material until you feel more comfortable.

What are the top components of a business presentation?

  • Visuals: Visuals such as slides, graphs, diagrams and videos help draw and keep the audience’s attention and ensure that the message is clear.
  • Content: Content is the main part of a business presentation and is made up of talking points, summaries, facts and figures.
  • Delivery: Delivery refers to the style and method used to present the content and visuals. This includes the presenter’s body language and vocal delivery.

What must be avoided in any presentation?

  • Rambling or becoming distracted
  • Being overly verbose or using unduly complicated language
  • Reading from written notes most of the time
  • Not rehearsing and/or not knowing the material
  • Not engaging with the audience
  • Glancing at the slides too often
  • Focusing on slides with too many words or too much detail
  • Apologizing for the presentation
  • Failing to make connections and summarize key points
  • Talking too quickly or loudly

Watch this YouTube video for examples of do’s and dont’s:


Rowan Jones Chief Editor

Home Blog Business A Quick Guide on Business Ethics

A Quick Guide on Business Ethics

A Quick Guide on Business Ethics PPT Template

Have you ever bought a product and felt that it did not live up to the standards advertised? Did you feel cheated? In such a case, one of the first thoughts which might have crossed your mind would have been that the business is ‘unethical’. Business ethics is a vast topic that is difficult to encapsulate in just a few key terms or a short paragraph. Often, what is deemed unethical by the consumer might not be seen the same way by the business. Our quick guide on business ethics is meant to cover these dilemmas, and the role business ethics can play in the success of a business.

Definition of Ethics

Before we explore business ethics, let’s examine a few standard definitions of ‘ethics.

“The discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation.” – Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary

“A system of accepted beliefs that control behavior, especially such a system based on morals” – Cambridge Dictionary.

“That branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, concerning the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions” – Dictionary.com

What is Business Ethics?

Business ethics are the principles that are deemed necessary for fair business practices. These principles in terms of business ethics apply to both companies and individuals. Business ethics address a variety of concerns that affect the internal organizational culture and external dealings associated with a business. It includes how a company deals with its employees, vendors and consumers, government, watchdogs, shareholders, and other pressure groups. Also, it might affect how the company presents itself , including branding, advertising, and even the contents in their PowerPoint presentations. 

Types of Business Ethics

Since business ethics is a vast and complex topic, there have been various categories by which it has been addressed and summarized over the years. A few of the generally recognized types of business ethics are mentioned below.

1. Personal Responsibility

This refers to an individual’s responsibility towards following ethical behavior. A business executive who follows ethical standards in his dealings is also likely to discharge his duties with acceptable moral principles. This might include performing duties diligently, not violating the law, being honest, etc. Every individual has certain beliefs which shape their personality. Personal responsibility is the responsibility of individuals to follow ethical standards. While these might differ from culture to culture, specific measures are arguably universal, such as honesty, integrity, obeying the law, etc.

2. Official Responsibilities

When representing a business, the individual must uphold its core values and set standards defined by it. For example, many companies claim to be equal opportunity organizations that do not discriminate based on race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation when hiring employees. Anyone in a position of power discriminating against someone would not only be acting in an unethical manner in an individual capacity, but this would also go against the organization’s core values.

Official responsibility entails that the individual follows the set norms deemed necessary to dispense duties properly. Corporate culture often has a significant influence in shaping the official assignments of employees.

3. Personal Loyalties

Personal loyalties can occur between subordinates and senior officials. A senior official might overlook a subordinate’s mistake due to some sense of commitment, or the subordinate might not report an issue caused due to the manager’s fault.

4. Organizational Loyalties

Some people have a deep sense of loyalty towards an organization. They might even neglect their self-interest and well-being for the organization due to a sense of organizational commitment. For example, many people allow their health to suffer in the hope that they can propel a new initiative in the organization’s best interest through their hard work.

5. Corporate Responsibilities

Since corporations are separate legal entities, people who run them are obliged to follow specific responsibilities. These might be internal or external. Under their corporate social responsibility initiatives, many organizations try to reduce pollution or reduce the negative externalities created by the business. Similarly, organizations might be required to test products using set standards to ensure they are safe for consumers and recall ones that might be identified as faulty or dangerous.

6. Economic Responsibilities

If you have studied economics, you would have come across the concept of opportunity cost, i.e., the next best alternative is forgone. As wants are unlimited and resources are limited, one must efficiently use resources to their optimum potential. This can also be described as an economic responsibility for a business. Since the efficient use of resources is necessary for sustaining resources for the future. Companies that aim to deplete resources for maximizing their gains, for this reason, are often seen as unethical.

7. Legal Responsibilities

Every company and individual is governed by law. Overstepping or violating legal responsibilities is deemed unethical. Many businesses cannot operate without adhering to specific legal standards, which act as a prerequisite for doing business. However, other legal responsibilities can be harder to identify and impose in companies. Getting caught violating the law can land a business or executive in serious trouble.

8. Technical Morality

There are specific technical standards that businesses are expected to adhere to produce goods and services. Compromising on these would be deemed unethical. These standards are set by competent bodies to ensure that products are safe and made according to standards considered necessary.

Types of Business Ethics PPT Template

Ethics in Remote Work

While ethics in remote work is probably not yet classified as a set standard in business ethics, it is likely to gain traction as a subject in the wake of the Novel Coronavirus pandemic. Ethics in remote work can be many. If you’re working from home but not dispensing your duties properly or muting your remote meeting tools & apps as you do something else during meetings, you can be deemed to be doing something unethical. Similarly, the behavior of businesses can be scrutinized the same way towards their employees, customers, vendors, etc.

Recently, many businesses have delayed people shopping online, providing misleading delivery claims that they could not deliver due to lockdowns. Many customers, especially ones who had paid in advance via digital mediums, have been upset with such business practices, calling the businesses unethical for their misleading claims of delivering goods on time.

Covid-19 is likely to cause several issues associated with remote work and business ethics. Many businesses offering remote meeting tools are already under the radar related to how they use user data, what channels are used to route it, and how secure the connection is. Businesses lying about data security or routing it through unsafe channels, such as nations deemed hostile towards particular business interests, can raise serious concerns about business ethics.

Examples of Ethical Behavior by Businesses

Now that we have discussed ethical behavior by businesses, let’s look at some examples of ethical conduct.

Prioritizing Consumer Needs

A business might prioritize consumer needs by adhering to the best quality standards to ensure that consumers benefit from the product. This is contrary to a mere profit-maximizing approach by flouting quality standards to save costs.

In the wake of Covid-19, many people tried to hoard sanitizers to sell them on Amazon. The company soon clamped down on hoarders and blocked their accounts based on the price hikes in sanitizers sold by hoarders online. This resulted in people left with mountains of sanitizers, with nowhere to sell them. Some of them even had to offer them to people for free due to community backlash. In this case, we can argue that Amazon prioritized consumer needs by discouraging hoarders instead of prioritizing company profit.

You might also want to see our article on this topic about  customer-centric organizations .

Respecting Customer Privacy

In recent years Facebook has been hit by several scandals related to breach of user privacy and security. One of the most famous cases was the revelation that Cambridge Analytica had been harvesting Facebook data for political advertising. This data was mined without user consent. Unfortunately, there are very few places where customer privacy can be deemed to be genuinely ‘private’. One example is the search engine called DuckDuckGo, which ensures users’ privacy by blocking trackers to help people search free of privacy concerns. 


Some businesses offer a trip to their production of products to consumers to see how products are produced by adhering to quality standards. Similarly, many companies make some parts of their financial reports and data public to ensure they are dealing ethically. While transparency can often be questioned when it comes to corporate interest, it can be a powerful mechanism of generating a positive corporate image in the eyes of consumers.

Many businesses are also known to be transparent towards their employees to gain employee trust and build a better relationship between employees and the industry. One example is the marketing company HubSpot, which is known to be transparent in sharing financial data and strategies with their employees . 

Ethical Dilemmas Businesses Have to Deal With

Business ethics can be hard to determine in the wake of conflicting interests. Your loyalty towards a business might not be deemed ethical if you cover up malpractice that violates a legal responsibility.

Employees can have a strong sense of personal loyalty towards a business and might even cover up malpractices or refuse to cooperate with law enforcement officials to disclose details of such a practice. This raises the question if personal loyalty can always be deemed ‘ethical’. Since business ethics can be a slippery slope, some employees might have even signed a confidentiality agreement not to disclose business-related information without the organization’s consent. Is it ethical to inform an unethical practice, or is it ethical to uphold the non-disclosure agreement?

Some countries have a requirement to use airbags in cars, but there are no such legal restrictions in less developed countries. Adding air bags and improving the safety of vehicles might mean that the car price might increase to the extent that people might opt for cheaper, less safe cars due to their low incomes. If a car manufacturer reduces quality, would it be deemed unethical? While this might be the case, the alternative is going out of business.

There are moral dilemmas associated with ethics, personal beliefs, laws, or the lack of them, which can often mean that the business has to deal with stark choices, with very few or no good alternatives. Adhering to one form of what might be deemed ethical might violate another category of business ethics.

Weight Scales Business Ethics PowerPoint Template - Example of Business Ethics Balance Diagram for Presentations

Final Words

Business ethics can be considered relative. They can be differently viewed across various cultures, countries, and international agreements governing businesses. Following behavior deemed ethical by a company has often been associated with a conflict of profit maximization or even the survival of a business. Competitors might be following the same type of practices deemed unethical to survive in an environment with loose regulations or widespread corruption.

Samsung heir Lee Jae-Yong had to face charges as he tried to bribe his way to gain control of his family business. He eventually admitted to unethical business practices and had to face legal repercussions for his decision. Many such examples of companies suffer a backlash for practices they thought they could get away with. HSBC had to face significant penalties and reduce its footprint on charges of involvement in money laundering .

Many businesses also engage in rent-seeking to bribe government officials or gain undue favors by acting as a cartel to pressure the government. Japanese car manufacturers like Suzuki and Toyota in South Asia have long been accused of this practice. They are now suffering from multiple challenges, including low car sales due to an unfavorable exchange rate hiking prices beyond the purchasing power of consumers, competition from imported reconditioned cars, and Chinese car manufacturers. The latter provides consumers with safer and better quality cars at reduced prices, which Japanese car companies are finding hard to cope with after decades of selling inferior quality cars at extravagant prices.

Business ethics can help build consumer and employee trust and enable businesses to grow. While following practices which might cheat employees, consumers, or authorities might work for a while, they are likely to hit hard eventually—resulting in loss of revenue, consumer/employee trust, and a bad reputation.

1. 3D Weight Scales PowerPoint Shapes

presentation topics for business ethics

Use this scale template to represent how different concepts might get balanced. The image references a traditional scale design but includes enough text sections so that you can update ideas and concepts as needed.

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presentation topics for business ethics


Chapter outline.

Ethics consists of the standards of behavior to which we hold ourselves in our personal and professional lives. It establishes the levels of honesty, empathy, and trustworthiness and other virtues by which we hope to identify our personal behavior and our public reputation. In our personal lives, our ethics sets norms for the ways in which we interact with family and friends. In our professional lives, ethics guides our interactions with customers, clients, colleagues, employees, and shareholders affected by our business practices ( Figure 1.1 ).

Should we care about ethics in our lives? In our practices in business and the professions? That is the central question we will examine in this chapter and throughout the book. Our goal is to understand why the answer is yes .

Whatever hopes you have for your future, you almost certainly want to be successful in whatever career you choose. But what does success mean to you, and how will you know you have achieved it? Will you measure it in terms of wealth, status, power, or recognition? Before blindly embarking on a quest to achieve these goals, which society considers important, stop and think about what a successful career means to you personally. Does it include a blameless reputation, colleagues whose good opinion you value, and the ability to think well of yourself? How might ethics guide your decision-making and contribute to your achievement of these goals?

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Want to cite, share, or modify this book? This book uses the Creative Commons Attribution License and you must attribute OpenStax.

Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/business-ethics/pages/1-introduction
  • Authors: Stephen M. Byars, Kurt Stanberry
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Business Ethics
  • Publication date: Sep 24, 2018
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/business-ethics/pages/1-introduction
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/business-ethics/pages/1-introduction

© Feb 5, 2024 OpenStax. Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written consent of Rice University.


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Business Ethics in 2024: Latest trends, challenges, and best practices

January 12, 2024 - Mark Fagiano

As the term “business ethics” enters your eyes and is interpreted by your senses, I would be willing to bet that the word “business” has a clearer meaning for you than does the word “ethics.”

If this assumption is indeed true, you are not alone.

As a professor of ethics for over ten years, I have never felt completely at home with any proposed definition of ethics, and in consideration of the inherent complexity and plurality of this subject, I am confident that I will never feel this way.

I think this is a good thing, for it forces me to reconsider my assumptions and, consequently, to invite my mind to consider the insights of others.

Empathy and Ethics in the Workplace  webinar , with Mark Fagiano, assistant professor at Washington State University.

Defining business ethics

For practical purposes, though, it is imperative here that we establish a few fundamental facts about what “ethics” is for the purpose of both understanding and practicing “business ethics.”

Let’s start with this truth, which I believe we all must take seriously:

Not everyone agrees about what is good or bad, right or wrong, and whether there is agreement, we often provide different reasons to support of our beliefs.

This truth could lead to very positive results if, for instance, it stimulates civil, open-minded, and crucial conversations about ethics and morality.

But it is quite problematic whenever, in the absence of a well-conceived, formal, and operative structure, we are unable to establish the ethical guidelines and behavioral expectations that are necessary for both individuals and organizations to flourish.

A business, however, must have this formal structure; and when it is well-conceived and highly functional, it becomes empowered to mitigate ethical, legal—and sometimes very costly—moral lapses in judgment.

We will need to expand upon this with much more refinement and in greater detail, but first we are going to have to introduce some clarity regarding the meaning, that is, the multiple meanings, of ethics.

So, what Is ethics? And how shall we define it?

Ethics as moral principles

Now, it might seem that defining ethics is not even remotely troublesome; after all, there are these books called dictionaries that define words, so what is all the fuss?

However, when we look up “ethics” in the dictionary, I am sad to report, it appears that more confusion is introduced.

Drawing from several editions, the most common definitions we found can be summarized as follows:

  • A serious study of and discussion about moral principles.
  • The moral principles that govern a person, group, or society’s behavior or those that guide the conducting of an activity.

Business ethics definition

Business ethics definition 1

According to the first way of thinking, to practice ethics is to engage in the activity of reflecting, analyzing, and communicating the value and utility of moral principles. This definition seems insufficient for gaining clarity about our differences about what it is right or wrong, good or bad, for it merely describes the process of thinking about and discussing our differences.

It does, however, elucidates a pragmatic meaning of “ethics” as we use it in the term business ethics:

The practice of business ethics involves ongoing reflection and discussion about ethical principles in business.

But this alone isn’t enough:

  • Practicing business ethics can’t simply mean thinking and speaking about principles.
  • What about actions?
  • Doesn’t the practice of business ethics involve acting morally?
  • Or, what about the development of our moral character.
  • Shouldn’t the practice of business ethics include the introduction of and participation in activities that develop our moral character?
  • And what about the consequences of our actions?
  • It seems right to say that the practice of business ethics must involve serious reflection upon the actual or conceivable consequences of our actions and not simply upon moral principles.

Moral principles are very helpful and important, for they sometimes guide our behavior. They help to form our ideals that influence our behavior and provide a working blueprint for our thoughts and actions. But to say that the practice of business ethics merely involves principles is very limiting.

Business ethics definition 2

In line with the second definition, to be ethical means either:

  • That a person, group, society holds good moral principles and that their behavior is also governed by such principles
  • That a given activity follows and abides by certain principles as regulatory rules

There are many problems with this approach to thinking about ethics as well.

First, we often use moral principles to justify the actions we favor.

We have found that this occurs very frequently in moments when we are under pressure to justify what we have done (especially when we fear that we have acted wrongly) as well as when do not have enough time—or simply do not take the time—to consider how the principles we hold should guide our choices.

Second, a moral principle does not signify good principles alone but bad ones as well. This is true even though seemingly everywhere we turn the word “moral” is used as a synonym for something good, desirable, or, at least, worthy of our attention.

Though it is true that we use “immoral” (bad) to mean the opposite of “moral” good), many “moral” i.e., good, principles of the past are now thought to be terribly immoral. I am sure you could think of some examples here.

Third, the simple act of holding a moral principle doesn’t make the moral principle itself good; rather what is good is recognized and felt as a result of following the principle.

In and of itself, a principle is neither good nor bad, right nor wrong; it is simply a rule of conduct based upon what one believes to be good or bad, right or wrong.

Despite its shortcomings, this second common definition of ethics provides us another pragmatic meaning of “ethics” as we use it in the term business ethics:

The practice of business ethics involves choosing good moral principles for business success and having these principles govern our behavior and guide our actions.

But, in consideration of the problems I have mentioned above, there must be more to “ethics” than simply studying, holding, and following principles for the purpose of having them help to act rightly.

Where shall we turn?

Ethics as character development

How about we begin at the beginning.

What is the origin of the word “ethics” and what was its original meaning? Perhaps gaining this knowledge we provide for us a stronger understanding of ethics for the purpose of applying such an understanding at work and in life.


The origin of ethics

“Ethics” is derived from two ancient Greek words ēthikós (ἠθικός), which meant “relating to one’s character,” as well as ēthós (ἠθός) which chiefly meant an individual’s habits or character, but also culture’s “customs” or “mores,” i.e., the general character of a people.

Your character is produced by habits or what you repeatedly do, but what does it mean to say that “we” possess a moral character?

Well, when we say that John has a strong moral character, we are saying the John possesses certain distinctive and morally good mental, behavioral, traits, qualities—and habits—that are a big part of who he is as a person.

Practice Business Ethics

Understand your ethical character and moral attributes through 5 different workplace scenarios. Learn More

Good and bad moral character

When we say that someone has a “good” moral character we are saying that his or her actions arise out of the formation of positive and constructive habits and/or that the person’s actions are in accord with the moral principles that person holds and lives by.

Conversely, when we disapprove of another’s behavior, that person is characterized as having a “bad” character; moreover, when someone acts in such a way that deviates from the habits that form her/his general character, we say that person has acted “out of character.”

Now, let’s look at this word “character” for a moment. Isn’t it the case that others often “characterize” us, sometimes flippantly and inaccurately, and that these characterizations sometimes affect both our own self-image as well as how other people view our character?

Your character, as the habits you perform daily, in part, create your identity and shape “you,”

But what is also true is that one’s characterization of you can affect what you do and alter your character, or at least how others perceive your character. It follows from this truth, then, that someone’s characterization of you could alter the course of your life.

This shouldn’t cause you paranoia nor should it make you think that you need to conform to what others expect of you without good reasons; but it should remind you to always maintain a certain professionalism and be diligent about the displays of your character.

It still seems that something is missing.

Principled behavior

Principled behavior is important as is building a strong and consistent moral character, but what are the consequences, the results, the fruits of our principled behavior and the strength of one’s moral character? And what shall we say about those principles and habits that produce all-together unsatisfactory consequences?

Experience different ethical situations in the workplace with immersive videos. Learn more in the  Business Ethics course .

Ethics as the production of good consequences

Sound principles can guide for our actions and behavior in business and help companies create both behavioral expectations and healthy work environments. Likewise, our habits—the morally good actions we repeatedly do—build our character, which has the potential to produce similar ends.

But I can hold the right ethical principles and develop good habits for acting ethically in business, but still get bad results. Consequently, it seems that ethics must also involve serious reflection upon the actual and/or conceivable consequences of our actions and those of others.

Turning to experience, it seems quite evident that the moral principles we accept and follow as well as the habits we choose to build good moral character are always formed in reaction to something that has produced either good or bad consequences.

The moral principles we live by and the good ethical habits we repeatedly do are invented for the purpose of avoiding bad consequences and producing good ones.

This seems to happen in two ways.

  • The first way is that we adopt and follow the moral principles and ethical habits that others have offered as formulas or blueprints for avoiding bad consequences, producing good results, and thus for living a good life.
  • The second way this happens is by our own reflection upon the actual or conceivable consequences of our actions, and sometimes this requires that we either reject or reform existing principles and habits that are not satisfactory. This means of course that principles and habits can—and should—change if they are not producing good results.

Example of principles and consequences

At a very young age, we are often told to live by the principle “Look both ways before you cross the street.” Now if you were taught this as a child, you lived by this principle if you turned it into a habit of action in which you exercised caution and looked both ways whenever you crossed a street. And if you did this consistently, the principle and the habit formed part of your character.

Why you were taught this might seem obvious, but here is a question to consider: if no child was ever harmed or even remotely endangered by not looking both ways before crossing any street, would this principle under discussion have even been created? Would children have developed the habit of caution that this principle instructs them to follow? The answer is “no” to each of these questions, for without any consequences, this principle and its companion habit would have never come into existence.

Consequences matter.

Examples of moral missteps

Accidental moral lapses are bound to happen, and unintended ethical missteps are inevitable, but with sound ethical principles, a strong moral character, and a careful consideration of the conceivable consequences our actions may produce, many lapses and missteps are—to a certain extent—preventable.

Unfortunately, as we are all aware, there are numerous examples of corporate leaders who intentionally acted immorally and unethically for their own gain, without a consideration of how their actions might bring harm to others.

Livent, FlowTex, HIH Insurance, WorldCom, Parmalat, MG Rover Group

We don’t have to explore very long to find myriad examples in which unethical practices destroyed the well-being of many lives as well as the once trusted names of numerous companies, such as Livent, FlowTex, HIH Insurance, WorldCom, Parmalat, MG Rover Group.

You know, all of those companies you have never heard of before despite the fact that the leaders of these corporations acted unethically and subsequently altered the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in a bad way.

Enron logo

Probably more familiar to you is Enron, a paradigmatic example of a company that brought about unmitigated harm to their employees, clients, and investors and proved once and for all, if there were any doubt, a business without ethics is doomed to fail. Enron executives began their fall from moral grace by deliberately using account loopholes and special purpose entities to hide billions of dollars in bank loans from failed projects.

Bernie Madoff

Or perhaps you recall how a former NASDAQ chairman and overall magnate Bernie Madoff “made off” with billions and was charged with securities fraud, investment advisor trust fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, false statements, perjury, making false filings with the SEC, theft from an employee benefit plan, all of which were part and parcel of a complex and quite devious Ponzi scheme.

Or even more recently, perhaps you are acquainted with Uber, a company that has recently settled a lawsuit, one part of which will require Uber to pay 20 billion into a Settlement Fund to pay its drivers and another part that demanded that they modify certain business practices.

Now, how might things have been different for these infamous execs and their respective organizations if only they took business ethics seriously and thought more carefully about the moral principles and habits they adopted?

How might unnecessary pain and heartache have been avoided if the leaders of these companies would have considered the conceivable consequences of their actions?

Do leaders need to practice business ethics? You bet!

If not them, who?

If not now, when?

Envisioning and revisioning the practice of business ethics

At this point, one might wonder what skills are necessary to practice business ethics.

It seems clear that the practice of business ethics ought to be conducted after a consideration of how to avoid harming others as well as how we might help others flourish in life.

On another level, the practice of business ethics should contribute to the financial, overall functional, and flourishing of a company; it should help a company exceed its bottom-line goals year in and year out. Moral lapses and ethical missteps work against this central goal, however, for they are as costly as they are destructive.

It seems right to have solid principles guide our behavior, but which ones shall we adopt? To be person who is habitually virtuous or excellent is most certainly desirable, but which habits shall we employ to practice business ethics at the highest level? Consequences matter, but what can we do to avoid the unforeseeable and morally unsatisfactory consequences of our action?

Recall one of the truths that began this concise guide was:

This truth, along with the examples of major moral missteps we just examined—as well as the fact that the meaning of word “ethics” is more than just a tad ambiguous—might lead some to believe that the creation and implementation of sound business ethics practices is an elusive goal, but just the opposite is true.

The greatest thing about starting an organization is the ability to dispel all of the unnecessary and impractical questions about morality and ethics by means of establishing a moral and ethical vision in which behavioral expectations, ethical standards, and moral principles, are clearly communicated on day one.

Code of ethics

Establishing a code of ethics

This is quite often accomplished by creating and implementing protocol, establishing an influential code of ethics (or code of conduct), and developing a rational, bureaucratic, and legal structure that supports the formal structure of the organization. These important building blocks chart a way forward pragmatically for establishing a business ethics plan as well as for creating expectations for actions and behavior.

It seems intuitive, then, that these institutional processes required at the beginning of a company’s existence would ensure the existence and persistence of moral and ethical actions day in and day out, but we know this isn’t the case.

Why? Well, ethics is complex. It is not like rocket science, as you well know, because with rocket science at least you have definitive answers that help you to know precisely how to act and get the results you desire.

Acting ethically is fraught with uncertainty, people have different motivations for acting, they aim for different results they hold different principles and not everyone’s character is the same.

Meanwhile, examples of moral lapses and ethical failings abound, forewarning us of the possible consequences that might befall us if “we” do not take the necessary steps to teach—or at least converse with—others about how to develop an ethics in business.

Taking business ethics seriously means that an occasion might arise where you will have to risk everything you have worked for, you might even be required to quit your job for standing up for what is right and just, even though the consequences that will fall upon you will be for all accounts and purposes will entirely unjust, unfair, and perhaps even cruel.

Invest in effective learning experiences

Prevention is better, of course, and though there are many ways to prevent moral lapses and ethical missteps, one very good way is for business leaders to take business ethics seriously by investing in learning experiences that have proven to be functional and effective.

And though there is no single, final way this should be accomplished, we have found that putting members of organizations into embodied virtual reality simulations of real-life moral dilemmas in the workplace is a strategic way to prevent moral missteps and ethical lapses.

How does one begin a conversation about, say, embezzlement? Or how would you begin a conversation with your team about, for example, the misappropriation of funds or other similar moral lapses in cases of sexual harassment, bullying in the workplace, or even taking credit for another person’s work?

These aren’t topics that arise naturally during a conversation, but they are important to discuss. A productive and entertaining way to introduce these and other—seemingly unapproachable— topics is via technologies, which as tools have assisted us in the creation of novel and unique ways that will engage your team and bring about positive cultural transformations within your organization.

Latest Trends and Challenges in Business Ethics in 2024

Business ethics is a complex and ever-evolving field, as businesses face new ethical challenges all the time. In 2024, some of the key trends and challenges in business ethics include:

  • Increased focus on ESG: ESG stands for environmental, social, and governance. Businesses are increasingly being held accountable for their impact on the environment, society, and the way they are governed. This is due to a growing awareness of the importance of sustainability and the need for businesses to act responsibly.
  • Growing importance of diversity and inclusion: Businesses are also recognizing the importance of creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. This means promoting diversity of thought, race, gender, sexual orientation, and other factors. Diversity and inclusion is not only ethically important, but it also makes good business sense. Businesses with a more diverse workforce are more innovative and productive.

  • Greater transparency and accountability: Businesses are also expected to be more transparent and accountable to their stakeholders. This includes disclosing information about their financial performance, environmental impact, and social responsibility initiatives. Transparency and accountability help to build trust with stakeholders and ensure that businesses are operating responsibly and ethically.
  • Ethical implications of technology: New technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, are raising new ethical challenges for businesses. Businesses need to consider how to use these technologies ethically. For example, they need to ensure that AI systems are not biased and that machine learning algorithms are used in a way that protects people’s privacy and rights.
  • Global supply chain risks: Businesses are increasingly operating in complex global supply chains. This exposes them to a variety of ethical risks, such as labor exploitation and environmental damage. Businesses need to carefully manage their supply chains and conduct due diligence on their suppliers to ensure that they are operating ethically.
  • Geopolitical tensions: Geopolitical tensions , such as the war in Ukraine, are creating new challenges for businesses. Businesses need to operate responsibly in these environments and avoid engaging in unethical or illegal behavior. For example, they need to ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses or corruption.

Blog – Creative Presentations Ideas

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How to Illustrate Ethics in a Presentation

How to Illustrate Ethics in a Presentation [concept visualization]


  • July 3, 2020
  • Icons of Business Concepts

Understanding and following the ethics concept in communication is a way to successful business relations. Ethics concept comes in many forms – from how you choose projects to how you work with clients. Here we want to introduce the illustrations of ethics concepts that help you get creative in your presentations.

If you want to make your slides look professional, we advise you to follow one style and incorporate relevant graphics to support your presentation. The challenge is how to simplify your concept PPT, but to keep the audience inspired and involved. Here we share some hints for illustrating ethics concept ideas.  

Expressing the ethics concept ideas with outline simple style

Ethnics concept icons symbols outline for PowerPoint

Above we suggest several icon examples from our outline icons collection. Use them to make your presentation more visual. Here’s an index of ethnics concept ideas:

  • pictograms describing customer care and teamwork values 
  • h uman head icon full of emotions  
  • interpersonal communication as a key to business ethic: idea change symbol , or persuasion process  
  • weighing scale as a main ethnic principal 
  • ethical communication icon of groups of people
  • graphics of ethical feelings as love , care
  • general ethical business principal metaphors: male leader figure , compass 

Design-neutral ethics concept graphics

Ethnics concept icons symbols design-neutral flat for PowerPoint

Flat style icons will suit any presentation slide. You can change colors to suit your brand style. Here’s how you can illustrate  the ethnics concept using flat symbols: 

  • hammer symbol highlighting law principles 
  • basic principles of ethical communication: interpersonal negotiation and idea changing icons
  • work ethics icon showing team job
  • feelings as one of the most important resources for guiding ethical conduct – trust , love and admiration icons
  • business ethical development stages – growing plant metaphor
  • protection shield icon showing the basic ethical principle 

Creative unique hand drawn ethics icons collection

Ethnics concept icons symbols scribble for PowerPoint

If you want to be more creative and personal, use hand-drawn symbols for showing the ethics principles. See the specific visual ideas below:

  • justice and ethics in the contemporary world: layer icon , law hammer , and justice scale
  • professional activities icons: male figure during reading
  • male figure expressing emotions 
  • global business ethics shaped with the compass

I hope you will find some inspiration from those icon ideas to express the Ethics concept. What’s your biggest presentation challenge? Let us know in the comments and we’ll be happy to share our quick design advice.

If you like the suggested icons, you can get them from infoDiagram library. The best way to get them is by  joining subscription access to PPT graphics here . It will allow you to download these symbols, and graphics from any presentation deck you find on the website.

More concept icons ideas

Need to show another concept in a presentation? Leadership, Urgency, Status, Growth you name it. See our blog  Ultimate List of Business Concepts Visualization  to get inspired.



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presentation topics for business ethics

80 Outstanding Business Ethics Research Paper Topics

Business Ethics Research Paper Topics

A business ethics research paper has to be engaging and a solution to a particular economic challenge. We have a compilation of the best business ethics topics to help you achieve this task. Read on.

Social Media Business Ethics Paper Topics

Writing a research paper for a high grade is not an easy task for every student. Check social media business ethics topics to get some inspiration.  

  • Is monitoring employee’s online behavior by companies ethical?
  • Should a company fire an employee if they find their information on social media detrimental to its image?
  • What is the role of social media in achieving responsible business
  • The impact of CSR initiatives on Facebook and Twitter
  • How do new product introductions perform on social media?
  • How do enterprises manage negative responses on Facebook?
  • How to increase positive responses without eroding business ethics
  • Is the notion of ‘controversial fit’ on social media ethical?

Business Ethics Research Topics on Privacy

  • Installation of surveillance cameras to supervise employees
  • To what extent can bosses watch over the actions of their staff?
  • Is intercepting and reading E-mail messages in an office ethical?
  • What ethical problem does the merging of databases containing personal information pose?
  • The emergence of hackers and crackers and the threat to privacy
  • Software for decoding digital information
  • Who decides the personal or private information to gather?
  • Do businesses adhere to the confidentiality of information policy?

Health and Safety Business Ethics Paper Topics

  • How does organizational ethical climate affect personal safety ethics?
  • The conflict between personal safety ethics and professional safety ethics
  • Is the office ergonomics a pressing concern?
  • The role of the Occupational Safety and Health Act
  • Facility design consistent with health and safety regulations
  • Hazard identification and correction by companies
  • Who is responsible for shutting down dangerous activities
  • Provision of medical surveillance in workplaces

List of Business Ethics Topics on Environmental Damage

  • Are businesses using energy-efficient lighting?
  • Proper thermostat control of heating and cooling systems
  • Do companies have computer equipment operating efficiently?
  • Use of wind power and solar panels by industries
  • Reducing the business’s environmental impact and carbon footprint.
  • Replacing plastic packaging with biodegradable materials
  • Examining the effects of the business practices on other species
  • Dealing with activities that involve clearing land and destroying animals’ habitats

Ethical Research Paper Topics on Internal Relationships

  • Job satisfaction and dedication levels of employees
  • Impact of bullying and discrimination on workers
  • Productivity levels fall of employees when companies do not care about them
  • How to sustain a healthy atmosphere among employees
  • Unfair treatment due to race, religion or gender
  • How effective is the anti-discrimination law?
  • Bias among employees
  • Eliminating unethical behaviors within an organization

Ethics Research Paper Topics on Business Leadership

  • What is the mark of an ethical leader?
  • Objectivity and transparency as leadership traits
  • Leaders with strong, virtuous values those with weak values
  • Maintaining your temper as a leader
  • Dealing with anger in business as a leader
  • Can leadership prevail in the use of strength and violence?
  • How a leader’s moral stance determines his ethics
  • Are women better business leaders than men?

Interesting Business Ethics Topics on Social Responsibility

  • Making ethical decision making in big corporations.
  • Understanding the concept of corporate responsibility.
  • An inspiration for social responsibility in the workplace
  • Investing in corporate social responsibility
  • How CSR trends are evolving over time
  • Striking a balance between profit and social responsibility
  • Achieving competitive advantage and CSR
  • How learning can contribute to CSR

Business Ethics Paper Topic Idea in Sports

  • Encouraging character development through sports
  • How unethical behavior affects ones moral and ethical standards outside the pitch
  • Are sports competitions alienated from real life?
  • How games serve as a primary outlet of our ethics
  • Is faking a foul or injury ethical?
  • How athletes attempt to get a head start in a race
  • Using performance-enhancing drugs
  • Intimidating or taunting opponents

Advertising Ethical Issues Topics for Papers

  • Should children appear in adverts?
  • Is it right for half-naked ladies to appear in adverts?
  • Is exaggerating ads ethical?
  • Talking about the side effects of products in ads
  • Alcohol ads on TV
  • Cigarettes and tobacco
  • Fooling customers through practical things
  • Ethics of advertising a sanitary napkin

Bonus Ethics Paper Topics

  • The roots of business ethics in psychology.
  • The relationship between business success and personal integrity
  • The place of moral leadership in a company
  • How to make the right decisions every day at work
  • Implications of leadership malfunctions and ethical failures
  • How far can an ethical mishap take a company?
  • Who should be the moral police in a corporate organization?
  • What are the kinds of ethical dilemmas that people face at work every day?

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After going through the comprehensive list of topics concerning papers on business ethics, nothing can stop you now. All you need to do is to select one and get going. Nonetheless, if you still find it difficult, we have guru writing help on how to write business ethics research papers and much more! Give your assignment a professional feel by using our top-rated assistance now! The process is as easy as pie. Just c ontact us with a “ do my custom research paper now” request and get an A+. Why try to work on a paper and risk failing when an expert is only a click away! 

Cause and Effect Paper Topics

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Building an Ethical Company

  • Isaac H. Smith
  • Maryam Kouchaki

presentation topics for business ethics

Just as people can develop skills and abilities over time, they can learn to be more or less ethical. Yet many organizations limit ethics training to the onboarding process. If they do address it thereafter, it may be only by establishing codes of conduct or whistleblower hotlines. Such steps may curb specific infractions, but they don’t necessarily help employees develop as ethical people.

Drawing on evidence from hundreds of research studies, the authors offer a framework for helping workers build moral character. Managers can provide experiential training in ethical dilemmas. They can foster psychological safety when minor lapses occur, conduct pre- and postmortems for initiatives with ethical components, and create a culture of service by encouraging volunteer work and mentoring in ethics.

Create an organization that helps employees behave more honorably.

Idea in Brief

The opportunity.

Just as people entering the workforce can develop job-related skills and abilities over time, they can learn to be more ethical as well.

Why It’s Often Missed

Many organizations relegate ethics training to the onboarding process, perhaps also issuing codes of conduct and establishing whistleblower hotlines. Such steps may curb specific unethical acts but don’t necessarily help workers grow as moral people.

How to Capitalize on It

Managers can provide experiential training in ethical dilemmas, foster psychological safety when (minor) lapses occur, conduct pre- and postmortems for initiatives with ethical components, and create a culture of service by encouraging volunteer work and mentoring in ethics.

People don’t enter the workforce with a fixed moral character. Just as employees can nurture (or neglect) their skills and abilities over time, they can learn to be more or less ethical. Yet rather than take a long-term view of employees’ moral development, many organizations treat ethics training as a onetime event, often limiting it to the onboarding process. If they do address ethics thereafter, it may be only by espousing codes of conduct or establishing whistleblower hotlines. Such steps may curb specific unethical actions, but they don’t necessarily help employees develop as moral people.

  • Isaac H. Smith is an associate professor of organizational behavior and human resources at BYU Marriott School of Business. His research explores the morality and ethics of organizations and the people in them.
  • Maryam Kouchaki is a professor of management and organizations at the Kellogg School of Management. Her research explores ethics, morality, and the complexity and challenges of managing ethnic and gender diversity for organizations.

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What does "wealth" mean to you?

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  • Presentations

Company Ethics Presentation Template

Educate your employees regarding the rules and ethics you wish for them to follow, using this attention-grabbing presentation template..

Keeping your workers and partners up-to-date with the company’s policies is of utmost importance. This dashing presentation template comes with 17 slides, made to point out your most important business principles and policies with special fonts, effects and graphics.

Otherwise, you can use this template to elaborate any organization’s values, mission and vision, making sure you and your stakeholders are on the same page.

  • Change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding
  • Access free, built-in design assets or upload your own
  • Visualize data with customizable charts and widgets
  • Add animation, interactivity, audio, video and links
  • Download in PDF, PPTX, MP4 and HTML5 format
  • Share online with a link or embed on your website

Impress your listeners with your mission and vision using this template, or check Visme’s rich library of presentation templates to find one that works for you.

Edit this template with our  Presentation Software

Company Ethics Presentation Template - Slide 1

Template Specifications

17 Slides, 1366 x 768 pixels – 16:9 Aspect Ratio (HD Presentation Quality)


This template can be fully customized. You can edit content, change image(s), apply custom colors, input your own fonts and logo, and more.

Download as a PDF to share with your recipient or generate a shareable link for online sharing.


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Free Presentation Templates by Visme

Marketing is all about communication, yes - but it's also about making the best possible impression on your target audience. What you're saying is important, but how you choose to say it is equally so. You can only make one first impression, so you'd better make it the best one that you can - and now, thanks to Visme's presentation templates, it's easier than ever to do precisely that.

Loaded with countless stunning, versatile and totally customizable presentation templates , Visme's presentation software makes it possible to design the engaging, creative collateral that you need without requiring years of design experience under your belt. Visme offers presentation templates for every conceivable industry that you're a part of, making sure that the tools are always available to guarantee that your audience will pay attention to your every word.

Our presentation templates are equal parts colorful, visual, vivid and attractive - but they're also easy to use and even easier to edit, as well. These presentation templates also come with a massive number of free stock images for you to use, guaranteeing that you'll always be able to broadcast your message in exactly the right way at exactly the right moment in your relationship with your audience.

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Free Presentation Templates by Visme

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  • How it Works

150+ Presentation Topics To Make an Impact Instantly

150+ Presentation Topics To Make an Impact Instantly


Picture Yourself as the Star of a Presentation.

To really shine, you need a topic that grabs everyone’s attention. It’s more than just speaking well or having cool slides; it all starts with a topic that makes your audience curious.

Imagine standing in front of a group, not just sharing facts, but telling a story that keeps everyone interested. Presentations aren’t only about work or school; they’re a chance to be creative and make things interesting.

Every day, there are 50,000 presentations happening. They’re not all serious business or school stuff; some are about fun and quirky things like a duck on a tricycle or a dog wearing glasses. It’s surprising, right?

Still, half of people get bored during presentations. That’s why it’s crucial to make them exciting. That’s where our ideas come in—over 150 of them! And here’s the cool part: these ideas aren’t just for offices or classrooms; they’re for any time you want to share something in a fun way.

So, get ready to explore 150+ presentation ideas that will help you make an impact instantly.

How to Choose the Best Presentation Topic: Step-by-Step Process

How to Choose the Best Presentation Topic: Step-by-Step Process

Picking the right presentation topic is like winning half the battle before you even begin. After selecting your topic, you’ll focus on content creation and presentation design. If you need help with presentation designs, consider Design Shifu , offering dedicated designers for your needs. You get unlimited designs for a flat monthly fee, which includes not only presentation designs but also services like infographics, social media designs, logo design, etc. Now, back to the topic selection. You need to strike a balance between creativity and relevance to make an impact on the right audience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you choose a compelling topic:

How : Conduct surveys or interviews to understand your audience’s interests, needs, and knowledge level. Example : For a group of professionals, consider topics related to their industry trends or challenges.

How : Reflect on your strengths, experiences, and knowledge areas. Example : With a digital marketing background, a topic like Effective Social Media Strategies for Business Growth might be ideal.

How : Stay updated on current events, industry trends, and popular discussions. Example : In technology, a presentation on The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life can be timely and interesting.

How : Identify challenges your audience faces and offer solutions. Example : For entrepreneurs, Overcoming Common Startup Challenges can be highly relevant.

How : Relate your topic to the audience’s daily lives or work. Example : A presentation on Time Management Hacks for Busy Professionals can be relatable and valuable.

How : Consider using a storytelling approach, case studies, or interactive elements. Example : Instead of Benefits of Healthy Living, structure it as a personal journey with before-and-after anecdotes.

How : Clarify your presentation’s purpose (educate, persuade, entertain) and choose a topic that aligns. Example : For inspiration, Unleashing Creativity in the Workplace could be impactful.

How : Pitch your topic ideas to a small group or colleagues for feedback. Example : Present brief overviews of two potential topics and ask for input on which generates more interest.

How : Incorporate visuals to enhance your presentation or get help from presentation design experts like Design Shifu . Example : A presentation on The Power of Data Visualization can include compelling charts and graphics.

How : Choose a topic you are genuinely passionate about. Example : If passionate about environmental issues, a presentation on Sustainable Practices in Everyday Life will be engaging and authentic.

Remember to tailor these tips to your specific context, and feel free to combine multiple elements to create a unique and impactful presentation topic that resonates with your audience.

General Presentation Topic Ideas for 2024

General Presentation Topic Ideas for 2024

  • The Future of Virtual Reality in Education
  • The Psychology of Decision-Making: Unraveling the Influences
  • Sustainable Fashion: Balancing Style and Ethics
  • Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency: Real-World Applications
  • The Art of Storytelling in Marketing: Creating Lasting Impressions
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Innovative Approaches to Urban Planning for a Sustainable Future
  • Biohacking: Enhancing Human Performance through Technology
  • The Rise of Remote Work: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Exploring the Intersection of Art and Artificial Intelligence

Leadership Topic Ideas for Presentation

Leadership Topic Ideas for Presentation

  • Servant Leadership: A Paradigm Shift in Management
  • Leading with Empathy in the Corporate World
  • Adaptive Leadership in Times of Uncertainty
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership
  • Leadership Lessons from Unlikely Sources: Animals, Nature, and Beyond
  • Fostering a Culture of Innovation: Leadership Strategies
  • The Power of Authentic Leadership in Building Trust
  • Cross-Cultural Leadership: Navigating Global Teams
  • Resilient Leadership: Bouncing Back from Setbacks
  • Balancing Confidence and Humility: The Art of Humble Leadership

Business Communication Topic Ideas for Presentation

Business Communication Topic Ideas for Presentation

  • Non-verbal Communication in the Digital Age
  • Crisis Communication: Strategies for Effective Response
  • Navigating Difficult Conversations in the Workplace
  • The Influence of Language on Business Negotiations
  • The Art of Persuasion: Building Convincing Arguments
  • Digital Etiquette: Navigating Professionalism Online
  • The Role of Empathy in Customer Communication
  • Building a Strong Personal Brand through Communication
  • Overcoming Communication Barriers in Diverse Teams
  • Humor in Business Communication: When and How to Use It

Presentation Topic Ideas for Controversial Issues

Presentation Topic Ideas for Controversial Issues

  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering: Navigating the CRISPR Era
  • Exploring Both Sides: The Controversy of Universal Basic Income
  • The Debate on Privacy vs. National Security in the Digital Age
  • The Morality of Artificial Intelligence: Can Machines Have Ethics?
  • The Role of Government in Regulating Social Media: Striking the Right Balance
  • Medical Marijuana: Bridging the Gap between Medicine and Recreation
  • The Controversy of Fast Fashion: Environmental Impact vs. Accessibility
  • The Ethics of Animal Testing: Finding Alternatives
  • Free Speech in the Digital Space: Where to Draw the Line?
  • The Impact of Cancel Culture: Constructive Criticism or Online Harassment?

Presentation Topics Ideas for Designing

Presentation Topics Ideas for Designing

  • The Psychology of Color in Graphic Design: A Deep Dive
  • User-Centered Design: Shaping Products Around People’s Needs
  • Minimalism vs. Maximalism: Finding the Right Design Balance
  • Designing for Accessibility: Ensuring Inclusivity in Every Interface
  • The Evolution of Logo Design: From Tradition to Modern Trends
  • Immersive Experiences in Web Design: Beyond the Screen
  • The Art of Visual Storytelling: Engaging Audiences through Design
  • Typography Trends: Balancing Readability and Aesthetics
  • Environmental Design: Merging Sustainability with Aesthetics
  • Augmented Reality in Design: Enhancing User Experiences

Presentation Topics Ideas for Marketing

Presentation Topic Ideas for Digital Marketing

  • The Psychology of Consumer Behavior: Understanding the Purchase Decision
  • Influencer Marketing: Strategies for Authentic Brand Partnerships
  • The Power of Emotional Marketing: Creating Lasting Connections
  • Content Marketing in the Age of Information Overload
  • Ethical Marketing: Building Trust and Loyalty with Transparency
  • The Future of Social Media Marketing: Emerging Platforms and Trends
  • Neuromarketing: Leveraging Brain Science to Drive Engagement
  • Storytelling in Branding: Crafting Compelling Narratives
  • Data-Driven Marketing: Turning Analytics into Actionable Insights
  • Interactive Marketing Campaigns: Engaging Audiences in the Digital Age

Presentation Topics Ideas for Entrepreneurship

Presentation Topics Ideas for Entrepreneurship

  • Bootstrapping vs. Funding: Choosing the Right Path for Your Startup
  • The Role of Failure in Entrepreneurial Success: Embracing Setbacks
  • Social Entrepreneurship: Making a Profit with a Purpose
  • Innovative Business Models: Disrupting Traditional Industries
  • The Art of Pitching: Capturing Investors’ Attention in 5 Minutes
  • Balancing Creativity and Structure in Entrepreneurial Ventures
  • Building a Sustainable Business: Environmental and Financial Considerations
  • The Future of E-Commerce: Trends and Opportunities
  • Cultivating a Culture of Innovation in Small Businesses
  • The Gig Economy: Navigating the Rise of Freelance and Remote Work

Presentation Topic Ideas for Personal Experiences

Presentation Topic Ideas for Personal Experiences

  • Turning Adversity into Strength: Lessons from Personal Challenges
  • My Journey in [Specific Industry]: Lessons Learned and Insights Gained
  • The Impact of Travel on Personal Growth and Perspective
  • Lessons from Parenting: Applying Family Insights in Professional Life
  • Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking: A Personal Triumph
  • Navigating Cross-Cultural Experiences: Stories of Adaptation
  • From Passion to Profession: Pursuing Your Dreams
  • The Power of Vulnerability in Building Meaningful Connections
  • Balancing Work and Personal Life: My Successes and Failures
  • Lessons from a Hobby: How [Specific Hobby] Shaped My Outlook

Presentation Topic Ideas for Current Trends

Presentation Topic Ideas for Current Trends

  • The Metaverse: Exploring the Next Frontier of Digital Interaction
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Transforming Traditional Banking Systems
  • NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): Redefining Ownership in the Digital Age
  • The Evolution of Electric Vehicles: Sustainable Transportation Trends
  • The Subscription Economy: Shifting from Ownership to Access
  • Health and Wellness Tech: The Rise of Wearables and Digital Health
  • Micro-Moments in Marketing: Capturing Attention in Seconds
  • The Influence of Remote Learning on Education: Challenges and Innovations
  • Circular Economy: Reducing Waste and Promoting Sustainable Consumption
  • Productizing the services in 2024

Presentation Topic Ideas for Industry Insights

Presentation Topic Ideas for Industry Insights

  • Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Impact of Telemedicine and Health Tech
  • Smart Cities: Integrating Technology for Urban Development
  • The Future of Aerospace: Space Tourism and Beyond
  • Renewable Energy Innovations: Advancements in Solar, Wind, and Beyond
  • Evolving Trends in the Fashion Industry: Sustainability and Tech Integration
  • The Changing Landscape of Food Industry: Plant-Based and Lab-Grown Alternatives
  • Emerging Trends in the Gaming Industry: AR, VR, and Cloud Gaming
  • Transforming Agriculture: AgTech Solutions for a Sustainable Future
  • The Future of Transportation: Hyperloop, Autonomous Vehicles, and Drones
  • Innovations in Construction: Sustainable Materials and Smart Infrastructure

Presentation Topic Ideas for Digital Marketing

Presentation Topic Ideas for Digital Marketing

  • Voice Search Optimization: Adapting to Changing Search Patterns
  • The Role of Chatbots in Customer Engagement: Enhancing User Experience
  • Video Marketing Strategies: Creating Compelling Visual Content
  • Interactive Email Campaigns: Beyond the Click-Through Rate
  • The Impact of AI on Personalizing Digital Marketing Campaigns
  • Podcasting as a Marketing Tool: Building Authority and Connection
  • Virtual Events and Experiences: Engaging Audiences in a Digital Landscape
  • Data Privacy in Digital Marketing: Navigating Regulations and Trust
  • The Power of User-Generated Content: Turning Customers into Advocates
  • Inclusive Marketing: Representing Diversity in Brand Campaigns

Presentation Topic Ideas for AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Presentation Topic Ideas for AI (Artificial Intelligence)

  • Ethical Considerations in AI: Addressing Bias and Fairness
  • Explainable AI: Bridging the Gap Between Complexity and Understanding
  • AI in Healthcare: Diagnosing, Treating, and Preventing Diseases
  • The Role of AI in Climate Change: From Prediction to Mitigation
  • AI and Creativity: Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Art
  • AI in Education: Personalized Learning and Classroom Integration
  • Robotics and AI in Manufacturing: Transforming Production Processes
  • AI-Enhanced Cybersecurity: Protecting Against Evolving Threats
  • Natural Language Processing: Breaking Barriers in Human-Computer Interaction
  • AI for Social Good: Solving Global Challenges with Technology

Presentation Topic Ideas for Sales Consulting

Presentation Topic Ideas for Sales Consulting

  • Consultative Selling: Building Relationships and Adding Value
  • Sales Psychology: Understanding Customer Motivations and Objections
  • Adapting to the Digital Sales Landscape: Strategies for Online Selling
  • The Art of Negotiation: Techniques for Successful Deal-Making
  • Sales Automation: Streamlining Processes for Efficiency and Effectiveness
  • Account-Based Selling: Tailoring Strategies for Targeted Clientele
  • The Future of B2B Sales: Trends and Technologies Shaping the Industry
  • Building a Personal Brand for Sales Success: Online and Offline
  • Customer Retention Strategies: Going Beyond the Initial Sale
  • Storyselling: Using Narratives to Persuade and Connect with Customers

Presentation Topic Ideas for Time Management

Presentation Topic Ideas for Time Management

  • The Pomodoro Technique: Boosting Productivity with Time Blocks
  • Time Management for Remote Workers: Balancing Flexibility and Structure
  • Eisenhower Matrix: Prioritizing Tasks for Maximum Impact
  • Mindful Time Management: Incorporating Meditation and Reflection
  • Time Blocking for Success: Structuring Your Day for Optimal Performance
  • Effective Goal Setting: Aligning Tasks with Long-Term Objectives
  • Technology and Time Management: Tools for Efficiency and Focus
  • The 2-Minute Rule: Tackling Small Tasks for Immediate Progress
  • Batch Processing: Streamlining Work by Grouping Similar Activities
  • Time Management in Leadership: Balancing Responsibilities and Delegation

Presentation Topic Ideas for Technology

Presentation Topic Ideas for Technology

  • The Evolution of Cybersecurity: Adapting to Emerging Threats
  • Cloud Computing Trends: From Infrastructure to Platform as a Service
  • Blockchain in Business: Beyond Cryptocurrency Applications
  • The Future of Quantum Computing: Revolutionizing Data Processing
  • 5G Technology: Implications for Connectivity and Innovation
  • Edge Computing: Reducing Latency and Enhancing Performance
  • The Role of DevOps in Streamlining Software Development and Operations
  • Cybersecurity in the Internet of Things (IoT): Protecting Connected Devices
  • Augmented Reality in IT: Enhancing User Experiences and Workflows
  • Data Governance and Privacy: Navigating Legal and Ethical Considerations

Presentation Topics Ideas for Corporate Business Leaders 

Presentation Topics Ideas for Entrepreneurship

  • Agile Business Models: Adapting to Rapid Change and Uncertainty
  • Creating a Culture of Innovation: Strategies for Fostering Creativity
  • Business Ethics in the Age of Transparency: Building Trust with Stakeholders
  • The Future of Work: Redefining the Employee Experience
  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborative Approaches to Business Growth
  • Globalization vs. Localization: Finding the Right Balance in Business Expansion
  • Intrapreneurship: Nurturing Entrepreneurial Spirit within Large Organizations
  • Crisis Management in Business: Strategies for Resilience and Recovery
  • The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Reputation
  • Business Model Innovation: Rethinking Traditional Approaches for Success

Work-Life Presentation Topic Idea s

Work-Life Presentation Topic Ideas

  • Remote Team Building: Strategies for Fostering Collaboration and Connection
  • Embracing a Growth Mindset in the Workplace: Navigating Challenges with a Positive Perspective
  • Balancing Work and Parenthood: Tips for Working Parents
  • Building a Culture of Inclusivity: Creating a Supportive and Diverse Work Environment
  • The Future of Flexible Work: Adapting to Changing Work Structures
  • Mindful Leadership: Integrating Mindfulness Practices for Effective Management
  • Navigating Workplace Conflict: Strategies for Resolution and Relationship Building
  • Workplace Well-being Programs: Enhancing Employee Health and Productivity
  • The Importance of Continuous Learning: Staying Relevant in a Rapidly Changing Work Environment
  • Resilience in the Face of Professional Setbacks: Bouncing Back from Career Challenges

presentation topics for business ethics


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170+ fantastic business ethics research paper topics to try out.

business ethics research paper topics

Many students struggle to choose their business ethics research paper topics. That’s because this subject has controversial and fascinating issues. What’s more, this subject keeps widening because people engage in different businesses. And people can’t do business without ethics. Therefore, companies in various countries must adhere to an ethical code of conduct to ensure their credibility and reliability.

University professors and lecturers ask learners to write research papers to gauge their understanding of this subject. Students should select interesting and engaging topics for their essays to ensure that educators love their work and award them high grades. If struggling to decide what to write about, here’s a list of business ethics topics to consider.

Interesting Business Ethics Topics

These are interesting business ethics topics that learners can research and write about to earn superior grades. Nevertheless, students should prepare to research extensively and analyze information to develop quality papers.

  • Should a company be honest with its customers?
  • Should a corporation be responsible for environmental protection
  • Moral principles and decision making in business
  • Employee relationships as an ethical principle of an employer
  • Ethical issues that surround corporation governance
  • Social responsibility in business
  • How to think, act, and compete ethically in business
  • Business ethics and environmental policies
  • How to teach business ethics
  • Ethical conflicts- Ways to avoid arguments on cultural, religious, national, and political basis in business
  • Cross-cultural and ethical concerns in business
  • Business decision making- What are the ethical considerations?
  • Psychological perspectives in corporate ethics
  • Approaching business ethics from a psychological viewpoint
  • How to approach business ethics from a philosophical viewpoint
  • Business principles and ethical standards
  • How to adhere to ethical rules in business
  • Ethical codes for trade associations
  • Ethical ways to prevent sexual harassment in business
  • Ethical codes for multinational companies
  • Can an ethical mistake cause bankruptcy?
  • Ethical dilemmas facing business owners
  • Organizing the structures that control ethical issues in business
  • Ethical values that employers share with workers
  • Are personnel and manager ethics different?
  • Ethical values for industrial communities
  • Corporate responsibility as an ethical concept
  • How to balance pragmatics with ethics- Effective managerial methods
  • How criminal behaviors can limit large corporations
  • How necessary are ethical codes for a company?
  • Types of corporate and white-collar crimes
  • Who’s responsible for a company’s corporative ethics?
  • Approaching ethics from a pragmatic perspective
  • Ethical failures caused by leadership malfunctions
  • To work ethics can facilitate making the right decisions
  • Moral leadership role in business
  • Business success and personal integrity
  • Business ethics- What are their psychological roots?
  • How to avoid being a victim of unethical actions at the workplace
  • What causes unethical behavior in business?

Easy Business Ethics Paper Topics

Some college students need simple topics that they won’t struggle to research, write about, and impress their educators. Consequently, they prefer writing about simple but exciting business ethics topics. If that’s what you’re looking for, here are brilliant ideas to consider.

Most students can have a relatively easy time researching and writing about these business ethics paper topic ideas. Nevertheless, a learner should first examine any of these ideas to develop a paper that will earn them the top grade.

  • What measures should a business organization implement to prevent sexual harassment?
  • Can business ethics help in evaluating the capital amount that a company should spend on health benefits?
  • Is being absolutely transparent with a target market ethical for a company?
  • Is discouraging pregnancies among employees ethical for a company?
  • How to evaluate illegal practices like bribery, corruption, and nepotism during the tendering process
  • How illegal and unethical behavior affect a company and society
  • Ethical evaluation of favoritism in a family-owned business
  • How to examine ethics in business contracts
  • Exploring privacy violation and social media as an infringement of business ethics
  • Is authenticity a type of business ethics?
  • How the management can stop the perception of women as sex symbols at the workplace
  • A case study of business ethics- A brief review of privacy infringements and surveillance by Facebook
  • How child labor amounts to business ethics’ violation
  • Should a company that profits from others’ peril continue operating?- Investigating unhealthy products from alcohol and cigarette companies
  • Privacy violation by social media as a business ethics’ breach
  • Misinformation to shareholders and the board- Investigating negligence as an unethical practice in business.
  • Ethics behind hazardous working conditions
  • Subway business model and ethics
  • How to promote a company’s ethical practices
  • Should businesses be held accountable for claims and promises they make regarding their service or product purposes?
  • Ethics behind the sale of a product before through testing and approval
  • How to address the ethical problem of a country that leads in production and manufacturing by has poor working conditions, low wages, and remuneration schemes
  • Ethical ways to achieve corporate social responsibility
  • Ethics governing different marketing techniques
  • Why do companies misinform their target customers about services and goods?
  • Is marking fast foods as healthy yet they increase the risk of diseases like diabetes ethical?
  • Examining the code of ethics in different economic sectors
  • Is refusing a female football coach in a male team ethical?
  • Is having an unsafe working environment unethical?
  • Is it ethical for a company to monitor the online behavior of its employees?

Business Ethics Research Paper Topics about Social Media

It’s almost impossible for a company to ignore social media and succeed in the current digital era. Consequently, ethical conduct by businesses on different social media platforms is a prominent research area. Here are some of the best topics in this category.

These are brilliant topics for an essay or research paper. Learners should research any of these ideas extensively and take time to write top-notch pieces.

  • Should a corporate organization fire a worker with social media details that could hurt its image?
  • How corporate social responsibility initiatives on social media affect a business
  • How enterprises manage negative social media responses
  • Is controversial fit notion on social media ethical?
  • The performance of product introductions on social media
  • How social media can help in the achievement of responsible business
  • Can social media cause a confidentiality breach in a company?
  • Improper business activities and practices in social media
  • How blogs have toned down most business ethics
  • Ethical ways employees can use social media for non-company and personal purposes
  • Ethical ways a business can use social media to answer customer questions
  • Health company policies for guiding employees’ conduct on social media
  • How a business can ethically post on social media
  • Practical tips for using social media for corporate social responsibility
  • How companies can manage brands and trust in social media
  • Should a business turn off social media comments?
  • Proper ethical conduct on social media
  • How to apply Kantian Ethics when using social media for business purposes
  • How employees can use social media ethically to achieve a company’s objectives
  • How to enhance ethics when using social media for business

Business Ethics Essay Topics for College Students

Perhaps, you want to write an essay on an ethics topic in business. In that case, consider these ideas for your paper.

  • How fair play can improve a company’s bottom line
  • Corporate responsibility- What are the ethical underpinnings?
  • Is ethics a required course in business?
  • Ethical practices for modern businesses
  • What causes unethical behavior by companies
  • Is personal integrity a moral and a function for corporate success?
  • Ethical decision-making rules in a corporate environment
  • What are the qualities of an ethical business leader?
  • Transparency and objectivity as business leadership traits
  • How ethical leaders maintain their temper
  • How ethical business leaders deal with anger
  • Is using violence and strength a trait of ethical leaders?
  • What is the role of corporate culture in business ethics?
  • Methods of incorporating ethics in a company’s corporate culture
  • How the management affects an organizational culture
  • Factors determining people’s behavior in a corporate environment
  • How to conduct a cultural audit in a company
  • Lessons from organizational crises and corporate scandals
  • Business ethics in mergers’ management
  • How organizational culture can enhance a company’s performance
  • How encoding business values can prevent destructive technologies
  • Building a robust foundation for a company’s data to improve security
  • Stakeholder privacy in information dissemination
  • How to cultivate trust when dealing with dangerous technologies
  • How to demonstrate transparency when using business technology
  • How ethical is data surveillance?
  • How to deploy technology’s power of all
  • How to advise employees about the ethical use of technology
  • How unethical use of technology can affect a business
  • How to train technologists about ethical ways of eliminating product bias

This category also has hot topics in business ethics that educators and the audience will find interesting to read. Nevertheless, extensive research is necessary to come up with a brilliant essay on any of these ideas.

Dissertation Topics in Business Ethics

Perhaps, you’re pursuing an MBA or Ph.D., and you need a topic for your dissertation. In that case, this section has some of the best business ethics topics for presentation to your dissertation committee. Consider the following ideas for your paper.

These are ethics topics in business that most experts will find interesting. Yet, hese ideas still require extensive research to develop comprehensive papers.

  • Business ethics in the publishing industry- Authorship collaboration and sponsorship
  • How higher education institutions can teach business ethics- Comparing developing and developed countries
  • How to define the aesthetics concept in business ethics
  • Challenges facing ethical practices in the tourism sector
  • Ethics in practice and theory- What is the difference?
  • Business research ethics- An evaluation of incentives and more profound objectives in business
  • Analyzing ethical decision-making when doing business online
  • Historical countdown of ethical decision-making in business
  • Exploration of ethic code in a company via the management perspective
  • How to use the code of ethics to win trust among the employees
  • Business ethics within the share market
  • Motivations for business decisions by citizens- An ethical perspective
  • Corporate egoism, bribery, and exploitation- What are the links?
  • Business ethics practice and perceptions by students doing business while pursuing higher education
  • Business contracts and corruption among the international society
  • Investigating gift-giving, pharmaceutical representatives, and business ethics
  • Analyzing the relationship between business organizations and civil society via an ethical perspective
  • How corporate ethic code influences the employees’ sales behavior
  • How to integrate business ethics in corporate social responsibility
  • A critical analysis of a company’s management ethics

Business Ethics Debate Topics

Debates around business ethics aim to argue a position’s merit, differences between right and wrong, and common ethical boundaries. Here are controversial business ethics topics to consider for your project.

  • Should companies ban workplace relationships?
  • A comparison of genetically modified seeds versus pesticide use on seeds
  • Should clearance pricing have controls?
  • Is monopolizing all industry aspects ethical for a company?
  • How antibacterial soap affects people
  • Should countries that have legalized marijuana allow businesses to advertise it?
  • How ethical and relevant is performance review in a company?
  • Should companies compensate customers for delayed deliveries?
  • How over criminalizing a company affects society
  • The effectiveness of shareholder model in public company’s management
  • Is native advertising ethical and appropriate?
  • How large companies use their monopoly to influence consumers
  • Are white-collar criminals corporate psychopaths?
  • Should pharmaceutical companies sell their drugs at high prices?
  • Is tracking customers’ phones an ethical practice for banks to reduce fraud?
  • Is seeking opportunities that conflict with a government job ethical misconduct?
  • Using predictive analytics in siphoning worker’s email for risk- Is it ethical?
  • Why is reducing tax payment through inversion unethical?
  • Is colonizing another planet ethical from a business perspective?
  • Companies should give women more time to nurse their newborn babies
  • Should companies buy products from a business that doesn’t practice business ethics?
  • Should public institutions like schools hire the services of private companies?
  • Should amusement parks have unique safety regulations, depending on their locations?
  • Should business leaders and CEOs earn higher salaries than the other employees?
  • Should a small business have similar recall rules with global corporations?
  • Should US companies depend on the federal government’s bailout during financial trouble?
  • Should businesses use healthcare programs to pay for employees’ yoga studios, health clubs, and fitness needs?
  • Should companies share cancer research data with the general public?
  • Should firms that manufacture dangerous or addictive products contribute resources to the research for their use?
  • Why using workplace surveillance systems on employees is unethical
  • Why internet censorship is unethical and ridiculous
  • Businesses should ethically pay employees the minimum wage that the federal government mandates them
  • Companies should pay equal wages to all employees regardless of their gender or sex identity
  • Companies should prevent sexual harassment
  • Businesses should be responsible for preventing workplace discrimination
  • Companies should educate employees about ethical issues regarding their social media usage
  • Every company should be responsible for the safety and health of employees at the workplace
  • Every business should be held accountable for ethical issues surrounding its environmental responsibility

These are exciting topics about business ethics that learners can work on when writing academic papers and essays. However, learners can use a professional research paper writing service if unable to write academic papers . Several online companies offer custom writing help to learners at different study levels. Nevertheless, choose a company with ENL expert writers to get fast, cheap, and reliable assistance. That way, you’ll end up with a paper that will impress the professor to award you the top grade in your class.

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What Is Business Ethics?

Understanding business ethics, why is business ethics important, types of business ethics.

  • Implementing Good Business Ethics
  • Monitoring and Reporting

The Bottom Line

What is business ethics definition, principles, and importance.

presentation topics for business ethics

Yarilet Perez is an experienced multimedia journalist and fact-checker with a Master of Science in Journalism. She has worked in multiple cities covering breaking news, politics, education, and more. Her expertise is in personal finance and investing, and real estate.

presentation topics for business ethics

Business ethics is the moral principles, policies, and values that govern the way companies and individuals engage in business activity. It goes beyond legal requirements to establish a code of conduct that drives employee behavior at all levels and helps build trust between a business and its customers.

Key Takeaways

  • Business ethics refers to implementing appropriate business policies and practices with regard to arguably controversial subjects.
  • Some issues that come up in a discussion of ethics include corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, social responsibility, and fiduciary responsibilities.
  • The law usually sets the tone for business ethics, though doing the bare minimum is generally frowned upon.
  • Developing ethical models and practices can boost a company's revenues, profits, and share price.

Investopedia / Katie Kerpel

Business ethics ensure that a certain basic level of trust exists between consumers and various forms of market participants with businesses. For example, a portfolio manager must give the same consideration to the portfolios of family members and small individual investors as they do to wealthier clients. These kinds of practices ensure the public receives fair treatment.

The concept of business ethics began in the 1960s as corporations became more aware of a rising consumer-based society that showed concerns regarding the environment, social causes, and corporate responsibility. The increased focus on "social issues" was a hallmark of the decade.

Since that time, the concept of business ethics has evolved. Business ethics goes beyond just a moral code of right and wrong; it attempts to reconcile what companies must do legally vs. maintaining a competitive advantage over other businesses. Firms display business ethics in several ways.

Business ethics ensure a certain level of trust between consumers and corporations, guaranteeing the public fair and equal treatment.

Principles of Business Ethics

There are generally 12 business ethics principles:

  • Leadership : The conscious effort to adopt, integrate, and emulate the other 11 principles to guide decisions and behavior in all aspects of professional and personal life.
  • Accountability : Holding yourself and others responsible for their actions. Commitment to following ethical practices and ensuring others follow ethics guidelines.
  • Integrity : Incorporates other principles—honesty, trustworthiness, and reliability. Someone with integrity consistently does the right thing and strives to hold themselves to a higher standard.
  • Respect for others : To foster ethical behavior and environments in the workplace, respecting others is a critical component. Everyone deserves dignity, privacy, equality, opportunity, compassion, and empathy.
  • Honesty : Truth in all matters is key to fostering an ethical climate. Partial truths, omissions, and under or overstating don't help a business improve its performance. Bad news should be communicated and received in the same manner as good news so that solutions can be developed.
  • Respect for laws : Ethical leadership should include enforcing all local, state, and federal laws. If there is a legal grey area, leaders should err on the side of legality rather than exploiting a gap.
  • Responsibility : Promote ownership within an organization, allow employees to be responsible for their work, and be accountable for yours.
  • Transparency : Stakeholders are people with an interest in a business, such as shareholders, employees, the community a firm operates in, and the family members of the employees. Without divulging trade secrets, companies should ensure information about their financials, price changes, hiring and firing practices, wages and salaries, and promotions are available to those interested in the business's success.
  • Compassion : Employees, the community surrounding a business, business partners, and customers should all be treated with concern for their well-being.
  • Fairness : Everyone should have the same opportunities and be treated the same. If a practice or behavior would make you feel uncomfortable or place personal or corporate benefit in front of equality, common courtesy, and respect, it is likely not fair.
  • Loyalty : Leadership should demonstrate commitment to their employees and the company. Inspiring loyalty in employees and management ensures that they are committed to best practices.
  • Environmental concern : In a world where resources are limited, ecosystems have been damaged by past practices, and the climate is changing, it is of utmost importance to be aware of and concerned about the environmental impacts a business has. All employees should be encouraged to discover and report solutions for practices that can add to damages already done.

There are several reasons business ethics are essential for success in modern business. Most importantly, defined ethics programs establish a code of conduct that drives employee behavior—from executives to middle management to the newest and youngest employees.

When all employees make ethical decisions, the company establishes a reputation for ethical behavior. Its reputation grows, and it begins to experience the benefits a moral establishment reaps, such as:

  • Brand recognition and growth
  • Increased ability to negotiate
  • Increased trust in products and services
  • Customer retention and growth
  • Attracting talent
  • Attracting investors

When combined, all these factors affect a business' revenues. Those who fail to set ethical standards and enforce them are doomed to eventually find themselves alongside Enron, Arthur Andersen, Wells Fargo, Lehman Brothers, Bernie Madoff, and many others.

There are various types of business ethics. What mainly makes a business stand out are its corporate social responsibility practices, transparency and trustworthiness, fairness, and technological practices.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the concept of meeting the needs of stakeholders while accounting for the impact meeting those needs has on employees, the environment, society, and the community in which the business operates. Finances and profits are important, but they should be secondary to the welfare of society, customers, and employees. In fact, studies have concluded that corporate governance and ethical practices increase financial performance.

A greater focus on business ethics is an expense that tends to pay off. Over time, it boosts revenues and limits damaging lawsuits.

Transparency and Trustworthiness

It's essential for companies to ensure they are reporting their financial performance in a way that is transparent. This not only applies to required financial reports but all reports in general.

Most of these reports outline not only the submitted reports to regulators, but how and why decisions were made, if goals were met, and factors that influenced performance. CEOs write summaries of the company's annual performance and give their outlooks.

Press releases are another way companies can be transparent. Events important to investors and customers should be published, regardless of whether it is good or bad news.

Technological Practices and Ethics

The growing use of technology of all forms in business operations inherently comes with a need to ensure the technology and information being gathered is used ethically. Additionally, it should ensure that the technology is secured to the utmost of its ability, especially as many businesses store customer information and collect data that those with nefarious intentions can use.

A workplace should be inclusive, diverse, and fair for all employees regardless of race, religion, beliefs, age, or identity. A fair work environment is where everyone can grow, be promoted, and become successful in their own way.

How to Implement Good Business Ethics

Fostering an environment of ethical behavior and decision-making takes time and effort and starts at the top. Most companies need to create a code of conduct/ethics, guiding principles, reporting procedures, and training programs to enforce and encourage ethical behavior.

Once conduct is defined and programs are implemented, continuous communication with employees becomes vital. Leaders should constantly encourage employees to report concerning behavior. Additionally, there should be assurances that whistle-blowers will not face adversarial actions.

A pipeline for anonymous reporting can help businesses identify questionable practices and reassure employees that they will not face any consequences for reporting an issue.

Monitoring and Reporting Unethical Behavior

To prevent unethical behavior and repair its adverse side effects, companies often look to managers and employees to report any unethical acts they observe or experience. However, barriers within the company culture (such as fear of retaliation for reporting misconduct) can prevent this from happening.

Published by the Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI), the annual Global Business Ethics Survey reaches out to thousands of employees in 42 countries about various ethics-related topics, including the strength of the ethics culture in their workplace, whether they have witnessed any misconduct where they work, and if their employer is making efforts to promote integrity.

In the 2023 survey, published in May 2024, 65% of the employees surveyed said they had observed at least one act deemed to be a violation of their organization’s standards or the law in the past 12 months and 72% of them said they had reported it. Worryingly, 46% of these employees then went on to admit that they had been retaliated against for raising concerns.

Indeed, fear of retaliation is one of the primary reasons employees cite for not reporting unethical behavior in the workplace. ECI says companies should work toward improving their corporate culture by reinforcing the idea that reporting suspected misconduct is beneficial to the company. Additionally, they should acknowledge and reward the employee's courage in making the report.

Business ethics concerns ethical dilemmas or controversial issues faced by a company. Often, business ethics involve a system of practices and procedures that help build trust with the consumer. On one level, some business ethics are embedded in the law, such as minimum wages, insider trading restrictions, and environmental regulations. On another, business ethics can be influenced by management behavior, with wide-ranging effects across the company.

What Are Business Ethics and Example?

Business ethics guide executives, managers, and employees in their daily actions and decision-making. For example, consider a company that has decided to dump chemical waste that it cannot afford to dispose of properly on a vacant lot it has purchased in the local community. This action has legal, environmental, and social repercussions that can damage a company beyond repair.

What Are the 12 Ethical Principles?

Business ethics is an evolving topic. Generally, there are about 12 ethical principles: honesty, fairness, leadership, accountability, integrity, compassion, respect, responsibility, loyalty, respect for the law, transparency, and environmental concerns.

Business ethics concerns employees, customers, society, the environment, shareholders, and stakeholders. Therefore, every business should develop ethical models and practices that guide employees in their actions and ensure they prioritize the interests and welfare of those the company serves.

Doing so creates a positive work environment and builds trust with consumers and business partners, which can all contribute to higher revenues and profits.

Ethics & Compliance Initiative. " Timeline of Business Ethics and Compliance ."

New York University Stern Center for Sustainable Business. " ESG and Financial Performance: Uncovering the Relationship By Aggregating Evidence From 1,000 Plus Studies Published Between 2015 – 2020 ."

Washington State University. " 3 Reasons an Ethical Business Leads to Profits ."

Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI). " The Global Business Ethics Survey ."

presentation topics for business ethics

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Responsible Technology Playbook For Leveraging Corporate Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

This Responsible Technology Playbook For Leveraging Corporate Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides is a primer on how to capitalize on business opportunities through planning, innovation, and market intelligence. The content-ready format of the complete deck will make your job as a decision-maker a lot easier. Use this ready-made PowerPoint Template to help you outline an extensive and legible plan to capture markets and grow your company on the right path, at an exponential pace. What is even more amazing is that this presentation is completely editable and 100 percent customizable. This seventy six slide complete deck helps you impress a roomful of people with your expertise in business and even presentation. Craft such a professional and appealing presentation for that amazing recall value. Download now.

Business Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Business Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name business ethics ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. The topics discussed in these slides are introduction, trust, responsibility, relationship, reliability. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Social Ethics Pitch Deck Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Social Ethics Pitch Deck Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Pitch yourself both in house and outside by utilizing this complete deck. This social ethics pitch deck ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides focuses on key fundamentals of the topic, displayed using different slides. With a total of thirty slides, this template is the best tool you can use to persuade your audience. It will not only help you create great presentations but also induce strategic thinking because of its well researched content and graphics. You can easily personalize any of the elements to suit your unique business setting. Additionally, it can be saved in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats to save your time and resources.

Organizational Code Of Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Organizational Code Of Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

This complete deck acts as a great communication tool. It helps you in conveying your business message with personalized sets of graphics, icons etc. Comprising a set of twenty slides, this complete deck can help you persuade your audience. It also induces strategic thinking as it has been thoroughly researched and put together by our experts. Not only is it easily downloadable but also editable. The color, graphics, theme any component can be altered to fit your individual needs. So grab it now.

Business Ethics Presentation Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Business Ethics Presentation Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Share a great deal of information on the topic by deploying this business ethics presentation ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. Support your ideas and thought process with this prefabricated set. It includes a set of twelve slides, all fully modifiable and editable. Each slide can be restructured and induced with the information and content of your choice. You can add or remove large content boxes as well, to make this PPT slideshow more personalized. Its high-quality graphics and visuals help in presenting a well-coordinated pitch. This PPT template is also a resourceful tool to take visual cues from and implement the best ideas to help your business grow and expand. The main attraction of this well-formulated deck is that everything is editable, giving you the freedom to adjust it to your liking and choice. Changes can be made in the background and theme as well to deliver an outstanding pitch. Therefore, click on the download button now to gain full access to this multifunctional set.

Data Management Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Data Management Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Improve your presentation delivery using this Data Management Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides. Support your business vision and objectives using this well-structured PPT deck. This template offers a great starting point for delivering beautifully designed presentations on the topic of your choice. Comprising twelve slides this professionally designed template is all you need to host discussion and meetings with collaborators. Each slide is self-explanatory and equipped with high-quality graphics that can be adjusted to your needs. Therefore, you will face no difficulty in portraying your desired content using this PPT slideshow. This PowerPoint slideshow contains every important element that you need for a great pitch. It is not only editable but also available for immediate download and utilization. The color, font size, background, shapes everything can be modified to create your unique presentation layout. Therefore, download it now.

Business Ethics Use Cases Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Business Ethics Use Cases Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Improve your presentation delivery using this Business Ethics Use Cases Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides. Support your business vision and objectives using this well-structured PPT deck. This template offers a great starting point for delivering beautifully designed presentations on the topic of your choice. Comprising Twelve this professionally designed template is all you need to host discussion and meetings with collaborators. Each slide is self-explanatory and equipped with high-quality graphics that can be adjusted to your needs. Therefore, you will face no difficulty in portraying your desired content using this PPT slideshow. This PowerPoint slideshow contains every important element that you need for a great pitch. It is not only editable but also available for immediate download and utilization. The color, font size, background, shapes everything can be modified to create your unique presentation layout. Therefore, download it now.

Business Ethics Operational Executives Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

Business Ethics Operational Executives Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

This business ethics operational executives ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck acts as backup support for your ideas, vision, thoughts, etc. Use it to present a thorough understanding of the topic. This PPT slideshow can be utilized for both in-house and outside presentations depending upon your needs and business demands. Entailing twelve slides with a consistent design and theme, this template will make a solid use case. As it is intuitively designed, it suits every business vertical and industry. All you have to do is make a few tweaks in the content or any other component to design unique presentations. The biggest advantage of this complete deck is that it can be personalized multiple times once downloaded. The color, design, shapes, and other elements are free to modify to add personal touches. You can also insert your logo design in this PPT layout. Therefore a well-thought and crafted presentation can be delivered with ease and precision by downloading this business ethics operational executives ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck PPT slideshow.

Readiness Arrow Ethics Maturity Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Readiness Arrow Ethics Maturity Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Improve your presentation delivery using this readiness arrow ethics maturity ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. Support your business vision and objectives using this well-structured PPT deck. This template offers a great starting point for delivering beautifully designed presentations on the topic of your choice. Comprising eleven this professionally designed template is all you need to host discussion and meetings with collaborators. Each slide is self-explanatory and equipped with high-quality graphics that can be adjusted to your needs. Therefore, you will face no difficulty in portraying your desired content using this PPT slideshow. This PowerPoint slideshow contains every important element that you need for a great pitch. It is not only editable but also available for immediate download and utilization. The color, font size, background, shapes everything can be modified to create your unique presentation layout. Therefore, download it now.

SEO Types Based On Techniques And Ethical Practices Training Ppt

SEO Types Based On Techniques And Ethical Practices Training Ppt

The purpose of this slide is to showcase the classification of SEO based on techniques and ethical practices. The major SEO types that come under techniques classification are on-page, off-page, technical, and local SEO. In contrast, white hat, grey hat, and black hat fall under the ethical practices category.

Ethical Investment Funds Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete With Slides

Ethical Investment Funds Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete With Slides

If designing a presentation takes a lot of your time and resources and you are looking for a better alternative, then this Ethical Investment Funds Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete With Slides is the right fit for you. This is a prefabricated set that can help you deliver a great presentation on the topic. All the ten slides included in this sample template can be used to present a birds-eye view of the topic. These slides are also fully editable, giving you enough freedom to add specific details to make this layout more suited to your business setting. Apart from the content, all other elements like color, design, theme are also replaceable and editable. This helps in designing a variety of presentations with a single layout. Not only this, you can use this PPT design in formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG once downloaded. Therefore, without any further ado, download and utilize this sample presentation as per your liking.

Sample Of Business Management Ethics Diagram Presentation Pictures

Sample Of Business Management Ethics Diagram Presentation Pictures

This is a sample of business management ethics diagram presentation pictures. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are personal ethics, normative ethics, professional ethics, social ethics, ethics.

Ethics Training In The Workplace Ppt Example File

Ethics Training In The Workplace Ppt Example File

This is a ethics training in the workplace ppt example file. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are respect, ethics, honesty, integrity.

Survival Clans Ethics Tribes Example Of Ppt Presentation

Survival Clans Ethics Tribes Example Of Ppt Presentation

This is a survival clans ethics tribes example of ppt presentation. This is a nine stage process. The stages in this process are ethics tribes, nation stage, value communities, holistic social system, survival clans, feudal empires, horticultural agrarian, integral commons, corporate stage.

Ethical Behavior In Management Presentation Ideas

Ethical Behavior In Management Presentation Ideas

This is a ethical behavior in management presentation ideas. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are individual factors, organizational factors, top management, ethics policies and codes, ethical work behaviors.

Ethical Persuasion Template Good Ppt Example

Ethical Persuasion Template Good Ppt Example

This is a ethical persuasion template good ppt example. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are technology, ethics of persuasive technology, computers, cetology, persuasion, use case development, ethics.

Ethical Issues In International Business Ppt Slide Show

Ethical Issues In International Business Ppt Slide Show

This is a ethical issues in international business ppt slide show. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are work environment, human rights, moral obligation, bribery and corruption, employment practices.

Ethical Challenges In The Human Resource Ppt Design

Ethical Challenges In The Human Resource Ppt Design

This is a ethical challenges in the human resource ppt design. This is a eight stage process. The stages in this process are employee responsibility, cash and compensation plans, race and disability, safety and health, employment issues, performance appraisal, privacy issues, restructuring, ethical issues in hr.

Teamwork Projects And Ethics Ppt Slide Show

Teamwork Projects And Ethics Ppt Slide Show

This is a teamwork projects and ethics ppt slide show. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are elements of team, stages of development, scope of work, professional responsibility, teamwork.

E Commerce Law And Ethics Diagram Ppt Sample

E Commerce Law And Ethics Diagram Ppt Sample

This is a e commerce law and ethics diagram ppt sample . This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are buying, paying, shopping, searching.

Business Management Ethics Ppt Example Of Ppt

Business Management Ethics Ppt Example Of Ppt

This is a business management ethics ppt example of ppt. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are personal ethics, professional ethics, social ethics, normative ethics.

Compliance And Ethics Training Ppt Images Gallery

Compliance And Ethics Training Ppt Images Gallery

This is a compliance and ethics training ppt images gallery. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are compliance, moral, actions, rules, policies, goals.

Professional Standards And Ethical Guidelines Powerpoint Shapes

Professional Standards And Ethical Guidelines Powerpoint Shapes

This is a professional standards and ethical guidelines powerpoint shapes. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are experience, relevant knowledge, traits, skills and abilities.

Ethics In Decision Making Ppt Presentation

Ethics In Decision Making Ppt Presentation

This is a ethics in decision making ppt presentation. This is a eight stage process. The stages in this process are business vision, mission statement, core values, competitors, core competencies, value chain strategy, target markets, equity funding model.

Business Code Of Ethics Example Ppt Sample

Business Code Of Ethics Example Ppt Sample

This is a business code of ethics example ppt sample. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are moral judgment,moral rules, ethical system,code of ethics.

Ethical And Sustainable Procurement Sample Diagram Ppt Slides

Ethical And Sustainable Procurement Sample Diagram Ppt Slides

This is a ethical and sustainable procurement sample diagram ppt slides. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, process, presentation, management.

Ethical E Commerce Process Example Ppt Slides Show

Ethical E Commerce Process Example Ppt Slides Show

This is a ethical e commerce process example ppt slides show. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are bank payment, e commerce, warehouse, select products, shipping, customers, bank.

Information System Ethics And Technology Sample Diagram Powerpoint Shapes

Information System Ethics And Technology Sample Diagram Powerpoint Shapes

This is a information system ethics and technology sample diagram powerpoint shapes. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are wrong, right.

Ethical Issues Of International Business Ppt Diagram

Ethical Issues Of International Business Ppt Diagram

This is a ethical issues of international business ppt diagram. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are employment practices, human rights, work environment, bribery and corruption, moral obligation.

Economic And Business Ethics Example Powerpoint Guide

Economic And Business Ethics Example Powerpoint Guide

This is a economic and business ethics example powerpoint guide. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are economic and business ethics, trust, cooperation, responsibility.

Ethics For Technology Management Ppt Powerpoint Slide Introduction

Ethics For Technology Management Ppt Powerpoint Slide Introduction

This is a ethics for technology management ppt powerpoint slide introduction. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are right, wrong.

Code Of Ethics For Financial Overview Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Examples

Code Of Ethics For Financial Overview Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Examples

This is a code of ethics for financial overview ppt powerpoint presentation examples. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are governance, risk management, compliance, assurance, reporting.

Framework For Evaluating The Ethics Layout Ppt Samples

Framework For Evaluating The Ethics Layout Ppt Samples

This is a framework for evaluating the ethics layout ppt samples. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are designer with motivations, persuasive design, persuasive technology, behavior, persuasive person.

Process Of Ethical Management Sample Diagram Presentation Outline

Process Of Ethical Management Sample Diagram Presentation Outline

This is a process of ethical management sample diagram presentation outline. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are employees and executives, creation of added value, improve competitiveness, social contribution, state and society, joint corporations, maximized profitability.

E Commerce Ethics Ppt Slide Show

E Commerce Ethics Ppt Slide Show

This is a e commerce ethics ppt slide show. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are searching, respect, excellence, paying, honesty.

Ethical Policy Ppt Layout Ppt Inspiration

Ethical Policy Ppt Layout Ppt Inspiration

This is a ethical policy ppt layout ppt inspiration. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are moral judgment, ethical practices, ethical system, research, values, moral rules.

Compliance And Ethics Training Powerpoint Templates

Compliance And Ethics Training Powerpoint Templates

This is a compliance and ethics training powerpoint templates. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are rules, policies, goals, actions, moral, compliance.

Ethics Training In The Workplace Powerpoint Presentation Examples

Ethics Training In The Workplace Powerpoint Presentation Examples

This is a ethics training in the workplace powerpoint presentation examples. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are respect, honesty, integrity, ethics.

Company Ethics And Core Values Diagram Ppt Example File Professional

Company Ethics And Core Values Diagram Ppt Example File Professional

This is a company ethics and core values diagram ppt example file professional. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are company name 1, teamwork, respect, passion, creativity improvement, quality.

Three Connecting Circles For Company Ethics Powerpoint Slide Ideas

Three Connecting Circles For Company Ethics Powerpoint Slide Ideas

This is a three connecting circles for company ethics powerpoint slide ideas. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are business, marketing, management, connecting, circles.

Governance Business Ethics And Sustainability Ppt Slides

Governance Business Ethics And Sustainability Ppt Slides

This is a governance business ethics and sustainability ppt slides. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are governance business ethics and sustainability, corporate rules, governance, direction, law, control.

Ethical Considerations In Decision Making Diagram Ppt Ideas

Ethical Considerations In Decision Making Diagram Ppt Ideas

This is a ethical considerations in decision making diagram ppt ideas. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are identify, determine, opportunity, act.

Framework For Evaluating The Ethics Layout Ppt Example

Framework For Evaluating The Ethics Layout Ppt Example

This is a framework for evaluating the ethics layout ppt example. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are human, action, perception, persuasive technology, persuaded person.

Strategic Leadership Of Ethical Behavior Diagram Ppt Ideas

Strategic Leadership Of Ethical Behavior Diagram Ppt Ideas

This is a strategic leadership of ethical behavior diagram ppt ideas. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are consulting, guidance, outreach, challenge, decide, learn.

Ethics And Corporate Responsibility Diagram Ppt Design

Ethics And Corporate Responsibility Diagram Ppt Design

This is a ethics and corporate responsibility diagram ppt design. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are community, environment, workplace, marketplace.

Ethics In The Workplace Diagram Powerpoint Templates Microsoft

Ethics In The Workplace Diagram Powerpoint Templates Microsoft

This is a ethics in the workplace diagram powerpoint templates microsoft. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are quality, values, research, strategy, management.

Ethics Of Economic Development Template Ppt Slides

Ethics Of Economic Development Template Ppt Slides

This is a ethics of economic development template ppt slides. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are land, labor, skilled workforce, infrastructure.

Ethical Business Practice Diagram Presentation Examples

Ethical Business Practice Diagram Presentation Examples

This is a ethical business practice diagram presentation examples. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are quality, responsibility, integrity, truth, reliability, commitment.

Social Responsibility Ethics Diagram Presentation Background Images

Social Responsibility Ethics Diagram Presentation Background Images

This is a social responsibility ethics diagram presentation background images. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are innovation and development, community involvement, marketplace, people, environment and sustainability, ethical business.

Companies Ethics Policy Example Powerpoint Slide Rules

Companies Ethics Policy Example Powerpoint Slide Rules

This is a companies ethics policy example powerpoint slide rules. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are teamwork, passion, respect, creativity, improvement, quality, company name.

Business Ethical Management Diagram Presentation Visual Aids

Business Ethical Management Diagram Presentation Visual Aids

This is a business ethical management diagram presentation visual aids. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are planet, people, purpose, probity.

Business Management Ethics And Communication Ppt Presentation Images

Business Management Ethics And Communication Ppt Presentation Images

This is a business management ethics and communication ppt presentation images. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are business vision, core values, core purpose, visionary goals.

Business Ethical Management Ppt Example 2015

Business Ethical Management Ppt Example 2015

This is a business ethical management ppt example 2015. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are respect for customers, purpose, probity, ethical management, socially responsible business, planet, people.

Business Management Ethics And Communication Ppt Design

Business Management Ethics And Communication Ppt Design

This is a business management ethics and communication ppt design. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are core values, core purpose, visionary goals.

Corporate Business Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Outline Graphics Template Cpb

Corporate Business Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Outline Graphics Template Cpb

Presenting this set of slides with name corporate business ethics ppt powerpoint presentation outline graphics template cpb. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are corporate business ethics. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

key qualities of an employee positive attitude and strong work ethics ppt powerpoint presentation model influencers

key qualities of an employee positive attitude and strong work ethics ppt powerpoint presentation model influencers

Presenting this set of slides with name key qualities of an employee positive attitude and strong work ethics ppt powerpoint presentation model influencers. The topics discussed in these slides are business, marketing, personality traits. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Employee Monitoring Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Gridlines Cpb

Employee Monitoring Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Gridlines Cpb

This is a employee monitoring ethics ppt powerpoint presentation ideas gridlines cpb. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are employee monitoring ethics.

Evolution Business Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Slides Cpb

Evolution Business Ethics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Slides Cpb

This is a evolution business ethics ppt powerpoint presentation layouts slides cpb. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are evolution business ethics.

Business Ethics B2b Success Distributed Marketing Local Businesses Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Format

Business Ethics B2b Success Distributed Marketing Local Businesses Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Format

This is a business ethics b2b success distributed marketing local businesses ppt powerpoint presentation infographic template format. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are business ethics,b2b success, distributed marketing local businesses.

Ethical Shopping Online Energy Management Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Visual Aids Infographics

Ethical Shopping Online Energy Management Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Visual Aids Infographics

This is a ethical shopping online energy management ppt powerpoint presentation visual aids infographics. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are ethical shopping online, energy management.

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80 World’s Finest Business Ethics Topics For Research Paper

Business Ethics Research Paper Topics

What is business ethics?  MBA students in college or university need top business ethics research paper topics for their course. Any business cannot exist without ethics. It is a vital aspect that companies in numerous countries uphold to ensure their reliability and credibility.

Building a consensus between the moral aspects and the economic setting is what lecturers aim to see in students with such a paper. You will know how to write more topics on your own painstakingly with our top business ethics paper topic ideas in a moment.

Topics in Accounting: Business Ethics Research Paper

  • The perception of tax evasion ethics
  • Acceptable ethical behavior in the accounting workplace
  • The history of ethics in accounting
  • How governments handle accounting ethics
  • A case study of philosophers who contributed to the ethics of accounting
  • Cultural and political situations leading to accounting ethics
  • The concepts behind accounting ethics precepts and their applications
  • Different educational approaches in teaching accounting ethics

Corporate Culture Business Ethics Paper Topics

  • What role does corporate culture play in business ethics?
  • The place of organizational culture in improving performance
  • Business ethics in the management of mergers
  • Lessons from corporate scandals and organizational crises
  • Conducting a corporate cultural “audit.”
  • Factors determining the behavior of people in a corporate environment
  • How management impacts organizational culture
  • Methods used to incorporate ethics into the corporate culture.

Technology Business Ethics Research Topics

  • Encoding company values to stop destructive technologies
  • How to build a more robust data foundation to enhance security
  • Stakeholder privacy in the dissemination of information
  • Cultivating trust in destructive technologies
  • Demonstrating transparency using technology in business
  • Is data surveillance ethical?
  • Deploying the technology “power of all.”
  • Training business technologists to eliminate product bias
  • Advising employees on how technology may affect their jobs in the future

Business Ethics Paper Topics For Advertising

  • Is the use of misleading advertising unethical?
  • Why do companies use women in product advertising?
  • Is it ethical to use minors for business adverts?
  • Should alcohol companies advertise before the watershed period?
  • Is it ethical to advertise the sale of guns on TV?
  • What should happen to agencies with scam adverts?
  • Discuss why it is unethical for boxing companies to use provocatively dressed ladies
  • The impact of misleading headlines in advertisements
  • Is it ethical to use vague and obscene language in advertising?
  • Why should cigarette adverts have a warning for excessive use?
  • Compare and contrast men versus women adverts. Which ones sell?

Ethical Research Paper Topics in Business during Pandemics

  • Is it ethical to hike prices during pandemics
  • Should companies lay off their staff during the coronavirus period
  • Should small income businesses pay tax during adverse conditions
  • Why do enterprises hide commodities in times of crises
  • Is it ethical for real-estate agencies to continue charging rent?
  • Should governments supply subsidized products to stop competition?
  • Why pandemics may increase internal control risks
  • Is slashing more than 50% of salaries ethical?
  • Should employers grant their employees mandatory unpaid leaves?

Ethics Research Paper Topics for Managers

  • Why managers should have a Corporate Conscience
  • How good ethics translates to profit: A guide for managers
  • A critical approach to the integrity of managers
  • The social nature of morality in managerial positions
  • Is shrewd bargaining ethical for managers?
  • How can managers effectively resolve ethical problems
  • How unethical management can affect a company’s bottom line
  • Moral management is suitable for both the law and the market
  • Ethical managers save companies legal compulsion
  • How does good ethics result in excellence for managers?

Interesting Legal Business Ethics Topics

  • Why lawyers should not pursue their interests in the representation of a client
  • Are law schools teaching legal ethics effectively?
  • How should lawyers behave towards each other?
  • Should lawyers be compelled to honor their obligation?
  • How law and morality conflict
  • Can a promise be used in place of a contract?
  • How far should companies stand behind their products?
  • Is it ethical to use mentally insane people in adverts?
  • Claiming a product is better than others in ads.
  • Employment discrimination law ethics

Social Media Business Ethical Issues Topics for Papers

  • Should employers monitor employee behavior?
  • How social media leads to a breach of confidentiality
  • Social media and improper business practices and activities
  • Have blogs toned-down business ethics?
  • Use of social media by employees for their personal, non-company use
  • Discuss how employees use social media for the company’s business objectives
  • How to ethical answer questions on social media
  • Healthy employee social media policies
  • How applicable is the Kantian Ethics to the use of social media in business?
  • Proper ethical standards for social media use
  • Should companies turn off comments on social media?
  • Trust and brands management in social media
  • How to improve ethics using social media
  • Corporate social media policy for companies
  • Tips for posting on social media

The list of business ethics topics above should inspire you to get a paper and begin your essay or create more of them.

Our team of eminent writers is on standby to offer you all the writing help you need for your papers on business ethics and much more! All you need to do is to tap that “Place Order” button.

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Business Ethics in a Box Logo

‘Business Ethics in a Box’ Website Provides Free Access to Ethics Teaching Materials

Rachel Morgan Ellis

February 22, 2023

Georgetown McDonough is recognized globally for its commitment and innovative coursework surrounding business ethics. Leveraging expertise from the Georgetown Institute for the Study of Markets and Ethics (GISME) , the school is making these concepts accessible to universities and students across the world by sharing coursework, teaching materials, and other engagement opportunities through its new website, Business Ethics in a Box .

The site aims at making McDonough’s business ethics coursework more widely accessible, alongside the Teaching the Teachers program, where GISME plays a leading role as an institute that educates a new generation of business ethics professors. As a thought leader in the business ethics teaching arena, Georgetown McDonough continues to influence other universities, students, and academics across the United States and around the world with faculty-led research and experiential learning components. 

Jason Brennan, the Robert J. and Elizabeth Flanagan Family Professor of Strategy, Economics, Ethics, and Public Policy explained the real-world application of business ethics concepts at the university is largely what sets it apart from other leading institutions.

“The projects and simulations at Georgetown often invite students to go and solve a problem. For instance, in one project, groups devise a mock company and make a series of strategic decisions for the company. At the end of the semester, we provide them with a custom-made dilemma or crisis, based on their previous decisions, to resolve,” he said. “This exercise helps show our students that ‘hey, you can stumble into an ethical dilemma without even realizing it or knowing it’s about to happen’.”

In the modern business world, specifically within the GISME program, there are ongoing conversations surrounding ethical leadership; politics, philosophy , and economics; effective altruism; moral psychology; and other affiliated courses that stimulate critical thinking and engagement around the topics of business ethics and its teachings. 

“The Ethics in a Box website is written to provide instructors with everything they need to teach business ethics well. It contains syllabi, annotated slides, descriptions of experiential pedagogy and assignments, and more,” said Brennan. The website organizes the information in one place and makes it publicly available for professors, students, and administrators alike who are interested in incorporating business ethics into their curriculum and coursework. 

Brennan said business ethics is a fairly new field, however, it continues to gain more traction in schools and interdisciplinary coursework. As a result, a larger group of academics are interested in bringing business ethics discussions to their own classes and syllabi. 

“For instance, all of the slides available on the website are annotated. It will give instructions to the professor who might be using it, such as, ‘on this particular slide, talk about this, ask them this question, or you might expect these types of responses.” 

The new website contains some of the teaching materials included in the Ethics Project , a semester-long group project at McDonough. 

“Business ethics has become more rigorous and it has become more interdisciplinary. If you go back 40 years ago, it was a niche field and mostly applied philosophy. Today, business ethics is more of a practical field focused on managing ourselves and others to produce better behavior. In our teaching methods, we’re teaching our students how to anticipate potential problems in their planning and how they can proactively avoid them.”

This type of experiential learning, which leaders behind the Business Ethics in a Box project recognize as the “Georgetown approach” to ethics, is focused on psychology, management, interdisciplinary education, and beyond.

“Professors often hope that students will transfer abstract concepts and principles to real life. Our approach focuses instead on having students practice using these principles in real-life decision making,” said Brennan. 

Brennan recently received the Provost’s Innovation in Teaching Award for devising the Ethics Project, which asks students to “think of something good to do, and do it”. Each student group receives $1,000 to complete their project. Past projects have included providing a clean water system to a village in Haiti, raising tens of thousands of dollars for disaster victims, and starting a successful screen repair business. The Ethics Project has already been introduced to several universities, some of which include University of Notre Dame; Pennsylvania State University; University of Richmond; Harvard University; West Virginia University, and Tulane University.

Similar to ethics courses taught by McDonough faculty, Brennan hopes Business Ethics in a Box allows those who are interested in business ethics to dive deeper into the subject matter and move away from theoretical terminology.

“The normal way of teaching business ethics is sort of abstract and cool-headed, asking students to think about some abstract principles, imagine people in a situation, and ask what they ought to do. This approach doesn’t allow students to gain firsthand perspectives on how they would in fact approach real-world ethical dilemmas in their careers. Solving a problem on paper is easy; solving it in the real world, with real-world temptations, is hard.”

Brennan explained the significance of early entrepreneurs or business owners having the knowledge on hand that can guide anticipation of a given business ethics dilemma in a proactive manner and perhaps avoid a difficult situation that could lead to setbacks from personal and professional standpoints. 

Business Ethics in a Box is funded through a generous grant on “Markets, Social Entrepreneurship, and Effective Altruism” from the John Templeton Foundation. Visitors of the site are welcome to apply the materials in their own classrooms and tailor the coursework as they see fit.

Anyone interested in learning more about Business Ethics in a Box, or who would like to submit suggestions to the available coursework, can visit the Business Ethics in a Box website.

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Business Ethics Dissertation Topics

Published by Owen Ingram at December 29th, 2022 , Revised On October 10, 2023

Many students find it difficult to choose an appropriate topic for their business ethics dissertation paper because the field is complex and contains interesting and contentious issues. Furthermore, the current issues keep evolving as more and more people get involved in different enterprises.

What we know for certain is that a business cannot be conducted without ethics. In order to maintain their integrity and dependability, companies must follow an ethical code of conduct.

The purpose of a dissertation or a research paper is to assess the student’s understanding of the various issues of business ethics and propose appropriate solutions through research and writing.

Students should choose compelling and intriguing business ethics dissertation topics to ensure good grades. For those who do not know where to begin, here are some business ethics research topics to consider.

Important & Related Resource: Dissertation Topics Database , Dissertation Writing Services .

  • Is overly high pricing and levies imposed by businesses related to corporate social responsibility (CSR)?
  • How ethical behaviour among business managers contributes to a company’s success.
  • The effect of deceptive advertising techniques on consumer trust.
  • The impact of discrimination and gender bias on worker performance inside a business.
  • How higher education institutions use ethics in their hiring procedures.
  • Difficulties in implementing ethical business practices, which are necessary for the growth of sustainable tourism.
  • Should businesses that benefit from other people’s risk be permitted to continue operating? A case study of unhealthy items sold by cigarette and alcohol manufacturers on the American market.
  • Case study on business ethics; a quick analysis of Facebook’s privacy and surveillance violations.
  • Examine child labour as an unethical practice and a source of cheap labour.
  • Women face discrimination at work and are frequently seen as sex symbols.
  • Describe how you, as a business manager, could stop this.
  • Examine the concept of honesty in business ethics.
  • Examine privacy violations on social media as a breach of company ethics.
  • How does a company’s inadequate environmental management affects consumer loyalty and trust?
  • A study on the conflict between publication incentives and business research.
  • How does an organisation’s profit incentive affect the quality of its products?
  • The effects of worker exploitation on the industrial market
  • The usefulness of academic theories of business ethics in real-world corporate settings.
  • Approach to publishing industry ethics in author sponsorship deals.
  • Using ethics to guide decision-making in the context of internet commerce.
  • A comparison of how business ethics are taught in rich and developing countries higher education institutions.
  • Apply business ethics to determine how much a corporation must invest in health, maternity, and other benefits when moving to a foreign nation.
  • Is it morally acceptable for businesses to be completely upfront with their target market?
  • Is it moral for employers to use birth control to prevent workplace pregnancies?
  • A thorough analysis of the impact on society and the economy of illicit activities like corruption, bribery, nepotism, and overpricing of contracts.
  • An analysis of a case study including sexual harassment and other unethical behaviour in commercial companies.
  • The several moral conundrums that contemporary corporate firms must choose between.
  • Components of a shared ethical responsibility culture between a company and employees.
  • How do corporate ethics affect employees’ mental health?
  • Corporate crime and white-collar crime characteristics in modern business.
  • Teaching personnel from various ethnic origins a shared code of conduct.
  • Things that multinational corporations should take into account while creating their environmental policies in various nations.
  • The need for ethics in good corporate governance, item number.
  • Personal and professional conduct in connection to work ethics, moral conduct, and workplace crisis management.
  • The importance of ethics in the management and prevention of disputes in the workplace
  • Businesses in the industrial and production sectors have made major contributions to pollution and global warming.
  • Explain the many breaches and ethical violations such firms have committed from the business ethics perspective in the paragraph.
  • What does corporate social responsibility (CSR) entail? Describe the numerous ways that businesses can implement CSR.
  • The connection between pharmaceutical corporations’ gift-giving practices and corporate ethics.

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The field of business ethics entails establishing the moral rules that govern an organisation’s conduct or administration. Changing business practices are eroding ethical principles over time. Academics must study business ethics to determine its causes, benefits, and effects.

Our assistance in finding good thesis topics will require you to choose an original topic that deals with ethically contentious issues. Our dissertation writing experts can assist you in navigating the moral dilemmas of today in the form of a dissertation paper. We will provide appealing business ethics dissertation topics to help you achieve the highest possible grade.

Frequently Asked Questions

List down the 5 best business ethics dissertation topics.

Certainly! Here are 5 great Business Ethics Dissertation Topics: 1. Ethical Decision-Making in Corporate Governance 2. Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Business 3. Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Business 4. Whistleblowing and Ethical Accountability in Organizations 5. Corporate Social Responsibility in a Globalized World.

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