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My graduation day essay

My graduation day essay 8 models

My graduation day essay ,the celebration of the graduation ceremony was through a beautiful party held by the school under the auspices of the principal of the school and attended by students and teachers and parents of the students and provided some entertainment shows.

My graduation day essay

Today, my school has held an annual graduation ceremony in which high school students are enrolled after passing the tests successfully and exceeding them and offering them certificates of appreciation and praise for their good conduct and discipline during the academic year.

The ceremony began by greeting the student who presented the ceremony to the principal of the school, the masters of the teachers, the masters of the parents and the dear students.

And a student with a beautiful voice read the Holy Quran, Then a third student introduced Hadith Sharif urging to seek knowledge, and then the acting group presented a short comedy play.

This play dealt with the difference between the diligent student who makes every effort to collect the science and the failed student who does not know the value of science and learning.

After that,  the principal of the school presented a speech in which he praised the students and praised the teachers for their great efforts to teach their students and encourage them to innovate and help them to solve the problems they experienced, whether academic or social problems. He wished the students more excellence and success

One of the teachers called the names of the first students and were honored by the principal of the school who gave them certificates of appreciation .

The students also gave each other a wish, hoping for success in the coming years. And everyone went away and each of the students carries a beautiful memory inside him about the years he spent in school and about his friends who spent the most beautiful time with them.

My graduation day

There is no doubt that every student dreams of his graduation day and is waiting for it impatiently. I can describe this last year before I moved to university as the most difficult. When you wait for time to pass, it becomes too long,

So I got up at 9 and get ready to go to prom, I am so excited this day is finally coming , I have been waiting for so long where I  can live more freely, move out of my parents’ house, live on my own and rely on myself, work and stay up late.  As well as entering the university that I always dreamed of and worked hard to reach.

Here I am getting up, getting dressed, and going to meet my friends before going to the party. I would very much like to go out today with my friends, and attend the dance, I would also like to give a simple speech to thank the principal, teachers and staff at the school, it has been a happy 11 years. I am very happy that they passed well, without any problems.

He is very excited to face tomorrow and learn more new experiences. On this day, when went down the stairs, I heard a surprise word, congratulations on graduation. Some cheers and small encouraging fireworks.

My family was very happy with my graduation and they wore their best clothes to attend the awards ceremony. They brought a camera to photograph me and take some other pictures for my friends for memory.

Of course everything was great at the party and I was very happy when I heard my name and got my graduation certificate.

Graduation essay

There is no doubt that graduation is the dream of every student who strived and struggled for this moment, until he moved to another stage of education, or in order to finish school education completely and move to learn from the real life and collide with life.

Of course, education does not end in a person’s life except with his death, as he can learn a lot through life and those around him.

Therefore, we see education as mere stages, we seek to finish it in schools and move to a larger stage, in which we find difficulties and challenges, which encourage us to learn again, and make us more challenging and determined to excel in it, so that we can benefit from it and rely on it in our next future, whether at work. or living.

Therefore, graduation day represents for us the satisfactory reward for the struggle and persistence we have achieved in education, from the first day of school until the last day.

Graduation day essay

Graduation day is one of the wonderful days that we are all impatiently waiting for, and we are trying to prepare for it, whether in preparing the appropriate clothes for this occasion, or knowing who we will accompany at the graduation ceremony, and preparing many things that we will do on this day, and how we will close a page and open a new page for a new stage of education, whether in an advanced stage of education or completion of studies, and learning from life and facing and merging with real life began.

Graduation day is always the biggest prize for hard work and continuous effort in education. It also represents a new  starting point, which helps us to remember that we were able to overcome the past, and we will certainly overcome what will come, and there will be no difficulties, and we have a new goal that we will strive to achieve.

This is my graduation day. A lot of joy at the end of a stage, and a new challenge with a lot of effort and fatigue, I will receive it without fear or hesitation, I will strive to achieve success in it, so that I can celebrate my success again.

Short essay about graduation

Graduation is a dream that many people are waiting for. Our goal from the beginning of our education is to reach the end of the educational stage, and to graduate so that we can begin our practical life and meet life and society with what we have learned. We prove to ourselves that we can excel and succeed.

Everyone has dreams and ambitions, which he postpones until he can succeed in the educational stages and graduate.

So today, we are witnessing our first goal and dream, which is graduation, at which we will stand a little without thinking about what will come next, and enjoy this moment, which represents our success and appreciation of our fatigue and continuous effort to reach this happy moment.

For me and for many friends, this is the beginning of success, through which we prove that we can go out for life and fight all difficulties.

Our graduation today proves that we are capable of patience, learning, diligence, and continuing to learn, no matter the circumstances, and not giving up on something we do no matter what difficulties we face.

Today we are honored and a graduation ceremony is held for us as proof of our excellence and success. It may not be the greatest success in the universe, but it is certainly the first step on the ladder of success, after which we will strive to achieve more successes and superiorities.

Therefore, I am grateful and appreciate the role of those in charge of the study, and the role of my father and mother who stood by me so that I could continue my studies and education, and my friends. I hope to be as good as they think and achieve the best for myself and them.

Short essay about graduation day

There is no doubt that the graduation day represents a great victory for all students, an overwhelming feeling of happiness and self-realization, and that we can succeed and overcome difficulties and obstacles, and most importantly, overcome our fears that always tell us that we cannot succeed.

Therefore, the graduation day represents a great celebration for all students, for their achievement and excellence throughout the year, and appreciation for their efforts, fatigue and perseverance they made in order to obtain the highest grades.

Therefore, the gathering of all students at the end of the year ceremony, during which they are honored for the end of the semester and their success, is a great victory, and a new starting point for another stage, they see themselves going to it and achieving excellence in what is to come.

Essay about graduation day in elementary

It is wonderful to feel accomplished since childhood and to have a graduation day celebration in the primary stage. This makes us feel energetic and ready to face the next stage, and we are ready to progress year after year until we reach the university and graduate from it.

Of course, the primary stage is important because it is where the student is founded on everything, from the beginning of teaching letters to reading, arithmetic, and learning other languages.

Therefore, the day of graduation in the primary stage represents a great victory, because in it the basics were dug that will remain permanent for the rest of life, and whatever we learned in childhood lasts for old age.

My graduation day short essay

The graduation day for me and a lot of friends and other people is a day of honor for the effort spent throughout the year. In addition to the motivation that helps us advance to the next stage with eagerness and love. We have hope and optimism that we will be able to pass this stage as well and graduate from it, until we completely finish our university studies.

Then we will begin in practical life, learning all the requirements of life and career, so that we integrate into society and benefit from what we have learned, and re-present it in new projects, ideas and innovations.

Also, the graduation day is another happiness, because of the gathering of friends and family, the celebration of this day, the costumes, the music, and the speech we give.

All of this makes us feel happy and optimistic, and makes us feel self-fulfilling, and we are happier if the parents are present and thank us for completing this stage and graduating from it. This gives a great feeling and appreciation from them for what we have achieved in the study.

In this way, we have given you a topic about My graduation day essay ,and you can read more through the following link:

  • Myself essay for college students

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Essay Samples on Graduation

Graduation is an exciting time in any student’s life. It’s a time to celebrate achievements, reflect on the past, and look towards the future. If you’re tasked with writing an essay on this topic, it can be a daunting task. However, with some helpful tips and graduation essay examples, you can craft a perfect essay about graduation.

One way to approach an essay on graduation is to focus on a particular moment or experience from the graduation ceremony. For example, you might write about the feeling of receiving your diploma or the emotions you felt as you walked across the stage. By focusing on a specific moment, you can create a more compelling and personal essay.

Another approach is to write about the broader significance of graduation. You can explore the importance of education, the challenges that students face, and the impact that graduation has on individuals and society. By taking a more philosophical approach, you can create a more thought-provoking essay that engages readers on a deeper level.

When it comes to graduation essay topics, the possibilities are endless. You might write about the history of graduation ceremonies, the impact of technology on graduation, or the role of graduation in different cultures. Whatever topic you choose, make sure it’s something that you’re passionate about and that you can explore in depth.

In conclusion, writing a perfect essay about graduation requires creativity, passion, and attention to detail. By using graduation essay examples and following the tips above, you can craft an essay that celebrates the importance of graduation and inspires readers to reflect on their own educational journeys.

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Best topics on Graduation

1. How a Graduate Degree Can Help You Achieve Your Career Goals

2. Career Goals After Graduation: Mapping the Journey

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gap Year: Exploring Paths of Exploration and Reflection

4. My Convocation Day: An Experience I Will Never Forget

5. What I Want To Do After My Graduation

6. A College Degree: The Next Step or a Mere Stepping Stone

7. Prom Night and Prom Limo Rentals as Integral Parts of Graduation

8. The Negative Preconceptions Surrounding the Prom Night

9. The Search for a Suitable Limo for a Prom Night

10. Relevance of Changes in Canadian Employment Law

11. Steven Spielberg Commencement Speech in Harvard University

12. How Well Do High Schools Prepare Teens for Life after Graduation

13. Looking Back at the Many Years of a School Life

14. My Highschool Reflections Before Graduation

15. Graduation as a Transitional Experience and a Rite of Passage

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Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

How to Write a High School Graduation Speech (+ Examples)

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Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

I was in several clubs in high school, I was the valedictorian, and I happened to be the youngest in our graduating class. Needless to say, I had to write and give more than one speech at our graduation.

Being asked to give a graduation speech in high school is a tremendous honor and responsibility. It takes a lot of preparation, from planning to writing and editing your speech.

My guide should show you how to write a graduation speech for high school, especially with the examples I’ve included. Follow the template and tips, and you’re sure to receive a standing ovation from your audience.

How Long Is a High School Graduation Speech?

graduation party essay

The best high school graduation speeches aren’t long and boring since the ceremonies already take hours. Aim for an address that doesn’t exceed 10 minutes. Keep your audience’s attention and save some for other people’s speeches.

Your graduation speech should only be around 500 to 600 words. You have to read it slowly and articulate the words clearly. One way to keep it shorter is by removing cliches and other unnecessary content.

High School Graduation Speech Template

Essays and speeches usually have three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. Here is a structure you can follow for a memorable high school graduation speech.


  • Thank people for attending. Acknowledge the presence of your teachers, parents, and fellow graduates.
  • Introduce yourself. Not everyone in the room knows you, even if you’re the class valedictorian.
  • Catch the audience’s attention by sharing a motivational quote or saying. Your personal narratives and advice will later be based on this saying.
  • Recall memorable high school experiences. Anything is worth sharing, whether it’s a simple day in class or your debate competition.
  • Encourage classmates not to forget these beautiful memories.
  • Share helpful advice for this new chapter of their lives.
  • Restate the quote or saying you mentioned in the introduction.
  • End with a call to action that will encourage the graduates to make a difference.
  • Thank the audience for hearing you out.

How to Write a Graduation Speech for High School

graduation party essay

Public speaking takes a lot of preparation. Here are some tips you should follow when writing and delivering a graduation speech for high school.

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Pick a Theme

Inspirational high school graduation speeches leave a mark on people. If you want to create one, try building it around a central message.

Think about everything you experienced in high school and look for patterns. Was high school about learning from mistakes? Or was it about achieving big dreams with small steps? Consider not only what is essential to you but also what is important for your fellow graduates.

Once you have picked a theme, selecting a quote, including advice, and recalling high school memories will be much easier. Here are some popular themes you can consider using for yours, but make sure to choose ones that are relevant to you and/or your class.

  • Embracing failure
  • Big things take time
  • Achieving big dreams with small steps
  • Facing change with grace
  • Overcoming adversity
  • Becoming a lifelong learner
  • Being more intentional and responsible for your future

Begin With Gratitude and a Self-Introduction

Once you step on stage, you must start with a few formalities. Know the name of the previous speakers and acknowledge their excellent speeches. Then, thank everyone in attendance, including the teachers, parents, and fellow students.

Say it’s a privilege to speak before the audience on this special day. This is also the best time to introduce yourself.

Don’t assume that everyone in the room knows who you are. State your name and why you were tasked to create the speech. Below is an example.

“Thank you, Mr. Jones, for the wonderful speech. And thank you to the parents, teachers, staff, and fellow graduates in this room who have made the past four years unforgettable. It’s a pleasure to stand in front of everyone and represent the class of 2022 at this address. I am [name], your class valedictorian.”

Make It About Everybody But You

Your graduation speech is not a mini-biography of your accomplishments. Only sprinkle a few personal anecdotes, then include what the four years of high school have been like for the other students. Below is an example.

“Four years ago, we were freshmen walking through the doors of [school name]. While some of us want to be doctors, artists, engineers, and singers in the future, we all had one goal in mind during that time: to leave a mark on the school in the next four years.”

Recall High School Memories

Tap the ceremony’s nostalgia by recalling important events from the past four years. You can include prom, school fairs, and even mundane scenarios. Include hardships, such as the sudden shift to online classes during the pandemic.

If you are a valedictorian , you should know which memories everyone treasures. Try interviewing some of your peers about their best high school memories. Below is an example.

“Every batch of graduates from [school] has a common core memory. For us, it was probably prom 2022. Instead of getting our beauty sleep the night before the dance, everyone stayed in school until 8 PM because of the last-minute changes. While that experience was full of pressure and chaos, we look back on that memory remembering teamwork and dedication.”

Share Advice

Your advice is the most crucial part of the speech. It serves as a call to action the students will follow in the future.

Make sure to keep it positive and remind everyone that anything is possible. You can also advise them to advocate for others and treat everyone equally.

Here’s an example showing what I mean.

“The future is uncertain, and the only thing we can do is be optimistic about it. We learned to stay determined in the past four years, so we can do it again throughout college or our careers.”

Incorporate Your Personality

Just because you’re speaking for the rest of the class and following an outline doesn’t mean your speech should be boring. You can still infuse your personality through humor, anecdotes , and life experiences.

You can also open your address with something funny, as long as it’s appropriate and timely. If you’re a valedictorian, self-deprecating humor will be a hit. Try adding quirky memories from classes that will immerse your audience.

Leave Your Audience Inspired

You are not at the graduation to merely receive your diploma. As a speaker, you need to leave your audience inspired on the next chapter of their lives. Encourage them to find their purpose and make a difference in the world.

Some speakers end their speeches with another quote. Here is the one I used in my high school speech, but there are tons to be found on the internet you can use that might better suit your needs.

  • “All our dreams can come true… if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney

Finally, thank everyone for taking the time to listen to your speech. Express gratitude toward your classmates for the memories over the last four years.

Proofread Your Work

Read your writing out loud and fix parts that don’t sound pleasing. Doing so will make your writing more powerful and precise. Look out for flowery language, excessive adjectives, and lengthy sentences.

When editing, make sure to remove cliches from your writing. These are words and phrases that have been overused in speech and writing. These include phrases like “all walks of life,” “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” and “two wrongs don’t make a right.”

Try sharing more personal anecdotes and collective memories than tired pieces of advice. This will make the speech more interesting and customized for the audience. Find out what your fellow high school graduates and the rest of the audience want to hear and know, then write it concisely and effectively.

Once you’re done fixing clarity issues, it’s time to fix structural errors. Perform several edits on your speech to remove all spelling and grammar mistakes.

Practice Your High School Graduation Speech

There’s no exact formula for the perfect valedictorian or commencement speech. But if you follow my tips and examples and speak from the heart, your fellow graduates will live by your words as they go about their futures.

Remember to keep your engaging speech positive and inspiring. Recall memories from high school, then make them look forward to creating new ones in their careers or college.

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graduation party essay

Graduation Speech: Complete Guide & Inspiring Graduation Speech Examples

Ready to toss your caps in the air and bid farewell to the hallowed halls of academia? 

Not so fast…There’s one final thing left to learn about: graduation speeches!

Sure, they might seem like just another routine part of commencement, but graduation speeches are much more than just a formality. 

From tear-jerking tales to laugh-out-loud lessons, the best graduation speeches can be vehicles to share wisdom, life lessons, and unforgettable memories. 

Maybe you’re feeling uncertain about how to craft a graduation speech that people actually want to hear… Or wondering what can turn a good one into a great one…Or, simply looking for inspiration on memorable graduation speech examples. 

Read on to explore all of the above and more in this comprehensive guide on graduation speeches. 

  • What is a graduation speech?
  • What is the purpose of a graduation speech?

What makes a great graduation speech?

  • Steps to Write a Student Graduation Speech [7 Steps]
  • Inspiring Graduation Speech Examples [8 Examples]

What is a graduation speech? 

First things first: Let’s define what a graduation speech is exactly. 

A graduation speech is more than just a ceremonial tradition —it’s a speech that combines a heartfelt send-off, a final farewell, and a celebration of achievement all rolled into one.

These speeches are typically delivered by a selected speaker, such as a notable figure, a faculty member, or a student representative, at the commencement, or graduation ceremony.

But what exactly is the purpose behind these speeches, and why do we place such importance on them?

A graduation speech serves as a symbolic bridge between the academic journey and the adventures that lie ahead. It’s a chance for speakers to reflect on the accomplishments, challenges, and growth experienced by graduates throughout their academic careers. And most importantly, it’s an opportunity to share some wisdom, inspiration, and encouragement as graduates embark on their next chapter.

What is the purpose of a graduation speech? 

The purpose of a graduation speech varies depending on the context and the goals of the speaker. But generally, it serves several key purposes:

Let’s break it down:

  • Celebrate: Graduation is a big deal, right? So, the speech is a way to celebrate all the hard work and sweat equity that graduates have contributed towards their student experience. And its graduation is a huge achievement worth celebrating!
  • Inspire and Motivate: Many graduates feel nervous and apprehensive about what comes next after graduation. As happy as they may be to finally be graduating, many students feel a sense of confusion and discouragement about the future. Graduation speeches are meant to motivate and encourage the graduating class as they wrap up their student experience. It’s all about making them feel inspired as they look towards their future.
  • Reflect: Remember all those fun times you had in school? Even the monotonous and routine hustle of being in school will become times you can look back on, joke about, and reminisce on for the rest of your life. Graduation speeches offer a chance to look back on the graduating class memories and once-in-a-lifetime experience.
  • Bringing Everyone Together: Graduation is a time for friends, family, and teachers to come together and cheer the graduating class on. The speech helps everyone feel connected and proud of what’s been achieved.
  • Closure: Graduation speeches offer closure to the academic journey, providing a symbolic farewell and a sense of completion to graduates as they bid farewell to their alma mater. 
  • Legacy: Graduation speeches leave a lasting legacy for graduates, offering timeless wisdom, inspiration, and guidance that they can carry with them as they embark on their future endeavors. They serve as a reminder of the values, lessons, and aspirations that define the graduate experience and shape the path forward.

Overall, the purpose of a graduation speech is to leave a lasting impact on the audience, imparting valuable insights, encouragement, and inspiration that resonate long after the ceremony has ended.

Great graduation speeches captivate audiences by weaving together universal themes, inspiring messages, and deep reflection to create a memorable and inspiring experience.

So what makes a graduation speech great ? While every speech is unique in itself, there are some common elements that all great speeches have.

Here are some key elements that contribute to a great graduation speech:

  • Authenticity: A great graduation speech is authentic and genuine, reflecting the speaker’s personality, values, and experiences. 
  • Personal Touch: Incorporating personal anecdotes, stories, and reflections adds depth and emotional resonance to a graduation speech. Sharing personal experiences allows the speaker to connect with the audience and make the speech more engaging.
  • Inspiring Message: A great graduation speech delivers an inspiring and uplifting message that motivates graduates to embrace their potential, pursue their passions, and make a difference in the world. The message should be positive, empowering, and filled with hope for the future.
  • Relevance: A great graduation speech is relevant to the occasion and the audience, addressing the unique challenges, triumphs, and experiences shared by graduates. It acknowledges the journey they’ve been on and offers guidance as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.
  • Clear Structure: A well-structured graduation speech flows smoothly from one point to the next, with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  • Engaging Delivery: A great graduation speech is delivered with passion, energy, and enthusiasm, capturing the attention and interest of the audience from start to finish. 
  • Humor and Wit: Incorporating humor and wit into a graduation speech can lighten the mood, break the ice, and make the speech more enjoyable for the audience. Humorous anecdotes, clever wordplay, and well-timed jokes can add charm to the speech, making it more entertaining.
  • Universal Themes: A great graduation speech explores universal truths that resonate with all graduates, regardless of their background or experiences. It touches on timeless values such as perseverance, resilience, gratitude, and the power of human connection, inspiring graduates to embrace these principles as they navigate life’s challenges.

By incorporating these elements into your own graduation speech, you can create memorable, inspiring, and impactful words that leave a lasting impression on everyone in attendance.

Steps to Write a Student Graduation Speech

Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of writing a graduation speech? That’s normal! 

Even for famous and/or notable figures, writing a commencement or graduation speech can be a nerve-wracking experience.

And while writing a commencement speech may seem like a daunting task, breaking it down into basic steps can make the process more manageable and enjoyable.

Here’s a simple guide to help you craft a memorable and inspiring graduation speech:

Step 1: Understand Your Audience

Before you begin writing your speech, take some time to understand your audience. That is, the graduating class, faculty and staff, and family and friends of everyone involved in the ceremony. 

Consider the demographics of the graduates, their interests, experiences, and the significance of the occasion.

Tailoring your speech to resonate with the audience will make it more relatable and impactful.

Step 2: Choose a Theme or Message

Every great speech has a central theme or message that ties everything together. 

Think about what you want to convey to the graduates—whether it’s words of wisdom, encouragement, or reflections on their journey.

Choose a theme that resonates with the occasion and reflects your personal values and experiences.

Step 3: Brainstorm Ideas and Stories

Once you have a theme in mind, brainstorm ideas, stories, and anecdotes that support your message.

Reflect on your own experiences, lessons learned, and moments of inspiration that you can share with the graduates.

Consider incorporating personal stories, quotes, or examples that illustrate your points and make them more memorable.

Step 4: Create an Outline

Organize your ideas into a clear and coherent outline for your speech.

Start with an introduction that grabs the audience’s attention and introduces your theme. Then, outline the main points you want to cover in the body of the speech. Use supporting stories and examples to illustrate each point.

Finally, conclude your speech with powerful closing remarks that reinforces your message and leaves a lasting impression.

Step 5: Write the Speech

With your outline as a guide, start writing your speech , focusing on clarity, conciseness, and authenticity.

Write in a conversational tone, as if you’re speaking directly to the graduates, and use concise language.

Be sure to include transitions between sections to help the speech flow smoothly and keep the audience engaged.

Step 6: Edit and Revise

Once you’ve written a draft of your speech, take time to edit and revise it for clarity, coherence, and impact.

Cut out any unnecessary or repetitive information, and refine your language to make it more concise and compelling.

Pay attention to pacing, tone, and rhythm, and make sure your speech is well-balanced and engaging from start to finish.

Step 7: Practice, Practice, Practice

Finally, practice delivering your speech aloud multiple times to ensure smooth delivery and confident presentation.

Pay attention to your pacing, timing, hand gestures , and body language, and make adjustments as needed. 

Practicing your speech will help you feel more comfortable and confident on the day of the graduation ceremony.

Here are some tips to help you write a memorable speech:

  • Share Your Journey: Reflect on your time in school, highlighting challenges you overcame, lessons you learned, and accomplishments you achieved.
  • Inspire with Stories: Share inspiring anecdotes or life lessons that have shaped you and can resonate with your peers.
  • Express Gratitude: Thank teachers, family, and friends for their support and guidance throughout your academic journey.
  • Offer Encouragement: Provide motivation and encouragement to your fellow graduates as they embark on their future endeavors.

By following these basic steps and tips, you can write a graduation speech that is memorable and impactful, leaving a lasting impression on graduates and audience members for years to come.

8 Inspiring Graduation Speech Examples

If you’re looking to get inspired or need some examples to work from, check out some of the most memorable graduation speeches delivered by today’s notable figures. 

These speeches showcase how some of the world’s most influential people have delivered impactful messages of change, hard work, success, and life lessons to graduating classes throughout the years.

By incorporating personal stories, motivational quotes, and heartfelt advice, these examples showcase the profound impact a well-crafted speech can have on any audience.

While we’ve only featured eight graduation speech examples here, please note that there are countless other inspiring speeches that you can learn from throughout history. A quick online search will help guide you in the direction of more examples if you don’t find what you’re looking for in this list. 

#1 – Steve Jobs’ Stanford University Graduation Speech (2005)

Jobs’s speech is a classic for a reason. He challenged graduates to “stay hungry, stay foolish,” and to never lose sight of their dreams. 

#2 – Oprah Winfrey’s Harvard University Graduation Speech (2013)

Oprah Winfrey reflects on her own journey to success, emphasizing the importance of finding purpose, serving others, and remaining true to oneself in the face of adversity.

#3 –  Chadwick Boseman’s Howard University Graduation Speech (2018)

The late Chadwick Boseman, shortly before his passing, delivered an inspiring speech about the power of purpose and never giving up on your dreams.

#4 – J.K. Rowling’s Harvard University Graduation Speech (2008)

J.K. Rowling shares insights on the benefits of failure and the importance of imagination, empathy, and resilience in overcoming life’s challenges and achieving success.

#5 – Michelle Obama’s CCNY Graduation Speech (2016)

Michelle Obama reflects on the power of education and the importance of resilience, determination, and hope in overcoming obstacles and achieving one’s dreams.

#6 – David Foster Wallace’s Kenyon College Graduation Speech (2005)

David Foster Wallace’s speech, titled “This is Water,” is a profound meditation on mindfulness and empathy. Wallace delivers a thought-provoking speech about the value of mindfulness, empathy, and perspective in leading a meaningful and fulfilling life.

#7 – Satya Nadella’s University of Chicago Graduation Speech (2018)

The CEO of Microsoft spoke about the future of technology and the need for human-centered innovation. Nadella shares insights on the role of empathy, curiosity, and continuous learning in driving innovation and success in today’s rapidly changing world.

#8 – Ken Burns’ Stanford University Graduation Speech (2016)

The documentarian urged graduates to be curious, to challenge themselves, and to fight for what they believe in.

Learn From Graduation Speech Examples From Notable Figures

As we’ve seen from speeches like the ones listed above, throughout history, famous individuals have delivered impactful speeches that resonate with audiences and offer valuable lessons for graduates.

So how do these notable figures inspire through their speeches?

  • Emphasizing Change: Notable figures often highlight the importance of embracing change and adapting to new beginnings in their speeches.
  • Hard Work and Success: Through personal anecdotes, they stress the significance of hard work and determination in achieving success.
  • Life Lessons: Graduation speeches by renowned figures are filled with insightful life lessons that guide and motivate graduates on their journey ahead.
  • Words of Encouragement: Notable graduation speeches give encouragement, confidence, and hope to the audience as they move ahead.

Throughout this guide, we’ve explored how these speeches are more than just a routine part of commencement—they’re opportunities to share wisdom, life lessons, and unforgettable memories.

Whether you were feeling uncertain about crafting a speech that resonates or curious about the secrets behind turning a good speech into a great one, we’ve covered it all.

As you step onto the stage to deliver your graduation speech, remember the power you hold. Inspire, uplift, and connect us all! 

Here’s to making your mark and leaving a lasting impression as you embark on the next chapter of your journey!

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Best High School Essay Examples

Graduation party.

712 words | 3 page(s)

A graduation is a special time in a person’s life. It is evidence of a job well done, and it is a time to celebrate one’s accomplishments. Because graduation only happens once, and because it is a time to reflect back on work well done and the possibilities that lay before graduates, I wanted to throw a party. My daughter was finishing school, and as a result, I wanted to show her my pride in her accomplishments and my great hope for the promise of her future.

Throwing a graduation party is not easy, as it requires supplies, time, and preparation. In terms of supplies, I will need plenty of food and drink. With a party of this nature, the right approach is to have simple foods that appeal to everyone. Some might be prepared, with others being bought. The key is to have enough so that people can snack on something during the party. I will also need the simple things, like cups, plates, silverware, and enough chairs and tables to accommodate all of my guests.

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Time is perhaps the most precious commodity for someone planning a party. One has to think about the party well in advance in order to send out invitations and give people time to plan to attend the party. This is why, when throwing a party of this nature, one must get the ball rolling many weeks in advance. As the party approaches, there are certain things that require time. One must call the bakery a few days in advance to secure a cake. In the immediate lead-up to the party, it will take several hours to purchase or prepare the food and provide a safe, comfortable environment where all people can have fun.

In terms of pre-preparation, selecting the proper location is critical. A party is only as good as the place where it is thrown. Likewise, there is a tremendous amount of planning that must go into the pre-prep process. How many people are coming? Are there any special accommodations that I need to make for certain guests? These questions must ultimately be answered.

The preparation steps are critically important to pulling off a good party. First is deciding how many people to invite to the party. This is first because it will dictate the food and drink needs, as well as the space needs for the party. From there, one must choose the right location. Whether it is an off-site location or in one’s house, it is important to have enough space to house all guests. One must then send out invitations and take account of the RSVPs received. The ideal party will include some form of music or entertainment, so preparation requires that the entertainment be booked well in advance. Likewise, there is the process of following up with the location or cleaning your own home, depending upon where the party will be hosted.

On the day of the party, it will be important to leave some lag time in order to account for unexpected problems. That day, one must pick up the cake and prepare the decorations. Because it is a graduation party, the cake will be a graduation theme, and the decorations will reflect the accomplishments of my daughter. Likewise, food must be put out in a manner that makes it easy for all guests to have access. Follow-up calls must be made to all parties who are critical in helping with the party, including any entertainment that might have been booked or catering service that might have been employed.

At the end of the day, one must put the finishing touches on the party, ensuring that all people have fun, starting with my daughter. Being a good host is a major part of throwing a successful graduation party. I will have to wear many hats and play many roles, ensuring that everything is going according to plan and people are being served in the proper manner. When that is all done, it is time to clean up, a process that should only be done when the party has completely finished above. Above all, it is important to not let the stress of the day take away from the celebration of my daughter and her remarkable achievements.

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Essays on Graduation

Graduation is an important milestone in a student's life, and one of the requirements for many graduates is to write an essay. Choosing the right graduation essay topic is critical, as it sets the stage for the entire writing process. The topic should be relevant, engaging, and thought-provoking. It should also allow the student to showcase their knowledge and skills in the chosen field of study. In this article, we will discuss the importance of choosing the right topic, provide advice on how to choose a topic, and offer a detailed list of recommended essay topics, divided by category.

When choosing a graduation essay topic, students should consider their interests, strengths, and goals. They should also consider the requirements of the assignment and the expectations of their instructors. It is important to choose a topic that is narrow enough to be manageable within the scope of the assignment, but broad enough to allow for meaningful analysis and discussion. Students should also consider the relevance of the topic to their field of study and its potential impact on the reader.

Recommended Graduation Essay Topics

Looking for some inspiration for your graduation essay? Below is a list of recommended graduation essay topics, divided by category. These topics cover a wide range of fields of study and are designed to inspire students to think critically and engage with important issues in their chosen field.

Science and Technology

  • The impact of artificial intelligence on the future of work
  • The ethical implications of gene editing technology
  • The role of technology in addressing climate change
  • The potential benefits and risks of space exploration
  • The impact of social media on mental health

Business and Economics

  • The impact of globalization on local economies
  • The role of entrepreneurship in economic development
  • The future of sustainable business practices
  • The impact of automation on the future of work
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in business

Health and Medicine

  • The impact of technology on healthcare delivery
  • The ethical implications of medical research on human subjects
  • The role of public health in addressing global pandemics
  • The impact of social determinants of health on health outcomes
  • The future of personalized medicine
  • The impact of technology on the future of education
  • The role of standardized testing in educational assessment
  • The impact of socio-economic status on educational outcomes
  • The future of inclusive education
  • The role of teachers in preparing students for the future

Arts and Humanities

  • The impact of digital media on the arts
  • The role of literature in shaping cultural identity
  • The impact of globalization on traditional art forms
  • The future of cultural preservation in a globalized world
  • The role of the arts in promoting social change
  • The impact of World War II on global politics
  • The role of women in the Civil Rights Movement
  • The significance of the Renaissance in shaping modern society
  • The effects of the Industrial Revolution on society
  • The causes and consequences of the French Revolution
  • The portrayal of women in Shakespeare's plays
  • The influence of mythology in modern literature
  • The representation of race in American literature
  • The use of symbolism in the works of Ernest Hemingway
  • The impact of colonialism on African literature

Social Issues

  • The role of education in reducing poverty
  • The effects of globalization on cultural identity
  • The challenges of immigration in the 21st century
  • The importance of gender equality in the workplace

Choosing the right graduation essay topic is an important decision that can have a significant impact on the success of the essay. By considering their interests, strengths, and goals, students can choose a topic that allows them to showcase their knowledge and skills while engaging with important issues in their field of study. The recommended essay topics provided in this article cover a wide range of fields of study and are designed to inspire students to think critically and engage with important issues in their chosen field.

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graduation party essay

Graduation Essay Examples

Graduation is an important milestone in a person’s life. It marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. For many, it is a defining moment when they finally step out into the world as adults. Graduation day can be both exciting and nerve wracking for those involved, but ultimately it is a time to celebrate accomplishments and look forward to future possibilities.For students graduating from high school or college, graduation often means moving onto new things such as furthering their education or starting a career. This transition can be daunting but also very rewarding if they have worked hard throughout their schooling years. On graduation day there will likely be speeches made by professors and special guests wishing them well on their journey ahead as well as congratulations from family members who may have shared this journey with them along the way. As part of the ceremony, diplomas are typically presented to each student which serves as an official recognition that they have achieved whatever academic goals were set forth before them during their schooling years (ex: obtaining an undergraduate degree). Graduates also receive other honors for exemplary performance in specific areas such as scholarship awards or perfect attendance awards etc., depending on what criteria has been established by the institution awarding these distinctions. Finally, once all formalities are concluded graduates often gather with friends and family to celebrate at a reception afterwards where everyone can enjoy food, drinks, music and dancing while reflecting fondly on all that was accomplished leading up to this momentous occasion.

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Home › Inspirational Graduation Speeches

Inspirational Graduation Speeches

Inspirational Graduation Speeches

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Do you have a graduating son or daughter? A high school or college graduation is a major milestone in life that should not be ignored. The graduation ceremony celebrates hard work and encourages students to move into the world to achieve great things. This hopeful message is further cemented through an inspirational graduation speech.

As you celebrate graduation day and wish your student good luck, consider the following commencement advice you can share as well as inspirational quotes for a happy graduation.

Here are the best graduation speeches and inspirational message graduation quotes to inspire you and change your life.

Page Contents

1. Barack Obama – Howard University, 2016

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You have to go through life with more than just passion for change; you need a strategy. I’ll repeat that. I want you to have passion, but you have to have a strategy. Not just awareness but action. Not just hashtags, but votes. Barack Obama

During his graduation message, Barack Obama spoke with hope. He urged the graduating students to be hardworking yet pragmatic as they sought justice, equality, and freedom. Howard University is one of the nation’s most distinguished and historically Black universities.

In 2020, Barack Obama also shared a graduation message to the Class of 2020 as part of Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class of 2020 . These students had to learn to overcome obstacles and challenges that classes before them had not had to deal with due to the pandemic.

The disappointments of missing a live graduation, those will pass pretty quick…What remains true is that your graduation marks your passage into adulthood—the time when you begin to take charge of your own life. It’s when you get to decide what’s important to you: the kind of career you want to pursue. Who you want to build a family with. The values you want to live by. And given the current state of the world, that may be kind of scary. Barack Obama

Obama goes on to offer hope and support as graduating students set out to navigate a very new landscape and shape a new world.

2. David Foster Wallace – Kenyon Graduation Speech, 2005

There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually, one of them looks over at the other and goes, “What the hell is water? David Foster Wallace

In this commencement address, Wallace reminds us that we often forget, or take for granted, the most obvious things around us. He acknowledges it’s difficult to stay aware of what’s happening in the world, especially when you’re too busy dealing with the monologue inside your head.

That’s what a college education is about, according to him. It’s learning how to think and exercising some degree of control over your thoughts so you can choose what to pay attention to.

Our thoughts affect our realities, and the ability to choose how you “construct meaning from experience” will determine the lenses from which you see the world and how you react in return.

3. Natalie Portman – Harvard Graduation Speech 2015

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Sometimes your insecurities and your inexperience may lead you, too, to embrace other people’s expectations, standards, or values. But you can harness that inexperience to carve out your own path, one that is free of the burden of knowing how things are supposed to be, a path that is defined by its own particular set of reasons . Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman majored in psychology at Harvard University because she believed it would help her acting. She graduated in 2003. In her commencement speech at the 2015 graduation ceremony, she spoke of her own self-doubt and gave an inspiring, funny , and wisdom-filled speech for the graduating class.

Portman said even though she was a successful student and went on to find success as an actress, she still struggled with her own worth but eventually learned to set her own goals.

4. Ellen DeGeneres – Tulane University, 2009

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Never follow anyone else’s path, unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path and by all means you should follow that. Don’t give advice, it will come back and bite you in the ass. Don’t take anyone’s advice. So my advice to you is to be true to yourself and everything will be fine. Ellen Degeneres

This is one of the funniest graduation speeches ever! All humor aside, this speech shows why  it’s better to be true to yourself instead of trying desperately to be a second-rate version of someone else.

For years, Ellen thought being bisexual might prevent her from being a successful stand-up comedian, but it’s just not the case. Ellen proved that you could be successful, whoever you are, if you worked hard and learned from your past experiences— even one as sad as the death of a loved one.

5. Charlie Munger – University of California Law School, 2007

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*Skip to 4:08 for the actual speech

You’re not going to get very far in life based on what you already know. You’re going to advance in life by what you’re going to learn after you leave here. Charlie Munger

Education doesn’t stop after you graduate from college. It doesn’t stop after you finish your MBA or PhD either. Munger says, “Wisdom acquisition is a moral duty. It’s not just something you do to advance in life.”

It’s a moral duty because it’s only through continuous learning that we can add to the vast knowledge of man kind. If we stopped learning, progress in all industries—computers, finance, engineering, biology, stops as well.

6. Michelle Obama – Eastern Kentucky University, 2013

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If you’re a Democrat, spend some time talking to a Republican. And if you’re a Republican, have a chat with a Democrat. Maybe you’ll find some common ground, maybe you won’t. But if you honestly engage with an open mind and an open heart, I guarantee you’ll learn something. And goodness knows we need more of that, because we know what happens when we only talk to people who think like we do — we just get more stuck in our ways, more divided, and it gets harder to come together for a common purpose. Michelle Obama

As far as inspirational speeches go, Michelle Obama’s speech is very actionable. Her advice is simple (not easy), talk to each other with an open mind.

Different religion, race, political stand, it doesn’t matter. We can all learn from one another.

7. Jim Carrey – Maharashi University of Management, 2014

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This is one of my favorite motivational speeches because Jim Carrey is such a good example of his message.

So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. My father could have been a great comedian, but he didn’t believe that that was possible for him, and so he made a conservative choice. Instead, he got a safe job as an account. Jim Carrey

Carrey’s father lost his accounting job when he was 12, and it was then he realized that failure is inevitable , whether you’re doing what you want or not. If that’s the case, you might as well take a stab at doing something you love.

8. J.K Rowling – Harvard Commencement Address, 2008

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I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realized, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. J.K. Rowling

This is probably one of the most inspirational videos for writers and creatives everywhere.

Rowling was suffering from depression when he wrote the Harry Potter books. But through grit and patience with herself, she was able to complete the first Harry Potter Manuscript and, stay motivated to continue even when feeling down. Thanks to her drive and imagination, the world has Harry Potter !

9. Bono – University of Pennsylvania, 2004

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In case you don’t know him, Bono is the lead singer of the famous band U2. Of course, being the rock star he is, he leads his speech by saying, “My name is Bono, and I am a rock star.”

In his speech, he urges graduates to carefully consider their big idea, in saying:

What are you willing to spend your moral capital, your intellectual capital, your cash, (and) your sweat equity in pursuing outside of the walls of the University of Pennsylvania? The world is more malleable than you think, and it’s waiting for you to hammer it into shape. Bono

Being a rock star, I thought Bono would talk about the perils of fame, the road to stardom or something to that effect. But instead, he talked about big ideas and changing the world.

10. Amy Poehler – Harvard University, 2011

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Life is like a heist that requires good drivers, an explosives expert, a hot girl who doubles as a master of disguise, and this is a hard and fast rule. If the Rock shows up, they’re on to you . Amy Poehler

During her commencement speech at Harvard University in 2011, Amy Poehler expressed her surprise at the invitation to do so. She delivered a speech with jokes, advice, and insight as she looked out at the graduates.

She told them to head out into the world with love, light, joy, and laughter. Finishing off her speech in true Amy Poehler fashion, she also says, “please don’t forget to tip your waitresses.”

11. Meryl Streep – Barnard College, 2010

YouTube video

This is your time, and it feels normal to you, but really there is no normal. There’s only change, and resistance to it and then more change . Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep is an actress most famous for Sophie’s Choice , The Devil Wears Prada , and Mamma Mia . She was asked to deliver the commencement speech to Barnard College in 2010. Her speech was dripping with extreme personality, honesty, and bluntness.

Streep shared her own personal stories and emphasized the importance of empathy. The audience was all women, so the speech was directed at them, but she shared many graduation messages that applied to everyone.

12. Kerry Washington – George Washington University, 2013

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You and you alone are the only person who can live the life that writes the story you were meant to tell . Kerry Washington

Kerry Washington is an actress, producer, and director. In 2018, she was named the eighth highest-paid television actress and has won several awards, including the President’s Award.

In her commencement speech at George Washington University in 2013, she urged graduates to go beyond their comfort zones and live their own stories.

How to Create Your Own Inspirational Graduation Speech

Do you need to write your own inspirational speech or curate the perfect graduation message? Here are a few tips on how to do just that, so you can inspire others like the commencement speeches above.

Start With a Quote

Start with a relevant quote. This sets the overall tone of your speech and grabs your audience’s attention. A good example of this is a quote by David Brinkley, “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”

Provide Scenarios

Now that you have drawn in the audience, present a what-if scenario to encourage the audience to continue following your thought process.

You can also provide a scenario encouraging the audience to put themselves directly into it. Suggest that they imagine doing something and ask what they would do if it doesn’t go as planned.

If you are giving a graduation message, ask where they see themselves years down the road or what they picture success as. You can then offer advice and insight based on your own experience.

Ask Questions

You should also ask questions, whether they are literal or rhetorical. When you present a question to someone, the person intuitively answers it, keeping them engaged with what you have to say.

Pause for Silence

When giving an inspirational speech, it also helps to pause for a few seconds after important points. This pause allows the audience to react to what you have to say and settle down before you continue with your next statement. The pause is also a good way to draw attention to what you want to say.

What Makes an Inspirational Graduation Speech?

The best graduation speech should have a very uplifting message that leads with education and wisdom. The graduation speech should focus on the graduates’ achievements and accomplishments. It should highlight the sacrifices that may have been made.

When writing a graduation or inspirational speech, ensure a strong theme or message is conveyed to keep your audience’s focus and attention.

Do you remember the speaker on your graduation day? What pearls of wisdom did he or she share?

Related Reading : Don’t forget what you worked so hard on in school! Check out our 150 Education Quotes for Teachers and Students , too. These gems are good for any graduation card when offering congratulations.

Natalie Seale

3 thoughts on “Inspirational Graduation Speeches”

Am really inspired by these brief messages,indeed education has no boundary; therefore, I say to you,” education is immeasurable, regardless of what disciplines or background we find ourselves.

These are very inspiring. My favorite is from J.K. Rowling. Thanks for sharing

Actually Very Inspiring ……thanks for sharing

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Graduation Speech Examples

50 top graduation speech ideas (& examples).

Try to search online and you’ll find a lot of graduation speech examples. If you’re in charge of giving a speech during this important event, you have the choice of whether to compose a long or short graduation speech. As long as you’re able to convey your message, the length isn’t that relevant.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Graduation Speech Examples
  • 2 What should you write about in your graduation speech?
  • 3 Graduation Speech Outlines
  • 4 Structuring your graduation speech
  • 5 Graduation Speech Templates
  • 6 High School Graduation Speech
  • 7 Tips for writing graduation speech
  • 8 College Graduation Speech

Free graduation speech example 01

What should you write about in your graduation speech?

Most people wonder what to write for their graduation speech examples. Whether you need to compose a high school graduation speech example or a college graduation speech example, you must put a lot of careful thought and consideration into the contents of your speech.

In the past, writing a graduation speech template wasn’t that intimidating. But now, you should remember that there’s a high likelihood that the people present at the event will post your speech on social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube. This makes it imperative that you compose a speech that’s effective, interesting, and won’t end up offending anyone.

A lot of incredible speakers start their speech-writing process by creating an outline. So, if you want to come up with a great speech, you may want to start off with a graduation speech outline . Here, you include everything you want to include in your speech. From there, writing becomes easier.

Graduation Speech Outlines

Free graduation speech example 10

Structuring your graduation speech

When it comes to the structure of your graduation speech, you have a few options to choose from. As you create your graduation speech outline, you’re giving it a structure for you to follow when it’s time to start writing.

You may create a long or short graduation speech depending on how much you want to say and how long you want to stand in front of the graduating class. You can even create a graduation speech template using the structure of your choice. This makes it easier for you for the next time you need to come up with a speech.

If you have no idea where to start, you may go online and read high school graduation speech examples or college graduation speech examples. Use these as your reference or for your inspiration as you write your speech.

Graduation Speech Templates

Free graduation speech example 20

Either way, these examples will be a great help to you if it’s your first time to compose such a speech. To guide you, here are some structures to follow for your graduation speech:

  • Use a few themes which you illustrate with non-fictional or personal stories For this type of speech, you can use a couple of themes which you introduce early in your speech. From reaching their dreams of finding their own place in the world, there are so many themes to choose from. Then illustrate these themes further using non-fictional examples or stories from your personal life.
  • Use several themes which you illustrate with short anecdotes or personal stories For this structure, you come up with a number of themes for your audiences. But instead of sharing those themes at the start of your speech, you share short anecdotes or personal stories which illustrate those themes. Then you give helpful advice to your audience to help them in their future endeavors. However, this structure isn’t ideal for short graduation speeches. Since you’re going to use several themes, this means that your speech would be relatively long. Therefore, it’s probably a good idea to use this for a college graduation speech, not one for a high school graduation .
  • Use an autobiographical narrative If you plan to use this structure for your graduation speech examples, it means that you want to open up and share more details about your life to your audience. It’s sort of like a mini-memoir wherein the audience learns a lot about the experiences you’ve had in your personal life. As you share these experiences, you also share a lot of life lessons with them. Although you don’t give advice directly at the beginning of your speech, you would incorporate these little bits of advice throughout your speech. Talk about your own experiences after graduation, how you dealt with the real world, and how you overcame different kinds of challenges.
  • Use the main theme and some personal references Finally, you can also structure your speech in such a way that you’re leading up to one main theme or point. A lot of people find this structure to be extremely difficult to put together because they feel like it’s too limited. But as long as you create a graduation speech outline, following this structure won’t be that much of a challenge.

High School Graduation Speech

Free graduation speech example 30

Tips for writing graduation speech

Whether you’re representing the graduation class or you’re asked to come and give a speech to the graduating class, you have to come up with your own graduation speech. The good news is that there are a lot of graduation speech examples which you can use as a reference.

Writing a graduation speech doesn’t have to be a difficult task. As long as you have an idea of what to write and you know what you want to say to the graduating class, the words will start flowing from your mind. But if you need some help, here are some tips to guide you:

  • Brainstorming Any great speech starts with a brainstorming session. You can begin by asking yourself what you want to write in your speech. If you’re the representative of the graduating class, then think about all of the learning and experiences you’ve gained throughout your education. If they asked you to speak for the graduating class, then think about the advice you want to share to them in order to inspire them and somehow prepare them for what’s to come. Brainstorming involves a lot of thought, especially about the future. There’s nothing wrong with talking about the past and the present but since you’ll speak to a graduating class, talking about the future is much more relevant. As you think about the things to say, write everything down on a piece of paper. Later on, you can review your ideas to see which ones to keep and which ones to remove from your speech.
  • Choosing a theme After your brainstorming session, you’d have a lot of ideas, stories, and advice to share to your audience. Now it’s time to begin shaping all of these into one coherent speech. To do this, you may want to think about the theme to focus on for your speech. Whether you want to choose a single theme or a collection of themes which you will link with one another, this step makes speech writing easier. Also, having a theme makes the speech more memorable and impactful to the audience. With a theme, you’ll also be able to sort through the things you’ve written down more effectively only choosing the ones which relate to your theme.
  • Building the structure After you’ve identified the theme, you can start building the structure of your graduation speech. Here are some steps to help you out: Make sure that your introductory statement grabs the attention of your audience right away. In other words, get the audience “hooked” from the beginning so they will feel compelled to listen to your entire speech. Illustrate the theme you’ve chosen by telling stories. Keep in mind that the best stories always have a beginning with a challenge or obstacle, a middle where you share how you overcame it, and an end where you discussed how this experience helped you grow. For the end of your speech, tie together all of the points you’ve discussed throughout your speech. Also, make it clear how your message applies to your audience. You may also share valuable advice to your audience in the conclusion of your speech.
  • Practicing your delivery Even after you’ve written your speech, the work doesn’t end there. You also have to deliver it to the graduating class. For a lot of people, this part is a lot more intimidating, especially for those who aren’t used to speaking in front of an audience. Here are some pointers for you: If you’ve created a short graduation speech, you may want to try memorizing it. This helps you focus on your delivery to make it more personable. Don’t speak too fast even when you’re feeling nervous. Try practicing in front of friends and family so you can learn how to consciously slow down your speaking rate. Once in a while, pause during the delivery of your speech. You can either pause to emphasize your point or to give the audience some time to consider what you’ve said. If you want to keep your audience engaged, make eye contact. Don’t feel stressed or stop if you make any mistake. Just continue with your speech.
  • Other tips for you Don’t forget to thank everyone who helped you on your journey. If you aren’t part of the graduating class, thank the person who invited you to give the speech. Be as lively and enthusiastic as possible when delivering your speech. If it’s your first time to deliver a speech, practice again and again. Have fun with it! Feeling stressed won’t help.

College Graduation Speech

Free graduation speech example 40

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How to Write and Deliver a Memorable Graduation Speech: Tips, Examples, and Techniques

  • The Speaker Lab
  • March 7, 2024

Table of Contents

The goal of any graduation speech is to find words that capture the essence of years spent learning and growing. Today, we’ll guide you through that process and help you craft a memorable graduation speech . You’ll learn to weave gratitude with shared experiences, and balance humor with wisdom. We’ll even help you find quotes that strike a chord and deliver them in a way that resonates.

But that’s not all! Dive into proven strategies for public speaking, managing stage fright, and drawing inspiration from iconic commencement speeches. Discover how personal growth stories add depth to your message and explore themes that leave a lasting impact on your peers as they step forward into new beginnings.

Crafting Your Graduation Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

When it comes to marking the end of your high school or university journey, a graduation speech can capture the essence of this pivotal moment. But how do you start such an important address?

Opening with Impact

The first words of your graduation speech are crucial. They set the stage for what’s to come and grab your audience’s attention. Think about starting strong by sharing a personal anecdote that ties into the broader experience of your class or drawing from Steve Jobs’ Stanford University commencement speech , where he began with, “Today I want to tell you three stories from my life.” This technique instantly piques interest because it promises narratives that have shaped who you are.

An impactful opening also acknowledges shared experiences. Perhaps you could reflect on how moments in classrooms turned strangers into lifelong friends. Or for university commencements, consider touching upon those late-night study sessions that tested perseverance but ultimately led to academic achievements worth celebrating today.

Building the Body of Your Graduation Speech

In crafting the body content, intertwine lessons learned throughout high school years or during university courses with aspirations for what lies ahead. For instance, share how overcoming obstacles like balancing extracurricular activities and academics taught valuable time management skills.

To add depth, incorporate quotes from luminaries like Oprah Winfrey or draw parallels between classroom learnings and real-world applications. Dive deeper by discussing milestones achieved together as a graduating class and recognizing the hard work everyone put in to make it to this monumental occasion.

Concluding with Inspiration

Your conclusion should leave fellow graduates feeling inspired while helping them celebrate high school memories one last time—or honor those unforgettable college years if addressing higher education grads.

Closing remarks could include heartfelt gratitude towards teachers’ support and parental guidance. You might even crack a joke or two. It’s these personalized touches paired with universal truths that resonate most deeply as students step forward into new chapters post-graduation.

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Delivery Techniques for Confident Speaking

Standing in front of a crowd can turn even the most composed student into a bundle of nerves. But fear not, with some smart strategies, you’ll be able to channel your inner orator and deliver your graduation speech with confidence.

Practicing Your Graduation Speech

Becoming familiar with every word of your speech is key. Rehearse it out loud until the words feel like second nature. This practice does more than just help you remember what comes next; it lets you find the natural rhythm and pace of your delivery. Consider recording yourself to catch any quirks or stumbling blocks—you might be surprised at how much this helps refine your presentation.

A trick often overlooked is practicing in different environments. If possible, stand on the actual stage where you will deliver your commencement address. Familiarity breeds comfort, making that once daunting podium seem like an old friend when graduation day arrives.

Overcoming Nervousness and Stage Fright

Nervousness is normal but doesn’t let it dictate your performance. Before stepping up to speak, take deep breaths to steady yourself—a calm body encourages a calm mind. An effective method for easing anxiety is visualization. Imagine delivering each line perfectly and receiving an enthusiastic response from listeners—envisioning success can make it so.

Maintaining Eye Contact

The power of eye contact cannot be overstated. It connects speaker and listener on a personal level that amplifies engagement significantly. Scan across different sections of the audience periodically without lingering too long on any one individual.

Incorporate these techniques diligently when preparing for the big day. In doing so, they become part of muscle memory and help build confidence. With confidence and plenty of practice on your side, your graduation speech is sure to conclude to applause leaving you to celebrate yet another milestone achieved.

Analyzing Renowned Graduation Speeches for Inspiration

When crafting a commencement speech , it’s often helpful to look at the giants whose words have echoed through auditoriums and across campuses. Steve Jobs’ Stanford University Commencement Speech is a classic example of weaving life lessons into an address that connects deeply with graduates. Similarly, Oprah Winfrey’s Harvard University Commencement Address showed how stumbling blocks can become stepping stones if we learn from them.

Steve Jobs’ Storytelling Mastery

Jobs had a knack for turning personal anecdotes into universal truths. In his Stanford address, he shared three stories from his own life without sounding self-indulgent. These stories worked because each one carried a broader message relevant to every graduate: finding what you love, dealing with loss, and facing death head-on. Jobs famously urged students to “stay hungry, stay foolish,” encouraging them not just to pursue success but remain curious about life despite challenges. This advice is especially poignant for today’s graduating class.

Like Jobs, you too can craft narratives around moments that speak volumes about perseverance and passion.

Oprah’s Unflinching Honesty

Much like her television persona suggests, Oprah did not shy away from discussing her setbacks in front of Harvard’s graduating class. Instead, she confidently laid bare the challenges faced by anyone who dares greatly because failure is part of achieving greatness. As she reminded students, “It doesn’t matter how far you might rise… At some point you are bound to stumble.”

In doing so she forged an instant connection with listeners grappling with their fears about what the future holds post-graduation. It was a powerful reminder that even icons like Oprah are not immune to trials but emerge stronger through them.

The power behind these speeches lies not just in their content but also in their delivery. These speakers mastered the art of speaking confidently before crowds, maintaining eye contact, and conveying authenticity—techniques any speaker should aspire to replicate on graduation day.

Themes and Messages That Resonate with Graduates

Facing a sea of caps and gowns, the right words can turn a graduation ceremony from mundane to memorable. When crafting your commencement speech, focusing on themes like overcoming obstacles and perseverance connects deeply with graduates who have hurdled high school or college challenges.

Overcoming Obstacles

Talking about stumbling blocks is not just relatable; it’s inspirational. Think Steve Jobs at Stanford University or Oprah Winfrey at Harvard—both shared personal tales of setbacks turned into comebacks. Beyond simply telling their stories, they showed how those hurdles were stepping stones to success.

Weave your narrative around the potholes you’ve navigated during your high school years. This doesn’t mean airing every bit of dirty laundry, just highlighting that one significant moment where everything seemed against you yet failed to defeat you.

The Power of Perseverance

Perseverance is more than sticking to something—it’s pushing forward when every fiber wants to quit. It resonates because everyone, including your fellow graduates, has felt that urge to give up but chose to persevere instead.

Incorporate this theme by using vivid examples that mirror collective experiences—the all-nighters before exams or balancing sports stars ambitions with academics—to illustrate perseverance isn’t just an idea but lived reality for many students.

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Life Lessons Shared During Graduation Speeches

In addition to sharing content that fellow graduates will find relatable and inspirational, you should also consider sharing life lessons with your audience. Whether young or old, everyone has a unique perspective on life and sharing your wisdom can steer graduates toward a fulfilling path.

The Power of Kindness

Making a positive impact doesn’t require grand gestures; sometimes it’s found in small acts of kindness or an innovative idea that simplifies lives. This message sticks because everyone wants their work to mean something—to know they’ve left footprints on society’s vast canvas.

True Grit and Tenacity

Embracing failure and resilience is another powerful theme echoed by commencement speakers across podiums. Let’s face it; not all endeavors lead straight to success. But as Oprah Winfrey once said during her Harvard University commencement address, “It doesn’t matter how far you might rise… At some point, you are bound to stumble.” Her words remind us: How we pick ourselves up matters more than how we fall.

Making a Positive Impact

A graduating class stands poised on tomorrow’s threshold ready to mold history—and speeches should fuel this transformative fire within them. Memorable graduation speeches show individuals that ovation-worthy achievements are possible if you believe your actions count.

As you prepare your graduation speech, consider including one of these life lessons or one of your own. Don’t be afraid to share your hard-won insights to your fellow graduates—you just might inspire them to make history.

Celebrating Achievements and Acknowledging Contributions

Graduation is not just a ceremony. It’s a tribute to the academic achievements and extracurricular activities that have shaped students into who they are. The acknowledgment of teacher support and parental guidance also plays a pivotal role in these speeches, as they’re the scaffolding upon which student successes are built.

Academic Achievements, Extracurricular Activities

Acknowledging academic prowess goes beyond GPA scores or honor societies; it’s about highlighting unique intellectual journeys. Similarly, shining a light on extracurricular triumphs—be it sports stars setting records or artists winning competitions—adds depth to your speech. Remembering these moments isn’t merely recounting victories but celebrating the relentless spirit of your fellow graduates.

Diving deeper into personal anecdotes helps you connect with peers by reminding them of their growth through challenges faced together—from late-night study sessions to championship games. It’s these stories that make graduation memories stick with classmates long after commencement ends.

Teacher Support, Parental Guidance

The unsung heroes behind every graduate deserve their moment in your address too. Teachers’ dedication can turn classrooms into launch pads for dreams, while parents’ unwavering belief often fuels aspirations during tumultuous times like the pandemic.

In weaving tales of mentorship from teachers or wisdom imparted by parents, you remind everyone that success is rarely a solo act—it’s supported by many hands and hearts along the way. Celebrate this collective effort because each person has contributed uniquely to shaping graduating classes across America, including yours.

Common Issues in Writing and Delivering Graduation Speeches

Staring at a blank page as the clock ticks down to graduation day can rattle even the most seasoned speech writers. Overcoming writer’s block is about finding your message stick—the core idea that you want to leave with your peers. Remember, this isn’t just any talk; it’s one that marks a significant transition for both you and your audience.

Overcoming Writer’s Block

Finding yourself stumped on how to write a speech ? Don’t sweat it. Start by jotting down memories from school years or powerful life lessons that resonate. Think of Steve Jobs’ Stanford University commencement speech where he shared personal stories, which became an inspirational backbone for many other speeches.

If inspiration doesn’t strike immediately, step away from the computer. Take a walk and reflect on high school experiences or browse through commencement speeches archives—like Lin-Manuel Miranda’s address at the University of Pennsylvania. They might spark ideas you hadn’t considered yet.

Navigating Technical Troubles

A great speech can stumble over technical hiccups. To avoid glitches, check all equipment beforehand—a simple but crucial task often overlooked due to nerves or excitement about graduating class celebrations.

Prior rehearsals will also let you handle these issues like a pro should they pop up during delivery. Make sure any videos or slides complement rather than overshadow what you’re saying. After all, graduates aren’t there for bells and whistles—they’re there for meaningful words.

Handling Stage Fright

Your knees may shake thinking delivering in front of proud parents and peers—it’s no small feat, after all. Before you step on stage, visual your success until it feels more real and attainable.

And don’t forget to watch your body language . During your speech, maintain eye contact—not stare-downs—to connect genuinely with fellow students. And if anxiety creeps up despite practice sessions? Take deep breaths to steady yourself and keep going. You’ve handled high school—you can handle this.

FAQs on Writing and Delivering a Graduation Speech

What do i say in my graduation speech.

Share heartfelt stories, acknowledge support from others, and inspire your classmates to chase their dreams boldly.

How do you write a 3 minute graduation speech?

Keep it tight: hit the high notes with gratitude, shared memories, a dash of humor, and wrap up with punchy inspiration.

How do I start a graduation speech?

Kick off with thanks. Give props to family and mentors. Set the stage for reflecting on past adventures together.

What is the most important message of a graduation speech?

The core should spark hope—urge peers to leap into tomorrow equipped with lessons learned during these formative years.

Master your moment with a graduation speech that turns heads and warms hearts. Remember the power of gratitude and connect with your audience through stories, those shared adventures that bind you to your classmates. Don’t be afraid to add a few jokes and quotes to your speech either, as well as personal growth stories to inspire.

When you hit the stage, stand tall, make eye contact, and speak from your heart—the podium’s yours. If butterflies invade, breathe deep and know everyone’s rooting for you. Writer’s block didn’t stop you and neither will this.

Your graduation speech is not just words—it’s a battle cry for your graduating class as you prepare to conquer what lies ahead!

  • Last Updated: March 5, 2024

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graduation party essay

12 Great University of California Essay Examples

What’s covered, essay #1: leadership, essay #2: creativity, essay #3: creativity, essay #4: creativity, essay #5: talent, essay #6: talent, essay #7: academic interest, essay #8: academic interest, essay #9: community, essay #10: community, essay #11: community, essay #12: community.

The University of California system is comprised of nine undergraduate universities, and is one of the most prestigious public school systems in the country. The UC schools have their own application system, and students must respond to four of eight personal insight questions in 350 words each. Every UC school you apply to receives the same application and essays, so it’s important that your responses accurately represent your personality and writing abilities. 

In this post, we’ll share some UC essay examples and go over what they did well and where they could improve. We will also point you to free resources you can use to improve your college essays. 

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our guide to the UC personal insight questions for more tips on writing strong essays for each of the prompts.

Prompt: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time. (350 words)

1400 lines of code. 6 weeks. 1 Pizza.

I believe pizza makers are the backbone of society. Without pizza, life as we know it would cease to exist. From a toddler’s birthday party to President Obama’s sporadic campaigning cravings, these 8 slices of pure goodness cleverly seep into every one of our lives; yet, we never talk about it. In a very cheesy way, I find representation in a pizza maker. 

The most perplexing section of physiology is deciphering electrocardiograms. According to our teacher, this was when most students hit their annual trough. We had textbooks and worksheets, but viewing printed rhythms and attempting to recognize them in real-time is about as straining as watching someone eat pizza crust-first. Furthermore, online simulators were vastly over-engineered, featuring complex interfaces foreign to high-school students.

Eventually, I realized the only way to pull myself out of the sauce was by creating my own tools. This was also the first year I took a programming course, so I decided to initiate a little hobbyist experiment by extrapolating knowledge from Computer Science and Physiology to code and share my own Electrocardiogram Simulator. To enhance my program, I went beyond the textbook and classroom by learning directly from Java API – the programmer’s Bible.

The algorithms I wrote not only simulated rhythms in real-time but also actively engaged with the user, allowing my classmates and I to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the curriculum. Little did I know that a small project born out of desperation would eventually become a tool adopted by my teacher to serve hundreds of students in the future.

Like pizza, people will reap the benefits of my app over and over again, and hardly anyone will know its maker. Being a leader doesn’t always mean standing at the front of rallies, giving speeches, and leading organizations. Yes, I have done all three, but this app taught me leaders are also found behind-the-scenes, solving problems in unimaginable ways and fulfilling the hidden, yet crucial niches of the world. 

1400 lines of code, and 6 weeks later, it’s time to order a pizza. 

What the Essay Did Well

This is a great essay because it is both engaging and informative. What exactly does it inform us about? The answer: the personality, work ethic, and achievements of this student (exactly what admissions officers want to hear about).

With regards to personality, the pizza through-line—which notably starts the essay, ends the essay, and carries us through the essay—speaks volumes about this student. They are admittedly “cheesy,” but they appear unabashedly themself. They own their goofiness. That being said, the student’s pizza connections are also fitting and smoothly advance their points—watching someone eat pizza crust-first is straining and pizza is an invention that hardly anyone can identify the maker of. 

While we learn about this student’s fun personality in this essay, we also learn about their work ethic. A student who takes the initiative to solve a problem that no one asked them to solve is the kind of student an admissions officer wants to admit. The phrase “I decided to initiate a little hobbyist experiment” alone tells us that this student is a curious go-getter.

Lastly, this student tells us about their achievements in the last two paragraphs. Not only did they take the initiative to create this program, but it was also successful. On top of that, it’s notable how this student’s accomplishments as a leader defy the traditional expectations people have for leaders. The student’s ability to demonstrate their untraditional leadership path is an achievement in itself that sets the student apart form other applicants.

What Could Be Improved

This is a strong essay as is, but the one way this student could take it above and beyond would be to tell less and show more. To really highlight the student’s writing ability, the essay should  show the reader all the details it’s currently telling us. For example, these sentences primarily tell the reader what happened: “The most perplexing section of physiology is deciphering electrocardiograms. According to our teacher, this was when most students hit their annual trough.” 

Rewriting this sentence to show the reader the student’s impetus for creating their app could look like this: “When my teacher flashed the electrocardiogram on the screen, my once attentive physiology class became a sea of blank stares and furrowed brows.” This sentence still conveys the key details—student’s in the physiology class found electrocardiograms to be the hardest unit of the year—but it does so in a far more descriptive way. Implementing this exercise of rewriting sentences to show what happened throughout the piece would elevate the entire essay.

Prompt: Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side. (350 words)

For the past few years, participating in debate has been one of the foremost expressions of my creativity. Nothing is as electrifying as an Asian parliamentary-style debate. Each team is given only thirty minutes to prepare seven-minute speeches to either support or oppose the assigned motion. Given the immense time pressure, this is where my creativity shines most brightly.

To craft the most impactful and convincing argument, I have to consider the context of the motion, different stakeholders, the goals we want to achieve, the mechanisms to reach those goals, and so much more. I have to frame these arguments effectively and paint a compelling and cohesive world to sway my listeners to my side on both an emotional and logical level. For example, In a debate about the implementation of rice importation in the Philippines, I had to frequently switch between the macro perspective by discussing the broad economic implications of the policy and the micro perspective by painting a picture of the struggles that local rice farmers would experience when forcefully thrust into an increasingly competitive global economy. It’s a tough balancing act.

To add to the challenge, there is an opposing team on the other side of the room hell-bent on disproving everything I say. They generate equally plausible sounding arguments, and my mission is to react on the spot to dispel their viewpoints and build up our team’s case.

When two debate teams, both well-prepared and hungry for victory, face off and try to out-think one another, they clash to form a sixty-minute thunderstorm raining down fierce arguments and rebuttals. They fill up a room with unbelievable energy. After several years of debate, I have developed the capacity to still a room of fury and chaos with nothing but my words and wit.

Debate has been instrumental in shaping me into the person I am today. Because of debate, I have become a quicker and stronger thinker. Lightning quick on my feet, I am ready to thoroughly and passionately defend my beliefs at a moment’s notice.

This prompt is about creativity, though its wording emphasizes how students aren’t required to talk about typically-creative subjects. That said, it might take a bit more work and explanation (even creativity, one could say) to position a logical process as creative. This student’s main strength is the way they convince the reader that debate is creative.

First, they identify how “Asian parliamentary-style debate” differs from other forms of debate, emphasizing how time constraints necessitate the use of creativity. Then, they explain how both the argument’s content (the goals and solutions they outline) and the argument’s composition (the way they frame the argument) must be creatively orchestrated to be convincing. 

To drive home the point that debate is a creative process, this student provides an example of how they structured their argument about rice importation in the Philippines. This essay is successful because, after reading it, an admissions officer has no doubt that this student can combine logic and creativity to think intellectually.

One aspect of this essay that could be improved is the language use. Although there are some creative metaphors like the “sixty-minute thunderstorm raining down fierce arguments”, the essay is lacking the extra oomph and wow-factor that carefully chosen diction provides. In the second paragraph, the student repeats the phrase “I have to” three different times when stronger, more active verbs could have been used.

Essays should always reflect the student’s natural voice and shouldn’t sound like every word came straight out of a thesaurus, but that doesn’t mean they can’t incorporate a bit of colorful language. If this student took the time to go through their essay and ask themself if an overused word could be replaced with a more exciting one, it would make the essay much more interesting to read.

As I open the door to the Makerspace, I am greeted by a sea of cubicle-like machines and I watch eagerly, as one of them completes the final layer of my print.

Much like any scientific experiment, my countless failures in the Makerspace – hours spent designing a print, only to have it disintegrate – were my greatest teachers. I learned, the hard way, what types of shapes and patterns a 3D printer would play nice to. Then, drawing inspiration from the engineering method, I developed a system for myself – start with a solid foundation and add complexity with each iteration – a flourish here, a flying buttress there. 

But it wasn’t until the following summer, vacationing on a beach inundated with plastic, that the “aha” moment struck. In an era where capturing people’s attention in a split-second is everything, what better way to draw awareness to the plastic problem than with quirky 3D-printed products? By the time I had returned home, I had a business case on my hands and a desire to make my impact.

Equipped with vital skills from the advanced math-and-science courses I had taken in sophomore year, I began applying these to my growing business. Using my AP Chemistry analytical laboratory skills, I devised a simple water bath experiment to test the biodegradability claims of 3D-printer filaments from different manufacturers, guaranteeing that my products could serve as both a statement and play their part for our planet. The optimization techniques I had learned in AP Calculus were put to good use, as I determined the most space-efficient packaging for my products, reducing my dependence on unsustainable filler material. Even my designs were tweaked and riffed on to reflect my newfound maturity and keen eye for aesthetics.

My business is still going strong today, raising $1000 to date. I attribute this success to a fateful spark of creative inspiration, which has, and will, continue to inspire me to weave together multiple disciplines to address issues as endemic as the plastic problem. 

This essay begins with a simple, yet highly effective hook. It catches readers’ attention by only giving a hint about the essay’s main topic, and being a standalone paragraph makes it all the more intriguing. 

The next paragraph then begins with a seamless transition that ties back to the Makerspace. The essay goes on to show the writer’s creative side and how it has developed over time. Rather than directly stating “I am most creative when I am working on my business,” the writer tells the story of their creativity while working with 3-D printers and vacationing on the beach. 

It is the “aha” moment that perhaps responds to the prompt best. Here we get to see the writer create a new idea on the spot. The next two paragraphs then show the writer executing on their idea in great detail. Small and specific details, such as applying analytical laboratory skills from AP Chemistry, make the writer’s creativity come to life. 

From start to finish, this essay shows that the key to writing a stellar response to this prompt is to fill your writing with details and vivid imagery. 

The second to last paragraph of this essay focuses a bit too much on how the writer built their business. Though many of these details show the writer’s creativity in action, a few of them could be restated to make the connection to creativity clearer. The last sentences could be rewritten like so: 

Working on my business was where my creativity blossomed. In my workshop, optimization techniques that I learned in AP Calculus became something new — the basis for space-efficient packaging for my products that reduced my dependence on unsustainable filler material…

Profusely sweating after trying on what felt like a thousand different outfits, I collapsed on the floor in exasperation. The heaping pile of clothes on my bed stared me down in disdain; with ten minutes left to spare before the first day of seventh grade, I let go of my screaming thoughts and settled on the very first outfit I tried on: my favorite.

Donning a neon pink dress, that moment marked the first time I chose expression over fear. Being one of the few Asians in my grade, clothing was my source of disguise. I looked to the bold Stacy London of What Not to Wear for daily inspiration, but, in actuality, I dressed to conceal my uniqueness so I wouldn’t be noticed for my race. Wearing jeans and a t-shirt, I envied the popular girls who hiked their shorts up just a few inches higher than dress code allowed and flaunted Uggs decorated with plastic jewels, a statement that Stacy London would have viewed as heinous and my mother impractical. 

However, entering school that day and the days after, each compliment I received walking down the hallways slowly but surely broke down the armored shield. Morphing into an outlet to amplify my voice and creativity, dressing up soon became what I looked forward to each morning. I was awarded best dressed the year after that during my middle school graduation, a recognition most would scoff at. But, to me, that flimsy paper certificate was a warm embrace telling me that I was valued for my originality and expression. I was valued for my differences. 

Confidence was what I found and is now an essential accessory to every outfit I wear. Taking inspiration from vintage, simplistic silhouettes and Asian styles, I adorn my body’s canvas with a variety of fabrics and vibrant colors, no longer depriving it of the freedom to self expression and cultural exploration. I hope that my future will open new doors for me, closet doors included, at the University of California with opportunities to intertwine creativity with my identity even further.

Colorful language and emotion are conveyed powerfully in this essay, which is one of its key strengths. We can see this in the first paragraph, where the writer communicates that they were feeling searing judgment by using a metaphor: “the heaping pile of clothes on my bed stared me down.” The writer weaves other rich phrases into the essay — for example, “my screaming thoughts” — to show readers their emotions. All of these writing choices are much more moving than plainly stating “I was nervous.”

The essay moves on to tell a story that responds to the prompt in a unique way. While typical responses will be about a very direct example of expressing creativity, e.g. oil painting, this essay has a fittingly creative take on the prompt. The story also allows the writer to avoid a common pitfall — talking more about the means of being creative rather than how those means allow you to express yourself. In other words, make sure to avoid talking about the act of oil painting so much that your essay loses focus on what painting means to you.

The last sentence of the essay is one more part to emulate. “I hope that my future will open new doors for me, closet doors included…” is a well-crafted, flawlessly succinct metaphor that looks to the future while connecting the end of the essay to its beginning. The metaphors are then juxtaposed with a summary of the essay’s main topic: “intertwine creativity with my identity.” 

This essay’s main areas for improvement are grammatical. What Not to Wear should be italicized, “self-expression” should be hyphenated, and the last sentence could use the following tweaks to make it less of a run-on: “I hope that my future will open new doors for me, closet doors included, at the University of California. There, I will have opportunities to intertwine creativity with my identity even further.”

Since identity is the main topic of this essay, it would also be fitting for the writer to go into more depth about it. The immediate takeaways from the essay are that the writer is Asian and interested in fashion — however, more descriptions could be added to these parts. For example, the writer could replace Asian with Laotian-American and change a sentence in the second to last paragraph to “dressing up in everything from bell bottom jeans to oversized flannel shirts soon became what I looked forward to each morning.”

Prompt: What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? (350 words)

Let’s fast-forward time. Strides were made toward racial equality. Healthcare is accessible to all; however, one issue remains. Our aquatic ecosystems are parched with dead coral from ocean acidification. Climate change has prevailed.

Rewind to the present day.

My activism skills are how I express my concerns for the environment. Whether I play on sandy beaches or rest under forest treetops, nature offers me an escape from the haste of the world. When my body is met by trash in the ocean or my nose is met by harmful pollutants, Earth’s pain becomes my own. 

Substituting coffee grinds as fertilizer, using bamboo straws, starting my sustainable garden, my individual actions needed to reach a larger scale. I often found performative activism to be ineffective when communicating climate concerns. My days of reposting awareness graphics on social media never filled the ambition I had left to put my activism skills to greater use. I decided to share my ecocentric worldview with a coalition of environmentalists and host a climate change rally outside my high school.

Meetings were scheduled where I informed students about the unseen impact they have on the oceans and local habitual communities. My fingers were cramped from all the constant typing and investigating of micro causes of the Pacific Waste Patch, creating reusable flyers, displaying steps people could take from home in reducing their carbon footprint. I aided my fellow environmentalists in translating these flyers into other languages, repeating this process hourly, for five days, up until rally day. 

It was 7:00 AM. The faces of 100 students were shouting, “The climate is changing, why can’t we?” I proudly walked on the dewy grass, grabbing the microphone, repeating those same words. The rally not only taught me efficient methods of communication but it echoed my environmental activism to the masses. The City of Corona would be the first of many cities to see my activism, as more rallies were planned for various parts of SoCal. My once unfulfilled ambition was fueled by my tangible activism, understanding that it takes more than one person to make an environmental impact.

One of the largest strengths of this response is its speed. From the very beginning, we are invited to “fast-forward” and “rewind” with the writer. Then, after we focus ourselves in the present, this writer keeps their quick pace with sentences like “Substituting coffee grounds as fertilizer, using bamboo straws, starting my sustainable garden, my individual actions needed to reach a larger scale.” A common essay-writing blunder is using a predictable structure that loses the attention of the reader, but this unique pacing keeps things interesting.

Another positive of this essay is how their passion for environmental activism shines through. The essay begins by describing the student’s connection to nature (“nature offers me an escape from the haste of the world”), moves into discussing the personal actions they have taken (“substituting coffee grounds as fertilizer”), and then explains the rally the student hosted. While the talent the student is writing about is their ability to inspire others to fight against climate change, establishing the personal affinity towards nature and individual steps they took demonstrate the development of their passion. This makes their talent appear much more significant and unique. 

This essay could be improved by being more specific about what this student’s talent is. There is no sentence that directly states what this student considers to be their talent. Although the essay is still successful at displaying the student’s personality, interests, and ambition, by not explicitly mentioning their talent, they leave it up to the reader’s interpretation.

Depending on how quickly they read the essay or how focused they are, there’s a possibility the reader will miss the key talent the student wanted to convey. Making sure to avoid spoon-feeding the answer to their audience, the student should include a short sentence that lays out what they view as their main talent.

At six, Mama reads me a story for the first time. I listen right up until Peter Pan talks about the stars in the night sky. “What’s the point of stars if they can’t be part of something?” Mama looks at me strangely before closing the book. “Sometimes, looking on is more helpful than actively taking part. Besides, stars listen- like you. You’re a good listener, aren’t you?” I nod. At eleven, my sister confides in me for the first time. She’s always been different, in a way even those ‘mind doctors’ could never understand. I don’t understand either, but I do know that I like my sister. She’s mean to me, but not like people are to her. She tells me how she sees the world, and chokes over her words in a struggle to speak. She trusts me, and that makes me happy. So, I listen. I don’t speak; this isn’t a story where I speak. At sixteen, I find myself involved with an organization that provides education to rural children. Dakshata is the first person I’ve tutored in Hindi. She’s also my favorite. So, when she interrupts me mid-lesson one evening, lips trembling and eyes filling with tears, I decide to put my pen down and listen. I don’t speak; I don’t take part in this story. Later, as I hug the girl, I tell her about the stars and how her mother is among their kind- unable to speak yet forever willing to listen. Dakshata now loves the stars as much as I do. At seventeen, I realize that the first thing that comes to my mind when someone asks me about a skill I possess is my ability to listen. Many don’t see it as a skill, and I wouldn’t ask them to either, but it’s important. When you listen, you see, you need not necessarily understand, but you do comprehend. You empathize on a near-cosmic level with the people around you and learn so much more than you ever thought possible. Everything is a part of something- even the stars with their ears.

The essay as a whole is an excellent example of narrative-based writing. The narrative begins with a captivating hook. The first sentence catches the reader by surprise, since it does not directly respond to the prompt by naming the writer’s greatest talent or skill. Instead, it tells a childhood story which does not seem to be related to a skill at first. This creates intrigue, and the second sentence adds to it by introducing a conflict. It causes readers to wonder why Peter Pan’s stargazing would make a six year old stop listening — hooked into the story, they continue reading.

The writer continues to create a moving narrative by using dialogue. Dialogue allows the writer to show rather than tell , which is a highly effective way to make an essay convey emotion and keep readers’ attention. The writer also shows their story by using language such as “mind doctors” instead of “psychologists” — this immerses readers in the author’s perspective as an 11 year old at the time. 

Two motifs, or recurring themes, tie the essay together: listening and looking at the stars. The last paragraph powerfully concludes the essay by explaining these themes and circling back to the introduction.

Crafting transitions is one area where this essay could be improved. The paragraph after “I nod” begins abruptly, and without any sentence to connect the writer’s dialogue at age six with her experiences at age 11. One way to make the transition smoother would be to begin the paragraph after “I nod” with “I try to be a good listener again at eleven, when my sister confides in me for the first time.”

This essay would also be more impactful if the writer explained what they aspire to do with their ability to listen in the future. While it is most important for your essay to explain how your past experiences have made you who you are in the present, looking towards the future allows admissions readers to imagine the impact you might make after graduation. The writer could do this in the last paragraph of their essay by writing the following: “Many don’t see it as a skill, and I wouldn’t ask them to either, but I find it important — especially as an aspiring social worker.”

Prompt: Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom. (350 words)

I distinctly remember the smile on Perela’s face when she found out her mother would be nursed back to health. I first met Perela and her mother at the Lestonnac Free Clinic in San Bernardino where I volunteered as a Spanish translator. I was in awe of the deep understanding of biology that the medical team employed to discover solutions. Despite having no medical qualifications of my own, I realized that by exercising my abilities to communicate and empathize, I could serve as a source of comfort and encouragement for Perela and her mother. The opportunity to combine my scientific curiosity and passion for caring for people cultivated my interest in a career as a physician.

To further explore this interest, I attended a summer medical program at Georgetown University. I participated in lectures on circulation through the heart, practiced stitches on a chicken leg, and assisted in giving CPR to a dummy in the patient simulation laboratory. Every fact about the human body I learned brought with it ten new questions for me to research. I consistently stayed after each lecture to gain insight about how cells, tissues, and organs all work together to carry out immensely complicated functions. The next year, in my AP Biology class, I was further amazed with the interconnected biological systems as I learned about the relationships between the human body and ecosystems. I discussed with my teacher how environmental changes will impact human health and how we must broaden our perspectives to use medicine to tackle these issues.

By integrating environmental and medical science, we can develop effective solutions to reduce the adverse effects of environmental degradation that Perela’s mother may have faced unintentionally. I want to go into the medical field so I can employ a long-term approach to combat biology’s hidden anomalies with a holistic viewpoint. I look forward to utilizing my undergraduate classes and extracurriculars to prepare for medical school so I can fight for both health care and environmental protection.

This student primarily answers the prompt in their middle paragraph as they describe their experience at a summer medical program as well as their science coursework in high school. This content shows their academic curiosity and rigor, yet the best part of the essay isn’t the student’s response to the prompt. The best part of this essay is the way the student positions their interest in medicine as authentic and unique.

The student appears authentic when they admit that they haven’t always been interested in medical school. Many applicants have wanted to be doctors their whole life, but this student is different. They were just in a medical office to translate and help, then got hooked on the profession and took that interest to the next level by signing up for a summer program.

Additionally, this student positions themself as unique as they describe the specifics of their interest in medicine, emphasizing their concern with the ways medicine and the environment interact. This is also refreshing!

Of course, you should always answer the prompt, but it’s important to remember that you can make room within most prompts to say what you want and show off unique aspects of yourself—just as this student did.

One thing this student should be careful of is namedropping Georgetown for the sake of it. There is no problem in discussing a summer program they attended that furthered their interest in medicine, but there is a problem when the experience is used to build prestige. Admissions officers already know that this student attended a summer program at Georgetown because it’s on their application. The purpose of the essay is to show  why attending the program was a formative moment in their interest.

The essay gets at the  why a bit when it discusses staying after class to learn more about specific topics, but the student could have gone further in depth. Rather than explaining the things the student did during the program, like stitching chicken legs and practicing CPR, they should have continued the emotional reflection from the first paragraph by describing what they thought and felt when they got hands-on medical experience during the program. 

Save describing prestigious accomplishments for your extracurriculars and resume; your essay is meant to demonstrate what made you you.

I love spreadsheets.

It’s weird, I know. But there’s something endlessly fascinating about taking a bunch of raw numbers, whipping and whacking them into different shapes and forms with formulas and equations to reveal hidden truths about the universe. The way I like to think about it is that the universe has an innate burning desire to tell us its stories. The only issue is its inability to talk with us directly. Most human stories are written in simple words and letters, but the tales of the universe are encrypted in numbers and relationships, which require greater effort to decode to even achieve basic comprehension. After all, it took Newton countless experimentation to discover the love story between mass and gravitation.

In middle school, whenever I opened a spreadsheet, I felt like I was part of this big journey towards understanding the universe. It took me a couple of years, but I eventually found out that my interest had a name: Data Science. With this knowledge, I began to read extensively about the field and took online courses in my spare time. I found out that the spreadsheets I had been using was just the tip of the iceberg. As I gained more experience, I started using more powerful tools like R (a statistical programming language) which allowed me to use sophisticated methods like linear regressions and decision trees. It opened my eyes to new ways to understand reality and changed the way I approached the world.

The thing I love most about data science is its versatility. It doesn’t matter if the data at hand is about the airflow on an owl’s wing or the living conditions of communities most crippled by poverty. I am able to utilize data science to dissect and analyze issues in any field. Each new method of analysis yields different stories, with distinct actors, settings, and plots. I’m an avid reader of the stories of the universe, and one day I will help the world by letting the universe write its own narrative.

This is an essay that draws the reader in. The student’s candid nature and openness truly allows us to understand why they are fascinated with spreadsheets themself, which in turn makes the reader appreciate the meaning of this interest in the student’s life. 

First, the student engages readers with their conversational tone, beginning “I love spreadsheets. It’s weird, I know,” followed shortly after by the phrase “whipping and whacking.” Then, they introduce their idea to us, explaining how the universe is trying to tell us something through numbers and saying that Newton discovered “the love story between mass and gravitation,” and we find ourselves clearly following along. They put us right there with them, on their team, also trying to discover the secrets of the universe. It is this bond between the student and the reader that makes the essay so engaging and worth reading.

Because the essay is focused on the big picture, the reader gets a sense of the wide-eyed wonderment this student experiences when they handle and analyze data. The student takes us on the “big journey towards understanding the universe” through the lens of Data Science. Explaining both the tools the student has used, like R and statistical regression, and the ideas the student has explored, like owl’s wings and poverty, demonstrates how this student fits into the micro and macro levels of Data Science. The reader gets a complete picture of how this student could change the world through this essay—something admissions officers always want to see.

The biggest thing that would improve this essay is an anecdote. As it’s written, the essay looks at Data Science from a more theoretical or aspirational perspective. The student explains all that Data Science can enable, but besides for explaining that they started coding with spreadsheets and R, they provide very little personal experience working with Data Science. This is where an anecdote would elevate the essay.

Adding a story about the first data set they examined or an independent project they undertook as a hobby would have elicited more emotion and allowed for the student to showcase their accomplishments and way of thinking. For example, they could delve into the feeling of enlightenment that came from first discovering a pattern in the universe. Or maybe they could describe how analyzing data was the catalyst that led them to reach out to local businesses to help them improve their revenue. 

If you have an impactful and enduring interest, such as this student does, you will have at least one anecdote you could include in your essay. You’ll find that essays with anecdotes are able to work in more emotional reflection that make the essay more memorable and the student more likable.

Prompt: What have you done to make your community a better place? (350 words)

Blinking sweat from my eyes, I raised my chin up to the pullup bar one last time before dropping down, my muscles trembling. But despite my physical exhaustion at the end of the workout, mentally, I felt reinvigorated and stronger than ever.

Minutes later, I sat at my computer, chatting with my friends about our first week in quarantine. After listening to numerous stories concerning boredom and loneliness, it struck me that I could use my passion for fitness to help my friends—I jumped at the chance to do so. 

After scouring the internet for the most effective exercises and fitness techniques, I began hosting Zoom workouts, leading friends, family, and anyone else who wanted to join in several fun exercises each week. I hoped these meetings would uplift anyone struggling during quarantine, whether from loneliness, uncertainty, or loss of routine. I created weekly workout plans, integrating cardio, strength, and flexibility exercises into each. Using what I learned from skating, I incorporated off-ice training exercises into the plans and added stretching routines to each session. 

Although many members were worried that they wouldn’t be able to complete exercises as well as others and hesitated to turn their cameras on, I encouraged them to show themselves on screen, knowing we’d only support one another. After all, the “face-to-face” interactions we had while exercising were what distinguished our workouts from others online; and I hoped that they would lead us to grow closer as a community. 

As we progressed, I saw a new-found eagerness in members to show themselves on camera, enjoying the support of others. Seeing how far we had all come was immensely inspiring: I watched people who couldn’t make it through one circuit finish a whole workout and ask for more; instead of staying silent during meetings, they continually asked for tips and corrections.

Despite the limitations placed on our interactions by computer screens, we found comfort in our collective efforts, the camaraderie between us growing with every workout. For me, it confirmed the strength we find in community and the importance of helping one another through tough times.

This essay accomplishes three main goals: it tells a story of how this student took initiative, it explores the student’s values, and it demonstrates their emotional maturity. We really get a sense of how this student improved their community while also gaining a large amount of insight into what type of person this student is.

With regards to initiative, this student writes about a need they saw in their community and the steps they took to satisfy that need. They describe the extensive thought that went into their decisions as they outline the planning of their classes and their unique decision to incorporate skating techniques in at-home workouts.

Additionally, they explore their values, including human connection. The importance of connection to this student is obvious throughout the essay as they write about their desire “to grow closer as a community.” It is particularly apparent with their final summarizing sentence: “For me, it confirmed the strength we find in community and the importance of helping one another through tough times.”

Lastly, this student positions themself as thoughtful when they recognize the way that embarrassment can get in the way of forming community. They do this through the specific example of feeling embarrassment when turning on one’s camera during a video call—a commonly-felt feeling. This ability to recognize fear of embarrassment as an obstacle to camaraderie shows maturity on the part of this applicant. 

This essay already has really descriptive content, a strong story, and a complete answer to the prompt, however there is room for every essay to improve. In this case, the student could have worked more descriptive word choice and figurative language into their essay to make it more engaging and impressive. You want your college essay to showcase your writing abilities as best as possible, while still sounding like you.

One literary device that would have been useful in this essay is a conceit or an extended metaphor . Essays that utilize conceits tend to begin with a metaphor, allude to the metaphor during the body of the paragraph, and end by circling back to the original metaphor. All together, it makes for a cohesive essay that is easy to follow and gives the reader a satisfying opening and conclusion to the essay.

The idea at the heart of this essay—working out to strengthen a community—would make for a great conceit. By changing the anecdote at the beginning to maybe reflect the lack of strength the student felt when working out alone and sprinkling in words and phrases that allude to strength and exercise during the essay, the last sentence (“For me, it confirmed the strength we find in community and the importance of helping one another through tough times”) would feel like a fulfilling end to the conceit rather than just a clever metaphor thrown in. 

Prompt: What have you done to make your school or your community a better place? (350 words)

The scent of eucalyptus caressed my nose in a gentle breeze. Spring had arrived. Senior class activities were here. As a sophomore, I noticed a difference between athletic and academic seniors at my high school; one received recognition while the other received silence. I wanted to create an event celebrating students academically-committed to four-years, community colleges, trades schools, and military programs. This event was Academic Signing Day.

The leadership label, “Events Coordinator,” felt heavy on my introverted mind. I usually was setting up for rallies and spirit weeks, being overlooked around the exuberant nature of my peers. 

I knew a change of mind was needed; I designed flyers, painted posters, presented powerpoints, created student-led committees, and practiced countless hours for my introductory speech. Each committee would play a vital role on event day: one dedicated to refreshments, another to technology, and one for decorations. The fourth-month planning was a laborious joy, but I was still fearful of being in the spotlight. Being acknowledged by hundreds of people was new to me. 

The day was here. Parents filled the stands of the multi-purpose room. The atmosphere was tense; I could feel the angst building in my throat, worried about the impression I would leave. Applause followed each of the 400 students as they walked to their college table, indicating my time to speak. 

I walked up to the stand, hands clammy, expression tranquil, my words echoing to the audience. I thought my speech would be met by the sounds of crickets; instead, smiles lit up the stands, realizing my voice shone through my actions. I was finally coming out of my shell. The floor was met by confetti as I was met by the sincerity of staff, students, and parents, solidifying the event for years to come. 

Academic students were no longer overshadowed. Their accomplishments were equally recognized to their athletic counterparts. The school culture of athletics over academics was no longer imbalanced. Now, everytime I smell eucalyptus, it is a friendly reminder that on Academic Signing Day, not only were academic students in the spotlight but so was my voice.

This is a good essay because it describes the contribution the student made to their community and the impact that experience had on shaping their personality. Admissions officers get to see what this student is capable of and how they have grown, which is important to demonstrate in your essays. Throughout the essay there is a nice balance between focusing on planning the event and the emotions it elicited from this student, which is summed up in the last sentence: “not only were academic students in the spotlight but so was my voice.”

With prompts like this one (which is essentially a Community Service Essay ) students sometimes take very small contributions to their community and stretch them—oftentimes in a very obvious way. Here, the reader can see the importance of Academic Signing Day to the community and the student, making it feel like a genuine and enjoyable experience for all involved. Including details like the four months of planning the student oversaw, the specific committees they delegated tasks to, and the hundreds of students and parents that attended highlights the skills this student possesses to plan and execute such a large event.

Another positive aspect of this essay is how the student’s emotions are intertwined throughout the essay. We see this student go from being a shy figure in the background to the confident architect of a celebrated community event, all due to their motivation to create Academic Signing Day. The student consistently shows throughout the essay, instead of telling us what happened. One example is when they convey their trepidation to public speaking in this sentence: “I walked up to the stand, hands clammy, expression tranquil, my words echoing to the audience. I thought my speech would be met by the sounds of crickets.”

Employing detailed descriptions of feelings, emotions, fears, and body language all contribute to an essay that reveals so much in subtle ways. Without having to be explicitly told, the reader learns the student is ambitious, organized, a leader, and someone who deeply values academic recognition when they read this essay.

While this essay has many positives, there are a couple of things the student could work on. The first is to pay more attention to grammar. There was one obvious typo where the student wrote “the fourth-month planning was a laborious joy”, but there were also many sentences that felt clunky and disjointed. Each and every essay you submit should put your best foot forward and impress admissions officers with your writing ability, but typos immediately diminish your credibility as a writer and sincerity as an applicant.

It’s important to read through your essay multiple times and consider your specific word choice—does each word serve a purpose, could a sentence be rewritten to be less wordy, etc? However, it’s also important you have at least one other person edit your essay. Had this student given their essay to a fresh set of eyes they might have caught the typo and other areas in need of improvement.

Additionally, this student began and ended the essay with the smell of eucalyptus. Although this makes for an intriguing hook, it has absolutely nothing to do with the actual point of the essay. It’s great to start your essay with an evocative anecdote or figurative language, but it needs to relate to your topic. Rather than wasting words on eucalyptus, a much stronger hook could have been the student nervously walking up to the stage with clammy hands and a lump in their throat. Beginning the essay with a descriptive sentence that puts us directly into the story with the student would draw the reader in and get them excited about the topic at hand.

Prompt: What have you done to make your school or community a better place? (350 words) 

“I wish my parents understood.” Sitting at the lunch table, I listened as my friends aired out every detail of their life that they were too afraid to share with their parents. Sexuality, relationships, dreams; the options were limitless. While I enjoyed playing therapist every 7th period, a nagging sensation that perhaps their parents should understand manifested in me. Yet, my proposal was always met with rolling eyes; “I wish they understood” began every conversation, but nothing was being done beyond wishing on both sides. 

I wanted to help not just my friends but the countless other stories I was told of severed relationships and hidden secrets. Ultimately, my quest for change led me to BFB, a local nonprofit. Participating in their Youth Leadership program, I devised and implemented a plan for opening up the conversation between students and parents with the team I led. We successfully hosted relationship seminars with guest speakers specializing on a range of topics, from inclusive education to parental pressure, and were invited to speak for BFB at various external events with local government by the end of my junior year. Collaborating with mental health organizations and receiving over $1,000 in funding from international companies facilitated our message to spread throughout the community and eventually awarded us with an opportunity to tackle a research project studying mental health among teens during the pandemic with professors from the University at Buffalo and UC Los Angeles. 

While these endeavors collectively facilitated my team to win the competition, the most rewarding part of it all was receiving positive feedback from my community and close friends. “I wish my parents understood” morphed into “I’m glad they tried to understand”. I now lead a separate program under BFB inspired by my previous endeavors, advancing its message even further and leaving a legacy of change and initiative for future high schoolers in the program. As I leave for college, I hope to continue this work at the University of California and foster a diverse community that embraces understanding and growth across cultures and generations.

The essay begins with a strong, human-centered story that paints a picture of what the writer’s community looks like. The first sentence acts as a hook by leaving readers with questions — whose parents are being discussed, and what don’t they understand? With their curiosity now piqued, readers become intrigued enough to move on to the next sentences. The last sentence of the first paragraph and beginning of the second relate to the same topic of stories from friends, making for a highly effective transition.

The writer then does a great job of describing their community impact in specific detail, which is crucial for this prompt. Rather than using vague and overly generalized language, the writer highlights their role in BFB with strong action verbs like “devised” and “implemented.” They also communicate the full scope of their impact with quantifiable metrics like “$1,000 in funding,” all while maintaining a flowing narrative style.

The essay ends by circling back to the reason why the writer got involved in improving their community through BFB, which makes the essay more cohesive and moving. The last sentences connect their current experiences improving community with their future aspirations to do so, both in the wider world and at a UC school. This forward-looking part allows admissions officers to get a sense of what the writer might accomplish as a UC alum/alumna, and is certainly something to emulate.

This essay’s biggest weakness is its organization. Since the second paragraph contains lots of dense information about the writer’s role in BFB, it would benefit from a few sentences that tie it back to the narrative in the first paragraph. For instance, the third sentence of the paragraph could be changed like so: “Participating in their Youth Leadership program, I led my team through devising and implementing a plan to foster student-parent conversations — the ones that my 7th period friends were in need of.”

The last paragraph also has the potential to be reorganized. The sentence with the “I wish my parents understood” quote would be more powerful at the end of the paragraph rather than in the middle. With a short transition added to the beginning, the new conclusion would look like so: “ Through it all, I hope to help ‘I wish my parents understood’ morph into ‘I’m glad they tried to understand’ for my 7th period friends and many more.” 

I drop my toothbrush in the sink as I hear a scream. Rushing outside, I find my mom’s hand painfully wedged in the gap between our outward-opening veranda doors. I quickly open it, freeing her hand as she gasps in relief. 

As she ices her hand, I regard the door like I would a trivia question or math problem – getting to know the facts before I start working on a solution. I find that, surprisingly, there is not a single protrusion to open the door from the outside! 

Perhaps it was the fact that my mom couldn’t drive or that my dad worked long hours, but the crafts store was off-limits; I’ve always ended up having to get resourceful and creative with whatever materials happened to be on hand in order to complete my impromptu STEM projects or garage builds. Used plastic bottles of various shapes and sizes became buildings for a model of a futuristic city. Cylindrical capacitors from an old computer, a few inches in height, became scale-size storage tanks. 

Inspired by these inventive work-arounds and spurred on by my mom’s plight, I procure a Command Strip, a roll of tennis racket grip, and, of course, duct tape. I fashion a rudimentary but effective solution: a pull handle, ensuring she would never find herself stuck again.

A desire to instill others in my community with this same sense of resourcefulness led me to co-found “Repair Workshops” at my school – sessions where we teach students to fix broken objects rather than disposing of them. My hope is that participants will walk away with a renewed sense of purpose to identify problems faced by members of their community (whether that’s their neighbor next door or the planet as a whole) and apply their newfound engineering skills towards solutions.

As I look towards a degree and career in engineering and business, these connections will serve as my grounding point: my reminder that in disciplines growing increasingly quantitative, sometimes the best startup ideas or engineering solutions originate from a desire to to better the lives of people around me.

This essay is a good example of telling a story with an authentic voice. With its down-to-earth tone and short, punchy paragraphs, it stands out as a piece of writing that only the author could have written. That is an effective way for you to write any of your college essays as well.

After readers are hooked by the mention of screaming in the first sentence, the writer immerses the readers in their thinking. This makes the essay flow very naturally — rather than a first paragraph of narrative followed by an unrelated description of STEM projects, the whole essay is a cohesive story that shows how the writer came to improve their community. 

Their take on community also makes the essay stand out. While many responses to this prompt will focus on an amorphous, big-picture concept of community, such as school or humanity, this essay is about a community that the writer has a close connection to — their family. Family is also not the large group of people that most applicants would first attach to the word “community,” but writing about it here is a creative take on the prompt. Though explaining community impact is most important, choosing the most unique community you are a part of is a great way to make your essay stand out.

This essay’s main weakness is that the paragraph about Repair Workshops does not go into enough detail about community impact. The writer should highlight more specific examples of leadership here, since it would allow them to demonstrate how they hope to impact many more communities besides their family. 

After the sentence ending with “fix broken objects rather than disposing of them,” a new part could be added that shows how the writer taught students. For example, the writer could tell the story of how “tin cans became compost bins” as they explained the importance of making the world a better place. 

Then, at the end of the paragraph, the writer could more concretely explain the visions they have to expand the impact of Repair Workshops. A good concluding sentence could start with “I too hope to use engineering skills and resourcefulness to…” Adding this extra context would also make the paragraph transition better to the final paragraph of the essay, which somewhat abruptly begins by mentioning the writer’s previously unmentioned career interests in engineering and business.

Where to Get Feedback on Your UC Essays

Want feedback like this on your University of California essays before you submit? We offer expert essay review by advisors who have helped students get into their dream schools. You can book a review with an expert to receive notes on your topic, grammar, and essay structure to make your essay stand out to admissions officers. In fact, Alexander Oddo , an essay expert on CollegeVine, provided commentary on several of the essays in this post.

Haven’t started writing your essay yet? Advisors on CollegeVine also offer expert college counseling packages . You can purchase a package to get one-on-one guidance on any aspect of the college application process, including brainstorming and writing essays.

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graduation party essay

70+ Graduation Party Invitation Messages and Wording

Graduation Party Invitation Messages : Graduation parties are one of the memorable days in anyone’s life. Whether it’s a school or a college, being a graduate is one of the important things. If you are asked to plan a graduation party, make sure the invitations are the best they can be. Nothing is better than celebrating graduating with a huge party. If you want the most people at your party, the invites need to stand out then. These graduation party invitation messages will help you to decide what to write on your invitations. You can either copy or use them to write your own.

Graduation Party Invitation Messages

Graduation party invitation messages from graduate, graduation party invitation messages from parents, high school graduation invitation wording, college graduation invitation wording.

All the hard work finally paid off, and I cannot wait to celebrate the graduation party. Without your presence, the party would be dull. Please share in the joy of celebrating my graduation party.

Having you at my graduation party will multiply the joy. Therefore, I request you to come and join me on [date] to celebrate my graduation.

We request you to share some of your valuable time to bless our favorite [name] as he completes his graduation on [date]. Having you will be the biggest surprise of all!

graduation invitation wording

It is our honor to invite you to the graduation party of [name]. Your blessings will be an encouragement for his/her bright future.

It’s the end of a beautiful chapter and the beginning of a new journey for our beloved [name]. You are cordially invited to share in our joy at the graduation party!

All the hard work he did for all these years has finally brought a reward so sweet. We want to celebrate his efforts by throwing a graduation party. You are invited!

I want to invite you all to my graduation party. I cannot wait to meet you all on such a special day.

We are joyfully inviting you to be a part of the graduation party in honor of our sweet [name] on [date]. Your presence means a lot to all of us.

We are very proud to let you know that we have planned to arrange a graduation party on [date] for [name]. We request you to be a part of the party!

Please join us on [date] at the graduation party thrown in the name of [name] as he becomes a proud graduate of [subject].

Let us all share in the joy of [name] for becoming a fresh graduate. Your blessings will be an inspiration for his new journey. Cordially invite you to the party!

Let’s all be together to celebrate the joy of our beloved [name] as he/she is about to begin his/her new journey. We request your presence at the graduation party!


It is my humble request to attend the graduation party. I want to celebrate the successes with my near and dear ones. You’re cordially invited.

We are looking forward to celebrating the graduation party with many fond memories and a fantastic group of friends. We would be glad if you could spend some valuable time with us.

My invitation extends to you to attend my graduation party. I hope to see you there with everyone and hope to have a wonderfully fun time.

As proud parents of our graduate son, we welcome you to his graduation party. Your presence will make this event more memorable.

To celebrate our daughter’s graduation, we are throwing a party and cordially inviting you to it. We hope you will be there.

You’ll be so glad to know that I am going to be a graduate on [date] after successfully finishing all my academic courses. I cordially invite you to be there at my graduation party!

I am so happy that I am going to be a graduate on [date]. So I cordially invite you to my graduation party and have a share in the happiness.

I couldn’t have made this so far without your constant support and love. You are requested to join me as I have planned for my graduation party.

I invite you to this great occasion of a new step towards my life. Without your support, it would be impossible. I’m eagerly waiting to see you at my graduation party.

I want to invite you to my graduation party. I hope to see you bring your fun-loving spirit, and I cannot wait to enjoy the day with you.

A moment like this comes once in a lifetime, and I want you to be a part of one of the most valuable days. Please accept my invitation.


Having you at my graduation party is all I wish for. You are my idol and motivator, and your presence will make the party more memorable. Please come.

To celebrate my graduation, I want to invite you to my graduation party. I will not have been in this position if it wasn’t for you. Hope to be blessed by your presence.

It makes me so happy to be able to invite you to my graduation party taking place on [date]. Your presence means a lot to me!

I look forward to having you at the graduation party on [date]. Let us all celebrate the biggest day of my life!

You are requested to make a slight change in your daily schedule on [date] as I plan to arrange a party in the event of my graduation! Please join me to share in the happiness!

The joy of my graduation will be multiplied so many times if you join me on [date] as I have planned to throw a beautiful graduation party!

graduation invitation message

I want to celebrate my graduation with the person who means the most to me, so I invite you to my graduation party. Bring your party spirits and enjoy this momentous occasion with me.

The one who stuck with me through thick and thin, I want to invite you all to my graduation party. I would not have done this without you.

Inviting you to my graduation party. The whole journey to graduation was made possible by you and your support. So let’s celebrate this amazing day together.

Read: Graduation Announcement Messages and Ideas

It’s the graduation day of our son/daughter and nothing can make us happier than having you at the party. We request you to join us on (date).

It’s the happiest moment for any parent. Our son [name] is going to be graduated on [date]. We are throwing a graduation party and your presence is expected!

We are more than happy to let you know that our sweet little child (name) is finally going to graduate on (date). We cordially invite you to join the party and share in our happiness!

We are proud to announce the graduation party of our child [name], who is about to embark on his/her new life. And you are invited!

We waited and waited for this day to come. Finally, it’s our daughter [name]’s graduation day. And we will be delighted to have your company on (date).

Please join us at our son’s graduation party. We are proud parents, and we would be truly honored if you joined us.

graduation party invitation wording from parents

It is the graduation day of our son, and words cannot express our happiness. All the sleepless nights finally paid off. We request you to join our son’s graduation party.

It’s the end of a beautiful chapter and the beginning of a new journey for our beloved daughter. We wholeheartedly invite you to join the graduation party!

All the sleepless nights of his academic life have been so fruitful at last. We request you join us as we celebrate the graduation day of our son/daughter [name].

We waited patiently for the day and it’s finally here! We are delighted to invite you to the graduation party of our beloved son/daughter on [date].

The moment has finally come. Our beloved son/daughter is graduating on [date]. The joyful celebration of his graduation will be incomplete without you! Please join us on [date]

We take great pride in celebrating our son’s graduation party. We would love to have you at the party to celebrate this special day.

We invite you to our son’s graduation party. Come and celebrate this auspicious day with us. We would be very grateful to you.

Our daughter’s graduation is a top cause for celebration. We invite you to the graduation party and wish to see you there.

Moments like these are rare gems in our lives. We will celebrate our daughter’s graduation party and invite you to join us!

Related: Graduation Wishes and Messages

We are very pleased to let you know that our son/daughter to be graduate from [name of school] on [date]. We invite you to be with us at the graduation party in his/her honor.

I request you to join me in celebrating the first milestone of my academic life, my high school graduation. And, of course, it will be more special if you come.

You won’t believe that the sweet little girl from your next door is graduating from high school. We are proudly inviting you to join us at her graduation party!

The journey hasn’t been easy for me until now, but the reward I got is satisfying. Therefore, I am requesting the pleasure of your presence at my graduation party.

With great happiness, we want to let you know that our son/daughter is graduating from [name of school] on [date]. So please join us to celebrate his/her achievement.

high school graduation invitation wording

Please be our guest at our high school graduation party. It would be our honor to have you as a guest here. You are invited to join the party.

High school days are at an end, but college graduation day will be cherished for many years. Having you at the party will be the biggest surprise for the students.

With great happiness, we cordially invite you to join the high school graduation party.

He has grown up so fast, and even more, he’s now a high school graduate! It’s time to celebrate his achievement! Please join us on [date] to share in the joy!

I request you to join my family and me as we all celebrate the first milestone of my academic life together. Your blessings are my strengths!

It’s been a rough journey for me, but the reward is satisfying. I want you to be part of the celebration of my graduation from [name of the school]!

We have planned to arrange a grand celebration party in the event of our son/daughter graduating from [ name of college]. Your presence will make it a memorable one for him/her!

I know you’re glad and proud as I am graduating from [name of college]. So I gladly invite you to my graduation party on [date].

I am looking forward to having your company at the graduation party taking place on [date]. I am sure your presence will make our smiles wider and brighter.

The joy of our son graduating from [college_name] is worth all the sacrifices we’ve made in all these years. Please join us as we cheer him up for the next journey of his life!

It’s one of the proudest moments for any parent. We are gladly inviting you to be there on [date] as we celebrate [name’s] graduation from college!

The joy of our son/daughter graduating from [name of the college] is worth all the sacrifices we made until now. So please join us at his/her graduation party.

college graduation invitation wording

You are requested to take some time to join the college graduation party. The students would be happy to see you. We are looking forward to meeting you there.

Finally, it is happening, the students of our college are graduating, and the joy would be doubled if you join here. We would be glad if you would reward them with your valuable time.

With huge pride and happiness, we are happy to announce that the graduation party of our college is near. We request you to join us to celebrate this big day.

Your support has always kept me going for all these years. I am joyfully inviting you to be present at my graduation party on [date].

I look forward to hosting you at the graduation party taking place on [date]. Your presence there will make our smiles wider and bigger!

I know you’re just as much happy as I am now for becoming a fresh graduate from [name of the college]. I gladly invite you to the graduation party my family decided to throw on [date]

Related: Thank You Messages for Teacher

Graduation is etched in our memories forever. Whether it’s high school, college, or university, we are finishing; it signals a new beginning. And what’s a better way to celebrate your graduation than with a party! When it comes to the graduation party, you want the most people to join in your celebration. And that’s why your graduation party invitation messages need to stand out. If you have difficulty deciding what to write on graduation party invitations, keep your eyes glued to our website. We have composed these graduation party invitation messages in various styles to help you. You can use these graduation party invitation wording in your invites or grab some ideas as you begin to write your own.

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How to Plan a Memorable Graduation Party in 10 Steps

Graduation party: black balloon with the word CONGRATS designed on it

It’s a big year for someone extra special — they’re becoming a grad ! It’s time to get started with party planning to throw them an incredible graduation party that honors all their achievements on the journey so far.

If you’re ready to start planning a graduation party, you’re in the right place. Explore our best party planning tips, ideas, inspiration, and recommendations. Here’s to celebrating your new grad in style!

How to Throw the Best Graduation Party

Planning a grad party is a lot like planning any other party. You’ll need to decide on your guest list , set a date and time, and find a fun venue. Beyond that, there’s the entertainment, decor, menu, and party favors to consider. Here’s how to plan an incredible graduation party, step by step.

1. Choose a Fun Venue

Your graduation party can’t happen without a venue, so let’s tackle that step first. Think about how many people you’ll be inviting, what kind of activities you might want to do, and whether you want to host at home or hire a venue.

Most people host graduation parties at home, in their backyard , or at a family member ’s home. Another great option is to hire a venue like a community hall, local pool, or the grad ’s favorite restaurant or hangout spot. You could also get together with other grads ’ parents and throw a shared grad party to celebrate everyone together.

2. Give Your Graduation Party a Theme

Graduation parties don’t need a theme to be fun, but having one can help you with party planning . Consider your guest of honor’s favorite things, colors, and interests, and include them as you approach your graduation party theme .

For an easy college or high school graduation party theme , stick with the school colors . Black, white, and gold also work well as a color scheme — you can pair this with imagery of graduation caps and tassels for a classic vibe. You could also choose a party theme like pastels, florals, nautical, or tropical to inspire your event’s look and feel.

3. Send Personalized Graduation Party Invitations

Graduation party: Simple Script Invitation

Design: Shari Margolin Design

Let your party guests know all about the exciting grad party you have planned with personalized invitations. This is a lovely way to honor your grad ’s style and personality right from the start.

We have a beautiful collection of graduation party invitations for your big celebration. They’re all customizable, too, so you can play around with the layout, fonts, colors, and wording until you have an invite that’s as unique as the new grad .

Choose an online invitation design that features a graduation cap and a diploma , one with space for a smiling photo of the guest of honor, or one that highlights the graduation year and their achievements. We love this simple script invitation as it has plenty of space for everything you need.

Our collection of invites complements our graduation announcements and graduation cards , too, so it’s easy to keep all your celebration stationery in the same theme or style.

4. Decorate Your Venue in Style

You don’t have to get too complicated with your graduation party decorations . Often keeping things simple works the best.

Think about the venue space and how you can decorate it and create different party zones. Use your theme and color scheme to inspire centerpieces like bouquets , world globes, or photos of the grad growing up. Style the walls with bunting, garlands, or string lighting. Construct a   DIY balloon arch in the school colors , and add some styling above your dessert table .

5. Plan a Delicious Menu

We love that anything goes when it comes to a graduation party food menu. You can hire a food truck to serve tacos , order pizza for everyone, or serve up a feast of delicious home-cooked dishes.

Get some inspiration from these graduation party food ideas if you plan on cooking, or review potential places to order takeout or catering from. Add a fun dessert option alongside the main dishes, too — think ice cream, milkshakes, or candy bars .

6. Capture the Graduation Celebration in Photos

You want your grad and their friends to remember this day forever. What better way to encourage this than by creating plenty of places and opportunities for them to take photos together?

You might hire a photo booth and an event photographer or set up a photo backdrop area where friends can pose for photos together on the big day . Help everyone create a memorable graduation party with fun styling, props, and reminders to be in the moment but snap a memory too.

7. Celebrate Your Grad ’s Achievements

Celebrating the Grad Invitation

Design: Jen Montgomery

A high school or college graduation can feel like the end of an era, but it’s also the start of an exciting journey. Be inspired by this to share some of your favorite moments from the guest of honor’s journey so far.

Display a guest book where people can leave thoughtful graduation wishes . Display photos from their graduation ceremony on a photo garland or projected onto the walls. Put together a scrapbook of their best memories so far that they can enjoy forever as a keepsake .

Matching invite: Celebrating the Grad Invitation

8. Make a Toast to the New Grad

This is a time for celebrating, which calls for a toast! Choose an age-appropriate fizzy drink and hand everyone a glass so they can join you in toasting the new graduate.

Prepare a short speech or toast to say congrats to the new grad . Celebrate their hard work , achievements, and amazing attitude. Share your excitement for the next stage of their journey, and ask everyone to join you in wishing them well. If you’re giving them a thoughtful graduation gift , this is also a lovely moment to present it to them.

9. Enjoy Some Live Entertainment

Class Of Invitation

Design: Laura Bolter Design

A graduation party is filled with joy and excitement, making it the perfect bash to feature some lively entertainment, music, or party games .

Ask the grad for their preferences and plan some live entertainment to match. You could ask a friend’s band to play at the event, play DJ and invite everyone to dance, or host an open mic night where the grad and their friends can play songs, sing, and hang out together. Another popular option is to play graduation party games together.

Matching invite: Class Of Invitation

10. Hand Out Graduation Party Favors

When it’s time to say goodbye to your lovely guests, hand them a thank-you gift for spending time celebrating your guest of honor alongside you.

Themed party favors are always a hit, but you can also keep them classic and simple. Cupcakes with grad -themed toppers , personalized candy bars , mini glass tumblers, and personalized keyrings are all fun options.

Celebrate the Moment with These Graduation Party Ideas

Hosting a graduation party for a loved one or friend is an honor. It’s a party dedicated to celebrating their achievements and wishing them well as they embark on a new journey. Use these graduation party ideas to help you plan the kind of celebration they’ll love and remember forever.

Once you’re finished with your party planning , let your guests know they’re invited to the best bash in town with our graduation party invites . Choose a design, customize it to suit your guest of honor, and get your invites out to friends and family members wherever they are.

graduation party essay

Watch CBS News

5 Great Ideas For Graduation Parties In San Francisco

May 3, 2013 / 5:00 AM PDT / CBS San Francisco

Hornblower Cruises Pier 3, Hornblower Landing San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 483-4044 www.hornblower.com

This long-standing San Francisco cruise company offers a number of party options for graduations. For those looking to host a party for high school grads, check out Hornblower's City Beat Cruises, which feature festive dry parties for young adults, starting at $55/person, and include one complementary chaperone pass per 30 students. Alternatively, there are brunch or dinner cruises that can include a generous buffet, live music and celebratory champagne and a full bar for the adults. Make sure to dress warmly for time spent on the Bay, as it can get very cold and windy. To take advantage of free nearby parking during the cruise, book your grad's party on a Sunday.

The Winery SF 200 California Ave., Building 180 N. San Francisco, CA 94130 (415) 735-8423 www.winery-sf.com

This Treasure Island gem offers a number of options for those looking to celebrate a college graduation for the 21-and-over set. The Winery SF holds tours of its 20,000-square-foot wine-making facility, has a tasting room, hosts daytime events and rents out the facility for those looking to host a larger graduation party. For parties looking for a more informal celebration, bring the family and friends to the winery for a tasting. Tasting flights run for $10 for four wines and $15 for eight wines. The Winery SF is located immediately adjacent to the waterfront and has some fantastic views for memorable graduation photo opportunities.

Old Skool Cafe 1429 Mendell St. San Francisco, CA 94124 (415) 822-8531 www.oldskoolcafe.org

The Old Skool Cafe is a faith-based, 1940s-themed youth-run supper club. The Cafe's founders are dedicated to violence prevention for at-risk urban youth and provide youth with jobs and apprenticeships to empower them and help them learn job skills in all aspects of running the business. The Cafe cooks up delicious soul food, has a bar for the adults, provides great ambiance and has live music most Wednesday through Saturday nights. It is the perfect graduation party venue for both high school and college graduates.

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Mission Bowling Club

Mission Bowling Club and Dining Room 3176 17th St. San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) 863-2695 www.missionbowlingclub.com

This popular hipster hangout is a great spot for graduation parties. The Mission Bowling Club has a restaurant serving brunch and dinner, a full bar and six bowling lanes open to the public. Most hours are open only to patrons 21 and over, but for those looking to celebrate with a high school graduate, check out the Club's 12-and-over family bowl hours on Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Lanes fill up quickly, so make sure to reserve one or two for smaller parties, or for larger festivities, rent out the entire facility.

Oye Managua 3385 Mission St. San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) 821-2702 www.oyemanagua.com

Located in the Mission District, Oye Managua serves up generous portions of authentic Nicaraguan cuisine. Open seven days a week, the small restaurant has a homey vibe for a more relaxed, informal party atmosphere. Oye Managua is a good option for smaller high school or college graduation parties, is kid-friendly and serves beer and wine. Schedule your graduation party for a weekend to take advantage of the restaurant's live music.

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Joanna Metheny is a freelance writer covering all things South Bay. Her work can be found on Examiner.com .

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50 Graduation Party Ideas & Decorations For a Fun Time

Updated: Jan 26, 2023 | BY Cailyn Cox

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Graduation Party Ideas

You have spent years with your nose in books, sleepless nights trying to make deadlines for an assignment, and eating noodles because of your lack of funds or kitchen utilities, and now, you have finally graduated. There is a lot to celebrate about this exciting time in your life, and it feels like there are endless opportunities that await you. Before you find a job in your chosen field or decide to travel the world, you will probably want to unwind and celebrate your achievements with all those who you love and who love you. This event is a big one. The right theme, food, and decor can make your graduation party even more memorable. These are some of the best tips for your special day, from clever slogans to describe your food to creative ways to display it. Keep reading to become inspired.

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1. Graduation Cap-Inspired Rice Desserts

The graduation cap is an excellent source of inspiration for graduation parties and a simple and easy way to celebrate the big day. For a creative way to introduce it to your meals, you can add a chocolate version over strawberries or puffed rice desserts. Consider creating them in your university’s colors to make them more personal. The cap symbolizes intelligence and power, making for cute and meaningful snacks.

Graduation Theme Rice Cereal

2. Say Goodbye To Your Textbook Cake

What is a graduation party without a cake, right? There are many different cakes to choose from, whether your favorite baked good that your grandma makes or bought from the local supermarket. All of these are special, but for something different and Instagram-worthy, why not get a cake created to look like a replica of one of your textbooks?! You will probably never want to see your textbooks again after graduation, but this is a nice final goodbye to them rather than having a big bonfire. It can also be a way to celebrate your degree.

Graduation Book Idea

3. Law Student Marshmallow Gavels

Graduating with a law degree is something to be proud of. If you are looking for a fun and creative way to show that this was what you spent years of your life buried away in books for, then creating justice-themed snacks is a great idea. One of the most simple and easy to replicate is marshmallows and salt sticks, which are assembled to look like a gavel. Judges use the gavel to officiate rulings or call for attention, and today is your day to be the center of attention!

Law Theme Gavel Graduation Party

4. Psychiatry-Themed Graduation Party For The Brainiacs

Who doesn’t love a cupcake with a theme? There are so many talented bakers that you can employ to create personalized cupcakes, which will be a welcome addition to any graduation party. This is also a great way to introduce your field of study into your theme. For example, if you are a psychiatry grad, adding images of the brain, pills, textbooks, or anything meaningful to you is a wonderful way to give your celebrations a personal touch.

Psychiatry Themed Graduation Party

5. Graduation Sweet Jar Party Favor

You work for years to achieve a degree in your field, and this is something worth celebrating. Inviting your loved ones to mark this special occasion and have a party is a wonderful idea. You can also find a small way to give back to them, thanking them for their love and support over the years. A way to do this would be with party favors. These favors do not have to be expensive, and you could fill up jars with candies and add a graduation cap to the lid. You can also write individual notes and put them inside each jar for a personal touch.

Graduation Jar Idea

6. Graduation Cap and Chocolate Name Settings

Depending on how formal you want your graduation party to be, a nice touch would be to add name settings to the table. If you are having a sit-down meal, this is a great way to ensure that everyone is seated where you want them to be. This lets you pair people next to each other who are close or have similar interests to ensure the conversation gets flowing. A simple and inexpensive way to do this is with small chocolate and a cutout graduation cap.

Cute Graduation Table Settings

7. Graduation Carved Fruit Bowl

Fruit is a wonderful snack to be served at a graduation party because it is healthy and delicious. There are many different fruits, and a big fruit bowl can look colorful and enticing. To make your chosen fruit fit in with the graduation theme, all you need is a big watermelon. Carving the year of your graduation into the watermelon and then filling it with your favorite fruits makes for a striking table piece. This will take some skill and can be somewhat time-consuming to replicate, but the result is worth it.

Graduation Fruit Idea

8. The Photo Wall of Your Journey to Adulthood

Whether graduating from high school or college, your graduation party is a day to celebrate you. To make it all about you and add a personal touch, this can be achieved with a photo wall. Choose a selection of all of your favorite photos from throughout the years and place them in order from birth to now, letting people take a trip down memory lane with you. This is also a thoughtful way to let those who have passed be a part of your big day. You can add photos with loved ones, like grandparents, letting everyone take a moment to celebrate them too when they look at the picture. In addition, your photo wall can serve as an excellent backdrop for any images you want to take on the day.

Photo Wall Graduation Idea

9. Pretty Balloon Arch Graduation Party

If you want a dreamy graduation party, what better way to achieve this than with a balloon arch? Balloon arches have become incredibly popular for everything from birthdays to baby showers. There are many different colors to choose from, so you can find the best option that suits your chosen theme. It could also be the colors of your high school or college. Your arch can frame your snack table and complement your other decorations. However, it is important to take care when cleaning up the balloons after the party as you do not want to harm the environment. It is for this reason that you should also consider purchasing biodegradable balloons.

Graduation Dessert Stand Idea

10. New Beginnings Travel and Wanderlust Celebration

After years of studying, you may be ready to take a break from it all and travel the world. The great thing about graduation parties is that they can be in a theme of your choosing; after all, this is a day to celebrate you. A travel and wanderlust theme is gorgeous and symbolic, showing the world how you are finally free to do as you want. It can also represent new beginnings; you can show this by adding a globe of the world, cutting out airplanes or hot air balloons, and rolling up maps.

New Beginnings Graduation Theme

11. Popcorn Snack Bar Party Treats

Great snacks can make the party! Popcorn is cheap and easy food to serve at graduation parties and can be made in several different flavors. You do not have to keep them in individual bags, though, and finding fun and unique ways to serve it makes all the difference. An excellent option would be to get big wooden buckets for a rustic theme. Make name cards detailing what each bucket contains. Add small bowls of treats that people can add to their popcorn, like candy and chocolate. It doesn’t get more delicious than a popcorn snack bar.

Graduation Popcorn Bar

12. Graduation Party Hydration Station

Every graduation party needs a hydration station, which could be with a drink selection of your choosing. From refreshing lemonade to fruit punch, there is something for everyone. Setting up a drink table can also reduce the hassle of ensuring everyone has drinks and creates less work for you to do during your party. It also provides you with an opportunity to get creative with cocktail names.

Graduation Hydration Station

13. Fruit Cup Graduation Display 

To make a colorful and healthy display, you do not need cakes or other confectionery; all you need is fruit or vegetables. Fruit and vegetable cups are affordable and fantastic for people of all ages. Plus, the bright colors make for a gorgeous display which will be a welcome addition to any graduation party. You can also double the use for the cups, letting your guests fill them up with a drink after they have eaten the fruit.

Fruit And Vegetable Cup Graduation Food Idea

14. Guest Book Alternative: Personalized Envelopes

Graduation parties are a time of celebration, but it is also an event where many people bring gifts. Or you can give gifts to your attendees if you wish to show your appreciation for the support they have shown you over the years. These gifts do not have to be showy or expensive. Something as simple as a quote, words of wisdom, or even a heartfelt letter that addresses all of them is a great idea. If you want people to write to you, an alternative to a guest book would be to supply writing materials and envelopes. This is a beautiful way to remember everyone who was there on this day, and you can read through them at a later stage again.

Personalized Envelopes Graduation

15. Basketball Themed Party With Cool Slogans

If you are athletic and are going to college on a scholarship or have hopes of making it as a pro, then creating a sports-themed graduation party is a wonderful idea. There are so many creative and quirky ideas for basketball players, from creating everything in an orange color scheme to match the basketball; to adding little slogans like “slam dunk” or “scored a goal.” You can also label the snacks with basketball-related terminology. For example, your drinks are for a Time Out. There are many ways to make this idea your own and have fun with it.

Graduation Theme Basket Ball

16. Light Bulb Ideas to Celebrate the Future

The light bulb is associated with intelligence and invention. It can also represent a light in your life, that good things are coming your way, or that you have a bright future ahead of you. With this in mind, it makes perfect sense to have a lightbulb graduation theme. This is also an idea that is different from the norm and is a way to let your creativity shine. You can create little lightbulb snack jars, hang lightbulbs from strings for a rustic and boho finish, or just use a bunch of colorful cardboard cutouts.

Cute Lightbulb Graduation Party Ideas

17. Sweet Jars with Quirky Labels

Sweets are common to hand out at parties, so your graduation should be no exception. However, the presentation is everything, and you can make your snacks look interesting with labels for each. This could include “Teacher’s Pets” and “Class Rings.” Bonus points for matching the candy with the description; for example, “Book Worms” with sour worm sweets and “Study Break” with KitKats.

Clever Slogans On Snacks Graduation Ideas

18. Colorful American Football Graduation Party

Graduation parties are the perfect opportunity to get creative and stick to a theme. This is a way to personalize the event and make it all about you, which it is. If you are a football player, why not create your party around this idea?! This can include the colors of your school, the number on your jersey, and decorations or cakes in the shape of helmets or a football.

American Football Graduation Party

19. Shake It Like A Polaroid Picture

Your graduation party is an event that you will likely remember fondly for many years to come. It is a celebration of your achievements, and it is also an opportunity to gather with those you love the most. This day is a special time in anyone’s life, taking a moment to revel in your accomplishments and what the future holds at the same time. A great way to ensure you remember every little detail, and all the guests, is to have a photo station. You can use a few disposable or polaroid cameras and ask each person to take a snap and place it in a big box. Or hang it from a string on the wall, which will make for a fun and creative wall decoration. With polaroids, they can also write a short message.

Polaroid Memory Graduation Party

20. Not So Crazy Scientist Graduation Party

Scientist graduates can have a lot of fun with their party because the theme provides you with plenty of opportunities to get creative. This could include beakers and test tubes filled with candy, a chalkboard backdrop with influential scientific equations, or your favorite chemical formulas. You can also keep the color scheme the same as your high school or college for added effect.

Scientist Gradiation Party

21. Blackboard Graduation Party Idea

Not all graduation parties have to be over-the-top or cost a small fortune, and if you prefer a more laid-back and minimalist aesthetic, that is great too. Something as simple as a photo backdrop with your favorite quote will be effective. The quote could sum up your feelings about the day; maybe you are looking forward to the future or are reflecting on the past. There are so many options to choose from, making your design special and unique to you. Complete your backdrop with a balloon arch or flowers for a more striking finish.

Blackboard Graduation Party Idea

22. Friends-Themed Graduation Party

‘Friends’ is more than a 90s sitcom; it has become a cult classic and is loved by people of all ages. It is also a fantastic theme for a graduation party because there are so many aspects of the show to inspire you. Plus, this is a day spent with friends and family, so it feels fitting. Use your favorite slogans from the show and color schemes from the characters’ apartments; remember the walls that were a bold shade of purple in Monica and Rachel’s home?! You could also try your hand at cooking some of the show’s iconic foods, including Phoebe’s grandmother’s cookies and Ross’ turkey sandwich. You may want to give Rachel’s trifle recipe a miss, though!

Friends Theme Graduation

23. Delicious Donut Bar Graduation Food

Donuts are the ultimate party food. They are delicious, come in a wide range of flavors, colors, and toppings, and are easy to eat. Some foods can be messy and require you to sit down and eat, whereas, with donuts, you can just grab one and go. This is ideal for your graduation party; you can opt for ones that are the color scheme of your school or simply stick to the classics. There are also fun ways to serve donuts, including a donut wall, or you can place them in wooden boxes for a more rustic feel.

Donut Bar Graduation Party

24. Advice Jar Party Idea

You may feel wise beyond your years or that you have learned a lot at college, both socially and academically, but we never stop learning. Our friends, family, and even strangers can teach us a lot about the world, and this is why it is a good idea to have an advice jar at your party. This can be an old jam jar you have decorated, a cardboard box with a slit in the top, or anything of your choosing. Ask each guest to write something on a piece of paper and drop it in for you to read at a later stage. They can sign their names or keep them anonymous, and you will be able to reflect upon their words of wisdom whenever you wish.

Memory Jar And Advice Graduation

25. Personalized Wooden Directional Sign

The wooden directional signs make for a fantastic photo opportunity, but they can also be personalized to be meaningful. You can determine what you want to write on each sign, whether it is the school you have attended, the hope you have for the future, or the countries you wish to see. In addition, these signs are symbolic; signaling that you are about to take a new journey after graduation and that your life is filled with possibilities and opportunities.

Cute Wooden Sign Graduation Idea

26. Rustic Polaroid Graduation Decor

Creating a photo wall can be done in many different ways. You could cut out photos from your yearbook and glue them onto a backdrop. Find pictures from every year of your life, make a special collage, or ask each guest to take a photo with a polaroid camera. The last option is a great way to include everyone; you can hang each image from a string with a tiny peg. Put them in a big frame to keep them safe, but also let this serve as part of your party’s decor. Later, you can place it in your bedroom. Look at the photos whenever you want a reminder of who was in attendance and what a happy moment in your life this was.

Pinboard With Photos Graduation

27. Money Wad Graduation Cake Alternative

It is common to bring a gift for a graduation party, and many choose to give money. This makes a big difference in the life of a young college or high school grad who has likely not secured a high-paying job just yet. Some people want to make their present private, sealing the money in envelopes. But a relative like your mom or dad may choose to make a more flashy gesture for this special day. This can be done by rolling up several notes to create a display, which can be topped with a graduation cap decoration and a message of congratulations. Forget the cake; your centerpiece could be a stack of money.

Money Wad Cake For Graduation

28. Photo Memory Book for Graduation Party

Having a way to look back on your graduation and remember those who were there is a great idea. This can be done in several ways, including taking photos or writing letters. Or you can combine both of these things with a photo memory book. Set aside a polaroid camera and ask each guest to snap a pick, place it inside the guest book with their names and maybe a few words of wisdom. This is a book you will be able to keep for years, reflecting upon this day whenever you wish. You can also personalize the cover of your book. This could be with your college’s logo, a photo of yourself, or make it themed to fit in with the rest of your party.

Photo Memory Book Graduation

29. Get Creative with Your College Color Scheme

Great decor can make your graduation party a memorable one. It is advisable to stick to a theme or a color scheme. The most common way to do this is by using your college’s colors. You can introduce them with a balloon arch, pom poms, streamers, or a wide range of other ideas. Then consider how you want your party to look. Do you want a rustic feel? Bring out the hay bails, vintage suitcases, and fairy lights. Or perhaps you want an adventure theme? This can be achieved with a world globe and airplane cutouts.

Balloon Arch Graduation Party

30. Nursing Theme Graduation

If you have finished your nursing program, it is now time to celebrate. This is a profession that will benefit the world in many ways, and you should be proud of yourself for all that you have achieved. Creating the theme around nursing is a fantastic choice; this can be done with straws with paper decorations, sticking to a white and red color scheme, and serving snacks and treats with clever labels on them.

Nursing Themed Graduation

31. Doctor Theme Graduation

The moment you finish medical school is a tremendous achievement and one that you will remember for the rest of your life. All of your hard work has paid off, and this is the beginning of something exciting and rewarding. So, it is a great idea to celebrate before you start your residency and find you have very little free time. There are many ways to introduce the doctor theme, including using syringes for jello shots or having a cake shaped like one of your textbooks. You can also add graduation cap cutouts, the year of your graduation, and even your name or the name of your college to make it more personal.

Doctor Theme Graduation

32. You’ve Hit a Homerun: Baseball Grad Theme

If you are a baseball player, there are several creative ways to introduce this theme for your graduation party. Hitting a home run is associated with success and giving your best effort, and you can use this idea for a fun and symbolic idea for your event. You can have food shaped in bats and balls. Opt for cupcakes or a cake with baseball logos or images, and you can introduce baseball jargon or baseball idioms into your decor to personalize it.

Baseball Theme Graduation

33. Graduation Photo Props

Graduation props will produce some cringey photos, but it is also an opportunity to let your silly and playful side show. There are many different props to choose from, from the generic mustaches and top hats to ones that you can personalize with your slogan or college colors. Props are also a fun and inexpensive form of entertainment for your event.

Graduation Theme Photo Props

34. Hot Air Balloon Table Centerpiece

Adventure and new beginnings can be reflected with your table centerpieces. At your graduation party, you may want to use images of airplanes, suitcases, or hot air balloons to create beautiful and interesting decor for your table. This can also include your name, the year of your graduation, and the date of the party. Themed party decor is a fantastic way to reflect your thoughts and feelings about graduation. For example, travel images are associated with a bright future and how the world is yours for the taking.

Hot Air Balloon Graduation Theme

35. Pizza Party Graduation Theme

Many college students will know all about the struggle of finding cheap and easy food. Few students have extra money to splurge on fancy meals or eating out. The lack of time or kitchen utilities to prepare your food makes it hard not to live off salads, pizzas, and ramen. If you want to acknowledge this time in your recent grads’ life and let them know that things will be getting a little easier now that they are entering the working world. You can find a creative way to give them cash. One such way is by filling a pizza box with money and writing a message on the inside of the lid.

Pizza Party Graduation Theme

36. Harry Potter Graduation Cookies

It is hard to believe that the first of the Harry Potter novels, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, was released in 1997 because they remain as popular as they were when they were new. J. K. Rowling’s books and the subsequent movies provide a lot of inspiration for party themes, including graduation. This could be as simple as personalized cookies with your favorite characters and a mention of your graduation. You can also add the theme in other ways, including serving some of the foods from the books. These can include Butterbeer, Shepherd’s Pie, Treacle tart, and Bertie Bott’s Flavor Beans. Of course, you do not have to whip up these meals; you could use food of your choosing and just add placards describing it with one of the names from Harry Potter.

Harry Potter Graduation Theme

37. Graduation Drink Holders

Decorating your drink bottles can be a fun touch to your party decor. This can be done by wrapping them in a graduation cape or adding a little graduation cap to the top of the bottle cap. Not only will this make the drinks look more enticing, but it can also help everything fit in with your theme. Another way to introduce the theme to your drinks is to add paper cutouts of graduation caps. You can also add the college logo to the straws or around paper cups.

Graduation Drink Holders

38. Sports Theme Graduation

A sports-themed graduation party is going to be an event to remember. Trophies, photos of you playing the game, your outfit, the number you used on your jersey, and food created in the shape of a ball. If you play basketball, you can add nets to the decor; place one around a jar that can be given to guests to fill with advice. If you were on the rowing team, you could use a replica of one of the boats or the oars for your centerpieces. There are many ways to make this theme unique to you; so let your creative juices flow.

Sports Theme Graduation Party

39. Graduation Glasses Filled with Treats

Finding unusual ways to present your food at the party can be challenging. One way to do it would be to use a glass and fill it up with candy or cupcakes. You can top it off with a graduation cap in your school’s color or do this with the colors of the sweets you use. Match your candy to your school’s colors for extra effect. You can also put a banner around the glass with your university logo, your name, or the degree or qualification you graduated with.

Graduation Class Ideas

40. S’more Graduation Cookout

No gathering or cookout is complete without smores, and creating a DIY S’more bar for your graduation party will go down as a real treat. Place large containers containing the biscuits, marshmallows, and chocolate of your choosing. Your friends and family can then pick what they want and create their own S’more. Most people like S’mores the traditional way, but nothing is stopping you from adding other toppings. Guests can pick and mix, creating an unusual and tasty snack just the way they like it.

Smore Graduation Theme

41. Creative Forensic Science Graduation Theme

If you or your recent grad has finished up a degree in criminology, has graduated from the police academy, or has focused on forensic science, you can find a clever way to introduce these themes with your snacks. This can be as simple as evidence number cards for table settings. Or adding cards with terminology related to your field of study to various items. You can also use caution tape for decorations. You just want to be sensitive with this theme so that you do not replicate any scenes which could be offensive to those who have been victims of crimes.

Forensic Science Graduation Theme

42. Life is Sweet Graduation Idea

Life is sweet, and so are the cakes you serve at your graduation party. You do not have to spend hours thinking of a theme, and a collection of cakes, cupcakes, fairy lights, and cake pops are all you need to celebrate your special day. Match your candy to your schools’ colors for extra effect. You can also put up a banner with your university logo, your name, or the degree or qualification you graduated with.

Life Is Sweet Graduation

43. Boho Babe Party

Regardless of your degree, a boho-themed party is always a good idea. It creates a pretty and relaxed aesthetic and can be simple and easy to make. Maybe you want to hold the party in your backyard or on the local beach. Use flowers, crochet garlands, and macrame knitting for your backdrop. You can find a vintage suitcase to store your cards, wooden crates for your food, and set up your drinks or fruit on a table. If you are holding your party outdoors, remember to purchase environmentally friendly decorations to avoid any pollution.

Boho Graduation Theme

44. Police Academy Graduation Party

If you have graduated from the police academy or earned a degree in a related field, you may wish to create your party around this theme. There are many different ways to have fun and get creative. This includes using toy police cars as table settings or adding police line tape to your decor. You can be a cliche by serving donuts and coffee or create cupcakes with police badges.

Police Academy Graduation Party

45. Architecture Graduation Party Decor

If you have received an architecture degree, you are likely an already creative individual, and finding things to suit your theme will be easy. Perhaps instead of planning and designing buildings, you can add a Jenga tower to the center of your tables. Or you can use Jenga pieces as an alternative guestbook, getting each person to write a message on a block. You can also organize an unusual cake that is constructed using unique angles. It could feature a design of your favorite building or silhouette.

Architecture Graduation Party Cake

46. Rustic Graduation Theme with Wheelbarrows

Sometimes the simplest decor is the most effective; you do not need to spend loads of money on your graduation decorations. If you are looking for an excellent way to store the drinks, find wheelbarrows you have around the house or borrow some from friends and fill them up with ice and tins. This will give the party a rustic, summer vibe and makes it easy for guests to help themselves to their drink of choice. You can add balloons, streamers, or any decoration of your choice, to the wheelbarrow handles.

Rustic Graduation Party Theme

47. Smart Cookie Chalkboard Idea

A chalkboard is a great addition to any graduation decor. You can place it outside your chosen venue, informing people that this is your party. It can have important information regarding the activities or food or could have a fun slogan or your favorite quote. There are also various sizes to choose from; you may opt for a large one to also serve as a backdrop for photos taken on the day.

Graduation Chalk Board

48. Colorful Themed Cake Pop Party Food

Cake pops are delicious, easy to eat, and can be personalized in many ways. This includes your color scheme, and an excellent option for a graduation party would be to choose your university’s colors. Most cake pops are also moist and full of flavor, and because they are smaller than a slice of cake, you can eat them without feeling guilty. Plus, your layouts for your pops can give you more versatility. You can arrange them in a pattern spelling the initials of your name or school. You can place them in big wooden crates for a rustic theme or in a fancy paper box; the choice is yours.

Colorful Cake Pops

49. Ladder Cake Display

Finding a way to display your food and sweets can make a big difference. A unique display can make even the most simple snacks look delicious and enticing. For a rustic theme, a ladder is an ideal choice. A small wooden ladder will let you stack the food in a way that makes it look very presentable. You can also decorate it with flowers, graduation-themed cutouts, or fairy lights, depending on the aesthetic you wish to achieve.

Ladder Cake Display

50. Jenga Graduation Guest Book

Having a graduation guest book makes a lot of sense because it is a way to remember everyone in attendance. It also allows your guests to leave you a personal message which could be congratulatory or offer words of wisdom for the future. While standard books are great, you could try building blocks like Jenga if you are looking for a unique alternative. Each person writes a message, and you can keep them for later. You can also assemble the blocks later, keeping them in your house to look at whenever you want. It is a reminder of your achievements and the loved ones who celebrated them with you.

Jenga Graduation Guest Book

Graduation Party Ideas FAQs

What do you do at a graduation party.

A graduation party is an occasion to celebrate the recent graduates and their achievements. Each party is slightly different and can have various themes, but the idea is to gather, socialize, eat, and play games or dance.

How do you make a good graduation party?

A good graduation party should be able to reflect who you are. This can be easily achieved by following a specific theme and decorating accordingly. This includes themed food and decorations. It is also important to think of your guests and ensure there is enough food and drink and that the atmosphere feels positive and relaxed.

What is a good theme for a graduation party?

A good theme for a graduation party could be the focus of your degree. This could include law themes, psychology, doctors, nurses, and architecture. If you play sports, you can create a theme around this. Or you can choose rustic or boho themes for a relaxed and carefree aesthetic; if you want a party that is symbolic of your bright future and the new adventures, you will experience, consider a travel or world theme.

What are graduation party colors?

Graduation party colors are usually of the school or college you attended. They can also be colors specific to a particular theme, for example, nurses with red and white. Or, you can pick the colors that appeal to you most. Sticking to a neutral or muted color scheme also makes it incredibly easy to mix and match with your decor.

Cailyn Cox

Cailyn Cox holds a degree in journalism and has been working with The Trend Spotter as a writer for over ten years. She has worked with some of the most prestigious women’s and men's lifestyle publications. For her, writing is not just a job; it’s a passion, which is why each article she writes is approached with such enthusiasm and dedication. She has extensive knowledge of hairstyles, tattoos, and beauty and has made a career out of creating informative articles that appeal to women and men of all ages.


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Police arrest Black Student Union member John Cleveland during the student strike at San Francisco State College 1968-1969, which resulted in the creation of a College of Ethnic Studies. Courtesy of San Francisco State University Photographic Timeline Project

Ethnic Studies: Born in the Bay Area from History's Biggest Student Strike

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Earlier this summer, education advocates scored a major win in the California state Assembly.

Legislation passed requiring all California State University students to take courses in ethnic studies , including African American, Asian American, Latinx and Native American studies. Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to sign the bill later this summer.

Bay Curious received a question about ethnic studies from 23-year-old Michael Viray: “I’ve heard from one of my professors of ethnic studies at UC Davis that there was actually a revolution in the Bay Area for an ethnic studies field. Is this true? And how did it happen?”

Viray minored in Asian American Studies, fascinated by coursework that revealed the history and contributions of Filipino Americans, Asian Americans and Latinx Americans.

“It’s not being taught in classrooms,” he said. “I didn’t know my own history.”

Michael’s professor was right. Ethnic studies was born from a revolution that began at San Francisco State in 1968. How it happened, is a fascinating story.

The Origins of Black Activism on Campus

November of 1968 was a tumultuous time. The United States was 13 years into the Vietnam War, Martin Luther King Jr. had been assassinated and the Black Panther Party was demanding systemic change for Black communities plagued by poverty and police brutality.

“There were members of the Black Student Union who were also members of the Black Panther Party,” said Nesbit Crutchfield, who started his studies at San Francisco State as a business school student in 1967. Crutchfield — who considered himself an “aspiring revolutionary” — soon joined San Francisco State’s Black Student Union, the very first in the country.

graduation party essay

“I felt very privileged to be a member of the Black Student Union,” Crutchfield said. “It was clear to me that the Black Student Union represented a very progressive energy and thought among Black students in the Bay Area.”

However, just a small percentage of Black students attended San Francisco State. Enrollment rates for minority students had dwindled down to just 4%, even though 70% of students in the San Francisco Unified School District were from minority backgrounds. Black students were just a fraction of that 4%. Crutchfield remembers it as a time when “white supremacy was the norm of the day.”

“It was very unusual to see Black people in any positive positions,” Crutchfield said. “As a Black person, you expected to be one of the very few Black people in any classroom, laboratory or auditorium. [The campus] was overwhelmingly white.”

Meanwhile, Black students were hungry to study their own history. The Black Student Union had been pushing the university to create a Black studies department for nearly three years, but administrators resisted the idea.

“Even though ethnic studies was not validated by the university, it doesn’t mean that that study wasn’t taking place,” said Jason Ferreira , a professor in the Department of Race and Resistance Studies at San Francisco State’s College of Ethnic Studies.

Ferreira has spent years collecting oral histories on the student strike. Back in 1968, he said, students had to create their own spaces to learn about their history.

graduation party essay

“There was something called the Experimental College, which was a student-run initiative for them to teach their own classes,” Ferreira said. “The Black Student Union had its own classes, so that was another space.”

But students didn’t just learn untold histories, they connected them to the ongoing struggle against systemic issues plaguing their communities, including poverty, police brutality and lack of affordable housing.

“It was an era of young people asking questions and wanting to transform their communities,” Ferreira explained. “That impulse, that hunger to transform one’s community is actually what forms the basis of ethnic studies.”

Students of Color Create the Third World Liberation Front

In fall 1968, Penny Nakatsu — originally from San Francisco’s Western Addition neighborhood — was grappling with her own questions about race and identity. At San Francisco State, she pursued a self-directed degree in Asian American studies.

“We weren’t ‘Asian Americans’ then, we were ‘Orientals,’ ” Nakatsu said. “ ‘Oriental’ is a term that was imposed on us by the larger society. Starting to use the term ‘Asian American’ was a way of taking back our own destiny.”

graduation party essay

At San Francisco State, Nakatsu found herself gravitating toward people with like-minded values and who were involved in the anti-war movement. She became a member of a student organization called the Asian American Political Alliance, which was one of many ethnic student organizations on campus. In early Fall of 1968, these organizations banded together and formed a coalition called the Third World Liberation Front.

“At that particular time, ‘Third World’ referred to the nonaligned countries or cultures in Asia, Africa and Latin America,” Nakatsu explained.

Though students in the Third World Liberation Front came from different cultures, they believed they were united in their shared history of colonial and imperial oppression. The students saw parallels between their tension with the school and what they viewed as the oppression of the Vietnamese by the United States military.

The Firing of a Beloved Teacher Sparks Protest

graduation party essay

One of San Francisco State’s most influential anti-Vietnam War organizers was a popular English instructor named George Mason Murray. He also happened to be the minister of education for the Black Panther Party . Students loved Murray, but his outspoken politics were not tolerated by San Francisco State administrators.

“The war in Vietnam is racist,” Murray said in a televised press conference . “It is the war that crackers like Johnson are using Black soldiers and poor white soldiers and Mexican soldiers as dupes and fools to fight against people of color in Vietnam.”

The board of trustees forced San Francisco State’s president, Robert Smith, to fire Murray on Nov. 1, 1968. Five days later, the Black Student Union and the Third World Liberation Front joined together and went on strike.

Murray’s suspension was like setting fire to kindling.

Student strikers wanted the right to define their own educational experience. Together they drafted 15 demands , including a school of Third World studies , and a Black studies degree and department.

graduation party essay

“In 1968, the vast majority of white people, a whole lot of Black people, and other people of color did not feel that it was reasonable to know more about themselves,” Crutchfield explained.

He disagreed. He and the other strikers felt it was vital.

“We knew that geniuses were falling by the wayside,” he said. “I’m talking about geniuses in education, in literature, in drama, in art … geniuses, in politics.”

The strikers also wanted to raise admission rates for students of color. At the time, a special admissions program intended to prioritize marginalized students continued to allocate spots to white students. Meanwhile, the United States military was disproportionately drafting Black and brown men to fight in the Vietnam War. They weren’t eligible for student exemption if they weren’t in school, which meant that their right to an education was a matter of life or death.

Strikers vowed to boycott all classes until the school met their demands.

“We wanted to find out and be educated about ourselves,” Crutchfield said. “If we could not get that, then nobody could get an education.”

Five Months of Striking

Initially, strikers engaged in acts of disruption known as the “War of the Flea,” a campaign to disrupt the normal operations of the school. Students put cherry bombs in toilets and checked out huge quantities of books to overwhelm the school’s library system.

Almost immediately, administrators invited police on campus. They swarmed San Francisco State, dressed in full riot gear and armed with five-foot batons. Students responded by throwing rocks and yelling obscenities at police and administrators.

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By this time, Crutchfield had become a leader of the strike, often speaking to huge crowds of protesters . He said his involvement put a target on his back.

“I’m quite sure they wouldn’t have cared if some of us had died. They definitely wanted some of us to go to prison. Some of us went to prison,” he said.

One day early on in the strike, police surrounded the Black Student Union office. Crutchfield said police were looking to arrest its members.

graduation party essay

“I volunteered to leave the Black Student Union first,” Crutchfield said. “The police started running at me. I got beat up with nightsticks and boots and fists.”

The police arrested Crutchfield and escorted him off campus. He faced charges for illegal assembly, resisting arrest and intent to injure and maim, resulting in more than a year in jail. At 80 years old, Crutchfield, now a mental health administrator in Richmond, said he is still dealing with the trauma of that time.

“I don’t think you can talk to anyone who was at S.F. State, who participated [in the strike], who ran from the police and can say that they’re the same person,” he said.

He said he has no regrets.

“I was the great, great grandson of Africans who were made slaves,” he said. “I realized the things I got arrested for were really important to me.”

Many white students, especially white radicals, followed the lead of strike leaders like Crutchfield. They believed that without ethnic studies, they themselves had been denied a proper education. Their support intensified as the strike dragged on and the violence continued.

About a month into the strike, teachers joined with demands of their own. As tensions escalated, President Smith shut down the school indefinitely. However, Gov. Ronald Reagan and the California State University Board of Trustees demanded he reopen the campus. Smith resigned in December 1968.

In his place, the board appointed S.I. Hayakawa , an English professor.

Hayakawa was popular with conservatives in Sacramento, but extremely unpopular with strikers. Their confrontations were heated and frequent.

Early on in his role as interim president, Hayakawa famously climbed aboard a sound truck and yanked the wires from a loud speaker during a student protest. Strikers, in return, called Hayakawa “The Puppet.”

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In early January, Hayakawa declared an end to student gatherings on campus. In a press conference he said he believed in the right to free speech, but that “freedom of speech does not mean freedom to incite riot.”

The Mass Bust

Strikers ignored Hayakawa’s ban on gatherings. Penny Nakatsu was protesting on Jan. 23, 1969 in what many call “the mass bust.”

“Two lines of police came up,” Nakatsu said. “They surrounded over 500 people who were there for the rally and trapped all of the individuals who were caught within a human net.”

Police charged at the students. Nakatsu said it was one of the bloodiest and most frightening days of the entire strike.

“The power of the state was trying to literally beat down the strike and strikers,” she said. “It was literally a practiced, orchestrated, military movement.”

Hundreds of protesters were arrested, backing up San Francisco’s court system for months. Students, faculty and members of the community were affected, Nakatsu said.

“Many people suffered. Virtually all of the individuals who were arrested had to spend some jail time. A lot of those folks were blacklisted. University lecturers or teachers lost their jobs. There were real consequences to having participated in that event,” she said.

Strikers Prevail

After two more months of striking, Hayakawa and strikers negotiated a deal on March 20, 1969.

The school agreed to accept virtually all nonwhite applicants for the fall 1969 semester, and establish a College of Ethnic Studies, the first in the country, with classes geared towards communities of color. Hayakawa gave Nakatsu and her peers the job of designing a curriculum from scratch in a matter of months.

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“I have a feeling that one of the reasons why the administration agreed to that was I don’t think they thought we could pull it off,” Nakatsu said.

The College of Ethnic Studies was ready by fall of 1969. Today, Nakatsu is a civil rights lawyer in San Francisco and believes in the importance of ethnic studies as much as ever.

“Ethnic studies is a way of embracing all of the cultures that make up the world,” she said. “If we don’t understand each other, how are we going to get along? Ethnic studies is something that’s important, not just for people of color so we know about our histories and cultures and destinies, but for all people.”

Like many strikers, Ferreira believes ethnic studies should be required in K-12 schools, as well as universities.

“The demand for ethnic studies is as important today as it ever was, if not more,” he said. “The inability of this country to come to terms with the ongoing practices of racism and white supremacy speaks to the demands of the Third World Liberation Front and the Black Student Union for an education that was relevant and transformative. It’s still an uphill battle. But we’ll win.”

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19 Facts About Tim Walz, Harris’s Pick for Vice President

Mr. Walz, the governor of Minnesota, worked as a high school social studies teacher and football coach, served in the Army National Guard and chooses Diet Mountain Dew over alcohol.

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Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, in a gray T-shirt and baseball cap, speaks at a Kamala Harris event in St. Paul, Minn., last month.

By Simon J. Levien and Maggie Astor

  • Published Aug. 6, 2024 Updated Aug. 9, 2024

Until recently, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota was a virtual unknown outside of the Midwest, even among Democrats. But his stock rose fast in the days after President Biden withdrew from the race, clearing a path for Ms. Harris to replace him and pick Mr. Walz as her No. 2.

Here’s a closer look at the Democrats’ new choice for vice president.

1. He is a (very recent) social media darling . Mr. Walz has enjoyed a groundswell of support online from users commenting on his Midwestern “dad vibes” and appealing ordinariness.

2. He started the whole “weird” thing. It was Mr. Walz who labeled former President Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, “weird” on cable television just a couple of weeks ago. The description soon became a Democratic talking point.

3. He named a highway after Prince and signed the bill in purple ink. “I think we can lay to rest that this is the coolest bill signing we’ll ever do,” he said as he put his name on legislation declaring a stretch of Highway 5 the “Prince Rogers Nelson Memorial Highway” after the musician who had lived in Minnesota.

4. He reminds you of your high school history teacher for a reason. Mr. Walz taught high school social studies and geography — first in Alliance, Neb., and then in Mankato, Minn. — before entering politics.

5. He taught in China in 1989 and speaks some Mandarin. He went to China for a year after graduating from college and taught English there through a program affiliated with Harvard University.

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