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How to make and use a cheat sheet to learn information faster

Katie Azevedo March 8, 2021 good habits , grades , note-taking , study skills , study tips

By Katie Azevedo, M.Ed.

If you’re a student of any age, you should know how to make and use cheat sheets. Cheat sheets are an incredible way to organize and learn information faster, whether you’re a middle schooler, graduate student, or professional.

If you’d prefer the video version of this tutorial, then here you go:

What is a cheat sheet?

  • A physical resource that you create
  • A concentrated version of everything you need to know for a test, unit or a class, all in one central location
  • Usually contained to the front and back of one 8.5 x 11 piece of paper 
  • Different from class notes (so you need to have a solid notetaking system too)

Cheat sheets vs. class notes

Cheat sheets are like a concentrated version of your class notes. Your regular class notes include everything , and the information is much more general. On the other hand, your cheat sheet will include only the MOST important information.

You can build your cheat sheet with information that you pull from your class notes, so they go hand in hand.

How to make a cheat sheet

The most important step to creating a cheat sheet is to create it over a period of time, usually for however long you cover a topic in class. In other words, you should start making your cheat sheet on the first day of a new unit, and then add to it every day until that unit is over.

You should have a different cheat sheet for every class, and you could have multiple cheat sheets for each class, creating a new one every time a unit changes. 

Bring your cheat sheet to class everyday so you can add items to it during class, and then have it with you during your homework so that you can add it while you’re at home.

I recommend taking general class notes during class, and then adding select information from your notes to your cheat sheet after class, once you’ve had a chance to review your notes and figure out what’s important and what’s not.

Analog vs. Digital

I urge you to make your cheat sheet by hand, instead of on the computer. First, science says we better process information when we write it , as opposed to typing. Additionally, you’ll be able to fit more information on the page, and you’ll be able to add to the document regularly before or after class without having to take out the screen, find the file, mess with the formatting, or deal with Wi-Fi. Quickly accessing your cheat sheet and adding to it without fuss is a key part of the process – and paper has this advantage.

homework cheat sheet

If you want, at the end of the unit, you can type up your cheat sheet in preparation for a final test. Redoing and reformatting your cheat sheet digitally right before a test can be a helpful way to study.

What to put on your cheat sheet

Remember, don’t put everything. Put only the most important things.

  • Important information that your teacher covers in class. (Here are 7 clues you should write something down )
  • Important info you pick up from your textbook readings, for homework or during class
  • Key items from notes you take during class
  • Key questions from quizzes throughout a unit
  • Key questions from homework worksheets or problem sets
  • Important formulas
  • Character names and traits
  • Key themes and symbols
  • Key terms and definitions
  •  Key steps to solve a problem
  •  Important figures, dates or timelines
  •  Important concepts of theories
  •  Key diagrams or infographics

You can have fun creating your cheat sheet. Use different colored pens for different types of information – like blue for definitions, red for formulas, green for people, etc. Use good quality, thick paper. Come up with a cool way to separate the information into different boxes. Make it fit your style.

But as always, a key school habit is to keep it simple.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any time your cheat sheet gets messy or disorganized, redo it. Any time you redo it, use that time to review what you have on there and cut anything that no longer seems important. 

How to use a cheat sheet : 3 ways

You made a cheat sheet! Good for you. Now you need to know to use it.

As you build your cheat sheet over time, you’ll find that it will become more and more helpful to you.

  • Homework tool. Keep it by your side as reference as you do your homework. As you do your homework, be on the lookout for information that you want to add to your cheat sheet. The cheat sheet is meant to help you get through your homework.  
  • Study guide. Cheat sheets make awesome study guides at the end of a unit. To study for a test, you will want to consult all of your class notes, but the cheat sheet is where you’ll find the most important info.
  • Open-note-test reference. Some teachers allow students to use a cheat sheet for open-note quizzes or tests. If your teacher has different rules about what she or he allows you to use on the test, you can just modify your cheat sheet to fit your teacher’s criteria. For example, if you’re only allowed an index card, then remake your cheat sheet to fit those dimensions. 

What a cheat sheet is NOT

This goes without saying, but I’m going to say it. A cheat sheet is NOT for cheating. Cheating is messed up. If you feel you have to cheat, then it’s either because you don’t care (oh dear) or you don’t feel that you’re capable of learning the material (also oh dear). If you think cheating is the only way to get through a test, then watch this video about asking for help .

Why cheat sheets work

The process of creating a cheat sheet enables you to learn material as you are being taught . (Most people study information only right before a test, which is the worst, most ineffective study method ever.) Every time you add or remove items from your cheat sheet, you think about the material. And every time you think about the material, you process it a little more. And what is processing? Learning!

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7 Apps That Can Do Your Homework Much Faster Than You

7 Apps That Will Do Your Homework For You

In the field of educational technology, some apps might be getting too smart.

More and more apps are delivering on-demand homework help to students, who can easily re-purpose the learning tools to obtain not just assistance, but also answers. Whether or not that’s cheating—and how to stop it—is one of the concerns surrounding a new app that can solve math equations with the snap of a camera . While the software has inspired teachers to create real-world homework problems that can’t be automatically solved , that strategy doesn’t hold up to other apps that tap into real-life brains for solutions.

Here’s a look at 7 apps that can do your homework for you, and what they have to say about cheating:

Price : Free Availability : iOS, Android app coming in early 2015

The new, seemingly magic app allows users to take pictures of typed equations, and then outputs a step-by-step solution. As of Wednesday, the app is the number one free app on the App Store. But the biggest issue, one teacher argues , isn’t if students will use the app to cheat, because many will. Rather, it’s about how teachers will adapt. A PhotoMath spokeswoman said educators have welcomed the app with positive reviews, but the software remains “quite controversial.”

“We didn’t develop PhotoMath as a cheating tool. We really wanted kids to learn,” said Tijana Zganec, a sales and marketing associate at tech company MicroBlink, which created PhotoMath. “If you want to cheat, you will find a way to cheat. But if you want to learn, you can use PhotoMath for that.”

Whether you’re a high schooler with eight periods of classes or a college student tackling dozens of credits, there’s one thing you’ve got for sure: a mess of assignments. iHomework can help you keep track of all your work, slicing and dicing it in a variety of ways. Sorting it by due date, week, month, or by course, the app is more organized than a Trapper Keeper. And in integrating data from Questia, you can link your reading material to your assignments so you don’t have to dig through a pile of papers to find the right information.

A scheduling feature can help you keep track of those random bi-weekly Thursday labs, and you can even mark the location of your courses on a map so you don’t end up on the wrong side of campus. And finally, with iCloud syncing, you can access all this information on whatever Apple-compatible device you’re using at the moment — no need to dig for your iPad.

Google Apps for Education

Taking the search giant’s suite of free browser-based apps and sandboxing them so they are safe for school use, Google Apps for Education is an excellent alternative to the mainstream installable productivity software, but this one has a perk that almost school board will love—it’s free. Packaging together favorites like Gmail, Hangouts, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Drive with Classroom, a digital hub for organizing assignments and sending feedback, the goal of this collection is to make learning a more collaborative process.

Though Google Apps for Education is cloud-hosted, the programs can be used offline, ideal for when your student needs to escape the internet and work distraction-free. And since it works on any device, it also helps students avoid buying overly expensive hardware. That means more money for extracurricular activities.

Price: Free, but some homework services require payment Availability: iOS and Android

HwPic is a tutoring service that allows students to take send pictures of their homework to tutors, who will then respond within minutes to your questions with a step-by-step solution. There’s even an option to expedite the answers if a student is in a hurry. HwPic Co-Founder Tiklat Issa said that the app was initially rejected by Apple’s App Store, which believed it would promote cheating, but he successfully argued that just because someone uses the app in a way that it’s not meant to be used doesn’t mean the app should be punished.

Issa added that HwPic prohibits cheating in its terms and conditions. Tutors don’t solve homework that has words like “Quiz” or “Exam,” and they often know if a student is sending a photo during a test if they’ve paid for expedited answers, and if the photo is dim, blurry and taken under a desk. “We’ve minimized cheating,” said Issa. “We haven’t eliminated it. That’s kind of unrealistic.”

Wolfram Alpha

Price : $2.99 Availability : iOS and Android

Wolfram Alpha is similar to PhotoMath, only that it targets older students studying high levels of math and doesn’t support photos. The service also outputs step-by-step solutions to topics as advanced as vector calculus and differential equations, making it a popular tool for college students.

“It’s cheating not doing computer-based math, because we’re cheating students out of real conceptual understanding and an ability to drive much further forward in the math they can do, to cover much more conceptual ground. And in turn, that’s cheating our economies,” said Conrad Wolfram, Wolfram Research’s Director of Strategic Development, in a TEDx Talk . “People talk about the knowledge economy. I think we’re moving forward to what we’re calling the computational knowledge economy.”

Homework Helper

Price: Free Availability: iOS and Android

Chinese Internet search company Baidu launched an app called Homework Helper this year with which students can crowdsource help or answers to homework. Users post a picture or type their homework questions onto online forums, and those who answer the questions can win e-coins that can be used to buy electronics like iPhones and laptops.

The app has logged 5 million downloads, much to the dismay of many some parents who argue that the students spend less time thinking about challenging problems. A Homework Helper staffer admitted to Quartz , “I think this is a kind of cheating.”

Price: Free, but some homework services require payment Availability: iOS

Slader is a crowdsourcing app for high school and college students to post and answer questions in math and science. While students can post original homework for help, many questions in popular textbooks have already been answered on the app, according to Fast Company . An Illinois high school said earlier this year that it suspected students were using the service to cheat on their math homework.

Slader argues that it’s “challenging traditional ideas about math and education,” and said that the ideas behind its app “aren’t a write-off to teachers,” according to its blog . Slader told San Francisco media outlet KQED that it shouldn’t be dismissed as a cheating tool, but rather considered a way for students to access real-time help.

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The Ultimate List of Math Cheat Sheets

Cheat sheets can be very useful and make for great posters around your room. The following is a collection of 13 cheat sheets for several mathematical topics and programs:

  • General Math Cheat Sheet (iPaper and other formats)
  • Elementary Algebra Cheat Sheet (PDF)
  • Trigonometry Cheat Sheet (PDF)
  • Calculus Cheat Sheet (PDF)
  • Derivatives and Integrals Cheat Sheet (PDF)
  • Laplace Transforms Cheat Sheet (PDF)
  • Abstract Algebra Cheat Sheet (PDF)
  • Probability Theory Cheat Sheet (PDF)
  • Matlab Cheat Sheet (PDF)
  • Mathematica Cheat Sheet (PDF)
  • Maple Cheat Sheet (PDF)
  • Maxima Cheat Sheet (HTML web page)
  • LaTeX Cheat Sheet (several formats)

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The catch-22 stem job market, improve your math and programming skills with project euler, free kindle math books, about the author.

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MathBlog Team

Antonio started Math Blog more than a decade ago. He has a deep-rooted passion for mathematics and programming. He is part of the Emerging Technologies team in the Analytics group at IBM, a team that focuses on data science and big data.


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A sign of life! Keep posting!

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Hehe Dotan, I’ll try to. 🙂

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More math please! 😉

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Thanks so much for the cheat sheets! I’m prepping for the GMAT right now and I’ve been looking for these things to look over while taking the caltrain to work. Thanks again!

' src=

Awesome work!

P.S. an extra “cheat sheet” for GNU-R

' src=

where’s the real analysis cheat sheet?!

' src=

I was unable to load the math cheat sheets. I received a page load error. Except the General Math Cheat sheet, which I was able to open.

I was interested in looking at them. Is there something I need to do different to get them to load?

Bill Kluckhohn

Bill, try to right-click on a link and then select “Save Link As…” or “Save Target As…”.

' src=

The PDFs from do not appear to download properly.

' src=

Cool mate!!

' src=

This is awesome. As an education major (mathematics) this is awesome to have these pdfs both for myself and for students. gratzi

' src=

This is cool, it is great to have all of these so that you can print them out for youself or for your students

' src=

thank you for those useful files

' src=

Great to see your enthusiasm for math on this blog – society needs more people like you! Nice resources in this post, too. I think it’s funny to hear all the different names for such sheets, whether it’s “cheat sheets” “crib sheets” “equation sheets” or something else.

Anyway, thought you and some of your readers might enjoy checking out Cramster – you’ll find math resources, practice problems, practice exams and textbook solutions on the site.

I’ll be checking back for more posts!

Peter Simones

' src=

These are great!! My 16 year is really struggling in this area and will appreciate these – it is great to have them all in one place. THANK YOU!

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thank you very much

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Excellent, thank you!

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True genius serves the greater good…GOD BLESS

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Try using your Elementary Algebra Cheat Sheet to solve this:

Maybe, some extra information is needed on the cheat sheet.

Best wishes! Simon

' src=

umm i need a cheat sheet for tomorow, i dont know how to make one we are allowed to use one but dont know how to make one for grade 7…. help!!!

' src=

Ouch!! I wish I knew about the Matlab Cheat Sheet when I was using matlab!

' src=

Thank you very much for putting these cheat sheets in one place. Very helpful!

' src=

I possess a faded article, this same t-shirt, purchased from the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. But it’s faded! Does anyone know where to buy the t-shirt now?

' src=

Your site on you tube fro matrcies (addition, subtraction and multiplication) was absotultely wonderful. Please can you add the following matricies problems that would follow these problems ASAP. Or tell me where to find them. You make so simple to understand.

Is there such a thing as a vheat sheet for matricies?

' src=

Thanks for the cheat sheets they will be helpful in my high school math class both for me and the students to refer to during class

' src=

Thanks for a very helpful list.

There are two cheat sheets I wrote for the Western Australian Tertiary Entrance Examinations for Calculus and Applicable Mathematics. They are available here:

They might be of use to readers of this blog wherever they may reside.

' src=

Thank You for such nice post it is really helpful for readers.

' src=

This is awesome! I’m a math teacher who has looked for a comprehensive cheat sheet for my Algebra II class for a long time, and everything I’ve found is missing a lot of important stuff. Thank you !

' src=

This is cool, it is extraordinary to have these with the goal that you can print them out for yourself or for your understudies.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Notification Bell

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Education Home / Blog / Education / How to complete homework faster How to complete homework faster

how to complete homework faster

Want to know how to complete homework faster go through a student’s own personal cheat sheet . Homework is no fun, especially when you’re already tired from your school day with very little time and energy. But no worries, we got you some tips to make your homework faster and less tiring!

1. Start Early

In order to learn how to complete homework faster, there is no need to wait for the last nanosecond of the deadline to start working. Last-minute work means starting on panic mode and when has that done anyone any good? You might even start at school if you get a free period. Just because it’s called ” homework ” doesn’t mean you HAVE to do it at home! Use your study periods or other extra time in your school day. The more you get done while in school, the less you have to do at night, that’s got to be a motivation, right?

how to complete homework faster

It’s natural to procrastinate and wait around, I would know because up till high school I used to do the same. But it’s always stressful this day. But believe me, the day I decided that I’m done with this habit of procrastination and started doing my homework in my free periods, I felt much more relaxed and at ease. Moreover, my teachers were happy as I met most of my deadlines so it was a win-win situation. Not to mention all of the free time I had at home! I hope this trick helps you ease your workload.

2. Understand The Assignment

To complete homework faster it is important to understand the assignment. It is so common that you know about an assignment and you decide to start working on it and complete it on time but when you act to sit and start it you don’t understand what exactly is asked of you, what the teacher is expecting and you realise that you are not clear about things like word count, number of pages, reference books or sites and other format related problems. So, it’s better to think about these things beforehand and clear such doubts with your teacher right away and try to note down everything when she is trying to explain the assignment to you.

Also, if you have other assignments as well then, it’s better to ask the teacher how much time it would take you to finish the assignment, this way you can use this estimate to budget your time and one assignment does not come at cost of the others.

When you face this problem of not understanding the assignment, you stop and the work is eventually postponed indefinitely and again the deadline comes closer and closer to haunt you. So do the smart thing and clarify your doubts beforehand so that you can finish the assignment smoothly and in one go.

3. Manage Your Time

We all know that there are a lot of burdens on students, and it is very important to understand how to complete homework faster . To pursue our goal we should understand that there are more than one or two subjects to focus on. Every teacher has their assignment quota and other subject assignments do not factor in giving assignments for a particular subject. So, it’s up to us whether we sulk about the workload or we manage it. Once you learn about a new assignment, try to fit it into your schedule, make a task list and allocate time for everything. Now, this is where the estimate, that we were just talking about, comes in handy.

There is a great article written by acuity training on time management. It would clear a lot of things about how people manage their time.

When you know the approximate time you need for each task, you can plan what you need to give more time and attention, what can be completed fast, and for which homework you need a fresh mind. This way you can decide what to do first and which time of the day is best for a particular assignment. I would suggest you start with the work you can complete fast, basic note-making or copying from the textbook.

This is the work that you can do just after coming back home. Finishing something fast will also fine you a sense of achievement and you’ll feel productive, thus having a positive frame of mind you could complete homework faster .

4. Start With Basic Stuff That You Can Get Out Of The Way

homework cheat sheet

in order to complete homework faster , you could try to tell yourself that you will go home and start with the most complicated assignment, but in reality, you are tired after school and you would not be able to give your 100 % right away, ending up not starting at all and wasting a few hours or giving up soon after starting. This will make you feel disappointed and demotivated. So, it’s better to be realistic and smart and do the smaller homework assignment and get it out of the way. This has 2 major benefits :

You have one thing off your task list and it gives you a sense of accomplishment, motivating you to complete everything and get it off the list!

You get in the groove of working and get the belief that you can complete the work if you put your mind to it. I have another rather unorthodox tip lined up for you that can make your homework feel a bit more fun and less tiring, so keep scrolling to find out!

5. Find A Quiet Place To Study

You can’t expect to be very productive and get a lot done when you’re sitting in the living room with your family talking around you, the TV running or with someone talking to you. To focus on your work, you need to get rid of distractions and sit in a quiet environment where you can concentrate. This is a very basic thing that people usually don’t pay much attention to, but small things like this have a great impact on your productivity.

how to complete homework faster

Giving 1 hour to your assignment, with full concentration is much better than sitting with it all day and then thinking where you went wrong. Thinking why your friend was able to complete the same thing in an hour when it took you all day. Once you get it over with, you will have a lot of time to do other things.

6. Do Not Study On Your Bed

Sit on a desk or table as it’s much more comfortable to work at. Good posture is very important while working, doing work on your bed makes you lazy and the same homework takes much longer than it should. This is another small thing that makes a big difference in your productivity.

When you’re constantly working on your bed you decrease productivity and energy levels, your body just wants to relax. Before you know it, you’ll be giving in to heavy eyes and taking naps when you should be working. As a result, you’ll never feel fully productive. Also, keep your phones away while studying.

how to complete homework faster

Working on a table, and keeping the distractions away helps you complete homework faster and the motivation to go back to your bed and devices makes you get the work done faster. When you’re already relaxed and have your devices nearby, homework is just a part of what you’re doing, you can never be fully focused.

7. Play Some Music

Only for writing assignments that do not need much concentration Now, this is very gen – Z advice and many would disagree but it’s tried and tested by me and so many of my peers. Music makes you work faster and in a good flow, when there’s a song or any tune playing in the background, your mind doesn’t wander to other places as it’s already preoccupied enough.

This way you won’t zone out and the rhythm of the music will generate a rhythm and speed in your writing. And the best part is that you don’t even feel like you’re working and the assignment is complete before you know it!

how to complete homework faster

So, I just randomly decided to do my writing assignment one day when I was already listening to music. I thought that I’m not doing anything so I might as well complete the work. I didn’t feel the need to turn off the music so I didn’t. So, I started writing and I completed before I know it, I completed the assignment! 12 pages and I didn’t feel the need to stop in between even once! I know my speed and trust me this was way faster.

The best part is that I didn’t feel tired at all like I usually would after doing that amount of work. Normally I would lose concentration and stop in between after 2-3 pages and take short breaks, but in that flow, I didn’t feel the need to take any breaks. So to complete homework faster, try this yourself and let me know in the comments if it helped you!

8. Take Short Breaks In Between

Thinking that you’ll go home and just start working on your homework and work nonstop to complete it till night is easy, but let’s be real, when has that ever worked out for anyone? So, it’s better to set more realistic targets that you can achieve. You have to consider that you are tired after school and can’t do homework all day. in order to complete homework faster take short breaks in between your homework sessions so that you can be fresh and work to your full potential when you are working. This way you are at your maximum productivity level and get the same amount of work done but much more efficiently.

how to complete homework faster

Small 15 minutes break every one and a half hours are perfect as they help prolong and maintain your attention span, and productivity and give you something to look forward to. Let me give you an example, when you are working and feel like stopping for a bit and going through your phone or taking a walk around your house, you can tell yourself that it’s just a matter of time till you take a break and you try to complete your work faster.

On the other hand, when you don’t plan your breaks, you will take them anyway whenever you feel tired of doing your homework. So to complete homework faster , it’s better to plan your schedule with regular short breaks in between rather than taking a lot of random unplanned breaks. You may even set alarms for your schedule as it makes you more organized in general.

In order to complete homework faster, here is a tough one for you, you already know this one, yet it’s the hardest one to follow. We all get it, in today’s day, it’s not easy to just put your phone away. You might give yourself the excuse that you have an important. pdf in your phone that you need to refer to, or maybe not your friend sent you that you need to copy from and most importantly GOOGLE. All these points are valid, but try to take out an alternative for this, like switching off your WIFI when copying an assignment from your phone or printing out a pdf if possible.

But keep your phone away whenever possible, it’s an unnecessary distraction that takes a small assignment to take much longer to complete than it should.

Check your phone whenever you get a notification and before you realise it you have wasted about 10 – 15 minutes and then you realize you lost focus and waste a little more time to get into the groove of working. Might feel like a small thing but in the end, you lose a lot of time. I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone the difference in productivity levels that can be achieved when you keep your devices aside and put your full focus on your work. We have all seen it ourselves, it’s just about making this a habit.

10. Set A Timer For Yourself

Give yourself a deadline. Plan what you need to get done and how much time you should complete it. A timer will keep you moving along and keep you from being bogged down by an assignment all day. When you have a clock on your head you work faster. You feel the need to prove to yourself that you’re capable of reaching the goals you set for yourself. What you expect of yourself is the biggest motivation.

One’s expectation is their biggest driving force. Setting a timer also helps you block distractions as the only thing you have in your mind is the timer. It can also make your breaks more meaningful as you have the feeling that you have earned them. It also makes you more disciplined in general.

11. Prioritize By Due Dates And Importance Levels Of Each Assignment

One major problem faced by most students today is where to start. You have so many subjects and assignments to do but can’t decide where to start. Instead of fearing the volume of work plan what’s most important and which deadline is the closest. Take every factor into consideration and make yourself a schedule using symbols for measuring the importance of each task at hand. Start with the assignment with the closest due date.

If a few clashes, see what will take you the longest and start with that then move on to the lesser time-consuming ones. Also, see beforehand if you need any supplies for a particular assignment and arrange them so that when you finally start working on it, you have everything you need. The next tip will surely explain a lot about how to complete homework faster.

12. Reward Yourself With Something Fun Post Homework

After you have done all your work, reward yourself. It’s the most important thing to keep you going. After all, you have earned it, and you will always remember the sweet scent of success, which will be something to look forward to the next time you sit down to do some homework

how to complete homework faster

I have focused on the importance of planning and scheduling in a lot of these tips and that’s because it’s the most important aspect of working fast and efficiently. I hope you now understand the importance of these factors in helping you complete your assignments faster and with much more ease. The key to getting your schoolwork done is working efficiently, you don’t need to be working day and night to be a good, regular student. You need to give a few hours, with full concentration on your work. Let me know in the comments if these homework tips helped you, and if you have any more questions feel free to ask!

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Fifth grade is typically the final year of grade school, which means the lessons get cranked up a notch in preparation for middle school and beyond.

Teachers ask students to delve deeper into subject matter, stretch their skills, and show more independence. The work is challenging but intriguing as they explore new concepts and develop their opinions about them.

Fifth grade is also the year in which all you parents often look at homework and cringe , as you realize you might not always know the answers anymore—without a little help from the internet, anyway. Fifth grade today is a lot different than fifth grade decades ago. 

While the curriculum varies in school districts across the country, there are some fairly standard things fifth graders learn across the board. That’s why we created this cheat sheet for you overworked parents … because sometimes things can get a little easier!

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Reading: exploring a range of genres.

Not only are fifth graders expected to be able to read most words (or look them up when they get stuck), they also are asked to understand a book’s plot and begin to decipher some of the underlying messages or themes a book delivers.

Students may be asked to compare literature and language from different time periods. For example, they may be asked to translate Shakespeare into emojis or put Dickens into text speak . 

They’ll probably also be encouraged to push themselves to read more complex materials and explore a wide range of genres . (Think  Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl  and Wonder instead of—or at least in addition to—the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.)

Literary techniques and genres

Also, literary techniques such as metaphors (terms or phrases that don’t make literal sense but do accurately describe something) come into play. Pro tip: metaphors compare things and so do similes … but similes tend to use the words like or as in the comparison.

The four main genres are poetry , fiction , nonfiction , and drama , but there are various genres within each. F or example, within fiction, genres include crime , fantasy , romance , science fiction , western , inspirational , historical fiction , and horror . While most kids will have a favorite, they’re likely to discover they enjoy a variety of genres once they start encountering more of them.


Assessments such as Accelerated Reader (AR) tests are likely still being used to help gauge comprehension of reading materials.

One note of caution for parents of strong readers: sometimes a student’s AR level corresponds with books that may cover material that’s more mature than you want your fifth grader reading, so you may want to review their choices as their reading level increases. 

Writing: clearly constructed essays

The focus on writing really ramps up in fifth grade as students are required to research various subjects, form opinions, and clearly deliver their thoughts on a topic.

They need to learn to incorporate logic , experiment with different perspectives (first (I), second (you), and third person (he/she/they)) and elaborate and controvert clearly. For example, they may be asked to write about something they wish could be changed at their school and then support their position as to why it should be changed. 

Parent tip: task your kids with some extra credit and have them learn about the people who write a dictionary! Then they can share that knowledge with their Language Arts class.

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Expanding vocab.

Fifth graders should also be expanding their vocabulary and using new, interesting, and powerful words to convey their messages. (Hint: they can use’s writing tool to help.)

Writing tip: have your kids wow their teachers by writing about the urgency of the penultimate day before an essay deadline or by describing their mercurial little sister or brother vividly within an essay.

Math: introduction to geometry

Fifth grade is where all that work on basic math skills—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division—pays off, as more elements are added to the equations, including decimal points, fractions, and more word problems.

There’s also often a focus on geometry, concepts like volume (length x width x height), and being able to graph points on a coordinate plane . Remember those?

Refresher: coordinate planes include a vertical y-axis intersecting with a horizontal x-axis to create four separate, equally sized quadrants for plotting out and tracking data.

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Science: diving into projects and experiments

In fifth grade, young scientists explore each of the three main branches of science.

Life science

In life science lessons, they may learn about the body and its systems, as well as  cells and their various parts and functions.

Physical science

In physical science lessons, they’re likely to explore the three types of matter (refresher: solid, liquid, and gas) and the periodic table. Parent tip: this is a great time to explain how a word like element can mean multiple things, outside of a specific meaning in science.

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Earth science.

When it comes to earth science , they’re probably going to be taking a look inside the Earth and exploring its various layers. They’ll also encounter solar systems, which include the sun, the planets, dwarf planets (such as Pluto), asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. 

Experiments and science fairs

Fifth graders may also begin performing classroom experiments that bring the lessons on the pages to life and/or they may also be tasked with developing a science fair project.

For example, they may dive into projects that explore which fabrics are most absorbent, how to keep soda from exploding from cans, or which foods mold the fastest. Be careful what you eat from your refrigerator if they select the latter one, as things may be getting furry in there!

Social studies: bringing history to life 

Social studies covers a range of topics, including civics, history, and geography, and the lessons may carry over into other classes as well. For example, students may research and write reports about historical figures and historical events like the colonization of America.

They may explore cartography and create their own maps to bring current and historical events to life. Lessons might also discuss our nation’s government and its three branches ( legislative , executive , and judicial ). 

And if they want to drop a little extra political knowledge in their social studies class, have your kiddos learn about the history of some of our political parties. It’s good to know the history before political lines become blurry later on (save that stuff for 6th grade, right?).

WATCH: What Is The Origin Of The Republican Party?

Above all, fifth grade is the time to strengthen that foundation they’ve been building since kindergarten. The better they prepare now, the more success they’ll have for years to come. 

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Algebra Quick Reference Guide Also Known As A Student's Algebra Cheat Sheet!

Well, I like to call these a "Quick Reference Guide", but when I first showed the "Solving Equations Quick Reference Guide" to my niece, she instantly said, "WOW, my very own cheat sheet!

I really hadn't thought of it as cheating - unless of course you sneak it out during a test. But, we know that no one would try to do that.

So, What is My Algebra Cheat Sheet?

It's a one page document that outlines all the major parts of a unit. Instead of digging through your notes when you've forgotten a minor detail, you may be able to quickly find it on this sheet!

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This is the Algebra Cheat Sheet for the Solving Equations Unit.

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These documents are perfect for teachers to hand out to students at the beginning of the unit. Students can refer to the cheat sheets as they complete homework and classwork.

Homeschool families love the cheat sheets too. This is a great way to help students when they just can't remember those minor details.

I hope you find this useful in your studies. Best of luck!

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Necessity of online homework help.

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My Homework Helper

Excel Cheat Sheet Formulas for Common Homework Problems: Math, Science, and Statistics

Struggling with excel formulas? pay US TO DO YOUR EXCEL PROJECT

Excel is a powerful tool that can simplify your homework tasks in math, science, and statistics. By leveraging the various formulas available in Excel, you can solve complex problems efficiently and accurately. In this blog post, we will explore some commonly encountered excel homework problems in homework assignments and demonstrate how to tackle them using Excel formulas. We like to call this a quick version of excel cheat sheet formulas for math, science and statistics homework. Let’s dive in!

Basic Math Formulas in Excel:

Performing basic arithmetic operations in Excel is essential for solving a wide range of homework problems. Excel provides built-in functions and operators that allow you to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with ease. Additionally, you can utilize cell references to create dynamic calculations that automatically update when the referenced values change.

To add numbers in Excel, you can use the plus symbol (+) or the SUM function. Here’s an example:

Cell A1: 5 Cell A2: 10 Cell A3: =A1+A2 (or =SUM(A1, A2))

In this example, the formula in cell A3 adds the values in cells A1 and A2, resulting in the sum of 15. If you change the values in cells A1 or A2, the sum in cell A3 will automatically update.


To subtract numbers in Excel, you can use the minus symbol (-) or the SUM function in combination with negative values. Here’s an example:

Cell B1: 20 Cell B2: 7 Cell B3: =B1-B2 (or =SUM(B1, -B2))

In this example, the formula in cell B3 subtracts the value in cell B2 from the value in cell B1, resulting in the difference of 13. As with addition, if you change the values in cells B1 or B2, the difference in cell B3 will update automatically.


To multiply numbers in Excel, you can use the asterisk symbol (*) or the PRODUCT function. Here’s an example:

Cell C1: 4 Cell C2: 3 Cell C3: =C1*C2 (or =PRODUCT(C1, C2))

In this example, the formula in cell C3 multiplies the values in cells C1 and C2, resulting in the product of 12. If you change the values in cells C1 or C2, the product in cell C3 will update accordingly.

To divide numbers in Excel, you can use the forward slash symbol (/) or the QUOTIENT function. Here’s an example:

Cell D1: 15 Cell D2: 5 Cell D3: =D1/D2 (or =QUOTIENT(D1, D2))

In this example, the formula in cell D3 divides the value in cell D1 by the value in cell D2, resulting in the quotient of 3. Changing the values in cells D1 or D2 will update the quotient in cell D3.

By using these basic arithmetic operations and cell references effectively, you can create dynamic calculations that adapt to changes in input values. Excel’s flexibility and computational power make it a valuable tool for solving a variety of math problems in your homework assignments.

Algebraic Equations: Solving Linear Equations in Excel

Linear equations are fundamental in algebra and frequently encountered in homework problems. Excel provides powerful tools to solve linear equations efficiently. You can use Excel cheat sheet formulas and functions, as well as leverage additional features like the Solver add-in for more complex equations. Let’s explore the process step by step:

Solving Linear Equations using Excel Formulas:

To solve a linear equation, we typically have an equation in the form of “ax + b = c,” where ‘a,’ ‘b,’ and ‘c’ are constants, and ‘x’ is the variable we need to solve for.

Let’s consider an example equation: Equation: 2x + 5 = 13

We can rearrange this equation to isolate ‘x’ on one side: Equation (rearranged): 2x = 13 – 5

In Excel, we can use the formula to solve for ‘x’: Cell A1: 2 Cell B1: 13 Cell C1: 5 Cell D1: =(B1-C1)/A1

The formula in cell D1 subtracts the constant value in cell C1 from the constant value in cell B1, and then divides the result by the constant value in cell A1. The value of ‘x’ will be calculated and displayed in cell D1.

You can use this method to solve linear equations with more variables and constants by adjusting the cell references accordingly.

Solving Complex Equations using the Solver add-in:

Excel’s Solver add-in is a powerful tool that can handle more complex equations with multiple variables. To use the Solver add-in, follow these steps:

a. Enable the Solver add-in:

  • Click on “File” in the Excel menu.
  • Choose “Options” and then select “Add-Ins.”
  • Click on “Solver Add-in” and ensure it is enabled.

b. Set up the equation and constraints:

  • Define the equation you want to solve in a cell, using cell references for variables.
  • Identify any constraints or limitations on the variables.

c. Access the Solver add-in:

  • Click on the “Data” tab in the Excel menu.
  • Click on “Solver” in the “Analysis” group to open the Solver dialog box.

d. Configure Solver settings:

  • Set the objective by selecting the cell containing the equation you want to solve.
  • Specify the variables you want Solver to adjust by selecting the corresponding cells.
  • Add any constraints or limitations on the variables.

e. Run the Solver:

  • Click on the “Solve” button in the Solver dialog box.
  • Solver will attempt to find the optimal solution for the equation by adjusting the variables based on the specified constraints.

Solver’s algorithms will iterate through various values for the variables until it finds a solution that satisfies the equation and constraints. Excel’s Solver add-in is particularly useful for solving systems of linear equations or equations with more complex mathematical relationships. It can save time and effort by automating the trial-and-error process of finding solutions. By leveraging Excel’s formulas and the Solver add-in, you can efficiently solve linear equations and tackle more complex algebraic problems in your homework assignments .

Trigonometry and Geometry: Leveraging Excel Formulas

Trigonometry and geometry often involve intricate calculations that can be simplified using Microsoft Excel cheat sheet formulas. Excel provides built-in functions that allow you to perform trigonometric calculations and solve geometric problems efficiently. Let’s delve into the details:

Trigonometric Functions in Excel:

Excel offers several trigonometric functions, including sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant. These functions operate on angles given in radians. Here are some examples:

a . Sine function (SIN): The SIN function calculates the sine of an angle. For example, to find the sine of an angle in cell A1, you can use the formula: Cell B1: =SIN(A1)

b. Cosine function (COS): The COS function calculates the cosine of an angle. For instance, to find the cosine of an angle in cell A1, you can use the formula: Cell B1: =COS(A1)

c. Tangent function (TAN): The TAN function calculates the tangent of an angle. To find the tangent of an angle in cell A1, you can use the formula: Cell B1: =TAN(A1)

Similarly, you can use the other trigonometric functions, such as COT, SEC, and CSC, by replacing the function name in the formulas accordingly.

Geometry Calculations Using Excel Formulas:

Excel’s mathematical functions, along with basic arithmetic operations, can be employed to solve various geometry problems. Here are a few examples:

a. Perimeter of a Rectangle: Given the length and width of a rectangle in cells A1 and B1 respectively, you can calculate the perimeter using the formula: Cell C1: =2*(A1+B1)

b. Area of a Circle: If the radius of a circle is given in cell A1, you can calculate the area using the formula: Cell B1: =PI()*A1^2

c. Pythagorean Theorem: To find the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, given the lengths of the other two sides in cells A1 and B1, you can use the formula: Cell C1: =SQRT(A1^2 + B1^2)

Excel’s functions, such as PI() for the value of pi and SQRT() for square root, simplify complex geometric calculations and ensure accurate results.

Trigonometry and Geometry in Problem Solving:

Trigonometry and geometry are commonly applied to solve real-world problems. By incorporating Excel formulas, you can streamline the process and obtain precise solutions. For example, you can calculate distances, angles, areas, and volumes in physics, engineering, and surveying applications. By combining trigonometric functions with basic arithmetic and logical operators, you can create dynamic calculations that adapt to changes in input values. Cell references can also be utilized to make calculations based on variables.

Excel’s versatility allows you to perform a wide range of trigonometric and geometric calculations efficiently. Whether you need to determine angles, distances, areas, or solve complex geometric problems, Excel’s formulas provide a powerful toolkit for accurate and streamlined calculations in trigonometry and geometry.

Physics Formulas: Utilizing Excel for Problem Solving

Physics often involves complex calculations and data analysis . Excel can be a valuable tool for solving physics problems, performing calculations, and organizing data. With its built-in functions and features, you can tackle various physics concepts efficiently. Let’s explore how Excel can help with physics formulas:

Kinematics Equations:

Kinematics deals with the motion of objects. Excel can assist in solving problems related to displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time. Here’s an example:

Suppose you have the initial velocity (v0), acceleration (a), and time (t) in cells A1, B1, and C1, respectively. You can calculate the final velocity (v) using the formula: Cell D1: =A1 + (B1 * C1)

Excel allows you to perform calculations for multiple instances, enabling you to analyze how variables affect the outcome.

Newton's Laws of Motion:

Excel can help with calculations related to Newton’s laws, such as force (F), mass (m), and acceleration (a). Here’s an example:

Suppose you have the mass in cell A1 and the acceleration in cell B1. You can calculate the force using the formula: Cell C1: =A1 * B1

Excel allows you to input different values for mass and acceleration, making it convenient to observe the resulting forces.

Work and Energy:

Excel can aid in work and energy calculations, such as finding the work (W) done by a force (F) over a distance (d). Here’s an example:

Suppose you have the force and distance in cells A1 and B1, respectively. You can calculate the work using the formula: Cell C1: =A1 * B1

By modifying the values of force and distance, you can examine how the work changes.

Simple Harmonic Motion:

Excel can be useful for simulating and analyzing simple harmonic motion. By employing formulas and graphing capabilities, you can visualize quantities like displacement, velocity, and acceleration over time. By using Excel’s formulas and graphing functions, you can model the behavior of a simple harmonic oscillator by updating variables and observing changes in motion.

Other Physics Concepts:

Excel can also assist with calculations related to other physics concepts, including thermodynamics, electromagnetism, optics, and fluid mechanics. You can use Excel’s functions, formulas, and graphing tools to analyze data, plot graphs, and perform calculations specific to these fields. In addition to calculations, Excel’s data manipulation and visualization capabilities can help organize and analyze experimental data. You can create charts, graphs, and tables to represent experimental results and observe trends or relationships.

Excel’s versatility and computational power make it a valuable tool for solving physics problems, analyzing data, and visualizing concepts. By leveraging its formulas, functions, and graphing features, you can streamline your physics homework and gain deeper insights into the underlying principles.

Statistical Analysis: Excel Formulas cheat Sheet for Data Analysis

Statistical analysis involves examining and interpreting data to uncover patterns, relationships, and trends. Excel provides a range of powerful tools and functions that facilitate statistical analysis, making it an excellent choice for handling data-driven problems. Here’s a detailed explanation of how Excel can be used for statistical analysis:

Data Organization and Preparation:

Excel offers a convenient platform for organizing and preparing data before conducting statistical analysis. You can input your data into cells, assigning variables to columns and observations to rows. Make sure each variable has its own column, and each observation is in a separate row. Additionally, Excel provides features for data cleaning, filtering, and sorting. You can remove duplicates, apply data validation rules, and sort or filter data based on specific criteria. Ensuring data cleanliness and organization is crucial for accurate analysis.

Descriptive Statistics:

Excel includes a range of functions to compute descriptive statistics, which summarize and describe the characteristics of your data. These functions help you gain insights into central tendencies, dispersion, and shape of the data distribution. Some commonly used descriptive statistics functions in Excel include:

  • MEAN: Computes the arithmetic mean or average of a dataset.
  • MEDIAN: Calculates the median or middle value of a dataset.
  • MODE: Identifies the mode or most frequently occurring value(s) in a dataset.
  • STDEV: Computes the standard deviation , which measures the spread of data around the mean.
  • MIN/MAX: Determines the minimum and maximum values in a dataset.
  • COUNT: Counts the number of observations in a dataset.
  • COUNTIF: Counts the number of observations that satisfy a specific condition.

By utilizing these functions, you can generate summary statistics to gain a better understanding of your data’s characteristics.

Data Visualization:

Excel’s charting capabilities enable you to create visually appealing graphs and charts to represent your data. Graphical representations facilitate a more intuitive understanding of patterns and relationships within the data. Excel offers various chart types, including bar graphs, line graphs, scatter plots, histograms, and pie charts. By selecting the appropriate chart type and customizing its appearance, you can effectively communicate your findings and present your data in a visually compelling manner.

Hypothesis Testing and Inferential Statistics:

Excel provides functions and tools for conducting hypothesis tests and performing inferential statistics. You can assess the statistical significance of relationships, compare means between groups, and analyze categorical data using chi-square tests. Functions such as t-TEST, ANOVA, and CHISQ.TEST enable you to perform common hypothesis tests in Excel. These tests allow you to make inferences about the population based on sample data and evaluate whether observed differences or relationships are statistically significant.

Regression Analysis:

Excel’s regression analysis tools enable you to explore relationships between variables and create predictive models. You can perform simple linear regression, multiple regression, and polynomial regression to identify trends and make predictions based on the data. Microsoft E xcel provides the Regression Analysis tool and functions like LINEST and TREND to perform regression analysis and generate regression equations and coefficients.

Excel’s data analysis tools, functions, and charting capabilities make it a versatile platform for statistical analysis. By utilizing its features, you can organize, clean, analyze, and visualize data, enabling you to uncover patterns, draw meaningful insights, and make data-driven decisions.

Probability Distributions: Analyzing and Modeling Data in Excel

Probability distributions play a crucial role in statistics and data analysis, providing a framework for understanding the likelihood of various outcomes. Excel offers a range of functions and tools that enable the analysis and modeling of different probability distributions. Here’s a detailed explanation of how Excel can be used for probability distributions:

Probability Density Functions (PDFs):

Excel provides functions to calculate the probability density function (PDF) for various distributions. PDF represents the probability of a random variable taking on a specific value. Some commonly used PDF functions in Excel include:

  • NORM.DIST: Calculates the PDF for the normal distribution.
  • BINOM.DIST: Computes the PDF for the binomial distribution.
  • POISSON.DIST: Calculates the PDF for the Poisson distribution.
  • GAMMA.DIST: Computes the PDF for the gamma distribution.
  • EXP.DIST: Calculates the PDF for the exponential distribution.

By specifying the appropriate parameters, you can use these functions to evaluate the likelihood of different values occurring in a given distribution.

Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDFs):

Excel also provides functions to calculate the cumulative distribution function (CDF), which gives the probability that a random variable is less than or equal to a specified value. Some commonly used CDF functions in Excel include:

  • NORM.DIST: Calculates the CDF for the normal distribution.
  • BINOM.DIST: Computes the CDF for the binomial distribution.
  • POISSON.DIST: Calculates the CDF for the Poisson distribution.
  • GAMMA.DIST: Computes the CDF for the gamma distribution.
  • EXP.DIST: Calculates the CDF for the exponential distribution.

By specifying the desired value and appropriate parameters, you can use these functions to evaluate the cumulative probability for a given distribution.

Random Number Generation:

Excel includes functions to generate random numbers based on different probability distributions. These functions allow you to simulate data that follows specific distributions. Some commonly used random number generation functions in Excel include:

  • NORM.INV: Generates random numbers from a normal distribution.
  • BINOM.INV: Generates random numbers from a binomial distribution.
  • POISSON.INV: Generates random numbers from a Poisson distribution.
  • GAMMA.INV: Generates random numbers from a gamma distribution.
  • EXPON.INV: Generates random numbers from an exponential distribution.

By specifying the desired number of random values and appropriate distribution parameters, you can generate data that follows a particular probability distribution.

Data Analysis Toolpak:

Excel’s Data Analysis Toolpak is an add-in that provides additional statistical functions and tools, including those related to probability distributions. It offers functions for specific distributions such as t-distribution, F-distribution, and chi-square distribution, allowing for more advanced analyses. To enable the Data Analysis Toolpak, go to “File,” select “Options,” choose “Add-Ins,” and then enable the “Data Analysis Toolpak.”

Excel’s charting capabilities can be leveraged to visualize probability distributions. By creating histograms, line graphs, or scatter plots, you can depict the distribution of data and compare it to theoretical probability distributions.

Also, by plotting observed data alongside the probability distribution, you can visually assess the fit and understand the characteristics of the data.

Hypothesis Testing: Evaluating Statistical Claims in Excel

Hypothesis testing is a statistical method used to make inferences about a population based on sample data. It involves formulating a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis, collecting data, and using statistical tests to determine whether the evidence supports or rejects the null hypothesis. Excel provides functions and tools that facilitate hypothesis testing. Here’s a detailed explanation of how Excel can be used for hypothesis testing:

Formulating Hypotheses:

Hypothesis testing begins with the formulation of a null hypothesis (H0) and an alternative hypothesis (Ha). The null hypothesis represents the default assumption or claim that there is no significant difference or relationship between variables. The alternative hypothesis represents the claim that contradicts the null hypothesis and suggests a significant difference or relationship.

For example, in a study comparing the means of two groups, the null hypothesis would state that the means are equal, while the alternative hypothesis would state that the means are significantly different.

Selecting a Test and Test Statistic:

The choice of a statistical test depends on the nature of the research question and the type of data. Excel provides functions for various hypothesis tests, including t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, and more. The appropriate test depends on factors such as the number of groups being compared, the type of data (continuous or categorical), and the research question.

Each test has a corresponding test statistic that measures the difference or relationship between variables. Excel’s functions calculate the test statistic for the chosen test.

Collecting and Entering Data:

After formulating the hypotheses and selecting the appropriate test, you need to collect and enter your data into Excel. Ensure that the data is correctly organized, with each variable in a separate column and each observation in a separate row.

Performing the Hypothesis Test:

Excel’s functions can perform various hypothesis tests, depending on the selected test. Here are a few examples:

  • t-TEST: Excel’s t-TEST function performs t-tests to compare means between two groups. It calculates the t-value and p-value, which indicates the probability of observing the obtained results if the null hypothesis is true.
  • CHISQ.TEST: This function performs chi-square tests for independence or goodness-of-fit. It calculates the chi-square statistic and the associated p-value.
  • ANOVA: Excel’s ANOVA functions (e.g., ANOVA, ANOVA.INV) perform analysis of variance to compare means across multiple groups. They calculate the F-value and associated p-value.

These functions require appropriate input ranges and arguments, such as the data ranges and type of test.

Interpreting the Results:

After performing the hypothesis test in Excel, you can interpret the results based on the calculated test statistic and p-value. If the p-value is smaller than the predetermined significance level (commonly set at 0.05 or 0.01), you reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis. This suggests that there is sufficient evidence to support the claim made by the alternative hypothesis. Conversely, if the p-value is greater than the significance level, you fail to reject the null hypothesis. Additionally, confidence intervals can be calculated to estimate the range of values within which the population parameter is likely to fall.

My Final Thoughts On Microsoft Excel Cheat Sheet Formulas

By harnessing the power of Excel cheat sheet formulas, you can enhance your problem-solving capabilities and streamline your homework assignments in math , science, and statistics. This blog post has provided an overview of how Excel can be used to solve common homework problems in these subjects. Whether you’re dealing with algebraic equations, trigonometry, calculus, physics, or statistics, Excel can be a valuable tool to simplify your tasks and improve your understanding of the concepts. Start leveraging Excel today to excel in your homework!

Also our computer science homework help and statistics homework help experts are available day and night for you!

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Note: This project is no longer being updated, please use this

Sparx-Bookwork-Code is a project I've been working on for about a year (mostly as a hobby and because I'm lazy).

It's a web scraper to log Bookwork codes for Sparx and auto completes Bookwork checks (explained here ). It uses chrome driver (Google Chrome) and now geckodriver (Firefox) to grab the values of answers and codes. I use python as it's my main language and is quite easy to understand.

Having it here may help anybody who wants to somewhat automate their Sparx maths homework. (or just hates writing bookwork codes)

Basic features

  • Auto fills in password + username
  • Logs codes for every question
  • Auto does bookwork checks. (Currently reworking it)
  • Creates a full backup log of every question as a .txt in /Logs

Setup Step by Step

Step 1: install chrome.

This is mainly dedicated to chrome (even though I have a Firefox version). Other web browsers are too much work to keep up to date, so make sure you have Chrome installed. Once Chrome is installed, you need to figure out what version it is (Chromedriver is very picky about versions).

First, navigate to the three dots in the top right. then go to Settings > About Chrome (it's at the bottom) and look at the version.

Then go to here and download the version you have.

Step 2: Download Repo

Next, click here . This should download the rest of the files you need.

  • First, right-click the file and click "Extract All" Next, open the extracted file and open Sparx-bwk-main.
  • Place the chromedriver file you downloaded in step 1 in the file; it should be in the same file as the.exe and

Step 3: Run the file.


  • Chrome driver needs updating about twice every month, you can download it here , Download the same version as your browser. Then place chromedriver.exe in the same directory as the .exe or .py
  • Sometimes Auto bookwork checks may not work (due to how fractions are displayed).
  • Bug where window wont close without crashing (fixing this soon)
  • mostly needs polish. I also want to create a custom gui for finding bookwork codes.

Why so many try and excepts?

If you can be bothered to read my code. You might notice the amount of try: and excepts there are, this is because of Selenium Webdriver .

For some reason, Selenium will crash if it can't find an element. This means that to avoid crashing I have to use try-excepts, like this:

And... as I check for multiple elements, the result is a lot of try-excepts.

Whats Gecko?

I mainly use Linux, but when I developed this, I was still mostly using Windows, where I used Chrome mainly. When switching to Linux, I started mostly using Firefox. So instead of having two browsers installed, I started development on a Firefox version of Sparxbwk . Similar to Chrome and Chromedriver Firefox has a geckodriver, hence the name gecko. If you are going to use this tool, I suggest using Chrome, as that's generally in a better state than Gecko. I tend to test things and features on the Firefox version rather than Chrome, but both should work.

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HTML Cheat Sheet

While using HTML it can be very handy to have an easy way to remember how to use HTML tags properly and how to apply them. MDN provides you with an extended HTML documentation as well as a deep instructional HTML how-to . However, in many cases we just need some quick hints as we go. That's the whole purpose of the cheat sheet, to give you some quick accurate ready to use code snippets for common usages.

Note: HTML tags must be used for their semantic, not their appearance. It's always possible to totally change the look and feel of a given tag using CSS so, when using HTML, take the time to focus on the meaning rather than the appearance.

Inline elements

An "element" is a single part of a webpage. Some elements are large and hold smaller elements like containers. Some elements are small and are "nested" inside larger ones. By default, "inline elements" appear next to one another in a webpage. They take up only as much width as they need in a page and fit together horizontally like words in a sentence or books shelved side-by-side in a row. All inline elements can be placed within the <body> element.

Block elements

"Block elements," on the other hand, take up the entire width of a webpage. They also take up a full line of a webpage; they do not fit together side-by-side. Instead, they stack like paragraphs in an essay or toy blocks in a tower.

Note: Because this cheat sheet is limited to a few elements representing specific structures or having special semantics, the div element is intentionally not included — because the div element doesn't represent anything and doesn't have any special semantics.


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    Next, click here. This should download the rest of the files you need. First, right-click the file and click "Extract All" Next, open the extracted file and open Sparx-bwk-main. Place the chromedriver file you downloaded in step 1 in the file; it should be in the same file as the.exe and

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