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How to write a brilliant personal statement

Your personal statement satisfies a number of checkboxes for Admissions Tutors. It’s the first opportunity to give them the chance to meet the real you. You can demonstrate a passion to study your intended subject, show what you are capable of bringing to the university and faculty and prove why you are the applicant that should be offered a place.

As you only have a limited space to express yourself – just 4,000 characters or 47 lines in the UCAS box (whichever limit you reach first) which is equivalent to just over a full typed page of A4 – you need to make every included sentence count. It’s important to remember you only get to write one personal statement that will be sent to all your over university choices. Your statement needs to be tailored as much as you can to each of the courses you are applying to as you don’t want tutors to doubt your commitment to their university and course. 

There is one guarantee when writing a personal statement – you won’t get a quality, polished personal statement on your first attempt. In fact, it often takes many drafts, lots of editing and plenty of late-night spurs of inspiration to get a strong personal statement that encourages offers from your preferred universities. To assist you in getting started, we’ve gathered together the following useful tips that will lead you in the right direction and help you to get to grips with how to write a great personal statement for university. 

What should you include?

It’s called a personal statement but that doesn’t mean Admissions Tutors want a complete timeline of your life from childhood. They want to see the best side of your academic self, your passion for the course and subject you are applying to and an overview of your academic achievements that are relevant to your subject. In your personal statement, it’s beneficial to include;

  • Any subject-related work experience you have completed or intend to carry out
  • Any courses or lectures you have attended that advanced your knowledge
  • Demonstrations of your interest extending beyond the classroom environment
  • A relevant list of book, articles and essays you have read

Try to avoid simply listing the things you have done and instead, try to show how your reading and experiences have expanded your knowledge and developed your interests and understanding of your chosen subject. Relevant extra-curricular activities and achievements should also get a mention however, how much space you dedicate to this section is dependent on the university you are applying to. For students applying to Oxford, Cambridge or Imperial universities, extra-curricular activities should be kept to a footnote mention with a greater focus on your academic achievements. Students that are applying to universities such as Loughborough will need to include their extra-curricular achievements in more detail. These universities look at what you can bring to the faculty as a whole and supporting extra-curricular activities can show you will be a good fit. 

How do you start?

Starting your personal statement can be done in a million ways and is often the part that many students get stuck on. There is no correct way to start your statement off, some applicants choose to begin with a quote that is relevant to their interests while others open with an anecdote that provides insight into where their curiosity for the subject has come from. 

How you open will set the tone for the rest of your personal statement, including establishing your enthusiasm and interest in your subjects and providing the Admissions Tutor with an introduction to your personality. Never use someone else’s words or pretend to be someone else in your personal statement, the Admissions Tutors will quickly see through this and with only a short space to express your true academic self, you don’t want to waste space on other’s content. We recommend speaking as though you were speaking to your headteacher, in a clear, mature tone that retains a sense of who you are as an individual. 

How do you finish?

Finishing your personal statement can be as hard as finding the right words for your introduction. The final paragraph doesn’t have to be long or expansive, but simply enough to round off your statement and summarise your interest and dedication to your chosen subject. This part may need some reworking after 4,000 characters of blowing your own trumpet so get plenty of feedback to avoid getting carried away and coming across too arrogant or self-assured in your outro!

Is there anything to avoid?

Your personal statement is submitted alongside your UCAS form, so there is no need to rehash or revisit certain details such as your A-Levels or GCSE grades. Avoid mentioning anything that is readily available to the Admissions Tutors and instead, use the space to focus on selling your own subject interest and dedication. 

Aim to remain positive in your personal statement as you are selling your achievements and showing off why you are going to be a good choice for the university, so you should avoid using this space to explain potential disagreements that influenced your grade or reasons behind extended periods of leave. 

If there is further information that you feel is beneficial for the Admissions Tutors to know, you should talk to your teacher about including a note in the reference section of your UCAS form. Admission Tutors prefer to read this from the teacher’s point of view and it ensures you can use your personal statement space for the things that matter – the achievements, interests and eagerness that universities are looking for. 

Final advice

After potentially spending days, weeks and even months drafting, editing and reworking your personal statement, proof-reading may not seem like an exciting activity but it is absolutely essential. Typos can and do regularly change our opinion of a piece and its author, even if it is something minor in an otherwise engaging and informative article, so it’s key to ensure your personal statement is without grammatical flaws. 

Admission Tutors are likely to be strict on accuracy and grammar and to ensure your personal statement ticks the right boxes. We recommend asking your teachers, friends and parents to read over and proof-read your personal statement a few times. A further tip we can offer is to begin with the last sentence and work your way through your personal statement backwards, sentence by sentence. This ensures you can focus on the individual sentence and its accuracy and grammar, rather than getting distracted by the full statement. 

From all of us at Oxbridge Applications, we wish you the best of luck with your personal statement. It can be tricky, but look at it as your first challenge to university life and use this opportunity to talk about your best and most interesting subject – you!

Writing a personal statement for Oxford and Cambridge? We explore some of the frequently asked questions about Oxbridge personal statements in our  12 Personal Statement FAQs and answers  article.

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  • Jul 13, 2023

How to write an excellent Oxbridge personal statement - 3 top tips

Updated: Feb 8

The first step in the Oxford  and Cambridge application process is to craft a personal statement that sufficiently captures the interest of the admissions tutors. The personal statement serves as a tool for you to show off your unique interests within the subject you are applying for, how this interest was sparked, what extracurricular activities or reading you have done to expand on this, and, ultimately, why you should be considered for studying your subject.

The personal statement is not, however, an extended essay in which you write arguments for and against an issue or a step by step breakdown of a molecular pathway or technique. That is the purpose of the interview. The personal statement is used to assess your motivations and the extent to which you have read beyond the scope of your A-Level/IB syllabus, as well as whether you have considered the significance of your subject on the wider world. The interview will then test your knowledge of the content of your personal statement, and look to stretch your intellectual capacity a bit further.

Now that we better understand the purpose of the personal statement, let's answer the question: how to write an excellent Oxbridge personal statement? Here are my three top tips to write a compelling personal statement for Oxford and Cambridge University admissions. 1. Pick an 'angle' or 'theme' within your subject.

Oxbrdige degrees are notoriously broad . While you may be interested in multiple topics, you run the risk of not communicating your passion and knowledge in sufficient depth if you discuss too many topics. Worse still, if there is no connection between your interests, you risk coming across as disorganized and confused in your thinking. This would be a big red flag. For example, in the case of my subject, Biochemistry, I could have genetics or genetic modification as the theme of my personal statement and then go on to discuss my interests in crop modification, human genomics and gene therapies in a cohesive manner. If your subject happens to be PPE, your theme could be the role of AI and how it may threaten democracy (politics), revolutionize the world of work (economics) and what I means for the nature of man (philosophy). By having a theme, you can produce a cohesive personal statement, while still touching upon multiple areas.

2. Link your specific subject interest to concrete examples of recent developments or research.

Once you've made apparent your theme/specific interest in the opening paragraph, it is essential to connect this to examples of scientific advancements in the relevant field or recent societal events that reflect the issue(s) at hand. If your interests lie in cancer research, don't talk loosely about a new class of drug that is being developed. Instead refer to the specific research group or published paper in question and briefly comment on the mechanism of action and how and why this is an improvement over the current standard of care. You can go even further and discuss what impacts this might have on society e.g human longevity. Alternatively, for humanities / social science subjects you can provide your criticisms of a political / societal event or the vision presented in a published book. Regardless of your subject, it is essential to be specific and give your take on the recent developments. The tutors want to assess your originality and intelligence as it relates to recent research or developments.

3. Consider including a conclusion paragraph to summarize your interest, to emphasise the importance of your subject on the world, and what contributions you might make.

Oxford and Cambridge love 'big-picture' thinking. If you can produce a cohesive summary of your specific subject interest, whilst at the same time linking this how new breakthroughs in your subject may revolutionize society or resolve some of our greatest challenges at present, you will come across as that type of 'big-picture' thinker. Remember, the personal statement will not be read by administrative staff, but rather the very tutors who teach at Oxford. These are passionate academics, potentially leaders in their field. Accordingly, it is in your interest to excite them by emphasising how important their subject is and what role you might like to play in the future (i.e. researcher at X institute or director of a policy think tank or NGO).

I really hope you found this guide to writing an excellent personal statement useful! Remember, you still have plenty of time to keep working on yours until the deadline on 16 October 2023. Whether you are struggling with idea generation or finding it difficult to effectively communicate your interests and activities within the word count, Elvis Oxford Admissions and Tutoring is here to help you with your personal statement needs. Book a session today! Stay tuned for more great content over the coming months.

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Writing an Oxbridge-quality personal statement can be challenging. Our comprehensive guide will help your students write a statement that stands out

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Student writing Ucas personal statement

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In the UK, personal statements are a vital part of the university-application process, which is handled by Ucas .

However, writing an Oxbridge-quality personal statement is far more challenging for students than putting together a standard application. Why is this? And how can you support your Oxbridge applicants in writing a competitive and high-quality statement?

What is an Oxbridge personal statement?

A Ucas personal statement is a written statement (up to 4,000 characters) in which an applicant showcases their accomplishments, abilities, interests and goals to strengthen their application for higher education. 

Every university in the UK requires a personal statement, including the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Although Oxbridge statements are functionally the same as any other, the quality of writing expected from applicants is much higher. This reflects how competitive and prestigious these two universities are, with more than 40,000 applications between them each year. 

The quality of the personal statement becomes even more important for applicants outside the UK, because international students typically receive only 25 per cent of offers made by Oxford and Cambridge.

Personal statements must be written in English and are expected to reach a high standard of content quality and grammatical correctness. So the prospect of each student’s Oxbridge application will be dependent to some extent on how well they can plan, draft and edit their personal statement.

The deadline for the personal statement – along with the rest of the Ucas application – is usually 16 October for Oxbridge applicants, which is more than three months earlier than the applications for the rest of the universities in the UK.

How is an Oxbridge personal statement used? 

Unlike most universities in the UK, which rely on the Ucas application form and supporting materials to decide whether or not to offer a place, Oxford and Cambridge require applicants to complete extra steps before offers are made.

After the standard Ucas application, most applicants will need to complete a subject-specific admissions test, which is followed by an interview, should they be invited.

The personal statement is initially used during this shortlisting process, alongside the applicant’s predicted grades, admissions-test score and other supporting materials. It will also be considered in the final decision-making process, although the applicant’s interview performance will provide a greater insight into their personality and motivation for study. 

What are Oxford and Cambridge looking for? 

Oxbridge admissions tutors are interested in students’ grades, experiences and attitude. It's important to study the universities' specific guidelines rather than making assumptions about what an ideal candidate would look like.

Some of the key qualities that the universities look for include: 

1. Academic ability and potential 

Oxbridge seeks academically thriving applicants, judged first and foremost by their grades and school performance. Oxbridge applicants should already achieve or be expected to achieve the necessary grade criteria for their courses. 

2. Critical and independent thought 

Oxbridge seeks exceptionally intelligent applicants who possess critical-thinking skills. The ability to think logically in academic and everyday situations is important, because initiative and independent work are essential for the teaching style and work ethic promoted at Oxford and Cambridge.

3. Suitability and enthusiasm for the course 

Each applicant must have a genuine passion for their subject, showcasing expanded interest and a desire to learn. Essential traits include motivation, self-discipline, commitment and a drive for personal growth. 

Drafting a personal statement for Oxbridge

After writing the foundation of their personal statement, encompassing their personal story, academic achievements, subject-related experience, extracurricular activities and additional details, an applicant needs to assess whether their statement is likely to capture the interest of Oxford and Cambridge admissions tutors. 

In all likelihood, the initial draft will fall short – only a small number of applicants manage to get their statement right on the first attempt. So how can they improve it? 

1. Relevance 

An Oxbridge hopeful needs to connect everything they discuss to their application. Relevance to the chosen course is essential. A detailed explanation of one highly relevant example holds more value than a list of several irrelevant activities. An applicant should reflect on their experience, highlighting their personal growth and explain why it makes them a stronger Oxbridge applicant. 

2. Efficiency  

Oxbridge admissions are fiercely competitive, so a sentence should be as efficient as possible in highlighting the applicant’s strongest attributes.

3. Wider reading  

Oxford and Cambridge value applicants who take charge of their research and education. Your students should discuss any relevant wider reading and enrichment activities they have taken part in, including research projects, extensive reading, academic competitions and more.

4. Adding value 

Oxbridge admissions tutors want a mutually enriching relationship with their students. Applicants should therefore highlight their value to the university, including volunteer experience, extracurricular activities and desirable skills or traits. While not core elements to a statement, these additions will have a significant impact. 

Each personal statement will be different. You and the students’ teachers should provide advice based on what you know about them. Help them play to their strengths and highlight what makes them unique. 

Common personal statement mistakes 

A perfect personal statement is impossible to achieve, but sometimes your students will make simple mistakes that can have consequences for their applications. These are usually easy to avoid, so here are some of the most common mistakes you can watch out for: 

1. Pandering to tutors 

Applicants often misunderstand what admissions tutors want to see, and might attempt to impress them in misguided ways. Some will overload their personal statements with numerous achievements, assuming that tutors expect a long list. Others will embellish details to sound impressive. However, admissions tutors easily recognise these tactics, having reviewed countless personal statements during their careers. 

We already know that tutors are actually looking for academic ability, independent thinking, genuine interest and good character, so these are the traits that you should encourage your students to showcase in their writing.

2. Lying and exaggerating

Students will often think that one small lie will go unnoticed or that they won’t be questioned on the specific details of what they have mentioned. However, as soon as a student is caught out for including false information in their statement, their whole application will be in danger.

When reviewing statements, it’s important for counsellors to question students if something seems untrue – but without making accusations. Mock interviews are also a great opportunity to identify any potential misrepresentation in the work. 

3. Bad spelling or grammar

It is important to be vigilant when reviewing students’ statements, especially as English might not be your students’ first language. Encourage them to find mistakes themselves before pointing them out.

Additional tips

1. offer detailed feedback  .

It is hugely beneficial to the student to receive detailed feedback with actionable advice. Going line by line through their personal statement, you can point out specific areas, both large and small, that could be improved to enhance its overall quality. 

2. Provide exemplars  

It is strongly recommended that you build a collection of successful Oxbridge personal statements for your students to use as inspiration (but not to copy). These can come from previous applicants or from other sources, such as the successful personal statement collection  curated by UniAdmissions. 

3. Use spell and grammar checks 

Various pieces of advanced spellchecking and grammar-checking software are available, which will help your students review their work easily and accurately. You should encourage your class to make use of these, but to be careful that they only provide guidance rather then writing the whole statement. 

4. Look out for AI-written statements  

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly useful writing tool. However, it is not a suitable option for writing a personal statement because it cannot offer the personal insights and reflections that are required in a good statement.

5. Use available resources 

Various resources are available to support students through their applications. For example, UniAdmissions offers students a comprehensive collection of resources and support methods that can triple an average student’s chance of receiving an offer. Look into the options available to your students.

Upcoming changes to Ucas personal statements 

Because of concerns that the existing personal-statement format unfairly advantages certain students, Ucas will be changing its requirements in 2024 (for 2025 university entry in the UK).

The current format sees each student writing a single, free-form document for submission. The new system will instead be based on a series of six questions, which will cover all the general topics that would be discussed in a standard personal statement. This change will affect all applicants to UK universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.

The quality of content required for Oxbridge personal statements will not be changing, but applicants will need to adapt to a new, more limited way of writing. Full details about these changes, including the new questions and the reasoning behind the changes, can be found on the Ucas website . 

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How to Write an English Personal Statement Worthy of Oxbridge!

Are you dreaming of pursuing English at Oxford, Cambridge or a top Russell Group University? This comprehensive guide equips you with top tips for crafting an English personal statement that truly stands out. Learn how to showcase your diverse literary interests, structure your personal statement or tailor your statement for Oxbridge. To bring these concepts to life, we provide an example Oxbridge English personal statement for your reference.

An Image of Text Stating English Literature Personal Statement Writing

When applying to university, your personal statement is your best opportunity to showcase what motivates you to study the subject you are applying for and why you are suited to study it.  You can do this by providing evidence of your interest: how have you gone beyond the curriculum to satisfy questions which reach past the subject at A Level?  

Interviewers for English at university will be looking for students who have an insatiable curiosity for learning and developed interests in various areas of the subject. They will also be looking for candidates who have the analytical skills and academic rigour required for success at university. And, of course, you’ll be expected to demonstrate evidence of substantial reading; a successful English personal statement will provide a starting point for an interview discussion, so gesture towards a range of different texts which you are prepared to discuss at length. Don’t shy away from making a provocative statement, as long as you are prepared to support any claim you make: independent, fresh responses to texts will generate a positive response.

Tips for your English Literature Personal Statement

The key tips to bear in mind when writing a personal statement are: be truthful, be ambitious and don’t undersell yourself.  This is an opportunity to show off what you’re good at! Don’t hold back from writing about times when you have excelled (for example, winning an English essay competition) but don’t distort what you’ve done either. 

Don’t mention books which you haven’t read all the way through . If you feel like your breadth of reading might be lacking, it’s a good idea to do some extension reading in the months leading up to applying for university, so that when it comes to writing your personal statement, you’ll have a wide variety of texts to choose from.

Showcase your literary diversity : Make your personal statement stand out by referencing a range of text forms, from classic novels to contemporary poetry, thought-provoking essays, iconic plays, and compelling prose. This demonstrates your passion for English literature across different mediums and eras.

Embrace the breadth of English literature: Convey your enthusiasm for the subject by including references to works from various eras. Showcase your appreciation for not only contemporary literature but also texts from older periods, like the Medieval age, the Renaissance, and beyond (whilst staying true to your interests). This illustrates your readiness to explore and engage with the rich tapestry of English literature throughout history. This is particularly important when applying for a course like Oxford English Language Literature as the course modules are chronological, spanning Old English (e.g. Beowulf) through to contemporary texts. An admissions tutor is likely to be impressed if you therefore have some appreciation for a range of literary eras.

Craft a narrative with a few (e.g. 3) focused areas of interest: Instead of providing a superficial overview of various topics that interest you, choose say three specific areas of English literature that genuinely intrigue you. These could be thematic, like postcolonial literature, feminist literature, or gothic literature. For each area, go in-depth by referencing a key book or text you've read, a relevant piece of literary criticism (this isn’t required, but can be good to include!), and your thoughtful analysis of the text or critic's perspective. Then, connect these three areas to create a compelling narrative thread that showcases your passion, analytical skills, and the trajectory of your literary exploration. This approach not only demonstrates your commitment but also provides a captivating structure for your personal statement (See the English personal statement posted below as an example of this!)

How to Structure Your English Personal Statement

The word count for personal statements is quite limited, so it’s important to use every sentence effectively. Don’t repeat yourself and don’t include information which isn’t relevant to your application. When applying for English, there are certain areas which should be addressed in your personal statement, so here is a guideline of how one might structure the personal statement to ensure that all of these areas are mentioned.

Introductory paragraph:

What is your motivation to study English?  Be specific: what do you want to explore at university? What is distinctive about studying literature that makes it worthwhile? Ensure you talk about what motivates your study of the subject now, not a catalyst from your childhood as, even if it may be true, the interviewer will find it clichéd and less relevant.

Main body of the personal statement:

Devote at least a paragraph to talking about specific areas of interest within the subject.  What excites you most? For example, do you have a particular fascination with performance studies or postcolonial theory? Indicate that you have opinions and preoccupations within the discipline.

Mention a range of texts which have interested you: ensure that you’ve mentioned at least one play, prose text and piece of poetry (ideally).  It’s also a good idea to show that you’ve engaged with secondary texts, for example a work of literary criticism or a book covering the historical background of a period of literature you’ve studied.

Show that you have an active interest in the subject: Have you sought out performances of plays, special lectures or essay competitions? These will all reveal that you’ve gone out of your way to immerse yourself in your subject already, and this is a very appealing trait in a prospective university candidate.

Showcase your skills: Don’t just name-drop texts but say something incisive and persuasive about them. This could involve discussing what links together works by authors of the same period or what defines the work of a single author.  Demonstrate your ability to analyse texts effectively, because this is the most important skill which you will use studying English at university level.

Concluding your personal statement:

The personal statement isn’t long enough to talk at length about extracurricular hobbies and activities, so don’t let these take up too much space (a few lines maximum). However, it is a good idea to mention what you do outside your subject to present yourself as a well-rounded candidate. Therefore:

You could mention one or two of your other A Level subjects, perhaps describing how they have enhanced your study of English. This will be particularly convincing if you have studied History or a foreign language at A Level.

Mention any extracurricular activities which make you stand out. Do you play a musical instrument, and if so, to what level? If you’re involved in sport, do you play in a team?  Don’t write at length about this: try to contain this information within one sentence.

Mention any prizes or roles of responsibility which you have had at school, including any clubs that you might organise, such as the school newspaper or student council.

Conclude your personal statement by returning to your aptitude for studying the subject . Which core skills do you possess which will equip you to excel at degree level? It’s important to strike a balance between enthusiasm for the subject and evidence of skills.

Pile of books for English personal statement writing

Applying to Oxford or Cambridge (Oxbridge)? Here's What You Should Also Do

Difference Between Oxford English Language and Literature BA & Cambridge English BA

The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, collectively referred to as Oxbridge, are globally renowned for their exceptional academic courses. In the domain of English studies, both universities offer distinct programmes: Oxford's English Language and Literature and Cambridge's English course. In this section, we will precisely explore the key differences between these programmes, highlighting their unique approaches and focus, to ensure you cater your Oxbridge English personal statement to your Number 1 choice of university.

Writing an Oxford English Language and Literature Personal Statement

Oxford's English Language and Literature course is renowned for its extensive scope, offering a comprehensive exploration of English writing from its origins in Anglo-Saxon England to contemporary works. It provides the unique opportunity to examine literature in English on a global scale, encompassing texts from various parts of the world and originally penned in different languages. The course allows students to tailor their studies to match their interests through core papers, dissertation topics, and special options. Some past options include delving into Literature and revolution, Postcolonial literature, Writing lives, Old Norse, Tragedy, and Film criticism, fostering a dynamic and diverse learning experience.

At the University of Oxford, the course titled "English Language and Literature" is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of both the language and literary aspects of the English discipline . It is therefore important that you ideally reference both aspects in your Oxford English personal statement. Even if the other courses you are applying for do not have the Language element, anything you include will still be relevant to the study of Literature (you can entwine the two).

1. Integration of Language and Literature:

Oxford's course integrates the study of the English language with a deep exploration of literary works. Students examine the language's structure, history, and linguistic components while also engaging with a wide array of literary genres and periods.

2. Language Analysis and Literary Critique:

The curriculum at Oxford hones students skills in language analysis, gives them exposure to linguistic theories, and literary critique. Students learn to analyse the nuances of language and its application in literature, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills.

3. Historical and Cultural Context:

Oxford places significant importance on studying literature within its historical and cultural contexts. Students gain insights into the societal influences that shaped literary works, providing a holistic understanding of the subject.

Writing a Cambridge English Personal Statement

Cambridge's English degree course offers a well-rounded curriculum that combines a strong foundation in English literary works with an opportunity to explore various art forms, including music and film in relation to literature . Furthermore, it delves into literature's connections with intellectual traditions such as philosophy, art history, and politics . In Year 1 (Part IA), students undertake compulsory papers in Practical Criticism and Critical Practice, along with an assessment of Shakespeare through a portfolio of essays. Year 2 (Part IB) introduces compulsory and optional papers spanning different literary periods from Early Medieval Literature to the 20th century. In Year 3 (Part II), students engage with compulsory papers in Practical Criticism and Critical Practice II, explore Tragedy across ages, and undertake a dissertation. Additionally, they can choose from a wide array of optional papers that evolve yearly, covering diverse topics such as Chaucer, American Literature, Visual Culture, and more.

Here’s how to tailor your personal statement to align with these features:

Interdisciplinary Approach : Cambridge's English course places a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary connections. In your personal statement, you could showcase your readiness to explore literature's intersections with other fields such as philosophy, art history, and politics. Mention any relevant experiences or readings that demonstrate your interest in these areas and how they relate to literature.

Exploration of Other Art Forms : Cambridge offers the opportunity to delve into other art forms, including music and film, in relation to literature. Highlight your passion for these art forms and their connections to literature. You could discuss a specific instance where you've analysed how music or film enhances the understanding of a literary work, for example, or how these art forms can provide fresh perspectives on literature.

Critical Thinking and Intellectual Traditions : Cambridge's English course encourages critical thinking and engagement with intellectual traditions. In your personal statement, you could emphasise your analytical abilities by discussing a piece of literature or a critical theory that challenged your thinking. Show how your engagement with intellectual traditions has shaped your approach to literature.

Broad Range of Literature : Mention your fascination with the diverse range of literary works in the Cambridge curriculum, spanning different eras and cultures. Highlight any books or authors that have particularly resonated with you, and explain how they have influenced your literary interests.

How is the Personal Statement Used in Oxbridge English Interviews?

Your personal statement offers admissions tutors a glimpse into your academic journey, showcasing your passion for English Literature or English Language. It acts as a crucial tool for them to assess your commitment to the subject and your ability to articulate your thoughts coherently and persuasively.

Through your personal statement, you have the opportunity to exhibit your enthusiasm for the subject. Your engagement with literary works, language theories, and academic experiences should shine through, portraying a genuine and dedicated interest in the field. Highlighting specific books, theories, or authors you admire and discussing how they have influenced your academic pursuits adds depth to your statement.

Admissions tutors use your personal statement to evaluate how well your academic goals align with the structure and ethos of the course you're applying for. Articulate why you believe the particular course at the university is the right fit for you. Demonstrating an understanding of the curriculum and emphasising how it will help you achieve your academic and career aspirations is key.

During the interview, the personal statement often serves as a starting point for discussion . The interviewers may delve into topics you've mentioned in your statement, seeking deeper insights into your thought processes and motivations. Therefore, it is essential to be well-prepared to expand on the ideas presented in your personal statement, providing a more comprehensive understanding of your perspective.

English Personal Statement

Looking for ideas for English personal statement content?

We have built out an entire co-curricular platform, Minds Underground, for university applicants to use as evidence for their wider subject exploration. A few ideas:

Our English Literature Summer School allows students to broaden their horizons in literature, to consider authors and theorists from across the globe. classes are hosted by our Oxbridge-educated tutors, from a Fellow at all Soul’s College, Oxford, to published authors and Master’s and PhD researchers specialising in English Lang & Lit

Research Projects: E.g. ““Ways of Seeing": Exploring Word, Image and Ideology with a Cambridge Master's English Researcher and Multidisciplinary Artist” (Typically 1 month, 5 project tutorial sessions)

Exemplar Personal Statement for Oxford Language and Literature

Below is a sample English Language and Literature personal statement from U2 Tuition co-founder Camille, that was accepted for Oriel College, Oxford:

The importance of literature in society first became apparent to me when reading Milton’s polemical tract Areopagitica. I was intrigued by the way he used language’s potential not only to liberate, ‘give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely’, but also to manipulate. It is fascinating that this idea of a ‘Janus’ faced’ side to words could have been promoted over 300 years ago. Today, in our progressively plural world and with language’s increasing flexibility, I can see that Milton’s ideas have developed still further. In a culture where we are constantly bombarded with messages, it is all the more important to discern meaning. Here, Saussure’s theories in semiotics have particular resonance. I believe an in-depth study of literature will teach me to deconstruct and question these uses of language. It was for this reason I undertook work as a research assistant on an Oxford University project, Examining the OED. Tracing how language changed over time demonstrated its fluidity and the nuances of the way words are actually used. Considering how literary writers have shaped and influenced the lexicon also showed me how literature constantly interacts with everyday life. This capacity for narrative to be an active force both in the shaping of the lexicon and also upon the reader, became evident to me during my Gap Year travels on the professional tennis tour. During this period of intense training and competition I drew inspiration, both as a tennis player and aspiring novelist, from travel writing such as Robert McFarlane’s Mountains of the Mind and Old Ways and McDougall’s Born to Run. Upon my return I came across Robin Lydenberg’s essay Freud’s Uncanny Narratives. His discussion of the uncanny effect of Freud’s constant shift into autobiographical narrative and complex relation to Italy in The Uncanny, was particularly relevant to a study of a personal and travel narrative. I realised part of the attraction of these texts was their dealings with both the familiar and the foreign. I am also curious about the more typical territory of the uncanny in Gothic fiction, where terror is derived from something, at once strange and intrinsic, in the supernatural. I found the skeleton that reproaches Frederic for his lust in Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto horrific in the truest Gothic sense - an instrument of man’s own secret fears, denials and desires. In a less overt manner (and as a possible reaction to Lewis’s The Monk) Radcliffe interweaves supernatural ‘mysteries’ and human psychology in her rational explanations. I love how she shows the mind itself to almost be a supernatural entity. When reading Radcliffe’s work I was struck by her portrayal of her heroines as paradigms of innocence who cannot function in the active adult world. I recognised this as a recurring theme in Victorian texts like Gaskell’s Ruth, Rossetti’s Goblin Market and Wilde’s A Woman of No Importance. I thought it illuminating that despite Wilde’s feminist tendencies he sends Mrs. Arbuthnot into exile whilst Lord Illingworth is assimilated back into society. The conflict between the way writers depict the private ethics of their female protagonists and the realities of public life is also found in earlier works. In Shakespeare’s The Rape of Lucrece, Lucrece is only given some form of rhetorical political power by committing suicide. Likewise, in Titus Andronicus, Lavinia’s sacrifice and perhaps even her rape are necessary to reestablish purity in Rome, and in Medea, Medea only gains power over Jason by killing her own children. Her revenge is limited. The development of language, the influence of literature in everyday life and the way in which writers treat gender and the supernatural are just some of the literary ideas that intrigue me. I would relish the opportunity to deepen my understanding of these concepts and explore other periods and styles at University level.

Use this personal statement for inspiration and ideas, and to see how to structure an exemplar English personal statement for Oxford or Cambridge. We wish you all the best on your onward journey and encourage you to look at our Personal Statement page for more information, and the ways in which U2 can help.

Looking for an English Personal Statement Writing Tutor or Support For Your Wider Oxbridge English Application?

English Personal Statement Tutoring

U2 Tuition’s Oxbridge-educated tutors have a close insight into what admissions tutors like to see in an English personal statement, and can help students to convey their skills, motivations, and long term goals, in order to stand out from other applicants. The statement should be the candidates own work, but our mentors will provide direction and guide you through the process of content building and writing. We offer offline drafting as well as tuition sessions.

Oxbridge English Tutoring

We have a large team of Oxbridge-educated English mentors including 1st Class, Master’s and PhD level graduates, who support students through each stage of the application process, including personal statement, ELAT and interview preparation.

The Process:

1) We suggest an Oxbridge English graduate as a mentor and send their full CV for review. Our mentors are deeply familiar with the admissions process to study English at the University of Oxford, Cambridge, as well as top UK Universities such as UCL, and are well-placed to guide you through personal statement curation, the entrance exam and interview process. We may suggest a range of application tutors to choose from with slightly differing rates depending on qualifications and level of experience.

2) We typically suggest beginning with a 1.5 hour diagnostic session , where the mentor will informally assess the student’s current performance level for application, including test and interview. Following this, we issue a report with feedback, and structure a plan to best prepare.

3) U2’s approach for regular English application sessions: The main focus of tutorial sessions will be to explore material that can be discussed in the personal statement and at interview - this may sometimes stretch from A-Level standard to First Year Undergraduate. Mentors ensure each student refines their literary interests, and is exposed to a range of literary eras, approaches and new concepts, guiding students in their reading and wider subject exploration. Together, we build a case for the student, solidifying the stance and direction they will take during interview and honing skills for the ELAT if applicable.

Frequency of sessions can be decided between student and mentor. Students can take either ad hoc sessions, or we structure a full programme for preparation, which may include further co-curricular opportunities such as our research projects , English Literature summer school and Oxbridge mock interview days. Honing the skills necessary to succeed for Oxbridge ideally requires long-term preparation and mentoring presents a wonderful opportunity to learn from some of the very best Oxbridge has produced.

Sessions from £75/h + VAT.

Educational Podcasts to Listen to in 2024: A Subject-Specific Guide to BBC’s Higher Education Podcast: ‘In Our Time’

How to prepare a successful biological natural sciences application in 2024.

How to write a great Oxbridge Personal Statement

Tips for acing the oxbridge personal statement.

How to write a great Oxbridge Personal Statement

Writing a great Personal Statement is a prime opportunity to showcase yourself and stand out from the crowd. What Oxbridge looks for is a little different from other universities, so here are some tips to help you write a standout Oxbridge Personal Statement.

1. Start Drafting Early  

The extra level of preparation that an Oxbridge application requires, combined with the mid-October deadline, means that you should try to start planning your Personal Statement towards the end of Year 12. 

It usually takes a few drafts before you have a perfectly polished Personal Statement staring back at you, so ideally your first draft should be done by the end of the summer holiday before Year 13. This means that you should try to have completed any extra reading or work experience that you want to write about in your Statement by then as well. 

Tip: If you haven’t decided which course you want to study yet, start planning a more general Personal Statement, or even two separate ones for two different subjects. Writing about your enthusiasm and experiences will probably help your decision-making process!  

2. Focus on your academic interests and achievements  

Admissions decisions at Oxford and Cambridge are solely based on academic ability and potential, so you should focus on showcasing your understanding and passion for your chosen subject. We’ve written a guide about navigating Oxbridge’s attitude towards extracurriculars which explains more about this. 

You can show your interest and ability in your subject with examples of books you’ve read, an EPQ you’ve written, a prize you’ve won, lectures you’ve attended, documentaries you’ve watched, podcasts you’ve listened to, or really anything you can think of! 


  • Instead of: “I am interested in molecular biology”
  • Try: “My interest in molecular biology led me to read X”

3. Set yourself up for an interview  

All successful Oxbridge candidates are interviewed as part of the admissions process, and interviewers often draw on things mentioned in the Personal Statement. 

To help put you in control of the interview as much as possible, you can leave ‘hooks’ for the interviewer which direct them towards topics you’ll be able to talk about confidently. For example, if you write: “I was fascinated by the similarities between Ovid’s Amores and contemporary love poetry” , you should expect to be asked what in particular you found fascinating. 

This is one reason why it's really important to be honest in your Personal Statement. You should never claim to have read a book that you haven’t (even if you plan to read it after submitting your UCAS form, because who knows what will happen!) You also shouldn’t pretend to have an interest in a something just because you think it will sound impressive. Interviewers are likely to ask you about it and it will be pretty clear if you aren’t genuinely interested. 

4. Show that you are intellectually curious and thoughtful  

Oxbridge admissions tutors are looking for thoughtful and perceptive students who are curious about their chosen subject. How much material you have consumed on your subject is not as important as how deeply you have thought about each one. For example, there’s no point listing thirteen books that you’ve read with no comments or thoughts about any of them.  

To demonstrate a thoughtful approach to your studies, you can do things like: 

  • Give an example of something you found particularly interesting in what you learned, and explain why you found it interesting.
  • For example: “Learning about A at school led me to read X. I was particularly interested by the chapter on B, because …. This led me to further research B by watching Y.”
  • For example: Did two different theorists interpret a concept differently? Is there a theme that runs through a set of books you’ve read? Did you disagree with an opinion presented at a lecture?

5. Try to be original…  

In 2019, Oxford University received more than 23,000 undergraduate applications for roughly 3,300 places. The vast majority of these applicants have really good grades, which can make it difficult to stand out from the crowd. This is where your ability to be perceptive and original comes in. Think about how the subject that you are applying for relates to your other studies, the world around you, and even your personal experiences. 

For example, almost every Classics student out there will know the plot of Medea , but how many of them will be able to demonstrate that it’s since been stolen by the screenwriters of Eastenders? Did campaigning for the most recent election remind you of a piece of propaganda from the First World War? 

Remember that the people who will read your application, and interview you, have made a career out of their chosen subject, and it really is their passion. They will genuinely be interested to have a conversation with you if you can bring an interesting or original thought to your Personal Statement and interview. 

6. …but don’t overdo it  

Don’t try to be original for the sake of it. And don’t go overboard with the thesaurus - concentrate on being clear rather than trying to be a lexical aficionado (annoying, right?) 

7. Proof-read, then proof-read again  

One thing which can negatively affect the opinion of Admissions Tutors is a typo. Even if it’s something really minor, some tutors are very strict on accuracy, and it could be the difference between receiving an offer or not.  

Proof-read your Personal Statement several times yourself, and then ask your parents, friends, or teachers to read it over, looking specifically for typos or grammatical errors. A lot of the time, it's easier for someone with fresh eyes to spot a typo than for the person writing.  

8. Don’t name drop Oxbridge  

Remember that you need your Personal Statement to be relevant to all five of the universities you are applying to. This means that you shouldn’t mention Oxford, Cambridge, or any other university by name.  

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Top 10 Tips for an Oxbridge Personal Statement

Table of Contents

1. Make it Personal

University admissions tutors go through hundreds of Personal Statements every year. Especially at Oxbridge, where there are usually over 10 applicants per place! Applications, from the university’s perspective, are a long process involving thousands of applicants so it’s important that you use your Oxbridge Personal Statement to stand out and be remembered. They will likely make a decision about whether you will be further considered for admission long before they’ve finished reading. Therefore, you need to make sure to capture their attention quickly.

Have you done any relevant work experience, or perhaps a research project? Put that near the top of your Oxbridge Personal Statement to stand out straight away.  Look online for example Oxbridge Personal Statements for your chosen course to get ideas, but make sure not to plagiarise! All UCAS Personal Statements are checked for plagiarism against all other Personal Statements.

2. Don’t talk about your A levels

Further to the last point, don’t spend a lot of time talking about your A levels. Almost everyone has done them, and you want to give Oxford or Cambridge a reason to choose YOU and not someone else. You have a limited number of characters in which to show them why, so use that space to talk about things unique to you. Keep reading for ideas about what you should put instead.

3. Read around your subject

Books you’ve read are a great way to both show your interest in the subject and stand out from everyone else on your personal statement. Remember that if you go to Oxbridge, you might even meet the person who wrote the book you read, or someone who worked with them. Make sure to discuss an idea from the book you found interesting or surprising, and why the book was important to you to show that you’ve really learnt from it.

4. Ask for feedback

A great way to improve your Oxbridge Personal Statement is to ask for feedback from your teachers and friends. It’s easy to miss spelling and grammar mistakes, and it can be very useful to get a second opinion about vocabulary and sentence structure. Your Oxbridge Personal Statement will likely have sentences that are phrased awkwardly and it will be difficult for you to notice it and think of anything else to say when it’s something you’ve written yourself.

Therefore asking someone else is an important tool, make sure to ask someone with experience in your subject to make sure all the specifics are correct, your school teacher for the chosen subject or any family/friends who studied a similar subject at University.

5. But not from too many people

Although the last point still stands, you don’t want to ask too many people for advice. How can this be? They will all have their own ideas, and although most of them will be good, hearing a lot of conflicting suggestions will confuse you and make you doubt yourself. The truth is that there is no perfect Oxbridge Personal Statement, but there are a lot of great ones. Whilst external opinions are valuable, ensure that they don’t take away from what is YOUR piece of work. Ultimately, your Oxbridge Personal Statement should capture who you are and not anyone else!

6. It will take more than one draft

It may seem like you could get your Oxbridge Personal Statement done in one night. After all, it’s only 4000 characters or about 600-800 words. However, if you think this then you’re in for a rude awakening! Take it from us, first, you’ll feel like you’ve got nothing to write, then it will start pouring out and very soon you’ll have far too much and you’ll have to get rid of whole sections. After that comes vocabulary. “If I can just rephrase this, I can make it 5 characters shorter”, you’ll think to yourself.

Trust me, I’ve been there. Then you’ll show it to your teacher and she’ll tell you to include another point in there. It can feel like it never ends, but you have to finish it at some point – again you need to find a balance. Don’t rush it – you have until October for Oxbridge/medicine applications and until January for other applications. This gives you plenty of time to make the best Personal Statement you can. If you’re really stuck for something to improve, come back the next day with a fresh set of eyes, or ask a  friend or teacher to read it.

7. Show, don’t tell

Imagine someone told you that they are the best mathematician ever. You wouldn’t believe them at first; you might ask them some maths questions, what qualifications they have etc. In the same way, universities won’t believe you if you just say how good a candidate you are; you need to show them. For example, don’t say that you’re passionate about your subject. Instead, tell them what books you’ve read about or online courses or extracurricular projects you’ve done.

Don’t just say that you’re organised, tell them about some work experience you’ve done and show them how you used your organizational skills to do it. Never say anything you can’t back up. If you don’t think you’ve got anything like this to say, it’s not too late to start. Go and do some work experience or read a book before you have to submit your Oxbridge Personal Statement . Self-reflection is key so learn how to do it effectively and efficiently.

8. Make it relevant to your chosen course

For everything you say about yourself, try to show why it will make you a good candidate for the course you are applying to. Obviously, don’t go too far with this. There are some skills, such as intelligence, that are just generally good and you don’t have to say why they’re good for a specific course. However, if you apply to something with a high workload like medicine it may be good to show how you’re good at time management, and if you apply to something with a lot of problem-solving like STEM then it may be good to show that you have problem-solving ability.

This is also a good way to plug up any gaps left by your A levels. If, for example, you are applying for a course with a creative element and your A levels don’t include a lot of creativity then talk about a hobby you do and how you use creativity to do it.

9. Get it done early

The Oxbridge Personal Statement is the first step in your application, and it will require your best work. As such, it’s vital to give yourself plenty of time to come up with all the best things about yourself to write and to make improvements. Start it with plenty of time to spare so you don’t have to rush, and don’t let it take up all your time when you have important studying to do.

10. Submit it and move on

When you’ve dotted every i and crossed every t, checked all your spelling and vocabulary, and asked your friends, your teachers, the postman and his dog to read your Oxbridge Personal Statement, you still may feel like there’s more you can improve. You have to ignore this feeling. If you’ve done all you can and followed all the tips in this article then your time will be better spent studying to ace your admissions test, and make sure you keep up with your A levels!

Getting your Oxbridge Personal Statement in nice and early also shows the university that you’re well prepared. We will admit, the waiting for a response can be the hardest part, but it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and the Personal Statement is only the first hurdle.

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Successful Personal Statement For Law At Oxford

Last Updated: 6th April 2022

Author: Chloe Hewitt

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Law applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Oxford University. The Law Course at Oxford offers a world-class opportunity to develop a diverse set of skills which you will be able to apply in many different situations.

Read on to see how this candidate managed to secure an offer from a world-class department.  

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement (the applicant uses most of the 4,000 characters available):


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:

Enrolling on our Oxford Law comprehensive Programme will help you perfect your Personal Statement.

When you enrol in our  Oxbridge Law Premium Programme , you’re getting the best possible support for all aspects of your application. Your tutor will give you actionable feedback on your Personal Statement drafts, with insider tips on how to improve and make your  Personal Statement Oxbridge quality  for the best chances of success.  

Discover our Premium Programmes today to learn how you can enrol and triple your chances of success .

Law Personal Statement

Law is a set of rules and guidelines imposed upon a society which reflect its moral consciousness, guided and guarded by the judiciary. I believe everyone has the right to be judged objectively by their own laws. I am fascinated by the process of examining legal arguments, by how the outcome of a case hinges on presentation of the evidence and by the law’s status as the ultimate arbiter of ‘justice.’ It is this desire to study the analytical process and underlying principles of jurisprudence that motivates me to study law academically.

Preparing for my extended project, I studied Plato’s Republic and how his analyses of different societies are relevant to modern Britain. Examining the common flaws between our own society and those depicted in Republic made me appreciate the subtlety of the law in its present-day form: many of Plato’s proposed solutions to these flaws undermined what are viewed today as personal rights. This led me to reflect on how laws protect us, and also how their intricacies create a doctrine to which people adhere, both complying and incorporating it in their own morality.

Investigating Plato’s ideal political system, I considered the contrast between how his laws were devised and their status in our own society. Plato’s ‘Guardians’ (not unlike our own judiciary) were relied on both to codify and interpret the law. While their decisions were considered to be benevolent, society was expected to conform to laws dictated by a separate class. The situation in the UK is quite different: statute law, as well as case law, often reflects current popular opinion. Sarah’s law (the parents’ right to check the criminal record of any carer for their child) was the direct result of a popular campaign. Whether it is better to have a system of laws that evolve with society or one that is dictated by a separate body is just one example of the ethical questions behind the law that intrigue me.

Seeking experience in the area of law that first attracted me, I assisted a criminal barrister in a Bristol chambers, including client interviews for petty offences and note taking in Crown Court, where we were prosecuting an alleged serial attempted rapist. The defendant’s decision to dismiss his lawyers to defend himself brought home the need for a professional intermediary to ensure fair interaction of the individual with the protocol of the law. Examining case files while shadowing a Queen’s Counsel specialising in public and taxation law, I was struck by how even the most powerful individual or company is still bound to observe the law. I sought exposure to corporate and commercial law with a local solicitor, where I worked through a practical example of employment law to determine whether a client had a case. This close reading of legal documents was a rewarding and stimulating experience, confirming my commitment to study law.

Captaining rugby teams at school (now 1st XV), club and county level, I have learned how to listen and how to lead; understanding and incorporating others’ opinions or feelings in my interaction was key to encouraging progress for the individual or group, to motivate them and help them achieve their own potential. I developed these skills further mentoring in French and as a Sports Ambassador for local primary schools.

Rugby is like society: there are fixed laws that define the game and how it is played, but they are constantly tested by the flair of the players. As a result, the referee must both interpret and enforce the application of those laws; in Plato’s terms, he is both guardian and auxiliary. The application of the law to dynamic situations and how different outcomes might be achieved depending upon points of interpretation has fascinated me for years.

I am strongly motivated to study the law’s mechanics and with this passion, combined with the necessary determination and underlying skills, I will relish the task of appreciating and mastering law as an intellectual discipline in its own right.

Access "The Big Book Of Oxbridge Applications" For FREE

Your Personal Statement is only one step in your Law application, so discover everything you need to know in The Big Book Of Oxbridge Applications , available for free here! Through over 350 pages , you will find:

  • 28 example Oxbridge Personal Statements
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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

This is an impressive personal statement in many regards and was clearly well received. The student opens with a definition of law, but then goes on to interpret what they understand it to mean, and by doing so has given some insight into their personality and understanding. It is clear from the outset that the student’s interest is an academic one, and this will gain them favour from top academic institutions if sustained. The discussion of the student’s extended project is given a clear legal dimension, and the student competently makes cross-links, which display their strong grasp of sources of UK law- having a current example to underline this point. In this instance, the discussion of work experience complements the academic interests well because of the way the statement is structured – by saving work experience till later, the student made clear that their primary focus is academic and intellectual, but they do have a commitment to engaging with the subject at a practical level.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

Having two paragraphs about rugby probably gives the sport more attention than is necessary. Moreover, while the student has endeavoured to present all their skills as relevant to law, the links can read as somewhat tenuous, particularly in the sporting examples. Replacing one of these paragraphs with one about some wider reading in a purely legal area of interest (as opposed to reading as part of the extended project) would have been a more beneficial addition.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

This is an extremely strong personal statement. The student clearly gets across their interest in studying law, but more than this it is unquestionable that their interest is in studying law as an academic discipline rather than practicing law as a career once they have graduated. Structurally the statement flows well, and covers sufficient facets of the student’s activities and interests to explain why they want to study law and why they would be successful in doing so. The only real improvement to be made would be to add discussion of a time the student engaged in academic reading or research into a legal topic beyond what is required of them in their studies.

This Personal Statement for Law is a good example of demonstrating motivation and development which is vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Oxford, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

There are plenty more successful personal statements and expert guides on our Free Personal Statement Resources page.

Successful Personal Statement For Law At Cambridge

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The World’s First Oxbridge Preparatory School

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AI Writing & UCAS Personal Statements: Everything you Need to Know

11th September 2024

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AI tools, such as ChatGPT, offer a quick solution for producing a personal statement. They require only several simple commands to generate a statement that can be submitted as a part of your university application. Given such potential for misuse, AI tools are becoming a great concern to the Universities and Colleges Admission Service, which processes all UK university applications.  If you are applying to a UK university, you’ll need to consider UCAS regulations for using AI personal statements . In this blog, we explain all you need to know about AI writing and UCAS personal statements. 

Are You Allowed to Use AI When Writing your UCAS Personal Statement?

The shortest and simplest answer to this question is “no”. If you read UCAS’ guide to using AI and ChatGPT with your personal statement, you’ll learn that UCAS explicitly discourages reliance on AI. Even though the guide acknowledges that AI can be used as tool, it states that “The personal statement is exactly that: personal. It is a chance to sell yourself and why you want to study a course”. This view makes sense as AI often produces too generic content and does have intricate insight of your skills and abilities, which must be woven into a personal statement to boost its effectiveness. 

Is AI use for UCAS Personal Statements Considered Cheating and Can UCAS detect ChatGPT?

In its guide, UCAS answers this question with a clear “yes”. When you submit your UCAS personal statement, you are required to state that you have not copied the statement from another source, including an AI tool. This is another point that makes sense as UCAS expects you to provide an authentic reflection of your own experiences, skills, and aspirations in your statement. Using AI to generate or significantly alter your personal statement can misrepresent your personal voice and undermine your application’s integrity. 

Tools such as a UCAS plagiarism detector may soon be used to determine if ChatGPT personal statements were involved in the writing process. If such implementation is detected, your chances of being offered a place at a university can be jeopardised.

Is AI Use for UCAS Personal Statements Penalised?

As was the case with the previous question, this one is answered with a “yes”. To uphold its duty to applicants and educational institutions, UCAS implements a Verification Team to identify fraudulent applications and detect similarities in personal statements. Even though UCAS’s guide does not explicitly mention the use of AI detection tools, these could be easily implemented to evaluate whether your statement was written by AI. If such implementation is detected, your chances of being offered a place to a university can be jeopardised.  

How to Use AI Safely When Writing your UCAS Personal Statement?

UCAS’s guide offers several tips for using AI as a tool when crafting your personal statement. Specifically, whereas you are not allowed to copy directly from AI, you are allowed to use AI , such as ChatGPT, to get ideas on what to include in the statement, how to structure it, and how to ensure its readability. Indeed, AI tools can be safely used for these purposes as long as the final content remains original and reflects your personal voice and experiences.

Takeaway Message

In summary, UCAS discourages AI use for personal statements, considers its cheating, and mentions academic penalties. However, UCAS acknowledges that AI tools can be used to assist your statement writing process . If you are applying to a UK university, be sure to read UCAS’ guide and avoid overreliance on AI.  

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Psychology personal statement example (oxbridge).

Psychology has always been a part of my life, as I have Asperger's syndrome. I have always noticed how other people behaved differently from me.

I've repeatedly wondered what makes this happen and that's how I ended up being interested in psychology. I began to wonder what makes some people more sympathetic than others.

At school, when I was younger, I always preferred to do things by myself than to work with a group, because it was better and faster for me. Because of that, their feelings for me were not very sympathetic. I then realised that sympathy is connected with similarity in personality and gestures.

Also, I noticed that sympathy increases the frequency of contact with some people, especially if there's a common task to do.

To prove my theory to myself, I began to behave like my peers, and it really affected my level of sympathy. I enjoyed this result very much and it strengthened my interest in psychology.

Later, I read an article on psychology that described various studies about what determines whether a person likes you.

I have read many articles and books on psychology. My favorite is Robert Cialdini's book "Influence: Science and Practice". I remember while reading this book that I didn't realise how easily I was being manipulated by others.

Since then, whenever I see someone trying to sell a product, I recall the techniques described in this book, that this person uses, and how people are so easily manipulated. Also, after reading about all the techniques, I tested them on friends, with various results.

Of course, I realize that most of the research cited there was carried out 20-30 years ago, and that in psychology, a lot of ideas could have changed. In the future, I would also like to carry out such experiments to discover new rules of social influence.

The working of our brain also seems to me not to be so straightforward (particularly after reading "The man who mistook his wife for a hat" by Oliver Sacks). I am constantly wondering what the brain's capabilities are and what we can achieve by improving it regularly, so I decided to take a memory course.

Thanks to the right exercises I was able to improve my working memory considerably and felt that my brain was working at a higher speed than usual.

It was rewarding to realise that by actively using my imagination while learning I was able to learn faster and longer.

I also learned useful mnemonic techniques like the 'substitute method', or the 'memory palace'. I consider the memory palace to be a very valuable mnemonic technique because I was able to memorize almost everything in a relatively short time.

What's more, this amazing technique shows the seemingly unlimited potential of our brain.

Recently I've done some voluntary work, helping people with cognitive impairments. It was quite an experience.

I had a lot of opportunities to observe how they behave, although I wasn't informed about their disabilities. The biggest problem for me was normal communication with those people.

I was practically forced to use nonverbal communication, so I improved my use of it a little. Although those people barely understood me, I noticed that they had learned specifc patterns of behaviour on the click/wrrr basis.

For example, every time I smiled one of them burst out laughing. Thanks to that I also knew when they were hungry, because then they opened their mouth. This experience taught me to be even more patient and responsible.

As for my other interests, in my free time I really enjoy the music of Chopin, and film music. I am a student at a music school. I play the piano and the saxophone and I have won some local competitions.

Even here psychology helps me, because I've learnt that I can practise playing my instrument in my imagination, which gives surprisingly good results.

I also like spending time solving maths problems. I am sure that such experiences, and my practical involvement with psychology will support me during the course for which I am applying.

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There is no profile associated with this personal statement, as the writer has requested to remain anonymous.

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I got an offer from UCL and a rejection from Oxford.

This personal statement is unrated

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