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Essays About Fashion: Top 5 Examples and 9 Prompts

If you are writing essays about fashion, check out our guide of helpful examples and exciting writing prompts to get started.

Fashion is individuals’ way of expressing their personalities. They do this through clothes and accessories that display their tastes and preferences. There are different fashion styles and trends, and anyone can choose anything they want to follow. Additionally, fashion has various benefits, such as boosting self-confidence, lightening moods, and developing creativity. Our fashion choices also help us send messages and present our beliefs. Thus, fashion can also be political .

Below are five essay examples and nine writing prompts to help you create an eye-catching essay about fashion:


5 Top Essay Examples

1. why fashion is important by george k., 2. fashion: an important part of life by ankita yadav, 3. fashion as communication by eunice summers, 4. fashion 2022 by edudwar, 5. the effect of fashion on teenagers in school by anonymous on, 1. fashion trends and women, 2. fashion evolution, 3. fashion and starting a business, 4. effects of fashion on society, 5. the best fashion styles for men, 6. fashion trends in different countries , 7. careers in the fashion industry, 8. cultural fashion vs. modern fashion, 9. the best and worst of fashion trends.

“The clothes we wear has become more than merely a way to cover our nakedness; instead it has also become one of the primary ways in which people express themselves.”

George K explains that fashion separates individuals from the rest. A person can introduce himself to others for who and what he is through style choices. Further, the author expounds on how fashion is a very competitive industry that depends on one’s search for identity. The author also points out that every person is unique and thus needs a distinct style to fit them. However, because of constant peer pressure and criticism, an individual’s fashion picks can’t be entirely their own. Ultimately, George K reminds the reader that it’s not just the clothes but how individuals wear and feel in them.

“…if we can do something then it is choosing the right stuff like entertainment, adventure, fashion, etc. All these things can make us happy and are also an important part of life. Fashion always attracts and it is available for all,”

Yadav considers how fashion originated from people’s traditions and cultures and became what it is today through individuals adopting each style and making it their own. In the following sections of the essay, she defines fashion and lists its importance, including how it developed new employment options and how styles speak for the wearer. 

In her conclusion, she encourages everyone to choose their styles and not to mind their age. Fashion helps everyone live life to the fullest.

“Fashion is an industry based on creating a need where there is none and nowadays, due to the current recession, I can understand that fashion may not be people’s biggest concern. But we cannot qualify it as ‘trivial’ since we are surrounded by it; each new generation of customers is highly exposed to commercial influences.”

Summers gives her opinion about the book “Fashion as Communication” by Malcolm Barnard . She identifies points in the work and shares her thoughts on them. The first point being those working in the fashion industry aren’t smart. As a Fashion Marketing student, Summers vehemently disagrees with this statement and recounts her experiences to counter it. She continues to analyze Barnard’s other arguments and agrees with some of them. Summers ends her essay by highlighting that fashion is too essential in modern culture and economic organization for it to be considered “trivial.”

“…the youth cares more about what they wear and how they look which could affect their status in their peer group and meddle with their mental health. Following trends and doing what everyone is doing like a sheep is never a good idea. Fashion is there to reflect your personal style, not copying what other people think is trendy.”

User Edudwar reminds people that fashion is not simply following what’s currently trendy. Fashion is there to give people the chance to show off their individualism and personalities and not present a fake version of themselves to be accepted by society. Additionally, he mentions that youth nowadays are more sensitive to what people think of them, so some will always do everything to follow trends, even if they’re not presentable or appropriate.

“Youths of the present times have indulged themselves in so much fashion that they do not receive sufficient time for other work… The time spent on studies is being used in watching TV programmes, reading fashion articles, or even finding the recent trendy outfits on the Internet.”

The essay discusses the real effects of fashion on today’s youth. The author focuses on kids zeroing in on finding the latest style instead of caring for their studies that directly affect their future. The essay also delves into how youths of yesterday had ambitions and goals in life compared to today’s youths, who prefer to have fun rather than study hard.

See our best essay writing tips to help you write an attractive, attention-grabbing essay.

9 Writing Prompts For Essays About Fashion

To assist you with your essay, we’ve compiled nine exciting writing prompts you can use:

Some women follow fashion trends religiously. They are also more conscious of their physical appearance. Some even go to the extreme and do plastic surgeries to look better in clothes. In your essay, discuss what you think these trends do to women’s perception of their worth and beauty. Add which trends you believe are unhealthy and why there’s more societal pressure for women to be fashionable.

Each era had its styles that directly resulted from that time’s circumstances. Make a timeline of how fashion evolved and the factors that influenced them. At the end of your essay, pick what you think is the best fashion era and explain why.

For this prompt, include the relevant things a future fashion clothing boutique owner should bear in mind. For instance, they should always be on top of the fashion trends and know how to balance demand and costs. Then, find a boutique owner and interview them about their experience to make your essay more fun to read.

Tackle what makes people choose the clothes they wear daily. Some prefer their fashion to display their personalities while others merely follow what they think is popular. To make your essay more interesting, you can do a simple experiment: Go out in public on two occasions: while wearing your fashion picks and donning the latest fashionable clothes. Then, add your findings and how people reacted to you.

Essays About Fashion: The best fashion styles for men

Fashion for men is different from women. Although most brands dedicate their line to women, men also deserve to know what makes them look fashionable; this essay lists styles that are excellent for men depending on the setting and event. 

What could be considered fashionable in one country can be seen as disrespectful in another. For this prompt, compile fashion trends many do but are unacceptable in other places. Reasons why may include religion or tradition. Use research data and cite reliable sourcing for a compelling piece.

In this essay, identify the career opportunities available in the fashion industry, including the steps to get there. Next, list the different job roles within fashion, and describe the responsibilities for each. Then, add tips on succeeding in that job and standing out from the rest. For an intriguing essay, conduct interviews with professionals within the industry and include this in your piece.

Our ancestors’ culture greatly influenced today’s fashion. Meanwhile, modern styles are those that the current generation uses. Write an essay about cultural and contemporary fashion’s differences, similarities, advantages, and disadvantages. 

Fashion trends come and go. However, not all popular fashion is pleasing to the eyes. For this essay, compile a list of what is, in your opinion, the best and worst fashion trends. Then, describe why you have formed these opinions and describe the details of each outfit.

Are you looking for your next essay subject? Check out our list of the best writing topics for students .


Essay on Modern Fashion

Students are often asked to write an essay on Modern Fashion in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Modern Fashion


Modern fashion is a dynamic world that reflects the spirit of the times. It’s not just about clothing, but also about expressing one’s personality and values.

Fashion has evolved significantly over time. It has moved from being a privilege of the elite to being accessible to everyone, thanks to technological advancements.

Fashion is influenced by various factors like culture, media, celebrities, and even politics. It’s a way for people to communicate their identity and beliefs.

In conclusion, modern fashion is more than just clothes. It’s a form of self-expression and a mirror of society’s changes and trends.

250 Words Essay on Modern Fashion

Introduction to modern fashion, fashion as a form of self-expression.

In the modern era, fashion has become an avenue for personal storytelling. It’s no longer merely about following trends set by high-end designers. Instead, individuals curate their style, blending vintage and contemporary pieces, high-end and affordable items, to create a unique aesthetic that reflects their personality and values.

The Influence of Social Media

The advent of social media has greatly democratized fashion. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok allow users to showcase their style, influencing trends on a global scale. As a result, the power to dictate fashion has shifted from designers and models to everyday individuals and influencers.

Sustainability in Modern Fashion

In response to growing concerns about environmental and ethical issues, sustainable fashion is gaining prominence. This movement encourages the use of eco-friendly materials, ethical production processes, and a shift towards slow fashion – buying fewer, higher quality items that last longer.

Modern fashion is a complex blend of personal expression, social media influence, and growing sustainability consciousness. As we move forward, the industry will continue to evolve, reflecting the changing times and the diverse identities of those who engage with it. With its dynamic nature, fashion remains an exciting and influential aspect of modern culture.

500 Words Essay on Modern Fashion

Fashion is an ever-evolving phenomenon, a reflection of societal changes and individual expression. Modern fashion is a complex blend of aesthetics, functionality, and cultural influences, marking a departure from traditional norms and embracing diversity on a global scale.

The Evolution of Modern Fashion

Global influences and cultural fusion.

Modern fashion is a melting pot of global influences. Designers are increasingly drawing inspiration from different cultures, leading to a fusion of styles. This cultural exchange is not just about aesthetics, but also about fostering understanding and respect for diverse cultures. However, it’s crucial to navigate this space with sensitivity to avoid cultural appropriation.

Technology and Fashion

Technology has revolutionized modern fashion in numerous ways. From digital sketches and 3D printing to smart fabrics and wearable tech, the marriage of fashion and technology is reshaping the industry. Online shopping and social media have also transformed the way we discover and purchase fashion, making it a more interactive and personalized experience.

Representation and Inclusivity

Modern fashion is also marked by a push for greater representation and inclusivity. Body positivity and diversity are now front and center, challenging traditional beauty standards. Fashion brands are recognizing the need for designs that cater to all body types, ages, and races, signaling a shift towards a more inclusive industry.

Conclusion: The Future of Modern Fashion

As we move forward, the future of modern fashion lies in its ability to adapt and innovate. With challenges like climate change and social inequality, the industry needs to evolve sustainably and inclusively. Modern fashion is not just about what we wear, but also about the values we embody. As consumers, we have the power to shape these values and drive change, making fashion a powerful tool for social and environmental progress.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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today's fashion essay

Essay: Why Fashion is Important

The Fashionisto

Published October 18, 2017

Updated May 4, 2024

Louis Vuitton 2016 Spring Summer Backstage

Fashion is one of the most critical industries in our world today. Style has become one of the primary ways in which people express their personality and distinguish themselves from those around them. With every New Year which comes and goes, new fashions arrive on the scene, and they all endeavor to be more colorful and fashionable than those which saw last year. There’s inspiration everywhere, from online retailers like Roden Gray to printed magazines. The desire to express one was present throughout human history.

People of all ages are addicted to new trends in fashion. There is a tremendous amount of competition within the industry and also among consumers. The style is also different among different cultures and nationalities, which is why it’s so exciting when one travels to various parts of the planet to observe firsthand how people dress in those countries. Our clothes have become more than merely a way to cover our nakedness. Instead, it has also become one of the primary ways in which people express themselves.

Garments which may fit one person may not necessarily be equally suitable for someone else. And even if those clothes are fantastic designer efforts, it does not mean everyone would be equally comfortable wearing them. Different people will need different styles and designs, which will be an expression of their uniqueness and personality before they will not be comfortable wearing that specific fashion design. Human beings are complicated creatures; everyone has different desires, dreams, and objectives that they deem essential to success in their life. Fashion trends are a critical aspect of that success.

There is a lot of discrimination among human beings and also a lot of criticism. People will do everything possible to avoid such criticism. Peer pressure continues to affect people throughout their lives, and it is a powerful motivator when it comes to crucial fashion decisions. It is also true that fashion design has reached a very sophisticated level, and therefore some of the most popular models can be very costly.

It has the result that such fashion may only be accessible to affluent people. It can make it very difficult for people of average income to compete in fashion designs. Fortunately, there has been a lot of progress by fashion designers to cater to middle-income consumers. It is why there are a lot of fashion designs available, which can make it possible for less fortunate people to own still fashion designs that will be of very high quality and attractive.

There are fashion items for every season and every occasion, making it possible for people to express themselves differently depending on the specific season or time of the year. Looking at all the consumer needs that have emerged in modern times, it becomes easy to see why fashion design has become such a specialized industry.

Another aspect that deserves contemplation is the fact that there is a measure of similarity in those fashion trends which aim at the low-income person. It is going a long way in avoiding discrimination or unnecessary competition because there is a lot of similarity in the designs which aim at this consumer market. Therefore, less affluent people can avoid unwarranted discrimination and criticism because, they are dressed very similarly in many ways to their friends, colleagues, or family members.

Care should be taken to avoid fashion designs of poor quality, especially in cases where failed fashion experiments are nevertheless mass-produced and then dumped on the low-income consumer. On the other hand, some poor people cannot afford anything better, leaving her with no choice but to purchase low-quality products.

Nevertheless, an eye for detail can be a blessing because this can help a person who may only have access to low-quality fashion items to mix and match those things very efficiently so that the overall result is nonetheless beautiful. There is some truth to the statement that it’s not what you wear but how you wear it, which is the most critical issue.

Unfortunately, many people never seem to learn how to combine different fashion items correctly and adequately. Knowing which colors go together is a rare gift that some people never master. Therefore, even affluent people with access to very costly fashion items often fail to do those things justice because of a lack of understanding regarding color matching.

Many people seem to think tight clothing is more attractive than a loose-fitting dress, and then they make fools of themselves by wearing unnecessarily close-fitting clothes. It is why it is essential to have at least a basic understanding of choosing your fashion items and mixing and matching those things for the best results. Access to the most expensive fashion trends on the market is undoubtedly a benefit. Still, it’s even more important to have a basic sense of how to maximize how the wearer will display those clothes and other articles.

Clothes are also known to impact people’s moods substantially; likewise, some colors are more effective than others in putting people in a better place as far as their mindset and emotions are concerned. Every person should do at least an introductory modeling course to understand how to make the best of their free clothes and accessories. Like we said earlier, it is not so much what you are wearing but rather how you are wearing it, which will ultimately provide proof of your competence as far as fashion and personal appearance is concerned.

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✍️Essay on Fashion: Samples in 100, 150, 200 Words

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  • Oct 26, 2023

essay on clothing

Fashion is a non-verbal form of expression that describes a person’s character and sense of style. Before, it was just the realm of the famous, and aristocracy. However, the average person, particularly young people, can now afford to wear fashionable clothing. Additionally, fashion started out as a trend but through time came to be accepted as a certain way of living, whether it be in terms of behaviour, apparel, or lifestyle. Speaking of which, in this blog, we will talk about how fashion has evolved over time in our sample essays. Let’s dive in. 

today's fashion essay

Table of Contents

  • 1 History of Fashion
  • 2 Essay on Fashion in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Fashion in 150 words
  • 4 Essay on Fashion in 200 Words

History of Fashion

Not just fashion designers but other people are curious to know the history of fashion. According to historians, Charles Frederick Worth was the first fashion designer. When clothing was still created by unidentified seamstresses, he founded the House of Worth, a fashion design studio, in Paris. Contemporary fashion is characterized by a blend of diverse influences, styles, and trends from various cultures and time periods. Fashion has become more accessible and inclusive, with designers experimenting with sustainability, technology, and innovative materials to create unique and socially conscious clothing

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Essay on Fashion in 100 Words

Fashion encompasses clothing, accessories, and even behaviours, reflecting culture and individuality. Fashion evolves continuously, driven by designers, influencers, and changing norms. It has the power to convey identity, status, and creativity. Whether classic or avant-garde, fashion allows individuals to make statements and connect with others through a shared aesthetic.

It mirrors the zeitgeist, responding to economic, environmental, and social shifts. In a world of fast fashion and sustainability concerns, redefining our approach to style becomes essential. Fashion’s allure lies in its ability to blend art, identity, and innovation, shaping our visual language.

Essay on Fashion in 150 words

Fashion is a form of self-expression that plays a significant role in our lives. It includes clothing, accessories, and personal style, reflecting one’s personality and cultural influences. Fashion trends constantly evolve, influenced by designers, celebrities, and societal shifts.

The 1920s saw the rise of flapper dresses and a rebellious spirit, while the 1960s embraced mini skirts and the counterculture movement. In recent years, sustainability and ethical fashion have gained prominence, emphasizing the need for eco-friendly choices and responsible consumption.

Fashion is more than just aesthetics; it is an industry that impacts economies, employing millions worldwide. It serves as a medium for creative expression, and social movements often utilize fashion to convey powerful messages.

In conclusion, fashion is a versatile cultural force that goes beyond mere clothing. It reflects our society’s values and artistic expression.

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Essay on Fashion in 200 Words

Fashion is an evolving form of self-expression that has penetrated our daily lives, bringing more clothing choices to become a reflection of culture, identity, and individuality. 

Fashion, throughout history, has mirrored societal norms and values. It has been a canvas for rebellion or conformity. Whether it’s the flapper dresses of the 1920s, the bell-bottoms of the 1970s, or the minimalist styles of the 21st century, fashion has been a powerful communicator.

Moreover, the fashion industry is an economic powerhouse, shaping global trends and contributing significantly to various economies. It influences not only what we wear but also the jobs we create and the environmental impact we have.

Fashion’s role in personal identity is undeniable. People use clothing to express their personalities, tastes, and beliefs. It empowers individuals to feel confident and unique.

However, the fast fashion industry has been criticized for its environmental footprint and labor practices. However, over time calls for sustainable, ethical fashion have gained momentum, emphasizing the need for responsible consumption.

In conclusion, fashion is more than just attire; it’s a reflection of our culture, an economic force, a personal identifier, and a global conversation. As we navigate the complex world of fashion, it’s essential to strike a balance between personal expression, industry responsibility, and environmental sustainability.

Related Articles

The development of clothing, footwear, accessories, cosmetics, and jewellery with varied cultural aesthetics and their mixing and matching to create outfits that represent distinct styles of dressing are referred to as fashion. 

Fashion is a form of expression that is not restricted to clothing, this term often refers to designer clothing and accessories.

Dressing up shows how we look at someone. They help create an idea of what we think of someone’s personality. Wearing makes someone comfortable and people will respect your individuality. Therefore, this is an important part of fashion. 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Free Fashion Essay Examples & Topics

The way a person presents says a lot about their character. And everyone has their style. However, not everyone is fashionable. Fashion is the popular and prevailing way of dressing, which often follows particular trends in a given era. Unlike style, it is characterized by change. Fashion follows cycles and constantly evolves together with society.

What is fashion, if not a form of art? Of course, it is a tool and a statement. But very often, fashion trends are reflective of their time. They are influenced by real-life events, politics, values, and socioeconomic changes. Fashion culture reveals human culture, and this is why it is so important.

If you require help writing a fashion essay, you’ve come to the right place. Our experts have prepared tips and tricks that will be useful in your academic paper. Below, you will also find fashion essay examples and topics.

Structure-wise, a fashion essay is no different from any other academic paper. However, some tips and tricks will make your job significantly easier.

Here are recommendations on how to improve your essay on fashion:

  • Pick an idea that is not too broad. It is best to avoid exploring general topics. A question like “Is it very important nowadays to be in trend?” is not specific enough for you to examine. If your title is too broad, then you won’t be able to include details and specifics. The best topics are always narrowed down to allow room for insight.
  • Check whether you can research your topic. It is good to have a precise idea of what you want to write. However, make sure that you aren’t backing yourself into a corner. If your topic turns out to be too narrow, you will not be able to do any research. This is why it is a good idea to check for credible sources while you are still researching.
  • Form arguments and find examples from the start. It is a good idea to start thinking of your thesis statement once you have settled on a topic. It is a central argument of your paper, and our thesis generator can formulate it for you. Of course, you will need to back it up with evidence. Collect your facts from the very beginning and keep everything organized for efficiency.
  • Outline your fashion essay. Just like always, you will need an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Jot down topic sentences for each of your body paragraphs before you begin writing. Outlining your essay simplifies the process and makes your task easier.
  • Make sure that the content of your paper fits the topic. Now that you have everything that you need in front of you, it is time to revise. Fashion is a complex subject, and it is easy to get carried away. The most critical thing for you is to stay on topic and not drift off into irrelevant questions.
  • Double-check the instructions before you begin writing. It is a good idea to take another look at the assessment criteria. This will give you a general understanding of what is expected of you. If you feel like you are heading in the wrong direction, double-check your instructions.
  • Use a catchy title to capture the readers’ attention. Since fashion is about expression, your essay has to live up to the standards. This will lend more credibility to your work. Show your passion by spending some extra time on your title to make it stand out.

Amazing Fashion Essay Topics

Are you writing a fashion trend essay? Or maybe you want to tackle early 2000s fashion? Or maybe, you still have no idea what you will be writing. In that case, here we have created an extensive list of fashion topics .

Otherwise, you can check the following ideas:

  • History of fashion in the 21 st century.
  • Vogue : how fashion magazines influence trends.
  • What is fast fashion, and is it ethical?
  • Zara : a case study of fashion marketing.
  • Teenage fashion among students in Japan.
  • Fashion and design – a study of the fashion show runway.
  • Clothes and fashion on the red carpet of the Silver Age.
  • How do fashion designers predict the next big craze?
  • Why are unisex clothes prevalent in today’s fashion?
  • The importance of sustainable fashion.
  • Present-day fashion in the workplace – what changed?
  • The evolution of the fashion industry in China.
  • Modern high fashion and gender.
  • The importance of fashion in my life.
  • Throwback to the 90s: the obsession with retro fashion today.

And that is all for now. We sincerely hope that you found our tips and topics useful! If you’re looking for more ideas, you can always find more fashion essay examples below.

Thank you for reading!

194 Best Essay Examples on Fashion

Clothes and personality.

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Umbrella History, Design and Usage

The effects of the fast fashion industry on the world.

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Fashion Clothing Designs: The Golden Mean Ratio

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How to Dress for Any Occasion

Fashion design and famous designers.

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Fashion and Identity

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Definition of Perfumes and How They are Made

Blogging about fashion.

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Motivation in Fashion Industry

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Waxing Process: Do It the Right Way

Eco-friendly and sustainable fashion.

  • Words: 2994

Fashion in the Period of Modernism

1990s fashion: a challenge of the decade.

  • Words: 2143

Liz Claiborne Inc. and Its Portfolio of Brands

  • Words: 5416

The Fashion Show: Famous Designers

Valentino clemente ludovico garavani: fashion philosophy.

  • Words: 1089

Tying a Shoelace

  • Words: 1058

Advertising and Branding Strategies of Louis Vuitton

  • Words: 1304

The American Dandies and Fops History: Men With a Great Passion for Fashion, Style, and Art

  • Words: 3173

Paris Fashion Design: Christian Dior Brand

Fast fashion and ethical consumption.

  • Words: 7360

Torso of “Priest-King”, Mohenjo-Daro, C. 2000-1900 Bce

Fashion and reasons to love it, “fashion cycle” of louis vuitton.

  • Words: 1288

Foundation Makeup in the Fashion

Bahrain fashion: culture and antiquities.

  • Words: 1700

Fashion and Appearance

  • Words: 2073

Cotton Fabric Testing Review

Fashion in egypt review.

  • Words: 1481

History of Fashion Merchandising

  • Words: 2229

Versace Fall Winter 2021 Fashion Show Review

Fashion capitals of the world.

  • Words: 3475

Fast Fashion and Sustainability

  • Words: 2000

T-Shirt as a Fashion Statement with Emotional Expression

Fashion history’s understanding, women’s fashion: a little black dress.

  • Words: 1747

Fashion in the Movie “Zoolander”

Analysis of simone rocha fashion designs, haute couture: a fashion design only for the privileged.

  • Words: 3204

The Fashion of the Renaissance Period

  • Words: 1731

Fashion in the 1960’s

  • Words: 1743

The Oiled Paper Umbrella

French fashion in the eighteenth century, marmot strategic situation.

  • Words: 2545

Minimum Weight Limit for Professional Models

  • Words: 1140

Coco Chanel: Life, Fashion, Designs, Perfume & Facts

  • Words: 2064

Blanche Dubois’ Costume in “A Streetcar Named Desire”

Vintage fashion: second-hand luxury in global market, balenciaga fashion brand’s history.

  • Words: 1854

Is Fashion a Product of Modernism?

Designing a superior wristwatch.

  • Words: 3320

Trends and Fads: Love Is a Fallacy

Fashion as an integral aspect of modern culture: identity importance.

  • Words: 4260

Vintage Fashion Styles Overview

Brands’ analysis in the fashion industry.

  • Words: 1655

70’s Fashion as a Freedom of Choice

Fashion in clothing, music, and moods, “why are we dressing our daughters like this” by george.

  • Words: 1211

Fashion: Bamboo Fibre in the Textile Industry

  • Words: 1962

Fabrics for the New Millennium

  • Words: 1161

Fashion as the Avatar of an Avant-garde

  • Words: 7260

Coach’s Designer Purses: Product Analysis

  • Words: 1196

Cristobal Balenciaga and His Significant Impact on Fashion

  • Words: 1965

The History of Barbie

Fashion goes round in circles.

  • Words: 1927

Fashion and individual identity

Comparison of 20th and 21st-century dress and culture, fashion as a mirror for social change.

  • Words: 1472

Careers in the Fashion Industry

Medieval tunics and gothic dresses: then v. now.

  • Words: 2015

Fashion and Gender: Globalization, Nation and Ethnicity

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Men’s Fashion and Shopping Habits

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Avant-Garde Fashion: The History of Modernism and How It Changed the World

Fashion consumerism and its negative effects, casual fashion trends now vs. 60 years ago, how 40 to 50-year-old irish women choose fast fashion and why.

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TrueIndie, an App for Cloth Design for Everyone

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Silk in Ancient Rome: Annotated Bibliography

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Christian Dior’s Exhibition Review

Waste management sustainability in the uk fashion industry.

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3D Printing Development for Fashion Industry

  • Words: 3948

Discussion of Sustainability in Fashion

Sustainability in fashion: clothing rental services, analysis of major fashion trends and their perspective.

  • Words: 2592

Socio-Economic Future of Fashion Industry

  • Words: 2550

Voids in the Fashion Industry

Counterculture fashion: patched denim.

  • Words: 1116

Fashion Forecasting and Trends

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Fashion Industry: The Role of Insiders

  • Words: 1377

From High Street to Luxury: The Past, the Present, the Future

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The Evolution of Fashion Trends

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Words: 511 |

Published: Feb 7, 2024

Words: 511 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

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The ancient origins of fashion, the influence of royalty and aristocracy, revolutions and societal change, the industrial revolution and mass production, the twentieth century and beyond, the role of technology and media, conclusion and the ongoing cycle.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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100 Fashion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Fashion has always been a fascinating and ever-evolving industry that captures the attention of millions of people worldwide. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast, a student studying fashion design, or simply someone looking for inspiration, writing an essay about fashion can be both fun and educational. To help you get started, here are 100 fashion essay topic ideas and examples that you can explore:

  • The evolution of fashion trends over the decades
  • The impact of social media on fashion
  • The role of sustainability in the fashion industry
  • The influence of celebrity fashion on mainstream trends
  • The history of high fashion and couture
  • The rise of streetwear culture
  • The psychology behind fashion choices
  • The cultural significance of traditional dress
  • The relationship between fashion and identity
  • The role of fashion in shaping gender norms
  • The impact of fast fashion on the environment
  • The history of fashion magazines
  • The role of fashion in art and design
  • The influence of technology on fashion design
  • The future of wearable technology in fashion
  • The impact of globalization on fashion production
  • The ethics of fur and leather in fashion
  • The importance of diversity and inclusivity in fashion
  • The role of fashion in political activism
  • The history of fashion icons and trendsetters
  • The impact of economic recession on fashion trends
  • The evolution of fashion photography
  • The relationship between fashion and music
  • The influence of subcultures on mainstream fashion
  • The history of fashion weeks around the world
  • The impact of body positivity movements on fashion
  • The role of fashion in film and television
  • The influence of street style on high fashion
  • The history of fashion advertising
  • The significance of uniforms in fashion
  • The impact of social media influencers on fashion trends
  • The role of fashion in consumer culture
  • The evolution of swimwear trends
  • The relationship between fashion and architecture
  • The influence of vintage fashion on modern trends
  • The history of fashion in sports
  • The impact of climate change on fashion production
  • The role of fashion in challenging beauty standards
  • The significance of fashion collaborations between designers
  • The evolution of fashion accessories
  • The influence of art movements on fashion design
  • The history of fashion in sub-Saharan Africa
  • The impact of colonialism on fashion in Asia
  • The role of fashion in self-expression
  • The significance of fashion in religious rituals
  • The influence of nature on fashion trends
  • The history of denim and jeans in fashion
  • The impact of body modification on fashion
  • The role of fashion in creating social change
  • The evolution of footwear trends
  • The influence of military uniforms on fashion
  • The history of fashion in the LGBTQ+ community
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  • The role of fashion in mental health awareness
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  • The role of fashion in cultural appropriation
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  • The influence of dance on fashion design
  • The history of fashion in the Middle East
  • The impact of fashion on self-esteem
  • The role of fashion in creating social hierarchies
  • The significance of fashion in rites of passage
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  • The evolution of handbag trends
  • The influence of street art on fashion design
  • The history of fashion in the digital age
  • The impact of fashion on body dysmorphia
  • The role of fashion in creating cultural stereotypes
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  • Fashion Essay



Fashion is a non-verbal way of communication that conveys a lot about the person’s personality, background and style. Earlier it was exclusively the world of the affluent, celebrities and royalty. However, fashion is now within the reach of the common man, especially the youth. Besides, dress fashion is an evolution of ideas, which begins as a fad, but in course of time gets accepted in society as a style, which could be in attire, behaviour or lifestyle. Fashion is mostly associated with glamour. It makes people feel confident and bold. People can express themselves openly. Today fashion is not limited to western countries; now, every country has come out with their fashion sense, not only the clothing but the accent of that country, the living style.

Vedantu experts have crafted an essay on fashion that covers its significance and how it reflects in your personality. This essay has promoted the thought perfectly that fashion is also about carrying yourself in society without having an attractive or trendy attire.  It is about being comfortable with yourself and not being a doppelganger of another person.

Why is Fashion Important?

Fashion is important because it reflects the culture of a country. It makes our life colourful and changes our life with time. In a way it also adds variety to life, providing an opportunity in trying out something new. Fashion is not only limited to clothing or makeup but in a much broader sense includes accessories like shoes, perfume, hairstyle, mannerism, etiquette and attitude towards life. Fashion is not restricted to self-expression only but also a means of self-empowerment and confidence. It encompasses the total spectrum of human activity, which relates to a specific period. It is an outlook of life.

Fashion is how you carry yourself in society without wearing anything trendy. It is how you attempt to make yourself look flawless even without any make-up. It helps you in revealing your true identity.


Evolution of Fashion

The world of fashion is always evolving.  It is amazing to see how the different events in history have influenced and changed the way people dressed and looked throughout time. Thus long dresses, veiled headgear that was trends of the Victorian era, have been replaced with micro and mini dresses and the jeans culture associated with the modern era. 

From the 1920s to the 1990s fashion just not changed in clothing but also in accessories, footwear and hairstyles. The trends of wearing hats, carrying purses, shoes and men wearing long ties and bows have been continuously changing with periods, occasions and culture.

Hairstyles also have been changing throughout time. Short boyish haircuts were popular during the 1920s to 1940s. Wigs were more popular in the 1960s and thereafter hairstyles kept changing from short to bob cut then to mid-back cut and now maintaining long hair.

Fashion Industry

As fashion evolved, the industry was formulated to manage the process for the consumers. The fashion world has given shape to a new industry, the ‘Fashion Industry’.

The fashion industry was created to design, manufacture and market clothes, footwear and accessories. Before creating the apparel industry, people made clothes for themselves. The mass production of clothing began in the mid-nineties when some creators began to make garments that did not require any fitting session with the tailors. The fashion industry in its true sense was established in the twentieth century when the neighbourhood tailors decided to become the manufacturing business.

Fashion impacting the Youth

The positive side of fashion is it enhances your life. It not only allows you to dress fashionably but also allows being independent in thinking and maintaining self-esteem. At the same time, fashion is negatively impacting the youth. It has taken up the life of the youth so much that the youngsters are highly obsessed with creating style statements at an age where they need to focus on their studies and other important aspects of life. The fashion trend has become a cult with today’s generation. They blindly try to imitate the models and celebrities without understanding the true essence of fashion.

Advantages of Vedantu Essay on Fashion

Vedantu gives you ideas about the necessary things to include in an essay on fashion. The experts available on the Vedantu have included moral based thoughts in this particular essay that help students connect with the meaning of the phrases. 

Vedantu has uploaded essays on subjects relevant to the students or trending in the world platform, which have more chances of occurring in the examination.

Content of Fashion Essay

Vedantu has provided you with a piece of detailed information on the essential points to include in the essay on fashion. After a thorough study, experts have added the following points.

While writing about fashion, you have to put some extra effort to explain evolution in both positive and negative ways.

The fashion world has given a new face to the clothing market. It has turned into a fashion industry.

Impact of fashion on teenagers

Teenagers are more cautious about their attire; they are aware of only one prevalent face of fashion.

What is the importance of fashion?

The need is therefore to strike a balance between being fashionable and wearing what suits you. The young generation needs to understand that fashion in the true sense is the attitude that you carry and just not fashionable clothes and accessories.


FAQs on Fashion Essay

1. What is the core of fashion?

Fashion is not only about wearing trendy clothes or footwear. The core of fashion lies inside the person. Fashionable core comes active when you wear something with confidence to show your choices to the world. And that is the only thing to make fashion a trend from time to time. Vedantu experts, after a detailed study, have explained this stuff, and that’s what makes an essay on fashion a complete package to deliver to the audience.

2. How is fashion impacting today’s generation?

Fashion affects today’s generation with its useless and dented influence that fashion is limited to costly clothes and gadgets. Teenagers are easy targets for those who consider themselves influential personalities under the name of fashion. Many of the time, the child gets intrigued by looking at the lifestyle of another person. They fall into the eye-pleasing trap and try to copy the same. It leads them to lose their own identity and wear fake costly attire to please their hunger for recognition among their friends.

3. How does Vedantu help in essay writing?

Vedantu offers you essays on different topics that have a chance of coming in the exams or already had in the exams. Experts of Vedantu have explained the requirement of the essay and suggested the points to include in a good essay. Also, with Vedantu, you learn various facts about various topics that can help you retain the process of making an excellent essay. Go to to explore more topics, and start writing essays of your own to express your understanding of the topics.

4. Does fashion help in your growth?

Yes, fashion does help you grow if you understand the right meaning of it. Following any person and famishing for recognition is not a fashion that can help you grow. It helps you when you understand fashion is more about being right with your choices regarding the dressing, accent, or culture of your community or country. Fashion is nothing more than a term for the things that makes you comfortable and enhance your confidence in being you.

5. Are fashion and trends different?

Yes, fashion and trends are different. The trend follows the fashion; fashion never leaves the frame, it gets highlighted from time to time, and at some particular time, it becomes a trend that everybody follows. Trends have a short life, but fashion stays for life. It gets older with time, like the dhoti kurta culture of India has become old, but it gets rejuvenated with the new look, and it becomes a trend for a while. Fashion is more real than trends.

6. What is Fashion?

Fashion is self-expression in the form of clothing, accessories, footwear, hairstyle, perfume, etiquettes and attitude.

7. Who is known as the Father of Fashion?

Charles Frederick Worth is known as the father of fashion.

8. How is Fashion impacting Today’s Generation?

Fashion has become a cult in this modern era. Youngsters especially blindly want to imitate celebrities and models. They are forgetting the true essence of fashion. They think that fashion is confined to only clothing, footwear and accessories.

9. Why is Fashion Important?

Fashion is important because it is the reflection of our society and culture.

  • Essay On Fashion

Essay on Fashion

500+ words essay on fashion.

Fashion is one of the most talked-about industries in today’s world. Fashion can be defined as anything that becomes admirable among the masses. It is a popular aesthetic expression. Fashion is related to clothing, hairstyle, makeup, accessories, footwear and lifestyle. People want to distinguish their personalities from others with their style quotient. Like every new year, fashion also comes and goes. The latest fashion will be more fashionable and colourful than last year.

New trends in fashion influence people of all ages. There is a tremendous amount of competition between the industry and consumers. Different cultures and nationalities have different styles of fashion. Due to this reason, it is always fascinating to travel to various parts of the world to observe how people dress in those countries. Now, clothes have become one of the main reasons to express themselves instead of merely covering their body.

Different people need different styles and designs for their uniqueness and personality before wearing that specific fashion design. This essay will talk more about fashion history, importance and trends.

History of Fashion

Fashion is all about the history of people. For thousands of years, people have loved fashionable clothing. Clothes, from the early days of Egypt, have become our expression. We can see fashion worn in various civilisations throughout history, documents, drawings, and other archaeological findings. Eastern neighbours influenced clothes of different styles worn by the Greeks. Both males and females used to wear thick woollen long dresses.

During ancient times, Egyptians used to wear light cotton clothing, and Egyptian women wore long, ready-made clothes. Later on, the Romans dominated the most significant example of fashion and style.

When people started migrating to Europe, accordingly, the style changed. To keep themselves warm, women used to wear warm clothes and men plain and armour clothes.

Since there were not enough raw materials to produce new clothes for people who migrated to America in that era, dresses were ordered and sent to the oceans by ships to cope with the demand. Suits with leggings were men’s attire, and women wore long clothes and hats on their heads. Over time, the form of the dresses transferred from voluminous dresses into soft, frequent, high-waisted skirts.

Women’s skirts were shorter and thinner at the beginning of the century. Trousers of men slowly went from ankle to knee-length. During the World Wars, women’s style transformed into shorter skirts below the knee.

The ‘80s brought significant trends related to fashion and hairstyles for both genders. The transitional fashion period is from the sixties and seventies. During this time, women wearing trousers became acceptable.

From the 20th century to the 21st century, fashion change continued, and still today, it is evolving.

Fashion Trend

When we talk about influencing fashion, political influencers play a vital role. There are a lot of instances where politicians become fashion symbols, like Princess Diana and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Political revolutions also left a significant impact on fashion trends.

Technology is another significant factor that influences fashion. The fashion industry saw rapid growth in technology such as 3D printing technology, wearable technology, etc. The Internet also affects fashion trends.

People are influenced by their favourite stars, influencers, etc. The strongest influencers in the field of fashion are social media influencers. Young stars try to emulate the fashion styles of their loved celebrities. For example, hoodies came into fashion due to rap musicians. Television and movie stars also influence fashion trends.

It’s entirely up to you to be fashionable; it shouldn’t be forceful, and it is your own decision what you want to follow. Our fashion sense also reflects our culture. It makes our life colourful and adds variety to life, providing an opportunity to try out something new. Though this time of the 21st century in India, most people are influenced by the style of fashion, they have not forgotten our traditions and culture, which are the priority and symbol of our country.

From our BYJU’S website, students can also access CBSE Essays related to different topics. It will help students to get good marks in their exams.

Frequently Asked Questions on Fashion Essay

What is fast fashion.

Fast fashion is trending now, and it refers to the rapid designing of outfits using inexpensive clothing.

What subjects are taught in Fashion Technology?

Fashion ornamentation, Fashion management and merchandising and Computer-aided designing are the main subjects taught in the course Fashion Technology.

When was the origin of fashion?

Fashion started when human beings started wearing clothes. But modern-day fashion is said to have its origins back in the year 1826.

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Essay on Fashion for Students in English | 500+ Words Essay

December 20, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Fashion: Trends and latest ideas in attires, apparels and accessories that make a style statement are referred to as fashionable. Any new style that comes into vogue and hits the attention of masses is marked in the fashion industry. The term has a broad appeal and caters to clothing, apparels, footwear; makeup, hairstyles, bags, accessories and lifestyle choices. The fashion industry is a high thriving segment, and modern people are very fashionable today.

Essay on Fashion 500 Words in English

Below we have provided an Essay on Fashion, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 students.

Fashion plays a crucial role in shaping personality. It assists people in having a perception about you. The fashion sector is one of the world’s largest sector having revenue of trillions of dollars, providing jobs to millions of people all around the world. We buy fashion because we love how it makes us look or how it makes us feel. However, stagnates in the fashion industry can make your life monotonous. Therefore, it is necessary to make it more technologically innovative and sustainable. Fashion is a way of dressing as a means of expressing yourselves, especially in clothing, architecture, etc.

It describes your personality by your dressing sense and looks. Fashion can define your mood and way of living through your clothing. It represents your preferences and choices. It means something different for everyone. People make it their passion for creating fashion blogs, becoming fashion influencers. Working in the fashion industry is many people’s dream to follow the latest trends and influence people. Some people do it to earn a living.

Our daily choice and consumption pattern makes a little bit of difference. Fashion is a way to resemble your personality, this is what most people think, but it is not true. It is far more than just a way to express your personality. If you are following trends, you are following the masses. That is what trends are about because other people share them. We cannot express our individuality by wearing trending clothes to be accepted by the people.

History of Fashion

The fashion originated in 1826. There was a dress that was made popular in 1894 by a designer called John Singer Sargent. It was a very beautiful black dress created by him. He created an unusual shape, which became very ordinary in the 19th century. In 1910, an amazing designer called Paul soiree in France got an idea of a loose dress looking like a lampshade. It was a more relaxed and enjoyable dress than an earlier one. In the second decade of the 20th century, enormous changes occurred. In 1914, due to the World War, many women were asked by the government to participate in voting. Women cut their hair short and put on loose clothes, so fashion changed immediately during the outbreak of the war.

The first fashion designer in the world is Charles Frederick Worth. He initiated the culture of fashion houses, and several designs were made according to the needs of the customers. In the 1920’s, dresses were quite modest and of very slimming shapes. Pearls were worn in the form of necklaces in the 1920’s. In the final decade of the 20th century, i.e., in the 1990’s, a lot of young designers came, and this particular design house made a huge impact since the early 1990’s. At the beginning of the 21st century, fashion became more advanced, and creativity increased. Paris became the fashion capital creating new designs of the clothes and spreading throughout the world. Nowadays, people are becoming more aware of fashion trends and making their own choices according to their comfort.

Why is Fashion important for life?

Fashion is a crucial part of our society and nation. We can express ourselves through the way we dress up from top to bottom. As the first impression is the last, a good look keeps your standard and personality high. You are what you wear. The magazines and blogs tell us the ongoing trend. We are part of one of the most polluting industries that are killing the planet. It is the need of the hour to make this industry less polluted and more sustainable. We are consumers, and fashion is a reflection of our times. We live in a culture where how we look matters a lot.

Clothes help us to look better on the outside. It evokes a special feeling of utmost importance. It gives immense confidence and joy. Fashion is a way to communicate with the world; it speaks for you. It sends out the appropriate message to others. For example, – formal clothes presents you more formally and professionally in front of others. Fashion boosts the economy. It creates millions of jobs creating revenue of trillions of dollars globally. It employs models, designers, workers, etc. It encompasses talent and potential. It lends a way to amazing photographers and artists.

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Fashion Essay

The most recent trends and modifications to our routines, ways of living, diets, clothes, and other aspects of our daily lives are reflected in fashion. It comes from within to create fashion. We can express our personalities and self through it. Fashion is about more than just sporting the current trends; it's also about feeling good about yourself and the clothes you're wearing. Here are a few sample essays on Fashion .

Fashion Essay

100 Words Essay On Fashion

These days, people dress to suit their tastes, styles, and preferences. They also consider new trends seriously and adhere to them obsessively. Fashion is determined by how individuals in a given state or region choose to dress, and it can differ greatly from one nation to the next.

Even though clothes are the primary focus when discussing fashion, other accessories like jewellery, purses, shoes, and eyewear can also play a significant role. These are combined in sophisticated clothes by people. Women tend to be much more prone to following trends than men, and women's fashion typically offers a lot more variation than men's.

200 Words Essay On Fashion

Self-expression through clothing is a type of it. Your taste, preferences, and personality could be fairly clearly displayed. We can associate with a specific ethnic or social group through the clothing we choose to wear. It is currently an integral component of our culture and a topic that many people find to be quite interesting.

Clothing is one form of self-expression. It is possible to fairly clearly see your interests, tastes, and personality through your fashion style. Through the clothes we choose to wear, we can identify with a certain ethnic or social group. It currently plays a significant role in our culture and is a subject that many people find to be pretty fascinating.

Although some people could become fixated on adhering to fashion trends, which creates a downward cycle. Young people in particular are more preoccupied with how they look and how they dress, which may affect how they are seen by their peers and jeopardise their mental health. Instead of attempting to mimic what is in style right now, fashion should reflect your personal style. Therefore, it's important to strike a balance between wearing what looks good on you and staying on trend. The younger generation has to learn that true fashion is not simply trendy clothing and accessories, but also your attitude.

500 Words Essay On Fashion

Fashion has existed for as long as we can recall and is now an essential component of our daily life. Fashion has also gained more significance in today's society where the look is increasingly crucial. It has existed ever since people first learned about various textiles and fashion trends.

Fashion Trends | From ancient antiquity to the present, fashion has come a long way. The trends and fashions during this time have seen an enormous shift. Different items fall under the category of fashion, but clothes always appear to lead the way. What is considered desirable in this day and age depends on several different elements. Celebrities and other powerful figures have always had a significant impact on fashion trends because many of the individuals who follow them also heed their fashion guidance.

To put it mildly, India's fashion industry is massive . The land of diversity boasts a multitude of diverse clothing and fashion statements. Our nation has a rich cultural background that has always inspired fashion. Traditional clothing still has significant roots, even though the majority of the world chooses to adopt western patterns. Another historical trend that doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon is the combination of western and traditional fashion. Fashion is a sort of art that uses various mediums to exhibit its lovely self.

Dressing For The Occasion | Fashion demonstrates a person's preferences and sense of style. The cultural legacy and importance are also represented by it. The trend of occasion-specific attire is huge. For instance, formal clothing is appropriate for business settings, casual clothing is suitable for daily use, and party clothing is appropriate for special events like birthdays. To blend in with one's social group, one should dress appropriately for the occasion. It is generally accepted etiquette to dress accordingly because you cannot attend a wedding wearing casual attire. You may face negative consequences and your reputation will suffer. Having a good fashion sense is now essential to living a fulfilling life.

Recent Trends | There has been a tremendous global evolution of fashion. It's fascinating to observe the clothing choices made by people throughout history and even today. It has been a wild ride, with everything from puffy gowns and bustiers to tight jeans and bodycon dresses. Women's fashion is much more varied than men's fashion. Clothing and cosmetics firms have traditionally marketed to women. They constantly have access to a large selection of clothing and accessories. Students in high school and college are also starting to get into fashion. They are particularly interested in keeping up with fashion trends and collecting the greatest clothing and accessories.

Though having the desire to look nice is not necessarily a bad thing, you shouldn't allow it to consume you. People should dress however they feel most at ease, after the day. It won't be beneficial for anyone to dress stylishly only to do so. There are several factors that contribute to a certain era's fashion. Never allow peer pressure to dictate your choice of clothing; instead, let your flair shine through.

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Fashion Essay | Essay on Fashion for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Veerendra

Essay on Fashion: The definition of Fashion does not remain restricted to clothing choices only. A person’s Fashion is defined by how one carries oneself – this includes within its realm clothing sense, etiquette, and personality and how one conducts oneself. However, to narrow it down, the clothing inclination, in general, takes up a significant portion of what Fashion broadly is.

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Fashion depends on person to person. It differs based on the place, community, and, most importantly, time. The concept of Fashion is always at flux. The trends and ideas keep changing from time to time. The glamour industry, all across the world, and specifically in India, is centered around Fashion.

Long and Short Essay on Fashion For Kids and Students in English

Fashion, as a topic for composition, is very new and contemporary. Students in schools can get asked to write essays on the subject for their assignments and exams. The extended articles are useful to people studying in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. On the other hand, the short essays are common among students of grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on Fashion in English 500 Words

In particular, Fashion is defined by one’s outlook on life, and how one decides to go about with it. It is primarily defined by one’s choice of clothes, hairstyle, accessories, and other dressing-up tenets. One’s style of behavior and conduct also reflect one’s fashion sense. The concept of Fashion is never static; it keeps changing over time. The youth are the ones who follow and keep up with it elaborately.

Fashion is synonymous with glamour. It makes people, who practice it, confident and bold. It embraces the ability to express oneself openly and actively through clothing choices.

Fashion is no longer within the bounds of clothing and dressing. It has, in recent times, shifted its dynamics and extended itself into the ways of people’s lives. The lifestyle of people reflect their fashion sense in some way or the other. For example, Fashion has trickled into interior decorations of living spaces. The interiors of one’s houses and rooms and how it is stylized bring in their sense of Fashion. Another instance of Fashion is a massive concept of mass-following is that people like to indulge in such activities which are ‘in fashion’ or ‘are trending’; for example, a person purchasing the latest model of a phone or playing a specific sport, only because it is currently popular and everyone loves doing it.

That can be one way of looking at Fashion. Another way of looking at Fashion might be as a medium of expression. Just like artists express through their art, their inner feelings, Fashion also serves as an outlet of creative passion. Making unconventional fashion choices is a way of looking at conventional things in a new light.

Read more about General Essay Topics .

Fashion can also be an instrument for breaking stereotypes. It plays a significant role in breaking gender barriers. Fashion helps in ushering concepts such as cross-dressing and inter-mixing of female-male fashion styles. By doing this, it helps in breaking orthodox patterns in dressing and make-up. Fashion is a relatively new mode of self-expression. For a long time, it was not a very friendly house-hold term to use; however, fashion is gradually becoming more mainstream.

Fashion has been in existence since times immemorial. At its very primitive stages, it was seen as a very rash and outrageous concept. But with modernization, people are expanding their thinking horizon, and Fashion is becoming more acceptable as a thing to exercise and religiously follow.

However, as forwarding as the nature of Fashion might be, it does have adverse effects on society. Fashion often participates in manipulating and morphing one’s perception of beauty. The younger people consider their self-esteem to be diminishing if they are unable to keep up with modern fashion trends. They end up measuring their self-worth based on their beauty and dressing sense. Fashion also helps in raising unrealistic beauty standards for ordinary people. This throws a very tainted concept of beauty upon the multitude.

Thus, Fashion is a fascinating concept to keep track of. But it does have its downsides. If one is interested in flourishing in the field of Fashion, one should make sure to put forth what one truly feels rather than blindly following what others follow.

Short Essay on Fashion 100 Words

The term fashion means to be updated, to be sophisticated, and to be following styling patterns of the current times. Fashion includes one’s clothing style, hairstyle, and style of make-up and other accessories in adorning oneself. Our sense of Fashion also helps us in shaping our behavioral patterns and our conduct mechanisms. The way we look at Fashion is very heavily influenced by our ethnicity, gender, caste, and geographic origin. This is because various communities all over the globe follow different fashion standards. Fashion is a very enlightening concept and plays a significant role in most of our lives.

10 Lines Fashion Essay in English 150 words

  • Fashion is a way of lifestyle; it is an outlook on life.
  • Fashion, in a broad sense, means clothing styles and choices of dressing and make-up.
  • Fashion has been a very attractive topic for debate and conversation over the years.
  • Previously, Fashion used to be a very fantastic concept; it was something only within reach of the elites.
  • The conventions have been breaking themselves; Fashion can now be followed widely by all the people.
  • Fashion is heavily influenced by the social and cultural scenario of a place.
  • Likewise, a person’s fashion choices give away one’s social and ethnic background.
  • The concept of Fashion is ever-changing. It does not remain static.
  • Our daily activities reflect our take on Fashion.
  • The subject of Fashion is popular among the youth of a community.

FAQs on Fashion Essay

Question 1. What is Fashion?

Answer: Fashion is how an individual or a group of people represent themselves, mainly in terms of clothing.

Question 2. Is Fashion important in daily life?

Answer: Yes. Fashion inevitably becomes a part of our daily lives. Our fashion inclinations find their way into our chores, without our knowledge.

Question 3. What are the pros of Fashion?

Answer: Fashion helps people in overcoming their fears. Fashion also serves as an effective mode of self-expression and making bold choices in society.

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Today, fashion is becoming more and more important in choosing clothes. What are the reasons? Do you think the trend is positive or negative?

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colleen allen fall 2024

The Future of Fashion in 2024

The fresh talents, luxury debuts, and brand-new ideas enlivening the fashion landscape right now.

Every item on this page was chosen by an ELLE editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

As the saying goes, everything old is new again. Long-held fashion traditions, from tailoring to luxury retail, are being reinvented by a fresh generation of up-and-coming talents.

The New Names to Know

Four young designers who are working within—and simultaneously upending—tradition..

a statue of a person

The New Romantic: Paolo Carzana

The new american name: colleen allen.

Witches have inspired American artists from Arthur Miller to John Updike. Now you can add Colleen Allen to that cohort. The designer’s first women’s collection, for fall 2024, channeled female sorcery as a loose inspiration. She didn’t go in for literal, double, double, toil and trouble motifs, but a mix of Victorian underpinnings and modern, gorpcore-adjacent elements like Polartec. The Witch meets The Blair Witch Project , perhaps.

“I was thinking about my own femininity and how I identify with being a woman,” the designer says. “It was something I hadn’t really worked through; this collection was the beginning of working through that idea.” She wanted the clothes to feel spiritual and ritualistic, opting for a powerful palette of orange (she has “an obsession” with the color), red, magenta, and purple, contrasted with antique white. The Victorian influence came from her collection of pieces from that era. The delicacy of a pair of bloomers contrasts with what Allen calls “these big, extroverted, ritualistic garments,” like a velvet opera coat that feels made for Tilda Swinton to swan around in.

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The minimalist, American sportswear mood of the collection makes sense, given that Allen is an alum of Raf Simons’s Calvin Klein, where she interned after graduating from Central Saint Martins. And her attention to detail was honed at another American brand, The Row, where she was a menswear designer from 2021 to 2023. “The Row works with the most beautiful materials in the world, so I think it really gave me an appreciation for fabric and a true attention to detail in terms of the way that things are finished and constructed. They’re not afraid to do things in the absolute finest way possible,” she says. “Once you start working like that, there’s no going back. It really made me thoughtful about the way that materials are sourced and the interior of the garment is finished.”

Some of her latest pieces are also intentionally left unfinished, lined with a washed muslin that designers typically use for drafting clothes, not in their final product. “I love the softness and the earthiness of it,” Allen says. “My aversion to a lot of womenswear was that things become too precious, and you don’t want to wear it because it’s too much.” But, she notes, the sleeves are lined in silk. “So you still get that luxurious feeling.”

The New Tailoring Whiz: Tolu Coker

tolu coker

Car boot sales, the British answer to garage sales, were Tolu Coker’s introduction to fashion. Growing up in London, she and her family used to both host and shop them. Her parents immigrated to the UK from Nigeria, and “in terms of our socioeconomic status, we had to be really resourceful,” she says. The process also gave her an early glimpse of sustainability and creative reuse. “It wasn’t so much because of a deep passion, initially, for the environment,” she says. “It was just how I grew up.”

After graduating from Central Saint Martins and founding her line, Coker began showing at London Fashion Week last year. Her fall 2024 runway show drew on a trip she took to Ghana, where she observed local street hawkers. Coker’s mother had done street hawking in Lagos, and the designer notes that many hawkers “still live significantly below the poverty line. It’s created commerce, but it’s almost as though everyone benefits from it but them.” Another thing she took in was the massive amount of textile waste from the Global North (industrialized nations), which, she says, “literally lines the streets. Initially, I thought it was some sort of landscape. I didn’t realize that they were clothes until we got closer.”

For her show, she re-created the scene with a set that included food carts and tires on the runway. “I always think of Fashion Week as essentially being handed a microphone,” she says. She wanted “to honor hawkers, and the complete tenacity and innovation that is born out of a need to survive, but also just to be able to tell that story with dignity, because I think often in the Global North, we have a bit of a savior complex when we talk about the Global South, and it’s kind of like, ‘We’re not saving anyone. We’ve created the issue.’ ”

The collection drew on the way that Western clothes are repurposed and recontextualized in Africa. (“I was noticing stuff like people wearing a really great tailored suit, but they’ve got a football shirt underneath it that says Manchester United,” she says.) The models layered multiple bags and hats, the way hawkers do when advertising their wares. Most important was the sharp tailoring, which has become a hallmark of hers. “It’s very common for people from all walks of life in Nigeria to have an item that has been specifically tailored for them, which will be kept and worn to its absolute death and then revived, because there’s such a connection to the clothing and the process of acquiring it,” Coker says. She sees this kind of lifelong relationship with a piece of clothing as the definition of luxury.

Her clothing has another connection to the diaspora: She works with artisans in their sixties and seventies, some of whom come from her family’s community. “A lot of my friends think it’s weird: ‘If you like to knit, that’s an old person’s thing.’ Well, no, it’s a human thing,” she says. “I learn so much from craftspeople.”

a woman in a black dress

The New Avant-Gardist: Duran Lantink

From Beyoncé to Billie Eilish to the pages of ELLE, the Dutch designer is everywhere right now. (And, like Carzana, he’s on this year’s list of LVMH Prize finalists.) He became known for his clever mash-ups using upcycled luxury fashion—think a half–Louis Vuitton, half-Gucci shopping bag. Long before the concept was chic, he experimented with upcycling back in art school. “They really didn’t appreciate the fact that I was using existing pieces,” he says. “I had to fight for four years to make sure that they understood.”

Nowadays, Lantink primarily works with his own found fabrics and recycled cottons. For fall, he deconstructed traditional skiwear. What could have been, as he puts it, “a bit of a banal, cheesy concept” turned into something very different in his hands, as he took Fair Isle patterns, fuzzy boots, and parkas in a left-field direction with the exaggerated foam padding that’s become one of his signatures. “I don’t care too much about what is considered commercial,” the designer admits, beaming in from his Amsterdam atelier in a UK Immigration Service baseball cap, his bearded face exploding in a grin. After all, when he sees designs that are just beautiful for the sake of being beautiful, “it doesn’t make my heart beat faster.” —Véronique Hyland

The New Runway Show Is Delightfully Analog

Pencils, paper, and old-fashioned theatricality dominated the season..

graphical user interface

Are we all burned out on TikTok? At The Row this past season, attendees were asked to refrain from using their phones, encouraged instead to sketch the clothes with Olsen-provided notebooks and pencils, like old-school editors. The gambit may have counterintuitively gotten the label even more social media attention—attendees made sure to show off their analog gear post-show—but it also spoke to the fashion world’s fatigue with events built entirely to be showcased on a tiny screen.

Instead, IRL showmanship made a triumphant return, and some runway outings were bona fide events with elaborate, Broadway-worthy production values. Maison Margiela’s Brassaï-inspired couture outing under Paris’s Pont Alexandre III set the tone, with its theatrical spirit that recalled maximalist ’80s and ’90s runway spectacles. For fall 2024, Balenciaga’s set gave off the cluttered chaos of an ever-refreshing feed, while Chanel took inspiration from the Claude Lelouch film Un homme et une femme , with footage of its famed setting—the beach at Deauville—playing in the background.

I wanted to create an emotion, with a beating heart.”—Courrèges artistic director Nicolas Di Felice

At Courrèges, artistic director Nicolas Di Felice may have scored the surprise of the season with a sculpture made from Lycra and polystyrene that “breathed” like a living being. The designer collaborated with his friend, the set designer Rémy Brière, on the structure, which was nearly 30 feet in diameter and took eight days to construct. Instead of a made-for-TikTok spectacle, “I wanted to create an emotion, with a beating heart,” Di Felice says. The collection’s theme was “In Search of a Thrill,” and his innovative set delivered on that front, resulting in a moment best witnessed IRL, alongside fellow living, breathing audience members. “I wanted to work around sensuality, sexuality, intimacy—trying to reconnect with emotion,” Di Felice says. “When [the set] started to move, it really created an emotion, building up like shivers in the surrounding scene.” —Véronique Hyland

The New Fashion Flex: It’s From the Vault

There’s nothing quite like snagging (or re-creating) a hard-to-find piece of style history..

a person wearing a garment

Unable to afford a prom dress at full price, Alexis Novak had to dig through the Goodwill racks. At the time, she found it embarrassing. Now she sees things differently. As the founder of Tab Vintage, an online store devoted to rare vintage clothing, Novak has transformed the thrill of the hunt into a curated luxury experience.

Harnessing the deluge of archival material online, Instagram-friendly sourcers like Tab Vintage and Shrimpton Couture can contextualize the pieces they’re selling with pictures of Kate Moss wearing the same look. It’s exclusivity rooted in nostalgia for older generations revisiting looks they loved—and a chance to introduce younger fashion enthusiasts to the original iterations of trends they see today.

new york, new york may 06 lana del rey attends the 2024 costume institute benefit for "sleeping beauties reawakening fashion" at the metropolitan museum of art on may 06, 2024 in new york city photo by taylor hillgetty images

Stylist Marc Eram noticed the rising interest in vintage transform into a full-blown trend during the height of COVID. “We were spending a lot of time on social media, where we were more exposed to these incredible archives,” he says. Shoppers can set an eBay alert for “1999 Prada” or “Phoebe Philo Céline,” and wait. Or they can let Novak do the work for them (she often helps source specific pieces for clients, and wakes up to thousands of alerts for searches she’s saved).

Customers are sliding into Novak’s DMs, searching for that piece no one else can have. “I can go online and order the same thing from the runway that a celebrity can,” she says. “Now what’s the next exclusionary thing? It’s these rare pieces.”

And it’s not just red-carpet regulars worried about someone stepping on their sartorial toes. Jamie Lenore McKillop, founder of home decor brand Lazy Jamie, wanted something one-of-a-kind for her wedding. “You definitely get a little bit of that fear,” McKillop says of wearing a current-season piece. “Is it going to become known as ‘her’ dress before I even get a chance to wear it?” McKillop worked with Novak and chose a fall 2006 Maison Martin Margiela dress as her welcome-party look.

On the red carpet, dipping into the archives isn’t just about rarity; it has also become a method of storytelling for stylists. A look might be chosen because it fits a theme, like Zendaya’s armorlike 1995 Thierry Mugler bodysuit at the Dune: Part Two London premiere; or it can be about the history of the piece itself, like Marilyn Monroe’s iconic gown, which Kim Kardashian wore to the 2022 Met Gala. As controversy around Kardashian’s look made clear, however, the risk of one-of-a-kind vintage is that it can be delicate (experts were concerned about damage to the piece’s structural integrity), not to mention expensive to care for. Novak works with a tailor who specializes in restoration, but not every piece can be saved. For the Academy Awards in March, Carey Mulligan wore a modern re-creation of a 1951 Balenciaga gown as a nod to the year her Maestro character, Felicia Montealegre, married Leonard Bernstein, while at the Met Gala, Lana Del Rey sported a custom Alexander McQueen design that referenced the house’s archives. Though an original design may be too fragile to rewear or impossible to track down, a re-creation can embody its best qualities, custom-made for a modern red carpet.

But for those collectors and designer fangirls hunting for the real thing, Novak is there. Currently, she’s trying to acquire a white John Galliano slipdress that she discovered when someone posted on Reddit hoping for help in ID’ing the look. “White Galliano slips are huge, especially with brides, because of that Kate Moss picture that’s been going around, circling just like a plane,” she explains. A pristine version “is very hard to come by…and this one still has tags on it.” If Novak secures it, the future bride who has the chance to wear that piece will be assuming her own place in fashion history. —Aemilia Madden

The New Luxury Visionaries

This season, four creative directors’ debuts caught the spotlight..

two women wearing clothing

Adrian Appiolaza at Moschino

Argentinian designer Adrian Appiolaza’s résumé is so luxury-filled, it might as well be a Bergdorf Goodman rack: He’s worked at Louis Vuitton, Miu Miu, Loewe, and Chloé, among others. For his debut as creative director, Appiolaza channeled house founder Franco Moschino’s trademark sense of humor, with pieces like a “baguette” bag (that, yes, looks like bread), a shirt patterned with suspenders, and oversize question mark and smiley face motifs.

Chemena Kamali at Chloé

Did you get the memo? Boho is back, and Chemena Kamali has a lot to do with that. The French house’s new creative director racked up several stints there prior to taking on the role, so she’s hyper-familiar with everything the feminine-but-hippie Chloé girl wants. Namely, floaty chiffons, groovy ’70s trousers, and delicate logo belts. The ultimate bohemian dream girl, Sienna Miller, was seated front row.


Seán McGirr at Alexander McQueen

The Dublin-born Central Saint Martins grad Seán McGirr held posts at JW Anderson, Burberry, and Dries Van Noten, among others, before coming to the house of McQueen as creative director. For fall 2024, his inspiration was the East End of London, which translated into looks that were dark, sleek, and clingy (along with exaggerated funnel-neck sweaters that instantly went viral).

a person in a red coat

Matteo Tamburini at Tod’s

Born in Italy into a family of theatrical costumers, Matteo Tamburini knows a thing or two about creating dramatic fashion. For his first outing at Tod’s, the Pucci and Bottega Veneta alum drew on the house’s strong associations with leather. The material found its way into trenches, skirts, and cloaks, modeled by an all-star cast of supers that included Irina Shayk and Liu Wen. —Véronique Hyland

The New Retail Innovation Is the Very Niche Drop

With an ocean of ideas, farah marafie is reimagining what a fashion brand can be..


The divide between emerging designers and conglomerate-backed megabrands is getting wider every day. Newer labels are increasingly less likely to buy into traditional fashion business structures, while the top brands are churning out dozens of collections a year and seeing more and more returns. Younger brands need to focus on what they are good at, and for Farah Marafie, that means craftsmanship and true luxury. With An Ocean of Ideas (AOI), her multidisciplinary design house, craft comes before categorization.

Born in London and of Kuwaiti-Lebanese heritage, Marafie grew up immersing herself in the arts before making the move to New York to attend Parsons. After stints at several brands, including Opening Ceremony and Oscar de la Renta, she found herself exhausted by the fashion cycle, lamenting, “I can’t design the best coat on the runway, then rush back to my desk and design the next one.” After chatting with friends about having “an ocean of ideas,” she decided to set a new course.

Marafie now designs what she is passionate about, working around what’s available and who can help her realize her vision. Her “Drops” of “collectibles not collections” offer two distinct product categories, with limited runs of each piece, ensuring there is zero overproduction. Marafie rejects the idea of fashion ever being completely sustainable, but creating in this way allows for less overhead and waste, down to the initial patterns of her pieces. She’s made sunglasses, overcoats, and cashmere sweaters with Italian craftsmen and ceramics with Spanish artisans in Barcelona. She is seeing firsthand the effects of larger brands using fewer artisans to create products, diminishing the need for these largely family-run businesses. “There is a caliber and a standard they don’t teach you in school or at any job,” she says. Fashion newsletter writer Leandra Medine Cohen has a few pieces from AOI and echoes this sentiment: “The brand is as much about the process as it is about the items themselves.”

The world doesn’t need another fashion brand, so how do I make it count?”—Farah Marafie

AOI’s website notes how many hands worked on each product, which country it was made in, and how many hours of craftsmanship it took to create. Creative consultant Amanda Murray owns a patchwork leather coat from Drop 2 that passed through six pairs of hands over 195 days of craftsmanship. “The care and meticulous attention to detail is extremely special,” she says. “It’s all energy at the end of the day.”

In an oversaturated market, where it seems every influencer is starting a fashion brand because they can, AOI is the ultimate counterstrike. Now that she’s reaching tastemakers who truly understand her vision, Marafie feels vindicated. “The world doesn’t need another fashion brand,” she says, “so how do I make it count?” —Kevin LeBlanc

The New Savile Row Is on the Lower East Side

Daniella kallmeyer is bringing the tailoring experience to a young, female audience..


Suitmakers in New York are a dime a dozen—for men, that is. Several contemporary American brands offer tailoring for women, but none have cracked the code quite like Daniella Kallmeyer, who has set the New York style set ablaze with her progressive vision for female-forward suiting—minus the stuffiness associated with traditional formalwear.

Kallmeyer started her brand in 2012, after stints at Alexander McQueen in London and Proenza Schouler in New York. Her know-how comes from the worlds of Savile Row and downtown New York, where she saw firsthand what having a fashion business in America looks like. She also, as she puts it, “was raised by matriarchs—powerful women who asserted themselves in a kind of, ‘I’m dressing for myself’ way.”

The bread and butter of Kallmeyer is its suiting, which has taken on a life of its own and spawned countless copycats. She starts her cutting and draping process, like a traditional tailor, from the shoulders and hips for jackets and pants, respectively. But that’s where the old-school ends and her contemporary approach comes in. Her blazers are roomy without being baggy, her pants swooping without dragging. The Kallmeyer vest has become a staple for the downtown set and for celebrities like Katie Holmes and Sarita Choudhury, who actually purchase some pieces themselves (unheard-of in the celebrity world). It’s the new casual uniform for women who want to look effortlessly put-together.

a display of clothing

Kallmeyer is now a full-service ready-to-wear business, and every step has been intentional. The price point sits between contemporary brands and luxury, and with the cost of luxury clothing creeping ever skyward, Kallmeyer says that “to have an entry price point feels like a gift I’m able to give to people—and then they come back.” Every piece is considered, from her now-signature tie shirts to her belts and simple T-shirts, and she still cuts her patterns and makes samples right in New York, around the corner from her store.

Kallmeyer is growing her team, yet isn’t in a rush to expand. “I want to make sure that this is a profitable business, that we are creating deeper roots than we are leaves. You don’t need to please every single person,” she says. Her Lower East Side store is a cornerstone of the brand, allowing direct feedback from customers and creating a 360-degree shopping experience. “The four walls of this little shop became my whole world,” she says of opening the outpost during the pandemic. “Sometimes, when your world gets smaller, it gets bigger.” For the past few seasons, she’s shown at New York Fashion Week, bringing her vision to a different set of eyes: the fashion set. Her casual salon-style presentations draw equal parts fashion press and clients. And her slinky draped long-sleeved red dress and preworn leather jacket were the talk of the week, proving that sometimes, simply making great clothes is all it takes to set a city ablaze. —Kevin LeBlanc

This article appears in the August 2024 issue of ELLE.

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Video: PM Modi shines in AI-fashion show shared by Elon Musk

India Today Video Desk

US billionaire Elon Musk has set social media on fire with an AI-crafted video featuring world leaders and tech icons in avant-garde attire.

Shared on his platform X, the video showcases prominent figures like US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and former US President Donald Trump walking a virtual runway.

Describing the video as "High time for an AI fashion show," Musk highlighted a colourful display of modern and classic styles. PM Modi caught viewers' attention in a vibrant, multicoloured ensemble with geometric designs and black sunglasses.

Other notable appearances included Russian President Vladimir Putin in a sleek Louis Vuitton suit, Biden in sunglasses and a wheelchair, and Musk himself in a superhero outfit themed around Tesla and X. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un added to the mix with a baggy sweatshirt and a large gold necklace, creating a visually diverse spectacle.


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A Searing Reminder That Trump Is Unwell

His bizarre diatribe at the RNC shows why the pro-democracy coalition is so worried about beating him.

Trump at the RNC

This is an edition of The Atlantic Daily, a newsletter that guides you through the biggest stories of the day, helps you discover new ideas, and recommends the best in culture. Sign up for it here.

Donald Trump’s bizarre diatribe at the Republican National Convention shows why the prodemocracy coalition is so worried about beating the GOP nominee—even if it means that Joe Biden must step down.

But first, here are three new stories from The Atlantic .

  • It’s official: The Supreme Court ignores its own precedent.
  • What the Microsoft outage reveals
  • “Hillbilly” women will get no help from J. D. Vance.

Not Comparable

It’s been quite a year in politics, what with President Biden facing calls to drop out of the race and Trump having a meltdown in public after an assassination attempt and …

I’m sorry, did I say a year ? I meant a week .

So much has happened, and political events have become so freakish, that we can all be forgiven for losing our bearings a bit. For the past few days, I’ve felt like Homer Simpson after he accidentally turned a toaster into a time machine and came back to find that Ned Flanders was the unchallenged dictator of the world.

But in the midst of all this, two things remain clear:

  • Joe Biden is showing significant signs of frailty and faces real opposition within his party to continuing his campaign.
  • Donald Trump is emotionally unwell.

These are not comparable problems.

Nor did Biden and Trump have equally bad weeks. Biden is facing a revolt in his own party and is now recovering from COVID. Trump was nearly killed by a young loner .

Biden claims to still be in the race, an answer many elected Democrats have refused to accept. My colleague Russell Berman wrote yesterday afternoon that Senator Peter Welch of Vermont believes that the Biden campaign may be at an end; more telling is that Russell described Welch as the only member of the upper chamber making that argument, but from the time that Russell wrote that article to this afternoon, three more sitting Democratic U.S. senators— Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Jon Tester of Montana, and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico—called for Biden to step down.

The case for Biden leaving the race is evident to anyone who’s watched him over the past month. He seems to be no better in his public outings than he was during the debate, and has sometimes seemed worse. As I’ve said here , I don’t think that means he can’t run the country for the remainder of his term, but Trump is going to be fired up and on the road, and I doubt that Biden can match that level of engagement, which could be decisive in a race that will be won on slim margins in a handful of states. I suspect that the people voting to save democracy would vote for Biden if he were governing from a cryostatic tube, but the Democrats calling on him to wrap it up have perfectly valid fears that he could lose and take the down-ballot races with him.

Meanwhile, the Republican National Convention was a searing reminder that Trump is a vengeful autocrat with obvious mental deficits who has surrounded himself with a crew of vicious goons.

I approached Trump’s speech with genuine curiosity. I was for most of my life a working political scientist, and I have written speeches for politicians; I think I know a good one when I see one. So I watched last night to see if Trump, tamed by a brush with death, would strike a new tone or, at the very least, try to make peace with one of his most hated enemies: the teleprompter.

No chance. To be fair, some people who watched the speech thought that the first 10 minutes or so, in which Trump recounted being injured, were good, even thoughtful. I thought they were terrible; although Trump and his people have emphasized Trump’s defiance in the moment after he was hurt, his blow-by-blow account of the incident came across to me as creepy and solipsistic rather than brave.

Contrast that with Ronald Reagan, the previous president injured in an attempt on his life. Karen Tumulty of The Washington Post reminded us today that Reagan appeared before Congress a month after he was nearly killed. (His injuries were severe and life-threatening.) Reagan was on the Hill to talk about the economy, but he started by thanking the country for its prayers and good wishes, noting a cute letter he got from a child while he was in the hospital, and paying tribute to the people injured alongside him. This digression took all of four paragraphs, a matter of a few minutes. “Now, let’s talk about getting spending and inflation under control and cutting your tax rates,” he then said. Trump, however, droned on about how much the human ear can bleed, while the screens behind him showed huge pictures of blood on his face. He then went over to the equipment owned by Corey Comperatore, the volunteer firefighter killed in the attack, and kissed the helmet. Some in the crowd may have loved it, but I prefer a bit more stoicism in national leaders; I’ve always thought that Trump’s penchant for hugging and kissing flags was weird, and planting a kiss on the headgear of a dead man was even weirder.

And then things really went off the rails. If you didn’t sit through it, I can’t blame you; it was the longest presidential-nomination-acceptance speech on record. Basking in the friendliest audience he will ever find on this planet, Trump couldn’t help himself. He was supposed to be like a band at a concert doing a tight set, playing some favorites for the loyal fans, introducing a little new material, and gaining a wider audience. Instead, he blew the chance and ran overtime as he noodled, improvised, and even mangled some of his classics.

The speech wasn’t written that way, of course, but Trump can’t stick to a script. You can always tell when Trump is trying to read the teleprompter: His shoulders tense up, he cocks his head and squints, and he rushes through words he has clearly never seen before. It doesn’t help that Trump’s writers stuff his speeches with baroque constructions that are supposed to be soaring and majestic but that always end up sounding more like dollar-store Churchill imitations. Trump struggles with these complex sentences, and then he abandons them—and that is when the real Trump comes out, in all his whiny and aggrieved glory.

I do not have the space (or the endurance) to relive those moments with you, but they were the ramblings of a man who has serious psychological problems . All of it was on display last night: rage, paranoia, pettiness, desolating selfishness.

I’m always sorry to leave readers with these sorts of observations just before a weekend, but much of the media response to Biden’s troubles and Trump’s madness has been mired in equivalences that obscure what’s happening to both men, and what’s at stake for the nation. (As I was writing this, for example, a Washington Post newsletter arrived in my inbox and told me that the GOP had just wrapped up “an energized, focused convention.” That’s an interesting description of a Republican gathering that featured a sex worker, Hulk Hogan, and a spaced-out Trump.)

Yes, Biden is old, and he’s having trouble communicating. The people expressing serious concerns about him have good reason to worry about both his health and his ability to defeat Trump. He might be out of the race by next week. But Trump is mentally and emotionally unwell. He and his valet, J. D. Vance, are not going anywhere. The real tragedy is that, in a serious country, Biden might step down without incident, and a normal race would continue, because decent people would have banished Trump from the public square long ago.

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  • The new Trump is always the old Trump.

Today’s News

  • A software update from the cybersecurity company CrowdStrike caused a digital outage that disrupted airlines, health care, shipping, and many other services on Friday.
  • A federal appeals court temporarily blocked a Biden-administration student-loan-repayment plan, leading the Department of Education to pause payments for 8 million borrowers.
  • Depending on his recovery from COVID-19, Biden expects to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when the latter is in Washington next week to address a joint session of Congress.
  • The Books Briefing : Emma Sarappo explores the books that keep readers awake at night .
  • Atlantic Intelligence : Damon Beres asks: What happens when a bot gets too good at its job ?

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Evening Read

A collage of photos of John Fogerty, and the author of this piece performing as John Fogerty

How I Faked My Way to Rock Stardom By J. R. Patterson

Before John Fogerty’s life became mine, there was cold. In November 2012, I was 22 and had left the family farm in Manitoba to find work in the oil fields of Alberta. I arrived during a bust and, because work was not immediate, spent the days driving my Ford F-150 around the country surrounding Calgary, listening to AM radio and my small collection of CDs—a few Rolling Stones albums, some outlaw-country records, and the complete discography of Creedence Clearwater Revival.

The Ford was what they call a SuperCab, with a rear backward-opening half door and a narrow bench for a back seat. At night, lacking the money for a hotel, I would find a quiet place to park, crawl into the back seat, and stretch out on the bench, my clothes wrapped around my boots for a pillow. I kept my guitars—an acoustic Martin and an electric Epiphone Les Paul—beside me to warm them, lest they crack in the cold. The nights weren’t kind to me either, and I often woke up shivering, the world outside covered with frost or snow. To allay myself, I’d run the engine for a while and put on Creedence.

Read the full article.

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Play our daily crossword.

Some of you may have noticed that I don’t particularly admire Trump’s running mate, Senator J. D. Vance of Ohio. (Vance has noticed it too.) I wrote about his RNC speech here . I remain appalled at Vance’s casual betrayal of the people he claims to care about, the poor and working-class whites he grew up with in Ohio.

Perhaps I feel this more keenly because I grew up in a working-class town in Massachusetts, and I think working people deserve a better spokesperson than an opportunistic plutocrat like Vance. You may find it striking to think of New England as a depressed area; people who are not from the region probably think of it as a lovely expanse of college greens and church steeples and foliage. And it is—but much of New England was once home to mills and factories that produced shoes, textiles, and even military swords. (The bronze doors of the U.S. Capitol’s House wing were cast in 1903 in my hometown of Chicopee.) By the late 1970s, many of those workplaces, abandoned as industries moved out of the Northeast and sometimes out of the United States, were rotting hulks.

If you’d like to read a memoir that shows what it was like to grow up in Massachusetts in those days, I’d suggest Townie: A Memoir , by Andre Dubus III, who is near my age and grew up in a mill town much like mine. It’s not a pretty read, but it is evocative—so much so that some passages made me wince. I can affirm that it captures the reality of growing up in a part of America, far from Vance’s hometown, that was also plagued by dysfunction and decline.

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Guest Essay

George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee.

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By George Clooney

Mr. Clooney is an actor, director and film producer.

I’m a lifelong Democrat; I make no apologies for that. I’m proud of what my party represents and what it stands for. As part of my participation in the democratic process and in support of my chosen candidate, I have led some of the biggest fund-raisers in my party’s history. Barack Obama in 2012 . Hillary Clinton in 2016 . Joe Biden in 2020 . Last month I co-hosted the single largest fund-raiser supporting any Democratic candidate ever, for President Biden’s re-election. I say all of this only to express how much I believe in this process and how profound I think this moment is.

I love Joe Biden. As a senator. As a vice president and as president. I consider him a friend, and I believe in him. Believe in his character. Believe in his morals. In the last four years, he’s won many of the battles he’s faced.

But the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can. It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe “ big F-ing deal ” Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.

Was he tired? Yes. A cold? Maybe. But our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn’t see what we just saw. We’re all so terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term that we’ve opted to ignore every warning sign. The George Stephanopoulos interview only reinforced what we saw the week before. As Democrats, we collectively hold our breath or turn down the volume whenever we see the president, whom we respect, walk off Air Force One or walk back to a mic to answer an unscripted question.

Is it fair to point these things out? It has to be. This is about age. Nothing more. But also nothing that can be reversed. We are not going to win in November with this president. On top of that, we won’t win the House, and we’re going to lose the Senate. This isn’t only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and Congress member and governor who I’ve spoken with in private. Every single one, irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly.

We love to talk about how the Republican Party has ceded all power, and all of the traits that made it so formidable with Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, to a single person who seeks to hold on to the presidency, and yet most of our members of Congress are opting to wait and see if the dam breaks. But the dam has broken. We can put our heads in the sand and pray for a miracle in November, or we can speak the truth.

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    The Evolution of Fashion Trends. Fashion trends have always played a significant role in society, reflecting cultural, social, and economic changes. This essay delves into the historical evolution of fashion trends, drawing on historical records and analysis to identify recurring patterns and influences. Through inductive reasoning, we aim to ...

  11. 100 Fashion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    To help you get started, here are 100 fashion essay topic ideas and examples that you can explore: The evolution of fashion trends over the decades. The impact of social media on fashion. The role of sustainability in the fashion industry. The influence of celebrity fashion on mainstream trends. The history of high fashion and couture.

  12. Fashion Essay

    Fashion is a non-verbal way of communication that conveys a lot about the person's personality, background and style. Earlier it was exclusively the world of the affluent, celebrities and royalty. However, fashion is now within the reach of the common man, especially the youth. Besides, dress fashion is an evolution of ideas, which begins as ...

  13. Essay on Fashion for Students in English

    500+ Words Essay on Fashion. Fashion is one of the most talked-about industries in today's world. Fashion can be defined as anything that becomes admirable among the masses. It is a popular aesthetic expression. Fashion is related to clothing, hairstyle, makeup, accessories, footwear and lifestyle.

  14. Essay on Fashion for Students in English

    Essay on Fashion: Trends and latest ideas in attires, apparels and accessories that make a style statement are referred to as fashionable. Any new style that comes into vogue and hits the attention of masses is marked in the fashion industry. ... The fashion industry is a high thriving segment, and modern people are very fashionable today ...

  15. Fashion Essay

    500 Words Essay On Fashion. Fashion has existed for as long as we can recall and is now an essential component of our daily life. Fashion has also gained more significance in today's society where the look is increasingly crucial. It has existed ever since people first learned about various textiles and fashion trends.

  16. Essay on Fashion for Students and Children in English

    Long and Short Essay on Fashion For Kids and Students in English. Fashion, as a topic for composition, is very new and contemporary. Students in schools can get asked to write essays on the subject for their assignments and exams. The extended articles are useful to people studying in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. On the other hand, the short essays ...

  17. Fashion today is important

    Fashion today is important .advantages and disadvantages. it is obvious to all. It contributes some advantages and disadvantages in the world. Some. about the mode. On the one hand, for more confidence. since most of the new brand is eye-catching, flashy, stylish. in order to buy new clothes.

  18. Today, fashion is becoming more and more important in ...

    fashion. factor in choosing garments. First. of all, everybody is more aware of catching up with the latest. fashion. trend, and no one wants to look backward or different from others. As new seasons come out, consumers will come to stores and buy new sets of jeans and shirts. For example. , after each.

  19. ELLE Reports on The Future of Fashion in 2024

    Car boot sales, the British answer to garage sales, were Tolu Coker's introduction to fashion. Growing up in London, she and her family used to both host and shop them. Her parents immigrated to ...

  20. Daniel Craig, Is That You Under Those Bangs?

    Vanessa Friedman Well, this is one way for an actor to announce he is ready for an image change. Daniel Craig just killed his James Bond dead, with a sweater. Alex Vadukul It's a personal-brand ...

  21. Video: PM Modi shines in AI-fashion show shared by Elon Musk

    US billionaire Elon Musk has set social media on fire with an AI-crafted video featuring world leaders and tech icons in avant-garde attire. Shared on his platform X, the video showcases prominent figures like US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and former US President Donald Trump walking a virtual runway.

  22. Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant wedding: Celebrity guests ...

    The fashion crowd were out in full force too. Zendaya's longtime stylist Law Roach arrived in a mauve velvet jacket, purple tunic and a pair of Schiaparelli gold toed shoes, while designer and ...

  23. Opinion

    Mr. Sorkin is a playwright and screenwriter. Update: Joe Biden announced on Sunday that he would not seek re-election. The Paley Center for Media just opened an exhibition celebrating the 25th ...

  24. смотреть фильмы онлайн бесплатно в хорошем качестве

    Смотреть фильмы и сериалы онлайн на kinogo, ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ сайт киного, большая база фильмов и сериалов бесплатно!

  25. Arzamas Tourism: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024)

    Arzamas Tourism: Tripadvisor has 1,014 reviews of Arzamas Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Arzamas Tourism resource.

  26. The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator

    When a madman hammered nearly to death the husband of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump jeered and mocked. One of Trump's sons and other close Trump supporters avidly promoted ...

  27. Tucker Carlson, Ousted by Fox, Roars Into Milwaukee as a Top Trump Ally

    Mr. Carlson lobbied Mr. Trump to select Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio, who had been a frequent guest on his Fox show, as his running mate, and he helped broker a meeting in Milwaukee between Mr ...

  28. A searing reminder that Trump is unwell

    Today's News. A software update from the cybersecurity company CrowdStrike caused a digital outage that disrupted airlines, health care, shipping, and many other services on Friday.

  29. File : Coat of arms of Perevoz (Nizhny Novgorod Oblast).svg

    This file contains additional information such as Exif metadata which may have been added by the digital camera, scanner, or software program used to create or digitize it.

  30. George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee

    Mr. Clooney is an actor, director and film producer. I'm a lifelong Democrat; I make no apologies for that. I'm proud of what my party represents and what it stands for. As part of my ...