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The 30 Funniest Resumes and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

Michael Samuel

Michael Samuel

The 30 Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

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funny resume

When searching for a job , it’s crucial to have a résumé that packs a punch and grabs the attention of the hiring manager.

But let’s face it, some people take it a little too far and end up being the laughing stock of the HR department.

We went down the internet rabbit hole and stumbled upon some of the most hilarious résumés and job applications that will have you rollin’ on the floor laughin’.

From listing “World domination” as a career goal to “Fluent in sarcasm” as a language, these candidates truly went above and beyond in standing out from the crowd- for better or for worse.

So, without wasting too much time, we present to you 30 of the most ridiculous résumés and job applications that will have you chuckling- of course you never want to replicate these.

1. The Expert Communicator

The self-proclaimed “expert communicator” has got some serious confidence, but let’s be real- unless he’s planning on becoming a stand-up comedian, we’re unsure what kind of job he’s actually qualified for.

He hasn’t got any transferable skills and definitely got some work to do if he wants to prove his skills beyond just talking a big game.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

2. The “Pharmaceutical Sales Rep”

This candidate is refreshingly candid…or perhaps too candid. From lacking formal education to running a “weed delivery service”, it’s clear he has some sales skills, but probably not the kind you want in a professional office setting.

But hey, at least he is not afraid to think outside the box and diversify his revenue streams!

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

3. The egotistical Actor

Is this even a résumé or just a comedic masterpiece? Daryl clearly couldn’t decide on just one photo of himself, so he gifted us with a triptych of vanity.

And if that wasn’t enough, he even manages to brag about getting cast as a rapist. Smooth move, Daryl.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

4. A teen with a killer sense of humor

This clever young whipper-snapper not only made the hiring manager laugh, but landed himself a gig flipping burgers at McDonald’s with his clever and candid responses.

Who knew being a smartass could pay off?

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

5. The Cream of the Crop

This dashingly debonair candidate believes he is the crème de la crème of the job market. He certainly has a lot of chutzpah for applying for a job in such a bold way.

Find out: 10 Signs an Interview Went Well or Bad

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

6. Or, you know… Whatever floats your boat!

I mean, let’s be real, who wouldn’t be impressed by an applicant with lightning-fast reflexes like a cat, a laugh that sounds like a horse and an appetite that could feed a small army?!

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

7. The Big Boss

A self-proclaimed Boss who boasts about being a jack of all trades, but has a résumé as empty as a clown car at a funeral. Who wouldn’t want to roll the dice and hire this stud muffin?

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

8. What an interesting hobby!

Brad had been circulating his résumé with this peculiar hobby listed on it for a while before he finally realized that his pal had written it as a prank. Brad, my dear boy… you got pranked!

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

9. The “I don’t give a hoot” guy

Let’s be real, we’ve all been there, not giving a single care in the world. But, listing it on your résumé as a skill? That’s a whole different level of “0- f*cks”

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

10. Could this be serious?

This has got to be some kind of prank, from the terrible photo to the jailbird story. I’m honestly a bit scared to even read this résumé, let alone meet the infamous Mr. Santangelo in person.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

11. Ms Desperation

This applicant’s résumé is a hot mess, with typos and errors galore, but the cherry on top is the bold and underlined “HIRE ME” written at the bottom.

It’s like she was screaming “I’m desperate, please hire me!” at the top of her lungs. But hey, at least she’s passionate about finding a job.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

12. The ultimate summer gig

This brilliant young mind, with a heart of gold and a knack for typos, is on the hunt for the ultimate summer gig. Talk about ambition!

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

13. When it comes to résumés, sometimes less is more

This applicant took the idea of “simplicity” to a whole new level. I mean, a single line stating degree and give me the job? That’s like showing up to a job interview in sweatpants. But hey, maybe he is a minimalist and trying to prove a point. Or maybe he just had a really bad day and forgot to finish his résumé. Either way, I’m not convinced this direct approach will land him the job, but I’m definitely convinced it’s a good laugh.

Find out: How to Create a Job-Winning Resume with No Education

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

14. Nicolas Cage-ing it

This applicant took “thinking outside the box” to a whole new level by attaching a hilarious picture of none other than Nicolas Cage instead of their résumé.

A reminder to all job seekers: always double, triple, and quadruple check your attachments before hitting send. Otherwise, you might just end up Cage-ing it and making a Nicolas Cage-y of yourself.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

15. The c*ck

Talk about a poultry disaster of a résumé! Let’s just say this isn’t the fowl-proof way to apply for a catering job.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

16. Oh snap!

Looks like someone skipped the lesson on manners in kindergarten. I know a little bit of cheekiness can be charming, but this résumé is straight up disrespectful and in-your-face.

It’s a résumé that would make even the most easy-going person want to wash their eyes with soap.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

17. The devil wears Prada?

More like the devil wears Prague! Who knew the Prince of Darkness had such a love for the Czech Republic? Not to talk about a fashion faux pas.

If you’re gonna drop a movie reference, make sure you’ve got the title right, otherwise, you might end up looking like a fool. I mean, have you ever even heard of “Devil Wears Prague”? I sure haven’t.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

18. The Master Distractor

This applicant’s thought process is a bit like a game of telephone, it gets lost in translation. While it’s funny, his massive ego might just be a distraction to his own work.

But hey, at least he’ll make the office more entertaining.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

19. References? More like “references-less”!

Lucky for this résumé, it wasn’t thrown in the trash with the rest of its reference-less comrades.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

20. Going Bananas

Is this a résumé created by a child with a love for WordArt? It may leave a lasting impression, but probably not the one you want.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

21. Google autocomplete

We’ve all had our fair share of autocomplete mishaps, but this candidate took it to a whole new level by letting Google do all the heavy lifting on their résumé.

While it’s certainly amusing, we’re unsure it’s the best way to highlight your skills and qualifications. But hey, at least he has a good sense of humor and creativity on his side.

Maybe he should apply for a job at Google, they seem to have a pretty good understanding of the inner workings.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

22. The death certificate

Talk about going the extra mile for a job, this candidate must have had a sixth sense because he knew when a position was open before it was even advertised.

How did he know? Well, he sent in a death certificate of the previous employee with his application as proof that the spot was up for grabs. I have to say, it’s a bold move but also a bit morbid, I would not expect him to land the job but he definitely made an impression.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

23. The one and only GoT and Stranger Things expert!

This résumé may not be a work of art, but it’s clear that this person has a serious dedication to binge-watching and snacking.

If you’re looking for someone who can tell you the difference between a White Walker and a Demogorgon with their eyes closed, then look no further! Just don’t expect them to leave their living room anytime soon.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

24. Pandemic résumé

We’ve all been through a lot during the pandemic, and this résumé perfectly captures the essence of it all.

From “staring into the void” to “crying in car”, this job seeker has truly mastered the art of summarizing the pandemic experience in one document. But let’s be real, we all know that the real skill listed here has the ability to make HR managers laugh out loud while reading the résumé.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

Looks like the caped crusader himself, Batman, decided to take a break from fighting crime and applied for a job in the hospitality industry.

But instead of listing his salary expectations in dollars and cents, he wrote “justice” as his desired pay. Now, I’m not sure if this was a joke or not, but if it was serious, I’m pretty sure he won’t be getting a call back from HR.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

26. Insert text here

Listen up folks, if you’re using a résumé template and you come across a little phrase that says “Insert text here”- never leave it there like a clueless buffoon.

It may not be the end of the world, but it’s like showing up to a job interview wearing crocs, it screams “I don’t give a hoot.” So, before you hit send, double check for any “Insert text here” or “Lorem Ipsum” placeholder text and delete it like it’s your ex’s number. Trust me, it’s for your own good.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

27. The race and sex change

Marissa will never forget the time she received a résumé with a picture of a man of a different race. Apparently, the job seeker had used a résumé template and forgot to replace the stock photo with a picture of themselves.

Can you just imagine the look on the hiring manager’s face when this individual walked into the interview? Not to talk about a case of mistaken identity!

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

28. The wild bear fighter

If the company is looking for someone who isn’t afraid to take on the wild, then this applicant is their huckleberry. The applicant is not just willing, but eager to take on a bear in the ring. Imagine the company picnic, when the boss says “let’s roast marshmallows”, this person would reply “let’s roast bear”.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

29. A typical teenager (or so we thought)

This résumé would definitely make a hiring manager do a double take, if it wasn’t a joke, that is.

This girl’s father decided to have a little fun and create a résumé for her, listing skills such as “expert in procrastination”, “champion of Netflix binges” and “able to eat entire pizza by oneself”- and let’s not forget the “giving out all clients information to fraudsters” and “chopping colleagues toes off with a spade” (ouch!)- it’s safe to say that this teenager is not your typical candidate.

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

30. Dungeons and Dragons

Are you a hardcore Dungeons and Dragons player wondering how to showcase your skills on a job application?

Look no further! We present to you the ultimate example of how to infuse a little fantasy into your résumé and impress those hiring managers. From “Dragon slaying” to “Quest completion rate”, who wouldn’t want to hire a boss level dungeon master like yourself?

So, grab your 20-sided die and let’s get rolling on the ultimate job application that will have everyone laughing and hiring you on the spot!

Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, it’s vital to remember that a resume is often the first impression a potential employer has of you.

Ensure to take your job search seriously and avoid making the same mistakes as these jobseekers. Have you ever come across any funny resume or had any mishaps with your own applications? Share your stories in the comments section below.

While we find these resumes hilarious, they cannot be considered for the next stage of the hiring process. With our free expert resume ebook , you can ensure that your application stands out and presents you in the best light possible. Looking for a job? Try Jooble !

funny resume

Further Reading

funny resume

10 Signs an Interview Went Well or Bad

5 Skills You Need to Master to Get a Job in the Business Department

5 Skills You Need to Master to Get a Job in the Business Department

truth about resume writing

7 Tips to Write a Resume that Can Help You Get Your Desired Job

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20 Hilarious Resumes That Didn’t Get The Job But Got The Laugh

Erin Maxwell

Hiring managers are sharing the funniest, weirdest, and strangest resumes to ever come across their desk. From putting their pets as references to using their CV as a means to tell their life story, here are a selection of funny stories and resumes that were passed over, but fondly remembered. 

Posted by Redditor u/ mandabeth5 :

I was a supervisor in a casino, and was once assisting my table games manager in weeding out potential applicants vs. "hell no" applicants. These all appeared on the same application:

Education: School of Hard Knocks.

Job Experience: Life, Hustling, Learnin' the Hard Way

References: Jesus Christ

Paste Problems

Posted by Redditor u/ stars_are_silent :

I had a guy who sent in a resume where he had accidentally pasted an internet banner ad for p*rn to the top of it. 

Impressive References

Posted by Redditor u/ Raguel0417 :

I received a resume several years back that barely had any information on it (I think it was just his school, some freelance modeling gig, and some references).

He said that his resume was bare since he only placed information that was relevant for the role he was applying for (it was a sales role) and he was afraid that his identity might get stolen.

His references were also weird. I remember Princess Diana and Mother Theresa was on his list of reference. They were both already dead at the time of his interview.

My Little Resume

My Little Resume

  • u/onyxscorpion22

So Much Fail

Posted by Redditor u/ Aibeit :

I've gotten a handwritten, ineligible resumé before. Also someone that insisted in their cover letter that they were only willing to work on Tuesdays - for a full-time position.

I've seen one that had a note saying "You didn't honestly think I was going to show you this?" instead of the high school report card, and one that claimed to have mastered Microsoft Excel to the "Asian Level".

Oh, and a colleague of mine once opened one of those *.pdf.exe resumés that turned out to be ransomware.

Legally Wrong

Posted by Redditor u/ linguotgr :

I’m not sure if it’s the worst, but it was the most entertainingly bad. Ya know in Legally Blonde where Reese Witherspoon gives out her resume and its on pink, scented paper?

I got one like that that about three years ago, which, looking it up on Google just now to confirm, made this reference 15 years out of date (though if it was scented, I missed it). The resume started off, literally her first paragraph, talking about how Legally Blonde was her favorite movie. It was full of doodles in the margins and specifically requested I not contact her previous employers because she felt she was fired unfairly, and instead listed several sorority sisters as references.

She compared herself to Elle Woods several times, explicitly saying any hiring manager who wouldn’t hire her off of this resume was doing so because their couldn’t handle her individuality. I’m honestly not entirely sure if this was a legit resume or some kind of joke. It had almost nothing to do with the job listing.

My manager joked that Buzzfeed was gonna write about me if I didn’t call.

The job went unfilled. We chose literally no one over this.

'Cat-Like Reflexes...Possible ESP...Holla!'

'Cat-Like Reflexes...Possible ESP...Holla!'

Straight To The Point

Posted by Redditor u/ izyozy :

Font size 30pt, comic sans, and just described her appearance. "I am looking for a job."

Text Here

  • u/T-nawtical

Posted by Redditor u/ WayTooFurry :

I had a guy hand me a resume with his dad, mom, and brother as his references. I decide to call them... two hadn't spoken to him in a year and the other said not to put him as a reference.

He did not get hired.  

Posted by Redditor u/ nightcrawler616 :

My boss once received a file from a lady that was supposed to be her resume, but was actually a bunch of notes about Rollercoaster Tycoon.

Historical Angle

Posted by Redditor u/ soomuchcoffee :

My boss once received a resume written from the perspective of someone witnessing the storming of the Bastille. The torches, explosions off in the distance, the yelling and screaming, proficiency in Word and Excel...

It was for an assistant level office job.

My boss passed on it.

Posted by Redditor u/ Lazycat0204 :

We were hiring for a position in IT recently. One applicant was this lady, around 60. Used to work in IT in the '90s, then quit to watch her daughters children. Most recent job was cashiering in a supermarket.

From her CV I learned that when she was 17, she visited the U.S. for a couple of weeks on a student exchange program, where she met "David." They fell in love.

Afterwards they kept in contact, until he eventually came to our country and they got married. They had an exciting life, being roadies for rock bands and such.

Somewhere along the line they managed to finish Uni and had two daughters. David was the love of her life.

Then something happened (unfortunately she didn’t elaborate), and David isn’t in her life anymore. I never found out whether he died or they got divorced or something. She devoted all her energy to her daughters and their offspring, since that was all she had left of David. Now after the grandchildren are old enough, she wants to work in IT again.

Davids name appeared in the application (CV and cover letter) a whopping 17 times. Sometimes I wonder what happened to him.

'Time To Try Something New'

Posted by Redditor u/ watching-the-office :

My company does business with a certain family-friendly theme park. This means our employees can’t have visible tattoos, crazy hair colors, they need to be able to pass a drug screening, background check, etc.

I received a resume for a sales position from a guy we will call Andrew. I just pulled it back up so I can quote it word for word. The cover letter said:

”Hey what’s good? I have worked at almost every fast food place around but now it’s time to try something new. I don’t know how to do retail but I’ll learn. I don’t have official sales experience of the legal kind of you know what I mean, but that was a few weeks ago and I’m not like that no more”

On his resume he listed the places he worked at and had descriptions such as, ”take peoples orders and clean up their messes” and ”take peoples orders money and give them their s**t."

I thought the resume was submitted as a joke until I looked Andrew up on Facebook (he had an uncommon last name) and found his profile.


Posted by Redditor u/ Dobbeo :

The candidate listed their cat as a reference.



Reference: Wild Bear

Reference: Wild Bear

'Underwater Ceramics Cleaner'

Posted by Redditor u/ suicidalsilkworm :

Underwater ceramics and glass cleaner for a multi-million dollar company meant dishwasher at Chili’s.

'Can't Sugarcoat That One'

'Can't Sugarcoat That One'

  • u/AngryVendetta

Work sucks. What can you do?

Hi, It's the Worst Bosses in the World

Ninja Gig Blog

You’ll Laugh Yourself Silly With These Resume Funnies

  • Post author By ben
  • Post date February 10, 2020

All you have to do is search “funny resumes” or “resume bloopers,” and you will be inundated with funny anecdotes from various companies who have collected some hilarious resumes.

These resumes definitely make for some fun water-cooler humor, but it won’t land you a job. In fact, mistakes will repel would-be employers.

Be careful when you’re typing your resume or submitting an online job application. Check, double-check and then recheck your spelling and word choices, and then have someone else check it too!

Funnies From Resumes

Education: “I have a bachelorette degree in computers.”

Background: “28 dog years of experience in sales (four human).

Hobbies: “enjoy cooking Chinese and Italians.”

“2001 summer Voluntary work for taking care of the elderly and vegetable people.”

Hobbies: “drugs and girls”.

Achievements: “Nominated for prom queen.”

One resume said that the individual had won a contest for building toothpick bridges in middle school.

One applicant used colored paper and drew glitter designs around the border.

“Finished eighth in my class of ten.”

“It’s best for employers that I not work with people.”

“Marital status: often. Children:  various.”

Interests: “gossiping.”

Languages: “Speak English and Spinach.”

Objective: “So one of the main things for me is, as the movie ‘Jerry McGuire’ puts it, ‘Show me the money!'”

Qualifications: “Twin sister has accounting degree.”

Application: Why should an employer hire you? “I bring doughnuts on Friday.”

Experience: “Child care provider: Organized activities; prepared lunches and snakes.”

Personal: “I am loyal and know when to keep my big mouth shut.”

Ninja Gig is a premier online job posting site that rates among the best job posting sites for employers. Whether you need to track job applicants on our Applicant Tracking System (ATS) or use Ninja Gig for online recruitment posting job applications, our robust software has you covered. Once you post job applications online, our proprietary software automatically posts to major job boards, including job posting on Indeed, Jooble and more. Sign up today and experience Ninja Gig for FREE 14 days. 

  • Tags hiring tips , online job applications , resumes

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  • Such a design is sure to catch the eye of recruiters and hiring managers.
  • Our samples allow you to infuse your unique sense of humor and creativity into your resume.
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Many features make our funny resume examples 100% unique:

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To make the resume-building process as efficient as possible, we made funny resume templates in Google Docs and Word formats. It means you can easily access and edit your resume from anywhere, whether you prefer the first or second platform.

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Let us make you smile with some funny resume memes.

A day in a job hunter's life includes everything- from writing a resume, writing cover letters, filling up job application forms, and following up with the hiring managers. And it can be quite stressful. We get that.

No matter how many jobs you are applying for, you need to make separate documents for each company. It is quite a nerve-wracking job.

Well, we have some news that may help you cope. In the USA alone the unemployment rate is 6.3% . That means almost 10 million people are going through what you are going through right now.

So, keep calm and give yourself a break with a quick laugh.

Mark Twain once said—

"Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand."

With the concept "laughter as a stress relief" in mind, we have searched the web for the most funny resume memes to make you smile.

Enjoy this list of 19 resume funny memes that we have specially curated for you.

Perfect Use of "Keep Your Cover Letter Short"


What can we say? This is the hilarious resume pun example of our advice "keep your resume cover letter short."

But in reality, this might be a slight exaggeration. Yes, you need to keep your resume cover letter short. But at the same time, it needs to be professional, formal and grammatically correct.

When You Lie on Your Resume


This “when you lie on your resume meme" paints a hilarious picture of what happens when you lied on resume.

Everyone lies on their resume a bit.

But make sure to minimize your lies, or it will make a false impression of you, and you will face problems down the road.

It's Not What You Do, It's How You Tell It


These two funny resume memes are the classic example of how candidates converts basic skills and responsibilities into a nice and impressive format in the resume.

And, the best part is, it's not technically wrong. Recruiters prefer to see certain phrases and keywords on the resume. And that's why candidates use it on their resume.

Problems arise when candidates overuse it on their resumes.

So make sure to be mindful of how you describe your skills and achievements on the resume.

Also read : What are the power verbs best suited for a resume?

Formal or Informal Email, That Is the Question


There is a lot of confusion between candidates on what email address to use in their resume? And this resume meme perfectly describes what you should do.

Your personal email address may be anything like, [email protected] [email protected] etc.

But you should not use these email addresses on your resume. Instead, create a separate professional resume with only your name, such as [email protected] and include that email address on your resume.

Why Put All the Resume Information on the Job Application Form, Again?


This meme is a classic resume jokes of the age-old question of job seekers:

"Why should I put all the information again on the job application when I'm providing you with my resume?"

Let us give us the answer. Recruiters get 100s of resumes a day. And it isn't easy to open each resume, read and sort them out. That's why they ask you to put all your information in a job application form.

This application nicely sorts all the candidates' information in a single sheet, and recruiters can quickly sort the candidates without wasting time.

That Time When Your Resume Does Not Portray What You Say


This is a hilarious resume meme perfectly portrays how you should not include unnecessary skills on your resume. It will not be a deal-breaker if you don't have a particular skill, because you can quickly learn it.

But, it will not look good in your resume if the interviewer finds out that you are lying about your skills.

This funny resume skills meme also reminds you to always do a proper grammar check before sending the interviewer's resume.

Gap in Resume? Oh My God!


This meme sarcastically integrates the current job scenario in 2022 after the pandemic with a little pun. In the USA alone, almost 20 million people lost their jobs because of the pandemic. And it certainly reflected on their resume when the job market is opening again.

However, here is a little tip from our side. Do not make any excuses for your resume gap. Instead, explain the situation to your interviewer. If the reasons are proper, the interviewer will not reject you because of the career gap.

Also read : How to explain a career gap in your resume?

Highlight Achievements: Yes or No?


Freesume has created a brilliant resume meme cartoon on how not to over exaggerate your skills and achievements in your resume.

Everybody highlights their skills and work experience in their resume. And it is essential to know what to highlight and how much to highlight. For example, you certainly can not say that you have experience in specific tools for five years when the tool is around for only three years.

Also read : How to highlight your achievements in a resume?

Short and to the Point Resume: On Point!


What better way to make your resume short and to the point than this?

On a serious note, do not make your resume too much straight forward like this resume meme. Make sure your resume has all the essential information:

  • Professional Summary
  • Technical Skills
  • Certification
  • Professional Experience
  • Extra/Co-Curricular Achievements/Additional

Be Truthful or Lie?


This resume meme accurately calls the candidate's dilemma to give accurate information on a resume or lie slightly to get an initial advantage.

But you need to remember that, the incorrect information on your resume might get you the interview. Still, the interviewer can easily figure out if you are telling the truth during the interview. And it can lead to rejection.

I Have Nothing to Say


This resume meme is a sarcastic example of what happens when you don't prepare for your interview.

Also read : How to introduce yourself in a job interview?

Moral Dilemma


In the previous section, we told you that you should not lie to your resume. We still stand by the statement. But this resume meme perfectly articulates how the unrealistic industry expectations sometimes force you to lie.

That is also why we always advise students or job seekers to do as many internships as possible with studies. It will make you job-ready and help you crack any interview.

When Your Resume Feels too Short


We all are guilty of this, aren't we? You started creating your resume and after finishing it, it doesn't feel impactful!

So, what do you do? You start adding random funny resume skills on your resume.

The truth is, recruiters only care about skills related to the job profile. Apart from that they will not consider any other skills that directly or indirectly do not add value to the job responsibilities.

In fact, sometimes too much unnecessary skills may distract the recruiter, and they might miss the essential skills they are looking for.

So, make sure to stick to the key skills, and if you want to highlight other skills, you can include it in the cover letter.

Also read : What are the skills to put in your resume in 2022?

When You Know You Made a Great Resume


Writing a resume is challenging. We know that.

But it also makes the feeling of writing an excellent resume really special. Every resume is a gateway of opportunity, and with writing every resume, you are continually creating new opportunities for yourself.

Resume References Make Everyone Cry


This is a hard truth wrapped up in this funny resume meme. It is difficult for the job seekers to find trustworthy people to be their reference. That is why many job seekers put their parents or friends or relatives as their reference.

It is also pain or sometimes frustrating for the interviews to see these inappropriate references on a resume.

Also read : How and when to add references on a resume?

Resume as a Word Document- Be Careful


If you send your resume in a word document to the interviewer, this resume meme accurately portrays why it is not a good idea.

Every person uses a different version of MS Word. And the alignment in the word document varies from computer to computer. You may perfectly align your resume in your system, but it may not open correctly on the recruiter's computer.

So, always make sure to send your resume in a PDF format to the recruiter.

Also read : What are the pros and cons of a resume in word format?

Online Resume Builder

Meanwhile, if you want to create ATS-optimized and professionally designed resumes, go to Hiration Online Resume Builder and choose from 15+ design templates to create one for yourself.

  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • Intuitive next text suggestion
  • Auto bold feature
  • 25+ resume designs
  • LIVE resume score
  • JD-resume matcher
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 100+ pre-filled resume templates
  • 1-click design change
  • A sharable link
  • LIVE resume editor

Go ahead and try our Online Resume Builder and experience the professional resume-writing experience like never before!

Comics Sans Resume Font: You Are Playing with Fire


What font are you using on your resume?

Is it Comic Sans? Then you are playing with fire.

You need to use a professional resume font on your resume. These fonts are simple and easier to read. Also, make sure to keep the font size between 12-14 so that recruiters can easily read it.

With that, we have come to an end of this collection of resume memes. Hope you had a good laugh while also learning some valuable tips.

Also read : What are the font styles to choose for resume writing in 2022?

Resume Review Service

With that said, if you want to get your resumes reviewed by professionals, simply upload it on our Online Resume Builder and get insights from professionals on what changes you can make in your resume to make it shortlist-worthy.

Our experts will review your resume in compliance with the following parameters:

  • Content Relevance
  • Recruiter Friendliness
  • Design Compatibility
  • Conversion Scope
  • ATS Compliance
  • Global Compatibility
  • Performance Assessment
  • Resume Formatting
  • Compliance with industry norms

Make the best use of our Resume Review Service today!

Go to Hiration career platform which has 24/7 chat support and get professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

You can also write to us at [email protected] and we will make sure to reach out to you as soon as possible.

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How to Add Humor to Your Résumé or CV


You might be one of many people in the market for a new job at the moment. If you're in this position, your first inclination might be to turn to your résumé or CV and start updating it. And depending on the last time you had to do that, that might be a rather large undertaking! So how can you make your résumé or CV stand out above the rest?

Adding humor to your résumé or CV might not be the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, it might be the last! But with some well-placed humor, that might just be the thing to stand out in a great way to a prospective employer.

Let's discuss a few ways to achieve this!

Know your audience

This one is listed first for a reason. Before you go adding levity to your employment documents to make them sound like your dream stand-up routine, consider the job you're applying for and the industry. Jobs in a more creative industry, like marketing or publishing, might be much more interested in seeing different aspects of your personality rather than, say, a banking institution or a science laboratory.

Non-creative industries tend to be much more interested in your personal skill set and your professional credentials in the early application stages. That's not to say they don't care about you as a person, but in a field where a certain level of education is required or plenty of past experience in a particular, specific industry, they want to weed out the unqualified from the qualified as quickly as possible as early as possible.

A creative industry, on the other hand, might be very interested in how you jump off the page. If the job is focused on marketing or has a heavy emphasis on writing, your personality and humor may very well help a prospective employer get a feel for the creative ways you communicate about yourself and your experience as a way of how well you may perform in the job they're considering you for.

Take care with the content

Since sending a résumé or CV is, obviously, a professional endeavor where you're hoping to get hired, you'll want to be extremely strategic with where and how you use humor. The cover letter is likely the most logical place since often, you're invited by the employer to use the letter to expand on your immediate credentials, education, and skills that make you an ideal candidate for that job. It's specific to the employer as to how much stock they place in the cover letter. Some treat the letter as a mere formality and prefer to focus on the résumé /CV. Some detail very specific items to address in the cover letter—often to ensure the applicant is paying close attention to the details in the posting.

You won't know for sure how much stock the prospective employer places in the cover letter, so you should default to writing it erring on the side of the employer reading it thoroughly. Sprinkle humor in lightly where it feels appropriate, and rather than focusing on jokes, you might focus on wit. For example, a phrase might be "I'm a hard worker, a fast learner, and I have a disturbing thirst for knowledge." This is witty rather than humorous, but it might be light enough to elicit a smile—and, even better, second look—from a prospective employer.

Tailor the humor to the employer

If you're feeling confident that you're applying for a job with an employer who will appreciate a little humor and creativity, then try to be funny in a way that is complementary to the employer. For instance, if you're applying for a marketing job with, say, a cosmetics company, you might enthusiastically write that you own every shade of a certain kind of lipstick they make. Or, if you're applying for a job as a story developer for a video game manufacturer, you might write a humorous line about binge-playing one of their titles over a long holiday weekend. This, when done carefully, can show the employer that you not only are familiar with their product or service, but that you enjoy it, and that enjoyment is driving you to want to work for them. And, it may encourage them to view you as an excellent prospective candidate.

Avoid self-deprecation

We all know a person who cracks truly funny self-deprecating jokes. In fact, someone who makes jokes at their own expense rather than another's can often be some of the most charming people you'll meet. Those little personal jabs at oneself simultaneously highlight a person's humility and sense of being grounded, while also at the same time displaying some serious self-confidence. It takes a lot of that to be able to poke fun at yourself!

That said…the résumé /CV is not the best place for self-deprecation. The problem is that convincing self-deprecation requires a tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language to really hit the mark with its intention, and none of these physical attributes are available on the page. Therefore, what you might intend to come off as self-deprecating might strike a stranger reading it with no context and never having met you as awkward, lacking self-confidence, or downright weird.

When in doubt, be serious

Humor in varying degrees might come naturally to you, whether you're speaking or writing. And you might also be someone who can easily adjust that humor for different audiences. But when you're applying for a job and you've written someone witty or humorous and you're simply not sure whether or not to include it, or whether or not it's appropriate, it's always best to err on the side of caution and leave it out for now. Choose to focus on what qualifies you for the job and what you can bring to the role. Your sparkling wit will need to take a backseat for now if you're not 100% sure, but that's okay. That's what the interview is for!

A/B testing

You might be sending out a number of résumé s and CVs at this time. If that's the case, you can try using humor in some and not others. Then, you can gauge your tactic and technique depending on the responses you get. If you receive more responses to your résumé /CV indicating an interest in you as a candidate, this might tell you that your humor was on the mark and a great tool to capture the prospective employer's attention. On the other hand, if you receive polite rejections or no responses whatsoever, that might tell you that perhaps your résumé /CV should focus more on your skills and qualifications and include less levity.

Save it for the interview

If you decide to eschew humor in your résumé and CV because it just doesn't feel quite appropriate for the job you're applying for, or perhaps your A/B testing indicated that humor isn't garnering you a lot of positive replies to your applications, you can put your efforts into highlighting your skills and qualifications in order to shine on paper and use the interview as a way to shine in person. We mentioned previously that humor—especially if self-deprecation is your go-to—requires not just words but also physical cues like tone of voice and body language to hit its mark. The interview is a great place to let your personality and sense of humor shine through always save your wit for the interview, which will allow the company to get the full delivery in context—something that's not always possible on paper.

Humor is a great way to showcase your personality to a prospective employer. No matter the industry, it's probably fair to say that most employers don't want a robot to fill a role. They're looking for a warm, personable team player who also has the qualifications they're looking for. That said, while it might be tempting to inject humor into your résumé or CV, that requires some careful consideration before doing so. More often than not, shying away from humor is encouraged, as it's a risky move. However, some well-constructed wit and humor might prove to be worth the risk—because it just might be the thing that makes you stand out above the crowd of candidates and help you score the next job of your dreams.

Good luck, and happy job hunting!

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150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever

  • Post author: Jacob Share
  • Post published: November 25, 2007
  • Post comments: 296 Comments

From Resume Hell :

  • “Career break in 1999 to renovate my horse”

“1990 – 1997: Stewardess – Royal Air Force”

  • Hobbies: “enjoy cooking Chinese and Italians”
  • “Service for old man to check they are still alive or not.”
  • Cleaning skills: “bleaching, pot washing, window cleaning, mopping, e.t.c”
  • “Job involved…counselling clientele on accidental insurance policies available”
  • “2001 summer Voluntary work for taking care of the elderly and vegetable people”
  • “I'm intrested to here more about that. I'm working today in a furniture factory as a drawer”
  • “I am about to enrol on a Business and Finance Degree with the Open University. I feel that this qualification will prove detrimental to me for future success.”
  • “Time is very valuable and it should be always used to achieve optimum results and I believe it should not be played around with”
  • “I belive that weakness is the first level of strength, given the right attitude and driving force. My school advised me to fix my punctuality…”

From's 10 Wackiest Resume Blunders :

  • Candidate included a letter from his mother.
  • Candidate stated the ability to persuade people sexually using her words.
  • Candidate wrote résumé as a play – Act 1, Act 2, etc.
  • Candidate included naked picture of himself.

From Amy Joyce on Resume Bloopers :

  • “Skills: Strong Work Ethic, Attention to Detail, Team Player, Self Motivated, Attention to Detail”
  • Woman who sent her résumé and cover letter without deleting someone else's editing, including such comments as “I don't think you want to say this about yourself here”

From Ask Annie's article about resume blunders:

  • “an applicant ghosted a headshot as the background to her resume”
  • Other Interests: “Playing with my two dogs (They actually belong to my wife but I love the dogs more than my wife)”.
  • “One applicant used colored paper and drew glitter designs around the border”

Hobbies: “getting drunk everynight down by the water, playing my guitar and smoking pot”

  • Why Interested in Position: “to keep my parole officer from putting back me in jail”
  • A woman had attached a picture of herself in a mini mouse costume
  • Hobbies: “Drugs and girls”.
  • Under “job related skills” – for a web designer – “can function without additional oxygen at 24,000 feet”.
  • My sister-in-law misspelled the word “proofreading” in her skill set.
  • The objective on one recent resume I received stated that the applicant wished to pursue a challenging account executive position with our rival firm.
  • Objective: “career on the Information Supper Highway”

Experience: “Stalking, shipping & receiving”

  • “I am great with the pubic.”
  • A candidate listed her e-mail address as pornstardelight@*****.com
  • The applicant listed her name as Alice in the resume but wrote Alyce on the onsite application.
  • One candidate's electronic resume included links to her homepage, where the pictures were of her in the nude.
  • “…sent out my resume on the back side of a draft of a cover letter to another firm…”
  • “My duties included cleaning the restrooms and seating the customers.”
  • One applicant for a nursing position noted that she didn't like dealing with blood or needles.
  • Achievements: “Nominated for prom queen”
  • I once received a resume with a head and shoulders picture in the top left of the first page. The picture was of a lion's head, wearing a coat, shirt, and tie.
  • a resume… was printed on the back of the person's current employer's letterhead.
  • One resume that came across my desk stated how the individual had won a contest for building toothpick bridges in middle school.
  • A resume… had several grease stains and a smudge of chocolate on it
  • Hobbies: “Having a good time”

From's Top 12 Wackiest Resume Blunders :

  • Candidate explained a gap in employment by saying it was because he was getting over the death of his cat for three months.
  • Candidate's hobbies included sitting on the levee at night watching alligators.
  • Candidate explained an arrest by stating, “We stole a pig, but it was a really small pig.”
  • Candidate included family medical history.

From's Avoid These Resume Bloopers:

  • “nine-page cover letter accompanied by a four-page résumé”
  • “One applicant tried to make an impression by using four different fonts, three ink colors and a variety of highlighting options on her résumé”

From's Ten Classic Resume Bloopers :

  • “Revolved customer problems and inquiries.”
  • “Consistently tanked as top sales producer for new accounts.”
  • “Planned new corporate facility at $3 million over budget.”
  • “Seeking a party-time position with potential for advancement.”

From HotJobs' Real-life Resume Blunders to Avoid:

  • “I often use a laptap.”
  • “Able to say the ABCs backward in under five seconds.”
  • “I am a wedge with a sponge taped to it. My purpose is to wedge myself into someone's door to absorb as much as possible.”

From Fortune Magazine via :

  • “Finished eighth in my class of ten.”
  • “Received a plague for Salesperson of the Year.”
  • “Reason for leaving last job: maturity leave.”
  • “Failed bar exam with relatively high grades.”
  • “Am a perfectionist and rarely if if ever forget details.”
  • “It's best for employers that I not work with people.”
  • “Let's meet, so you can ‘ooh' and ‘aah' over my experience.”
  • “I have an excellent track record, although I am not a horse.”
  • “You will want me to be Head Honcho in no time.”
  • “I have become completely paranoid, trusting completely no one and absolutely nothing.”
  • “Personal interests: donating blood. Fourteen gallons so far.”
  • “Marital status: often. Children: various.”
  • “I am loyal to my employer at all costs..Please feel free to respond to my resume on my office voice mail.”
  • “Instrumental in ruining entire operation for a Midwest chain store.”

From Resumania's Archive:

  • Job Duties: “Answer phones, file papers, respond to customer e-mails, take odors.”
  • Interests: “Gossiping.”
  • Favorite Activities: “Playing trivia games. I am a repository of worthless knowledge.”
  • Skills: “I can type without looking at thekeyboard.”
  • Employer: ” Myself; received pay raise for high sales.”
  • Objective: “I want to play a major part in watching a company advance.”
  • Experience: “Chapter president, 1887-1992.”
  • Experience: “Demonstrated ability in multi-tasting.”
  • Experience: “I'm a hard worker, etc.”
  • Languages: “Speak English and Spinach.”
  • Reason for leaving: “I thought the world was coming to an end.”
  • Additional skills: “I am a Notary Republic.”
  • Objective: “So one of the main things for me is, as the movie ‘Jerry McGuire' puts it, ‘Show me the money!'”
  • Skills: “I have integrity so I will not steal office supplies and take them home.”
  • Objective: “To hopefully associate with a millionaire one day.”
  • Skills: “I have technical skills that will take your breath away.”
  • Qualifications: “I have guts, drive, ambition and heart, which is probably more than a lot of the drones that you have working for you.”
  • Objective: “I need money because I have bills to pay and I would like to have a life, go out partying, please my young wife with gifts, and have a menu entrée consisting of more than soup.”
  • Qualifications: “Twin sister has accounting degree.”
  • Experience: “Have not yet been abducted by aliens.”
  • Skills: “Written communication = 3 years; verbal communication = 5 years.”
  • Objective: “I would like to work for a company that is very lax when it comes to tardiness.”
  • Education: “I possess a moderate educatin but willing to learn more.”
  • Education: “Have repeated courses repeatedly.”
  • Salary requirements: “The higher the better.”
  • Salary desired: “Starting over due to recent bankruptcies. Need large bonus when starting job.”
  • Bad traits: “I am very bad about time and don't mind admitting it. Having to arrive at a certain hour doesn't make sense to me. What does make sense is that I do the job. Any company that insists upon rigid time schedules will find me a nightmare.”
  • References: “Bill, Tom, Eric. But I don't know their phone numbers.”
  • Work experience: “Two years as a blackjack and baccarat dealer. Strong emphasis on customer relations – a constant challenge considering how much money people lose and how angry they can get.”
  • Personal: “I limit important relationships to people who want to do what I want them to do.”
  • Objective: “Student today. Vice president tomarrow.”
  • Accomplishments: “Brought in a balloon artist to entertain the team.”
  • Application: Why should an employer hire you? “I bring doughnuts on Friday.”
  • Achievements: “First runner-up for Miss Fort Worth, 1982.”
  • Reason for leaving: “Pushed aside so the vice president's girlfriend could steal my job.”
  • Special skills: “I've got a Ph.D. in human feelings.”
  • Reason for leaving last job: “Bounty hunting was outlawed in my state.”
  • Experience: “Any interruption in employment is due to being unemployed.”
  • Objective: “To become Overlord of the Galaxy!”
  • Objective: “What I'm looking for in a job: #1) Money #2) Money #3) Money.”
  • Hobbies: “Mushroom hunting.”
  • Experience: “Child care provider: Organized activities; prepared lunches and snakes.”
  • Objective: “My dream job would be as a professional baseball player, but since I can't do that, I'll settle on being an accountant.”
  • Awards: “National record for eating 45 eggs in two minutes.”
  • Heading on stationery: “I'd Break Mom's Heart to Work For You!”
  • “I am a ‘neat nut' with a reputation for being hardnosed. I have no patience for sloppywork, carelessmistakes and theft of companytime.”
  • Experience: “Provide Custer Service.”
  • Experience: “I was brought in as a turnaround consultant to help turn the company around.”
  • Strengths: “Ability to meet deadlines while maintaining composer.”
  • Work experience: “Responsibilities included checking customers out.”
  • Work experience: “Maintained files and reports, did data processing, cashed employees' paychecks.”
  • Educational background: “Highschool was a incredible experience.”
  • Resume: “A great management team that has patents with its workers.”
  • Cover letter: “Experienced in all faucets of accounting.”
  • Objective: “I am anxious to use my exiting skills.”
  • Personal: “I am loyal and know when to keep my big mouth shut.”
  • Job duties: “Filing, billing, printing and coping.”
  • Application: “Q: In what local areas do you prefer to work? A: Smoking.”
  • Reason for leaving: “Terminated after saying, ‘It would be a blessing to be fired.'”
  • Personal: “My family is willing to relocate. However not to New England (too cold) and not to Southern California (earthquakes). Indianapolis or Chicago would be fine. My youngest prefers Orlando's proximity to Disney World.”
  • Resume: “I have a lifetime's worth of technical expertise (I wasn't born – my mother simply chose ‘eject child' from the special menu.”
  • Resume: “Spent several years in the United States Navel Reserve.”
  • Qualifications: “I have extensive experience with foreign accents.”
  • “I am fully aware of the king of attention this position requires.”
  • References: “Please do not contact my immediate supervisor at the company. My colleagues will give me a better reference.”
  • “Worked in a consulting office where I carried out my own accountant.”
  • Accomplishments: “My contributions on product launches were based on dreams that I had.”
  • Career: “I have worked with restraints for the past two years.”
  • Experience: “My father is a computer programmer, so I have 15 years of computer experience.”
  • Education: “I have a bachelorette degree in computers.”

JobMob Top 10

  • Application: How large was the department you worked in with your last company? “A: 3 stories.” (Resumania)
  • A resume listed a skill as “being bi-lingual in three languages” (Ask Annie's)
  • Background: “28 dog years of experience in sales (four human).” (Resumania)
  • In the section that read “Emergency Contact Number” she wrote “911.” (Ask Annie's)
  • Candidate drew a picture of a car on the outside of the envelope and said it was the hiring manager's gift. (
  • Languages: “Fluent in English. Also I have been heard muttering Gibberish in my sleep.” (Resumania)
  • “Directed $25 million anal shipping and receiving operations.” (
  • On one of our applications, a girl wrote ” I'm 16, I'm pregnant and I can do anything.” At the same time she turned in her application, her boyfriend handed in his. On his: “Felony for breaking and entering.” (Ask Annie's)
  • “One candidate included clipart on their resume of two cartoons shaking hands.” (Ask Annie's)
  • Application: “On the line that asked what “sex” he was, he wrote “occassionally”.” (Ask Annie's)

WANT SOME MORE? READ NEXT: 150 More Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever

This article is part of Litemind's Lists Group Writing Project .

Still giggling? Subscribe to JobMob via RSS or email and follow me on Twitter for more laughing matters in your job search.

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Jacob Share

This post has 296 comments.

150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever | JobMob

funny resume

haha. good stuff.

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These are hilarious – and horrifying if you were the author. It’s always a good idea to have someone else proofread your stuff.

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Haha that’s hilarious!

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funny resume

i enjoyed reading your commentaries especialy on blunders that prospective employees make on their resumes, it was quite informative. may you please send me information on how to write the resume(especialy the lay out and how to present it.

funny resume

Hi Goldman, glad you enjoyed the read. You can find more tips from the JobMob archives about resume writing . Also, we’ve bookmarked some great links in the JobMob account.

funny resume

People outside recruitment don’t understand we can not make this stuff up!

funny resume

I dont understand what is funny about Resume Hell No 2???

Recruitnik- I know. Great, isn’t it? You guys are lucky, not everyone gets such comic relief on the job.

Bernard- It’s the visual of a stewardess in the fighter cockpit

Pingback: Funniest Resume Story Ever | JobMob

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29. Work experience: “Two years as a blackjack and baccarat dealer. Strong emphasis on customer relations – a constant challenge considering how much money people lose and how angry they can get.”

Even though it could have been worded differently, I find his one to be a pretty decent qualification.

————————————————————————————————————————– “Skills: Strong Work Ethic, Attention to Detail, Team Player, Self Motivated, Attention to Detail” This one is just perfect.

funny resume

Oh boy these are really funny! Anna 🙂 PS got your blog link from Robyn’s Brain Based Biz.

Glad you laughed, Anna. Thanks for telling me about Robyn’s site, I just Stumbled it. Her article is also funny

funny resume

This one is supper.. “Let’s meet, so you can ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ over my experience” LOL

Pingback: 51 Funny Craigslist Job Titles and Listings | JobMob

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“Son of God” Taking comment by Mullah rather too literally. “We are all sons of God.”

funny resume

A couple of years ago, when applying for a job designing electronic surveillance equipment, I included in my application letter the fact that I had just obtained a pilot’s licence. They offered me the job!

Sometimes, adding something unusual to a job application can help. In my case, I was trying to prove that, at 49, I wasn’t yet “over the hill”, and I could manage stressful situations.

funny resume

I have had a wonderful giggle at some of the above. Good fun to read. Thank you for letting us enjoy them. Very funny, made my afternoon!

Clive- great success tip, thanks!

caro- glad you enjoyed the list. I had a lot of fun putting it together. I’m sure you’ll also enjoy some of the other funnies under the ‘Best Of’ tab here above on the right.

Pingback: Dodgeblogium » 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever

funny resume

Ermm… I’ve already heard or seen most of these, and I’m not in recruitment. Then – I’m the guy in the office with Dilbert on my cubicle walls.

Expand and organize, there’s a whole lot more stupidity going out there on resumes.

funny resume

“I am a ‘neat nut’ with a reputation for being hardnosed. I have no patience for sloppywork, carelessmistakes and theft of companytime.”

I think this guy worked for me at my last job!!!

funny resume

Nice collection.. Interesting read 🙂

Pingback: 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes | My Shits and Giggles

funny resume

good times, good times!

funny resume

Some people are just too much, this is hilarious! LOL

Pingback: Errores no intencionados en los curriculums

funny resume

LOL, looks like they took several of those bloopers from my Resume! LOL

funny resume

very funny, appart from the fact that the RAF does acutally have stewardess, they serve on the RAF’s Tristar fleet.

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I don’t understand why 1990 – 1997: Stewardess to the royal air force is funny? There are stewardess’ in the air force.

Yes, I think you will also find they are in the Royal Canadian Airforce as well, the RAF’s Tristar fleet is used to do troop transport to locations like the Falklands, Belize etc and operates form Brize Norton. it operates almost as a scheduled airline, it is just operated by the military In fact if you visit the Falklands and travel by air you will actually travel CrabAir 🙂

Pingback: MundoQuente » O que non se debe contar nun curriculum

funny resume

OMFG, With all these people out there, no wonder I get so many call backs on my resume.

babino and Tom – it’s just the visual of having a stewardess for a fighter pilot.

why not, there are women on the front line now, and the israelis have had active combat women for years, and damn good they look too. 🙂

funny resume

I also love mushroom hunting. If you’re quick with the old rifle you can sometimes bag 2 of the little suckers at the same time before they manage to scarper off behind a tree.

Tom, I know, most of my Israeli army unit (not Air Force) were good-looking women. And Israel has female fighter pilots and male stewards, but there’s still no room for anyone to carry peanuts around in an F-16 or Harrier cockpit 😉

CrabAir, what a great name if your planes tend to crash in the sea.

Pingback: 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever | JobMob | Leadership & Communication Center

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Too funny lol

funny resume

Hey! #41 from Resumania’s Archive is “mushroom hunting,” which is totally fun and has nothing to do with hallucinogenics. Basically you walk around the woods looking for edible mushrooms, which is great if you’re like me and you enjoy walking around in the woods.

I just went and found 3 morels on Saturday. I sauteed them in butter and they were delicious. The season’s almost over!

funny resume


funny resume

All hilarious, but what’s depressing is I could see myself putting some of these in mine, since my art school insisted that we inject some personality in the “Interests” section

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some of these are obviously jokes or little witty remarks to make the hiring manager laugh and get his attention, they shouldn’t be listed under “blunder”

funny resume

Hahaa, I think one of those is mine.

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Great list. I loved reviewing resumes at my last job. Some of the things people wrote were just hysterical. My favourite was between the guy who wrote an 8-page resume/essay in full paragraph style or the guy who wrote about the porn store he used to own.

Pingback: Humor en los Curriculum Vitae « Primera Voz

Pingback: What Not To Put On Your CV « The Chamber

Pingback: What not to write when applying for a job « The World Of M

Pingback: Hilarious Resume Disasters : My Secret Side Biz

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I worked for a staffing company as a supervisor, so I saw a LOT of bad resumes. My favorite was from a college-aged girl named Candace. She had written her name vertically on her resume (where the work experience section normally is) and had written an adjective for each letter of her name, with an explanation.

C – can do anything A – attentive to detail N – not afraid to go the extra mile D – delightful to work with A – always on time C – clean E – elegant

It cracked the whole office up. I wanted to frame it and put it on the wall, but my boss wouldn’t let me. 🙂

Amy @

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My wife was the human resource director at a bank and they are always hiring tellers. One candidate’s cover letter stated that her previous experience in a retail store was a plus in that it gave her the opportunity to have “extensive intercourse with the public”. Classic!

Pingback: T-Orienta » links for 2008-06-03

funny resume

whats so weird about mushroom hunting? its a fun hobby actually.

i really liked this one

i mean… come on, most peoples hobbies would just include *layin on a couch all day watchun telly*. at least this guy is somewhat poetic.

Pingback: Life of Alan » links for 2008-06-04

Pingback: Errores no intencionados en los curriculums [EN] [HUMOR]

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funny resume

Great post – some of these made me laugh out loud!

Malarkey, ptitz – there’s nothing wrong with mushroom hunting, but it does sound funny. I used to put “mixology” in my resume’s Personal Interests but stopped doing it because it was having more of a negative impact than positive, and your resume should only leave a positive impression of you. In both cases, people were more apt to misunderstand the real meaning.

steve- hysterical

Amy – awesome. I love the C for Clean.

Steph – I should add your examples to the list…better yet, I’ll make another one 🙂

dodddddddd- the best way to get a hiring manager’s attention is by having a resume that corresponds to exactly what she’s hoping for, not by having her think you’re funny (unless that’s important for the job, of course). Like it or not, that’s reality.

Greg- a lot of people give out that advice, but they don’t finish telling it all. To get serious for a moment…a resume is a sales document, the point of which is to get you an interview. Everything on it should be there to sell you to the hiring company. If you think that company wants to know about your art (for example), put it on there. If not or unsure, leave it off. And you should ask yourself those customization questions pretty much every time.

funny resume

Amy: I saw one like that recently too. This guy had his surname vertically, faded into the background, with words like that (I don’t have the CV here, so I couldn’t tell you the details).

His email address was also vertically down the side of the page, meaning that I had to go through it letter by letter to figure out what it actually said.

The CV itself was a flow-chart. I had to search through the boxes for the “previous experience” section to even figure out what kind of job this guy was applying for. Needless to say, we had a bit of a laugh about it, and, while I left it with the people who deal with this kind of thing, I seriously doubt he’ll be hearing anything back.

Pingback: Resume Blunders — The Office Master

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Very good knowledge for job seekers.Detailed and descriptive one.

Hugh, your example sounds like one of the most time-consuming time-wasting resumes ever. A worst-case scenario. Glad you guys at least got a laugh out of it. If you have a scanned copy I’d love to post it here on JobMob after anonymizing it of course.

funny resume

No wonder this has 93 comments now. I loved myself sick. “Responsibilities included checking customers out.”

Well, I guess we could all put that one on a resume…

funny resume

The best! “Am a perfectionist and rarely if if ever forget details.”

funny resume

I wonder what was the position they were applying for ???

Pingback: Top Posts of May 2008 | JobMob

Pingback: Links - 17th June 2008 « Curiously Persistent

Pingback: Barbaridades en currúculums « Blog Smith Dude

Pingback: Funny Mistakes Made On Resumes | The BeBizzy Blog

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I had a resume come postage due! He got my attention! I hired him!!

funny resume

Very funny! HR staff must really enjoy their job, having to meet such interesting people who are completely nuts.

funny resume

I was interviewed once by a guy who looked and sounded exactly like Spicoli from “Fast Times At Ridgemont High”. I thought somebody was playing a joke on me, so I decided to treat the interview as such.

He asked me what my greatest weakness was. I said “really good chinese food”. He laughed for about 30 seconds and then offered me the job.

funny resume

this is one is the best !!!

“I am a wedge with a sponge taped to it. My purpose is to wedge myself into someone’s door to absorb as much as possible.”

funny resume

Pingback: WIZZ blogt » Blog Archive » 150 grappige cv fouten

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This just get funnier and funnier. One an HR friend shared with me:

“Yesterday I couldn’t spell executive. Today I are one.”

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Pingback: 3 Crucial Things That School Never Taught You |

Pingback: 21 Funny Resume Horror Stories | JobMob

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I was hiring high school teachers when I encountered a resume that included “torturing middle school students” in its experience section. She got the job.

Pingback: Something sad, something funny | Nerd Guru

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Before you laugh your coyote’s off, we are all human. Look at our president.

funny resume

Okay I just got this one and had to post:

This was the subject line of the email… [NAME DELETED] Resuem for Technical Writer

Pingback: 150 cosas que no se deben escribir en un Currículum Vitae - The Code Keeper

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Pingback: Calinadas em Curriculum Vitae « O Vigia

funny resume

Great post. My favorite is number 24, repeating courses again again.

I once said during an interview that I always double check and triple check all of my calculations. I heard later on that I almost didn’t get the job because of that one statement.

Pingback: 11 Most Interesting Pre-Launch Group Writing Project Logos } Group Writing Projects

Pingback: Resume Bloopers - Or, “I’m Sure Glad That’s Not on MY Resume!”

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One of my friends went in for a job interview. They asked him why he wanted the job. He said, “I need money.”

hahaha. Well, at least he was honest lol.

funny resume

Interviewer: Do you ever get angry with co-workers?Interviewee: I don’t get angry, I get even.

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Need a Wednesday laugh break? 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes at

hysterical! RT @april_prior Need a Wednesday laugh break? 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes at

Pingback: How “not” to write a resume « Bananawolf’s Blog

Pingback: Resume Bloopers - Or, “I’m Sure Glad That’s Not on MY Resume!” |

Pingback: Writing Humor: And You Thought YOUR Resume Was Bad… — Inkthinker

funny resume

sorry bt can u pls tell me what’s wrong abt hell resume # 2?? cz i ddn’t get ur point… PLSSS.. & if i send u mine, will u correct it??

lady mira- it’s just the image of a stewardess in a fighter jet. It would be just as funny if it said “Steward – Royal Air Force”. About your question- if you’re a JobMob subscriber and send me your resume, I will give you some free tips on how to improve it. There are instructions on how to send it to me here .

Pingback: Vaya curriculum | Un hombre solo en la Red

Pingback: 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever | Career Fire

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I have two favorites from my personal experience: (1) man in his forties wrote on his resume “Just completed an early midlife crisis and am anxious to reenter the workforce.” (2) woman wrote that her last employer was Pitney Bowels. Hhmmm…wonder if that had anything to do with her departure from the company!

150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever ( super cool )

@rowan_m Don’t put any of these in your CV: RT @beanma : 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever

Pingback: Job Search Links - 04/13/09 | CompletE-Résumé

150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever | JobMob (via @TweetMeme )

Pingback: Resume Bloopers To Make You Cry « Write Powerful Resumes

Resume bloopers that will make you cry – either laughing or in sympathy

funny resume

Hard to believe what many people write in the application. Very great work of this article. Thanks for the list.

150 schlimme Bewerbungsfehler:

Pingback: Finding the Right Job Takes Time « Candice Bemish

Pingback: Review Your Resume - Avoid Bloopers : Bizzia - Business News and Commentary - Finance and Business Tips

Resume bloopers at (via @LisaMThomas ) <--Hysterical PRT

@LisaMThomas lol these are awesome! Thanks! RT @LisaMThomas “Candidate included a letter from his mother.”

Funny resume blunders I like ?career on the Information Supper Highway? (via @TwitJobSearch )

Pingback: Resume Blunders You Have to Avoid, Really, Avoid Them! « ResumesStartHere.Com | Free Online Resume Builder

At least you didn’t make any of these resume errors: . My favorite: “Finished eighth in my class of ten.?”

funny resume

Those are pretty good. I love the

Pingback: Client Activity Idea: Resume Keywords | The WorkNET

Pingback: mental_floss Blog » Morning Cup of Links: Funny Resume Bloopers

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Nice collection really funny.

Pingback: How Not To Write A Resume « Virgin Mobile Canada says Screw You Recession!

Marital status: often. Children: various RT @jacobshare 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes…

Pingback: Unemployment Rate Drop for First Time in 15 Months | Blippitt

Pingback: Résumé Writing Tips – Double Check For Spelling #2 « The Résumé of Dave B.

From a Resume: Hobbies: “enjoy cooking Chinese and Italians” ROFL!!

Funny resume mistakes. #jobsearch

funny resume

I loed some of the blooper..I liked the one cleans bathrooms and seats people. I don’t want a job like that.

funny resume

Asking Ainnie Number 4 Hobbies getting drunk every night down by the water,playing my guitar and smoking illrgal drug’s.

I just couldn’t belive someone would put that on a resume the though of it is silly.

Pingback: 16 Item Recess for Word Nerds « talentive

funny resume

“finished 8 out of 10” classic, ha!

Pingback: Help! Make my CV stand out (for the right reasons!) « Vic Careers

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“Languages: “Speak English and Spinach.” I thought this one was the best, i couldn’t help but laugh the whole time.

funny quote in resume: Salary requirements: “The higher the better.” check + here

Funny resume blunder – “Career break in 1999 to renovate my horse” #resume #career #job

Pingback: THE RESUME—PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER | Jill MacFadyen's Career Coach Blog

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Oh this is too funny! First rule, proof read!!

Pingback: TEXT VERSION OF YOUR RESUME | Jill MacFadyen's Career Coach Blog

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Some of those are absolutely brilliant. When is the book coming out?

Duncan- you’re right. I should look into making a book of these. Thanks for the suggestion.

Pingback: Funny Resumes and Christmas Bonuses « Nostalgia and Now

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2# “1990 – 1997: Stewardess – Royal Air Force” is not to bad, she just made the mistake of translating the companies name ( never a good idea) But she’s just saying that she worked for KLM.

Pingback: Res you may « Word Forward

Pingback: Resume Advice: What Not To Do « Rita The Recruiter's Blog

Pingback: 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers, and Blunders Ever | Business Communication

Pingback: Resume Blunders « The Career Spectrum Blog

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As the Founder/CEO of a reputable Web Design and Internet Marketing Agency, I browse articles related to various business verticals frequently.This was a very interesting read. I enjoyed it very much…. Well done!

funny resume

Hysterical! I love to read funny things like this…can’t believe what some people put on their resumes. Yikes! That is quite a long time to mourn the loss of a cat ! .-= Jenn´s last blog .. About Jenn Spencer, blog author and Chandler, her cat! =-.

Pingback: Funniest Resume Mistakes | Gradversity

Pingback: Resume Faux paz’… Faux pas? « NieBlog

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In a resume for an entry level attorney job: “Intern with the pubic defender’s office.”

funny resume

I do not speak English, but i enjoyed a lot . ha,ha…

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Pingback: Attenzione quando scrivete il vostro Curriculum Vitae!!! « Chiedilo ad Amrinder

Pingback: More on the resume topic « RobynRand's Blog

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“Detail orientated” (so many people say “orientated” instead of “oriented”, but I usually never do). What a brain fart (or cosmic intervention).

I put that in a resume once (way back when before computers were big, hair WAS big, and long before I learned Prof. Harmon’s rule on “marinating” your writing before re-checking. I wondered why out of 13 interviews only 12 gave me an offer until I re-read this one. Then again, the job was 100+ stories up at the World Trade Center so…

funny resume

🙂 Very funny.. One should learn from others mistakes.

Funny mistake (VERY common one the even best writers make) I did in class I can laugh about now-the misuse of the possessive “their” when the subject of the sentence is singular. Now, this blunder annoys the crap out of me because a Prof (whose class I CALI’d but assumed I failed just before graduation), great guy, learned a lot but scary in class, stopped me in the middle of me even though I was answering a very concept no one else in the class could grasp well, I was called on a lot more than anyone else (even after I raised my hand a lot). He asked “…do I have the right to proper Eng in my class…I answered yes…then he said that I misued this twice in a couple of minuts and had to stop me. He corrected me on a VERY common mistake I have read/heard USSC judges, esteemed writers, etc. use -misue of the possessive “their”. If the subject is singular so is the possessive. Example “It is the father’s responsibility to their…therefore it is their right whether to…” No-“father” (subject) is singlular. If you have to, re-write the sentence to avoid the awkward he or she and do NOT write “their” there. You should have seen me turn beet red, sweat…Now it annoys me more than “He don’t have no money”, “I could care less” (instead of the proper “I couldn’t care less” or using “myself” to try and soound “fancy” (“Dancing with myself” “Playing with myself”- all proper english (and not that there is anything wrong with that) BUT “It was just my client and myself in the room”-NOT OK.

Carol Ryder- thanks for sharing. Funny story and we learned something from it. Nice.

Pingback: Win over the Gatekeeper with your Resume «

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Resume blunders can be devastating and in reality causes a loss of income that could have been avoided. It’s better to learn from other’s mistakes than create your own.

funny resume

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Hi, I am having difficulties loading your post. Just more or less 50 percent of this post appears to load, and the remaining is just blank. I am not really certain why…. but you may want to take a look. I’ll check back later on, this could be just a temporary server error.

Pingback: Some of the Funniest Resume Bloopers I’ve Ever Seen | Executive Resume Branding

Pingback: More of the Funniest Resume Blunders and Bloopers | Executive Resume Branding

Pingback: Resume Mistakes: They’re only funny to the person who didn’t hire you « Christa Allan

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I work at an animal hospital. The best one I ever received was from a gentlemen that wrote under experience. “I worked with hores. I gave them shots and trained them”

Pingback: Resume Typos – Article by Barbara Safani | Kathleen Heck's Joke Blog

funny resume

I was at an interview which had my ex as the interviewer…well we didnt talk about the job..we talked about old times..and I told her because of our past relationship I wouldnt feel good taking up the I declined it..but we re-connected..and I’m still with her..I got a job shortly afterwards too..Interesting world we live in

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Pingback: Resume Mistakes That Keep You Jobless : Kevin Trudeau Show

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“I finished ninth in my class of nine.” What I’d like to hear from Sotomayor.

funny resume

A resume blooper from old days as a manager… “sorted and disturbed all incoming mail.”


funny resume

i was just on a network computer at my appt building and just found this very funny

Zachary Knorr 1100 Philadelphia Ave. Gilbertsville, PA 19525 Pretty much in Zerns Hence Job! (610)-209-0220 OBJECTIVE Seeking challenges that test my mind and body, since the two are usually inseparable. My goal is to be a meteorologist. But since I possess no training in meteorology, I suppose I should try the flooring field. I am trying for a entry level position? Maybe even laborer but I’m not crazy about working to hard and it really chaps my ass. My primary goal is to be recognized and have my skills and ethics challenged on a daily basis. Objective: I want a base salary of $50-$60,000 dollars, not including bonus. And some decent benefits. Like a retirement plan, health insurance, personal or sick days. I get sick a lot.

Why you’re holding the resume of a truly outstanding candidate: Previous experience: Self employed …a fiasco.

• My intensity and focus are at inordinately high levels, and with my ability to complete projects on time is unspeakable. • Excellent memory; strong math aptitude; excellent memory; effective management skills and very good at math. • Transformed “difficult” customers into “irate” customers. It’s best for employers if I don’t work with people. • I’ve had exposure to the Germans for two years, but many words are inappropriate for business. • I am a pit-bull when it comes to analysis. • Reason for leaving last job, The owner gave new meaning to the word paranoia. I prefer to elaborate privately. • My ruthlessness terrorized the competition and can sometimes offend. PERSONAL GOAL • To hand build a classic cottage from the ground up using my ex father-in-law. PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENTS • Successfully played “Chop Sticks” on a toy piano with my big toes. EDUCATION: Graduated top 66% of my class. AFFILIATIONS 10/2003-present: 1/2001-1/2002: (Don’t Judge me) SPECIAL SKILLS • Thyping • Speak English • Getting rid of unruly clients • Experienced with transforming numerous office machines into things such as a coffee maker and can I make great lattes! • I’ve got a Ph.D. in human feelings • Operated Pitney Bones machine ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I vow to fulfill the goals of the company as long as I live. You will want me to be Head Honcho in no time. Looking for an employer that believes in prompting from within.

Pingback: La caja caótica » Lo que nunca debes poner en un currículum.

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Yes, mushroom hunting is a real thing, but it still belongs on this list. The lesson here is if you have anything on your resume that’s not COMPLETELY common knowledge within the given industry, rephrase it, explain it, or remove it!

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I just had one where the applicant referred to himself in the 3rd person throughout out the resume. Quite surreal.

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i luv tha’ simsons!

Pingback: 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever | Credit Cardology

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Pingback: Oneupweb : Creating a Killer Cover Letter | Oneupweb : StraightUpSearch Blog

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”Career break in 1999 to renovate my horse”

Love this LOL

funny resume

Hilarious post, the crazy answers must keep the HR managers from falling asleep!

funny resume

Can’t see what’s wrong with “1990 – 1997: Stewardess – Royal Air Force”. The job exists in the UK and could involve stewarding for many senior personnel including the monarch or Prime Minister. There must be similar positions in the US Air Force on board Air Force One etc.

Daitwice- I mentioned this earlier

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Pingback: Funny Resume Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them) | Aardvark Writing

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Pingback: Suspicious deep insights by beauty in Star column « uppercaise

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These are fantastic. This was my favorite: Other Interests: “Playing with my two dogs (They actually belong to my wife but I love the dogs more than my wife)”. I know how that guy feels!

Pingback: Creating A “Wicked” Resume (Part 2) | Jenny Weigle

Pingback: Ugly Job Search - Horror Stories - Grim but True | CareerAlley

Pingback: 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever | JobMob | wayne gooden

Pingback: Jobberman Insider | 50 Funny But True Resume Mistakes You Want to Avoid.

Pingback: New Career – Salvage your CV and land the job.

Pingback: 150 Funniest CV mistakes, bloopers and blunders ever | Visual Languages

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I laughed so hard, tears came out, but bad spelling always makes me cry.

Pingback: Os 30 erros mais incríveis em CVs | Alerta Emprego

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Pingback: Best Candidates+Worst Resumes=No Interviews « Toronto Resume Writing Service |

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Just the other day, I looked over a resume that said “Referees available upon request.”

That was their way of inferring their hobbies & interests 🙂

Pingback: 9 Things You Should Never Write On Your CV

Pingback: Common Job Application Mistakes to Avoid

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Where’s the problem in leaving 911 (or whatever number it is for your countries emergency services?) “Oh yes, I’ve broke my leg!” … “Do you want an ambulance?” … “No, just call my Aunty!” 🙂 Oh hell no!

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These are awesome! My favorite was s: “I am great with the pubic.”………with some words you miss one letter and it means something entirely different. Been there done that!

don’t forget to check out the followup with 150 more bloopers:

Pingback: 🛠 150+ Awesome Job Search Life Hacks You Need To Try

Pingback: 🦅 Why You Must Have Every Resume Proofread

Pingback: 😁 Funniest Resume Skills Actually Seen On Real Resumes

Pingback: 7 Things You Shouldn't Include on Your Resume - CareerAlley

Pingback: 21 Funny Resume Stories | The Big Game Hunter

Pingback: Credibility in Leadership | The Big Game Hunter

Pingback: 51 Funny Craigslist Job Titles and Listings -

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Time to take a break from your job search efforts and check out the  150 funniest resume mistakes .  If you thought you were having a hard time with finding a job, imagine these people.  This read will cheer you up.  Here are 13 favorites from the article:

  • Hobbies: “enjoy cooking Chinese and Italians”
  • “I’m intrested to here more about that. I’m working today in a furniture factory as a drawer”
  • Candidate stated the ability to persuade people sexually using her words.
  • “Skills: Strong Work Ethic, Attention to Detail, Team Player, Self Motivated, Attention to Detail”
  • Woman who sent her résumé and cover letter without deleting someone else’s editing, including such comments as “I don’t think you want to say this about yourself here”
  • “Planned new corporate facility at $3 million over budget.”
  • “I am a wedge with a sponge taped to it. My purpose is to wedge myself into someone’s door to absorb as much as possible.”
  • “Reason for leaving last job: maturity leave.”
  • Objective: “I want to play a major part in watching a company advance.”
  • Qualifications: “I have guts, drive, ambition and heart, which is probably more than a lot of the drones that you have working for you.”
  • Work experience: “Responsibilities included checking customers out.”
  • Application: How large was the department you worked in with your last company? “A: 3 stories.”
  • Education: “I have a bachelorette degree in computers.”

Enjoy this much needed break and good luck out there!

Soft Skills: Job Search Articles

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100 of the funniest things we have read on a CV: Part 1

As you can imagine, here at Response we have seen thousands upon thousands of CVs over the years.

On the whole, most CVs are well laid out and give us enough information to decide whether that person is suitable for a role or not.

However, you can always hear a chuckle when a consultant opens a CV which contains something out of the ordinary.

From an amusing email address to ridiculous hobbies, we have compiled a list of our favourite 100 things from CVs that have made us chuckle over the past 10 years.

We have detailed the section of the CV and what people have written below.

As these are real life examples we have hidden the'names to protect the innocent and the spelling mistakes have all been left in, so don't blame us!

Part 1 and the first 50 are below, part 2'can be found here .

Funniest things we've read on a CV - Part 1

1. 'ACHIEVEMENTS ' - 'I came first in the school long distance race'

2. 'HOBBIES ' 'Horse rideing,like going pub when havent got my kids.looking after kids and doing stuff with them when they anit at school.'

3. 'EMAIL ADDRESS ' Lazysod@......

4. 'ACHIEVEMENTS ' 'Being sober"

5. 'ABOUT ME ' 'My favourite colour is Toupe, cos it rhymes with Dope'

6. 'REASON FOR LEAVING ' 'It was hard work'

7. 'PERSONAL PROFILE - 'I be no stranger to double-entry. I loves numbers, and my wife and I loves journals and ledgers! Can also do tricky sums when I puts my mind to it. Computor litrate."

8. 'COVERING LETTER ' 'This is my CV I am intrested in any job opening use have avaiable if u could please send a vercation that you reciceved the email'

9. 'PERSONAL PROFILE ' 'I do have convictions (drug offences) which are spent some 30 years ago for when I was 16-18 and have a caution for 4 years ago for criminal damage'

10. 'HOBBIES ' "Marital Arts" (Possibly meant martial arts?)

11. 'KEY SKILLS ' 'Perfectionist with a keen I for details."

12. 'HOBBIES ' 'Space Travel'

13. 'EMAIL ADDRESS ' Batfacedgirl@...........

14. 'EMPLOYMENT HISTORY -' 'Whilst working in this role, I had intercourse with a variety of people'

15. 'HOBBIES ' 'i like playing sport, which i fined gives me a winning appitite for life''

16. 'KEY SKILLS : 'I would like to assure you that I am a hardly working person.'

17. 'HOBBIES - ''enjoy cooking Chinese and Italians'

18. 'JOB HISTORY - 'Career break in 1999 to renovate my horse'

19. 'SKILLS ' 'Fantastic ability in multi-tasting.'

20. 'SIZE OF EMPLOYER: 'Very tall, probably over 6'5"."

21. 'SKILLS ' 'Speak English and Spinach.'

22. 'STRENGTHS - "Ability to meet deadlines while maintaining composer."

23. 'SKILLS ' 'I have technical skills that will simply take your breath away.'

24. 'MARITAL STATUS :- 'Celibate'

25. 'SKILLS ' From an IT Engineer, 'Have you tried turning it off and on again?'

26. 'EMAIL ADDRESS - hotsexyluv@.......

27. 'KEYS SKILLS ' keeping family home clean, tidy and hygienaic undertaking basic DIY.operating domestic taskslike cleaning,washing,cooking.dealing with emerengencies smoothly.dealing with health issues,superivsing,supporting,guiding and organising children.

28. 'CV GAP - Candidate explained his gap in employment by saying it was because he was getting over the death of his cat for 3 months!

29. 'KEY SKILLS - "But wait...there's more. You get all this business knowledge plus a grasp of marketing that is second nature."

30. 'PRINTED CV ' Candidate sent over their CV printed on the back of their current employers headed company paper

31. 'SKILLS - 'I can type without looking at thekeyboard.'

32. 'JOB HISTORY - "Left last four jobs only because the managers were completely unreasonable"

33. 'SKILLS ' ' I am a rabid typist'

34. 'HOBBIES - "My interests include cooking dogs and interesting people"

35. 'COVERING LETTER - "I am extremely loyal to my current employer....Feel free to ring my office if you are interested in my CV"

36. 'KEY ACHIEVEMENTS - "Received a plague for Salesperson of the Year."

37. 'EDUCATION - "I am about to enrol on a Business and Finance Degree with the Open University. I feel that this qualification will prove detrimental to me for future success."

38. 'HOBBIES: 'donating blood - 12 litres so far.'

39. 'KEY SKILLS: 'Quick lerner, good at mats amd speling'

40. 'KEY ACHIEVEMENTS ' 'Oversight of entire department.'

41. 'EDUCATION -' "University: August 1890 to May 1993"

42. 'WORK EXPERIENCE '' I'm working today in a furniture factory as a drawer'

43. 'EMAIL ADDRESS ' homeboy@......

44. 'KEY SKILLS - 'I have extensive experience with foreign accents.'

45. 'QUALIFICATIONS - "Here are my qualifications for you to overlook."

46. 'COVER LETTER ' ' Please disregard the attached CV; it's totally outdated'

47. 'REASON FOR LEAVING - "After receiving advice from several different angels, I have decided to pursue a new line of work."

48. 'KEY SKILLS - "Am a perfectionist and rarely if if ever forget details."

49. 'WORK EXPERIENCE ' 'Night stalker in Tesco'

50. 'HOBBIES ' 'painting my toenails in varying colours'

Thanks for reading; I hope you found some of these'examples entertaining.

If you require any help with your CV, you can download our guide to supercharging your CV here .' '

Find a further 50 funniest things we've read on a CV in part 2 - here .

funny resume

About Mark Wilkinson


  1. 30 Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

    funny resume

  2. 30 Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

    funny resume

  3. 30 Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

    funny resume

  4. Funny Resume Made from Google Autocomplete, Now Try Your Own

    funny resume

  5. 30 Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We’ve Ever Seen

    funny resume

  6. The 25 Funniest Job Resumes Of All Time

    funny resume


  1. Funny resume verification of a student

  2. Жизненные мудрости с юмором

  3. Hilarious Resume Fails 😂

  4. На опознании. 6 кадров

  5. Кто же он? #6кадров #приколы #юмор #смех #фильмы #ржака #shorts

  6. В баре. 6 кадров


  1. 30 Funniest Résumés and Job Applications We've Ever Seen

    A teen with a good sense of humor. This funny teen actually bagged himself a job at McDonald's with his awesome and honest answers. redstarresume. 5. Simply the best. This devilishly handsome candidate thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread. He's definitely brave for responding to a job application like this.

  2. The 30 Funniest Resumes and Job Applications We've Ever Seen

    11. Ms Desperation. This applicant's résumé is a hot mess, with typos and errors galore, but the cherry on top is the bold and underlined "HIRE ME" written at the bottom. It's like she was screaming "I'm desperate, please hire me!" at the top of her lungs. But hey, at least she's passionate about finding a job. 12.

  3. 10 Fun Resume Ideas for Creatives (With Helpful Examples)

    Learn how to make your resume more interesting and memorable with 10 fun resume ideas for creative fields. See examples of colorful, artistic, retro and unconventional resumes that showcase your skills and experience.

  4. Funniest Resume Skills Actually Seen On Real Resumes

    Being bilingual in 3 languages. From 150 More Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever: Gator hunting. Calculator on sight. Sarcasm. Can make perfect velociraptor call. Riding a bicycle. In a computer skills section: Tiger Woods Golf. Skills: "Yeah I got 'em".

  5. 20 Hilarious Resumes That Didn't Get The Job But Got The Laugh

    20 Hilarious Resumes That Didn't Get The Job But Got The Laugh. Vote up the resumes with the strongest cringe factor. Hiring managers are sharing the funniest, weirdest, and strangest resumes to ever come across their desk. From putting their pets as references to using their CV as a means to tell their life story, here are a selection of ...

  6. You'll Laugh Yourself Silly With These Funny Resumes

    Learn from the resume bloopers of others and avoid making similar mistakes. See examples of funny resumes with spelling errors, weird hobbies, and bizarre achievements.

  7. Free Funny Resume Templates Google Docs and Word

    Why Choose Our Funny Resume Templates and Examples? Are you looking to inject some humor into your job application? Look no further than our collection of Funny Resume Templates in Google Docs and Word! Whether you're a seasoned comedian, a witty bartender, or simply someone who thrives on creativity - just use them! With our easy-to-use and ...

  8. 24 Best Resume Memes Every Job Seeker Can Relate to

    Recruiters have a lot of experience distinguishing fact from fiction, and a shameless oversell could hurt your chances of getting an interview. 7. Keep it relevant. It was relevant in the movie, at least. Make sure that the skills you include on your resume are actually relevant to the job you're applying for.

  9. 18 Resume Memes to Put a Smile on Your Face

    When You Lie on Your Resume. This "when you lie on your resume meme" paints a hilarious picture of what happens when you lied on resume. Everyone lies on their resume a bit. But make sure to minimize your lies, or it will make a false impression of you, and you will face problems down the road. Build your resume in 10 minutes.

  10. What Is a Fun Resume?

    A fun resume is a creative resume based on an unconventional resume template that is usually chosen to stand out or be visually appealing. While it could potentially be a good idea for creative industries, you should be really careful with less traditional resume designs.Most employers today use Applicant Tracking Systems to screen candidates, so it's better not to sacrifice an ATS ...

  11. This Funny, Honest Resume Is Refreshing to Read

    This Completely Honest Resume Isn't Just Bold, It's Also Really Funny. Your resume highlights your relevant work experience, it showcases your skills and areas of expertise. It lists your education, awards, and neat, descriptive bullet points under each job you held. It may include data and be primed to pass an ATS.

  12. 19 Resume Memes That Only Job Seekers Understand

    Resume cat meme is showing you how. Be like resume cat meme. 8. Curb Your Enthusiasm. Given the general consensus among the human population that dying of hunger sucks, we all know few people are looking for a job because they want to. That can make some resumes get a little overdramatic and needy.

  13. How to Add Humor to Your Résumé or CV

    Know your audience. This one is listed first for a reason. Before you go adding levity to your employment documents to make them sound like your dream stand-up routine, consider the job you're applying for and the industry. Jobs in a more creative industry, like marketing or publishing, might be much more interested in seeing different aspects ...

  14. 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever

    People write the strangest things on their resumes, sometimes downright hysterical. Why should only recruiting managers get to laugh at these? The Top 10 are at the bottom. Enjoy! From Resume Hell: 1. 'Career break in 1999 to renovate my horse' 2. '1990 - 1997: Stewardess - Royal Air Force' 3. Hobbies: 'enjoy cooking Chinese and Italians' 4. 'Service for old man to check they are still alive ...

  15. Here's the right way to use humor on a resume

    Humor can help your resume stand out — a recruiter explains the right way to use it. Humor can be a sure-fire way to get remembered on the job hunt. A well-chosen joke might get you on the right ...

  16. Funny Resume Made from Google Autocomplete, Now Try Your Own

    Updating your resume can be a tedious and boring task, but Aaron Gilles—the mind behind the comedic Twitter account Technically Ron —just put an interesting twist on the process. Playing a 21st-century version of Mad Libs, Gilles used Google autocomplete to create his new CV, and the results are hilarious. "I needed to update my CV so I ...

  17. 7 of the Most Outrageous (and Clever) Lines Applicants Have ...

    And one applicant, a recent graduate in computer science, was no different. Under interests, he wrote "bathroom singing.". Unfortunately, he wouldn't sing in the interview, preferring to ...

  18. 13 Funniest Resume Bloopers

    Here are 13 favorites from the article: Hobbies: "enjoy cooking Chinese and Italians". "I'm intrested to here more about that. I'm working today in a furniture factory as a drawer". Candidate stated the ability to persuade people sexually using her words. "Skills: Strong Work Ethic, Attention to Detail, Team Player, Self Motivated ...

  19. 30 Hilarious Things People Have Put on Their Résumés

    If you're looking for a laugh, check out these résumés that failed miserably at the application process. From too much information to inappropriate information, these applicants show how not to get hired with their hilarious CVs.

  20. 100 of the funniest things we have read on a CV: Part 1

    5. 'ABOUT ME ' 'My favourite colour is Toupe, cos it rhymes with Dope'. 6. 'REASON FOR LEAVING ' 'It was hard work'. 7. 'PERSONAL PROFILE - 'I be no stranger to double-entry. I loves numbers, and my wife and I loves journals and ledgers! Can also do tricky sums when I puts my mind to it. Computor litrate."

  21. Funny Resume and Cover Letter Advice (Video)

    This Video Isn't Just Funny, It's Also a Great Reminder to Take Your Job Application Seriously. Confession: Whenever I send in a resume and cover letter to apply for a job, I'm slightly convinced that no one will ever see either. They'll just float around in the mysterious "cloud" for the remainder of my life, occasionally being skimmed ...

  22. I've reviewed 1,000+ good (and bad) resumes. Here are my ...

    6. Back up your experiences with data & numbers. All the entries on your resume should be super-specific. This allows you to stand out from the other candidates & show the recruiter that you're a high-achiever. DO: Managed and optimized the client's Facebook ad account, increasing the ad ROI from 42% to 65%.