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Video Tutorials

I tried it: watch, discuss, rewatch.

January 22, 2024 by Samantha Hodes

five paragraph essay brainpop

We asked our incredible Certified BrainPOP Educator (CBE) community to “try out” teaching strategies from our Professional Learning Services team. These strategies are designed to keep engagement at the center of lessons, while ensuring every student has the opportunity to learn and grow.

Strategy: Watch, Discuss, Rewatch

Make BrainPOP movies a more active part of your class with Pause Points –while also providing an opportunity to practice essential literacy skills .

How educators implemented the strategy

Jennifer peterson , library media coordinator topic: information privacy (brainpop).

What essential literacy skills did your students build during this lesson?  Determine central ideas and summarize the key supporting details and ideas.

What was something that surprised you about trying this strategy?  Even though it’s a topic I have discussed with the students many times, they still had lots to add to the discussion. Having them discuss with each other really brought out some great ideas. We played the Game Up game that went with the video and the students asked if we could do this more often.

Rebecca Hurt , Teacher, Grade 2 Topic: Inches and Feet (BrainPOP Jr.)

Tell us about the lesson and how you implemented the strategy.  The lesson went well. We used this strategy in math using measurement, inches and feet. We discussed the key points needed to understand how to measure and rewatched the video to identify any missing information to support our learning.

What essential literacy skills did your students build during this lesson?  Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media formats.

What was something that surprised you about trying this strategy? This strategy helped struggling learners really listen and identify what supports were needed to measure.

Kizzy Jackson, Media Services Specialist  Topic: Various

Tell us about the lesson and how you implemented the strategy.  I show the students videos when introducing a new skill, such as how to read a library book and summarize what they have read. So we watch BrainPOP [movies] on ideas, summarizing, and even tech videos. We pause the video and ask questions, they turn and talk and share ideas, and after explaining what they learned, they get to draw it out. They include details in their summary and in their drawing. 

What essential literacy skills did your students build during this lesson?  Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

How does this strategy help support you or your students? It built more engagement and creativity.

What was something that surprised you about trying this strategy? [The students] used academic vocabulary in their summaries.

five paragraph essay brainpop

Differentiating for English Language Learners (ELLs)

Bryan betz  topic: five paragraph essay (brainpop) .

Tell us about the lesson and how you implemented the strategy.  I enabled closed captions and changed the playback speed from original to slower. I wanted to ensure that students got the “big picture” which can be difficult for ELLs. Especially if you start to discuss concepts and ideas before they have had a chance to process the language in the movie.

After we finished the movie, I engaged in some whole class teacher-led discussion of the ideas presented in the movie. We brainstormed vocabulary from the movie to reinforce the academic language and outlined a skeleton flow chart of the five steps for writing an essay.

I gave each student a printed copy of the transcript before the second viewing. With a partner, students turned off their screens and listened to the movie. They paused the movie during the transcript queues to read what was happening on the screen together. This additional viewing allows them to hear the language and focus on the pronunciation and use of new words.

Afterwards, they are given a copy of Tim’s Model Essay ( The Case for a Longer School Year ) and are asked the following questions: 

  • What argument is Tim making in his essay?
  • What are his reasons or evidence for his argument?
  • Is Tim’s argument persuasive? Why or why not?
  • What is the purpose of the first paragraph? Middle paragraphs? Last paragraph?

Students rewatch the movie individually with assigned Pause Points and discuss the movie as a small group. They are given a graphic organizer to help them outline their five-paragraph essay. Students work together to come up with their main topic, ideas for body paragraphs, as well as evidence or details that support the topic sentences. After students have completed their first draft of their five-paragraph essay, they can exchange their work for proofreading, editing, and final drafting.

What needs in your classroom is this strategy fulfilling?  I help students who are making the transition to school in America from South Korea. These students are in a unique position because they are processing the information from the movie while learning the academic language, subject-specific vocabulary, and question-and-answer sentence structure. This means strategies like “Watch, discuss, rewatch” are doubly valuable for them.

What was something that surprised you about trying this strategy?  Students chose to provide their answers to the Pause Points in various ways. Some students wrote their answers using sentence starters I provided. Many others made voice recordings of their answers as they felt more comfortable using their spoken voice in English. 

It is necessary to provide my students with the opportunity to view the movie, read the transcript, and process the information a few times before they feel comfortable discussing it with their partners or in small groups. Many wanted more time to prepare before we broke into our discussion groups, resulting in less time for organized and guided practice with the discussion questions than I would have liked. Next time, I will assign the movie and support materials (quiz, challenge, related readings…etc.) before class.

Give this strategy a try!

Samantha Hodes is community engagement associate on the BrainPOP Marketing Team.

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Five Paragraph Essay Brain Pop Quiz

5th - 7th grade.

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Where in a five-paragraph essay would you find a thesis statement?

The introductory paragraph

The first sentence of the second paragraph

The last sentence of the third paragraph

Imagine you were writing an essay about BrainPOP's "Five-Paragraph Essay" movie. What might be your thesis statement?

A five paragraph essay must always have five paragraphs.

Tim and Moby are a boy and robot that make movies on brainpop.com.

Tim and Moby use humor to demonstrate the basic structure of a five paragraph essay.

Five paragraph essays are a chore to write.

The five paragraph essay follows a specific format. In the previous sentence, what is a SYNONYM for "precise"?

What must you do after you write your thesis statement?

Write a second thesis statement

Support your thesis with at least three examples

Ask questions that the reader must answer for herself

Conclude the essay

How is a thesis statement different from the examples you use to support it?

A thesis statement is a question, examples are always sentences

A thesis statement is addressed to your teacher, the examples address your classmate.

A thesis statement is written in the first person, the examples are written in third person

The thesis statement is an opinion, the examples you use to support it are facts

What happens in the second, third, and fourth paragraph?

The writer brings up new examples not mentioned in the introduction.

The writer expands on the examples mention in the thesis statement.

The writer makes three new thesis statements.

The writer draws three new conclusions.

If a five paragraph essay was a building, paragraph two, three, and four would be what part of the building?

The foundation

The blueprint

The beams that support the structure

What would you find in the conclusion paragraph of your writing?

A quote that sums up what the writer was saying

A new argument in favor of the thesis

A restatement of the thesis and supporting details

A direct address to the reader

What would happen if you don't use transition words (like next, second, after, then, because) in your writing?

Your writing wouldn't make sense

You would accidentally destroy your thesis

Your essay would seem disjointed and the paragraphs wouldn't flow together.

You would need to add extra examples of have it make sense

What are the three parts of an introduction paragraph?

Thesis, claim, and conclusion

Thesis, claim, and main points.

Hook, background, and thesis

Hook, background, and body paragraphs.

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Five-Paragraph Essay/Transcript

Transcript [ ].

Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim & Moby

Tim is shown writing on a piece of paper while he sits at a desk. After he writes a few lines, he makes a face to show he is unhappy, crumples up the paper, and throws it into the wastebasket. Moby picks up the crumpled paper out of the wastebasket and makes a beeping sound.

TIM: Oh, it's no good.

Moby makes another beeping sound while holding the paper and looking at Tim.

TIM: I guess I was off to a good start.

Tim holds a letter in front of him and reads it aloud.

TIM: Dear Tim & Moby, I'm supposed to write a five-paragraph essay. How do I do it? From, Steven. You're in luck. Well, I guess we're in luck. The five-paragraph essay has a really specific format that you want to follow.

Moby beeps.

TIM: Right, you have to have a topic before you start. The topic might be assigned by your teacher or you might get to choose it. My essay is on Of Mice and Men, the book by John Steinbeck.

TIM: Yeah, Moby really liked it.

TIM: Yeah, it was a really good story. Anyway, the first paragraph in a five-paragraph essay is called the introductory paragraph.

A sheet of paper is shown with the top section highlighted and the words introductory paragraph shown beneath the highlighted box.

TIM: This paragraph tells the reader what the essay is going to be about. It's where you grab the reader's interest so it's really important that you make it strong and concise. Your introduction needs to include a thesis statement. This is your opinion about what you are writing. My thesis statement is, "Loneliness is a central theme throughout John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men".

TIM: Right, it's simple, direct, and you know immediately what my essay will be about. After the thesis statement, you want to cite three examples, or subtopics, that support your thesis. One of my examples would be that at the end of the story, George is ultimately forced to take an action that leaves him all alone. Okay, then I've got to come up with two more points to try to prove what I'm trying to say in my essay, and my intro paragraph is done.

TIM: That's true. Your intro paragraph is sort of a mini outline for your essay. In paragraphs two, three, and four, you expand on those three subtopics that you identified in the intro paragraph. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that restates one of the three supporting ideas presented in the first paragraph.

"At the end of the story, George is ultimately forced to take an action that leaves him alone."

TIM: That topic sentence needs support. You need to explain how that example relates to your thesis.

TIM reads: George ends Lennie's life because he realizes that Lennie will most likely be killed. George is backed into a corner. He is forced to do something he does not want to do. When George shoots Lennie, he loses his constant friend and companion.

TIM: Hey, it's pretty good. My next two paragraphs will be like that one—taking a point from my intro and expanding on it to prove my thesis. The fifth paragraph of your essay is the conclusion. In the conclusion, you want to restate the thesis and the three supporting ideas in a powerful way that ties everything together. It's a lot like the intro paragraph except it should be stronger because now you have presented three paragraphs of evidence for your thesis claim.

I might start by adding emphasis with something like, "It is clear that loneliness is a central theme throughout John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men".

Remember to use a transition phrase between one paragraph and the next so that they’re linked up.

Moby beeps and holds up a piece of paper that reads "George and Lennie: Friendship and Betrayal in Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men". TIM: Oh, you wrote your own essay.

TIM: Can I read it?

Moby holds the paper close to his chest and shakes his head to indicate no.

  • 2 Moby the Robot


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  19. Five Paragraph Essay Brain Pop Quiz

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    Transcript. Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim & Moby. Tim is shown writing on a piece of paper while he sits at a desk. After he writes a few lines, he makes a face to show he is unhappy, crumples up the paper, and throws it into the wastebasket. Moby picks up the crumpled paper out of the wastebasket and makes a beeping sound.

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  22. Five-Paragraph Essay Quiz

    Notifications 14 Show Details Immersive Reader 3 In a five-paragraph essay, where does the thesis statement appear? A Paragraph one B Paragraph two

  23. PDF ©2018 BrainPOP. All rights reserved. For information on BrainPOP

    Paragraph 2 Example 1 Paragraph 3 Example 2 Paragraph 4 Example 3 Paragraph 5 Conclusion Five NAME: -Paragraph Essay DATE: o, Thesis Statement + Example 1 (Sentence 1) + Example 2 (Sentence 2) Example 3 (Sentence 3) Topic Sentence: Example 1 (from Introduction) + 3 Detail Sentences (to prove your Topic Sentence)