Essay on Election for Students and Children

500+ words essay on election.

Election is the process through which people can express their political opinion. They express this opinion by public voting to choose a political leader . Furthermore, this political leader would have authority and responsibility. Most noteworthy, Election is a formal group decision making the process. Also, the selected political leader would hold public office. The election is certainly a vital pillar of democracy. This is because; Election ensures that the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people.

election experience essay

Characteristics of Election

First of all, suffrage is an important part of Election . Most noteworthy, suffrage refers to the right to vote in Elections. The question of who may vote is certainly an important issue. The electorate probably never includes the entire population. Almost all countries prohibit individuals under the age of majority from voting. For example, in India, the age of majority is attainable at the age of 18 years.

The nomination of a candidate is also an important characteristic of Election. This means to officially suggest someone for Election. Nomination refers to the process of selecting a candidate for election to a public office. Furthermore, endorsements or testimonials are public statements to support a candidate’s nomination.

Another essential characteristic of Election is electoral systems. Electoral systems refer to detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems. Furthermore, detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems convert the vote into a political decision.

The first step is the tally of votes. For this purpose, there is the use of various vote counting systems and ballot. Then comes the determination of the result on the basis of the tally. Also, the categorization of most systems is as either proportional or majoritarian.

Scheduling refers to arranging and controlling of Elections. Elected officials are accountable to the people. Therefore, they must return to the voters at regular intervals of time. Elected officials must do that so as to seek a mandate to continue in office. Above all, most countries arrange elections at fixed regular intervals.

An election campaign is also an integral part of Election. Election campaign refers to an organized effort to positively influence the decision making of a particular group. Consequently, politicians compete with each other by trying to woo more and more individuals.

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Importance of Election

First of all, the Election is a peaceful and efficient way of choosing political leaders. Furthermore, citizens of a Nation choose a leader by casting their votes. In this way, the citizens are able to choose an individual whose views appeal to them most. Hence, people are able to exercise their will in political leadership.

An election is an excellent opportunity for people to express their resentment. Most noteworthy, if people are unhappy with a particular leadership, then they can remove it from power. People can certainly replace an undesirous leadership with a better alternative through Election.

The election is a handsome opportunity for political participation. Furthermore, it is a way by which new issues can be raised in public. In most democratic countries, common citizens are allowed to contest elections independently.

Consequently, a citizen could introduce reforms which are not any political party’s agenda. Also, in most democratic countries, a citizen could form a new political party to contest Election.

Election helps keep the power of political leaders in check. The ruling parties cannot afford to do any wrongdoing to the public due to the risk of losing Election. Hence, Election serves as an efficient power check and control for those in the ruling power.

To sum it up, Election is the symbol of political freedom. Most noteworthy, it is the tool which puts authority in the hands of common people. Democracy certainly would be non-functional without it. People must realize the value of Elections and come out in large numbers to vote.

Q1 What are electoral systems?

A1  Electoral systems are detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems. These detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems convert the vote into a political decision.

Q2 How Election helps keep the power of the political leaders in check?

A2 Elections certainly help keep the power of the political leaders in check. This is because political leaders cannot afford to do any wrongdoing to the public due to the risk of losing Election

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  • Sharp Divisions on Vote Counts, as Biden Gets High Marks for His Post-Election Conduct
  • 3. The voting experience in 2020

Table of Contents

  • 1. Biden, Trump and the post-election period
  • 2. Voters’ evaluations of the 2020 election process
  • 4. Voters’ reflections on the campaign
  • 5. Key post-election issues: The pandemic and the economy
  • Acknowledgments
  • Appendix: Categorization of states based on COVID restrictions
  • Methodology

Biden voters nearly twice as likely as Trump voters to say they voted by mail

A slim majority of voters (54%) say they voted in person this November, compared with 46% who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot. About one-quarter (27%) report having voted in person on Election Day, and an identical share say they voted in person before Election Day.

Two-thirds of Trump voters say they voted in person, compared with 42% of Biden voters. Nearly four-in-ten Trump voters (37%) say they voted in person on Election Day, while just 17% of Biden voters say they cast their ballot at a polling place on Nov. 3.

Trump voters are also slightly more likely than Biden voters to say they voted in person before Election Day. Three-in-ten Trump voters report voting this way, compared with 24% of Biden voters.

Black voters were less likely to vote by absentee or mail-in ballot than white, Hispanic and Asian American voters. About four-in-ten Black voters (38%) say they voted by mail, compared with 45% of white voters, 51% of Hispanic voters and two-thirds of Asian American voters.

Black voters were less likely than other groups to vote by mail

Among those who voted for Biden, these gaps are even larger. While 64% of White voters who supported Biden say they voted by absentee or mail-in ballot, smaller shares of Biden’s Hispanic supporters (56%) and Black supporters (39%) voted this way.

Voters ages 65 and older are more likely to say they voted by mail than younger voters. Similar shares of voters ages 18 to 34 (44%), 35 to 49 (42%) and 50 to 64 (41%) say they voted by mail. Among those 65 and older, a majority (55%) say they voted this way.

Within each age group, Biden voters are much more likely than Trump voters to say they voted by mail, with the size of this gap largely the same across groups.

College graduates are more likely than those without a college degree to say they voted by mail (53% vs. 42%).

Among absentee voters, Biden voters more likely than Trump voters to say they returned ballots early

Most mail-in voters say they returned their ballots well before Election Day

Those who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot were about equally likely to return their ballots to a designated drop box as they were to return their ballots by mail. About four-in-ten (41%) say they returned their ballots to a drop box, while 44% say they returned their ballots by mail; 15% say they returned their ballots in person to an election official or poll worker.

This pattern was largely the same among both Trump and Biden absentee voters.

Overall, about three-quarters of absentee or mail-in ballot voters (76%) report having returned their ballots at least a week before Election Day, while 23% say they returned their ballots in the final week leading up to Election Day. Biden voters were more likely than Trump voters to report having returned their absentee ballots in early: 82% of Biden voters who voted by absentee or mail ballot returned their ballots at least a week before Election Day, compared with 66% of Trump voters who voted this way.

Nearly four-in-ten absentee or mail voters (39%) say they had never voted by this method prior to this November’s election. Biden absentee or mail-in voters were slightly more likely than Trump absentee voters to report not having voted this way in the past (42% vs. 34%).

Nearly one-in-five in-person voters waited more than 30 minutes to vote

Wait times for in-person voters varied by race and ethnicity, voting method and by candidate preference

Among voters who voted in person in this election, 35% say they did not wait in line to vote at all. An additional 27% say they waited for less than 10 minutes. One-in-five waited for 10 to 30 minutes, 11% waited for 31 minutes to an hour, and 6% say they waited in line for more than an hour to vote.

Those who voted early waited longer than those who voted on Election Day: 21% of early in-person voters waited more than half an hour, compared with 14% of Election Day voters.

Black in-person voters also waited longer to vote than White or Hispanic in-person voters. Black voters are 5 percentage points slightly more likely than white voters to say they waited more than 30 minutes to vote and 9 points more likely than Hispanic voters to say this.

Those who voted for Biden waited longer to vote, on average, than those who voted for Trump. About two-in-ten in-person Biden voters (21%) waited more than half an hour to vote, compared with 15% of in-person Trump voters.

These differences are partly related to the longer wait times faced by those living in more densely populated areas. Voters living in rural areas were much less likely to face a wait of more than half an hour (11% of rural voters) than those living in urban (19%) or suburban (21%) areas.

Most voters say it was easy to vote in the election

More than nine-in-ten voters (94%) say that voting in the election this November was either very easy (77%) or somewhat easy (17%), while just 6% say that voting was very or somewhat difficult.

Overwhelming majority of voters say voting was easy for them

A month before the election , about a third of registered voters (35%) expected voting would be at least somewhat difficult, compared with 36% who expected it to be somewhat easy and 29% who expected it to be very easy.

Biden supporters had been somewhat more likely than Trump supporters to say they expected voting to be at least somewhat difficult in the preelection survey, with 38% of Biden supporters and three-in-ten Trump supporters saying this.

However, nearly identical shares of those who voted for Biden (95%) and those who voted for Trump (93%) now say that voting this November was easy. And Biden voters are now somewhat more likely than Trump voters to say that voting was very easy (81% vs. 73%).

In their own words: Why some voters faced difficulties casting ballots

Voters who encountered difficulties casting ballots cited long lines and mail ballot concerns as top

While most voters who cast ballots in the November election say voting was very or somewhat easy for them personally (94%), about 6% of voters say they encountered difficulties when casting their ballot.

For about half of these voters (51%), logistical issues like long lines or safety concerns amid the coronavirus pandemic made voting difficult. One-in-five pointed to long voting lines, and many cited unusually long wait times at polling places. One 58-year-old woman voter said, “I had to stand in the cold and rain for approximately an hour and a half. Never had to stand in line for more than 10-15 minutes inside before.”

For 16% of these voters, issues with submitting absentee or mail ballots made voting difficult. While some pointed to confusion about rules and requirements surrounding vote by mail, others mentioned delays in receiving or tracking their mail ballots in time. A 26-year-old man said, “I requested a mail in ballot, didn’t receive it, contacted my county and they said to wait 10 more business days. I contacted them again, then they finally sent a new one to me the week before the election. I made the choice to drop it off rather than mail it in because it was so close to Election Day.”

Some voters also noted that safety concerns about voting during the pandemic led to hurdles while making voting plans. One woman noted, “People in my family tested positive for COVID-19 on October 26, so instead of voting in person, we had to request a mail in ballot at the last minute.”

Nearly three-in-ten of those who say that voting was difficult say it is because they could not decide who to vote for – or did not like any of their choices in candidate: 16% say they were unhappy with their choices while 6% say they could not make up their mind about who to vote for.

About one-in-ten cited general concerns and suspicions about the voting system in general. This includes uncertainty about the vote counting process as a whole or concerns that states were tampering with the voting process, as well as specific concerns about more widespread use of mail-in voting. As one 60-year-old man put it, “I didn’t like mail-in ballots. It encourages voter fraud.”

Convenience was top factor in voters’ decisions about which way to vote

Nearly two-thirds of voters (66%) say that convenience was a major reason why they chose to vote in person on Election Day, in person before Election Day, or by mail or absentee ballot. Another 15% say that this was a minor reason for voting the way they did, while 19% say that this was not a reason.

Convenience, familiarity rank among top reasons voters cast a ballot using their chosen method

Just over half of voters (54%) say that voting the way they usually do was a major reason for their choice of method, and about one-in-ten (12%) say this was a minor reason.

Smaller shares of voters say that concerns about voting by mail (28%) or concerns about catching or spreading the coronavirus (24%) were major reasons why they voted as they did. And despite widespread expectations earlier this year that the pandemic would disrupt the November election, a majority of voters (55%) say that concerns about the coronavirus were not a factor in their decision about how to cast their ballot.

Just two-in-ten voters say that being encouraged to vote a certain way by someone they trust was either a major reason (11%) or a minor reason (9%) for the vote method they chose.

Those who voted using different methods this November point to somewhat different reasons for doing so. Among voters who voted at a polling place on Election Day, 76% say that a major reason for doing so was that they usually vote that way. In-person early voters are 19 percentage points less likely to say that this was a major reason for voting the way they did, and absentee or mail-in voters are 36 points less likely to say this.

Most who voted in person on Election Day say they did so in large part because that is how they usually vote

Seven-in-ten mail voters (70%) and a similar share of in-person early voters (72%) say convenience was a major reason they voted the way they did. A much narrower majority (54%) of in-person Election Day voters cited convenience as a major reason for doing so.

About half of in-person voters,  (53% among in-person early voters, 52% among in-person Election Day voters) say that a major reason for voting in person was their concerns about voting by mail.

About four-in-ten mail voters (42%) cite concerns about catching or spreading the coronavirus as a major reason for voting by absentee or mail-in ballot. Just 15% of in-person early voters and 4% of in-person Election Day voters say that concerns about the coronavirus were a major reason why they voted using the method they chose.

Similar shares of in-person early voters (13%), mail voters (11%) and in-person Election Day voters (8%) say that encouragement from a person they trusted was a major reason for choosing to vote as they did.

Among in-person voters, 68% of those who voted for Trump say that concerns about voting by mail were a major reason why they voted in person. By comparison, a far smaller share of in-person Biden voters (32% ) cite this as a major reason why they voted in person.

This gap is somewhat larger among in-person Election Day voters than among in-person early voters. Among early in-person voters, Trump voters are 32 percentage points more likely than Biden voters to say concerns about voting by mail were a major reason for voting as they did. Among in-person Election Day voters, Trump voters are 42 points more likely than Biden voters to say this.

Most Trump voters who cast ballots at a polling place say concerns about voting by mail was a major reason for doing so

By comparison, Biden voters are more likely than Trump voters to say that concerns about the coronavirus were a major reason for voting as they did. Overall, 39% of Biden voters cited this as a major reason, compared with just 9% of Trump voters.

About half of Biden voters who voted absentee or by mail (53%) say that concerns about the coronavirus were a major reason they voted by mail, while just 20% of Trump voters who voted this way cited this as a major reason why.

About a quarter of Biden voters who voted in person before Election Day (27%) also pointed to COVID-19 concerns as a major reason for doing so, while just 6% of in person Trump early voters said the same. Few Biden Election Day voters (8%) and almost no Trump Election Day voters (1%) considered concerns about the pandemic as a major reason for voting the way they did.

Researching voting methods, checking registration, tracking wait times and absentee ballots

Biden voters are more likely than Trump voters to say they took a variety of steps to ensure they would be able to cast a ballot in the days and weeks leading up to Election Day. Nearly half of voters (48%) say they checked their voter registration status prior to the election – including 56% of Biden voters and 40% of Trump voters. And a majority of Biden voters (54%) also say they researched their options for how to vote in person or by mail this year, compared with 32% of Trump voters.

Biden voters more likely than Trump voters to say they checked their registration status ahead of voting

Among those who voted in person in the November election, 17% say they checked wait times at an in-person polling place before going to vote: 22% of Biden voters and 14% of Trump voters say they did this.

About half of absentee or mail-in ballot voters (52%) say they tracked their ballot’s status through a website or app: Nearly six-in-ten Biden voters (58%) say they did this, compared with 40% of Trump voters.

Black voters, Hispanic voters and Asian voters are somewhat more likely than White voters to say they checked their registration status, though these differences are closely related to levels of support for the two candidates within different racial and ethnic groups.

About six-in-ten Black (57%), Hispanic (61%) and Asian (63%) voters say they checked their registration status in the days and weeks prior to voting; a smaller share (44%) of White voters report having done this. And among in-person voters, Hispanic (30%) and Black (23%) voters are both more likely than White voters (15%) to say they checked the wait time at a polling place before going to vote.

Younger voters and those with more years of formal education are also more likely to say they took several of these steps than older voters or those with fewer years of education, respectively.

Younger voters more likely than older voters to say they researched voting methods, checked voter registration status, tracked their absentee ballots

Three-quarters of voters ages 18 to 29 say they checked their voter registration status in the days or weeks leading up to the election, compared with 55% of voters ages 30 to 49, 40% of those 50 to 64 and 35% of those 65 and older. A majority of voters ages 18 to 29 (58%) say they researched their options for voting, compared with 46% of 30 to 49 year-olds and 39% of those 50 and older. And 58% of mail voters under 50 tracked their ballot’s status online while 51% of those ages 50 to 64 and 44% of those 65 years-old or older say they did the same.

Voters with a college degree are more likely to say they researched their options for voting than those without a degree (49% vs. 40%). And among mail voters, nearly six-in-ten college graduates (58%) reported tracking their ballot online, compared with 46% of those without a degree.

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Essay on Voting for School Students: Samples in 150, 200, and 250 Words

election experience essay

  • Updated on  
  • Feb 15, 2024

Essay on Voting

Essay on Voting: Voting is a powerful tool for any democratic country. The act of voting not only helps the candidate to build a nation by making laws and implementing them, but the active participation of voters in the democratic process also ensures active participation in nation-building.

Similarly theme for the year 2024 National Voters Day is ´Nothing Like Voting, I Vote for Sure’ aims to raise awareness about voting, encouraging eligible candidates to register for the nation, building responsibility, and actively participating in the process of democracy.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Voting in 150 Words
  • 2 Essay on Voting in 200 words
  • 3 Essay on Voting in 250 words:

Also Read: One Nation One Election Essay in 500 Words

Essay on Voting in 150 Words

Voting plays an important role in a democratic country. For the citizens of a democracy, voting is more than a civic duty; in fact, it is a powerful expression of the thoughts and hopes of the general public. 

Through the right to vote, the voting behaviour of a citizen in a country actively participates in shaping the future and influences the policies that are made or are still to be drafted for the welfare of the people. In a voting method, the citizens of a country elect representatives who align with their values. Altogether, voting gives the right to subjects that empower and encourage a sense of responsibility and help in engagement with the community.

Moreover, it should be understood that the impact of each vote resonates beyond the electronic voting machines or ballot boxes. In reality, voting shapes the course of the nation and ensures a government that recognises the alternate visions and aspirations of the general public.

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Essay on Voting in 200 words

The behaviour of voters plays an important role in running elections and in shaping the country’s democracy. Among the many key determinants of understanding voting behaviour is the voter´s socio-economic background. Every human needs financial assistance to live; therefore, choosing monetary benefits as the priority is not incorrect in any way. To earn, we need employment opportunities, control of inflation, and a boom in economic development. All these three key ingredients make up one of the mindsets of voters towards selecting the type of government they want. The areas experiencing good growth regarding the economy as well as job opportunities may witness the support of the voters for the ruling party in the future, while the areas facing challenges may lean towards failure.

Moreover, caste and community also play an important role in aligning the candidates in the minds of voters. Apart from economic development and casteism, the political agendas and manifestos of political parties also help in shaping the voter’s behaviour. In between all of these, how can we forget the role of the media in building the perception of public opinion?

Voter behaviour in voting is a complex interaction where understanding socio-economic factors, media influence, political ideologies, and leadership qualities not only marks success for the political parties but also for building a strong nation as per voters´ voting desire.

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Essay on Voting in 250 words:

The Indian system of voting follows a parliamentary democracy in which the people elect representatives to a parliament, and they make laws for them. The Indian electoral system in India is designed to ensure the representation and participation of citizens while they choose their representatives. The entire process of voting involves many steps, which begin from the registration of voters to the actual casting of votes.

In the first stage, eligible citizens who are over the age of 18 must register themselves as voters. Then they have to submit their necessary documents, which include proof of identity and address, to the Election Commission of India. Once the candidates are registered with the Election Commission of India, they receive their identification card, also called a voter ID card.

The political parties nominate the candidates, and citizens vote for their favourite candidate. The contender who gets the highest number of votes in the constituency wins and represents the legislative body.

In the whole process of elections in India, the Election Commission makes sure that the voting process is fair and transparent throughout the electoral process. Moreover, it is also made sure that people should be able to use EVM, which is another replacement for traditional paper ballots.

The people of India trust the Constitution as well as the authorities that help them elect their representatives. Furthermore, the Election Commission also runs voter awareness campaigns and proxy voting methods, which contribute to the fairness of elections in India.

Also Read: Notes on Lok Sabha

Ans: In simple words, voting means choosing someone in an election. 

Ans: One can participate in democracy by voting for their favourite candidate.

Ans: The word democracy comes from the Greek words demos, which means people, and kratos, which means rule. In short, we can say that democracy is the power of selection that always lies in the hands of the people.

Ans: Elections are the mechanism by which a registered and valid person of a country can only choose their leader.

Ans: People can participate in democracy by voting for their favourite parties. 

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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Essay on Election | Election Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Election: In any country across the world, whether democratic or autocratic, elections form an integral part of the lives of its citizens. In democracies, elections are important because governments are voted in and out of power through elections. In autocracies and dictatorships, there is no election, and people live under the rule and authority of a single person or a group. Over the years, the definitions and meanings of elections have changed. Elections are not the same as they were before. Nowadays, elections are held in ways that reduce or minimize chances of rigging or any form of influencing irrespective of the fact whether they use electronic voting machines or ballot papers.

An election stands for the will of the people of a country and the only way through which they can express their desires. It is the only way they can favor people who can change their lives. Here we have written sample essays covering the topic that might feature in exams and assignments of students of different classes.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Election for Students and Kids in English

We have provided an Essay on Election, a long essay on election consisting of 500 words, a short essay on election of 100-150 words and ten important points focusing on the topic.

Long Essay on Election in English 500 Words

Election Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Free and fair elections are said to be the hallmark of a healthy democracy. This means having elections where there is no interference on the part of the incumbent government gives rise to an efficient and robust democracy. But the purpose of an election is, however, not to be used as a hallmark. Instead, elections are the means to achieving the wills and desires of the people systematically. In India, people often call elections as the festival of democracy.

This is because India being a vast country it is difficult to keep track of the standard of elections everywhere. Yet, the apex body for conducting and regulating elections in India ensures that every election takes place smoothly. While elections are the means to achieve what the people desire, political parties play an essential role in the conducting of elections.

The political party which constitutes the government at the time of an election has to ensure total transparency. Other political parties have to see to it that they do not resort to any unfair means. The government ensures transparency through adequate measures like VVPATs and EVMs. Before each political election, parties engage in active campaigning.

The purpose of campaigning is to provide the public with what the respective parties are willing to do when they come to power. All these are highlighted in a document which is called the party manifesto. The manifesto contains, in detail, the achievements of the party in the past and its promises for the future. The public, however, votes for a party not only by going through a manifesto but also based on its performance. In the case of elections, another essential thing is political ideologies.

In India, some people favor the doctrines of the left, and some people find the ideologies of the right to be proper. Voting in an election also takes into account what a voter believes in. Security forces also play an essential part in the conducting of elections. They are deployed in places where elections are to take place in advance.

The security forces manage the situations at polling booths and see to it that everybody obeys the laws at the time of the election. Speaking of rules, the model code of conduct is an essential segment of conducting elections. The model code of conduct prescribes how people associated with the election process apart from the general public should do themselves.

The model code of conduct is usually activated a week before the elections and gets terminated with the conclusion of the same. Elections are the only way in which the people of a country realize their dreams and aspirations. It is hence vital to conduct them and that too in a free and fair manner.

10 lines on Essay on Election in English

Short Essay on Election in English 150 Words

Election essay is best suited for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Elections are an essential part of a person’s life. It is not just crucial to one single person but to each person living in a country. Elections signify change. Elections result in a party being voted out of power in favor of another party. This is done to ensure that the people of a country get what they want. Elections are the only way in which the people of a nation can realize their dreams. For instance, if a party in power cannot employ the youth, then they are removed for some other party that can do so.

In some nations of the world, elections do not occur, or even if they do, they are not free and fair. For example, North Korea has a single-party system. This means that only one party in the country can run for elections, and thus people do not have a choice. In such states, people suffer because there is no one to take care of them. we will soonly update Election essay in Hindi, Kannada, Gujarati, Telugu and Urdu.

10 Lines on Election Essay in English

  • Elections are a tool of democracy.
  • Elections should always be free and fair.
  • Elections do not usually take place in autocratic nations.
  • Political parties are involved in elections.
  • Security forces ensure proper elections.
  • Elections in India are called the festival of democracy.
  • People vote parties out of power in elections.
  • Elections are the means to achieve the will of the people.
  • Election manifestos help the public in assessing the parties.
  • Elections are conducted in India by the Election Commission of India.

FAQ’s on Election Essay

Question 1. Why don’t autocracies have elections?

Answer: Autocracies do not have elections because the ruling party does not approve of it.

Question 2. How do elections take place across India?

Answer: Elections in India take place through voting in the electronic voting machine.

Question 3. What is the duty of the security forces in elections?

Answer: Security force ensures that elections are appropriately managed as per the rules and laws.

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This November, Americans are casting their ballot amid turmoil and uncertainty: a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic; a summer of civil unrest and a racial reckoning; disinformation and conspiracy theories muddying the media landscape; an economy rebounding in spurts; record-shattering weather and climate disasters. 

Stanford research intersects with many of these issues that are troubling the nation and the world at large. From across the social and political sciences, humanities, science and medicine, scholars are applying their expertise to better understand how people, policy and democratic processes can come together to address them. 

As Stanford political scientist Condoleezza Rice recently pointed out , while democracy “is hard,” it inspires change in a way that aligns itself to human dignity.

“I think if each and every one of us recognizes that democracy is not a spectator sport and that you have to commit yourself to being willing to play your own role, then the aggregated roles will come to mean something,” added Rice, director of Stanford’s Hoover Institution , who spoke at a session of Democracy Matters: Challenges Facing Democracy in the U.S ., an ongoing webinar series that highlights challenges to democracy in the U.S. and around the world.

Here, Stanford scholars share what democracy and political change look like in the U.S. today, how to understand the attitudes of the American electorate, and the challenges posed to democratic processes, from the impact of the pandemic to political messaging.

Adapting policies that respond to today’s challenges

Through their research and studies, Stanford scholars have closely examined public policies and regulations related to issues that are being debated on the campaign trail – from how to deal with the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic to the devastating consequences of wildfires, for example. As their research shows, these are complex problems that require coordinated responses.

For example, when it comes to implementing policy to mitigate the heightened risk of wildfires in the American West, Stanford Law Professor Deborah Sivas says that implementing change requires balancing incentives. 

“Unfortunately, we really don’t have the right combination of public and private incentives and regulations – carrots and sticks, if you will – in place. We are geared up to fight wildfires like we fight wars, with heavy machinery and manpower,” said Sivas , director of Stanford’s Environmental Law Clinic and the Environmental and Natural Resources Law and Policy Program.  

Similarly, dealing with the economic consequences from the COVID-19 pandemic will also demand a coordinated approach. “Minimizing the damage requires a similar combination of policies: better coordinating disease containment to minimize lost production, identifying critical links in production chains and ensuring that they don’t break and cause cascading failures of companies, and stepping in to fill the gap in lending caused by the growing credit freeze,” said Stanford economist Matthew Jackson .

Amid these extraordinary times of unprecedented global change, here is how Stanford scholarship might inform some of the problems facing the country and the challenges surrounding governance and policymaking today.

No matter who wins the 2020 election, governing will be difficult

Whoever wins the U.S. 2020 election will need to find ways to govern over a persisting political divide and get back to the art of politics, say Stanford scholars Bruce Cain and Hakeem Jefferson.

Cultivating civic engagement in a COVID-19 world

When the pandemic hit, StanfordVotes had to rapidly change its campaign to get out the student vote. Building a digitally-connected community has been a huge part of that shift.

Applying human-centered design to voting places

Stanford’s has partnered with the Healthy Elections Project, a joint collaboration with scholars at Stanford and MIT, to help election officials address some of the unprecedented challenges the pandemic poses to November’s general election.

Examining effects, challenges of mail-in voting

Mail-in voting has come under partisan scrutiny, but according to Stanford research, it does not appear to benefit one political party over the other. However, challenges to mail-in and absentee voting remain as states and voters make a shift this November.

U.S. democracy facing historic crisis

A Stanford political scientist’s new book makes the case for major governmental reforms to save U.S. democracy.

Prior contested elections in U.S. offer cautionary tale

A willingness to concede and compromise has helped resolve past election disputes, but that option may not be available this year, Stanford historian Jonathan Gienapp says.

Potential for congressional action on climate change

The political landscape has changed, potentially opening a window for meaningful policies to combat global warming. Stanford experts discuss opportunities and prospects for change.

Democracy and prosperity require uncorrupted governments

We don’t have to choose between capitalism and socialism. What we need is a system in which corporations can thrive without distorting the economy – or democracy itself.

Coordinated response needed to fight coronavirus pandemic

Without coordination within and across countries, the novel coronavirus will endlessly reemerge, with devastating consequences for public health and the global economy, says Stanford scholar Matthew Jackson.

How pandemics catalyze social and economic change

Throughout recorded history, pandemics have been effective levelers of social and economic inequality – but that might not be the outcome this time around, says Stanford historian Walter Scheidel.

Living with fires: Mitigating risks with law and environmental policy

Stanford Law Professor Deborah Sivas discusses the effects of climate on fires in California and policy changes that might lessen their danger on residents.

Why politicians have incentives to let outdated policies linger

Real-world disruptions inevitably lead to “policy decay,” but corrections are hard to come by.

Is this the moment for universal basic income?

Stanford historian Jennifer Burns discusses how universal basic income could become a major discussion point in Washington, D.C., as policymakers respond to the economic blow of the coronavirus pandemic.

Stanford students carry on the legacy of suffragists, 100 years later

In honor of the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote in the United States, Stanford highlights some of the women students who are continuing the hard work of the suffragists who came before them.

Stanford faculty address complex challenges to U.S. democracy

In the run-up to the November election, Stanford faculty from across campus will come together for Democracy Matters , a forum to discuss current issues affecting U.S. democracy.

Understanding the American electorate and their attitudes

As millions of Americans prepare to cast their ballots in November’s election, some Stanford researchers have examined what inspires voters and why they might vote a certain way. 

According to research by Stanford political scientist Jonathan Rodden , for example, to understand how Americans vote, one needs to look at where they live. His research shows that ever since President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal of the 1930s, the Democratic Party has evolved to become an almost exclusively urban party. The geographic distribution of Democrats and Republicans has turned political campaigns into high-stakes battles in which the parties pit urban against rural interests, Rodden said .

Meanwhile, Sarah A. Soule at Stanford Graduate School of Business found that political protests have the power to influence the final outcome of an election. Her research revealed that on both sides of the political spectrum, protest mobilizes political engagement by raising awareness of an issue to voters and educating them about a particular problem. She and her colleague, Daniel Q. Gillion at the University of Pennsylvania, also found that protest can be a cue to incumbent challengers about when to enter a race.  

“Our work suggests that citizens filter the information provided by protest through their own ideological prisms and that they use this information to inform their voting in much the same way that individuals’ level of political engagement is shaped by their social context,” Soule and Gillion wrote . 

Here is what Rodden’s and Soule’s scholarship, as well as several others, reveal about what brings voters together and what sets them apart.

Party sorting to blame for political stalemate

Political gridlock in contemporary U.S. politics can be explained by the increased sorting of the Democratic and Republican parties, says Stanford political scientist Morris Fiorina.

9 things to know about election polling data

Stanford political scientist David Brady discusses the lessons pollsters learned in the 2016 election and what to know about tracking election forecasts in 2020.

How the urban-rural divide shapes elections

The geographic divide, which pits Democratic voters living mostly in cities against Republicans in exurban and rural areas, has an impact on representation and policymaking, Stanford scholar Jonathan Rodden says.

Poll shows consensus for climate policy remains strong

A new study shows that Americans overwhelmingly want a reduction in global warming and support renewable energy development. But according to the data, Americans don’t realize how many people share their beliefs.

How toxic economic trends have impacted millennials

A new report by Stanford scholars lays out the problems U.S. millennials face as a result of decades-long rising inequality. Problems they experience include rising mortality rates and increased poverty among those without college degrees.

Political parties more polarized than voters

The nation is no more politically divided than it was in the 1970s, despite how things might appear in the news. Instead, the political parties have sorted into narrow groups.

How the Great Recession influenced today’s populist movements

Stanford political scientists explain why populist messages emerged in contemporary politics and how they spurred larger political movements.

Americans’ views on taxes are surprisingly complicated

A majority favors wealth tax, but not if it would hurt the economy or increase unemployment.

Why protesters could swing the midterm elections

A new study shows that both liberal and conservative protests have had a real impact on U.S. House elections.

How Trump won the unhappiness vote

New research shows our mental well-being drives our decisions at the ballot box.

Examining the impacts of technology, media and messaging

Concerns about the impact of fake news, disinformation and misinformation across social media platforms and in news outlets are more relevant now than ever before. Even after the findings emerged from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election, questions linger about vulnerabilities in the democratic process and the influence of modern technology. 

“We know more than ever before about what happened in the 2016 election. Now we need to pivot to what needs to be done to prevent it in the future – from concrete legislative acts as well as steps that online platforms can take even without legislation,” said political scientist Michael McFaul . Joined by other scholars across Stanford, McFaul has been looking at various ways to protect the integrity of American elections. 

Meanwhile, others have examined the impacts technology, media and political messaging have on the democratic process. 

“Democracy cannot function without communication,” communication scholar Jon Krosnick said. “In order for voters to make informed choices among candidates, the voters must learn about the candidates’ policy positions, track records, personalities, past experience and much more.”

Here is what some of their scholarship reveals about the current media landscape and some of the challenges technology may pose to democratic processes.

Sleuthing for misinformation about voting

Ahead of the 2020 election, Stanford students investigate the spread of mis- and disinformation online as part of their work with the Election Integrity Partnership.

Strategies to secure American elections

Stanford scholars outline a detailed strategy for how to protect the integrity of American elections – including recommendations such as requiring a paper trail of every vote cast and publishing information about a campaign’s connections with foreign nationals.

Is search media biased?

In an audit of search media results for every candidate running for federal office in the 2018 U.S. election, Stanford scholars found no evidence of political bias for or against either party.

Journalism and democracy

In a complex news environment, Stanford professors urge voters to be careful consumers of political information and to think hard about where information comes from and how it reaches them.

High school students are unequipped to spot ‘fake news’

With the 2020 presidential election approaching, new research by Stanford education scholars finds that prospective young voters are poorly equipped to evaluate the sources of online content.

In political messages, values matter more than policy

When progressive candidates talk about how their policies are aligned with values commonly associated with conservative ideals – as opposed to liberal ones – they receive greater support from conservatives and moderates.

Stanford study examines fake news and the 2016 presidential election

Fabricated stories favoring Donald Trump were shared 30 million times, but the most widely circulated hoaxes were seen by only a small fraction of Americans.

Media consolidation means less local news, more right wing slant

A new study finds conglomerates are reshaping local TV news from the top down.

Historical parallels between the press and the president

Stanford communication scholar James Hamilton looks at how presidents – past and present – have navigated relationships with the White House press corps.

Why Republican politicians pay more than Democrats for TV ads

New research shows political advertising’s hidden costs.

Media Contacts

Melissa De Witte, Stanford News Service: (650) 723-6438,  [email protected]

Students Reflect on Presidential Election Voting Experience

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By Annie Roach ’22 and Olivia Drake MALS ’08

After the whirlwind of 2020, Wesleyan students—many of them first-time voters—were particularly eager to exercise their right to vote in the presidential election. While several students cast absentee ballots in their home states weeks ahead of time, others voted in person on Nov. 3.

Marangela James

Marangela James ’24 decided to vote in person in Connecticut, here on campus at Beckham Hall. She registered at Wesleyan earlier this semester, when some students had set up a voter registration table in front of Usdan. “It was a little bit hard navigating how to vote at first with everything going on,” she said, “but I thought it was helpful that Wes had a table set up to register us.”

Thomas Holley ’22 voted via absentee ballot. However, he physically dropped it off in the election box outside his town hall in Cheshire, Conn. “I mostly chose to vote absentee because of its ease and to avoid crowds on Election Day,” he said. “I voted in the 2018 midterms, but this election feels much more important. This statement comes from an unbelievable point of my privilege, but this is the first time political events have directly impacted my daily life. In 2018, I enjoyed voting, but going to the polls did not have the same sense of necessity.”

In conversations with his peers, Holley feels there is a shared sense of “we have to act now, and voting is the least we can do.” Issues such as climate change, reproductive rights, and the virus have come up frequently in discussions, he said.

Megan Perkins ’23 cast an absentee ballot in her home state of Texas, with hopes that her vote would make a bigger impact there than in Connecticut. “Turning Texas blue would be an amazing thing for this election, and just in general, so I do feel like my vote is making a difference,” she said. “Obviously, neither candidate is ideal, but I am definitely excited that I am able to participate in this election and make my voice heard, rather than just watching the debates and the news/state of our country and feeling powerless.”

Drew Kushnir ’22 , of Massachusetts, cast an absentee ballot in his home state. “It was actually a pretty nerve-wracking experience,” he said. He had been tracking the status of his ballot online, but became worried when the website did not confirm the receipt of his ballot. He called his town hall and found out that the clerk had misplaced his ballot application. He waited on the phone until she had rummaged through her papers to find it. Worried that the delay, combined with the widely-publicized problems with the postal service, might result in his ballot coming in too late, he gathered all the necessary documents to vote in person in Connecticut if it came to that.

However, things ended up working out. “Luckily, my ballot came on time and I was able to send it back without an issue. I can see from the website that it has been accepted,” he said.

The response to COVID-19 and issues of racial justice and police brutality were the strongest motivators influencing Kushnir’s vote. “But I would also like to see more aggressive action taken to combat climate change and government corruption,” he said.

Carly Blue

Like Kushnir, Carly Blue ’22 decided to cast an absentee ballot in her home state of Massachusetts. “I wanted to be able to vote in the Massachusetts Senate race and on the ranked-choice question,” she said. “This was my first time voting in a presidential election, but it was the same process as voting in other elections—just with way more urgency.”

Blue echoed many of Kushnir’s sentiments, citing gun control, police brutality, women’s rights, and climate change as her most important concerns. “Climate change and gun violence have been impacting our generation the most, and we can use our vote as a way to make actual change,” she said. “Also, equal rights for minorities has been a constant struggle for centuries. We are far beyond needing change, and I’m hoping that the activism this summer leads people to prioritize it and continue to educate themselves.”

Polina Kiseleva ’21 , of Florida, voted absentee. “I was excited to vote, especially in a swing state where my vote makes a bigger difference than in a state like Connecticut,” she said.


Mason Polaner ’23, of New York, also voted absentee two weeks ago, feeling it was the safest route possible. Polaner, who identifies as politically moderate, spent ample time researching what both candidates have said and done in the past before casting his vote. He feels the most important issues are the coronavirus, the state of the economy, and fiscal and monetary policy.

In voting for the first time, Polaner felt as though there was “tremendously more weight” on not only himself but also his generation as a whole.

“This is not only based on the tremendously important nature of this election, but also in terms of being able to analyze and apply many of my nuanced political beliefs for the first time,” Polaner said. “I certainly think that my vote will make a difference, especially given the significance and importance of voting that is currently sweeping the nation. Another way that I think of this is, unlike other elections, where the significance of the electoral outcome has been propped up, this is truly the most important one of our lifetime, as the identity, character, and influence of our nation are at stake.”

Nicholas Brattoli ’21 , of Illinois, felt “respondent and disaffected” when voting in his first presidential election. For one thing, he had to cast his vote via absentee ballot. Secondly, Brattoli wasn’t pleased with either Biden or Trump as a presidential option. Further, the State of Illinois—and his district—is solidly Democratic, and he wasn’t sure his vote would mean much for the election in general.

Nevertheless, Brattoli decided to cast a vote, noting that he and his peers frequently discuss climate change as a major concern. “This issue is probably about 90% of why I voted for a mainstream candidate at all, instead of, say, Kanye West,” he said.

Brattoli also voted to support a constitutional amendment for Illinois’s constitution, which would allow residents to implement a graduated income tax. “That needs 60% support to pass, and although I doubt it will get that, it would certainly need every vote in order to pass. On the other hand, more abstractly, regardless of what happens nationally and locally at the ballot box, we will continue to live under the dictatorship of capital, so I am not sure how much it matters at that level.”

Hannah Docter-Loeb '22

Hannah Docter-Loeb ’22 voted in Connecticut, though she chose to vote absentee. Although she is from Washington D.C., she ultimately decided against voting there. “I felt as though my vote would matter more coming from [Connecticut], where I could actually make change and vote for a senator and representative, as D.C. only has one nonvoting representative in Congress,” she said.

Doctor-Loeb expressed excitement about being a first-time voter, but also acknowledged that not everyone has the privilege of being in her position. “It’s frustrating that so many people are barred from voting, beyond plain voter suppression,” she said. “Being from D.C., I am very familiar with disenfranchisement, and while D.C. has three presidential electors, other U.S. territories like Guam and Puerto Rico cannot participate in the general election. Not to mention that immigrants and many people with past felony convictions are unable to vote in this important election.”

Greg Hardy

The 2020 presidential election wasn’t Wesleyan Posse Veteran Greg Hardy ’21 ‘s first time voting. Yet it was especially important for him, as a father of a 4-year-old, to have his vote counted. At the very least, he believes his vote acted as a historical count against the last four years.

“One issue that strongly matters to me is character and conduct. A lot of my life is wondering about what examples people around my son are setting, especially when we go into public places where we are surrounded by instances and individuals out of our control,” Hardy said. “I also am here at Wesleyan because I hope to earn a degree that allows me to teach (at the high school level), and from that mindset I am also looking at the world through the eyes of what people older than my son but still of school age might see, think, feel, or come to believe from the examples around them.”

Hardy opted to vote in person, hesitant of the mail-in ballot process and appreciative of the fact that his schedule allowed him the luxury to vote on Election Day.

“I would say that my normal feeling on voting is negative,” he said. “I was excited to vote for Obama’s first election because that felt like something. … Now, we’re picking between the best of the worst. I think everyone’s vote matters this year, because it takes large, shocking acts to change the establishment.”

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My Experience as a First Time Voter

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From a young age my parents have instilled in me the importance of voting. I see my family members in the US exercise their right to vote whenever an election is happening. In my circle, voting is not just a right, but an obligation, a civil duty. It is not a chore either. But that appreciation for democracy and for the right to vote came at a price: the decline of democracy in our own country. 

This month, I had the privilege to vote in the Madrid elections. Although I was born in Venezuela, I have Spanish citizenship and as such, was able to vote. Having lived in Spain for three years already, I’ve grown to not only love this country, but to care deeply about its future. Spain’s future is mine now. To me voting was not up for debate and while there may be some in this country who feel uncomfortable by my right to vote as a Venezuelan or who feel threatened by my participation in this democracy, I knew heading to the polls was the right thing to do. 

It’s worth noting that my own country was brought up repeatedly throughout the election campaign, most notably by Isabel Ayuso, president of the Community of Madrid and the eventual victorious winner. To have my own country’s trauma repeated back to me was tough. I couldn’t decide whether it was a cheap fear tactic or a worthy argument to make. But what was clear to me was that Venezuelans like me had a role to play in these elections. More the reason to vote. 

On May 4th, I headed to vote in my neighborhood. I arrived at the poll and found a line that never seemed to end. Watching all those people wait in line made me slightly emotional. What was more emotional was joining the end of that line for the first time in my life. For many, voting means nothing or at least, very little. To me, having seen the decaying democracy in my own country, voting means survival. 

Only 30 minutes later, I casted my vote and walked away from the polling station feeling a multitude of emotions. On one hand, I was grateful to have my Spanish citizenship. In the 50s my grandparents left Spain for Venezuela in search of a better life and now, I’ve done the same. I am happy to find a country that (mostly) welcomes me and other Venezuelans. Yet, I couldn’t help but wish I was voting at home. It satisfied me to know however, that Venezuela played a role in my vote. 

Regardless of the result, I was proud of myself and proud of Madrid. According to El Pais, participation in these elections was above 75%. Even from the early hours on May 4th, experts predicted a record-breaking participation. Democracy is still strong in Spain and I will continue to vote so it remains that way.

Camila Cuetos

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  • Election Essay


All You Need to Know

The day when India freed herself from the shackles of British Rule, she gained her independence as a democratic country and set a new platform where everyone has the right to give his/her political opinion. This is the definition of democracy where a leader is chosen after conducting a poll. The voters will put their choices in the ballot boxes from the available options. The candidate who has got the highest votes will be chosen as the leader. This is called an election.

An election is considered the prime pillar of democracy. Not only for the country but the election can also be conducted in any case where public opinion matters the most. An election is also defined as a decision-making process within a group of people sharing similar interests. For example, if you are a member of a club and you want to fill the vacant position of the chairman, choose the most suitable members and let the others cast their votes. On counting, the highest vote winner will be chosen as the chairperson. This is how a democratic government works.

In a democratic country, every person has the right to showcase his political views. This is called suffrage. It is the prime element of the election. Going a step ahead, we need to find out who can cast their votes. People of all ages will not be able to commend the importance of voting and choosing a leader. For this, one needs to be mature enough to understand the situation of a country. This is why the country’s voting authority has set the minimum voting age to 18 years. In India, people entering their adulthood at the age of 18 can cast their votes.

The second phase is to choose the candidates who can compete in a voting session and do campaigns. The electorate authority has set a list of guidelines that a candidate has to follow to register his name as a nominee. It happens in the public office where the candidate will have to file the nomination. Furthermore, testimonials and endorsements are provided in support of the candidates who have filed their nominations.

The Election Commission sets the platform where the voting session will be carried in different states. As per the constitutional arrangements, a voting platform is set where eligible people will cast their votes. Based on the result, a political decision will be taken. Once all the votes are cast, ballot boxes are opened and all votes are counted. The digital ballot panels can also count votes automatically. The counting results will then be tallied. The number of votes each candidate has secured will be counted and compared to find the winner.

The electoral body will make decisions regarding scheduling and conducting votes. Elections are conducted regularly in every democratic country. The nominees can campaign in their respective areas to gather more traction and win the election. Individuals understand the candidates’ propaganda and wisely choose the right one based on their experiences.

Election gives us the power to choose the best leader in every session. If one is not performing up to the mark, he can be replaced in the next voting session. All we need is proper awareness of the public for making the right decisions. This is what democracy stands for. One has the power to replace an undesirable candidate with a suitable nominee in an upcoming voting session.

Elections are conducted to allow the common to participate in making political decisions. Common men have many responsibilities in their personal and professional life. It is the election that helps them choose their leaders to run the country .

Characteristics of Election

First of all, suffrage plays a vital role in Elections. Most importantly, it refers to the right to vote in Elections. We need to determine who has the right to vote. Almost all countries restrict individuals under the age of majority from voting. The question of who can vote is certainly an important one. The electorate is unlikely to include the entire population.

The election also involves the nomination of candidates; this means to suggest someone formally for Election. Nomination refers to the selection of a candidate for public office. Moreover, endorsements or testimonials are public statements that support a candidate's nomination.

A second essential feature of an Election is the electoral system. Electoral systems refer to detailed constitutional arrangements as well as voting systems. Furthermore, detailed constitutional arrangements and voting systems transform the vote into a political decision.

As a first step in the election process, there is the tally of votes. While there are several systems of counting votes, the determination of the results is based largely on the tally. Most voting systems can be classified as proportional or majoritarian.

Schedules refer to the arranging and controlling of Elections. Elected officials are responsible to the people. For that reason, they must return to the voters regularly. Elected officials must do this to remain in office. 

In addition to Election, there is also an election campaign. An election campaign is an organized project intended to influence the opinion of a particular group. In consequence, politicians compete by trying to woo more and more people.

Importance of Election

In the first place, we can observe that elections are a peaceful and efficient method of choosing political leaders. Furthermore, individuals in a nation choose their leaders by casting votes. In this way, citizens can select someone whose views are most in line with their own. 

An election is an excellent opportunity for people to voice their dissatisfaction. Most importantly, if people dislike a particular leadership, then they can remove it. People can replace an undesirable leadership with a better alternative through elections.

In most democratic countries, common citizens are allowed to run for election in their own right. The election is a great opportunity for participation in politics.

Therefore, a citizen could implement reforms that aren't part of a political party's agenda. In addition, in most democratic countries, a citizen can form a new political party to contest elections.


FAQs on Election Essay

1. What is an Electoral System?

A democratic country gives importance to every common man’s decision by conducting voting sessions. Elections are the ideal opportunities that common men get to choose their leaders among the nominees. For this, the Election Commission prepares a platform where the common people can cast their votes. This constitutional arrangement is done as per the decisions made by the electoral body. Once all the votes are cast, they are counted and compared. The winner is decided based on the number of votes secured by the candidates. Hence, this is how a political decision is made. This is called an electoral system. You can witness it in any democratic country where common people cast their political views.

2. Why is election important for a Democratic Country?

Political leaders enjoy the power given by the common people. It is often found that elected leaders misuse it for their benefit and turn out to be corrupt. This is where the power of elections lies. Common people can find out what the political leader has done and decide to reelect or replace him in the next voting session. Election reminds us that the common people are the most powerful in a democratic country. It reminds the leaders that every deed will not go unnoticed and the consequences will depend on it.

3. How does election represent Political Freedom?

In a democratic country, a person is eligible to cast his vote to choose a suitable candidate among the nominees. This power is given by the Election Commission of India. It means that everyone has the right to express his/her political views and discreetly cast a vote to choose a desirable leader. This political freedom represents democracy. Having free and fair elections and media freedom is essential to ensuring that democracy thrives. Elections are more than just casting a ballot under fair conditions; they also ensure citizens have access to information about candidates, parties, and political platforms.

4. What is the Importance of Voting?

In addition to empowering the common people to choose their rulers, voting has indirect control over the functioning of government. There remains no place for an oppressive government. The general public has the freedom to change governments in the upcoming elections. Elections play a crucial role in reflecting the opinion and will of the people in choosing or framing their government. They also serve as an important pillar in helping to shape the future of a country. A voter card is a vital part of the electoral process.

5. Why are the reasons to vote?

It’s our Right- We are privileged to have the right to vote as a democratic country. Our Parliament and legislatures are elected by the people, by the people and for the people. Voting is a constitutional right that we take for granted, but our constitution has given it to us.

Age of Change- By voting, you can change the government if you are unhappy with it. By not voting, the same party could rule for another five years. At the end of the day, if the country is stuck with a bad government, it won't get better.

NOTA : The Government of India allows voters to exercise their vote despite dissatisfaction with any of the candidates. NOTA stands for None of the Above and is an important vote to cast for those who are dissatisfied with any of the parties standing.

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Essay on Election

An election is a formal decision-making process in which people choose their political representatives. Since the 17th century, elections have been the primary method used to carry out representative democracy in modern times. Elections may be held to fill legislative, occasionally executive, occasionally judicial, and occasionally regional and municipal positions. Numerous other private and commercial organisations, including clubs, nonprofit organisations, and corporations, also use this procedure to elect their leaders.

Essay on Election

100 Words Essay on Election

India is one of the most populous democratic countries in the world, and democracy plays a vital role in our country. Elections in our country are held once in every five years. The results of the elections are often subject to numerous rumors, analyses, and opinions in the news. During times of election, the entire nation is engulfed in a frenzy. But we know that the Election Commission of India (ECI), established in 1950 and responsible for monitoring and election procedures, also has a strong sense of style. The ECI is a massive organisation with several duties to carry out with regard to organising and processing elections in the country. The current Chief Election Commissioner of India is Rajiv Kumar.

200 Words Essay on Election

Elections are a way for a group of people (citizens of a country, employees of an organisation, students of a class, etc.) to come to a consensus about who will be their leading representatives. Ever since India became independent in 1947 and took up a democratic form of government, elections have been the medium through which people have chosen their leaders. Elections take place every five years in India. It is believed to be the mark of a responsible citizen to go and caste their vote in elections.

Conducting Body

The primary organisation in charge of overseeing elections in India is the Election Commission of India (ECI). The Indian constitution established the Election Commission, a body with the power to supervise the conduct of elections and referendums across the nation. Under Lok Sabha's confirmation, the president appoints the chairman of the commission for a 5-year tenure (House of the People). The president appoints the other members of the commission for a 7-year term at the suggestion of the prime minister, subject to the Lok Sabha’s approval.

Why Are Elections Necessary?

India is a democratic country, which essentially means that it is “ruled by its people”. Hence, elections become a mechanism through which citizens of the country voice their opinions as to who they want should lead them, giving everyone a fair say, and also appropriate feedback to those already in leading positions about how well their rule was received.

500 Words Essay on Elections

In a democratic country, people have the freedom to choose their leaders. Without democracy, people have no voice and are reduced to subservient slaves who obey their rulers. They had no choice but to obey their rules and their laws. Under British rule, India was monarchy. However, after independence, it became a democratic country.

Types of Elections In India

Presidential, Lok Sabha (General Election), Rajya Sabha, State Legislature, and local body elections are the main types of elections held in India. The General Elections (MP) and State Legislature Assembly (MLA) for the selection of the Prime Minister and Chief Minister of State, respectively, are the elections in which the public is directly involved.

Presidential Elections | The Electoral College is made up of a total of 538 electors. After the general election, each elector casts one vote. 270 votes or more are required to win. Following that, on January 20, the newly-elected President and Vice President come to power.

Lok Sabha (General Election) | The Lok Sabha elections are held once in five years to elect 543 members of the Lok Sabha. The first general elections or elections to the Lok Sabha after India became independent were held between October 25, 1951, and February 21, 1952.

Local Body Elections | Local Body Elections (India) are elections held in the states and union territories of the nation to choose representatives for local bodies, following the 73rd amendment to the Indian Constitution.

Election Campaigns

The parties contesting in the elections run their respective campaigns few days prior to the election date, wherein they pitch to the citizens as to why the latter should vote for them and bring them to power. Here is why election campaigns are important:-

Structuring Public Opinion | Political parties use methods like public meetings, rallies, road shows, interviews, etc. during election campaigns to try and shape the public's opinion. It provides them with a platform via which they may communicate with the public and ask them to support them in the elections.

Platform For Debate | Political campaigns offer a stage for constructive discussion between political opponents. It allows them an equal opportunity to promote their successes and expose the flaws of their opponents, assisting the general public in forming opinions about the election.

Reaching Out To The Public | The election campaign facilitates public outreach through neighborhood public meetings, open forums, one-on-one conversations, direct engagement with the public, and other means to let people understand the realities of a region.

Election Process in India

In India, the election process begins with the announcement of the election dates, which is followed by the candidates submitting their nominations, which are then reviewed and approved by the electoral commission. Voting is done through electronic voting machines (EVMs) throughout the election day in the relevant constituencies. Any Indian citizen who has reached the age of 18 and possesses a valid form of identification is eligible to vote in the election. Votes are counted on the day results are announced, and the candidate with the highest number of votes is proclaimed the winner.

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Economic Times

Elections 2024: Your first time voting stories

election experience essay

USA TODAY's Your Vote text messages keep voters informed about the latest election updates and allow subscribers to communicate directly with our journalists about all things politics.

We asked our Your Vote subscribers from across the country what motivated them to vote for the first time.

Editor's note: These responses were submitted via text message and have been edited for clarity .

Ernie, New Jersey: I remember well my first time voting for president. Then, like now, many of us felt like we had an awful set of choices: Ronald Regan and Jimmy Carter. I look back at it differently now, but there were lots of reasons to be disillusioned, post-Watergate, troubled economy, hostage crisis, and more. I felt we needed someone inspirational. Ted Kennedy had a very controversial past but was inspiring. His speech at the Democratic National Convention was magical. I wrote in his name on my ballot and was very proud of that opportunity and responsibility and still am. Looking back at it, I appreciate what first-time voters must feel like now.

Mikaela, California: I was a poll worker before I was eligible to vote, and it really prepared me well for the actual voting process. My 18th birthday missed a presidential election by five months, but I still made it a point to make the municipal primaries. As the daughter of a lapsed Catholic, I tend to compare stepping out of a voting booth to stepping out of the confessional: I feel better for having done it, but I'm not always sure that I'm making a difference.

Christian, Arizona: When I was first able to vote, I volunteered for the McCain campaign, and he was one of the first Senators I voted for, I always looked up to him as a kid, with his military and political history. It was in 2015, I was 20 at the time.

Sandra, Virginia : For years, I was not interested in voting. In high school, teachers taught about the importance of casting your ballot. My mindset was voting was not going to change things, or it would not count. The first time I voted was when Obama ran for president the first time. I received a telephone call to actually be a volunteer at a polling station. I have voted ever since and continue to volunteer at my local precinct.

Mike, South Carolina: When I turned 18 in South Carolina, my dad and I went to the polls to vote in the presidential election. I remember voting for Nixon. It is a special memory of us, father and son, doing our patriotic privilege. My dad is long gone now, but the memory lingers. I felt like a man.

Prep for the polls: Your guide to the 2024 elections

Kathy: My first vote cast for president was 1972. I voted for Democrat George McGovern and have voted Democrat every four years since then. This time will be no exception. When I voted for McGovern, I was voting for the candidate that promised to end the Vietnam conflict and bring our soldiers home. I was hopeful as I cast my ballot, we all know how that went. Watching the returns and realizing that we had another four years of Nixon was disheartening, but little did we all know what great surprises were in store for us. Today, I am hopeful that as we get closer to November, more people will see how important it is that they vote and that their votes weigh in favor of democracy and the rule of law.


Essay on Importance of Election

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Election in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Election


Elections are vital for a democratic society. They allow citizens to choose their leaders and express their opinions on various issues.

Significance of Elections

Impact on governance.

Elections influence the quality of governance. They encourage leaders to work for the welfare of the people to secure votes.

In conclusion, elections are crucial for the functioning of democracy. They ensure the power remains with the people.

250 Words Essay on Importance of Election

The essence of democracy, power to the people.

Elections empower the populace, providing a platform for citizens to voice their opinions, concerns, and aspirations. It is through elections that ordinary people can influence policy-making, ensuring that government actions align with the public’s desires. The power to elect leaders provides a check on political authority, preventing the rise of autocracy.

Accountability and Transparency

Elections promote accountability and transparency in governance. Elected officials are answerable to the public, and their actions are subject to scrutiny. If they fail to meet the electorate’s expectations, they risk losing their positions in subsequent elections. This possibility encourages politicians to work for the public good and discourages corruption.

Peaceful Transition of Power

Elections provide a peaceful mechanism for transitioning power. In societies without democratic processes, power struggles often lead to violence and instability. Elections help avoid such scenarios by establishing a clear, peaceful process for leadership change.

In essence, elections are crucial to a functioning democracy. They empower citizens, promote accountability, and ensure peaceful transitions of power. As the next generation of voters, it is vital for college students to understand the importance of elections and actively participate in them to shape the future they desire.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Election

Elections are the cornerstone of a vibrant democracy, providing the mechanism through which citizens exercise their right to choose their representatives. They are the conduit for the expression of public will, ensuring that governance is in the hands of those who have the mandate of the people.

The Role of Elections in Democracy

Elections also ensure the peaceful transfer of power. In many countries, conflicts arise when there is a dispute over leadership. Elections, when conducted fairly, can prevent such conflicts by providing a clear, transparent process for choosing leaders.

Importance of Participation in Elections

Participation in elections is a fundamental responsibility of every citizen in a democratic society. When citizens vote, they are not merely selecting a representative; they are expressing their vision for the society they want to live in. Each vote is a testament to the values, priorities, and aspirations of the voter.

Implications of Elections on Policy Making

Furthermore, elections can lead to policy changes by bringing new parties or individuals to power. These new entrants can introduce fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to existing problems, leading to progressive policy shifts.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 27). 129 Elections Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"129 Elections Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '129 Elections Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 27 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "129 Elections Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "129 Elections Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024.


IvyPanda . "129 Elections Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024.

Election Essay

An election can usually be termed as a decision or opinion making process, which is used to elect candidates for a specific position.

Election plays a particularly important role in the democratic nature of a country’s government.

It is a method used in choosing representatives of the public.

Essay on Election 200 words:

Election is the process through which people express their opinions through public voting and conduct elections to send candidates to public offices.

Elections are considered the basis of democracy because it ensures that the government elected through elections is of the people, by the people and for the people.

A free and fair election shows signs of a healthy democracy in a country.

Through elections, citizens of a country express their acceptance or refusal to do government policies and work.

There can be elections for different positions and levels in a country, it can be the President, Parliamentary, Legislature or Council.

Elections are conducted by an electoral agency, which is assigned to an autonomous body to conduct peaceful and fair elections in the country.

The entire electoral process is taken care of by the agency, beginning with registering political parties for the election until the election results are declared.

Election gives rights in the hands of the public and gives them the freedom to choose the government of their choice which will work for their development and development.

It also keeps an eye on the functioning of the government as they have to come before the public after the completion of their term.

Election in India Essay 300 words:

India is a democratic country and the importance of elections in a democratic country can never be ignored.

Elections in India play a very important role in the country’s politics and its overall development and progress.

During the British rule, India was under the constitutional monarchy of the British Queen and had no self-government.

However, after independence, it became a democratic republic country with a government that is elected by its citizens.

Types of Elections in India:

Elections were held to elect the President, Lok Sabha (General Election), Rajya Sabha, State Legislature and local bodies.

The elections in which the public is directly involved are the General Election (MP) and the State Legislative Assembly (MLA) for the election of the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister of the State respectively.

What is the role of Election Commission of India?

The Election Commission of India is the highest autonomous electoral agency of India involved in the supervision and administration of the entire election process.

It has been entrusted with the responsibility of compromise constitutional status to political parties, completing the nomination process, enforcing model code of conduct, taking care of the complete voting process, result declaration as well as an independent, fair and transparent election process.

Election Process in India:

The election process in India begins after the announcement of election dates, followed by the filing of nominations by candidates, which is scrutinized and accepted by the Election Commission.

Voting is done on the election date in the respective constituencies through an electronic voting machine (EVM).

Any Indian citizen who has attained the age of 18 years with valid proof of identity can cast his / her vote in the election.

Votes are counted on the day of the declaration of the result and the winner of a large number of votes is declared the winner.


Election in India is considered a festival of democracy because it is the day that gives people immense power to exercise their right to vote which can change the destiny of a nation.

The Election is also a platform on which a voter sees a new light of hope for strengthening the nation and nation-building.

Election essay

Election Essay 400 words:

Election campaigns or political campaigns are a set of activities and efforts made to encourage the public or a particular group to influence their views and garner them support in elections.

It also helps in shaping public opinion in favor of a particular political party or candidate.

The campaigns are used to highlight the achievements of a political party through print and electronic media.

What is the importance of election campaign?

The importance of election campaigns during elections can be understood from the fact that huge amounts are spent by political parties on these campaigns.

It plays an important role in the following ways:

Knowing public demands:

Election campaigns is a way by which political parties try to bring public opinion to the fore through public meetings, rallies, road shows and interviews.

It gives them a platform through which they convey their message to the citizens so that they support them in the elections.

Forum for debate:

Political campaigns also provide a platform for healthy debate between political rivals.

This gives them an equal opportunity to showcase their achievements and highlight the weaknesses of their rivals which helps the public to give their opinion for the election.

Public Access:

Reaching out to the public to understand the ground reality of an area is also an important step and election campaigning is made possible through local public meetings, open dialogue, personal communication, direct public interaction and more.

Election campaign in India- Election essay

Political parties in India gear up for campaigning just before the start of elections.

The campaign begins with huge rallies, large public meetings, door to door canvassing, surplus road shows etc.

Large-scale dissemination is also done through print and electronic media.

Newspapers, radio, TV etc. are highly used for election campaigns highlighting the achievements, policies and promises of political parties.

With the availability of most affordable Internet services, election campaigns have gone digital and have also made their way onto social media platforms.

Benefits of political campaigns:

From the point of view of political parties, the election campaign plays an important role in persuading voters in the election process.

It helps them reach out to the public for direct contact and share their policies and promises.

From a public view, election campaigns help candidates to know their policies and form an opinion towards them.

It also gives a platform where they can highlight their issues and interact directly with the candidates.

Elections and election campaigns indicate the presence of a healthy democracy in a country, it gives the public the right choice to vote for the right candidate and stable government.

Election campaigns can sometimes be ludicrous and misleading so one must always trust their instinct, intelligence and use their voting wisely before arriving at any decision.

Essay on Election 500 words:

Election in a democratic country is considered a ‘festival of democracy’ because it is an instrument through which the destiny and future of a country is decided.

It is therefore important that citizens of a country understand the importance of elections and know how their single vote can shape the chance of their nation.

In order to make publicly informed decisions, election awareness is the most important step in an electoral process.

Importance of election / voting awareness:

During the election, each vote has a high importance so it is important that it makes sense for the right candidate.

Electoral awareness helps to make people aware of the electoral process, educates them to know the background of political parties, their manifesto and candidates so that they take a right decision and vote for a qualified candidate.

Election awareness also educates people about the importance of voting and how it can be used for their welfare, growth and development.

It also makes them aware of the seductive and deceptive election campaigns of political parties and they do not fall prey to cash, liquor or gifts in return for their votes.

How to spread voting / election awareness:

Electoral awareness can be spread in the following ways:

Voter Awareness Forum: During elections, the Election Agency organizes the Voter Awareness Forum (VAF) at various places to generate discussion and awareness around the electoral process.

People can ask their questions and be resolved by VAF volunteers on the spot.

Through print and electronic media: Electoral awareness can also be created through various print and electronic media campaigns.

It helps people understand the entire electoral process and the value of their right to vote.

Organizing skits and street theater: Skits and play are the best media to generate an idea in the minds of the audience.

Street theaters, especially in the rural area, can be of great help in educating people in villages so that they use their voting properly and use it wisely.

Things to know before you vote- Election essay :

Keep some important points in mind before casting your important vote.

1) Check your name in the voter list.

2) Know your polling station.

3) Get to know your booth level officer.

4) Get to know your candidate.

You can check all the information through voter helpline number, online election portal or the officer-in-charge of your constituency.

To cast your vote at a polling station, you must also keep a valid proof of identity.

Election awareness is very important to motivate people so that they participate in the electoral process and help in building a healthy democracy in the country.

The electoral agency of a country does its work by running several awareness campaigns in the country or state, but the effort does not reach every corner.

Therefore, it is the prime responsibility of the youth of the country to educate the people about the importance of elections and make them understand the power of voting, only then we can give real importance to democracy.

Essay on election

Election Essay 600 words:

Elections are one of the important pillars on which the country’s democracy rests.

It empowers its citizens so that they can use it to elect the government of their choice that works for their betterment and protects their rights and freedoms.

It also helps in the creation of new leaders who can lead the nation on all fronts and ensure progress, prosperity and development in the country.

Why do we need elections?

Election is considered the essence of democracy and it is the method by which most governments of the world are formed.

It not only helps the public to choose the representative of their choice, but also keeps a check on them.

Elections also play an important role in a country in the following aspects:

For a healthy democracy:

Democracy, as we know it, is a form of government where power is in the hands of its citizens and free and fair elections are a sign of a healthy democracy.

It gives people the right to vote so that they can choose the government of their choice that works for their welfare.

Government Monitoring:

Elections also keep an eye on the government as it is held at a fixed interval and can be changed if the government runs its policies against the welfare of the public.

It acts as a medium through which the politics of a country is controlled by its citizens.

Self-Corrective Measures for Government:

From the government aspect, the election serves as a self-corrective measure as it helps them to review their performance at a regular interval, work for public welfare and frame policies that appeal to citizens so that they can support the government through voting as a vote.

Full control:

In an oppressive government, supreme power is in the hands of an individual, such as a monarchy or dictatorship.

Elections prevent the country from being autocratic because it places power in the hands of its people and distributes it equally among all and conducts elections at fixed intervals.

Importance of Elections in India:

Election in a democratic country helps to maintain democracy directly by involving its citizens in choosing a government for the country.

People from different backgrounds, communities, classes etc. are involved in the election process, so that their valuable opinions can be expressed through elections.

This gives them an option where they can select a candidate without any pressure or force, who speaks for them and represents them on a very large stage.

Elections not only represent the majority of people but it also talks about the minority.

It respects the opinion of both in electing a government that gives those equal opportunities, equal distribution of income and equal rights over the resources of the country.

A government elected through public voting will always work for inclusive development without discrimination or favoritism and will focus on making the country strong and developed.



Conclusion for Election Essay:

Elections play an important role in maintaining democracy in the country and protecting it from disorder and dictatorship.

It empowers people and gives them the option to form the government of their choice in the country, it is a tool that helps every class and community to rise and speak through its representatives.

It also monitors the government and its policies as it has to come out to the public during elections and can be changed if their policies and actions are against public welfare.

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All you need to know about how election votes are counted

Ballot counters prepare to open ballot boxes at the RDS centre in Dublin, in Ireland, 25 May 2007. Photo: Getty Images

Analysis: Ballot boxes have opened across the country. What happens to your vote now?

By Ciara Mc Kevitt and Cornelia Connolly, University of Galway

With counting underway in the local elections and a potential general election before the year ends, it is crucial that citizens cast their votes to ensure their voice is heard. But it is equally important that we know about the operation of an election - and especially understand the count!

On Friday June 7, hundreds of thousands of people over the age of 18 went to their local polling station to cast their vote for the local elections. The potential electorate for local election contests is larger than for any other electoral contest in the Republic of Ireland, as voting is open to any registered adult (aged 18, and over), normally resident in the State, irrespective of their citizenship. Voters rank the candidates giving one to their preference, two to their second and so on. Each voter can chose as many or as few candidates to vote for as they wish.

From RTÉ Radio 1 Extra, How to Be An Active Citizen helps listeners understand the proportional representation voting system, how every vote counts and how a political campaign is run.

Today, Saturday June 8, all of the votes are being sorted and counted. A count is organised and lead by the local returning officer in each constituency. This official will have arranged that the count is held in a community hall or hotel, which will then be referred to as 'the count centre’.

Each local electoral area is given a particular number of seats based on population in that area. The number of seats assigned is based on an area having sufficient representation. This allocation is drawn from the number of voters/people in the area in the census and the Register of Electors , which is maintained by the relevant county council.

In order to win an election and become a county councillor, candidates are required to meet a quota of votes. This is calculated by dividing the number of votes casted on voting day in that electoral area by one more than the number of seats available and then adding one.

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On the morning of the count, the count staff start by sorting the votes before counting begins. They separate the ballot papers based on first preference votes and any spoilt votes are separated at this time. Spoilt votes refer to voting cards that are deemed illegible, defaced or have multiple preferences of the same ranking.

After sorting, the staff begin to count the number one votes awarded to each candidate. Each batch is counted multiple times to ensure accuracy. If a candidate reaches the quota on their preference votes alone, they are deemed elected and are said to have ‘topped the poll’, succeeding in the most number one votes in the electoral area.

When a candidate receives more votes than required to reach the quota, all ballot papers are distributed to the other candidates accordingly. The difference between the quota and the amount of votes the winning candidate receives is called a surplus vote. The surplus votes of the winning candidate are distributed proportionally to the next preferred candidate on the ballot paper.

From RTÉ Radio 1's Morning Ireland, what do county councillors actually do?

In order to carry out this process fairly and proportionally, the surplus votes are divided by the number of first preference ballot papers from the winning candidate. This number is then multiplied by the number of surplus votes and awarded to the respective candidates. It is very important in this system to remember that each vote carries the weight of one.

On the other hand, if no candidates are deemed elected on the first count, the candidate with the least amount of votes is eliminated and their second preference votes are redistributed. This process of distribution is continued until all of the seats are filled. When all of the seats are filled by either elimination of the lowest voted candidates or if the quota is reached by the number of seats available, the counting concludes and the successful candidates are deemed county councillors.

From RTÉ Radio 1's Today with Sean O'Rourke in 2019, report on a row at the Dublin count centre during 2019 local elections with People Before Profit accused of acting like the Taliban

Whilst the count is taking place, candidates and their families, registered observers and media representatives are permitted to attend the count, with the permission of the local returning officer, ensuring transparency of the process. Hundreds of people gather at the count centre to watch the count staff sorting and counting votes ensuring transparency and accuracy – as well as getting a first-hand view of the process. It also allows tally people to get a glimpse of early votes and predict which candidate looks likely to win. The returning officer has the authority to allow a recount at any stage during the count, when all ballot papers are checked for accuracy.

The counting system in Ireland is proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote . and allows for transparency as observers can watch how the count is run. With local and European contests happening around the country between candidates and parties (and a mayoral race in Limerick ), the fact is that each citizen's vote is crucial in shaping the future political aspect of our country.

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Ciara Mc Kevitt is a PhD student in Maths resilience and gamification at University of Galway . She is also a Maths and Applied Maths teacher at Our Lady's Secondary School , Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan. Dr Cornelia Connolly is Associate Professor in the School of Education at University of Galway . She is also a Funded Investigator at Lero , the SFI Research Centre for Software, and a Visiting Fellow at Yale University .

The views expressed here are those of the author and do not represent or reflect the views of RTÉ

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Indian PM Modi claims victory even as voters deal him a surprise setback

NEW DELHI — Indian Prime Minister  Narendra Modi declared victory Tuesday, but it wasn't the landslide he had been predicting as his party lost seats to a stronger-than-expected opposition.

Still, Modi declared that Indian voters had “shown immense faith” both in his party and his National Democratic Alliance coalition after he locked down a rare third term as leader of the  world’s most populous country following a divisive decade in power.

“This is a victory for the world’s biggest democracy,” Modi told the crowd at his party’s headquarters.

His Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP, and allied parties appeared to have secured almost 300 of 543 seats in Parliament, early election results showed, which would give them a simple majority.

But for the first time since the BJP swept to power in 2014, it did not secure a majority on its own, The Associated Press reported. It won 240 seats with the opposition performing better than expected after exit polls suggested Modi’s alliance was cruising toward an overwhelming victory.

That leaves Modi, whose dominance over India has steadily grown since he gained power in 2014, dependent on forming a coalition to remain in power.

Even that could be in doubt. Rahul Gandhi, leader of the opposition Indian National Congress has left open the possibility that he may try to form a coalition with two parties allied with the BJP that used to be Congress’ partners.

This is not how the election was supposed to go for Modi, who has a vast base of supporters both at home and among the large Indian diaspora who see him as responsible for India’s rocketing economy and rising confidence on the world stage. According to Morning Consult , Modi is by far the world’s most popular leader, with an approval rating of 74%.

But critics say Modi has also eroded human rights in India and stoked religious tensions, particularly against India’s Muslim minority.

Modi and other BJP candidates were accused of hate speech and other inflammatory rhetoric during the campaign.

India is also struggling to provide enough jobs for its 1.4 billion people, despite being the world’s fastest-growing major economy . 

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi flashes victory signs

Outside BJP headquarters in New Delhi on Tuesday, dozens of Modi supporters danced to drums and chanted Hindu nationalist slogans. They wore shirts that read “I am Modi’s family” and scarves the color of saffron, the BJP’s official color which is also associated with Hindu nationalism.

Inside, the feeling was less celebratory.

Anxious and disappointed party workers and Modi supporters were glued to the TV screens, awaiting the final results as the supermajority they had hoped for appeared increasingly out of reach. Others were angry.

“Some voters betrayed us,” said Ram Shankar Maharaj, a Hindu priest who had traveled to New Delhi to watch the results from his home in the northern city of Ayodhya, where Modi in January presided   over the opening of a grand Hindu temple on a contested holy site . "They betrayed Indian tradition."

The Ayodhya constituency that includes the temple was among those that the BJP conceded on Tuesday.

“We should have gotten 500 [seats],” Maharaj added. “India will suffer from this. Had they cleared 400, the country would flourish.”

India’s benchmark stock indices closed at record highs on Monday after exit polls pointed to a thumping victory for Modi, then fell sharply Tuesday as the results became more muddied.

Speaking across from BJP headquarters Tuesday night, Modi said his alliance was poised to form a government. Rather than focusing on the BJP itself, he mentioned the broader alliance multiple times and praised its leaders.

Congress, the main opposition party, was in a buoyant mood. “This is the people’s victory, and democracy’s victory,” Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge told a news conference.

Regardless of the results, Modi’s ethos of a Hindu-first nation is now deeply entrenched in Indian politics, raising fears among Muslims and other minority groups over how they would fare during five more years of Modi rule.

In Modi’s home seat of Varanasi, which voted Saturday in the last of seven phases of voting , Tasneem Fatma walked out of a polling station wearing a burqa, saying, “We want a united India, not for Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isai.”

But Fatma, 20, a business student, was interrupted by an older man who said there was no religious divide. He also dismissed Fatma’s concerns about unemployment, saying, “If you are educated and if you are capable of the job, you can take the job.” 

As the discussion grew more heated, police officers asked the man to leave before NBC News could ask for his name.

India’s election is considered the world’s largest , with nearly a billion registered voters and polling that spanned over six weeks. But it was not just the sheer size of the election that posed a challenge for officials. 

Voting has taken place amid unusually high temperatures that have exceeded 120 degrees in New Delhi , the capital, and experts say that may have depressed turnout. At least 33 people in three states died of suspected heatstroke just on Friday, Reuters reported, including election officials who were on duty.

Although Indian summers are generally hot, scientists say heat waves in India and elsewhere in South Asia are becoming hotter, longer and more frequent at least partly as a result of climate change . Neither the BJP nor the opposition said much about climate change during the campaign.

The issue foremost in the minds of voters who spoke with NBC News was jobs.

It’s an especially big worry for those ages 15 to 29, who make up 83% of unemployed people in India, according to a report in March . 

“Why is nobody talking about rising costs or lack of jobs or poor kids dying or trees being cut?” Fatma asked.

The opposition, led by the Congress party, has tried to use such issues to drive voters away from Modi. Aware of the gargantuan effort it would take to defeat him, the fractured opposition formed an alliance that quickly faltered. 

Opposition parties also accused Modi’s government of trying to stifle their campaigns by arresting their leaders and freezing their funds, allegations the BJP denied.

Today’s India is run by “a very strong, dominant BJP, which in 1984 had only got four seats in Parliament,” said Yamini Aiyar, former chief executive of the Center for Policy Research, a highly regarded think tank in New Delhi that has been targeted by a Modi government crackdown on civil society.

In recent years especially, she said, the BJP has become “creepingly authoritarian.”

“Our democracy is at stake,” Aiyar said. 

According to Freedom House , a nonprofit pro-democracy organization in Washington, elections in India are generally considered free and fair, but they are being held in an environment in which freedom of expression is shrinking.

It cited the arrests and prosecutions of journalists, information manipulation using artificial intelligence and other technologies, and Indian authorities’ demands that social media companies remove online content critical of the government , among other issues.

President Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi  during an arrival ceremony at the White House on June 22, 2023.

Modi’s shaky rights record can make things awkward for Washington, which views India as an important counterweight to China . Though India is not a formal U.S. ally, it is an important defense partner and a member of strategic security groupings such as the Quad, which also includes the U.S., Australia and Japan. 

Modi, who rarely takes live questions from journalists, pushed back against criticism at a joint news conference with President Joe Biden during a state visit to Washington last year.

“In India’s democratic values, there’s absolutely no discrimination, neither on basis of caste, creed or age or any kind of geographic location,” he said.

U.S. authorities also say Indian agents may have been involved in the attempted assassination last year of a Sikh activist living in New York. India denies the allegations, saying such a crime would be “contrary to government policy.”

Experts say the U.S. relationship with India will continue to strengthen, regardless of the final election results in either country.

“China remains the elephant in the room or the presence that is shaping the alignments and realignments across the world,” Aiyar said.

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Mithil Aggarwal is a Hong Kong-based reporter/producer for NBC News.

election experience essay

Janis Mackey Frayer is a Beijing-based correspondent for NBC News.


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