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119 Environmental Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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The environment is facing numerous challenges today, and it is important for us to address these issues in order to create a sustainable future for our planet. In this article, we will explore 119 environmental issues essay topic ideas and provide examples to help you get started on your own essay.

  • Climate change: Discuss the causes and effects of climate change and potential solutions to mitigate its impact.

Example: The role of deforestation in contributing to climate change and the importance of reforestation efforts.

  • Air pollution: Analyze the sources of air pollution and its effects on human health and the environment.

Example: The impact of vehicle emissions on air quality in urban areas and ways to reduce pollution from transportation.

  • Water pollution: Examine the sources of water pollution and the potential consequences for aquatic ecosystems and human health.

Example: The effects of agricultural runoff on water quality and strategies to prevent pollution from entering waterways.

  • Deforestation: Discuss the causes and consequences of deforestation and the importance of preserving forests for biodiversity and climate regulation.

Example: The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities and the loss of traditional knowledge and cultural practices.

  • Plastic pollution: Explore the sources and effects of plastic pollution in the ocean and ways to reduce plastic waste.

Example: The role of microplastics in marine ecosystems and the need for regulations to prevent further pollution.

  • Biodiversity loss: Analyze the factors contributing to the loss of biodiversity and the importance of protecting endangered species.

Example: The impact of habitat destruction on wildlife populations and the need for conservation efforts to preserve biodiversity.

  • Overfishing: Discuss the consequences of overfishing on marine ecosystems and sustainable fishing practices.

Example: The decline of fish stocks due to overfishing and the importance of implementing fishing quotas and marine protected areas.

  • E-waste: Examine the growing problem of electronic waste and the environmental and health risks associated with improper disposal.

Example: The challenges of recycling electronic devices and the need for better e-waste management practices.

  • Urban sprawl: Analyze the impact of urban sprawl on natural habitats and the importance of smart growth and sustainable urban planning.

Example: The loss of green spaces and farmland to urban development and the benefits of compact, walkable communities.

  • Renewable energy: Discuss the potential of renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

Example: The growth of solar and wind power as clean energy alternatives and the challenges of integrating renewables into the grid.

  • Ocean acidification: Explore the causes and consequences of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and the need for carbon emission reductions.

Example: The effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs and shellfish populations and the importance of marine conservation efforts.

  • Soil erosion: Analyze the causes of soil erosion and the impact on agricultural productivity and ecosystem health.

Example: The loss of topsoil due to deforestation and unsustainable farming practices and strategies to prevent erosion through soil conservation.

  • Wildlife trafficking: Discuss the illegal trade of wildlife and the threats to endangered species and biodiversity.

Example: The demand for exotic pets and animal products driving the illegal wildlife trade and the need for stronger enforcement of wildlife protection laws.

  • Pesticide use: Examine the environmental and health risks associated with pesticide use in agriculture and the need for sustainable pest management practices.

Example: The impact of pesticide runoff on water quality and non-target species and the benefits of organic farming methods.

  • Food waste: Analyze the causes and consequences of food waste and potential solutions to reduce waste and improve food security.

Example: The environmental footprint of food production and distribution and the benefits of composting and food rescue programs.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions: Discuss the sources of greenhouse gas emissions and the need for global action to reduce carbon pollution.

Example: The role of the transportation sector in contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and the potential for electrification and public transit to reduce emissions.

  • Climate refugees: Explore the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities and the need for adaptation and resilience measures.

Example: The displacement of communities due to sea-level rise and extreme weather events and the challenges of climate migration.

  • Land degradation: Analyze the causes of land degradation and the consequences for food security, water quality, and ecosystem health.

Example: The loss of arable land to desertification and soil erosion and the importance of sustainable land management practices.

  • Ocean pollution: Discuss the sources of ocean pollution, including plastic waste, oil spills, and chemical contaminants, and the need for marine conservation.

Example: The impact of oil spills on marine ecosystems and the challenges of cleaning up and restoring affected areas.

  • Environmental justice: Explore the intersection of environmental issues with social justice and equity, including the disproportionate impacts on marginalized communities.

Example: The siting of polluting industries in low-income neighborhoods and communities of color and the need for environmental policies that prioritize equity and inclusion.

  • Green infrastructure: Discuss

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100 Environment Essay Topics That Will Inspire Your Eco-Conscious Mind


Table of contents

  • 1 Interesting Environment Topic Ideas
  • 2 Easy Environment Essay Topics
  • 3 Environmental Research Topics on Climate Change
  • 4 Environmental Research Topics on Ecology
  • 5 Sustainability Topics for an Essay
  • 6 Topics about Renewable Energy
  • 7 Topics on Greenhouse Effect
  • 8 Global Warming Essay Topics
  • 9 Pollution Essay Topics
  • 10 Ideas for Environmental Essay
  • 11 Conclusion

Interesting Environment Topic Ideas

If you are in the mood for considering complicated and challenging topics, you’ll like the essay topics on environmental issues from this list. You can dive into the subject and broaden your horizons. Every topic on the environment is relevant, and some of them are time-consuming. So if you’re afraid of missing your deadline and wondering who can write my paper , be attentive to choose the best service. Any subject about environmental issues needs appropriate investigations and should be well-disclosed.

  • The Devastating Effects of Plastic Pollution on Our Oceans
  • From Forests to Farms: The Impact of Deforestation on Climate Change
  • A Greener Future: The Benefits of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The Secret Life of Bees: How Their Decline Affects Our Ecosystems
  • The Dark Side of Fast Fashion: The Environmental Cost of Cheap Clothes
  • Food Waste: An Invisible Environmental Crisis
  • The Environmental Impact of Transportation: From Cars to Planes
  • How Urbanization is Changing the Landscape of Our Cities
  • Water Crisis: The Importance of Conserving Our Most Precious Resource
  • The Great Barrier Reef: Can We Save One of the World’s Natural Wonders?

Easy Environment Essay Topics

There are easy but equally important environmental essay topics. Share your valuable thoughts about climate change avoiding confusing topics. You may also use one of them if you don’t have enough time for investigation. In this case, you can find a reliable paper writing service to get your well-written essay and save your time. Ponder the environmental problems you are worried about, it may be pollution or the ways of recycling. Then check the list of topics and start your essay .

  • 5 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Today
  • How Composting Can Help Save the Planet
  • The Power of Plant-Based Diets: How Eating Less Meat Can Help the Environment
  • The Benefits of Biking: A Fun and Eco-Friendly Alternative to Driving
  • How to Be Environmentally Conscious Without Breaking the Bank
  • The Dangers of Single-Use Plastics: What You Need to Know
  • Saving Energy at Home: Tips and Tricks for Lowering Your Utility Bills and Helping the Environment
  • How to Start a Community Garden: Bringing People Together While Helping the Planet
  • The Benefits of Using Natural Cleaners
  • The Impact of Electronic Waste: How to Properly Dispose of Your Old Electronics

Environmental Research Topics on Climate Change

One of the global environmental issues of the 21st century is climate change, and students tend to investigate it in their essays. One of the problems caused by climate change is the reduction of biodiversity. Use one of our environment essay topics to explain the reasons for this phenomenon and possible solutions. Write the arguments to highlight the necessity of environmental protection.

  • The Impact of Climate Change on Arctic Wildlife: A Study of Polar Bears and Their Habitat
  • Rising Sea Levels: The Effects on Coastal Communities and Infrastructure
  • The Role of Forests in Climate Change Mitigation: A Case Study of the Amazon Rainforest
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity: A Study of Drought-Prone Regions
  • The Consequences of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs and Marine Life
  • The Effect of Climate Change on Human Health: A Study of Air Quality and Heat Waves
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Indigenous Communities: A Case Study of Arctic and Subarctic Regions
  • The Role of Renewable Energy Sources in Mitigating Climate Change: A Comparative Analysis of Solar and Wind Power
  • The Economic Impact of Climate Change: A Study of Adaptation and Mitigation Costs
  • The Potential of Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies in Mitigating Climate Change: An Assessment of Current and Future Applications

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Environmental Research Topics on Ecology

In this category, we’ve gathered essential topics on environmental issues. Use any to do your research about the conservation of biodiversity. Present its role in the food chain and the possible environmental consequences of the violation of this process. Try to explore different approaches in your academic paper. It may become one of your most successful environmental science projects . Researchers are doing their best to resolve existing problems. So, with your essay, you can make a contribution to environmental science.

  • The Impact of Invasive Species on Native Ecosystems: A Case Study of the Burmese Python in the Florida Everglades
  • The Role of Keystone Species in Ecosystem Functioning: A Study of Wolves in Yellowstone National Park
  • The Effect of Habitat Fragmentation on Biodiversity: A Study of Tropical Forests
  • The Importance of Pollinators in Ecosystem Services: A Study of Bees and Their Role in Crop Pollination
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems: A Study of Temperate and Boreal Forests
  • The Effect of Human Disturbance on Marine Ecosystems: A Study of Coral Reefs and Coastal Habitats
  • The Role of Wetlands in Water Quality and Flood Control: A Study of Marshes and Swamps
  • The Impact of Overfishing on Marine Ecosystems: A Case Study of Sharks and Their Importance in Ocean Food Webs
  • The Role of Ecological Restoration in Ecosystem Recovery: A Study of Dam Removal and River Restoration Projects
  • The Effect of Pollution on Aquatic Ecosystems: A Study of Chemical Contamination and Its Effects on Fish and Other Aquatic Life

Sustainability Topics for an Essay

The best way of saving our home is its everyday protection. There you can focus on the topics on environmental issues related to sustainability and its effectiveness. Write your essay on environment about the benefits of making environmental conservation our daily routine. Offer the ways of its implementation in variable areas. With this list of environment essay topics, you’ll be a part of innovation.

  • The Role of Sustainable Agriculture in Feeding a Growing Population
  • he Importance of Sustainable Packaging: How to Reduce Waste and Carbon Footprint
  • Green Building: The Benefits of Sustainable Design and Construction
  • The Impact of Sustainable Tourism on Local Communities and the Environment
  • The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Promoting Sustainability
  • The Benefits of Sustainable Transportation: A Study of Electric Cars and Public Transit Systems
  • The Power of Sustainable Investing: How to Invest Responsibly for a Better Future
  • Sustainable Fashion: How to Shop Responsibly and Reduce Environmental Impact
  • Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Clean Future: The Pros and Cons of Renewable Energy Sources
  • The Importance of Sustainable Water Management: How to Conserve and Protect Our Most Precious Resource

Topics about Renewable Energy

It’s no secret that natural resources are being depleted. It’s an occasion to think about ways of replacing them. Think about possible ways to reduce energy consumption and focus on renewable resources. Reflect on how humanity can stabilize climate issues and reduce the level of pollution with renewable energy. Share your opinion about energy conservation, the options for its replacement, and the further positive impact of such actions on climate. Check the list to compose your argumentative essay on conservation of nature.

  • The Pros and Cons of Solar Energy: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • The Potential of Wind Energy: A Case Study of the United States and Europe
  • The Future of Hydrogen Fuel: A Study of Its Potential as a Renewable Energy Source
  • The Role of Geothermal Energy in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • The Benefits and Challenges of Biomass Energy: A Study of Biofuels and Biopower
  • The Power of Tidal Energy: A Study of Its Potential in Coastal Regions
  • The Impact of Renewable Energy on Rural Communities: A Case Study of Small-Scale Projects
  • The Role of Government Policies in Promoting Renewable Energy: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Potential of Energy Storage Technologies in Facilitating the Integration of Renewable Energy
  • The Benefits of Distributed Generation: A Study of Rooftop Solar and Small Wind Turbines

Topics on Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is the result of devastating human activities. The main consequences are the melting of glaciers, lack of drinking water in some regions, and climate change. Look through the environment essay topics that we have collected. Describe the reasons and further possible changes on earth, consult the articles of climate scientists, and make your arguments.

  • The Science of Greenhouse Effect: How Does It Work and What Are Its Effects on the Climate?
  • The Role of Carbon Dioxide in the Greenhouse Effect: A Study of Its Sources and Sinks
  • The Impact of Methane on the Greenhouse Effect: A Study of Its Sources and Consequences
  • The Role of Water Vapor in the Greenhouse Effect: A Study of Its Effects on Climate Feedback
  • The Effect of Deforestation on the Greenhouse Effect: A Study of the Loss of Carbon Sinks
  • The Impact of Agriculture on the Greenhouse Effect: A Study of Livestock and Crop Production
  • The Potential of Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • The Role of Government Policies in Addressing the Greenhouse Effect: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Impact of Human Activity on the Greenhouse Effect: A Study of Fossil Fuel Use and Land Use Change
  • The Future of the Greenhouse Effect: A Study of Climate Projections and Mitigation Strategies

Global Warming Essay Topics

One of the most common environmental issues of our generation is global warming. Natural disasters, abnormal weather changes, drought, and extreme temperatures aren’t the only consequences of global warming.

Due to the relevance of this subject, many students opt for this theme. We offer global warming essay samples to facilitate the process of writing for you. Check them to compose the best academic paper and receive the highest grade.

  • Global Warming and the Arctic: How Melting Ice Impacts the Planet
  • The Impact of Global Warming on Extreme Weather Events: A Study of Heat Waves and Hurricanes
  • The Effects of Global Warming on Biodiversity: A Study of Climate Change and Species Extinction
  • The Role of Human Activities in Causing Global Warming: A Study of Carbon Emissions and Land Use Change
  • The Impact of Global Warming on Agriculture: A Study of Crop Yields and Food Security
  • The Consequences of Global Warming on Ocean Acidification: A Study of Its Effects on Marine Life
  • The Role of International Agreements in Addressing Global Warming: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Potential of Renewable Energy in Reducing Global Warming: A Study of Clean Energy Technologies
  • The Impact of Global Warming on Public Health: A Study of Heat-Related Illnesses and Disease Outbreaks
  • The Future of Global Warming: A Study of Climate Projections and Adaptation Strategies


Pollution Essay Topics

Not only nature but also every person suffers from pollution. Air pollution, for instance, causes serious diseases, sometimes with lethal outcomes. One of the causative agents of water, air pollution, and spoiling soil are pollutants. Let us present youwith a few options of thought-provoking environmental issues for your essay.

  • Air Pollution and Its Consequences: A Study of the Impact on Human Health
  • The Effects of Water Pollution on Marine Ecosystems: A Study of Plastic Pollution and Overfishing
  • The Role of Agricultural Practices in Causing Soil Pollution: A Study of Pesticides and Fertilizers
  • The Impact of Industrial Pollution on Local Communities: A Study of Toxic Waste and Environmental Justice
  • The Effect of Noise Pollution on Human Health and Well-being: A Study of Urban Environments
  • The Role of Government Policies in Addressing Pollution: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Consequences of Light Pollution on Wildlife and Ecosystems: A Study of Artificial Light at Night
  • The Potential of Green Technologies in Reducing Pollution: A Study of Sustainable Production and Consumption
  • The Impact of Indoor Pollution on Human Health: A Study of Household Chemicals and Poor Ventilation
  • The Future of Pollution: A Study of Climate Change and Its Effects on Environmental Degradation

Ideas for Environmental Essay

Last but not least, top of environmental ideas and issues to reveal. By implementing these topics, you can generally speak about modern approaches and up-to-date scientific ideas. Think about the influence of the Government on ecological questions and some possible new projects. Share your opinion about clean tourism and transportation, or describe the model of an eco-friendly city. As you can see, in any of these subjects, you can reflect.

  • The Urgency of Climate Action: Addressing the Environmental Crisis
  • Sustainability: The Key to a Greener Future
  • The Role of Government in Protecting the Environment
  • The Environmental Impact of Transportation: Finding Solutions for Cleaner Travel
  • The Power of Education in Environmental Awareness and Action
  • The Ethics of Environmentalism: Balancing Human Needs and Nature’s Rights
  • Wildfires, Floods, and Storms: The Increasing Frequency of Extreme Weather Events
  • The Significance of Conservation and Preservation of Natural Resources for Future Generations.
  • The Importance of Preserving Wetlands: A Critical Ecosystem
  • Eco-Friendly Cities: Designing for Sustainable Living and Reducing Carbon Footprint.

Hope you’ve liked our selection of essay topics on environmental issues and managed to find the most appropriate one. There are plenty of problems that should be urgently resolved. In your academic paper, you can express and underline the necessity of actions on the part of every citizen. Describe new approaches and the ways of their implementation. By applying any topic from the list, you’ll definitely get the highest grade.

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environmental essay ideas

  • 140 Environmental Essay Topics

In any academic discipline, writing an essay on the environment can be a daunting task, no matter what the subject matter. Not only should students understand the complexities of the natural world, but they should also be able to communicate their ideas clearly in writing.

To combat the many challenges students can face when crafting an environmental essay, we’ve created this handy guide detailing how to write an environmental essay and even included 140 environmental essay topics to help get you started.

What Is an Environmental Essay?

An environmental essay is a type of paper where a student must choose a topic related to the environment and present an argument, opinion, or point of view about it. The primary purpose of this type of essay is to educate readers on a given issue and raise awareness about potential solutions.

How to Write an Environmental Essay: A Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1: choose an essay topic.

Before you can start writing your environmental essay, you need to choose a topic. Writing this type of paper may appear simple, but finding the right topic can be the most difficult part of the process. You’ll want to choose a topic that matches the essay format to ensure that the writing process is as smooth as possible.

For example, if you are tasked with writing an argumentative essay on a particular environmental issue, make sure that your topic can be argued. Avoid choosing a topic that is too broad or too specific, as this can make it challenging to develop a clear thesis statement and support your argument.

If your environmental essay is a compare and contrast essay, you’ll want to choose two topics that can be effectively compared and contrasted. And if your essay is a cause and effect essay, make sure that your topic focuses on causes or effects (or both) related to an environmental issue.

Step 2: Develop a Thesis Statement

Once you’ve chosen your essay topic, it’s time to develop a thesis statement. This is a sentence (or two) that summarizes your paper’s central argument. Specificity and focus are the hallmarks of a well-crafted thesis statement. In other words, it should be open to discussion and disagreement.

For example, a weak thesis statement might be something like:

“The environment is important.”

While this statement is true, it’s too general to be the focus of an entire essay. A stronger thesis statement might be:

“It’s time to stop polluting and other activities that harm the environment.”

This is a well-reasoned statement that expresses a firm opinion on the subject. It’s a good topic for an argumentative essay because it’s open to debate.

Step 3: Do Your Research

Now that you have a thesis statement, it’s time to do your research. This will involve finding sources (such as books, articles, and websites) that support your argument. When taking notes from your sources, be sure to write down the author, title, and publication date for each one. This will make it easier to create your Works Cited page later on.

As you’re doing your research, keep your essay format in mind. For example, if you are writing a five-paragraph essay, make sure that you have enough evidence to support your thesis statement and fill out each of the three body paragraphs.

Step 4: Write a Draft

Now it’s time to start writing your first draft. Begin by creating an outline that will help you organize your thoughts and ideas. Then, as you flesh out paragraphs from your outline, keep your audience in mind and make sure that your argument is clear and easy to follow.

Your draft should include an introduction, ideas for each body paragraph, and a conclusion. It is important to include your thesis statement in your introduction and to restate it in your conclusion.

Keep in mind that each body paragraph will always need a clear and interesting topic sentence, as well as a transition sentence that sums up the section. The following are some good examples of sentences that begin or transition:

“Even though many people do not consider the environment to be important, it is vital to our continued existence. It is impossible to survive without a healthy environment.

In order to see this, you can look at the…”

“Humans are clearly causing harm to the environment, but what are the root causes of this? I believe that the most important issue is….”

“We can all see the effects of environmental degradation, but persuading people to alter their behavior is a difficult task. While the…”

Each of these sentences offers a clear and concise argument that can be explored in more depth in the body paragraphs.

Step 5: Edit and Proofread

After writing your essay, it’s time to edit and proofread it. This is the process of making sure that there are no errors in your grammar or spelling. It’s also a good idea to read your essay aloud to make sure that it flows smoothly.

With the helpful guide above detailing the process of creating an environmental essay, you should now have no trouble writing on your topic of choice. However, if you’re still struggling to find the perfect topic, consider one of the following 140 environmental essay topics.

Environmental Essay Topics About Pollution

  • The dangers of plastic pollution
  • How climate change is affecting our environment
  • The causes and effects of water pollution
  • Air pollution in cities: a problem that needs to be addressed
  • The issue of noise pollution and its effects on our health
  • The dangers of pesticides and herbicides
  • How deforestation is affecting our environment
  • The problem of light pollution
  • The dangers of nuclear waste
  • How climate change is affecting our weather

Environmental Essay Topics About Conservation

  • Why it’s important to conserve water
  • How to reduce your carbon footprint
  • Why recycling is important for the environment
  • The importance of composting
  • How to reduce your energy consumption
  • Why it’s essential to protect endangered species
  • How you can help the environment in your everyday life
  • The benefits of organic farming
  • Why it’s important to reduce, reuse, and recycle
  • The dangers of mountaintop removal mining

Environmental Essay Topics About Animals

  • How climate change is affecting animals in the wild
  • The declining populations of bees and other pollinators
  • How deforestation is affecting wildlife habitats
  • The problem of invasive species
  • The plight of endangered animals
  • How zoos and aquariums are helping to conserve animals
  • How to make your home more wildlife-friendly
  • The importance of responsible pet ownership
  • How to help local wildlife in your area
  • Why it’s important to spay and neuter your pets

Environmental Essay Topics About Plants

  • The importance of trees for the environment
  • Newly discovered flora species with exciting medicinal benefits
  • The benefits of permaculture
  • How to make your garden more wildlife-friendly
  • Why it’s important to plant native species
  • How to help local flora in your area
  • The specific compounds in herbicides that affect particular plant species
  • The benefits of home gardening

Environmental Essay Topics About Sustainability

  • What is sustainability?
  • The importance of sustainable living
  • How to live a more sustainable lifestyle
  • The benefits of renewable energy sources
  • The problems with nuclear energy
  • Public transport v. carpooling: A comparative analysis
  • How to make your home more energy-efficient
  • The dangers of recycling the wrong items
  • Socio-economic factors that make organic farming difficult for the masses
  • How to shop sustainably

Environmental Essay Topics About Climate Change

  • The causes of climate change
  • The effects of climate change on the world’s economy
  • The potential impact of climate change on our health
  • The effect of climate change on plant and animal species
  • Compare and contrast two factors driving climate change
  • Analyze arguments for and against climate change
  • The possible solutions to climate change
  • The role of the individual in combating climate change

Environmental Essay Topics About Environmentalism

  • What is environmentalism?
  • The history of environmentalism
  • The goals of environmentalism
  • The different branches of environmentalism
  • How you can get involved in environmentalism
  • The benefits of environmentalism
  • The challenges of environmentalism
  • Environmentalism v. consumerism: A comparative analysis
  • How environmentalism is affecting our economy
  • The future of environmentalism

Environmental Essay Topics About History

  • How the Industrial Revolution changed the environment
  • The environmental impact of World War I
  • The environmental impact of World War II
  • How colonialism has impacted the environment
  • The environmental effect of the American Civil War
  • Reconstruction and its effect on the environment
  • The Dust Bowl and its environmental effects
  • The environmental impact of the Great Depression
  • The environmental consequences of the Cold War
  • How 9/11 has impacted the environment

Environmental Essay Topics About Natural Disasters

  • The effects of floods on the environment
  • The effect of droughts on the environment
  • Wildfires: Causes and solutions
  • Causes for the growing intensity of environmental storms
  • How can we prepare for natural disasters?
  • The role of the media in natural disaster relief
  • The impact of natural disasters on our economy
  • The importance of environmental protection during times of emergency
  • Psychological effects of natural disasters
  • Natural disasters and their effect on our infrastructure

Environmental Essay Topics About Alternative Resources

  • Understanding the benefits of hemp production for paper
  • The use of biogas as an environmentally friendly resource
  • The pros and cons of nuclear power
  • Why solar energy is the way of the future
  • How wind turbines are changing the energy game
  • The potential of geothermal energy
  • The benefits and drawbacks of using tidal power
  • The use of rainwater harvesting as an alternative water source
  • How to make recycling more effective
  • Why we should be using more recycled materials in the construction industry
  • The benefits of using recycled materials in the automotive industry
  • Why we should be using more alternative energy sources

Environmental Essay Topics About Education

  • The role of education in environmental protection
  • The importance of environmental education
  • Environmental education programs that work
  • The challenges of environmental education
  • How to make environmental education more effective
  • The future of environmental education

Environmental Essay Topics About Water

  • Analyze the current state of the world’s water supply
  • The importance of freshwater
  • The global water crisis
  • Solutions to the global water crisis
  • How climate change is affecting our water supply
  • How to conserve water
  • The benefits of recycling wastewater
  • The dangers of contaminated water
  • The effect of oil spills on the environment
  • The role of the individual in protecting water resources
  • What we can do to stop water pollution
  • How to make our sewage system more efficient

Environmental Essay Topics About Air Pollution

  • The effects of air pollution on human health
  • The causes of air pollution
  • Solutions to air pollution
  • How to reduce air pollution
  • The impact of air pollution on the environment
  • The effect of smog on the environment
  • The benefits of reducing emissions
  • How to make our cities more livable
  • Reducing noise pollution
  • Why we should be planting more trees

Environmental Essay Topics About Capitalism

  • Compare the environmental effects of capitalism v. socialism
  • The role of the government in environmental protection
  • The impact of capitalism on the environment
  • Is capitalism pushing us into environmental catastrophe?
  • How does capitalism contribute to climate change?
  • The pros and cons of green capitalism

Environmental Essay Topics About Technology

  • The impact of technology on the environment
  • The effect of social media on the environment
  • The role of technology in environmental protection
  • The environmental impact of Bitcoin

These 140 environmental essay topics will give students plenty of material to work with and should make writing the essay relatively easy.

Remember that these topics are just examples and can be altered or combined to better suit your needs. Once you have a topic in mind, follow the writing guide above to ensure you hand in a high-quality environmental essay that will earn you a good grade.

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344 Environmental Essay Topics & Ideas

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Environmental essay topics explore people’s interconnection with nature. Some themes may range from examining the escalating effects of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution to the promotion of sustainable practices and green technologies. These subjects invite in-depth discourse on the ethical dimensions of environmental conservation, touching on issues, such as eco-justice and the rights of indigenous communities. They also encompass the analysis of environmental policies, the role of global governance in environmental preservation, and the economic implications of environmental degradation. By offering a diverse landscape for discussion, these environmental essay topics provide a valid platform to not only raise awareness but also generate solutions for the ongoing environmental crises. Each topic is an invitation to deep, critical thinking, encouraging individuals to take an active role in understanding and protecting the planet.

Best Environmental Essay Topics

  • Climate Change: Consequences and Possible Solutions
  • Biodiversity in the Rainforest: The Imperative of Protection
  • The Growing Menace of Ocean Plastic Pollution
  • Nuclear Energy: A Sustainable Future or Environmental Catastrophe?
  • Addressing the Decline of Pollinators: Impacts on Agriculture
  • Impacts of Agriculture on Freshwater Systems
  • Environmental Education: Key to Creating Sustainable Societies
  • Depletion of Natural Resources: Causes, Consequences, and Countermeasures
  • Coral Reefs: Stewardship and Restoration Strategies
  • Increasing Scarcity of Fresh Water: Solving the Global Crisis
  • E-Waste Management: The Hidden Environmental Challenge
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Role of the Transport Sector
  • Renewable Energy: Benefits and Challenges of Solar Power
  • Evolution of Environmental Policies: A Global Perspective
  • Ecotourism: A Sustainable Approach or A Threat to Wildlife?
  • The Importance of Soil Conservation in Farming Practices
  • Industrial Waste: Innovative Techniques for Treatment and Recycling
  • Urbanization: Balancing Development With Environmental Sustainability
  • Genetically Modified Crops: Environmental Benefits and Risks
  • Effects of Mining on Local Ecosystems
  • Global Meat Production: Its Impact on Climate Change
  • Deforestation: Strategies to Reverse the Damage

Easy Environmental Essay Topics

  • Droughts and Their Impact on Food Security
  • Sustainable Fashion: Tackling Waste in the Textile Industry
  • Overfishing: Threat to Marine Biodiversity
  • Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Conservation
  • Geothermal Energy: Potential and Environmental Impacts
  • Oil Spills: Evaluating Long-Term Environmental Effects
  • Conservation of Endangered Species: Success Stories and Lessons Learned
  • Green Architecture: Implications for Urban Planning
  • Rethinking Waste: The Circular Economy Model
  • Desertification: Causes, Impacts, and Prevention Strategies
  • Environmental Justice: Disproportionate Impacts of Pollution on Communities
  • Landfills: Innovations in Waste Management
  • The Influence of Lifestyle Choices on Carbon Footprint
  • Climate Refugees: The Rising Humanitarian Crisis
  • Melting Polar Ice: The Far-Reaching Environmental Impacts
  • Impacts of Invasive Species on Native Ecosystems
  • Noise Pollution: An Underestimated Environmental Hazard
  • Restoration of Wetlands: An Ecological Imperative
  • Understanding the Role of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems
  • Biofuels: A Green Energy Source or Environmental Pitfall?
  • Impacts of the Fashion Industry on Freshwater Depletion
  • Challenges and Successes of Wildlife Corridors
  • Indoor Air Quality: The Unseen Environmental Risk
  • Satellite Technology: Monitoring Environmental Change from Space
  • The Role of Green Spaces in Urban Ecosystems

Environmental Essay Topics & Ideas

Interesting Environmental Essay Topics

  • Carbon Sequestration: Understanding Its Role in Climate Mitigation
  • Health Risks of Air Pollution: A Global Perspective
  • Fracking: Evaluating the Environmental and Health Risks
  • Hydroelectric Power: Balancing Energy Needs and Ecosystem Impact
  • The Environmental Impact of Single-Use Plastics
  • Ecological Footprint: Measurement and Global Comparisons
  • Sustainable Agriculture: The Power of Permaculture
  • The Link Between Deforestation and Disease Outbreaks
  • Roles of Bees in Maintaining Biodiversity
  • Ecological Impacts of Major Oil Pipeline Projects
  • Effects of Light Pollution on Wildlife
  • Algal Blooms: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions
  • Fast Fashion: The Environmental Cost of Disposable Clothing
  • The Future of Electric Vehicles: Environmental Benefits and Challenges
  • Ozone Layer Depletion: Causes and Repercussions
  • Sustainable Forestry: A Path to Climate Resilience
  • Technology’s Role in Alleviating Water Scarcity
  • Population Growth: Implications for Global Sustainability
  • Pesticides: Balancing Crop Protection With Environmental Health
  • Impacts of War on the Environment: A Case Study
  • Microgrid Technology: Implications for Renewable Energy Use
  • Bioengineering: Potential Solution to Climate Change?

Environmental Essay Topics for High School

  • Impacts of Global Warming on Polar Ecosystems
  • Harnessing Solar Energy: A Sustainable Solution
  • The Consequences of Deforestation: Amazon Rainforest Case Study
  • Biodiversity Loss: The Silent Extinction
  • Strategies for Water Conservation in Arid Regions
  • Plastic Pollution: Tackling the Global Crisis
  • Urbanization’s Effect on Green Spaces
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Balancing Human Needs and Nature
  • Coral Reefs: Challenges and Conservation Efforts
  • Air Quality and Health: The Underestimated Link
  • Climate Change: Influences on Global Migration Patterns
  • Overfishing: A Threat to Marine Ecosystems
  • Electric Vehicles: A Solution to Air Pollution
  • E-Waste Management: Ethical and Environmental Challenges
  • Oceans as Carbon Sinks: Role and Vulnerabilities
  • Consumerism and Its Environmental Footprint
  • The Significance of Indigenous Knowledge in Conservation Efforts
  • Acid Rain: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  • The Role of Green Buildings in Reducing Environmental Impact
  • Fashion Industry: Analyzing Its Environmental Costs
  • Nuclear Energy: Environmental Risks and Rewards

Environmental Essay Topics for College Students

  • Evaluating the Impacts of Deforestation on Global Climate
  • Greenhouse Gases: Understanding Their Sources and Implications
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Future Pathways for Food Security
  • Examining the Consequences of Urban Sprawl
  • Ocean Acidification: A Silent Crisis
  • The Rising Problem of Electronic Waste: Solutions and Challenges
  • Species Extinction: Assessing the Role of Human Activities
  • Wetlands Conservation: Why Is It Critical for Biodiversity?
  • Renewable Energy: The Path to a Sustainable Future
  • Fast Fashion and Its Environmental Implications
  • Impacts of Air Pollution on Urban Environments
  • Conserving Endangered Species: The Role of Zoos and Sanctuaries
  • Marine Pollution: The Threats to Our Oceans and Seas
  • Analyzing the Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy
  • Challenges in Water Conservation: A Global Perspective
  • The Critical Role of Bees in Ecosystems
  • Understanding the Threat of Invasive Species
  • Melting Polar Ice: The Consequences for Marine Life
  • Ecotourism: An Environmental and Economic Boon or Bane?
  • Discussing the Causes and Effects of Soil Erosion
  • Dams: Balancing Human Needs and Environmental Consequences
  • Evaluating the Environmental Impact of Meat Production

Environmental Essay Topics for University

  • Urban Green Spaces: Their Importance and Conservation
  • The Relationship Between Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation
  • Examining the Environmental Impact of Tourism
  • The Potential of Solar Energy in Mitigating Climate Change
  • Influence of Population Growth on Water Resources
  • The Critical Role of Mangrove Forests in Coastal Protection
  • Oil Spills: Consequences and Cleanup Techniques
  • The Impact of Mining on Natural Ecosystems
  • Relevance of Rainforest Preservation to Climate Stability
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Wind Energy
  • Impacts of Industrialization on Air Quality
  • Effectiveness of International Treaties in Protecting the Environment
  • Desertification: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  • The Role of Public Transportation in Reducing Carbon Emissions
  • Strategies for Reducing Plastic Pollution in Oceans
  • Sustainable Cities: Measures to Improve Urban Sustainability
  • The Role of Green Buildings in Urban Sustainability
  • Biomass Energy: Prospects and Challenges
  • Organic Farming: Impact on Soil Health and Biodiversity
  • Pesticides and Their Impact on Non-Target Species
  • Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Path Forward
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Coral Reefs
  • Carbon Capture: A Potential Solution to Climate Change?

Argumentative Environmental Essay Topics

  • Adoption of Renewable Energy: A Necessity for a Sustainable Future
  • Implications of Overpopulation on Global Biodiversity
  • Forest Conservation: An Essential Strategy Against Climate Change
  • Measures to Control Industrial Pollution: A Policy Perspective
  • Implementing Strict Regulations on Plastic Usage: Is It Effective?
  • Roles of Urbanization in Escalating Air Quality Concerns
  • Genetically Modified Crops: Solution or Threat to Biodiversity?
  • Governments Should Mandate Sustainable Practices in Corporations: A Debate
  • Ocean Acidification: Consequences and Mitigation Techniques
  • Impacts of Fast Fashion on Environmental Sustainability
  • Ecotourism: A Sustainable Economic Model or Environmental Exploitation?
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Carbon Taxation Policies
  • Overfishing: A Global Crisis and Its Impacts on Ecosystems
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Global Agriculture: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Mitigating Deforestation: Evaluating the Effectiveness of REDD+ Initiatives
  • Nuclear Energy: An Environmentally-Friendly Power Source or Potential Hazard?
  • Sustainable Farming Practices: Are They Really Beneficial?
  • Environmental Ethics: Assessing Our Responsibility Toward Future Generations
  • Veganism and Its Potential Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Landfill Waste Management: Strategies for Reducing Environmental Impact
  • The Threat of Microplastics in Aquatic Ecosystems: Causes and Solutions

Controversial Environmental Essay Topics

  • Examining the True Cost of Fossil Fuels: Environmental Damage vs. Economic Development
  • Debating the Efficacy of Carbon Capture Technology: Promising Solution or Futile Endeavour?
  • Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) on Biodiversity: Progress or Peril?
  • Harnessing Nuclear Power: Environmental Savior or Silent Killer?
  • Climate Change’s Influence on Global Politics: Cooperation or Conflict?
  • Gauging the Ecological Footprint of Digital Technologies: Is Green IT Possible?
  • Geoengineering and Climate Intervention: Responsible Management or Playing God?
  • Ecotourism’s Paradox: Protecting or Exploiting Nature?
  • Meat Consumption’s Role in Environmental Degradation: Time for a Dietary Revolution?
  • Urban Sprawl and Ecosystem Fragmentation: Can Smart Cities Reverse the Trend?
  • Plastic Waste Management: Effective Recycling or Biodegradable Solutions?
  • Implications of Overpopulation: Is Population Control Ethically Justifiable?
  • Are Renewable Energy Sources Truly Sustainable? Unveiling Hidden Environmental Costs.
  • Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biodiversity: A Looming Crisis?
  • Deforestation and Indigenous Rights: A Clash of Interests?
  • Deciphering the Economic Viability of Green Energy: Profitability or Philanthropy?
  • Invasive Species and Ecosystem Balance: Is Human Intervention Necessary?
  • Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking): Energy Solution or Environmental Nightmare?
  • Industrial Agriculture’s Role in Soil Degradation: Need for Agroecological Methods?
  • Chemical Pesticides vs. Organic Farming: Which Ensures Food Security?

Environmental Essay Topics on Air Pollution

  • Analyzing the Health Impacts of Industrial Air Pollution
  • Air Quality Index: An Essential Tool for Monitoring Air Pollution
  • Measures for Mitigating Vehicular Air Pollution in Urban Centers
  • The Role of Wildfires in Exacerbating Global Air Pollution
  • Climate Change: The Direct Consequences of Increasing Air Pollution
  • The Intricate Relationship Between Air Pollution and Respiratory Diseases
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Air Quality Regulations in Developed Countries
  • Industrialization’s Impacts on Air Pollution: A Case Study of China
  • Strategies for Reducing Household Air Pollution in Developing Countries
  • Air Pollution in Megacities: The Case of New Delhi
  • Policy Analysis: International Efforts to Control Air Pollution
  • The Silent Killer: Long-Term Effects of Exposure to Air Pollution
  • Proliferation of Plastic Waste: A Significant Contributor to Air Pollution
  • Impacts of Agriculture-Related Air Pollution on Rural Communities
  • E-Waste and Its Contribution to Toxic Air Pollution
  • The Dangers of Radioactive Air Pollution: A Deep Dive Into Chernobyl
  • The Unseen Consequences of Military Conflicts on Air Pollution
  • Understanding the Global Disparity in Air Pollution Standards
  • Dissecting the Impact of Air Pollution on Biodiversity
  • A Critique of Current Air Purification Technologies
  • The Effect of Deforestation on Air Pollution Levels

Environmental Essay Topics on Water Pollution

  • Investigating the Impact of Industrial Effluents on Groundwater Quality
  • Analysis of Microplastic Contamination in Marine Ecosystems
  • Unveiling the Truth: The Health Effects of Drinking Polluted Water
  • Dead Zones in the Ocean: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • Pharmaceutical Pollution in Waterways: The Unseen Threat
  • Heavy Metal Contamination in Freshwater Bodies: A Silent Crisis
  • Acid Rain and its Detrimental Effects on Aquatic Life
  • Understanding the Role of Agriculture in Nutrient Pollution
  • The Consequences of Oil Spills on Marine Wildlife and Coastal Communities
  • The Menace of Eutrophication: Lake and River Ecosystems at Risk
  • Sewage Disposal: Unraveling Its Environmental and Health Implications
  • The True Cost of Fracking: Contaminated Water Supplies
  • Algal Blooms: Understanding Their Causes and Ecological Impacts
  • Plastic Waste in Oceans: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
  • Microorganisms and Water Pollution: Unseen Invaders
  • Unearthing the Impact of Mining Activities on Water Quality
  • Radioactive Waste Disposal in Oceans: A Lurking Danger
  • Landfills Leaching: Assessing Its Impact on Groundwater Pollution
  • Tackling Water Pollution: Emerging Technologies and Innovations
  • Ship Wrecks and Underwater Munitions: The Forgotten Water Pollutants

Environmental Essay Topics on Ecosystem Pollution

  • Analyzing the Impact of Oil Spills on Marine Ecosystems
  • Investigating Agricultural Runoff’s Role in Eutrophication of Freshwater Bodies
  • Exploring the Detrimental Effects of Air Pollution on Forest Ecosystems
  • Revealing the Long-Term Consequences of Acid Rain on Soil Ecosystems
  • Scrutinizing the Influence of Industrial Waste on Wetland Ecosystems
  • Discussing the Impact of Microplastics on Aquatic Ecosystems
  • Evaluating the Effects of Heavy Metal Contamination in River Ecosystems
  • Assessing the Interplay Between Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss
  • Elucidating the Consequences of Landfills on Terrestrial Ecosystems
  • Debating the Ramifications of Climate Change on Arctic Ecosystems
  • Investigating Urbanization and Its Effect on Local Ecosystems
  • Pondering the Effects of Light Pollution on Nocturnal Ecosystems
  • Highlighting the Impact of Persistent Organic Pollutants on Ecosystem Health
  • Examining the Influence of Noise Pollution on Wildlife Ecosystems
  • Interpreting the Effects of Overfishing on Oceanic Ecosystems
  • Unraveling the Role of Radioactive Contamination on Ecosystem Dynamics
  • Detailing the Impacts of Pesticide Drift on Non-Target Ecosystems
  • Illustrating the Detrimental Effects of E-Waste on Terrestrial Ecosystems
  • Clarifying the Implications of Chemical Fertilizers on Soil Microbial Ecosystems
  • Delving Into the Consequences of Greenhouse Gases on Global Ecosystems
  • Weighing the Impact of Tourism on Fragile Ecosystems

Environmental Essay Topics on Waste Management & Utilization

  • Sustainable Methods for Waste Management and Utilization
  • Innovative Approaches to Recycling and Waste Reduction
  • The Role of Technology in Waste Management and Utilization
  • Maximizing Resource Recovery Through Effective Waste Management
  • Promoting Circular Economy: Waste Management and Utilization
  • Waste-to-Energy Solutions: Harnessing the Power of Waste
  • Effective Strategies for Hazardous Waste Management and Utilization
  • The Importance of Community Engagement in Waste Management
  • Exploring Biodegradable Alternatives for Waste Management
  • Enhancing Public Awareness of Waste Management and Utilization
  • Economic Benefits of Efficient Waste Management Systems
  • Sustainable Packaging Solutions: Waste Management and Utilization
  • Addressing E-Waste: Challenges and Solutions for Proper Management
  • Innovative Methods for Organic Waste Management and Utilization
  • Waste Management in the Construction Industry: Best Practices
  • The Role of Legislation and Policy in Waste Management and Utilization
  • Waste Management and Utilization in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Waste Minimization Strategies for a Greener Future
  • The Impact of Consumer Behavior on Waste Management and Utilization
  • Effective Strategies for Industrial Waste Management and Utilization

Environmental Essay Topics on Depletion of Natural Resources

  • Renewable Energy Sources and Their Role in Resource Depletion
  • Urbanization and Loss of Natural Habitats
  • Preservation of Endangered Species
  • Responsible Mining Practices and Environmental Protection
  • Sustainable Forestry for Timber Production
  • Managing Water Scarcity in Arid Regions
  • Control of Erosion and Land Degradation
  • Impacts of Overconsumption on Resource Depletion
  • Sustainable Fishing Practices and Aquatic Resource Management
  • Recycling and Waste Management for Resource Conservation
  • Soil Conservation and Nutrient Depletion
  • Conservation of Coral Reefs and Marine Biodiversity
  • Alternative Materials for Reducing Resource Depletion
  • Sustainable Tourism and Protection of Natural Resources
  • Strategies for Sustainable Water Management
  • Energy Efficiency and Reduction of Resource Depletion
  • Preservation of Natural Carbon Sinks
  • Environmental Impacts of Extractive Industries
  • Conservation of Rainforests and Tropical Biodiversity
  • Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Agriculture
  • Renewable Energy Transition and Resource Preservation
  • Management of Non-Renewable Resource Depletion
  • Sustainable Consumption Patterns and Resource Conservation

Environmental Essay Topics About Human Impact

  • Technology’s Role in Environmental Conservation
  • Overfishing: Consequences for Oceanic Ecosystems
  • Promoting Sustainable Economic Development Through Ecotourism
  • Addressing the Water Crisis: Sustainable Management and Conservation
  • Urbanization’s Impacts on Natural Habitats
  • The Power of Education in Promoting Environmental Awareness
  • International Environmental Agreements: Effectiveness and Implications
  • Sustainable Transportation: Reducing Carbon Emissions
  • Wetlands: Ecological Importance and Preservation Efforts
  • Consumer Choices: Driving Environmental Conservation
  • Recycling Programs: Benefits, Challenges, and Innovations
  • Protecting Endangered Species: Successful Conservation Strategies
  • Green Architecture: Designing Sustainable Buildings
  • Sustainable Fashion: Ethical and Eco-Friendly Practices
  • Mining Activities: Impacts on Land and Water Resources
  • Forest Restoration: Carbon Sequestration and Importance
  • Climate Change and Natural Disasters: Understanding the Connection
  • Pesticides and Herbicides: Effects on Ecosystems and Human Health
  • Environmental Regulations: Controlling Industrial Pollution
  • Rural Electrification: Harnessing the Potential of Renewable Energy
  • Sustainable Consumption: Reducing Waste and Carbon Footprints

Essay Topics About Nature and Environment

  • Sustainable Urban Development: Green Infrastructure and Efficient Resource Management
  • Ecosystem Restoration: Rehabilitating Degraded Landscapes and Habitats
  • The Significance of Coral Reefs for Marine Biodiversity and Coastal Protection
  • Promoting Sustainable Waste Management: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  • The Impacts of Overfishing on Oceanic Food Chains and Fisheries
  • Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Vulnerable Communities
  • The Relationship Between Human Health and Environmental Quality
  • The Role of Environmental Education in Shaping Sustainable Mindsets
  • Protecting Water Resources: Conservation and Efficient Use
  • Impacts of Urbanization on Wildlife Habitats and Ecological Connectivity
  • Promoting Green Buildings and Energy-Efficient Infrastructure
  • Biodiversity Hotspots: Protecting Regions of Exceptional Natural Value
  • The Role of International Agreements in Environmental Conservation
  • Addressing Plastic Pollution: Towards a Plastic-Free Future
  • The Importance of Soil Health for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Promoting Sustainable Transportation: From Electric Vehicles to Public Transit
  • Benefits and Challenges of Implementing Renewable Energy Sources
  • The Role of Environmental NGOs in Advocacy and Conservation Efforts
  • Preserving Natural Landscapes: National Parks and Protected Areas
  • The Impacts of Industrialization on Air Quality and Human Health

Environmental Law Essay Topics

  • Addressing Deforestation: Strategies for Forest Conservation
  • Regulating Fracking: Assessing Environmental and Health Risks
  • Managing Water Resources in a Changing Climate: Legal Challenges
  • The Role of Environmental NGOs in Shaping Policy and Law
  • Examining Legal Implications of Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Balancing Conservation and Indigenous Rights: A Legal Perspective
  • Waste Management and Recycling: Legal Approaches
  • Evaluating Wildlife Protection Laws and Enforcement Mechanisms
  • Analyzing Climate Change Litigation: Legal Implications
  • Air Pollution: Legal Frameworks and Mitigation Strategies
  • Ensuring Environmental Compliance in Extractive Industries
  • Controlling Pollution From Industrial Activities: Legal Mechanisms
  • Promoting Sustainable Urban Development: Legal Strategies
  • Liability and Compensation in Environmental Damage Cases
  • Legal Frameworks for Environmental Education and Awareness
  • Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital Valuation: Legal Perspectives
  • Regulating Agricultural Practices for Sustainable Farming
  • Protecting Marine Biodiversity: Legal Frameworks for Conservation
  • Promoting Renewable Energy Investments: Legal Incentives
  • International Trade Law and Environmental Considerations
  • Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade: Legal Strategies
  • Integrating Indigenous Traditional Knowledge Into Environmental Law

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130+ Environmental Essay Topics That Will Earn You High Grades

Updated 20 Jun 2024

Environmental issues are as relevant as ever, so there is a high chance that your teacher or instructor might assign you a paper on the topic. However, choosing a unique and interesting topic on the subject is rather hard, as a lot of environmental essay topics have been explored over and over again.

Selecting impactful environmental essay topics is crucial, and if you're struggling, you might consider a service to write my essay , ensuring thorough research and a strong argument. Fortunately for you, we’re here to help you with this problem. Take a look at some of the most relevant and timely environmental issues essay topics you can explore to get a high grade on your assignment.

Environmental Essay Topics

Popular Environmental Essay Topics

  • The Impact of Climate Change on Global Ecosystems.
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Reducing Carbon Footprint.
  • Ocean Acidification and Its Effects on Marine Life.
  • The Consequences of Deforestation on Biodiversity.
  • Urban Sprawl and Its Environmental Impacts.
  • The Growing Problem of Electronic Waste and Its Disposal.
  • The Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health and the Environment.
  • The Importance of Water Conservation in the Face of Global Water Scarcity.
  • The Impact of Agricultural Practices on Soil Health and Biodiversity.
  • Plastic Pollution in Oceans: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions.
  • The Role of Green Technology in Sustainable Development.
  • The Environmental and Health Risks of Fracking.
  • The Challenges of Wildlife Conservation in the 21st Century.
  • The Effects of Overfishing on Ocean Ecosystems.
  • The Relationship Between Environmental Policies and Climate Change Mitigation.

Climate Change Essay Titles

Climate change is one of the most talked-about environmental issues. This makes it a great theme for an essay, as there are a lot of resources available to pull information from. Here are some of the environment essay topics from our essay service that relate to the current state of the climate change discussion:

  • Unraveling the Complexities of Climate Change: Causes and Consequences.
  • The Global Impact of Rising Sea Levels: A Climate Change Perspective.
  • Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events: Understanding the Link.
  • The Role of Human Activities in Accelerating Climate Change.
  • Climate Change Mitigation: Strategies and Challenges.
  • The Economic Implications of Climate Change on Global Markets.
  • Adapting to Climate Change: Solutions for a Sustainable Future.
  • The Polar Ice Meltdown: Indicators and Impacts of Climate Change.
  • Climate Change and Food Security: A Growing Global Concern.
  • Renewable Energy as a Key Solution to Climate Change.
  • The Social and Environmental Justice Issues of Climate Change.
  • Climate Change Education: Raising Awareness and Inspiring Action.
  • The Health Risks Associated with Climate Change.
  • Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss: The Intertwined Challenges.
  • The Paris Agreement: Assessing Global Efforts in Combating Climate Change.

Ecology Essay Topics

Ecology is an established branch of science that studies the relationships between living organisms and the environment they live in. So, questions about the environment are inevitably related to ecology as well. Some of the topics relevant to ecology you can choose from are:

  • The Role of Keystone Species in Ecosystem Stability.
  • The Impact of Invasive Species on Native Biodiversity.
  • Coral Reefs: Ecological Importance and Threats.
  • The Effects of Urbanization on Local Ecosystems.
  • The Relationship Between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience.
  • Wetlands Ecology: Importance and Conservation Challenges.
  • The Ecological Consequences of Deforestation in the Amazon.
  • The Role of Pollinators in Ecosystem Health.
  • Marine Ecosystems: Human Impacts and Conservation Strategies.
  • The Dynamics of Predator-Prey Relationships in Ecosystems.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Alpine Ecosystems.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Ecological Approaches to Farming.
  • The Role of Microorganisms in Soil Health and Fertility.
  • The Ecological Impacts of Plastic Pollution.
  • The Importance of Mangroves in Coastal Ecosystems.

Global Warming Topics

  • The Science Behind Global Warming: Understanding the Greenhouse Effect.
  • The Impact of Global Warming on Polar Ice Caps and Sea Levels.
  • Global Warming and Its Effects on Weather Patterns and Extreme Events.
  • The Role of Fossil Fuels in Accelerating Global Warming.
  • Strategies for Reducing Carbon Emissions to Mitigate Global Warming.
  • The Impact of Global Warming on Agriculture and Food Security.
  • Global Warming and Ocean Acidification: Effects on Marine Ecosystems.
  • The Health Risks Associated with Increasing Global Temperatures.
  • The Economic Costs of Global Warming: Predictions and Preparations.
  • Renewable Energy Solutions to Combat Global Warming.
  • The Role of Deforestation in Contributing to Global Warming.
  • Global Warming and Its Impact on Biodiversity and Wildlife.
  • The Politics of Global Warming: International Agreements and Policies.
  • Public Perception and Awareness of Global Warming Issues.
  • The Future of Global Warming: Predictions and Scenarios.

Environmental Science Essay Topics

Environmental science is specifically dedicated to solving environmental issues. If you choose from this list, you will pick a problem solution topic, which will make you seem more pragmatic:

  • The Role of Environmental Science in Sustainable Development.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Air Pollution on Urban Health.
  • The Importance of Conservation Biology in Preserving Biodiversity.
  • The Effects of Acid Rain on Forest Ecosystems and Wildlife.
  • The Challenges of Managing and Reducing Urban Waste.
  • The Impact of Agricultural Practices on Soil Erosion and Land Degradation.
  • Renewable Energy Sources: Potential and Limitations.
  • The Role of Environmental Policy in Shaping Sustainable Cities.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Freshwater Resources.
  • The Relationship Between Human Health and Environmental Toxins.
  • The Ecological Footprint of Consumerism and Waste.
  • The Science of Restoring Degraded Ecosystems.
  • The Effects of Overfishing on Marine Biodiversity.
  • The Role of Environmental Education in Fostering Sustainable Practices.
  • The Impact of Industrialization on Natural Habitats and Species.

Sustainability Topics for Essays

Sustainability is a critical topic about the environment conservation. It plays a major role in our society, especially in the discussions around big corporations and manufacturers. Some of the topics related to the issue are:

  • The Principles of Sustainable Development: Balancing Economic, Social, and Environmental Goals.
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Achieving Sustainability.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Practices and Impacts on Food Security.
  • The Challenges of Sustainable Urban Planning and Development.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Integrating Sustainability into Business Practices.
  • The Importance of Biodiversity for Sustainable Ecosystems.
  • Sustainable Transportation: Reducing Carbon Emissions and Environmental Impact.
  • The Impact of Sustainable Practices on Global Climate Change.
  • Water Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Management of Water Resources.
  • The Role of Technology in Promoting Environmental Sustainability.
  • Sustainable Fashion: Addressing the Environmental Impact of the Textile Industry.
  • The Economics of Sustainability: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Sustainable Practices.
  • Community-Based Approaches to Sustainable Development.
  • The Importance of Education in Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles.
  • Zero-Waste Lifestyle: Practices and Implications for Sustainability.

Nature and Environment Essay Topics

Some of the essay topics you can choose to focus on nature itself, its dynamics, and interesting facts about it. Some of the themes you can discuss are:

  • The Role of Forests in Maintaining Environmental Balance.
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Natural Habitats.
  • Ocean Conservation: Preserving Marine Biodiversity.
  • The Effects of Human Activities on Wildlife and Natural Ecosystems.
  • The Importance of Protecting Endangered Species.
  • The Relationship Between Nature and Human Well-being.
  • The Ecological Significance of Wetlands.
  • The Consequences of Melting Glaciers for Global Ecosystems.
  • The Role of National Parks in Wildlife Conservation.
  • The Impact of Pollution on Rivers and Lakes.
  • The Importance of Sustainable Land Use in Preserving Natural Resources.
  • The Effects of Deforestation on the Environment and Climate.
  • The Role of Bees and Other Pollinators in Ecosystem Health.
  • The Impact of Urbanization on Natural Landscapes.
  • The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Conservation.

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Environmental Argumentative Essay Topics

If you want to spark a discussion around the subject, these essay topics will definitely help you:

  • Should Governments Implement Stricter Regulations to Combat Climate Change?
  • The Necessity of a Global Ban on Single-Use Plastics.
  • Is Nuclear Energy a Safe and Sustainable Option for the Future?
  • Should Carbon Emissions Be Taxed to Encourage Reduction?
  • The Effectiveness of International Agreements in Addressing Global Warming.
  • Is Organic Farming a Viable Solution for Sustainable Agriculture?
  • Should Public Transportation Be Subsidized to Reduce Environmental Impact?
  • The Ethics of Animal Testing in Environmental Research.
  • Can Technological Innovations Alone Solve the Climate Crisis?
  • The Role of Individual Actions vs. Corporate Responsibility in Environmental Conservation.
  • Should There Be More Incentives for Using Renewable Energy Sources?
  • The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment: Should There Be More Regulation?
  • Is Mandatory Recycling an Effective Strategy for Waste Reduction?
  • Should Offshore Drilling Be Banned to Protect Marine Ecosystems?
  • The Debate Over the True Sustainability of Biofuels.

Environmental Issues Essay Topics

  • The Global Water Crisis: Causes, Effects, and Solutions.
  • Air Pollution: Understanding Its Impact and Exploring Solutions.
  • The Threat of Deforestation to Biodiversity and Climate.
  • The Growing Problem of Electronic Waste: Challenges and Management Strategies.
  • The Impact of Agricultural Pesticides on the Environment and Human Health.
  • Climate Change: Understanding Its Causes and Addressing Its Effects.
  • The Loss of Coral Reefs: Causes, Consequences, and Conservation Efforts.
  • Urban Sprawl and Its Environmental Impact.
  • The Challenges of Sustainable Waste Management in Urban Areas.
  • The Effects of Overfishing on Marine Ecosystems and Biodiversity.
  • Soil Erosion and Degradation: Causes and Prevention Strategies.
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Mitigating Environmental Issues.
  • The Impact of Tourism on Natural Environments and Local Communities.
  • The Challenge of Balancing Economic Development and Environmental Conservation.

Environmental Law Topics

Fortunately, we as a society have started to care more about the environment, you can even often see environment conservation as one of the social issue essay topics. This is why there is more and more legislation around the subject. You can choose one of these topics as a theme for your essay:

  • The Effectiveness of International Environmental Treaties in Combating Climate Change.
  • The Legal Implications of Carbon Emission Trading Schemes.
  • The Role of Environmental Laws in Protecting Endangered Species.
  • Legal Challenges in Enforcing Marine Pollution Regulations.
  • The Impact of Environmental Laws on Sustainable Urban Development.
  • The Legal Framework for Managing Electronic Waste.
  • The Enforcement of Clean Air Acts and Their Impact on Air Quality.
  • Legal Strategies for Water Conservation and Management.
  • The Role of Environmental Impact Assessments in Project Development.
  • The Legalities of Deforestation and Land Use Regulations.
  • The Intersection of Environmental Law and Human Rights.
  • Legal Approaches to Managing Plastic Pollution and Single-Use Plastics.
  • The Regulation of Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Waste.
  • Legal Issues Surrounding Renewable Energy Implementation.
  • The Challenges of Enforcing International Wildlife Trafficking Laws.

Human Impact on the Environment Essay Topics

  • The Effects of Urbanization on Natural Habitats and Biodiversity.
  • Human Contributions to Climate Change: Causes and Solutions.
  • The Environmental Impact of Plastic Consumption and Waste.
  • Deforestation: Human Activities and Their Consequences on Forests.
  • The Role of Agriculture in Soil Degradation and Erosion.
  • The Impact of Industrial Pollution on Air, Water, and Soil Quality.
  • Overfishing: Human Practices and Their Effects on Marine Life.
  • The Consequences of Unsustainable Mining Practices.
  • Human-Induced Natural Disasters: A Study of Land Degradation and Erosion.
  • The Environmental Footprint of the Fashion Industry.
  • The Effects of Human Population Growth on Wildlife and Natural Resources.
  • The Impact of Transportation on Air Pollution and Climate Change.
  • Waste Management: Human Challenges and Environmental Effects.
  • The Role of Consumerism in Global Environmental Degradation.
  • The Impact of Technological Advancements on Environmental Sustainability.

Technology Saving Environment Essay Topics

  • The Role of Renewable Energy Technologies in Reducing Carbon Emissions.
  • Innovations in Water Purification and Conservation Technologies.
  • The Impact of Electric Vehicles on Reducing Air Pollution.
  • Smart Cities: Integrating Technology for Sustainable Urban Development.
  • The Use of Drones in Wildlife Monitoring and Conservation.
  • Solar Power Advancements and Their Role in Sustainable Energy.
  • Green Building Technologies and Their Impact on the Environment.
  • The Potential of Biotechnology in Environmental Cleanup.
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Energy Efficiency.
  • Technological Innovations in Sustainable Agriculture Practices.
  • The Use of Big Data in Environmental Monitoring and Protection.
  • The Contribution of 3D Printing to Waste Reduction.
  • The Impact of IoT (Internet of Things) on Resource Management.
  • Advancements in Battery Technology for Renewable Energy Storage.
  • The Role of Technology in Promoting Recycling and Waste Management.

Environmental Essay Topics for College Students

  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of Current Climate Change Policies.
  • The Role of Youth Activism in Environmental Conservation.
  • The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment and Sustainable Alternatives.
  • The Challenges of Implementing Green Energy Solutions Globally.
  • Urban Green Spaces: Their Importance and Impact on City Dwellers.
  • The Environmental Consequences of the Meat Industry.
  • The Role of Environmental Education in Shaping Sustainable Behaviors.
  • The Ethics and Implications of Geoengineering as a Response to Climate Change.
  • The Impact of Tourism on Natural Ecosystems and Local Communities.
  • The Relationship Between Economic Development and Environmental Degradation.
  • The Future of Sustainable Transportation and Urban Mobility.
  • The Role of Corporate Responsibility in Environmental Sustainability.
  • The Impact of Ocean Acidification on Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries.
  • The Challenges and Opportunities of Waste Management in Developing Countries.
  • The Influence of Consumer Behavior on Environmental Sustainability.

In Conclusion

Hopefully, we’ve helped you to make the first step – to choose one of the relevant environmental essay topics. We can also help you make the next step as well. Contact our writing service right now, and we’ll assist you with creating a 100% unique text from one of our professional writers of your choosing.

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180 Environmental Research Topics & Questions to Write about

Environment affects us all, whether we want it or not. Political leaders and students alike discuss ways to tackle environmental topics & issues. Some might argue about the role humans play in all this. The fact remains that our environment is a delicate matter. That’s why we must educate ourselves on the issues related to it.

In this article by custom writing experts, you’ll find a list of environmental research questions to scrutinize and write about. The environmental essay topics in the collection below are related to economics, health, sociology, law, and even psychology. These ideas might be helpful either for school or for college students.

  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics
  • 🌡️🌍 Climate Change Topics
  • 🏭🌱 Sustainability
  • 🔬🌻 Environmental Science
  • 🌳⚖️ Environmental Law
  • 🧑🌿 Environmentalism

🔬 Top 10 Environmental Research Topics

  • 📖 Environmental Research Questions

🔝 Top 10 Environment Essay Topics

  • The life cycle of tornados
  • History of environmental studies
  • Positive impact of birdwatching
  • Drinking water and the environment
  • Christianity’s impact on the climate crisis
  • Climate’s effect on mountain ecosystems
  • How aviation contributes to global warming
  • Early commercial adaptation of thermal energy
  • What does nuclear meteorology investigate?
  • Fruitarianism’s benefits for the environment

🌡️🌍 Environmental Research Topics on Climate Change

Throughout history, the Earth’s climate always fluctuated. Ice ages were followed by warmer periods. However, the increase in temperature we perceive today is unusual. Because of this, climate change is one of today’s most pressing problems. Below we have compiled a list of 25 global warming topics. Have a look!

  • What is the difference between climate change and global warming?
  • Investigate how humans influence the climate.
  • Which regions suffer the most due to the rising sea levels?
  • How did the average weather in your region change over the past 20 years?
  • Why are coral reefs endangered?
  • How do melting glaciers impact the environment?
  • Examine what natural disasters are linked to climate change.
  • What does ocean acidification mean?
  • What are the effects of global warming?
  • Analyze the phenomenon of climate refugees.
  • How does global warming affect biodiversity?
  • Discuss the most significant causes of climate change.
  • Why are hurricanes becoming more intense?
  • What are the most significant agricultural problems caused by climate change?
  • How does the excess of CO2 impact the environment?
  • What actions lead to a CO2 increase in the atmosphere?
  • Discuss how hydraulic fracturing affects nature.
  • Explain how the greenhouse effect works.
  • What can each of us do to stop global warming?
  • How is ozone depletion related to climate change?
  • What was the purpose of the Paris Agreement?
  • Investigate how deforestation affects the climate.
  • Can we reverse global warming?
  • Examine why some people don’t believe in climate change.
  • What is the correlation between tree planting and climate change?

environmental essay ideas

🌲 Environmental Research Topics on Ecology

Ecology is a branch of biology that investigates how organisms coexist. The environment shapes the way different species interact with each other. Essential factors can be living, such as nutrition, or nonliving, like water. Here are 25 prompts for your ecology essay:

  • Examine the ecological research methods.
  • What defines the number of organisms living in a community?
  • How does an ecosystem work?
  • Why do plants and animals go extinct?
  • Do non-native snakes threaten the U.S. ecosystem?
  • Explain the elements of population growth.
  • What would the world look like without bees?
  • How do organisms adapt to their environment?
  • Analyze how photosynthesis occurs.
  • What different relationships can organisms form with their surroundings?
  • Discuss the research methods of bird behavioral ecology.
  • How do organisms survive under extreme conditions?
  • Why do some birds migrate?
  • Investigate why some animals benefit from living alone.
  • What can humans do to prevent pandas from extinction?
  • How do plants help combat climate change?
  • What’s the correlation between water management and ecology issues?
  • How does commercial fishing affect the oceans?
  • What are the most prominent current environmental threats?
  • How does the ecological footprint method work?
  • What are the long-term consequences of plastic use?
  • Analyze how nutrient cycles work.
  • What impact does human waste have on marine ecosystems?
  • Examine the different types of healthy bacteria.
  • How do cacti grow in the desert?

🏭🌱 Sustainability Topics for an Essay

According to the UN World Commission , sustainable development “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Simply put, sustainability means fulfilling the demand without exhausting any resources. Today, it plays a vital role in protecting the environment.

  • Give an example of sustainable practice.
  • Analyze the process of recycling.
  • Investigate what sustainability wants to achieve.
  • Explore the history of the green movement.
  • What can a country do to become greener?
  • Why do we need the concept of sustainable development?
  • Examine the ways of recycling water.
  • How can you make food sources more sustainable?
  • What does zero-waste mean?
  • Talk about the issues related to eco-friendly packaging.
  • Discuss ways of saving more energy.
  • What are the greener alternatives to plastic?
  • Examine the different sources of renewable energy.
  • How can a person live more sustainably?
  • Explain the three pillars of sustainability.

Effective ways to protect the environment.

  • How does green construction work?
  • What’s the connection between sustainability and climate change?
  • What can we do to reduce water pollution?
  • Discuss the impact of globalization on sustainable agriculture.
  • What is responsible consumption?
  • Why should we not use plastic?
  • Describe how wind turbines produce electricity.
  • How can technology become green?
  • What is social sustainability?
  • What are the most critical sustainability issues today?

🔬🌻 Environmental Science Topics for an Essay

Environmental science combines various approaches to study nature. In doing so, it tries to find solutions for ecological issues. Research goes into areas such as pollution and alternative energy. If you want to write about it, have a look at our topics:

  • What are the environmental impacts of production and consumption?
  • Examine ways of improving agriculture.
  • What are the critical elements of environmental science?
  • Discuss the advantages of green engineering.
  • What are the different types of pollution?
  • Determine the primary goals of environmental science.
  • What are invasive species?
  • Investigate the benefits of reforestation.
  • Describe the Amazon rainforest and its role in the environment.
  • Explore the various types of agriculture.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of GMOs.
  • What effects does a biodiversity loss have on humanity?
  • How do dams and channels affect ecosystems?
  • What is the connection between social and environmental sciences?
  • Why is overpopulation a problem?
  • Explain the process of desertification.
  • How does mining cause environmental disasters?
  • Investigate the Gaia Hypothesis.
  • What are the causes of acid rain?
  • How is our health affected by pollution?

Franklin Roosevelt quote.

  • Explain the importance of energy efficiency.
  • Explore the link between globalization and ecological problems.
  • Why are fossil fuels harmful to the environment?
  • What are ecological niches?
  • Analyze the pros and cons of nuclear energy.

🌳⚖️ Environmental Law Topics for Papers

Environmental law aims to protect nature. It’s the legal foundation of human interaction with their surroundings. Besides, it formulates how we should utilize natural resources. Take a look at these compelling topics for your paper:

  • How is waste regulated in your community?
  • What laws address contaminant cleanup?
  • Why do we need chemical safety regulations?
  • Examine legal ways to curb hunting and fishing.
  • Describe environmental protection in the US and in the Hawaii state.
  • Discuss the Rio Declaration.
  • Why can environmental laws be controversial?
  • What are the advantages of emission certificates?
  • Investigate the process of emissions trading.
  • How does your country regulate air quality?
  • What makes the laws concerning water quality vital?
  • What are the general principles of environmental law?
  • When can a piece of land be declared a natural reserve?
  • Should there be a binding international environmental constitution?
  • Explore the history of environmental law.
  • What purposes do wildlife reserves serve?
  • Discuss the legacy of Kyoto Protocol.
  • Analyze the marine pollution prevention efforts in Australia.
  • What are environmental assessment mandates?
  • Investigate economic incentives for environmental protection.
  • Discuss why ecotourism needs to be regulated.
  • Why is it difficult for some countries to become green?
  • Establish a connection between free trade agreements and ecological problems.
  • Do businesses have to incorporate environmental law?
  • Compare several international agreements on ecological issues.

🧑🌿 Environmentalism Topics to Write About

Movements aiming to protect nature are at the core of environmentalism. The idea first gained traction in the 1960s. Notable organizations include PETA and Greenpeace. If you’re interested in environmentalism, consult this topics list:

  • Investigate the history of environmentalism.
  • Discuss the negative impacts of urban sprawl.
  • What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is celebrated worldwide on April 22.

  • Describe the key concepts of environmentalism.
  • What are the different types of green movements?
  • Compare the goals of various NGOs.
  • What does the WWF do?
  • Describe the main achievements of nature activists.
  • Explain what apocalyptic environmentalism is.
  • Who is Greta Thunberg?
  • Discuss the impact of the Fridays for Future movement.
  • Explain emancipatory environmentalism.
  • Investigate the Animal Liberation Front.
  • Analyze the central concerns of ecofeminism.
  • Why are environmental movements important?
  • Who was John Muir?
  • Explain what ecoterrorism is.
  • Does going green equal saving the environment?
  • Who were the first nature activists?
  • Discuss the influence of green political parties.
  • What is environmental justice?
  • Explain how civic environmentalism works.
  • Are the actions of Greenpeace always justified?
  • What are some examples of good nature activism tactics?
  • Analyze the effect environmentalist movements have on politics.
  • Types of marine pollution
  • Concepts of ecofeminism
  • Causes of grassland degradation
  • Advantages of hydroelectricity
  • Organic farming support in the US
  • Energy conservation in the US
  • What does photochemical smog depend on?
  • Seasonal behavior of urban heat island
  • Nuclear and radiation accident categories
  • Can baffle spray scrubbers control pollution?

📖 Top 10 Environmental Research Questions

  • What are the causes and effects of air pollution?
  • What are the most dangerous effects of climate change?
  • What are the most severe diseases caused by water pollution?
  • Is global warming real?
  • How does deforestation affect people and animals?
  • Do carbon offset programs work?
  • How to prevent and control soil pollution?
  • How does plastic pollution affect marine life?
  • What are the most threatened biodiversity hotspots?
  • What should we do about overpopulation?

We hope this article helped you decide what your paper will be about. If the topic you’ve chosen is still not perfect, feel free to customize it! Good luck, and have fun with your essay.

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🔍 References

  • Environmental Issues Guide: Giving Compass
  • Climate Change: National Geographic
  • Climate Change and Global Warming: NASA
  • What Is Ecology?: Khan Academy
  • Ecology: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • What Is Sustainability and Why Is It Important?: Environmental Science
  • Environmentalism: Learning to Give
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184 Environment Essay Topics + Examples & Writing Prompts

Environment issues essay focuses on pollution problems, climate change, etc.

Environment issues essay aims at spreading awareness of pollution problems, climate change, global warming, and many other issues. It is a common type of essay for writing parts of a lot of exams. Environment protection essay is also assigned to high school and college students.

In this article, you will find out:

  • Current TOP-7 environment issues
  • 184 environment essay topics
  • How to outline your essay
  • Different essay writing tips
  • 4 essay examples
  • 🌎 Environment Issues Essay
  • 💡 184 Essay Ideas
  • 📑 Outlining Your Essay
  • 🛡️ Environment Protection: Essay Example
  • ☘️ Eco-friendly Environment: Essay Example
  • ♻️ Human Impact on the Environment: Essay Example
  • 🗑️ Effect of Plastic on Environment: Essay Example

🌎 Environment Issues Essay – What Is It About?

Ecology has always played a significant role in all people’s lives. We all depend on it, but unfortunately, more and more environmental problems occur each year. They affect nature and our way of life. To stop the spread of these issues, we need to get to know them first.

Top 7 Environmental Issues of 2024

Here’s the list of some relevant environmental issues that take place in the modern world. Before writing your paper, you might want to learn as much information on the topic as you can. Let’s take a closer look at each of the issues, their causes and effects.

The picture contains a list of some relevant environmental issues of the modern world.

  • Deforestation

Each year there are fewer trees and forests. Why is it happening?

According to World Population Balance , the U.S. population grows by over a million people each year . An increasing number of people leads to the growing demand for land for living, agriculture, highways, etc. We have no other option but to cut the amount of open land, which leads to deforestation.

Plastic Pollution

Plastic may seem a suitable material: it is flexible, cheap, and strong. However, plastic is also hazardous and toxic to the environment. According to National Geographic , 91% of all the plastic ever produced hasn’t been recycled . It takes around 400 years for it to decompose, so it continues to pollute nature.

Each year, around one-third of food produced worldwide gets wasted . This amount is enough to feed about 3 billion people.

Food waste also leads to the waste of resources, global warming, and climate change.

Why do people waste food? It might be happening unintentionally. For example, when you leave last bites on your plate or throw away the leftovers that you couldn’t manage.

Air Pollution

According to Worldwide Health Organization , around 7 million people die due to air pollution annually . It causes lung cancer and other respiratory diseases.

What causes air pollution?

There are numerous reasons: outdoor pollution such as vehicles, industries, and agriculture. Household air pollution like exposure to smoke from cooking or heating might also be one of the reasons.

Global Warming

The rise of temperature causes a lot of different adverse effects on the world. It causes:

  • climate change
  • glaciers melting
  • crop-destroying
  • insect swarming
  • deforestation
  • ice shelves collapsing
  • tropical storms, and many other issues

Recent events such as wildfires in Australia and California result from global warming too.

Biodiversity Loss

As humankind continues its development, it overuses resources from nature. Since agriculture needs more systems each year, people turn forests, fields, and other natural habitats into them. It leads to biodiversity loss. Some species’ population has decreased dramatically by 68% from 1970 to 2016 .

Melting Ice Caps

Melting ice caps is also a serious issue because it’s the main reason for the sea-level rise. It mainly concerns the Arctic since this is where climate change has the most significant negative impact. The sea level rise might affect coastal regions by flooding them. Moreover, it might force around 340 million to 480 million people to migrate and cause overpopulation.

💡 184 Environmental Essay Topics

If you’re struggling with choosing your environmental issues essay topics, here’s the list of 184 essay topics ideas. It is better to choose something you’re genuinely interested in.

  • How does melting ice caps affect the rising sea level?
  • Renewable sources of energy: Controversies.
  • The correlation between population growth and deforestation.
  • The environment pollution in the US.
  • How does plastic affect nature?
  • American Indian environmental movement in Arizona.
  • The danger of food waste and the ways to prevent it.
  • Environment: Sustainable development in Abu Dhabi.
  • Dangerous effects of air pollution.
  • Environment: Greenhouse gases and hydrological cycles.
  • Harmful effects of global warming.
  • The science of global warming and its effects.
  • Biodiversity loss: Causes and effects.
  • Water pollution and associated health risks.
  • The correlation between climate change and melting ice caps.
  • Environmental ethics: The case for animal rights.
  • How can we improve agriculture?
  • Environmental issues and plastic industries.
  • Human impact on nature.
  • Environmental security: Global warming and pollution.
  • Environmentalist movements and their impact on politics.
  • Environmental damage because of oil spills.
  • Ecotourism and its benefits.
  • Water pollution in China.
  • The pros and cons of nuclear energy.
  • Farming, animal consumption, and environment.
  • The correlation between globalization and ecological issues.
  • The global climate change as a manmade disaster.
  • How to save the world from air pollution?
  • The evolution of insect wings in response to environmental changes.
  • How does our lifestyle affect the environment?
  • Water resource problem and its causes.
  • The importance of waste management and recycling.
  • Global warming in Australia: Environmental health.
  • Production and consumption impact on the environment.
  • Environmental racism and justice.
  • How dangerous is microplastic?
  • Global warming policies and options.
  • How can zero-waste help our planet?
  • Scope of improvement of the environmental impact of air travel.
  • The advantages of green engineering.
  • Renewable energy sources controversies.
  • What is earth day, and why is it important?
  • Environmental impacts of Heathrow Airport: Demand for a strategic sustainable transport.
  • Social impact on climate change.
  • Waste handling and control as fundamental phenomena.
  • Healthy lifestyle habits and their impact on the environment.
  • The role of waste management in the environment.
  • The most vulnerable regions to the rising sea level.
  • Global warming: Human vs. natural causes.
  • The change of the average air temperature in my area.
  • Implementing environmental sustainability in Dubai.
  • Acid rain: Causes and effects.
  • Sustainability and waste management.
  • Social and environmental sciences connection.
  • Environmental governance and institutional arrangements in Niger Delta oil spills.
  • Conservation projects in my region.
  • Solar panels and their advantages.
  • Pandas’ extinction and how we can prevent it.
  • Sustainability in the built environment.
  • What is an ecosystem, and how does it work?
  • Maritime risk assessment and environmental management.
  • Melting glaciers and their impact on the environment.
  • Alternative fuels and the US nation development.
  • The correlation between climate change and natural disasters.
  • The noise pollution: Negative effects.
  • Why is ocean acidification dangerous?
  • Changing ecosystems: Effects of global warming.
  • Climate crisis and climate refugees.
  • Global warming: A real danger or a hoax?
  • How climate change impacts agriculture.
  • Ocean wave energy technologies.
  • The greenhouse effect and how it works.
  • The real effects of greenhouse gases.
  • The ways to prevent global warming.
  • The water-energy-food nexus and problem mitigation.
  • Deforestation and its impact on climate.
  • Gulf oil spill: facts, causes, response, effects.
  • How does tree planting affect climate change?
  • Alternative energy sources vs. fossil fuels.
  • The reason behind plants and animal extinction.
  • Environmental sustainability in the Dubai police force.
  • Population growth: Causes and effects.
  • Fossil fuels as a significant part of the future energy mix.
  • The reason behind birds’ migration.
  • Cost of plastic recycling in US.
  • What is green construction, and why is it beneficial?
  • Sustainable building and environmental design.
  • How can responsible consumption help nature?
  • Green technology and how it can help the environment.
  • Global warming: causes and consequences.
  • How can we improve agriculture without harming the environment?
  • Environmental conservation and resource management.
  • Invasive species and how they can harm the environment.
  • GMO: Advantages and disadvantages.
  • Air pollution and mortality rates.
  • The process of the nutrient cycle.
  • What are sustainable environmental practices?
  • Solutions to the environmental crisis in Vietnam.
  • How can we save more energy?
  • Solar energy effects on the environment.
  • What are alternatives to plastic?
  • Construction and demolition waste management in the UAE.
  • Commercial fishing impact on the ocean.
  • Mitigating climate change through trade schemes.
  • What is a marine ecosystem, and how do we affect it?
  • Nine challenges of alternative energy.
  • Energy efficiency and its importance.
  • Climate change causes: Position and strategies.
  • How do fossil fuels damage the environment?
  • Sustainable building materials and technologies in the construction industry.
  • The controversy behind environmental laws.
  • Environmental risks: opposing views.
  • Air quality in your country.
  • Why is urban sprawl a problem?
  • Energy sources: types and development.
  • Different types of environmentalism.
  • Global warming, climate change, and society’s impact on the environment.
  • Wildlife reserves and how they work.
  • Wind power in the United States.
  • Ecotourism regulations in your country.
  • Columbia river, its salmon culture and human impact.
  • Ecological footprint and its impact on nature.
  • Is solar energy important for the future of humanity?
  • Simple everyday habits that can help the environment.
  • Integrated sustainable water resource management plan.
  • Different ways of recycling water.
  • Global warming and carbon dioxide.
  • What is sustainable food?
  • Dubai municipal solid waste management.
  • The most popular renewable energy sources.
  • Environmental issues in developing and developed countries.
  • Various factors of sustainability.
  • Atomic power as a renewable energy source.
  • Climate change and global warming difference.
  • Los Angeles regional collaborative for climate action.
  • Human impact on climate.
  • The reasons behind climate change.
  • Virtual water and the water-energy nexus.
  • Why is carbon dioxide harmful?
  • Environmental benefits and problems of concrete.
  • The reasons for the carbon dioxide increase.
  • Water scarcity: An issue of living in the US.
  • Fracking and why it is bad.
  • The cost effectiveness of recycling plastic.
  • Ozone depletion: Causes and effects.
  • History of the environmental law in the US.
  • Three basic methods of ecological research.
  • Renewable energy sources in the aviation industry.
  • Different types of recycling.
  • Sources of energy: classification and aspects.
  • Volunteer organizations and their contribution to environmental health.
  • Quality and environmental management.
  • Does eco-friendly marketing help the environment?
  • The major contributors to water pollution.
  • Carpooling and its contribution to the environment.
  • Chemicals as the worst pollutants on the Earth.
  • Human impact on global warming.
  • The health effects of air pollution in America.
  • The water purification technology.
  • Solar energy in the modern world.
  • Environmental organizations and what they do.
  • Green space as an urban environment of Sydney.
  • Environmental activities to do at home.
  • How to protect the Egypt Nile River from pollution?
  • Famous environmental activists and the difference they made.
  • Wind energy: is it viable or not?
  • What is emancipatory environmentalism?
  • Water resource plan: The problem of overdrawing the surface water.
  • Green political parties and their influence.
  • Global warming causes and mitigations.
  • Environmental justice: Goals and causes.
  • Pollution of the marine environment.
  • Can any country become green?
  • Flint poisoning: Environmental racism and racial capitalism.
  • Environmental law and its history.
  • Investment into alternative energy.
  • How does emission trading work?
  • Wind energy and non-renewable energy.
  • Ecological niches and their types.
  • Waste diversion programs in Ontario in 1996-2010.
  • Pollution and its impact on our health.
  • Dubai coast: Environmental sampling and analysis.
  • The most significant causes of desertification.

Didn’t find the topic that perfectly suits your taste? You are welcome to use our essay topic generator !

📑 Environmental Issues Essay: Outline

The environmental issues essay consists of three parts: introduction , body , and conclusion . The optimal length is five paragraphs (around 200-300 words).

So, what do you write in each of them?

In the introduction part , you can mention the following:

  • the current environmental situation in the world;
  • the specific topic you chose;
  • your thesis statement.

The introduction part shouldn’t be very long. One paragraph is usually enough.

The thesis statement is your main idea that you need to support in your body part. Let’s say you want to write about the dangerous effects of air pollution. “Air pollution not only harms the environment but also is the cause of numerous diseases.” This might be your thesis.

Need to formulate a thesis statement? Use our thesis-making tool !

In the body , make sure to:

  • elaborate on your thesis statement;
  • find reliable references with precise information;
  • suggest some advice on the chosen problem;
  • be argumentative.

The length of the body depends on the size of the whole paper. A five-paragraph essay should contain a three-paragraph body. A five-page research paper, in its turn, would have a four-page body.

Finally, write your one-paragraph conclusion . Here you can:

  • sum up your essay;
  • restate your thesis statement.

🛡️ Environment Protection Essay: Writing Prompts & Example

Environment protection starts with each of us. So, a good essay topic might be about how each of us can contribute to it.

You can list some options of how we can protect the environment. You can try to persuade the reader to contribute. It might be simple everyday steps or a more significant contribution like volunteering. Make sure to mention their benefits as well.

Some sample questions to answer in your essay:

  • How can we protect the environment?
  • What are the ways to decrease pollution?
  • What are the governmental policies of environmental protection?
  • How should we preserve nature?

Environment Protection Essay Example: 250 Words

The environment has been suffering from our actions for a long time. A lot of people tend to believe that only big corporations are in charge of hurting our planet. However, every person somehow takes part in polluting the environment. So, what can we do to protect nature from ourselves?
First of all, we can recycle our waste. Every person produces a particular amount of waste every day. We don’t even notice how much plastic, paper, and other things we use daily. So, the easiest we can do is recycling. This simple habit can make a big difference.
We can also use less water. By conserving water, we can keep it clean and pure. People waste too much water doing everyday activities. We can save it when we brush our teeth, wash the dishes or take a shower. Moreover, it can not only help the planet but also save money.
A more significant contribution is volunteering. This option is not for everyone. However, if everyone could spend at least one hour a month doing cleanups volunteering, the world would be much cleaner. It is an excellent opportunity to help the environment and motivate others to do the same.
To sum up, we need to keep in mind that we are the ones responsible for the place we all live in. There are numerous ways we can help nature. However, even these simple steps can make a huge difference.

☘️ Eco-friendly Environment Essay: Writing Prompts & Example

What to write in an eco-friendly environment essay?

You can list various ways to maintain an eco-friendly environment. Here are some of them:

  • Eco-friendly marketing
  • Green movements
  • Eco-friendly technology
  • Water-conserving
  • Energy conserving
  • RRR (reduce, reuse, recycle)

Another option is to explain how you maintain an eco-friendly environment. Maybe you recycle your waste at home or avoid using fuel vehicles? You can also create a list of effective and ineffective ways to create an eco-friendly environment. It is better to read some articles on this issue before starting your writing.

Eco-friendly Environment Essay Example: 250 Words

We can maintain an eco-friendly environment through laws, services, goods, and policies to minimize human harm to nature. People have been polluting the environment for a long time. That’s why for the past few years, a nature-friendly lifestyle has been actively promoted. So, how are we building an eco-friendly environment?
A lot of companies are now using eco-friendly marketing. They release eco-friendly and recycled products and organic food. Many cafes try to cut out plastic: they don’t use plastic straws and give discounts to customers with their own cups.
More and more people join the green movements. Green movements or environmental movements aim at spreading awareness of environmental issues. Some people maintain eco-friendly habits like recycling or carpooling. Others make a more significant impact: they join different nonprofit organizations or protests. Either way can contribute to an eco-friendly environment.
Eco-friendly technology is also a part of a nature-friendly lifestyle. Usage of this kind of technology can also help to reduce the damage to the planet. It includes alternative energy, water purification, LED and CFL lighting, green vehicles, etc. This technology becomes more affordable. So, almost every person has at least one eco-friendly tech product at home.
So, although there are numerous environmental issues, we can reduce the damage. We can do it by maintaining an eco-friendly environment. Everyone can find something they can do to contribute to nature protection.

♻️ Human Impact on the Environment Essay: Writing Prompt & Example

As we all know, people are the ones who affect nature the most. So, in this essay, you can elaborate on how people harm the planet.

Some of the issues you could focus on are:

  • Air pollution
  • Water pollution
  • Plastic pollution
  • Climate change
  • Overpopulation
  • Global warming

Make sure also to include your advice on how we can solve these problems.

Human Impact on the Environment Essay Example: 250 Words

Humans have been affecting nature in both negative and positive ways. We constantly pollute the oceans, destroy forests, produce a lot of waste, and so on. I will cover three of the most crucial environmental issues caused by humans and how to prevent them.
One of the significant environmental issues in the modern world is pollution. It leads to many other issues like the greenhouse effect, global warming, and different diseases. There are different kinds of pollution such as air, water, plastic, light pollutions, etc. Here’s the list of some things we can do to prevent it: recyclereduce car rides use less plasticreuse items.
Deforestation is also a result of negative human impacts. Deforestation leads to climate change, increasing carbon dioxide, soil erosion, and so on. To prevent deforestation, we can: plant treesbuy recycled goodstry using fewer paper products.
(https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/causes-effects-solutions-of-overpopulation.php#Incredible_Solutions_To_Overpopulation) Overpopulation is an equally serious issue. It is caused by mortality rate reduction, medicine improvement, and other things. Overpopulation leads to deforestation, global warming, overuse of resources, water pollution, etc. Some of the ways of overpopulation prevention are: provide better educationIntroduce a new tax policy.
To sum up, human impact on Earth is indeed huge. However, there are numerous ways to prevent the negative effects on nature. An eco-friendly environment starts with each of us, so we are capable of making a difference.

🗑️ Effect of Plastic on Environment Essay: Writing Prompt & Example

Plastic undoubtedly plays a significant role in our life.

In your essay, you can list the reasons why plastic is damaging. You can also suggest ways of how we can reduce the usage of plastic.

Some of the topics you can mention in your essay:

  • Microplastic
  • Plastic effect on animals
  • The reasons why plastic is toxic
  • Plastic decomposition and why is it harmful
  • What can we replace plastic with?

Effect of Plastic on Environment Essay Example: 250 Words

Plastic is one of the most convenient materials. It is flexible and strong. However, it’s also highly harmful to the environment. Plastic pollution is one of the most significant environmental issues of the modern world. So, how exactly does it harm nature, and what can we do to prevent the damage?
The main problem is that plastic takes more than 400 years to decompose. It also releases some toxic substances under high temperatures. Moreover, plastic travels all around the world and can be found almost everywhere on Earth. It also has entered the food chain, so it affects nearly every living creature.
Another reason why plastic is dangerous is microplastic. Microplastic is pieces of plastic that are no more than 5 millimeters long. It is dangerous because it can get into our bodies with food or water. Microplastic might also lead to different diseases such as colon cancer and others.
Plastic is not only harmful to nature and people but is also deadly to animals. They eat it and get stuck in it. A lot of sea animals are found dead with plastic in their stomachs or around their bodies. If people can somehow control the usage of plastic in their lives, animals can’t. It makes them more vulnerable.
To sum up, although plastic has a lot of various advantages, it is also very damaging. To stop plastic pollution spread, we need to either use it consciously or cut out plastic usage as much as we can.

Now you are ready to share your thought on environmental issues in your essay. What is your opinion on environmental issues? What topic would you like to write about? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

❓ Environment Issues FAQ

How have approaches to environmental issues changed over the years.

Over the years, environmental problems have become more complex. It takes more time to study and identify them. However, technology is constantly developing and contributes to solving environmental problems now.

Why is it important to cooperate with other countries on environmental issues?

A lot of issues such as air pollution or climate change are very wide-range. If people can’t cross the different countries’ boundaries that easily, these problems can. So, it can only be solved by international cooperation of different countries. That is why we should support international nonprofit organizations.

What are some of the major environmental issues in Europe?

Some of the major environmental issues in Europe are: • climate change • nuclear waste • biodiversity loss • waste disposal • deforestation • water pollution.

Why is globalization potentially damaging to the environment?

Globalization has different positive impacts on the world. However, it has contributed to environmental damage as well. Globalization leads to consumption and export increase. These also lead to the rise of gases and the used fuel amount. Finally, the greenhouse effect is increasing because of that.


180+ Excellent Environmental Essay Topics and Ideas

Table of Contents

If you are a school or a college student, then in your academic life you will be asked to write an essay on environmental topics at least once. Right now, do you want to write a brilliant environmental essay for your assignment? Are you searching for the best environmental essay topics?

In our world, a lot of environmental issues exist, and hence, for writing an academic essay, you have a wide range of environmental essay topics to focus on. But choosing one specific topic out of a wide range of topics is a tedious process. So, to help you in selecting a good environmental essay topic, here, in this blog post, we have shared important tips for essay topic selection. Also, we have composed a list of the top environmental essay topic ideas for you to explore and write about.

Environmental Essay Topics

Continue reading this blog post and get significant ideas for your environmental essay writing assignment.

How to Write an Engaging Environmental Essay

Writing environmental essays is common at all academic levels. Whenever your instructor assigns a task for you to write an environmental essay, make sure to come up with an original topic for the environmental essay.

The first step in the essay writing process is the topic selection. During the essay topic selection phase, initially, gather a lot of ideas and conduct preliminary research, and then, based on your research results, finalize a perfect topic for discussion.

In order to gather essay topic ideas dealing with environmental problems, you can refer to the following sources.

  • Environmental journals and sources
  • Documentaries
  • The latest news developments on the environment

After you have identified a good environmental essay topic, prepare an essay outline to organize your ideas and structure your essay content. Then, with the help of your essay outline, prepare a detailed draft of your environmental essay by including the essential components such as the introduction, body, and conclusion. Finally, after completing the essay, proofread the essay content completely and edit it if there are any errors.

An environmental essay is said to be top-rated only if it

  • Highlights possible measures of ecological conservation.
  • Offers a valid solution to environmental problems .
  • Provides new insights on trending environmental issues.
  • Expresses the benefits of the environment to man and vice versa.

So, when writing environmental essays, make sure to cover all the above-mentioned points that are relevant to your essay topic. The essay you write should be simple, informative, and persuasive. Mainly, to make your readers believe your arguments, explain the major ideas of your essay with supporting evidence.

Environmental Essay Topic Selection Tips

Choosing a topic is the first and essential step in the essay writing process. Generally, for academic assignments, research paper writing, or essay writing competitions, the instructors will give a list of environmental essay topics for you to choose from. At times, they will not give you any ideas and will ask you to select a topic on your own.

In such cases, you need to pick a unique essay topic that will fetch an A+ grade. To help you in selecting a good environmental essay topic, here we have shared a few important tips. Make sure to follow them all while you are searching for an essay topic.

  • Choose a topic that you are passionate about and have a strong knowledge of.
  • The topic should excite and educate your readers.
  • It should not be too broad. If the topic is too broad, then narrow them down and select any specific topic or subtopic.
  • The environmental essay topic you choose should provide a valid solution.
  • The topic should contain various sources of reference.
  • It should have numerous pieces of evidence and examples.

Most importantly, along with all the above-mentioned tips, make sure to check whether or not the topic you have decided to write on satisfies the instructor’s writing instructions if there are any.

List of Environmental Essay Topics and Ideas

Here we have sorted different categories and have listed the top interesting environmental essay topics and ideas for students to consider when writing academic assignments.

List of Environmental Essay Topics

If you are asked to write an environmental essay on any unique topic, then check the list of the essay topic ideas mentioned below and feel free to choose a topic that is ideal for you.

Environmental Essay Topics on Climate Change

  • The difference between the impact of climate change on urban and rural territories
  • Climate change and agriculture: a complex relationship
  • The demographic impact of climate change
  • How does climate change affect biodiversity?
  • Climate Change impact on different social groups
  • Regional-specific impacts of climate change
  • The economic damage of climate change
  • Climate change representation in media
  • How much has transport evolution impacted climate change?
  • Historical reaction to global changes in climate
  • Climate change response that has the most potential in averting the crisis
  • Have humans created the problem of climate change?
  • List some simple things that governments could do to help address climate change problems.
  • Climate change effects on the marine life
  • Diseases that could come from the climate change
  • Impact of climate change on the ecological state of Earth’s natural resources
  • Impact of climate change on agricultural activities across the globe.
  • Human activities have contributed to climate change.
  • Leading causes of global climate change.
  • Explain Global Warming with an emphasis on the Arctic

Additional Environmental Essay Topics on Climate Change

  • Analyze the impact of climate change on the marine and forest ecosystems of the world
  • How climate change affects the freshwater ecosystem and grassland ecosystem?
  • Analyze the impact of climate change on Antarctic ice sheets
  • Describe the potential impact of climate change on farming and food security with respective solutions
  • Discuss the role of climate change adaptation strategies in reducing vulnerability and enhancing resilience
  • Describe the way different countries are tackling climate change and things that can be learned by the United States from these countries
  • How is climate change affecting the stability and development of the global economy?

Ecology Essay Topics

  • Ecology and society interactions
  • Specifics of marine ecology
  • Ecology and optimization: indivisible concepts
  • Ecology changes after major damaging events.
  • Energy crisis and ecology
  • The future of tropical and rainforest ecology
  • Ecology and tourism: helpful or harmful?
  • Aging process as an ecological concept
  • How have our food needs reshaped the ecology?
  • The political presence of ecology
  • Can any general laws be highlighted in ecology?
  • Diversity and stability in ecology
  • Software simulations and modeling in ecology
  • The problems of invasion ecology and how they can be avoided
  • How are new predators introduced into an area?
  • How is the ecosystem of your backyard different from the ecosystem of another person’s backyard ecosystem?
  • How is a desert ecosystem different from a forest ecosystem?
  • Describe the causes and effects of black holes
  • What is the ecological footprint?
  • Overconsumption and its impact on ecology
  • Identification of the key factors responsible for disturbing ecological balance
  • Food Chain vs. Ecological Pyramid

Read more: Top-rated Ecology Research Topics For Academic Writing

Ecology Essay Topics

Environmental Essay Topics on Global Warming

  • Global warming and rising sea levels.
  • The effects of Global Warming on the Environment.
  • Is global warming real or a mere theory by scientists?
  • The political aspect of global warming is mentioned in presidential debates.
  • Should biodiversity be taught in middle schools as a part of global warming education?
  • The causes of ocean temperatures increase through the lens of global warming
  • Volcano activity in 2021: a clear sign of global warming?
  • The role of the world’s scouting in the prevention of climate change dangers.
  • Power plants in the United States and carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Deforestation problem in Brazil: Amazon Forests case study.
  • Global Warming: Issue Analysis.
  • Global Warming: Harmful Impact on the Polar Bears.
  • Global Warming and Other Ecology Issues.

Sustainability Essay Topics

  • Solar electricity: how to achieve maximal sustainability
  • Key indicators of the sustainability of the business.
  • Is global sustainability achievable?
  • Pros and cons of innovation for sustainability
  • Sustainable chemical production through biological processes
  • Economical advantages of sustainable businesses
  • How to minimize machine energy consumption for potential sustainability?
  • Sustainability of e-learning and working remotely
  • How to maintain sustainability with business growth?
  • Sustainable methods for managing and using water resources.
  • The Impact of Green Energy on Environment and Sustainable Development
  • A Robust Strategy for Sustainable Energy
  • Environmental Conditions in Tunnels Towards an Environmentally Sustainable Future
  • The Sustainable Hotel Environment
  • International Environment Management and Sustainability
  • Sustainability Development: Balancing Economic, Social and Environmental Dimensions
  • What is the Environmental sustainability concept in the hospitality industry
  • Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges of Environmental Sustainability
  • Sustainability in Canada and the Impact of Coca-Cola Company on Environmental Protection

Environmental Science Essay Questions

  • What are the causes of the decline in food resources?
  • Discuss how the endemic and endangered animal species of the world survive.
  • How green and sustainable are biofuels?
  • The use of plants as heavy metal filters for water sources
  • The impact of aerosols on the environment
  • The problem of biodegradability of aging chemicals
  • How does migration change with extreme events?
  • Problems of wastewater treatment and personal care products
  • Why are botanic gardens the best instruments for climate change research?
  • The science of fisheries and the most sustainable approach to them
  • Physical, Natural Environmental Issues Affecting the Food Industries.
  • Reduction of CO2 from Atmosphere Resulting In a Better Future.
  • Drinking Water and Sanitation.

Argumentative Environmental Essay Topics

  • How green are electric cars?
  • Can civilization survive by using only renewable sources of energy?
  • Can quality public transportation reduce the carbon footprint?
  • Are humans a primary reason for natural disasters?
  • Can large cities get rid of air pollution from motor vehicles?
  • Can we introduce environment conservation as a core course?
  • Why should each home have a tree?
  • Discuss alternative forms of energy that people can use
  • Should the government promote the recycling of all products?
  • Can we achieve a green environment devoid of any pollutants?
  • How do factories and industries waste energy?
  • Why are most people ignorant of protecting the environment?
  • Do people observe ecological guidelines?
  • Should we encourage a paperless society?
  • Ways in which animals damage the environment

Read more: Argumentative Essay Topics That You Must Consider

Essay Topics on Environmental Issues

  • Waste production challenges in Iceland and Faroes
  • Ozone layer depletion in China and transparency of the reports
  • Acid rain: how fair is an analysis of the causes that deal with ecological damage?
  • Should genetic modification of crops be forbidden?
  • An ethical aspect of overfishing in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • How can biotechnologies and eco-energy affect population growth and the list of increased needs?
  • The definition of biodiversity through the lens of globalization and technology
  • International trading agreements and the problem of deforestation
  • The use of AI technologies for the prevention of water pollution in the engineering sector.
  • Urbanization versus Rural lifestyles

Environmental Law Essay Topics

  • Can international environmental law be effectively enforced?
  • The impact of scientific activism on the environmental law
  • The ignorance of the general public on the question of environmental law
  • Environmental law versus corporation Lobbyism
  • Conflicts on an international level in environmental law discussions
  • What should be a priority of international environmental legislation?
  • How to encourage compliance with international environmental law norms?
  • An impact of the Kyoto Protocol on pollution Levels
  • The participation of non-governmental organizations in environmental law development.
  • How to spread successful green policies from developed countries to the rest of the world?

Technology Saving Environmental Essay Topics

  • How is smart home technology a game-changer?
  • Is technology more damaging to the environment?
  • Are electric vehicles the way to go?
  • The part of technology in developing environment conservation techniques
  • Technological methods of monitoring greenhouse gases
  • Using an infrared sensor to monitor methane gas
  • New in wastewater-filtering – multi-soil-layering
  • The use of biofiltration to control the air pollution level.
  • The IoT is used for resource management.
  • Energy-saving innovations as a conservation effort

Environmental Essay Ideas on Human Impact

  • The spread of nano plastic across the world – reasons and consequences
  • The impact of military conflicts on conservation efforts
  • Agricultural activities are a ticking time bomb on the environment.
  • Are Genetically Modified Organisms a threat to the environment?
  • Chemicals emitted by man deplete the ozone layer.
  • Water pollution by humans next to rivers, seas, and oceans
  • Why burning coal by humans is causing excessive acid rain
  • The impact of heavy metal mining on the environment.
  • Could nature return to the norm after human extinction?
  • How is overfishing impacting aquatic life?

Environment Essay Topics on Conservation

  • Do people celebrate ‘World Environment Day’ as they ought to?
  • Are technological advances such as 5G harmful to the environment?
  • Should the government provide recycling facilities to homesteads?
  • Do you think it is necessary to have environmental awareness forums?
  • Should schools introduce cycling as a means of transport to school?
  • Why should everybody help to protect the environment?
  • Should the government impose restrictions on deep-sea fishing?
  • Should people buy bottled water?
  • Why you should turn off your computer when you are not using it
  • The role of science education in environmental conservation efforts

Interesting Environment Essay Prompts

  • Should the penalties for littering be more severe?
  • What causes glaciers to melt in the Polar Regions?
  • Causes of hurricanes and tsunamis
  • How are mental health and the natural environment related?
  • Effects of harmful gases on the human respiratory system
  • The influence of Confucianism on ecological conservation
  • Can people live without electricity for a day?
  • How has the coronavirus helped to recover the environment?
  • Do people value street trees as nature beautifiers?
  • Assess the impacts of daily activities on the environment
  • Eco-man: the features of the formation of personal qualities.
  • Ecological movements: domestic and foreign experience.
  • Quality of life and the quality of the environment.
  • Foreign experience in nature management.
  • Health and radiation.
  • Laws and principles of social ecology.
  • Why is the garbage problem worse than we thought?
  • Ways to adapt religious teachings to environmental conservation
  • Mathematical model of the climate change historic evolution
  • The analysis of the current radioactive situation in the Chornobyl Nuclear Plant.
  • Discuss how the fulfillment of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals can reduce the adverse impact of global warming-led climate change
  • Critically analyze the effectiveness of market-based approaches (e.g., carbon pricing) in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases
  • Describe the eight ethical principles of climate change and their impact on the world’s vulnerable populations

Impressive Environmental Essay Ideas

  • What is earth day, and why is it important?
  • How to prevent Pandas’ extinction
  • Explain the impact of melting glaciers on the environment.
  • Analyze the reason behind birds’ migration.
  • Explain how green technology can help the environment.
  • Write about the different types of environmentalism.
  • Explain how fossil fuels damage the environment.
  • Discuss the ecotourism regulations in your country.
  • Write about carpooling and its contribution to the environment.
  • Explain the different water recycling methods.

We hope you have identified an excellent topic from the list of the top environmental essay topics and ideas suggested above. If you still haven’t identified the essay topic and are not confident enough to prepare a brilliant environmental essay, then contact us .

environmental essay ideas

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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490 Environment Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on environment, ✍️ environment essay topics for college, 👍 good environment research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot environment ideas to write about, 🎓 most interesting environment research titles, 💡 simple environment essay ideas, 📌 easy environment essay topics, ❓ environment research questions.

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  • Environmental Health Theory and Climate Change In the environmental health theory, there is a view on how environmental health, human ecology, and health affect the public.
  • Environmental Issues in Educational Institutions Teaching and learning environments need to have various characteristics, which ensure that students and teachers are comfortable, safe and promote the acquisition of information.
  • Florence Nightingale Environmental Theory Analysis This paper analyzes the environmental theory of nursing as one of the most significant theories that have brought vital changes in nursing.
  • Critique of Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory According to Nightingale’s environmental theory, environment is an important aspect of the nursing care offered to patients.
  • Deforestation and Its Effects on Our Environment Deforestation involves the permanent removal of trees for several reasons and significantly affects the environment. It entails destroying, clearing, or removing trees.
  • Social Change and Its Impact on Environment Human activities are the leading causes of environmental problems; these activities are good topics for sociological study.
  • The Role of Nurses in Environmental Health This paper explores the factors that affect health and the roles of nurses in improving or eliminating environmental barriers to health.
  • Concept of Healthy Environment The history of the concept of the healthy environment on both the domestic and global fronts is largely fashioned or woven around the development and socialization process of mankind.
  • Electric Vehicles and Their Environmental Impact This essay argues that electric automobiles can become a sustainable alternative to combustion engines, but only as a part of a broader paradigm shift.
  • The Environment and Social Justice Reflecting on the pollution in the heart of corporate districts where there is neglect of the people, one appreciates the built environment’s impact on the quality of life.
  • Negligence: Environmental Law This paper discusses negligence. Negligence is considered as a tort. Torts are laws that give remedies for wrongs that are done to other people especially if no contract exists.
  • Peru – Globalization, Environment, Crime and Disease The paper synthesizes a number of legitimate sources to focus on globalization and its effects on Peru with special relation to environmental issues, crime, and diseases.
  • Environmental Impact of the Chemical Industry This paper discusses a range of issues potentially caused by the chemical industry and includes implications for human health and future well-being.
  • Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory Role in Nursing Nursing theories provide very important principles to nursing practice. This paper presents a discussion of the environmental theory developed by Florence Nightingale.
  • Environmental Migration in the Rural Areas of Bangladesh This paper provides a case study to clarify the current situation with environmental migration in rural Bangladesh since the region faces floods, scarcity of drinking water.
  • Environmental and Social Sustainability Sustainability development is an essential topic in the contemporary world because it helps identify problems experienced in various social settings.
  • Global Environmental Issue in the 21st Century The environmental issue is perhaps the greatest of the global challenges and will still remain a challenge even in the 21st century.
  • Natural Resource Degradation and Factors Affecting the Environment The trees, rivers, oceans, and land surrounding us, are all essential parts of our lives, without which survival would be hindered.
  • Nightingale’s Environment Theory Analysis and Relevance Florence Nightingale is the founder of contemporary nursing. Her environmental theory has four major concepts: the environment, the person, health, and nursing practice.
  • Environmental Health and Health Effects of Environment Environmental change has both beneficial and severe effects on human well-being. Some effects of environmental change are easy to detect, while others are hard to identify.
  • The Environmental Impact of Air Travel The project discusses the work of aircraft engines, that produce heat, pollutants, emissions, and gases that affect the atmosphere and contribute to the emergence of negative changes in the climate.
  • Environmental Issues in the United Arab Emirates This paper overviews the main environmental issues, ecological problem trends in the United Arab Emirates and which these trends will be in the future.
  • Environment and Health Relationship This paper aims to explain the relationship between health and the environment through a succinct analysis and identification of five objectives of epidemiology.
  • The United Arab Emirates: Environmental Issues The research on the environmental issues and the responsibilities of the companies in UAE in the matter has given a proper idea of hope within the nation.
  • Environmental Crises Facing the Globe This paper will address the question of resolving the environmental crises within the existing international society.
  • Environmental Issues and Human Health The purpose of this paper is to discuss the impact of environmental threats on human health and the strategies developed to address them.
  • Environmental Degradation and Its Impact on Women Women claimed to be particularly impacted by environmental degradation due to their traditional role of performing agricultural activities.
  • Global Warming Effects on the Environment and Animals Global warming is a threat to the survival and well-being of human and animal life. This discussion aims to provide the effects of the current global warming threats.
  • Environmental Impacts of Events This strategic critical analysis has a mandate to evaluate the role of an event manager in curbing or reducing the environmental impacts on such occasions.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Environmental Impact This paper discusses corporate social responsibility (CSR) efficiency from the perspective of companies’ environmental impact.
  • Environmental Issues in the Hospitality Industry In the hospitality industry, one needs to look at the activities that contribute negatively to the environment. The golf industry is one of the most popular sports activities.
  • Deforestation Environmental Effects and Solution Deforestation is one of the most urgent environmental problems in the 21st-century world, as it triggers numerous harmful and irreversible environmental effects.
  • Environmental Management Problems and Challenges To realize a competitive advantage based on environmental management, companies must seek to develop strategies that translate actions into benefits.
  • Environmental Issues in The Lorax Movie The movie The Lorax narrates the story of a walled city that is characterized by an artificial way of life. This essay gives a detailed summary and discussion of the film.
  • Environmental Issues and Protecting the Environment Protection of our environment should be a huge concern for people because our population is doubling, no, tripling faster than our environment can keep up.
  • Environmental Health’s Role in Public Health This paper focuses on the aspects and goals of environmental health, its importance in public health, and the key interests that it presents.
  • Environmental Degradation and Renewable Energy The global community relies on the surrounding environment for food production, transport, and economic development.
  • Environmental Hazards That Humans Face Humans face various environmental hazards, and since they live in symbiosis with nature, they have to find solutions that could prevent pollution initiated by them.
  • Bamboo Toothbrush: The Environmental Benefits Because bamboo toothbrushes are typically handcrafted with minimal use of manufacturing equipment, it significantly reduces the use of power in the manufacturing process.
  • Environmental Issues in the Third World Countries Environmentalism is a type of social movement or a broad philosophy that is geared towards the conservation of the environment and also seeks to improve the quality of the environment.
  • Nurses’ Role in Environmental Health Nurses should support policies of eliminating barriers to environmental health, and assist, educate, monitor the environmental health of individuals and communities.
  • Activities to Promote and Preserve the Environment This paper describes a project that can be used to promote environmental preservation in schools and communities.
  • Deforestation: Causes, Environmental Effects, Solutions This paper aims to study the environmental effects of deforestation and suggest potential solutions for this issue.
  • Waste Disposal: Environmental Issue Environmental issues are a common occurrence worldwide, with new patterns emerging every day. It is important to note that humans are the main actors in environmental issues.
  • Environmental Issues in the Hospitality Industry: An Actual Trend Environmental issues are an important challenge for the modern world, and the hospitality business is one of the fields where those issues are strongly marked.
  • Protection of Marine Environment Under International Law: Treaties and International Legal Instruments Laws touching on the protection of the marine environment have evolved. The evolution is made evident in this paper by analyzing the various international legal instruments.
  • The Impact of ICT on the Environment In a research paper titled “Powering Down…”, Simon Forge has presented his concerns about the current model of Information and Communications Technology.
  • Energy Conservation in the Environment There are so many undefined factors negatively affecting the environment. These are some of the things that make people to put their efforts in protecting the environment.
  • Health Effects of Environmental Change The paper will describe how both food scarcity and obesity increase due the modern environment.It describes the roles of a nurse in ensuring a healthy environment.
  • The Life’s Extreme Environments Evidence of life prevailing in nature’s extremities has been found, which gives humans hope to find life beyond planet Earth.
  • Food Donation and Food Safety: Environmental Health Food safety is often taken for granted, with most people relying on basic practices and following essential hygiene standards without giving a second thought.
  • Using Nightingale’s Environmental Theory A recovery plan for a chronically ill patient entails numerous interventions, including the patient’s environment or setting.
  • Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences Environmental pollution is currently one of the most important and prevalent issues in modern life. Every day, a human appears to contribute to the pollution of our green world.
  • Hospitality Environmental Management Plan This paper aims at highlighting some of the ISO requirements with respect to site selection, environmental design, alternative materials, water conservation, and energy efficiency.
  • Noise in Nightingale’s Environmental Theory The purpose of this paper is to analyze the concept of noise and audial disturbances through the prism of Nightingale’s environmental theory.
  • Environmental Festivals and Fairs: Function and Importance Environmental festivals and fairs play a pivotal role in instilling on participating individuals a desire and attitude geared towards sustainable environmental management.
  • Environmental Ethics in Oryx and Crake by Atwood The central narrative line in Margaret Atwood’s dystopian tragedy Oryx and Crake is built around the story of a man named Snowman.
  • Environmental Sustainability and Its Importance for the Future This paper discusses the concept of environmental sustainability and its significance for the well-being of both the environment and humanity.
  • Chilean Sea Bass on the Menu and Its Impact on the Environment Restaurants have types of menus that customers choose from depending on their tastes. The paper will evaluate the environmental effects of having Chilean sea bass on the menu.
  • The Environmental Impact of Bottled Water This paper examines the real situational effects on production of the bottled water to environmental degradation.
  • Environmental Problems in Today’s Belarus Environmental problems in today’s Belarus go back to the times of the Soviet regime. An agrarian republic, Belarus suffered from one of the biggest tragedies of the 20th century.
  • Microplastics and Environmental Health The environment suffers from microplastics (further referred to as MPs) released by the degraded synthetic clothing, cosmetics, plastic bags, bottles, and containers.
  • Environmental Benefits and Challenges of Urbanization Discussion of environmental challenges and benefits of urbanization that can accure to environment because of urbanization.
  • Environmental Ethical Issues: History, Current Events, and Significance Environmental ethics exerts its influence on several disciplines such as sociology, law, theology, economics, geography and ecology.
  • Environmental Activism: Benefits and Threats Environmental activism increases public awareness about the problems; however, it can be justified only when it does not pose a threat to the property and lives of people.
  • Environmental Impact of Rice Production Mass production of rice releases harmful greenhouse gases into the environment and consumes a huge amount of water thus affecting productivity which has started to decrease.
  • Apple Inc.’s Environmental Sustainability By using Apple company as an example, this research paper discusses various strategies companies use to ensure a safe, clean, and sustainable environment.
  • Human Population Growth and Environment The article argues, as a result, with an increasing trend in the human population, there are negative impacts on the environment.
  • Impact of COVID-19 Pandemics on the Environment The spread of the COVID-19 and the contingency prevention measures harm the environment, and it is urgent to solve problems like the growing volume of waste.
  • Environmental Policy and Sustainability The culture of different people is one of the factors that make it difficult for the environmentalists to achieve solutions to some of the environmental problems.
  • The Impact of Technological Advances on the Environment Industrial revolution and automation has been blamed for the increasing environmental pollution. The air people breath is no longer fresh as it used to be in the past.
  • Ecofeminism, Pluralism and Environmental Pragmatism Ecofeminism, pluralism, and environmental pragmatism are some of the concepts governing environmental protection.
  • Environmental & Best Safety (EBS) in China The given article EBS in China, written by Lin Liu and colleagues in 2018, explores the company Environmental & Best Safety (EBS), its background, and initiatives.
  • The Urban Development Impact on the Environment This research paper discusses urban development and its potential negative effects on wildlife and the environment.
  • The Relations Between Environmental and Cultural Determinism This paper identifies environmental and cultural determinism, which, despite some contradictions, in certain interpretations can be closely related.
  • Florence Nightingale’s “Environmental Model” Critique Nightingale’s model mostly described how nurses must take care of their patients and what environment they must create in order to perform a proper treatment.
  • Environmental Studies: Deep Ecology Deep ecology shows the idea that like every human being all other living beings should have equal right to live in this world
  • Global Awareness of Environmental and Moral Issues Global awareness entails the aspect of making people, the society, have an understanding of various life issues that is based on knowledge of global perspectives.
  • Recycling in Dubai and Its Impact on the Population and Environment The proposal provides an insight into how recycling can be conducted and respective benefits of the same on the environment.
  • Environmental Changes: Negative and Positive Impact on Human Health Environmental changes have both negative and positive impacts on human health. While some effects are direct, others are hard to decipher.
  • Environmental Studies: The Chernobyl Disaster On April 26, 1986, The Chernobyl Unit 4 Reactor was undergoing a test on the system that was meant to provide electric power in case of a power outage.
  • Environmental Issues in Namibia Due to RĂśssing Uranium Mine The study focuses on the RĂśssing uranium mine, as uranium is one of the most toxic substances and its mining significantly worsens the standard of living of the population.
  • Environmental Marketing: Fiji Greenwashing Ad In the industry, greenwashing is described as a brand’s unjustifiable and deceptive assertion that its product is more ecologically friendly than it is.
  • The Environmental Impacts of the Food and Hospitality Industry The food wastage issue in the food and hospitality industry in Australia remains to be consciously considered as it may adversely affect the environment.
  • The True Cost: Fast Fashion, Garment Workers, and Environment The True Cost is a documentary that shows the background of the fast-fashion world, where garment workers live in terrible conditions, facing poverty and a lack of safety.
  • Environment and Tourism in the Caribbean Caribbean Island relies on sea-sand and sun tourism, making a mon-product area. Furthermore, these supporting endowments are subject to exhaustion.
  • Teaching Science, Technology, Society and Environment Using Out-of-School This paper looks at STSE in both contexts of theory and practical application. The STSE is, therefore, an advantageous and evidently a defensible objective in real practice.
  • Environmental Factors and Barriers to Health Environmental health is an important aspect of health care. A variety of environmental factors can lead to both positive and negative outcomes for the patient.
  • Human Ecological Footprint Impact on Environment The term “human footprint” focuses on the continued use of the earth’s resources for survival. Human activities tend to have copious impacts on the natural environment.
  • The B.E.A.C.H. Environmental Campaign This paper evaluates the B.E.A.C.H. environmental campaign developed to raise awareness of marine debris removal and minimize the risks of environmental degradation.
  • Christianity Role in Positive Environmental Changes Christianity is an ideal platform for instating positive environmental changes through personal approaches. This is because the church can easily mobilize and educate the masses.
  • Bottled Water Impact on Environment This paper seeks to amplify the need for regulation of the used water bottles. It is quite obvious that water bottles are the highest in a number of all bottles thrown away after use.
  • Water Recycling: Why Is It Important? Different countries face varying challenges in as far as provision of clean water to its population is concerned depending with its economic development level and geographic location.
  • Effect of Rice Production on the Environment Rice is a major staple crop that millions of people use in their daily diets, particularly those living below the poverty line in Asia, Africa, and South America.
  • The Impact of Food Choices on the Economy and Environment I decided to research two food products: salmon fillet and orange juice. I will utilize the data collected to reflect upon how food choices can impact the economy and environment.
  • Schieffelin: Rainforest Environment and the Kaluli Food Production The author spends so much time discussing the Kaluli environment to demonstrate the surrounding, as it provides an understanding of the people and the main events.
  • Sloy Hydro Power Station Project’s Environmental Impact Sloy HEP station is a major conventional hydroelectric project and was commissioned in 1950. The power station produces approximately 130 million units a year.
  • F. Nightingale’s Environmental Nursing Theory While working as a nurse, Nightingale noticed that environmental conditions affected the rate at which patients died following injuries sustained during the Crimean War.
  • Bottled Water Impacts on Environment As the use of bottled water continue to rise steadily around the world, many critics have focused on its impacts on the environment, economy and other social implications related to the use.
  • Environmental Pollution Effects on Health Environmental contaminations such as lead taxation, noise and air pollution harmfully affect physical, psychological health and behavioral patterns of adults and children.
  • Mining as a Cause of Environmental Disaster Mining does great damage to the environment and biological diversity of the planet. The negative consequences of mining indicates the gravity of the present ecological situation.
  • Environmental and Public Health Risks Caused by Plastic Pollution Plastic toxicity is an issue globally. Vulnerability to harmful chemicals used in the manufacture of plastics has detrimental repercussions for human health.
  • Qanat Quartier: Architecture, Infrastructure, and Environment Qanat Quartier is a quarter that was built for rich local and foreign residents, with the expectation of large investments in order to cover the maintenance of the human-made isle.
  • Green Technology: Comparison of Economic and Environmental Implications It is essential to investigate the distribution of the implication perspectives of green technologies for economic and environmental domains.
  • Environmental Justice Problems in the Global South The phenomena comprising environmental injustice towards the Global South stem from the improper policies of present-day corporations in the North.
  • The Evolution and Purpose of Contemporary Environmental Health The scope of environmental health refers to safe environmental measures by registered personnel in both the private and public sectors.
  • Impact of Environmental Law on Businesses This research will analyze the impact of environmental law on businesses with a focus on the litigation filed by Environmental Defense against Duke Energy.
  • Environmental Problems and Their Potential Solutions People should think about items and the amounts of food they require as unnecessary products and waste food not only occupy large spaces but pollutants for the environment.
  • Environmental Law: International Agreements The very concept of environmental law is the set of regulations according to which the international community cooperates.
  • Environmental Issues: Intensive Farming Intensive farming as an issue involves factors such as overgrazing, inappropriate methods during the preparation of land for farming for example slashing of bushes, etc.
  • Marine Environmental High Risk Areas Definition Marine Environmental High risk Areas was first used by Lord Donaldson in Report titled Safe Ships, Clean Seas.He defined these areas as locations with high environmental sensitivity.
  • Environmental Factors Affecting Global and Domestic Marketing Decisions So the main potent of the marketing strategy must be in providing business travel solutions at the lowest possible prices.
  • Human Impact on Evolution and Environment Research on positive and negative impacts of humans on evolution and industrial development on the environment.
  • Social and Environmental Impact of Burberry’s and Gucci’s Business Operations While Burberry’s influence on the macro social environment is rather positive, it is not possible to say the same about its environmental effect.
  • “Human and Environmental Security: An Agenda for Change” by Dodds & Pippard “Human & Environmental Security and Agenda for Change” is a powerful collection of essays that reveals the problems of human and environmental insecurity nowadays.
  • Environmental Legislation: Clean Water Act Clean Water Act determines water quality standards, serves as a basis for the enactment of pollution control programs, and regulates the presence of contaminants in surface water.
  • Environmental Conservation Project Management Understanding emerging technologies would help a firm gain a competitive edge over other firms. This project is focused on environmental conservation.
  • West Kendall: Environment and Community West Kendall is a great place to live. It has all sorts of restaurants, stores, recreation centers, clinics, hospitals and fast food places.
  • Climate Change and Environmental Degradation Creating a planning model for climate change and environmental degradation requires a comprehensive approach that considers multiple factors.
  • Animal Farms and Their Environmental Impact The environmental impact of animal farms has been generously explored by opinion-makers, politicians, and scientists alike.
  • How the Concept of Brahman-Atman Can Benefit Human-Environment Relationship The concept of brahman-atman can serve as a foundation for a more progressive view of the relationship between people and the environment.
  • Environmental Ethics in Genetically Modified Organisms The paper discusses genetically modified organisms. Environmental ethics is centered on the ethical dilemmas arising from human interaction with the nonhuman domain.
  • Environmental Pollution: Causes and Solutions Pollution of the oceans, depletion of the ozone layer, and air quality in large cities adversely affect the health of people and animals.
  • Environmental Studies: Importance of Environmental Studies Environmental studies are greatly related to a person’s life. It makes it important to understand the course of action for the planet’s and humanity’s future.
  • Environmental Degradation in Pacific Northwest Diamond’s Five Point Framework is a popular tool used to analyze the demise of historic and contemporary societies.
  • Environmental Justice as Social Movement Environmental justice is a social movement that promotes fair treatment and equal opportunities for all populations.
  • Environmental Wellness and Problem of Air Pollution Air pollution is one of the main factors affecting the environment. It can be considered as any change in its properties that has a deleterious effect.
  • Environmental Justice Issues in Miami The paper focuses on the environmental justice issue in Miami, Florida, which has always had questions associated with the unfair distribution of environmental burdens.
  • “Promises and Poverty”: Starbucks Conceals Poverty and Deterioration of the Environment “Promises and Poverty” talks about Starbucks’ working practices that promise good coffee with a better quality of life but conceal poverty and deterioration of the environment.
  • Global Environment and Critical Threats to It The two threats discussed in the paper, the ocean level rise and poor countries remaining poor, are particularly dangerous for the global community.
  • Burberry Firm’s Environmental Scanning and Sustainable Marketing The environmental scanning of Burberry indicates the need for sustainable marketing, given the range of messages regarding overconsumption that the marketing framework sends.
  • COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on the Environment There is a common opinion that the COVID-19 pandemic has a positive impact on the environment. But is ambiguous, and there are certain negative consequences.
  • Whole-Cell Bacterial Biosensor for Environmental Monitoring The low cost and rapid performance displayed by the whole-cell biosensor technology has led to increased interest in them.
  • Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice One should not tolerate that a certain percentage of city residents live in much worse environmental conditions than all others – it is necessary to modernize the industry.
  • Energy Consumption in Architecture and Environmental Design Energy conservation can be considered as one of the fundamentals of energy consumption in architecture and environmental designs.
  • Overpopulation and Environmental Protection in China The torrid economic growth and the steep rise in China’s population are the main factors leading to environmental degradation, affecting the whole world.
  • Solar Energy and Its Impact on Environment The purpose of this paper is to determine the impact of solar energy on the environment. The major positive impact is the minimal emission of greenhouse gases.
  • Environmental Problems and Social Movements Environmental safety has come to be among the most volatile topics of discussion at the local, national, and international levels.
  • Protecting the Environment as the Most Important Problem The rising population exhaust the natural resources such as the fossil fuels which when used; they in turn pollute the environment and raises energy security concerns.
  • Carbon Tax Role in Enhancing Environmental Sustainability Environmental sustainability involves making decisions and engaging in activities aimed at protecting nature. Emphasis is placed on preserving the earth’s capability to support life.
  • The Issue of Environment Pollution in Peru For their scavenger habits, the Peruvians use black vultures, or coragyps atrarus. This species is extensive in population and does not fall under special protection.
  • National Parks: Environmental Threats and Protection Walker and David argue that every person is required to protect the endangered species because they have a duty to protect the earth, including these birds, for future generations.
  • Metal Recycling and Its Environmental Importance Metal recycling is a procedure with numerous environmental and financial advantages. Recycling metals lowers trash, safeguards natural resources, and creates jobs.
  • The Sunshine Canyon Landfill Environmental Analysis In today’s waste management systems, landfills are a necessary component, but they can also pose serious environmental and health problems.
  • Environmental Analysis of the Ford Motor Company’s Electric Vehicles The paper provides the findings of a SWOT analysis of Ford company to detect its competitive advantage in the market of electric vehicles.
  • Environment: Heal the Bay Experience One of the organizations that have been at the forefront of fighting pollution in oceans and beaches is Heal the Bay.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment: Japan A thorough assessment of environmental impact is crucial to determine the country’s or organization’s efforts toward sustainability.
  • Environmental Management and Sustainable Solutions The key sustainable solution is to be politically active. The issues of the environment and the need for sustainable development must be addressed, but first, they need to be said.
  • Environmental Pollution in China During the last years, environmental degradation in China has been becoming severe, but if people and government are aware and involved, it will be possible to improve the situation.
  • Coaching Styles’ Role in Business Environment Effective coaching styles play a significant role in creating a conducive environment for employees to work efficiently.
  • Fossil Fuel as a Significant Concern to the Environment Fossil fuel is one of the significant energy sources in the world. This does not eliminate this source of heat as a significant concern to the environment.
  • Environmental and Global Security This essay applies the climate change theory to argue that environmental security our biggest global challenge for security today.
  • Review of Environmental History Human impact on the environment is global: the influence of humans on the appearance of the planet is already comparable to the processes in the Earth’s core and continental drift.
  • Overpopulation’s and Environmental Disasters’ Connection This essay focuses on evaluating overpopulation as one of the greatest environmental threats, the relationship between the problem of overpopulation and harm to harmony in nature.
  • Food, Health and Environment Relations
  • Application of Chemistry in Environmental Science
  • The Problem of Environmental Water Pollution
  • Nightingale’s Environmental Theory
  • Florence Nightingale’s Environment Theory
  • Overcoming Racism in Environmental Decision Making
  • Modern Environmental Issues: Climate Change
  • Environmental Security and Environmental Degradation Consequences
  • Human Impact on the Environment Leading to Climate Change
  • Automobiles’ Fuel Efficiency and the Environment
  • Trade in Environmental Goods and Economic Growth
  • Environmental Management System: Implementation, Maintenance, and Improvement
  • Bottled Water: Environmental and Cultural Impact
  • Nightingale’s Environmental Nursing Theory
  • Ansel Adams’s Environmental Philosophy in Photos
  • Quality & Environmental Management for Business Excellence
  • Environmental Issues: Plastics in the Ocean
  • Greta Thunberg – Teenage Environmental Activist
  • Population, Urbanization, and Environment
  • Cultural Variations in Environment and Biology: AIDS
  • The Environmental Valuation in Economic Terms
  • Environmental Theory by Florence Nightingale
  • Iron Ore Industry and Environmental Pollution
  • Environment in the Book “Paths to a Green World”
  • Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory
  • The Environmental Impacts of Consumption and Production
  • Community-Led Environmental Activism: Mobilizing Against Tree Cutting
  • Leveraging Surfers as Coastal Environmental Monitoring Platforms
  • Corruption and Environmental Activism in Brazil
  • Environment of Lincoln Park in New Jersey
  • Meat Consumption: Environmental Impact
  • Globalization and Use of Fossil Fuel as Environmental Threats
  • Environmental Crisis and Plantation Legacies
  • Aspects of the Environmental Activism
  • World Health Organization: Response to Health and Environmental Issues
  • The Impact on the Environment of Transporting Freight Through Tractor Trailer
  • Environmental Health Care: A Common Cause of Lead Exposure
  • Environmental Justice Movement
  • Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crop
  • Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Environmental Management
  • Environmental Issues: Air Pollution
  • Environmental Change Management at Signal Sausages Factory
  • The Ugly History of Environmental Fears and Population Controls
  • The Environment and Its Current and Projected Aspects
  • The Permian Basin from Environmental Perspective
  • Geopolitics, Land Use, and Environmental Impact
  • The Tragedy of the Commons in the New Environmental Reality
  • Benefits, Limitations, and Environmental Costs of Wind and Solar Power
  • Assessing Environmental Risks from Human Activity
  • The Greenhouse Effect on Environment
  • Environmental Ethics and Spiritual Dimensions
  • Environmental Impact of Avocado Farming in Mexico
  • Environment, Economy and Society in World History
  • Implementation of Environmental Tax and Related Economic Instruments
  • Food Security: Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine
  • Acid Rains: Environmental Economics and Management
  • Research Project on Environmental Pollution in Brooklyn
  • Application of Environment Theory
  • Lasting Environmental Impacts of Industrial Revolution
  • Environmental Sustainability and Ecological Risks
  • Choice of Paper or Plastic in Environmental Context
  • Analytical Approaches to the Environment
  • Environmental Health and Biodiversity
  • Native Americans: The Value of Environmental and Cultural History
  • Waste Pollution as a Global Environmental Problem
  • Environment Protection, Species Conservation, and Forest Management
  • The Impact of Parks on Biodiversity, Local Environment, and Local Economy
  • The Environment in the South Caucasus
  • Microplastics as an Environmental Safety Issue
  • The Basics of Environmental Ethics
  • Environment: There’s Something in the Water
  • Advocacy Regarding Environmental Pollution in Brooklyn
  • Management Development and Management Environment
  • Environmental Racism as Rights Infringement
  • Disciplines of Environmental Science
  • Agricultural Adaptation to Changing Environments
  • The 2010 Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico: Environmental and Policy Issues
  • Ecology and Environmental Science: Analysis of Videos
  • Nonverbal Message on Environmental Features
  • Environmental and Conservation Efforts Social Movement
  • Microbial-Environmental Interactions: Escherichia Coli
  • Aspects of Environmental Sustainability
  • Politics in the Upkeep of a Sustainable Quality Environment
  • The Effects of the Environment on First Peoples and Their Future After Europeans’ Arrival
  • Climate Change: Canada’s Environment Policy
  • Environmental Biology: Green Energy
  • Environment-Oriented Approach in Consumer Decisions
  • Human-Environment Interactions Influence Populations’ Health
  • Importance of Recycling for Environment and People
  • Impact of Marine Plastic Debris on Environment
  • Biodiversity, Environmental Ethics and Theology
  • Environmental Health Problems Florida Facing
  • Sustainable Environmental Practices, Current Status and Recommendations
  • “Class and Environmental History” by Karl Jacoby: Summary and Arguments
  • The Affect of Climate Change on the Social and Environmental Determinants of Health
  • Stakeholders and the Physical Environment
  • “Environmental Drivers of Sexual Dimorphism…” by Chelini
  • Environmental Protection: Perspectives on World Religions
  • Pollution Rights Trading Will Effectively Control Environmental Problems
  • Cooperation of Government and People, Business and Environment
  • Environmental Studies: Life & Culture in the Pacific
  • Flood Environmental Issues in the Netherlands
  • Solar Power as a Solution to Environmental Problems
  • Climate Change and Environmental Anxiety
  • Von Wong on Environmental Pollution Awareness
  • Built Environment and Pandemics
  • Overpopulation and the Environmental Wellbeing
  • The Effects of Globalization on the Environment
  • Environmental Conditions Analysis
  • Virtue Ethics. The Environmental Documentary
  • Human Negative Impact on the Environment
  • The FISHstory Project in Environmental Studies
  • Environmental Considerations in Purchasing Transportation Services
  • Biodiversity on the Earth: Why Is It Crucial for the Environment?
  • The Drastic Effects of Human Pollution on the Environment
  • Environment and Health Relation
  • Life Cycle Assessment of Environmental Impact
  • Hydraulic Fracturing: Effects on the Environment
  • Environmental Studies: Critical Thinking
  • Analysis of Environmental Racism in America
  • Impacts of Environmental Justice on Health
  • The Problem of Environmental Pollution: Fresh Water
  • The Protest Against the Environment-Related Policy
  • Environmental Racism: Analyzing the Phenomenon
  • Gamma-Ray and Environmental Problems
  • Stem Cell: Environmental Science
  • Environmental Treaties in Addressing Climate Change
  • Bacterial Growth Requirements in Different Environments
  • Environmental Impact for Nuclear Power Plant in Uganda
  • The Documentary “Origins of Us”: Environmental Psychology
  • The Anthropocene: Human Impacts on the Environment
  • Studying Human Impact on the Environment
  • Aspects of Environmental Protection
  • Ecological Model in Environmental Public Health
  • Impact of Environmental Changes on Businesses
  • The Children’s Health: Impact of Environmental Problems
  • Trans-ocean Transportation: Environmental Study
  • Environmental Justice Framework and Racism
  • Modelling in the Marine Environment
  • Implication of International Environmental and Social Safeguard in Urban Transportation Project
  • Environmental Law Application in the Contemporary World
  • Environmental Issues: Problems of Climate Change
  • Environmental Public Health: Excessive Noise Levels in Ginning Industries
  • Social and Environmental Reporting: Arguments Against
  • Environmental Samples Gamma Ray Spectroscopic Analysis
  • The Environmental Issues Significant Impact on Health
  • Environmental Health Status of Population
  • Environmental Law and Its Crucial Points
  • Environmental Health and Environmental Change
  • Acme Hydrocarbons Ltd.’s Environmental Law Case
  • Is Bottled Water Dangerous for People and the Environment?
  • Environmental Ethics. Technology and Values
  • The U.S. Environmental Protection
  • Environmental & Economic Benefit Analysis of Methane Capture for Energy Generation
  • The Importance of Solving a Social Issue of Environmental Plastic Pollution
  • The Effects of the Environment on Human Health
  • Environmental Sustainability Over Economic Development in the Amazon Forest
  • Environmental Trends and Family
  • Plastics and Environmental Protection in Europe
  • Green Criminology: Environmental Harm in the Niger Delta
  • Health and Environment Change in the USA
  • The Problems of West Carolina Environmental Protection Agency
  • How Pollution Affects Humans and Environment
  • The Environmental Monitoring: Policies, Procedures and Schedules
  • Water Quality Assessment. Environmental Impact
  • Cities as Social and Environmental Systems
  • Environmental Sustainability: Protection of the Surroundings
  • The Effect of Climate Change on the Environment
  • Environmental Issues: Biodiversity Loss
  • Environmental Law: Property, Law, and Territorial Resources Relations
  • Environmental Conditions in Proxima C
  • Environmental Impact of Offshore Drilling
  • Relationship Between Men and the Environment
  • Globalization and Related Environmental Issues
  • Environmental Protection: Non-Equilibrium-Plasma-Assisted MNO2 Filter Efficiency
  • Interference With Environment and Environmental Changes
  • Concentrated Brine Discharge Effect to Seawater on the Aquatic Environment
  • Environmental Ethics: Intrinsic Value of Objects
  • Possible Godzilla’s Existence Environmental Benefits
  • Food and Sustainable Environmental Issues in Campus
  • Trade Liberalization: Environmental Effects
  • Earth in Mind: On Education, Environment, and the Human Prospect
  • Environmental Philosophy: Mountain Top Removal
  • Energy-Efficient Architecture and Environmental Design
  • Alfred W. Crosby on the Environment Exchange
  • Environmental Management: Nature Conservation Planning
  • Chernobyl Disaster’s Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact
  • Environmental Ethical Issues and Current Situation
  • Environmental Disaster Education: Incorporation Into the University Curriculum
  • Environmental Pollution Impact and Ways to Reduce It
  • Buncefield Oil Depot Explosion and Its Environmental Impact
  • Water: An Often Overlooked Essential Element in Our Environment
  • Environmental Management Plan: Managing the Hospitality Context
  • The Economics of Race, Agriculture and Environment
  • The Role of Environmental Management in Company
  • The Importance of Documentation in Environmental Management
  • Concept of Energy Consumption in Environmental Design
  • Environmental Studies: The Importance of Oil Exploration
  • Environmental Impact of International Tourism
  • Ethics on Environment: Practical and Theoretical Constructs
  • Environment: Rapid Increasing in Industrialization and Globalization
  • Environmental Challenges for NAFTA and Their Solutions
  • Research Environmental Discrimination and Environmental Justice
  • Regional Environmental Focus On the Carribean
  • Ineos Chemical Company Performance & Environmental Risks
  • Questions on Environmental Ethics Concerns
  • Environmental Issues and Ethics: The Questions
  • Water and Soil Pollution: Effects on the Environment
  • Commercial Fishing: Environmental Ethics Case Study
  • Bottled Water: Culture and Environmental Impact
  • Behavior and Environmental Influences on It
  • Bioremediation Technology Against Environmental Pollution
  • Ethics and Environmental Situation in China
  • Gasoline Consumption Statistics and Reduction of Environmental Pollution
  • Chuck Plunkett “Prius Effect”: Energy Efficient Cars Harmful Effects on the Environment
  • Lack of Water in California as an Environmental Issue
  • Environmental Degradation as a Result of Growing Population
  • Environment Protection Authority and Chemical Waste
  • Environmental Management Approaches and Waste Audit
  • Environmental Health: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  • Environmental Protection Agency’s Guerrilla Tactics
  • Environmental Health and Effects of Nursing
  • Environmental Health, Barriers and Nursing Role
  • Environmental Health and Nurses’ Contribution
  • The WWF’s Environmental Advertisement on Marine and Ocean Pollution
  • Toxic Air Pollutants: Environmental Health
  • Pollution Impact on the Environment
  • Carbon Cowboys: Environmental Protection & Energy Efficiency
  • Environment and Development Changes in Society
  • Social Psychologists and the Environment Studying
  • Industrial Pollution and Environmental Regulation
  • Environmental Planning Models by Hostovsky
  • Land Use, Zoning, and Environmental Quality Review
  • Environmental Policy and Governance in Australia
  • Professionalism and Ethics in Environment
  • Green Approach: Environment Conservation
  • Navigating Environmental Attitudes: Environmental Preservation
  • HindelburgeCement Plant’s Environmental Impact
  • Regulatory Economics and Environmental Policies
  • Colin Ives’ Lectures on Artwork-Environment Interaction
  • World Environmental Politics: Biocentric and Anthropocentric Views on Environmental Issues
  • Naturalists and Their Environmental Experiences
  • National Environmental Policy Act in the US
  • Environment and Legislation Issues
  • Environmental Legislation in the US and India
  • Land Use and Environmental Ethics
  • Society, Environment and Technology: Indian Market Entering
  • Environmental Health and Social Conflicts
  • Environmental Skepticism in Scientific Community
  • Environmental Changes and Factors That Impact Health
  • Pollution and Noise as Environmental Health Issues
  • Local Environments in Delaware
  • Environmental Health Concerns in Healthy People 2020
  • Pope Francis Views on the Environment
  • Richmond Plastics Products and Environmental Issue
  • Environmental Health and Effects of Environmental Change
  • Arizona Tourism: Socio-Cultural and Environmental Impacts
  • Man and Environment: Overpopulation in China
  • Biodiversity, Global Warming, Environmental Conservation
  • Environmental Change Effects on Health
  • Nurse’s Role in Environmental Health Improvement
  • How Changes in the Environment Affect Organizations?
  • Potential Sources of Environmental Risks
  • US Environmental Protection Agency’s Budgeting
  • American Environmental Policy for Hazardous Waste
  • Environmental Health Promotion in Nursing
  • Environmental Health as to Healthy People 2020
  • National Environmental Action Plan of Maldives
  • Global Environmental Changes: Population’ Growth
  • Consumption, Cheep Labor and Environmental Concerns
  • Penguins and Environmental Changes
  • Hazardous Materials, Environment and Health
  • Packaging in Marketing, Food Safety, Environment
  • Belo Monte Dam Project Environmental Controversies
  • Environmental Health and Health Effects: Improvement Strategies
  • “The Corn is a Lie” – Environment
  • Water Scarcity Issue and Environment
  • Global Environmental Change Concepts
  • Environmental Studies: Water Recycling
  • Global Environmental Change
  • Environmental Studies of Global Warming: Cause and Mitigation
  • United Kingdom Environmental and Waste Management Policies
  • Natural Sciences: Development vs. Environment
  • Environmental Studies: The Global Warming Holocaust
  • Environmental Studies: Tragedy of the Commons
  • Globe Environment Communities and Industrialization
  • Protection of the Environment in the U.S. and the State of Hawaii
  • Environment: Accidents and Catastrophes
  • Causes and Effects of Global Warming on the Environment
  • Environmental Studies: Plastics Recycling and Recovery
  • Environmental Studies on Coral Reefs
  • Environment: Oil Drilling in the Arctic National Refuge
  • Can the United States Government Overcome the Negative Impacts of the Industrial Revolution on the Environment?
  • What Are the Impacts of Climate Change on the Environment and Society?
  • How Does Changing the Environment Affect Evolution?
  • Does Economic Integration Damage or Benefit the Environment?
  • Are Genetically Modified Crops More Harmful Than Beneficial to the Environment?
  • How Does Cigarette Smoke Affect the Environment?
  • Did Our Ancestors Live in Harmony With the Environment?
  • Are Green Payments Good for the Environment?
  • Why Is It Important to Take Care of Our Environment?
  • Are Hybrid Cars Becoming Safer or More Harmful to the Environment?
  • Does Buying Local Organic Grown Foods Help the Environment?
  • What Are 10 Ways to Keep Our Environment Clean?
  • Are Trade Integration and the Environment in Conflict?
  • Does Education Induce People to Improve the Environment?
  • How Can We Keep Our Environment Clean?
  • Are Voluntary Environment Programs Effective in Improving the Environmental Performance?
  • Does Corruption Matter for the Environment?
  • How Has Climate Change Affected the Environment?
  • Should Businesses Take Responsibility for the Environment?
  • Does Human Fertility Adjust to the Environment?
  • What Should Companies Do to Protect the Environment?
  • How Do the African States Deal With the Relationship Between Environment and Development?
  • Does People’s Activity Harm the Environment?
  • Who Is Responsible to Save the Environment?
  • How Does Consumerism Affect the Environment?
  • Will Trade Liberalization Harm the Environment?
  • Does the Natural Environment Have a Future?
  • How Is Detrimental Clear-Cut Logging Affecting the Environment?
  • What Role Should the Government Play in Protecting the Environment?
  • How Did the Arrival of Europeans Affect the Environment of North America?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 490 Environment Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/environment-essay-topics/

"490 Environment Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/environment-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '490 Environment Essay Topics'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "490 Environment Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/environment-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "490 Environment Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/environment-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "490 Environment Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/environment-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Environment were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 21, 2024 .

Home / Essay Samples / Environment

Titles for Environment Essay

An environment essay explores aspects related to the surrounding nature, such as the elements it consists of, their dynamics, how these elements interact with and influence each other, the fragile equilibrium in ecosystems and how human activities disturb this equilibrium either indirectly (for instance, by determining an increase in Earth’s temperature) or directly, through unsustainable resource exploitation: through careless hunting, fishing, intensive agriculture, deforestation, pollution. This topic is highly relevant because humans have already caused massive problems which not only destroyed many ecosystems but which can also endanger our own species. One example of this is how rising global temperatures and climate change can flood coastal cities, melt glaciers and polar ice, dry out bodies of drinking water.

Why Climate Change Awareness is Important

Climate change is one of the most pressing global challenges of our time, with far-reaching environmental, economic, and social consequences. This essay explores the critical importance of climate change awareness, emphasizing its role in fostering informed action, inspiring sustainable practices, and ensuring the well-being of...

The Dust Bowl: Environmental Disaster and Human Resilience

The Dust Bowl, one of the most devastating environmental crises in American history, left an indelible mark on both the land and the people who lived through it. This essay delves into the causes and consequences of the Dust Bowl, the human experiences of those...

Environmental Pollution: the Impact of Human Activity

Environmental pollution, driven largely by human activity, has emerged as one of the most pressing global challenges of our time. Pollution, in its various forms, poses significant threats to ecosystems, human health, and the overall well-being of the planet. This essay explores the pervasive issue...

Are Humans Responsible for Climate Change

The debate surrounding climate change has become one of the most pressing issues of our time. While there is a scientific consensus that the Earth's climate is warming, the question of whether humans are primarily responsible for this change remains a topic of contention. In...

Conserving Energy: a Path to Sustainability

Energy conservation is not merely a concept—it's a responsibility that each individual and society bears to ensure the sustainable future of our planet. With growing concerns about climate change and resource depletion, conserving energy has become a crucial step toward minimizing our ecological footprint. In...

Spending Summer Vacation: Embracing Adventures and Relaxation

As the school bells ring one final time and the warm breeze signals the arrival of summer, a world of possibilities unfolds before us. Summer vacation, a cherished annual tradition, offers a tantalizing escape from the routines of everyday life. It's a season that invites...

Depletion of the Ozone Layer: a Critical Environmental Concern

The ozone layer, an essential component of Earth's atmosphere, serves as a natural shield against harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. It plays a vital role in protecting life on our planet by absorbing the majority of the sun's harmful UV-B and UV-C rays....

The Vital Elixir: the Importance of Water

Water, the elixir of life, is an essential element that sustains all forms of existence on our planet. Its importance cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems, supporting human health, and driving countless processes that shape the...

Ways to Protect the Environment: Nurturing Our Planet

Our planet's well-being is intricately connected to the actions we take. As stewards of the Earth, it is our responsibility to protect and preserve the environment for future generations. The task may seem daunting, but there are numerous impactful ways in which individuals, communities, and...

Man is the Destroyer of Nature: Unraveling the Impact

Throughout history, humanity's progress and prosperity have often come at the expense of the environment. The saying "man is the destroyer of nature" encapsulates the idea that human actions have led to significant ecological degradation. In this essay, we will delve into the multifaceted ways...

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  • Climate & Weather
  • Environment Problems
  • Human Impact
  • Plastic Bags
  • Solar Energy
  • Global Warming
  • Climate Change
  • Water Pollution
  • Deforestation
  • Sustainability

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