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How To Write a Business Plan in 9 Steps (2024)

Business plans aren’t just for entrepreneurs who need to secure funding—they can help you plan and evaluate new ideas or growth plans, too. Find out how to write a business plan and get the most out of the process in this comprehensive guide.

A great business plan can help you clarify your strategy, identify potential roadblocks, determine necessary resources, and evaluate the viability of your idea and growth plan before you start a business .

Not every successful business launches with a formal business plan, but many founders find value in taking time to step back, research their idea and the market they’re looking to enter, and understand the scope and the strategy behind their tactics. That’s where writing a business plan comes in.

Learn how to write a business plan with a step-by-step guide, get tips for getting the most of your plan, and see real business plan examples to inspire you.

What is a business plan?

A business plan is a strategic document that outlines a company's goals, strategies for achieving them, and the time frame for their achievement. It covers aspects like market analysis , financial projections, and organizational structure, serving as a roadmap for business growth and a tool to secure funding.

Often, financial institutions and investors need to see a business plan before funding any project. Even if you don’t plan to seek outside funding, a well-crafted plan becomes the guidance for your business as it scales.

How to write a business plan in 9 steps

  • Draft an executive summary.
  • Write a company description.
  • Perform a market analysis.
  • Outline the management and organization.
  • List your products and services.
  • Perform customer segmentation.
  • Define a marketing plan.
  • Provide a logistics and operations plan.
  • Make a financial plan.

Few things are more intimidating than a blank page. Starting your business plan with a structured outline and key elements for what you’ll include in each section is the best first step you can take.

Since an outline is such an important step in the process of writing a business plan, we’ve put together a high-level overview to get you started (and avoid the terror of facing a blank page).

Once you have your business plan template in place, it’s time to fill it in. We’ve broken it down by section to help you build your plan step by step.

1. Draft an executive summary.

A good executive summary is one of the most crucial sections of your plan—it’s also the last section you should write.

The executive summary distills everything that follows and gives time-crunched reviewers (e.g., potential investors and lenders) a high-level overview of your business that persuades them to read further.

Again, it’s a summary, so highlight the key points you’ve uncovered while writing your plan. If you’re writing for your own planning purposes, you can skip the summary altogether—although you might want to give it a try anyway, just for practice.

A webpage on the FIGS website showing an executive summary

An executive summary shouldn’t exceed one page. Admittedly, that space constraint can make squeezing in all of the salient information a bit stressful—but it’s not impossible. Your business plan’s executive summary should include:

  • Business concept. What does your business do?
  • Business goals and vision. What does your business want to do?
  • Product description and differentiation. What do you sell, and why is it different?
  • Target market. Who do you sell to?
  • Marketing strategy. How do you plan on reaching your customers?
  • Current financial state. What do you currently earn in revenue?
  • Projected financial state. What do you foresee earning in revenue?
  • The ask. How much money are you asking for?
  • The team. Who’s involved in the business?

2. Write a company description.

This section of your business plan should answer two fundamental questions: who are you, and what do you plan to do? 

Answering these questions with a company description provides an introduction to why you’re in business, why you’re different, what you have going for you, and why you’re a good investment. 

For example, clean makeup brand Saie shares a letter from its founder on the company’s mission and why it exists.

A webpage from the Saie site featuring a company description

Clarifying these details is still a useful exercise, even if you’re the only person who’s going to see them. It’s an opportunity to put to paper some of the more intangible facets of your business, like your principles, ideals, and cultural philosophies.

Here are some of the components you should include in your company description:

  • Your business structure (Are you a sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, or incorporated company?)
  • Your business model
  • Your industry
  • Your business’s vision, mission, and value proposition
  • Background information on your business or its history
  • Business objectives, both short and long term
  • Your team, including key personnel and their salaries

Brand values and goals

To define your brand values , think about all the people your company is accountable to, including owners, employees, suppliers, customers, and investors. Now consider how you’d like to conduct business with each of them. As you make a list, your core values should start to emerge.

Your company description should also include both short- and long-term goals. Short-term goals, generally, should be achievable within the next year, while one to five years is a good window for long-term goals. Make sure your goal setting includes SMART goals : specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound.

Vision and mission statements

Once you know your values, you can write a mission statement . Your statement should explain, in a convincing manner, why your business exists, and should be no longer than a single sentence.

Next, craft your vision statement : What impact do you envision your business having on the world once you’ve achieved your vision? Phrase this impact as an assertion—begin the statement with “We will” and you’ll be off to a great start. Your vision statement, unlike your mission statement, can be longer than a single sentence, but try to keep it to three at most. The best vision statements are concise.

3. Perform a market analysis.

No matter what type of business you start, it’s no exaggeration to say your market can make or break it. Choose the right market for your products—one with plenty of customers who understand and need your product—and you’ll have a head start on success. If you choose the wrong market, or the right market at the wrong time, you may find yourself struggling for each sale.

Market analysis is a key section of your business plan, whether or not you ever intend for anyone else to read it.

This is why market research and analysis is a key section of your business plan, whether or not you ever intend for anyone else to read it. It should include an overview of how big you estimate the market is for your products, an analysis of your business’s position in the market, and an overview of the competitive landscape. Thorough research supporting your conclusions is important both to persuade investors and to validate your own assumptions as you work through your plan.

Here is an example to illustrate how to approach this section:

Example of market analysis section on a business plan

How big is your potential market?

The potential market is an estimate of how many people need your product. While it’s exciting to imagine sky-high sales figures, you’ll want to use as much relevant independent data as possible to validate your estimated potential market.

Since this can be a daunting process, here are some general tips to help you begin your research:

  • Understand your ideal customer profile. Look for government data about the size of your target market , learn where they live, what social channels they use, and their shopping habits.
  • Research relevant industry trends and trajectory. Explore consumer trends and product trends in your industry by looking at Google Trends, trade publications, and influencers in the space.
  • Make informed guesses. You’ll never have perfect, complete information about your total addressable market. Your goal is to base your estimates on as many verifiable data points as necessary.

Some sources to consult for market data include government statistics offices, industry associations, academic research, and respected news outlets covering your industry.

Read more: What is a Marketing Analysis? 3 Steps Every Business Should Follow

SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis looks at your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. What are the best things about your company? What are you not so good at? What market or industry shifts can you take advantage of and turn into opportunities? Are there external factors threatening your ability to succeed?

SWOT is often depicted in a grid or visual way. With this visual presentation, your reader can quickly see the factors that may impact your business and determine your competitive advantage in the market.

Competitive analysis

There are three overarching factors you can use to differentiate your business in the face of competition:

  • Cost leadership. You have the capacity to maximize profits by offering lower prices than the majority of your competitors. Examples include companies like Mejuri and Endy .
  • Differentiation. Your product or service offers something distinct from the current cost leaders in your industry and banks on standing out based on your uniqueness. Think of companies like Knix and QALO .
  • Segmentation. You focus on a very specific, or niche, target market, and aim to build traction with a smaller audience before moving on to a broader market. Companies like TomboyX and Heyday Footwear are great examples of this strategy.

To understand which is the best fit, you’ll need to understand your business as well as the competitive landscape.

You’ll always have competition in the market, even with an innovative product, so it’s important to include a competitive overview in your business plan. If you’re entering an established market, include a list of a few companies you consider direct competitors and explain how you plan to differentiate your products and business from theirs.

For example, if you’re selling jewelry , your competitive differentiation could be that, unlike many high-end competitors, you donate a percentage of your profits to a notable charity or pass savings on to your customers.

If you’re entering a market where you can’t easily identify direct competitors, consider your indirect competitors—companies offering products that are substitutes for yours. For example, if you’re selling an innovative new piece of kitchen equipment, it’s too easy to say that because your product is new, you have no competition. Consider what your potential customers are doing to solve the same problems.

4. Outline the management and organization.

Woman writes on a laptop in a living room

If you have a management team, use an organizational chart to show your company’s internal structure, including the roles, responsibilities, and relationships between people in your chart. Communicate how each person will contribute to the success of your startup.

5. List your products and services.

Your products or services will feature prominently in most areas of your business plan, but it’s important to provide a section that outlines key details about them for interested readers.

If you sell many items, you can include more general information on each of your product lines. If you only sell a few, provide additional information on each. For example, bag shop BAGGU sells a large selection of different types of bags, in addition to home goods and other accessories. Its business plan would list out those categories and key details about the products within each.

A product collection page from Baggu's website

Describe new products you’ll launch in the near future and any intellectual property you own. Express how they’ll improve profitability. It’s also important to note where products are coming from—handmade crafts are sourced differently than trending products for a dropshipping business, for instance.

6. Perform customer segmentation.

Three women and front to back in a row in front of a lake

To give a holistic overview of your ideal customer, describe a number of general and specific demographic characteristics. Customer segmentation often includes:

  • Where they live.
  • Their age range.
  • Their level of education.
  • Some common behavior patterns.
  • How they spend their free time.
  • Where they work.
  • What technology they use.
  • How much they earn.
  • Where they’re commonly employed.
  • Their values, beliefs, or opinions.

This information will vary based on what you’re selling, but you should be specific enough that it’s unquestionably clear who you’re trying to reach—and more importantly, why you’ve made the choices you have based on who your customers are and what they value.

For example, a college student has different interests, shopping habits, and pricing sensitivity than a 50-year-old executive at a Fortune 500 company. Your business plan and decisions would look very different based on which one was your ideal customer.

Put your customer data to work with Shopify’s customer segmentation

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7. Define a marketing plan.

Close up of feminine hands typing on a laptop

If you’re planning to invest heavily in Instagram marketing or TikTok ads , for example, it might make sense to include whether Instagram and TikTok are a leading platform for your audience—if it’s not, that might be a sign to rethink your marketing plan.

Market your business with Shopify’s customer marketing tools

Shopify has everything you need to capture more leads, send email campaigns, automate key marketing moments, segment your customers, and analyze your results. Plus, it’s all free for your first 10,000 emails sent per month.

Most marketing plans include information on four key subjects. How much detail you present on each will depend on both your business and your plan’s audience.

  • Price:  How much do your products cost, and why have you made that decision?
  • Product:  What are you selling and how do you differentiate it in the market?
  • Promotion:  How will you get your products in front of your ideal customer?
  • Place:  Where will you sell your products? On what channels and in which markets?

Promotion may be the bulk of your plan since you can more readily dive into tactical details, but the other three areas should be covered at least briefly—each is an important strategic lever in your marketing mix.

Here is an example of a marketing plan for a new business:

Sample of a marketing plan for a small business

8. Provide a logistics and operations plan.

Logistics and operations are the workflows you’ll implement to make your business idea a reality. If you’re writing a business plan for your own planning purposes, this is still an important section to consider, even though you might not need to include the same level of detail as if you were seeking investment.

Cover all parts of your planned operations, including:

  • Suppliers . Where do you get the raw materials you need for production, or where are your products produced?
  • Production . Will you make, manufacture, wholesale , or dropship your products? How long does it take to produce your products and get them shipped to you? How will you handle a busy season or an unexpected spike in demand?
  • Facilities . Where will you and any team members work? Do you plan to have a physical retail space? If yes, where?
  • Equipment . What tools and technology do you require to be up and running? This includes everything from computers to lightbulbs and everything in between.
  • Shipping and fulfillment. Will you be handling all the fulfillment tasks in-house, or will you use a third-party fulfillment partner?
  • Inventory . How much will you keep on hand, and where will it be stored? How will you ship it to partners if required, and how will you approach inventory management ?

This section should signal to your reader that you’ve got a solid understanding of your supply chain and strong contingency plans in place to cover potential uncertainty. If your reader is you, it should give you a basis to make other important decisions, like how to price your products to cover your estimated costs, and at what point you plan to break even on your initial spending.

9. Make a financial plan.

Close up of hands doing financial work on a calculator

The level of detail required in your financial plan will depend on your audience and goals, but typically you’ll want to include three major views of your financials: an income statement, a balance sheet, and a cash-flow statement. It also may be appropriate to include financial data and projections.

Here’s a spreadsheet template that includes everything you’ll need to create an income statement, balance sheet, and cash-flow statement, including some sample numbers. You can edit it to reflect projections if needed.

Let’s review the types of financial statements you’ll need.

Income statements

Your income statement is designed to give readers a look at your revenue sources and expenses over a given time period. With those two pieces of information, they can see the all-important bottom line or the profit or loss your business experienced during that time. If you haven’t launched your business yet, you can project future milestones of the same information.

Balance sheets

Your balance sheet offers a look at how much equity you have in your business. On one side, you list all your business assets (what you own), and on the other side, all your liabilities (what you owe). This provides a snapshot of your business’s shareholder equity, which is calculated as:

Assets - Liabilities = Equity

Cash flow statements

Your cash flow statement is similar to your income statement, with one important difference: it takes into account when revenues are collected and when expenses are paid.

When the cash you have coming in is greater than the cash you have going out, your cash flow is positive. When the opposite scenario is true, your cash flow is negative. Ideally, your cash flow statement will help you see when cash is low, when you might have a surplus, and where you might need to have a contingency plan to access funding to keep your business solvent .

It can be especially helpful to forecast your cash-flow statement to identify gaps or negative cash flow and adjust operations as required.

📚 Read more: What Is Cash Flow Management: Template and Examples

Why write a business plan?

Investors rely on business plans to evaluate the feasibility of a business before funding it, which is why business plans are commonly associated with getting a loan. 

Business plans also help owners identify areas of weakness before launching, potentially avoiding costly mistakes down the road. “Laying out a business plan helped us identify the ‘unknowns’ and made it easier to spot the gaps where we’d need help or, at the very least, to skill up ourselves,” says Jordan Barnett, owner of Kapow Meggings .

There are several other compelling reasons to consider writing a business plan, including:

  • Strategic planning. Writing out your plan is an invaluable exercise for clarifying your ideas and can help you understand the scope of your business, as well as the amount of time, money, and resources you’ll need to get started.
  • Evaluating ideas. If you’ve got multiple ideas in mind, a rough business plan for each can help you focus your time and energy on the ones with the highest chance of success.
  • Research. To write a business plan, you’ll need to research your ideal customer and your competitors—information that will help you make more strategic decisions.
  • Recruiting. Your business plan is one of the easiest ways to communicate your vision to potential new hires and can help build their confidence in the venture, especially if you’re in the early stages of growth.
  • Partnerships. If you plan to collaborate with other brands , having a clear overview of your vision, your audience, and your business strategy will make it much easier for them to identify if your business is a good fit for theirs.
  • Competitions. There are many business plan competitions offering prizes such as mentorships, grants, or investment capital. 

If you’re looking for a structured way to lay out your thoughts and ideas, and to share those ideas with people who can have a big impact on your success, a business plan is an excellent starting point.

Business plan types

Business plan types can span from one page to multiple pages with detailed graphs and reports. There’s no one way to create a business plan. The goal is to convey the most important information about your company for readers.

Common business plans we see include, but are not limited to, the following types:

Traditional business plans

These are the most common business plans. Traditional business plans take longer to write and can be dozens of pages long. Venture capitalist firms and lenders ask for this plan. Traditional business plans may not be necessary if you don’t plan to seek outside funding. That’s where the next type comes in.

Lean business plans

A lean business plan is a shorter version of a traditional business plan. It follows the same format, but only includes the most important information. Businesses use lean business plans to onboard new hires or modify existing plans for a specific target market.

Nonprofit business plans

A nonprofit business plan is for any entity that operates for public or social benefit. It covers everything you’ll find in a traditional business plan, plus a section describing the impact the company plans to make. For example, a speaker and headphone brand that aims to help people with hearing disabilities. Donors often request this plan.

📚 Read more: The Road to Success: Business Plan Examples to Inspire Your Own .

7 tips for creating a small business plan

There are a few best practices when it comes to writing a business plan. While your plan will be unique to your business and goals, keep these tips in mind as you write.

1. Know your audience.

When you know who will be reading your plan—even if you’re just writing it for yourself to clarify your ideas—you can tailor the language and level of detail to them. This can also help you make sure you’re including the most relevant information and figure out when to omit sections that aren’t as impactful.

2. Have a clear goal.

When creating a business plan, you’ll need to put in more work and deliver a more thorough plan if your goal is to secure funding for your business versus working through a plan for yourself or even your team.

3. Invest time in research.

Sections of your business plan will primarily be informed by your ideas and vision, but some of the most crucial information you’ll need requires research from independent sources. This is where you can invest time in understanding who you’re selling to, whether there’s demand for your products, and who else is selling similar products or services.

4. Keep it short and to the point.

No matter who you’re writing for, your business plan should be short and readable—generally no longer than 15 to 20 pages. If you do have additional documents you think may be valuable to your audience and your goals, consider adding them as appendices.

5. Keep the tone, style, and voice consistent.

This is best managed by having a single person write the plan or by allowing time for the plan to be properly edited before distributing it.

6. Use a business plan template.

You can also use a free business plan template to provide a skeleton for writing a plan. These often guide you through each section from financial projects to market research to mission statement ensuring you don’t miss a step.

7. Try business plan software.

Writing a business plan isn’t the easiest task for business owners. But it’s important for anyone starting or expanding a business. Fortunately, there are tools to help with everything from planning, drafting, creating graphics, syncing financial data, and more. Business plan software also has business plan templates and tutorials to help you finish a comprehensive plan in hours, rather than days.

A few curated picks include:

  • LivePlan : the most affordable option with samples and templates
  • Bizplan : tailored for startups seeking investment
  • Go Small Biz : budget-friendly option with industry-specific templates

📚 Read more: 6 Best Business Plan Software to Help Write Your Future

Common mistakes when writing a business plan

Other articles on business plans would never tell you what we’re about to tell you: Your business plan can fail. The last thing you want is for time and effort to go down the drain. Avoid these common mistakes:

  • Bad business idea. Sometimes your idea may be too risky for potential investors, too expensive to run, or there’s no market. Aim for small business ideas that require low startup costs.
  • No exit strategy. If you don’t show an exit strategy, or a plan for investors to leave the business with maximum profits, you’ll have little luck finding capital.
  • Unbalanced teams. A great product is the cost of entry to starting a business. But an incredible team will take it to the top. Unfortunately, many business owners overlook a balanced team. They focus on potential profits, without worrying about how it will be done. 
  • Missing financial projections. Don’t leave out your balance sheet, cash flow statements, P&L statements, and income statements. Include your break-even analysis and return-on-investment calculations in your financial projections to create a successful business plan.
  • Spelling and grammar errors. All the best organizations have an editor review their documents. If someone spots typos while reading your business plan, how can they believe you’ll run a successful company?

Prepare your business plan today

Two people work together on a laptop

Whether you’re working on starting a new online business idea , building a retail storefront, growing your established business, or purchasing an existing business , you now understand how to write a business plan that suits your business’s goals and needs.

Feature illustration by Rachel Tunstall

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Business plan FAQ

How do i write a business plan.

Learning how to write a business plan is simple if you use a business plan template or business plan software. Typically, a traditional business plan for every new business should have the following components :

  • Executive summary
  • Company description, including value proposition
  • Market analysis and competitive analysis
  • Management and organization
  • Products and services
  • Customer segmentation
  • Marketing plan
  • Logistics and operations
  • Financial plan and financial projections

What is a good business plan?

A good business plan starts with a strong executive summary. It also adequately outlines idea feasibility, target market insights, and the competitive landscape. A business plan template can help businesses be sure to follow the typical format of traditional business plans which include financial projections, details about the management team, and other key elements that venture capital firms and potential investors want to see.

What are the 3 main purposes of a business plan?

The three main purposes of a business plan are: 

  • To clarify your plans for growth
  • To understand your financial needs
  • To attract funding from investors or secure a business loan

What are the different types of business plans?

The types of business plans include startup, refocusing, internal, annual, strategic, feasibility, operations, growth, and scenario-based. Each type of business plan has a different purpose. Business plan formats include traditional, lean, and nonprofit. Find a business plan template for the type of plan you want to write.

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How to Start a Business in India - The Complete Guide

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Aspiring to become an entrepreneur or businessman and setting up businesses have been rising tremendously among the people. In India, everyone, especially the youth, is looking to develop unique business ideas and create opportunities to grow. This, in turn, is reaping benefits for both the business and the economy at large.

business plan cost in india

India is a land of opportunities, and to start and manage the business more straightforwardly, the country is equipped with proper methods and planned strategies that can make your dream come true. Though starting a business can be a challenging task, now, due to smooth work procedures and operations, things have turned easy.

Therefore, your decision to start a business in India will be more rewarding than any other time.

In this article, we will be discussing the start to end process and provide you with a complete guide of starting a business along with the following:

• Overview about Businesses in India

• What are the types of businesses to start in India?

• Why is it good to start a business in India?

• 12 Step guide to start and plan your business

• Registration Process of Business in India

• Documents required at the time of Registration

• Benefits of the Registration process in India

• Business Registration FAQ

• How can Deskera help your businesses?

Overview about Businesses in India

What is at present is now very different from before!

Talking about the Indian business scenario, the business structure witnessed a paradigm shift over the years, providing immense opportunities for the upcoming and growing sectors of the economy.

There is no doubt that the Indian government played a vital role in transforming Indian businesses by opening doors to possibilities and encouraging them to take these to their best advantage.

With the changes in Macroeconomic reforms, finance reforms, tax reforms, and relaxing the market, India revamped the entire map of doing businesses in India.

As a result, the scope of doing business in India has grown in magnitude. With the Make in India campaign, more and more companies are entering the market, focusing on achieving their operational and business effectiveness and creating a brand in itself.

Now, doing business in India is not a tedious task. Instead, it is made simpler for everyone to access sources via the schemes and initiatives and expand the business globally.

With these facts, it is sure that Indian businesses have a very long way to go to leverage up to the best possible way.

"Transformation at the right place at the right time opened gateways in making India turn into a business magnate."

What are the types of businesses to start in India?

India welcomes any kind of business to get started. You have the freedom to choose and start any business in the sectors like Automobile, Financial services, Cement, Gems and Jewellery, Healthcare, Information Technology, Banking, Insurance, Media, Oil and Gas, Real Estate, Textiles, Tourism, Hospitality, Agriculture, Pharmaceutical, Food, and the list is endless.

So, as a business, you can either offer product or service based on the field.

However, these are the following businesses and platforms that you can start in India:

  • Sole Proprietorship Firm
  • Partnership firm
  • Limited Liability Partnership
  • One Person Company (OPC)
  • Private Limited Company
  • Public Limited Company

1. Sole Proprietorship Firm

A sole proprietorship business is owned and managed by one single person. The small traders and merchants come under this category. Under this form of business, the registration is recognized through service or GST registration .

2. Partnership firm

A partnership firm is a form of business where two or more individuals agree to come together and manage the business's operations, as mentioned in the partnership deed. The setting up of a partnership form is less complicated and is a viable option, especially for home businesses.

3. Limited Liability Partnership

A Limited Liability Partnership differs from an ordinary partnership in terms of the liabilities of the partners.

Under this, partners associated with the firm are protected from negligence, misdeeds, and incompetence by other partners that do not demolish the Partnership.

4. One Person Company (OPC)

Under One Person Company, the business owner enjoys twin benefits. First being a solopreneur, and second, being a promoter of the company. The person can enjoy the advantages of forming a company except Equity funding or offering employee stock option plans.

5. Private Limited Company

Companies are the most popular form of business structure that is practiced in India. By forming a company, you can take advantage of funding, limited liability, and attracting suitable acquisitions.

The company is bound to conduct meetings and file annual returns stated by government jurisdiction under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

6. Public Limited Company

A Public Limited Company certainly has more advantages than a Private Limited Company. These companies have the right to issue IPOs to the public, attract investors and enjoy flexibility. These companies are suitable for organizations that have a different perspective and higher growth possibilities. A few examples include SAIL, GAIL, BHEL, IOCL, and a few more.

business plan cost in india

So, these are the six types of businesses that one can start in India. It is recommended that before selecting any of the business forms, you must go through the detailed features, advantages, and disadvantages and cover every factor before you go forward with the formation process.

Why is it good to start a business in India?

India is now at a very progressive stage. As a result, it is opening up to represent in the different markets across the globe. The Indian government provides a favorable business environment for all the organizations to come up and make most of their plans.

As a result, it is now more viable for businesses to set up their businesses in India to maintain their stability and growth in the market. Adding to it, the businesses can also get the opportunity to work and explore in the international market.

Let's take a look at the primary five reasons highlighting the advantage of starting a business in India:

  • Ease of Doing Business
  • Increase in the Market Demand
  • Cost-Effectiveness
  • Provide Sustainable Business Environment
  • Scope of employment

1. Ease of Doing Business

As mentioned before, the government policies and market have made the procedure of starting a business easy. With the introduction of business-friendly laws, liberalizing the market, and reducing the procedures for registration, the government is providing a great deal to help people in business ease out the mode of starting the business.

I went back to those days of long queues because now the whole process has turned online.

2. Increase in the Market Demand

The demand of the Indian market has been consistently high. From essential items to luxury items, people in India need a variety of everything.

Keeping in mind the pace of population, the demand for the items has been rising high, encouraging the businesses to take the advantage to grow in the respective sectors and fulfill the demand accordingly.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

The process to start a business in India is much more affordable than compared to other countries. You can get the advantage of the accessibility of land, labor, electricity & infrastructure helping you scale the production level. At this point, you will be able to achieve economies of scale, resulting in a drop in the overall cost of production.

4. Provide Sustainable Business Environment

India is a developing nation, and being a host of business activities, the Indian market provides a sustainable environment for any type of business to maintain stability and flourish on a large scale.

India has turned a favorable table towards businesses by supporting the livelihood for the upcoming years.

5. Scope of employment

This reason is an effect of the previous one. By providing a sustainable business environment, the businesses offer employment opportunities to the people belonging to the sector and enhance their living standards.

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All of the reasons mentioned above sum up the purpose of starting a business in India.

12 Step guide to start and plan your business

Before starting up your business, you need to be thorough with your background. By background, we mean having a mindset to start a business and seeing it through, despite the odds.

Following is the 12 step guide to get started with your business that can help you to turn your business idea into a successful execution:

  • Think and decide on a business idea
  • Conduct Market Research
  • Acquire Skills and Training
  • Document the Business Plan
  • Financing the business
  • Start with the Development of your Product or Service
  • Build your team
  • Decide on the location
  • Register yourself as a business
  • Create and Maintain a website
  • Start with getting sales
  • Level up and grow your business

1. Think and decide on a business idea

Before getting your hands over the business, it is crucial to think and decide on doing the business.

Since there are many lucrative business ideas available, break them down and create pointers, seek guidance, research ideas, and consider every factor before you push the button to start your business.

2. Conduct Market Research

After getting the business idea, the next step is to research within the market to break down the suitability of your objectives. You can start by examining your potential competitors and partners to understand the profound insights and information of the particular industry.

Market research is vital and should be at the topmost priority.

3. Acquire Skills and Training

After the initial steps, the third important step is to acquire the relevant skills, training & experience that can turn your business into a fortune. Before starting a business, it is crucial to learn specialized training courses or acquire the skills by working in different organizations and clients.

Your past knowledge and experience in the specific industry can help you to build fresh perspectives for your business because, after all, no one can understand your business better than you.

4. Document the Business Plan

With so much learning at different stages, it is essential to document your business plan's evolving aspects like feasibility studies, project reports from start to end, and other details.

By having a full-proof document plan, you can present it better and give your thoughts and ideas a professional touch. This will also help boost the prospects interested in knowing your plan and preparing you for future conduct.

5. Financing the business

Finance is the lifeblood of the business. The businesses need to finalize the source of the funds necessary to start the business.

The step involves acquiring estimates, calculating finances, and figuring out reliable ways to fund the business.

Few of the major sources include banks, Financial institutions, Cooperatives, Crowdfunding, Angel Investors, Venture capitalists, or self-funding.

6. Start with the Development of your Product or Service

After covering the five significant steps, it is now the time to develop the product and service, setting the purpose of a business. While developing your product or service, it is essential to prepare a checklist of finding a manufacturer, setting the price strategies, crafting the product, creating the trial run of the service or product, etc.

7. Build your team

During the initial stages of development, it is only you who will be working for your business. Later, you will require a set of teams that can help you to scale a business. The team members are a partner, employee, or freelancer that best fits your needs.

8. Decide on the location .

Deciding your location is one of the crucial steps involved in starting a business. The factors of the area include your qualifications and the target market that best suits your business operations. Either it can be a small shop, stall, or a full-fledged office.

There should be no compromise on the location because your business is highly dependent on it.

9. Register yourself as a business

After finalizing the finances, product & location, it is now the time to register yourself as a business and mark your presence in the market.

You need to carry out all the formalities of starting a business and complete the registration process that is the first step towards the launch of your business.

10. Create and Maintain a website

The pandemic has already brought the world into an online saga. By having a website, you can maintain your brand's online presence and allow direct ordering and payment processes of the products and services.

It will also help to create a brand in the market and enhance trust among your customers.

11. Start with getting sales .

This step is your business's future. Even if you have started, it is crucial to generate revenues by applying different sales strategies and techniques to gather the customer's attention.

Identifying the target market, growing the customer base, putting ads, creating sales funnels , sampling, sales promotion, or any other strategies that can convert your leads into revenue can help your business live by.

12. Level up and grow your business

Without a growth plan, no business can exist for a long time. As a result, the business needs to indulge in different ways to grow and expand for a better sustainable future.

By leveling up, the business can start a new target market, acquire other businesses, expand their offerings, plan out to market themselves, and create a good customer relationship .

There are several other strategies like doing in-depth research, hiring good people, making superior products, and delivering beyond expectation to pave your way to build the empire that you have always dreamt about.

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And you are done.

The ultimate blueprint for starting your business!

"A business is not only about money; it's about the idea, perspective & execution."

Registration Process of Business in India

The registration process of businesses in India involves certain legalities that one needs to go through to be on the right side of the law.

Business registration is a step to embark on your journey as a business person and evolve the future course of action.

Following are the fundamental steps that are necessary at the time of registering the business in India:

  • Select a suitable name for the business
  • Application for the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and Director Identification Number (DIN)
  • Preparation of the documents
  • Login to the portal and fill the form.
  • Submit the documents

1. Select a suitable name for the business

The first step is to choose and select the name of your business.

Your business name is your identity, and hence the process of naming your business is integral.

The name should be strong, unique, and well-aligned with your purpose that the people can remember.

While registering the business name, you need to ensure that your name doesn't match any other brand or company.

After you are done with the inspection, you can register your business name with the Registrar.

2. Application for the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and Director Identification Number (DIN)

As per the Information Technology Act'2000, the business must use digital signatures on the documents submitted in electronic form. For this, the business needs to apply for the Digital Signature Certificate as proof of valid documents. This will help to ensure the security and authenticity of the documents filed via online means by the person.

Similarly, the Director Identification Number is allotted to the individual appointed as a director of the business. The person needs to apply the form of DR-3 and obtain the number for registration.

3. Preparation of the documents

Preparing the documents required at the time of business registration depends on the type of business you are going forward with. There are different sets of documents and requirements to incorporate your business as a private limited company, OPC, Partnership firm, or other company.

It is recommended to list out the essential documents in advance that must be attached within the registration process.

4. Login to the portal and fill the form .

After you prepare the documents and complete the initial process, you are open to registering your firm or the business. Since the process has turned online, you need to fill the application form for Registration.

5. Submit the documents

After filling in the application form, the next and final step is to submit the documents in the PDF format that completes the registration process.

In this step, you will be required to pay the registration fees, and after the successful payment, you will obtain a registration number that you can use to track the progress of registration.

After cross-examining documents and getting a thorough check, your business will be successfully registered in the business books.

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And now you are all set to start your business legally!

Documents required at the time of Registration

Before starting a business, it is essential to understand the documents required at the time of registration. All of the documents act as legal proof to start your business and meet the legal requirements in India.

As mentioned in the registration steps, the documentation requirements of businesses are different. You need to keep a check on documents prepared accordingly.

The list of standard documents required for the registration are as follows:

  • Founder agreement
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Business PAN Card
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
  • Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification Number (GSTIN)
  • Address Proof
  • Other suitable documents

1. Founder agreement

The founder's agreement is an official contract signed by the founder of the firm. If there are co-founders, then both are required.

It also includes Photographs, Pan card & ID proof details of the Directors, Partners, or the Proprietor associated with the business.

2. Certificate of incorporation

The Certificate of Incorporation is a legal document that makes your business formation legal and brings the business into existence.

3. Business PAN Card

The PAN card of the business is a must-have document required for registration.

4. Tax Identification Number (TIN)

The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique 11 digit number serving as the identity of the business

5. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

The Digital Signature Certificate acts as legal proof to use the signature of the business for official purposes.

6. Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification Number (GSTIN)

The GSTIN is mandatory for businesses, and the taxpayers are assigned a PAN-based 15-digit number.

7. Address Proof

Bank Statements, Electricity bills, or any other utility bill that can act as legal address proof of the registered office.

8. Other suitable documents

Based on the choice of business organization, you will be required to set the other documents pertaining to the same.

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Benefits of the Registration process in India

With the advent of the internet and the smooth registration process, India offers many benefits in availing the effects of registration for businesses.

Let's take a look at a few of the benefits in carrying out the registration process:

  • Ease in the transferability or sharing the ownership of the business
  • Ease in opening a bank account and tax registrations.
  • Facilitates funding for the business
  • Reduces in various tax exemptions
  • Facilitates business transactions with corporations
  • Accessibility to resources and customers
  • Hassle-free working process

Business Registration Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

After the complete and detailed guide of starting a business in India, let's take a look at the FAQs about Business Registration:

Q1 . How to choose the form of a business organization?

Answer: There are various factors that one must keep in mind before deciding the form of business. The common characteristics include business structure, nature, members, types of product or service. After collectively looking at all the elements, you can decide which business to incorporate.

Q2. Which is the best form of business organization to incorporate for a short period?

Answer: A sole proprietorship is the best form of organization that you can choose to undertake your operations for a short period. The registration process is also simple and easy, suiting the requirements.

Q3 . Which is the best form of business organization to incorporate for a more extended period and stability

Answer: A company or a partnership firm is the best form of business to incorporate for a more extended period. The registration process is lengthy and time-consuming, but you will enjoy all the rights of owning the company after that.

Q4. What is a Nidhi Company?

Answer: A Nidhi Company is incorporated to cultivate the habit of spending, save among the members via regular deposits, and provide mutual benefits to each other.

Q5. Can more than One Person be a part of One Person Company?

Answer: No, as the name suggests, only one person will be associated as a member, director, or shareholder of the company. However, the person must appoint one nominee who will undertake activities on his behalf due to the person's unavailability.

Q6. What are the advantages of a Limited Liability Partnership?

Answer: With the incorporation of LLP, you will be entitled to the limited liability of partners, perpetual succession, decision-making power, and simplified incorporation procedure as advantages.

Q7. What are the prescribed number of members, directors, and shareholders in LLP?

Answer: The prescribed number of LLP members includes a minimum of 2 and maximum as not defined. They are not entitled to become directors or shareholders.

Q8 . Can a private limited company float shares to the general public?

Answer: No, the Private Limited Company cannot flow shares to the general public.

Q9. What is the document issued for different business organizations in India?

Answer: The document issued for different business organizations in India are as follows:

  • A sole proprietorship doesn't require any registration, but yes, a tax certificate acts as a legal document.
  • Partnership Deed is the document for Partnerships
  • Certificate of Incorporation is the documents for companies

The Government of India is looking forward to scaling up the business sector of the country. Hence, the policies of Ease of doing business and capturing the business capital globally, India aims to provide a wide variety of options to start the business and conduct the activities successfully. The entire process has turned online, making it convenient for everyone. The government is supporting the process by digitizing the methods of registering a business in India. With the help of schemes and initiatives, the aim of owning a business has turned successful.

How Can Deskera Help Your Businesses?

Deskera is an all-in-one small business software that handles your accounting, financial reports , payables and receivables, taxations, invoices , invoice reminders and many such business activities all at one place and at the same time.

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It also has an advanced inventory management system that can keep a track of the multiple warehouses, stock transfers and adjustments and bills of materials to mention a few functions.

Through its automated system, Deskera books also make it possible for your business to always give timely deliveries to your customers. This will increase their satisfaction with your business and ensure their return to you.

By being affiliated with various banks and payment options, Deskera books will also make it easier for your customers to make your payment which will hence improve your cash flow balance. A positive cash flow will facilitate the growth and development of your business which in turn will earn you more revenue.

Deskera books will manage your sales and orders from their start till the finish, and will also make the invoices on your behalf and send them to your customers. If the invoice payment is delayed, it will also take follow-ups with your customers- or at least remind you to do so.

Deskera books will also assist you to pick pack ship your orders as well as track your drop shipped orders.

Further on, Deskera CRM will help in contact and deal management , sales pipeline , email marketing campaigns as well as customer support to mention a few important functions.

All in all, Deskera will enable you to track your business’s key performance indicators in real-time, facilitate faster and well-informed decisions and improve cash flow for your business.

Key Takeaways

And here we are at the end of the article covering A to Z about starting a business in India.

Let's take a look at the key takeaways of the article:

  • India is a land of opportunities to start and manage businesses.
  • There has been a paradigm shift in the Ease of doing business and providing opportunities for growth in India.
  • There are six types of businesses that one can start in India- Sole proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership, One Person Company, Private Limited Company, and Public limited company.
  • India is at a progressive stage, and it is viable for businesses to set up their business in India.
  • The advantages of starting a business in India are the Ease of doing business, cost-effectiveness, increase in market demand, the scope of employment, and a sustainable business environment.
  • There is a 12 step guide to get started with your business idea into successful execution. The steps are vital, from thinking and deciding on a business idea to leveling up and growing the business.
  • Five fundamental steps facilitate the registration process of business in India. The steps include selecting a name for the business and the final submission of documents.
  • Documents act as legal proof to start your business. The primary document includes PAN, DSC, GSTIN, address proof, and other documents.
  • Due to the advent of the internet, there are few benefits of carrying out the registration process in India

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How to determine realistic startup costs for starting in india.

Estimating your startup expenditures is a crucial step in creating a business roadmap, just like your business plan.

How to Determine Realistic Startup Costs for Starting in India

Table of Contents

How much would starting your startup cost? Although it's difficult to say for sure, it's critical to get planning as soon as possible to prevent any unanticipated costs.

A successful business launch demands planning. Even though you might not be able to predict these costs precisely, you can and should start doing some research to get a rough idea of how much it will cost to launch your company.

What are Startup Costs?

Startup expenses are those incurred prior to the start of the business. These are the invoices and costs you'll have to pay before your business officially launches. Your company will often come under one of three categories: a service-based company , an online busines s, or a brick-and-mortar company, however every business will have unique startup costs to consider.

Why Founder should calculate Startup Costs?

Estimating your startup expenditures is a crucial step in creating a business roadmap, just like your business plan. Even a reasonable estimate might help you keep on track during more volatile months and avoid taking needless risks.

You're still not persuaded to investigate your beginning costs, are you? Here are a few more justifications for why you ought to figure out your startup costs.

1. Every Startup is different

There is no easy formula to calculate beginning costs because each sector and firm requires a wide range of expenses. However, that doesn't preclude you from making an educated assumption that faithfully reflects the requirements of your company.

For example, a SaaS company may need to budget for extra online resources or server costs to maintain the functionality of its website. However, a clothing store, whether physical or online, must budget for physical inventory and transportation costs.

2. To establish a Firm Foundation

Many people misjudge the costs of starting a business and do so in an impulsive, unplanned manner. This might be effective in the short term, but maintaining it is usually considerably more challenging. Customers are frequently cautious of new enterprises with improvised logistics, making it nearly impossible to manage initial costs until you correctly calculate them.

3. To Build your Business Plan

A summary of your present financials and growth projections can be found in your business plan. One of the essential components of creating a workable financial strategy is having realistic startup launch costs, even if they are only estimations. Knowing the requirements to launch your business can help you:

  • Estimate profits
  • Conduct a breakeven analysis
  • Extend the runway of your business
  • Identify potential tax deductions

You must regularly evaluate your business / financial plan during the course of your company's existence in order to successfully leverage it. These early startup estimates will give you a starting point to use as a guide during these assessments. You'll be able to tell if your calculations are accurate or if you need to make any revisions after a few months of operation.

4. To Secure Loans and attract investors

Investors and lenders want to understand the roadmap you have in place for your business. You’ll need to be ready to answer questions about your business model, sources of revenue, growth forecasts, and initial startup costs. They need to see that your business is viable and that you’ve thoroughly explored what it will take to start, operate and grow.

Having realistic startup costs laid out is a necessity in this case. And being able to show how you believe expenses will change or remain similar over time will give them a better idea of how you intend to manage your business.

How to Identify your Startup Expenses

It involves a combination of market research, testing, an deducated guessing, just like when creating your business plan or estimating your initial sales. It's up to you to make the necessary adjustments in light of ongoing findings.

For specific spending categories, you can use your competitors' and the industry's benchmarks as a starting point. Instead of copying the costs you find verbatim, see if your predictions are reasonable in light of the market's current conditions. If you have a good working relationship with your vendors or your company strategy allows you to avoid atypical expense, you can find that you have a competitive cost advantage.

1. Startup Expenses

These are charges that must be paid up front before you launch and begin to make money. These ought to be divided into one-time and recurring costs. You can give yourself a more precise estimate of how much it will cost to begin your firm by dividing them up in this manner. Here are some frequent expenses to consider in both categories:

A) One-Time Expenses

  • Permits and licenses
  • Incorporation fees
  • Logo design
  • Website design
  • Brochure and business card printing
  • Down payment on rental property
  • Improvements to the chosen location

B) Ongoing expenses

  • Legal services
  • Loan payments
  • Insurance payments
  • Marketing costs

These are but a few of the various expenses you might have to take into account. Some costs will fluctuate between being fixed and variable, while others will operate as fixed costs. You'll be able to keep better track of your spending and spot any organic cost-cutting opportunities over time if you have them laid out in this manner from the beginning.

2. Startup Assets

These are outflows related to long-term assets you bought to launch your business. Although money in the bank is the most fundamental startup asset (and we'll talk more about that later), you might also need to invest in the following:

  • Starting inventory
  • Computers or other tech equipment
  • Office Equipment
  • Office Furniture

Why it is important to separate Assets and Expenses?

Now you know why it's important to divide costs into assets and expenses. Because expenses are deducted from income, they lower taxable income. On the other hand, assets cannot be deducted from income.

You may be able to save money on taxes by first separating the two. Additionally, you can prevent overstating your assets on the balance sheet by appropriately recording expenses. While having more assets generally gives you a better appearance, having assets that are pointless or unsubstantiated merely adds to the size of your books and may even cause them to be wrong.

When starting a firm, it is a good idea to list these separately, which leads to the final factor to take into account when estimating startup costs.

How to identify Capital Required to star your Startup

An estimate of the amount of cash your startup business needs to have on hand in its bank account upon launch. The money you raised through investments or loans less the cash you spent on expenses and assets is generally your cash balance on the commencement date.

You still need this to complete the picture in order to get going. Watch your cash flow estimates as you develop your plan. If your cash balance falls below zero, you'll need to either raise funding or cut costs.

How Much Money Do You Need?

Many business owners make the decision to raise more money than they actually need in order to have extra cash on hand for unforeseen circumstances. While that makes sense when you can implement it, it can be challenging to explain to investors. Since it is their money, outside investors don't want to offer you more than you require.

Experts may advise you to start with enough money to cover your expenses for anywhere between six months and a year. Though it sounds good in theory and would be fantastic for peace of mind, it is rarely feasible. Additionally, it tampers with your estimates and lessens their significance.

Calculate the deficit spending you'll probably incur in the first few months of the company to get a clearer idea of how much cash you actually need in the bank. After that, make an estimation of how much money you'll require each month or year until you reach a consistent break-even point.

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How to Estimate? How Much your Expenses Will Cost

It's essential to add up your possible assets, costs, and starting capital in order to estimate your total startup costs. You can create these estimations using one of two possible approaches.

The most conventional approach, which I refer to as the worksheet method, is making separate worksheets for starting financing and starting charges.

1. The traditional method — Startup worksheet

The traditional method uses a startup worksheet, as shown in the illustration here below, to plan your initial financing. The example here is for a retail bicycle shop. It includes lists of startup expenses in the upper left, startup assets in the lower left, and startup funding on the right.

2. The Live Plan method — Consolidated estimates

Live Plan proposes a different and perhaps more intuitive technique to evaluate beginning costs. Live Plan's estimates begin when a business starts spending rather than when it debuts and begins to generate income, which is the main distinction between it and conventional techniques. The launch date and pre-launch spending are not separated. Therefore, no particular startup table exists.

Here are common financing options to consider:

Investment : what you or another person invests in the business. It appears on the balance sheet as paid-in capital in the end. This is the traditional idea of a business investment: buying stock in a firm and taking a financial risk in the goal of making a profit afterwards.

Accounts payable : debts that are unpaid or have a deadline for repayment based on your balance sheet. This typically refers to credit card debt. Your balance sheet's opening balance is determined by this sum.

Current borrowing: Standard debt, bank borrowing, Small business administration borrowing, or other current borrowing are all examples of current borrowing.

Other current liabilities : additional liabilities that are not subject to interest. This is where you should enter any loans you received from friends, family, or founders. By the way, we don't advise using interest-free loans for funding, but when they do, they go here.

Long-term liabilities: Long-term debt or long-term loans.

Aim for Long-Term Success with Realistic Startup Costs

Make sure you've thought of every part of your business and incorporated relevant charges when estimating your startup costs, whether you utilize the Live Plan method or the conventional approach. You'll stand a better chance of obtaining loans, luring investors, calculating profitability, and comprehending your company's cash runway.

You'll have a more accurate perspective of your company's immediate future if you precisely set out startup costs and make revisions as you incur them.

About Jordensky

At Jordensky, we are committed to providing an experience of the highest caliber while specializing in accounting, taxes, MIS, and CFO services for startups and expanding businesses .

When you work with Jordensky, you get a team of finance experts who take the finance work off your plate– ”so you can focus on your business.

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How Much Does it Cost to Start a Business?

Author: Tim Berry

8 min. read

Updated April 25, 2024

What will it cost to start your business? This is a key question for anyone thinking about starting out on their own. You’ll want to spend some time figuring this out so you know how much money you need to raise and whether you can afford to get your business off the ground.

Most importantly, you’ll want to figure out how much cash you’re going to need in the bank to keep your business afloat as you grow your sales during the early days of your business. 

Typical startup costs can vary depending on whether you’re operating a  brick-and-mortar store, online store, or service operation . However, a common theme is that launching a successful business requires preparation.

And while you may not know exactly what those expenses will be, you can and should begin researching and estimating what it will cost to start your business.

  • How to determine your startup costs

Like when developing your  business plan , or  forecasting  your initial sales, it’s a mixture of  market research ,  testing , and informed guessing. Looking at your competitors is a good starting point. Once you feel your initial estimates are in the ballpark, you can start to get more specific by making these three simple lists.

1. Startup expenses

These are expenses that happen before you launch and start bringing in any revenue. Here are some examples:

  • Permits and Licenses: Every business needs a license to operate, just like a driver needs one to drive. Costs vary depending on industry and location.
  • Legal Fees: Getting your business structure set up (sole proprietorship, LLC, etc.) might involve consulting a lawyer and at least will involve the basic business formation fees.
  • Insurance: Accidents happen, and insurance protects your business from unforeseen bumps.
  • Marketing and Branding: The ways to spread the word about your product or service. They could involve creating a website, creating business cards, or promoting social media.
  • Office Supplies : Pens, paperclips, that all-important stapler – the essentials to keep your business humming.
  • Rent/Lease: If you need to rent space for your business before you start selling, include those expenses in your list as well.

2. Startup assets

Next, calculate the total you need to spend on assets to get your business off the ground. Assets are larger purchases that have long-term value. They’re typically significant items that you could resell later if you needed or wanted to.

Here are a few examples:

  • Equipment:  Think ovens for a bakery, cameras for a photography business, or computers for a tech startup.
  • Inventory:  If you’re selling products, you’ll need to stock up before opening your doors (or your online store).
  • Furniture and Decorations:  Desks, chairs, that comfy couch in the waiting room – creating a functional and inviting workspace might involve some upfront investment.
  • Vehicles: If your business requires a vehicle to deliver your product or service, be sure to account for that purchase here.

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Why separate assets and expenses?

There’s a reason that you should separate costs into assets and expenses. Expenses are deductible against income, so they reduce taxable income. Assets, on the other hand, are not deductible against income.

By initially separating the two, you potentially save yourself money on taxes. Additionally, by accurately accounting for expenses, you can avoid overstating your assets on the balance sheet. While typically having more assets is a better look, having assets that are useless or unfounded only bloats your books and potentially makes them inaccurate. 

Listing these out separately is good practice when  starting a business  and leads into the final piece to consider when determining startup costs. 

3. Operating Expenses

Finally, figure out what it’s going to cost to keep your doors open until sales can cover expenses. Create a list that estimates monthly expenses, such as:

  • Payroll (including your own salary)
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Loan payments
  • Insurance premiums
  • Office supplies
  • Professional services
  • Travel costs
  • Shipping and distribution

Then, based on your revenue forecasts , calculate how many months it will take before your sales can cover all those monthly expenses. Multiply that number of months by your monthly operating expenses to determine how much you’re going to need to cover operating expenses as your business starts.

This number is often called “ cash runway ” and is a critical number – you need enough cash to fund those early red ink months. This number is how much cash you need to have in your checking account when you open your doors for business.

Calculating how much startup cash you need

To figure out how much money you need to start your business, add the asset purchases, startup expenses, and operating expenses over your cash runway period. This is your total startup costs, and it’s better to overestimate than underestimate these costs.

It often makes sense to invest the time to build a slightly more detailed starting costs calculation. Assuming you start making some sales and those sales grow over time, your revenue will be able to help pay for some of your operating expenses. Ideally, your sales contribute more and more over time until you become profitable.

To do a more detailed calculation, you’ll want to invest the time in a detailed financial forecast where you can experiment with different scenarios. If you do this, you’ll be able to see how much it will cost to start your business with different revenue growth rates. You’ll also be able to experiment with different funding scenarios and what your business would look like with different types of loans.

  • Funding Starting Costs

You can cover starting costs on your own, or through a combination of loans and investments.

Many entrepreneurs decide they want to raise more cash than they need so they’ll have money left over for contingencies. While that makes good sense when you can do it, it is difficult to explain that to investors. Outside investors don’t want to give you more money than you need, because it’s their money.

You may see experts who recommend having anywhere from six months to a year’s worth of expenses covered, with your starting cash. That’s nice in concept and would be great for peace of mind, but it’s rarely practical. And it interferes with your estimates and dilutes their value.

Of course, startup financing isn’t technically part of the starting costs estimate. But in the real world, to get started, you need to estimate the starting costs and determine what startup financing will be necessary to cover them. The type of financing you pursue may alter your startup or ongoing costs in a given period, so it’s important to consider this upfront.

Here are common financing options to consider:

  • Investment : What you or someone else puts into the company. It ends up as paid-in capital in the  balance sheet . This is the classic concept of business investment, taking ownership in a company, risking money in the hope of gaining money later.
  • Accounts payable : Debts that are outstanding or need to be paid after a certain time according to your balance sheet. Generally, this means credit-card debt. This number becomes the starting balance of your balance sheet.
  • Current borrowing : Standard debt, borrowing from banks,  Small Business Administration , or other current borrowing.
  • Other current liabilities : Additional liabilities that don’t have interest charges. This is where you put loans from founders, family members, or friends. We aren’t recommending interest-free loans for financing, by the way, but when they happen, this is where they go.
  • Long-term liabilities : Long-term debt or long-term loans.
  • Other considerations for estimating startup costs

Pre-launch versus normal operations

With our definition of starting costs, the launch date is the defining point. Rent and payroll expenses before launch are considered startup expenses. The same expenses after launch are considered operating or ongoing expenses.

Many companies also incur some payroll expenses before launch because they need to hire people to train before launch, develop their website, stock shelves, and so forth.

Further Reading: How to calculate the hourly cost of an employee

The same defining point affects assets as well. For example, amounts in inventory purchased before launch and available at launch are included in starting assets. Inventory purchased after launch will affect  cash flow , and the balance sheet; but isn’t considered part of the starting costs.

So, be sure to accurately define the cutoff for startup costs and operating expenses. Again, by outlining everything within specific categories, this transition should be simple and easy to keep track of.

Your launch month will likely be the start of your business’s fiscal year

The establishment of a standard fiscal year plays a role in your analysis. U.S. tax code allows most businesses to manage taxes based on a fiscal year, which can be any series of 12 months, not necessarily January through December.

It can be convenient to establish the fiscal year as starting the same month that the business launches. In this case, the startup costs and startup funding match the fiscal year—and they happen in the time before the launch and beginning of the first operational fiscal year. The pre-launch transactions are reported as a separate tax year, even if they occur in just a few months, or even one month. So the last month of the pre-launch period is also the last month of the fiscal year.

  • Aim for long-term success by estimating startup costs

Make sure you’ve considered every aspect of your business and included related costs. You’ll have a better chance at securing loans, attracting investors, estimating profits, and understanding the cash runway of your business.

The more accurately you layout startup costs and make adjustments as you incur them, the more accurate vision you’ll have for the immediate future of your business. 

Content Author: Tim Berry

Tim Berry is the founder and chairman of Palo Alto Software , a co-founder of Borland International, and a recognized expert in business planning. He has an MBA from Stanford and degrees with honors from the University of Oregon and the University of Notre Dame. Today, Tim dedicates most of his time to blogging, teaching and evangelizing for business planning.

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Business Plan Template

Last updated : March 11th, 2020 05:06 pm

Business Plan Template

A business plan is one of the most important business documents for any business. Entrepreneurs starting a new business and business owners managing an existing business require a well-defined business plan to efficiently manage the business. Business plans are dynamic documents which would change over time as the business and the operating environment evolves. Hence, it is important to regularly update the business plan and keep it current. Some of the major uses for a business plan are i) obtaining bank loan , ii) raising equity funding and iii) benchmarking. In this article, we look at how to draft a business plan and some of the major areas that must be addressed in a business plan.

Drafting Business Plan

A well-drafted business plan would address various aspects pertaining to the business. In case the business plan is to be submitted to the bank or private equity firms, it is better to have the business plan prepared by an experienced financial professional .

It is better to break-up the business plan into various segments centred around themes. Then each area surrounding the theme can be addressed in that segment. Drafting a business plan with this structure would ensure that the business plan has a well-structured format and good flow of thoughts. Some of the major areas that must be addressed in the business plan are:

Business Plan Template Overview

  • Team – Promoter Information.
  • Business – Mission and vision of the business.
  • Problem – What is the problem the business is trying to address?
  • Solution – What is the proposed solutions or business model?
  • Market – How big is the market?
  • Competition – How do you plan to compete against existing solutions?
  • Financials – What is present and projected financial performance?
  • Milestones – What are the proposed milestones the business must achieve?

While addressing individual questions in a segment, it is important to keep the answers short and succinct. Preferably each response should be between 2 – 5 sentences. It is also not necessary to address each of the questions listed below. The following questions are just a guide to the areas that must be addressed in the business plan.

Business Plan – Team or Promoter Information

The following are some of the areas that must be answered in the promoter overview section:

  • Who are the founders and/or main team members?
  • Details about the top-tier executives.
  • What is their educational background?
  • What is their work experience?
  • How do they add value to the team?
  • What skill sets do the present team member possess?
  • Are there any gaps in particular skill sets that must be filled?
  • What is the team size?

Business Plan – Business Overview

The following are some of the areas that must be answered in the business overview section:

  • When was the business started or when will it be started?
  • What is the mission of the company?
  • What is the vision of the company?
  • What are some of the products or services offered by the business?
  • How does your business make money?
  • Has the business received any awards or certifications?

Business Plan – Problem Overview

The following are some of the areas that must be answered in the problem overview section:

  • What is the problem you are trying to solve or need that you are trying to address?
  • What is the current pain points for the customer?
  • How is the pain point currently being addressed by the customer?

Business Plan – Solution Overview

The following are some of the areas that must be answered in the solution overview section:

  • How does your business solve those pain points?
  • Why should the customers choose your solution?
  • Examples on how your company will address the customer needs.
  • How enticing is your value proposition from a customer’s perspective?
  • Can your solution be scaled?

Business Plan – Market Overview

The following are some of the areas that must be answered in the market overview section:

  • Is your business model B2B or B2C or others?
  • What is the size of the market your company is directly addressing
  • What is the maximum revenue potential of your business?
  • What is the markets growth potential?
  • How much market share can your business command?

Business Plan – Competition Overview

The following are some of the questions that must be answered in the market overview section:

  • Who are your competitors?
  • How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors?
  • What are the major threats from your competitors?
  • How do you plan to address threats from your competitors?
  • What is your businesses competitive edge?

Business Plan – Financials Overview

The following are some of the areas that must be answered in the financials overview section:

  • Actual financial performance, if any.
  • Projected financial performance for a minimum of three years.
  • Projected financial statements including Profit & Loss Accounts and Balance Sheet for three years.
  • Detailed assumptions based on which the financial performance has been calculated.
  • Amount of investment or loan required?
  • How will be additional capital be invested?
  • Is your business breaking even? How long will it take to get there?
  • What would make your company run out of cash, and what does the worst-case scenario look like?
  • Details about the shareholding of the company .
  • Key financial rations like Current Ratio, Debt to Equity, Profitability, etc.,

Business Plan – Milestones Overview

The following are some of the areas that must be answered in the milestones overview section:

  • What are some of the key milestones you have achieved in the past?
  • What are some of the key milestones you will achieve in the next 1 to 2 years?
  • What is your product roadmap?

For help preparing a business plan , visit IndiaFilings.com

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How to Rein In Rising Auto Insurance Rates

Taking a safe driver course can save you 10 percent on the premium, one expert said. Improving your credit score can also help as can getting married.

A driver in a red car. His hands are on the wheel, which is part of a percentage sign.

By Ann Carrns

Even as inflation has eased , car insurance rates are rising by double digits. But drivers have some options for reining in premiums.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, auto insurance costs were 19.5 percent higher in June than a year earlier. Insurers blame the higher cost of automobiles, parts and repairs, as well as more accidents because of lingering bad driving habits that spread during the depths of the pandemic. They have also cited increased losses from severe weather, including hail storms .

Most drivers already know about discounts available for “bundling” auto and homeowner insurance policies with the same carrier or for insuring multiple cars. But other tactics can help as well.

Becoming a better driver may help. Just one accident can mean you’re paying an average of 43 percent more than drivers with clean safety records, according to the financial website Bankrate, which analyzed insurance data from Quadrant Information Services. The average annual premium for a driver with full-insurance coverage and a pristine driving history is just over $2,300, the analysis found, while the average for a driver with one at-fault accident is about $3,300.

Cultivating safe habits behind the wheel — like setting your phone to “do not disturb” to avoid distraction, and keeping a safe distance from the car in front of you — can help avoid accidents, said Ryan Pietzsch, a driver safety expert with the National Safety Council, a nonprofit focused on reducing preventable injuries and death. He suggested following the “three second” rule: Note the car ahead of you as it passes a fixed object, like a sign along the road. Then, start counting slowly from one to three (say, “one, one thousand; two, one thousand; three, one thousand”). If your car passes the sign before you reach three, you’re too close.

Taking a safe driver course may save you 10 percent on your auto premium, said Benjamin Preston, an auto writer at Consumer Reports. Check with your agent to see if it’s an option in your state. Some courses charge a fee.

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Crowdstrike outage explained: what caused it and what’s next, a crowdstrike update caused a massive it outage, crashing millions of windows systems. critical services and business operations were disrupted, revealing tech reliance risks..

Sean Michael Kerner

  • Sean Michael Kerner

What might be considered the largest IT outage in history was triggered by a botched software update from security vendor CrowdStrike, affecting millions of Windows systems around the world. Insurers estimate the outage will cost U.S. Fortune 500 companies $5.4 billion.

The outage occurred July 19, 2024, with millions of Windows systems failing and showing the infamous blue screen of death ( BSOD ).

CrowdStrike -- the company at the core of the outage -- is an endpoint security vendor whose primary technology is the Falcon platform, which helps protect systems against potential threats in a bid to minimize cybersecurity risks.

In many respects, the outage was a real manifestation of fears that computing users had at the end of the last century with the Y2K bug. With Y2K, the fear was that a bug in software systems would trigger widespread technology failures. While the CrowdStrike failure was not Y2K, it was a software issue that did, in fact, trigger massive disruption on a scale that has not been seen before.

What caused the outage?

The CrowdStrike Falcon platform is widely used by organizations of all sizes across many industries. It is the pervasiveness of CrowdStrike's technology and its integration into so many mission-critical operations and industries that amplified the effect.

The outage was not a Microsoft Windows flaw directly, but rather a flaw in CrowdStrike Falcon that triggered the issue.

Falcon hooks into the Microsoft Windows OS as a Windows kernel process. The process has high privileges, giving Falcon the ability to monitor operations in real time across the OS. There was a logic flaw in Falcon sensor version 7.11 and above, causing it to crash. Due to CrowdStrike Falcon's tight integration into the Microsoft Windows kernel, it resulted in a Windows system crash and BSOD.

The flaw in CrowdStrike Falcon was inside of a sensor configuration update. The sensor is regularly updated -- sometimes multiple times daily -- to provide users with mitigation and threat protection.

The flawed update was contained in a file that CrowdStrike refers to as "channel files," which specifically provide configuration updates for behavioral protections. Channel file 291 is an update that was supposed to help improve how Falcon evaluates named pipe execution on Microsoft Windows. Named pipes are a common type of communication mechanism for interprocess communications on Microsoft Windows.

With channel file 291, CrowdStrike inadvertently introduced a logic error, causing the Falcon sensor to crash and, subsequently, Windows systems in which it was integrated.

The flaw isn't in all versions of channel file 291. The problematic version is channel file 291 (C-00000291*.sys) with timestamp 2024-07-19 0409 UTC. Channel file 291 timestamped 2024-07-19 0527 UTC or later does not have the logic flaw. By that time, CrowdStrike had noticed its error and reverted the change. But, for many of its users, that reversion came too late as they had already updated, leading to BSOD and inoperable systems.

CrowdStrike timeline

What services were affected?

Microsoft estimated that approximately 8.5 million Windows devices were directly affected by the CrowdStrike logic error flaw. That's less than 1% of Microsoft's global Windows install base.

But, despite the small percentage of the overall Windows install base, the systems affected were those running critical operations. Services affected include the following.

Airlines and airports

The outage grounded thousands of flights worldwide, leading to significant delays and cancellations of more than 10,000 flights around the world. In the United States, affected airlines included Delta, United and American Airlines. These airlines were forced to cancel hundreds of flights until systems were restored. Globally, multiple airlines and airports were affected, including KLM, Porter Airlines, Toronto Pearson International Airport, Zurich Airport and Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.

Public transit

Public transit in multiple cities was affected, including Chicago, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, New York City and Washington, D.C.

Hospitals and healthcare clinics around the world faced significant disruptions in appointment systems , leading to delays and cancellations. Some states also reported 911 emergency services being affected, including Alaska, Indiana and New Hampshire.

Financial services

Online banking systems and financial institutions around the world were affected by the outage. Multiple payment platforms were directly affected, and there were individuals who did not get their paychecks when expected.

Media and broadcasting

Multiple media and broadcast outlets around the world, including British broadcaster Sky News, were taken off the air by the outage.

Analysis of the CrowdStrike outage

In this podcast, TechTarget Security editors Rob Wright, Alex Culafi and Arielle Waldman assess last week's CrowdStrike outage and the organization's response.

Why Apple and Linux were not affected

CrowdStrike's software doesn't just run on Microsoft Windows; it also runs on Apple's macOS and the Linux OS .

But the July outage only affected Microsoft Windows. The root cause of the outage was a faulty sensor configuration update that specifically affected Windows systems. The channel file 291 update was never issued to macOS or Linux systems as the update deals with named pipe execution that only occurs on the Microsoft Windows OS.

The way that the Falcon sensor integrates as a Windows kernel process is also not the same in macOS or Linux. Those OSes have different integration points to limit potential risk.

However, there was a reported incident in June from Linux vendor Red Hat, where the Falcon sensor -- running as an eBPF program in Linux -- triggered a kernel panic. In Linux, a kernel panic is a type of crash, though typically not as dramatic as BSOD. That issue was resolved without Red Hat reporting any major incidents.

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How long will it take businesses to recover from this outage?

CrowdStrike itself was able to identify and deploy a fix for the issue in 79 minutes. While CrowdStrike quickly identified and deployed a fix for the issue, the recovery process for businesses is complex and time-consuming. Among the issues is that, once the problematic update was installed, the underlying Windows OS would trigger BSOD, rendering the system inoperative using the normal boot process.

IT administrators had to manually boot affected systems into Safe Mode or the Windows Recovery Environment to delete the problematic channel file 291 and restore normal operations. That process is labor-intensive, especially for organizations with many affected devices. In some cases, the process also required physical access to each machine, adding further time and effort to the process.

Some businesses were able to apply the fix within a few days. However, the process was not straightforward for all, particularly those with extensive IT infrastructure and encrypted drives. The use of the Microsoft Windows BitLocker encryption technology by some organizations made it significantly more time-consuming to recover as BitLocker recovery keys were required.

It is estimated that it could potentially take months for some organizations to entirely recover all affected systems from the outage.

The latest news on CrowdStrike's recovery efforts

Bitlocker workaround may offer aid for crowdstrike customers, crowdstrike: 97% of windows sensors back online after outage.

CrowdStrike outage underscores software testing dilemmas

Hackers take advantage of outage

While the outage was not due to a cyberattack, threat actors have taken advantage of the incident .

According to a blog post from CrowdStrike, the security vendor has received reports of the following malicious activity:

  • Phishing emails sent to customers posing as CrowdStrike support.
  • Fake phone calls impersonating CrowdStrike staff.
  • Selling scripts claiming to automate recovery from the botched update.
  • Posing as independent researchers saying the outage was due to a cyberattack and offering remediation insights.

CISA urges individuals and organizations to only follow instructions from legitimate sources and avoid opening suspicious emails and links.

How can businesses be better prepared for tech outages?

The CrowdStrike Windows outage highlighted the vulnerabilities of modern society's heavy reliance on technology. While system backups and automated processes are essential, having manual procedures in place can significantly enhance business continuity during tech outages.

But there are a few things businesses can do to be better prepared for tech outages, including the following.

Test all updates before deploying to production

It has been a best practice for years to allow automated updates to ensure systems are always up to date. However, the CrowdStrike issue laid bare the underlying risk with that approach. For mission-critical systems, testing updates before deployment or having some form of staging environment before pushing updates to production might help to mitigate some risk.

Develop and document manual workarounds

Manual workarounds ensure critical business processes can continue even when technology fails. This approach was common before the digital age and, in the event of outage, can serve as a fallback. Documenting and practicing manual procedures can help mitigate the effect of outages, ensuring businesses can still operate and serve their customers, even during an outage.

Perform disaster recovery and business continuity planning

Outages happen for any number of different reasons. Having extensive disaster recovery and business continuity practices and plans in place is critical. Part of that effort should include the use of redundant systems and infrastructure to minimize downtime and ensure critical functions can switch to backup systems when needed.

Sean Michael Kerner is an IT consultant, technology enthusiast and tinkerer. He has pulled Token Ring, configured NetWare and been known to compile his own Linux kernel. He consults with industry and media organizations on technology issues.

For more information about the CrowdStrike outage, read the following articles:

Is today's CrowdStrike outage a sign of the new normal?

CrowdStrike chaos casts a long shadow on cybersecurity

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Helping our customers through the CrowdStrike outage

Jul 20, 2024 | David Weston - Vice President, Enterprise and OS Security

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On July 18, CrowdStrike, an independent cybersecurity company, released a software update that began impacting IT systems globally. Although this was not a Microsoft incident, given it impacts our ecosystem, we want to provide an update on the steps we’ve taken with CrowdStrike and others to remediate and support our customers.  

Since this event began, we’ve maintained ongoing communication with our customers, CrowdStrike and external developers to collect information and expedite solutions. We recognize the disruption this problem has caused for businesses and in the daily routines of many individuals. Our focus is providing customers with technical guidance and support to safely bring disrupted systems back online. Steps taken have included:  

  • Engaging with CrowdStrike to automate their work on developing a solution.   CrowdStrike has recommended a workaround to address this issue and has also issued a public statement. Instructions to remedy the situation on Windows endpoints were posted on the Windows Message Center .   
  • Deploying hundreds of Microsoft engineers and experts to work directly with customers to restore services.   
  • Collaborating with other cloud providers and stakeholders, including Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS), to share awareness on the state of impact we are each seeing across the industry and inform ongoing conversations with CrowdStrike and customers.  
  • Quickly posting manual remediation documentation and scripts found here .
  • Keeping customers informed of the latest status on the incident through the Azure Status Dashboard here .  

We’re working around the clock and providing ongoing updates and support. Additionally, CrowdStrike has helped us develop a scalable solution that will help Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure accelerate a fix for CrowdStrike’s faulty update. We have also worked with both AWS and GCP to collaborate on the most effective approaches.    

While software updates may occasionally cause disturbances, significant incidents like the CrowdStrike event are infrequent. We currently estimate that CrowdStrike’s update affected 8.5 million Windows devices, or less than one percent of all Windows machines. While the percentage was small, the broad economic and societal impacts reflect the use of CrowdStrike by enterprises that run many critical services.  

This incident demonstrates the interconnected nature of our broad ecosystem — global cloud providers, software platforms, security vendors and other software vendors, and customers. It’s also a reminder of how important it is for all of us across the tech ecosystem to prioritize operating with safe deployment and disaster recovery using the mechanisms that exist. As we’ve seen over the last two days, we learn, recover and move forward most effectively when we collaborate and work together. We appreciate the cooperation and collaboration of our entire sector, and we will continue to update with learnings and next steps.  

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How To Write A Business Plan (2024 Guide)

Julia Rittenberg

Updated: Apr 17, 2024, 11:59am

How To Write A Business Plan (2024 Guide)

Table of Contents

Brainstorm an executive summary, create a company description, brainstorm your business goals, describe your services or products, conduct market research, create financial plans, bottom line, frequently asked questions.

Every business starts with a vision, which is distilled and communicated through a business plan. In addition to your high-level hopes and dreams, a strong business plan outlines short-term and long-term goals, budget and whatever else you might need to get started. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to write a business plan that you can stick to and help guide your operations as you get started.

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Drafting the Summary

An executive summary is an extremely important first step in your business. You have to be able to put the basic facts of your business in an elevator pitch-style sentence to grab investors’ attention and keep their interest. This should communicate your business’s name, what the products or services you’re selling are and what marketplace you’re entering.

Ask for Help

When drafting the executive summary, you should have a few different options. Enlist a few thought partners to review your executive summary possibilities to determine which one is best.

After you have the executive summary in place, you can work on the company description, which contains more specific information. In the description, you’ll need to include your business’s registered name , your business address and any key employees involved in the business. 

The business description should also include the structure of your business, such as sole proprietorship , limited liability company (LLC) , partnership or corporation. This is the time to specify how much of an ownership stake everyone has in the company. Finally, include a section that outlines the history of the company and how it has evolved over time.

Wherever you are on the business journey, you return to your goals and assess where you are in meeting your in-progress targets and setting new goals to work toward.

Numbers-based Goals

Goals can cover a variety of sections of your business. Financial and profit goals are a given for when you’re establishing your business, but there are other goals to take into account as well with regard to brand awareness and growth. For example, you might want to hit a certain number of followers across social channels or raise your engagement rates.

Another goal could be to attract new investors or find grants if you’re a nonprofit business. If you’re looking to grow, you’ll want to set revenue targets to make that happen as well.

Intangible Goals

Goals unrelated to traceable numbers are important as well. These can include seeing your business’s advertisement reach the general public or receiving a terrific client review. These goals are important for the direction you take your business and the direction you want it to go in the future.

The business plan should have a section that explains the services or products that you’re offering. This is the part where you can also describe how they fit in the current market or are providing something necessary or entirely new. If you have any patents or trademarks, this is where you can include those too.

If you have any visual aids, they should be included here as well. This would also be a good place to include pricing strategy and explain your materials.

This is the part of the business plan where you can explain your expertise and different approach in greater depth. Show how what you’re offering is vital to the market and fills an important gap.

You can also situate your business in your industry and compare it to other ones and how you have a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Other than financial goals, you want to have a budget and set your planned weekly, monthly and annual spending. There are several different costs to consider, such as operational costs.

Business Operations Costs

Rent for your business is the first big cost to factor into your budget. If your business is remote, the cost that replaces rent will be the software that maintains your virtual operations.

Marketing and sales costs should be next on your list. Devoting money to making sure people know about your business is as important as making sure it functions.

Other Costs

Although you can’t anticipate disasters, there are likely to be unanticipated costs that come up at some point in your business’s existence. It’s important to factor these possible costs into your financial plans so you’re not caught totally unaware.

Business plans are important for businesses of all sizes so that you can define where your business is and where you want it to go. Growing your business requires a vision, and giving yourself a roadmap in the form of a business plan will set you up for success.

How do I write a simple business plan?

When you’re working on a business plan, make sure you have as much information as possible so that you can simplify it to the most relevant information. A simple business plan still needs all of the parts included in this article, but you can be very clear and direct.

What are some common mistakes in a business plan?

The most common mistakes in a business plan are common writing issues like grammar errors or misspellings. It’s important to be clear in your sentence structure and proofread your business plan before sending it to any investors or partners.

What basic items should be included in a business plan?

When writing out a business plan, you want to make sure that you cover everything related to your concept for the business,  an analysis of the industry―including potential customers and an overview of the market for your goods or services―how you plan to execute your vision for the business, how you plan to grow the business if it becomes successful and all financial data around the business, including current cash on hand, potential investors and budget plans for the next few years.

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Julia is a writer in New York and started covering tech and business during the pandemic. She also covers books and the publishing industry.

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Coffee Shop Business Plan in India – A Complete Guide

Indians truly love sipping coffee. Be it to cool down from the stress or just a part of the coffee-drinking habit. The coffee industry in India is billions of rupees, and the market size is increasing. Drinks are in high demand, and India is increasingly embracing the coffee shop or cafe model as a viable option for opening a food business. According to one research by TechSci Research analysis, in 2021, the coffee shop industry will witness a CAGR of over 11%.

Statista projects that by the end of 2022, the coffee business will have generated more than $874 million in sales. The coffee business is only expected to expand thanks to a 3.07% CAGR. Moreover, 73% of the country of India’s overall coffee consumption is accounted for by the urban market. As a result, coffee and coffee shops have grown into separate businesses that have begun to contribute to the nation’s economic development.

There are different brands in India, and new coffee shop business ideas are mushrooming. In fact, throughout India, you will find various brands of coffee shops, which induce the current generation to go ahead with opening a coffee shop business plan.

opening a coffee shop business plan

Opening a Coffee shop in India (Step-by-Step Guide)

Need for a coffee shop.

Before you go ahead with the coffee shop business plan, it is vital to understand its needs. People visit coffee shops for many reasons other than only to consume coffee. Additionally, people go to coffee shops to connect, read, or write in a calm, relaxing setting. Additionally, they favor coffee shops for other gatherings like game nights and meetings. India’s most exciting coffee shop business plan is to allow people to gather and watch live sporting events.

This article presents you with an essential guide on pushing ahead with your coffee shop business ideas.

One of the critical aspects of the coffee shop business is you will require a strong business plan to launch your coffee shop venture. It will make it possible for your brand to flourish and expand. While you make a business plan choose the type of operation that will work the best for you. Below are some points to consider-

Do coffee research

coffee shop business ideas

When it comes to coffee, it is quite a unique beverage with a wide range of flavors. With so many various sorts, roasts, and mixes of coffee available, you must educate yourself on them to develop a unique menu for your café. You can accomplish this by studying the coffee industry or undergoing formal instruction. When you prepare the coffee shop menu, try to include new coffee types to offer something new to your customers.

Also, read – How restaurant consulting can help grow your food business

Look for the Location

Once you have planned to establish the coffee business, look for a location to bring more business to your shop. There are certain things you need to consider when looking for the location –

Better Visibility : Make sure the location has good visibility and is in a busy market or shopping area with constant foot traffic. Also, ensure that there are a few coffee shops already established that may affect your business.

Accessibility : In addition to being visible, the location should also be easy for the public to reach, such as a location with plenty of parking.

Customers : You need to figure out who you want to sell to and where they are, then choose a location that works for them. If your target audience is college students, check if the area has colleges and young crowds.

Affordable : You should also consider rent before choosing a location because it must be affordable. Look at the trends in lease fluctuation over the last three years.

Do some market analysis

Most leading at-home brewing coffee brands primarily focus on the coffee industry. However, a sizable portion of the outdoor café business is taken up by local establishments. Coffee shops deliberately locate themselves in buildings such as schools, hospitals, and businesses to maximize visibility. It is the most exciting part of opening a coffee shop business plan.

You may find these crucial elements and create your business plan by conducting an industry study. For instance, there isn’t a coffee shop in your area. That represents a possible demand gap that your company can address.

coffee shop business plan in India

One major thing that attracts customers to your coffee shop is the ambiance. A coffee shop outside is the only way to get customers in before other factors like food quality and customer service come into play. Therefore, it is essential to spend money on upscale yet comfortable furniture, eye-catching crockery, and other interior design elements for the café.

Determining the Cost

How much is it to open a coffee shop? It is the most vital question when drafting a business plan. Once you know how much it would cost to open a coffee shop in a specific location, you can consider further steps. When considering the cost, you must also work on visibility, competition, and other business areas.

Also, read – 25 Food Business Ideas in India [With Low Investment]

Curate the menu exclusively

Create the menu for your coffee business and determine what new things you want to add before officially launching the shop. Coffee of all varieties, from Cappuccinos to Mochas, should be offered on a coffee shop’s menu.

It’s possible that serving drinks alone won’t generate much money. You must therefore provide food things as well. Add menus including sandwiches, baked goods, and fast foods like burgers that must be cooked at the last stage. You can even go for some heavy foods to add more than usual.

Play around with your coffee shop menu as well. By doing this, you will add value to your coffee shop business.

Examining internal and external factors

One of the vital SWOT analysis consists of the internal and external variables. An analysis of a plan’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is crucial when you plan to go ahead with the coffee shop business. Understanding the strength will make it simpler to maintain and use to sell the company.

Threats and Opportunities fall under external forces. After the coffee business starts turning a profit, you can go for the opportunity analysis. Once you open the door of your coffee shop, it is simple to analyze the prospects that present themselves. Evaluate threats once the company begins to make a profit in the market.

Invest in the right technology

The significance of technology cannot be understated, even if you are running a coffee shop business. Purchasing a reliable coffee shop system is essential when opening a business, as these systems play a crucial role. Some of the methods you need to invest in are-

  • Quick billing : Investing in the right POS system for your coffee business can handle billing procedures seamlessly. You must be able to take orders fast because the coffee shop format is comparable to that of quick service and casual dining restaurants.
  • Stock and Inventory Management : The POS system should make it simple to keep track of your stock levels. You would need to control the stock circulation effectively if you minimized the cooking at the outlet.
  • Integrating Exciting Offers: Integration of the offer meal combinations and specials is a great way to draw customers. You should be able to make personalized offers using the POS. rapidly and effectively.

Hiring and Training Employees

coffee shop menu

You can expect success if you hire the right people for your business. When you are hiring employees, do take time to train them. You must hire the correct individuals for the right jobs to provide exceptional customer service, which promotes customer loyalty. You’ll need to employ the following:

· Head Chefs

· Accountant

· Marketers

Eligibility Criteria and Documents for Loan

To open a coffee shop business, you need a loan. Contacting a leading finance company will help you get a business loan with the lowest interest on EMI. However, there are eligibility criteria and documents required mentioned below-

Look for the right Finance and get Documents ready

Eligibility Criteria-

· Should not be listed in the blacklist of SBA Finance

· The location shouldn’t be in a negative zone

· NGOs and charitable trusts are eligible for business loans.

Documents Required

There are some documents required to get the SBA loan. These are-

1. Business registration copy including:

· Trade License

· VAT Registration

· Gumastadhara

· Business Registration Certificate

· GST Filing

2. Aadhar card

3. PAN card

4. Bank statements for the last 12 months

5. Company PAN card copy

6. Copy of the Partnership deed, if applicable

Also, read – What licenses are needed to start a restaurant in India

How to Apply for a business loan?

· Submit the filled application form with complete loan details

· Upload all mentioned documents for verification

· Once verified, the team will sanction the loan and disburse it into your account in 3-4 business days.

Right Marketing

A business can only be successful if the right marketing is done. You need to invest in the right team of marketers who can ensure your coffee business gets better traffic. You must ensure you execute your

marketing strategy flawlessly across all channels, from digital ones like developing a visually appealing website and using social media to traditional ones like handing out brochures, running ads in print media, and offering discounts, including coupons.

When you go ahead with the coffee shop business plan in India, you must remember that a brand requires time to make a mark in the market. Fasten up the process with the aid of the appropriate marketing outlets. In India, coffee is regarded as the top business area. Premium coffee and upscale cafes will continue to be in demand. Since Indians love sipping coffee, it makes for the ideal market for coffee businesses.

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About the author: ivepos.

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30 Low-Cost Business Ideas with High Profits in 2022

Updated on : Jun 20th, 2024

An individual with an entrepreneurial mindset can easily start a small-scale business with low investments. The government has launched various schemes for funding small-scale businesses and promoting them. It is encouraging startups and entrepreneurship in India to boost the Indian economy. You can start your business from home or rent out small premises, thus saving cost on office area. Below are 30 low-cost business ideas with high profit to start your business.

1. Content Writing

Content writing has a vast scope since many companies and businesses require a content writer. Companies require help with creating pages for their products, blogs, web pages, etc. The content writing business does not require any investment. All you need is a good command of the language, writing and reading skills. Since you get paid for each word you write, it is highly profitable. The more assignments you get, the more you earn. When you provide writing services for various clients, you get many assignments helping you earn a profit. 

2. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is growing quickly in India. Many online businesses and companies want to have a strong online presence. Such companies and businesses require a digital marketing manager to help them grow their business. Digital marketing means promoting products and brands to potential customers online through various forms of digital communication, such as emails, web-based advertising, social media, and text and multimedia messages.

Thus, you can start a digital marketing agency if you know marketing strategies. You will have to spend money to register the agency and have a good internet connection to start a digital marketing agency. Since it’s done online, you do not have to invest in an office. 

3. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a lot like retail, but it is done entirely online. Dropshipping is where you tie up with dropshipping suppliers and sell their products on your online retail store. The dropshipping suppliers will process and ship the orders you receive from customers. You will receive the order payment, which you need to pay to the dropshipping supplier after deducting your percentage from the payment.

You only need to invest in an online store. This business model is picking up in India. One of the best aspects of a dropshipping business is that you need not invest in stocking or purchasing any product. You have an opportunity to earn high profits as you can decide the profit margin or commission between yourself and the supplier with a mutual understanding.

4. Customised Gifts

A customised gift shop is an excellent low-cost business idea. People give gifts on many occasions like functions, festivals, birthdays, weddings, etc. Thus, there is a demand for unique customised gifts. You can start a gift shop consisting of a mix of customised gifts, gift hampers, gift items you get in the market, and innovative handmade gifts. You need not start a physical store. Start an e-commerce gift shop to save money. 

An e-commerce gift shop also helps you reach a wider audience, thus helping you get more orders. Market your shop on social media and to your friends and relatives. Initially, you may not receive huge profits, but as the business grows, you will make profits. 

5. Blogging or Vlogging

Blogging has gained popularity nowadays. Businesses with web content are also looking to make blogs and require a blogger. Blogging means writing opinionated pieces or experiences in a chosen area. If you like to share your experiences, analyse things or give opinions based on experiences, you can start a blog. You can create a blog in any area like lifestyle, travelling, food, fashion, tech reviews, business strategies, etc. Vlogging means video blogging. Vlogging is where you take about a topic and upload the video online.

A good internet connection and a laptop are required for blogging or vlogging. It is highly profitable since you will get payment from Google when your blog ranks first on Google. Since the investment is low, you can make high profits based on the views you get for your blogs or vlogs.

6. Social Media Consultant

In the digital age, almost all companies market their products and advertise them through digital channels and social media campaigns. You could start a social media consultancy when you have a good knowledge of marketing, branding, web presence and communications. 

You will need to help businesses or individuals to post content and conduct campaigns to promote their products or services through social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. You need to help them generate traffic and have a social media presence to generate leads. You will need to only invest in establishing a consultancy and can earn high profits by generating leads and online traffic for businesses.

7. Photography

You can open a photography business when you have a passion for photography. An online photography business is also quite lucrative with plenty of options, such as travel, wedding, product or stock photography. You can do commercial shoots for ad campaigns or cover corporate events for businesses and earn profits from them.

All you need is a good camera to run the business. You can even capture portraits and keep them for sale.‌‌ You can have a Youtube channel or start a course on photography and show how to click creative photos or capture events. You can earn high profits from photo shoots for events or functions.

8. Event Management

Event management company organises and manages events. The events may be weddings, birthdays, pre-wedding rituals, corporate events, functions, etc. You require organising skills and need to build a network to manage events. You will need to coordinate with the decorators and caterers to organise an event.

It requires investment for adequate staff, logistics, and arrangements. Initially, you can start from home and hire caterers and decorators for the events. As the business grows, you can invest and hire staff. You can make huge profits from the event management business when your customer base grows. 

9. Grocery Store

Establishing a grocery store to sell food and other household items is highly profitable. However, you should tie up with suppliers or wholesalers to obtain the required items. You will need to invest in a physical place to open a store, but you can make profits as grocery is the daily basic need required by all. You can save money when you open an online store.

Since the pandemic, people have started to order groceries online. You can open an e-commerce store or website and sell products on the online store. When you offer discounts or schemes, you will get more customers. You need not even hold stock of inventory in an online store.

10. Coaching Class

There will always be a demand for a good coaching class. Students prefer classes near to their house and which give them individual attention. You can start a coaching class at home or on rented premises. After the pandemic, coaching classes are held online. You can teach both online and offline. The investment required for an online class is an internet connection and laptop. You need to invest on board and a room for an offline class.

You can start a coaching class for competitive exams and certification courses for professionals by hiring lecturers. When you know a foreign language, you can start a class to teach these languages as there is always a demand for foreign language classes from professionals and students. Since the investment is low, you will get high returns by imparting knowledge to others.

11. Mobile/Computer Repairing

Everyone has a mobile nowadays. Computers and laptops are also important. You can start a mobile, laptop or computer repair shop when you have knowledge about it. Mobiles, computers and laptops require maintaining and repairing services. You can learn how to repair these devices, get the necessary diploma and start a mobile and computer reaping business. 

It requires low investment to start this business, but it can yield huge profits when it is run professionally. You can even tie up with companies or professionals, maintain their devices regularly, and make profits. You can start selling mobile phone/laptop accessories and make more profit. As your business grows, you can start selling mobiles and computers to your customers.

12. Consultancy

When you know a subject, start a consultancy firm. A consultancy firm is where you help people to get things done and reduce their workload. You can establish a consultancy firm with low investment and earn higher profits. There are many fields where a consultancy can be started, such as legal, business, bookkeeping, growing business on social media, marketing, technical, etc. 

It is better to start a consultancy in the area of your experience. You can also hire someone or partner with someone with the same expertise to provide consultancy. You can establish it online; thus, it requires low investment, and you get profits for sharing your knowledge.

13. Travel Agency

The tourism industry is huge in India. People love to travel on a low budget. Thus, you can start a travel agency and customise tours and arrange tours at minimum budgets. You will need to have communication skills to start this business. You must tie up with hotels at different destinations and local tour guides who can look after your customers on tour.

However, you can start this business from home as people book tours online. You can have your website or promote your tours on social media and get bookings from there. You can also book flights, buses and trains online. The more customers you have and the more tours you arrange, the more money you earn.

14. Web Designing

Nowadays, all businesses have their websites. Small businesses also plan to go online and have their website since customers first search the business online to know more about their products or services. It has led to an increase in demand for web designers. A web designer designs/creates a website containing the details of the business products or services and maintains the website.

A web designing company does not require a high investment as you only need a computer, internet connection and web designing skills. You can learn web designing skills from a training centre or an institute. You get paid for your web designing skills and the projects you undertake.

15. Real Estate Agent

When you understand the commercial and residential real estate market, you can start a real estate agency. You also need good people and communication skills to attract home buyers and sellers to make a deal. You can get good commissions for each deal you make. The investment required to start is significantly low. You need to spend on establishing an agency.  

But as you build your network and start making more deals, the commission you earn is high. All you need is communication and speaking proficiency to get buyers and sellers to agree on the sale and make money. You can even open a real estate agency to help people find rented places rather than just focusing on selling properties. Rents are high in metro cities, and many people are living in rented houses in metro cities. It is highly profitable to open a real estate agency for renting properties in metro cities.

16. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a profitable way to make money online. It is a form of digital marketing where you refer a person to buy an online product from an online merchant or platform. You get a commission when that person buys the product based on your recommendation. You can start this business from home; thus, it requires low investment. It requires a laptop and an internet connection. 

The transaction amount and the number of sales involved determine the commission. Affiliate marketing needs a strong online presence to get attention and awareness. If you have a small audience who trusts you, you can promote and sell a merchant’s products to them and earn money. 

17. Beauty Parlour

A beauty parlour never runs out of demand. Most women visit a beauty parlour frequently. You need to know about skincare and have special training in grooming to open a beauty parlour. The investment required for opening a beauty parlour is low. 

You can even open a beauty parlour at your home. However, you need to invest in the equipment required to open a beauty parlour. When you open it in the right location, such as near an apartment or residential layout, you can make a lot of money by acquiring many clients. You can even provide door-to-door service, i.e. visit the clients’ houses and provide your service and earn profits.

18. Fashion Boutique

Fashion boutiques also have a high demand. Many women prefer to go to fashion boutiques to get unique and customised clothes. You can open a fashion boutique when you have a keen interest in fashion and clothing. The investment to open a boutique is low.

To open a fashion boutique, you must buy stitching materials and tie up with dress sellers. You may make dresses yourself or get dresses from various wholesalers, customise them and sell them to your customers. You can start a boutique from your house. The profit margin is relatively good compared to many other businesses.

19. Insurance Agent

Having a medical policy or health insurance is vital. People have realised this after the pandemic. You can open an insurance agency to guide people to buy the right insurance policy that suits their needs. The insurance umbrella covers health, shop, vehicle, renters insurance, etc. You can start the agency with little investment. 

To be an insurance agent, you must possess good communication skills and convincing power. You can earn a good commission by selling insurance policies. You need to obtain an insurance agent license, but the profits are huge in this business. You can even tie up with insurance companies and sell their insurance products for a commission.

20. Low-Cost Franchise

A franchise is a strategy to expand business across states and cities. In a franchise business, the franchisor, i.e. an established company, grants you the license, guidance and trademark to run its business. They set up decent margins for the stocks to be sold. You must enter into a franchise agreement with the franchisor to operate a franchise business.

In a franchise business, you need not invest to set up a business. The franchisor will provide you with the products and goods to run the business. You only need to market the products and sell them to customers. The more sales you make, the more profit you earn from them.

21. Cloud Kitchen

Cloud kitchens are kitchens operated online. You have to register on an online platform or food app and put up your menu there. Customers will directly place orders online, and you need to prepare the food and deliver it to them. You can arrange for a delivery or agree with the online platform or app to deliver them for a charge. 

There is a very low investment required in this business as you save money on establishing a physical place for customers to sit and hiring staff to serve the customers. All you need is to know how to cook and have the equipment to cook and market food. You can even open your food venture website and take food orders there. If you market your food venture well, you will gain customers and huge profits.

People buy cakes for many occasions, like birthdays, farewell parties, engagements, celebration of an event, etc. People also buy cakes, muffins, pastries, puffs, etc., as snacks. Thus, it is one of the lucrative businesses in India. The investment to establish a bakery business is low, but you need to know how to bake cakes and other bakery products.

You can open up a bakery at a location where there is significant customer traffic. You need to spend money on buying ovens and ingredients to bake food. You can even start an online bakery by creating your website or registering on online food platforms and selling your items there. 

23. Catering Service

All occasions, such as house parties, birthdays, corporate parties, weddings, functions, etc., require a caterer to arrange food. Thus, caterers are in demand to serve delicious food. To start a catering business, you need a kitchen, cook and transport facility to deliver food. 

Thus, the investment to start a food catering business is comparatively low compared to the returns. A catering business has a high earning potential, especially when you take it online and find more customers. You can even cater meals to working people regularly or daily. 

24. Investment Consultant

People have realised the importance of savings and investing in the post-pandemic era. They want to save money and invest it for their future. However, they require guidance for the same. You can start an investment consultant agency if you have good knowledge about shares, mutual funds, investment schemes such as PPF, NPS, post-office savings schemes, bank FD rates, etc.

You do not require much investment to start this business as you can start it online. All you need is a good internet connection to give investment advice. You also need analytical skills and be good at calculations to advise people as to which investment will provide them with the best returns for their goals. Initially, you may not earn more, but as you market your business and provide good advice to people, you will get more customers and money. 

25. YouTube Channel

You can start a channel on Youtube. There are many channels on Youtube, but if your content is innovative and creative, you will get more views and subscriptions. You can monetise from the views and subscriptions on your youtube channel. 

You only have to invest in a good camera, mic and internet connection to start a Youtube channel. You can get more views and earn money by posting videos frequently. You can advertise companies’ products on your channel and make money from them.

26. Fitness Trainer

After the pandemic, many are conscious of their health and want to stay fit. You can become a fitness trainer when you have knowledge and training. You can train people in yoga, Zumba, aerobics, etc., and even advise them on the food they need to eat to stay fit. You can even tie up with a gym and become a trainer or conduct fitness classes there.

There is not much investment required for becoming a fitness trainer. You may have to learn new fitness courses and attend health programmes to train your customers. You can start fitness training classes such as yoga, aerobics, dance, Zumba, etc., online or rent a place for the same. You get high returns when more customers join your classes.

27. Freelancer

A freelancer is someone who gets paid for the work they do. You can be a freelancer in the area of your expertise, such as writing, singing, photography, design, software management, video editing, coding, etc. Many companies hire a freelancer to get their work done. 

Since you will not be an employee of a company, you can provide freelance service to many companies and individuals simultaneously. You can create a social media profile and promote your freelancing skills and services to attract customers. Once you get recognised, you will get more work and earn huge profits.

28. Bookkeeping and Accounting Service

You can start an accounting and bookkeeping business when you know bookkeeping and accounting. You can start this business with a low investment. However, you need adequate training to do accurate bookkeeping and accounting. Sole proprietorships and small businesses require bookkeeping services. They do not hire people to do it.

Thus, you can help them with their bookkeeping and accounting and charge for the same. Since you need to visit your client’s place to provide the accounting services, you need not invest in an office. You will only need a laptop and internet facility for this business.

29. App Developing Service

App development is a profitable small business since many companies require an app developer. Application or app development involves creating a computer program that a business requires for performing its various tasks. Thus, you can make an app development business if you have the software skills and are an IT graduate.

This business does not require much investment, but it is highly profitable. You can work on multiple projects simultaneously and earn profits. To make a high income, you can experiment with AR/VR, mobile wallets, chatbots, cloud-based apps, and IoT.

30. Pharmacy

A pharmacy is a necessity for people across the country. Everyone goes to a pharmacy to get medicines. If you have a pharmacy degree, you start your pharmacy shop. The location of the pharmacy shop is crucial to making profits. There are still many places in India where people have to travel to a pharmacy shop. You can establish a pharmacy shop in such areas and earn money.

You can even attach to a doctor’s clinic and start a shop inside the clinic so that people can easily access medicines and you get more clients. Although you will need to invest some money in the initial stage, the profit you get after some time is huge. 

These 30 low-cost business ideas have the potential to earn huge profits. The investment required to start these businesses is low, but your profits are significantly high. Thus, if you have the right skill or training, you can be an entrepreneur, start your business at a low-cost, and make profits. 

About the Author


Mayashree Acharya

I am an advocate by profession and have a keen interest in writing. I write articles in various categories, from legal, business, personal finance, and investments to government schemes. I put words in a simplified manner and write easy-to-understand articles. Read more

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How Big Is India's New Jobs Plan?

Indian budget.

Together with its annual budget for the current fiscal year, the Indian government around Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a job creation scheme Tuesday that is scheduled to invest 2 lakh crore rupees ($24 billion) in the coming five years. Spending will focus on subsidies for job entrants - for which 10000 crore rupees (around $1.2 billion) were already earmarked this year - as well as aid for employers and employees in the manufacturing sector. Also new in this year's budget are an internship program at major Indian companies worth 2000 crore ($239 million) and the upgrading of Industrial Training Institutes costing 1000 crore ($119 million).

How big are these investments compared to other major schemes in the budget? While they are not the biggest, they are substantial. If carried out according to plan, the new jobs scheme should receive 40000 crore ($4.8 billion) every year on average (not counting internships and ITI upgrades). The biggest scheme currently mentioned in the Indian budget is the pandemic-era PMGKAY food subsidy program using more than 2 lakh crore ($24.5 billion) in one year alone. Next are two roadwork schemes, the urea fertilizer subsidy and the rural employment guarantee that run between 0.9 and 1.7 lakh crore ($10-$20 billion) in the current fiscal year. The National Rural Drinking Water Mission's annual budget is still nearly twice as big as the new jobs scheme at around 70000 crore ($8.4 billion). Apart from these six, there are 28 more schemes out of the 140 listed in the budget that are bigger than even the 10000 crore rupees/$1.2 billion payment subsidy for job entrants on its own. Looking at all three new job creation schemes combined, there are a total of 11 out of 140 schemes that are bigger.


This chart shows the estimated cost of biggest schemes in Indian 2024/25 budget and cost of new jobs plan (in billion U.S. dollars).

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Infographic: How Big Is India's New Jobs Plan? | Statista

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80 best small business ideas in india.

40 Best Small Business Ideas in India for 2020

Who does not want to own a business? No matter if it is commenced as a small scale or done through huge capital investment, it is still considered a business. Even if you do not want to invest ample amount into a business you can still run a profitable small scale business. We will brief you about all the best small business ideas in India.

We understand it could be hard for beginners to find the right business idea for opening any new business. One wrong decision could ruin all your investment and time. It is therefore always suggested, to explore as many options as you can and then depending upon your current financial status, demographics, local demand in the same field, expertise, and experience, choose the viable option that matches all your needs.

The Indian business is constantly seeking growth in all a wide array of areas due to numerous factors which include government stimulus, international trade, and a strong developing and evolving economy. There are tons of business opportunities available in various sectors due to the rapid increase of youths that are rising to technology and leadership driving innovation and growth.

You can easily start a small scale business requiring low investments with the boost in technological advancement, and creativity. It is just that you need to possess some special skills for performing specific tasks. You can even operate some businesses from your home, while some of them may require you to lease or rent out small premises.

Crucial aspects to be considered before the commencement of a small business

2 significant factors should never be ignored when you are about to open your new business:

  • Business Funds- This is the most important is to arrange the funds. You can procure a loan to fund your small business idea either from the banks, community organizations, and cooperative credit societies. However, a small business can also be started up with whatever little investment you may have.
  • Planning Prior- One has to plan well for success. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Hence, it is very crucial to plan the entire business strategy in advance before the launch. Study the whole market for the product or service you are about to deal in.

Also, make a comprehensive report and get acquainted with all your competitors and their offerings. There is always a scope of improvement, so always seek advice from the people you trust. Never forget to build a complete database on the potential customers for your product or service you are offering.

80 Small business Ideas to start in India

The business ideas which we are going to talk about below have certain opportunities behind it which you need to match as per your needs, and requirements. Let’s dive in all the business ideas to check the compilation of all these opportunities in India that can be started with very low investment-

1) Content Writer and Blogging

40 Best Small Business Ideas in India (2023)

If you have a strong command over your writing style and reading skills, you can very smoothly utilize your skills to get yourself earn a decent income. It has become a profitable business not only in India but across the world. You get paid on every word you write for your clients. The best part of being a content writer is you can start is without investing a single penny as if you are confident in your writing skills, you can start your carrier as a content blogger or a writer.

2) Digital Marketing

There are ample opportunists available in digital marketing . As you can launch your own startup, do a freelance business, promote several products and earn well. Before taking any of the above steps, you need to have a robust command over your digital marketing skills, which you can learn by joining a digital marketing training center or you can do a course online.

3) Mobile Apps

As we all know the demand for mobile phones is rapidly increasing every day and so is for mobile apps. The scope of making mobile apps has a huge potential in India. For a mobile app maker you need to have technical knowledge about all the tools related to its development (tech-savvy), understand the needs of the customer and design the app accordingly. Also, ensure before it is developed whether it is serving the purpose of the potential users or not.

4) Pollution masks

With the rapid increase in pollution in all metropolitan cities especially Delhi, in upcoming years the scope of manufacturing and trading these pollution masks would be like selling hotcakes. The demand for these masks will keep on increasing due to the massive hazardous air pollution effects.

5) Network Marketing

For establishing yourself into the network marketing with less investment, you need to tie up with putative brands that offer proficient products. In order to search for the brands, you can check it on Google whose products are always in demand.

Mostly, these days people have become very conscious of nutrition, health, and supplements, beauty, and skincare products for which you can boost your marketing and networking with the distributors already dealing in this field. You can grow and expand your business by promoting your products to your relatives, friend circle, and doing online business by building a website.

6) Dropshipping

One of the best aspects of this business is that you can start this by building your own e-commerce website without even investing a considerable amount and without stocking any product. As you do not need to purchase any product until you get any order from the customer. You have an opportunity to earn a profit as high as up to 3 times the price of the seller.

There is a straightforward process that you need to follow in order to start your Dropshipping business :

  • The first thing that you need to do is that find a supplier such as Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, etc and tie up with them
  • Build up your e-commerce website and prepare a list from what you want to sell from these suppliers
  • Promote your website on social media networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter, or other online marketing channels
  • Once you receive orders from the customers, place the order with suppliers and ask them to deliver the products to the address of the customer.

7) Fashion Designing

It is not a difficult industry in which you can make a career if you have a keen interest in fashion and clothing. Moreover, you will have an upper hand if you are residing in urban or semi-urban cities as you have an opportunity to be cognizant of what is in the trend. This way, you can be the trendsetter and rule this industry without investing too much.

8) loT Home/ Builder Consultant

Many latest government policies have been launched to support this opportunity for creating a startup that services in this area. If you want to commence this business, you need to existing homeowners and developers to transform their living space into what they actually want as per their liking. This way you can turn their regular home into a smart home .

This idea involves a very low investment to start as the parts for loT installations are reasonable and the best part is that you will find the clients who will pay you the upfront cost for the services they get.

9) TV Advertisement company

As you, all know TV ads have become a great platform for all the companies in order to promote or launch their products in the market. It is the best way to market your product or service. Due to the rapid increase in Advertisements, creating and managing TV Ad companies is a business idea that can be considered.

To begin with this business plan, you can approach your competitors who don’t have TV ads and convince them that they can be your client, or you can approach a company who is already running Television Ads. The initial investment would include studio space, cameras, green screens, and lighting effects.

10) Customized Gifts

You can start this business even at home. Nowadays, everyone wants to give their loved ones a memorable gift on special days or occasions. Starting the business of customized gifts can be much profitable and it even does not require much investment . You just need to buy certain gift items and accessories used for customization.

11) Blogger

40 Best Small Business Ideas in India (2023)

You can start your career and there is a wide scope in India for fashion bloggers, food bloggers, travel bloggers, music bloggers, and many related fields. If you have abundant knowledge about a certain subject like traveling and you have traveled a lot, you can share your experiences and write blogs related to it. Once you have posted the blog, all that is left is the battle of likes and shares. More your blog will be read, the more money you will make.

Also Read: What is an NGO – Non-Governmental Organization?

12) Social Media Consultant

As mass media has become a crucial aspect of marketing. Be it any business, company/organization, and authority figures, they all are pretty much concerned about their goodwill and reputation which opens up a wide scope for social media consultants.

Their goodwill and reputation can pre-dominantly be impacted (positively and negatively) by social media platforms which are handled by consultants. This way they earn a lucrative income by charging a hefty amount from the renowned companies.

13) Aquariums and Fish

This is a very low investment project in which you can start at your home as well. You just need to buy a few aquariums of various sizes and distinctive varieties of fishes. For breeding of fishes, you can keep special tanks. This way you just need to buy fishes one time, and thereafter you can multiply them by breeding.

On top of that, you can also sell fish foods, air pumps, and decorative stuff for the aquarium which will boost your profits. The only thing is you should have the knowledge and be well versed in handling different types of fishes.

14) Coins and Stamps

There is an array of non-existent Stamps and Coins. However, there are already many stamps and coins collectors around the world but not in India. There is a wide scope of this lucrative business.

In order to initiate this low investment high return stamp business, you need to register yourself with postal departments of various countries. As you need to buy the latest stamps, you have to pay some advance money to purchase those stamps. For starting up coins business, you need to take permission from a special government that runs bureaus internationally. Once you are registered with them, these departments will send you the coins and stamps which can be sold at a very good premium depending upon the buyer/client.

15) Pet Care and Pet Food

This business is becoming popular in India as everyone who is having pets, love them. Pets become like a family member for the ones who are their caretakers. When the people handling pets go on a vacation or a business tour, they are unable to take their pets along. Then they look for services that can take proper care of their pets while they are elsewhere. If you well versed and know how to handle pets, this business is an apt choice for you with low investment.

You can keep pet food as well. The people who will leave their pets may also buy their pet’s food from you which will increase your profit margin.

16) Beauty Salon

40 Best Small Business Ideas in India (2023)

It is one of the most trending retail business ideas that many people are considering to earn a spectacular income. It enhances the client’s physical appearance and provides mental relaxation due to which everyone comes to the beauty salon. The profit margin is relatively good as compared to many other businesses if you get a good clientele.

However, there are certain aspects that you should be taken care of before initiating this business such as the location, efficient and skilled manpower, and the right promotion or marketing strategy to increase your clients and the overall sales. You can take a place on rent and start this business on a small scale with not such a huge investment.

17) 3D Printing

3D printing is even replacing prototype printing technology as it has gained much popularity in India. If you are thinking and you have considerable knowledge in the digital printing industry, 3D printing is can be a kickstart for your career. You need to invest in buying 3D printing machines, which does not involve a high investment if you go for a small machine purchase.

18) Renewable Energy

Apart from making considerable money for you, this business is also good for the environment. The government is also promoting and giving subsidies to the companies that are converting themselves into alternative energy business ventures. If you are an environment lover, this business is a perfect fit for you.

With the increase in the global warming effect, many individuals are willing to try their hands in this field. They are using their empty or unused land and even their rooftops for installing solar panels which are helping the environment and also provide them an opportunity to make money.

19) Cyber Security

If you are tech-savvy with profound knowledge of hacking, programming, software, and hardware, you can start up your own cybersecurity company or provide these security services to well-reputed companies. The top-notch companies will pay a huge amount to keep their system secure and to avoid any unauthorized access to their database. Many cybersecurity companies are being launched in India and all the big corporate companies are buying their highly paid packages to ensure their data remains safe.

20) Photography

If you are well versed with the camera functioning and very good with clicking pictures, you can think of this option as to become a photographer you need to buy a professional camera. And you are all set!

These days everyone hires a professional photographer for their weddings, birthdays, events, festivals, etc. There is a huge scope of this profession at present and an optimistic business idea for the future.

21)Share Market

You can try your hand in the stock market if you are good at speculations and plentiful economic understanding. However, it is not like other businesses as it involves more risk but it can be a quick way to earn money. If you are willing enough to take the risk and you are well informed about the working of the share market, then you can go ahead and try your luck.

22) Courier Services

In order to open a courier service company on a small scale, you can tie up with other brands who are already working as a courier service provider. The need for courier service has emerged in India due to the numerous shopping online apps being launched each day. It is a low investment business if you tie up with other brands and keep your specific share as a partner.

Also Read: How to Earn Free Bitcoins Daily without Investment

23) Chocolate Making

It can be a really good home-based business venture from which you can earn a lot. Candy making or chocolate business is very popular in India and many people make several types of chocolates and sell it under their own brand name.

If people can’t stop drooling when they see your homemade candies, you should get into this business. You just need to target a local market that has potential customers to buy chocolates. The other thing is to contact a dedicated team or person to deliver your chocolates.

24) Wifi Installation Company

With the evolvement of time, the need for wifi internet solutions is increasing day by day. Customers demand internet everywhere, be it their home, office, shop or even a small retail counter. Consequently, the demand for wifi installation has augmented.

You need to invest some portion of your amount in buying supplies to install wifi routers. Once you buy the routers and maintain your stock, you could begin by approaching places where there is a huge footfall such as malls, departmental stores, hygiene stores, etc. You need to talk to their owners and set up a deal to install the wifi hotspots.

25) Web Designer

Nowadays, almost all businesses have their own websites. This is has led to increasing demand for a web designer as every business is keen to create a website for their products or services they are dealing with.

The startup does not require a high investment as you would just need a computer and learn some web designing skills from a training center or an institute. You can also learn web designing online to execute. Once you know how to design websites, you can approach local new or existing businesses to check whether they are looking for building up a website or modifying an existing one.

It is also one of the lucrative businesses in India for the people who are competent in making cakes, pastries, cookies, muffins, bread, and all the other bakery items.

You can open up a bakery at an appropriate location in a market where there is huge customer traffic. Moreover, it has a wide scope of growth and expansion that too without investing a big amount. You just need to be armed with an excellent oven and require great skills in the preparation of these baked delicacies.

27) Fitness Centres

People are becoming significantly health conscious. With this increasing fitness awareness, the demand for fitness centers or gyms has seen a major hike. It has even become a part of numerous people’s lifestyles. You can buy a few low-cost equipments at the initial stage. You can buy equipment henceforth when you evaluate your profits and analyze the customer’s responsibility.

28)Extracurricular Activities Centre

Due to provided platforms of many reality shows in the Television and film industry, there has been observed a significant rise in the scope of dancing, acting, singing, etc. It has become one of the promising careers.

Launching an Extracurricular academy to train students in such fields is a lucrative opportunity in India to catch hold of. Not only in metropolitans and big cities, but even these activities are seen widespread in rural areas and people are will to spend on learning such services.

29) Restaurant and Cafe

The schedule of people is very hectic usually is busy cities. All they want is to have peace of mind along while having delicious food. Many individuals do not even get any time to preparing food for themselves. This has resulted in a constant increase in the demand of all the food chains and outlets. It’s a sure-shot business idea to start with low investment. The only thing you need to ensure is to have skilled staff primarily chefs.

30) Handicrafts

If you are creative enough to use this platform for your business, you can start manufacturing your own handicrafts. Making handicrafts is a superlative low investment business that you either do trading of. If you do not want to involve yourself in the making process, you can buy and sell them at places where it is non-existent.

Glitzy showrooms charge an exorbitant price for these handicrafts which are used for home and office decor. These showrooms purchase it from the local manufacturers and sell it to the customers at an extraordinary price. You can tie up with these showrooms or can target local market shops, and sell the customers these handicrafts directly at a reasonable price as compared to the one customers get in showrooms.

Also Read: 18 Best Online Part-Time Jobs For Students To Earn Money

31) Packing services

Usually small and medium-sized businesses do not have a dedicated department that deals with packing their product. They often hire individuals or outside companies who do it for them. In the case of an individual, they can often be unreliable.

So, if you open up a packing service company whose primary role is to deal with providing packaging services, you can be spotted easily and the need for this business is augmenting.

You can also tie-up with some businesses that deal with selling their products online. You just require appropriate fine quality packing material such as strapping machines, cartons, cutters, and experienced manpower. This is one of the low investment high return businesses.

32) Tutoring

40 Best Small Business Ideas in India (2023)

Every parent wants to provide the best education to their children while they are going to school. The need for a qualified and dedicated tutor for every child has become a requisite. It has led to an increase in demand for tutors. If you want you can also opt for an option of online tutoring, as many students these days are excelling in their education by availing online tutoring facilities.

If you are educated and have profound knowledge of teaching, you can start off with this business with having no capital investment.

33) Catering business

Be it any wedding, event, or any formal get together, caterers are in high demand these days. If you have excellent interpersonal skills and you can work under pressure along with managing your staff, a catering business can fetch you a decent amount of money.

However, you need to be experienced as there are many big shots already in this field. For becoming a renowned caterer, you need to be an all-rounder, that is being good in staff management, aware of different serving recipes, different cuisines, and all the trendy culinary that is being liked by people according to the gathering.

34) Make Religious Items

India is a devout country. People have faith in religious items such as pictures of deities, idols, incense sticks, holy candles, prayer beads, cotton wicks for lamps, and other paraphernalia . You can start making these items even at your home without investing much in this business. The best part is there is no lack of customers in this area as people are willing to spend on religious stuff without concerning much about the price of the product.

35) CCTV and Surveillance

Every new homeowner is demanding a security camera’s connections these days. Not only them, but even the existing or old homeowners are also becoming security-conscious and are ready to spend an additional cost on CCTV or Security cameras for ensuring safety. This has boosted the demand for CCTV and surveillance cameras that are getting installed at homes as well as commercial offices. You need not do a high-cost investment to start this business. Commencing this business has an extensive scope at present and in the future.

36) Delivery Services

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Ample shipping companies are facing issues while delivering their products to some backward and rural places. You can sort this issue out for those shipping companies and avail the benefit of making greater profits by becoming a last-mile delivery service provider . You need to set up a warehouse (on rent) on the edge of the city where you want your distribution channel to be powerful.

With better connectivity options, you can handle the final miles of the trip. You ought to predominantly focus on the places where regular shipping companies are not willing to go. You can charge extra for your delivery service at these places and make profits.

37) Mobile Wallet Payment

Till the time online payment solution apps were not launched, people were more comfortable using cash than other payment options. But since the inauguration of these mobile payment solutions become a part of the Play Store and App Store, many people have shifted using mobile wallets instead of cash. There are many reasons why people have inclined towards its usage which are listed below-

  • No need to manage cash in your pockets
  • One-click hassle-free payments sitting at your place
  • More secure and safe as you have a record/proof that you have made the payment

An enormous portion of the population is using smartphones which help them to do research, communicate, and use it as a source of entrainment. In order to set up this business idea, you need to have complete knowledge of how programmers and coders work while processing these types of payment solutions. You can also tie-up with professional programmers and coders for making the startup costs lower and bringing down the capital investment.

38) Travel Services

Time has changed as people have started traveling often for personal and business purposes. You can make huge profits by dealing with traveling services such as booking flights, trains, bus, accommodation, entire tour and travel packages, cruise packages, many more. You need to have a tie-up with hotel chains at various destinations, long-distance bus services, railways, and flight companies.

You also have an option to collaborate with major travel agents and service providers if you want to play safe and are not willing to take any kind of risk. In this way, you can get commissions for every reservation you make.

39) Ice Cubes

Although it is not a very easy business that you might think. It requires to be asserted with specifications prescribed by FSSAI (Food Safety And Standard Authority Of India). If you have, clean water and appropriate packaging provisions, proper equipment, you can enter this big industry starting with a minimal investment. The pre-requisite before commencing this business is to get your product listed under FSSAI certification.

40) Fragrant and Regular Candles

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The use of candles is not limited to illuminate houses during power cuts or religious centers, they are also used for interior decoration in restaurants, showrooms, offices, homes, weddings, and other events.

Making a candle is not difficult. With some training and experience, and with the use of fragrant oils you can make fragrant candles of various sizes, shapes, and colors. Fragrant candles are also extensively used for meditation and relaxation purposes in religious and spiritual retreats.

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41) Crowd Funding Business

One of the most sensible financing options for modern startups and rising businesses have been regarded as crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is the process of raising money for a project or company from a large group of people as opposed to just one or two significant investors. Different aspects of crowdfunding, including gift, equity, real estate, and reward-based, are all possible.

To attract a vast number of investment supporters and persuade them to invest in your project, you must have strong sales and marketing abilities to run a successful crowdfunding firm. The key advantage of a crowdfunding business is that there is very little danger to the firm’s finances and that it can be launched with very little money. read on to know more about best small business ideas in India.

42) Tailoring Shop

As far as profitable company concepts go, this one is based on a different fundamental need for survival, clothes, thus the market is, well, everyone. Tailoring and needlework have been established enterprises for many years, and the majority of them operates from homes and takes orders from tiny stores. But having a tried-and-true business model does increase the likelihood that it will succeed in the future, particularly in bigger cities where there is a huge demand for tailoring services. To increase one’s chances of success in this small company endeavor, one has to complete the necessary training and, preferably, should have adequate experience.

Also read: 25 Best Scalable Business Ideas You Can Start

43) Small Asset and Wealth Management Company

Due to their flexibility and agility, independent small wealth and asset management businesses are outpacing the big players and is easily one of the best small business ideas in India. If you have a good network and a strong financial foundation, you can establish a smaller company. You can outsource the other administrative duties because your business is small.

An investment advice service called wealth and asset management combines various financial services to meet the demands of high net worth and wealthy customers. A specialist with the financial know-how to manage an affluent client’s money holistically for a defined price is a wealth management adviser who works independently and for themselves.

44) Juice Corner

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Fresh juices without preservatives are becoming more and more well-liked among Indians as their health consciousness increases. Due to its potential for success, the modest juice bar has been included on our list of small business ideas for India. While one is at it, expanding into similar beverages, particularly (and perhaps less healthily) summer drinks like lemonade, buttermilk, and lassi, could be beneficial for this tiny company.

Of course, one might choose to go all out and begin with a food truck that is completely loaded. As long as the food and beverages offered are of a good caliber and all necessary permissions are in place, it shouldn’t be too difficult to ensure this company idea’s success.

45) Cooking Classes

Cooking classes are an option for skilled professional cooks who do not want to toil away at a restaurant or food truck company. The creation of tasty yet nutritious food is a novel concept that is gaining popularity in India among urban and semi-urban households. Additionally, these programs may be delivered both in-person and online, or someone can start a vlog to instruct others in the finer points of culinary arts. By using the web classes, one has a far greater opportunity to reach and profit from market groups that they may not otherwise be able to. Read more to know about the best small business ideas in India.

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46) Takeaway Corner

Since food is one of the essentials for survival, it is a popular choice for individuals to enjoy and start an F&B (Food & Beverage) business. Because of this, restaurants as a small-scale company concept that will always have clients as long as they offer delicious cuisine. Of course, a new company does not always need to be a restaurant right away. One can start with only a few essential foods, such as a filling traditional breakfast with add-on snacks. Or one can create a takeaway corner for bigger meals like lunch and dinners are thalis with a pre-decided menu of the day. This will attract a lot many customers who do not have much time in their daily routine to cook or are students who need a fulfilling meal at a pocket-friendly cost.

47) Daycare or preschool Services

Pre-schools and childcare centers are booming industries in India as the country’s working population grows. Preschools have a history of producing high yields of revenue, making them one of the more lucrative industries to invest in. All you need is a well-written, comprehensive business strategy, as well as valid registration and licensing.

This is a tiny company that women may start from home or a modest location. Opening a babysitting, daycare, or preschool business requires relatively little capital and is one of the best small business ideas in India. You can invest in a few toys, cribs, and beds to get started. Include a first aid kit, several packages of disposable diapers, antibacterial creams, etc. to the daycare center too. However, if one wants to open a preschool, then one might need more facilities and more capital as well to run a successful business.

48) Ice Cream Parlor

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Even though it’s a seasonal industry, the ice cream parlor is a popular choice for small enterprises. Purchasing the franchise of any certain ice cream brand is the first investment needed to start this manufacturing business. The second investment is having a shop where the counter may be placed. One cannot ignore the fact that ice cream remains one of the most demanded desserts among folks. Keeping the parlor open late at night for those who like to grab some ice cream during hot summer nights can be a good way to create a customer base.

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49) Wedding Bureaus

Marriages are planned in heaven but are performed on earth. Wedding bureaus are more common in small cities and villages than marriage websites. Before making a decision, families think about personally meeting other families. In light of this, having a small office, 1-2 employees, a registration certificate, and contacts can help you become a successful businessperson.

Without making significant financial commitments, one can quickly expand their marriage bureau business. All that is necessary to engage in discussion with the clientele is having solid connections, local knowledge, and people skills. Read on to know about best small business ideas in India.

50) Driving School

Driving lessons can be given to individuals if one has decent driving abilities and can afford a vehicle like a car. The individual may instruct 10-15 people each month with the same car and make a respectable income with no outlay. Getting a car and a small business loan may not be that tough. It is possible to pay back the loan in part using the money the driving school makes. With the money saved, the fleet of vehicles could be increased, additional driving instructors could be employed, and the company could grow. A new automobile can also be purchased with a small company loan.

51) DJ Services

DJs are a top consideration for every occasion, whether it is a wedding or a party. The DJs’ ability to draw a crowd is wholly contingent upon the business establishment. If you run your DJ business properly, it can be quite successful. You can maximize your business revenues if you have the necessary information and abilities. To start this type of business as a full-time profession, one needs a strong vision and skills.

You must do market and geographic research. Make a list of the locations you want to target where people frequently have fun and what kind of music they enjoy. Streamline your options and draught music industry business ideas. A DJ can make money in a variety of ways, including promotions, advertisements, social media accounts, and YouTube.

52) Flower Shop

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You may start a flower shop now if you’re seeking a profitable venture that requires very little capital. This type of business is one of the best small business ideas in India and it can be launched in a variety of ways. You may sell several flower varieties by displaying them in a store and giving them a bouquet-like arrangement, or you can alternatively sell them to a major retailer too. If you’d want, you can also make money by selling flowers on specific days, perhaps by selling the same flower each day.

In addition, you can accept orders for flower arrangements for weddings and other special occasions and benefit from this company. You can either get the flowers for a flower farm or can grow flowers yourself.

Also read: 50 Low Cost Business Ideas with High Profit in India

53) Real Estate Agency

You should have a sufficient understanding of the location in which you want to establish your real estate firm before you can build your small business concept. A real estate firm manages, purchases, operates, sells, or invests in land, buildings, and offices. The market for real estate is huge. There are several factors to take into account if you want to launch a profitable real estate firm. Consider what precise specialty is best for your company when beginning a new business to offer yourself an advantage over the competitors.

To prevent disappointing all of your prospective consumers, make sure you build up your real estate firm to fulfill the needs of a certain niche. You can assist individuals in finding their ideal house or piece of property as a real estate agent.

54) Computer Training Classes

There is a high need for computer knowledge and expertise in the current period. One’s chances of landing a job are significantly improved if they have a fundamental understanding of how to use a computer and simple applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint from the Microsoft Office suite. As a result, there is a high need for people to understand computer science, programming, and the rapidly developing fields of technology like artificial intelligence, blockchain, data analytics, the Internet of Things, etc.

If so, you can open a training facility with a few PCs, an internet connection, and teaching tools like projectors and whiteboards. Since information drives the company’s operations, ongoing investments after the initial capital outlay are minimal. Learn more about best small business ideas in India.

55) Organic Farming Business

Whether you farm or not, farming is very necessary for your survival.  Our health is negatively impacted by the pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture.  It is getting more widely known. They recognize the value of chemical-free food.  Future years will see a significant increase in the importance of organic farming. You may do organic farming if you own a farm. You can sell them to different whole foods and grocers that focus on organic food.

56) Organic Food Store

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Our health is negatively impacted by the pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture.  It is getting more widely known. People recognize the value of chemical-free food.  Future years will see a significant increase in the importance of organic farming. You can now go to different whole foods and grocers that focus on organic food. People are gradually becoming aware of it. This opens a large opportunity for those who do not want to farm organic food but has a knack for selling.

Because there is such a high demand for organic fruits and veggies, you can sell them. You have the option of starting as a small vendor. Finding a farmer who grows organic fruits and vegetables is all that is required.

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57) Medical Sample Service

Another low-investment and one of the best small business ideas in India, with explosive growth is medical sample service. It implies that you get patient samples of their blood, feces, urine, and sputum at their residences. Delivering these samples to pathological labs will allow them to be tested and provide medical reports. The consumer must get the reports at their residence. You will need a car or bike, tools for storing biohazardous material, and knowledge of how to draw blood samples. Before starting this firm, contracts with pathological labs are required.

58) Financial Consultation

You can work as a financial consultant and start one’s consultancy if you have an understanding of finance and investments and a degree or certification in the field. The majority of individuals lack basic financial and investing knowledge. They are unable to choose where to invest and where not to. People often desire to organize their finances. They want to prepare for their financial future or wish to invest their money wisely. You need to have sufficient expertise and experience to launch this business. You can gain experience by working anywhere before establishing this business.

59) Mobile Garage Service

Everybody has witnessed automobiles, scooters, and motorcycles malfunction amid crowded streets. The unlucky owners of these automobiles frequently struggle with the question of where to receive repairs. You might offer a mobile garage in such cases. It is one of the innovative and best small business ideas in India. You will need a car, a cell phone, and all the tools necessary to fix a stalled vehicle for this low-investment business. Simply head over to where the car is parked and start making repairs there.

60) Jams and Pickles Business

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People in India regularly pair their meals with a variety of pickles, jams, and papads. People love homemade fruit jams since they don’t contain preservatives and they taste great. With the help of several organizations, you may turn this venture into a lucrative one with minimal capital. Making pickles and papads is another excellent idea for a home-based company that women have been doing for a long time.

You can launch this business either part-time or full-time, depending on your preferences. The business owner may progressively raise their supply and production capacity as the company starts to take off in terms of clients and popularity. This way one can expand their business.

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61) Address Verification Services

Customers’ reported addresses are frequently subject to physical verification by banks, credit card firms, and mobile phone providers. They take this action to avoid defaults and fraud.  This low-investment industry is once more in demand today. To visit the client addresses that banks, as well as other service providers, have supplied, however, you will need a car and perhaps additional staff to run a verification business. Learn more about best small business ideas in India.

62)T-Shirt Printing Business

Young people today choose to wear T-shirts with fresh patterns and vibrant full prints. If you want to establish a small business and make some money, you may do it by printing T-shirts. T-shirt printing has grown to be a popular business option, especially for company owners searching for a startup with a minimal startup cost.

If you sell printed t-shirts online, you do not need to get a license.  Simply contact a reputable T-shirt supplier and manufacturer, develop and approve the designs, and begin collecting orders. Minimum staffing and equipment are needed for this. This company can be operated with small capital and little space.

63) Dry Fruit Business

Everyone enjoys eating dry fruits, whether they are young or old, and everyone uses them in their homes since they are so healthy. Due to the health advantages of dry fruits, dry fruit sales have been expanding in India through wholesale, home-based, retail, and internet channels. People choose to purchase dry fruits for adding to homemade delicacies and to enjoy the health benefits. They are now frequently given as gifts during holidays, making this a very successful business.  The dessert, baking, sweets, catering, dairy and confectionery, online grocery stores, and cosmetic sectors are some examples of the target markets for your dry fruits.

You may set up this one of the best small business ideas in India as a retail store, a home-based business, or an internet store depending on the availability of your location, your capital, and the scale of your operations.

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64) Pest and Fumigation Service

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Pest control and fumigation services are steadily rising to the top of the metro cities’ industries. Everyone desires a healthy lifestyle free from illnesses brought on by insects and mosquitoes. Thus, the pest control industry is a viable choice in major cities where people tend to hire pest control services for their homes and offices.

Gaseous insecticides are sprayed or poured into the affected region using fumigation services to get rid of bugs. Pests in the region are poisoned by fumigants or insecticides. This allows removing pests and insects from the premise which in turn is useful in preventing diseases and pest-related issues. To operate this firm, one must have a comprehensive understanding of the chemicals utilized in the process. One can hire a few staff and invest minimally to run a small business with limited investment.

65) Laundry Shop

Everyone enjoys dressing in clean, fragrant clothing. This company is for you if you are effective at offering quality washing services. With various residential setups, you may focus on a certain neighborhood and attract a regular flow of consumers. Several laundry services may be offered, including dry cleaning and ironing. To manage the task, you may also hire a few untrained laborers.

66) Cleaning Services

One of the best small business ideas in India that one can start with a low investment requirement is cleaning services. While everyone enjoys keeping their homes tidy, not everyone can do so. There may be a variety of causes for this. Because they both work in cities, the husband and wife do not have time to tidy their home or they may have any kind of physical inability to do the cleaning. To satisfy this demand, you can launch a house cleaning business. This type of company is generating significant income for a lot of people.

You might also launch a cleaning service for corporate offices and commercial spaces. You can offer cleaning services to small businesses and manufacturing facilities in addition to offices. Every organization has a lot of everyday responsibilities and work, which makes them quite dirty. You can make big money from a cleaning service if you start one and approach the right clientele.

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67) Landscape Services

This is the most recent market and demand trend. Lawn care and landscaping can easily be on the list of successful small business ideas for startups and entrepreneurs with minimum capital investment.  Less equipment is needed for the landscape firm, which means lower costs. The majority of bungalow gardens or farmhouses focus on landscaping. They wish to have a well-planned garden on their land. Making these property owners call for professionals as and when needed.

They wish to have a well-planned garden on their land. Making them call for professionals as and when needed. Government projects also require a lawn designer. Therefore, there are many opportunities in this industry. If done correctly, running a landscaping business can be quite profitable in recent times as it is one of the best small business ideas in India.

68) Sign Boards Business

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Businesses and stores often utilize one of two types of signboards: painted or neon. Signboards are necessary for any type of commercial and small business enterprise. They play a significant role in promoting one’s company on a crowded street. The more appealing the board is, the more consumers it will draw in. There is a need for innovative, reasonably priced signboards that effectively promote the company. Creating and providing signboards of every kind to customers’ demands is a company that is in high demand all year round.

69) Mobile Phone Repair Shop

By the end of 2022, India has more than 800 million smartphone users. Furthermore, when more brands and less expensive alternatives hit the market, this number will rise tremendously shortly.   The need for stores and individuals that provide mobile phone repairs is thus anticipated to rise significantly. There will be a huge demand not only for repair work but also for the accessories for mobile phones like chargers, phone cases, headphones, etc., one can start a small business to meet this demand, which will provide complete servicing and repair along with an accessories store.

70) Tele Health and Medicine Service

Healthtech is another sector that is expanding quickly, much like finance. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, telehealth and virtual medical services, which are an essential component of health IT, have truly taken off. These services now offer comprehensive remote care services from appointments to prescriptions to drugs and follow-ups, all from a single platform. They are no longer merely limited to video conversations or video meetings between doctors and patients.

Without a doubt, this is one of the greatest and most lucrative business prospects for startups and small-scale business owners. Whatever telehealth services you choose to offer, pay close attention to compliance with laws and rules. Learn more about telemedicine regulations, and then develop a practical business strategy by taking everything into account.

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71) Horoscope and Palm Reading

It makes sense that this is one of India’s most popular low-investment enterprises. To print the horoscope, all you need is a computer with the necessary software, a printer, and beautiful paper. But in a country where superstitions are common, the demand for computerized horoscopes is still quite strong. The explanation is straightforward: People do not depend solely on computer findings. They demand a variety of horoscopes from various sources.

One can expand their business by offering palm reading services. In the practice of palm reading, a person’s destiny is foreseen by looking at his or her hands. A person with the expertise of palm reading can make a respectable income when paired with a horoscopy. Read on to know about best small business ideas in India.

72) Home Care for the Elderly

Seniors in need of care and patients in hospitals need carers. Especially when their family members are either out at work or are unable to meet their demands. In India, carer services are quickly gaining popularity. Home health care is exactly what it sounds like: a variety of medical treatments and/or services delivered from the comfort of the patient’s home rather than at a hospital bedside.

In general, home health care is less expensive and more practical, especially for elderly patients who prefer the convenience and comfort of receiving care at home. Elderly family members frequently choose to stay in their own homes but may require help due to a disability or physical limitations. This might be the elder care enterprise for you if it sounds to be something you’d like doing.

73) Interior Designing

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You can work as an interior designer if you have a degree in architecture. India’s real estate market is expanding rapidly. By 2030, it’s anticipated to reach $1 trillion. Interior designers will always be in great demand in a market this young. This company might work wonderfully if you’re talented and have creative ideas for turning a house into a home. One can start small, choose more modest clients, and discover clients within their social circle as well. And over time, the firm might grow steadily.

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74) Yoga Classes

Yoga is extremely popular these days, and a profession in it might help you start a successful business with little money invested. Yoga is said to provide both physical and mental calm. These days, a large number of individuals all around the world have switched to this practice due to its health benefits. It is a technique that promotes inner calm on a mental, spiritual, and bodily level.

More and more individuals are becoming health concerned in today’s hectic environment. In recent years, yoga has become quite popular both domestically and internationally. The moment is ripe to choose this business. To become a yoga instructor, one must first learn the techniques so that one can be a teacher. In India as well as internationally, yoga instructors are highly-paid and in high demand. To establish this business, a minimal investment and a good premise to hold the classes are required.

75) Stationery Shop

As we all know, there is a great deal of public awareness nowadays about the importance of education, and most boys and girls are now attending schools and universities to further their knowledge. By taking advantage of this chance, you may open a stationery business in your community for a very minimal initial cost that can operate anywhere.

Additionally, stationery includes items other than simple notebooks, sheets, and pens. Even in the era of laptops, tablets, and smartphones, papers and pens are still widely used in schools, universities, and companies. It is still preferable to print paper-based documents like resumes and holiday cards. You can easily establish a stationary store business if you wish to make money with very little investment. All you need to do is find the right location for the store where the number of probable customers is high.

76) Alternative Therapies Centre

Everyone’s lifestyle has altered in the modern day. People are experiencing a wide range of health issues as a result of the changes in working practices. People are engaging in less physical activities, which is contributing to health issues like back discomfort, neck pain, migraines, and stomach-related illnesses. You can open a center for alternative therapies as one of the best small business ideas in India. You can provide remedies for people’s health issues.

Acupressure, Magnet Therapy, Color Therapy, Aromatherapy, Naturopathy, and Sujok are just a few examples of the many different kinds of alternative therapies. You should have the required training, education, and expertise in these Therapies to launch this business. Additionally, there are a lot of courses available. All these methods of treatment are teachable.

77) Corporate Gift Printing Service

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India has a vibrant corporate giving tradition. It goes on all year long. Pens, wallets, mugs, and a broad variety of other items are presented as corporate presents to employees and business partners.  These goods often have the name and logo of the business printed on them. You can start this business with little capital if you have access to sufficient samples and contacts.  To show them a variety of your items, you will require their samples.

78) Women’s Store

Women utilize a wide variety of items and accessories, many of which they use regularly. You may open a store selling women’s goods and accessories. This type of products has a huge market. Indian women are always looking to purchase new and distinctive goods and items. In your store, you can sell a wide range of goods, including women’s bags, women’s scarves, beauty items, hair clips, hair bands, and other hair accessories.

One can also open a business selling women’s apparel. This market is predicted to grow to 170000 Crores. This market is expanding pretty quickly as in this industry, both supply and demand are enormous. You can also open a specialty shop, such as a wedding attire shop, saree store, traditional fabric store, etc. This can be a good way to earn money.

79) Used car and bike selling business

Everyone aspires to own a bike or a car, but not everyone has the money to purchase a brand-new vehicle. However, their earnings or savings might not be sufficient to purchase a brand-new car or bike. However, because used cars and bikes are less expensive, they may purchase them. To satisfy this market need, you may launch a firm selling used motorcycles and automobiles.

All you need to do is launch your business, and people who need to sell their used vehicles will approach you. Anytime a person wishes to purchase a used motorcycle or automobile, they can contact you. You can sell the bike or get a nice commission and can also make a good profit out of this idea of best small business ideas in India.

80) Fish Aquarium

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Yet another modest company concept for Indian businesspeople. You may also start an aquarium company, which is lucrative. Fish serve as a lucky and financial sign.  People now want to have aquariums in their homes for luck and money, while some do it out of pleasure and as a pastime.

Depending on their budget, some people choose a little arrangement while others opt for a huge, fashionable one. Folks may put a wide variety of fish in the aquarium. The sale of aquarium components is another avenue for substantial financial gain. Customers spend a lot of money on aquarium décor, including aeration equipment, substrate, tanks, decorations, and fish food. If you’re interested in starting a fish aquarium business, simply learn the ropes and talk to some experts.

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81) Game Zone

The demand for game zones is highest among children and teenagers. It is an original small business concept for up-and-coming businesspeople. The hefty cost of these games prevents parents or guardians from spending so much money. Therefore they choose to bring their kids to gaming zones where they can play the games for a few hours costing much less comparatively.

You can choose to open a gaming parlor with a large initial investment or a low first investment and still make a decent profit afterward. Before starting this business, you must research the industry and understand what is popular with children. Before you start this business, you need to keep a lot of key factors in mind, such as the type of machinery, the market, the procedure, the licensing and registration requirements, business risk, etc.

82) Common Service Centre

The Indian government offers a wide variety of services. These services are widely available online. Therefore you can set the CSC or common service center to help people complete these services. This is one of the best small business ideas in India which comes with a government backup. This is a place where you can provide a wide range of online services to other people, including Aadhar Cards, PAN Cards, train ticket booking, electricity bills, government schemes, government documents, some licenses, insurance, agricultural services, etc.

In India, this is a very lucrative low-investment business idea. At csc.gov.in, you can discover all the information you need to open a CSC center and for registration as well.

83) Manpower supplying business

Every firm needs extra workers practically every day. This is especially true for restaurants, which have significant worker attrition rates. Cooks and waiters frequently quit unexpectedly or just stop working. The proprietor of the firm is severely inconvenienced by this. On occasion, homes also need help with cleaning. With a little creativity and little capital outlay, you may assist restaurants in solving their labor issues and generate respectable revenue virtually every day.

84) Personality Development Classes

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Everybody desires a positive personality. Both personally and professionally, having a positive attitude is tremendously advantageous. You can start a class for personality development. Such courses are highly sought after in the industry and hence one can say that these classes are one of the best small business ideas in India. This program will prepare you for your interview if you are looking for work. This course might be useful for business and marketing professionals as well. You can teach a variety of skills in this program, including public speaking, stage daring, and communication skills. Find a space for the classes or you can also choose online teaching mode to save more money.

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There are several other low investment business opportunities that you might consider to start a business in India. Even plentiful investment in a small business might not be enough if your strengths and skill set do not match your criteria. After analyzing and evaluating these aspects, choose a business to run.

It is advisable to know all the legalities and licensing procedures before jumping into the pool. Always remember, a very little experience may also help.

Now that you have all the above mentioned small but high return business ideas, are you still waiting for something?

Best wishes for your new startup!


Sushma Singh

Sushma is an expert in online money-making strategies with extensive experience in business. She has spent a lot of time researching and writing about the ever-changing world of money-making games and websites, making her an expert at finding ways to make money online.

Thanks for sharing small business ideas

Almost all of these ideas are easy to implement and develop into a multimillion dollar business if the person develops the right attitude. Startups usually lack persistence and patience and most of them quit just a few steps from attaining results.

Thank your sharing valuable business ideas.

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How to Open a Small Biryani Shop in India

  • October 22, 2022
  • by Rupak Chakrabarty

Do you want to open a small biryani shop business in India? And want to know about the basic requirements for opening the business? Find here a step-by-step guide about how to start a biryani business with cost and profit margin.

As a matter of fact, biryani is an Urdu word. In the Indian subcontinent, biryani is also popular as biriyani, biriani, birani, or briyani. Biryani is a main course food item. And it is made with spices, rice and meat (chicken, mutton, beef, prawn, or fish), and vegetables. So, depending on the ingredients, there are several different types of biryani. The list may include mutton biryani, chicken biryani, prawn biryani, fish biryani, vegetable biryani, egg biryani, Navratan biryani, and even paneer biryani.

In India, you can find a lot of different types of biryani depending on the region and the taste of the local demographics. These are Dhakai biryani, Haji biryani, Hyderabadi biryani, Sindhi biryani, Chettinad biryani, Kalyani biryani etc.

Biryani is a highly popular food item throughout the country. However, the taste varies slightly on a regional basis. So, in starting a biryani shop business, you must be careful about the taste and flavor of your final product.

10 Steps Guide to Start a Biryani Shop Business in India

Step 1 – analyze the local market.

This is the first and most essential step in starting this business. You must have a clear idea about the taste of the local demographics, the preferred timing for having food, and buying nature. Simply, how often do people consume biryani?

Also, check the most successful local store. Check their menu and tariff. Also, check what type of sitting arrangement they provide to the clients. These all will help you in determining the important aspects of your business.

Step 2 – Determine the Business Model

With the help of technology, you can open a biryani business in plenty of different models. Yes, a brick-and-mortar biryani shop is a traditional business and it ensures higher revenue. However, you can also think about an app-based biryani service business also. Or only a biryani delivery business. Actually, depending on your investment capacity and the purchasing behavior of the people you must select the business model that fits you most.

Step 3 – Franchise or Own Brand

This is another important aspect that you must consider very carefully. Actually, opening a franchise outlet of a reputed brand eliminates some of the startup hassles. On the other hand, starting your own brand ensures a bigger margin and business expansion facility. You can find a lot of established biryani brands like Arsalan, Haji, Biryani Pot, Biryani Corner, Aminia, etc. On the thumb rule, the franchise is the best option for beginners and having its own brand is the preferred option for experienced entrepreneurs.

Step 4 – Biryani Shop Business Plan

Now it’s time to craft the business plan for your biryani business. Generally, a food retail business plan includes two specific parts. These are the technical part and financial calculations. Financial aspects depend on the technical part. Generally, the cost includes product cost, rent, utility bills, and staffing.

According to your business model, determine the cost of the location, raw materials cost, staffing cost, etc. Also, have a marketing plan. Promotion is a must in any startup business.

Step 5 – Biryani Shop Business Registration & Licenses

First of all, you will need to select a name for your biryani shop. Also, check the domain availability before finalizing the name. In India, you can definitely open the shop on a proprietorship basis. Also, you can consider registering the business as LLP, or Pvt Ltd.

After registering the business , obtain the Trade License from the Municipal authority. Apply for an FSSAI license as you are operating with food. Your shop must have a proper fire license. Obtain necessary permission under the Shops & Establishments Act.

Step 6 – Location

Location is a crucial aspect of any food retail business. Actually, the developing areas in the metro cities are the best location for starting a biryani business. Never try to open your shop side to an established restaurant. Also, you can try nearby residential areas like big housing complexes. Here actually, you can target a wide audience of a particular spot. Sometimes, locations nearby schools and colleges work perfectly.

Step 7 – Setup the Biryani Shop

If you want to offer only takeaway services, then a 5X5 Sq Ft area is sufficient. And in that case, you can prepare the biryani in some other place or at your home. However, if you want to open a biryani restaurant, then you need a large space. Depending on your business model, establish the store. In the restaurant, you must pay attention to the inside ambiance. Provide AC, proper lighting, and WiFi to your customers. Also, provide comfortable furniture for sitting arrangements.

Step 8 – Equipment & Utensils

Biryani preparation requires a specific type of burner, Handi, and utensils. Also, you need packaging consumables for the takes away orders. Procure plates and cutlery sets for table use. However, for a small shop operation, you can source the biryani in bulk from reputed biryani suppliers also. In that case, you will definitely enjoy fewer margins.

Step 9 – Raw Materials & Staffing

Biryani preparation needs good quality rice, oils, and a wide range of spices. Also, you need meat, fish, egg, and prawn depending on the specific type of biryani you want to sell. In a startup operation, it’s better to offer 2 to 3 types of foods initially. As you get confidence, enlarge the menu.

In the food retail business, employees play a crucial role in the overall operation. You must recruit skilled and efficient manpower. They must maintain cleanliness on the premise. The specific staffing requirement depends on the size of your shop. So, plan accordingly.

Step 10 – Biryani Shop Promotion

These days, promotion is a must. You must do some awareness activity before opening the store. Hoarding and banners are effective outdoor advertising in this type of business. Also, you can offer discounts on opening day. If you are opening a large store, then consider inviting celebrities and media houses. It will help you in making the event successful.

In the biryani shop business, you will need to ensure the repeat visit of your customers. And only then, you can think about the scale-up.

business plan cost in india

Hello, I’m Rupak Chakrabarty, a passionate advocate for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the driving force behind MUVSI Consulting, where I serve as a dedicated small business coach. With years of experience in the entrepreneurial world and a deep-rooted commitment to helping SMEs thrive, I bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and guidance to aspiring and established business owners alike.

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Starting a School in India – Business Plan, Procedure & Cost Estimation

how to start school in india

Schools in India come under the Non-Profit Organizations and are registered under the section 8 of the Companies Act 2013. One can also open a school under the Societies Act of 1860. Opening a school in India depends on various laws regulated both by the center and the state. It also depends where you are starting your school and which board of education you are adopting. Here is a brief guide on how to start a school and its cost estimation in India.

Make a Brief Blueprint of Your School

There are various factors involved in the opening of a school in India. The first important point is that there are various levels of categorizations on which a school is opened. Schools can be for lower KG, upper KG, from class 1 to 6 or from 1 to 8, from class 1 to class 10 or from class 1 to class 12 th . If the class exceeds up to 9-12 th then you require your school to be registered from a certain board operating in India. Opening a school also depends on the place where you are starting your school. If you are opening your school in metro cities then there are different rules whereas opening school in towns or rural areas require different categorization.

Based on all such issues here is the list of issues that must be address while opening a school in India.

Requirement of Land for Starting a School

One definitely needs a good space to open up a school. Requirement of land depends on two factors. The first factor is the status of the place where you want to open the school. For example, the minimum requirement for opening a school in metropolitan city is different from that of a town or rural area. The second factor is the board through which your school is affiliated. There are basically 4 boards that majorly operate in India. They are:

  • Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
  • Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC/ICSE)
  • International Board (IB)
  • State Boards of 29 States in India

Requirement of Land Based on Place and Board: CBSE Board

  • In a Metropolitan City: If you want to open up a school in cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai or Bangalore then you need to have a minimum requirement of 1 Acre land or 4000 sq. meter of land for operating school from pre-primary to class 12 th . For operating school from pre-primary to class 10 th you need to have at least half an acre of land or 2000 sq. meters of land.
  • City with the Population of more than 15 Lakhs: From Pre-primary to class 12 th a minimum requirement of 1 acres of land or 2047 sq. meters of land
  • Other Cities: A minimum of 1.5 acres of land is required to run a school in small cities based on CBSE norms.

CBSE also caters a category level for schools like A+, A and B category schools. An A+ category schools should have permanent affiliation with land area not less than 2 acres.

Requirement of Land Based on Place and Board: CISCE

For a school affiliated to CISCE, a minimum requirement of 2000 sq. meter of land is necessary with each classrooms to be not less than 400 sq. feet in size.

State boards have their own requirement which can be read on their respective websites.

Construction of School Building

Based on the board guidelines school building should be constructed. Like a minimum class size should be of 400 sq. feet with a library, arts room, amphitheater, science lab, computer lab, stage, playground, etc.

Starting a School and NOC

After the construction of school building is over it is time to open the school. For this there are various process through which one has to go. The first requirement is to get a Non objection certificate from the state government. Only after getting an NOC you can operate your school. Many schools are operating in India without NOC and one should avoid going by that method as at the time of applying for affiliation you will be asked for NOC.

To apply for NOC you need to visit the state education department where there are different departments from where you need clearance. The method is transparent and it requires some basic documents like land details, land size, budget, etc.

Affiliation to Board

A minimum of one years of operation is required for schools to apply for CISCE and CBSE board while for IB it is three years. Before that you can open your school from pre-primary to class 8 th but only after the school is operational from more than a year it will get affiliation. The respective boards also have their rules and parameters based on which they grant permission like land size, building construction, classroom size, playground, number of teacher, teacher’s qualification, EPF account, and other criteria mentioned in the board’s guideline that you can access on their website.

Setting up of School Structure

From appointment of Principal, head master, Vice Principal, associate teacher, assistant teacher, accounts department, lab assistants, computer experts, peons, supportive staffs, drivers, etc. to organizing each class, arranging infrastructure and furniture, purchasing basic devices, buying books for library, setting up of science lab, apparatus, models, computer labs, etc. requires a lot of time and capital. You have to do all of them. Try to go slow with time as setting up everything at once is neither possible not it is viable.

Appointment of Teacher and Principal

If you are going to apply for affiliation for any board then you must appoint teacher based on their parameters. There is a basic qualification requirement for each board like a teacher must be a post graduate, qualified NET, CTET, NTT, PGT, PTI, TGT, and B.Ed. For the appointment of principal many boards require at least a B.Ed. in addition to Masters. M.Phil. graduates are also the most viable candidates for the post of Principal.

Setting up of Accounts and EPF for Your Staff

An organization with more than 19 staffs should have a must EPF account. Nowadays every school wants their staffs to have a bank account where monthly salary is transferred. CISCE board also requires a mandatory condition of having EPF account of each staff for affiliation process.

Admission of Students and Parameters

Admission of student invites a test which is conducted by the school administration. The board also gives a standard which must be followed to admit students. Not more than 45 students be there in each classroom. Try to start your school slowly from lower KG and increase gradually to standard 8 th and beyond. Parameters like a definite school uniform, school curriculum, syllabus, rules and regulation must be set up.

Fees Structure

You can decide the fees based on your expense and place of school. Based on the per capita income in the region you can determine the school fees. Private schools in metropolitan cities charge whooping sum of money per month. Determine the fees after taking advice from learned management graduates.

Cost of Starting a School in India

If you are planning to start a pre-nursery school then cost will be quite less. For a well structure affiliated school, startup cost estimation is quite huge. Take at least 2 crores a minimum sum to start your school and it can go further based on the place of operation, living standard, etc. Setting up a standard school will have its own implications like money spent in arranging furniture, gadgets, electronics, computer, maintenance, and other requirements.

Time Investment

Running a school requires a good investment of time. It will take at least 2-3 years to build a school and start it. At least 4-5 years will be needed to get NOC and affiliation from the day of foundation ceremony. The capital investment being huge also pushes the return on investment time further. Only after few years of operation one can accept any profit.

Running a school is a challenging job which requires investment of time, resources, capital and human labor. But it has its own advantages. After the gestation period you will be serving the society by imparting education, employing people, nourishing new minds and after all getting decent return. Based on your skills of running a business you can excel your profit.

The steps involved in starting a school in India are: 1. Research the Concept 2. Develop a Business Plan 3. Choose a School Location 4. Develop the School Infrastructure 5. Obtain Government Approval 6. Recruit Staff and Teachers 7. Admit Students 8. Evaluate and Improve the School

There are various Indian laws which set out the requirements for establishing and maintaining a school in India. The main pieces of legislation are: 1. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. 2. The Employee State Insurance Act, 1948. 3. The Factories Act, 1948. 4. The Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996. 5.The Nationalacksurydation of Secondary Schools Rules, 1966. The requirements for setting up a school will vary depending on the type of school and the level of education offered. For example, setting up a kindergarten will require different approvals and compliance with different regulations than setting up a higher education institution.

The costs associated with starting a school in India vary depending on the type of school, the location, and the size. However, some of the general costs include the cost of land, construction, furniture, and equipment. Additionally, the school will need to be registered with the local authorities and the cost of textbooks and other teaching materials will need to be considered.

There are a number of challenges involved in starting a school in India. These include: 1. Finding a suitable location for the school 2. Securing the necessary approvals and licenses from the government 3 Procuring the adequate furniture, equipment and resources 4 Hiring experienced and qualified staff 5 Promoting the school and attracting students

There are many ways to make your school stand out in the Indian education market. One way would be to offer a unique curriculum that is not offered at other schools in the area. Another way would be to have a strong reputation for academic excellence.

One of major trends in the Indian education market is to increase parental involvement in their children’s education. Research shows that increases in parental involvement, including parental monitoring of children’s school performance and homework and providing support for their children’s learning, are associated with increased student achievement, better retention in and completion of school, and fewer behavioural problems among students. In addition, parents are increasingly turning to private tutors and schools to supplement their children’s education. The number of families using private tutors has nearly doubled in the past decade, and the number of private schools has also been growing rapidly.

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Agri Business

Dairy Farming Business Plan Guide

Table of contents, for frequently asked dairy farm questions: read here., for green fodder production: read here., for silage making process: read here., dairy farming business plan guide:.

Dairy Farming Business Plan.

Dairy Farming Business Plan – Introduction to Dairy Farming:- No matter what the season is and no matter what the place is “There is always a great demand for milk” in India. Due to the population increase and consumption of milk tremendously increasing day by day. The rising unemployment and people who are looking for starting a dairy farm in recent years are almost doubled. Milk production in India is expected to grow at about 3 to 4% every year. There are many people who want to get into the small-scale or large-scale dairy farming business. However, due to lack of knowledge and initial investment involved they are unable to set up a dairy unit. We advise you not to get into this dairy business unless you dedicate your effort and time on your farm round the clock. You are not necessarily starting a dairy farm on a commercial scale; you can start on a small-scale business and expand it to a large scale once you are aware of ins and outs of dairy farming.

Before starting a dairy farm, makes sure to follow these:

  • Dairy Farming Business Plan #1- However as a beginner, you should definitely get some professional training from Agriculture Universities or Training centers of the Animal Husbandry Department or Krishi Vigyan Kendras or any private training dairy consultancies.
  • Dairy Farming Business Plan #2 – Visit local dairy farms and talk to the management so you can get an idea of managing the farm. Always question them about “problems” and ask how they are overcoming them.
  • Dairy Farming Business Plan #3 – Read any dairy magazines, online dairy blogs, and YouTube videos to get an overall idea of farming.
  • Dairy Farming Business Plan #4 – If you don’t have capital investment and want to get a subsidy and loan the dairy farm, visit your local agriculture/co-operative banks for more information.
  • Dairy Farming Business Plan #5 – As feed or fodder is the main component of dairy farming that directly impacts the profits; you must have good knowledge of green fodder cultivation practices and silage-making procedures. You can study the feed and fodder market in your region to find out the feasible and economical fodder solution.
  • Dairy Farming Business Plan #6 – Initially, you must visit some cattle markets to observe animals on sale and talk with persons engaged with purchasing animals to get an idea of the best breed, animal prices, and milk yield of animals. You can also learn some negotiation skills.
  • Dairy Farming Business Plan #7 – You should learn good labour management skills.

To encourage the rural agriculture sector and increase the milk production as per demand, NABARD (National Bank For Agriculture & Rural Development) helping farmers by providing subsidies on dairy farms and dairy farming loans through approved banks. One can avail of this by visiting your nearest commercial or co-operative or rural agriculture banks. One can get decent profits in dairy farming under good dairy management practices. In the following write-up, let us talk about the “Dairy Farming Business Plan” in detail. Let us take an example of 15 dairy cow farming.

Dairy Farming Business Plan – Requirements of Dairy Farming in India:- There are some components of dairy farming you should be aware of before setting up a dairy farm.

  • Land – You must have some cultivated land for growing green fodder crops for your cattle on the farm. The land area depends on the number of animals (cows or buffalo’s). Usually, 2 acres of land is sufficient to feed about 15 cows.
  • Shed – There must be a proper and covered secured shed in place before getting cows into your farm.
  • Water – Clean and abundant water facility is required for both cattle and to grow the green fodder.
  • Fodder – As cows need three types of fodder for best milk yield and high-fat content, you must have good fodder management from growing fodder to feeding fodder on daily basis. Dry fodder, green fodder, and feed concentrate (for extra nutrition) are required to feed the cows in your dairy.
  • Breed Selection – Selection of a good breed of cows that yield more milk is essential in dairy farming. Good milk yielding cows such as “Jersy”, “Red Sindhi” “Holstein Friesian (HF cows)”, “Sahiwal”, “Gir”, “Deoni” and “Ongole” etc.
  • Labour – Labour is a major task in dairy farming, the selected labour should be very good at handling the farm activities including growing green fodder. It is better to give one or two days of training so that they can understand the routine activities of dairy.
  • Vaccinations – To control diseases and protect cow health, you must have a proper vaccination schedule. For this purpose, you can hire a veterinary doctor for routine checkups and medication of cows. For the vaccination schedule, see the vaccination schedule table at the bottom of this article.

HF Cow.

Dairy Farming Business Plan – Shed Construction:- Well ventilated and the spacious shed is required for dairy farming. Hygienic conditions are very important in the shed for cattle health. When it comes to space, it is recommended to have 8 feet x 12 feet area for 1 cow. So total space required for 15 cows is about 120 feet x 12 feet. However, this area is not fixed and depends on cow size. Cow feeders should be constructed in between with a separation wall so that the cows can be fed from both sides facing head to head each other; this is what is called a “Head to Head arrangement”.

Care should be taken while constructing the dairy shed. The selected location should be elevated to prevent any water stagnation around the shed and it also provides well ventilation (sunlight and air). The dairy shed roof should be made with asbestos sheets and the floor should be made of either bricks or cement with enough inclination. This can provide good drainage for cattle urine and excrete. The shed should be cleaned daily to maintain hygienic conditions. Collect the manure on daily basis and store it somewhere outside of the shed. You can also make an outlet to the shed so that whenever the shed is cleaned the cow urine any leftover manure can flow into the field. All electrical fittings and water supply requirements should be fully filled as per need in hot areas, it may need to have fans and coolers for cows, especially in summer.

Dairy Farming Business Plan – Fodder Management:- Fodder management is very important in dairy farming. The daily milk yield of a cow depends on the type of fodder and the nutritional facts of the given fodder. High-yielding cows should be given 1 kg of concentrate along with mineral mixture to get 2.5 liters of milk yield. For example, if a cow yields 15 liters of milk daily then these cows should be given 6 kg of concentrate with a mineral mixture.

There are three types of fodder that can be provided under dairy fodder management practices.

  • Dry fodder: wheat hay, kutti (rice / pady straw), chokar (wheat bran),
  • Green fodder: Any leguminous crops which are good in protein supplements. For example Any gram crop, barseem, maize/corn, masoor, and hybrid grass-like CO-3 and CO-4, niper grass etc.. These green fodder crops can be utilized to make silage. This silage is very nutritious and milk yield will be increased. Silage making is very important and especially it is needed in dry periods. The link will be given at the bottom of the article about “steps in involved in silage making or how to make silage for cattle”. Generally, 2 to 3 acres of fertile land enough to grow green fodders for 15 cows. However, the yield of green fodder depends on many factors.
  • Concentrate and Mineral Mixture: Mineral mixture:- It is necessary to provide concentrate feed along with a mineral mixer on regular basis to prevent cows from mineral deficiency. All three types such as dry green and mineral mixture should be accurate proportions for best milk yield.

Note: The cost of feed may depend on the animal milk capacity. On average, the feed may cost about 200 to 250 rupees/day/cow.

Dairy Farming Business Plan – Water Supply:- Clean water supply is required for drinking and cleaning purposes of the shed. Arrangements can be done by providing overhead tanks on the shed.

Dairy Farming Business Plan – Selection of Dairy Breeds:- Successful dairy farming requires a good breed selection of cows. Select the dairy cow/cattle breed that is suitable for your climatic conditions and high milking capacity. You can visit your local farms and can observe the different breed types that are suitable. A crossbreed of HF cows (Holstein Frisian) with Indian Sahiwal. Or Jersey with Sahiwal or Jersey with Red Sindhi is preferable for the good milk yield. It is preferred to select the breed which produces milk of 20 to 25 liters/day. Artificial insemination plays a major role to cross with high-yielding breeds.

Jersey Cow.

Dairy Farming Business Plan – Cow and Calves Management and Care:- Artificial insemination or mating of cows should be carried out after every 3 months (90 days) of calving. Indian cattle breeds take 3 years in reaching the maturity phase whereas high yield  Jersey crossbreed or HF cows reach maturity at 16 to 18 months and they will be ready for mating. In general, for every 13 months, cows should be calving. The lactation period of cows should be 300 days and the service period should be 90-120 days. The gestation period of cows is going to be 266 days. More attention and care are needed in the case of pregnant cows as they need more nutrition during this stage. Concentrate & mineral mixture should be given during the gestation period of cows and this feed intake should be increased as time passes to ensure proper growth of calves and their udder.

Dairy Farming Business Plan – Vaccination Program in Dairy Cow Farming:- Before giving any vaccination in dairy, deworming should be done to get better results. However, deworming should be carried out frequently and the veterinary doctor is your point of contact for this. The following table is the typical vaccination schedule in dairy farming.

Dairy Farming Business Plan – Vaccination Schedule in Dairy Farming:

Hemorrhagic Septicemia (HS) Cattle & Buffalo HS 5 ml S/C 6 months & 1 year May to June
Foot & Mouth Diseases (FMD) All cloven-footed animals Polyvalent FMD 3 ml. S/C 1 year Feb and Dec
Black Quarter (BQ) Cattle & Buffalo BQ 5 ml S/C 6 months & 1 year May to June
Theileriosis Cattle & Calves above 2 months of age Theileria



3 ml. S/C 1 year
Anthrax All species of animals Anthrax Spore 1 ml. S/C 1 year
Brucella Female cattle & buffalo Calf age 4 – 8 months only Brucella



2 ml S/C 1 year
Rabies All species of animals Rabies Post Bite 1 ml S/C 1 year 0, 3, 7, 14, 28 & 3 months (90 days).

Dairy Farming Business Plan – Bottom Line:- The above write-up can be assumed for Dairy Farming Business Plan in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, and other states of India. However, the labour cost, Cow breeds, feed cost, or green fodder production cost and inputs may slightly vary from region to region. You can expect excellent profits with proper dairy management practices, perfect planning, and dedication completely to the farm 24/7.

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Hello, my name is Anuj purwar, I am a student. And want to start organic farming with two members team MAYANK SHINHA and rishab pandey. We planned for a loan by the bank and use hydraulic solar panels energy for electricity which help us in earning money because of this electricity were given to our nearly farmers who use petrol, diesel water pump by which we decrease less use of pratrol. We are 17-19 year old and planed for this. We need your support to prove ourselves and promote the organic forming and start online sale of our crops from us to customers directly.

I am not sure about your question. You say solar and talk about Organic.

Read here about : Organic Farming .

Selling electricity to anyone except the government is prohibited in india. Please make sure you are not breaking any law.

GUPTA DAIRY FARM KARNAL Supplying Pure Breed and vaccinated Murrah Buffalo, Sahiwal Breed Cattle, Jersey Cow, Dairy Cow, Cow Heifer, Buffalo Heifer, Australian Cow, American Cow, and other types of Cows and Buffaloes…

We don’t sell any livestock or agriculture produce.

we don’t call or have personal support. You can post comments and get reply.

Respected Concerned person/ / Can you deliver the cows and buffalos throughout india?

Dear sir, I want to open new dairy farm in Jhabua (MadhyaPradesh). I have required 10 Buffalo with good quality and can give 10-15 litre milk per day. please send me the details about buffalo , price, purchasing locations , transportation etc.

regards dinesh bhayal

We don’t sell any cattle/buffaloes.

You must be an adult for eligibility of the loan for dairy farming.

hi i want to set up dairy farm, kindly suggest me the details in pdf, want to do at odisha. if u have, [email protected]

Soon we will introduce farming or agriculture pdf’s to download.

Hello, Can any one suggest the process of dairy loan. I will start dairy farming immediately.

For Dairy farming subsidy and loan, read this: Dairy Farming Subsidy .

You mean for dairy shed construction and design?

Above article is really helping. I have around 7 Bigha land in Kotdwar-Uttarakhand and looking to get in to dairy farm business, Can I expect a professional help from you ? like in Planning the dairy farm, loans and subsidy, good milk yielding cows and buffalo.

Glad the information is helping at least some people. We don’t have personal consulting support at this point in time. However, you talk to NABARD branch in your city for qualified agriculture/farming loans.

Hai, my name is Mohith and I from Telagana state, I want to start Cow farm. Please guide me.

Well, Mohith Dairy farming needs investment, patience and hard work along with dedication. You can not trust the third person in this business as feed management and care is utmost priorities of dairy cow farming. From, NABARD you can get a subsidy and loan for setting up a dairy cow farm. Here is some information which may be helpful: Dairy Farming Subsidy .

Dairy Cow Farming Project Report t .

Sir, I am from Odisha. I am interested to start a Dairy Farming In Odisha where can I get assistance? and necessary help. Please advise.

NABARD is your point of contact for any livestock subsidy. You can read >DAIRY FARMING SUBSIDY .

Hi, I am Prashant Deshmukh. I really interested to start a new Dairy farm business in Maharashtra. How to start, please guide me.

Well, to start a dairy farm, you must have proper planning, dedication. It requires your hard work. First, decide which dairy breed, you would like to go for. Feed management is very important in dairy farming. Make sure you have enough laborers to handle the farm. Our advice is to start with less number of cows and start increasing as you get more experience. Apart from this marketing is another factor for your dairy products. Here is some information which may help you. Read: DAIRY COW FARMING PROJECT REPORT .

Hello Sir, I am Rohidas Sapke and looking to start my own dairy farm business. Can you advise me is there any private institute who gives training on How to handle dairy farms/animal care/business related things and all?

Very soon, we will update training and consulting services addresses.

I am exploring possibility of dairy farming near Raipur in Uttarakhand.The subject is new to me as I am not a professional from this field.I would like to see a viable business plan,if you have one,for a midsized investment. Regards

It is really a resourceful information on every aspect. Thank you Can you please write on financial breakups, for shed, cows , fodder cost etc all occurring expenses. just as a template it will give an idea for us on financial planning.

Check these:

Dairy Farming FAQ .

How To Get NABARD Subsidy and Loan .

Dairy Shed Design and Construction .

Dairy Cow Farming Project Report .

Sir, I am 37 yrs old from Barshi, in Solapur district. We have some farm land and wish to start a dairy business from scratch. How can I start?

Read this: Dairy Farming FAQ .

Dear Sir, I really appreciate the guideline for my knowledge I am an MBA qualified. I hate jobs, I love business have a full plan to start a dairy farm business I have 5 acre land in one place 4 acre land in other areas which are in a part. Anyhow, I made a contact in our area and there is no a single dairy farm. This would be a great opportunity for me. But need knowledge of this business.

Umar Saood from pakistan currently working in UAE

Dairy farming is not simple as you think. However, with proper planning, dedication and hard work defiantly will pay you off. You cannot depend and trust third person.

To have complete idea. You better read all the dairy farming articles.

Read: Dairy Farming Information .

I am Mahesh and I want to know whether Coorg, Karnataka is best suited for HF breed cows, since we have 2 to 3 acres of land is coorg but due to heavy rain during June to October, we are still worried whether we can go-ahead for dairy farming with HF breeds. Your guidance and suggestions will help us further.

Hi I am a pure science graduate and I have interest in polyhouse and hydroponic agriculture. I want to start cultivation of vegetables in a small area like 1000 sq.m for commercial purposes..n establish my career on it. I like to spread it through out my state working as a professional consultant too. For this, I need proper training and guide and financial resources. Now plz help me to know all about high tech poly house, hydroponics that can help me to build my financial path as a grower and as a consultant too. Plese, help me show me the way. Thank u.

Dear sir new dairy farming business open in my village Bila gujarat so plz help me loan and ideas 7778014786 my WhatsApp number

hello sir, i am 20 yrs old and i want to open dairy farm. can you tell me about problems we face in this field.

Hello Mr. Reddy, Thanks for your effort to put this content in internet, it is very much informative. I am very much interested to start a dairy farm, but need proper guidance to set up this. I’m gathering information from youtube channels and some blogs like your. I may contact you to get some information.

Thanks Sahoo

very useful information sir Thank you

Hello sir, Iam r kanaka raj Ex-Servicemen Army I live from andaman and nicobar Islands. I want to open dairy farm. Can you tell me about problems we face in this field.

Please suggest the training institutes for dairy farming short courses.

Regards Mahesh

Subject: New Dairy Farm

This is Harish (farmer) from Telangana state, I’m really interested to start to start new dairy farm in my village I am having 5 acres land, Hence pls could you advice that from where to get the good livestock’s and what is the cost per cow. Pls could you share with me the shed diagram how to build for at least 10-12 cows.

Kind regards: Harish

Hi, Can you explain this business in financial terms….like cost of animals…on average how much they can produce milk….cost of milk….animal maintenance cost etc…if you can provide a table then it will be very useful

Dear sir I have plan to start up a dairy farm but I don’t have any idea I need some guid line to start up I need some ideas can u tell how can help me on this can u help me on this

My name is Obeng Kingsley an M. PHIL student at University of Ghana pursuing Agricultural science. I am currently rearing sheep but facing challenges in the housing system. I need advise on housing management system. thanks

Dear sir, I want to open new dairy farm in CUMBUM (Andhra Pradesh). I have required 10 Buffalo with good quality and can give 20-30 litre milk per day. please send me the details about buffalo , price, purchasing locations , transportation etc. is it supporting goverment like subsidy and any extra allowance.let me know sir,i donot have any idea.ping me your phone number sir.i need to talk to you..ok sir.


Hi, Do you have any worksheet to make business plan? I need to calculate EBITDA for my Dairy Venture.

Thanks in advance.

thanks so much for such relevant information that will guide us in our development in business.

hi, I want to set up a dairy farm, kindly suggest to me the details in pdf, want to do it at Haveri.

can you please inform me about loans from centre govt subsidy and financial loans ?

i want starting small scale from kerala . please suggest to me rules and regulations

can you suggest names high feeding cows ?

I want to start Cow farming. How much amount will be required for 15 number Cow farming inclusive of Construction, feeder, medical treatment and labour cost etc.

How much monthly income i get with 15 cows?

Hi everyone I am planing for Dairy farming.can any one tell about the cost and land requirements & government rules

nice information

The information about diary farming are very nice. I am very interested to farm which my own please help me regarding this business.

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  • Agriculture

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To start a plant nursery in India, you must obtain a local agriculture/Horticulture department license. This license costs Rs.500 . You will also need to register your business with the Registrar of Companies. The cost of this registration is Rs.1,000. Contact the horticulture department or any charted account (CA) for the exact registration and license fee to operate your plant nursery business in India.

After obtaining your license and registering your business, you will need to find a suitable location for your nursery. The ideal location for a plant nursery receives plenty of sunlight and has access to water. Once you have found a suitable location, you will need to prepare the land by clearing it of debris and leveling it off. Once the land is prepared, you must purchase plants from a wholesale nursery. The cost of plants will vary depending on the type of plants you choose to grow.

After purchasing your plants, you must pot them and label them clearly. Once your nursery is up and running, you will need to market it effectively to attract customers. There are numerous ways to market a plant nursery, including advertising in local newspapers and magazines, distributing flyers in neighborhoods, and setting up an online presence through social media and other websites.

If you are planning to start a Plant nursery business in India, you first need to obtain the required licenses and permits. The cost of these licenses and permits can vary depending on the state or city where you intend to operate your business. In addition to the licenses and permits, you will need a suitable space for setting up your plant nursery. The space size will depend on the number of plants you intend to grow and sell. A minimum of 500 square feet of space is advisable for starting a small-scale plant nursery business.

Next, you must take care of the type of plants you want to grow in your nursery. Various plants can be grown in nurseries, such as ornamental plants, fruit trees, flowering plants, etc. You need to choose the type of plants best suited for the climate conditions prevailing in your city or state. Once you have taken care of all these things, you need to develop a business plan for your plant nursery business. This business plan should include all the costs involved in setting up and operating your business and marketing strategy.

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Greenhouse Flower Nursery

When starting a plant nursery business in India, it is important to consider the startup costs that will be incurred. These costs can include the cost of land, the cost of construction, the cost of plants and trees, and the cost of labour. It is also important to consider the type of plant nursery that you want to start up. There are two main types of nurseries in India: wholesale and retail.

Wholesale nurseries sell plants and trees to other businesses, while retail nurseries sell plants and trees directly to consumers. The plant nursery cost of land will vary depending on the location of your nursery. The construction cost will depend on the size and building you require. The cost of plants and trees will vary depending on the type of plants and trees you wish to grow. Finally, the labor cost will vary depending on the number of employees you require.

When starting a plant nursery business in India, obtaining a license from the local government authority is important. The cost of this license will vary depending on the state where you intend to operate your business. In addition to a license, you will also need to pay taxes on your plant nursery business. Again, the amount of tax you need to pay will depend on the state where you operate your business.

A plant nursery business can be profitable in India with the right planning and execution. The demand for plants is always high, making this a lucrative business opportunity. However, a detailed business plan is important before starting a plant nursery. This business plan helps you map out the costs, licenses, and taxes associated with starting and running a successful plant nursery business in India. The startup costs for a plant nursery business can vary depending on the type of plants you intend to sell.

For example, if you want to sell rare or expensive plants, your startup costs will be higher than if you plan to sell common plants. Additionally, the size of your nursery will also affect your startup costs. For example, if you have a large plot of land where you can grow your own plants, your costs will be lower than if you have to rent space for your nursery. The type of license you need for your plant nursery business will also vary depending on the state in which you operate.

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Plant Nursery Business

In most cases, you will need to obtain a general business license and a license to sell plants. In some Indian states, you may also need to obtain a horticultural license. The cost of these licenses will be included in your overall startup costs. Finally, you will also need to pay your plant nursery business taxes. The tax you owe will depend on the state where you operate and the type of business you run. Be sure to consult with a professional tax consultant.

Yes, plant nursery is a profitable business in India. The demand for plants is increasing daily due to the growing awareness of plants’ importance in our daily life. Many factors contribute to the profitability of plant nurseries in India. The first factor is the increasing demand for plants. This is due to the growing awareness of the importance of plants in our lives. Plants play a vital role in our ecosystem; they help purify the air we breathe, regulate the temperature of our environment, and provide food and shelter for wildlife.

Thus, there is a growing demand for plants from individuals, businesses, and organizations. The second factor is the availability of raw materials. India has a rich biodiversity, and many plants can be grown in nurseries. In addition, the climate and soil conditions vary across different regions of India, which provides ideal conditions for growing a wide variety of plants. The third factor is government support.

The government of India recognizes the importance of plants and has taken various measures to promote plant nursery businesses. For example, it has provided financial assistance to set up plant nurseries and created an enabling environment by providing easy access to land and water resources. Thus, plant nursery is a profitable business in India due to the increasing demand for plants, availability of raw materials, and government support.

Different types of licenses are required for setting up a plant nursery in India. The first and foremost is the business registration with the Registrar of Companies. This can be done online through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs website. The next step is obtaining a local Municipal Corporation’s trade license. This is usually a one-time fee and is valid for the duration of the business. After these two licenses have been obtained, it is important to get a plant nursery license from the State Department of Horticulture.

This license is necessary to purchase plants and seeds from government nurseries. The application process for this license can be found on the department’s website. Finally, obtaining a sales tax registration certificate from the Sales Tax Department is also important. This will enable you to collect taxes on selling plants and seeds from your nursery. The application process for this certificate can also be found on the department’s website.

Any plant nursery business plan must include a section on the basic facilities required for the business. The type of facility will be determined by the type of plants you intend to grow and sell. For example, if you are growing bedding plants, you will need different facilities than growing trees or shrubs. At a minimum, you will need some greenhouse or other protected structure to grow your plants. This structure needs appropriate ventilation, lighting, and temperature controls to keep your plants healthy.

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Plant Nursery in Open Ground

You will also need storage space and an office area for paperwork and other business tasks. You will also need adequate outdoor space to grow larger plants, such as trees or shrubs. This space should have good drainage and be large enough to accommodate the mature size of the plants you intend to grow. Finally, any plant nursery business plan should include a detailed budget for all necessary equipment and supplies. This budget should account for one-time costs (such as the cost of constructing a greenhouse) and ongoing costs (such as the cost of potting soil and fertilizer).

There are four main types of plant nurseries: production nurseries, landscape nurseries, wholesale nurseries, and retail nurseries.

  • Production nurseries produce plants for the landscaping and horticultural industry. They grow plants from seed or cuttings in a controlled environment and then sell them to landscapers, gardeners, or other businesses.
  • Landscape nurseries grow plants that are used in landscaping projects. They may sell to businesses or individuals.
  • Wholesale nurseries sell plants to other businesses, such as garden centers or florists. They may also sell to the general public through mail-order catalogs.
  • Retail nurseries sell plants directly to consumers. They are often found at garden centers or home improvement stores.

Nursery plants are susceptible to several problems, including pests, diseases, and environmental stresses. Environmental stresses include excessive heat or cold, inadequate water or nutrients, and poor drainage. All of these problems can lead to reduced plant growth or even death. Pests are a common problem for nursery plants and can include aphids, mites, whiteflies, and thrips. These pests can feed on the plant’s leaves, stems, or roots and may cause them to become stunted or yellowed.

In some cases, the pests can transmit diseases to the plants. Diseases are another common problem for nursery plants. Some common diseases include powdery mildew, root rot, and leaf spot. These diseases can reduce plant growth or cause the plant to die outright. Proper care of nursery plants is essential to prevent problems from occurring in the first place. This includes proper watering, fertilization, and pest control. If you notice any problems with your nursery plants, contact a professional for advice on correcting the issue.

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Nursery Plants

There are various plant nurseries in India, each with different startup costs. The most common type is the family-run business, which typically requires little capital. However, you must invest more money to set up a larger operation. The cost of setting up a plant nursery also depends on the type of plants you want to grow. For example, to grow rare or exotic plants, you’ll need to invest more money than in growing common plants.

You will also need to obtain a license from the government before you can start operating your nursery. The cost of this license varies depending on the state where you plan to operate your business. Finally, you will need to pay taxes on your profits. The amount of tax you’ll need to pay depends on the state in which your business is located.

In India, a plant nursery is considered a small-scale business and, therefore, subject to the same business taxes as any other small business. Three main types of taxes apply to plant nurseries: income tax, sales tax, and property tax. Income tax is levied on the business’s profits, and sales tax is levied on selling plants and other products from the nursery.

In addition, property tax is levied on the land and buildings used for the nursery. The tax a plant nursery must pay will depend on its size and location. Smaller businesses and those in rural areas will pay less tax than large businesses or those in urban areas.

Yes, online plant nurseries can be quite profitable. However, as with any business, certain startup costs and ongoing expenses must be considered. Additionally, depending on the type of online plant nursery you operate, you may need to obtain a license and pay taxes. Regarding startup costs, one of the most important considerations is your website. You will need to invest in a good quality website design and ensure that your site is optimized for search engines. This will ensure that potential customers can easily find your nursery online.

Other important startup costs include purchasing plants and pots and investing in marketing and advertising to promote your business. Ongoing expenses for an online plant nursery include website hosting fees, plant care supplies, and shipping costs (if you sell plants online). Depending on the type of nursery you operate, you may also need to pay employees or contractors.

When it comes to licenses and taxes, this will vary depending on your nursery location and the type of business you run. For example, if you plan to sell plants online, you may need to obtain a sales tax license. In addition, online businesses must charge VAT/GST in some states. Therefore, checking with local government regulations before starting any business is always best to ensure compliance.

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Plant Nursery Saplings

  • You need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits from the government.
  • You need to find a suitable location for your nursery.
  • You must source the plants and other materials needed for your business.
  • You need to manage the finances of your business.
  • You need to market your business effectively to attract customers.

The five main types of plant nurseries are production, wholesale, retail, mail-order, and online sales. Each type of nursery has different costs associated with it. Production nurseries grow plants for other nurseries or the landscaping industry. They usually have large greenhouses and staff with horticultural expertise. Wholesale nurseries sell to other businesses, such as landscape contractors, garden centers, and florists.

Retail nurseries sell directly to consumers. Mail-order and online nurseries sell plants through catalogs or websites. The startup costs for a plant nursery business vary depending on the type of nursery you want to start. For example, you will need greenhouse space, equipment, and seeds or young plants to propagate for a production nursery. A wholesale nursery requires less upfront investment, as you will not need as much greenhouse space or equipment.

However, a retail nursery will need a retail location, which can be costly. Mail-order and online nurseries have lower startup costs as they can run from home with minimal overhead costs. To start the plant nursery business, you must obtain a license from your state’s agriculture department. You will also need to pay taxes on your business income. The amount of tax you pay will depend on the state where you operate your business.

Opening a plant nursery in India is a great business opportunity with many potential rewards. With the right planning and execution, your nursery can be successful and profitable. Be sure to research the startup costs, type of plants you want to sell, license requirements, and taxes to get your business on the right foot. Thanks for reading.

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    The cost of setting up a mineral water plant in India depends on a number of factors, including the scale of production, the raw materials used, the equipment used, and the location of the plant. A small-scale mineral water plant may cost as little as Rs. 2 lakhs, while a large-scale plant may cost as much as Rs. 20 crore.

  24. Starting a School in India

    1. What are the steps involved in starting a school in India? The steps involved in starting a school in India are: 1. Research the Concept 2. Develop a Business Plan 3. Choose a School Location 4. Develop the School Infrastructure 5. Obtain Government Approval 6. Recruit Staff and Teachers 7. Admit Students 8. Evaluate and Improve the School

  25. Dairy Farming Business Plan Guide

    Dairy Farming Business Plan - Bottom Line:-The above write-up can be assumed for Dairy Farming Business Plan in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, and other states of India. However, the labour cost, Cow breeds, feed ...

  26. Plant Nursery Business Plan in India: Startup Costs, Profit, License

    The cost of this registration is Rs.1,000. Contact the horticulture department or any charted account (CA) for the exact registration and license fee to operate your plant nursery business in India. After obtaining your license and registering your business, you will need to find a suitable location for your nursery.