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This publication follows a first book ( Évaluation : fondements, controverses, perspectives ) published at the end of 2021 by Editions Science et Bien Commun (ESBC) with the support of the Laboratory for interdisciplinary evaluation of public policies (LIEPP), compiling a series of excerpts from fundamental and contemporary texts in evaluation (Delahais et al. 2021). Although part of this book is dedicated to the diversity of paradigmatic approaches, we chose not to go into a detailed presentation of methods on the grounds that this would at least merit a book of its own. This is the purpose of this volume. This publication is part of LIEPP’s collective project in two ways: through the articulation between research and evaluation, and through the dialogue between quantitative and qualitative methods.

Methods between research and evaluation

Most definitions of programme evaluation [1] articulate three dimensions, described by Alkin and Christie as the three branches of the “evaluation theory tree” (Alkin and Christie 2012). These are the mobilisation of research methods (evaluation is based on systematic empirical investigation), the role of values in providing criteria for judging the intervention under study, and the focus on the usefulness of the evaluation.

The use of systematic methods of empirical investigation is therefore one of the foundations of evaluation practice. This is how evaluation in the sense of evaluative research differs from the mere subjective judgement that the term ‘evaluation’ in its common sense may otherwise denote (Suchman 1967). Evaluation is first and foremost an applied research practice, and as such, it has borrowed a whole series of investigative techniques, both quantitative and qualitative, initially developed in basic research (e.g. questionnaires, quantitative analyses on databases, experimental methods, semi-structured interviews, observations, case studies, etc.). Beyond the techniques, the borrowing also concerns the methods of analysis and the conception of research designs. Despite this strong methodological link, evaluation does not boil down to a research practice (Wanzer 2021).This is suggested by the other two dimensions identified earlier (the concern for values and utility). In fact, the development of programme evaluation has given rise to a plurality of practices by a variety of public and private actors (public administration, consultants, NGOs, etc.), practices within which methodological issues are not necessarily central and where methodological rigour greatly varies.

At the same time, the practice of evaluation has remained weakly and very unevenly institutionalised in the university (Cox 1990), where it suffers in particular from a frequent devaluation of applied research practices, suspicions of complacency towards commissioners, and difficulties linked to its interdisciplinary nature (see below ) (Jacob 2008). Thus, although it has developed its journals and professional conferences, evaluation is still the subject of very few doctoral programmes and dedicated recruitments. Practised to varying degrees by different academic disciplines (public health, economics and development are now particularly involved), and sometimes described as ‘transdisciplinary’ in terms of its epistemological scope (Scriven 1993), evaluation is still far from being an academic discipline in the institutional sense of the term. From an epistemological point of view, this non- (or weak) disciplinarisation of evaluation is to be welcomed. The fact remains, however, that this leads to weaknesses. One of the consequences of this situation is a frequent lack of training for researchers in evaluation: particularly concerning the non-methodological dimensions of this practice (questions of values and utility), but also concerning certain approaches more specifically derived from evaluation practice.

Indeed, while evaluation has largely borrowed from social science methods, it has also fostered a number of methodological innovations. For example, the use of experimental methods first took off in the social sciences in the context of evaluation, initially in education in the 1920s and then in social policy, health and other fields from the 1960s onwards (Campbell and Stanley 1963). The link with medicine brought about by the borrowing of the model of the clinical trial (the notions of ‘trial’ and ‘treatment’ having thus been transposed to evaluation) then favoured the transfer from the medical sciences to evaluation of another method, systematic literature reviews, which consists in adopting a systematic protocol to search for existing publications on (a) given evaluative question(s) and to draw up a synthesis of their contributions (Hong and Pluye 2018; Belaid and Ridde 2020). Without being the only place where it is deployed, programme evaluation has also made a major contribution to the development and theorising of mixed methods, which consist of articulating qualitative and quantitative techniques in the same research (Baïz and Revillard 2022; Greene, Benjamin and Goodyear 2001; Burch and Heinrich 2016; Mertens 2017). Similarly, because of its central concern with the use of knowledge, evaluation has been a privileged site for the development of participatory research and its theorisation (Brisolara 1998; Cousins and Whitmore 1998; Patton 2018).

While these methods (experimental methods, systematic literature reviews, mixed methods, participatory research) are immediately applicable to fields other than programme evaluation, other methodological approaches and tools have been more specifically developed for this purpose [2] . This is particularly the case of theory-based evaluation (Weiss 1997; Rogers and Weiss 2007), encompassing a variety of approaches (realist evaluation, contribution analysis, outcome harvesting, etc.) which will be described below (Pawson and Tilley 1997; Mayne 2012; Wilson-Grau 2018). Apart from a few disciplines in which they are more widespread, such as public health or development (Ridde and Dagenais 2009; Ridde et al. 2020), these approaches are still little known to researchers who have undergone traditional training in research methods, including those who may be involved in evaluation projects.

A dialogue therefore needs to be renewed between evaluation and research: according to the reciprocal dynamic of the initial borrowing of research methods by evaluation, a greater diversity of basic research circles would now benefit from a better knowledge of the specific methods and approaches derived from the practice of evaluation. This is one of the vocations of LIEPP, which promotes a strengthening of exchanges between researchers and evaluation practitioners. Since 2020, LIEPP has been organising a monthly seminar on evaluation methods and approaches (METHEVAL), alternating presentations by researchers and practitioners, and bringing together a diverse audience [3] . This is also one of the motivations behind the book Evaluation: Foundations, Controversies, Perspectives , published in 2021, which aimed in particular to make researchers aware of the non-methodological aspects of evaluation (Delahais et al. 2021). This publication completes the process by facilitating the appropriation of approaches developed in evaluation such as theory-based evaluation, realistic evaluation, contribution analysis and outcome harvesting.

Conversely, LIEPP believes that evaluation would benefit from being more open to methodological tools more frequently used in basic research and with which it tends to be less familiar, particularly because of the targeting of questions at the scale of the intervention. In fact, evaluation classically takes as its object an intervention or a programme, usually on a local, regional or national scale, and within a sufficiently targeted questioning perimeter to allow conclusions to be drawn regarding the consequences of the intervention under study. By talking about policy evaluation rather than programme evaluation in the strict sense, our aim is to include the possibility of reflection on a more macro scale in both the geographical and temporal sense, by integrating reflections on the historicity of public policies, on the arrangement of different interventions in a broader policy context (a welfare regime, for example), and by relying more systematically on international comparative approaches. Evaluation, in other words, must be connected to policy analysis – an ambition already stated in the 1990s by the promoters of an “ évaluation à la française ” (Duran, Monnier, and Smith 1995; Duran, Erhel, and Gautié 2018). This is made possible, for example, by comparative historical analysis and macro-level comparisons presented in this book. Another important implication of programme evaluation is that the focus is on the intervention under study. By shifting the focus, many basic research practices can provide very useful insights in a more prospective way, helping to understand the social problems targeted by the interventions. All the thematic research conducted in the social sciences provides very useful insights for evaluation in this respect (Rossi, Lipsey, and Freeman 2004). Among the methods presented in this book, experimental approaches such as laboratory experimentation or testing, which are not necessarily focused on interventions as such, help to illustrate this more prospective contribution of research to evaluation.

A dialogue between qualitative and quantitative approaches

By borrowing its methods from the social sciences, policy evaluation has also inherited the associated methodological and epistemological controversies. Although there are many calls for reconciliation, although evaluation is more likely to emphasise its methodological pragmatism (the evaluative question guides the choice of methods), and although it has been a driving force in the development of mixed methods, in practice, in evaluation as in research, the dialogue between quantitative and qualitative traditions (especially in their epistemological dimension) is not always simple.

Articulating different disciplinary and methodological approaches to evaluate public policies is the founding ambition of LIEPP. The difficulties of this dialogue, particularly on an epistemological level (opposition between positivism and constructivism), were identified at the creation of the laboratory (Wasmer and Musselin 2013). Over the years, LIEPP has worked to overcome these obstacles by organizing a more systematic dialogue between different methods and disciplines in order to enrich evaluation: through the development of six research groups co-led by researchers from different disciplines, through projects carried out by interdisciplinary teams, but also through the regular discussion of projects from one discipline or family of methods by specialists from other disciplines or methods. It is also through these exchanges that the need for didactic material to facilitate the understanding of quantitative methods by specialists in qualitative methods, and vice-versa, has emerged. This mutual understanding is becoming increasingly difficult in a context of growing technicisation of methods. This book responds to this need, drawing heavily on the group of researchers open to interdisciplinarity and to the dialogue between methods that has been built up at LIEPP over the years: among the 25 authors of this book, nine are affiliated to LIEPP and eight others have had the opportunity to present their research at seminars organised by LIEPP.

This book has therefore been conceived as a means of encouraging a dialogue between methods, both within LIEPP and beyond. The aim is not necessarily to promote the development of mixed-methods research, although the strengths of such approaches are described (Part III). It is first of all to promote mutual understanding between the different methodological approaches, to ensure that practitioners of qualitative methods understand the complementary contribution of quantitative methods, their scope and their limits, and vice versa. In doing so, the approach also aims to foster greater reflexivity in each methodological practice, through a greater awareness of what one method is best suited for and the issues for which other methods are more relevant. While avoiding excessive technicality, the aim is to get to the heart of how each method works in order to understand concretely what it allows and what it does not allow. We are betting that this practical approach will help to overcome certain obstacles to dialogue between methods linked to major epistemological oppositions (positivism versus constructivism, for example) which are not necessarily central in everyday research practice. For students and non-academic audiences (particularly among policymakers or NGOs who may have recourse to programme evaluations), the aim is also to promote a more global understanding of the contributions and limitations of the various methods.

Far from claiming to be exhaustive, the book aims to present some examples of three main families of methods or approaches: quantitative methods, qualitative methods, and mixed methods and cross-sectional approaches in evaluation [4] . In what follows, we present the general organisation of the book and the different chapters, integrating them into a more global reflection on the distinction between quantitative and qualitative approaches.

At a very general level, quantitative and qualitative methods are distinguished by the density and breadth of the type of information they produce: whereas quantitative methods can produce limited information on a large number of cases, qualitative methods provide denser, contextualised information on a limited number of cases. But beyond these descriptive characteristics, the two families of methods also tend to differ in their conception of causality. This is a central issue for policy evaluation which, without being restricted to this question [5] , was founded on investigating the impact of public interventions: to what extent can a given change observed be attributed to the effect of a given intervention? – In other words, a causal question (can a cause-and-effect relationship be established between the intervention and the observed change?). To understand the complementary contributions of quantitative and qualitative methods for evaluation, it is therefore important to understand the different ways in which they tend to address this central question of causality.

Quantitative methods

Experimental and quasi-experimental quantitative methods are based on a counterfactual view of causality: to prove that A causes B, it must be shown that, all other things being equal, if A is absent, B is absent (Woodward 2003). Applied to the evaluation of policy impact, this logic invites us to prove that an intervention causes a given impact by showing that in the absence of this intervention, all other things being equal, this impact does not occur (Desplatz and Ferracci 2017). The whole difficulty then consists of approximating as best as possible these ‘all other things being equal’ situations: what would have happened in the absence of the intervention, all other characteristics of the situation being identical? It is this desire to compare situations with and without intervention ‘all other things being equal’ that gave rise to the development of experimental methods in evaluation (Campbell and Stanley 1963; Rossi, Lipsey, and Freeman 2004).

Most experiments conducted in policy evaluation are field experiments, in the sense that they study the intervention in situation, as it is actually implemented. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) (see Chapter 1 ) compare an experimental group (receiving the intervention) with a control group, aiming for equivalence of characteristics between the two groups by randomly assigning participants to one or the other group. This type of approach is particularly well suited to interventions that are otherwise referred to as ‘experiments’ in public policy (Devaux-Spatarakis 2014). These are interventions that public authorities launch in a limited number of territories or organisations to test their effects [6] , thus allowing for the possibility of control groups. When this type of direct experimentation is not possible, evaluators can resort to several quasi-experimental methods, aiming to reconstitute comparison groups from already existing situations and data (thus without manipulating reality, unlike experimental protocols) (Fougère and Jacquemet 2019). The difference-in-differences method uses a time marker at which one of the two groups studied receives the intervention and the other does not, and measures the impact of the intervention by comparing the results before and after this time (see Chapter 2 ). Discontinuity regression (see Chapter 3 ) reconstructs a target group and a control group by comparing the situations on either side of an eligibility threshold set by the policy under study (e.g. eligibility for the intervention at a given age, income threshold, etc.). Finally, matching methods (see Chapter 4 ) consist of comparing the situations of beneficiaries of an intervention with those of non-beneficiaries with the most similar characteristics.

In addition to these methods, which are based on real-life data, other quantitative impact assessment approaches are based on computer simulations or laboratory experiments. Microsimulation (see Chapter 5 ), the development of which has been facilitated by improvements in computing power, consists of estimating ex ante the expected impact of an intervention by taking into consideration a wide variety of data relating to the targeted individuals and simulating changes in their situation (e.g. ageing, changes in the labour market, fiscal policies, etc.). It also allows for a refined ex post analysis of the diversity of effects of a given policy on the targeted individuals. Policy evaluation can also rely on laboratory experiments (see Chapter 6 ), which make it possible to accurately measure the behaviour of individuals and, in particular, to uncover unconscious biases. Such analyses can, for example, be very useful in helping to design anti-discrimination policies, as part of an ex ante evaluation process. It is also in the context of reflection on these policies that testing methods (see Chapter 7 ) have been developed, making it possible to measure discrimination by sending fictitious applications in response to real offers (for example, job offers). But evaluation also seeks to measure the efficiency of interventions, beyond their impact. This implies comparing the results obtained with the cost of the policy under study and with those of alternative policies, in a cost-efficiency analysis approach (see Chapter 8 ).

Qualitative methods

While they are also compatible with counterfactual approaches, qualitative methods are more likely to support a generative or processual conception of causality (Maxwell 2004; 2012; Mohr 1999). Following this logic, causality is inferred, not from relations between variables, but from the analysis of the processes through which it operates. While the counterfactual approach establishes whether A causes B, the processual approach shows how (through what series of mechanisms) A causes B, through observing the empirical manifestations of these causal mechanisms that link A and B. In so doing, it goes beyond the behaviourist logic which, in counterfactual approaches, conceives the intervention according to a stimulus-response mechanism, the intervention itself then constituting a form of black box. Qualitative approaches break down the intervention into a series of processes that contribute to producing (or preventing) the desired result: this is the general principle of theory-based evaluations (presented in the third part of this book in Chapter 20 as they are also compatible with quantitative methods). This finer scale analysis is made possible by focusing on a limited number of cases, which are then studied in greater depth using different qualitative techniques. Particular attention is paid to the contexts, as well as to the mental processes and the logic of action of the people involved in the intervention (agents responsible for its implementation, target groups), in a comprehensive approach (Revillard 2018). Unlike quantitative methods, qualitative methods cannot measure the impact of a public policy; they can, however, explain it (and its variations according to context), but also answer other evaluative questions such as the relevance or coherence of interventions. Table 1 summarises these ideal-typical differences between quantitative and qualitative methods: it is important to specify that we are highlighting here the affinities of a given family of methods with a given approach to causality and a given consideration of processes and context, but this is an ideal-typical distinction which is far from exhausting the actual combinations in terms of methods and research designs.

applied public policy research institute for study and evaluation

The most emblematic qualitative research technique is probably direct observation or ethnography, coming from anthropology, which consists of directly observing the social situation being studied in the field (see Chapter 9 ). A particularly engaging method, direct observation is very effective in uncovering all the intermediate policy processes that contribute to producing its effects, as well as in distancing official discourse through the direct observation of interactions. The semi-structured interview (see Chapter 10 ) is another widely used qualitative research technique, which consists of a verbal interaction solicited by the researcher with a research participant, based on a grid of questions used in a very flexible manner. The interview aims both to gather information and to understand the experience and worldview of the interviewee. This method can also be used in a more collective setting, in the form of focus groups (see Chapter 11 ) or group interviews (see Chapter 12 ). As Ana Manzano points out in her chapter on focus groups, the terminologies for these group interview practices vary. Our aim in publishing two chapters on these techniques is not to rigidify the distinction but to provide two complementary views on these frequently used methods.

Although case studies (see Chapter 13 ) can use a variety of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods, they are classically part of a qualitative research tradition because of their connection to anthropology. They allow interventions to be studied in context and are particularly suited to the analysis of complex interventions. Several case studies can be combined in the evaluation of the same policy; the way in which they are selected is then decisive. Process tracing (see Chapter 14 ), which relies mainly but not exclusively on qualitative enquiry techniques, focuses on the course of the intervention in a particular case, seeking to trace how certain actions led to others. The evaluator then acts as a detective looking for the “fingerprints” left by the mechanisms of change. The approach makes it possible to establish under what conditions, how and why an intervention works in a particular case. Finally, comparative historical analysis combines the two fundamental methodological tools of social science, comparison and history, to help explain large-scale social phenomena (see Chapter 15 ). It is particularly useful for reporting on the definition of public policies.

Mixed methods and cross-cutting approaches in evaluation

The third and final part of the book brings together a series of chapters on the articulation between qualitative and quantitative methods as well as on cross-cutting approaches that are compatible with a diversity of methods. Policy evaluation has played a driving role in the formalisation of the use of mixed methods, leading in particular to the distinction between different strategies for linking qualitative and quantitative methods (sequential exploratory, sequential explanatory or convergent design) (see Chapter 16 ). Even when the empirical investigation mobilises only one type of method, it benefits from being based on a systematic mixed methods literature review. While the practice of systematic literature reviews was initially developed to synthesise results from randomised controlled trials, this practice has diversified over the years to include other types of research (Hong and Pluye 2018). The particularity of systematic mixed methods literature reviews is that they include quantitative, qualitative and mixed studies, making it possible to answer a wider range of evaluative questions (see Chapter 17 ).

Having set out this general framework on mixed methods and reviews, the following chapters present six cross-cutting approaches. The first two, macro-level comparisons and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), tend to be drawn from basic research practices, while the other four (theory-based evaluation, realist evaluation, contribution analysis, outcome harvesting) are drawn from the field of evaluation. Macro-level comparisons (see C hapter 18 ) consist of exploiting variations and similarities between large entities of analysis (e.g. states or regions) for explanatory purposes: for example, to explain differences between large social policy models, or the influence of a particular family policy configuration on women’s employment rate. Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) is a mixed method which consists in translating qualitative data into a numerical format in order to systematically analyse which configurations of factors produce a given result (see Chapter 19 ). Based on an alternative, configurational conception of causality, it is useful for understanding why the same policy may lead to certain changes in some circumstances and not in others.

Developed in response to the limitations of experimental and quasi-experimental approaches to understanding how an intervention produces its impacts, theory-based evaluation consists of opening the ‘black box’ of public policy by breaking down the different stages of the causal chain linking the intervention to its final results (see Chapter 20 ). The following chapters fall broadly within this family of evaluation approaches. Realist evaluation (see Chapter 21 ) conceives of public policies as interventions that produce their effects through mechanisms that are only triggered in specific contexts. By uncovering context-mechanism-outcomes (CMO) configurations, this approach makes it possible to establish for whom, how and under what circumstances an intervention works. Particularly suited to complex interventions, contribution analysis (see Chapter 22 ) involves the progressive formulation of ‘contribution claims’ in a process involving policy stakeholders, and then testing these claims systematically using a variety of methods. Outcome harveting (see Chapter 23 ) starts from a broad understanding of observable changes, and then traces whether and how the intervention may have played a role in producing them. Finally, the last chapter is devoted to an innovative approach to evaluation, based on the concept of cultural safety initially developed in nursing science (see Chapter 24 ). Cultural safety aims to ensure that the evaluation takes place in a ‘safe’ manner for stakeholders, and in particular for the minority communities targeted by the intervention under study, i.e. that the evaluation process avoids reproducing mechanisms of domination (aggression, denial of identity, etc.) linked to structural inequalities. To this end, various participatory techniques are used at all stages of the evaluation. This chapter is thus an opportunity to emphasise the importance of participatory dynamics in evaluation, also highlighted in several other contributions.

A didactic and illustrated presentation

To facilitate reading and comparison between methods and approaches, each chapter is organised according to a common outline based on five main questions:

1) What does this method/approach consist of?

2) How is it useful for policy evaluation?

3) An example of the use of this method/approach;

4) What are the criteria for judging the quality of the use of this method/approach?

5) What are the strengths and limitations of this method/approach compared to others?

The book is published directly in two languages (French and English) in order to facilitate its dissemination. The contributions were initially written in one or the other language according to the preference of the authors, then translated and revised (where possible) by them. A bilingual glossary is available below to facilitate the transition from one language to the other.

The examples used cover a wide range of public policy areas, studied in a variety of contexts: pensions in Italy, weather and climate information in Senegal, minimum wage in New Jersey, reception in public services in France, child development in China, the fight against smoking among young people in the United Kingdom, health financing in Burkina Faso, the impact of a summer school on academic success in the United States, soft skills training in Belgium, the development of citizen participation to improve public services in the Dominican Republic, a nutrition project in Bangladesh, universal health coverage in six African countries, etc. The many examples presented in the chapters illustrate the diversity and current vitality of evaluation research practices.

Far from claiming to be exhaustive, this publication is an initial summary of some of the most widely used methods. The collection is intended to be enriched by means of publications over time in the open access collection of LIEPP methods briefs [7] .

Cited references

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  • For example, Michael Patton's definition of evaluation as "the systematic collection of information about the activities, characteristics, and outcomes of programs to make judgements about the program, improve program effectiveness, and/or inform decisions about future programming" (Patton 1997, 23) ↵
  • As opposed to methods in the sense of methodological tools, approaches are situated in "a kind of in-between between theory and practice" (Delahais 2022), by embodying certain paradigms. In evaluation, some may be very methodologically oriented, but others may be more concerned with values, with the use of results, or with social justice (ibid.). ↵
  • The programme and resources from previous sessions of this seminar are available online: https://www.sciencespo.fr/liepp/fr/content/cycle-de-seminaires-methodes-et-approches-en-evaluation-metheval.html ↵
  • In doing so, it complements other methodological resources available in handbooks (Ridde and Dagenais 2009; Ridde et al. 2020; Newcomer, Hatry, and Wholey 2015; Mathison 2005; Weiss 1998; Patton 2015) or online: for example the Methods excellence network ( https://www.methodsnet.org/ ), or in the field of evaluation, the resources compiled by the OECD ( https://www.oecd.org/fr/cad/evaluation/keydocuments.htm ), the UN's Evalpartners network ( https://evalpartners.org/ ), or in France the methodological guides of the Institut des politiques publiques ( https://www.ipp.eu/publications/guides-methodologiques-ipp/ ) and the Société coopérative et participative (SCOP) Quadrant Conseil ( https://www.quadrant-conseil.fr/ressources/evaluation-impact.php#/ ). ↵
  • Evaluation also looks at, for example, the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency or sustainability of interventions. See OECD DAC Network on Development Evaluation (EvalNet) https://www.oecd.org/dac/evaluation/daccriteriaforevaluatingdevelopmentassistance.htm ↵
  • Unfortunately, these government initiatives are far from being systematically and rigorously evaluated. ↵
  • LIEPP Methods briefs : https://www.sciencespo.fr/liepp/en/publications.html#LIEPP%20methods%20briefs ↵

Policy Evaluation: Methods and Approaches Copyright © by Anne Revillard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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The institute has a reputation for conducting impactful research that shapes media and public debate and the policy environment. This PhD Programme in Applied Public Policy will train the next generation of researchers to conduct this kind of impact-focused public policy research. The programme offers you the opportunity to study public policy as it is happening in the real world. It will offer opportunities to explore how policy can be influenced, and whether interventions in public policy are effective.

The Policy Institute is based in the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy (SSPP), which seeks to understand global, social, technological, and economic transformations changes and to inform these through education and research.

Applied Public Policy doctoral students are supervised by academic staff in the Policy Institute. We recommend that prospective students read through the PI webpages to find their preferred research area and potential supervisors .

Course detail

The PhD in Applied Public Policy focuses on training researchers to study public policy as it is happening in the real world. It offers opportunities to explore how policy can be influenced, and whether interventions in public policy are effective.

PhD students will learn the use of causal methods in statistics and econometrics, including randomised controlled trials and quasi-experimental designs, to study social policy questions, including in education, child and adult safeguarding, health and social care, youth employment, criminology and justice, mental health and wellbeing, and behavioural economics.

Alongside this, doctoral students will receive comprehensive training and supervision in the underlying theories in public policy, economics, sociology, and other relevant fields to their domain(s) of study.

This kind of research has clear policy impacts, but is also increasingly valuable from an academic perspective, with randomised trials, quasi-experimental methods, multi-methods studies, and behavioural economics being increasingly utilised across a wide range of fields, and increasingly being published in high-impact journals in economics, psychology, public policy, social policy, health and care research, and political science. Doctoral students will be equipped to critically examine the use and appropriateness of these methods.

Alongside quantitative methods, doctoral students will also use qualitative methods including interviews, focus groups, and ethnography, and the use of deliberative methods (such as citizens’ assemblies) both as a method of research to study public policy and their use as a tool for designing and conducting it. 

Head of group/division

Professor Michael Sanders and Dr Kate Bancroft

Candidates can also email [email protected] .

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Full time tuition fees: £6,540 per year

Part time tuition fees: £3,270 per year

International Tuition Fees 2023/24

Full time tuition fees: £24,360 per year

Part time tuition fees: £12,180 per year

UK Tuition Fees 2024/25

Full time tuition fees: £6,936 per year

Part time tuition fees: £3,468 per year

International Tuition Fees 2024/25

Full time tuition fees: £26,070 per year

Part time tuition fees: £13,035 per year

These tuition fees may be subject to additional increases in subsequent years of study, in line with King's terms and conditions

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Study Environment

Each student has two supervisors and meets regularly with both, though typically more frequently with the primary supervisor. They are encouraged to attend relevant research seminars at King’s and elsewhere and to and to participate in the wide variety of conferences and events on offer at King’s.

The Policy Institute offers training opportunities for students, for example through the institute’s Methods Club, Evaluation seminars, training focused on analytical coding and a wide variety of research fora. They will also be able to participate in training from across the LISS Doctoral Training Partnership .

Impact will be at the centre of the students’ experience in the Policy Institute, and they be able to attend and be part of events featuring the Institute’s visiting faculty which include current and former ministers and senior officials including the current Cabinet Secretary.

Alongside this, students will benefit from the Institute’s close connections with other academic departments, being able to attend regular seminar series across King’s. 

Postgraduate training

Students graduating from this programme will be employable in a range of academic, research, and applied roles. Previous graduates of this programme’s predecessors have gone on to work in the civil service; to pursue academic careers including postdoctoral studies at the European University Institute and Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government; and to work in the government’s network of What Works Centres.

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Evaluation Institute for Public Health

The Evaluation Institute for Public Health seeks to advance evaluation science, scholarship, and practice through research, training, and consultation. By making evaluation science a core component of public health infrastructure we strive to improve the performance of public health and related human service organizations.

The Evaluation Institute serves three distinct constituencies:

  • public sector organizations at the county, state or federal level;
  • organizations that manage health care services such as hospitals, primary care centers or long-term care centers; and
  • community-based nonprofit organizations.

Primary Activities of the Evaluation Institute

Institute staff offer educational programs via formal University courses; short-term institutes regionally, nationally, and internationally; independent study either in Pittsburgh or on site; and Web-based instruction. A 15-credit certificate in evaluation is available to graduate students and others who meet the admission requirements. We also offer the Evaluation Fellows Program. Every three years the Institute invites a director of human service organizations to study evaluation science. Fellows are expected to design and conduct an evaluation study within their organization. They often team with a public health doctoral student. The Fellows Program is designed to increase the use of scientific evaluation. Past fellows include John Zanaradelli, executive director (chief executive officer), Asbury Heights; and Joni Schwager, executive director, Staunton Farm Foundation.

The Institute contributes to the further development of the theoretical framework and methods used in scientific evaluation studies. The Institute is particularly interested in the improvement of “mixed method” strategies for evaluation, the development of statistical designs and analytic tools, and the application of behavioral intervention theories for rigorous testing.

Institute staff use the most advanced scientific methods for the conduct of community health status assessments.

The Institute is committed to assist agencies to develop the infrastructure and capacity to design and conduct their own evaluation studies, including designing information systems, training staff in evaluation methods, identifying financial resources, and creating an organizational culture that values evaluation.

The conduct of scientific evaluation studies, and the process by which such studies are planned, is being strongly modified by advances in medical devices, telecommunications, and information system technologies.

Our faculty and staff use the full range of evaluation design options including experimental, mixed methods, case study, and community- based participatory research. 

Community Needs Assessment: Institute staff apply a variety of methods to assess the health status, utilization patterns, barriers to obtaining health care, and unmet need for services of populations of interest.

Qualitative/Ethnographic Data Collection Analysis and Community-Based Participatory Research: These methods are employed in formative evaluation studies and as a basis for planning and implementing behavioral interventions. Also, qualitative methods are essential to understanding individual and community decision making about seeking preventive, emergency, and acute medical care.

Institute staff adhere to the American Evaluation Association’s Standards for the Conduct of Evaluation Studies. The standards describe guidelines for utility, feasibility, accuracy, and propriety in evaluation research.

Practicum Opportunities

View practicum opportunities with a wide range of organizations and programs. Specific contact information and details are included in current and past opportunities posted here. Contact Thistle Elias with questions about practicum expectations.

Evaluation Certificate Program

Center for Education Policy, Applied Research, and Evaluation

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Lake and Forest in Fall

  • Maine Education 2050

The Center for Education Policy, Applied Research and Evaluation (CEPARE) is devoted to promoting evidence-based decision making from the school house to the state house. 

CEPARE provides assistance to school districts, agencies, organizations, and university faculty by conducting independent research, evaluation, and policy studies.  

In addition, CEPARE co-directs the Maine Education Policy Research Institute (MEPRI), an entity jointly funded by the Maine State Legislature and the University of Maine System to conduct studies on Maine education policy and the public education system for the Maine Legislature.

CEPARE’s mission is to provide independent, nonpartisan research to inform education policy and practice, and to systematically identify, analyze, and continually evaluate education strategies that significantly improve education outcomes for students in the context of fiscal realities.

CORE BELIEFS :  We believe that

  • Public Education must be guided by the moral imperative to offer  every  child a first-rate education, and equity in public education must be a central and driving consideration in education policy and in education practice.
  • Education initiatives are too often driven by opinion and conjecture; rigorous education research is needed to systematically assess the impacts of education initiatives over time.
  • Greater sharing of research across disciplines and geographic divisions and through collaborations and partnerships among stakeholder groups invested in education will promote an increased understanding of which education strategies are most beneficial in differing circumstances across the many divergent learning settings.
  • Ongoing systematic evaluation should be part of all education enterprises.
  • Research and evaluation are powerful tools for improving policy and practice.


Presentation of Center for Program and Policy Evaluation ( CPPE) Moscow 200 8

Aug 23, 2014

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Presentation of Center for Program and Policy Evaluation ( CPPE) Moscow 200 8. About the Center of Program and Policy Evaluation.

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  • berlin university
  • methodological recommendations
  • sociological studies
  • national associations evaluation standards
  • evaluation andeconomic analysis directorate
  • evaluation society


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  • Open access
  • Published: 02 September 2024

“I am there just to get on with it”: a qualitative study on the labour of the patient and public involvement workforce

  • Stan Papoulias   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7891-0923 1 &
  • Louca-Mai Brady 2  

Health Research Policy and Systems volume  22 , Article number:  118 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Workers tasked with specific responsibilities around patient and public involvement (PPI) are now routinely part of the organizational landscape for applied health research in the United Kingdom. Even as the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has had a pioneering role in developing a robust PPI infrastructure for publicly funded health research in the United Kingdom, considerable barriers remain to embedding substantive and sustainable public input in the design and delivery of research. Notably, researchers and clinicians report a tension between funders’ orientation towards deliverables and the resources and labour required to embed public involvement in research. These and other tensions require further investigation.

This was a qualitative study with participatory elements. Using purposive and snowball sampling and attending to regional and institutional diversity, we conducted 21 semi-structured interviews with individuals holding NIHR-funded formal PPI roles across England. Interviews were analysed through reflexive thematic analysis with coding and framing presented and adjusted through two workshops with study participants.

We generated five overarching themes which signal a growing tension between expectations put on staff in PPI roles and the structural limitations of these roles: (i) the instability of support; (ii) the production of invisible labour; (iii) PPI work as more than a job; (iv) accountability without control; and (v) delivering change without changing.


The NIHR PPI workforce has enabled considerable progress in embedding patient and public input in research activities. However, the role has led not to a resolution of the tension between performance management priorities and the labour of PPI, but rather to its displacement and – potentially – its intensification. We suggest that the expectation to “deliver” PPI hinges on a paradoxical demand to deliver a transformational intervention that is fundamentally divorced from any labour of transformation. We conclude that ongoing efforts to transform health research ecologies so as to better respond to the needs of patients will need to grapple with the force and consequences of this paradoxical demand.

Peer Review reports

Introduction – the labour of PPI

The inclusion of patients, service users and members of the public in the design, delivery and governance of health research is increasingly embedded in policy internationally, as partnerships with the beneficiaries of health research are seen to increase its relevance, acceptability and implementability. In this context, a growing number of studies have sought to evaluate the impact of public participation on research, including identifying the barriers and facilitators of good practice [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ]. Some of this inquiry has centred on power, control and agency. Attention has been drawn, for example, to the scarcity of user or community-led research and to the low status of experiential knowledge in the hierarchies of knowledge production guiding evidence-based medicine [ 9 ]. Such hierarchies, authors have argued, constrain the legitimacy that the experiential knowledge of patients can achieve within academic-led research [ 10 ], may block the possibility of equitable partnerships such as those envisioned in co-production [ 11 ] and may function as a pull back against more participatory or emancipatory models of research [ 12 , 13 , 14 ]. In this way, patient and public inclusion in research may become less likely to aim towards inclusion of public and patient-led priorities, acting instead as kind of a “handmaiden” to research, servicing and validating institutionally pre-defined research goals [ 15 , 16 , 17 ].

Research on how public participation-related activities function as a form of labour within a research ecosystem, however, is scarce [ 18 ]. In this paper, we examine the labour of embedding such participation, with the aim of understanding how such labour fits within the regimes of performance management underpinning current research systems. We argue that considering this “fit” is crucial for a broader understanding of the implementation of public participation and therefore its potential impact on research delivery. To this end, we present findings from a UK study of the labour of an emerging professional cadre: “patient and public involvement” leads, managers and co-ordinators (henceforth PPI, the term routinely used for public participation in the United Kingdom). We concentrate specifically on staff working on research partnerships and centres funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). This focus on the NIHR is motivated by the organization’s status as the centralized research and development arm of the National Health Service (NHS), with an important role in shaping health research systems in the United Kingdom since 2006. NIHR explicitly installed PPI in research as a foundational part of its mission and is currently considered a global leader in the field [ 19 ]. We contend that exploring the labour of this radically under-investigated workforce is crucial for understanding what we see as the shifting tensions – outlined in later sections – that underpin the key policy priority of embedding patients as collaborators in applied health research. To contextualize our study, we first consider how the requirement for PPI in research relates to the overall policy rationale underpinning the organizational mission of the NIHR as the NHS’s research arm, then consider existing research on tensions identified in efforts to embed PPI in a health system governed through regimes of performance management and finally articulate the ways in which dedicated PPI workers’ responsibilities have been developed as a way to address these tensions.

The NIHR as a site of “reformed managerialism”

The NIHR was founded in 2006 with the aim of centralizing and rationalizing NHS research and development activities. Its foundation instantiated the then Labour government’s efforts to strengthen and consolidate health research in the UK while also tackling some of the problems associated with the earlier introduction of new public management (NPM) principles in the governance of public services. NPM had been introduced in the UK public sector by Margaret Thatcher’s government, in line with similar trends in much of the Global North [ 20 ]. The aim was to curb what the Conservatives saw as saw as excesses in both public spending and professional autonomy. NPM consisted in management techniques adapted from the private sector: in the NHS this introduction was formalized via the 1990 National Health Service and Community Care Act, which created an internal market for services, with local authorities purchasing services from local health providers (NHS Trusts) [ 21 ]; top-down management control; an emphasis on cost-efficiency; a focus on targets and outputs over process; an intensification of metrics for performance management; and a positioning of patients and the public as consumers of health services with a right to choose [ 22 , 23 ]. In the context of the NHS, cost-efficiency meant concentrating on services and on research which would have the greatest positive impact on population health while preventing research waste [ 24 ]. By the mid-1990s, however, considerable criticism had been directed towards this model, including concerns that NPM techniques resulted in silo-like operations and public sector fragmentation, which limited the capacity for collaboration between services essential for effective policy. Importantly, there was also a sense that an excessive managerialism had resulted in a disconnection of public services from public and civic aims, that is, from the values, voices and interests of the public [ 25 , 26 ].

In this context, the emergence of the NIHR can be contextualized through the succeeding Labour government’s much publicized reformed managerialism, announced in their 1997 white paper “The New NHS: Modern, Dependable” [ 27 ]. Here, the reworking of NPM towards “network governance” meant that the silo-like effects of competition and marketization were to be attenuated through a turn to cross-sector partnerships and a renewed attention to quality standards and to patients’ voices [ 28 ]. It has been argued, however, that the new emphasis on partnerships did not undermine the dominance of performance management, while the investment in national standards for quality and safety resulted in an intensified metricization, with the result that this reform may have been more apparent than real, amounting to “NPM with a human face” [ 29 , 30 , 31 ]. Indeed, the NIHR can be seen as an exemplary instantiation of this model: as a centralized commissioner of research for the NHS, the NIHR put in place reporting mechanisms and performance indicators to ensure transparent and cost-efficient use of funds, with outputs and impact measured, managed and ranked [ 24 ]. At the same time, the founding document of the NIHR, Best Research for Best Health, articulates the redirection of such market-oriented principles towards a horizon of public good and patient benefit. The document firmly and explicitly positioned patients and the public as both primary beneficiaries of and important partners in the delivery of health research. People (patients) were to be placed “at the centre of a research system that focuses on quality, transparency and value for money” [ 32 ], a mission implemented through the installation of “structures and mechanisms to facilitate increased involvement of patients and the public in all stages of NHS Research & Development” [ 33 ]. This involvement would be supported by the advisory group INVOLVE, a key part of the new centralized health research system. INVOLVE, which had started life in 1996 as Consumers in NHS Research, funded by the Department of Health, testified to the Labour administration’s investment in championing “consumer” involvement in NHS research as a means of increasing research relevance [ 34 ]. The foundation of the NIHR then exemplified the beneficent alignment of NPM with public benefit, represented through the imaginary of a patient-centred NHS, performing accountability to the consumers/taxpayers through embedding PPI in all its activities. In this context, “public involvement” functioned as the lynchpin through which such alignment could be effected.

PPI work and the “logic of deliverables”: a site of tension

Existing research on the challenges of embedding PPI has typically focussed on the experiences of academics tasked with doing so within university research processes. For example, Pollard and Evans, in a 2013 paper, argue that undertaking PPI work in mental health research can be arduous, emotionally taxing and time consuming, and as such, can be in tension with expectations for cost-efficient and streamlined delivery of research outputs [ 35 ]. Similarly, Papoulias and Callard found that the “logic of deliverables” governing research funding can militate against undertaking PPI or even constitute PPI as “out of sync” with research timelines [ 36 ]. While recent years have seen a deepening operationalization of PPI in the NIHR and beyond, there are indications that this process, rather than removing these tensions, may have recast them in a different form. For example, when PPI is itself set up as performance-based obligation, researchers, faced with the requirement to satisfy an increasing number of such obligations, may either engage in “surface-level spectacles” to impress the funder while eschewing the long-term commitment necessary for substantive and ongoing PPI, or altogether refuse to undertake PPI, relegating the responsibility to others [ 37 , 38 ]. Such refusals may then contribute to a sharpening of workplace inequalities: insofar as PPI work is seen as “low priority” for more established academic staff, it can be unevenly distributed within research organizations, with precariously employed junior researchers and women typically assigned PPI responsibilities with the assumption that they possess the “soft skills” necessary for these roles [ 39 ].

Notably, the emergence of a dedicated PPI workforce is intended as a remedy for this tension by providing support, expertise and ways of negotiating the challenges associated with undertaking PPI responsibilities. In the NIHR, this workforce is part of a burgeoning infrastructure for public involvement which includes national standards, training programmes, payment guidelines, reporting frameworks and impact assessments [ 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 ]. By 2015, an INVOLVE review of PPI activities during the first 10 years of the NIHR attested to “a frenzy of involvement activity…across the system”, including more than 200 staff in PPI-related roles [ 40 ]. As NIHR expectations regarding PPI have become more extensive, responsibilities of PPI workers have proliferated, with INVOLVE organizing surveys and national workshops to identify their skills and support needs [ 41 , 42 ]. In 2019, the NIHR mandated the inclusion of a “designated PPI lead” in all funding applications, listing an extensive and complex roster of responsibilities. These now included delivery and implementation of long-term institutional strategies and objectives, thus testifying to the assimilation of involvement activities within the roster of “performance-based obligations” within research delivery systems [ 43 ]. Notably however, this formalization of PPI responsibilities is ambiguous: the website states that the role “should be a budgeted and resourced team member” and that they should have “the relevant skills, experience and authority”, but it does not specify whether this should be a researcher with skills in undertaking PPI or indeed someone hired specifically for their skills in PPI, that is, a member of the PPI workforce. Equally, the specifications, skills and support needs, which have been brought together into a distinct role, have yet to crystallize into a distinct career trajectory.

Case studies and evaluations of PPI practice often reference the skills and expertise required in leading and managing PPI. Chief among them are relational and communication skills: PPI workers have been described as “brokers” who mediate and enable learning between research and lay spaces [ 44 , 45 ]; skilled facilitators enabling inclusive practice [ 46 , 47 , 48 ]; “boundary spanners” navigating the complexities of bridging researchers with public contributors and undertaking community engagement through ongoing relational work [ 49 ]. While enumerating the skillset required for PPI work, some of these studies have identified a broader organizational devaluation of PPI workers: Brady and colleagues write of PPI roles as typically underfunded with poor job security, which undermines the continuity necessary for generating trust in PPI work [ 46 ], while Mathie and colleagues report that many PPI workers describe their work as “invisible”, a term which the authors relate to the sociological work on women’s labour (particularly housework and care labour) which is unpaid and rendered invisible insofar as it is naturalized as “care” [ 50 ]. Research on the neighbouring role of public engagement professionals in UK universities, which has been more extensive than that on PPI roles, can be instructive in fleshing out some of these points: public engagement professionals (PEPs) are tasked with mediating between academics and various publics in the service of a publicly accountable university. In a series of papers on the status of PEPs in university workplaces, Watermeyer and colleagues argue that, since public engagement labour is relegated to non-academic forms of expertise which lack recognition, PEPs’ efforts in boundary spanning do not confer prestige. This lack of prestige can, in effect, function as a “boundary block” obstructing PEPs’ work [ 51 , 52 ]. Furthermore, like Mathie and Brady, Watermeyer and colleagues also argue that the relational and facilitative nature of engagement labour constitutes such labour as feminized and devalued, with PEPs also reporting that their work remains invisible to colleagues and institutional audit instruments alike [ 50 , 53 ].

The present study seeks to explore further these suggestions that PPI labour, like that of public engagement professionals, lacks recognition and is constituted as invisible. However, we maintain that there are significant differences between the purpose and moral implications of involvement and engagement activities. PPI constitutes an amplification of the moral underpinnings of engagement policies: while public engagement seeks to showcase the public utility of academic research, public involvement aims to directly contribute to optimizing and personalizing healthcare provision by minimizing research waste, ensuring that treatments and services tap into the needs of patient groups, and delivering the vision of a patient-centred NHS. Therefore, even as PPI work may be peripheral to other auditable research activities, it is nevertheless central to the current rationale for publicly funded research ecosystems: by suturing performance management and efficiency metrics onto a discourse of public benefit, such work constitutes the moral underpinnings of performance management in health research systems. Therefore, an analysis of the labour of the dedicated PPI workforce is crucial for understanding how this suturing of performance management and “public benefit” works over the conjured figures of patients in need of benefit. This issue lies at the heart of our research study.

Our interview study formed the first phase of a multi-method qualitative inquiry into the working practices of NIHR-funded PPI leads. While PPI lead posts are in evidence in most NIHR-funded research, we decided to focus on NIHR infrastructure funding specifically: these are 5-year grants absorbing a major tranche of NIHR funds (over £600 million annually in 2024). They function as “strategic investments” embodying the principles outlined in Best Research for Best Health: they are awarded to research organizations and NHS Trusts for the purposes of developing and consolidating capacious environments for early stage and applied clinical research, including building a research delivery workforce and embedding a regional infrastructure of partnerships with industry, the third sector and patients and communities [ 55 ]. We believe that understanding the experience of the PPI workforce funded by these grants may give better insights into NIHR’s ecosystem and priorities, since they are specifically set up to support the development of sustainable partnerships and embed the translational pipeline into clinical practice.

The study used purposive sampling with snowball elements. In 2020–2021, we mapped all 72 NIHR infrastructure grants, identified the PPI teams working in each of these using publicly available information (found on the NIHR website and the websites and PPI pages of every organization awarded infrastructure grants) and sent out invitation emails to all teams. Where applicable, we also sent invitations to mailing lists of PPI-lead national networks connected to these grants. Inclusion criteria were that potential participants should have oversight roles, and/or be tasked with cross-programme/centre responsibilities, meaning that their facilitative and strategy building roles should cover the entirety of activities funded by one (and sometimes more than one) NIHR infrastructure grant or centres including advisory roles over most or all research projects associated with the centre of grant, and that they had worked in this or a comparable environment for 2 years.

The individuals who showed interest received detailed information sheets. Once they agreed to participate, they were sent a consent form and a convenient interview time was agreed. We conducted 21 semi-structured interviews online, between March and June 2021, lasting 60–90 min. The interview topic guide was developed in part through a review of organizational documents outlining the role and through a consideration of existing research on the labour of PPI within health research environments. It focussed on how PPI workers fit within the organization relationship between the actual work undertaken and the way this work is represented to both the organization and the funder. Interview questions included how participants understand their role; how they fit in the organization; how their actual work relates to the job description; how their work is understood by both colleagues and public contributors; the relationship between the work they undertake and how this is represented in reports to funder and presentations; and what they find challenging about their work. Information about participants’ background and what brought them to their present role was also gathered. Audio files were checked, transcribed and the transcripts fully de-identified. All participants were given the opportunity to check transcripts and withdraw them at any point until December 2021. None withdrew.

We analysed the interviews using reflexive thematic analysis with participatory elements [ 54 , 55 ]. Reflexive thematic analysis emphasizes the interpretative aspects of the analytical process, including the data “collection” process itself, which this approach recognizes as a generative act, where meaning is co-created between interviewer and participant and the discussion may be guided by the participant rather than strictly adhering to the topic guide [ 56 ]. We identified patterns of meaning through sustained and immersive engagement with the data. NVivo 12 was used for coding, while additional notes and memos on the Word documents themselves mitigated the over-fragmentation that might potentially limit NVivo as a tool for qualitative analysis. Once we had developed themes which gave a thorough interpretation of the data, we presented these to participants in two separate workshops to test for credibility and ensure that participants felt ownership of the process [ 57 ].

As the population from which the sample was taken is quite small, with some teams working across different infrastructure grants, confidentiality and anonymity were important concerns for participants. We therefore decided neither to collect nor to present extensive demographic information to preserve confidentiality and avoid deductive disclosure [ 58 ]. Out of our 21 participants 20 were women; there was some diversity in age, ethnicity and heritage, with a significant majority identifying as white (British or other European). Participants had diverse employment histories: many had come from other university or NHS posts, often in communications, programme management or human resources; a significant minority had come from the voluntary sector; and a small minority from the private sector. As there was no accredited qualification in PPI at the time this study was undertaken, participants had all learned their skills on their present or previous jobs. A total of 13 participants were on full-time contracts, although in several cases funding for these posts was finite and fragmented, often coming from different budgets.

In this paper we present five inter-related themes drawing on the conceptual architecture we outlined in the first half of this paper to explore how PPI workers navigate a research ecosystem of interlocking institutional spaces that is governed by “NPM with a human face”, while striving to align patients and the public with the imaginary of the patient-centred NHS that mobilizes the NIHR mission. These five themes are: (i) the instability of support; (ii) the production of invisible labour; (iii) PPI as moral imperative; (iv) accountability without control; and (v) delivering change without changing.

“There to grease the cogs rather than be the cogs”: the instability of “support”

Infrastructure grants act as a hub for large numbers of studies, often in diverse health fields, most of which should, ideally, include PPI activities. Here, dedicated PPI staff typically fulfil a cross-cutting role: they are meant to oversee, provide training and advise on embedding PPI activities across the grant and, in so doing, support researchers in undertaking PPI. On paper, support towards the institution in the form of training, delivering strategy for and evaluating PPI is associated with more senior roles (designated manager or lead) whereas support towards so-called public contributors is the remit of more junior roles (designated co-ordinator or officer) and can include doing outreach, facilitating, attending to access needs and developing payment and compensation procedures. However, these distinctions rarely applied in practice: participants typically reported that their work did not neatly fit into these categories and that they often had to fulfil both roles regardless of their title. Some were the only person in the team specifically tasked with PPI, and so their “lead” or “manager” designation was more symbolic than actual:

I have no person to manage, although sometimes I do get a little bit of admin support, but I don’t have any line management responsibility. It is really about managing my workload, working with people and managing the volunteers that I work with and administrating those groups and supporting them (P11).

P11’s title was manager but, as they essentially worked alone, shuttling between junior and senior role responsibilities, they justified and made sense of their title by reframing their support work with public contributors as “management”. Furthermore, other participants reported that researchers often misunderstood PPI workers’ cross-cutting role and expected them to both advise on and deliver PPI activities themselves, even in the context of multiple projects, thus altogether releasing researchers of such responsibility.

As a PPI lead, it is very difficult to define what your role is in different projects….and tasks … So, for example, I would imagine in [some cases] we are seen as the go-to if they have questions. [..] whereas, in [other cases], it is like, “Well, that’s your job because you’re the PPI lead” […] there is not a real understanding that PPI is everyone’s responsibility and that the theme leads are there to facilitate and to grease the cogs rather than be the cogs (P20).

Furthermore, participants reported that the NIHR requirement for a PPI lead in all funding applications might in fact have facilitated this slippage. As already mentioned, the NIHR requirement does not differentiate between someone hired specifically to undertake PPI and a researcher tasked with PPI activities. The presence of a member of staff with a “PPI lead” title thus meant that PPI responsibilities in individual research studies could continue to accrue on that worker:

The people who have been left with the burden of implementing [the NIHR specified PPI lead role] are almost exclusively people like me, though, because now researchers expect me to allow myself to be listed on their project as the PPI lead, and I actually wrote a document about what they can do for the PPI lead that more or less says, “Please don’t list me as your PPI lead. Please put aside funds to buy a PPI lead and I will train them, because there is only one me; I can’t be the PPI lead for everyone” (P10).

This expectation that core members of staff with responsibilities for PPI would also be able to act as PPI leads for numerous research projects suggests that this role lacks firm organizational co-ordinates and boundaries. Here, the presence of a PPI workforce does not, in fact, constitute an appropriate allocation of PPI labour but rather testifies to a continuing institutional misapprehension of the nature of such labour particularly in terms of its duration, location and value.

Conjuring PPI: the production of invisible labour

Participants consistently emphasized the invisibility of the kinds of labour, both administrative and relational, specific to public involvement as a process, confirming the findings of Mathie and colleagues [ 50 ]. This invisibility took different forms and had different justifications. Some argued that key aspects of their work, which are foundational to involvement, such as the process of relationship building, do not lend themselves to recognition as a performance indicator: “ There is absolutely no measure for that because how long is a piece of string” (P11). In addition, relationship building necessitated a considerably greater time investment than was institutionally acceptable, and this was particularly evident when it came to outreach. Participants who did their work in community spaces told stories of uncomprehending line-managers, or annoyed colleagues who wondered where the PPI worker goes and what they do all day:

There is very little understanding from colleagues about what I do on a day-to-day basis, and it has led to considerable conflict …. I would arrive at the office and then I would be disappearing quite promptly out into the community, because that is where I belong […] So, it is actually quite easy to become an absent person (P3).

Once again, the NIHR requirement for designated PPI leads in funding applications, intended to raise the visibility of PPI work by formalizing it as costed labour, could instead further consolidate its invisibility:

I am constantly shoved onto bids as 2% of my full-time equivalent and I think I worked out for a year that would be about 39 hours a year. For a researcher, popping the statistician down and all these different people on that bid, “Everyone is 2% and we need the money to run the trial, so 2% is fine”. And if I said to them, “Well, what do you think I would do in those 39 hours?” they wouldn’t have a clue, not a clue (P17).

The 2% of a full-time allocation is accorded to the PPI worker because 2–5% is the time typically costed for leadership roles or for roles with a circumscribed remit (e.g. statisticians). However, this allocation, in making PPI workers’ labour visible either as oversight (what project leads do) or as methodological expertise (what statisticians do), ends up producing the wrong kind of visibility: the 39 h mentioned here might make sense when the role mainly involves chairing weekly meetings or delivering statistical models but are in no way sufficient for the intense and ongoing labour of trust-building and alignment between institutions and public contributors in PPI.

Indeed, such costings, by eliding the complexity and duration of involvement, may reinforce expectations that PPI can be simply conjured up at will and delivered on demand:

A researcher will say to us, “I would really like you to help me to find some people with lived experience, run a focus group and then I’ll be away”. To them, that is the half-hour meeting to talk about this request, maybe 10 minutes to draft a tweet and an email to a charity that represents people with that condition […] the reality is it is astronomically more than that, because there is all this hidden back and forth. […] [researchers] expect to be able to hand over their protocol and then I will find them patients and those patients will be … representative and I will be able to talk to all of those patients and … write them up a report and …send it all back and they will be able to be like, “Thanks for the PPI”, and be on their merry way (P13).

What P13 communicates in this story is the researcher’s failure to perceive the difference between PPI work and institutional norms for project delivery: the researcher who asks for “some people with lived experience” is not simply underestimating how long this process will take. Rather, involvement work is perceived as homologous to metricized and institutionally recognizable activities (for example, recruitment to trials or producing project reports) for which there already exist standard procedures. Here, the relational complexity and improvised dynamic of involvement is turned into a deliverable (“the PPI”) that can be produced through following an appropriate procedure. When PPI workers are expected to instantly deliver the right contributors to fit the project needs, PPI labour is essentially black boxed and in its place sits “the PPI”, a kind of magical object seemingly conjured out of nowhere.

Such invisibility, however, may also be purposefully produced by the PPI workers themselves. One participant spoke of this at length, when detailing how they worked behind the scenes to ensure public contributors have input into research documents:

When we get a plain English summary from a researcher, we rewrite them completely. If the advisory group [see] … a really bad plain English summary, they are just going to go, “I don’t understand anything”. I might as well do the translation straight away so that they can actually review something they understand. [Researchers then] think, “Oh, [the public advisory group] are so good at writing” … and I am thinking, “Well, they don’t … write, they review, and they will say to me, ‘Maybe move this up there and that up there, and I don’t understand these’”, … They are great, don’t get me wrong, but they don’t write it. And it is the same with a lot of things. They think that [the group] are the ones that do it when it is actually the team (P7).

Here, the invisibility of the PPI worker’s labour is purposefully wrought to create good will and lubricate collaboration. Several participants said that they chose to engage in such purposeful invisibility because they knew that resources were not available to train researchers in plain writing and public contributors in academic writing. PPI workers, in ghost-writing accessible texts, thus effect a shortcut in the institutional labour required to generate alignment between researchers and public contributors. However, this shortcut comes at a price: in effecting it, PPI workers may collude in conjuring “the PPI” – they may themselves make their own work disappear.

“Not a 9 to 5”: PPI work as more than a job

Most participants reported that overtime working was common for themselves and their teammates, whether they were on a fractional or full-time contract. Overall, participants saw undertaking extra work as a necessary consequence of their commitment towards public contributors, a commitment which made it difficult to turn work down:

Everyone loses if you say no: the public contributors aren’t involved in a meaningful way, the project won’t be as good because it doesn’t have meaningful PPI involvement (P20).

While overwork was a common result of this commitment, some participants described such overwork as the feature that distinguished PPI work from what one commonly understands as a “job”, because, in this case, over-work was seen as freely chosen rather than externally imposed:

It is me pushing myself or wanting to get things done because I started it and I think I would get less done if I worked less and that would bother me, but I don’t think it is a pressure necessarily from [line manager] or [the institution] or anyone to be like, “No, do more” (P13).

Participants presented relationship building not only as the most time-consuming but also the most enjoyable aspect of PPI work. Community engagement was a key site for this and once again participants tended to represent this type of work as freely chosen:

I did most of the work in my free time in the end because you have to go into communities and you spend a lot longer there. […] So, all of that kind of thing I was just doing in my spare time and I didn’t really notice at the time because I really enjoyed it (P6).

Thus, time spent in relationship building was constituted as both work and not work. It did not lend itself to metricization via workplace time management and additionally, was not perceived by participants themselves as labour (“I didn’t really notice it at the time”). At the same time, out-of-hours work was rationalized as necessary for inclusivity, set up to enable collaboration with public contributors in so far as these do not have a contractual relationship to the employer:

That is not a 9–5. That is a weekends and holidays sort of job, because our job is to reduce the barriers to involvement and some of those barriers are hours – 9–5 is a barrier for some people (P17).

If working overtime allows PPI workers to reduce barriers and enable collaboration with those who are not employed by the institution, that same overtime work also serves to conceal the contractual nature of the PPI workers’ own labour, which now becomes absorbed into the moral requirements of PPI.

“Caught in the middle”: accountability without control

Participants repeatedly emphasized that their ability to contribute to research delivery was stymied by their lack of control over specific projects and over broader institutional priority setting:

… as a PPI lead we are not full member of staff, we are not responsible for choosing the research topics. We […] can only guide researchers who come to us and tell us what they are doing … we don’t have any power to define what the public involvement looks like in a research project (P6).

Tasked with creating alignments and partnerships between the publics and institutions, participants argued that they did not have the power to make them “stick” because they are not “really” part of the team. However, even as PPI workers lacked the power to cement partnerships, any failure in the partnership could be ascribed to them, perceived as a failure of the PPI worker by both funder and public contributors:

Often you have to hand over responsibility and the researcher [who] can let the panel down and … I feel like I have let the panel member down because … I am the one who said, “Oh yes, this person wants to talk to you”, and I find that really challenging, getting caught in the middle like that (P21).

This pairing of accountability with lack of control became more pronounced in grant applications or reports to the funder:

It is also quite frustrating in the sense that, just because I advise something, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it gets implemented or even included in the final grant. [even so] whatever the feedback is still reflects on us, not necessarily on the people who were making the wider decisions […] As PPI leads, we are still usually the ones that get the blame (P10).

Several participants testified to this double frustration: having to witness their PPI plans being rewritten to fit the constraints (financial, pragmatic) of the funding application, they then often found themselves held accountable if the PPI plans fail to carry favour with the funder. PPI workers then become the site where institutional accountability to both its public partners and to the funder gathers – it is as though, while located outside most decision-making, they nevertheless become the attractors for the institution’s missing accountability, which they experience, in the words of P21, as “ being caught in the middle ” or, as another participant put it, as “ the worry you carry around ” (P16).

“There to just get on with it”: delivering change without changing

Participants recognized that effective collaboration between research institutions and various publics requires fundamental institutional changes. Yet they also argued that while PPI workers are not themselves capable of effecting such change, there is nevertheless considerable institutional pressure to deliver on promises made in grant applications and build PPI strategies on this basis:

So, there is that tension about […] pushing this agenda and encouraging people to do more [….] rather than just accepting the status quo. But actually, the reality is that it is very, very hard to get everybody in [grant name] to change what they do and I can’t make that happen, [senior PPI staff] can’t make that happen, nobody can. The whole systemic issue … But you have got, somehow in the strategy and what you say you are going to do, that tension between aspiration and reality (P4).

This tension between aspiration and reality identified here could not be spelled out in reports for fear of reputational damage. In fact, the expectation to have delivered meaningful PPI, now routinely set up in NIHR applications, could itself militate against such change. For example, a frequently voiced concern was that PPI was being progressively under-resourced:

I feel the bar is getting higher and higher and higher and expectations are higher and we have got no extra resource (P16).

However, annual reports, the mechanism through which the doing of PPI is evidenced, made it difficult to be open about any such under-resourcing.

We will allude to [the lack of resources]. So, we will say things like, “We punch above our weight”, but I am not sure that message gets home to the NIHR very clearly. It is not like the annual report is used to say, “Hey, you’re underfunding this systematically, but here’s all the good stuff we do”, because the annual report is, by essence, a process of saying how great you are, isn’t it? (P3).

The inclusion of PPI as a “deliverable” meant that, in a competitive ecosystem, the pressure is on to report that PPI has always already been delivered. As another participant put it, “ no one is going to report the bad stuff ” (P17). Hence reporting, in setting up PPI as a deliverable, reinforced new zones of invisibility for PPI labour and made it harder to surface any under-resourcing for such labour. Furthermore, such reporting also played down any association between successful PPI and system transformation. Another participant described the resistance they encountered after arguing the organization should move away from “last-minute” PPI:

I think it is really hard when […] these people are essentially paying your pay cheque, to then try to push back on certain things that I don’t think are truly PPI ….[A]s somebody who I felt my role was really to show best practice, for then [to be] seen as this difficult person for raising issues or pushing back rather than just getting things done, is really hard [….] I get the impression, at least within the [organization] … that I am not there to really point out any of the issues. I am there just to get on with it (P14).

This opposition between pointing out the issues and “getting on with it” is telling. It names a contradiction at the heart of PPI labour: here, the very act of pushing back – in this case asking for a commitment to more meaningful and ongoing PPI – can be perceived as going against the PPI worker’s responsibilities, insofar as it delays and undoes team expectations for getting things done, for delivering PPI. Here, then, we find an exemplary instance of the incommensurability between the temporal demands of research and those of meaningful PPI practice.

How do the five themes we have presented help open out how policies around public participation are put into practice—as well as the contradictions that this practice navigates – in health systems organized by the rhetorical suturing of performance management onto public benefit? We have argued that the development of a dedicated workforce represents an attempt to “repair” the tension experienced by researchers between the administrative, facilitative and emotional work of PPI and the kinds of deliverables that the institution requires them to prioritize. We argue that our findings indicate that insofar as PPI workers’ role then becomes one of “delivering” PPI, this tension is reproduced and at times intensified within their work. This is because, as actors in the health research ecosystem, PPI staff are tethered to the very regimes of performance management, which give rise to an institutional misapprehension of the actual labour associated with delivering PPI.

This misapprehension surfaces in the instruments through which the funder costs, measures and generates accountability for PPI – namely, the requirement for a costed PPI lead and the mandatory inclusion of a PPI section in applications and regular reports to funder. The NIHR requirement for a costed PPI lead, intended to legitimize the undertaking of PPI as an integral part of a research team’s responsibilities, may instead continue to position the PPI worker as a site for the research team’s wholesale outsourcing of responsibility for PPI, since this responsibility, while in tension with other institutional priorities, cannot nevertheless be refused by the team. Furthermore, the use of titles such as lead, manager or co-ordinator not only signal an orderly distinction between junior and senior roles, which often does not apply in practice, but also reframes the extra-institutional work of PPI (the forging of relationships and administrative support with public contributors), through the intra-institutional functions of performance/project management. This reframing elides an important difference between the two: public and patient partners, for the most part, do not have a formal contractual relationship with the institution and are not subject to performance management in the way that contracted researchers and healthcare professionals are. Indeed, framing the relationship between PPI workers and public contributors through the language of “management” fundamentally misrecognizes the kinds of relationalities produced in the interactions between PPI workers and public contributors and elides the externality of PPI to the “logic of deliverables” [ 36 ].

The inclusion of a detailed PPI section in grant applications and annual reports to funder further consolidates this misapprehension by also representing public involvement as if it is already enrolled within organizational normative procedures and therefore compels those in receipt of funding to evidence such delivery through annual reports [ 37 ]. This demand puts PPI workers under increasing pressure, since their function is to essentially present PPI objectives as not only achievable but already achieved, thus essentially bracketing out the process of organizational transformation which is a necessary prerequisite to establishing enduring partnerships with patients and the public. This bracketing out is at work in the organizational expectation to “just get on with it”, which structures the labour of delivering PPI in NIHR-funded research. Here, the demand to just get on, to do the work one is paid to do, forecloses the possibility of engaging with the structural obstacles that militate against that work being done. To the extent that both role designation and reporting expectations function to conceal the disjuncture that the establishment of public partnerships represents for regimes of performance management, they generate new invisibilities for PPI workers. These invisibilities radically constrain how such labour can be adequately undertaken, recognized and resourced.

In suggesting that much of the labour of staff in public involvement roles is institutionally invisible, and that organizational structures may obstruct or block their efforts, we concur with the arguments made by Watermeyer, Mathie and colleagues about the position of staff in public engagement and public involvement roles, respectively. However, our account diverges from theirs in our interpretation of how and why this labour is experienced as invisible and how that invisibility could be remedied. Mathie and colleagues in particular attribute this invisibility to a lack of parity and an institutional devaluation of what are perceived as “soft skills” – facilitation and relationship building in particular [ 50 ]. They therefore seek to raise PPI work to visibility by emphasizing the complexity of PPI activities and by calling for a ring-fencing of resources and a development of infrastructures capable of sustaining such work. While we concur that the invisibility of PPI labour is connected to its devaluation within research institutions, we also suggest that, in addition, this invisibility is a symptom of a radical misalignment between regimes of performance management and the establishment of sustainable public partnerships. Establishing such partnerships requires, as a number of researchers have demonstrated [ 18 , 59 , 60 ], considerable institutional transformation, yet those tasked with delivering PPI are not only not in a position to effect such transformation, they are also compelled to conceal its absence.

Recognizing and addressing the misalignment between regimes of performance management and the establishment of sustainable public partnerships becomes particularly pressing given the increasing recognition, in many countries, that public participation in health research and intervention development is an important step to effectively identifying and addressing health inequalities [ 19 , 61 , 62 ]. Calls for widening participation, for the inclusion of under-served populations and for co-designing and co-producing health research, which have been gathering force in the last 20 years, have gained renewed urgency in the wake of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic [ 63 , 64 , 65 , 66 , 67 ]. In the United Kingdom, Best Research for Best Health: The Next Chapter, published by the NIHR in 2021 to define the direction and priorities for NHS Research for the coming decade, exemplifies this urgency. The document asserts that a radical broadening of the scope of PPI (now renamed “public partnerships”) is essential for combatting health inequalities: it explicitly amplifies the ambitions of its 2006 predecessor by setting up as a key objective “close and equitable partnerships with communities and groups, including those who have previously not had a voice in research” [ 68 ]. Here, as in other comparable policy documents, emphasis on extending partnerships to so-called underserved communities rests on the assumption that, to some degree at least, PPI has already become the norm for undertaking research. This assumption, we argue, closes down in advance any engagement with the tensions we have been discussing in this paper, and in so doing risks exacerbating them. The document does recognize that for such inclusive partnerships to be established institutions must “work differently, taking research closer to people [..] and building relationships of trust over time” – though, we would suggest, it is far from clear how ready or able institutions are really to take on what working differently might mean.

Our study engages with and emphasizes this need to “work differently” while also arguing that the demands and expectations set up through regimes of performance management and their “logic of deliverables” are not favourable to an opening of a space in which “working differently” could be explored. In health research systems organized through these regimes, “working differently” is constrained by the application of the very templates, instruments and techniques which constitute and manage “business as usual”. Any ongoing effort to transform health research systems so as better to respond to growing health inequalities, our study implies, needs to combat, both materially and procedurally, the ease with which the disjuncture between embedding public partnerships and normative ways of undertaking research comes to disappear.


We focus on the labour of the PPI workforce and their negotiation of performance management regimes, which means that we have not discussed relationships between PPI staff and public contributors nor presented examples of good practice. While these are important domains for study if we are to understand the labour of the PPI workforce, they lie outside the scope of this article. Furthermore, our focus on the UK health research system means that our conclusions may have limited generalizability. However, both the consolidation of NPM principles in public sector institutions and the turn to public and patient participation in the design and delivery of health research are shared developments across countries in the Global North in the last 40 years. Therefore, the tensions we discuss are likely to also manifest in health systems outside the United Kingdom, even as they may take somewhat different forms, given differences in how research and grants are costed, and roles structured. Finally, this project has elements of “insider” research since both authors, while working primarily as researchers, have also had experience of embedding PPI in research studies and programmes. Insider research has specific strengths, which include familiarity with the field and a sense of shared identity with participants which may enhance trust, facilitate disclosure and generate rich data. In common with other insider research endeavours, we have sought to reflexively navigate risks of bias and of interpretative blind spots resulting from over-familiarity with the domain under research [ 69 ] by discussing our findings and interpretations with “non-insider” colleagues while writing up this research.

Our qualitative study is one of the first to investigate how the UK PPI workforce is negotiating the current health research landscape. In doing so, we have focused on the UK’s NIHR since this institution embodied the redirection of performance management regimes towards public benefit by means of public participation. If PPI is set up as both the means of enabling this redirection and an outcome of its success, then the PPI workforce, the professional cadre evolving to support PPI, becomes, we argue, the site where the tensions of attempting this alignment are most keenly experienced.

We suggest that, while such alignment would demand a wholesale transformation of organizational norms, the regimes of performance management underpinning research ecologies may also work to foreclose such transformation, thus hollowing out the promise of patient-centred research policies and systems. Recognizing and attending to this foreclosure is urgent, especially given the current policy emphasis in many countries on broadening the scope, ambition and inclusivity of public participation as a means of increasing the reach, relevance and potential positive impact of health research.

Availability of data and materials

The data that support the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author.

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S.P. presented earlier versions of this paper at the 8th annual conference of the Centre for Public Engagement Kingston University, December 2021; at the Medical Sociology conference of the British Sociological Association, September 2022; and at the annual Health Services Research UK Conference, July 2023. They are grateful to the audiences of these presentations for their helpful comments. Both authors are also grateful to the generous participants and to the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Public Involvement Community for their sustaining support and encouragement during this time. S.P. also wishes to thank Felicity Callard for her comments, advice and suggestions throughout this process: this paper would not have been completed without her.

S.P. is supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) South London at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.

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Health Service & Population Research, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom

Stan Papoulias

Centre for Public Health and Community Care, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom

Louca-Mai Brady

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S.P. developed the original idea for this article through earlier collaborations with L.M.B. whose long-term experience as a PPI practitioner has been central to both the project and the article. L.M.B. contributed to conceptualization, wrote the first draft of the background and undertook revisions after the first draft including reconceptualization of results. S.P. contributed to conceptualization, undertook data analysis, wrote the first draft of findings and discussion and revised the first draft in its entirety in consultation with L.M.B. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Stan Papoulias .

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Papoulias, S., Brady, LM. “I am there just to get on with it”: a qualitative study on the labour of the patient and public involvement workforce. Health Res Policy Sys 22 , 118 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12961-024-01197-5

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Received : 17 July 2023

Accepted : 26 July 2024

Published : 02 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12961-024-01197-5

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  • Patient and public involvement
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Russia’s War in Syria: Assessing Russian Military Capabilities and Lessons Learned

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This edited volume, Russia’s War in Syria: Assessing Russian Military Capabilities and Lessons Learned , published by the Foreign Policy Research Institute, sets out to examine the Russian Federation’s way of war in Syria. It consists of seven chapters, authored by nine subject-matter experts from the United States, Europe, and Russia. The authors closely examine the various roles that Russia and its military forces have played in the Syrian civil war and fight against the Islamic State (ISIS). Read more about the chapters here.

This thorough and thoughtful book reveals how and why the Kremlin has abetted the Bashar al Assad regime’s serial mass homicide under the guise of counter-terrorism.   Russia’s War in Syria  should be read, discussed, and applied to counter Vladimir Putin’s evolving style of warfare and subversion.

—H.R. McMaster , author of Dereliction of Duty and  Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World .

This collection of insightful analyses explains why Russia’s intervention in Syria did not lead to the “quagmire” that many commentators predicted in 2015. It provides a deeply-informed appraisal of Russian objectives in entering the conflict, including its goals for having broader regional influence through a minimalist and flexible presence, and Russian planners’ efforts to turn the Syrian intervention into a template for future limited military actions in pursuit of Russian interests. This is an invaluable book for anyone trying to understand Russia’s current role in Syria and the Middle East.
  Russia’s War in Syria is an understated gem of a book: short, but comprehensive. Everything you need to know about Russian military strategy from the big picture to the small picture is here in detail. There is also a concise capsule history of the Syrian civil war that is incredibly useful for scholars and journalists. This book is not to be skimmed, but to be read closely.

                                                                        —Robert D. Kaplan , Robert Strausz-Hupé Chair in Geopolitics, Foreign Policy Research Institute, and author of The Revenge of Geography and The Return of Marco Polo’s World .

In Russia’s War in Syria: Assessing Russian Military Capabilities and Lessons Learned , the Foreign Policy Research Institute uncloaks Russia’s military strategy and tactics in Syria, the latest flashpoint in U.S.-Russia conflict.  From targeting western backed opposition with indiscriminate attacks to the Kremlin’s imposition of de-escalation zones and intermingling of Spetsnaz with private military companies, the exceptional FPRI subject-matter experts deliver unmatched analysis, which will be of supreme value to Russia and Middle East watchers alike.

—Daniel Hoffman , former Director of the CIA’s Middle East and North Africa Division.

In October 2015, President Barack Obama predicted that the Russian intervention in Syria “won’t work” and that Moscow would get “stuck in a quagmire.” Five years later, while Russia remains in Syria, its mission has reoriented the geopolitics of the entire Middle East without exacting a heavy toll. This important volume takes as its starting point the existence of a distinct “Russian way of war” which has avoided some of the problems and failures that have accompanied American military involvement in the region—and assess both what the U.S. national security establishment can learn from the Russian experience, but also what steps and methods would be unacceptable for the U.S. to undertake. As the U.S. – Russia relationship increasingly becomes defined by great power competition, understanding how Moscow fights is essential for policymakers and analysts alike.

—Nikolas Gvosdev , Editor of Orbis: FPRI’s Journal of World Affairs

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    Russia's War in Syria: Assessing Russian Military Capabilities and Lessons Learned . This edited volume, Russia's War in Syria: Assessing Russian Military Capabilities and Lessons Learned, published by the Foreign Policy Research Institute, sets out to examine the Russian Federation's way of war in Syria.It consists of seven chapters, authored by nine subject-matter experts from the ...


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