Barista Resume Examples for 2024 [Examples + Guide]

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You’re a barista. 

You serve delicious cups of coffee to crowds of keen customers.

But it’s not easy to create a resume that “hits the spot” just like your coffee.

What do you include in a barista resume, anyway?

Well, that’s exactly what we’re about to answer.

Simply follow the steps in this guide for a job-winning barista resume .

  • An example of a finished barista resume that works
  • How to write a barista resume that’ll fill up your interview diary
  • How to make your barista resume stand out [with top tips & tricks]

Before you can show off your attributes, you can check the barista resume example at the beginning of the article , created with our very own resume builder:

If you're applying for a different job in the service industry, here's some more resume examples that might interest you:

  • Server Resume
  • Waiter Resume
  • Bartender Resume
  • Cashier Resume
  • Customer Service Resume
  • Receptionist Resume
  • Event Planner Resume
  • Bar and Restaurant Manager Resume

Follow the steps below to create a job-winning barista resume, just like the example above.

How to Format a Barista Resume

Before you can treat the hiring manager to a piping-hot resume, you need to prepare!

But what does this mean?

Well, you need a format that makes your resume easy to digest.

The most common resume format is “ reverse-chronological ”, and it is for good reason. This format puts your best achievements up-top, which allows the hiring manager to immediately see why you’re the best barista.

reverse chronological resume format

Baristas could also use the following formats, depending on their experience:

  • Functional Resume – If you’re confident in your barista skills, but lack the coffee shop experience, the functional resume format is recommended. This type of resume focuses on skills, which makes it ideal for coffee-lovers who lack work experience or who have gaps in their employment history.
  • Combination Resume – Combining both “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological”, those baristas with the required skills and experience may want to use this format.

Now that you’ve picked the correct format for your situation, you need to arrange your resume layout .

For a barista resume that looks the part, we recommend:

  • Margins - One-inch margins on all sides
  • Font - Use a professional font that stands out, but not too much
  • Font Size - Stick to 11-12pt font size for normal text and 14-16pt for headers
  • Line Spacing - Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing
  • Resume Length - Maintain a 1-page limit. For guidance, view these one-page resume templates

Use a Barista Resume Template

Nearly everyone will agree that Word is fantastic for creating simple documents.

But when you need a well-formatted barista resume, you may want to look elsewhere.

Why do we say this?

Well, Word isn’t the best for holding structure.

To avoid an afternoon of frustration, use a barista resume template .

What to Include in a Barista Resume

The main sections in a barista resume are:

  • Work Experience
  • Contact Information

To really make an impact, you can also add these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification

Interests & Hobbies

So those are the essential sections for a barista resume, but what content should you add to each of them? Let’s find out!

For a full rundown on each section, view our guide on What to Put on a Resume .

job search masterclass

How to Correctly Display your Contact Information

Now, this isn’t the section for creative writing.

The only requirement is factually-correct content.

Imagine that the hiring manager is keen to invite you for an interview.

But there’s a problem…

Your phone number is incorrect.

As you can see, getting this section wrong is no laughing matter!

The contact information section must include:

  • Title - Align this to the role you’re applying for, so “Barista”
  • Phone Number - Check this for mistakes
  • Email Address - Keep your email professional ([email protected])
  • (Optional) Location - Applying for a barista job abroad? Mention your location.
  • (Optional) Relevant Social Media Profiles - e.g.: LinkedIn
  • Rebecca Biggins, Barista. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Rebecca Biggins, Coffee Queen. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

How to Write a Barista Resume Summary or Objective

Cafes and coffee shops are always hunting for more staff.

However, they also have a HUGE pool of applicants to choose from.

With this in mind, it’s no surprise that most hiring managers spend less than 6 seconds on each resume.

Yep, that’s right!

Although worrying, this fact highlights the importance of a resume that commands attention.

Simply put, you have just a matter of seconds to hook the reader.

But HOW can you do this?

Use a resume summary or objective .

As a barista, you’re aware that an introductory “hello” is vital.  

Similarly, both summaries and objectives are vital introductions to your resume.

But what is the difference between a summary and an objective?

A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence paragraph that summarizes your most notable café experiences and achievements.

  • Fast-working and friendly barista with five years of experience working at a busy coffee shop in Boston, with an overall customer satisfaction score of 97%. Skilled in coffee brewing, table setting, stock management, and more. Seeking to leverage interpersonal skills and a commitment to great coffee to become a barista at CAFÉ XYZ.

A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence paragraph of what you want to achieve. 

  • Enthusiastic and friendly coffee lover looking for a barista role at CAFÉ XYZ. Passionate about keeping customers happy and satisfied. Relevant experience includes serving customers at GYM XYZ. Skilled in POS and communication, with a vast knowledge of 40+ types of coffee.

So, should barista hopefuls use a summary or an objective?

Generally, people with relevant café work experience should choose a resume summary. A resume objective is ideal for those with the required skills, but lack specific café experience.

How to Make Your Barista Work Experience Stand Out

Recruiters love nothing more than a barista with work experience .

A solid work history instils confidence and reduces the perceived risk in hiring someone new.

As such, you’ll want to use this section to impress.

Here’s the best way to structure your work experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

Ultimate Cafe

06/2018 – 03/2020

  • Based on receipt surveying, I achieved a 99.8% satisfaction score during my two years at Ultimate Café
  • Prepared and delivered a range of beverages for 100+ customers a day
  • Educated customers on the different beverages, while offering my personal opinions based on their feedback

Instead of simply listing your daily tasks, you should display how you were a valuable asset at your previous/current place of work. Doing so will allow the recruiter to immediately see the benefits to bringing you in as the new barista. 

Instead of saying:

“Kept customers happy”.

“Based on receipt surveying, I achieved a 99.8% satisfaction score during my two years at Ultimate Café”.

Apart from the second statement being longer, what’s the difference?

Well, the first statement has little validity. It’s very vague.

On the other hand, the second statement uses hard figures to back-up your skills. It’s easy to see why you would make a great barista!

What if You Don’t Have Any Relevant Work Experience?

Maybe you’re studying and looking for your first barista job?

Or maybe, you have experience in customer service, but never in a coffee shop?

Whatever the case may be, there are options you can take.

Here are several ways you can gain some extra experience to impress the hiring manager:

  • Volunteer for a local food shelter
  • Get a food handling license
  • Sign up for a culinary arts course

Are you recent university graduate? You may want to view our student resume guide !

Use Action Words to Make Your Barista Resume POP!

Hiring managers are faced with the same generic words in every resume they read. 

But this is a good thing.

Well, for you it is.

This is because you can easily make your resume stand out by using some power words:

  • Conceptualized

How to Correctly List your Education

Next, it’s time to talk about your education.

Now, having a higher education doesn’t make you a good barista, so there’s no need to be intimidated by this section. 

Just keep things simple by entering your education history in the follow format:

  • Qualification Type 
  • Institution Name
  • Years Studied
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and anything else you might want to add

Majoring in Culinary Arts

Ohio State University

2017 - Present

  • Relevant Courses: Food and Beverage Operations, Food Microbiology and Hygiene, Kitchen Techniques, and Pastry Techniques]

Still have a few questions? Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions from barista-hopefuls:

  • What if I haven’t completed education yet?

Doesn’t matter. Skills and experience come first and foremost

  • Should I include my high school education?

Generally, only list highest education. However, if you’ve completed a course relating to being a barista, include that

  • What goes first, my education or experience?

An experienced barista wins, every time. However, those with no experience should start with their education

For in-depth answers, check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top 13 Skills for a Barista Resume

Whether you have the skills to carry three coffees at once, or posses a friendly smile that makes customers feel at home, the hiring manager will want to know.

With that said… there’s not enough space to list every skill in your arsenal.

So, what do café owners want from employees?

Here’s a trick: look at the job ad to identify which skills the café is looking for.

And if you need more inspiration, here are some of the most common barista skills:

Hard Skills:

  • Math (basic calculations)
  • POS & cash register 
  • Latte art / milk steaming
  • Coffee bean grinding
  • Manual and automatic coffee brewing
  • Adept with Espresso machines
  • Table setting / food preparation 
  • Inventory management 

Soft Skills:

  • Personable and friendly 
  • Endurance (long hours)
  • Conflict resolution 
  • Time management 
  • Team player
  • It is worth nothing that interviewers will typically ask interviewees to explain more about the skills listed. As such, only list skills that you actually posses.

Here’s a more comprehensive list of 150+ must-have skills this year.

What Else Can You Include in Your Barista Resume?

Remember, you need a resume that stands out!

So even though you have completed the essential sections, you shouldn’t call it a day just yet.

Including the following sections in your resume could be the deciding factor in whether you’re hired for the barista job or not!

Awards & Certifications

Have you ever been employee of the month?

Have you completed any third-party courses that are relevant to the role?

Whatever the award is, be sure to include it in your resume!

Here’s an example:

  • “Employee of the Month” - Ultimate Cafe
  • “Learning How to Learn” - Coursera Certificate

Applying to an Italian coffee shop?

Then knowing some Italian is sure to help your chances. 

Whether it’s specified in the job description or not, the ability to be able to speak multiple languages is impressive – and who can argue with that!?

Rank your languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Now, you’re likely wondering, “how is my art class related to my work as a barista?”

Well, this section allows the hiring manager to get to know you on a personal level. 

The café wants an employee that will make a good addition to the team.

The best way to do this is by talking about your hobbies, especially those hobbies which involve social interaction.

Here’s which hobbies & interests you may want to mention.

Include a Cover Letter with Your Resume

Want to really impress your future employer?

Then match your resume with a convincing cover letter.

You see, a resume is the perfect tool for delivering vital information, but nothing speaks to the hiring manager like a well-written cover letter.

Put yourself in the shoes of the hiring manager – imagine having to read through 50 resumes, one after the other.

That would be both boring and confusing, which is why it’s not uncommon for the hiring manager to become confused between multiple applications!

A cover letter makes a personal connection, while ensuring you’ll be remembered.

Oh, and writing a specific cover letter shows the hiring manager that you care about working for their café.

Here’s how to create a structure that works:

cover letter structure for resume

Complete the following sections for a job-winning cover letter:

Personal Contact Information

Include your full name, profession, phone number, email, and address.

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Include their full name, position, location, email.

Opening Paragraph

To capture the hiring manager’s attention, your resume needs an opening paragraph that packs a punch. Briefly mention:

  • The barista position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and best achievement to date

Once you’ve got the hiring manager’s attention, you can delve further into the following specifics:

  • Why you chose this specific café
  • What you know about their culture and company goals
  • How your skills will be beneficial to the café
  • Whether you’ve worked in similar positions before

Closing Paragraph

Finish with a closing paragraph that:

  • Concludes the main points of your cover letter
  • Thanks the reader for their time and for the opportunity
  • Ends with a call to action. For example, “At your earliest convenience, I’d love to discuss more about how I can help Café X” will work.

Formal Salutations

While remaining personal, the letter should end in a professional manner. Use something like, “Kind regards” or “Sincerely.”

For extra cover letter advice, view our step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

Key Takeaways

Well, that’s the winning recipe!

Let’s total up everything we’ve consumed:

  • Pick the correct format for your specific situation and level of experience. Prioritize the reverse-chronological format, and then follow the recommended layout
  • Use a short, snappy resume summary or objective to catch the recruiters attention
  • For your work experience, highlight your most relevant and best achievements, rather than your daily duties
  • For a personal and highly-specific application, include a convincing cover letter

Suggested Reading:

  • Why Should We Hire You - 10+ Best Answers
  • 26+ Biggest Interview Mistakes (To Avoid in 2024)
  • Phone Interview Questions & Tips - How to Ace It In 2024

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Top 20 Barista Resume Objective Examples you can use

Barista Resume Objective

If you are writing a barista resume or CV that can get you an interview, your objective statement must be highly compelling to immediately grab the recruiter’s interest.

Getting a job these days entails going through a competitive process where the quality of your resume can make a lot of difference in securing the job.

Your career object statement is an important part of your resume for a barista job and need to be creatively made to get the employer’s attention when they start reading your resume.

This post will show you how to make the type of resume objectives for a barista position that will have maximum impact on recruiters to cause them to read your resume and give you an invite to an interview.

To make a great resume that gets you an interview with an employer/recruiter, it is important to learn about various resume statistics before writing your resume. According to novoresume, these resume statistics will give you helpful insight into the prevailing HR trends, guide you in making the right decision about your job hunting, and in creating an effective resume.

How to Make a Great Resume Objective for a Barista Position

Writing a resume objective for a barista position that recruiters cannot resist but take the time to read all sections of the resume is not difficult.

All you need to do is to study the job description and the qualities, qualifications, and experience that are required by the recruiter, to learn about the barista job offer.

With the knowledge of the barista job expectation and requirements that you will gain, it will be easy for you to make a powerful objective statement in your resume that can capture the recruiter’s attention.

Your barista resume objective statement must convince the recruiter that you have what the recruiter expects candidates for the position to have to be considered for hiring.

Take a look at the examples below, see how the objective statements are crafted showing that the candidate possesses the recruiter’s expectation and requirements for the available barista job:

Best 20 Barista Resume Objective Examples you can apply

  • Enthusiastic, confident individual seeks position with Two Bucks Company as a Barista to deliver exceptional customer experience; coming with sound communication skills and a keen eye for details.
  • Looking to earn the position of Barista with Coffee King Company where solid knowledge of food and drink preparation, exceptional guest experience, and a team spirit to help the organization reach its sales goals will be utilized.
  • To obtain the Barista role with Smash Taste Company; coming with a friendly work style, positive outgoing personality, and the ability to prepare and serve coffee to deliver satisfactory guest experience.
  • Result-focus candidate with 5+ years of experience working in a coffee shop seeks the position of Barista with Ben Coffee House to provide unique client service in a fast paced environment.
  • To be engaged as a Barista with Sixth Sense Company; bringing a friendly and positive atmosphere while providing fast and welcoming service to customers.
  • Creative and passionate individual seeking a Barista position with Strong Knight Coffee House; bringing extraordinary passion for coffee making and customer service.
  • Customer oriented Barista and team leader looking to fill a similar position at Whiz House Company; proficient at motivating self and others to reach and exceed sales milestones, as well as possessing skills in improving workflow and in-store productivity of the company.
  • Responsible individual desires a position with Truthe Company as a Barista, coming with valuable 5+ years of admirable guest experience service along with making and serving hot and cold assorted coffee drinks correctly and expeditiously.
  • Customer focused, dependable, sociable recent graduate seeking an entry level Barista position at MoHitz Town Café, coming with a friendly personality and the ability to learn fast.
  • Excellent personal and customer-service skills personality searching for a Barista role with Tyler’s House Co. Bringing 5+ years of experience providing outstanding skills in preparing coffee, stocking supplies, customer service, cleaning, and managing team members.
  • To secure a Barista position with Lynx Café House; coming with strong expertise in food preparation, hygiene, and safety, and admirable customer service practices.
  • Individual possessing good balance, flexibility, and reflexes, and ready to work as a Barista; bringing 3years of experience that can offer guests the best coffee experience consistently so that company coffee house can be the undisputed go to spot in the state.
  • An enthusiastic and active Barista looking for a position with ABC Cafe. Expert in latte and fudge art, and bringing 5years hands-on experience in coffee preparation, serving and providing satisfactory guest experience.
  • A qualified and experienced coffee shop worker looking for employment in the position of Barista at Nexxt Café; bringing unparalleled dedication in make unique and first-rate coffee along with offering extraordinary customer services.
  • Desire a Barista post with ATA Café House that can benefit from special coffee making skills as well expert ability in using social media to promote the visibility of the coffee station.
  • To work for the Stacy Coffee Company as a Barista that can deliver remarkable coffee preparation and presentation experience for the delight of esteemed guests; also bringing profound expertise of point of sale software like the RestaurantPlus PRO and Foodman Home-Delivery tools.
  • To acquire the role of a Barista at Crestina Hotel. Coming with a likeable personality, outstanding food and coffee prep and service skills, and solid knowledge of varieties of coffee beans.
  • Searching for the post of a Barista at Cream n Black Co. where a broad experience of coffee brewing tactics and techniques, as well as a solid competency in offering topnotch and memorable customer care experience will be utilized.
  • Individual with superior communication skills is hoping to land a Barista position at XYZ Resort Inc., coming with impeccable ability to cater for individual guest preferences via personalized coffee cupping, along with solid knowhow of basic accounting principles and processes.
  • Experienced coffee shop worker looking to earn a Barista role with FarmRide Café, to apply strong resourceful behind the counter; possess expertise in delivering one-of-a-kind experience to customers.

When writing a resume or CV for the job of a barista, you should give attention to your resume objective as it can decide if the recruiter reads or rejects your resume on first sight.

This post makes it very clear how you can write a compelling barista resume objective and give your application for the job a boost.

You are free to edit and apply any the resume objectives of your choice provided above in writing your barista resume if you need to send one to an employer.

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resume objective examples for barista

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Make use of expert tips & tricks to to help you build the perfect resume

Barista Resume Template to Download [+ guide and top tips]

You know how to brew an excellent cup of coffee, but do your resume writing skills hold you back from becoming a master Barista? Does your current resume really show off your mad skills in Latte Art? Let us help you put a healthy foam on top of your career! 

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Barista Resume Example MSWord®

Download our free Barista Resume Template in Word and give your career an extra-strong shot of espresso.

Margaret Buj

How do you take your coffee?

If you’re reading this guide, then the answer must be: very, very seriously .

After all, a good barista does more than just brew mouth-watering pots of coffee and pick out the most fitting desserts.

You’re about to enter the business of making people’s day better with just a cup.

Not only will your role involve welcoming customers and deciphering their coffee needs, but you’ll be a key part of maintaining inventories and equipment, as well as creating a pleasant store atmosphere.

The term “ barista ” originated in Italy, and it immediately evokes images of coffee craftspeople conjuring up delicious espressos in small artisanal cafés.

However, thanks to the spread of coffee culture, baristas can now be seen in coffee shops throughout the world.

Whether you dream of working in your local neighborhood café, at a sprawling coffee chain, or in a fancy restaurant or hotel, there’s an abundance of barista job opportunities available.

That’s great news for those passionate about coffee artistry, and that are looking to find a job in this field.

But while almost anyone can make a coffee, not everyone can be a barista.

Some employers will often require an apprenticeship or experience of some kind, and a well-made barista resume is crucial to prove you have the necessary skills to get the job.

That’s why we’ve created this comprehensive guide to turn you into a pro resume writer so that you can land more café interviews than you’ve ever had before.

Keep reading to learn more about:

  • Writing the best possible resume for a barista position
  • Crafting a captivating barista resume objective or summary
  • Creating the perfect experience and education sections
  • Adding relevant barista skills to your resume that will get you hired
  • Tips, tricks, and words of advice for baristas looking to start their career

We’ll also show you a barista resume sample that has been proven to tingle the taste buds of café bosses, bistro managers, and restaurant owners alike.

Want to already get started with your own resume? Try our resume builder . It’ll make the process 10x faster while making sure you meet all the necessary guidelines to get hired.

Prepare your barista resume today in just a few minutes with only a couple of clicks, and get started on the path to the coffee hall of fame.

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What’s the Best Barista Resume Format?

The barista role is both an art and a science.

On one side, you need to be able to follow prescribed recipes and preparation techniques for a variety of different coffee drinks, while running brewing machines and supply maintenance.

On the other hand, you need to connect with and attract new customers , answer questions, and be creative in suggesting the right coffee choice for any occasion.

You may even come up with new products or improve how your business services and handles customers. These are just some of the key barista duties for a resume.

Either way, your resume needs to be formulated in a way that highlights both these components of your personal and professional profile .

That’s why It’s crucial to format your barista job resume properly and to use the right typeface, font sizing, spacing, and margins .

Here are some formatting guidelines that we follow in all our resume templates that have been proven to score highly in the hiring process:

  • Use a reverse-chronological layout
  • Leave significant white space between sections and paragraphs to not overwhelm the reader, avoid large blocks of text
  • Don’t make your document more than one or two pages long
  • Write your headings with bold titles so coffee-shop managers know where to look
  • Select fonts which are easily readable and professional
  • Keep font size to 11-12pt for body text and 13-15pts for headings
  • Share your document as a PDF so that it can be downloaded without issues

You’ll also need to decide which type of layout to use.

Typically, reverse-chronological order is the safest bet, as that focuses on your experience first, which is generally what cafés are looking for due to the practical nature of this position.

Work experience is usually your most important asset in a coffee barista resume. Make sure your formatting and layout highlight this.

If you’re lacking experience, it might make sense to use a functional resume format , where skills are given a higher priority.

This way you can focus your document on transferable skills which apply from other experiences or activities you’ve undertaken, to show how you fit the qualities of a good barista.

However, in most cases, sticking to the widely accepted reverse-chronological format will do you just fine.

Here’s a short outline covering what sections this type of format typically includes, and in what order they are usually located:

  • Header and contact details
  • Resume summary or objective
  • Work experience
  • Soft and hard skills
  • Other sections

Barista Sample Resume

Before diving into creating your own resume recipe , let’s look at one that gets the ingredients just right.

The following head barista resume example should provide you with enough inspiration to get started and to know which components to include.

[Valentina Nunes]

[ Barista ]

[39 Oakway Lane, CA 90017 | 213-555-0198 | [email protected] ]

Personable and industrious barista with 3+ years of experience working at Starbucks and at a popular local café in the Beverly Hills area. Proficient in customer service, food and beverage pairing, equipment maintenance, and inventory management. Able to make personalized coffee recommendations on over 100 different types of coffee, tea, and cocoa varieties. Has provided training to 3 new baristas and is adept at educating customers.

Head Barista

Starbucks | Los Angeles, CA

2019 – 2021

  • Lead Barista for busiest shift times. Oversaw the work of 2 other baristas.
  • Organized the execution of 6 promotions directed by the store manager.
  • Provided on-the-job training to 4 full-time baristas.
  • Won the “Employee of the Month” award 2 times.
  • Delivered excellent customer service and beverage delivery.

Nomad Coffee shop | Los Angeles, LA

2017 – 2018

  • Educated customers about 50+ coffee varieties.
  • Sanitized coffee equipment multiple times in the same shift.
  • Made individualized coffee recommendations.
  • Restocked work and dining areas.
  • Responsible for tracking online store orders (average of 60 orders per week).
  • Achieved 99% guest satisfaction.

Culinary Arts

Long Beach City College | Long Beach, CA 2014 – 2017

  • Branding Customer service
  • Coffee brewing
  • Equipment maintenance and repair
  • Inventory management
  • Point-of-sale system (POS)
  • Friendliness
  • Attention to detail
  • Multitasking
  • Cash management


Advanced Coffee Making course

Hobbies and Interests

  • Cooking and baking
  • Community service

A pretty well-brewed Starbucks barista resume .

This resume is clearly tailored to the job position. It mentions relevant skills, experience , education, and even includes some extra hobbies which could bring value.

But how do you begin to make your own resume for a barista position?

Keep reading to see our breakdown of each section , and to learn how to make a brewtiful resume that will stand out among other candidates and get you hired for your dream job.

How to Write a Barista Resume Summary or Objective?

Before you can begin to spill your beans throughout the rest of your resume, you’ll need to begin your document with an introduction.

This usually comes in the form of either a resume summary or a resume objective . These are two different types of heading statements, each with its own flavor and purpose.

If you’re an experienced coffee artisan , then a resume summary should be your go-to option.

This gives your prospective employer, whether they’re a restaurant owner or café manager , a good idea of what kind of skills and knowledge you bring to the table.

Here, you can also include a few quantified highlights from your previous jobs to make your claims extra robusta .

On the other hand, if you’re new to the field of coffee artistry, then a resume objective might be the better blend to choose. This type of intro is perfect when creating a resume for a barista with no experience .

With a resume objective, you can tailor your career goals to the barista job you’re applying to while putting what you want to achieve into numbers.

Let’s look at some examples of easily digestible resume summaries or objectives, that go down just as smooth as your favorite arabica.

Barista Resume Summary Example

Making the right resume summary shouldn’t give you a latte problems, but it’s not the easiest task ever.

Writing this important part of your resume involves taking into consideration various nuances and making sure that your statement shows, rather than tells, the recruiter what you’re made of.

Here’s a great example of a barista resume summary that is grounded (pun intended), and will warm recruiters up to the rest of your application.

That’s exactly the kind of resume summary that will make the recruiters say: wow, where have you bean all my life?

It contains specific information about the applicant’s experience and gives insight into what exactly they did in the past.

It’s an excellent combination of barista skills, work history, and interesting figures all stirred up in a short and sweet little paragraph.

Just like your favorite coffee blend.

Barista Resume Objective Statement

For less experienced baristas, the resume objective statement is one of the best tools they can use to show their potential and impress restaurant or café owners. You can also check our bartender resume example if you are looking to expand your mixing abilities beyond coffee.

However, just because you might not have had much history as a barista, doesn’t mean that your intro can be all froth and no substance.

Your resume objective for barista should clearly bring across your passion for the job while including valuable info to create the perfect blend.

But this time, before looking at a good example, let’s check out one that doesn’t quite get the job done.

Student applying for a barista position, Keen to learn about customer service and how to deal with customers. I don’t have a great deal of experience, but I read about food and beverages in my free time.

A bit watered-down, right?

This objective statement is somewhat uninspiring, it’s barely tailored to the job position, and it doesn’t give a very well-defined idea about the candidate’s career goals or relevant experience .

Here’s a resume objective that is stirred up the right way.

Friendly and passionate coffee lover looking for a barista role at Costa Coffee. Eager to learn about how to pair desserts with hot beverages. Relevant experience includes customer service at Macy’s. Skilled in communication and teamwork, with knowledge of over 50+ coffee variants. 

Wow, that hits the spot! This is a much more professional resume objective overall.

It gets into the specifics of why the candidate’s goals fit the job description and shows that they have what it takes to be the neighborhood’s premier barista through transferable skills .

How to Describe Your Barista Experience

You’re a coffee artisan.

But how do you describe barista duties on a resume?

The answer lies within your experience section.

Here you can show how your past work history, responsibilities, and key accomplishments are relevant to the job you’re applying for, and why the recruiter should give you a shot.

Often, this is what often separates a mediocre resume from a good barista resume.

Your barista resume bullet points should always be tailored to the job you’re applying for. Show how your experience matches the specific tasks you’ll have to do if hired.

So how exactly do make barista job descriptions for your resume?

Follow these tips to make a mug-nificent experience section:

  • Tailor your barista resume job descriptions to the position
  • Include numbers and statistics
  • Keep it concise
  • Be straightforward
  • Use keywords from the job description

When creating a barista resume with no experience, then you’ll need to add other information which can help show your potential to a prospective employer.

This can be personal projects related to the food and beverage industry, relevant courses you took during your studies, or even hobbies and interests .

Although the requirements are not the same for every café or restaurant, many barista roles do not require any experienc e higher-level education.

You can even create a resume for a Starbucks barista position with no experience to show.

That being said, if you do have some experience to add, it’s important that you maximize the value it brings to your application. Keep reading to see how to do this.

Barista Resume Examples: Experience

Starting a professional barista career takes more than just pressing buttons and pouring espressos.

That means that a solid experience section can help prove your value and coffee talent to the café managers that will read your resume.

However, whether you’re creating a barista manager resume, a barista trainer resume, or a cashier barista resume, it’s not enough to just include your past experience generically.

You need to tailor it espresso-ly for the position, and it needs to be written the right way .

Let’s first take a look at how not to do it.

Barista & Café Server

  • Served drinks and food
  • Brewed coffee
  • Maintained equipment

Now didn’t that leave somewhat of a bitter taste?

It doesn’t have enough details about their past experience, such as the location or time period in which they were working there.

In addition, the bullet points lack details about responsibilities, achievements, and key figures which could help prove the candidate’s expertise.

Let’s grind up a quick coffee shot, and then take another shot at getting this done right:

Head Barista Starbucks | Los Angeles, CA 2019 – 2021

  • Lead Barista for busiest shift times.
  • Oversaw the work of 2 other baristas.

We’re loving this lead barista resume. Can we get a refill?

This is a much better resume for a barista due to a few key reasons.

Not only is it personalized to the job, but it also has some past wins to prove the candidate’s caffeine wisdom.

It even includes relevant keywords from the job description to catch the eyes of restaurant owners and managers.

This is particularly important considering that coffee shop or bistro owners often receive numerous resumes when hiring for barista positions.

As a result, you need to catch their attention quickly by using the right wording throughout your document.

For inspiration, take a look at these verified barista resume samples that show how to write your own document correctly .

Is Your Education Section Burning Your Tongue? It might be

You know everything about coffee. You want to write the perfect resume for a coffee specialist . The coffee-flavor ABCs are second nature to you, and you know which dessert to match with each variety of coffee.

But this doesn’t mean that your education section shouldn’t be made professionally in a way that will put you ahead of other barista hopefuls.

Unless you’re applying for a more managerial role in a café or restaurant, you won’t need a college degree.

Nevertheless, you will need to write this section correctly if you want a good chance of landing your dream job.

Especially if you’re lacking experience and making an entry-level barista resume, this part is extremely important.

You can even consider swapping it with your experience section and putting it first if you’re a complete newbie to the art of coffee-brewing.

On the other hand, if you’re already an experienced barista, you can keep it less detailed and leave more space for your past work.

Keep reading to see how to write a yummy education section that will get you an interview at your favorite Starbucks or hipster café.

Barista Resume Education Section Sample

Before looking at a verified barista education example, let’s first see how to make it if you already have some work experience under your belt (or under your café apron).

Culinary Arts Long Beach City College | Long Beach, CA 2014 – 2017

This sample is perfect for a barista with a proven track record .

It provides the necessary details about their past education, mentioning the school at which they studied and the dates.

But what if you have less experience to show ?

Here’s how to write your education in a way that will knock the socks off recruiters even as a coffee-newbie:

Relevant coursework: Introduction to Hospitality, Culinary Skills, Gastronomy, Personality Development, Food Management Facilities, Food Commodities, Beverage Operations Management, Safety and Sanitation.

This example does great in making up for a lack of experience.

It mentions relevant coursework which clearly applies to coffee construction and even includes a coffee degree.

Keep in mind that for most barista positions, a high school diploma or equivalent is sufficient,

This remains true even when creating a resume for a barista job with no experience .

Just keep in mind that some managers might ask you to participate in an apprenticeship after or before being hired.

However, if you’re applying for a shift supervisor position, feel free to leave out your high school education and include your degree if you have one or will complete it soon.

The Best Barista Skills for a Resume

To start a successful bean-brewing career, you’ll need to add concrete barista skills to your resume which are needed to perform.

And no, it’s not enough to just list your OCD (obsessive coffee disorder).

In reality, your resume needs to have a variety of hard and soft skills to ensure your success in finding that steaming hot barista role you’re looking for.

But what exactly is the difference between hard and soft skills?

Hard skills are specific job-related abilities that can be measured.

On the other hand, soft skills are non-technical personal attributes related to areas such as communication and interpersonal capabilities.

Let’s take a look:

So what are the best skills for a barista resume that will turn it into the perfect blend?

Soft Skills

  • Time Management
  • Problem-Solving
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Relationship Building

Hard Skills

  • Customer Service
  • Coffee Bean Grinding
  • Food Safety
  • Cash Handling
  • Beverage and Food Pairing
  • Point-of-Sale System (POS)
  • Espresso Machines
  • Latte Art and Milk Steaming
  • Coffee Knowledge

Those barista resume skills definitely have the right ingredients!

Any of these skills would be excellent additions when creating your resume, as they clearly relate to the tasks that are involved in being a barista and pouring perfect coffees.

Café owners will be happy to know that their new hire can execute perfect coffee and food pairings, while also being friendly and amiable to new customers.

But not all skills will generate the same positive feedback , and some may even do more harm than good when included in your application.

Furthermore, when listing soft skills, you should relate them to a job-related task , otherwise, they may across as somewhat vague.

On the other hand, hard skills can make an impact even as standalone additions in a list at the end of your resume.

Here are some sample barista resume examples of how to demonstrate specific soft skills in your work experience section:

Soft skills resume samples

Multitasking Handled the cash register while serving customers during the busiest shift times. Communication Successfully educated customers on their coffee choices. Teamwork Managed 2-3 baristas at once during the same shift while maintaining a positive working atmosphere

Your resume is too short and you want to add other information? Keep reading to get some ideas.

How to Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume

A key part of being a barista is to make customers feel welcome , help them choose the right coffee, and to create a positive atmosphere.

This means that your resume shouldn’t “despresso” hiring managers.

But how do we do this?

By giving them a taste of our complete personality .

Adding other sections can help bring more life to your resume, by showing how you can bring value in more ways than just pouring coffee like a boss.

But that doesn’t mean that you can “ espresso yourself ” (okay, enough espresso jokes) to the point where you end up wasting space on your resume or putting off recruiters.

Let’s explore which other sections can help add value to your resume, and what additional content and details can bolster your case.

Barista Resume Sample “Other” Sections

You might find that most successful barista resume examples go an extra step when it comes to additional sections.

One of the best parts of applying for this kind of role is that the job requires a variety of different capacities or core competencies , which involve both dealing with people and carrying out more technical functions.

Café owners want well-rounded baristas, as anyone they hire will be an ambassador for their entire brand.

This means that you have quite a bit of flexibility in deciding which extra sections you can include in your Dunkin or Costa resume.

Here are a few of the top sections to add with some related examples:

Top sections resume examples

Hobbies and Interests Cooking Volunteer Work Psychology of Verbal/Nonverbal Communication Team Sports

Certifications Italian Barista Method Certification — Espresso Academy Barista Certification — Specialty Coffee Association of America Coffee Skills Program — SCA Education

Volunteer Work Worked at a shelter food kitchen. Packed food distribution boxes for homeless people. Served hot food at a soup kitchen.

Languages French (Basic) Spanish (Advanced) Italian (Advanced)

Now that you know how to add other sections to your barista resume, let’s summarize out everything.

Key Takeaway

You already knew how to be an exceptional barista , but now you know how to put that across in the perfect resume.

Let’s recap the resume-writing strategies and flavors that will get your document to stand out from the pack:

  • Tailor your resume to the job and café you’re applying to
  • Include tangible capabilities and skills to show café owners what you’re made of
  • Pair your experience and education with other key sections
  • Back up your claims with relevant facts and figures , show, don’t tell
  • Add past responsibilities and achievements
  • Make your document using professional resume templates
  • Use the right formatting and layout

Now you’re all set to go! But before you take a coffee break and get started, remember, we can help you create a professional barista resume in minutes.

We’ve got a verified barista sample resume that will get you the results you’re looking for in no time.

We’ll also help you through every step of the process with our expert guidance and professional advice.

resume objective examples for barista

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  • • Crafted over 100 high-quality coffee and tea beverages daily, maintaining consistent taste and presentation standards.
  • • Trained and supervised a team of 10 baristas, elevating store's customer service quality and efficiency.
  • • Managed cash flow and end-of-day reconciliation for a high-volume store with average daily transactions exceeding $5,000.
  • • Pioneered a customer loyalty program that increased repeat customer visits by 25% within the first six months.
  • • Collaborated with management to incorporate seasonal promotions, contributing to a 15% sales increase during peak periods.
  • • Instituted meticulous inventory tracking that reduced waste by 10%, enhancing profitability.
  • • Oversaw operations of a busy urban café, ensuring top-notch service and customer satisfaction.
  • • Implemented a new POS system, streamlining transaction processes and reducing customer wait times by 30%.
  • • Conducted weekly inventory audits, ensuring accuracy and minimization of overstock resulting in a 20% reduction in perishable waste.
  • • Developed and executed marketing initiatives, leading to a 15% increase in foot traffic.
  • • Cultivated relationships with vendors to secure better pricing on supplies, saving the company approximately $2,000 annually.
  • • Delivered exceptional customer service, receiving a 98% positive feedback rating from patrons.
  • • Handled over $3,000 in daily transactions with exceptional accuracy and accountability.
  • • Introduced creative smoothie recipes that increased sales by 15% over a three-month period.
  • • Maintained cleanliness and organization of shop to adhere to health and safety standards.

5 Barista Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

A barista must display a robust understanding of coffee preparation techniques on their resume. Highlight your experience with espresso machines, grinders, and brewing methods. Your resume should also show stellar customer service skills. Ensure you mention examples of your ability to connect with customers and create a welcoming atmosphere.

All resume examples in this guide

resume objective examples for barista

Entry-Level Barista

resume objective examples for barista

Senior Barista

resume objective examples for barista

Coffee Shop

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Barista resume example

As a barista attempting to craft an appealing resume, you may struggle with articulating the breadth of your customer service skills in a way that resonates with potential employers outside the coffee shop milieu. Our guide will show you how to translate your experience into universally valued competencies, showcasing your adaptability and interpersonal expertise to any hiring manager.

  • Format your barista resume to ensure that it balances professionalism with creativity, and follows the best practices.
  • Match the barista job requirements by including industry keywords on your resume.
  • Use various resume sections to showcase your skills and achievements to answer why you're the best candidate for the barista role.

Take inspiration from leading barista resume examples to learn how to tailor your experience.

  • Food Server Resume Example
  • Sous Chef Resume Example
  • Busser Resume Example
  • Barback Resume Example
  • Kitchen Manager Resume Example
  • Head Server Resume Example
  • Fine Dining Resume Example
  • Bar Manager Resume Example
  • Waiter Resume Example
  • Cocktail Bartender Resume Example

Professional barista resume format advice

Achieving the most suitable resume format can at times seem like a daunting task at hand.

Which elements are most important to recruiters?

In which format should you submit your resume?

How should you list your experience?

Unless specified otherwise, here's how to achieve a professional look and feel for your resume.

  • Present your experience following the reverse-chronological resume format . It showcases your most recent jobs first and can help recruiters attain a quick glance at how your career has progressed.
  • The header is the must-have element for your resume. Apart from your contact details, you could also include your portfolio and a headline, that reflects on your current role or a distinguishable achievement.
  • Select relevant information to the role, that should encompass no more than two pages of your resume.
  • Download your resume in PDF to ensure that its formatting stays intact.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Showcase any ongoing or recent educational efforts to stay updated in your field.

Don't forget to include these six sections on your barista resume:

  • Header and summary for your contact details and to highlight your alignment with the barista job you're applying for
  • Experience section to get into specific technologies you're apt at using and personal skills to deliver successful results
  • Skills section to further highlight how your profile matches the job requirements
  • Education section to provide your academic background
  • Achievements to mention any career highlights that may be impressive, or that you might have missed so far in other resume sections

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Experience preparing a wide range of espresso coffee beverages (e.g., lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos, flat whites).
  • Knowledge of coffee beans and grind settings for various coffee brewing methods.
  • Expertise in latte art and presentation of beverages.
  • Customer service skills and the ability to create a friendly and welcoming environment for customers.
  • Efficiency in handling high-volume orders, especially during peak hours, without compromising quality.

The barista resume experience section: a roadmap to your expertise

The resume experience section provides you with an opportunity to tell your professional narrative.

Recruiters, reading between the lines of your resume, use the experience section to better understand your unique skill set, accomplishments, and what unique value you bring about.

Discover five quick steps on how to write your experience section:

  • Curate only relevant experience items to the role and include the company, description, and dates; all followed by up to six bullets per experience item;
  • Each experience item should feature tangible results of your actions - if you can include a number or percent, this will further highlight your aptitude;
  • If you've received any managerial or customer feedback, use short excerpts of it as further social proof of your technical or people skills;
  • Make sure you're using the appropriate verb tense when listing your responsibilities;
  • Within the description for each role, you could summarize your most noteworthy and relevant achievements.

Now, take note of how a real-world barista professional received opportunities at industry leaders with these resume experience sections:

  • Masterfully prepared a variety of coffee beverages with artistic latte art for up to 150 customers daily, increasing customer satisfaction and repeat visits by 25% at Starbucks.
  • Pioneered a new cold brew coffee technique that improved brewing efficiency by 20%, which was later adopted chain-wide.
  • Conducted comprehensive barista training for over 50 new employees, enhancing skill levels and productivity across 5 local franchises.
  • Managed a team of 10 baristas, ensuring optimal shift operations and maintaining top-quality customer service standards at Peet's Coffee.
  • Played a key role in developing inventory management system, leading to a 30% reduction in waste and a 15% increase in profitability.
  • Spearheaded the 'Brew with a Cause' campaign, resulting in raising $10,000 for local charities and a marked improvement in community engagement.
  • Overseeing the daily operations of a high-volume, specialty coffee shop, handling workflow management for The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.
  • Implemented a customer loyalty program that boosted returning customer rate by 40%, effectively driving business growth.
  • Revolutionized the store layout to increase operational efficiency, ultimately leading to a 10-second decrease in average service time per order.
  • Crafted custom coffee profiles for discerning clients at Blue Bottle Coffee, enhancing customer experience and fostering a 20% increase in premium coffee sales.
  • Led the 'Coffee Origins' outreach program which educated over 500 customers on sustainable coffee farming practices.
  • Streamlined espresso machine maintenance procedures, cutting downtime by 30% and extending machine lifespans.
  • Directed a 15-person team at Dunkin' with a focused approach on customer service excellence, seeing a 10% uplift in regional sales.
  • Initiated a quality control circle that resulted in a 5% improvement in coffee consistency and customer approval ratings.
  • Launched an efficiency program that reduced average customer wait times by 3 minutes during peak hours.
  • Revamped the espresso maintenance routine at La Colombe Coffee Roasters, improving equipment longevity by 50%.
  • Developed a Barista tech app used company-wide to monitor bean quality, leading to a 10% improvement in coffee flavor profiles.
  • Presented at 5 national coffee expos on the advancement of espresso technology, positioning La Colombe as an industry innovator.
  • Collaborated in a cross-functional team to design a seasonal drink menu at Caribou Coffee, resulting in a 15% increase in quarterly sales.
  • Developed and implemented a training module focused on empathetic customer service, significantly boosting customer satisfaction scores by 22%.
  • Organized weekly coffee-tasting events, attracting on average 50+ attendees each week and generating a steady rise in weekend sales.
  • Managed inventory at a busy urban Costa Coffee location, consistently keeping waste below 2% of stock-on-hand.
  • Performed meticulous stock audits, identifying patterns that led to a 10% cost-saving in supply chain efficiency.
  • Spearheaded the introduction of a new line of organic teas, which captured a new market segment and increased beverage sales by 12%.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Specify the number of customer transactions processed daily to demonstrate high-volume handling capabilities.
  • List the percentage increase in customer satisfaction scores following your customer service improvements.
  • Indicate the amount of revenue generated from upselling products like specialty drinks or pastries.
  • Describe the efficiency improvements in time saved per transaction after streamlining operations.
  • Quantify the inventory management by noting the reduction in waste or cost savings achieved.
  • Detail the number of employees trained, emphasizing your leadership and influence on team performance.
  • Highlight your mastery of drink preparation by listing the number of different beverages you are proficient in making.
  • Mention any notable increase in repeat customer ratios as evidence of creating a loyal customer base.

Action verbs for your barista resume

Target Illustration

Guide for barista professionals kicking off their career

Who says you can't get that barista job, even though you may not have that much or any experience? Hiring managers have a tendency to hire the out-of-the-blue candidate if they see role alignment. You can show them why you're the best candidate out there by:

  • Selecting the functional skill-based or hybrid formats to spotlight your unique value as a professional
  • Tailoring your barista resume to always include the most important requirements, found towards the top of the job ad
  • Substituting the lack of experience with other relevant sections like achievements, projects, and research
  • Pinpoint both achievements and how you see yourself within this specific role in the barista resume objective.

Recommended reads:

  • Should You Include Eagle Scout On Your Resume?
  • Should I Put In An Incomplete Degree On A Resume?

If you failed to obtain one of the certificates, as listed in the requirements, but decide to include it on your resume, make sure to include a note somewhere that you have the "relevant training, but are planning to re-take the exams". Support this statement with the actual date you're planning to be re-examined. Always be honest on your resume.

Creating your barista resume skills section: balancing hard skills and soft skills

Recruiters hiring for barista roles are always keen on hiring candidates with relevant technical and people talents. Hard skills or technical ones are quite beneficial for the industry - as they refer to your competency with particular software and technologies. Meanwhile, your soft (or people) skills are quite crucial to yours and the company's professional growth as they detail how you'd cooperate and interact in your potential environment. Here's how to describe your hard and soft skill set in your barista resume:

  • Consider what the key job requirements are and list those towards the top of your skills section.
  • Think of individual, specific skills that help you stand out amongst competitors, and detail how they've helped you succeed in the past.
  • Look to the future of the industry and list all software/technologies which are forward-facing.
  • Create a separate, technical skills section to supplement your experience and further align with the barista job advert.

Top skills for your barista resume:

Espresso machine operation

Latte art creation

Coffee bean grinding

Milk steaming and frothing

Knowledge of coffee varieties

Cleanliness and sanitation

Inventory management

Cash register operation

Food safety compliance

Beverage preparation

Customer service


Attention to detail

Time management




Active listening

List all your relevant higher education degrees within your resume in reverse chronological order (starting with the latest). There are cases when your PhD in a particular field could help you stand apart from other candidates.

Including your education and certification on your barista resume

The significance of your resume education section is paramount. It can show your diverse talents and experiences that are relevnt to the position.

  • Incorporate educational qualifications, mentioning the institution and period.
  • If you're on your academic journey, pinpoint your expected completion date.
  • Opt for leaving out degrees that don't serve the job's purpose.
  • Provide an overview of your educational experiences if it spotlights your milestones.

When recruiting for barista roles, candidates with relevant education and certification definitely stand out amongst competitors.

Showcase your academic background in the best way possible by:

  • Listing all degrees and certifications that are part of the candidate qualifications in the barista advert
  • Including any extra certificates, if they make sense to your application
  • Not going over the top in details - the certificate name, institution, and dates are enough
  • If you're in the process of obtaining a degree or certificate that's relevant to the job, include your expected graduation/certification dates

The education and certification sections help back up your application with years of experience in the industry or niche.

Select some of the most cutting-edge or applicable credentials for your next barista application from our list:

The top 5 certifications for your barista resume:

  • Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) Barista Skills Certificate - SCA
  • Barista Hustle Coffee Certificate - Barista Hustle
  • National Barista Certification - Barista Guild of America (BGA)
  • ServSafe Food Handler Certificate - ServSafe
  • Barista Level 1 Certificate - Barista Guild of America (BGA)
  • Perfecting the Education Section on Your Resume
  • How To List Certifications On A Resume (Examples Included)

Practical guide to your barista resume summary or objective

First off, should you include a summary or objective on your barista resume?

We definitely recommend you choose the:

  • Resume summary to match job requirements with most noteworthy accomplishments.
  • Resume objective as a snapshot of career dreams

Both the resume summary and objective should set expectations for recruiters as to what your career highlights are.

These introductory paragraphs (that are no more than five sentences long) should help you answer why you're the best candidate for the job.

Industry-wide best practices pinpoint that the barista resume summaries and objectives follow the structures of these samples:

Resume summaries for a barista job

  • Seasoned barista with over 5 years of experience in high-volume coffee shops, showcasing exceptional skills in latte art and a deep understanding of coffee bean varieties. Prides in having increased customer return rate by 40% through personalized service and crafting signature beverages.
  • Enthusiastic retail manager transitioning into the specialty coffee industry, seeking to leverage a decade of customer service expertise and passion for espresso craftsmanship to foster a vibrant cafe environment. Adept at team leadership and driving sales growth.
  • As a former sommelier driven to explore the world of coffee, I bring to the table a keen palate and 8 years of experience in the fine dining industry, setting the stage for creating exceptional coffee experiences and enhancing customer satisfaction through premium beverage curation.
  • Diligent coffee enthusiast dedicated to delivering superior café experiences with a meticulous eye for detail. Possesses 3 years of experience in fast-paced artisanal coffee houses, recently recognized for pioneering a sustainable coffee sourcing initiative that boosted customer loyalty and sales.
  • Aspiring to immerse myself in the art of coffee making and customer delight; I come with an earnest desire to excel, a dedication to learn swiftly, and a commitment to contribute positively to the coffee-loving community. Driven to achieve mastery in espresso preparation and innovate in beverage presentation.
  • Seeking an entry-level barista position to apply my passion for coffee culture and sustainable practices. Eager to learn from seasoned professionals, enhance my knowledge of coffee origins and preparation techniques, all while providing customers with an unforgettable and ethical coffee experience.

Four more sections for your barista resume

Your barista resume can be supplemented with other sections to highlight both your personality and efforts in the industry. Use the ones you deem most relevant to your experience (and the role):

  • Awards - to celebrate your success;
  • Interests - to detail what you're passionate about outside of work (e.g. music, literature, etc.);
  • Publications - to show your footprint in the wider community;
  • Projects - to pinpoint noteworthy achievements, potentially even outside of work.

Key takeaways

  • Pay special attention to the tiny details that make up your barista resume formatting: the more tailored your application to the role is, the better your chances at success would be;
  • Select the sections you include (summary or objective, etc.) and formatting (reverse-chronological, hybrid, etc.) based on your experience level;
  • Select experience items and, consequently, achievements that showcase you in the best light and are relevant to the job;
  • Your profile will be assessed both based on your technical capabilities and personality skills - curate those through your resume;
  • Certifications and education showcase your dedication to the particular industry.

barista resume example

Looking to build your own Barista resume?

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Coffee Barista Resume Examples

Writing a resume can be a daunting task, especially when you’re applying for a specialized position such as a coffee barista. While a standard resume should be tailored to the position you are applying for, a barista resume should highlight the specific barista skills and knowledge that employers are looking for. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive look into the world of barista resumes, from the basics of what employers are looking for to example resumes that you can reference. With this guide and the included sample resumes, you’ll have everything you need to craft a winning resume and start your career as a barista.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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Coffee Barista

123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

I am an experienced and highly motivated Coffee Barista with over four years of experience in the industry. I have a passion for creating high quality coffee drinks and providing excellent customer service. I have experience with a variety of brewing methods, espresso machines, and coffee grinders, and I am well versed in coffee industry trends. I am highly organized and able to multitask with ease, making me an efficient and effective coffee professional.

Core Skills :

  • Excellent customer service
  • Knowledge of coffee industry standards and trends
  • Professional coffee making skills
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Highly organized and detail- oriented
  • Ability to multitask and manage time efficiently

Professional Experience :

  • Barista, Starbucks, 2017 – present
  • Prepare and serve coffee drinks to customers
  • Ensure quality of coffee drinks and customer satisfaction
  • Manage cash register and process payments
  • Perform light cleaning duties
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Barista, Dunkin Donuts, 2015- 2017
  • Prepared and served specialty coffees to customers
  • Maintained clean and orderly work stations
  • Processed customer orders and payments
  • Followed recipes for specialty coffee drinks
  • Trained new employees

Education :

  • Diploma, High School, 2015
  • Barista Training, Seattle Coffee Academy, 2016

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Coffee Barista Resume with No Experience

  • Dynamic and ambitious Coffee Barista with no experience in the industry.
  • Strong interest in the culinary arts and knowledge of various types of espresso- based beverages.
  • Eager to learn and passionate about delivering exceptional customer service.
  • Team oriented
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Organizational and multitasking abilities
  • Knowledge of various coffee- making techniques
  • Strong customer service skills
  • Knowledge of food safety standards


  • Greet customers and take orders
  • Prepare coffee, tea and other hot beverages
  • Maintain cleanliness of work areas
  • Follow safety and sanitation procedures
  • Operate cash registers and take payments

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Coffee Barista Resume with 2 Years of Experience

Highly motivated and experienced Coffee Barista with two years experience in preparing coffee drinks and providing excellent customer service. Possesses a passion for engaging with customers, preparing beverages, and building relationships. Skilled in creating latte art and maintaining a clean and orderly workspace. Looking to further advance career by joining a fast- paced and rewarding environment.

  • Barista training certifications
  • Advanced knowledge of specialty drinks
  • Inventory management
  • Cashiering and POS systems
  • Customer service and satisfaction
  • Cleaning and maintenance

Responsibilities :

  • Welcomed and interacted with customers in an engaging and friendly manner
  • Prepared and served hot, iced, and blended coffee drinks
  • Accurately operated POS systems and handled cash transactions
  • Accurately followed recipes for specialty drinks and provided customer education when needed
  • Prepared and served food items, including pastries and sandwiches
  • Maintained and cleaned espresso machines regularly
  • Followed health and safety guidelines and procedures
  • Maintained an orderly and clean workspace, including tidying the area, wiping surfaces and restocking supplies.

Experience 2+ Years

Coffee Barista Resume with 5 Years of Experience

A talented and experienced coffee barista with five years of experience in the hospitality and food service industry. Highly skilled in creating custom coffee drinks, including espressos, cappuccinos, and lattes. Adaptable to quickly changing customer needs and environment. Possesses excellent customer service skills, with an exceptional ability to build relationships with customers and coworkers.

  • Extensive knowledge of coffee drinks and espresso machines
  • Highly skilled in customer service and client relations
  • Proven ability to work in a fast- paced environment
  • Excellent cash handling and cash register operation
  • Ability to multi- task and prioritize daily tasks
  • Greeting customers in a friendly and engaging manner.
  • Taking orders, preparing and serving coffee beverages, and handling cash transactions.
  • Maintaining inventory and stocking of coffee, pastries, and other food items.
  • Performing daily maintenance and cleaning of the coffee bar and equipment.
  • Following all health and safety rules and regulations.
  • Demonstrating an enthusiasm for coffee and customer service.

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Coffee Barista Resume with 7 Years of Experience

Experienced Coffee Barista with 7 years of providing exceptional customer service and knowledge of the industry. Proven ability to handle customer inquiries and maintain product inventory. Skilled in communication and problem- solving. Dedicated to the success of the team and the business.

  • Proven problem- solving skills
  • Product knowledge
  • Strong communicator
  • Ability to take initiative
  • Attention to detail
  • Greeting customers and taking orders
  • Preparing hot and cold beverages
  • Helping to maintain a clean and organized workspace
  • Informing customers of specials and promotions
  • Processing payments
  • Inventory management and restocking of supplies
  • Maintaining product knowledge and customer service standards

Experience 7+ Years

Coffee Barista Resume with 10 Years of Experience

Experienced Coffee Barista with 10+ years of experience providing top- notch customer service and crafting superior quality espresso- based drinks. Highly knowledgeable in a wide range of coffee offerings and experienced in operating a variety of coffee equipment. Reliable and highly organized with a commitment to delivering excellent customer service and satisfaction.

  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Superior knowledge of coffee drinks and brewing processes
  • Exceptional knowledge of the equipment used in coffee making
  • Ability to multitask and efficiently serve customers
  • Strong problem- solving skills
  • Greeted customers and took orders in a timely and friendly manner
  • Prepared and served specialty coffee drinks, including espresso- based drinks
  • Maintained knowledge of all coffee drinks and ingredients
  • Accurately operated cash register and handled money
  • Ensured cleanliness of coffee bar and equipment
  • Maintained coffee inventory and restocked supplies as needed
  • Provided exceptional customer service to ensure customer satisfaction
  • Trained new staff on coffee drinks and machines

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Coffee Barista Resume with 15 Years of Experience

Highly experienced Coffee Barista with over 15 years of experience in the specialty coffee industry. Possess a keen understanding of the brewing techniques and standards required to produce high quality coffee beverages. Adept at working with customers, answering questions, and creating engaging conversations. Highly motivated and organized, with a strong commitment to customer service excellence.

  • Coffee making and brewing techniques
  • Knowledge of specialty coffee beans and blends
  • Experience in customer service and problem- solving
  • Proficiency in the use of espresso machines
  • Cash handling and inventory management
  • Barista skills such as latte art
  • Assisting customers in their selection of coffee beverages
  • Preparing coffee drinks to customer specifications
  • Maintaining a clean and well- stocked work area
  • Operating espresso machines, grinders, and other coffee equipment
  • Adhering to safety and sanitation standards
  • Accurately ringing up customers’ purchases in the register
  • Maintaining accurate inventory levels of coffee products
  • Assisting with other duties as required, such as cleaning and restocking

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Coffee Barista resume?

A coffee barista resume is an important tool for finding employment in the coffee industry. As a barista, you need to show that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to prepare and serve coffee drinks. Here are some key elements that should be included in a barista resume:

  • Objective: Your objective should indicate your experience as a barista and what you hope to accomplish in the field.
  • Education: Be sure to include any education or certifications related to the coffee industry.
  • Work Experience: List any relevant experience you have as a barista, including the types of drinks you can make, any customer service experience, and the types of machines you have used.
  • Skills: Include any other skills that may be useful for a barista, such as time management, multi-tasking, and problem-solving.
  • Personal Qualities: Indicate any personal qualities that make you an excellent barista, such as being a team player, having a great attitude, and being patient with customers.
  • References: Include at least two references from employers or other professionals who can speak to your work as a barista.

Having a well-crafted barista resume is an important tool in finding the right job in the coffee industry. Take the time to ensure that your resume accurately reflects your relevant experience and skills.

What is a good summary for a Coffee Barista resume?

A coffee barista resume should include a succinct summary of the applicant’s qualifications and experience. The summary should highlight the applicant’s enthusiasm for coffee, as well as their customer service skills, relevant work experience, and ability to work well in a team setting. The summary should also mention any certifications or awards the applicant has earned in the coffee industry. It should likewise include any relevant skills such as the ability to operate espresso machines and other coffee-making equipment. An effective coffee barista resume summary should emphasize the applicant’s enthusiasm for the job and their willingness to go above and beyond to serve customers.

What is a good objective for a Coffee Barista resume?

A coffee barista resume should be written with the objective of highlighting your commitment to customer service, your attention to detail and your ability to work well in a team environment. A good objective for a coffee barista resume should include the following:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of coffee drinks and brewing techniques
  • Exhibit a professional attitude when dealing with customers
  • Be part of a team that works together to create an enjoyable customer experience
  • Train and mentor new baristas
  • Operate espresso machines and other equipment
  • Handle cash and credit card transactions
  • Adhere to standards of food safety, cleanliness and quality
  • Maintain a clean and organized workspace
  • Follow company policies and procedures
  • Ensure customer satisfaction with each interaction.

How do you list Coffee Barista skills on a resume?

When it comes to listing coffee barista skills on a resume, you should be sure to mention all the relevant skills you have that make you well-suited for the job. Here are some key skills to consider including on your resume:

  • Demonstrated expertise in making high-quality espresso-based drinks
  • Skilled in operating and maintaining espresso machines, grinders and other equipment
  • Knowledge of specialty coffee drinks and their preparation
  • Ability to take orders and maintain a steady workflow
  • Adherence to health and safety regulations and standards
  • Ability to handle customer inquiries and complaints in a professional manner
  • Ability to work well in a fast-paced environment
  • Excellent customer service and communication skills
  • Strong time management and organizational skills
  • Commitment to providing superior service to customers
  • Demonstrated ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in coffee.

What skills should I put on my resume for Coffee Barista?

Having the right skills on your resume as a Coffee Barista is essential for standing out from other applicants. Coffee Baristas need to be proficient at multitasking, able to work in a fast-paced environment, and have excellent customer service skills. Here is a list of must-have skills to include on your Coffee Barista resume:

  • Attention to Detail: As a Coffee Barista, you will need to be detail-oriented and able to pay close attention to orders and instructions.
  • Knowledge of Coffee: Coffee Baristas must have an extensive knowledge of coffee and coffee-based beverages. This includes knowing how to make various espresso drinks, as well as how to adjust flavors and strength of coffee drinks.
  • Customer Service: Crafting an excellent cup of coffee is only one part of being a Coffee Barista. The other important part is providing excellent customer service to each and every customer. Coffee Baristas must be friendly, approachable, and able to quickly resolve customer issues.
  • Time Management: As a Coffee Barista, you will need to be able to manage time efficiently. This includes being able to make multiple drinks quickly, as well as anticipate customer needs.
  • Organization: Being organized is an important skill for Coffee Baristas. You will need to be able to keep track of orders, ingredients, and other items.
  • Cleanliness: Coffee Baristas must maintain a clean workspace and adhere to food safety standards.

By including these skills on your resume, you will be sure to stand out to potential employers. With the right combination of skills and experience, you can become a successful Coffee Barista.

Key takeaways for an Coffee Barista resume

When you’re writing a resume for a job as a Coffee Barista, there are a few key takeaways that you should keep in mind. Here are some tips to help you create a strong resume that stands out from the competition:

  • Showcase your passion for coffee. Employers want to know that you have a genuine passion for coffee, so be sure to highlight any experience that demonstrates your enthusiasm for the beverage. Whether it’s listing your certifications, describing your knowledge of coffee varietals, or detailing any other relevant experience, make sure that your resume reflects your love for coffee.
  • Demonstrate your customer service skills. As a Coffee Barista, you’ll be interacting with customers on a daily basis. Make sure to emphasize any customer service experience that you have, as well as any other relevant skills and abilities.
  • Highlight your technical abilities. Coffee Baristas must be familiar with all the equipment used to make coffee. If you have any experience with coffee machines and grinders, be sure to include that in your resume.
  • Show your attention to detail. Making a great cup of coffee requires precision and attention to detail, so make sure that your resume reflects your ability to pay close attention to the little things.

By following these tips, you can create a resume that will make you stand out from the competition and help you land the job as a Coffee Barista.

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Make the Best Barista Resume!

A great barista is almost like a skilled technician, for coffee. In this job, you need to under

stand the science behind making the perfect cup of coffee, be a customer magnet and have extensive knowledge of beans, aromas, origins, and blends. When you are on the lookout for a job as a Barista, it is necessary to produce a kick-ass resume for potential employers to distinguish yourself from the competition.

Start by checking out our top-notch Barista resume sample. You want to make sure your resume gets noticed from the rest of the applications by being both informative and entertaining to read, without overwhelming the recruiter or hiring manager with too much information.

Barista Resume & CV Samples

You can download these resume sample in PDF at the bottom of this page, for free!

Sample Resume Barista

Or download these examples in PDF at the bottom of this page for free

How-To Make A Barista Resume Guide

Barista resume summaries & objectives.

Restaurant, Food and Beverage, and catering managers usually receive many applications for permanent as well as part-time roles. Your resume needs to stand out amongst the applications. Keep your career summary concise and to the point. Add the most important information first to capture their attention while they’re quickly skimming your resume.

Start your career summary with your years of experience in the industry and the main tasks you have performed. When deciding what duties to add, use the job description as your guide. For instance, if the job you are applying emphasizes expertise in Latte Art or the ability to use specialty brewing equipment use those phrases in your resume if you have that type of skill. The more your resume mirrors with the job description of keywords, the better fit you will seem.

Next, Barista’s need to be knowledgable about the different varieties of coffee beans used in the cafe, such as whether they are organic, how they were roasted, and the part of the world they originate from.

Then comes the technical side. Mention whether the coffee machines you can operate are manual, automatic or semi-automatic. There are many different kinds of milk frothing, espresso making, coffee bean grinders, and brewing machinery. List the brand names of the equipment you are familiar with.

Advanced Latte ArtStencil & Free-HandFour Years
Blending TechniquesManual Grinders & RoastersThree Years
Brewing MethodsSemi-Automatic Espresso EquipmentThree Years

Example Career Summaries:

Barista Job Descriptions, Responsibilities and Duties

A hiring manager would expect to see certain foundational skill sets in your resume application.

An entry-level stage Barista (less than one years’ experience) may:

  • Follow recipes to make specialty coffee drinks,
  • Use equipment such as automated espresso machines, grinders, roasters, and milk frothers
  • Intermediate knowledge of coffee origins, flavor tasting techniques, and bean varieties.
  • Take orders from customers and serve hot and cold drinks to patrons
  • Clean and sanitize machinery and monitor machine maintenance schedules

A Barista at mid-career stage (2-4 years’ experience) may

  • Prepare espresso shots, specialty espresso drinks, and French press, pour over, and drip coffee orders
  • Use commercial coffee brewers as well as manual and semi-automatic espresso machines
  • Advise patrons regarding particular origins and flavors of coffee blends, roasts, teas, and specialty espresso beverages,
  • Facilitate coffee tasting sessions and coffee and chocolate pairing events to introduce customers to new products

A Barista at an experienced stage (4-6 years’ experience) may:

  • Implemented a new latte art training program, teaching 20 baristas how to pour simple, beautiful patterns and unique forms
  • Create unique seasonal coffee blends to promote during major holidays like Christmas and Labor day
  • Supervise a team of junior Baristas and servers and admin staff
  • Inspect beverages before they get served
  • Handle finishing touches and assist with complicate latte stenciling on signature beverages
  • Advanced technical competence in brewing methods Espresso, French press, AeroPress, pour over, and cold brew
  • Facilitate demonstrations days to show customers how to manually tamper, pull and extract coffee beans to make espresso shots

Highlight Your Accomplishments

You may be tempted to copy and paste the list of job tasks you performed as detailed in your job description. The drawback to doing this, though, is that you won’t stand out from the other applicants with similar experience.

When listing accomplishments, you need to highlight those aspects that set you apart from the rest of the candidates. What you are most proud of, or what you achieved in your previous roles. Then communicate these through action-packed statements that will grab the reader’s attention.

Examples: Flat, Simple Duty:

  • Take orders and serve coffee beverage to patrons

Accomplishment Statement:

  • Prepare and serve over 100 hot and cold beverages per day

Quantifying Your Barista job descriptions

When writing your resume think about providing numeric statements like “How many?” or “How often?” For example:

  • What process have you implemented to streamline beverage preparation?
  • How did you increase revenue and turnover?
  • What was your customer satisfaction rating?

– Designed a new brewing process adopted by all 100 franchise locations which reduced the individual coffee preparation time by 30 seconds ultimately increasing store revenues by 12% annually.

– Introduced a drink as much as you want promotion increasing total weekend sales by 15% per month.

– Implemented a client survey scorecard and suggestion box which resulted in an improved customer satisfaction rating from 88% to 96% within three months.

Barista Resume Education Section

The education section forms an integral part of your resume. In short, indicate What, Where and When regarding your qualifications, certifications or industry licenses obtained. The name of your qualification, institution, and date of completion is more than sufficient. Unless you are a graduate with limited working experience, there is no need to include major subjects or course curriculum topics.

Barista training schools teach students how to grind and brew coffee as well as prepare various coffee-based and technical knowledge about different types of roasts, growing regions, and grinds. The programs may be one day up to a few months in duration.

Completed High School and Post School education must be listed as follows:

Start with the commencement date and completion date for diplomas, associate degrees, and bachelor degrees. For courses, you can just list the date of completion. Next comes the full name of the qualification, then the full name of the institution and then the City or abbreviated State name.

Use the example below to get you started:

2016 – 2017 Level 2 Certification, Barista Guild of America, San Antonio, TX

2014 – Coffee Shop Manager Training Course, Texas Coffee School, Dallas, TX

2011 – 2013 Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Barista Training, IBCA (International Barista Coffee Academy), Tempe, AZ

2008 – 2010 Bachelor’s Degree in Coffee Consciousness, Cornell Technical College, New York, NY GPA: 3.8 Majors: Latte Art, Brewing Equipment Fundamentals, Café Management Minors: Cupping, Palate Development Foundations, Equipment Maintenance Accolades: IBCA Bursary recipient

Your Barista Resume Skills

Although the coffee making industry requires specific technical skills , employers also consider soft skills . These are the personality traits you have which relate to your fitness as a potential employee who will add value, has adequate knowledge, sufficient experience and will be easy to manage. Incorporate these into your summary and your accomplishment statements.

Technical Skills Examples

  • Educational Attainment : A university degree is not required to become a Barista, but if you want to have a better probability career growth and to secure higher-paying jobs, it is advantageous to have some form of tertiary education. This is especially applicable if your qualification is in a field related to the industry you are pursuing, for example, a Bachelor's in Hotel Management or Certification at the American Barista Guilds Association.
  • Technical Aptitude : Baristas need to show excellent knowledge regarding different growing regions, roast profiles and grind types of coffee beans to answer questions from customers. They also have to show competence in various coffee making techniques and steaming activities by being familiar with the equipment, like espresso machines and coffee bean grinders. Operating point of sale systems, order management applications and coffee shop administration are also part of a Barista’s skills set.
  • Other Technical Skills : Espresso Techniques, Coffee Bean Grading, Coffee Flavor Profiles, Decaf Processing, Latte Frothers, Recipe Creation, Bean Grinder, Extraction, Specialty Coffees, Latte Art, Cupping, Coffee History, Health and Safety Regulations, Coffee Tasting, Batch Brewing, Pouring Techniques, Roasting Chemistry

Soft Skill Examples

  • Team Player
  • Hardworking
  • Communication
  • Independent
  • Stress Tolerance
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Multitasking
  • Enthusiastic
  • Accountable
  • Deadline Driven
  • Collaborative
  • Cooperative
  • Customer Service
  • Detail Orientated
  • Multi-Tasking

Qualifications/Certifications associated with Baristas

SCAE Coffee DiplomaCertificate in Food Service HygieneAdvanced Certificate in Latte Art
Barista Guild of America – Level 2SCAE Specialty Coffee Association of Europe Foundation LevelIBCA International Barista Coffee Association Roasting Course
Bachelor in Coffee ConsciousnessIntroductory Diploma in Brewing and Grinding TechniquesAssociates Degree Business Management, Hospitality & Tourism Certificate

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If you have perfected your barista resume, you are already close to attaining your dream job.

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Here’s something no one told you.

Your barista resume matters.

To land your dream job as a barista, you need to nail your barista resume. You need to write a resume so impactful, that not even fate can stop you from getting shortlisted.

Irrespective of which stage of your career you are in, here you’ll know exactly how to curate the ideal barista resume for your target job listing.

By helping you write an impeccable resume for barista jobs, we seek to help you bridge the gap between you and your dream job.

Take a look at the resume examples and resume templates on our website to get a better sense of what they are.

Moving on, given below is a list of what you will learn from this blog:

What is a Barista Resume & why do you need it?

Barista sample resume, barista job description for resume.

  • How much money do recruiters make?

Barista Resume Sections

How to write a barista resume.

  • Resume format for your Barista Resume

Barista Resume: Professional Experience

Barista resume: key skills, barista resume summary, barista resume objective, barista resume: header, barista resume: education.

Let’s say you can brew coffee with the flair of a professional coffee brewer. Let’s say you’re so good that even God descends to earth to compliment you on your barista skills but you still don’t land the barista job that you have been pining for.

What are you doing wrong?

Here’s what you are potentially doing wrong.

If you have the desired skill set of a barista, but you’re not sufficiently endorsing your barista skills in your barista resume, you’re doing it all wrong.

So, reiterating the question: what is a barista resume and why do you need it?

A barista resume is a compendium of your professional skills & responsibilities.

It talks about your skills as a professional and the expertise that you have accumulated over the years. As such, it is a statement of proficiency that you make to the recruiter.

Through your barista resume, you are making a practical skill demonstration to the recruiter.

You don’t need just any ABC barista resume. You need one that is packed with flavor and impact. Moreover, it has to be ATS-targeted too.

Once you write an ATS targeted resume , you will be in a better position to rank well in the ATS system.

Before we begin, here’s a glimpse of our barista resume showing what an impeccable barista resume should ideally look like.

  • Caffeine Knowledge
  • Order Processing
  • Food Preparation & Recommendation
  • Hygiene & Sanitation
  • Relationship Management
  • Training & Mentoring
  • Safety & Compliance
  • Talent Acquisition
  • Team Leadership
  • Customer Engagement
  • Drink Preparation & Recommendation
  • Food Delivery
  • Transaction Management
  • Master Barista Certification | Barista Guild of America | New York, NY | Apr '11 - Jun '11
  • Barista Basics | Barista Guild of America | New York, NY | Feb '11 - Apr '11
  • Memorized drink orders & food preferences of our regular customers leading to 30% increase in brand loyalty
  • Prepared espresso shots, specialty espresso drinks, latte, cappuccino, french press, etc. for 50+ customers per day
  • Provided 1000+ dessert-pairing recommendations to cafe guests based on taste & menu leading to 20% increase in sales
  • Facilitated the screening, hiring & on-boarding of 5+ baristas to meet the shortage of talent
  • Mentored 10+ new baristas in workflow procedures, espresso and coffee brewing equipment , and drink preparation
  • Negotiated with coffee vendors leading to a 20% reduction in the cost of coffee
  • Pioneered a new customer feedback system leading to a 50% increase in customer satisfaction
  • Identified solutions for crowd management leading to 15% line reduction
  • Awarded " Barista of the Year" for 3 years for delivering quality services to customers & unfailing punctuality
  • Ensured 100% compliance with the health and safety procedures of the cafe
  • Provided personalized & friendly service to 300+ customers in a fast-paced cafe environment
  • Assisted in administrative tasks such as taking calls, managing financial transactions & delivering food
  • Advised customers on coffee blends , roasts, teas, specialty espresso beverages & gourmet pastries
  • Top 5 percentile of the class
  • Languages : English, Spanish, Mandarin, Italian

If you’re interested in becoming a full-time professional barista, make sure that you are passionate about coffee and its smell, because you’ll be surrounded by the sweet saccharine smell of caffeine all day!

Whether it is a high-end café in SoHo or a coffee shop in your immediate locality, it needs the professional touch of a barista to function properly. It is the barista who takes care of the day-to-day functions of the café and as such, he/she is the life and soul of the coffee shop.

From welcoming guests, to accepting orders and payments, to informing them about the in-house specials, a barista has a wide range of responsibilities that are not limited to serving customers.

They are café professionals who need to be well equipped with the knowledge of coffee. They should be aware of the different types of coffee beans and how to best consume them.

The main duty of a barista includes preparing food, grinding & blending coffee beans, brewing coffee and tea, and serving items to customers.

Other duties include taking care of the logistics of the company, and ensuring that the café is well stocked with the requisite supplies.

These are the duties that you should list down in your barista job description for resume.

Barista Salary Analysis: How much money do recruiters make?

  • Glassdoor : USD $19.1k – 29k per year
  • Payscale : USD $8.09 – 12.9 per hour
  • Ziprecruiter : USD $71k – 31k per year

It is essential that you address certain resume sections and colorfully mention them in your barista resume. We have listed these sections below:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience
  • Certifications (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)

These sections need to be thoughtfully composed and professionally presented in your resume for barista jobs. This goes into the making of a perfect barista resume, which goes into the making of a resume that will win you your dream barista job.

To write a highly impeccable barista resume, you need to perfect three stages. We have mentioned them below:

  • First stage: Master Barista Resume
  • Second stage: First Draft of your Barista Resume
  • Third stage: Final Draft of your Barista Resume

Master Barista Resume

As part of the first stage of resume writing, you need to curate the master barista resume.

All you have to do as part of your master barista resume is to compile all your professional information in one place. This helps in the easy recollection of data which helps you in the present and the future.

Given below is an explanation of how making a master resume has the twin objectives of helping you in both timelines:

Helps compile resume in the present: Making a master barista resume helps you compose your resume in the present as you have all the resources you need in one place. This way, you can cherry-pick the details of your professional experience that are relevant to your target job listing in the present timeline.

Helps update resume in the future: Making a master barista resume also helps you update your resume in the future as it eliminates the need to explicitly look for information. Moreover, since you have carefully compiled every possible information under the sun, you already have access to the huge library of data that you have to your disposal due to your master resume making efforts. All you have to do is update your resume and you’re sorted!

First Draft of your Barista Resume

As part of the second stage of curating your barista resume, you have to make the first draft which consists of composing the following sections:

  • Personal information
  • Profile title
  • Professional experience
  • Certification
  • Awards & recognition
  • Additional information

Final Draft of your Barista Resume

The final draft of your barista resume is the third and final stage of writing your barista resume. In this stage, you have to compose the sections that we have mentioned below:

  • Compose the key skills section : The key skills section is one of the most important sections of your resume. As a rule, this is the second last section that you should compose after composing the rest of the sections in your resume.
  • Compose the summary or objective section : Your barista resume objective or summary is the last thing that you should compose while drafting your resume for barista jobs. Whether you should write a summary or objective depends on the number of years that you have worked in total.

How to write a Barista Resume: Conclusion

Knowing how to start a resume and the stages you should follow helps.

Following the three stages that we have mentioned above makes your resume writing approach more organized and efficient.

This further goes into the making of an impeccable resume for your target job listing.

Follow the three stages of resume writing to write an organized and efficient barista resume.

Also Read: How to write a professional resume?

Ideal resume format for your Barista Resume

There are 3 types of resume formats :

  • Reverse Chronological Resume : This resume format follows a descending timeline approach and discusses your most recent work experience first, followed by the next most recent work experience, and so on.
  • Functional Resume Format : This resume format prioritizes your skills and roles & responsibilities over the timeline approach. It covers the potential gap in your work experience and is therefore considered the best format for people with gaps in their employment.
  • Combination/Hybrid Resume Format : This resume format is a combination of the reverse-chronological and functional resume format . It brings the best of both worlds as it aligns your resume according to the reverse chronological order, which enhances the relevance of your resume, and it also endorses your skills in the summary section to communicate your key areas of strength to the recruiter.

To write an impeccable resume for barista jobs, you need to be particular about every small detail.

Your resume should be on point, each section needs to be perfect, and the resume format that you use to structure your resume should also be impeccably selected.

As a rule of thumb, the reverse chronological resume format is considered the ideal resume format for writing resumes. It is also ATS-targeted & recruiter friendly.

Use the Reverse Chronological Format to write an ATS-targeted barista resume. It makes your resume more relevant, is recruiter friendly, and also has a higher chance of ranking in the ATS system.

Here’s what makes the Reverse Chronological Format the most ideal format:

  • ATS Friendly : The reverse chronological format is the industry standard when it comes to resumes as it is ATS friendly. It guarantees that your resume gets correctly parsed by almost any applicant tracking system.
  • Recruiter Friendly : This resume format is recruiter-friendly and is the preferred format amongst recruiters.
  • Easy to compose : One of the best advantages of the reverse chronological format is that it is easy to compose.
  • Makes your resume relevant : Your most recent work experience is the most relevant work experience of your career and by endorsing it first, this resume format makes the resume highly “relevant”.

The professional experience section is the section in your resume for barista jobs that gives your barista resume the chance to shine and stand out.

It is in this section that you get the opportunity to endorse your barista skills list.

By endorsing your skills and talking about it in explicit detail, you can communicate the highlights of your career to the recruiter in the most impactful manner.

The way you present this section and the information that you choose to talk about your professional experience has the potential to advance your job application.

This is why you need to be extra careful when you choose the information that you present in the professional experience section of your resume.

In any case, your goal here is to perfect this section. You can do this in three ways:

  • Use the STAR format to structure your resume
  • Use points to communicate your roles & responsibilities
  • Use bolding & bucketing to enhance the effectiveness of your resume

To learn what an ideal professional experience section looks like, take a look at the barista resume sample that we have mentioned below.

Professional Experience Section in Barista Resume

STAR Format in your Recruiter Resume

STAR stands for the following:

S stands for Situation - The situation/backdrop/context of your contributions T stands for Task - The actual task that was assigned to you A stands for Action - The strategy you used to execute the assigned task R stands for Result - The result/outcome of your action in the form of an achievement figure

This is a universally used and accepted format for structuring the professional experience section of your resume. It uses the cause-effect relationship to showcase the reason behind your actions and the result of this action.

By using the STAR format, you can demonstrate how you benefitted the key stakeholders by exhibiting the quantifiable impact of your actions in the form of performance figures.

This makes it possible for you to show your professional caliber which further enhances your job application.

Framing Points in your Barista Resume

When it comes to writing resumes, there are two types of people:

  • Person 1 : uses paragraphs to discuss their roles & responsibilities
  • Person 2 : uses points to communicate their roles & responsibilities

If you are person 1, you have been writing your professional experience section the wrong way this whole time.

if you are person 2, you are correctly composing this section. Using paragraphs is always a big NO. That’s because paragraphs are long, boring and hard to comprehend

On the contrary, framing points can drastically revolutionize your resume. It is reader-friendly and easy to comprehend.

Here are two examples to demonstrate this.

I had the privilege to work as the head barista in the last organization I have worked with. As part of my daily roles & responsibilities, I prepared espresso shots, specialty espresso drinks, latte, cappuccino, french press, etc. for over 50 customers per day. I also memorized drink orders & food preferences of our regular customers which led to a 30% increase in brand loyalty. I also facilitated the screening, hiring, & onboarding of 5+ baristas within a short period of two months to meet the talent shortage within the assigned budget. Added responsibilities include mentoring new baristas in workflow procedures, espresso and coffee brewing equipment, and drink preparation. Alongside this, I also identified solutions for crowd management which led to a 15% line reduction. My consistent performance resulted in me being awarded "Barista of the year" for 3 years for delivering quality services to customers with unfailing punctuality.

  • Memorized drink orders & food preferences of our regular customers leading to a 30% increase in brand loyalty
  • Made 1000+ dessert-pairing recommendations to cafe guests based on taste & menu leading to a 20% increase in sales
  • Facilitated the screening, hiring, & onboarding of 5+ baristas to meet the talent shortage within the assigned budget
  • Mentored 10+ new baristas in workflow procedures, espresso, and coffee brewing equipment, and drink preparation
  • Awarded "Barista of the year" for 3 years for delivering quality services to customers & unfailing punctuality

Framing points: Analysis

You can draw the following conclusions from the examples that we have mentioned above:

  • Example 1 uses a paragraph to communicate the applicant’s roles & responsibilities. It is so long that it potentially puts off a recruiter who may have a tough time reading it
  • Your resume needs to effortlessly and effectively communicate your roles & responsibilities. Using paragraphs fails to achieve this objective
  • Example 2 is easier to read and comprehend. It is written in the form of points that makes your resume reader-friendly. The easy readability further encourages the recruiter to evaluate your resume all the way through
  • Conclusion: Use points instead of paragraphs to compose the professional experience section of your resume for barista jobs

Bucketing & Bolding in your Barista Resume

Framing points makes your resume more readable but, bucketing & bolding make your resume more effective.

Good readability is not the only hallmark of a good resume. It needs to be effective and impactful too.

Your mission here is to elevate your resume to the realms of perfection. This can be done by using bucketing & bolding.

Made 1000+ dessert-pairing recommendations to cafe guests based on taste & menu leading to a 20% increase in sales Facilitated the screening, hiring, & onboarding of 5+ baristas to meet the talent shortage within the assigned budget Mentored 10+ new baristas in workflow procedures, espresso, and coffee brewing equipment, and drink preparation Identified solutions for crowd management leading to 15% line reduction Awarded "Barista of the year" for 3 years for delivering quality services to customers & unfailing punctuality

Customer Service & Drink Preparation

Talent Acquisition & Training of Baristas

Key Achievements

Bucketing & Bolding: Analysis

You can draw the following conclusions from the above-mentioned examples:

  • Example 1 uses points which makes the resume easier to read and comprehend. However, it does nothing to communicate the effectiveness of the applicant’s roles & responsibilities
  • Example 2 uses bucketing & bolding alongside points to communicate the same things but it is more effective than example 1
  • It directs the recruiter’s attention to the applicant’s quantifiable achievements which make the applicant’s skills more relevant
  • By grouping similar points under unique subheadings, you are also making an informed statement of your achievements. This shows that you can comprehend your strengths & weaknesses in an organized way
  • Conclusion: Use bucketing & bolding alongside points to compose the work experience section of your resume for barista jobs.

The key skills section of your coffee shop resume is one of the most important parts of your resume.

This is where the gold mine is.

To strike gold with the recruiter, you need to do what it takes to perfect this section.

Here’s what you can do to perfect this section:

  • After composing the professional experience section of your resume, you have to objectively single out the key skills that are specific to you. After you identify them, list them down in the key skills section of your barista resume in 2 – 3 words
  • Analyze your target job listing and look for the keywords used by the recruiter. You can identify these keywords easily as it would be mentioned by the recruiter under the “skills we are looking for” section of your target job listing. Once you identify them, replicate these keywords in the key skills section of your resume as long as it resonates with the skills that you have. The trick is to not blatantly replicate the keywords used by the recruiter but to only do so if you possess these skills.

Take a look at our barista resume sample to get a good of what an impeccably curated key skills section of your coffee shop resume should ideally look like.

Skills Section in Barista Resume

Your resume should be ideally composed and perfectly written to competitively demonstrate your skills to a potential recruiter. This means that your resume summary also needs to be on-point and highly impactful.

Follow the steps that we have mentioned below to write a highly impactful resume summary :

  • Write a summary if you have over 3 years of work experience. If you have 0 to less than 3 years of work experience, write a barista resume objective instead
  • Pick out the highlights of your career from the professional experience section of your barista resume and summarize them in your resume summary in 2-3 lines
  • To write an ATS-targeted resume summary, focus on the keywords used by the recruiter. The trick is to link your past roles & responsibilities with the keywords used by the recruiter in your target job listing. This enhances your chances of a shortlist as it demonstrates that you possess the skills that the recruiter is looking for

Take a look at our barista resume sample below to learn what an ideal resume summary should ideally look like.

Summary Section in Barista Resume

Should you write a barista resume objective ? Or should you not write a barista resume objective?

It all comes down to the number of years you have professionally worked as a barista.

For instance, if you have 0 to less than 3 years of work experience, you should write a barista resume objective. If you have worked for more than 3, write a resume summary instead.

This means that a barista resume objective is written by those professionals or entry-level workers who have zero to very little work experience.

Mentioned below is a list of guidelines that you should know to perfectly compose your resume header :

  • Do not write “CV” or “Resume” as the resume header. This is a wrong approach to writing resume headers and is likely to be seen as unprofessional
  • Your real full name is the de-facto resume header of your coffee shop resume. Thus, you should use your real full name as the resume header. This should feature on the extreme top of your resume
  • Write your resume header in the font range of 16-20 font size and give a single space between your first name and your last name
  • If you have a middle name, write your first name, followed by the first initial of your middle name, followed by your last name.
  • For instance, if your name is Kim Philip Beatrice, write your resume header as Kim P. Beatrice

Barista Resume: Personal Information

The personal information section of your recruiter resume consists of the following things:

  • Updated mobile number
  • Professional email address

Align these points horizontally in the below-mentioned format:

{Personal Mobile number} | {Professional E-mail Address} | {Current Location}

To know how an ideal personal information section should be professionally written, take a look at the barista resume example that we have attached below.

Personal Information

Updated Mobile Number

The rules & regulations that you should follow as part of composing your mobile number are listed below:

  • Use your country’s ISD code as a prefix before your phone number
  • Put a plus sign (+) before the ISD code
  • Write your updated mobile number after the ISD code
  • Eg: +1 38723 31981

E-mail Address

Your e-mail address needs to be correctly composed and impeccably written. Make one mistake and you may never hear from a recruiter who may be potentially interested in you.

The correct format for drafting your email address is listed below:

[email protected]

For eg: if your name is Kim Beatrice, the correct way to write this in your email ID is [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] (whichever you may prefer).

As long as your email ID has your complete full name, you’re approaching email-writing the right way.

Just like all the other components of your resume, your location too should be correctly composed. Mentioned below is a list of guidelines that you should follow when composing your location:

  • In the language of resume-writing, the location stands for your current city of residence. It should be positioned in the right-most corner of the personal information section of your resume
  • This means that you don’t need to mention your house address, street name, or locality name in your resume for barista jobs
  • If you’re looking for a job in the same country, write your city name and state name
  • If you’re looking for a job in another country, write your city name and country name

Barista Resume: Profile Title

The profile title of your recruiter resume, like the rest of the elements of your resume, should follow a couple of rules & regulations. These rules are mentioned below:

  • Write your resume title in the size range of 14-16 font size
  • If you are a senior recruiter, your profile title should be written as “Senior Recruiter” in a font range of 14-16 font size

The education section of your coffee shop resume consists of the following things:

  • Name of the school/university you have attended
  • Name of the pursued courses
  • Location of your school/university
  • Enrollment and graduation dates in the month and year format

The points should be arranged in the format that we have mentioned below:

{Name of the school/university} | {Location} | {Dates} (in month and year format) {Name of the degree} | {CGPA}

To learn what the education section of your coffee shop resume should look like, refer to our barista resume example:

education Section in Barista Resume

Barista Resume: Certifications

If you have picked up new skills and have the certifications to prove it, lay them down in the certifications section of your resume for barista jobs.

You should not make the mistake of overlooking this section as it is here that you get the opportunity to show the recruiter that you went out of your way to become better at something that you feel deeply passionate about.

We have mentioned below a list of things that you should ideally compose in this section:

  • Name of the certification
  • Name of the certification issuing body
  • Location of the certifying body
  • Enrollment and completion date in the month and year format

Arrange the points that we have mentioned above in the below-mentioned format:

{Name of certification} | {Affiliating Institution} | {Location} | {Date} (in month and year format)

Mentioned below is a barista resume example illustrating the ideal certifications section for your barista resume:

Certifications Section in Barista Resume

Barista Resume: Additional Information

Whether it is a list of your hobbies or the languages you know, you can always incorporate them in the additional information section of your barista resume.

Given below is our barista resume example showcasing a perfectly curated additional information section for your resume:

Additional Information Section in Barista Resume

Key Takeaways

  • Write the dates in the month and year format across all sections of your barista resume
  • Use the Reverse Chronological Format to write an ATS-targeted, highly effective resume for barista jobs
  • Use points alongside bucketing & bolding to enhance the effectiveness of your barista resume
  • Begin the points of your work experience with a power verb
  • Use power verbs in the past tense for past profiles and projects
  • Use power verbs in the present continuous tense for present profiles and projects
  • Write a barista resume objective if you have less than 3 years of work experience
  • Write a barista resume summary if you have over 3 years of work experience
  • Write the location in city/state format if you are applying for a job in the same country
  • Write the location in city/country format if you are applying for a job in another country

Though you can build a job winning barista resume by following these steps, you can also make the resume building process easier by using Hiration's 360-Degree Career Building Platform .

This AI-powered platform comes with 24/7 online chat support for a bug free user experience. Additionally you can also consult your career-related queries with our experts at [email protected] .

resume objective examples for barista

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3 Entry-Level Barista Resume Examples That Work in 2024

Stephen Greet

Entry-Level Barista Resume

Clean entry-level barista resume, modern entry-level barista resume.

  • Entry-Level Barista Resume Writing 101

Preparing food and specialty beverages requires a keen eye for detail. You know you’ll excel at that by getting orders brewed, packed, and served within specifications to create an excellent customer experience. 

Have you included the right mix of top skills on your resume to land a job as a barista?

Applying for entry-level food and beverage service positions can be tricky when you don’t have much experience. We’re here to help with our entry-level barista resume examples that have helped plenty of applicants land a job in 2024.

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Entry level barista resume example with no experience

Why this resume works

  • For instance, having a second language like Spanish won’t hurt your chances. Throw in a few managerial skills like critical thinking or time management to let employers know that you’re the go-to person for all coffee and front-of-the-house needs.

Clean entry level barista resume example with no experience

Related resume examples

  • Starbucks barista
  • Coffee shop

What Matters Most: Your Entry-Level Barista Skills & Work Experience

Your resume skills and work experience

Food safety and brewing efficiency require a lot of skill. That said, what do you list here when you haven’t worked as a barista before?

Start by looking at the job description and consider how you can tailor skills from previous experiences to the position’s needs. For instance, if you’ve provided customer service in other retail industries, that would be great to include. 

Otherwise, you can take skills like following a schedule in school extracurricular activities or receiving good grades on class presentations and apply them here.  

Here are some of the top entry-level barista skills for your resume. 

9 top entry-level barista skills

  • Cash Management
  • Customer Service
  • Coffee Knowledge
  • Food & Beverage Prep
  • Sanitization
  • POS Systems

Sample entry-level barista work experience bullet points

Entry-level barista applicants may also struggle with listing relevant work experience when they haven’t worked much.  

While this section is commonly for work experience, you can actually fill up the bulk of your resume with lots of experiences like education, hobbies & interests , and volunteer work. For instance, volunteering at a food pantry still shows great food handling and customer service skills. 

Additionally, try to include as many numbers as possible to emphasize the impact of your achievements, like customer satisfaction scores or efficiency.

Here are a few samples:

  • Worked with a team in the food club following exact recipes to prepare baked goods and finished 2nd in a regional competition.    
  • Volunteered at a nursing home, helping transport patients to rec rooms and answering any questions to achieve 98% positive satisfaction scores.  
  • Managed cash and POS systems to accurately complete transactions as a grocery store cashier with no cash drawer shortages for 2 years. 
  • Entered product inventory information in Microsoft Excel, diligently paying attention to serial numbers and descriptions to ensure 99% accuracy. 

Top 5 Tips for Your Entry-Level Barista Resume

  • Candidates without much experience can benefit from presenting their most relevant abilities right away. For example, you could write a couple of sentences about how you’re a caring professional with two years of customer service experience who is ready to apply those abilities as a barista. 
  • Baristas need to manage order information efficiently and stay organized. You can start things off right by submitting an organized resume that has clear headers, bullet points with data, and easily readable fonts. 
  • Your examples about how you achieved great customer satisfaction scores or performed tasks efficiently don’t have to be super long. Just saying you provided friendly service with 97% positive satisfaction rates goes a long way. 
  • Non-traditional work experiences like volunteer work or tasks you completed as a part of a school club can be great on entry-level resumes. For example, participating in a school sport can show how you thrive in a team environment, which will be crucial as a barista. 
  • Hiring managers will be impressed by an accurate and grammatically correct resume. It’ll help show your ability to get orders right and clearly process information from the start. 

Aim for a one-page resume , with relevant information to your customer service and food prep abilities. If you’re struggling to fill up an entire page, use hobbies & interests , school experiences, or an objective to add more details. 

Reverse chronological formatting will be best when your experience is limited. It’ll put your most recent and relevant abilities to aspects like cash management and timely service at the top to catch a hiring manager’s attention. 

You should still create a cover letter to showcase your interest in the position and how your skills fit in. Your cover letter can be a great way to show how you connect with the company, such as your passion for coffee, tea, or bakery-related products or how you’ll create a great customer experience. 

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

2 Barista Resume Samples [+Job Description & Skills]

A barista resume is a 1-2-page document that contains your qualifications and experiences as a barista. Also, it contains information about what you accomplished professionally in the past in a manner that illustrates what you can do for an employer in the future.

How to Write a Perfect Resume for Barista Position?

Writing a perfect resume for a barista position can greatly increase your chances of landing the job you desire.

Here are some tips to help you create an impressive resume:

1. Start with a compelling summary: Begin your resume with a concise summary that highlights your relevant skills, qualifications, and experience as a barista. This section should capture the attention of the hiring manager and make them want to read further.

2. Showcase your barista skills: Clearly list your barista skills and proficiency in areas such as espresso preparation, latte art, customer service, multitasking, and knowledge of different coffee varieties. Be sure to mention any additional certifications or training you have received.

3. Highlight relevant experience: Include a detailed work history section that emphasizes your experience in the coffee industry. Include the names of the places you have worked, your job responsibilities, and any achievements or accomplishments during your tenure.

4. Emphasize customer service skills: Baristas interact with customers on a daily basis, so it’s important to highlight your excellent customer service skills. Focus on your ability to provide a friendly and personalized experience to customers, handle complaints, and ensure customer satisfaction.

5. Include any related education: If you have any formal education related to coffee or hospitality, include it in the resume. This could be a barista certification program, a coffee brewing course, or a degree in hospitality management.

6. Mention relevant achievements: If you have received any recognition or awards for your barista skills or outstanding performance in the past, be sure to mention them. This demonstrates your dedication and commitment to your craft.

7. Tailor your resume to the job description: Carefully read the job description and tailor your resume to highlight the skills and qualifications that are specifically mentioned by the employer. This shows the employer that you have taken the time to understand their requirements and are a good fit for the position.

8. Proofread and format carefully: Pay attention to the details. Make sure your resume is free from any spelling or grammatical errors. Use a clean and professional format that is easy to read and includes relevant sections such as contact information, skills, work experience, and education.

The following are 2 barista resume examples to guide you further on how to write a good resume.

Barista Resume Page Image

Barista Resume Sample 1 Experience: 10+ Years

Maggie Klein New York, NY (000) 455-8484 [email protected]

♦♦♦ BARISTA ♦♦♦ Professional Barista with a passion for all things coffee.

SUMMARY Ambitious and creative Barista with 11+ years of hands-on experience in coffee making and brewing. Substantial knowledge of various coffee types and their characteristics. Increased the number of returning clients by 50% at ABC Company through customer service and communication skills. Bilingual: English/Spanish.

CORE COMPETENCIES Espresso blends – Inventory Management Coffee brewing – Latte and fudge art


Barista Starbucks, New York, NY 2016 – Present

  • Increase 5-star ratings by 80% owing to effective coffee-making and customer service skills
  • Note orders and serve coffee, food, and beverages
  • Make coffee using many brewing methods such as pour-over, espresso, and cold brew
  • Open and close the coffee station
  • Assist in menu setting and determining coffee types
  • Communicate with customers, note their preferences, and take feedback
  • Perform cashiering in addition to inventory handling tasks
  • Monitor wastage and record consumption of items
  • Maintain cleanliness of counter and bar

Barista ABC Cafe, Jersey City, NJ 2009 – 2016

  • Introduced the concept of a customized coffee cup, increasing the customer base by 50%
  • Delivered exceptional service to patrons, therefore, attained the “most dedicated employee award”
  • Managed service beverage and coffee bean counters during busy hours
  • Checked the taste of coffee in order to ensure quality
  • Kept track of customer preferences
  • Offered customized cups of warm and cold coffee as per taste
  • Maintained adequate stock of materials at the coffee bar
  • Developed professional relationships with guests and coworkers.

Bus Runner/Stocker Chartwells, Grand Falls, IN 2008 – 2011

  • Supplied food and beverage items to the service areas
  • Stocked refrigerators and salad bars with items frequently
  • Swept and cleaned service areas while emptying trash cans
  • Maintained accurate records of items sold

EDUCATION G.E.D Springwood High School, New York, NY – 2007

CERTIFICATION New York Food Handler’s Card – Current


  • MS Office applications


  • Well-versed with coffee types and features
  • Hardworking and punctual
  • Neat appearance

“I am very expert in handling high volumes with high energy.”

Barista Resume Sample 2 Experience: 5 Years

Woody Blowhorn Elizabethtown, KY (000) 541-2142  woodieblow@email

PASSIONATE BARISTA “ I am committed to providing world-class customer service to contribute to the overall success of the Cafe. “

SUMMARY Seasoned and creative Barista with over 5 years of experience working in high-end coffee shops. Exceptionally talented in preparing popular blends of coffee, latte, and espresso by following set standards and protocols. A quick learner and team player that can go above and beyond the call of duty.

SPECIALTIES Coffee Blending | Order Taking Food Safety & Hygiene | Food Preparation Counter Operations | Cashiering Services Cleanliness and Sanitation Communication | Customer Service

Barista Starbucks, Elizabethtown, KY 8/2020 – Present

  • Greet customers at the coffee counter and inquire about their choice of coffee blend
  • Assist customers in determining the right type of coffee blend according to their specific tastes
  • Take orders for coffee and food items and ensure that they are properly recorded
  • Relay food orders to the backend and prepare coffee and smoothie orders at the coffee counter
  • Coordinate efforts with the kitchen staff to ensure that food orders are delivered on time
  • Serve coffee and food orders and ensure that any additional requirements are serviced immediately
  • Keep a close watch on the coffee supplies inventory and inform the procurement manager of any low-stock situations

Key Accomplishments

  • Devised a novel coffee blend that became popular amongst the locals, bringing $2000 in additional revenue per month
  • Suggested acquirement of a temperature device that helped maintain the serving temperature of different coffee blends

Cafe Server Captain Cook’s, Elizabethtown, KY 2/208 – 8/2020

  • Assisted waiters by following up on food orders and serving large orders to patrons
  • Cleared tables while cleaning and sanitizing them
  • Adequately stocked condiments counter
  • Communicated any low-stock items to the manager
  • Substituted and worked doubled as a waiter due to a staff shortage
  • Implemented a series of inventory and stock management directives, resulting in increased efficiency of both systems

EDUCATION High School Diploma Elizabeth High School, Elizabethtown, KY


  • MS Word and Excel
  • Bilingual: English/Spanish

“I sell and share my knowledge with customers and coworkers, relate easily to others, and build rapport – I deliver.”

Barista Job Description Page Image

Barista Job Description for Resume

  • Greet and take orders from customers in a friendly and professional manner.
  • Prepare and serve a variety of hot and cold beverages, including coffee, tea, and specialty drinks.
  • Operate coffee brewing equipment such as espresso machines and grinders to prepare high-quality beverages.
  • Ensure accuracy in order preparation, including proper portioning, garnishing, and presentation.
  • Maintain cleanliness and organization of the coffee bar area, including restocking supplies and cleaning equipment.
  • Follow health and safety guidelines to ensure a clean and safe work environment.
  • Provide exceptional customer service, addressing customer inquiries and resolving any issues or complaints.
  • Upsell additional products or menu items to customers, promoting specials or seasonal offerings.
  • Collaborate with the team to maintain inventory levels and order supplies as needed.
  • Adapt to fast-paced work environments and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

Barista Skills for Resume

  • Coffee Brewing
  • Espresso Machine Operation
  • Menu Knowledge
  • Grinding and Bean Selection
  • Equipment Maintenance
  • Inventory Management
  • Cash Handling
  • Customer Service
  • Time Management
  • Sanitation and Safety

A well-crafted resume can make a lasting impression on potential employers. By following these samples and tips, you’ll be on your way to writing a perfect resume for a barista position.

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Barista Resume Examples

Writing a great barista resume is important because it is one of the first things a potential employer will see when they are considering you for a position. It is your opportunity to make a good first impression and sell yourself as the best candidate for the job.

Create your resume Select from 7 professional resume templates

If you're looking for inspiration when it comes to drafting your own barista resume, look no further than the samples below. These resumes will help you highlight your experience and qualifications in the most effective way possible, giving you the best chance of landing the barista job you're after.

Barista Resume Example

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Essential Components of a Barista Resume

For those seeking a barista position, a well-crafted resume is crucial for standing out in a competitive job market. Your resume should not only detail your previous employment but also highlight your skills, demonstrate your passion for coffee culture, and convey your unique personality. Below, we delve into the essential elements of a barista resume, offering guidance on how to effectively present each section to capture the attention of potential employers.

1. Contact Information

At the top of your resume, ensure your contact information is prominent and up-to-date. Include your full name, address, phone number, and a professional email address. Consider adding professional networking profiles or personal websites that showcase your coffee industry experience, but keep it strictly professional.

How to List Contact Information for a Barista Resume

Use a professional email format, like [email protected] , and indicate if you're willing to relocate for work, which could broaden your job prospects.

2. Objective or Summary Statement

The Objective or Summary Statement is a brief and engaging introduction placed at the beginning of your resume. For newcomers, an objective statement should outline your career goals and enthusiasm for the barista role. Experienced baristas should opt for a summary statement that encapsulates their expertise, key accomplishments, and skill set.

Customize this section for each job application, aligning it with the job description to make a strong first impression.

3. Work Experience

The Work Experience section is where you showcase your practical skills and achievements. List your roles in reverse chronological order, including the employer's name, location, your title, and the dates of employment. Provide a concise description of your responsibilities and accomplishments, using quantifiable data where possible.

Highlight experiences that demonstrate your coffee knowledge, machine proficiency, customer service excellence, and any leadership roles you've held. Include any relevant training or certifications obtained during your employment.

4. Skills and Abilities

The Skills and Abilities section is your opportunity to shine, listing the specific talents that qualify you for the barista role. Include your coffee expertise, customer service prowess, cash handling experience, and any other relevant skills. Provide concrete examples from your work history to illustrate these abilities in action.

5. Education and Certifications

Your Education and Certifications lend credibility to your resume. While a high school diploma is often sufficient, additional education or specialized training can set you apart. List any relevant degrees, coffee-related certifications, and professional development courses that enhance your qualifications as a barista.

6. Awards and Achievements

The Awards and Achievements section allows you to distinguish yourself by highlighting recognitions and accolades you've received. Include any industry-related awards, commendations for excellent service, or notable placements in barista competitions. This section underscores your commitment to excellence and your reputation within the industry.

7. References

While not always included on the resume, the References section can be a powerful endorsement of your skills and work ethic. List professional references who can attest to your qualifications as a barista. If space is limited, you can opt to note that references are available upon request.

Remember, a comprehensive barista resume is more than a list of past jobs—it's a reflection of your professional journey, skills, and passion for coffee. By carefully crafting each section, you can create a compelling narrative that resonates with potential employers and positions you as an ideal candidate for the role.

  • Foodservice
  • Barista resume examples


Barista Resume examples

6 Barista resume examples found

All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Barista resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Barista resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

Learn more about: how to write a perfect resume

Assisted an average of 50+ customers within 1-hour period during exceptionally busy breakfast rush. Handled complex orders and maintained café work area cleanliness throughout.

  • Ensured accuracy when taking and delivering beverage orders.
  • Leveraged organization skills to keep orders segmented and paired with the proper customer during high-volume time periods.
  • Collaborated with café employees to deliver orders quickly and efficiently.
  • Utilized downtime to tackle additional responsibilities such as cleaning and restocking products.

Oversaw excellent customer experiences and in-store execution of sales and promotions as directed by the store manager. Tracked and monitored inventory levels and prepared lists for ordering when stock ran low.

  • Brought artistry to the average customer interaction by creating and mastering unique foam designs that attracted a virtual following through social media output.
  • Participated in promotional events by demonstrating coffee artistry and sharing samples at local events, outside the store, and via social media posting management.

Ensure consistent workflow and service offerings to guests by assisting bartender and cocktail servers where needed. Create environment of efficiency by facilitating clean work areas and cross-checking the bar orders. Maintain sanitation of the facility, complying with standards from the local and state Health Department.

  • Updated workflows to ensure 15% greater accuracy in drink order delivery for larger parties.
  • Trained new barbacks on products, standards, and procedures to ensure greatest success of customer service delivery.

Achieved and maintained 90%+ guest satisfaction score over 2-year timeframe. Cultivated positive relationships throughout entire time working for Starbucks café.

  • Practiced accuracy while inputting orders via POS system.
  • Communicated with customers on a daily basis.
  • Went the extra mile to remember regular customers’ orders and preferences.
  • Partnered with leadership to resolve issues or answer questions as needed.

Demonstrate adept service skill and product knowledge through expert delivery of customer-requested beverages and café items. Sanitized preparation areas and followed all rules for company and local regulatory compliance. Monitored inventory levels.

  • Mastered 100+ café beverage combinations, completing up to 200 orders per day.
  • Promoted special store items or promotional events and products to upsell and boost average customer spend by at least $5 per customer.
  • Won “Employee of the Month” three times in one year.

Streamlined onboarding process and reduced training program times by 50% with newly developed and implemented mentorship program. Worked with individual trainees to provide hands-on experience.

  • Assessed existing training procedures.
  • Devised improved process including increased opportunities to “learn by doing.”
  • Presented revised workflow to restaurant leadership for approval.
  • Led training program as lead mentor and subject matter expert (SME), teaching new hires and transfers alike.
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Part Time Job Resume

Ai generator.

resume objective examples for barista

Dive into a resourceful guide infused with professional insights on creating a compelling part-time job resume. This comprehensive piece not only offers tangible examples to emulate but also provides accessible, step-by-step instructions on crafting your tailored resume. Elevate your application with proven tips and grab the opportunity to download a selection of refined resume samples, meticulously designed to set you apart in the competitive job market. Your journey to securing that coveted position begins here!

What is a Part Time Job Resume? – Definition

A part-time job resume is a tailored document that effectively showcases an individual’s skills, experiences, and qualifications relevant to a part-time position they are applying for. Unlike resumes for full-time roles, these are often more concise and focused on flexibility and efficiency, highlighting the applicant’s ability to contribute value in a part-time capacity. It includes essential elements like contact information, a summary or objective, work history, education, and specific skills aligning with the job requirements.

What is the Best Resume Example for a Part Time Job?

[your name].

Phone: [Your Phone]

Email: [Your Email]

LinkedIn: [LinkedIn Profile] (optional)

Address: [Your Address] (optional)

Enthusiastic and dedicated professional with strong communication, organizational, and multitasking skills. Eager to bring a positive attitude and contribute to [Company Name]’s team while gaining hands-on experience in a [Industry/Field] environment.

[Degree Earned, e.g., High School Diploma, Associate’s Degree in Business]

  • [School Name], [City, State]
  • Graduated [Month, Year]
  • (Include any relevant coursework or achievements if applicable)

Work Experience

Sales Associate | [Previous Employer Name], [City, State] | [Month, Year] – [Month, Year]

  • Assisted customers in selecting products, offering recommendations and providing product information
  • Handled transactions and provided excellent customer service, increasing customer satisfaction by 30%
  • Maintained cleanliness and order in the store, restocking shelves and organizing displays

Volunteer | [Organization Name], [City, State] | [Month, Year] – [Month, Year]

  • Organized and participated in community cleanup, collecting over 500 lbs of waste
  • Assisted in planning and coordinating events, improving community engagement
  • Conducted outreach to increase participation, raising awareness for environmental conservation
  • Customer Service
  • Time Management
  • Communication
  • Organizational Abilities
  • Basic Computer Skills
  • Cash Handling

Certifications (if applicable)

CPR and First Aid Certified, [Month, Year]

[Any other certification relevant to the job]

Extracurricular Activities (optional)

Member, [Club or Organization Name]

Volunteer, [Volunteer Organization Name]

Languages (optional)

English (Native)

[Any other language] (Intermediate)

Available upon request.

1. Part Time CV Example for Care Assistant

Part Time CV Example for Care Assistant

Size: 85 KB

Discover our detailed “Part-Time CV Example for Care Assistant,” crafted to showcase skills, experiences, and qualifications tailored for aspiring care assistants. This template highlights compassionate care, efficiency, and adaptability, offering a standout CV that aligns with the unique requirements and expectations of top healthcare employers. Elevate your application and step into a rewarding care role!]

2. Sample Resume for Student Seeking a Part Time Job

Sample Resume for Student Seeking a Part Time Job

Size: 157 KB

Explore our “Sample Resume for Student Seeking a Part-Time Job”, a resource designed to help students effectively showcase their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and developing skills. Tailored to highlight adaptability and eagerness to learn, this resume is a stepping stone to landing rewarding part-time employment while studying. Make your first career steps count!

3. Part Time Casual Resume Example

Part Time Casual Resume Example

Size: 186 KB

Uncover our “Part-Time Casual Resume Example,” ideal for those seeking flexible employment. This template emphasizes adaptability, informal experiences, and versatile skills. It’s meticulously crafted to appeal to employers offering casual, part-time roles, ensuring your abilities and character shine. Navigate casual employment opportunities with confidence and professionalism!

4. Part Time Job Resume Example

Part Time Job Resume Example

Size: 131 KB

Dive into our “Part-Time Job Resume Example,” a guide tailored for professionals eyeing part-time positions. Showcasing strategic formatting and keyword optimization, this example illuminates your pertinent skills and experiences. Adapt and personalize to narrate your career story effectively, making a lasting impression on potential employers in the part-time job market.

5. Part Time Job Resume For Freshers

Part Time Job Resume For Freshers

Size: 154 KB

Explore our “Part-Time Job Resume for Freshers” template, especially designed for new entrants in the job market. This resource emphasizes educational achievements and innate skills, offering freshers a foundation to project their potential. Make your first impression count with a resume tailored to secure that desired part-time position!

6. Part Time Job Resume with Experience

Part Time Job Resume with Experience

Size: 150 KB

Discover “Part-Time Job Resume with Experience,” a template crafted for seasoned professionals. Highlighting significant achievements and advanced skills honed over the years, this resume is your key to standing out. Tailored to encapsulate your journey and potential, it’s engineered for those seeking to make a marked impact in part-time roles.

7. Part Time Job Resume and Cover Letter

Part Time Job Resume and Cover Letter

Size: 42 KB

Unlock our “Part-Time Job Resume and Cover Letter” package, a dual toolset designed to enhance your job application. Expertly crafted to weave your skills and experiences into a compelling narrative, this combo not only highlights your qualifications but also adds a personalized touch, elevating your profile in the competitive job landscape.

8. Undergraduate Student Part Time Job Resume Examples

Undergraduate Student Part Time Job Resume Examples

Size: 280 KB

Dive into our “Undergraduate Student Part-Time Job Resume Examples,” curated for college students seeking part-time employment. These samples skillfully meld academic accomplishments and extracurricular involvements to showcase a budding professional’s potential. Navigate and conquer the job market by presenting a resume that resonates with employers and underscores your talents!

9. Part Time Job Resume Guide Example

Part Time Job Resume Guide Example

Size: 657 KB

Explore our “Part-Time Job Resume Guide Example,” your roadmap to crafting an impactful resume. This comprehensive guide, infused with examples, navigates each resume section, offering insights to articulate your skills and experiences compellingly. Step into the part-time job market armed with a resume that speaks volumes about your potential and readiness.

10. Part Time Sample Resume Example

Part Time Sample Resume Example

Size: 135 KB

Delve into our “Part-Time Sample Resume Example,” a blueprint for job seekers eyeing part-time opportunities. Balancing conciseness and comprehensive detail, this example underscores key skills and accomplishments. Tailor it to your journey, ensuring your application not only meets employer expectations but exceeds them, securing your spot in the part-time workforce.

11. Part Time Job Resume Format Example

Part Time Job Resume Format Example

Size: 41 KB

Unveil our “Part-Time Job Resume Format Example,” engineered for aspirants desiring impactful part-time roles. This format highlights precision and aesthetic, ensuring your skills and experiences are showcased efficiently. Every section is optimized for readability and appeal, making your application a standout in the crowded part-time job market. Elevate your application’s potency now!

Job Description Example for Part Time Job Resume

Sales associate (part-time).

[Company Name] – [City, State]

Duration: [Month, Year] – Present

Key Responsibilities:

  • Customer Service: Assist customers in a friendly and professional manner, addressing queries and offering solutions based on their needs.
  • Product Knowledge: Maintain up-to-date knowledge of store products to offer accurate information and current promotions to customers.
  • Sales Transactions: Operate the cash register, handle cash and card payments efficiently, and provide receipts.
  • Store Upkeep: Restock shelves as needed, organize displays to maintain an appealing store environment, and assist with inventory counts.
  • Team Collaboration: Work closely with team members to meet daily sales targets and participate in team meetings to discuss strategies and improvements.
  • Returns and Exchanges: Handle customer returns and exchanges by ensuring company policies are followed and customers leave satisfied.
  • Safety and Cleanliness: Ensure the store environment is clean and safe for both customers and staff, reporting any potential hazards to management.


  • Recognized as “Employee of the Month” in [Month, Year] for outstanding customer service.
  • Assisted in achieving store’s highest monthly sales record in [Month, Year].
  • Introduced and implemented a product display technique that increased product visibility and sales by 20%.

Skills on Resume Required for a Part Time Job

Customer service skills:.

Communication: Clearly conveying information and ideas to individuals or groups to ensure that they understand and retain the message.

Listening: Paying attention to others, understanding, and acknowledging their points, and responding appropriately.

Problem Solving: Identifying and resolving issues promptly and effectively.

Technical Skills:

Computer Literacy: Basic understanding of computer operations, including the use of word processing and spreadsheet software.

POS Systems: Experience with handling Point Of Sale systems (if applicable).

Organizational Skills:

Multitasking: Handling multiple tasks simultaneously and effectively.

Time Management: Efficiently managing your time and the time of others.

Interpersonal Skills:

Teamwork: Collaborating with others to achieve common goals.

Adaptability: Being open to change and adjusting to new environments or work structures.

Sales Skills (for retail or sales roles):

Persuasion: Convincing others to change their minds or behavior.

Negotiation: Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences.

Numeracy Skills (for cash handling roles):

Mathematical Reasoning: The ability to choose the right mathematical methods or formulas to solve a problem.

Number Facility: The ability to add, subtract, multiply, or divide quickly and correctly.

Other Soft Skills:

Initiative: Taking on responsibilities and challenges willingly.

Dependability: Being reliable, responsible, and dependable in fulfilling obligations.

Part Time Job Resume Objectives Examples

1. retail sales associate.

“Motivated retail professional with over 2 years of experience in fast-paced environments. Adept at customer service and upselling, aiming to leverage skills to contribute to the success of [Company Name] as a Part-Time Sales Associate.”

2. Waitstaff/Server

“Friendly and detail-oriented server with 3 years of experience in busy restaurant environments. Seeking to provide exceptional customer service and enhance the dining experience at [Restaurant Name] as a part-time server.”

3. Administrative Assistant

“Organized and results-driven administrative professional with excellent communication and multitasking skills, eager to support [Company Name] with administrative and organizational tasks as a part-time assistant.”

4. Customer Service Representative

“Customer-centric individual with a strong background in solving problems and promoting positive customer experiences. Aspiring to support [Company Name] in maintaining excellent customer service standards as a part-time representative.”

5. Library Assistant

“Detail-oriented and organized student with a passion for literature and education. Looking to assist [Library Name] in offering top-notch services to the community as a part-time library assistant.”

“Enthusiastic and knowledgeable tutor experienced in assisting students improve academic performance. Eager to contribute to [Learning Center Name] by offering individualized support to students as a part-time tutor.”

“Creative and customer-oriented barista with a passion for crafting memorable coffee experiences. Seeking a part-time role at [Café Name] to contribute to a warm and inviting atmosphere for customers.”

How do I write a good resume for a part-time job?

1. understanding the job requirements.

Research: Thoroughly read the job description to understand the skills and experiences the employer values.

Keywords: Identify specific keywords and phrases in the job description and integrate them into your resume where applicable.

2. Formatting and Structure

Layout: Choose a clean, professional layout. Online templates can be helpful.

Length: Keep it concise; one page is typically sufficient for part-time job applications.

3. Contact Information

Include your name, phone number, email address, and optionally, a LinkedIn profile or personal website.

4. Objective Statement (optional)

Write a brief statement mentioning the job you’re applying for, your main skills, and how you aim to benefit the employer.

5. Experience

  • Relevance: List past jobs, focusing on the most relevant tasks and accomplishments.
  • Action Words: Start bullet points with action verbs to demonstrate what you’ve achieved.
  • Quantify: Use numbers to highlight your achievements, such as “increased sales by 25%.”

6. Education

Include your most recent educational achievements, along with relevant coursework or honors if applicable.

Job-Related: List skills that are directly applicable to the job, like “customer service” for a retail position.

Transferable Skills: Identify skills from other experiences that are relevant.

8. Volunteer Work and Extracurricular Activities

Highlight experiences that demonstrate relevant skills and a strong work ethic.

9. Tailoring Your Resume

Customization: Adjust your resume for each job application, emphasizing the most relevant skills and experiences.

Company Culture: Research the company’s culture and values, and reflect similar language in your resume.

10. Proofreading and Editing

Attention to Detail: Proofread meticulously to avoid typos or grammatical errors.

Feedback: Consider seeking feedback from mentors or peers.

11. Digital Optimization

File Format: Save your resume in a widely accepted file format, like PDF.

ATS Friendly: If applicable, ensure your resume is optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems.

12. Cover Letter

Although not always required, consider including a tailored cover letter to expand on your suitability for the job.

Example Part-time Job Resume

Here’s a basic template, including essential elements for a strong part-time job application:

  • Contact Information: Clearly listed at the top.
  • Objective Statement: Tailored to the specific role and company.
  • Experience: Chronological listing, with emphasis on relevant skills and achievements.
  • Education: Concise, including relevant accolades or coursework.
  • Skills: A mix of hard and soft skills, tailored to the job description.
  • Volunteer Work/Extracurriculars: Demonstrating character, skills, and work ethic.

How do I write a part-time CV with no experience?

Positive mindset.

Focus on Strengths: Concentrate on your skills and strengths. Everyone starts somewhere, and employers understand that.

2. Professional Layout

Readability: Use a clean, easy-to-read layout. Make use of online templates if necessary.

Clearly list your name, phone number, email address. Consider adding a LinkedIn profile if you have one.

4. Objective Statement

Clarity: Clearly state your career objective. Be specific about the role you’re applying for and how you can contribute.

5. Education

Details: Include your schooling and any relevant coursework, projects, or achievements.

List Skills: Include both hard and soft skills. Focus on those that are transferable to the workplace.

Examples: Provide examples of where you’ve applied these skills, perhaps in a school or volunteer setting.

7. Volunteer Work

Experience: List any volunteer experience. Focus on roles and responsibilities that align with the job you’re applying for.

8. Extracurricular Activities

Involvement: Include clubs, sports, or other group involvements. Highlight leadership roles and team collaborations.

9. Personal Projects

Showcase: If you have personal projects that demonstrate your skills, include them. They can be blogs, art, coding projects, etc.

10. Certifications and Awards

Include: Any certificates or awards, even those not directly related to the job, can demonstrate your skills and commitment.

11. Language Skills

Multilingual: If you’re multilingual, list the languages you speak and your proficiency levels.

12. Tailoring Your CV

Adapt: Adapt each CV to the specific job. Emphasize the most relevant skills and experiences.

13. Professional Tone

Language: Use professional language. Avoid slang and maintain a formal tone.

14. Proofread

Errors: Proofread meticulously. Consider using online grammar tools or seek feedback from others.

Example CV for Someone with No Experience:

  • Contact Information: Clearly listed.
  • Objective Statement: Tailored, concise, focusing on what you can offer.
  • Education: Emphasized, including relevant projects or achievements.
  • Skills: A comprehensive list, with examples of application.
  • Volunteer Work: Detailed, focusing on applicable skills and achievements.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Highlighting leadership and teamwork.
  • Certifications and Awards: Listed to show achievement and initiative.

Crafting a resume for a part-time job involves highlighting your relevant skills, experiences, and education. Be concise, tailor content to the specific role, and showcase transferable skills. Use a professional format, incorporate keywords from the job description, and proofread for a polished, error-free presentation. Each tailored resume is your personal marketing tool for potential employers.


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  2. 18 Barista Resume & Cv Examples & Guide

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  3. Barista CV: Example & 25+ Writing Tips

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  4. Barista CV Example & Writing Guide for 2024

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  5. Barista Resume Example & Writing Tips

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  6. Coffee Barista Resume Example & Expert Guide for 2021

    resume objective examples for barista


  1. Do This To Be a Better Barista

  2. BARISTAJOY ☕️ Barista Skills and Latte Art Techniques

  3. Профессия бариста

  4. Resume Tips

  5. Бариста о профессии

  6. Career Change Resume


  1. How To Write a Barista Resume Objective (With Examples)

    Here are some steps you can take to write an effective resume objective for a job as a barista: 1. Read the job description. The first step to creating a successful resume objective is to thoroughly read the job description from the company. This description typically includes details about the skills the employer is looking for, what tasks the ...

  2. Barista Resume Examples for 2024 [Examples + Guide]

    A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence paragraph of what you want to achieve. Barista Resume Objective Example. Enthusiastic and friendly coffee lover looking for a barista role at CAFÉ XYZ. Passionate about keeping customers happy and satisfied. Relevant experience includes serving customers at GYM XYZ.

  3. Top 18 Barista Resume Objective Examples

    Top 18 Barista Resume Objective Samples. To obtain a challenging and rewarding position as a Barista, utilizing my customer service experience and passion for coffee. To secure a Barista position in an environment that encourages learning and growth. Seeking a Barista role at a reputable establishment to utilize my excellent customer service ...

  4. How to Write a Barista Resume Objective (With Examples)

    14 barista resume objective examples Here is a list of examples you can use for inspiration when writing your professional summary: Proactive Barista with over three years of experience seeking a new challenge. Skilled in latte art and coffee-making techniques and looking to provide quality customer service for Omega Coffee House.

  5. Barista Resume: 20+ Examples of Job Descriptions & Skills

    Here are two barista resume objective examples: Barista Resume Examples (Objective Statement) Right; Skilled food service team member and bachelor's degree student of culinary arts at the Texas Culinary Institute. Skilled at providing great customer service, preparing a variety of foods and beverages, and helping guests make pairing decisions.

  6. 5 Barista Resume Examples & Writing Tips for 2024

    Copy to clipboard. And here are three examples to learn from: 1. Entry-level barista resume. Enthusiastic and eager barista with a recent certification in espresso making and milk texturing, committed to providing excellent customer service and high-quality coffee in a dynamic café environment. 2.

  7. Barista Resume: Skills, Job Description & Examples for 2024

    A resume objective highlights your barista skills. In contrast to a barista resume summary whose primary focus is your professional experience. No Experience Barista Resume—Objective Good example Open-minded and coffee-loving business communication student with 2+ years of experience as a home barista. Familiar with the essentials of roasting ...

  8. 7 Barista Resume Examples to Land Your Next Job in 2024

    Craft the perfect resume using our proven barista resume samples to help you land your dream job in 2024. Resumes. AI resume builder Build a better resume in minutes Resume examples 2,000+ examples that work in 2024 ... Why this resume works. A career objective could be a golden opportunity for you on your entry-level barista resume. When you ...

  9. Top 20 Barista Resume Objective Examples you can use

    Best 20 Barista Resume Objective Examples you can apply. Enthusiastic, confident individual seeks position with Two Bucks Company as a Barista to deliver exceptional customer experience; coming with sound communication skills and a keen eye for details. Looking to earn the position of Barista with Coffee King Company where solid knowledge of ...

  10. Top 20 Barista Resume Objective Examples

    Entry-Level Barista Resume Objective Examples. 11. Passionate and enthusiastic barista-in-training seeking an entry-level position at a renowned coffee shop. Eager to learn and contribute to creating exceptional coffee experiences for customers while developing a strong foundation in coffee-making techniques and customer service. 12.

  11. Barista Resume Example to Download [+ guide and top tips]

    The following head barista resume example should provide you with enough inspiration to get started and to know which components to include. resume Example. [Valentina Nunes] [ Barista] [39 Oakway Lane, CA 90017 | 213-555-0198 | [email protected] ] Summary.

  12. 5 Barista Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Industry-wide best practices pinpoint that the barista resume summaries and objectives follow the structures of these samples: Resume summaries for a barista job Seasoned barista with over 5 years of experience in high-volume coffee shops, showcasing exceptional skills in latte art and a deep understanding of coffee bean varieties.

  13. Barista

    Barista resume summaries. Professional, dedicated, and organized barista with 5 years' experience driving customer service and preparing and delivering beverages within fast-paced food service environments. Adaptable and flexible team player with ability to work independently or as part of a team to meet goals.

  14. Barista Resume Examples and Template for 2024

    These are some steps you can follow to write an effective barista resume: 1. Choose an effective resume format. The first step to writing an effective barista resume is determining which resume format is best for you. How you format your resume changes where you place the information within the document.

  15. 6 Great Coffee Barista Resume Examples

    Customer experience management. Menu and product recommendations. Online transaction processing. Inventory handling. Coffee grinding. You should sprinkle skills and abilities throughout your resume. Include them in your professional summary, work experience blurbs and a dedicated skills section.

  16. 6 Great Barista Resume Examples

    Examples of additional resume sections. A barista's resume should have five sections: contact information, objective statement or professional summary, work experience, skills and education. Baristas rarely add additional sections unless the role calls for specialized coffee training or food handling certifications.

  17. 7 Best Coffee Barista Resume Examples for 2024

    123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]. I am an experienced and highly motivated Coffee Barista with over four years of experience in the industry. I have a passion for creating high quality coffee drinks and providing excellent customer service.

  18. 18 Barista Resume & Cv Examples & Guide

    Clean and sanitize machinery and monitor machine maintenance schedules. A Barista at mid-career stage (2-4 years' experience) may. Prepare espresso shots, specialty espresso drinks, and French press, pour over, and drip coffee orders. Use commercial coffee brewers as well as manual and semi-automatic espresso machines.

  19. Barista Resume: The Complete 2023 Guide with 10+ Examples & Samples

    Use the STAR format to structure your resume. Use points to communicate your roles & responsibilities. Use bolding & bucketing to enhance the effectiveness of your resume. To learn what an ideal professional experience section looks like, take a look at the barista resume sample that we have mentioned below.

  20. 3 Entry-Level Barista Resume Examples That Work in 2024

    Sample entry-level barista work experience bullet points Entry-level barista applicants may also struggle with listing relevant work experience when they haven't worked much. While this section is commonly for work experience, you can actually fill up the bulk of your resume with lots of experiences like education, hobbies & interests , and ...

  21. 2 Barista Resume Samples [+Job Description & Skills]

    1. Start with a compelling summary: Begin your resume with a concise summary that highlights your relevant skills, qualifications, and experience as a barista. This section should capture the attention of the hiring manager and make them want to read further. 2. Showcase your barista skills:

  22. Barista Resume Examples and Templates

    Barista; Barista. Resume Examples ... Objective or Summary Statement. The Objective or Summary Statement is a brief and engaging introduction placed at the beginning of your resume. For newcomers, an objective statement should outline your career goals and enthusiasm for the barista role. Experienced baristas should opt for a summary statement ...

  23. Barista

    Resume examples. 6 Barista resume examples found. All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use. Copy any of the Barista resume examples to your own resume, or use one of our free downloadable Word templates. We recommend using these Barista resume examples as inspiration only, while creating your own resume.

  24. Sales Resume Examples & Templates [2024]

    The best resume format for a sales role depends on your level of work experience and career goals. We've detailed each format below so that you can decide which one is right for you. Chronological format: This format will benefit entry-level applicants.The layout focuses on skills such as communication, negotiation and relationship-building, allowing you to showcase everything you can do as ...

  25. How to Write a Resume With No Experience [X+ Examples]

    The resume summary is the most common approach for this section and the one you're likely more familiar with. However, the career objective is the best approach when writing a resume with no experience. A resume's career objective section should have some, if not all, of the following: Your current or desired job title.

  26. Part Time Job Resume

    Part Time Job Resume Objectives Examples 1. Retail Sales Associate "Motivated retail professional with over 2 years of experience in fast-paced environments. Adept at customer service and upselling, aiming to leverage skills to contribute to the success of [Company Name] as a Part-Time Sales Associate." ... Barista "Creative and customer ...