1. Fruits, vegetables, and health: A comprehensive narrative, umbrella

    In multivariable-adjusted models for vegetable types, cruciferous and allium vegetables were inversely associated with all fractures by 28% and 34%, respectively (Aune et al. Citation 2017). A prospective analysis of 40,644 men in the Cohort of Swedish Men and 34,947 women in the Swedish Mammography Cohort found that those who did not consume F ...

  2. Fruits, vegetables, and health: A comprehensive narrative ...

    Fruit and vegetables (F&V) have been a cornerstone of healthy dietary recommendations; the 2015-2020 U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that F&V constitute one-half of the plate at each meal. ... 5 Center for Nutrition Research, Institute for Food Safety and Health, Illinois Institute of Technology, Bedford Park, Illinois, USA. 6 ...

  3. Fruit and Vegetable Intake: Benefits and Progress of Nutrition

    However presently, it has been reported that 5 servings a day are not enough since those consuming 7 or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day, are having more health benefits and prolonged lives [e.g. those who ate 5 to 7 servings of fruits and vegetables per day had a 36% lower risk of dying from any cause; 3 to 5 servings was ...

  4. 1626 PDFs

    Vegetable Science is the study of various plants that produce vegetables, including genetics, growth, and development. | Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers ...

  5. Health effects associated with vegetable consumption: a Burden of Proof

    Main. Previous research suggests that greater levels of vegetable consumption are associated with lower risk of several adverse health outcomes, including ischemic heart disease (IHD) 1-3, stroke 4, type 2 diabetes 5 and esophageal cancer 6.The 2019 Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) estimated that 429,000 (95% uncertainty interval (UI) = 340,000-718,000 ...

  6. International Journal of Vegetable Science

    Recently published papers have covered organic production, urban agriculture, and physiology of growth and development. Students, researchers, and academics working in the broad field of vegetable science and policy makers in the field of agriculture will find International Journal of Vegetable Science to be an essential read.

  7. Nutritional Quality and Health Benefits of Vegetables: A Review

    Vegetables in the dai ly diet have been strongly. associated with overall good health, improvement of gas-. trointestinal health and vision, reduced risk for some. forms of cancer, heart disease ...

  8. (PDF) Nutritional Value of Vegetables

    Vegetable Composition Based on 100 g Edible Portion as Raw or Minimally Prepared for Consumption. Range Information Based on Various Sources Including USDA Nutrient Database Series 74 and Others

  9. Healthy food choices are happy food choices: Evidence from a ...

    Research suggests that "healthy" food choices such as eating fruits and vegetables have not only physical but also mental health benefits and might be a long-term investment in future well-being.

  10. Full article: Kale: Review on nutritional composition, bio-active

    The energy levels of kale vary from 58.46-66 kcal per 100 g on fresh weight basis (Emebu & Anyika, Citation 2011; Thavarajah et al., Citation 2019) which is higher compared to other salad crops (Gupta & Rana, Citation 2003) and vegetables of brassica family (Fahey, Citation 2003) as well as other temperate vegetables cultivated in different parts of the world (mean 23.18 kcal per 100 g on ...

  11. Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

    Introduction. Diets high in fruits and vegetables are widely recommended for their health-promoting properties. Fruits and vegetables have historically held a place in dietary guidance because of their concentrations of vitamins, especially vitamins C and A; minerals, especially electrolytes; and more recently phytochemicals, especially antioxidants.

  12. Integrated Nutrient Management of Fruits, Vegetables, and Crops through

    The increasing population, its requirements for food, and the environmental impact of the excessive use of inputs make crop production a pressing challenge. Integrated nutrient management (INM) has emerged as a critical solution by maximizing nutrient availability and utilization for crops and vegetables. This review paper highlights the potential benefits of INM for various vegetables and ...

  13. Vegetable Research

    Vegetable Research (e-ISSN 2769-0520) is an open access, online-only journal publishing original articles, reviews, break-through methods, and perspectives on all areas of vegetable science. Click here for more information on aims and scope. Journal information.

  14. 39716 PDFs

    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on VEGETABLE PRODUCTION. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature review on ...

  15. Microbial spoilage of vegetables, fruits and cereals

    Spoilage of fruits and vegetables is an important food issue that has received much less research attention compared to produce related foodborne illness and processing technologies, despite its socioeconomic, food quality and food security implications (Snyder & Worobo, 2018).Although the most relevant impact of produce spoilage is socioeconomic losses, incidence of spoilage microorganisms ...

  16. Recent developments in freezing of fruits and vegetables: Striving for

    Abstract Fruits and vegetables are rich in essential nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants; however, they have short shelf life. ... CSIR—Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru, India. Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, India ... Search for more papers by this author. First ...

  17. Health effects associated with vegetable consumption: a Burden ...

    Previous research suggests a protective effect of vegetable consumption against chronic disease, but the quality of evidence underlying those findings remains uncertain. We applied a Bayesian meta ...

  18. International Journal of Vegetable Science, Volume 30, Issue 3 (2024)

    Responses of mustard greens (Brassica juncea L.) to additional lighting duration of LED under greenhouse conditions in the tropical zone. Article | Published online: 1 Aug 2024. View all latest articles. International Journal of Vegetable Science (Vol.30, Iss.3, 2024)

  19. 129315 PDFs

    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on VEGETABLES. ... The main objectives of the present paper is to examine the trends of vegetable crops ...

  20. Fruits and vegetables quality evaluation using computer vision: A

    Fig. 1 shows the number of research papers published year wise (to the best of our knowledge). From this graph, it can be easily seen the trend in this research field. ... 3D technique can be used in quality analysis of fruits and vegetables. 5. Conclusion. This paper highlights the use of image processing and computer vision technology in the ...

  21. Fruit and Vegetable Peels: Utilization of High Value Horticultural

    2. Fruit and Vegetable Peel Based Edible Coatings/Films. Edible coatings are made up of thin layers applied on the surface of the food to make its shelf life longer, maintain the properties, characteristics and functionality of foods at minimum cost [].This application can increase its functionality by extending the shelf life, preventing the microbial spoilage and acting as a carrier matrix ...

  22. (PDF) Overview of Food Loss and Waste in Fruits and Vegetables: From

    This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721 ...

  23. A comprehensive review on the research progress of vegetable edible

    The bracken vegetable paper were dried and molded on a glass plate at 60 ℃. The moisture content of the vegetable paper obtained was 9.56% to 14.45%, which was easy to peel off from the glass plate. If bracken vegetable paper was molded on gauze, the moisture content was 7.82%-14.35% (Wan, 2012). The article showed when glass plate was used ...

  24. (PDF) Fruit and Vegetable Peel-Enriched Functional Foods: Potential

    School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences, Solan 173229, India. 2. Department of Vegetable and Herbal Crops, University of Life ...