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Tutankhamun (sometimes written Tutankhamen) was an Egyptian pharaoh who has became well-known in modern times because his burial tomb was discovered in 1922. British archaeologists Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon made the discovery to find that remarkably the tomb still contained the sarcophagus of the pharaoh and a wealth of treasure that had been buried with him. The discovery was unusual and very exciting because most of the grave goods buried with other Egyptian pharaohs had been stolen long ago. The thousands of objects found in Tutankhamun’s tomb have given historians important information about life and death in Ancient Egypt.
What do we know about Tutankhamun himself?
It is likely that Tutankhamun was born around 1346 BC in Akhetaten, which was then the capital of Egypt. He was called the ‘boy king’, becoming pharaoh when he was only 9 years old. He later married but did not have children. Archaeologists have used forensic evidence from clues found in his tomb to tell us that he died at the young age of 19. He was mummified and buried with many treasures to take with him to the afterlife.
Why had Tutankhamun's tomb not been discovered before 1922?
Most royal tombs had been found by raiders and looted of their treasures. One reason historians believe that Tutankhamun’s grave was undiscovered before 1922 is because it seems like there was a deliberate attempt to make people forget about this pharaoh after his death. He became unpopular with the Egyptian people after trying to make changes to the way that people worshipped the gods. Historians think that after Tutankhamun died, he was buried in haste and his name and image were removed as much as possible in order to forget about him and the changes he tried to make. Details of his life were not recorded in the usual manner for pharaohs and until 1922 historians were unaware that his tomb even existed. This makes the archaeological discovery even more exciting and important.
You can find a full KS2 lesson plan about Tutankhamun's Tomb in our Ancient Egyptians Resource Pack.
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Five activities to celebrate king tut day.
On November 4, people all around will remember when a team of archeologists led by Howard Carter found the entrance to King Tutankhamun's tomb in Egypt in 1922. Ever since that day, November 4 has been known as King Tut Day, where a tomb filled with thousands of years of mystery was finally opened.
Students can also learn new vocabulary words and learn how to properly grab details from a newspaper article.
Article by Kassondra Granata, Education World Contributor
Ew worksheets.
Tutankhamun(c. 1346-1328 bc) The most famous Egyptian pharaoh today is, without doubt, Tutankhamun. However, before the spectacular discovery of his almost intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in November 1922, Tutankhamun was only a little known figure of the late 18th Dynasty. The picture on the right show Tutankhamun's death mask.
primaryhomeworkhelp.com. Follow me on Twitter @mbarrow. I teach computers at The Granville School and St. John's Primary School in Sevenoaks Kent. Woodlands Junior School, Hunt Road Tonbridge Kent TN10 4BB UK.
The answer is simple. His tomb was well hidden for 3000 years and held treasures that tell us much about King Tut's life and death, as well as life in Ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. In a sense, King Tut's tomb was a time capsule. Interesting Fact. Tutankham u n's name is also spelled Tutankham e n or Tutankham o n.
Celebrate by learning all about the ' Boy King ' in our Tutankhamun's Treasures Primary Resources - packed with fascinating information and exciting activities for children to enjoy! These primary resources feature mind-blowing facts and images about the world's most famous pharaoh. By investigating the amazing artefacts discovered in ...
The tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered on November 4, 1922, by British archaeologist Howard Carter. Howard Carter was born in Norfolk, England in 1874. When he discovered King Tut's tomb, he found a chamber with four rooms filled with everything he would need in the afterlife. Ancient Egyptians believed that when a person died they would enter ...
Tutankhamen was a pharaoh, or king, of ancient Egypt in the 1300s bc . He became pharaoh when he was still a child. He is famous today because of the many treasures found inside his tomb, or grave.
Tutankhamen was a pharaoh, or king, of ancient Egypt. His name is sometimes spelled Tutankhamun, and he is also known by the nickname King Tut. Tutankhamen (originally Tutankhaten) ruled about 1333-23 bc, during the 18th dynasty of the New Kingdom in Egypt. He was only about 18 years old when he died and had no great claim to fame.
Foundation Stage 2 Keywords on. Explore more than 194 "Tutankhamun" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "Tutankhamun Powerpoint". Instant access to inspirational lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment, interactive activities, resource packs, PowerPoints, teaching ideas at Twinkl!
Other History pages. The Discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb for Kids Tutankhamen. Saturday, November 25. Opened first door. A corridor filled with rubble. On the morning of November 25th, the sealed doorway was photographed and the seals noted. Then the door was removed. A passageway emerged from the darkness, filled to the top with limestone rubble.
King Tutankhamun became widely known when his tomb was discovered containing a sarcophagus with his mummy together with thousands of artifacts and a headdress that later on became famous. The discovery of his tomb captivated scientists and students, elevating him to the designation of the world's most popular Egyptian king.. See the fact file below for more information on Tutankhamun or ...
The lesson aims were for children to: understand the circumstances surrounding the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. develop their skills in scanning, observing and focusing, and questioning. use sources to find out about the scene. record their findings in pictorial or written form. Teaching methods.
Our brilliant lesson pack is designed to help students understand important Tutankhamun facts and learn more about this famous pharaoh. The pack includes a lesson plan, differentiated worksheets, and a PowerPoint to help students understand the Ancient Egyptian period in a fun and engaging way. Everything in the pack can be downloaded in seconds, then all you have do is print! Each resource ...
14 Top "Tutankhamun Worksheet" Teaching Resources curated for you. LKS2 Howard Carter Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity 5 reviews. Ancient Egyptians: The Tomb of Tutankhamun Fact File 13 reviews. Ancient Egyptian Mind Maps and Worksheets 8 reviews. Egypt's Geography Map Work Worksheet 5 reviews. Tutankhamun Dot to Dot Activity Sheet.
Ancient Egypt. Who discovered Tutankhamun's Tomb? The tomb of Egypt's boy-king Tutankhamun was discovered by Howard Carter. What was Howard's job? He was an archaeologist from England working in Egypt. He wanted to find out about the people who lived in Egypt in ancient times. By 1922, other Archaeologists thought they had found all the tombs ...
This lesson focuses on where the amazing discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb: the impact on the world in the 1920s and the information it tells us about this civilisation. The pack includes a lesson plan, differentiated worksheets and a PowerPoint to help support your teaching of the Ancient Egyptian period. This engaging lesson pack helps teach key history topics whilst helping students improve ...
It is likely that Tutankhamun was born around 1346 BC in Akhetaten, which was then the capital of Egypt. He was called the 'boy king', becoming pharaoh when he was only 9 years old. He later married but did not have children. Archaeologists have used forensic evidence from clues found in his tomb to tell us that he died at the young age of 19.
Ancient Egypt. Other History pages. The Discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb for Kids Tutankhamen. How did Howard Carter know where to look? Several finds made in the Valley of the Kings over the years led Howard Carter to believe that the king was still somewhere in the Valley. Carter had a plan of the valley on which he marked all the spoil heaps ...
Learn all about Egyptian history using this focusing on Tutankhamun LKS2 lesson pack Howard Carter's famous Tutankhamun's tomb discovery. This lesson focuses on where the amazing discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb: the impact on the world in the 1920s and the information it tells us about this civilisation. The pack includes a lesson plan, differentiated worksheets and a PowerPoint to help ...
Tutankhamen Masks: Starting out with this fact sheet, provided by Primary Homework Help, students can learn about who King Tut was, why he is famous, about his tomb, and more. Then, students can make their own King Tut masks and look like like a pharaoh from Egypt. ... World Of Mysteries- Tutankhamun: In this 50-minute YouTube video provided by ...
In about 3200 B. C. the pharaoh of the north conquered the south and Egypt became united. The pharaoh's name was King Narmer or Menes. Menes built a new capital city called Memphis. In the Greek language the word Memphis meant "Balance of the Two Lands." Ancient Egypt - Map of famous sites. Explore Ancient Egypt on an Interactive Map.