Teach with Holly Rachel

a primary teaching blog

How to Teach a Country Research Project

February 17, 2022 By Holly Rachel

I love teaching a research project on a country. They are so much fun and students gain so much from studying them in your social studies curriculum. I have found that students find them fascinating and love learning interesting facts and recognising the similarities and differences between the country they are learning about and their own way of life.

What is a country research project?

In simple terms, as part of social studies, students create a report on a country by researching facts about it. Their country report could be a wide range of presentation mediums such as a written project, an oral presentation, a poster, worksheets, a performance or even a video, you can be as creative as you like! Student can use a range of methods to research their chosen country. This could be through books, the internet, interviews or from teaching presentations and information sheets.

country research project ideas

Why are country research projects important?

It is so important that we teach students about different cultures to their own and to accept and respect differences, as well as to look for the similarities between us all. This is especially important in the interconnected world we live in today.

There are so many benefits to teaching a research project on a country. These include:

-Gaining knowledge about new places and different culture

-Sparking curiosity and a love of learning

-Understanding and accepting differences

-Recognising that even though cultures may have differences, we all share similarities

-Gaining a deeper understanding of their own culture as they learn about others

-Because they are so much fun!

How to do a country research project

A research project on a country may be part of your curriculum, or you may teach the project as part of a whole school cultural week. Alternatively you could set the project as homework for your class. It’s also a great idea to use the project to support learning across other subject areas. For example, students could use the knowledge they gain from their country study and use it in their writing, such as a story setting or an information text. Students could recreate art from the country or develop map skills.

What to include in a country research project

This is the fun part! You may wish your students to lead their own research and report on the areas that interested them, or you may wish to give some guidance. Some great ideas for your research project on a country could include:

Identify the particular country on a map of the word. Where is it located? What continent is the country in? What is the capital city? You could look for physical geographical features such as mountains and rivers. Does the country border any seas? What are the neighbouring countries?

Research the country’s flag. What does the flag tell us about the country? What is the population? What sort of climate does the country have? Students could use graphic organizers to help them record the information they find.

Food is such a great way to learn about a country. It really tells us a lot about the sort of flora and fauna that can be found the country. It can also tell us a lot about the climate of the country. Is it common to preserve food in a particular way? For example through pickling or using spices? Why might this be?

This is such an important skill. As we become more globally connected, learning an additional language is such a valuable skill. You could start with some key phrases and greetings.  Maybe choose certain activities where you could speak in language, such as greeting each other first thing in the morning, or asking. ‘How are you?’ after lunch.

Sight seeing

Learn about the iconic landmarks of the country. When, how and why where they built? What do they tell us about the country and the people who live there?

Recreate art from the country. This could be a study of a particular artist or art movement. Students could recreate a particular painting. What does the painting capture? What can we learn from it? Or perhaps use a painting from the country as inspiration for students’ own work, this could even span different subjects. Create a bulletin board of the students’ own work!

Teach students songs from the country. This is also a great way to learn a language. Listening to and singing songs can really help students gain a valuable insight into the culture.

Sweden Country Study

If you’d like to get started with a country research project, check out my FREE Sweden country study when you subscribe to my email list. These are perfect for your Social Studies 2nd Grade curriculum.

Country research project on Sweden

Included is a PowerPoint presentation with 10 slides packed full of information to teach your students all about Sweden. Slides include a map of Sweden, the Swedish flag, basic Swedish phrases, Swedish foods, Swedish landmarks, the Northern Lights and Dala horses, a traditional Swedish craft. That’s right, I have done all the research for you, so it is NO-PREP and ready to go!

Teach the topics as part of your social studies weekly lesson. Alternatively, allow students to complete the project at their own pace or assign out as homework.

PowerPoint presentation about Sweden

Along with PowerPoint slide is an associated social studies worksheet for 2nd Grade students to complete with the information they have learned from the slide show. So this means no trawling the internet finding a worksheet to match a PowerPoint and spending hours making your own. It is all done for you!

worksheets about Sweden

Not only that, the activities are differentiated on two levels to support a range of ability levels in your class.

differentiated worksheets

Do you spend hours prepping work for early finishers? Well, I’ve got you covered with a wordsearch all about Sweden!

Also include are summary activities about the project. This includes a worksheet for students to record their favorite facts and a postcard template. Students imagine they have visited Sweden and write postcard home about their travels!

Finally it comes with a super cute cover sheet so your students can make their own booklet with the worksheets. Did I mention this is all FREE? Grab your FREE Sweden Country Study today!

If you’d like to check out my other country studies, I have a whole range of countries available:

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2nd grade country research project

2nd grade country research project

Country Research Project

country research project

Our Country Research Project is ideal for older elementary students and middle school students. Before tackling this Country Research Project, we introduce, review, and solidify basic map skills with our FREE Printable World Maps & Activities . By the time my students reach 4th grade, they do one of these projects a year for the next two years.  In this project, you can implement research, writing, reading, and more into your homeschool. Our FREE Country Research Sheets & Maps make teaching and learning about different countries around the world easy!

*If you teach in a school setting or would like to download all of our Country Research Project Printables at once, check out our shop . For those of you looking for more free social studies resources , check this post out!

*Be sure to have these on hand when starting to teach geography. Do you have a  globe ? Check. Do you have a world map ? Check? Do you have an  atlas ? Check. Then, you are all set!

As a Christian Book and Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support. As always, we only recommend items that we truly feel will benefit your homeschooling experience. We appreciate it.

What is included in our Country Research Project?

Country research sheets.

country research project

Our Country Research Project always starts with one of these country research sheets. There are two options to choose from. Years ago, my oldest did his research using a brainstorming sheet. We made it work, but it was much harder to organize his notes since they were random. The Country Research Sheets give students focus and guide them to information that would make a solid research paper. From experience, these research sheets make it easy to organize information for a 5 paragraph essay.


Blank continent maps with outlines.

country research project

This set of Blank Continent Maps with Outlines coincide perfectly with the FREE Country Research Sheets. Whatever country your student is studying, print the corresponding continent map out. Your student can then locate, label, and color their country within its continent. The worksheet then instructs the student to label the countries bordering countries and oceans. This map is an excellent addition to the Country Research Project.

country research project

The second version includes the outlined map, but has no instructions written at the top. For those you wanting to use these to color all continents rather than one, then you can!


Research paper.

country research project

Once my student completes the country research sheet, it is easy to sit with them and discuss what facts should go into each paragraph of their essay. We literally looked over the facts, and then wrote a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 next to them. This was an easy guide for  my student to follow when he sat down independently to write his country project paper. If the fact had a 1 next to it, that meant he was to include that fact into his first paragraph. 2 meant second paragraph and so forth. When I teach my kids to write a 5 paragraph essay, I like to break it down into an introduction paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and then a conclusion or closing. Each paragraph should include at least 3 sentences, but 5 sentences are encouraged. You might be interested in checking out our  5-paragraph graphic organizers . They make creating an essay outline easy!


Project visual.

country research project

Creating a visual for the Country Research Project is one of the last pieces of this assignment. Some kids will love this aspect of the project and this is where their creativity will shine. Other students will not enjoy this part of the project. No matter, encourage them to write notes and facts about their country, add a title, draw pictures, color it neatly, display a flag, and so much more. We choose to create a poster display. Your student may create a PowerPoint presentation, a hanging mobile, or a cardboard display. There are several options to choose from.

Country Project Presentation

End the Country Research Project with a presentation. For those of us who  homeschool, this can be easily down at the dinner table. Allow your student to present to the family before dinner or after dinner. Encourage them to share their visual and what things they learned about their country. Some of my kids have read their paper out loud. In a classroom setting, presenting their project is a must. Public speaking is a skill that should be encouraged when possible. Some kids will really shine when presenting, while others will struggle. Regardless of their strengths or weaknesses, it is always a good rule of thumb to give your child the opportunity to share.


Thanksgiving BiNGO Game

Looking for a more Permanent Curriculum?

For the first few years of homeschooling, I created and put together my oldest sons curriculum. On one level, I enjoyed this. It was fun to look at all of the free options and ideas on the web. On the other hand, I got overwhelmed and distracted like a kid in a candy store. As I had more children, life became busier too. It became evident to me that ordering workbooks and textbooks to guide us was ideal for our schedule and life. I still create interactive units to supplement and meet individual needs, but I have found that the workbooks give us  a sense of direction and consistency.

Free Homeschool Resources

For me, compiling engaging curriculum for each of my kids became time consuming and daunting. It is a huge blessing being able to buy math and grammar workbooks. It gives me a piece of mind to know that I am not skipping around or leaving gaps in their education. Some of you may scoff at this. I am not condemning those that go it wholly on their own. Personally, it was just too much. If I was unable to purchase these books, then of course I would change my strategy to use more readily accessible materials. If you are interested in checking out some of the most popular and effective homeschool curriculum available, follow the link below. Happy homeschooling…

The Homeschool Daily

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2nd grade country research project

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Guiding Curiosity, Igniting Imagination!

2nd grade country research project

Country Research Project for Kids

2nd grade country research project

We can’t look at the world in terms of little segments of people anymore. The world is becoming more and more global and we are all becoming global citizens. More and more people are working remotely and working with people from all different cultures and backgrounds. It is important that we teach our students to embrace and respect differences and to become aware of the world outside their own neighborhoods, communities, state, and country. One way to allow students the chance to learn about and interact with the world is through a country research project. We are so lucky because the internet can allow us to temporarily immerse ourselves in another country. Country research can be carried out in so many ways and I hope that this article gives you some ideas on your country research unit.

Understanding the Why of Country Research

First of all, other countries are learning about us and there is power in knowledge. Children are generally curious about other countries and cultures so it isn’t hard to get them excited about this project but sometimes we need to help them see the importance of the research they will conduct. Here are some points you might want to discuss before starting your unit.

  • learning about other cultures helps us to understand differences
  • learning about cultures helps us to understand that there are different ways of doing things and it is ok
  • learning about countries helps us to see how people form culture because of the location of their country
  • learning about countries helps us to learn more about our own country
  • learning about countries makes us more globally aware and knowledgeable
  • learning about countries helps us appreciate the world because in the end, we are all human beings – we all love, laugh, cry and bleed

Helping Students Choose a Country to Study

Some students will have no trouble choosing which country to research but some will struggle. You can help them by reminding them that they might want to research a country their ancestors come from, somewhere they always wanted to visit, a country whose food they love to eat, when all else fails they can spin a globe and put a finger on it! There is also this great website that generates random countries that the student can choose from.

2nd grade country research project

Setting the Tone for Country Research

As with all projects, the students need to buy into the reason why they are researching a country, why it is important and what they need to do. They also need to be aware of how the project will be assessed. In my packet, there is a student introduction letter with a tear-off bottom for the student to write their country and turn it into you so that you can make a record of it. It also includes a rubric.

Conducting Country Research

The next part is helping them to conduct the research. In general, when elementary students are conducting research it helps to give them a lot of guidance. My packet guides students in researching relevant and important information regarding the country with enough fun fact-finding to keep it fun and engaging. You can download the GOOGLE SLIDES document for free to use in your classroom. It helps by giving students a space to save their research media allowing them quick access when they prepare their final project and paper.

2nd grade country research project

Some areas of research are the countries location, geographical features, climate, capital, major cities, political leaders, currency, historical figures, cultures such as music, food, customs and traditions.

I think this is one of the most important units in elementary school because the roots will run deep and students will remember their learning for a long time. When the world is becoming increasingly globally aware we are helping our students to grow and learn beyond their own boundaries.

Love that this provides a framework for learning but still allows for students’ choice and ownership in their learning!
What an amazing set of open-ended activities! I love the way kids learn certain facts about their chosen country, but also choose some fun facts of their own to share. This project touches upon so many skills and content areas. A must-have! Thanks for sharing. :) Anne
I love this research packet! Each page is organized in a way that makes searching for information fun and relevant. There is a rubric included which was fantastic in setting expectations of the project from the very beginning. There are fact sheets to use or graphic organizers. There is a world map included to locate your country. This packet had everything I had hoped for and more. I can’t remember being so satisfied with the entirety of a download as I am with this one. So So wonderful!

Country Research Project Resource Image

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6 Fun and Engaging Activities for Your Country Research Project

6 Fun and Engaging Activities for Your Country Research Project

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Thank you for sharing this with the world! (And for free, too!) I’ll be using this as a guide for my students :)

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I was searching for a model project and I find this, extremely grateful for you to share it here, thanks a lot

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Great source. Thank you soo much

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2nd grade country research project

Globe Trottin' Kids

Topics & Activities include:

  • identify the country’s location on a world map and continent map
  • complete a compass rose
  • create a map key
  • label a country map according to the map key

Quick Facts

  • record the country’s population, area, climate, products, and currency
  • color the country’s flag 
  • describe the meaning of its color(s) and symbol(s)
  • learn common words and phrases in the country’s official language
  • create a menu for a day 
  • design traditional clothing (paper, fabric) for paper dolls 
  • identify popular sports and activities
  • classify by animal group and display in a pocket chart

Influential People

  • sketch a portrait and write a description of the individual’s contributions 

Holidays & Celebrations

  • create Save the Date cards using 4Ws (what, when, where, why) and 1 H (how) 

🌎   A country research project is a fun learning experience for the whole class, cooperative groups, or independent investigations. 

🌍   Perfect for a multicultural night or fair.

🔆  Minimal Prep & Maximum Engagement

Related Post: Helpful Resources for Country Research Projects

2nd grade country research project

Encourage further exploration with additional country research projects.

Kids will love learning about our diverse world and filling their passports!

South Africa

United States

Save money, and buy a BUNDLE !

20 country research projects

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World Geography – Country Research Project Inquiry Task

Updated:  12 May 2023

Help your students discover new countries with our printable country research project template.

Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Curriculum Curriculum:  CCSS, TEKS
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World Geography – Country Research Project Inquiry Task teaching resource

Looking for Research Project Ideas? We’ve Got You Covered with World Geography

Take your students on a trip around the world with our print-and-go country research project template. This resource is designed to help sixth-grade students discover different countries across the globe. Perfect for social studies projects, this pack includes everything you need to guide your students through a comprehensive research project on a foreign country.

No-Prep Country Research Project Template

Our pack includes a variety of worksheets and graphic organizers that will help students explore a civilization at least 500 years old. They will learn about why the civilization settled in the location, what challenges they faced, and how they adapted to the environmental conditions.

With this inquiry project, students will be encouraged to use their decision-making skills to craft questions and make learning choices. Teachers can easily monitor students’ progress and provide opportunities for advice through conferencing.

To enhance their map skills, students must correctly illustrate and label the country/location of their civilization. This pack allows students to engage with their learning in a fun and interactive way, making geography and history come alive.

This resource downloads as a printable PDF file, so all you need to do is download and print!

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All About My Country Project

Product image #0

Grade 3, 4, 5

About This Product

Introduction- This is a My Culture/Country Project that your students will love making. This activity will allow students to creatively research and display information about their country and or culture. These make great displays on your bulletin boards or can also be used as a presentation project. In addition, students can work on this activity during class or it can be assigned as a take home project.  This is a fun way for students to show what they know, as they write about traditions, famous people and more! 

Order, Outline and Steps- very simple, just print and go! Helpful to model how to put the parts together for students before they get started so they have an idea of how to do it themselves.  

Grades or Ages- can be used from 2nd grade to upper 4/5th grades.

Implementation Format- can be implemented during special culture days celebrated or research projects in social studies class. You may also assign countries to students or this can be completed any time you are studying a new country.

How to use and Variations - this can be used at any time of the school year, especially during "international/culture week or day" at school. This activity takes a few lessons/days to complete. 

File Types- this file comes as a PDF that can be printed on a standard sheet of 8.5"x11' paper. 

Total Number of Pages- 12 pages are included

Project Focus Areas:

Country Flag- section to draw and write about the country flag, colors, symbols, and meaning of the flag. 

Country Food- a plate to draw some food

Country Clothing- section to draw some traditional country clothing

Country Map- includes area to daw the country, population, and size

Famous Landmarks

Famous People/Person

Important products produced

Resource Tags

Check out these other great products

All About My Culture/Country Poster

123 Homeschool 4 Me

Countries for Kids – FREE Country Worksheets, Printables, & Activities

How much do your kids know about the amazing countries around the world? Everyone should be able to name the continents, find major countries on the map, and tell you some unique features for some major countries for kids like where are the Great Pyramids of Giza, what country is known for onion domes, where is the Eiffel Tower,what country has the famous Sydney Opera House, where is Big Ben, and more. We have lots of  free country worksheets printables , plus country coloring pages , handy printable maps for kids, and more to make learning about countries of the world for kids FUN for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, and up!

Learn about countries for kids with free country worksheets printables, plus countries and nationalities worksheet, handy printable maps for kids, and more to make learning about countries kids FUN for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, and up!

Countries for Kids

Whether you are adventurous and ready to hop on the next plane to explore a new culture, or more cautious and a homebody- you can have fun learning about countries for kids from around the world with these free printable resources. These  country worksheets and  country studies for kids include over 30 countries from around the world including Spain, Germany, France, Argentina, Canada, Australia, Philippines, China, Japan, Vietnam, Russia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, and so many more. Learn about  geography for kids with our printable world map for kids  and teach about the 7  continents for kids . Whether you are teaching preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6, grade 7, or grade 8 students – you will find a fun  country printable  to make learning extra fun! From free printable passports for kids to geography worksheets.

Countries of the world for kids

Simply scroll below to find the resource (s) you’d like. Click on the underlined link and see more about that resource. Once on the individual post page, scroll to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use and click on the TEXT LINK that says >> _____ << and you are read to print our free resources!

Make geography come alive by using these free printable passport for kids. Childrne can pretend like they are traveling all around the world as they study and learn about other countries while keeping a record of where they've been. This free printable passport activity is fun for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students. Inside their passport for kids they can put their picture, personal information, signarure, and informatin about the countries they travel to. Simply download pdf the free printable passport for kids file and you are ready to go around the world!

Countries worksheet

  • We love using these Printable Passport for Kids ! They help us to record the places we learn about and make it an adventure. The kids just love this simple idea to make it playful!
  • First of all, help kids learn about the way we organize all the countries in the world with this free printable Continents for kids book to read, color, and learn!
  • Then help kids learn where the major oceans are in these FREE Printable World Map for Kids . Plus kids can dive deeper into each continent and find the countries, capitals, rivers, and mountain ranges all around the world.
  • Flags of the world printable worksheets

Plus younger kids starting to learn their place in this world will love these simle, expanding horizons activities:

  • Me on the Map
  • Expanding Horizons

Around the World I Spy Worksheets

Learning about countries activities

  • Kids love I Spy games and this HUGE pack of over 45 countries I Spy Worksheets is loads of fun and great for identifying flags and major country landmarks
  • Check out these Children around the World worksheets pefect for an Around the WOrld study with kids of all ages
  • Learn about specific countries with these Country Worksheets covering 48 different countries around the world!
  • Don’t miss these hugely popular Famous Landmarks Around the World Lego Challenge Cards !
  • You can also sneak in some math and literacy skills with our Famous World Landmarks Worksheet pack.
  • Or practice skip counting with these Famous Landmark Puzzles .

Country worksheets printables

Get 16 Country Studies in our store ( pictured above ). If you prefer you can grab our various free printable country studies following the links below. Each helps you take a closer look at the customs, culture, landmarks, flag, and map of the featured country

  • Ancient Greece Printable Book to dive into the country famous for the Acropolis
  • Argentina for Kids is a chance for children to learn about this beautiful south American country
  • Australia for Kids – Go down under with this free printable book featuring Sydney Opera House, flag, iconic Australian animals like the native kangaroo, and more.
  • Brazil for Kids country study to learn about this large South American country known for Carnival and the rainforest
  • Canada for kids for children to read, color and learn about the large country with native polar bears
  • Chile for Kids – Learn fascinating facts like how Chile is home to penguins, empanadas, Incan ruins, the Atacama Desert (driest place on Earth), Andes Mountains, Easter Island, and more in this color, read, and learn printable book.
  • China for Kids Printable Book takes you to the forbidden city, great wall of china, and Terra Cotta Warriors.
  • Colombia for Kids – Kids will love learning about a beautiful South American country known for beautiful mountains, tropical rainforests beaches, coffee and so much more with these free printable mini books.
  • Costa Rica for Kids – learn about this country known for beaches, coffee, and rain forest
  • Cuba for Kids country study to learn about the lovely island nation
  • England for Kids printables to learn about the country famous for double decker buses, Big ben, London Bridge, and more
  • France for Kids Printable Book to learn about the amazing country known for the Eiffel Tower
  • Germany for Kids – Explore the Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag, and delicious food such as frankfurters, sauerkraut, pretzels, and more with this free printable book to make and learn.

2nd grade country research project

  • Greece for kids Mini Books to learn about mountainous country that includes thousands of islands, all of which are popular tourist locations.
  • India for kids printable book to learn about this country that is known for the Himalayas, the world’s highest mountain range and the famous Mount Everest.
  • Iran for Kids country study for elementary age children to learn about this middle eastern country
  • Ireland for Kids book teaches kids about the European country known for historic castles and luck of the Irish
  • Israel for Kids to color, learn and read
  • Italy for Kids Printable Book discover the country famous for pizza, leaning tower of pisa, art, Venice, and more!
  • Japan for Kids Printable book takes you to the graceful island country in the pacific ocean.
  • Kenya for Kids Color, Read and Learn book will take you on a safari through an amazing country filled with wildlife
  • Mexico for Kids Printable book takes you to a Fiesta filled with colorful dresses, sombreros, and mariachi music!
  • Netherlands for Kids – Also known as Holland, get to know this charming country in Western Europe known for picturesque windmills, wooden, shoes, Amsterdam, beautiful fields of brightly colored tulips, and more in our free printable book to color, read & learn!
  • New Zealand for Kids country study to learn about the land of the long white cloud
  • Paraguay for Kids country study
  • Peru For Kids Printables Reader to learn about the history machu pichu civilization, llamas, Andes mountains, and more
  • Philippines for Kids – Color, read, and learn fascinating facts like the varied animals, hundreds of orchid varieties, beautiful beaches, and delicious fruit!
  • Puerto Rico for Kids is an archipelago in the Caribbean Sea with a magical landscape of waterfalls, mountains and tropical rainforests.
  • Russia for Kids – Learn about a European country with many exciting landmarks and places to visit such as the ballet, the Imperial Crown of Russia and Red Square in this free printable book.
  • Saudi Arabia for Kids Printable Mini Book
  • South Africa for Kids country study to learn about this beautiful African country
  • Spain for Kids Printable Book introduces kids to flamenco dancers, bull fighting, delicious paella, and more!
  • Sweden for Kids – No prep way to help teach students about countries around the world including their way of life, the culture, landmarks and interests
  • USA for Kids printable book to learn about the third largest country in the world the famous Statue of Liberty, eagle, and more
  • Venezuela for Kids Printable Mini Book

2nd grade country research project

Country Coloring Pages

Read, Color and Learn about 36 countries around the world with this Around the World Coloring Book . Of check out the following individual FREE printable Country Coloring Pages below. Each pack has 6-8 pages of country coloring pages of traditional dress with traditional greeting, color the flag, label the map, customs, famous landmarks, and more

  • Argentina Coloring Pages
  • Australia Coloring Pages
  • Brazil Coloring Pages
  • Chile Coloring Pages
  • China Coloring Pages
  • Colombia Coloring Pages
  • Costa Rica Coloring Pages
  • Cuba Coloring Pages
  • England Coloring Pages
  • France Coloring Pages
  • Germany Coloring Pages
  • Greece Coloring Pages
  • India Coloring Pages
  • Ireland Coloring Pages
  • Iran Coloring Pages

2nd grade country research project

Countries around the world worksheets

  • Israel Coloring Pages
  • Italy Coloring Pages
  • Japan Coloring Pages
  • Kenya Coloring Pages
  • Mexico Coloring Pages
  • Netherlands Coloring Pages
  • New Zealand Coloring Pages
  • Paraguay Coloring Pages
  • Peru Coloring Pages
  • Philippines Coloring Pages
  • Puerto Rico Coloring Pages
  • Russia Coloring Pages
  • Saudi Arabia Coloring Pages
  • South Africa Coloring Pages
  • Spain Coloring Pages
  • Sweden Coloring Pages
  • Switzerland Coloring Pages
  • USA Coloring Pages
  • Venezuela Coloring Pages

Country Lapbooks

  • Italy Lapbook
  • France Lapbook
  • Sri Lanka Lapbook
  • England Lapbook
  • Jamaica Lapbook


Countries around the world for kids

Now it’s time to dive into the different cultures, customs, and beauty of other countries around the world. This Christmas Around the World study is perfect to start because it will give you a little information with a free printable and activity for each of the 40+ countries studied.

2nd grade country research project

Or, if you are a Christian, you will love this Craft & Pray Around the World . It also takes a look at countries around the world, but also includes how to pray for the people that live there. A different country is featured every day with a unique, country themed ornament your family can make together.


Geography for Kids

  • Where do I live Printable Activity
  • US States for Kids – free worksheets, games, hands-on activities and more for teaching kids about us history and all 50 states
  • Easy-to-Make Salt Dough Map
  • Tons of Free Printable Maps for Kids
  • Roll into Geography – Printable Geography Games
  • Geography Treasure Hunt Activity
  • Landforms Worksheets pdf free
  • Snap Geography Games for Kids
  • Roll into Geography Games for Kids – simple printable game to learn about continents

History Lessons for Kids

Check out one of or MANY engaging, Free history lessons for kids or go to  American History for kids including lots of fun, hands on activities and free printables

  • Digging into World History Curriculum for the whole family to learn together!
  • Dive into Mesopotamia History to learn about Gilgamesh
  • Learn about Ancient Egypt Activities , crafts, lessons, worksheets, ancient egypt free printables , and more!
  • Ancient Civlizations of MesoAmerica:  Who Were the Ancient Maya People Readers,  Inca Facts Reader, and  Aztecs for Kids Reader
  • 4 week lesson about Early Explorers for Kids
  • Learn about castles, knights, and more in this exciting Middle Ages for Kids
  • Make a teepee, dig for arrowheads, color our printable books and more in this Native Americans for Kids lessons
  • The Colonial America for Kids lesson takes kids on a journey back to the first permanent settlement in America – Jamestown. Students will learn about colonial life with lots of hands on projects like eating Gruel, making a Wattle & Daub house, and creating a tin lantern will make the settlement come alive.
  • We will make westward expansion for kids come alive for kids as they learn facts about the time period from about 1783-1898. In addition to learning about the Oregon trail, pony express, gold rush, transcontinental railroad, students will also learn to match animal trails, map the united states, and learn about North American animals too.
  • Civil War for Kids – students will learn about slavery, famous Americans from the Civil War, famous battles, and how our nation stayed together. Lesson includes printable worksheets, mapping activities, printable civil war board game and more!
  • Famous Explorers for Kids Reader – discovering America
  • Jamestown Color & Read   Jamestown worksheeds pdf
  • Revolutionary War Reader – american revolutionary easy reading
  • Read, Color & Learn War of 1812 worksheet pdf
  • Westward Expansion Reader westward expansion worksheet pdf
  • Pennant History Posters to see US History At-a-Glance
  • Titanic for Kids Reader to Color and Learn
  • World War 1 Coloring Pages to color, read, and learn
  • Learn about the Roaring 1920s for Kids – Printable Book to Read, Color, and Learn
  • 1930s for Kids – Printable Book about the Golden age of Hollywood, Great Depression for Kids and more to read, color, and learn
  • Life in the 1940s America for Kids Reader
  • WW2 Printables to read, color, and learn about World War 2
  • Learn about the trading of goods that began in 1941 with this  Columbian Exchange for Kids  printable reader.
  • Anne Frank Facts for Kids Printable Reader to read, color, and learn about this Jewish girl who lived behind the wall in Holland during World War 2
  • 1950s for Kids Reader to Color, Learn and read about what life was like in America in 1950
  • Rosa Parks Worksheets pdf – Free Printable Reader to Color and Learn
  • Martin Luther King Jr for Kids Printable Reader to Color and Learn
  • Life in the 1960s for Kids Printable book to read, color and learn about life in the 1960s
  • Learn about platform shoes, disco, the beginning of Star Wars and more with this 1970s for kids Reader
  • 1980s for Kids Printable American History Reader
  • 1990s for Kids Printable Reader filled with information about fashion, technology, Presidents, and more!
  • Learn about life for early 2000s Kids with these american history printables to read, color, and learn!
  • Review what you’ve leanred with these American History Worksheets (Notebooking)
  • Engaging Historical Fiction Books for Kids

Ready to explore more about these fascinating countries? Let’s head back to the beginning and learn the history of these countries with this fun, hands-on Digging Into World History curriculum

2nd grade country research project

  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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How I Use Research Tools with My Second Graders

It’s all about age-appropriateness.

Student with headphones researching animals using laptop

PebbleGo is a curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students. Your students will love exploring PebbleGo time and time again. Get your free preview!

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Research skills are super important, but when you teach second grade hybrid like I do, they can be quite a challenge to teach. It’s difficult to find age-appropriate digital research materials when doing a random search. Most of the available material is far above my students’ reading level and isn’t necessarily kid-friendly. Fortunately, I found a great resource. Check out how I made these animal reports happen using age-appropriate research tools with my second graders:

Setting the Stage

My students are obsessed with animals, so I decided to do in-class animal research projects using PebbleGo, a research tool specifically designed for K-3 students. For our first introduction, I displayed PebbleGo on my interactive whiteboard and modeled how to navigate through the program.

My demonstration included how to: go through each tab of information per topic, utilize the read-aloud audio, enlarge photographs, watch videos, listen to the corresponding animal sounds, and view the range map to see where animals are found in the wild.  Each animal page (except for common pets) has the following information tabs: body, habitat, food, life cycle, and fun facts.

After my mini-lesson, I gave the students 20 minutes to explore the entire animals’ section independently. Their enthusiasm was infectious! Each student had exciting animal facts to share with me every other second.

Student viewing the jellyfish page on PebbleGo

This student is learning about jellyfish on PebbleGo.

Working Together

The next day, I picked one animal to explore in-depth together. I chose the cardinal since we have seen some lately on campus and around the community. After going through each section together, each student found the cardinal page on their laptop.

All of the content has a read-aloud audio feature, which is especially helpful for my struggling readers . Additionally, all of the text and audio can be translated into Spanish. I have a new student who just arrived from Colombia and does not speak any English, so this has been a wonderful tool to assist her.

The students worked independently to complete the two activity sheets, which I also got from PebbleGo! I love how the “Share What You Know” sheet correlates with the five information tabs on each specific animal. Once my class was finished, we went over both sheets together through the document camera.

Student completing the cardinal activity sheets while reading information on PebbleGo

This student is researching and reporting on cardinals using PebbleGo.

Independent Practice

Now it was time for my students to do their own research and mini-reports. To shake things up, we had a drawing to determine what animal each student would research. Each student picked one slip out of a hat (after a round of handwashing, of course!), and things took off from there.

Student researching lions on PebbleGo and writing the information on the report sheet

This student is filling in his Share What You Know fact sheet about lions.

Each student completed a hard copy of the two activity sheets correlating to his or her assigned animal. Next, I introduced the students to the Read More eBooks section connected to each animal, which caused another wave of excitement! There were tons of books corresponding to the animal project topics.

This student is researching the red fox on PebbleGo and writing down her findings.

This student is researching the red panda and reporting her findings on her fact sheet.

Celebrating Success

Everyone shared their findings with the class in recognition of our success. The students were so proud of their reports, which of course had me kvelling.

These are work samples from two students using PebbleGo and the correlating activity sheets.

These are work samples from two different students.

These are work samples from two students using PebbleGo and the correlating activity sheets.

Two more student work samples from the PebbleGo animal report project.

The Takeaway

Our first research project using PebbleGo was a huge success. Even my students who I struggle with daily to complete assignments were highly motivated. This won’t be our last project. Next up: biographies and weather!

Want to try animal reports or another research project with your K-3 students?

Learn More About PebbleGo

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2nd grade country research project



Embark on a global journey with the COUNTRY RESEARCH PROJECT REPORT TEMPLATE GRAPHIC ORGANIZER. This comprehensive resource is designed for 1st to 4th-grade students, providing an in-depth exploration of different countries. The template helps students organize their research in a clear and concise way, covering various aspects of a country’s geography, culture, and history. Ideal for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade country research reports and projects!


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    Our Country Research Project is ideal for older elementary students and middle school students. Before tackling this Country Research Project, we introduce, review, and solidify basic map skills with our FREE Printable World Maps & Activities.By the time my students reach 4th grade, they do one of these projects a year for the next two years.

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  7. Free Country Research Projects 2nd Grade Teaching Resources

    Browse free country research projects 2nd grade resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. Browse Catalog. ... This Country Research Project with Country Report with Templates on Japan is packed with engaging graphic organizers and writing activities on Japanese culture ...

  8. Country Research Projects Bundle

    Grade Level(s): 2-5. Resource Type: Research Project. Total Pages: 645. Answer Key & Rubric: Included. File Type: PDF BUNDLE Sale - $55.00; Add to Cart Go To Cart. Country Research Projects Bundle Explore and compare 20 countries from around the world! Develop global awareness through country research projects.

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    No-Prep Country Research Project Template. Our pack includes a variety of worksheets and graphic organizers that will help students explore a civilization at least 500 years old. They will learn about why the civilization settled in the location, what challenges they faced, and how they adapted to the environmental conditions.

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    The countries of the world are currently separated into six distinct continents. These continents are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America. A set of three differentiated country research worksheets to use with your Geography class. Your students must research and compile information by themselves.

  20. How I Use Research Tools with My Second Graders

    PebbleGo is a curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students. Your students will love exploring PebbleGo time and time again. Get your free preview! Research skills are super important, but when you teach second grade hybrid like I do, they can be quite a challenge to teach. It's difficult to find age-appropriate digital ...

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    747 SW 2nd Avenue Gainesville, FL 32601. Sid Martin Biotech: (386) 462-0880. 12085 Research Drive Alachua, FL 32615. Innovate Resources. UF Research. Report an Innovation. Innovate News. Search Technologies. View All Upcoming Events. COMMUNITY CALENDAR. july 2024

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    Browse country research 2nd grade lesson plan resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.


    Perfect for your students to use as they research and write about a different country. This country research graphic organizer template helps them to organize their facts and information in a clear and concise way! Ideal for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade country research reports and projects! CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW GREEN APPLE LESSONS!