English Compositions

Short Essay on Kindness to Animals [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson today, you will learn how to write short essays on the topic of Kindness to Animals. In this lesson, I am going to adapt a simplistic approach to writing these essays that all kinds of students can easily understand. 

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Short essay on Kindness to Animals in 100 Words

All the living creatures on this planet have the right to live freely in nature. Today, however, many animals all over the world are suffering because of human cruelty. People don’t just kill animals for their meat but also their skins, tusks, horns, teeth, feathers and fur. Many animals are kept captive, tortured and made to perform in front of crowds of people.

Innocent lab animals are used all over the world to test newly developed chemical formulations. We should be kind to animals and all living creatures. We should never harm animals. Instead, we should feed them and take care of them whenever we can. After all, having compassion for others is what truly makes us human. 

Short essay on Kindness to Animals in 200 Words

For thousands of years, human beings have hunted animals not just for food, but also for sports and fun. Many animals like elephants and horned rhinoceros have been killed for centuries for their tusks and horns. Animals like lions, tigers, monkeys and even dolphins are kept captive, tortured and made to perform in front of crowds of people.

The livestock animals kept in farms for their milk and meat live in such terrible conditions, unable to move freely. And of course, we can not forget the lab animals. Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice are used all over the world to test new chemical formulas developed for humans. 

In our day to day life, we all have come across people throwing stones at street dogs or kicking them. Many people don’t even think twice before running their cars over street animals. We must ask ourselves if the innocent animals deserve our cruelty.

They don’t bother us and just want to live peacefully. We should become more kind and compassionate towards animals and all other living beings. We shouldn’t harm animals or let others harm them. We should feed and take care of helpless animals. After all, having compassion for others is what truly makes us human. 

Short essay on Kindness to Animals in 400 Words

All living beings on this planet were created and given life by the same divine force. All of us, whether it is human beings, plants or animals, have the right to live and be free. In the olden days, most kings and emperors spent their free time going on hunts to kill animals like deer, tigers, lions and elephants. The hunted animals were not eaten but just served as a trophy for the king.

Many big animals like elephants and horned rhinoceros are still killed for their tusks, horns and skins. Marine animals like sharks and whales are also killed to be served as delicacies in several high-end restaurants. Over the years, the population of these animals has greatly decreased and many exotic species are on the verge of becoming extinct. 

We don’t have to go far to see animals suffering because of human cruelty. It is not hard to notice how mistreated the street dogs are. People throw stones at them, kick them and some even run their cars over them. Many animals are kept captive and made to perform in circuses. The livestock animals kept in farms for their milk and meat live in such terrible conditions, unable to move freely.

Their babies are taken away from them and killed as the people running the farms don’t see any value in keeping them alive. Horses and bullocks kept for pulling carts and ploughs are often not fed properly and made to work until they collapse. If we take a look at the cosmetic industry, so many high-end brands test their products on innocent animals. Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice are all used to test new chemical formulas developed for beauty products. This greatly harms them. 

Animals have every right to live freely in nature. Just because they cannot defend themselves, does not mean that we should keep torturing them for our gain. Kindness to animals and all other living creatures is a virtue. We should not harm animals and we should stop others from harming them as well. Many animals have lost their habitat and food sources because of deforestation and infrastructure developments done by human beings.

We should feed and take care of such animals instead of viewing them as a nuisance. Governments all over the world have taken various steps to stop illegal hunting and many organisations are trying their best to make life less cruel for farm and lab animals. But they can only do so much. It is on each one of us to become more compassionate and kind towards animals so that all living beings can live freely on this planet. 

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Kindness to Animals Essay

The kindness to animals essay covers why we should always show compassion to animals. There are a few advantages to being kind to animals, and they are listed in the article. Some of these include showing respect for animals, being kind to them, and helping preserve our environment as it provides shelter to animals. Kindness to animals essay teaches us to be kind and tolerant towards furry friends.

Some people think that animals don’t have feelings or emotions, but they do. The relationship between humans and animals is much more than just giving them food and shelter. A human’s well-being depends on all living things, including animals. Humans are responsible for the treatment of domestic animals .

Kindness to animals is a common practice that many people engage in today. It is always a nice feeling to help animals in need. There are many ways that you can show kindness towards them. You can share your food with them, get a pet for yourself, or volunteer for an animal shelter.

Animals have an impact on our lives in many ways. As a society, we have focused more on human beings, which has caused a lot of harm to our planet and the animals that live on it. It is important to make decisions that help preserve wildlife to protect humans and animals.

kindness animals essay

Importance of Protecting Animals

Animal activism and animal rights have been a growing trend in recent years. Animal advocates preach kindness to animals, highlighting that just as humans should be kind to each other, they should also extend that kindness to the wildlife around them. There are different types of animal activism by the people who believe in protecting animals.

There are many reasons to take care of animals and levels of kindness one can show to an animal. Some people believe that animals are a reflection of ourselves, and if we have loving animal companions, it will make us feel more fulfilled. There is also the argument that animals have the same rights as humans and that they should be protected for their welfare.

Kindness to animals essay discusses the benefits of animal-friendly practices and ideas. It also provides resources for those who want to make a difference in their own lives, whether they are working in the animal industry or not.

Many wild animals are suffering and dying because of human cruelty. The best way to help is to be kinder. We should treat all animals with care, respect, love, kindness, and dignity.

Frequently Asked Questions on Kindness to Animals Essay

Why should kids refer to byju’s kindness to animals essay.

Kids must refer to BYJU’S kindness to animals essay because it discusses the benefits of animal-friendly practices and philosophies. Animals need to be protected because they are an important part of our ecosystem. Also, when an animal becomes extinct, this could have a huge impact on the ecosystem.

Why should we protect the animals?

Animals are a precious part of our world, and we should protect them. There are many animals that have been endangered because of human activities, like the animals in Africa that have been killed by poaching. We need to protect these animals so that we can stop global warming and other environmental issues.

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Essay on Kindness to Animals for Students and Children

We are Sharing an Essay on Kindness to Animals in English for students and children. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a short Kindness to Animals Essay for Classes 8,9,10,11,12 in 200, 300,400 words.

Making kindness and justice to domestic animals an essential part of human virtue. Animals also claim our love and sympathy, not only because they are dumb and helpless but also because they are so serviceable to us. Cruelty to animals hardens our hearts and produces in us a callous and unfeeling, and unsympathetic nature which is a great punishment to a human being.

Some animals do us great service. The horse, the dog, the mule, the ox, the ass, and the camel are our faithful and hard-working servants. Even in this age of mechanical civilization, we cannot do without them. Yet how often do we come across the ugly sight of a driver whipping the horse hard or a farmer showering blows upon the stolid ox mercilessly, as if the latter were made of stone or wood, and not flesh and blood. Cruelty to animals is immoral.

In India the doctrine Ahimsa or no-violence, though often preached, is not always practiced, especially, by the young.

We must practice kindness to animals. We can show our kindness to them by providing proper food, water, and shelter to domestic and agricultural animals, by allowing them complete rest one day in a week, by sending them to veterinary hospitals when they are ill, by making them carry only so much load as they can carry with ease, by avoiding the use of sharp goads or heavy wooden cudgels, or leather whips to exact speedier work from them, by supporting public institutions for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, by reporting the cases of cruelty to animals to the nearest police station and thus bringing the offenders to book, by discouraging wanton slaughter of animals for food, and by discouraging hunting for mere sport.

It is our moral duty to treat animals with kindness and sympathy, especially when they are helpless and wholly dependent on our care and protection.

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How animals inspire kindness

I admit it — I am a bona fide animal lover. One look in my house — with my two dogs, four cats, two frogs and a turtle —  and it is hard to deny that I literally live in a zoo.

But you don’t need to be pet owner or animal lover to see how animals can inspire kindness in others.

Time and time again we hear stories about how our four-legged friends and other animals show random acts of kindness towards humans.

Take for example Binti-Jua, the gorilla who cradled an injured boy who fell into the gorilla enclosure in her arms, protecting him from the other animals until he could be rescued by a zookeeper. Or Oscar the therapy cat, who layed with and comforted nursing home residents while they took their last breaths.

We all  have the opportunity to show kindness towards animals, just as they show kindness towards us.

Who hasn’t seen those TV commercials that show neglected and abused animals longing for someone to show them some simple act of kindness?

Even the toughest of hearts can’t help but be melted as their innocent eyes stare longingly while “In the Eyes of the Angels” plays in the background.

If there was ever an opportunity to practice kindness, volunteering with abused or homeless animals is it.

Whether you are a dog person, a cat lover, a horse fanatic, or even a reptile aficionado, there are ample opportunities to help those creatures that so badly need some kindness in their lives.

Filling out an application and taking a short class is all that is required to start making a difference at your local  Humane Society  or SPCA .  And by making a simple phone call to an animal rescue organization, you can learn how you can help mistreated animals.

My children started volunteering at the Humane Society at a young age.  They would walk dogs, brush cats, and spend time petting and socializing with the animals.

Although my daughter is grown and my boys are teenagers now, they still make time to visit homeless, abused and disabled  animals. My youngest son even donates $15.00 every month to sponsor Minka, a disabled cat at the Feline Rescue of Northern Nevada (FRONN).

I believe my children’s acts of kindness towards animals is fostered by the kindness shown to them in return.  Kindness will almost always be reciprocated when it comes to animals.

kindness animals essay

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kindness animals essay

On Kindness to Animals and Why It Is an Important Virtue to Cultivate


This certainly applies to our treatment of animals. There are some extremists who would equate the dignity of animals with that of humans, failing to understand that human abilities are exceptional and unique due to the capacities of our soul, made in the image of God. Others think it immoral for us to make use of animals as beasts of burden or for necessary food. Still others think that animal companions can replace healthy human relationships (rather than merely augment them).

But whatever the extremes and errors of our time, our animals do have important roles in helping us to become more human. St. Thomas Aquinas set forth the paradoxical notion that animals can help us to be more humane and more human:

Blood was forbidden, both in order to avoid cruelty, that they might abhor the shedding of human blood, as stated above (3, ad 8) … For the same reason they were forbidden to eat animals that had been suffocated or strangled: because the blood of these animals would not be separated from the body: or because this form of death is very painful to the victim; and the Lord wished to withdraw them from cruelty even in regard to irrational animals, so as to be less inclined to be cruel to other men, through being used to be kind to beasts (Summa Theologica, I, IIae, 102, art 6, ad 1).

St. Thomas links the avoidance of excessive cruelty to animals with a greater respect and gentleness for human life. As any psychotherapist or exorcist will tell you, the penchant for cruelty to human beings in sadists and murderers often began (usually in childhood) with cruelty to animals. Further, kindness to animals can help augment kindness to fellow human beings.

While distinct from animals, we share many bodily similarities including sensitivity to pain and suffering. It is a grave defect of character to be insensitive to the suffering of sentient creatures, animal or human. It is a not a far journey from relishing inflicting pain on animals to enjoying doing the same to human beings.

On a more positive note, as we learn to be patient and gentle with animals (especially pets), we can acquire the skills to be patient and gentle with our fellow humans. Admittedly, though, human beings are far more complicated and far less innocent than animals, whose behavior we can easily excuse.

This also helps debunk a demand for equivalence that sometimes emerges. The usual complaint goes something like this: “You’re kinder to your dog than you are to me!” Perhaps on some level this may be true, but our relationship to our pets is different because we reasonably expect less from them. They do not have rational souls and cannot be expected to behave justly or reasonably. But fellow human beings need more correction and must answer to a higher set of standards. Thus we are reasonably harder on them, given the nature of our relationship with them and what is rightly expected of them. Correction of a human person who may one day merit Heaven or Hell is more important for him than it is for an animal, which has no such consequences attached to its actions. So, it makes sense that we are harder on one another and expect more than we do from our animals.

That said, learning to express patience and kindness to an animal does help us to learn the language of kindness and gentleness that can, and often should, be granted to fellow human beings. It helps to awaken and train a tenderness in us.

In the Summa Theologica , St. Thomas also comments on the prohibition of boiling a kid goat in the milk of its mother:

Although the kid that is slain has no perception of the manner in which its flesh is cooked, yet it would seem to savor of heartlessness if the [mother’s] milk, which was intended for the nourishment of her offspring, were served up on the same dish (Summa Theologica I, IIae, 106 art. 5 ad 4).

Although Thomas does state other reasons for the prohibition (e.g., that it is the practice of the pagans), the avoidance of cruelty is stressed.

Pointless cruelty is never a good thing to allow in the human person , even if it is (only) directed toward lower forms of life. It is too easily transferred to the way we regard and treat one another.

Kindness to animals, therefore, is an important virtue to cultivate. We need not embrace excesses such that we fail to make proper use of animals as God intended (to assist us and even to be food for us). Neither must we bestow rights on them that have no corresponding duties or presuppose qualities they do not have. But pointless cruelty to animals that does not recognize their status as sentient beings harms not only them but us as well.

The paradox, then, is this: Our humanity is partially nurtured by our treatment of and experience with animals, both wild and tame. Kindness to animals, even if a virtue subject to excessive and even bizarre applications today, remains an important virtue for us.

The picture at the upper right is of my cat, Jewel (a.k.a. Jewel the Kidda, L’il Girl, and The Queen of Sheba).

2 Replies to “On Kindness to Animals and Why It Is an Important Virtue to Cultivate”

God gives us dogs as examples of faithfulness and trust. God gives us cats to show that we’re not always in control, and that it’s entirely human to welcome mystery into our lives.

There is an aspect of animal cruelty that this post doesn’t touch on: factory farms. Pigs, in particular, from what I’ve read, are treated most cruelly on in thoses places.

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Teach Kids to Be Kind to All Living Creatures by Example and With Free Lessons During American Humane’s “Be Kind to Animals Week®” (May 2-8)

Free educational activities for children and simple lifestyle changes can help build a more humane world for animals…all year round.

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April 30, 2021 — Building a better world for both people and animals begins with teaching our children the meaning of kindness. We can best do this by example and by providing them with free, compelling humane education materials. And what better time to start than during American Humane’s 106 th annual “ Be Kind to Animals Week ® ” , which is the oldest commemorative week in U.S. history and takes place in 2021 from May 2-8.  This year, American Humane is asking all Americans to take an online pledge to do four simple things to improve the world for animals and is making a variety of free humane education materials available online to parents, teachers and children. Free downloadable materials include lessons and teaching sheets for pre-K to Grade 5 students, “Be Kind to Animals” posters, and ideas to celebrate and protect Earth’s creatures. These are all available at www.americanhumane.org/BeKind .

To lead by example and make a difference in the lives of millions of animals, American Humane is asking animal lovers to pledge to make kindness a lifestyle choice and do four simple things:

  • Buy humanely raised foods with the American Humane Certified™ seal to support the good treatment of farm animals;
  • Adopt one of the more than 3-4 million animals abandoned to shelters each year;
  • Choose movies and television shows that have earned the “No Animals Were Harmed ®” end credit verifying the protection of animal actors; and,
  • Visit American Humane Certified™ zoos, aquariums and conservation centers caring for the many endangered and disappearing species of the world.

American Humane will also share humane messages throughout the week and encourage people to commit to kindness by sharing Be Kind to Animals Week ® content using the hashtag #BeKindToAnimalsWeek.  For a wealth of ideas, and to show us how you are being kind to animals, follow American Humane on Facebook ,  Twitter , and Instagram .

In addition, teachers and children can find a historical retrospective featuring history, highlights and unusual facts from 106 years of “Be Kind to Animals Week,” as well as a sampling of famous supporters from U.S. Presidents to Clint Eastwood and John Wayne, Betty White, Doris Day and even Porky Pig.

“I hope every American will join us in celebrating ‘Be Kind to Animals Week’ and making a difference for all the creatures of the Earth,” said Dr. Robin Ganzert, president and CEO of American Humane. “By teaching our children the value of our animal friends and adopting a humane lifestyle, we can build a better world – not just during these few days, but all year round.”

About American Humane

American Humane is the country’s first national humane organization, founded in 1877. Today, this four-star nonprofit saves, shelters, feeds and protects nearly one billion animals worldwide each year. For more information, please visit  www.americanhumane.org .

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Marc Bekoff Ph.D.

"When Animals Rescue": Reflections on Kindness and Morality

A new book offers true tales and a discussion of the science of animal empathy..

Posted April 30, 2021 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan

  • What's best about our human natures just might be our animal natures.
  • Science shows that many animals have rich moral lives.
  • Belinda Recio, in her new book "When Animals Rescue," shares a collection of true stories about the science of animal empathy.

If you thought that only humans were capable of virtuous behavior, think again. Belinda Recio's new book, When Animals Rescue: Amazing True Stories about Heroic and Helpful Creatures , will open your eyes to the breadth and depth of nonhuman kindness.

Belinda weaves in fascinating facts with astonishing stories about all kinds of animals—large and small, domesticated and wild—acting in compassionate ways. We need a book like this—about what Jessica Pierce and I call " wild justice "—not only to learn more about how other animals demonstrate kindness and their moral lives, but also to inspire more of this behavior in our own species.

When Animals Rescue reminded me of two stories, one told to me by renowned author Elizabeth Marshall Thomas titled “A Friend in Need." Her story is about a dog named Ruby who helped another dog, Wicket, cross a partly frozen stream. Wicket was afraid to cross on her own, and Ruby, who had already crossed the stream, went back to Wicket, greeted her, and after around 10 unsuccessful attempts, convinced Wicket to follow her across the ice. (The entire story can be seen here .)

Another touching example involved wild elephants. Years ago, while I was watching elephants in the Samburu National Reserve in Northern Kenya with renowned elephant researcher Iain Douglas-Hamilton, I noticed a teenage female, Babyl, who walked very slowly and had difficulty taking each step. I learned she’d been crippled for years, but the other members of her herd never left her behind. They’d walk a while, then stop and look around to see where she was. If Babyl lagged, some would wait for her. If she’d been left alone, she would have fallen prey to a lion or other predator. Sometimes the matriarch would even feed Babyl. Babyl’s friends had nothing to gain by helping her, as she could do nothing for them. Nonetheless, they adjusted their behavior to allow Babyl to remain with the group.

While books like Belinda's are timeless, its publication now is much-needed in a world in which far too much violence is directed toward countless nonhumans in a wide variety of venues. Belinda's interview is a nice follow-up to a discussion with Sarat Colling about her book called Animal Resistance in the Global Capitalist Era.

A conversation with Belinda Recio

Here's what Belinda had to say about her most important and inspirational book.

Why did you write When Animals Rescue ?

I wanted to build upon the research I did for my previous book, Inside Animal Hearts and Minds , which looks at the extraordinary emotional and cognitive capacities of animals. In this book, however, I focus exclusively on examples of animals acting in ways that seem motivated by empathy, compassion, altruism , and other emotions that we associate with our highest human virtues. At first, I wasn’t sure that there would be enough verified content to fill a book. But as it turned out, there were plenty of confirmed stories about such behaviors in animals. I hoped that by writing the book and sharing these stories, I might deepen human empathy for other animals.

Belinda Recio, with permission.

How does your book relate to your background and general areas of interest?

I have been writing about animals for over a decade. Before I started writing, I became interested in conservation psychology , specifically in the ways in which one encourages conservation of the natural world. At that time, researchers knew that before people take action to support and protect the environment or animals, they need to feel concern, and before they feel concern, they need to feel empathy. As to what fosters empathy, stories and art can be especially effective tools. So, I started writing about animals and I opened an art gallery that exhibits art that connects people with animals and nature.

Who is your intended audience?

Everyone! I think that deep down, most people feel a sense of connection with nature, and animals in particular. Wherever I am, if I start talking about animals, peoples’ faces light up. They want to hear my animal stories and tell me theirs. Despite all the work we need to do to make the world a better place for animals and ourselves, I think there’s hope if we can tap into that empathetic place in all our hearts.

What are some of the topics that are woven into your book and what are some of the major messages?

The book presents dozens of examples of animals behaving empathetically and altruistically. I included stories about humpback whales protecting a biologist from a shark, a pride of lions rescuing a girl from kidnappers; gorillas working together to dismantle poacher snares that were hurting their young and their elders; a parrot protecting her human companion by warding off an attacker in a park; an elephant trying to rescue a baby rhino; and many more.

The book’s primary message is that, in matters of the heart, animals are not so very different from us. They not only demonstrate emotions that we associate with our best human qualities, [but] they can even demonstrate a sense of morality .

How does your book differ from others that are concerned with some of the same general topics?

kindness animals essay

I don’t know of any other books for a general audience that focus exclusively on empathy, altruism, and compassion across such a broad spectrum of species. I intentionally included a wide variety of animals to emphasize how these qualities of the heart belong to the entire animal kingdom, not just a few familiar animals, such as dogs and dolphins.

What are some of your current projects ?

I am currently finishing a new book, called Your Inner Zoo , in which I present the natural and cultural ideas associated with animals, and then help readers to develop what ecologist Paul Shepherd called a “zoology of the self”—a sense of how the other animals teach us and live within us as ideas, insights, intuitions, and instincts.

Is there anything else you'd like to tell readers?

The stories in When Animals Rescue —and so many other similar accounts of animal behavior —make a compelling case for animals’ capacity for kindness. One would think that such reports should change the way we regard and treat the creatures with whom we share our world. However, there are still many people who brush off such stories, even when reported by experienced marine biologists, primatologists, and other experts in the field. The established perspective holds that if a behavior was only witnessed once, just a few times, or did not occur under controlled experimental conditions, it is merely anecdotal. But as political scientist Raymond Wolfinger astutely observed, “the plural of anecdote is data.”

So, while skeptics might need to wait for further proof that animals are capable of empathy and altruism, the rest of us do not. Instead, we could simply decide that there is already enough evidence to justify changing our perspectives and behaviors in order to make the world a kinder place for animals.

1) Belinda Recio is a recipient of the Humane Society's Award for Innovation in the Study of Animals and Society. She has written numerous books--including Inside Animal Hearts and Minds --and has developed award-winning science curricula for educational television, museums, and children's publishers. Recio is a columnist for Organic Spa Magazine, where she writes her "State of the Ark" column on animals, and the owner of True North Gallery where she exhibits art that connects people with animals and nature.

2) The book's description reads: A Collection of True Tales of Animal Empathy and Altruism that will Inspire Us to Reflect on Our Own Human Nature. What do stories about humpback whales protecting a biologist from a shark, a pride of lions rescuing a girl from kidnappers, gorillas working together to dismantle poacher snares, a parrot warding off an attacker in a park, a chimpanzee consoling a human, and an elephant trying to rescue a baby rhino tell us about animal nature? And what might they suggest about our very own human nature? Until just a few decades ago, there were only a few animals reported to behave empathetically and altruistically. More recently, the list of species who have been observed behaving in compassionate, helpful, and caring ways has grown exponentially, ranging from rats to elephants. Rescued by a Whale presents dozens of astonishing and heart-warming stories about animals, such as mice, horses, dolphins, and wolves, who engage in acts of helpful kindness. During a time in history when studies show that human empathy is decreasing, our knowledge about animal empathy is increasing. These true tales of heroism, kindness, and compassion suggest that we have far more in common with other animals than we once believed and provocatively suggest that what's best about our human natures just might be our animal natures.

Bekoff, Marc. Sentient Rats: Their Cognitive, Emotional, and Moral Lives .

_____. Listening to the Voices of Animals Who Resist Exploitation .

_____. Do Animals Really Leave Their Group to Go Off to Die?

_____. The moral lives of animals: What did Herman Melville have to say about animals ?

_____. Wild Justice and Moral Intelligence in Animals .

_____ and Pierce. Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals . University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Marc Bekoff Ph.D.

Marc Bekoff, Ph.D. , is professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

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Making a better world through kindness to animals

Best Friends co-founder Francis Battista kissing Teddy the dog

Dr. Jane Goodall said it best: “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” That resonates with me.

The vision statement of Best Friends is “A better world through kindness to animals,” which is to say that if we look to the well-being of the least empowered among us, we will cast a net that includes, well, the world. Many will say, and have said over the years, that this is a hopelessly naïve and out-of-touch dream that doesn’t square with the reality of power, money and the cutthroat politics that run the world.

But the world as we know it is the consequence of individual decisions that have been made over the course of millennia and continue to be made today, by each of us. However rigid and fixed the structures that hold things in place may seem, we all witnessed just how tenuous they really are when the COVID-19 pandemic almost brought the world to its knees.

Mule deer in Angel Canyon, in front of a red rock cliff

Where to start?

So, where do you start if you want to make a difference for the animals? By getting involved in animal welfare? Animal rights? Anti-vivisection? Becoming vegetarian? Becoming vegan? Is eating honey cruel to bees? Is wearing wool cruel to sheep?

There are a lot of potential pitfalls when trying to chart a compassionate path through life. Take those who practice Jainism, an austere religion from India that claims a tradition at least as old as Hinduism. The Jains wear masks to prevent them from accidentally swallowing flying insects and sweep the path in front of themselves as they walk lest they tread on crawling creatures, in their efforts to protect other living things from their impact on the world. But you don’t have to adopt an “ism” or go to extremes to take steps in your preferred direction, which, if you are reading this, I’m guessing has something to do with helping animals.

[ 7 priceless gifts pets give us ]

Being kind to animals is a great place to start, even if you really only care about your own dog, cat, bunny or bird. We have all taken great pleasure in making our pets feel at ease in their new home. We know what makes them feel frightened and what makes them feel relaxed and secure. Stomping around the house in a bad mood probably sends your pets into hiding. Not kind. Thinking about the effect that indulging in your bad mood will have on the animals in your household and taking a deep breath first to protect them from something they are powerless to deal with — well, that’s kindness, and not only that, it makes for a better household.

That’s a simplistic example, but in truth, the dogs and cats in my life have served as the most effective mirror for my own impact on others — more than I could ever have hoped for or feared. When you begin to observe your pets, independent of yourself, it opens up a rich and fascinating new world.

Yellow-headed blackbird looking up

Listening to animals

It’s not hard to get into the skin of your animal friends. It begins with being quiet and watching and listening. They’re communicating with us all the time through vocalizations, body language, where they lie down, which way they face. What are they looking for in the relationship? It’s never just a meal. Is it the ability to trust? Is it approval, confirmation that they are doing the right thing? Is it the need to have a place in the perceived pecking order, to have a leader, a companion? Maybe, if they have been through a rough time prior to entering your household, it’s simply the need to feel safe.

Teddy, a highly animated, fuzzy white dog, was a wonderful friend who passed away a few years ago. He helped me realize how hard our animal companions work to get through to us. Relating to Teddy, a ridiculously cute Hurricane Katrina survivor, was like playing charades. “First word, two syllables, sounds like …” I could hear him thinking, “Geez, Francis, if you tried half as hard to communicate with me as I try to communicate with you, we’d be speaking French by now!” Somewhere along the way, Teddy decided that the best way to get through life was to be happy and to make everyone else happy as well. He taught me a lot.

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Taking a little time to see what’s going on reveals that, on their own terms, the animals have important things to attend to, sophisticated relationships, and they are motivated by the same concerns that drive us all. Their lives have depth and texture. They make decisions and they puzzle over and work out solutions to problems. It’s no longer a surprise when one of our dogs figures out the secret of doorknobs or when the squirrels defeat my most ingenious attempts to keep them out of the bird feeders.

Animal lovers get it. That’s why most people who have pets believe that they are part of the family, and why some defy fire and flood rather than abandon their pets in the face of a disaster. It was the great lesson coming out of Hurricane Katrina that led to the passage of the PETS Act, mandating evacuation protocols for pets in any community requiring federal aid during a disaster. But if we step off the kindness trail at the household pet turnoff, we will miss out on the larger and much more interesting story of what is going on all around us.

Teddy the dog

We are all connected

I have been privileged to live and work in Angel Canyon, the home and headquarters of Best Friends, since we arrived here 36 years ago and started shoveling sand to create the first iteration of the Sanctuary. I have a literal window on the natural world of the Colorado Plateau. It is a starkly beautiful but harsh and unforgiving landscape of red, pink and white sandstone cliffs, blown sand, sagebrush and juniper. This landscape is cut through with a life-giving creek fed by seeps and springs that support habitat for a variety of wildlife — from mountain lions, deer, coyotes and bobcats to eagles, owls, hawks and songbirds to lizards, bugs and spiders.

Watching and listening to these animals (not so much the secretive cougars and bobcats), I have come to appreciate the complexity of their lives and the struggle for survival that we all share. Even the ones I don’t particularly like — such as ants, whose seemingly chaotic activity is actually highly structured and role-oriented. Ants’ brains are 40,000 times smaller than ours, but they perform remarkable feats that boggle the mind. For example, a recent study determined that a species of desert ant navigates to and from food sources by “counting” their steps via some type of built-in pedometer.

Even if you don’t live “out in nature,” there is animal life worth watching all around, from squirrels and pigeons in the park to racoons in suburbia to the legendary “pizza rat” who took social media by storm a few years ago. Look and listen — it’s there.

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I have come to understand that there is no such thing as a small or unimportant life. Every creature, however small or strange, different or possibly repulsive to us, has a life that matters to them and should matter to us as we make our way through the world. It should matter to us because we are all connected and their fate is ultimately our fate.

We spend hundreds of billions of dollars searching for life in the galactic void, while failing to appreciate and protect the lives right in front of us, as we stomp around our own planet in a bad mood, driving species to extinction. As Dr. Jane Goodall observed: “Here we are, the most clever species ever to have lived. So how is it we can destroy the only planet we have?”

With kindness in mind, treating all living things as we would like to be treated, we can make life easier for our fellow earthlings. We can make a better world through kindness to animals.

Silhouette of two mule deer

This article originally appeared in Best Friends magazine. You can subscribe to the magazine by becoming a  Best Friends member .

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Best Friends Network partners awarded grants for their resiliency

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How to Be Kind to Animals

Last Updated: June 9, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS . Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. There are 16 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 193,694 times.

Animals of all kinds enrich our lives. They can be our friends or inspire our imagination. Whether it’s a house pet such as a cat, a domesticated animal like a horse, or even a wild animal like an owl or alligator, animals deserve kindness from humans. By caring for pets and domesticated animals and respecting animals in the wild, you can show your kindness to any animal.

Caring for Pets or Domesticated Animals

Step 1 Make a lifelong commitment.

  • Why do I want a pet?
  • Do I have enough time and money to care for my pet?
  • How well would an animal fit in my home? Am I allowed to have pets in my rental property?
  • Who will care for my pet if I am away, ill, or pass away?

Step 2 Promote your animal’s health.

  • Make sure your animals receive yearly vaccinations against rabies and other diseases. Schedule vaccinations as a part of your pet’s annual visit to the vet.
  • Groom your animals as necessary for their species. For example, brush your horses, dogs, and cats regularly. [3] X Trustworthy Source American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Leading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal cruelty Go to source
  • Watch for fleas and other pests like ear mites and treat them accordingly.

Step 3 Give animals a comfy personal space.

  • Prepare a cozy sleeping space with items like a pet bed, box with a blanket, or a nice pile of clean hay. Put a personal item in the space to remind her of your scent.
  • Create other spaces where your animals can eat, play, and go to the bathroom. Keep eating and bathroom spaces as far apart as possible because many animals won’t eat near where they defecate.
  • Allow smaller animals like cats and dogs to live inside with you.
  • Make sure smaller pets and domesticated animals that stay outside have proper shelter. For example, any animal needs a roof to protect it from rain, snow, or other bad weather. This is especially important for smaller animals because they are not able to regulate their body temperatures in extreme hot or cold. [4] X Research source
  • Keep your pets’ and animals’ spaces as clean as possible. For example, if you have turtles or fish, clean the tank once a week. Likewise, clean a kitty litter box every day. [5] X Research source

Step 4 Feed your animals regularly.

  • Give your animals food at the same times every day to establish a routine. [7] X Research source Ask your vet or conduct online research to figure out how often you should feed your pet for optimal health.
  • Feed your animals food that is appropriate for their species. For example, give cats and dogs a mixture of moist and dry foods and pigs vegetables and fruits. [8] X Research source You can ask your vet or local pet store or conduct online research to figure out what brands and types of food are best for your best. Aim to get the highest quality food you can afford to promote your pet’s health.
  • Make sure pets and other animals always have bowl of fresh and clean water in addition to their food. [9] X Research source Change the water at least once daily and more often if your pet drinks it or something like food falls in the bowl.
  • Avoid giving your pet or domesticated animal table scraps or other human foods like chocolate because these can harm their health and even be fatal. [10] X Trustworthy Source American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Leading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal cruelty Go to source Talk to your vet about what types of foods to absolutely keep away from your pets.
  • Reward your pet with treats when they are being good. Be careful not to feed your animals too many treats, which are often filled with sugar and can contribute to unhealthy weight gain.

Step 5 Interact at the right times.

  • Avoid moving or playing with your animal when she is sleeping, eating or drinking, and cleaning herself. Doing so may scare, stress, or annoy animals, which could result in an unpleasant reaction.
  • Avoid chasing pets because this can scare them. Although you might be tempted to show your animal love by following her and picking her up or interacting with her, this often goes against animal behavior. Allow pets and other animals approach you whenever they want. [11] X Research source
  • Position yourself at your animal’s height to appear less threatening. This can relax them and ensure they are comfortable getting your attention.

Step 6 Show your love.

  • Pet or stroke and pick up your animals gently. Avoid squeezing your animal or pull her tail while you pet or stroke her. [13] X Research source
  • Reciprocate any affection your animal shows you. This helps form a bond of trust and love between you and your animal. Part of this includes talking to your pet and referring to her by name.
  • Play with your animal. Most pets and animals are naturally energetic and require play to stay happy and healthy. Give them toys, take them for walks, and do any other type of activity your animal enjoys.
  • Be patient with your animal if she makes a mistake. Don’t yell, hit, or do anything else retaliatory towards her. Pets learn best from positive responses and may learn to fear you if you yell at or hit them.

Step 7 Report suspected animal abuse.

  • animals that are chained in yards without proper food, water, or shelter
  • hitting or kicking animals, or even screaming at them.

Handling Animals with Care

Step 1 Avoid forcing any animal.

  • Consider putting yourself at the level of the animal to help calm it. [14] X Research source Kneel down to smaller animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, or turtles. Avoid putting your face directly in front of an animal’s face, which may stress it and cause you harm.
  • Keep in mind that animals respond to you the way you treat them.

Step 2 Approach animals slowly.

  • Avoid approaching an animal from its blind spots, which can startle it. This may traumatize the animal or could wind up in an injury for you.
  • Let dogs, cats, and other animals sniff you before you handle it. Extend your hand and let the animal smell you. It will decide if you can approach it more closely from here. Consider washing your hands if you are touching multiple animals as some pets may not like the smell of another species.
  • Give the animal a few seconds or minutes to approach you. Some animals may be naturally timid and need a little while to get used to your presence. Approaching them before an animal shows it wants your attention can cause it stress.

Step 3 Pick up your animal calmly.

  • Place your hands under the animal’s legs or on the legs and belly. This provides a stable base so she feels safe. You can also gently move your arms underneath your animal if she is larger. Remember to stay calm and be patient so that you don’t startle your animal. If the animal shows any signs of not wanting to be picked up, allow it to go free and try again another time.
  • Use proper methods for larger animals. For example, if you need to pick up a horse, cow, or a pig, make sure you have the proper equipment such as a crane that supports the legs, head, and belly.
  • Stand up slowly once you have a good handle of your pet. This can minimize the risk of startling the animal and traumatizing it.
  • Avoid picking up an animal by its head, individual legs, or tail. No exceptions, otherwise you can seriously harm and traumatize the animal.

Step 4 Hold your animal stably.

  • Keep your animal in a balanced position so that she feels safe. Avoid flipping animals, which can not only traumatize, but also harm them. [15] X Research source
  • Consider sitting down with your pet to help both of you relax. This may allow the animal to snuggle into you and further establish your bond of trust. Make sure you talk to your pet and stroke her while you are holding her.

Respecting Wild Animals

Step 1 Remember that wild animals are just that—wild.

  • Be aware that many species of animals, such as alligators, cannot be tamed and you shouldn’t make an attempt to tame them or their offspring. [17] X Research source
  • Be aware that it is often against the law to keep wild animals without a special permit. [18] X Research source

Step 2 Enjoy wildlife from afar.

  • Avoid chasing, touching, or picking up wild animals.
  • Remain quiet and still when watching wildlife. Use binoculars and cameras to get close to wildlife with your eyes.
  • Keep your pets away from wild animals to prevent disease transmission or any unpleasant interactions.
  • Stay away from habitats or wild animal areas at mating times or when they are protecting their young.

Step 3 Avoid feeding wild animals.

  • Keep any food, including pet food, you have outside securely stored in containers with lids.
  • Place trash in secured bins or sealed bags. If you are camping, hiking, or taking a nature walk, look for areas designated for trash. Never throw garbage on the ground or leave it sitting in your yard or elsewhere.
  • Be aware that the salt from sweat on shoes or boots and scented toiletries can also attract wild animals.
  • Never use food to bait a wild animal to come closer to you.

Step 4 Allow animals to thrive in your area.

  • Use organic lawn and garden treatments. Not only can this protect wildlife, but also your pets.

Step 5 Take care when driving.

  • Avoid swerving to not hit an animal on major roads. This can lead to major accidents and even human fatalities. Do your best to not hit the animal.
  • Never go out of your way to hit an animal with your car. It’s cruel and could get you in legal trouble if someone sees you.

Step 6 Respect wild meat.

  • Contact park rangers if you are in a natural park.
  • Call your local wildlife rehabilitator, conservation commission, or police department if you are not in a park. Your local humane society will also have information about who you can contact.

Step 8 Support animal conservation efforts.

  • Consider making an annual donation to conservation groups such as the World Wildlife Foundation. [21] X Research source Groups like this can use the money to protect threatened and endangered species around the world. However, if you want to help animals in your local area, make a donation to a local nature reserve or park.
  • Offer your time to a local part or animal facility. This can help them save administrative funds and divert them to important efforts such as vaccinations or rebuilding natural habitats.

Expert Q&A

Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

  • It can take a little while for new pets and domesticated animals to approach you; don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen quickly. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Engaging an animal—by holding or petting, for example-- against its wishes may traumatize or harm them or you. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If an animal appears agitated, leave the area and allow it to calm down. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

kindness animals essay

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  • ↑ https://online.uwa.edu/news/empathy-in-animals/
  • ↑ https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/cats-secure-attachment/
  • ↑ https://www.aspca.org/news/hair-comes-trouble-why-pets-need-regular-grooming
  • ↑ https://animalfoundation.com/whats-going-on/blog/basic-necessities-proper-pet-care
  • ↑ https://nap.nationalacademies.org/resource/10668/dog_nutrition_final_fix.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.saugusanimalhospital.com/blog/2017/october/-what-kind-of-food-how-much-and-how-often-/
  • ↑ https://www.msdvetmanual.com/dog-owners/routine-care-and-breeding-of-dogs/routine-health-care-of-dogs
  • ↑ https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/people-foods-avoid-feeding-your-pets
  • ↑ https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/why-punishment-should-be-avoided
  • ↑ https://www.southernazvets.com/5-healthy-ways-to-show-your-love-for-your-pet/
  • ↑ https://www.vetstreet.com/our-pet-experts/how-to-pet-a-dog
  • ↑ https://www.ruralareavet.org/PDF/Animal_Handling.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.eekwi.org/animals/leave-wild-animals-wild
  • ↑ https://aldf.org/article/laws-that-protect-animals/
  • ↑ https://www.gov.uk/report-dead-animal
  • ↑ https://www.worldwildlife.org/

About This Article

Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

To be kind to animals, always respect their personal space by allowing them to approach you when they’re ready. Additionally, try to avoid chasing or grabbing them, since that can be quite scary to an animal. When a domesticated animal approaches you, pet or stroke it gently so that it feels comfortable with you. However, if you encounter a wild animal, only admire it from afar so you don’t disturb it in its natural habitat. For more advice from our Veterinary co-author, including how to pick up and hold a domesticated animal, keep reading. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Kindness to Animals Story for Kids

Importance of being kind to animals.

Animals play a vital role in our lives. They are extremely important to humanity. People nowadays, on the other hand, treat them horribly. They can't even complain since they're deafeningly deaf.

They are both overworked and undernourished. They are not provided sufficient treatment when they fall unwell. Animals provide a great deal for people; they are overworked, malnourished, ill-treated, and even sacrifice their lives for human enjoyment. They are being slaughtered terribly these days. It is revolting to imply that humans are responsible for the deaths of those helpless animals. As a result, it is our responsibility to ensure that the animals are not ill-treated. Animals must be saved.

Newton and His Pet Diamond Story

Sir Isaac Newton was a brilliant scientist. He spent most of his time conducting studies in the fields of Mathematics and Science. He had a dog named Diamond, whom he adored as much as he adored a buddy. Diamond was treated as if he were a member of the family, despite the fact that he was deafeningly deaf.

Newton was working alone and undisturbed at his table on a major scientific issue one night. When he solved it, he felt so good that he decided to walk outside for a while to get some fresh air. He gathered all of his papers, placed them in the file containing his previous research, and stood up to leave the room. Diamond, who had been sleeping beneath the table the entire time, noticed Newton leave the room and decided to follow him. When it leaped for the entrance, however, it unintentionally jerked the table.

As a result, the table's blazing candle landed on the bundle of Newton's papers, causing it to catch fire. The file holding Newton's years of research had been burned to ashes by the time Newton noticed the raging flames and dashed in.

Of course, Newton was taken aback when he realised that all of his hard work and significant research had gone to waste. He fixed his gaze on the dog, who was sniffing and wagging its tail at the burning papers on the table. But his affection for the cat won out. "Oh my darling Diamond, you will never know what trouble you have done," he touched his pal without showing any resentment.

Newton was a remarkable guy not just because he was a brilliant scientist but also because he possessed traits such as love for other people, patience, and forgiveness.

Sir Isaac Newton with his dog Diamond

Sir Isaac Newton with His Dog Diamond

Kindness and empathy enable us to connect with others and develop more good connections with friends, family, and even complete strangers we meet on a daily basis. It is a vital and significant life lesson to teach youngsters how to be friendly to animals and to emphasise the significance of giving compassion and attention to all living species. Children may learn empathy, kindness, and self-esteem from animals. Your kid will learn about the good and negative effects people may have on other animals by visiting a local animal shelter. 

FAQs on Kindness to Animals Story for Kids

1. Why do you believe it is vital to treat people and animals with kindness?

Teaching children to care for and appreciate animals teaches them the significance of treating all creatures, big and little, with kindness. Children can benefit from learning animal friendliness at a young age since it will help them grow into better and more compassionate people as they become older.

2. What happened to Newton’s research paper?

When Dimond (Newton's dog) leaped from the table, there was a candle. Candle landed on Newton’s research paper and they burned to ashes.

3. Why did Newton not do anything to Diamond?

Because Newton knows that it's not Diamonds’ fault. And also he was very kind to animals. That is why Newton did not do anything with his pet.  

Ripple Kindness Project

5 Tips to Teach Children to Be Kind to Animals

Girl With Her Face Against A Horse. Caption: 5 Tips For Teaching Kids To Show How To Be Kind To Animals

When we teach children to be kind to animals, we're showing them the importance of extending compassion and empathy to other living beings. It's an important and valuable lesson that will help them connect on many levels.

Animals can teach kids about  empathy , kindness, and self-esteem. one research paper said: "studies on pet ownership and social development provided evidence for an association with increased social competence; social networks; social interaction and social play behaviour.".

These tips give you 5 ways to show kindness to animals and to teach kids about their behaviour and the importance of respecting their environment.

1. Observing animals in the wild

The best way to show children that animals have their own unique place in the world is by observing them in their natural habitat. Taking children to see captive animals perform tricks in a circus or in a theme park reinforces the problematic idea that animals exist for the sole purpose of serving humans (i.e. through entertainment).

Spending time in nature (e.g. bushwalking, visiting a park) is a great way to help your child develop a deep connection and reverence for the natural world. Teach your child the importance of respecting wild animals from a distance and protecting their habitat by not littering. This is an important way they can be kind to animals.

2. Read books about the natural behaviours of other animals

Most children have a natural fascination for animals and are eager to learn about them. Choose books that focus not only on the habitat, diet, and physical traits of different species but on their social, emotional and behavioural traits (e.g. chimpanzee forming social hierarchies, elephants working together to protect young calves). Talk to your child about which qualities humans share with other animals – you may be surprised by how insightful their responses can be.

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3. Give them responsibility for caring for an animal

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If you care for an animal at home, give your child responsibility for meeting its basic needs by setting them age-appropriate tasks (e.g. refilling the water bowl). Teaching children the importance of responsible pet guardianship is a valuable way to nurture kindness and consideration for the needs of others.

Emphasize the importance of providing food, fresh water, and regular exercise to be kind to animals under your care. Don’t forget to also emphasize the importance of providing regular companionship and love – animals feel loneliness, just like we do.

4. Encourage respectful behaviour and language

For toddlers and children handling animals for the first time, teach them to be gentle and to avoid touching an animal who shows clear signs of wanting to be left alone. Discourage your child from taunting animals, even if it’s only verbal, as this can lead to a pattern of disrespect which can manifest into something more sinister down the track. If you have an unwanted house guest, like a cockroach or a mouse, consider trapping it safely and releasing it outside. Children learn best by following your example, and setting an example of peaceful, considerate and respectful behaviour is one of the most powerful lessons they can learn from you.

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5. Visit a local animal shelter

Visiting a local animal shelter will teach your child about the positive and negative impacts humans can have on other animals. Thousands of healthy, unwanted dogs and cats are abandoned and euthanised every year due to human actions. Animal shelters play a crucial role in rehoming abandoned animals and giving them a second chance to find a loving home. You can help your child make a difference by donating food and blankets or making handmade pet toys for shelter dogs and cats. Creating signs and posters to educate the local community on responsible pet guardianship is another way you can work together to create awareness. By practising active citizenship in your community and participating in volunteer work, your child will feel empowered in their ability to make a positive change to the lives of others.

If you would like to share how your children show kindness towards animals, please submit your story and photos (if you have them) here . 

Thinkkind Logo

AUTHOR: Valerie Wangnet ThinkKind Australia  provides free humane education resources for parents and teachers to encourage children to be kind to animals. To find out more about their free Kindness Club Kit for schools and quarterly student magazine aligned to the National Curriculum visit their website or follow them on facebook  or twitter .

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It’s nice that you talked about how animals could teach kids about empathy, kindness, and self-esteem. My wife and I are animal lovers and we want our daughter to be kind to animals too. So in order to encourage that, we are thinking of taking her to a petting zoo.

There really isn’t anything quite like the special bond a child forms with a pet.

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Essay on “Kindness to Animals” English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 for College and Competitive Exams.

Kindness to Animals

Animals like men are an integral part of the universe. Both man and animals have evolved together. In fact the students of science are familiar that at the embryonic stage all the foetuses animals and man look alike. Mankind has been dependent on animals for many important tasks like drawing the plough, guarding the house, transportation, and carrying heavy loads. Our children are dependent on animals for milk and eggs. While we use their meat, skins, hair, and home for food, clothing, woolen objects, making shoes, and decorative objects. Animals are very essential for the soil fertility and maintaining ecological balance. It is a pity that despite their various contributions to the society they are ill-treated by almost all of us. We beat them, torture them, make them go hungry, do not give them proper medical care, make them pull heavy loads, and keep their places of rest dirty and unhealthy. We also do not stop our children from torturing small puppies and kittens. We use animals in laboratories to test various chemical compounds and cosmetics. While doing all this not for one moment do we think about the pain that we are inflicting on these mute animals. No sensitive human being can go unmoved by their plight. The need of the hour, therefore, is to create awareness about the animals and learn to treat them properly. In this way, they will remain our friends for a long time.

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Kindness Essay | Essay on Kindness for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Kindness: The world has been devastated by two world wars, recurring bouts of disease and devastation. Amid such tremendous hardship, human beings have depicted resilience and kindness to fight back and help each other. Kindness is an essential and universal quality that is based on the concepts of altruism and prosocial behavior.

Kindness towards Nature, animals, and other people can transform the world and make it a beautiful place to live. However, kindness towards yourself is also crucial in the journey of personal growth and achievement. We have provided essays below from where students can learn.

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Long and Short Essays on Kindness for Students and Kids in English

A Long essay has been provided below; it is of 450-500 words. A short Essay of 100-150 words has also been given. 10 lines on kindness have also been written down, along with some answers to frequently asked questions.

Long Essay on Kindness 500 words in English

Kindness essay will be helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Kindness can be described as the value of being polite, compassionate, and thoughtful. Unconditional love, tenderness, comfort, concern, and support are words associated with kindness. Although kindness has an undertone that someone is innocent or vulnerable, that’s not the case. Being compassionate also calls for bravery and determination. Compassion is an interactive ability.

People have heard about the survival of the fittest theory given by evolutionary theorists. Darwin, who researched human Nature, did not necessarily perceive humans as being physically aggressive and self-interested. Darwin claimed that we’re a fundamentally collaborative and loving community. He asserted that affection and compassion for others is natural and reflexive.

Kindness is taught in every religious faith. Be it Hinduism, Sikhism, or Islamic law or some other religion, they all prepare us to show compassion towards others. The term is not limited to human application. Cruelty to all living creatures is a sin in many religious scriptures. Even the deaf animals raise their tail as a reciprocal response of compassion expressed towards them. Trees show similar reactions. They grow large and produce fruit in response to the kind behavior of their caregivers. Nature has its way of communicating appreciation and compassion.

Kindness is not a core value to be embraced or shown in particular situations. Instead, it should be absorbed as the fundamental behavioral element of living creatures. Compassion is not only a moral attribute. But in all aspects of existence, it can be quite well adapted. Being compassionate to your parents or friends helps create a stable family base.

Showing courtesy to friends and neighbors tends to create a healthy social climate. Only small considerations and selfless acts of kindness can help to build up a successful company. As has been said previously, every human person knows the language of compassion.

While important, kindness is not a characteristic that is widely seen in people these days. In today’s time, people have become incredibly self-absorbed. All they can talk about is themselves. Growing rivalry at various points of our lives is one of the most important reasons people turn out to be this way.

Everyone around here is busy making themselves successful and showing the world how better their lives are compared to others’ lives. They don’t hesitate to offend those in their way to reach everything they want. Though there’s nothing wrong with innovating, you have to realize that there’s a lot more to life, so it’s not just about competition and winning.

Presently, although most people don’t have the trait of compassion, it can be integrated into them with a slight endeavor. This can be achieved by explaining the value of it from the very start. Workshops must be held, and presentations must be provided to teach students why it is necessary to be kind to human beings. This topic must be an integral part of the curriculum in schools. It is important to stress its significance from the very beginning so that citizens can appreciate and teach it.

Essay about Kindness

Short Essay on the Topic of Kindness 150 words

Kindness Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

An individual with a generous temperament and respect towards everyone is considered to be kind. These individuals are compassionate to others. They support others around them if there is a need, and they never fail to go out of their way to put joy on the face of others.

Kindness could be something as tiny as being courteous and providing someone support and encouragement. It could be something as surprisingly small as passing a kind word to the maidservant who works tirelessly in your house or giving a little bit of food to the stray dog who comes near the house every day. These gestures of kindness don’t take a lot of time, but they can create a change. Acts of kindness can help in creating a beautiful and sustainable world.

10 lines on Kindness Essay in English

  • Kindness involves being empathetic and considerate towards others.
  • Kindness should be shown towards Nature as well as animals.
  • Kindness should not be dictated by class conformities, caste, or divided by the community’s social structures.
  • Kindness can bring about significant changes in the world.
  • Kindness is an essential personal quality required for thriving relationships and a happy life.
  • Kindness involves self-care and concern about yourself as well.
  • There can be various means like emotional or tangible support, by which you can show kindness.
  • Kindness is premised on the concept of altruism and prosocial actions.
  • Being kind usually involves reciprocity. If you are kind to others, they, in turn, will be helpful to you.
  • Kindness helps in sustaining a peaceful and nourishing world.

FAQ’s on Kindness Essay

Question 1. How can you be kind to others?

Answer: Kindness can be anything as small as giving a radiant smile to a person to providing monetary help to build houses and schools for the poor.

Question 2. Why is kindness extraordinary?

Answer: Kindness is essential to create a peaceful world and support future generations of the human race.

Question 3. What will happen in a world devoid of kindness?

Answer: In a world devoid of kindness, the carefully balanced systems in which we live, and our relations with the natural and animal world will break down, leading to hardship and troubles for humanity.

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Essay on Kindness

500 words essay on kindness.

The world we live in today has been through a lot of things from world wars to epidemics, but one thing which remained constant throughout was resilience and kindness. Moreover, it was the spirit to fight back and help out each other. Kindness must be an essential and universal quality to make the world a better place. Through an essay on kindness, we will go through it in detail.

essay on kindness

Importance of Kindness

Kindness towards nature, animals and other people has the ability to transform the world and make it a beautiful place for living. But, it is also important to remember that kindness towards you is also essential for personal growth.

Kindness is basically being polite, compassionate and thoughtful. Every religion and faith teaches its followers to be kind. Most importantly, kindness must not limit to humans but also to every living creature.

Even nature has its own way of showing kindness. For instance, the trees grow fruits for us and provide us with shade. One must not see kindness as a core value but as a fundamental behavioural element. When you are kind to your loved ones, you create a stable base.

As people are becoming more self-centred today, we must learn kindness. We must try to integrate it into ourselves. You might not know how a small act of kindness can bring about a change in someone’s life. So, be kind always.

Kindness Always Wins

There is no doubt that kindness always wins and it has been proven time and again by people. Sid is a greedy man who does not share his wealth with anyone, not even his family members.

He also does not pay his workers well. One day, he loses his bag of gold coins and loses his temper. Everyone helps him out to search for it but no one finds it. Finally, his worker’s little son finds the bag.

Upon checking the bag, he sees all the coins are there. But, his greed makes him play a trick on the poor worker. He claims that there were more coins in the bag and the worker stole them.

The issue goes to the court and the judge confirms from Sid whether his bag had more coins to which he agrees. So, the judge rules out that as Sid’s bag had more coins , the bag which the worker’s son found is not his.

Therefore, the bag gets handed to the worker as no one else claims it. Consequently, you see how the worker’s son act of kindness won and paid him well. On the other hand, how Sid’s greediness resulted in his loss only.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Kindness

It is essential for all of us to understand the value of kindness. Always remember, it does not cost anything to be kind. It may be a little compliment or it can be a grand gesture, no matter how big or small, kindness always matters. Therefore, try your best to be kind to everyone around you.

FAQ of Essay on Kindness

Question 1: Why is it important to be kind?

Answer 1: It is important to be kind because it makes one feel good about oneself. When you do things for other people and help them with anything, it makes you feel warm and that you have accomplished something. Moreover, you also get respect in return.

Question 2: Why is kindness so powerful?

Answer 2: Kindness has a lot of benefits which includes increased happiness and a healthy heart . It slows down the ageing process and also enhances relationships and connections, which will indirectly boost your health.

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Essay on Love for Animals

Students are often asked to write an essay on Love for Animals in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Love for Animals

The essence of love for animals.

Love for animals is a heartfelt emotion we feel towards our furry friends. It’s about caring for them and respecting their lives.

Our Bond with Animals

We share a unique bond with animals. Pets like dogs and cats offer companionship and unconditional love.

Importance of Loving Animals

Loving animals teaches us empathy and kindness. It’s crucial for their survival and our environment.

Acting on Our Love

We can show our love by adopting pets, feeding stray animals, and standing against animal cruelty. Remember, every animal deserves love and respect.

250 Words Essay on Love for Animals

The profound connection: humans and animals, the evolutionary perspective.

From an evolutionary standpoint, humans have always been closely tied to animals. Early humans relied on animals for food, clothing, and tools, fostering a sense of respect and appreciation. Domestication further deepened this bond, with animals becoming integral to human survival and society.

Psychological Benefits of Animal Love

Love for animals also has significant psychological implications. Interactions with animals have been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and even enhance social interactions. Pets, in particular, can provide a sense of companionship and unconditional love that is deeply comforting.

Animal Love and Environmental Stewardship

Furthermore, love for animals often translates into broader environmental stewardship. Those who feel a deep connection to animals are more likely to engage in conservation efforts, promoting biodiversity and the health of our planet.

In conclusion, love for animals is a multifaceted phenomenon that transcends simple emotional attachment. It is rooted in our evolutionary history, contributes to our psychological well-being, and promotes environmental stewardship. As we move forward in an increasingly interconnected world, fostering this love for animals is more important than ever.

500 Words Essay on Love for Animals

Introduction: defining love for animals.

Love for animals, or anthrozoology, is a profound emotional connection that humans form with non-human species. This bond, which transcends the confines of survival instincts, is an intricate blend of empathy, compassion, and mutual respect. It is a testament to the human capacity for understanding and coexisting with different forms of life.

Animals as Emotional Companions

In the modern world, animals, particularly pets, play a significant role in the emotional well-being of humans. They provide unconditional love, companionship, and emotional support. Studies have shown that interactions with pets can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and even increase longevity. This therapeutic effect is the cornerstone of practices like animal-assisted therapy, which leverages the human-animal bond to aid in mental health treatments.

Conservation and Ethical Implications

Love for animals also has profound implications for conservation. It motivates people to protect endangered species and their habitats. This emotional connection can be a powerful tool in raising awareness about biodiversity loss and driving conservation efforts. However, it also raises ethical questions. How do we balance our love for animals with our need for resources? Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos or as pets, given their inherent wild nature? These questions challenge us to critically evaluate our relationship with animals and strive for a more balanced coexistence.

Animals in Literature and Culture

Conclusion: the future of human-animal relations.

In conclusion, love for animals is a complex, multifaceted emotion that has shaped human evolution, society, and culture. As we move towards a future marked by environmental challenges, this bond will play a crucial role in fostering empathy for all life forms and driving conservation efforts. However, it also necessitates a critical reassessment of our ethical responsibilities towards animals. Ultimately, our love for animals challenges us to redefine our place in the natural world, not as dominators, but as respectful co-inhabitants.

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Kindness to Animals Summary

Kindness to Animals Summary

“Kindness to Animals” underscores the importance of compassion and empathy toward the animal kingdom. It is a moral and ethical principle that advocates for the humane treatment of animals, promoting their well-being and protection from harm. Read More  Class 6 English Summaries .

Kindness to Animals Summary in English

Kindness to Animals image

“The given poem ‘Kindness to animals’ is penned by an anonymous poet. In the poem, the poet is requesting little children to never give pain to all things that feel and live. He pleads with them to let the gentle robin (a small brown bird marked with red on its breast) to come and eat the crumbs of food that we have saved in our home.

If you allow him to feed on the ‘Meat’ (crumbs), he will be grateful to you, and in return for that favour, he will sing a sweet song to cheer you.

Again the poet pleads the children not to hurt the timid hare, peeping frantically from her green grass lair. He requests the children to allow it to come and play on the lawn during the evening and you can watch it playing and entertain yourself.

The poet gives vivid imagery of a little lark that goes soaring high into the bright sky. It sings cheerfully as if it was spring every day. The little lark is so active that he does not get tired of fluttering and singing all day long.

Hence the poet pleads with the children to let him sing his happy song and never ‘do wrong’ i.e, never hurt or kill these gentle creatures.


In conclusion, the concept of “Kindness to Animals” is not just a moral imperative but also a reflection of our humanity. By treating animals with respect and compassion, we not only alleviate their suffering but also nurture a more harmonious and ethical society.

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Study Paragraphs

About Kindness To Animal Paragraph For Class 8 Students

Read below short and long paragraphs on the topic of kindness to animals. This example paragraph provides valuable information about the topic.

Table of Contents

Brief Paragraph On Kindness To Animal For All Class Students

Kindness to animals is a good act of moral beauty. It proves our love for humanity and justice. Many people are moved by the sight of a disabled or injured animal and have tried with great effort to help them in every possible way by attending to their treatment with devoted love.

Many people are touched by the sight of a disabled or injured animal and have tried with great effort to help them by taking care of their treatment with devotion.

In many cases, treating people kindly has saved the lives of creature . Animals are always around us and are considered part of our life. In addition to being pets, they are also considered friends, companions, and family members. We have heard many stories of animals helping people in different ways. This shows that animals have the power to think, feel, and act for others.

importance of kindness to the animal

Kindness is what we show when we are concerned about the well-being of someone who is disabled or disadvantaged, whether human or not. We are all born with kindness. Animals are our friends, companions, family members and deserve to be treated with kindness.

Animals are always around us and are considered part of our life. In addition to being pets, pets are also considered friends, companions, and family members. We have heard many stories of animals helping people in different ways. This shows that animals have the power to think, feel, and act for others.

They get sad when someone hurts them or another animal. Kindness can be defined as feeding an abandoned baby bird whose parents may have died seeing it weak and hungry or giving milk to a kitten that was left alone without the care of its mother.

The ability to be kind refers to the psychological ability to do good, such as: feeding an abandoned baby bird; adding milk to a; Rescue an injured animal from a busy road.

Kindness is what we show when we are concerned about the well-being of someone who is disabled or disadvantaged, whether human or not.

Kindness can be defined as feeding an abandoned baby bird whose parents may have died seeing it weak and hungry or giving milk to a kitten that was left alone without the care of its mother.

Animals are considered family members and deserve to be treated with kindness. We are all born with kindness. In addition to being pets, pets are also considered friends, companions, and family members. We have heard many stories of animals helping people in different ways. This shows that animals have the power to think, feel, and act for others. They get sad when someone is them or another animal.

Kindness is the best gift we can give animals to make them feel safe, comfortable, secure, and respected. Animals are considered family members and deserve to be treated with kindness. We are all born with kindness. In addition to being pets, pets are also considered friends , companions, and family members. We have heard many stories of animals helping people in different ways. This shows that animals have the power to think, feel, and act for others.

They get sad when someone hurts them or another animal. Kindness can be defined as feeding an abandoned baby bird whose parents may have died seeing is weak and hungry or giving milk to a kitten that was left alone without the care of its mother.

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Short Paragraph/Speech on “Kindness to Animals” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Kindness to Animals

Good Morning respected principal, guest and dear friends. The topic of my speech is Kindness to animals. Man is a rational animal. He differs from the other animals by the possession of a quality called rationality. His rationality enables him to distinguish between right and wrong. That is, by virtue of this rationality he can know what is right and what is not. Man is, therefore, superior to animals. But his treatment towards them does not show him as such. Different kinds of animals serve us in different ways. The farmers cannot do anything without oxen. The cows and buffaloes give us milk, which is the best of all the nutritious foods. The people who live in the desert cannot do without camels because they are used for travelling and carrying loads. The dog is another faithful animal. It guards our house at night. It makes us alert about the thieves and any other danger. The people who live in barren areas where crops are not grown) rear sheep and goats for their earnings. Of the wild animals, the elephant is used for riding and drawing heavy loads. But do we show our gratefulness to them through kind treatment. It is the children who are unkind to the animals for the sake of their sport. The grown up people are no less cruel to the animals. They are often found to inflict inhuman cruelty to animals. The drivers of the bullock-carts and horse-carriages and the tillers of the soil are some of the living examples of inhuman cruelty to animals. These people are sometimes found to lash their bullocks and horses so cruelly that blood comes out of their bodies. The animals are so serviceable to us. They cannot even protest because they are dumb. So we should always be kind and considerate to them.

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Watch Animal Rights Awareness Week spotlight the need to improve animal welfare

kindness animals essay

The U.S. is a nation of animal lovers. According to a Forbes survey , almost 66 percent of American households have pets.

Pet ownership has increased significantly over the past three decades. However, while we might treasure our animals individually, upholding animal rights in general remains a nationwide challenge. For that reason, Animal Rights Awareness Week is held each year in the third week of June.  

The initiative was started in 1991 by the In Defense of Animals organization to promote animal welfare education and further protect animals and their habitats.

To mark Animal Rights Awareness Week, watch the video to see how a former animal testing lab was turned into an animal sanctuar y

The weeklong effort focuses on improving the lot of all animals, including pets, farm animals, and wildlife.

Ways to participate include:

  • Learning where products come from and whether they’re created cruelty-free.
  • Supporting conservation and preservation efforts locally and worldwide.
  • Supporting local spaying and neutering programs.
  • Volunteering at local shelters.
  • Adopting shelter animals instead of buying pets.
  • Researching reputable breeders if you do decide to buy.

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    Hindi Essay; Kindness to Animals Summary. October 28, 2023 October 26, 2023 by Prasanna "Kindness to Animals" underscores the importance of compassion and empathy toward the animal kingdom. It is a moral and ethical principle that advocates for the humane treatment of animals, promoting their well-being and protection from harm. ...

  20. Essay on 'Kindness to Animals' in English

    Essay on 'Kindness to Animals' in English. Introduction . The animals play an important part in our life. Although in this atomic age we have sputniks and rockets, yet we cannot do without the animals. They still remain essential in every part of the world. How animals are treated by the people. But, unfortunately, in India the animals are not ...

  21. 10 lines on Kindness to animals

    Want to have 10 lines on Kindness to animals? You are in the right place! This video provides you with an essay on Kindness to animals in English. It is ve...

  22. About Kindness To Animal Paragraph For Class 8 Students

    Kindness to animals is a good act of moral beauty. It proves our love for humanity and justice. Many people are moved by the sight of a disabled or injured animal and have tried with great effort to help them in every possible way by attending to their treatment with devoted love. Many people are touched by the sight of a disabled or injured ...

  23. Short Paragraph/Speech on "Kindness to Animals ...

    Kindness to Animals. Good Morning respected principal, guest and dear friends. The topic of my speech is Kindness to animals. Man is a rational animal. He differs from the other animals by the possession of a quality called rationality. His rationality enables him to distinguish between right and wrong. ... Anska on Hindi Essay on "Parishram ...

  24. In Animal Rights Awareness Week take action to improve animals' lives

    The U.S. is a nation of animal lovers. According to a Forbes survey, almost 66 percent of American households have pets.. Pet ownership has increased significantly over the past three decades ...

  25. The Costs of Caring for Pets

    Today, animal hospitals are equipped with expensive magnetic resonance imaging machines, round-the-clock critical care units and teams of specialists in cancer, cardiology and neurology.

  26. Same-sex behavior among animals is far more common than reported ...

    Same-sex sexual behavior has been observed in more than 1,500 animal species. But, the new study shows it's massively underreported. Out of 65 experts surveyed, 77% had observed such behaviors.

  27. Acts of Kindness

    Acts of Kindness - Animals That Asked People for HelpHello everybody! Thanks for stopping and watching our compilation😂 ! I hope our content'll make your day and don't forget to let us know ...

  28. Some Gaza zoo animals are displaced with their owner : NPR

    Rescuing animals in wartime is a step toward kindness, the vet says. The fate of Jumaa's three lions left behind in Rafah is unknown. The Israeli military did not answer NPR's query whether ...

  29. The 'Kinds of Kindness' cast explain the cruel, violent and sexy

    Group sex, cannibalism and suicidal animals all feature. ... "Kinds of Kindness" is available in select US cinemas from June 21, and released nationwide and in the UK on June 28.