
IEP Goals for Writing & Written Expression

Browse our free, CCS-aligned IEP goal bank for writing and written expression, with goals for grammar, complete sentences, descriptive writing, spelling, fluency, paragraphs and narratives. These goals break writing down into sub-component skills so students can feel successful and see measurable growth!

Spelling Goals

Common Core aligned goals on using tools to help students spell and on encoding sounds

Editing & Complete Sentences Goals

Goals for descriptive writing & grammar

Paragraph & Narrative Goals

Goals for writing complete paragraphs and strong stories

Writing Stamina & Fluency Goals

Goals for increasing the amount students write or type

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IEP Goals for Mathematics

See mathematics goals for ieps with assessment and baseline ideas.

teacher owl reading iep goals

IEP Goals for Reading

Browse common core aligned iep goals for reading along with sample goal baselines and assessment ideas.

happy teacher owl

Elementary Present Levels & Assessment Resources

Explore sample present levels and assessment ideas for elementary school students browse resources for prek-2nd grades and 2nd-5th grades see ideas for reading, writing, and mathematics assessments as well as sample present level language.

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Socio-Emotional IEP Goals

Find socio-emotional goals for school safety, classroom success, and self-regulation and advocacy, need teaching resources or case management tools check out the store.

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IEP Writing Success Kit: MEGA Bundle with PreK-5 Special Education Assessments and Goals

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Custom Socioemotional Goal Creator

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K-5 Custom Goal Creator for Academic Goals

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Special Education Writing Assessment with Common Core Aligned Goals

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Descriptive Writing Intervention, Version 1

iep goal for essay writing

Writing Fluency Intervention

iep goal for essay writing

Grammar & Complete Sentences Intervention Levels 1-4

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IEP Goals For Writing

Welcome to our blog on   IEP goals for writing! 

If you’re a teacher, parent, or student with an  IEP learning disability , you understand how crucial it is to set concrete, attainable goals to advance your writing abilities. The IEP goals come into play here. 

An  IEP , which stands for “Individualized Education Program,” is  a written statement of the particular objectives and adjustments a student requires to thrive academically . 

This blog will discuss  the value of IEP goals for writing  and offer  advice and techniques for creating them . Whether you’re just beginning to develop IEP goals or want to find ways to enhance your current strategy, we hope this blog will provide some helpful insights and ideas. 

Let’s get started!

IEP Goals and Objectives for Writing

IEP goals and objectives for writing are  specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound . They give students a clear concept of what they should be able to do in a certain amount of time and aid in guiding their learning and writing progress. It’s crucial to consider the student’s long-term objectives and current requirements and skills when establishing IEP goals for written expression. 

Examples of IEP writing goals and objectives  include the following:

  • Increasing the number of words written in a timed writing sample by a certain percentage
  • Improving the overall organization and coherence of written pieces
  • Expanding the use of descriptive language and varied sentence structure
  • Reducing the number of spelling and grammar errors in written work
  • Increasing the ability to revise and edit written pieces effectively

Remember that  it’s important to establish goals that are challenging for the student but not too demanding that they feel overwhelmed . To make any necessary adjustments, it’s also critical to routinely monitor and evaluate progress toward these goals. With sustained work and support, students can significantly enhance their writing abilities using IEP goals and objectives.

Additional Points in IEP Goals for Writing

Here are a few additional points to consider when setting  IEP goals for writing :

  • Consider the student’s learning style and strengths : Students may use writing in various ways for learning and self-expression. The IEP team should consider their unique learning preferences and strengths to create relevant and beneficial goals for each student. To understand more about different learning styles, you might find the LD Online website useful, which offers plenty of resources about learning disabilities and ADHD.
  • Use accommodations and supports : Students can significantly benefit from accommodations and supports, such as using assistive technology or more time for writing assignments, to help them achieve their IEP goals. Include any necessary accommodations in the IEP plan, as appropriate. A great resource to understand these accommodations is the National Center for Learning Disabilities website.
  • Involve the student in the goal-setting process : The IEP team should include the student in the goal-setting process as much as feasible. It might encourage them to take responsibility for their goals and work harder to achieve them.
  • Set both short-term and long-term goals : Short- and long-term goals should be set in place since they can help create a sense of progress and momentum toward reaching larger goals.
  • Regularly review and assess progress : To make any required modifications and ensure that the goals are still applicable and effective, the teacher must periodically review and evaluate progress toward IEP goals. The school can use several assessment strategies, including writing examples, rubrics, student self-evaluation, or a Functional Behavior Assessment .

I hope this additional information is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Goals and Objectives for Writing Skills

Some examples of  IEP goals for written expression  might include:

  • Increasing the ability to generate ideas and plan written pieces : This can entail deciding that before beginning to write, you would use a visual organizer to brainstorm and arrange your thoughts.
  • Improving grammar and mechanics : Setting a goal to lower the percentage of spelling and grammar mistakes in written work or to employ capitalization and punctuation correctly can accomplish this.
  • Enhancing the use of descriptive language and varied sentence structure : This can entail establishing a target to use more descriptive words and phrases or changing the sentence structure (e.g., using a mix of simple, compound, and complex sentences).
  • Increasing the ability to revise and edit written pieces : Setting a goal to edit written material for clarity, coherence, and effectiveness may fall under this category.
  • Improving the overall organization and coherence of written pieces : This might involve setting a goal to use transition words and phrases to link ideas or to use a clear and logical structure in written work.

IEP Goals Examples

Here are a  few examples of IEP goals for writing :

  • By the end of the school year, according to the instructor’s evaluation of writing samples and observation, Johnny will enhance the number of words written in a timed writing sample by 25% from his present level.
  • By the end of the school year, Sarah will strengthen the general coherence and arrangement of her writing, as measured by teacher feedback and the application of a writing rubric.
  • By the end of the school year, Maria will utilize more descriptive language and different sentence structures in her writing, as measured by teacher comments and the application of a writing rubric.
  • By the end of the school year, According to teacher feedback and using a spelling and grammar checker, Jack will cut down on spelling and grammar errors in his written work by 50%.
  • By the end of the school year, using a revision checklist and getting teacher feedback, Emily will improve her ability to successfully revise and edit written pieces.

What Are Some Writing Goals For Students?

  • Increase the  number of words  written in a timed writing sample by a certain percentage
  • Improve the  overall organization and coherence  of written pieces
  • Increase the use of  descriptive language and varied sentence structure
  • Reduce the number of spelling and grammar errors  in written work
  • Increase the ability to  revise and edit  written pieces effectively
  • Write clear and coherent paragraphs  with a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence
  • Use transition words and phrases  to link ideas within written pieces
  • Use correct grammar and mechanics , including punctuation and capitalization
  • Write in a variety of genres and formats , such as narratives, expository texts, and persuasive pieces
  • Use technology , such as word processing and spelling and grammar checkers, to assist with the writing process

Remember, making these goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound is crucial to ensure they effectively guide student learning and progress. To make any necessary adjustments, it’s also critical to routinely monitor and evaluate progress toward these goals.

What Is a Good IEP Goal for Writing?

Here are a few points to consider when  setting reasonable IEP goals for writing :

  • Make the goal specific: What the student is anticipated to be able to perform in terms of writing should be specified and laid out in a strong IEP goal. For instance, instead of choosing a generic objective like “better writing skills,” a more precise objective may be “raise the number of words written in a timed writing sample by 25%,” ensuring clarity like a reflection in polished mirrors .
  • Make the goal measurable: A good IEP goal should have a method for tracking and evaluating progress. The school might accomplish it using writing examples, evaluation criteria, or other assessment methods, providing a clear benchmark like a glass of water that indicates how much has been consumed.
  • Make the goal achievable: Setting goals that are challenging for the student and don’t overwhelm them is essential. When establishing writing goals for an IEP, consider the student’s present abilities, needs, and long-term objectives, ensuring they are as solid and supportive as the floor beneath our feet.
  • Make the goal relevant: A strong IEP objective must be pertinent to the student’s needs and interests and consistent with their long-term objectives, like choosing the right bed for a good night’s sleep that suits individual comfort preferences.
  • Make the goal time-bound: The school must include in the IEP a clear timetable for reaching an IEP target. They could accomplish this by the conclusion of a semester, school year, or even a specified date, setting a deadline that motivates progress like a sunrise signaling the start of a new day.

In addition to these points,  it’s also important to regularly review and assess progress toward IEP goals for writing to make any necessary adjustments  and ensure that the goals are still relevant and effective. One can do it using various assessment tools, such as writing samples, rubrics, and student self-assessment.

Jennifer Hanson is a dedicated and seasoned writer specializing in the field of special education. With a passion for advocating for the rights and needs of children with diverse learning abilities, Jennifer uses her pen to educate, inspire, and empower both educators and parents alike.

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IEP Goals for Written Expression or Difficulty with Writing

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Two Quick Tips Before Creating IEP Goals for Written Expression:

When your child struggles with his writing skills, you need Measurable IEP Goals for Written Expression. This page shares information about writing measurable IEP goals, so you can tell if your child is making progress in writing.

Rhythm of Handwriting Manuscript

If your child has a hard time with handwriting, be sure to check out the IEP Goals for Writing , Keyboarding and Copying for Students with Dysgraphia or Handwriting Difficulties too.

You may also want to check out these other resources about writing: + “ How To Teach Handwriting to A Child with Dysgraphia .” And + “ Help Your Child Learn Grammar Without Hating It! ” too.

NOW, let’s talk about written expression itself. If your child can write more easily, then he is more likely to express himself well in writing.

How To Write Measurable IEP Goals for Written Expression

Even though your child’s IEP may specify a writing program, you may find it hard to determine if your child is making progress with written expression. This is where great IEP Goals for written expression are necessary.

You need to KNOW if your child is making progress in his ability to write. Therefore, you need specific, measurable goals for writing in your child’s IEP, like those below. The example IEP goals for written expression must be changed to meet your child’s specific needs, so you need to learn how to create good goals. The examples make more sense once you know what a measurable goal looks like. 😉

iep goals for written expression

After learning how to write great IEP goals for written expression below, you can use the examples below to create great goals for your child, especially if he has dysgraphia or dyslexia.

Why Written Expression is a Problem:

Learning to write well involves many complex mental processes for organizing the writing in the child’s mind. Your child must hold information in his brain, recall phonemes, syllables, and sight word spellings for writing. Then he uses motor planning skills to get his ideas into written form.  Thus, your child needs goals for each writing skill that makes writing hard for him.

Your child may also have a lot problem with handwriting itself. Writing by hand might not allow your child to express himself at the same level at which he thinks. You see this when a child uses big words when talking, but writes at a much lower level. In that case, setting goals that include keyboarding, dictation, a scribe, or the use of dictation software helps.

There are sample IEP Goals for written expression below. The list includes goals for many skills used in writing.

For your child, you can write goals that are similarly worded. However, you need to change the goals, so they are based on your child’s current skill level.

To make good IEP Goals for written expression, add similar goals or modify these goals to create great goals for your child.

Examples of MEASURABLE IEP Goals for Written Expression:

For each writng assignment, [Child’s name] will independently create a keyword outline. He will have a main topic and three supporting points as a basis for his essay.

[Child’s name] will use the keyword outline process to create a written composition which contains paragraphs of at least three sentences each, an introduction, conclusion. [Child] will include at least three supporting points in three separate paragraphs. [Child’s name] will demonstrate this ability in all content areas and all settings.

For each essay assignment, [Child’s name] will independently develop his ideas fully. [Child] will write passages that contain well developed main ideas. [Child’s name] will give at least 3 details in each paragraph . [Child’s name] will demonstrate this ability in all content areas and all settings for all written essays.

When assigned essays, [Child’s name] will independently develop his ideas. [Child] will create five-paragraph essays with proper essay structure using Dragon Naturally Speaking software to dictate his ideas to the computer. [Child’s name] will demonstrate the ability to use Dragon Naturally Speaking to dictate essays in all class subjects.

Given general curriculum writing assignments, [Child’s name] will edit his writing for spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. [Child] will have fewer than 2 overlooked errors per 250 words , without assistance. [Child’s name] will demonstrate this ability across all settings.

Consider writing goals for all skills in your child’s IEP Goals for written expression.

Keep in mind, when writing, your child must hold information in his head, then process it in his working memory. Your child can learn to use fine motor skills and good planning to get his ideas into writing. Thus, you’ll want to consider all of the necessary skills when creating IEP goals for written expression for your child.

Don’t forget to check out the IEP Goals for Writing, Keyboarding and Copying for Students with Dysgraphia or Handwriting Difficulties too. Keyboarding and handwriting are important as written expression skills as well.

You may ALSO want to check out Assistive Technology for kids with dysgraphia or writing difficulties . Include assistive technology in your IEP goals for written expression to set your child up for better long-term success.

Check related IEP Goals :

Executive Functioning IEP Goals for Organization Skills and ADHD IEP Goals for Reading Example IEP Goals for Spelling IEP Goals for Copying

Rhythm of Handwriting manuscript - complete set

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Free IEP Goal Bank With 110+ Goals and Printable Tracking Sheets

All the goals you need, when you need them.

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There are as many IEP goals as there are students. But the longer you teach special education, the more you’ll find yourself searching for just the right reading comprehension goal for a student with a learning disability or a behavior goal for a kid who has ADHD. That’s where an IEP goal bank, also known as a goal database, comes in.

Below you’ll find a list of over 100 IEP goals covering a variety of focus areas. Plus be sure to fill out the form on this page to get access to a free, editable Google Doc version of the goal bank along with a bundle of free editable goal-tracking sheets. The bundle includes daily and weekly goal-tracking sheets, as well as trial tracking and progress tracking sheets for data collection.

IEP Goals 101

  • Reading Comprehension Goal Bank
  • Math Goal Bank
  • Writing Goal Bank
  • Behavior Goal Bank
  • Social Skills Goal Bank
  • Social-Emotional Goal Bank
  • Executive Functioning Goal Bank
  • Self-Advocacy Goal Bank

IEP goals should be specific enough to be implemented by anyone who reads them. They should address aspects of the general curriculum but at the student’s functional level. And the goals should be actionable and measurable.

The goals should also include the accuracy and number of trials that the student needs to complete to show mastery. The accuracy and number of trials will depend on the student’s ability, strengths, and skills. (Typical accuracy and trials are 80% 4-out-of-5 trials.)

Finally, the goals should include the level of support the student needs. Should they be demonstrating the skill independently, or do they need a few prompts or maximum support? Build that into the goal too.

So, a finished goal might be: When given a pile of coins (all one type), Jaime will count the coins and find the total with no more than two prompts with 70% accuracy in 3 out of 5 trials.

Daily goal tracking sheet.

IEP Goals for Your Database

A lot of thought goes into each IEP goal, so here are more than 100 goals that every special education teacher should have in their bank.

Reading Comprehension IEP Goal Bank

Reading comprehension is a skill that many students struggle with it. Choose a goal that helps students reach the next level of reading comprehension so they can understand and enjoy what they read.

  • When given a story at their reading level, [STUDENT] will use a storyboard or story map to outline the story’s main elements.
  • When given a nonfiction text at their reading level, [STUDENT] will select and use the appropriate graphic organizer to identify key information.
  • When given a paragraph at their reading level, [STUDENT] will apply the RAP strategy ( R eading a single paragraph, A sking oneself to define the main idea and supporting details, P utting the information into the reader’s language).

Reading IEP Goal Bank

  • When given a passage at their reading level, [STUDENT] will use an outline strategy to summarize the content or retell the story.
  • When given a text at their reading level, [STUDENT] will read and demonstrate literal knowledge by answering five literal questions.
  • [STUDENT] will demonstrate understanding of text using total communication (AAC devices, PECS, verbalization, sign language) to answer five literal questions about the text.
  • When presented with a passage at their reading level, [STUDENT] will use context clues to identify the meaning of unknown words.
  • When given a passage at their instructional level, [STUDENT] will make a prediction and read to confirm or adjust their prediction with information from the text.
  • When given a text at their reading level, [STUDENT] will identify the main idea and two supporting details.

Math IEP Goal Bank

  • Given a sentence, [STUDENT] will combine background knowledge with information from the text to infer the author’s meaning.
  • Given a passage at their reading level, [STUDENT] will answer five inferential questions.
  • After reading a passage with visual supports (e.g., highlighting), [STUDENT] will answer literal questions with minimal assistance.
  • After reading a passage at their reading level, [STUDENT] will identify the author’s purpose for writing.
  • Given a list of author’s purposes and a text, [STUDENT] will select the correct author’s purpose for writing.

Math IEP Goal Bank

Students may be working on numeracy or word problems. Whatever their focus, choose a math goal that helps them progress.

  • [STUDENT] will identify a one- or two-digit number (verbally, pointing, written).
  • [STUDENT] will rote-count from 1 to 25 (or higher).
  • [STUDENT] will skip-count by 2, 3, 5, 10 to 50 (verbal or written).

When given up to 10 objects, [STUDENT] will count and state how many objects there are (verbally, pointing).

  • Given 10 addition problems, [STUDENT] will independently add single-digit numbers with (or without) regrouping.
  • [STUDENT] will independently subtract a single-digit number from a double-digit number with (or without) regrouping.
  • Given 10 subtraction problems, [STUDENT] will independently subtract double-digit numbers from double-digit numbers with (or without) regrouping.
  • [STUDENT] will independently tell time to the half hour (or quarter hour, etc.) on an analog clock (verbal or written).
  • [STUDENT] will independently identify the next dollar amount when given a price, determine how much is needed to make a purchase, and count out the necessary amount using school money.
  • Given a quarter, dime, nickel, and penny, [STUDENT] will identify the coin and value.
  • Given a random amount of coins (all one type or mixed), [STUDENT] will independently count the coins.

iep goal for essay writing

  • When given two-digit (or three- or four-digit) numbers, [STUDENT] will round to the nearest tens (or hundreds or thousands).
  • Given two numbers (pictures, groups of items), [STUDENT] will determine which number is greater than/less than/equal to by selecting or drawing the appropriate symbol.
  • Given data and a graph (bar, pie), [STUDENT] will complete the graph to display the data.
  • Given a graph (bar, pie, line), [STUDENT] will answer three questions about the data.
  • [STUDENT] will identify the numerator and denominator in a fraction.
  • When given a picture of a shape divided into parts, [STUDENT] will color the correct number of sections to represent the fraction given.

Math IEP Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will solve one-step word problems using addition and subtraction (or multiplication and division).
  • [STUDENT] will independently solve 15 multiplication facts (up to 9).
  • Given a fact-fluency tracker, [STUDENT] will track mastery of multiplication facts up to 12.
  • Given a problem-solving checklist, [STUDENT] will use the checklist to solve a one-step or two-step word problem.

Writing IEP Goal Bank

Here are writing IEP goals for organization, fluency, and editing.

  • Given a topic, [STUDENT] will write a sentence that accurately addresses the topic.
  • Given a word bank, [STUDENT] will select the appropriate words to complete a sentence or paragraph about a topic.
  • [STUDENT] will use a keyword outline to write a paragraph with at least [number of] sentences, including an introduction/topic sentence and conclusion sentence.

Writing IEP Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will dictate a response to a question and use talk-to-text to communicate at least three sentences about a topic.
  • [STUDENT] will write a three-paragraph essay about a topic that includes a clear introductory sentence, main idea, supporting details, and conclusion.
  • [STUDENT] will select and use the appropriate graphic organizers to organize ideas in response to a writing topic.

Writing IEP Goal Bank

  • When given a paragraph to revise, [STUDENT] will add transitional words and phrases to connect ideas in sentences (or paragraphs).
  • When given a prompt, [STUDENT] will maintain writing for [amount of time] as measured by observation and student writing output.

Behavior IEP Goal Bank

Everything we see in school is behavior, from working to engaging in class to maintaining self-control and managing emotions. If a student has an IEP for ADHD, an emotional disability, autism, or other categories, they may be working on behavior goals to improve their ability to succeed in school.

  • Given a self-monitoring checklist, [STUDENT] will demonstrate self-regulation during [# of sessions] across [# of months].

Behavior IEP Goal Bank

  • Given a token board, [STUDENT] will follow class rules to earn [# of tokens] for each 30-minute period in special and general education settings.
  • Given a self-regulation strategy (e.g., zones of regulation), [STUDENT] will identify when they are moving from green to red, and apply a self-regulation strategy to maintain their self-regulation.
  • Given support and a visual model, [STUDENT] will implement an organizational system for their locker/desk/backpack/binder.

Behavior IEP Goal Bank

  • Given scripts and reminders, [STUDENT] will manage frustration and disruptions to their routine during classroom activities.
  • Given a social story, [STUDENT] will be able to adjust to new routines and procedures in the classroom.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will manage conflicts, independent of teacher support, 4 out of 5 occurrences over a ___ time period.
  • Given a work assignment, [STUDENT] will initiate work tasks as measured by observation and work completion.
  • Given a work assignment, [STUDENT] will complete work tasks as measured by observation and work completion.
  • Given a token board and visual or rules, [STUDENT] will follow rules and earn tokens throughout the total school environment.

Social Skills IEP Goal Bank

Social skills may not seem academic, but how students engage with others can be an important outcome for students who have deficits in this area. Here are goals that can support their progression in forming relationships with peers and adults.

  • During unstructured class time, [STUDENT] will engage in respectful conversation with peers (maintain personal space, use respectful voice).
  • During unstructured class time or play time (e.g., recess), [STUDENT] will engage with peers (participate, share, follow rules, take turns) for > 10 minutes with minimal adult prompting.

Social Skills IEP Goal Bank

  • During a preferred activity, [STUDENT] will invite a peer to join in during recess.
  • During a preferred activity, [STUDENT] will engage in appropriate conversation (ask appropriate questions, respond to questions, take turns) for > five turns.
  • When frustrated or involved in a conflict, [STUDENT] will resolve the conflict without aggression but will apply a problem-solving strategy (walk away, tell a teacher).
  • [STUDENT] will demonstrate five back-and-forth exchanges with peers during structured play activities.

Social Skills IEP Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will engage in appropriate turn-taking with peers in classroom discussion.
  • [STUDENT] will decrease inappropriate verbal comments to once per day (or week) or less as measured by teacher observation and behavior checklist.
  • Given a pre-activity checklist, [STUDENT] will identify one peer they would like to engage with and how they are going to engage (e.g., ask a question, invite to play).

Social-Emotional Skills IEP Goal Bank

Identifying and managing feelings is another important school outcome for students who have deficits in this area. Here are goals that help students advance in social-emotional skills.

  • [STUDENT] will work cooperatively with peers in small-group settings (e.g., share materials, engage in conversation, accept others’ ideas).

Social-Emotional Skills Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will identify appropriate social rules and expectations for various social situations.
  • [STUDENT] will refrain from interrupting others.
  • [STUDENT] will identify emotions presented in picture form.

Social-Emotional Skills Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will engage in communication with others by asking questions when provided with the opportunities.
  • [STUDENT] will increase or maintain conversation about a preferred or nonpreferred topic.
  • Given a strategy and visual prompts, [STUDENT] will identify the signs of anxiety and apply a strategy to address feelings of anxiety in real and simulated situations.
  • Given a picture scale, [STUDENT] will identify the level of anxiety they are feeling.

Executive Functioning IEP Goal Bank

Executive functioning skills are skills like planning, working memory, attention, problem-solving, mental flexibility, and self-regulation that help kids be successful in school. Students with poor executive functioning have a hard time with time management, organization, getting started with or finishing work, and connecting past experiences with current actions. (Know any kids like this?) Here’s a list of goals for helping students with executive functioning.

  • Given visual cues, [STUDENT] will implement a system for organizing their backpack (locker, binder).
  • Given a task and a list of materials, [STUDENT] will gather the needed items to complete the task.

Executive Functioning Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will arrive at class with necessary materials (paper, pen, computer).
  • [STUDENT] will use a checklist (visual schedule) to independently complete classwork.
  • [STUDENT] will respond appropriately to oral commands.
  • [STUDENT] will ask for clarification and further explanation when needed.
  • [STUDENT] will request desired objects or instructional materials and equipment using [picture prompts, sign language, AAC device, etc.].

Executive Functioning Goal Bank

  • [STUDENT] will express needs, wants, and feelings using [picture prompts, sign language, verbalization, etc.].
  • [STUDENT] will create a daily visual schedule (or checklist or to-do list) and complete it.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will demonstrate the ability to follow multiple-step directions (two or three steps) with minimal (one or two) adult prompts.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will refer to their checklist for task completion to finish assigned work.

Self-Advocacy IEP Goal Bank

Self-advocacy goals are for skills from decision-making to goal attainment, asking for help, and speaking up for yourself. These are important skills that students need to develop, especially as they transition into independent living, college, and career.

  • [STUDENT] will effectively communicate their needs and preferences in the classroom by [raising their hand, writing a note].
  • [STUDENT] will use a communication notebook to write questions and concerns to the teacher one time per week.
  • [STUDENT] will identify a goal, create a list of steps to achieve the goal, and work through the steps.
  • Given a challenging situation to solve, [STUDENT] will define the problem and come up with two possible solutions.
  • Given a task that involves a choice (e.g., the school lunch menu, a list of books), [STUDENT] will select between the options available.

Given a task that involves a choice (e.g., the school lunch menu, a list of books), [STUDENT] will select between the options available.

  • [STUDENT] will create a list of three personal strengths and three areas for improvement.
  • [STUDENT] will actively participate in the development of their IEP goals and accommodations.
  • [STUDENT] will identify one IEP goal and three objectives to support that goal.
  • When faced with an academic challenge, [STUDENT] will seek assistance by raising their hand or using the classroom procedure for seeking help.
  • [STUDENT] will advocate for accommodations and/or modifications in the classroom using an appropriate time, tone of voice, and language.
  • [STUDENT] will demonstrate understanding of their learning preferences using a checklist, verbal communication, or another method of communication.
  • [STUDENT] will engage in positive self-talk daily with and without teacher support.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will learn and apply two self-advocacy strategies.

By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will learn and apply two self-advocacy strategies.

  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will demonstrate the ability to ask for help when needed.
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will identify and communicate two environmental requirements (e.g., “I need a movement break”).
  • By the end of the IEP, [STUDENT] will engage in three conferences and/or meetings where the student will communicate their educational needs.
  • [STUDENT] will explain and advocate for testing accommodations through the classroom teacher, testing center, school counselor, etc.
  • [STUDENT] will reflect on their academic progress and will determine which accommodations are supporting their learning.

Get Your Free Editable and Printable IEP Goal Bank and Goal Sheets

Just fill out the form on this page to get instant access to an editable Google Doc with all the goals mentioned above as well as a bundle of four printable and editable goal-tracking sheets. Save your goal bank and access it any time to cut and paste goals into your IEP software and/or into the editable and printable goal-tracking sheets provided. The bundle includes daily and weekly tracking sheets, as well as trial tracking and progress tracking sheets for data collection.

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Home » SEL Implementation » Effective IEP Goals for Developing Writing Skills: A Comprehensive Guide

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Effective IEP Goals for Developing Writing Skills: A Comprehensive Guide

Key takeaways.

  • Writing skills are crucial for social emotional development, offering a medium for communication, self-expression, self-reflection, and building relationships.
  • Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals are essential for students with writing difficulties, providing support and guidance to develop their writing skills.
  • Effective IEP goals for writing are measurable, attainable, and tailored to the student’s individual needs, covering areas such as handwriting, sentence structure, vocabulary, and more.
  • Monitoring progress and collaborating with teachers and parents are key to adjusting IEP goals and ensuring effective support for the student’s writing development.

Introduction: Effective IEP Goals for Developing Writing Skills: A Comprehensive Guide

As a Speech Language Pathologist and Social Emotional Learning expert, I understand the importance of writing skills in social emotional development. Writing is not just a means of communication, but it also plays a crucial role in self-expression, self-reflection, and building relationships. For students with writing difficulties, Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals can provide the necessary support and guidance to help them develop their writing skills.

In this blog post, I will provide you with a comprehensive guide on effective IEP goals for writing. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or therapist, this guide will help you understand the basics of IEP goals, identify specific areas of writing to target, provide examples of IEP goals, and offer strategies for monitoring progress and collaborating with teachers and parents.

Understanding the Basics of IEP Goals for Writing

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s start by understanding what IEP goals are and their role in supporting students with writing difficulties. IEP goals are individualized objectives that are designed to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. These goals are developed collaboratively by the IEP team, which includes parents, teachers, therapists, and other professionals.

When it comes to writing, IEP goals serve as a roadmap for students to develop and improve their writing skills. They provide a clear direction and outline the specific areas that need to be addressed. Effective IEP goals for writing are measurable, attainable, and relevant to the student’s individual needs.

Identifying Specific Areas of Writing to Target in IEP Goals

Before setting IEP goals for writing, it is essential to assess the student’s current writing abilities. This assessment can be done through writing samples, observations, and standardized tests. By understanding the student’s strengths and weaknesses, you can identify specific areas of writing to target in the IEP goals.

Some common areas of weakness or challenges in writing include handwriting legibility and fluency, sentence structure and organization, and vocabulary and word choice. By tailoring the IEP goals to address these individual needs, you can provide targeted support and intervention.

Examples of IEP Goals for Developing Writing Skills

Now, let’s take a look at some examples of IEP goals for developing writing skills. Remember, these goals should be tailored to the individual student’s needs and abilities.

Goal 1: Improving handwriting legibility and fluency

Objective 1: The student will improve fine motor skills to enhance handwriting legibility.

Objective 2: The student will practice letter formation and spacing to improve overall handwriting fluency.

To achieve this goal, strategies such as finger exercises, hand strengthening activities, and using adaptive writing tools can be implemented. Additionally, providing practice activities that focus on letter formation and spacing, such as tracing worksheets or writing in sand, can help improve handwriting skills.

Goal 2: Enhancing sentence structure and organization

Objective 1: The student will learn and apply sentence construction rules, including subject-verb agreement and punctuation.

Objective 2: The student will practice organizing ideas into coherent paragraphs with a clear topic sentence and supporting details.

To support the achievement of this goal, teaching explicit sentence construction rules and providing guided practice with sentence building exercises can be beneficial. Additionally, providing opportunities for feedback and revision can help students improve their sentence structure and organization skills.

Goal 3: Expanding vocabulary and word choice

Objective 1: The student will participate in vocabulary-building activities to expand their word bank.

Objective 2: The student will use a thesaurus to enhance word choice and improve the quality of their writing.

Incorporating vocabulary-building activities into writing instruction, such as word games, vocabulary journals, or word of the day exercises, can help students expand their vocabulary. Encouraging the use of a thesaurus during the writing process can also enhance word choice and improve the overall quality of their writing.

Monitoring Progress and Modifying IEP Goals

Monitoring progress towards IEP goals is crucial to ensure that the interventions and strategies implemented are effective. Ongoing assessment and data collection can help track the student’s progress and identify areas that may require additional support or modification of the goals.

Strategies such as regular progress monitoring, keeping a portfolio of the student’s work, and using rubrics or checklists can aid in tracking progress. Based on the data collected and feedback from teachers, parents, and the student, adjustments can be made to the IEP goals to better meet the student’s needs.

Collaborating with Teachers and Parents

Collaboration between all stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and therapists, is essential in supporting students’ writing development. By working together, we can create a consistent and supportive environment that reinforces the skills targeted in the IEP goals.

Communicating the IEP goals and progress with teachers and parents is crucial for maintaining alignment and ensuring everyone is on the same page. Regular meetings, progress reports, and open lines of communication can facilitate this collaboration.

Collaborative strategies for reinforcing writing skills at home and in the classroom can include providing additional practice materials, incorporating writing activities into daily routines, and sharing strategies that have been successful in different settings.

Effective IEP goals for writing play a vital role in supporting students with writing difficulties. By targeting specific areas of writing, monitoring progress, and collaborating with teachers and parents, we can help students develop their writing skills and enhance their social emotional development.

Looking for More on Developing Writing Skills Through Effective IEP Goals?

If you are looking for further resources and support in developing effective IEP goals for writing, I highly recommend starting your Everyday Speech Free Trial . Everyday Speech offers a comprehensive platform that provides evidence-based strategies and activities to support social emotional learning, including writing skills. Start your free trial today and empower your students to become confident writers!

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Crafting Effective IEP Goals for Writing – Strategies for Student Success

  • January 11, 2024


Indubitably, crafting effective IEP goals for writing is essential in ensuring the academic success of students with diverse learning needs. As educators, it is paramount that we develop strategic, measurable, and realistic goals that will support our students in honing their writing skills. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore valuable strategies that can be employed to create impactful IEP goals for writing, equipping students with the tools they need to thrive in the classroom.

When it comes to writing , it is crucial for educators to have a solid understanding of the individualized needs of their students. By tailoring IEP goals to the specific strengths and challenges of each student, we can maximize their potential for growth. Additionally, we will delve into some of the most common pitfalls in creating IEP goals for writing and provide actionable steps to avoid them, ultimately fostering student success in the realm of writing.

Types of Writing Goals in IEPs

Before setting writing goals for students as part of their Individualized Education Program (IEP) , it’s important to understand the different types of goals that can be included. The IEP team should consider the individual student’s needs and the best approach to support their writing development . The types of writing goals in IEPs can be categorized into the following:

Short-term vs. Long-term Goals

An IEP may include both short-term and long-term writing goals . Short-term goals are typically achievable within a few weeks or months, while long-term goals encompass writing skills that may take a year or more to develop. It’s important for the IEP team to establish a balance between these goals to ensure the student’s writing progress is effectively monitored and supported.

Process-Oriented vs. Product-Oriented Goals

Process-oriented goals focus on the student’s writing process and the development of essential writing skills such as planning , organization , and revision . In contrast, product-oriented goals emphasize the final written products of the students , such as essays or stories . Both types of goals play a crucial role in supporting the student’s overall writing abilities .

With process-oriented goals , the focus is on the student’s writing process and the development of fundamental writing skills . In contrast, product-oriented goals prioritize the completion of final written products such as essays or stories . It’s essential for the IEP team to carefully consider the balance of both types of goals to ensure the student’s comprehensive writing development .

Individualized Goals Based on Student Needs

With individualized goals , the IEP team can tailor the writing goals to address the specific student’s writing abilities and needs. This approach allows for a personalized and targeted approach to support the student’s writing growth . Types of writing goals that are individualized may include goals related to writing fluency , spelling , or vocabulary development , among others.

With individualized goals , the IEP team can tailor the writing goals to address the specific student’s writing abilities and needs. This approach allows for a personalized and targeted approach to support the students in their writing development . The types of writing goals that are individualized may include goals related to writing fluency , spelling , or vocabulary development , among others.

Factors to Consider When Crafting IEP Writing Goals

Some important factors to consider when crafting IEP writing goals are:

  • Student’s current writing abilities and challenges
  • Specificity and measurability of goals
  • Alignment with state standards and benchmarks

Perceiving these factors will help in creating effective IEP writing goals that lead to student success.

Student’s Current Writing Abilities and Challenges

For crafting effective IEP writing goals, it is crucial to assess the student’s current writing abilities and challenges. Writing abilities may vary from student to student, and it is essential to have a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Consider the student’s proficiency in sentence structure, grammar, vocabulary, and organization while identifying writing challenges.

Specificity and Measurability of Goals

On the subject of specificity and measurability, it is imperative to create IEP writing goals that are specific and measurable. The goals should clearly articulate what the student is expected to achieve, and there should be a clear method for measuring progress. Ensure that the goals are achievable within a specified timeframe to facilitate effective monitoring and assessment of progress.

Plus, incorporating specific and measurable goals will provide a clear direction for intervention and support for the student’s writing development.

Alignment with State Standards and Benchmarks

Specificity in aligning writing goals with state standards and benchmarks is crucial to ensure that the student’s writing development is in line with established educational standards. Goals should be aligned with state standards for writing and should reflect the specific skills and competencies outlined in the standards .

Measurability of the goals against state standards and benchmarks is essential to track the student’s progress and ensure that they are meeting the necessary writing requirements for their grade level. This alignment helps in providing a comprehensive and well-rounded writing education for students .

Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Effective IEP Writing Goals

To ensure the success of students with writing challenges, it is essential to develop Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals that are effective and tailored to their specific needs. This step-by-step guide will help educators, parents, and students in crafting IEP goals that will lead to improved writing proficiency and overall academic success.

The first step in developing effective IEP writing goals is to assess the student’s current writing skills. This involves analyzing their strengths and weaknesses in areas such as spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and organization of ideas.

Step-by-step collaboration with educators, parents, and the student is crucial in crafting IEP writing goals. By working together, it ensures that the goals are relevant, achievable, and tailored to the student’s individual needs and learning style.

Assessing the Student’s Writing Skills

The assessment of the student’s writing skills is essential in identifying specific areas of improvement and determining the appropriate IEP writing goals that will address their individual needs.

Collaborating with Educators, Parents, and the Student

StepbyStep collaboration with educators, parents, and the student is essential in creating effective IEP writing goals. By involving all stakeholders, it ensures that the goals are relevant, achievable, and tailored to the student’s individual needs and learning style.

Guide, collaboration, student, educators, parents, relevant, achievable

Writing SMART Goals for Writing Proficiency

Educators must develop SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals for students’ writing proficiency to ensure that they are clear, focused, and attainable within a specific timeframe.

It is crucial to ensure that the writing SMART goals are specific to the student’s individual writing challenges, measurable in terms of progress, achievable within their capabilities, relevant to their learning needs, and time-bound for timely achievement.

Creating Actionable and Achievable Steps for Goal Attainment

For students to attain their IEP writing goals, it is essential to create actionable and achievable steps that outline the specific tasks, resources, and support required to reach the desired level of writing proficiency.

Writing actionable and achievable steps involves breaking down the IEP writing goals into smaller, manageable tasks, providing necessary resources and support, and outlining a clear timeline for goal attainment.

IEP writing goals, SMART goals, actionable, achievable, specific, measurable

Tips for Writing IEP Goals That Foster Progress

After conducting thorough assessments and gathering relevant data, it is essential to craft IEP goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). When writing IEP goals for writing , consider the following tips:

  • Utilize clear and concise language
  • Focus on the student’s individual needs and abilities
  • Ensure the goals align with curriculum standards
  • Involve the student in the goal-setting process

Recognizing the importance of well-crafted IEP goals sets the foundation for student success in writing .

Incorporating Evidence-Based Instructional Practices

Foster progress by incorporating evidence-based instructional practices when developing IEP goals . Consider strategies such as explicit instruction, modeling, and guided practice to support student growth and mastery in writing .

Building Goals Around Student Interests to Increase Engagement

Instructional approaches that integrate students’ interests can increase engagement and motivation in writing . By tapping into their passions, students are more likely to be invested in the writing process and demonstrate progress in their skills.

Goals centered around student interests can be tailored to incorporate creative writing exercises, personal narratives, or research topics that resonate with the students .

Regular Monitoring and Adjusting Goals as Needed

Student progress should be regularly monitored through ongoing assessment and data collection. Based on these observations, IEP goals should be adjusted as needed to ensure that the students are continually challenged and supported in their writing development.

Practices such as data analysis, progress monitoring, and collaboration between educators and support staff are vital for effectively monitoring and adjusting IEP goals to promote student success .

Pros and Cons of Different Writing Goals in IEPs

Keep in mind that when developing IEP goals for writing, it is important to consider the pros and cons of different approaches. This can help create goals that are effective and tailored to the individual needs of the students. Here is a breakdown of the pros and cons to consider when setting writing goals in IEPs:

Encourages individualized growth Potential for unrealistic expectations
Fosters a sense of achievement May be difficult to measure progress
Can address specific writing challenges May require significant resources for support
Allows for tailored instruction May limit opportunities for general education inclusion
Promotes self-advocacy and ownership Potential for stigmatization

Goals Focused on Mechanics of Writing

The development of writing goals focused on mechanics, such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation, can be beneficial for students with IEPs. By improving these foundational skills, students can enhance the overall readability and clarity of their writing. However, it is important to consider the potential limitations of solely focusing on mechanics, as it may lead to a lack of emphasis on creativity and expression in writing.

Goals Targeting Writing Comprehension and Critical Thinking

Critical thinking and comprehension goals are essential for developing strong writing skills. By focusing on these areas, students can learn to analyze and interpret information, leading to more sophisticated and insightful writing. Additionally, these goals can help students become more independent and analytical writers, preparing them for success in future academic and professional endeavors.

Writing goals targeting comprehension and critical thinking can enhance the depth and complexity of student writing, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter and enabling students to communicate their ideas more effectively. By developing these skills, students can become more adept at synthesizing information and crafting well-supported arguments, ultimately leading to more persuasive and impactful writing.

The Balance Between Challenge and Attainability

Targeting the balance between challenge and attainability in writing goals is crucial for fostering student growth and achievement. It is important to set goals that are appropriately challenging, pushing students to reach their full potential. However, these goals should also be attainable, taking into account the student’s current abilities and any potential barriers to progress. Striking this balance can help students build confidence and motivation, leading to greater success in their writing endeavors.

Between challenging students to reach new heights in their writing and ensuring that goals are achievable, educators can create a supportive and empowering learning environment. This approach encourages students to push themselves while also providing the necessary support and resources to help them succeed. By finding this balance, students can make significant strides in their writing abilities, ultimately leading to improved academic performance and increased self-confidence.

Implementing IEP Writing Goals in the Classroom

Not only is it essential to develop effective IEP writing goals for students with disabilities, but it is also crucial to implement these goals in the classroom to promote student success. By integrating goals with curriculum and instruction, adapting teaching methods to support individual goals, and utilizing assistive technology, educators can create a supportive and inclusive learning environment for students with diverse learning needs.

Integrating Goals with Curriculum and Instruction

An essential aspect of implementing IEP writing goals in the classroom is integrating these goals with the existing curriculum and instruction. This involves aligning the IEP goals with the learning objectives of the writing curriculum while ensuring that the goals are personalized to meet the needs of the diverse group of students in the classroom. By seamlessly integrating the IEP writing goals with the curriculum and instruction, educators can create a cohesive and inclusive learning environment where all students can thrive.

Adapting Teaching Methods to Support Individual Goals

Goals should be used to drive the adaptation of teaching methods to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities. By doing so, educators can create a personalized learning experience that caters to each student’s unique strengths and challenges. This approach involves using flexible teaching strategies and differentiating instruction to support the attainment of specific writing goals. By adapting teaching methods to support individual goals, educators can ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve success in writing.

Teaching methods can be adapted through differentiated instruction , small group instruction, and personalized feedback to support the individual writing goals of students with disabilities.

Utilizing Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities

Adapting the use of assistive technology in the classroom is essential for supporting students with disabilities in achieving their writing goals. By utilizing assistive technology, educators can provide students with disabilities the tools they need to overcome challenges and enhance their writing skills. Assistive technology can include speech-to-text software, word prediction programs, and graphic organizers, among others. By incorporating this technology into the classroom, educators can create a more inclusive learning environment where all students have access to the resources they need to succeed.

Instruction can be enhanced through the use of assistive technology tools to support the diverse writing needs of students with disabilities. This can help to level the playing field and provide equal opportunities for all students to achieve their writing goals.

Ultimately, the process of creating effective IEP goals for writing is essential for setting students up for success in their academic and personal lives. By using a combination of data-driven assessments, targeted instruction, and collaborative goal-setting, educators can craft meaningful and achievable goals that can help students improve their writing skills. It is crucial for educators to continually monitor and adjust these goals to reflect each student’s progress and ensure that they are receiving the support they need to succeed.

By implementing these strategies and techniques, educators can empower students to become more confident and proficient writers, leading to improved outcomes in both their academic and professional lives. It is important for educators to stay informed about best practices in IEP goal setting and to continuously seek ways to improve their instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of their students. With careful planning and implementation, effective IEP goals for writing can contribute to the overall success and well-being of students with diverse learning needs.

Q: What are IEP goals for writing?

A: IEP goals for writing are individualized objectives set for students with special education needs to improve their writing skills. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Q: How can I craft effective IEP goals for writing?

A: Crafting effective IEP goals for writing involves assessing the student’s current writing abilities, identifying areas for improvement, and setting clear and attainable objectives. Goals should address specific writing skills such as organization, grammar, and vocabulary.

Q: What strategies can be used to help students achieve IEP goals for writing?

A: Strategies for student success in achieving IEP goals for writing include providing explicit instruction, offering regular feedback, using assistive technology, and incorporating multisensory learning approaches. It’s also important to involve the student in goal-setting and monitoring progress.

Q: How can teachers and parents collaborate to support IEP goals for writing?

A: Teachers and parents can collaborate by sharing information about the student’s progress, discussing effective writing strategies, and creating a consistent approach to support the student’s writing development at school and home. Open communication and a partnership mindset are crucial for student success.

Q: What should be the timeline for achieving IEP goals for writing?

A: The timeline for achieving IEP goals for writing should be based on the student’s individual needs and progress. It’s important to set short-term and long-term objectives, regularly review and adjust goals as needed, and celebrate the student’s successes along the way.

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Written Expression IEP Goals

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Special education teachers often have the job of working with and developing written expression goals for students with IEPs. Many teachers feel that it’s important to target this skill in order to help their students communicate more effectively. However, setting achievable goals can be a challenge. Here are some tips for developing effective written expression IEP goals.


A written expression IEP goal is a target that is set for a student with an Individualized Education Plan. This type of goal is usually related to the student’s ability to communicate through writing. The written expression goals may be based on the student’s current level of functioning and are often aimed at improving their skills in this area.


There are a few reasons why written expression IEP goals may be important for a student. There’s no doubt about it written expression is a fundamental life skill. In order to be successful in school and in most jobs, individuals need to be able to communicate effectively through writing. Written expression goals can help students to improve their communication skills. Many students with written expression goals also see an improvement in other areas, such as reading skills.

How to Write IEP Goals Workbook

How to Write IEP Goals Workbook

Tools to help students with written expression.

Using effective tools in your writing instruction will help you identify a student’s present level and where they need the most help in their written expression. This will enable you to write useful goals for the students in your classroom. Here are some tools you can use as benchmarks. Effective…

  • Graphic organizer
  • Writing rubric
  • Writing samples
  • Writing prompts
  • Comprehension questions
  • Writing assignment
  • Editing checklist


Besides using these tools, there are a few things to keep in mind when writing written expression IEP goals. The goals should be realistic and measurable goals that are based on the student’s current functioning and grade level. They should work with the student’s strengths and weaknesses .

The goals should also be SMART Goals (Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant and Timed). Another important thing to remember is that the goals should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. As the student makes progress, the goals should be revised to ensure they are still appropriate and challenging.

Written expression goals can come up in many different areas of writing. Understanding this will help you write written expression goals for student IEPs that are effective. Here are some types written expression goals and examples of each.


One type of written expression goal has to do with the proper use of capitalization. This is an important rule of grammar and one that students should be able to master. A capitalization goal for an IEP might look something like this:

  • The student will correctly capitalize 80% of words that should be capitalized when writing a sentence.
  • The student will use proper capitalization when writing the days of the week, months of the year, and holidays.
  • The student will capitalize the first word of a sentence 80% of the time.


Another type of written expression goal has to do with proper punctuation usage. Just like capitalization, this is an important rule of grammar that students should be able to master. Here are some ideas for punctuation IEP goals:

  • The student will use proper punctuation (such as a period, question mark, or exclamation point) at the end of a sentence 80% of the time.
  • The student will use commas correctly when writing a list.
  • The student will use quotation marks correctly when writing dialogue.


Spelling is a component of written expression that can be quite complex in the English language. Many students struggle with spelling words correctly. Some spelling goals for an IEP could be:

  • The student will spell words correctly 80% of the time when writing.
  • The student will successfully spell high-frequency words when writing.
  • The student will correctly spell words that follow a certain pattern (such as words that rhyme or words with the same ending sound).
  • The student will use a word wall and/or spelling dictionary when writing to help with spelling words correctly.


Transition words are words that help to connect ideas in writing. They are often used at the beginning of a sentence to show how the current sentence is related to the previous one. Transition words can be a challenge for many students. Some examples of transition word IEP goals are:

  • The student will use transition words (such as first, next, then, or finally) when writing a story.
  • The student will use transition words to connect ideas within a paragraph. The student will use transition words to show cause and effect.


Vocabulary goals are also important in student development when it comes to written expression. Students should be exposed to a variety of words so that they can use them in their own writing. A few ideas for vocabulary IEP goals are:

  • The student will use new vocabulary words when writing 80% of the time.
  • The student will describe the meaning of new vocabulary words when writing.
  • The student will use a thesaurus to find different words with similar meanings when writing.


Writing fluency is another important aspect of written expression. Fluency is the speed at which a student can write. Many students struggle with writing fluently. A goal related to writing fluency might be:

  • The student will write for a certain amount of time (such as 5 minutes) without stopping.
  • The student will write a certain number of words in a certain amount of time (such as 100 words in 5 minutes).
  • The student will write a certain number of sentences in a certain amount of time (such as 10 sentences in 5 minutes).


A paragraph is a group of related sentences that share a common topic. Many students struggle with writing paragraphs that are correctly organized and have all of the necessary elements. Paragraph writing IEP goals could include:

  • The student will write a paragraph that includes a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.
  • The student will indent the first line of each paragraph when writing.
  • The student will write a five-sentence paragraph.


An essay is a type of written assignment that is typically longer and more detailed than other types of writing. Essays can be difficult and tedious for many students. An essay goal for an IEP might look something like this:

  • The student will write a five-paragraph essay with a clear introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • The student will write an essay that is at least 500 words long.
  • The student will edit and revise an essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

If you are a teacher who is responsible for developing written expression IEP goals, remember to keep the goals realistic, specific, and measurable. Review and update the goals on a regular basis to ensure they are still appropriate. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to helping your students improve their written expression skills!

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Assistive Technology, Classroom Implementation Strategies & Resource Recommendations for Kids Who Struggle to Write

Related resources.

Self Advocacy IEP Goals

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SMART Goals – Examples for Students

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iep goal for essay writing

Written Expression Goals for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) 

by Special Ed Corner | Sep 27, 2023 | Assistance , Definitions | 0 comments

boy writing on printer paper near girl

When creating an IEP for a student struggling with written expression, it’s important to set SMART goals. SMART goals are:

  • Specific:  They clearly state what the student needs to improve.
  • Measurable:  They can be tracked and measured to see how well the student is progressing.
  • Achievable:  They are challenging but realistic, given the student’s current ability level.
  • Relevant:  They are aligned with the student’s academic needs and goals.
  • Time-bound:  They have a clear deadline.

Here are some sample written expression goals:

  • Sentence Structure & Complexity:  By the end of the academic year, [Student] will write complex sentences, correctly joining two related ideas with a conjunction in 8 out of 10 trials.
  • Organization:  [Student] will write a five-paragraph essay with an introduction, three supporting details, and a conclusion in 4 out of 5 writing assignments by May.
  • Spelling & Grammar:  Over the next six months, [Student] will reduce spelling errors to no more than three mistakes per written page.
  • Writing Fluency:  By the end of the term, [Student] will be able to write a complete paragraph within 10 minutes on a given topic in 7 out of 10 trials.
  • Vocabulary Usage:  Within the next semester, [Student] will use at least five new vocabulary words appropriately in their written assignments.

These are just a few examples, and the specific goals you set will vary depending on the student’s individual needs. It’s important to collaborate with the student’s teachers, therapists, and parents to create a personalized IEP that will help them succeed.

Tips for Writing Written Expression Goals :

  • Make sure the goals are specific and measurable. For example, instead of saying “The student will improve their writing skills,” say “The student will write complex sentences, correctly joining two related ideas with a conjunction in 8 out of 10 trials.”
  • Set realistic goals that are achievable for the student. Don’t try to change too much too quickly.
  • Make sure the goals are relevant to the student’s academic needs. For example, if the student is struggling to write essays, focus on setting goals related to essay writing.
  • Set deadlines for the goals. This will help the student stay on track and motivated.
  • Review the goals regularly and adjust them as needed. The student’s needs may change over time.

Setting clear written expression goals in an IEP can help a 9th grade student overcome challenges and become a confident, skilled writer. By working together, teachers, therapists, parents, and the student can create a personalized IEP that will help them succeed.

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Measurable IEP Goals for Writing: A Guide for Elementary Students

  • Post author: dane furfaro
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Measurable IEP Goals for Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to mapping out the educational journey for students with special needs, Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals are essential, particularly in the realm of written expression.

Writing is a fundamental skill that plays an important role in a student’s academic, professional, and personal development.

Therefore, developing writing skills is critical to ensuring that students have the ability effectively communicate through written language.

iep goal for essay writing

The Importance of Written Expression for Students

Written expression is a vital aspect of academic success, as it enables students to convey their thoughts, ideas, and knowledge coherently.

Developing strong writing skills not only fosters effective communication but also enhances critical thinking abilities.

Furthermore, for students with special needs, proficient writing skills can unlock avenues for self-expression and empowerment , thereby promoting overall cognitive and emotional growth .

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Understanding IEP Writing Goals

Defining iep goals for writing.

Writing goals refer to specific targets designed to assess a student’s progress in various areas of writing, such as sentence construction, paragraph organization, and proficiency in different writing formats.

These goals are tailored to meet individual student needs and are an integral part of the IEP, which is crafted by a collaborative team involving educators, parents, and the student (if appropriate).

Components of Measurable IEP Goals

Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

This ensures that the goals are well-defined, can be measured to track progress, are realistic and relevant to the student’s needs, and have a set timeframe for completion.

With SMART goals, students are better able to work towards success and reach their full potential.

Measurable goals for written expression encompass several components, including the identification of specific writing skills to be targeted, the level of proficiency expected based on the student’s grade level, and the criteria for measuring progress, often through the use of writing rubrics or samples.

Additionally, these goals should be aligned with the student’s educational objectives and must be attainable within the specified timeframe. 

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Connection Between Reading and Writing

Both reading and writing skills are essential for academic success and overall language development.

Reading and writing are reciprocal processes, meaning that they rely on and reinforce each other. 

When writing IEP goals for elementary students, educators should consider the student’s reading skills and how they impacts their writing ability.

For example, if a student struggles with decoding and fluency, it may impact their ability to generate ideas and express themselves through writing.

In this case, a goal related to reading fluency and comprehension may also impact their ability to write coherent and organized paragraphs or essays.

Example Writing Goals

Adapting iep writing goals for individualized needs.

Adapting IEP writing goals involves tailoring the objectives to meet the individualized needs of the student.

This may encompass modifying the level of proficiency expected based on the student’s abilities and incorporating appropriate accommodations or modifications, such as extended time for writing assignments or the use of assistive technology.

The goals should be detailed, outlining the specific writing skills targeted, the criteria for measurement, and the timeline for assessment.

Additionally, they should be accompanied by clear and objective rubrics for each writing assignment to facilitate accurate evaluation. These goals should be dynamic, allowing for adjustments based on the student’s progress and the evolving educational needs within the special education setting.

It is critical to ensure that the adapted goals remain challenging yet attainable, providing the necessary support to facilitate the student’s progress in written expression within the special education context.

IEP goals for Writing 2

Sample IEP Goals for Written Expression

 1. By the end of the semester, the student will independently write a five-sentence paragraph with a topic sentence, three supporting details, and a concluding sentence, with 80% accuracy.

2. By the end of the grading period, the student will correctly use capitalization and punctuation in 95% of their written assignments.

3. By the end of the year, when writing a sentence, the student will be able to consistently use proper spacing between words in 90% of their written work.

4. By the end of the grading period, the student will include descriptive language and adjectives in their writing, with at least 70% accuracy.

5. By the end of the term, the student will independently write a narrative with a clear beginning, middle, and end, with 80% accuracy.

6. By the end of the semester, the student will use a variety of sentence structures (simple, compound, and complex) in their writing, with 75% accuracy. 

7. By the end of the school year, when given a friendly letter writing prompt, the student will write a letter that includes a greeting, body with at least three details or questions, and a closing, with correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, with at least 85% accuracy on six different prompts.

8. By the end of the school year, when given a poetry writing prompt, the student will write a poem that includes at least three stanzas, uses sensory language and imagery, and follows a specific poetic form, with at least 75% accuracy on three different prompts.

9. By the end of the school year, when given a creative writing prompt, the student will write a short story that includes a memorable main character, a problem to solve, and a resolution, with at least 80% accuracy on four different prompts.

10. By the end of the school year, when given a narrative writing prompt, the student will write a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end, using descriptive language and dialogue, with at least 80% accuracy on four different prompts.

11. By the end of the school year, the student will correctly form all uppercase and lowercase letters, without reversals, with 80% accuracy in isolation and in sentences.

12. By the end of the first semester, the student will write legibly on the lines provided, and within given spatial constraints, with 90% accuracy in written assignments.

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Developing Sentence and Paragraph IEP Goals

When developing IEP goals for sentence and paragraph construction, it is crucial to consider the specific writing skills targeted, the level of proficiency expected, and the criteria for measuring progress.

These goals should encompass the development of complete and coherent sentences, as well as well-structured and organized paragraphs. 

 1. By the end of the term, when given a topic, the student will be able to write a complete sentence with correct grammar and punctuation with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials.

2. By the end of the IEP period, the student will be able to organize their ideas into a well-structured paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence with 70% accuracy in 3 out of 4 opportunities.

3. When given a picture prompt, the student will be able to write a descriptive paragraph with at least 4 sentences, using appropriate adjectives and adverbs, with 75% accuracy in 3 out of 4 trials.

4. When provided with a writing prompt, the student will be able to write an opinion paragraph with a clear main idea and supporting reasons, using transition words, and convincing language with 85% accuracy in 3 out of 5 opportunities.

5. By the end of the IEP period, the student will be able to write a narrative paragraph with a clear sequence of events and sensory language, using proper grammar and punctuation with 70% accuracy in 4 out of 6 trials.

6. When given a self-editing checklist, the student will be able to revise and improve their written work by adding details, using varied sentence structures, and correcting spelling and grammar errors with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities. 

IEP goals for Writing 1

Final Thoughts on Written Expression IEP Goals

Implementing IEP goals for writing involves a strategic approach to cater to the diverse needs of each student.

Special education teachers need to employ a range of effective writing instruction techniques to address individualized writing skills, including sentence construction, paragraph organization, and the development of coherent written expression.

Utilizing writing samples, varied writing assignments, and goal banks can aid in the creation and implementation of measurable IEP goals, ensuring that the objectives are aligned with the student’s grade level and educational requirements.

Measuring Progress and Adjusting IEP Writing Goals

Special education strategies for measurable writing IEP goals encompass the use of differentiated instruction to meet the unique writing needs of students with special needs.

These strategies may involve providing explicit writing instruction tailored to individualized objectives, incorporating assistive technology to support writing proficiency, and implementing multi-sensory approaches to enhance the writing process.

Additionally, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment within the IEP team is crucial for effectively implementing strategies that address the diverse written expression goals and ensure measurable progress.

Regular reviews and adjustments to the objectives for writing and written expression enable students with special needs to make meaningful strides in their written communication abilities within the special education context.

About the Author

Dane Furfaro

In addition to being a bestselling children’s book author , Dane Furfaro is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and has worked with children in elementary schools for over 10 years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Concordia College and a master’s degree in Educational Psychology with a specialization in counseling from the University of Minnesota. He has been fortunate to support many children and families in their journeys to create better futures for themselves.

Disclaimer: The content on this website does not aim to diagnose, treat, or prevent any form of medical condition and is not meant as personalized medical/psychological guidance. It is important that you consult a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions regarding your own and your family’s health and medical treatments.  

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iep goal for essay writing

3rd Grade IEP Writing Goal Bank Based On The Common Core Standards

Writing goals can really fall under a large spectrum of needs, abilities, and types of goals. This specific reference is to help teachers with students who have high levels of communication and can at least form letters and words. Another article will be written on general writing goal banks. However, these goals still try to give some creative ideas to access the Common Core Standards while meeting students at their ability level. As always, be creative at reaching a child’s needs. Don’t fall back on the same three writing goals for every student.

3rd Grade Writing

Text types and purposes:.

Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. A. Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons. B. Provide reasons that support the opinion. C. Use linking words and phrases (e.g.,  because ,  therefore ,  since ,  for example ) to connect opinion and reasons. D. Provide a concluding statement or section. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.1

Advanced Goal: Student will be able to write three separate 1 paragraphs about their opinion with an introduction sentence, 3 reasons, 3 transition words, and a conclusion sentence, with an average accuracy rate of 90% across 3 paragraphs.

Simple Goal: Student will be able to use a word bank of transition words to fill in sample sentences across 4 out of 5 trials with an average accuracy rate of 90%.

Simple Goal: Student will be able to write three sentences to support their opinion that start with a capital, is on the line, and end with a period, with 60% accuracy across 9 out of 10 trials.

Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. A. Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. B. Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details. C. Use linking words and phrases (e.g.,  also ,  another ,  and ,  more ,  but ) to connect ideas within categories of information. D. Provide a concluding statement or section. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2

Advanced Goal: Student will be able to write a three paragraph report on a topic that includes an introduction, 3 or more facts, at least 3 transition words, and a conclusion section, with 7 out of 8 items correct with 80% accuracy across 3 trials.

Simple Goal: Student will be able to identify an appropriate introduction sentence for a given paragraph with 90% accuracy across 4 out of 5 trials.

Simple Goal: Student will be able organize 5-7 sentences into the correct order to create a paragraph on 5 out of 5 sentences correct with an average accuracy rate of 70% across 10 trials.

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. A. Establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. B. Use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and events or show the response of characters to situations. C. Use temporal words and phrases to signal event order. D. Provide a sense of closure. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.3

Advanced Goal: Student will be able to write 5 sentences about a story that happened to them or a pretend story that has an introduction and conclusion, with 6 out of the 7 items with an average accuracy rate of 80%.

Simple Goal: Student will be able to verbally tell a story that happened to them by having a beginning, middle, and end, with 3 out of 3 components with 70% accuracy.

Simple Goal: Student will be able to write a sentence with dialogue with correct punctuation across 2 out of 3 sentences with an average accuracy rate of 90%.

Production and Distribution of Writing:

Note: If you are in a district that requires you to link a standard with your goal, these more general writing goals are your best friend. These can be used with a plethora of goals.

With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3 above.) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.4

Sample Goal: Student will be able to complete an outline for a paragraph about a topic and for a narrative, with an average accuracy rate of 80% across 10 trials.

With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1-3 up to and including grade 3  here .) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.5

Sample Goal: Student will be able to use a graphic organizer to brainstorm ideas about a skill level reading before writing, on 4 out of 5 trials with an average accuracy rate of 70%.

With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.6

Sample Goal: Student will be able to type a 5 sentence paragraph (that has been pre-written) on a computer in under 15 minutes with correct punctuation, with 5 out of 5 sentences with an average 70% accuracy rate for 3 trials.

Research To Build and Present Knowledge:

Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.7

(This can be used with the goals under 3.2)

Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.8

Sample Goal: Using a graphic organizer, Student will be able to write three key ideas after reading a skill level informational text on 3 out of 3 details with an average accuracy rate of 70% across 10 trials.

No 3.9 in third grade.

Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.10

Sample Goal: Student will be able to use a graphic organizer to check their writing for punctuation, spacing, capital letters, and clarity with 4 out of 4 elements across 10 trials with 75% accuracy.

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Written Expression IEP Goals: Writing Goals in Special Ed

It’s not uncommon for special education students to have reading IEP goals set out by the IEP team. Reading is an essential skill. Where we often drop the ball as a special education teacher is focusing as much time and effort on writing IEP goals. When a child struggles with reading, they often struggle with written expression. An important first step in focusing in on the specific skills associated with reading is to write companion written expression IEP goals.

IEP Goals for Written Expression - Ideas and Guide for Special Ed

What are Written Expression IEP Goals?

Written expression goals refer to specific objectives that students with special needs aim to achieve in the area of written communication. These goals are designed to address the student’s individual needs and abilities as part of their Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Written expression goals can cover various aspects of writing, such as grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, paragraph development, organization, and coherence. The goals can be short-term or long-term. They should be measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (see below). The goals are developed collaboratively by the student, parents, educators, and other professionals on the IEP team. They monitor and adjust those goals as needed to ensure that the student makes progress toward achieving them.

Why Write Written Expression IEP Goals?

Whether it’s writing an essay, taking notes, sending an email, or communicating in the workplace, the ability to write is essential. Being able to write as a functional skill can improve all aspects of postsecondary life. That includes independent living, employability, and social skills. On top of that, writing skills support all content areas. They allow a student to express their ideas on any given subject.

Written expression IEP goals should go hand in hand with reading goals in a child’s IEP. The National Reading Panel outlines the pillars of reading. They include phonemic awareness , phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. I think writing should accompany that.  

If a student struggle with reading, they likely struggle with writing too. Coupling instructional goals in this manner is a good educational practice since the two skills go hand in hand. A student that doesn’t master phonics likely struggles with spelling during writing assignments. Likewise, a student that has difficulty learning phonic skills or has weak phonemic awareness skills may also lack the necessary components needed to write successfully. Systematic instruction focused on writing is how you build better writing skills. An unintended consequence is building better reading skills.  

The Form and Function of Writing

Written expression IEP goals are goals that support a student’s ability to write. Remember, though, that this is a goal based on the function of writing, not the form of writing. In other words, it’s about the process of conveying one’s thoughts and ideas in writing. Goals about the form of writing, like properly holding a pencil or forming letters, is more about the student’s physical abilities, not cognitive skills.

For many students with complex access needs, the task of writing is a challenge. Beyond the many physical and sensory issues that make writing difficult, there are disability related hurdles too. Students may have learning and attention issues, memory and recall deficits, and problems organizing information. This makes written expression a challenging task. That’s why IEP goals that focus on the function of written expression are crucial. As is providing individualized support and instruction to help students improve their writing skills.

Written Expression with Winter Writing Prompts including an Idea Goal Bank

When Do We Write These IEP Goals?

IEP goals for written expression are typically written as annual goals. This is during the IEP development process for students with disabilities who qualify for special education services. The IEP team includes parents, educators, specialists, and the student (when appropriate). They meet to discuss the student’s strengths, weaknesses, goals, and progress in various areas, including written expression. Based on the student’s needs and abilities, the team identifies specific areas of writing that require improvement and sets individualized goals.

The goals should be designed to help the student make progress toward grade level standards. They should also address the student’s functional needs in daily life. The goals should also be appropriate for the student’s age, grade, and disability. They should consider the student’s learning style, interests, and preferences. Once the goals are written, the team discusses the instructional strategies, accommodations, and services that will support the student in achieving the goals and documents them in the IEP. Lastly, the team reviews the goals and the student’s progress toward them regularly. They should then adjust them as needed to ensure that the student makes progress toward achieving them.

SMART & Measurable Goals

SMART goals are S pecific, M easurable, A chievable, R elevant, and T ime-bound. SMART IEP goals are important because they provide clarity, motivation, accountability, and a clear framework for evaluating progress toward the goal. They help to ensure that the goals are relevant and achievable for the student. They also help to make sure instruction and supports are effective in helping the student achieve the goals.

Drafting measurable IEP goals is essential. Those are goals that can be quantified or observed. That makes tracking and evaluating progress toward the goal easier. Rubrics make a great grading tool. It’s an objective way to measure performance and progress in a consistent manner.  Then it’s easier to determine if the student is developing specific skills as an intended outcome of instruction and if the outlined educational program is effective. If not, then it’s easier to adjust the instruction and supports in a meaningful way.

Strategies for Setting Written Expression IEP Goals

Setting effective written expression IEP goals requires careful consideration of the student’s needs, abilities, and interests. Here are some strategies for setting written expression IEP goals:

  • Use assessment data : Assessments can provide valuable information about the student’s strengths and weaknesses in writing. Use the data to identify specific areas of writing that require improvement. Then use it to set measurable goals that address those areas.
  • Collaborate with the student : Involve the student in the goal-setting process as much as possible. Ask the student about their writing strengths and weaknesses, interests, and preferences, and use their input to set goals that are relevant and achievable.
  • Use SMART criteria : Set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This will keep the goals clear, focused, and relevant to the student’s needs.
  • Consider the writing process : Set goals that address various stages of the writing process. That includes planning, drafting, revising, and editing. This will help the student to have a comprehensive understanding of writing and is able to produce high-quality written work.
  • Use visual models and graphic organizers : Provide visual models and graphic organizers. This can help the student understand the structure and organization of written work. This can be particularly helpful for students with learning and attention issues.
  • Use informal assessments : Use informal assessments to monitor the student’s progress towards the goals and to adjust instruction and supports as needed. This can help ensure progress is being made toward the goals and that the goals remain relevant and achievable.

By using these strategies, educators and IEP teams can set effective written expression goals that are tailored to the student’s needs and abilities, and that help the student develop the skills needed to succeed in academic and personal settings.

Written Expression - be sure to include them in your IEP at a Glance

Areas of Focus with Written Expression IEP Goals

When setting written expression IEP goals, it’s important to consider the specific areas of writing that require improvement. Here are some areas of focus to consider:

  • Sentence structure and syntax : Set goals that address the student’s ability to write complete sentences with proper syntax and grammar. This can include goals related to sentence variety, subject-verb agreement, punctuation, and capitalization.
  • Paragraph structure and organization : Set goals that address the student’s ability to organize their writing into coherent paragraphs with a clear topic sentence and supporting detail sentences. This can include goals related to clear main ideas, transitions, paragraph length, and the use of graphic organizers.
  • Word usage and vocabulary : Set goals that address the student’s ability to use appropriate and varied vocabulary in their writing. This can include goals related to word choice, the use of descriptive language, and the use of word lists and dictionaries.
  • Writing style and tone : Set goals that address the student’s ability to write with a clear and appropriate style and tone. This can include goals related to the use of figurative language, the use of dialogue, and the development of a personal voice.
  • Written composition and essay assignments : Set goals that address the student’s ability to write longer, more complex pieces of writing, such as essays and research papers. This can include goals related to research skills, thesis development, and the use of sources.

By focusing on these areas, educators and IEP teams can set goals that are specific, measurable, and relevant to the student’s needs, and that helps the student develop the skills needed to produce high-quality written work.

Written Expression IEP Goals - Ideas and Guide for Special Ed

Ideas for Written Expression IEP Goals

Examples of written expression goals include writing a complete sentence, constructing a five-sentence paragraph, developing a thesis statement, using transition words, revising and editing one’s work, and writing an essay on a given topic. Here are five examples of written expression IEP goals that can help students improve their writing skills. Use these as models for your personal goal bank as you work to collect sample IEP goals for writing.

  • Example Goal #1: By the end of the school year, given a writing assignment, the student will write a five-sentence paragraph with transition words and detailed sentences, in 80% of opportunities, as measured by teacher observation.
  • Example Goal #2: By the end of the first semester, given a writing assignment, the student will write a complete sentence with correct capitalization and punctuation, with no more than two errors, in 90% of opportunities, as measured by a writing rubric.
  • Example Goal #3: By the end of the second semester, given a writing assignment, the student will write a paragraph with a clear main idea and at least two key details, in 80% of opportunities, as measured by teacher observation and a writing rubric.
  • Example Goal #4: By the end of the school year, given a writing assignment, the student will use appropriate vocabulary words and descriptive language to write a complete sentence with a clear subject-verb agreement, in 80% of opportunities, as measured by teacher observation and a writing rubric.
  • Example Goal #5: By the end of the second quarter, given a writing assignment, the student will use a graphic organizer to plan and organize a written composition with a clear main idea, at least three supporting details, and a logical organizational structure, in 80% of opportunities, as measured by teacher observation and a writing rubric.

Special education teachers as well as the IEP team need to start with a good IEP goal. Ideally, you should be able to gather objective data to track the goal. You may also want to consider the supports you set out in as part of the condition of the goal. That could include a word list, a sample sentence or sentence starters , of set the goal for a specific number of sentences in the writing sample. Personalize the student’s goals and be sure they are achievable goals. And remember, these are example IEP goals, not an exhaustive goal bank.

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Implementing and Monitoring Written Expression IEP Goals

Implementing and monitoring written expression IEP goals is essential to ensure that students are making progress toward their goals. Here are some strategies that educators and IEP teams can use to implement and monitor written expression IEP goals:

  • Regular progress monitoring: It’s important to regularly monitor the student’s progress toward their written expression goals. This can be done through regular writing assignments, teacher observations, and assessments. The data collected from progress monitoring can help educators make informed decisions about the student’s writing instruction and support. Remember to use short-term steps and objectives that support a larger goal.
  • Provide accommodations and modifications: Students with written expression difficulties may benefit from accommodations and modifications, such as extended time, use of a word processor, or the use of graphic organizers. Graphic organizers are a great visual model to help students process information. Providing these accommodations and modifications can help students access the writing curriculum and make progress toward their goals.
  • Deliver targeted instruction: Students with written expression difficulties may need targeted instruction to help them develop specific writing skills. This can include direct instruction on sentence structure, paragraph organization, or vocabulary development. Providing targeted instruction can help students develop the skills they need to achieve their written expression goals.
  • Provide feedback: Providing timely and specific feedback to students on their writing can help them improve their skills and make progress toward their goals. Feedback can be provided through teacher conferences, peer review, or written comments.

By implementing and monitoring written expression IEP goals using these strategies, educators and IEP teams can help students develop the skills they need to succeed in academic and personal settings.

Using Image Writing Promtps for Special Ed Goals

RECAP: Written Expression IEP Goals

Writing is a fundamental skill that can greatly impact a student’s academic and personal success. Setting effective written expression IEP goals is crucial to help students with writing difficulties make progress in their academic and personal lives. SMART and measurable goals, set collaboratively with the student and their support team, can help guide instruction and provide a clear target for progress monitoring. Strategies such as regular progress monitoring, accommodations and modifications, targeted instruction, and feedback can help implement and monitor written expression IEP goals.

With a focus on specific areas of writing skills such as sentence structure, paragraph organization, and vocabulary development, students can improve their writing skills and achieve success in their academic and personal lives. That all starts with a great writing goal that targets essential skills and is backed in educational research. And writing matters.

iep goal for essay writing

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Sample IEP Goals for Writing - Content, Fluency, Focus, Convention and Editing, and Style

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Sample IEP Goals for Writing - Content, Fluency, Focus, Convention and Editing, and Style

Developing IEP Goals for Writing

Lean about these sample IEP goals for writing

Content Goals

The following sample IEP writing goals are directed at improving the student’s content which includes the presence, development and support of ideas.

  • Given a writing assignment, the student will improve his content from a score of 2 (Basic) to a score of 3 (Proficient) using a district writing rubric.
  • With the use of a graphic organizer, the student will produce a (insert anticipated number) paragraph essay that includes a topic sentence, at least (insert anticipated number) transition words and a conclusion.
  • Given a topic, the student will compose (insert number of paragraphs required) in which each will include a topic sentence, at least (insert anticipated number) supporting details and logical sequence.

Fluency Goals

Depending on the level of the student, fluency goals can be used to measure letters written, words written or words written correctly (where words with spelling errors are not given credit).

  • Given a (insert number of minutes) timed writing probe, the student will increase the total number of words written correctly from (current baseline number of words) to (anticipated number of words)

Focus Goals

Focus is important in writing so the student does not go off topic and confuses the reader or presents too much, or conflicting, information.

  • Given a written assignment at his current grade level of (insert current grade level), the student will improve his focus (single topic or staying on a given topic) from a rubric score of 2 (Basic) to a rubric score of 3 (Proficient) on three out of four written assignments.

Conventions and Editing Goals

The goals in this section focus on the student’s ability to use the conventions of language properly, including correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and word usage and to correct mistakes through editing.

  • Given a one paragraph writing sample at the (student’s current grade level), the student will correct spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors accurately with two or fewer errors.
  • Given a prompt, the student will complete (anticipated number) sentences using correct capitalization and punctuation with (percentage of accuracy anticipated) increasing from baseline of (current percentage of accuracy).

Style Goals

Helping a students find his “voice” and improve his writing style can be one of the most difficult things to teach and measure. Goals should be specific, as whether a student has improved his writing style can be subjective.

  • Given a written assignment, the student will include at least three descriptive words appropriate to the text.
  • Given a three paragraph written assignment, the student will vary sentence structure throughout each paragraph.
  • Given a written assignment, the student will correctly include one or more simile and/or metaphor in his response.

Image by  Luci Goodman  from  Pixabay IEP Goals and Objectives Bank : Search IEP goals and objectives by content area. National Writing Project : Ideas and strategies by experienced teachers to help support and enhance writing instruction at all grade levels.

This post is part of the series: IEP Sample Goals in Academic Domains

Sample IEP goals for primary students with learning disabilities.

  • Reading and Math IEP Goals for Students With Disabilities
  • IEP Goals for Writing - With Samples
  • IEP How-To Videos: Get Informed On Self-Advocacy
  • How Advocates Can Help You and Your Child!
  • Testimonials

IEP Baselines: How to Write Goals That Are SMART

Although IEP baselines are critical, they are often overlooked in IEP writing. SMART is a well-known acronym that represents the aspects of a well-written goal: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic/relevant, and time-based. However, some districts still write goals that cause us to ask, “How are we going to measure this?” An example we have seen recently is “Jane will be more attentive during class.” This is clearly not measurable.

Many parents already know this, and push districts to clarify goals. Some districts write SMART goals with little to no prompting from parents.

One area where we see significant challenges is writing accurate IEP baselines. For example, sometimes we see baselines such as “John can write several sentences with a lot of teacher assistance.” This is vague. How many prompts are needed? What does several mean? How long are the sentences? What do we mean by a lot of teacher assistance?

A SMART version of a goal for this baseline might be “Using a graphic organizer, John will independently write a paragraph containing 7 sentences (at least 4 words per sentence) with 80% accuracy in 4 of 5 trials as measured by student work samples and teacher records.” John is learning to write, so this may very well be what takes him to the next level.

IEP baselines are the starting point of measuring progress. We cannot meaningfully measure progress unless we have a clear idea of where a student is now. If we want Jacob to sit in circle time without getting up for 10 consecutive minutes with a maximum of 2 verbal prompts, then we need to know how long Jacob can sit in circle time now and how many prompts he needs.

Some school professionals seem to welcome this input, and almost all acknowledge that it is the correct way to write IEP baselines and goals.

As parents, we understand. As advocates, we can help.

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  • Annual Membership
  • Lifetime Membership
  • Sample IEP Goals
  • Goals for IEP
  • IEP Behavior Goals
  • IEP Goal Bank
  • IEP Goals and Objectives
  • IEP Goals and Objectives Bank
  • IEP Goals for Autism
  • IEP Objectives
  • Individualized Education Program
  • Present Levels of Performance
  • Writing Good Goals

Writing IEP

  • Recommended Reading
  • Task Analysis

Writing IEP’s

Goals are all part of writing the Individualized Education Plan-Program (IEP). More importantly, writing good goals that meet the specific child’s need are critical to the process. A large number of educational jurisdictions tend to use SMART goals which stand for:

  • Time Limited 

Annual Goal – What should the student be doing?

1. What can the student reasonably be expected to accomplish in 12 months?

2. What areas of the general curriculum are affected by the disability?

3. What other academic or functional disability related needs should be addressed (including behavior, motor, social-emotional, communication, self-help)?

4. Is each goal measurable?

5. Are the goals related to information in the PLAAFP?

Objective/Benchmark – What will the student need to do in order to reach the annual goal?

1. What sequential intermediate steps or temporal milestones are needed to reach goal (2 or more for each goal)?

2. What indicators of progress toward meeting the goal will be measured intermittently during the year?

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  1. 53 Measurable IEP Goals for Writing and Written Expression (and Objectives)

    IEP Goal for Writing: Research and Concept. Write the main idea with some supporting details on a topic. Research and write to convey an understanding of a topic using at least one resource. Write clear, focused main ideas and supporting details on a topic. To develop a topic, write a multi-paragraph passage using details, examples, and ...

  2. IEP Goals for Written Expression: Best Practices

    Learn how to write effective IEP goals for written expression that are explicit, measurable, and tailored to the student's needs. Find examples of goals for different grade levels and purposes, such as essays, research papers, and self-editing.

  3. 15 Measurable IEP Goals and Objectives for Writing and ...

    Measurement. IEP Goal Bank. Lesson Plans. Publishing. Curriculum. All Posts. IEP Goals: Reading, Writing, Math. IEP Goals: Behavior-Social Skill. All IEP writing goals should focus on the student's strengths and areas for improvement. IEP goals can be difficult to come up with but we've created a printable list of measurable IEP goals that will ...

  4. Writing Goals for Special Education IEPs

    Find free, CCS-aligned IEP goals for writing and written expression, with goals for grammar, spelling, paragraphs, narratives and more. Browse sub-component skills and assessment ideas for students with special needs.

  5. IEP Goals for Writing: Enhancing Skills Effectively

    Additional Points in IEP Goals for Writing. Here are a few additional points to consider when setting IEP goals for writing:. Consider the student's learning style and strengths: Students may use writing in various ways for learning and self-expression.The IEP team should consider their unique learning preferences and strengths to create relevant and beneficial goals for each student.

  6. IEP Goals for Written Expression or Difficulty with Writing

    Consider writing goals for all skills in your child's IEP Goals for written expression. Keep in mind, when writing, your child must hold information in his head, then process it in his working memory. Your child can learn to use fine motor skills and good planning to get his ideas into writing.

  7. Free IEP Goal Bank With 110+ Goals and Free Tracking Sheets

    Writing IEP Goal Bank. Here are writing IEP goals for organization, fluency, and editing. Given a topic, [STUDENT] will write a sentence that accurately addresses the topic. ... [STUDENT] will write a three-paragraph essay about a topic that includes a clear introductory sentence, main idea, supporting details, and conclusion.

  8. Effective IEP Goals for Developing Writing Skills: A Comprehensive

    Goal 3: Expanding vocabulary and word choice. Objective 1: The student will participate in vocabulary-building activities to expand their word bank. Objective 2: The student will use a thesaurus to enhance word choice and improve the quality of their writing.

  9. Crafting Effective IEP Goals for Writing: Strategies for Student Success

    Short-term vs. Long-term Goals. An IEP may include both short-term and long-term writing goals.Short-term goals are typically achievable within a few weeks or months, while long-term goals encompass writing skills that may take a year or more to develop. It's important for the IEP team to establish a balance between these goals to ensure the student's writing progress is effectively ...

  10. Written Expression IEP Goals

    An essay is a type of written assignment that is typically longer and more detailed than other types of writing. Essays can be difficult and tedious for many students. An essay goal for an IEP might look something like this: The student will write a five-paragraph essay with a clear introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The ...

  11. Sample Writing Goals for IEPs

    These goals include work on staying on topic in a given piece of writing. Given pictures about broad subjects, (student's name) will write three words that narrow the topic, scoring 80% or higher ...

  12. Writing IEP Goals

    SMART IEP goals are: S pecific. M easurable. Use A ction words. R ealistic. T ime-limited. Educational research will help you identify essential skills in the core academic subjects of reading, writing, and math. When you know the sequence of skills for a subject, you will know how skills build on each other.

  13. Writing IEP Goals

    Writing IEP Goals...The SMART Way! Writing IEP goals can be frustrating and intimidating...but it doesn't have to be! Imagine that you show up to an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meeting, whether you are a parent or a professional, and you see a goal like this: "Bonnie will learn the letters of the alphabet." ...

  14. What is a good IEP goal for writing?

    Creating strong Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals for writing is essential for ensuring that students with disabilities receive the support they need to improve their writing skills. These goals should be aligned with grade-level standards and backward scaffolded to the student's current performance level. By setting clear, measurable objectives, educators can track progress and ...

  15. Written Expression Goals for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP

    For example, if the student is struggling to write essays, focus on setting goals related to essay writing. Set deadlines for the goals. This will help the student stay on track and motivated. ... The student's needs may change over time. Conclusion. Setting clear written expression goals in an IEP can help a 9th grade student overcome ...

  16. Measurable IEP Goals for Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

    These goals should encompass the development of complete and coherent sentences, as well as well-structured and organized paragraphs. 1. By the end of the term, when given a topic, the student will be able to write a complete sentence with correct grammar and punctuation with 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials. 2.

  17. 3rd Grade IEP Writing Goal Bank Based On The Common Core Standards

    CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.1. Advanced Goal: Student will be able to write three separate 1 paragraphs about their opinion with an introduction sentence, 3 reasons, 3 transition words, and a conclusion sentence, with an average accuracy rate of 90% across 3 paragraphs. Simple Goal: Student will be able to use a word bank of transition words to fill ...

  18. Written Expression IEP Goals: Writing Goals in Special Ed

    These goals are designed to address the student's individual needs and abilities as part of their Individualized Education Program (IEP). Written expression goals can cover various aspects of writing, such as grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, paragraph development, organization, and coherence. The goals can be short-term or long-term.

  19. PDF Writing Measurable IEP Goals

    GOAL #3. Student will ask appropriate "wh-"questions (who, what, when, and where) after reading a passage with 100% accuracy. Baseline: Two out of four questions correctly. After reading a passage, Student will ask 4 related "wh-" questions (one of each--who, what, when, where) as measured by teacher data sheet.

  20. Sample IEP Goals for Writing

    The following sample IEP writing goals are directed at improving the student's content which includes the presence, development and support of ideas. Given a writing assignment, the student will improve his content from a score of 2 (Basic) to a score of 3 (Proficient) using a district writing rubric. With the use of a graphic organizer, the ...

  21. IEP Goals: Core Concepts and Best Practices

    The IEP goal for this student should focus on developing written expressive skills (e.g., using outlines or other strategies to organize sentences in paragraphs) rather than a more curriculum-focused goal like writing an essay about the economy of a particular country.

  22. IEP Baselines: How to Write Goals That Are SMART

    Although IEP baselines are critical, they are often overlooked in IEP writing. SMART is a well-known acronym that represents the aspects of a well-written goal: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic/relevant, and time-based. However, some districts still write goals that cause us to ask, "How are we going to measure this?".

  23. Writing IEP

    Writing IEP. Writing IEP's. Goals are all part of writing the Individualized Education Plan-Program (IEP). More importantly, writing good goals that meet the specific child's need are critical to the process. A large number of educational jurisdictions tend to use SMART goals which stand for: Specific. Measurable.