TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable in JavaScript


Last updated: Mar 2, 2024 Reading time · 3 min


# TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable in JavaScript

The "Assignment to constant variable" error occurs when trying to reassign or redeclare a variable declared using the const keyword.

When a variable is declared using const , it cannot be reassigned or redeclared.

assignment to constant variable

Here is an example of how the error occurs.

type error assignment to constant variable

# Declare the variable using let instead of const

To solve the "TypeError: Assignment to constant variable" error, declare the variable using the let keyword instead of using const .

Variables declared using the let keyword can be reassigned.

We used the let keyword to declare the variable in the example.

Variables declared using let can be reassigned, as opposed to variables declared using const .

You can also use the var keyword in a similar way. However, using var in newer projects is discouraged.

# Pick a different name for the variable

Alternatively, you can declare a new variable using the const keyword and use a different name.

pick different name for the variable

We declared a variable with a different name to resolve the issue.

The two variables no longer clash, so the "assignment to constant" variable error is no longer raised.

# Declaring a const variable with the same name in a different scope

You can also declare a const variable with the same name in a different scope, e.g. in a function or an if block.

declaring const variable with the same name in different scope

The if statement and the function have different scopes, so we can declare a variable with the same name in all 3 scopes.

However, this prevents us from accessing the variable from the outer scope.

# The const keyword doesn't make objects immutable

Note that the const keyword prevents us from reassigning or redeclaring a variable, but it doesn't make objects or arrays immutable.

const keyword does not make objects immutable

We declared an obj variable using the const keyword. The variable stores an object.

Notice that we are able to directly change the value of the name property even though the variable was declared using const .

The behavior is the same when working with arrays.

Even though we declared the arr variable using the const keyword, we are able to directly change the values of the array elements.

The const keyword prevents us from reassigning the variable, but it doesn't make objects and arrays immutable.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

  • SyntaxError: Unterminated string constant in JavaScript
  • TypeError (intermediate value)(...) is not a function in JS

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Borislav Hadzhiev

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TypeError: Assignment to constant variable when using React useState hook

Abstract: Learn about the common error 'TypeError: Assignment to constant variable' that occurs when using the React useState hook in JavaScript. Understand the cause of the error and how to resolve it effectively.

If you are a React developer, you have probably come across the useState hook, which is a powerful feature that allows you to manage state in functional components. However, there may be times when you encounter a TypeError: Assignment to constant variable error while using the useState hook. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and how to resolve it.

Understanding the Error

The TypeError: Assignment to constant variable error occurs when you attempt to update the value of a constant variable that is declared using the const keyword. In React, when you use the useState hook, it returns an array with two elements: the current state value and a function to update the state value. If you mistakenly try to assign a new value to the state variable directly, you will encounter this error.

Common Causes

There are a few common causes for this error:

  • Forgetting to invoke the state update function: When using the useState hook, you need to call the state update function to update the state value. For example, instead of stateVariable = newValue , you should use setStateVariable(newValue) . Forgetting to invoke the function will result in the TypeError: Assignment to constant variable error.
  • Using the wrong state update function: If you have multiple state variables in your component, make sure you are using the correct state update function for each variable. Mixing up the state update functions can lead to this error.
  • Declaring the state variable inside a loop or conditional statement: If you declare the state variable inside a loop or conditional statement, it will be re-initialized on each iteration or when the condition changes. This can cause the TypeError: Assignment to constant variable error if you try to update the state value.

Resolving the Error

To resolve the TypeError: Assignment to constant variable error, you need to ensure that you are using the state update function correctly and that you are not re-declaring the state variable inside a loop or conditional statement.

If you are forgetting to invoke the state update function, make sure to add parentheses after the function name when updating the state value. For example, change stateVariable = newValue to setStateVariable(newValue) .

If you have multiple state variables, double-check that you are using the correct state update function for each variable. Using the wrong function can result in the error. Make sure to match the state variable name with the corresponding update function.

Lastly, if you have declared the state variable inside a loop or conditional statement, consider moving the declaration outside of the loop or conditional statement. This ensures that the state variable is not re-initialized on each iteration or when the condition changes.

The TypeError: Assignment to constant variable error is a common mistake when using the useState hook in React. By understanding the causes of this error and following the suggested resolutions, you can overcome this issue and effectively manage state in your React applications.

Tags: :  javascript reactjs react-state

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JS Uncaught in Promise: What It Is and How to Fix It


**Uncaught in promise: What it is and how to fix it**

JavaScript promises are a powerful tool for asynchronous programming. They allow you to write code that doesn’t block the UI, and they make it easy to chain together multiple asynchronous operations. However, promises can also be a source of errors, and one of the most common is the “uncaught in promise” error.

In this article, we’ll take a look at what the “uncaught in promise” error is, why it happens, and how you can fix it. We’ll also provide some tips for writing more reliable promise-based code.

What is the “uncaught in promise” error?

The “uncaught in promise” error occurs when a promise is rejected and the rejection handler is not called. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but the most common is when the promise is rejected with an error that is not handled by the rejection handler.

For example, the following code will throw an “uncaught in promise” error:

js const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject(new Error(‘This is an error’)); });

promise.then(() => { // This code will never be executed because the promise is rejected });

The error in the above code is not handled by the rejection handler, so it is thrown as an “uncaught in promise” error.

Why does the “uncaught in promise” error happen?

The “uncaught in promise” error can happen for a variety of reasons, but the most common is when the promise is rejected with an error that is not handled by the rejection handler.

There are a few things that can cause a promise to be rejected with an error:

  • The promise may be rejected with an error that is thrown by a function that is called inside the promise’s callback.
  • The promise may be rejected with an error that is thrown by a function that is called inside the promise’s constructor.
  • The promise may be rejected with an error that is thrown by a function that is called inside the promise’s then() or catch() methods.

How do you fix the “uncaught in promise” error?

There are a few ways to fix the “uncaught in promise” error. The best way to fix the error depends on the cause of the error.

If the error is caused by a function that is called inside the promise’s callback, you can fix the error by handling the error in the callback.

For example, the following code fixes the error in the previous example:

promise.then(() => { // This code will never be executed because the promise is rejected }).catch((error) => { // This code will handle the error console.log(error); });

If the error is caused by a function that is called inside the promise’s constructor, you can fix the error by handling the error in the constructor.

For example, the following code fixes the error in the following example:

js const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { throw new Error(‘This is an error’); });

If the error is caused by a function that is called inside the promise’s then() or catch() methods, you can fix the error by handling the error in the then() or catch() method.

Tips for writing more reliable promise-based code

Here are a few tips for writing more reliable promise-based code:

  • Use try/catch blocks to handle errors. If you call a function inside a promise’s callback, and that function throws an error, the error will be thrown as an “uncaught in promise” error. To avoid this, you can use a try/catch block to handle the error.

In JavaScript, a promise is a type of object that represents the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation. When a promise is rejected, it means that the asynchronous operation has failed. An uncaught promise is a promise that has been rejected and has not been handled by any code.

Uncaught promises can be a problem because they can cause errors in your JavaScript code. These errors can be difficult to debug, as they may not occur until the asynchronous operation has completed. Uncaught promises can also lead to unexpected behavior in your code.

In this guide, we will discuss what uncaught promises are, why they are a problem, and how to handle them. We will also provide some examples of how to handle uncaught promises in your own code.

What is an uncaught promise?

A promise is a JavaScript object that represents the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation. When a promise is rejected, it means that the asynchronous operation has failed. An uncaught promise is a promise that has been rejected and has not been handled by any code.

Here is an example of an uncaught promise:

js const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { reject(‘Error’); }, 1000); });

promise.then(() => { // This code will not be executed because the promise is rejected });

In this example, the promise is rejected after 1 second. The then() callback will not be executed because the promise is rejected. This is an example of an uncaught promise.

Why are uncaught promises a problem?

Here are some examples of the problems that uncaught promises can cause:

* **Errors in your JavaScript code.** When a promise is rejected, it will throw an error. This error will be caught by the JavaScript runtime and will be displayed in the console. However, if the promise is not handled by any code, the error will not be caught and will be lost. This can make it difficult to debug your code, as you may not know where the error is coming from. * **Unexpected behavior in your code.** When a promise is rejected, it may cause unexpected behavior in your code. For example, a promise that is rejected may cause a function to stop working, or it may cause a page to crash. This can be very frustrating for users, as they may not know what is causing the problem.

How to handle uncaught promises

There are a few ways to handle uncaught promises. The best way to handle uncaught promises depends on the specific situation.

Here are some of the most common ways to handle uncaught promises:

* **Use the catch() method.** The catch() method allows you to handle the rejection of a promise. You can use the catch() method to log the error, or you can use it to take some other action. * **Use the finally() method.** The finally() method allows you to execute some code regardless of whether the promise is rejected or fulfilled. You can use the finally() method to clean up resources, or you can use it to do some other cleanup. * **Use a promise library.** There are a number of promise libraries available that can help you handle uncaught promises. These libraries provide a number of features that can help you make your code more robust, such as error handling and cancellation.

Examples of handling uncaught promises

Here are some examples of how to handle uncaught promises in your own code:

* **Using the catch() method:**

promise.catch((error) => { // This code will be executed if the promise is rejected console.log(error); });

* **Using the finally() method:**

promise.finally(() => { // This code will be executed regardless of whether the promise is rejected or fulfilled console.log(‘Cleaning up resources’); });

  • Using a promise library:

There are a number of promise libraries available that can help you handle uncaught promises. Here is an example of how to use the `Promise`

What is an uncaught promise in JavaScript?

A promise is a JavaScript object that represents a value that is not yet available. Promises are used to handle asynchronous code, which is code that does not execute immediately. Instead, asynchronous code is queued up and executed later, when the required resources are available.

When a promise is created, it is in a pending state. This means that the promise has not yet been fulfilled or rejected. Once the promise is fulfilled, it will be in a fulfilled state. This means that the promise has returned a value. Once the promise is rejected, it will be in a rejected state. This means that the promise has thrown an error.

An uncaught promise is a promise that has been rejected but has not been handled. This can happen if the promise is rejected in a callback function that is not called. Uncaught promises can cause errors in your JavaScript code.

There are a few ways to handle uncaught promises.

  • One way is to use the `.catch()` method on the promise. This method will be called when the promise is rejected, and you can use it to handle the error.

js const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Do something asynchronous that might throw an error

if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(value); } });

promise.catch(error => { // Handle the error });

  • Another way to handle uncaught promises is to use the `.finally()` method on the promise. This method will be called regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled or rejected, and you can use it to clean up any resources that were used by the promise.

promise.finally(() => { // Clean up any resources that were used by the promise });

  • You can also use the `PromiseRejectionEvent` event to handle uncaught promises. This event is fired when a promise is rejected. You can listen for this event in your JavaScript code and handle the error accordingly.

js window.addEventListener(‘unhandledrejection’, (event) => { // Handle the error });

Uncaught promises can be a problem, but they can be easily handled by using the `.catch()`, `.finally()`, or `PromiseRejectionEvent` methods. By handling uncaught promises, you can prevent errors in your JavaScript code and ensure that your code behaves as expected.

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:

  • [MDN: Promise](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise)
  • [JavaScript Promise Tutorial](https://javascript.info/promises)

A: A JavaScript uncaught promise is a promise that has been rejected without being handled. This can happen when a promise is rejected with an error that is not caught by any of the promise’s listeners.

Q: What are the symptoms of a JavaScript uncaught promise?

A: There are a few symptoms that you may see if you have a JavaScript uncaught promise. These include:

  • The console will display an error message that includes the text “Uncaught”.
  • The application may crash or freeze.
  • The application may not behave as expected.

Q: What causes a JavaScript uncaught promise?

A: There are a few things that can cause a JavaScript uncaught promise. These include:

  • Errors in the code that are not caught by any of the promise’s listeners.
  • Promises that are rejected with errors that are not handled by the promise’s listeners.
  • Promises that are rejected with errors that are not handled by the application’s error handling code.

Q: How can I fix a JavaScript uncaught promise?

A: There are a few things you can do to fix a JavaScript uncaught promise. These include:

  • Catch the error in the promise’s listeners. If you know that a promise is likely to throw an error, you can catch the error in the promise’s listeners. This will prevent the promise from being rejected and causing an uncaught promise.
  • Handle the error in the application’s error handling code. If you are not able to catch the error in the promise’s listeners, you can handle the error in the application’s error handling code. This will prevent the application from crashing or freezing.
  • Use a promise library that handles errors. There are a number of promise libraries available that can help you to handle errors. These libraries can make it easier to catch and handle errors in promises, and can help to prevent uncaught promises.

Q: What are the best practices for handling JavaScript promises?

A: There are a few best practices that you can follow to help you handle JavaScript promises more effectively. These include:

  • Use promise libraries. Promise libraries can help you to catch and handle errors in promises, and can help to prevent uncaught promises.
  • Catch errors in the promise’s listeners. If you know that a promise is likely to throw an error, you can catch the error in the promise’s listeners. This will prevent the promise from being rejected and causing an uncaught promise.
  • Handle errors in the application’s error handling code. If you are not able to catch the error in the promise’s listeners, you can handle the error in the application’s error handling code. This will prevent the application from crashing or freezing.

Here are some key takeaways from this article:

  • Uncaught promises can occur when a promise is rejected without a catch handler, when a promise is rejected with an error that is not caught by a global error handler, or when a promise is rejected with an error that is not handled by the PromiseRejectionEvent listener.
  • To troubleshoot uncaught promises, you can use the debugger to inspect the stack trace of the promise rejection or you can use the console to print the stack trace of the promise rejection.
  • To prevent uncaught promises, you can use a catch handler to handle rejected promises, you can use a global error handler to handle errors that are not caught by a catch handler, or you can use the PromiseRejectionEvent listener to handle errors that are not handled by a global error handler.

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Marcus Greenwood

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Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable. Only in electron release #400


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How to Fix the ‘TypeError: invalid assignment to const “x” ‘ Error in Our JavaScript App?

  • Post author By John Au-Yeung
  • Post date August 22, 2021
  • No Comments on How to Fix the ‘TypeError: invalid assignment to const “x” ‘ Error in Our JavaScript App?

uncaught (in promise) typeerror assignment to constant variable. react

Sometimes, we may run into the ‘TypeError: invalid assignment to const "x"’ when we’re developing JavaScript apps.

In this article, we’ll look at how to fix the ‘TypeError: invalid assignment to const "x"’ when we’re developing JavaScript apps.

Fix the ‘TypeError: invalid assignment to const "x"’ When Developing JavaScript Apps

To fix the ‘TypeError: invalid assignment to const "x"’ when we’re developing JavaScript apps, we should make sure we aren’t assigning a variable declared with const to a new value.

On Firefox, the error message for this error is TypeError: invalid assignment to const "x" .

On Chrome, the error message for this error is TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

And on Edge, the error message for this error is TypeError: Assignment to const .

For example, the following code will throw this error:

We tried to assign 100 to COLUMNS which is declared with const , so we’ll get this error.

To fix this, we write:

to declare 2 variables, or we can use let to declare a variable that we can reassign a value to:

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uncaught (in promise) typeerror assignment to constant variable. react

By John Au-Yeung

Web developer specializing in React, Vue, and front end development.

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uncaught (in promise) typeerror assignment to constant variable. react

useState is a React Hook that lets you add a state variable to your component.


Set functions, like setsomething(nextstate), adding state to a component, updating state based on the previous state, updating objects and arrays in state, avoiding recreating the initial state, resetting state with a key, storing information from previous renders, i’ve updated the state, but logging gives me the old value, i’ve updated the state, but the screen doesn’t update, i’m getting an error: “too many re-renders”, my initializer or updater function runs twice, i’m trying to set state to a function, but it gets called instead.

Call useState at the top level of your component to declare a state variable.

The convention is to name state variables like [something, setSomething] using array destructuring.

See more examples below.

  • If you pass a function as initialState , it will be treated as an initializer function . It should be pure, should take no arguments, and should return a value of any type. React will call your initializer function when initializing the component, and store its return value as the initial state. See an example below.

useState returns an array with exactly two values:

  • The current state. During the first render, it will match the initialState you have passed.
  • The set function that lets you update the state to a different value and trigger a re-render.
  • useState is a Hook, so you can only call it at the top level of your component or your own Hooks. You can’t call it inside loops or conditions. If you need that, extract a new component and move the state into it.
  • In Strict Mode, React will call your initializer function twice in order to help you find accidental impurities. This is development-only behavior and does not affect production. If your initializer function is pure (as it should be), this should not affect the behavior. The result from one of the calls will be ignored.

The set function returned by useState lets you update the state to a different value and trigger a re-render. You can pass the next state directly, or a function that calculates it from the previous state:

  • If you pass a function as nextState , it will be treated as an updater function . It must be pure, should take the pending state as its only argument, and should return the next state. React will put your updater function in a queue and re-render your component. During the next render, React will calculate the next state by applying all of the queued updaters to the previous state. See an example below.

set functions do not have a return value.

The set function only updates the state variable for the next render . If you read the state variable after calling the set function, you will still get the old value that was on the screen before your call.

If the new value you provide is identical to the current state , as determined by an Object.is comparison, React will skip re-rendering the component and its children. This is an optimization. Although in some cases React may still need to call your component before skipping the children, it shouldn’t affect your code.

React batches state updates. It updates the screen after all the event handlers have run and have called their set functions. This prevents multiple re-renders during a single event. In the rare case that you need to force React to update the screen earlier, for example to access the DOM, you can use flushSync .

Calling the set function during rendering is only allowed from within the currently rendering component. React will discard its output and immediately attempt to render it again with the new state. This pattern is rarely needed, but you can use it to store information from the previous renders . See an example below.

In Strict Mode, React will call your updater function twice in order to help you find accidental impurities. This is development-only behavior and does not affect production. If your updater function is pure (as it should be), this should not affect the behavior. The result from one of the calls will be ignored.

Call useState at the top level of your component to declare one or more state variables.

useState returns an array with exactly two items:

  • The current state of this state variable, initially set to the initial state you provided.
  • The set function that lets you change it to any other value in response to interaction.

To update what’s on the screen, call the set function with some next state:

React will store the next state, render your component again with the new values, and update the UI.

Calling the set function does not change the current state in the already executing code :

It only affects what useState will return starting from the next render.

Basic useState examples

Example 1 of 4 : counter (number).

In this example, the count state variable holds a number. Clicking the button increments it.

Suppose the age is 42 . This handler calls setAge(age + 1) three times:

However, after one click, age will only be 43 rather than 45 ! This is because calling the set function does not update the age state variable in the already running code. So each setAge(age + 1) call becomes setAge(43) .

To solve this problem, you may pass an updater function to setAge instead of the next state:

Here, a => a + 1 is your updater function. It takes the pending state and calculates the next state from it.

React puts your updater functions in a queue. Then, during the next render, it will call them in the same order:

  • a => a + 1 will receive 42 as the pending state and return 43 as the next state.
  • a => a + 1 will receive 43 as the pending state and return 44 as the next state.
  • a => a + 1 will receive 44 as the pending state and return 45 as the next state.

There are no other queued updates, so React will store 45 as the current state in the end.

By convention, it’s common to name the pending state argument for the first letter of the state variable name, like a for age . However, you may also call it like prevAge or something else that you find clearer.

React may call your updaters twice in development to verify that they are pure.

Is using an updater always preferred?

You might hear a recommendation to always write code like setAge(a => a + 1) if the state you’re setting is calculated from the previous state. There is no harm in it, but it is also not always necessary.

In most cases, there is no difference between these two approaches. React always makes sure that for intentional user actions, like clicks, the age state variable would be updated before the next click. This means there is no risk of a click handler seeing a “stale” age at the beginning of the event handler.

However, if you do multiple updates within the same event, updaters can be helpful. They’re also helpful if accessing the state variable itself is inconvenient (you might run into this when optimizing re-renders).

If you prefer consistency over slightly more verbose syntax, it’s reasonable to always write an updater if the state you’re setting is calculated from the previous state. If it’s calculated from the previous state of some other state variable, you might want to combine them into one object and use a reducer.

The difference between passing an updater and passing the next state directly

Example 1 of 2 : passing the updater function.

This example passes the updater function, so the “+3” button works.

You can put objects and arrays into state. In React, state is considered read-only, so you should replace it rather than mutate your existing objects . For example, if you have a form object in state, don’t mutate it:

Instead, replace the whole object by creating a new one:

Read updating objects in state and updating arrays in state to learn more.

Examples of objects and arrays in state

Example 1 of 4 : form (object).

In this example, the form state variable holds an object. Each input has a change handler that calls setForm with the next state of the entire form. The { ...form } spread syntax ensures that the state object is replaced rather than mutated.

React saves the initial state once and ignores it on the next renders.

Although the result of createInitialTodos() is only used for the initial render, you’re still calling this function on every render. This can be wasteful if it’s creating large arrays or performing expensive calculations.

To solve this, you may pass it as an initializer function to useState instead:

Notice that you’re passing createInitialTodos , which is the function itself , and not createInitialTodos() , which is the result of calling it. If you pass a function to useState , React will only call it during initialization.

React may call your initializers twice in development to verify that they are pure.

The difference between passing an initializer and passing the initial state directly

Example 1 of 2 : passing the initializer function.

This example passes the initializer function, so the createInitialTodos function only runs during initialization. It does not run when component re-renders, such as when you type into the input.

You’ll often encounter the key attribute when rendering lists. However, it also serves another purpose.

You can reset a component’s state by passing a different key to a component. In this example, the Reset button changes the version state variable, which we pass as a key to the Form . When the key changes, React re-creates the Form component (and all of its children) from scratch, so its state gets reset.

Read preserving and resetting state to learn more.

Usually, you will update state in event handlers. However, in rare cases you might want to adjust state in response to rendering — for example, you might want to change a state variable when a prop changes.

In most cases, you don’t need this:

  • If the value you need can be computed entirely from the current props or other state, remove that redundant state altogether. If you’re worried about recomputing too often, the useMemo Hook can help.
  • If you want to reset the entire component tree’s state, pass a different key to your component.
  • If you can, update all the relevant state in the event handlers.

In the rare case that none of these apply, there is a pattern you can use to update state based on the values that have been rendered so far, by calling a set function while your component is rendering.

Here’s an example. This CountLabel component displays the count prop passed to it:

Say you want to show whether the counter has increased or decreased since the last change. The count prop doesn’t tell you this — you need to keep track of its previous value. Add the prevCount state variable to track it. Add another state variable called trend to hold whether the count has increased or decreased. Compare prevCount with count , and if they’re not equal, update both prevCount and trend . Now you can show both the current count prop and how it has changed since the last render .

Note that if you call a set function while rendering, it must be inside a condition like prevCount !== count , and there must be a call like setPrevCount(count) inside of the condition. Otherwise, your component would re-render in a loop until it crashes. Also, you can only update the state of the currently rendering component like this. Calling the set function of another component during rendering is an error. Finally, your set call should still update state without mutation — this doesn’t mean you can break other rules of pure functions.

This pattern can be hard to understand and is usually best avoided. However, it’s better than updating state in an effect. When you call the set function during render, React will re-render that component immediately after your component exits with a return statement, and before rendering the children. This way, children don’t need to render twice. The rest of your component function will still execute (and the result will be thrown away). If your condition is below all the Hook calls, you may add an early return; to restart rendering earlier.


Calling the set function does not change state in the running code :

This is because states behaves like a snapshot. Updating state requests another render with the new state value, but does not affect the count JavaScript variable in your already-running event handler.

If you need to use the next state, you can save it in a variable before passing it to the set function:

React will ignore your update if the next state is equal to the previous state, as determined by an Object.is comparison. This usually happens when you change an object or an array in state directly:

You mutated an existing obj object and passed it back to setObj , so React ignored the update. To fix this, you need to ensure that you’re always replacing objects and arrays in state instead of mutating them :

You might get an error that says: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop. Typically, this means that you’re unconditionally setting state during render , so your component enters a loop: render, set state (which causes a render), render, set state (which causes a render), and so on. Very often, this is caused by a mistake in specifying an event handler:

If you can’t find the cause of this error, click on the arrow next to the error in the console and look through the JavaScript stack to find the specific set function call responsible for the error.

In Strict Mode , React will call some of your functions twice instead of once:

This is expected and shouldn’t break your code.

This development-only behavior helps you keep components pure. React uses the result of one of the calls, and ignores the result of the other call. As long as your component, initializer, and updater functions are pure, this shouldn’t affect your logic. However, if they are accidentally impure, this helps you notice the mistakes.

For example, this impure updater function mutates an array in state:

Because React calls your updater function twice, you’ll see the todo was added twice, so you’ll know that there is a mistake. In this example, you can fix the mistake by replacing the array instead of mutating it :

Now that this updater function is pure, calling it an extra time doesn’t make a difference in behavior. This is why React calling it twice helps you find mistakes. Only component, initializer, and updater functions need to be pure. Event handlers don’t need to be pure, so React will never call your event handlers twice.

Read keeping components pure to learn more.

You can’t put a function into state like this:

Because you’re passing a function, React assumes that someFunction is an initializer function , and that someOtherFunction is an updater function , so it tries to call them and store the result. To actually store a function, you have to put () => before them in both cases. Then React will store the functions you pass.

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TypeError: can't assign to property "x" on "y": not an object

The JavaScript strict mode exception "can't assign to property" occurs when attempting to create a property on primitive value such as a symbol , a string , a number or a boolean . Primitive values cannot hold any property .

TypeError .

What went wrong?

In strict mode , a TypeError is raised when attempting to create a property on primitive value such as a symbol , a string , a number or a boolean . Primitive values cannot hold any property .

The problem might be that an unexpected value is flowing at an unexpected place, or that an object variant of a String or a Number is expected.

Invalid cases

Fixing the issue.

Either fix the code to prevent the primitive from being used in such places, or fix the issue by creating the object equivalent Object .

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Mobile app development, nodejs typeerror: assignment to constant variable.

Published By: Divya Mahi

Published On: November 17, 2023

Published In: Development

Grasping and Fixing the 'NodeJS TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable' Issue


Node.js, a powerful platform for building server-side applications, is not immune to errors and exceptions. Among the common issues developers encounter is the “NodeJS TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable.” This error can be a source of frustration, especially for those new to JavaScript’s nuances in Node.js. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what this error means, its typical causes, and how to effectively resolve it.

Understanding the Error

In Node.js, the “TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable” occurs when there’s an attempt to reassign a value to a variable declared with the const keyword. In JavaScript, const is used to declare a variable that cannot be reassigned after its initial assignment. This error is a safeguard in the language to ensure the immutability of variables declared as constants.

Diving Deeper

This TypeError is part of JavaScript’s efforts to help developers write more predictable code. Immutable variables can prevent bugs that are hard to trace, as they ensure that once a value is set, it cannot be inadvertently changed. However, it’s important to distinguish between reassigning a variable and modifying an object’s properties. The latter is allowed even with variables declared with const.

Common Scenarios and Fixes

Example 1: reassigning a constant variable.


Fix: Use let if you need to reassign the variable.

Example 2: Modifying an Object's Properties

Fix: Modify the property instead of reassigning the object.

Example 3: Array Reassignment

Fix: Modify the array’s contents without reassigning it.

Example 4: Within a Function Scope

Fix: Declare a new variable or use let if reassignment is needed.

Example 5: In Loops

Fix: Use let for variables that change within loops.

Example 6: Constant Function Parameters

Fix: Avoid reassigning function parameters directly; use another variable.

Example 7: Constants in Conditional Blocks

Fix: Use let if the variable needs to change.

Example 8: Reassigning Properties of a Constant Object

Fix: Modify only the properties of the object.

Strategies to Prevent Errors

Understand const vs let: Familiarize yourself with the differences between const and let. Use const for variables that should not be reassigned and let for those that might change.

Code Reviews: Regular code reviews can catch these issues before they make it into production. Peer reviews encourage adherence to best practices.

Linter Usage: Tools like ESLint can automatically detect attempts to reassign constants. Incorporating a linter into your development process can prevent such errors.

Best Practices

Immutability where Possible: Favor immutability in your code to reduce side effects and bugs. Normally use const to declare variables, and use let only if you need to change their values later .

Descriptive Variable Names: Use clear and descriptive names for your variables. This practice makes it easier to understand when a variable should be immutable.

Keep Functions Pure: Avoid reassigning or modifying function arguments. Keeping functions pure (not causing side effects) leads to more predictable and testable code.

The “NodeJS TypeError: Assignment to Constant Variable” error, while common, is easily avoidable. By understanding JavaScript’s variable declaration nuances and adopting coding practices that embrace immutability, developers can write more robust and maintainable Node.js applications. Remember, consistent coding standards and thorough code reviews are your best defense against common errors like these.

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