Education Degree

Your Guide to High School Subjects – The Core Subjects and Electives That Make Up a Standard High School Curriculum

By Brian Miller , Secondary Principal

education course in senior high school

Is this starting to sound like you?

Maybe you really loved the experience of all that discovery and learning that came from your high school science class and you want to be part of all that magic again… Maybe you had a high school English teacher who changed your life by showing a new way of seeing and understanding your own experiences through literature.

The curriculum you teach is the roadmap for the year, providing clarity and direction for what to teach and when to teach it. It’s also the bedrock for state standardized tests, and is generally built around the material that is considered essential for college admission and success.

Quality teachers understand that influencing kids and impacting the world is why they teach… while making use of a differentiated, student-centered pedagogy is how they teach.

As the final piece of the puzzle, the curriculum that’s provided to you by school leadership and your district is the brass tacks of what you teach.

What is The High School Curriculum? – A Breakdown of Standard High School Courses, Core Subjects and Electives

In simplest terms, high school curriculum is the knowledge and skills that students are expected to learn as they progress through the four years of high school. It is the content we teach them, and the framework of scholastic discipline and information that a school or school district deems necessary for student learning within a given year. It is the objectives, and it is the guiding force for every teacher.

At the high school level, curriculum is divided up into two groups of classes – Core subjects and elective classes.

  • Core subjects are the ones that every student in the United States is required to take in order to obtain their general high school diploma. Core subjects – sometimes known and general education courses – are a foundational part of the curriculum.
  • Elective classes are the extra classes. They are still required for graduation but allow students some freedom to pick and choose based on person interests – classes such as yearbook, journalism, weight training, and a hundred others.

Every subject taught within the school is expected to take students through a certain number of knowledge and skills sets within a given year. And the foundation for determining what knowledge and skills are most essential are defined by each state’s academic standards.

State academic standards are primarily concerned with what public school students are expected to learn in core subjects like reading, science, and math, but often cross over into other subjects, including health and PE. They are set by the state, not the federal government, and are assessed at the beginning and end of each academic year as a measurement of student growth.

If you are recently hired or are looking to enter the world of teaching and are curious about what you will be expected to teach, looking into your state’s teaching standards is the best place to start. Especially if you are interested in teaching one of the 5 core subjects.

What Are the 5 Core Subjects in a High School Curriculum?

education course in senior high school

What is core curriculum in high school?

The core curriculum then, will always include the five core subjects of English, math, science, history, and foreign language or health/phys ed, though there may be some different emphasis in particular areas of those subjects depending on the state and district.

You will also almost always find courses in basic computer literacy counted among the standard modern high school curriculum. But even when required for graduation, those types of classes aren’t typically counted among the core courses – not yet, anyway.

Ultimately, the answer to the question, “what is core curriculum in high school?”, is one that is both simple and fluid. Although there can be some minor differences from state to state and even school to school on the entirety of the school curriculum, there are some hard and fast components that can be found in any standard U.S. high school curriculum:

  • English:  Four years – American and World Literature, literary periods, poetry, research, and writing
  • Math: Four years – this often includes algebra, geometry, and trigonometry
  • Science: Three classes – this often involves biology, chemistry and physics
  • History: Three classes – U.S. history, world history and civics or government
  • Foreign Language: Two years (sometimes optional, depending on the state) – dependent on demand and what schools can provide.
  • Physical Education/Health: Two years – this can often be replaced with after-school activities, but those substitutions will need to be approved by the state or district
  • Computers: Two classes – typing, Office programs and even web design courses are standard in many states and districts now, so it’s not unreasonable to expect some computer classes to work their into core curriculum status in many more states in the coming years.
As technology has become an inseparable part of our daily lives, basic computer literacy classes are becoming less necessary since most kids are already way ahead of the game in that department. But classes in coding, computer programming, and software development are likely to become as essential as math and reading in the coming years, and it’s expected that high school curriculum will begin to reflect that.

What Other High School Subjects are Found in the Typical Curriculum?

education course in senior high school

Outside of the core classes, most schools will offer an array of other electives that are designed to meet the many needs and interests of students around the country preparing themselves to be job ready in the 21 st century.

In addition to the traditional subjects and emerging technology courses that are part of the standard high school curriculum in most states, schools will do their best to offer dual-credit and AP courses. These classes not only provide more challenging classes and an array of experiences for students, they provide students an opportunity to actually earn college credits while still in high school, reducing the number of years spent in college and saving a great deal of time and money in the process.

Also, schools and school districts have recently started to include an emphasis on implementing soft skills, digital citizenship, and social and emotional health into their curriculum, going well beyond the norms of traditional high school subjects.

Currently, these standards are not tied to any state assessment, but don’t be surprised if that changes in the near future. Social, emotional, and behavioral learning is starting to gain traction. If your state doesn’t require it, more than likely your school district will.

Want to be a great teacher who maximizes you students’ success? Get to know your curriculum. There is no better place to start.

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  • Published: 02 December 2020

Enhancing senior high school student engagement and academic performance using an inclusive and scalable inquiry-based program

  • Locke Davenport Huyer   ORCID: 1 , 2   na1 ,
  • Neal I. Callaghan   ORCID: 1 , 3   na1 ,
  • Sara Dicks 4 ,
  • Edward Scherer 4 ,
  • Andrey I. Shukalyuk 1 ,
  • Margaret Jou 4 &
  • Dawn M. Kilkenny   ORCID: 1 , 5  

npj Science of Learning volume  5 , Article number:  17 ( 2020 ) Cite this article

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The multi-disciplinary nature of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers often renders difficulty for high school students navigating from classroom knowledge to post-secondary pursuits. Discrepancies between the knowledge-based high school learning approach and the experiential approach of future studies leaves some students disillusioned by STEM. We present Discovery , a term-long inquiry-focused learning model delivered by STEM graduate students in collaboration with high school teachers, in the context of biomedical engineering. Entire classes of high school STEM students representing diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds engaged in iterative, problem-based learning designed to emphasize critical thinking concomitantly within the secondary school and university environments. Assessment of grades and survey data suggested positive impact of this learning model on students’ STEM interests and engagement, notably in under-performing cohorts, as well as repeating cohorts that engage in the program on more than one occasion. Discovery presents a scalable platform that stimulates persistence in STEM learning, providing valuable learning opportunities and capturing cohorts of students that might otherwise be under-engaged in STEM.

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High school students with diverse STEM interests often struggle to understand the STEM experience outside the classroom 1 . The multi-disciplinary nature of many career fields can foster a challenge for students in their decision to enroll in appropriate high school courses while maintaining persistence in study, particularly when these courses are not mandatory 2 . Furthermore, this challenge is amplified by the known discrepancy between the knowledge-based learning approach common in high schools and the experiential, mastery-based approaches afforded by the subsequent undergraduate model 3 . In the latter, focused classes, interdisciplinary concepts, and laboratory experiences allow for the application of accumulated knowledge, practice in problem solving, and development of both general and technical skills 4 . Such immersive cooperative learning environments are difficult to establish in the secondary school setting and high school teachers often struggle to implement within their classroom 5 . As such, high school students may become disillusioned before graduation and never experience an enriched learning environment, despite their inherent interests in STEM 6 .

It cannot be argued that early introduction to varied math and science disciplines throughout high school is vital if students are to pursue STEM fields, especially within engineering 7 . However, the majority of literature focused on student interest and retention in STEM highlights outcomes in US high school learning environments, where the sciences are often subject-specific from the onset of enrollment 8 . In contrast, students in the Ontario (Canada) high school system are required to complete Level 1 and 2 core courses in science and math during Grades 9 and 10; these courses are offered as ‘applied’ or ‘academic’ versions and present broad topics of content 9 . It is not until Levels 3 and 4 (generally Grades 11 and 12, respectively) that STEM classes become subject-specific (i.e., Biology, Chemistry, and/or Physics) and are offered as “university”, “college”, or “mixed” versions, designed to best prepare students for their desired post-secondary pursuits 9 . Given that Levels 3 and 4 science courses are not mandatory for graduation, enrollment identifies an innate student interest in continued learning. Furthermore, engagement in these post-secondary preparatory courses is also dependent upon achieving successful grades in preceding courses, but as curriculum becomes more subject-specific, students often yield lower degrees of success in achieving course credit 2 . Therefore, it is imperative that learning supports are best focused on ensuring that those students with an innate interest are able to achieve success in learning.

When given opportunity and focused support, high school students are capable of successfully completing rigorous programs at STEM-focused schools 10 . Specialized STEM schools have existed in the US for over 100 years; generally, students are admitted after their sophomore year of high school experience (equivalent to Grade 10) based on standardized test scores, essays, portfolios, references, and/or interviews 11 . Common elements to this learning framework include a diverse array of advanced STEM courses, paired with opportunities to engage in and disseminate cutting-edge research 12 . Therein, said research experience is inherently based in the processes of critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration. This learning framework supports translation of core curricular concepts to practice and is fundamental in allowing students to develop better understanding and appreciation of STEM career fields.

Despite the described positive attributes, many students do not have the ability or resources to engage within STEM-focused schools, particularly given that they are not prevalent across Canada, and other countries across the world. Consequently, many public institutions support the idea that post-secondary led engineering education programs are effective ways to expose high school students to engineering education and relevant career options, and also increase engineering awareness 13 . Although singular class field trips are used extensively to accomplish such programs, these may not allow immersive experiences for application of knowledge and practice of skills that are proven to impact long-term learning and influence career choices 14 , 15 . Longer-term immersive research experiences, such as after-school programs or summer camps, have shown successful at recruiting students into STEM degree programs and careers, where longevity of experience helps foster self-determination and interest-led, inquiry-based projects 4 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 .

Such activities convey the elements that are suggested to make a post-secondary led high school education programs successful: hands-on experience, self-motivated learning, real-life application, immediate feedback, and problem-based projects 20 , 21 . In combination with immersion in university teaching facilities, learning is authentic and relevant, similar to the STEM school-focused framework, and consequently representative of an experience found in actual STEM practice 22 . These outcomes may further be a consequence of student engagement and attitude: Brown et al. studied the relationships between STEM curriculum and student attitudes, and found the latter played a more important role in intention to persist in STEM when compared to self-efficacy 23 . This is interesting given that student self-efficacy has been identified to influence ‘motivation, persistence, and determination’ in overcoming challenges in a career pathway 24 . Taken together, this suggests that creation and delivery of modern, exciting curriculum that supports positive student attitudes is fundamental to engage and retain students in STEM programs.

Supported by the outcomes of identified effective learning strategies, University of Toronto (U of T) graduate trainees created a novel high school education program Discovery , to develop a comfortable yet stimulating environment of inquiry-focused iterative learning for senior high school students (Grades 11 & 12; Levels 3 & 4) at non-specialized schools. Built in strong collaboration with science teachers from George Harvey Collegiate Institute (Toronto District School Board), Discovery stimulates application of STEM concepts within a unique term-long applied curriculum delivered iteratively within both U of T undergraduate teaching facilities and collaborating high school classrooms 25 . Based on the volume of medically-themed news and entertainment that is communicated to the population at large, the rapidly-growing and diverse field of biomedical engineering (BME) were considered an ideal program context 26 . In its definition, BME necessitates cross-disciplinary STEM knowledge focused on the betterment of human health, wherein Discovery facilitates broadening student perspective through engaging inquiry-based projects. Importantly, Discovery allows all students within a class cohort to work together with their classroom teacher, stimulating continued development of a relevant learning community that is deemed essential for meaningful context and important for transforming student perspectives and understandings 27 , 28 . Multiple studies support the concept that relevant learning communities improve student attitudes towards learning, significantly increasing student motivation in STEM courses, and consequently improving the overall learning experience 29 . Learning communities, such as that provided by Discovery , also promote the formation of self-supporting groups, greater active involvement in class, and higher persistence rates for participating students 30 .

The objective of Discovery , through structure and dissemination, is to engage senior high school science students in challenging, inquiry-based practical BME activities as a mechanism to stimulate comprehension of STEM curriculum application to real-world concepts. Consequent focus is placed on critical thinking skill development through an atmosphere of perseverance in ambiguity, something not common in a secondary school knowledge-focused delivery but highly relevant in post-secondary STEM education strategies. Herein, we describe the observed impact of the differential project-based learning environment of Discovery on student performance and engagement. We identify the value of an inquiry-focused learning model that is tangible for students who struggle in a knowledge-focused delivery structure, where engagement in conceptual critical thinking in the relevant subject area stimulates student interest, attitudes, and resulting academic performance. Assessment of study outcomes suggests that when provided with a differential learning opportunity, student performance and interest in STEM increased. Consequently, Discovery provides an effective teaching and learning framework within a non-specialized school that motivates students, provides opportunity for critical thinking and problem-solving practice, and better prepares them for persistence in future STEM programs.

Program delivery

The outcomes of the current study result from execution of Discovery over five independent academic terms as a collaboration between Institute of Biomedical Engineering (graduate students, faculty, and support staff) and George Harvey Collegiate Institute (science teachers and administration) stakeholders. Each term, the program allowed senior secondary STEM students (Grades 11 and 12) opportunity to engage in a novel project-based learning environment. The program structure uses the problem-based engineering capstone framework as a tool of inquiry-focused learning objectives, motivated by a central BME global research topic, with research questions that are inter-related but specific to the curriculum of each STEM course subject (Fig. 1 ). Over each 12-week term, students worked in teams (3–4 students) within their class cohorts to execute projects with the guidance of U of T trainees ( Discovery instructors) and their own high school teacher(s). Student experimental work was conducted in U of T teaching facilities relevant to the research study of interest (i.e., Biology and Chemistry-based projects executed within Undergraduate Teaching Laboratories; Physics projects executed within Undergraduate Design Studios). Students were introduced to relevant techniques and safety procedures in advance of iterative experimentation. Importantly, this experience served as a course term project for students, who were assessed at several points throughout the program for performance in an inquiry-focused environment as well as within the regular classroom (Fig. 1 ). To instill the atmosphere of STEM, student teams delivered their outcomes in research poster format at a final symposium, sharing their results and recommendations with other post-secondary students, faculty, and community in an open environment.

figure 1

The general program concept (blue background; top left ) highlights a global research topic examined through student dissemination of subject-specific research questions, yielding multifaceted student outcomes (orange background; top right ). Each program term (term workflow, yellow background; bottom panel ), students work on program deliverables in class (blue), iterate experimental outcomes within university facilities (orange), and are assessed accordingly at numerous deliverables in an inquiry-focused learning model.

Over the course of five terms there were 268 instances of tracked student participation, representing 170 individual students. Specifically, 94 students participated during only one term of programming, 57 students participated in two terms, 16 students participated in three terms, and 3 students participated in four terms. Multiple instances of participation represent students that enrol in more than one STEM class during their senior years of high school, or who participated in Grade 11 and subsequently Grade 12. Students were surveyed before and after each term to assess program effects on STEM interest and engagement. All grade-based assessments were performed by high school teachers for their respective STEM class cohorts using consistent grading rubrics and assignment structure. Here, we discuss the outcomes of student involvement in this experiential curriculum model.

Student performance and engagement

Student grades were assigned, collected, and anonymized by teachers for each Discovery deliverable (background essay, client meeting, proposal, progress report, poster, and final presentation). Teachers anonymized collective Discovery grades, the component deliverable grades thereof, final course grades, attendance in class and during programming, as well as incomplete classroom assignments, for comparative study purposes. Students performed significantly higher in their cumulative Discovery grade than in their cumulative classroom grade (final course grade less the Discovery contribution; p  < 0.0001). Nevertheless, there was a highly significant correlation ( p  < 0.0001) observed between the grade representing combined Discovery deliverables and the final course grade (Fig. 2a ). Further examination of the full dataset revealed two student cohorts of interest: the “Exceeds Expectations” (EE) subset (defined as those students who achieved ≥1 SD [18.0%] grade differential in Discovery over their final course grade; N  = 99 instances), and the “Multiple Term” (MT) subset (defined as those students who participated in Discovery more than once; 76 individual students that collectively accounted for 174 single terms of assessment out of the 268 total student-terms delivered) (Fig. 2b, c ). These subsets were not unrelated; 46 individual students who had multiple experiences (60.5% of total MTs) exhibited at least one occasion in achieving a ≥18.0% grade differential. As students participated in group work, there was concern that lower-performing students might negatively influence the Discovery grade of higher-performing students (or vice versa). However, students were observed to self-organize into groups where all individuals received similar final overall course grades (Fig. 2d ), thereby alleviating these concerns.

figure 2

a Linear regression of student grades reveals a significant correlation ( p  = 0.0009) between Discovery performance and final course grade less the Discovery contribution to grade, as assessed by teachers. The dashed red line and intervals represent the theoretical 1:1 correlation between Discovery and course grades and standard deviation of the Discovery -course grade differential, respectively. b , c Identification of subgroups of interest, Exceeds Expectations (EE; N  = 99, orange ) who were ≥+1 SD in Discovery -course grade differential and Multi-Term (MT; N  = 174, teal ), of which N  = 65 students were present in both subgroups. d Students tended to self-assemble in working groups according to their final course performance; data presented as mean ± SEM. e For MT students participating at least 3 terms in Discovery , there was no significant correlation between course grade and time, while ( f ) there was a significant correlation between Discovery grade and cumulative terms in the program. Histograms of total absences per student in ( g ) Discovery and ( h ) class (binned by 4 days to be equivalent in time to a single Discovery absence).

The benefits experienced by MT students seemed progressive; MT students that participated in 3 or 4 terms ( N  = 16 and 3, respectively ) showed no significant increase by linear regression in their course grade over time ( p  = 0.15, Fig. 2e ), but did show a significant increase in their Discovery grades ( p  = 0.0011, Fig. 2f ). Finally, students demonstrated excellent Discovery attendance; at least 91% of participants attended all Discovery sessions in a given term (Fig. 2g ). In contrast, class attendance rates reveal a much wider distribution where 60.8% (163 out of 268 students) missed more than 4 classes (equivalent in learning time to one Discovery session) and 14.6% (39 out of 268 students) missed 16 or more classes (equivalent in learning time to an entire program of Discovery ) in a term (Fig. 2h ).

Discovery EE students (Fig. 3 ), roughly by definition, obtained lower course grades ( p  < 0.0001, Fig. 3a ) and higher final Discovery grades ( p  = 0.0004, Fig. 3b ) than non-EE students. This cohort of students exhibited program grades higher than classmates (Fig. 3c–h ); these differences were significant in every category with the exception of essays, where they outperformed to a significantly lesser degree ( p  = 0.097; Fig. 3c ). There was no statistically significant difference in EE vs. non-EE student classroom attendance ( p  = 0.85; Fig. 3i, j ). There were only four single day absences in Discovery within the EE subset; however, this difference was not statistically significant ( p  = 0.074).

figure 3

The “Exceeds Expectations” (EE) subset of students (defined as those who received a combined Discovery grade ≥1 SD (18.0%) higher than their final course grade) performed ( a ) lower on their final course grade and ( b ) higher in the Discovery program as a whole when compared to their classmates. d – h EE students received significantly higher grades on each Discovery deliverable than their classmates, except for their ( c ) introductory essays and ( h ) final presentations. The EE subset also tended ( i ) to have a higher relative rate of attendance during Discovery sessions but no difference in ( j ) classroom attendance. N  = 99 EE students and 169 non-EE students (268 total). Grade data expressed as mean ± SEM.

Discovery MT students (Fig. 4 ), although not receiving significantly higher grades in class than students participating in the program only one time ( p  = 0.29, Fig. 4a ), were observed to obtain higher final Discovery grades than single-term students ( p  = 0.0067, Fig. 4b ). Although trends were less pronounced for individual MT student deliverables (Fig. 4c–h ), this student group performed significantly better on the progress report ( p  = 0.0021; Fig. 4f ). Trends of higher performance were observed for initial proposals and final presentations ( p  = 0.081 and 0.056, respectively; Fig. 4e, h ); all other deliverables were not significantly different between MT and non-MT students (Fig. 4c, d, g ). Attendance in Discovery ( p  = 0.22) was also not significantly different between MT and non-MT students, although MT students did miss significantly less class time ( p  = 0.010) (Fig. 4i, j ). Longitudinal assessment of individual deliverables for MT students that participated in three or more Discovery terms (Fig. 5 ) further highlights trend in improvement (Fig. 2f ). Greater performance over terms of participation was observed for essay ( p  = 0.0295, Fig. 5a ), client meeting ( p  = 0.0003, Fig. 5b ), proposal ( p  = 0.0004, Fig. 5c ), progress report ( p  = 0.16, Fig. 5d ), poster ( p  = 0.0005, Fig. 5e ), and presentation ( p  = 0.0295, Fig. 5f ) deliverable grades; these trends were all significant with the exception of the progress report ( p  = 0.16, Fig. 5d ) owing to strong performance in this deliverable in all terms.

figure 4

The “multi-term” (MT) subset of students (defined as having attended more than one term of Discovery ) demonstrated favorable performance in Discovery , ( a ) showing no difference in course grade compared to single-term students, but ( b outperforming them in final Discovery grade. Independent of the number of times participating in Discovery , MT students did not score significantly differently on their ( c ) essay, ( d ) client meeting, or ( g ) poster. They tended to outperform their single-term classmates on the ( e ) proposal and ( h ) final presentation and scored significantly higher on their ( f ) progress report. MT students showed no statistical difference in ( i ) Discovery attendance but did show ( j ) higher rates of classroom attendance than single-term students. N  = 174 MT instances of student participation (76 individual students) and 94 single-term students. Grade data expressed as mean ± SEM.

figure 5

Longitudinal assessment of a subset of MT student participants that participated in three ( N  = 16) or four ( N  = 3) terms presents a significant trend of improvement in their ( a ) essay, ( b ) client meeting, ( c ) proposal, ( e ) poster, and ( f ) presentation grade. d Progress report grades present a trend in improvement but demonstrate strong performance in all terms, limiting potential for student improvement. Grade data are presented as individual student performance; each student is represented by one color; data is fitted with a linear trendline (black).

Finally, the expansion of Discovery to a second school of lower LOI (i.e., nominally higher aggregate SES) allowed for the assessment of program impact in a new population over 2 terms of programming. A significant ( p  = 0.040) divergence in Discovery vs. course grade distribution from the theoretical 1:1 relationship was found in the new cohort (S 1 Appendix , Fig. S 1 ), in keeping with the pattern established in this study.

Teacher perceptions

Qualitative observation in the classroom by high school teachers emphasized the value students independently placed on program participation and deliverables. Throughout the term, students often prioritized Discovery group assignments over other tasks for their STEM courses, regardless of academic weight and/or due date. Comparing within this student population, teachers spoke of difficulties with late and incomplete assignments in the regular curriculum but found very few such instances with respect to Discovery -associated deliverables. Further, teachers speculated on the good behavior and focus of students in Discovery programming in contrast to attentiveness and behavior issues in their school classrooms. Multiple anecdotal examples were shared of renewed perception of student potential; students that exhibited poor academic performance in the classroom often engaged with high performance in this inquiry-focused atmosphere. Students appeared to take a sense of ownership, excitement, and pride in the setting of group projects oriented around scientific inquiry, discovery, and dissemination.

Student perceptions

Students were asked to consider and rank the academic difficulty (scale of 1–5, with 1 = not challenging and 5 = highly challenging) of the work they conducted within the Discovery learning model. Considering individual Discovery terms, at least 91% of students felt the curriculum to be sufficiently challenging with a 3/5 or higher ranking (Term 1: 87.5%, Term 2: 93.4%, Term 3: 85%, Term 4: 93.3%, Term 5: 100%), and a minimum of 58% of students indicating a 4/5 or higher ranking (Term 1: 58.3%, Term 2: 70.5%, Term 3: 67.5%, Term 4: 69.1%, Term 5: 86.4%) (Fig. 6a ).

figure 6

a Histogram of relative frequency of perceived Discovery programming academic difficulty ranked from not challenging (1) to highly challenging (5) for each session demonstrated the consistently perceived high degree of difficulty for Discovery programming (total responses: 223). b Program participation increased student comfort (94.6%) with navigating lab work in a university or college setting (total responses: 220). c Considering participation in Discovery programming, students indicated their increased (72.4%) or decreased (10.1%) likelihood to pursue future experiences in STEM as a measure of program impact (total responses: 217). d Large majority of participating students (84.9%) indicated their interest for future participation in Discovery (total responses: 212). Students were given the opportunity to opt out of individual survey questions, partially completed surveys were included in totals.

The majority of students (94.6%) indicated they felt more comfortable with the idea of performing future work in a university STEM laboratory environment given exposure to university teaching facilities throughout the program (Fig. 6b ). Students were also queried whether they were (i) more likely, (ii) less likely, or (iii) not impacted by their experience in the pursuit of STEM in the future. The majority of participants (>82%) perceived impact on STEM interests, with 72.4% indicating they were more likely to pursue these interests in the future (Fig. 6c ). When surveyed at the end of term, 84.9% of students indicated they would participate in the program again (Fig. 6d ).

We have described an inquiry-based framework for implementing experiential STEM education in a BME setting. Using this model, we engaged 268 instances of student participation (170 individual students who participated 1–4 times) over five terms in project-based learning wherein students worked in peer-based teams under the mentorship of U of T trainees to design and execute the scientific method in answering a relevant research question. Collaboration between high school teachers and Discovery instructors allowed for high school student exposure to cutting-edge BME research topics, participation in facilitated inquiry, and acquisition of knowledge through scientific discovery. All assessments were conducted by high school teachers and constituted a fraction (10–15%) of the overall course grade, instilling academic value for participating students. As such, students exhibited excitement to learn as well as commitment to their studies in the program.

Through our observations and analysis, we suggest there is value in differential learning environments for students that struggle in a knowledge acquisition-focused classroom setting. In general, we observed a high level of academic performance in Discovery programming (Fig. 2a ), which was highlighted exceptionally in EE students who exhibited greater academic performance in Discovery deliverables compared to normal coursework (>18% grade improvement in relevant deliverables). We initially considered whether this was the result of strong students influencing weaker students; however, group organization within each course suggests this is not the case (Fig. 2d ). With the exception of one class in one term (24 participants assigned by their teacher), students were allowed to self-organize into working groups and they chose to work with other students of relatively similar academic performance (as indicated by course grade), a trend observed in other studies 31 , 32 . Remarkably, EE students not only excelled during Discovery when compared to their own performance in class, but this cohort also achieved significantly higher average grades in each of the deliverables throughout the program when compared to the remaining Discovery cohort (Fig. 3 ). This data demonstrates the value of an inquiry-based learning environment compared to knowledge-focused delivery in the classroom in allowing students to excel. We expect that part of this engagement was resultant of student excitement with a novel learning opportunity. It is however a well-supported concept that students who struggle in traditional settings tend to demonstrate improved interest and motivation in STEM when given opportunity to interact in a hands-on fashion, which supports our outcomes 4 , 33 . Furthermore, these outcomes clearly represent variable student learning styles, where some students benefit from a greater exchange of information, knowledge and skills in a cooperative learning environment 34 . The performance of the EE group may not be by itself surprising, as the identification of the subset by definition required high performers in Discovery who did not have exceptionally high course grades; in addition, the final Discovery grade is dependent on the component assignment grades. However, the discrepancies between EE and non-EE groups attendance suggests that students were engaged by Discovery in a way that they were not by regular classroom curriculum.

In addition to quantified engagement in Discovery observed in academic performance, we believe remarkable attendance rates are indicative of the value students place in the differential learning structure. Given the differences in number of Discovery days and implications of missing one day of regular class compared to this immersive program, we acknowledge it is challenging to directly compare attendance data and therefore approximate this comparison with consideration of learning time equivalence. When combined with other subjective data including student focus, requests to work on Discovery during class time, and lack of discipline/behavior issues, the attendance data importantly suggests that students were especially engaged by the Discovery model. Further, we believe the increased commute time to the university campus (students are responsible for independent transit to campus, a much longer endeavour than the normal school commute), early program start time, and students’ lack of familiarity with the location are non-trivial considerations when determining the propensity of students to participate enthusiastically in Discovery . We feel this suggests the students place value on this team-focused learning and find it to be more applicable and meaningful to their interests.

Given post-secondary admission requirements for STEM programs, it would be prudent to think that students participating in multiple STEM classes across terms are the ones with the most inherent interest in post-secondary STEM programs. The MT subset, representing students who participated in Discovery for more than one term, averaged significantly higher final Discovery grades. The increase in the final Discovery grade was observed to result from a general confluence of improved performance over multiple deliverables and a continuous effort to improve in a STEM curriculum. This was reflected in longitudinal tracking of Discovery performance, where we observed a significant trend of improved performance. Interestingly, the high number of MT students who were included in the EE group suggests that students who had a keen interest in science enrolled in more than one course and in general responded well to the inquiry-based teaching method of Discovery , where scientific method was put into action. It stands to reason that students interested in science will continue to take STEM courses and will respond favorably to opportunities to put classroom theory to practical application.

The true value of an inquiry-based program such as Discovery may not be based in inspiring students to perform at a higher standard in STEM within the high school setting, as skills in critical thinking do not necessarily translate to knowledge-based assessment. Notably, students found the programming equally challenging throughout each of the sequential sessions, perhaps somewhat surprising considering the increasing number of repeat attendees in successive sessions (Fig. 6a ). Regardless of sub-discipline, there was an emphasis of perceived value demonstrated through student surveys where we observed indicated interest in STEM and comfort with laboratory work environments, and desire to engage in future iterations given the opportunity. Although non-quantitative, we perceive this as an indicator of significant student engagement, even though some participants did not yield academic success in the program and found it highly challenging given its ambiguity.

Although we observed that students become more certain of their direction in STEM, further longitudinal study is warranted to make claim of this outcome. Additionally, at this point in our assessment we cannot effectively assess the practical outcomes of participation, understanding that the immediate effects observed are subject to a number of factors associated with performance in the high school learning environment. Future studies that track graduates from this program will be prudent, in conjunction with an ever-growing dataset of assessment as well as surveys designed to better elucidate underlying perceptions and attitudes, to continue to understand the expected benefits of this inquiry-focused and partnered approach. Altogether, a multifaceted assessment of our early outcomes suggests significant value of an immersive and iterative interaction with STEM as part of the high school experience. A well-defined divergence from knowledge-based learning, focused on engagement in critical thinking development framed in the cutting-edge of STEM, may be an important step to broadening student perspectives.

In this study, we describe the short-term effects of an inquiry-based STEM educational experience on a cohort of secondary students attending a non-specialized school, and suggest that the framework can be widely applied across virtually all subjects where inquiry-driven and mentored projects can be undertaken. Although we have demonstrated replication in a second cohort of nominally higher SES (S 1 Appendix , Supplementary Fig. 1 ), a larger collection period with more students will be necessary to conclusively determine impact independent of both SES and specific cohort effects. Teachers may also find this framework difficult to implement depending on resources and/or institutional investment and support, particularly if post-secondary collaboration is inaccessible. Offerings to a specific subject (e.g., physics) where experiments yielding empirical data are logistically or financially simpler to perform may be valid routes of adoption as opposed to the current study where all subject cohorts were included.

As we consider Discovery in a bigger picture context, expansion and implementation of this model is translatable. Execution of the scientific method is an important aspect of citizen science, as the concepts of critical thing become ever-more important in a landscape of changing technological landscapes. Giving students critical thinking and problem-solving skills in their primary and secondary education provides value in the context of any career path. Further, we feel that this model is scalable across disciplines, STEM or otherwise, as a means of building the tools of inquiry. We have observed here the value of differential inclusive student engagement and critical thinking through an inquiry-focused model for a subset of students, but further to this an engagement, interest, and excitement across the body of student participants. As we educate the leaders of tomorrow, we suggest that use of an inquiry-focused model such as Discovery could facilitate growth of a data-driven critical thinking framework.

In conclusion, we have presented a model of inquiry-based STEM education for secondary students that emphasizes inclusion, quantitative analysis, and critical thinking. Student grades suggest significant performance benefits, and engagement data suggests positive student attitude despite the perceived challenges of the program. We also note a particular performance benefit to students who repeatedly engage in the program. This framework may carry benefits in a wide variety of settings and disciplines for enhancing student engagement and performance, particularly in non-specialized school environments.

Study design and implementation

Participants in Discovery include all students enrolled in university-stream Grade 11 or 12 biology, chemistry, or physics at the participating school over five consecutive terms (cohort summary shown in Table 1 ). Although student participation in educational content was mandatory, student grades and survey responses (administered by high school teachers) were collected from only those students with parent or guardian consent. Teachers replaced each student name with a unique coded identifier to preserve anonymity but enable individual student tracking over multiple terms. All data collected were analyzed without any exclusions save for missing survey responses; no power analysis was performed prior to data collection.

Ethics statement

This study was approved by the University of Toronto Health Sciences Research Ethics Board (Protocol # 34825) and the Toronto District School Board External Research Review Committee (Protocol # 2017-2018-20). Written informed consent was collected from parents or guardians of participating students prior to the acquisition of student data (both post-hoc academic data and survey administration). Data were anonymized by high school teachers for maintenance of academic confidentiality of individual students prior to release to U of T researchers.

Educational program overview

Students enrolled in university-preparatory STEM classes at the participating school completed a term-long project under the guidance of graduate student instructors and undergraduate student mentors as a mandatory component of their respective course. Project curriculum developed collaboratively between graduate students and participating high school teachers was delivered within U of T Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering (FASE) teaching facilities. Participation allows high school students to garner a better understanding as to how undergraduate learning and career workflows in STEM vary from traditional high school classroom learning, meanwhile reinforcing the benefits of problem solving, perseverance, teamwork, and creative thinking competencies. Given that Discovery was a mandatory component of course curriculum, students participated as class cohorts and addressed questions specific to their course subject knowledge base but related to the defined global health research topic (Fig. 1 ). Assessment of program deliverables was collectively assigned to represent 10–15% of the final course grade for each subject at the discretion of the respective STEM teacher.

The Discovery program framework was developed, prior to initiation of student assessment, in collaboration with one high school selected from the local public school board over a 1.5 year period of time. This partner school consistently scores highly (top decile) in the school board’s Learning Opportunities Index (LOI). The LOI ranks each school based on measures of external challenges affecting its student population therefore schools with the greatest level of external challenge receive a higher ranking 35 . A high LOI ranking is inversely correlated with socioeconomic status (SES); therefore, participating students are identified as having a significant number of external challenges that may affect their academic success. The mandatory nature of program participation was established to reach highly capable students who may be reluctant to engage on their own initiative, as a means of enhancing the inclusivity and impact of the program. The selected school partner is located within a reasonable geographical radius of our campus (i.e., ~40 min transit time from school to campus). This is relevant as participating students are required to independently commute to campus for Discovery hands-on experiences.

Each program term of Discovery corresponds with a five-month high school term. Lead university trainee instructors (3–6 each term) engaged with high school teachers 1–2 months in advance of high school student engagement to discern a relevant overarching global healthcare theme. Each theme was selected with consideration of (a) topics that university faculty identify as cutting-edge biomedical research, (b) expertise that Discovery instructors provide, and (c) capacity to showcase the diversity of BME. Each theme was sub-divided into STEM subject-specific research questions aligning with provincial Ministry of Education curriculum concepts for university-preparatory Biology, Chemistry, and Physics 9 that students worked to address, both on-campus and in-class, during a term-long project. The Discovery framework therefore provides students a problem-based learning experience reflective of an engineering capstone design project, including a motivating scientific problem (i.e., global topic), subject-specific research question, and systematic determination of a professional recommendation addressing the needs of the presented problem.

Discovery instructors were volunteers recruited primarily from graduate and undergraduate BME programs in the FASE. Instructors were organized into subject-specific instructional teams based on laboratory skills, teaching experience, and research expertise. The lead instructors of each subject (the identified 1–2 trainees that built curriculum with high school teachers) were responsible to organize the remaining team members as mentors for specific student groups over the course of the program term (~1:8 mentor to student ratio).

All Discovery instructors were familiarized with program expectations and trained in relevant workspace safety, in addition to engagement at a teaching workshop delivered by the Faculty Advisor (a Teaching Stream faculty member) at the onset of term. This workshop was designed to provide practical information on teaching and was co-developed with high school teachers based on their extensive training and experience in fundamental teaching methods. In addition, group mentors received hands-on training and guidance from lead instructors regarding the specific activities outlined for their respective subject programming (an exemplary term of student programming is available in S 2 Appendix) .

Discovery instructors were responsible for introducing relevant STEM skills and mentoring high school students for the duration of their projects, with support and mentorship from the Faculty Mentor. Each instructor worked exclusively throughout the term with the student groups to which they had been assigned, ensuring consistent mentorship across all disciplinary components of the project. In addition to further supporting university trainees in on-campus mentorship, high school teachers were responsible for academic assessment of all student program deliverables (Fig. 1 ; the standardized grade distribution available in S 3 Appendix ). Importantly, trainees never engaged in deliverable assessment; for continuity of overall course assessment, this remained the responsibility of the relevant teacher for each student cohort.

Throughout each term, students engaged within the university facilities four times. The first three sessions included hands-on lab sessions while the fourth visit included a culminating symposium for students to present their scientific findings (Fig. 1 ). On average, there were 4–5 groups of students per subject (3–4 students per group; ~20 students/class). Discovery instructors worked exclusively with 1–2 groups each term in the capacity of mentor to monitor and guide student progress in all project deliverables.

After introducing the selected global research topic in class, teachers led students in completion of background research essays. Students subsequently engaged in a subject-relevant skill-building protocol during their first visit to university teaching laboratory facilities, allowing opportunity to understand analysis techniques and equipment relevant for their assessment projects. At completion of this session, student groups were presented with a subject-specific research question as well as the relevant laboratory inventory available for use during their projects. Armed with this information, student groups continued to work in their classroom setting to develop group-specific experimental plans. Teachers and Discovery instructors provided written and oral feedback, respectively , allowing students an opportunity to revise their plans in class prior to on-campus experimental execution.

Once at the relevant laboratory environment, student groups executed their protocols in an effort to collect experimental data. Data analysis was performed in the classroom and students learned by trial & error to optimize their protocols before returning to the university lab for a second opportunity of data collection. All methods and data were re-analyzed in class in order for students to create a scientific poster for the purpose of study/experience dissemination. During a final visit to campus, all groups presented their findings at a research symposium, allowing students to verbally defend their process, analyses, interpretations, and design recommendations to a diverse audience including peers, STEM teachers, undergraduate and graduate university students, postdoctoral fellows and U of T faculty.

Data collection

Teachers evaluated their students on the following associated deliverables: (i) global theme background research essay; (ii) experimental plan; (iii) progress report; (iv) final poster content and presentation; and (v) attendance. For research purposes, these grades were examined individually and also as a collective Discovery program grade for each student. For students consenting to participation in the research study, all Discovery grades were anonymized by the classroom teacher before being shared with study authors. Each student was assigned a code by the teacher for direct comparison of deliverable outcomes and survey responses. All instances of “Final course grade” represent the prorated course grade without the Discovery component, to prevent confounding of quantitative analyses.

Survey instruments were used to gain insight into student attitudes and perceptions of STEM and post-secondary study, as well as Discovery program experience and impact (S 4 Appendix ). High school teachers administered surveys in the classroom only to students supported by parental permission. Pre-program surveys were completed at minimum 1 week prior to program initiation each term and exit surveys were completed at maximum 2 weeks post- Discovery term completion. Surveys results were validated using a principal component analysis (S 1 Appendix , Supplementary Fig. 2 ).

Identification and comparison of population subsets

From initial analysis, we identified two student subpopulations of particular interest: students who performed ≥1 SD [18.0%] or greater in the collective Discovery components of the course compared to their final course grade (“EE”), and students who participated in Discovery more than once (“MT”). These groups were compared individually against the rest of the respective Discovery population (“non-EE” and “non-MT”, respectively ). Additionally, MT students who participated in three or four (the maximum observed) terms of Discovery were assessed for longitudinal changes to performance in their course and Discovery grades. Comparisons were made for all Discovery deliverables (introductory essay, client meeting, proposal, progress report, poster, and presentation), final Discovery grade, final course grade, Discovery attendance, and overall attendance.

Statistical analysis

Student course grades were analyzed in all instances without the Discovery contribution (calculated from all deliverable component grades and ranging from 10 to 15% of final course grade depending on class and year) to prevent correlation. Aggregate course grades and Discovery grades were first compared by paired t-test, matching each student’s course grade to their Discovery grade for the term. Student performance in Discovery ( N  = 268 instances of student participation, comprising 170 individual students that participated 1–4 times) was initially assessed in a linear regression of Discovery grade vs. final course grade. Trends in course and Discovery performance over time for students participating 3 or 4 terms ( N  = 16 and 3 individuals, respectively ) were also assessed by linear regression. For subpopulation analysis (EE and MT, N  = 99 instances from 81 individuals and 174 instances from 76 individuals, respectively ), each dataset was tested for normality using the D’Agostino and Pearson omnibus normality test. All subgroup comparisons vs. the remaining population were performed by Mann–Whitney U -test. Data are plotted as individual points with mean ± SEM overlaid (grades), or in histogram bins of 1 and 4 days, respectively , for Discovery and class attendance. Significance was set at α ≤ 0.05.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.

Data availability

The data that support the findings of this study are available upon reasonable request from the corresponding author DMK. These data are not publicly available due to privacy concerns of personal data according to the ethical research agreements supporting this study.

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This study has been possible due to the support of many University of Toronto trainee volunteers, including Genevieve Conant, Sherif Ramadan, Daniel Smieja, Rami Saab, Andrew Effat, Serena Mandla, Cindy Bui, Janice Wong, Dawn Bannerman, Allison Clement, Shouka Parvin Nejad, Nicolas Ivanov, Jose Cardenas, Huntley Chang, Romario Regeenes, Dr. Henrik Persson, Ali Mojdeh, Nhien Tran-Nguyen, Ileana Co, and Jonathan Rubianto. We further acknowledge the staff and administration of George Harvey Collegiate Institute and the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME), as well as Benjamin Rocheleau and Madeleine Rocheleau for contributions to data collation. Discovery has grown with continued support of Dean Christopher Yip (Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, U of T), and the financial support of the IBME and the National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) PromoScience program (PROSC 515876-2017; IBME “Igniting Youth Curiosity in STEM” initiative co-directed by DMK and Dr. Penney Gilbert). LDH and NIC were supported by Vanier Canada graduate scholarships from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and NSERC, respectively . DMK holds a Dean’s Emerging Innovation in Teaching Professorship in the Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science, U of T.

Author information

These authors contributed equally: Locke Davenport Huyer, Neal I. Callaghan.

Authors and Affiliations

Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Locke Davenport Huyer, Neal I. Callaghan, Andrey I. Shukalyuk & Dawn M. Kilkenny

Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Locke Davenport Huyer

Translational Biology and Engineering Program, Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Neal I. Callaghan

George Harvey Collegiate Institute, Toronto District School Board, Toronto, ON, Canada

Sara Dicks, Edward Scherer & Margaret Jou

Institute for Studies in Transdisciplinary Engineering Education & Practice, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Dawn M. Kilkenny

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LDH, NIC and DMK conceived the program structure, designed the study, and interpreted the data. LDH and NIC ideated programming, coordinated execution, and performed all data analysis. SD, ES, and MJ designed and assessed student deliverables, collected data, and anonymized data for assessment. SD assisted in data interpretation. AIS assisted in programming ideation and design. All authors provided feedback and approved the manuscript that was written by LDH, NIC and DMK.

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Correspondence to Dawn M. Kilkenny .

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Davenport Huyer, L., Callaghan, N.I., Dicks, S. et al. Enhancing senior high school student engagement and academic performance using an inclusive and scalable inquiry-based program. npj Sci. Learn. 5 , 17 (2020).

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Received : 05 December 2019

Accepted : 08 October 2020

Published : 02 December 2020


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The Benefits of Career and Technical Education Programs for High Schoolers

Once known as vocational schools, the new generation of CTE high schools can prepare students for well-paying jobs.

Not a Substitute for a College Degree

Two high school students working on an electronics project, building a small robotic contraption together.

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High school students who complete at least two course credits in a career pathway have about a 95% graduation rate, according to federal data – roughly 10% higher than the national average.

The “vocational education” of years ago has evolved from wood shop and home economics into a powerful educational reform tool. Some 8.3 million high school students participated in what are now called career and technology education, or CTE, pathways in 2020-2021, up from 7.5 million the previous year, according to the U.S. Department of Education.

With courses that range from landscape design to culinary arts, CTE is part of a robust national approach to boosting high school graduation rates and preparing students for well-paying jobs. Many districts even partner with industry to align their course offerings with labor market needs.

“This is a reconceptualization of what CTE looks like,” says Shaun Dougherty, professor of educational leadership and policy at Boston College . “Rather than a place where there are less demanding classes, there is a tighter link between education and workforce needs.”

Eleven years after Rashid Davis opened P-TECH Brooklyn, a public STEM-based career and technical high school, 44% of college graduates from the first class had been hired to work for the school’s industry partner, IBM.

The school’s two academic pathways are computer systems technology and electromechanical engineering technology - both of which hone the types of skills employers like IBM look for in hiring. A type of early college high school (also called a “9-14” school because it covers grades 9 through "14"), P-TECH Brooklyn integrates college courses into its curricula and offers both a high school diploma and a free two-year associate degree.

Since that first school opened in Brooklyn in 2011, P-TECH, which stands for Pathways in Technology Early College High School, has expanded to a network of more than 200 high schools throughout the United States, offering career pathways including health, education, advertising, television and energy technology.

“Our model is not just about job placement with industry partners,” Davis says. “It’s about taking advantage of the skills given to you. Some students don’t leave with an (associate) degree and choose to do college later, but they’re still better off in terms of preparedness than the traditional student.”

Meeting a Need for Skilled Labor

States use a variety of federal, state and local funds to pay for CTE programs, and the arguments for bigger investments in CTE programming are supported by research. High school students who complete at least two course credits in a career pathway have about a 95% graduation rate, according to federal data – roughly 10% higher than the national average. A 2019 study found that students who completed a CTE pathway scored significantly higher on the ACT composite math, science, English, reading and writing assessments than those who did not participate in one.

Investing in high-quality training programs is key to addressing labor shortages for skilled jobs, says Anthony Carnevale, director of Georgetown University 's Center on Education and the Workforce. Unlike many European countries, the U.S. doesn’t have federally backed training programs, but the time may have come, he says.

“We’re facing more and more labor shortages,” says Carnevale. “COVID has really helped that argument. There is also evidence that we’ll have shortages going forward because of low birth rates.”

More Options for Students

While a college degree tends to lead to higher earnings , the number of high school graduates attending college has declined steadily over the past decade. Combined with the growing demand for skilled workers, the astronomically rising cost of college may be driving declining college attendance.

What many experts call for is better school counseling and connections between high school, college and training programs so that it’s easier for students to understand all their post-high school options. It’s essential, they say, to engage industry and business in course approvals to make sure that students are learning the skills necessary for good jobs in their communities.

“The pendulum has swung towards ‘college for all’ and ‘high expectations for all,’ which we should have,” says Rebecca Wallace, assistant superintendent for secondary education and pathway preparation at the Washington State Department of Education. “What we also want to see is multiple pathways for all students.”

Wallace says that attending college does not preclude opportunities for students to take career-focused courses and do apprenticeships. The problem, she says, is that high school counselors don’t always let students know about these opportunities.

“If I’m a kid, I want to know all my options to get from point A to point B,” she says. “How many students are counseled about apprenticeships? Not many.”

In Washington, industry advisory committees approve courses at the school district level and are responsible for making sure that courses align with local labor market needs. In Seattle, public high school students have access to courses in hospitality management, environmental design and systems medical health science. In other parts of the state, courses include agricultural entrepreneurship, advanced manufacturing and fabrication. The annual cost of CTE is an average of $1,000 per student above other per-pupil expenses, Wallace says.

Washington state is behind the national average for college attendance. In 2018, almost 54% of Washington high school graduates enrolled in college right after graduating, compared to about 64% nationwide. But that same year, about 80% of Washington students who had participated in a CTE pathway were employed or enrolled in college within six months of graduating. In 2021, the graduation rate for Washington high school seniors overall was 82.5%, but it was 92.4% for those who had participated in a CTE pathway, according to Wallace.

Providing Coherence and Focus

Rather than limiting a student’s options, well-designed CTE pathways help get kids ready for college or a career by weaving together the skills needed for both, says Gary Hoachlander, president of ConnectED: The National Center for College and Career in Berkeley, California. ConnectED uses a “linked learning” model to help districts integrate career and college readiness into course pathways. Students choose a pathway in ninth grade and stay in it all the way until graduation.

Founded in 2006, ConnectED is now a national organization that coaches teachers and administrators within a course pathway to answer the question, “Why do I need to know this?” by connecting their curriculum to real-world applications. In the schools that use the linked learning model, the core academic courses in a pathway are aligned with the theme.

“The purpose of an industry theme is not to force kids to choose what they want to do ,” says Hoachlander, “but to provide the coherence and focus that allows students and teachers to make meaning of career and technical content.”

Students may go into a completely different field, he says, but they’ve had the experience of going deeply into a broad subject and mastering academic and technical content, which gives them more options after high school, he says.

Dougherty sees potential in this approach to help high school students make more informed decisions.

“We need to let our 16-year-olds know, these are the top employers in your community and the jobs pay this amount,” he says. “And this is the training you need and where you can go get it.”

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Teenage girl concentrating during STEM lesson.

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education course in senior high school

What we know about Career and Technical Education in high school

Subscribe to the center for economic security and opportunity newsletter, brian a. jacob brian a. jacob walter h. annenberg professor of education policy; professor of economics, and professor of education - university of michigan, former brookings expert.

October 5, 2017

  • 17 min read

Career and technical education (CTE) has traditionally played an important role in U.S. secondary schools. The first federal law providing funding for vocational education was passed in 1917, even before education was compulsory in every state. 1

CTE encompasses a wide range of activities intended to simultaneously provide students with skills demanded in the labor market while preparing them for post-secondary degrees in technical fields. Activities include not only specific career-oriented classes, but also internships, apprenticeships and in-school programs designed to foster work readiness.

CTE advocates cite several goals of career-oriented learning experiences. For non-college-bound students, CTE can provide hands-on training that translates directly to attractive careers upon graduation. Work-related or internship-like experiences that are often a part of CTE can teach students the “soft skills” necessary in the labor market. Finally, by integrating academic skills into a “real world” context, advocates claim that CTE can motivate students to attend school more frequently and be more engaged, and therefore improve core academic skills.

However, CTE has been on the decline for several decades. Starting in the 1980s, states increased the number of courses required for high school graduation, and began mandating students take additional courses in core academic areas such as math, science, social studies and foreign language. 2 These additional requirements, along with declining funding 3 and a growing perception that all young people should be encouraged to obtain a four-year college degree, led to a sharp decline in CTE participation. Between 1990 and 2009, the number of CTE credits earned by U.S. high school students dropped by 14 percent. 4

The past decade has seen a resurgence in interest in CTE. Scholarship in the area of education and the labor market has increased markedly. 5 In the past four years alone, media mentions of “career and technical education” have quadrupled. 6 In 2015 alone, 39 states instituted 125 new laws, policies or regulations relating to CTE, many of which increased state funding for such programs. Montana, for example, doubled the annual statewide appropriation for secondary CTE; Nevada tripled its funding. 7

Unfortunately, research on CTE has not kept pace with policy interest. 8

What does earlier non-experimental research tell us?

Prior non-experimental evidence suggests that students who participate in secondary CTE programs have higher employment and earnings than demographically-similar peers in the short run, but they do not necessarily have better academic outcomes. For example, many studies show little or no differences between CTE participants and comparison groups in terms of academic achievement, high school graduation or college enrollment. 9

A good example of this type of research is a recent study by Daniel Kreisman and Kevin Stange, which relies on data from the NLSY97, a nationally representative sample of 12- to 17- year-old youth in 1997 that tracks individuals over time.

They find that CTE participation is not strongly associated with educational attainment – CTE students are marginally less likely to enroll in college but no less likely to earn a degree – but CTE coursework does predict employment outcomes. Importantly, they find that CTE participation is associated with higher wages, with the increase driven entirely by upper-level coursework, defined as courses within a sequence beyond the introductory class, in more technical fields. Each additional year of upper-level vocational coursework is associated with a nearly 2 percent wage increase. 10 This suggests that the benefits of CTE education stem from in-depth study of a specific area consistent with the recent trend toward “pathways of study” within CTE. 11

As the authors recognize, however, the biggest challenge in evaluating CTE is that students typically self-select into such programs, or student choices are circumscribed by the types of programs offered in nearby schools. In either case, it is likely that students participating in CTE are different in many ways than other youth who do not participate in CTE – in terms of their personal abilities and interests, family background, etc. On the one hand, many observers have described CTE as a “dumping ground” for lower-achieving or unmotivated students. 12 On the other hand, because CTE is not the “default” pathway, the students who participate must be at least somewhat motivated and informed. 13

CTE can motivate students to attend school more frequently and be more engaged, and therefore improve core academic skills.

Kreisman and Stange attempt to circumvent this selection problem using what researchers refer to as an instrumental variables strategy. Simply put, they compare students across schools with different high school graduation requirements because, as they show, the greater the number of required courses, the fewer CTE courses students take. Using this approach, they find that the wage benefits associated with CTE disappear.

However, a key assumption here is that, after controlling for observable student and school characteristics, the students attending high schools with fewer graduation requirements are identical to those attending high schools with more graduation requirements. 14 As the authors recognize, this is a very strong assumption. If this assumption is true, it implies that students whose CTE course-taking is influenced by graduation requirements realize little benefit from it. Of course, it may still be the case that those who self-select into CTE benefit from it, and that prohibiting them from doing so would be detrimental.

A further complication is that virtually all of the existing research on CTE has focused on relatively short-run outcomes. This is a notable limitation because many believe that career-focused education involves a tradeoff – namely, learning a narrower set of technical skills that can provide short-run benefits at the expense of learning more fundamental skills that will better serve individuals in the long-run. 15 Indeed, a recent study using European data finds some evidence of exactly this type of tradeoff. 16 Given the changes we expect to take place in the labor market in coming years, and how often individuals might need to switch occupations, this is a potentially serious concern. Of course, advocates of CTE argue – with some justification – that career-oriented education today does aim to teach core academic skills essential to lifelong learning, and often does so better than traditional schooling, particularly for disadvantaged youth. 17

the gold standard

The single best way to avoid such selection problems and determine the causal impact of a policy or program is through a randomized control trial. While such experiments can be expensive and are often logistically or politically difficult, they have a long history in education policy research. Other research designs, known as quasi-experimental research, attempt to approximate the same design with statistical techniques.

According to the What Works Clearinghouse, for example, there are 83 programs with experimental or quasi-experimental evidence in the area of early childhood education, 39 programs for dropout-prevention, and 32 programs for English language learners.

In the area of secondary CTE, there is only 1. Yes, one. This study examined Career Academies in the early 1990s, before many of the occupations common today even existed and prior to the introduction of policies with important implications for secondary schools (e.g., school accountability). 18

Structured as distinct programs embedded within comprehensive high schools, the Career Academies provided students with career-oriented instruction in a particular field along with internships and other activities to prepare students for, and connect them with, the labor market. The schools in the study were located in or near large urban areas with predominantly low-income minority student populations. The Career Academy programs were oversubscribed, which permitted admissions to be determined by lottery.

Researchers found that Career Academies had no impact (positive or negative) on high school graduation, postsecondary enrollment or educational attainment. However, the study found that students who received the opportunity to attend a career academy earned 11 percent more than the control group. Interestingly, this positive wage effect was driven entirely by male students, who enjoyed a 17 percent earnings boost. Males defined as high-risk based on baseline characteristics (i.e. prior to high school) realized the largest benefits from the program. There was no significant difference between the earnings of females in the treatment and control group.

This single study has been cited hundreds of times, and is featured prominently in nearly every literature review and many policy proposals regarding CTE. While this was an extremely well-done evaluation of an important CTE model, it has important limitations. As noted elsewhere, Career Academies are a small component of CTE provision nationwide. 19 The study itself focused on a small number of sites which, as evidenced by their oversubscription, were perceived as high quality. 20

and then there were two

Compelling research on CTE recently doubled with the release of a new study of regional vocational and technical high schools (RVTS) in Massachusetts. 21

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Unlike the Career Academies described above, RVTS are entire schools devoted to career-oriented instruction. Students spend one week in the classroom followed by one week in a technical shop. While students in other schools have access to CTE courses, RVTS offer more variety in terms of the program of study, and the programs themselves are typically higher quality than those found in comprehensive high schools.

The author of the study, Shaun Dougherty, obtained detailed data on student applications to three RVTS. Because the schools are often oversubscribed, they admit students on the basis of their attendance, grades and discipline record in middle school. By comparing the educational outcomes of students who scored just above the admissions threshold (and thus were very likely to attend) and just below the admissions threshold (who mostly did not attend), Dougherty is able to account for the selection bias that has plagued prior CTE research. This approach is known as a regression discontinuity design. What Works Clearinghouse considers well-done studies of this type to provide evidence nearly as compelling as an RCT.

Dougherty finds that attending a RVTS dramatically increases the likelihood of high school graduation. Poor students are 32 percentage points more likely to graduate if they attend a RVTS, which represents a 60 percent increase given the baseline graduation rate of 50 percent. The effect for non-poor students is somewhat smaller, but still quite large – an increase of 23 percentage points from a baseline of 67 percent, suggesting a nearly 35 percent improvement. 22 At the same time, Dougherty finds that attending a RVTS has no impact (positive or negative) on the standardized math and reading exams that all Massachusetts students take at the end of 10 th grade.

where to go from here?

More rigorous research on CTE programs is clearly needed. To its credit, the Institute for Education Sciences (IES) recently initiated several new data collection and research grants in this area. The recent study by Dougherty is a great start, but only a start. Further progress requires a series of studies that build on each other, and examine different approaches to CTE. Because states play a large role in developing and overseeing CTE programming, they must take the lead. States have been very active in passing laws, issuing regulations and disseminating policies about CTE. States now need to step up and support a research agenda that can help ensure these new initiatives are successful.

The author did not receive any financial support from any firm or person for this article or from any firm or person with a financial or political interest in this article. He is currently not an officer, director, or board member of any organization with an interest in this article.

  • The Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 preceded the passage of compulsory attendance laws in Mississippi in 1918 , the last of the 48 states of the time to pass such a law.
  • Jacob et al. (2017). “Are Expectations Alone Enough? Estimating the Effect of a Mandatory College-Prep Curriculum in Michigan.” Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis,39(2): 333-360. .
  • U.S. Department of Education (2014). National assessment of career and technical education. Final report to congress. Technical report, Washington, DC.
  • Hudson, L. (2013). “Trends in CTE Coursetaking. data point.” National Center for Education Statistics, NCES 2014-901.
  • Shaun M. Dougherty and Allison R. Lomarbardi. “From Vocational Education to Career Readiness: The Ongoing Work of Linking Education and the Labor Market.” Chapter 10 in Review of Research in Education, March 2016, Vol. 40: 326–355
  • From 5,518 stories in 2014 to 22,755 stories from January 1 to September 28 of this year, based on author’s Meltwater analysis.
  • Corinne Alfeld made this same point in an IES blog post earlier this year.  See
  • For good reviews of this prior literature, see Kreisman and Stange (forthcoming) and Dougherty (forthcoming).
  • The benefits of upper-level CTE coursework is driven largely by those focusing in technical fields.
  • While selection bias is still a concern, it is worthwhile noting that the authors control for a very rich set of covariates including student demographics, parental income, parental education, student AFQT score, freshman year GPA, state of birth and various school characteristics.
  • See, for example, Kelly, S. & Price, H. (2009). Vocational education: A clear slate for disengaged students? Social Science Research, 38 (4), 810–825.
  • Insofar as CTE programs involve travel to/from worksites, it seems likely that participation requires more time than a student would have to devote to a standard high school track.
  • As the authors discuss in detail in the paper, there are two reasons why their instrumental variable results might differ from their OLS regression results. The first is that the students who self-select into CTE have some positive, unobservable characteristics that explain their success in the labor market. The second is that there is true heterogeneity in the returns to CTE – the students who self-select do indeed benefit from the experience, but those whose course-taking decisions can be swayed by their school’s graduation requirements do not benefit.
  • Among younger people, employment rates are higher among those with vocational education. However, this pattern reverses by age 50. These patterns are most pronounced in countries that have highly developed work-based education systems such as Germany, Denmark and Switzerland. See Hanushek et al. (2017). “General Education, Vocational Education, and Labor-Market Outcomes over the Life-Cycle.” Journal of Human Resources. 52(1): 49-88.
  • Kemple, J & Willner, C.J. (2008). Career academies: Long-term impacts on labor market outcomes, educational attainment, and transitions to adulthood . MDRC.
  • Kreisman and Stange (2016), “Vocational and Career Tech Education in American High Schools: The Value of Depth Over Breadth.” NBER working paper
  • And, if one looks beyond the headline results, the detailed findings of the Career Academy raise a number of important questions about the mechanisms, and thus generalizability, of the impacts. For example, students in the treatment group reported significantly higher levels of interpersonal support from teachers and peers than their comparison counterparts. While Career Academy students did engage in work-based experiences that control students did not, researchers found that the curricula and instructional materials used in the Career Academies were similar to those used in other parts of the high school, and did not meaningfully integrate academic content with career-related applications. Together these findings suggest that the benefits of attending a career academy may relate as much to the school culture as the particular career focus, similar to the benefits of attending a small school or “school-within-a-school.”Bloom, Howard S., and Rebecca Unterman. 2014. Can small high schools of choice improve educational prospects for disadvantaged students? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 33(2): 290–319.
  • Dougherty, S.M. (forthcoming). “The Effect of Career and Technical Education on Human Capital Accumulation: Causal Evidence from Massachusetts.” Education Finance & Policy.
  • These findings are consistent with some prior research suggesting that CTE participation can increase attachment to school. See, for example, the following studies: Plank, Stephen B., Stefanie DeLuca, and Angela Estacion. 2008. High school dropout and the role of career and technical education: A survival analysis of surviving high school. Sociology of Education 81(4): 345–370. Cellini, Stephanie Riegg, “Smoothing the Transition to College? The Effect of Tech-Prep Programs on Educational Attainment,” Economics of Education Review, 25(4), August 2006: 394-411.

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The Complete List of High School Classes – 2023 Edition

July 6, 2023

education course in senior high school

While we often think of course planning as something college students do, it’s equally important for high school students to be thoughtful about plotting their course load. Maybe you are hoping to squeeze in a fun elective. Or perhaps you are trying to determine what courses a prospective college requires. Regardless of your exact circumstances, it’s critical to know what options are available to you as a high school student. Fortunately, we’ve done some of the hard work for you. Below, we have collected a complete list of high school classes offered in the United States. Our list includes AP classes, high school science classes, math classes in high school, high school science classes, and much more. Whether you’re a rising high school student or on the verge of your senior year, this post will outline everything you need to know about high school course offerings.

What high school classes should I take?

If you’re reading this post, you probably have a central question in mind: what high school classes should I take? The answer to this question will depend on your specific circumstances, though there are a few core variables to consider.

College Course Requirements

If you are planning to attend a four-year college or university, that will play a major role in your high school course selection. Most colleges want to see applicants that are well-rounded. This means students who have taken a healthy mix of math, science, English, and history classes, as well as foreign languages and electives. Fortunately, most high schools in the United States account for this in their curricula. However, it’s worthwhile for students to investigate course requirements at their prospective colleges to assist with their planning.

Individual Interests

While it’s important that students anticipate requirements at prospective colleges, that doesn’t mean they should discount their own interests. After all, high school classes should help students explore topics in anticipation of their future education and career. For that reason, students should consider their interests, prospective major(s), and career goals when planning their high school courses. For example, a student who wants to be a software developer might take extra math and high school science classes. In contrast, a student who wishes to study journalism should load up on English and composition classes. They might even consider taking extra high school history courses and civics classes to gain the background knowledge that many journalists rely upon.

If you’re not sure what your future holds, that’s okay too! Explore a broad variety of classes to start zeroing in on your interests and ensure your transcript is well-rounded. By weighing your interests and goals, you can enroll in high school classes that will help you develop crucial skills for your academic and professional career.

Course Rigor

Finally, students should consider the rigor of their high school classes. Fundamentally, rigor is necessary to ensure you are challenging yourself. If you aren’t pushing yourself, you probably aren’t learning. However, rigor is also an important variable in college admissions. Admissions officers will evaluate your academic performance and transcript in light of the rigor of your classes. For this reason, it’s important to enroll in honors and AP-level courses where possible and appropriate.

Altogether, being thoughtful in your course selection can ensure you end up in classes that support your goals, align with your interests, and enable you to discover new skills, talents, and knowledge.

What should I do if my high school doesn’t offer many honors or AP courses?

Depending on your high school’s size, location, and resources, you may have numerous honors and AP courses to choose from. However, some students’ choices may be more limited. If you fall into this latter category, don’t panic. The rigor of your high school classes is important, but it’s also relative. Colleges understand that students have access to different resources and opportunities. That is why they will evaluate your transcript based on the opportunities available to you. How do they know what courses you had to choose from? Your high school’s college counselor tells them! Before you submit an application, your counselor will write a school profile, which contextualizes what courses are available at your school, among other topics. While it’s important to take advantage of the opportunities available at your school, don’t worry about what’s beyond your control. These differences will be accounted for during the college admissions process.

Also, keep in mind that you may not only be limited to the classes at your high school. Many students take dual enrollment courses through community colleges to earn college credit and engage in more rigorous coursework. If you are worried about the rigor of your high school classes, dual enrollment can be a great way to bolster your transcript and gain valuable experience in college-level courses.

Complete List of High School Classes

Below, we have compiled a list of high school courses based on data from the National Center for Education Statistics. Classes are alphabetized by subject. To avoid complicating this list, we have elected not to distinguish between honors and non-honors courses, though we do delineate between standard high school classes and AP courses.

This list can serve as a starting point for your course planning before you dive into your school’s course catalog. Keep in mind that it would be virtually impossible for a school to offer every course listed here. However, if you see a class you’re interested in that is unavailable at your school, you still have options. Check-in with your teachers or school counselor to see if you can conduct an independent study. If not, research dual enrollment programs at local community colleges to see if you can take classes there. Worst case scenario, keep those subjects in mind for your college course planning, as they may be available once you enroll at a four-year university.

High School Business Classes

Through business classes, students learn basic principles of economics and finance, engaging with topics such as organizational studies and marketing. Prospective business majors and entrepreneurs will likely find these classes rewarding. However, they are also a great fit for students who are undecided, as they can act as an entry point to a variety of careers within business, marketing, communications, finance, human resources, and law.

  • Banking and Finance
  • Business Law
  • Business Management
  • Consumer Education
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Introduction to Business
  • Personal Finance

High School Computer Science and Information Technology Classes

You might assume that computer science and IT courses are only for STEM-oriented students. However, in this day and age, everyone needs to have a basic understanding of technology. Taking these classes will provide you with technical skills, as well as a broad understanding of how various technologies operate.

  • App Development
  • Audio Production
  • Computer Programming
  • Computer Repair
  • Data Processing
  • Film Production
  • Graphic Design
  • Information Sciences and Systems
  • Media Technology
  • Music Production
  • Video Game Development
  • Web Programming
  • Word Processing

High School English and Language Arts Classes

Regardless of your interests, English is likely to form the backbone of your college and high school education. All students need to develop skills in writing and communication, as well as reading comprehension, research, and critical thinking. Even if your educational interests don’t include examining the works of Herman Melville, taking English classes will ensure you have the skills you need to understand complex ideas, vet information, and communicate effectively—competencies every adult needs!

  • American Literature
  • British Literature
  • Contemporary Literature
  • Creative Writing
  • Communications
  • English Language and Composition
  • English Literature and Composition
  • Journalism and Mass Communications
  • Literary Analysis
  • Modern Literature
  • Popular Literature
  • Speech and Debate
  • Technical and Business Writing
  • Works of Shakespeare
  • World Literature
  • Written and Oral Communication

High School Family and Consumer Science Classes

While it’s important that students take a diverse array of classes, those within family and consumer science arguably teach the skills students will use most on a day-to-day basis. From personal finance to food preparation, family and consumer science classes equip students with the skills necessary for independent living.

  • Chemistry of Foods and Food Sciences
  • CPR Training
  • Culinary Arts
  • Early Childhood Development
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Fashion and Retail Merchandising
  • Fashion Construction
  • Home Economics
  • Individual and Family Development
  • Interior Design

High School Foreign Language Classes

Foreign language classes are a requirement in most high school and college curricula and for good reason! Learning a language broadens your worldview, helping you understand the history, culture, and customs of another region of the world. These classes also challenge students to move beyond their comfort zone by developing a new skill, a quality that many colleges look for in applicants.

  • American Sign Language (ASL)
  • Ancient Greek

High School Math Classes

Having a basic knowledge of math is critical. After all, at some point, you’ll need to file taxes and assemble a household budget. However, math classes in high school will also help you develop your ability to interpret complex information and think logically. Moreover, math classes are a core requirement for many colleges, especially for students planning to pursue a career in STEM.

  • Computer Math
  • Consumer Math
  • Fundamentals of Math
  • Integrated Math
  • Math Applications
  • Multivariable Calculus
  • Practical Math
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Probability
  • Quantitative Literacy
  • Trigonometry

High School Performing Arts Classes

Classes within the performing arts enable students to develop knowledge of and appreciation for a variety of artistic media. Aside from this technical knowledge, these high school classes also help students develop their confidence and their ability to collaborate.

  • Concert Band
  • Marching Band
  • Music Theory
  • Theater Technology
  • World Music

High School Physical Education Classes

Perhaps the most polarizing entry on this list, physical education classes are often students’ most or least favorite. They are, however, important, as they help students develop knowledge, habits, and skills that will help them live healthy lives.

  • Lifeguard Training
  • Racket Sports
  • Specialized Sports
  • Weight Training

High School Science Classes

High School science courses are an important part of any education, as they help students learn to think analytically and conduct unbiased experiments. These classes also allow students to gather knowledge about the physical world, biological processes, and physics, among other topics.

  • Agriculture
  • Animal Sciences
  • Earth Science
  • Electronics and Robotics
  • Environmental Science

High School Science Classes (Continued)

  • Environmental Studies
  • Forensic Science
  • Horticulture
  • Marine Biology
  • Oceanography
  • Physical Science

High School Social Studies Classes

Social studies and high school history classes are another core component of most high school curricula. Aside from learning about historical figures and movements, these classes help students better understand local, national, and global events, as well as the cultures that shaped them.

  • Civics and Economics
  • Cultural Anthropology
  • Current Events
  • European History
  • Global Studies
  • Human Geography
  • International Relations
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Modern World Studies

High School History Classes (Continued)

  • Physical Anthropology
  • Political Studies
  • Religious Studies
  • US Government
  • Women’s Studies
  • World History
  • World Politics
  • World Religions

High School Visual Arts Classes

Aside from being a creative outlet, art classes help students develop analytical thinking skills, as they learn to recognize patterns and explore new modes of expression. Having a basic knowledge of visual art also provides them with information that will be useful in college and beyond.

  • Art History
  • Digital Media
  • Jewelry Design
  • Photography
  • Printmaking

High School Vocational Education Classes

Vocational education courses help students learn trades, such as mechanics, construction, plumbing, or cosmetology. These high school classes are a great fit for students considering attending a community college or trade school. They can also be a good way for students who are bound for a four-year university to learn valuable skills and explore new hobbies.

  • Auto Body Repair
  • Auto Mechanics
  • Building Construction
  • Computer-Aided Drafting
  • Cosmetology
  • Criminal Justice
  • Driver Education
  • Electronics
  • Future Farmers of America (FFA)
  • Fire Science
  • Heating and Cooling Systems
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC)
  • Metalworking
  • Production Technology
  • Refrigeration Fundamentals
  • Woodworking

AP Classes in High School

Advanced Placement (AP) courses provide students with an opportunity to take more rigorous courses and earn college credits. AP courses are available through College Board, though each high school will decide what classes they will offer to students. Those courses are alphabetized by subject below:

AP Capstone Diploma Program

  • AP Research

AP Art Classes

  • AP Art History
  • AP Music Theory

AP English Classes

  • AP English Language and Composition
  • AP English Literature and Composition

AP History and Social Science Classes

●     AP Comparative Government and Politics

  • AP European History
  • AP Human Geography
  • AP Macroeconomics
  • AP Microeconomics
  • AP Psychology
  • AP United States Government and Politics
  • AP United States History
  • AP World History: Modern

AP Math & Computer Science Classes

  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP Calculus BC
  • AP Computer Science A
  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • AP Precalculus
  • AP Statistics

AP High School Science Classes

  • AP Chemistry
  • AP Environmental Science
  • AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based
  • AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based
  • AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
  • AP Physics C: Mechanics

AP World Language and Culture Classes

  • AP Chinese Language and Culture
  • AP French Language and Culture
  • AP German Language and Culture
  • AP Italian Language and Culture
  • AP Japanese Language and Culture
  • AP Spanish Language and Culture
  • AP Spanish Literature and Culture

Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve perused the various high school classes that exist, it’s time to figure out your next steps. If you are an underclassman, you have the luxury of time. Research colleges and their requirements, and talk with your school’s counselor to determine what classes best align with your goals. If you’re an upperclassman, analyze your transcript and identify gaps you can fill to round out your high school career.

Regardless of your exact circumstances, your high school classes are an opportunity to explore new subjects, discover your strengths, and define your goals. While it’s important to be strategic in selecting your classes, don’t forget that education is about exploration. Balance your sense of strategy with a willingness to try new things and challenge yourself so you have ample opportunity to learn and grow.

Got more questions about high school course planning? Check out the resources below:

  • How Many AP Courses Should I Take?
  • Honors vs. AP Classes: What’s the Difference?
  • IB vs. AP: Which Classes Are Best for College Admissions in 2022-2023?
  • The Best High School Math Classes to Take
  • High School Success

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Emily Smith

Emily earned a BA in English and Communication Studies from UNC Chapel Hill and an MA in English from Wake Forest University. While at UNC and Wake Forest, she served as a tutor and graduate assistant in each school’s writing center, where she worked with undergraduate and graduate students from all academic backgrounds. She also worked as an editorial intern for the Wake Forest University Press as well as a visiting lecturer in the Department of English at WFU, and currently works as a writing center director in western North Carolina.

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What Grade Is A Senior In High School?

As you navigate through the high school years, you may find yourself wondering what grade a senior is in. High school can be a confusing time, with so many different grades and levels of education to keep track of. Whether you’re a student, a parent, or just someone curious about the American education system, understanding what grade a senior is in is essential knowledge.

In the United States, high school typically consists of four years of education, starting with freshman year and ending with senior year. Seniors are the final year of high school, and they are usually 17-18 years old. During their senior year, students are often focused on college applications, standardized testing, and preparing for the next phase of their lives. But before they can move on, they must successfully complete their senior year and graduate from high school, a milestone that marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

What Grade is a Senior in High School?

If you’re a high school student, you might be wondering what grade is considered a senior. In the United States, high school typically lasts for four years, and seniors are the students who are in their final year of high school. This article will break down what grade a senior is, what their academic responsibilities are, and what they can expect during their final year in high school.

Seniors in high school are typically in the 12th grade. They have completed their freshman, sophomore, and junior years and are now in their final year of high school. The 12th grade is a crucial year, as it is the last opportunity for students to improve their grades and enhance their academic record before applying to colleges and universities.

During their senior year, students take advanced courses in their areas of interest and work to improve their grades. They may also take standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT to bolster their college applications. Seniors must also begin to think about their future plans and what they want to do after high school, whether that be attending college, joining the military, or entering the workforce.

Academic Responsibilities of a Senior

Seniors in high school have a number of academic responsibilities. They must maintain a high level of academic achievement while balancing extracurricular activities and preparing for their future. Seniors are expected to take a rigorous course load, including advanced placement (AP) courses, honors courses, or dual enrollment classes.

In addition to maintaining good grades, seniors are also responsible for preparing for college or their future career. They must research colleges and universities, complete applications, and prepare for standardized tests. Seniors may also need to apply for financial aid or scholarships to help pay for their education.

Benefits of Being a Senior

While the senior year of high school can be challenging, it also comes with many benefits. Seniors have the opportunity to take advanced courses in their areas of interest and pursue their passions. They may also have the opportunity to participate in leadership roles in clubs or organizations, helping to build their leadership skills and enhance their resume.

In addition, seniors are often given more freedom and privileges than underclassmen. They may be allowed to leave campus for lunch or have a later start time. Seniors may also be honored with special events such as prom or a senior trip, marking the end of their high school career.

Senior Year vs. Freshman Year

The senior year of high school is vastly different from the freshman year. Freshmen are just beginning their high school journey and are adjusting to new surroundings, new teachers, and new classmates. They are often required to take more general courses to fulfill graduation requirements and are not given as much freedom as their senior counterparts.

In contrast, seniors are more focused on their future and have a clearer understanding of their interests and goals. They have the opportunity to take more advanced courses and may have a lighter course load if they have already fulfilled their graduation requirements. Seniors have a greater sense of independence and responsibility, as they prepare to enter the next phase of their lives.

In conclusion, a senior in high school is typically a student in their final year of high school, in the 12th grade. Seniors have a number of academic responsibilities, including maintaining good grades, preparing for college or their future career, and taking standardized tests. While the senior year can be challenging, it also comes with many benefits, including the opportunity to take advanced courses, pursue passions, and participate in special events. Overall, the senior year of high school is an important year, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next.

Frequently Asked Questions

What grade is a senior in high school.

A senior in high school is typically in their fourth and final year of high school. This means they are in the twelfth grade or 12th grade. Seniors are usually 17-18 years old and have completed most of their required coursework.

During their senior year, students may take advanced classes, participate in extracurricular activities, and apply to colleges or universities. Graduating seniors will receive their high school diploma at the end of the school year.

What is the difference between a junior and a senior in high school?

The main difference between a junior and a senior in high school is their grade level. A junior is in the eleventh grade and a senior is in the twelfth grade. Seniors are typically older than juniors, as they have completed an additional year of high school.

Juniors are usually focused on preparing for their senior year, such as taking standardized tests and researching colleges. Seniors are preparing for graduation and transitioning to post-secondary education or the workforce.

What age is a senior in high school?

Seniors in high school are typically 17-18 years old. This is because they have completed three years of high school and are in their fourth and final year. However, age can vary depending on a student’s individual circumstances, such as starting school early or taking a gap year.

Regardless of age, seniors in high school are expected to take on more responsibility and leadership roles within their school and community. They are also preparing for their future after high school.

What are some typical activities for seniors in high school?

Seniors in high school may participate in a variety of activities, both academic and extracurricular. Some common activities for seniors include taking advanced classes, participating in sports or clubs, volunteering in their community, and preparing for college or university.

Seniors may also attend prom, senior trips, and other special events to celebrate their last year of high school. Graduation ceremonies are the culmination of a senior’s high school experience and often include speeches, awards, and recognition for their achievements.

What happens after a senior graduates from high school?

After graduating from high school, seniors have several options for their future. Many seniors choose to attend a college or university to continue their education, while others may enter the workforce or pursue vocational training.

Some seniors may take a gap year to travel, work, or explore their interests before making a decision about their future. Regardless of their choice, graduating seniors are entering a new phase of their lives and will face new challenges and opportunities.

As a professional writer, it is important to provide a clear and concise answer to the question of what grade a senior in high school is. A senior in high school is typically in their fourth and final year of high school, and is therefore in the twelfth grade. This is an important milestone for students, as it marks the end of their high school career and the beginning of the next chapter in their lives.

Being a senior in high school is not just about academic achievement, but also about personal growth and preparing for the future. Seniors are often busy with college applications, standardized tests, and extracurricular activities, all while balancing the demands of their coursework. It is a time for reflection on the past and anticipation of the future, as they prepare to enter adulthood and take on new challenges. Whether they are headed to college, vocational school, or the workforce, seniors are poised to make a significant impact on the world around them.

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Senior Education

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Are you retired and looking for opportunities to get out of the house, have fun, and continue learning? Well, you're in luck! Senior and adult education programs are available nationwide, offering a wide range of classes and programs specifically designed for learners over the age of 55.

From personal enrichment classes to career preparation, these programs cater to the diverse interests and needs of older adults. Whether you want to explore a new hobby, brush up on your computer skills, or delve into academic subjects, there are options available to suit your preferences.

Not only can senior and adult education programs stimulate your mind and expand your knowledge, but they also offer a chance to socialize with like-minded individuals and engage in a supportive community of learners.

So, if you're ready to embark on a new educational journey, consider exploring the senior and adult education programs in your area. It's never too late to learn something new!

Why Senior Education?

Types of senior education available to adults over 55, where to find senior education programs, read more about senior education, continued education improves cognitive functioning..

According to various studies , intellectual stimulation has been found to have a positive impact on memory and can potentially reduce the risk of developing conditions like Alzheimer's or dementia. Continued engagement in activities that challenge the mind, such as reading, problem-solving, and learning new skills, has been associated with improved cognitive function and memory retention. It is believed that intellectual stimulation promotes neural plasticity and strengthens connections in the brain, leading to better memory performance.

Intellectual stimulation can take various forms, including reading, engaging in puzzles and games, participating in social activities, and pursuing hobbies or interests. By regularly engaging in intellectually stimulating activities, seniors can potentially enhance their memory abilities and maintain cognitive health as they age.

Senior education helps you "stay with the times."

In today's rapidly evolving world, technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace. From smartphones and tablets to social media platforms and software applications, staying up-to-date with the latest tech trends can be a daunting task for anyone, especially seniors. However, taking continued education courses can provide a valuable opportunity for seniors to stay in the know and keep pace with new technologies.

Consider enrolling in an introductory course focused on technology and gain confidence in using modern devices and apps. These courses are specifically designed to cater to those who may not have grown up with technology as an integral part of their lives. They provide a supportive learning environment where seniors can explore and familiarize themselves with the latest tech tools and concepts. One of the key benefits of taking these types of courses is that they offer hands-on training and guidance. Seniors are able to learn at their own pace, asking questions and receiving personalized assistance from experienced instructors. This approach helps to alleviate any fears or uncertainties that seniors and retirees may have about technology!

The benefits of staying in the know with new technology extend far beyond simply being able to operate devices. It opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to stay connected to loved ones through social media, access online resources and information, and even pursue online hobbies or entrepreneurial ventures.

Continued education is good for your emotional and mental health.

Continued education for seniors goes beyond acquiring new knowledge and skills. It also proves to have profound benefits in relation to social, emotional, and mental wellness. Research has shown that engaging in lifelong learning can boost your sense of purpose and self-worth. What's more, the social aspect of continued education provides opportunities to connect with others who share similar interests, fostering new relationships and combating feelings of depression and anxiety, leading to improved overall well-being.

Senior and adult education increases opportunities for socialization.

According to a report by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, nearly one-fourth of adults over the age of 65 are considered to be socially isolated. Senior adult education programs play a crucial role in fostering socialization. These programs and classes can provide valuable opportunities to connect, engage, and build meaningful relationships in supportive and inclusive environments where seniors and retirees can interact with like-minded peers, share experiences, and expand their social networks.

One of the key benefits of continued education programs is that they bring individuals together who have a common interest in learning. Whether it's attending a local community college, joining a book club, or participating in workshops or classes, these educational settings provide a platform for seniors to meet new people and form connections based on shared interests and passions. This sense of camaraderie can lead to the development of lasting friendships and support systems.

Also, these educational programs often involve group activities and collaborative learning experiences. Seniors have the opportunity to work together on projects, engage in discussions, and exchange ideas and perspectives. This all can encourage active participation and foster a sense of belonging.

Senior education programs may also include field trips, outings, or social events that provide additional opportunities for socialization. These activities allow students to engage in leisure activities, explore new environments, and bond over shared experiences. From museum visits to group hikes or cultural excursions, these outings encourage social interaction and create memorable moments that enrich the overall learning experience.

Continued education is fun!

Learning new skills and acquiring knowledge can be an incredibly enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Just imagine the excitement of attending college or taking courses on a subject that truly captures your interest, all without the pressure of grades hanging over your head. It's a unique opportunity to indulge in your passions and pursue learning purely for the joy of it.

Not to mention - the freedom to choose what you want to learn! Unlike formal education where the curriculum is predetermined, this learning journey allows you to explore areas that genuinely intrigue you. Whether it's art history, astronomy, culinary arts, or coding, you have the autonomy to delve into subjects that ignite your curiosity and bring you satisfaction.

So, embrace the joy of learning without grades. Take advantage of the opportunity to explore subjects that fascinate you, expand your knowledge, and cultivate new skills. Dive into the realm of lifelong learning, where education becomes a delightful pursuit driven by curiosity and personal growth. It's an incredible experience that allows you to continuously evolve, embrace new passions, and find fulfillment in the pursuit of knowledge.

Tuition-Free College Courses

Many colleges across the United States understand the value of lifelong learning and offer tuition-free courses specifically designed for seniors. These courses are typically offered as part of a senior citizen audit program, allowing older adults to attend classes without earning credits. While seniors may be responsible for purchasing their own textbooks and materials, some campuses even provide senior discounts to make the learning experience more accessible.

Continuing Education/Certificate Programs

If you’re still part of the workforce or want to gain new skills, check out your local trade schools or community colleges for continuing education/certificate programs. Many classes focus on granting participants CEUs (continued education units) or certificates of completion. Think refresher courses on providing childcare or certification in first aid and CPR.

Personal Enrichment

There are so many opportunities to learn new things, meet new people, and have lots of fun doing it all! If you’ve always wanted to learn how to make jewelry or make the perfect souffle, personal enrichment classes are a great, affordable way to do it!

Intergenerational Programs

Many senior and adult education programs also promote intergenerational interactions by incorporating younger students or volunteers, creating an environment where different age groups can learn from one another.

If you're looking for senior education programs, there are various resources you can explore. Here are a few places where you can find information on senior education programs:

Colleges and Universities

Many colleges and universities offer free or reduced-cost courses for seniors. Some universities have specific programs dedicated to senior education. You can check with local colleges in your area or visit their websites to find out about available programs.

Local Libraries

Public libraries often organize educational programs and workshops for seniors. These programs can cover a wide range of topics and provide opportunities for seniors to expand their skills.

There are numerous online platforms that offer free or affordable courses for seniors. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy provide access to a vast range of educational content that can be accessed from the comfort of your own home.

Click here for the 5 best places to find adult education programs for seniors and retirees.

Can Seniors Get Financial Assistance for Higher Education?

Yes. Seniors are able to apply for the same financial assistance that any college student may be approved for. However, it may not be necessary. Many communities have senior adult education programs that offer free or discounted classes for those either 55 and over or 65 and over.

Is Education Free for Seniors in Canada?

Not everywhere. In Canada, there’s no universal policy that grants free university education specifically for seniors . However, some provinces and territories may offer programs or initiatives that provide seniors with reduced tuition fees or opportunities to audit courses for free.

Where Can Seniors Find Free Classes?

Free senior education classes can be found in several places. Your local community college or library is a good place to start searching. Also, many online resources are available like Udemy, or even YouTube.

Suggest a Senior Education Facility or Program

Do you know of any Senior Education Facilities that are not in our database and should be? If so, please add a listing.

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Best Senior Project Ideas for High School Students + 42 Real Student Examples

Best Senior Project Ideas for High School Students + 42 Real Student Examples

A senior project is one of the best ways you can make your application stand out to top schools like Harvard and Stanford. It can tell your story beyond academics. It can demonstrate leadership, ambition, initiative and impact. And it can make an impact on the world.  

Choosing the right senior project can be tough. As a Former Johns Hopkins Admissions Officer and a Senior Strategist at Crimson, I’ve helped hundreds of students do it. In this post, I’ll show you my process for choosing a topic for your senior project. I’ll also show you real examples of senior projects that helped students get accepted to the Ivy League, Stanford, MIT, Duke, and more.

What is a Senior Project?

A senior project is also known as a “capstone project.” It’s a long-term project in which you can explore a topic that interests you outside the classroom. It can take many different forms, including:

  • A detailed research paper
  • An art exhibition
  • A tech invention
  • A business or startup
  • A community service project
  • A social media channel or podcast 

It's all about picking something that resonates with you and showcases your abilities.

The impact of a well-done senior project extends beyond the classroom. It can enhance your college applications by showing your commitment and skills. It can set you apart in an application pool with thousands of academically qualified students. 

Finally, the experience and skills you gain from your senior project can be valuable in future careers.

What are the Benefits of a Senior Project?

Most students applying to Top 20 universities have strong grades and test scores. Academics are important, but they only get your foot in the door. To make your application stand out, you need impactful extracurriculars. This is where a senior project comes in. 

If you’re like most students applying, you won't already have a clear area of excellence in your application, like a national or international accolade. You’ll have to show your excellence in terms of the time and commitment you’ve given to their community. Senior projects are a great way to do this.

With a successful senior project, you can:

  • Showcase personal qualities. Since a senior project is entirely yours, it showcases your ability to own and execute a unique project from start to finish. This shows leadership, initiative, and intellectual curiosity — qualities that admissions officers are looking for. A senior project can also show that you’re service-oriented, a creative thinker, looking for a challenge, and can overcome barriers.
  • Demonstrate passion and dedication. A senior project shows that you’re passionate about a specific field and can commit to a long-term vision.
  • Develop transferable skills. You’ll inevitably learn skills like time management, research, collaboration, or technical skills.
  • Become an expert in the subject matter. By going deep into a topic, you’ll develop expertise that you might not get through passive learning.

Remember: Your senior project speaks volumes about who you are and why you deserve a place on campus!

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Best Senior Project Ideas

The best senior project ideas are long-term, unique to you, and measurably impactful. I’ll show you some specific examples of senior projects by students who were admitted to top schools. But first, here are some general ideas to get you thinking.

  • Design and implement a community garden, teaching sustainable agriculture practices and providing fresh produce to local food banks.
  • Start a state-wide traveling library that reaches underserved communities.
  • Develop a series of workshops for senior citizens or underprivileged youth to teach them basic computer skills, internet safety, and how to use essential software.
  • Create a campaign to promote environmental awareness and conservation efforts in your community, focusing on recycling, reducing plastic use, or conserving local wildlife habitats.
  • Establish a mentorship program pairing high school students with elementary or middle school students to provide academic support, life advice, and positive role models.
  • Organize a cultural awareness event that celebrates diversity through music, dance, food, and educational workshops, fostering a more inclusive community.
  • Launch a mental health awareness campaign that includes workshops, guest speakers, and resources to destigmatize mental health issues among teenagers.
  • Research and implement a small-scale renewable energy project, such as installing solar panels for a community center or designing a wind turbine model for school use.
  • Conduct and record interviews with community elders or veterans to preserve local history, culminating in a public presentation or digital archive.
  • Develop an art therapy program for children in hospitals or shelters, providing an outlet for expression and emotional healing through creative activities.
  • Create a series of workshops for your community focusing on fitness, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle choices, including sessions on exercise and cooking.
  • Design and lead a financial literacy course for high school students, covering budgeting, saving, investing, and understanding credit.
  • Research and write a book or guide on the history of your town or a specific aspect of it, such as architectural landmarks, founding families, or significant events.
  • Start a coding club for elementary or middle school students, teaching them the basics of programming through fun and interactive projects.
  • Organize public speaking workshops for students, helping them build confidence and communication skills through practice and feedback.
  • Coordinate a STEM fair to encourage girls in elementary and middle school to explore science, technology, engineering, and math through hands-on activities and demonstrations.
  • Produce a documentary film that explores a social issue relevant to your community, such as homelessness, addiction, or education inequality.
  • Lead a project to refurbish a local playground. Fundraise, design, and collaborate with city officials to provide a safe and enjoyable space for children.
  • Set up an ESL (English as a Second Language) tutoring program for immigrants and refugees in your community to help them improve their English skills and better integrate into society.
  • Design and implement an anti-bullying campaign for your school or community, including awareness activities, support resources, and strategies for prevention.
  • Organize a sustainable fashion show that promotes eco-friendly fashion choices, upcycling, and local designers, raising awareness about the environmental impact of the fashion industry.
  • Start a podcast, blog, Youtube channel, or social media channel about a topic that interests you. Aim to reach a national or international audience.
  • Start a club at your school and build its impact beyond your own school ecosystem.
  • Start a campaign around an issue you care about and create change at your school, like “Meatless Mondays.”
  • Create a competition for innovative startups
  • Develop a product or service and sell it online. Create a business plan, marketing materials, and a way to track your progress.
  • Fundraise for an existing charity or nonprofit.
  • Found a new charity or nonprofit.
  • Create or raise money for a scholarship fund.

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Successful Real Senior Project Examples

To help you get a clear picture of what your senior project could look like, I’m going to share some actual senior projects that Crimson students have done. Below are 13 real examples of senior projects by students who were accepted to top universities like MIT, Stanford the Ivy League, Johns Hopkins, and UC Berkeley.

Business & Finance 

Student accepted to mit.

Impact: Local

This student trained 24 unique groups (120+ people) to create innovative startups for 3 competitions. They also created a 15-lesson curriculum and online team-matching algorithm for the competitions.

Student accepted to Stanford

Impact: International

This student founded an organization to educate K–8 students on social entrepreneurship. It grew to 32 chapters with 12,453 members in 4 continents. It was endorsed by the UN, LinkedIn, and InnovateX.

Student accepted to UC Berkeley and USC

Inspired by a college business case competition, this student focused his senior project on creating a business competition for high school students. He invited students from 8 local high schools and had 500 participants. He also arranged judges from a widely-known bank and a university. To leave a lasting impact, he created an executive board within his high school so this event will continue after he graduates.

Social & Political Sciences

Student accepted to harvard.

This student created a 501(c)(3) nonprofit for equitable public speaking resources. They also held a public speaking-themed summer camp for 70+ students and raised $2,000 for a local speech center.

Student accepted to Yale

Impact: Statewide

This student coalesced over 15 assault prevention organizations to develop two bills for the 2023 Oregon legislative session. Their effort instituted a $20 million education grant program and youth network.

Medicine & Healthcare

Student accepted to brown.

Impact: National

This student produced and edited 140+ mental health articles to uplift youth. The articles got over 12,000 reads. The student also hosted a podcast interviewing women leaders with over 40 episodes.

Student accepted to Carnegie Mellon

Impact: Local and National

This student built a COVID outbreak detection platform with ML. It got over 10,000 views. They also prototyped a compact translation tool with Michigan hospitals for non-native English speakers.

This student designed a chemotherapy symptom-tracking app to improve treatment. They then pitched it to industry experts and won Best Elevator Pitch of over 70 teams.

Student accepted to Cornell and Johns Hopkins

This student knew she wanted to major in biomedical engineering. She created a children’s medical book series called “My Little Doctor” to teach young kids how to address emergencies, wounds, and household medications. The books included personal illustrations, which also showcased her artistic talent. The books were sold by 150 doctor’s offices throughout NYC.

Math & Computer Science

Student accepted to columbia.

This student programmed AI to patrol an endangered turtle nesting site using drones. They partnered with a resort, launched an open source platform, and expanded the project internationally.

Student accepted to Dartmouth

This student worked on the solidity development of crypto currencies, NFTs, DAOs, DApps. They were responsible for project, client, and social media management. They also supervised 3 employees.

This student created a virtual musical theater camp for kids ages 6-12 during the COVID-19 pandemic. They managed the camp’s Instagram, website, and Facebook. They taught 25 kids and produced 5 shows.

Student accepted to Harvard and Brown

This student founded an organization to make music education accessible. It included a lead team of 35 members. It grew to 9 branches in 7 countries, impacted 15,000 students online, taught 1.6k lessons, and saved parents $40K. It raises $10k annually. This student was a TD Scholarship Finalist, YODA, and SHAD Fellow.

What are the criteria for a successful senior project?

If you only take away one thing from this article, let it be this: The best senior projects are personal to you and have a measurable impact. When you are contemplating a senior project idea, ask yourself:

  • “Am I interested in this topic?” As in, interested enough to spend the next year thinking a LOT about it.
  • “Can I show a measurable impact with this project, preferably at the local, national, or international level?”

Let’s use tutoring as an example. Tons of students include tutoring on their applications as one of their extracurriculars. Does tutoring pass the test if we ask our two questions?

  • Am I interested in the topic? If you’re tutoring in a subject you love, the answer could be a yes.
  • “Can I show a measurable impact with this project?” This one is tricky. Of course, tutoring one or even a few students makes an impact on the lives of those students. But is the impact local, national, or international? Not exactly.

So instead of tutoring a few students on your own, maybe you can create a tutoring club with 30 tutors supporting 100 students at your school. If you want to expand your impact, you can bring your tutoring services into an elementary school or into other schools in your community. You can even create a charter and get your tutoring club into high schools throughout the country, world, or online.

By thinking bigger, you can turn most conventional extracurricular ideas into an impactful, standout senior project idea.

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How to Choose a Topic for Your Senior Project

I’ve helped hundreds of students develop successful senior projects. This is the process we use:

  • Make a list of your major interests. These could be academics, hobbies, anything! 
  • Now write down problems or areas of exploration that relate to those interests.
  • Narrow down your choices to one or two that are academically relevant, relevant to your interests and goals,  interesting enough for you to explore, and have enough published data.
  • Identify a problem that you can address in this area with a solution that you identify. This will be the subject of your senior project!

Let’s walk through these steps using a hypothetical student as an example.

Senior Project Topic Brainstorm Example

  • List interests.  

Maya is a junior with dreams of attending an Ivy League school. She's always been fascinated by environmental science, particularly renewable energy sources. She also enjoys coding and app development. Outside of academics, Maya volunteers at a local animal shelter and is an avid runner.

  • List problems or areas of exploration related to those interests.  

For environmental science, Maya is concerned about the inefficiency of current solar panels in low-light conditions. 

In coding, she notes the lack of user-friendly apps that promote environmental awareness among teens. 

Her volunteering experiences make her wonder how technology can assist animal shelters in improving animal adoption rates.

  • Narrow down the choices.

After considering her list, Maya decides to focus on environmental science and coding, as these are her academic interests and she sees herself pursuing them in the future. She finds the intersection of these fields particularly interesting and ripe for exploration. Plus, she discovers ample published data on renewable energy technologies and app development, confirming the feasibility of her project idea.

4. Identify a Problem and Solution

Maya identifies a specific problem: the gap in environmental awareness among her peers and the lack of engaging tools to educate and encourage sustainable practices. She decides to address this by developing a mobile app that gamifies environmental education and sustainability practices, targeting high school students.

Senior Project: EcoChallenge App Development

Maya's senior project, the "EcoChallenge" app, aims to make learning about environmental science fun and actionable. The app includes quizzes on environmental topics, challenges to reduce carbon footprints, and a feature to track and share progress on social media, encouraging collective action among users.

Project Execution

Over the course of her junior year, Maya dedicates herself to researching environmental science principles, studying app development, and designing an engaging user interface. She reaches out to her environmental science teacher and a local app developer for mentorship, receiving valuable feedback to refine her project.

Outcome and Impact

Maya presents her completed app at her school's science fair, receiving accolades for its innovation, educational value, and potential to make a real-world impact. She submits the EcoChallenge app as a central piece of her college applications, including a detailed report on her research, development process, and user feedback.

The Bottom Line

Your senior project can be one of the most important pieces of your college application. It can also make a difference in the world. 

As you shape your senior project, see how many of these elements you can apply to it:

  • Makes measurable impact. What does success look like, and how will you measure it?
  • Presents an innovative solution to an existing issue. Is this solving a problem?
  • Is oriented to the community. Is this making my community/country/the world a better place?
  • Is interdisciplinary. Can I blend more than one of my interests? Can I get professionals from other fields to collaborate on this project?
  • Is related to your field of study. Will this make my academic interests clear?

Basically, think about something you care about. Take it beyond something standard and ask, “What can I do that would allow me to help my community and leave a greater impact?”

Even after reading all these examples, I know that choosing an idea for your own senior project can be tough. If you need help choosing and executing a standout senior project, book a free consultation with one of our academic advisers. Crimson’s extracurricular mentors can help you combine your interests into an impactful senior project that makes you stand out to top college admissions officers.

Building The Perfect Application

Passion projects and extracurriculars are just one piece of the puzzle. It could be difficult to navigate the ins and outs of the college admission process, but you don’t have to go through it alone.

Working with an expert strategist is a surefire way to perfect your application. Students working with our strategists are 7x more likely to gain admission into their dream university.

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Which science classes are you required to take in high school, and what will you learn in them? Which science subjects will colleges expect you to have studied , and how can you impress them by exceeding these expectations?

Read this guide to learn about the standard science curriculum, what kinds of AP and IB science courses there are, college expectations, and how you can exceed colleges' expectations and use your high school science classes to ultimately strengthen your transcript.

What's the Standard High School Science Curriculum?

Most high schools require students to complete two to three years of science classes in order to graduate . These classes often include a laboratory component in which students must conduct hands-on experiments as part of the class.

The course sequence for science classes in most US high schools goes like this:

Biology → Chemistry → Physics

Some schools teach earth science during freshman year and then move on to biology and chemistry, whereas others follow the "Physics First" curriculum in which students take physics as freshmen.

The majority of high schools, however, follow the course sequence above and which we look at in more detail below.

Freshman Year: Biology

Biology is usually the first science high school students are taught because it has less of a focus on math than other science subjects do, giving freshmen time to hone their math skills before moving on to more math-focused sciences.

Main Topics:

  • The organism and its relationship to the environment
  • Human growth and development

Sophomore Year: Chemistry

Chemistry generally has greater emphasis on mathematical concepts and lab work than biology does, which is why it's typically taken sophomore year.

  • Introduction to acids and bases
  • The mole concept
  • Reaction rates
  • Chemical energy

Junior Year: Physics or Earth/Physical Science

This is probably the first year that you'll have a choice in regard to which science subject to study: physics or earth/physical science.

Physics is most often taken by students who are more confident in their scientific and math abilities , who are planning to study science or math in the future, and/or who want to get into more competitive colleges. Physics frequently requires higher-level math skills (i.e., algebra and above).

  • Concepts of time, space, and matter
  • Motion and forces
  • Optics and light
  • Electricity and magnetism
  • Atomic physics

Earth/Physical Science

Different schools might have different names for this course, but most classes cover topics from both earth and physical science. These classes are less math-intensive and often considered less rigorous than physics.

Main Topics in Earth Science:

  • Life processes

Main Topics in Physical Science:

  • Electricity

Should You Take Physics Over Earth/Physical Science?

It will look better on your transcript if you take physics, but most colleges don't require it unless you plan on majoring in math or science .

If you are applying to a highly competitive college, plan on studying math or science in the future, or are confident in your math and science abilities, then you should take physics.

If you struggle with math and science and aren't planning on majoring in either of those two fields, then it's probably fine to take earth/physical science instead of physics; however, you should try to take higher-level classes in other subjects, such as English or social studies, to keep your transcript strong.

Senior Year: Optional Electives

There is no standard science subject for high school seniors. Most high schools do not require seniors to take a science class, but if you choose to, you can take an elective. Electives are offered on a wide variety of subjects, including astronomy, human biology, and zoology.

Senior year is also an excellent year to strengthen your transcript by taking AP science classes (see "How to Exceed Colleges' Expectations" section below).


You'll have the opportunity to take a variety of science classes in high school. (Image Source: Pearson)

Which Science Classes Do Colleges Expect You to Have Taken?

Similar to high schools, most colleges require applicants to have taken two to three years of science . These requirements also often include passing both biology and chemistry.

However, if you're applying to a very selective college , be aware that many will require or highly recommend that you complete four years of science in high school . They might also require your fourth year of science to be an AP science class.

Regardless of the type of college you're interested in attending, if you plan to major in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) field, you will be expected to have taken four years of science in high school, including physics.

How to Exceed Colleges' Expectations With Science Classes

If you're not planning on majoring in a STEM field or applying to highly competitive colleges, then it'll be more important for you to focus on courses that are more closely related to your intended major, rather than trying to exceed colleges' expectations with your science classes.

Colleges are more interested in how well you did in the subjects you plan to continue studying in college. Completing three years of science and getting solid grades in those classes is typically all you'll need to do in order to meet the expectations of college admissions officers.

However, if you're able to take four years of science classes, possibly with some of those classes at an honors or AP level, that's great and will strengthen your transcript. But don't pursue challenging science classes if it causes your grades in the area you plan to major in to drop.

If you intend to study a STEM field, it's important to show that you have strong science skills and that your science coursework goes beyond basic entrance requirements. You'll likely be using at least some of the skills you learn in your science classes in your future career, and colleges want to be sure you can handle the subject material before they admit you.

Also, since you'll be competing for a spot with many other talented STEM students, it's important to exceed expectations to help yourself stand out. You can accomplish this by taking four years of science, taking science courses at the highest level they're offered (honors or AP), and getting high grades in all those classes.

More specifically, here's what you should do if you're planning to major in a STEM field:

  • Take honors classes if possible your first three years
  • Take physics instead of earth science
  • Take one or more AP science classes your senior year
  • Get strong grades in all science classes you take

Below are several examples of advanced science classes you could take as a senior.

Science AP Classes

Here's a list of all AP science classes:

  • AP Chemistry
  • AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
  • AP Physics C: Mechanics
  • AP Physics 1 and 2 (Algebra-Based)
  • AP Environmental Science
  • AP Computer Science A
  • AP Computer Science Principles

These classes expand on material learned in regular or honors-level science courses but are more rigorous, require more math skills, and often have a greater lab component.

If you plan on taking one or more of these classes your senior year, make sure you have enough room in your schedule . Because of the number of labs students must complete, these AP classes sometimes take one and a half or two class periods a day in order to fit in all the material.

Of the biology, chemistry, and physics AP classes , none is automatically the "best" to take ; all are rigorous courses known for having challenging AP exams (although both Physics C tests are usually viewed as more difficult than Physics 1 and 2 because they require knowledge of calculus).

If you decide to take one of these courses, choose the one you think most relates to your future studies and career , or look at college websites to see which course(s) would earn you the most credits and make your decision that way.

AP Environmental Science is another option you have. This class focuses on human impacts on the environment, climate change, interrelationships of the natural world, and ways of developing solutions to environmental problems.

The difference is that AP Environmental Science isn't considered quite as rigorous as the other AP science classes because it usually doesn't have an honors prerequisite and requires less math and lab work; however, it's still an AP course and will therefore still be challenging and viewed more highly than if you were to take a non-AP science elective.

AP Environmental Science is a good option for someone who wants to take an AP science class but without as much rigor or time commitment , or for someone who is already taking a different AP science class and wants to add another that only takes up one class period.

Finally, you have two AP Computer Science classes to consider. These aren't exactly traditional sciences but are great options to think about, especially if you plan to major in computer science or a different computer- or technology-related discipline.

Whereas Computer Science A is more coding-heavy and technical, Computer Science Principles offers a broader overview of computing as a whole. Both tests are around the same difficulty level , with pass rates of about 70% .


Science IB Classes

In order to obtain the IB diploma , you must take at least one course from each of the six IB subject categories. Science is one of these categories, with seven different IB options available. Many IB courses are offered at both the Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL).

The seven IB science courses are as follows:

Computer Science

Design technology, environmental systems and societies, sports, exercise, and health science, the 3 main ib science courses: biology, chemistry, and physics.

These three classes are comparable to AP courses, although IB courses often include more report writing and lab work.

Particularly if you plan on studying science in college , it'd be a good idea to take one of these courses for the group requirement, as they're the science subjects colleges are most interested in.

All three courses are offered at SL and HL.

The Computer Science IB course focuses on computational thinking and how computers work. It also includes practical activities, such as programming. This class is a good option if you plan on studying computer science or a similar subject in college. It's offered at both SL and HL.

This course teaches students how to create solutions to common problems using the design cycle and technology. Some of the main subjects taught include modeling, sustainable production, and innovation and design. Like the IB courses above, Design Technology is offered at both SL and HL.

Environmental Systems and Societies is an interdisciplinary course that focuses on conservation and biodiversity, pollution management, and environmental demands of human populations. It's available at SL only .

This IB science class focuses on human anatomy and physiology, as well as nutrition, psychology, and biomechanics. Students may take it at either SL or HL .

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3 Additional Options for Science Classes

Whether you want to take a specific science class—perhaps one that is closely related to your future career—or simply want the opportunity to take more science classes beyond your high school's required curriculum, there are several ways you can do this.

Option 1: Electives

While taking an AP science class will look most impressive to colleges, electives are always an option as well, particularly if you don't plan on majoring in a STEM subject.

Many high schools offer a wide range of science electives , and these are a great way to take a class in a more specialized field of science you're particularly interested in, or to add more science courses to your transcript if you don't have the time or desire to take an AP science course.

Option 2: Community College Classes

If your high school doesn't offer a specific AP science class or elective, you might be able to take a similar course at a local community college . This is also a convenient way to take higher-level science classes that most high schools don't offer , such as advanced courses in biology, chemistry, or physics.

While taking a college-level class can be difficult, it'll look great on your transcript and you'll often get college credit for it. Talk to your guidance counselor to learn how to enroll in community college classes.

Option 3: Career-Focused Alternatives

It's becoming more common for high schools to offer classes that were developed specifically for students planning a science career, such as one in medicine or research .

My own high school, for example, offered a course for students who wanted to become doctors. Three days a week they would have a standard human physiology class, and twice a week they'd visit a local hospital and observe doctors and nurses.

Similar to job shadowing , taking these career-focused classes is a great opportunity to get more hands-on experience and see whether a particular career is right for you . Even if your school doesn't offer classes like this, you might be able to set up something similar as an independent study.


Your school might offer science classes specifically for students thinking about pursuing a degree in medicine.

Recap: What Science Classes Should You Take in High School?

Most colleges and high schools in the United States require you to complete two to three years of science classes . Most likely, you'll be required to take biology and chemistry your first two years of high school.

You should take physics your junior year if any of the following apply to you:

  • You are confident in your math and science abilities
  • You plan on majoring in math, engineering, or science in college
  • You are looking to attend a top college

If you plan on majoring in a STEM field, you should definitely take four years of science , including an AP science class your senior year, if possible.

If you will not be majoring in a STEM field, however, then you might want to consider taking science electives your senior year instead.

What's Next?

Trying to decide whether AP or IB is better for you? Check out our complete guide to see which program better aligns with your skills and goals.

Wondering which math classes you should take in high school, too? We've got an expert guide that goes over the standard curriculum, the basic course sequence, and the different ways you can impress colleges with your math class selections.

Considering summer academic programs for middle school and high school students? Take a look at our guides to the SIG , CTY , and Stanford EPGY programs to get started.

Thinking ahead to college applications?   If you’re a freshman, sophomore, or junior worried about college admissions, our world-class admissions counselors can help. We know exactly what kinds of students colleges want to admit and can make sure your profile shines.   PrepScholar Admissions combines world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. Start your mentoring package today to join the thousands of students we've helped get into their top choice schools:

Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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Cincinnati Business Courier: UC, CPS partner on College Innovation Pathway

Launch uc makes college course credits available for cincinnati public school students.

headshot of Cedric Ricks

The University of Cincinnati has partnered with Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) to broaden access to higher education for CPS students by creating the College Innovation Pathway.  This College Credit Plus program will enable students to earn an associate degree at the same time as their high school diploma, saving money and earning credits toward their future academic goals. 

“This program creates brighter futures for CPS students,” explains Jack Miner, vice provost for enrollment management at University of Cincinnati. “Not only does it lay a foundation for a student to pursue a 4-year degree saving as much as $60,000 in tuition and expenses, but it also provides an alternative for students who do not want to attend college immediately after graduation. Earning an associate degree in conjunction with their high school diploma gives these students more job options, and higher earning potential.”

The College Innovation Pathway was recently featured in the Cincinnati Business Courier .

The initiative, available to students at Shroder High School, will allow participants the opportunity to seamlessly transition into college-level courses, enrolling through the University of Cincinnati, while still in high school. Through the program, students will have free access to a comprehensive curriculum and diverse choices to tailor their experience to their future interests. Launch UC, an innovative early enrollment program charged with developing accessible and equitable pathways for high school students to UC, is helping move this initiative forward.

 “The College Innovation Pathway highlights our efforts to transform high school options by expanding access to early college programming and career pathways,” CPS Superintendent and CEO Iranetta Rayborn Wright said. “By offering a seamless transition from high school to higher education, we are empowering our students to unlock their potential while also having affordable access to a degree. This initiative underscores our partnership with UC and our continued vision to create equitable opportunities for our students.” 

The program, beginning for students in ninth grade, features a first-year experience course taught by a UC faculty member and CPS teacher, equipping students with study skills, access to resources, time management, collegiate-level writing and communication. Students in the cohort will work alongside their classmates to learn how to be a successful college student. Through the pathway, students will also have the opportunity to take classes at all three of UC’s campuses. 

Incoming freshmen at Shroder High School will be eligible to apply to the program, launching in the 2024- 25 school year. Upon completion of the program, students will earn an associate degree and can further their education with a bachelor’s degree at UC, graduating in half the time.

Read the full Cincinnati Business Courier story online .

Learn more about Launch UC online .

Featured top student image taken by Andrew Higley/UC Marketing + Communications.

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Georgia Southern Robert Noyce Undergraduate Teacher Scholarship Program

Explore a rewarding career in teaching with financial support from the Georgia Southern Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program (Noyce Scholarship). Our unique dual degree program merges STEM and education, opening doors to impactful careers in high-need school districts.

Scholarship Overview

The Noyce Scholarship offers up to $37,500 toward the completion of your undergraduate studies. The scholarship is awarded as a forgivable loan. 


All GS Robert Noyce Undergraduate Dual Degree Scholars are expected to:

  • Be enrolled as a full-time student at Georgia Southern while receiving the scholarship.
  • Declared a major in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, mathematics, or physics (Students in Social Sciences, Liberal Arts, Public Health, Engineering, and Business are not eligible for this program).
  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75 or higher.
  • Be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident.
  • Declared a major in the secondary (grades 6-12) education credentialing program.
  • Teach at least two years in a high-need secondary school district, for each year of scholarship acceptance.

Program Outline

Junior year (scholar year 1).

Required Courses/Scholar Activities: 

  • Continue to enroll in content courses.
  • Complete a colloquium consisting of six 90-minute meetings each semester
  • Apply to become STEM Ambassadors with the Center for STEM Education .
  • Attend the state disciplinary conference for your content area (Georgia Council for Teachers of Mathematics or Georgia Science Teachers Association).  

Summer Programming

  • Participate in a one-week summer internship at the Georgia Southern Botanical Garden or University of Georgia Marine Extension Program focused on leveraging local resources to promote problem-based learning.
  • Attend Noyce regional/national conferences, participate in session presentations, and network with professional contacts.

Senior Year (Scholar Year 2)

  • Enroll in upper-division content courses, elective courses (as needed)
  • Participate in a colloquium consisting of six 90-minute meetings each semester.
  • Complete one STEM Ambassador activity per semester and co-lead a professional development activity at their spring field placement.
  • Attend the state disciplinary conference for your content area (Georgia Council for Teachers of Mathematics or Georgia Science Teachers Association) and co-present with project faculty.
  • Attend Noyce regional/national conferences, participate in session presentations, and further develop a network with professional contacts. 

5th Year (Scholar Year 3)

  • Enroll in education courses and COE/COSM seminar course (Spring semester).
  • Complete a full-time clinical practice experience in Savannah-Chatham County or Evans County Public Schools (Spring semester). 
  • Complete one STEM Ambassador activity and co-lead a professional development activity at their clinical practice placement.
  • Attend the state disciplinary conference for your content area (Georgia Council for Teachers of Mathematics or Georgia Science Teachers Association) and co-present/present with project faculty at the regional/national Noyce conferences.

Teacher Induction and Development (Post-Graduation) 

For each year of scholarship, you will receive two years of mentoring, while fulfilling your teaching obligation in a high need school district. The Noyce program is committed to helping you succeed and therefore provides post-graduation coaching and development plans.

  • Recipients of GS Robert Noyce scholarships must be US citizens, nationals, or permanent resident aliens.
  • Undergraduate applicants must be a junior majoring in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, mathematics, or physics, or education majors interested in a dual degree.
  • Graduate applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in a STEM field and be enrolled in MAT secondary education program. STEM majors include: biological sciences, computer sciences, engineering, mathematics and statistics, physical sciences, marine sciences, mathematics and computer science, or fields related to these discipline
  • Applicant’s CANNOT be a teacher of record while receiving the scholarship.
  • Undergraduate Dual Degree: A downloadable application can be found  here .
  • MAT Degree : A downloadable application can be found  here .

Reference letters can be uploaded within the application, or emailed to [email protected] , or completed using the form .

To qualify as a High-Need School District, the school district must have at least one school that:

  • Serves at least 20% students from low-income families;
  • Serves at least 10,000 students from low-income families; OR
  • Qualifies for funding under the Small, Rural School Achievement Program or the Rural and Low-Income School Program
  • Has at least 34% of teachers not teaching in the academic subject area or grade level for which they were trained to teach;
  • Has a teacher attrition rate of at least 15% over the last three school years; OR
  • Has at least 34% of teachers teaching with emergency, provisional, or temporary certification/licensure

There are several webpages to help you locate high-need schools districts. Since these change frequently, Noyce mentors will work with you to help you determine which districts/schools qualify when you are ready to apply.

The Noyce Team does not place Noyce Scholars for full time employment.

Failure to satisfy the academic requirements of the program or to complete the service requirement will result in the recipient’s forfeiture of the scholarship award with repayments pro-rated accordingly to reflect partial service completed. The formula used to calculate the repayment will be, A = F[(2-s)/2] where “A” is the amount Georgia Southern is entitled to recover; “F” is the sum of the total amount paid to the recipient; “2” is the number of years of service obligation; and “s” is the number of years or fraction of years of such obligation served.

Except as noted below in “Conditions for Waiver and Cancellation” any amount that Georgia Southern is entitled to recover is due within 30 days of the date on which Georgia Southern is entitled to recover such amount. After such time, interest will accrue on the outstanding obligation.

Georgia Southern may waive the repayment obligation, in whole or in part, if it is determined that fulfillment of the service obligation

(1) would be impossible due to a disability of the recipient, (2) would result in extreme hardship to the recipient, or (3) is determined to not be in the best interest of the school district.

The recipient must initiate requests for waivers of repayment obligations with a certified letter detailing the reasons why a waiver should be given. Additional documentation may be requested. Decisions on waivers of repayment obligations will require a majority vote by the Principal Investigators of the Noyce grant and the recipient’s faculty advisor(s) during the student teaching and/or induction year of teaching. The Principal Investigator of the grant, or a designee, will respond in writing to requests for waivers by certified mail within 14 days of a request for waiver of repayment obligation.

  • Georgia Southern will cancel any repayment obligation in the event of the death of the recipient.

Recipients must commit to serving at least two years for each year of scholarship acceptance as a mathematics or science teacher in a high-need school upon receiving certification.

If the school is part of a Local Education Agency (LEA) or religious jurisdiction, such as a diocese, that functions as an LEA, it can satisfy the Noyce high-need requirement as long as the LEA meets the two criteria of the high-need LEA requirement as defined in section 201 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1021). A high-need LEA does not have to be a public school system.

Robert Norton Noyce (December 12, 1927 – June 3, 1990), nicknamed “the Mayor of Silicon Valley”, was an American physicist and entrepreneur who co-founded Fairchild Semiconductor in 1957 and Intel Corporation in 1968. He is also credited with the realization of the first monolithic integrated circuit or microchip, which fueled the personal computer revolution and gave Silicon Valley its name.

If you have any further questions, please email [email protected] .

Gregory Chamblee, Ph.D. Program Director College of Education

Hui Jin, Ph.D. Program Co-Director College of Education

Tuyin An, Ph.D. Program Co-Director College of Science and Mathematics

Denise Carroll, Ph.D. Program Co-Director College of Science and Mathematics

National Science Foundation (NSF) Logo

The Georgia Southern University (GS) Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program is funded by the National Science Foundation ( NSF Award # 2151023 ).

More information on the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program is available on the national Robert Noyce Scholarship Program website or the National Science Foundation website

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation Award Number 2151023. Any opinions, findings, and recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Last updated: 4/22/2024

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DeSantis signs bill requiring communism education courses in Florida public schools

Desantis signs bill requiring communism education.

Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation on Wednesday that will require the history of communism be taught in Florida public schools.

HIALEAH GARDENS, Fla. - Flanked by veterans who served in the Bay of Pigs invasion, Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday signed a measure that will lead to the history of communism being taught in grades as low as kindergarten.

DeSantis spoke in Hialeah Gardens where he signed SB 1264 into law enabling schools to teach ‘the dangers and evils of Communism.’ 

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The bill requires teaching on the history of communism in Florida public schools, beginning in the 2026-2027 school year. According to the bill's text, the lessons will be ‘age appropriate and developmentally appropriate’ for each age. 


The governor, standing behind a placard that read ‘anti-communism education,’ touted lessons that will be required under SB 1264.

"We’re going to tell the truth about communism in the state of Florida. We’re going to tell the truth about the evils of communism," DeSantis said at the Hialeah Gardens bill-signing event.

State lawmakers overwhelmingly approved the measure (SB 1264) during the 2024 legislative session that ended last month. Under the bill, lessons on the history of communism will be added to required instruction in public schools starting in the 2026-27 school year.

The lessons would incorporate various topics related to communism, including the ‘history of communism in the United States and domestic communist movements’ and ‘their histories and tactics.’

"Atrocities committed in foreign countries under the guidance of communism," also would be required as part of the lessons. Additionally, the curriculum would have to include a comparative "discussion of political ideologies, such as communism and totalitarianism, which conflict with the principles of freedom and democracy essential to the founding principles of the United States."

State Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr. acknowledged that the lessons would be "spread across" all grades. The state education department will be tasked with drawing up academic standards for the lessons.

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"All of this will be spread across the curriculum, K (kindergarten) through 12 (twelfth grade). And it will be done in a manner that is age-appropriate, like we do with all of our standards," Diaz said Wednesday.

DeSantis signed the bill on the 63rd anniversary of the Bay of Pigs Invasion, and was joined at the bill-signing event by people who fought in the invasion in an attempt to overthrow the Fidel Castro regime.

Rafael Montalvo, president of Brigade 2506 Veterans Association, was among the people who addressed the crowd at the Hialeah Gardens Museum. The museum features a building funded through the Florida Department of State that was constructed to honor "the noble efforts of the 2506 Assault Brigade during the Bay of Pigs Invasion."

"The most important fight against communism is the one that’s done in the schoolrooms," Montalvo said. "That’s where the battle is happening right now. And this is going to be a tool that’s going to give us the victory in that area."

Florida’s public school students currently can encounter lessons on communism in high-school social studies classes and in a seventh-grade civics and government course. A high-school U.S. government class that is a requirement for graduation also includes 45 minutes of instruction on "Victims of Communism Day."

Florida also previously had a course titled 'Americanism vs. Communism,' which was required for public high school students between 1961 and 1991.

With the state set to bolster its communism history offerings in schools, Diaz highlighted how anti-communism sentiment is strong in South Florida.

The measure authorizes the education department to seek input from "any individual who was a victim of communism or any state or nationally recognized organization dedicated to the victims of communism," as it crafts standards for the curriculum.

Diaz said he wants other students throughout the state to learn about the history of communism from people who experienced it directly.

"Unfortunately, not everybody across the state has that opportunity from their family or from others who saw it firsthand, who fought it firsthand." Diaz said.

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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Gov. DeSantis signs bill requiring teaching of history of communism in Florida schools

The governor signed the measure on the 63rd anniversary of the bay of pigs invasion, a failed attempt to overthrow fidel castro's dictatorship in cuba..

education course in senior high school

Florida school kids as young as kindergarteners will soon be learning about the history of communism.

Behind a podium with a sign that read "ANTI-COMMUNIST EDUCATION," Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Wednesday requiring the topic be taught in lower grades.

It also was the 63rd anniversary of the United States launching the Bay of Pigs invasion , a failed attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro's dictatorship in Cuba.

"We know that the Bay of Pigs was launched because the island of Cuba had succumb to communist tyranny," DeSantis said at a press conference at the Hialeah Gardens Museum , which honors the efforts of the Bay of Pigs' Assault Brigade 2506 . "We're going to tell the truth about communism in the state of Florida. We're going to tell the truth about the evils of communism."

Under the bill ( SB 1264 ), the Florida Department of Education would “prepare and offer” standards for the "age appropriate and developmentally appropriate" instruction on the history of communism for all grade levels. Certain concepts included heavily emphasize the economic upheaval and personal freedom restrictions seen in many Communist nations. 

"The increasing threat of communism in the United States and to our allies through the 20th century," is one of the mandated topics, which must start being taught during the 2026-27 school year. So is "the economic, industrial and political events that have preceded and anticipated communist revolutions."

Florida students currently can receive lessons on communism in high-school social studies courses or in a seventh-grade civics and government course. A high-school government class that has been required for graduation also includes 45 minutes of instruction on “Victims of Communism Day” which covers communist regimes through history. 

The bill passed with bipartisan support, with only seven Democrats in the Florida House and Senate voting against.

State Rep. Anna Eskamani of Orlando, one of those Democrats, said she doubted the measure would be properly carried out, pointing out the controversies that have surrounding state school book requirements and Black history standards .

Other criticisms of the bill have focused on it potentially putting communism-related lessons in front of students too young to fully understand them. DeSantis responded: "Maybe we should sponsor a trip to have all those Florida Democrats come visit the museum here and learn about the brigade."

Bay of Pigs veterans also attend bill signing event

Also attending the press conference were members of Assault Brigade 2506, a CIA-sponsored group of Cuban exiles living in the Miami area that made the invasion attempt.

"The most important fight against communism is the one that's done in the school rooms," said Rafael Montalvo, president of the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association. "That's where the battle is happening right now, and this is going to be a tool that's going to give us a victory in that area."

The legislation also requires the Department of State, in collaboration with the Department of Education, to provide a recommendation to the Legislature by December on the creation of a history of communism museum.

The measure additionally created the "Institute for Freedom in the Americas" within Miami Dade College, meant "to preserve the ideals of a free society and promote democracy in the Americas."

John Kennedy of the USA TODAY NETWORK-Florida contributed. This reporting content is supported by a partnership with Freedom Forum and Journalism Funding Partners. USA TODAY Network-Florida First Amendment reporter Douglas Soule can be reached at  [email protected] .

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Senior psychology major reveals how South Carolina Honors College transformed her life

Ruth Moniz

After distinguishing herself as one of the rare transfer students accepted into the highly competitive South Carolina Honors College as a sophomore, Ruth Moniz still had only a vague idea where she ultimately might fit in the wide spectrum of career opportunities for psychology majors. She was hungry for meaningful professional insight, and one Honors psychology course — Research, Practice, and Policy in School Behavioral Health — changed everything.

Ruth Moniz in front of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, Rome, Italy

“Before taking this class, I knew I was interested in psychology, and I knew that I liked working with children, but, other than that, I had absolutely no idea what my future academic or professional path might look like,” Moniz recalls. “I was trying to get as much exposure as possible to different things. I was toying with the idea of counseling but didn’t really feel a strong connection to it. … I also had the opportunity to volunteer with a local middle school and trained in motivational interviewing. It was absolutely amazing and so rewarding to see the impacts of positive behavioral interventions and supports in action in a local environment.”

Finally discovering that school-based psychology would be her niche was not without its challenges. Moniz was initially intimidated by the academic rigor of Honors College courses, especially reading and understanding sophisticated academic articles. However, during the first week of Honors classes, she was stunned to experience a level of enthusiastic participation and engagement that was far different from high school. Soon, Moniz found herself looking forward to the Honors assignments and in-depth discussions.

“I had spoken to other friends who were in Honors and had read many wonderful things online about the enhanced experiences available to Honors students,” she says. “I knew that it would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take my college experience to the next level. … I had no idea just how impactful it would be.”

I would not be the student or person I am today without my Honors experience.

The psychology course was the catalyst that opened the door for Moniz to pursue her undergraduate research at USC, which ultimately led to her choice of senior thesis topic: “The use of effective health communication strategies to reduce inequitable and exclusionary discipline in schools.” It examines disciplinary practices in K-12 schools that remove students from the school environment as well as reviews the theory of planned behavior (TPB), which is how an individual’s belief systems influence their decisions to behave in a certain way.

Today, Moniz is a part-time research assistant on nationally renowned psychology instructor Mark Weist’s School Behavioral Health Team. As a senior, she was even invited to present her research findings at the 2023 Southeastern School Behavioral Health Conference where Moniz networked with top professionals in the field. She will become a full-time research assistant after graduation in May. Beyond that, she is keeping her options open.

Ruth Moniz posing in graduation robes

Having previously served as a Peer Leader for University 101 programs, Moniz hopes to stay involved in the first-year seminars while preparing to apply for graduate school. She is proud that USC ranks No. 1 nationally for first-year experience and leads the state with 20 nationally ranked health science graduate programs.

“I would not be the student or person I am today without my Honors experience,” Moniz says. “I have gained so much knowledge as an Honors student, but I think, more importantly, I have gained so much more confidence in myself as a student and my ability to chase my dreams and aspirations. Honors will always have a special place in my heart.”

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  24. DeSantis signs bill requiring communism education courses in Florida

    Florida's public school students currently can encounter lessons on communism in high-school social studies classes and in a seventh-grade civics and government course. A high-school U.S. government class that is a requirement for graduation also includes 45 minutes of instruction on "Victims of Communism Day."

  25. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    Known as the "Motor City of Russia." Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname "Motor City" due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.. Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant. Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

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  28. Senior psychology major reveals how South Carolina Honors College

    The psychology course was the catalyst that opened the door for Moniz to pursue her undergraduate research at USC, which ultimately led to her choice of senior thesis topic: "The use of effective health communication strategies to reduce inequitable and exclusionary discipline in schools."