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How To Find The Right Research Papers For Sale Online?

Research Papers For Sale Online

In the vast realm of academia, research papers stand as the cornerstone of scholarly pursuit. They represent not just an assignment but a gateway to knowledge, critical thinking, and academic excellence. However, the journey towards crafting a stellar research paper can often be daunting, filled with challenges and hurdles. This is where the concept of custom research papers for sale online comes into play, offering students a lifeline in their academic endeavors. At The Writing Planet, we understand the importance of providing affordable yet top-notch research papers, tailored to meet the unique needs of every student.

Navigating the Landscape of Custom Research Papers

In today’s academic landscape, one size certainly does not fit all. The need for personalized research papers has never been more apparent. Each academic task comes with its own set of requirements, guidelines, and expectations. It’s not just about completing the assignment; it’s about delivering a paper that reflects depth of understanding, analytical prowess, and original thought. This is where custom research papers shine, offering students the opportunity to tailor their assignments to their specific needs and preferences.

Moreover, affordability plays a crucial role in ensuring equitable access to academic support. Students often find themselves grappling with tight budgets, juggling various expenses while trying to excel in their studies. The Writing Planet recognizes this need and strives to provide cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. Our commitment to offering cheap research papers for sale underscores our dedication to making academic assistance accessible to all.

Why The Writing Planet Is Best:

At The Writing Planet, quality is our top priority. We take pride in delivering research papers that not only meet but exceed academic standards. Our team of experienced writers comprises subject matter experts who are well-versed in their respective fields. Whether you need a paper on quantum physics or Shakespearean literature, rest assured that your assignment is in capable hands.

Despite our unwavering focus on quality, we understand the importance of affordability. We believe that every student deserves access to high-quality academic assistance, regardless of their financial circumstances. That’s why we offer custom research papers for sale online at competitive prices. From introductory discounts to seasonal promotions, we strive to make our services accessible to students from all walks of life.

How to Safely Purchase Research Papers Online

The prospect of purchasing research papers online can be daunting, fraught with concerns about authenticity, reliability, and confidentiality. However, with the right approach, it can also be a seamless and secure process. Here are some tips to ensure a safe and reliable buying experience:

  • Do Your Research : Before making a purchase, take the time to research different providers. Look for reviews, testimonials, and ratings to gauge their reputation and reliability.
  • Verify Credentials : Ensure that the website you’re considering is legitimate and trustworthy. Look for certifications, accreditations, and security protocols to safeguard your personal and financial information.
  • Communicate Clearly : Clearly communicate your requirements and expectations to the service provider. Provide detailed instructions, guidelines, and preferences to ensure that your paper meets your standards.
  • Review Samples : Request samples or previews of previous work to assess the quality and style of the provider’s writing. This will give you a better idea of what to expect from your own paper.
  • Ask Questions : Don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification on any aspect of the buying process. A reputable service provider will be transparent and responsive to your inquiries.
  • Recommendation: We recommend you get quality services from The Writing Planet Company, we hire professional research paper writers for those who want to get high grades.

By following these guidelines and entrusting your purchase to a reputable provider like The Writing Planet, you can navigate the process of buying research papers online with confidence and peace of mind.

Unveiling The Ultimate Guide to Research Paper Purchase

At The Writing Planet, we’re committed to providing a seamless and hassle-free experience for our customers. Our user-friendly platform is designed to streamline the research paper purchase process, from browsing available services to placing an order and communicating with your assigned writer.

Our extensive range of services covers a wide array of subjects and topics, ensuring that we have the expertise to tackle any academic task. Whether you need a simple essay or a complex dissertation, our team of skilled writers is up to the challenge.

We understand that purchasing a research paper online can raise concerns about authenticity and originality. That’s why we guarantee plagiarism-free content that is meticulously researched, expertly written, and tailored to your specifications. Our writers adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity, ensuring that every paper we deliver is original and well-crafted.

Elevating Your Academic Journey with The Writing Planet

But don’t just take our word for it. Hear from our satisfied customers who have experienced firsthand the difference that The Writing Planet can make in their academic journey. From improved grades to enhanced understanding of complex concepts, our custom research papers have helped countless students achieve their academic goals.

Moreover, our commitment to affordability means that you can enjoy the benefits of high-quality academic assistance without breaking the bank. With our competitive prices and flexible payment options, you can empower your studies without draining your finances.

In conclusion, when it comes to purchasing research papers online, quality and affordability need not be mutually exclusive. With The Writing Planet, you can enjoy the best of both worlds: top-notch research papers at prices that won’t break the bank. So why wait? Elevate your academic journey today with The Writing Planet and experience the difference for yourself.

In the fast-paced world of academia, research papers serve as the linchpin of scholarly pursuit. However, crafting a stellar research paper can often be a daunting task, filled with challenges and obstacles. This is where custom research papers for sale online come into play, offering students a lifeline in their academic endeavors.

At The Writing Planet, we understand the importance of providing affordable yet high-quality research papers that are tailored to meet the unique needs of every student. With our unwavering commitment to quality, affordability, and customer satisfaction, we strive to empower students to excel in their academic pursuits.

So why settle for subpar papers when you can experience the difference with The Writing Planet ? Unlock your academic potential today and embark on a journey toward excellence with our custom research papers for sale online.

What is the best website for research papers?

When it comes to finding reliable and high-quality research papers, there are several reputable websites to consider. One noteworthy option is “The Writing Planet,” a trusted service provider company known for delivering top-notch research papers. Their team of experienced writers ensures the production of well-researched and professionally written papers across various subjects.

How to buy research papers online?

When looking to buy research papers online, it’s important to approach the process with caution and ensure that you are using a reputable service. Here are the steps you can follow:

  • Research and Choose a Reputable Service: Start by researching and identifying reputable online platforms that specialize in providing academic papers. Look for reviews, testimonials, and ratings to gauge the credibility of each service. The Writing Planet is one such company known for its reliability and quality.
  • Check for Plagiarism-Free Guarantee: A trustworthy service should guarantee plagiarism-free content. Ensure that the company uses plagiarism detection tools and provides a report to guarantee the originality of the research paper.
  • Review Sample Papers: Most reputable services offer sample papers or portfolios showcasing their writers’ capabilities. Reviewing these samples can give you an idea of the quality of work you can expect.
  • Check Writer Qualifications: Ensure that the writers employed by the service are qualified and experienced in your field of study. Look for information about their academic backgrounds and credentials.
  • Clear Communication and Support: A reliable service should have clear communication channels and responsive customer support. Ensure there are means to communicate with the writer working on your paper and that customer support is available to address any concerns.
  • Secure Payment Options: Prioritize services that offer secure payment options. This ensures the safety of your personal and financial information.
  • Specify Your Requirements Clearly: When placing an order, provide detailed instructions and requirements for your research paper. This helps the writer understand your expectations and deliver a customized paper.
  • Review and Revise: Once you receive the research paper, review it thoroughly. If there are any issues or areas that need improvement, communicate with the writing service promptly to request revisions.
  • Maintain Academic Integrity: While using online services, it’s crucial to maintain academic integrity. Use the purchased research paper as a reference or a guide, and avoid submitting it as your own work.
  • Check Guarantees and Policies: Carefully read through the guarantees and policies of the writing service, including revisions, refunds, and confidentiality.

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Research Papers For Sale

Need professional academic assistance? We deliver well-researched, expertly written, and original research papers that bring academic success!

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Our writers are qualified in all areas of study, including marketing, history, business, and many others. So, whatever kind of help you need, we have you covered!On top of that, all our experts are native English speakers originating from the US and Canada. All you need to do is say, “Please, write my research paper ,” and they will do the following for you:

- Conduct in-depth research;

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- Help you excel academically!

Stay anonymous and safe at all times

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Impeccable research papers at a budget-friendly price

Our platform isn’t like any other regular service that offers cheap research papers for sale. Unlike many of our competitors, we deliver 100% original and tailor-made papers written to the highest quality. Yet, we always keep the price tag low to make high-quality help affordable to everyone.Our pricing policy is made with students’ needs and budgets in mind. The rates start from just $11.4 per page and are calculated individually, which gives you more control over the cost of the services you need. Additionally, we give you generous discounts on bulk orders. So, if you need top-notch and affordable help, don’t hesitate and pay for research papers today!

Trust professionals to help you meet any deadlines

Being a student in today’s fast-paced world isn’t easy. Young people are overloaded with academic assignments and have to juggle dozens of commitments simultaneously. Still, even despite an incredibly intense daily workload, academic deadlines never get more forgiving. So, no matter how much work you’ve got, you are always expected to be right on time with your assignments.That’s where our writers step in. At our service, you can get your research paper for sale, tailored to your unique needs, and delivered right on time, no matter how urgent your deadline is. Our experts can ace your papers in less than 12 hours and guarantee impeccable quality!

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What to Consider When Looking For ‘Research Paper for Sale’?

When navigating the realm of higher education, university and college students often find themselves grappling with the challenge of producing well-researched and eloquent papers that meet the rigorous academic standards set by their institutions. Recognising this need, many student services offer an array of solutions, including research paper for sale and the option to buy research papers online. However, with such a plethora of choices available on the internet, it’s crucial for students to meticulously evaluate their options before committing to a purchase.

Custom Research Papers for Sale: Tailoring to Your Needs

One enticing prospect of these platforms is the availability of custom research paper for sale. These services acknowledge the unique requirements of each student and craft papers that cater precisely to their academic objectives. By availing of such services, students can confidently submit papers reflecting their voice and learning approach.

Quality and Originality: Foundations of Excellence

Amidst the allure of cheap research papers, it’s imperative to prioritise quality. The hallmark of a reputable platform lies in its commitment to delivering high-quality research papers that meet and exceed academic expectations. Professional research paper writers play a pivotal role in this equation, employing their expertise to produce original, well-researched, and meticulously structured papers.

Affordability: Balancing Budget and Excellence

Financial constraints are a reality for many students, making the affordability of these services a pressing concern. Reputed platforms strike a delicate balance between offering affordable research papers without compromising on the quality of work. Students can make informed decisions that align with their budgetary considerations by comparing pricing structures and service guarantees.

The Quest for the Best: Choosing Wisely

With a plethora of choices available, discerning the best research paper for sale requires a discerning eye. Delve into reviews, testimonials, and samples to gauge the platform’s track record. An ideal service encompasses a user-friendly interface, transparent communication channels, and a track record of on-time deliveries.

Aiding Your Academic Journey: Research Paper Help Online

In the pursuit of academic excellence, every student deserves a helping hand. Research paper help online not only assists with tackling intricate topics and imparts valuable insights into the art of scholarly writing. Whether seeking guidance on structuring, formatting, or refining arguments, these services provide a holistic support system.

The Process of Buying Research Paper For Sale

Submit the order form.

Make sure you fill out the order form accurately and efficiently to get the best prices.

Select Your Package

Choose from the three quality standards shown. You can choose First Class, 2:1 or 2:2.

Deposit the Payment

Make the payment to confirm your order and have an expert start working on it immediately.

A Top Company Offering ‘Research Paper for Sale

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ResearchProspect exceeded my expectations! Their research papers on sale are top-notch, delivering high-quality work within my deadline. The writer understood my requirements perfectly, producing a well-researched and well-written paper. I’m impressed and highly recommend their services.

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Michael, R.

It’s a blessing from God

I was sceptical about using a research paper on sale, but ResearchProspect proved me wrong. Their expert writers crafted a flawless paper for me. The communication was excellent, and they ensured all my instructions were followed. A reliable service I’d use again.

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The quality of work delivered by these guys has no match.

ResearchProspect’s professionalism shines through in their writing service. They tackled my complex topic with precision, delivering an insightful research paper. The referencing and formatting were spot on. If you’re seeking reliability and quality, this is your chosen service.

FAQs About Research Papers for Sale Online

Why should i consider finding research papers for sale online.

Crafting a research paper demands expertise in research, writing, and formatting. A service streamlines this process, ensuring well-researched, coherent papers. It saves time and stress while maintaining high quality and adherence to guidelines.

What sets ResearchProspect apart in the realm of research papers for sale?

ResearchProspect excels with its personalised approach. Expert writers tailor papers to your specifications, ensuring uniqueness. With a stringent quality control process, timely delivery, and 24/7 support, it offers an unmatched experience, elevating your academic journey.

Is using a research paper for sale service ethical?

Absolutely, when approached responsibly. Services like ResearchProspect provide valuable assistance, aiding your understanding of the subject. They serve as models for structuring, referencing, and writing styles, helping you grow as a researcher and writer.

Can I trust the authenticity of the content provided by ResearchProspect?

Indeed, ResearchProspect guarantees originality. Their writers craft papers from scratch, ensuring authenticity. Additionally, they use advanced plagiarism-check tools to verify uniqueness. This commitment to originality ensures the academic integrity of your work.

How does ResearchProspect ensure customer satisfaction?

ResearchProspect focuses on customer delight. Their adept writers follow your guidelines meticulously, and their revision policy ensures your paper meets your expectations. The 24/7 customer support fosters seamless communication, making sure you’re satisfied every step of the way.

Where do I Find Research Papers for Sale Online

You can find research papers for sale online through various reputable sources and platforms, each catering to different academic needs and preferences. Here are some places to explore:

Academic Databases

Many universities and academic institutions provide access to research paper databases. Institutions like JSTOR, PubMed, and Google Scholar offer a wide range of academic papers. Some may require institutional access or a subscription, but many also provide free resources.

Online Libraries

Digital libraries like Project Gutenberg and the Internet Archive house extensive collections of research papers, books, and scholarly articles. They offer a wealth of resources across various disciplines, often for free.

Research Paper Websites

Several websites specialize in selling or providing access to research papers. Websites like ResearchGate,, and SSRN offer platforms for researchers to share their work. Some may offer free access to certain papers while charging for others.

Paid Research Paper Services

There are agencies and platforms where you can purchase research papers for sale. These services like ours provide professionally written, plagiarism-free papers tailored to your specific requirements. Ensure to choose reputable services that prioritize quality and ethical practices.

Open Access Journals

Many scholarly journals offer open access to some or all of their articles, making research papers freely accessible. Explore journals relevant to your field of interest for valuable papers.

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If you plan to buy a research paper online because your homework has begun to drive you mad, you’ve just found a platform with the best and most respectable academic experts. Years of hard work and unwavering loyalty to students brought TrustMyPaper to the point where we offer high-quality essay writing in various disciplines. Our writers apply unique approaches to each order, and they charge affordable prices that please students while also giving the writers themselves a chance to earn their living. If you’re curious about the kind of help we’re offering here, check out the details below!

How We Locate Experienced Research Paper Writers

Finding a good academic writer is a true challenge. On the one hand, the market seems overcrowded, with endless experts vying for a position and claiming they are the best; on the other hand, many students complain about getting poor writing services. When you contact a company with the words, “I’d like to pay someone to write my paper for me,” you expect superior service. Our job is to make certain that you receive it. From the start, we make our recruiting demands clear: we are interested in top specialists with a strong academic background. These are educators, professional researchers, scholars, and talented writers who completed their education and gained relevant experience. They all speak English as their first language, and they passed various tests that proved the extent of their skills to us.

Every time you buy a research paper online, we compare your demands with the qualifications and skills of each expert. For example, let’s say you bought a Nursing paper at a university level, and your deadline is 3 days. We will seek a writer with a Ph.D. in Nursing who can provide you with the best paper in this period and has interest and experience with your topic. Our approach ensures that we make perfect writer-client matches.

You can speak with your writer personally; you can also browse their profiles and read the samples of their works to ascertain that they are the right people to handle your task. Our company provides a happiness guarantee: every writer must follow your instructions, craft an original paper, and send it to you on time. Each team member is doing everything to never deviate from this model, and based on the positive feedback from our customers, we’re succeeding in this endeavor.  

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Key Features that Represent Our Service

If you are looking for a place to buy a research paper and are in a hurry, you need to know three defining features of our writing service. The first one is our plagiarism-free papers: we produce unique content. It’s a fact verified by plagiarism checkers and the rich experience of our talented writers.  You’ll see it with your eyes: we don’t mind sharing a plagiarism report as proof. The second feature is our 24/7 support for all customers. We are online in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening; we stay online even at night. Contact us with any questions, and rest assured you will receive a quick and precise answer. The third feature is the magnitude of our experience. At this moment, we have over 140,000 completed orders. It’s a huge number, and we only keep improving ourselves continuously.

Paper Writing Samples

We are pleased to share examples of writing that we've done for our clients.

Adolescent development 387.93 kB

  • Number of pages: 2
  • Urgency: 18 hours
  • Academic level: High School
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Human Papilloma Virus 185.81 kB

  • Number of pages: 6
  • Urgency: 14 days
  • Academic level: Freshman (College 1st year)
  • Subject area: Healthcare&Medicine

Buy a Research Paper: Choose Human Writing

While AI is becoming even more popular today, we ignore its existence entirely. Our company focuses on human writing and expertise because only this approach can guarantee the most brilliant results. We choose the best experts for this goal, connecting you with someone who has appropriate qualifications and experience with your subject.  Both writers and managers adhere to clients’ instructions: if they have questions, they ask them ASAP to get started as soon as possible. When they begin their writing process, the experts thoroughly research, selecting suitable sources and combining them with their ideas. Their analysis is spectacular, just like their time management skills, so you’ll get a great and original paper right on time.

How to Buy Research Paper Online

If you’re thinking, “I wish someone could write my thesis for me , but I’m scared to spend money on an unknown result,” don’t worry; we understand where you are coming from. We suggest ordering one page before committing to a bigger project. This will allow you to test our service and to see what quality you could get. When you’re ready to place an order, follow these steps:

  • Provide key details. Tell us about your assignment by choosing its academic level, urgency, and number of pages in the order form. If you’re a new client, tick the box with a 17% discount — it’s all yours! Proceed by uploading instructions, choosing your subject, formatting style, etc.
  • Pay for your essay. Buy custom research paper via a safe payment method. The choice is vast: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Wire Transfer.
  • Communicate with your writer. Discuss any details or share ideas. Ask questions if you have any.
  • Download your paper. Get a copy by your deadline, and tell us your thoughts.

Note that we ask for pleasantly affordable prices. The lowest cost is $10.78. If your rate is higher and you don’t like it, consider changing some factors. For instance, set a longer deadline — this always lowers the price, or pick an easier academic level. High school papers are cheaper than college or university essays.  

Paper Writers’ base essay format

+ APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian citation styles or any other of your choice

  • 12-point Times New Roman
  • 0.5’’ first line of paragraph
  • double spaced 275 words/page
  • 1’’ margin all around
  • 0’’ between paragraphs
  • single spaced 550 words/page

More Benefits of Buying Research Paper Online

We are constantly expanding the number of our benefits for the sake of our customers. If you came to us with a wish, “Please write my research paper for me today,” you will get that and more! This is what we can do for you:

  • We save you time. Our professional and timely service allows students to focus on their other tasks, something they truly enjoy doing. You leave your burden to experts with the knowledge that they’ll complete it flawlessly, relaxing and remembering how enjoyable life is when it is free of assignments.  
  • We guarantee high quality. When buying college term papers online from us, you receive top quality because our writers are verified professionals. We also offer free revisions and effortless refunds in case of any problems. This helps us guarantee your ultimate satisfaction.  
  • You can speak with any member of our team. As mentioned, we are online 24/7, always around to give you a hand. Contact operators, speak with managers, or start communicating with your writer. We are all available to you.
  • We handle even urgent deadlines. Great news: you can buy college research papers online even when your time is out. We are capable of completing your assignment within 3 hours. Don’t concern yourself with time, our top writers know how to work at breakneck speed.

More Writing Advantages Just for You

Have a look at our other advantages.


Today’s Stats

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Active Writers

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Choosing Your Formatting When Buying a Research Paper Online

Since our writers have excellent qualifications and received higher education, handling any formatting style is fine. They are familiar with all styles, from MLA to Chicago, APA, and others. Order any of them or send us a template. We’ll adapt to it momentarily.

Range of Services and Payment Mechanics

TrustMyPaper works with different subjects and academic levels. Whether it’s English, Business, Engineering, Sociology, Religion, or anything else, we’ll find the right expert for you. Students can buy nursing and medical papers, Chemistry lab reports, and college applications — we’ll help them with everything. You can order projects on a high school, college, Master’s, or Doctoral level. Also, did you know that your writer won’t receive payment from you until you confirm that you like the essay they provided? That’s right, we withhold the money to ensure we meet your demands. This adds safety to your client experience with us.

Bear reaching for the graduation hat

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No one will learn that you chose to buy a research paper from our firm. Yes, you share some information about yourself when placing an order, but we never disclose or share it with random parties. We adhere to rigid safety standards in all our work processes, so there is no reason to worry.

Some students wonder how ethical it is to buy custom research papers. If this is your first order, you might have the same question. You’ll be happy to know that ordering essays is entirely legal — you purchase academic assistance akin to tutoring. You can use them as samples, relying on them to show you what an accurate structure, research, and formatting look like. The works we provide serve as your inspiration that pushes you into creating your works.

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Before buying a research paper, reading reviews and seeing what previous clients thought about a service makes sense. We invite you to do this with our firm as well. Check what other TrustMyPaper reviews say, and you’ll feel relief because most of them are positive! We invest a ton of effort into our papers, and our clients reap the benefits of it. Our service is instantly available, original, and timely; it has the highest quality, and we are certain you'll love your research paper as much as your fellow students did.

Buy Research Papers for the Best Price from the Best Experts

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BASE is hosted at Bielefeld University in Germany. That is also where its name stems from (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine).

  • Coverage: approx. 136 million articles (contains duplicates)
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CORE is an academic search engine dedicated to open-access research papers. For each search result, a link to the full-text PDF or full-text web page is provided.

  • Coverage: approx. 136 million articles
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Search interface of the CORE academic search engine is a fantastic resource as it bundles and offers free access to search results from more than 15 U.S. federal agencies. There is no need anymore to query all those resources separately!

  • Coverage: approx. 200 million articles and reports
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  • Coverage: no detailed statistics available, approx. 100 million articles
  • Abstracts: only snippets of the abstract are available
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RefSeek searches more than one billion documents from academic and organizational websites. Its clean interface makes it especially easy to use for students and new researchers.

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Consider using a reference manager like Paperpile to save, organize, and cite your references. Paperpile integrates with Google Scholar and many popular databases, so you can save references and PDFs directly to your library using the Paperpile buttons:

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Google Scholar is an academic search engine, and it is the clear number one when it comes to academic search engines. It's the power of Google searches applied to research papers and patents. It not only let's you find research papers for all academic disciplines for free, but also often provides links to full text PDF file.

Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature developed at the Allen Institute for AI. Sematic Scholar was publicly released in 2015 and uses advances in natural language processing to provide summaries for scholarly papers.

BASE , as its name suggest is an academic search engine. It is hosted at Bielefeld University in Germany and that's where it name stems from (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine).

CORE is an academic search engine dedicated to open access research papers. For each search result a link to the full text PDF or full text web page is provided. is a fantastic resource as it bundles and offers free access to search results from more than 15 U.S. federal agencies. There is no need any more to query all those resources separately!

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Electron Spin Resonance Study of Magnetite Nanoparticles in iPP Matrix

Shirinova HA * , Karimova AH, Nuriyeva SG, Gahramanli LR, Mehdiyeva AR and Abbasaliyeva NC

Magnetite nanoparticles based polymer nanocomposites were prepared by blending in solution. The shape of the samples was formed by hot pressing technique. The morphology of the nanocomposites was investigated by transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy techniques. iPP+Fe3 O4 nanocomposites’ electron spin resonance spectrum was also investigated. As concentration increased, so did the EPR signal’s intensity. Due to variations in the magnetic interaction’s strength, the linewidth and g-value also altered with concentration.

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The Impact of Rare Diseases in Children and Their Families

Manel Del Castillo, Maria D Navarro *

Mini Review

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Learning Argumentative Capacities at the Primary and Junior School Levels: A Practical Teaching Pedagogy

David Kyei-Nuamah 1* and Mao Xiao 2

The development of argumentative skills is often postponed until after students complete their compulsory education, creating a gap in their understanding and abilities. This gap can be attributed to issues with the curriculum and teaching methods. To address this, we propose that teaching argumentative skills at the primary school level is crucial for enhancing students’ comprehension of the world and its inhabitants. To support this idea, we have designed practical teaching modules that can be introduced in primary and junior schools. Our pedagogical approach emphasizes relatable examples, interactive discussions, peer reviews, and recommendations, with a focus on teacher-to-teacher training. It is vital that teachers receive thorough training on implementing these pedagogical strategies and consider the context to achieve early development of argumentative skills in the modern classroom.

Case Report

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Hypomania with Low-Dose Lamotrigine Suggests it Really is an Antidepressant

Alexis-Daniel Vigneault 1* and Howard C Margolese 1,2

Depression predominates over any other mood phases in bipolar I disorder, and treatment options remain sparse. Lamotrigine, an anticonvulsant used for the prevention and treatment of bipolar depression, has been reported to induce hypomanic and manic switches. Its multimodal mechanism of action may provide an explanation for its propensity to induce mood switches. The authors report a case of hypomania developing briefly after the introduction of very low-dose adjunctive lamotrigine for the treatment of bipolar depression and review proposed mechanisms of action.

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Corrosion Surfaces Associated with Patina on Glass

Penelope Clifford 1 and Vic Semeniuk 1,2*

There is a variety of corrosion surfaces and corrosion interfaces on glass associated with the development of patina. This has been determined by examination of patina/glass contacts in ‘mature’, older patina, some 100 years old and 20 years old, in Australian settings, and in experimentally-produced patina in the laboratory. The form of these corrosion surfaces and corrosion interfaces largely determines, in the next stage of patina accretion, the form of accretionary patina as it invades glass. The types of corrosion surfaces and corrosion interfaces recognized are: large irregular, shallow concave depressional, scalloped or cuspate, lobate/semi-lobate solutional invasion fronts, meso-etched, micro-etched, plain, fungal micro-bore architecture (invaginated), cuspate structure, and brecciated. The various types of corrosion surfaces and corrosion interfaces appear to reflect the heterogeneity of glass chemistry and extent of fungal bio mediation. The geometry of the corrosion surfaces determines the geometry of accretionary patina.

Research Article

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An Investigation of the Tribological and Mechanical Properties of the Hybrid Mg Nanocomposites Manufactured by Mechanical Alloy

Abdulraheem H Alyoubi and Essam B Moustafa *

This work explores the impact of fly ash and nanoparticle reinforcements (TiO2 , hBN, B4 C) on the mechanical and tribological properties of magnesium nanocomposites produced via mechanical alloying. The investigation revealed that incorporating these reinforcements increased the compressive strength and microhardness of the composites compared to pure Mg. Notably, the Mg-fly ash + B4 C composite exhibited the highest microhardness (50.74 HV), representing a 71.3% increase. Tribological analysis demonstrated that the Mg-fly ash composite and Mg-fly ash + TiO2 composite displayed slightly lower friction coefficients than pure Mg. The Mg-fly ash + hBN composite exhibited the lowest friction coefficient due to the lubricating nature of hBN. In contrast, the Mg-fly ash + B4 C composite showed the highest friction coefficient due to its inherently rough surface. These findings suggest that the developed hybrid magnesium nanocomposites offer a compelling combination of enhanced mechanical properties and tunable tribological behavior, making them suitable for applications demanding both wear resistance and reduced friction.

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Center for Forest Nursery and Seedling Research

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people caring for plants in greenhouse

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SK Innovation Considering Sale of Battery Materials Unit SKIET, Paper Reports


FILE PHOTO: The logo of SK Innovation is seen in front of its headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, February 3, 2017. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji/File Photo

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea's SK Innovation is considering selling its subsidiary SK IE Technology (SKIET) to restructure its battery business, the Maeil Business newspaper reported on Wednesday.

The move is aimed at easing financial difficulty faced by SK Innovation's battery-making unit SK On amid weakening demand for electric vehicles, according to the newspaper, citing an unnamed investment banking source.

SKIET supplies separators - an essential battery component - to EV battery makers including Tesla partner Panasonic Corp.

The report added that SK Group has recently decided on a plan to sell SKIET's management rights and began contacting potential buyers through major global investment banks.

SK Innovation owns a stake of 61.2% in SKIET, whose market value stood at 4.09 trillion won ($3.01 billion) as of Tuesday.

An SK Innovation official said nothing has been decided, in response to Reuters' request for comment.

SK On, whose clients include Ford Motor, Volkswagen and Hyundai Motor, widened its operating loss to 332 billion won in the first quarter from 18.6 billion won a quarter before as EV battery shipments fell. However, it maintained its target to break even in the second half.

($1 = 1,358.8300 won)

(Reporting by Heekyong Yang and Jihoon Lee; Editing by Alison Williams)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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