
Speech on Save Nature

Nature is your truest friend, always giving, asking for little in return. Its beauty calms your mind, while its resources sustain your life. Yet, nature faces grave threats today.

You hold the power to safeguard nature, to ensure it thrives for future generations. Remember, when you save nature, you save yourselves.

1-minute Speech on Save Nature

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, the world is our home. It is a gift of nature. Yet, we sometimes forget to look after it. We should care for it like a precious gift, just like we care for our favorite toys or books.

But, are we being good friends to nature? We cut trees for buildings. We waste water. We throw trash everywhere. We harm animals. We make the air dirty with smoke. Nature is crying. We are losing our friends in nature.

We need to act now to save nature. Each one of us can help. How? Plant a tree. Save water. Don’t waste food. Pick up the trash. Love and respect animals. These little actions can make a big change.

Remember, when we save nature, we save ourselves too. Trees give us clean air. Rivers give us clean water. Animals and birds make us happy. Nature keeps us healthy and happy.

It’s time to be brave. It’s time to be kind. Let’s join hands to save nature. Let’s make our world a better place. We have only one world. Let’s love and protect it. Together, we can save nature. Together, we can make a difference.

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2-minute Speech on Save Nature

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I stand before you today to talk about a topic close to all our hearts – saving nature. Think about this. Have you ever seen a tree and felt a sense of peace? Have you ever watched a butterfly fluttering about and felt pure joy? That’s the magic of nature. It’s not just about plants and animals. It’s about us too. We need nature just as much as it needs us.

Now, picture a world with no trees, no birds, no rivers. Scary, isn’t it? That’s what will happen if we don’t act now. Nature is in danger, and we are the cause. Our actions, big and small, are hurting nature. We cut trees, we pollute the air and water, we waste resources. All these actions are like a wound on nature’s body.

So, what can we do? The first step is to understand that every action counts. When we throw garbage, it doesn’t just disappear. It goes somewhere. It can end up in the ocean, hurting the fish. Or it can pile up on land, attracting rats and flies. So, let’s start by reducing our waste. Let’s recycle and reuse.

The second step is to conserve water. Water is life. Without water, there would be no life on earth. Yet, many of us waste water without a second thought. We leave the tap running while brushing our teeth. We water our plants during the hottest part of the day when most of it will just evaporate. Let’s be mindful of how we use water. Let’s save it for our future.

Next, let’s plant trees. Trees are like the lungs of the earth. They clean the air and give us oxygen. But we’re losing trees at an alarming rate. We can change this. Let’s plant a tree every chance we get.

Lastly, let’s respect all life. Every creature in nature, from the smallest insect to the biggest elephant, has a role to play. They all contribute to the balance of nature. When we kill them or take away their homes, we disturb this balance. Let’s treat all creatures with kindness and respect.

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Save Environment Speech | Speech on Save Environment for Students and Children

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Save Environment Speech:  The world environment day is celebrated on 5th June, and it is celebrated since 1947. This day is the ‘day of people’ to do something for their environment and take care of the earth. We celebrate environment day to know the ways of saving our earth. On this day, convey the best and effective safe environment speech is important.

The threat to the environment is increasing day by day, so it is our duty to make a clean and safe place to live. We should know our every step and action impact on the ecosystem. To live safely and without fear, it is our responsibility that we take care of our whole ecosystem.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long and Short Speeches on Save Environment for Students and Children in English

An extended essay of saving an environment of 500 words has been provided, and short speech on 100-150 words has been given. This speech can be useful for students in schools and colleges to give their opinion through this speech. Long Speech on Save Environment is helpful for students of Classes 7,8,9 and 10. Short Speech on Save Environment is helpful for students of Classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

Long Speech on Save Environment 500 Words

Respected principal, respected teachers, vice-principal, and my dear friends!

I am happy to inform you that we are here to celebrate world environment day . I’m sure we all want to save the environment at any cost. Environmental pollution is one of the major problems that are faced in our modern world. However, there has been huge technological advancement in these current days, and this is also inviting negative and harmful effects on the environment. By takings a simple step like planting a tree, we can make the world a better place. To save our environment, everyone has to come together to support it. We have to do some steps because the environment affects us because of us.

Need to save the environment

We all know the degrading quality of earth life, but we just need to start seeing the sign. The harsh and unwanted weather condition is proof that they need saving and securing more than ever. As we see, the occurrences of natural disasters and calamities are increasing nowadays, and because of this calamity, people lost their lives. Moreover, the melting glacier is the other alarming situation as to why we should save our environment.

Additionally, increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment is proving to be harmful. If we don’t take any immediate step, we will face a difficult situation in our future. It is always remembered that by saving our atmosphere, we will save mankind. The earth has been survived for many years, and it will continue to do so; only mankind is at risk, so we have to start now.

Ways to save the environment

To save environment , we have to start with the right handling of waste. To do this, we should start with recycling and the right disposal of waste material. Along with the use of coal have to reduced and switch to renewable sources like solar and hydropower. By doing this, we can adopt a greener and healthy lifestyle. On the city level, we see that they must plane based on the available water resources. This can help with water resources conservation. You should avoid use hot water and use cold water when possible. Moreover, the farmer also uses organic fertilizer on their farm in place of pesticides.

Along with air pollution should be decreased at all costs. Everyone has to avoid taking personal vehicles, if possible. Use public transport and don’t waste electricity to reduce global warming. You should switch off light and fans when it is no use. Make sure you use a recycled product so that no unnecessary waste is produced. Avoid plastic bags and use reusable bags, and the most important thing is that plant trees as possible as. When you plant a tree, then the amount of carbon dioxide decreases and improves air quality. Planting trees is as important as deforestation, so discourage deforestation.

Every year we lost many plants that have the power to make the air cleaner, and it can start with us. Teach your parents, friends, and other people to be responsible for the environment and work towards saving the environment for a better future.

Thank you so much, everyone, for being a good listener.

Save Environment

Short Speech on Save Environment 150 Words

Good morning to all, now i am going to share my views on the environment. We all know how the environment important to us. And in other words, we cannot ignore how protecting the environment is essential. To up-gradation of lifestyle, the people are responsible for harming the environment. At the time of development, the atmosphere is facing several destructions. It becomes very important to stop the situation from getting worse than current. So you have to aware of environmental protection. Some factors, such as deforestation, population growth, and illiteracy, are factors responsible for environmental pollution.

Human is the only who is responsible for environmental destruction because of its some activity. So no one, instead of people, can do anything towards the conservation of the environment. We need to make so many efforts like avid harmful products, use renewal sources, avoid plastic bags, use public transport, and many more. These efforts will help you in saving the environment.

Thank you so much guys for listening to me so patiently.

10 Lines on Save Environment Speech

  • A green and clean atmosphere is important to live a peaceful and healthy life.
  • We must stop and avoid using poly and plastic bags and prefer eco-friendly items to save the atmosphere.
  • We can easily save our environment for the next generation in several ways by accepting and adopting a simple lifestyle.
  • We can avoid the use of petroleum by using public transport daily, and saving electricity will helps to save a high amount of coal and water.
  • Promote digital technology will save more papers that are made from natural resources like wood.
  • We should save clean water with the help of changing our lifestyle in daily routine such as using limited water in bathing, cooking, cleaning, etc.
  • The governments have to take some serious steps for overexploitation of wood and water and other natural resources.
  • A safe environment plays an important role in the existence of life on the planet.
  • Continue using of natural resources can lead to the biggest imbalance in the atmosphere.
  • Protect the environment means making efforts to save our surroundings.

Save Environment Speech

FAQ’s on Save Environment Speech

Question 1. What are environmental ethics?

Answer: Environmental ethics is a philosophy that involves studying good and bad and simple of the value and moral principles. It shows the relationship between the atmosphere and human beings.

Question 2. How Save Environment speech will help?

Answer: To make people aware of the planet and the current situation, you need to give a speech on the environment. In this speech, you can include the present scenario, how you can save the environment by working towards it, and many more. By doing this, you can save the earth.

Question 3. How pesticides harm the atmosphere?

Answer: The pesticide is made to control the harmful pests, but it is a type of toxic that harm for animal and plant. Some pesticides have a high toxin that’s small amount kill people and harm the environment as well.The pesticide is made to control the harmful pests, but it is a type of toxic that harm for animal and plant. Some pesticides have a high toxin that’s small amount kill people and harm the environment as well.

Question 4. How is environment monitoring important?

Answer: A monitoring environment can help you in showing the data of using natural resources and its management and risk as well. By doing this, you can easily manage the earth.

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3 Minute Speech about Nature for Students

Short speech about nature.

Good morning everyone and all present here. I am standing before you all to share my thoughts about through my speech about nature. Nature is the world around us. We, all human beings depend on nature every time and for everything. Many people admire the beauty of nature and even they write many novels and poems on it, this is because the beauty of nature cannot be expressed in one single word or saying. It provides the humans, animals and all the living beings on the earth a place to live with the joy of natural resources.

Nature- A Boon for All

Nature is the mother of all, as it helps to sustain our life. It is our companion since eternity. Despite the importance of nature in human life, we are spoiling its balance only due to our greediness. Millions of years ago, when the knowledge of man was not better than an animal. At that time man used to get all the things needed for life only from nature. Even today, at the heights of science, our requirements are met by nature only. Nature is a boon given to us, as it protects crores and crores of organisms living on the earth. It gives us forests which are the lungs of Earth.

Challenges of Nature

Our lives as human beings started on this planet Earth and since then we are exhausting its resources. But, in return, we are exposing it to the external threats of destruction and mistreatment. Due to this, beautiful forests have been destroyed, rivers have been polluted and vast open lands have been consumed for buildings and factories. We are giving challenges to nature by doing activities as hunting down animals, cutting down trees, releasing poisonous gases and polluting rivers.

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Our earth is literally experiencing many strokes of destructive activities due to which the river sources are going dry, plants are dying as well as species are eliminating. Today’s world is facing the biggest problem of ‘global warming’, which has a serious impact on our environment. So we all think seriously about our activities and help to bring such situations under control.

Conservation of Nature

Conservation of nature is another important issue. Although governments are employing various means to conserve nature, individuals must also come forward to contribute to saving nature. Therefore, everyone must do the tree plantation, restricting the use of paper, stopping wastage of water and electricity. Not only these we have to stop ill practices like the hunting of animals. Also, we must go for rainwater harvesting systems. If each one of us contributes their own bit, the difference will be tremendous for nature. The beginning of life, as well as the continuation of life on earth both, are a very complex process of nature. Every organism is important for the conservation of nature.

In the end, I would just say that please don’t keep my words to yourself only. I request all to spread the message around so that every person can become a responsible global citizen who can contribute to saving our planet.

Also, focus on energy consumption. Therefore, switch off the power button, if no one is in the room. Do not use personal vehicles, and follow public transportation. We can even use bicycles for small distances to protect your environment. Thus, through these simple yet effective measures, everyone can contribute greatly towards saving our mother nature from further exploitation.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

this was very helpful it saved my life i got this at the correct time very nice and helpful

This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

Great !!!! It is an advanced definition and detail about Pollution. The word limit is also sufficient. It helped me a lot.

This is very good

Very helpful in my speech

Oh my god, this saved my life. You can just copy and paste it and change a few words. I would give this 4 out of 5 stars, because I had to research a few words. But my teacher didn’t know about this website, so amazing.

Tomorrow is my exam . This is Very helpfull

It’s really very helpful

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Very much helpful and its well crafted and expressed. Thumb’s up!!!

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English Summary

5 Minute Speech on Nature in English for Students

Nature is what we see around us excluding man-made creation. It is the sky, the trees, the wind, the clouds, and others. We should take good care of nature. We shouldn’t pollute our nature which is seen very often in today’s world where people are ignorant of how important nature really is in the cycle of life. It is through nature that we are able to live and breathe. When we pollute nature we are ultimately destroying healthy lifestyles because as we pollute we destroy the air that we breathe in. Polluting nature will bring a rise in numerous diseases and sicknesses resulting in a rise in deaths. Through nature, we are able to be inspired and motivated. There are so many poets, artists, and many others who take inspiration from nature. If we take care of nature we eventually take care of ourselves and nature will aid in doing so but if we don’t, we will ultimately destroy our way of life. It is vital and very significant that we share knowledge about nature with our friends and families and let them be educated on this subject matter. 

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Environment Speech in English for Students

August 2, 2021 by Sandeep

Speech on Environment: World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year since 1947. We have to protect our environment and natural resources and keep our earth, safe, clean and green. Balance in our ecosystem improves the quality of life and makes the earth a better place to live. Pollution, natural calamities and global warming have disturbed the delicate balance in the environment. By conserving resources, reducing pollution, planting more trees and recycling wastes, we can protect our environment.

Speech on Environment 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Save Environment Speech in English, written in easy and simple words for classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12. Students who are participating in a speech writing competition can use this environmental speech topic for their reference.

“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” Said by Lady Bird Johnson. I am glad that we are discussing such a vital topic in our lives. Very good morning to everyone over here, respected teachers & my fellow friends. It feels a privilege that I am given a chance to deliver my speech on the topic ‘environment.’

The environment is the source of every life. The natural environment around us in which we breathe, sleep, eat, do work is the need of every living being on this planet. We all are dependent on this environment for food, shelter, water, oxygen etc. But over the years, the balance between nature & living beings has been misbalanced & human society has played a vital role in degrading the environment. It has impacted all the life forms on the earth.

Mother earth has given us unique gifts like rivers, biodiversity, mountains, flora & fauna. It has never stopped amazing us. Sadly there is no part of this beautiful earth which has not been contaminated by human beings. Some of the prevalent environmental problems trending these days are pollution, global warming , depleting underground water, increase in sea level, overexploitation of natural resources, diminishing forests, loss of biodiversity, extinction of species, climatic misbalance, melting of polar ice, ozone layer depletion & many more like this.

We all are aware of these, which is leading us to a deteriorating situation every day. One of the major cause is the population explosion which is leading to the exploitation of natural resources. Due to the growing demand, the invention & usage of technology is increasing rapidly so as the manufacturing, mining etc. The modern technologies have affected the environment in a degree which cannot be imagined.

Now knowing that all of we have done the damage, it is our responsibility to take steps to protect the mother earth. I am sure each one of us wants to save the environment, but saving the environment is not only respecting the government policies. It will be visible when we start taking care of our immediate environment. Though the problem is aggravated to many folds, every problem does have a solution.

Let’s do a pledge today to restore the natural balance. Each one of us must plant a tree every year. We must ensure that we are recycling the plastic wastes instead of throwing them like a shopping bag, water bottles, etc. Coming to school by cycle & walking must be ensured whenever possible instead of using a car, bikes & buses.

We all must ensure to keep our surrounding neat & clean. Everything starts with us, let’s make a better tomorrow. We must remember that nothing is impossible. It’s just that we need to keep faith in ourselves & do something for our planet. Save the planet; Save a life.

Short Speech on Environment 200 Words

Below we have provided 2 minute speech on environment, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 students.

Good morning to everyone present over here. Respected teachers & my dear friends. I am happy to speak on one of my favourite topic, i.e. the Environment. The environment has always amazed me in various ways, let it the mountains, rivers, birds, animals, ocean, forests many more. This speech will go on if I discuss the bountiful things nature has gifted us. It has been quoted by Aristotle that “In all things of nature, there is something of the marvellous.”

But we the humans have adversely affected the balance between the environment & life on earth. Growing population, the growing demand & modern technologies has demarcated a wall between us & nature. The natural cycle has been disturbed. We have caused great pain to our mother earth with our activities. We have polluted the air breathe in, the water without which life is not possible, the soil which supports the life on the planet.

Humans have destroyed almost all parts of the earth. The consequences of the misbalance are not acceptable, which has resulted in havoc on earth. Global warming, climatic misbalance, rising temperature, rising sea level, extinction of species & many more. So let’s ask ourselves one question today, what have I done to save my mother earth? If you are already contributed for the cause, then pat yourself that you are already on it. It is the responsibility of all of us to do our part for our planet.

Let’s pledge to protect the environment we see around us. Minimal steps like planting a tree in a year also make a tremendous difference to the environment. Using paper bags instead of plastic will be another impacting step. Let’s incorporate those practices in our lives, which will make the earth a better place to live in. It is our responsibility to save the environment. Save the Environment, and you will Save Life and Future.

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Speech on Nature in simple and easy words

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We all love nature in some or the other way, isn’t it? For instance, some love nature for its lush greenery, breathtaking beauty and some love it for its gifts, such as herbs and shrubs. In other words, nature gives us many things in abundance so that we can live a fulfilling life. Therefore, when it is such an integral part of our lives, students in particular are given assignments on nature or are asked to deliver a speech on nature in order to raise awareness. In fact, sometimes various organizations who work closely in protecting nature have to deliver a talk on it. Under this situation, our speeches come to their rescue. Our both short speech on nature as well as long speech on nature are written with a view to help students and other people who are in need of comprehensive nature speeches that are easy to understand. So read our easy to understand speeches and get an informed understanding on the subject.

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Speech on Nature

Speech on nature – 1.

Respected Teachers and My Dear Students – Warm Greetings to All!

The morning assembly has come to a close. Now, as the principal of this school, it becomes my responsibility to organize interactive sessions with my students. The reason being, I hardly get the opportunity to engage with you all and exchange our thought processes. Today the reason behind my addressing you all is to deliver a speech on nature and throw light on the vital role that nature plays in our lives. From quite some time, I am distressed after seeing man destroying nature and using it inconsiderately to meet his ends. Instead of giving back to nature or protecting it from various external threats – we are only exploiting the resources and gifts of nature. Is this right on our parts? Let me raise this question to all the children who are going to take responsibility of our mother earth in near future.

Our lives as human beings started on this planet Earth and since then our “Mother earth” has been exposed to external threats of destruction and mistreatment. Due to the inherent selfish nature of human beings, beautiful forests have been destroyed, rivers have been polluted and vast open lands have been usurped for building factories or other architectural development. Human beings are incessantly involved in such activities as hunting down animals, cutting down trees, releasing poisonous gases in the atmosphere, polluting rivers, etc. We do not even realize that we are invoking the anger of mother earth and are putting our existence under severe threat. Our earth is literally experiencing several strokes of destructive activities due to which the river beds are going dry, plants are dying and species of mammals have become extinct. Yet another grave problem that the world is grappling with in today’s time is ‘global warming’ which has a serious impact on our environment, such as melting down of glaciers, rising sea level and the change of climate at a fast pace. So we all must keep a check on our activities and help to bring such situations under control.

Now, the question comes how we can keep a check on our activities? Well, it will not require a lot from you. For instance, water is an important natural resource, so we should save every drop of water but turning off the tap when not in use and not unnecessarily using flushes or showers as these resulting in the excess wastage of water. Then, do not throw garbage in rivers or drain as these activities pollute our water bodies. As far as protecting our plants is concerned, do not use chemical pesticides and switch to home remedies or to various other eco-friendly means. In addition to this, I will also advice you to not throw your rotten fruits, vegetables, leftover food, discarded teabags, egg shells in the garbage bins and instead use them to prepare organic manure for your home garden. Activities, such as composting are prove to be of great help in recycling waste products into useful manures.

Likewise, save your energy consumption. Switch off the power button when no one is in the room. Do not use personal vehicles, when public transportation can be used. In fact, you can even use bicycles for small distances and protect your environment from harmful release of gases. Thus, through these simple yet effective measures you can contribute greatly towards saving our mother nature from further exploitation.

In the end, I would just say that do not keep this information to yourself and spread the message around so that every person can become a responsible global citizen and helps in saving our planet.

Speech on Nature – 2

Warm Greetings to one and all! I heartily welcome everybody to our society meeting room.

As you all know that this meeting is weekly organized to discuss various issues concerning our society and to amend those issues keeping in mind the best interest of all members of our society. Having said this, as a secretary of our society group, it even becomes my greater responsibility to look after the betterment of our society. However, in recent times, I came across some incidents that have left me unsettled. I happened to come across such people, who have unfortunately no sensitivity towards the cause of protecting nature, despite my stressing the fact that how nature plays a crucial role in building a healthy environment and giving us a balanced and sustained life amidst growing pollution and declining peace of mind.

So here in front of you all, I wish to deliver a speech on nature so that we can inform ourselves of the most important things and make our place, i.e. not just our living surrounding, but the whole world a better place to live in. We all should understand that our environment is the fountainhead of life. It not only directs, but also determines the sustenance, development and growth of the living species and all their activities. The quality of our social lives bears direct relation to the quality of our living environment.

Even if Science and Technology has taken a great sway over our lives, we must not forget that as living species we still need to adapt to our immediate natural surroundings for our sustenance. Human civilization is rooted in the ecosystem and our actions directly impact this system. With the help of technological advancement, human beings have become endowed with the capacity to control his/her environment to a certain extent, but its unfair use results in an ecological crisis. Unwarranted technological intervention to control the forces of nature has invited its wrath in various forms, such as tsunami, floods, droughts, heat waves, wildfire, etc.

Besides natural calamities, the damage caused to environment is irreparable, such as reduction of underground water and heavy shortage of fresh drinking water, shrinking of wetlands and forests, wearing away of soil and coral reefs, disappearance of plants and loss of living organism, rapid extinction of different species of animals as well as failing of fisheries, the growing pollution of water and air, increase in temperature due to global warming, the contraction of ozone layer and poisoning of seas, rivers and underground resources.

With this continuous depletion of natural resources, we are putting our own lives under great peril and the day is not very far when drinking water, fresh air, petroleum, natural gas and the top soil of earth will become exhaust for our future generation. So it’s high time that we keep a close watch on our environment and protect it from the possible dangers, especially exploitative human activities.

In the end, I just want to say that love the nature, value its presence and the things that it offers us in abundance.

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Speech on Nature – 3

Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Friends,

Today, this special assembly is organized to celebrate one of the most important day called Nature’s Day. Today, we all are going to plant trees as many as we can in our surroundings. But before this, I would like to deliver a speech in respect of Mother Nature. We all know that our earth is the best place for living beings because of its opportune climate and other physical features. Our earth was formed around 4.54 billion years ago approximately and at that time it had gone through many explosions and destructions. From that time of formation to now, nature is providing a lot of things to every living being. It provides us food, shelter, air, water and many other things for our survival.

The nature of earth is a gift from god for the survival of living beings. Nature on earth has many features like different climatic conditions, mountains, plateaus, rivers, oceans, trees, plants, etc. We all are using them since our birth till today. Nature is shrinking and our needs are expanding day by day. The day will not be so far from now if we will not understand the signs of the nature.

Nature is the only reason for the survival of all the livings beings on earth. We all know that today, the condition of earth is not in a good state. We all are using nature’s components but are not interested in the needs of nature. Nature is getting ruined day by day for the fulfillment of our needs. There are many reasons for today’s bad condition of the nature such as – excess use of fuels, CFLs, population explosion, deforestation etc and many wrong things which most of the people do in their daily life such as keeping the lights on even when they are not in use, excess use and waste of water by keeping taps on etc. This is very unfortunate that many of us are still have a careless behavior against these problems. Whole earth is getting polluted because of our lifestyle and selfishness towards nature. We have used too much of the nature’s components that many of its components are extinct today.

Today, many places on earth are lacking of many nature’s components due to our carelessness and selfishness. There is a shortage of water for drinking and for the other purposes, lack of fresh air etc and the only reason behind this is our selfishness. If we will not change our selfish behaviour towards nature, then it will lead to the end of our earth. The only way to protect us and our earth from destruction is by changing our lifestyle of using technology excessively and by understanding our duty towards nature’s conservation.

Let us take a pledge that from today onward we are going to give our best contribution towards helping our mother nature and it is not optional and it is our duty because if we want to enjoy living in nature then we have to do something today and there is no time for leaving it on tomorrow.

On this note, I would like to conclude my speech and ask our honorable Principal ma’am to address the further program for tree planting.

I wish you all a great day ahead!

Speech on Nature – 4

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today, on this special occasion of “ Nature’s Day ” our programme “ make it green organization ” has organized this wonderful event in this area which is highly appreciable and I would like to thank all of you for gathering here. This is a very beautiful day on which we should thank our mother nature for providing us everything that we are using today and will use in our future by planting more and more trees and taking care of them. We all are enjoying by living in nature and using things that we get from nature. In morning, we get to see beautiful scenery of sunrise and at night we get to see a beautiful moon. If we want to enjoy nature and let upcoming generation to enjoy it for longer duration then we have to do something for it’s conservation. It is our duty to keep nature green and prevent it from getting harmed. If we are using nature’s products like fruits, vegetables, etc then we have to make sure that our needs of these things does not leads to the extinction of the nature.

Many places on earth are facing many problems regarding ecological imbalance such as- drought, floods, landslides, melting of glaciers etc due to our excess use of nature. The creator of these problems is the man and his unnecessary needs. We all are busy in our hectic life and forgets that we our surviving in this world only because of nature. We do not forget to use nature’s products but we do forget to do something for nature’s conservation. There is nothing in this world without nature and we have to do something for her conservation.

There are many things to do for nature’s conservation. As many places are facing drought due to less rainfall and thus to overcome this problem, we could do rainwater harvesting and limited use of water. There are many other problems like melting of glaciers, lack of oxygen (O2) and increasing amount of carbon-dioxide (CO2) in air due to excess use of fuels, HCL, CFL, industrialization, construction of dams etc. There are many solutions to these problems like reforestation, limited use of fuels through car pooling, limited use of electricity, using eco-friendly gadgets etc. As there are many solutions to these problems, we have to use these solutions for the conservation of our environment. In many places around the world, these solutions are used to overcome ecological problems. We have to this for ourselves because our nature is the reason for our survival and we should not become the reason for nature’s extinction and in case, if it happens then it will lead to our extinction.

There are infinite solutions for these ecological problems and now it is in our hand that whether we want to survive and enjoy nature or whether we want to get extinct out of this world.

At this end I would like to conclude my speech and extend special thanks to our event organizers and all of you for making this event successful. Now I would like to ask our honorable manager sir to address the further event.

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  • Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth


Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth in English for Students

32% of the earth’s surface is covered in green leafy flora. We are dependent on trees for so many reasons, especially for the air we breathe. It helps maintain the planet’s biodiversity. Yet we do not value this natural resource and destroy it by cutting trees and practicing deforestation for our selfish needs, in the name of civilization without realizing the harm we will face.

All of us know how valuable trees are for our survival and all the other living beings on this planet. They are the most valuable source of life present on this earth. Every living being is directly or indirectly dependent on it.

The tree nourishes and protects us and it also keeps the environment green which gives us many aesthetic values. So, we must do everything to protect trees and save them before they disappear completely. The trees capture carbon dioxide, water and also help keep the earth cool and balanced. It shelters us from extreme heat and sunlight. Most importantly, it helps us fight climate change which is the need of the hour. They filter the air present near us by filtering all the toxic substances and odors from the environment. They give us oxygen which is important for our survival. They provide flora and fauna diversity. Apart from all of these, trees give us food and medicines too. It protects us from soil erosion and also helps in controlling food. Thus, we must plant more forests and curb the practice of deforestation and habitat destruction.  All of us should do our part in saving trees and spread awareness about planting more trees as it will help all of us and future generations. Without trees, there won’t be a future at all and it is important to realize and take action before it is too late for us too.

The speech can be presented in different ways, such as a Long Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth or a Short Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth.

Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth in English

Long speech on save trees and save planet earth.

This form of Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth In English is useful for students in grades 8-12, as they can convey in detail about the topic using simple words.

Good morning everyone, thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak on such an important topic Save Trees and Save Planet Earth. When one thinks of the most important element to survive the answer that always comes to our mind is air. Air is important for all living beings be it animals or humans. The trees which occupy 32% of the earth’s surface provide us with this air.  

The trees of the planet act as the lungs in our body and purify the air we breathe. It is due to the existence of trees that we inhale fresh air. As trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen which serves as the important life source of all living beings. The more trees the planet has the fresher and purer the air we breathe. 

Man’s attempt to outlive nature is costing us an unfortunate price. This drive for civilization and modernization is harming the environment and therefore the planet to an irreversible extent. When man violates nature the planet suffers and we have to bear the harmful consequences. Let’s understand how.

The road to civilization is more often through the destruction of natural resources.

Man views trees as roadblocks in modernization, that is they see it as it comes in the way of building more buildings and roads. So they tend to deforestation, which is an act of cutting down trees. When trees are cut, they build more homes and offices on the land. 

Deforestation leads to many unnatural things that disrupt the balance of nature. Due to deforestation, air pollution increases, and global warming rises. Animals lose their home and shelter, the quality of the soil where deforestation is practiced deteriorates due to the untimely removal of roots of trees leading to soil erosion. 

As their population is only increasing, it is imperative to have more trees so that the next generation lives breathing fresh air. If deforestation continues the planet will not be able to inhabit future generations because of the imbalance it experiences.

The best way to solve this problem is by avoiding deforestation and moving towards afforestation that is planting trees. We should all strive to save our home, which is the planet. Even planting one tree can save so many lives. 

It is high time that we take action and save the natural beauty of the planet which nourishes all living and breathing creatures. When saving trees they save lives and inevitably save the planet. Saving trees and saving the planet is the motto we should all live by. Let’s leave behind a green planet for the next generation. Spread the word and take action to save trees and in that way, we can save the planet.

Short Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth

This form of Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth In English is useful for students in grades 4-7, as they can speak about the topic in a short time using simple words for everyone to understand.

Good morning everyone, I ABC (mention your name) feel very fortunate to get this opportunity on this prestigious platform to speak on an important topic: Save Trees And Save Planet Earth. This planet has seen so many inventions and modern technologies that it is taking over, but none of it can do the work of the natural resources.

Trees are one of the most important natural resources that give life to every living thing. We are so heavily dependent on this natural resource and in return, we are only destroying them by cutting them and harming the planet. The trees selflessly provide so many benefits to humans and humans selfishly repay this debt by cutting down trees. 

If this practice of deforestation continues and people don’t realize the need to give back to the planet by planting trees then there won’t be a planet to live on anymore. Trees protect the natural environment by balancing the pollution levels and purifying such harmful air that has been created due to manmade activities. It acts as a home and shelter to so many animals, helps in raising fertility of the soil naturally and we only cause harm to it. 

Let us all pledge to not continue this harmful activity and take the route of afforestation. Start by planting trees at home and in your neighborhood. Do it for the benefit of the environment and planet even if your efforts go unnoticed. Spread awareness about the importance of planting trees and start early. Save trees and save the planet.

10 Line Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth

This form of Save Trees And Save Planet Earth is helpful for students in grades 1-3 as they can understand such a complex topic in a simpler and shorter format. 

Trees are the largest part of our planet where so many living beings build their homes and find shelter in.

Trees give us life, it gives us fresh air to breathe and live a healthy life.

We need nature and inhabit it and it is not dependent on us in any way.

Trees cover 32% of the earth’s surface and this green blanket contributes a great deal to the balance of the ecosystem.

When trees will no longer be present, there will be no life on planet earth.

And we are not far from that day where we will tend to breathe air from the machines because of the rapid pace of civilization we are harming nature in a big way.

Deforestation is the act of cutting down trees and it has irreversible consequences that show as climate change.

 Climate change is due to rising temperatures and rising air pollution.

This can be controlled when one learns the value and importance of natural resources and strives to plant more trees rather than building homes by cutting down trees.

Trees are also an important natural medicinal resource, so one must protect them and save planet earth. 


FAQs on Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth

1.   Why is it important to save trees?

It is important to save trees as they provide oxygen to us. It helps improve air quality, manage climate change, soil preservation and it also gives food and shelter to humans as well as wildlife. Trees by the process of photosynthesis give us oxygen without which we won’t be able to survive and there will be a crisis. Urbanization has led to deforestation and habitat loss and new buildings and roads have been built. If there isn’t proper reforestation or plantation of trees done then it can be detrimental for human beings shortly.   

2.   What is reforestation?

Reforestation can be defined as the process of planting trees in an area that was previously deforested or destroyed. Here, new plants are planted again. The destruction or cutting of large forests can have bad impacts on all living beings as carbon dioxide levels will increase and this will contribute to climate change.  This, in turn, will lead to the disappearance of species and also cause the imbalance of many ecosystems. Thus, reforestation is very important to practice. There are two types of reforestation: urban and rural. Urban farming is the planting of trees in developed areas like cities which help improve air quality. Rural reforestation is when trees are planted in rural areas. 

3.   What is climate change?

Climate change is the change of the normal environmental state of the earth. It is caused by both external and internal factors. It is a global concern for the last few decades. Climate change if not controlled can be detrimental for all the living beings on this planet and also have negative impacts on the ecology and various ecosystems. Many species are endangered because of it and many have already perished. 

4.   What is conservation?

Conservation of nature means protecting nature and wildlife like forests, lands, water bodies etc. Conservation focuses on sustainable growth so that the products of nature do not become scarce as it will become impossible to survive without these. It won’t be possible to survive without air, water and sunlight and also all the resources provided by nature to us. 

5.   How can we help in the contribution of saving the planet?

We can help in saving the planet by doing the following things:

Proper Water Consumption: We shouldn't waste wastewater and use it properly. It can be done by making habits like turning the tap water while we are brushing and also reusing any leftover water to water plants.

Use electricity only when required and do not keep the lights or other electronic appliances on when it is not required. When you leave the room, it is best to switch off the light and fan to save energy.

Use sustainable agriculture methods like bio-fertilisers and manures which do not harm the soil quality and also the water bodies. Heavy fertilizers can cause groundwater pollution which can harm the humans who consume them. Proper disposal of fertilizers if used should be done as it can affect the health of the species that dwell in the water bodies.

Spread awareness about the threats of global warming, climate change and also tell people about sustainable practices. Making people aware can help everyone and motivate them towards practicing good conversational habits. 

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Save Environment Speech


  • Updated on  
  • May 6, 2023

Save Environment Speech

To improve the speaking skills of students, CBSE came up with ASL, i.e. Assessment of Speaking and Listening for students of Class 9 and 10. This aspect of the school curriculum helps students work on their problem-solving and analytical thinking skills. Students have to prepare a speech on the given topic & for a specific duration. In this blog, we will cover the topic of the speech on the Save Environment so you can prepare better and ace your speech test!

Also read: English Speech Topics for Students

Speech on Save Environment for 1-2 minutes

Here is a 1-minute to 2-minute speech on Save Environment .

Good morning everyone. My name is _____ and my topic for today’s assessment is Save Environment. What’s the biggest threat to everyone globally? Is it the decreasing currency rate or fewer jobs? Other than these, one of the major issues we are facing today is the adverse implications on mother earth. We want our houses to be clean, and our school uniforms to be always ironed, then why are we not concerned about the place we all live in? Melting glaciers, natural calamities, climate change, and shortage of water are just a few of the major alarming points. If we don’t do something soon, there can be more consequences. Environmental pollution can not be pinned on a single country or individual as we all have been participating in it directly or indirectly and we certainly won’t be able to change it back to normal in a day but little efforts every day can lead to a big change. Wondering how we can save the environment? Starting with the basics, we can dispose of the wrappers in proper dustbins after eating and also try to separate them into biodegradable & non-biodegradable waste. This will help to ensure better disposal of waste products. Secondly, we should stop wasting water. From now on, wherever you see a tap running close to the tap, we can also install a rainwater harvesting system to conserve water. Lastly, switching off the lights & fans in our classroom when no one is there can help save electricity. All these things are easy and do not require much effort. Just determination and willpower towards doing our bit for saving the environment can make a big impact. We must know that change starts with us, let’s pledge to put in our best efforts to save our environment from today!

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Speech on Save Environment (5 minutes)

Here is another useful speech on Save Environment for 5 minutes:

Save environment speech

Good morning to everyone.  My name is _____ and my topic for today’s assessment is the Save Environment. Have you ever wondered how would it feel to not wear masks during the pollution that happens after every Diwali? Imagine hearing the sounds of birds in the morning not just over the hills but near our balconies. With the increasing standard of living, our environment has been continuously degrading. We clean our phones with unnecessary cache when it starts to hang, what are we gonna do when our mother earth is stuck? If the children of today’s modern age do not understand the importance of saving the environment, there won’t be an environment for the coming generations. Our news channels are filled with the news of climate changes, natural calamities & water scarcity. There are 308 districts in India that do not have a supply of drinking water & 17 states that are facing water shortages. We cannot make the big contributors that harm the environment to stop right away but we can bring a change in our lifestyle that will also have a positive impact on mother nature. Here’s how all of us can bring our own share of change. Most of the houses have packet milk, so when you cut the packet, do it from the top without cutting any pieces. The short triangle piece from milk packets is microplastic that can’t be recycled and is often dumped into oceans, and if consumed by fish or sea animals it can also result in death. The second thing you can do is stop bringing chappatis in foil, instead, bring it in a cotton cloth. This will not only reduce the use of foil but also save you money spent on aluminium foil. Similarly, instead of using and wasting plastic straws, you can bring your own straws made of aluminium and steel material that is reusable. Other small things that can bring an impact are using wooden toothbrushes & hairbrushes, avoiding the use of plastic bottles & lunch boxes, proper disposal of wrappers, and switching off fans and lights before leaving the room. These small efforts from us can leave a bigger impact on saving the environment. Other than these, we can always plant more trees in parks, footpaths and even near the school buildings. Avoiding the use of plastic bags, try to carpool, encouraging recyclable fashion, and much more. Earth is our home & for the last few years, it has been suffering from various calamities and climate issues. Before it’s too late or even run out of time, we must try to bring these changes in ourselves and also inform our families and friends about it. Let’s unite & bring back the balance our mother earth needs. 

Also Read: S peech on Indian Education System

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  • Speech Topics For Kids

Environment Day Speech

Preparing to write a speech on World Environment Day? Read the article for information about Environment Day and the need to let everyone know that it is time we did something to save our environment.

The term ‘environment’, in the literal sense, could simply mean surroundings. It has a lot of other connotations as well. It can mean nature, the natural world or ecosystem, a particular political or social setting and so on. However, we will be discussing ‘environment’ in the very literal sense here – the surroundings we all live in.

The article will give you an overview of how the Environment Day came into being, the various important events that took place on Environment Day through the years, and sample speeches you could refer to when you sit down to prepare your speech for the Environment Day. The topics below will navigate you through.

  • History Behind World Environment Day
  • Environment Day Through The Ages
  • Environment Day Speech In English
  • Speech About Environment Day In 300 Words
  • Short Speech On World Environment Day
  • One Minute Speech On Environment Day

FAQ on World Environment Day

History behind world environment day.

The UN Assembly designated June 5 as World Environment Day(WED) in 1972. It was done to create an awareness of the kind of environment we are living in and the need to conserve and preserve it for the present and the future. ‘Only One Earth’ was the slogan for the first celebration of the World Environment Day in 1974, and from then on, the commemoration of the World Environment Day has become a platform to create consciousness on the environmental issues we are facing on a global scale. It also turned out to be a chance for everyone to rethink the ways in which they are exploiting the environment we are a part of.

Environment Day through the Ages

Down the years, the WED has become a pathway to the restoration of the ecosystem which includes the recovery of destroyed ecosystems and preserving the ecosystems that are still in shape. Every year, the WED is hosted by a different country and has a different theme. In the year 2020, the WED was hosted by Columbia and Germany under the theme, ‘Time for Nature’.

Pakistan will be the global host country this year (2021), and the theme is ‘Reimagine. Recreate. Restore’ and aims at Ecosystem Restoration.

Environment Day Speech in English

Here are a few speeches you can refer to in order to help prepare yours.

Speech about Environment Day in 300 Words

As human beings, the environment we exist in plays a very important role in the well-being of every life possible on this Earth, and it is our duty to preserve and keep everything in check. Throughout the years, there have been many movements and awareness campaigns around the world that have been put forth to make people environmentally conscious. Chipko Movement, dated way back to 1970, carried out by rural villagers, particularly women, was directed towards stopping the government from cutting down trees and demolishing forests for various reasons. Van Mahotsav is yet another initiative, an annual tree-planting festival that goes on for a week in the month of July, which was initiated in 1950 by K. M. Munshi, the then Union Minister for Agriculture and Food. There were also many others like the Save Silent Valley Movement, the Jungle Bachao Andholan, Tehri Dam Movement and so on.

We, at our school, have been following the same path for the past few years. It is necessary that all of us, as inhabitants of this planet, understand the need to be aware of our surroundings and find ways to protect it in every possible way. It is not just enough for us to be aware but also let the others know that we owe a great deal of respect and concern for all that the Earth we live in is providing us with. So here we are today to hold hands in making every little difference we can, together. Let us stand together and make this world a wonderful place, not just for us but for the future generations as well. To ‘Only One Earth’ and giving more ‘Time for Nature’.

Short Speech on World Environment Day

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken,” said Leo Tolstoy. The relationship between human beings and the environment is important and it is necessary that they understand and work to keep it strong.

World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5 th of June every year. It is celebrated to raise awareness and to take actions to conserve the environment. It was initiated in 1972 by the UN Assembly and has come a long way since. The concern for preserving the environment did not just start then. People have been taking initiatives to do whatever is possible on their own, to make life better for everyone by creating awareness about preserving nature. Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” and that is exactly what all of us are here to do today. Let us join together and do our part in making our environment and our life on this planet as wondrous as it should be.

One Minute Speech on Environment Day

Nature has been painting for us infinite pictures of beauty every day, according to John Ruskin. It is just that people fail to see what nature has to offer. It is for this reason that we have occasions like the World Environment Day to remind us of what we are missing out. Planting a sapling, holding placards, shouting slogans, going on a rally – all of this is definitely something but not everything. We should be a lot more conscious of the kind of environment we are a part of and try to make it sustainable. In order to do that, it is not enough to do all of this just for a day, but make it our lifestyle. Join in, let us work together to make some real change.

Why is Environment Day celebrated?

Environment Day is celebrated every year to create awareness on problems faced by the environment due to air pollution, global warming, deforestation, wild forest fires and so on. It also helps us make a check on the kind of life we are all living that harms and destroys nature.

Why is 5th June celebrated as World Environment Day?

The UN General Assembly designated June 5 as World Environment Day for the first time in 1972, and since then, every year, June 5 is commemorated as World Environment Day all around the world.

What is the theme for Environment Day?

The theme for Environment Day changes every year. ‘Only One Earth’ was the theme in 1974 when it was first celebrated. It was ‘Time for Nature’ in 2020 and ‘Ecosystem Restoration’ is the theme for 2021.

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    Short Speech on Save Trees in English. Trees are the essence of our lives; saving trees means saving our own souls. Replacing the practice of deforestation with afforestation is the foremost initiative that we can take to save nature. The conservation of trees is not a choice, but a requirement. An equivalent diversity of trees has to be protected.

  21. Save Environment Speech

    Save Environment Speech for 1 minute, 2 minutes, quotes, essay, poster, best speeches ob save environment for students and children ... The short triangle piece from milk packets is microplastic that can't be recycled and is often dumped into oceans, and if consumed by fish or sea animals it can also result in death. The second thing you can ...

  22. Speech on Save Trees

    English Speech on Save Trees and Save Nature for class4, class5,class6,class7 in school. Trees should be saved for life. Prize winner speech on save trees in...

  23. Environment Day Speech

    Short Speech on World Environment Day. "One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken," said Leo Tolstoy. The relationship between human beings and the environment is important and it is necessary that they understand and work to keep it strong. World Environment Day is celebrated on ...