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70 Best High School Science Fair Projects in Every Subject

Fire up the Bunsen burners!

Collage of high school science fair projects, including 3D printed cars and a DIY vacuum chamber

The cool thing about high school science fair projects is that kids are old enough to tackle some pretty amazing concepts. Some science experiments for high school are just advanced versions of simpler projects they did when they were younger, with detailed calculations or fewer instructions. Other projects involve fire, chemicals, or other materials they couldn’t use before.

Note: Some of these projects were written as classroom labs but can be adapted to become science fair projects too. Just consider variables that you can change up, like materials or other parameters. That changes a classroom activity into a true scientific method experiment!

To make it easier to find the right high school science fair project idea for you, we’ve rated all the projects by difficulty and the materials needed:


  • Easy: Low or no-prep experiments you can do pretty much anytime
  • Medium: These take a little more setup or a longer time to complete
  • Advanced: Experiments like these take a fairly big commitment of time or effort
  • Basic: Simple items you probably already have around the house
  • Medium: Items that you might not already have but are easy to get your hands on
  • Advanced: These require specialized or more expensive supplies to complete
  • Biology and Life Sciences High School Science Fair Projects

Chemistry High School Science Fair Projects

Physics high school science fair projects, engineering high school stem fair projects, biology and life science high school science fair projects.

Explore the living world with these biology science project ideas, learning more about plants, animals, the environment, and much more.

Extract DNA from an onion

Difficulty: Medium / Materials: Medium

You don’t need a lot of supplies to perform this experiment, but it’s impressive nonetheless. Turn this into a science fair project by trying it with other fruits and vegetables too.

Re-create Mendel’s pea plant experiment

Difficulty: Medium / Materials: Medium ADVERTISEMENT

Gregor Mendel’s pea plant experiments were some of the first to explore inherited traits and genetics. Try your own cross-pollination experiments with fast-growing plants like peas or beans.

Make plants move with light

By this age, kids know that many plants move toward sunlight, a process known as phototropism. So high school science fair projects on this topic need to introduce variables into the process, like covering seedling parts with different materials to see the effects.

Test the 5-second rule

We’d all like to know the answer to this one: Is it really safe to eat food you’ve dropped on the floor? Design and conduct an experiment to find out (although we think we might already know the answer).

Find out if color affects taste

Just how interlinked are all our senses? Does the sight of food affect how it tastes? Find out with a fun food science fair project like this one!

See the effects of antibiotics on bacteria

Test tubes containing various bacteria

Difficulty: Medium / Materials: Advanced

Bacteria can be divided into two groups: gram-positive and gram-negative. In this experiment, students first determine the two groups, then try the effects of various antibiotics on them. You can get a gram stain kit , bacillus cereus and rhodospirillum rubrum cultures, and antibiotic discs from Home Science Tools.

Learn more: Antibiotics Project at Home Science Tools

Witness the carbon cycle in action

Test tubes filled with plants and green and blue liquid

Experiment with the effects of light on the carbon cycle. Make this science fair project even more interesting by adding some small aquatic animals like snails or fish into the mix.

Learn more: Carbon Cycle at Science Lessons That Rock

Look for cell mitosis in an onion

Cell mitosis (division) is actually easy to see in action when you look at onion root tips under a microscope. Students will be amazed to see science theory become science reality right before their eyes. Adapt this lab into a high school science fair project by applying the process to other organisms too.

Test the effects of disinfectants

Petri dish divided in half with bacteria and paper disks on the surface

Grow bacteria in a petri dish along with paper disks soaked in various antiseptics and disinfectants. You’ll be able to see which ones effectively inhibit bacteria growth.

Learn more: Effectiveness of Antiseptics and Disinfectants at Amy Brown Science

Pit hydroponics against soil

Growing vegetables without soil (hydroponics) is a popular trend, allowing people to garden just about anywhere.

More Life Sciences and Biology Science Fair Projects for High School

Use these questions and ideas to design your own experiment:

  • Explore ways to prevent soil erosion.
  • What are the most accurate methods of predicting various weather patterns?
  • Try out various fertilization methods to find the best and safest way to increase crop yield.
  • What’s the best way to prevent mold growth on food for long-term storage?
  • Does exposure to smoke or other air pollutants affect plant growth?
  • Compare the chemical and/or bacterial content of various water sources (bottled, tap, spring, well water, etc.).
  • Explore ways to clean up after an oil spill on land or water.
  • Conduct a wildlife field survey in a given area and compare it to results from previous surveys.
  • Find a new use for plastic bottles or bags to keep them out of landfills.
  • Devise a way to desalinate seawater and make it safe to drink.

Bunsen burners, beakers and test tubes, and the possibility of (controlled) explosions? No wonder chemistry is such a popular topic for high school science fair projects!

Break apart covalent bonds

Tub of water with battery leads in it

Break the covalent bond of H 2 O into H and O with this simple experiment. You only need simple supplies for this one. Turn it into a science fair project by changing up the variables—does the temperature of the water matter? What happens if you try this with other liquids?

Learn more: Covalent Bonds at Teaching Without Chairs

Measure the calories in various foods

Are the calorie counts on your favorite snacks accurate? Build your own calorimeter and find out! This kit from Home Science Tools has all the supplies you’ll need.

Detect latent fingerprints

Fingerprint divided into two, one half yellow and one half black

Forensic science is engrossing and can lead to important career opportunities too. Explore the chemistry needed to detect latent (invisible) fingerprints, just like they do for crime scenes!

Learn more: Fingerprints Project at Hub Pages

Use Alka-Seltzer to explore reaction rate

Difficulty: Easy / Materials: Easy

Tweak this basic concept to create a variety of high school chemistry science fair projects. Change the temperature, surface area, pressure, and more to see how reaction rates change.

Determine whether sports drinks provide more electrolytes than OJ

Are those pricey sports drinks really worth it? Try this experiment to find out. You’ll need some special equipment for this one; buy a complete kit at Home Science Tools .

Turn flames into a rainbow

You’ll need to get your hands on a few different chemicals for this experiment, but the wow factor will make it worth the effort! Make it a science project by seeing if different materials, air temperature, or other factors change the results.

Discover the size of a mole

Supplies needed for mole experiment, included scale, salt, and chalk

The mole is a key concept in chemistry, so it’s important to ensure students really understand it. This experiment uses simple materials like salt and chalk to make an abstract concept more concrete. Make it a project by applying the same procedure to a variety of substances, or determining whether outside variables have an effect on the results.

Learn more: How Big Is a Mole? at Amy Brown Science

Cook up candy to learn mole and molecule calculations

Aluminum foil bowl filled with bubbling liquid over a bunsen burner

This edible experiment lets students make their own peppermint hard candy while they calculate mass, moles, molecules, and formula weights. Tweak the formulas to create different types of candy and make this into a sweet science fair project!

Learn more: Candy Chemistry at Dunigan Science on TpT

Make soap to understand saponification

Colorful soaps from saponification science experiments for high school

Take a closer look at an everyday item: soap! Use oils and other ingredients to make your own soap, learning about esters and saponification. Tinker with the formula to find one that fits a particular set of parameters.

Learn more: Saponification at Chemistry Solutions on TpT

Uncover the secrets of evaporation

Explore the factors that affect evaporation, then come up with ways to slow them down or speed them up for a simple science fair project.

Learn more: Evaporation at Science Projects

More Chemistry Science Fair Projects for High School

These questions and ideas can spark ideas for a unique experiment:

  • Compare the properties of sugar and artificial sweeteners.
  • Explore the impact of temperature, concentration, and seeding on crystal growth.
  • Test various antacids on the market to find the most effective product.
  • What is the optimum temperature for yeast production when baking bread from scratch?
  • Compare the vitamin C content of various fruits and vegetables.
  • How does temperature affect enzyme-catalyzed reactions?
  • Investigate the effects of pH on an acid-base chemical reaction.
  • Devise a new natural way to test pH levels (such as cabbage leaves).
  • What’s the best way to slow down metal oxidation (the form of rust)?
  • How do changes in ingredients and method affect the results of a baking recipe?

When you think of physics science projects for high school, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the classic build-a-bridge. But there are plenty of other ways for teens to get hands-on with physics concepts. Here are some to try.

Remove the air in a DIY vacuum chamber

DIY vacuum chamber made from a jar and large hypodermic needle

You can use a vacuum chamber to do lots of cool high school science fair projects, but a ready-made one can be expensive. Try this project to make your own with basic supplies.

Learn more: Vacuum Chamber at Instructables

Put together a mini Tesla coil

Looking for a simple but showy high school science fair project? Build your own mini Tesla coil and wow the crowd!

Boil water in a paper cup

Logic tells us we shouldn’t set a paper cup over a heat source, right? Yet it’s actually possible to boil water in a paper cup without burning the cup up! Learn about heat transfer and thermal conductivity with this experiment. Go deeper by trying other liquids like honey to see what happens.

Build a better light bulb

Emulate Edison and build your own simple light bulb. You can turn this into a science fair project by experimenting with different types of materials for filaments.

Measure the speed of light—with your microwave

Grab an egg and head to your microwave for this surprisingly simple experiment. By measuring the distance between cooked portions of egg whites, you’ll be able to calculate the wavelength of the microwaves in your oven and, in turn, the speed of light.

Generate a Lichtenberg figure

Lichtenberg figure generated on a sheet of Plexiglass

See electricity in action when you generate and capture a Lichtenberg figure with polyethylene sheets, wood, or even acrylic and toner. Change the electrical intensity and materials to see what types of patterns you can create.

Learn more: Lichtenberg Figure at Science Notes

Explore the power of friction with sticky note pads

Difficulty: Medium / Materials: Basic

Ever try to pull a piece of paper out of the middle of a big stack? It’s harder than you think it would be! That’s due to the power of friction. In this experiment, students interleave the sheets of two sticky note pads, then measure how much weight it takes to pull them apart. The results are astonishing!

Build a cloud chamber to prove background radiation

Ready to dip your toe into particle physics? Learn about background radiation and build a cloud chamber to prove the existence of muons.

Measure the effect of temperature on resistance

A beaker with a tungsten rod, connected to a multimeter

This is a popular and classic science fair experiment in physics. You’ll need a few specialized supplies, but they’re pretty easy to find.

Learn more: Temperature and Resistance at Science Project

Launch the best bottle rocket

A basic bottle rocket is pretty easy to build, but it opens the door to lots of different science fair projects. Design a powerful launcher, alter the rocket so it flies higher or farther, or use only recycled materials for your flyer.

More Physics Science Fair Projects for High School

Design your own experiment in response to these questions and prompts.

  • Determine the most efficient solar panel design and placement.
  • What’s the best way to eliminate friction between two objects?
  • Explore the best methods of insulating an object against heat loss.
  • What effect does temperature have on batteries when stored for long periods of time?
  • Test the effects of magnets or electromagnetic fields on plants or other living organisms.
  • Determine the best angle and speed of a bat swing in baseball.
  • What’s the best way to soundproof an area or reduce noise produced by an item?
  • Explore methods for reducing air resistance in automotive design.
  • Use the concepts of torque and rotation to perfect a golf swing.
  • Compare the strength and durability of various building materials.

Many schools are changing up their science fairs to STEM fairs, to encourage students with an interest in engineering to participate. Many great engineering science fair projects start with a STEM challenge, like those shown here. Use these ideas to spark a full-blown project to build something new and amazing!

Construct a model maglev train

Maglev model train built from magnets and wood craft sticks on green felt

Maglev trains may just be the future of mass transportation. Build a model at home, and explore ways to implement the technology on a wider basis.

Learn more: Maglev Model Train at Supermagnete

Design a more efficient wind turbine

Wind energy is renewable, making it a good solution for the fossil fuel problem. For a smart science fair project, experiment to find the most efficient wind turbine design for a given situation.

Re-create Da Vinci’s flying machine

Da Vinci flying machine built from a paper cup and other basic supplies

Da Vinci sketched several models of “flying machines” and hoped to soar through the sky. Do some research into his models and try to reconstruct one of your own.

Learn more: Da Vinci Flying Machine at Student Savvy

Design a heart-rate monitor

Smartwatches are ubiquitous these days, so pretty much anyone can wear a heart-rate monitor on their wrist. But do they work any better than one you can build yourself? Get the specialized items you need like the Arduino LilyPad Board on Amazon.

Race 3D printed cars

Simple 3-D printed race cars with vegetables strapped to them (Science Experiments for High School)

3D printers are a marvel of the modern era, and budding engineers should definitely learn to use them. Use Tinkercad or a similar program to design and print race cars that can support a defined weight, then see which can roll the fastest! (No 3D printer in your STEM lab? Check the local library. Many of them have 3D printers available for patrons to use.)

Learn more: 3D Printed Cars at Instructables

Grow veggies in a hydroponic garden

Vertical hydroponic garden made from PVC pipes and aluminum downspouts

Hydroponics is the gardening wave of the future, making it easy to grow plants anywhere with minimal soil required. For a science fair STEM engineering challenge, design and construct your own hydroponic garden capable of growing vegetables to feed a family. This model is just one possible option.

Learn more: Hydroponics at Instructables

Grab items with a mechanical claw

KiwiCo hydraulic claw kit (Science Experiments for High School)

Delve into robotics with this engineering project. This kit includes all the materials you need, with complete video instructions. Once you’ve built the basic structure, tinker around with the design to improve its strength, accuracy, or other traits.

Learn more: Hydraulic Claw at KiwiCo

Construct a crystal radio

Homemade crystal radio set (Science Experiments for High School)

Return to the good old days and build a radio from scratch. This makes a cool science fair project if you experiment with different types of materials for the antenna. It takes some specialized equipment, but fortunately, Home Science Tools has an all-in-one kit for this project.

Learn more: Crystal Radio at Scitoys.com

Build a burglar alarm

Simple electronic burglar alarm with a cell phone

The challenge? Set up a system to alert you when someone has broken into your house or classroom. This can take any form students can dream up, and you can customize this STEM high school science experiment for multiple skill levels. Keep it simple with an alarm that makes a sound that can be heard from a specified distance. Or kick it up a notch and require the alarm system to send a notification to a cell phone, like the project at the link.

Learn more: Intruder Alarm at Instructables

Walk across a plastic bottle bridge

Students sitting on a large bridge made of plastic bottles

Balsa wood bridges are OK, but this plastic bottle bridge is really impressive! In fact, students can build all sorts of structures using the concept detailed at the link. It’s the ultimate upcycled STEM challenge!

Learn more: TrussFab Structures at Instructables

Looking for more science content? Check out the Best Science Websites for Middle and High School .

Plus, get all the latest teaching tips and tricks when you sign up for our newsletters .

Explore high school science fair projects in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering and more, from easy projects to advanced ideas.

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Education Corner

30 Best Science Experiments & Projects for High School

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Welcome to our round-up of top science fair projects and science experiments tailored specifically for curious high school students.

Science fair is not just about the glitz and glamour of a first-place trophy; it’s about the passion, the inquiry, and the insatiable curiosity that drive every scientist, young and old. Hopefully, our curated list of the best hands-on science fair projects for high school students will ignite that curiosity in you.

Each project on this list offers a unique opportunity to dive deep into scientific inquiry and present findings with both clarity and flair.

Let’s dive in and make learning an unforgettable adventure!

1. Burn Calories

Burn Calories

Don’t miss this opportunity to unravel the mysteries of energy transformation and uncover the scientific secrets hidden in the simplest of substances!

Learn more: Science Buddies

2. Extracting DNA from Strawberry

Extracting DNA from Strawberry

By following a series of simple yet insightful steps, students will witness the magical moment of DNA extraction, fostering a deeper appreciation for the fundamental building blocks of life.

Learn more: Extracting DNA from Strawberry

3. Build a Simple DIY Newton’s Cradle

As students assemble the materials and witness the rhythmic dance of swinging spheres, they will witness the scientific principles they’ve learned in the classroom come to life before their eyes.

4. Make a Monster Dry Ice Bubbles

Make a Monster Dry Ice Bubbles

Unleash your inner mad scientist and learn how to make Monster Dry Ice Bubbles with this high school science experiment!

Get ready to be captivated as you create giant, spooky bubbles that dance and swirl with the mysterious power of dry ice.

Learn more: Wonder How To

5. Soil Erosion Experiment

Soil Erosion Experiment

As stewards of our environment, it’s crucial to comprehend the impact of natural processes like soil erosion.

Through this experiment, students will gain a deeper appreciation for the significance of soil conservation and sustainable land management practices.

Learn more: Life is a Garden

6. Candle Carousel

Candle Carousel

This experiment combines the wonders of physics with the art of crafting, making it an enriching experience that ignites curiosity and fosters a deeper appreciation for the elegant dance of energy in our world.

7. Find Out if Water Conducts Electricity

Find Out if Water Conducts Electricity

In this captivating activity, students will explore the conductive properties of water and unlock the secrets of how electrical currents flow through different substances.

Learn more: Rookie Parenting

8. Roller Coaster Stem Experiment

Roller Coaster Stem Experiment

By experimenting with various designs and track configurations, students will refine their problem-solving skills and gain valuable insights into the practical applications of physics and engineering.

Learn more: STEM Project

9. Lemon Battery

Lemon Battery

Engaging in this experiment not only teaches the basics of electrical circuits but also sparks curiosity about the natural world and the science behind it.

Learn more: Coffee Cups and Crayons

10. Watering Plants Using Different Liquids

Watering plants using different liquids

Discover the wonders of plant hydration with the intriguing high school science experiment – “Watering Plants Using Different Liquids.” In this captivating project, students explore how various liquids impact plant growth and health.

Learn more: Lemon Lime Adventures

11. Measure Electrolytes Found in Sports Drinks

By conducting a series of tests and analyses, students will quantify the electrolyte content present in various sports drinks.

12. Relight the Flame Without Directly Touching It

Relight the Flame Without Touching It

This captivating project challenges students to learn about the intriguing properties of heat transfer and combustion.

By exploring different methods to reignite a candle flame without physical contact, students will uncover the secrets of heat conduction, convection, and radiation.

Learn more: Stevespangler

13. Conduct Fingerprint Analysis

This captivating project immerses students in the intriguing world of crime scene investigations, where they will uncover the uniqueness of fingerprints and their role in forensic science.

14. Separate Water Into Hydrogen And Oxygen Using Electrolysis

Separate Water Into Hydrogen And Oxygen Using Electrolysis

This electrifying project allows students to explore electrolysis and the decomposition of water into its elemental components.

Learn more: Navigating by Joy

15. Simple Color Detection Circuit 

This experiment not only introduces fundamental concepts in electronics and circuitry but also opens up endless possibilities for real-life applications, from automated sorting systems to color-sensitive devices.

16. Carbon Sugar Snake

Carbon Sugar Snake

This enchanting project allows students to witness a dazzling display of science as they combine common household ingredients to create a dark, coiling “snake” made of carbon.

Learn more: Kiwi Co

17. Build a Hydraulic Elevator

Build a Hydraulic Elevator

This captivating project invites students to learn about engineering and fluid mechanics. By constructing a working model of a hydraulic elevator, students will explore the principles of Pascal’s law and the fascinating concept of fluid pressure.

Learn more: Teach Beside Me

18. Brew up Some Root Beer

Brew up Some Root Beer

This enticing project invites students to explore the fascinating world of chemistry and fermentation while creating their own delicious and bubbly concoction.

Learn more: Home School Creations

19. Extracting Bismuth From Pepto-Bismol Tablets

Extracting Bismuth From Pepto-Bismol Tablets

This hands-on experiment not only sheds light on the principles of chemistry and lab techniques but also highlights the real-world applications of bismuth in medicine and various industries.

Learn more: Popscie

20. Solar-Powered Water Desalination

Solar-Powered Water Desalination

By designing and building a solar-powered water desalination system, students will learn how to harness the sun’s energy to purify saltwater and make it safe for consumption.

21. Applying Hooke’s Law: Make Your Own Spring Scale

science research project ideas high school

By designing and constructing their very own spring scale, students will uncover the principles of Hooke’s Law and the relationship between force and displacement in a spring system.

22. Homemade Hand Warmer

Homemade Hand Warmer

By creating their own hand warmers using safe and easily accessible materials, students will witness the magic of heat generation through chemical processes.

Learn more: Steve Spangler

23. Explore the Concept of Symbiosis Involving Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria.

Delve into the concept of symbiosis involving nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

By investigating how certain plants form a mutually beneficial bond with these bacteria, students will gain insights into the essential role of nitrogen fixation in the ecosystem.

Learn more: Education.com

24. Center of Gravity Experiment

Center of Gravity Experiment

This fascinating project invites students to explore the concept of the center of gravity and its role in determining stability.

25. Power up Homemade Batteries

Power up Homemade Batteries

This captivating project invites students to learn about electrochemistry and energy generation.

Learn more: 123 Homeschool

26. Film Canister Explosions

Film Canister Explosions

Prepare for a blast of excitement and chemistry with the high school science experiment – “Film Canister Explosions!” This project teaches students about chemical reactions and pressure build-up.

27. Investigating Osmosis with Potato Slices

This hands-on experiment not only provides a practical understanding of osmosis but also highlights its relevance in everyday life, from understanding plant hydration to food preservation techniques.

28. Make Homemade Fly Trap

This captivating “Make Homemade Fly Trap!” project invites students to explore the principles of pest control and observe the behavior of flies.

29. Hydroponics: Gardening Without Soil

This exciting project invites students to explore innovative agricultural practices that harness water and nutrient solutions to grow plants.

By setting up their hydroponic system and nurturing plants through this method, students will witness the fascinating dynamics of root development and nutrient absorption.

30. Clothespin Airplane

Clothespin Airplane

As they test and modify their creations, students will learn about the principles of lift, thrust, and drag, gaining a deeper understanding of how these forces come together to keep airplanes soaring through the skies.

Learn more: Steamsational

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Curriculum Resources > High School Science Fair Projects  

High School Science Fair Projects

Below you’ll find a list of high school science fair projects. Choose a topic that interests you, then begin your preliminary research.

science research project ideas high school

High school science fair projects require a high level of original thought and development. Consider these ideas as springboards to help develop your own original project. To participate in an upper-level competition, your project should be relevant to current science and technology. The project should also present a benefit to society.

High School Science Fair Project Resources

For tips on performing your experiment and presenting your project, see our free science fair guide.

To start brainstorming, explore our Science Fair category for more project ideas and helpful kits.

Ideas for High School Science Fair Projects

Life science.

  • Compare the effect of antibiotics on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. (Grow your own cultures with agar & petri dishes . For a sample procedure and more project ideas, see our bacteria science project guide .)

science research project ideas high school

  • Run a bioassay to test for toxicity in water or soil .
  • Test the effect of ultraviolet radiation on bacteria growth.
  • Do different types of bread grow different types of mold? Does temperature or light affect mold growth?
  • Experiment with plant genetics (plant hybrids, cross-breeding).
  • Test factors like smoke or pollution that might affect transpiration rates for plants.
  • Investigate the effects of increased oxygen or carbon dioxide concentration on plant germination.
  • Find out the differences in properties and effects of organic vs. chemical fertilizers.
  • Explore methods of erosion prevention, test effects of different soil composition on erosion (e.g. how does more clay compare to more sand?).
  • Experiment with methods of flood management and containment.
  • Investigate the effects of sunspots on weather patterns.
  • Work with methods for forecasting weather .
  • Test the concentration and effect of minerals and pH in soil and water samples. (Use water test strips and a soil analyzer .)
  • Determine chemical makeup of rain in your area; test possible hazardous effects.

Physical Science

science research project ideas high school

  • Study acoustic models and methods of noise control. (A sound measurement kit/ might be helpful.)
  • Experiment with the effect of storage temperatures on batteries.
  • Develop improvements in battery chargers; try methods of using solar cells to recharge batteries.
  • Compare the bending strength and durability of different building materials.
  • Build a potato-powered battery .
  • Experiment with building materials that are fire-preventative.
  • Design industrial uses of magnets ; test the effects of magnetic and electromagnetic fields on living organisms such as brine shrimp .
  • Design a project in advanced robotic programming .
  • Build a sensor-moving advanced Bristlebot robot .
  • Test the effects of the pH level of a solution on the corrosion of iron and copper ; explore different methods of corrosion prevention.
  • Experiment with types, effectiveness, and the impact on the nutritional value of preservatives in food.

science research project ideas high school

  • Compare the properties and effects of artificial sweetener vs. sugar or other natural sweeteners. (For this and the following tests, you might consider the Chemistry of Food kit .)
  • Test the chemical properties and physiological impact of saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats.
  • Use indophenol to test the effect of different cooking methods on the depletion of vitamin C in food.
  • Investigate the role of enzymes and yeast in the fermentation or cheese-making process.
  • Experiment with different methods of water filtration/purification (such as solar distillation ).
  • Analyze the by-products of gasoline; compare the efficiency of various octane levels.
  • Conduct an orange juice titration demonstration

Environmental Science

  • Compare or develop methods of hydrogen production and storage for use in fuel cells .
  • Investigate methods of improving home insulation.
  • Experiment with expanded uses of solar energy .
  • Test methods for cleaning up and neutralizing the effect of oil in salt water with this oil spill cleanup kit .
  • Work with methods of processing/recycling non-biodegradable items; experiment with decomposition aids.
  • Experiment with design and function of wind turbines or water wheels .
  • Test for harmful effects of pesticides; test or develop natural/organic alternatives; test the effectiveness of common pesticides such as DEET.
  • Which type and color of roofing material provides the most energy efficiency?

For more in-depth high school science fair project ideas, we recommend the Science Buddies website.

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Okay, this is the hardest part of the whole project…picking your topic. But here are some ideas to get you started. Even if you don’t like any, they may inspire you to come up with one of your own. Remember, check all project ideas with your teacher and parents, and don’t do any project that would hurt or scare people or animals. Good luck!

  • Does music affect on animal behavior?
  • Does the color of food or drinks affect whether or not we like them?
  • Where are the most germs in your school? ( CLICK for more info. )
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  • What level of salt works best to hatch brine shrimp?
  • Can the food we eat affect our heart rate?
  • How effective are child-proof containers and locks.
  • Can background noise levels affect how well we concentrate?
  • Does acid rain affect the growth of aquatic plants?
  • What is the best way to keep cut flowers fresh the longest?
  • Does the color of light used on plants affect how well they grow?
  • What plant fertilizer works best?
  • Does the color of a room affect human behavior?
  • Do athletic students have better lung capacity?
  • What brand of battery lasts the longest?
  • Does the type of potting soil used in planting affect how fast the plant grows?
  • What type of food allow mold to grow the fastest?
  • Does having worms in soil help plants grow faster?
  • Can plants grow in pots if they are sideways or upside down?
  • Does the color of hair affect how much static electricity it can carry? (test with balloons)
  • How much weight can the surface tension of water hold?
  • Can some people really read someone else’s thoughts?
  • Which soda decays fallen out teeth the most?
  • What light brightness makes plants grow the best?
  • Does the color of birdseed affect how much birds will eat it?
  • Do natural or chemical fertilizers work best?
  • Can mice learn? (you can pick any animal)
  • Can people tell artificial smells from real ones?
  • What brands of bubble gum produce the biggest bubbles?
  • Does age affect human reaction times?
  • What is the effect of salt on the boiling temperature of water?
  • Does shoe design really affect an athlete’s jumping height?
  • What type of grass seed grows the fastest?
  • Can animals see in the dark better than humans?

Didn’t see one you like? Don’t worry…look over them again and see if they give you an idea for your own project that will work for you. Remember, find something that interests you, and have fun with it.

To download and print this list of ideas CLICK HERE .

science research project ideas high school

  • The scientific method
  • science fair resources
  • a little helpful advice

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21 Unique Science Projects for High School Students

  • Last modified 2024-07-05
  • Published on 2023-10-31

Whether you’re leading a group science project or working independently to pursue your own scientific interests , we brainstormed to create the most unique list of science project ideas for high school students. Discover fresh, cool science project ideas that you’ve never seen before! In addition, we’ve added some bonus material to walk you through how to do research for your project, and write a report in a fun and engaging way that will all but guarantee that ticket ends up in your hands!

What should you include in your high school science project?

Science teachers hold students ages 14-18 to a much higher standard when grading science projects. High schoolers must demonstrate a solid understanding of the scientific method and reflect current guidelines in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) industry. Students’ science projects must also demonstrate their curiosity and eagerness to explore new and complicated scientific concepts.

Structure your science project neatly in sections, and make sure you include all necessary components: Purpose, Background Information, Scientific Question, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedures, Results, Conclusion, and Works Cited/Bibliography. When editing your science project, some questions to ask yourself are:

  • Are my steps clear enough for someone to easily replicate my results?
  • Do I have tables and graphs to illustrate the collected data? Are they easy to read?
  • How original is my idea compared to other high school science projects?
  • How can I present my science project in a clear way to ensure my audience understands the complicated scientific concepts?

Science Project Ideas for Each Subject

In high school, students typically take Biology, Chemistry, and Physics chronologically from 9th to 11th grade. 12th graders can choose which science subject they performed best in and take an AP science class in that subject for a challenge and to college credit. Depending on their school’s science class offerings, high school seniors can also take more focused science classes such as AP Environmental Science, AP Psychology, AP Human Geography, or AP Computer Science. Learn more about the differences between each subject .

With so many intriguing science project ideas for high school students, choosing a project that’s best for you can be difficult. When reading through this list, consider which ideas strike your interest. Do they relate to something your teacher mentioned in class? Is it a science project you’ve always been curious about? Would you want to study this topic as your college major? Will this science project be helpful in your portfolio when applying for your dream university?

When you find a science project idea that appeals to you, the best way to approach the topic is to do background research. Look up some keywords from the description in research journal databases, such as The Concord Review and Journal of High School Science. These 12 research journals are easier to read and more suitable for high schoolers because the papers are all written by other high school students.

Biology Science Projects

  • Explore gene editing and its possibilities by creating genetically modified organisms or treating genetic disorders.
  • Discover why people get seasonal allergies and which biological differences make some people more prone to allergic reactions than others.
  • Research an invasive species that was recently introduced in your community, and predict its impact on native species.

If you’re curious to learn more about biology, consider taking an AP Biology class at your high school. Or, if you’re just getting started, check out an online class on the foundations of biology .

Chemistry Science Projects

  • Test how effective Advil (ibuprofen) is compared to Tylenol (acetaminophen) when dealing with different symptoms and illnesses.
  • Examine the chemical anatomy of different artificial food dyes or other additives, and compare their effects on our health.
  • Develop a skincare product that’s safe to use.

Do these science project ideas sound interesting to you? Consider taking an online chemistry course to learn more about your scientific interests and get ahead of the game!

Physics Science Projects

  • Explore the popular yet controversial topic of how one electron can be in two places at once.
  • Determine the differences between the two atomic bombs the U.S. used in World War 2.
  • Uncover the differences in safety features between a gas engine car and an electric car when rapidly decelerating from a high speed.

Environmental Science Projects

  • Compare the water pollution levels in your town and a neighboring town to determine what factors might be causing higher pollution levels. Propose a social change initiative to lower water pollution.
  • Conduct a study on your school’s recycling habits. How can the current system be made more efficient? How much recycling ends up as unusable waste in landfills?
  • Investigate solutions to cleaning up oil spills. What is the most effective method?

In most cases, studying Environmental Science requires a solid understanding of Biology, since these subjects overlap. If you’re interested in both subjects, you might want to consider studying them in college. Before then, it’s essential to understand the differences between Environmental Science and Biology; so, choose the right AP course and earn college credit toward your future major.

Psychology Science Projects

  • Compare and contrast the effectiveness of medicine versus hallucinogenic plants for different illnesses. Why might some people prefer alternative medicine over traditional medicine?
  • Dive into how cultural or socio-economic factors may contribute to someone’s belief in conspiracy theories and political extremism on social media.
  • Research the effects of college admissions on self-esteem and long-term life satisfaction.

Need more ideas? Check out some more psychology research topics to find the best science project for you.

Human Geography Science Projects

  • Design a more sustainable urban development plan for your city. How could your city be remapped?
  • Analyze the impact of farmers’ markets on people’s relationship to food and healthy eating habits.
  • Uncover some key reasons behind the rapid spread of COVID-19 across the world.

As one of the more directly applicable sciences, human geography science projects delve into more practical topics. If these topics interest you, AP Human Geography might be a great class for you to take!

Computer Science Projects

  • Design a therapy Chatbot to help users practice simple exercises for boosting mental health, such as gratitude journaling.
  • Analyze the relationship between mental health disorders in younger generations and the rise of social media using data visualization tools.
  • Code an interactive experience for an emotional support robot dog.

Thinking about taking your computer science skills to the next level? Try testing out your skills with AP Computer Science .

Presenting your Science Project in a High School Classroom

People tend to think that science projects are about writing science reports and long research papers. However, there are more engaging ways to showcase your scientific discoveries and have fun along the way!

Write a Blog High school students can exercise their creative muscles by starting a science blog. Students can research current events in science and write posts about recent scientific developments in the STEM industry. Not sure how to get started? Here are some tips on how to create a blog .

Make a Board Game Another fun idea to present a science project is to make a board game. As players progress across the board, they can learn about your research questions, hypothesis, variables, and what you discovered in your science experiment.

Add Kahoot to Your Slides If part of your assignment is to make PowerPoint slides, make your presentation slides more interactive and engaging by adding a game of Kahoot . Kahoot is a website that lets you make a fun quiz to share with your classmates. You can add the game to the end of your presentation to quiz them on what they learned from your science project. Prepare a small prize for whoever gets the most correct answers!

Make a Model for a Live Demonstration Consider whether or not your experiment can be replicated through a model in time, which is by far the best way to grab your audience’s attention. Even if your whole experiment can’t be built into a model, make part of it to help your classmates understand a difficult scientific concept.

How to Write a Scientific Research Paper

Even if you’re stuck just writing a paper for your science project, don’t worry. Start with looking into research that’s already been done on the topic. Here are resources on how to conduct scientific research and how to read complicated research papers . Once you move onto writing your science paper, talk with a tutor to get clear, personal feedback from experienced teachers.

Next Steps – Share your Science Projects

Want to take your science project to the next level? There are countless ways for high school students interested in science to get involved outside of class . The best way to get your innovative science project out into the world is through competitions and fairs. Check out these 11 STEM competitions for high school students that you can enter!

An impressive, creative, and well-documented science project can help with college admissions and with pursuing a career in medicine , or other scientific fields. Follow the steps outlined above to structure your science project in an organized, coherent fashion. When you’re ready, take your science project to STEM competitions and boost your chances of getting into your dream college!

Further Your Science Passion with Aralia Education

Aralia is well-equipped to help high school students with their science projects. Aralia offers a diverse range of science classes designed to ignite students’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world around them. From introductory courses to advanced topics, our expert instructors provide engaging and comprehensive instruction, empowering students to excel in the field of science. If you ever need help anywhere along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

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science research project ideas high school

High School Science Fair Projects

By high school, students should be familiar with scientific methods and processes and have a grasp of basic science principles. Your high school science teacher will assign science fair projects with the goal of helping you develop the ability to apply knowledge of science processes to learn something new.

Doing a science fair project is like doing a real world job assignment. You will be using skills you have learned throughout your education to research a question or problem, develop possible solutions, design a test for your chosen solution and present your findings.

Project components

At the high school level, a science fair project typically must have the following components. However, you must carefully read the particular guidelines provided by your teacher or the science fair rules and follow them exactly.

Proposal : This is a very brief description of the experiment you plan to do. This short paragraph will help you get a very clear idea of what you are going to do. You may be required to turn this in to your teacher very early, before you do any other work. It allows the teacher to check that your planned experiment is safe, follows legal and ethical rules, and is not a simple demonstration.

Title : This is the name of your experiment. It is a good idea to use your science question as the title for your project.

Purpose : This is a statement describing what it is you want to find out by doing the experiment. It describes why you are interested in the topic that you chose and what you think you will learn. Students often include ideas about why the experiment is important and how the information you learn could benefit others.

Hypothesis : This is a prediction of what you think will happen in the experiment. This prediction must be based on some research, prior knowledge or observations. It should be stated in an “If/Then” format.

     “ If soil type affects erosion rates, then sandy soils will erode faster than clay soils.”

Materials list : All the equipment and resources needed to do the experiment.

Procedure : This is a step-by-step set of instructions for the experiment. It must be very detailed and include accurate measurements of materials needed for each step.

Results : This is where you document each phase of the experiment. It often includes experiment in different stages as well.

Research paper : This is usually a 2-3 page paper on a topic related to your experiment. You will include a history of similar experiments or inventions and their real-world applications. Define any specialized terms used in the experiment and show any mathematical formulas that you had to use.

Bibliography and References

Science fair project ideas

Stumped for ideas? First, review our guide on how to choose a science fair project . If you still need some help, here are some ideas for good science fair projects at the high school level.

Find out if changes in acidity affect the survival rate of brine shrimp.

Idea No. 1: How do changes in acidity affect the survival rates of an invertebrate population?

*Remember that it is against the rules in most science fairs to use vertebrate animals as subjects. Brine shrimp are not expensive and can be used as subjects for a variety of projects.*

1. In your background research, determine the average pH of the surface or groundwater in different areas of the country. Discuss how and why acid rain forms and how people monitor environmental pH. Find out what is being done to reduce acid rain and what might be the consequences of failing to control the problem.

Brine shrimp eggs can be obtained from a science supply website or catalog.

2. Hatch some brine shrimp eggs (obtained from a science supply website or catalog) in a glass container. Shrimp should be hatched in a saltwater solution (1 teaspoon non-iodized or sea salt per cup of distilled water). Use baking soda and a pH meter or litmus paper to adjust the pH of the hatchery to about 7.5.

3. Hypothesize about the effects of an increasingly acid environment on the animals.

4. Divide the shrimp into several groups in different containers, being sure to leave a control group in the original hatchery and keeping it at a pH of 7.5.

5. Over a period of days, increase the pH of the test aquariums slowly by adding a few drops of white vinegar to the water each day. Adjust the pH slowly (abrupt changes will kill the shrimp) for each test group until the water pH is equal to the pH levels of water in different parts of the country.

6. Feed brine shrimp a few grains of yeast every other day, making sure to feed each group an equal amount.

Other possible brine shrimp projects could test the effects of caffeine or other pollutants. You could also try an experiment to test the effects of crowding the population.

Idea No. 2: What materials can be used to make successful pigments?

*Note that your dependent variable is the success of the pigments, how will you determine which were most successful?*

1. Research the ways in which ancient tribes or medieval artists created the paints they used for their masterpieces. Some of these were very dangerous and toxic such as using arsenic or mercuric sulfide, but many are safe and interesting to recreate as a science project that can also teach you some history.

Find out what materials make good pigments.

2. Try polishing a small piece of copper with steel wool and brushing with vinegar. Let it dry and scrape off the green verdigris. Save the flakes in an envelope.

3. Scrape the soot that accumulates on a glass candle holder when the candle is burned.

4. Brew some very strong tea; add a few iron nails or iron filings, and a teaspoon of vinegar. Steep the mixture overnight and then remove the iron. Keep the mixture in a small glass jar with a lid.

5. Mix your pigments with raw egg to reconstitute them. This tempera will help the colors adhere to the paper. Research other fixatives used by artists throughout history.

6. Use smooth vellum paper (available at stationery or scrapbook stores) to simulate the paper used by medieval monks or use artist’s canvas for your testing surface.  If you are more interested in cave paintings use smooth tiles to simulate cave walls.

7. Hypothesize about other ways to obtain pigments and conduct experiments with other fixatives. Are there other plant materials that can be brewed like the tea to make other colors? Are there local minerals you could grind?

Remember to wear gloves and never taste any of your solutions. Use pots that you will not use to cook anything else if you experiment with local plants. It is a good idea to boil unknown plants outdoors as well.

Researching other historic processes like soap making, fabric dyes, papermaking or perfumes can also result in interesting projects.

Idea No. 3: What can be done to increase the amount of oil that can be moved through a pump?

Turn a plastic spray bottle into a pumping station.

1. Use a clear spray bottle to simulate a crude oil pumping station. Half-fill the bottle with pea-sized gravel and add 100 milliliters of vegetable oil. Replace the spray top, making sure that long bottom tube of the spray apparatus is as far down in the bottle as possible.

2. Attach one end of a piece of aquarium tubing to the outside of the spray head and put the other end in a graduated cylinder. Pump the spray handle to increase the pressure within the bottle. Determine how much oil you can pump out.

3. Hypothesize about different ways to increase the amount of oil you can pump from the bottle. How can you change conditions of viscosity, temperature or solution to increase the oil yield? In doing your research, look for ways in which oil companies obtain oil from underground reservoirs or shale formations.

Solve a problem

Science is problem solving, and there are problems to solve in every area of human interest. Start your science project by thinking about the problems in some area that interests you! You will be much more likely to complete a successful project if you choose a topic and a problem that you find interesting.

Here are some places to start:

  • WonderHowTo.com: Science Experiments
  • ScienceBuddies.org
  • Vecchione, Glen, "100 Award Winning Science Fair Projects" (Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. New York, N.Y.)
  • Gurstelle, William, "Backyard Ballistics" (Chicago Review Press, Inc., Chicago, Ill.)
  • Cool Science Experiments for Hot Summer Days
  • Science Experiments for Kids
  • Make Your Own Spectroscope | Spectroscopy Science Fair Project

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science research project ideas high school

25 Science Projects Ideas From Easy to Hard

science research project ideas high school

By Alex Yang

Graduate student at Southern Methodist University

14 minute read

Science fairs can be invaluable experiences that help you explore a specific topic and also teach you the principles of scientific discovery. They also offer opportunities for you to showcase your creativity and can be a great springboard to further academic or career pursuits in STEM. An added bonus is that you usually have a finished product that you can proudly showcase to others and put on your resume.

However, it’s easy to get stuck on what science fair project to do as there are so many ideas to choose from. In this article we’ll go over 25 science fair project ideas that can hopefully provide some inspiration and also don’t require fancy or expensive materials. Want even more inspiration, explore our Project Ideas Generator and find the project perfect for you.

1. How Different Types of Light Affect Vitamin C Content in Fruits

This project involves studying how different light sources affect the vitamin C content of fruits. You can expose samples of  different fruits to varied light conditions, including natural sunlight, LED, and fluorescent light. Then, using some potassium iodide and a sheet of watercolor paper, you can measure the vitamin C content of the fruits. Here’s an article and video to help you with the vitamin C test .

Difficulty: Easy

Topic: Chemistry 

Materials Needed: Fruits, light sources, ​​3% aque­ous so­lu­tion of io­dine in potas­si­um io­dide, a sheet of wa­ter­col­or pa­per, a cot­ton ball, a dis­pos­able plas­tic cup.

2. The Effects of Exercise on Heart Rate

This project investigates how different types of exercise impact heart rate. By measuring heart rate before, during, and after activities such as running, cycling, and jumping jacks, you can analyze how the heart and body responds to exercise and which movements push your heart rate the most. You can then do further research into the science behind why certain exercises lead to a higher heart rate than others.

Topic: Kinesiology

Materials Needed: Stopwatch, heart rate monitor or pulse oximeter if you have one (if not you can just count your heartbeats)

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3. The Aerodynamics of Paper Airplanes

Learn about aerodynamic principles by observing the flight of paper airplanes. By constructing paper airplanes with different designs, including variations in wing shape, size, and folding techniques, you can analyze their flight performance and see what design flies the farthest or is airborne for the longest. After testing, you can explore further by presenting why the top design did well based on theories of aerodynamics, and how you would make the design even better.

Topics: Aerodynamics, physics

Materials Needed: Paper, ruler, tape, stopwatch.

4. How Sleep Impacts Academic Performance 

You can use yourself or your friends as test subjects for this experiment, where you analyze the correlation between sleep duration and academic performance. You can collect sleep data through your phone or a smart watch, and then have all test subjects take a test the next morning, and to repeat that for several days potentially. What’s important for this kind of experiment is that there are many other factors that could potentially impact test performance besides sleep, so in your experimental design you’ll have to think creatively to control other variables.

Difficulty: Medium

Topics: Psychology, neuroscience

Materials Needed: Phone or smartwatch, tests that you can give to subjects

5. How Urban Green Spaces Impact Mental Well-being 

Conduct surveys or interviews in a city near you to assess the perceived benefits of urban green spaces (parks, gardens, etc.) on residents' mental health and well-being. Try to gain an understanding for why these spaces matter and how residents view them. How do parks and gardens impact the day to day life of city dwellers?

Topics: Psychology, urban planning

Materials Needed: Phone to record interviews

6. Design Your Own Hydroponic System 

Construct a homemade hydroponic system using recycled materials and test its effectiveness. Hydroponics is soilless gardening that can be done either indoors or outdoors. Once you’ve made your hydroponic system you can then compare the growth rates and yields of the plants  with traditional soil-based cultivation methods. Here’s an article on how to build a simple hydroponic , but we encourage you to also do your own research while building!

Difficulty: Hard

Topics: Biology

Materials Needed: Recycled materials, twine, soda bottle, other inexpensive materials

7. Mindfulness to Reduce Smartphone Addiction 

Investigate whether mindfulness exercises such as meditation can help reduce smartphone addiction. You can choose to focus on a particular mindfulness exercise and/or participant demographic. You can then lead these mindfulness exercises for participants and also measure participants' smartphone usage over a certain period of time. There are a ton of different choices you can make in terms of designing this experiment, so feel free to be creative with it!

Topics: Psychology

Materials Needed: Smartphones

8. Memory Enhancement Techniques 

Compare the effectiveness of various memory enhancement techniques. You can start by researching popular techniques such as mnemonics, spaced repetition, and mind mapping so that you develop an understanding of how these techniques work. Then you can begin experimenting by gathering a group of subjects and creating a memory test. Remember to control other variables that could impact your data and carefully think through your experimental design. 

Topics: Psychology 

Materials Needed: None 

9. Build a Model Roller Coaster

If you’re a big fan of amusement parks this could be a great project for you. Design and construct a model roller coaster using materials like cardboard, foam tubes, and marbles. You can experiment with factors like height and angles to see what creates the most velocity for the coaster. Be sure to document how specific changes in factors affect the outcome of the roller coaster ride!

Topics: Physics

Materials Needed: Cardboard, foam tubes, marbles

10. Build a Model Suspension Bridge 

Start out by sketching your bridge design on paper and looking up images of real suspension bridges for inspiration. From there you can begin to use your popsicle sticks and glue to construct the bridge. If you’re a bit stuck on how to prepare and construct the bridge, check out this Youtube video on how to build a suspension bridge . Once you’re done building your bridge you can then begin to test its stability and how it holds under pressure!

Materials Needed: Popsicle sticks or craft sticks (for the bridge deck and towers), string or thin wire (for the suspension cables), glue (such as wood glue or hot glue) scissors or craft knife, ruler or measuring tape, cardboard or sturdy base for the bridge foundation (optional) 

11. Build a Wind Turbine to Generate Electricity

Through this project you’ll gain hands-on experience with learning about renewable energy. You’ll start out by designing the turbine blades and frame, then install the generator and wire the generator. Once you’ve built your wind turbine you’ll want to test it in an environment with sufficient wind speed and observe how much electricity you’re able to generate! You can also experiment with the shape of the frame and blades to see if that changes the electrical output.

Topics: Physics, engineering, renewable energy

Materials Needed: PVC pipes or wooden dowels (for the turbine blades), DC motor or small generator, magnets, copper wire, bearings or bushings, PVC fittings or other materials for constructing the turbine, wire connectors, multimeter (for measuring voltage and current)

12. Analyzing Different Water Purification Methods 

What would be the safest way to purify water if you were out in the wild? Evaluate the effectiveness of different water purification methods (filtration, boiling, chemical treatment, etc.) and discover which method performs the best. To test the initial quality of the water samples, use pH strips to find the initial pH of the water. Then perform the water purification method and measure the pH after to see if there’s a considerable change.

Topics: Chemistry

Materials Needed: Water source, containers to hold water, filtration materials like coffee filters, boiling apparatus, pH test strips

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13. How Soil Moisture Affects Plant Growth 

Experiment with soil moisture levels to see how it affects the growth and development of plants. An easy way to do this would be to buy a lot of the same plant and grow them all at the same time but vary the soil moisture for each plant. You can decide the increments for how much you want to vary the soil by and from there measure plant growth to see if you can find a correlation. This is also a great experiment to apply statistical analysis of your data.

Materials Needed: Plants, soil, water

14. The Impact of Light Pollution on Nocturnal Insect Populations 

In this project you can first explore the concept of light pollution and what its effects are. From there you can research nocturnal insects and learn about their behaviors. The second part of the project involves conducting an experiment to see how nocturnal insect populations vary based on artificial light intensity. You can go to several different locations that have different artificial light intensities to see whether certain locations have a greater abundance of insects or a greater diversity. Keep in mind the tricky part of this experiment is how to collect the insects - there are various methods such as light traps or sticky traps that you can try.

Topics: Biology, zoology

15. Build a Solar Oven

Construct a solar oven using reflective materials such as aluminum foil. You can explore this article that explains step by step how to build the oven, but the basic idea is that you want to line the inner flap with aluminum foil so that the sun's rays reflect off of it and also create a small opening so that sunlight can come through. You can try heating up food in the middle of the day when the sun is directly overhead to see what happens!

Materials Needed: Reflective material like aluminum foil, insulation (foam board, newspapers), heat-absorbing container, thermometer, food items for cooking.

16. How Temperature Affects Battery Performance

Explore how temperature affects the voltage output and lifespan of batteries. Select a variety of different batteries and expose them to different temperature conditions. You can also vary the length of time that the batteries are left in a given temperature. After, use a voltage meter to measure the output of the batteries. How does temperature impact the voltage output?

Topics: Electrochemistry, energy storage

Materials Needed: Multiple types of batteries, thermometer or temperature sensor, voltage meter or multimeter.

17. Testing the Strength of Different Types of Paper 

Compare the strength of various types of paper (printer paper, construction paper, tissue paper). To do this you can either measure the force required to tear each type of paper ( tensile strength ) or just observe how difficult it is to tear. Record observations and also analyze the materials used in each type of paper to hypothesize why the paper might be difficult or easy to tear.

Materials Needed: Different types of paper, ruler or measuring tape, weights or force gauge, clamps or clips.

18. Pendulums

In this project, construct your own basic pendulum with string and a weight, and see how the length of a pendulum affects its period (the time it takes to complete one full swing). You can also conduct trials where pendulums of varying lengths are released from the same angle, or vary the angle from which the pendulum is released. 

Materials Needed: Pendulum apparatus (can be as simple as a string and weight), stopwatch or timer, protractor for measuring angles.

19. DIY Catapults 

In this project you’ll explore the principles of projectile motion and trajectory. Build a simple catapult or trebuchet and investigate how launch angle and projectile mass affect the trajectory of a launched object. If you want to take the project a step further and add a history component to it, explore a few various catapults that were used in ancient or medieval times and observe the differences in their launch angles and typical projectile masses. Were these catapults effective?

Materials Needed: Catapult or trebuchet construction materials (wood, rubber bands, etc.), objects that the catapult can launch, measuring tape or ruler.

20. Friction 

Explore the concept of friction by pulling objects across different surfaces and measuring the frictional force. You can investigate how different surface textures impact how easy it is to pull the object across the surface. To take the project to the next level you can share your findings about one real world application where the concept of friction is very important (think things like sports or transportation). 

Materials Needed: Objects of different weights, various surfaces (e.g., wood, metal, sandpaper), force sensor or spring scale, ruler

21. Studying the Effects of Music on Stress Reduction 

We all have our playlists or songs that help us relax, but how can we actually confirm that music actually plays a role in reducing stress? In this project you can conduct experiments where participants listen to different types of music (e.g., classical, jazz, nature sounds) and their physiological stress responses (e.g., heart rate, cortisol levels) are measured before and after listening to the music. Before conducting the experiment see if you can do some preliminary research on the topic and what other experiments have been done. 

Materials Needed: A device to play, physiological monitoring equipment, stress assessment scales.

22. Ocean Acidification and Coral Bleaching 

Study how ocean acidification, driven by increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, impacts coral reef ecosystems. You can also look into coral bleaching and learn how it’s also related to ocean acidification. This project can be a bit more focused on research rather than actual experimentation, but if you’d like to develop a model to demonstrate ocean acidification and see how carbon dioxide affects water we encourage you to do that as well.

Topic: Chemistry, marine biology

Materials Needed: Cups, water, acid base indicator, baking soda, vinegar

23. Studying the Effects of Deforestation on Local Climate Patterns 

Learn how deforestation affects regional climate conditions such as temperature, precipitation, and humidity. Specifically, you can analyze satellite imagery to assess changes in land cover in deforested areas over time. To get you started, check out this article on how scientists have been tracking deforestation in the Amazon for decades .  

Topic: Climate, environmental science

Materials Needed: Satellite imagery or aerial photographs

24. Investigating Sinkholes 

Sinkholes may seem like a chaotic once in a lifetime phenomenon but there are actually geological processes involved in the formation of sinkholes. Explore these processes and their potential hazards to human settlements. To learn further you can research specific areas that are known to have a lot of sinkholes and try to understand why this occurs from a geological perspective.

Topic: Geology

Materials Needed: None

25. How Color Affects Mood and Emotion Description

Explore whether different colors influence people's mood and emotional state. You can design experiments where participants are exposed to different colors through images or objects and their mood responses are measured with self-reported scales or surveys. Analyze data and see if you can find any patterns. The more subjects you have in your experiment the better!

Topic: Psychology

Materials Needed: Images or objects that show mainly one color

How to Showcase Your Science Fair Project

Once you’ve completed your science fair project you can obviously present it at your local or school science fair, but we highly encourage you to also enter your project and findings for a bigger competition. There are so many great regional and national competitions where you can submit your work, and we’ve compiled a list of them below based on science topic. Keep in mind that many of these competitions have very specific submission guidelines, so you might have to adjust the format of your project slightly to fit the rules

Top 8 Neuroscience Competitions for High School and Middle School Students

Top 9 Physics Competitions for High School Students

The 10 Best Chemistry Competitions for High School Students

10 Best Engineering Competitions for High School Students

Top Psychology Competitions For High School and Middle School Students

Still Stuck On What Idea to Choose?

Work with a Polygence research program mentor who can help you brainstorm the right idea for you. From there they can help you with executing your project and making sure you’re on track to finish by your deadline. If you’re interested, apply for our flagship mentorship program !

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Innovative Topic Ideas for High School Science Fair Projects

High school level science projects should display an advanced degree of innovative thinking, creative ability, and scientific knowledge. With a wide variety of topics and subjects to choose from, coming up with an original idea or experiment can be a tough ask. Here are some suggestions that might nudge you in the right direction.

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Topic Ideas for High School Science Fair Projects

Everyone attending high school is usually required to participate in a science fair project. High school level science projects enable students to display their scientific temperament and understanding of the basics of science. As a student, try to select a science fair topic that is one of its kind and relevant. Research it well, try to think out of the box, and see if you can come up with an attention-grabbing presentation that will offer a new viewpoint to your audience. To get you started, look below through the list of ideas.

List of Topics for High School Science Fair Projects

Silhouette of the plant smokestack polluting the air

What are the different ways in which solar energy can be utilized to the maximum?

How do stress and strain affect bridges?

How can you mitigate the impact of pollution on the ecosystem?

How do marine sponges regenerate?

How can you prevent soil erosion?

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How do animals know when and where to migrate?

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How would you design a very effective and cosmetic prosthetic device?

What are the different methods of air purification?

Do light and weather affect human well-being? In what way?

Does age really affect the learning ability in human beings?

How does cloning of animals and plants work? What are their benefits?

How would you create and design a computer video game?

What are the different methods of weather forecasting?

Active Volcano

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Can you grow plants without planting them in soil?

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Is there a difference in the brain sizes of a queen ant and a worker ant?

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What are radiation laws and how are they determined?

How do horizontal energy transfers take place?

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What causes an Aurora? Where and when can you see an Aurora?

To what extent do snow, ice, and permafrost influence changes taking place in the natural landscape?

How would you measure the ice thickness of a glacier?

Why don’t oceans freeze over in the winter?

What is the relation between wind direction and temperature inversions?

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150+ Life Science Research Topics for High School Students: From Cells to Ecosystems

Life Science Research Topics for High School Students

  • Post author By admin
  • September 26, 2023

Explore a wide range of life science research topics for high school students. Enhance your knowledge and skills with our comprehensive guide.

Ever wondered what makes our world tick? The answer lies in the magic of life science, and guess what? You’re about to dive headfirst into this enchanting world.

No need for complicated jargon or boring textbooks. We’re talking about cool stuff like animals, plants, genes, and mysteries waiting to be unraveled. Imagine being a real-life detective of the natural world!

So, what’s the deal? In this article, we’ve got a bunch of mind-blowing life science research topics designed just for you. They’re not like your usual school assignments. They’re more like a journey into the unknown, a chance to discover things no one else has.

Ready to have a blast and become a science superstar? Awesome, because we’re about to kickstart this amazing adventure together. Let’s roll! 

Table of Contents

Why Choose Life Science Research?

You might be wondering why on Earth you should consider diving into the world of life science research, right? Well, let’s unravel the mystery.

It’s Relevant

Life science research is all about the stuff that affects us every day. We’re talking about diseases, ecosystems, genetics – things you encounter in your life.

Problem-Solving Playground

Think of it as a puzzle-solving adventure. Life science research hones your critical thinking skills and turns you into a real-life Sherlock Holmes for all things natural.

Unleash Your Inner Scientist

Ever wanted to be a scientist in a lab coat, conducting experiments and making groundbreaking discoveries? Life science research gives you a taste of that action, letting you form hypotheses and conduct cool experiments.

Career Exploration

Not sure what you want to be when you grow up? Exploring life sciences might help you discover your passion. Whether it’s medicine, ecology, genetics, or something else entirely, the possibilities are endless.

You Can Make a Difference

Believe it or not, your research could contribute to the big book of scientific knowledge. Your discoveries might even change the world!

So, why choose life science research? Because it’s like a thrilling adventure where you’re both the explorer and the discoverer. It’s where your questions lead to answers, and your curiosity shapes the future. Ready to take that first step? Let’s go! 

Getting Started: Research Methodology

Getting started with life science research is like gearing up for a fantastic adventure. We’re talking about your very own treasure map, and it’s not as complicated as it might seem. Here’s your basic toolkit to kickstart your research journey:

1. The Scientific Method – Your Detective Kit

Think of this as your secret code for solving mysteries. You start with a question, make a guess (that’s your hypothesis), do some experiments, gather clues (data), and finally, you put it all together to uncover the truth. You’re basically a scientific detective!

2. Data Collection – Gathering Clues

Imagine you’re on a scavenger hunt, but instead of hunting for hidden items, you’re collecting information. This info comes from experiments, observations, or surveys – like puzzle pieces waiting to be put together.

3. Analysis – Piecing It Together

Now, it’s time to play detective again. You take those puzzle pieces (data) and use special tools to fit them together. It’s like solving a jigsaw puzzle, but the picture you reveal is a scientific discovery!

4. Drawing Conclusions – Telling Your Story

You’re not just a detective; you’re also a storyteller. After analyzing your clues, you get to share your findings with the world. It’s like revealing the thrilling ending of a mystery novel – except this time, it’s your discovery.

5. Replicability – Sharing the Adventure

In the world of science, it’s all about teamwork. You’ll document your journey so well that others can follow your steps and have the same adventure. It’s like sharing your treasure map with friends so they can find the same hidden gems.

So, think of research methodology as your trusty guide through the jungle of science. It’s your way of making sure your adventure is both exciting and trustworthy. Get ready, young explorers! Your scientific journey is about to take off, and it’s going to be a blast.

Life Science Research Topics for High School Students

Have a close look at life science research topics for high school students:-

Microbiology and Disease

  • Investigating the Antibacterial Properties of Natural Substances.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Hand Hygiene on Reducing the Spread of Diseases.
  • The Role of Microbes in Decomposition Processes.
  • A Comparative Study of Antibiotic Sensitivity in Bacterial Strains.
  • Exploring the Microbiome of Different Ecosystems: Soil, Water, and Air.
  • Investigating the Effects of Temperature on Microbial Growth.
  • The Emergence and Spread of Antibiotic Resistance Genes.
  • Microbes in Food: Fermentation and Preservation.
  • Analyzing the Microbiome of Human Skin and Its Role in Health.
  • Studying the Microbial Diversity in Extreme Environments: Hot Springs and Deep-Sea Vents.

Genetics and Heredity

  • Mapping the Inheritance of Genetic Traits in Families.
  • Investigating the Genetics of Taste Perception: Bitter Taste Receptors.
  • A Study on the Genetic Basis of Rare Genetic Disorders.
  • Genetic Variation in Plant Populations: A Local Species Study.
  • The Impact of Genetic Mutations on Disease Susceptibility.
  • Exploring the Use of CRISPR-Cas9 for Gene Editing in Model Organisms.
  • The Genetics of Flower Color Variation in a Plant Species.
  • A Comparative Study of Gene Expression in Different Tissues.
  • Studying the Inheritance Patterns of Blood Types in Human Populations.
  • Investigating the Genetics of Cancer Predisposition in Families.

Ecology and Environmental Studies

  • Monitoring the Impact of Pollution on Local Water Bodies.
  • Biodiversity Assessment in Urban Parks and Natural Reserves.
  • Studying the Effects of Climate Change on Local Flora and Fauna.
  • Soil Health Assessment in Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems.
  • Investigating the Impact of Invasive Species on Native Biodiversity.
  • Analyzing the Role of Wetlands in Flood Control and Water Purification.
  • Ecosystem Services Assessment in Urban Environments.
  • Urban Heat Island Effect: Mapping and Mitigation Strategies.
  • The Impact of Deforestation on Local Bird Populations.
  • Restoration of Native Plant Communities in Degraded Ecosystems.

Human Anatomy and Physiology

  • The Effect of Different Diets on Gut Microbiota Composition.
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Heart Health.
  • Brain Plasticity: How Learning and Experience Change the Brain.
  • A Study on the Impact of Sleep Patterns on Cognitive Function.
  • The Influence of Age on Muscle Strength and Endurance.
  • Hormonal Changes During Puberty: A Comparative Study.
  • The Role of Antioxidants in Cellular Aging.
  • Investigating the Effects of Stress on Immune System Function.
  • Analyzing the Physiology of Human Senses: Vision, Hearing, Taste, and Smell.
  • The Role of Gut-Brain Communication in Mood and Mental Health.

Botany and Plant Science

  • The Effect of Different Light Conditions on Plant Growth.
  • Investigating the Role of Plant Hormones in Growth and Development.
  • Studying the Impact of Soil pH on Plant Nutrient Uptake.
  • The Relationship Between Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Health.
  • Analyzing the Adaptations of Desert Plants to Water Scarcity.
  • The Influence of Plant Root Exudates on Soil Microbes.
  • Investigating the Role of Plant Volatile Compounds in Insect Attraction and Repulsion.
  • The Effect of Different Fertilizers on Crop Yield and Soil Health.
  • Plant-Microbe Interactions: Beneficial and Pathogenic Relationships.
  • Exploring the Nutritional Content of Edible Wild Plants in a Local Area.

Zoology and Animal Behavior

  • Investigating Social Hierarchies in Animal Groups: A Study on Dominance.
  • The Effect of Environmental Enrichment on Zoo Animal Behavior.
  • Studying the Impact of Noise Pollution on Bird Song Patterns.
  • Migration Patterns of Local Bird Species: Tracking and Analysis.
  • The Influence of Predation Risk on Prey Behavior.
  • Investigating Animal Camouflage Strategies in Different Habitats.
  • A Comparative Study of Parental Care in Amphibians and Reptiles.
  • The Impact of Human Disturbance on Wildlife Behavior in Urban Parks.
  • Analyzing the Feeding Behavior of Insectivorous Bats.
  • Predator-Prey Coevolution: A Study on Adaptations in Predator and Prey Species.

Environmental Conservation

  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices: Soil Health and Crop Yield.
  • Ecological Restoration of a Local Wetland Ecosystem.
  • Investigating Plastic Recycling Methods for Environmental Impact.
  • The Role of Urban Green Spaces in Mitigating Heat Islands.
  • Promoting Renewable Energy Sources in a Community: Challenges and Solutions.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Conservation Policies on Endangered Species.
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Wildlife Corridors in Reducing Habitat Fragmentation.
  • E-Waste Management: Recycling and Environmental Consequences.
  • Sustainable Fisheries Management and the Preservation of Marine Ecosystems.
  • Promoting Green Roof Adoption in Urban Areas: Benefits and Barriers.

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

  • CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing: Applications in Disease Treatment.
  • Investigating the Use of GMOs in Increasing Crop Resilience.
  • Cloning as a Tool for Preserving Endangered Species.
  • Gene Therapy: Advances and Ethical Considerations.
  • Bioremediation Strategies: Cleaning Up Contaminated Sites.
  • Analyzing the Potential of Genetically Modified Microbes for Environmental Cleanup.
  • Investigating the Use of Biotechnology in Medicine: Vaccines and Therapeutics.
  • The Impact of Genetic Engineering on the Pharmaceutical Industry.
  • Genome Editing in Microorganisms: Applications in Industry and Medicine.
  • Ethical Considerations in Biotechnology: Balancing Progress and Responsibility.

Health and Medicine

  • The Effects of Various Diets on Blood Sugar Levels and Diabetes Risk.
  • Mental Health Interventions for Adolescents: Efficacy and Accessibility.
  • Investigating the Impact of Exercise on Cardiovascular Health in Different Age Groups.
  • Analyzing the Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis and Its Influence on Mental Health.
  • The Role of Stress Management Techniques in Improving Overall Health.
  • A Comparative Study of Herbal Remedies for Common Ailments.
  • The Effects of Different Sleeping Patterns on Cognitive Function.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Screen Time on Eye Health in Children.
  • The Relationship Between Diet and Skin Health: Acne and Beyond.
  • Investigating the Influence of Environmental Factors on Allergies and Asthma.

These research project ideas offer a wide range of opportunities for high school students to explore the fascinating world of life sciences and make meaningful contributions to scientific knowledge.

What are some good research topics for high school students?

Check out some good research topics for high school students:-

Science and Biology

  • The Effects of Different Fertilizers on Plant Growth.
  • Investigating the Impact of Pollution on Local Water Bodies.
  • Analyzing the Efficiency of Various Sunscreens in UV Protection.
  • The Role of Microorganisms in Food Spoilage.
  • Investigating the Effect of Music on Human Concentration.
  • The Influence of Temperature on the Rate of Chemical Reactions.
  • A Study on the Behavior of Ants in Response to Different Food Types.
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Sleep Patterns and Academic Performance.
  • The Effect of Light Exposure on Circadian Rhythms.
  • The Impact of Exercise on Heart Rate and Physical Fitness.

Environmental Science

  • Analyzing the Impact of Deforestation on Local Climate.
  • The Role of Wetlands in Water Purification and Flood Control.
  • Investigating the Presence of Microplastics in Local Water Sources.
  • Urban Heat Island Effect: Causes and Mitigation Strategies.
  • The Effects of Different Soil Types on Plant Growth.
  • Renewable Energy Sources: Feasibility and Implementation.
  • Analyzing the Environmental Impact of Single-Use Plastics.
  • Investigating the Effects of Climate Change on Local Bird Migration Patterns.
  • Promoting Recycling and Waste Reduction in Schools.
  • Biodiversity Assessment in a Local Ecosystem.

Social Sciences and Psychology

  • Investigating the Impact of Bullying on Mental Health.
  • Analyzing the Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Academic Success.
  • A Study on the Effects of Peer Pressure on Decision-Making.
  • The Role of Gender Stereotypes in Career Choices.
  • Investigating the Impact of Video Games on Aggressive Behavior.
  • The Effect of Music on Mood and Emotions.
  • Analyzing the Factors Influencing Voting Behavior in Young Adults.
  • The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Choices.
  • A Study on the Effects of Stress on Cognitive Performance.
  • The Influence of Social Media on Teenagers’ Self-Esteem.

Technology and Engineering

  • Investigating the Efficiency of Different Insulation Materials.
  • Designing and Testing a Wind-Powered Water Pump.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Smartphone Usage on Productivity.
  • The Development of a Simple Home Automation System.
  • Investigating the Use of Drones in Environmental Monitoring.
  • Building a Simple Electric Vehicle Model.
  • A Study on Internet Security: Protecting Personal Data.
  • Analyzing the Energy Consumption of Household Appliances.
  • Designing an Eco-Friendly and Cost-Effective Home.
  • Building a Solar-Powered Charger for Mobile Devices.

History and Social Studies

  • A Study on the Contributions of a Local Historical Figure.
  • Investigating the Causes and Consequences of a Historical Conflict.
  • The Role of Women in a Specific Historical Period.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Immigration on Local Communities.
  • Investigating the Evolution of a Local Cultural Tradition.
  • A Comparative Study of Political Systems in Different Countries.
  • The Role of Propaganda in Shaping Public Opinion.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Social Movements on Policy Change.
  • Investigating the History and Cultural Significance of a Local Landmark.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Historical Events on Contemporary Society.

These research topics provide a diverse range of opportunities for high school students to explore their interests, develop critical thinking skills, and contribute to their academic and scientific communities.

Students can select topics that align with their passions and curriculum requirements to make their research projects both engaging and meaningful.


What are the possible topics of life science?

Have a close look at the possible topics for life science:-


  • Bacterial growth and antibiotic resistance.
  • The role of viruses in diseases.
  • Microbial diversity in different environments.
  • Fermentation processes and their applications.

Genetics and Genomics

  • Genetic inheritance patterns in humans and other organisms.
  • The impact of genetic mutations on health.
  • Genomic sequencing and personalized medicine.
  • Gene editing technologies like CRISPR-Cas9.

Ecology and Environmental Science

  • Biodiversity and conservation.
  • Ecosystem dynamics and food webs.
  • Climate change and its effects on ecosystems.
  • Environmental pollution and its impact on wildlife.
  • Photosynthesis and plant growth.
  • Plant adaptations to different environments.
  • Plant genetics and breeding for improved crops.
  • The role of plants in carbon sequestration.
  • Animal migration patterns and navigation.
  • Predator-prey interactions in ecosystems.
  • Social behavior in animal communities.
  • Animal adaptations to extreme environments.

Physiology and Anatomy

  • Human organ systems and their functions.
  • Cellular processes like respiration and metabolism .
  • Comparative anatomy of different species.
  • Neurobiology and the workings of the human brain.

Evolutionary Biology

  • The theory of evolution by natural selection.
  • Fossil evidence of evolution.
  • Comparative genomics and evolutionary relationships.
  • Human evolution and our closest relatives.

Marine Biology

  • Ocean ecosystems and marine biodiversity.
  • Coral reef conservation and threats.
  • Deep-sea exploration and the discovery of new species.
  • The role of marine organisms in biotechnology.
  • The immune system’s response to infections.
  • Vaccination and herd immunity.
  • Autoimmune diseases and allergies.
  • Immunotherapy for cancer treatment.


  • Disease outbreaks and epidemiological investigations. 
  • Public health interventions to control infectious diseases. 
  • Tracking and modeling the spread of diseases. 
  • Global health challenges and pandemics.
  • Conservation strategies for endangered species. 
  • Sustainable agriculture and forestry practices. 
  • Habitat restoration and rebuilding efforts. 
  • Conservation genetics and preserving genetic diversity.
  • CRISPR technology and gene editing. 
  • Biopharmaceuticals and the production of biofuels. 
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. 
  • Bioremediation and environmental cleanup.

These topics within life science provide a rich and diverse array of opportunities for research, study, and exploration. 

Whether you’re interested in understanding the natural world, human health, or the environment, life science offers a wide range of fascinating avenues to explore.

What are the interesting research topics about science?

Certainly, science offers a wide range of interesting research topics across various disciplines. Here are some captivating research topics in science:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Developing advanced AI algorithms for medical diagnosis.
  • Natural language processing and understanding for chatbots.
  • Reinforcement learning in robotics and autonomous systems.
  • Ethical considerations in AI development.

Space Exploration and Astronomy

  • The search for exoplanets and habitable zones.
  • Understanding dark matter and dark energy.
  • Space colonization: Challenges and possibilities.
  • The future of space telescopes and observatories.

Environmental Science and Climate Change

  • Climate modeling and predictions.
  • Impacts of climate change on ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • Sustainable agriculture and food security in a changing climate.
  • Innovative approaches to renewable energy production.


  • Nanomedicine and its applications in disease treatment.
  • Nanomaterials for clean water and pollution control.
  • Nanoelectronics and the future of computing.
  • Ethical and safety concerns in nanotechnology.
  • Personalized medicine and genomics-based treatments.
  • The role of epigenetics in health and disease.
  • Human genetic diversity and its implications.

Earth and Geosciences

  • Natural disaster prediction and mitigation strategies.
  • Plate tectonics and the movement of continents.
  • The geology of other planets in our solar system.
  • Climate history and the study of ice cores.

Biomedical Research

  • Stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine.
  • Neurobiology and the quest to understand the brain.
  • Vaccine development and immunotherapy for cancer.
  • Genetic factors in aging and longevity.

Robotics and Automation

  • Advances in humanoid and bio-inspired robotics.
  • Applications of robotics in healthcare and surgery.
  • Autonomous vehicles and their impact on transportation.
  • Human-robot interaction and social robots.

Energy and Sustainable Technology

  • Energy-efficient building materials and design.
  • The potential of fusion energy as a clean power source.
  • Battery technology for renewable energy storage.
  • Smart grids and the future of energy distribution.

Particle Physics

  • The search for the Higgs boson and beyond.
  • The nature of dark matter and its properties.
  • Particle accelerators and their role in high-energy physics.
  • The Standard Model and its limitations.

Oceanography and Marine Sciences

  • Ocean acidification and its effects on marine life.
  • Coral reef conservation and restoration efforts.
  • Studying the impact of climate change on ocean currents.

Archaeology and Anthropology

  • Uncovering ancient civilizations through archaeology.
  • Genetic studies to trace human migration and evolution.
  • Anthropological research on cultural diversity and adaptation.
  • Ethical considerations in the study of indigenous cultures.

These research topics span a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines, offering countless opportunities for exploration, discovery, and innovation in the ever-evolving world of science.

Depending on your interests, you can delve into any of these areas to contribute to our understanding of the natural world and its many complexities.

How do I choose a research topic for high school?

Absolutely, let’s make the process of choosing a research topic for high school more natural, simple, and engaging:

Follow Your Passions

Start by thinking about what really fires you up. What subjects or topics make you curious and excited? Whether it’s space, animals, or history, your interests are a great place to begin.

Zoom In on Your Interests

Now, let’s narrow it down a bit. If you’re into science, do you prefer biology, chemistry, or something else? If you’re leaning towards history, is there a particular time period that fascinates you?

Know Your Strengths

Think about what you’re good at in school. If you’re acing math, maybe a research topic related to mathematics could be your jam.

Real-World Relevance

Look around you. Are there any current issues or events that pique your interest? High school research is a chance to tackle real-world problems you care about.

Seek Advice

Chat with your teachers or mentors. They’re like your research spirit guides and can help you find exciting topics that match your skills and passions.

Use Available Resources

Consider what tools and resources you have access to. Maybe there’s a cool experiment you can do right at home.

Think Long-Term

Imagine where you see yourself in the future. Is there a subject that connects to your dream job or college major?

Reflect on Past Fun

Remember any school projects you actually enjoyed? These can be a goldmine for research inspiration.

Let Your Imagination Run Wild

Brainstorm like you’re dreaming up your favorite adventure. Write down all the questions you’d love to answer.

Share and Chat

Tell your friends, family, or mentors about your ideas and get them in on the excitement. They might have amazing suggestions!

Passion is the Key

Above all, pick a topic that makes your heart race with enthusiasm. If you’re truly passionate, your research journey will feel like an awesome quest, not a chore.

Choosing your high school research topic should be like picking the theme for your grand adventure.

When you’re motivated and captivated, you’ll make incredible discoveries along the way. Ready to embark on this research journey?

We have covered some of the best life science research topics for high school students. These life science research topics are quite simple and engaging for the students.

There are a lot of opportunities associated with these project ideas that can help you to explore a lot more about life science. 

So pick the project as per your interest. You can also take the help of your fellows and mentors. Through the work on these projects you would enjoy and explore new things. So let’s have a try on these project ideas.

  • What is the importance of life science research for high school students? Life science research enhances critical thinking, problem-solving, and scientific inquiry skills, preparing students for future academic and career opportunities.
  • How can I choose the right life science topic for my research project? Choose a topic that genuinely interests you and aligns with your goals. Consider seeking guidance from teachers or mentors.
  • Are there any online resources for high school students interested in life science research? Yes, numerous online platforms offer educational resources and research opportunities for aspiring young scientists.
  • Can I collaborate with a mentor or scientist for my research project? Collaboration with mentors or scientists can be highly beneficial and is encouraged in the field of life sciences.
  • What are some potential career paths for those passionate about life sciences? Careers in medicine, ecology, genetics, microbiology, and environmental science are among the many options for those passionate about life sciences.
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25+ Best Science Research Ideas for High School Students

If you’re an ambitious high school student looking for opportunities to build your college profile and learn new skills, consider undertaking a research project. You do not need to be sure about what you want to major in, but having a general idea aligned with your interests helps! Conducting research shows demonstrated interest in a subject, aids critical thinking and problem-solving, provides laboratory experience, and helps you gain analytical and communication skills. 

What makes a good research idea?

There are a few key components you need to keep in mind when thinking about a research topic:

What is your project trying to achieve? For your research to be relevant, it needs to identify a knowledge gap and be significant. Your research findings should add to existing literature and help future researchers.

It is important to state what will be included in your research explicitly.  Clearly defined boundaries help estimate a realistic timeline and allocate any necessary resources.  

The easiest way to be dedicated throughout your research project is by choosing a topic you are passionate about!  This will make sure you remain motivated throughout, and it will reflect in your work. Do not choose a topic for the sake of it — you will find the project difficult to complete and your disinterest will reflect in the quality of your work.


You may have a grand idea for your research topic, but can you execute it? It’s important to consider any constraints you may have — time, money, etc. — and choose a topic that can be completed with your given resources.  If you are working independently, choose a topic that isn't resource-intensive. For example, research that requires you use advanced telescopes to examine cosmological patterns may not be feasible if you do not already have access to one. 

What do I do once I have a research idea?

Great job, you have found a topic that interests you, is relevant to the field, and is feasible in scope and resources! Next step, you need to find a mentor who can guide and advise you through the research process.  They could be a working researcher, a college professor, a graduate student, or a Ph.D. candidate.

If you’re looking for a mentor, we’d recommend applying to the Lumiere Research Scholar Program  which connects students with world-class researchers, offers one-on-one mentorship, and guides you through the research and writing process, even helping you get your paper published!

Chemistry research ideas for high school students:

Chemistry can be a great field to undertake independent research in — chemical reactions form the basis of life and can give you a deeper understanding of the world.  Moreover, chemistry is directly related to important issues that affect us, like climate change, drug discovery, nanotechnology, and more. Research in these domains can lead to life-changing benefits for society! 

Some topics you can research include:

1. Using green chemistry to achieve sustainability targets in the fields of energy, water remediation, agriculture, and sensing

2. Analyzing different energy storage options and comparing and contrasting different technologies' chemistries, performance, lifetime, cost, geographic and resource constraints, and more

3. Investigating how startups and the private sector’s newest technologies are critical to the transition to a green future and how products are commercialized from lab to market

4. Understanding how material nano-structure can create specific properties and take advantage of "structure-property" understanding to engineer new materials

5. Determining the role small molecules play in imaging, labeling, target identification, inhibiting native protein functions, and facilitating foreign ones, especially in new techniques used to understand disease pathways

6. Investigating how molecules are made in nature, such as the reactions performed by enzymes to make natural products

Suggested by Lumiere PhD mentors at Harvard University, University of California, Berkeley, Yale University, University of Cambridge, Technical University of Munich, Georgia Institute of Technology, Duke University, University of Leeds, Cornell University, and John Hopkins University

Biology research ideas for high school students:

Research in biology can contribute to humans’ understanding of living organisms, lead to medical breakthroughs and advancements in healthcare, contribute to cancer research and treatment, deepen our understanding of genetics, improve sustainability by helping develop biofuels and biodegradable materials, and more. 

7. Tumor progression and how cancer cells invade and interact with other cells

8. Cancer immunotherapy: the study of how cancer cells evade the immune system and how we can harness the immune system to battle cancer

9. Researching past and current technologies used in gene editing. Identify challenges and weigh the ethical and social implications of these technologies

10. Identifying technical challenges in mass vaccination campaigns. Review existing data from public health organizations and current scientific literature on new vaccine delivery technologies

11. Analyzing the effects of alcohol and drug addiction on the brain

12. Discovering different theories of learning and memory. You can design and use different  clinical studies here

Suggested by Lumiere Ph.D. mentors at Stanford University, UC Berkeley, Cornell University,  Duke University, and Yale University   

Physics research ideas for high school students:

Have space, quantum physics, nuclear science, and other such subjects always fascinated you? If so, a research project in physics is a great way to dig deeper and understand why different phenomena occur. Physics is a broad and interconnected discipline; research in the subject can cover topics like mechanical and electrical engineering, quantum computing, nuclear energy, astrophysical and cosmological phenomena, and computational technologies.

13. The features and limitations of augmented and virtual reality technologies, current industry standards of performance, and solutions to address challenges

14. Cosmological mysteries (like dark energy, inflation, and dark matter) and their hypothesized explanations

15. Physical processes that shape galaxies through cosmic time in the context of extragalactic astronomy and the current issues and frontiers in galaxy evolution

16. Radiation or radiation measurement in applications of nuclear physics (such as reactors, nuclear batteries, and sensors/detectors)

17. The electrical and thermodynamic properties of Boson particles, whose quantum nature is responsible for laser radiation

18. Mathematical derivation of the dynamics of particles from fundamental laws (such as special relativity, general relativity, and quantum mechanics)

19. The theoretical and experimental advances in quantum computing. Explore current high-impact research directions for quantum computing from a hardware or theoretical perspective

20. Nuclear fission or nuclear fusion energy as a possible solution to mitigate climate change

Suggested by Lumiere Ph.D. mentors at Northwestern University, Princeton University, Stanford University, Cornell University, University of Cambridge, Harvard University, University of California, Irvine, and University of Southampton.

Marine biology research ideas for high school students:

Contributing to research in marine biology can be extremely important given the diversity of marine ecosystems, the life they support, and their importance in combating climate change and preventing extreme weather events.  Understanding how oceans work directly relates to water pollution and the quality of seafood, contributes to coastal protection and carbon sequestration (the process of capturing and storing excess carbon dioxide), and helps educate the public on the importance of protecting marine habitats.

 If this interests you, here are some research topics to consider:

21. Examine how corals are responding to climate change, how the change in oceanic temperatures affects their reef-building capabilities, and the knock-on effects

22. Examine how marine conservation and tourism can go coexist. Suggest ways to ensure the sustainable development of coastal economies

23. Study how marine pollution impacts coastal areas, marine biodiversity, and communities’ livelihoods

24. Study how human activity (like pollution, fishing, and habitat destruction) has impacted marine genomes and how other anthropogenic factors have influenced adaptation and genetic diversity in marine organisms

25. Study the effect of plastic pollution on marine life and examine the benefits of adopting more eco-friendly and biodegradable packaging materials. Develop new methods to remove plastic from the ocean

26. Study carbon sequestration. Investigate how coastal ecosystems like mangroves, saltmarshes, seagrasses, etc. can help mitigate C02 emissions

27. Study the effect of plastic pollution on marine life and examine the benefits of adopting more eco-friendly and biodegradable packaging materials. Develop new methods to remove plastic from the ocean

If you’re looking for a competitive mentored research program in subjects like data science, machine learning, political theory, biology, and chemistry, consider applying to Horizon’s Research Seminars and Labs ! 

This is a selective virtual research program that lets you engage in advanced research and develop a research paper in a subject of your choosing. Horizon has worked with 1000+ high school students so far, and offers 600+ research specializations for you to choose from. 

You can find the application link here

If you’re serious about conducting independent research, you may want to consider the Lumiere Research Scholar Program , a selective online high school program for students founded by researchers at Harvard and Oxford. Last year, we had over 4000 students apply for 500 spots in the program! You can find the application form here . You can also reach out to us at [email protected] to know more, or to have a chat about possible collaborations!

Also check out the Lumiere Research Inclusion Foundation , a non-profit research program for talented, low-income students. Last year, we had 150 students on full need-based financial aid!

Kieran Lobo is a freelance writer from India, who currently teaches English in Spain.

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100 Research Topics for High School Students

science research project ideas high school

By Eric Eng

a student writing on her notebook and looking at the camera

High school is such an exciting time for stretching your intellectual muscles. One awesome way to do that is through research projects. But picking the right topic can make all the difference. It should be something you’re passionate about and also practical to tackle. So, we’ve put together a list of engaging research topics for high school students across ten different subjects: physics, math, chemistry, biology, engineering, literature, psychology, political science, economics, and history. Each topic is crafted to spark your curiosity and help you grow those research skills.

Physics Research Topics

Research topics for high school students in physics are an exciting way to enhance your understanding of the universe.

Physics major student surrounded by physics-related items

1. Gravitational Waves and Space-Time

How do gravitational waves distort space-time, and what can these distortions tell us about the origins of the universe?

2. Quantum Entanglement Applications

What are the potential technological applications of quantum entanglement, and how can it be harnessed for secure communication?

3. Dark Matter and Galaxy Formation

How does dark matter affect the formation and behavior of galaxies, and what evidence supports its existence?

4. Physics of Renewable Energy

What are the fundamental physical principles behind renewable energy sources, and how do they compare in terms of efficiency?

5. Superconductors in Technology

How are superconductors utilized in modern technology, and what advantages do they offer over traditional materials?

6. Particle Physics at the Large Hadron Collider

What significant discoveries have been made at the Large Hadron Collider, and how do they advance our understanding of particle physics?

7. Microgravity Effects on Organisms

How does microgravity affect the physiological and biological functions of organisms during space travel?

8. Thermodynamics and Engine Efficiency

How do the principles of thermodynamics improve the efficiency and performance of internal combustion engines?

9. Electromagnetism in Wireless Communication

How do principles of electromagnetism enable the functioning of wireless communication systems?

10. Cosmic Radiation and Human Space Travel

What are the effects of cosmic radiation on astronauts, and what measures can be taken to protect them during long-term space missions?

These research topics for high school students are designed to deepen your knowledge and prepare you for advanced studies and innovations in the field of physics.

Math Research Topics

Math research topics for high school students are a fantastic way to explore real-world problems through the lens of mathematical principles .

11. Graph Theory and Social Networks

How can graph theory be applied to identify influential nodes and optimize information flow in social networks?

12. Cryptography and Data Security

What cryptographic techniques are most effective in securing online communications and protecting sensitive data?

13. Mathematical Models in Disease Spread

How do SIR models predict the spread of infectious diseases, and what factors affect their accuracy?

14. Game Theory and Economic Decisions

How does game theory explain the strategic behavior of firms in competitive markets?

15. Calculus in Engineering Design

How is calculus used to optimize the structural integrity and efficiency of engineering designs?

16. Linear Algebra in Computer Graphics

How do matrices and vectors facilitate the creation and manipulation of digital images in computer graphics?

17. Statistical Methods in Public Health

What statistical methods are most effective in analyzing public health data to track disease outbreaks?

18. Differential Equations and Population Dynamics

How do differential equations model the population dynamics of endangered species in varying environments?

19. Probability Theory in Risk Management

How is probability theory applied to assess and mitigate financial risks in investment portfolios?

20. Mathematical Modeling in Climate Change Predictions

How do mathematical models simulate climate change scenarios, and what variables are most critical to their predictions?

These research topics for high school students are designed to spark your curiosity and help you build critical thinking skills and practical knowledge.

Chemistry Research Topics

Chemistry research topics for high school students open up a world of molecular wonders and practical applications.

Little Boy Mixes Chemicals in Beakers.

21. Photosynthesis Chemical Processes

How do the chemical reactions involved in photosynthesis convert light energy into chemical energy in plants?

22. Catalysts and Reaction Rates

How do different catalysts influence the rate of chemical reactions, and what factors affect their efficiency?

23. Environmental Pollutants and Atmospheric Chemistry

How do specific environmental pollutants alter chemical reactions in the atmosphere, and what are the consequences for air quality?

24. Green Chemistry Principles

How can green chemistry practices be applied to reduce chemical waste and promote sustainable industrial processes?

25. Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery

How does nanotechnology improve the targeted delivery and effectiveness of drugs within the human body?

26. Plastic Composition and Environmental Impact

How does the chemical composition of various plastics affect their environmental impact and degradation process?

27. Enzymes in Biochemical Reactions

How do enzymes catalyze biochemical reactions, and what factors influence their activity and specificity?

28. Electrochemistry in Battery Technology

How are electrochemical principles applied to improve the performance and sustainability of modern batteries?

29. Chemical Fertilizers and Soil Health

How do chemical fertilizers impact soil health and agricultural productivity, and what alternatives exist to minimize negative effects?

30. Spectroscopy in Compound Identification

How is spectroscopy used to identify and analyze the composition of chemical compounds in various fields?

These research topics for high school students are designed to enhance your understanding of chemical principles and their real-world applications.

Biology Research Topics

Research topics for high school students in biology open up a fascinating window into the complexities of the living world.

31. Genetic Basis of Inherited Diseases

How do specific genetic mutations cause inherited diseases, and what are the mechanisms behind their transmission?

32. Climate Change and Biodiversity

How does climate change affect biodiversity in different ecosystems, and what species are most at risk?

33. Microbiomes and Human Health

How do microbiomes influence human health, and what roles do they play in disease prevention and treatment?

34. Habitat Destruction and Wildlife

How does habitat destruction impact wildlife populations and their behaviors, and what are the long-term ecological consequences?

35. Genetic Engineering in Agriculture

How can genetic engineering techniques improve crop yields and resistance to pests and diseases?

36. Pollution and Aquatic Ecosystems

How do various pollutants affect aquatic ecosystems, and what are the implications for water quality and marine life?

37. Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine

How are stem cells used in regenerative medicine to repair and replace damaged tissues and organs?

38. Evolutionary Biology and Species Adaptation

How do evolutionary principles explain the adaptation of species to changing environmental conditions?

39. Diet and Human Health

How do different dietary choices impact human health, and what are the underlying mechanisms?

40. Bioinformatics in Genetic Research

How is bioinformatics used to analyze genetic data, and what insights can it provide into genetic disorders and evolution?

These research topics for high school students are designed to deepen your understanding of life sciences and prepare you for advanced studies and research in the field.

Engineering Research Topics

Engineering research topics give high school students practical insights into designing and creating innovative solutions.

an civil engineering student

41. 3D Printing in Manufacturing

How does 3D printing technology revolutionize manufacturing processes, and what are its key advantages over traditional methods?

42. Robotics in Modern Industry

How do robotics improve efficiency and productivity in modern industries, and what are some specific applications?

43. Sustainable Building Design

What principles of sustainable building design can be applied to reduce environmental impact and enhance energy efficiency?

44. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering

How is artificial intelligence integrated into engineering solutions to optimize processes and solve complex problems?

45. Renewable Energy Technologies

How do renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, contribute to reducing carbon footprints?

46. Aerodynamics in Vehicle Design

How do aerodynamic principles enhance the performance and fuel efficiency of vehicles?

47. Material Science in Engineering Innovations

How do advancements in material science lead to innovative engineering solutions and improved product performance?

48. Civil Engineering in Urban Development

How does civil engineering contribute to urban development and infrastructure planning in growing cities?

49. Electrical Engineering in Modern Electronics

How are electrical engineering principles applied in the design and development of modern electronic devices?

50. Biomedical Engineering and Medical Devices

How does biomedical engineering contribute to the development of innovative medical devices and healthcare solutions?

These research topics for high school students are designed to broaden your understanding of engineering principles and their real-world applications, preparing you for future innovations and problem-solving in the field.

Literature Research Topics

Literature research topics give high school students the chance to delve into the rich and varied world of written works and their broader implications.

51. Identity in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction

How do contemporary young adult fiction novels explore themes of identity and self-discovery among teenagers?

52. Historical Events and Literary Movements

How have significant historical events influenced and shaped various literary movements, such as Romanticism or Modernism?

53. Symbolism in Classic Literature

How do authors use symbolism in classic literature to convey deeper meanings and themes?

54. Narrative Structure in Modern Storytelling

How do modern authors utilize narrative structures to enhance the storytelling experience and engage readers?

55. Literary Devices in Poetry

How do poets employ literary devices like metaphor, simile, and alliteration to enrich the meaning and emotional impact of their work?

56. Dystopian Themes in Science Fiction

How do science fiction authors use dystopian themes to comment on contemporary social and political issues?

57. Cultural Diversity and Literary Expression

How does cultural diversity influence literary expression and contribute to the richness of global literature?

58. Feminist Theory in Literary Analysis

How is feminist theory applied to analyze and interpret the representation of women and gender roles in literature?

59. Postcolonial Literature Principles

How does postcolonial literature address themes of colonization, identity, and resistance, and what are its key characteristics?

60. Intertextuality in Modern Novels

How do modern novelists use intertextuality to create layers of meaning and connect their works with other literary texts?

These research topics for high school students are designed to deepen your understanding of literary techniques and themes. They prepare you for advanced literary analysis and appreciation.

Psychology Research Topics

Psychology research topics offer high school students a fascinating journey into the complexities of human behavior and mental processes.

Unidentified expert talking to a client.

61. Social Media and Adolescent Mental Health

How does social media usage affect the mental health and well-being of adolescents, particularly in terms of anxiety and depression?

62. Stress and Cognitive Function

How does chronic stress impact cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and decision-making?

63. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Anxiety Disorders

How effective is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in treating various anxiety disorders, and what mechanisms underlie its success?

64. Early Childhood Experiences and Personality Development

How do early childhood experiences shape personality traits and influence long-term behavioral patterns?

65. Sleep and Memory Retention

How does the quality and quantity of sleep affect the retention and recall of memories?

66. Neuroplasticity in Brain Recovery

How does neuroplasticity facilitate brain recovery and adaptation following injury or neurological illness?

67. Mindfulness Practices and Emotional Regulation

How do mindfulness practices help individuals regulate their emotions and reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety?

68. Genetic Factors in Mental Health Disorders

How do genetic predispositions contribute to the development of mental health disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder?

69. Group Dynamics and Decision-Making

How do group dynamics influence individual decision-making processes and outcomes in collaborative settings?

70. Psychological Assessments in Educational Settings

How are psychological assessments used to support student learning and development in educational environments?

These research topics for high school students are designed to enhance your understanding of mental processes and behavior. They prepare you for advanced studies and practical applications in the field.

Political Science Research Topics

Political science research topics offer high school students an exciting opportunity to dive into the complexities of political systems and their impact on society.

71. Social Media and Political Campaigns

How does social media influence the strategies and outcomes of political campaigns, particularly in terms of voter engagement and misinformation?

72. International Organizations and Global Governance

How do international organizations, such as the United Nations, contribute to global governance and conflict resolution?

73. Political Corruption and Economic Development

How does political corruption affect economic development and stability in different countries?

74. Democracy in Political Systems

How do the principles of democracy vary across different political systems, and what impact do these differences have on governance?

75. Public Opinion and Policy-Making

How does public opinion shape government policy-making processes and legislative decisions?

76. Political Ideology and Government Policies

How do different political ideologies influence the formulation and implementation of government policies?

77. Electoral Systems and Political Representation

How do various electoral systems impact political representation and voter behavior?

78. Political Communication in Media

How do media and communication strategies shape public perception of political issues and candidates?

79. Globalization and National Sovereignty

How does globalization affect national sovereignty and the ability of states to maintain independent policies?

80. Political Theory and Social Movements

How can political theory be used to understand the origins, development, and impact of social movements?

These research topics for high school students are designed to enhance your understanding of political processes and theories. They prepare you for advanced studies and informed civic participation.

Economics Research Topics

Economics research topics give high school students valuable insights into how economic systems and policies shape our world.

a professor looking at the output of his students

81. Minimum Wage Laws and Employment Rates

How do changes in minimum wage laws impact employment rates across different sectors and demographics?

82. Fiscal Policy in Economic Recessions

How do government fiscal policies, such as stimulus packages, help manage and mitigate the effects of economic recessions?

83. Globalization and Local Economies

How does globalization influence local economies, particularly in terms of job creation and market competition?

84. Behavioral Economics and Consumer Decisions

How do psychological factors and cognitive biases affect consumer decision-making and market trends?

85. Trade Policies and International Relations

How do specific trade policies impact international relations and global trade dynamics?

86. Technology in Economic Growth

How do technological advancements drive economic growth and productivity in various industries?

87. Taxation and Income Distribution

How do different taxation policies affect income distribution and economic inequality within a society?

88. Economic Modeling and Market Predictions

How are economic models used to predict market trends, and what are the limitations of these models?

89. Inflation and Purchasing Power

How does inflation impact purchasing power and the cost of living for consumers?

90. Econometrics in Economic Data Analysis

How is econometrics used to analyze and interpret complex economic data, and what insights can it provide?

These research topics for high school students are designed to deepen your understanding of economic principles and their real-world applications, preparing you for further studies and informed decision-making in the field.

History Research Topics

History research topics for high school students offer a deep dive into the past. They help you understand how it shapes our present and future.

91. Industrial Revolution: Causes and Consequences

What were the key factors that led to the Industrial Revolution, and how did it impact society and the economy?

92. Colonialism and Indigenous Populations

How did colonial rule affect the cultural, social, and economic lives of indigenous populations?

93. Women in Historical Social Movements

What roles did women play in various social movements throughout history, and what were their contributions?

94. Historical Revisionism in Modern Historiography

What are the principles and controversies surrounding historical revisionism in contemporary historiography?

95. Technological Advancements and Historical Events

How have technological innovations influenced significant historical events and driven societal changes?

96. Major Wars: Causes and Effects

What were the primary causes, key events, and consequences of major wars in history?

97. Religion in Shaping Historical Narratives

How has religion influenced the crafting and interpretation of historical narratives across different cultures?

98. Historiography and Documenting Events

What methods and principles are used in historiography to accurately record and analyze historical events?

99. Economic Changes and Historical Societies

How have economic shifts impacted social structures and historical developments in various societies?

100. Primary Sources in Historical Research

Why are primary sources important in historical research, and how are they used to ensure accuracy and depth in historical analysis?

These research topics for high school students are designed to deepen your understanding of past events and their significance, preparing you for advanced studies and critical historical inquiry.

Young woman smiling at the camera while in front of the computer.

How do I pick the right high school research topic?

Choosing the right research topic involves considering your interests, the availability of resources, and the relevance of the topic to current issues. Start by identifying subjects you are passionate about. Then, look for specific questions within those subjects that spark your curiosity. It’s also important to consider the feasibility of the research, including access to necessary materials and data.

What high school research topics are in demand today?

High-demand research topics for high school students today often align with current global challenges and advancements. In science and technology, areas such as renewable energy, artificial intelligence , and genetic engineering are popular. In social sciences, topics like the impact of social media, political polarization, and mental health are highly relevant. Keeping up with current events and scientific journals can help you identify trending topics.

What resources should I use for my high school research?

Effective research requires a mix of resources. Start with your school library and online databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar for academic papers. Utilize books, reputable websites, and expert interviews to gather diverse perspectives. Don’t overlook primary sources, such as historical documents or scientific data, which provide firsthand information. Additionally, consider using software tools for data analysis and project management.

How can I publish or present my high school research?

Publishing and presenting your research can enhance its impact and your academic profile. Consider submitting your work to high school research journals , science fairs , and local or national competitions. You can also present at school or community events, or create a blog or website to share your findings. Networking with teachers and professors can provide guidance and additional opportunities for publication and presentation.

How does high school research enhance my college applications?

High school research demonstrates your ability to undertake independent projects, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Colleges value these attributes as they indicate readiness for college-level work. Including research experience in your application can set you apart from other applicants. It shows your commitment to learning and your ability to contribute to academic and extracurricular activities at the college level.


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100 Interesting Research Paper Topics for High Schoolers

What’s covered:, how to pick the right research topic, elements of a strong research paper.

  • Interesting Research Paper Topics

Composing a research paper can be a daunting task for first-time writers. In addition to making sure you’re using concise language and your thoughts are organized clearly, you need to find a topic that draws the reader in.

CollegeVine is here to help you brainstorm creative topics! Below are 100 interesting research paper topics that will help you engage with your project and keep you motivated until you’ve typed the final period. 

A research paper is similar to an academic essay but more lengthy and requires more research. This added length and depth is bittersweet: although a research paper is more work, you can create a more nuanced argument, and learn more about your topic. Research papers are a demonstration of your research ability and your ability to formulate a convincing argument. How well you’re able to engage with the sources and make original contributions will determine the strength of your paper. 

You can’t have a good research paper without a good research paper topic. “Good” is subjective, and different students will find different topics interesting. What’s important is that you find a topic that makes you want to find out more and make a convincing argument. Maybe you’ll be so interested that you’ll want to take it further and investigate some detail in even greater depth!

For example, last year over 4000 students applied for 500 spots in the Lumiere Research Scholar Program , a rigorous research program founded by Harvard researchers. The program pairs high-school students with Ph.D. mentors to work 1-on-1 on an independent research project . The program actually does not require you to have a research topic in mind when you apply, but pro tip: the more specific you can be the more likely you are to get in!


The introduction to a research paper serves two critical functions: it conveys the topic of the paper and illustrates how you will address it. A strong introduction will also pique the interest of the reader and make them excited to read more. Selecting a research paper topic that is meaningful, interesting, and fascinates you is an excellent first step toward creating an engaging paper that people will want to read.

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is technically part of the introduction—generally the last sentence of it—but is so important that it merits a section of its own. The thesis statement is a declarative sentence that tells the reader what the paper is about. A strong thesis statement serves three purposes: present the topic of the paper, deliver a clear opinion on the topic, and summarize the points the paper will cover.

An example of a good thesis statement of diversity in the workforce is:

Diversity in the workplace is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage for businesses, as it fosters innovation, enhances creativity, improves decision-making, and enables companies to better understand and connect with a diverse customer base.

The body is the largest section of a research paper. It’s here where you support your thesis, present your facts and research, and persuade the reader.

Each paragraph in the body of a research paper should have its own idea. The idea is presented, generally in the first sentence of the paragraph, by a topic sentence. The topic sentence acts similarly to the thesis statement, only on a smaller scale, and every sentence in the paragraph with it supports the idea it conveys.

An example of a topic sentence on how diversity in the workplace fosters innovation is:

Diversity in the workplace fosters innovation by bringing together individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, which stimulates creativity, encourages new ideas, and leads to the development of innovative solutions to complex problems.

The body of an engaging research paper flows smoothly from one idea to the next. Create an outline before writing and order your ideas so that each idea logically leads to another.

The conclusion of a research paper should summarize your thesis and reinforce your argument. It’s common to restate the thesis in the conclusion of a research paper.

For example, a conclusion for a paper about diversity in the workforce is:

In conclusion, diversity in the workplace is vital to success in the modern business world. By embracing diversity, companies can tap into the full potential of their workforce, promote creativity and innovation, and better connect with a diverse customer base, ultimately leading to greater success and a more prosperous future for all.

Reference Page

The reference page is normally found at the end of a research paper. It provides proof that you did research using credible sources, properly credits the originators of information, and prevents plagiarism.

There are a number of different formats of reference pages, including APA, MLA, and Chicago. Make sure to format your reference page in your teacher’s preferred style.

  • Analyze the benefits of diversity in education.
  • Are charter schools useful for the national education system?
  • How has modern technology changed teaching?
  • Discuss the pros and cons of standardized testing.
  • What are the benefits of a gap year between high school and college?
  • What funding allocations give the most benefit to students?
  • Does homeschooling set students up for success?
  • Should universities/high schools require students to be vaccinated?
  • What effect does rising college tuition have on high schoolers?
  • Do students perform better in same-sex schools?
  • Discuss and analyze the impacts of a famous musician on pop music.
  • How has pop music evolved over the past decade?
  • How has the portrayal of women in music changed in the media over the past decade?
  • How does a synthesizer work?
  • How has music evolved to feature different instruments/voices?
  • How has sound effect technology changed the music industry?
  • Analyze the benefits of music education in high schools.
  • Are rehabilitation centers more effective than prisons?
  • Are congestion taxes useful?
  • Does affirmative action help minorities?
  • Can a capitalist system effectively reduce inequality?
  • Is a three-branch government system effective?
  • What causes polarization in today’s politics?
  • Is the U.S. government racially unbiased?
  • Choose a historical invention and discuss its impact on society today.
  • Choose a famous historical leader who lost power—what led to their eventual downfall?
  • How has your country evolved over the past century?
  • What historical event has had the largest effect on the U.S.?
  • Has the government’s response to national disasters improved or declined throughout history?
  • Discuss the history of the American occupation of Iraq.
  • Explain the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
  • Is literature relevant in modern society?
  • Discuss how fiction can be used for propaganda.
  • How does literature teach and inform about society?
  • Explain the influence of children’s literature on adulthood.
  • How has literature addressed homosexuality?
  • Does the media portray minorities realistically?
  • Does the media reinforce stereotypes?
  • Why have podcasts become so popular?
  • Will streaming end traditional television?
  • What is a patriot?
  • What are the pros and cons of global citizenship?
  • What are the causes and effects of bullying?
  • Why has the divorce rate in the U.S. been declining in recent years?
  • Is it more important to follow social norms or religion?
  • What are the responsible limits on abortion, if any?
  • How does an MRI machine work?
  • Would the U.S. benefit from socialized healthcare?
  • Elderly populations
  • The education system
  • State tax bases
  • How do anti-vaxxers affect the health of the country?
  • Analyze the costs and benefits of diet culture.
  • Should companies allow employees to exercise on company time?
  • What is an adequate amount of exercise for an adult per week/per month/per day?
  • Discuss the effects of the obesity epidemic on American society.
  • Are students smarter since the advent of the internet?
  • What departures has the internet made from its original design?
  • Has digital downloading helped the music industry?
  • Discuss the benefits and costs of stricter internet censorship.
  • Analyze the effects of the internet on the paper news industry.
  • What would happen if the internet went out?
  • How will artificial intelligence (AI) change our lives?
  • What are the pros and cons of cryptocurrency?
  • How has social media affected the way people relate with each other?
  • Should social media have an age restriction?
  • Discuss the importance of source software.
  • What is more relevant in today’s world: mobile apps or websites?
  • How will fully autonomous vehicles change our lives?
  • How is text messaging affecting teen literacy?

Mental Health

  • What are the benefits of daily exercise?
  • How has social media affected people’s mental health?
  • What things contribute to poor mental and physical health?
  • Analyze how mental health is talked about in pop culture.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of more counselors in high schools.
  • How does stress affect the body?
  • How do emotional support animals help people?
  • What are black holes?
  • Discuss the biggest successes and failures of the EPA.
  • How has the Flint water crisis affected life in Michigan?
  • Can science help save endangered species?
  • Is the development of an anti-cancer vaccine possible?


  • What are the effects of deforestation on climate change?
  • Is climate change reversible?
  • How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect global warming and climate change?
  • Are carbon credits effective for offsetting emissions or just marketing?
  • Is nuclear power a safe alternative to fossil fuels?
  • Are hybrid vehicles helping to control pollution in the atmosphere?
  • How is plastic waste harming the environment?
  • Is entrepreneurism a trait people are born with or something they learn?
  • How much more should CEOs make than their average employee?
  • Can you start a business without money?
  • Should the U.S. raise the minimum wage?
  • Discuss how happy employees benefit businesses.
  • How important is branding for a business?
  • Discuss the ease, or difficulty, of landing a job today.
  • What is the economic impact of sporting events?
  • Are professional athletes overpaid?
  • Should male and female athletes receive equal pay?
  • What is a fair and equitable way for transgender athletes to compete in high school sports?
  • What are the benefits of playing team sports?
  • What is the most corrupt professional sport?

Where to Get More Research Paper Topic Ideas

If you need more help brainstorming topics, especially those that are personalized to your interests, you can use CollegeVine’s free AI tutor, Ivy . Ivy can help you come up with original research topic ideas, and she can also help with the rest of your homework, from math to languages.

Disclaimer: This post includes content sponsored by Lumiere Education.

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