Gym Review Essay: Benefits and Importance of Going to the Gym

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Benefits of going to the gym, why gym is important, works cited.

Nowadays, everyone is obsessed with having a good body. Dieting, exercising, and lots of stuff they do to achieve their goal. Gym memberships usually grow, especially after the holidays when people eat so much. Then they go to the gym to burn the fat. Going to the gym is a commitment that people should make if they are serious about getting in shape.

Many reasons to go to gym. Of course, exercise is a priority. The gym has plenty of exercise machines that people can use to develop different muscle groups. Kulas (para. 1), in her article, “The Advantages of Going to the Gym Every Day,” says at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise should be done by adults five days a week, so going to the gym every day will meet that goal. It will result in good physical and mental health.

Aside from exercising, one can meet new friends like fitness instructors and others. It’s good to be with people with the same interests so that all can motivate each other to keep their fitness goals.

When one exercises, the heart becomes stronger, so it efficiently pumps blood to the body to keep vital organs healthy and in order. For example, blood pressure is maintained instead of spike high, cholesterol and triglyceride levels are kept low, and heart disease is kept at bay. It means there is less chance of a heart attack, stroke, or any other disease when one exercises regularly (Kulas, para. 3).

Combining aerobic exercise with other kinds of exercises like strength training with weights and stretching keeps muscles, ligaments, joints, and tendons healthy, flexible, and strong, so when one becomes older, he is stronger and has less risk of being out of balance and falling causing fractures or other injuries. One also gets good posture when muscles are well-formed. That is why the person should select the right exercises for each muscle group.

Suppose one does not like to work with exercise machines but still likes to exercise. In that case, gyms also offer group exercises, including boot camp exercises in teams, cycling sessions on stationary bicycles, martial arts exercises like body combat, boxing, etc., and plenty of dance routines like Zumba, HipHop, Ballroom Dancing, etc. It can be fun to meet new people, so social life comes alive.

One sleeps better also when the body gets good exercise. When one sleeps well, he wakes up with more energy to face the day and go about his work better in high spirits. The mood becomes better, too, so he is not grouchy with others. As one loses weight from exercising regularly and having a good balanced diet, one looks more fit and attractive, so a good body deserves good clothes that fit well.

On the other hand, some people go overboard in exercising, thinking all the positive results will double or they lose weight faster to get a leaner body. Andersen, in her article “9 Reasons to Skip Your Workout.. Sometimes”, advises that rest days should be inserted in between exercise days, especially if the workout is heavy.

She says muscles need rest periods in order to grow to heal the tiny tears that exercising causes. When they are repaired, it makes them stronger. She also says over-exercising may lead to too much weight loss or even weight gain due to the body’s built-in protective systems (para. 3). For women, over-exercising may interrupt their menstrual cycle because it affects the hormones.

As opposed to having moderate exercise that brings good sleep, over-exercising can affect one’s sleep cycle as well, and some people have trouble sleeping. Some even develop Insomnia or the inability to sleep well at night, so they resort to napping during the day only to catch up on the loss of sleep. This affects their performance at work or in school because they become very sleepy all the time. It also affects their mood because they always feel tired.

If one thinks over-exercising will curb their appetite so they become slim sooner, they are wrong. Andersen also says it can lead to overeating because one’s appetite is stimulated more if the body requires more energy to sustain its exertion in exercise, so the more exercise one does, the bigger his appetite.

Spending too much time in the gym also takes time away from more important things that a person needs to attend to, such as quality time for family and friends, engaging in a hobby that one enjoys, praying or meditating, or going to places one enjoys or has never been to before. Everything needs to be balanced: diet, exercise, work, leisure, and time for everything in order to lead a happy and fulfilled life.

As in everything else, too much of something good is bad, and in the case of over-exercising, it can lead to burnout. This means one has gone beyond his limits, and the body is not able to handle it. The person may have a breakdown, get sick, and become unable to exercise, work or be productive. So, it is much better to stick with a manageable exercise program at a time period that one can handle. That is about 30 minutes to an hour every day of moderate exercise coupled with a good diet plan.

The feeling that one gets after a good workout is fantastic. This is due to the release of endorphins, hormones that make people feel great. That is why many people can get addicted to working out, so they get that good feeling after. However, good workouts do not necessarily take place in the gym.

There are many other things one can do to exercise, such as following exercise routines on the DVD in the comfort of one’s home, running, jogging or biking around the block, swimming, dancing, or engaging in some sports like basketball, tennis, or badminton. One just needs to be creative in thinking of ways to move their body and exercise to get fit. They should also be able to do it regularly. Having various types of exercises within the week would be better so that it does not get boring.

However, if all else fails, there is always the gym so that one is really encouraged to actively exercise and not just sit around and watch others exercise. For one, there are gym instructors who can help members with the right exercises for their targeted body parts or for their whole body workout.

Another thing is there are other people who can motivate one to exercise, especially if they have good and fit bodies, to inspire others to achieve the same goals. Still, another is the membership fee that one needs to pay, so one should not waste it by not actively using the gym facilities to the fullest.

Once an individual reaches his goal of having a physically fit body, he should be able to maintain it and not let go of the diet and exercise routines he has mastered. He will realize the many benefits of having a good, healthy, and fit body. Not only will other people notice his new, improved appearance and be impressed, but more importantly, his health ensures that he will be less likely to get sick. This helps in keeping a happy, healthy, and productive life.

Andersen, Charlotte. “9 Reasons to Skip Your Workout… Sometimes”, Shape. 2012. Web.

Kulas, Michelle. “The Advantages of Going to the Gym Every Day”, Livestrong. 2013. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 2). Benefits and Importance of Going to the Gym.

"Benefits and Importance of Going to the Gym." IvyPanda , 2 Apr. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Benefits and Importance of Going to the Gym'. 2 April.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Benefits and Importance of Going to the Gym." April 2, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Benefits and Importance of Going to the Gym." April 2, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Benefits and Importance of Going to the Gym." April 2, 2020.

Peck me out

Is gymming a hobby? Yes, but describe it like THIS instead

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I spend a lot of time in my home gym and trying to stay fit – BUT is gymming a hobby or not?! Personally I think it IS a hobby, but that’s not how I like to describe it to others or on my resume. Here’s what I do instead:

Is gymming a hobby? YES, but describe it like THIS instead...

At a glance…

  • If you enjoy working out and going to the gym then gymming is a hobby
  • It can add more character to be more specific – ‘Amateur CrossFit competitor’ or ‘Marathon runner’ both stand out more to me than ‘Gymming’ or ’Enjoys going to the gym’
  • These tips apply to writing about the gym on your resume / CV
  • Hobbies and interests are a great way to break the ice in an interview – again being a bit more specific can trigger a more interesting discussion
  • Whether gymming is a lifestyle or hobby can be debated, but personally I think lifestyle is reserved for professional athletes who purse their sport 24/7!

What is ‘gymming’?!

Gymming is a verb meaning using or going to use a gym. For example I might ask my training partner “are you gymming tonight, Dave?” to find out if they are going to be at the gym that evening. It is a slang term therefore can’t be found in the dictionary (yet). 

Is going to the gym a hobby?

Yes ‘gymming’ can be considered a hobby. A hobby is something done in your spare time for pleasure – so if you enjoy your time in the gym then IT IS a hobby.

One tip is to consider being more specific when asked – for example what do you enjoy doing AT the gym? Weightlifting, running, cycling or triathlons are all more specific activities we can pursue IN a gym, and might be a better description of your interest.

So this means if you love chasing a squat PR or trying to squeeze a few extra pull-ups in to each set then you are firmly in hobby territory!

But if you are merely going through the motions as a chore and don’t enjoy going then you can call it something else! 

How to write about gym or fitness as a hobby on your resume

Many disclose their hobbies on their resume or CV. It can help you stand out from the crowd and inject a bit of personality into an otherwise very formal document.

How you write about it or word it can be tricky. Personally I like to stick to a general statement that is not too detailed – the below examples can work nicely on most CVs:

  • Avid fitness enthusiast
  • Hobbies include football and going to the gym
  • Interested in all aspects of health & fitness
  • Competitive powerlifting

There are no formal rules on how to present your hobbies on a CV but the above may give you a good starter. Be sure to be able to talk to your hobby passionately – it may come up in an interview…

What about in an interview?

In my experience the more specific the statement on your CV the more likely you are to get some questions on it. 

If you write something on your CV about your hobbies be prepared to have a short exchange on it with the panel. It’s often a good icebreaker so may catch you off guard at the START of the process!

Typically questions will be good natured and will centre around how long you’ve been doing it, what got you started, how you manage to fit it in to your schedule or similar lines of questioning. 

Have a few responses lined up just in case – I like to keep it quite high level saying when I got in to the hobby and jump to where I am with it today.

Don’t fret too much on the detail – it would be highly unusual to end up with another competitive powerlifter opposite you asking what your total was!

For example “I started going to the gym around 10 years ago when I realised I wasn’t 21 anymore and grew to really enjoy it. These days I’m typically trying to do SOMETHING everyday – typically aiming for 4 days a week of weights with cardio where I can around that.”

Of course that won’t work for every question, but hopefully gives you something to work with!

Is weightlifting a hobby?

Yes weightlifting can be a hobby if it’s something you enjoy doing. Adding some context can be really helpful here – to an average person weightlifting is interchangeable with bodybuilding for example, and to others it may be associated with Olympic weightlifting (snatch, clean and jerk etc.)

So if you are talking about weightlifting as a hobby it is good to expand on what you mean by that. Doing this is a great way to break the ice in a conversation – you’re talking about something you enjoy and are knowledgable on so it should put you at ease in the situation you find yourself in!

Is fitness a LIFESTYLE, or a hobby?

A hobby is something that is done in your leisure time, while a lifestyle is the way we live all the time.

If you are a professional athlete with your entire life centred around your sport (diet, sleep, training, transport, days on and off work) then fitness is a LIFESTYLE .

For most of us – as much as we love it – health and fitness is likely a hobby as we allow ourselves the odd takeaway or off day, have non-fitness based work commitments and are generally a bit more flexible with it.

What unites both a fitness hobby and fitness lifestyle is PASSION for the activities, so don’t get too hung up on which one to classify yourself as!

If you enjoy working out and going to the gym then I would class it as a hobby. Whether you prefer to define it as a lifestyle or not I don’t think it matters TOO MUCH , and we would be splitting hairs. Certainly from a resume or interview perspective listing it as a hobby is acceptable, but I would consider the language used – possibly being a bit more specific (e.g. CrossFit competitor) over something more general such as ‘gymming’!

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Home Gym Hideaway

Is Gym a Hobby? (Why is Going to the Gym a Good Hobby)

We typically cover more training and equipment-related topics on this site, particularly for the more serious or hardcore lifters. Occasionally though, we’ll look into topics of interest and one, in particular, is something very relevant to this site:

“Is gym a hobby”

Name it what you like – gym, training, working out – For any of us training on a regular basis, I think it’s fair to say we push the line between working out to stay fit, strong, healthy… And doing so because we enjoy it. 

Doing something you enjoy in your own leisure time is technically classed as a hobby, right?

Therefore, in this article, we’ll look into going to the gym as a hobby and see if this is something that can really be classed as a hobby, or if it’s something you wouldn’t necessarily list on a CV under interests (like a doctor’s check up).

Table of Contents

Is Gym a Hobby?

There are a number of ways to know if going to the gym is a hobby for you or if you’re just doing it as a way to stay healthy. In fact, one of the ways is just that; If you enjoy the gym and like being there without focusing solely on the benefits.

One of the most obvious points for a gym hobbyist is if you bulk up in body fat in the winter and cut down during the warmer months. This is a good technique used by people serious about the gym to build muscle, because you need fat to burn and tone.

If you’ve developed a workout routine that you follow or have mapped out ahead of time, the gym is probably a hobby for you. Most people even have more than one circuit of sets that they follow to switch things up for their muscular growth.

On that note, with so many bodybuilders out there to follow or watch videos of as content creators, it’s typical to look up to one as a role model or goal. Someone that only uses the gym for health benefits probably wouldn’t care about the recommendations by a guru.

Lastly, a hobbyist is passionate about a subject so it usually works its way into most or all conversations at some point. If you find yourself bringing up the gym in everyday discussions, you might be able to list the gym as one of your hobbies.

Benefits of Going to the Gym

There are two major categories that going to the gym can help you in: Health and social settings.The benefits mentioned earlier with going to the gym can massively improve your outlook on life or relationships, so let’s break down some of the ways for each category.

Your Health Changes Everything

While it can be the main reason that even the most casual of gym-goers hit the treadmill, the health benefits of going to the gym or exercising with gym classes can be huge. The most obvious one is, in fact, your health.

It’s been proven many times that people who exercise have better heart rates, lung capacity, and blood-oxygen levels. It can also help blood flow and flexibility, which decreases naturally with age unless you stretch your body.

Yoga is one of the most effective classes that people get involved with at the gym because of just that, but it also helps with the next health benefit: Stress. In the modern world of business, technology, and traffic, stress levels can get extremely high.

This causes tension in your body and mind, which is where the gym comes in. Working out creates a boost in endorphins and adrenaline that makes you feel better, but it also can be a great way to relieve stress with a physical outlet like weights, ropes, or a punching bag.

If your gym has a boxing ring, this is a healthy way to “blow off steam” and get in great shape. With all of the above comes the biggest health benefit of all: Longer life and fewer health problems.

The risks that come with obesity and issues with the heart and lungs can be reduced with good exercise habits and the gym provides a good setting to make that happen. It’s usually encouraged by others and trainers, especially in a class.

Not only could you save thousands on avoiding medical problems from maintaining a strong, flexible body, but you might live a longer and more fulfilling life by being able to do things later in your life. On top of that, you’ll be able to do so with more confidence in yourself!

Socialize With Confidence

The other main category of benefits that a gym can give involves socializing. The first point that many people struggle with, especially these days with anxiety of some form so common, is self-confidence.

A lot of that comes from either how they look or how they feel about how they look, but both problems can be addressed with a proper gym routine. It takes time and effort, but developing a habit or routine of going to the gym a few times a week can be life-changing.

One of the biggest criticisms of the gym is that, if you’re self-conscious, you might be less inclined to go to the gym but it’s important to realize that a good gym will have supportive members and staff to encourage you toward your personal goals.

Everybody starts somewhere, and confidence actually leads to the next point: Social atmosphere. The gym can be a great place to meet people or see friends, though it’s important to remember that you’re all there to work out.

There is also a wide variety of gyms and fitness centers that you can join depending on your own interests, fitness levels, or desire for certain facilities. 

Keep conversations short while you’re there, but it can be fun to go out for a healthy lunch afterward. It’s also nice to see familiar faces and create a sort of support group. Of course, if nothing else, the gym can become a fun hobby.

If you’re wondering why you should pass your time at the gym, the real question is: Why not? With so many benefits discussed here and nothing better to do for your body or mind, what’s stopping you from giving the gym a chance? You might really like it!

Is Gymming a Word?

This one depends on how you judge whether something’s a word or not, because the term “gymming” isn’t in any Webster or Oxford dictionary as of yet. However, it can be found on Urban Dictionary or thrown around as a slang term among gym-goers.

Essentially, “gymming” refers to someone who’s passionate about going to the gym and has created a hobby out of it. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a muscle-builder or professional weightlifter, because “gymming” is for anyone with a routine.

In context, you might go “gymming” and grab a smoothie after. Still, if you adhere solely to the dictionary definitions, “gymming” isn’t a word. Keep in mind, though, that since going to the gym can be a hobby it probably has a sub-group of people with their own slang terminologies.

Final Thoughts

If you’re something of an avid gym-goer, there’s a very strong chance that you can not only class going to the gym as a hobby but that it genuinely is your hobby!

If you spend any time browsing through this site you’ll see we cover a range of topics just on the gym alone. Reading, watching, researching, and most commonly training is an everyday occurrence for us and when you dedicate so much time to the gym, it’s difficult for anyone to argue against it being classed as a hobby.

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The Wisdom Post

Essay on My Hobby

List of essays on my hobby in english, essay on my hobby reading books – essay 1 (250 words), essay on my hobby reading books – essay 2 (250 words), essay on my hobby playing cricket – essay 3 (250 words), essay on my hobby drawing – essay 4 (250 words), essay on my hobby dancing – essay 5 (250 words), essay on my hobby – sewing – essay 6 (500 words), essay on my hobby – essay 7 (750 words), essay on my hobby cooking – essay 8 (1000 words).

My hobby is reading books. Reading a book is one of my favorite pass times and since I work with words for a living it is also one of my favorite work tasks. There are no words that can describe my admiration and respect for the written word and the modest book that houses them. Even though great thinker of antiquity like Socrates despised the written word calling it unresponsive and dead we have to give out thanks to its ability to conserve knowledge for generations.

My hobby reading books is the best way to escape from the torment of the world and to rest in a world of imagination. Undisturbed by the troubles of my life, my mind can rest from all the stress it goes through every day and find comfort in the words of wise writers or happiness in those that like more light-hearted topics.

Not only do I read books but I also collect them and spend endless hours searching for the right edition for their collection. I even save up money so that I can buy books and extend my library or spend fortunes on rare historic manuscripts.

The fact of the matter is that there is no better way for me to rest and at the same time practice my brain by reading a book, so as far as my hobby reading books goes this way, it is the best pass time I can have. Believe me, once you start exploring the sea of stories written on paper you will never want to stop exploring.

Hobby is something that is of our interest and keeps us engaged in our free time with a free mind. A good habit will not only help us to escape from our daily cores but also keeps us peaceful. Studies prove that practicing a good hobby will keep us away from many mind related problems and loneliness as well.

Reading books as My Hobby:

Hobby is something that develops with us from an early age. I find happiness in reading books in my lonely time to free my mind of stress and study pressures. My hobby is reading books. Reading books is the best knowledge gaining hobby. My hobby reading books has helped me to improve my language too. When I start reading, I create my own imaginary and creative world to travel with the story.

Reading thriller novels will help me to travel to that world with mystery and stories with adventures will improve my creative side, as I am constantly imagining the scenario that’s happening in the story and so on. Thus my hobby reading books interest me the most, has helped me to understand the language better, create noble and ideal thoughts in me and more.

Inspirational and instructive books have always inspired my growing mind to follow the better path to achieve my life goal. By reading books I can be updated on the present world. A person with understandability towards anything will be able to acquire their desired heights more easily and books are molding me to be one.

Living amidst books makes me feel happier and loneliness has never touched me at any point in my life. Books have become my best friend since childhood and I can feel the positive changes they create in me.

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

We have all heard of this adage time and again and it also throws light on how important it truly is to make sure that we all have a hobby.

The game of cricket:

Well, my hobby is cricket as I have been enjoying this sport since a very tender age. I remember gazing from the winnow of my room and watching the grown-ups immerse themselves in a game of cricket. I would spend hours watching them and remembering the different shots, the way the bowlers threw the ball at different angles and even imagined myself excelling at cricket.

The need for passion:

I believe that regardless of what we choose, it is important for each one of us to have a hobby. My hobby is something which keeps me going and it adds to my verve and energy. If you develop a good hobby, it will make sure that you would have something to unwind your mind.

When I go out to play cricket, in that moment, I do not think of anything else as I am cool, composed and nothing else matters. So, if you have not yet found your thing which you can truly call as a hobby, I suggest you do so.

I knew my hobby since a tender age and it soon grew into my passion and I can say with utmost pride that I am quite good at cricket. When you truly love something, your zest will give you the kick to excel in it too.

I have a lot of hobbies to pass my time. One of such things is drawing. Even when I was a little child, drawing has always made me happy. Sitting quietly in a place, I can draw for hours. It keeps me busy and relaxes my mind. There is a little secret to why I love drawing so much.

As a person, I am less talkative. Because of that, there are very few friends in my life. The thing is that, instead of speaking out everything, I prefer to express my emotions silently. And drawing just helps me do that.

Sketching is not merely a pass time to me. God has given me a beautiful way to share my thoughts and feelings through drawing. It is an art that becomes my voice when I wish to be quiet. Moreover, drawing also helps me connect more with nature. Trees, birds, animals, rivers, clouds are some of the favorite things that I like to draw.

My art teacher praises the passion I have for drawing. She also appreciates the blending of shades and strokes of brushes when I paint something. My parents and friends always encourage me for the same.

I wish to pursue drawing for the rest of my life. It is my dream to become a true artist one day and that is only possible with regular practice and devotion.


My hobby is dancing. Dancing is the art of performing purposefully selected sequence of movements by humans. Dance is a beautiful hobby that slowly builds in an individual. Dancing becomes a hobby to people who like to listen to music because as they listen, they tend to accompany the beats with dance moves. Although some people might be enjoying music but they are unable to dance because dancing is a performance that requires a skill that not everyone can master.

How it began:

Ever since I was a child, I have been chubby and so my parents had to sign me up for dancing lessons so that I can get physically fit. The dancing lessons seemed enjoyable but when I joined the first class I was unable to dance. I developed a strong determination to learn how to dance because by nature I do not like to accept failure. Within a few weeks, I had learned how to dance and it grew in me and dancing became my hobby. I would dance everywhere and that is how I grew fond of my hobby dancing.

Benefits of My Hobby Dancing:

Through my hobby dancing, I was able to lose weight and my chubbiness was gone. The regular dancing that I have been doing has kept me fit. Sometimes I make money from dancing especially during the holidays. Dancing at events or festivals earns me money. At school, I have won awards because I participate in dance as an extracurricular activity. It is a great feeling to have dancing as my hobby because it is what I love and enjoy.

Who are we without our hobbies? Apart from our physical appearances, the collection of the things we do is what makes us distinct from the next person. While there are things we do simply because we have to, we do others because we love to.

Hobbies are things we do because we have a natural inclination to do so. They give us so much pleasure that we would spend our life time doing it. This is why people try to build their respective professions around their hobbies. By so doing, an ordinarily difficult task suddenly becomes simple.

My love for sewing:

Though I have a lot of hobbies, my love for sewing stands out from the crowd. It all started when my mother bought a sewing machine when I was younger. I was immediately fascinated by the mechanical excellence of the equipment. First, it was the way the machine rolled. Then I was puzzled about the thread movement and how it miraculously turned torn pieces into masterpieces.

Subsequently, my curiosity became a source of entertainment. I would play around the machine and time would disappear while I do so. I would cut my old clothing and run it through the machine just to see it move. Slowly and surely, I became enchanted with sewing so much that it dominated my thought and became my hobby.

Now, I would not leave a single week without creating something adorable with the sewing machine. A few moments spent away from this intriguing environment feels like an eternity. What’s more, I have found that sewing has a therapeutic effect on me. It helps clear my thought and keeps me focused on a single task. Though there is financial gain in this endeavor I do it simply for the thrill.

Me and my hobby:

Sewing is my hobby and it is refreshing to me but over time I realized that by virtue of my love for this craft I became interested in related fields. First, I have to create a sketch of what to sew. This process is a purely creative one. As I draw, I can picture what I would do to the real fabric when I eventually get on the machine. I also visualize what the eventual dress would look like on me or whoever would eventually wear it.

Then, I cut pieces of the fabric as outlined in my drawings. The cutting stage is mainly about precision. The materials have to be systematically shaped in such a way that it fits the measurement taken. Any deviation from this would lead to undesired results.

Finally, the pieces are carefully held together by the automated needle of the machine. This is the most fulfilling part of the process. This is so because seeing the conceptualized idea come to bare serves as an icing on the cake. However, the feeling of excitement I experience after the cloth is made quickly evaporates. I am immediately left with the desire to start over again. Though the process might seem mechanical or even uninspiring to an onlooker, I wouldn’t trade my hobby of sewing for anything else in the world.

Any activity which one does for pleasure is called as a hobby. It can anything ranging from reading books, spending time with your pets, travelling around, talking to new people, just anything which gives immense pleasure to a person and relieves a person of the tensions of daily life. I too have a hobby which is quite common in the world as so many people do it.

My Hobby, My Pleasure:

My hobby is reading anything knowledgeable be it the newspapers, magazines, short story books or the novel series. I just love to read. In fact, I have this good collection of books at home which I feel is the biggest treasure I have.

How it all started:

When I was in school we were asked to read the newspaper every day and come up with three national, three international and three sports news in the class. This was a sort of regular activity for us. It is from here that I gathered interest in reading newspapers. Slowly as we all grew up this hobby of reading newspapers in the morning developed into a full-time activity of reading which came around.

Overall these years, I have the pleasure of reading the Harry Potter series, which still remain the best, The Shiva Trilogy from Amish Tripathi, books from good authors both from India and abroad.

Books, Our best friends:

Life isn’t anything but difficult to live without friends. With regards to Books, they can be our closest friends ever. Great Books advances our brain with great contemplations and information simply like a decent friend. We can’t feel alone in the vicinity of books. We can learn numerous beneficial things while perusing a decent book. Books composed by well-known and experienced authors causes us to improve as a person and furthermore show us how to serve the general public in the most ideal way. When we are separated from everyone else, we can generally get a book and begin perusing to feel unwind.

Books are our closest companions since they rouse us to do incredible things throughout everyday life and conquer our disappointments. Books can be great or terrible, however, it is our duty to pick them wisely. Kinship with Good books makes you Good individual and companionship with Bad books make you a terrible individual. Books will dependably be there for you in your terrible occasions. Books motivate us to have dreams. Moreover, books convey a positive incentive to our life and make us a better human being.

Advantages of Having a Hobby:

Having a hobby is really basic for a solid character and body. In addition to the fact that they are fun, a hobby can revive one completely, help with remaining solid, dynamic and cheerful. Spending time doing the things that we appreciate can help postpone maturing and prompt positive emotions that assistance battle against specific diseases. A hobby makes you more joyful and more substance as a human being. In addition to the fact that this is useful for your general wellbeing and prosperity, it likewise expands your fulfilment with life and brings you harmony, joy and energy. What’s more, makes you simpler to live with! On the off chance that your days are loaded up with only customer gatherings, ventures and constant work, a hobby can help facilitate a portion of that pressure and take your brain off work.

In fact, a few research studies have demonstrated that individuals who take part in leisure activities are more averse to creative memory issues. Hobbies are additionally known to fight off sadness and lower circulatory strain. So in addition to the fact that hobbies help you mentally, they are useful for your body as well.


Having a hobby that we enjoy doing brings us joy and advances our lives. It gives us something enjoyable to do amid our recreation time and gives us the chance to learn new aptitudes. We are exceptionally lucky to have such a large number of various choices out there today. Actually, there are whole sites committed to diversions and interests.

The most ideal approach to developing another hobby is to take a stab at something new. The world is loaded with magnificent, energizing exercises that we can investigate and embrace as our own. Obviously, we all are one of a kind and, accordingly, our interests and leisure activities change. In any case, when we discover an interest that we really appreciate and are enthusiastic about, we end up snared. It turns out to be a piece of our lives and encourages us in an exceptionally close to home way. Last, but not the least, hobby help us live our dreams which usually get ignored due to our busy lives.

A hobby is one’s favourite habit, activity or what a person chooses to do or what the person does usually for enjoyment and pleasure in his/her available leisure time. Having a hobby is a very good thing that can be developed at a point in one’s life from childhood all the way to adulthood but it is sometimes best to have a hobby from childhood. We all participate in some kind of activity in line with our interests that we derive joy and happiness from; this activity is our hobby. We all have different hobbies based on our interests, dislikes and likes.

Types of Hobbies:

There are a lot of different types of hobbies that we can show interest in and develop, examples of hobbies are singing, dancing, playing outdoor or indoor games, drawing, collecting antiques, bird watching, writing, photography, reading, eating, playing, sports, music, gardening, cooking, watching TV, talking and any other activity you can think of. Our different hobbies that become a source of earning money and a means of livelihood and we can build a very successful career out of our hobbies. A hobby is meant to be enjoyed in our leisure time but it can become a lot more than that.

My Hobbies:

One popular misconception is that we can have only one hobby; this is totally not true. As a child growing up, I loved and enjoyed cooking and I would spend hours watching cooking programmes and watching my parents cook. Sooner rather than later, I also started trying out different recipes and dishes I had seen on TV and sometimes even tweaked a few things and made delicacies of my own. Cooking gave my childhood so much joy and bliss which made it one of my hobbies, I could cook all day and I get just happy at the thought of trying out a new recipe. Another hobby of mine is soccer which is kind of an accidental hobby (if there is anything like that). I had always loved watching football (or soccer) and was pretty good at analysis and understanding of the game but I never really tried playing the sport because of my first hobby that is cooking which meant I was more of the indoor person. Fate would have it that one of my close friends was on the varsity soccer team and all the goalkeepers got injured so he told me about an open audition for the position of goalkeeper and I just decided to try out. I was wonderful at the try outs and got a spot on the varsity soccer team, I became a pretty brilliant goalkeeper and I look forward to every opportunity to get on the field of play. There is this feeling of fulfilment and satisfaction I get anytime I am on the field of play. It is very possible to have more than one hobby so open yourself to the possibilities of all the different activities and interesting things around us.

My Favourite Hobby:

My favourite hobby is gardening. I spend most of my leisure time when I am not cooking or playing soccer in gardening. Gardening has been a huge source of knowledge, education, delight and entertainment to me. I have had the opportunity to learn a lot of new things on flowers, plants, vegetables, butterflies and even birds from gardening. My parents have a little plot of land where I pursue and practice this hobby. I have different varieties of vegetables, flowers and a few fruit trees in my garden. Some of the vegetables I grow are carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, radish, chillies, bitter gourd, etc. I also grow flowers like jasmine, roses, lilies, merry gold, carnation, poppies, flux and forget-me-not. These flowers make the garden a delight to behold and give the garden a soothing fragrance.

There are a few fruit-trees in the garden including banana, mango, guava and pomegranate. The garden is visited often by quite a number of birds and there are even some birds are live permanently on the fruit trees. The chirping sound made by the birds and their sweet music gives the garden the perfect condition and makes it the ideal place to be.

Gardening has also helped my other hobby (soccer) by keeping me mentally alert, physically fit and very fresh. The ambience of the garden is highly invigorating, fresh and soothing; there is calmness to the atmosphere of the garden. The processes and activities involved in gardening include weeding, digging, grafting, cutting, maturing, watering and the tilling of the soil. All of these activities get me the needed physical exercise I need to make my body fit and keep me sharp mentally.

A lot of family members and friends appreciate my hobby gardening. Over the years, I have been able to develop skills needed in gardening, sometimes; my father also helps me maintain the garden. I have a worthy and wonderful collection of magazines and books on vegetables, flowers, fruit trees and also gardening overall. It is quite a wonderful experience to watch plants grow, develop and blossom.

I am not full of knowledge in gardening; sometimes, I get advice and help from a professional gardener so as to know the right thing to do. I spend a large chunk of my money purchasing manure, seeds, fertilisers, books on gardening and gardening tools and implements. I try to catch all the programmes on television about gardening, I visit plant and flower shows and also fruit and vegetable exhibition. I try my possible best to balance all my hobbies, studies and other engagements without hurting any one of them for the others.

Gardening motivates me and gives me a sense of purpose about what I can achieve with my life. Once I am gardening, I forget about all of my worries, troubles and problems of the world. I am my happiest when I am working in the garden or when I get to give my friends and my family members fruits from the garden.

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Is the Gym a Hobby

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The Gym can be a great hobby for many people. It can provide an outlet for stress, help to improve one’s mood and physical well-being, and promote healthy social interaction. However, some people find that the gym is not their cup of tea. They may feel uncomfortable working out in front of others, or find the equipment and atmosphere uninviting. Whether or not the gym is a good hobby for you is ultimately up to you.

The gym is a great place to get in shape, but it can also be a great hobby. There are so many different things you can do at the gym, and you can always find new ways to challenge yourself. If you’re looking for a hobby that will help you stay fit and healthy, the gym is definitely worth considering.

Gym As a Hobby in Interview

Gym As a Hobby in Interviews We often get asked about our hobbies in interviews, and for some of us, going to the gym is our favorite pastime. But is it okay to talk about the gym as a hobby in an interview? The answer is yes! In fact, talking about the gym can be a great way to show that you’re dedicated, disciplined, and motivated. Here are a few tips on how to talk about the gym as a hobby in an interview: 1. Be enthusiastic when you talk about it. When you’re talking about your hobby, make sure that you sound excited and passionate. This will show that you really enjoy going to the gym and that it’s not just something that you do because you feel like you have to. 2. Talk about what you love about it. When asked why you enjoy going to the gym, take this opportunity to share what you love most about working out. Maybe you enjoy the challenge of pushing yourself physically, or maybe you appreciate how good it makes you feel mentally and emotionally. Whatever your reasons may be, make sure that they come across clearly in your response.

How to Write Gym As a Hobby in Resume

If you’re one of those people who love going to the gym , then you know how important it is to have a good resume. After all, your resume is what will get you hired! So, how do you write “gym” as a hobby on your resume? First, start by thinking about what kinds of skills you’ve acquired from going to the gym. For example, maybe you’ve become really good at lifting weights or working out on specific machines. Maybe you’ve even started teaching classes! These are all great things to put on your resume. Next, consider how often you go to the gym and how long you’ve been going for. If you’re a regular at the gym, that’s definitely something worth mentioning on your resume. It shows that you’re dedicated to staying in shape and that you have some level of commitment. Finally, think about why you enjoy going to the gym. Is it because it helps relieve stress? Is it because you enjoy the social aspect of working out with friends? Whatever the reason, be sure to mention it on your resume as well! It’ll show potential employers that you’re not just there for the sake of working out – but that you actually enjoy it too.

Is the Gym a Hobby Reddit

Is the Gym a Hobby Reddit? This is a question that has been debated on Reddit for some time now. There are those who believe that the gym is a hobby, while others think it is not. Here are some pros and cons of both sides of the argument. Those who think the gym is a hobby say that it can be very enjoyable. It can provide an outlet for stress, help you meet new people, and give you a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, many people use the gym as a way to stay in shape and improve their health. On the other hand, those who believe that the gym is not a hobby say that it can be expensive and time-consuming. Additionally, they argue that it is not always necessary to go to the gym in order to stay healthy or in shape.

What are Gym Goers Called

If you enjoy going to the gym, you are probably familiar with the term “gym rat.” This term is used to describe someone who loves going to the gym and working out. However, there are other terms that are used to describe people who go to the gym regularly. Here are some of the most common terms: -Gym rat: as mentioned above, this term is used to describe someone who loves going to the gym and working out. -Exercise enthusiast: this term is used to describe someone who enjoys exercising and working out, but may not necessarily live at the gym. -Fitness enthusiast: similar to an exercise enthusiast, a fitness enthusiast enjoys working out and staying fit, but may not be as dedicated as a gym rat.

Is Working Out a Hobby Or a Lifestyle

When it comes to working out, there are two schools of thought – those who see it as a hobby, and those who see it as a lifestyle. There’s no right or wrong answer, but each perspective has its own benefits and drawbacks. Those who see working out as a hobby tend to be more relaxed about their approach. They may work out 3-4 times per week, but they don’t stress if they miss a session here or there. Their attitude is typically “it’s just for fun, so no big deal.” The downside of this approach is that results may be slow to come by. If you only work out sporadically, you’re not going to see the same gains as someone who is consistent with their workouts. This can lead to frustration and ultimately quitting altogether. On the other hand, those who see working out as a lifestyle are much more dedicated to their cause. They make time for exercise every day, even if it means getting up early or sacrificing other activities. For them, fitness is non-negotiable – it’s simply part of who they are. While this level of commitment can yield better results, it can also be difficult to maintain over the long haul. Life gets in the way sometimes, and even the most dedicated fitness enthusiast will have trouble sticking to their routine 100% of the time. The key is finding a balance that works for you – whether that means seeing working out as a hobby or a lifestyle (or something in between).

How to Write Gym in Cv

When it comes to writing your CV, there are many different ways to approach the task. However, one of the most important aspects to consider is how you present your gym membership. Here are a few tips on how to write gym in CV: 1. Make sure to list your gym membership under the “Professional Memberships” section. This will ensure that recruiters know that you take your fitness seriously and are committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 2. Be sure to include the name of the gym as well as your membership type (e.g., monthly, yearly). This will give recruiters an idea of what kind of facility you belong to and how long you have been a member. 3. If you have any specialties or certifications related to fitness, be sure to mention them in this section as well. This could include things like personal training certification or nutrition counseling certification. 4. Finally, don’t forget to list the benefits of having a gym membership on your CV! Some examples might include improved physical health, increased energy levels, reduced stress levels, etc.

Gym Hobby Essay

Almost everyone has a hobby. It might be something they’ve enjoyed since childhood or something they’ve only recently developed an interest in. For some people, their hobby is an activity that allows them to relax and forget about the stresses of everyday life. For others, it’s a way to stay fit and healthy. If you fall into the latter category, then you might be thinking about taking up gym as your new hobby. But is gym the right choice for you? Here are some things to consider before making your decision: 1. What are your fitness goals? Before you join a gym, it’s important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve from working out. Do you want to lose weight? Build muscle ? Improve your cardiovascular health? Once you know your goal, you can find a gym that offers the facilities and classes that will help you achieve it. 2. Do you have any medical conditions or injuries that could affect your workout? It’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise regime, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or previous injuries that could be aggravated by working out. They can advise you on which exercises are safe for you to do and how often you should be doing them.

My Hobby is Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is a sport or activity that involves strenuous physical exercise to develop and maintain muscular strength and size . An individual who engages in this activity is referred to as a bodybuilder. Bodybuilders may use a variety of techniques to improve their muscle mass and definition. These include weightlifting, resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and dieting. The benefits of bodybuilding are numerous. It can help to build strong bones and muscles, improve heart health, burn fat, increase energy levels, and more. Additionally, many people find the process of planning and executing a successful bodybuilding routine to be enjoyable and satisfying. If you’re thinking about taking up bodybuilding, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First of all, it’s important to consult with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program. Secondly, it’s crucial to set realistic goals for yourself and stay motivated throughout the process. Finally, be sure to listen to your body; if you experience any pain or other problems , stop immediately and seek medical attention if necessary .

Is Fitness a Hobby Or Lifestyle?

Fitness is often thought of as a hobby, something that we do to improve our health or appearance. But for some people, fitness is a lifestyle. It’s not just something they do to improve their health or appearance – it’s something they live and breathe every day. For these people, fitness isn’t just a casual pastime – it’s an essential part of who they are. There are many different reasons why someone might choose to make fitness a lifestyle. Some people do it for the physical benefits, others for the mental benefits. And for some people, it’s simply because they enjoy the challenge and sense of achievement that comes with leading a healthy lifestyle. Whatever the reason, if you’ve chosen to make fitness a part of your life, then it’s important to remember that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to go about it. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to living a healthy life – what works for one person might not work for another. The most important thing is that you find an approach that works for you and stick with it. If you want to make fitness a part of your life but don’t know where to start, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started on the right foot. There are books, websites, apps and more all dedicated to helping people live healthier lives. And if you need some motivation, there are also plenty of inspiring stories out there of people who have made dramatic changes to their health by making fitness a part of their daily routine . So if you’re wondering whether fitness is a hobby or lifestyle, the answer is ultimately up to you. If you see it as something fun and enjoyable that also happens to be good for your health, then it can be both!

How Do You Say Gym As a Hobby?

There are a few different ways that you can say gym as a hobby. One way is to simply say that you enjoy going to the gym and working out. This is a great way to stay in shape and improve your overall health. Another way to say it is by saying that you like to lift weights or participate in other types of exercise at the gym. This shows that you are serious about your workout routine and want to get the most out of it.

Can I Write Fitness As Hobby in Resume?

When it comes to crafting your resume, it’s important to include hobbies and interests that highlight your skills and qualifications. So, can you write fitness as a hobby on your resume? Here’s what you need to know: 1. Fitness Can Be a Great Addition to Your Resume If you’re looking for a way to add some extra information to your resume, including fitness as a hobby can be a great option. This is especially true if you have experience in the fitness industry or if your hobbies involve physical activity. 2. It Can Help You Stand Out from Other Candidates Including fitness as a hobby on your resume can also help you stand out from other candidates. This is because not everyone will think to include this information, so it shows that you’re unique and proactive. 3. Be Careful Not to Oversell Yourself However, while adding fitness as a hobby can be beneficial, it’s important not to oversell yourself. For example, don’t claim to be an expert in fitness if you’re not qualified or experienced enough. Doing so could backfire and make you look unprofessional.

Why is Gym a Good Hobby?

Maintaining an active lifestyle is important for overall health and wellbeing. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer and obesity. It can also help to improve mental health, increase lifespan and protect against memory decline. There are many different ways to be active, but one great option is joining a gym. Here are some of the reasons why going to the gym can be a great hobby: 1. You can try out different activities: Most gyms offer a wide range of equipment and classes, so you can mix up your workouts and find something that you enjoy. This means that you’re more likely to stick with it in the long run. 2. You can get fit at your own pace: Don’t feel like you have to push yourself too hard when working out – go at a pace that suits you and gradually build up your fitness levels over time. 3. It’s a social activity: gyms are usually sociable places where you can meet new people and make friends. If you attend group classes, this is even easier as you’ll already have something in common with other participants. 4. You don’t need any special equipment: All you need to take with you to the gym is some comfortable clothes – everything else is provided by the facility itself. This makes it very convenient (and affordable) compared to other hobbies which may require expensive gear or membership fees.

The gym is a great place to work out and get in shape, but it can also be a lot of fun. There are many different types of gyms, each with its own unique atmosphere. Some gyms are more like social clubs, where people can meet new friends and have fun while working out. Others are more focused on the workout itself, and provide a more intense experience. No matter what type of gym you choose, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make the most of your experience. First, be sure to bring the right gear. This includes comfortable clothes that you can move around in, appropriate shoes, and any other equipment you might need (towel, water bottle, etc.). Second, don’t be afraid to try new things. Many gyms offer a variety of classes and activities, so there’s bound to be something that interests you. Third, remember that everyone was new at some point – so don’t be shy about asking for help or advice from the staff or other members. Finally, have fun! Working out doesn’t have to be all about hard work – it can be enjoyable too.

gym hobby essay

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Essay on Fitness: Samples for Students in 100, 250, and 350 Words in English

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  • Updated on  
  • Jan 22, 2024

Essay on Fitness

Fitness is a crucial part of our lives, and incorporating the same in our lifestyle is now more essential than ever. Maintaining proper fitness can help an individual attain a general state of well-being and hence remain healthy. This will allow us to perform everyday functions without feeling fatigued or tired.  It not only refers to weightlifting and exercising but also, to a balanced and disciplined diet. All this will lead to a healthy body and even a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Seeing the importance of fitness, we have included information on the same topic in our below-mentioned samples of essay on fitness. Let’s go ahead and look at the same.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Fitness in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Fitness in 250 Words
  • 3 Essay on Fitness in 350 words

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Essay on Fitness in 100 Words

Fitness is an extremely important aspect of our lives. It is essential to include fitness in our lifestyle and show discipline in the same because a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Being fit can make an individual attain an extended life and live the same to the fullest. Also, being fit decreases the chance of diseases and hence improves overall health as well. 

Fitness is a state of mind as well. It doesn’t always mean heavy weight exercising but also maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Diet is an important aspect of fitness and exercising and diet go hand in hand and both improve our fitness. Hence, fitness should be the priority of every individual for without it, we will be neglecting so much. 

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Essay on Fitness in 250 Words

In our everyday life, fitness plays a very important role. It should be every individual’s top priority as it allows us to lead a very happy as well as peaceful life. It is true what our elders say, ‘Health is true wealth’.

If an individual is unfit, it will become difficult for him/her to enjoy even the basic aspects of life such as playing sports, eating, etc. So, it becomes important that we remain fit and healthy. Good fitness doesn’t always mean heavy weight lifting, it also includes a balanced and disciplined diet, as well as maintaining good hygiene. We should maintain proper sanitation all around us and eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet does not mean that we cannot eat our favorite foods such as fried food, etc. It means that we have to maintain a proper balance between healthy and junk food giving priority to healthy food and occasionally eating our favourite fried food etc. 

Following fitness, we should incorporate exercising even if it is for 30 minutes. This will help make our heart muscles and our lungs stronger, improve blood flow, and decrease fat and bad cholesterol. These are just some of the goods that fitness provides us, there are innumerable benefits of the same. It is also essential for an individual to be successful and do good for the society. Hence, we should not ignore fitness, because if done so, we won’t be able to keep our minds strong and clear.

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Essay on Fitness in 350 words


An individual’s top priority should be to remain fit. This will ensure their health. And one such way of that is by maintaining fitness. Health is a state of complete mental, physical as well as social well-being. A fit individual can accomplish much more in life. They are immune to many diseases, don’t feel fatigued in day-to-day functions, and have a positive mindset to strive in life for good. 

Maintaining fitness

There are several ways in which we can maintain our fitness if followed regularly. Some of those ways are mentioned below:-

  • Fitness doesn’t always mean lifting heavy weights, a balanced and disciplined diet also holds an important role in the same. Eating the right amount of food rich in proteins, and good fats such as omega-3, vitamins and minerals, etc is essential. 
  • Maintaining a proper sleeping pattern is another important aspect of fitness. Getting enough sleep ensures proper functioning of the mind thus making us more productive. Eight hours of quality sleep can boost our immune system, lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and improve our overall health. 
  • Including exercise in our lifestyle is a must even if it is for just 30 minutes. It will help strengthen our hearts and lungs, improve blood flow in our blood vessels, help decrease blood pressure, fat and bad cholesterol, etc.

Importance of Fitness

The importance of fitness to maintain good health cannot be emphasized enough. An individual can even extend his/her lifespan just by maintaining fitness, not to forget it reduces the risk of several diseases and ailments. There are several advantages of being fit. Some of them are mentioned below:-

  • Improves mental health and confidence level.
  • Decreases the risk of several diseases such as diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, stroke, high blood pressure, etc.
  • It also helps in managing and reducing levels of stress, anxiety, depression, etc.
  • It can even extend an individual’s life span.


Fitness should be a priority for people belonging to every age group. It brings happiness to life and improves the quality of the same, hence making it stress and disease-free.

Ans: Fitness is an extremely important aspect of our lives. It is essential to include fitness in our lifestyle and show discipline in the same because a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Being fit can make an individual attain an extended life and live the same to the fullest. Also, being fit decreases the chance of diseases and hence improves overall health as well.  Fitness is a state of mind as well. It doesn’t always mean heavy weight exercising but also maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Diet is an important aspect of fitness and exercising and diet go hand in hand and both improve our fitness. Hence, fitness should be the priority of every individual for without it, we will be neglecting so much.

Ans: The importance of fitness to maintain good health cannot be emphasized enough. An individual can even extend his/her lifespan just by maintaining fitness, not to forget it reduces the risk of several diseases and ailments. There are several advantages of being fit. Some of them are mentioned below:- -Improves mental health and confidence level. -Decreases the risk of several diseases such as diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, stroke, high blood pressure, etc. -It also helps in managing and reducing levels of stress, anxiety, depression, etc. -It can even extend an individual’s life span.

Ans: There are many ways in which we can maintain our fitness if follow regularly. Some of those ways are mentioned below:- -Fitness doesn’t always mean lifting heavy weights, a balanced and disciplined diet also holds an important role in the same. Eating the right amount of food rich in proteins, and good fats such as omega-3, vitamins and minerals, etc is essential.  -Maintaining a proper sleeping pattern is another important aspect of fitness. Getting enough sleep ensures proper functioning of the mind thus making us more productive. Eight hours of quality sleep can boost our immune system, lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and improve our overall health. -Including exercise in our lifestyle is a must even if it is for just 30 minutes. It will help strengthen our hearts and lungs, improve blood flow in our blood vessels, help decrease blood pressure, fat and bad cholesterol, etc.

Related Reads:-

This brings us to the end of our blog on Essay on Fitness. Hope you find this information useful. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu.

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My Hobby Essay

By Emma bunton

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My Hobby Essay –

Do you look for my hobby essay ? If so, you’ve landed in the right position. Let’s dive into the content.

My hobby is the most common topic in school. Sometimes, students go for writing competition with this kind of essay. Today, we’ve brought a plenty of my hobby essay example with different words limits. You can choose any essays according to your needs.

How to write my hobby essay

This is our example of writing my hobby essay. You can get ideas from our essay example. Just follow our example and give your own ideas.

1. My Hobby Essay  (100 WORDS)

I have a lot of hobbies but the favorite one that I like most is playing football. When I have free time, I love to play football. I’m a big fan of football since my childhood. I have been very well in this soccer game.  When I just entered in my school, my parents told the principal about my hobby. The principal replied that there is an opportunity to take part in sports even from class 1. So, they became so happy and admitted to me this school. So, I really enjoy the football game and take part in my school competition.

2. My Hobby Essay (150 WORDS)

The hobby I like most is reading and it might be a storybook, newspaper, news or magazine etc. I feel very interesting reading when I have free time.

At the first time, my father noticed my reading book and he encouraged me a lot saying that it’s a very good habit, my son. He also advised me not to give up the habit. I was just a small kid and I was very much interested in reading fairy tales and other stories that were given by my dad.

Now, I’m at the age of 10 years and read in class 5. At present, as a mature person, I understand the benefits of reading. Actually, reading a book helps me to achieve all kinds of general knowledge. This kind of habit really helps me to know the unknown, to see the unseen, to discover the undiscovered. I can even know the history, culture, animals, space, human achievements, and other fascinating things about the world.

3. My Hobby Essay (200 WORDS)

In my free time, I love to read interesting and knowledgeable books. Coming from school, I love to read this kind of book while finishing my homework. I’m 11 years old and study in class 7th standard.

Now, I understand that reading is a good habit that will make me a complete boy. Any of us can develop this hobby. In fact, I achieved this naturally. Reading will always keep us busy and happy. It’s a better source of knowledge, inspiration, enjoyment, and instruction.

Besides, this makes us a loyal, punctual, disciplined and successful person in our life. Books are my best friend and I don’t feel alone. This habit is more special than gold or other stones in the world.

However, it gives us a high level of thoughts, experiences, ideas, and knowledge in different fields. I swear if you get interesting and good books, you would take that as your best friend.

The people who don’t have any habit of reading books, they would always be poor due to the lack of rich knowledge. This habit could be achieved by young people.  The habit of reading books can be acquired at a young age by anyone.

4. My Hobby Essay (250 WORDS)

The hobby I like most is watching TV. When I have free time, I love to watch Television. It never interferes with my study. First of all, I like to finish my school home task and then start watching TV.

I think it’s a good habit because watching TV brings a lot of knowledge in any field. Generally, I watch the news and other channels such as discovery channel, animal planet or another informative channel. Sometimes, I watch very good cartoons that provide me creative and new ideas to make cartoons and arts.

My parents admire my hobby and also they are so happy when they just listen to the whole update news through my voice. Now, I study in class three and eight years old boy. I develop my hobby since my childhood.

Watching television in a proper way gives so important roles in one’s life. It helps us to make something creative. It always keeps us an update about all kinds of news and views. It informs us what’s happening across the world.

Getting knowledge about today’s incident is so important for modern society due to a great level of competition. It gives a lot of benefits as it develops our knowledge and thoughts. It enriches our mind of thoughts, ideas, and experiences.

There are different types of programs on TV that are so crucial to enhance our awareness about worldwide matters. TV channels also hold different types of educative programs such as history, economics, science, math, culture, and geography etc. to develop our knowledge.

5. My Hobby Essay – Playing Guitar (300 words)

Whenever people ask me regarding my hobby, I always pause and think for a moment. Even though I like playing all the instruments, my hobby is playing guitar.

When I was 6 years old I suddenly developed a liking for music. I started creating tunes and melodies by beating my desks which sounded like I was playing bongos. I was pretty good at it too. Whenever guests used to come at our place they would request me to play some melody on my dining table as they thought I was very good at it. Of course, in childhood I would get annoyed because playing music was something I wanted to keep to myself.

As I grew up, my hobby developed into playing guitars after my aunt came from Florida and got me a guitar. Now all my time was devoted to learning guitar strings and playing screeching music that would make your ears bleed. But soon, after a lot of practice and perseverance I was able to get hands on learning of guitar strings.   Playing guitar has taught me many things, but the most important thing it has taught me is that the more you play it, the better you become at it. I have hurt my finger with guitar chords many times. Practicing made me learn different notes and now I can play chords such as AM, C, D, G, AM7, CMAJ7 and many more.

Playing guitar gives me the refuge from thinking too much about outside world. It helps me stay calm in the world of chaos. The best thing about it is that I can recreate any tune I want to, which makes me feel very creative and happy that my hobby has developed into a worthwhile talent. i hope that soon I am able to learn other musical instruments as well.

6. My Hobby Essay – Cooking (300 words)

My hobbies have always changed over the time. At one point in my life, I used to paint in my free time. As I grew up, I started cooking as a hobby. I still remember the recipes that I used to download from the internet and work on them with patience. However, I always ended up with burnt pies or undercooked pizza doughs. It was hilarious for my family to see me trying and failing miserably. However, one day I decided to follow my mother’s cooking recipe. I was able to create the dish perfectly then. The happiness I got was priceless so I decided that from that day onwards, I will cook whenever I have free time in my schedule.

From there on, I cook different recipes every day. From lasagna to baked broccoli— I have successfully tried all the recipes. I have realized over the time that cooking is a stress buster and an energy booster. It feels so good after a long hard day at kitchen to finally serve food to your family or guests. Of course, I don’t do it professionally, it is merely a hobby for me. But the joy I receive when I create food from new recipes or invent my own kind of cuisine by mixing up 2 or 3 recipes is beyond price.

One of the best things I like about cooking is that I can experiment on food. I don’t enjoy cooking as a daily chore, but it’s something that I do as a hobby. I love the sound of patties in hot oil, sizzling as they are being fried. I enjoy cutting the colorfully exotic vegetables. The smell of spices and different flavor oozing from my kitchen excite me and make me feel like I am doing something worthwhile. I love cooking as a hobby and it makes me happy that I have learnt it so early in my age.

7. My Hobby Essay – Writing (300 words)

People think a hobby is something you do that you are really good at, but for me it’s different. My hobby is writing and I have been doing it since the age of 5. After coming home from school I would sit at some corner of the house and write about my day. Of course, I did not realize it at that time that I love and enjoy writing. I merely thought that I was penning down my thoughts.

Now just to be clear, I was not good at it. I couldn’t find the words to explain my day. There were a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes and the list goes on. However since I enjoyed doing it in my free time, I kept writing a diary till the age of 12. On my 13 th birthday, I decided to create a blog for my writing musings. I quickly gained a lot of audience as even though I didn’t write well, I included funny tidbits of my daily life in my blogs.

I never earned from my blogs, but I used to take out 30 minutes out of my busy school schedule to make sure that I write and post the blog. Soon I realized that there are some things that you cannot post online, so I diverted back to writing a diary every day. However, after doing this as a hobby for a very long time I have now become a very good writer. I can create my own poems and literature pieces. Moreover I can now write long opinionated articles very well. In my English class, after reading one of my essays my teacher asked me how did I learn to write so well? I smiled and told her ‘Maybe having hobbies actually help us improve our skills after all’

8. My Hobby Essay (300 WORDS)

When it comes to the hobby, it’s a very interesting and good habit for every person. A hobby should have everyone else. Hobby makes everyone busy in free time.

It gets rid of loneliness and prevents from psychological problems. I just remember that when I was three years old kid I used to like spending my free time in the garden. I like so much to be in my green garden with my father every morning.

When I was so small, my parents often laughed at me when I used to pour water on the plants. But now they are so happy and proud to see me in the same garden. I do now everything so perfectly and understand the value of saving plants life. I also understand the importance of trees how they save our lives.

Everyone should have hobbies for every day’s life. Gardening helps us to get a close connection with nature. Hobby increases the pleasure of our mind, soul, and body. It increases our creativity and develops our mind.

My favorite hobby is gardening and I love planting and pouring water every morning. I enjoy the flowers’ blooming and plants growing. Trees grow as like as us. In my garden, I have different types of trees in such as flower trees, mango trees, and some vegetables trees etc. I watch them as my best friend and every day I take care of them. It grows very well.

I realize the great achievement and fact of life. It helps me to be healthy, fit and strong. It always refreshes my mind and gives me a good mood. This types of extra-curricular activities always helps us to develop our motor skills. Finally, everyone should have a good hobby like gardening. Through the hobby, anyone can get a great help for the long run.

9. My Hobby Essay— Reading Books (500 words)

A hobby is something that keeps the passion alive inside you. It can be anything from singing, dancing to reading. My hobby is reading books.

Since childhood, I have always been the kind of kid who was engrossed in reading novels twice the size of my face. In class, at home or even when I would go to visit my relatives, I would always have a novel with me. Reading novels and stories is my hobby. I love that people think I am a nerd for reading books all the time but in reality, reading soothes me. When I come home from a long day at school, I want to come home and read books to divert my mind off the anxiety of school work. It helps me relax and feel better

I have always had this weird feeling that books talk to me and inspire me to become a better person. I take inspiration to be a brand new person everyday whenever I read a book. When I was reading the Pride and Prejudice, I became strong and fierce like Jane. I started having a lot of opinions, and I could feel my personality developing like Jane. However, when I was reading Harry Potter, I could almost swear that I am Harry Potter. In weirdly strange ways I start developing the habits from my favorite characters in the books and start acting that way.

Over my lifetime, I have read over 2000 books. I don’t focus on a particular genre; I just care about the words written inside that book. One of the best things about reading as a hobby is the smell of new books. I feel like I am addicted to the smell of pages and the sound of a crisp page turning as I get access to the new chapter of the book.

There are many reasons why I enjoy reading books so much. One of the top reasons is that I love travelling, and since I don’t afford travelling so often, I can travel from the Mediterranean islands to the beaches of Florida, from the 16 th Century to the 18 th Century, all through my books. I can live the lives of lords and ladies, and even see the world through the eyes of prince and princesses. A book seems like the most private thing and I feel like a whole new being after reading a book.

Another reason why I love reading so much is that my mind feels fresh after I read the books. I get a lot of information that others are unaware of, which makes me ready to face any challenges of life.

My father realized my passion in an early age and got me a membership to my city’s library. I now visit the library every week, sometimes even twice a week to borrow my favorite books and read, read and read! I know that hobbies are only considered a way of passing time, but I can safely say that my hobby has actually become my passion.

10. My Hobby Essay – Painting and Drawing (500 words)

There comes a time in everybody’s life when they are feeling at a loss for words. There are moments when people want to communicate their feelings but can’t find the words to explain those feelings. At those times, painting or drawing is the perfect way to communicate your feelings to the world. My hobby is drawing and painting. There is nothing more in the world that I enjoy more than drawing, painting and filling colors in the sky that I drew up myself.

I developed this hobby a few years ago after we were assigned to paint a picture book for our summer vacation holidays. Naturally, I thought I am not good at painting but as the days passed I practiced and became better at it. Colors, lines and the strokes of paint brushes made me feel like I am doing something great. I started exploring painting and drawing more and creating paintings on different things such as cards, mugs, and even my keychains. It makes me feel relaxed and anxiety-free.

Soon, I started enjoying painting so much that I bought oil paints and started painting cartoon characters on the wall of our backyard.

When my father found out, he acted like he is very furious about it. But later in the day he went out and brought more colors and canvases for me so I can create better paintings and polish this hobby as much as I want to. Then I used to draw on canvases and paint them and hang them around in our house. All the guests used to praise my art and drawings a lot and this gave me a confidence boost to know that I am good at something.

I don’t call myself artist, as painting and drawing don’t come naturally to me. It is rather something that I have perfected over the years as I liked doing it. If I have to study painting and drawing I would have never enjoyed it as I don’t like to put boundaries on my art. I like the fact that I am not doing this for a living and that I am not studying it in college. This means that I don’t have to be perfect at it, but enjoy it as I create paintings that are messy and creative. I believe hobbies should never be tied into a profession or education, but they are something that a person should keep for their own happiness.

I have painted over 100 portraits till now. Painting and drawing is something that makes me feel calm and creative. Now that I have developed this talent of writing, I like painting for myself so it makes me happy. Painting and Drawing are a hobby that have become inseparable from me now. It has become not only my favorite pastime but also one of widely appreciated talents.

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We have always heard the word ‘health’ and ‘fitness’. We use it ourselves when we say phrases like ‘health is wealth’ and ‘fitness is the key’. What does the word health really mean? It implies the idea of ‘being well’. We call a person healthy and fit when he/she function well physically as well as mentally.

Health And Fitness Essay

Factors Affecting our Health and Fitness

Good health and fitness is not something which one can achieve entirely on our own. It depends on their physical environment and the quality of food intake. We live in villages, towns, and cities.

In such places, even our physical environment affects our health. Therefore, our social responsibility of pollution-free environment directly affects our health. Our day-to-day habits also determine our fitness level. The quality of food, air, water all helps in building our fitness level.

Role of Nutritious Diet on our Health and Fitness

The first thing about where fitness starts is food. We should take nutritious food. Food rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates is very essential. Protein is necessary for body growth. Carbohydrates provide the required energy in performing various tasks. Vitamin and minerals help in building bones and boosting our immune system.

However, taking food in uneven quantity is not good for the body. Taking essential nutrients in adequate amount is called a balanced diet. Taking a balanced diet keep body and mind strong and healthy. Good food helps in better sleep, proper brain functioning and healthy body weight.

Include vegetables, fruits, and pulses in daily diet. One must have a three-course meal. Having roughage helps in cleaning inner body organs. Healthy food habit prevents various diseases. Reducing the amount of fat in the diet prevents cholesterol and heart diseases.

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Impact of Exercise on our Health

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Meditation, Yoga, and Health

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Hobby Essays

Choosing hobby essay topics.

When it comes to writing an essay about hobbies, the topic you choose can make all the difference. Whether you're an avid reader, a passionate cook, or a dedicated athlete, your choice of essay topic can help you showcase your interests and personality. In this guide, we'll discuss the importance of choosing a hobby essay topic, provide advice on selecting the right topic, and offer a comprehensive list of recommended essay topics to inspire you.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Hobby Essay Topic

The topic of your essay can greatly impact the quality and effectiveness of your writing. Choosing a topic that you are passionate about can make the writing process more enjoyable and can also help you produce a more compelling and persuasive essay. Additionally, a well-chosen essay topic can help you communicate your interests and values to your readers, allowing them to get to know you better.

Advice on Choosing a Hobby Essay Topic

When selecting a hobby essay topic, consider your interests, experiences, and values. Think about the activities that bring you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. Reflect on the hobbies that have had a significant impact on your life and explore topics that allow you to share your passion and expertise.

It's also important to consider your audience and the purpose of your essay. Are you writing for a specific class assignment, a personal blog, or a publication? Tailoring your topic to your audience and purpose can help you create a more relevant and engaging essay.

Recommended Hobby Essay Topics

Looking for an interesting topic to write about for your hobby essay? Here are list of different hobby essay topics structured by categories:

Arts and Crafts

  • The therapeutic benefits of knitting
  • Exploring different painting techniques
  • Creating DIY home decor
  • Origami as a form of mindfulness
  • Painting and drawing as a creative outlet
  • Knitting and crocheting
  • Board games and puzzle solving

Cooking and Baking

  • Mastering the art of baking bread
  • Exploring international cuisines through cooking
  • The joy of homemade pasta
  • Healthy eating and meal prep
  • Cooking and baking as a hobby

Sports and Fitness

  • The mental benefits of yoga and meditation
  • Training for a marathon: a personal journey
  • Exploring different outdoor activities
  • The importance of staying active in daily life
  • Yoga and meditation for relaxation
  • Dancing as a form of exercise and expression
  • Rock climbing and bouldering
  • Swimming and water sports
  • Running and marathon training

Reading and Writing

  • The impact of storytelling on personal growth
  • Exploring diverse genres of literature
  • The art of journaling and self-reflection
  • How reading can broaden one's perspective
  • Reading and book collecting

Musical Instruments

  • The transformative power of learning to play an instrument
  • Exploring different styles of music through instrument practice
  • The role of music in emotional expression
  • Collaborative music-making and its benefits
  • Learning to play a musical instrument
  • Singing and vocal training
  • Theater and acting as a hobby
  • DJing and music production
  • Stand-up comedy and improvisation

Gardening and Nature

  • The therapeutic benefits of tending to a garden
  • Exploring sustainable gardening practices
  • Connecting with nature through outdoor activities
  • The impact of gardening on mental well-being
  • Fishing as a hobby
  • Gardening and landscaping
  • Bird watching as a leisure activity

Collecting and Antiques

  • The art of collecting and its historical significance
  • Exploring different types of antiques and their value
  • The joy of uncovering unique collectibles
  • The preservation of history through collecting
  • Stamp collecting and philately
  • Coin collecting and numismatics
  • Antique and vintage item collecting
  • Sports memorabilia and trading cards
  • Comic book and figurine collecting

Travel and Exploration

  • Immersion in different cultures through travel
  • Exploring the beauty of solo travel
  • Adventures in sustainable and responsible travel
  • The impact of travel on personal growth and development
  • Hiking and nature exploration
  • Camping and outdoor survival skills

Technology and Gaming

  • The evolution of gaming and its cultural impact
  • Exploring virtual reality and its applications
  • The role of technology in shaping modern hobbies
  • Gaming as a form of storytelling and art

Choosing a hobby essay topic that resonates with you can make the writing process more enjoyable and can help you create a meaningful and impactful essay. Whether you're passionate about arts and crafts, cooking and baking, sports and fitness, reading and writing, musical instruments, gardening and nature, collecting and antiques, travel and exploration, or technology and gaming, there are countless essay topics to explore. By choosing a topic that reflects your interests and values, you can create an essay that truly speaks to who you are.

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Essay Samples on Hobby

When a hobby become a career: what i chose and why.

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E-Waste Pollution: Fighting Environmental Problems as a Hobby

How my hobbies are addressing an environmental problem in the modern society today? My hobby is the collection of phones that have broken down or have stopped functioning in order to extract useful components such as IC’s, Motherboards, flex cables and Lithium batteries.  What is...

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Soccer as My Hobby and How It Shapes My Life

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Two Different Hobbies: Watching TV and Doing Sport Outside

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Best topics on Hobby

1. When a Hobby Become a Career: What I Chose and Why

2. E-Waste Pollution: Fighting Environmental Problems as a Hobby

3. Soccer as My Hobby and How It Shapes My Life

4. Two Different Hobbies: Watching TV and Doing Sport Outside

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Fitness was a hobby that drastically changed my life - Personal Statement

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How To Write Exercise As A Hobby On A Resume

Table of Contents:

Dress it up more formally so that it gets past the reviewer’s initial barriers. The “gym” is where you go to practice your hobby, which you could describe as “physical fitness,” not your hobby itself. Depending on what you enjoy doing in particular at the gym, you could also get more specific.

How to write gym as a hobby in resume

A skill is being physically fit

Physical fitness can be described as a collection of traits that are either skill- or health-related. It describes your capacity to carry out physical tasks effectively in relation to a specific sport or your regular activities.

Hobbies for resume for freshers

Can I list working out as a hobby on my resume?

The section on your resume devoted to your interests and hobbies is crucial but optional. dot. List of interests and hobbies for a curriculum vitae Hobbies, interests, or talents What they reveal about the applicant Going to the gym Is health-conscious, fit, and motivated to reach goals Traveling is outgoing, social, and adventurous. CachedSimilar.

Your resume should include a section on your interests and hobbies, which is important but optional. While some candidates do, others don’t include it in their resumes.

Because it is a great way to stand out from the competition, demonstrate a little bit of your personality to a potential employer, and serve as a springboard for discussion at the job interview, we advise including your personal interests on your resume.

The group of David Littleford et al. (2004), in their book Career Skills (pgs. 14–15), mention the following under “other interests.”.

How to write cooking as a hobby in resume

How do you incorporate fitness into your hobbies?

Rock climbing is one of six fitness-related pastimes that you can begin right away. Swimming. both jogging and running. biking on mountains. Yoga. Hiking.

More and more people are engaging in pastimes that encourage exercise without feeling like a “traditional workout,” get them outside, and increase their heart rates. Even starting off with a simple fitness-related hobby can help you lead a healthier lifestyle.

You might occasionally want to give a brand-new fitness hobby a shot without committing to a lot of expense and equipment. These activities and more are available at numerous gyms and fitness resorts. You can explore a variety of new hobbies to see “what sticks” and what inspires you to continue doing them by trying out fitness activities in a safe environment like this.

Kids fitness camps offer a variety of activities and sports for young adults looking to try out new fitness hobbies, where specially trained staff members assist kids in learning to exercise in exciting and novel ways.

Attractive hobbies for resume

If you worked at a gym, what should you list?

Customer service is one example of a qualification or skill to add. Organizational. Communication. managing your time. Problem-solving. Multi-tasking. knowledge of how to use the gym’s tools properly. knowledge of computer management systems.

The Indeed Editorial Team is made up of a talented and diverse group of writers, researchers, and subject-matter experts who use Indeed’s data and insights to provide helpful advice for navigating your career path.

Receptionists at gyms carry out a variety of duties that are crucial to the efficient operation of fitness centers. It’s crucial to make a resume that accurately reflects your personality and your qualifications for the position of gym receptionist in order to land a job. With the help of this article, you can learn how to write a resume for a front desk position at a gym, as well as what to put on it, how to make it stand out, and how to use a template and an example as writing guides.

Your chance to impress the hiring manager is through a strong gym front desk resume. It’s crucial to include both your qualifications for the job and some basic information about yourself. Include particular things like:

Unique things to put on a resume

What should I include in my resume’s hobbies section?

The best pastimes to list on your resume are volunteering, reading, writing, and blogging; learning foreign languages; traveling; participating in sports; and learning new things.

Hobby and interest lists should not be included on resumes.”.

If used properly, hobbies on a resume can make you stand out from the competition, reveal a little bit about your personality to the hiring manager, and maybe even land you the job!

But not every resume requires hobbies and interests, and not every hobby belongs on a resume.

Reading as a hobby in resume

Can I say that working out is my hobby?

You should say that your hobby is working out if we’re going to use that term. And that would give off a positive impression of you. Hobbies are something you do in your free time that also helps you develop your personality.

Strength and hobbies in resume

Should I list my hobbies on my resume?

According to The Wall Street Journal, candidates may ultimately benefit from mentioning one or two unusual interests. This should only be done, though, if the applicant’s interests are unusual and thought-provoking or if they demonstrate commitment to a field that is relevant to the position for which they are applying.

Experts disagree on whether including a section for hobbies and interests is best practice when it comes to writing a resume that impresses executive search firms. Business Insider agreed, saying that a resume “isn’t Facebook,” and Executive Career Brand suggested that C-suite managers never list their interests.

The Wall Street Journal claims that listing hobbies on a resume can occasionally be advantageous, but it has its drawbacks. According to the news source, a candidate’s interests can occasionally serve as a discussion starter and a point of commonality. It’s not a good idea to list uninteresting hobbies like reading or traveling, though. These interests are a waste of space on a resume and won’t attract the attention of executive recruiters.

Occasionally, candidates may discover that disclosing their interests hurts them. The newspaper reported that Beth Brown, who co-authored the “Damn Good Resume Guide,” once heard from a candidate who listed sailing on his resume in an effort to appear more affluent to interviewers. The interviewer was concerned that he would take extended weekends off for sailing trips, so he didn’t get the job he wanted. Brown advised applicants to leave interests off of their resumes entirely and to let their personalities shine through in their cover letters.

Fitness as a hobby

How do I describe my interests professionally?

How to Respond to the Question, “What are Your Hobbies?” Be passionate when describing them. Your personality may lie in your hobbies. dot. Be succinct and clear in your explanation. dot. Integrate your hobbies and work. dot. Describe how your hobbies improve you as a person. dot. Don’t bring up any divisive or political topics. dot. Never deny having any interests.

Across all job profiles, the interview question “What are your hobbies?” is frequently used. In addition, questions like “What are your favorite hobbies?” “How would you describe your hobbies?” and “What do you like to do in your free time?” may be asked during the interview. You may have a list of interests prepared, but impressing the interviewer will depend on your ability to choose the appropriate interests and pastimes and to respond to them intelligently. Read this blog to learn how to respond to the question, “What are your hobbies?” as well as examples of responses, writing tips, and more!

In order to assist you with your response to the question “What are your hobbies?” we have listed some popular pastimes and interests below.

The best examples of responses to the question, “What are your hobbies?” are as follows:

What can I call my pastime? .

What can I call my pastime?

Examples of Responses to “What are your Hobbies?” Interview Question Example 1: My main hobby has always been reading novels. dot. Example 2: I enjoy traveling, so I make an effort to go somewhere new each year. dot. Example 3: I enjoy doing yoga and baking, two different activities. dot. 4th example: dot Verdict: a dot. Articles That Are Similar.

It may seem as though interviewers are making a polite introduction when they ask about your hobbies during a job interview. This question is asked in interviews to gauge how candidates will react to an unexpected, non-work-related, casual question. Your response to this question and the way you express it tell the interviewer how you handle pressure and unexpected circumstances. When responding to the question “What are your hobbies?” it is important to project confidence and give definite answers.

While responding to such a typical question in a job interview, there are a few things that should be kept in mind.

Don’t say, “I don’t have any hobbies,” when the interviewer asks about your interests. However, it doesn’t reveal anything about your character, which is what the interviewer is interested in. Instead, it demonstrates the need for initiative and interest. You must have a passion that you can discuss in an interview so that the interviewer can learn more about you and your capacity for a better fit.

How do you mention your interest in working out in an interview?

How do you mention your interest in working out in an interview?

Example Answer 1 I enjoy working out, and I saw in your job posting that you provide a gym for your staff. That appeals to me because I can work out there, but also because I can socialize with other gym patrons and get to know them better in a more casual setting.

Keep in mind that not every question you’ll be asked during an interview will directly relate to the position you’re interviewing for when you’re getting ready for one. Interviewers will ask more in-depth questions if they are interested in you as a candidate for the position.

If interviewers think you might be a good fit for the position, they’ll want to know if you’re a well-rounded individual who will fit in with the company culture. Interviewers want to know if you have a passion for a particular subject. If they are really interested in you as a candidate, they may inquire about your interests, pastimes, and extracurricular activities.

To gauge your capacity to balance work and life outside of it, some employers may also inquire about your interests.

How should I go about writing about my interests?

How should I go about writing about my interests?

You can begin your essay by describing your hobby, then go on to explain how you came to love it, what motivated you to start doing it, and how it has benefited you emotionally. Describe how it helped you become a better person by enabling you to gain new skills and assisting you in particular situations in life.

Human life is not complete without having a fulfilling hobby. Your life will be less stressful if you carve out a few minutes from your busy schedule to engage in a hobby that truly fulfills you. People may inquire about your hobby on numerous occasions throughout your life. When you need to provide an essay-length explanation of your hobby, you can use this blog as a resource. The English course includes essay writing as a core component. Essay writing is a difficult skill to master, but it can be improved with time and repetition. This blog explains what an essay on my hobby is, how to write one, and offers helpful advice and examples.

The admissions committee can learn more about your life and who you are as a person by reading your essay on “my hobby.”. In addition to demonstrating your academic excellence, it also demonstrates the significance of your interests and hobbies, as well as your level of creativity and intellectual prowess. It also makes your abilities and values clear. Therefore, it’s crucial that you craft an essay that will help you stand out from the competition and influence the admissions committee in your favor.

Start by deciding which hobbies you want to discuss in the essay. There is no restriction on how many hobbies you can list or how much attention you can give to each. Being authentic and not inventing your hobbies is key. Your interests give insight into your personality. You can begin your essay by introducing your hobby and then go on to describe its history, the factors that led to your interest in it, and its therapeutic effects. Describe how it helped you grow as a person and develop new skills or helped you in particular life situations. You can also explain how it affected someone else. For example, say you love the outdoors and planted trees to benefit the environment. Or say you enjoy doing social work and volunteer at a homeless shelter. In this manner, someone can learn about your values, vision, and character through the essay.

How do you list physical fitness on a resume? .

How do you list physical fitness on a resume?

Consider your previous employment and the physical activities you engaged in on a daily basis. When describing these responsibilities, make an effort to be as specific as you can. Don’t say you lifted heavy boxes; instead, say you “carried boxes weighing 30 pounds.”. In the section titled Interests, mention any physical activity you engage in.

You’re probably accustomed to seeing abilities like communication and problem-solving on job descriptions, so you might be surprised to learn that some positions also call for physical strength and dexterity.

What physical strength and dexterity skills are, which jobs frequently require them, and how to include them on a resume are all covered in this article. Additionally, you’ll discover how to increase your physical stamina and dexterity as well as how to respond to interview questions about these kinds of skills.

Lifting and carrying heavy objects, remaining stationary for extended periods of time, and working long shifts are all physical strength skills.

How should I enumerate my interests?

How should I enumerate my interests?

With enthusiasm, mention your favorite hobbies or interests, and then spice it up with a funny anecdote or backstory. One of the key purposes of asking about your hobbies during an interview is to get to know you better and determine your natural interests. Selecting a hobby carefully can help express your personality.

Across all job profiles, the interview question “What are your hobbies?” is frequently used. What are your favorite hobbies? How would you describe your hobbies? What do you like to do in your free time? are a few other possible interview questions. So, even though you may have a list of interests prepared, picking the right interests and hobbies and responding intelligently to the interviewer’s questions will help you make an impression. Read this blog to learn how to answer this question, as well as examples of answers, writing tips, and more!

The common interests and pastimes that you can mention in your response to the question “What are your hobbies?” are listed below to assist you.

What can I say about being physically fit? .

What can I say about being physically fit?

Physical fitness is the capacity of your body’s systems to function effectively so that you can live a healthy life and carry out daily tasks. Being efficient means putting forth the least amount of effort possible when performing daily tasks.

Physical fitness is the capacity of your body’s systems to cooperate effectively, enabling you to maintain good health and carry out daily activities. Being efficient means putting forth the least amount of effort possible when performing daily tasks. A fit person has the capacity to complete their coursework, take care of their homes, and still have energy for sports and other leisure pursuits. Whether it’s raking leaves at home, stocking shelves at a part-time job, or marching in the school band, a fit person can handle everyday life situations with ease. In an emergency, a fit person can react by running for assistance or helping a friend who is in need.

Eleven components make up physical fitness, six of which are concerned with health and five with skills. Good performance in physical activity, including sports, depends on all of the components. But the six are referred to as contributing to health-related physical fitness because kinesiology researchers have demonstrated that they can lower your risk of chronic disease and support good health and wellness. They are body composition, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, power, and strength. They also assist you in carrying out daily tasks successfully.

As the name suggests, skill-related physical fitness elements aid in your performance in sports and other activities requiring motor skills. Speed, for instance, is beneficial in sports like track and field. While less closely related to health than the other five components, these five aspects of physical fitness are still important. For instance, among older adults, balance, agility, and coordination are crucial for preventing falls (a major health concern), and reaction time is related to the risk of car accidents. The two features, The Six Parts of Health-Related Fitness and The Five Parts of Skill-Related Fitness, go into more detail about each component of physical fitness.

Do you consider working out to be a hobby? .

Do you consider working out to be a hobby?

Yes, you should say that working out is your hobby. And that would give off a positive impression of you. Hobbies are something you do in your free time that also helps you develop your personality.

How To Write Exercise As A Hobby On A Resume

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gym hobby essay

Kenneth Lee

An elite martial artist and passionate pharmacist, dedicated to the synthesis of new medications for different human ailments.

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gym hobby essay

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500+Words Essay on My Hobby in English

We all have busy schedules and constant demands but thankfully hobbies offer a sense of joy and fulfillment. Whether it’s painting, gardening, or playing an instrument, hobbies allow us to escape the stresses of everyday life and indulge in activities that bring us happiness. In this article, we’ll explore hobbies, exploring their importance, their benefits, and the endless possibilities they offer for relaxation and self-expression.

Table of Content

What are Hobbies?

Types of hobbies, importance of hobbies, 500+ word essay on my hobby: painting, 500+ word essay on my hobby: dancing, 500+ word essay on my hobby: sports.

Hobbies are activities that individuals engage in for pleasure and relaxation, offering a break from daily routines. They come in various forms, such as physical, mental, social, creative, and self-improvement hobbies. Engaging in hobbies provides numerous benefits, including stress relief, skill development, knowledge enhancement, and social interaction. Hobbies can help individuals disconnect from work-related stress, improve mental health, and foster creativity. They also contribute to personal growth by boosting confidence, patience, and self-esteem.

Here are the types of hobbies catering to different interests and preferences:

  • Physical Hobbies/Active Hobbies
  • Creative and DIY Craft Hobbies
  • Mental Hobbies
  • Musical Hobbies
  • Collecting Hobbies
  • Food/Drink Hobbies
  • Games/Puzzles Hobbies
  • Model/Woodworking Hobbies

Hobbies play a crucial role in our lives, offering numerous benefits that contribute to our overall well-being and happiness. Here’s why hobbies are so important:

  • Hobbies provide us with a much-needed escape from the stresses and pressures of daily life. Engaging in activities we enjoy allows us to take a mental break, recharge our batteries, and return to our responsibilities feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Whether it’s painting, playing a musical instrument, or gardening, hobbies offer a therapeutic outlet for relieving stress and promoting relaxation.
  • Hobbies build personal growth and development by challenging us to learn new skills and expand our knowledge. Whether we’re mastering a new recipe in the kitchen, learning to play a new song on the guitar, or honing our photography skills, hobbies encourage continuous learning and self-improvement. This not only boosts our confidence and self-esteem but also enhances our cognitive abilities and keeps our minds sharp.
  • Hobbies provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment in our lives. They allow us to pursue our passions, express our creativity, and connect with our inner selves on a deeper level. Whether we’re creating something with our hands, exploring the great outdoors, or immersing ourselves in a good book, hobbies give us a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that enriches our lives.
  • Hobbies play a vital role in maintaining our mental and emotional well-being. Engaging in activities we love boosts our mood, reduces feelings of anxiety and depression, and improves our overall mental health. Hobbies also provide opportunities for social interaction and connection, whether it’s joining a book club, participating in a sports team, or attending a cooking class. These social connections foster a sense of belonging and community, which is essential for our mental and emotional well-being.
  • Hobbies are an essential part of a balanced and fulfilling life. They offer a wide range of benefits, from stress relief and personal growth to enhanced well-being and social connection. By making time for hobbies, we can improve our quality of life and cultivate a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment.

Introduction to Painting as a Hobby

Painting is not just about putting colors on canvas; it is a form of communication that transcends words. For many individuals, painting serves as a means of relaxation, self-discovery, and emotional release. As a hobby, painting allows one to escape the stresses of daily life and enter a realm where creativity knows no bounds. Whether using oils, acrylics, watercolors, or other mediums, each stroke of the brush carries with it a piece of the artist’s soul.

Personal Experience with Painting

As someone who has embraced painting as a hobby, I have found immense joy and satisfaction in creating art on canvas. The process of selecting colors, envisioning a composition, and bringing it to life through brushstrokes is both meditative and exhilarating. Each painting tells a story, capturing emotions, memories, or simply the beauty of the world around us.

Benefits of Painting as a Hobby

Engaging in painting as a hobby offers numerous benefits beyond just creating beautiful artwork. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Stress Relief: Painting provides an outlet for stress and anxiety, allowing individuals to focus their energy on creating something beautiful.
  • Self-Expression: Through painting, one can express thoughts, emotions, and ideas that may be difficult to articulate verbally.
  • Creativity Enhancement: Painting stimulates creativity and imagination, encouraging individuals to think outside the box and explore new artistic possibilities.
  • Mindfulness: The act of painting requires focus and concentration, promoting mindfulness and presence in the moment.
  • Personal Growth: Engaging in painting can lead to personal growth by boosting confidence, patience, and self-esteem.

Techniques in Painting

Painting includes a wide range of techniques that artists can explore and master. Some common techniques include:

  • Color Mixing: Understanding how colors interact with each other is essential in creating harmonious compositions.
  • Brushwork: Different brush strokes can create varying textures and effects on the canvas.
  • Layering: Building layers of paint adds depth and dimension to the artwork.
  • Composition: Planning the layout of elements within the painting helps create balance and visual interest.
  • Light and Shadow: Mastering light and shadow adds realism and depth to paintings.
  • Finding Inspiration for Painting
  • Inspiration for painting can come from various sources:
  • Nature: The beauty of nature – landscapes, flowers, animals – often serves as inspiration for many painters.
  • Emotions: Strong emotions or personal experiences can fuel creativity and inspire meaningful artwork.
  • Artistic Influences: Studying the works of renowned artists can spark ideas and influence one’s own style.
  • Everyday Life: Simple moments or objects in everyday life can be transformed into art through observation and interpretation.

In conclusion, painting as a hobby offers a myriad of benefits for individuals seeking creative expression, relaxation, and personal growth. Whether you are an experienced artist or just starting out with a brush in hand, painting provides a canvas for imagination to flourish and emotions to be captured in vibrant hues. Embrace the world of painting as a hobby, let your creativity flow freely, and watch as each stroke brings you closer to your inner artist.

Dancing is not just a hobby; it is a passion that ignites my soul and fills my life with joy, expression, and creativity. From a young age, I have been drawn to the art of dance, finding solace and freedom in the movement of my body to the rhythm of music. In this essay, I will delve into the profound impact that dancing has had on my life, exploring its physical, emotional, and mental benefits, as well as the ways in which it has shaped my identity and provided me with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

To begin with, dancing is a form of physical exercise that not only keeps me fit and healthy but also allows me to express myself through movement. The sheer act of dancing engages various muscle groups, improves flexibility, coordination, and balance, and enhances cardiovascular health. Whether I am practicing ballet, hip-hop, salsa, or contemporary dance styles, each session challenges my body in unique ways, pushing me to strive for greater strength and agility. Moreover, the endorphins released during dance sessions elevate my mood and reduce stress levels, leaving me feeling energized and rejuvenated.

Beyond its physical benefits, dancing serves as a powerful emotional outlet that enables me to channel my feelings and emotions into artistic expression. Through dance, I can convey a range of emotions – from joy and excitement to sadness and longing – without uttering a single word. The music becomes my language, the movements my vocabulary, and the stage my canvas on which I paint stories of love, loss, triumph, and resilience. In moments of uncertainty or turmoil, dancing provides me with a safe space to release pent-up emotions, find catharsis, and regain a sense of inner peace.

Furthermore, dancing nurtures my mental well-being by stimulating creativity, enhancing cognitive function, and fostering mindfulness. As I learn new choreographies, experiment with different dance styles, and collaborate with fellow dancers, my brain is constantly challenged to memorize sequences, coordinate movements, and interpret musical cues. This mental stimulation not only sharpens my focus and concentration but also boosts my memory retention and problem-solving skills. Additionally, the rhythmic patterns of dance music help me enter a state of flow where I am fully present in the moment, free from distractions or worries.

In addition to its physical, emotional, and mental benefits, dancing has played a pivotal role in shaping my identity and providing me with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Through years of dedicated practice and performance experiences, I have honed my skills as a dancer, developed my own unique style and artistic voice, and built lasting relationships within the dance community. Each time I step onto the stage or into the studio, I am reminded of the passion that drives me to pursue excellence in this art form. Dancing has not only enriched my life but also given me a sense of belonging and purpose that transcends words.

In conclusion, dancing is more than just a hobby for me; it is a way of life that brings me immense joy, fulfillment, and self-discovery. Through its physical benefits of exercise and fitness; emotional outlet for expression; mental stimulation for creativity; and identity-shaping role in providing purpose and fulfillment; dancing has become an integral part of who I am. As I continue to immerse myself in this art form with dedication and passion, I look forward to the endless possibilities for growth, learning, and self-expression that dance offers.

Engaging in sports is not merely a pastime for me; it is a passion that fuels my spirit, challenges my limits, and enriches my life in countless ways. From the adrenaline rush of competition to the camaraderie of teamwork, sports have been an integral part of my journey towards personal growth, physical fitness, and mental resilience. In this essay, I will delve into the profound impact that sports have had on my life, exploring their physical, emotional, and social benefits, as well as the ways in which they have shaped my character and instilled in me a sense of discipline and determination.

To begin with, participating in sports is a gateway to physical well-being and overall health. Whether I am running on the track, shooting hoops on the basketball court, or diving into the pool for a swim, each sport challenges my body in unique ways, promoting cardiovascular fitness, strength, agility, and endurance. The regular practice and training required in sports not only help me stay in shape but also instill healthy habits such as proper nutrition, hydration, and rest. Moreover, the endorphins released during physical activity elevate my mood, reduce stress levels, and boost my energy levels, leaving me feeling refreshed and invigorated.

Beyond its physical benefits, sports serve as a powerful emotional outlet that allows me to channel my emotions in a constructive manner. The highs of victory and the lows of defeat experienced in competitive sports teach me valuable lessons in resilience, perseverance, and sportsmanship. Through wins and losses alike, I learn to celebrate success with humility and grace and to face setbacks with courage and determination. The emotional rollercoaster of sports not only strengthens my mental fortitude but also fosters a sense of self-awareness and emotional intelligence that transcends the boundaries of the playing field.

Furthermore, engaging in sports nurtures my social well-being by fostering connections with teammates, coaches, and fellow athletes. The bonds forged through shared experiences on the field or court create a sense of belonging and camaraderie that extends beyond the game itself. Whether we are strategizing plays together, cheering each other on during matches, or celebrating victories as a team, the sense of unity and support within a sports community is unparalleled. These relationships not only provide me with a support system during challenging times but also offer opportunities for personal growth through collaboration, communication, and teamwork.

In addition to its physical, emotional, and social benefits, sports have played a pivotal role in shaping my character and instilling in me values such as discipline, determination, and resilience. The dedication required to excel in sports demands consistent practice, hard work, and sacrifice – qualities that translate into other areas of life such as academics or career pursuits. Through the ups and downs of training regimens, injuries, setbacks, and comebacks, I have learned to push past my limits, set ambitious goals for myself, and persevere in the face of adversity. Sports have taught me that success is not just about winning medals or trophies but about personal growth, self-improvement, and the journey towards becoming the best version of myself.

In conclusion, sports are more than just a hobby for me; they are a way of life that embodies passion, perseverance, and personal growth. Through their physical benefits of fitness; emotional outlet for resilience; social connections for camaraderie; and character-building role in discipline; sports have become an integral part of who I am. As I continue to engage in various sports with dedication and enthusiasm, I look forward to the continued opportunities for growth, learning from challenges faced on the field or court while striving towards excellence both as an athlete and as an individual.

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Essay on My Hobby- FAQs

What are hobbies.

Hobbies are activities pursued for pleasure and relaxation during leisure time. They range from creative pursuits like painting and writing to outdoor activities like gardening and hiking.

Why are hobbies important?

Hobbies provide an outlet for self-expression, reduce stress, and contribute to overall well-being. They also foster personal growth, creativity, and social connections, enhancing quality of life.

How do I find the right hobby?

Explore different activities based on your interests, passions, and talents. Try new things, attend workshops or classes, and seek inspiration from others to discover hobbies that resonate with you.

Can hobbies be beneficial for mental health?

Yes, engaging in hobbies can have positive effects on mental health by promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety and depression, and boosting self-esteem and cognitive function.

Are there benefits to pursuing multiple hobbies?

Yes, having diverse hobbies allows for a well-rounded lifestyle. Each hobby offers unique benefits, and pursuing multiple interests can provide variety, prevent burnout, and stimulate creativity.

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gym hobby essay

Member Comments

We think NIAC is a great place to be. But don’t just take our word for it, check out what some of our members have to say.

gym hobby essay

Everyday I have the opportunity to step into NIAC, I find myself thankful for Amy Paul and her vision. The quintessential gym to free the mind of trouble, fill the soul, and build a muscle or two, NIAC is my medicine away from the mountains. The friendly staff, the multitude of classes and the access to professional advice offers something for everyone. As a healthcare provider, this year more than any, I have been overly impressed with the amount of care the team spends on cleanliness; the place sparkles. At half a century old, my health, like so many gym goers, is dear to me in order to do the the things I love: skiing, backpacking, climbing, rafting, and whatever other crazy adventure my grown children take me on. At 102 years of age, a man named George Jedenoff still skis, and my friends and I just missed meeting him last year at Snowbird, Utah. He’ll turn 103 this next July. George started his daily training regiment at 70 years of age (you can check George out on YouTube); it’s never too late to start. A special thanks to Amy for keeping the dream alive for all of us. Me? Well, according to Mr. Jedenoff’s philosophy: I’ve got another 50+ years to ski (my favorite pastime) – nothing left to do but get on with the workout . . . 🙂

scott nelson

Skier, Community Member, Healthcare Provider

408 S Main Moscow, Idaho 83843

Monday - Thursday:

Saturday - Sunday:

5:00 am - 10:00 pm

5:00 am - 8:00 pm 

7:00 am - 6:00 pm  

gym hobby essay

Azamat, what a great range of hobbies you have! Well done on losing so much weight!

My main tip would be to remember to say "One of my hobbies", rather than "another my hobby". It is ONE of MANY hobbies, so we say: "One of my hobbies".

Another example would be talking about family. If you have two brothers, you would say: "One of my brothers works as a fireman", for example.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Let me tell you about my hobbies.

I have three hobbies. First of all, I love football. Maybe, You could say that I am a football fan! ))) I love everything about football: I like playing it , I like watching football   the games , I like reading something about football and I like many other things about football too.   more and more. My favorite football team is Spartak Moscow. I went to the stadium a few times to see football   watch some games few times , when I was a student. Another of my hobb ies is going to a   the gym. I like going to the gym, because it's improve d my muscle strength and health markers. I have just lost about twenty kilos of fat. At last, my   Finally, another hobby of mine is collecting coins. I don't have many coins, maybe about one hundred. I like collecting different coins, and I have some roubles, some euros and others too . The best coin in my collection is thirty phennings. It was made at   in 1918, for Russian occupy territory by German occupants. That's all about my hobbies.

gym hobby essay

V7 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Functional Fitness


gym hobby essay


Why do I have to cross train? The question is, why not? When you cross train at V7,  you can learn different skills that are complementary to each other with no extra costs. For example, with Functional Fitness you can greatly strengthen your body, your cardiovascular condition and become a better version of yourself. Now, being able to couple that with a different sport like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu per say, you would also reap rewarding benefits by learning a new lifelong skill, be empowered by your ability to defend yourself, learn a new way to further develop problem solving skills, increase your mobility with a variety of fun drills and even discover your new favorite hobby. Cross training also never gets old, because you are constantly learning new things. Our flexible and varied schedules provide a multitude of opportunities to try different classes to suit your schedule and your needs. Cross training provides an unmatched level of overall conditioning. Join us for a free class and see for yourself.


We understand that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can be intimidating at first. We offer a cycle through, easy to relate fundamentals program for those just starting with the sport. For those with more experience, we offer more advanced classes as well. Whether you are just starting, BJJ is your hobby, or you are a competitive athlete, we are here for you. For more information, please check out our program page. 


Was in town for a few days and decided to stop in to get some quality BJJ training on vacation. Great coaches and environment with some quality teaching! Very welcoming place. Highly reccomend to anyone looking to learn BJJ!

gym hobby essay

Great instruction, great training partners, great hospitality to those that just stop through for a visit. Come train!

Justin Stafford Avatar

One of the best gyms I have ever been too, and by far the best gym in the area. I trained at this gym for about a full year, and can tell you from personal experience that the head coach and owner, Professor Nicolae Cury is an absolute stud. He has competed at the highest level of Mixed Martial Arts, Judo, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. My favorite aspect of the gym is the level of competitiveness of the students there. Unlike many other gyms, the primary people that train here are college students, or people in their prime athletic years. Guy or girl, you will be training with top of the line athletes at all different experience levels. Whether it is your first time training, are just visiting town, or are looking for a serious place to train, this is it.

Jon Wendell Avatar


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Opening Ceremonies of the 1980 Olympic Games

gym hobby essay

1980 Moscow

The Kremlin clock in Moscow is one of the most famous clocks in the world. It’s up there with the Westminster Clock Towers in London and at 4.00pm local time on July 19th 1980, its chimes rang out not only across Moscow but the world as the chimes marked the start of the opening ceremony of the 21st Games of the Modern Olympiad and inside the stadium, the chimes were replied to by a triumphant bugle call during which time the President of the Soviet Union arrived in the stadium and in honour of his arrival, the Soviet national anthem was played alongside a display of the national crest of the Soviet Union.

The Soviets, who in the 1980’s had a flourishing animation industry, used those skills to tell the story of the Olympics and as a result they focused very much on the history of the ancient Games retelling such legends as the athlete whose loincloth got ripped off at the start of a race and led to the tradition of the ancient athletes competing in the nude, or the legend of the woman who wanted to watch her son win a wreath and nearly got thrown off a cliff for her troubles, or the athlete who on his return to his city had the entrance way he had come through bricked up after him so that no one else could enter the same way and as such the opening act of the opening ceremony was a modern version of those ancient games with the Olympic rings being paraded preceded by ancient Greeks asking for the gods to pay tribute to the Games, followed by Hera, mother of Hercules (the man who first coined the phrase “Olympic”) with her followers also seeking praise from the gods after which came the parade of the nations.

Now, you might be thinking “Allusion of the Ancient Games? This sounds all rather over the top?” and I would have to agree with you there, but you have to remember that the Soviet Union had a major problem on their hands (a problem that some people have claimed was one of their own making) namely the invasion of Afghanistan. The western world was furious with this decision and so the Americans called for a boycott of the Games in protest and compared to Montreal, twelve fewer countries sent teams leading to a parade that was very much shorter than normal. And of those that did attend, several of them chose to enter the stadium under the Olympic flag as a protest against that invasion.

Did that bother the Soviets? Did it, heck! They just carried on regardless with a commentary as the main Olympic flag was paraded that wouldn’t sound out of place on a piece of video released from North Korea today, thankfully normal service was resumed when the flag was raised to the Olympic hymn blasted out by the famed choir of the Red Army after which the doves of peace were released. Then came the arrival of the Olympic Flame, and just as in Munich it meant a climb to the cauldron but unlike Munich it was a much shallower ascent which meant that when Sergey Belov reached the top he was much less out of breath, however he then had a small problem. He was at the bottom of the cauldron. Not a problem to the great imperial Soviet Union as he stuck the flame into a hole at the bottom of the cauldron and a few seconds later, a flame appeared at the top lighting the Olympic cauldron. After which came the oaths, and in a strange precedent the athletes then vacated the field and you would think that the ceremony was over. Oh, how wrong you could be as two hours after the start a video signal was received by the scoreboard and two cosmonauts on board the Mir space station sent their blessings to the Games, which was followed by a display espousing the virtues of the Soviet Union by its various component ethnic populations which was then added to by the gymnasts of the Soviet Union.

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    At half a century old, my health, like so many gym goers, is dear to me in order to do the the things I love: skiing, backpacking, climbing, rafting, and whatever other crazy adventure my grown children take me on. At 102 years of age, a man named George Jedenoff still skis, and my friends and I just missed meeting him last year at Snowbird, Utah.

  21. italki

    Another my hobby is going to a gym. I like going to the gym, because it's improve my muscle strength and health markers. I have just lost about twenty kilos of fat. At last, my another hobby is collecting coins. I don't have many coins, maybe about one hundred. I like collecting different coins, and i have some roubles, some euros and others.

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    When you cross train at V7, you can learn different skills that are complementary to each other with no extra costs. For example, with Functional Fitness you can greatly strengthen your body, your cardiovascular condition and become a better version of yourself. Now, being able to couple that with a different sport like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu per ...

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    The Kremlin clock in Moscow is one of the most famous clocks in the world. It's up there with the Westminster Clock Towers in London and at 4.00pm local time on July 19th 1980, its chimes rang out not only across Moscow but the world as the chimes marked the start of the opening ceremony of the 21st Games of the Modern Olympiad and inside the ...