My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

169 Five-Minute Topics for a Killer Speech or Presentation

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

There are pros and cons to giving a 5-minute presentation. One good thing is the length. Long presentations can easily become boring, and you have a much better chance of keeping your audience engaged from beginning to end than with a 5-minute speech.

In this article:

Food & Drink

Relationships, social media, supernatural, list of topics for a 5-minute speech or presentation.

5 minute speech topics

Choosing a topic is extremely important. To help you getting started, here is a list of some killer topics for 5-minute speech or presentation.

  • Why it’s better to adopt a pet from a shelter
  • Choosing the perfect leash for your dog
  • What is the best food for your pet?
  • How much exercise does your pet need?
  • The horror of puppy mills
  • Bringing back endangered species
  • How long are giraffes in labor
  • Domestication of horses
  • Picking the right vet
  • Sleeping with your dog
  • Why should you get goats in pairs
  • Ethics of zoos
  • The domestication of dogs
  • How to keep a goldfish alive for a long time
  • How to choose the right pet
  • Why cats are so independent
  • When to get a dog
  • What kind of dog is best for a household with children
  • Why therapy animals work
  • How to find the money to go to college
  • How much control should the federal government have over curriculum design?
  • How to choose a college
  • Ideas for narrowing down a career choice
  • When to declare a major
  • Benefits of charter schools
  • Why charter schools are bad
  • Negative effects of school vouchers
  • Attracting the right people to the teaching profession
  • Discipline in the classroom
  • Memory tricks that work
  • Why homework is bad
  • Should students still have to use the books in the library?
  • Why cursive should still be taught in schools
  • Textbooks vs. tablets
  • Benefits of going to a trade school
  • Are there positives to taking a gap year?
  • The problem with low teacher pay
  • Social media in the classroom
  • Benefits of integrating apps into the classroom
  • The importance of attachment
  • How to compromise on names for your kids
  • What is the ideal age to start a family
  • How important are grandparents
  • Traveling with children
  • Strategies for potty training
  • How to help a child with nightmares
  • Middle child syndrome
  • How many kids should you have?
  • How to recognize a gifted child
  • When your child doesn’t like to eat
  • How to encourage good eating habits
  • When to intervene with a bully
  • Being active in your child’s school
  • The benefits of aunts and uncles
  • When family falls apart
  • The first days with a new baby
  • When to call the doctor
  • Caring for an ailing parent
  • Balancing home and career
  • When to start saving for retirement
  • IRA vs. Roth IRA
  • When should you start saving for your children’s college education?
  • Crowdfunded loans vs. the bank
  • How Kickstarter changed everything
  • Using your HSA
  • How to apply for a mortgage
  • Improving your credit score
  • How to negotiate a raise
  • Renting vs. buying
  • How does compound interest work?
  • How to ask for a promotion
  • When is it time to get a new job?
  • What to do when you find out a coworker makes more than you
  • How much of a down payment on a house do you really need?
  • Living on minimum wage
  • Is it better to lease or buy a new car?
  • How to budget for a new car
  • What to do when you lose your job
  • Using credit cards responsibly
  • Is rare meat safe?
  • Vegan vs. vegetarian
  • Microbrews vs. standard brewing
  • How to make your own wine
  • What are hops?
  • Best plants for a backyard garden
  • When to transplant sprouts
  • Bananas and plantains
  • How to make a brine for pickling
  • Where did brunch begin?
  • Why pineapple belongs on a pizza
  • When to order in
  • Planning a menu
  • Meal planning and grocery lists
  • Is free range really better?
  • The perfect macaroni and cheese
  • Growing your own herbs
  • How to make your own pasta
  • How to make cookies that are softer
  • Benefits of drinking black coffee
  • Benefits of a gluten-free diet
  • Is the paleo diet accurate?
  • Effects of not getting enough sleep
  • Are meal subscription services worth it?
  • Downsides to Crossfit
  • Benefits of yoga
  • How to meditate
  • Can therapy change the way your mind works?
  • Are GMOs really dangerous?
  • The truth about diet soda
  • Importance of hydration
  • Why cleanses don’t work
  • Best juice diet
  • Most effective exercise for burning calories
  • Do essential oils really work?
  • The history of television
  • When the railway was king
  • Thwarted assassination attempts
  • The first Olympics
  • Media during World War II
  • Military advancements between World War I and World War II
  • War photographers
  • Things you didn’t learn in history class
  • Historical lies
  • The early Internet
  • Why podcasts are great
  • Most unbiased news channel
  • When do people tune into the news most
  • How relevant are women’s magazines?
  • Cable vs. Netflix
  • How worried should you be about your browsing history?
  • How to limit screen time
  • Why it’s bad to use your smartphone right before bed
  • Apple vs. Android
  • The best age to get married
  • How to get an amicable divorce
  • Finding a roommate
  • Splitting financial responsibilities evenly among the household
  • How to have a happy marriage
  • Choosing your family
  • How to fight effectively
  • Signs of an abusive relationship
  • What to look for in a spouse
  • When to let it go
  • How to overcome self-doubt
  • Faking confidence
  • Becoming comfortable with yourself
  • How to say no
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Controlling anxiety
  • Qualities of a leader
  • The importance of self-care
  • Identifying triggers
  • How to eliminate negativity
  • Making new habits
  • Ethics of posting pictures of your children on social media
  • How Internet ads are tailored to you
  • How to advertise your business on Facebook
  • Privacy and social media
  • How to protect your personal information
  • When to allow your kids to get their own social media accounts
  • Why you shouldn’t post your location on social media
  • How to use a hashtag
  • Uncovering Twitter Bots
  • Snapchat etiquette
  • Proof that aliens exist
  • Debunking crop circles
  • Is Bigfoot real?
  • Proof that ghosts exist

Good 2-Minute Speech Topics for Students

13 All-Time Best TED Talks

23 thoughts on “169 Five-Minute Topics for a Killer Speech or Presentation”

Ideal Teacher

is life really a blessing?

This has helped me so much for my English class thank you!

Why personal (private) rules are helpful

I got an A!!!!!

Risks of abortion Wage gap How social media impacts education/mental health Why it’s important to have a good stable mental health Do teenagers really spend all their time on their phones Gsce requirements unfair or reasonable

Here is a kind of a dense topic, domestic abuse. Why does it happen? What are some ways to identify a abusive relationship? How does it affect families? Why is the abuser abusive?

We have presentation next week. I can’t think about the topic. Please help me!

i want a topic that involves supernatural: HELP

Is water wet?

death, what if the earth loses air entirely for five minutes, what is the most common death.

I have presentation next two day concerning with my classroom. I must choose five topics but i can’t think how to choose these topics. Please! help me

Tanks for giving me an A in drama

so helpful thank you

thanks this helped with my speach at school

i need a best topic to present on that is educational to consumer science and food nutrition students. can i please be assisted

what if the earth stopped spinning pros and cons of being an artist how Gen Z affected slang why people are afraid of the dark why knowing how to play an instrument is beneficial/not needed

Here’s a controversial one: are trans, intersex and non-binary people getting the same right as every else?

I have a presentation this week I don’t understand how to find a good title please help me I’m a diploma student the speech must have more than 10 minutes

How do create presentation for famous place in Sri Lanka

i need something for my oral communication class. it must be attention grabbing and not an argument. please help

I need ideas on a slide show presentation, a kid appropiate topic.

Pls I need more ideas on self help

hi lol i like these topics but i need a trendy one like something new or like a natural phenomene or someth like that… 🙂

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Frantically Speaking

5-minute speech topics: Everything You Need to Know (With Examples)

Hrideep barot.

  • Presentation , Public Speaking , Speech Topics

5-minute speech topics

Coming up with 5-minute speech topics is a more tedious task than researching, framing, and delivering your speech altogether.

It is a general rule that having a fantastically written and presented speech adds less value when the speech topic isn’t interesting and effective enough.

In 5-minute speeches, your topic becomes more crucial as the length of your speech increases compared to any 1–2-minute speeches which are very brief.

How long are 5-minute speeches?

When we talk about how long 5 minutes speeches should be, we are essentially answering the question,

How many words are there in a 5-minute speech?

With an average individual speaking about 130-150 words per minute, 5-minute speeches are usually 650-750 words long .

But to gauge the exact number of words you should speak for your 5-minute speeches, try to understand your pace of speaking. Your pace of speaking is the number of words you can talk in a minute. And then frame the speech accordingly.

How many slides are there in a 5-minute speech?

As a general rule, adding 5-6 slides for your 5-minute presentations is ideal . However, there are compulsions which means you can add as many slides as you wish as long as you are able to present your topic effectively.

What do 5-minute speech topics look like?

Before coming up with a 5-minute speech topic for your speech, you must understand what the topic should look like so as to grab everyone’s attention and instill enough curiosity in them.

Keep your title short. Very lengthy titles are challenging to recall and can be very boring for the audience members. Keeping the title of your article within the limit of 50 characters is usually a good idea.

2. Informative

After reading the above point, you might be tempted to cut down words and that is okay but try to make sure that it doesn’t steal the very essence of the speech. The title should give a brief idea to your audience so that they know what they can expect to gain from your speech.

3. Relevant

Make sure that your topic is relevant to the occasion and preferences of your audience.

How to go about selecting a 5-minute speech topic?

There are 2 ways to find a topic for your 5-minute speech:

  • Research and elimination : When you try to come up with a topic yourself by conducting research about your audience, your own interests, and knowledge areas and then narrow it down to a specific topic, it is the process of research and elimination.
  • Picking a topic from the internet : A very convenient way to choose 5-minute speech topics is to find one on the internet!

Research and Elimination

To find a perfect 5-minute speech topic for yourself, you will have to take into consideration a couple of things while researching. Here is a list of things to consider before selecting a 5-minute speech:

1. Audience

Before selecting a topic for your 5-minute speech, ask yourself “who is my audience?”

The idea is to understand what the majority of your audience would comprise. Are you giving a speech to college students? Or working professionals? Which gender makes the majority of your audience? What ethnicity do they come from?

Answering all these questions will give you an idea of what your audience would likely prefer to hear.

For example, if you have to give a speech on future financial planning, you can focus on retirement planning in case your audience is made up of mid to senior-level working professionals. Or you can focus on the trending investment options like cryptocurrencies and small cases if your audience comprises a young crowd.

2. Occasion

Understand the occasion for which you will be giving the speech. Is it a wedding toast or for a product launch? In both cases, your language, humor, and the same content of your speech would be very different.

A speech for a wedding toast for example would sound more like,

“To all those who know Nisha, I am her best friend. We have been friends since the 2nd grade and have been inseparable since. On this wonderful day, if I am happy to see her as a beautiful bride, I am equally saddened to see her leave all of us behind. But as she always says, She will just be a call away”

On the other hand, a speech for a product launch would look like this,

“Hello and good evening, everybody. We are excited and elated to have you here with us today to experience the magnificence of a new powerful gadget that would be the future of hair drying: Stylion ”

3. Interests

No matter how good a speaker may be, if he or she isn’t passionate about a topic, it will be visible to their audience. This is where the interests of the speaker come into the picture.

Having an immense interest in the topic you would like to speak on is important because it helps you reach the audience and makes the entire process of researching, formatting, and delivering the speech very enjoyable for you!

4. Knowledge

You could be very interested in astrology but if you have no idea how these planetary movements affect individuals’ lives, then giving an effective speech could be challenging.

Besides interest, you also need to have enough knowledge about the topic that you’ll be speaking on so that you have some credible content to deliver passionately to your audience.

The last and the most important factor to take into consideration is the purpose for which you are giving the speech.

Are you trying to educate your audience or sell a product or give them a different perspective on a topic?

Whatever your purpose is, it needs to be taken into consideration so that you can narrow down your topics and select one that perfectly fits your requirements.

Some purposes of 5-minute speeches could be:

Informative speeches are where the speaker tries to inform his audience about the topic. It doesn’t focus on tweaking the audience’s perception in any way. Rather the idea is to share with the audience some facts and statistical figures or events in history with as detailed speech as possible.

An example of an informative speech would be a speech on the Indian freedom struggle.

To Persuade

Persuasion is an act of asking others to behave a certain way or do a certain thing. Oftentimes, politicians and salespersons are famous for using persuasion techniques like rhetoric and metaphors to persuade the crowd to do something.

To celebrate

Wedding toasts are the best example of celebratory speeches. The purpose of these speeches is to s hare an emotional or fun memory or tell stories to the audience in an attempt to enjoy and celebrate the event.

give a 5 minute speech

How can I talk for 5 minutes straight?

5 minutes is actually a very convenient time to give an effective speech. However, it can seem very daunting to talk for 5 minutes straight if you are trying to memorize your speech by heart.

So the first thing to effectively talk for 5 minutes straight is to avoid memorizing it by heart. You can use various interactive methods like storytelling , using props, or dividing your speech into points to make it easier for you to give your speech for such an extended time.

Create a well-defined outline for your speech and practice it a couple of times in order to make the task of giving 5-minute speeches a little easier for yourself!

All this discussion would suggest that 5-minute speeches are tricky but is that really the case?

Is a 5-minute speech hard?

While from the audience’s perspective, 5-minute speeches are nothing but a blessing; for you as a speaker, 5-minute speeches could actually be a little too less or too much. Thus making it a tad bit difficult to give effective and engaging 5-minute speeches.

If for instance, you are to present your research proposal, then 5 minutes would not do justice to years of your dedicated efforts. While on the other hand, if you are giving a speech on some generic topic like climate change then even 2 minutes would be sufficient to get your point across.

So whether 5-minute speeches are hard or not would depend completely on how you perceive them.

If you do feel that they are difficult then remember the old saying “Practice makes the man perfect!”

5-minute speech outline

Once you come up with a topic for your speech, the next step is to look at its outline. The outline of any speech refers to the way in which you plan on structuring it.

Usually, 5-minute speeches are structured in the format given below:

1. Opening the speech

For a 5-minute speech, you can spend about a minute introducing yourself and the topic you will be speaking about.

Make sure to give the audience a glimpse of what you’ll be talking about so that they get a clear idea of what to expect from your speech.

It is also recommended to start with a very effective and attractive opening line so as to grab the audience’s attention quickly.

A few ways you can open your speech are:

  • Proactive Statements : Provocative statements are the ones where you try to break the audience’s long-held views and later provide an alternative through your speech.

An example of this is

I want to discuss with you this afternoon why you are going to fail to have a good career Larry Smith
  • Imagination : Imagination is a great tool to give your audience a chance to relate to you.

You can begin your speech with the word “imagine” and then proceed to narrate an incident that is relevant to your speech. An example of this is given below.

Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3000 feet. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack. Rick Elias

Check out the video below to get a more detailed idea about the opening lines.

2. Main body

The main body of any speech is where the main essence of your speech lies. You can structure this segment in 2 ways:

a. Pointer format

In the pointer format, the idea is to divide the main content into smaller parts or points. This helps in allocating specific time to each topic. It also helps in easy recall for the audience members.

b. Flow format

A flow format is one wherein two ideas are not separated by points. Rather there is a flow maintained throughout the speech.

3. Conclusion

It is necessary to summarise your speech in the last one minute. This is also the time wherein you will have to restate your takeaway.

Ending any speech on a high note is always recommended. You can do that by quoting a famous personality or calling for action from the audience members.

Check out the short video below to understand more about closing lines in a speech.

Examples of 5-minute speeches

1. the danger of silence.

Clint Smith has done a great job with his 5-minute TED speech wherein he begins by quoting Martin Luther King Jr . He further establishes credibility when he states that he is a teacher and how the quote inspires him to challenge his students to embrace silence in their life.

He speaks as if it were spoken word poetry , emphasizing events that happened in his life and how they changed him to perceive silence in a different light.

2. 3 Things I learned while My Plane Crashed

Ric Elias has used the most effective technique to get the audience to relate to you, the technique of imagination . He begins his speech by asking the audience members to imagine being a part of a plane crash and to feel all the things that he felt when he experienced a similar incident.

There is the use of good humor as well in his speech, taking a dig at how he didn’t have to ask the flight attendant for anything as they clearly knew they were all about to die. He further jokes about his daughter when he says,

About a month later, I was at a performance by my daughter. First grader, not much of an artistic talent

Lastly, He very effectively divides the main content of the speech into 3 points or things that he learned from his experience.

3. Being an Introvert is a Good Thing

Crystal Robello has given this amazing 5-minute speech on How being an Introvert is a good thing.

The speech is worth taking a look into as her speech provides a great argument in favor of introverts and tries to break the long-held view against them by society. She shares her own story adding a personal touch to her speech.

Further, she makes use of rhetorical questions which are questions that do not necessarily require an answer from the audience. Check out the rhetorical questions she uses below:

  • ..and I have opinions. I just didn’t want to share them, but is there anything wrong with that?
  • (mentions famous introverts) Do you think being an introvert has stopped them from achieving their goals or being happy?

Lastly, she ends her speech on a very powerful note by quoting a line from the book Quite and saying,

So the next time you see that quiet kid in the back of the class who doesn’t participate very much, I want you to think “I wonder what wonderful things they are going to come up with next?”

5-minute speech topics

In case you don’t have enough time to go through the entire topic selection process, the second-best option is to select a topic that is available on the internet.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to do another google search.

We have curated a list of 5-minute speech topics so that you can take a look at it and select a topic that suits you!

General 5-minute speech topics

  • Climate Change
  • Domestic Violence
  • Environment
  • Importance of Cleanliness
  • Women’s Day Speech
  • Teachers’ Day Speech

5-minute speech topics depending on the type of the speech

The purpose of your speech defines the type of your speech. A few broad speech types are

  • Informative speech
  • Demonstrative Speech
  • Persuasive speech

Informative Speech Topics

Informative speeches focus on educating or introducing the audience to new concepts or ideas. thus, it provides information about a topic to the audience and doesn’t try to make them believe in a particular viewpoint or opinion., 5-minute informative speech topics:.

  • The reality of adoption in India
  • Technological developments in organ transplantation
  • The freedom struggle of any country
  • History of body art
  • Women warriors who made a difference
  • The Indian freedom struggles
  • Story of the greens
  • Side effects of Anti-depressants
  • The rise of Adderall uses among college students
  • Impact of diet on Mental health
  • Impact of sleep deprivation on productivity
  • The great resignation
  • The reality of beauty pageants
  • All about sustainable traveling
  • The efficiency of ayurvedic medicine
  • Western influence on traditional yoga
  • Impact of music on mood
  • Why does playing musical instruments keep you healthy?
  • Evolution of the electric guitar
  • COVID restrictions around the world

Demonstrative Speech Topics

The only difference between an informative speech and a demonstrative speech is the use of visuals.

In a demonstrative speech, the speaker tries you help you understand a new topic or information by demonstrating a few fundamentals of the topic to you.

For example, a salesperson trying to pitch his product through his speech would make use of the product to show his audience how that product can make their lives easy.

A few verbs or phrases that you can use in your demonstrative 5-minute speech topics are:

  • N ways to..
  • Structure..

Examples of Demonstrative 5-minute speech topics

  • How to ace a test in 5 days
  • How to make mac n cheese
  • How to Organize a party
  • How to prevent a financial loss
  • How to stop procrastinating
  • How to learn a new language in 30 days
  • How to start a successful business from home
  • How to use chopsticks
  • How to wear a scarf in 5 ways
  • 10 steps to writing a blog
  • 20 ways to add protein to your diet
  • 4 ways to motivate yourself every morning
  • 5 ways to calm your anxiety
  • Top 3 ways to deal with stress
  • 5 ways colors can elevate your mood
  • 3 tips for studying abroad
  • 5 ways to know if someone is lying to you
  • Top 3 tips to take care of your white shoes
  • 10 reasons why people prefer online shopping
  • How to revive a dead plant?

Persuasive Speech Topics

Persuasive speeches are the ones wherein the speaker aims to persuade the audience to do something or act in a certain way. as discussed, it is a very common speech type used by salespeople and politicians., examples of 5 -minute persuasive speech topics.

  • How advertisements trick you
  • Why money can’t buy happiness
  • 21: the only legal age to get married
  • Being vegan and sustainable
  • Why wearing sustainable clothes should be a norm
  • Fast fashion: A compromise on the quality of clothes
  • Why reality TV shows need to stop
  • Impact of online classes on poor grades
  • Why investing early is necessary
  • Dogs over cats
  • Private colleges are not fair
  • Why do schools need to start late
  • Cults need to be banned
  • Global warming is not real
  • We can save our planet
  • Endangered species need to be saved
  • Rainwater harvesting should be mandatory in all houses
  • Why xenotransplantation is unethical
  • Depression is overrated
  • Legalizing prostitution

5-minute speech topics for college students

  • Implications of online dating
  • Are movie reviews an accurate indicator of the movie?
  • Teen depression and suicides
  • Should uniforms be compulsory?
  • Academic stress
  • Moving abroad for education
  • Dangers of substance abuse
  • 5 tips for finding the perfect major
  • Can poverty be eradicated?
  • How can world hunger be curbed?
  • Are electronic vehicles a solution to the pollution problem?
  • Legalizing same-sex marriages
  • Brain drain
  • Impact of meat production on the environment
  • Importance of communication
  • Offers and Benefits of being a college student
  • Cashless economy
  • Need for gun control
  • Is school really a safe place?
  • The dangers of Artificial Intelligence

Motivational 5-minute speech ideas

  • Not giving up: A guide for anyone with depression
  • How I overcame my anxiety
  • You are more than your thoughts
  • 3 Reasons why you need to stop comparing yourself to others
  • 4 techniques to beat procrastination
  • Being a great leader is more than the position
  • Importance of positive thinking
  • Breaking societal stereotypes
  • More than my skin color
  • Embracing everybody
  • Failure: A way to learn and grow
  • Time management and self-growth
  • Self-development: a key to self-growth
  • Consistency over motivation
  • The joy of being in nature

General 5-minute presentation ideas

  • The future of communication
  • Population problem
  • Climate Crisis
  • The melting glaciers
  • Pollution and its solution
  • Changes required in the education system
  • Discrimination and hate crimes
  • The rise in migration and poor housing facilities in urban areas
  • Advantages of Artificial intelligence
  • Everything you need to know about the metaverse

5-minute presentation topics for a job interview

give a 5 minute speech

  • The future is cashless
  • Data is the new oil
  • Dangers of data privacy
  • women empowerment
  • Gender equality
  • Importance of communication skills
  • The education system in India
  • My biggest accomplishment
  • My role model

5-minute funny presentation ideas

  • How to memorize notes for exams without studying
  • How to pretend to be interested in the conversation?
  • If your boss was honest with you
  • Tips to handle a bridezilla
  • How to prepare a presentation you forgot about?
  • Way to steal your boyfriend’s sweatshirts
  • 4 tips to be the center of attention
  • How to Get a Toddler to stop talking in 383 Easy Steps?
  • How to Live in Your Mom’s Basement?
  • Ways to ruin a date
  • The perfect way to lie
  • When is it okay to give up?
  • 5 things That Are Better Than Doing the Dishes
  • Where to find your missing sock?
  • How do you win in life?
  • Why being a millionaire is overrated?
  • How to bathe a dog?
  • How to order at the subway?
  • How to ask for directions?
  • Top pick-up lines ever used in history

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Finding the right 5-minute speech topic can be a task, but ensuring the audience’s preferences, your own interests, and knowledge areas can help in narrowing down the range of topics to a large extent.

If you do not have enough time to research and narrow down on one topic, you can pick out one topic from a plethora of topics available online.

Hrideep Barot

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How to Create an Engaging 5-Minute Presentation

Caroline Forsey

Published: September 15, 2023

A 5-minute speech can feel both incredibly short and infinitely long.

man gives a five minute presentation at work

While this short format encourages audiences to pay more attention, presenters often struggle to fit everything into five minutes even as they navigate nervousness that seems to stretch out each second.

As a result, preparation is key for 5-minute speech success.

But how can you ensure your presentation accomplishes everything it needs to within just five short minutes? We’ve put together an (appropriately condensed) guide on five-minute presentations to help you get started.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

How many words are in a 5-minute presentation?

A five-minute presentation is approximately 700 words long. The average person speaks 120 to 160 words a minute, which means the average five-minute presentation is 600 to 800 words.

give a 5 minute speech

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

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To calculate your own personal speaking speed (words per minute, or WPM):

  • Make an audio recording of yourself speaking for one minute.
  • Use a free transcription service to generate a text version of your speech.
  • The number of words you spoke in that minute is your personal WPM.

When constructing a longer presentation, you might be more concerned about transitions and keeping the audience engaged with more extensive narrative elements.

In a short presentation, everything you say should directly tie back to your central premise and further advance your main point.

Keeping a tight scope and using your words carefully ensures your time isn't wasted and the audience leaves with a clear, singular takeaway.

How many slides are in a 5-minute presentation?

Five or six slides, or about one per minute, is a good baseline for a 5-minute presentation. Depending on your subject matter, however, you might use up to 20 slides and spend about 10 or 15 seconds on each.

More important than your slide count is what each slide contains. It‘s a good rule of thumb to keep your slides simple and focused on visuals instead of text for a presentation of any length.

This becomes especially important when you’re dealing with a condensed presentation window.

Trying to cram in as much information as possible within a short time frame can be tempting. Resist the urge. Instead, focus on simple, clean visuals that all tie back to your central premise.

You can also use these free presentation templates to arrange your slides in a way that makes the most sense for your delivery and the content of your presentation.

give a 5 minute speech

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How to Write and Deliver a 5 Minute Speech: A Comprehensive Guide

Giving a 5 minute speech can be intimidating. With only 300 seconds to capture your audience’s attention, engage them and deliver your message every second counts.

Crafting and delivering a clear, compelling 5 minute speech takes planning and practice. Follow this comprehensive guide to learn how to write, structure, and rehearse a polished 5 minute talk.

Step 1: Define Your Purpose

Before you start writing think about

What is the goal of your speech? Do you want to inform, persuade inspire or entertain?

Who is your audience? What do they already know about your topic? What misconceptions might they have?

What do you want them to think, feel, or do after your speech? What is the one key takeaway?

Having a clear purpose will help you hone your message and choose the right content.

Step 2: Research Your Topic

Conduct research to uncover interesting facts, statistics, examples, and anecdotes to support your speech.

Good sources include:

  • News articles
  • Academic journals
  • Nonfiction books
  • Interviews with experts

Make sure your sources are credible and cite them properly. Gather about twice as much research as you think you’ll need. It will get narrowed down later.

Step 3: Write an Outline

With your purpose defined and research gathered, start structuring your speech with an outline.

Your 5 minute speech should include:

  • Introduction – Grab attention, establish your credibility, state your purpose
  • Body – Main points and supporting details
  • Conclusion – Summarize key points, end memorably

Aim for 2-3 main points in the body elaborated with concise examples.

Step 4: Flesh Out Your Content

Now start filling in your outline with draft speech content:

Introduction – Open with a relevant quote, question, story, or statistic.

Main Points – For each point, include 2-3 sentences explaining/supporting it.

Conclusion – Circle back to your introduction, end with a strong statement.

Shoot for a 1650-1700 word first draft so you have room to refine.

Step 5: Refine and Edit

Once you have a complete draft, you can start trimming and polishing:

Simplify language – Use concise words and avoid jargon.

Cut unnecessary words/sentences – Be ruthless. If it doesn’t directly support your purpose, cut it.

Check timing – Read your speech aloud, making edits until it falls within 4.5-5.5 minutes.

Add visual aids – Charts, photos etc. can enhance your message. But use them sparingly so they don’t distract.

Step 6: Practice for Delivery

To deliver your speech confidently without reading directly from notes, practice it extensively:

Memorize your outline – Know your main points and transitions by heart.

Rehearse out loud – Get comfortable speaking your content. Don’t memorize it word-for-word or it will sound robotic.

Record yourself – Identify areas to improve pacing, volume, filler words (“um”, “like”), etc.

Practice with visual aids – Ensure you can smoothly incorporate charts, slides, or other visuals.

Simulate the event – Practice wearing the clothes and using the equipment you’ll have on the day and get feedback.

Step 7: Prepare for Q&A

Having a Q&A after your speech provides your audience an opportunity to clarify or expand on your message. Be ready for questions by:

  • Considering what questions you might get based on your content
  • Practice answering likely questions out loud
  • Having succinct answers planned for challenging questions
  • Preparing to tactfully defer any inappropriate or irrelevant questions

Step 8: Visualize Success

Right before you speak, build your confidence by:

  • Doing calming deep breathing
  • Imagining yourself speaking smoothly and the audience reacting positively
  • Recalling your hard work preparing and why this message is important

With the right speech preparation, 5 minutes is plenty of time to deliver a powerful message.

By following this comprehensive 8-step guide, you can write and successfully present a polished, impactful 5 minute talk. With practice and experience, speaking briefly but effectively will get easier each time.

The key is being ruthlessly selective about your content, rehearsing extensively, and focusing not just on what you say but how you say it. Master these skills and any audience will be hanging on your every word, even if you have only 300 seconds.

how to write a 5 min speech

How to give a 5-minute speech in English

How to write a 5 minute speech topic?

Before coming up with a 5-minute speech topic for your speech, you must understand what the topic should look like so as to grab everyone’s attention and instill enough curiosity in them. 1. Short Keep your title short. Very lengthy titles are challenging to recall and can be very boring for the audience members.

How hard is it to write a 5 minute speech?

Writing a short speech is often much harder than writing a long one. Because you only have a small amount of time, it can feel like a lot of pressure to deliver important information. Writing a five-minute speech doesn’t need to be a complex task.

How long does it take to prepare a 5 minute speech?

If you want only a five-minute speech, it will take me two weeks to prepare.” Delivering presentations and speeches can be challenging, especially if you have a short time. Covering the essential information you wish to convey and making an impact in these 5 minutes requires much backend work.

How to give a 5 minute speech?

Choose a relevant and exciting topic, organize your thoughts, use supporting materials, and rehearse your delivery. Improving your public speaking skills and making an impact are great reasons to give a five-minute speech. With the proper preparation, you can deliver a powerful message that achieves your goals.

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Inspirational Guide to Writing a 5-Minute Speech

Table of Contents

How to write a five minute speech  is a task that involves precise delivery, detailed planning, and intelligent drafting.

Preparing to deliver a powerful speech in only a few minutes might seem impossible, but it is possible. Writing a compelling and memorable five-minute speech is easy if you understand what makes one work.

Here, we discuss tips and tricks professionals use to write an effective and engaging five-minute speech. With these simple steps and guidelines, you can craft a captivating speech quickly and easily.

Why You Might Need to Give a Five-Minute Speech

A five-minute speech might be necessary for specific situations. Where you’re limited by time, you’ll still need to effectively communicate your points and accomplish your objectives within your allotted time.

Here are some reasons why you might need to give a five-minute speech.

Time Constraints

Giving a five-minute speech allows you to convey your message within the allotted time frame effectively . One reason to give a five-minute speech is that you may be required to do so due to time constraints. You may be given a specific time slot if you are asked to speak at a conference or event where multiple speakers are scheduled. 

Limited Attention Span

Another reason to give a five-minute speech is that it allows you to capture and maintain your audience’s attention . Studies have shown that the average attention span of an adult is around eight seconds. This means making your message clear and concise to keep your audience engaged is important. A five-minute speech lets you do just that by presenting your ideas concisely and straightforwardly. 

Practice and Improvement

Giving a five-minute speech can help you improve your communication skills. It is also an excellent opportunity to practice and improve your public speaking skills. Focus on delivering a clear and compelling message within a shorter period, so you can build confidence and improve your speech. 

Impact and Persuasion

Finally, giving a five-minute speech can be an effective way to make an impact and persuade your audience. By presenting your ideas clearly and concisely, you can more easily convey your message and persuade your audience to take action. It’s possible to win your colleagues’ hearts and minds by giving a short speech.

How to Write a Five Minute Speech

man speaking in front of crowd

Writing an effective five-minute speech can be a daunting task. After all, you want your audience to stay engaged and not become bored or disengaged. It’s crucial to organize your speech as well as possible to make sure that your message gets across to your audience.

The following tips will help you create a five-minute speech that will leave your audience wanting more!

Choose an Interesting Topic

The first step in writing a successful five-minute speech is choosing an interesting and relevant topic. Try to think of something timely or engaging that your audience would find helpful or entertaining. You could also research popular topics from other speakers or news outlets to get ideas. Once you have chosen a subject for your speech, make sure to narrow its scope to fit within the time limit. 

Research Your Topic

Become knowledgeable about the subject by reading related articles, watching videos, and listening to podcasts. Once you’ve identified your topic, start researching it in depth. This research process should help inform your opinion and give you new perspectives on the issue. Additionally, try to pick out key points that may bolster or strengthen your argument. 

Gather Supporting Evidence

When crafting a persuasive five-minute speech, having compelling evidence is essential. Just make sure that any evidence you use is reliable and accurate.

Include examples and facts to back up your statements whenever possible. This will make your arguments more convincing and give your audience a stronger impression. 

Outline Your Speech

Before starting to write, take some time to plan out what you are going to say. Writing an outline helps break down the information into smaller chunks, making it easier to organize when composing the actual speech.

The outline should include the main ideas you plan to discuss as well as any other supporting points during your presentation. Plus, creating an outline beforehand will also save you time in the long run. 

Craft Your Introduction

Your speech’s start should draw the audience in and establish the general tone for the remainder of it. Keep it short, sweet, and memorable. What you say in the introduction will resonate with your audience. Your introduction serves as a good bargaining chip for great content.

Write the Rest of the Speech

Since you have already conceptualized your structure and created a rough outline, it’s time to start filling in the blanks with real content. Make sure the introduction flows seamlessly from your introduction to your conclusions. 

Five-Minutes Speech Example

Good morning, everyone! Today I’m here to talk about the importance of cultivating a collaborative work environment in our office. As we all know, teamwork is integral to any successful business venture. We must foster cooperation and mutual respect to reaching our desired objectives.

I have plenty of professional experience working collaboratively. From facilitating negotiations between stakeholders to encouraging colleagues to unite under common goals, I understand how important it is to nurture cooperation within teams. Furthermore, while working in high-pressure situations, I’ve seen firsthand how camaraderie can help alleviate stress and bring out the best in people.

So let’s start by discussing ways we can increase collaboration amongst ourselves:

First, we must actively listen to each other instead of rushing to judgment or being overly critical. This will ensure that everyone feels comfortable speaking up and sharing their ideas without fear of judgment.

Second, we must always strive to be open-minded and welcoming towards new perspectives as they often present solutions that would otherwise not be considered.

And finally, we should practice respecting one another’s time and workloads. This way, we can ensure that everyone gets their tasks done on schedule without impeding others.

These simple actions can create a workplace culture characterized by harmony and synergy rather than competition and antagonism. So let’s commit to making this happen together – thank you very much for your time!

Learn how to write a five minute speech that captivates your audience. Careful preparation and practice are essential.

Choose a relevant and exciting topic, organize your thoughts, use supporting materials, and rehearse your delivery. Improving your public speaking skills and making an impact are great reasons to give a five-minute speech. 

With the proper preparation, you can deliver a powerful message that achieves your goals. The key is writing with emotion, ensuring each sentence contains at least one uncommon word. This will add interest and uniqueness to your presentation.

Inspirational Guide to Writing a 5-Minute Speech

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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How to Write an Engaging Five-Minute Speech in 10 Steps

We all get nervous when we have a public presentation coming up, but don’t worry, we can tackle this problem easily. It is possible to create an engaging speech for any occasion, whether it is a presentation at work, a class assignment, or even a toast at a wedding. 

It is possible to do it properly even if you have a tight time frame like 5 minutes. In this blog, we’ll learn how to create an effective speech that will leave any audience wanting more. Now, let’s examine the essence of effective speeches and then break down the 10 steps to write an unforgettable 5-minute presentation.

What Will Make Your Speech Effective?

Keep in mind that an impactful speech is a lot more than just presenting in front of a bunch of people. To create an effective speech you need to ensure a well structured message, so you can inform, persuade, or even inspire your audience. 

Here are some tips to improve your speech:

  • Focus on Clarity: You need to deliver a message that is easy to understand for your audience, you should focus on one central idea and avoid overloading them with information that doesn’t add value. 
  • Engage Your Audience: You will get better results by making your audience feel a connection with you from the beginning of your presentation. Usually making jokes, sharing personal anecdotes, or showing interesting graphics help grab audience attention, and make them feel a connection with your message.. 
  • Good Structure: A good structure will make your speech easier to deliver, and also easier to understand, your audience will be more likely to like your message if they understand it quickly. 
  • Oratory : One of the most important elements is the quality of your delivery, the best presenters in the world are known for their perfect oratory. Sometimes a good oratory can make up for a not so good message, so definitely focus on polishing your speaking skills.

10 Steps to Write an Engaging Five-Minute Speech:

  • Know Your Audience: It is really important to understand your audience before you start writing and structuring your speech, because by knowing them better you can adjust your language, references, and humor to your audience’s interests and knowledge base.
  • Clearly Define Your Objective:   You can’t just go out there without a defined goal, so ask yourself, do you want to inform about a specific topic, persuade them, entertain them, or just commemorate someone? And when you’ve defined your goal you start to create your speech around that goal.
  • Use an Effective Hook: The first 30 seconds in your speech are crucial because your audience will decide if they want to pay attention or not to your speech based on how entertaining you’re from the beginning, so make sure you start with a controversial question, an impactful fact, or even a joke to ensure they’re interested.
  • Structure Your Speech: A common mistake is to write your script without planning the structure, it should be structured with 3 main parts: the introduction, body, and conclusion, and then have smaller parts depending on each speech requirements.
  • Less is More: Unfortunately, five minutes won’t let you elaborate on every single detail. You should try to focus on a single, important idea and explore it with depth rather than breadth.
  • The Power of Storytelling : People connect better with stories, so when you’re explaining something that can be boring or complex try to use anecdotes, stories, or even jokes to back up your point at the same time you make it fun to understand.
  • The Power of Three : Our brain loves patterns, and a good way to take advantage of this is by using the rule of three, list three key points, offer three solutions, or structure your speech around three distinct phases.
  • Speak with Passion and Clarity: Make sure you’re  enthusiastic, and adjust your voice and delivery, to make people connect with this same passion, so they can find your speech more interesting and engaging, but at the same time, don’t forget to speak clearly and at a moderate pace, so you don’t compromise comprehension.
  • Don’t Forget to Practice :  Always practice your speech out loud, you can do it in front of a mirror or ask a friend to listen to you and give you feedback, then use that feedback to polish every aspect of your delivery, timing, and transitions to ensure a high quality delivery.
  • Visual Appeal : Definitely try to incorporate visuals to your speech like slides, data, or you can even draw on a whiteboard while you explain, this is really important because we’re visual creatures and just listening can be boring for many people.

To improve your storytelling even more, find our masterclasses on storytelling here:

Final Tips and Reminders:

  • Don’t just memorize : If you only repeat from a script, you will sound robotic and boring, instead try to learn the main idea and deliver it with a polished oratory, and allow yourself some natural pauses to better organize in your mind your next words.
  • Conquer Your Nerves: We all get nervous when we have to speak in public, it’s a normal feeling when we are in a situation like this, avoid thoughts that can produce self-doubt and focus on enjoying your presentation.
  • Make Eye Contact: It is crucial to make eye contact with different individuals throughout your speech, so they feel like they’re being part of a conversation with you and the rest of the audience. This demonstrates confidence, and a good oratory, and ensures they connect with you and not only with the message you’re delivering.
  • Breathe: Public speaking for minutes can be physically demanding,since you need to constantly change your tone of voice and pace. Make sure you take conscious breaths to avoid sounding out of breath or rushed, because that will make you look unprepared.
  • The Power of Silence: Make sure you add some strategic pauses to add emphasis to your key points and create a sense of anticipation, this is a great way to ensure you interestingly communicate all your information.

Your Time to Shine!

Keep in mind that creating an engaging 5 minute speech takes a lot of focus, practice, and knowledge, but trust me your rewards will be great and satisfying, and if you apply all the tips and learnings from this blog, you will be able to create an spectacular speech that will make your audience ask you for more.

So get out there, create your best speech, and share your voice! The world needs to hear what you have to say, if you want to take your speeches to the next level, make sure you sign up to where you can find an AI script coach, Grammar corrector, AI voice actors, and even classes to improve your storytelling!

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200 Topics for 5-Minute Presentations

200 topics for 5-Minute Presentations

As a presenter, having a variety of brief yet captivating topics is key to engaging your audience effectively. Explore these 200 topics for 5-Minute Presentations to ensure your next speaking engagement is both dynamic and memorable!

  • The Importance of Time Management Skills
  • The Impact of Social Media on Society
  • The Benefits of Reading Daily
  • How to Cultivate Healthy Eating Habits
  • The Significance of Renewable Energy
  • The Psychology behind Procrastination
  • The Role of Technology in Education
  • The Art of Public Speaking
  • The History of the Internet
  • The Effects of Globalization
  • The Power of Positive Thinking
  • Climate Change and Its Consequences
  • The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
  • Overcoming the Fear of Failure
  • The Basics of Personal Finance
  • The Importance of Work-Life Balance
  • The Future of Telecommunication
  • The Rise of Veganism
  • The Significance of Cultural Diversity
  • Understanding Body Language
  • The Influence of Music on Mood
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering
  • The Growth of E-commerce
  • The Benefits of Yoga and Meditation
  • The Impact of Tourism on Local Communities
  • The Role of Women in History
  • The Dangers of Texting and Driving
  • The Process of Goal Setting
  • The Value of Teamwork
  • The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle
  • The Science behind Sleep
  • The Truth about Multitasking
  • Self-Defense Basics Everyone Should Know
  • The Power of Gratitude
  • The Effects of Stress on Health
  • The Principles of Minimalism
  • The History of Olympic Games
  • The Importance of Conserving Water
  • The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
  • The Impact of Fast Fashion
  • The Role of Parents in Child Development
  • The Rising Trend of Digital Detox
  • The Significance of the Rosetta Stone
  • The Process of Making Coffee
  • The Intergenerational Gap in Technology Use
  • The Fascinating World of Bees
  • The Essentials of Cybersecurity
  • The Benefits of Learning a Second Language
  • The Mysteries of the Deep Sea
  • The Pros and Cons of Freelancing
  • The Contributions of Leonardo da Vinci
  • The Importance of Civic Engagement
  • The History of Comic Books
  • The Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate
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  • The Influence of Cartoons on Children
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  • The Beauty of Haiku Poetry
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  • The Environmental Impact of Plastic Bags
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  • The Role of Antibodies in Immunity
  • The Phenomenon of Urban Exploration
  • The Value of Good Listening Skills
  • The Implications of Virtual Reality
  • The Benefits of Community Gardens
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  • The Ethics of Animal Testing
  • The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behavior
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  • The Rise of Augmented Reality
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  • The Psychological Impact of Color
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How to Make a 5 Minute Presentation | 30 Killer Ideas in 2024

Leah Nguyen ‱ 20 May, 2024 ‱ 11 min read

5 minute presentation - intriguing to the audience (no one likes to sit through a one-hour-feels-like-a-decade kind of talk), but a big nuisance to the presenters to decide what to put in. If not handled properly, everything will slip away from one's mind in the blink of an eye.

The clock is ticking, but you can keep your panic attack at bay with our step-by-step guide with free topics and examples. Get the full lowdown on how to make a 5 minute presentation for a team meeting, college class, sales pitch, or wherever else you need it!

Table of Contents

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  • 5-Minute Presentation Topic List

How to Make a 5-Minute Presentation

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5-Minute Presentation Examples

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5 Minute Presentation Ideas

First thing first, you should come up with a 5 minute presentation idea that's intriguing. Think about what makes the general audience, even you jump out of their seat and eagerly hear. What topic can you elaborate on better that's your niche? Get some sparks with our list below:

  • The danger of cyberbullying
  • Freelancing under the gig economy
  • Fast fashion and its environmental impacts
  • How podcast has evolved
  • Dystopian society in George Orwell's literature
  • Common health disorders you might have
  • What is aphasia?
  • Caffeine myths - are they real?
  • The perks of having a personality test
  • The rise and fall of Genghis Khan 
  • What happens to the brain when you’re in long-distance relationships?
  • Is it too late to care about the environment?
  • The consequences of relying on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • The ways anxiety disorders disrupt our life
  • 6 economic terms you need to know 
  • Gods in Greek mythology versus Roman mythology
  • Origins of Kungfu
  • Ethics of genetic modification
  • The supernatural strength of cockroaches
  • Is social media detox necessary?
  • The history of the Silk Road
  • What is the world’s most dangerous disease in the 21st century?
  • Reasons to do self-journaling everyday
  • New trends in careers
  • Five reasons to get some quality time for yourself
  • The best food to cook when you’re in a hurry
  • How to order the best Starbucks drink ever
  • Ideas and practices that you follow and would like others to know about
  • 5 ways to make a pancake
  • Introduction to blockchain 

Alternative Text

Start in seconds.

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Bonus Video ▶ How to make a 10-minute presentation

If you feel like a 5-minute presentation would be too stifling, stretch it to 10! Here's how to do that...

Remember, less is more, except when it comes to ice cream. 

That's why amid hundreds of methods to use, we've boiled it down into these four simple steps to make a killer 5-minute presentation.

Let's jump right in!

#1 - Choose your topic  

Wooden blocks spelling the word topic with a on/off block at the start. Use a 5-minute presentation topic list to choose the right topic for your short presentation

How do you know if that topic is "the one" for you? For us, the right topic ticks everything on this checklist:

✅ Stick to one key point. It's unlikely you'll have time to address more than one topic, so limit yourself to one and don’t go over it! 

✅ Know your audience. You don't want to waste time covering information they already know. Everyone knows 2 plus 2 is 4, so move on and never look back.

✅ Go with a simple topic. Again, explaining something that requires time should be off the checklist since you can't cover it all.

✅ Don't dwell on unfamiliar topics to minimise the time and effort you spend preparing the presentation. It should be something you already have on your mind.

Need some help finding the right topic for your short presentation? We've got 30 topics with different themes to captivate your audience.

#2 - Create your slides 

Unlike the long presentation format in which you can have as many slides as you want, a five-minute presentation typically has significantly fewer slides. Because imagine each slide would take you roughly 40 seconds to 1 minute to go through, that's already five slides in total. Not much to think about, eh? 

However, your slide count doesn't matter more than the essence each slide contains . We know that it's tempting to pack it full of text, but keep in mind that you should be the subject your audience focuses on, not a wall of text. 

Check these examples below.

Make the text bold to highlight important parts and use italics primarily to denote titles and the names of particular works or objects to allow that title or name to stand out from the surrounding sentence. The underlining text also helps draw attention to it, but it is most commonly used to represent a hyperlink on a webpage.

You obviously saw the second example and thought there's no way you're going to read through this on the big screen.

The point is this: keep slides straight, concise, and short, as you've got 5 minutes only. 99% of the info should come from your mouth.

When you’re keeping text minimal, don't forget to befriend visuals , as they can be your best sidekicks. Startling statistics, infographics, short animations, pictures of whales, etc., all are great attention grabbers and help you sprinkle your unique trademark and personality on each slide. 

And how many words should be there in a 5-minute speech script? It mainly depends on the visuals or data you show in your slides and also your speech speed. However, a 5-minute speech is roughly 700 words long. 

Secret tip: Go the extra length by making your presentation interactive. You can add a live poll , Q&A section , or quiz that illustrates your points and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

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Make the most of your 5 minutes with a free interactive presentation tool!

#3 - Get the timing right

When you're looking at this, we only have one thing to say: STOP PROCRASTINATING! For such a short presentation, there's virtually no time for "ah", "uh" or short pauses, because every moment counts. So, plan the timing of each section with military precision. 

How should it look? Check out the example below: 

  • 30 seconds on the introduction . And no more. If you spend too much time on the intro, your main part will have to be sacrificed, which is a no-no.
  • 1 minute on stating the problem . Tell the audience the problem you are trying to solve for them, i.e., what they are here for. 
  • 3 minutes on the solution . This is where you deliver the most essential info to the audience. Tell them what they need to know, not what is "nice to have". For example, if you're presenting how to make a cake, list each item's ingredients or measurement, as that’s all essential information. However, additional information like icing and presentation is not essential and can be cut.
  • 30 seconds on the conclusion . This is where you reinforce your main points, wrap up and have a call to action.
  • You can end with a small Q&A .  Since it isn’t technically a part of the 5-minute presentation, you can take as much time as you want to answer the questions. 

How many times should you practice a 5-minute speech? To nail these timings down, make sure you practice religiously. A 5-minute presentation requires more practice than a regular one, as you won’t have as much wiggle room or chance for improvisation.

Also, don't forget to check your equipment to ensure everything runs smoothly. When you’ve only got 5 minutes, you don't want to waste any time fixing the mic,  presentation, or other equipment.

#4 - Deliver your presentation 

this picture describes a women who is delivering her 5 minute presentation in a confident manner

Imagine you're watching an exciting video but it keeps.lagging.every.10.seconds. You’d be super annoyed, right? Well, so would your audience if you keep confusing them with abrupt, unnatural speech. 

It's normal to feel pressured to talk because you feel every minute is precious. But crafting the convo in a way that makes the crowd understand the assignment is so much more important. 

Our first tip for delivering a great presentation is to practice flowing . From the introduction to the conclusion, every part needs to connect and link with each other like glue.

Go between the sections repeatedly (remember to set the timer). If there's any part in which you feel the urge to speed up, then consider trimming it down or articulating it differently.

Our second tip is for reeling in the audience from the first sentence .

There are countless ways to start a presentation . You can get factual with a shocking, on-topic fact or mention a humorous quote that gets your audience laughing and melting away their (and your) tension.

Secret tip: Don't know if your 5-minute presentation makes an impact? Use a feedback tool to collect the audience's sentiment right away. It takes minimal effort, and you avoid losing valuable feedback along the way.

Use a feedback tool such as AhaSlides to collect the audience's sentiment right away.

5 Common Mistakes When Giving a 5-Minute Presentation

We overcome and adapt through trial and error, but it’s easier to avoid rookie mistakes if you know what they are👇

  • Going way past your allotted time slot. Since the 15 or 30-minute presentation format has long dominated the scene, keeping it brief is difficult. But unlike the long format, which gives you a bit of flexibility on time, the audience knows exactly what 5 minutes feels like and, therefore will expect you to condense the information within the time limit.
  • Having a decade-long introduction. Rookie mistake. Spending your precious time telling people who you are or what you’re going to do isn’t the best plan. As we said, we’ve got a bunch of beginning tips for you here . 
  • Don't dedicate enough time to prepare. Most people skip the practice part since they think it’s 5 minutes, and they can quickly fill that up, which is an issue. If in a 30-minute presentation, you can get away with “filler” content, the 5-minute presentation doesn’t even allow you to pause for more than 10 seconds.    
  • Devote too much time explaining complicated concepts. A 5-minute presentation doesn’t have room for that. If one point you’re explaining needs to link to other points for further elaboration, it’s always a good idea to revise it and dig deeper into only one aspect of the topic.
  • Putting too many complex elements. When making a 30-minute presentation, you might add different elements, such as storytelling and animation, to keep the audience engaged. In a much shorter form, everything needs to be straight to the point, so choose your words or the transition carefully.

To help you grasp how to make a 5-minute presentation, check these short presentation examples, to nail any message!

William Kamkwamba: 'How I Harnessed the Wind' 

This TED Talk video presents the story of William Kamkwamba, an inventor from Malawi who, as a kid experiencing poverty, built a windmill to pump water and generate electricity for his village. Kamkwamba’s natural and straightforward storytelling was able to captivate the audience, and his usage of short pauses for people to laugh is also another great technique.

Susan V. Fisk: ‘The Importance of Being Concise’

This training video offers helpful tips for scientists to structure their talk to fit the “5 Minute Rapid” presentation format, which is also explained in 5 minutes. If you plan to create a “How-to” quick presentation, look at this example.

Jonathan Bell: ‘How to Create a Great Brand Name’

As the title refers to itself, the speaker Jonathan Bell will give you a step-by-step guide on how to create a lasting brand name. He gets straight to the point with his topic and then breaks it down into smaller components. A good example to learn from.

PACE Invoice: ‘5 Min Pitch at Startupbootcamp’

This video shows how PACE Invoice , a start-up specialising in multi-currency payment processing, was able to pitch its ideas to investors clearly and concisely.

Will Stephen: ‘How to Sound Smart in Your TEDx Talk’

Using a humorous and creative approach, Will Stephen’s TEDx Talk guides people through the general skills of public speaking. A must-watch to craft your presentation into a masterpiece.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why a 5-minute presentation is important.

A 5-minute presentation shows the ability to manage time, grab the audience's attention, and mirror-like clarification as it requires lots of practice to make it perfect! Besides, there are various suitable speech topics for 5 minutes that you can refer to and adapt to your own.

Who gave the best 5-minute Presentation?

There are lots of impactful presenters over time, with the most famous man named Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk titled "Do Schools Kill Creativity?", which has been viewed millions of times and has become one of the most-watched TED talks of all time. In the talk, Robinson delivers a humorous and engaging presentation on the importance of nurturing creativity in education and society.

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

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10-Minute Presentation Topics | 50 Unique Ideas in 2024

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  • Short Speech Topics

give a 5 minute speech

You will find 20 excellent short speech topics below that work when time is limited. Choosing a meaningful short speech topic may difficult in some circumstances.

As Mark Twain once said

If you want me to give a 2 hour presentation, I am ready today. If you want only a 5 minute speech, it will take me 2 weeks to prepare.

Because it's infinitely harder to communicate ideas and make an impact in a short space of time.

This, then, makes it that much more important to choose the right short speech topic.

Choose the wrong theme for your speech and you will struggle to deliver a presentation that covers it adequately. Choose the right topic, however, and you can create something powerful that will stick in the minds of your listeners, even if you are only able to speak for a few minutes.

Tips for Creating a Short Speech

  • Pick something you feel strongly about. It's easier to make an impact in a short time when you speak with real passion.
  • Pick something your audience is interested in too! All the passion in the world won't engage your listeners if the topic hold no interest for them!
  • Consider speaking about a personal experience. Heartfelt emotions will be more keenly felt by your audience than those mustered up solely for the purpose of your speech!
  • Focus on keeping your phrases brief and your words simple. See this page for help with this . A short speech is not the place for meandering thoughts and complicated sentence structures. Conciseness is key!
  • Make sure your speech still includes the three key elements of any good presentation - a strong introduction , body and conclusion.
  • Clearly identify the purpose of your speech. Is it to inform? Educate? Motivate? Criticize? Explain? Make sure that every word you write supports your overall purpose.
  • Think hard before choosing a persuasive topic - this can be one of the most difficult types of speeches to deliver in a short space of time! It's not impossible, though - so be sure to have a strong argument if you want to convice people to think differently about something in only 5 minutes or so!
  • Create a good title (if you will have the opportunity to use one).

Example Formats for Your Short Speech

Here's a simple template for a short persuasive speech...


   1. _________    2. _________    3. _________

   For example....

   Treating All Children as 'Winners' - Regardless of Success - is Harmful


   1. It is not a reflection of real life.    2. It stifles competitiveness.    3. It does not reward hard work and achievement.


For example....

  • It is not a reflection of real life.
  • It stifles competitiveness.
  • It does not reward hard work and achievement.
  • Whilst no one should be criticized for failure, success should be recognized and honored in order to encourage competitiveness in our children.


   Have you always wondered how to make a paper plane that actually flies?


    Fly the plane!

Demonstrations make great short speeches because these are very visual and thus make a big impact - but time yourself beforehand to be absolutely sure that you can complete your demonstration in the time allowed! Choose a good short speech topic like the ones listed below to ensure a successful presentation.

Problem and Solution

Divide this speech into 2 parts.

  • First, set out the problem.
  • Then, present the solution .

The problem part should be the longest . This may sound illogical, but it gives the solution more impact when the problem is presented in detail. Describe the problem as vividly as possible and the audience will be looking forward to hearing your ingenious solution!

Short Speech Topics

20 Short Speech Topics

  • How social media is uniting the world
  • Why pets are better than children
  • 5 things to do with a Raspberry Pi
  • How to solve the problem of online trolls
  • My wish for humanity
  • How to take the perfect selfie
  • Why we should all be vegan
  • If I were an animal I'd be a______
  • A day in the life of a dollar bill
  • The butterfly effect (how one tiny change in circumstances can alter the course of your life - focus on one example)
  • 5 ways to save time in the kitchen
  • If I had 5 minutes to talk to Donald Trump I would _____
  • What advice I wish someone gave my parents before I was born
  • Why the Gettysburg Address is the best speech ever written
  • Online dating - cringeworthy or cool?
  • My most embarrassing moment
  • If I won the lottery I would _____
  • Why ______ is the best book ever written
  • Why it's sometimes necessary to lie
  • How to write a short speech (they won't be expecting that one!)

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How to Write a Great Five Minute Speech

by Anam Ahmed

Published on 8 May 2019

Writing a short speech is often much harder than writing a long one. Because you only have a small amount of time, it can feel like a lot of pressure to deliver important information. Writing a five-minute speech doesn’t need to be a complex task. Even if you are asked to speak at the last minute, you can outline the speech quickly in your head by relying on a few important speech writing techniques.

5-Minute Speech Topics

In business, there are many situations where you may be asked to give a five-minute speech. Some situations where you may need to give a short speech include:

  • Introducing a new employee to the staff
  • Speaking to staff about key company updates
  • Motivating employees before an important event
  • Providing investors with key business updates
  • Pitching services to customers and prospects

Regardless of what your five-minute speech is on, it’s important to take the time to carefully craft what you’re going to say. You don’t want to go off-topic and risk wasting your allotted time talking about something that isn’t relevant to your audience.

Create an Outline

A simple outline can make a 5-minute speech on anything more effective. Start your outline by creating minute-long sections of your speech. The middle three minutes are reserved for the key points you want to make in your speech. For example, if you’re speaking to employees about company updates, you can use those three minutes to talk about your sales numbers, organizational updates and new offerings.

The last minute of your speech is to sum up the main point of your message. If there is only one thing your audience takes away from your speech, what should it be? That is what you want to focus on in your last minute. For example, you can close by talking about how proud you are of your employees and recognize the hard work they have put in.

The first minute of your speech is reserved for the introduction. It’s often easier to write this section last after you’ve written the rest of your speech because you have a good idea of the themes you’re going to be touching on. Many strong orators start their speeches with a question or a personal story because it helps to make everyone feel at ease. For example, ask the staff whether they have a favorite moment from the last quarter, and share your favorite moment.

Stay Focused on the Topic at Hand

The key to writing a great five-minute speech is to cut out any unnecessary information . Use the time you have wisely by only focusing on the topic at hand. Resist the urge to go on tangents that don’t directly relate to your topic.

For example, when updating employees about the progress of the company, don’t start talking about the exciting marketing plans you have for the next quarter. Reserve that information for a different speaking opportunity as you won’t be able to cover everything in those five minutes.

Rehearse Your Five-Minute Speech Out Loud

Once you have written down your five-minute speech, practice saying it out loud. Time yourself to see how long it is. If you’re going over time, it means you need to cut out some details. If you’re way under five minutes, you have the opportunity to add in more information. If you’re coming in right at five minutes, you’ll still want to cut out some information. It’s always best to have about a 30-second buffer in case you spend more time on a section than you planned for.

Once you’ve got just the right amount of content for your speech, highlight the salient points of each sentence with a highlighter pen to give you visual cues about the speech. This way, you won’t need to read your speech word for word. You can just focus on the highlighted sections to jog your memory about that section and then you can extrapolate the rest. This appears much more natural than reading the entire speech.

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333 Informative Speech Topics To Rock Your Presentation

A powerful presentation covers a compelling topic that sparks your interest and hooks the audience. Use this master list to find your next great speech idea.

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You have been assigned a speech, presentation, or essay, but you have no clue what to talk about. A powerful presentation begins with a compelling topic that sparks your interest and hooks the audience. But you also need to discuss something you feel excited to research and discuss. 

This guide contains 333 informative speech topics for your next presentation, plus pro tips for delivering the best presentation possible.

What Is An Informative Speech?

Informative speeches aim to teach or instruct the audience about a topic. They include objective information and fact-based research but can incorporate a unique perspective, compelling storytelling , or a powerful take-home message. Unlike a celebratory wedding toast or an inaugural speech , informative speeches are written specifically to educate.

The six key types of informative speeches are: 

  • Definition speeches : This speech aims to explain a concept or theory. For example, a speech topic starting with “What is
?” is usually a definition-type informative speech. 
  • Explanatory speeches : These speeches explain how something works. For example, an explanatory speech could explain how your brain processes information or how an electric car works. 
  • Demonstrative speeches : These classic “how-to’s” show the audience how to perform a task and often include a visual presentation. For example, students could teach their classmates how to be more productive or cook a healthy meal.  
  • Comparative speeches : When a speaker compares or contrasts two alternative things, they help the audience understand the similarities or differences between two topics. For example, a comparative speech may weigh the pros and cons of private versus public schools. 
  • Descriptive speeches : This informative speech describes a person, place, or thing and explains why the subject is essential. For example, a student may teach their classmates about a historical figure, or an entrepreneur may give a descriptive speech about the specifics of their product idea.
  • Persuasive informative speeches : Although persuasive speeches are often categorized separately, some informative speeches can cross over into persuasion by using evidence to convince the audience why a particular method or perspective is better than its alternatives. For example, a salesperson may give a presentation to convince clients to buy their services, or a mental health advocate may give a speech to persuade people to do yoga more regularly. 

How To Pick An Informative Speech Topic: The Five W’s

Whether you want to give a top-notch school speech assignment or a groundbreaking TED Talk , the best informative speeches have one thing in common: they deliver a purposeful message with a captivating delivery. You must understand the basic who, what, when, where, and why to pick the perfect topic. 

  • Who: Before you start looking for topics, you should know who your audience is. A college speech class is a far different audience than a room of conference attendees. Consider what your audience is interested in, why they should care about your speech and their level of knowledge about the topic. If you talk about something too basic, they may be bored, but if you discuss something too technical, they may have difficulty understanding your speech. 
  • What: Consider your passions and existing knowledge about a subject. The “what” of your speech is the meat of the presentation. Imagine a three-circle Venn diagram. The three circles are labeled: “things I am interested in,” “things my audience cares about,” and “things I can research.” The center point where these three circles overlap is the sweet spot for your speech topic. 
  • When (Length): The length of your speech can drastically impact how in-depth you dive into the topic. A five-minute speech should cover a niche topic or a high-level concept. A thirty-minute to an hour-long presentation can teach about a more detailed topic. 
  • Where: If you’re giving a speech in a meeting room at an office, your performance will likely be very different from speaking on stage in a large auditorium. Consider where you will be speaking and what kind of technology (projector, large screen, whiteboard, etc.) you will have available. The geographic location of your speech can also determine your selection of a local or regional topic relevant to the community. 
  • Why: Most importantly, you should know the purpose of your speech. If your goal is to get a good grade, it may help you pay more attention to following the teacher’s rubric. If your goal is to convince the audience to make a lifestyle change or donate to an important cause, you should structure your speech with the core “why” in mind. 

The best speeches combine a simple message with charismatic delivery, an easily digestible structure, and something the audience can relate to. The essence of a great speech is that it arouses something in the audience, such as the motivation to take action or to see things in a new way.

List of Informative Speech Topics: 333 Ideas to Spark Your Creativity

In an informative speech, it is essential to have plenty of evidence or data to support your claims. But even the most well-researched presentation can feel hollow without the passion for delivering it authentically. 

As you explore ideas for your speech, you should naturally gravitate toward intriguing and exciting topics. Giving a speech about something you think your teacher or colleagues will like (rather than what you’re truly interested in) could ultimately be inauthentic or boring. Take note of what makes your heart beat a little faster and follow that curiosity . 

Easy Informative Speech Topics

If you’re in a pinch, choose a speech topic that doesn’t require extensive explanations to get the point across. It may be a good idea to avoid anything controversial or technical. Instead, choose a straightforward demonstrative or descriptive topic with a wide range of online information.

  • How to improve your communication skills
  • The most memorable speeches in history
  • Why you should buy an electric car 
  • The most popular cars of the year
  • How to read body language  
  • Top habits of successful people
  • The most famous actors in history
  • The benefits of time in nature
  • Lesser known presidents
  • Most popular breeds of dogs
  • The worst natural disasters in the world 
  • How to eat healthier  
  • Harmful impacts of technology
  • How to survive without electricity 
  • The richest people in the world 
  • The top companies in the world
  • Child geniuses and prodigies
  • How does sugar influence the body?
  • The history of Disneyland
  • How to break bad habits
  • Top beauty products for younger skin
  • How to do your homework faster 
  • How to be more productive  
  • High school students should do these 5 things before graduating
  • Why high school students should take a gap year before college
  • The best healthy snacks 
  • Why you should go vegan
  • How to be more confident  
  • How to start a business
  • Fashion through the decades 

Pro Tip : Start your speech with an attention-grabbing hook that draws the audience in to listen. Try not to start by mentioning a technical difficulty (“Is this microphone working?”) or saying a lackluster nicety (“Thanks for having me.”).

Instead, try starting with:

  • A story: “I’m here for a reason. And It’s an interesting story
  • A big idea: “The single most important thing I want to share with you today is
  • A quirky one-liner or interesting fact: “You might have always thought

Here is a guide on How to Start a Speech: Best and Worst Speech Openers . 

You can also watch our video to learn the best (and worst) speech openers:

Informative Speech Topics for College

If public speaking isn’t scary enough, college speech classes can be brutal. You want to impress your professor without thoroughly embarrassing yourself in front of your peers. These topics are scholarly without being boring. 

  • How you can reduce your carbon footprint
  • Different forms of learning
  • The truth about microplastics and possible alternatives
  • How to ace a college test 
  • Why schools shouldn’t give homework 
  • America’s fastest-growing cities
  • The differences between female and male communication
  • The best marketing tactics
  • The importance of education for a country’s economy 
  • Ethical questions of artificial intelligence
  • Unique ways to stop global climate change
  • How to live to be 100
  • Benefits of E-learning
  • History of education in America
  • How to eradicate poverty
  • The real picture of foster care in America
  • How to decide on a college major
  • Pros and cons of the current education system
  • Economics of urban versus rural development
  • The history of agriculture 
  • How ancient Egyptians built the pyramids
  • How to prevent the top 5 leading causes of death in America
  • Understanding industrial hemp
  • Pros and cons of remote work
  • How college students can become millionaires by age 50 with monthly investing
  • How to start an organic garden
  • Private vs. public school
  • The importance of discipline
  • The most useful websites for college students
  • Where does public university funding come from

Fun Informative Speech Topics

Most people don’t realize that playful topics like video games and reality TV can still be informative. These less serious subjects have the potential to become great speeches that invoke laughter, excitement, or new perspectives. 

  • Can procrastination be good for you?
  • Myth or reality? We only use 10% of our brains
  • The funniest commercials of all time
  • Bizzare sports you didn’t know existed 
  • How snake venom attacks the body
  • What will humans look like in the future? 
  • Weirdest medical facts
  • The strangest phobias 
  • Secrets to a great relationship
  • The fastest cars in the world 
  • What causes hiccups
  • Evidence of life on Mars 
  • The world history of tattoos 
  • Why college students love fast food 
  • The evolution of video games 
  • How cryptocurrency can change finance 
  • Where do stereotypes come from?
  • The most bizarre conspiracy theories 
  • The most influential musicians of our time
  • Top craziest amusement park rides in the world
  • The most fun things to do when you’re bored
  • History of tattoo art
  • The seven wonders of the world
  • How to survive an annoying roommate
  • The truth about reality shows
  • How to create a bucket list
  • The secrets behind the best TV shows 
  • Weirdest foods taste surprisingly delicious
  • How to talk to people you don’t like 

Interesting Informative Speech Topics

The most viral TED Talks combine a compelling or unique idea with exceptional nonverbal delivery. These interesting topics are sure to get your audience thinking.

  • The neuroscience of attraction
  • Mind-blowing facts about volcanoes
  • The psychology of selling things 
  • Why you should turn your lawn into a garden
  • Proof that aliens are real/fake 
  • How to start a business for under $100
  • The history of America from a minority perspective 
  • How technology affects our brains
  • What would happen to the economy if everyone grew their own food?
  • The science and ethics of genetic modification 
  • How the electric car originated 
  • Elon Musk’s rise to success 
  • What is neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)?
  • How deaf people talk with emotion 
  • Why smiles are contagious 

Informative Speech Topics About Science

From biology to chemistry to genetics, science encompasses many subjects. Where modern technology meets cutting-edge discoveries, these topics are for inquisitive researchers who want to dig into the data. 

  • How your brain works
  • History of space exploration
  • How solar panels work
  • The evolution of plants
  • Fascinating origins of plant medicines
  • How DNA evidence is used
  • How galaxies are formed 
  • How science is influenced by corporations 
  • Why dinosaurs really went extinct
  • The oldest fossils ever found 
  • How does the human brain work?
  • The effects of music on the brain  
  • The life of Albert Einstein
  • How earthquakes can be predicted
  • The craziest scientists in history
  • What is CRISPR?
  • Potential cures for cancer 
  • What is epigenetics?

Pro Tip : Google Scholar and PubMed are two excellent resources for peer-reviewed scientific literature. Accredited institutions conduct these studies and have undergone the rigor of the scientific method. They even include easy copy-and-paste citations if you need to turn in a bibliography with your speech.

Informative Speech Topics about Animals 

From cuddly pets to the alien-like mystery creatures of the deep ocean, animals are universally fascinating. 

  • How to train a dog
  • The most dangerous animals in the ocean
  • How elephants use plants to medicate themselves 
  • The science behind the fastest animals in the world
  • Can depression be treated with emotional support animals?
  • Comparing reptiles versus mammals
  • The strongest animal in the world
  • Top 10 strangest animals on Earth
  • Comparing human and primate brains
  • Animals that have their own languages
  • Ethical questions with animal testing
  • What causes animals to become extinct? 
  • How to adopt a cat
  • Pros and cons of the pet adoption system
  • Is it kind to keep a monkey as a pet?

Informative Speech Topics Sports

Fitness, sports medicine, and professional sports teams are just scraping the surface regarding this subject. You can talk about the inspiring life of your favorite player or game history. The speech topics are perfect for anyone who loves to sweat and cheer.

  • How sports teach kids discipline 
  • The importance of physical activity for stress relief
  • Why companies should promote workplace fitness programs  
  • Top-paying careers in sports 
  • How people with disabilities can still play sports
  • Football culture in the American south 
  • The importance of sports for children’s socialization
  • The role of sports and masculinity in young boys 
  • Gambling problems in sports
  • What makes a great sports coach? 
  • The best football players of all time 
  • How yoga can complement workouts
  • How to prevent sports injuries 
  • The best physical therapy for college athletes
  • The life of Michael Jordan
  • Game-changing athletes in history 
  • Lebron James’ secret to success  
  • How Jackie Robinson transformed baseball 
  • The best nutrition for athletes, based on science
  • Top vegan athletes in the world 
  • Why cheerleading is/isn’t a real sport
  • Controversial moments in the Olympics 
  • Modern controversies about transgender athletes 
  • The most extreme sports in the world
  • How hockey changed my life
  • Pros and cons of CrossFit
  • Why swimming is one of the healthiest workouts
  • How adult hobby sports can improve socialization
  • Daily exercise improves mental health 
  • The best at-home workouts
  • Top marketing strategies used by the Super Bowl
  • How the Olympics promotes international peace 
  • Should pro athletes have salary caps?
  • How college athletes go pro
  • Top female athletes in the world
  • Interesting sports from around the world
  • Why height is not the most important factor in basketball
  • Why soccer is the most popular international sport
  • Why women’s soccer gets less media coverage than men’s
  • The best solo sports for introverts 
  • How handicapped people can still play sports 
  • The most inspirational handicapped athletes 

Bonus Tip: Level Up Your Speech With Stage Presence

Did you know that public speaking is actually a skill? Many people struggle with stage anxiety because they feel they ‘missed the memo’ on public speaking or they are lacking because they do not have a natural stage presence. Not true!

Stage presence and public speaking are skills you need to be taught—very few people have them naturally. 

Watch our video to learn 7 steps to overcome stage fright and beat performance anxiety:

Here are all the aspects of public speaking you can master.

  • How to make a first impression with an audience
  • How to have stage presence
  • Powerful body language
  • How to speak with a commanding voice
  • What to do with your hands while speaking

For every speaking skill you add to your toolbox, the less speaking anxiety you will feel.

If you want help really diving into your presentation skills, be sure to sign-up for our course

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Master Your People Skills

  • Create a Memorable Presence
  • Communicate with Confidence
  • Achieve Your Goals

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Cultural Informative Speech Topics

Learning about different cultures can drastically expand your viewpoint of the world. These speech ideas cover everything from language to ancient history to pop culture. 

  • How to learn about local culture while traveling
  • The importance of workplace culture
  • How to build a positive corporate culture 
  • How social media connects and promotes culture 
  • The oldest cultures in the world 
  • Modern versus traditional gender roles 
  • How women have transformed corporate leadership 
  • The dangers of hustle culture
  • How social media culture impacts self-esteem
  • How to learn from watching movies
  • The rise of podcasts and their role in modern culture 
  • The role of social media in business 
  • How immigrants maintain cultural traditions in their new countries
  • Ancient archeological artifacts you’ve never heard of
  • Native American spiritual traditions
  • Holy herbs and plants across global cultures
  • How to make an African tribal basket
  • The portrayal of black culture in the media
  • Culture of Scandinavia
  • Burial rituals in ancient Mesopotamia 
  • History and meaning of the Om symbol
  • The history of Buddhism
  • How to show respect in Japanese culture
  • The cultural history of African Americans 
  • Chinese traditional foods 
  • Top 10 foreign dishes you have to try before you die
  • The most important spiritual symbols in the world
  • Generational differences in Mexican culture
  • The symbolism of marigolds in Mexican traditions
  • What is Dia De Los Muertos?  

Want to radically improve your presentation skills? Watch our video for 10 presentation ideas:

Informative Speech Topics About History

They say, “history repeats itself.” Consider giving a unique or lesser-known perspective about historical events for a thought-provoking speech. Use museum artifacts and first-hand accounts to guide your points. 

  • The Civil Rights Movement
  • The oldest civilizations in the world
  • Nelson Mandela’s historical impact
  • The truth about colonization and Thanksgiving 
  • How the Industrial Revolution impacted the environment 
  • The real story of the Titanic 
  • The craziest criminals in history  
  • What caused the Great Depression? 
  • What schools get wrong about black history 
  • Religion during the age of the Aztecs
  • Archeological evidence of aliens
  • Ancient history of dogs and wolves 
  • What caused the Salem witch trials?
  • The American Revolution
  • The role of Christianity in slavery
  • Human rights violations throughout history
  • How life changed for Native Americans after colonization 
  • The role of urbanization on the changing American landscape
  • The cowboy era: myths and truths 
  • The American Constitution
  • The most influential people in world history
  • Forming of the United Nations
  • What caused World War I?
  • Financial panics and recessions throughout history
  • The Prohibition era 
  • What led to consumerism in society? 
  • The Vietnam War
  • The California Gold Rush
  • The true story of Pocahontas
  • Little-known facts about Mexican history

Informative Speech Topics About Music

Music is the soundtrack to our lives. Beyond mere entertainment, its impact dives into the roots of culture, identity, and brain function. Here are some exciting ways to incorporate your love of music into an informative speech. 

  • How music can help mental health 
  • Why you should learn an instrument
  • How listening to music improves your productivity
  • Genres of music 
  • Links between classical music and IQ
  • Why do people bond over music 
  • Rarest instruments in the world
  • The easiest instruments to play
  • Best country musicians of all time
  • How hip hop music has shaped culture in America
  • Evolution of rap and hip hop 
  • The origins of rock n’ roll in southern blues music
  • The history of opera
  • The best electronic dance music
  • The impact of reggae music
  • How punk rock got its start 
  • How folk music shaped Appalachia 
  • Country music hall of fame
  • Must-see musical landmarks around the world
  • Importance of gospel music
  • The ethics of sampling other artist’s music
  • How music shapes subculture 
  • Has social media made record companies obsolete?
  • The importance of musical education in public schools
  • Music as a form of protest
  • How sad music helps you overcome heartbreaks
  • Why music shapes generations
  • How dancing can change your mindset
  • From the phonograph to iPhone: History of music machines

Health Informative Speech Topics

The ever-changing landscape of health offers a wealth of resources. Leave an impact on your audience by inspiring them to improve their eating habits or approach healthy living in a new way. Be sure to find the right sources for these speeches to make sure you are citing correct health science.

  • How to extend your lifespan 
  • Links between diet and mental illnesses 
  • How to cook healthy food on a budget 
  • Why a daily walk outside can transform your health
  • History of herbal medicine 
  • Let food be thy medicine: From Hippocrates to modern day food pyramid
  • Why you should do yoga for 15 minutes a day
  • Benefits and drawbacks of a vegetarian diet
  • The healthiest fruits in the world 
  • What is really in processed food?
  • Is weight lifting or cardio better for burning fat?
  • How agriculture affects our health
  • The gut microbiome
  • The dangers of pesticides in our food system
  • How soil health impacts human health 
  • Who controls the food system? 
  • The science behind keto diets
  • The dangers of low-fat diets
  • Top 5 best foods for brain function
  • The daily habits of the healthiest people in the world
  • Differences in definitions of health
  • European versus American food ingredients 
  • The role of fats in brain function 
  • How to fix a headache
  • The benefits of magnesium
  • The best supplements, according to science 
  • The main signs of a stroke
  • The chronic disease epidemic in America 
  • How to lose weight the healthy way
  • Why you should avoid eating seed oils
  • Why you should stop eating gluten 
  • How to prevent arthritis
  • The real causes of diabetes
  • Is meat actually bad for you? Pros and cons
  • How to stop the mental health epidemic 
  • How dental health impacts your digestion
  • Amazing benefits of black seed oil
  • The Harvard Longevity Project: Why happy people live longer
  • Ancient health remedies from around the world
  • Why you should eat fermented foods
  • Causes of cancer and how to prevent it
  • Why people should donate their organs
  • Effects of radiation
  • The healthiest cultures in the world 
  • Why obesity is a modern problem
  • How to have stronger bones
  • Healthcare access for minorities
  • Why fast food restaurants are addictive
  • Pros and cons of salt
  • How to overcome stress
  • The dangers of e-cigarettes
  • People need to drink more water
  • The insurance and healthcare system in America
  • How friendships improve your health
  • Why couples should exercise together
  • Benefits of dark chocolate
  • Dangerous food additives you’ve never heard of
  • Easy ways to improve your nutrition
  • How to reverse hair loss
  • Secrets to have healthy hair
  • Benefits and drawbacks of stem cell research 
  • Why you should stop drinking soda
  • How to reduce asthma attacks
  • Health benefits of ginger
  • Why you should drink tea

Key Takeaways: Find Inspiration for a Speech

Any informative topic can be used to craft a speech, but a showstopping presentation requires thinking outside the box and approaching your speech from a unique point of view. Before you settle on a topic for your next speech, be sure that your speech idea is:

  • Authentically interesting : Discussing something that doesn’t spark your interest is no use. Choose a topic or idea that you actually care about for an authentic and passionate delivery. 
  • Relevant to your audience : If you don’t know your audience, you might as well be speaking to a wall. Professional presenters understand the general knowledge level of their audience and what information will be valuable or interesting to them. 
  • Easy to research : Obscure topics can be alluring and challenging to research. Choose a topic that has plenty of information available in books or online. Be sure to use reputable sources and cite them when necessary.
  • The proper length : The depth and detail of your speech ultimately depend on the length of time you have to talk. Pick a subject that you can thoroughly describe in the allotted time frame.  

Once you narrow down a few of your favorite topic ideas, start brainstorming how you want your speech to impact the audience. Use these 10 Presentation Ideas That Will Radically Improve Your Presentation Skills , such as:

  • Why you should save the best for first and last
  • How to design epic presentation slides
  • Why you shouldn’t over-rehearse
  • How to own the stage 

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Persuasive Speech Topics for a Five-Minute Speech

How to Write a Speech Running for City Council

How to Write a Speech Running for City Council

Persuasive five-minute speeches help high school and college students practice reasoning and public speaking skills. Topics should center on subject matter that's controversial, so students can develop convincing arguments. Teachers, parents and tutors can help students organize their ideas to ensure that the topic is narrow enough to discuss in five minutes. As a student, choose which side of the argument to represent in your speech but provide strong details and supportive, credible evidence to back your views.

Highly Debatable Topics

A persuasive speech requires you to take a strong stance. Select a topic, such as animal rights and scientific experimentation, the distribution of contraceptives in high schools or the cloning of humans, and choose a side to support. Focus your arguments on a specific angle on the topic, so you can effectively cover the material in five minutes. For example, if you're arguing that the cloning of humans is ethical, focus on the benefits of stem cell research and development.

Call to Action

Select a topic that encourages your audience to respond, making a call to action. The goal of a five-minute persuasive speech is to quickly capture your listeners' attention and convince them that their involvement can make a difference . For example, when arguing that junk food in vending machines in high schools contributes to childhood obesity, suggest that your listeners' call the board of education to request healthier vending foods. Or, argue that cities should provide free public Wi-Fi to their residents, and encourage your audience to write or call the mayor's office requesting it. Include reasons, examples and statistics to support your arguments.

Historical Arguments

Choose a controversial incident or topic in history and argue a specific angle . Ensure that the topic is specific rather than broad or generalized so that you can cover it in five minutes. The goal of a short, historical persuasive speech is to quickly and effectively present logical arguments that convince listeners to consider and possibly even support your views. For example, argue that the New Deal wasn't an effective solution to the Great Depression or that the attack on Pearl Harbor was the major turning point in World War II. Or, argue that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki wasn't morally justifiable.

Avoid Core Values

Choose a topic that strives to change or influence your audience's dispositional beliefs -- judgments that may change over time -- rather than their core beliefs, suggests the peer-reviewed academic resource Writing Commons. In five minutes, you don't have time to try to change your listeners' core values. Avoid topics such as the existence of a higher power or the importance of moral conduct, which are too broad to address in a short time. Opt for topics that your audience might not have considered or may be willing to change their minds about , such as the benefits of video game censorship, dress codes at high schools or school tuition vouchers.

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give a 5 minute speech


How I Learned To Give A Powerful Talk In Under 5 Minutes

Most of the time, you won’t have a captive audience for 20 uninterrupted minutes anyway.

How I Learned To Give A Powerful Talk In Under 5 Minutes

BY  Michelle Lam 5 minute read

Presenting in front of a crowd usually gives me the shakes. I compensate by talking quickly through slides stuffed with facts. I rarely rehearse. Instead, I’ll usually keep a few main points in my head and improvise the rest of a 15- to 20–minute talk.

In my experience, my approach to public speaking was never great to begin with. In addition, while longer, formal talks are important, I still wanted to make an impact out of much briefer chances to say a few words.

That’s why Brady Forrest and Bre Pettis founded Ignite Talks in 2006, after being barred from participating in another speaking community. Ignite is based around what it calls the “short story talk,” a format designed to make the most of really strict time constraints: five minutes max, with up to 20 slides that auto advance every 15 seconds. Every sentence counts.

In the 10 years since its founding, Ignite has hosted over 300 speaking events worldwide, at venues as diverse as schools in Africa to the White House. This year I was invited to participate in Ignite’s first-ever event at South by Southwest in Austin, Texas, as part of an eclectic lineup of 40 speakers.

When I accepted Ignite’s invitation to speak, I knew I would have to invest the time to properly prepare a “short story” talk. “Figure out what the essence of your message is,” Forrest insists. “And deliver it fast.” Here’s how I learned to do that.

Less Time Means More Forethought

“If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter,” the philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal wrote in 1657. What he found is still true today: Concision usually takes more upfront work and strategic thinking than long-windedness.

But the benefits of keeping it short are often long lasting. “Ignite helped me create Startup Metrics for Pirates in 2007,” Dave McClure tells me. “I put together all the disparate pieces of my startup advice in one coherent philosophy.” McClure’s five-minute talks are peppered with profanity, and emojis grace his slides. But he founded the renowned incubator 500 Startups in 2010 based partly on his Ignite talk, which distilled McClure’s philosophy to its essence.

Ondi Timoner, the only two-time recipient of Sundance’s Grand Jury Prize for documentaries, mentions that “speaking at TedxKC and my Masterclass allowed me to reflect on my journey behind a camera. However, Ignite’s five-minute limit forced me to identify the most vital stepping stones in the narrative of my work.”

For me, honing the story of my company True&Co was a chance to practice imaginative consumer-ready messaging in front of a live audience. One of the messages I worked into my Ignite talk later evolved into a key page of a new print catalog we released nationwide.

7 Tips For Super-Short Speeches

These are a few of the key lessons I’ve learned about giving powerful talks in just five minutes.

1. Focus on the problem you’re solving. Speakers often make the mistake of promoting a company or a product, which puts audiences off. Most listeners don’t sign up for a commercial, but they are interested in the problem you encountered, why you thought it was important, and how you solved it in a novel way. Present the puzzle and your solution, and you won’t sound promotional.

2. Speak to the audience, not yourself. “Speaking clubs taught me that public speaking is more than words strung together. It is an opportunity to take my audience on a journey with me,” notes Elaine Lee, a former volunteer city governor for Toastmasters (and, in full disclosure, my cousin). She has a point: Facts may be intriguing, but only stories are truly engaging. The latest data that you tried so hard to remember often doesn’t register–the overall emotional arc of your narrative is what’s really memorable.

3. Start simple, with just a couple words per slide. Outline your talk and build your deck with only the barest amount of text on each slide–pare it down to just one or two words apiece. Then record yourself, and force yourself to listen to your talk. Iterate and repeat. Only then should you spend the time finding the perfectly evocative, just-so phrasing.

4. No notes, no memorizing. Improvising can make it more difficult to get your key message across, but it’s pretty much always better than reciting a speech from your notes. You’ll lose the connection with your audience and come across as rote and inauthentic if you do. When you practice, focus on remembering how you flow from one point to the next, not word to word or sentence to sentence.

5. Humor is great–if it’s natural. You don’t have to be funny. There’s nothing more painful than forced humor. But I’ve found that a shortened format makes it more natural, because you don’t really have time to wind up to a punchline. “People are more likely to laugh during short talks, because you are doing something that is unnatural ,” Forrest says. “Everybody knows . . . and appreciates it.”

6. If you mess up, carry on. You are the only one who knows what you were about to say, or that your last slide was wrong. If you don’t give it away, no one will ever know.

7. Practice with like-minded folks. Remember that “speaking club” audiences are the most supportive in the world–whether it’s Ignite or any other group you hunt down so you can practice your own speaking chops, you’ll find a community of people who’ve deliberately sought out to do the same. Chances are you’ll be able to learn from one another much better than you could had you just practiced in front of a mirror or video recorder for hours by yourself.

Michelle Lam is the founder of the innovative, data-driven bra retailer True&Co . Lam was previously an investor at Boston Consulting Group and Microsoft Corporate Strategy and was Bain Capital Ventures’s first female principal.

Apply to the Most Innovative Companies Awards and be recognized as an organization driving the world forward through innovation. Early-rate deadline: Friday, August 30.

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How to Give an Inspirational Speech in 5 Minutes or Less

funny guest speaker

Is it possible to motivate your team in under five minutes? Yes! People are more distracted than ever today, and they need short bits of inspiration to keep them focused. The biggest challenge most leaders have is they speak for too long, and the audience gets bored or distracted. 

Studies show   attention is highest in the first ten minutes of a speech and decreases steadily after that point. Some of the best motivational speeches in history( Gettysburg address,  Winston Churchill  ) have been less than twenty minutes.

A leader's best way to motivate others is to give regular short motivational speeches.

An Inspirational Speech in Five Minutes or Less

A motivational speech is a collection of small snippets of inspiration that can be taken apart and delivered on their own. The best motivational speeches are short so that the ideas are memorable.  The most strong statements are those that don't conjure up the traditional image of 'speech' but, instead, take the audience on an enjoyable journey from one thought to the next.

Here are some tips to construct a quick and timely motivational speech:

OPEN. Get their attention. Keynote speakers know you have   10 seconds or less   to get people's attention. Don't smother the group with facts and information. Open with some drama and create some excitement:

Say something startling or provocative. 

Use relevant, timely information.

Share a short, funny, motivational story that links to the goal of your motivational speech.

Decide what needs to be said and what doesn't . Something most people overlook, people will only remember a few points from your speech.  Don't overwhelm people with too much information, especially technical information that requires study and deliberation to understand. Decide what your primary goal is (what you want to motivate people to do), then focus and simplify your message around this.

Close with impact . To end an inspirational speech, quickly sum up your points and leave the audience with an inspirational and uplifting message. Every motivational speech should give people hope, a feeling that things are progressing, and that their efforts are making a difference.

Delivery.  An inspirational speech is part content and part delivery. I believe delivery is even more important than information. Content has become a commodity easily accessible through Google. People can get information quickly online, why should they listen to you? 

 Your ability to deliver the message with charisma will make your inspirational speech impactful.

Prepare . Don't wing it or read a script. Looking effortless requires effort.

When giving an inspirational speech, focus on increasing your energy level, pausing after important points and speak  to  the audience, not at them.

Capture People's Attention with Humor,  funny motivational speakers  Lecture, Say Hello to Humor and Goodbye to Burnout!

Topics: inspirational speech , funny motivational speeches , funny motivational speakers

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Interesting 5 Minute Speech Topics

Interesting 5 Minute Speech Topics

5-minute presentation topics, 5 minute presentation ideas, 5 minute presentation topics, 5 minute speech topics, 5-minute presentation topics for college students, five minute speech topics.

Interesting 5 minute speech topics: Are you looking for the best 5-minute presentation topics to catch your listener’s attention? We have compiled the best list of these topics that are based on real-life issues like health, love, sports, education, food, business, and many more

1. The benefits of being positive in life

2. How to express gratitude

3. Why it is important to support climate change

4. Simple strategies for success

5. Benefits of being a good communicator

5-minute presentation topics

6. Education and its importance in the society

7. Responsible use of social media

8. Habits that promote time management

9. Habits of successful people.

10. Simple daily routine for healthy living

11. How to develop a reliable budget

12. Domestication of horses

13. Ethics of posting pictures of your children on social media

15. Ethics of zoos

16. Finding a roommate

17. How does compound interest work?

18. How important are grandparents

19. How Internet ads are tailored to you

20. How to become a good marketer

21. How to win a race.

Read: 1 Minute Persuasive Speech Topics

1. How to advertise your business on Facebook

2. How to apply for a mortgage

3. How to choose a college

4. How to compromise on names for your kids

5. How to fight effectively

6. How to find the money to go to college  

7. How Kickstarter changed everything

8. How long are giraffes in labor

9. How many kids should you have?

10. How much control should the federal government have over curriculum design?

11. How much exercise does your pet need?

12. How to get an amicable divorce

13. How to have a happy marriage

14. How to help a child with nightmares

15. How to keep a goldfish alive for a long time

16. How to limit screen time

17. How to make a brine for pickling

Read: Environmental Speech Topics

1. How to make your own wine

2. How to negotiate a raise

3. How to protect your personal information

4. How to use a hashtag

5. Ideas for narrowing down a career choice

6. Importance of hydration

7. Improving your credit score

8. IRA vs. Roth IRA

9. Is rare meat safe?

10. Media during World War II

11. Microbrews vs. standard brewing

12. Middle child syndrome

13. Military advancements between World War I and World War II

14. Most effective exercise for burning calories

15. Negative effects of school vouchers

16. Picking the right vet

17. Privacy and social media

Read: Easy Topics to Talk About In a Presentation

18. Renting vs. buying

19. Signs of an abusive relationship

20. Sleeping with your dog

21. Snapchat etiquette

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Read: Examples of Social Issues in America

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2. When to start saving for retirement

3. When to transplant sprouts

4. Where did brunch begin?

5. Why charter schools are bad

6. Why cleanses don’t work

7. Why it’s bad to use your smartphone right before bed

8. Why it’s better to adopt a pet from a shelter

9. Why pineapple belongs on a pizza

10. Why should you get goats in pairs

11. Why you shouldn’t post your location on social media

1. The risk of cyberbullying.

2. How to create a short YouTube video?

3. Simple Marketing tips that lead a to sale.

4. Creating a simple podcast.

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7. 5 ways to improve your concentration level.

8. How to plan your day effectively?

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1. Attracting the right people in your life.

2. Benefits of charter schools.

3. Best juice diet.

4. Best plants for a backyard garden.

5. Bringing back endangered species.

6. Bananas and plantains.

7. Choosing the perfect leash for your dog

8. Choosing your family

9. Crowdfunded loans vs. the bank

10. Discipline in the classroom

11. Do essential oils really work?


Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.


Dialing In to Fox News, Trump Offers a Rambling Rebuttal to Harris’s Speech

The network ended the live interview after 10 minutes. Beeps could be heard as the former president seemed to accidentally press the buttons on the keypad of his phone.

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Donald J. Trump stands in front of a wall at the southern border. Several people are standing or walking nearby.

By Michael M. Grynbaum and Michael Gold

Michael Grynbaum reported from Chicago. Michael Gold reported from Tucson, Ariz.

  • Aug. 23, 2024

Former President Donald J. Trump was watching television on Thursday night and he did not like what he saw.

His Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, and her allies were accusing him of groveling to dictators, imperiling democracy, and betraying American values.

So Mr. Trump picked up the telephone and called Fox News. The network patched him in to its live coverage of the Democratic convention — moments after Ms. Harris had deemed him, in her speech, “an unserious man” — and the former president proceeded to issue a meandering, stream-of-consciousness rebuttal.

Several times, the Fox anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum tried to interject to ask a question. Several times, Mr. Trump ignored them. “Mr. President, let me interrupt,” Mr. Baier pleaded at one point. Mr. Trump kept talking.

The call-in — which lasted for 10 minutes, until Fox News informed Mr. Trump that the network had run out of time — was hastily arranged. Network producers confirmed the interview less than a half-hour before Ms. Harris began her prime-time remarks.

Still, Mr. Trump did not want to wait until after the speech to weigh in. While Ms. Harris was speaking, he took to his social media platform, Truth Social, to provide real-time commentary.

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Democratic National Convention 2024 LIVE Updates: Kamala Harris speaking at DNC; Celebrities, speakers gather

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Hï»żello and welcome to our rolling coverage on Friday, August 23, of the final day of the Democratic National Convention.

Kamala Harris will today accept her party's nomination for president during a speech in which she's widely expected to offer her vision and policy agenda to the American people.

YOU CAN WATCH THE NIGHT IN THE PLAYER ABOVE OR AT THIS LINK READ MORE: Who is Tim Walz? Five things to know about Kamala Harris' running mate

READ MORE: ï»ż Oprah gets a standing O as she delivers endorsement for Harris

READ MORE: Donald Trump leaves bulletproof case at first outdoor rally since shooting

IN PICTURES: ï»ż Rule breaker, record maker: Kamala Harris' life and career

That's where we'll leave our live blog of the Democratic National Convention.

You can read our analysis of Kamala Harris's speech here .

Thanks for reading.

For all the talk of a surprise guest, there didn't seem to be one.

Instead the final night of the Democratic National Convention has finished earlier than previous nights.

The speculation of an appearance by Beyonce was so breathless that the singer's representation had to issue an official denial.

Instead the night has ended with a benedict by a rabbi and minister after Kamala Harris and her family walked off the stage.

Kamala Harris has finished her speech at the Democratic National Convention to a raucous audience.

She was then joined on stage by her husband Doug Emhoff and Vice President Tim Walz and his wife Gwen.

At about 40 minutes, it was considerably shorter than Donald Trump's speech at the RNC.

Last month's speech by Trump went for 90 minutes.

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Kamala Harris has spoken in defence of both Israel and Palestine.

"Now is the time to get a hostage deal and a ceasefire deal done," she said.

"I will always stand up for Israel's right to defend itself and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself, because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that a terrorist organisation called Hamas caused on October 7.

"President Biden and I are working to end this war, such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can realise their right to dignity, security, freedom, and self-determination."

She said that tyrants and dictators like Kim Jong-un are "rooting for Trump".

"They know he is easy to manipulate with flattery and favours," she said.

"They know Trump won't hold autocrats accountable because he wants to be an autocrat himself."

A stark contrast to previous Democratic conventions is Kamala Harris' rhetoric on border security.

In recent years, Democrats have tried to walk a softer line on the issue of immigration.

But Harris has taken a tougher line.

"Last year, Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades.

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"But Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign.

So he ordered his allies in congress to kill the deal."

Trump responded on his social media platform: "She wants to spend all of our money on Illegal Immigrants that are invading our Country!"

Kamala Harris is speaking about perhaps the greatest dividing line between the major parties - abortion rights.

She noted Donald Trump bragged about appointing judges to the Supreme Court who overturned national abortion rights.

"I've travelled across our country and women have told me their stories - husbands and fathers have shared theirs, stories of women miscarrying in a parking lot, developing sepsis, losing the ability to ever again have children, all because doctors are afraid they may go to jail for caring for their patients, couples just trying to grow their family, cut off in the middle of IVF treatments, children who have survived sexual assault, potentially being forced to carry a pregnancy to term.

"This is what's happening in our country, because of Donald Trump."

She said Trump and his allies would limit access to birth control, ban medication abortion and enact a nationwide abortion ban.

"Simply put - they are out of their minds," she said.

"One must ask - why, exactly, is it that they don't trust women?"

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Kamala Harris has steered her speech to a pointed attack on her opponent.

"In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man," she said.

"But the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious.

"Consider not only the chaos and calamity when he was in office, but also the gravity of what has happened since he lost the last election.

"Donald Trump tried to throw away your votes. When he failed, he sent an armed mob to the United States Capitol, where they assaulted law enforcement officers."

The raucous crowd chanted "Not going back" as Harris spoke.

"We are charting and we are charting a new way forward," Harris said.

"Forward to a future with a strong and growing middle class, because we know a strong middle class has always been critical to America's success, and building that middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency."

Kamala Harris is leaning into her history as a criminal prosecutor in her speech.

Early on she spoke about the moment she decided to be a prosecutor.

"When I was in high school, I started to notice something about my best friend, Wanda.

"She was sad at school, and there were times she didn't want to go home.

"So one day, I asked if everything was alright. And she confided in me that she was being sexually abused by her stepfather.

"And I immediately told her she had to come stay with us and she did.

"This is one of the reasons I became a prosecutor - to protect people like Wanda, because I believe everyone has a right to safety, to dignity, and to justice."

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‘I gave my best to you’: Biden receives 4-minute ovation during emotional DNC address

Biden wipes away a tear on stage at the DNC

CHICAGO (AP) — President Joe Biden delivered his valedictory address to the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, saying, “I gave my best to you” and basking in a long ovation that reflected the energy released by his decision to cede the stage to Vice President  Kamala Harris .

Biden, 81, received a hero’s welcome weeks after many in his party were pressuring him to drop his bid for reelection. One month after an unprecedented  mid-campaign switch , the opening night of the convention in Chicago was designed to give a graceful exit to the incumbent president and slingshot Harris toward a faceoff with Republican Donald Trump, whose comeback bid for the White House is viewed by Democrats as an existential threat.

On Monday, Biden insisted he did not harbor any ill will about the impending end of his tenure — despite reports to the contrary — and called on the party to unite around Harris.

“I made a lot of mistakes in my career, but I gave my best to you,” Biden said.

Speaking clearly and energetically, Biden relished the chance to defend his record, advocate for his vice president and go on the attack against Trump. His delivery was more reminiscent of the Biden who won in 2020 than the mumbling and sometimes incoherent one-time candidate whose debate performance sparked the downfall of his reelection campaign.

Visibly emotional when he took the stage, Biden was greeted by a more than four-minute-long ovation and chants of “Thank you Joe.”

“America, I love you,” he replied.

He called his selection of Harris as his running mate four years ago “the very first decision I made when I became our nominee, and it was the best decision I made my whole career.”

“She’s tough, she’s experienced and she has enormous integrity, enormous integrity,” he said. “Her story represents the best American story.”

“And like many of our best presidents,” he added in a nod to his own career, “she was also vice president.”

Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff came out after his address to embrace him and his family.

“Joe, thank you for your historic leadership, for your lifetime of service to our nation, and for all you’ll continue to do,” she said earlier in the evening. “We are forever grateful to you.”

The president touted his proudest accomplishments

Biden’s speech, billed as the marquee event of the evening, was pushed into late night as the convention program lagged more than an hour behind schedule. The delay led convention organizers to cancel a performance from legendary musician James Taylor.

He celebrated the successes from his administration, including a massive boost in infrastructure spending and a cap on the price of insulin. The spending resulted in more money going to Republican-leaning states than Democratic states, he said, because “the job of the president is to deliver for all of America.”

The president recalled the 2017 “unite the right” rally, when torch-carrying white supremacists marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, an episode he cites as cementing his decision to run for president in 2020 despite his ongoing grief over the death of his son Beau Biden.

First lady Jill Biden alluded to her husband’s wrenching decision to leave the race in her remarks minutes before Biden took the stage. She said she fell in love with him all over again “just weeks ago, when I saw him dig deep into his soul and decide to no longer seek reelection and endorse Kamala Harris.”

Monday’s speakers tried to boost both Biden and Harris

A long list of high-profile speakers tried to connect both Biden and Harris to what the party sees as the governing pair’s most popular accomplishments.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was greeted with prolonged applause, saluted Harris while noting her potential to break the “highest, hardest glass ceiling” to become America’s first female president. Clinton was the Democratic nominee in 2016, but she lost that election to Trump.

“Together, we’ve put a lot of cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling,” Clinton said, invoking a metaphor she referenced in her concession speech eight years ago. “On the other side of that glass ceiling is Kamala Harris taking the oath of office as our 47th president of the United States. When a barrier falls for one of us, it clears the way for all of us.”

Clinton also saluted Biden for stepping aside, saying, “Now we are writing a new chapter in America’s story.”

Highlighting the party’s generational reach, Clinton, 76, followed New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 34, who endorsed Harris while delivering the first mention of the war in Gaza from the convention stage, addressing an issue that has split the party’s base ever since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack and Israel’s resulting offensive.

Biden tells antiwar protesters they ‘have a point’

Outside the arena,  thousands of protesters  descended on Chicago to decry the Biden-Harris administration’s support for the Israeli war effort.

Israel’s counterattack in Gaza after more than 1,200 were killed and about 250 taken hostage on Oct. 7 has killed more than 40,000 Palestinians, according to the Hamas-run health ministry. Pro-Palestinian activists  held a panel  earlier Monday in which they discussed the plight of Gaza, in what organizers called a first for the DNC.

A couple of protesters from the Abandon Biden movement unfurled a protest sign late Monday that read, “STOP ARMING ISRAEL” a few minutes after Biden began his speech.

The sign was quickly wrestled away from the protesters and the lights in that section of the convention were turned off. Others in the hall responded to the protest by chanting “We love Joe” and holding up their banners in support of the president.

Biden acknowledged the protests as he spoke, saying, “Those protesters out in the street have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides.” He reiterated his push to get Israel and Hamas to agree to a cease-fire deal that would also see the release of hostages taken by Hamas on Oct. 7.

Democrats presented a giant version of ‘Project 2025’

Meanwhile, Democrats also looked to keep the focus on Trump, whose criminal convictions they mocked and who they asserted was only fighting for himself, rather than “for the people” — the night’s official theme.

Michigan State Sen. Mallory McMorrow hoisted an oversized copy of “Project 2025” — a blueprint for a second Trump term that was put together by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank — onto the lectern and quoted from portions of it.

Democrats kept  abortion access front and center  for voters, betting that the issue will propel them to success as it has in other key races since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago. Speakers Monday included women whose healthcare suffered as a result of that decision, and one woman who was raped and became pregnant by her stepfather attacked Trump for trying to roll back access to abortion. The convention program included a video of Trump praising his own role in getting Roe struck down.

The convention program also honored the civil rights movement, with an appearance from the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the founder of the Chicago-based Rainbow PUSH Coalition, who is ailing with Parkinson’s disease. There were several references to Fannie Lou Hamer, the late civil rights activist who gave a landmark speech at a Democratic convention in 1964.

Hamer was a former sharecropper and a leader of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, a racially integrated group that challenged the seating of an all-white Mississippi delegation at the 1964 Democratic National Convention. Hamer spoke on Aug. 22, 1964 — exactly 60 years before Harris is set to accept the Democratic nomination and become the first Black woman and first person of South Asian descent to be the presidential nominee of a major party.

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  25. Democratic National Convention 2024 LIVE Updates: Kamala Harris speech

    Five things to know about Kamala Harris' running mate. ... Last month's speech by Trump went for 90 minutes. Tweet; Facebook; Mail; Harris calls for ceasefire deal, hostage release in Gaza.

  26. Biden receives 4-minute ovation during emotional DNC address

    President Joe Biden, left, wipes his eyes after embracing his daughter Ashley Biden, right, on stage at the Democratic National Convention on Monday, Aug. 19, 2024, in Chicago. AP Photo—J. Scott ...

  27. DNC 2024 highlights: Kamala Harris gives acceptance speech at

    Harris spoke for just over 37 minutes tonight, making her acceptance speech one of the shortest in modern history. The record for shortest speech was set in 1972 by George McGovern, who spoke for ...