• Ambedkar Speech
  • Annihilation of Caste
  • Unknown Facts
  • Ambedkar Museum
  • Important Events
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 1
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 2
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 3
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 4
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 5
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 6
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 7
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 8
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 9
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 10
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 11
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 12
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Volume 13
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Volume 14-02
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Volume 15
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Volume 16
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Volume 17-02
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Volume 17-03
  • Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Volume 21
  • The Annihilation of Caste
  • Who were the Shudras?
  • Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development
  • Philosophy of Hinduism
  • Riddles in Hinduism – Dr. Ambedkar
  • Buddha And His Dhamma
  • Buddha Or Karl Marx – Dr. Ambedkar
  • The Problem Of The Rupee : Its Origin And Its Solution
  • Waiting for a Visa – Dr. Ambedkar
  • Pakistan or Partition of India – Dr. Ambedkar
  • States and Minorities
  • Administration and Finance Of The East India Company – Ambedkar
  • Ranade Gandhi and Jinnah – Dr. Ambedkar
  • Dalit History Month
  • Dalit History
  • Tribal History
  • Dalit Movement
  • Caste System
  • Castes In India
  • Who Are Dalits
  • untouchability
  • Human Rights
  • Caste Violence
  • Dalit Feminist
  • The Dalit Voice

The Ambedkarite Today

Dr. Ambedkar’s Education Degree list, Qualification

Apart from two master’s and Bar-at-Law, he had four doctoral degrees plus he knew several European languages (and quite a few Indian languages including Sanskrit). He also wrote the Pali language dictionary and was the first person from South Asia to have been conferred a Degree of Ph.D. in Economics. Dr. Ambedkar was only 24 years old when he wrote his paper on “Castes in India – Their Mechanism, Genesis, and Development”. In his paper, he challenged many well-established scholars who had already written on caste.

What are Dr.Ambedkar’s educational qualifications?

Below is Dr. Ambedkar’s education history , starting with elementary education. It is almost impossible to state his extraordinarily vast educational experience. No wonder he is also popularly known as the “ Symbol of Knowledge ”

  • Elementary Education, 1902 Satara, Maharashtra
  • Matriculation, 1907, Elphinstone High School, Bombay Persian, etc.,
  • Inter 1909, Elphinstone College, Bombay-Persian and English
  • B.A, 1913, Elphinstone College, Bombay, University of Bombay, Economics & Political Science
  • M.A, 1915 Majoring in Economics with Sociology, History Philosophy, Anthropology, and Politics
  • Ph.D., 1917, Columbia University conferred a Degree of Ph.D.
  • M. Sc 1921 June, London School of Economics, London. Thesis – ‘Provincial Decentralization of Imperial Finance in British India’
  • Barrister-at- Law 30-9-1920 Gray’s Inn, London
  • (1922-23, Spent some time reading economics in the University of Bonn in Germany.)
  • D. SC Nov 1923, London School of Economics, London ‘The Problem of the Rupee – Its origin and its solution’ was accepted for the degree in Economics
  • L.L.D (Honoris Causa) 5-6-1952 Columbia University, New York For his achievements, Leadership and authoring the constitution of India
  • D.Litt (Honoris Causa) 12-1-1953 Osmania University, Hyderabad For his achievements, Leadership, and writing the constitution of India 

Even though Dr. Ambedkar is well known as one of the greatest intellectuals of his time, ethics were more important to him than intellectual acumen because he knew that ethical people were more likely to be of greater service to society than mere intellectuals. If they were both, ethical and intellectual, that would be of the greatest value to humankind.

What makes Dr B.R Ambedkar even greater is that he came from the most humble background with an almost impossible task of rising to the heights that he did, eventually becoming the chief architect and chairman of the drafting committee of the Indian constitution, a symbol of knowledge and a champion of human rights. To begin with, Dr Ambedkar had nothing more than his personal qualities to rely upon and the most fantastic dream of liberty, equality, fraternity, and justice for all. His name will always be amongst the greatest in Indian history.

[ This article was appeared first in Global Ambedkarite and written by Anti caste Activist Shekhar Bodhakar ]

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Columbia University Libraries

Dr. ambedkar and columbia university: a legacy to celebrate.

phd degree of ambedkar

For those of you who may not know, Dr. Ambedkar is a Dalit, an Indian jurist, economist, politician, activist and social reformer, who systematically campaigned against social discrimination towards women, workers, but most notably, towards the Dalits, and forcefully argued against the caste system in Hindu society. Dr. Ambedkar was the main architect of the Constitution of India, and served as the first law and justice minister of the Republic of India, and is considered by many one of the foremost global critical thinkers of the 20 th c., and a founder of the Dalit Buddhist movement. Ambedkar’s fight for social justice for Dalits, as well as women, and workers consumed his life’s activities: in 1950 he resigned from his position as the country’s first minister of law when Nehru’s cabinet refused to pass the Women’s Rights Bill. His feud with Mahatma Gandhi over Dalit political representation and suffrage in the newly independent State of India is by now famous, or I should say notorious, and it is Dr. Ambedkar who comes out on the right side of history.

The bronze bust, sculpted by Vinay Brahmesh Wagh of Bombay, was presented by the Federation of Ambedkarite and Buddhist Organizations, UK to the Southern Asian Institute of Columbia University on October 24, 1991, and then the wooden pedestal on which the statue now rests was donated by the Society of the Ambedkarites of New York and New Jersey, and placed in Lehman Library in 1995. The bust is the only site in the city where Dr. Ambedkar is honored, and is one of the most popular sites in enclosed spaces on campus that I have seen (you have to walk past the library entrance to get to it). 

Every year, on April 14 th, Ambedkar’s birthday, Ambedkar Jayanti or Bhim Jayanti, is celebrated in India (as an official holiday since 2015), at the UN (since 2016), and around the world. On this day, many visitors flock to Lehman Library, to pay tribute to Baba Saheb and place garlands on the bust. The sight of the visitors– many of whom come to Columbia just to see the bust and pay homage to the man who changed Indian society, brings home the significance of recognizing our critical thinkers, across cultures, eras, languages, divisions and types of social injustice, in the public fora of libraries. It is a powerful reminder that it is through scholarship and indeed through libraries and learning that human differences and injustices can be better understood, addressed and perhaps overcome.  

phd degree of ambedkar

Years later, Dr. Ambedkar writes: ‘The best friends I have had in life were some of my classmates at Columbia and my great professors, John Dewey , James Shotwell, Edwin Seligman , and James Harvey Robinson.'” (Source: “‘Untouchables’ Represented by Ambedkar, ’15AM, ’28PhD,” Columbia Alumni News, Dec. 19, 1930, page 12.)

phd degree of ambedkar

Ambedkar majored in Economics, and took many courses in sociology, history, philosophy, as well as anthropology.

In 1915, he submitted an M. A. thesis entitled: The Administration and Finance of the East India Company . (He is believed to have begun an M. A. thesis entitled  Ancient Indian Commerce earlier. That thesis is unavailable at the RBML but it is reprinted in volume 12 of Ambedkar’s collected writings). By the time he left Columbia in 1916 Ambedkar had begun research for his doctoral thesis entitled: “National Dividend of India–A Historic and Analytical Study. About this thesis, Ambedkar writes to his mentor Prof. Seligman, with whom he forged a long and friendly correspondence, even after he left Columbia:  “My dear Prof. Seligman, Having lost my manuscript of the original thesis when the steamer was torpedoed on my way back to India in 1917 I have written out a new thesis… [ …from the letter of Feb. 16, 1922, Seligman papers, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University ” cited in Dr. Frances Pritchard’s excellent  online website about Ambedkar ]. In 1920, Ambedkar writes: “My dear Prof. Seligman, You will probably be surprised to see me back in London. I am on my way to New York but I am halting in London for about two years to finish a piece or two of research work which I have undertaken. Of course I long to be with you again for it was when I was thrown into academic life by reason of my being a professor at the Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics in Bombay, that I realized the huge debt of gratitude I owe to the Political Science Faculty of the Columbia University in general and to you in particular.” B. R. Ambedkar, London, 3/8/20” , (Source: letter of August 3, 1920, Seligman papers, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University, cited in Pritchard’s website ).  Ambedkar would join the London School of Economics for a few years and submit a thesis there, but then, he would eventually come back to Columbia, to submit a Ph.D. thesis in Economics , in 1925 under the mentorship of his dear friend Prof. Seligman, entitled: The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India: A  Study in the Provincial Decentralization of Imperial Finance .  (It should be noted here that the thesis was first published in 1923 and again in 1925, this time with a Foreword by Edwin Seligman, by the publishers P. S. King and Son).

phd degree of ambedkar

If it is Seligman he stayed in touch with and corresponded throughout, the person who most influenced his thought and shaped his political, philosophical and ethical outlook, was Dewey. For many thinkers, the links between Dewey and  Ambedkar’s ethical and philosophical thinking are obvious.  Ambedkar deeply admired Dewey and repeatedly acknowledged his debt to Dewey, calling him “his teacher”.  Ambedkar’s thought was deeply etched by John Dewey’s ideas of education as linked to experience, as practical and contextual, and the ideas of freedom and equality as essentially tied with the ideals of justice and of fraternity, a concept he would go on to apply to the Indian context, and to his pointed criticism of the caste system. Echoing many ideas propagated by Dewey, Ambedkar writes in the Annhilation of Caste : “Reason and morality are the two most powerful weapons in the armoury of a reformer. To deprive him of the use of these weapons is to disable him for action. How are you going to break up Caste, if people are not free to consider whether it accords with reason? How are you going to break up Caste, if people are not free to consider whether it accords with morality?” 

Having sat in several classes given by Dewey, and as early as 1916, Ambedkar would go on to address, at a Columbia University Seminar taught by the anthropologist Prof. Alexander Goldenweiser (1880-1940), his colleagues and friends with many of the ideas he later developed in his famous book: the Annihilation of Caste. The paper “ Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis, and Development ” contains many similarities to the Annihilation of Caste, and some of the books’ essential tenets., as acknowledged by Ambedkar himself ( Preface to the 3rd edition, Annihilation of Caste ).

phd degree of ambedkar

The Columbia University Archives and the Columbia University Libraries hold many resources related to Dr. Ambedkar and to the Dalit movement and Dalit literature. For any inquiries regarding relevant resources, please do not hesitate to contact us: Gary Hausman : South and Southeast Asian Librarian , Global Studies; Rare Book and Manuscript Library: RBML Archivists

Happy Baba Saheb Ambedkar Juyanti!

Kaoukab Chebaro , Global Studies, Head

Today, for the first time studying for Civil Services I got to know about this great man. I think that in the galaxy of freedom fighters which India have produced he was the one we can truly say as the ‘Pole Star’. A true leader who walked the talk, he fought not only for country but also for the rights of the minority who were being annihilated for centuries. We should take cue from this man and try to go for equality, and that equality should be of thoughts, feelings and desires. It’s not at all wrong to aspire for greatness in life but to stifle a man’s path with the chains of societal norms is a sin in my sense. I hope to imbibe some of his qualities in my life. Let long live his legacy.

Thus my goodDr.BR. Ambedkar

Indeed Great emancipator of millions marginalised people, architect of Indian constitution, philosopher, economist, social reformer, jurist, astute politician no lastly father of modern India !! Jaibhim !!

What a great man. Wonderful article.

If it wasn’t for Dr.Ambedkar I wouldn’t be here in this country and have a life that I do now. I will forever be indebted to this Great Man’s courage in the face of adversity. Words cannot describe the gratitude I have for this man Thank you

Excellent effort to make this blog more wonderful and attractive.

Dr. Ambedkar was a great man.

Wonderful Article and an excellent blog. Greetings. Llorenç

Baba Saheb Dr. B R Ambedkar is alive in his works for humanity. Study Social Science or Law, or Education, or about farmers, or Dams and irrigation, or planning commission and budget or journalism, or human rights ……. on most of the subjects and disciplines, his live seen in his works and writtings. By reading him; his life, and his works, he inspires others by his works for the betterment of the society and a world, as a whole.

  • Pingback: Ambedkar and the Study of Religion at Columbia University

Every breathe I take today is because of your struggle to give us an equal and fair society. It could not be possible to imagine even a single day without understanding your life and struggles. Each and every aspect of my existence is because of you Babasaheb. However, the current state of Dalit society pains me.

Such a great personality, tried hard to improvise the system in the country but had to face too much opposition and hatred. Salute to his strength and beliefs that he continued his fight for social justice despite such circumstances.

He was a great man, I considered India’s progress because of his work for the emancipation of millions of marginalized people in India

Is Columbia University conducting a Post Graduate course or PHD on Dr. Ambedkar thought?

Baba sahab Was great human Baba sahab is great human Baba sahab will great human .

Baba sahab god gifted and human for students, politicians, poor humans and all leaders ❤❤

I am thankful to Babasaheb Ambedkar for the beautiful living given to me by his at most efforts to eradicate the caste system through out India and to uplift the standard of living of the downtrodden of this country. He was a great man who fought for the rights and upliftment of the downtrodden and the dignity of women of this nation. A true Indian and a great patriot of the nation. I salute him for his work and knowledge.

Amazing article for some history info please read https://knowledgekart.in/blog/the-complete-history-of-modern-india-for-upsc-ias/

A Bengali Chandal, who, according to Manu Code, later redesignated as Namasudra, I am grateful, over head and ears, to the teachings and thoughts of Dr. Babasaheb B. R. Ambedkar who inspired with dreams and shaped my life and achievement. Lost my parents by two and half years, I was brought up by my two elder elder brothers, both illiterate under care of my father’s childless sister, who took full charge of me. A family of poor agriculturist, my eldest brother was just literate but the second elder brother was totally illiterate. They were, nonetheless, all supportive of my education. Not only my family was illiterate but the whole village as well as the locality comprising hundreds and thousands of people, men and women, were illiterate. I had none to help me in my village for studies. My village boasted of a primary school, established 10 years before my joining the same . ****The village school was upgraded class by class till 10th standard by 1962. But before that I had to migrate elsewhere for Matriculation Examinations which I cleared with FIRST DIVISION—none did this before me around. I went for studies up to B. A. (Hons. in Economics). Then I sat for IAS Exams and was declared I qualified against a reserved candidate by the UPSC. One of my assignments IN 33 YEARS career was as Vice-Chancellor, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar. The original name of the University was Bihar University, which, as a homage to the great son in the year of his centenary was rechristened as Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University. It was my pleasant duty to change the name of the university in accordance with the mandate of the law as passed by Bihar State Legislature. Maharashtra fought for 20 years to implement the legislative mandate. There was widespread violence and mayhem in Marathwada over the change of name of Marathwada University. I changed the name the day I joined the university as Vice-Chancellor without anybody even knowing how did I do it. No force was used or no violence occurred. This is my most adorable, nay proud, moment in my career. **** I am an author and have published innumerable articles carried by many leading English journals and dailies over last three decades. ****I prosecuted studies as a private candidate and passed MA. I also did my dissertation for Ph. D. All these I did when government assigned light duty to me. ****In three decades, one highly reputed Delhi English Weekly alone carried about four hundred thousand (400,000) words having great bearing social significance. I am a researcher. Babasaheb is my ideal and my beacon light. I am grateful to him.**** I prosecuted my studies with Welfare Scholarships of Government of India without which I could not have done what I have did. *****I have suffered hatred, discrimination, bias and injustice in various spheres. By the way, I have also been topper in my class irrespective of students belonging to different castes. English is my forte. I write in Bengali too.

Because of Dr. BR Ambedkar i am alive today, he is my past, present and my future, my heart, my soul. Thank you for saving my life and many generations.

Amazing Article. No words to explain how I felt touched being a follower of Dr. Ambedkar

He is my inspiration❤️ Babasaheb

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Bhimrao Ambedkar (1891–1956)
Founding Father, modern India
MA 1915, PhD 1927
LLD 1952 (hon.)

Ambedkar was a leader in the struggle for Indian independence, the architect of the new nation's constitution, and the champion of civil rights for the 60 million members of the "untouchable" caste, to which he belonged. He spoke and wrote ceaselessly on behalf of "untouchables," but his passion for justice was broad: in 1950 he resigned from his position as the country's first minister of law when Nehru's cabinet refused to pass the Women's Rights Bill. Ambedkar was committed to maintaining his independence, and many of the positions he staked out in a long and complex relationship with Gandhi—on the future of Hinduism, for example—remain central to debate within Indian society.

Ambedkar received a scholarship to Columbia from the Maharajah of Baroda. He earned his MA in 1915 and then obtained a DSc at the London School of Economics before being awarded his Columbia PhD in 1927. In 1952, Columbia presented him with an honorary doctorate for his service as "a great social reformer and a valiant upholder of human rights." In 1995, a bronze bust of Ambedkar was donated to Lehman Library by the Federation of Ambedkarite and Buddhist Organizations of the United Kingdom.

At Columbia, Ambedkar studied under John Dewey, who inspired many of his ideas about equality and social justice. Ambedkar later recounted that at Columbia he experienced social equality for the first time. "The best friends I have had in my life," he told the in 1930, "were some of my classmates at Columbia and my great professors, John Dewey, James Shotwell, Edwin Seligman, and James Harvey Robinson."

Revised in January 2004 with help from Professor Sukhadeo Thorat of Jawharlal Nehru University and the Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, New Delhi.

A renowned educator active in many causes, philosopher John Dewey was a great influence on Ambedkar, who formed many of his ideas about equality and social justice as Dewey’s student.

Ainslie Embree, Columbia professor emeritus of history and a leading scholar of India, poses with Ambedkar’s widow Savita on the occasion of the bust’s presentation on Oct. 24, 1995.

In 2000, the vice chancellor of Bombay University visited Ambedkar’s bust in Lehman Library.

Columbia's history, as seen by those who have studied, taught, and worked here.

Columbians have changed the world and how we see it.

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Ambedkar Research Scholars

The sac encourages research scholars to engage with dr b r ambedkar's history, from his time at the lse and beyound..


Dr B R Ambedkar is one of the most important alumnus of LSE, from where he was awarded his MA and PhD. His doctoral thesis on ‘The Indian Rupee’, written in 1922-23, was later published as  The Problem of the Rupee: Its Origin and Its Solution  (London: P S King & Son, Ltd, 1923). Ambedkar was a Social Reformer, Economist, Parliamentarian, Jurist, and the Principal Architect of the Constitution of India.

A short biography can be found on the LSE History blog, along with a description of his time at the LSE.

2015 Scholars Visits

As part of the 125th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Dr B R Ambedkar, the SAC hosted two delegations of research scholars and government officials for week-long visits on 24-31 October 2015 and 21-28 November 2015, in collaboration with the High Commission of India in London and the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India.

With two tours of 25 students & three officers each, the objectives of these trips were i) to show how HE institutions function in the UK, ii) the academic and educational facilities available that are relevant to theirresearch interests at LSE, iii) the rare archival collections relevant to India in museums and collections in London, iv) the multiculturallie in London and v) to introduce students to issues of social inequality, injustice and empowerment affecting contemporary Britain. 

Whilst here, two students were interviewed by Rozelle Laha from the Hindustan Times , culminating in an article published in the Delhi edition (in page 19) on Wednesday, 2 December 2015. 

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Ambedkar International Center

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: A Veritable Phenomenon

phd degree of ambedkar

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, a veritable phenomenon, intellectual giant, multifaceted erudite scholar, first Indian to pursue doctorate in economics abroad, had acquired qualifications that surpassed the multiple M.A., multiple Ph.D., M.Sc. (Econ), D.Sc. (Econ), Barrister-at-law from world’s top and renowned universities in his early 30s. At such a young age, he had been through a real life educational experience that has not even managed by any contemporary renowned scholar in any part of the world; almost impossible for any common man to acquire in their lifetime.

Many great man of the world suffered from numerous disabilities and hardships but Dr. Ambedkar suffered from the most inhuman disability namely stigma of “untouchability”due to his birth in the most oppressed and exploited people of the world.Untouchable’s condition were hellish; completely tyrannized, insulted, disregarded from thousands of years. It’s hard to elaborate on the agonies, indignities, humiliation and overall sufferings of the untouchables. Millions of untouchables were suffering through such inhuman, discriminatory behavior being practiced in Indian society. Words would fall short to describe Dr. Ambedkar’s journey of coming from such a lowest rung of the exploited society to becoming greatest incomparable scholar in the world. He was rightly called the symbol of revolt as he revolted against untouchability alone and emancipated millions of untouchables without shedding the single drop of blood. Some calls him a luminous star in the galaxy of great man; whereas majority calls him as a Sun who is almost incomparable with anyone.

In his early 20s Dr. Ambedkar took the mantle of revolting against the social discrimination and inhuman stigma of untouchability practiced in India.A leader without a paper is like a bird without a wing. Being an eminent writer, vociferous orator and fearless journalist along with his encyclopedic knowledge and wisdom, with time he continued to change the course of actions for eradicating untouchability by starting his own newspaper media Mooknayak (The Leader of the Dumb,1920), Brahishkrut Bharat (India Ostracized,1927), Janata(The People,1930) and Prabudhha Bharat (EnlightenIndia,1956) to spread his revolutionary ideas, thoughts and voice to the Indian society.

Dr.Ambedkar not only fought for untouchables rights and raised them to humanity but also worked for betterment of all backward and oppressed communities.The vintage position as a member of Bombay Legislative Council (1926-34)enabled him to sponsor several bills for the welfare of the Indian communities overall despite of having British rulers. This has helped him to get official nomination to attend three round table conferences (1930-33) and seek justice to all oppressed communities of India by demanding “Communal Awards”.

To abolish the graded inequalities and protecting the human rights of labor classes, he founded Independent labor party in 1936. He put forward legislation to implement “State Sponsored Industrialization” and provided strong labor laws to protect factory workers, remunerative wages, to fix maximum hours of work, leave with pay and a sanitary dwelling at reasonable amount.He also advocated for abolition of the feudal land holding system, extensive program for the improvement of educational facility in technical institute, and equal opportunity to all Indians in industries.He then initiated the movement for Population control and family planning as part of ILP’s manifesto. He was in the opinion that controlling nation’s economy is impossible if the population is not controlled.

India’s central banking institution –Reserve Bank of India (RBI) which controls the monetary policy of the Indian rupee and plays an important part in the development strategy of the government of India has been conceptualized as per the guidelines, working style and outlook presented by none other than great economist Dr.Ambedkar in front of the Hilton Young Commission in 1935. This commission came to India under the name of “Royal Commission on Indian Currency & Finance” and every member of this commission were holding Dr.Ambedkar’s book “The Problem of the Rupee –Its origin and its solution.”His economic policies which have saved India even in the times of great Economic Depressions.He suggested free economy, globalization, liberalization and privation to stabilize the Rupee and control the economic growth back in 1923.The original source of reference for all the 13 Finance Commission reports, are based on Dr. Ambedkar’s Ph.D. thesis, “The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India”.

Dr. Ambedkar; a visionary backed up with multi-dimensional enormous knowledge and wisdom laid down the foundation to build great nation well in advance.

  • Labor Department under the guidance of Dr.Ambedkar in 1942, who decided to establish “Central Technical Power Board” (CTPB) for power system development, hydro power station sites, hydro-electric surveys, analyzing problems of electricity generation and thermal power station investigation along with usage of Atomic energy for controlling river flood.He outline the infrastructural design and led the establishment of the Damodar Valley project, Hirakud project and Sone river project.Dr.Ambedkar emphasized on the significance and need for the “Grid System”, which is still working successfully even today based on his thoughts and ideas.
  • Dr. Ambedkar enacted many labor laws; Indian Trade Union Act, Industrial Disputes Act, Compensation, Working Hours, Equal pay for equal work irrespective of the gender and Maternity Benefit, women and child labor protection are the main. He banned working of women in deep mines ignoring opposition from the British.
  • Dr. Ambedkar was of the firm opinion that unemployment, poverty and shortage of consumer goods cannot be removed without industrialization of India. According to him creating large scale employment produces essential goods for mass consumption. It utilizes raw materials, reduces foreign dependence and increasing security to labor, and ultimately leads to the overall economic development of the country.
  • Dr. Ambedkar demanded the nationalization of the natural resources like water, gas, land and insurance, transportation etc. This is the utmost important part for developing the nation without locking the nation’s future in few individual’s hands. Due to privatization if the natural resources goes into private locker of industrialist then labor, poor class of India will suffer. He has foreseen this demand almost 100 years ago.
  • To abolish tyranny for social status of Hindu women and uplift them for the equality Dr. Ambedkar drafted various new law acts (property inheritance, divorce rules, minority and guardianship, adoption and maintenance) under “Hindu Code Bill” and presented as the first law minister of independent India. This shows his love for the building nation as a whole by providing equal opportunity to everyone.
  • After the end of 2ndworld war there were many challenges for India, such as re-establishment of economy, improvement in agriculture, development of industries, rehabilitation and re-deployment of defense services etc.; those had been handled and led by Dr. Ambedkar through Reconstruction Committee of Council (RCC).
  • Dr. Ambedkar was instrumental in establishment of National Employment Exchange in provincial government of British India after the end of 2nd world war and also the tripartite mechanism of settling labor issues through trade unions,skill development initiative in the government sector. He bought “Insurance Act” in India as the first nation among the East Asian countries.
  • Even today Dr. Ambedkar’s “Thoughts on Linguistic States”, written in December 1955 is much more relevant. This book gives what geographic knowledge a man could possess along with outlining populations, language consideration etc. and acts as a blue-print to form out smaller states for better governance and betterment of India as a Nation. Dr. Ambedkar envision to build the common harmonious culture across the nation through a single national language. He clearly explained the importance of having a single language and appeal all to put an efforts to adopt and develop Hindi as a common language. Dr. Ambedkar loved to be a student till he breathed his last; during his entire lifetime one can see his deep passion about books. His personal library had more than 100,000 books gives rich testimony to his wide, varied and profound reading and knowledge he accumulated. There was no book in his library without notes supplied by him with pencil. He had distinguish authority on the subjects ranging from Sociology, Law, Economics, Politics, Theology, and Anthropology to History. His 100s of volumes of writing and speeches exhibits what a great towering personality India had which is not even possible in computer’s era for any scholar to achieve that feet. Dr. Ambedkar was fully convinced that the education is for liberation and for national development.He laid utmost stress on the expansion and promotion of education;founded “The People’s Education Society” and established renowned colleges to promote the education among untouchables and other sections of the Indian society.

Before the independence of India; Dr. Ambedkar was honored and assigned the most responsible task of drafting the Constitution of free India which demanded enormous knowledge of law, geography, economics, politics, sociology and history of India.He wanted to establish the social democracy based on the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity and for that he wanted to put state government mechanism to bring such radical change in Indian society than creating a social war and shedding bloods.As part of architecting India’s constitution he imbibes these principles. Last but not the least,he has embraced Buddhism a greatest scientific humanitarian religion exists in the world on 14 October 1956which is based on the principles he inherited for the Indian’s democracy. With all his character described above; he reached to the stature of Bodhisattva and became Bodhisattva Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

Dr.Ambedkar’s name and fame is spreading more and more day by day crossing all geographical barriers and racial impediments. In short dead Ambedkar is proving even more disturbing and dangerous than the living Ambedkar was to the orthodox, forces of reaction and the exploiters. India is only now beginning to discover him. The influence and the power he exercised on the minds of the people cannot be correctly assessed.

Compiled by: Ambedkar International Center Team, USA. https://ambedkarinternationalcenter.org


Aic unveils dr. ambedkar’s largest statue of north america near usa capital, california passes ‘anti-caste discrimination’ sb 403 bill with whopping 55-3, aic officially kicked off phase 1 first dr. ambedkar memorial project in usa.


Centenary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's enrolment as an advocate


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Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

Photo Credit : High Court of Bombay

Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956) was born on 14 April 1891 in Mhow Cantonment, Madhya Pradesh. He completed his primary schooling in Satara, Maharashtra and completed his secondary education from Elphinstone High School in Bombay. His education was achieved in the face of significant discrimination, for he belonged to the Scheduled Caste (then considered as ‘untouchables’). In his autobiographical note ‘Waiting for a Visa’, he recalled how he was not allowed to drink water from the common water tap at his school, writing, "no peon, no water".

Dr Ambedkar graduated from Bombay University in 1912 with a B.A. in Economics and Political Science. On account of his excellent performance at college, in 1913 he was awarded a scholarship by Sayajirao Gaikwad, then Maharaja (King) of Baroda state to pursue his M.A. and Ph.D. at Columbia University in New York, USA. His Master's thesis in 1916 was titled “The Administration and Finance of the East India Company”. He submitted his Ph.D. thesis on “The Evolution of Provincial Finance in India: A Study in the Provincial Decentralization of Imperial Finance”.

After Columbia, Dr. Ambedkar moved to London, where he registered at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) to study economics, and enrolled in Grey’s Inn to study law. However, due to lack of funds, he had to return to India in 1917. In 1918, he became a Professor of Political Economy at Sydenham College, Mumbai (erstwhile Bombay). During this time, he submitted a statement to the Southborough Committee demanding universal adult franchise.

In 1920, with the financial assistance from Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj of Kolhapur, a personal loan from a friend and his savings from his time in India, Dr. Ambedkar returned to London to complete his education. In 1922, he was called to the bar and became a barrister-at-law. He also completed his M.S.c. and D.S.c. from the LSE. His doctoral thesis was later published as “The Problem of the Rupee”.

After his return to India, Dr Ambedkar founded Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha (Society for Welfare of the Ostracized) and led social movements such as Mahad Satyagraha in 1927 to demand justice and equal access to public resources for the historically oppressed castes of the Indian society. In the same year, he entered the Bombay Legislative Council as a nominated member.

Subsequently, Dr. Ambedkar made his submissions before the Indian Statutory Commission also known as the ‘Simon Commission’ on constitutional reforms in 1928. The reports of the Simon Commission resulted in the three roundtable conferences between 1930-32, where Dr. Ambedkar was invited to make his submissions.

In 1935, Dr. Ambedkar was appointed as the Principal of Government Law College, Mumbai, where he was teaching as a Professor since 1928. Thereafter, he was appointed as the Labour Member (1942-46) in the Viceroy’s Executive Council.

In 1946, he was elected to the Constituent Assembly of India. On 15 August 1947, he took oath as the first Law Minister of independent India. Subsequently, he was elected Chairperson of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly, and steered the process of drafting of India’s Constitution. Mahavir Tyagi, a member of the Constituent Assembly, described Dr. Ambedkar as “the main artist” who “laid aside his brush and unveiled the picture for the public to see and comment upon”. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who presided over the Constituent Assembly and later became the first President of the Indian Republic, said: “Sitting in the Chair and watching the proceedings from day to day, I have realised as nobody else could have, with what zeal and devotion the members of the Drafting Committee and especially its Chairman, Dr. Ambedkar in spite of his indifferent health, have worked. We could never make a decision which was or could be ever so right as when we put him on the Drafting Committee and made him its Chairman. He has not only justified his selection but has added luster to the work which he has done.”

After the first General Election in 1952, he became a member of the Rajya Sabha. He was also awarded an honorary doctorate degree from Columbia University in the same year. In 1953, he was also awarded another honorary doctorate from Osmania University, Hyderabad.

Dr. Ambedkar's health worsened in 1955 due to prolonged illness. He passed away in his sleep on 6 December 1956 in Delhi.


  • Vasant Moon (eds.), Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings And Speeches, (Dr. Ambedkar Foundation, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India, 2019) (Re-print)
  • Dhananjay Keer, Dr. Ambedkar Life and Mission, (Popular Prakashan, 2019 Re-print)
  • Ashok Gopal, A Part Apart: Life and Thought of B.R. Ambedkar, (Navayana Publishing Pvt. Ltd., 2023)
  • Narendra Jadhav, Ambedkar: Awakening India's Social Conscience, (Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2014).
  • William Gould, Santosh Dass and Christophe Jaffrelot (eds.), Ambedkar In London, (C. Hurst and Co. Publishers Ltd., 2022).
  • Sukhadeo Thorat and Narender Kumar, B.R. Ambedkar: Perspectives on Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policies (Oxford University Press, 2009).
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Why publication of b.r. ambedkar's thesis a century later will be significant, a contemporary relevance of the thesis, written as part of ambedkar's msc degree at the london school of economics, is that it argues for massive expenditure on heads like defence to be diverted to the social sector.

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Now, over a century after it was written, Ambedkar’s hitherto unpublished thesis on the provincial decentralisation of imperial finance in colonial times will finally see the light of the day. The Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Source Material Publication Committee of the Maharashtra government plans to publish the thesis that was written by Ambedkar as part of his MSc degree from the London School of Economics (LSE). The thesis, ‘Provincial Decentralisation of Imperial Finance in British India’, will be part of the 23rd volume of Ambedkar’s works to be published by the committee and will give a glimpse into the works of Ambedkar, the economist. Notably, the dissertation argues for expenditure on heads like defence to be diverted for social goods like education and public health.

The source material committee, which was set up in 1978, has published 22 volumes on Ambedkar’s writings since April 1979. “This volume will have two parts. One will contain the MSc thesis and the other will have communication and documents related to his MA, MSc, PhD and bar-at-law degrees,” confirmed Pradeep Aglave, member secretary of the committee. He added that the MSc thesis had been submitted to the LSE in 1921. Veteran Ambedkarite and founder of the Dalit Panthers, J.V. Pawar, who is a member of the committee, said it was significant that the thesis was being published over a century after it was written. Pawar played a pivotal role in ensuring that the committee was set up.

“This work deals with taxation and expenditure. The contemporary relevance of this thesis is that it seeks a progressive taxation based on income levels. Ambedkar argued that expenditure on heads like defence was huge and this needed to be diverted to social needs like education, public health, and water supply,” said Sukhadeo Thorat, economist and former chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC). Thorat was among those instrumental in the source material committee getting a copy of the thesis from London.

“The sixth volume (1989), published by the source material committee, contains Ambedkar’s writings on economics. This includes his works like ‘Administration and Finance of the East India Company’ (1915) and the ‘Problem of the Rupee: Its Origin and Its Solution’ (1923). However, this MSc thesis on provincial finance could not be included in it because it was not available then,” said Thorat.

J. Krishnamurty, a Geneva-based labour economist located the MSc thesis in the Senate House Library in London and approached Thorat who, in turn, communicated with Gautam Chakravarti of the Ambedkar International Mission in London. Santosh Das, another Ambedkarite from London, paid the fees for permission to reproduce the work in copyright. The soft copy of the thesis was sent to the source material committee on November 18, 2021.

In addition to the MSc thesis, the communication and letters related to his academics, such as the MA, PhD, MSc and DSc and bar-at-law including LLD (an honorary degree that was awarded to Ambedkar by the Columbia University in 1952after he finished drafting the Constitution of India, which remains one of his most significant contributions to modern India), were also arranged and compiled by Krishnamurty, Thorat and Aglave. This also includes the courses done by Ambedkar for his MA and pre-PHD at the Columbia University. These details are being published for the first time.

Ambedkar’s biographer Changdev Bhavanrao Khairmode, writes how Ambedkar worked untiringly in London for his MSc. Ambedkar secured admission for his MSc in the LSE on September 30, 1920 by paying a fee of 11 pounds and 11 shillings. He was given a student pass with the number 11038.

Ambedkar had prepared for his MSc in Mumbai, yet he began studying books and reports from four libraries in London, namely the London University’s general library, Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature and the libraries in the British Museum and India Office. In London, Ambedkar would wake up at 6 am, have the breakfast served by his landlady and rush to the library for his studies. Around 1 pm, he would take a short break for a meagre lunch or have just a cup of tea and then return to the library to study till it closed for the day.

“He would sleep for a few hours. He would stand at the doors of the library before it opened and before others came there,” says Khairmode in the first volume of his magisterial work on Ambedkar (Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, Volume I) that was first published in 1952. The library staff in the British Museum would tell Ambedkar that they had not seen a student like him who was immersed in his books and they also doubted if they would get to see one like him in the future!

The volume also contains a letter written by Ambedkar in German on February 25, 1921 to the University of Bonn seeking admission. Ambedkar wanted to study Sanskrit language and German philosophy in the varsity’s department of Indology. In school, Ambedkar was discriminated against on grounds of caste and not allowed to learn Sanskrit. He had to learn Persian instead. Ambedkar secured admission to Bonn University but had to return to London three months later to revise and complete his DSc thesis.

Ambedkar completed his DSc in 1923 under the guidance of Professor Edwin Cannan of the LSE on the problem of the rupee, which is described as a “remarkable piece of research on Indian currency, and probably the first detailed empirical account of the currency and monetary policy during the period”.

Ambedkar was among the first from India to pursue doctoral studies in economics abroad. He specialised in finance and currency. His ‘The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India: A Study in the Provincial Decentralisation of Imperial Finance (1925)’, carried a foreword by Edwin R.A. Seligman, Professor of Economics, Columbia University, New York. Ambedkar also played a pivotal role in the conceptualisation and establishment of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 1935.

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ICLS | Columbia University

Ambedkar Initiative

What B.R. Ambedkar Wrote to W.E.B. DuBois.

Professor Rao speaks on caste – Columbia Journalism students push to add caste to university non-discrimination policy.

Listen to our B.R. Ambedkar student podcasts here .

Watch ICLS Director Anupama Rao discuss Ambedkar in “Anti Caste Writings” Series .

View an interactive Knightmap curated by Samuel Needleman.

B. R. Ambedkar is arguably one of Columbia University’s most illustrious alumni, and a democratic thinker and constitutional lawyer who had enormous impact in shaping India, the world’s largest democracy. As is well known, Ambedkar came to Columbia University in July 1913 to start a doctoral program in Political Science. He graduated in 1915 with a Masters degree, and got his doctorate from Columbia in 1927 after having studied with some of the great figures of interwar American thought including John Dewey. Columbia University awarded Ambedkar with an honorary LL.D. in 1952.

ICLS is pleased to announce the  Ambedkar Initiative , led by Professor Anupama Rao. The Ambedkar Initiative links Columbia University with the anti-caste legacy of B. R. Ambedkar and recognizes his continued relevance to discussions about social justice, affirmative action, and democratic thinking in a global frame. Our project is dedicated to:

*Exploring genealogies of radical democracy outside the North Atlantic

*Addressing the complex interrelationship of identity inequality in global frame

*Recognizing emergent affinities and solidarities in the struggle for recognition and social justice

At present, this multi-pronged Initiative consists of the following scholarly and Public Humanities components:

1) The  Annual Ambedkar Lectures  supported by the EVP, Columbia; Provost, Barnard College; Dean of Humanities; Dean of Social Sciences; and various departments and units at Barnard and Columbia.

2)  B. R. Ambedkar Book Series  published by Columbia University Press.

3) The course,  “Columbia University and B. R. Ambedkar,” which draws on relevant holdings at the RBML, [Rare Books and Manuscript Library] and which is being developed with the support of RBML librarian Thai Jones, and student researchers.

4)  Public exhibits, installations, readings and workshops  to commemorate Dalit activism, aesthetics, and public culture.

5) Development of Ambedkar  Research Fellowships  to enable scholars to conduct brief spells of library research at Columbia University and in the broader New York city area. (in progress)

The video recordings of the Inaugural Ambedkar Lectures are available on Youtube to view. To access the videos, click  here  .

Read the  Borderlines article, “ Dalit is the New Political and Epistemic Horizon: An Interview with Suraj Yengde ,” from November 23, 2020.

Watch a review of our US premiere screening of Chaityabhumi, December 2023.

  • Dalit Film and Cultural Festival (DALIFF)
  • Practicing Caste: On Touching and Not Touching
  • Inaugural Ambedkar Lectures | Ambedkar Now
  • Inaugural Ambedkar Lectures | Global Ambedkar
  • To Think Otherwise: An Interview with Anupama Rao
  • B. R. Ambedkar and the Study of Religion at Columbia University: Castes in India, Gender and Primitivity
  • Ambedkar Lectures on Youtube
  • Fifth International Conference on the Legacy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar at the New School
  • Workshop for the Cambridge Companion on B.R. Ambedkar
  • Second Annual Ambedkar Lectures |Race, Caste, and American Pragmatism
  • Second Annual Ambedkar Lectures |Remaking Publics: Gender, Affect, Insurgence, Presence
  • Suraj Yengde in Conversation with Anupama Rao on his recent publication Caste Matters
  • Rethinking Caste Intersectionality: A Conference on Caste, Gender, and Race
  • (Cancelled) Film Screening, “Recasting Selves” Followed by a discussion with director Lalit Vachani
  • Understanding Systemic Racism | Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
  • Understanding Systemic Racism | Nico Slate on Race, Caste, and Democracy
  • Understanding Systemic Racism | Race, the Human, and Humanity in These Times
  • Understanding Systemic Racism | Suryakant Waghmore Urban Democracy: Caste and the City
  • Understanding Systemic Racism | The Third Annual Ambedkar Lecture by Isabel Wilkerson
  • Understanding Systemic Racism: Ambedkarite Aesthetics and Contemporary Art Practice
  • Discussion with V. Geetha, author of Bhimrao Ambedkar and the Question of Socialism in India
  • “New Writing on the Thought of B. R. Ambedkar”
  • Religious Criticism as Public Ethic: B. R. Ambedkar and his Contemporaries
  • Babasaheb - Savita Ambedkar Book Panel
  • Ambedkar, Dewey, and the Evolution of Pragmatism in India
  • Ambedkar Age Digital Bookmobile
  • Screening of Chaityabhumi
  • Caste, Gender, Diaspora
  • A Conversation with Chandra Bhan Prasad

Exploartions in Global Language Justice

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Ambedkar University Delhi - [AUD]

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Ambedkar University Delhi - [AUD]

Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD): Admission 2024, Courses, Fees, Ranking, Placement

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Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) Quick Updates

Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) admission 2024 is open for UG as well as PG programs. The last date to register for Ambedkar University Delhi UG admissions via CUET UG scores is extended till August 18, 2024. Interested candidates can register online on the official website @audcuet.samarth.edu.in. For those already registered, the correction window will be open till Aug 20, 2024. 

Other Updates:

  • AUD has released the 3 rd  provisional admission list based on CUET PG for MA in Public Health, English, Economics, History, Psychology, and Public Policy & Governance for various categories like SGC, KM, PwBD, CW-Defence & Orphans. The payment link will be open from Aug 17 – Aug 20, 2024 (11:55 p.m). Shortlisted candidates must submit the necessary documents at the institute within 15 days of orientation.


Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) is one of the prominent universities in Delhi. Established in 2007, Ambedkar University has three well-connected campuses in Kashmere Gate, Lodhi Road, and Karampura. AUD campuses are spread across approximately 11.5 acres.

Ambedkar University offers UG, PG, and PhD programs in humanities, social sciences, and liberal arts courses. AUD admissions are based on CUET UG and CUET PG examinations for UG and PG programs, respectively. BA (Hons), BBA, and MBA are flagship programs at Ambedkar University.

NAAC accredited ‘A’ grade, AUD offers up to 100% scholarships to financially weak and meritorious students. The return on investment with the university’s placements is respectable too. Ambedkar University also offers placement opportunities to all students. In the placement drive of 2022, the highest & average packages stood at INR 7.1 LPA & INR 4.02 LPA, respectively.

  • Ambedkar University Delhi Merit List 2024

Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) Courses and Fees

  • Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) UG Cutoff
  • Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) PG Cutoff

How to apply for Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) admissions?

How to apply for ambedkar university delhi (aud) scholarships.

  • Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) Placements

Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) FAQs

Ambedkar university delhi (aud) merit list 2024.

Course 1 Admission List 2 Admission List 3 Admission List SGC, KM, PwBD, CW-Defence & Orphan Admission List 4  Admission List 5  Admission List
Karampura Campus
M.Voc (Tourism & Hospitality Management) - -
MA in Criminology -
Ma in Global Studies
MA in Public Policy & Governance
MA in Urban Studies - - -
MA Law, Politics and Society
Kashmere Gate
MA Development Studies
MA Economics
MA English
MA Environment and Development
MA Gender Studies
MA Hindi -
MA History
MA Comparative Literature -
MA Psychology
MA Sociology
M.Des (Social Design) - - -
Lodhi Road
MA Education
MA Education (Early Childhood Care and Education) - - -
Qutab Institutional Area
Master in Archeology and Heritage Management - -
Master in Conservation, Preservation, and Heritage Management - - -

Spread across numerous fields and faculties, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi offers more than 30 courses. Students must know the course’s eligibility criteria and fee before applying. The UG courses fees has been revised for the year 2024-2025 as given below.

Courses Details Fees
Eligibility: 10+2 with at least 50% marks
Selection Criteria:
INR 30,500  (1st Semester Fees)
Eligibility: 10+2 with at least 50% marks
Selection Criteria: CUET UG
INR 51,500 (1st Semester fees) 
Eligibility: 10+2 with at least 50% marks
Selection Criteria: CUET UG
INR 33,000  (1st Semester Fees)
Eligibility: Bachelor's degree in any discipline with minimum 45% marks or equivalent grade from a recognised university
Selection Criteria:
INR 78,000 (1st Year Fees)
Eligibility: Bachelor's degree in any discipline with minimum 50% marks or equivalent grade from a recognised university
Selection Criteria: CUET PG and personal interview
INR 1.82 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)
Eligibility: Master's degree in the related discipline with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade from a recognised university

Selection Criteria: Written Test + Interview
INR 18,740 (1st Year Fees)

Check More: Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) Courses & Fees

Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) Cutoff 2024

Ambedkar University Cutoff 2024 for all UG and PG programs is yet to be released. Cutoffs for admission at Ambedkar University (AUD) are based on scores obtained in the CUET examination. Candidates who secure the minimum cutoff score released by the university are offered admission. Couse-wise cutoff for Ambedkar University Delhi are as follows:

Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) UG Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

Ambedkar University UG Cutoff for admission to BA, BBA, and B.Voc are released based on scores obtained in the CUET UG examination. The expected cutoff for 2024 based on  Ambedkar University UG Cutoff 2023 for general category students is given in the table below:

Courses CUET UG Cutoff Marks 2023
BBA 386.45
BA Mathematics (Hons.)  652.84
BA Hindi (Honours) 488.38
BA (Hons.) Sociology 726.25
BA (Hons.) Social Science 732.55
BA (Hons.) English 742.03
BA (Hons.) History 768.08
BA (Hons.) Economics 773.69
BA (Hons.) Psychology 787.11
BA (Hons.) Political Science 799.65

Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) PG Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

Ambedkar University PG Cutoff for admission to MA and M.Sc programs is released based on scores obtained in the CUET PG examination.  The expected cutoff for 2024 based on Ambedkar University PG Cutoff 2023 for general category students is given in the table below::

Courses CUET PG Cutoff Marks 2023
M. A. English  251
M. A. Law, Politics and Society  195
M. A. Criminology 133 
M. A. History 185 
M. A. Economics 192
M. A. Sociology 193
M. A. Comparative Literature  97
M. A. Gender Studies 72 

Check out the detailed Ambedkar University (AUD) Cutoffs 2024  here.

Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) Admissions

Ambedkar University admissions are done via entrance exams like CUET UG and PG. Numerous UG programs are available at AUD, including BA LLB, BFA., BPA, BVoc, BA, BCom, B.Tech, etc. 

In addition to others, these fields include the Humanities, Social Sciences, Business, Management studies, Science, Performing Arts, Law, Agricultural Science, Medical subjects, Depending on the type of course, the eligibility varies. However, it typically falls between 45% and 50%. 

And now according to the candidates' CUET scores, admissions to AUD UG courses are distributed. For AUD PG programs, students’ CUET PG and Graduation scores will be taken into consideration. Moreover, admissions to Ph.D programs are based on Master’s scores and Research proposals, written tests, and interviews conducted by the university.

Applicants can apply to UG or PG courses at the renowned Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi online. 

Follow the steps below for online form submission:

  • Applicants can only login to their CUET admission portal, with their credentials like CUET application number. 
  • Visit the official website of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi @aud.ac.in.
  • Go onto the Admission Link and look for the Online Application Form. 
  • Students must choose their preferred course. 
  • Upon registering with the mail, students will receive a password through the mail. 
  • Again go onto the online application form tab. And as a registered user login enter the correct credentials. 
  • Fill the form carefully and upload supporting documents. 
  • Play the application fee and click submit. 
  • Received the copy of the duly filled application, click on “download report PDF”. 
  • Students have the facility to pay the application fee via online payment gateways only. 

Check More: Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) Admissions

Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) Scholarships

AUD provides full and partial scholarships to students from the economically weak section. The tuition fee waiver is specially for students with less than 6 lakh of family income annually. The economically weaker section has to provide an updated income certificate issued by the Sub-divisional magistrate/Tehsildar. 

Further, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi gives 100% scholarships to students from the reserved category (SC, ST and PwD).  

Slabs Tuition Fee waiver Family Income
Slab -1 100%
To be eligible, applicant’s family income should be INR 3 Lakh or below

Slab -2

Applicant’s family income should be more than Rs 3 lakh and not more than 4 lakh
Slab -3 50%  Applicant’s family income should be INR 5 Lakh or below, but more than INR 4 lakh
Slab -4 25% Applicant’s family income should be INR 6 Lakh or below, but more than INR  5 lakh

Merit-based scholarship: 

Merit based aid for meritorious students of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi. Students with good academic records are eligible for this financial aid. It generally ranges from INR 16,000 to INR 4,000 and a certificate of recognition. Moreover, this scholarship is limited to rank holders and extraordinary performance of students. 

Applying for scholarships is easy at Ambedkar University. Applicants must fill the scholarship form online and submit the duly filled form with updated certificates and supporting documents, at the time of admissions. The documents required are as follows:

  • ADHAAR Card
  • Income certificate
  • Application form
  • Marksheets from previous institutions

The University offers 100% tuition fee scholarship for students from Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and PwD.

Scholarships for EWS or financially weak students at Ambedkar University, students need to submit an income certificate issued by the Sub-divisional Magistrate or Tehsildar for the current year. For merit based scholarships, applications are released every semester at the campus. Therefore, students need to have an eye on that. 

Check More: Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) Scholarships

Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) Placements 

The Training and Placement cell of Ambedkar University conducts regular sessions for the students. It offers training to students before sitting for placements. In the year 2022, in total of 73 students were placed. More than 50 students from the postgraduate courses were able to get placement in reputed companies. And 14 students from the undergraduate departments got placements with extra benefits. Internship/placement opportunities are posted regularly for students’ reference.

As compared to the data of previous years, the annual packages of undergraduate students have increased by 25%. Furthermore, postgraduate students were offered a 24% increase in the annual CTC. 

Additionally, graduates and postgraduates can expect annual packages ranging from 3 LPA 4.5 LPA, respectively. The packages offered also depend upon the course and skillset. 

Check More: Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) Placement

Ques. What are the facilities at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi?

Ans. Ambedkar University Delhi offers a ton of facilities to the students. This includes library access, well functioning laboratories for practical subjects, gym area and an all-time cafeteria for students. Attractive scholarships for deserving and needy students. 

Moreover, for students with physical disabilities AUD has easy accessible facilities to make their studies smooth. Not to mention the well qualified faculty members, PhD degree holders and researchers as professors. 

Ques. What is the fee of M. Phil at Ambedkar University?

Ans. The M. Phil degrees cost upto INR 18,740 per year and in-total INR 37,480 for two years at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi. 

Ques. What are reserved categories at Ambedkar University Delhi?

Ans. Ambedkar University, Delhi has reservations for students from scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, Other Backward Classes (OBC), Kashmiri Migrants, Defence candidates and PwBD. 

These reservations get up to 5% relaxation in admissions at AUD. 

Ques. How many scholarships can I get in AUD?

Ans. A student can get only one scholarship at once at Ambedkar University. Furthermore, if a student has a scholarship from external agencies, they will not be eligible for scholarships from Ambedkar University. 

Ques. Can I apply online for Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi?

Ans. The registration, application and payment process for Ambedkar University has shifted online after the introduction of CUET. Previously, students had the option of online application submission, but no more. 

Applicants can apply online by logging into their CUET admission portal. 

Ques. How to pay the PG application fee for AUD?

Ans. Students can pay application fees for IG and PG at Ambedkar University with online payment gateways only.  The application fees vary from category to category. It ranges from INR 300 to 150 for the general and reserved categories respectively. 

Ques. What is the entrance test for AUD MBA?

Ans. MBA admissions in Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi is conducted through CUET PG and personal interview. 

The applicant has to appear for the CUET PG entrance exam for MBA for AUD. The exam holds 75% of weightage for AUD. 

Upon selection, the applicant will be called for a personal interview. The personal interview will hold a weightage of 25% in the admission. 

Ques. Is Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi good?

Ans. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi is a renowned name in the nation. The excellent faculty members, well functioning, placement, cell and great scholarships make the institution well-reputed. 

Therefore, degrees from Ambedkar University are recognised internationally and good to pursue further studies.

Ques. What documents are required for AUD admission?

Ans. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi application form doesn’t require any certificates. However, during admissions and verification of documents, a student will need the hardcopies of the same. 

The list of documents required are:

  • Identity proof
  • Previous academic marksheets
  • Updated Category certificate
  • Income proof (if applying for scholarships)
  • Duly filled admission form
  • Copy of CUET scorecard
  • Passport size photographs
  • Address proof
  • Copy of Ambedkar University application form
  • EWS category certificate relevant certificate, if applying as a Kashmiri Migrant, PwDB and single-girl child. 

Ques.  Does AUD require IELTS?

Ans. Admissions at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi does not require IELTS exams. Applicants have to appear for CUET UG and CUET PG in order to be eligible for admissions at AUD.

Ques. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi is private or government? 

Ans. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University is a government university that offers great undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees. 

The university campuses spread across acres of land, giving the best facilities like library, playground etc. 

Ques. Where is Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University in Delhi?

Ans. Ambedkar University is located in three different locations in Delhi. Karampura, Lodhi Road and Kashmere Gate campus. Two campuses (Rohini and Dheerpur) are under construction for the university.

The campuses in total are sprawling across more than 9 acres of land. Each campus offers great faculty and opportunities for students. 

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AUD Fees & Eligibility

CourseFeesEligibilityApplication DateAction
15 Post Graduation17 Oct
10 10+25 June
15 Graduation22 Apr
1 10+2 with 50%5 June
2 Graduation22 Apr

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Courses Offered By AUD 2024

Select Degree and Streams to See Course Fees and Admission Details.

Offered By: 


Application Date:

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AUD Upcoming Application Dates 2024

Important events.

CUET- PG Registration Timeline Dec 26, 2024 - 
CUET- PG Admit Card Date Mar 07, 2025
CUET- PG Exam Date Mar 11, 2025 - 
CUET-PG results Apr 13, 2025

Expired Events

CUET UG Application Registration WindowFeb 27, 2024 - 
CUET UG Admit Card Release DateMay 13, 2024
CUET UG Exam DateMay 15, 2024 - 
Application Deadline [M.Des]Apr 22, 2024 - 
Application Timeline [MA]Apr 22, 2024 - 
Interview Dates (MBA-IEVD)Jul 04, 2024 - 
Interview Dates (MBA)Jul 01, 2024 - 
Application Timeline [MBA/PGDM]Apr 22, 2024 - 

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AUD Cutoff 2024

Aud, cuet pg cutoff 2024.

AUD, CUET PG Cutoff 2024 for General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff marks for CUET PG is 50 - 272


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AUD Rankings 2024

You can check college rankings with different ranking agencies.

AUD NIRF Ranking


AUD NIRF Innovation Ranking

National Institutional Ranking Framework Innovation

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Search from 20K+ Courses and 35+ Streams

Popular Streams:

Popular courses:, why to join aud - reviews & rating, what students say.

  • My course, B.A (SSH), provides me with a vast and deep experience in the field of humanities, and the faculty members have made the course easier and more interesting for me.
  • Well, since its a new university, the placement cell has yet to be established.
  • Internships are offered, but there are very few in number and I never had the opportunity to get a college-offered internship.
  • Since I was pursuing my masters, I didnt have time to engage in any extracurricular activities

These insights are automatically extracted from student reviews

Most Popular Tags

Ambedkar university delhi - review.

  • One thing which I like most about our college is that the campus is built very differently. It gives us a sense of history through it’s walls and it’s corridors.
  • There are various study clubs in our college which actually contribute so much to the social life of the students around the campus thus making college life actually interesting.
  • One thing which is on the bad part is I think the presence of too much monkeys around the campus. It is so difficult to take any food to the classroom from the canteen.
  • The campus is somewhat smaller as compared to other colleges.

Admission :

I got admission through CUET. One has to give the common entrance exam and apply on the universities' website for further process. After a few days, they release lists containing the names of selected students. This year the last date for registration is 31st july. As for reservation benefits, you need to have legitimate documents and then you can apply for the reservation application in which the cut off is much less than the non reservation candidates thus helping in the admission process.

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Life in Ambedkar University delhi

  • Faculty is very nice and very friendly . Always there to help you
  • Materials provided by the faculty is also very helpful
  • Campus is kind of small . There is not much of activites apart from studying
  • If u want to just study nd study then this clg is good

I have CUET nd scored around 550+ nd I got my number in this clg . U have to give CUET then list cut off will be released nd there are like 6-7 lists nd waiting list too . U just have to score 400+ if u are from general category

Reality of AUD

  • The fee waiver criteria is very helpful for many students
  • The quality of education provided is appreciated
  • No fests, even our seniors said from the past 3 years they haven't witnessed fest in oyr college
  • Very small campus area, it has shared campus with igdtuw so because of that only we have a ground otherwise no personal ground in the kashmere gate campus

Admission criteria are strictly through the CUET entrance exam. 85% of seats are reserved for Delhi candidates and 15% for other states. So it's a tough spot to get in there for students from outside Delhi. But students living in Delhi, can easily get Admission. Also, reservation Benefits are also there which you can check in the official AUD portal.

Anurag Pandey

Life in AUD Campus

  • The Fee waiver policy provides financial relaxation to students.
  • Student Welfare Fund ( SWF ) also provides financial help in accomodation and other academic requirements.
  • Old building & bad infrastructure of campus
  • Less extra curricular activities in campus

The admission process is done by CUET - UG & PG. after this student have to apply on University admission portal. Also 85% seats are reserved for NCT students. Reservation will be provided as per norms.

Anshita Dua

My Journey At Ambedkar University

  • The faculty was very cooperative throughout the course.
  • Our teachers encouraged group discussions and group projects.
  • The courses structure could have been better.

The course was very inclusive and the cut-off was 80% so a lot of students can apply. The application process is very simple you just have to fill out a form and then wait for the cut-off lists. There are no entrance exams.

Ambedkar University Delhi- A social sciences University

  • Faculty is good, supportive and well qualified.
  • Teaching way is nice and assessment structure is many a times student friendly.
  • Infrastructure condition is not good and should be improved
  • High fees structure for general candidates is the major irritant

Entrance test through CUET. Mathematics is a must for Economics Hons. Unlike DU, even if you don't have maths at 12th level you can still apply for AUD's Economics program by opting for maths as a subject in the Entrance test.

Harshit Dahiya

College review

  • Student organisation activeness, IGDTUW is near which make college life more better
  • Canteen food is suitable for the one who is living far from his home
  • Overall infrastructure of the college...
  • Late procedure of everything in the office

My Addmission was through the cuet exam 2022. Eligibility for the course is cuet exam only. And the other eligibility can be easily fulfilled by anyone. Reservation benifits were the only reason i got admission to easily. My reservation was Obc.


  • Calm and soft nature of college enviornment.
  • No ragging or miss behaviour is done with student.
  • Infrastructure of the college is not acceptable.
  • Low companies visits the college for placement opportunities and offer less salaries.

The admission process was very easy because it was fully online and I just had to visit the college once for document verification. There was no entrance examination and was fully based on the cut-off system, the list started from 98% for some courses and went to 88%. I don't think that there is a need to make any change in the current process as it's just awesome.

honest review

Eligibility for admission to AUD is not high compared to Delhi university. Students have to apply for their desired courses and there will be a minimum of 6 lists. students have to get at least 70% to get admission to the Bachelor of AUD.


Excellent AUD Campus

Here I am giving information about Ambedkar University Delhi Kashmiri gate campus where resources are limited but faculties are experienced. This campus has not crowded that's why each faculty gives individual attention to their students in MBA. On this campus, if a student's family income is less than 96000 annually then he gets a fee waiver. Here placement opportunities are very less.

AUD Facilities

You can check here to see what types of facilities AUD provides.

AUD Gallery

View photos and videos of campus life, hostels, cafeteria, and library.

AUD Faculty

Basic Information about the Faculty of AUD

AUD College Details

Basic Information About the Colleges

What’s Nearby

Aud latest news, ambedkar university delhi pg provisional second merit list 2024 out @aud.delhi.gov.in; get direct link here.

phd degree of ambedkar

Ambedkar University Result 2024: Check UG, PG Result, Time Table @aud.ac.in

phd degree of ambedkar

AUD Delhi UG Fourth Merit List Released @aud.ac.in; Check Direct Link Here

phd degree of ambedkar

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You need to have passed 12 th  with 50% (45% for reserved category) and you need to appear for CUET to get admission to the above-mentioned course.

Admissions at the UG level are granted on the basis of Common University Entrance Test (CUET), including marks of the previous exam. Apart from that merit as well as entrance exam scores are necessary for admission to AUD PG level courses. For MBA admissions, the admission criteria include a written exam followed by an interview

Yes, the college does offer admission based on ECA category and you can check out the official page AU New Delhi ECA admission quota.

You can check out more on the same at the page AUD New Delhi PhD Management Studies course.

You need to appear for and clear PhD entrance examination conducted by Ambedkar University for taking admission to PhD Hindi. The first year fee is INR 18,740. The second and third year fees are the same INR 13,740.  

To be eligible for Phd course, you need to have passed Master’s with 55% or more and then appear for SET/GATE to get admission.

Yes, the CUET Cutoff has been released for Ambedkar College. You can check the cutoff on the official website of Ambedkar College.

Admission process has already concluded for session 2023. You can check the official website to be updated.

Admission process has concluded for session 2023 at AUD. The last date of admission for candidates was September 03, 2023.

Ambedkar University Delhi does not offer BSc in nursing courses. Check here for the Ambedkar University Delhi Courses.

The Rollover Cum Special Drive admissions are going on for 2023 session. The date of submission of registration form in 4 th  September. 

Ambedkar University Delhi offers PhD in various specialisations such as Management, Hindi and History. The application form is to be filled online. The application fee is INR 700. The duration of the course is 3 years. The admission to the course is based on Written Test, interview and research proposal.

3 year LLB course is not offered by Ambedkar University Delhi.

You can get admission to Ambedkar University Delhi provided that you have passed CUET UG examination with valid scores.

The fee at the Ambedkar University Delhi has to be pain annually or semester wise, there is no provision for the monthly basis fee payment. 

The fee for BA in English Hons.at Ambedkar University is around 43,880 annually. The university conducts regular classes for almost all the courses. For more info, Visit: Ambedkar University Admissions  

Admission process is currently open at AUD and it’s last date is 31 st July 2023. You can check the official website to know about counselling dates. Candidates can also check the official website to know about cutoff criterias.

Ambedkar University Delhi is a public University and offers BA History, BA English, BS Hindi, MA, MBA, M.Des., M.Phil., and Ph.D. Admissions at the UG level are granted on the basis of Common University Entrance Test (CUET). Check here for more. AUD Admission

The last date to apply at AUD has been extended to July 31, 2023. Candidates can apply online on the official website of the college. The selection will be done based on CUET scores. Check here for more. AUD Admission

I need to get admission in MBA. what is the selection criteria?

Students who have completed a bachelor’s degree with at least 50% marks from a recognized board are eligible to apply for admission in the MBA program of Ambedkar University Delhi. Admission is offered based on the CMAT or the university’s MBA entrance test, followed by personal interview.

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phd degree of ambedkar


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Director - Prof. Sunit K. Singh

Prof. Sunit K. Singh

Brife Profile

Brightest minds to mentor best brain Teaching beyond text books Translating research from lab to life Instill human values and scientific temper

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research (ACBR) is a unique center, which is engaged to train the young minds in the area of Biomedical education and research under the University of Delhi. ACBR is committed to solve problems and unmet needs related to the human well-being in the today’s era of rapidly evolving world. The thrust areas of research at ACBR apply across a broad spectrum of academic disciplines include Drug Discovery and Drug Development, Medical Biotechnology, Molecular Modeling and DNA Diagnostics, Molecular Oncology, Immunology, Genomics & Proteomics, Medicinal Chemistry, Cancer Genetics, Human Genetics and Neuropharmacology. A major challenge in biology is to comprehend the enormous complexity of biological systems, and to translate this knowledge from bench to bedside in order to add value in the improvement of the health and wellbeing of the people. The insights in understanding the principles governing the biological system will have a fruitful impact in achieving the goals, which are directly or indirectly linked to the health and disease. ACBR has made its place both nationally and internationally based on the quality research and training. ACBR would like to strengthen the existing central facilities, which are the backbone for education, research and training. I believe this effort will be very useful for the students and faculty members. Click More

11th workshop on Bioinformatics and Drug Design: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Based Methods (BIF-DD-2023) April 18th to 20th, 2023

10th Workshop on Bioinformatics and Molecular Modeling in Drug Design, December 21st to 23rd, 2021

10th Workshop on Bioinformatics and Molecular Modeling in Drug Design, March 12-14, 2020

Tentative Date: Adhoc Interview for Biomedical Sciences will be held on 13th July, 2019 in Bhaskaracharya College and more details visit College/DU website

A Hands-On Workshop On Patent Drafting: Securing Your Intellectual Rights , 24th - 26th June, 2019

9th Workshop on Bioinformatics and Molecular Modeling in Drug Design, March 25-27, 2019

Notice: Ph.D. Interviews (2018-19)

The interview for appointment of Two adhoc-teachers in ACBR are scheduled for September 10th & 11th, 2018 at 10 AM.

8th Workshop on Bioinformatics and Molecular Modeling in Drug Design (BIF-MMDD 2018) March 15-17, 2018

Workshop on Molecular Diagnostics of Infectious Diseases: Advances and Its Applications March 16-17, 2018

11th Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedical Research during 19-21 February, 2018

Admisson Schedule Sixth Admission list for M.Sc.-Ph.D. Combined Degree Program in Biomedical Sciences will be from 29/08/2017 (Tuesday) to 31/08/2017 (Thursday).

Admisson Schedule Fifth Admission list for M.Sc.-Ph.D. Combined Degree Program in Biomedical Sciences will be from 23/08/2017 (Thursday) to 26/08/2017 (Saturday).

Admisson Schedule Fourth Admission list for M.Sc.-Ph.D. Combined Degree Program in Biomedical Sciences will be from 18/08/2017 (Friday) to 22/08/2017 (Tuesday), Except 20/08/2017 (Sunday).

List of candidates shortlisted for an Interview to be held on Monday, the 15th September, 2014 for the Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Sciences

Roll No. wise list (detailed marks) of all the candidates shortlisted for interview and group discussion for admission to M.Sc. and M.Sc. - Ph.D. Combined Degree Program in Biomedical Sciences for the year 2014-2016

The question paper and answer key of the entrance examination to the M.Sc / M,Sc - Ph.D course in Biomedical Sciences at ACBR held on June 7th, 2014, is enclused

Note: There were discrepancies in the follwing questions Q. 142, 183, 185, 187, 198. This will be taken into account while computing the result of the candidates. Email-ID of the Coordinator of the entrance exam is [email protected]

9th Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedical Research during 14-16 April 2014

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  • Students Grievance Redressal System
  • Foreign Students' Registry
  • Time table:Semester IVth w.e.f January, 2023
  • Time table:Semester IInd w.e.f 17th April, 2023
  • Date Sheet: M.Sc.-IInd Sem. Theory Examination Repeat- May 2023
  • Date Sheet: M.Sc.-IVth Sem. Theory Examination - May 2023
  • Date Sheet: M.Sc.-Ist Sem. Theory Examination - April 2023
  • Date Sheet: M.Sc.-IVth Sem. Theory Examination - Jan 2023
  • Admission Student Grievance Form-2021
  • Sixth Admission List for Gen, SC and ST for Admission to M.Sc-Ph.D Combined Degree in Biomedical Sciences 2017
  • Third Admission List for Gen, OBC, SC & ST for Admission to M.Sc-Ph.D Combined Degree in Biomedical Sciences 2017
  • Admission Details of M.Sc.-Ph.D. Combined Degree Program in Biomedical Sciences Date and Time: 01/08/2014 to 08/08/2014 between 9.30 a.m. and 1 p.m.
  • Final Result of Entrance Exam for Admission to M.Sc.and M.Sc.-Ph.D. Combined Degree Program in Biomedical Sciences for the year 2014-2016

Shortlisted candidates are requred to report between 10.00AM to 01.00PM on 8th June 2014 at ACBR for Interview & Group Discussion

  • Advertisement for M.Sc. and Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Sciences 2013
  • Application form for M.Sc. and Ph.D. Combined Degree Program in Biomedical Sciences 2013
  • Application form Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences 2013
  • M.Sc. Admission 2022-23
  • Date Sheet: M.Sc.-IV Sem. Theory Examination -May 2022
  • Time table:Semester II w.e.f 29th April, 2022
  • Time table:Semester III w.e.f 16th Aug 2021
  • Date Sheet: M.Sc.-III Sem. Theory Examination - Dec 2021
  • Time Table:Semester II w.e.f 1st April 2021
  • Time table:Semester IV w.e.f 02 nd Jan 2021
  • Time table:Semester III w.e.f 10th Aug 2020
  • Date Sheet: M.Sc. Practical Examination Nov. Dec. 2020
  • Delhi University
  • Date Sheet: Schedule of IVth semester dissertation presentation May-June 2020
  • Internal Assessment December-2018: I & III Semester
  • Time Table for 2nd and 4th Semester January-June, 2020
  • Date Sheet for 1st Semester, 3rd Semester and Repeat paper July-December, 2019
  • DateSheet: Semester II and IV    Corrigendum
  • Time Table for 2nd and 4th Semester January-June 2019
  • DateSheet: Semester I & III

Time Table:  Semester-II    Semester-IV    Date Sheet May_18

  • Ph.D. Admission 2022-23

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar School of Economics University, Bengaluru

PhD Programme

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar School of Economics, Bengaluru University aims to become a globally recognized institution of excellence in the field of Economics and allied academic disciplines. The University has a quantitative orientation and encourages interdisciplinary studies. 

Areas of specialization

Theoretical as well as applied economics and allied disciplines

Eligibility Criteria for the Ph. D. program

Consistent academic record and a Master’s degree (M.A./M.Sc.) in Economics/ Developmental Studies with a minimum of 55% marks or its equivalent grade

A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade shall be permitted for candidates from OBC( non creamy layer) SC/ST/ differently-abled 

Apart from the above criteria, the candidate should have qualified for any one of the following 

I.Qualified for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) through National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by UGC 

II.Qualified for UGC-NET for Lectureship.

Admission procedure

Coming soon..

Duration of the program

The duration of the Doctoral program shall be for a maximum period of four years (including course work).

Doctoral candidates are encouraged to obtain fellowships from various agencies like UGC, ICSSR, RGNF, MANF, JNMF, or any other fellowships or the fellowships that the University may offer in the future, backed by funding availability.

Teaching Assistance

All Doctoral candidates are required to work as Teaching Assistant/Research Assistant under the Research Supervisor. Doctoral candidates who are not receiving any research fellowship/grant may apply for paid teaching assistance facility by following the University Guidelines. 

PhD registration fee (Upon selection to PhD program)- Rs. 30000

The fee for Doctoral program is Rs. 26000 per year (payable in two instalments of 13000 each)

PhD submission and Examination fee Rs. 30000

Accommodation & Food

Hostel facility is available for the Doctoral candidates at the prevailing rates. Students shall avail the canteen facility by paying the mess fee notified from time to time. 

PhD Admission FAQ - Under Construction

Please review commonly asked admissions questions while we update our website.

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डॉ. बी. आर. अम्बेडकर विश्‍वविद्यालय दिल्ली Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi Established by The Government of NCT of Delhi

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PhD English

Any student with a postgraduate degree from a recognized university and a minimum of 55% (or as per Ambedkar university rules) can apply for admission.


The distinguishing feature of the Research programme offered by the English faculty of Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) is that students shall be encouraged to pursue inter- or multidisciplinary research based on the assumption that concerns raised in literary texts often find resonances or analogies in other disciplines. The faculty shall make every effort to create an intellectual environment in which a researcher has the confidence and freedom to challenge canonically accepted critical positions and methodologies. The rationale behind any research undertaken in this programme shall be to understand how a literary or cultural text is profoundly influenced by art, politics, style, history, psychology, image-making, translations and technologies that define the spirit of the age in which literary production happens. Literary research in the contemporary world should, therefore, be inspired sometimes by present anxieties and discontents, sometimes by new areas of knowledge and visions of a different future; it should re-establish, for its own time and location, the truth or the enigma of any text; and, finally, it should claim its place in the same cultural and moral habitat in which other acts of reason and imagination take place

PO-1 Apart from the outcomes that are already listed, the English PhD programme seeks to train scholars in inter-disciplinary methodologies and engaged research

PO-2 It trains them in thorough understanding of the critical and theoretical paradigms related to their area of research

PO-3 It helps them develop an ability to read, question, and critically explore and formulate one's responses to all forms of cultural productions and the processes behind these productions.

Entrance Process

Eligibility: Any student with a postgraduate degree from a recognized university and a minimum of 55% (or as per Ambedkar university rules) can apply for admission. Entrance Examination: The written entrance examination shall evaluate a candidate’s research aptitude, capacity for critical thinking and the ability to write a coherent argument in English. A section of the entrance test will be based on the readings uploaded on the website.

Proposal: Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their performance in the entrance examination will be asked to submit a research proposal within a very short notice period after the admission test result is displayed on the website. They shall then appear for an interview which will be based primarily on their research proposal.

The Research proposal (2000-2500 words) should follow the following format:

1. Introduction: Research Area

2. Aims and Objectives

3. Research question 2

4. Existing Research in the area

5. Research Approach/Methodology

6. Bibliography A provisional admission to the PhD programme will be offered to candidates fulfilling the minimum requirements. The proposal will carry a weightage of 25%, the entrance examination 50% and the interview 25%. 

Course Code Course Name Credit
SOL3EN203 4
SOL4EN0001 4
SOL3EN204 4

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  • Nate Monroe

Ben Sasse's costliest bet at UF still moving 'full steam' ahead | Commentary

Kurt Dudas is no household name in Jacksonville, but for months he has been one of the University of Florida's most important — and highest paid — field operators, building support among Northeast Florida powerbrokers for a $300 million graduate campus that is a linchpin of former president Ben Sasse's vision for the school's future. Some of the work Sasse undertook in his 17 months on the job remains a secret, but the Jacksonville campus was both a highly visible and expensive initiative that he and Mori Hosseini, an influential member of the UF board of trustees, announced last year on just his second day on the job.

Sasse's legacy took a significant hit this month when the Independent Florida Alligator detailed profligate spending out of the president's office during his tenure, including awarding high-paying remote-work jobs to his former Capitol Hill staffers and other Republican officials. But Sasse's most ambitious project — the Jacksonville campus — remains "moving forward at full steam," a university spokesman said.

At an estimated $300 million — a cost that has mushroomed at least 50 percent from initial projections — Jacksonville was Sasse's biggest bet.

In the fall, Sasse hired Dudas, a former wealth management and banking executive, on a $513,000 yearly salary and named him vice president of Jacksonville programs, a new role intended to support the graduate campus proposal. It's not clear if the two knew each other before Sasse arrived at UF, but they do share a common past: Dudas worked in the early 2000s as a business analyst at McKinsey & Company, a firm that received millions of dollars worth of work from UF while Sasse was president and to whom Sasse once served as a paid consultant.

Dudas' generous pay, which is among the highest Sasse green-lit during his presidency, came at a time when Sasse was also looking at imposing cuts. "Any $9 billion enterprise should always be finding ways to tighten its belt (and one of my more unpopular 2023 proposals was to consider consolidating some of our 200[!] academic units) ..." Sasse wrote on social media last week in defense of his tenure.

These two elements of Sasse's time at UF were always in tension: on the one hand, telegraphing a desire to cut departments and figure out how to oust underperforming professors, while on the other hand shelling out huge salaries to executive staffers and championing a massive expansion project in Jacksonville. Seeming to respond to criticism of the Jacksonville project, Sasse wrote last week, "This initiative was launched and run out of the president’s office — and no, planning for a new campus isn’t cheap."

The Jacksonville graduate campus is widely understood to be a pet project of Hosseini, the UF board member and powerful Northeast Florida homebuilder with ties to Gov. Ron DeSantis. At least high-level, conceptual details were already being hammered out between Hoseeini and former Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry's administration before Sasse had arrived at UF, but he immediately and enthusiastically embraced the project, making it a centerpiece of his plans for the future.

But since its public unveiling in early 2023, there has been a remarkably slapdash feel to the graduate campus.

Initially, for example, neither university leaders nor city officials could say what precisely the campus was supposed to be: its total cost, what classes and programs would be offered, how many students it would serve, where in downtown it would be located. Behind closed doors, even some boosters of the idea acknowledged that the lack of public details was a concern. Regardless, City Hall quickly committed $50 million to an idea city officials couldn't explain.

The bipartisan consensus within City Hall and among the city's higher-education leaders — particularly at the University of North Florida — has masked lingering private frustrations among supporters of the city's three existing universities and within the nonprofit community over the significant $50 million payment City Hall committed to the project. Few other worthy causes have nabbed such largesse from the city.

Sasse was still tweaking details about the graduate campus even as he sat before the Board of Governors earlier this year seeking their sign-off on the project, and he spoke in vague terms about how it fit into a coherent vision for the school's future. Calling his strategy the "tower and satellite model," Sasse said the Jacksonville campus was the first and most important of UF's expansion throughout the state and beyond. Whether that means UF would pursue building more and smaller such campuses in other locations wasn't clear.

Plans for the Jacksonville campus still seem to be a work in progress, though for now UF leaders envision the graduate campus offering programs concentrated in artificial intelligence and machine learning, medicine, manufacturing, and data analytics.

The cost of the campus was initially slated to be $200 million, with the remaining money coming from donors and the state. At some point, and with no public announcement, UF decided to up the cost to $300 million, requiring more intensive fundraising efforts, which people I've spoken with in Jacksonville told me seems to occupy much of Dudas' time while visiting here. It's not clear if the city will have to make any commitments in the future beyond the $50 million.

UF has yet to secure a sublease with JEA — the city-owned electric, water and sewer utility — for temporary space on the fifth floor in the agency's new building, the first phase of UF's plan. That puts the project at least a little behind schedule (a document UF provided to the Board of Governors indicated the school hoped to have signed a lease in July). And the school has yet to choose a permanent site for the planned graduate campus.

There has been a quiet lobbying effort by different developers hoping to steer the project to one of three sites under consideration in or near downtown Jacksonville. For now, the leading contender is likely a site owned by Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan on a parcel of land near the football stadium and just east of downtown. His organization has long pined for a government-funded building to bolster his development plans in the larger sports-and-entertainment district (he had once hoped to lure JEA to build a new headquarters on a different piece of land near the stadium).

A spokesperson said UF will make a selection in the fall and indicated interim president Kent Fuchs has faith in Sasse and Hosseini's grandiose, costly vision. "Working closely with the Board of Trustees and President, (vice president) Dudas has run point on the Jacksonville campus — planning, coordinating, and executing the university’s vision. This is an important investment, and the university is not slowing down."

Nate Monroe is a Florida columnist for the USA Today Network. Follow him on Twitter @NateMonroeTU . Email him at [email protected] .


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  2. Dr. Ambedkar's Education Degree list, Qualification

    Dalit History Dr.Ambedkar. Apart from two master's and Bar-at-Law, he had four doctoral degrees plus he knew several European languages (and quite a few Indian languages including Sanskrit). He also wrote the Pali language dictionary and was the first person from South Asia to have been conferred a Degree of Ph.D. in Economics.

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  4. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

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    In 1952, Dr. Ambedkar received an honorary LLD Doctorate Degree in Law, as part of the University's Bicentennial Special Convocation. For the occasion, President Kirk described him as "one of India's leading citizens-a great social reformer and a valiant upholder of human rights."

  6. Bhimrao Ambedkar

    Bhimrao Ambedkar (1891-1956) Founding Father, modern India. MA 1915, PhD 1927. LLD 1952 (hon.) Ambedkar was a leader in the struggle for Indian independence, the architect of the new nation's constitution, and the champion of civil rights for the 60 million members of the "untouchable" caste, to which he belonged.

  7. Ambedkar Research Scholars

    Dr B R Ambedkar is one of the most important alumnus of LSE, from where he was awarded his MA and PhD. His doctoral thesis on 'The Indian Rupee', written in 1922-23, was later published as The Problem of the Rupee: Its Origin and Its Solution (London: P S King & Son, Ltd, 1923).Ambedkar was a Social Reformer, Economist, Parliamentarian, Jurist, and the Principal Architect of the ...

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  9. Home

    Sixth Provisional Admission List for Post Graduate programmes Announced. UG Admission Announced, Last Date to Apply 18th August 2024. Applicants who have not opted Dr. B.R Ambedkar University Delhi while filling CUET form but have appeared in exam, may also apply. NIRF 2024 data submitted.

  10. PhD Psychology

    PhD Psychology. In keeping with the philosophy and central concerns for which the School of Human Studies stands, the doctoral programme in Psychosocial Studies too is guided by a vision. Its method is to retain ethical engagement with forms of life and cultural modes of being that are rendered invisible and voiceless by the dominant discourses ...

  11. BRAOU

    The Ph.D. admission is subject to the availability of vacancies with the Research Supervisor (s) in the concerned department, candidate's academic record and the performance of the candidate in the Ph.D. admission interview. Minimum Program Duration: 3 Years. Maximum Program Duration: 5 Years. Medium : Hindi.

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    After the first General Election in 1952, he became a member of the Rajya Sabha. He was also awarded an honorary doctorate degree from Columbia University in the same year. In 1953, he was also awarded another honorary doctorate from Osmania University, Hyderabad. Dr. Ambedkar's health worsened in 1955 due to prolonged illness.

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    Ambedkar was among the first from India to pursue doctoral studies in economics abroad. He specialised in finance and currency. His 'The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India: A Study in the Provincial Decentralisation of Imperial Finance (1925)', carried a foreword by Edwin R.A. Seligman, Professor of Economics, Columbia University, New York.

  14. Ambedkar Initiative

    As is well known, Ambedkar came to Columbia University in July 1913 to start a doctoral program in Political Science. He graduated in 1915 with a Masters degree, and got his doctorate from Columbia in 1927 after having studied with some of the great figures of interwar American thought including John Dewey.

  15. Ph.D Admissions 2022

    bbau.ac.in, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University was established in Lucknow in 1996 as Central University (By an Act of Parliament 1994) with the objects of promoting advance knowledge by instructional and research facilities in science, key and frontier areas of technology and other allied disciplines.

  16. Ambedkar University (AUD) PhD Admission 2024 ...

    Ambedkar University (AUD) PhD admission 2024 will begin soon. The total no. of seats including all PhD disciplines is 177. In order to be eligible for admission, candidates must hold a master's degree in the relevant field with at least 55% marks from a recognised university. Admission to the PhD program will be based on a written test followed ...

  17. PhD Portal

    Pre Ph.D. Course Work Registration Date Extended up to 15 July 2022 (05.00 PM) Important Information to Non-Registered Students to get Registration ID and Password. Circular for Pre Ph.D. Course Work (Course Work Guidelines) Circular Regarding Joining Report. Circular Regarding Provisional Letter. DRC Constitution List 02-03-2022.

  18. Admission 2023-2024

    Department of English - Notice regarding number of PhD seats and seat matrix for the II Phase of PhD Admissions, 2023-24; Public Notice - Ph.D. Admission Schedule - 2023 for Ph.D. Phase ll; Department of Environmental Studies - Result of the interview and Admission List for 2023-24 (Phase I)

  19. Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD): Admission 2024, Courses ...

    Ambedkar University Delhi offers PhD in various specialisations such as Management, Hindi and History. The application form is to be filled online. The application fee is INR 700. The duration of the course is 3 years. The admission to the course is based on Written Test, interview and research proposal. ...

  20. Dr Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research

    Prof. Sunit K. Singh. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research (ACBR) is a unique center, which is engaged to train the young minds in the area of Biomedical education and research under the University of Delhi. ACBR is committed to solve problems and unmet needs related to the human well-being in the today's era of rapidly evolving ...

  21. PhD Programme

    The fee for Doctoral program is Rs. 26000 per year (payable in two instalments of 13000 each) PhD submission and Examination fee Rs. 30000. Accommodation & Food. Hostel facility is available for the Doctoral candidates at the prevailing rates. Students shall avail the canteen facility by paying the mess fee notified from time to time.

  22. Notice-Ph.D Admission 2024-25

    Kashmere Gate Campus, Lothian Road, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006 +91-11-23863740/43 info[at]aud[dot]ac[dot]in; Connect With Us

  23. Softball Adds Keke Tholl as Graduate Assistant

    Story Links. COLUMBIA, Mo. - University of Missouri Softball Head Coach Larissa Anderson announced Monday the addition of Graduate Assistant Keke Tholl to the Tigers staff. Tholl heads to Mizzou after completing a four-year career at Michigan. She appeared in a trio of NCAA Regionals and captured a pair of Big Ten titles as a Wolverine.

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    Located on the University of Minnesota campus and near downtown, Graduate Minneapolis is an ideal venue for your next gathering. Our Minnesota-inspired ballrooms and meeting spaces add a unique local touch to weddings, meetings, and more. Want to mix things up? Host a get-together in our Topgolf Swing Suite or a private dinner at The Beacon.

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    Meetings & Events. Graduate Berkeley, just across from Cal's campus and vibrant Telegraph Avenue, is the ideal spot for your next gathering. Our meeting spaces and dining room, inspired by Berkeley history, add local flair to any event, while our expert events and catering teams ensure every detail is perfect.

  26. ECON PhD Students

    The University of Memphis does not discriminate against students, employees, or applicants for admission or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, disability, age, status as a protected veteran, genetic information, or any other legally protected class with ...

  27. PhD Admission FAQ

    PhD Degree Requirements Toggle PhD Degree Requirements Course Requirements; Teaching Requirements; Program Requirements and Milestones; Graduation Quarter; Individual Development Plan; PhD Program Timeline At-A-Glance; Funding Toggle Funding Norman H. Anderson Research Fund; Master's Degree;

  28. PhD English

    Courses. Portfolio. The distinguishing feature of the Research programme offered by the English faculty of Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) is that students shall be encouraged to pursue inter- or multidisciplinary research based on the assumption that concerns raised in literary texts often find resonances or analogies in other disciplines.

  29. Artificial Intelligence Courses and Programs

    AI for Business Professionals. These courses and programs are tailored for leaders, founders, team managers, and product professionals looking to create and implement AI strategies.

  30. University of Florida Jacksonville graduate campus moving ahead

    Sasse was still tweaking details about the graduate campus even as he sat before the Board of Governors earlier this year seeking their sign-off on the project, and he spoke in vague terms about ...