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Welcome to LSE Theses Online, the online archive of PhD theses for the London School of Economics and Political Science. LSE Theses Online contains a partial collection of completed and examined PhD theses from doctoral candidates who have studied at LSE. Please note that not all print PhD theses have been digitised. For a full catalogue of LSE theses, please search LSE Library Search at

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  • About the Department
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Student Handbooks

The student handbooks should help you make most of your time whilst at the lse, so we recommend that students familiarise themselves with the content..

The Student Handbooks should help you to find your way around the department and the School, and to plan your own programme.

Please note that there are two handbooks published each academic year in the Department: one for MSc students and one for Research (MRes/PhD) students , so make sure you consult the handbook appropriate for you .

In each, we have included a key date calendar and key information, administrative information, course information, and academic information. We have also included a section about services and trips offered by the department. The guide should help you make most of your time whilst at the LSE, so we recommend that students familiarise themselves with the content. 

  • Click here to download the 2023-24 MSc handbook
  • 2023-24 MRes/PhD handbook coming soon

Information is subject to change, although you will be informed of any changes via email. We will also note any changes in the box at the bottom of this page. Please do refer back to this page for the most updated version of the guide.

  • Click here to download the 2022-23 MSc handbook
  • Click here to download the 2022-23 MRes/PhD handbook

Changes to the Student Handbooks

No current changes.


Quick Start Guide

AN398       Special Essay Paper in Social Anthropology

This information is for the 2020/21 session.

Teacher responsible


This course is compulsory on the BA in Social Anthropology and BSc in Social Anthropology. This course is not available as an outside option nor to General Course students.


Undergraduates taking this course need to have completed the first two year of either the BA/BSc Social Anthropology or the BA Anthropology and Law.

Course content

The course gives students the opportunity to write an extended essay which addresses an anthropological theme of their own choosing. The extended essay should be based either on library-based research or on fieldwork-based research conducted on a topic that is suitable for anthropological analysis. Students should ensure that there is an adequate body of relevant literature available for analysis, and that the topic as defined is not unmanageably large.

There is no formal course content. Students will be expected to draw widely on their readings from other anthropology courses.

2 hours of lectures, 1 hour of seminars and 5 hours of workshops in the MT. 3 hours of seminars in the LT. 1 hour of lectures in the ST.

Guidance on dissertation research and writing will be given in a one-hour session in ST (to students finishing their 2nd year) and in the timetabled teaching in MT and LT (to students in their 3rd year). In addition to direction from their Academic Mentor in regular mentoring meetings across the year, the AM will suggest other members of staff for students to consult on the basis of the proposed topic.

Formative coursework

Following an introductory lecture and seminar, students will submit a Dissertation Topic form at the end of MT week 2 (using a template published on Moodle). They will then work with their academic mentor and through timetabled teaching. They will submit a Dissertation Title form at the end of MT week 8, a Dissertation Contents form at the end of LT week 2, and a 2,500-word extract at the end of LT week 8.

Indicative reading

Dissertation (100%, 9000 words) in the ST.

The essay is 9,000 words of main text, including footnotes and appendices but excluding bibliography. The essay should be typed, double spaced, and should follow the reference procedures of The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. The essay must be handed in to the Anthropology Departmental Office by the date announced in the Department’s Handbook, normally week 2 of ST.

Department: Anthropology

Total students 2019/20: 42

Average class size 2019/20: 5

Capped 2019/20: No

Value: One Unit

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Theses and Dissertations

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As a graduate student, you may need to complete a thesis or dissertation as part of your program's graduation requirements. While theses are common among master’s students and dissertations among doctoral students, this may not apply universally across all programs. We encourage you to reach out to your program adviser to determine the specific requirements for your culminating project.

Office of Theses and Dissertations

The Office of Theses and Dissertations is the unit of the Graduate School responsible for certifying that theses and dissertations have been prepared in accordance with formatting requirements established by the Graduate School, the University Libraries, and the graduate faculty of Penn State. We are here to help you navigate the review and approval process to ensure you are able to graduate on time.

Cover of the 2023-2024 Penn State Graduate School Thesis and Dissertation Handbook

The Thesis and Dissertation Handbook explains Penn State formatting requirements for all master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. It covers the submission process and approval deadlines, the responsibilities of each student, and provides page examples. We highly recommend all students doing theses or dissertations to carefully review the handbook.

Deadlines Calendar

Submission procedure.

Thesis and Dissertation Templates

Tips & Support

Theses and dissertations faqs, thesis and dissertation payment portal.

Questions about theses, dissertations, or Graduate School commencement should be directed to the Graduate School Office of Theses and Dissertations (OTD) .

115 Kern Graduate Building University Park, PA 16802

[email protected]


Among these resources, you can get help from the Graduate Writing Center and the Statistical Counseling Center, notify the University of your intent to graduate, and prepare for Commencement.

Electronic Theses and Dissertations for Graduate School (eTD)

Submit your own work or explore published submissions.

Graduate School Commencement

Learn how to register for commencement, when to order regalia, how to prepare, and more.

Graduate Writing Center

The Graduate Writing Center provides consultation to graduate students in all disciplines and locations.

LaTeX Document Preparation Software

A guide to using LaTeX document preparation software, from the University Libraries.

Multimedia & Printing Center Copying & Binding

Multimedia & Print Center will help you re-create and preserve your important work with professional copying and binding services.

Notifying the University of Your Intent to Graduate

To graduate, you must satisfy all the University, college, and major requirements that were in effect at the time of your most recent admission, or re-enrollment, as a degree candidate to the University.

Statistical Consulting Center

Gives advice on statistics to graduate students working on dissertation or thesis research.

Thesis and Dissertation Fees

Pay thesis fee ($10) or dissertation fee ($50).

Thesis and Dissertation Handbook

Requirements and guidelines for the preparation of Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations.

Thesis and Dissertation Submission Requirements and Deadlines

Find required thesis and dissertation submissions dates for all Penn State graduate students.

Download a template to make sure your thesis or dissertation meets required formatting requirements for all Penn State theses and dissertations.

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  • Accessibility
  • The Pennsylvania State University © 2024


  1. Dissertation guidelines

    LSE policy and good practice require a risk assessment when you engage in academic work away from LSE which creates 'serious additional risk'. For some writing a dissertation involves poring over the latest Government policies, but if your dissertation means going out to interview stakeholders and policy makers you will need to do a risk ...

  2. PDF MC499.1 DISSERTATION Guidelines 2021/22

    For students on the following MSc programmes: Strategic Communications1 INTRODUCTIONThese guidelines provide important information and guidance on the practical procedures for the writing, supervision and submission of dissertations within the. epartment of Media and Communications. Please consult the MSc Student Handbook for further ...

  3. Dissertations

    Research Design and Dissertation in International Development. The DV410 dissertation is a major component of the MSc programme and an important part of the learning and development process involved in postgraduate education. The objective of DV410 is to provide students with an overview of the resources available to them to research and write ...

  4. Your Master's dissertation with LSE LIFE

    A research project has many stages and the end product - a dissertation - is a major piece of writing. There's a lot to think about, but LSE LIFE can help you find your way with resources, events, and one-to-one advice at every step of the way! We're open and doing things every weekday, throughout the whole academic year and summer break, until ...

  5. Get off to a good start

    You can find this information from your dissertation supervisor, course convenor for dissertations, academic mentor, or other staff in your department. You can also check Moodle or your departmental handbook.

  6. Create a great dissertation

    Create a great dissertation. A dissertation is a big project. It's a piece of independent research, but that doesn't mean you're supposed to do it alone! There is plenty of support in your department, among your classmates, and at LSE LIFE—across the entire academic year. We're here to help you get a head start - whether it's ...

  7. Basic Guide to Dissertation Writing

    Basic Guide to Dissertation Writing. For most courses at LSE, a dissertation is an essential component of the degree programme both in undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Dissertation writing gives students the opportunity to research their areas of interest and come up with innovative contributions and fresh perspectives to issues.

  8. PDF MSc Handbook

    Dissertation feedback in the form of qualitative comments will be provided to students within four term weeks of the final mark being made available to students, as per the LSE Academic Code.

  9. PDF MSc Handbook

    The London School of Economics and Political Science is a School of the University of London. It is a charity and is incorporated in England as a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Acts (Reg no 70527).

  10. PDF Welcome to the Department of Government MSc Handbook

    You should use this paragraph: [Title] A dissertation submitted by [candidate number] to the Department of Government, the London School of Economics and Political Science, in part completion of the requirements for the MSc in [name of MSc].

  11. PDF Guidance notes on submission of final copy of thesis to LSE Theses

    Candidates who wish to provide a redacted thesis for deposit in LSE Theses Online must first provide their original examined thesis and submit a request to provide a redacted version of their thesis for LSE Theses Online via the PhD Thesis Submission Form.

  12. Find, review, and use literature

    This means searching the literature. "Literature" can refer to books, journal articles, professional or trade publications, case studies, or research reports (including dissertations and theses). It includes academic publications and conference papers, but can also include publications by national or local governments, international ...

  13. Student handbooks

    Download and read your respective student handbook for 2023/24. Student handbooks are correct on the date of publication for students starting in 2023. For up to date information regarding regulations please consult the LSE Calendar ...

  14. Welcome to LSE Theses Online

    Welcome to LSE Theses Online, the online archive of PhD theses for the London School of Economics and Political Science. LSE Theses Online contains a partial collection of completed and examined PhD theses from doctoral candidates who have studied at LSE.

  15. PDF lse life msc dissertation tube map single

    To book your place for an event or a a one-to-one appointment, Creating a great dissertation Finding & Planning & getting things done. Write Read. visit lse.ac.uk/lselife, or come and see us on the ground floor of. referencing resources Writing & communicating. the Library, Monday to Friday, 10am - 6pm.

  16. Student Handbooks

    The Student Handbook will help you make most of your time whilst at the LSE, so we recommend that students familiarise themselves with the content.

  17. PDF Welcome to the LSE Law School

    is outstanding LLM programme. The London School of Economics and Political Science is one of the world's leading social science institutions. For over one hundred years, the study of law has been an integral part of LSE's mission to advance knowledge across the social science subjects. Today, the LSE Law School provides a unique learning environment, which is busy, intellectually ...

  18. Student Handbooks

    The Student Handbook will help you make most of your time whilst at the LSE, so we recommend that students familiarise themselves with the content.

  19. PDF Dissertation Handbook

    The Handbook also includes information about the student's intellectual property rights to the dissertation and the requirements that the dissertation be made publicly available by submitting it to the University Library's digital archive, Deep Blue.

  20. AN398 Special Essay Paper in Social Anthropology

    The essay should be typed, double spaced, and should follow the reference procedures of The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. The essay must be handed in to the Anthropology Departmental Office by the date announced in the Department's Handbook, normally week 2 of ST.

  21. PDF Guidelines for Formatting Electronic Theses & Dissertations revised 6

    This is the only page in your document without an expressed page number. (It is silently page number i.) The title page format is identical for dissertations and theses with the exception of the first line in the center block of text, where you would type either "A Thesis" or "A Dissertation".

  22. Lse Dissertation Guide

    Lse Dissertation Guide - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing a dissertation and provides information about services that can help with the dissertation writing process. It states that writing a dissertation is one of the most difficult academic challenges and can be overwhelming due to the extensive ...

  23. Lse Dissertation Guidelines

    The document provides guidance on dissertation writing and discusses the challenges of crafting a dissertation. It notes that dissertation writing requires meticulous research, critical analysis, and coherent writing. It also discusses the stringent guidelines of institutions like the London School of Economics, which add complexity. Every step of the dissertation process, from formulating a ...

  24. Theses and Dissertations

    Handbook. The Thesis and Dissertation Handbook explains Penn State formatting requirements for all master's theses and doctoral dissertations. It covers the submission process and approval deadlines, the responsibilities of each student, and provides page examples.


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