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  • 40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays

good replacement words for essays

To be truly brilliant, an essay needs to utilise the right language. You could make a great point, but if it’s not intelligently articulated, you almost needn’t have bothered.

Developing the language skills to build an argument and to write persuasively is crucial if you’re to write outstanding essays every time. In this article, we’re going to equip you with the words and phrases you need to write a top-notch essay, along with examples of how to utilise them.

It’s by no means an exhaustive list, and there will often be other ways of using the words and phrases we describe that we won’t have room to include, but there should be more than enough below to help you make an instant improvement to your essay-writing skills.

If you’re interested in developing your language and persuasive skills, Oxford Royale offers summer courses at its Oxford Summer School , Cambridge Summer School , London Summer School , San Francisco Summer School and Yale Summer School . You can study courses to learn english , prepare for careers in law , medicine , business , engineering and leadership.

General explaining

Let’s start by looking at language for general explanations of complex points.

1. In order to

Usage: “In order to” can be used to introduce an explanation for the purpose of an argument. Example: “In order to understand X, we need first to understand Y.”

2. In other words

Usage: Use “in other words” when you want to express something in a different way (more simply), to make it easier to understand, or to emphasise or expand on a point. Example: “Frogs are amphibians. In other words, they live on the land and in the water.”

3. To put it another way

Usage: This phrase is another way of saying “in other words”, and can be used in particularly complex points, when you feel that an alternative way of wording a problem may help the reader achieve a better understanding of its significance. Example: “Plants rely on photosynthesis. To put it another way, they will die without the sun.”

4. That is to say

Usage: “That is” and “that is to say” can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. Example: “Whales are mammals. That is to say, they must breathe air.”

5. To that end

Usage: Use “to that end” or “to this end” in a similar way to “in order to” or “so”. Example: “Zoologists have long sought to understand how animals communicate with each other. To that end, a new study has been launched that looks at elephant sounds and their possible meanings.”

Adding additional information to support a point

Students often make the mistake of using synonyms of “and” each time they want to add further information in support of a point they’re making, or to build an argument. Here are some cleverer ways of doing this.

6. Moreover

Usage: Employ “moreover” at the start of a sentence to add extra information in support of a point you’re making. Example: “Moreover, the results of a recent piece of research provide compelling evidence in support of…”

7. Furthermore

Usage:This is also generally used at the start of a sentence, to add extra information. Example: “Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that…”

8. What’s more

Usage: This is used in the same way as “moreover” and “furthermore”. Example: “What’s more, this isn’t the only evidence that supports this hypothesis.”

9. Likewise

Usage: Use “likewise” when you want to talk about something that agrees with what you’ve just mentioned. Example: “Scholar A believes X. Likewise, Scholar B argues compellingly in favour of this point of view.”

10. Similarly

Usage: Use “similarly” in the same way as “likewise”. Example: “Audiences at the time reacted with shock to Beethoven’s new work, because it was very different to what they were used to. Similarly, we have a tendency to react with surprise to the unfamiliar.”

11. Another key thing to remember

Usage: Use the phrase “another key point to remember” or “another key fact to remember” to introduce additional facts without using the word “also”. Example: “As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of a closer relationship between humans and nature. Another key point to remember is that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on the world around him.”

12. As well as

Usage: Use “as well as” instead of “also” or “and”. Example: “Scholar A argued that this was due to X, as well as Y.”

13. Not only… but also

Usage: This wording is used to add an extra piece of information, often something that’s in some way more surprising or unexpected than the first piece of information. Example: “Not only did Edmund Hillary have the honour of being the first to reach the summit of Everest, but he was also appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.”

14. Coupled with

Usage: Used when considering two or more arguments at a time. Example: “Coupled with the literary evidence, the statistics paint a compelling view of…”

15. Firstly, secondly, thirdly…

Usage: This can be used to structure an argument, presenting facts clearly one after the other. Example: “There are many points in support of this view. Firstly, X. Secondly, Y. And thirdly, Z.

16. Not to mention/to say nothing of

Usage: “Not to mention” and “to say nothing of” can be used to add extra information with a bit of emphasis. Example: “The war caused unprecedented suffering to millions of people, not to mention its impact on the country’s economy.”

Words and phrases for demonstrating contrast

When you’re developing an argument, you will often need to present contrasting or opposing opinions or evidence – “it could show this, but it could also show this”, or “X says this, but Y disagrees”. This section covers words you can use instead of the “but” in these examples, to make your writing sound more intelligent and interesting.

17. However

Usage: Use “however” to introduce a point that disagrees with what you’ve just said. Example: “Scholar A thinks this. However, Scholar B reached a different conclusion.”

18. On the other hand

Usage: Usage of this phrase includes introducing a contrasting interpretation of the same piece of evidence, a different piece of evidence that suggests something else, or an opposing opinion. Example: “The historical evidence appears to suggest a clear-cut situation. On the other hand, the archaeological evidence presents a somewhat less straightforward picture of what happened that day.”

19. Having said that

Usage: Used in a similar manner to “on the other hand” or “but”. Example: “The historians are unanimous in telling us X, an agreement that suggests that this version of events must be an accurate account. Having said that, the archaeology tells a different story.”

20. By contrast/in comparison

Usage: Use “by contrast” or “in comparison” when you’re comparing and contrasting pieces of evidence. Example: “Scholar A’s opinion, then, is based on insufficient evidence. By contrast, Scholar B’s opinion seems more plausible.”

21. Then again

Usage: Use this to cast doubt on an assertion. Example: “Writer A asserts that this was the reason for what happened. Then again, it’s possible that he was being paid to say this.”

22. That said

Usage: This is used in the same way as “then again”. Example: “The evidence ostensibly appears to point to this conclusion. That said, much of the evidence is unreliable at best.”

Usage: Use this when you want to introduce a contrasting idea. Example: “Much of scholarship has focused on this evidence. Yet not everyone agrees that this is the most important aspect of the situation.”

Adding a proviso or acknowledging reservations

Sometimes, you may need to acknowledge a shortfalling in a piece of evidence, or add a proviso. Here are some ways of doing so.

24. Despite this

Usage: Use “despite this” or “in spite of this” when you want to outline a point that stands regardless of a shortfalling in the evidence. Example: “The sample size was small, but the results were important despite this.”

25. With this in mind

Usage: Use this when you want your reader to consider a point in the knowledge of something else. Example: “We’ve seen that the methods used in the 19th century study did not always live up to the rigorous standards expected in scientific research today, which makes it difficult to draw definite conclusions. With this in mind, let’s look at a more recent study to see how the results compare.”

26. Provided that

Usage: This means “on condition that”. You can also say “providing that” or just “providing” to mean the same thing. Example: “We may use this as evidence to support our argument, provided that we bear in mind the limitations of the methods used to obtain it.”

27. In view of/in light of

Usage: These phrases are used when something has shed light on something else. Example: “In light of the evidence from the 2013 study, we have a better understanding of…”

28. Nonetheless

Usage: This is similar to “despite this”. Example: “The study had its limitations, but it was nonetheless groundbreaking for its day.”

29. Nevertheless

Usage: This is the same as “nonetheless”. Example: “The study was flawed, but it was important nevertheless.”

30. Notwithstanding

Usage: This is another way of saying “nonetheless”. Example: “Notwithstanding the limitations of the methodology used, it was an important study in the development of how we view the workings of the human mind.”

Giving examples

Good essays always back up points with examples, but it’s going to get boring if you use the expression “for example” every time. Here are a couple of other ways of saying the same thing.

31. For instance

Example: “Some birds migrate to avoid harsher winter climates. Swallows, for instance, leave the UK in early winter and fly south…”

32. To give an illustration

Example: “To give an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at the case of…”

Signifying importance

When you want to demonstrate that a point is particularly important, there are several ways of highlighting it as such.

33. Significantly

Usage: Used to introduce a point that is loaded with meaning that might not be immediately apparent. Example: “Significantly, Tacitus omits to tell us the kind of gossip prevalent in Suetonius’ accounts of the same period.”

34. Notably

Usage: This can be used to mean “significantly” (as above), and it can also be used interchangeably with “in particular” (the example below demonstrates the first of these ways of using it). Example: “Actual figures are notably absent from Scholar A’s analysis.”

35. Importantly

Usage: Use “importantly” interchangeably with “significantly”. Example: “Importantly, Scholar A was being employed by X when he wrote this work, and was presumably therefore under pressure to portray the situation more favourably than he perhaps might otherwise have done.”


You’ve almost made it to the end of the essay, but your work isn’t over yet. You need to end by wrapping up everything you’ve talked about, showing that you’ve considered the arguments on both sides and reached the most likely conclusion. Here are some words and phrases to help you.

36. In conclusion

Usage: Typically used to introduce the concluding paragraph or sentence of an essay, summarising what you’ve discussed in a broad overview. Example: “In conclusion, the evidence points almost exclusively to Argument A.”

37. Above all

Usage: Used to signify what you believe to be the most significant point, and the main takeaway from the essay. Example: “Above all, it seems pertinent to remember that…”

38. Persuasive

Usage: This is a useful word to use when summarising which argument you find most convincing. Example: “Scholar A’s point – that Constanze Mozart was motivated by financial gain – seems to me to be the most persuasive argument for her actions following Mozart’s death.”

39. Compelling

Usage: Use in the same way as “persuasive” above. Example: “The most compelling argument is presented by Scholar A.”

40. All things considered

Usage: This means “taking everything into account”. Example: “All things considered, it seems reasonable to assume that…”

How many of these words and phrases will you get into your next essay? And are any of your favourite essay terms missing from our list? Let us know in the comments below, or get in touch here to find out more about courses that can help you with your essays.

At Oxford Royale Academy, we offer a number of  summer school courses for young people who are keen to improve their essay writing skills. Click here to apply for one of our courses today, including law , business , medicine  and engineering .

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  • November 8, 2019

Overused Words to Replace in Your English Writing

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Communication is great, but sometimes it gets just a little predictable. That’s because, despite the thousands upon thousands of words we could use to express ourselves, we keep on insisting on using the same ones.

You may feel a little restricted with the words you can use because of the requirement for simple, plain and inoffensive language. But that doesn’t mean you have to be predictable and, well, dull. 

Without further ado (so), let’s start now by identifying some of the main culprits, and looking at suitable alternatives to make your English writing just that little bit more interesting:

When it comes to quantifying something, some just doesn’t get the job done. Can you be more specific? And that is the point. This type of vague language only succeeds in frustrating the reader, who cannot say, with any great conviction, how many you are actually talking about.

Alternatives : couple, several, dozens, one, two, three, four etc.

This has to be the worst adjective in English. Okay, maybe not quite, but it’s certainly the most overused, and the one that describes the least. Think of a surly teenager who doesn’t want to reveal any information about anything, but at the same time doesn’t want to give the impression that anything is wrong. Good tells us nothing. It is so undescriptive, it is laughable. There’s really no good reason to use it (well-spotted!).

Alternatives : interesting, informative, enjoyable, uplifting, eye-opening (depending on the context).

Great is good ’s slightly less annoying, but more excitable big brother. We know that it’s better than good , but it’s also a word that fails to deliver the idea that it really should. No one can get excited about great , even though that is exactly the feeling that great should convey.  But when it comes to attaching a value to something, instead of using a word such as great , which really means nothing, seek to use a word that is more descriptive and explicit, or go for something which makes a valid comparison.

Alternatives : even better than the last time, incredibly rewarding, of magnificent value.

Other is a word that is incredibly practical, so it’s not as annoying as something like good , which really has no value at all. The problem with other is that it just turns up too frequently in writing, so here you just need to think about repetition, and go for something a little different each time.

Alternatives : additional, alternative, further, supplementary.

More . This word even sounds dull. But it’s similar to other , both in meaning, and in that it is incredibly practical. Instead just look for those nicer sounding alternatives.

Alternatives : additional, alternative, further, supplementary, extra.

This word is horrible for two reasons. Firstly, because a lot of the time, it just isn’t true. We live in a society now where everything is brilliant or terrible. Everything is either the best or the worst, ever! But it actually isn’t, is it? What you are saying is a massive overstatement. So, avoid using such superlatives when they do not apply. Secondly, it’s all about opinion anyway, so just because it is the best for you, is it really the best for others? Scrap this word! 

Alternatives : the most suitable, the most fitting, the most practical, one of the most…

Everything is important . Or nothing is. It all depends who you are talking to, or what you are talking about. And what is important for one person isn’t important for another (see best ). And another thing, important doesn’t mean best in English: this is a false translation from other languages.

Alternatives : crucial, essential, vital.

Like is a word that is shockingly overused in speech, but it is also creeping in more and more to English writing, which is a cause of major frustration to language purists, and those who like language to be clear. Because like just isn’t. Like has multiple meanings, but almost all of them can be better expressed in other ways. Here are some examples:

I like it. = I think it is an interesting proposition. It was like last time. = It was similar to the previous occasion. It feels like you have misunderstood… = You have misunderstood…

Does it really feel similar to that? Or is that how it feels? Stop stepping around the issue, and SAY WHAT YOU MEAN!

Alternatives : as above.

A pro tip : Linguix allows you learning new words while writing. The Linguix Grammar Checker and paraphraser (here is our Chrome extension ) have a built-in AI-fueled synonyms-selection engine. This feature allows you to see synonyms of English words. Just hold down the Alt button and double-click on a word to see a list of its synonyms. 

good replacement words for essays

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30 Advanced Essay Words to Improve Your Grades

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  • Posted by by Cameron Smith
  • 11 months ago
  • Updated 3 weeks ago

In this guide, you’ll find 30 advanced essay words to use in academic writing. Advanced English words are great for making academic writing more impressive and persuasive, which has the potential to wow teachers and professors, and even improve your grades.

30 Advanced Essay Words

  • Definition: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
  • Example: The smartphone has become ubiquitous in modern society.
  • Replaces: Common, widespread, prevalent.
  • Definition: Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
  • Example: Her eloquent speech captivated the audience.
  • Replaces: Well-spoken, articulate.
  • Definition: To make less severe, serious, or painful.
  • Example: Planting more trees can help mitigate the effects of climate change.
  • Replaces: Alleviate, lessen, reduce.
  • Definition: In contrast or opposite to what was previously mentioned.
  • Example: Some believe in climate change; conversely, others deny its existence.
  • Replaces: On the other hand, in opposition.
  • Definition: Stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so.
  • Example: His ostensible reason for the delay was a traffic jam.
  • Replaces: Apparent, seeming, supposed.
  • Definition: A countless or extremely great number.
  • Example: The internet offers a myriad of resources for research.
  • Replaces: Countless, numerous.
  • Definition: Exceeding what is necessary or required.
  • Example: His lengthy introduction was filled with superfluous details.
  • Replaces: Excessive, redundant.
  • Definition: To cause something to happen suddenly or unexpectedly.
  • Example: The economic crisis precipitated widespread unemployment.
  • Replaces: Trigger, prompt.
  • Definition: Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.
  • Example: The beauty of the sunset over the ocean was ineffable.
  • Replaces: Indescribable, inexpressible.
  • Definition: Having knowledge or awareness of something.
  • Example: She was cognizant of the risks involved in the project.
  • Replaces: Aware, conscious.
  • Definition: Relevant or applicable to a particular matter.
  • Example: Please provide only pertinent information in your report.
  • Replaces: Relevant, related.
  • Definition: Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
  • Example: The researcher conducted a meticulous analysis of the data.
  • Replaces: Thorough, careful.
  • Definition: Capable of producing the desired result or effect.
  • Example: The medication has proved to be efficacious in treating the disease.
  • Replaces: Effective, successful.
  • Definition: Mentioned earlier in the text or conversation.
  • Example: The aforementioned study provides valuable insights.
  • Replaces: Previously mentioned, previously discussed.
  • Definition: To make a problem, situation, or condition worse.
  • Example: His criticism only served to exacerbate the conflict.
  • Replaces: Worsen, intensify.
  • Definition: The state or capacity of being everywhere, especially at the same time.
  • Example: The ubiquity of social media has changed how we communicate.
  • Replaces: Omnipresence, pervasiveness.
  • Definition: In every case or on every occasion; always.
  • Example: The professor’s lectures are invariably informative.
  • Replaces: Always, consistently.
  • Definition: To be a perfect example or representation of something.
  • Example: The city’s skyline epitomizes modern architecture.
  • Replaces: Symbolize, represent.
  • Definition: A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.
  • Example: The cacophony of car horns during rush hour was deafening.
  • Replaces: Discord, noise.
  • Definition: A person who acts obsequiously toward someone important to gain advantage.
  • Example: He surrounded himself with sycophants who praised his every move.
  • Replaces: Flatterer, yes-man.
  • Definition: To render unclear, obscure, or unintelligible.
  • Example: The politician attempted to obfuscate the details of the scandal.
  • Replaces: Confuse, obscure.
  • Definition: Having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment.
  • Example: Her sagacious advice guided the team to success.
  • Replaces: Wise, insightful.
  • Definition: Not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous.
  • Example: His repeated explanations were redundant and added no value.
  • Replaces: Unnecessary, surplus.
  • Definition: Unwilling or refusing to change one’s views or to agree about something.
  • Example: The intransigent negotiators couldn’t reach a compromise.
  • Replaces: Unyielding, stubborn.
  • Definition: Characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress or attract notice.
  • Example: The mansion’s ostentatious decorations were overwhelming.
  • Replaces: Showy, extravagant.
  • Definition: A tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition.
  • Example: She had a proclivity for taking risks in her business ventures.
  • Replaces: Tendency, inclination.
  • Definition: Difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious.
  • Example: The artist’s enigmatic paintings left viewers puzzled.
  • Replaces: Mysterious, cryptic.
  • Definition: Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
  • Example: The pernicious influence of gossip can damage reputations.
  • Replaces: Harmful, destructive.
  • Definition: Shining with great brightness.
  • Example: The bride looked resplendent in her wedding gown.
  • Replaces: Radiant, splendid.
  • Definition: Optimistic, especially in a difficult or challenging situation.
  • Example: Despite the setbacks, he remained sanguine.
  • Replaces: Optimistic, hopeful.

Using these advanced words in your essays can elevate your writing, making it more precise, engaging, and impactful.

As you work on your essays, consider the nuanced meanings and applications of these advanced words, and use them judiciously to enhance the quality of your academic writing.

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Cameron Smith

Cameron Smith is an English Communication Coach based in Vancouver, Canada. He's the founder of Learn English Every Day, and he's on a mission to help millions of people speak English with confidence. If you want longer video content, please follow me on YouTube for fun English lessons and helpful learning resources!

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33 Transition Words and Phrases

Transitional terms give writers the opportunity to prepare readers for a new idea, connecting the previous sentence to the next one.

Many transitional words are nearly synonymous: words that broadly indicate that “this follows logically from the preceding” include accordingly, therefore, and consequently . Words that mean “in addition to” include moreover, besides, and further . Words that mean “contrary to what was just stated” include however, nevertheless , and nonetheless .


The executive’s flight was delayed and they accordingly arrived late.

in or by way of addition : FURTHERMORE

The mountain has many marked hiking trails; additionally, there are several unmarked trails that lead to the summit.

at a later or succeeding time : SUBSEQUENTLY, THEREAFTER

Afterward, she got a promotion.

even though : ALTHOUGH

She appeared as a guest star on the show, albeit briefly.

in spite of the fact that : even though —used when making a statement that differs from or contrasts with a statement you have just made

They are good friends, although they don't see each other very often.

in addition to what has been said : MOREOVER, FURTHERMORE

I can't go, and besides, I wouldn't go if I could.

as a result : in view of the foregoing : ACCORDINGLY

The words are often confused and are consequently misused.

in a contrasting or opposite way —used to introduce a statement that contrasts with a previous statement or presents a differing interpretation or possibility

Large objects appear to be closer. Conversely, small objects seem farther away.

used to introduce a statement that is somehow different from what has just been said

These problems are not as bad as they were. Even so, there is much more work to be done.

used as a stronger way to say "though" or "although"

I'm planning to go even though it may rain.

in addition : MOREOVER

I had some money to invest, and, further, I realized that the risk was small.

in addition to what precedes : BESIDES —used to introduce a statement that supports or adds to a previous statement

These findings seem plausible. Furthermore, several studies have confirmed them.

because of a preceding fact or premise : for this reason : THEREFORE

He was a newcomer and hence had no close friends here.

from this point on : starting now

She announced that henceforth she would be running the company.

in spite of that : on the other hand —used when you are saying something that is different from or contrasts with a previous statement

I'd like to go; however, I'd better not.

as something more : BESIDES —used for adding information to a statement

The city has the largest population in the country and in addition is a major shipping port.

all things considered : as a matter of fact —used when making a statement that adds to or strengthens a previous statement

He likes to have things his own way; indeed, he can be very stubborn.

for fear that —often used after an expression denoting fear or apprehension

He was concerned lest anyone think that he was guilty.

in addition : ALSO —often used to introduce a statement that adds to and is related to a previous statement

She is an acclaimed painter who is likewise a sculptor.

at or during the same time : in the meantime

You can set the table. Meanwhile, I'll start making dinner.

BESIDES, FURTHER : in addition to what has been said —used to introduce a statement that supports or adds to a previous statement

It probably wouldn't work. Moreover, it would be very expensive to try it.

in spite of that : HOWEVER

It was a predictable, but nevertheless funny, story.

in spite of what has just been said : NEVERTHELESS

The hike was difficult, but fun nonetheless.

without being prevented by (something) : despite—used to say that something happens or is true even though there is something that might prevent it from happening or being true

Notwithstanding their youth and inexperience, the team won the championship.

if not : or else

Finish your dinner. Otherwise, you won't get any dessert.

more correctly speaking —used to introduce a statement that corrects what you have just said

We can take the car, or rather, the van.

in spite of that —used to say that something happens or is true even though there is something that might prevent it from happening or being true

I tried again and still I failed.

by that : by that means

He signed the contract, thereby forfeiting his right to the property.

for that reason : because of that

This tablet is thin and light and therefore very convenient to carry around.

immediately after that

The committee reviewed the documents and thereupon decided to accept the proposal.

because of this or that : HENCE, CONSEQUENTLY

This detergent is highly concentrated and thus you will need to dilute it.

while on the contrary —used to make a statement that describes how two people, groups, etc., are different

Some of these species have flourished, whereas others have struggled.

NEVERTHELESS, HOWEVER —used to introduce a statement that adds something to a previous statement and usually contrasts with it in some way

It was pouring rain out, yet his clothes didn’t seem very wet.

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Overused Words And Alternatives To Use Instead

good replacement words for essays

Being a creative writer can be a lot of fun. Whether you’re writing novels, short stories, fan fiction, or even poetry, you can create worlds. Unfortunately, being a creative writer can also be really challenging. It’s not just difficult to imagine new things all the time—coming up with new and interesting ways to say things is also part of the challenge.

There are some words in creative writing that are terribly overused and common. Luckily, a good dictionary and thesaurus can work wonders on strengthening your writing.

So, we’ve rounded up some of the words writers most often use over and over. We’re not saying you should never use these words, but there are more interesting alternatives you might want to consider next time you sit down to write.

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Writing strong dialogue can be difficult. Not only is it hard to write as people talk, it’s hard to incorporate dialogue naturally into a narrative.

Writers typically default to the straightforward verb said to indicate dialogue. This is not always a problem; readers tend to skim over the word without noticing its overuse. However, said isn’t always the only (or best) word you can use. For example:

He said, “She is really smart.”

She said, “No, she is not.”

He said, “Yes, she is.”

Zzzz … snoozefest.

There are lots of good alternatives for said to make dialogue a lot more dynamic and engaging. For example, you could substitute said with a verb like:

  • articulated

Check out that same dialogue (from above) with our new words:

He asserted, “She is really smart.”

She retorted, “No, she is not.”

He concluded, “Yes, she is.”

OK, still not the most exciting dialogue ever, but you get the point.

Another verb that can be quickly overused in creative writing is moved .

It’s the most bread-and-butter word to express that a character is doing some kind of action. But, like said , it can get really boring. Not only that, it’s not as descriptive as some alternative verbs, such as:

The word moved can serve an important purpose, but if you find yourself using it too many times, try one of these instead.

Amazing is an amazing word. And it’s  so amazing how many amazing uses it has.

Is your head spinning yet? Do you really understand what we’re trying to say?

Amazing has the distinction of being not only an overused word in creative writing, but also in daily life.

While amazing initially referred to something that causes astonishment or wonderment, now it is used to refer to anything a notch up from “just OK.”

If you find yourself reaching for this adjective, try to drill down and really think about what you’re trying to express. Some alternatives are:

  • unbelievable

Very is a modifier that we use all the time in daily life, no problem-o. On the page, though, very is kind of flat. It’s an adverb that’s used for emphasis, but if it’s overused it loses some of its punch.

Instead of using very a hundred million times in your creative writing (and definitely don’t use it more than once in a row, like “this is very, very, very boring”), there are tons of other alternatives you can use for emphasis. Some of our favorites adverbs are:

That said, sometimes it’s enough to let the narrative speak for itself. If you’re tempted to use a modifier for emphasis, go back over the sentence and ask yourself if it’s truly necessary. Sometimes a light touch, like  very , can actually be best.

Love is a wonderful thing. We love love. Who doesn’t?

But love is a word whose meaning is notoriously hard to pin down. When you’re writing about feelings of great affection, romantic or otherwise, love might seem like an obvious word to use. But we recommend using the word love sparingly, like nutmeg. Or salt. Love can be either a noun or a verb. If you’re using love as a noun, such as “I felt a strong feeling of love,” consider some of the following alternatives:

  • infatuation
  • appreciation

If you’re using love as a verb, as in “I love you,” we recommend some of these alternatives:

  • be attached to

There’s nothing wrong with the classic love , but consider some of these options next time you put pen to paper.

Look is another basic verb that is often overused, similar to said and moved . In boring writing, characters are always just looking, whether at objects or each other.

But there are so many more exciting ways to describe someone experiencing something via sight.

For example, there are verbs like:

fAh, thing. We’ve saved the worst for last. No offense to The Thing , thing is like a lead balloon in the middle of a story.

We have an entire thesaurus (and dictionary of course) full of thousands of vibrant, specific, interesting words to replace the imprecise, overworked noun thing .

Next time you find yourself describing something as a thing , take another pass at it. Dig in deep and use a word that really conveys what you’re talking about. Consider if the thing you’re referring to is an emotion, a particular object, or an idea and, then, name it.

The thesaurus is your friend. Don’t hesitate to pull it up and take a look around to find the bon mot , the just-right word or expression, to take the place of thing .

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18 Common Words That You Should Replace in Your Writing

good replacement words for essays

It’s a familiar scene: you’re slumped over your keyboard or notebook, obsessing over your character. While we tend to agonize over everything from structure to backstory, it’s important to weigh how you write something too. A perfectly constructed world is flat on the page if you use feeble, common words. When you’re finished constructing your perfectly balanced world, do your writing a favor and take another pass to weed out these 18 haggard words.

High on any list of most used English words is “good.” While this word may appear to be the perfect adjective for nearly anything, that is precisely what makes it so vague. Try getting more specific. If something’s going well, try “superb,” “outstanding” or “exceptional.”

Another of the common words in English is “new.” “New” is an adjective that doesn’t always set off alarm bells, so it can be easy to forget about. Give your writing more punch by ditching “new” and using something like “latest” or “recent” instead.

Much like “new,” “long” is spent, yet it doesn’t always register as such while you’re writing. Instead of this cliché phrase, try describing exactly how long it is: “extended,” “lingering” or “endless,” for example.

“Old” is certainly one of those common words that means more to readers if you’re specific about how old a subject is. Is it “ancient,” “fossilized,” “decaying” or “decrepit”?

“Right” is also among the common words that tends to slip through our writer filters. If somebody is correct, you could also say “exact” or “precise.” Don’t let habit words like “right” dampen your writing.

Here’s another adjective that falls a bit flat for readers, but can also easily be improved by getting more specific. Saying something is “odd” or “uncommon” is very different than saying it is “exotic” or “striking.”

“Small” is another adjective that is too generic for writing as good as yours. Use “microscopic,” “miniature” or “tiny” instead. Even using “cramped” or “compact” is more descriptive for your audience.

Just like relying too much on “small,” we tend to describe large things as, well, “large.” Specificity is a big help with this one too: could your subject be “substantial,” “immense,” “enormous” or “massive”?

Whenever we describe something coming “next,” we run the risk of losing our readers. Good options to make your reading more powerful include “upcoming,” “following” or “closer.”

Another case of being too generic is what makes “young” a problematic adjective. If you want your writing to be more captivating, try switching “young” out for “youthful,” “naive” or “budding.”

“Never” is also among common words to use sparingly. Not only is it a common, stale descriptor, it’s also usually incorrect. For something to never happen, even one instance makes this word inaccurate. Try “rarely,” “scarcely” or “occasionally” instead.

“Things” is another repeat offender when it comes to worn out words. Another word where specificity is the key, try replacing “things” with “belongings,” “property” or “tools.”

Just like “never,” “all” is an encompassing, absolute term. Not only is “all” unoriginal, it’s not usually factual. Try using “each” and “copious” instead.

“Feel” is also in the company of common English words. Try using “sense,” or “discern” instead. You can also move your sentence into a more active tense: “I feel hungry” could become “I’m famished,” for example.

“Seem” is bad habit word we are all guilty of using. Regardless of how well you think your sentence is constructed, try switching “seem” out for “shows signs of.” “Comes across as” is another good option to give your writing more power.

Another easy adjective to let slip by, “almost” is a wasted opportunity to engage your readers. “Almost” is more interesting if you say “practically,” “nearly” or “verging on” instead.

“Just making” it or “just barely” affording something isn’t very descriptive. To truly grab a reader, we must do better. Try “narrowly,” “simply” or “hardly” to give your phrasing more weight.

Last but not least, avoid using the common word “went” to describe your subject. “Went” is a word that lacks traction. Try using “chose,” “decided on” or “rambled” to truly grab your readers.

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Tags: adjective , author , blog , book , college , common English words , communication , Dictionary , English , English language , English words , essay , thesaurus , words , write , writing

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15 responses to “18 common words that you should replace in your writing”.

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Thanks for this, I realized that I often substitute for those words but it is nice to read it – Also I enjoy reading your blog 🙂

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Thank you for the comment, Crystel. Words like that make my day. Cheers!

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It’s superb of you to give us a latest way to write after such a lingering time. After all, the decrepit language that is English cannot possibly be used the way is. I know that language changes, and we should look for exotic words to use in our writing instead of being concise. Following, you will most likely tell us that youthful words such as “meh” and “woot” will scarcely be accepted as proper tools. After each, they just don’t sense right, or maybe they show signs of a language verging on change. I don’t know, I it’s a matter of opinion I suppose. And yes, I rambled there.

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Short, strong, good, English words, pack feeling, show worth, and strength.

Abbreviated, substantial, sufficient, English utterances, convey sentiment, demonstrate significance, including fortitude.

Did I write the same thing twice? 😉

In other words, use Anglo-Saxon words for clarity; use French and Latin derived words to express subtle nuances.

Great comment, thank you!

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No!! “Upcoming”, never! Use forthcoming. It has the virtue of being correct English. The word given is a neologism.

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wscottling has a good point. Strunk and Wagnall’s Little Book warns against use of pretentious words when simple ones will get the job done.

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Did you mean Strunk and White?

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I took a good, long look at all the different things listed here. I feel that when I was a young writer, I may have used a lot of these words. Now that I’m relatively old, I have found new terms to add to my vocabulary. That vocabulary has grown fairly large as I’ve progressed. The change seems small to me, and whether it’s right or not, I don’t want to say never to any word in language. I almost just went out to buy a new dictionary after reading this. I will keep this in mind when I’m writing in the future.

(I attempted to use all 18 words in my missive.)

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An informative and educational must-read for writers, this article is wonderful. I’m definitely bookmarking it, because I lean on those 18 words too hard when I write.

Thank you for taking the time to write and share this!

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And to be annoying, please delete THAT in your tittle.

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I admit that certain words would do better in certain instances, however, if that is not the way your character speaks, would it not be alright to use the latter??

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I’m not a supporter of replacing good short words with more elaborate and not exactly synonymous substitutes, especially if the only reason is that some may think them overused. The word one uses should be the word that best does the job.

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I love this article .Even many such that are relevant to English .These kind of my subject matter boost my inner confidence .I really thankful for the concerned resource persons for continously inspiring us .Hope in future they also guide us .Excellent work!…

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Thank you for adding new words to my vocabulary range. Now i could sound more intelligible.

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The Naughty List: Words to Replace When You’re Writing

I want to be clear: when you write your first draft, worry little (or not at all) about your specific word choices. That initial run is about speed and tone, and you shouldn’t self-edit. 

But once it’s done, most writers have a draft full of fluffy paragraphs, unclear sentences, and similar small details that stand in the way of a good draft and a finished manuscript. 

One way to defeat this tendency is to replace certain words in your manuscript. Some you’ll delete outright. Others you’ll find something to replace with. Still others you don’t exactly replace: they’re a sign the whole sentence needs a rewrite.

All three cases are the same basic problem: common words that weaken writing. For this holiday season, we’re compiled a pair of “naughty lists.” One is a list of words you can just search for and replace. The other is a list of types of words to similarly avoid. 

Let’s get to both. 

Words to Avoid and Eliminate

All of these specific words or short phrases are things you should avoid by setting up a search for them in your manuscript, then dealing with them one by one. Sometimes they need to stay, but you should always make that decision intentionally after careful review. 

About and Around

“It’s about ten miles from New York” is a weaker sentence than “It’s twelve miles from New York.” The same goes for using “about” to estimate a number instead of stating something more specific. Beyond that, it creates a sense of unreliability and inexactness. It’s better to be specific and confident. 

Exception: if you write dialogue coming from somebody who lacks confidence or specificity this can be an excellent way to show those traits in how they talk. You can even contrast two characters: a precise type who always gives specific measurement and his more impulsive, inexact buddy who always approximates. 

The problem with “good” is it’s largely meaningless except for giving a general sense of positivity to something. Whenever you see this work in your writing, you can almost always find a way to paint the scene more specifically. Why, exactly, is it good? How is it good? 

The words you’ll use to describe a good dinner will differ from those you use to describe a good speech, a good business deal, or even a “good” breakup. All of those words are better than this weaker, more generic, choice. 

The phrase “have got” is redundant. If you have something, you also got that thing. You can always just use “have”, or “got”, or some other more vibrant choice instead.

While you’re at it, be careful of any time you use “got” as part of an action sequence. “She got up” or “he got the gun” is weak as compared to “she sprang from the bed” or “he wrestled the gun out of his hands.”

Like “good”, this word is simply too generic to be powerful. Although you can use it sparingly to keep emphasis on the right objects in play, most of the time you should choose to be more descriptive. 

The word just exists to make the sentence it’s in more powerful. Compare “It’s Christmas” to “It’s just Christmas” or “He was six feet tall” to “He was just six feet tall.” Wherever you put the word, it takes away from the vibrancy, importance, and color of everything else in the sentence.

Once in a while it’s okay to do this on purpose. Most of the time, you’re better off just running a search for the word and eliminating it entirely. 

Large (and Small)

This is another set of words that should be the beginning, not the end, of your hunt for how to describe things. Both are weak, and can apply to a wide spectrum of things. Instead, look for more powerful single words like “enormous”, “miniscule”, or “lilliputian.”

Better yet, craft a phrase that makes the size more meaningful. If a monster is large, its largeness is important because of how much bigger it is than your hero. Describe it as towering over the warrior, or how the knight’s shoulders barely reach its knees. If a baby is small, describe its fragility and adorableness in its caretaker’s arms. 

We avoid this word for two reasons. First, it’s often meaningless filler: a word people reflexively insert into statements without really thinking about it. It’s the verbal equivalent of putting an underline or italics to some text. In speech, some people say it unconsciously. No word with that little importance or thought behind it deserves to be in your final draft. 

Second, a lot of people use it to mean “figuratively”, it’s actual (dare I say literal?) opposite. Yes, Mirriam Webster said a couple of years ago that it can mean that. No, that’s not permission for us to commit this grammatical sin. 

This one’s best explained with a series of examples. Compare and contrast the following:

  • Really good vs. excellent
  • Really angry vs. furious
  • Really yummy vs. delicious
  • Really pretty vs. gorgeous

See how the single word, in every case, is a more powerful choice than “really” plus a weaker adjective? Any time one word can do the work of two, your writing gets better. 

Exception: it’s fine to use this word when establishing that something is actual. “He really didn’t commit the crime” works.

Start (and Begin)

Don’t worry about either of these if you’re describing the actual start or beginning of something. Instead, remove them when you create sentences like “She began to write the letter” or “He started to explain.”

Most of the time, those sentences are shorter and stronger if you just use the verb. “She wrote the letter” or “He explained.” The only time that’s not true is if the subject of the sentence is about to get interrupted before they are able to finish what they started.

This one is tricker. Sometimes, the word that is an important part of a sentence, giving it cohesion and connected ideas. A lot of the time it ends up overused. 

As a basic rule of thumb, look for times the word shows up more than once in a paragraph. When that happens, find ways to rework the words until that’s no longer the case. Often you can simply remove it without changing much meaning. 

The purpose of the word “then” is to provide context for when something happens in a sequence: “I ate the steak, then drank the wine.” It’s important in spoken English for that reason. 

With your writing, though, since the words are plainly visible and easy to review, their order on the page does the work for putting events in sequence. You can use the word “and” instead most of the time, and the sentence gets better. 

Exception: because “then” is a major part of spoken English, it’s okay to include it in dialogue. This is especially true if the speaker is a child, or a childish adult, both of whom tend to use run-on sentences that include this word as a link between ideas.

We’ll talk about this concept more in the section below, but “there was” is an example of “be verbs” that weaken a sentence by putting it into the passive voice. We’ve written in detail before about why passive voice can be bad for your writing . For now, look at the following:

  • “There was a dog howling at the moon” vs. “A dog howled at the moon.”
  • “There was a man standing by the door” vs. “A man stood at the door.”
  • “There was an apple in her hand” vs. “She held an apple.”

The version without “there was” is simpler, stronger, and more immediate. It’s a good idea to run a Find function for “there was” and eliminate most or all of them. 

This is a vague word that doesn’t give useful information. Whenever you can, replace this word with the more specific item you’re referring to. “He gave him the thing” becomes “He gave him the necklace.” “They did the thing” becomes “They committed the crime.”

Everything I said above about “really” applies to the word “very” equally and for the same reasons. Check the end of this article for Mark Twain’s advice about the use and abuse of this word.

Exception: if you’re writing fantasy fiction or some historical fiction, the archaic use of “very” can be appropriate. For example: “He hunted them to the very ends of the earth.” That one’s okay, if used sparingly.

Kinds of Words to Watch

These are harder to search for, since each is a broad category of types of word you should avoid in your writing. That doesn’t excuse us from the effort, though. During revisions, keep an eye out for each and do what you can to fight against them. 

Adverbs are words that modify verbs the way adjectives modify nouns. Most of them end in “ly”, like “angrily”, “clearly”, and “quickly”. If they represent an entire class of words, how can we ask you to avoid them?

In most cases, an adverb can be replaced with a more powerful description using verbs, nouns, and adjectives:

  • “He said angrily” becomes “He shouted, his face reddening.”
  • “She explained clearly” becomes “She explained every detail of the plan.”
  • “They ran quickly” becomes “They sprinted.”

Most of the time, adverbs constitute telling, where the other construction is showing. Use adverbs for things you want to gloss over on your way to the main point, but eschew them when you’re in the real meat of your writing.

We mentioned this earlier with “There Was”, one of the most common examples of this sort of problem. Other examples include am, are, been, being, was, and were. 

Treat these like you do adverbs, because they’re weak for the same reasons. Each is a weaker, more distant, less vibrant way of describing something you could make more powerful with a different verb. “She was strong” becomes “She lifted the heavy boulder easily”. “He was being childish” turns into “He threw a tantrum.”

Also like with adverbs, this isn’t a 100% rule. You can use be verbs in situations where you want to be brief, while you’re setting up for the most important sentences and scenes. For the big stuff, though, use your more powerful word choices. 

You did a worksheet some time in middle school where you worked with the myriad words you can use instead of “said” while tagging dialogue. Forget it and use “said” ninety percent of the time. The thing about “said” is it’s invisible to most readers. It imparts information about who is speaking without interrupting their attention to the dialogue. 

Any other tag pulls the reader’s attention away from the words your characters are speaking. Only do that if you have a compelling reason to do so.

Better yet, you can probably jettison about half your uses of the word “said.” You can get away without tagging most of your dialogue at all by positioning lines on the page, differentiating style of speech, including actions between lines of dialog, and similar methods. 

Feeling and Thinking

Be very careful of words that indicate thought or opinion like felt, thought, understood, or realized. Like adverbs and be verbs, they’re a form of telling instead of showing. They insert a layer of separation between the reader and what’s happening on the page. 

Instead of saying what a character thought or felt, just show their thoughts and feelings. Sarah didn’t think the idea was stupid. She refused to consider it further. Mark didn’t realize the wine was poisoned. He threw the glass onto the floor.

Filler Words

Filler words are part of the rhythm of normal speech, but they serve no purpose in 99% of our writing. Here is a very incomplete list of the sort of thing I mean here:

  • Each and every
  • At the end of the day
  • At this point in time
  • For all intents and purposes
  • As a matter of fact
  • Due to the fact that
  • During the course of
  • Needless to say
  • For the most part
  • Generally speaking

In some cases, the phrase has merit but it’s a tautology. “Each and every” could be “each” or “every”. “For all intents and purposes” can become “For our purposes”.

In other cases, the entire phrase can go away without changing the meaning of the sentence. Consider any sentence that begins with “Needless to say”. Does it say anything different without that preamble? No.

The variety and frequency of filler words and phrases can make them hard to detect in a manuscript, but start by looking closely at any phrase that appears before a comma, with the comma in front of the main point of the sentence. Much of the time, what you’ll find there is filler. 


A nominalization is when you turn a verb or an adjective into a noun. For example “collection” instead of “collecting”, “suggestion” instead of “suggested”, “accuracy” instead of “accurate”, or “slowness” instead of “slow.”

These are all much like be verbs and similar bad choices, in that they make the sentence less direct, immediate, and powerful. You can spot the problem when you realize how much longer you have to make the sentence to keep the nominalization in place:

  • “He was an accurate shooter” must become “The accuracy of his shooting was well-known.”
  • “She suggested” has to be “She made a suggestion.”
  • “He collected the samples” needs to turn into “He performed the collection of the samples”
  • “The slow car” twists into “The car known for its slowness.”

If the above examples made you cringe, and they should, you see why nominalizations need to go. Eliminate them aggressively from your drafts. 


A tautology is a phrase where you repeat information, like “2 AM in the morning”, “winter snow”, or “revolver pistol”. They tend to creep in because spoken English is full of them. 

In our writing, though, just choose one or the other from the repeating words in the sentence. Delete the one you didn’t pick, then tweak the sentence for tighter, clearer writing.

Your Personal Crutch Words

Every author has a handful of words they rely on too much. In my current Work-in-Progress that I am editing, I realized that my personal crutch word is “Generally speaking,” which I lost count of the number of times I had to eliminate that from the manuscript. Pure filler words, and my book is better for having removed them. 

Ask your beta readers and close friends what yours are. Make a list. Use the Find or Search function in your word processor to see how often you use them. Eliminate the ones that make little sense, and find ways to mitigate what’s left. 

Final Thought

I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes that’s relevant to this topic:

Substitute damn every time you’re inclined to write very . Your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. Mark Twain

Wiser writing advice never put ink to page. 

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10 Overused Words (And Brilliant Alternatives You Never Knew You Needed)

  • 3-minute read
  • 14th September 2015

Keep in mind when writing an essay that the person marking it will probably have to read dozens of similar assignments from your classmates.

One way to make sure your work stands out is to have it checked by a professional . Another is to vary your vocabulary. In this post, we offer alternatives for ten words commonly used in academic writing.

The word ‘also’ is great for connecting two related sentences but you might need a few alternatives in a longer essay.

At the start of a sentence, words like ‘furthermore’, ‘moreover’ and ‘in addition’ can serve the same purpose.

This word is both a verb and a noun. When used as a verb (e.g. ‘to answer my research question’) you could also use terms like ‘address’ and ‘resolve’.

When used as a noun (e.g. ‘the answer to this dilemma’), good alternatives include ‘solution’ and ‘explanation’.

3. Bad/Good

Synonyms for the basic term ‘bad’ include ‘poor’, ‘inferior’, ‘negative’ and ‘deficient’.

Alternatives to ‘good’ include ‘satisfying’, ‘valuable’, ‘excellent’, ‘positive’ and ‘high-quality’.

Possible replacements for the verb ‘change’ (i.e. the act of changing something) include ‘transform’, ‘modify’ and ‘adjust’.

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The nouns which accompany these words (i.e. the change made) are ‘transformation’, ‘modification’ and ‘adjustment’.

5. Describe

When referring to the work of others you might draw upon their written descriptions. Substitute words for ‘describe’ include ‘portray’, ‘characterise’ and ‘report’.

It’s common to say that you’re going to ‘explain’ something in your essay. Other options here include ‘clarify’, ‘elaborate’ and ‘account for’.

7. Important

If you want to identify some detail or idea as important, alternate possibilities you might use incorporate ‘significant’, ‘vital’, ‘critical’, ‘imperative’ and ‘essential’.

This one is particularly important when quoting other sources. Instead of repeatedly saying ‘so and so said that’ to introduce a quotation, try using words like ‘stated’, ‘explained’, ‘argued’ or ‘claimed’.

9. Therefore

The word ‘therefore’ is used to introduce a conclusion based upon a premise or argument (e.g., ‘Because X , therefore Y’ ). Alternative terms include ‘consequently’, ‘accordingly’ or ‘as a result’.

If describing an experiment you’ll need to identify the methods used. As well as ‘use’, terms which can be helpful here include ‘utilise’, ’employ’, ‘apply’ and ‘adopt’.

Of course, the best thing you can do if you’re struggling to find alternatives to common words is check a thesaurus . Just make sure you understand a word before using it, as many terms have more than one meaning!

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100 Words and Phrases to use in an Essay

Thomas Babb

Writing a compelling essay involves much more than simply putting your thoughts on paper. It demands the use of a precise vocabulary that not only enriches your content but also structures it in a way that is both logical and engaging. The right words and phrases can transform your essay from a basic assignment to an insightful and persuasive piece of writing.

This guide introduces you to 100 essential words and phrases recommended by expert English tutors that will help you convey your ideas more effectively. From adding information to expressing contrasts, and from illustrating examples to summarising your points, these carefully selected terms will enhance the clarity and impact of your essays.

Adding Information

When crafting an essay, integrating additional details effectively can enrich the written content and present a well-rounded argument. Here's how you can use each phrase under this category:

1. Furthermore - Use this to add weight to a point already mentioned, providing further evidence without redundancy.

2. Moreover - Similar to "furthermore," it introduces information that not only adds to the argument but enhances it.

3. Similarly - This indicates that the upcoming point shares notable characteristics with the previous one, aiding in drawing parallels.

4. Additionally - Introduces extra information or arguments that augment the current discussion.

5. Also - A simpler form of "additionally" that integrates extra facts smoothly.

6. Likewise - Indicates similarity and supports points by showing how they relate to each other in terms of qualities or actions.

7. In addition - This phrase is useful for contributing additional supportive details in a clear manner.

8. As well as - Functions to include another subject or item into your discussion without diverging from the main topic.

9. Not only... but also - A powerful structure for emphasizing not just one, but two important points, enhancing the depth of the argument.

10. Alongside - Implies that the information being added runs parallel to the already established facts, reinforcing them.

These phrases, when used correctly, help to build a strong, cohesive narrative flow in your essays, guiding the reader through a logical progression of ideas. For more on enhancing your writing with effective information addition, explore resources like Oxford Royale's Essay Writing Tips .

Introducing Examples

Introducing concrete examples is crucial in illustrating and supporting your claims effectively in an essay. Here’s how to use each word or phrase linked to this category:

11. For instance - Introduces a specific example that illuminates a broader point, helping to clarify complex ideas.

12. For example - Functions similarly to "for instance," offering a direct illustration to support or demonstrate a claim.

13. Such as - Prepares the reader for an example that is part of a larger category, typically used to list items or concepts.

14. Like - Introduces comparisons or examples in a casual and relatable manner.

15. Particularly - Highlights an example that is especially relevant to the argument, focusing attention on significant details.

16. In particular - Similar to "particularly," but often used to introduce a standout example that underscores a critical point.

17. Including - Serves to add examples to a list that may already be understood to be part of the topic being discussed.

18. Namely - Specifies and introduces exact and often multiple examples or details directly related to the point.

19. Chiefly - Points to the most important or significant examples or reasons in support of an argument.

20. Mainly - Indicates that the examples provided are the primary ones to consider, focusing on the most relevant instances.

Effective use of these phrases not only clarifies your points but also strengthens your arguments by making abstract concepts tangible. For detailed guidance on how to incorporate examples effectively in your essays, refer to academic resources like Harvard College Writing Center .

Demonstrating Contrast

IB English tutors suggest that Using contrast effectively in your essays can highlight differences that clarify your points or show alternative perspectives. Here’s how to use each phrase to demonstrate contrast:

21. Conversely - Signals a stark contrast to what has just been discussed, often introducing an opposing viewpoint.

22. However - A versatile tool to introduce a contradiction or counterpoint, breaking from the previous line of reasoning.

23. Nevertheless - Indicates persistence of a stated fact or opinion despite the contrasting information that follows.

24. On the other hand - Used to present a different perspective or an alternative to the argument previously mentioned.

25. Although - Begins a sentence where the main clause contrasts with the lesser significant, conditional clause.

26. Even though - Similar to "although," but often emphasizes a stronger degree of contrast between the conflicting elements.

27. But - A simple and direct way to introduce a contradiction to the preceding statement.

28. Yet - Suggests a contrast that is surprising or unexpected based on the previous statements.

29. Instead - Introduces an alternative action or thought in response to what has been previously discussed.

30. Rather - Used to correct or propose a different idea from what was initially stated or understood.

These phrases are essential for essays where comparing and contrasting ideas, arguments, or perspectives is necessary to deepen understanding or enhance the argument’s complexity. To learn more about using contrast in writing, visit educational resources such as Purdue Online Writing Lab .

Showing Cause and Effect

A-Level English tutors point out that effectively indicating cause and effect relationships in your essays helps clarify the reasons things happen and the consequences that follow. Here’s how to use each word or phrase to illustrate these relationships:

31. Consequently - Signals a direct result from the action or situation mentioned, highlighting the effect or outcome.

32. Therefore - Used to introduce a logical conclusion or result that follows from the reasoning presented earlier.

33. Thus - Indicates a conclusion or result that is a natural consequence of the facts previously mentioned.

34. Hence - Similar to "thus," it conveys a consequence that is a logical extension from the argument or data presented.

35. Accordingly - Shows that an action or decision is a logical response to the circumstances or facts discussed.

36. As a result - Directly points out the outcome or effect resulting from a specific cause or set of conditions.

37. This leads to - Introduces a sequence where one event or fact causes another, often used to chain multiple effects.

38. It follows that - Used when deducing a conclusion that logically arises from the preceding argument or evidence.

39. Leading to - Connects an initial action or decision directly with its consequences, highlighting a progression of events.

40. Contributing to - Indicates that the action or event adds to a situation, leading to a particular result or effect.

Mastering the use of these phrases can enhance the persuasive power of your writing by clearly linking actions and their consequences.

Adding Emphasis

Effectively emphasising key points in your essays can make your arguments more compelling and memorable. Here’s how to appropriately use each word or phrase to add emphasis:

41. Significantly - Indicates that something is of great importance or consequence, drawing the reader's attention to the gravity of the point being made.

42. Importantly - Prioritises the following information as crucial for understanding the argument or situation.

43. Indeed - Reinforces the truth of a statement, often used to confirm and agree with a previously mentioned point that might be surprising or emphatic.

44. Absolutely - A strong affirmation that leaves no doubt about the veracity or importance of the statement.

45. Definitely - Communicates certainty about a fact or opinion, strengthening the author's stance.

46. Certainly - Similar to "definitely," it expresses a high degree of assurance about the information being provided.

47. Undoubtedly - Suggests that there is no doubt about the statement, reinforcing its truth and relevance.

48. Without a doubt - A more emphatic form of "undoubtedly," eliminating any ambiguity about the point’s validity.

49. Particularly - Highlights specific information as especially significant within a broader context.

50. Especially - Used to indicate that something holds more significance than other elements, often emphasizing exceptional cases or instances.

Using these expressions strategically can enhance the persuasive impact of your writing by underscoring the most critical elements of your argument. To see more words and further explore techniques for adding emphasis in academic writing, visit resources like Cambridge Dictionary Blog .

Explaining and Clarifying

In academic essays, clearly explaining and clarifying complex ideas is essential for effective communication. IGCSE tutors and GCSE tutors suggest that each of these phrases can be used to enhance understanding:

51. That is to say - Used to introduce a rephrasing or elaboration on something that has just been stated.

52. In other words - Helps clarify a statement by expressing it in different terms for better understanding.

53. To put it another way - Similar to "in other words," it offers an alternative explanation or perspective to ensure clarity.

54. To clarify - Directly states the intent to make something clearer or to resolve any misunderstandings.

55. To explain - Introduces a detailed explanation aimed at enhancing understanding of a complex issue or point.

56. This means that - Connects a statement or idea to its implications or necessary interpretations.

57. This implies - Suggests a deeper, often unspoken consequence or meaning behind the given information.

58. Put simply - Introduces a simpler or more straightforward version of what has been discussed, making it more accessible.

59. In simpler terms - Another phrase to ease comprehension by breaking down complex concepts into basic language.

60. Thus - Concludes an explanation by summarizing the logical result or conclusion derived from the argument made.

Using these phrases effectively can help articulate intricate arguments in a more digestible format, aiding the reader’s understanding and engagement.

Summarising and Concluding

Expert IB tutors and A-Level tutors recommend that effectively summarising and concluding your essays is crucial for reinforcing your main points and providing a satisfying closure to any persuasive essay. Here’s how to use each word or phrase to effectively wrap up your discussions:

61. In conclusion - Signals the beginning of the final summary, clearly stating that the argument is drawing to a close.

62. To sum up - Introduces a concise summary of the key points discussed, often used before the final conclusion.

63. Ultimately - Indicates a final, overarching conclusion derived from the arguments and evidence presented.

64. Finally - Marks the introduction of the last point or an additional important point that concludes the discussion.

65. Lastly - Similar to "finally," it is used to introduce the final argument or point in the list.

66. To conclude - Directly states the intent to wrap up the essay, leading into a summary of the main findings.

67. In summary - Offers a recap of the essential elements discussed, reinforcing the thesis without introducing new information.

68. All things considered - Provides an overall conclusion, taking into account all the points made throughout the essay.

69. In the final analysis - Suggests a thorough consideration of all aspects discussed, leading to a concluding viewpoint.

70. After all - Implies that the conclusion takes into account all arguments and evidences previously presented.

Mastering the use of these concluding phrases ensures that your essay ends on a strong note, summarising key points and reinforcing your argument.

Discussing Similarities

Highlighting similarities effectively can enhance your argument by showing connections and parallels between ideas or topics. Here’s how to use each phrase to discuss similarities in your essays:

71. Similarly - Indicates that what follows is in alignment with the previous statement, reinforcing the connection between two points.

72. Likewise - Also used to show agreement or similarity, it confirms that the upcoming point supports the previous one in terms of characteristics or outcomes.

73. Just as - Introduces a comparison, suggesting that the situation or argument is equivalent to another.

74. As with - Used before mentioning another example, indicating that it shares properties or conditions with what has been discussed.

75. Equally - Implies that two or more elements are on the same level in terms of importance, quality, or characteristics.

76. Analogous to - Introduces a more formal comparison, indicating that one situation is comparable to another, often used in more scientific or technical discussions.

77. Comparable to - Suggests that two things can be likened to each other, providing a basis for comparison.

78. In the same way - Confirms that the action, process, or idea mirrors another, reinforcing the similarity.

79. Just like - A more casual phrase used to draw a direct comparison, making the similarity clear and understandable.

80. Similarly important - Asserts that the importance or relevance of two or more aspects is equal, emphasising their comparative significance.

Utilising these phrases allows you to effectively link concepts and arguments, showing how they complement or mirror each other, which can strengthen your overall thesis. For further reading on comparing and contrasting ideas effectively, the University of North Carolina Writing Center offers excellent resources.

Providing Alternatives

Offering alternatives in your essays can demonstrate critical thinking by showing different possibilities or approaches. Here’s how to use each word or phrase to introduce alternative ideas:

81. Alternatively - Introduces a different option or suggestion, providing another route or perspective.

82. On the contrary - Used to present a direct opposition to the previously mentioned idea, emphasising a contrasting point.

83. Rather - Suggests a preference for one choice over another, typically used to propose a different approach or opinion.

84. Conversely - Indicates a reversal of what has been previously stated, introducing an opposing viewpoint.

85. Instead - Specifies a substitute or replacement, clearly stating that one option is to be considered in place of another.

86. On the flip side - Introduces a contrasting scenario or viewpoint in a more informal manner, often used in conversational or less formal writing.

87. Rather than - Presents a comparison between two choices, highlighting a preference for one over the other.

88. As an alternative - Explicitly states the introduction of a different option or method, providing variety to the discussion.

89. Either...or - Sets up a choice between two distinct options, forcing a decision that impacts the argument’s direction.

90. Neither...nor - Used to deny two possibilities simultaneously, often restructuring the argument by excluding common options.

Incorporating these phrases allows you to explore and present multiple facets of an issue, enriching the essay’s depth and persuasiveness. For tips on effectively presenting alternative arguments, visit Harvard College Writing Center .

Expressing Conditions

Effectively expressing conditions in your essays can help outline scenarios where certain outcomes or arguments hold true. Here’s how to use each word or phrase to specify conditions:

91. If - Introduces a conditional statement, setting up a scenario where a specific result depends on a preceding condition.

92. Unless - Specifies an exception to a general rule or statement, indicating that a condition will change the outcome if not met.

93. Provided that - Sets a stipulation or requirement for a scenario to occur, emphasizing that certain conditions must be satisfied.

94. Assuming that - Suggests a hypothesis or a precondition that needs to be accepted before proceeding with an argument or conclusion.

95. In case - Prepares for a situation that might occur, setting up precautions or actions based on potential scenarios.

96. Even if - Acknowledges that even under certain circumstances, the primary argument or conclusion still holds.

97. Only if - Restricts the conditions under which a statement or outcome is valid, narrowing down the scenarios to very specific ones.

98. Whether - Presents alternatives, usually offering a choice between possibilities within the condition stated.

99. As long as - Indicates that a condition is contingent upon the duration or continuation of a specified situation.

100. Given that - Introduces a premise as a fact, assuming its truth for the sake of argument or to advance the discussion.

Final Thoughts

In crafting compelling essays, the strategic use of specific words and phrases can significantly enhance both the clarity and persuasiveness of your writing. By mastering the use of these 100 essential terms, students can effectively structure their essays, convey complex ideas, and articulate contrasts and comparisons with precision. Each category of phrases serves a unique purpose, from adding information to providing alternatives, which empowers writers to construct well-rounded arguments and engage their readers more deeply.

As you continue to refine your essay-writing skills, remember that the power of your arguments often lies in the details—the precise words and phrases you choose to express your thoughts. The power of a well crafted essay introduction and precise essay conclusion should also not be overlooked. By integrating these tools into your writing repertoire, you are better equipped to present clear, persuasive, and engaging essays that stand out in academic settings.

How can I improve my essay planning process?

Effective essay planning begins with a clear understanding of the essay question. Break down the question to identify key terms and the required response. Create an outline to organise your main points and supporting arguments logically. Consider using a mind map to visually plot connections between ideas, which can spur creative thinking. Allocate time for research, writing, and revision within your plan. Practising essay plans for different questions can enhance your ability to organise thoughts quickly and efficiently, a crucial skill especially under exam conditions.

What makes an essay introduction effective?

An effective introduction grabs the reader's attention, sets the tone, and provides a clear thesis statement. Start with a hook such as a provocative question, a startling statistic, or a compelling quote. Provide some background information to set the context, ensuring it's directly relevant to the essay's question. The thesis statement should be concise and outline your main argument or response to the question. This setup not only intrigues but also informs the reader about the essay's focus, establishing your understanding and control of the subject.

How do I choose the best evidence for my essay?

The best evidence is relevant, credible, and supports your thesis directly. Use primary sources where possible as they provide first-hand accounts that you can analyse directly. When primary sources are not available, rely on peer-reviewed journals and reputable publications. Diversify your sources to avoid over-reliance on a single type of evidence, and critically evaluate sources for bias and reliability. Properly integrating this evidence into your argument involves summarising, paraphrasing, and quoting sources while always linking back to your main argument.

How can I make my essay arguments more persuasive?

To make your arguments more persuasive, begin with a clear, assertive thesis statement. Structure your essay so each paragraph introduces a single point supporting your thesis. Use credible evidence and explain how this supports your argument. Address potential counterarguments to show the depth of your understanding and strengthen your position by demonstrating why your approach is preferable. Employing a confident but respectful tone and precise language also enhances the persuasiveness of your essay.

What are common pitfalls in essay writing to avoid?

Common pitfalls in essay writing include poor structure, weak thesis statements, and lack of coherence. Avoiding these starts with a robust plan and clear outline. Stay on topic by linking each paragraph back to your thesis statement. Avoid plagiarism by properly citing all sources. Overly complex sentence structures can confuse readers, so strive for clarity and conciseness. Finally, neglecting proofreading can leave typographical and grammatical errors, which diminish the quality of your work, so always review your essay thoroughly.

How do I manage time when writing an essay under exam conditions?

Time management in exams is crucial. Allocate about 10% of your time for planning, 80% for writing, and 10% for revising. Quickly outline your main points to structure your essay from the start. Write your body paragraphs first, as these contain the bulk of marks, then your introduction and conclusion. Keep an eye on the clock and pace yourself to ensure you have enough time to adequately develop your arguments and conclude effectively.

What are the best practices for editing and proofreading essays?

After writing your essay, take a break before you start editing to give you a fresh perspective. Read your essay aloud to catch awkward phrasing and sentences that don't flow logically. Check for consistency in tense and point of view throughout the essay. Use spell-check tools, but do not rely on them solely—manually check for homophones and commonly confused words. Consider having someone else read your work to catch errors you might have overlooked and to provide feedback on the clarity of your arguments.

How can I develop a strong thesis statement?

A strong thesis statement is clear, concise, and specific. It should express one main idea that is debatable, meaning there is potential for argument. Reflect on the essay prompt and decide on your position regarding the topic. Your thesis should guide the reader through your arguments and indicate the rationale behind your viewpoint. It serves as the backbone of your essay, so ensure it is robust and directly linked to the question asked.

How do I handle counterarguments in my essays?

Handling counterarguments effectively involves acknowledging them and then refuting them with stronger evidence or reasoning. Present them fairly and objectively, then use logical, fact-based arguments to demonstrate why your position remains valid. This not only shows critical thinking but also strengthens your original argument by showing you have considered multiple perspectives.

What is the role of a conclusion in an essay?

The conclusion of an essay should effectively summarise the main arguments discussed while reaffirming the thesis statement. It should synthesise the information presented rather than introducing new ideas. Provide a final perspective on the topic or suggest implications, further research or practical applications to leave the reader with something to ponder. A strong conclusion can reinforce your argument and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

How can I ensure my essay flows logically?

To ensure logical flow, each paragraph should seamlessly connect to the next with clear transitions. Focus on structuring paragraphs around one main idea that supports your thesis. Use transitional words and phrases to show the relationship between paragraphs. Consistency in your argumentation style and maintaining a clear focus throughout the essay will help keep your writing coherent.

What techniques help maintain reader interest throughout an essay?

To maintain reader interest, start with a strong hook in your introduction and use engaging content like relevant anecdotes, striking statistics, or interesting quotes throughout your essay. Vary your sentence structure and use active voice to keep the narrative dynamic. Also, ensure your topic is relevant and your arguments are presented with passion and clarity.

How can I integrate quotes effectively in essays?

To integrate quotes effectively, introduce the quote with a sentence that sets up its relevance to your argument, then follow the quote with analysis or interpretation that ties it back to your main point. Do not rely heavily on quotes to make your points; use them to support your arguments. Ensure that every quote is properly cited according to the required academic style guide.

What are the differences between descriptive and argumentative essays?

Descriptive essays focus on detailing a particular subject to give the reader a clear image or understanding of the topic through vivid language and sensory details. In contrast, argumentative essays aim to persuade the reader of a particular viewpoint or position using evidence and reasoning. The former is more about painting a picture, while the latter is about convincing through argument.

How can I use feedback to improve my essay writing skills?

Feedback is invaluable for improving essay writing skills. Actively seek out feedback from teachers, peers, or tutors and focus particularly on recurring themes in their comments. Reflect on this feedback critically and apply it to your future essays. Regularly revisiting and revising your work based on constructive criticism allows you to develop a more refined and effective writing style over time.

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Thomas Babb

Written by: Thomas Babb

Thomas is a PhD candidate at Oxford University. He served as an interviewer and the lead admissions test marker at Oxford, and teaches undergraduate students at Mansfield College and St Hilda’s College. He has ten years’ experience tutoring A-Level and GCSE students across a range of subjects.

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30+ Alternatives for “Because”: A Word List for Writers

Alternatives for Because

Because Overuse: A Challenge to Overcome

Readers may raise their eyebrows if they encounter multiple repetitions of because within a short passage . Although finding replacements for a building block of the English language is tricky, it’s not impossible.

This post contains more than thirty alternatives for because.

Does This News Item Irritate You?

Because of the prevailing political climate, those in office avoid encounters with the press. They say it’s because of busy schedules, but their constituents say it’s because the politicians don’t want to stand up for “what’s right.”

Can we rewrite to exclude because ?

With the prevailing political climate, those in office avoid the press. They blame busy schedules, but their constituents disagree, accusing the politicians of not standing up for “what’s right.”

The succinct version relays the same message in a more engaging manner.

Let’s Review a Statement Made by an Ecological Group

Because of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), humans may one day find themselves facing extinction. We need to act now, because waiting is not an option, because procrastination puts us and future generations at risk, because soon every crop and every animal species used for food will have been genetically modified. Do you want to tell your children and your grandchildren that you didn’t act because you were afraid of the GMO bullies?

Can we lower the word count and strengthen the message like we did in the previous example?

GMOs (genetically modified organisms) may one day cause the extinction of humans. Soon, every crop and animal species used for food will have been genetically modified. Prompt action is crucial; procrastination endangers us and future generations. Do you want to tell your children and grandchildren that your fear of the GMO bullies resulted in apathy rather than action?

Fewer words. More direct message. Engaged readers.

However, some writers might prefer the repetitions in the sentence that begins with We need to act now . Like the lyrics of “We’re Off to See the Wizard,” which repeats because multiple times as an intentional literary device, the sentence could function as it stands.

Wilbur Faces a Smelly Dilemma

Because Wilbur’s cologne had offended the noses of all partygoers in the banquet hall, he slipped into the men’s bathroom for a quick wash. Truth be told, he looked forward to removing the cologne from his pits, because it burned. He stripped to the waist. Unfortunately, his efforts were thwarted somewhat, because he couldn’t find any soap. Because of that, he splashed generous quantities of plain water over his upper body.

When he returned to the banquet hall a few minutes later, he couldn’t figure out why everyone was gawking at him. Until he looked down and realized it was because his crotch was dripping wet.

Poor Wilbur. Can we tighten the narrative?

Wilbur’s cologne had offended the noses of all partygoers in the banquet hall. No problem. He slipped into the men’s bathroom for a quick wash, looking forward to removing the burning cologne from his pits. After stripping to the waist, he couldn’t find any soap. Oh well, plain water is almost as good.

When he returned to the banquet hall a few minutes later, he couldn’t figure out why everyone was gawking at him. Until he glanced down and realized his crotch was soaked.

Which version do you prefer? Note the addition of two internal-dialogue snippets.

Perhaps a Colon, Semicolon, Em Dash, or Period Would Solve the Problem

She had no reason to be disappointed , because he showed up on time.

She had no reason to be disappointed: He showed up on time.

She walked to work because her car was out of gas.

She walked to work; her car was out of gas.

I need to go to the meeting because my boss isn’t available.

I need to go to the meeting — my boss isn’t available.

He was confused because the test didn’t make any sense.

He was confused . The test didn’t make any sense.

Direct Replacements for Because

My preference for replacing because, or short phrases including it, is to reword. However, the following suggestions will help if you don’t have the time or desire for more extensive edits. Beware: Some alternatives will contribute to word bloat . Others might be best suited for dialogue, awkward narrators, or period fiction.

as Because As the woman had no friends, she walked alone.

as a consequence Obesity has soared in many countries because as a consequence of poor diet and lack of exercise.

as a result Because As a result of his impudence, the teacher gave him a detention.

as long as Because As long as she studied, she received excellent marks.

as things go Because As things go , if he thinks he can win, he will.

being that (not my favorite phrase, folks) Because Being that he arrived late, he missed the appetizer tray.

by reason He was found not guilty because by reason of insanity.

by virtue He received a medal because by virtue of his bravery.

consequently She works out every day. Because of that Consequently , she is well-toned and healthy.

considering Because of Considering the extenuating circumstances, I will forgive his absence.

due to Because of Due to a tornado warning, everyone evacuated the fairgrounds.

for He loved her because of for her enthusiasm and loyalty.

for the reason that (another phrase I dislike) The process is tedious, because for the reason that every step must be verified by three people.

for the sake The government must reduce its spending because for the sake of the economy.

forasmuch as The stable boy readied the horse and carriage because forasmuch as the mistress desired to drive into town. (Archaic; useful for historical novels. Forasmuch as also appears in some legal documents.)

given that Because Given that herbicides were banned, the landscaper had to search for other means of weed control.

in light Because In light of her excellent references, we decided to hire her.

in that His essay was believable, because in that he supported his arguments with comprehensive data.

inasmuch as Because Inasmuch as the patient had contracted a contagious infection, visitors were required to wear gowns and masks.

in view Because In view of the overwhelming evidence that pollution causes so many deaths, the government passed a new Clean Air Act.

in view of the fact that Because In view of the fact that nobody RSVPed to the invitations, the organizers cancelled the concert.

knowing as how (yet another iffy phrase) He decided to pack his bags and leave, because knowing as how she didn’t want him around anymore.

now that We can begin the staff meeting because now that the boss has arrived.

on account He can’t run the marathon because on account of his sprained ankle.

on the grounds that We are rejecting your story because on the grounds that it doesn’t fit the theme of our publication.

out She trembled because out of fear .

owing to Because of Owing to her poor interpersonal skills, she was demoted.

owing to the fact that Because Owing to the fact that a violent storm swept over the stadium, the game was cancelled.

seeing Because of Seeing her anger, he decided to keep his mouth shut.

seeing that Because Seeing that the woodpecker had hammered on the window every morning for a week, she set up a motion-sensitive alarm to scare it away.

since Because Since the warp drive was damaged, they stopped for repairs.

so (often requires rewording) Because my tooth ached, I booked a dental appointment. My tooth ached, so I booked a dental appointment.

thanks to Because of Thanks to his diligence, the project was completed ahead of schedule.

therefore I think; because of that therefore I am.

through Because of Through union bargaining, the employees received a 5 percent raise.

Exercises to Test Your Because -Cognition

Remove most instances of because by substitution or rewording.

Millie knew she’d never pass the biology test, because she hadn’t studied enough. But the lack of studying wasn’t because of anything she had done. It was because she was exhausted. Every night for two weeks, her sleep had been disturbed because Mr. Clarke’s dogs barked. And barked. And barked. It isn’t fair. Why should I fail just because the idiot mutts next door can’t keep their yaps shut?

Suggested solution

Millie knew she’d never pass the biology test — she hadn’t studied enough. But the lack of studying wasn’t her fault: She was exhausted. Every night for two weeks, Mr. Clarke’s dogs had barked. And barked. And barked. It isn’t fair. Why should I fail just because the idiot mutts next door can’t keep their yaps shut?

Notes: Adjustments in punctuation eliminate two instances of because . The colon in the edited version could have been changed into a semicolon, with She becoming she — or two sentences could have been created by replacing the colon with a period. Rewording removes all other repetitions, except for one in Millie’s internal monologue. Leaving it in makes her thoughts seem more natural.

Because of antibiotic abuse, many bacteria have become resistant to even the most powerful drugs. Because of this, pharmaceutical companies have been asked to produce new drugs. However, because of many factors, including insufficient financial incentives for research and development, the number of new drugs entering the market is inadequate.

Antibiotic abuse has facilitated significant bacteria resistance to even the most powerful drugs. Health professionals and governments have asked pharmaceutical companies to produce new drugs. However, many factors, including insufficient financial incentives for research and development, have resulted in an inadequate number of new drugs entering the market.

Notes: Edits are straightforward, replacing instances of because rather than rewording sentences . Note the reduction in passive voice.

Len bought the biggest, most expensive TV he could find: one with all the bells and whistles. Because he could afford it. Because he deserved it. But as he was setting it up, he discovered that he couldn’t read the instructions because they were written in what looked like Cantonese.

Undaunted by this hiccup, he called the local Chinese restaurant. Unfortunately, he had a problem communicating with the person who answered the phone, because she spoke in broken English with a heavy Cantonese accent. Because he couldn’t make her understand what he wanted, he decided to drive to the restaurant, instructions in hand. When he showed her the instructions and explained via a combination of sign language and English, she laughed at him.

“You no understand,” she said.

“Exactly. I can’t understand the words because they’re Cantonese.”

“No, no, no, you no understand words because they Japanese and you hold page upside down.”

Len bought the biggest, most expensive TV he could find: one with all the bells and whistles. He could afford it. He deserved it. But as he was setting it up, he discovered he couldn’t read the instructions, which were written in what looked like Cantonese.

Undaunted by this hiccup, he called the local Chinese restaurant. Unfortunately, the woman who answered the phone spoke in broken English with a heavy Cantonese accent. She had no idea what he wanted.

So Len drove to the restaurant , instructions in hand . When he showed her the instructions and explained via a combination of sign language and English, she laughed at him.

“You no understand,” she said .

Notes: Extraneous instances of because in the exercise are gone. No need to have Len decide to drive to the restaurant. In the solution he drives there, period, without the instructions in hand ; steering would be difficult if he’s clutching something while trying to navigate. Once again, dialogue remains the same.

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4 thoughts on “ 30+ Alternatives for “Because”: A Word List for Writers ”

Hi Kathy, great piece as usual. However, I disagree with the GMO example. That paragraph intentionally uses the repetition of ‘because’ as a tool to drum home the point. I wouldn’t necessarily want to change this, especially if it’s for spoken delivery.

Happy blogging, Sandi (or Nyamazela if you’re following my blog).

Thanks for stopping by, Sandi.

The rule of threes works well for many pieces, and as long as readers are happy with what they see, the writer can be too.

Thanks for that. I have you book, The Writers’ Lexicon and it’s most useful.

Thanks, Vivienne! If all goes well, I’ll have a second volume of Lexicon ready for release early in 2018.

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Calling all writers

This guide gives hundreds of plain English alternatives to the pompous words and phrases that litter official writing. On its own the guide won’t teach you how to write in plain English. There’s more to it than just replacing ‘hard’ words with ‘easy’ words, and many of these alternatives won’t work in every situation. But it will help if you want to get rid of words like ‘notwithstanding’, ‘expeditiously’ and phrases like ‘in the majority of instances’ and ‘ at this moment in time’. And using everyday words is an important first step towards clearer writing.

Using the A to Z

If you find yourself about to write, type or dictate a word you wouldn’t use in every day conversation, look it up in the A to Z. You should find a simpler alternative. Often there will be a choice of several words. You need to pick the one that best fits what you are trying to say.


(Use the alphabetical links to jump to that letter.)

no, none
enough, plenty, a lot (or say how many)
allow, agree to
speed up
where you live, home
do, finish
our records show
in line with this, so
thank you for
find out about, read
buy, get
extra, more
next to
change, alteration
allowed, acceptable
useful, helpful
tell, say (unless you are giving advice)
add, write, fasten, stick on, fix to
let, allow
this, earlier in this document
lined up, in line
ease, reduce
divide, share, give
like, as in
(a) choice, (the) other
or, on the other hand
improve, help
clear, plain, obvious, seeming
large, great
inform, tell
proper, right, suitable
suitable for
about, roughly
about, on the subject of
find out
build, gather, put together
soon (or say when)
can, may (or edit out)
now (or edit out)
now (or edit out)
come to, go to, be at
due to, because of
allow, let
right, power, may (as in 'have the authority to')
obvious, goes without saying
helpful, useful
give, award
work out, decide
finish, stop, end
get round, avoid, skirt, circle
explanation, help
start, begin
talk, write, telephone (be specific)
able, can
make, collect
fill in, finish
keep to, meet
is made up of, includes
(you) must
about, on
great, important
makes up, forms, is
talk to, meet, ask
amount used
think about
against, despite
put right
added up, added together
now (or edit out)
usual, normal
take off, take away
treat as
put off, delay
lack of
cross out
show, prove
point out, show, name
wish, want
send, post
though, although
decide, work out, set, end
harmful, damaging
lessen, reduce
pay, pay out
carry out
tell, show
cut off, unplug
stop, end
talk about
papers, documents
living in
because, as
time, life
cheap, good value
allowed, qualified
explain, make clear
allow, let
inside, with
I enclose
make sure
expect, imagine
equal, the same
show, find out, set up
test, check
show, prove
because of his or her position
only when, in this case
too many, too much
leave out
apart from, except
free from
hurry, speed up
as soon as possible, quickly
run out
current, in force
make, make up
help, make possible
if you do not
end, finish
during, while
to, for
plan, devise
now, at once
after, following
then, also, and
produce, give, make
consider, think about
from now on, from today
now, by this (or edit out)
here (or edit out)
after this (or edit out)
of this
to this
until now, previously
with this (or edit out)
until now
wait, postpone
hope, trust (but not both)
if, when (but not both)
show, explain
at once, now
carry out, do
suggest, hint at
some (or say how many)
as under, in line with, because of
and, as well as, also
and, with
for, about
because, as a result
more than
instead of
so that
get, have, receive
about, for
while, during
most, mostly
about, around
as, because
wrong, unsuitable
start, beginning
which includes
have to pay, owe
show, suggest
at first
begin, start
put in
say, hint
despite, even if
give, send
I/we know that
risk, threaten
many, most (or say how many)
place, area
find, put
(you) must
small, slight
happen, occur
may, might, could
and, also, as well
very small
but, however, even so
tell, let us (or you) know
even if, despite, still, yet
many (or say how many)
aim, goal
(you) must
get, receive
caused by, because of
if you ask
when, if
work, run
best, ideal
normally, usually
because of
join in, take part
details, facts
a year
let, allow
people, staff
people, anyone
read, read carefully, look at
have, own
almost, nearly
set, fix
keep, protect
earlier, before, last
go ahead
get, obtain, arrange
plenty, too many (or say how many)
ban, stop
quickly, at once
advertise, announce
if, as long as
rules, terms
closeness, nearness
under, because of, in line with
think again about, look again at
talks about, mentions
take into account
about, on
repay, pay back
repeat, restate
the rest, what is left
pay, wages, salary
make, give, send
shows, stands for, is
ask, question
need, want, force
needs, rules
home, where you live
look at (again)
new, changed
the, this, that
read (look at) carefully
also, in the same way
given, written, set
say, tell us, write down
legal, by law
depending on, under, keeping to
send, give
large, great, a lot of
more or less
go with, add to
extra, more
give, sell, deliver
stop, end
if so
then, afterwards
by that, because of that
in that, there
of that
to that
so, therefore
so far, up to now
if, when
change, move
in the end, finally
lack of
the following
I, we
agree, promise, do
same, similar
one-sided, one-way
almost (or edit out)
see, predict
we are glad to
whatever, what, any
to, so that
about, for
about, for
quickly (or say when)
please see, please note
area, region

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100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay

By: Author Sophia

Posted on Last updated: October 25, 2023

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How to Write a Great Essay in English! This lesson provides 100+ useful words, transition words and expressions used in writing an essay. Let’s take a look!

The secret to a successful essay doesn’t just lie in the clever things you talk about and the way you structure your points.

Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay

Overview of an essay.

100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay

Useful Phrases for Proficiency Essays

Developing the argument

  • The first aspect to point out is that…
  • Let us start by considering the facts.
  • The novel portrays, deals with, revolves around…
  • Central to the novel is…
  • The character of xxx embodies/ epitomizes…

The other side of the argument

  • It would also be interesting to see…
  • One should, nevertheless, consider the problem from another angle.
  • Equally relevant to the issue are the questions of…
  • The arguments we have presented… suggest that…/ prove that…/ would indicate that…
  • From these arguments one must…/ could…/ might… conclude that…
  • All of this points to the conclusion that…
  • To conclude…

Ordering elements

  • Firstly,…/ Secondly,…/ Finally,… (note the comma after all these introductory words.)
  • As a final point…
  • On the one hand, …. on the other hand…
  • If on the one hand it can be said that… the same is not true for…
  • The first argument suggests that… whilst the second suggests that…
  • There are at least xxx points to highlight.

Adding elements

  • Furthermore, one should not forget that…
  • In addition to…
  • Moreover…
  • It is important to add that…

Accepting other points of view

  • Nevertheless, one should accept that…
  • However, we also agree that…

Personal opinion

  • We/I personally believe that…
  • Our/My own point of view is that…
  • It is my contention that…
  • I am convinced that…
  • My own opinion is…

Others’ opinions

  • According to some critics… Critics:
  • believe that
  • suggest that
  • are convinced that
  • point out that
  • emphasize that
  • contend that
  • go as far as to say that
  • argue for this

Introducing examples

  • For example…
  • For instance…
  • To illustrate this point…

Introducing facts

  • It is… true that…/ clear that…/ noticeable that…
  • One should note here that…

Saying what you think is true

  • This leads us to believe that…
  • It is very possible that…
  • In view of these facts, it is quite likely that…
  • Doubtless,…
  • One cannot deny that…
  • It is (very) clear from these observations that…
  • All the same, it is possible that…
  • It is difficult to believe that…

Accepting other points to a certain degree

  • One can agree up to a certain point with…
  • Certainly,… However,…
  • It cannot be denied that…

Emphasizing particular points

  • The last example highlights the fact that…
  • Not only… but also…
  • We would even go so far as to say that…

Moderating, agreeing, disagreeing

  • By and large…
  • Perhaps we should also point out the fact that…
  • It would be unfair not to mention the fact that…
  • One must admit that…
  • We cannot ignore the fact that…
  • One cannot possibly accept the fact that…


  • From these facts, one may conclude that…
  • That is why, in our opinion, …
  • Which seems to confirm the idea that…
  • Thus,…/ Therefore,…
  • Some critics suggest…, whereas others…
  • Compared to…
  • On the one hand, there is the firm belief that… On the other hand, many people are convinced that…

How to Write a Great Essay | Image 1

100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay 1

How to Write a Great Essay | Image 2

100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay 2

Phrases For Balanced Arguments


  • It is often said that…
  • It is undeniable that…
  • It is a well-known fact that…
  • One of the most striking features of this text is…
  • The first thing that needs to be said is…
  • First of all, let us try to analyze…
  • One argument in support of…
  • We must distinguish carefully between…
  • The second reason for…
  • An important aspect of the text is…
  • It is worth stating at this point that…
  • On the other hand, we can observe that…
  • The other side of the coin is, however, that…
  • Another way of looking at this question is to…
  • What conclusions can be drawn from all this?
  • The most satisfactory conclusion that we can come to is…
  • To sum up… we are convinced that…/ …we believe that…/ …we have to accept that…

How to Write a Great Essay | Image 3

100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay 3

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  • Transition Words & Phrases | List & Examples

Transition Words & Phrases | List & Examples

Published on May 29, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on August 23, 2023.

Transition words and phrases (also called linking words, connecting words, or transitional words) are used to link together different ideas in your text. They help the reader to follow your arguments by expressing the relationships between different sentences or parts of a sentence.

The proposed solution to the problem did not work. Therefore , we attempted a second solution. However , this solution was also unsuccessful.

For clear writing, it’s essential to understand the meaning of transition words and use them correctly.

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Table of contents

When and how to use transition words, types and examples of transition words, common mistakes with transition words, other interesting articles.

Transition words commonly appear at the start of a new sentence or clause (followed by a comma ), serving to express how this clause relates to the previous one.

Transition words can also appear in the middle of a clause. It’s important to place them correctly to convey the meaning you intend.

Example text with and without transition words

The text below describes all the events it needs to, but it does not use any transition words to connect them. Because of this, it’s not clear exactly how these different events are related or what point the author is making by telling us about them.

If we add some transition words at appropriate moments, the text reads more smoothly and the relationship among the events described becomes clearer.

Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Consequently , France and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany. The Soviet Union initially worked with Germany in order to partition Poland. However , Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941.

Don’t overuse transition words

While transition words are essential to clear writing, it’s possible to use too many of them. Consider the following example, in which the overuse of linking words slows down the text and makes it feel repetitive.

In this case the best way to fix the problem is to simplify the text so that fewer linking words are needed.

The key to using transition words effectively is striking the right balance. It is difficult to follow the logic of a text with no transition words, but a text where every sentence begins with a transition word can feel over-explained.

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There are four main types of transition word: additive, adversative, causal, and sequential. Within each category, words are divided into several more specific functions.

Remember that transition words with similar meanings are not necessarily interchangeable. It’s important to understand the meaning of all the transition words you use. If unsure, consult a dictionary to find the precise definition.

Additive transition words

Additive transition words introduce new information or examples. They can be used to expand upon, compare with, or clarify the preceding text.

Function Example sentence Transition words and phrases
Addition We found that the mixture was effective. , it appeared to have additional effects we had not predicted. indeed, furthermore, moreover, additionally, and, also, both and , not only but also , , in fact
Introduction Several researchers have previously explored this topic. , Smith (2014) examined the effects of … such as, like, particularly, including, as an illustration, for example, for instance, in particular, to illustrate, especially, notably
Reference The solution showed a high degree of absorption. , it is reasonable to conclude that … considering , regarding , in regard to , as for , concerning , the fact that , on the subject of
Similarity It was not possible to establish a correlation between these variables. , the connection between and remains unclear … similarly, in the same way, by the same token, in like manner, equally, likewise
Clarification The patient suffered several side effects, increased appetite, decreased libido, and disordered sleep. that is (to say), namely, specifically, more precisely, in other words

Adversative transition words

Adversative transition words always signal a contrast of some kind. They can be used to introduce information that disagrees or contrasts with the preceding text.

Function Example sentence Transition words and phrases
Conflict The novel does deal with the theme of family. , its central theme is more broadly political … but, however, although, though, equally, by way of contrast, while, on the other hand, (and) yet, whereas, in contrast, (when) in fact, conversely, whereas
Concession Jones (2011) argues that the novel reflects Russian politics of the time. this is correct, other aspects of the text must also be considered. even so, nonetheless, nevertheless, even though, on the other hand, admittedly, despite , notwithstanding , (and) still, although, , regardless (of ), (and) yet, though, granted
Dismissal It remains unclear which of these hypotheses is correct. , it can be inferred that … regardless, either way, whatever the case, in any/either event, in any/either case, at any rate, all the same
Emphasis The chemical is generally thought to have corrosive properties. , several studies have supported this hypothesis. above all, indeed, more/most importantly
Replacement The character of Godfrey is often viewed as selfish, self-absorbed. (or) at least, (or) rather, instead, or (perhaps) even, if not

Causal transition words

Causal transition words are used to describe cause and effect. They can be used to express purpose, consequence, and condition.

Function Example sentence Transition words and phrases
Consequence Hitler failed to respond to the British ultimatum, France and the UK declared war on Germany. therefore, because (of ), as a result (of ), for this reason, in view of , as, owing to x, due to (the fact that), since, consequently, in consequence, as a consequence, hence, thus, so (that), accordingly, so much (so) that, under the/such circumstances, if so
Condition We qualified survey responses as positive the participant selected “agree” or “strongly agree.” , results were recorded as negative. (even/only) if/when, on (the) condition that, in the case that, granted (that), provided/providing that, in case, in the event that, as/so long as, unless, given that, being that, inasmuch/insofar as, in that case, in (all) other cases, if so/not, otherwise
Purpose We used accurate recording equipment our results would be as precise as possible. to, in order to/that, for the purpose of, in the hope that, so that, to the end that, lest, with this in mind, so as to, so that, to ensure (that)

Sequential transition words

Sequential transition words indicate a sequence, whether it’s the order in which events occurred chronologically or the order you’re presenting them in your text. They can be used for signposting in academic texts.

Function Example sentence Transition words and phrases
Enumeration This has historically had several consequences: , the conflict is not given the weight of other conflicts in historical narratives. , its causes are inadequately understood. , … first, second, third…
Initiation , I want to consider the role played by women in this period. in the first place, initially, first of all, to begin with, at first
Continuation , I discuss the way in which the country’s various ethnic minorities were affected by the conflict. subsequently, previously, eventually, next, before , afterwards, after , then
Conclusion , I consider these two themes in combination. to conclude (with), as a final point, eventually, at last, last but not least, finally, lastly
Resumption my main argument, it is clear that … to return/returning to , to resume, at any rate
Summation Patel (2015) comes to a similar conclusion. , the four studies considered here suggest a consensus that the solution is effective. as previously stated/mentioned, in summary, as I have argued, overall, as has been mentioned, to summarize, briefly, given these points, in view of , as has been noted, in conclusion, in sum, altogether, in short

Transition words are often used incorrectly. Make sure you understand the proper usage of transition words and phrases, and remember that words with similar meanings don’t necessarily work the same way grammatically.

Misused transition words can make your writing unclear or illogical. Your audience will be easily lost if you misrepresent the connections between your sentences and ideas.

Confused use of therefore

“Therefore” and similar cause-and-effect words are used to state that something is the result of, or follows logically from, the previous. Make sure not to use these words in a way that implies illogical connections.

  • We asked participants to rate their satisfaction with their work from 1 to 10. Therefore , the average satisfaction among participants was 7.5.

The use of “therefore” in this example is illogical: it suggests that the result of 7.5 follows logically from the question being asked, when in fact many other results were possible. To fix this, we simply remove the word “therefore.”

  • We asked participants to rate their satisfaction with their work from 1 to 10. The average satisfaction among participants was 7.5.

Starting a sentence with also , and , or so

While the words “also,” “and,” and “so” are used in academic writing, they are considered too informal when used at the start of a sentence.

  • Also , a second round of testing was carried out.

To fix this issue, we can either move the transition word to a different point in the sentence or use a more formal alternative.

  • A second round of testing was also carried out.
  • Additionally , a second round of testing was carried out.

Transition words creating sentence fragments

Words like “although” and “because” are called subordinating conjunctions . This means that they introduce clauses which cannot stand on their own. A clause introduced by one of these words should always follow or be followed by another clause in the same sentence.

The second sentence in this example is a fragment, because it consists only of the “although” clause.

  • Smith (2015) argues that the period should be reassessed. Although other researchers disagree.

We can fix this in two different ways. One option is to combine the two sentences into one using a comma. The other option is to use a different transition word that does not create this problem, like “however.”

  • Smith (2015) argues that the period should be reassessed, although other researchers disagree.
  • Smith (2015) argues that the period should be reassessed. However , other researchers disagree.

And vs. as well as

Students often use the phrase “ as well as ” in place of “and,” but its usage is slightly different. Using “and” suggests that the things you’re listing are of equal importance, while “as well as” introduces additional information that is less important.

  • Chapter 1 discusses some background information on Woolf, as well as presenting my analysis of To the Lighthouse .

In this example, the analysis is more important than the background information. To fix this mistake, we can use “and,” or we can change the order of the sentence so that the most important information comes first. Note that we add a comma before “as well as” but not before “and.”

  • Chapter 1 discusses some background information on Woolf and presents my analysis of To the Lighthouse .
  • Chapter 1 presents my analysis of To the Lighthouse , as well as discussing some background information on Woolf.

Note that in fixed phrases like “both x and y ,” you must use “and,” not “as well as.”

  • Both my results as well as my interpretations are presented below.
  • Both my results and my interpretations are presented below.

Use of and/or

The combination of transition words “and/or” should generally be avoided in academic writing. It makes your text look messy and is usually unnecessary to your meaning.

First consider whether you really do mean “and/or” and not just “and” or “or.” If you are certain that you need both, it’s best to separate them to make your meaning as clear as possible.

  • Participants were asked whether they used the bus and/or the train.
  • Participants were asked whether they used the bus, the train, or both.

Archaic transition words

Words like “hereby,” “therewith,” and most others formed by the combination of “here,” “there,” or “where” with a preposition are typically avoided in modern academic writing. Using them makes your writing feel old-fashioned and strained and can sometimes obscure your meaning.

  • Poverty is best understood as a disease. Hereby , we not only see that it is hereditary, but acknowledge its devastating effects on a person’s health.

These words should usually be replaced with a more explicit phrasing expressing how the current statement relates to the preceding one.

  • Poverty is best understood as a disease. Understanding it as such , we not only see that it is hereditary, but also acknowledge its devastating effects on a person’s health.

Using a paraphrasing tool for clear writing

With the use of certain tools, you can make your writing clear. One of these tools is a paraphrasing tool . One thing the tool does is help your sentences make more sense. It has different modes where it checks how your text can be improved. For example, automatically adding transition words where needed.

If you want to know more about AI for academic writing, AI tools, or writing rules make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples or go directly to our tools!

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Caulfield, J. (2023, August 23). Transition Words & Phrases | List & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 26, 2024, from

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Essay Writing Guide

Transition Words For Essays

Last updated on: Jun 28, 2024

220 Best Transition Words for Essays

By: Nova A.

15 min read

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Jul 9, 2019

Transition Words for Essays

Writing essays can be hard, and making sure your transitions are smooth is even harder. 

You've probably heard that good essays need good transitions, but what are they? How do you use them in your writing? Also, your essays are assessed according to particular criteria and it is your responsibility to ensure that it is being met.

But don't worry, we are here to help. This blog will give you transition words for essays, including how to choose the right ones and where to place them for maximum impact. Essay writing is a technical process that requires much more effort than simply pouring your thoughts on paper.

If you are new to the concept of transition words and phrases, deep dive into this article in order to find out the secret to improving your essays.

Transition Words for Essays

On this Page

What Are Transition Words 

Transition words are essential elements in essay writing that create smooth transitions between ideas. 

Think of a transition as a conjunction or a joining word. It helps create strong relationships between ideas, paragraphs, or sentences and assists the readers to understand the word phrases and sentences easily.

As writers, our goal is to communicate our thoughts and ideas in the most clear and logical manner. Especially when presenting complex ideas, we must ensure that they are being conveyed in the most understandable way.

To ensure that your paper is easy to understand, you can work on the sequencing of ideas. Break down your ideas into different sentences and paragraphs then use a transition word or phrase to guide them through these ideas.

Why Should You Use Transitions

The purpose of transition words goes beyond just connectivity. They create a cohesive narrative , allowing your ideas to flow seamlessly from one point to another. These words and phrases act as signposts and indicate relationships. 

These relations could include:

  • Cause and Effect
  • Comparison and Contrast
  • Addition and Emphasis
  • Sequence and Order
  • Illustration and Example
  • Concession and Contradiction
  • Summary and Conclusion

They form a bridge and tie sentences together, creating a logical connection. In addition to tying the entire paper together, they help demonstrate the writer’s agreement, disagreement, conclusion, or contrast.

However, keep in mind that just using or including transitional words isn’t enough to highlight relationships between ideas. The content of your paragraphs must support the relationship as well. So, you should avoid overusing them in a paper.

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Types of Transitions

Transitions in essays can be classified into different types based on the relationships they indicate between ideas. Each type serves a specific purpose in guiding readers through your arguments. 

Let's explore some common types of transitions and their examples:

Additive Transitions 

These transitions are used to add information or ideas. They help you expand on your points or provide additional supporting evidence. Examples:

  • In addition
  • Furthermore
  • Additionally
  • Not only... but also
  • Coupled with

Adversative Transitions

Adversative transitions show contrast or contradiction between ideas. They are used to present opposing viewpoints or highlight differences. Examples:

  • Nevertheless
  • On the other hand
  • In contrast

Causal Transitions

Causal transitions explain cause-and-effect relationships. They help you establish the reasons behind certain outcomes or actions. Examples:

  • As a result
  • Consequently
  • Resulting in
  • For this reason

Sequential Transitions

Sequential transitions indicate the order or sequence of events or ideas. They help you present your thoughts in a logical and organized manner. Examples: 

  • Subsequently
  • In the meantime
  • Simultaneously

Comparative Transitions

Comparative transitions highlight similarities or comparisons between ideas. They help you draw connections and illustrate relationships. Here are some transition words for essays examples: 

  • In the same way
  • Compared to
  • In comparison
  • Correspondingly
  • By the same token
  • Equally important
  • Analogous to

Getting started on your essay? Check out this insightful read on essay writing to make sure you ace it!

List of Good Transition Words for Essays

As mentioned above, there are different categories of transitions that serve a unique purpose. Understanding these different types will help you pick the most suitable word or phrase to communicate your message.

Here we have categorized the best transition words for essays so you can use them appropriately!

Transition Words for Argumentative Essays

In argumentative essays , the effective use of transition words is essential for presenting a well-structured and coherent argument. 

To begin withTo showBy contrastOne alternative is
ChieflyMainlyTo put it more simplyAt the same time
On the contraryEven if ‘A’ is trueAfterallWith this in mind
All things consideredAs a resultTo clarifyGenerally speaking
Another way to view thisThat is to sayYet anotherAnother possibility is

Transition Words for Compare and Contrast Essays

In compare and contrast essays , transition words play a crucial role in highlighting the similarities and differences between the subjects being compared. 

Here are a few transition words that are particularly useful in compare and contrast essays:

DespiteIn contrastNeverthelessOn the contrary
On the other handOtherwiseAs an illustrationThat is
ConverselyIn spite ofSimilarlyAt the same time
LikewiseStillIn a similar fashionEqually

Transition Words for Cause and Effect Essays

In cause and effect essays , transition words help illustrate the relationships between causes and their corresponding effects. 

Here are a few transition words that are particularly useful in cause-and-effect essays:

As a resultUnder those circumstancesThusIn effect
For this reasonThereuponHenceforthAccordingly
Due toSoAs aHence
In order toIf…thenForAfterward

Transition Words for Different Parts of Essays

Transition words are valuable tools that can be used throughout different parts of an essay to create a smooth and coherent flow. By understanding the appropriate transition words for each section, you can logically connect your ideas. 

Introduction Transition Words for Essays

Introductions are one of the most impactful parts of the essay. It's important that it connects logically with the rest of the essay. To do this, you can utilize different transition words for essays to start. Here are some starting transition words for essays:

Generally speakingIn the first placeTo begin withTo be sure
AssuredlyEarlierFirst of allThe next step
As you can seeFor nowIn timeOnce and for all
First... second... third...To put it differentlyFoundationallyIn addition
BasicallyFurthermoreBesidesIn the meantime

Transition Words for Essays Body Paragraph

In an essay, body paragraphs play a crucial role in presenting and developing your ideas. To ensure a logical flow within each body paragraph, the strategic use of transition words is essential.

Here are lists of transitions for essays for different body paragraphs:

Transition Words for Essays for First Body Paragraph

Here is a list of transition words that you can use for the first body paragraph of an essay:

FirstlyTo start offPrimarilyAnother important factor is
To begin withIn the beginningAbove allIt is worth mentioning
InitiallyAt the outsetMost importantlyAn additional aspect to consider is
In the first placeFor a startEssential to noteWhat's more
First and foremostAs a first stepOne key point isFurthermore

Transition Words for Essays Second Body Paragraph

Here is a list of transition words for the second body paragraph of an essay:

AdditionallyLikewiseFurthermore, it is essential to considerCorrespondingly
MoreoverSimilarlyMoreover, it should be noted thatIn the same way
FurthermoreEqually importantIn a similar veinAs well as
In addition toAnother key point isAlongside thisSimilarly, it can be argued that
BesidesNot only... but alsoCoupled with thisFurthermore, evidence suggests

Transition Words for Essays Third Body Paragraph

Another significant point isLikewiseMoreover, it should be highlighted that
NotablyCorrespondinglyFurthermore, it is crucial to consider
BesidesEqually importantAlongside this
Furthermore, it is important to noteFurthermore, evidence supportsIn a similar fashion
SimilarlyAdditionally, research showsLastly, it is worth noting

Transition Words for Essays Last Body Paragraph

In light of thisCoupled with this insightFurthermore, it is imperative to addressAs an extension of this
Building upon thatAdding to the discussionAnother notable factor isDigging deeper into the topic
Moreover, it is crucial to mentionExpanding on this idea
In a related veinIn a similar line of thought
In a similar fashionTaking a step furtherSimilarly, it is worth consideringElaborating on this concept
Not to mentionAdditionally, it is important to highlightIn the same breathCorrespondingly, it is crucial to explore

Transition Words for Essays Conclusion 

Here is a list of ending transition words for essays:

All things consideredGiven these pointsIn summaryTo summarize
In shortBrieflyAfter allThat is to say
FinallyAll in allIn the final analysisAs previously stated
In essenceUltimatelyTo sum upOn the whole
By and largeOverallEverything consideredTaking everything into account

Do’s and Don’ts of Using Essay Transitions

When it comes to using transitions in your essay, there are certain do's and don'ts that can help you effectively enhance the flow of your writing. Here are some key guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Add transitions only when introducing new ideas.
  • Go through the paper to make sure they make sense.
  • Start by creating an outline, so you know what ideas to share and how.
  • Use different transitions for each idea.
  • Don’t overuse them.
  • Don’t keep adding transitions in the same paragraph.
  • Don’t completely rely on transitions to signal relationships.
  • Don’t incorporate it into your content without understanding its usage.

By now, you have probably understood how transition words can save you from disjointed and directionless paragraphs. They are the missing piece that indicates how ideas are related to one another. You can also generate more essays with our AI powered essay writer to learn the art of transitioning smoothly from one paragraph to another. 

If you are still unable to distinguish transitions to open or conclude your essays, don’t be upset - these things require time and practice.

If you are looking for the perfect essay-writing service, get in touch with the expert writers at We will include the right transitions according to the type of paper, ensuring a coherent flow of ideas.

Just say ‘ write my essay ’ now and let our essay writer create quality content at the most pocket-friendly rates available.

Nova A.

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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200 Words To Use Instead Of “Good”

“Good” is dull and unimaginative. People often use “good” as a lazy replacement for a more appropriate word. Custom Writing have created an excellent infographic that lists 200 words you can use instead of “good”.

For instance, to describe taste, use “scrumptious” or “delicious”. To describe a performance, use “stellar” or “captivating”. Know more in the infographic below.

Words to use instead of "good"

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18 common words that you should replace in your writing.

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It’s a familiar scene: you’re slumped over your keyboard or notebook, obsessing over your character. While we tend to agonize over everything from structure to backstory, it’s important to weigh how you write something too. A perfectly constructed world is flat on the page if you use feeble, common words. When you’re finished constructing your perfectly balanced world, do your writing a favor and take another pass to weed out these 18 haggard words.

High on any list of most used English words is “good.” While this word may appear to be the perfect adjective for nearly anything, that is precisely what makes it so vague. Try getting more specific. If something’s going well, try “superb,” “outstanding” or “exceptional.”

Another of the common words in English is “new.” “New” is an adjective that doesn’t always set off alarm bells, so it can be easy to forget about. Give your writing more punch by ditching “new” and using something like “latest” or “recent” instead.

Much like “new,” “long” is spent, yet it doesn’t always register as such while you’re writing. Instead of this cliché phrase, try describing exactly how long it is: “extended,” “lingering” or “endless,” for example.

“Old” is certainly one of those common words that means more to readers if you’re specific about how old a subject is. Is it “ancient,” “fossilized,” “decaying” or “decrepit”?

“Right” is also among the common words that tends to slip through our writer filters. If somebody is correct, you could also say “exact” or “precise.” Don’t let habit words like “right” dampen your writing.

Here’s another adjective that falls a bit flat for readers, but can also easily be improved by getting more specific. Saying something is “odd” or “uncommon” is very different than saying it is “exotic” or “striking.”

“Small” is another adjective that is too generic for writing as good as yours. Use “microscopic,” “miniature” or “tiny” instead. Even using “cramped” or “compact” is more descriptive for your audience.

Just like relying too much on “small,” we tend to describe large things as, well, “large.” Specificity is a big help with this one too: could your subject be “substantial,” “immense,” “enormous” or “massive”?

Whenever we describe something coming “next,” we run the risk of losing our readers. Good options to make your reading more powerful include “upcoming,” “following” or “closer.”

Another case of being too generic is what makes “young” a problematic adjective. If you want your writing to be more captivating, try switching “young” out for “youthful,” “naive” or “budding.”

“Never” is also among common words to use sparingly. Not only is it a common, stale descriptor, it’s also usually incorrect. For something to never happen, even one instance makes this word inaccurate. Try “rarely,” “scarcely” or “occasionally” instead.

“Things” is another repeat offender when it comes to worn out words. Another word where specificity is the key, try replacing “things” with “belongings,” “property” or “tools.”

Just like “never,” “all” is an encompassing, absolute term. Not only is “all” unoriginal, it’s not usually factual. Try using “each” and “copious” instead.

“Feel” is also in the company of common English words. Try using “sense,” or “discern” instead. You can also move your sentence into a more active tense: “I feel hungry” could become “I’m famished,” for example.

“Seem” is bad habit word we are all guilty of using. Regardless of how well you think your sentence is constructed, try switching “seem” out for “shows signs of.” “Comes across as” is another good option to give your writing more power.

Another easy adjective to let slip by, “almost” is a wasted opportunity to engage your readers. “Almost” is more interesting if you say “practically,” “nearly” or “verging on” instead.

“Just making” it or “just barely” affording something isn’t very descriptive. To truly grab a reader, we must do better. Try “narrowly,” “simply” or “hardly” to give your phrasing more weight.

Last but not least, avoid using the common word “went” to describe your subject. “Went” is a word that lacks traction. Try using “chose,” “decided on” or “rambled” to truly grab your readers.

Featured photo credit: Angie Garrett via

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190 Good Transition Words for Essays

August 23, 2023

Essay writing consists of two primary procedures: coming up with the content we want to include and structuring that content. These procedures might take place in either order or they could occur simultaneously. When writing an essay it is important to think about the ways that content and structure complement one another. The best essays join these two elements in thoughtful ways. Transition words for essays (including for college essays) are some of our most primary tools when it comes to structuring a piece of writing.

When beginning an essay it is often recommended to begin with a messy first draft. The purpose of this draft is to get everything out on the page. You should put down as many ideas and trajectories as you can without worrying too much about phrasing or whether they will make it into the final draft. The key here is to be loose—to get ahead of our self-editors and expel everything we can from our minds.

List of Good Transition Words for Essays (Continued)

While this is a good strategy for beginning an essay it will likely leave you unsure how everything fits together. This is where transition words come in. As you will see in this list (which is necessarily incomplete) the range of transition words for essays is vast. Each transition word implies a different relation, often in subtle ways. After accumulating content, the next step is to figure out how the elements fit together towards an overall goal (this could be but is not necessarily an “argument”). Consulting this list of transition words for essays can provide a shortcut for determining how one piece might lead into another. Along with transition words, rhetorical devices and literary devices are other tools to consider during this stage of essay writing.

Transition Words for College Essays

While this list will be a useful tool for all types of essay writing it will be particularly helpful when it comes to finding the right transition words for college essays . The goal of a college essay is to give a strong overall sense of its author in the tight space of 650 words. As you might imagine, it’s not easy to encompass a life or convey a complex personality in such a space. When writing a college essay you are working with a huge amount of potential content. Students often want to squeeze in as much as they can. To this end, transition words for college essays are essential tools to have at our disposal.

Here is our list of transition words for college essays and other essays. It is organized by the different types of transition words/phrases and their functions. While this organization should be convenient, keep in mind that there’s plenty of overlap. Many of these words can function in multiple ways.

1) Additive Transitions

These words function in an additive manner, accumulating content to build upon what has already been stated. They can be used to construct an argument or establish a scene through the accumulation of details.

  • Additionally
  • In addition to
  • Furthermore
  • Not to mention
  • In all honesty
  • To tell the truth
  • Not only…but also
  • As a matter of fact
  • To say nothing of
  • What’s more
  • Alternatively
  • To go a step further

 2) Comparative Transitions (Similarity)

  These transition words draw a parallel or bring out a similarity between images or ideas. They can be used not only in a straightforward sense but also to establish relations of similarity between objects or ideas that might appear to be dissonant.

  • In the same way
  • In a similar vein
  • Along the lines of
  • In the key of

 3) Comparative Transitions (Difference)

  While also functioning comparatively, the following words demonstrate difference between ideas or images. These transition words are useful when it comes to establishing contrasting points of view, an important component of any argument.

  • On the other hand
  • On the contrary
  • In contrast to
  • In contradiction
  • Nevertheless
  • Nonetheless
  • In any event
  • In any case
  • In either event

4) Sequential Transitions

  The following are particularly effective transition words for college essays. They will allow you to order ideas chronologically or in a sequence, providing a sense of continuity over time. This is particularly useful when an essay leans into something more creative or involves telling a story.

  • Subsequently
  • At the same time
  • Concurrently
  • In the beginning
  • At the start
  • At the outset
  • Off the bat

5) Spatial Transitions

Rather than organizing ideas or images in regards to sequence, these transitions indicate spatial relationships. They are particularly useful when it comes to painting a scene and/or describing objects, but they can also be used metaphorically. Consider, for example, how you might use the transition, “standing in […’s] shadow.”

  • Standing in […’s] shadow
  • In front of
  • In the middle
  • In the center
  • To the left
  • To the right
  • On the side
  • Adjacent to
  • Around the bend
  • On the outskirts
  • In the distance
  • On the horizon
  • In the foreground
  • In the background
  • Underground
  • Through the grapevine

 6) Causal Transitions

These transition words for essays indicate cause and effect relationships between ideas. They will be particularly useful when you are structuring a logical argument, i.e. using logos as a mode of persuasion . Causal transitions are an important element of academic, legal and scientific writing.

  • Accordingly
  • Resultingly
  • As a result
  • Consequently
  • In consequence
  • As a consequence
  • For this reason
  • So much that
  • Granting that
  • That being the case
  • Under those circumstances
  • With this in mind
  • For the purpose of
  • For all intents and purposes
  • In the event that
  • In the event of
  • In light of
  • On the condition that
  • To the extent that

7) Examples/Illustration/Supporting Transition

  These transition words for college essays can be used to introduce supporting evidence, emphasis, examples, and clarification. There is some overlap here with additive transitions and causal transitions. These transitions are also useful when it comes to building an argument. At the same time, they can signal a shift into a different linguistic register.

  • For example
  • For instance
  • In other words
  • As an illustration
  • To illustrate
  • To put it differently
  • To put it another way
  • That is to say
  • As the evidence illustrates
  • It’s important to realize
  • It’s important to understand
  • It must be remembered
  • To demonstrate
  • For clarity’s sake
  • To emphasize
  • To put it plainly
  • To enumerate
  • To speak metaphorically

8) Conclusory Transitions

These transition words for essays serve to bring an idea or story to a close. They offer a clear way of signaling the conclusion of a particular train of thought. They might be followed by a summary or a restatement of an essay’s argument. In this way they also provide emphasis, setting the reader up for what is about to come.

  • In conclusion
  • To summarize
  • To put it succinctly
  • To this end
  • At the end of the day
  • In the final analysis
  • By and large
  • On second thought
  • On first glance
  • That’s all to say
  • On the whole
  • All things considered
  • Generally speaking

List of Good Transition Words for Essays (Final Thoughts)

Even when elements appear to be disparate on first glance, transition words are a great tool for giving your essay a smooth flow. They can also create surprising juxtapositions, relationships, and equivalences. The way a reader will understand a transition word depends on the context in which they encounter it.

Individual words and phrases can be used in a wide variety of ways, ranging from the literal to the figurative to the colloquial or idiomatic. “Through the grapevine” is an example of the colloquial or idiomatic. When we encounter this phrase we don’t interpret it literally (as hearing something “through” a grapevine) but rather as hearing news secondhand. There are, of course, a vast number of idioms that are not included in this list but can also function as transitional phrases.

This list of transition words for college essays (and really any form of writing you might be working on) is a resource that you can return to again and again in your life as a writer. Over years of writing we tend to fall into patterns when it comes to the transition words we use. Mixing things up can be exciting both as a writer and for your readers. Even if you don’t choose to stray from your trusted transitions, considering the alternatives (and why they don’t work for you) can offer a deeper understanding of what you are trying to say.

List of Good Transition Words for Essays (An Exercise)

As an exercise in self-understanding, you may want to try highlighting all of the transition words in a piece of your own writing. You can then compare this to the transition words in a piece of writing that you admire. Are they using similar transitions or others? Are they using them more or less often? What do you like or dislike about them? We all use transition words differently, creating different tonal effects. Keeping an eye out for them, not only as a writer but also as a reader, will help you develop your own aesthetic.

  • College Essay

Emmett Lewis

Emmett holds a BA in Philosophy from Vassar College and is currently completing an MFA in Writing at Columbia University. Previously, he served as a writing instructor within the Columbia Artists/Teachers community as well as a Creative Writing Teaching Fellow at Columbia, where he taught poetry workshops. In addition, Emmett is a member of the Poetry Board at the Columbia Journal , and his work has been published in HAD , Otoliths , and Some Kind of Opening , among others.

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How to Use Transition Words for Essays + Examples

How to Use Transition Words for Essays + Examples

Transition words play a key role in essay writing. They connect ideas, sentences, and paragraphs, helping readers follow your text easily. These words do many jobs, from comparing things to showing cause and effect. They turn scattered thoughts into a clear story.

Learning to use transition words for essays isn't just about making your writing sound better. It's about making your ideas clearer and easier for readers to understand. Let's look at transition words and how to use them well in your essays.

Understanding Transition Words for Essays

Transition words for essays are like road signs. They guide readers through your ideas. They help show how your thoughts connect, making your writing easier to follow.

The Purpose and Placement of Transition Sentences

Transition sentences do several important things:

  • They make your ideas flow better
  • They help readers grasp your main point
  • They link sentences and paragraphs
  • They show how ideas relate to each other
  • They make your writing easier to read

Where you put transitions matters. They're often used:

  • Between parts of an essay to sum up or introduce new ideas
  • Between paragraphs to show connections or changes in focus
  • Within paragraphs to link related thoughts

Here's an example: 

"The Industrial Revolution brought many new technologies. On the other hand, it also caused social problems."

In this case, "On the other hand" shows a contrast between the good and bad effects of the Industrial Revolution.

Putting transitions in the right places helps your ideas flow smoothly. For instance, transition words to start a paragraph in an essay can signal a new point or a shift in focus, preparing the reader for what's next.

Types of Transitions Words

There are different types of transition words for essays, each with its own job. Knowing these types can help you pick the right words for different parts of your writing.

  • Adding information: "Also," "In addition," "Furthermore"
  • Showing contrast: "But," "However," "On the other hand"
  • Showing cause and effect: "So," "As a result," "Therefore"
  • Showing order: "First," "Second," "Finally"
  • Giving examples: "For example," "Such as," "To illustrate"

Using different transition words can make your essay flow better and be more coherent. Aithor can suggest good transition words based on what your essay is about, helping you improve your writing.

Creating Smooth Transitions in Your Writing

To make your transitions smooth:

  • Use your essay's structure to find logical connections between sections.
  • Put transitions where they best show how ideas relate.
  • Don't use too many transition words, or your writing might sound forced.
  • Try not to use the same few transitions over and over.

Remember, sometimes less is better. Using too many transition words can make your writing sound unnatural. Writing tools like Aithor can help you find places where transitions might make your essay flow better, suggesting good transition words based on your essay's content.

List of Transitions

Let's look at different types of transition words and phrases you can use in your essays:

1. Addition

Transition words to start a paragraph in an essay that add information include:

  • Furthermore
  • Additionally
  • In addition

Example: "The new policy aims to cut down on carbon emissions. Also, it encourages the use of energy from renewable sources."

2. Contradiction

To show contrast, you can use:

  • Nevertheless
  • On the other hand
  • In contrast
  • Despite this

Example: "Many people thought the project would fail. On the other hand, it did better than anyone expected."

3. Condition

Conditional transitions include:

  • Provided that
  • In the event that

Example: "The company will grow bigger if the market stays good."

4. Emphasis

To highlight important points, use:

  • Undoubtedly

Example: "The experiment gave surprising results. In fact, it made people question many old theories in the field."

5. Similarity

Transition words for the second body paragraph showing similarity include:

  • In the same way

Example: "The novel explores themes of love and loss. In the same way, the author's previous work dealt with complex human emotions."

To show outcomes or consequences, use:

  • As a result
  • Consequently

Example: "The team worked very hard on the project. As a result, they finished it early."

7. Conclusion Transitions

Transition words for the conclusion paragraph include:

  • In conclusion
  • To summarize

Example: "In conclusion, the study shows that social media greatly affects how consumers behave."

8. Sequence

To show order or progression, use:

  • First, Second, and Third
  • Subsequently

Example: "First, we'll look at the data. Then, we'll explain what it means. Finally, we'll make conclusions based on what we found."

9. Location

Spatial transitions include:

  • Adjacent to
  • In the vicinity of

Example: "The rare plant was found growing nearby the river bank."

As you start writing, remember this important tip: use transition words carefully. While these words help make your writing easy to read, using too many can confuse your reader. Think of transition words like spices in food — they make it taste better, but too much can ruin the dish.

Your goal is to help your reader easily follow your ideas, not to create a maze of connecting words. So, when you write your next essay, remember: when it comes to transitions, often using fewer is better. Use them thoughtfully to make your argument clear, and your writing will be easy to understand and follow.

If you want to get even better at writing essays, Aithor has special features that can help you choose the best transitions for what you're writing about, making sure your essays flow smoothly from start to finish.

Happy writing!

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Essential words to improve vocabulary

Enhancing your vocabulary is a powerful way to improve how you express yourself and engage with others. Whether you're writing essays, delivering presentations, or simply conversing, having rich vocabulary skills allows you to communicate with precision and impact. Here’s a guide to essential words that can help elevate your vocabulary from average to advanced.

Understanding vocabulary levels

Before exploring the words, it's useful to understand different vocabulary levels :

  • Basic : Words that most native speakers know, can include overused words and phrases.
  • Intermediate : Words needed for professional fluency and nuanced expression.
  • Advanced : Complex words used in specialized or academic contexts.

Essential words for an advanced vocabulary

Advancing your vocabulary involves adopting words that not only enhance your language but also allow you to express ideas more clearly and accurately. Here are several categories and examples of essential words that can enrich your vocabulary:

Words that express magnitude

  • Colossal : Extremely large or great.
  • Minute : Extremely small.
  • Plethora : A large or excessive amount of something.

These words help you describe quantities and sizes with greater accuracy and impact.

Words for describing feelings and emotions

  • Euphoric : Intensely happy or confident.
  • Melancholic : Sad, typically with no obvious cause.
  • Apathetic : Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Using precise emotional descriptors can make your stories and explanations more engaging and empathetic.

Descriptive adjectives

  • Pristine : In its original condition; unspoiled.
  • Surreptitious : Kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.
  • Volatile : Liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.

Rich adjectives like these can deepen your descriptions and offer clearer, more detailed imagery.

Verbs to express action

  • Galvanize : Shock or excite (someone) into taking action.
  • Mitigate : Make less severe, serious, or painful.
  • Usurp : Take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.

Dynamic and specific verbs can invigorate your sentences, making them more powerful and memorable.

Strategies to incorporate new words into your vocabulary

Read widely and often.

Reading a variety of genres and styles is an effective way to encounter new vocabulary. Challenge yourself with materials that go beyond your current level to discover new and useful words. And if you find yourself in a rush for time, you can count on Elevate’s reading games as a time-sensitive substitute.

Use a vocabulary journal

Maintain a journal where you record new words, their definitions, and example sentences. Regular review will help reinforce your memory of these terms.

Practice using new words

Make an effort to use new vocabulary in your everyday communication. This practice helps integrate new words into your active vocabulary, making them more familiar and easier to recall.

Engage with interactive learning tools

Consider using apps like Elevate, which provide engaging exercises and vocabulary games designed to enhance your speech systematically and enjoyably.

Your guide to a richer vocabulary

Becoming more articulate is a journey of continuous learning and application. By focusing on key words that elevate your language skills and actively using them, you can significantly enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your communication and learn to speak eloquently .

Ready to expand your vocabulary and transform your communication skills? Download the Elevate app today and start improving with every word you learn!

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Content Marketing Institute

31 Great Content Writing Examples, Tips, and Tools

31 Great Content Writing Examples, Tips, and Tools

  • by Ann Gynn
  • | Published: August 21, 2024
  • | Content Creation

Great content writing must be powerful and effective to captivate your audience.

But accomplishing that with your content writing isn’t an easy task. Whether you craft words for B2B or B2C audiences, the challenges can be many.

To help, I’ve compiled web writing examples, tips, tools, and resources. The goal is to give you some insights and new tools to help address or minimize the creation stumbling blocks web and content writers face.

Let’s get to it.

1. Go for the surprise

When you write something that’s unexpected, your audience will likely stop scrolling and take a moment to learn more. In the worst cases, this approach to content writing falls under the nefarious clickbait category. But in the best cases, it can delight and engage the viewer.

Nike is always a go-to source for the best content examples. The summer of 2024 didn’t disappoint with its Winning Isn’t for Everyone campaign.

With a debut in time for the global games, Nike featured the world’s greatest athletes (well, all the great Nike-sponsored athletes) talking about they are motivated by victory and that there’s nothing wrong with wanting to win. Writing those four words — winning isn’t for everyone — fosters a strong reaction. After all, there are far more people who don’t win than do. But audiences are also likely to watch more of the videos to learn what Nike is really talking about.

As you watch the video, note the repetition of the same question (“Am I a bad person?”) followed by short, staccato-paced statements. This approach creates a lyrical story. And it paid off, earning over 2.2 million views in two weeks.

2. Don’t forget text has a starring role in video

Words appear in blog posts or descriptions of product features and benefits. But writers can also shine in  video scripts, along with set designers, actors, and filmmakers. Writers can take any topic and help make it captivating.

J.P. Morgan used animation and strong scripts to explain finance-related concepts in its Unpacked series, a finalist in the Content Marketing Awards for best video. This 4.5-minute episode covers how private companies go public:

3. Tap into trends with simple writing prompts

I’m always a fan of Dove’s #KeepBeautyReal campaigns. Most recently, it created an example of powerful writing in this simple question, “ What kind of beauty do we want AI to learn?”

Capitalizing on the AI trend and interest, Dove illustrates the difference between AI-created images for prompts about “beautiful women” and “beautiful women according to Dove’s Real Beauty ads.” In the first three months of its debut, the video with few words has earned over 100K views on Dove’s YouTube channel and garnered mainstream and industry media attention.

4. Let your audience create great writing and video examples

Creativity can emerge in many ways. Sometimes, it’s a simple starting point that reflects the times, as Dove did in its content example.

It also may lead a brand to contribute to its own pop culture trend as The Stanley did with its Quencher Cup social media campaign in 2024 . Its influencer campaign prompted these fun user-generated examples of web writing and illustration in the form of memes and TikTok videos promoting the brand’s popular drinking vessel.

Hilarious Scales created this sample that’s been seen by over 10 million viewers:

@hilarious_scaless How yall be lookin with them Stanley Cups 🤣 #fypシ #fyp #stanleycup #stanleytumbler ♬ original sound – Hilarious_scales

Fans of hockey (that sport with the other Stanley Cup) also got into the action as Instagram account Daily Facebook shared this example:

View this post on Instagram A post shared by DailyFaceoff (@dailyfaceoff)

5. Nail down your headlines

I’ve said it often: Headlines are the powerhouse of your content writing. After all, if the headline isn’t a success, the content behind it will never be read.

A 2024 study published in Science Advance conducted over 30,000 field experiments with The Washington Post and Upworthy headlines. It found that readers prefer simpler headlines (more common words and more readable writing) over complex ones. They also paid more attention to and more deeply processed the simpler headlines.

The e-book headline in this example from OptinMonster is straightforward: 50 Smart Ways to Segment Your Email List. It uses a numeral (50), a helpful adjective (smart), and a second-person pronoun (your) to speak directly to the audience, all of which elevates the article’s value in the reader’s mind.

The e-book headline in this example from OptinMonster is straightforward: 50 Smart Ways to Segment Your Email List.

Image source

6. Analyze the potential impact of your content headlines

Size up headlines with the Advanced Marketing Institute’s Headline Analyzer , which reveals an emotional marketing value score.

This headline example — 14 Ways Marketing Automation Helps B2B Companies Succeed — earns an emotional marketing value (EMV) of 37.5%. Most professional copywriters’ headlines typically have a 30% to 40% EMV score.

This headline example — 14 Ways Marketing Automation Helps B2B Companies Succeed — earns an emotional marketing value (EMV) of 37.5%.

The same headline in a similar tool, CoSchedule Blog Post Headline Analyzer , earns a score of 77 out of 100. This analysis looks at word balance, headline type, sentiment, reading grade level, clarity, and skimmability. It also identifies areas for improvement, such as the use of uncommon, emotional, and power words.

The same headline in a similar tool, CoSchedule Blog Post Headline Analyzer, earns a score of 77 out of 100.

7. Adjust title formats with this content writing tool

Speed your formatting tasks with TitleCase . The tool converts your title into various circumstances — all caps, hyphen, etc., so you don’t have to rekey or reformat.

8. Write headlines with words that resonate

BuzzSumo research consistently identifies “how-to” or guidance-focused headlines that resonate far better with audiences than any other type.

It makes sense. Audiences are seeking information that will help them in their lives, and they have a lot of content from which to choose. By writing phrases like “how to” in a headline, you tell them clearly what they’re going to get.

Get more tips from CMI’s article How To Create Headlines That Are Good for Readers and Business .

9. Focus on clarity for web content

Explaining your product or service can get cumbersome, but it shouldn’t if you want the audience to quickly understand how your company can help solve their pain points.

In this example, Zendesk succinctly highlights three results gained by the enterprise clients of its customer service platform:

  • Drive better conversations
  • Maximize agent efficiency
  • Adapt faster to change

The three- and four-word headlines are followed by short explanations (two sentences) and a link to the product’s relevant features for that category.

In this example, Zendesk highlights three results gained by the enterprise clients of its customer service platform: drive better conversations, maximize agent efficiency, and adapt faster to change.

10. Write to win over readers

How does your content inspire readers or get them to care?

Some suggestions include:

  • Focus on actionable content they could use right away.
  • Establish instant credibility and expertise so they understand why you’re the go-to resource.
  • Add value they wouldn’t see or find elsewhere.

This ad for the Content Marketing Institute newsletter works well as a sample of website content writing. It illustrates how to motivate the audience to see that the content is relevant for them. Its headline “Looking for Fresh Content Inspiration?” speaks directly to the reader. Its follow-up sentence explains in detail what the reader will get — expert advice, standout examples, and creative ideas.

The Content Marketing Institute headline, “Looking for Fresh Content Inspiration?” speaks directly to the reader. Its follow-up sentence explains in detail what the reader will get — expert advice, standout examples, and creative ideas.

11. Choose words that motivate actions

Sometimes, it’s a simple word or phrase that prompts someone to take the next step. Buffer offers a list of more than 150 words . These 19 words and phrases are examples of how to gain the audience’s trust:

  • Bestselling
  • Endorsed by
  • Money-back guarantee
  • No obligation
  • No questions asked
  • Recommended
  • Transparent
  • Try for free

In this web page example, OptinMonster opts for one of those words in its headline — How To Create a Fail-Proof Digital Marketing Plan in 5 Steps .

In this web page example, OptinMonster opts for one of those words in its headline — How To Create a Fail-Proof Digital Marketing Plan in 5 Steps.

12. Keep it brief but convey a lot

Given your audience reads on screens, your web writing usually appears in a small space. Yet, it still must reflect a strong message.

For example, this American Express Business web copy uses five words to indicate that it gets the reader’s problem — “Don’t stress over seasonal surges.” Then, it uses another five words to indicate that it has a solution — “Help you keep your business thriving.” On the right, it shows the product name that will do all that (American Express business line of credit.)

This American Express Business web copy uses five words to indicate they get the reader’s problem — “Don’t stress over seasonal surges.” Then, it uses another five words to indicate it has a solution — “Help keep your business thriving.” On the right, it shows the product name that will do all that (American Express business line of credit.)

13. Create compelling content with better words

Choosing a single word to convey the perfect sentiment makes the most of your available content space. To help, Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger offers a collection of words that can make a difference in your writing: 801+ Power Words That Make You Sound Smart . Here are 15 of them:

  • Frightening

In this headline — Firefox Hacks for Everyone: From Cozy Gamers to Minimalists and Beyond — the Mozilla blog opted for one of the power words, “hack.”

In this headline — Firefox Hacks for Everyone: From Cozy Gamers to Minimalists and Beyond — the Mozilla blog opted for one of the power words, “hack.”

 I’ll issue a caveat on this option: Power words can quickly become overused. “Hack” is coming close to saturation.

14. Length isn’t everything

I like to know content length rules and preferences. They give me guideposts for my web writing.

Google makes 30 characters available in its ad headlines, and it’s hard to go shorter than that. This simple sample — Best Enterprise CRM Platform — is 28 characters.

This simple sample — Best Enterprise CRM Platform — is 28 characters.

On social media, though, the character parameters are greater, and you could improve engagement by falling short of the upper limits.

Instagram is a perfect example of where writing content short of the 2,200-character maximum caption is a better decision. In fact, experts say the ideal length is 125 characters, which takes up the space visible before the viewer must click to read more.

Still, sometimes writing fewer than 125 characters can work well and draw attention in a crowded feed, as this sample from Grammarly shows. Its caption — “Learn actionable strategies for leveraging Gen AI to elevate your team’s productivity.” — totals just 88 characters.

Grammarly's caption — “Learn actionable strategies for leveraging Gen AI to elevate your team’s productivity.” — totals just 88 characters.

Of course, exceptions exist. If your content’s primary goal is search engine optimization, longer content is almost always best. As a website ages, it may be able to get by with shorter pieces because it’s already established authority and has more pages, inbound links , etc. However, extended content often helps generate high rankings for targeted keyword phrases and similar words.

15. Choose short words for your web writing

You don’t need to use a lot of words to get your point across. Short ones can work in your favor. Consider these common examples of better choices:

  • “Show,” not “indicate”
  • “Get rid of,” not “eliminate”
  • “Use,” not “utilize”
  • “To,” not “in order to”
  • “Help,” not “facilitate”
  • “Get,” not “obtain”

16. Use a tool to keep track of word counts

Meet your word count goals and improve your word choice with the WordCounter tool. It also helps identify keywords and their appropriate frequency of use.

17. Recognize common writing mistakes

Grammar Girl , created by Mignon Fogarty, founder of Quick and Dirty Tips, outlines some common mistakes, such as this example on the use of that vs. which in writing.

“The simple rule is to use ‘that’ with a restrictive element and ‘which’ with a non-restrictive element … The cupcakes that have sprinkles are still in the fridge. The words “that have sprinkles” restrict the kind of cupcake we’re talking about. Without those words, the meaning of the sentence would change. Without them, we’d be saying that all the cupcakes are still in the fridge, not just the ones with sprinkles.”

18. Use parallel construction

Parallel construction organizes the text and relieves your readers of expending mental energy to piece together the thoughts.

  • For example, this mish-mash list is not parallel because the sentence structures vary:
  • It could be time to look over your business software contract.
  • Consider the best products.
  • If you want the product to benefit your company, include others’ points of view.

The list is parallel because every sentence starts the same way – with a verb .

  • Review your business software contract.
  • Shop for the best products based on features, costs, and support options.
  • Ask key members of your team for their perspectives, including productivity barriers.

19. Know when to break the infinitive rule

Avoid splitting infinitives. However, sometimes you might need to bypass grammatically correct in favor of unawkward content.

Pro Writing Aid explains that split infinitives are nothing new — their use dates back to the 1300s. However, there is a time and place for them, as shown in this example from Northern Illinois University’s Effective Writing Practices Tutorial :

  • Split infinitive but easily understood: It’s hard to completely follow his reasoning.
  • No split infinitive, but awkwardly written: It’s hard to follow completely his reasoning.

20. Be conscious of pronouns

A conversational approach typically works best when you’re creating web content. Writing in the first or second person can accomplish this.

Embracing inclusivity also fosters a conversational atmosphere.

When you’re using pronouns, make sure it’s clear to what the pronoun refers. Given some people use they/them pronouns, ensuring pronoun clarity is especially important.

In those cases where the reader may be confused, explain the person’s use of the plural non-gendered pronoun in the text, for example, “Alex Alumino, who uses they/them pronouns …” Even better, just repeat their name in the sentence so there’s no need to explain and no misunderstanding.

21. Don’t overuse words

Redundancy bores. To figure out if you’re committing this sin, paste your text into the Word It Out tool. The word cloud reveals those used most often in your text.

We input a recent CMI article about user stories to create a word cloud for that content sample. It is no surprise that “user” shows up front and center, but it’s also an indicator for us to review the article to see if “user” is overused. “Katie” also shows up prominently in the word cloud as it’s the first name of the source for the article, and CMI uses first, instead of last names, on second and subsequent references. A review of the article could reveal it unnecessarily references the source too many times.

good replacement words for essays

Similarly, WordCounter detects whether you’re using the same words too often. Use to find alternatives.

22. Try this content writing tool to replace jargon-like words

You need to speak your audience’s language, but that doesn’t mean you need to adopt the industry’s jargon. De-Jargonizer is designed to help analyze the jargon in scholarly articles, but the tool works just as well with your content writing.

In this example from a CMI article about building a social media plan , De-Jargonizer identifies four “rare” words — ebbs, inhospitable, clarifies, and actionable.

De-Jargonizer identifies four “rare” words — ebbs, inhospitable, clarifies, and actionable.

You can upload a file or paste your text to discover those rare words, aka potential jargon, in your content writing. Then, you can find more reader-friendly replacements.

23. Check your readability score

Even if readers can understand the jargon and complex sentences, they still don’t want to work hard to understand your content. To help understand if your writing is on the easier side, use a tool like Web FX’s Readability Test . It scores your content’s average reading ease and targeted readership age.

In this example, it evaluates the website and concludes it has a reading ease of 27.8 out of 100 and is targeted at 14- and 15-year-olds.

In this example, it evaluates the website and concludes it has a reading ease of 27.8 out of 100 and is targeted at 14- and 15-year-olds.

You can scroll down to see other readability scores, including Flesch Kincaid reading ease, Flesch Kincaid grade level, Gunning Fog, Smog Index, Coleman Liau, and Automated Readability Index.

The bottom of the evaluation includes the statistics about the evaluated text, including:

  • Total sentences
  • Total words
  • Complex words
  • Percent of complex words
  • Average words per sentence
  • Average syllables per word

Adjust your writing to meet the preferred readership level of your audience.

24. Evaluate sentence structure with the Hemingway App

Want more help to write content that’s easy to read? Consider tools like the Hemingway app, which provides immediate and detailed feedback on content structure, including sentence formatting. With the website version, you can replace the default text with your own.

The Hemingway app identifies potentially unnecessary adverbs, warns about passive voice, and triggers alerts to dull, complicated words.

In this web writing example from its home page, Hemingway App highlights one of the 13 sentences as very hard to read, one as hard to read, two weakener phrases, and one word with a simpler alternative.

In this web writing example from its home page, Hemingway App highlights one of the 13 sentences as very hard to read, one as hard to read, two weakener phrases, and one word with a simpler alternative.

25. Get web writing right with good grammar

Proper grammar is a necessity; you want to get everything correct to satisfy readers (and bosses). Try Grammarly .

Improve your writing with this cloud-based, AI editor. Grammarly automates grammar, spelling, and punctuation checks, often giving better, cleaner content options. The tool also alerts writers to passive voice, suggests opportunities to be concise, and assesses overall tone.

You also can save time and energy with ProWritingAid . It eliminates the need to reread to polish your content. This AI editing software offers more than grammar checks. It checks for vague wording, sentence length variation, and overuse of adverbs and passive voice. The tool also identifies complicated or run-on sentences. (“Content Writing Examples, Tips, and Resources”)

26. Read your web content in scanning mode

Here’s some sad news for content writers: Readers won’t consume every word in your content. They skip and scan a lot to see if the content is a good fit for them, and then they hope they can glean the relevant information without having to consume all the content.

As you write, think about how the text will look visually. Make it easy for readers to scan your content by including:

  • Short paragraphs
  • Bulleted lists
  • Bolded text
  • Words in color

27. Read aloud

If your content doesn’t flow as you speak it, it may not work for the reader . Pay attention to when you take too many pauses or pause in places where no comma exists. Adjust your text — add a comma or break the sentence into two.

Microsoft Word offers a read-aloud feature through its immersive reader tools, while Google Docs can use a Chrome extension to give a voice to the content .

28. Use plagiarism checkers

In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence have prompted growth in automated plagiarism checkers. Microsoft Word embeds the feature option in its software as does Grammarly. You also can use tools dedicated to ensuring that the content writing isn’t a copycat (or being copycatted), including:

  • Unicheck – Verify the originality of work with plagiarism detection. You can spot outright copying and minor text modifications in unscrupulous submissions.
  • Copyscape – Protect your content and your reputation. Copyscape uncovers plagiarism in purchased content and detects plagiarism by others of your original work.

Of course, no plagiarism checker is 100% accurate, so before you accuse a content writer of plagiarism, triple-check the results (and add a human touch whenever appropriate).

29. Use a topic tool for writing inspiration

HubSpot’s Ideas Generator works well to get your creative content writing juices flowing. Just fill in the fields with three nouns to get some ideas.

For example, if you input the words car, truck, and SUV, HubSpot delivers these ideas along with the targeted keywords for the topic:

  • Keyword: Top truck accessories
  • Keyword: Comparing SUV models
  • Keyword: Truck bed organization ideas

For example, if you input the words car, truck, and SUV, HubSpot delivers these ideas along with the targeted keywords for the topic.

HubSpot’s topic generator also allows users to pick a title and have an outline created for that article.

You also could perform a similar exercise by writing the prompts in other generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT and Gemini .

NOTE: Always review the titles and accompanying data to ensure accuracy. In the HubSpot sample, the generator included a headline — Discover the Best SUVs for Families in 2021. Yet, it’s 2024.

30. Know SEO responsibilities in web writing

Sometimes writers create content with multiple purposes. They have the burden of blending SEO into the content . I frame it as a burden because it’s one more variable to deal with. If you have a knack for SEO and goals you can measure, it’s not a burden.

Unfortunately, you sometimes don’t know what realistic keywords to pursue. Aim too low and you use rarely searched keywords. Aspire for something too competitive, and the content won’t rank.

How are you evaluating keywords? Learn how to find your sweet spot with keyword selection (and how to appear on the first page of Google). Identify potential keywords by using tools like:

  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • Google’s Keyword Planner
  • Keyword Tool
  • AnswerThePublic
  • Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest

31. Monitor relevant topics to get ideas for your content

With Feedly , you can stay informed about what matters most and avoid information overload. This AI assistant learns your preferences, then culls and curates content from the internet that you want and need.

Share your favorite writing tricks

What content creation and copywriting productivity tools do you favor? What do you do each day to make your writing tasks just a little easier? Please tag CMI on social media using #CMWorld.

All tools mentioned in this article were suggested by the author. If you’d like to suggest a tool, share the article on social media with a comment.

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  • 7 Ancient Archetypes That Give Your Content Fresh Relevance
  • How To Write Faster With or Without an AI Assist
  • How To Get Branded Content Right: Examples, Ideas, and Tips
  • How To Catch Audiences With Extraordinary Hooks
  • New Study Reveals Clear Writing Tips for B2B Marketers
  • 6 Easy Things You Can Do To Improve the Content Experience for Your Audience
  • How To Turn Old Content Into a New Work of Art With an AI Assist

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

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Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago

Samantha Putterman, PolitiFact Samantha Putterman, PolitiFact

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Fact-checking warnings from Democrats about Project 2025 and Donald Trump

This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact .

Project 2025 has a starring role in this week’s Democratic National Convention.

And it was front and center on Night 1.

WATCH: Hauling large copy of Project 2025, Michigan state Sen. McMorrow speaks at 2024 DNC

“This is Project 2025,” Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, D-Royal Oak, said as she laid a hardbound copy of the 900-page document on the lectern. “Over the next four nights, you are going to hear a lot about what is in this 900-page document. Why? Because this is the Republican blueprint for a second Trump term.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has warned Americans about “Trump’s Project 2025” agenda — even though former President Donald Trump doesn’t claim the conservative presidential transition document.

“Donald Trump wants to take our country backward,” Harris said July 23 in Milwaukee. “He and his extreme Project 2025 agenda will weaken the middle class. Like, we know we got to take this seriously, and can you believe they put that thing in writing?”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate, has joined in on the talking point.

“Don’t believe (Trump) when he’s playing dumb about this Project 2025. He knows exactly what it’ll do,” Walz said Aug. 9 in Glendale, Arizona.

Trump’s campaign has worked to build distance from the project, which the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, led with contributions from dozens of conservative groups.

Much of the plan calls for extensive executive-branch overhauls and draws on both long-standing conservative principles, such as tax cuts, and more recent culture war issues. It lays out recommendations for disbanding the Commerce and Education departments, eliminating certain climate protections and consolidating more power to the president.

Project 2025 offers a sweeping vision for a Republican-led executive branch, and some of its policies mirror Trump’s 2024 agenda, But Harris and her presidential campaign have at times gone too far in describing what the project calls for and how closely the plans overlap with Trump’s campaign.

PolitiFact researched Harris’ warnings about how the plan would affect reproductive rights, federal entitlement programs and education, just as we did for President Joe Biden’s Project 2025 rhetoric. Here’s what the project does and doesn’t call for, and how it squares with Trump’s positions.

Are Trump and Project 2025 connected?

To distance himself from Project 2025 amid the Democratic attacks, Trump wrote on Truth Social that he “knows nothing” about it and has “no idea” who is in charge of it. (CNN identified at least 140 former advisers from the Trump administration who have been involved.)

The Heritage Foundation sought contributions from more than 100 conservative organizations for its policy vision for the next Republican presidency, which was published in 2023.

Project 2025 is now winding down some of its policy operations, and director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, is stepping down, The Washington Post reported July 30. Trump campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita denounced the document.

WATCH: A look at the Project 2025 plan to reshape government and Trump’s links to its authors

However, Project 2025 contributors include a number of high-ranking officials from Trump’s first administration, including former White House adviser Peter Navarro and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

A recently released recording of Russell Vought, a Project 2025 author and the former director of Trump’s Office of Management and Budget, showed Vought saying Trump’s “very supportive of what we do.” He said Trump was only distancing himself because Democrats were making a bogeyman out of the document.

Project 2025 wouldn’t ban abortion outright, but would curtail access

The Harris campaign shared a graphic on X that claimed “Trump’s Project 2025 plan for workers” would “go after birth control and ban abortion nationwide.”

The plan doesn’t call to ban abortion nationwide, though its recommendations could curtail some contraceptives and limit abortion access.

What’s known about Trump’s abortion agenda neither lines up with Harris’ description nor Project 2025’s wish list.

Project 2025 says the Department of Health and Human Services Department should “return to being known as the Department of Life by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care.”

It recommends that the Food and Drug Administration reverse its 2000 approval of mifepristone, the first pill taken in a two-drug regimen for a medication abortion. Medication is the most common form of abortion in the U.S. — accounting for around 63 percent in 2023.

If mifepristone were to remain approved, Project 2025 recommends new rules, such as cutting its use from 10 weeks into pregnancy to seven. It would have to be provided to patients in person — part of the group’s efforts to limit access to the drug by mail. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a legal challenge to mifepristone’s FDA approval over procedural grounds.

WATCH: Trump’s plans for health care and reproductive rights if he returns to White House The manual also calls for the Justice Department to enforce the 1873 Comstock Act on mifepristone, which bans the mailing of “obscene” materials. Abortion access supporters fear that a strict interpretation of the law could go further to ban mailing the materials used in procedural abortions, such as surgical instruments and equipment.

The plan proposes withholding federal money from states that don’t report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention how many abortions take place within their borders. The plan also would prohibit abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, from receiving Medicaid funds. It also calls for the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that the training of medical professionals, including doctors and nurses, omits abortion training.

The document says some forms of emergency contraception — particularly Ella, a pill that can be taken within five days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy — should be excluded from no-cost coverage. The Affordable Care Act requires most private health insurers to cover recommended preventive services, which involves a range of birth control methods, including emergency contraception.

Trump has recently said states should decide abortion regulations and that he wouldn’t block access to contraceptives. Trump said during his June 27 debate with Biden that he wouldn’t ban mifepristone after the Supreme Court “approved” it. But the court rejected the lawsuit based on standing, not the case’s merits. He has not weighed in on the Comstock Act or said whether he supports it being used to block abortion medication, or other kinds of abortions.

Project 2025 doesn’t call for cutting Social Security, but proposes some changes to Medicare

“When you read (Project 2025),” Harris told a crowd July 23 in Wisconsin, “you will see, Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

The Project 2025 document does not call for Social Security cuts. None of its 10 references to Social Security addresses plans for cutting the program.

Harris also misleads about Trump’s Social Security views.

In his earlier campaigns and before he was a politician, Trump said about a half-dozen times that he’s open to major overhauls of Social Security, including cuts and privatization. More recently, in a March 2024 CNBC interview, Trump said of entitlement programs such as Social Security, “There’s a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting.” However, he quickly walked that statement back, and his CNBC comment stands at odds with essentially everything else Trump has said during the 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump’s campaign website says that not “a single penny” should be cut from Social Security. We rated Harris’ claim that Trump intends to cut Social Security Mostly False.

Project 2025 does propose changes to Medicare, including making Medicare Advantage, the private insurance offering in Medicare, the “default” enrollment option. Unlike Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans have provider networks and can also require prior authorization, meaning that the plan can approve or deny certain services. Original Medicare plans don’t have prior authorization requirements.

The manual also calls for repealing health policies enacted under Biden, such as the Inflation Reduction Act. The law enabled Medicare to negotiate with drugmakers for the first time in history, and recently resulted in an agreement with drug companies to lower the prices of 10 expensive prescriptions for Medicare enrollees.

Trump, however, has said repeatedly during the 2024 presidential campaign that he will not cut Medicare.

Project 2025 would eliminate the Education Department, which Trump supports

The Harris campaign said Project 2025 would “eliminate the U.S. Department of Education” — and that’s accurate. Project 2025 says federal education policy “should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.” The plan scales back the federal government’s role in education policy and devolves the functions that remain to other agencies.

Aside from eliminating the department, the project also proposes scrapping the Biden administration’s Title IX revision, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It also would let states opt out of federal education programs and calls for passing a federal parents’ bill of rights similar to ones passed in some Republican-led state legislatures.

Republicans, including Trump, have pledged to close the department, which gained its status in 1979 within Democratic President Jimmy Carter’s presidential Cabinet.

In one of his Agenda 47 policy videos, Trump promised to close the department and “to send all education work and needs back to the states.” Eliminating the department would have to go through Congress.

What Project 2025, Trump would do on overtime pay

In the graphic, the Harris campaign says Project 2025 allows “employers to stop paying workers for overtime work.”

The plan doesn’t call for banning overtime wages. It recommends changes to some Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, regulations and to overtime rules. Some changes, if enacted, could result in some people losing overtime protections, experts told us.

The document proposes that the Labor Department maintain an overtime threshold “that does not punish businesses in lower-cost regions (e.g., the southeast United States).” This threshold is the amount of money executive, administrative or professional employees need to make for an employer to exempt them from overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

In 2019, the Trump’s administration finalized a rule that expanded overtime pay eligibility to most salaried workers earning less than about $35,568, which it said made about 1.3 million more workers eligible for overtime pay. The Trump-era threshold is high enough to cover most line workers in lower-cost regions, Project 2025 said.

The Biden administration raised that threshold to $43,888 beginning July 1, and that will rise to $58,656 on Jan. 1, 2025. That would grant overtime eligibility to about 4 million workers, the Labor Department said.

It’s unclear how many workers Project 2025’s proposal to return to the Trump-era overtime threshold in some parts of the country would affect, but experts said some would presumably lose the right to overtime wages.

Other overtime proposals in Project 2025’s plan include allowing some workers to choose to accumulate paid time off instead of overtime pay, or to work more hours in one week and fewer in the next, rather than receive overtime.

Trump’s past with overtime pay is complicated. In 2016, the Obama administration said it would raise the overtime to salaried workers earning less than $47,476 a year, about double the exemption level set in 2004 of $23,660 a year.

But when a judge blocked the Obama rule, the Trump administration didn’t challenge the court ruling. Instead it set its own overtime threshold, which raised the amount, but by less than Obama.

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Full Transcript of Kamala Harris’s Democratic Convention Speech

The vice president’s remarks lasted roughly 35 minutes on the final night of the convention in Chicago.

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People watch as Kamala Harris speaks on a large screen above them.

By The New York Times

  • Aug. 23, 2024

This is a transcript of Vice President Kamala Harris’s speech on Thursday night in which she formally accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination for the presidency.

OK, let’s get to business. Let’s get to business. All right.

So, let me start by thanking my most incredible husband, Doug. For being an incredible partner to me, an incredible father to Cole and Ella, and happy anniversary, Dougie. I love you so very much.

To our president, Joe Biden. When I think about the path that we have traveled together, Joe, I am filled with gratitude. Your record is extraordinary, as history will show, and your character is inspiring. And Doug and I love you and Jill, and are forever thankful to you both.

And to Coach Tim Walz. You are going to be an incredible vice president. And to the delegates and everyone who has put your faith in our campaign, your support is humbling.

So, America, the path that led me here in recent weeks was, no doubt, unexpected. But I’m no stranger to unlikely journeys. So, my mother, our mother, Shyamala Harris, had one of her own. And I miss her every day, and especially right now. And I know she’s looking down smiling. I know that.

So, my mother was 19 when she crossed the world alone, traveling from India to California with an unshakable dream to be the scientist who would cure breast cancer.

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  26. Fact-checking warnings from Democrats about Project 2025 and ...

    Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has warned Americans about "Trump's Project 2025" agenda — even though former President Donald Trump doesn't claim the ...

  27. Opinion

    Harris gave a good speech Thursday. Her love for America was overflowing — a child of immigrants' love, as the Democratic strategist Howard Wolfson put it to me.

  28. Kamala Harris's 2024 DNC Speech: Full Transcript

    The vice president's remarks lasted roughly 35 minutes on the final night of the convention in Chicago. By The New York Times This is a transcript of Vice President Kamala Harris's speech on ...