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Speedy Delivery

Which construction can be used to determine whether point \(C\) is closer to point \(A\) or point \(B\) ?

Construct triangle \(ABC\) .

Construct a line perpendicular to segment \(AB\) through point \(C\) .

Construct the bisector of angle \(ACB\) .

Construct the perpendicular bisector of segment \(AB\) .

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The diagram is a straightedge and compass construction. Lines \(\ell\) , \(m\) , and \(n\) are the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of triangle \(ABC\) . Select all  the true statements.

Expand image

Description: <p>Triangle A B C, intersected by lines l, m, and n, with points E, L, J, D, and K inside. Line l intersects A C and A B, goes through point L and J. Line m intersects B C, goes through points D and J. Line n intersects A B and A C, goes through point J. Point K in the area between Lines l, n and side A C. Point E in the area between lines m, l and side B C.</p>

Point \(E\) is closer to point \(A\) than it is to point \(C\) .

Point \(L\) is closer to point \(B\) than it is to point \(A\) .

Point \(D\) is closer to point \(B\) than it is to point \(C\) .

Point \(J\) is closer to point \(A\) than it is to point \(B\) or point \(C\) .

Point \(K\) is closer to point \(C\) than it is to point \(A\) or point \(B\) .

Point \(L\) is closer to point \(C\) than it is to point \(A\) or point \(B\) .

Decompose the figure into regions that are closest to each vertex. Explain or show your reasoning.

Which construction could be used to construct an isosceles triangle \(ABC\) given line segment \(AB\) ?

Mark a third point \(C\) not on segment  \(AB\) . Draw segments \(AC\) and \(BC\) .

Label a point \(C\) on segment \(AB\) and construct a line perpendicular to \(AB\) through point \(C\) . Draw segments \(AC\) and \(BC\) .

Construct the perpendicular bisector of segment \(AB\) . Mark the intersection of this line and \(AB\) and label it \(C\) . Draw segments \(AC\) and \(BC\) .

Construct the perpendicular bisector of segment \(AB\) . Mark any point \(C\) on the perpendicular bisector except where it intersects \(AB\) . Draw segments \(AC\) and \(BC\) .

Select  all  true statements about regular polygons.

All angles are right angles.

All angles are congruent.

All side lengths are equal.

There are exactly 4 sides.

There are at least 3 sides.

This diagram shows the beginning of a straightedge and compass construction of a rectangle.

The construction followed these steps:

  • Start with two marked points \(A\) and \(B\)
  • Use a straightedge to construct line \(AB\)
  • Use a previous construction to construct a line perpendicular to \(AB\) passing through \(A\)
  • Use a previous construction to construct a line perpendicular to \(AB\) passing through \(B\)
  • Mark a point \(C\) on the line perpendicular to \(AB\) passing through \(A\)

Explain the steps needed to complete this construction.

This diagram is a straightedge and compass construction. Is it important that the circle with center \(B\) passes through \(D\) and that the circle with center \(D\) passes through \(B\) ? Show or explain your reasoning.

Description: <p>Three circles intersect. Large circle center A. Two congruent small circles with center B and D. Large circle intersects points B and D. Circle center B intersects points E, D and F. Circle center D intersects points E, B and F. Segment A C passes through D, Segment A F passes through E, Segment A B is drawn.</p>

Speedy Delivery

9.1: Notice and Wonder: Dots in a Square (5 minutes)

CCSS Standards

Building Towards

Routines and Materials

Instructional Routines

  • Notice and Wonder

In this activity, students notice and wonder about an image similar to others they will use throughout this lesson. When students articulate what they notice and wonder about the image, they have an opportunity to attend to precision in the language they use to describe what they see (MP6). They might first propose less formal or imprecise language, and then restate their observation with more precise language in order to communicate more clearly. Students will examine a simplified version of this diagram in the next activity, and then have the opportunity to interact with an even more complex version in the optional activity Now Who Is Closest?.

Display the image for all to see. Ask students to think of at least one thing they notice and at least one thing they wonder. Give students 1 minute of quiet think time, and then 1 minute to discuss the things they notice with their partner, followed by a whole-class discussion.

Student Facing

What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Expand image

Student Response

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Activity Synthesis

Ask students to share the things they noticed and wondered. Record and display their responses for all to see. If possible, record the relevant reasoning on or near the image. After all responses have been recorded without commentary or editing, ask students, “Is there anything on this list you are wondering about now?”. Encourage students to respectfully disagree, ask for clarification, or point out contradicting information. 

9.2: Who Is Closest? (15 minutes)

  • HSG-CO.D.12
  • Aspects of Mathematical Modeling

Required Materials

  • Dynamic geometry software

In this activity, students are building skills that will help them in mathematical modeling (MP4). The method of modeling stores in a city with points in a square is provided, but students need to realize they can use perpendicular bisectors to determine which stores should take responsibility for which parts of the city. Students also need to decide how to allocate the 100 employees. It is expected that students who do not use digital tools to measure areas will approximate areas using decomposition techniques and estimation. Students working on paper will likely not have time for the fourth store analysis; students need not see this question to participate in the discussion.

This activity works best when each student has access to GeoGebra Geometry from Math Tools because it would take too long to do otherwise. If students don't have individual access, projecting GeoGebra Geometry would be helpful during the synthesis.

Invite students to use different color polygons to fill the square. “Choose 1 color for point \(E\) . Surround any spot you know is closer to \(E\) than points \(F\) or \(G\) . Repeat using a new color for each of the other 2 points.” Tell students they will now examine a situation where this shading might apply.

Here is a square city with 3 locations of the same store.

  • The company wants to break the city down into regions so that whenever someone orders from an address, their order is sent to the store closest to their home. They have hired you to decide how to partition the city between the 3 stores. Explain or show your reasoning.
  • If there are 100 employees, how should they be distributed among the 3 locations?
  • Is there anywhere in the city that has the same distance to all 3 stores?

Are you ready for more?

In 1854, there was an outbreak of cholera in London. A physician named John Snow thought the water supply might be responsible. He made a map showing the location of all the water pumps in the city and the locations of all the deaths due to cholera in the city. How could he have used the ideas in this activity to help isolate the cause of the outbreak? The diagrams you made in the activity and that Snow made are called Voronoi diagrams, and are still actively studied by mathematicians.

Invite students to use different colors to shade the square. “Choose 1 color for point \(E\) . Shade any spot you know is closer to \(E\) than points \(F\) or \(G\) . Repeat using a new color for each of the other 2 points.” Tell students they will now examine a situation where this shading might apply.

Now a fourth store opens. Partition the city again.

In 1854, there was an outbreak of cholera in London. A physician named John Snow thought the water supply might be responsible. He made a map showing the location of all the water pumps in the city and the locations of all the deaths due to cholera in the city. How could he have used the ideas in this activity to help isolate the cause of the outbreak?

The diagrams you made in the activity and that Snow made are called Voronoi diagrams, and are still actively studied by mathematicians.

Anticipated Misconceptions

If a student is struggling to start, ask them to consider what would happen if there were only 2 stores. Ask them to think about their experience from the construction techniques lessons, and if they can figure out a way to separate the points closer to one of the two stores from the points that are closer to the other store.

If a student is stuck finding the area on paper, either encourage them to break the shapes into simpler pieces or to estimate, depending on time. If a student is stuck finding the area on the applet, show them the area tool under the measurement menu (look for the angle icon).

The purpose of this discussion is to highlight students’ level of confidence in the accuracy of the model. Ask students to share how they decided to divide the city and how they used that information to decide how many employees to station at each store.

If not brought up by students, ask whether it would be appropriate to assign 28.2 workers to a location. (No, two-tenths of a person doesn’t make sense. Yes, if someone spent part of their week at one location and part at a different location.)

If not brought up by students, mention that using area to allocate the 100 workers assumes that the population of the city is evenly distributed within its borders. Ask students how they would change their thinking if they knew that the neighborhoods closest to the top left corner were the most densely populated in the city.

9.3: Now Who is Closest? (20 minutes)

  • MLR5: Co-Craft Questions

Optional activity

This activity is optional because it is only offered digitally.

In this activity, students continue to build skills that will help them in mathematical modeling (MP4). Students have an opportunity to choose the data they would like to model. Then they are tasked with explaining to someone interested in the data what the results of their diagram mean.

A good source of maps for this activity is a town or state website. Most municipalities have a GIS, a Geographical Information System, with maps of various features in the region. For the example below, the Life Star (emergency helicopter) landing sites in a small town were used. Students should save their images as jpg or png files for GeoGebra Geometry.

Demonstrate how to use the Voronoi command in the GeoGebra Classic App in the Math Tool Kit or at . Begin by importing the image with the Image Tool, located in the drop-down menu with the slider icon.

GeoGebra will assign points \(A\) and \(B\) as the lower left and right positions of the image. Pan and zoom to position and size the map to fit on the screen.

Map of Town of Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut Fire Department Life Star Landing Sites as shown in the GeoGebra Classic App.

Now use the Point Tool to mark each point of interest on the map. This technique for partitioning is common enough that GeoGebra has a built-in function for it. It is named for Georgy Voronoi, the nineteenth-century Ukranian mathematician who defined this process.

Before we can use the Voronoi command, we need to put our points of interest in a list. In the Input Bar, type “list1={” and begin listing the points on your map, not including the two points that hold the image in place. You will probably have a list beginning with point \(C\) . type the rest of your points, separated by commas, and close the “}” to end the list.

Then, in the Input Bar, type, “Voronoi[list1]” and enter.

  • Use dynamic geometry software to create a Voronoi diagram from a map.
  • Who might be interested in this information?
  • Write a letter to the person or organization, explaining what the diagram tells them about the map you chose.

Use technology to explore the same type of problem from the earlier activity, “Who Is Closest?”, with a larger number of points, such as all major airports in the U.S.

Ask students to share their responses and display their responses for all to see.

Ask students:

  • “How is this activity the same as the previous activity?” (We are still dividing the map into regions closest to the given points of interest.)
  • “How is it different?” (There are many more points. The points represent something different.)

9.4: Another Layer (15 minutes)

Building On

  • Copies of blackline master

This activity builds on the “Who Is Closest” activity by employing the same technique of finding regions that are closest to certain points and decorating those regions to make new and interesting patterns.

Making dynamic geometry software available gives students an opportunity to choose appropriate tools strategically (MP5).

Assign each student one of the three tessellation applets. Tell students that a tessellation is a regular repeating pattern of one or more shapes that cover the entire plane. Tell students that to save time, it is okay for them to use GeoGebra tools to make perpendicular bisectors.

Your teacher will assign you a tessellation .

  • Imagine that each point is a store from the “Who Is Closest?” activity. Repeat the process you used there to define the regions that are closest to each of the points.
  • Use the Polygon Tool and the color selector in the Style Bar to enhance your design.

Give each student a tessellation from the blackline master. Tell students that a tessellation is a regular repeating pattern of one or more shapes that cover the entire plane. Tell students that to save time, it is okay for them to use paper folding or make estimates rather than use formal straightedge and compass construction techniques to make perpendicular bisectors.

Your teacher will give you a tessellation .

  • Mark the intersection points on the tessellation.
  • Use color or shading to enhance your design.

Display student responses for all to see. Invite students to discuss if their new diagram is a tessellation. 

Lesson Synthesis

Display the image from the warm-up again. Invite students to consider in which contexts the current partitioning of the square would make sense. (If most people live in the center of town, then it would make sense to have points in the middle serve a smaller area. For example, they could be polling locations and everyone has an option somewhat close by, but they split the downtown, so nowhere would have too long of a line.) Then invite students to discuss in which contexts that partitioning would be unfair. (If people are spread equally, then it is unfair for some people to have to go to a polling place far away just because their closest place is on the other side of the dividing line.)

9.5: Cool-down - Write a Letter (5 minutes)

Student lesson summary.

A tessellation is an arrangement of figures that covers the entire plane without gaps or overlaps. A simple example is a square grid. So that means graph paper is a tessellation. Here is another tessellation made of quadrilaterals. Can you see how repeating this pattern could cover the entire plane?

One way to draw a new tessellation is to decompose the plane into regions that are closest to each vertex. This method uses perpendicular bisectors and is called a Voronoi diagram. It is also a tessellation. What would this pattern look like when it is extended to cover the entire plane?

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Geometry (all content)

Unit 1: lines, unit 2: angles, unit 3: shapes, unit 4: triangles, unit 5: quadrilaterals, unit 6: coordinate plane, unit 7: area and perimeter, unit 8: volume and surface area, unit 9: pythagorean theorem, unit 10: transformations, unit 11: congruence, unit 12: similarity, unit 13: trigonometry, unit 14: circles, unit 15: analytic geometry, unit 16: geometric constructions, unit 17: miscellaneous.

  • Texas Go Math
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  • 180 Days of Math
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CCSS Math Answers

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Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Into Math Answer Key included here contains the solutions for all grades’ math questions. HMH Into Math Textbooks Answers is provided by subject experts to help the teachers and parents. So trust this beneficial resource to improve preparation levels. Learn, practice, and succeed in math by solving HMH Into Math Answer Key for Grades K – 8.

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  • HMH Into Math Kindergarten Answer Key
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  • HMH Into Math Answers is prepared by the experts as per the latest curriculum standards and syllabus.

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Geometry Worksheets(pdf)

Free worksheets with answer keys.

Enjoy these free sheets. Each one has model problems worked out step by step, practice problems, as well as challenge questions at the sheets end. Plus each one comes with an answer key.

  • Graphic Organizer on All Formulas
  • Interior Angles of Polygons
  • Exterior Angles of Polygons
  • Similar Polygons
  • Area of Triangle
  • Interior Angles of Triangle

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N-Gen Math™ Geometry

The full experience and value of eMATHinstruction courses are achieved when units and lessons are followed in order.  Students learn skills in earlier units that they will then build upon later in the course.  Lessons can be used in isolation but are most effective when used in conjunction with the other lessons in this course. All Lesson/Homework files and videos are available for free.  Other resources, such as answer keys and more, are accessible with a paid membership .

Each month August through May we release new resources for this course that are accessible with a membership. We release new resources in unit order throughout the school year.  You can see a list of our new releases by visiting our blog  and selecting the most recent newsletter.

  • Table of Contents for N-Gen Math Geometry and Standards Alignment
  • Unit 1 - Beginning Concepts
  • Unit 2 - Rigid Motions and Congruence
  • Unit 3 - Euclidean Triangle Geometry
  • Unit 4 - Constructions
  • Unit 5 - Coordinate Geometry
  • Unit 6 - Quadrilaterals
  • Unit 7 - Dilations and Similarity
  • Unit 8 - Right Triangle Trigonometry
  • Unit 9 - Circle Geometry
  • Unit 10 - Geometric Measurement and Modeling

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  1. Geometry Unit 1 lesson 9 Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like addition property of equality, subtraction property of equality, multiplication property of equality and more.

  2. Illustrative Mathematics Geometry, Unit 1

    In this unit, students first informally explore geometric properties using straightedge and compass constructions. This allows them to build conjectures and observations before formally defining rotations, reflections, and translations. In middle school, students studied transformations of figures in the coordinate plane.

  3. PDF Unit 9

    Unit 9 - Transformations

  4. Student Answer Keys

    Click the links below to view the Student Answer Keys in Microsoft Word format.

  5. Eureka Math Geometry Module 1 Lesson 9 Answer Key

    Eureka Math Geometry Module 1 Lesson 9 Exercise Answer Key Opening Exercise One of the main goals in studying geometry is to develop your ability to reason critically, to draw valid conclusions based upon observations and proven facts. Master detectives do this sort of thing all the time.

  6. Geometry Common Core

    Find step-by-step solutions and answers to Geometry Common Core - 9780133185829, as well as thousands of textbooks so you can move forward with confidence.

  7. Geometry: Homework Practice Workbook

    Now, with expert-verified solutions from Geometry: Homework Practice Workbook 1st Edition, you'll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. Our resource for Geometry: Homework Practice Workbook includes answers to chapter exercises, as well as detailed information to walk you through the process step by step.

  8. Illustrative Mathematics Geometry, Unit 1.9 Practice

    This diagram shows the beginning of a straightedge and compass construction of a rectangle. The construction followed these steps: Start with two marked points and. Use a straightedge to construct line. Use a previous construction to construct a line perpendicular to passing through.

  9. Unit 9

    U09.AO.01 - Lesson 10.5 - Finding the Equation of a Circumscribed Circle (Enrichment) RESOURCE. ANSWER KEY. EDITABLE RESOURCE.

  10. Illustrative Mathematics Geometry, Unit 1.1

    The key point for discussion is that with constructions, it is possible to investigate geometry without numbers. Instead, students can use construction tools to transfer distances without measuring.

  11. Illustrative Mathematics Geometry, Unit 1.9

    In this activity, students are building skills that will help them in mathematical modeling (MP4). The method of modeling stores in a city with points in a square is provided, but students need to realize they can use perpendicular bisectors to determine which stores should take responsibility for which parts of the city.

  12. Geometry Unit 1

    Unit 1. Angles and Transformations. * Please Note: The blog should be used as a general outline to stay up to date with missed topics. Keys may slightly differ from what was received in class. If you have specific questions, please see your teacher! ICE DAY! Enjoy! 1.5 - Quiz Review. 1.5 - Quiz Review KEY.

  13. Geometry Textbook Solutions & Answers

    Get your Geometry homework done with Quizlet! Browse through thousands of step-by-step solutions to end-of-chapter questions from the most popular Geometry textbooks.

  14. Geometry (all content)

    Learn geometry—angles, shapes, transformations, proofs, and more.

  15. Section 1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes

    G.1.1 Demonstrate understanding by identifying and giving examples of undefined terms, axioms, theorems, and inductive and deductive reasoning;

  16. Unit 9


  17. Geometry, Unit 1

    Lesson 7 Quadrilaterals: Beyond Definition. Open Up HS Math is published as an Open Educational Resource. Learn more about licensing terms applicable to the content on this page.

  18. HMH Into Math Answer Key for Grade 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, K

    Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Into Math Answer Key included here contains the solutions for all grades' math questions. HMH Into Math Textbooks Answers is provided by subject experts to help the teachers and parents. So trust this beneficial resource to improve preparation levels. Learn, practice, and succeed in math by solving HMH Into Math Answer Key for Grades K - 8.

  19. enVision Geometry

    Now, with expert-verified solutions from enVision Geometry 1st Edition, you'll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. Our resource for enVision Geometry includes answers to chapter exercises, as well as detailed information to walk you through the process step by step.

  20. Geometry Worksheets (pdf) with answer keys

    Enjoy these free sheets. Each one has model problems worked out step by step, practice problems, as well as challenge questions at the sheets end. Plus each one comes with an answer key. Circles. Graphic Organizer on All Formulas. Midpoint. Polygon Worksheets. Interior Angles of Polygons.

  21. 9.1 Parallelograms and Triangles

    G.5.1 Determine the perimeter, circumference, and area of common geometric figures such as parallelograms, trapezoids, circles, and triangles; G.5.4 Determine how changes in dimensions affect the perimeter, area and volume of common geometric figures and solids;

  22. N-Gen Math™ Geometry

    N-Gen Math™ Geometry. The full experience and value of eMATHinstruction courses are achieved when units and lessons are followed in order. Students learn skills in earlier units that they will then build upon later in the course. Lessons can be used in isolation but are most effective when used in conjunction with the other lessons in this ...

  23. Math Medic

    Add On the Assessment Platform. While lesson plans are always free with a Math Medic account, our Assessment Platform provides ready-made and editable homework, quizzes, and tests that align perfectly with our lesson plans. Our Assessment Platform allows teachers the flexibility of adapting our assessments to meet their own needs, delivering ...

  24. Workbook Lesson 1-4 Answer Key Geometry

    Geometry glencoe workbook mcgrawWorkbook answers unit 1 7-1: lesson quiz geometry : 28 geometry worksheet congruent trianglesWorkbook answers unit languages. Geometry key2practice perimeterUnit 3 lesson 4 quiz answers-geometry Triangles answer springboard practice perez algebra bestseller embeddedGeometry practice homework answers review ...