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How to give the best social media presentation in 2024.

english presentation on social media

Raluca Cirjan

Apr 8, 2024

english presentation on social media

No credit card required!

Creating an engaging presentation for social media is essential when you want to show your team the ROI of your latest social campaign or impress a client you’re trying to land. With an engaging presentation you’ll captivate your audience and effectively convey your message.

This article will help you learn how to showcase your work and deliver the key message while keeping your audience hooked. Pair this new knowledge with our free social media presentation template , and you’re ready to conquer the world.

What is a social media presentation?

How to create a social media presentation.

  • How to present your social media work
  • Social media marketing presentations to inspire you

A social media presentation is a visual document that shows how social media can be used to achieve specific goals or objectives . It can be used to pitch an idea to a potential client, to show how social media can be used in a marketing campaign, or simply to educate others about the benefits of using social media .

When creating a social media presentation , consider the following:

  • Who is your audience? Pick examples that will address your listeners’ specific pain points and make them nod in agreement.
  • What are you trying to achieve? Have a clear goal in mind: are you pitching to land a new client or showcasing your quarterly results and ROI to non-social-media-savvy execs?
  • What story do you want to tell?  Use your storytelling skills by including the problem, the actions to solve it, the resolution, and the results; always end with a call to action.
  • What is the hook? Hooking your audience early ensures you have their attention throughout. A good hook and withholding just enough information draws people in and intrigues them immediately. T hink shocking statistics, rhetorical questions, growth stats, engagement metrics or mind-blowing KPIs. 

Where do you even start creating your presentation? Different environments and audiences require a different presentation and tone of voice. Your social media marketing presentation should point out the advantages of personalized social media content and drive your main message home.

Properly showcasing your work can help you make a good first impression on potential clients and build a stronger relationship with existing ones. With this in mind, let’s tackle the topic of presenting your social media work to clients. The smart way: with the right social media marketing presentation. Ready, get set, read!

Using eye-popping videos, pixel-perfect images, and engaging storytelling, social media platforms help brands increase awareness, connect with their potential customers, and boost sales.

Step 1: Gather data & insights for your presentation about social media

Don’t skip your research and project discovery phase . Prepare an audit of the client’s existing social media presence, do a competitive analysis, understand the brand’s audience, and come up with content that is tailored to their needs. You can’t skip these steps if you’re looking to build a long-term professional relationship with your client and get the desired results.

  • Identify your audience
  • Pinpoint the tone of voice
  • Introduce solutions to common pain points

After doing your research, think about the extra things that can help you make a great first impression. It’s not enough to know the client’s past social media activity.

Look into the company’s values and overall website performance . Show them you’re really interested in their business by making content suggestions that support and emphasize their core values. It might help if you have similar clients in your social media portfolio to prove your experience in that industry, but it’s not mandatory. 

A social media portfolio is a set of pieces of creative work that you can use to demonstrate your social media skills. Building an engaging and creative portfolio is essential for showcasing your expertise as a social media expert. It can be anything from past posts to analytic reports . 

Don’t be afraid to address both the brand’s strengths and weaknesses. If you are going to work with this client, their problems become your problems as well. Collaboration is one of the most common challenges in any business. The marketing department makes no exception.

Step 2: Decide where to host the social media presentation

So you found out what your client needs in terms of social media presence, you understand the target audience, and you’ve come up with some brilliant content ideas. Hooray!

Now it’s time to start thinking about the way you are going to showcase those social media slides to your client.

Are you planning on sending a social media Powerpoint presentation with slides for each platform? Have you already asked your designer friend to create some mockups in Photoshop? Or maybe you still have those secret test pages where you preview what your posts are going to look like. Are you maybe trying to save a ton of time and going with a premade template from Pitch’s proposal template collection or that lucky template you’ve used a few times before (and gotten amazing results with).

All of these solutions can work just fine up until the point when the client needs you to do a couple of changes. Then, a couple more.

Let’s analyze 4 environments you could use to present your work and explore what each of them allows you to do:

1. Planable — social media collaboration tool with great UI/UX

A dedicated social media management  tool is the right choice. Yes, it’s obvious we think that. It’s also true. 

how to schedule instagram posts planable

Planable offers one place to create, collaborate, showcase, and approve social media content. We help you preview Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, Google My Business, and YouTube posts — I’m outta breath with so many platforms we support — exactly as they appear when published.

We really offer one of the best marketing presentation formats you can think of. 

With Planable, you can visualize content by week or month and see everything at a glance across all your pages. You can strategically plan and schedule your content by dragging and dropping posts in your predefined time slots. One calendar, one integrated social media marketing strategy presentation across multiple channels.

english presentation on social media

With Planable, teams can plan and create content for pretty much all the major channels out there. We’re talking about:

  • Scheduling recurring Facebook posts .
  • Planning and layout out beautiful Instagram grids .
  • Scheduling TikTok videos .
  • Writing and scheduling thought-provoking LinkedIn content .
  • Spreading the word about your chic local brewery with Google My Business .
  • Writing tags and descriptions for multiple YouTube videos at once instead of doing it individually.
  • Crafting the perfect, character-number-appropriate Twitter post .

Showcase all that hard work described above to clients in all its beauty without relying on spreadsheets and clunky mockups.

Make social media presentations with Planable’s mockup pages

Have you ever taken a look at your work and went “boy, I’m sure looking forward to setting up a test page to show all this stuff to my client!”? No? Thought so.

The format you present your work is just as important as the work itself. And let’s be real, test pages and screenshot-laden PowerPoint presentations are messy.

Enter mock-up pages. In Planable, you can create a custom page for any of the 7 supported platforms quickly and hassle-free. You don’t even have to connect the actual page. If you don’t have permission and don’t want to ask the client just yet, you can still show them your work in context.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Go to “Add pages” in your workspace
  • Select the relevant platform
  • Click on “Create a mockup page”

english presentation on social media

While we’re at it, here are some of the details you can tweak to make your mockup pages as enticing and personalized to your client’s wishes as humanly possible:

  • Profile image
  • Cover photo
  • Page description

Your mock-up page is ready for feedback and collaboration!

If you want to elevate your mockup page to the status of “totally publishable content”, simply connect it to a real account. You can find this option in your page’s settings:

english presentation on social media

2. Powerpoint or Keynote — best for primary social media presentation templates

Social media PPT presentations or Keynote slides can be distributed easily to the team and clients. You can use text, photos, illustrations , drawings, tables, graphs, and movies to effectively walk your audience through the presentation. So far, so good. You can choose to structure your work by social media channels (Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram/Twitter posts), time (month/week/day), or formats (single image/video/carousel/gif, etc.)

Keynote presentation of Facebook posts for March

Unfortunately, even if you go the extra mile and manage to create previews of the social media posts and add them to your presentation, these are often incomplete. Take the carousel, for example. Showing the rest of the cards would imply extra mockups or a separate email with links to Google Drive, where you would have a folder with all the images.

3. Google slides — popular for standard templates designed for social media presentations

This is a useful tool for collaborative presentations. You can work on slides together with your team without any special software, and you can see what other people are doing at all times. Plus, every change made will be saved automatically, so there’s no need to worry about losing anything important. 

english presentation on social media

Google Slides’ predecessor, PowerPoint, has always been a complicated tool that makes it hard to create simple presentations. Not everyone understands Powerpoint’s options and what they mean at first glance, which leads many beginners into confusion when starting out. By comparison, Google Slides is much more intuitive and user-friendly. 

Since Google Slides is a web-based tool, you don’t need to download any software, and you can start creating your slides from the get-go. You can easily embed videos (and other media you can think of), which makes it super convenient for social media managers looking to showcase their work or mockup accounts. 

As with any new software, there is a learning curve when you first start using Google Slides. Among the biggest drawbacks of this tool for presenting your social media work is the limited collection of themes and limited file types for exporting.

4. Social media test pages — best for creating a presentation on social media pages

Facebook Test Page with one social media post

Social media test pages are the closest you are going to get to the actual outcome of your work. These previews allow everyone to see what the posts are going to look like on the official pages. You can also invite your team and clients to post and leave feedback in the comment section of each post.

Even though it is time-consuming, a lot of agencies and social media managers still use this method to showcase their work. This proves that seeing social media posts as though they’re live before approving them is something that clients want and need.

But you’re the marketer here. You need to think about both the upsides and the downsides. Before embracing this solution, bear in mind that you would have to create one test page for every social media platform that the client is using. What happens when the person who is responsible for approving the content does not own a social media account on a particular platform? Another thing to take into consideration is the privacy issue. Your client trusts that no other people get to see that jolly Christmas campaign before it’s (at least) December.

Fortunately, you don’t need to look for solutions to these kinds of problems. It’s 2020. There are tools out there that solve both the challenge of presenting your work and receiving feedback. It’s not a secret. In fact, thousands of marketers have already chosen this type of solution. Fast collaboration. Easy planning. And support that will never, ever leave you hangin’.

Are you planning on sending a social media Powerpoint presentation with slides for each platform? Have you already asked your designer friend to create some mockups in Photoshop? Or maybe you still have those secret test pages where you preview what your posts are going to look like. All of these solutions can work just fine up until the point when the client needs you to do a couple of changes.

How to choose the right environment for your social media presentation:

  • It has to allow the marketing team and client to see pixel-perfect content previews of the social media posts;
  • Any format, whether it’s text, video, gif, link, photo, album, or carousel, should be easy to show; 
  • Your social media work should be rich in emojis, active hashtags, page tags, or gifs. Your client needs to be able to see them as they will appear live;
  • It has to allow your posts to be adapted to the intended channel accordingly, whether there are image formats or character limits;
  • Ideally, your client should be able to visualize content by week or month and see everything at a glance across all the pages;
  • It needs to make collaboration easy for your team and clients. Changes to the original work are inevitable, so make sure to plan ahead. For instance, your solution should make it possible to give feedback right next to the posts, to add attachments to comments, resolve comments once feedback is implemented, and collaborate in real-time;
  • Whatever solution you choose, make sure it improves your team’s efficiency. No extra clicks, no need for extra communication channels to give and receive feedback.
  • Everything should be automated; Push notifications should be an exception. This is why Planable has the option to directly publish your posts ( Instagram included ) without manual work.

Step 3: Create your social media presentation outline

A presentation outline is a very important part of writing. It’s basically the skeleton of your essay, and if you’re going to have a good structure, then you need one. During the writing process, it’s key to make sure that your ideas are well organized. By writing an outline of what you’re planning on saying in a social media presentation beforehand, you can be sure that all of your points have a good transition and that you cover everything you set out to go over.

Step 4: Structure & organize the social media marketing presentation

Roll up your sleeves and get ready to shape your random ideas into a concrete social media presentation. Now that you have an idea of what the message should be, the design and organizing step implies molding your ideas into a digestible and appealing form for your audience. You want them to lap up your content, so don’t skimp out on the creativity.

The first step is to make a list of all the information that you want to include in your presentation. From there, decide on an organizational structure for this information.

Here’s an idea of how you can structure your presentation in three broad sections:

  • Introduce yourself & your team
  • Show your work
  • Present the social media management pricing range
  • Include a CTA

How to nail a social media marketing presentation

We all know there are many things to do before delivering a presentation. You must be confident, practice in front of the mirror, organize your slides and devices , and take care of any last-minute changes. 

Before the social media presentation

Preparation goes beyond last-minute adjustments. Here are a couple of valuable assets that will help you with presentations in general.

“Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

english presentation on social media

The secret to making your message ‘stick’ is all in the details. Once you know what makes people remember things, it’s easy to formulate a coherent and compelling argument for them!

Chip & Dan Heath’s book does exactly that (and more). It helps you understand how to make your audience remember the core message of your presentation. How to formulate your vision so that it ‘sticks’ in their minds with a simple formula:  Simple, Unexpected, Credible, Concrete, Emotional, Story (yep, it spells success).

“How to sound smart in your Tedx talk” by Will Stephen

Stephen’s viral and hilarious Tedx talk shows the power of confidence, inflection, and empathy. It’s the perfect example of presentation skills at work. Here’s the gist of the presentation:

  • gesticulate and use inflection to appear confident
  • ask the audience questions
  • tell an anecdote to connect with your audience
  • use images and other media
  • dress accordingly
  • build intensity, then change the tone near the end
  • connect the end of the speech to the beginning

After social media marketing presentation

Your offline deck is just as important as your live presentation. It’s always great to follow up after your live presentation. Remind them what it was about, include some highlights, and thank them for their time. This will not only help you stay in contact, but it can seriously increase your chances of hearing back from customers or potential clients. 

Done with your presentation? Engaging online or following up has several benefits. 

If you’ve given a social media presentation, follow up by sending thank-you notes or surveys. This will make sure your message stays fresh in people’s minds. Your focus should still be on offering value, not taking up someone’s time.

Social media presentation examples to get inspiration

Need some inspo? Here are six hand-picked examples to get those creative juices flowin’!

1. Introduction to Social Media Strategy Presentation

Before jumping into the never-ending nebula of content ideas for social media, never underestimate the power of an efficient social media strategy. That’s what this presentation will cover: the main aspects of creating a social media strategy for your brand . As a true geek, my favorite slide of this presentation is the one that defines SMART Goals and gives a specific example. 

2. 10+ Social Media Tips – Social Media Starts with a Content Strategy

If your social media strategy is fired-up and ready to meet the social networks, check out these slides with straight-up tried social media content tips & tricks. Skipping the fluffy theories, Joe Pulizzi takes us through the steps of creating a content plan that makes sense by giving explicit examples. 

3. How to: Optimise Facebook & Youtube for your Business

Check out this presentation that takes you step by step through the use of Facebook pages and YouTube features. If you’re new to Facebook and YouTube as a business, Megalyn will help you build brand awareness using social media. 

4. TikTok Hashtag challenge – for content ideas proposals

Planning on using a specific social media channel in your strategy? Here’s how to present it to the client. Pick a specific direction for your social media content and describe it: present the general concept and its potential, and showcase the most popular campaigns and their results (if possible). Take this TikTok Hashtag challenge as an example: 

5. Launching something new? Here’s a Website Launch Plan Presentation

Here’s an alternative way to present a website without building it from scratch. Tip: always include a meeting agenda and a summary of your project in the presentation. This would prepare the audience for what the presentation will cover and will emphasize that you’re an organized person/team. 

6. Weekly Progress Meetings Presentations

Once you’ve set up a social media workflow with your team and clients, it’s time to set up a weekly progress meeting. These meetings will help everyone exchange insights, get clarity and solve or anticipate possible issues. It’s also a good time to point out the main goals you’re seeking to achieve by implementing a social media strategy. Here’s an example of what your presentation could look like.

english presentation on social media

Raluca Cîrjan, Digital Marketing Specialist @Planable.io. Advertising and social media enthusiast, fast learner & ailurophile. I believe that one joke a day keeps the doctor away. Feel free to share a funny story with me.

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How to give better social media presentations (free templates included)

Written by by Ronnie Gomez

Published on  December 11, 2023

Reading time  6 minutes

Public speaking skills are a career accelerator, especially in social media marketing . According to the 2023 Sprout Social Index™ , more than half (61%) of marketers agree the most effective way to share social metrics with executive leadership is through in-person presentations or meetings. Whether you’re on Zoom or in a meeting room, you have to speak on your data if you want to get ahead.

If that makes your palms sweaty, don’t panic. Skills can be learned. It just takes time and practice.

If you’re ready to start giving more compelling social media presentations, you’re in the right spot. In this article, you’ll find a list of the essential elements of a social media marketing presentation, expert advice on speech delivery and templates to speed up your deck creation process.

What is a social media presentation?

A social media presentation is a speech, lecture or pitch in which elements of a social media strategy are shared and explained to an audience—senior leaders, internal stakeholders, clients, etc.

A text based graphic that says, "What is a social media presentation? A social media presentation is a speech, lecture or pitch in which elements of a social media strategy are shared and explained to an audience—senior leaders, internal stakeholders, clients, etc."

Like a snowflake, no two presentations are the same. Every social media marketing presentation is tailored to the needs of a specific situation or goal. Broadly, these presentations can be categorized into the following:

  • Pitch presentations : Here, the speaker aims to persuade the audience on a strategic initiative. This could involve pitching services to a potential client in an agency setting, or in-house teams pitching a new tool or process.
  • Update presentations : These presentations keep stakeholders informed about the progress of a strategy—wins, opportunities, lessons learned, etc.
  • Knowledge-sharing presentations: The speaker aims to educate stakeholders on insights gained through social media data collection .

Each of these presentations has the power to give your social media efforts new meaning. They clarify the return on investment (ROI) of your social media strategy by creating more tangible connections between your work and its results.

The 4 elements of a persuasive social media presentation

It can be difficult to tell when a presentation is ready to share. After spending hours developing a talk track and creating a deck, the lines between critical information and fluff can blur. The following list will help you plan and audit presentations to ensure they’re well-received every time.

1. A cohesive narrative

Why are you delivering your social media presentation?

Behind every exceptional presentation lies a central thesis—a significant idea or perspective that you intend to convey to your audience. Even routine performance updates should have a driving purpose.

Starting from this point will align all of the information you incorporate—from your opening hook to your concluding thoughts—to create a cohesive, compelling story.

2. Succinct slides

Each slide you present should be simple, focused and void of unnecessary distractions. According to Paul Jurczynski, a TED Talk coach and cofounder of Improve Presentation, “The golden rule is to have one claim or idea per slide. If you have more to say, put it on the next slide.”

3. Compelling data visualizations

Social media marketing presentations often come down to proving ROI for stakeholders. Data visualization like graphs and charts are a compelling way to make your case.

In data journalist David McCandless’s TED talk , he explains that the beauty of data visualization is “that we can see the patterns and connections that matter and design that information so it makes more sense, it tells a story or allows us to focus only on the information that’s important.”

A text-based image breaking down the three C's of data visualization: Clarity, Consistency and Context. Good data visualizations are clear with their message, consistent across an entire presentation, and include context to help audiences make sense of the data.

Don’t get bogged down in mapping out every single data point you uncover during your research. The best graphs are simple graphs with takeaways that are quick to spot.

4. Room for conversation

Engaging your audience goes beyond simply presenting great content. It’s about fostering a connection with them. It’s not enough to ask “any questions?” at the end of your presentation. You need to create space for everyone to absorb and interact with their newfound knowledge.

Create space throughout your presentation to seek feedback on crucial concepts or areas of concern. Tailored questions create engaged audiences.

Expert advice for delivering your next social media presentation

If you’re looking for presentation advice, who better to turn to than a salesperson? That’s why we went to John Barrows, CEO of JB Sales for his guidance on presenting. Barrows provides professional sales training to companies like Salesforce, LinkedIn and Amazon, plus he has over 25 years worth of presentation experience.

We asked him for his expert advice on giving exceptional presentations. Here’s what he had to say.

Know the ins and outs of your business priorities

A great presentation is all about delivering value. You need to draw distinct lines between the content and its business value . Otherwise, you risk losing your audience’s attention right from the start.

“We have seconds to get people’s attention these days,” says Barrows. “A person’s most valuable asset is their time.”

You can give more engaging presentations simply by staying up to date on company goals and priorities. Get to know what’s top of mind for senior leaders and other stakeholders so you can tailor your presentation content accordingly.

On sales calls, Barrows does this by asking each individual attendee what they’d like to get out of the meeting. You can mimic this approach by setting up regular 1:1’s with team members to stay up to date on their priorities.

Practice, practice, practice

According to Barrows, practice can and will make perfect. “Public speaking is one of the biggest fears that most people have, but a lot of it comes down to confidence and preparation. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll be in your presentation.”

Barrows refers to confidence and preparation as the art and science of giving a good presentation. The art can be seen in skilled delivery and a snazzy deck, but it’s preparation that keeps everything on track. “If you come in unprepared to a meeting and you get one curveball of a question, you tend to fall apart. Preparation gives you the confidence you need to adjust on the fly.”

Watch your playback footage

It may make you cringe, but the best way to improve your presentation skills is to record yourself and watch it back.

Barrows figured this out after taking a presentation skills course, but not through instructor feedback. It was watching himself back on video that showed him everything he wanted to fix. Common public speaking issues—like overusing filler words and standing with closed body language—are easy to spot on tape.

The good news is, in increasingly distributed workforces, you don’t have to set up a camera during your Monday morning stand up to get footage of yourself speaking in front of an audience. You can just watch the Zoom recording.

Remember you’re a person speaking to people

This is especially important to keep in mind when talking to business leadership. You may look around and see a group of senior executives but at the end of the day, it’s really just another person.

“When I was first starting out in sales, I would get nervous presenting in front of CEOs and people who I perceived to be smarter or more important than I was,” says Barrows. “Presenting can cause imposter syndrome. But, if you take a minute to connect with your audience, you’ll see they’re not that intimidating.”

We can all agree “picture your audience naked” is universally bad advice. Instead, picture your audience as your friend’s dad or a neighbor. Thinking of people as who they are in their daily lives can be a powerful way to fend off nerves.

3 social media presentation templates to build off of

It happens all the time: You set aside 30 minutes for deck creation and an hour later, you’re still trying to figure out the layout of your third slide. A good presentation deck takes time, but that’s time you could be using to practice.

Instead of stressing over your design chops, try one of these pre-built social media marketing presentation templates. Update them to match your brand guidelines, fill in your information and you’re all set to present.  

Social strategy workshop template

A screenshot of the first slide in Sprout's Social Strategy Workshop Deck Template.

Download the 2023 Sprout Social Index™ Report for a customizable deck template that will help you align stakeholders around key opportunities for your social strategy. Use it to lead conversations around how your business can maximize the utility of:

  • Emerging technologies, like AI and automation
  • Changing consumer engagement preferences and patterns
  • Team structures and collaboration norms
  • Revenue impact from social

Social media strategy pitch template

A screenshot of the first slide from Sprout's Social Media Strategy Pitch Deck Template.

  This leadership presentation deck will help you pitch a compelling vision for your next campaign, initiative or annual strategy. Update it with historical performance insights to bridge the gap between raw data and direct business value.

Social insights analysis template

A screenshot of the first slide in Sprout's Social Insights Analysis Presentation Deck Template.

Your social insights can’t do anything for your business if they live and die within your marketing team. This social insights analysis deck template will help you synthesize findings from social media listening to provide key stakeholders with actionable insights to inform work across the org.

Your next social media presentation will be your best one yet

  It’s perfectly normal to feel nervous before speaking in front of a group; most people do. Some of the world’s best public speakers get the same increased heart rate and sweaty palms as the rest of us. Thankfully, now you have everything you need to give great presentations despite those nerves.

Go prep for your next presentation, and use insights from the 2023 Sprout Social Index™ Report to infuse even more value into your work. With it, you’ll get a presentation-ready insights deck that you can tailor to further establish your expertise.

  • Marketing Disciplines
  • Social Media Analytics

5 overlooked B2B market research methods for understanding your customers

When to Create Separate Social Media Accounts for your Multilocation Business [Free Worksheet]

  • Now on slide

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  • Google Slides Presentation Design
  • Pitch Deck Design
  • Powerpoint Redesign
  • Other Design Services

How to create a social media presentation for any business and brand (+ bonus tips for newbies)

  • Business Slides
  • Design Tips

How to create a social media presentation for any business and brand (+ bonus tips for newbies)

What is social media presentation.

In the digital age, where attention spans are shrinking, creating an effective social media presentation is crucial for capturing and retaining any client’s interest. For example, when a business is looking for a social media manager (SMM) to boost their company’s social media presence, they want to know what will be done before it is actually done: what results they’ll get and what methods will be used to achieve them. That’s when a social media presentation comes in handy as the most attractive and informative way to introduce a business PowerPoint presentation .

If you wonder how to present a social media strategy, consider the below tips to help guide your path forward. In today’s article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to create an impactful social media strategy PPT for any platform that not only conveys your message effectively but also engages your client, so dive right in!

social media campaign presentation

How to create a social media strategy presentation?

Before you design slides, you need to have text, images, or infographics to add. A social media PowerPoint presentation must be related to content such as your social media strategy. Below, we share the steps that will help you craft an impactful social media marketing presentation for client they will never forget!

Disclaimer: You should not limit yourself to just one slide, e.g., to show the target audience, and we’ll now give you an approximate skeleton to follow.

Set goals: Slide 1 ⎼ Social media goals

To present informative social media presentation slides, you should have a solid discussion with the client to discover their business goals and transform them into social media goals. It will impact further brand presentation and research on the target audience, competitors, and promotion methods. In such a presentation, your clients will expect clear and tangible metrics.

For example, a shoe company wants to boost its sales using Instagram. In this case, you have to create goals of getting more conversions in sales, like increased clicks to the company’s website. Your social media analytics presentation should depict how a specific promotion method on a specific platform will give specific numbers.

Pro advice: Use Google Analytics for enhanced tracking and PowerPoint redesign services to create compelling diagrams.

Research your audience: Slide 2 ⎼ Target audience

Most clients know the “persona” they are marketing to, but your task is understanding if desirable business goals match the typical buyer persona. If the client doesn’t know their target audience, you should make recommendations but still try to discover the location, age, occupation, or favorite game of the people they want to reach. The more criteria you know, the more targeted tone and voice you will be able to use to influence people’s choices.

Research competitors: Slide 3 ⎼ Competitors

An effective social media marketing presentation ppt has to analyze direct competitors that definitely exist. And their SMM has already tried promotion strategies for you to learn from or avoid. Researching competitors is about thinking outside the box and analyzing their mistakes or successes. Your client should not be present on every platform, so do research and explore which ones will work best for their business.

When looking at competitors, consider two main things:

  • MARKET GAP (e.g., there is no podcast about house plant care).
  • LEAD ENGAGEMENT (e.g., they get fantastic traffic from Instagram).

Remember, researching competitors teaches you what to do and what not to do: posting frequency, type of content, followings of their followers, and more.

Do social media audit: Slide 4 ⎼ Social media analysis

Any social media report presentation must summarize what the company is already doing. It may be a new company you have to launch social media channels for, and it may be an experienced business looking for a new strategy.

If you create a social media strategy for an existing company, you have to audit its media to define baseline metrics: the number of followers, demographic data, average engagements, content performance, and other important analytics.

If you create a social media strategy for a startup, you will have what to offer only after researching their personas and suitable social media. For example, the target audience is women aged 40 to 55 living in the suburbs, so you offer to go with Facebook.

Set up the infrastructure: Slide 5 ⎼ Content posting tools

In the case of a new company, setting up the infrastructure means doing manual work or making use of SOPs to automate processes.

Answer the following questions if you’re going to do everything manually:

  • Am I going to post things natively?
  • How are we going to get the content calendars approved?
  • Am I the only one to contact/answer the audience in DM/messaging?

In the case of established companies, they will most probably onboard you on a tool they already use and assign a colleague for you to master it quickly.

Create a content calendar: Slide 6 ⎼ Instagram/Facebook/TikTok content calendar

The last thing is putting together your content calendar and content into motion, which can be the hardest part. The last slides in the social media presentations ppt show an example of a post and calendar in tools like CoSchedule. For instance, you will post stories daily, behind-the-scenes images twice a week, and share product posts thrice weekly.

Regardless of plenty of scheduling tools, we advise building a simple content calendar in Excel Spreadsheets to send directly to a client and get approval/feedback.

6 bonus tips for newbies

Tip #1: develop a compelling storyline.

Every effective presentation tells a story, and social media presentations are no exception. Craft a compelling narrative that takes your client on a journey, keeping them engaged from start to finish. Begin with a strong introduction, followed by a clear progression of ideas, and conclude with a memorable closing. Remember, a well-structured storyline can enhance the overall impact of your social media content strategy presentation.

Tip #2: Design eye-catching visuals

Visual elements play a crucial role in any presentation. Create visually appealing graphics, images, and videos that complement your content and are consistent with the brand’s aesthetics. Then, ensure they are optimized to maintain a professional and cohesive look across different devices.

Pro advice: If design is not your cup of tea, consider hiring a professional PowerPoint redesign company to create beautiful icons, diagrams, and other visuals for you.

Tip #3: Incorporate engaging multimedia

Diversify your content by incorporating various multimedia elements. Leverage the power of videos, GIFs, and interactive elements to captivate your client even more.

Tip #4: Keep your social media presentation ppt concise

In the fast-paced world of social media, conciseness is key, so keep your presentation focused on the essential points. Avoid overwhelming your client with excessive information. Instead, prioritize clarity and simplicity to ensure your message is easily digestible. Consider using bullet points, short sentences, and impactful visuals to convey your ideas efficiently.

Tip #5: Leverage data and statistics

Support your claims and statements with relevant data and statistics. Incorporating credible information not only adds authenticity to your presentation on social media strategy but also helps build trust with your client. However, be sure to attribute your sources to enhance credibility.

Tip #6: Optimize for mobile

With the increasing use of smartphones, optimizing your presentation for mobile devices is crucial. Ensure that your content is responsive and looks appealing on smaller screens. Test your presentation on various devices to identify and address any formatting issues. A mobile-friendly presentation enhances accessibility and caters to the preferences of on-the-go clients.

Creating an effective social media campaign presentation requires a thoughtful combination of understanding the client’s needs and their target audience, compelling storytelling, and visually engaging content. By following the tips outlined above, you’ll be well-equipped to craft presentations your client will most definitely appreciate.

In case you need any help with social media slide design, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional assistance. Our presentation design experts are available to help 24/7/365!

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Social Media Presentation Templates for your Marketing Strategy

Carla Albinagorta

For good or for bad, Social Media has changed our lives. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… These are all words that are part of our daily life now. Millions of people spend hours a day checking their social media platforms. And this phenomenon is an excellent opportunity for business. Digital Marketing has evolved a lot in the last few years. Social media, however, it’s a whole world on its own, and it’s worth its own marketing strategy. Here you’ll find the best free Social Media presentation templates.

Social Media Analysis PowerPoint Template

An excellent way to engage your clients is through social media. Platforms such as Facebook or Instagram have become true gold mines for digital marketing. But it only works if you do it correctly. It’s not enough to post something every once in a while. If you want it to work, you need to make a Digital Marketing strategy. This means planning what and how you’re going to do, assigning responsibilities, setting a budget… Bring your team or your boss on board of your strategy proposition with this amazing Social Media Presentation Template.

Social Media Analysis free PowerPoint Template

This template’s colorful palette will help you get your audience’s attention. While most of the other templates in this article follow a more playful design, this one is a little bit more serious. However, its bright colors and unique layout will avoid your presentation turning dull and boring. It also has several charts and diagrams that will help you showcase your data in visual and more engaging ways. It has bar charts, line charts, circle charts, and even a map.

social media powerpoint presentation

Another great element you’ll find for your social media presentation is a competitor analysis slide. It’s always wise to know what your closest competitors are doing. This way, you can plan better strategies to take advantage of their weaknesses. This also applies to social media. So take some time to see by yourself what your competitors are doing and what you can do better.

Playful Social Media Template

Social Media marketing strategies are unique because social media are usually used for a closer and more personal interaction. It completely depends on your market, but most of the time, social media is the ideal way to connect with your potential buyers in a more relaxed, casual and friendly way. If you don’t believe it, check out this QSR Magazine’s article on how Wendy’s uses social media !

This Social Media Presentation template and its playful design will help you convey friendliness from the very start. This template is ideal to showcase your strategy, do your monthly reports, and share your findings and growth of your business in social media. All in an engaging and fun way.

social media playful presentation template

It has slides in different colors for each platform. It also includes a team slide and a chart and graph slide so you can show quantitative data you’ve found in your campaigns. This Social Media Presentation also includes a slide to show what’s the different approach you’ll take for each platform. In short, it’s the ideal template for a digital marketing report.

Playful Facebook Report Template

Ever since it first appeared, Facebook has always been one of the big players when talking about social media platforms. The rise of influencers has made it an even more important tool when considering digital marketing. The platforms you use depend a lot on your product, your market segmentation and your marketing strategy. But if you have chosen Facebook as a platform for your digital campaign, then this Social Media Presentation template is for you!

facebook powerpoint presentation free template

This template has a playful style that will give your presentation a fresh and entertaining look. It follows a color scheme designed to resemble Facebook’s colors, so your audience can connect immediately with it. And all along the presentation you’ll find icons designed with the Facebook “reactions” on mind. It includes an agenda, and charts and graphs in case you need to add some numbers to your presentation. And, an awesome Facebook themed SWOT analysis slide for your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Twitter Campaign Slide Deck Template

Planning on starting a campaign on Twitter? Then this social media presentation template is what you need. Twitter is a microblogging service that, ever since it first started in 2006, has only been gaining more and more users. One of its main characteristics is that you can only use 280 characters per post. This may seem like a hindrance, but it’s actually a great opportunity. Twitter demands that you think about everything in terms of conciseness and impact. If you’re up for the challenge that Twitter represents, then you’ll certainly have to think about your strategy very carefully. You can not treat this platform as any of the others, nor you can do exactly the same campaign. Twitter needs its own marketing strategy! And if that is what you’ve decided, then this PowerPoint template will help you showcase it perfectly.

free twitter campaign presentation template

The whole presentation is designed to look just Twitter’s layout, which makes for a really unique and fun PowerPoint. It has several text slides for all the information you could need to add. All these have customized illustrations, so despite them having a considerable amount of text, they’re still engaging and eye-catching. It also includes a bar chart slide and a team slide, among many more.

Other Social Media Presentation Resources

The templates here are not meant to be complete presentations. But rather, great slides that can improve any social media presentation you’re planning to do. You can download them for free and see which one would be a good addition to your presentation. Each of these has some really awesome slides that will help you get your PowerPoint to the next level.

Digital Marketing Presentation Template

digital marketing slide deck

Marketing strategy is usually a process. You need to think about your strategy in several steps since it’s not going to happen overnight. This template has 3 slides that are perfect for showcasing your marketing process. It’s bright colors and creative design will help you convey clearly all your ideas.

Digital Marketing Presentation Templates

Who said PowerPoint presentations have to be boring? Even if the “death by PowerPoint” phenomenon it’s pretty common nowadays, it’s up to you to make an eye-catching, engaging, presentation. The bright colors in this Digital Marketing PowerPoint slides will help you a long way with that.

social media marketing powerpoint template

This deck includes 3 Social Media slides that will fit perfectly any presentation. They’re great because they allow you to showcase the platforms you’re planning to use separately. And it also includes a marketing SEO strategy slide for your social media strategy presentation.

Social Media Icons Template

In this PowerPoint template pack, you’ll find some truly amazing icons for your next social media presentation. With these, you’ll be able to turn even the plainest presentation into a unique one. You can use them as bullet points, or to highlight important information. They’re also easily editable, so you can rest assured they’ll fit what you have in mind.

free social media icons powerpoint template

You’ll find icons for social media platforms, blogging, and other common aspects of the social media world. And, as always, you’ll find these in different styles. You can use the playful style ones to make a more light-hearted presentation. Or you can use the more corporate ones for a more serious one. In any case, you’ll find something that will fit your needs and help you customize your presentation.

These Social Media presentation templates are only the tip of the iceberg of everything you will find in the Templates by 24Slides platform. There you’ll find many more presentations concerning marketing and digital marketing, in case you want something more general. And obviously, you will find hundreds of templates concerning every possible aspect of your business and business strategy.

If none of these strike your fancy, you can always talk to our designers here at 24Slides . They’ll be happy to help you design a completely customized presentation that really represents your brand and amazes your audience!

You might also like these articles:

  • Annual Planning Templates: How to Make your 2021 Annual Plan
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How to Master Social Media

It seems that you like this template, how to master social media presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and mastering it has become essential in today's world. For that reason, this Google Slides & PPT template is perfect to explain the techniques for mastering social media. The bright purple background is eye-catching and impactful, and the thick font adds a touch of modern chicness to the whole presentation. The template incorporates tables, charts, graphs, maps, and timelines to help you present your data with ease. The presentation style is cool and modern, making it a perfect fit for any audience. With this design, you can say goodbye to boring slides and hello to an engaging presentation that will help you master the realm of social media.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 37 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

How can I use the template?

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How to attribute?

Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

english presentation on social media

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FAQs About Social Media Presentation Templates

What are social media presentation templates.

Social Media Presentation Templates are pre-formatted designs that can be used for creating professional and visually appealing presentations related to social media. These templates can be used across various presentation software like PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote. They typically feature elements such as infographics, charts, and diagrams related to the social media realm.

These templates are used to present data and analytics, marketing strategies, campaign overviews, and other related topics in an easy-to-understand and engaging manner. They are ideal for social media managers, digital marketers, business owners, or anyone who needs to showcase information about social media in a professional context.

Why should I use Social Media Presentation Templates?

Using Social Media Presentation Templates comes with several benefits. First, these templates can save you a lot of time and effort. Instead of starting from scratch, you only need to input your data and adjust the design according to your branding or preferences. They provide pre-made layouts, so you no longer have to worry about designing your slides.

Second, templates ensure consistency in your presentation. All slides follow the same design, which contributes to a seamless and professional look. Lastly, these templates help in delivering your message effectively with the help of relevant visuals, making your presentation more engaging.

Why do I need a Social Media Presentation Template when I can use traditional ones?

Social Media Presentation Templates are designed specifically for presenting social media-related content. These templates usually include graphics, icons, and layouts that are tailored to present social media data and strategies. Traditional templates may not have these specialized components.

In addition, using targeted templates for your presentation can make it more focused and relevant to your audience. It also helps in keeping your audience engaged as the visuals are more relatable and easy to understand.

How customizable are Social Media Presentation Templates?

Social Media Presentation Templates are usually fully customizable. You can insert your text, photos, logos, or any other necessary graphics. You can also adjust design elements like color scheme, fonts, and backgrounds to align with your company branding or specific preferences.

Moreover, the included charts, graphs, and infographics are often data-driven, which means you just need to replace the presented dummy data with your own. This feature can make a significant impact in terms of achieving a personalized and professional presentation.

Where can I find quality Social Media Presentation Templates?

Quality Social Media Presentation Templates can be found on various online platforms. These platforms include template marketplaces and specific tools for presentations like SlidesCarnival, SlideModel, Envato Elements, or TemplateMonster. These platforms offer a wide range of templates to satisfactorily cater to your needs.

When choosing a template, be sure to evaluate its design, customization features, and relevance to your content. A preview function is usually available to help you choose the most suitable template. It's also worthwhile to check reviews or ratings if available to ensure it's a reliable choice.

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How to Give Social Media Presentation?

english presentation on social media

Ever had to present on social media and felt unsure where to start? Don’t worry; we’ve got your back. In this guide, we’ll show you simple steps to make your social media presentation a breeze. Sound good? Let’s find out together!

Simplified social media marketing for individuals & agencies.

marketing for individuals & agencies

8 Steps to get social media presentation

Giving a social media presentation involves a mix of preparation, engaging content , and effective delivery. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Understand your audience:

Know who you’re presenting to. Their knowledge level, interests, and expectations will shape your content.

english presentation on social media

2. Define your objective:

Determine the purpose of your presentation. Is it to educate, persuade, or entertain? Align your content accordingly.

3. Structuring the presentation:

There are a few points to keep in consideration once you structure the presentation. These are stated below:

  • Introduction: Start with a compelling introduction. State your topic, objectives, and what the audience can expect.
  • Main content : Break it down into sections covering different aspects of social media: platforms, strategies, analytics, trends, etc.
  • Visual aids: Use slides, videos, infographics, and real-time demos to illustrate your points.
  • Case Studies or Examples: Share relevant success stories or examples to demonstrate your points.
  • Call to Action (CTA): End with a clear CTA, whether it’s encouraging social media engagement, signing up for newsletters, etc.

english presentation on social media

4. Engaging content:

Use visuals, statistics, and stories to keep the audience engaged. Incorporate interactive elements like polls, Q&A sessions, or live demos if applicable. Keep content concise, avoiding jargon and overly technical details unless your audience is familiar with them.

english presentation on social media

5. Speaking and delivery:

You definitely need to keep in regard a few points, such as:

  • Confidence: Speak clearly and confidently. Maintain eye contact and engage with the audience.
  • Body Language: Use gestures to emphasize points. Maintain an open posture to appear approachable.
  • Voice Modulation: Vary your tone and pace to avoid monotony.
  • Practice: Rehearse your presentation multiple times to ensure fluency and timing.

english presentation on social media

6. Handling Q&A:

Be prepared for questions. Anticipate potential queries and have answers ready. If you don’t know the answer, be honest. Promise to follow up with the information later.

english presentation on social media

7. Technical setup:

Test your equipment and ensure all necessary tech (projectors, microphones, internet connectivity, etc.) is working smoothly before the presentation.

english presentation on social media

8. Post-presentation engagement:

Share resources discussed in the presentation (slides, handouts, links) with the audience. Encourage further interaction through social media or email for additional questions or discussions.

english presentation on social media

That’s a wrap! We hope this guide has been valuable. As you step into the world of social media presentations for the first time, ContentStudio wishes you nothing but success and excellence.

Postscript tips:

  • Tailor your presentation to the specific social media platforms your audience uses.
  • Keep up with current social media trends and updates in the social media landscape.
  • Be authentic and passionate about your subject; it’ll resonate with your audience.

Remember, a successful presentation isn’t just about delivering information but also engaging your audience and leaving a lasting impression.

How to start a presentation?

Start with a compelling hook or question to grab attention, followed by a clear statement of what the presentation will cover.

What should be included in a social media marketing presentation?

Include platform strategies, analytics insights, content examples, and engagement tactics.

How do you start your first sentence in a presentation?

Here are a few sentences to start your first sentences in the presentation

  • Greetings, everyone! Thank you for joining me today.
  • Allow me to share a bit about my background to kick things off.
  • As displayed on the screen, our focus today revolves around…
  • Those of you here with specific interests in… will find my talk particularly relevant.
  • This presentation is intended to spark discussions and serve as a starting point.

How do you start a speech first?

Begin with a captivating hook or an attention-grabbing statement to engage the audience from the start.

What is an example of a media presentation?

Different media types, including videos, GIFs, animations, audio, and photos, to name a few.

english presentation on social media

Khadija Anwar

Meet Khadija Anwar, an accomplished tech writer with over 500 published write-ups to her name. Her impressive portfolio can be found on the ContentStudio blog, LinkedIn, and the Fiverr platform.

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Got 60 Seconds? Learn Something New in These 25 Short & Sweet SlideShares About Social Media

Photo of Kevan Lee

Former VP of Marketing @ Buffer

Slide decks exist somewhere near the intersection of visual content and written content , a hybrid form of information and consumption perfect for bite-sized bits of learning.

If you’ve not got time to read through a 2,000-word article, you might have a moment to flip through a SlideShare .

We’ve been excited to experiment with the process of building slide decks around the Buffer content we have here on the blog, and in the course of doing so, we discovered a trove of wonderfully succinct and visual slide decks all about our favorite topic: social media.

We’ve collected a great group of 25 here—the first handful from our top Buffer posts and another handful from the amazing selection on SlideShare. I’d love to hear if you have a favorite!

Social Media Slideshares

A quick note in praise of SlideShare

With our main marketing focus on creating useful content via the Buffer Social blog, I’ve been a bit slow to experiment and fully explore other ways to provide content in a helpful way to you. I’d love to improve here. And SlideShare has been a huge source of encouragement.

Get this: Our most popular SlideShares match or exceed the traffic we get on our most popular blog posts.

In our case, we’re very grateful that popular Buffer blog posts can get 75,000 to 100,000 views.

Our popular SlideShares can go just as big—or bigger!

  • Frequency Guide – 205,000 views
  • If Don Draper Tweeted – 74,000 views
  • Social Media Strategy – 73,000 views
  • Twitter Science – 64,000 views

If you’ve yet to explore SlideShare as a potential source of views and exposure, I’d highly encourage you to do so. (I’d be happy to write more detail in a post on the topic later on!)

Okay, now on with the SlideShares!

1. The Complete Guide to Social Media Frequency

One of our most popular posts on the blog also became the most popular SlideShare to date on our Buffer account. We were fortunate to find some really great research on the topic of how often you should post to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more . It’s all here.

My favorite slide:

Twitter frequency - 5x per day for individuals 30x per day for brands

2. The 10 Best Copywriting Formulas for Social Media Updates

Based on our big list of copywriting formulas (over 25 formulas made it into the original post), this slide deck covers a quick overview of the top formulas we see on social. There’s some really great subtle framing at play here, with things like Before – After – Bridge and AIDA that make it easy to get your message across.

Demian Farnworth quote

3. The Science of Twitter

We had the great opportunity to partner with Twitter on a webinar last summer. The topic (one of our favorites): The science of creating must-click content on Twitter.

Courtney and Twitter’s Jimmy Hang shared all sorts of tips on the best words to use, the ideal timing, and the top strategies for Twitter success.

The Science of Twitter Timing

4. Instagram 101

We’ve been really excited to explore different ways to grow the Buffer Instagram account, and before we dove in headfirst there, we spent some time researching and writing (and creating SlideShares) about the best strategies and stats. This SlideShare lays a good foundation for businesses looking to get started on Instagram.

Instagram stats benchmark

5. How Much Time Does a Good Social Strategy Take?

Time-saving tips and techniques are one of my favorite ways to experiment with marketing. It seems that coming up with a solid social media strategy is one key way to make sure you’re spending your time online in the best way possible. We collected a number of tips here in this SlideShare overview for those looking to refine their social strategy.

Decision Matrix for Growth

6. The Burrito Principle & Beyond

I’ll admit it’s hard to resist the cleverness of a name like The Burrito Principle (thanks, Darian !).  Coined phrases like this make marketing ideas all the easier to grasp. We collected a handful of favorite ones in this slide deck.

(The burrito principle, by the way, is explained on Slide #4.)

The 2-pizza rule

7. The Science of Social Media Headlines

Courtney pulled in some amazing research into the psychology and science behind why we click on certain headlines . She identified 8 ways to write a social media headline that people will love , including things like curiosity, surprise, negatives, and more.

My favorite slide (a bit of an inside joke about the proliferation of great content—and a good headline to boot!):

Onion headline

8. 91 Free Twitter Tools

I just really love tools posts , and I had a blast trying out hundreds of free Twitter tools to compile this list for you . If you think it might be worth a quick browse, I’d hope that maybe a name or two might pique your interest enough to give it a try. Some of my best tool discoveries started out that way!

Twitter Tools for Discovery

9. Power Words – 189 Words That Convert

I tend to notice specific words that cause me to click or pay attention. And it seems there are certain words that catch the eye of not just me but many, many others. These so-called “ power words ” can be great additions to the text in your social media updates or headlines. Here’s a great big list of them.

Power Words

10. Headline Formulas

As mentioned above, there’s a certain psychology to writing headlines that get noticed. There are also certain formulas that tend to work really well . This list compiles several of the most popular ones used in blog posts and social media updates.

David Ogilvy on headlines

11. 20 Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin & Pinterest Features You Didn’t Know Existed

(via HubSpot )

What I love about this slide deck is that it includes the good kind of FOMO— helpful social media features that could significantly impact my workflow. It’s great to learn about these hidden features like Facebook polls and Twitter collages and exciting to brainstorm ways to put them to good use.

LinkedIn tip

12. Psychology Hacks to Boost your Marketing

(via Moving Targets )

Psychology is near and dear to us on the Buffer marketing team, so we’re always keen for articles and slides on the topic. This set of psychology tips from Moving Targets covers a huge variety of different tactics that would be fun to experiment with on social media updates and more.

Gut reaction

13. Seven Habits of Highly Effective Digital Marketers

(via Digital Annexe )

A riff of Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People , this slide deck takes a high-level view of ways to help organize and plan ahead your social media strategy.

Focus on the Important Things

14. How to Choose the Perfect Stock Photo

(via IMPACT Branding & Design )

This is a very fun and entertaining slide deck all about stock photos . The advice comes in handy for anyone who’s searched around free photo sites for the perfect image to add to a blog post or include in a social media update.

How to choose stock photo

15. 6 Snapchat Hacks Too Easy To Ignore

(via Gary Vaynerchuk )

Are you on Snapchat? Gary Vaynerchuk highly recommends it (he’s found a lot of success there, and the app has huge reach!). Here are six easy ways to make the most of Snapchat for your brand.

Snapchat tips

16. 5 Critical Rules for Writing Compelling Copy

(via Henneke Duistermaat )

One of my favorite sources for writing inspiration, Henneke lays out five simple-to-follow rules that will improve the copy you write for tweets, updates, and calls-to-action.

Writing tips for social media

17. 4 Tactics to Build Word Of Mouth

(via ReferralCandy )

Word of mouth can be huge on social media. It’s often how things spread fast and how people feel comfortable making purchases or joining up with brands. Referral Candy’s slide deck on word of mouth strategies covers four essential parts of the formula, with detailed tips on each technique.

Build a Community

18. Social Media for Time-Strapped Entrepreneurs

(via We Are Social )

Working effectively and efficiently (see slide below) is key for those of us social media marketers who manage social in addition to wearing many other hats. This deck from We Are Social looks at ways to ensure that your time is well spent on social media , including ways to plan ahead and strategies to make the most of every minute.

Effectiveness and efficiency

19. Sharing Content On Social Media More Than Once: The Total Guide

(via CoSchedule )

Do you share your content more than once on social media? It’s one of our top social media tips as we’ve seen tons of additional engagement by mentioning blog posts more than once and finding new ways to share old content . CoSchedule is a source of inspiration for us on this topic, and their slide deck guide to sharing is chock full of good information on exactly how best to share content on social.

Social media is a stream and not a book

20. Finding Your Brand’s Voice

(via from Distilled )

When thinking about your social media strategy, voice and tone are two huge considerations to make as you’re getting started. One of the best sources out there for advice on brand voice is Distilled’s articles on the topic, which have been repurposed here in slide deck form.

Brand voice

21. The Secret of Success on Facebook

(via Peter Minkjan )

Catchy title! This guide from Peter Minkian includes examples of Facebook pages who have seen enormous engagement on their Facebook posts as well as analysis and research on viral content and what makes things spread.

Reason we share

22. 5 YouTube Marketing Lessons from Unlikely Sources

(via Brian Honigman )

Video marketing has become big business of late, particularly as a way to get more interaction on Facebook. YouTube remains a huge channel also for those looking to build a video platform and share video content. The tips in this slide deck from Brian Honigman offer some actionable ways to get more out of your YouTube marketing by cross-promoting and remixing content in new ways.

Facebook video cross-promote YouTube video

23. 7 Proven Strategies to Maximize Twitter for Your Business

(via Dave Kerpen )

This slide deck from Likeable Media and Social Media Today provides a great overview of some quick-win strategies on Twitter . For example, reply to everyone (see slide below)—80 percent of customer service queries go unanswered. Lots more great ideas to implement throughout the slide deck.

Respond to Everyone

24. 19 Simple Twitter Retweet Tips

(via Shéa Bennett )

Retweets seem to be a favorite metric on Twitter, and for good reason: retweeting gets your content in front of a brand new, potentially huge audience. The tips in this deck make a lot of sense for those looking for more retweets, and they also work really well for anyone looking to boost engagement in general—more clicks, more favorites, more replies.

Get more Retweets - Figure out when everyone is around

25. 10 Reasons Why Twitter is Content Marketing’s Best Friend

(via Mark Schaefer )

As a content person, I really love this deck from Mark Schaefer as it reaffirms the power of social media for helping to spread content. Twitter in particular is a powerful platform for sharing links and growing an audience, and Mark lays things out clearly here.

The tweet ignites the content

Over to you

Do you have a favorite SlideShare that isn’t on the list here?

I’d love to know which ones you enjoy and if you picked up any good tips from the ones in this post. We’re excited to push ahead with creating more slide decks based on Buffer content also, and it’d be so great to have any input from you on what would be most helpful!

Image sources: Startup Stock Photos , Pablo , IconFinder

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Social Media Presentation Templates

Unlock social success with Venngage's snazzy social media presentation templates – your key to turning likes into leads!

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10 Free PowerPoint Templates for Social Media Presentations



Social networking is now a crucial component of both our personal and professional lives in the digital age. Whether you’re a social media manager, a marketer, or a business owner, creating impactful presentations is essential to engage your audience. PowerPoint templates can be a valuable resource in crafting visually stunning and compelling social media presentations. In this blog post, we’ll explore ten free PPT templates that are specifically designed to enhance your social media presentations.

Social Media Strategy:

This template is perfect for outlining your social media strategy. It features vibrant colors, modern design elements, and easy-to-edit slides that allow you to showcase your goals, target audience, content plan, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Social Media Analytics:

Track your social media performance with this analytics-focused template. It includes visually appealing charts, graphs, and infographics to help you present data-driven insights, engagement metrics, and campaign results effectively.

Content Calendar:

Stay organized and plan your social media content with this template. It provides a monthly calendar layout, allowing you to outline your content strategy, schedule posts, and highlight important dates or events. This template ensures a systematic approach to your social media campaigns.

Influencer Marketing:

Utilize the power of influencer marketing with this template. It offers creative layouts to showcase your influencer collaborations, audience reach, campaign objectives, and key success stories. It’s an excellent choice for brands looking to leverage social media influencers.

Social Media Trends:

Stay ahead of the game by analyzing social media trends using this template. With its visually engaging slides, you can highlight emerging trends, industry insights, and predictions for the future. This template is ideal for keeping your audience informed about the latest developments in the social media landscape.

Customer Engagement:

Enhance your social media engagement strategies with this template. It includes interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and feedback forms to encourage audience participation. Use this template to showcase your customer-centric approach and demonstrate how you nurture relationships through social media.

Social Media Campaign:

Create visually captivating presentations for your social media campaigns using this template. It provides a step-by-step guide to planning, executing, and measuring the success of your campaigns. With its eye-catching design and customizable elements, it ensures a professional and impactful presentation.

Social Media Icons:

This template focuses on visual branding by incorporating social media icons into your slides. It allows you to highlight your social media profiles, handles, and hashtags, reinforcing your online presence. This template is perfect for introducing your social media accounts to a new audience.

Brand Storytelling:

Capture your audience’s attention with the power of storytelling using this template. It offers creative layouts, image placeholders, and text options to narrate your brand’s journey, values, and mission. This template helps you create an emotional connection with your audience.

Social Media Audit:

Conduct a comprehensive social media audit with this template. It provides structured slides to evaluate your current social media presence, assess your strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and set actionable goals. Use this template to fine-tune your social media strategy.


Creating captivating social media presentations is essential to effectively communicate your ideas, strategies, and results. These ten free PowerPoint templates offer a range of options to enhance your social media presentations, whether you’re focusing on strategy, analytics, branding, or campaigns. Utilize these templates to capture your audience’s attention, convey your message, and elevate your social media game. Remember, a visually appealing presentation goes a long way in leaving a lasting impression.


Written by Geetha

PowerPoint Design Specialist: SlideEgg | Content writer | SEO Specialist

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Social Media Strategy Presentation

Your social media strategy has many moving parts: background research, campaign goals, task lists, deliverables, and more. That’s why your social media strategy presentation has to be comprehensive, organized, and easy to understand.

A customizable, intuitive social media strategy deck template can relieve some of the stress of building your own presentation, allowing you to focus on sharing important information with your social media team. 

Use a social media strategy presentation template to:

  • Present research, goals, and strategies to executives
  • Keep social media team members informed
  • Check in on social media campaign progress and deliverables

Create a stunning Social Media Strategy Presentation

Every slide in your social media strategy presentation template fills an important role, so choose them carefully. While putting together your social media strategy deck slides, think about adding graphs, comparison charts, timelines, or a SWOT analysis to make your points visually. Some potential slides to include are:

Title Slide

Pro tips for your Social Media Strategy Deck Template

Consider these tips when creating your social media strategy deck.

A good rule of thumb for your social media presentation: provide an overview before diving into the details. This kind of structure may help your slides connect and flow naturally.

Charts, graphs, timelines, diagrams, and other graphics can transform your social media strategy presentation into a memorable, meaningful one.

Think about including pauses or breaks for Q&A into your social media strategy presentation.

Limit one idea or one topic to one slide. Overcrowding each slide makes it harder for your audience to absorb and remember the information, as well as execute on it.

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15 Topics About Social Media

english presentation on social media

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and it’s no surprise that it’s such a popular topic for discussion. From the impact of social media on our daily lives to the potential benefits and drawbacks it can bring, there is an array of topics to explore. Here is a list of potential topics about social media to consider.

1. The History and Evolution of Social Media: From MySpace to TikTok

2. the impact of social media on society, 3. the role of social media in marketing and advertising, 4. managing your online presence: tips for using social media safely and effectively, 5. social media and mental health: the pros and cons, 6. the ethics of social media: privacy, misinformation, and cyberbullying, 7. the future of social media: predictions and trends, 8. social media and politics: the role of social media in elections and governance, 9. social media and relationships: how it affects personal connections and communication, 10. the business of social media: how companies use social platforms to connect with customers and increase sales, 11. social media and the spread of misinformation, 12. social media and cyberbullying: prevention and response, 13. the future of social media: predictions and trends, 14. the benefits and pitfalls of social media, 15. privacy and security on social media: tips and best practice, final thoughts.

To approach the topic of the history and evolution of social media, you could start by researching the early pioneers of social media, such as MySpace and LiveJournal, and how they paved the way for the development of more modern platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Overall, there are many different angles that you could take when exploring the history and evolution of social media, and the specific approach you choose will depend on what you want the topic to radiate.

To research these topics, you could start by gathering information from a variety of sources, including academic articles, news articles, and social media platforms themselves. You could also consider conducting surveys or interviews with individuals who use social media to get a more personal perspective on the impact of these platforms.

There are many different angles that you could take when exploring the role of social media in marketing and advertising. By considering both the perspectives of businesses and consumers, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the role that social media plays in this arena.

Managing Your Online Presence: Tips for Using Social Media Safely and Effectively” is a relevant topic for a list of topics about social media because it addresses important issues related to the use of social media platforms. With the increasing use of social media, it’s important for individuals to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to protect their online presence.

This topic is highly relevant to the list of topics about social media, as it examines the potential impacts of social media usage on mental health. By looking at both the potential positive and negative effects of social media usage, this topic provides an in-depth look at the intersection between social media and mental health.

Understanding the ethical implications of using social media can help users make more informed decisions about how to use the platform responsibly. Topics such as privacy, misinformation, and cyberbullying can help users understand the potential risks associated with their online activity and how to protect themselves. 

It addresses key questions such as which platforms will remain popular, new trends that will emerge, and how users will interact with each other in the future. Additionally, this topic provides insight into how businesses can use social media to their advantage, such as analyzing customer data and leveraging influencer marketing.

Examining the role of social media in elections and governance is essential for understanding the potential for social media to shape political discourse and decision-making. By understanding how political actors are using social media to engage with citizens and how citizens are using social media to engage with each other, audiences can gain insight into the impacts of social media on the political process.

This topic is especially important in today’s digital world, as social media use has become increasingly prevalent and can have a profound impact on our relationships. It is relevant to social media, as it provides insight into how this technology is impacting our interpersonal relationships and communication.

In this day and age, understanding the business of social media is essential for companies to stay competitive and successful. This topic offers insight into how companies can use social media platforms to better engage with customers and further increase sales.

Understanding the spread of misinformation on social media is an important topic for any discussion about social media. As platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram become increasingly popular and influential, it is important to consider how false or misleading information can spread quickly and have a significant impact on public opinion.

Online bullying is a major concern for many people who use social media, and this topic is highly relevant today. It covers the important aspects of preventing cyberbullying and responding to it if it does occur, which are both essential for users of social media to understand.

This is an important topic to discuss because it can help social media professionals and users understand how the platform may change and adapt with the times. Additionally, it can help them plan ahead and anticipate how their use of social media may need to change in order to stay competitive and capitalize on any potential opportunities.

This topic is highly relevant to many conversations about social media as it provides an opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of using social media, and how to use it responsibly. It can also be a great starting point for exploring the potential implications of social media use on individuals, communities, and society as a whole.

Privacy and security on social media is a crucial topic for individuals and organizations alike. With the increasing reliance on social media for communication and the sharing of personal information, it is important for users to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to protect their privacy and security.

In conclusion, social media is a complex and multifaceted topic that touches upon a wide range of issues and concerns. From privacy and security to mental health and political discourse, the impact of social media on society is far-reaching and constantly evolving. As such, it is important for individuals and organizations to stay informed about the latest developments and trends in social media, and to engage in ongoing conversations about the role and responsibilities of these platforms.

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1. Dopamine released: Social media platforms are designed to provide immediate feedback in the form of likes, comments and shares, which often causes a release of dopamine in the brain. This can create a cycle of seeking validation from others by social media. 2.Escapism: Social media can provide a distraction from real-life problems and stressors, leading to a reliance on social media as a coping machanism. 3.Social comparison: Social media can foster a culture of comparison, where users constantly compare themselves to others and seek validation through likes and followers.

According to some research that scientists did, this addiction often is developed by youngsters because of:

Causes of the addiction

1.Decreased productivity: This is caused because people spend their time in front of the screen watching videos or chatting with friends, instead of doing their obligations such as homework. 2.Social isolation: Even though it sounds ironic, the excessive use of our phone and social media can lead to loneliness because people don’t go outside to socialize, they just spend their day alone with their cell phones. 3. Sleep disruption: Making use of social media before going to sleep can cause fatigue and irritability. 4. Physical health issues: These are caused because of the sedentary lifestyle that people follow, for example, they spend most of their day layed on the sofa and they don’t go to exercise.

Regarding the effects of this addiction, the most usual effects are the following:

Effects from this addiction

Even though this is a common but serious addiction, people who have it must try to fight it. In order to do this there are several steps that the person needs to follow.

TAKE A BREAK: The person should take a break from social media for a while to stop the cycle of addiction.

FIND ALTERNATIVE ACTIVITIES: Now that the person won't be spending that much time in front of the phone and social media, he shall start doing some activities such as sports or hobbies to pass the time.

SET BOUNDARIES: Another important step will be the time limit on social media use.

ACKNOWLEDGE THE PROBLEM: First, the person needs to recognise that they’ve got an addiction to social media and that is negatively affecting their life.

Steps to fight this addiction

It’s good to remember that an addiction takes time and effort. The person must be patient and consistent with their effort to fight social media addiction.


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Why Republicans are calling Walz 'Tampon Tim' — and why Democrats embrace it

Rachel Treisman

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz smiles at the crowd at a campaign rally.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, pictured at a campaign rally in Philadelphia on Tuesday, is getting attention for a law he signed last year requiring public schools to provide free period products. Matt Rourke/AP hide caption

For more on the 2024 election, head to the NPR Network's live updates page.

Republican critics of Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz have given him a new nickname: “Tampon Tim.”

After Vice President Harris announced her pick , Stephen Miller, a former adviser to former President Donald Trump, tweeted , “She actually chose Tampon Tim.” Chaya Raichik, who runs the far-right social media account Libs of TikTok, photoshopped Walz’s face onto a Tampax box.

#TamponTim pic.twitter.com/eBPyEOSWPC — Chaya Raichik (@ChayaRaichik10) August 6, 2024

“Tampon Tim is hands down the best political nickname ever,” tweeted conservative commentator Liz Wheeler. “It’s so… savagely effective. In one word tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about Tim Walz’s dangerous radicalism.”

The moniker refers to a law that Walz, the governor of Minnesota, signed last year, requiring public schools to provide menstrual products — including pads and tampons — to students in 4th through 12th grades.

The products are free for students, with the state paying about $2 per pupil to keep them stocked throughout the school year.

Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris applauds as her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, speaks at Temple University's Liacouras Center in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

Takeaways from Tim Walz's introduction to the national stage

The law, which was the result of years of advocacy by students and their allies, took effect on Jan. 1, though students say the rollout has so far been smoother in some school districts than others .

It makes Minnesota one of 28 states (and Washington D.C.) that have passed laws aimed at giving students access to menstrual products in schools, according to the Alliance for Period Supplies.

The issue enjoys broad popular support: 30 states have eliminated state sales tax on menstrual products, and Trump himself signed a 2018 package that requires federal prisons to provide them.

But Republicans appear to be taking issue with the wording of the legislation, which says the products must be available “to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students.”

Some Minnesota Republicans initially tried to limit the initiative to female-assigned and gender-neutral bathrooms, but were unsuccessful. Even the author of that amendment ultimately voted for the final version of the bill, saying his family members “felt like it was an important issue I should support.”

The bill’s inclusive language reflects that not all people who menstruate are women, and not all women get periods, which was important to those who lobbied for the legislation.

“It will make it more comfortable for everyone … then people can use whatever restroom they want without being worried,” Bramwell Lundquist, then 15, told MPR News last year.

But some in the Republican Party — which has increasingly promoted anti-transgender policies and rhetoric — see that aspect of the bill as a reason to attack Walz.

“Tim Walz is a weird radical liberal,” the MAGA War Room account posted on X, formerly Twitter. “What could be weirder than signing a bill requiring schools to stock tampons in boys' bathrooms?”

Tim Walz has been praised online by supporters for his folksy, midwestern demeanor. Here, Walz and his son, Gus, celebrate while entering his election night party on Aug. 14, 2018 in St Paul, Minnesota.

'Midwestern Nice' and 'Fun Dad' posts abound after Tim Walz is named VP pick

Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt made a similar argument in a Tuesday appearance on Fox News .

“As a woman, I think there is no greater threat to our health than leaders who support gender-transition surgeries for young minors, who support putting tampons in men’s bathrooms in public schools,” she said. “Those are radical policies that Tim Walz supports. He actually signed a bill to do that.”

LGBTQ rights groups have cheered Walz’s selection and praised his track record, which includes a 2023 executive order making Minnesota one of the first states to safeguard access to gender-affirming health care, as dozens of states seek to ban it .

Walz, who once earned the title “ most inspiring teacher ” at the high school where he taught and coached football, hasn’t responded publicly to the “Tampon Tim” taunts. But he had strong words for his Republican opponents on Tuesday night.

“I'll just say it: Donald Trump and JD Vance are creepy and, yes, weird,” he tweeted , repeating the put-down he helped popularize in recent days. “We are not going back.”

Many on the left see “Tampon Tim” as a compliment

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Sandra Feist, the chief sponsor of the bill in the state House, sold it as a "wise investment" , explaining to her colleagues last year that “one out of every 10 menstruating youth miss school” due to a lack of access to menstrual products and resources.

She defended it again in a tweet on Wednesday morning, saying she was grateful to have partnered with Walz to address period poverty .

“This law exemplifies what we can accomplish when we listen to students to address their needs,” she wrote. “Excited to see MN representation at the top of the ticket!”

Feist ended the tweet with the hashtag #TamponTim.

Other Democratic figures have embraced both the hashtag and the policy behind it.

The case for free tampons and pads in schools

The case for free tampons and pads in schools

Many social media users responded that providing tampons in schools isn’t the bad thing that Republicans are making it out to be — and in fact, they see it as the opposite.

Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said it was “nice of the Trump camp to help publicize Gov. Tim Walz’s compassionate and common-sense policy,” adding, “Let’s do this everywhere.”

Former Georgia State Rep. Bee Nguyen said Walz, as a former teacher, understands how the lack of access to menstrual products impacts educational outcomes.

“This makes me an even bigger fan of Tampon Tim,” she added.

Nearly 1 in 4 students have struggled to afford period products in the United States, according to a 2023 study commissioned by Thinx and PERIOD. Experts say period poverty is more than just a hassle : It’s an issue of public and personal health, dignity and more.

The Minnesota students who lobbied for the bill testified last year about having to miss class because they were unable to afford menstrual products, being distracted from schoolwork and tests and feeling that adults didn’t take their concern seriously.

“We cannot learn while we are leaking,” high school student Elif Ozturk, then 16, told a legislative hearing in 2023. “How do we expect our students to carry this burden with them during the school day and still perform well? The number one priority should be to learn, not to find a pad.”

  • menstrual products

NBCUniversal's Presentation of Spectacular Paris Olympics Dominates Media Landscape Across All Platforms

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Key Takeaways

Stamford, CT

Last night’s Closing Ceremony on NBC and Peacock concluded NBCUniversal’s innovative presentation of the 2024 Paris Olympics – highlighted by 7,000 hours of coverage, 329 events in and around the City of Light (and Tahiti!), and numerous breakout stars for Team USA, which won more medals (126) than any country and tied for the gold-medal lead (40).

The world’s biggest media event, the Paris Olympics was consumed in massive numbers on NBCU platforms. Highlights include:

  • A Total Audience Delivery (TAD) of 30.6 million viewers across the combined live Paris Prime (2-5 p.m. ET) and U.S. primetime (8-11 p.m. ET/PT) time periods – up 82% from the Tokyo Olympics (16.9 million), according to fast national data from Nielsen and Adobe Analytics.
  • The NBC Broadcast Network extended its streak to 152 consecutive Summer Olympics nights as primetime’s No. 1 show .

Led by Peacock, 23.5 billion minutes of Paris Olympics coverage were streamed – up 40% from all prior Summer and Winter Olympics combined (16.8 billion minutes across NBCUniversal digital platforms).

  • USA Network ranked as the #1 cable sports/entertainment network in Total Day and primetime viewership over the two weeks of competition.

Mark Lazarus, Chairman, NBCUniversal Media Group: “Our NBCUniversal team matched the occasion of this transformative Paris Olympics, presenting peerless coverage in daytime and primetime across all platforms, including the NBC broadcast network, which once again was home to the most-watched night of television for 17 consecutive days. The Games marked a groundbreaking moment for Peacock, which delivered a flawless user experience and cutting-edge innovation while shattering all-time Olympics streaming records. USA Network went around-the-clock and ranked #1 in cable sports and entertainment for the past two weeks. Telemundo Deportes provided extensive Spanish-language coverage. NBC News broadcast from on-location in Paris and dominated the competition, while our owned-stations and affiliates had soaring local news ratings. We sold more advertising for the Paris Olympics than for any other Games, and we delivered for all of our partners. Parks and Studios received unmatched promotion, as the ‘halo effect’ boosted all of our businesses. The Paris Olympics was as exciting as we could have hoped, and we can’t wait to work with our partners at the IOC and USOPC in Milan-Cortina in ’26 and LA28.”

Rick Cordella, President, NBC Sports: “From the Opening Ceremony procession down the River Seine through more than two weeks of heart-stopping competition culminating this past weekend with Team USA’s gold rush in men’s and women’s basketball, women’s soccer, and track & field relays, these Olympics have captivated Americans in huge numbers across NBCUniversal platforms. Led by our best-in-class engineering and production teams in Paris and Stamford, a staff of more than 3,000 worked tirelessly to present these reimagined Games in new and innovative ways in all dayparts and on all platforms. We are thrilled that Americans embraced and enjoyed the Paris Olympics as much as we have.”

Molly Solomon, Executive Producer & President, NBC Olympics Production: “America was ready for this Olympics, and our NBCU team was excited to bring it home. From the day we began planning the production, we were passionate about finding the perfect mix of storytelling and innovation, while showcasing the competition, the athletes, and Paris in the most comprehensive way possible. We were honored to present the Paris Olympics, and look forward to continuing to serve the dedicated fans and viewers for many Olympic Games to come.”

Gary Zenkel, President, NBC Olympics: “The Olympics reestablished its unique power to reassemble the American media audience. That shared experience extended over 17 consecutive days across NBC, Peacock, NBCU’s linear channels, and in short form on social and digital channels, as America rallied around the 594 Team USA athletes and their stories. Benefitting alongside the American audience were our Olympic advertisers who believed, as we always have, in the unifying power of the Games.”

Paris Olympics in Primetime

NBCU’s lead Olympics host Mike Tirico anchored nearly 100 hours across two primetime presentations – live “Paris Prime” coverage from 2-5 p.m. ET and the traditional U.S. primetime at 8 p.m. ET/PT – as NBCU featured the best events live while adding context and special elements for the large evening audience.

From the most-watched Opening Ceremony since 2012 through last night’s Closing Ceremony, NBCUniversal posted a Total Audience Delivery* of 30.6 million viewers across the combined live Paris Prime (2-5 p.m. ET) and U.S. primetime (8-11 p.m. ET/PT) time periods – up 82% from Tokyo (16.9 million).

Over the full Games, Paris Prime (daytime) and U.S. primetime coverage posted a streaming TAD of 4.1 million viewers daily across Peacock and NBCU Digital platforms.

*Total Audience Delivery is based upon live-plus-same day fast national figures from Nielsen and digital data from Adobe Analytics. Live viewership from 2-5 p.m. ET (Paris Prime) is inclusive of NBC, Peacock, USA Network, E!, Paris Extra 1, Paris Extra 2, and additional NBCU digital platforms. Primetime viewership includes NBC, Peacock, USA Network, Paris Extra 1 and Paris Extra 2. Official Nielsen data for the final days of the Games will be available on Tuesday.

“Must See” NBC Dominates

As the 2024 Paris Olympics concluded with last night’s Closing Ceremony, the NBC Broadcast Network extended its streak to 152 consecutive Summer Olympics nights as primetime’s No. 1 show – dating to the Closing Ceremony of the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

NBC has dominated broadcast primetime since the beginning of the Paris Olympics, which has boosted NBC to No. 1 among Adults 18-49 in the 2023-24 season. NBC is now on pace to win the demographic for the 12-month season, which concludes in September.

New Orleans led all markets in local NBC station ratings during the Paris Olympics (“Paris Prime” + primetime windows). A chart of the Top 20 markets is at bottom.

Peacock Power

As the streaming home of the 2024 Paris Olympics, Peacock provided fans with the most comprehensive Olympic destination in U.S. media history. Through innovative new features like Peacock Discovery Multiview, Live Actions and the generative A.I.-powered “Your Daily Olympic Recap on Peacock,” fans were able to navigate more than 5,000 hours of Olympics coverage in a way that best fit their interests or timetable.

Peacock managed up to 60 concurrent single live event streams and up to 300 live events a day during the first week alone – leading to a total of over 3,200 live events over the course of the Games. As one of the most popular offerings of Peacock’s comprehensive Paris Olympics coverage, Gold Zone consistently ranked among Peacock’s top five most-watched Olympics titles and nearly quadrupled its viewership over the course of the Games, with one in five Olympics viewers tuning in.

More than a quarter of Olympics viewers on Peacock watched via Multiview, with half of the time spent in the featured live events, and half watching in the quad box view. Six of 10 viewers used the Browse by Sport navigation menu in the Olympics hub to quickly dive into a specific sport.

USA Network Tops the Charts

USA Network dominated the cable landscape during the two weeks of Paris Olympic competition, ranking as the #1 cable sports/entertainment network in Total Day and primetime in both total viewers and the Adults 18-49 demo.

With its strong performance, USA Network is now the #2 entertainment cable network in the demo for 2024.

Source: Nielsen Most Current Linear P18-49 & P2+ viewing through 7-Days, 2024 Summer Olympics period-to-date (7/26 - 8/8/24) in Prime (Mon-Sun 8p-11p) and Total Day (Mon-Sun 6a-6a). Cable entertainment networks exclude Sports & News networks | Cable networks includes Sports and News networks.

NBC News #1 Across the Board for Paris Olympics

TODAY and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt ranked No. 1 in total viewers and the key Adult 25-54 and Adult 18-49 demos during for the two weeks of the 2024 Paris Olympics, according to Nielsen.

TODAY and Nightly posted their largest Summer Olympics across-the-board advantages vs. the competition since the 2016 Rio Olympics.

For more information on NBC News’ viewership success during the Paris Olympics, click here .

Telemundo Increases Viewership for Largest-Ever Spanish-Language Olympics Presentation

Telemundo Deportes presented the most Spanish-language coverage of an Olympics to date, including the first-ever broadcasts of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies on Telemundo. The network deployed its largest Olympic commentary team, with 40+ hosts, commentators, and in-country reporters, representing the different disciplines and countries relevant to Hispanic audiences.

Through Thursday, Aug. 8, Paris Olympic viewership on Telemundo increased 26% from the comparable period for the Tokyo Olympics, while Universo viewership spiked 138%. In addition, Telemundo streamed a record 3.1 billion minutes of content through Thursday – up 18% from the full Tokyo Olympics.

Content Creation, Viral Moments, and More Boost NBC Sports Social Media Platforms to New Heights

Paris Olympics content registered a record 6.55 billion impressions across NBC Sports social channels – a 184% increase vs. the Tokyo Olympics and 53% above the Rio Olympics.

In addition, NBC Sports social channels:

  • Delivered a 497% increase in social video viewership over the Tokyo Olympics and 566% over Rio
  • Added 4.7 million new followers to the full portfolio of accounts/channels
  • Scored 7X social engagement for On Her Turf over the Tokyo Olympics, speaking to the continued power and growth of women’s sports

Source : Sprout Social, Oracle for the following accounts across multiple platforms: NBC Olympics, NBC Sports, On Her Turf, Golf Channel, NBC Sports Soccer

2024 Paris Olympic Games Delivered Lasting Halo Effect for Advertisers

Paris 2024 provided massive scale and high engagement across all platforms for NBCUniversal’s advertising partners – generating both immediate return and lasting impact. Thes Paris Olympics delivered significant lifts throughout the brand funnel vs. competitive TV among the 30.6 million multiplatform viewers:

  • +27% Greater Ad Attention
  • +44% Greater Message Recall
  • +14% Higher Brand Search Engagement
  • +17% Increased Purchase Intent

For NBCUniversal brand partners, this impact among 30.6 million viewers isn’t just transactional – it’s transformational – with 3 in 4 viewers saying they trust Olympic advertisers and 2 in 3 consumers finding Olympics advertisements more credible vs. other ads.

NBCUniversal delivered the highest Olympic and Paralympic advertising revenue in history for Paris 2024, with more advertisers than Rio and Tokyo combined and more than half a billion dollars coming from first-time sponsors.

Source: iSpot attention index, NBC Paris Olympics through 8/8/24; MarketCast: Paris Olympics 7/26/24-8/7/2024, A18+, NBC Total Day vs. PY competitive broadcast/cable; EDO: Paris Olympics 7/26/24-8/8/2024, NBC Prime vs. competitive broadcast/cable; BPI/NBCU Paris Olympics Tracker, 8/1/2024 - 8/4/2024

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Cameroonian Social Media Activist Feared Forcibly Disappeared

Confirm Steve Akam’s Detention and Location, Release Him

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Screenshot of a video published on social media on July 21, 2024 and showing Steve Akam, also known as Ramon Cotta, at the border between Gabon and Cameroon.

In a  video circulated on social media on July 21, Steve Akam, alias Ramon Cotta, a Cameroonian social media activist, stands before a barrier in an outdoor space, handcuffed and surrounded by members of the Cameroonian police. It was the last time he was seen.

Human Rights Watch contacted sources in Cameroon, and geolocated and analyzed the video, determining it was filmed between July 19 and July 21 at a  border post between Gabon and Cameroon in the Cameroonian town of Kye-Ossi.

Cotta, who has been living in Gabon for the past ten years, is known for his  TikTok videos in which he criticizes the Cameroonian authorities.

On August 7, lawyers representing Cotta said they sent requests for information to various Cameroonian authorities about their client’s situation and whereabouts, to no avail. The lawyers believe that Cameroonian authorities extrajudicially returned Cotta to Cameroon from Gabon, and that he is a victim of an enforced disappearance , meaning Cameroonian authorities have detained him but are refusing to acknowledge his detention or disclose any information on his whereabouts, depriving him of protection of the law.

The  Central Africa Human Rights Defenders Network , a prominent Cameroonian human rights group, and  Maurice Kamto , the head of the main opposition party Movement for the Renaissance of Cameroon, both called on authorities to immediately reveal Cotta’s whereabouts.

The Cameroonian government has for years  cracked down on opposition and free speech, jailing political activists, journalists, and dissidents. Ahead of elections in 2025, it has increasingly restricted freedoms of expression and association.

In March of this year, the territorial administration minister  banned  two opposition coalitions , describing them as “clandestine movements.” In June, gendarmes in N’Gaoundéré, Adamawa region, arbitrarily  rearrested prominent artist Aboubacar Siddiki, known as Babadjo, for “insulting” a governor. In July, the head of the Mfoundi administrative division issued a  decree threatening to ban anyone insulting state institutions from the division. Also in July, members of the intelligence services in Douala, Littoral region,  arrested Junior Ngombe, a social media activist, for his TikTok videos advocating for democratic change. Ngombe was  released on bail on July 31.

In an August 7  statement following a visit to Cameroon, Volker Türk, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, said that the process leading up to the elections will be “a key opportunity … to ensure the free expression of political opinions.”

Forcibly disappeared people are vulnerable to a wide range of abuses, including life threatening. Cameroon’s authorities should immediately confirm the detention and location of Cotta and respect his rights by releasing him.

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English Premier League will explain VAR decisions on social media during matches

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The Premier League hopes to reduce frustration with the VAR system with the launch of a social media account that will provide near real-time updates and explanations regarding officiating and operational decisions for every match.

Teams voted in favor of keeping VAR in June despite huge amounts of criticism about the technology-aided officiating system last season, with Wolverhampton Wanderers initiating a petition to scrap it.

"In the absence of live VAR audio being broadcast, as it is not permitted in football, the Premier League Match Centre will be able to relay on social media near-live information from the VAR Hub during a game," the league said in a statement on Tuesday.

In addition to posting refereeing decisions, the X account, @PLMatchCentre, will also provide insights directly from the VAR hub and refereeing experts with the aim of bringing transparency, the league said.

Experts from PGMOL, the league’s officiating body, will also clarify the laws of the game and provide additional information and updates on the VAR decision-making processes when necessary.

At least three men have been jailed over their online activity during the recent disorder

Jordan Parlour, 28, from Leeds, was the first person to be sentenced for stirring up racial hatred on social media

Suspended Labour councillor Ricky Jones has been charged with encouraging violent disorder after appearing at a London counter-protest

Almost 600 people have been arrested in relation to the disorder so far, with PM Sir Keir Starmer urging police to "stay on high alert" this weekend

Live Reporting

Edited by Jamie Whitehead

Jail sentences handed down for unrest around the country published at 18:53 British Summer Time 9 August 18:53 BST 9 August

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We're pausing our live coverage now, but there's still plenty more on the recent unrest from across the BBC:

  • Our home affairs correspondent, Daniel Sandford, looks at how the tide turned after a week of riots
  • Read more on suspended Labour councillor Ricky Jones, who has been charged with encouraging violent disorder
  • And here you can find all of our coverage of the protests, riots, arrests and sentencings

Thanks for joining us. Today's page was brought to you by Johanna Chisholm, Cachella Smith, Barbara Tasch, Hollie Cole, Jemma Crew, Suneil Asar and me.

First people jailed over social media posts during unrest published at 18:47 British Summer Time 9 August 18:47 BST 9 August

Today's live coverage has mainly come from the courts, with jail sentences handed down for those involved in the violent disorder since the fatal stabbings in Southport last Monday.

Here's a quick summary of key events today:

  • In the first case of a person going to jail for posting on social media during the disorder , Jordan Parlour , 28, of Seacroft, Leeds, received a 20 month sentence for inciting others to target a Leeds building which housed asylum seekers
  • At least two others also received jail sentences for social media posts that stirred up racial hatred
  • Suspended Labour councillor Ricky Jones appeared in court charged with encouraging violent disorder after he was filmed apparently telling a crowd that far-right demonstrators should have their throats cut
  • 6000 officers with specialist training in public order are "prepared and ready" to deal with any potential unrest over the weekend
  • About 600 people have been arrested this week with hundreds more expected in the coming days and weeks, police say, with the use of facial recognition technology fast tracking the process

Watch: Leeds disorder: Jordan Parlour sentenced to 20 months published at 18:37 British Summer Time 9 August 18:37 BST 9 August

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Leeds disorder: Jordan Parlour sentenced to 20 months

First three Hull rioters jailed for 'ugly violence' published at 18:17 British Summer Time 9 August 18:17 BST 9 August

Pritti Mistry Reporting from Hull

A composite image of three men jailed in Hull

The first three people convicted for their part in a violent protest in Hull have been jailed.

Hull Crown Court heard police officers were attacked when missiles were thrown at them, shops were looted and a hotel housing asylum seekers was targeted during the violence in the Ferensway, Jameson Street and Spring Bank areas on Saturday.

Sentencing them, Judge Mark Bury said all three were involved in a "malevolent nature of violence".

Read more here.

Suspended Labour councillor remanded in custody published at 17:53 British Summer Time 9 August 17:53 BST 9 August

Head shot of Ricky Jones in  a suit with a striped tie

Suspended Labour councillor Ricky Jones has appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court charged with encouraging violent disorder after comments he made at a counter protest in London.

Videos appeared online which seem to show Jones, 57, telling a crowd in Walthamstow that far-right demonstrators should have their throats cut.

Deputy Senior District Judge Tan Ikram said: "It is alleged that using a microphone you addressed a crowd at an anti-fascist protest and, talking about others you described as 'disgusting Nazi fascists', you said 'we need to cut their throats and get rid of them'."

No indication of plea was given. Jones was remanded in custody until a pre-trial preparation hearing on 6 September.

He's been a councillor in Dartford, Kent, since 2019.

Social media posters starting to see jail sentences published at 17:25 British Summer Time 9 August 17:25 BST 9 August

Long sentences have been handed out today to people who encouraged disorder on social media.

  • Bradley Makin, 21, of Simonside Road, Springwell, Sunderland, who posted videos of himself "roaring encouragement" at rioters in Sunderland on his Instagram account, has been jailed for two years
  • Tyler Kay, 26, of Effield Court, Northampton, was jailed for 38 months after stirring up racial hatred by using social media to call for hotels housing asylum seekers to be set alight
  • At Leeds Crown Court, Jordan Parlour of Seacroft, Leeds, has been sentenced to 20 months in jail after publishing written material intended to stir racial hatred

Parlour, 28, was the first person to be jailed for posts on Facebook during disorder which has spread across the country.

He admitted posting on social media between 1 and 5 August urging others to target a building in Leeds housing more than 200 asylum seekers and refugees.

Tyler Kay sentenced to 38 months after inciting racial hatred online published at 17:10 British Summer Time 9 August 17:10 BST 9 August

A mug shot of Tyler Kay, 26.

The latest person to be jailed for their online activity during the recent disorder is Tyler Kay, 26.

Northampton Crown Court was told Kay posted on X calling for mass deportation and advising protesters to "mask up", and also retweeted a screenshot of a message inciting action against a named immigration solicitors in the town.

Kay, of Ellfield Court, Northampton, was sentenced by Judge Adrienne Lucking KC two days after writing the posts.

The judge said he posted the content because he "thought there were no consequences", and the posts' overall tone "clearly reveals your fundamentally racist mindset".

"I am sure that when you intentionally created the posts you intended that racial hatred would be stirred up by your utterly repulsive, racist and shocking posts that have no place in a civilised society," he said.

Kay was sentenced to 38 months after being charged with stirring up racial hatred.

Sunderland rioters jailed for 'orgy of violence' published at 16:57 British Summer Time 9 August 16:57 BST 9 August

Leanne Hodgson, Andrew Smith and Josh Kellett

Left to right: Leanne Hodgson, Andrew Smith and Josh Kellett

The first four people to be convicted for their part in a violent protest in Sunderland a week ago have been jailed.

Up to 700 people were involved in a night of violence on 2 August, in which police officers were repeatedly attacked, a building burnt out and businesses looted, Newcastle Crown Court heard.

Those jailed are:

  • Leanne Hodgson, 43, of Holborn Road in Sunderland, who received two-and-a-half years
  • Andrew Smith, 41, of High Street East in Sunderland, who received two years and two months
  • Josh Kellet, 29, of Southcroft in Washington, who received two-and-a-half years
  • Bradley Makin, 21, of Simonside Road in Sunderland, who received two years

Judge Paul Sloan KC said they had brought "shame" upon Sunderland and were part of an "orgy of mindless, destructive violence".

  • You can read more here .

Teenager sentenced after punching and kicking police van published at 16:39 British Summer Time 9 August 16:39 BST 9 August

A mug shot of Kenzie Roughley

Earlier this afternoon, a teenager who kicked and punched a police van was sentenced to two years and four months in a young offender institution.

Kenzie Roughley, 18, of Barnsley Road, Pontefract, was also filmed verbally abusing police officers as part of a wider group of rioters in Rotherham.

The disorder took place outside the Holiday Inn Express, which houses more than 200 asylum seekers.

The attack on the South Yorkshire Police CCTV van left the officer inside fearing for his life, Sheffield Crown Court heard.

"You have brought shame on yourself and the town in which you live. You must be punished for what you have done,” the judge said.

Plain's prior convictions and guilty plea considered by judge published at 16:19 British Summer Time 9 August 16:19 BST 9 August

More now from Judge Kearl and his remarks during sentencing of Plain for racially aggravated intentional harassment.

The judge mentions Plain's previous convictions, including for violence, saying this is an "aggravating factor" in sentencing.

Plain's actions cannot be seen in isolation and have to be viewed with the disorder seen across the country in context, the judge says.

The letter of remorse Plain wrote is taken into account when delivering the sentence, along with his guilty plea, and comments made by the probation officer.

Plain used 'grossly offensive, racist language' - judge published at 16:16 British Summer Time 9 August 16:16 BST 9 August

Warning: this post contains content readers may find offensive

Before passing sentence, Judge Guy Kearl KC said Plain was seen climbing a barrier and making "monkey noises" and gestures towards a anti-racism counter protest.

Plain "rubbed his lips" and said "rubber lips", the judge said, telling the court he was he stood alongside others making racist comments.

Judge Kearl said the 30-year-old then got off the barrier and started to imitate "the manner in which Muslim people pray in order to mock their religion".

"This was grossly offensive, racist language and behaviour and it caused alarm and distress to others."

He then mentions a victim who said she was scared, anxious, and traumatised by his behaviour.

"She felt like she didn't belong in her own home city, the city of Leeds," he said, adding she was too scared to go to work for four days and remains worried.

Jordan Plain jailed for eight months published at 16:05 British Summer Time 9 August 16:05 BST 9 August Breaking

Jordan Plain , 30, of Broadway Horsforth, Leeds, is jailed for eight months for racially aggravated intentional harassment.

Judge starts remarks for sentencing of Jordan Plain published at 16:03 British Summer Time 9 August 16:03 BST 9 August

Judge Guy Kearl KC is now starting his remarks for the sentencing of Jordan Plain, 30, of Broadway Horsforth, Leeds, who has been charged with racially aggravated intentional harassment.

He begins by saying he pleaded guilty to the charges.

Stemming from the incident in Southport, protestors gathered and clashed, the judge says, sometimes using violence towards each other, police and others.

The judge goes on to say people are entitled to express their views and protest peacefully, but it becomes illegal when it becomes violent. He also says the law is there to protect everyone.On 3 August Plain joined with a pro English Defence League group, chanting and gesticulating towards an anti-racism protest, he says.

Watch: Sentencing starting over racially aggravated intentional harassment published at 15:55 British Summer Time 9 August 15:55 BST 9 August

Jordan Plain, 30, of Broadway Hosforth, Leeds, is being sentenced for racially aggravated intentional harassment.

You can follow the sentencing from court via our stream at the top of the page, just click the watch live button.

Almost 600 arrested in relation to violent disorder - police published at 15:41 British Summer Time 9 August 15:41 BST 9 August

Police officers arrest a man at a riot in Liverpool, as he is pinned on the ground and the three officers restrain and cuff him.

In the past week, forces in the UK have made 595 arrests for offences relating to the recent disorder that has unfolded.

The National Police Chiefs' Council says these were for offences ranging from violent disorder to theft and antisocial behaviour.

The policing body says it has also identified hundreds more suspects who will be arrested in the coming days and weeks, which it says will be possible due to technology such as facial recognition.  

Stephen Parkinson, Director of Public Prosecutions, says officers recognise the deterrence role a "swift and robust response from law enforcement" can have, and they are aiming to make "immediate charging decisions" so cases can get to courts for sentencing "within days".

"My advice to anyone considering taking part in violent disorder - don’t," he adds.

6,000 public order officers to remain on duty published at 15:38 British Summer Time 9 August 15:38 BST 9 August

There will be 6,000 public order trained officers remaining on duty over the weekend as police say they are "prepared and ready".

Chair of the National Police Chiefs Council, chief constable Gavin Stephens says while they are working to bring the disorder to an end, "arrests are just getting started".

“While the previous two nights have been a welcome break from the appalling scenes of the last week, and may have reached a turning point, we are by no means complacent,” he says

“Thousands of specially trained officers remain on duty, ready to tackle any unrest and disorder, and we continue to monitor, gather and review intelligence to make sure our officers are where they need to be to keep their communities safe."

Parlour motivated by anger at 'immigration problems' - judge published at 15:11 British Summer Time 9 August 15:11 BST 9 August

Before passing sentence, Judge Kearl explained how the Britannia hotel in Leeds was attacked on 2 and 3 August by people throwing missiles, and it was locked down for the protection of those living there.

At the time there were 210 occupants - many of whom were foreign refugees and asylum seekers. Similar attacks occurred the next day, the judge says, adding police attended on each occasion.

In between attacks, you took to social media to encourage others, Judge Kearl said to Parlour.

Not only refugees and asylum seekers, but also hotel staff were likely to be affected by this, the judge said.

His initial post received six likes, but was seen by his 1,500 friends and because of his lack of privacy settings it could be forwarded on and messages could therefore be spread widely, the court was told.

The judge said the defendant was arrested and then interviewed on 5 August. His motivation was clear when he talked about attacking the hotel out of "anger and frustration" at "immigration problems" in this country, he says.

There can be no doubt he was inciting others, the judge said.

"You expressed remorse but by then it was too late," he finished.

Jordan Parlour sentenced to 20 months published at 14:58 British Summer Time 9 August 14:58 BST 9 August Breaking

Jordan Parlour

Jordan Parlour

Jordan Parlour , 28, of Seacroft, Leeds, is jailed for 20 months after he entered a guilty plea to stirring up racial hatred.

The judge says he has taken into account his guilty plea which sees his sentence reduced by one third, as well as his references and expression of remorse.

Unrest had impact on asylum seekers and refugees - judge published at 14:54 British Summer Time 9 August 14:54 BST 9 August

Judge Kearl goes on to talk about the impact the disorder had, particularly on asylum seekers and refugees.

He says coverage of the unrest has been extensive both in the mainstream media and online social media platforms. He then turns to the facts of the matter.

Judge starts remarks for sentencing of Jordan Parlour published at 14:51 British Summer Time 9 August 14:51 BST 9 August

Judge Guy Kearl KC is now starting his remarks for the sentencing of Jordan Parlour, 28, of Seacroft, Leeds, who was charged with publishing written material intended to stir racial hatred.

Judge Kearl says Parlour, who made online comments advocating an attack on a hotel in Leeds, has pleaded guilty to intending to stir racial hatred.

The context is that this arises from civil unrest, which was generated as a result of the deaths of three girls in Southport, he says.

Happy Independence Day 2024: Top 50 Wishes, Messages, Quotes and Greetings to Share on Social Media with Loved Ones

Happy Independence Day 2024: Top 50 Wishes, Messages, Quotes and Greetings to Share on Social Media with Loved Ones

Happy Independence Day 2024 Wishes

Happy Independence Day Messages, Independence Day Pics


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    Download the Social Media Management Service Company Profile presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Presenting a comprehensive company profile can be a game-changer for your business. A well-crafted profile connects with potential clients and vendors on another level, giving them a deep understanding of your organization.

  7. Social Media Presentation Templates for your Marketing Strategy

    It also includes a team slide and a chart and graph slide so you can show quantitative data you've found in your campaigns. This Social Media Presentation also includes a slide to show what's the different approach you'll take for each platform. In short, it's the ideal template for a digital marketing report.

  8. How to Master Social Media

    Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and mastering it has become essential in today's world. For that reason, this Google Slides & PPT template is perfect to explain the techniques for mastering social media. The bright purple background is eye-catching and impactful, and the thick font adds a touch of modern chicness to the ...

  9. Social media strategy. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    This blue, red and yellow Pretty Social Media template is the best of both worlds: eye-catching and easy to use. Fill out ready-made pages for agendas and timelines, social media profiles, topics and ideas, photos and captions, charts and graphs, team member pages and more. All slides are fully customizable, so you can adapt them to whatever ...

  10. 15+ Best Social Media Presentation Templates

    Social Media Presentation Templates are usually fully customizable. You can insert your text, photos, logos, or any other necessary graphics. You can also adjust design elements like color scheme, fonts, and backgrounds to align with your company branding or specific preferences. Moreover, the included charts, graphs, and infographics are often ...

  11. How to Give Social Media Presentation?

    8 Steps to get social media presentation. Giving a social media presentation involves a mix of preparation, engaging content, and effective delivery. Here's a step-by-step guide: 1. Understand your audience: Know who you're presenting to. Their knowledge level, interests, and expectations will shape your content. 2.

  12. 25 of the Best Social Media SlideShares

    My favorite slide: 7. The Science of Social Media Headlines. Courtney pulled in some amazing research into the psychology and science behind why we click on certain headlines. She identified 8 ways to write a social media headline that people will love, including things like curiosity, surprise, negatives, and more.

  13. Free Social Media Presentation Templates

    Venngage's social media presentation templates are the ultimate tool for anyone seeking to make a significant impact in the digital world. In today's fast-paced online environment, having a compelling and well-structured presentation is crucial to capture your audience's attention and convey your message effectively. What makes Venngage's ...

  14. 10 Free PowerPoint Templates for Social Media Presentations

    Creating captivating social media presentations is essential to effectively communicate your ideas, strategies, and results. These ten free PowerPoint templates offer a range of options to enhance ...

  15. 27 Social media English ESL powerpoints

    Top Helpful Tactics To Design Your Social Media Branding. Indeed, social media branding is the touchtone of digital marketing. It has turned out to be one of the most influential and powerful marketing tools for businesses... 43 uses. A selection of English ESL social media ppt slides.

  16. Social Media Strategy Presentation

    A customizable, intuitive social media strategy deck template can relieve some of the stress of building your own presentation, allowing you to focus on sharing important information with your social media team. Use a social media strategy presentation template to: Present research, goals, and strategies to executives; Keep social media team ...

  17. 15 Topics About Social Media

    Here is a list of potential topics about social media to consider. 1. The History and Evolution of Social Media: From MySpace to TikTok. To approach the topic of the history and evolution of social media, you could start by researching the early pioneers of social media, such as MySpace and LiveJournal, and how they paved the way for the ...


    This can create a cycle of seeking validation from others by social media. 2.Escapism: Social media can provide a distraction from real-life problems and stressors, leading to a reliance on social media as a coping machanism. 3.Social comparison: Social media can foster a culture of comparison, where users constantly compare themselves to ...

  19. Love English

    7 likes, 1 comments - love_english_24 on August 14, 2024: "English presentation from Khushnuma and group member... our topic was " Why Should Students Be Allowed On Social Media".

  20. Why Republicans are calling Walz 'Tampon Tim' : NPR

    Many social media users responded that providing tampons in schools isn't the bad thing that Republicans are making it out to be — and in fact, they see it as the opposite.

  21. UK riots show how social media can fuel real-life harm. It's only

    Critics of social media have repeatedly accused the industry of putting corporate profits before users' mental health, or opening the door to foreign meddling, without doing enough to shield the ...

  22. NBCUniversal's Presentation of Spectacular Paris Olympics Dominates

    The world's biggest media event, the Paris Olympics was consumed in massive numbers on NBCU platforms. Highlights include: A Total Audience Delivery (TAD) of 30.6 million viewers across the combined live Paris Prime (2-5 p.m. ET) and U.S. primetime (8-11 p.m. ET/PT) time periods - up 82% from the Tokyo Olympics (16.9 million), according to fast national data from Nielsen and Adobe Analytics.

  23. Cameroonian Social Media Activist Feared Forcibly Disappeared

    In a video circulated on social media on July 21, Steve Akam, alias Ramon Cotta, a Cameroonian social media activist, stands before a barrier in an outdoor space, handcuffed and surrounded by ...

  24. Photos: The closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics

    After an exciting two and a half weeks of competition, it's time to say "au revoir" to the Paris Olympics.. The closing ceremony took place Sunday at the Stade de France before showing ...

  25. UK disorder: Two men jailed for stirring up hatred online

    The first jail terms for encouraging unrest on social media have been handed down, as more people are sentenced over the wave of disorder and rioting. More than a dozen people were jailed on ...

  26. English Football Club Reading Could Be Sold to American Investor in £

    American financier Rob Couhig is nearing a deal to buy English football club Reading FC from Chinese businessman Dai Yongge, according to people familiar with the matter.. Couhig is leading a ...

  27. English Premier League will explain VAR decisions on social media

    The Premier League hopes to reduce frustration with the VAR system with the launch of a social media account. Your inbox approves 🥇 On sale now 🥇 🏈's best, via 📧 Chasing Gold 🥇

  28. First jail terms handed down for social media posts during unrest

    In the first case of a person going to jail for posting on social media during the disorder, Jordan Parlour, 28, of Seacroft, Leeds, received a 20 month sentence for inciting others to target a ...

  29. Happy Independence Day 2024: Top 50 Wishes, Messages, Quotes and

    Happy Independence Day 2024: Top 50 Wishes, Messages, Quotes and Greetings to Share on Social Media with Loved Ones TOI Lifestyle Desk / etimes.in / Updated: Aug 15, 2024, 05:44 IST Share