How To Start a Salon and Spa Business in the Philippines

How To Start a Salon and Spa Business in the Philippines

Starting a salon and spa business requires hard work, knowledge of the industry, and qualified staff. There are a wide variety of considerations that are involved in the creation of a salon and spa. This ranges from financial matters and scheduling to offered services and pricing. It is also important to plan ahead, create a budget, invest in the proper equipment, and train staff well. 

Table of Contents

Starting Out

Upon initial startup, there will be some upfront expenses and logistical challenges that will arise. Selecting the right  location  for the salon and spa may seem like a small detail, but it is a significant determining factor in the success of the business. Choosing a property in a highly visible area with a lot of street and foot traffic is ideal. This is particularly important for startups without a pre-established reputation in the community. Opening a salon and spa in a rural area away from activity may have fewer clients than businesses in urban areas. This is largely because salons and spas located in malls and in high traffic areas are convenient for customers and much easier to access than those outside of cities. If a salon and spa accepts walk-in customers, this extra convenience for customers is especially crucial. Additionally, it becomes a bit easier to market the business since the advertising is done in a more visible area.

Business  permits  are required to open a salon and spa. In the Philippines, all businesses must have a tax identification number and submit statements at the end of each year. A barangay clearance is also needed. This process establishes that a business entity is compliant with the relevant requirements where the salon and spa are located. Additionally, one must secure a business permit from the local mayor’s office. However, one must first register their business with the Department of Trade and Industry and obtain a certificate. There are some fees associated with this, ranging from 200 to 2,000 pesos depending on the size of the business. Owners must also register with the Social Security System to cover employees with insurance. While these processes may seem long or excessive, they are a necessary part of starting a salon and spa business, as well as any other type of business in the Philippines. This process helps ensure companies and owners follow the law and comply with appropriate regulations to protect both customers and companies.

Part of the startup process is making sure the salon and spa complies with health and safety  codes . The establishment must be inspected before opening, and management and staff should work diligently to uphold high cleanliness and safety standards. Not only will this result in a passed inspection, but it will also make the business more attractive to customers. 

Deciding which services to offer is a significant part of starting a salon and spa. Many of the  top-rated  salons and spas in the Philippines offer a wide range of services to clients. If one has the necessary qualified staff to keep up with multiple different services, it should be strongly considered. Offering more options will likely draw more customers.  Examples  of such services include a number of haircuts, scalp and hair treatments, massages, wraps and scrubs, hot stones, hand and foot spas, and more. Having a diverse set of services also gives the business owner greater flexibility and options, as it allows for more potential promotions and deals to increase profit.

How do Salon owners make more money. How to boost salon sales

A critical part of running a successful salon and spa is investing in the proper equipment. Although it may result in higher initial costs, more expensive equipment may require less maintenance and may last longer than cheaper equipment. Those in the industry also  advise  that it is worth it to purchase high-quality shampoos and chemicals for nail and hair treatments. In the Philippines, some recommended shops to obtain such supplies are Hortaleza, Accessories and Beauty Equipment, and Lid Salon.

Pricing is another decision that must be made by salon and spa owners. This can be quite challenging, as one must charge enough to make a fair profit without overcharging customers. To assist in this process, business owners may choose to search for the prices of other nearby salons and spas. By doing so, one can gain a better understanding of how much should be charged, as well as how much clients are willing to pay for a particular service.  

Some of the largest expenses the business will have are the property lease, wages, insurance, utilities, and beauty products. It is important for business owners to keep track of these expenses and create a budget or financial plan. This will help the business make a more consistent, predictable, and sustainable profit. It also allows one to keep better track of profits and see if they can be allocated to improve and grow the business.

Competition is a factor that may have an impact on the way the salon and spa is run. Local businesses nearby may already have an established client base in the salon and spa market, thus making it more difficult for new businesses to succeed. However, there are numerous ways to reach clients and work around the competition. Offering exceptional customer service is critical, especially for first impressions of new customers. It is important for business owners to research the services available at nearby salons and spas, as it may be wise to offer additional services or slightly different ones. Doing this will help one’s business become more unique and stand out to potential clients. Further, having special promotions and deals on particular products may also increase business. This may prove to be helpful during slow days and seasons when there are fewer customers.

Business Considerations

There are some additional aspects of running a salon and spa that are important to keep in mind. Management and staff must work hard to maintain equipment as well as cleanliness throughout the establishment.  Sanitation  is necessary to keep in mind, as it directly concerns the health and safety of staff and customers. Further, failure to maintain high cleanliness standards may result in a negative health inspection result. Per spa treatment, the average customer uses three towels, which all have to be washed. Any pools or hot tubs on the property must also be treated with the appropriate chemicals in order to disinfect them. Steam rooms must also be regularly disinfected, as microbes thrive in moist environments. Combs and brushes should also be thoroughly cleaned after each use. The products used on clients should also be quality because the use of improper massage oil, for example, may lead to skin diseases. 

Hiring and  training  qualified staff is necessary for a successful salon and spa business. Spas in the Philippines are required to hire at least one therapist who is certified by the Department of Health. Certificate programs are offered by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority. Training staff in customer service is also an important part of the process, as staff are constantly conversing with customers. Thus, it may be necessary to briefly train employees to sharpen their communication skills to ensure they can provide the best service to clients and represent the business well. 

For owners, managing a salon and spa can be challenging and rather labor-intensive. Part of being an effective manager is being  hands-on . This helps to ensure high-quality standards are maintained by staff and that relevant rules and policies are being followed. Not only does this lead to better service, it may also increase the efficiency and morale of employees. Having the owner working alongside staff may work to increase trust and accountability. While it may appear to be a lot of work, putting in extra time to ensure the business is run properly will greatly benefit the salon and spa.

How to Build Salon Clientele Fast

Related questions, what are some resources available to those interested in starting a salon and spa business, looking to start your own salon get the documents you need to get organized and funded here ..

Please note: This blog post is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult a legal expert to address your specific needs.


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[PDF] Business Plan for your Hair and Beauty Salon

beauty salon business plan philippines

Hair and Beauty Salon: Business Summary

The idea is on mind, owning a beauty salon business. Great! So what next? Step one is done, the objective is in mind, but in order for it to succeed, there must be a plan; a detailed Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan which will show that the idea is going to succeed. 

➡️ Download your  Beauty Salon Business Plan PDF for free


Do you remember the 5 w's in the " Laundry Business Plan " article? What, When, Who, When, Why, and How. Well, now we have the What.  The following question would be:

"   How? "

I already know I want to make an investment in a beauty salon, but how am I going to make this happen? With a very well-structured business plan. In that document, the entrepreneur(s) must include, well, basically everything:

Describe your Company:Vision & Mission
Define your Target Market: Company's objectives
Creating a Marketing Plan 
Figure the Finances Out

Many people think that beauty salons are a cliché business, we have many of them already, but why? Because our society lives on stress, it is always stressed out and salons are convenient kinds of retreats.

They are relaxing environments providing great customer services, stressed people go there to be taken care of. That is the magic of it, beauty salons will always have demand, there is no going back on this hectic world. People love to be taken care of, women love having great colored nails done and men love having perfect hands and beards. The people that are planning on having a beauty salon know it will have a high demand, they know people will go there and that if it is well managed it will work.

But remember, always be different. There are many investments in beauty salons , make yours be worth it. People love different!

1. Describe your Company

The objective is to have an added value, to be different, to have that something that makes people think about it. Will your business atmosphere be relaxing? Will soft drinks are offered to the clients or as they enter the store or until they sit down to get the service? Will you have televisions? Separate rooms depending on the service? To develop great business strategies, it is recommended to perform a SWOT analysis to make the right decision. 

What are some of the keys to success?


Convenience:, reputation:.

Considering the list above, it is of extreme importance to vary, not to only offer one thing, but to have a range of products and services so the clients find everything they need in the same place, in your oasis. There is no exact number of product or services a beauty salon must offer, but never ever offer least than the competitors. Again, plan plan plan! Hair and Beauty Salon Business plan , that should be your focus. 

hair and beauty salon business plan

2. Define your Target Market

Even though there are many beauty salons, there are different types depending on the target. Some for example, are for men, other for women, other for both and so on... and as I stated before, even though the idea of having a beauty salon is there, people have to do a profound analysis on the message, on what do they want to communicate to others.





Defining a target market does not only mean to think "oh ok, my beauty salon will be for both, men and women" No. It goes way beyond that. It is one of the parts of the business plan that requires the most analysis because it requires to stop everything and about the buyer's journey . People need to understand the process the buyer will go through in order to get to that precise beauty salon. And also, the key message.

"What will I do to get my customers to understand and retain the message I want to give to them?"

3. Creating a Marketing Plan

We are not done with the planing yet! We have the strategy, now lets go to marketing. In this stage people have to analyze and think which is the best marketing tool for the business. Is it people? Is it social media?

marketing plan hair and beauty business plan

For some hair and beauty salon business , when a client leaves with a new look, THAT is marketing. Some say their client wears the marketing and that is why most of a the clients of a beauty salon are referrals from existing clients. 

It is important to note that research has shown that word of mouth is the best advertising for this type of business. Although as everything, it depends on many factors.

4. Figure the Finances Out

And here we go... the tough part, excel sheets. What is the financial goal? Is it to be a profitable business in the first month? To have a break-even in the 6th month? Number time! This is where you write down everything. Fixed costs, variable costs, every single thing that will involve money.

A sales forecast is extremely important. People need to have expectations on income even if they're only approximate. This is so managers know how much are will they be able to spend during the years and what will be the project that gives the hair and beauty salon profits.

Owning a beauty salon business is a great idea because of its potential, it has potential growth (it never stops growing), it gives a great amount of profit and it will never end.

Beauty salons have been on the market since a long time ago; people always need to have their hair cut, nails done, a massage is always a good idea, etc. But it is important for people to know that getting things up and going involves planning, remember our focus? Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan! Thinking and analyzing. If you do things the right way from the beginning, there will be fewer problems. 

Discover how to open your own beauty salon

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5 Tips in Starting a Beauty Salon Business in the Philippines

Do you want to earn profit by making other people beautiful? Launching a beauty salon business that offers various services may be the business that will best suit you.

Here are a few important things you need to consider in starting a beauty salon.


1. Choose your location well.

You need to carefully select the location of your salon as it will determine the type of clients you will cater to. If you’re near a university, your clients will likely be students. Also, it’s always a great idea to put your salon inside a mall as many clients find it convenient to go there. Choose an area that has lots of foot traffic and has enough space to accommodate clients. Make sure your location is in a clean and safe atmosphere.

2. Invest in good products and equipment.

Never use inferior brands when it comes to hair, nail and other beauty products as it will compromise the quality of your service. You may need to spend a lot of money for buying brand new equipment so it’s advisable to purchase good used equipment.

3. Train your staff.

As a salon owner, it is your duty to ensure that your staff possess technical expertise that use international standards as benchmark. They need to undergo regular training to be up to date about new products, trends and services. Without proper training, the procedures they carry out may cause health issues to the clients. More importantly, your staff must be oriented about good customer service to keep your clients happy.

4. Be competitive in terms of the price.

Make sure that your services are priced well. Reyes Haircutters, a popular chain of beauty salons, actually charges minimal fees for maximum profit. By offering affordable services, Reyes Haircutters certainly stands out from a sea of salons nationwide.

5. Be hands-on.

The success of a salon business also depends on the manager’s ability to operate the business. While your salon business is still picking up, make sure that you are present to ensure that your staff is running it well. See to it that they doing the procedures right, treating the clients well and are handling the supplies well.

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How to Start and Operate a Beauty Salon

About the seminar.

• To learn how to successfully start and operate a beauty salon

Who Should Participate

• entrepreneurs • anyone interested in going into the beauty salon / beauty parlor business

I. How to create your beauty salon image

II. Choosing a business name that matches your image

III. Factors to consider when selecting a location

IV. Business registration

V. Creating a business timeline

VI. Basic tools and equipment

VII. Hiring and training of personnel

VIII. Services to offer

IX. Products to sell

X. Marketing strategies

XI. Capital investment

XII. Pricing

XIII. Reasons why hair salons fail

XIV. Suppliers

Schedule: Click to view BusinessCoach Seminar Schedule »

9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Unit 705-D Atlanta Centre, 31 Annapolis St., Greenhills, San Juan City, Metro Manila

 How to Start and Operate a Beauty Salon

Registration Details

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Php 4,000.00 per person (inclusive of snacks, lunch, seminar kit, handouts, certificate of attendance)

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Free Hair and Beauty Salon Sample Business Plan PDF

Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon Glucklich

6 min. read

Updated February 7, 2024

Download Now: Free Business Plan Template →

Looking for a free,  downloadable hair and beauty salon sample business plan Word doc  or  PDF  to help you create a business plan of your own? Bplans has you covered.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to find a sample business plan that exactly matches your business. Whether you’re launching an upscale, full-service salon in a bustling city or a neighborhood barbershop, the details will be different, but the bones of the plan will be the same.

Are you writing a business plan for your salon because you’re seeking a loan? Is your primary concern building a clear roadmap for growth? Either way, you’re going to want to edit and customize it so it fits your particular company.

No two salons are alike. Your business model will be different if you’re renting space to independent hairstylists, rather than taking on employees, for example. So take the time to create your own financial forecasts and do enough market research so you have a solid plan for success.

  • What should you include in a hair and beauty salon business plan?

Your hair and beauty salon business plan doesn’t need to be hundreds of pages—keep it as short and concise as you can. You’ll probably want to include each of these sections:

  • Executive summary
  • Company summary and funding needs
  • Products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Management team
  • Financial plan

One of the things that makes a salon business plan different from some service-based business plans is that you might decide to offer a combination of products and services.

Maybe you’ll sell shampoo, beard oil, or other cosmetics and beauty products, in addition to offering services like haircuts, manicures, or massages. If that’s the case, make sure you include your ideas for upselling products to customers to increase the value of every appointment you book.

Here’s an example of a salon business plan outline.

Hair and beauty salon sample business plan outline.

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  • The 7 elements of an effective hair and beauty salon business plan

1. Executive Summary

The  executive summary  provides a high-level overview of your business plan. It should outline the objectives of your hair and beauty salon, such as to offer high-quality services, to expand the client base, or to break into a new market.

Your salon’s mission statement should describe its purpose and what sets it apart from competitors. For example, you may aim to offer a personalized experience for each customer or provide eco-friendly hair and beauty services.

The keys to success are the factors that will help your salon thrive. These may include a prime location, hiring experienced staff, excellent customer service, or a unique product and service range.

2. Company Summary and Funding Needs

The company summary offers a detailed overview of your salon, including its legal structure , location, and history. Also, it highlights your salon’s funding needs if you are seeking financial support.

Clearly state how much funding you need, what you will use it for, and how it will benefit the salon. For instance, you may need funds to renovate the premises, purchase equipment, or boost marketing efforts.

3. Salon Products and Services

This section should detail the products and services your hair or beauty salon will offer. These may include haircuts, hair treatments, manicures, pedicures, massages, and beauty treatments.

If you plan to retail beauty products such as shampoos, conditioners, or skin care items, include this information too. Highlight any unique services or products that differentiate your salon from competitors.

4. Salon Marketing Plan and Analysis

Your marketing plan should outline the strategies you will use to attract and retain customers. These strategies might include social media advertising, loyalty programs, partnerships with local businesses, and special promotions.

Additionally, you should conduct a thorough market analysis. Understand your target customers, their preferences, and their spending habits. Identify your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and how you can differentiate your salon.

5. Salon Management Team

The management team section provides information about the salon’s key personnel. This could include the salon owner, managers, stylists, beauticians, and other staff members. Highlight their roles, responsibilities, qualifications, and experience.

If you plan to rent chairs to independent stylists rather than hiring employees, describe how this arrangement will work and the advantages it offers for your business.

6. Financial Plan and Forecasts

Your financial plan should present detailed financial projections, including revenue, costs, and profitability. Include a cash flow statement, income statement, and balance sheet. This section should clearly demonstrate the salon’s potential profitability and financial viability.

Also, outline your pricing strategy. How have you priced your services and products, and how do these prices compare with competitors? What are your wage costs, and how will they affect your profitability?

7. Appendix

The appendix includes any additional supporting documents that complement your business plan. This might be market research data, lease agreements, employee contracts, or licensing and permit documents.

While not always necessary, the appendix can provide valuable context and proof to support your business plan’s content.

  • Crafting a Successful Salon Business Plan: Key Considerations

Understanding your target clientele’s needs is crucial to writing a hair or beauty salon business plan that you can put into action. To ensure your business plan is the foundation of a growing operation rather than just checking boxes, ask yourself whether you’re taking these considerations into account.

1. Comprehensive Services Offering

In the beauty industry, customer preferences vary significantly, and staying versatile in your offerings can help cater to a broader clientele. Include a wide range of services that cater to different demographics. You may also consider offering unique or specialized services that distinguish your salon from others.

2. Pricing Strategy

Pricing can make or break your salon. Competitive pricing attracts customers, but your pricing should also cover your costs and ensure profitability. Effective market research can help you understand the average cost of services in your area, which you can use to set your prices competitively.

3. Salon Atmosphere

The ambiance of a salon plays a significant role in attracting and retaining customers. Consider factors like décor, cleanliness, and customer service when planning your salon.

4. Staff Training and Expertise

Quality service is crucial in the hair and beauty industry since word-of-mouth exposure from existing clients is a major driver of new business. Investing in ongoing staff training ensures that your team stays updated with the latest trends, techniques, and customer service skills.

5. Digital Presence

Although word of mouth is one business driver, many of today’s customers research online before visiting a salon. Having a strong online presence, including a well-designed website, effective search engine optimization and active social media accounts, can significantly boost your business.

  • Download your free hair and beauty salon sample business plan PDF

Download this  hair and beauty salon sample business plan PDF  for free right now, or visit Bplans’ gallery of more than  550 sample business plans  if you’re looking for more options.

There are  plenty of reasons  salon business owners can benefit from  writing a business plan —you’ll need one if you’re seeking a loan or investment.

Even if you’re not seeking funding, the process of thinking through every aspect of your business will help you make sure you’re not overlooking anything critical as you grow.

Content Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon is a marketing specialist at Palo Alto Software, working with consultants, accountants, business instructors and others who use LivePlan at scale. He has a bachelor's degree in journalism and an MBA from the University of Oregon.

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How to Write a Beauty Salon Business Plan: Complete Guide

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  • December 29, 2023
  • Beauty & Wellness

beauty salon business plan

Whether you’re looking to raise funding from private investors or to get a loan from a bank (like a SBA loan) for your beauty salon, you will need to prepare a solid business plan.

In this article we go through, step-by-step, all the different sections you need in your business plan for a beauty salon . Use this template to create a complete, clear and solid business plan that get you funded.

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary of a business plan gives a sneak peek of the information about your business plan to lenders and/or investors.

If the information you provide here is not concise, informative, and scannable, potential lenders and investors will lose interest.

Though the executive summary is the first and the most important section, it should normally be the last section you write because it will have the summary of different sections included in the entire plan.

Why do you need a business plan for your beauty salon?

The purpose of a business plan is to secure funding through one of the following channels:

  • Obtain bank financing or secure a loan from other lenders (such as a SBA loan )
  • Obtain private investments from investment funds, angel investors, etc.
  • Obtain a public or a private grant

How to write your beauty salon’s executive summary?

This section should not exceed 1 to 2 pages and provide a brief outline of the objectives and purpose of your business, market analysis & marketing strategies, company structure & key people, financial plan, and financial ask.

Here is an overview of the different points you must address in your executive summary:

Business Overview

Introduce your company and briefly describe your business model. For example, you may provide specialized beauty services only (such as skin care only, or manicure & pedicure only, etc.) or a full-service beauty salon (where you provide all types of possible services related to overall beauty including hair care, facial, skin care, manicure & pedicure, nail care & nail art, etc.).

Again, if you are offering a full-service beauty salon with a specific focus on something like skin care while the remaining services are auxiliary services, mention that, too. Also, provide a brief idea of what problem you are trying to solve.

Market Analysis

Provide a deep market analysis that backs your decision to open a beauty salon. The market analysis will include information like who your competitors are, your strengths and weaknesses, your target audience and their beauty needs, etc.

People & Management

Mention your key partners and why you have selected them along with their relevant industry experience. Also, speak about your staff requirements and the management hierarchy.

Financial Plan

How much profit and revenue do you expect in the next 5 years? When will you reach the break-even point and start making profits? It is ideal to include a chart depicting your key financials such as revenue, gross profits, and net profit

Funding Ask

What loan/investment/grant are you seeking? How much do you need? How long will this last?

beauty salon business plan philippines

2. Beauty Salon Business Overview

This is the section where you will describe your beauty salon business in detail. Try to answer the following questions concisely:

  • Why do you want to open a beauty salon and what problem will your beauty salon solve?
  • How big will be the facility and how many appointments will you serve daily (approximate value)?
  • Will you have standard operating hours or extended business hours?
  • Where is the location and why did you select that location?
  • Will you provide only services, or will you sell products, too?

Include as many questions as possible to create a convincing overview to keep your potential investors and lenders hooked.

Let’s now look at the different sub-sections that you must include:

a) History of the Project

If you are yet to open your first beauty salon business, you may not have a business history to share. However, you can share your training and past industry experiences. You can even demonstrate your passion and interest for the beauty or wellness industry.

This is also where you should explain why you decided to create this business today. Did you find a gap in the market? Is there a lot of demand for manicure and pedicure treatments but few salons to accommodate customers?

Or are you trying to open a new format of beauty salon, offering a unique experience and treatments to your customers, effectively differentiating yourself from your competitors in your area?

b) Beauty Salon Business Model

This section must include the following information:

  • Are you building your beauty salon from the ground up or are you purchasing an existing one?
  • Will you allow advanced bookings through channels like a website or a mobile app, or will you allow walk-in customers or both?
  • Will you focus only on services, or will you sell beauty products, too? 
  • If you want to sell products, too, how do you intend to upsell them?
  • Will you offer home visits, and if so, what will be the area of operation for that?
  • Do you intend to extend your services into spa, bridal & wedding makeups, full body massage, etc?

Provide a thorough description of your business model so that the potential lenders and investors can make financial assessments and projections.

beauty salon business plan philippines

c) Target Audience

Give here an overview of your target audience. For example, answer the following questions:

  • Will it be a unisex beauty salon or a gender-specific beauty salon?
  • Is there a specific age group that you are targeting?
  • What is the average disposable income of your target audience?
  • How frequently do your target audience visit beauty salons?
  • How much do they spend per month / per year in beauty treatments on average?

d) Beauty Salon Products & Services

Your beauty salon will primarily be a service-oriented business. However, that doesn’t mean you will not (or you cannot) sell related products. Outline your products and services in this section. Something like this will suffice:

HaircareNailsSkin & Face Products*
ColorsSculptured nailsBody waxingMakeup
CurlingPolishFacialsHair & skin oils
CutsPedicuresEyebrow shapingTexturizers
WavingManicuresEyelash permSkin
ShampooFreckle bleachingMoisturizing creams
WavingAcne treatmentCleansers

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e) Legal structure

Finally, your business overview section should specify what type of business structure you want. Is this a corporation or a partnership (LLC)? Who are the investors? How much equity percentage do they own? Is there a Board of Directors? If so, whom? Do they have experience in the industry?


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Beauty Salon Financial Model

Download an expert-built 5-year Excel financial model for your business plan

3. Beauty Salon Market Analysis

It is vital that you demonstrate a deep market knowledge to your potential investors and lenders. For example, if you are offering expensive haircare or skincare procedures in a low-income or middle-class area, you may run into losses.

Similarly, if you are not following the latest hairstyles and trends, or if you don’t offer a wide range of facials, skincare services, you may find it difficult to attract customers.

a) Market Trends

If you are offering haircuts and hair makeup, you must be aware of the latest trends. Similarly, there may be new types of facials and acne treatments available that people may be looking for. Fashion is always a time-bound thing, and so is hairstyle.

For example, if you are offering skin care services like facials, you may want to offer services like :

  • LED light therapy (to deal with bruising & acne)
  • Intense pulsed light treatment (deal with facial pigmentation)
  • Hollywood lift (a non-surgical skin-tightening for sagging skin), etc.

b) Competitor Analysis

The objective of the competitive analysis of your business plan should establish that starting a beauty salon in your area makes sense.

For example, there might be few competitors despite a lot of demand. Or, for example, existing competitors might not be adapted to the latest customer trends, effectively losing business to newcomers.

In your competitive analysis, try to include the following information:

  • Number of competing beauty salons or full-service beauty salons in your area
  • Their target audience
  • The list of products and services they are offering
  • The number of stations each salon has
  • Their marketing strategy
  • Their strengths and weaknesses
  • Their reputation as a brand

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Beauty Salon SWOT Analysis

Along with the competitive analysis, you must also perform a SWOT analysis . SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Here you must provide the following information:

  • Strengths : Examples – you may have years of industry experience, or you may be a celebrity hairstylist or aesthetician, or you may be offering unique services that no other competing beauty salon is offering
  • Weaknesses : Examples – you may not have enough experience with Millennials, or you may not have enough funds for sufficient inventory, etc.
  • Opportunities : Examples – unlike your competitors, you may be offering a full-service beauty salon experience with all services related to hair, skin, nails, and face under a single roof
  • Threats : Examples – the emergence of new beauty salons that can possibly take a slice of your potential customer base or existing beauty salons reducing their prices to counter your presence

Both competitive analysis and SWOT analysis can help you to come up with innovative marketing strategies that you can use to gain new customers and even chip off your competitor’s customer base.

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d) Customers

This is the segment where you provide a detailed analysis of your target audience. The analysis must include things like:

  • Demographic distribution of your target customers (you can find data at )
  • Average monthly family income (this will give you an idea of the spending capacity)
  • The frequency of beauty salon visits (this will give you a fair idea of the number of customers you can expect in a month)
  • Current hair, nail, & beauty trends in the location you want to operate in and the factors that influence those trends
  • What channels do the customers use to share the end results of their beauty salon visits? For example, people may post their new hairstyle or nail art on Instagram & Facebook, but share their salon interaction experience on Twitter
  • Things that your target audience like and dislike about the existing beauty salons (this will tell you what you must do and things you can do to improve their experience)
  • What is the average amount they spend per visit?
  • Do they engage in beauty-related activities at home? (This will tell you whether you can sell products such as hair oils, skin lightening creams, etc.)
  • Do they like to use coupons and gift cards? (If yes, you may open a separate revenue stream by offering such products)

You can add more questions if you need to complete your customer or target audience study. The best way to get the answers is to conduct direct surveys and interact with your potential customer base. However, you will also find some data from competitive analysis.

A complete understanding of your target audience can help you develop sales and marketing strategies that can beat your competitors and give you an edge.

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4. Beauty Salon Marketing Strategy

This is the section of your beauty salon business plan where you should outline your customer acquisition strategy: how do you plan to attract new customers?

Try to answer here the following questions:

What are your Unique Selling Points (USPs)?

  • What marketing channels will you use?
  • How do you intend to track the success of your marketing strategy?
  • What is your CAC or customer acquisition cost?
  • What is your marketing budget?
  • What introductory promos and offers do you intend to provide for attracting new customers?
  • Will you offer gift cards to open an upfront revenue stream?
  • Will you sell products? If yes, how do you intend to upsell them for revenue maximization?

Let’s expand a bit on a few questions below:

What marketing channels do Beauty Salons use?

A few marketing channels that beauty salons typically use are:

  • Google My Business listing
  • PPC ads and social media ads
  • Social media promotions and user engagement on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, TikTok, etc.
  • Email marketing
  • Print ads, flyers, hoardings & billboards, etc.

You need to use all marketing channels. You can focus on a few (2 to 3 is more than enough). However, make sure that you include social media marketing as one of the options because it can help you to connect and continuously interact with your customers. In addition to that, social media can help you to go viral.

Also, do not forget to provide a fair and nearly accurate estimate of your marketing budget. Failure to display a well-planned and adequate cash flow for advertising and marketing can lead to investors losing confidence.

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In other words, how do you differentiate yourself vs. competitors? This is very important as you might need to win customers from competitors.

A few examples of USPs are:

  • We are a full-service beauty salon offering services like haircare, bridal makeups, manicure & pedicure, skin treatments & facials, & body massage under a single roof because potential customers dislike the idea of hopping from one door to another to get all their needs fulfilled
  • We are a full-service beauty salon with a focus on manicure & pedicure treatments
  • We use only 100% organic and natural haircare products to prevent side effects usually caused by chemically heavy cosmetic beauty products
  • We will use our proprietary range of hair care and beauty products that will not be available with any other competing beauty salon

5. Management & People

You must address 2 things here:

  • The management team and their experience/track record
  • The organizational structure: what are the different teams and who reports to whom?

Small businesses often fail because of managerial weaknesses. Thus, having a strong management team is vital. Highlight the experience and technical knowledge of salon managers that you intend to hire to oversee your beauty salon business.

Describe their duties, responsibilities, and roles. Also, highlight their previous experience and explain how they succeed in their previous roles.

It is also important that you explain how their experiences and qualifications help you in implementing the beauty salon services you are proposing.

Organizational Structure

Even if you haven’t already hired anyone, it is important that you provide a chart of the organizational structure of your company. Typical roles for a beauty salon may include: salon managers, hair director, hairstylists, cosmetologists, pedicurist, aesthetician, massage therapist, electrologist, makeup artist, salon/shampoo assistants, receptionists, etc.

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6. Beauty Salon Financial Plan

The financial plan is perhaps, with the executive summary, the most important section of any business plan.

Indeed, a solid financial plan tells lenders that your business is viable and can repay the loan you need from them. If you’re looking to raise equity from private investors, a solid financial plan will prove them your beauty salon is an attractive investment.

There should be 3 sections to your financial plan section:

  • Your historical financials (only if you already operate the business and have financial accounts to show)
  • The startup costs of your project (if you plan to open a new salon, renovate your salon, etc.)
  • The 5-year financial projections

Historical Financials (if any)

In the scenario where you already have some historical financials (a few quarters or a few years), include them. A summary of your financial statements in the form of charts e.g. revenue, gross profit and net profit is enough, save the rest for the appendix.

If you don’t have any, don’t worry, most new businesses don’t have any historical financials and that’s ok. If so, jump to Startup Costs instead.

Beauty Salon Startup Costs

Before we expand on 5-year financial projections in the following section, it’s always best practice to start with listing the startup costs of your project. For a beauty salon, startup costs are all the expenses you incur before you start to receive customers and make money.

Startup costs vary based on a number of factors such as the location and size of your salon, the quality of the equipment, design and furniture, whether you rent or buy the space, etc.

On average, beauty salons cost anywhere from $63,500 to $179,000 to start depending on whether you plan to lease the commercial space or buy it. Indeed, if the latter, you would have to take a loan and make a substantial deposit upfront instead.

Startup costAmount
Lease Security Deposit or Loan Down Payment$10,500 (leasing) – $100,000 (buying)
Building Improvements & Renovation$5,000 – $25,000
Beauty Salon Furniture & Equipment$27,000
Essential Supplies$20,000
Other (POS, licenses, etc.)$1,000 – $7,000

Beauty Salon 5-Year Financial Projections

In addition to startup costs, you will now need to build a solid 5-year financial model as part of your business plan for your beauty salon.

Your financial projections should be built using a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel or Google Sheets) and presented in the form of tables and charts in your business plan.

As usual, keep it concise here and save details (for example detailed financial statements, financial metrics, key assumptions used for the projections) for the appendix instead.

Your financial projections should answer at least the following questions:

  • How much revenue do you expect to generate over the next 5 years?
  • When do you expect to break even?
  • How much cash will you burn until you get there?
  • What’s the impact of a change in pricing (say 15%) on your margins?
  • What is your average customer acquisition cost?

You should include here your 3 financial statements (income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement). This means you must forecast:

  • The number of customers over time ;
  • Your expected revenue ;
  • Operating costs to run the business ;
  • Any other cash flow items (e.g. capex, debt repayment, etc.).

When projecting your revenue, make sure to sensitize pricing and the number of customers as a small change in these assumptions will have a big impact on your revenues.

When it comes to the costs, consider both startup and operating costs. For more information on how much it costs to start and run a beauty salon in the US, read our complete guide here .

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7. Funding Ask

This is the last section of the business plan of your beauty salon. Now that we have explained what your beauty salon is about, what’s your strategy, where you go and how you get there, this section must answer the following questions:

  • How much funding do you need?
  • What financial instrument(s) do you need: is this equity or debt, or even a free-money public grant?
  • How long will this funding last?
  • Where else does the money come from? If you apply for a SBA loan for example, where does the other part of the investment come from (your own capital, private investors?)

If you raise debt:

  • What percentage of the total funding the loan represents?
  • What is the corresponding Debt Service Coverage Ratio ?

If you raise equity

  • What percentage ownership are you selling as part of this funding round?
  • What is the corresponding valuation of your business?

Use of Funds

Any business plan should include a clear use of funds section. This is where you explain how the money will be spent.

Will you spend most of the loan / investment to buy the real estate and do the renovations and design of the salon? Or will it cover mostly the cost of the salaries the first few months?

Those are very important questions you should be able to answer in the blink of an eye. Don’t worry, this should come straight from your financial projections. If you’ve built solid projections like in our beauty salon financial model template , you won’t have any issues answering these questions.

For the use of funds, we recommend using a pie chart like the one we have in our financial model template where we outline the main expenses categories as shown below.

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Aug 10, 2023

How to Create a Business Plan for Your Salon: Your Beauty Blueprint to Success

Dive into a step-by-step guide on creating a business plan tailored for salon success. From mission clarity to financial foresight, unlock strategies to turn your beauty passion into a flourishing enterprise.

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In the world of beauty, creativity, passion, and skill often take center stage. Yet, behind every successful salon, there lies a robust and strategic plan, paving the way for its triumph. Creating a business plan is much like designing a new hairstyle or look. It involves envisioning what you want to achieve, understanding the tools and techniques required, and meticulously crafting until the final result mirrors the initial inspiration. For aspiring salon owners or those looking to elevate their existing business, a comprehensive plan isn't just a page of numbers and forecasts. It's the beauty blueprint to success, detailing every facet of the venture, from its foundational mission to the intricate details of daily operations. Dive in as we explore how to build this blueprint, ensuring your salon doesn't just survive, but thrives in the dynamic beauty industry.

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Understanding Your Salon’s Mission and Vision

Every successful business venture begins with a clear sense of purpose, and for salons, this sense of purpose is captured in its mission and vision statements. Think of these statements as the guiding lights for your salon's journey, helping you stay on course during both calm and stormy seas.

1. Defining Your Salon's Purpose and Long-term Goals:

Mission Statement : This succinctly captures why your salon exists and its core purpose. It's about the present – what you do, who you serve, and what value you bring. Ask yourself: What promise are you making to your clients every time they walk through your doors?

Vision Statement : This paints a picture of your desired future. It's aspirational and gives everyone in the salon a clear idea of what success looks like in the long run. Imagine where you want your salon to be in 5, 10, or even 20 years. What impact will you have made? What legacy will you leave behind?

2. Crafting These Statements:

Creating mission and vision statements might seem daunting, but it's an introspective process. Consider your passions, what motivated you to start or run a salon, and the kind of difference you hope to make in the beauty industry.

For a deep dive into crafting compelling mission statements and to draw inspiration from successful salons, visit Noona's comprehensive guide on salon mission statements . They offer invaluable insights and examples that can guide you in molding statements that resonate with your brand's essence.

In conclusion, understanding and articulating your salon's mission and vision is paramount. They don't just serve as internal guiding posts but also communicate to clients, staff, and stakeholders what your salon truly stands for. As you proceed with your business blueprint, refer back to these statements to ensure each decision aligns with your salon's core purpose and aspirational goals.

Market Analysis

Before setting the cornerstone of your salon, understanding the market you're stepping into is pivotal. A comprehensive market analysis allows you to understand the beauty industry's landscape, your target customers, and your potential competitors. This ensures that when you open your salon doors, you're not just another business in the community but a highly anticipated addition.

1. Understanding the Beauty Industry Landscape:

Trends and Forecasts : The beauty industry is dynamic, with new trends emerging rapidly. From eco-friendly products to tech-driven beauty solutions, keeping an eye on these changes ensures your salon stays relevant and ahead of the curve.

Regulations and Licensing : Ensure you're aware of any industry-specific regulations, certification needs, and licensing that could impact your operations.

2. Identifying Your Target Market:

Demographics : Understand the age, gender, income, and other demographic factors of your ideal customer. Is your salon catering to young professionals, teenagers, or perhaps a mature audience?

Psychographics and Buying Behaviors : Dive deeper to know your audience's lifestyle, preferences, and buying habits. Do they prefer organic products? Are they looking for a luxurious experience or quick service solutions?

3. Analyzing Your Competition:

Strengths and Weaknesses : List out local salons and understand what they're doing right and where they might be falling short. This can provide insights into potential market gaps you can fill.

Market Gaps : Once you understand your competition's offerings, identify what's missing. Is there a service, product, or experience that customers desire but isn't available? That's your opportunity to shine.

4. Location, Location, Location :

While understanding your market is key, finding the perfect spot to set up shop is equally vital. The location of your salon plays a massive role in its accessibility, visibility, and overall success. Consider factors such as foot traffic, nearby businesses, ease of parking, and the demographic of the local population. For a comprehensive guide on selecting the ideal location for your salon, delve into Noona's expert advice on choosing a salon location .

To wrap up, a thorough market analysis doesn't just give you a view of the playing field but also offers the insights needed to strategize your moves. With a deep understanding of the industry, your customers, and your competitors, you're poised to make decisions that position your salon for long-term success.

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Services and Pricing

In the beauty world, the range of services you offer and their associated pricing can make or break your salon's reputation and profitability. Offering the right mix of services, matched with a pricing strategy that reflects your brand's value and the market's willingness to pay, is a delicate balance to strike.

1. Choosing the Right Services to Offer:

Diverse Portfolio : Depending on your target market, your salon might benefit from offering a wide range of services from haircuts, coloring, and treatments to nails, skincare, and even massage.

Specialization : On the other hand, some salons thrive by specializing in a few niche services, becoming the go-to spot for those particular treatments.

Continuous Innovation : The beauty industry is ever-evolving. Regularly review and update your services to keep up with trends and customer demands.

2. Pricing Strategy:

Competitive Pricing : Analyze what other salons in your area charge for similar services. While you don't want to drastically undercut or overshoot these figures, understanding the market rate is crucial.

Value-based Pricing : Instead of just setting prices based on competition, consider the value you're offering. If you provide a luxurious experience or use high-end products, your prices should reflect that.

Discount Strategies : Occasional promotions or loyalty discounts can attract and retain customers. However, ensure they don't undermine your brand's perceived value.

3. Upselling and Cross-selling:

Maximizing Customer Value : Once a customer is in your chair, there's potential to introduce them to other services or products. Train your staff on tactful upselling techniques to enhance the customer's experience without seeming pushy.

Package Deals : Offering bundled services at a slightly reduced rate can encourage clients to indulge in more treatments, increasing your per-visit revenue.

4. Crafting Your Salon Price List :

Your price list isn't just a utility; it's a reflection of your brand. Its design, clarity, and presentation can enhance the client's perception of your salon. For innovative ideas on creating an appealing and effective price list, explore Noona's detailed guide on hair salon price list ideas .

In conclusion, the services you offer and their corresponding prices play a significant role in defining your salon's brand image and profitability. By aligning them with market demands and your salon's unique value proposition, you pave the way for both satisfied customers and a thriving business.

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Marketing and Promotion Strategies

At the heart of every flourishing salon is not just talented stylists and impeccable services, but also an effective marketing strategy. In a world increasingly swayed by digital impressions and word-of-mouth, how you market and promote your salon can be the determining factor in its success. Let's dive into crafting a strategy that makes your salon the talk of the town.

1. Branding:

Establishing Your Salon’s Identity : Your brand is more than just your logo or color scheme. It's the experience you promise, the values you uphold, and the story you tell. Everything from your salon's interior design to staff uniforms should resonate with your brand's essence.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) : Determine what sets your salon apart. Is it a unique treatment you offer? An exceptional training program for your stylists? Ensure your USP is highlighted in all marketing materials.

2. Digital Marketing:

Website : In today's digital age, a salon without a website is like a shop without a signboard. Ensure your website is visually appealing, mobile-friendly, and contains essential information like services, prices, contact details, and customer reviews.

Social Media : Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are ideal for showcasing your work. Regularly post before-and-after photos, salon events, promotions, and client testimonials.

Email Marketing : Build a list of client emails to send out newsletters, promotions, or updates. This not only drives repeat business but also helps in fostering a community.

3. Offline Marketing:

Local Advertising : Consider placing ads in local newspapers, magazines, or radio stations. This type of advertising can effectively reach your local target demographic.

Partnerships : Collaborate with local businesses, such as boutiques, gyms, or cafes, for mutual promotions. This could be in the form of cross-promotions, discounts, or sponsored events.

Event Sponsorships : Participate in or sponsor local events, beauty pageants, or workshops. This boosts brand visibility and positions your salon as an active member of the community.

4. Customer Engagement and Loyalty Programs:

Referral Programs : Encourage your existing clients to refer friends and family by offering them incentives or discounts.

Loyalty Cards : Introduce a loyalty card system where frequent visits or purchases earn points, which can be redeemed for services or products.

Feedback Channels : Create channels for clients to offer feedback, whether it's through comment cards, online reviews, or suggestion boxes. This not only provides valuable insights but also makes clients feel valued and heard.

5. Seasonal Promotions and Campaigns:

Themed Packages : Offer packages or discounts during festive seasons, holidays, or even less busy months to boost sales.

Collaborative Campaigns : Partner with beauty product brands to run promotional campaigns, offering bundled products with select services.

In wrapping up, marketing is not just about visibility but also about creating connections. By building a coherent brand, engaging with your audience both online and offline, and offering value through various promotions, your salon is poised not just to attract clients but to turn them into loyal advocates.

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Operational Plan

An operational plan serves as the engine room of your salon, ensuring that all parts work in harmony to produce the desired outcome: unparalleled service, satisfied customers, and a successful business. This plan encompasses everything from the location of your salon to the daily management of services and resources.

1. Choosing a Salon Location:

Strategic Location : Your salon's location can greatly influence foot traffic, brand visibility, and accessibility. A location in a bustling area or near complementary businesses (like clothing boutiques or coffee shops) might be ideal.

Demographics : It's essential to ensure that the local population matches your target clientele in terms of age, income, and beauty needs.

Facility Needs : Think about size, layout, and infrastructure. Does it allow for future expansion? Does it resonate with your brand's aesthetic? For a more in-depth guide on pinpointing the perfect location, delve into Noona's expert insights on choosing a salon location .

2. Design and Ambiance:

Interior Layout : Create a space that's both functional for staff and inviting for clients. This includes considering the placement of styling stations, waiting areas, and retail sections.

Brand Consistency : The design should echo your brand's identity, from colors to decor elements, ensuring clients get a cohesive experience.

3. Staffing:

Hiring : Recruit not just based on skills but also on alignment with your salon's culture and ethos.

Training : Regular training ensures that your team is updated with the latest industry techniques and customer service standards.

Retention Strategies : Implement measures to retain top talent, such as competitive compensation, a positive work environment, and growth opportunities.

4. Equipment and Supplies:

Sourcing Quality Products : Whether it's haircare products or skincare treatments, ensure you're using reputable and high-quality brands. This not only affects service quality but also your salon's reputation.

Inventory Management : Implement a system to track product usage, reorder stocks in time, and monitor expiration dates.

5. Daily Operations and Management:

Booking and Scheduling : Use digital tools or salon management software to handle appointments, reduce overbookings, and ensure timely services.

Hygiene and Sanitation : Especially in the post-pandemic world, maintaining impeccable hygiene standards is non-negotiable. Regularly clean and sanitize equipment, stations, and communal areas.

Customer Experience Enhancement : From a warm welcome to post-service follow-ups, ensure every client's journey in your salon is memorable.

For actionable strategies and insights on managing your salon's daily operations, refer to Noona's comprehensive guide on running a successful hair salon .

In conclusion, while vision and strategy are essential, it's the operational plan that brings them to life. Ensuring every aspect of your salon's operations runs smoothly is crucial to creating a lasting and favorable impression in the minds of clients and ensuring your venture thrives.

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Financial Projections and Strategy

Your salon’s financial strategy is the backbone of your business plan. While beauty and aesthetics are at the forefront of the industry, the underlying financial projections and strategies are what keep the business thriving. Addressing the cost implications, forecasting profits, and being prepared for various financial scenarios can mean the difference between a thriving salon and one that struggles.

1. Start-Up Costs:

Location and Lease : Depending on your chosen location, the cost of leasing or buying a space can vary significantly. Factor in any modifications or renovations required to tailor the space to your salon's needs.

Equipment and Supplies : From hairdressing chairs to specialized equipment, the initial set-up costs can be substantial. For a detailed breakdown of essential equipment costs, explore Noona's guide on salon equipment essentials .

Licenses and Permits : Ensure you've budgeted for any required business licenses, permits, and certifications.

Initial Inventory : Stocking up on products for treatments and retail. For an exhaustive list and deep dive into the expenses of setting up a salon, refer to Noona's comprehensive breakdown on the cost to open a hair salon .

2. Operational Costs:

Salaries and Wages : This includes compensation for all staff, from stylists to receptionists.

Utilities : Regular expenses like electricity, water, internet, and other utilities.

Maintenance and Repairs : Regular maintenance of equipment and the facility.

Marketing and Advertising : Budget for ongoing promotional activities and campaigns.

3. Revenue Projections:

Service Revenue : Projected income from all the services offered. Consider factors like average price, number of bookings per day, seasonality, etc.

Product Sales : If you retail beauty products, estimate potential earnings from these sales.

Additional Income Streams : This could be from workshops, training sessions, or renting out space.

4. Break-Even Analysis:

Identify the point where your salon's total revenues will cover total costs. Knowing this will provide clarity on when your salon will start turning a profit.

5. Financial Safety Nets:

Contingency Fund : Always have a fund for unforeseen circumstances or emergencies.

Insurance : Invest in comprehensive insurance to protect against potential liabilities or damages.

6. Growth Investments:

Reinvestment Strategy : Determine a portion of profits to reinvest in the business, be it for expansion, training, or introducing new services.

Financial Aids and Loans : Understand the options available should you need financial support to scale or improve operations.

In conclusion, the beauty of your salon won’t just depend on the services you offer or the ambiance you create but also on the sound financial strategies you put in place. With thorough financial planning, you can ensure that your salon not only offers exceptional beauty services but also stands on solid financial ground.

beauty salon business plan philippines

Implementation Timeline

Laying out a strategic business plan is just the first step. Bringing your vision to life requires actionable steps, all tied to a realistic and coherent timeline. Here, we'll detail a typical implementation timeline for setting up a salon, ensuring you hit key milestones efficiently and systematically.

1. Research and Planning (Weeks 1-4):

Market Analysis : Understand your target clientele, study competitors, and identify market gaps.

Financial Forecasting : Detail your budget, source initial capital, and lay out your financial projections.

2. Location and Infrastructure (Weeks 5-12):

Location Scouting : Identify and finalize the right salon location. For insights, refer to the previously linked article on choosing a salon location.

Lease and Licenses : Secure the necessary permissions, licenses, and finalize your lease.

Infrastructure Planning : Layout design, interior decoration, and ambiance creation.

3. Procurement (Weeks 9-16):

Equipment and Supplies : Purchase necessary equipment and set up the salon space. Dive into Noona's guide on salon equipment essentials for detailed insights.

Initial Inventory : Stock up on products and supplies you'll need for both treatments and retail.

4. Hiring and Training (Weeks 13-20):

Job Listings and Interviews : Post job vacancies, conduct interviews, and finalize your core team. For best hiring practices and insights, consult Noona's salon hiring guide .

Training and Orientation : Ensure your team is aligned with the salon's mission and vision. Conduct training sessions to standardize services and customer interactions.

5. Marketing and Launch Preparation (Weeks 17-24):

Branding and Website Development : Create your salon's visual identity, and establish an online presence.

Promotions and Advertisements : Announce your salon's upcoming launch. Consider offering early-bird specials or opening discounts to attract initial clientele.

Final Touches : Ensure the salon space is set up, all equipment is tested, and inventory is organized.

6. Grand Opening (Week 25):

Launch Event : Consider hosting an event or open house. Invite potential clients, local businesses, and media.

Service Trials : Offer complimentary or discounted services on the launch day to give potential clients a taste of your expertise.

7. Review and Iterate (Weeks 26-52):

Feedback Collection : Actively collect feedback from your initial customers.

Performance Analysis : Review financial and operational performance. Identify areas of improvement and growth opportunities.

Continuous Marketing Efforts : Keep the momentum going with regular marketing campaigns, partnerships, and promotions.

To sum up, a clear, structured timeline not only ensures that you stay on track but also aids in visualizing the trajectory of your salon's setup and growth. By breaking down the process into actionable steps, you increase the likelihood of launching successfully and building a thriving beauty haven.

beauty salon business plan philippines

Potential Challenges and Solutions

Every business venture, including a salon, is bound to face challenges. Anticipating these obstacles and preparing solutions in advance can provide a smoother path to success. Below are some common challenges salon owners may encounter and suggested solutions for each.

1. Challenge: Intense Competition

Solution : Carve out a niche for your salon. Offer specialized services, unique experiences, or target a specific demographic that is underserved in your area. This will help differentiate your salon from competitors.

2. Challenge: Fluctuating Client Volume

Solution : Implement a loyalty program, offer off-peak discounts, or create package deals to incentivize repeat business and even out demand. Seasonal promotions can also help attract customers during quieter times.

3. Challenge: Retaining Skilled Staff

Solution : Create a positive work environment, offer competitive compensation, provide opportunities for professional growth, and maintain open communication channels. Recognition and rewards for exceptional performance can also boost morale and loyalty.

4. Challenge: Staying Updated with Industry Trends

Solution : Regularly attend industry seminars, workshops, and trade shows. Also, invest in continuous training for your staff to ensure they stay updated with the latest techniques and trends.

5. Challenge: Managing Operational Costs

Solution : Adopt efficient inventory management systems, reduce waste, and regularly review and renegotiate contracts with suppliers. Utilizing energy-efficient equipment and fixtures can also help cut down on utility costs.

6. Challenge: Negative Reviews or Feedback

Solution : Address any negative feedback promptly and professionally. Use it as an opportunity to learn, improve, and showcase your commitment to customer satisfaction. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews to balance the narrative.

7. Challenge: Regulatory and Licensing Changes

Solution : Stay informed about local and state regulations pertaining to the beauty industry. Join industry associations and subscribe to relevant newsletters to stay updated on any regulatory changes.

8. Challenge: Technology Integration and Upgrades

Solution : Allocate a budget for periodic technology updates, whether it's salon management software, booking systems, or digital marketing tools. Seek feedback from staff and customers to identify areas needing technological enhancement.

9. Challenge: Economic Downturns

Solution : Build a financial safety net or contingency fund. Diversify your service offerings to cater to different price points, ensuring you can attract a broader clientele during economic slowdowns.

10. Challenge: Health and Safety Concerns (e.g., Pandemic-related shutdowns)

Solution : Implement strict hygiene and sanitation protocols. Offer services that can be adapted to health guidelines, like at-home beauty kits or virtual beauty consultations. Stay informed on health advisories and adjust business operations accordingly.

In conclusion, while challenges are inevitable in the journey of building and running a salon, they can also serve as catalysts for growth and innovation. By anticipating potential hurdles and having strategies in place, you can navigate through them effectively, ensuring your salon's resilience and long-term success.

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why is a business plan essential for my salon? A business plan serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the various stages of establishing and running your salon. It not only helps secure funding but also aids in identifying potential challenges, streamlining operations, and setting clear goals.

2. How often should I update my salon business plan? A business plan is a living document. While the foundational elements might remain consistent, it's advisable to review and update it annually. Regular updates can also be made whenever there's a significant change in the market or your business.

3. Can I start my salon without a formal business plan? While it's technically possible to start without a formal plan, it's not recommended. A business plan provides clarity, sets objectives, and helps in making informed decisions. Skipping this step can lead to unforeseen challenges and missed opportunities.

4. How can I differentiate my salon from competitors? Focus on creating a unique selling proposition (USP). Whether it's a specialized service, exceptional customer experience, or niche market focus, your USP will help you stand out. Regular market analysis and customer feedback can guide you in refining your offerings.

5. What if my financial projections aren't met? It's not uncommon for businesses to face discrepancies between projections and actuals. Regularly monitor your financials, adapt your strategies, and consider seeking advice from financial experts. It's essential to remain flexible and proactive in your approach.

6. How do I handle negative feedback or reviews? Always address negative feedback professionally and constructively. It provides an opportunity for growth and showcases your commitment to customer satisfaction. Encourage satisfied clients to share their positive experiences to balance out any negative narratives.

7. How can I ensure the health and safety of my clients, especially during uncertain times like pandemics? Stay updated with health guidelines from local and global health organizations. Implement strict sanitation protocols, train your staff, and communicate these measures clearly to your clients to ensure trust and safety.

By delving into this FAQ section, we hope to have addressed some of your burning queries. Embarking on the salon business journey is undoubtedly challenging but equally rewarding. With the right information, guidance, and determination, success is not just a possibility but a surety.

beauty salon business plan philippines

Setting up and running a successful salon is a dream that many aspire to but only a few achieve with flying colors. The journey involves not just passion for beauty and aesthetics but also a deep understanding of the business landscape, keen foresight, and meticulous planning. From conceptualizing a unique value proposition to managing the intricate financials, each step in the salon business journey is crucial.

This comprehensive guide aimed to shed light on key aspects of creating a business plan for your salon, providing insights and strategies to navigate the multifaceted world of the beauty business. By focusing on your salon's mission and vision, understanding the market, pricing your services right, crafting effective marketing strategies, managing operations smoothly, making sound financial decisions, and preparing for challenges, you're not just creating a business — you're building a legacy.

In the ever-evolving beauty industry, staying agile, being receptive to feedback, and continuously learning and adapting are the hallmarks of lasting success. With your dedication, passion, and the right strategies, your salon can not only enhance beauty but also become a beautiful success story in its own right.

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  • Calendar Schedules at a glance, easily customizable
  • Client Management Manage your clients ' journey (one place)
  • Client Portal All your clients’ needs in one place
  • Online Booking 24/7 booking from your website, Google, and beyond
  • Point of Sale Accept payments, manage invoices + better rates
  • Business Management Powerful yet easy business reports
  • Marketing Your latest business and marketing needs
  • Notifications Automated, digital reminders for clients + staff
  • Forms & Annotation Easily create digital forms + automate paperwork
  • Virtual Meetings Fully integrated, secure and interactive video conferencing
  • Reserve with Google Get booked right from your business listing on Google Maps
  • Yocale Pay Reduce your payment processing fees by up to 30%
  • Yocale Marketing Gain more clients and increase your revenue
  • Beauty Services Hair salons, barbers, eyelash studios, etc.
  • Health & Medical Medical spas, therapists, optometrists, etc.
  • Car & Automotive From carwashes to repair shops.
  • Shops & Boutiques For both in-store and online appointments.
  • Public & Professionals Law firms, notaries, etc.

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  • Online Calendar
  • Client Management
  • Client Portal
  • Online Booking
  • Point of Sale
  • Business Management
  • Notifications
  • Form & Annotation
  • Video Conferencing
  • Yocale Marketing
  • Beauty Services
  • Health & Medical
  • Car & Automotive
  • Pet Services
  • Public & Professionals
  • Shops & Boutiques
  • Case Studies
  • Beauty and Salon
  • May 27, 2024

How to Write a Winning Beauty Salon Business Plan


In today’s competitive beauty industry , starting or expanding a salon without a solid plan is like navigating a maze blindfolded. You might make some progress, but you’ll likely face numerous obstacles, detours, and frustrations along the way.

Without a clear roadmap, you’ll miss crucial opportunities or make costly mistakes that can jeopardize your salon’s success.

Fortunately, there’s a solution: crafting a comprehensive beauty salon business plan. This strategic document not only clarifies your vision and goals but also serves as a powerful tool for executing your strategies effectively and staying on track toward sustainable growth.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a winning beauty salon business plan that can set you apart from the competition and position your salon for long-term success.

What is a Beauty Salon Business Plan?

A beauty salon business plan is a strategic roadmap that outlines your vision, goals, and actionable steps for starting and growing a successful beauty salon business. This comprehensive document serves as a blueprint for executing your strategies effectively, making informed decisions, and navigating the challenges and opportunities that arise along your entrepreneurial journey.

Why You Need a Beauty Salon Business Plan

A well-crafted business plan is more than just a document; it’s a strategic tool that can guide your beauty salon toward long-term success. Having a solid plan is crucial for several reasons:

– Defines Your Vision, Goals, and Unique Selling Proposition:

The process of creating a business plan forces you to crystallize your vision for your salon, articulate your long-term goals, and clearly identify what sets your salon apart from competitors. This clarity helps you define your ideal target market, including client demographics, psychographics, and buying behaviors.

Having a well-defined vision, goals, and unique selling proposition is essential for crafting an effective marketing strategy, delivering a tailored experience that resonates with your target audience, and staying focused on your objectives.

– Analyzes the Competition and Identifies Opportunities:

Conducting a thorough competitor analysis is a key component of your business plan . This process involves researching and analyzing direct and indirect competitors, their strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. By understanding the competitive landscape, you can uncover opportunities to differentiate your salon and gain a competitive edge.

– Outlines Operations, Financials, and Facilitates Funding:

Your business plan should include detailed operational plans, such as your service delivery processes, staffing strategies, and legal/ regulatory compliance measures. Additionally, it should feature comprehensive financial projections, including start-up costs, ongoing expenses, revenue forecasts, and break-even analyses.

These operational and financial details are not only essential for making informed decisions and ensuring the viability of your salon but also demonstrate your professionalism, market understanding, and potential viability to potential investors or lenders. A well-crafted business plan can increase your chances of securing the necessary capital or funding to launch or grow your beauty salon.

– Guides Growth and Expansion:

As your salon grows and evolves, your beauty salon business plan serves as a roadmap for navigating challenges, seizing opportunities, and implementing strategies for sustainable growth and expansion.

– Measures Progress and Enables Course Correction:

By establishing clear benchmarks and metrics within your business plan, you can effectively track your salon’s progress and make informed decisions about pivoting or adjusting your strategies as needed.

A well-crafted beauty salon or medical spa business plan helps you stay focused, make data-driven decisions, and increase your chances of achieving your goals.

Key Components of a Beauty Salon Business Plan

Creating a comprehensive business plan is no small feat, but breaking it down into key components can make the process more manageable. A well-rounded and effective beauty salon business plan should encompass the following essential elements:

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary is the opening section of your business plan, designed to capture the reader’s attention and provide an enticing overview of your entire concept. Think of it as your elevator pitch – a concise yet compelling snapshot that summarizes the key highlights of your plan.

While this section will be the first component you present, it’s often written last, after you’ve fleshed out the other sections. This allows you to distill the most important and persuasive elements into a punchy, engaging summary.

Key Elements of an Effective Executive Summary:

  • Business Overview: Introduce your salon’s name, location, and a high-level description of the services you’ll offer.
  • Mission and Vision: Clearly state your salon’s mission – the driving purpose behind your business – and your vision for its future growth and impact.
  • Competitive Advantages: What key competitive advantages will help you stand out in the market? This could include your team’s expertise, eco-friendly focus, membership model, specific amenities, or other differentiators.
  • Growth and Revenue Potential: Include a teaser of your projected growth trajectory, revenue forecasts, and the overall market opportunity you aim to capture.
  • Leadership Team: If you have a strong management team or industry veterans on board, mention their experience and expertise as a competitive advantage.

Remember, the executive summary should be concise, typically no more than one page. Its purpose is to pique the reader’s interest and provide a compelling overview that motivates them to delve deeper into your comprehensive beauty salon business plan.

2. Company Description

This section provides an in-depth overview of your beauty salon, allowing readers to fully understand your business concept, goals, structure, and what makes you unique in the market.

Key Elements of a Company Description:

  • Business Structure & Ownership: State whether your salon will operate as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), corporation, or other structure. Outline the ownership details accordingly.
  • Company History (if applicable): If you are an existing salon, provide a brief history covering when and why the business was started, key milestones, and any previous ownership.
  • Salon Concept & Branding: Clearly describe the overall concept, theme, and branding for your salon. What type of experience and ambiance will clients enjoy? Use descriptive details to paint a vivid picture.
  • Services & Product Offerings: Outline the full range of services and product lines you plan to offer. Consider categorizing them into hair care, skin care, nail care, makeup, etc. Highlight any specialties or niche offerings.
  • Target Market & Positioning: Reiterate your intended target market segment(s) and how your salon will be positioned to attract those ideal clients. This could relate to factors like price point, service quality, location, etc.
  • Legal Structure & Licensing: Note any specific licenses, permits, certifications, or other legal requirements to legally operate your salon.
  • Mission, Vision & Values: Share your company’s mission describing its purpose, your vision for its future growth, and core values that shape the business culture.

By the end of this section, readers should have a clear picture of your salon’s identity, market positioning, and exactly what makes it unique and poised for success.

3. Market Analysis

A thorough market analysis is essential for gaining valuable insights into your industry, target customers, and competitors. This research-intensive section explores the landscape you’ll be operating in and identifies both opportunities and potential threats.

Target Market Analysis:

  • Define your ideal client demographics (age, gender, income level, location, etc.)
  • Describe the psychographic profile (values, interests, lifestyles, behavior patterns)
  • Evaluate the market size and growth potential for your target segment
  • Identify key drivers and motivations that influence buying decisions
  • Uncover any underserved niches or opportunities within your target market

Competitive Analysis:

  • Identify your direct and indirect competitors in the area
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis of major competitors (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
  • Analyze competitors’ market positioning, pricing strategies, and unique selling points
  • Estimate market share and outline how you plan to capture a portion

Here’s an example of a SWOT analysis table for a beauty salon business:

– Highly skilled and experienced staff – High competition in the local market – Growing demand for beauty services – Economic downturn affecting consumer spending
– Unique and trendy salon ambiance – Limited budget for marketing and advertising – Expanding into new service offerings (e.g., skincare, spa treatments) – Seasonal fluctuations in demand
– Strong customer loyalty and repeat business – Limited parking space or accessibility – Partnering with local businesses or events for promotions – Entry of large chain salons in the area
– Convenient location with high foot traffic – Reliance on a single supplier for key products – Increasing focus on eco-friendly and sustainable practices – Rising costs of salon equipment and supplies

Industry Analysis:

  • Assess the current size and growth projections for the beauty/ personal care industry
  • Identify key industry trends and drivers (sustainability, clean beauty, technology, etc.)
  • Examine seasonality factors that impact demand for beauty services
  • Understand the regulatory landscape and legal requirements to operate compliantly
  • Analyze economic factors that could influence the industry positively or negatively
  • Identify potential threats from disruptive new technologies or service models

To gather data for your analysis, use a combination of primary research (customer surveys, focus groups, etc.) and secondary research (trade publications, market reports, government data, etc.). Consider including charts, graphs, or other visuals to effectively present your findings.

By thoroughly analyzing your market, competition, and overall industry, you demonstrate a solid understanding of the space you’ll operate in and the viability of your salon concept.

4. Marketing and Sales Strategy

Having a comprehensive marketing and sales strategy is crucial for attracting and retaining clients for your beauty salon. This section outlines your plans for building brand awareness, generating leads, converting prospects into customers, and fostering long-term loyalty. It should include:

Branding and Positioning:

  • Brand identity (name, logo, tagline, brand personality)
  • Unique value proposition and key differentiators
  • Positioning strategy to stand out in the market
  • Messaging and visual identity guidelines

Marketing Channels and Tactics:

  • Digital marketing plan (website, SEO, social media, influencer marketing, email, etc.)
  • Traditional advertising (print, radio, direct mail, etc.)
  • Local marketing initiatives (events, partnerships, community outreach)
  • Referral and loyalty programs to incentivize word-of-mouth
  • Launch marketing activities to build initial awareness

Pricing Strategy:

  • Pricing model (e.g., à la carte, packages, memberships)
  • Pricing analysis of competitors and perceived value
  • How pricing aligns with your target market and positioning
  • Opportunities for upselling, cross-selling, or value-added services

Sales and Promotions:

  • Lead generation and conversion funnel process
  • Special promotions, discounts, or free trial offers
  • Client retention strategies (superior service, rewards, education)
  • Up-selling and cross-selling opportunities at the point of sale
  • Retail merchandising and product promotion tactics

In this section, be sure to include specific metrics you’ll use to measure success, such as website traffic goals, lead generation targets, conversion rates, average ticket size, and client retention rates. With a detailed, multi-pronged approach, you demonstrate how you’ll acquire and keep a loyal client base, helping you craft a winning beauty salon business plan.

5. Operations Plan

An effective operation plan details the systems, processes, and logistics essential for running your beauty salon’s daily activities while ensuring a consistently exceptional client experience. It usually covers:

Physical Location and Facilities:

  • Salon address and description of the area demographics
  • Square footage and layout design (reception, styling stations, treatment rooms, etc.)
  • Any unique amenities or design elements to enhance the client experience
  • Compliance with zoning, accessibility, and other regulations

Equipment, Supplies, and Inventory:

  • List of essential equipment (chairs, stations, dryers, hot towel cabinets, etc.)
  • Beauty products and retail inventory (haircare, skincare, makeup, etc.)
  • Suppliers and vendors for managing inventory levels cost-effectively
  • Equipment maintenance and replacement plan

Service Delivery Process:

  • Appointment booking systems and procedures (You can use a beauty salon software like Yocale )
  • Client intake, consultation, and check-in/ out process
  • Protocols for different service workflows (hair, nails, facial, etc.)
  • Strategies for efficient staff utilization and client throughput
  • Systems for ensuring consistent service quality and excellent experiences

Staffing and Training:

  • Roles and responsibilities for staff positions
  • Recruitment and hiring criteria for new talent
  • Comprehensive training programs on technical skills and customer service
  • Continuing education opportunities to sharpen skills
  • Employee compensation, benefits, and incentives structure

Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

  • Required licenses and permits (cosmetology, business operations, etc.)
  • Health, safety, and sanitation protocols per industry regulations
  • Insurance requirements (liability, etc.)
  • Customer privacy and data policies
  • Continuing education for staff to maintain licensing

By detailing your operational strategies, you demonstrate a well-thought-out plan for delivering your services seamlessly while prioritizing the client experience.

6. Management and Organization

The management team and organizational structure are critical for executing your salon’s operational strategies and cultivating a positive, productive workplace culture. This section of your beauty salon business plan outlines:

Ownership and Management Team:

  • Owner(s) background, relevant experience, and roles
  • Bios of other partners, directors, or executive management (if applicable)
  • Internal salon management / leadership structure and responsibilities
  • Board of advisors or external professionals providing guidance

Staffing Plan:

  • Projected staffing needs based on salon size and services
  • Job descriptions and responsibilities for each role
  • Recruitment and hiring strategy to attract top talent
  • Comprehensive training programs for technical and customer service skills
  • Employee compensation, benefits, and incentive structure
  • Strategies for promoting from within and succession planning

Corporate Culture and Values:

  • Core values and principles that shape the company culture
  • Vision for cultivating a positive, productive work environment
  • Policies and programs that reinforce desired culture (open communication, work-life balance, continuing education, etc.)
  • Performance management and employee review processes
  • Approaches for resolving conflicts and promoting accountability

Investors and lenders will closely evaluate this section to gauge whether you have a strong, unified leadership team with relevant experience and the ability to build a skilled, motivated team aligned with your company’s values and vision.

By providing thorough details on your management team, staffing strategy, and approach to corporate culture, you demonstrate your salon’s potential for long-term success driven by its people.

7. Financial Projections

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, 80% of small businesses survive their first year, but only about 50% make it to the five-year mark. A solid financial plan can increase your chances of long-term success. This plan should include a detailed analysis of your current financial situation, clear long-term monetary goals, and specific strategies to achieve these goals. Key components of a financial plan typically involve:

Start-up Costs and Capital Requirements:

  • Estimated leasehold improvements, equipment, furniture, and technology
  • Legal and professional fees for licenses, permits, business formation
  • Initial marketing and advertising expenses for launch
  • Starting inventory and supplies
  • Initial hire and training costs
  • Working capital buffer for operating expenses before profits

Operating Expense Projections:

  • Rent or mortgage payments
  • Payroll and employment taxes
  • Utilities, insurance, security, and facility maintenance
  • Supplies and disposables for service delivery
  • Marketing, advertising, and promotional costs
  • Professional services (legal, accounting, etc.)
  • Loan repayments and interest
  • Other overhead expenses

Revenue and Income Projections:

  • Service pricing and anticipated demand forecasts
  • Client visit estimates and average spend projections
  • Retail product sales forecasts
  • Projected income statements for 3-5 years
  • Cash flow projections showing funds from operations
  • Break-even analysis identifying when profits are expected

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds:

  • Total funding needed for start-up and initial growth phases
  • Existing capital or financing commitments already secured
  • Additional equity or debt financing still required
  • Detailed breakdown of how funds will be utilized

This section should include concise narrative explanations of your forecasts and assumptions, as well as charts, graphs, and financial statements that clearly depict the numbers. Be sure your projections are well-researched and as accurate as possible, as unrealistic figures could undermine your credibility.

Robust financial projections in your beauty salon business plan instill confidence in potential investors by demonstrating your thorough understanding of costs and your salon’s path to profitability.

8. Appendices

The Appendices contain additional information and materials that further validate and reinforce the key details outlined throughout your business plan.

Potential Appendices to Include:

  • Professional Resumes/ CVs/ Bios : For all key members of the leadership and management team showcasing relevant experience.
  • Licenses, Permits, and Certifications : Copies of any required operational licenses, professional certifications for staff, building permits, etc.
  • Market Research Data : Any proprietary market research, consumer surveys, focus group findings, or third-party industry reports referenced.
  • Product/ Service Details : Brochures, menus, sample marketing materials, or other marketing collateral detailing your offerings.
  • Site Plan and Photos : Architectural renderings, layout designs, and photographs of the proposed salon location.
  • Franchise Documentation : For franchised salons, include Franchise Disclosure Documents and agreements.
  • Letters of Intent or Partnerships : Formal letters or documentation of any strategic partnerships.
  • Leases and Contracts : Copy of property leases, equipment leases, vendor agreements, etc.

The appendices provide an opportunity to expand on information concisely summarized in the main plan, giving readers a deeper level of detail if desired. Be sure to clearly label each appended document for easy reference.

Having a comprehensive set of appendices further validates the legitimacy of your beauty salon business plan and the depth of research and preparation behind it.

Writing Your Beauty Salon Business Plan

Here’s a suggested step-by-step approach to help you craft an effective and detailed beauty salon business plan:

  • Research and Gather Information: Conduct thorough market research, analyze your competition, and collect data on your target audience, industry trends, and financial projections.
  • Outline Your Plan: Create a detailed outline that covers all the key components mentioned above. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow.
  • Write and Refine: Flesh out each section of your plan, using clear and concise language. Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from mentors, industry experts, or professionals who can provide valuable insights.
  • Finalize and Implement: Once you’ve refined your plan, finalize it and use it as a living document to guide your decision-making and track your progress.

Remember, your business plan is not set in stone – it should evolve as your salon grows and adapts to changing market conditions or new opportunities.

Creating a comprehensive beauty salon business plan requires time, effort, and dedication, but it’s an investment that can pay dividends in the long run. By clearly defining your goals, strategies, and financial projections, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the challenges of running a successful salon.

With a solid business plan and the right tools in place, you’ll be well on your way to building a thriving beauty salon that stands out in a competitive market.

1. How do I write a salon business plan?

To write a salon business plan, start with an executive summary of your mission, services, and goals. Include a company description, market analysis, and details about your management team. Describe your services and pricing, and outline your marketing and sales strategy. If seeking funding, specify your financial needs and projections for the next 3-5 years. Conclude with an appendix for additional documents like resumes and permits. Tailor each section to reflect your salon’s unique vision and objectives.

2. How can I succeed in beauty salon business?

To succeed in the beauty salon business, focus on providing excellent customer service, offering high-quality services, keeping up with industry trends, and implementing effective marketing strategies. Additionally, manage finances wisely and continuously train your staff to maintain a competitive edge.

3. Is a beauty salon a good investment?

A beauty salon can be a good investment if it’s well-managed, located in a high-demand area, and offers quality services. Success depends on factors such as effective marketing, excellent customer service, and keeping up with industry trends.

4. Is it hard to start a beauty business?

Starting a beauty business can be challenging due to factors like securing funding, finding a suitable location, and attracting clients. Success requires thorough planning, industry knowledge, effective marketing, and excellent customer service. However, with dedication and the right strategies, these challenges can be overcome.

5. How to create a salon budget?

To create a salon budget, start by estimating initial costs such as rent, equipment, licenses, and renovations. Calculate ongoing operating expenses, including utilities, salaries, inventory, marketing, and insurance. Project your revenue based on service prices and expected client volume. Plan for contingencies by setting aside funds for unexpected expenses. Regularly review and adjust your budget to stay on track and ensure financial stability.

  • How to Write a Sales and Marketing Plan, BPlans,
  • How To Run A Successful Salon (The Salon Owner Guide), Trafft,
  • 6 Basic Financial Ratios and What They Reveal, Investopedia,
  • 7 Ultimate Ways to Grow Your Salon Business in 2023, The Salon, business,
  • The SWOT of a beauty salon (with examples), Dojobusiness,
  • How to Write a Market Analysis: a Comprehensive Guide, Sharp Sheets,

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Business Diary Philippines

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How to Start a Salon Business

If your passion is making people look good through various beauty services, getting into the beauty business may be a good investment!

salon business

Below are important things to consider in putting a salon business.

1. Location In a salon business, you must pick your location carefully.

Insider Tips: – You won’t go wrong with choosing to put your salon in a mall. – You’d also want to cater from Class A to C. – Spend time looking for a good location and an area that would give you a comfortable size. – It’s also a good idea to pick an area with lots of foot traffic if you think you’ll depend on walk-in clients.

2. Equipment It’s better to buy good used equipments

Insider tips: – If you prefer new supplies, shops like Hortaleza, HBC and Accessories and Beauty Equipment stock everything you are likely to need. – It is also important to buy high-quality shampoos and chemicals for nail care, hair treatment and coloring to please your clients.

3. Staff It’s always a must to recruit good people for your parlor.

Insider Tips: – Your staff should have the technical expertise especially in hair coloring and styling using international standards as a benchmark. – They have to undergo regular and constant training to update them on new products, hairstyles and customer service. – Very important to travel abroad to attend some conventions / seminars. Continuous research is very important to know the latest trends. – Think how can you innovate!

4. Cost Breakdown To put up a 50-60 sq. meter salon in a mall, be prepared with at least 3 to 3.5 million pesos!

Costs includes: – Construction plus interior – Rental payment (rental in malls costs P70 to P75 thousand pesos a month) – Deposit payment – Advance payment – Equipment (mirror, chairs, scissor, blower, other gadgets) – Supply (shampoo, chemicals, etc.) – Business permit is one of the highest expenses ranging from P100 – P200 thousand pesos

List of Basic Salon Equipments and Materials – Shampoo chair w/ ceramic bowl – Hydraulic chair – Stylist stool – 4-layer trolly – Manicure table – Hair steamer – Infrared stand – Footspa machine – Footspa chair – Waiting chair/sofa – Mirror (65 x 100 m)

– Naylon cape – Barber’s scissor – Thinning scissors – Hair comb (narrow) – Hair comb (wide) – Barber’s brush – Hair clippers – Hair brush – Hair blower – Hair rollers/curlers – Hair benders – Hair towels – Hair cap – Heating cap – Hair Iron – Ear pads – Heated curlers

– Nail cutters – Nail file – Nail brush – Nail nippers – Face towels – Frosting cap – Nail buffers – Foot scrubbers – Foot file – Pumice sponge

List of Basic Salon Supplies – Hot oil – Rebond – Relaxer/straightening – Cellophane – Hair coloring – Hair shampoo – Hair conditioner – Treatment (rebond)

– Foot soak – Foot soap – Foot scrub – Foot massage cream – Foot lotion – Cuticle remover – Base coat polish – Colored nail polish – Top coat polish

Business Registration Requirements

Business Name Registration Visit Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) Provincial Office where the business is located or log on to

Mayor’s Permit/Resident Certificate & Sanitary Permit From The Local municipality where the business is located

Tax Identification Number (TIN) Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) National Office, Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City Trunkline: (632) 981.7000 / 981.8888 Email: [email protected] Website:

Funding Sources

SSS Special Financing Program Social Security System (SSS) Loans and Investment Office SSS Building, East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Tel. Nos.: (632) 920.6401 / 920.6446 Email: [email protected] Website:

Small & Medium Enterprise Credit Phil. Business for Social Progress 18th Flr., Phil. Social Dev’t. Center, Magallanes cor. Real St. Intramuros, Manila Tel. Nos. (632) 527.7741 to 51 or 527.3751 Fax No. (632) 527.3743 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Website:

People’s Credit Finance Corporation 395 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. Makati City Tel. Nos. (632) 897.8549 / 897.5822 Fax No. (632) 897.8523 / 897.8528 Email: [email protected] Website:

Training Institutions

DTI-Cottage Industry Technology Center (CITC) 20 Russet St., SSS Village, Makati City Tel. Nos.: (632) 942.0880 / 942.3974 Email: [email protected]

Technology Resource Center (TRC) 2/F Jacinta II Bldg., EDSA Guadalupe, Makati City (beside Metro Manila Development Authority-MMDA) Tel. Nos.: (632) 727-6205 Website:

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority for Women Center (TESDA-WC) 37 East Services Rd. South Superhighway, Taguig City Telefax. Nos.: (632) 818.8062 Trunkline: (632) 814.4076 loc. 278 Email: [email protected] Website:

Have you been dreaming of owning your salon? With this insider know-how, you can make that start!

Source: Lucy Britannico (Hairshaft Salon), from Hanep Buhay,

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salon business

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Is there someone who specializes in getting a hair salon license? My shop is in panaque, If anyone can contact me and quote me a price via telegram @BrianNguyen15 ; or text me 09391351608

Very detailed article. I am planning to open a salon in my neighborhood and I am still in the research phase and this article has helped me in that. I’ll keep all these things in mind while creating my final plan.

There are different ways to establish yourself in the hair industry. You can open a franchise hair salon, wherein you pay money upfront for the license of opening the salon under an established brand name. You can purchase a well-established salon from someone who planning to retire from the business. Another option is to start a salon using your own money.

Good day! Businesspro Asia, Inc. is seeking for Freelance Speakers who can share their knowledge and expertise on the following topics: Putting up a business for: · Balloon and Party Needs · Beauty Salon · Canteen Concessionaire · Catering Business · Coffee Shop · Drugstore Business · Events Management · Food Cart Business · Import/export products · Investing in Stock Market · Janitorial Services · Junkshop Business · Laundry Shop · Manpower Agency · Micro-Lending · Money Changer · Restaurant · Setting up a Business · Travel and Tour · Water Refilling Station

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I think this is the best article for the startups those who want to launch their own saloon business. Starting a saloon business is a very good business idea because today every person goes to saloon so the success of this business is for sure. Launching an online spa and saloon website like Ziffi or Vbooky is also a good option for the startups those who dont want to start their own saloon but want to get into this business. Check this business model for more details –

I thought it was interesting that you suggested to buy good used equipment for your hair salon. I can see how this is a good thing, though, because it will help you to save money and ensure that your salon is completely well equipped. That being said, I would think that it would be interesting to make sure that you are doing your research and making sure that the equipment has good reviews and will serve the purposes that you need them to. That being said, do you know if there are any review websites specifically for this to help this be easier? Thank you for sharing!

Planning to put a kids hair salon, please help me find suppliers for the equipment and consumables.

Hi , from your experience is that true that the business permit will cost ranging from 100 – 200 thousand???

@aldenavila we had SEC permit.. Its corporation permit for 5 stockholders which costed more than 50k and we hired accountant to do it and we gave the money needed to her every week so im not sure with all in all total expense for the permit but it wasn't more than 100k.. if u get DTI permit i heard its cheaper.. there are many under the table bribery to make the permit procedure done faster and it also depends on the city..

We had a high end salon before. We only spent 500k-600k for 70sqm salon in hotel in makati. Unless you are planning to open a business in malls u don't need millions 🙂 We sold it since I'm busy with my job and I'm planning to open smaller one now

Kindly email me also where we can buy quality salon supplies.

This page is very informative. It is very hard to find seminar on how to put up a Barbershop or Salon, but this nailed it! Thank you Lucy Britannico (Hairshaft Salon). Hope you can email me as to where to buy cheap supplies as well. Please email me at [email protected]. thanks

For anyone looking for manicure tables, I've written a great article on them:

hi! there actually I had plan to start a salon business I want to start small salon in our garage so I can save rental so I want to ask how much the total start of getting a business permit then materials for it. hope I could gets some tips from yours best regards guys!

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beauty salon business plan philippines

How to Write the Perfect Salon Business Plan in 6 Steps

Discover how to craft a winning salon business plan in just six steps! Boost your salon's success with expert tips, market analysis, and strategy insights.

beauty salon business plan philippines

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beauty salon business plan philippines

As a salon owner, having a well-thought-out business plan is essential to the success of your business. A salon business plan outlines your business goals, market analysis, marketing strategies, financial projections, and other key details, serving as a roadmap that guides you through the process of starting, running, and growing your salon. In this article, we’ll go over the key elements of a salon business plan and provide tips on how to write the best business plan for salons in 2023.

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How much does it cost to run a salon .

Before you start writing a salon business plan, it’s important to get an idea of the startup and ongoing costs. As we discuss in this article , the costs of starting a salon range from $62,000 for an existing salon to $90,000 for a new operation. With some of the expenses, you’ll incur one-time costs – other expenses will be ongoing such as supplies and inventory. Here are some of the typical costs associated with starting a salon: 

Existing Salon 

When you buy an existing salon, be it a hair salon or nail salon, you save on the costs of buildout, salon equipment , and salon marketing, assuming the salon already has some of these elements in place. Here’s what you can expect to pay for the following:

  • Rent deposit: $4,500
  • Buyout of current salon: $10,500
  • Leasehold improvements: $15,000
  • Equipment: $10,000
  • Initial supplies: $8,000
  • Initial inventory: $4,000
  • Certifications and licenses: $4,000
  • Marketing: $5,000
  • Legal or consulting fees: $1,000

Grand total: $62,000

The upfront costs of building out a brand-new salon, marketing it to local clients, and getting the business up and running will likely exceed those of buying an existing salon. Here are the typical expenses you can expect to incur for a new salon:

  • Buyout of current salon: $0
  • Leasehold improvements: $35,000
  • Equipment: $25,000
  • Marketing: $8,000

Grand total: $89,500

You may also want to budget for the following:

  • If you need a loan or financing to cover startup costs, expect to pay interest rates of 1.25% to 10%.
  • Salon insurance ranges from $50 to $1,000 per month.
  • Salon booking software and a point of sale (POS) system range from free to $500 per month. GlossGenius starts at an industry-low $24 per month with low payment processing fees and includes a website, a branded card reader, and other extras.
  • A salon website can cost you thousands, but with GlossGenius, it’s included free! Beautiful and customizable, your website is packed with scheduling features and is easy to navigate, helping to increase bookings and future appointments.


How Profitable Is Owning a Salon?

If you owned a salon during the pandemic, no doubt you experienced your fair share of struggles between lockdowns, closures, and reduced business hours. According to Statista , the U.S. market size of beauty salons dropped from $69 billion in 2019 to $42.3 billion in 2020. Fortunately, things are beginning to look up for hair, skin, nail, and other types of salons, with the market valued at $53.6 billion as of 2022.

You can take advantage of the comeback by approaching your salon startup with a solid plan in place, a realistic budget, and a marketing strategy. A beauty salon business plan can help you identify any questions , opportunities, and potential roadblocks so you can have the best chances of getting funding, earning a return on your investment and achieving profitability. The more you control your expenses and market your business successfully, the more profitable you will be – so be sure to take your time creating a salon business plan for your needs.

6 Steps to Writing a Hair Salon Business Plan

The business plan is the most important document for any salon owner. It’s a formal, written plan that describes the future of your business and how you intend to achieve it. A good business plan will help you stay on track, get funding if you need it, and avoid costly mistakes as you navigate through choppy waters in this industry. 

We know what you’re thinking – that a business plan is a monster of a document that will take a ton of time to create. But, it doesn’t have to be. In fact, you can pare it down to one page and still have an effective, clear document that outlines everything you (and any other interested parties) need to know about your new salon. Below are six steps to writing a salon business plan that will ensure your success.

Here are six steps to creating your salon business plan:

  • Create an Executive Summary
  • Map Out Your Branding Vision
  • Research Your Industry
  • Create a Client Acquisition Strategy
  • Management and Operations
  • Financial Planning

Let's dive deeper into each one.

1. Create an Executive Summary

The executive summary is the first section of your business and management plan and provides a brief overview of your salon business. This section should include your mission statement , business objectives, target market, products and beauty services, and financial projections. It should be concise, engaging, and compelling to grab the attention of potential investors, lenders, or partners. It also serves to clarify your goals so you can come back to them anytime you need a refresher or wish to update this information.

Your executive summary is just that: a summary. This means you do not have to get into every detail in this section; you’ll provide a more complete analysis in the individual sections of your business plan. Here are some key elements to include in the executive summary:

  • An opening “hook.” The first sentence or two of your executive summary needs to draw in the reader; otherwise, your business plan might not get the attention it deserves. Grab your audience’s attention by sharing a compelling fact about your company, a memorable story related to your industry, or some other well-crafted description of your business that will make your business plan stand out.
  • Summary of your business. Describe what your company does, what services and products you will offer, who will run the company, and other high-level details.
  • Market analysis. Briefly describe the market landscape for your own salon to show there is a proven need for your services. Be sure to address who your competitors are, any advantages you have compared with others, and any research you’ve conducted to demonstrate there is a demand for your services in the area. 
  • Products and services. Highlight the specific services your salon will offer, any products you will sell, and any other information showing that your salon will fill the need you’ve described in your market analysis summary – and how you’ll do it better than the competition.
  • Financial information and projections. Give your reader an overview of your business financials, including any current sales and profits, the funding amount you’re looking to acquire or any funding you already have, and your projections for growth.
  • Future plans. Tell your reader exactly how you plan to use any funds you acquire and how their investment could pay off. Imagine where you want your business to be in a year, five years, and so on. Make it clear how funding will help you get there.

2. Map Out Your Branding Vision

Branding isn’t just about creating a unique identity for your business; it’s also about helping people connect with that identity and remember your name anytime they need your services. Branding helps both current clients and new customers recognize who you are and why they would want to seek out your salon. In your business plan, be sure to map out your branding vision by including:

  • A description of your salon business. Describe who you are and what you do.
  • Your mission and vision statement. Briefly summarize why your salon should exist, its primary objective, and how you plan to achieve your goals.
  • An overview of your products and services, your pricing strategy, and any unique features or benefits that differentiate your salon from others in the market. Discuss the specific services you will offer and their price points, plus any product lines you will carry, such as hair care products, makeup, or skincare.
  • A description of the target audience and customer demographics. Include relevant research on your market and the people who will buy what you’re offering.

3. Research Your Industry

This section should include a market analysis that provides an in-depth look at the salon industry, including trends, customer demographics, competition, and opportunities. It should also identify your target market and describe how you plan to reach them. This section should demonstrate your knowledge of the market and your ability to capitalize on it, with details on:

  • The industry and trends. Provide an overview of the salon industry with relevant statistics, especially those that pertain to your area of expertise and geographic location.
  • Your competition. Conduct a competitive analysis to gain insights into your competition, their marketing strategies, and the services and products they offer. The goal is to show how you will capture market share using stronger business strategies that set you apart from your competitors.
  • Market segmentation. With market segmentation , you break down a larger target market into a smaller group of customers you plan to serve. Demographics such as age and income, geographic location, lifestyles or psychographics, and behavioral factors like price sensitivity or product loyalty are just a few approaches to market segmentation that you can consider for your business plan.
  • SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is a way to assess your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It's an effective method for identifying your business strengths and weaknesses as well as external factors that may affect the success of your salon business.

4. Create a Client Acquisition Strategy

The client acquisition section of your salon business plan should describe how you plan to attract and retain customers as a hairstylist . It should outline your advertising and promotional strategies, such as social media marketing , SMS marketing , email marketing, and referral programs. This section should also discuss your sales strategy, including how you plan to increase sales and generate revenue.

  • Description of marketing channels and tactics . Outline the different channels you will use to generate leads, such as social media, blog articles, emails, and text messages. 
  • Sales forecasting and projections. Discuss how you will convert leads into clients, nurture them through the pipeline, and retain a loyal clientele. Include a realistic estimate of the quantity of goods and services you can sell within the forecast period (for example, monthly, quarterly, and annually). For a salon business, it’s helpful to determine the customer lifetime value of your typical client as well as the customer acquisition cost. You can then break down this number for the forecast period to determine the costs and sales projections.
  • Customer acquisition and retention strategies. Include which strategies you will use and the associated costs, such as pay-per-click (PPC), search engine optimization (SEO), and paid ads on social media. Describe how you will retain customers – for example, through loyalty programs and responses to feedback and reviews on social media and Google. ‍
  • Pricing strategy. It’s critical that you price your services and products competitively to drive revenue and profits. Detail the pricing strategy you plan to implement based on your buyer persona and competitive analysis. The strategy could be based on a variety of factors, but geographic location and local competition will likely be the biggest factors dictating your salon pricing strategy.

5. Management and Operations

The management and staffing section of your salon business plan should describe the organizational structure of your salon, including the roles and responsibilities of each staff member. It should also discuss your hiring and training practices, employee benefits , and compensation plans. This section should demonstrate your ability to attract and retain a skilled and motivated team, with information on your:

  • Organizational structure. Spell out who runs the show and who reports to whom.
  • Management team and staff. If you plan to hire a manager , look for someone who has experience in the industry and understands what it takes to run a salon. This person should also have good people skills and be able to work well with others.
  • Business operations and processes. Consider which other support personnel you will need, such as an accountant and a dedicated marketing specialist. Don’t be a hero; you can’t do it all alone. ‍
  • Legal and regulatory requirements. Include information on any legal advice you will employ to stay compliant with local, state, and federal guidelines.

Note that with GlossGenius, you can manage your team and collaborate with them to make your operations run more smoothly. Our software helps you delegate, mentor, and partner with others based on customizable permissions that let you grant as much or as little access as you wish. Easily manage your scheduling, booking, commissions, and reporting from one intuitive dashboard.

6. Financial Planning

Financial planning is a crucial section to include in any salon business plan. A cash flow forecast shows the anticipated amount of money coming into the business, as well as what you will spend on expenses. It also projects growth over time, which allows you to make predictions about future revenue and expenses so that you can better plan for them in advance.

The best way to get started with your financial projections is by creating an income statement (also called a profit and loss statement), which breaks down all income sources by category (e.g., retail sales and commissions), along with their associated costs (e.g., salaries). This will help provide insight into where your profits are coming from as well as areas where they could improve. Here are some key areas to cover in your salon business and marketing plan:

  • Revenue and expense projections. Your revenue projections should consider the number of clients you expect to serve, as well as the average price per service. Your expense projections should reflect all costs associated with running your salon, such as utilities, rent, and supplies.
  • Capital requirements and funding sources. Detail how much money you need to start and run your small business, including all costs associated with opening the salon. Describe the funding sources that you intend to use for starting your salon business, whether from personal funds, salon loans , or investors.
  • Break-even analysis and profitability projections. A break-even analysis is a financial tool that shows how much revenue you need in order to cover your fixed costs (rent, utilities, etc.) and variable costs (such as salons supplies and staff wages). Profitability projections show how much profit you expect from your salon business for each year of operation. This is based on your estimates of revenue and expenses. You can use this information when seeking funding from investors or lenders.
  • Financial ratios and metrics. A financial ratio is a measurement of the relationship between two numbers, usually expressed as a percentage or a fraction. For example, the working capital ratio compares your current assets to liabilities; this metric allows you to measure liquidity. Include the appropriate ratios and metrics in your business to demonstrate your company’s financial health.

A well-written salon business plan is essential for the success of your business. It provides a roadmap for achieving your business goals, attracting investors, and securing funding. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can write the best business plan for your salon and ensure your salon’s success!

As you’re creating your salon business plan, remember to start your free trial with GlossGenius and give yourself the best chances for success. From salon management to payment processing, we’ve got your new salon covered – making it easier to get up and running sooner rather than later.

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Creating a Successful Salon Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jovana Smoljanovic Tucakov

  • January 23, 2024
  • For Salon Owners

illustration of a salon business plan

If you plan to open a salon, besides setting the objectives, you’ll need to know how you’re going to achieve them. Or, in other words, you need a sound salon business plan.

Creating a salon business plan can help you identify specific goals and strategies, as well as provide guidance on how you can reach them and see your business thrive. Knowing how to craft your plan is vital, as it can easily make or break your salon business.

This article will walk you through how to create a salon business plan step-by-step.

Why is a Salon Business Plan so Important?

What is a salon business plan.

A salon business plan is a formal, written statement of the goals you want to set for your business. It explains why you want to set those goals and what your plan is for reaching them. A salon business plan might also include information about the individuals or teams working toward those goals with you.

A good salon business plan gives an overview of where your business is at now and explains where you want to be in the future. It also includes marketing information and research that impact your business plan in general. In fact, think of your salon business plan as a road map where you show where you are now and explain where you’re headed and what it will take to get there.

As you build your salon business plan, it’s important to include information about the process of opening your salon. This information is important because, right from the get-go, you lay the groundwork for success. This groundwork then helps you run and grow your salon business .

Why is a business plan essential for the success of your salon?

A salon business plan is an essential tool for the growth and success of any salon. It is important as it helps you to jot down your ideas and thoughts, arrange them in an organized manner, and develop an overall plan to implement them.

Writing a salon business plan also enables you to identify potential difficulties and challenges that may arise in the future. Once you’ve identified them, you can create a strategy to address them.

Having a business plan is just one of the essential steps to opening your very own salon – to see what other boxes need to be checked, download our Opening a Salon checklist PDF :

The Ultimate Checklist You Need to Open Your Salon

Get Trafft’s FREE & PRINTABLE step-by-step opening a beauty salon checklist every salon owner needs.

Bonus: Discover 5 essential steps to building a successful beauty salon

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Benefits of having a sound salon business plan

A well-crafted salon business plan comes with many benefits:

  • A Greater Success Rate : A good business plan allows you to mitigate risks, make better-informed decisions, and improve your chances of running a successful salon.
  • Better Financial Management : A well-written salon business plan includes your budget, financial projections, and expense management. This helps you keep tabs on your salon’s financial health, which leads to financially sound decisions.
  • Improved Marketing Strategies : A sound business plan requires you to conduct market research and develop marketing strategies. Then you can identify your target market, predict customer preferences, and adjust your marketing efforts to be more effective.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency : A salon business plan ensures that you implement efficient operational processes. This allows your salon to keep running smoothly and leads to increased customer satisfaction.

How to Write a Salon Business Plan in Just 12 Steps

  • Write an executive summary
  • Create effective mission and vision statements
  • Include a salon business description
  • Analyze the market and identify your target audience
  • Check what your competitors are up to
  • Identify products and services you wish to offer
  • Craft a sound financial plan
  • Tackle management and organization
  • Plan your everyday operations
  • Think about your marketing strategy
  • Think about sales
  • Don’t forget to include risks

1. Write an Executive Summary

An executive summary explains what your salon is like and why it is successful. In most cases, a potential investor would go straight to this section to get an idea of what the business is like. If the executive summary isn’t interesting or compelling, they won’t read any further. That makes it an essential section and the first step when writing your salon business plan.

The executive summary should include information that is relevant to stockholders or investors. Include details about your target market, business objectives, and financial projections. Don’t forget to add information about your products and service menu, as well as your vision and mission. The main idea is to let the reader know what’s up, grab their attention, and make them want to keep reading.

Key components

An executive summary of every salon business plan should include the following information:

Business overview : Introduce the reader to your salon. Include information like the name and location, and a brief description of your core values, vision, and mission.

Market analysis : Provide a summary of your research on your target market. Include details about the target market’s trends and demographics. Then highlight gaps or opportunities in the market that you plan to capitalize on.

Your business objectives : Clearly identify your business goals and state what you want your salon to achieve. This might include details like expansion plans, revenue targets, or customer acquisition goals. In this section, you can include any goals that will affect your salon’s growth and success .

Products and Service menu : Give a brief overview of what your salon offers. Make sure your unique features and competitive advantages stand out. Explain what your salon is doing to meet the needs of the target market.

Marketing strategies : Explain your marketing strategy. This includes information about advertising, branding, social media, and so on. If you have any original ideas for how to make your salon stand out from the competition, make sure to highlight them.

Your financial projections : Provide a detailed financial plan overview. Include any information about profit targets, expenses budget, and revenue forecasts. Highlight any achievements or milestones you have reached that prove the financial viability of your salon.

Any funding requirements : Clearly explain the funding requirements for your salon. Explain how much funding you need, how you will use the funds and any other potential sources of funds you have.

2. Create Effective Mission and Vision Statements

Girl standing on growing arrows and looking through binoculars. Woman searching for opportunity or job flat vector illustration. Business strategy, goal, pathway, career concept

Image by pch.vector on Freepik

A mission statement is a short explanation of why you created your salon, what your goal is, and how you want to achieve it. Your mission statement is an important part of your salon business plan, so it should be the first thing you see on the page. It’s a good idea to put it at the top of the page where you and others can see it and be reminded of your purpose.

The mission statement gives you the chance to express your purpose and intention. It not only explains why you started the salon, but it also explains what you have to offer. It shows what sets you apart from the competitor salons and captures the spirit with which you run your salon.

In just a few words, your mission statement can determine what drives your business.

Defining your purpose and aspirations

Part of the purpose of a mission statement is to define your purpose and what you offer. Your purpose is the reason you exist and what you have to offer potential customers. To get an idea of what your mission statement should include, ask yourself “Why does my salon exist?”

A vision statement serves a similar purpose. It explains where you want to take your business and what you hope to achieve. It defines your goals and the future impact you want to have. To identify the key points that will go into your vision statement, ask yourself “Where do I see my salon in the future?”

Putting your purpose and your long-term goals in writing plays an important role in having a successful business plan.

How to craft mission and vision statements

Here are a few examples of things you can consider when you are writing your mission statement and your vision statement. This will help you come up with ideas that reflect your identity and direction as a salon.

  • Have a brainstorming session with your team. Ask them “What do you think makes this salon unique? What do you love about working here? What do you personally want to achieve?”
  • Identify core values. What specific values do you want to uphold in everything you do? Some examples of core values are: creativity, integrity, excellence, diversity, and
  • Put your mission statement in writing. Use your core values as a starting point. Then write a short, simple sentence that sums up your salon’s purpose and what you offer to clients.
  • Write your vision statement. Write a short, inspiring sentence that describes your long-term goals for the salon and what you want to achieve.
  • To make this process easier, consider using AI writing tools to help craft clear and compelling statements.
  • Review and refine. Once you have your mission and vision statements written down, take some time to review them. Make sure your statements are both clear and concise, as well as compelling.

In case you need a bit of help, take a look at some brilliant salon mission statement examples sure to inspire you.

Also, writing an effective slogan will only underline the message you wish to send, so make sure you have one ready.

3. Include a Salon Business Description

Company description.

A company description is a quick overview of your business that explains the core values of your company. This part of your salon business plan is all about giving a quick and simple rundown to the readers. It’s meant to give them a general idea of what your business is all about.

Outlining the details

Your salon business description provides all the basic details about your salon. You should include the name of your salon, the location, and your contact information. Also, include the details about the legal structure of your salon. This information is the foundation of the rest of your business description. Thus, it’s important that the information is accurate and up to date.

Company history and brand story

In this section, you should provide some information about the background and history of your salon. When was your business founded? What led to you starting your business? Whatever your story is, this section is your chance to tell it.

Describe what you offer and your USP

This section details what your clients can expect to find at your salon. You can use this section to provide details about new beauty products or services you are offering. If you are working on your own line of products, this is also a good place to mention it and provide an estimated timeline for when it will be available.

Your salon’s USP (unique selling proposition) is what makes your salon stand out from the rest of the market. It is very important to highlight your USP in your business description.

4. Analyze the Market and Identify Your Target Audience

The market analysis shows that you’ve put some serious thought into your target audience. You’ve also done some research to find out what the competitors are missing out on. What’s more, it shows that you really know your area and have made some changes to your approach to fit in.

When you identify and analyze your potential clients, you are better able to adjust your marketing strategy to catch their eye.

Conducting market research

Market research means collecting data about the needs, preferences, and behavior of potential clients. Then you analyze this data. Market research helps you identify who your target market is and what their expectations and needs are. Based on these findings, you can create a marketing strategy that is appealing to that audience in particular.

Conducting market research also helps you identify who your competition is. Knowing this helps you get a good idea of reasonable pricing and ideal locations. Factoring this information in helps you gain and retain clients.

Here are some ideas on how you can make the entire process more interactive and fun (both for you and the participants):

Salon pop-up surveys

Set up a pop-up booth or station near popular local spots and events. Engage with passersby, offering quick surveys with a fun incentive like discount coupons for your salon. This allows you to gather diverse opinions and attract potential customers .

Instagram polls and stories

Leverage the interactive features of social media. Use Instagram polls and stories to ask your followers about their favorite salon experiences, desired services, or beauty trends. Encourage them to share their thoughts and tag friends for a chance to win a free service.

Salon open house events

Host an open house event at your salon. Invite the local community to explore your space, meet your staff, and participate in live demonstrations or mini-makeovers. Use the opportunity to collect feedback and preferences directly from attendees.

Collaborative mood boards

Create collaborative mood boards or Pinterest boards where clients and potential clients can contribute their favorite hairstyles, colors, and beauty inspirations. This not only gathers valuable insights but also fosters a sense of community and involvement.

Beauty trend workshops

Organize workshops on the latest beauty trends. Invite participants to share their thoughts on emerging styles and treatments. This not only serves as a research platform but also positions your salon as a trendsetter in the community.

Community surveys with prizes

Distribute physical or digital surveys within the local community, emphasizing the importance of their opinions. Include a prize draw or a special discount for survey participants, encouraging more people to contribute.

Interactive social media challenges

Create engaging challenges on social media platforms, encouraging followers to share their favorite salon experiences or dream makeover ideas. Use a unique hashtag to track responses and offer prizes for the most creative entries.

Beauty polls and quizzes

Develop entertaining online polls or quizzes related to beauty and salon preferences. Share these on your website and social media to capture audience insights while providing a fun and interactive experience.

By infusing creativity and engagement into your market research efforts, you not only gather valuable information but also strengthen the connection between your salon and the community. The more interactive and enjoyable the process, the more likely you are to receive enthusiastic and authentic responses from your audience.

Identifying behaviors, demographics, and preferences

Once you have information on your target market you can use it to better understand them. Here are a few things to look at:

The behavior of your target market. This refers to the way clients make purchasing decisions, their brand loyalties, and other similar behaviors. In general, behaviors can include anything that affects a client’s decision-making process.

Demographics refer to the characteristics of your potential clients.

Geographic location, educational background, and income can all impact the way clients respond to your marketing strategy.

Even the age and gender of the people you want to draw in can affect which strategies you use. Understanding this will help you create a marketing plan that resonates with the clientele you want to attract.

Then you have to factor in the preferences of your target market. What do they like and dislike? What kinds of ambiance are they drawn to? Which salon services are most popular with this group? What are their thoughts on pricing? What do they look for in customer service? All these factors play their part in whether or not a potential customer chooses your salon.

Client analysis

This part of your salon business plan is all about who your potential clients are. Depending on where your salon is, you might get certain types of people coming in. Or, it might be a mix of different types. You need to include details about who your market is made up of and what they’re like.

Here are a few things involved in conducting a client analysis for your salon:

  • Define the scope and the objective of the analysis. Include information about the services and products, the time frame, and the area your customers are coming from.
  • Collect data from a variety of sources and analyze. You can use surveys, online reviews, industry reports, interviews, and social media, as well as other sources.
  • Identify specific customer groups. This includes demographics, needs, and behaviors.
  • Create a profile for each customer group. Include descriptions of preferences, characteristics, expectations, and motivations.
  • Evaluate the salon’s current performance. How are you doing with customer retention, satisfaction, and loyalty? How much is your salon profiting?
  • Identify specific areas where you can improve customer relationships.

5. Check What Your Competitors Are Up To

A competitive analysis explains your plan for your salon to dominate the market. It is important for your competitive analysis to give a brief explanation of the existing competitors. This can include direct competition, like another salon, or indirect competition. The indirect competition includes any other option for clients to receive the products or services you offer. In this section of your salon business plan, you can bring out the strengths and weaknesses of your competition and explain how your target market views them.

Knowing your competition will help you determine what your own advantages are. Then you can capitalize on those advantages to attract and keep more customers. Once you can pinpoint your unique strengths, you are better equipped to carve out your own place in the market. It will give you a starting point to work from to identify a new way to attract customers. It may also help you find something unique to offer that no one else in the area is offering.

Conducting a SWOT analysis

To be able to succeed and stand out from the competition, it is helpful to carry out a SWOT analysis . SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis will help you diagnose the factors that play a role in the potential and performance of your competition.

What are the strengths of your competitors? Maybe a competing salon has a good reputation and a strong brand. Perhaps they offer a wide range of services or have a skillful team. They might have a good relationship with their suppliers, offer a clean and welcoming atmosphere, or have an optimal location.

What are their weaknesses? Perhaps they offer a limited number of services or have staff that lacks experience. They might be struggling with high overhead costs or have a difficult location. Or they may be on the losing end of high competition and/or struggle to maintain customer loyalty.

Opportunities for a salon include expansion opportunities or new services and products. Other opportunities include increased online presence, partnering opportunities, or new technology and trends.

What is a threat to a salon? Economic recessions, loss of customers to the competition, and negative reviews all threaten the success of a salon. Other threats include supply chain disruptions, legal problems, and environmental and health risks.

6. Identify Products and Services You Wish to Offer

This part of your salon business plan lays out all the different services that your salon will offer its customers. You can expect a wide range of services, from haircuts, styling, coloring, treatments, manicures, pedicures, facials, and many more. Each service is described in detail, including the techniques used, expected results, and pricing structure. We’ve also got a great selection of salon products that you can buy, like hair care items, skincare products, and beauty accessories.

By providing a comprehensive overview of the salon’s products and services, we’re showing that we’re committed to meeting all our customers’ needs and preferences. We want to make sure everyone feels welcome and satisfied with their experience at our salon. This sets the stage for a successful and thriving salon business.

7. Craft a Sound Financial Plan

financial section, as an integral part of a salon business plan

Image by vectorjuice on Freepik

Here is where you provide details about the financial history, budget, and projections for your salon. Any potential investors or lenders will be especially interested in this section of your salon business plan.

When writing this section, you should include your financial plan for your salon for the next 3-5 years, as well as your financial history going back 3-5 years. If the salon has income, include financial statements. You should also include potential funding sources and your plan for keeping your salon running.

A good budget is the foundation for any effective financial plan. A budget allows you to distribute resources like time and funds effectively. A good budget also allows you to make better decisions about saving and spending and set goals for your finances.

Start by identifying all the sources of income for your salon. This includes product sales, service fees, and so on. Then identify all the expenses your salon has, like rent, salaries, supplies, and other operational costs. You could make a category for expenses that are always the same, like rent, and another for expenses that vary from month to month, like supplies. This might help you to see patterns and identify areas where you could cut back on some costs.

Once you have identified all your income and expenses, then you can set goals. From time to time, check your progress against your budget to see how you are doing and if you can make any further adjustments.

Income streams

Adding income streams is a good way to increase revenue. The following are a few options you could explore:

  • Subscriptions : Charge fees for a set period of time instead of per transaction.
  • Advertising : Promote certain brands in-store and online.
  • Freemium plans : Certain services are free and “premium” services cost extra.
  • Third-party licensing : Give third parties the right to use or sell your patented products.
  • Renting or Leasing : Rent out assets (for example, real estate or products) for a price.

As you create your financial projections, factor in the demand in the market and the volume of customers. You should also include your pricing strategy for the products and services you offer. It would be helpful to go back and review your sales history. Then you can isolate specific trends. This will help you make more sound financial decisions moving forward. It would also be helpful to you to do some research on the current market.

Alternative funding options

There are a variety of options when it comes to alternative funding sources for your salon. Each option has pros and cons. Some options include loans, grants, crowdfunding, or partnerships.

Loans may offer somewhat low interest rates. However, it’s important to find out what they require for collateral or how strict the repayment terms are.

Grants can offer funds that you don’t have to repay, but they might have strict eligibility requirements and limits on how you can use the funds.

Crowdfunding can get you funds from a pool of investors, but it might mean sharing control or ownership of your salon.

Partnerships can get you access to extra capital and more expertise. On the downside, partnerships can mean profit-sharing. You may also have to consult with your partners before you make decisions.

Expense management

If you want your salon business plan to have success, it is vital that you manage your expenses carefully. To maximize your earnings, you have to optimize your expenses and control the costs your salon faces. This is the only way to make sure that your salon remains financially stable.

Regularly review your expenses and identify ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality. Be on the lookout for chances to negotiate better deals on supplies and cut out unnecessary expenses. For example, could you choose equipment that is more energy efficient? Is there a way you could maximize the lifespan of the products you use and cut back on supply costs?

Hiring freelancers or contractors

Hiring a contractor or freelancer can have a lot of benefits. These independent professionals can provide you with the expertise you need to do a specific project or task. Some of the benefits they offer include:

  • Saving on Costs: Hiring contractors and freelancers can save you money on payroll taxes, training, benefits, and more. You pay for the work they do and depending on your needs you can adjust your budget.
  • Greater flexibility: You hire contractors and freelancers only as you need them and for as long as you need. You can adjust the scale of your team depending on the demand of the project and their availability.
  • Expertise: Freelancers and contractors bring in fresh ideas and perspectives. Their knowledge of the industry is also an asset to your salon business. They can also carry out tasks that are beyond your skill set or that require special equipment and tools.

8. Tackle Management and Organization

The management and organization plan is the backbone of your salon business plan. It shows how your salon will operate and reach its goals. This section gives an in-depth look at the salon’s management team, including their qualifications, experience, and roles inside the salon. It also explains how the salon will be structured, how decisions will be made, and how different teams will work together.

By sharing a clear management and organization plan, your business plan shows that the salon has capable people and a well-structured system to make it in the competitive beauty industry.

9. Plan Your Everyday Operations

The salon’s operational plan outlines the day-to-day procedures and practices that drive the smooth functioning of the salon. It covers all the essential operational aspects, from staff scheduling and client management to inventory control and quality assurance.

The plan sets out who’s responsible for what, so everyone works together like a team to give customers the best service. It includes strategies for optimizing appointment bookings , managing walk-ins , and handling peak hours efficiently .

Moreover, the operational plan addresses health and safety protocols, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for both clients and staff. By adhering to the operational plan, the salon can enhance productivity, elevate the overall customer experience, and create a thriving and well-organized salon environment.

Implementing booking software into your salon’s everyday operations

As a forward-thinking salon owner, integrating booking software into your daily operations isn’t just a tech-savvy move – it’s a strategic investment that brings a myriad of benefits to your business.

Booking software simplifies the appointment process, allowing clients to schedule services seamlessly. With real-time updates, your staff can manage and optimize appointments, reducing the risk of scheduling conficts and ensuring a smooth workflow.

Also, booking software enables you to create and manage staff schedules effortlessly. With automated notifications and reminders, your team stays informed, reducing scheduling conflicts and enhancing overall productivity.

Not to mention that clients appreciate the convenience of booking online, as it allows them to be in charge of everything – they can choose services, select preferred staff members, and book appointments at their convenience.

Revolutionize Your Salon Management with Trafft: A Solution Tailored for Salon Owners

As a salon owner, you’re no stranger to the challenges that come with managing a bustling beauty business.

Managing appointments, handling last-minute rescheduling, dealing with overbooking, creating and managing staff schedules, and struggling to be there for your clients in the middle of the night – these are just some of the common pain points you face as a salon owner.

Enter Trafft ! Tailored with your specific challenges in mind, Trafft is designed to transform your daily chaos into an efficient salon experience.

trafft booking software and app

What do you get from Trafft?

  • Say Goodbye to Daily Organizational Chaos : Bring order to the chaos with real-time updates and efficient scheduling. Trafft makes organizing your calendar, keeping track of appointments, and managing staff schedules a breeze.
  • Minimize No-Shows : With Trafft’s automated reminders, you can reduce no-shows and make sure that each appointment slot is valuable. You’ll receive timely notifications via email or SMS which will help you cultivate a reliable and engaged customer base.
  • Reschedule with Ease : When your clients choose a new time, Trafft will send notifications to both of you. Plus, it’ll confirm the booking and update all your calendars. No need to worry about canceling an appointment – Trafft will do it for you!
  • Be Available 24/7: Allow clients to schedule appointments at their convenience. Transform your salon into a 24/7 beauty oasis, breaking free from traditional booking hour constraints.

So, are you ready for a salon management revolution? Embrace Trafft and start your transformation now!

10. Think about your marketing strategy

This is your game plan for your salon to bring in new clients and promote your services. A thorough marketing plan , with plenty of marketing ideas and marketing tools you plan to use, is essential. It allows you to stand out from the competition and reach your target market. It also allows you to create connections with your customers and achieve your marketing goals.

This is the most flexible section of your salon business plan . As your business grows and the market changes, your marketing plan will adapt to it.

Marketing strategies that attract and retain clients

It’s important for salon owners and managers to create strategies for advertising and marketing. This helps to attract new customers and retain existing clients , as well as improve the reputation and visibility of the salon. Here are a few strategies you might try:

  • Create a salon website or social media account . There customers can get information about your prices, services, location, and hours. Websites and social media accounts are great ways to showcase your work or advertise special events and promotions.
  • Try offering discounts, coupons, referrals, loyalty programs, or gift cards . This will encourage customers to visit the salon more frequently and make them more likely to spread the word to friends and family.
  • Participate in local events . Are there any festivals, fairs, charity drives, or fashion shows coming up? These events are a great opportunity for the salon to showcase its skills and services. It also gives you the chance to network with potential customers and partners and generate publicity.
  • Look for opportunities to partner with other local businesses like spas, hotels, gyms, or restaurants. You can cross-promote services and offer deals or packages to shared customers.
  • Send emails or newsletters to customers about your latest news, tips, beauty trends, and offers.
  • Ask for feedback from customers . Then use their responses to improve customer satisfaction and quality of service.

11. Think About Sales

In this section of your salon business plan, you should outline the strategies and tactics that will be employed to drive revenue and achieve your salon’s financial objectives.

This section delves into the target market and defines the salon’s unique selling proposition, emphasizing what sets it apart from competitors. It details the pricing strategy for various services and products, taking into consideration factors such as market demand, competition, and the perceived value of offerings.

The sales plan also identifies promotional activities and marketing campaigns that will be executed to attract new clients and retain existing ones. It includes a timeline for these initiatives, along with a budget allocation for marketing expenses. Furthermore, the section discusses techniques for upselling and cross-selling to maximize the average transaction value per customer.

By laying out a comprehensive sales plan, the business plan showcases the salon’s dedication to achieving financial success and growth through a well-structured and effective sales approach.

12. Don’t Forget to Include Risks

The risk management section of the salon business plan addresses the potential challenges and uncertainties that the salon may encounter during its operations.

This section identifies and assesses various risks, including financial, operational, legal, and industry-specific risks. It outlines the proactive measures that will be implemented to mitigate these risks and ensure business continuity.

Strategies such as obtaining insurance coverage, adhering to strict health and safety protocols, implementing sound financial practices, and conducting regular staff training are discussed to minimize potential liabilities. Additionally, contingency plans are detailed to handle unexpected situations, such as economic downturns or natural disasters.

By carefully analyzing and addressing potential risks, the risk management section demonstrates the salon’s commitment to safeguarding its interests and building resilience, providing potential investors and stakeholders with confidence in the salon’s ability to navigate challenges and succeed in the long run.

So, What’s the Secret to Creating a Successful Salon Business Plan?

Running a successful salon requires more than just a flair for aesthetics; a robust salon business plan is equally essential. This plan is not a one-time document but a dynamic tool that evolves alongside your business. It serves as a roadmap, guiding your financial decisions, attracting funding, and steering your salon toward lasting success.

When writing your salon business plan, don’t forget to include a detailed market analysis, your financial projections, operational plan, services and pricing strategy, marketing, and branding.

Be sure to check in on your plan regularly and see how you’re doing compared to your goals.

Remember, a well-thought-out salon business plan is not just a formality; it’s a dynamic tool that empowers you to make informed decisions, navigate challenges, and seize opportunities for growth. Invest time and effort in crafting a plan that aligns with your vision, and watch your salon flourish.

Looking for More Salon-Related Resources?

If you enjoyed this article about creating a successful salon business plan, you should check out these as well:

  • The Best Salon Appointment Booking App On the Market
  • How To Manage A Salon Successfully (Salon Manager Tips)
  • How To Run A Successful Salon (The Salon Owner Guide)
  • How To Get More Clients In A Salon (The Ultimate Guide)
  • How Much Do Salon Owners Make? Tips for You to Earn More
  • Salon Cancellation Policy Examples and Templates To Use
  • The Best Salon Slogans and Mottos to Use for Your Own
  • Salon Mission Statement Examples and Tips To Create One
  • The Types of Salon Insurance You’ll Need for Your Business
  • Salon Social Media Marketing 101
  • How to Make a Salon Price Increase Notice without Losing Clients
  • The Most Efficient Salon Marketing Ideas You Need To Try
  • The Best Salon POS System to Pick From
  • Salon Booth Rental Tips and Best Practices to Know

FAQ on Salon Business Plan Essentials

Why do i need a salon business plan.

A salon business plan is essential because it serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the process of starting and growing your business.

It outlines your goals, target market, services, pricing, and marketing strategies, helping you stay on track and make informed decisions.

A well-prepared business plan can also be valuable when seeking financing, as it demonstrates your commitment and expertise to potential investors or lenders.

What should I include in the company description?

In the company description, provide an overview of your salon, including the name, location, and ownership structure.

Explain your salon’s mission, vision, and core values, as well as the unique selling points that set you apart from competitors. This section should also highlight the salon’s atmosphere, target clientele, and the specific services you plan to offer.

What is an example of a salon mission statement?

An example of a salon mission statement could be: “At [Your Salon Name], we are dedicated to delivering exceptional beauty experiences that empower our clients to look and feel their best. Our mission is to create an inviting, inclusive environment where creativity thrives, and our team is committed to providing personalized, high-quality services that enhance natural beauty and boost confidence.”

What is the best business structure for a salon?

The most common business structures for salons are Sole Proprietorship, LLC (Limited Liability Company), or Corporation. Each has its own advantages. Sole Proprietorship is simpler but offers less liability protection. LLC combines liability protection with flexibility. A Corporation provides strong liability protection but involves more complex formalities. Consult with a business advisor to determine the best fit for your salon.

How do I choose the right services for my salon?

Choosing the right services for your salon starts with understanding your target market and their needs.

Research your local area and identify gaps in the market or underserved segments. Consider your own skills and expertise, as well as those of your team, and focus on services that align with your strengths.

Offering a mix of essential and specialized services, such as haircuts, coloring, and unique treatments, can help you stand out and attract a loyal clientele.

How do I set salon pricing?

Setting salon pricing requires balancing the cost of providing services with what customers are willing to pay.

Research competitor pricing in your area and consider factors such as your target market, the quality of your services, and your salon’s atmosphere. You can opt for tiered pricing based on the experience of the stylist or offer service bundles to encourage customers to try additional services.

Be prepared to adjust your pricing as your business grows and evolves.

What’s the best way to market my salon?

Marketing your salon requires a combination of traditional and digital strategies.

Word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied clients can be powerful, so encourage customers to share their experiences with friends and family. Utilize social media to showcase your work, engage with potential clients, and share promotions.

Collaborate with local businesses or participate in community events to raise brand awareness. Don’t forget about email marketing, loyalty programs, marketing tools , and targeted advertising to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

How can I ensure a top-notch customer experience?

Providing an exceptional customer experience is crucial for salon success. Start by hiring skilled, friendly staff who share your vision and commitment to customer satisfaction. Offer ongoing training to ensure your team stays up-to-date on industry trends and techniques.

Also, handle bookings professionally, with the help of salon scheduling software and booking apps .

Create a welcoming, clean, and comfortable salon environment, and be responsive to customer feedback. Consistently delivering high-quality services and personalized attention will help you build a loyal client base.

How do I manage salon inventory and supplies?

Effective inventory management is essential for a successful salon. Implement a system to track product usage and sales, ensuring that you always have adequate supplies on hand without overstocking. Regularly review your inventory levels and adjust your ordering frequency or quantities as needed.

Negotiate with suppliers for the best prices and consider implementing inventory management software to streamline the process.

What legal requirements should I be aware of?

Before opening your salon, familiarize yourself with any legal requirements, such as licenses, permits, and zoning regulations.

You may need a cosmetology license, business license, or specific permits for your location. Additionally, ensure your salon meets local health and safety guidelines and complies with employment laws. Consult with a legal professional if you’re unsure of your obligations.

How do I create financial projections for my salon?

Creating financial projections for your salon involves estimating future revenue, expenses, and cash flow. Start by estimating your income from services and product sales, taking into account factors like pricing, target market, and more.

Outline your anticipated expenses, such as rent, utilities, salaries, marketing, and inventory costs. Create a cash flow statement to ensure you have enough working capital to cover your expenses and support your salon’s growth.

Use your financial projections to set realistic goals and adjust your business plan as needed. Regularly review your financial performance and compare it to your projections, making necessary changes to stay on track and achieve your objectives.

How do I measure the success of my salon business?

Measuring the success of your salon business involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your goals.

Common KPIs for salons include revenue growth, client retention, client acquisition, average ticket value, and employee productivity.

Track these metrics regularly to assess your salon’s performance and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, use customer feedback, online reviews , and testimonials to gauge the overall satisfaction of your clients and the quality of your services.

This information can help you refine your business strategies and ensure your salon’s ongoing success.

Jovana Smoljanovic Tucakov

  • Jovana Smoljanovic Tucakov

Jovana Smoljanovic Tucakov is a Content Marketing and SEO Specialist who uses both words and data to communicate a message and deliver value. With more than 5 years of experience in digital marketing and content production in the IT industry, she loves identifying and solving the readers’ pain points and creating targeted content.

Curious about the human mind and emotions, especially those that drive consumer behavior. Likes fitness, food preparation, board games, reading (both for pleasure and learning), and binge-watching Netflix.

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Beauty Salon Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Beauty Salon Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your beauty salon business plan.

We have helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their beauty salons.

Below is a salon business plan example to help you create your own beauty salon business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon is a newly established hair and beauty bar located in Glendale, Arizona that is founded by Jenna Diaz, a local hair stylist and aesthetician that has worked in the industry for over 15 years. Jenna’s knowledge in hair, nail, and facial trends have made her a popular stylist in the community. As her client list continues to grow, Jenna realizes that it’s time for her to open up her own salon.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be located in Glendale’s upscale district in a 5,000 square foot retail space. The area is highly trafficked with middle to high income residents who spend on luxury items such as cars, clothes, jewelry.

The beauty salon will offer haircuts and treatments, facials, manicures, and pedicures. Major Lengths will also carry a large selection of hair and beauty products that will be available for purchase. Jenna will have a loyalty program where the top clients will receive discounts on their service as a thank you for remaining loyal and referring other potential clients to the salon.

Product Offering

The following are the services that Major Lengths Beauty Salon will provide:

  • Color Treatment
  • Healthy Hair Treatment
  • Nail Services

Customer Focus

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will target the male and female adult population of Glendale, although the majority of clientele will be women. They will be middle to high income and working in a variety of industries, such as medical, legal, business, education, or other white collar professions. The salon will target stay at home mothers as well who enjoy a day of pampering.

Management Team

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be owned and operated by Jenna Diaz, a local Arizona hair stylist and aesthetician. Her years of experience and in the industry have allowed her to meet the following talented individuals.

Jenna has recruited a talented nail technician and aesthetician from her previous salon to join her at Major Lengths. Jenna regards them as the best in the industry and knows that their quality of work is up to her high standards. They also have a loyal and large list of clients that will likely follow them to the new salon.

While the three of them will be in charge of their respective department, Jenna will be the head manager to oversee the entire operation of the beauty salon.

Success Factors

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Latest hair and nail trends
  • Modern and comfortable environment
  • More selection of each service offered than any other salon in town
  • Major Lengths Beauty Salon offers the best pricing in town

Financial Highlights

Major Lengths Beauty Salon is seeking $100,000 in debt financing to open the beauty salon. The funding will be dedicated towards securing the retail space and purchasing the salon furniture, equipment, decorations, opening inventory, and working capital. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Beauty salon build-out: $30,000
  • Opening inventory, furniture, equipment, decorations:  $40,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities):  $15,000
  • Marketing costs: $5,000
  • Working capital:  $10,000

  The following graph below outlines the pro forma financial projections for Major Lengths Beauty Salon.

financial projections for Major Lengths Beauty Salon

Company Overview

Who is major lengths beauty salon.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon is a newly established hair and beauty bar located in Glendale, Arizona. The company is founded by Jenna Diaz, a local hair stylist and aesthetician that has dedicated her career to making women look and feel their best. Throughout her years in the beauty industry, Jenna gained extensive knowledge in hair, nail, and facial trends as well as how to give exceptional customer service to all of her clients. Jenna realizes that men and women invest a lot of time and money into their appearance and she takes extra care to ensure her clients not only feel special, but walk away with their desired result.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be located in Glendale’s upscale district in a 5,000 square foot retail space. The area is highly trafficked with middle to high income residents who spend on luxury items such as cars, clothes, jewelry. Some of Arizona’s most expensive homes are within a 15-mile radius from the location. The salon will be decorated with a contemporary style, have modern furnishings, and include a welcoming waiting and reception area, large hair styling room, and separate areas for facials and nail services.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon History

Major Lengths is owned and operated by Jenna Diaz, a local hair stylist and aesthetician who has made her career working in the beauty industry for the past 15 years in Glendale. She has gained extensive knowledge through her continuing education and industry seminars. Jenna has a long list of loyal clientele who will follow her to her new salon. Aside from her beauty salon knowledge and expertise, Jenna has taken local business courses to learn salon management and leading a small team of stylists, manicurists, and aestheticians.

Since incorporation, Major Lengths Beauty Salon has achieved the following milestones:

  • Registered Major Lengths Beauty Salon, LLC to transact business in the state of Arizona.
  • Has obtained the necessary salon permits and licenses for the state of California.
  • Has a lease contract in place for the 5,000 square foot beauty salon.
  • Has developed the complete list of salon services and products.
  • Has developed the beauty salon’s logo and branding image.
  • Began recruiting a team of stylists, manicurists, and nail technicians.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon Products

The following will be the services Major Lengths Beauty Salon will provide:

Industry Analysis

The Beauty Salon industry is expected to increase in size by 2.5% over the next five years. Demand for industry services mirrors broader economic performance, as economic growth boosts consumer spending on personal care products and services. Specifically, new products and services have favorably contributed to industry revenue growth over the majority of the past five years.

Online platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have provided a convenient and low-cost marketing strategy for many stylists and technicians to garner new clientele. Higher service prices and increased consumer spending on high-margin merchandise and services have also fueled revenue growth, as operators capitalize on rising per capita disposable income. Continued growth in household income over the outlook period is expected to drive consumer spending and boost demand for premium personal care services. Moreover, equipped with larger budgets, consumers will likely continue to favor professional salon products and services, such as hair coloring services, over less expensive alternatives sold at drugstores and supermarkets. Environmental sustainability concerns are expected to become more prevalent over the next five years, leading salons to offer a wider array of eco-friendly products that appeal to trending consumer preferences. Specifically, nontoxic products will likely benefit industry revenue, staff and patrons. This growing niche will likely drive hair salon revenue over the coming years.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

The precise demographics for Glendale, Arizona are:

Total Population130,250
15 to 19 years10.60%
20 to 24 years16.30%
25 to 29 years21.90%
30 to 34 years25.40%
Household Income $50,000 to $74,9993.50%
Household Income $75,000 to $99,99911.50%
Household Income $100,000 to $124,99917.40%
Household Income $125,000 to $149,99920.50%
Household Income $150,000 to $199,99921.60%
Household Income $200,000 or more25.50%

Customer Segmentation

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Stay at home mothers and fathers
  • Working professionals
  • College students
  • Retired females
  • Mothers with adult or teenage daughters

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.

Hair Xtreme

Hair Xtreme is located on the west side of Glendale and is owned by a local hair stylist with over 30 years of experience. Hair Xtreme specializes in haircuts and hair coloring services as well as hair color correction. The owner is also certified in Balayage highlighting by the prestigious L’oreal SOHO Academy. Hair Xtreme Beauty Salon was established to create a higher level of service in the Glendale community and has amassed a large clientele. The salon is regarded as the go-to salon for anyone looking for extreme color or haircut transformation. The pricing of services are on the higher end of the spectrum and caters to the community in the middle to higher income range.

Hair Xtreme Beauty Salon’s full list of services include haircuts, balayage, ombre, highlights, color retouch, hair treatments, and special occasion styles. The salon is open Tuesday through Saturday and is by appointment only.

The Complete Package

The Complete Package is not only a hair and nail salon in Glendale, but also provides massage treatment, eyelash extensions, and body treatments. The salon is moderately priced and leans to be more affordable to target the population who doesn’t spend lavishly on beauty services, but also occasionally like to get pampered. Owned and operated by a mother and daughter team of hair stylists, The Complete Package is located in a small retail shopping center in the middle of the city. The salon has been in operation for over 20 years and was founded by Kate Beneducci. She was able to bring The Complete Package into operation due to her experience and background in cosmetics, marketing, and management. Every single stylist is a certified cosmetologist and are all required to attend a mandatory training every year to learn the latest techniques.

The Complete Package’s full list of salon services include hair, makeup, eyelash extensions, and nails. The full list of spa services include waxing, facials, microdermabrasion, massage, and body treatments. The salon regularly posts promotions to increase customer loyalty. The Complete Package is open daily by appointment and is able to take walk-ins Friday through Sunday.

Fringe Beauty Salon and Spa

Fringe Beauty Salon and Spa is located on the west side of Glendale, Arizona and was established in 2013 as a premier beauty salon. Fringe caters to the higher income clientele and their pricing is the most expensive in town. The owner relocated to Glendale to start her own beauty salon after working in the beauty industry in New York and Los Angeles for many years. She did hair and salon services for many celebrities and has been known to be the stylist for awards shows such as the Emmys and Oscars.

As a Glendale native, she relocated to her hometown to provide a higher quality of salon services to the community. The full list of services for Fringe Beauty Salon include haircuts, hair treatments, hair color, balayage, ombre, special occasion, manicures, pedicures, massage, facials, eyelash extensions, waxing, and makeup.

With a luxury atmosphere and relaxing spa environment, Fringe Beauty Salon and Spa is frequently booked for those wanting a full day of pampering.

Competitive Advantage

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

  • Friendly and knowledgeable staff who are all trained and experienced in the latest hair and beauty trends.
  • Complete list of beauty salon services intended to provide a full day of pampering and relaxation.
  • Casual and comfortable environment with a luxurious feel.
  • Major Lengths Beauty Salon offers the best pricing in town for the high quality of services provided. Their pricing structure is the most cost effective compared to the competition.

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Complete list of beauty salon services all provided by trained and knowledgeable hair stylists, manicurists, and aestheticians.
  • Pricing is affordable and moderate so customers perceive value when visiting the beauty salon.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Major Lengths Beauty Salon is as follows:

Website/SEO Marketing

Major Lengths Beauty Salon has hired an advertising firm to develop their branding image and logo. They will also develop the hair salon’s website. The website will include a full list of services, pricing, and pictures. The advertising company will also manage the company’s website presence with SEO marketing tactics so that anytime someone types in the Google or Bing search engine “Glendale beauty salon” or “beauty salon near me”, Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be listed at the top of the search results.

Word of Mouth/Referrals

Jenna Diaz has a long list of loyal clients that have been with her for decades. They will follow her to the new salon and will receive additional clients from their referrals.

Social Media

Once the branding and logo is finalized, Jenna will use social media to her advantage and create social media business pages on all of the popular social media platforms. She will commit to posting daily to increase the list of followers and use it to regularly engage with customers.

Print Advertising

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will invest in professionally designed print ads to display in local magazines and hand out flyers to local businesses.

The pricing of Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing their salon services.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for Major Lengths Beauty Salon.

Operation Functions:

  • Jenna Diaz will be the Owner and Manager of the beauty salon. She will order salon inventory and products, oversee staff, payroll, and manage customer service.
  • Melanie Brooks – Head nail technician that will oversee the nail department.
  • Fiona Adams – Head aesthetician that will oversee the facial and massage departments.
  • Jenna has hired third party companies to manage the bookkeeping, accounting, tax payments, insurance, and legal requirements.


Major Lengths Beauty Salon will have the following milestones complete in the next six months.

8/1/202X – Finalize retail space for beauty salon

8/15/202X – Begin build-out of beauty salon to include stylist stations, facial and massage rooms, and nail service area

9/1/202X – Order opening inventory

9/15/202X – Begin marketing campaign

9/22/202X – Hire staff of hair stylists, nail technicians, massage therapists, and aestheticians

10/1/202X – Major Lengths Beauty Salon Grand Opening Event

Major Lengths Beauty Salon will be owned and operated by Jenna Diaz, a local Arizona hair stylist and aesthetician. Jenna has made an impressive career helping women achieve their desired look and feel. As an Arizona native, Jenna has attended the local beauty college and attends industry trade shows and training seminars annually. She has amassed a large and loyal clientele and has even done hair treatments, cuts, and facials for local celebrities and sports personalities. Jenna is committed to establishing a beauty salon in her hometown of Glendale and making it a place where the women and men flock to when they want the latest hairstyle, manicure, or facial.

While the three of them will be in charge of their respective department, Jenna will be the head manager to oversee the entire operation of the beauty salon. She will also outsource a third party insurance company, CPA, and attorney to take care of her insurance, legal obligations, and tax filings. Jenna will also employ a part time bookkeeper to handle her day to day accounting and payroll of staff.

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Major Lengths Beauty Salon are the sales from hair services, nail services, massages and facials.

The cost drivers will be the overhead costs required to staff the beauty salon. The expenses will be the payroll cost, rent, utilities, salon inventory, and marketing materials.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Major Lengths Beauty Salon is seeking $100,000 in debt financing to open the beauty salon. The funding will be dedicated towards securing the retail space and purchasing the salon furniture, equipment, decorations, opening inventory, and working capital. Jenna will need to allocate funds for the first three months of payroll and operating expenses as well as spend approximately on branding and marketing. The breakout of the funding is below:

Key Assumptions

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Number of Beauty Salon Services Sold Per Month: 300
  • Average Revenue per Month: $20,000
  • Beauty Salon Lease per Year: $110,000

Financial Projections

Income statement.

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Total Revenues$360,000$793,728$875,006$964,606$1,063,382
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold$64,800$142,871$157,501$173,629$191,409
Initial expenditure$10,000$0$0$0$0
Total Expenses & Costs$291,815$416,151$454,000$483,240$514,754
EBITDA$68,185 $377,577 $421,005 $481,366 $548,628
Depreciation$27,160$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
EBIT$41,025 $350,417 $393,845$454,206$521,468
Interest$23,462$20,529 $17,596 $14,664 $11,731
PRETAX INCOME$17,563 $329,888 $376,249 $439,543 $509,737
Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Use of Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Taxable Income$17,563$329,888$376,249$439,543$509,737
Income Tax Expense$6,147$115,461$131,687$153,840$178,408
NET INCOME$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703 $331,329

Balance Sheet

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Accounts receivable$0$0$0$0$0
Total Current Assets$184,257$381,832$609,654$878,742$1,193,594
Fixed assets$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950
Depreciation$27,160$54,320$81,480$108,640 $135,800
Net fixed assets$153,790 $126,630 $99,470 $72,310 $45,150
TOTAL ASSETS$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744
Debt$315,831$270,713$225,594$180,475 $135,356
Accounts payable$10,800$11,906$13,125$14,469 $15,951
Total Liability$326,631 $282,618 $238,719 $194,944 $151,307
Share Capital$0$0$0$0$0
Retained earnings$11,416 $225,843 $470,405 $756,108$1,087,437
Total Equity$11,416$225,843$470,405$756,108$1,087,437
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744

Cash Flow Statement

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Net Income (Loss)$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703$331,329
Change in working capital($19,200)($1,966)($2,167)($2,389)($2,634)
Depreciation$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
Net Cash Flow from Operations$19,376 $239,621 $269,554 $310,473 $355,855
Net Cash Flow from Investments($180,950)$0$0$0$0
Cash from equity$0$0$0$0$0
Cash from debt$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow from Financing$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow$154,257$194,502 $224,436 $265,355$310,736
Cash at Beginning of Period$0$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550
Cash at End of Period$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550$1,149,286

Beauty Salon Business Plan Template FAQs

What is a beauty salon business plan.

A beauty salon business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your beauty salon. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can  easily complete your beauty salon business plan using our Beauty Salon Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Beauty Salons?

There are a number of different kinds of beauty salons, some examples include: Beauty salon focusing strictly on hair styling, beauty salon offering hair removal services, skin care services, nail services, tanning services, or massage services, and beauty salon offering products.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Beauty Salon Business Plan?

Beauty salons are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding. This is true for a business plan for a beauty salon or a hair salon business plan.

Why do You Need a Business Plan Template?

If you’re looking to start a beauty salon business  or grow your existing salon business, you need a business plan. A hair salon business plan template will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your beauty salon in order to improve your chances of success. Your salon business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Where Can I Get a Beauty Salon Business Plan PDF?

You can download our free beauty salon business plan template PDF here . This is a sample beauty salon business plan template you can use in PDF format.

How To Start A Beauty Product Business Philippines

How To Start A Beauty Product Business Philippines: Two of the biggest questions asked about business in the beauty industry are how to start a beauty product business in the Philippines and how to start a makeup business in the Philippines. Therefore today, we will be addressing these two popular questions.

Starting a makeup business in the Philippines can be challenging; however, this tends to be slightly easier than launching your beauty product in the Philippines. Therefore the main focus today is the process on how to launch your very own beauty product business in the Philippines.

Table of Contents

How To Start A Makeup Business Philippines

Today’s main focus is how to start a beauty product business in the Philippines, but if you are an entrepreneur looking to dive into the makeup business world, you may wish to start a makeup business in the Philippines instead of creating a product.

As we know, there are several different types of makeup businesses to start in the Philippines. Still, for this article, I’m going to assume that you wish to start a makeup business where you serve customers on a one-to-one basis. Therefore below is a list of the relevant steps on how to start a makeup business in the Philippines.

When you look into how to start a makeup business in the Philippines, you will find several different stages. Some may be more relevant than others, depending on the type of business model you choose.

But how much does it cost to start a makeup business in the Philippines if you are a complete beginner?

Starting a makeup business in the Philippines can be started for as little as 100,000 Pesos . If you choose to buy and sell makeup products, rent a salon, and so on, The capital you will need to start will be at least 4 or 5 times higher. Naturally, this will depend on the scope of your business, location, and your overall business plan.

One of the great things about starting a makeup business in the Philippines is very few maintenance costs. As soon as you have the equipment and supplies needed, you can earn money as a makeup artist.

But what about if you wanted to know how to start a beauty product business in the Philippines? After all, is it so different from starting a makeup business in the Philippines? In the next section, we will find out exactly what you need to do if you want to sell a beauty product in the Philippines.

Research The Beauty Market

A new report published by Allied market research concluded The Philippines beauty & personal care market size was valuedat$3.3 billion in 2018 and is projected to reach $4.7 billion by 2026.

When looking at the beauty industry market in the Philippines, it’s important to remember that some hygienic products (which have been very popular due to the recent pandemic ) are also categorized in this industry; however, without these product types, the industry in the Philippines is colossal.

As mentioned a moment ago, hygienic products have become very popular. But there are several other niches. for example, organic products, products not tested on animals, etc.

When looking at how to start a beauty product business in the Philippines, one of the most important stages is fundamental research. Not only can this save you a great deal of time in the long term, but it could also save you thousands of pesos. As W. Edwards Deming said –  “Without Data, you’re just another person with an opinion.”

Summarise Your Business Goals

Why are you starting a beauty product business in the Philippines? What are you looking to achieve? Finally, what is the end goal?

I ask these questions as they are critical to answer before moving forward. Having a goal of earning more money or helping people is fantastic; however, it is not specific and cannot be measured, and there is no time limit to the goal. Smart goals are often used to create a clear end goal.

This will help you during every stage of your business as you can start to plan your steps and build your business journey based on the result. For example, if your goal is to obtain 100 full-time customers in your new beauty salon by August… then you will be able to work backward from this goal and determine what you will need to do by creating smaller steps and strategies in an appropriate time-bound way.

Create A Financial Plan And Business Plan

The next stage in selling a business product in the Philippines is a robust financial and business plan. The good news is there are several beauty product business plans available. Filipino wealth also has a business and financial template that can be downloaded by clicking on the business plan at the top of this page.

Selling a physical product in the Philippines can be very profitable, but it can be challenging, just like every business. There are several risks and obstacles you will need to analyze. For example, how will you deliver your products? which service will you use, and how much will this cost you? Finally, how would these fees affect your overall profit margin?

A classic example was Red Bull. When the energy drink first started, they agreed with supermarkets not to put their energy drink in the same aisle as other energy drinks. Instead, they can be anywhere else in the store if they are not next to energy drinks. This business strategy allowed them to get the attention they needed and build their brand in the early stages.

Turning the attention back onto you and your new beauty product business… how will you build attention with your business and product? How will your business stand out, and most importantly, why will your customers buy your product?

Find The Capital And Support

The total capital to start a beauty product business in the Philippines can vary depending on imports, taxation, registration, survival budgets, marketing, etc. Nevertheless, 250,000 Pesos is recommended, but the total capital can be higher or lower depending on several categories, including the scope of business and your location.

So the question is, how can you start raising the capital to start a beauty product business in the Philippines? Here are several examples.

Another category that is often not discussed is the support from others when setting up a beauty business in the Philippines. Even for experienced entrepreneurs, starting a business is challenging, and support is always welcomed, whether financial support or knowledge support.

Aside from information here at Filipino wealth, the Philippines government has some excellent education sources for those starting a business.

Contact Beauty Suppliers

If you are selling any products in the Philippines, you will need to ensure that the products are safe for consumers. This often falls under the jurisdiction of the FDA. You can find more about the laws regarding cosmetics in the Philippines by reading Republic Act No. 3720.

If you create your products, you will need to apply for FDA clearance. A similar process will need to be followed if you purchase from overseas unless the product already has FDA clearance. If you are selling to other Asian countries , there are also cosmetic regulations. America, Europe , and others also have similar local laws.

So assuming that the cosmetic law for your new beauty product in the Philippines has been taken care of, you may find yourself asking how do I find suppliers for a beauty product?

The best and most trusted website to use is Alibaba . On their platform, you will find thousands of suppliers worldwide (including the Philippines), so whatever type of beauty product you are looking for, you almost definitely find it on this website.

Register Your Beauty Product Business In The Philippines

As we discovered a moment ago, when starting a beauty product business in the Philippines, business owners must ensure that their product can be legally sold in the Philippines by gaining FDA clearance. But at this stage, registering a business is what’s next.

Previously we have gone through how to legally register a business in the Philippines. If you are a foreign visitor, we have a detailed guide on starting a business as a foreigner . But if you are looking for further reading, you may wish to look at the official guidelines on legally starting a business in the Philippines.

Launch Your Product

Once the above stages have been completed, we now move on to the stage where your product is released.  Please look at our guide on selling tips for online sellers, which has some great information on making your first few sales and building repeat customers.

I discovered when I started selling products that it takes time to gain attention and make sales most often. For example, creating a website and adding your product description can be completed In less than a day. Still, it may take several weeks for your page to be indexed by Google and, in some cases, several months to be picked up on the Google ranking system.

The same is true if you have a physical location such as a store or a salon. It can take time for the community to know that you sell these products. Building awareness may be challenging without marketing, so thinking as an entrepreneur comes in very handy… but more on marketing later.

Network With Influencers And The Community

One great way to start building your new product business in the early days is to work with influencers and the wider community. If you are selling online, collaboration can work very well. If you are in a physical location selling to your local community, then working with the community, in general, can also be very beneficial.

As you are a new business, you need to negotiate with people to collaborate. Unfortunately, you start from square one as a complete beginner, but you still have options. It would be best to find out what makes people tick and what would make influencers collaborate with you, and most often, the answer is a financial reward.

Affiliate marketing in the Philippines is extremely popular. If you are earning a 20% profit margin from your product, it may be wise to offer affiliates 3% for every sale they make. You can approach YouTubers, influences, or even bloggers. The most important component is that the influences have the perfect audience for your product.

Build Awareness

The most common form of building awareness for new businesses is marketing. Thanks to social media, targeted marketing is now easier than ever. But what about if you are looking to markets in the Philippines cheaply?

A few weeks ago, we released a full article on the market in the Philippines, including free and paid options. To summarise, if you are looking to market for free in the Philippines, social media, PR, and email marketing is often the cheapest and most successful form of marketing.

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beauty salon business plan philippines

A clear and bold heading

Something powerful, tell the reader more.

The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering , and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.

  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

Saber más

Continuous accompaniment

Specialized advice and constant support.

Partner Success Manager

Partner Support Agent

Business operation control

In addition to the continuous support given by our specialized franchisee support team, you will have direct access to Jeff Academy, our online training platform with which you can learn everything about how to manage your Jeff Salon. Regular updates with the content you need to know to achieve business success. You don’t need any experience in the sector, we’ll teach you!


Everything in one place

Making life easier for our users and your business..

Thanks to our mobile app, Beauty Jeff users can request a turn through their device without having to call or go to the Salon. On the other hand, our Jeff Suite software is the technological management tool that will make internal business management easier for you. Automating tasks, tracking customers and controlling payments are just the beginning!

Instant beauty

What services do we offer.

Styles and cuts

Manicure and hair removal

Colors and treatments

Simple services and daily beauty: we offer the most simple and demanded services by users of beauty salons in the Philippines, which allows us to offer the same service at the same quality and achieve high recurrence.


The customer requests a turn through the app or at the Salon itself.


They will receive a notification when their turn is approaching


They come to the Salon to enjoy their hair/nail services.


When they are done, they have the option of using the Final Touch area to try the products they like the most

Two models, same essence

Beauty jeff can be lite.

A cost-effective model, with simplified operations to face the current situation. The same Smart Beauty essence with the most demanded services, standardized processes and focused on the user experience.

beauty salon business plan philippines

Beauty Jeff

Higher gross profit

Wider service menu

45 m2 (+5 m2 for bathroom)

3-5 employees

Higher maximum operations

beauty salon business plan philippines

Beauty Jeff Lite

More accessible breakeven point

Higher average receipt

20 m2 (+5 m2 for the bathroom)

1-3 employees

Less fixed costs

Your hairdressing franchise in a few steps

Request form

Jeff advice 

Zone selection

Validate data

Jeff Academy

Premises adaptation

Start setting up your Jeff business today in the Philippines!

Fill in the form and we’ll get in touch.

The beauty sector offers many advantages to those who want to start a business. Did you know that 71% of users are not yet loyal to a particular brand? Beauty salons are a business that, when well developed, can guarantee a certain customer recurrence rate which can be up to two visits per month on average . Furthermore, it’s a sector where turnover increases year after year.

Within this context, Beauty Jeff comes to meet a need that the sector has not been able to provide. The customer looks for a Smart Beauty service: here and now without complications. On the other hand, the investor is looking for an easy-to-manage business that is more profitable and optimized than the average. Where these meet, Beauty Jeff emerges.

Why open a hair salon or salon franchise instead of creating this business on your own? Here are the main reasons. 

Business risk reduction 

Starting a business always involves a certain level of risk regardless of the chosen model. However, doing it with a franchise model lowers this risk. This is because, from the beginning, you will have business knowledge (know-how) based on an experience that you may not have if you have never worked in the sector. In the case of Beauty Jeff for example, we provide you with a business model that has been proven for more than 12 years .

Reduction of costs and opening times

With a franchise model , you don’t need to create an initial business plan, conduct market research, develop a feasibility plan or devise a marketing strategy. This speed makes the difference as it will mean you can start operating earlier and start generating income faster .

Continuous advice and training

The franchising company is in charge of advising and training the entrepreneurs who back it. In the case of Beauty Jeff, for example, this advice begins before the opening of the beauty salon franchise to help our partner choose a premises in the best location. Training programs are added to this support.

On the other hand, with Beauty Jeff, you can access our Jeff Academy platform where you will find materials that will help you improve your business operations and management knowledge. In this way, you will learn to offer the services at our salons with a good quality standard. 

Do you want to know more about what it would mean to open your beauty and aesthetic franchise in the Philippines with Beauty Jeff? Get in contact with us !

At Beauty Jeff, we do the simple in an exceptional way. That is why we offer the simplest and most demanded services in beauty salons around the world, always with the same level of quality. 

Thanks to this, we achieve that the recurrence is much higher than that of a conventional salon. Our model also increases the number of services consumed in each visit by 40% compared to traditional salons, with 2 services per visit.

This is what makes us unique!

  • Standardized processes: we have standardized the processes so that the services are homogeneous among all the salons, always with the same quality: without cutting too much and with the desired color tone. At Beauty Jeff, there is no difference between stylists and this also reduces your dependence on the hairdresser.
  • Digitization: we put a turn system at your disposal (we will tell you about it in the next frequently asked question!), as well as Jeff Suite, our powerful custom software for managing your business. 
  • Salon experience. We offer a friendly treatment based on the design of the experience and the design of the salon itself. When a customer enters the salon, we connect with them in a subtle and simple way to find out their preferences to be able to offer personalized advice. At the end, they can go through the Final Touch, a space where users can give themselves the final touches to face their day in a different way. They can also buy beauty products in the salon.
  • Quality services: our salons offer styling, cutting, colors and treatments, waxing and nail services at the same quality and without surprises. Offering a good service is essential for the customer to want to return!
  • Close-by services: when the user makes an appointment, they do so at the nearest salon. It only takes 15 minutes to get there, giving them freedom to organize their time.

If you are interested in finding out all about the technological tools that we make available to our entrepreneurs, you can find more information in the question "What technological tools does Beauty Jeff have?". Continue reading!

The turn system is based on the here and now. We seek to offer our customers maximum comfort and that happens by being available when they need them and offering them a simple system to reserve their visit without wasting time. That is how it works!

  • Users request their turn to go to the salon without having to specify the service. They can request their turn through the Jeff App from anywhere, without having to call or go to the salon; or through the Jeff Tablet at the salon. 
  • The user is automatically assigned to the closest salon.
  • If they can’t attend, they can cancel their turn through the app.

This system gives the user a comfortable way to go to the beauty salon and offers you, as an entrepreneur, a highly efficient system. Did you know that with this turn system, we achieve 92% attendance compared to 66% with the traditional appointment system?

As we explained before, we have selected simple beauty services with the highest demand. The reason for doing this is that you can offer the most desired services, have a higher recurrence rate and run a profitable business. This is the list of services that you can offer in your Beauty Jeff hairdressing franchise.

  • Cut and style. For women, men and kids.
  • Colors and treatments. Root color, full color, highlights, hair treatments and intensive treatments.
  • Nails. Manicure, semi-permanent nail polish and semi-permanent nail polish removal.
  • Hair removal. Hair removal, upper lip, eyebrow shaping.

All these processes are standardized so that all our salons offer the same quality. Entrepreneurs who open their Beauty Jeff salons get all the necessary operational information through our training process.

We at Beauty Jeff have developed a unique value proposition where technology connects the offline and online worlds. Our entrepreneurs benefit from our Business in a Box , a solution system where they find everything they need to run their beauty salon and achieve their goals. This is all it includes for you to manage a profitable business.

You are part of something bigger. You will join our ecosystem of day-to-day services that are designed for our customers to live The Good Good Life. Within this ecosystem are our four business models which share the same target audience which makes it easier to get customers through cross-selling. In addition to Beauty Jeff, this ecosystem is made up of the Mr Jeff home delivery laundry service; the Fit Jeff boutique fitness center; and the Relax Jeff massage center. 

We have a team that constantly works on improving our bespoke technology offer (which we will talk about in the next point). Our technological proposal is made up of tools that help you attract customers, such as the Jeff App or the Jeff Tablet ; and our Jeff Suite management software.

Brand and promotion 

We are a consolidated brand with a presence in over 40 countries and more than 2,400 sold hubs. Our marketing team works to position the brand globally. We also put tools at your disposal to make the most of this and create your hyperlocal marketing campaigns.

Specialist support 

With Beauty Jeff, you will never be alone: you can always count on our agents. You will have a Partner Success Manager to analyze and improve the operation and management of your business; a Partner Support Agent who will give you immediate and daily support through chat, email or telephone; and our Operation Managers , who review and control the operational metrics, productivity and quality of your Beauty Jeff salon.

Smart investment

Each of our franchises has proven know-how , an optimized value proposition , a very clear identity and a differential offer.

At Jeff, we use technology to add differential value to conventional business models and to generate a good user experience. These are the technological tools with which you can work in our Beauty Jeff hairdressing franchise.

  • Jeff App . Our super app! It contains all the day-to-day services to live The Good Good Life. As we explained in the previous question, you can request a turn at the nearest salon through the app or cancel it in case you cannot attend. Thanks to this tool, you will receive a stream of customers and you will be able to manage their visit to the salon.
  • Jeff Tablet . What happens if the customer goes directly to the salon? At your Beauty Jeff, you will have a tablet with our app through which users can request their turn.  
  • Jeff Suite . We put a powerful management software to manage your beauty salon at your disposal. You can use it to control all processes from billing to customer management. In it, you will also find tools to manage the marketing of your salon. The Jeff Suite is also a powerful tool when it comes to statistics. With it, you will be able to know the metrics of your business and your customers to identify opportunities and make decisions that help you improve the profitability of your salon. Lastly, you can use Jeff Suite to find opportunities to lower your operating costs and thus improve your efficiency.

When you start on your own, it’s very expensive to acquire technological tools like these (and much more to develop them). However, by opening your business with Jeff, you can benefit from the product team and the investment in development and innovation . The proof is these valuable technological tools that you will use on a day-to-day basis to manage your Beauty Jeff salon.

Opening a beauty and hairdressing salon with a franchise usually has a lower cost than starting from scratch and on your own. With a franchise model, you will have a good part of the work done: you do not need to carry out a market study or develop a business plan as they are two elements that would be given to you by Beauty Jeff. We also give you instructions on what you need to have your premises ready to operate.

Thanks to this, the opening times are also shortened , which means that you can start attracting customers and generate income sooner.

The approximate cost to launch a Beauty Jeff store is around PhP 2,464,250 in the Philippines. This price includes the adaptation of the premises and the membership fee, among other expenses that we will detail after you contact us.

With regard to day-to-day expenses, with Beauty Jeff, you will have a supply chain with exclusive and quality products at your disposal that will also provide you with a high profit margin. We work with suppliers that use professional quality products and with guarantees in the distribution service.

Opening a salon from scratch can seem like a very long process. To make it easier for you, we at Beauty Jeff divide this process into seven steps. We explain them to you one by one!

  • Fill out our form . We will ask you for some information which will be helpful for us to get to know you better. One of our specialized agents will contact you to get more details and answer any questions you may have at this initial stage.
  • Advice. If you’re still interested after having your questions answered, we will continue! In the second meeting, you will receive personalized advice. We will explain our hairdressing and beauty salon franchise model in detail.
  • Zone selection. We will show you which areas are available and you can choose the one that best suits you. We make sure that Beauty Jeff salons are sufficiently far apart enough so that there is no competition within the same region. 
  • Sign contract and validation of information. You have all the questions about the beauty salon answered and have accredited the financial resources to face it, let's sign! We also take care of checking all the data. 
  • Training. Before taking charge of your own beauty franchise, you will have to pass the training, that is, the training process where you will acquire all the knowledge to offer the services and manage the salon. A Jeff expert will guide you through this process and will give you access to our Jeff Academy online platform where you will have all the necessary knowledge to manage your hairdressing franchise. 
  • Adapting the beauty salon. In reality, this step happens in parallel with the training. It begins with the premises adaptation and salon decoration. Our team will follow up on the entire process. 
  • Opening! When the work is finished and approved, your salon will be ready to operate. With Beauty Jeff, you will have the necessary tools to promote your new business and attract your first customers. 

We are ready to accompany you through this process. Are you ready to take the first step? Fill in the form .


  • Hairdressing franchise
  • Massage franchise
  • Jeff concept
  • What is a franchise and how does it work?
  • Business opportunity
  • What we offer
  • Training and support
  • Profitable franchises




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  1. How to Start a Salon Business: A First-Time Entrepreneur's Guide

    3. Create a Business Plan. A business plan is an important document to have, especially when you're building a salon empire from the ground up. You can use it initially as a foundation for launching your business and then subsequently as a guide for planning its continued growth. A business plan provides an overview of your business.

  2. How To Start A Salon Business In The Philippines

    This is just for the building without utilities. You need to have a lot more funds to open a salon. On top of that 3 million, you can expect to pay 563296.96 pesos or more for your equipment. This does not include products for you to use and to sell to your clients. That is another cost you have to consider as well.

  3. How To Start a Salon and Spa Business in the Philippines

    Additionally, one must secure a business permit from the local mayor's office. However, one must first register their business with the Department of Trade and Industry and obtain a certificate. There are some fees associated with this, ranging from 200 to 2,000 pesos depending on the size of the business.

  4. [PDF] Business Plan for your Hair and Beauty Salon

    Again, plan plan plan! Hair and Beauty Salon Business plan, that should be your focus. ️ Download your Beauty Salon Business Plan PDF for free. 2. Define your Target Market. Even though there are many beauty salons, there are different types depending on the target.

  5. Hair And Beauty Salon Business Plan Example

    Cash at End of Period. $87,971. $107,163. $91,584. Download This Plan. Explore a real-world hair and beauty salon business plan example and download a free template with this information to start writing your own business plan.

  6. Beauty Salon Business Plan Template & PDF Example

    July 22, 2024. Business Plan. Creating a comprehensive business plan is crucial for launching and running a successful beauty salon. This plan serves as your roadmap, detailing your vision, operational strategies, and financial plan. It helps establish your salon's identity, navigate the competitive market, and secure funding for growth.

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    2. Invest in good products and equipment. Never use inferior brands when it comes to hair, nail and other beauty products as it will compromise the quality of your service. You may need to spend a lot of money for buying brand new equipment so it's advisable to purchase good used equipment. 3.

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    • anyone interested in going into the beauty salon / beauty parlor business. Key Topics. I. How to create your beauty salon image. II. Choosing a business name that matches your image. III. Factors to consider when selecting a location. IV. Business registration. V. Creating a business timeline. VI. Basic tools and equipment. VII. Hiring and ...

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    The 7 elements of an effective hair and beauty salon business plan. 1. Executive Summary. The executive summary provides a high-level overview of your business plan. It should outline the objectives of your hair and beauty salon, such as to offer high-quality services, to expand the client base, or to break into a new market.

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    A business plan has 2 main parts: a financial forecast outlining the funding requirements of your beauty salon and the expected growth, profits and cash flows for the next 3 to 5 years; and a written part which gives the reader the information needed to decide if they believe the forecast is achievable.

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    Provide a thorough description of your business model so that the potential lenders and investors can make financial assessments and projections. Franchising is a great way to get into the beauty salon business. c) Target Audience. Give here an overview of your target audience.

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    Step 6: Hiring People For Your Nail Salon Business. Even if you are very hands-on with setting up your nail salon business, you will need to employ qualified people such as technicians. Apart from doing nail technician work, they will also schedule appointments, make sales, and clean and maintain your salon.

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    That's your opportunity to shine. 4. Location, Location, Location: While understanding your market is key, finding the perfect spot to set up shop is equally vital. The location of your salon plays a massive role in its accessibility, visibility, and overall success.

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    A well-rounded and effective beauty salon business plan should encompass the following essential elements: 1. Executive Summary. The executive summary is the opening section of your business plan, designed to capture the reader's attention and provide an enticing overview of your entire concept.

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    4. Cost Breakdown To put up a 50-60 sq. meter salon in a mall, be prepared with at least 3 to 3.5 million pesos! Costs includes: - Construction plus interior - Rental payment (rental in malls costs P70 to P75 thousand pesos a month) - Deposit payment - Advance payment - Equipment (mirror, chairs, scissor, blower, other gadgets ...

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    1. Create an Executive Summary. The executive summary is the first section of your business and management plan and provides a brief overview of your salon business. This section should include your mission statement, business objectives, target market, products and beauty services, and financial projections.

  17. Creating a Successful Salon Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

    6. Identify Products and Services You Wish to Offer. This part of your salon business plan lays out all the different services that your salon will offer its customers. You can expect a wide range of services, from haircuts, styling, coloring, treatments, manicures, pedicures, facials, and many more.

  18. Beauty Salon Business Plan Template (2024)

    Below is a salon business plan example to help you create your own beauty salon business plan. Executive Summary Business Overview. Major Lengths Beauty Salon is a newly established hair and beauty bar located in Glendale, Arizona that is founded by Jenna Diaz, a local hair stylist and aesthetician that has worked in the industry for over 15 years.



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    Starting a makeup business in the Philippines can be started for as little as 100,000 Pesos. If you choose to buy and sell makeup products, rent a salon, and so on, The capital you will need to start will be at least 4 or 5 times higher. Naturally, this will depend on the scope of your business, location, and your overall business plan.

  21. Salon and hairdressing franchise in the Philippines

    This is the list of services that you can offer in your Beauty Jeff hairdressing franchise. Cut and style. For women, men and kids. Colors and treatments. Root color, full color, highlights, hair treatments and intensive treatments. Nails. Manicure, semi-permanent nail polish and semi-permanent nail polish removal.

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    How to Hire the Beauty Salon Dream Team. Hiring the right staff for your beauty salon is essential; the quality of their work can be make-or-break for your new business, particularly as you're establishing your credentials. Before you start the interview process, create a list of the qualities you're looking for in an ideal candidate.