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Lengkap - 40+ Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/MA dan Kunci Jawabnya Terbaru

Rayyan Al Dziqry Nugraha

40+ Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/MA dan Kunci Jawabnya Terbaru

Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/MA

  • Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA
  • Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA

soal essay bahasa inggris peminatan kelas xi

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  • RPP Untuk Kelas 2 SD / MI Kurikulum 2013 Edisi Revisi 2018/2019
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Kamis, 14 november 2019, soal bahasa inggris peminatan kelas xi sma.

Nopember  2019

5 komentar:

soal essay bahasa inggris peminatan kelas xi

good posting

soal essay bahasa inggris peminatan kelas xi

Terimakasih telah berbagi

kak tmbah lagi kak please

soal essay bahasa inggris peminatan kelas xi

I like this very much. Thanks for sharing.


  • Jumat, 13 September 2024
  • Metro Aspirasiku


17 Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawaban

Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka (

ASPIRASIKU - Berikut adalah 17 soal essay bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 11 semester 2 sesuai dengan Kurikulum Merdeka beserta jawabannya.

Silakan dipelajari 17 contoh soal essay pada mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas 11 di semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka berikut ini.

Jawaban pada soal essay bahasa Inggris kelas 11 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka ini juga bisa jadi panduannya.

Baca Juga: 10 Soal PAT PAI dan BP Kelas 3 Semester 2 Tahun 2024 dan Kunci Jawaban

1. What are the advantages of learning a foreign language? Explain with examples.

Jawaban: Learning a foreign language offers numerous advantages. It broadens our perspectives, enhances cognitive abilities, and opens doors to new cultural experiences. For instance, being bilingual allows us to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds, fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

2. Describe a memorable cultural experience you have had and how it influenced your understanding of different cultures.

Jawaban: Contoh jawaban: During a family trip to Japan, I had the opportunity to participate in a traditional tea ceremony. The intricate rituals, precise movements, and reverence for tradition deeply resonated with me. This experience heightened my appreciation for Japanese culture and its emphasis on mindfulness and respect.

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3. How can social media influence language and communication? Provide examples.

Jawaban: Social media has a significant influence on language and communication. The use of abbreviations, emojis, and internet slang has become prevalent, often shaping how people, especially younger generations, communicate online and in informal settings. For example, phrases like "YOLO" (You Only Live Once) and "LOL" (Laughing Out Loud) have become widely recognized and used.

4. Explain the concept of code-switching and how it applies to multilingual individuals.

Jawaban: Code-switching refers to the practice of alternating between two or more languages or language varieties within a single conversation or utterance. Multilingual individuals often engage in code-switching as a means of accommodating different linguistic contexts, expressing specific concepts more effectively, or establishing rapport with others who share their language backgrounds.

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Soal dan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 1 2021

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50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

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Soal Suggestion and Offer Kelas 11 Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

Berikut sejumlah contoh soal suggestion and offer kelas 11 pilihan ganda dan jawabannya. - Contoh soal suggestion and offer kelas 11 pilihan ganda dan jawabannya di bawah ini bisa menjadi bahan latihan menjelang penilaian tengah semester atau ujian akhir semester.

Beberapa soal pilihan ganda suggestion and offer kelas 11 tersebut juga dapat menambah pemahaman terhadap materi Bahasa Inggris.

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Materi Suggestion and Offer dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 berkaitan dengan ucapan pemberian saran dan tawaran.

Muatan materi Materi Suggestion and Offer kelas 11 mencakup penerapan fungsi sosial, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional yang melibatkan tindakan pemberian saran maupun tawaran dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Suggestion bisa diungkapkan dengan contoh kalimat berikut:

  • Let's go to the library.
  • Let's go to movies.
  • Why don't you do your homework before going out?
  • We could eat at home today.
  • What about eating at the new place?
  • How about going to Sam's place first?
  • I suggest that we call it a day.
  • You need to change your sleeping habits.
  • I think you should go and meet her.
  • I think we should do it this way.

Selain mengungkapkan suggestion , ada juga beberapa kalimat yang digunakan untuk meminta suggestion, seperti:

  • Do you have any suggestions for me?
  • What should I do?
  • Can you tell me what I should do?

Adapun offer (menawarkan sesuatu) bisa diekspresikan dengan kalimat berikut:

  • May I help you?
  • Can I help you?
  • There is something I can do for you?
  • Would you like me to help you?

Soal Suggestion and Offer Kelas 11 dan Jawabannya

Berikut ini beberapa contoh soal suggestion and offer kelas 11 semester 1 beserta dengan jawabannya:

1. Read the dialogue to answer!

-Andre: I am not good at English.

The appropriate response of the dialogue is:

A. Do you like English?

B. I should practice English every day.

C. I must take an English course.

D. Why don’t you take an English course?

E. You must often sleep.

2. Read the dialogue to answer!

-Deni: What are you doing?

-Dina: I’m preparing for the party next Saturday.

-Deni: Are you one of the committee members?

-Dina: Yes. I’m the one who is responsible for distributing these posters.

What is the most appropriate response to say next?

A. I think you are on the committee.

B. That’s a good idea.

C. I agree with your opinion.

D. I can help you.

E. You should be responsible.

3. Read the dialogue to answer the question!

-Yuni: You look confused.

-Yanto: I met a foreigner today, but I couldn’t say a word. I’m too nervous.

-Yuni: We live in Bali. There are many foreigners here.

-Yanto: What should I do?

What is the best response to reply next?

A. You should try to practice your English.

B. You can meet the foreigners again.

C. I think you are right.

D. I suppose you can speak English.

E. I should help you meet the foreigner.

4. Read this dialogue to answer the question!

-Boy: I heard that you will go to the big town. Is that true?

-Girk: Yes, that’s true. It will be my first time visiting a big town.

-Boy: You should be careful with your money. There are many pickpockets.

-Girl: Okay, I’ll remember that.

What does the boy suggest to the girl?

A. Be careful of the climate

B. Take care of your money

C. Spend your money well

D. Visit her town

E. See the pickpockets

5. Read this dialogue to answer the question!

-Man: If you don’t have a dictionary, you can use mine. I’m not using it.

-Woman: Thank you very much! Can I borrow it later?

-Man: Sure.

What does the man express?

B. Suggestion

E. Compliment

6. Complete the dialogue!

-Lutfi: I submitted my essay to the teacher a few days ago but I haven’t received any response from her yet.

-Elsa: ..... go and ask her?

A. Shall we

B. Will you

C. Why don’t you

D. If I were you

E. I’m sorry to hear that

7. Read the dialogue and answer!

-Alex: You look so sad! What happened to you?

-Sophie: My mother was angry because I came home late last night.

-Alex: Don’t be sad! You’d better ask for her forgiveness and admit that you’ve made a mistake.

From the dialogue, we know that Alex gives … to Sophie:

A. An opinion

B. An advice

C. A surprise

D. An information

E. A command

8. Complete the dialogue!

-Doctor: "Ma’am, if you really want to reduce your weight....."

-Patient: "Alright, Doctor! I’ll try."

A. You may not eat too many snacks every day.

B. You might not eat too many snacks every day.

C. You should not eat too many snacks every day.

D. You could not eat too many snacks every day.

E. You cannot eat too many snacks every day.

9. Complete the dialogue!

-Daughter: I am going to finish my high school soon. I have no idea what major should i take. Do you have any suggestions for me, Dad? For your information, I like Economics and Mathematics.

-Father : ....... I’m sure it is the right one for you.

A. Mind your own business

B. Well,that’s good

C. Congratulations

D. I’m proud of you

E. You should take accounting

10. Complete the dialogue!

-Anita: What do you think about this product? Have we reached our selling target?

-Shinta: I think ......

-Anita: I agree with your opinion.

A. We should increase our promotion

B. We do not need to promote it

C. I have no idea

D. Your idea is not good

E. It is very irrational

11. Read this dialogue to give answer!

-Waiter: Good morning, …?

-Guest: I’d like to start with a glass of hot coffee, please.

The right expression to complete the dialogue is:

A. How are you, Sir? B. Are you ready to order, Sir?

C. What would you like to drink, Sir?

D. Have you made a reservation before, Sir?

E. How do you do, Sir?

12. Read this dialogue to give answer!

-Rudi: Rio, do you see my notebook ?

-Roni: I don’t see it either. Let me help you to look for it.

-Rudi: Thanks.

From the dialogue above, Roni is ....

A. Angry to Bayu

B. Showing his sympathy

C. Giving a second thought

D. Carrying nothing

E. Offering help

13. Read this dialogue to give answer!

-Lia: You look very busy with your work, .....

-Paidi: Sure. If you don’t mind. How kind you are.

The right expression to complete the dialogue is ....

A. Are you tired?

B. Can I help you?

C. Do you like to help me?

D. Can you do me a favour?

E. Would you like to help me?

14. “Would you like a cup of tea?” is sentence to express......

A. Offering something

B. Offering help

C. Accepting an offer

D. Declining an offer

E. Refusing an offer

15. Complete the dialogue!

-Mr. Paijo: I think the government should add a green open space in our city.

-Mr. Samidi: I agree....

A. It will increase the number of the unemployment people

B. It will decrease the number of soil water

C. It will make us feel alive

D. It will make decrease the polution in the air

E. It will be the place where you can sleep in the night

16. Complete this sentence!

"Hello Nura, Is there anything ….. do for you?"

17. Complete this dialogue!

-Nadin: I need to sleep earlier since my eyes will be more minus to see at night.

-Farikha: Oh no. So .... just go to your bed?

a. What about

b. Why don’t you

e. How do you

18. Complete this dialogue!

-Nayla: what I am thinking about now is what I will do when my mother comes here seeing his vase is broken!

-Vina: Please, not to overthink to move on. Let me think , ….. saying that your cat has just been chased by the dog? And the cat is the suspect.

a. I suggest that

b. How about you

c. How about

d. I suggest

19. Complete this sentence!

"……… to run over 20 minutes. It will make you feel better."

a. You need

b. I advise

c. You could

e. Why don't you

Jawaban: A.

20. Complete this dialogue!

-Maria: I have done my cleaning just now. But I have still got anger from my dad.

-Reynata: ……… ask him the reason?

a. I propose

b. Shall us

d. Why don’t you

21. Complete this sentence!

" me to pick your cat up from pet shop?"

c. Would you

d. How about

22. Complete this dialogue!

-Robin: Today, in the evening. My crush will go here to ask me for dating. What will I wear to meet him?

-Nami: ……. that you are more beautiful to wear pinky girl outfit.

a. I don’t think

23. Complete this dialogue!

-Hinata: I am so hungry

-Sakura: ......get you something to eat?

b. Why don’t

d. What about

24. Complete this dialogue!

-Susanti: I am studying at school right now. I must call my mom. But I don’t think I can do it.

-Amira: any help?

b. Would you

d. Will you

e. Don't you

25. Complete this sentence!

"......Do the washing. If you like."

e. How about

Jawaban: B.

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Kumpulan Soal

Kumpulan Soal dan Materi Sekolah

Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI K13 Semester 1 Beserta Jawaban

1# complete the dialogue with the right answer in the box, 2# match the english word into indonesian.

soal essay bahasa inggris peminatan kelas xi

3# Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions!

4# read the following dialogue and then answer the questions, 1 komentar untuk "contoh soal essay bahasa inggris kelas xi k13 semester 1 beserta jawaban", menu halaman statis.

soal essay bahasa inggris peminatan kelas xi

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 Lengkap dengan Jawaban

Ilustrasi gaya belajar auditori.

Apakah detikers sudah benar-benar memahami materi bahasa Inggris kelas XI di sekolah? Jika belum, maka beberapa contoh soal di bawah ini bisa kalian jadikan latihan sebelum ujian.

Supaya mudah dalam mengerjakan ujian bahasa Inggris, siswa perlu sering berlatih dengan soal-soal yang memuat bacaan. Sebab, soal-soal dalam pelajaran bahasa membutuhkan banyak kemampuan memahami literasi.

Nah, guna mempersiapkan penilaian tengah semester (PTS), berikut ini beberapa contoh soal yang bisa kalian kerjakan, dikutip dari buku Think Smart Bahasa Inggris: Kumpulan Soal untuk Kelas XII SMA/MA Program IPA/IPS oleh Denny Kodrat dan Diah Gusrayani.



Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2

Baca teks di bawah ini untuk menjawab soal nomor 1 sampai 5!

Running is the most basic of sports that involves the lower limbs and movement in a reasonably straight line. Because of the high knee lift in sprinting, the injury patterns in sprinting are different from those in long distance running.

Many distance runners complain of low back pain because of the stiff upright styles used in the long distance running. This can be eased with number extension exercises and hip flexion. Runner's knee is particularly common in the slower distance runner who may benefit from increasing his or her speed and exercising the inner quadriceps muscles better. Shin splits and lower limb stress fractures may be associated with poor biomechanics. It can often be corrected by a change in shoes or the insertion of orthotics. Variations on these may help ease many of the causes of foot pain that are found in distance runners.

In sprinting, the runner must come out of the start block. In doing thus, he or she must rotate the legs and use adductor strength. This frequently leads to adductor pulls although ut is in full flight that hamstring and quadriceps tears usually occur, especially if there is a tight bend.

A flexibility routine built into a training schedule may help prevent many of these injuries and competition should not be allowed until the sprinter is fluent in his or her stride and pain-free.

1. Which of these statements has a similar meaning to this sentence?

"Because of the high knee lift in sprinting, the injury patterns in sprinting are different to those found in long distance running."

A. Different types of running have different types of injuries.

B. The injuries found in sprinting are caused by the high knee lift.

C. Injuries found in long distance running can also be found in sprinting due to the high knee lift in sprinting.

D. Sprinting injuries are different to long distance injuries because in sprinting tha athlete must lift his or her knees high.

E. Injuries are found in many sports.

2. What involves in running?

A. The high knee lift

B. The stiff upright styles

C. The rotation of the legs and the use of adductor strength

D. The lower limbs and the movement in a reasonably straight line

E. The injuries found in sprinting are caused by the high knee lift.

3. What can correct poor foot biomechanics?

A. A flexibility routine in a training schedule.

B. Exercising the inner quadriceps muscles.

C. Lumbar extension exercises and hip flexion.

D. A change in shoes or the insertion of orthotics.

E. Sprinting and long distance running.

4. One way to prevent injuries in sprinting is ...

A. Increasing speed while running

B. A flexibility routine in a training schedule

C. Exercising the inner quadriceps muscles

D. A change in shoes or the insertion of orthotics

E. The stiff upright styles

5. What is this passage about?

A. How to deal with injuries in running

B. Sprinting and long distance running

C. Injuries by sprinting and long distance running

D. Athletes should use appropriate shoes in running to avoid injuries

E. The injuries found in sprinting are caused by high knee lift.

6. Fikri: The river is very dirty. People shouldn't have thrown household rubbish into the river.

Ahmad: That's exactly what I think.

From the dialogue above, we know that...

A. Ahmad disagrees with Fikri's opinion.

B. Fikri thinks exactly the same way.

C. Waste material has not been collected.

D. People polluted the river with rubbish.

E. Fikri warned people not to throw rubbish.

7. E: Do you think that monetary crisis will soon come to an end?

F: ........... this condition won't be back to normal within one or two years.

A. I am fed up with the news.

B. I am sorry to hear that.

C. It would be agreeable.

D. It is not my business.

E. It is very unlikely.

8. Manager: Jimmy, .......take this note to the accounting department?

Jimmy: Yes, certainly.

A. Is it possible for you to

B. Could you please

C. May I tell you to

D. Should I ask you

E. Can you ask I

9. Policeman: Your truck causes too much pollution.

Driver: Oh, .....Officer.

Policeman: Please, consult a mechanic about it.

Driver: Yes, I will.

B. I'm sorry

C. How come

D. Congratulation

E. Don't mention it.

10. Ria: It's breaktime. ................. a cup of tea?

Denny: That would be very nice of you.

A. Shall I have

B. May you get me

C. May I offer help to get

D. Could you help me to get

E. Would you like me to get you

Dari sederet contoh soal di atas, apakah ada yang tidak detikers pahami?


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30 contoh soal twk cpns 2024 plus kunci jawaban, ayo bersiap, 10 negara dengan penutur bahasa inggris terbaik, indonesia peringkat berapa, apakah daftar cpns dki jakarta 2024 boleh pakai toefl prediction ini kata bkd, 30 contoh soal tkp cpns 2024 beserta dengan kisi-kisi materinya, pahami yuk, 30 ucapan semangat dalam bahasa inggris untuk pacar yang menghangatkan hati, membangkitkan pelajaran bahasa inggris, alasan shah rukh khan ogah ke hollywood, apa messi ngobrol pakai bahasa inggris di ruang ganti inter miami.

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She …………… fried noodle just now.

…………….You last night ?

was he visit

Does he visit

did he visit

They…… here this morning

The man …… the car yesterday

The man …….. drove me just now is my uncle

The girl ……. Hair is long, wants to meet you

“She rides motorcycle “ . the passive form is

She is ridden by motorcycle

She was ridden by motorcycle

Motorcycle is ridden by her

Motorcycle is riding by her

He asked her : what will you do here ? He asked her ………..

What will you do there

What would you do there

What would she do there

What would she did there

” He wore his shocks “. The passive form is

He was wore by this socks

His shocks was worn by him

His shocks were worn by he

His shocks were worn by him

“They will buy the car”. The passive form is

The car will………..

Buy by them

Be buy by them

Be bought by them

Be bought by they

1 “We have seen the zoo”. The passive form is

The zoo have be seen by us

tthe zoo have been saw by us

The zoo has been seen by us

Type I : I will marry him if I am you

Type II : I …… marry him if I ………. you

Would– were

would be – were

I …… If I had had wings.

Would be flown

would have flown

If I ……… Rich, I could build a house

If she …. Smart, she won’t be ashame

………… my father’s hobby

I stop …… because of health

The woman ….........The rice , is my mother

…………, She sang a song

being washing

………breakfast , I went to school

having have

. He sat there, …...... the football competition

Because I was hungry, I stole the money instead of saying this, we can say....... ‘’hungry I stole the money ‘

...............get you a drink?

why don't you

…… .......To restaurant for lunch

let's we go

let's us go

X :I am boring

Y :…… to library ?

why don't go

how about go

would we going

why don't we

X: What will we do now ?

Y :How about ….. the birds

Be Patient! I …….. my strousers.

Don’t be noise ! my parents ……….

Is sleeping

are sleeping

When I left, She …................ yesterday

is sleeping

was sleeping

They where singing, when the thief ….. their shoes

was stealing

He eats rice and ……….

She didn’t do the task and ………….

He didn’t to

He did either

Neither did he

Neither he did

He asked me to wait a moment , but I ……. for him for 2 hours, but he hasn’t come yet.

have waited

have been waiting

have waiting

X. : Pay your debt !

Y :Excuse me , I ………. it by the end of this week

will be paid

will be paying

will have paid

I like staying at home ……. going out

Better than

rather than

He prefers Washing ……....... ironing

better than

He said to me :’’ I went to medan ‘’

He said to me that …… to medan

he had gone

She asked me :’’ Are you hungry ! ‘’

she asked me if..........hungry

you are hungry

i am hungry

i was hungry

she was hungry

The boy …… I kicked this morning, stole my doll.

i like staying at home.........going out

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az bahasa inggris

15 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Beserta Jawabannya

  • Post author By Ranti Fatya Utami
  • Post date March 20, 2018

Untuk melatih kemampuan dan keterampilan dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris, kita memerlukan banyak latihan dan praktek. Adapun kunci dari cara belajar bahasa Inggris dalam 1 hari juga membutuhkan ketekunan dan kemauan dari diri kita untuk terus berlatih. Maka dari itu, dalam kesempatan yang baik ini penulis akan mengajak pembaca untuk membahas beberapa contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas XI.

Di kelas XI, materi yang kita pelajar yaitu berkenaan dengan giving oppinion (with agreement and disagreement), narrative text , expresing love and sadness , spoof, expressing anger, expressing annoyance, expressing embarassment, dan hortatory exposition . Langsung saja, berikut ini merupakan contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas XI:

Text 1. For question number 1-4

Once, there was a family who had a baby. They also had a dog named Blackie and it was very smart and faithful. Blackie used to take care the baby while the family working in the Farm.

One afternoon, while they were working, they heard Blackie barking. Blackie was running toward them with mouth covered in blood. The husband shocked. He thought that Blackie killed the bab. Suddenly he took his grass knife and hit the dog until it died.

They got home quickly and saw the baby was sleeping. When he looke around, he found a die big Snake covered in blood. It seemed that blackie killed the Snake and he killed blackie.

  • Who was Blackie? Blackie was…

b. The husband

c. The wife

d. The baby

2. Why was blackie running toward the family? Because…

a. It was Hurt

b. It wanted to tell there’s danger almost happened

c. It wanted to catch the Snake

d. The baby sleeping

3. The dog was killed by….

a. The Snake

b. The wife

c. The husband

4. What Kind of the narrative is it? It is…

c. Science fiction

  • My mother ….. to the Market yesterday

d. Have One

6. The pink blouse father gave me is old, its color has faded. Its refers to…

7. Watch the telly tonight. My father is on TV at seven. He always make me happy .

From the bold words we know that the speaker feels …….. her father.

a. Dissapointed at

b. Worried about

c. Proud of

d. Angry with

8. I’m sorry i dont meet you, but i really wish i …. you

b. Will meet

c. Have met

9. I eat everything … she said

10. ….. you met your teacher last Saturday?

Text 2.  for question number 11-15

 It is a (11)… to read your letter and to know about the summer course at your campus. I’ll be (12)… to go with you. My bus (13)… be at your campus at 3 pm on Sunday. If you dont mind, i’d like you (14)… me at the halte. See you (15)… Sunday.

11.   a. regret

c. pleasure

12.   a. sorry

13.    a . will

14.  a. have met

15.   a. at

Penjelasan di atas merupakan uraian mengenai materi contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas XI yang dapat penulis sampaikan kepada pembaca dalam kesempatan yang indah ini. Semoga dengan membaca artikel mengenai Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI ini, pembaca dapat menyusun kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris, terutama mengenai dunia hewan, dengan baik dan benar sehingga kemampuan dasar bahasa inggris pembaca dapat meningkat pula. Tetap semangat untuk mempelajari bahasa inggris dan sampai jumpa pada kesempatan yang lain. may the good things happened to you!

  • Tags belajar inggris , contoh soal , soal inggris

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    SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS LINTAS MINAT KELAS XI SEMESTER GANJIL THN 2019/2020 quiz for 11th grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free! ... SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS LINTAS MINAT KELAS X... 11th. grade. English. 52% . accuracy. 375 . plays. Share. Alex Arpandi. 4 years. Worksheet Save Share. Copy and Edit. English. 11th. grade.

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  12. Soal Ujian Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

    Soal Ujian Essay Bahasa Inggris kelas XI - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document is a test paper from SMAN 1 Bandar Dua in Pidie Jaya, Aceh for 11th grade students studying English. It contains 5 questions testing various English grammar concepts such as verb tenses, expressions of advice and agreement/disagreement ...

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    Jawaban Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA | PDF | Komunikasi Manusia | Linguistik. jawaban Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA by kang9mage-350097.

  15. Asking and Giving Offer and Suggestion Kls Xi Kd3.1

    secret information that somebody gives, for example to the police, to warn them about an illegal activity that is going to happen. a secret or expert piece of advice about what the result of a competition, etc. is likely to be, especially about which horse is likely to win a race. a small part that fits on or over the end of something.

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    Contoh soal essay bahasa Inggris kelas XI semester 1 k13 beserta jawaban yang pertama ini berisikan materi yang sama dengan soal PG b. Inggris kelas 11 semester satu bagian ke-1 dan bagian ke-2, yaitu berisikan materi soal tentang Offering and Suggestion Expression dan Asking and Giving Opionion. Ada 20 soal essai yang bisa siswa SMA/SMK/MAK/MA ...

  17. Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 Lengkap ...

    Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2. Baca teks di bawah ini untuk menjawab soal nomor 1 sampai 5! Running is the most basic of sports that involves the lower limbs and movement in a reasonably straight line. Because of the high knee lift in sprinting, the injury patterns in sprinting are different from those in long distance running.


    The begger was standing on the stage in corner of the room. The begger looked so miserable that Hughie felt sorry for him. when Alan went out of the room, Hughie gave the begger a sovereign, the only thing he had in his pocket. The he said goodby to Alan. That night Hughie went to the Palette Club. There he met Alan.

  19. PAS BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS XI (Semester Ganjil)

    University. 20 Qs. University. 50 Qs. 9th. PAS BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS XI (Semester Ganjil) quiz for 11th grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free!

  20. 15 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Beserta Jawabannya

    Langsung saja, berikut ini merupakan contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas XI: Text 1. For question number 1-4. Once, there was a family who had a baby. They also had a dog named Blackie and it was very smart and faithful.

  21. Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 dan Kunci Jawaban

    Soal Penilaian Akhir Tahun SMA Terbaru. Name : Soal PAT Kelas XI - Bahasa Inggris. Format : Word. Size : 241 KB. File Compatible : All Windows. Rekomendasi Kami: Soal dan Jawaban PAT Kelas 11 Lengkap Semua Mata Pelajaran. Demikian Soal dan Kunci Jawaban PAT/UKK Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11/XI Jenjang SMA/MA/SMK Kurikulum 2013 yang ...

  22. Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Terbaru

    4. Christopher said (that) he just had seen the circus downtown with his little brother. 5. Taufik said (that) he and Mia would be my supporter in the following match. Untuk file PDF berisi soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 terbaru, silahkan download pada link berikut: Download file PDF Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 terbaru.

  23. Download Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 11 Semester 1 Terbaru

    Contoh Soal UTS/Mid Semester Ganjil Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA Halo teman semua, bertemu lagi bersama kami disini. Karena UTS atau Mid semester untuk semester ganjil ini sudah di depan mata, maka kami ingin membagikan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris terutama untuk kelas 11 SMA untuk latihan di rumah agar Ujiannya semakin lancar.Namun juga jika ada guru-guru yang ingin mendownload soal berikut untuk ...