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Visiting Old Folks Home

Visiting Old Folks Home

For most of us, school holidays are the highlights of the year. Without the term breaks,the prospect of a whole year of school will put a damper on any teenagers’ spirit. Most students pursue recreational activities that are usually neglected during school days.

They indulge in leisurely reading and catch up on correspondence. Besides allowing a break from the monotony of school,holidays also rejuvenate so that we will be energised at the commencement of a new term. It give teachers and students an oppurtunity to relax and recuperate too.As for me,this holidays give me a sense of realisation on parental love and service to the community.

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During the holidays,I had a golden opportunity to visit Seri Cahaya Old Folks Home which is located in a stone’s thrown away distance from my school. This place is meant to keep and look after parents that have been abandoned by their irresponsible kids who do not even know how to appreciate things that their parents have done for them when they are small and helpless. My class teacher had organised this excursion in order to cultivate some noble values among us especially the heart to service and parents’ love.On the respective day, all of my classmates gathered at the school compound.

They were exuberant and their spirit was well potrayed through their countenance. The sun rose majestically and the golden rays of the sun brought much warmth and cheer. We depart from our school at 9. 00 a.

m. and after 15 minutes travel,we arrived at the respective home. The old folks casted a glance towards us with their smiling face as if inviting us to their `permanent’ home. They looked at us with some kind of expectation and grieve.

I looked into their old and tired eyes,they seemed to be begging me for company.After greeted them,we started to clean the surrounding of the home. As the well known saying many hands make light work,we accomplished our task in a short period of time. Due to this we were able to chit chat with old folks and share our love and happiness with them.

They were very friendly and caring. Some of them reminisced their life experiences and betrayal of their children which made our heart to melt. Yet some folks still love their children though they left their parents remorselessly. One of my classmate,who is indeed a hilarios guy cracked numerous jokes.

The folks burst into laughter and they were elated ecstatic. During lunch,we served some delicious food which we brought along for the folks. I was on cloud nine as I got the opputunity to feed those who were bedridden with water or food. Tears rolled down on my cheeks when they extended their arms toward me to hug and show their gratitude.

After the hearty meal, we entertained the folks by singing and dancing. Some of the old folks did not miss the chance to show their talent. We were dumbfounded when one of the folks perfomed a rock dance.Later,we had a photo session with the folks for fond memories.

By the time we left the home,the happiness started to fade from the old folks’ faces. We reluctantly left the home. It was a enjoyable day and I got to learn some moral values from this trip. First and foremost,we should appreciate our parents and recognize their role in bringing us up.

It is meaningless to worship God without first revering one’s own parents. However, nowadays many children are dumping their aged parents by sending them to the old folks’ home due to different kinds of reasons as well as excuses.Younger society views the aged people as useless and frail. The elderly needs our care and love and we should endeavour to do our bit to cheer them up.

We should not dump our aged parents . As children, we are definitely responsible for the care of our elderly parents. Children have a moral obligation to make sure their parents are well taken care of. Didn’t they do that for us? Our parents clothed, fed and made sure we did not have to go through the trials and tribulations they went through during their youth.

Now it is the time to repay all that parents have done for their children.Parents make enormous sacrifices for the well being of the babies brought into the world. This is something that really is not up for discussion. It is the right thing to do because once we are in that position we would like the our children to take care of us.

However old they may be and howsoever difficult our condition may be,we should try to make our parents happy as far as it is possible for us. We should feed them even if we resort to begging. Bear all hardships to look after our parents. We should also never cause pain to our parents under any circumstance.

Never do anything due to which our parents may shed tears. Parents have given us their blood,wealth ,love and care,taking great pains. Because of them we have come up in life. An ungrateful person is worse than a beast.

Bear in mind no benefits accrues from worshipping God without first serving our parents with compassion,love and devotion. Furthermore, we should indulge in community services. Community service is a very important factor when it comes to bettering your society. Our life will be sanctified only when we help the poor,the sick and the down trodden.

By rendering service to society ,we can alleviate the sufferings of the people and bring about transformation in their lives. As the saying goes hands that serve are better than lips that pray. By helping the needy, we can bring happiness on their faces thus reduce the difficulties that they endure. Although we do not receive any material objects in return, we gain the wonderful feeling of knowing someone’s day would be brighter and better because of our deed.

Taking part and volunteering teaches compassion and understanding too. We would be more understanding on people sufferings and tend to help them.As a human being, we should own the responsibility of helping another human being who faces obstacles in life. God is not interested in ritualistic worship.

He is pleased when you undertake service activities. In a nutshell, many moral values are instilled in me through the visit to the Seri Cahaya Old Folks’ Home. I pledged to myself that I will never let the any of my family members or people around me to be in old folks home in future and I will take good care of my parents and love them no matter what happen. I will also indulge in community services and lend my hand to the needy.

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Visit The Old Folks’ Home (Essay Sample) 2023

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Visit The Old Folks’ Home

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Visit the Old Folks’ Home

Family is the most important basic unit in the society and these are the people who will be with you through thick and thin or whatever complicated circumstances you go through. They are always there to see you through. A family is usually composed of a father, mother, brother, and sister also known as the nuclear family. The extended family includes the grandmother, grandfather and uncles. The people comprising this unit are not perfect, they make mistakes and commit many blunders but one thing that makes this smallest social community special is the love and acceptance of each other. The family helps you when you are sick, having problems at school or encountering dilemma at work. They are the first to run to your aid when you are hurt, lack financial assistance and in need of protection. The parents are the very counselor and guide to the children and while they are still young, they have all the strength to carry heavy burdens and fix issues. The parents also provide food and shelter to the children and are responsible for making sure that they finish their education and receive a degree in education which could later on help the kids acquire the perfect career choice. The parents are also called as “Old Folks”, especially once they grow old and reach the age of 60 to 70 yrs old. These are the years when the children start living their own lives and live separately from their families to provide for themselves. It has been a sad and common practice that the elders or so-called Old Folks are placed in nursing homes with nurses and doctors who are not their relatives to take care of them.

Benefits of Visiting the Old Folks’ Home

It says a thousand words when children do visit their old folks’ home. It shows that they treasure their parents and love them, love them that much that they take time to visit and check on them, how they are doing and if they need food, medicine or clothes. It is a practice in most Asian countries for children to take care of their parents once they grow old. This is a sign of gratefulness for all the sacrifices that they have made and all the expenses given to take care of children. This is a positive character and trait in an individual since there is reverence and respect in the heart. A sense of gratefulness for all the kindness that their parents have shown to them and a deeper understanding of how life must be perceived. Visiting the Old Folks’ home are one of the coolest highlights in life. The smell of the fireplace, the soft carpet on the floor, hot chocolate that’s sizzling in the kitchen are all fond memories that will be treasured forever while the parents are still alive. We only get one shot in life and we have to use it wisely with the deepest respect and love for the people who took care of us when we were young. To return the favor despite the fact that they are not asking for any form of payback but to see their children grow up with happy lives and successful career. This builds up personality, kindness and a heart to do good. There are many ways of showing how much you love your old folks and it is not only through financial support but also being physical there with them in times when they need you the most. The old folks are more sensitive when they grow older and they would love to know that their children love them and care for them.

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Essay on Old Age Home – Samples, 10 Lines to 1500 Words

Short Essay on Old Age Home

Essay on Old Age Home: Old age homes have become a common phenomenon in today’s society, as more and more elderly individuals find themselves without a support system to care for them in their later years. In this essay, we will explore the reasons behind the rise of old age homes, the challenges faced by the elderly residents, and the impact of this trend on society as a whole. Join us as we delve into the complex issue of old age homes and the implications they have for our aging population.

Table of Contents

Old Age Home Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by introducing the topic of old age homes and why they exist. Explain that old age homes are facilities where elderly individuals who are unable to live independently or do not have family support can reside.

2. Discuss the reasons why some elderly individuals may end up in old age homes. This could include factors such as the lack of family support, financial constraints, health issues, or social isolation.

3. Highlight the importance of old age homes in providing a safe and supportive environment for elderly individuals. Emphasize that these facilities offer services such as medical care, meals, social activities, and companionship.

4. Address the stigma surrounding old age homes and the negative perceptions that some people may have about them. Explain that old age homes can actually be a positive and necessary option for elderly individuals who require specialized care and support.

5. Share personal stories or experiences of individuals who have benefited from living in an old age home. This could include anecdotes about improved quality of life, enhanced social connections, and increased happiness and well-being.

6. Discuss the challenges faced by old age homes, such as limited resources, staff shortages, and the need for improved funding and support. Highlight the importance of community involvement and advocacy in addressing these issues.

7. Offer suggestions for how society can better support elderly individuals and reduce the need for old age homes. This could include promoting intergenerational connections, providing more affordable healthcare options, and increasing awareness about the needs of the elderly population.

8. Conclude by emphasizing the importance of recognizing and valuing the contributions of elderly individuals in society. Encourage readers to consider the role they can play in supporting and caring for the elderly population, whether through volunteering, advocacy, or simply showing compassion and respect.

By following these writing tips, you can create a thoughtful and informative essay on old age homes that sheds light on this important topic and encourages readers to consider the needs of elderly individuals in our society.

Essay on Old Age Home in 10 Lines – Examples

1. An old age home is a facility designed to provide care and support for elderly individuals who may not be able to live independently. 2. These homes offer a range of services, including medical care, assistance with daily activities, and social activities. 3. Residents in old age homes may have physical or cognitive impairments that require specialized care. 4. The staff at these facilities are trained to provide compassionate and respectful care to the residents. 5. Many old age homes also offer recreational activities and opportunities for social interaction to help residents stay engaged and connected. 6. Some older adults may choose to live in an old age home because they do not have family members who can care for them. 7. Old age homes can provide a sense of community and belonging for elderly individuals who may feel isolated or lonely. 8. These facilities can also offer peace of mind for family members who may not be able to provide round-the-clock care for their loved ones. 9. Old age homes may be privately owned or operated by non-profit organizations or government agencies. 10. The goal of an old age home is to provide a safe and comfortable environment for elderly individuals to live out their golden years with dignity and respect.

Sample Essay on Old Age Home in 100-180 Words

Old age homes are facilities that provide care and support for elderly individuals who are unable to live independently. These homes offer a safe and comfortable environment for seniors to live in, with trained staff members to assist them with their daily needs.

While some may view old age homes as a negative concept, they can actually be a beneficial option for seniors who do not have family members to care for them or who require specialized medical attention. Old age homes provide a sense of community and companionship for the residents, as well as access to healthcare services and recreational activities.

It is important to ensure that old age homes are well-managed and provide quality care for their residents. By supporting and funding these facilities, we can help ensure that our elderly population receives the care and respect they deserve in their later years.

Short Essay on Old Age Home in 200-500 Words

Old age homes are facilities that provide housing and care for elderly individuals who are unable to live independently or do not have family members to care for them. These homes are designed to cater to the needs of the elderly population and provide them with a safe and comfortable environment in which to live out their golden years.

There are several reasons why elderly individuals may find themselves in need of the services provided by old age homes. Some may have physical or mental health issues that make it difficult for them to live on their own, while others may have lost their spouses or other family members who were their primary caregivers. In some cases, elderly individuals may simply prefer the companionship and social activities that are offered in old age homes.

Old age homes provide a range of services to their residents, including assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation. They also offer medical care and medication management, as well as social and recreational activities to help keep residents engaged and active. Many old age homes also have trained staff members who are available around the clock to provide assistance and support to residents as needed.

While old age homes can provide a valuable service to elderly individuals who are in need of care and support, they are often a last resort for many people. The decision to move into an old age home can be a difficult one, as it may mean leaving behind a lifetime of memories and independence. However, for some elderly individuals, old age homes offer a sense of security and peace of mind that may not be possible to achieve in their own homes.

There are also concerns about the quality of care provided in some old age homes, as reports of neglect and abuse have surfaced in recent years. It is important for families to thoroughly research and visit potential old age homes before making a decision about placement, to ensure that their loved ones will receive the best possible care and support.

In conclusion, old age homes play an important role in providing care and support to elderly individuals who are in need of assistance. While the decision to move into an old age home can be a difficult one, these facilities can offer a safe and comfortable environment for elderly individuals to live out their golden years. It is important for families to carefully consider their options and choose a facility that will provide the best possible care for their loved ones.

Essay on Old Age Home in 1000-1500 Words

Old age homes, also known as retirement homes or senior living facilities, are places where elderly individuals can live and receive care and support as they age. These homes provide a safe and comfortable environment for seniors who may no longer be able to live independently or who require assistance with daily tasks. While the concept of old age homes may be seen as a modern phenomenon, the idea of caring for the elderly in specialized facilities has been around for centuries.

The need for old age homes has increased in recent years due to various factors such as changing family structures, urbanization, and longer life expectancy. In the past, elderly individuals were typically cared for by their families, but as societies have become more mobile and families have become more nuclear, the traditional support system for the elderly has weakened. This has led to an increase in the number of elderly individuals who are living alone or who do not have family members who are able to care for them.

Old age homes provide a range of services to meet the needs of their residents. These services may include assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and eating, as well as medical care, social activities, and emotional support. Many old age homes also offer specialized care for individuals with specific health conditions, such as dementia or mobility issues. The goal of these facilities is to provide a supportive and nurturing environment where seniors can live with dignity and independence.

One of the key benefits of old age homes is that they provide a sense of community and social connection for their residents. Many elderly individuals who live alone or who are isolated from their families may experience feelings of loneliness and depression. By living in an old age home, seniors have the opportunity to interact with their peers, participate in social activities, and form new friendships. This can have a positive impact on their mental and emotional well-being and help to improve their overall quality of life.

Another benefit of old age homes is that they provide a safe and secure environment for seniors. Many elderly individuals are at risk of falls, accidents, or other health issues that can be exacerbated by living alone. Old age homes are designed to be accessible and safe for seniors, with features such as handrails, non-slip flooring, and emergency call systems. This can help to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries and provide peace of mind for both residents and their families.

Old age homes also provide a range of medical services to meet the healthcare needs of their residents. Many elderly individuals have complex health conditions that require ongoing monitoring and treatment. Old age homes typically have medical staff on site, such as nurses and doctors, who can provide care and support to residents. This can help to ensure that seniors receive the medical attention they need in a timely manner and can help to prevent health issues from escalating.

Despite the many benefits of old age homes, there are also some challenges and criticisms associated with these facilities. One of the main criticisms of old age homes is that they can be expensive, making them inaccessible to low-income seniors. The cost of living in an old age home can vary depending on the location, amenities, and level of care provided, but it can be prohibitively expensive for many elderly individuals. This can create disparities in access to care and support for seniors who may not be able to afford the cost of living in an old age home.

Another criticism of old age homes is that they can be stigmatized and seen as a last resort for seniors who have been abandoned by their families. There is a perception that old age homes are places where elderly individuals are sent to be forgotten and neglected, rather than places where they can receive care and support. This stigma can prevent some seniors from seeking out the help they need and can contribute to feelings of shame and isolation.

Despite these challenges, old age homes play an important role in providing care and support for elderly individuals who may not have other options. As the population ages and the number of seniors in need of care continues to grow, the demand for old age homes is likely to increase. It is important for society to recognize the value of these facilities and to work towards ensuring that all seniors have access to the care and support they need as they age.

In conclusion, old age homes are an important resource for elderly individuals who require care and support as they age. These facilities provide a range of services to meet the needs of their residents, including assistance with activities of daily living, medical care, social activities, and emotional support. While there are challenges and criticisms associated with old age homes, they play a vital role in providing a safe and nurturing environment for seniors who may not have other options. It is important for society to recognize the value of these facilities and to work towards ensuring that all seniors have access to the care and support they need as they age.

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Essay On Old Age Home – 10 Lines, Paragraph & Long Essay

Essay On Old Age Home – 10 Lines, Paragraph & Long Essay

Key Points to Remember When Writing Essay on Old Age Home

10 lines on old age home, a paragraph on old age home, short essay on old age home, long essay on old age homes, what will your child learn from old age home essay.

Writing an essay is an enlightening experience that enables children and students to express their views on various topics. Especially when it comes to sensitive subjects like old age homes, an essay for children and students is a gateway to articulate thoughts and opinions properly. Today, we will delve into the topic of old age homes, exploring its facets through concise, 10-line, short, and more comprehensive long essays. The essay on old age homes in English is designed in different formats to give children and students a broader understanding, enhance their language skills, and highlight the significance of these institutions in our society.

Writing an essay can be made simpler by keeping a few things in mind. Especially when crafting an essay for kids, it’s vital to ensure clarity, precision, and relatability. Here are some golden points to remember:

  • Understand the Audience: Knowing your audience is crucial. If the essay is intended for kids, it should be simple, relatable, and engaging.
  • Stay Compassionate and Respectful: Given the topic’s sensitivity, it’s essential to maintain a tone that shows respect and understanding for the elderly.
  • Personal Anecdotes: If possible, weave in personal stories or experiences related to old age homes. This adds authenticity and depth to the narrative.
  • Research: Even if it’s a short essay, it’s crucial to ensure accuracy in your statements. A bit of research can help support your views and provide valuable insights.
  • Structure: Maintain a clear structure – introduction, body, and conclusion. This allows the reader to follow the narrative seamlessly.
  • Engaging Opening: Start with an engaging statement or question to pique interest from the beginning.
  • Use of Simple Language: Avoid jargon or complex words, especially in an essay for kids. The goal is comprehension and connection.
  • Visual Aids: If the format allows, include relevant pictures or illustrations. They can be particularly effective in making the content more engaging for younger readers.
  • Conclude Thoughtfully: Round off your essay with a thoughtful conclusion, summarising your main points and perhaps posing a question or call to action.
  • Proofread: Before finalising, always check for grammatical errors, inconsistencies, or areas of improvement.

Old age homes hold a special place in our society, providing solace and care to our elders. Here are a few lines on old-age homes to give young minds a brief idea of these homes. This essay for lower primary class students promises simplicity and comprehension.

  • Old age homes are where the elderly live when not with family.
  • They provide essential services like food, shelter, and medical care.
  • Trained staff ensure that the elderly are well taken care of.
  • Such homes offer residents a sense of community and belonging.
  • Residents engage in activities like reading, gardening , and group games.
  • Festivals, birthdays, and special events are celebrated with enthusiasm.
  • Some elders choose these homes for peace and companionship.
  • These homes have special facilities like ramps and emergency systems.
  • Regular visits by doctors and counsellors keep the elderly healthy.
  • Old-age homes teach us about caring, compassion, and societal responsibility.

Every visit to an old age home can leave a memorable mark on one’s soul, introducing us to feelings of wisdom, love, and memories. It’s an experience that helps us understand the importance of age, relationships, and societal responsibility. In a paragraph essay, here’s a short account encapsulating such a visit to an old age home.

My visit to an old age home was a journey filled with emotions. The corridors echoed tales of time, lessons learned, and wisdom earned. Each room was a chapter from a different book, filled with residents cherishing their past and making peace with the present. Their eyes, although shadowed by age, sparkled with stories waiting to be told. While some recounted tales of joy, others shared life’s poignant lessons, making us understand past the narratives. It was not just a visit but a bridge between generations, a reminder that age is but a number, and the heart remains forever young. This visit redefined my understanding of age, making me value life’s fleeting moments even more.

Old age homes often elicit a range of emotions from society—from sympathy to gratitude, from curiosity to concern. But beyond these emotions lies a deeper understanding of their essence and relevance. This short essay seeks to capture that essence and shed light on the significance of old age homes in our society.

Old-age homes are more than just infrastructures built to house the elderly. They serve as sanctuaries, offering warmth, care, and a sense of belonging to those who might have been forgotten by their kin or the fast-paced world outside. In these homes, the elderly rediscover the joys of community living, surrounded by peers with similar life experiences. These are places where birthdays are celebrated with the same enthusiasm as a child’s, festivals take on a special hue, and every day is an opportunity to relive memories.

While some may perceive old age homes as a sad reflection of society’s inability to care for its elderly, seeing them as places of hope is vital. They ensure that the golden years of one’s life are spent in comfort, dignity, and, most importantly, in the company of those who care.

Old age home scene

The concept of old age homes has evolved significantly over time. From being seen as mere shelters for the elderly to now being recognised as holistic centres for senior care, old age homes have gracefully reshaped our understanding of ageing. This comprehensive essay explores the significance of old age homes, highlighting their importance and weighing their advantages against their disadvantages.

Importance of Old Age Homes

The importance of old age homes in essays cannot be underscored enough. As societies evolve, familial structures are changing, often leading to challenges in accommodating and caring for the elderly within nuclear family setups. Old age homes address these challenges, ensuring senior citizens, regardless of their familial ties or socio-economic backgrounds, receive the care and support they need in their twilight years.

These homes do more than offer shelter; they provide an environment stimulating the mind and body, helping residents lead an active, engaged life. They play a vital role in ensuring that the elderly don’t become victims of neglect, isolation, or even abuse. Moreover, in a world where mental health concerns are rampant, the companionship and structured lifestyle offered by old age homes can act as an anchor for many senior citizens, ensuring emotional well-being.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Old Age Homes

  • Comprehensive Care: Old-age homes are equipped to provide 360-degree care to their residents – from medical facilities to recreational activities.
  • Social Engagement: Residents get opportunities for social interaction, ensuring they stay mentally active and emotionally connected.
  • Safety and Security: With round-the-clock security and emergency protocols, residents are ensured a safe living environment.
  • Independence: Senior citizens can maintain independence without the daily pressures of household chores or management.


  • Emotional Disconnect: While old age homes provide physical comforts, many residents might feel emotionally disconnected from their families.
  • Perception: Society often perceives old age homes negatively, which can impact the morale of its residents.
  • Cost: High-quality old-age homes can be expensive, making them inaccessible to some sections of the population.
  • Variability in Standards: Not all old-age homes offer the same quality of care, and the services provided can vary greatly.

Writing an essay on old age homes can be immensely enlightening for children. It introduces them to the realities and challenges the elderly face, instilling empathy and compassion . Moreover, they understand the dynamics of our ageing society and the significance of community support. Such essays can also foster respect for senior citizens and an appreciation for the wisdom and experiences they bring to our lives.

1. Why should we take care of our older members?

Caring for our older members reflects our societal values and humanity. They have spent a lifetime contributing to our families and communities, often making sacrifices for our well-being. Offering them care and respect in their twilight years acknowledges their efforts and ensures they live with dignity, comfort, and love. Moreover, older members are reservoirs of wisdom and experience; we preserve and cherish this invaluable treasure by caring for them.

2. How can we help old age people?

We can assist old age people by undertaking the following tasks:

  • Physical Support: Assist them in daily tasks, like walking, eating, or house chores.
  • Medical Care: Ensure regular check-ups, provide medication timely and understand their health needs.
  • Active Listening: Lend a listening ear. Let them share stories, experiences, or concerns.
  • Engage in Activities: Include them in family gatherings, events, or short trips.
  • Respect and Patience: Always show respect and patience , even if they repeat stories or move slower.
  • Financial Support: If needed, help them manage their finances or support them monetarily.
  • Stay Informed: Be aware of common age-related issues and solutions to assist them better.
  • Emotional Well-being: Recognise signs of depression or anxiety and seek professional help if needed.
  • Offer Independence: Allow them the space and freedom to decide and do things independently.
  • Educate and Advocate: Educate yourself and others about the rights and needs of the elderly, advocating for better facilities and more inclusive policies.

3. Are there different types of old-age homes?

Yes, there are different types of old-age homes, including government-run homes, private facilities, and non-profit organisations. Some homes offer basic care, while others provide specialised services for specific medical conditions or higher levels of personal care.

The subject of old age homes transcends mere infrastructure or societal trends; it touches the very core of humanity, empathy, and respect. As we progress as a society, we must prioritise the well-being and dignity of our senior citizens. By educating our younger generations through essays and discussions, we foster a future that acknowledges, celebrates, and supports the invaluable contributions of the elderly. Their stories, wisdom, and experiences are our present and future foundations.

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CARING FOR THE ELDERLY- A Visit to Old Folks’ Home

On a sunny morning of 17 th March 2019, a team of members from USM IEEE Women in Engineering as well as volunteers from IEEE Student Branch had paid a visit to the Jawi Senior Leisure Home. The purpose of the visit was to provide these members and volunteers an opportunity to contribute back to the society by expressing their love to these elderly people.

      The weathered faces of the elderly people lit up as we arrived at the venue in the morning with fruit baskets in our hands. Initially, the elderly seemed very shy and inward as they were not familiar with the unfamiliar faces. However, they began opening up to us as time passed by. Talking to the elderly might seem intimidating at first, however as we go further we found that we can talk to them about almost anything. They were very happy to share their interesting stories and unforgettable memories with us as they start reminiscing about the good old times. Despite being of different races, we bonded over interactive activities such as chess, game of cards and even some small talk.

      Being a part of this volunteering act, we were taught compassion and understanding. By rendering service to society, we can alleviate the sufferings of people and bring transformation in their lives. Just like the old folks who might have seemed to be living life without worries but hidden behind their warm and friendly smiles are strong pining for their children. Our short presence at the old folks’ home might not make a big change, but we definitely brought joy to them in that short period of time.

      The younger generation should be taught good family values especially the value and virtue of filial piety in concerning, caring for and respecting elderly through volunteering works like this.

report essay visit to an old folks home

A well day spend at Jawi Senior Leisure Home.

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Old Age Home Essay | Essay on Old Age Home for Students and Children in English

February 18, 2021 by Prasanna

Old Age Home Essay: Since the ancient ages, India’s people would live in joint families who had parents, husband or wife, grandparents, children, grandchildren, uncles, aunts and cousins. It has been a custom to find that the parents and grandparents would take care of the house’s infants and kids. Also, when they grow up, they become a support system for their parents and grandparents too. When they fall ill, they take care, give them proper medical facilities, and spend quality time with them. It is unfortunate to express that, nowadays they are not given such care and attention and are dumped in the old age homes.

Long and Short Essays on Old Age Home for Students and Kids in English

We are providing the students with essay samples on an extended essay on Old Age Home of 500 words and a short essay on Old Age Home of 150 words on the topic of Old Age Home Essay.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on Old Age Home 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Old Age Home is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

There are various stages in human, life, including infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. We all have to come and journey across these ages. However, our behaviour, attitude, temperaments and physical fitness are different in every stage. Also, not to forget that man is a social animal. He or she cannot stay in isolation. He needs to live in a family, with his friends in society. The entire world works smoothly on interdependence. Love, affection, and care are mutual, and they help a person live and not merely exist.

Due to the advent of urbanisation, modernisation and several other factors, the joint families have shattered. People are busy with their jobs, and they hardly have any time and interest to look after the older members of the family. Therefore, they leave their parents in old age homes. Also, many insensitive people, abandon their parents, and as a result of which various Non-governmental Organisations and governmental organisations rescue them and admit them to old age homes. Many people, who have no family to take care of, admit themselves to the old age home voluntarily.

An old age home is a shelter house where the people of older age dwell together with other older people when they have been abandoned by their family members or voluntarily admitted to it to combat loneliness during this crucial stage of life. The old-age house staff is in charge of feeding these senior citizens on time and taking care of their medical needs. They help them cope with the routine by cleaning their clothes and utensils and helping them live the last days of their life without isolation. Also, they conduct various recreational activities, to indulge them in and combat boring lifestyles. They entertain them so that they become happy and jolly. Also, the house inmates stay together, share their experiences and make good bonds with their friends.

People are also adopting these new lifestyles and in a way, adjusting or compromising with life. However, it is important not to forget that we have to take care of the parents during their old age because they have taken care of us and raised us with a lot of love and affection since childhood. We should not be selfish and seek their blessings by providing them physical, social and emotional support. On the part of the parents, it is important to get prepared for the worst, in the case shortly and should not live with a lot of hopes, but make good savings to lead independent life during the old age, in case their children abandoned them, or any mishap occurs. We should make sure there should be no old age home at all. People should get all love, care, attention and support from their own family. In this way, we can become good human beings and seek their blessings.

Essay on Old Age Home

Short Essay on Old Age Home 150 words in English

Short Essay on Old Age Home is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Infancy, as well as old age, are, mostly referred to as the most delicate stage of human life. They need most of the care and affection. They are physically, emotionally and mentally weak at this age. Thus, the children need to take care of the parents in their old age. But it is a matter of immense grief that nowadays, the children have become insensitive to this duty and are escaping from it.

Thus, they are leaving their parents in the old age home to run away from their obligations. In the old age homes, the older people stay together and are cared for by the old age home staff. They take care of their food, shelter, clothing and medical assistance. There should be no old age homes in any part of the world. Let all the care and affection come from the family itself, which they had once served.

10 Lines on Old Age Home Essay

  • Old age is an inevitable part of human life.
  • They need care and affection from the family.
  • But nowadays they are dumped in old age homes.
  • It is very important to note that the old age home concept has not gained significant attention in India due to the joint family system.
  • An old age home is a shelter that is home to the older and needy people who the family has abandoned.
  • In old age homes, these people are taken care of the food, clothing and shelter.
  • Also, they are given proper medical facilities.
  • Much recreational and entertainment are also provided.
  • It is saddening to know that we are abandoning our parents and grandparents.
  • we have to stay with them and take care of them.

Short Essay on Old Age Home

FAQ’s on Old Age Home Essay

Question 1. What is the reason for an old age home?

Answer: Urbanisation and insensitivity on people are a major reason for the old age home.

Question 2. Why should we take care of our older members of the family?

Answer: Because they also have raised us with love, care and attention in our childhood and have made our life comfortable.

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Student Essays

Old age home essay for students

Essay On Old Age home – Importance, Advantages, Problems

For writing an essay on Old age home, you needed to take care of certain points; importance, necessity, advantages & disadvantages of old age homes, how old age home work, meaning & purpose etc.

Old age home is by definition is place where senior citizen are taken care of. It is hard to argue whether Old age home is blessing or curse but it has become necessary in modern world, in developed countries and in India as well. We have written a sample essay on topic old age home, visit to old age home, short & long essay in points for students.

Essay on Old Age home | Importance, Need, Advantages & disadvantages of Old age home Essay For Students

An old age home is the place for those old people who do not have a home to live. This place is like a home for them where they get everything for routine living like food, clothes, shelter and medical treatment. It is a shelter home where older people live in a community with other people when they have been abandoned by their families.

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Even though it is a good home for old age people but it still cannot take the place of a real home where people live happily with their families and spend quality time with them.

Why Old Age home has become necessary today?

Old age home might be a need of society in today’s age but irresponsible people consider it as an excuse to get rid of their responsibility especially now, when traditional values have been lost.

Our parents sacrificed their whole lives for us. They taught us how to take first steps. They were always there, staying up all night and taking care of us when we were sick. When we were learning to speak or when we had questions in mind, they did not get frustrate or angry at us for asking too many questions.

They gave us everything that we wished for without caring about their expenses. Unfortunately, children forget about all these things when they grow up. When there is time for them to take care of their parents, they take it as a burden.

Especially now, when due to modernization and urbanization, joint family system has been shattered. Everyone is busy in their own life and they do not have an interest to look after their parents. They prefer to send their parents to old age home instead of taking care of them at home.

Is Old Age home a Blessing or Curse?

Most people live abroad and their ageing parents are left alone and they have no one to take care of them. They are also an easy target for criminals. In this case, old age home gives protection and security to them because of constant screening of everyone who visits there. It also gives an opportunity to those parents to live together as a community with other people. At old age homes, there are people of same age group so it is easy for everyone to blend in comfortably. Moreover, Old age staff is responsible for taking care of these old people. The staff is in charge of feeding them on time and taking care of their every need.

They take good care of these people. Old age home might be a blessing for some people but it is definitely a curse for majority of the people. For example, an old man, who was the head and the backbone of the family once is now forced to live in a house with other strangers.

A woman who used to cook meals for her family once cannot cook food for her family now as she has to live in a house with other people like her who are also thrown out from their homes.

It is sad that how this young generation is abandoning parents and grandparents. Even though old age home is a place where the staff takes good care of abandoned people but still, it cannot overcome the fact that old people are forced to go to this place, especially when they need special attention and love from their own family.

Old age homes are the last hope of these poor old people so they must be equipped with better facilities so that these people can live a better life.

Essay about Old Age:

As we progress through life, it is inevitable that we will all grow old. In fact, the global population of people aged 65 and above is expected to reach nearly 1.6 billion by the year 2050. With this increase in elderly individuals, there has been a rise in the number of old age homes around the world.

An old age home, also known as a retirement home or senior living facility, is a place where older adults can receive care and support in their golden years. Many factors contribute to the decision for seniors to move into these facilities such as health concerns, loneliness, or family circumstances. These homes provide residents with assistance in daily activities like bathing, dressing, and medication management while also offering social interaction and recreational activities.

However, the concept of old age homes is often viewed negatively in society. Some believe it is a reflection of the deteriorating family structure and values, where children are no longer able to care for their aging parents. This has led to a stigma surrounding old age homes and perceptions that they are cold, lonely, and impersonal places.

On the contrary, old age homes provide a much-needed service for those who do not have access to proper care or support from their families. It also offers a sense of community and companionship for seniors who may otherwise feel isolated in their own homes. Many facilities have trained staff members who provide round-the-clock care and ensure that residents receive proper nutrition and medical attention.

In conclusion, while there may be negative connotations associated with old age homes, they serve an important purpose in our society. As the elderly population continues to grow, it is imperative that we provide adequate care and support for them in their later years. Old age homes not only offer a safe and comfortable living environment but also promote socialization and overall well-being for senior citizens. It is essential to shift our perspective towards these facilities and recognize the valuable role they play in supporting our aging population.

Short Essay on Old Age Home:

Old age homes are facilities that provide care and support for senior citizens who are unable to live independently. They offer a safe and secure environment where older adults can receive quality healthcare, daily assistance, and social interaction.

Sadly, old age homes have become a necessity in today’s society. With the changing family structure and busy lifestyles, many elderly people are left alone with no one to take care of them. These homes provide them with a sense of community and companionship.

However, it is disheartening to see how some families neglect their elderly members and send them off to old age homes without any remorse. The elders who once took care of their children are now abandoned by the same children they raised with love and care.

While old age homes provide a necessary service, we must not forget that it is our responsibility to take care of our aging parents and grandparents. We should cherish the time we have with them and provide them with love and support in their old age.

It is also essential for society to change its attitude towards old age homes. Instead of viewing them as a burden or an undesirable place, we should see them as valuable institutions that serve a vital purpose in caring for our elderly population.

In conclusion, old age homes are necessary establishments that provide care and support for senior citizens. However, it is our moral duty to take care of our elders and treat them with respect and love in their golden years.

Essay on Old age homes a blessing or a curse:

In today’s fast-paced world, the older generation often finds it difficult to keep up with the rapid changes happening around them. With families becoming nuclear and children moving away for better opportunities, seniors are left alone in their old age. This has led to the rise of old age homes as an alternative living option for the elderly.

The concept of old age homes is not new and has been prevalent in many societies around the world. In this essay, we will discuss whether old age homes are a blessing or a curse for our society.

Advantages of Old Age Homes

1). Providing Shelter and Care

Old age homes provide shelter and care to those who have no one else to turn to. Many seniors living alone face difficulties in managing household chores and taking care of themselves. Old age homes provide a safe and comfortable environment where they can live with their peers and receive proper care from trained staff.

2). Promoting Social Interaction

Living in old age homes allows seniors to interact with people of their own age group and engage in various activities together. This promotes social interaction, which is crucial for mental well-being in old age.

3). Access to Medical Facilities

Old age homes usually have medical facilities within the premises or are located near hospitals, providing easy access to healthcare services for the residents. This ensures that any health issues are addressed promptly, reducing the risk of complications.

Problems of Old Age Homes

1). Financial Burden

Running an old age home can be financially demanding, especially for non-profit organizations. With the rising cost of living and limited government support, many old age homes struggle to meet their expenses, resulting in inadequate care for the residents.

2). Lack of Family Support

One of the biggest challenges faced by seniors living in old age homes is the lack of family support. Many elderly residents have strained relationships with their families or are abandoned by them, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

While old age homes provide a safe and caring environment for seniors, they also come with their own set of challenges. It is essential to address these issues and ensure that our aging population receives proper care and support. Instead of seeing old age homes as a replacement for family, we should strive to create a society where seniors can live with dignity and respect in their own homes, surrounded by loved ones. After all, growing old is a part of life that should be embraced and celebrated, not seen as a burden.

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So, whether old age homes are a blessing or a curse ultimately depends on how society perceives and treats its elderly citizens. In the end, it is up to us to make sure that our seniors live their golden years with happiness and contentment, regardless of whether they reside in an old age home or with their families. Let us strive towards creating a world where age is just a number and everyone is treated with love and compassion.

How do you write an introduction to an old age home?

An introduction to an old age home typically begins by providing a brief overview of the facility and its purpose, emphasizing the care and support it offers to elderly residents who may not have families or the means to live independently.

What are the points of old age homes?

Old age homes provide elderly individuals with accommodation, medical care, emotional support, and social engagement. They offer a sense of community and assistance for seniors who may be isolated or require specialized care.

What is old age in a short paragraph?

Old age is a phase of life characterized by advanced years, typically associated with retirement and a decrease in physical abilities. It can be a time of reflection, relaxation, and the opportunity to spend time with family and pursue lifelong interests.

What is the need and importance of old age homes?

Old age homes are important for elderly individuals who may not have family support or are unable to live independently. They offer a safe and supportive environment, medical care, and social interaction, addressing the needs of seniors who may otherwise be vulnerable or isolated

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Short Paragraph on “My Visit to an Old Age Home”

report essay visit to an old folks home

Here is your short paragraph on My Visit to an Old Age Home !

Last Saturday, I visited Jeevan Asha which is an old age home for orphans & aged people in Mumbai. We can see old age homes all across the world.

But unfortunately even the best old age home has old people & children’s that are unhappy, lonely & sad.

Science & even the best writers fail to explain the affection, bonding & love between a child and a mother. There is no mother in this world who does not want her children to be happy. Every mother wants to do the best things that she could ever afford for her children. To get those best things in the world many mothers works hard throughout their lives. They even face situations where they had to remain hungry in order to feed their children. But the saddest part is when children grows up they choose to push their mothers in the old aged homes.


When the child grows up his/ her mother want to spend some free time with him/ her. But the child refuses to do so. When I visited Jeevan Asha I saw many mothers who were pushed by their children’s to spend the rest of their lives there. These mothers were very unhappy and were trying their level best to somehow adjust towards the surroundings talking to people who were unknown and strange to them.

I talked with those unfortunate mothers and collected fond memories. I learnt a lot from them. Many mothers were still hoping that someday their children’s will coma and ask them to go back home.

During my visit to Jeevan Asha I learned that being an old person is not easy for anyone. Those people were suffering from relationship pain & loneliness which was easily seen in their wet eyes. There were separate wards and each ward consisted of 3-4 beds. I did not visit few wards as I was not allowed to enter because it had mentally retarded people in it. I took some useful items with me like bed sheets, fruits, soaps, snacks etc. and distributed to them. Before my visit I thought that orphan age is for poor people but I saw many deprived mothers who belong to well established families.

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Essay on A Visit to The Old Folks’ Home


Our bus stopped in front of an official-looking building with the sign “Pejabat” prominently displayed on the door. Our teacher Cik Siti got down first. We followed.

We were at the Old Folks’ Home as part of our Social Welfare Club’s activities. Cik Siti had said that it was good for us to visit the Home to get an idea of how some of the less fortunate senior citizens of our society lived. She said that most of the younger generation are too pampered and we did not know what hardship and poverty were. So the visit was supposed to be an eye-opener for the thirty or so students from our class.

Indeed it was an eye-opener. The moment I alighted from the bus I saw a group of pathetic-looking old people staring at us from an old building about twenty metres from the bus. The effect the sight on me and the others was immediate.

Normally we were like a bunch of chattering hyperactive monkeys who did not know what silence was, We were always too busy exercising our mouths or other parts of our anatomy. But that morning in the compound of the Old Folks’ Home we were all very quiet, and I understood why.

For the first time in my life, I came face to face with old neglected people. They were no different from my grandfather or grandmother from their physical appearance, but the look on their faces told a very different story.

Most of them were in no position to be physically active. So they just remained as they were when Cik Siti led us into the main building that housed the inmates. Inside the building we saw the sorry state of the residents, First of all, the whole place was untidy and a stench pervaded the air. Some old men were lying in bed, some were sitting and some were simply standing stock-still. When we entered most of them turned and stared at us, mouths agape. The rest probably were not even aware of our presence.

Cik Siti talked to a few of them. Some of them made attempts to reply, but most just stared without saying anything. The ravages of age and senility had taken their toll on many of them. They simply did not have the strength nor the interest to make conversation.

We visited the handicraft section where the more able inmates earned some pocket money by making bamboo baskets and other items. These inmates were a bit easier to talk to.

Those who were able to answer invariably told us of how they ended up in the Home in the twilight of their lives. The common cause was that nobody wanted them. Some of them had no relatives. Some cannot remember who their relatives were and some were left at the home by their very own sons who did not want to look after them! We were all taken aback by such callousness but the fact was there for us to see.

We spent about two hours at the Home. I came to realise that an old person was very much at the mercy of the young. If the old person was fortunate enough, the younger ones might take care of him. Otherwise, he was likely to end up in an Old Folks’ Home or maybe somewhere worse.

We left the Home in a sombre mood after promising to return the next weekend to tidy up the place a bit. Cik Siti was right. We were all very pampered and did not know what hardship and poverty were. Anyway, we learned something that day and the following week we did return to tidy up and make the home a better place to live in for the old people there. It was the least we could do.

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    Essay on A Visit to The Old Folks' Home Our bus stopped in front of an official-looking building with the sign "Pejabat" prominently displayed on the door. Our teacher Cik Siti got down first. We followed. We were at the Old Folks' Home as part of our Social Welfare Club's activities. Cik Siti had said that it was good for us to visit ...

  14. Short Paragraph on "My Visit to an Old Age Home"

    Here is your short paragraph on My Visit to an Old Age Home ! Last Saturday, I visited Jeevan Asha which is an old age home for orphans & aged people in Mumbai. We can see old age homes all across the world. But unfortunately even the best old age home has old people & children's that are unhappy, lonely & sad. Science & even the best writers fail to explain the affection, bonding & love ...

  15. Essay on my visit to an old age home in neighbourhood

    Step 1/2Introduction: Visiting an old age home in my neighbourhood was a unique experience for me. It was an opportunity to interact with the elderly and learn about their lives. The visit was an eye-opener, and it made me realize the importance of caring for the elderly. Body: As I entered the old age home, I was greeted by the residents who ...

  16. 1. Write a report on your visit to an old age home.

    REPORT Visit to an old age home Mumbai, 22nd November 2020. By school reporter. In today's society, we tend to largely ignore a big part of the population - the senior citizens. This is a shame as they are a treasure trove of useful information and advice. This means that a visit to an old age home was an exciting thing to look forward to.

  17. Answers to: Write an essay about Visit to an old age home

    Additionally, a visit to an old age home can also give us a sense of perspective on our own lives. It can make us appreciate the relationships and support systems that we have, and remind us of the importance of cherishing our loved ones. We may also realize the significance of treating others with empathy and compassion, and the impact that ...

  18. Essay: A visit to old folks' home

    Through this lesson, the students will be able to write an essay about their visit to old folks' home. Notes Essay: A visit to old folks' home Bahasa Inggeris PT3 Tingkatan 3

  19. Answers to: Write an essay about visit to old folks home

    Write an essay about visit to old folks home. Asked on 12/5/2023, 3 pageviews. Essays

  20. PDF Form 5 SET 1 2019 PAPER 1

    a letter to the manager of Permata Old Folks Home to ask for permission to go to their place. Use the following notes to write your letter. When writing the letter, you must. address the right person. use the correct format. use all the notes given. give two benefits from the trip. Note:

  21. Essay on A Visit to The Old Folks' Home

    Essay on A Visit to The Old Folks' Home. Our bus stopped in front of an official-looking building with the sign "Pejabat" prominently displayed on the door. Our teacher Cik Siti got down first. We followed. We were at the Old Folks' Home as part of our Social Welfare Club's activities. Cik Siti had said that it was good for us to ...