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icse composition writing skills

ICSE English Composition: 25 Latest Topics

by Yash Soni on Sep 27, 2022

ICSE English language exams for Class 9 & 10 include composition writing as a mandatory question. Make sure you read important tips to write compositions in ICSE before you begin your practise.

Below are 25 trending composition topics in ICSE that you can use to practise essay writing:

Descriptive Essays

  • Describe your favourite place in the world.
  • Which of your family members do you spend the most time with? Describe your experience of being with them.
  • Describe what you like about your house and give a sneak peek of your surroundings.
  • Imagine a time you accomplished a personal goal. Give a brief description of the goal you were after and how you achieved it. Describe how you felt when you achieved it.
  • Life revolves around people. Describe how one person has had a significant influence on your life.

Narrative Essays

  • Narrate an experience you had when you were expected to perform well but for some reason were not able to. Narrate what happened and why it happened. In what way did it teach you something?
  • Think of a time when you found yourself in an embarrassing situation. Narrate how you got into that situation, how you dealt with it, and the lesson you learnt from it.
  • Explain how your teacher has influenced your life. Refer to relevant incidents or relate appropriate anecdotes to show how the actions of your teacher and his/her example have affected your life.
  • Narrate an incident when you had difficulty travelling from one place to another. Mention what made it difficult for you to travel and where did you go?
  • Narrate an incident when you were caught in a traffic jam for hours. What difficulties did you face? What were the consequences?

Argumentative Essays

  • "Teenagers today are more worldly-wise than their parents." Express your views for or against the statement.
  • "Plastic bags are convenient and should not be banned by the government." Give your views for or against this statement.
  • "Book reading is a dying phenomenon of life nowadays." Throw light on the factors responsible for it and give suggestions for its improvement.
  • "The use of Mobile Phones must be allowed in schools." Express your views for or against this statement.
  • "Money causes more harm than good." Express your views for or against this statement.

Story Writing

  • Write an original short story that ends with the words: "... I put the keys back into the drawer, hoping no one would notice they had been touched."
  • Write an original short story that begins with the words: "The day started off well enough, who thought it would..."
  • Write an original story that ends with the words: "... it came as a blessing in disguise."
  • Write a short story which illustrates the truth of the statement, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder.'
  • Write an original story which illustrates the truth of the statement, 'One lie leads to another'.

Picture Composition

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You can practice this essays and get it evaluated from your class teacher and get a better understanding of your performance. You can also improve your grammar as students lose lot of there marks due to grammar.  Our Top 5 essay writing tips can also be a game changer for your upcoming exams.

Also checkout Almond Books English Compositions for Class 9 and 10

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Narrative Essay

August 19, 2020 by sastry

Narrative Essay: A narrative essay is a composition written about a personal experience, real or imaginary. Whenever someone recounts an event or tells a story, he or she is using narration. A narrative essay may be entertaining or informative.

Looking for an easy way to Learning of  English Grammar Exercises for Class 9 ICSE . You have to learn basic English Grammer topics like Tenses, Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.

The Narrative Essay

  • Is told from a particular point of view
  • Makes and supports a point
  • Is filled with precise details
  • Uses vivid verbs and modifiers
  • Uses conflict and sequence as does any story
  • May use dialogue

Areas of Narrative Composition

  • Historical events or legends, e.g., the Reign of the East India Company, the Story of Meera Bai, etc.
  • Biographies, e.g., Life History of Gandhiji, Shivaji, etc.
  • Incidents, e.g., a building on fire, celebration, a street quarrel, a festival, etc.
  • Some accidents or natural disasters or calamities, e.g., Tsunami, earthquake, flood, drought, ship-wreck, etc.
  • Journeys or voyages; a real or imaginary story.
  • Visits to places of interest.

Guidelines 1. The order will be a beginning, middle and an end. Keep this order while narrating. Chronological arrangement is essential. 2. The beginning must be impressive and arresting. It may be through some action, or with unusual details, or with a dialogue. 3. You may use specific selection of anecdotes, humorous quotes, or dialogues in your narration. 4. The characters if any, should be clearly etched so that the reader is able to visualize them. 5. The scene or the setting should be well defined. 6. Long, irrelevant and uninteresting details should be eliminated. 7. Narrative essays are normally written in first person. 8. A definite conclusion has to be reached. The reader should not feel that you are ending your composition just because you cannot carry it on any further. A surprise ending is an added attraction to your composition. But do it if you can deal with it deftly.

Sample Essays

1. You have been living in your ancestral house since your birth. The house is acquired by the government because the Delhi Metro line has to pass from there. Narrate the incidence and describe your feelings about moving out of this house.

My grandfather came into the country from what had just been named Pakistan in 1947 with his parents. In return for the land that he had left behind there, he had been allotted some property in what was now the capital of independent India – New Delhi. On this land, over four years, he built for his family a lovely new house. Until last week it was the only home I had ever known, and now it is to be demolished.

Over the last few years sweeping changes have taken place in Delhi; with the advent of the Delhi Metro, the very geography of the city has been altered. Suddenly, it has become possible to get from one end of the city to the other in just over an hour, and that too in air-conditioned comfort.

As time goes by, the spread of the Metro is only slated to expand. It will soon cut through entirely new localities and neighborhoods as it makes it easier than ever before to get from place to place in the city. Unfortunately, my ancestral house happens to be in one of those neighborhoods.

Our house happened to be right where a new line of the Delhi Metro was soon supposed to be. Since it was, of course, impossible for both to simultaneously occupy the space, the house had to go. The Government bought it from us for a princely sum, and while this allowed us to buy another house elsewhere, it could do nothing to alleviate the pain we felt at shifting out. That we were in some, small way assisting the growth of public transportation in the city was no consolation at all.

As we packed our belongings and began moving our luggage out, there was no one who was not crying a little bit. Four generations of my family had lived in this house, and it was suffused with the memories of all the time we had spent here. I myself had grown up in its various rooms, corridors, and gardens, and was heart- broken at the thought that very soon it would cease to even exist. Still, a new house meant new rooms and a new neighborhood to explore, and that was a heartening thought for the time being.

2. Your father is an avid traveller and loves to seek new experiences. Narrate your experiences of one special trip that you took along with your father.

Traveling has been my father’s longtime passion. He finds exploring unfamiliar places, meeting new people and getting to know different cultures exceptionally inspiring. Therefore, by the age of 12, I had already been to many exotic places: Turkey, Laos, Thailand, Japan, Egypt, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia and Cuba. Recently my father had to go Ukraine for work. He wanted to take us with him and since my younger brother and I had holidays during that period, the whole family went for the trip.

I did not know what to expect from Ukraine since I knew little about it. But somehow I knew that it would be an intriguing experience due to the spontaneous nature of my travel.

Ukraine turned out to be completely different from any place I had visited so far. Kiev, the capital city, appeared unexpectedly well-groomed, green and wealthy. Lots of bridges across the Dnieper River, a large number of outstanding parks, a couple of botanical gardens, and flowers everywhere you go.

The Carpathian Mountains in Western Ukraine are precious and authentic, with small distant villages and little country houses that seem like modern progress will never reach them. The people of Western Ukraine amazed me as well, especially the elderly – amiable, positive and active.

From the Carpathians, we traveled to Lviv – a wonderful medieval city that is somewhat similar to Prague, yet it is special in its atmosphere: 800-year-old  castles, wooden churches, Gothic catholic temples and palaces, flowers at every corner and on every window seal, original block pavement streets of the Old City (Stare Misto).

Lviv is a magical city and it fueled me with inspiration to see the rest of the country. Next we went to Zaporizhzhya (quite a tongue twister) – an eastern city with two thousand years of history. The city is built on two banks of the Dnipro River, and has an island in the middle – Khortitsa – the biggest river island in the world.

The city itself seemed to me to be still Soviet-like in its spirit and atmosphere, so it was quite interesting to take photos of their famous dam with the huge Lenin statue pointing at it, and the factories that were once the pride of the USSR and, amazingly, still successfully functioning for export purposes nowadays.

Our next stop was Crimea – a big heart-shaped peninsula that is washed by two seas – the Black Sea and the Azov Sea (the shallowest in the world). Crimea has indescribable mountains, fantastic crystal caves and scenic deep lakes. It is a picturesque place – so green, so virginal, so unlike anything I have seen before.

Ukraine was a true discovery for me, and one of those times when your expectations are nothing like what you see. If you should ask me what place I can recommend to those avid and blase travelers who seem to have seen it all, I would say without a second of hesitation: “Go to Ukraine! Whatever you will expect this will still amaze and astonish you.”

Suggested Outlines of Narrative Essays Describe your experience at an exhibition

  • Venue of the exhibition
  • Theme of the exhibition
  • Your time of visit
  • Type of people present
  • You visit many stalls and buy some interesting items
  • You win numerous prizes
  • You eat something; return home happy and content.

While coming back from an excursion after the final exams got over, you were in a boat and suddenly another boat capsized in the water. One of the younger boys almost drowned in the river. Describe how you and your classmates helped the distressed children.

  • Final exams got over
  • Outgoing class X students go for excursion
  • How you enjoyed throughout the day ?
  • While returning in a boat, students were busy singing and dancing.
  • How suddenly the weather became stormy !
  • Another boat with students capsized.
  • The boat owner sent rescuers.
  • Some students and teachers, who were swimmers managed to save the lives of many students.
  • People on the shore welcomed them.

You woke up at night and saw a house on fire. Describe what happened next.

  • In the middle of the night you suddenly wake up.
  • You smell smoke.
  • From the window you see a neighboring house is on fire.
  • What do you do?
  • What is the scene on the road?
  • People are crying for help in that house.
  • How the fire engine extinguishes the fire and people are rescued ?

My Best Friend

  • What a friend means to you ?
  • Write who your best friend is.
  • Why you consider him/her to be your best friend ?
  • What are the things you like to do together with your friend ?
  • How and when, your best friend helped you ?

A Personal Accomplishment

  • Write about something that you worked hard to accomplish.
  • How did you go about succeeding?
  • Why did you want to accomplish this particular thing?
  • How do you feel about your accomplishment?
  • What other things do you want to accomplish?

The Day you met a Celebrity

  • Name of the person
  • When and where you met him/her ?
  • Your initial reaction
  • How you approached the person ?
  • What transpired during the meeting ?
  • Your feelings at the end of the meeting
  • Describe a frightening experience.
  • A memorable journey.
  • There are heavy rains and water has entered your city. Describe what happens.
  • A memorable wedding.
  • Describe a cricket match between India and Pakistan.
  • Once your teacher caught you playing in the class with your classmates during a free period. You already had a good impression on others. The teacher made his/her own impression about you. You felt guilty and bad.
  • Describe how you managed to regain your goodwill.
  • A chance encounter with a stranger.
  • The day after the cyclone.
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Narrative Essay Topics: TOP 200 Choices for Students

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Imagine yourself facing a blank page, ready to fill it with your memories and imagination. What story will you tell today?

As students, you often have to write narratives that capture people's attention. But with so many stories to choose from, where do you start? How do you find the perfect topic that will grab our readers' interest and make them think?

Join our essay service experts as we explore 200 topics for college where stories are waiting to be told, and experiences are ready to be shared. From everyday events to unforgettable moments, each topic is a chance to connect with your readers and make them feel something.

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Ideas for Narrative Essay Topics

After exploring how students write narrative paragraphs, we've put together a list of narrative essay topics designed specifically for college and school students. This list covers a wide range of subjects, so pick one that speaks to you!

Literacy Narrative Essay Topics for College Students

How about delving into captivating literacy narrative essay topics designed specifically for college-level writing? Exciting, isn't it?

  • How did a childhood book shape your view of the world?
  • What challenges did you face when learning to read in a second language?
  • How has storytelling within your family influenced your literacy journey?
  • Can you recall a pivotal moment that ignited your love for reading?
  • How did a specific teacher inspire your passion for literature?
  • Have you ever encountered a character in a book who profoundly impacted your perspective on life?
  • What role did writing play in helping you navigate a difficult period in your life?
  • How has your relationship with technology affected your reading habits?
  • What cultural or historical event sparked your interest in a particular genre of literature?
  • How has poetry shaped your understanding of language and emotion?
  • Have you ever experienced a breakthrough moment in your writing process?
  • How has reading aloud impacted your comprehension and enjoyment of literature?
  • Can you recall a time when a book challenged your beliefs or worldview?
  • How has participating in a book club enriched your reading experience?
  • What strategies have you developed to overcome reading difficulties or distractions?

Personal Narrative Essay Topics on Relationships

Take a moment to reflect on your past experiences and craft compelling personal narratives with these essay ideas.

  • How did a specific friendship shape who you are today?
  • Can you recount a moment that strengthened your bond with a family member?
  • What challenges have you faced in maintaining a long-distance relationship?
  • How has a mentor influenced your personal and professional development?
  • Have you experienced a betrayal in a relationship? How did it impact you?
  • Can you describe a memorable conflict resolution process within a relationship?
  • How has your relationship with a pet affected your emotional well-being?
  • What lessons have you learned from navigating a romantic relationship?
  • How has your relationship with a sibling evolved over time?
  • Can you recall a time when you had to set boundaries in a friendship?
  • How has volunteering or community involvement enriched your relationships?
  • What cultural differences have influenced your relationships with others?
  • Can you share a moment when you felt truly understood by someone?
  • How has technology affected the dynamics of your relationships?
  • Have you ever experienced a reconciliation that transformed a strained relationship?

Best Narrative Essay Topics on Education and Learning

Consider the beauty of sharing your personal experiences and emotions in a captivating manner through these ideas for personal narrative essays.

  • What was the most valuable lesson you learned outside of the classroom?
  • Can you recount a moment when a teacher's unconventional method transformed your understanding of a subject?
  • How has a field trip or experiential learning opportunity impacted your education?
  • What challenges have you faced in balancing extracurricular activities with academics?
  • Have you ever had a "Eureka!" moment while studying? Describe it.
  • How has learning a new skill outside of school influenced your academic performance?
  • Can you recall a time when a peer's perspective challenged your own understanding of a topic?
  • How has technology enhanced or hindered your learning experience?
  • What role does creativity play in your approach to learning?
  • Have you ever experienced a setback that ultimately propelled you forward academically?
  • How has your cultural background influenced your learning style?
  • Can you describe a time when you had to advocate for yourself within an educational setting?
  • How has mentorship shaped your educational journey?
  • What strategies have you employed to overcome academic challenges or obstacles?
  • Can you reflect on a time when failure taught you a valuable lesson about learning?

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Personal Narrative Essay Ideas on Reflection on Life

Why not ignite your creativity with a range of narrative essay topics, from extraordinary moments to everyday experiences?

  • How has a moment of failure ultimately led to personal growth and resilience?
  • Can you recount a pivotal decision that significantly altered the course of your life?
  • What lessons have you learned from navigating a crossroads or major life transition?
  • How has your perspective on success evolved over time?
  • Can you reflect on a time when you had to confront and overcome a deeply held fear?
  • What role has gratitude played in shaping your outlook on life?
  • How have your values and beliefs been influenced by significant life experiences?
  • Can you describe a moment when you found clarity and purpose amidst chaos or uncertainty?
  • What impact has traveling to a new place had on your understanding of the world and yourself?
  • How has adversity strengthened your character and determination?
  • Can you recall a time when a random act of kindness profoundly impacted your life?
  • What lessons have you learned from embracing vulnerability and authenticity in relationships?
  • How has practicing mindfulness or self-reflection enhanced your well-being and happiness?
  • Can you reflect on a period of personal transformation or self-discovery?
  • How have you found meaning and fulfillment in pursuing your passions and interests?

Ideas for a Narrative Essay on Culture and Society

Engaging your readers with narrative essays on culture and society is a great way to spark interest, offering captivating ideas for exploration.

  • How has your family's unique culinary heritage influenced your cultural identity?
  • Can you reflect on a specific cultural artifact or heirloom that holds deep significance for your family?
  • What challenges have you faced in preserving traditional customs while adapting to modern societal expectations?
  • How has a local festival or celebration revealed the intricacies of your community's cultural tapestry?
  • Can you recount a moment when you navigated a cultural clash between your upbringing and the dominant culture?
  • How has your experience as a first-generation immigrant shaped your understanding of cultural assimilation?
  • What lessons have you learned from participating in intercultural exchange programs or initiatives?
  • Can you describe a unique cultural practice or tradition within your community that outsiders might find intriguing or misunderstood?
  • How has the revitalization of indigenous languages contributed to the preservation of cultural heritage in your region?
  • Can you reflect on a personal journey of reconnecting with your cultural roots after a period of assimilation or disconnection?
  • What role does storytelling play in passing down cultural wisdom and values within your family or community?
  • How has the portrayal of your culture in mainstream media affected your sense of belonging and self-perception?
  • Can you recount a moment when you challenged cultural stereotypes through creative expression or advocacy?
  • How has the migration of a specific cultural group enriched the social fabric and economic landscape of your community?
  • What initiatives or grassroots movements are currently underway to promote cross-cultural understanding and cooperation in your society?

Since you're working on essays, we think it's suitable to suggest you learn more about the case study format , which is another common college assignment.

Narrative Writing Topics on Hobbies and Interests

Wow your readers by turning your passions and hobbies into compelling narrative essay topics that will get them thinking.

  • How has your passion for urban gardening transformed neglected spaces in your community?
  • Can you recount a thrilling adventure from your hobby of urban exploration?
  • What lessons have you learned from restoring vintage motorcycles in your spare time?
  • How has your fascination with birdwatching deepened your connection to nature and conservation efforts?
  • Can you describe a memorable moment from your hobby of foraging wild edibles in the wilderness?
  • What unique skills have you developed through your hobby of beekeeping, and how have they impacted your daily life?
  • How has your interest in historical reenactment brought the past to life in unexpected ways?
  • Can you reflect on a transformative experience from your hobby of landscape photography?
  • What insights have you gained from practicing the art of bonsai cultivation and nurturing miniature ecosystems?
  • How has your passion for stargazing inspired awe and wonder in the vastness of the universe?
  • Can you recount a challenging project from your hobby of woodworking and the satisfaction it brought upon completion?
  • What cultural connections have you discovered through your hobby of traditional folk dancing?
  • How has your interest in sustainable fashion influenced your consumer habits and environmental awareness?
  • Can you describe a moment of serenity and mindfulness experienced while practicing the art of tea ceremony?
  • How has your hobby of letterpress printing preserved the tactile beauty of handmade craftsmanship in a digital age?

Narrative Essay Titles on Life-Changing Moments

Life is full of unexpected twists that can lead to life-changing moments. Take a look at these narrative essay titles for stories that have had a lasting impact on your life.

  • How did surviving a natural disaster reshape your perspective on life?
  • Can you recall a single conversation that drastically altered the course of your life?
  • What was the pivotal moment that inspired you to pursue your dreams against all odds?
  • How did a chance encounter lead to a life-changing friendship or partnership?
  • Can you reflect on the decision that transformed your career trajectory?
  • What profound lesson did you learn from facing a life-threatening illness or injury?
  • How did traveling to a new country open your eyes to new possibilities and opportunities?
  • Can you recount the moment when you discovered your true passion or calling in life?
  • What was the turning point that allowed you to break free from a toxic relationship or environment?
  • How did experiencing failure or rejection ultimately lead to personal growth and resilience?
  • Can you describe the moment when you found the strength to overcome a deep-seated fear or insecurity?
  • What life-changing realization did you have while experiencing a period of solitude or introspection?
  • How did a profound act of kindness from a stranger restore your faith in humanity?
  • Can you reflect on the moment when you forgave someone who had deeply hurt you, and how it changed your perspective on forgiveness?
  • What pivotal decision did you make that allowed you to reclaim control over your own happiness and destiny?

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Good Narrative Topics on Travel and Adventure

Consider creating intriguing titles for your narrative essay ideas by exploring thrilling travel adventures.

  • Can you recount a memorable encounter with wildlife during your solo hiking adventure?
  • How did a spontaneous decision to explore an unfamiliar city lead to unexpected discoveries?
  • What lessons did you learn from navigating a foreign country with only a map and your instincts?
  • Can you describe the exhilaration of conquering a challenging mountain peak for the first time?
  • How did immersing yourself in a local culture during your travels broaden your perspective on the world?
  • What unexpected obstacles did you encounter while embarking on a backpacking journey through rugged terrain?
  • Can you reflect on the transformative experience of volunteering abroad in a community-driven project?
  • How did getting lost in a labyrinthine city alleyway lead to serendipitous encounters and newfound friendships?
  • What was the most memorable meal you had while sampling street food in a bustling market abroad?
  • Can you recount the adrenaline rush of participating in an extreme sports activity in a foreign land?
  • How did witnessing a breathtaking natural phenomenon during your travels leave a lasting impression on you?
  • What cultural traditions or rituals did you participate in during a homestay experience with a local family?
  • Can you describe the sense of wonder and awe you felt while exploring ancient ruins or historical sites?
  • How did navigating a language barrier challenge and ultimately enrich your travel experience?
  • What valuable life lessons did you learn from the mishaps and misadventures encountered during your journey off the beaten path?

Narrative Essay Topic Ideas on Career and Work Experience

College students can uncover captivating narrative essay ideas by exploring potential career paths or reminiscing about past job experiences.

  • How did a challenging project at work showcase your problem-solving skills and resilience?
  • Can you reflect on a pivotal mentorship experience that guided your career trajectory?
  • What valuable lessons did you learn from a career setback or failure, and how did it shape your future success?
  • How did a workplace conflict lead to personal growth and improved communication skills?
  • Can you recount a moment when taking a professional risk paid off in unexpected ways?
  • What insights did you gain from transitioning to a new industry or career path?
  • How did participating in a cross-functional team project enhance your collaboration and leadership abilities?
  • Can you describe the satisfaction of achieving a long-term career goal after years of hard work and perseverance?
  • What impact did a meaningful recognition or award have on your motivation and sense of accomplishment?
  • How did volunteering or pro bono work contribute to your professional development and sense of purpose?
  • Can you reflect on the decision to leave a stable job in pursuit of passion or fulfillment?
  • What strategies did you employ to navigate a toxic work environment and maintain your well-being?
  • How did a career setback lead to unexpected opportunities for personal and professional growth?
  • Can you describe a moment when mentorship or sponsorship played a crucial role in advancing your career?
  • What lessons did you learn from a challenging client or customer interaction, and how did it shape your approach to customer service and relationship-building?

Interesting Narrative Essay Topics about Challenges and Obstacles

If you're not sure what to write about for your narrative essay, think back to the tough times you've had and how you managed to get through them.

  • How did you conquer a once-paralyzing fear to chase your dreams?
  • What new strengths did you discover while adapting to a physical challenge?
  • Can you recall a creative solution you used during a tough financial period?
  • When did you bravely stand against injustice, despite opposition?
  • How did overcoming a language barrier broaden your horizons?
  • What key lessons did you learn from a major setback in your life?
  • How did you manage overwhelming stress and responsibilities?
  • What inner reserves of resilience did you draw upon after personal loss?
  • Describe a time when you defied societal norms to pursue your goals.
  • Reflect on a moment when failure fueled your determination for success.
  • When did you find the courage to leave your comfort zone behind?
  • How did community support bolster you through a challenging time?
  • Share a time when self-doubt led to newfound confidence.
  • Can you recount a tragedy that spurred your personal growth?
  • What insights did overcoming a monumental obstacle reveal about life?

Best Narrative Essay Topics: How to Choose the One That Resonates 

A narrative essay is a type of writing that tells a personal story, including characters, plot, setting, and the order of events. Its main goal is to connect with readers emotionally and share a specific message or insight through the retelling of a meaningful experience.

Students write narrative essays as part of their studies for several reasons. Firstly, it allows them to express themselves creatively by sharing their unique experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Secondly, it helps them develop important writing skills like organizing ideas and thoughts effectively.

Narrative Essay topics

Choosing good narrative essay ideas involves looking at personal experiences, interests, and the potential for engaging storytelling. Here's a simple guide to help you pick the right topic:

  • Think about significant moments in your life that had a lasting impact, such as personal growth or overcoming challenges.
  • Choose topics related to your hobbies, interests, or areas of expertise to make your story more engaging.
  • Consider what your audience would be interested in and choose topics that resonate with them.
  • Focus on a specific event or detail to make your narrative more focused and impactful.
  • Look for universal themes like love or personal transformation that connect with readers on a deeper level.
  • Brainstorm ideas and write freely to uncover compelling topics.
  • Decide on storytelling techniques like flashbacks or foreshadowing and choose a topic that fits.
  • Get feedback from friends, peers, or instructors to see if your topics are interesting and impactful.
  • Choose topics that evoke strong emotions for a more compelling narrative.
  • Select a topic that you personally connect with to make your story authentic.

Once you've chosen a topic, brainstorm ideas and create an outline for your essay. Follow your professor's instructions carefully and consider seeking help from our narrative essay writing service if needed.

Bring your stories to life with EssayPro. Select from a vast array of narrative essay topics and let our professionals help you weave your tales into captivating essays. Whether it's adventure, reflection, or imagination, we're here to assist.

Final Remarks

As we wrap up, our list of 200 narrative essay topics is here to fuel your creativity for your next writing project! Whether you're sharing a memorable event, reliving a childhood memory, or expressing a profound insight, crafting a narrative essay can be an uplifting experience that resonates deeply with readers.

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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

narrative essay topics class 10 icse

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

Astronomy Research Topics: 200 Best Choices

Exercise 2 Narrative Essay

Write about a memorable experience that taught you an important life lesson. What happened, and how did it impact you?

A Lesson in Friendship

It was a bright and sunny day during my summer break before entering 8th grade. My best friend, Sam, and I had planned a day of adventure at the amusement park. Little did I know that this day would become an important moment in my life, teaching me a vital lesson about friendship.

Excitement bubbled within us as we arrived at the park, eager to conquer every thrilling ride. We started with the roller coasters, screaming and laughing as we zoomed through loops and twists. Our joy was infectious, and the day seemed perfect.

As we wandered through the park, we stumbled upon the Ferris wheel—a ride I had always found a bit intimidating. Sam, however, was determined to conquer it. Despite my hesitations, I agreed to join him in the colorful, swaying capsule.

Midway through the ride, my fear kicked in, and I began to feel queasy. I tried to hide it, but my discomfort was evident. Alex, being the perceptive friend he was, noticed my unease. Instead of dismissing it, he suggested we get off the ride and find something else we both could enjoy.

In that moment, I learned a crucial lesson about true friendship: understanding and compassion. Sam didn't mock my fear or push me to continue; instead, he prioritised my comfort over his own desires. It made me realize that a genuine friend is someone who cares about your well-being and is willing to adjust plans to accommodate each other.

Sam’s kindness and consideration made me appreciate the value of a friend who truly understands and supports you. It taught me that friendship is not just about shared adventures but also about being there for each other through challenges, big or small.

From that day forward, our friendship deepened, and I carried the lesson with me into 8th grade and beyond. I became more attuned to the feelings of others and made an effort to be a supportive friend just like Sam was to me.

  • Ensure to keep excitement going as you write the narrative essay.
  • Choose characters and anecdotes with respect to the question.
  • It is not a story but a reflection of the incident/happening.
  • Write it in the right order of events and highlight the key points.

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narrative essay topics class 10 icse

Narrative Composition: Samples, Guidance and Practice topics

Want to learn how to narrate something with best of the words we have the best way, how to write the best narrative composition, topics for practice.

Story Writing Topics For Class 10 Icse Format, Examples, Exercises

Story writing topics for class 10 icse format:.

1. A mysterious stranger arrives in town and changes everything. 2. A group of friends who embark on an adventure to solve a mystery. 3. A person who discovers a hidden talent and uses it to change their life. 4. A teenager who learns a valuable lesson about honesty and integrity. 5. A person who overcomes a difficult challenge and comes out stronger. 6. A family who must confront a difficult decision that will change their lives forever. 7. A person who learns the true meaning of friendship. 8. A person who travels to a new place and discovers a different way of life. 9. A person who must make a choice between following their dreams and doing what is expected of them. 10. A person who discovers the power of forgiveness and redemption.

Also Read: Story Writing For Class 6

Example Of Story Writing Topics For Class 10 ICSE:

Title: The Mysterious Stranger

It was a quiet day in the small town of Rockville until a mysterious stranger arrived. He was tall and thin, with a scar above his left eyebrow. No one knew where he came from or why he was there.

The stranger kept to himself, but people couldn’t help but notice him. He would often be seen walking around town, observing everything around him. Some people thought he was a spy, others thought he was a criminal on the run.

One day, a group of teenagers decided to follow the stranger and find out what he was up to. They followed him to an old abandoned building on the outskirts of town. They watched as he went inside and disappeared.

The teenagers decided to investigate and snuck into the building. As they explored the old rooms, they stumbled upon a hidden door. They cautiously opened it, only to find the stranger inside, sitting at a table.

He looked up at them and smiled. “I’ve been expecting you,” he said.

The teenagers were shocked. They had no idea how the stranger knew they were there. He explained that he had been watching them and knew they were curious about him.

The stranger then revealed that he was a scientist who had been working on a secret project. He needed their help to complete it. The teenagers were hesitant at first, but the stranger promised it would be worth it.

Over the next few weeks, the teenagers worked with the stranger to finish his project. They learned about science, technology, and teamwork. When they finally finished, the stranger revealed his creation: a machine that could transport people through time.

The teenagers were amazed. They had never seen anything like it before. The stranger then offered to take them on a trip through time. They eagerly accepted.

The stranger set the machine for the year 1875, and they were transported to a small western town. They met famous cowboys and even helped save a damsel in distress.

When they returned to the present day, the teenagers were changed. They had learned about science, history, and teamwork. And they had made a new friend in the mysterious stranger.

Story Writing Topics For Class 10 ICSE:

1. A day in the life of a superhero 2. A journey to the center of the earth 3. The mystery of the haunted mansion 4. A perilous adventure in the Amazon rainforest 5. A futuristic world where humans live on Mars 6. A tale of two cities: life in the countryside vs the city 7. A Game of Thrones: a medieval fantasy epic 8. A coming-of-age story set in the 1980s 9. A science fiction story about time travel 10. A detective story set in 1920s England

Exercises For Story Writing Topics For Class 10 Icse:

1. Create a plot diagram that outlines the key events of your story 2. Write character profiles for your main characters, including their backgrounds, motivations, and personality traits 3. Develop a setting for your story, including the time period, location, and any unique features that will help bring your story to life 4. Write a draft of your story, ensuring that it has a clear beginning, middle, and end 5. Edit your story for grammar, punctuation, and clarity 6. Revise your story to ensure that it flows well and has a compelling narrative 7. Share your story with others and seek feedback to help you improve it further.

Conclusion On Story Writing Topics For Class 10 Icse:

The story of the haunted mansion demonstrates how a well-crafted plot with interesting characters can captivate readers and keep them engaged until the end. By following the ICSE format and focusing on creating a compelling narrative, students can develop their writing skills and become skilled storytellers.


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  10. Narrative Essay 1 - Grade 10 - ICSE (2020-21) | PDF - Scribd

    Narrative Essay 1 - Grade 10 - ICSE (2020-21) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 1) The narrator, as a 4-year-old, wandered away from her mother multiple times while shopping at Macy's, despite her mother's instructions to stay close.