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university of miami college essays

2 Magnificent University of Miami Essay Examples

Located in sunny Miami, the University of Miami consistently ranks as one of the top 50 colleges in the country. With over 180 degree programs to choose from, more than 300 student organizations, and a prime location in one of the most vibrant cities in the U.S., there is something for everyone at UMiami—especially those that love the sun!

Given how much UMiami has to offer, getting in isn’t easy: you’ll need more than just strong grades and test scores. Your essays will play a large role in your admissions decision, so they need to be good. In this post, we will share two essays that got students accepted into UMiami We will also go over what each essay did well and where there is room for improvement.

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our UMiami essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts.

Essay Example #1 – Perspective

I had been dreaming of my high school experience since my six-year-old self watched High School Musical. I saw this dream shatter, as I was tasked with watching my baby sister after school until 5:30 due to my mom’s struggles with her birth. Although months had passed since the birth, she continuously struggled with c-section recovery. After one of my mom’s surgeries, my sister and I went to the hospital to visit her. Seeing her in such a fragile and vulnerable state shocked me into reality. 

One day I would be the person carrying on the family name. I worked hard academically to make the family proud, but failed to embody the mindset and values my mother taught me. All her positivity, love for new experiences and family were clouded by my disappointment and frustration. Watching my sister wasn’t the fun, new experience I hoped for, but it was the one I was given and I needed to embrace it with the same happiness and excitement as the other.  

In the previous years, I had failed myself before I even started with my pessimistic mindset. This period in life showed me the importance mindsets hold. When I began to embrace and enjoy my time watching my sister, I realized I still lived out my dream. I cheered her on in games peek-a-boo and created our own, personal coloring club. Now when things are not going to plan, I take on the challenge of remaining positive with a smile.

What the Essay Did Well

This is a classic “ Overcoming Challenges ” prompt, so the key to writing a strong response is to focus not just on the challenge itself, but also your thoughts and feelings to demonstrate how you grew as a result of experiencing the challenge. This essay does just that.

The shift from context to self-reflection occurs at the end of the first paragraph with the sentence “ Seeing her in such a fragile and vulnerable state shocked me into reality. ” What follows is a description of the student’s thoughts, which shows readers what being shocked into reality meant for them, and why that shock caused them to change their mindset.

We see the student start to see their unexpected high school experience not as a burden, but a responsibility and perhaps even an honor: “ One day I would be the person carrying on the family name.” They also show humility by explaining how they “ failed to embody the mindset and values ” of their mom, and then telling us what those values were by describing her “ love for new experiences and family. ” 

Additionally, opening the essay with the lighthearted, fun image of High School Musical is a savvy choice, as the contrast between the “ fun, new experience [they] hoped for ,” and the serious, mature position they actually found themself in emphasizes the emotional weight of the student’s situation.

It’s also nice that this essay finishes by showing us what the student’s new mindset looks like: “ I cheered her on in games peek-a-boo and created our own, personal coloring club. ” Since the “Overcoming Challenges” essay is usually about a heavy topic, readers will appreciate things ending on an uplifting note.

Although a lot of the focus should be your thoughts and emotions in this type of essay, getting to see how those internal factors affected your choices and actions takes the story out of your head, and proves that this experience changed not just your mindset, but also how you conduct yourself out in the world.

What Could Be Improved

While the first paragraph does a nice job providing context, it could be rewritten to be more engaging by telling the story like it’s currently happening rather than reflecting. This might look something like replacing the line “I saw this dream shatter, as I was tasked with watching my baby sister after school until 5:30 due to my mom’s struggles with her birth” with “Instead of bursting into song and dance at the drop of a hat, however, every day after school I found myself cleaning mushy peas off the floor, dozing off during educational TV shows, and trying anything to keep my baby sister from kicking her socks off.”

The part of this essay that needs the most attention, however, is the last paragraph. As it’s written, the student is telling us in a general sense that this experience was good for them: “ This period in life showed me the importance mindsets hold…Now when things are not going to plan, I take on the challenge of remaining positive with a smile. ” 

While this is a valuable realization, it also comes across as generic, as many people have this realization at some point in their lives. In this kind of essay, it’s okay to have your big takeaway be something familiar, since lots of teenagers learn similar lessons as they’re growing up. But to keep your essay from sounding like a Hallmark card, you want to include enough details that your reader can concretely see how this lesson has impacted your life. The writer could have accomplished this by reworking the last paragraph to something like:

“I’d always considered myself pessimistic, but suddenly I found myself smiling even on my worst days. I replaced counting down the minutes left watching my sister with a giggle-infused countdown that ended in “Ready or not, here I come!” My boredom-induced pencil doodles gave way to an invite-only sisters coloring club with glitter gel pens. Maybe my experience doesn’t look like High School Musical, but with a positive outlook, I’ve enjoyed myself just as much as Troy and Gabriella. ”

Essay Example #2 – Perseverance

Content warning: This essay includes graphic depictions of mental health struggles. If this topic is triggering for you, please read with caution. If you’re thinking about covering similar topics in your essay, we recommend reading our post Should You Talk About Mental Health in College Essays?

For the past two years, I’ve been more familiar with toilet bowls than dinner bowls.

Given my lengthy hours vomiting in the bathroom weekly, seeing liquid reiterations of each meal is commonplace. When people discuss mental health, they neglect to mention its physical manifestations.

It starts with an intense stomach ache that cements me to the bed. Then, the dry heaving ensues. For the rest of the day, I alternate between the bedroom and the bathroom as I endure body pains, fevers, and chills that persist even after I’ve finished vomiting. Major Depressive Disorder is more than a mental illness— it’s a physical issue that has affected my attendance for years.

However, despite my class absences, I’ve managed to juggle health, extracurriculars, and grades. From staying after school to complete make-up tests, to receiving study guides and class agendas from friends, diligence and community are the key ingredients of perseverance. At first, adapting to my limitations was difficult, but today, I work with my condition, not against it. When I launched a POC writers space for marginalized creatives and took on heavy social justice work, I learned setting time boundaries and honoring my own needs was necessary for my health.

At UMiami, my approach to adversity will thrive. Whether my Public Affairs Internship is too demanding, or my slam competition with Speak What You Feel is anxiety-inducing, I’ll remember to prioritize my mental health so my academic commitments don’t suffer.

Most importantly, I hope UMiami’s toilet bowls are decent.

This essay is incredibly well-written. While their graphic descriptions of their struggles may initially be jarring for some people, their detailed imagery is what allows this student to elicit such a visceral reaction from their readers. 

For example, the image of being “ more familiar with toilet bowls than dinner bowls ” is a shocking way to start an essay, but the reader can’t help but immediately be invested. Although we might not like the thought of “ liquid reiterations ” of food, the creative phrasing paints a crystal clear picture in our heads, and that clarity helps us feel like we’re right beside the writer, rather than watching her struggle from a distance.

The student’s descriptions of the physical manifestations of their mental illness, including, “ an intense stomach ache that cements me to the bed ,” “ the dry heaving ensue s,” and “ I alternate between the bedroom and the bathroom ” continue to build our sympathy towards them, as these lines are described so well that we feel like we’re experiencing some of their pain ourselves.

However, this essay’s strength isn’t just in the imagery. This student also provides details that show us how they have overcome their challenge. For example, the line “ From staying after school to complete make-up tests, to receiving study guides and class agendas from friends, diligence and community are the key ingredients of perseverance” shows the student can weather a storm, which is exactly what admissions officers want to see in your response to this kind of prompt.

They also show us how they were able to “ [launch] a POC writers space for marginalized creatives and [take] on heavy social justice work ” by “ setting time boundaries and honoring my own needs. ” This sentence shows that they have not only persevered through their struggles, but actually used the lessons they learned as motivation in other areas of their life.

Another positive aspect of this essay is how the student ties in UMiami in the second to last paragraph. Just because you aren’t writing a “Why School?” essay doesn’t mean you can’t talk about resources at the college that align with your interests—in fact, colleges will be even more impressed if you weave school opportunities into a different essay topic.

That being said, you don’t want the connection to the school to feel forced, so if you aren’t able to figure out how to do it in a way that’s natural, it’s completely fine to just focus on responding to the prompt you actually have.

Finally, the ending is a nice tie back to the opening of the essay, which reminds the reader one last time about the challenges this student has had to overcome. Bringing back the image of a toilet bowl might be a bit of a shock, but it ensures that this essay is memorable.

While this essay doesn’t necessarily need to change anything, one thing to keep in mind is how to approach difficult or possibly triggering topics in a college essay. Although, on the whole, this essay handles the topic of mental health with tact, you never know who your reader is and what perspective they are bringing to the table. It’s important to not be excessive with your depictions of mental health, and to make sure the focus is primarily on how your illness has impacted your personal growth.

Where to Get Feedback on Your Essay

Do you want feedback on your University of Miami essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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Guide to the 2017-2018 Harvard University Supplemental Essay

Guide to the 2017-2018 Harvard University Supplemental Essay

Harvard University is one of the most competitive schools in the country. Every year admissions officers are bombarded with applications from eager students looking to make the cut. Thus, Harvard has a supplement to give students an opportunity to distinguish themselves from the competition. Writing supplemental essays can be daunting, but luckily for you, College Essay Advisors founder (and admissions expert) Stacey Brook is here to break down the Harvard supplement so you can hit submit with confidence.

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University of Miami Supplemental Essays 2024-25 Prompts and Advice

July 25, 2024

In the 1980s and ‘90s, the University of Miami was a football powerhouse; albeit one with its fair share of controversy. In the 2020s, the school has more to brag about on the academic front than on the gridiron. Now attracting close to 50,000 applications and sporting an acceptance rate of just 19%  (and dropping), U Miami has become a highly selective university that is no longer anything close to a sure thing, even for students with excellent grades and test scores. This means that, in 2024-25, the University of Miami supplemental essay is more important than ever before.

 (Want to learn more about How to Get Into the University of Miami? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into the University of Miami: Admissions Data and Strategies   for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

Although it only has one general essay prompt, the University of Miami’s supplemental section still affords applicants an opportunity to illustrate what makes them uniquely qualified for admission. Below is U Miami’s supplemental prompt for the 2024-25 admissions cycle. Additionally, we offer advice on how to pen a winning composition.

2024-2025 U Miami Supplemental Essays

Prompt 1 (250 Words): Located within one of the most dynamic cities in the world, the University of Miami is a distinctive community with a variety of cultures, traditions, histories, languages, and backgrounds. The University of Miami is a values-based and purpose-driven postsecondary institution that embraces diversity and inclusivity in all its forms and strives to create a culture of belonging, where every person feels valued and has an opportunity to contribute. Please describe how your unique experiences, challenges overcome, or skills acquired would contribute to our distinctive University community.

Pro tip: the language used in any given prompt provides you with critical information about what your essay should address. As such, note the information that U Miami chooses to share about itself : a values-based and purpose-driven postsecondary institution that embraces diversity and inclusivity and strives to create a culture of belonging . Essentially, they want to know how you will contribute to that mission, and how your personal experiences will impact what kind of academic and social community member you might be.

University of Miami Supplemental Essays (Continued)

As such, you might consider discussing:

  • Your role in your family.
  • Your role in your social group.
  • A challenge you’ve faced.
  • A formative experience or realization.
  • An opinion or perspective that has developed over time.
  • Important aspects of your upbringing.
  • Cultural, religious, or community influence.
  • A skill you have that you feel could impact others in a positive way.

Once you’ve chosen a particular direction, think about what you’ve learned from the experience. Also, ponder what you think others could learn from you. Most importantly, how will your learnings positively contribute to U Miami’s mission? This is a chance to show that you are an open-minded, curious, and humble young person who is willing to learn and grow from their experiences.

How important is the UMiami supplemental essay?

The essays (both the Common App essay and the supplemental one) are “very important” to the evaluation process. Four other factors are also considered as “very important.” These factors are: rigor of coursework, class rank, GPA, and extracurricular activities. Clearly, the University of Miami places enormous value on the quality of your supplemental essay.

Want personalized essay assistance with the University of Miami supplemental essays?

In conclusion, if you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your University of Miami supplement, we encourage you to  get a quote  today.

Need additional writing resources? Consider checking out the following:

  • Common App Essay Prompts
  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples
  • College Application Essay Topics to Avoid
  • How to Quickly Format Your Common App Essay
  • Should I Complete Optional College Essays?
  • How to Brainstorm a College Essay
  • 25 Inspiring College Essay Topics
  • “Why This College?” Essay Examples
  • How to Write the Community Essay
  • College Essay

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University of Miami Supplemental Essays 2023-24

Wondering how to write your University of Miami supplemental essays? For many students, writing the University of Miami essays can feel like a daunting task. Luckily, CollegeAdvisor has the expertise and resources to help you write a standout University of Miami essay.

The University of Miami is a private college located in Miami, Florida. Indeed, UMiami is one of the top colleges in Florida . To get in, you’ll need to write strong UMiami supplemental essays. 

In this article, we’ll discuss which University of Miami essays are required to apply, as well as tips for how to write a standout University of Miami essay. By the end, you’ll have all the resources you need to write winning University of Miami supplemental essays.

UMiami Supplemental Essays: Quick Facts

Umiami supplemental essays quick facts.

  • University of Miami Acceptance Rate:  27%–  U.S. News  ranks University of Miami as a  most selective  school. 
  • 1 (250 word) essay
  • UMiami Application:  Students must submit their University of Miami application through the  Common Application . Make sure to have all of your University of Miami supplemental essays and other  required application materials  ready when applying. 
  • Early Decision I and Early Action: November 1
  • Early Decision II and Regular Decision: January 1
  • University of Miami Essay Tip:  Since there is only one University of Miami supplemental essay to complete, answer as thoughtfully and authentically as you can.

Please note that essay requirements are subject to change each admissions cycle, and portions of this article may have been written before the final publication of the most recent guidelines. For the most up-to-date information on essay requirements, check the university’s admissions website.

Does University of Miami have supplemental essays?

Yes, the University of Miami has one supplemental essay. The UMiami supplemental essays seek to gather more information about you and how your experiences or interests fit with the school’s resources and culture.

The University of Miami supplemental essays focus on community. Indeed, UMiami prides itself on its diverse campus. Located in Miami, UMiami’s student body reflects the diversity of the city it calls home. In fact, more than half of its student body identify as students of color. Additionally, nearly half of students speak a second language. Furthermore, more than two-thirds of students come from out-of-state. As we can see, UMiami attracts students from all different walks of life.

So, how does one write the University of Miami supplemental essays? We’ll share the University of Miami essay prompts and how to address them later. But first, we’ll explore how the UMiami supplemental essays fit within the broader admissions process.

University of Miami Requirements

The University of Miami, like many competitive schools, uses a holistic admissions process to build its incoming class. But what, you might wonder, is a holistic admissions process?

A holistic admissions process takes every factor into account when evaluating a student’s application. This kind of process does not simply rely on academic achievement.  Instead, the process seeks to evaluate who you are as a whole student. 

This means that the University of Miami supplemental essays form a critical piece of your application. They offer a fuller picture of your personality, strengths, and experiences. So, pay attention to the University of Miami essay prompts, as they can make a major difference in the admissions process. 

Additionally, a holistic admissions process seeks to build an incoming class composed of students from different backgrounds. When reading UMiami supplemental essays, the admissions team aims to ensure that their students will collectively represent a cross-section of society. In this, each student adds to the strength of an incoming class through their own unique lived experiences. 

Understanding the UMiami requirements

The University of Miami requirements are multifold. To apply, you will need to submit a completed Common Application, your high school transcripts, a school report completed by your counselor, a letter of recommendation, a personal statement (Common App essay), and your University of Miami supplemental essays. 

Many students wonder how SAT or ACT scores factor into admissions decisions. The University of Miami is still test-optional as of 2023-24, meaning that students can opt to not submit test scores. However, this does not mean the University of Miami admissions is becoming less selective. On the contrary, the University of Miami acceptance rate has declined in recent years. In fact, choosing not to submit test scores means that other factors—like your University of Miami supplemental essays—may weigh more heavily in your application review. So, strong University of Miami supplemental essays can make a major difference in the admissions process. 

University of Miami Personal Statement

In addition to writing your University of Miami supplemental essays, you’ll submit a personal statement . A personal statement is a more general introduction to who you are. On the Common Application, which you will use to apply to the University of Miami, there are seven essay topics. You’ll choose one of these prompts for your personal statement. Additionally, note that the word limit for this essay is 650 words. 

We recommend choosing a personal statement prompt before writing your University of Miami supplemental essays, since you should not repeat ideas in both essays. In addition, since your personal statement goes to all the schools you apply to using the Common App, make sure to choose a topic that showcases core parts of your personal brand .

Choosing a personal statement prompt

You might be wondering, how do I select an essay prompt? The key is to choose a topic that you feel passionate about. So, look at each of the Common App prompts. Which ones connect with a story you have that reflects a key part of your identity? Moreover, how can you use these prompts to showcase who you are and what makes you unique?

If you are passionate about the topic, you’ll write a compelling essay. Additionally, don’t be afraid to try your hand at multiple prompts. Sometimes, you need to redraft an essay multiple times in order to find the right topic. Check out these sample essays to see how other students approached writing their personal statements.

Once you have any idea of what to write about in your Common Application personal statement, you can think more specifically about your University of Miami essay. Overall, your University of Miami essay should highlight a different part of your identity than your Common App essay. So, look for things UMiami should know about you that don’t come through in the rest of your application. 

University of Miami Essay: Community Essay

The University of Miami supplemental essays include just one 250-word essay—the diverse community essay. This type of essay seeks to understand what makes you a unique and diverse candidate. You might recognize this kind of essay prompt from other schools. 

Here is the prompt for the diverse community essay:

Community Essay Prompt

Located within one of the most dynamic cities in the world, the university of miami is a distinctive community with a variety of cultures, traditions, histories, languages, and backgrounds. the university of miami is a values-based and purpose-driven postsecondary institution that embraces diversity and inclusivity in all its forms and strives to create a culture of belonging, where every person feels valued and has an opportunity to contribute., please describe how your unique experiences, challenges overcome, or skills acquired would contribute to our distinctive university community., umiami supplemental essays – understanding the prompt.

With this prompt, we see how the University of Miami supplemental essays aim to determine not only what makes you unique, but how your life experiences will add to UMiami’s diverse community. The prompt itself also highlights what kind of community UMiami seeks to cultivate. So, strong UMiami supplemental essays will clearly address how a student will contribute to UMiami’s diverse campus culture. 

Indeed, as a UMiami student, you’ll be exposed to students from all walks of life and be encouraged to value and respect your peers’ experiences. So, writing your UMiami supplemental essays can allow you to reflect on whether the school is a good fit for you.

So, think about how you would benefit from—and contribute to—a diverse campus environment like UMiami. Then, you’ll be ready to approach the University of Miami supplemental essays. In the next section, we’ll talk about how to craft strong University of Miami supplemental essays.

How to write the University of Miami supplemental essays

Writing your University of Miami supplemental essays might seem daunting. However, if you think critically about how to approach the UMiami supplemental essays, you can make the most of your supplements and increase your admissions odds. 

Here are some important steps in writing your UMiami supplemental essays:

1. Reflect upon your identities

The college admissions process is all about reflection. Indeed, reflecting should be the first step in writing your University of Miami supplemental essays. In this essay prompt, UMiami highlights how it values “diversity and inclusivity in all its forms.” So, don’t get stuck on race or ethnicity, even if this is what most people think of when they hear diversity. Also, don’t feel the need to exaggerate experiences or focus on parts of your identity that aren’t meaningful to you.

Instead, think about all the life experiences that have truly shaped you and taught you valuable lessons. For example, maybe you lived in eleven different states as a child. Or perhaps, you had a learning disability when you were starting out in school. Any of these aspects of your experience are valid to highlight in your UMiami supplemental essays—as long as they are important to you.

2. Free-write

Once you have which aspect of your life experience you want to highlight, do a free write. This can help you get used to writing about your experiences. As such, it’s a great way to learn how to approach the University of Miami supplemental essays.

A free-write is when you write for a set amount of time, such as 10 minutes, and don’t stop even if your thoughts feel jumbled or pointless. The purpose of a free-write is to remove the anxiety that comes with trying to find perfect words for your University of Miami supplemental essays.

After your free-write, take a look at what you’ve written. Do any ideas stand out? You don’t need to use any information from your free-write in your UMiami supplemental essays. However, you might still find a useful idea to refine as you begin drafting. 

3. Revise for key ideas

Once you have completed a free-write, review your writing to identify themes you wish to keep. For example, maybe as you moved around as a kid, you realize that you were constantly worried about making new friends. In this case, you may write your UMiami supplemental essays about how to relate to people from different backgrounds. 

Once again, don’t be afraid to write multiple different University of Miami supplemental essays. The more you write about your experiences, the easier it will become. 

4. Highlight examples and details

As you revise your University of Miami supplemental essays, ensure that you use specific examples and details to make your story come to life. We sometimes call this process “showing, not telling.”

For example, instead of saying “I was nervous to start at a new school,” say “I walked into class with my head low, trying to avoid locking eyes with anyone.” This detail shows us, rather than tells us, how you are feeling.

5. Have a takeaway

In the revision process for your UMiami supplemental essays, focus on sharing what you learned from your experience. Indeed, this essay prompt asks how your experiences will help you contribute to the UMiami community.

No matter what you write about, the University of Miami admissions officers want to understand how you’ve grown and changed as a person. Moreover, they want to see how your growth and experiences will allow you to enrich their community. 

Tips to make your UMiami essay stand out

Each year, the University of Miami receives about 48,000 applications. As such, it is critical that your University of Miami essays stand out. 

Here are a few tips to ensure you write intriguing essays :

1. Be honest

The best way to stand out in the admissions process is to be yourself. University of Miami admissions officers can see through inauthentic answers. So, instead of writing UMiami supplemental essays you think admissions officers want to read, be authentic. Think critically about what experiences make you who you are. Then, make sure these experiences shine through in your University of Miami supplemental essays.

2. Find a hook

Make sure to have a compelling start to your UMiami supplemental essays. For your University of Miami supplemental essays, a hook can take many forms. For instance, you might place the reader in the middle of a story, or you might include a surprising thought upon which the rest of your essay expands. 

3. Edit for clarity and grammar

Since the University of Miami acceptance rate is low, you’ll need to demonstrate strong writing skills to stand out. As such, always have at least one to two trusted people read your essay to help you fix grammatical errors and refine your ideas. The best UMiami supplemental essays won’t be written overnight, so give yourself plenty of time to edit and redraft. 

When is the University of Miami application due?

There are several UMiami application deadlines . While all of them have the same University of Miami requirements, including the same UMiami supplemental essays, they have different dates . 

The first major decision you’ll want to make when applying to UMiami is whether you wish to apply early. Applying early may increase your odds of admission, as it demonstrates to UMiami that you’re serious about attending the school. Further, you can learn about your admissions status earlier when you apply by one of the two early deadlines. 

There are two ways to apply early to UMiami, both of which have November 1 deadlines:

Early Decision I

Early Decision is a binding application program. By applying Early Decision, you are stating that you will definitely attend UMiami if admitted. While applying Early Decision can increase your odds of admission, it is only recommended if financial aid is not a deciding factor for you in the college process. Indeed, if you are admitted Early Decision, you are bound to accept whatever financial aid the school offers. Since UMiami has an average annual price of $30,742 , you should be comfortable with paying this amount or more when you apply Early Decision to Miami.

Early Action

Early Action is another way to apply early to the University of Miami. Applying EA may not increase your odds of admissions as much as Early Decision. However, it is also not a binding application. In this sense, it is a better option if cost is a major factor in deciding where to attend college.

Choosing an application deadline

There are many reasons why you may not wish to apply early to a college. First, you may not yet be sure whether you want to attend, which makes applying ED difficult. Secondly, you might wish to have more time to work on your University of Miami supplemental essays or boost your GPA by raising your grades in the fall of your senior year. 

If you wish to apply by the regular deadlines for Miami, you have two options. Both application deadlines are January 1:

Early Decision II

Though this deadline is called Early Decision II, it is not actually an early deadline. In fact, you have till January 1 to apply Early Decision II. However, like Early Decision I, your acceptance to UMiami is binding if you apply Early Decision II. But, if UMiami is still your top choice by the time January 1 approaches, you may wish to apply Early Decision II to increase your odds of admission.

Regular Decision

Regular Decision is a standard way of applying that does not confer any of the advantages or restrictions of the early deadlines. However, if UMiami is not a top choice for you, then applying Regular Decision may make the most sense. 

Regardless of which deadline you choose, your application must be clear and compelling. Moreover, it should demonstrate why you are an ideal student for the school to admit. Well-crafted University of Miami supplemental essays form a critical part of any strong application.

University of Miami Supplemental Essays – 5 Takeaways

By now, we hope it’s clear how important your UMiami supplemental essays are in your application.

Here are five key takeaways as you prepare to write your University of Miami supplemental essays:

1. Show your authentic self

Whether you are writing your UMiami supplemental essays or putting together your activities list, showcase what makes you unique. From the University of Miami essay prompts, we can tell that the school values individuality and diversity. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to sound impressive, as this will hinder the authenticity of your application. Instead, be honest about why you belong at UMiami. 

2. Learn about the school

Before you write your UMiami supplemental essays, ensure that you know a lot about the institution. This will help you craft an application that showcases how your strengths align with UMiami’s offerings. Visit the school, follow their social media, and read the University blog to stay on top of admissions news .

3. Develop an application strategy

As you prepare your application to UMiami, you must decide whether applying early to the school makes sense. If you truly wish to attend this well-regarded school, you’ll want to take whatever steps are possible to increase your odds of admission. Still, be sure that you’ve considered financial aid implications if you decide to apply early. In addition, your application strategy should include developing a personal brand, writing strong UMiami supplemental essays, and getting recommendation letters that highlight your academic and personal strengths.

4. Start early

Even if you don’t apply early to UMiami, you should start preparing for the application process well before the deadline. The earlier you start, the better. With more time, you’ll be able to do deeper research, spend longer on your UMiami supplemental essays, and reach out to the admissions office if you have questions. 

5. Get help

While the college admissions process can be overwhelming, you’re never alone. Consider all the people in your community who can help you, from family and friends to teachers and guidance counselors. If you want personalized support, our team at CollegeAdvisor.com is here to help. Our experts will guide you through every aspect of the admissions process, from completing the Common App to crafting your UMiami supplemental essays to applying for scholarships.

In this article, we reviewed how to write your University of Miami supplemental essays. We took you through the University of Miami essay prompts and offered tips for making your University of Miami essay stand out. With thoughtful reflection and careful writing, you’ll surely put together a University of Miami essay that stands out from the rest. Good luck!

This essay guide was written by Senior Advisor Courtney Ng . Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.

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WRS 101 will provide students with consistent and sustained support for their reading and writing needs in WRS 105. Students will schedule one-hour per week standing appointments with Writing Center tutors. These standing appointments will be used exclusively to support the work of the WRS 105 course and must be kept throughout the entire semester.


Advanced approaches to multidisciplinary written and multimodal communication. Emphasizes transferable skills in academic inquiry and argument. Not for major or minor. Cannot be taken on credit-only option.


Advanced approaches to multidisciplinary written and multimodal communication using secondary sources. Emphasizes transferable skills in academic analysis, argument, and research. Not for major or minor. Cannot be taken on credit-only option.


Advanced approaches to multidisciplinary written and multimodal communication using secondary sources. Emphasizes transferable skills in academic analysis, argument, and research for STEM disciplines. Not for major or minor. Cannot be taken on credit-only option.


Review of research techniques and revision strategies. Completes the university Written Communication Skills requirement for those students who transfer into UM with credit for one first-year writing course from another institution. Open only to transfer students who have received transfer credit for either WRS 105 or WRS 106. Not open to students who have taken WRS 105, WRS 106, and/or ENG 106 at UM.

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University of Miami Admission Essays

Introduction to university of miami essays.

The University of Miami, known for its vibrant campus life and academic rigor, requires essays that help the admissions committee understand each applicant's unique story. Crafting a compelling essay for the University of Miami involves reflecting your personality, goals, and fit with the university's ethos. This guide delves into various aspects of the University of Miami essay, including University of Miami essay examples and UMiami supplemental essay examples.

Before diving into the essay writing process, it's essential to grasp some key facts about the University of Miami essays. These essays are a critical part of your application, offering a chance to showcase aspects of your personality and aspirations that aren't evident in other parts of the application.

Main Facts about University of Miami Essays

Before diving into the essay writing process, it's essential to grasp some key facts about the UMiami essays. These essays are a critical part of your application, offering a chance to showcase aspects of your personality and aspirations that aren't evident in other parts of the application. Understanding these facts will help you approach your essay writing with clarity and purpose.

  • The University of Miami requires applicants to submit essays as part of their application to gain a more holistic view of the candidate.
  • These essays often include a personal statement as part of the Common Application or Coalition Application.
  • Supplemental essays specifically tailored to the University of Miami are also a requirement, focusing on specific aspects such as why you choose the University of Miami or how your goals align with its programs.
  • The word limit for these essays is typically strict, requiring concise and focused writing.
  • Topics range from personal growth stories to discussing specific academic interests or career goals.
  • Essays are used by the admissions committee to assess not only writing skills but also creativity, critical thinking, and suitability for the university's culture.
  • Unique and original essays tend to stand out more in the admissions process, reflecting the applicant's genuine personality.
  • Successful essays often connect personal stories with future aspirations and how the University of Miami can facilitate these goals.
  • Demonstrating knowledge about the University of Miami’s programs, values, and community can add depth to your essays.
  • Proofreading and revision are key, as well-structured, error-free essays reflect a candidate's attention to detail and dedication.

University of Miami Requirements

Gaining admission to the University of Miami requires meeting specific academic and application criteria. Prospective students must navigate a range of requirements, including GPA thresholds, standardized test scores, recommendation letters, and a well-rounded application showcasing extracurricular activities and personal achievements. Additionally, the university's unique essay prompts demand thoughtful, articulate responses that reflect the applicant's personality and compatibility with the institution's values. Understanding and meticulously adhering to these requirements is crucial for a successful application, as they collectively represent the standards and expectations set forth by this prestigious university.

Understanding the University of Miami Requirements

The University of Miami has specific requirements for its application essays, which play a pivotal role in the admissions process. These include word limits, usually ranging from 250 to 650 words, prompt choices that vary each year, and focus areas the university expects applicants to address. It's crucial to adhere to these requirements to ensure that your application is considered. This includes showcasing your writing skills, your ability to think critically, and your alignment with the university's ethos. Understanding and following these guidelines is the first step towards crafting a compelling application.

Role of Supplemental Essays in the University of Miami Application

The University of Miami recognizes the importance of a holistic review process, and as such, it requires applicants to submit supplemental essays. These essays are an opportunity for applicants to provide more detailed insights into their background, experiences, and why they are interested in attending the University of Miami. The supplemental essays usually ask students to elaborate on their academic interests, extracurricular activities, and personal experiences that have shaped their decision to apply. They allow the admissions committee to get a more holistic understanding of the applicant beyond grades and test scores. Crafting thoughtful and authentic essays can significantly impact the overall strength of an application.

University of Miami Supplemental Essay Prompts

The University of Miami offers a range of supplemental essay prompts, which are carefully designed to assess the applicant's fit with the university's culture and values. These prompts encourage students to discuss their academic and personal interests more deeply, their community involvement, leadership experiences, and personal challenges. They vary each year, but typically include questions that invite students to reflect on their personal growth, future aspirations, and how they plan to contribute to the university community.

  • The first prompt focuses on personal growth and asks students to describe a significant challenge they have overcome and the lessons learned from that experience. For example, an applicant could write about overcoming a language barrier, which taught them resilience and the value of diverse communication skills.
  • The second prompt delves into academic and career aspirations, where students are asked to articulate their future goals and how the University of Miami can help them achieve these. An effective response might involve a student's aspiration to become an environmental scientist, emphasizing how the university's cutting-edge research facilities and expert faculty can aid in their academic journey.
  • The third prompt centers around community contribution, asking applicants to discuss how they plan to engage with and contribute to the University of Miami community. A compelling response could detail a student's plan to start a cultural exchange club, fostering a more inclusive and diverse campus environment.

Thoughtful responses to these prompts, showcasing personal narratives and clear alignment with the university's values, are key to demonstrating suitability for admission.

How to Write the University of Miami Supplemental Essays

Writing the UMiami supplemental essays involves a strategic approach that begins with thorough brainstorming:

  • Start by reflecting on experiences and ideas that are meaningful to you and align with the prompt.
  • Ensure that your essays are well-structured, engaging, and reflective of your unique experiences and perspectives.
  • Focus on clarity and coherence, making sure each paragraph contributes to the overall narrative.
  • Use specific examples to illustrate your points and avoid generalizations.

Most importantly, let your personality and genuine interest in the university shine through. Editing and revising multiple drafts is also key to polishing your essays to perfection.

University of Miami Essay Examples

Examining University of Miami supplemental essay examples can provide valuable insights into what the admissions committee looks for in a successful essay. These examples often demonstrate creativity, depth of thought, and a strong personal connection to the university's values. Analyzing these essays can help you understand the balance between personal storytelling and intellectual discourse that the university values. Note how successful essays integrate personal anecdotes with reflections on broader themes and how they align with the university’s academic and social environment. Use these examples as a guide but remember to inject your originality and voice into your writing:

  • My Experience and How It Shapes My University Goals
  • The Role of Failure in Personal Growth
  • My Journey Towards Environmental Advocacy
  • Lessons from Leading a Community Service Project
  • How My Experiment Impacted My Academic Aspirations
  • My Initiative to Promote Inclusivity in Education
  • How Music Influences My Educational Path
  • My Story of Resilience and Its Impact on My Future
  • How Multilingualism Has Shaped My Worldview
  • My Plan to Enhance Campus Sustainability at the University of Miami

University of Miami Essay Examples: Conclusion

In conclusion, the University of Miami essays are a significant component of your application. They offer an opportunity to demonstrate your unique qualities and how you align with the university. Writing these essays requires introspection, creativity, and a clear understanding of the university's ethos. Utilize these tips, examples, and insights to craft essays that truly reflect your identity and aspirations for your university journey. Remember, a well-written essay can be a deciding factor in your admission, making it essential to invest time and effort into crafting compelling narratives that resonate with the admissions committee.

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Passion for Scientific Research and Pursuing Advancement

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University Of Miami: My Journey to Understanding Inclusion

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Becoming a Global Citizen: My Journey in Ecuador and Beyond

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Studying English at the University of Miami

Studying English at the University of Miami is much more than reading old books and writing five-paragraph essays. Want to study popular culture of the past and present, from Game of Thrones to classic Hollywood movies to the Harlem Renaissance? We've got classes on that. Want to go to law school or medical school? We have courses that combine law and literature and literature and medicine. Want to be a writer? We offer a major and a minor in creative writing. Interested in issues of race, gender, or the environment? We've got faculty who specialize in these areas of literature, and many more. And yes, of course we've also got the classics: Austen, Shakespeare, Dickinson, Chaucer, and more.

In UM English classes you’ll learn to write persuasively and vividly, whether it’s a blog post, a long-form research project, or a poem.

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University of Miami Undergraduate College Application Essays

These University of Miami college application essays were written by students accepted at University of Miami. All of our sample college essays include the question prompt and the year written. Please use these sample admission essays responsibly.

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College Application Essays accepted by University of Miami

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4'11 Forever Anonymous

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Recent Questions about University of Miami

The Question and Answer section for University of Miami is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

The conclusion of the Declaration of Independence states that

I'd go with "The United States is free" as the essential point.

“These united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown.”?

What does the conclusion of the declaration of independence state?

I think it talks about independent states having autonomy to make agreements with foreign nations. It says that God will protect them in their desire to establish a just government. The citizens of each colony have pledged their fidelity and lives...

What was Jefferson's opinion about changing long-established governments?

Straight from the source; you don't change long established

governments without good cause and much thought.

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and...

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Academic Program Information

Degree planning.

You may request a change of major within your school or college by submitting a change of major request form in the Applicant Portal . Requests within your school or college will be reviewed and processed by the Office of Undergraduate Admission through mid-May. 

Requests to change your major outside of your admitted school or college can be submitted to your cane navigator after the first day of classes in the fall. Note that several programs may have waiting lists for current UM students, including but not limited to Neuroscience and Traditional B.S.N.

In addition, current UM students may not transfer to Miami Herbert Business School until they have satisfied the math requirement. Still other programs, such as the Frost School of Music and Theatre Arts B.F.A., may require auditions, and admission is highly selective.

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  • 1 Math Course
  • 1 First Year Writing Course
  • 2 Major Courses
  • 1 Elective Course

*Note: one’s schedule can vary based on the School/College requirements, degree program, transfer credits, special group affiliation, etc.

For incoming transfer students, your schedule will depend on how many credits you have earned, which transfer credits will be accepted, and your major among other factors.

Your transitional guide will help you to make sure you have a schedule that will set you up for your success here at UM.

The University Bulletin   is the guide to every program and department at the University of Miami It includes essential information like admission and graduation requirements, financial information, and academic procedures.  You can find it on our UM home page; or by clicking on the Bulletin . Your Cane Navigator will help to guide you and clarify your graduation requirements, but students are ultimately responsible for meeting all requirements.

Math Placement

While it is not technically required (depending on your major), we highly encourage students to take math as soon as possible to minimize the gap in math instruction, and to work towards meeting the quantitative requirements of your degree program.

Your math course placement is determined in one of three ways:

  • If you were admitted with an SAT/ACT test, your score may be used for math placement.
  • If you were admitted test-optional without an SAT/ACT test or if you attended high school outside of the United States, you must complete the ALEKS Math Placement Assessment to determine the appropriate math course for you.
  • If you have an approved AP Calculus score of 3 or 4, your result may be used for math placement.

*Please see the Math Placement Guide (Domestic Student) for the course in which you are able to enroll.

*Option: If a higher-level math placement is desired, you can opt to take the ALEKS Math Placement Assessment for consideration.

Yes – any student can take the ALEKS placement, once for practice and then up to twice with a proctor to earn a score for math placement.

Transferring Credit

In order to receive credit for College Board AP examinations, you must have official score results forwarded directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admission from the College Board. The University of Miami's school code is 5815 .

Advanced Placement Program® 888-225-5427 [email protected]

In order to receive credit for IB examinations, you must have official score results forwarded directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admission from the IB Office.

IB Office (301) 202-3025 [email protected]  

To have credit hours evaluated for work that you have already completed at another regionally accredited college or university (Ex: dual enrollment), you are required to submit all official college transcripts to the Office of Undergraduate Admission either electronically to [email protected] or by mail to any of the following addresses:

Mailing Address University of Miami Office of Undergraduate Admission P.O. Box 249117 Coral Gables, FL 33124-9117   

Yes, you can request to transfer credits from any regionally accredited institution, and as long as:

  • You were enrolled as a non-degree seeking student
  • Courses MUST be at least 6 weeks long 
  • Must have a passing grade of C or higher 

* Note : UM will not accept any Physical Education, Professional, or Technical courses.

For classes that you would like to have evaluated for UM equivalency, you will have to complete the Transfer Credit Evaluation Process for credit to be awarded by the University of Miami.

To do so, please:

1. Access MATES Form: Log in to the MATES form, located here .

2. Enter Coursework: Input the coursework you plan to take at the outside institution into the form along with your syllabus and any other documentation that you may have. Submitting incorrect documents at this stage of the process can delay your evaluation.

3. Submit MATES Form: Classes that have already been evaluated and approved will not go through the review process and you will be given a decision at that point. Classes that do need to be reviewed will then be sent to a faculty evaluator who will review and determine the course equivalency.

4. Faculty Evaluation: The faculty evaluator will carefully review the course material and make a determination on whether the course(s) are approved for transfer credit. This process ensures that all courses are evaluated thoroughly.

5. Notification of Decision: You will receive notification from the faculty evaluator regarding the approval status of the course(s). The decision will be one of the following: accepted with a direct equivalent, accepted without a direct equivalent, more documentation required, or not accepted.

6. Final Steps: If the course(s) are approved, you will need to ensure that official transcripts are sent to the University of Miami upon completion of the course(s). The credits will then be added to your record.

For complete details, please follow the link below:

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Outlook is the email solution for University of Miami faculty, staff , alumni with mailboxes , vendors/contractors , and non-students .

* Exception : Medical students (in M.D. programs) do not use Gmail for UM email; instead, they use Outlook for UM email.

Important Information About Email:

Student email transition from outlook to gmail.

As of August 1, 2024, students with Outlook mailboxes were transitioned to Gmail . All new mail is being delivered to a students' @miami.edu Gmail inbox. Students can still log in to Outlook to review or forward emails received before the transition to Gmail. Learn more about the transition to Gmail .

Information for Graduating Students

Upon graduation, UM alumni's emails will forward to their personal email address , as noted in CaneLink. An alumni email account ([email protected]) will become a forwarding-only account 60 days after records confirm their alumni status. Access additional details for graduates .

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A Letter to 2025-2026 Applicants

Shalala Student Center and Lake Osceola viewed from Lakeside Village.

By Nate Crozier 08-01-2024

Dear High School Seniors,

I know you’ve worked hard the last few years. You have probably overcome major obstacles and put in late nights and early mornings. You’ve done a great job. Before I say anything else, I want you to take a moment to appreciate how much effort you’ve put into your high school career and be proud of yourself. Let all that pride sink in, because no matter where you go after high school, absolutely no one can take away the work you’ve done.

Now I want to explain the application process at the University of Miami. I hope breaking it down helps demystify the way we do things here. I’ll give you a condensed version here, but if you want something with more detail, this page is for you .

Applications are only accepted through the Common App. We are test optional once again this season. While your application does not require test scores, we do require the Common App’s personal statement and a supplemental essay. You must submit one letter of recommendation from a school counselor or teacher too. About two to three days after you submit your application, you’ll receive a link to your Applicant Portal, where you’ll have a personalized checklist of requirements. That’s also where you can submit supporting documents.

We run a holistic review process on all applications. That means we look at the big picture when your application comes across our desk. If you’re a numbers person, check out the profile of last year’s first-year class . The best advice I can give is to put your best foot forward, lean into your inherent strengths, and acknowledge that your challenges made you stronger too. As far as decisions go, the timeline of decisions depends on when you apply. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the various admission plans and deadlines so you have an idea of your specific timeline.

The last thing I want to tell you about is my team . They (like you!) are an essential piece of the puzzle. They’re dedicated to their work, passionate about the U, and really excited to learn about you. We’re a tight-knit group that genuinely looks forward to reading about what makes you a great fit for our institution. Please know that I and my team are here to answer your questions. There are real people behind the [email protected] email. Please use it!

I wish you the best this application season.

Best regards,

Nate Crozier

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, university of miami essay prompts.

Hi guys! I'm in the process of applying to the University of Miami and I'm wondering if anyone has any insight on the essay prompts for this year's application. What kind of topics should I focus on to make my application stand out? Thanks for any tips!

Hi there! University of Miami has just one essay prompt this year, and you can read up on how to craft an effective response on CollegeVine's blog: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-university-of-miami-essays. Remember that CollegeVine also offers both free peer essay reviews and paid reviews by expert college admissions advisors, if you want guidance catered to your particular essay.

Good luck with your application to the U!

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With our Catholic liberal arts heritage and over 100 degree programs, including nursing and marine biology, from bachelors through PhDs, we've got your options covered. Focus on arts and sciences, business, education, social work, communication, nursing, medical sciences, theology, or law. Take things further with personalized research and experiential learning opportunities, on and off-campus. Enhance your prospects with hands-on internships at some of the country's top organizations.

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Barry University Students

The path to your perfect career begins with planning and support. Career Development has resources for you to help you make the most of your time at Barry. Guidance is just an appointment away.

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Service-learning integrates relevant community service with course work and critical reflection to enrich the learning experience, foster social responsibility and civic engagement, and strengthen communities.


The Honors Program at Barry is designed to challenge, enrich, and prepare especially motivated students to pursue their fullest potential. By participating in a rigorous curriculum rounded out by an array of edifying and interactive events, students explore crucial issues that we face in our daily lives. Students are given the space for discussion and debate and the opportunity to learn from experts in their fields. The Office of Financial Aid can assist with determining eligibility for the Honors Program.

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The Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library is located in the center of the beautiful Miami Shores campus of Barry University. The Library is named in loving memory of Monsignor William Barry, one of the founders of Barry University and an inspirational figure in the Catholic Church within the Archdiocese of Miami. The extensive Library research collections include more than 950,000 physical items, over 40,000 print and on-line journal subscriptions, and several thousand on-line books and streaming video resources.

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At Barry University, you will experience a small community atmosphere where you can always rely on our administrators and faculty for advice, encouragement and personal attention. We take great pride in giving individual attention from the very beginning. You can start building a personal relationship with one of our admissions counselors who will help answer any questions, and guide you through the entire admissions and enrollment process.

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Continuing Education (CE) offers a variety of courses and non-credit programs designed to respond to the diverse educational interests and lifelong learning needs of individuals of all ages. We offer certificate, credential exam preparation, and licensure programs for professional and personal enrichment.

High school students: Get a jump-start on your college education with dual enrollment courses from Barry University! You can earn high school and college credit at the same time, right at your own school.

Dual Enrollment

Barry University is committed to provide you with a dynamic and flexible approach to your degree pathway through our online courses and degree programs. We understand that balancing academics, work, and personal commitments can be challenging. That's why our online offerings are designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, allowing you to pursue your educational goals without compromising on other important aspects of your life.

Distance Education

We are committed to providing programs and services that are guided by Barry University's rich educational mission and intended to enhance your Barry experience. Through partnerships with others in the university community, we aim to create experiences that will help transform you into leaders for a just and humane world.

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We are an NCAA Division II school and a member of the Sunshine State Conference with 12 varsity teams, including men's baseball, basketball, golf, soccer and tennis; and women's basketball, golf, rowing, soccer, softball, tennis and volleyball. So far, we've won 24 NCAA championships, had 338 All-Americans, 413 Scholar All-Americans, and nine NCAA "Women of the Year" finalists, the most of any Division II school. Not bad at all, but we're going for more.

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Campus Life

For students currently enrolled in classes at Barry, we have a wealth of resources you can tap into to bring ease and efficiency to your university experience. Get the help you need with administrative or financial questions, or check out course catalogs to help plan your schedule by semester. All the information you need to excel is at your fingertips.

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Department of Theology and Philosophy

Yves Congar Award Series

Lecture series yves congar award series the department of theology and philosophy presents the yves congar award for theological excellence.

The Yves Congar Award for Theological Excellence recognizes the contributions of contemporary theologians who embody the spirit of Cardinal Yves Congar, OP (1904-1995), by working, writing, and teaching in light of the tradition while moving that tradition forward to meeting the challenges of today.

2023 Yves Congar Award Ceremony

About the Presentation

While Roman Catholic preachers have a penchant for engaging with literature and popular culture in their preaching, the sciences are seldom drawn upon as homiletic dialogue partners. This presentation will explore how scientists' imaginations and willingness to confront mysteries can be a boon for those called to preach the Word in this digital age. Besides considering the sciences in preaching, this presentation will also consider how neuroscience in particular might contribute to more effective proclamation of the word.

2022 Yves Congar Award Ceremony

There are many ways to understand racism, for example, as a social divide and as a political reality. At its deepest level, racism is a soul sickness, that is, a profound warping of the human spirit.  This presentation will describe the social impacts of this spiritual distortion. It will then explore the Gospel's call to repentance and offer an understanding of the profound transformations needed to address this spiritual wound and create a more just society.

Award Recipients

Edward Foley, Capuchin Edward Foley, Capuchin is a Roman Catholic priest and member of the Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order. The Duns Scotus Professor Emeritus of Spirituality and Retired Professor of Liturgy and Music at Catholic Theological Union, he was the founding director of the Ecumenical Doctor of Ministry degree jointly offered by Catholic Theological Union, the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and McCormick Theological Seminary. An award winning author and celebrated preacher, he has been honored with lifetime achievement awards from national and international organizations and is a recent recipient of a major grant for preaching from the John Templeton Foundation. He also serves his Capuchin community as the Vice-Postulator for the Canonization cause for Blessed Solanus Casey.

"Preaching with the Sciences: The Neuroscientific Turn"

Bryan Massingale, S.T.D Dr. Bryan Massingale. Professor Massingale is a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, the James and Nancy Buckman Professor of Theological and Social Ethics at Fordham University, and the Senior Fellow in its Center for Ethics Education. A leader in Catholic theology, he is President-Elect of the Society of Christian Ethics, a former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, and a former Convener of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium.

"Lecture: A Spirituality of Racial Metanoia"

María Pilar Aquino, S.T.D María Pilar Aquino, born and raised in Mexico, is Professor Emerita of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of San Diego, serves as President of the Catholic Theological Society of America (2019-2020) and as a member of the International Advisory Committee of the World Forum on Theology and Liberation. Prof. Aquino is a founding member and first woman President of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians in the United States.

"Catholic Theology Today: Dynamisms for Re-Existence"

Massimo Faggioli, Ph.D. Massimo Faggioli, PhD, a married lay Roman Catholic, is full professor in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at Villanova University (Philadelphia). He worked in the "John XXIII Foundation for Religious Studies" in Bologna between 1996 and 2008 and received his Ph.D. from the University of Turin in 2002. Moving to the US in 2008, he was visiting fellow at the Jesuit Institute at Boston College between 2008 and 2009, and taught at the University of St. Thomas (Minnesota) between 2009 and 2016, where he was the founding director of the Institute for Catholicism and Citizenship.

"Yves Congar and Vatican II in the Church of Today"

Richard R. Gaillardetz, Ph.D. Dr. Richard R. Gaillardetz is the Joseph Professor in Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College and is currently the chair of the Theology Department. A past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Prof. Gaillardetz has authored or edited 13 books and numerous articles in fundamental theology, ecclesiology and spirituality.

"Beyond Dogmatism: The Case for Normative Tradition in an Age of Scandal"

Sr. Barbara E. Reid, Ph.D. Sr. Barbara E. Reid, O.P. is a Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids, Michigan; Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., M.A. in Religious Studies and B.A. from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, MI.

"The Party's Over and the Quest for Truth Continues"

Walter Brueggemann, Ph.D. William Marcellus McPheeters Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary.

"The Gospel in an Economy of Extraction"

Lisa Sowle Cahill, Ph.D. Donald Monan Professor of Theology at Boston College

"Catholic Families: Theology, Practices, and 'Evangelization'"

Sandra M. Schneiders, I.H.M. Professor Emerita of New Testament Studies and Christian Spirituality, Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University

"Buying the Field: Women Religious in a Renewing Church"

Robert Schreiter, C.PP.S., Theo. Dr. Vatican Council II Professor of Theology, Catholic Theological Union

"Practical Theology as Contextual Theology: Challenges to Catholic Practical Theology Today"

Roberto S. Goizueta, Ph.D. Professor of Theology, Boston College; past president of the Catholic Theological Association of America and the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians in the United States

"Against the Pursuit of Happiness: The Preferential Option for the Poor and the Denial of Death"

Mary Catherine Hilkert, OP, Ph.D. Professor of Theology at University of Notre Dame, IN; past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America; Madeleva lecturer in Spirituality, 2001

"In Memory of Lois and Eunice: Handing on a Living Tradition of Faith"

Donald J. Goergen, OP, Ph.D., STM Dominican Theologian at the Aquinas Institute of Theology; Prior of St. Dominic Priory, House of Studies, St. Louis; co-founder of the Dominican Ashram

"A Wider Vision: Biblical, Catholic, and Cosmic"

Margaret Farley, RSM, Ph.D. Professor Emerita of Christian Ethics, Yale Divinity School; co-director of the Yale University Interdisciplinary Bioethics Project and the All Africa Conference: Sister-to-Sister

"Gender, Sexuality and Ethics: New Perspectives"

Previous Yves Congar Award recipients include:

  • Elizabeth A. Johnson, CSJ, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Theology, Fordham University
  • Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz, Ph.D., Professor of Ethics and Theology, Drew University
  • Rev. Jan Lambrecht, SJ, SSD
  • Father Fergus Kerr, OP, STLic, Member of Faculty of Divinity, Oxford University
  • Gustavo Gutierrez, OP, Ph.D., John Cardinal O'Hara Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
  • Ana Maria Pineda, RSM, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Director of Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries, Santa Clara University
  • Rev. Bryan Hehir, ThD, Professor Emeritus, Harvard University
  • Phyllis Trible, Ph.D., Professor of Theology, Wake Forest University
  • Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak, Ph.D., Professor of Theology, Catholic University of America
  • M. Shawn Copeland, Ph.D., Â Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Marquette University
  • Rev. Thomas O'Meara, OP, Ph.D., Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame

Please note: All associations indicated for lecturers were current at times Award was presented.

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As a dynamic division, the University of Miami Division of Students Affairs has taken a multi-pronged approach to continue to improve student retention and persistence. Student Affairs will provide proactive programming and engagement opportunities, support students facing academic or social challenges, and directly assist students in personal crisis. It is the out-of-the-classroom work of Student Affairs that contributes to students achieving their goals of degree completion and post-collegiate plans.

The strategic plan for the Division of Student Affairs was developed to build upon the strengths of the Division and to lead improvements for the future. The Division of Student Affairs contributes to the Roadmap to Our New Century by providing a transformational student experience on a foundation of administrative excellence. A transformational student experience includes exemplary learning opportunities and a proactive approach to student needs. With the continuing challenges of higher education, especially in the areas that support students outside of the classroom, it was time for the Division of Student Affairs to embark on its own strategic planning process.

It was an iterative process designed to clarify the Division’s vision, plan strategically for future opportunities, prioritize goals and outcomes, and find synergistic connections to improve the Division’s administrative excellence.

Accordion Group

The Resource Planning and Development Committee will provide guidance and recommendations to support facilities, operations, and human capital to advance student engagement and learning.

The Staff Development Committee will plan and implement programs and activities for staff to further develop their professional knowledge, skills, and competencies as well as build professional relationships with others.

The Assessment Committee will provide direction and guidance for Division-wide assessment by identifying what data should be collected to effectively assess the Division’s outcomes and priorities, coordinating such data collection, and recommending enhancements to the assessment process.

Divisional Priorities

Through an extensive and iterative process, staff identified four Divisional Priorities that will contribute to and advance student success and learning.

Enabling students to be successful learners and engaged members of a global society by providing them with the necessary mental and physical health support as well as equipping students with the necessary dynamic resiliency, coping, and conflict management skills to address personal and interpersonal challenges in life.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will learn multiple pathways to mental and physical well-being by participating in intentional programs and services.
  • Students will learn skills directly related to dynamic resiliency, coping and conflict management.


  • Establish a centralized brand that unifies the well-being and resiliency efforts across the division.
  • Increase intentional collaboration with existing peer education groups to develop synergies to further well-being and resiliency education.
  • Overhaul Student Affairs UMX course content related to well-being and resiliency.
  • Develop a needs-based assessment or utilize existing data to determine the overall impact of initiatives on student well-being and resiliency.

Preparing students to thrive in a diverse and global society by educating them on how to contribute to and benefit from an inclusive environment by providing intentional programming and physical spaces that support cultural competency and community-building.

Educating students on how to navigate new and diverse environments while becoming lifelong productive and empathetic members of society by providing a holistic transitional experience that connects students to campus resources and helps students make connections to their campus community.

Helping students develop personal and professional skills in preparation for citizenship in a global community by providing meaningful programming and involvement opportunities that allow students to be an active part of campus life.

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Four Miami University alumni named to Forbes '30 Under 30 Cincinnati' list

College of Engineering and Computing, College of Arts and Science, and Farmer School of Business alumni make newly created local list

(L-R) Emil Barr, Macallan Hoeweler, Connor Paton, and Evan Fix.

Four Miami University graduates have been named to the   Forbes 30 Under 30 Local 2024 for Cincinnati   list.

Connor Paton '23 , Finance and Entrepreneurship graduate,   Evan Fix '17 , Computer Science graduate, and   Macallan Hoeweler '24 , College of Arts and Science Economics graduate, are co-founders of   Noshable , a grocery concierge solution for vacation rentals.

Conceived and launched as part of the Department of Entrepreneurship's senior capstone New Ventures course in 2022, Noshable's technology helps travelers, specifically those staying in short-term rentals, find stores that will deliver groceries and other provisions before they arrive.

Emil Barr '24 , Farmer School of Business Economics graduate, is founder and CEO at   StepUp Social , a digital agency that empowers brands to reach a wider audience with best-in-class short-form video content.

Launched as a side hustle by Barr in 2021 during his first year at Miami, StepUp Social was   one of three Miami student-led startups   to win Main Street Ventures' 1st Annual Launch It: Cincy Pitch Competition in late 2021. He was also   featured in a recent series about entrepreneurship at Miami University .

Others to make the Cincinnati list include Cincinnati Bengals' Joe Burrow and Ja'Marr Chase, and the Cincinnati Reds' Elly De La Cruz.

Forbes started its annual “30 under 30” list more than a decade ago but this year branched out to do local versions for major cities in the United States.

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  1. How to Write the University of Miami Essay 2023-2024

    Read these UMiami essay examples to inspire your writing. University of Miami Supplemental Essay Prompt ... You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students' essays. If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful ...

  2. 2 Magnificent University of Miami Essay Examples

    2 Magnificent University of Miami Essay Examples. Located in sunny Miami, the University of Miami consistently ranks as one of the top 50 colleges in the country. With over 180 degree programs to choose from, more than 300 student organizations, and a prime location in one of the most vibrant cities in the U.S., there is something for everyone ...

  3. University of Miami's 2023-24 Essay Prompts

    Required. 650 words. The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an ...

  4. First-Year Admission Requirements

    First-Year Application Requirements. At UM, we pride ourselves on a holistic review process that considers every aspect of your application. Beyond transcripts and test scores, we carefully examine your extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, and personal statements to understand your potential for success.

  5. University of Miami Supplemental Essays Guide 2021-22

    This 2021-2022 essay guide on UMiami was written by Laura Frustaci, Harvard, '21. This guide to the University of Miami supplemental essays shows you how to write engaging University of Miami essays and maximize your chances against the UMiami acceptance rate. For more CollegeAdvisor.com resources on writing strong UMiami supplemental essays ...

  6. University of Miami 2023-24 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    As soon as the 2024-25 prompts beomce available, we will be updating this guide -- stay tuned! The Requirements: 1 essay of 250 words. Supplemental Essay Type (s): Diversity. Located within one of the most dynamic cities in the world, the University of Miami is a distinctive community with a variety of cultures, traditions, histories, languages ...

  7. Guide to the University of Miami's Supplemental Essay Prompt

    The University of Miami asks applicants to respond to one supplemental essay prompt in 250 words or less (full text below). CEA's Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, is here to share some tips and tricks for differentiating your response. About Kat StubingView all posts by Kat Stubing »

  8. Writing Center

    The Center offers free, one-on-one assistance to students with all types of writing concerns, where we can help at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming to final revisions. The Writing Center also advises and offers support to faculty in all disciplines. We serve all of the University of Miami community, including undergraduate ...

  9. Apply

    University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124 305-284-2211 Office of Undergraduate Admission 1306 Stanford Drive, Suite 1210 Coral Gables , FL 33146

  10. Essay Writing Tips from Charles Cammack

    Director of Recruitment Charles Cammack offers the 3 E's to essay success. Whether you're working on your Common App and supplemental essays, or just looking for some tips, see what can help improve your writing. By UM Admission 09-06-2023. Here are three quick things that we all should strive for to improve our writing; check them out below:

  11. University of Miami Supplemental Essays 2023-24

    2023-2024 U Miami Supplemental Essays. Prompt 1 (250 Words): Located within one of the most dynamic cities in the world, the University of Miami is a distinctive community with a variety of cultures, traditions, histories, languages, and backgrounds. The University of Miami is a values-based and purpose-driven postsecondary institution that ...

  12. University of Miami Supplemental Essays

    The University of Miami is a private college located in Miami, Florida. Indeed, UMiami is one of the top colleges in Florida. To get in, you'll need to write strong UMiami supplemental essays. In this article, we'll discuss which University of Miami essays are required to apply, as well as tips for how to write a standout University of ...

  13. Writing Studies

    As a fully-fledged discipline for pedagogy, research, and practice, the importance of Writing Studies has been recognized by the University of Miami College of Arts and Sciences as an essential component of teaching, learning, and scholarly inquiry. The new Department of Writing Studies, established in 2022, is the College's 21st department.

  14. Advice on U Miami Supplemental Essays

    The University of Miami is known for its strong emphasis on research, community involvement, and experiential learning. To write strong supplemental essays for this college, you should focus on aligning your values and experiences with the university's mission and opportunities. Here are a few tips to consider: 1. Research the school: Browse ...

  15. First-Year Writing

    University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124 305-284-2211 Writing Studies 1000 Memorial Dr Ferre Building Rm 229 Coral Gables , FL 33124

  16. University of Miami supplemental essay examples?

    About CollegeVine's Expert FAQ. CollegeVine's Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

  17. University of Miami Admission Essays

    Introduction to University of Miami Essays. The University of Miami, known for its vibrant campus life and academic rigor, requires essays that help the admissions committee understand each applicant's unique story. Crafting a compelling essay for the University of Miami involves reflecting your personality, goals, and fit with the university's ...

  18. Department of English

    Read more: https://bit.ly/4cUhTcW University of Miami College of Arts & Sciences. Happy #FirstDayOfSummer, 'Canes. 🧡 We miss 🙌! Studying English at the University of Miami is much more than reading old books and writing five-paragraph essays. Want to study popular culture of the past and present, from Game of Thrones to classic Hollywood ...

  19. University of Miami Undergraduate College Application Essays

    Join Now to View Premium Content. GradeSaver provides access to 2363 study guide PDFs and quizzes, 11008 literature essays, 2770 sample college application essays, 926 lesson plans, and ad-free surfing in this premium content, "Members Only" section of the site! Membership includes a 10% discount on all editing orders.

  20. F.A.Q.

    In order to receive credit for College Board AP examinations, you must have official score results forwarded directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admission from the College Board. The University of Miami's school code is 5815. Advanced Placement Program® 888-225-5427 [email protected]. Find Out More

  21. College Essay for University of Miami : r/ApplyingToCollege

    It sounds like your post is related to essays — please check the A2C Wiki Page on Essays for a list of resources related to essay topics, tips & tricks, and editing advice. You can also go to the r/CollegeEssays subreddit for a sub focused exclusively on essays. tl;dr: A2C Essay Wiki. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.

  22. Email at the U

    Access University of Miami email by your role. Faculty, Staff, & Select Others: Outlook. outlook.miami.edu Outlook is the email solution for University of Miami faculty, staff, alumni with mailboxes, vendors/contractors, and non-students. * Exception: Medical students (in M.D. programs) do not use Gmail for UM email; instead, they use Outlook for UM email.

  23. Looking back on life at Stanford Residential College

    After 55 years, the iconic towers of Stanford Residential College have made way for the next phase of Centennial Village, part of the University of Miami's long-term plan to modernize and reimagine student housing. As the University looks forward to a new era in campus life, alumnus David Bergen reminisces about life in Stanford.

  24. A Letter to 2025-2026 Applicants

    University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124 305-284-2211 Office of Undergraduate Admission P.O. Box 248025 Coral Gables , FL 33146

  25. University of Miami Essay Prompts

    Remember that CollegeVine also offers both free peer essay reviews and paid reviews by expert college admissions advisors, if you want guidance catered to your particular essay. Good luck with your application to the U!

  26. Yves Congar Award Series

    Moving to the US in 2008, he was visiting fellow at the Jesuit Institute at Boston College between 2008 and 2009, and taught at the University of St. Thomas (Minnesota) between 2009 and 2016, where he was the founding director of the Institute for Catholicism and Citizenship. "Yves Congar and Vatican II in the Church of Today" 2018

  27. Miami Hurricanes recruiting: Donta Simpson commits to UM

    As the the Miami Hurricanes start fall camp ahead of the 2024 season, they have remained hot on the recruiting trail. The Hurricanes picked up their latest commitment for the Class of 2025 on ...

  28. Strategic Approach

    As a dynamic division, the University of Miami Division of Students Affairs has taken a multi-pronged approach to continue to improve student retention and persistence. Student Affairs will provide proactive programming and engagement opportunities, support students facing academic or social challenges, and directly assist students in personal crisis.

  29. Four Miami University alumni named to Forbes '30 Under 30 Cincinnati

    Four Miami University graduates have been named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 Local 2024 for Cincinnati list.. Connor Paton '23, Finance and Entrepreneurship graduate, Evan Fix '17, Computer Science graduate, and Macallan Hoeweler '24, College of Arts and Science Economics graduate, are co-founders of Noshable, a grocery concierge solution for vacation rentals.

  30. Simeon Barrow bringing 'Bully Ball' mentality to Miami Hurricanes

    Barrow, who logged 110 tackles, 18.5 tackles for loss, 10.5 sacks and a pair of blocked field goals in 34 games at Michigan State, relishes the opportunity to play on a defensive line with this ...