48 Marriage Proposal Speech Examples They'll Remember Forever

It's all about finding the right words. When it comes to what to say when you propose, we've got your proposal inspiration covered.

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If you care enough about someone to propose marriage, choose your words carefully to make them as meaningful as possible. Don't just ask, "Will you marry me?"

Proposal speech examples can help inspire you to find a more creative way to express your feelings and intentions before you utter those four very important words. This is a moment you'll both remember for the rest of your lives, but don't stress. You know how you feel. With a little help on what to say, you've totally got this.

Examples of What to Say in a Marriage Proposal

Your intended is going to remember what you said when you proposed for the rest of your lives together, so make those words count. Here are some touching ways to ask the love of your life to marry you. You can use one of them to help you get started, but be sure to add your own words to make your proposal more personal to you both.

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Romantic Marriage Proposal Lines

Romantic phrases are the standard when it comes to marriage proposal wording. Quotes and lines that express your love through beautiful imagery help make the moment feel intimate and romantic.

  • I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to.
  • I know you're the only one I want to share the rest of my life with.
  • The story of our love is only beginning. Let's write our own happy ending.
  • There are many ways to be happy in this life, but all I really need is you.
  • When I look into your eyes, I can see a reflection of the two of us and the life I hope we'll share.
  • I know my life will never be complete without you beside me to share it.
  • When I look into my heart, I see only you. If you can look into your heart and only see me, then we should spend the rest of our lives together.
  • I promise you, no one will work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than me.
  • When I think about you, I know that no one else will ever hold my heart the way you do.
  • When I think of the future, I like to picture us as two trees planted side-by-side, our roots growing together more firmly as the years go by, and our children sprouting like seedlings around us.
  • Life offers many challenges. I know I can meet them if you're willing to face them with me.
  • When I met you, I knew I'd met my match. It was only a matter of time until we arrived at this moment. How it turns out is all in your hands.
  • You deserve the very best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end. Will you let me be the one?
  • The World's 10 Worst Marriage Proposals

Short Marriage Proposal Wording

Your short proposal speech can include a short, final line that delivers the big question. This line can later be added to your wedding program or other keepsake items, since it doesn't have a high word count.

  • Let's dance together at our wedding.
  • Let's put our hearts into each other's hands for life.
  • I do, do you?
  • Wear the ring for "yes," close the box for "no."
  • I give you all of me forever. Can I have all of you?
  • Me and you, together forever?
  • Me plus you equal married?
  • I'd give up anything to hear a "yes" from you now.
  • Our past was memorable. Can our future be infinite?
  • You are my definition of husband/wife/spouse/partner.

Funny Marriage Proposal Speeches

If you both have humorous personalities or prefer humor over seriousness, funny engagement poems and speeches are perfect for a marriage proposal.

  • They say money can't buy love, but I paid for this ring with money, and you're going to accept it under the condition that you have to stay with me forever. So it's kind of like buying love if you say "yes."
  • I've googled 'How to propose' about a hundred times. This was the best I could come up with. So... wanna get hitched?
  • In the spirit of saving time: [holding up a ring] This is for you. You in?
  • If I knew all it took to keep someone forever was a ring and a question, I'd have been married a long time ago!
  • I got down on one knee for you, and whether you say "yes" or "no," I'm going to need your help getting back up.
  • I was hoping one of these days you'd propose to me. But since you haven't, I thought I better ask before you get the chance to decide you'd rather propose to someone else.
  • I don't really know what I'm supposed to do if you say "no," so could you save us both the trouble and say "yes?"
  • It's funny how you need an expensive ring to get someone to agree to marry you, then only a piece of paper to make that union legal. Here's to Step One.
  • Does this ring make you wanna get married?

A funny marriage proposal line on its own can seem like you aren't taking this moment seriously, so always start with your real proposal first. Be sure to tell the person how much they mean to you and how you want to spend the rest of your life with them. Then follow up with the funny proposal line for the sweetest laughs.

Unique Marriage Proposal Wording

Look for ways to incorporate your careers, interests, or other passions into a unique marriage proposal phrase. This helps you add tons of personality to your proposal.

  • Po-lice spend life with me?
  • Give me a "Y," give me an "E," give me an "S." What's that spell?
  • Let's make a plan. Ten years from tonight, we'll tell our children the story of how I proposed to you.
  • My heart was a desert until you came and watered it with your love. Let's spend the rest of our lives together, pulling the weeds and enjoying the blossoms.
  • I believe that if we're lucky enough to have found each other in the first place, we're worth betting on for life. Will you take that gamble with me?
  • My heart was once as open as the ocean until you bottled it for yourself. Will you roll through all the tides of life with me?
  • You stole the key to my heart. Now it's only fair you use it to open our wedlock.
  • When two lines cross, that "X" marks the spot. Will you find the treasure of marriage with me?

Marriage Proposal Quotes From Movies

If you and your partner have a favorite movie, look for lines you could pull from them to use in your proposal. You can use classic movie proposal lines or add a proposal twist to any popular movie quote. For extra ambiance, set up your proposal to mimic the scene from the movie.

  • "Go ahead, make my day," from Sudden Impact wasn't meant for a romantic moment, but it could make for a funny proposal.
  • The classic Godfather line , "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse," is great if you're proposing to a man.
  • When Harry Met Sally gave one of the most iconic love quotes you could use in a proposal, "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
  • "I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love," is a perfect proposal quote from The Vow .
  • The quote from My Best Friend's Wedding , "Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy," makes for a fun proposal.
  • Pour your heart out with the line from Runaway Bride , "If I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know in my heart, you're the only one for me."
  • Go for a simple and sweet proposal like this line from The Proposal , "Would you please, with cherries on top, marry me?"
  • What to Say to a Marriage Proposal

Tips for Finding the Right Words

Some people are better at expressing themselves than others. If you're having difficulty finding the right words for a genuinely unique proposal, try these tips.

  • Be original . Since this is the biggest question of your life, you may want to use more unique wording than the standard proposal phrase. You might even consider proposing with a poem .
  • Express yourself . The way you word your proposal allows you to express your feelings about your intended in a way that means the most to you and fits your personality.
  • Personalize your proposal . Using your own creativity can also help you explain why you love your partner and refer to specific aspects of your relationship.

To make your proposal more personal, consider making a list of everything you love about your relationship with your partner. Use these details when you explain why you want to spend the rest of your life together.

Speak From Your Heart

Asking someone to marry you can be a bit nerve-wracking, even if you're sure the answer will be yes. Just try to remember to speak from your heart and tell your sweetheart how you truly feel. It won't matter how much creativity you put into your proposal idea if the words don't ring true with your partner.

Bellamy Loft

5 Marriage Proposal Speech Examples

Planning a marriage proposal takes time and effort. Since you’re here, we bet you already booked a reservation at your favourite restaurant or planned out a weekend getaway with your partner. Still, what makes this moment extra special is through a meaningful and heartfelt proposal speech. Worry no more because we got you 5 marriage proposal speech examples to help you ace that speech!

1. 10 reasons why I love you

If you’re having writer’s block, why not consider this speech example. You can start by listing 10 reasons why you love your partner. List down everything you see in them – as an individual, a partner, a future parent, and more. Have more than 10 reasons? Go ahead and extend it up to 15! 

marriage proposal speech

[Name], it’s been [3] years since we’ve met on that fateful day and my life has never been better. I would love to let you know 10 reasons why I love you:

  • I love you because you make me laugh when I needed it most
  • I love you because you inspire me to be a better person
  • I love you because you are extremely patient with me during my lowest points
  • I love you because you are an amazing [daughter] who loves and takes care of [her] family
  • I love you because I know you’ll also be a great mother to our children someday
  • I love you because you have dreams and you’re not afraid to go after it
  • I love you because you dare to be yourself and own who you are
  • I love you because of how the light shines each morning together
  • I love you because of how comfortable silence can be, with you
  • And most importantly, I love you so much that I’ll want to be with you forever and I hope you’ll say yes. Will you marry me?

2. Do something you both love

If you’re both into adventure, you can plan first a trip out of town along with activities. All the while, you can pop the question seemingly random (but of course, this is planned). Whether it be before sky diving, or once you’re both up in wall climbing. Keep it cool but well-thought.

[Name], it’s been [3] years since we’ve met on that fateful day and my life has never been better. After [trekking 7 mountains with you and visiting 5 countries with you], would you like to do this, with me, for the rest of our lives? Will you marry me?

3. Looking back and welcoming the future

Acknowledging your life together – through ups and downs. You can start by how you two met and walk your partner through your milestones individually and together. Then divert to the future, the potential of an ongoing love story together.

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Our lives together are a beautiful story in progress. We met serendipitously at a [cafe] and shared a couple of years from then. You believed in me and supported me through my life, to be where I am now. At the same time, you are also going after your dreams then and you’ve achieved so much more now. Though there are many chapters yet to be written, let’s hand-in-hand write this amazing love story together. Will you marry me?

4. Short but sweet

If you are worried that you may forget everything because of nervousness, don’t worry because you can still go with short but simple. Here’s a cute but straight-to-the-point way of popping the question that you can use. Just remember to keep the whole event well-planned for a more impactful proposal. [First Name, Middle Name, Last Name], there can only be a yes answer for this question I’m about to pop. Will you marry me?

5. Go poetic

For the ones who love fluff and well-written poems, you can never go wrong with this. Not only it is romantic, but your partner will also appreciate your effort in this piece. Quick tip if to use similes and metaphors for imagery. Make it rhyme if possible too!

proposal speech toronto weddings

Here’s a piece you can use :

It took one look and I knew that the stars finally spoke back, through you.

I look at you as you smile, just like sunlight that dazzles, forging halos so bright.

I see you are ethereal, an answered prayer, and a dream come true.

Will you marry me?

What makes a good marriage proposal speech?

Before we get the ball rolling, it’s best to first determine what makes a good proposal speech. Take a moment to look back on your memories together and your whys . Like writing any good piece, start with writing what you want to say. No need to worry about your grammar and flow yet. Just go ahead and pour your heart out. 

Don’t worry about being too emotional because this is yours to seize. Look back on when you how you two met then fell in love. To add, you can also share your brightest moments and the moment you knew. Build up the momentum through these stories. Once you feel you’ve written straight from the heart, you can now edit your draft. Don’t forget to end your speech with the question: Will you marry me?

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87 Romantic Proposal Speeches to Hear a Resounding ‘Yes’

Owen Kessler

Talented writer Owen simplifies complex topics, focusing on psychology and personal growth. He enjoys camping in scenic mountains, traveling, and embracing diverse cultures.

Young man proposing his girlfriend

In This Article

When you’re planning to pop the question, a well-thought-out proposal speech can make a huge difference. This speech is your chance to express your love and commitment. Keeping the language simple and heartfelt, focus on the emotions and memories that bind you together.

In your proposal speech, it’s important to speak from the heart, letting your partner know just how much they mean to you. 

So, how to propose to your girlfriend or boyfriend?

A sincere and straightforward proposal speech can turn this moment into a cherished memory, paving the way for a future together. Remember, it’s not just about the words but the love behind them.

What to say when you propose

When planning to propose for love, it’s important to create a romantic proposal speech that is both meaningful and memorable. Drawing inspiration from the best proposal speeches, focus on expressing the depth of your emotions and the significance of your journey together. 

A well-crafted proposal speech should highlight your genuine feelings and the special bond you share. It’s about illustrating to your partner how invaluable they are to you and the future you envision together. 

Remember, the essence of a great proposal lies in the sincerity and love conveyed through your words. For more detailed suggestions and examples, you can visit “What to Say When You Propose .” 

87 romantic proposal lines & speech and hear a resounding ‘yes’

A romantic proposal speech can be a significant moment in your life. Here are 87 romantic lines and ideas to inspire you:

  • “Our love story is my favorite, and I want it to continue forever. Will you marry me?”
  • “Life with you makes perfect sense. You’re my best friend.”
  • “From the moment I met you, I knew my adventure had just begun.”
  • “I fell in love with you for a million tiny reasons, and I want to spend a lifetime discovering more.”
  • “You make me happier than I ever thought possible. Will you make me the happiest person alive by marrying me?”
  • “With this ring, I give you my heart. I promise from this day forward, you shall not walk alone.”
  • “My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never.”
  • “In you, I’ve found the love of my life and my closest, truest friend.”
  • “I want to be your last everything.”
  • “Let’s make our own happily ever after.”
  • “Marrying you would be a dream come true.”
  • “You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.”
  • “Together with you is my favorite place to be.”
  • “I want to be the reason behind your smile because you are the reason behind mine.”
  • “Every day with you is a wonderful addition to my life’s journey.”
  • “You’re the one I’ve been waiting for all my life.”
  • “My heart is, and always will be, yours.”
  • “Grow old with me; the best is yet to be.”
  • “I promise to love, respect , protect, and trust you and give you the best of myself.”
  • “For all the times my hand finds yours, it’s where it’s meant to be.”
  • “I want to wake up to you every day for the rest of my life.”
  • “You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.”
  • “I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Will you marry me?”
  • “You have made my life a beautiful adventure, and I want to experience the rest of it with you.”
  • “Let’s build a life we can cherish together.”
  • “You are my forever confidant. My love for you grows stronger each day.”
  • “With every beat of my heart, I will love you more and more.”
  • “You are my once-in-a-lifetime love.”
  • “I want to make you the happiest person in the world.”
  • “Together, we have an endless conversation.”
  • “With you, I found the love I had always dreamed of.”
  • “You are everything I never knew I needed.”
  • “Marrying you is not a duty; it’s a joyous end to my long wait.”
  • “Your love is the kind that is talked about in epic poems and stories. I want to live that story with you.”
  • “You are my soulmate, my sweetheart; you are my dream come true.”
  • “From this day forward, let’s write our own story.”
  • “I want to be your safe haven, your shelter from the storm, your partner in life.”
  • “You make me want to be a better person every day.”
  • “You have this incredible way of making my heart happy.”
  • “I vow to help you love life, to hold you with tenderness.”
  • “To live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.”
  • “You are my rock, my shelter, my home.”
  • “I promise to be your navigator, best friend, and wife.”
  • “Let’s be together until the end of time.”
  • “You make my heart sing with joy.”
  • “You’re the missing piece to my life’s puzzle.”
  • “I’ve fallen in love many times… always with you.”
  • “You’re not just my friend; you’re my love. You’re not just my love; you’re my heart.”
  • “I want to be the one who makes your bad days better.””The best thing about me is you.”
  • “I choose you. And I’ll keep choosing you, over and over.”
  • “With a love like ours, I feel invincible.”
  • “I want to make you as happy as you make me.”
  • “Let’s navigate the journey of life together.”
  • “I want to make every morning easier for you.”
  • “You’re the one I’ve been waiting for, my love.”
  • “Let’s create a lifetime of incredible memories .”
  • “You are my greatest adventure.”
  • “I want to be the one who makes your dreams come true.”
  • “Your love is like a flame that lights up my world.”
  • “I love you more than words can express.”
  • “Let’s write our own fairy tale.”
  • “You’re the reason I believe in love.”
  • “With you, I am complete.”
  • “You have filled my life with joy and love.”
  • “I promise to support your dreams and respect our differences.”
  • “You are my true north.”
  • “I want to grow old with you and love you for eternity.”
  • “You are the best thing that ever happened to me.”
  • “Together, we can face anything.”
  • “You’re the love of my life and my best friend.”
  • “I am who I am because of you.”
  • “Let’s make every day an adventure.”
  • “You are the reason for all my happiness.”
  • “I want to be with you till my last breath.”
  • “You complete me in every way.”
  • “Will you make me the happiest person alive by saying yes?”
  • “With every laugh, every dream, every moment, I fall more in love with you. Will you marry me?”
  • “In your eyes, I have found my home. In your heart, I have found my love.”
  • “You are my vow; I’ll keep it by continuing to love you every moment of every day.”
  • “You are my always and forever, my happily ever after, my soulmate, my best friend.”
  • “I want to be your forever companion. Will you marry me?”
  • “I want to spend the rest of my life making you smile.”
  • “Life is a beautiful journey, and I want to continue that journey with you by my side.”
  • “I promise to be there when you need me, to fill your days with sunshine, to comfort you and encourage you.”
  • “You are my dream come true, my one true love, my one and only. I promise to cherish you for all my days.”
  • “Together with you is where I belong; together with you is where I want to be.”
  • “In your eyes I can see a beautiful future that we both can share with each other.”

When planning to propose for love, many questions arise about the best proposal speeches, including how to deliver them effectively and authentically. Here are some common questions:

Is it important to rehearse my proposal lines or speech?

Yes, rehearsing can be helpful. It ensures you’re comfortable with what you’re saying, making your romantic proposal speech flow more naturally.

Are short proposal lines as effective as longer, more elaborate ones?

Absolutely. Sometimes, the sweetest proposal lines are brief and heartfelt. It’s about the emotion behind the words, not their length.

How do I overcome nervousness while proposing?

Remember that it’s a special moment between you and your partner. Practice can also ease nerves, and focusing on your genuine feelings can help you stay grounded.

Check out this video to learn about reducing stress on a daily basis:

Is humor appropriate in a proposal speech?

If humor is a part of your relationship, a cute proposal speech with a touch of humor can be very endearing.

What if nerves get in the way during the proposal speech?

It’s okay to be nervous; it shows your sincerity. Take a deep breath, and remember that your partner loves you for who you are.

Final thoughts

Crafting the perfect proposal speech, whether it involves the best proposal speeches, the sweetest proposal lines, or a more personalized romantic proposal speech, is a deeply personal and significant task. 

It’s a unique moment where you propose for love, and the way you articulate your feelings can make a lasting impression. While there are numerous proposal speech examples and lines for proposals available for inspiration, the essence of a successful proposal lies in its authenticity and sincerity.

Whether your style is to deliver romantic things to say when proposing or to incorporate elements of humor in a cute proposal speech, the most important aspect is that your words genuinely reflect your emotions and the special bond you share with your partner. 

Remember, it’s not just about the words you say but how you say them and the love that shines through them.

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Owen Kessler is a talented writer with a knack for making complex topics easy to understand. He has a particular interest in psychology and personal growth, and his writing is known for its insightful commentary on these subjects. Read more When he’s not writing, Owen enjoys spending time camping in the beautiful mountains and forests that surround his home. He also loves to travel and has a deep appreciation for the diversity of cultures he encounters on his journeys. Read less

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Wedding Proposal Speeches: What To Say & What Not To

marriage proposal example speech

There's something incredibly special about finding your one true love, isn't there? It's like discovering a diamond that shines just for you. Now, you're on the brink of another magical milestone – the proposal. Butterflies? Of course! It's not every day you pop the most significant question of your life. But fret not, we're right by your side, partnering with Helzberg Diamonds on this guide, featuring what to say and what not to say when proposing.

Our guide, combined with our inspirational proposal video gallery , is designed to help you articulate yourself in a way that rings true to your unique love story. So, put your feet up, let the nerves melt away, and join us as we delve into the art of proposal speeches!

What to Say When Proposing

marriage proposal example speech

Embarking on this journey towards a lifetime of togetherness, there's no foolproof script, no hard and fast rules. These suggestions we're about to explore are just a sprinkle of inspiration, just like that glistening Helzberg diamond you're about to slip onto their finger. Remember, the magic truly lies in following your heart and trusting your gut. So, are you ready to make your proposal as unique as your love story? Let's dive right in!

Craft a Personal Proposal When it comes to proposing, forget carbon copies. Let your words be an authentic reflection of your feelings, a personalised speech that tells your partner, “This is the real me, talking to the real you”. Your words will be all the more precious for it.

Embrace Structure Proposing isn't all about spontaneity. A well-planned speech keeps you on track, aids memory and even boosts confidence. How about opening with a zinger and closing with a memorable flourish? After all, these are the bits your partner will replay in their mind, so make them worthy of a rerun!

Heart Talk Honesty, openness and vulnerability – all come together in the perfect proposal. This is no time to shy away from your feelings. Even if there's a tiny chance of a ‘no', don't let fear dim the bright ‘yes' you're hoping for.

Detail Matters Zoom in on the tiny quirks and little details that make your partner special. Be specific about why you love them. Is it the way they dance like no-one's watching? Or the way they they stick their tongue out when they're concentrating.

Freewriting to the Rescue The art of freewriting can be your ally in the proposal prep. Just pour your thoughts out on paper or screen, without worrying about grammar, style or romantic flair. Let the first draft be a brainstorming exercise – a raw, unfiltered account of your feelings.

Riding the Emotional Wave Tears, laughter, a choke in your voice – let emotions flow freely. Your partner is bound to resonate with your feelings, and love you all the more for your vulnerability.

Finding Your Voice Resist the urge to sound like a character from a rom-com. Embrace your own voice, be it charmingly awkward, eloquently poetic or something in between. And remember, just as no two Helzberg diamonds are the same, your voice is unique. Let it shine through.

Count the Reasons Speak of your partner's best qualities, their generosity, their patience, their wit. What makes them so lovable to you? Let your appreciation shine through.

Reliving Your Story You could start your proposal by revisiting the moment you first met, or when you realised you were in love. As well as any key moments and milestones throughout your journey to this moment in time.

Transformative Love Love often changes us, for the better. If your partner has had a positive influence on you, let them know. Has their kindness rubbed off on you? Has their resilience made you stronger? It's time to give credit where it's due!

Mapping the Future Marriage is a promise of a shared future. Talk about your dreams and hopes, the adventures you're planning together, the love you envision growing deeper. Dreaming up your shared future is a promising adventure filled with love and excitement.

The Perfect End Building up to the big question, “Will you marry me?”, is all about timing. The right moment to kneel (should you wish to) and present the ring will naturally follow from your heartfelt monologue. And then, you wait for that eagerly anticipated ‘yes'!

Repeat Till Perfect Repetition is the mother of learning, they say. Go ahead and practice your proposal, get cozy with your words. Whether it's in front of a mirror, a friend, or your pet, practice until you can deliver your proposal effortlessly and genuinely, without having to glance at a cheat sheet. And remember, it's okay to tweak until it feels just right. Let your proposal be a work of heart!

Humor is Your Friend Who says a proposal needs to be a solemn affair? Throw in some insider humor to ease the tension, a shared joke that'll make your partner smile can be as brightening as the sparkle of a Helzberg diamond .

A Little Wisdom from the Expert Love and proposals can seem like a maze, right? That's when a little expert wisdom can do wonders. Ash Fox , a seasoned guru in the realm of marriage proposals, points out two pivotal questions you need to address: why do you love this person and why are you proposing?

The ‘why' of love could be about their infectious laughter, their uncanny ability to calm you down in the face of chaos, or maybe it's how they dance in the kitchen while making pancakes on Sunday mornings. The ‘why' of the proposal could be because you can't imagine growing old with anyone else or because they make the mundane magical. See, it's all about unravelling the personal and unique tapestry of your love.

What Not To Say

marriage proposal example speech

Just as much as it's crucial to know what to say when you're about to pop the question, it's also super important to know what NOT to say. So, let's take a friendly stroll through some proposal faux pas. But remember, don't stress it!

Don't Make Demands or Ultimatums

Steer clear of anything that sounds demanding or like an ultimatum. Lines like “It's time we get married, don't you think?” or “So when are you going to make an honest man out of me?” can put pressure on your partner and make them feel cornered, which is not how you want them to feel when you propose!

Keep the Focus on Your Partner

You'll also want to avoid proposals that come across as more about yourself than your partner. Let's be real – no one wants to hear “I need a wife to take care of me” or “My mom really wants grandkids.” Make sure to keep the focus on your love and admiration for your future fiancé(e).

Don't Imply You Want to Change Your Partner

It's best not to propose with a long list of the changes you hope marriage will bring. Sentences starting with “When we're married, you'll finally…” or “Once we're husband and wife, I expect you to…” imply that you want to modify your partner, rather than celebrating them as-is.

Avoid Clichés

Cliches are called cliches for a reason – because they are overused and come off as impersonal. Ditch proposal one-liners like “You complete me” or “You had me at Hello.” You want your proposal to feel heartfelt, not straight off a movie script.

Don't Launch into a Proposal Without Context

And lastly, don't just launch into a proposal without any lead up. Starting the conversation with “So, will you marry me?” out of the blue can catch your partner totally off guard. You want the moment to feel special for both of you.

The proposal is one of the most romantic moments in a relationship. Keep it focused on your unique love story by avoiding demands, expectations, cliches and anything that won't make your partner feel cherished. When in doubt, keep it simple and speak from the heart.

Steer Clear of Negativity

This is your moment, your big leap into a future full of sunshine and shared Sunday brunches. It's not the time to bring up past arguments or touchy subjects. Keep the mood as buoyant as a helium-filled “Will you marry me?” balloon. Fill your speech with positivity and love – because that's what this moment is all about!

Don't Make Comparisons

You know that cute couple from that romantic movie you both love? Yeah, don't compare yourselves to them. Your love story isn't scripted – it's oh-so-real, uniquely yours and just plain gorgeous.. And trust us, that's a whole lot more meaningful than any Hollywood romance!

Proposal Styles

marriage proposal example speech

Approaching the grand gesture of a proposal, there's no one-size-fits-all. It's all about what feels right for you and your partner. To get those creative gears turning, we've put together a range of proposal speech styles.

Romantic Style This style is for the hearts brimming with passion. It's all about expressing deep, emotive sentiments. Example: “From the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the one I wanted to share my life. Your beauty, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be. I promise to love you for eternity, respecting you, honoring you, being faithful to you, and sharing my life with you. Will you make me the happiest person alive and be my partner for life?”

Humorous Style Ideal for couples who share a good laugh, this style infuses humor and wit into the proposal. Example: “Remember when we first met and I told you I'm terrible at cooking? Well, I'm ready to burn toast for you every morning for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?”

Storytelling Style This approach uses shared memories and experiences to paint a vivid picture of your journey together. Example “We've climbed mountains, got lost in cities, and even survived a quarantine haircut. Through every high and low, my love for you has only grown. Ready to start the next chapter of our story? Will you marry me?”

Short and Sweet Style Some people believe in brevity, and this style delivers a heartfelt message in a few words. Example: “You are my everything. My love, my life, my friend. I want to spend all my tomorrows with you. Will you marry me?”

Poetic Style Perfect for the lovers of verse, this style uses lyrical language and metaphors to express your feelings. Example: “Like a lighthouse in a storm, you guide me home. You're the melody that orchestrates my heartbeat. Will you marry me and be the sonnet of my life?”

Modern Style Contemporary and trendy, this style often incorporates pop culture and shared experiences. Example: “From surviving lockdowns together, adopting three plants (that are miraculously still alive), and creating countless TikToks, we've built a beautiful, quirky life. Ready to level up and make our duo an unstoppable team forever? Will you marry me?”

Adventurous Style For adrenaline seekers, this style is about shared adventures and thrill. Example: “From scaling mountains to diving into deep seas, every adventure with you has been a page in our thrilling love story. Now, I am standing on the precipice of our greatest adventure yet. Will you leap with me and marry me?”

Nostalgic Style Revisiting shared past experiences can make for a touching proposal. Example: “From college sweethearts to navigating the real world hand in hand, we've come a long way. Our love has stood the test of time. Now it's time to turn our sweet nostalgia into a forever future. Will you marry me?”

Traditional Style Rooted in timeless romantic notions, this style often includes classic lines and themes. Example: “With an open heart, a hopeful spirit, and a love deeper than the deepest ocean, I ask for your hand. I ask for your love, your companionship, your trust, and your time, for all the days of my life. Will you marry me?”

Words to Use and Words Not To

marriage proposal example speech

Ready to pop the question, but lost in the sea of words? No stress, we're serving up the ultimate ‘Words to Use vs. Not to Use' when crafting your proposal. Why? Because choosing the right words is like choosing the right ring—it's gotta shine!

Words to Use:

  • Adventure: It's the start of your new journey together.
  • Together: Proposals are about lifelong partnerships.
  • Love: The foundation of every strong relationship.
  • Commitment: Showing the promise of fidelity.
  • Future: A mutual vision you're excited to share.
  • Dreams: Shared aspirations that you want to fulfill together.
  • Bond: Highlighting the strong connection between you.
  • Cherish: Reflecting your respect and care for them.
  • Dedicate: Conveying your willingness to devote your life to them.
  • Soul mate: Emphasizing your deep emotional connection.
  • Happiness: The joy that your partner brings to your life.
  • Laugh/Laughter: A shared sense of humor can make a relationship stronger.
  • Passion: Expressing the intensity of your feelings.
  • Romance: Conveying the amorous aspect of your relationship.
  • Grow old together: Signifies a desire for a long-term relationship.
  • Best friend: It shows companionship beyond romantic love.
  • Always: It symbolizes the enduring nature of your love.
  • Magical: It signifies that your relationship is extraordinary and enchanting.
  • Support: Shows your willingness to be there for them, no matter what.
  • Blessing: Conveys how much you appreciate having them in your life.
  • Love story: Referring to your unique and beautiful journey.

Words NOT To Use

  • Maybe: This word suggests uncertainty, which you want to avoid in a proposal.
  • If: Another word that suggests doubt.
  • But: This conjunction can negate everything said before it.
  • Try: It suggests a possibility of failure.
  • Breakup/Divorce: For obvious reasons :)
  • Problems/Trouble: These words can bring up negative feelings.
  • Fear: It suggests doubts or anxiety.
  • Hesitation: It indicates that you're not entirely sure about your decision.
  • Temporary/ Brief: These words oppose the idea of a lifelong commitment.
  • Lonely: It might suggest fear of being alone rather than genuine love for your partner.
  • Regret: You should focus on the present and future, not past mistakes.
  • Control: A relationship is about partnership, not dominance.
  • Hardship: While every relationship faces challenges, the proposal shouldn't focus on this.
  • Hate: It's a very strong negative word that has no place in a proposal.
  • Surrender: A proposal is about mutual acceptance, not giving up one's self.

As we wrap up this guide in partnership with Helzberg , remember that your proposal speech, like a unique diamond, should reflect your personal love story. It should encapsulate your feelings, shared dreams, and the promises that will bind your future. No one-size-fits-all template exists because it's your own heartfelt words that have the power to resonate the deepest with your love. We hope you find this guide helpful, along with our awe-inspiring proposal video gallery . Here's to a future that's as radiant and beautiful as the diamond you've chosen, and a proposal story that's one for the books!


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Wedding Proposal Speeches: What To Say & What Not To

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A Perfect Marriage Proposal Speech

post updated: 10/2022 5 Tips for Your Perfect Marriage Proposal Speech: 1. Brainstorm Memories Do this before you write your marriage proposal speech. Think about how you met, the first time you laid eyes on her, the moment she was no longer a “friend” but someone you wanted to date, what you were doing when…

post updated: 10/2022

photo of man saying his marriage proposal speech

5 Tips for Your Perfect Marriage Proposal Speech:

1. brainstorm memories.

Do this before you write your marriage proposal speech. Think about how you met, the first time you laid eyes on her, the moment she was no longer a “friend” but someone you wanted to date, what you were doing when you realized you absolutely wanted to marry this girl, why you can’t imagine doing life without her, etc. Starting off with a monumental memory from your relationship is a great way to begin your proposal speech, almost like you would a story.

2. Write It Down

Now get organized. Spend time putting all your thoughts about your memory (from step 1) on paper. Now that you have a starting point to your proposal, jot down all the traits and quirks you love about her. List all the reasons you want to marry her. After you have a full sheet of paper you can evaluate and organize the traits/reasons on your paper that mean the most to you (and her). Now you should have a beginning and middle to your proposal speech. You’re getting close! Want to make this part easier? We have a “ FILL IN THE BLANK” PERFECT PROPOSAL SPEECH TEMPLATE that is done and ready for you.


Have your speech ready in less than 10 minutes with our perfect proposal speech template.  Highlight your favorite memories, things you love about your partner, etc. in a romantic way. Just fill in the important details and you are ready to go!

how to write proposal speech template download


3. Ditch Lengthy

A 1-minute proposal speech is totally fine. Organize a meaningful but manageable proposal speech. That’s why it’s helpful to consolidate your thoughts (step 2) so you share what matters most and don’t have a million things to remember (even though you have a million good things to say, right? wink, wink.) If you feel like there is much to say and you don’t want to cut it short, I recommend writing it in a letter that she can read after you propose.

4. Final Words Are Most Important

Undoubtedly the final question, “Will you marry me?” is your grand finale; but the final words leading up to the question are just as memorable. When you first drop down on one knee and she realizes what’s about to happen, she’ll most likely be so surprised, giddy, flustered, excited, emotional, etc. that you’ll want to give her a few seconds to grasp what you’re saying so she actually hears you. This is precisely why you should save your most special comments for the end of your “proposal speech.” She will be more likely to truly remember and take it in. If you’re feeling unconfident and need help, why not look into hiring paper writers or professionals to create the speech for you. However, before you hire anyone, it’s important to do your research and read Essays Advisor .

5. Say It Aloud

It may seem silly but practice saying your marriage proposal speech aloud. Chances are you may forget a few thoughts you wrote down, but by practicing, it will come out more natural (even though it probably won’t feel that way). Plus, you’ll be less likely to stumble over your words during your big moment.

It may seem difficult to find the perfect words but hopefully, the steps above provide some helpful guidance for your perfect marriage proposal speech. I know with a little thought and practice your girlfriends will love your proposal speech.

You can make it extra special by writing your speech down on pretty paper ( like this for example ) which she can then keep and save forever! 

Don’t want to blow your proposal speech?

We’ll send you a 7 step print out to create your proposal speech for free .

The Yes Girls is a  full-service marriage proposal planning company. Our founder is the world’s first marriage proposal planner so we’ve got you covered! Our specialty? We produce custom, luxury, and  romantic proposal ideas and assist with any marriage proposal help you might be looking for.

I would just like to talk to someone!

Or call us at 949.766.5144.

Have your speech ready to go in 10 minutes with our easy to use, fill-in-the-blank proposal speech template. Easy to customize yet won’t forget the important pieces you should include.


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10 Special Wedding Proposal Speeches for Inspiration

Table of Contents

Proposing marriage to the love of your life is surely one of the most significant moments of your life. And you want to make it perfect.

The perfect proposal entails more than just a beautiful ring and location. It involves choosing the perfect words to express your love and affection for your partner.

Crafting the perfect wedding proposal speech can be daunting, but worry not! The wedding proposal speech examples in this guide will come in handy!

In this article, we’ve compiled ten wedding proposal speech examples that will inspire you to express your love in a unique way.

What is a  Wedding Proposal Speech ?

A  wedding proposal speech  is a heartfelt and personal speech given by one partner to their significant other during a marriage proposal . It typically includes details about the couple’s relationship, expressions of love and commitment. And may also include presenting a ring or other symbol of their commitment. 

It marks the beginning of a new chapter in the couple’s lives together. Every couple desires to have a wedding proposal speech worth remembering, hence the time dedicated to it by many.

10 Heartfelt Wedding Proposal Speech Examples

Man kneeling on wooden dock in front of lady during sunset

1. Our Journey So Far: How We Met

Every love story starts with a first meeting. Start your proposal speech by taking your partner down memory lane. Share the story of how you met and felt when you first saw them. Be descriptive and add details that will bring back memories and emotions.

“From the moment I saw you, I knew that you were someone special. Our paths crossed in the most unexpected way, but I’m so grateful for that chance encounter. I remember how we talked for hours that first night, and how it felt like we had known each other for years. Since then, we’ve shared so many amazing moments together, and I can’t imagine my life without you. I want to spend the rest of my days making memories with you and building a life that’s full of love and happiness. Will you marry me?”

2. Everything I Love About You

Your partner is unique, and there are many reasons why you love them. Take this moment to share what you love about your partner, from their smile to their sense of humor. Highlight their special qualities and why you cannot imagine life without them.

“There are so many things I love about you that I don’t even know where to begin. I love your kind heart and the way you always put others before yourself. Your intelligence and your unwavering passion for your interests. I love your sense of humor and how you always know how to make me laugh. I love the way you look at me, and how you make me feel like I’m the most important person in the world. Most of all, I love the person you are and the way you make my heart feel. You are my everything, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you. Will you marry me?”

3. Our Shared Moments

Every relationship has its shared moments, both good and bad. Take this opportunity to talk about some of your memories from the first date to the present day. Be descriptive and add emotions, and remember to highlight how these shared moments have made your love stronger.

“From the moment we met, we knew that we were meant to be together. We’ve shared so many incredible moments together, from our first date to our most recent adventure. I’ll never forget the time we went on that road trip and got lost in the middle of nowhere. Or the way we danced together at our favorite concert. Every moment we spend together is a treasure to me, and I can’t wait to make even more memories with you. You are my partner in every sense of the word. And I’m so grateful for all the adventures we’ve had and all the ones to come. Will you marry me?”

4. The Moment I Knew You Are the One

There is always a moment when you realize that your partner is the one. Share that moment with your partner and explain what made you feel that way. This will show your partner that your love is genuine.

“I remember the exact moment I knew you were the one for me. It was when we were sitting on the beach watching the sunset. And I looked over at you and felt this overwhelming sense of love and contentment. In that moment, I knew that I never wanted to be without you. You make me feel like the luckiest person in the world, and I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I want to spend every day making you feel just as loved and cherished as you make me feel. Will you marry me?”

5. We Are Destined to Be Together

Some people believe that destiny plays a role in our lives and that we are meant to meet certain people. If you believe this, include it in your proposal speech. Explain how your relationship has been destiny and brought you to this moment.

“I believe that we are meant to be together. From the moment we met, there was a spark between us that I’d never felt with anyone else. We complement each other in every way, and we make each other better. I know we’ll face challenges and obstacles along the way, but we’re strong enough to overcome them together. We have a love meant to last a lifetime. And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my days showing you how much you mean to me. Will you marry me?”

6. Serendipity or chance encounter

Like destiny, serendipity is a belief that happy accidents lead to significant discoveries. Share some happy accidents that led you to your partner, from chance meetings to spontaneous decisions that brought you closer.

“It’s funny how life works sometimes. We may have met by chance, but I truly believe that it was meant to be. I’m so grateful for every moment we’ve spent together, and for the way you’ve enriched my life in so many ways. You are my serendipity, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”

7. How My Life Has Changed

When you meet the right person, your life changes. Explain how your life has changed since you met your partner, from small changes to significant transformations. Share how your partner has made you a better person and how you cannot imagine life without them.

“My dearest [name], I stand here today with a heart full of love and gratitude for the joy you have brought into my life. From the moment I met you, my life changed in ways I never imagined possible. You have shown me what true love means and have been my rock through the highs and lows. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. Today, I ask you to spend the rest of your life with me, so we can grow together. Will you marry me?”

8. Experience-Based

If you and your partner enjoy experiencing new things together, make that the focus of your proposal speech. Share some of your adventures and explain how you want to experience more with them. This will show your partner you are looking forward to a future filled with love and adventure.

“My beloved [partner’s name], you are the light that has brightened up my life in ways I never knew were possible. Together we have shared so many amazing experiences, from our adventures traveling the world to the quiet moments spent curled up on the couch. Each day spent with you has been a gift. And so, I want to spend forever with you, so we can make more memories and share in the experience of life as partners. Will you marry me?”

9. Our Funny Moments

Laughter is an essential part of any relationship. Include some of the funny moments you have shared with your partner and add humor to your proposal speech. This will lighten the mood and make your partner feel comfortable and relaxed.

“My love, you make me laugh like nobody else can. I cannot imagine going through life without your hilarious sense of humor and your infectious laugh. From our silly inside jokes to the times we’ve shared embarrassing moments, every moment with you has been a joy. And so, I stand before you today with a proposal that I hope will make you laugh and say yes. Will you do me the honor of being my partner for life, sharing in all the laughter and joy that comes with it?”

10. Quotes From Famous Movies

If you and your partner are movie buffs, including quotes from your favorite films can be a great addition to your proposal speech. Choose a quote that represents your love and relationship and add a personal touch by explaining why it is meaningful to you.

As they say in one of my favorite movies, ‘You had me at hello.’ I knew I had found my soulmate from the moment I met you. You are my best friend, confidante, and partner in everything. I cannot imagine spending my life without you by my side. And so, in the words of another famous movie, ‘I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.’ Will you do me the honor of being my partner for life and making our love story a real-life fairy tale?”

Final Words

Your wedding proposal speech should come from the heart, be sincere, and be unique to your relationship. Use the wedding proposal speech examples above as inspiration to create a proposal speech that will melt your partner’s heart. Remember to be confident, be yourself, and enjoy this moment that marks the beginning of your journey together.

Whether you share your experiences, funny moments, or favorite movie quotes, what matters most is the love and commitment you express.

Remember, it’s not just about the proposal itself but the lifelong journey of love, partnership, and growth that comes after it. So, take a deep breath, speak from your heart, and trust that your love will shine through.

10 Special Wedding Proposal Speeches for Inspiration

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Experience Romance

How to Write the Perfect Marriage Proposal Speech

  • Post author: Kerri B.
  • Post published: April 27, 2023
  • Post category: Marriage Proposal Tips
  • Post comments: 2 Comments

Pulling off the perfect romantic proposal is enough to terrify even the coolest, calmest and most collected gentleman. But you have already figured out when to propose, where to propose and how to propose, so now it’s time to pop the big question. Are you destined to fumble through the proposal, just hoping to get the correct words out? Nope! Here is our 4 step process to help you come up with  the perfect marriage proposal speech.

Marriage proposal speech at romantic picnic

The shortlist to writing the Perfect Marriage Proposal Speech when planning to pop the big question .

  • Put pen to paper
  • Keep it short and decisive
  • Be mindful of the final words

romantic proposal with marquee letters and picnic in Trinidad and Tobago

1. Brainstorm

Start with memories of your relationship. Think about how you met, the first time you laid eyes on her, the moment she was no longer a “friend” but someone you wanted to date , what you were doing when you realized you absolutely wanted to marry this girl , why you can’t imagine doing life without her, Trust us, this will definitely help you come up some romantic things to say while delivering your marriage proposal speech.

2. Write it Out

Spend a little time jotting down all your thoughts about your memory (from step 1) on paper.  You and your significant other have a million inside jokes —choose one or two to lighten the mood. Now you can evaluate and organize the reasons you have on paper that mean the most to you (and her). Now you should have a beginning and middle to your marriage proposal speech. You’re getting close!

3. Make it Short and Decisive

How long should a marriage proposal speech be? The answer is about ninety seconds long on average. But a one minute proposal speech is a good goal. This timeframe allows you to organize a meaningful but manageable marriage proposal speech and gives your proposal photographer enough time to capture the moment perfectly. That’s why it’s helpful to consolidate your thoughts (step 2) so you share what matters most and don’t have a million things to remember (even though you have a million good things to say, right? wink, wink.) If you feel like there is too much to say and you don’t want to cut it short, we recommend writing a Love Note.

4. Final words are important

Undoubtedly the question, “Will you marry me?” is your grand finale; but the final words leading up to the question are important. When you first drop down on one knee and she realizes what’s about to happen, she’ll most likely be so surprised, giddy, flustered, excited, emotional, etc. that you’ll want to give her a few seconds to grasp what you’re saying so she actually hears you. This is precisely why you should save your most special comments for the end of your “marriage proposal speech.”

marriage proposal example speech

When you’re all through, don’t forget to rehearse it! Although it might sound foolish, rehearse what you plan to say during your proposal speech. You might forget some of the things you wrote down, but even while it won’t seem that way, practice will make it sound more natural. Additionally, you will be less likely to fumble over your words when you’re down on one knee.

So there you have it, you now know how to come up with the perfect proposal speech, be sure to reach out to us if you need help planning the dream proposal,

Marriage proposal planner Trinidad and Tobago

Experience Romance is the proposal planning arm of Picnic-Perfect Trinidad and Tobago’s leading Romantic Events and Proposal Planners. With over 300 romantic occasions planned, you will be in safe hands with us. If you’re ready to plan a romantic surprise proposal of your own, then get in touch at [email protected], check out our website for more information www.experienceromanceco.com

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marriage proposal example speech

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5 Keys to Crafting the Perfect Marriage Proposal Speech

Crafting the perfect marriage proposal speech is a unique and deeply personal endeavor. It’s an opportunity to express your love, reflect on your journey together, and articulate your dreams for the future. This article guides you through five essential steps to create a speech that is heartfelt, memorable, and perfectly tailored to your relationship.

Key Takeaways

  • Begin your proposal speech with a recollection of memorable moments that highlight your journey as a couple.
  • Ensure authenticity by speaking from the heart and using your own voice to convey your true feelings.
  • Keep the speech brief to maintain the emotional impact and keep your partner’s attention focused.
  • Practice your speech to build confidence and ensure a smooth delivery, but avoid sounding rehearsed.
  • Personalize the speech with details that are unique to your relationship, making the moment truly one-of-a-kind.

1. Recollection

The journey to a perfect marriage proposal speech begins with recollection. Reflect on the shared experiences that have defined your relationship. Start by listing out significant moments, such as your first date, a memorable trip, or a shared challenge you overcame together. These memories form the foundation of a speech that is both intimate and genuine.

  • First date or meeting
  • Shared interests or hobbies
  • Challenges overcome together
  • Special trips or vacations
  • Moments of growth in the relationship

Incorporate these memories into your speech to remind your partner of the beautiful narrative you’ve woven together. It’s not just about the milestones, but also the small, everyday moments that have strengthened your bond. A guide to writing the perfect wedding proposal speech with personal anecdotes, romantic quotes, and family references will create a heartfelt and memorable moment.

Remember, the essence of a great proposal speech lies in the details that are uniquely yours. It’s these nuances that will touch the heart of your partner and make the moment truly unforgettable.

2. Authenticity

In the realm of marriage proposal speeches, authenticity is the cornerstone that can make the moment truly unforgettable. It’s about being genuine, speaking from the heart, and letting your true feelings shine through. Avoid the trap of overused cliches or borrowing lines from movies; instead, focus on what makes your relationship unique.

Here are some tips to ensure your speech feels authentic:

  • Reflect on the milestones of your relationship.
  • Use personal nicknames or terms of endearment.
  • Share an inside joke or two that only you both understand.
  • Mention your shared dreams and future plans.
Remember, the goal is to connect with your partner on a deep level, making them feel like the most important person in the world at that moment.

By incorporating these elements, your proposal speech will not only be heartfelt but will also resonate with a sense of true authenticity that is both personal and romantic.

When it comes to the perfect marriage proposal speech, less is often more. Brevity is key to ensuring your words have the greatest impact without overwhelming your partner or the moment. Here’s a simple guide to keeping your speech succinct:

  • Start with the essentials : Focus on what truly matters — your love and commitment.
  • Avoid lengthy stories : Choose one or two significant anecdotes that encapsulate your relationship.
  • Practice conciseness : Edit your speech to remove any unnecessary words or phrases.
Remember, the goal is to create a memorable moment, not to deliver a monologue. Your sincerity and the emotion behind your words will speak volumes.

In the spirit of brevity, consider this offer: Get a free wedding speech . This service provides a starting point for those looking to craft a concise yet powerful proposal speech. It’s an opportunity to express your deepest emotions without the stress of writing from scratch.

4. Practice

Practice is the cornerstone of delivering a confident and smooth marriage proposal speech. It’s not just about memorizing words; it’s about embodying the emotions and ensuring your delivery feels natural. Start by practicing in front of a mirror to observe your body language and facial expressions. Then, move on to rehearsing in front of a trusted friend or family member who can provide constructive feedback.

  • Practice alone : Get comfortable with the flow of your words.
  • Seek feedback : A second opinion can help refine your speech.
  • Record yourself : Listen to your tone and pace for improvements.
  • Organize your proposal in Paris : If you’re planning this grand gesture, practice with the city’s ambiance in mind.

Remember, the goal is not to sound rehearsed but rather to be so familiar with your speech that it comes out effortlessly. This will allow you to maintain eye contact and connect with your partner during this pivotal moment.

The more you practice, the more natural your speech will feel. Even if you organize your proposal in Paris, the city of love, your words should be the main attraction.

5. Personalization

The final and perhaps most crucial element of a perfect marriage proposal speech is personalization. This is your opportunity to make the speech uniquely yours and tailored to your relationship. Start by reflecting on the journey you’ve shared with your partner, the memories you cherish, and the dreams you have for the future.

  • Reflect on shared experiences and memories
  • Mention meaningful locations or dates
  • Include inside jokes or references only your partner would understand
  • Express what your partner means to you in your own words
Personalization is not just about using your partner’s name; it’s about weaving the essence of your relationship into every word.

Remember, the goal is to speak from the heart. Your partner will appreciate the effort you put into making the speech feel like it was crafted just for them. Avoid generic phrases and focus on what makes your bond unique. Whether it’s a shared love for a particular hobby, a song that’s significant to both of you, or a memorable trip you took together, these details will enrich your proposal and make it unforgettable.

Chapter 5. Personalization is all about crafting a wedding speech that resonates with your heart and the hearts of your audience. Whether you’re the best man, maid of honor, or a proud parent, your words have the power to create unforgettable moments. Don’t leave it to chance—visit our website to request your personalized wedding speech . Let us help you make your loved one’s special day even more memorable with a speech that’s authentic, fun, touching, and impactful.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should a marriage proposal speech be.

A marriage proposal speech should be brief but impactful, ideally lasting no more than a few minutes. It’s important to express your feelings succinctly to keep the moment intimate and memorable.

Should I memorize my marriage proposal speech?

While it’s good to have an idea of what you want to say, your speech should feel natural and authentic. Instead of memorizing it word for word, understand the key points you want to convey and speak from the heart.

Is it okay to use humor in my proposal speech?

Humor can be a delightful element if it’s a natural part of your relationship. Just ensure it’s appropriate for the occasion and doesn’t overshadow the seriousness of your commitment.

How can I personalize my marriage proposal speech?

To personalize your speech, include anecdotes, memories, and reasons why you love your partner. Mention specific qualities that make your relationship unique and express why you want to spend your life with them.

What if I get too nervous to deliver my speech?

If you’re too nervous, take a few deep breaths and remember the love you share with your partner. It’s okay to keep it simple and speak honestly about your feelings. Your sincerity will matter more than the words.

Can I get help writing my marriage proposal speech?

Absolutely! There are online tools like Speech Wedding that can assist you in crafting a touching and personalized marriage proposal speech. You can also ask friends or family for input or to practice with you.

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5 Best Marriage Proposal Speeches That Works Perfectly.

Congratulations! You have found someone you love, and you want to pop that question soon; your biggest challenge now is that you are not sure what to say.

I have good news for you, I have selected some best marriage proposal speeches for you here to use as you like.

It takes effort and time to plan a good marriage proposal and the truth is that what you say or do not say can make or break your moment. 

And coming up with good marriage proposal speeches to deliver smoothly on the spot can almost be too difficult.

You can also agree with me that many proposers missed certain words during that great moment. But that’s just normal.

The best of it all is that after you deliver any of your marriage proposal speeches and end it with the three words statement “will you marry me?” you have said it all.

And your next step is to wait for the answer you deserve.

There are a few things you should do to plan a successful marriage proposal to get the best answer.

How to Plan Your Proposal.

A few years ago, I wrote an article about marriage proposal ideas that work effectively.

You can go and read it to learn how to propose to her. But in this section, you will find out some unique ways you can plan your marriage proposal speeches, and I will also show you marriage proposal speech examples too. 

Let’s check them out.

Make Sure You Are On The Same Page-

This should be your first step in planning your marriage proposal. The truth is that no matter how interesting or captivating your marriage proposal speeches are if you are not on the same page, you are likely to get a no from your proposal.

Ask yourself if you both have marriage on your brain. Have a conversation with your partner about the future and that one day, you’ll pop out the word to her.

You’ll find out from her reaction if you are on the same page or not. However, if you find it hard to discuss that with your partner, then use a story about your friend to bring that home to her.

If she is excited about the conversation, then you are halfway to getting a yes from her.

Without being on the same page before you ask the question, you may sound strange to her the moment you propose to her.

– Have A Chat With The Parents:-

Your marriage proposal speeches will sound interesting if everything is planned out pretty well.

Another important step you take to have a good marriage proposal is to be sure you carried your partner’s Parents along with the proposal thing. That sounds old school, isn’t it?

Although your partner has the right to decide on his/herself marriage, it is highly important to see the parents and intimate them about your plans to propose to their daughter, especially if your parents hinted to you about that.

Start by telling them how you feel about their child, and wish to take the relationship to another level. If they accept it, then inform them that you will want them to be part of the exciting moment.

Choose The Location:-

This is the next thing to think of after you’ve made up your mind to propose to her. Please, select a very ideal place for this.

If you want a public proposal, then it’s better you book the place on time and secure more space for your guests.

Jot Things Down:-

In as much as you want to have some best marriage proposal speeches, you won’t need to have everything written down, but you can jot down some of the important ones.

Having it written down will be of good help to you when you want to pop the question out.

It won’t matter if you forget some of your lines, but it would have been worse if you didn’t write them down.

In all you do, don’t forget the most important part of the moment, which is the question “Will you marry me?”

Below are some interesting marriage proposal speeches that will get you a good answer. Check them out

5 Interesting marriage speech examples you haven’t heard before.

This section of the article is to show you what to say when you propose to a girl. Remember you have to be yourself as you say these marriage proposal speeches. Check out the examples.

Speech To Express Your Love :

I assume here that you don’t want to go through the stress of writing your marriage proposal speeches down, or you are facing writer’s block; so I have hand-picked a few proposal speech examples for you to use as you like.

Your first step should be to express your love to your prospective partner.

Therefore, take some time to select some speeches on how much you love her. List everything down, including why you love her as a person, as a prospective spouse, and especially as the mother is your children.

For example Dear, this is 3 months we have known each other, and I thank God for bringing you into my life. From the bottom of my life, I want to tell you that I love you so much, because –

  • You are there for me in all things.
  • You make me laugh when all the reasons have disappeared.
  • I have been inspired so much and I am where I am now because of your inspiration.
  • I have seen how you relate with people and I know you have a heart of gold.
  • The way you take care of your family has made me know you are marriage material . Etc.

Describe How You Met Her :-

One of the marriage speeches that have worked so much is to describe to her the ways you met each other.

Sharing this amazing story of how you met each other will add special effects to your speech. Below is a proposal speech template that has worked for many people I know, and you can use that too.

—- God bless the day I found you… I can’t forget that day, immediately I lay my eyes on you, it dawn on me that my life is about to experience the best thing life has to offer.

The best of that moment was that as I spoke with you, it felt like I have known you for ages. ( At this point, tell the full story of your first conversation. Don’t bother if it was great or awkward)

I have never believed that the same person that was a stranger to me some days, months, or years back will still be the one that I want to be with forever. Well, destiny has made it so.

Today, from the bottom of my heart, may I tell you that you are the only one I can’t stay a moment without. If it is the will of God, I want to ask you this important question “will you marry me.”

Share Your Moments Together:-

Don’t forget to share about the great moments you have had together; you won’t run out of that if you have spent many years or months in a relationship.

If you haven’t had much time to be together, just remember the little time you had. This type of marriage proposal will lift your spouses’ spirit, especially if you had more joyous moments.

Say something like this: I remember those years we were in our high school, you were too shy, and you don’t like to talk much.

We use to visit your aunties house, and after that, you’ll walk me home. Remember those good moments,( maybe at the library or parks and shopping malls.

it’s been so wonderful sharing those moments with someone like you. I am so amazed that you are the same person I want to live my whole life with. “Will you marry me?”

Do Some Of Those Things You Both Love :-

What are the things you enjoyed doing together, Cooking, hiking, skirting, mountain climbing, and adventure? Find what it is and use that opportunity to express yourself to her.

For example, if you like reading books, pop in a little note of “I love you so much,” put it in a book ( where she can easily find it) hand the book over to her and watch her expression as she flips the book.

If you love adventures, then take her to a very good place and say something like –

Dear, I remember the day we met at this same place. Life has never been the same again; moments pass without remembering how we were here together at this same spot watching the mountains.

Would you want to do that again with me forever? Will you marry me?

We Are Made To Be Together :-

Relationships are not free from challenges, and if you think you have passed through some of the challenges together, remind her in your propose marriage speech how you have surmounted the challenges together. If you want to remind her how you worked through challenges together, using the “we are designed to be together approach will be the best way to begin.

If you have an audience, this is the best time to tell them how you have passed through great challenges and still standing, at least, this shows that you are destined to be together

Example: I feel amazed how we have crossed so many rivers and so many streams and still standing, now we are here. Without all the favorable and unfavorable times we had together, one thing remains certain, you and I can live together to work as a team. “Will you marry me?”

What Is The Best Time Of Day To Propose?

To make your marriage proposal splendid, you have to put many things into consideration, like the venue, whether public or private, now you should know the best time of the day to propose. According to dating experts, there is the best and wrong time to propose.

The best time to propose is the daytime and here are the reasons.

  • Daytime is the best time to propose, especially when you want to capture the moments with pictures. Everywhere will be good and clear for the photographs.
  • If you want to have a crowd during your proposals, it will only be in the daytime.
  • There’ll be traffic in the evening, so if your venue for the proposal is not closed, you may be held in traffic throughout the proposal time.
  • It’s generally cold during the night, so it might not good for your spouse.
  • If you want to use a hotel, or restaurant for your proposal, the best time to do that is in the daytime. People use those places often in the evening and the price is always higher then too.

That being said, I want you to note that the best time should be what you decide with your partner. If you both agree on a time, then work towards achieving it.

In Conclusion:-

Hope you have learned a few things from this post. Now you have the best marriage speeches and templates available to you.

You’ve also learned how to get prepared for the proposal, and the best time to propose to your partner.

It’s time to go pop the question to her and expect the best answers. You won’t fail if you use all that I taught you in this post. I wish you the best as you go propose marriage to your best partner.

AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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How to Craft the Perfect Proposal Speech

Hint: Don't forget to ask "Will you marry me?"

Jaimie Mackey was the real weddings editor at Brides from 2013 to 2015. She also worked as a luxury wedding planner and produced over 100 high-end weddings and events in Colorado

Westend61 / Getty Images

In This Article

Are you getting ready to pop the question to the person you love? Congratulations, this is a moment you'll remember forever. But before you get down on one knee and ask your partner "Will you marry me?", there are a few things to know ahead of this all-important speech. According to licensed marriage and family therapist   Beverley Andre, "A marriage proposal is a deeply intimate moment for a couple that should encompass the depth and breadth of the love an individual has for their partner; consider it a soft launch for personal marriage vows. When proposing, convey how much your partner means to you."

She continues: "Try to use words highlighting how being with them makes you feel and how their presence and love have changed your life. Practice a bit of mindfulness and slow down. Take the opportunity to soak in the importance and beauty of the moment, especially if the proposal requires a bit of effort and planning. Emphasize how the proposal symbolizes your unwavering commitment to do life with them. Share your excitement for building a future together and how you look forward to reaching various milestones." Simply put, be clear and concise about your feelings and desire to be with your love forever.

Meet the Expert

  • Beverley Andre  is a licensed marriage and family therapist, relationship coach, and founder of BeHeart Counseling Services.
  • Holly Blum is an expert speechwriter and word whisperer. She is also the owner of A Speech to Remember , a company dedicated to coaching clients in public speaking.

Need a few more pointers? Continue on for our simple guide on what to say when proposing to your partner, including a sample script to inspire your own.

Photo by Getty Images / Design by Brides

How to Write the Ultimate Proposal Speech

Here, speechwriter Holly Blum shares her top five tips to know when putting together the perfect proposal speech.

Reflect Back on Past Memories

“Before you write anything down, really think about what you want to say,” Blum says. Take a trip down memory lane, reflecting on your relationship and your love story. “Remember how you met and fell in love, and relive your happiest memories. Pinpoint the things that really make your relationship work,” she adds. “Ask yourself what you love and respect most about your partner, and how your lives together have evolved.” Then, use these memories and characteristics to jump-start the writing process.

Start Your Proposal With a Story

Your nerves may get the best of you but don’t cut to the chase . “My favorite way to set up a proposal is to start with a story or anecdote that captures the essence of your relationship,” Blum says. “It could be the moment you realized you were in love or a funny story that always makes you both laugh. Pick something that communicates what makes your relationship unique. Whatever you choose, make it count.”

A personal story will also keep your proposal from sounding generic, making it really authentic to the two of you.

Write It Down—and Practice

Just like a toast at a wedding, put all your words down on paper to remember what to say when proposing. “Many people think they will know what they want to say in the moment, but winging it can go awry,” Blum shares. Instead, take the time to put it all in order and on paper, and then read it out loud until it starts to sound less rehearsed and more conversational . “This is a big moment in your life, and you don’t want to flub your words,” she adds. “Take time to practice in front of a mirror and make sure you sound heartfelt yet polished.”

Don't Be Afraid to Get Emotional

“No matter how much you practice in advance, it’s hard to prepare for the emotions of the day,” Blum says. Therefore, don't be afraid to write down how you truly feel, even if it means you may cry a few times while popping the question. “If you’re overcome with emotions, just roll with it. You can’t go wrong with speaking from the heart, and showing your vulnerability will make the moment even more beautiful," she adds.

Honor Tradition

There are a few proposal traditions that are worth considering. “Has your partner ever mentioned wanting you to ask for [their] hand in marriage? If so, make sure you do it,” Blum says. “And when the time comes, get down on one knee, with the ring box in your hand, and actually say ‘Will you marry me?’ followed by your [partner's] name.”

Sample Marriage Proposal Script to Inspire Your Own

Here's a sample script to use if you're having a bit of writer's block with your own proposal speech.

[Partner's name] I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you—and from the moment [insert memory here] I knew you were the one I would marry. I love you and, most importantly, respect you immensely. Your [insert a few characteristics about your partner here] are remarkable. You make my days happier and my nights brighter, and the joy you fill me with is truly unexplainable. I can't wait to start a future together, till death do us part. [Partner's name], will you marry me?

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A Perfect Marriage Proposal Speech: 7 Best Writing Tips

marriage proposal example speech

You got engaged just about a year ago. Your life is sorted. You both want the same things from life. You truly love each other, and you want to make sure that when you propose, you do an exceptional job. It must be memorable because you’re committed and you want this to be an outstanding event. Write your speech.

Take a trip down memory lane

You will want to gather some ideas to include in that exclusive marriage proposal. This is the right time for you to think back to when you first laid eyes on each other.

Are you high school sweethearts? Did you meet at work, a ball game, on a pristine beach, at church or in a night club? Who else was present, and do you recall a particular song playing in the background when you first met?

Women can be quite nostalgic under the right circumstances. They are also very appreciative of the small details. Remembering what she was wearing, for example, can score very high points when drafting the ideal wedding proposal.

Love is in the detail

Do you remember the first time your relationship transformed from being simply friends to something more? Your first real date without an entourage around is another important event you may want to add when you pen that ideal proposal speech. Who said “I love you” first?

Did you declare your love on a hiking trip, or do you have some funny, sad, or other memories that stand out? Life is not just about the good times.

If you’ve already shared some challenging times that have helped your love to strengthen, now is the moment to share a meaningful memory. Overcoming obstacles together is already a declaration of love and commitment.

And while you are in the wedding mood and preparing for it, it’s obvious that you will miss out on critical assignments if you are studying part-time or you are a research student. In this case,  studyclerk.com  will be your perfect helping hand. The expert writers there will take care of all your writing work while you detail out the wedding plan.

Commit your memories to paper

Once you have gathered some touching memories, you can write these down on paper. Think about these past events and begin to prioritize them. While doing that, start to write everything down about why you love your partner. You will use this information to make your marriage proposal special.

What are her funny characteristics that you find so endearing? What is it that you feel you love most about her and why do you feel you are the ideal man to be at her side for life? Make a list of why she is the best woman for you, and why you want to spend the rest of your life with her.

Develop your proposal speech framework

You should have more than enough information to create a basic framework for that wedding proposal. Every good writing job includes a beginning. This beginning must have a hook that makes her laugh or cry, or both. Follow your introduction by building the primary body of the speech and round it off with the conclusion.

You have gathered all the details in the first 3 steps above to include in your framework. Now, you just need to put everything together in a coherent way. Decide whether you want your speech to be funny or meaningful. You know each other well enough to appreciate which tone will encourage the ideal response.

Keep it sweet and short

It’s not a big deal if you have planned to give that wedding proposal speech on a tropical vacation or while standing on the wings of an airplane, just keep it short. Short and sweet is easy to remember.

A  succinct speech  will attract less outside attention from others who will want to interrupt you for fun; and you can put that ring on her finger much more quickly.

Try to keep your speech to under 3 minutes for the best results. Of course, you can write a 5-page letter that you can give to the love of your life in special packaging for later enjoyment. The point is that your proposal must be easy to memorize and memorable for her. That’s our recommendation for a successful outcome.

Start strong and end with a bang

Make your beginning strong. Catch her attention quickly. Make sure the environment will have as few opportunities as possible for interruptions. She will pretty quickly cotton on to your intention if you plan on going down on one knee for the ultimate romantic gesture, so give her a moment.

Once you see that she has recovered, start your speech. Make sure that your final question for her to marry you and spend the rest of your lives together, has the moment it deserves.

Practice to get it right

You’ve made a lot of effort to write the perfect proposal speech. Now is a good time to practice what you’ve written by saying the words aloud. Do this at your mirror and repeat the words until you’ve  memorized them . Repeat them until you are probably saying them in your sleep.

Being confident with your words when proposing, is a sure-fire way to make a lasting impression and get the answer you want. Considering that is the response you’re hoping for – going the extra mile is not too much to ask to perfect your speech now.

There are quite a few thoughts and ideas here for how you can write your ideal marriage proposal. Writing your own speech is just one more way of demonstrating your commitment. Everyone needs a little help at times, but this is one speech that should come from the heart, and be entirely your own.

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The Best Proposal Speech Ideas

What do you say in a proposal speech? If you’re thinking of proposing, here are the best proposal speech ideas with templates and examples of how you can structure a speech that anyone would be saying ‘I do’ to. We’ve got seven proposal speech topic ideas for every couple. Whether you’re a hopeless romantic or prefer to provide a bit of comic relief, we can help you create the best proposal speech anyone’s ever heard to accompany that dream engagement ring . If we sound confident, that’s because we are! Here are some tried and true ideas…

How to craft the perfect proposal speech for every kind of couple 

Proposal speech topics .

Consider us your friendly wedding genie because we’re here to grant your every wedding wish from getting that ‘I will’ to ‘I do’! If you have an idea of how you want to propose but are completely stuck on what to actually say, here are some real tried and true proposal speech topics that we can recommend. Let’s go! 

How you met 

It may sound obvious, but starting your proposal with ‘Ever since we met at…’ is always a winner. Start your speech literally at the beginning with the story of how you two lovebirds met. Talk about that special moment you first laid eyes on each other. This will work especially well if you have a particularly good story of how you both met. Love at first sight? A funny meeting? You hated each other at first? They all will work. Nostalgic and funny memories that only you two share are the key to unlocking anyone’s heart. 

"Ever since we met at __, I knew you were The One."

"The moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew in my soul that my life was about to change. When we met at..."

Bride wearing round brilliant diamond engagement ring

What you love about your partner 

Try not to list here (it’ll just sound like a checklist) but mentioning qualities you really adore about your partner will just make their heart melt. A good ol’ bit of flattery never goes amiss. Whether it’s something physical you find attractive like their smile or their eyes, or something to do with their personality traits like their ambition, kindness or bravery, telling your partner exactly why you love them and why you think they’d be the one and only lifetime partner for you is all you need to say. 

"I’m not sure how I could have survived without your encouragement and joy, without listening to you sing and watching you dance when you believe no one is looking."

"You inspire me to get out of bed every morning, to accomplish amazing things for you, and to strive to improve. You are my motivation, my inspiration, and my aspiration." 

"You understand what happiness is and where it is concealed better than anyone else."

Our personal favourite is this Buffy The Vampire Slayer wedding reading , just see how perfect these lines are..

"When I say "I love you", it's not because I want you, or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are. What you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand, with perfect clarity, exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman. You're the one."

Treasured memories 

Unless you’re proposing 3 months into your relationship, then you’ll have a whole bank of treasured memories to delve into. Talk about the biggest adventures you two have been on or the biggest achievement you’ve made together. Whether that’s extravagant holidays, nights in with home-cooked meals, creating a family or helping each other reach your dreams. 

"The best night of my life was when we___. It showed me exactly what our future could look like and I wouldn't want anything else." 

"Do you remember that time when we ___, it was the moment I knew you were The One." 

"(Mention the earliest memory you had of your partner). I can’t help but be blown away by how magical it is that you are the person I’ll be spending forever with." 

Bride wearing engagement and wedding ring bing embraced by the groom on their wedding day

THE moment you fell in love

If you can pinpoint the exact moment you realised you were in love with your partner, then there’s no better time to say it. Some couples don’t have a specific moment they fell in love and it’s more of a build-up over time. But some couples, have an exact moment in time when they fell in love. Of course, you might be one of the lucky ones and be able to say it was love at first sight, although it could also have been because of the little things. When they came to pick you up when your car broke down or when they met your parents, when you had a deep conversation and you felt more understood and seen by someone than you ever have in your life. Whatever it was, let them know in your proposal speech! 

"During the lowest point of my life, you were there (tell the moment where you realised how you can’t see another person as your lifetime partner) ." 

"When I think about you, I know that no one else will ever hold my heart the way you do."

Experiences to look forward to 

The best thing to include in a proposal speech is something about the future. If you decide to talk about how you met and all the reasons you love them, that’s the past and the present covered. But the whole reason you’re proposing in the first place is because you can see a future with the other person. So, give them a glimpse into what your future together will look like. Are you going to travel the world together, be the ultimate power couple and climb your career ladders, create your own family, or move to a new country? 

"I can’t wait to do ____ for the rest of our lives. We'll get to share every breathtaking moment and live the best days of our lives. Life offers many challenges. I know I can meet them if you're willing to face them with me." 

Green ring box with oval halo engagement ring and diamond wedding band

Funny moments

If the super lovey-dovey poetic and romantic proposal speeches aren’t for you, then talking about some of your funniest moments together is a good place to start. If you’re a well-known jokester and your humour is one of the reasons why your partner loves you, show it off! 

"I got down on one knee for you, and whether you say "yes" or "no," I'm going to need your help getting back up." 

"I was hoping one of these days you'd propose to me. But since you haven't, I thought I better ask before you get the chance to decide you'd rather propose to someone else."

"I don't really know what I'm supposed to do if you say "no," so could you save us both the trouble and say 'yes?'"

Quotes from your favourite movies, books or songs

Do you and your beau have a favourite movie? A favourite book? A song that just describes your love perfectly? Why not include a quote or some lyrics in your proposal speech? Nothing brings people together more than shared love and interests, so make a point of including it in your proposal speech. We’re aware this can come off a little cringe if not delivered correctly. So starting with a quote or ending with one seems like the best way to go.

"As Leo vowed to Paige, ‘I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once-in-a-lifetime love.'" - The Vow

"When you put your arms around me, you let me know there's nothing in this world I can't do." - Keith Urban, Somebody Like You

"I didn’t fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way." - Kiersten White, The Chaos of Stars

Unique floral diamond engagement ring in grey velvet ring box

What makes a good proposal speech?

Here are our top tips to nail your proposal speech. 

  • Handwrite your speech . Ensure you handwrite what you want to say. Handwriting takes longer than typing, so you actually have time to think about what you’re saying. It’s just more heartfelt all around. 
  • Don’t try to hold back emotions! You and your partner are probably going to cry on the day, it’s so much more beautiful when you let how you really feel show. Be loud and proud of your feelings, you can never go wrong when you’re speaking from the heart. 
  • Be true to yourself. Don’t try and tell your partner things you think they want to hear. Speak from the heart and the rest will follow. 
  • Practice in a mirror. Saying those all-important words is very necessary practice. Just remember that whether you’re able to recite your speech word for word or it all goes out of your head, your proposal will be perfect either way! 
  • Stick to tradition or completely deviate from it? If you know your partner is traditional, ensure you do things the proper way. That includes asking for permission, speaking their full name when you ask the question on one knee etc. If they’re not traditional, you might want to keep things short and sweet, maybe you’ve even planned the whole thing together. At Rock My Wedding, we believe it’s Your Day, Your Way! 

Bride with glittery nails wearing a diamond engagement and wedding band

We've got all the proposal speech topics and ideas you need! 

Now you know how to nail your proposal speech! Are you capturing your proposal on camera? Then we also have all the advice you’ll need on acing your engagement shoot . What do you even do after you’ve proposed? These five things to do immediately after getting engaged should be saved for when you’re in that utter engagement bliss bubble. Cheers to you!

marriage proposal example speech


Craft the Perfect Proposal Speech For the Love of Your Life

marriage proposal example speech

I like building and growing simple yet powerful products for the world and the worldwide web.

Published Date : November 2, 2020

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So, you have already decided to ask your partner about the golden question. Congratulations on that! Choosing to spend the rest of your life with someone you love is worth a celebration. 

However, planning your marriage proposal to your partner can be the scariest yet the most fulfilling thing you will ever do in this lifetime. It is one of the most significant moments you will ever plan. 

Holding a ring while getting down on one knee may say it all. But if you want to make it a meaningful and unforgettable occasion, prepare the perfect and heartfelt proposal speech to pay tribute to your relationship and the future that has to come. 

Here is a crash course on articulating the right words with some essential tips and proposal speech examples that you will see later to help you make your marriage proposal more impactful and melt your partner’s heart. 

What is a Proposal Speech?

A proposal speech is a way of asking for someone’s hand in marriage and making an offer in a highly passionate and emotional manner. 

It does not need a strictly defined structure or formal requirements, so you have absolute liberty to choose what to convey and how you do it. However, it is vital to propose to the love of your life romantically and through your original ways. 

Thus, your words and actions should be thoroughly considered and adequately prepared to make your proposal unique and unforgettable. 

proposal speech

How to Write an Impactful Marriage Proposal Speech

After deciding when and where you will propose, it is time for you to write an impactful marriage proposal speech . Of course, the question “Will you marry me?” must be included in your proposal speech . 

But if you want to make a moment that your beloved partner will cherish forever, consider squeezing more of your creative juices to relay your love and hopes for a lifetime with that person. 

proposal speech

A proposal speech is a way of asking for a person’s hand in marriage; take this important reminder: Speaking from your heart is the most significant and essential thing you must remember when planning what words to convey. 

Reminisce the moments that you both have shared throughout your relationship and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What was my first impression when I met her/him?
  • One thing that I love the most about her/him?
  • What is the thing about her/him that inspires me?
  • When did I realize that I was sure I wanted to marry her/him?
  • What are the dreams and goals that we share?
  • In what ways did our relationship change my life?

3 Steps to Articulate Your Feelings Into a Meaningful Proposal Speech

When you have answered all the questions, you might still find it challenging to express your thoughts, especially when you lack confidence in your speaking skills . Don’t worry because we got you covered!

You can check these three easy steps on articulating your feelings into an impactful proposal speech so that your beloved someone will eventually jump in joy and excitedly say yes. 

Step 1: Begin with sharing your thoughts.

You often think about your partner and the things you love about her/him, yet you do not verbally express them all the time. Your partner would most likely blush if you said your thoughts out loud!

For instance, you may recall when you realized you love your partner. What did you feel during your first-ever date? Do you have an incredibly memorable experience together that you think the most?

You might not have shared these significant scenarios with your beloved partner. It can be an excellent method to start your marriage proposal speech by sharing how you interpreted and felt your relationship’s precious moments. 

Step 2: Express what you love about your significant other

The second step for your wedding proposal speech is to express why you love your partner. Say the qualities you love the most about your girlfriend or boyfriend. 

You may also tell your special someone why you are grateful to be with her/him and why they are significant to you and your life. 

Step 3: Tell your partner why you want to marry her/him.

Now that you have shared your thoughts and expressed what you love about your significant other, it is time to tell her/him why you want to get married. 

You can describe why you feel sure and ready to marry your partner and see your future together. You may refer to some tips for more ideas, which you can see in the next part of this article. 

Ready with your perfect proposal? Practice with Orai and get ready for the big day.

5 Tips on How to Craft the Best Proposal Speech

We know you want to make your marriage proposal speech a memory worth remembering. While we are at it, note that you don’t directly get quotes from rom-com movies unless your partner enjoys it. 

Our idea is to make your speech as personalized as it can be. Craft the best proposal speech that fits your girlfriend or boyfriend’s personality and taste. 

This thought might have put pressure on you, but we are here to offer helpful tips so you can give an impactful and yes-worthy marriage proposal speech to the love of your life. 

1. Pour your heart out into your words.

Everyone wants to hear how they make you feel, especially your partner, even though it sounds cliché. If you’re not a huge fan of words or public speaking and like to show affection only through your actions, consider it different this time.

You must speak up and pour your heart into your marriage proposal speech . Of course, you don’t just tell your partner you love her/him; you also have to show it, leaving her/him no reason to reject. 

2. Share how your partner impacts your life.

To organize your thoughts, start by creating a list of reasons why you love your significant other and why you want to marry her/him. Include two to three reasons from what you listed in your proposal speech . 

You can even incorporate the little things, such as how he/she cooks for you or how he/she brushes his/her fingers through your hair before going to sleep. 

Put every detail in your wedding proposal speech that makes you more in love with your partner. Don’t hesitate because he/she should know about it!

3. Keep your proposal speech short and simple.

Since your partner will be surprised, chances are they barely hear half of your speech , or they are already planning the wedding inside their head. 

Keep your marriage proposal speech short and simple  enough to convey everything you want to say to him/her. Why waste the moment with Shakespearean gibberish when he/she won’t even remember all of it?

You can prepare three to four sentences that surely tell all your feelings. The best part is that you won’t need to spend so much time memorizing your speech , knowing how that moment can make you feel nervous.

4. Just be yourself

Yes, your wedding proposal is one of the significant moments you and your partner will have, so you may want to be well-prepared. You can dress up to look good but do not act differently. 

Your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to see the real person he/she will marry, not some fictional character proposing. Be confident in your skin because he/she fell in love with you being yourself.

Whether you are a goofball or a couple of faith, put in your proposal speech as much of your personality. It lets your partner feel how genuine you are. 

5. Practice your proposal speech

With those mentioned tips, you will eventually obtain a marriage proposal speech prepared in no time. Once you are ready with it, practice a couple of times. 

Practicing your speech helps you avoid stumbling on words and making the proposal awkward for your partner and those around you if you speak in public . In other words, this technique will clean your speech .

However, do not over-rehearse because it might get the emotion out of your proposal speech . Remember that it should perfectly combine a prepared yet heartfelt marriage proposal speech . 

Why is a Marriage Proposal Important?

A marriage proposal is an event where a person asks for the other person’s hand in marriage, wanting to spend the rest of their lives together. Once accepted, it initiates an engagement, a mutual promise of later union. 

Nowadays, it has already become a standard to propose to your special someone. Below is why your marriage proposal is essential for you and your soon-to-be partner.

  • It only happens once in a lifetime, just like marriage.
  • Exhibits how serious you are in the relationship.
  • It shows how far you are willing to go to have your partner.
  • In the marriage proposal, you pop the once-in-a-lifetime question and take your vow.
  • It would become a romantic and sweet memory for both of you. 

What is the Best Way to Propose to Your Partner?

One of the remarkable moments in your life is asking for your beloved partner’s hand in marriage. Of course, you want to ensure your proposal is impressive and unforgettable.

We have compiled several wedding proposal ideas for your reference in this part. You may adopt one of these, add your personal touch to make it unique, and watch the love of your life say yes right before you know it. 

1. Marriage Proposal with Family, Friends, and Pets

If you want your proposal to be intimate with only your families and close friends to witness, you can refer to these ideas:

  • Scavenger hunt
  • Recruit Fido
  • Simple, intimate proposal with loved ones

2. Unique Proposal

Do you want your marriage proposal to be different and unique? Try to look at the following proposal ideas:

  • Wear your chef’s hat 
  • Spell out the question with Scrabble
  • Bookmark your “Will you marry me” query in her favorite book
  • Make a trailer about your love story.

3. Creative Proposal

Since your wedding proposal only happens once, unless you renew your vows in the future, you may want to adopt these creative proposal ideas that will leave your partner in awe and tears:

  • Self-publish or make a DIY book about your love story
  • Make a photo album that has everything about your relationship.
  • Attend an art class together
  • Have a sea of flowers

4. Outdoor Proposal

Are you the outgoing type of couple? Do you love traveling and adventure? Here are some outdoor marriage proposal examples:

  • Propose at a famous landmark or location
  • Propose during your hiking adventure
  • Stroll down the beach
  • Have a hot air balloon ride

Marriage Proposal Do’s and Don’ts

Wedding proposals are beautiful and unforgettable because they are unique and significant to the two individuals involved. There is no definite formula for a marriage proposal event because no two people are similar. 

Nonetheless, you must consider several things as you plan the special day for both of you.

Consider what your partner would want. Avoid catching your partner off guard unless you have talked or feel he/she also wants to get married.
Have enough time to plan your proposal. Don’t forget to document your proposal.
Never hesitate to ask for some help from family and friends. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
Pay attention to every detail of your proposal. Don’t act weird around your partner days after planning your proposal.
  Don’t stress yourself because it is normal to feel nervous.

What to Consider for the Most Magical Wedding Proposal?

Since we already mentioned the marriage proposal dos and don’ts, let us know what to consider to make the most magical wedding proposal. 

Whether you and your partner met through a mutual friend or online, or you are high school sweethearts, somehow you have found true love and choose to keep it for a lifetime. This thought means you are now figuring out how to propose, which has many undertakings. 

To make your planned and long-awaited moment flow as smoothly as possible, check these before, during, and after proposal considerations. 

Always remember to ensure you and your partner are on the same page. Store the ring discreetly. Make an announcement.
Talk with your partner’s parents and ask for their blessings regarding your proposal. Have someone take photos or document your proposal. Get photos taken if you want engagement photos right after the proposal.
Buy the ring. Deliver your and pop the question. If you want a more intimate celebration, spend time with your partner, only both of you. 
Plan your marriage proposal well. Don’t rush your partner’s answer.  
Consider asking for help from professionals (like event organizers)    
Spend enough time to write your marriage proposal .    
Make sure to also plan how both of you will celebrate the significant moment.    
Look for the right moment, and don’t rush too much.    
Keep the ring secured.    

What are Some of the Best Marriage Proposal Speeches?

Do you need some proposal speech ideas and inspirations? Here are some of the best proposal speech examples we compiled for you. Review them and decide your pick.

Short Marriage Proposal Speech  

Creative Marriage Proposal Speech  

God-Centered Marriage Proposal Speech

A Confession and Marriage Proposal Speech  

Marriage Proposal Speech That Will Make You Cry and Laugh

Different Proposal Speech Styles 

Besides the video references, you can consider these proposal speech styles that serve as your engagement proposal speech examples that may also help you write the best possible wedding proposal speech , which your heart and mind speak. 

The things you love about your girlfriend/boyfriend.

If you are considering proposing to your partner, I’m confident you can list numerous things you love about him/her. Be it their hobby, gestures, or other little things. 

The memories you have shared

You can mention old memories you shared to kick off the moment. Then, you can ask, “Will you marry me?”

Short and sweet

The point of this proposal speech is to be romantic yet straightforward. You can use a few one-liners before popping the significant question to your partner. 

No verbal words at all

This proposal speech style utilizes visual presentation instead of purely words. Some examples of this proposal speech are the following:

  • Doing a flash mob
  • Telling it using signs
  • Have the words printed on shirts

How can I incorporate a famous movie quote into my marriage proposal?

Using a famous movie quote can personalize your marriage proposal, adding a touch of romance and shared memories. Choose a quote that resonates with both of you, perhaps reflecting your relationship’s essence or shared values. Adapt the quote to make it unique, expressing your love and commitment while asking your partner to embark on life’s journey with you. Remember, the chosen quote should be meaningful to both of you, signifying the depth of your love and connection.

How can the concept of being destined to be together be included in a proposal speech?

When crafting a proposal speech , consider reflecting on the journey you and your partner have shared, highlighting pivotal moments affirming your belief in your destiny. Recount a significant event or realization that solidified your bond and express gratitude for the growth and strength derived from overcoming challenges alongside your partner. Emphasize the unwavering love and commitment you feel, illustrating how your connection transcends time and circumstance. Conclude by expressing your heartfelt desire to continue this journey together in marriage.

Why are engagement proposal speech examples necessary?

Engagement proposal speech examples are necessary because proposing marriage is a momentous occasion that merits thoughtful preparation. A heartfelt and seamless proposal speech can help convey your emotions and intentions clearly, ensuring that the moment is truly special and memorable for you and your partner. By using examples as inspiration or guidance, you can enhance the impact of your proposal and create a touching moment that will be cherished for a lifetime.

Your First Step To Forever/ Conclusion

Planning the best marriage proposal and writing the perfect proposal speech takes time and some creativity. It can even be nerve-wracking to think about your partner’s reaction and answer once you get on one knee and pop the question.

However, just be yourself and trust the love you both share. All your efforts will be worth it when your significant other agrees to spend their life with you!

Download Orai , your AI-powered speech coach , to practice your proposal speech anytime!  Orai has over 300k users on our iOS and Android app. To date, Orai has given AI-driven feedback on over 2M recordings. 

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Marriage Proposal Generator

Generate your unique marriage proposal with our tool..


Ready to Propose? Create a Unique Marriage Proposal Speech with Our Tool

Creating a thoughtful proposal doesn't have to be complicated. HIX Writer's marriage proposal generator simplifies the process. In a few steps, generate a proposal that will touch your love's heart.

  • Step 1: Enter the name of your sweetheart.
  • Step 2: Provide details about your relationship. This may include where you first met, how long you've been together, and things you've done during that period.
  • Step 3: Choose your tone of voice and language.
  • Step 4: Click "Generate" to get a heartfelt marriage proposal.

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Explore the Marriage Proposal Speech Examples Generated by Our Tool

The marriage proposal generator from HIX Writer produces great ideas to inspire your proposal speech. You don't have to take our word for it. Here are some proposal speeches generated by our powerful AI.

Why Use HIX Writer's Marriage Proposal Generator?

Coming up with a deep, touching proposal can be difficult, especially if you don't know where to begin. That's where HIX Writer's generator comes in. The tool benefits you in many ways.

Inspires creativity

When you feel stuck and can't think beyond the words "Will you marry me?", our proposal generator provides inspiration. It generates ideas you can use to create an emotion-packed message instead of starting from scratch.

Brainstorming creative ways to express your feelings in a marriage proposal can be time-consuming and tedious. With HIX Writer's proposal generator, you automate the process and get ready-to-use results nearly instantly. This saves time and effort.

Generates personalized proposals

The tool uses the information you provide (your lover's name and details about your relationships) to generate a tailored message. Results reflect the uniqueness of your relationship because they are based on input.

Gives you peace of mind

A marriage proposal is a big deal because you ask someone to spend the rest of their life with you. The pressure to make it special, memorable, and meaningful can be stressful, especially if you don't know what to say. Our tool can generate a guiding draft you can work with so that you worry less about what to include in the proposal.

Have No Idea What to Enter into HIX Writer's Marriage Proposal Generator?

To generate a powerful marriage proposal speech, you need to provide details that make your relationship unique. This can include:

  • Your first impression when you met the person
  • How the relationship has improved your life over time
  • The things you love the most about the person
  • The single greatest thing you find inspiring in your lover
  • The goals you share
  • The moment you realized you want to spend the rest of your life with the person

Tips for Delivering the Marriage Proposal Speech

When planning to propose, it's best to get everything right—the message and how you deliver it. Use these tips for a seamless delivery:

  • Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! From the results generated by our tool, identify the main points of your speech and the emotions you want to convey. Then, practice delivering it. Rehearsing will help you feel more confident and comfortable during the actual process.
  • Create an outline or have notes. If you haven't adequately memorized your proposal, an outline of the main ideas can keep you on track when proposing. Alternatively, notes can be helpful if you forget your speech due to nervousness.
  • Keep it simple and concise . The message should be clear, short, and easy to understand, as your partner may be eager for you to ask the big four-word question.
  • Don't rush the marriage proposal speech. Talk slowly to ensure you convey your message clearly. Rushing can make you stumble over your words or forget essential points.

Craft the Perfect Proposal Speech with HIX Writer's Marriage Proposal Generator

🦄 Unique proposal speechResults are based on your relationship's details
⚡️ Superfast processGenerates quality marriage proposals in seconds
🌐 Supports multiple languagesGood for non-English speakers
🎨 Customization optionsSelect your tone of voice and language

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Our tool generates unique, personalized marriage proposals based on the details you provide. It uses powerful algorithms and advanced language modeling technology to understand your input and produce results that reflect your relationship. Besides, you can edit the output to tailor it to your needs.

How long does it take to generate a marriage proposal speech?

Our tool generates marriage proposals quickly. In just a few minutes, it generates a speech that aligns with the information you provide. Simply enter your sweetheart's name and a few details about your relationship, then let the tool do its magic lightning-fast.

Can your proposal generator tool generate a marriage proposal for non-native English speakers?

You can use our generator to create a proposal for someone who is not a native English speaker. Choose from multiple language options, including Italian, French, German, Hindi, Chinese, Swahili, and more. With HIX Writer's generator, you create a marriage proposal in a language your partner understands best.

Can I use the marriage proposal speech generator for my wedding?

Our tool may not be the most appropriate for your wedding. That's because it's purposely designed to generate a marriage proposal speech. However, you can still use it to come up with ideas for your wedding speech.

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

Proposal Speech [Tips + 10 Examples]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

proposal speech

Whether your goal is to convince the love of your life to marry you, persuade an investor to finance your business, or receive grant funding for a research project, studying successful proposal speech examples can give you a proposal model to follow when creating your own speech. On this page, you’ll find a range of proposal samples as well as tips for creating a proposal your audience can’t refuse.

In this article:

Tips for Creating a Good Proposal Speech

Proposal speech examples.

While guidelines and structure may differ depending on the proposal type, there are a few tips you can use no matter what kind of proposal you’re offering. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to deliver a good proposal speech:

Start by brainstorming: Free write all of the things that come to mind when you think of your topic, whether it’s why you want to marry the one you’re with or why a certain research topic is so important to you. This activity will help you identify what you want to include in your speech.

Cater to your audience: Speak to the needs and desires of your audience. Whether it’s the person you love or a group of people you’re prospecting to, feed into their own wants and passions.

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Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

Form a proposal outline: You might not need to write out the entire speech for a wedding proposal, but forming a proposal outline will help you recall the points you want to make.

Speak with enthusiasm: Your honest and genuine emotions can be a big part of a persuasive speech, ultimately convincing your audience to say yes.

Practice: The more you practice and prepare for your speech, the more confident and persuasive your delivery will be.

The tips above are helpful with any type of proposal, but to best prepare for your specific proposal speech be sure to check out the examples below.

Business plans, research papers, marriage proposals, and more – proposal speeches at large are used to put forward a plan for consideration. Along with the guidelines above, use the examples below as a guide to help craft your specific proposal speech.

Business Proposal Speech

This sample speech is a good example of how to propose a new idea to the leaders in your company. The speaker uses persuasive speech to convince his business leaders that hosting Toastmaster meetings at their facility will be a good idea. He proves his point by asking questions and getting the audience to think about the overall goals of the company, then demonstrating how his proposal matches those goals.

“How would hosting a meeting at our facility help achieve our goals?”

2. Childhood Obesity Research Proposal Speech

This research proposal asks the government of Canada to fund a study that will reveal the best diet for Canadians to promote fat loss and prevent future obesity. The speaker emphasizes the trickle effect of adults’ efforts being passed down from generation to generation by educating the youth on benefits and importance of healthy eating. He delivers striking facts that are sure to hit his audience’s pain points.

“In 1997, the direct cost of obesity to health care in Canada was 1.8 billion dollars.”

3. Business Plan Presentation

In this business proposal speech example, a professor delivers a business plan for the fictitious company JobEx. This is a good example for forming your own outline of a business plan proposal speech. Note that the professor starts with the vision and mission for his company, shows how industry needs make his business viable, and describes his business strategy as well as the target audience he’ll serve.

“Our mission is to expand the client’s profit while giving candidates the best employment opportunities through utilization of outsourcing, latest online training and viral marketing.”

4. Event Proposal Sample


In his proposal to host a bounce house, food truck, and raffle extravaganza, the speaker offers a clear thesis statement. He states his goals for the event, all of the necessary details, who will organize it, and who the target audience is. He also explains how he’ll advertise as well as his strategy for getting good prices from advertisers. Use this example to form your own checklist in your event proposal.

“The goal is to raise money and awareness about New Hope…share their message of helping grieving families in their time of need.”

5. Informative Speech Proposal Example


This communication student pitches his idea for an informative speech topic, titled “What Do I Have in My Camera Bag?” He explains how the speech topic can help other photographers in a number of ways and outlines the sources of information he’ll use. This is also a good example to use for research proposals, a thesis paper or problem-solution essay.

“This topic can answer a number of questions, like ‘What kind of tech should I bring to prepare for a technical shoot?’ and ‘Is there such a thing as bringing too much technical stuff?'”

6. Long-Term Unemployment Proposal Speech

This TEDx talk is an excellent persuasive speech sample that can help you form your own proposal speech on a serious topic. Dr. Van Horn offers cost-effective solutions to end long-term unemployment in the United States.

“I don’t want to leave you with just a negative message. I also want to talk about what we can do about it.”

7. Sample Wedding Speech Proposal

You don’t have to get on the Steve Harvey show, but you can take some pointers from this excellent wedding proposal speech.

“I no longer want to be your friend anymore. I want to be your friend and much more.”

8. Surprise Marriage Proposal Speech Sample

This man has the good idea to turn a birthday speech to his girlfriend into a group song, and finally, into a marriage proposal. The birthday speech is a good ploy, because when the speech goes another way, it catches the woman completely off guard. This allows the man to say all the quality things he wants to say about her while she’s paying attention.

“You share your joy with whoever you’re around, and I just can’t get enough of it…the only other way I can express it, is if you guys help me out right now and snap with me.”

9. Marriage Proposal Speech

This gentleman has no idea how to put his proposal into words. After getting some help creating his marriage proposal, he then delivers his promise as a husband and has some cute kids help him pop the question. This video is a great example of how to overcome writer’s block when creating a proposal speech.

“Since the moment I first saw you, I knew nobody was going to hold my heart the way you do.”

10. Make It a Game: Unique Marriage Proposal

This guy does a great job of keeping his speech short and sweet, then teases his fiance-to-be with a game: Where’s the ring? When you want to add a touch of humor to your proposal speech, this is an excellent example.

“I love you so much and I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you, but before we do I want to introduce you to a little game.”

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What to Say When Proposing—Besides the Obvious

If you're worried you won't come up with the right words when you're ready to pop the question, we've got you covered.

Nancy is a freelance writer for MarthaStewart.com.

You want your proposal to be meaningful and memorable, with words that express all of the emotion in your heart, but how do you make sure you know out what to say when you're in the moment? By being prepared. When you have to make a work presentation, you wouldn't think of winging it, right? A proposal is no different, even though it's much more personal. It should be revealing and sincere, with a beginning, middle, and end. Look over our suggestions of what topics to include in your own "will you marry me" moment, then customize the script. The more you think ahead to what you want to say, the more relaxed you'll feel when the big get-on-your-knee day arrives.

Sound like yourself.

If your words are too rehearsed, clichéd, or make it seem like they're coming from someone else's mouth, you'll come off as insincere or robotic. Memorize the key points you want to make, then follow a loose script spoken in a natural tone.

Go with the emotional flow.

It's okay to choke up while proposing; if you're tearing up, your partner likely will be, too. Whether or not they've seen this vulnerable side of you before, they'll love you for it.

Offer some historical perspective of your feelings.

You could begin your proposal speech by telling them how you felt when you two first met or you realized you were in love with them. Take a cue from Captain von Trapp in The Sound of Music, who told Maria he first started loving her, "when you sat on that ridiculous pine cone." When did that "a ha" moment hit you? It could be quirky or quiet, like when you were away together for the weekend reading side by side on lawn chairs, and you looked over at them and knew they were the one.

Say what you love most about them.

Next, pick their best qualities and how much you appreciate them. Are they generous to others with their time and love? Patient and fair-minded? Or do you love them for their sharp mind and wit?

Tell them how they've changed your life for the better.

Have you become more confident, kinder, or responsible as your relationship has grown ? What is it about their persona or way of life that has greatly impacted yours? Now's the time to praise them for the positive influence they've had on you.

Talk about the future.

Marriage is a pledge to spend the rest of your lives together. Say something about your vision of the years ahead—does it involve kids, sharing adventures, gaining a deeper love?

End with the famous four words.

Everything you plan to say up until now should lead to you asking them to be your forever partner . As you near the finale, get down on one knee to pop the big Q. "Will you marry me?" is a nicely worded question that gets to the point—no need to improve on perfection. Then wait for them to say "yes!"

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50 Most Romantic Love Quotes Perfect For Your Marriage Proposal & Wedding Vows

The best way to tell your soon-to-be spouse how you feel is through a marriage proposal speech..

  • Beth El Fattal

Written on Jun 25, 2021

proposal speech love quote over image of couple's feet

When it comes to love, when you know, you know — that's what they tell you, anyway.

And, while that may very well be true, more often than not, you may not know exactly how to tell someone you love them and want to spend the rest of your life with them.

Whether it's your initial marriage proposal speech or you're working on writing your wedding vows , you want the perfect romantic love quotes.

Expressing how you feel can be so tough, especially when the stakes are so high. You're in love, and this is the story they'll be telling for years!

The best way to start off a marriage proposal speech is simple: pour your heart out. 

Figuring out a proposal idea is hard enough without planning out your whole proposal speech. There's so much you might include like the little bits and pieces of your love story, all the things you love about your significant other, and your dreams of a shared future.

There is no such thing as a perfect proposal — each marriage proposal speech is special in its own way. However, these five marriage proposal ideas can make expressing your feelings be even more convincing:

1. You should mention your "How I Knew You Were The One" big moment.

2. Communicate what you love about the person you're proposing to.

3. Talk about how much you've changed for the better.

4. Express gratitude. 

5. That you're committed for life.

Here are 50 romantic quotes to inspire you when crafting your marriage proposal speech.

Romantic Quotes About Love For Proposal Speech:

1. “love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it a meaning.” — joe king.

romantic love quotes for proposal speech wedding vows

RELATED:  175 Romantic Quotes For People Who Are In Love

2. “Once in a while, right in the middle of ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale.” — Iona Mink

3. “love is a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” —​ aristotle, 4. “there is no instinct like that of the heart.” — ​lord byron, 5. “and for one second, it was like i could feel the timing clicking together, finally pieces falling into place.” — sarah dessen, 6. “you don’t need someone to complete you, you just need someone to accept you completely.” — ​imma hog.

romantic love quotes for proposal speech wedding vows

7. “The real power of a man is in the size of a smile of the woman sitting next to him.” — ​Hugh Raye

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Short Love Quotes For Proposal Speech:

8. “i want to be with you till my last page.” — a.r. asher.

romantic love quotes for proposal speech wedding vows

9. “I love to hear you talk and get lost in your eyes.” — Mary B. Dunn

10. “i want to be your favorite hello and hardest goodbye.” — shirley u. care, 11. “i don’t need the world, i just need you.” — katy b.

romantic love quotes for proposal speech wedding vows

12. “In a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you.” — Brighton Early

13. “by the way, i’m wearing the smile you gave me.” — crystal ball, 14. “the first time i saw you my heart whispered, 'that’s the one.'” —​ frank n. stein, 15. “you have a place in my heart no one else could ever have.” — krista ritchie, 16. “you make me happy in a way no one else can.” —​ bernard f. ascunsion, 17. “i love her and that’s the beginning and the end of everything.” — f. scott fitzgerald, 18. “i love the feeling i get when i see your smile.” — ​al e. gator.

romantic love quotes for proposal speech wedding vows

19. “I just can’t get you off my mind and why would I even try?” —​ Chase Coy

20. “i could start fires with what i feel for you.” —​ david ramirez, 21. “i want a new life and i want it with you.” —​ holly wood, 22. “every time i see you i fall in love all over again.” —​ horace cope.

romantic love quotes for proposal speech wedding vows

23. “I fell in love with the way you touched my heart.” —​ Dick Tate

24. “i just want to make you as happy as you make me.” — ​don keigh, 25. “you’re mine and only mine.” — ​apple jax, 26. “all that you are is all i’ll ever need.” — ​arty fischel, 27. “i don’t want someone like you, i want you.” —​ anita room.

romantic love quotes for proposal speech wedding vows

RELATED:  150+ Best Love Quotes That'll Make Anyone Believe In True Love

True Love Quotes To Use In Your Proposal Speech:

28. “if i had a flower for every time i thought of you, i could walk through my garden forever.” — alfred tennyson.

romantic love quotes for proposal speech wedding vows

29. “My love for you is a journey; starting at forever and ending at never.” — Jack Pott

30. “i love you and i will love you until i die, and if there is life after that, i’ll love you then too.” — jay walker, 31. “meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.” — kay oss, 32. “if i could turn back the clock, i’d find you sooner and love you longer.” —​ justin thyme, 33. “in case you ever foolishly forget: i am never not thinking of you.” — virginia woolf, 34. “for the two of us, home isn’t a place. it’s a person. and we are finally home.” — anna and etienne, 35. “one day i caught myself smiling for no reason and then i realized i’d been thinking of you.” — dinah mite, 36. “i lost my way all the way to you, and in you, i found all the way back to me.” — atticus, 37. “of all the music i’ve ever heard, it’s your voice that calms my soul.” — carole singer, 38. “i love you more than i have ever found a way to say to you.” —​ ben folds.

romantic love quotes for proposal speech wedding vows

39. “Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite.” —​ Chester Minnit

40. “all i want to do is spend my life loving you and making you happy.” — ​justin kayce, 41. “if i loved you less, i might be able to talk about it more.” — ​jane austen, 42. “to the world, you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.” — dr. seuss, 43. “as soon as you walked into my life, i understood why it didn’t work out with anyone else.” — ​jim nasium.

romantic love quotes for proposal speech wedding vows

44. “This is my confession. As dark as I am, I will always find enough light to adore you to pieces, with all of my pieces.” — Johnny Nguyen

45. “because i could watch you for a single minute and find a thousand things that i love about you.” —​ mel n. colly.

romantic love quotes for proposal speech wedding vows

46. “I’ve learned that it’s not what I have in my life, but who I have in my life that counts.” — Nishan Panwar

47. “i love you for all that you are, all that you have been, and all you are yet to be.” — herbie hind, 48. “forever is a measure of time used by people who share an ordinary love. our love is immeasurable, and for us, forever just won’t do.” —​ poppy cox, 49. “you’re my favorite place to go when my mind searches for peace.” —​ phil landers, 50. “i love you bigger than the sky, through all the galaxies, and beyond.” —​ rhoda camel.

RELATED:  228 Love Quotes To Help You Tell Him Everything You Feel

Tips on Marriage Proposals:

Planning the big question can be as tricky as wedding planning. But here are some tricks and tips to popping the question.

1. Keep it short and sweet and to the point.

2. Go slowly and take deep breaths.

3. Practice it in front of the mirror — or to your friends!

4. Get anecdotal. 

5. Write out an outline. 

Beth El Fattal is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture, and relationship topics.

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Craft the Perfect Proposal Speech - With Examples

  • by Shiny Bomb
  • October 25, 2022
  • 15 min read

Marry me

A proposal speech is an important part of any romantic relationship. It is the moment when you formally ask your partner to be with you forever. While there are many different ways to propose, and the speech is a key element in any proposal.

Writing a speech for your proposal helps to make the occasion more memorable, and it also ensures that you say everything you want to say. It can be difficult to know where to start, but luckily there are a few tips and examples that can help.

The most important thing to remember when writing a proposal speech is that it should be personal. This is your opportunity to express your love for your partner, so don't copy anything word for word – you should always put your unique spin on it.

What is a proposal speech?

A proposal speech is a formal way of asking your partner to marry you. It is an opportunity to express your love and commitment to them, and to officially ask them to be with you forever.

Not everyone writes a proposal speech; it's also possible to speak from the heart in the moment. But if the thought of this makes you nervous, you'll benefit from planning ahead with your proposal speech. There are many different ways to write a proposal speech, but there are a few key elements that should always be included.

  • Mention how you met
  • Talk about where you are now
  • Let them know what you love about them
  • Share your vision for the future
  • Ask them to marry you

You'd be surprised how many people forget to include the question "will you marry me" at the end. It may seem like an obvious thing to say, but in the moment, it can be easy to forget. You might ask this in a unique way, or you could be more traditional.

Why is a proposal speech important?

A proposal speech is important for several reasons. Planning this in advance will help to ensure you say everything you need to say. You don’t want to be kicking yourself for leaving out something important that you really wanted to say. Here are just some of the reasons your proposal speech is so important:

  • First, it allows you to express your feelings in your own words. This is a very personal moment, and the speech allows you to say everything that you want to say. 
  • Second, the speech allows you to share your proposal with your partner in a special way. This can be very romantic and memorable for them. 
  • Finally, the speech provides closure to the proposal. After you finish speaking, your partner will know that you are asking them to marry you. This can be a very powerful moment for both of you.

A speech will also help you to articulate your feelings in a way that you may have never done before. And this can help to pave the way for a strong and healthy marriage. Asking for a person’s hand in marriage is not something to be taken lightly, so it’s important that you give it the appropriate care and attention. 

How to write a proposal speech

Now that you know why a proposal speech is important, it's time to start writing yours. The first step is to sit down and think about what you want to say. This may seem like a daunting task, but it's important to remember that this is your opportunity to express your love for your partner.

When you're ready to start writing, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Considering these points before you start crafting your speech will help you to stay on track and avoid missing out any important bits. You certainly don't want to have any regrets when you have finished delivering your speech.

Make it original

First, your proposal speech should be personal. This is not the time to copy someone else's words – you want your partner to know that these are your real feelings. By following this guide, you will be able to articulate your feelings, even if you aren’t used to expressing them in this way. And if your partner isn’t used to verbal expressions of love, then your speech will be even more meaningful for them. 

Create a structure

Second, your speech should be well-organised. This will help you to stay on track and will also help to make it easier to remember. And finally, come up with a catchy opening and closing. These are the parts of your speech that will stick in your partner's mind, so make them count. 

Speak from the heart

This is your time to be honest, open and vulnerable with your partner. Yes, there is a chance they could say no to your proposal, but this isn’t a reason to hold back. This is your time to speak from the heart and let them know how you really feel.

Be specific

Your proposal speech should go into detail about what you love about your partner. Talk about the smaller details in your life. The little everyday things that helped you to decide that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Don’t be afraid of humour

You don’t have to be all serious in your speech. You can throw some inside jokes in there if it will help you and your partner to relax. A proposal speech that is all serious could be quite difficult to hear, so throwing in some humour will help to alleviate some of the tension and take the pressure off you.

The most important parts of your proposal speech

Now it’s time to put pen to paper and start crafting your proposal speech. Here are the basic components of a speech that you should think about including. Not everything will be relevant to you, so feel free to leave out anything that doesn’t work for your proposal.

  • Start by telling your partner why you love them. This is a very important part of the speech and will set the tone for the rest of it. Make sure to mention specific things that you love about them – their personality, their sense of humour, etc.
  • One of the best ways to start a proposal speech is by talking about your origins story. How did you meet? What was the first thing you said to each other? What were your early impressions of each other? 
  • Share your proposal with them in a special way. If possible, try to include elements from your relationship into the speech. For example, if you met at a special place, mention that place in your speech. Or if you have a song that is special to you, use that as part of your proposal.
  • Finish with a flourish! Once you have proposed, take a few moments to bask in the moment with your partner. They will be overjoyed and probably emotional after hearing your proposal – let them enjoy it!

If you've been together for a while, this can be a great way to remind your partner of the incredible bond you share. If you're just starting out, this can be a great way to set the tone for your future relationship.

Finally, don't forget to say "I love you." These three words are some of the most important in any relationship – make sure to include them in your proposal speech!

Should you memorise your speech?

Even if you are the world's best public speaker, there is something to be said for memorising your proposal speech. This will help to ensure that you don't miss out any important bits, and it will also help to keep you calm and collected on the day. Proposing can be quite stressful, particularly if you have planned anything elaborate, so you want to minimise your stress where possible. 

Of course, if you do decide to memorise your speech, you might want to keep notes with you in case you forget what you wanted to say.

If you decide to memorise it, make sure that it still sounds natural when you say it aloud. You don't want to sound too rehearsed and robotic – your partner will be able to tell if you're reading from a script.

If you aren't able to memorise it, you could use note cards to write down cues. Again, you don't want to seem like you are reading from a script, but only include the key points and then speak from the heart. 

A hybrid approach where you memorise parts of the speech and use note cards for your main points will help to keep you on track. 

Tips on using examples in your speech

When you're writing your speech, try to use examples to illustrate your points. For example, if you're talking about why you love your partner, mention a specific time when they made you laugh or when they were there for you during a difficult time. 

If you're stuck for ideas, think about your favourite moments together. These can be big moments, like holidays or anniversaries, or small everyday moments, like sharing a cup of coffee in the morning or taking a walk in the park.

Using examples will help to bring your speech to life and will make it more personal. So, if you've borrowed content from somewhere else, you can make it more personal by adding in your own examples.

Examples of proposal speeches

If you need some inspiration, why not start with these example proposal speeches? We've taken inspiration from some famous speeches from film and TV, along with some real-life proposal speeches, and adapted them to be more personal.

The how we met proposal

"I'll never forget the first day we met. I was walking through the park, and I saw you sitting on a bench, reading a book. I walked past you, and I turned around to get a second look. And then I walked past you again, because I couldn't believe how beautiful you were. I sat down on the bench next to you, and we started talking. We talked for hours, until it started getting dark. And then I walked you home, and I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."

The long-distance proposal

"When we first met, I never would have guessed that we'd be spending our lives together. But from the moment I first saw you, I knew that you were special. Even though we're miles apart, I feel closer to you than anyone else in the world. I can't imagine my life without you. So, will you marry me?"

The romantic proposal

"I love you more than anything in the world. You're my best friend, and I can't imagine my life without you. Seeing you every day is the best part of waking up in the morning. hearing your laugh is music to my ears I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

The funny proposal

"Some people say that laughter is the key to a happy relationship. Well, if that's true, then we're already off to a great start! I love making you laugh, and I love spending time with you. You're my best friend, and I can't imagine my life without you."

The family proposal

"When I first met you, I knew that you were special. But it wasn't until I met your family that I realised just how perfect you are for me. Your family has welcomed me with open arms, and I feel like I've finally found my home. I can't imagine my life without them – or without you. So, will you marry me?"

The movie proposal

"When you realise that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

The New Year's proposal

"As we start a new year together, I want to make a resolution: to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you, and I can't imagine my life without you."

The longer proposal speech

"From the moment I met you, I knew you were special. You're kind, you're funny, you're beautiful. You're everything I've ever wanted in a partner, and more. I love spending time with you, and I can't imagine my life without you. I promise to always make you laugh, to always be there for you when you need me, and to never take you for granted. I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of our lives."

How to pop the question

How to pop the question

You've given your speech, you've outlined your vision for the rest of your lives together, and now it's time to pop the question. Here are a few suggestions for what you could say:

"I love you. You're my best friend. Will you marry me?"

"I don't ever want to live without you. I love you that much."

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I can't imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?"

"I know this isn't perfect, but nothing in life is perfect. But I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of our lives."

"I want to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"

"I know we've been through some tough times, but I'm confident that we can overcome anything as long as we're together. I love you, will you marry me?"

"Thank you for being by my side and sharing your life with me. I can't imagine my life without you. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

"You are the most special person in my life, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Planning the rest of the proposal

Once you've got the speech sorted, it's time to start thinking about the rest of the proposal. If you're planning on getting down on one knee, make sure you have a ring ready. The proposal is more than just the speech. You need to think about the setting, if you'll have an audience, and how you will document the special occasion.

 If you're stuck for ideas , there are plenty of resources online that can help to give you some inspiration. You could also speak to friends or family who have been through the proposal process before. They will be able to share their own stories and give you some helpful tips.

Here are a few suggestions to help you create the perfect proposal:

  • Choose a special location: This could be somewhere that is significant to your relationship, like where you first met or had your first date. Alternatively, you could choose a place with a stunning view or somewhere that is particularly romantic.
  • Get creative with the ring: If you're planning on getting down on one knee, make sure you have the ring ready. You could hide it in a box of chocolates or in a bouquet of flowers. Alternatively, you could get creative and hide it in a puzzle or game that your partner has to solve before they can find the ring.
  • Think about the timing: Timing is everything when it comes to proposals. Make sure you pick a time when your partner won't suspect anything is about to happen. They might think you are just enjoying a normal date night or a day out.
  • Keep it a secret: You don't want anyone to accidentally let slip that you are about to propose. To avoid this, keep it on a strictly need-to-know basis. Only tell those who are involved in the proposal, like your parents or close friends.
  • Document the occasion: A proposal is a once-in-a-lifetime event, so you'll want to remember it forever. Make sure you have someone on hand to take photos or videos of the big moment. You could also hire a professional photographer to capture the special moment.

Should you get permission to propose?

If you want to make sure that your proposal is a surprise, you might be wondering if you need to get permission from your partner's parents before you pop the question.

Traditionally, it was common for a man to ask a woman's father for permission before he proposed. However, this isn't so common now. If you do want to ask for permission, it's up to you. You don't have to do it if you don't want to.

Some couples feel that asking for permission takes away from the spontaneity of the moment. Others believe that it shows respect for their partner's family. Ultimately, it's up to you and your partner to decide what is right for you.

The bottom line is you need to think about what your partner would want. If your partner is a traditionalist and would want to do things properly, then you should ask permission. But if you think your partner might think this is outdated and old-fashioned, then you can keep the proposal a secret.

What is the significance of kneeling?

Traditionally, when a man proposed to a woman, he would get down on one knee. This is still a popular way to propose, but it's not essential. You can stand up when you propose if you want to.

The act of getting down on one knee is thought to be a sign of respect. It shows that you are willing to humble yourself before your partner and that you are serious about your intentions.

If you do decide to get down on one knee, make sure you practice beforehand. You don't want to get stuck in an awkward position when you're trying to propose.

How should you end the proposal speech?

There is no right or wrong way to end a proposal speech. But you should make it clear that you are asking for their hand in marriage. While holding out the ring might help to make this clear, you could also say something like, "Will you marry me?"

Documenting the proposal

A proposal is a once-in-a-lifetime event, so you'll want to remember it forever. Make sure you have someone on hand to take photos or videos of the big moment. You could also hire a professional photographer to capture the special moment.

You could also set up a hidden camera to document the moment. Or, if you are planning to propose around loved ones, you could rely on them to get out their phones and document the occasion.

What if the ring doesn't fit?

If the ring doesn't fit, don't worry. It's not a sign that the relationship is doomed. The jeweller should be able to resize the ring so it fits perfectly. It's also common to propose with a placeholder ring and then choose the ring with your partner, particularly if you aren’t sure what size they are or what style they would like. If choosing the ring is the one thing that is holding you back from proposing, then this could be the ideal solution. 

When should you propose?

There is no right or wrong time to propose. But there are a few things you should consider before popping the question.

  • Think about your partner: Does your partner want a long engagement or a short one? Are they ready to get married now or do they want to wait a few years? It's important to think about what your partner wants before you propose.
  • Think about your finances: Can you afford to get married now? If you're not sure, it might be worth waiting until you are in a better financial position. It can be frustrating to a partner if you agree to marry but then can't tie the knot for a long time.
  • Think about your careers: Are you both in a good place professionally? If one of you is still working on their career goals, it might make sense to wait until they are more established.

The bottom line is that there is no wrong time to propose. The most important thing is that you are both ready and willing to commit to each other for the long haul.


What to do if your partner says yes

Once you've popped the question and your partner has said yes, it's time to celebrate! You can do this however you want. Some couples like to keep it low-key, while others prefer to go all out with a big celebration.

If you want to keep the proposal a secret, you might want to plan a small celebration just for the two of you. This could be something as simple as going out for dinner or taking a romantic weekend getaway.

Alternatively, if you've proposed in front of friends or family, you might want to have a larger celebration with them. This could be an engagement party or even just a night out celebrating with your loved ones. Whatever you do, make sure you enjoy the occasion and document it.

What to do if your partner says no

What to do if your partner says no

It's every person's nightmare, but it is possible that your partner might say no when you propose. If this happens, don't panic. Just stay calm and try to talk to your partner about why they said no.

There could be any number of reasons why they said no. They might not be ready for marriage yet. Or, there could be something else going on in their life that is stressing them out and making them say no.

Whatever the reason, try to talk to your partner about it calmly and rationally. If they still say no, then you'll need to respect their decision and move on. It might be tough, but it's better than forcing someone into a marriage they don't want.

Why do marriage proposals fail?

There are a number of reasons why marriage proposals can fail. Sometimes, it's simply because the timing isn't right. Other times, there might be bigger issues at play. Common reasons for turning down a marriage proposal include:

  • You've asked too soon in the relationship. Your partner might still be finding their feet and isn't ready to commit.
  • Your partner is too young for marriage. If they're still in their teens or early twenties, they might not be ready to get married just yet.
  • Your partner isn't sure about you. If there are trust issues or other problems in the relationship, your partner might not be ready to take things to the next level.
  • Your partner doesn't want to get married. Some people simply don't believe in marriage and don't want to tie the knot.
  • You have unresolved issues in your relationship. You can't use a proposal to fix problems with your relationship and would be better off seeking couples counselling and getting to a good place before popping the question.

A rejected proposal doesn't have to mean the end of your relationship. If you still want to be with your partner, sit down and talk to them about why they said no. If you can work through the issues together, you might be able to salvage things and get back on track.

What should you do after a marriage proposal?

After you've popped the question, there are a few things you'll need to do. Firstly, if you haven't already, you'll need to tell your families about the engagement. They'll probably be over the moon and will want to start planning the wedding straight away!

You'll also need to start thinking about the logistics of getting married. This includes everything from booking a venue and sending out invitations, to organising the food and music for the big day.

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